Resources for the Bay Area Diver
Chuck Tribolet,
This article first appeared in the October,
1997 issue of the newsletter of the Northern California
Underwater Photographic
Society, and since been enhanced and made more web-friendly.
© Copyright The Underwater
Photographic Society, Northern California
Chapter, 1997
© Copyright, Chuck Tribolet, 1997, 2005
I'm not going to try to explain the differences between
web pages, mailing
lists, private e-mail, and Usenet groups. Get your local web guru to
Ba_diving mailing list: "Ba" stands
for "Bay Area", not "Bare-Assed,"
diver, This is a discussion group for Bay Area divers. As with most of
the Internet, "discussion" is a relative term. It can get a little
occasionally, a lot silly sometimes, but there's much good information
here, and a number of our Bay Area luminaries hang out here. There's
lots of discussion of the abalone ban and the Ed Ricketts Marine Park.
There are regular (but more would be better) reports on conditions in
and on the North Coast. To subscribe: go to the ba_diving home page (
and click "Join this group".
Ba_diving home page: (
This is the home page for the ba_diving list. It has many good links to
other pages related to local diving: local dive shops and dive boats,
to stay in Monterey, etc.
Pt. Lobos Reservations:
First, check the official dive calendar
for openings (Remember, the number provided on the calendar date refers to number of teams TAKEN,
out of 15 total teams).
Also, be aware that reservations have changed as of Jan 1, 2015. So check the dive regulations page.
You can make reservations here up to two months in advance. For
at one second after midnight on the morning of September 21st, you can
make a reservation for November 21st. You need to name the team leaders,
but the rest can be entered as "TBA." By the way, Pt. Lobos allows only
15 teams of two or three divers, so there can be as many as 30-45
If you beat the crowd (I've made a reservation 10 minutes after
and been the sixth team), they will send you an e-mail with your team
and where to send the check.
GPS: For information about
using GPS for diving in Monterey,
Northern Californian Underwater Photographic
Society: For
information about the Northern California Underwater Photographic
(NCUPS), see
Diving Singles: For
information about Diving Singles, see
Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary:
Monterey Bay Boater's Forecast:
Monterey Bay Tide Table: (
Tide information, good for entry planning at Coral St. and
other rocky
areas, and for launching at Pt. Lobos. May give some indication on
vis changes during the day especially in long shallow areas like
where the outgoing tide makes for bad vis.
Central California Weather Radar: (
Learning to read the weather radar takes a bit of practice,
but it can
give a good short-term indication of whether it will be raining.
National Weather Service San Francisco Bay Area
Weather Page: <(
This has lots of good weather forecasting information,
including links
to all of the following web sites which attempt to predict swell height
and direction. Swells are the big long rollers that make surge and
These predictions are still somewhat imprecise, so don't get mad when
are wrong, but they're still better than my bunions. Use them to decide
when to take a drive to Monterey, then check out conditions on the
Global Wave Action Model (WAM): (
The U. S. Navy's Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center
a lot of supercomputer time predicting wave action around the world,
to keep all those expensive warships from getting battered in high
They make this information publicly available on this web site.
go out six days, which makes this a good tool for deciding whether you
MIGHT want to go diving this weekend, but predictions out that far are
somewhat imprecise, so you should back it up with other sources as dive
day nears. The web site has maps of the Pacific showing their
every twelve hours for the next five days. It's run by the military, so
times are in Zulu (UT, previously known as GMT). Just remember that
Zulu is 4 a.m. or 5 a.m. (depending on daylight savings) Pacific Time.
It's updated every twelve hours. Dark blue is good. The
arrows showing
swell direction are kind of small, but still usable. Ignore
any really
skinny bands along the coast.
The WAM works by taking current data from a number of
sources, including
buoys and satellite radar. It then does a numerical
simulation out
six days. It ignores the effects of shallow water (less than
900 feet).
The Navy's page only allows you to look at one forecast
(12 hour period
at a time). Frustrated by this, I put together a page
that shows thumbnails of all eleven forecasts, and allows you to easily
scroll up and down in them. It's
It also shows the Monterey Bay Swell Model and has links to some
forecasts. It takes a while to download all the graphics, but
I find
it a whole lot easier to use.
Note: the WAM says "wave" but really means "swell".
Coastal and Marine Forecast: ( The National
Weather Service
issues a coastal and marine forecast every few hours. This includes
swell heights and a prediction for 12 hours and 24 hours out. Locally,
this includes forecasts for Pigeon Point (half way between Half Moon
and Santa Cruz) to Point Piedras Blancas (Hearst Castle), and for
Bay. I usually use the former because the Monterey Bay forecast usually
specifies a fairly wide range of swell heights in order to cover both
sheltered and unsheltered portion of the Bay. This forecast is worth
the day before the planned dive and again before leaving home.
This forecast is also on the NWS radio network. The
web-impaired can
pick up a weather radio at Radio Shack or REI for about $40.
It can
also be received on most (all?) marine VHF radios. Before the
my Radio Shack weather radio saved me a number of drives to Monterey
I still check the coastal and marine forecast from my boat before
Monterey Bay Swell Model: (
This is a more or less real-time map of the Monterey Bay area (Ano
to Pt. Sur) showing swell heights with horizontal resolution of 200m
water) to 800m (deep water). It also has what I call a bulls-eye chart
that shows where the wave energy is coming from. The other resources
give an average direction, while this chart will show multiple sources,
and show wave period. West swells would usually indicate that Monterey
Bay, Monastery, and Pt. Lobos are pretty calm, but if "West" is really
an average of Northwest and Southwest, there can still be some
Northwest swells hitting these areas.
The model also shows the interval between the
swells. An eight-foot
swell with a five-second interval is really rockin and rollin on the
An eight-foot swell with a sixty-second interval would rock a baby to
On the other hand, the longer the interval, the deeper the swells
but in general the reduced velocity more than cancels out the deeper
so longer is better. There's a nice explanation of this
(with specific examples in Southern California) at
3-Day Offshore Wave Height Forecast (
This plots the WAM model data (the numbers behind the pretty pictures)
for a point about 46 n.m. west of Santa Cruz. It's useful for
a quick
check to see whether you should look at other forecasts.
3-Day Wave Height Maps (
This starts with WAM model data (the numbers behind the pretty
for a point about 46 n.m. west of Santa Cruz. It then
predicts the
effect of shallow water on the swells the WAM's swells and draws maps
in the same format as the Monterey Bay Swell model, except that north
straight up. This allows it to forecast what areas will have
There's a good description of the methodology behind
both 3-day forecasts
To learn how to read the all this wave data,
If you would like to learn more about all this, see
Willard Bascom, Waves
and Beaches, Anchor Books, 1980, ISBN 0-385-14844-5.
lists it as "hard to find", but it's worth a shot. Bascom did
a lot
of the basic surveys of California beaches in the late 1940's using a
which is a big amphibious truck used by the military. The
book includes
a picture of Bascom surfing the DUKW at Carmel River State Beach on a
when I sure wouldn't dive.
Last updated: 12:42 PM, Sunday, February 22, 2015.
Webmaster: Jason Adelaars, jasonDOTmsbs@gmail