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Issues and Items of Interest - Recap of LBHA Letters written |
3/19/2015 TRAIL Closures and Info Spenceville Wildlife Area will be closed March 28th though April 5th
SPENCEVILLE WILL BE CLOSED MARCH 28 THRU APRIL 5 closing dates for the annual turkey hunt.
FOLSOM LAKE SRA - As the days get longer, so do the hours you can visit your local state park....See Full Article ALSO COMING UP IN JUNE June 15, 2015, a " Get a long Triathalon" will be held at the ASR Cool Staging Area. This is a Park sanctioned event for a maximum of 50 3 person teams; one each of equestrian, runner and Mt Bike. Parking will be limited And may be closed day of event.9/10/2014 EQUESTRIAN FOCUS GROUP meeting Sept 10, 2014 On Sept . 10th, a small group of 8 multi-users ( equestrian, mountain. bike, runners) convened at Twin Rocks and Boulder Rd to walk ( 2 hours) the multi- use trail with Greg Wells, State Parks. Part of the Trails Management Plan calls for redesigning certain trails to improve erosion and drainage issues, safety concerns and speed of certain users. The section of concern at this meeting was the multi- use " Center Trail" that ends at Beeks Bight which is a contentious four trail convergence( one being Pioneer Express Trail). The changes to the Center Trail will reduce speed of mt. bikes, improve line of sight for all users, use the existing land contours to the advantage of Mother Nature for natural, non-erosive drainage. The sections being rerouted( 12) will be left to regrow. The Beeks Bight four trail intersection will be eliminated providing safer travel for equestrians/ pedestrians on Pioneer Express as it moves the multi-use trail to the west of this intersection. This redesign is a positive move by State Parks to address well known issues in this area. At a later date( October), I'll be meeting again with Greg Wells to assess /eliminate the Pioneer Express numerous spur trails in and around Granite Bay. Should you have questions/ comments, you may direct them to me at: equuspassage@ aol.com Regards, Debbie Murphy LBHA County/Trails liaison. 8/25/2014
On June 18, 2014, the National Forest System Trails Stewardship
Act (H.R. 4886), was introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives by
Cynthia Lummis (R-WY) and Tim Walz (D-MN). The bill, would go a long way
toward addressing the trail maintenance backlog on our national forests.
Take Action!
Please call or write your member of Congress in the House of
Representatives to express your support for HR 4886. As a result of
widespread bipartisan interest, the bill could sail through the House of
Representatives if no controversial provisions or requests for new
appropriations are added.
7/24/2014 EQUESTRIAN FOCUS GROUP meeting July1, 2014 hosted by CA State Parks, Folsom Sector. On July 1, our LBHA County/ Trails Liaison, Debbie Murphy attended an equestrian focus group hosted by California State Parks, Folsom Sector. Twelve equestrian representatives were present along with three members of the State Parks planning team.This meeting pertained to the Folsom SRA Trails and Roads Management Plan, authorized by the Folsom SRA General Plan. Equestrian concerns expressed by horsemen through LBHA were presented and will be included in a thorough user groups summary in process of compilation. In general, concerns included trail maintenance, erosion, loss of trail, speed of mountain bikers on trails, poaching and unauthorized use by some users on equestrian trails, safety on trails, enforcement of regulations and lack of ranger presence. These are just a few examples presented to Parks. The report, in its' entirety, will be available after completion. Public meetings will be held at a later date. Be mindful that this Trails and Roads Management Plan is a lengthy process. There are no " change of use" for any trails until this plan has been thoroughly reviewed. Should any members have comments to share, I'm here to listen. The Folsom State Recreation Area is a beautiful park for all to share...safely. If you have concerns, I'm sure they are shared by many. Your comments are important. Together, our voice is loud and clear. Please email me directly at Regards, Debbie Murphy,
6/5/2014 HIDDEN FALLS BIKE EVENT - JUNE 26 Here is a heads up from Jet Lowe of Youth Bicyclists of Nevada County (YBONC) sent us a heads up note regarding an upcoming math bike class on June 26th - Thursday at Hidden Falls. She has a person from Bear River High School Charter Adventure Teacher for one day of biking and math. Below is a link to the map of the trails they will be using that day - please use other trails. If you would like more information, please contact Jet's cell (916)207-4609. And please forward to all trails groups who use this park. HERE IS THE LINK TO THE HIDDEN FALLS MAP AND TRIALS THE BIKES WILL BE USING 4/1/2014 AUBURN RECREATION DISTRICT (ARD) Meeting Report A regular meeting of the Auburn Recreation District ( ARD) was held on 3/27/2014 at 6 PM , Canyon View Center, Auburn , Ca. The room was filled beyond capacity with over 90% equestrians and nearby homeowners. The bike contingent was small and headed by Diana Boyer. The hot topic was 8.1 and 8.2 on the agenda. These pertained to the proposed Bike Pump Park at Maidu Drive. 8.1 revoked the original approval to begin preliminary plans for the bike pump park at Maidu Drive. Revocation was due to incorrect language and the omission of the required environmental study. 8.2 was to authorize staff ( ARD) to initiate preliminary design and environmental analysis at the Maidu site. Public comment was opened and the first two speakers were Dr. An LaBarr and Diane Johnson. They were eloquent standouts for the equestrians. All the equestrian issues were presented by various individuals. Several area homeowners spoke about their concerns. Diane Boyer spoke well for the bike proponents. There were many factual errors presented by equestrians and bike individuals. ARD Directors picked up on these and admonished all to be sure they had the facts. One issue presented by the equestrians was the existence of naturally occurring asbestos ( NOA) in the soil. We must be cautious about what we bring up as the entire area could be closed for all users. Let the CEQA and NEPA reports be done and that is the time to address these issues, if there are any. What can we do now? Ø Look for other locations that might be suitable for a bike pump park in South Auburn. Present your findings to LBHA to be presented to ARD. Ø When approached regarding our position, direct individuals to our website where our position statement is shown. Ø Educate ourselves on the facts pertaining to the trail and easements as well as CEQA and NEPA requirements. Ø Refrain from inflammatory comments and inaccurate statements. Ø Bring your suggestions/comments to LBHA. This is your group and we want to represent you well. Trail access is important to all of us. Submitted by: Debbie Murphy 3/24/2014
3/20/2014 ARTICLE IN AUBURN JOURNAL ON ADDED TRAILER PARKING AT HIDDEN FALLS Article from Auburn Journal on expansion of trailer Parking at Hidden Falls, Thursday, March 20, 2014, in the Auburn Journal. It is about the planned expansion of the horse-trailer parking lot at Hidden Falls Regional County Park. http://www.auburnjournal.com/article/loomis-contribute-20000-hidden-falls-lot-expansion-0 3/11/2014 · LBHA attended the Loomis Basin Municipal Advisory Council (MAC) last night, Tuesday March 18. Placer County Parks was asking the Loomis MAC for $20,000 in Park Dedication Fees. Andy Fisher from County Parks gave a great presentation on the how’s and why for’s of the project totally $450,000. Parks is visiting all the MAC’s in the area to get funds, Many of the have have already given the go ahead. Remaining $145,000 of the total $450,00 required for the project is coming from grants, etc. that are already in the works. District #7 Loomis Basin.
$20,000 approved last night. What will be done - The amount of Trailer spaces will double (areas in Tan on graphic). Where we park now will be paved over and 25 car spots will go there. See Photo below. Around the car parking area and where the old Hilo pad. The Loomis MAC unanimously approved the Amount. LBHA didn’t have to say a word. Andy Fisher from Parks mentioned that LBHA was at the meeting. Graphic of New Hidden Falls Trailer Parking Areas 1/5/2011 ARTICLE IN AUBURN JOURNAL ON ILLEGAL BIKE TRAILS Another good article appeared in the Auburn Journal concerning illegal bike trails in the Auburn SRA appeared in the Auburn Journal. Again some of the comments show how some, but not all bikers are very selfish and don't look at the whole picture. Some bikers were taken aback by the attitudes of their counterparts. Link to Auburn Journal article. http://auburnjournal.com/detail/168742.html 1/5/2011 ILLEGAL BIKE TRAIL ARTICLE IN THE ROSEVILLE PRESS TRIBUNE Check out the good article in the Roseville Press Tribune on "Illegal bike jumps irk trail users". Member Paula Campbell took the writer on a walk on the trail. There are a few errors, but it is still a good read. Read some of the comments and it will show that even some of the Biking community do not like some of their own that are very selfish when it comes to trail use. It is easy to leave comments, you just create a free user account and you are on your way. http://rosevillept.com/detail/168318.html or http://granitebaypt.com/ 12/21/2010 FOLSOM LAKE SRA PUTS OUT POSTED ORDER FOR Pioneer Express Trail USE DESIGNATION A posted order was signed and posted by California State Parks concerning the Pioneer Express Trail use designation. It states that All motorized and non-motorized, operator and gravity propelled devices including, but not limited to, electric personal assistive mobility devices, scooters, motorcycles, all-terrain vehicles, bicycles, skateboards, tricycles, unicycles and roller blades are prohibited. Here are the links to the Order as well as the two maps. Posted Order for trail use 50k Map for Posted Order 5meg Detailed Map for Posted Order 2mg 11/10/2010 FOLSOM LAKE SRA ILLEGAL BIKE TRAIL - Update letter sent by LBHA An update letter on the Folsom Lake SRA Illegal Bike Trail was sent Ted Jackson at Folsom Lake SRA. To see a copy of the letter click on the following link. Bike Trail Update Letter. After you read this letter, and if you agree with the letter especially the section on keeping any new trails built on the Hoffman Property (now a part of the Folsom Lake SRA) to only Equestrian / Pedestrian, please send support letters to Ted Jackson at Folsom Lake SRA. Including bikes on that section which has sensitive areas as well as possible Archeological sites is a major reason that LBHA feels that having bikes there will cause damage to the area as well as be a danger to other users. 9/30/2010 FOLSOM LAKE SRA ILLEGAL BIKE TRAIL- Ted Jackson has responded by letter to LBHA on the Illegal Bike issue. His reply may be seen at www.garlic.com/~lbha/LBHAIllegalBikeTrailReply.pdf . Parks has asked for volunteers to help on the clean up of this trail when the time comes. Any and all members of LBHA or others that are interested in helping, please contact LBHA at lbha@vfr.net. LBHA will keep in touch with Ted Jackson to see how the project is progressing and what will be done to stop illegal trails in the State Park. 8/26/2010 LBHA SENDS LETTER TO Director Ted Jackson at Folsom Lake SRA concerning illegal Bike Trail built on the old Hoffman property that was sold to State Parks. The Letter and links to photos of the trail may be found on the LBHA website at http://www.garlic.com/~lbha/BikeTrailPhotoLinks.htm 7/27/2010 PLACER COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Voted 4-1 to approve the use of Development Fees for Hidden Halls. 6/22/2010 The re-route at Avery’s Pond will be open to visitor use beginning tomorrow (Wed., June 23) after 11 a.m. State parks will remove remaining caution tape by Wednesday morning. The old “cliff” trail is to be closed and State Parks requests folks stop using it immediately. A crew will be working on it later today (June 23) and tomorrow and it will no longer be accessible once they are done PARKS COMMISION HEARING ON HIDDEN FALLS - NOTICE: 6/16/2010 PLACER COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MEETING HIDDEN FALLS REGIONAL PARK On July 27, 2010, the Placer County Board of Supervisors will consider a request for $305,000 of County Park Mitigation Fee funds for expansion improvements at Hidden Falls Regional Park. The time for this item to be heard will be established within a week prior to that meeting. Please check the County Parks web site regularly for updates to this Notice :http://www.placer.ca.gov/Departments/Facility/Parks/hiddenfalls.aspx If you have any questions, please contact John Ramirez, Placer County Parks Administrator, at (530) 889-6807.
NorCal Equine Rescue LBHA Livestock Position Paper sent to Placer County A Livestock Position paper was developed by the LBHA Board of Directors and forwarded on to the Planning Department, the Planning Commissioners as well as the Board of Supervisors. This paper covers all the issues that LBHA feels are important in keeping livestock in the rural areas of Placer County. LBHA Trials Position Paper in the works LBHA Trails Position Paper is being developed by the LBHA Board of Directors and will go out to the membership for comments after it is drafted. Watch for it. If you are a member and would like to help out on this paper, please contact LBHA. TRAIL ISSUE: The Pioneer Express
Trail, because of its narrowness, lack of escape routes for passing,
lack of sight lines, steepness, and extreme danger to anyone pushed
off the trail, has always been designated a hiker/equestrian
footpath only. This is a fair rule.Ted Jackson, Superintendent of
Folsom Lake SRA, emailed this week, "There have been no changes made
to the rules and regulations regarding the Pioneer Express Trail.
All prohibitions remain in force." 1. Nicely correct them, and say
the Superintendent of the Park has clarified the rules this week
because of information that was given out in error. 2. Show
the bikers the closest place they may exit the trail, or turn them
around so they may go back the way they came. Ask them to walk their
bikes so they present less of a danger to other trail users who do
not expect them. After they are gone, call Dispatch so if the
Rangers are in the area, they can warn them at the trailhead. 3. If
you encounter resistance, please call the Dispatch numbers on your
Park Watch card immediately. DO NOT ARGUE OR CONFRONT, even though
you are right. 4. If they threaten you, call 911 and stay on the
line until you feel comfortable. Take a cell phone picture. Try to
remember identifying
information, or record it or text into your phone . Don't
forget to report any incidents on the trail on the Past County letters and issues
Updated 03/19/15 - Visitor