Donation Form
Traylor Ranch Nature Reserve (TRNR)
I would like to be a part of supporting the Traylor Ranch Nature Rreserve by contributing to the Trust Fund set up to supply funds for Maintenance and Management of the Preserve. I under stand that All donations are tax deductible. Annual pledges, monthly pledges or one time donations of any amount will be greatly appreciated.
ONE TIME PLEDGE - $___________ ANNUAL PLEDGE - $_______for ____years.- MONTHLY DONATION OF $____FOR 1 YEAR
SPONSOR TYPES - $1000 or over - Platinum Sponsor - $ 500 to $999 - Gold Sponsor - $ 250 to $499 - Silver Sponsor - $ 100 - $249 - Bronze Sponsor - $ 99 or less - Supporting Sponsor
As a Service Organization we would like to donate - Volunteer Labor, materials such as fencing or sand, bridges, or other items needed by the Preserve________________________
would like to become member of LBHA: (Please make
separate check for membership)
($15)______ Family($20)______ Business ($25)_____________
As a member of
LBHA I would like to serve on the TRNR Committee_________
your Check or Money Order made out to LBHA with TRNR in the memo
section to:
LBHA P.O. BOX 2326 Loomis CA 95650
PHONE____________________________E-MAIL ADDRESS__________________________________________
JUL 08