Information about Northern California diving
The ba_diving (Bay Area Diving) e-mail list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ba_diving/
Bibliography: bibliography.html
California DIve Flag Law: diveflag.html
California Diving News Dive Site Reviews: http://www.garlic.com/~triblet/swell/CDNDiveSites.html
Diving Doctors: divingdoctors.html GPS for the Monterey diver: http://www.garlic.com/~triblet/swell/gps.html
Information for the certified diver who is new to Monterey: newmontereydiver.html
Information on diving in kelp: kelpdiving.html
Launching at the Breakwater: launchingatthebreakwater.html
Launching at Stillwater Cove (Carmel Bay): launching_at_stillwater.html
Launching at Pt. Lobos launchingatptlobos.html
Monterey Sea Condtions at a Glance: http://www.garlic.com/~triblet/swell/wamglance.html
North Coast Sea Conditions at a Glance: http://www.garlic.com/~triblet/swell/abglance.html Northern
California Dive Boats links
Northern California Dive Clubs links
Northern California Dive Shops and other
professional services links
Phone Numbers for your cell phone: cellphonenumbers.html
Your Own Dive Boat diveboat.html
The Jellyfish Story: jelly.html