has been a new sighting of a mountain lion at
Traylor Ranch this morning, March 30. People need
to be aware. Anywhere deer can be found it is in
the territory of a mountain lion.
People need to be aware of how to act
around a mountain lion. Here is a good reference.
Be on the look out. And if you
see anything out of the ordinary, please do not hesitate contacting
me. Dave Faoro - Traylor Ranch Committee Chairman
Donations as
of 2/21/2015
$ 75, 205.97 over 10,000 volunteer hrs
& 2000 equipment hrs.
List of Donors
List of Volunteer Hours
(File requires Acrobat Reader) |
By Dave Faoro
Traylor Ranch Work Day
Reminder - Saturday MAY 26 - 8am - 12 noon.
Workday number three down for the year on Sat-urday May 26.
This was the Saturday of Memorial Weekend and therefore it was
a light turnout.
Clelia Jocoy and Dave Faoro on tractor mowing,
Mary Westfall and Jennifer
came out to haul a wheel
barrow around filling gopher holes and trimming those crazy
blackberry limbs which I could swear reach out and grab you as
you go by. And thanks to Sue Stack for berry pruning.
I expect some additional volunteers who could not make it
this weekend to come out over the next week.
We still have some areas to mow and weed wack, so don't be
surprised if you go out this next week and find some trails
needing some work.
The trails all seem to be in good shape, so get out and
Our next work day as usual is the fourth Saturday of the
month, which is Saturday June 28 from 8-12am.
This will be the time of the year when the berry vines grow
like crazy and so we could use addi-tional workers to prune
them. If you have hedge clippers they work great.
Of course we'll also need a crew of weed wackers.
Please mark your calendar now.
If anyone has any questions on TRNR, please don't hesitate to
drop me a note.
Dave Faoro
TRNR Committee Chairman
Mobile: 916.803.5654
Here's the online
donation form you can print and mail in.
Or just send your Check or
Money Order made out to LBHA with TRNR in the memo section to:
LBHA P.O. BOX 2326 Loomis CA 95650. Remember, LBHA is a 501c3
public charity so check with your tax advisor, your donation is
probably tax deductible.
lbha@faoro.us (916)
663-3437 |
Our workdays go from March to about September or
October, the 4th Saturday of the month. Time is from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon.Watch for the Date Bring mowers, weed-eaters, shovels, rakes,
wheel barrows, clippers, gloves, and water to drink.
will be WORK DAYS at the Reserve one Saturday each each month from 8 am to noon . Meet at the
driveway next to 1910 English Colony Way in Penryn. All
interested, enthusiastic workers can come and work all or
part of the day. There is always MOWING to be done. Each
of the picnic areas are being assigned to individuals who
can come out and mow on their own time and not during a
work day. Workers can bring gloves, hammers, chain saws,
saw horses, shovels, tractors with mowers or scrappers,
and a good work ethic.
WORKDAYS OF 2008 Starting in March
The first Traylor
Ranch Nature Reserve workday will be the 4th Saturday of the month, from 8:00 a.m.
to 12:00 noon. Mother Nature has been good to us with the rain and
the sun and has grown a good crop of grass. We will be mowing trails,
picnic areas and the grinding rocks area as well as weed eating around
the signs and rocks where the mowers can't reach. Please come help
spruce things up and make the trails easier to traverse. Bring
mowers, weed-eaters, gloves, shovels (for filling rodent holes) water
and lots of good humor. We always have fun, do good work and leave
the place looking all the better for our efforts. Come one, come
all! See you there!
Call Linda or Jerry Potter at
916-652-5339 for more information until January 1, 2009 then call Dave
Faoro at
dave_lbha@faoro.us |

Completed Traylor Ranch House - The house has been rented out to a individual
that can keep a watch over the reserve. An extra set of eyes to keep it
COME ONE, COME ALL!!! The house at the Traylor Ranch Nature Reserve is
finished and the Open house completed. We now have a renter in the
living in the home. Below are the credits all those who donated to the project and worked on the project!!
Please frequent their
businesses as a way of thanking them for their contributions.
Over $20,000 worth of materials were donated
by those listed and we have more to list in the
Individuals who donated items so far have been Karen Schwab, Perry Spetz,
Janet Stickler, and Gina and Steve Taylor and Annette Nylander. Individuals
who have donated time to help with the house project are Wes Babcock, Frank
Henderson Annette Nylander, Kathy Dombrowski, Helen Peterson, Jan Powers,
Janet Stickler, Mary Westfall, Jennifer Wright, Linda and Jerry Potter, Kevin
Schmelzer, Deren Ross, Dennis Marling. Hopefully I haven’t left out anyone
who has helped with the house. Let me know if I left anyone off this list!
More to
come, but a huge thanks to these companies and individuals. Come and see the
companies’ products in the completed house. As soon as all these names are
complied we will list them in the
newsletter. Kevin Schmelzer will be carving on rocks all the names of the
companies and individuals who helped with this project. These rocks will be
permanently displayed at Traylor Ranch Nature Reserve as a way of thanking
them for their help.
We will also be inviting all the companies, workers and
volunteers who helped bring this project to fruition to a special Open House
so we can thank them personally for their donations, time and commitment. It
takes a village …! Thanks especially to Placer County and all their workers
who made this happen!
I think Art and
Helene Traylor would be proud of this community endeavor. Helene is now
residing in Peru, Illinois and is receiving updates and pictures of our
progress. Anyone who would like to write her to thanks her for this generous
donation of land, or send her pictures of you and your horse enjoying the
trails, her address is 1101 31st Street, Peru, Illinois, 61354.
I’m sure she would love to hear from you and see some pictures!
newsletter. Kevin Schmelzer will be carving on rocks all the names of the
companies and individuals who helped with this project. These rocks will be
permanently displayed at Traylor Ranch Nature Reserve as a way of thanking
them for their help.
We will also be inviting all the companies, workers and
volunteers who helped bring this project to fruition to a special Open House
so we can thank them personally for their donations, time and commitment. It
takes a village …! Thanks especially to Placer County and all their workers
who made this happen!
I think
Art and Helene Traylor would be proud of this community endeavor. Helene is
now residing in Peru, Illinois and is receiving updates and pictures of our
progress. Anyone who would like to write her to thanks her for this generous
donation of land, or send her pictures of you and your horse enjoying the
trails, her address is 1101 31st Street, Peru, Illinois, 61354.
I’m sure she would love to hear from you and see some pictures!
The next Traylor Ranch workday will be
The last Saturday of March, from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. Bring
weed-eaters, mowers, shovels, rakes, pruners, gloves and water. We could
use lots of weed-eaters to trim up around the smaller trees. Come help
us clear the trails before winter sets in. See you then!
These dates are
always the last Saturday of the month from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon.
John Ramirez,
Placer County Parks Administrator, Annette Nylander, LBHA member, Michael
Loden, Sierra College student photographer and Tim Arndt, Placer County
Parks Superintendent with the poster for which Michael Loden took the
pictures and Kathleen Fenton (not pictured) designed.
On February 10, 1998 the
Board of Supervisors approved the Traylor Ranch Nature Reserve.
Hurrah! The same afternoon, Supervisor Robert Weygandt and Placer
County Parks Department representatives presented a granite
plaque to the Traylors in recognition of their donation.
This plaque will be mounted on a granite slap at the entrance to
the Reserve. We are very grateful to the Traylor's for this
generous donation of almost 90 acres. They also donated $1,000.00
to the Traylor Ranch Nature Reserve Fund to help with the
Basin Horsemen's Association, a non-profit information
and awareness organization founded in 1983 dedicated to
trails, the arena at the Park and the Rural Life Style.
LBHA will be maintaining and managing the Nature Reserve
with the help of the Sierra Foothill Audubon Society,
other volunteer groups and friends. LBHA is now looking
for chairmen to head both the Fund-raising Committee and
the Maintenance Committee.
If you are
interested, please contact Dave Faoro
(916) 663-3437.
Dave is heading
the Master Plan Committee .
Here's a map
of how to get to the Traylor Ranch Nature Reserve.
LBHA will be in charge of
volunteer workers to provide maintenance and scheduling
of of the Property. Trails will be mowed throughout the
Ranch. We are hoping to get everyone involved from 4-H,
Birders, Walkers and Joggers both as workers and with
financial help. LBHA will provide volunteers to help with
the maintenance of the Preserve. There is a lot to be done - and now
that the Reserve is a fact, we shall begin. A mailer for
more donations will be sent out soon. Any suggestions for
businesses who might be willing
to donate materials and or $$$$, should be passed on to
the above listed numbers.
 Map of Traylor
Ranch Nature Reserve
4th Saturday of the Month - 8:00 a.m.
to 12:00 noon ,
For work days we need mowers and weed-eaters, rodent hole filler-uppers
and glass and metal picker-uppers!!! Bring buckets, gloves, magnets, rakes,
weed-eaters, riding mowers, shovels and water to drink. See you there!
Directions to Traylor Ranch Nature Reserve: From Loomis: Turn
onto King Road and cross the railroad tracks. Continue along King Road
until you come to Humphrey Road which T's into King from the right. Turn
right onto Humphrey Road. Continue along Humphrey Road until it T's. Turn
left (this is still Humphrey Road) go a little way and then turn right (this
is the only way you can go). You will pass by the horse trailer parking lot
to the Reserve. Keep going straight on Humphrey until it T's again. This
is English Colony Road. Turn left onto English Colony. Go about 600 feet
and on the left are two green gates. This is the maintenance road. Turn
left and come through the gates. If people aren't right by these gates,
continue driving to the center of the reserve.
We need you again in order to keep the reserve a great place to ride and hike.
We will meet at 8:00 a.m. and
work until noon. Even if you can come for only part of that time, we will be
glad to put your talents to use. See you Saturday!
county maintenance crew mowed the center area and is now mowing the grass where
they will be installing the drip system’s pipelines.
Please don’t ride/walk on these newly mowed
– stay on the marked trails. These
new areas have been mowed only to make the installation of the drip system
possible. This drip system will enable the newly planted trees to
thrive and grow to shade and add beauty to the reserve. We appreciate your
cooperation in this effort.
Conservation News: Traylor Ranch Nature
TRNR IS seeking someone to inventory the existing
vegetation and someone interested in doing a photographic journal
of seasonal and long term changes. For more information, please
call Deren Ross (530-885-9740) or Ernie Riley (916-663-2886).
Watch this
spot for future updates on Reserve Activities
Donations for this project may be sent to LBHA at P.O. Box 2326
Loomis CA 95650. Please put TRNR in the memo section. Remember,
all donations to the Traylor Ranch Nature Reserve are tax
deductible and definitely is definitely a worthy cause. For more
information on the Reserve call Linda Potter at 652-5339. Or by
E-mail to lbha@vfr.net Please put Traylor Ranch in the Subject
Ranch, 90 acres where Equestrian Trails and a Bird Sanctuary are
being developed
Tax Deductible
Donations to the Traylor Ranch Reserve may be made to LBHA.
your check made out to LBHA and put "Traylor Ranch Nature
Reserve" or TRNR in the memo section.
Mail your check to
LBHA P.O. Box 2326, Loomis CA 95650.
Funds will be put
into a Trust fund for maintenance of the Traylor Ranch Preserve
Only. LBHA will list donations at this WEB SITE as they are
Send us a note, we
would love to hear from you
Mail To LBHA