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- 9600
- TRansparent Interconnection of Lots of Links (TRILL): Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) Support, Briscoe B., Eastlake D., 2024/08/30 (13pp) ( URL ref ) (See Also 9599) (Refs 3168, 4774, 6040, 6325, 6660, 7179, 7567, 7780, 8174, 8311, 9331)
- 9599
- Guidelines for Adding Congestion Notification to Protocols that Encapsulate IP, Briscoe B., Kaippallimalil J., 2024/08/30 (28pp) ( URL ref ) (BCP-89) (Updates 3819) (See Also 9600, 9601) (Refs 2003, 2473, 2637, 2661, 2784, 2884, 2983, 3168, 3819, 3931, 4301, 4380, 4774, 5129, 5415, 6040, 6633, 6660, 7141, 7323, 7348, 7567, 7637, 7713, 7780, 8084, 8087, 8174, 8257, 8300, 8311, 8926, 9300, 9331) (Ref'ed By 9743)
- 9598
- Internationalized Email Addresses in X.509 Certificates, Bonnell C., Chuang W., Melnikov A., 2024/05/23 (12pp) ( URL ref ) (Obsoletes 8398) (Updates 5280) (Refs 3629, 5280, 5321, 5890, 5891, 5912, 6530, 6531, 6532, 8174, 8398, 9549)
- 9597
- CBOR Web Token (CWT) Claims in COSE Headers, Jones M.B., Looker T., 2024/06/24 (6pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 7519, 8174, 8392, 8610, 9052, 9596)
- 9596
- CBOR Object Signing and Encryption (COSE) 'typ' (type) Header Parameter, Jones M.B., Steele O., 2024/06/11 (5pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 7515, 7516, 7519, 8174, 8725, 9052) (Ref'ed By 9597)
- 9595
- YANG Schema Item iDentifier (YANG SID), Bormann C., Pelov A., Petrov I., Richardson M., Veillette M., 2024/07/31 (44pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3688, 5234, 6020, 6241, 6991, 7120, 7224, 7228, 7317, 7950, 7951, 8040, 8126, 8174, 8259, 8340, 8341, 8343, 8344, 8407, 8791, 8792, 9254) (Ref'ed By 9675)
- 9594
- Key Provisioning for Group Communication Using Authentication and Authorization for Constrained Environments (ACE), Palombini F., Tiloca M., 2024/09/13 (97pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 2093, 2094, 2627, 3629, 3986, 5280, 6690, 6749, 6838, 7252, 7519, 7641, 7959, 7967, 8126, 8174, 8259, 8392, 8610, 8613, 8747, 8949, 9052, 9053, 9200, 9202, 9203, 9237, 9277, 9290, 9338, 9431) (was draft-ietf-ace-key-groupcomm-18.txt)
- 9593
- Announcing Supported Authentication Methods in the Internet Key Exchange Protocol Version 2 (IKEv2), Smyslov V., 2024/07/23 (13pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 2409, 4739, 5280, 6467, 7296, 7383, 7427, 8174, 9242)
- 9592
- Retiring the Tao of the IETF, N. ten Oever, Wood G., 2024/06/21 (36pp) ( URL ref ) (Obsoletes 6722) (Refs 1391, 1539, 1718, 3160, 4677, 6722, 6973)
- 9591
- The Flexible Round-Optimized Schnorr Threshold (FROST) Protocol for Two-Round Schnorr Signatures, C. A. Wood, Connolly D., Goldberg I., Komlo C., 2024/06/28 (47pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 4086, 7748, 8032, 8174, 8446, 9380, 9496)
- 9590
- IMAP Extension for Returning Mailbox METADATA in Extended LIS, Gondwana B., Murchison K., 2024/05/31 (6pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 5234, 5258, 5464, 8174, 8792, 9051)
- 9589
- On the Use of the Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS) Signing-Time Attribute in Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) Signed Objects, Harrison T., Snijders J., 2024/05/23 (9pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 6488) (Refs 5652, 6019, 6268, 6480, 6481, 6488, 8174, 8182)
- 9588
- Kerberos Simple Password-Authenticated Key Exchange (SPAKE) Pre-authentication, Harwood R., Hudson G., McCallum N., Sorce S., 2024/08/27 (33pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3961, 4120, 6090, 6113, 6234, 6560, 7748, 8032, 8125, 8126, 8174)
- 9587
- YANG Data Model for OSPFv3 Extended Link State Advertisements (LSAs), Lindem A., Palani S., Qu Y., 2024/06/07 (25pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3688, 5340, 6020, 6241, 6242, 6991, 7950, 7951, 8040, 8294, 8340, 8341, 8342, 8349, 8362, 8446, 8792, 9129)
- 9586
- IMAP Extension for Using and Returning Unique Identifiers (UIDs) Only, A. P. Achuthan, Alves L., Melnikov A., Nagulakonda V., Singh A., 2024/05/30 (9pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3501, 4315, 5234, 5256, 7162, 8174, 9051)
- 9585
- IMAP Response Code for Command Progress Notifications, Bettini M., 2024/05/31 (6pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 5234, 5530, 8174, 9051)
- 9584
- RTP Payload Format for Essential Video Coding (EVC), Lim Y., Wenger S., Zhao S., 2024/06/11 (42pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 2974, 3264, 3550, 3551, 3711, 4585, 4648, 5104, 5124, 5576, 6184, 6190, 7201, 7202, 7656, 7667, 7798, 7826, 8082, 8174, 8866, 9328) (Ref'ed By 9751)
- 9583
- Application Scenarios for the Quantum Internet, Aelmans M., Chakraborty K., Li R., Rahman A., Wang C., 2024/06/21 (26pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 7258, 9340)
- 9582
- A Profile for Route Origin Authorizations (ROAs), Kent S., Kong D., Lepinski M., Maddison B., Snijders J., 2024/05/23 (15pp) ( URL ref ) (Obsoletes 6482) (Refs 3779, 4291, 4648, 5280, 5652, 6268, 6480, 6481, 6482, 6487, 6488, 8174, 9319)
- 9581
- Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR) Tags for Time, Duration, and Period, Birkholz H., Bormann C., Gamari B., 2024/08/16 (21pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3161, 3339, 5905, 8126, 8174, 8575, 8610, 8949, 9557)
- 9580
- OpenPGP, Huigens D., Niibe Y., Winter J., Wouters P., 2024/07/31 (166pp) ( URL ref ) (Obsoletes 4880, 5581, 6637) (Refs 1321, 1950, 1951, 1991, 2144, 2440, 2822, 2978, 3156, 3394, 3629, 3713, 4086, 4648, 4880, 5322, 5581, 5639, 5869, 6090, 6234, 6637, 7253, 7748, 8017, 8018, 8032, 8126, 8174, 9106)
- 9579
- Use of Password-Based Message Authentication Code 1 (PBMAC1) in PKCS #12 Syntax, Kario H., 2024/05/31 (15pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 7292, 8018) (Refs 2104, 6194, 7292, 7914, 8018, 8174)
- 9578
- Privacy Pass Issuance Protocols, C. A. Wood, Celi S., Davidson A., Valdez S., 2024/06/13 (36pp) ( URL ref ) (See Also 9576, 9577) (Refs 4648, 5280, 5756, 5861, 8017, 8174, 8259, 8446, 8877, 9110, 9111, 9474, 9497)
- 9577
- The Privacy Pass HTTP Authentication Scheme, C. A. Wood, Pauly T., Valdez S., 2024/06/13 (25pp) ( URL ref ) (See Also 9576, 9578) (Refs 3986, 4086, 4648, 8126, 8174, 8446, 8470, 8701, 9001, 9110)
- 9576
- The Privacy Pass Architecture, C. A. Wood, Davidson A., Iyengar J., 2024/06/13 (25pp) ( URL ref ) (See Also 9577, 9578) (Refs 8174, 9334, 9458, 9518) (Ref'ed By 9614)
- 9575
- DRIP Entity Tag (DET) Authentication Formats and Protocols for Broadcast Remote Identification (RID), Card S., Moskowitz R., Wiethuechter A., 2024/06/26 (43pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 2024, 8126, 8174, 9364, 9374, 9434)
- 9574
- Optimized Ingress Replication Solution for Ethernet VPNs (EVPNs), Katiyar M., Lin W., Rabadan J., Sajassi A., Sathappan S., 2024/05/24 (28pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 4023, 6513, 6514, 7348, 7432, 7637, 7902, 8174, 8365, 9572) (Ref'ed By 9625, 9685)
- 9573
- MVPN/EVPN Tunnel Aggregation with Common Labels, Li Z., Lin W., Rosen E., Wijnands I.J., Zhang Z., 2024/05/24 (14pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 6514, 7432, 7582) (See Also 9572) (Refs 4360, 4364, 5331, 6513, 6514, 7432, 7524, 7582, 7902, 8126, 8174, 8279, 8402, 8556, 8660)
- 9572
- Updates to EVPN Broadcast, Unknown Unicast, or Multicast (BUM) Procedures, Lin W., Patel K., Rabadan J., Sajassi A., Zhang Z., 2024/05/24 (19pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 7432) (See Also 9573) (Refs 4684, 4875, 6388, 6513, 6514, 7117, 7432, 7524, 7988, 8174, 8279, 8534, 8584, 9136, 9251) (Ref'ed By 9574, 9624, 9625)
- 9571
- Extension of RFC 6374-Based Performance Measurement Using Synonymous Flow Labels, Bryant S., Chen M., Fioccola G., Mirsky G., Swallow G., 2024/05/29 (18pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3032, 3270, 5036, 5586, 5920, 5921, 6374, 7026, 7190, 7214, 7258, 7876, 8174, 8372, 8957, 9341)
- 9570
- Deprecating the Use of Router Alert in LSP Ping, Bonica R., Kompella K., Mirsky G., 2024/05/22 (9pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 8029) (Refs 1122, 1812, 2113, 3032, 4291, 6398, 6438, 6790, 7506, 8029, 8126, 8174)
- 9569
- The Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO) Transport Information Publication Service (TIPS), Delwiche L., Gao K., Keller L., Schott R., Y. R. Yang, 2024/09/10 (40pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3986, 7285, 7617, 8174, 8259, 8895, 9112, 9113, 9114, 9205, 9325, 9562) (was draft-ietf-alto-new-transport-22.txt)
- 9568
- Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) Version 3 for IPv4 and IPv6, Dogra A., Lindem A., 2024/04/30 (35pp) ( URL ref ) (Obsoletes 5798) (Refs 1071, 1256, 2131, 2281, 2328, 2338, 2453, 3307, 3768, 3971, 4291, 4311, 4443, 4861, 4862, 5082, 5771, 5798, 7217, 8064, 8174, 8200, 8981, 9099, 9131)
- 9567
- DNS Error Reporting, Arends R., Larson M., 2024/04/26 (11pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 2308, 4592, 6891, 7766, 7873, 8020, 8174, 8198, 8914, 9156)
- 9566
- Deterministic Networking (DetNet) Packet Replication, Elimination, and Ordering Functions (PREOF) via MPLS over UDP/IP, Farkas J., Malis A., Varga B., 2024/04/26 (10pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 8655, 8938, 8939, 8964, 9016, 9025, 9546, 9550) (Ref'ed By 9634)
- 9565
- An Update to the tcpControlBits IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX) Information Element, Boucadair M., 2024/03ch/12 (7pp) ( URL ref ) (Obsoletes 7125) (Refs 793, 3168, 5102, 7011, 7125, 8174, 8311, 9293, 9487) (Ref'ed By 9710)
- 9564
- Faster Than Light Speed Protocol (FLIP), Blanchet M., 2024/04il/01 (6pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 6234, 6709)
- 9563
- SM2 Digital Signature Algorithm for DNSSEC, He Z., Leng F., Liu Y., Zhang C., Zhao Q., 2024/12/04 (9pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 4033, 4034, 4035, 4509, 5155, 6840, 7583, 8174, 9276) (was draft-cuiling-dnsop-sm2-alg-15.txt)
- 9562
- Universally Unique IDentifiers (UUIDs), Davis K., Leach P., Peabody B., 2024/05/07 (46pp) ( URL ref ) (Obsoletes 4122) (Refs 1321, 1738, 4086, 4122, 5234, 6151, 6194, 8126, 8141, 8174, 8937) (Ref'ed By 9553, 9559, 9569, 9725)
- 9561
- Using the Parallel NFS (pNFS) SCSI Layout to Access Non-Volatile Memory Express (NVMe) Storage Devices, Black D., Faibish S., Hellwig C., Lever C., 2024/04il/03 (9pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 4506, 5663, 8154, 8174, 8446, 8881)
- 9560
- Federated Authentication for the Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP) Using OpenID Connect, Hollenbeck S., 2024/04/26 (40pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 4949, 6265, 6749, 6750, 7009, 7480, 7481, 7519, 7617, 7662, 8126, 8174, 8414, 8628, 8693, 8792, 9068, 9082, 9083, 9110, 9325)
- 9559
- Matroska Media Container Format Specification, Bunkus M., Lhomme S., Rice D., 2024/10/14 (157pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 8794) (Refs 959, 1950, 2083, 3533, 4732, 5646, 6838, 8081, 8126, 8174, 8794, 9110, 9562) (Ref'ed By 9639) (was draft-ietf-cellar-matroska-21.txt)
- 9558
- Use of GOST 2012 Signature Algorithms in DNSKEY and RRSIG Resource Records for DNSSEC, Dolmatov V., Makarenko B., 2024/04/11 (9pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3110, 4033, 4034, 4035, 4509, 5280, 5933, 5958, 6840, 6986, 7091, 7583, 7836, 8174)
- 9557
- Date and Time on the Internet: Timestamps with Additional Information, Bormann C., Sharma U., 2024/04/26 (17pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 3339) (Refs 1305, 2822, 3339, 5234, 5322, 5905, 6557, 6648, 6838, 8126, 8174) (Ref'ed By 9581)
- 9556
- Internet of Things (IoT) Edge Challenges and Functions, Hong J., Hong Y-G., Kovatsch M., Kutscher D., Schooler E., X. de Foy, 2024/04/11 (31pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 6291, 7252, 7390, 8578)
- 9555
- JSContact: Converting from and to vCard, Loffredo M., Stepanek R., 2024/05/07 (60pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 6350) (See Also 9553, 9554) (Refs 3986, 5234, 5646, 6350, 6473, 6474, 6715, 6869, 6901, 7095, 8174, 8259, 8605)
- 9554
- vCard Format Extensions for JSContact, Loffredo M., Stepanek R., 2024/05/07 (21pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 6350) (See Also 9553, 9555) (Refs 3986, 5234, 5646, 6350, 8174)
- 9553
- JSContact: A JSON Representation of Contact Data, Loffredo M., Stepanek R., 2024/05/07 (73pp) ( URL ref ) (See Also 9554, 9555) (Refs 1034, 1035, 2046, 2426, 3261, 3339, 3966, 3986, 3987, 4648, 5234, 5322, 5646, 5870, 6350, 6351, 6473, 6474, 6715, 6869, 6901, 7095, 7493, 7529, 8126, 8141, 8174, 8259, 8605, 9562) (Ref'ed By 9610)
- 9551
- Framework of Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM) for Deterministic Networking (DetNet), Bernardos C.J., Farkas J., Mirsky G., Papadopoulos G., Theoleyre F., Varga B., 2024/03ch/12 (14pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 2544, 6291, 6374, 7276, 7799, 8174, 8641, 8655, 8939, 9055, 9197, 9326, 9341) (Ref'ed By 9634)
- 9550
- Deterministic Networking (DetNet): Packet Ordering Function, Farkas J., Heer T., Kehrer S., Varga B., 2024/03ch/21 (11pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 8655, 9055) (Ref'ed By 9566)
- 9549
- Internationalization Updates to RFC 5280, Housley R., 2024/03ch/12 (10pp) ( URL ref ) (Obsoletes 8399) (Updates 5280) (Refs 3490, 3492, 3629, 3987, 4518, 5280, 5890, 5891, 5892, 5893, 5894, 6530, 6531, 8174, 8398, 8399) (Ref'ed By 9598)
- 9548
- Generating Transport Key Containers (PFX) Using the GOST Algorithms, Karelina E., 2024/05/29 (24pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 2104, 5652, 5958, 6986, 7292, 7836, 8174, 9337)
- 9547
- Report from the IAB Workshop on Environmental Impact of Internet Applications and Systems, 2022, Arkko J., C. S. Perkins, Krishnan S., 2024/02ruary/14 (21pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 4689, 7980, 8949, 9113)
- 9546
- Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM) for Deterministic Networking (DetNet) with the MPLS Data Plane, Chen M., Mirsky G., Varga B., 2024/02/28 (12pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3985, 4385, 4928, 5880, 5885, 6049, 6374, 7023, 7799, 8029, 8126, 8174, 8655, 8762, 8964, 8972, 9025, 9037, 9055) (Ref'ed By 9566, 9634)
- 9545
- Path Segment Identifier in MPLS-Based Segment Routing Networks, Cheng W., Gandhi R., Li C., Li H., Zigler R., 2024/02/22 (11pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 4426, 5586, 5654, 6790, 6965, 7799, 8174, 8402, 8491, 8660, 8664, 8957, 9197)
- 9544
- Precision Availability Metrics (PAMs) for Services Governed by Service Level Objectives (SLOs), Clemm A., François J., Halpern J., Min X., Mirsky G., Strassner J., 2024/03ch/21 (12pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 2863, 3198, 7011, 7012, 7297, 8343, 8911, 8912, 9543)
- 9543
- A Framework for Network Slices in Networks Built from IETF Technologies, Contreras L., Drake J., Farrel A., Homma S., Makhijani K., Rokui R., Tantsura J., 2024/03ch/12 (44pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3290, 3393, 4208, 4303, 4364, 4397, 5212, 5440, 6020, 6241, 7239, 7665, 7679, 7680, 7926, 7950, 8040, 8300, 8309, 8453, 8454, 8596, 9491) (Ref'ed By 9544, 9732)
- 9541
- Flush Mechanism for Customer MAC Addresses Based on Service Instance Identifier (I-SID) in Provider Backbone Bridging EVPN (PBB-EVPN), Matsuda T., Miyake M., Nagaraj K., Rabadan J., Sathappan S., 2024/03ch/21 (11pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 4762, 7432, 7623, 8174)
- 9540
- Discovery of Oblivious Services via Service Binding Records, Pauly T., Reddy.K T., 2024/02/21 (10pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 4033, 8174, 8484, 8615, 9110, 9292, 9458, 9460, 9461, 9462, 9463)
- 9539
- Unilateral Opportunistic Deployment of Encrypted Recursive-to-Authoritative DNS, D. K. Gillmor, Hoffman P., Salazar J., 2024/02/28 (24pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 1035, 7301, 7435, 7672, 7766, 7830, 7858, 8174, 8305, 8460, 8461, 8467, 8484, 8806, 9102, 9156, 9250)
- 9538
- Content Delivery Network Interconnection (CDNI) Delegation Using the Automated Certificate Management Environment, Fieau F., Mishra S., Stephan E., 2024/02/22 (10pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 7336, 8006, 8008, 8174, 8739, 9115, 9325, 9460)
- 9537
- Redacted Fields in the Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP) Response, Carney R., Gould J., Kolker J., Smith D., 2024/03ch/29 (31pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 6350, 7095, 8126, 8174, 8259, 9082, 9083, 9535)
- 9536
- Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP) Reverse Search, Loffredo M., Martinelli M., 2024/04/11 (17pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3912, 5730, 6350, 6973, 7095, 7481, 8126, 8174, 8977, 8982, 9082, 9083, 9110, 9535)
- 9535
- JSONPath: Query Expressions for JSON, Bormann C., G?ssner S., Normington G., 2024/02/21 (62pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 20, 3629, 5234, 6838, 6901, 7493, 8126, 8174, 8259, 8949, 9485) (Ref'ed By 9536, 9537)
- 9534
- Simple Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol Extensions for Performance Measurement on a Link Aggregation Group, Gandhi R., Guo J., Li Z., Mirsky G., Zhou T., 2024/01/31 (8pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 4656, 5357, 7799, 8174, 8668, 8762, 8972)
- 9533
- One-Way and Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol Extensions for Performance Measurement on a Link Aggregation Group, Gandhi R., Guo J., Li Z., Mirsky G., Zhou T., 2024/01/31 (13pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 4656, 5357, 7799, 8174, 8668)
- 9532
- HTTP Proxy-Status Parameter for Next-Hop Aliases, Pauly T., 2024/01/31 (7pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 1034, 1035, 3493, 3986, 6265, 8174, 8941, 9110, 9209, 9298)
- 9531
- Path Steering in Content-Centric Networking (CCNx) and Named Data Networking (NDN), Moiseenko I., Oran D., 2024/03ch/11 (19pp) ( URL ref ) (See Also 9507, 9508) (Refs 8029, 8174, 8569, 8609, 8793)
- 9530
- Digest Fields, Pardue L., Polli R., 2024/02ruary/14 (32pp) ( URL ref ) (Obsoletes 3230) (See Also 9421) (Refs 1321, 1950, 3174, 3230, 4648, 5234, 5789, 6151, 6194, 6211, 6234, 7396, 7405, 7696, 8126, 8174, 8188, 8446, 8792, 8941, 9110, 9112, 9260) (Ref'ed By 9635)
- 9529
- Traces of Ephemeral Diffie-Hellman Over COSE (EDHOC), J. Preuß Mattsson, Selander G., Serafin M., Tiloca M., Vučinić M., 2024/03ch/21 (62pp) ( URL ref ) (See Also 9528) (Refs 7748, 8032, 8174, 8392, 8949, 9053)
- 9528
- Ephemeral Diffie-Hellman Over COSE (EDHOC), J. Preuß Mattsson, Palombini F., Selander G., 2024/03ch/21 (82pp) ( URL ref ) (See Also 9529) (Refs 2986, 3279, 3552, 5116, 5280, 5869, 6090, 6194, 6960, 6979, 7228, 7252, 7258, 7296, 7624, 7748, 7959, 8126, 8174, 8366, 8376, 8392, 8410, 8446, 8610, 8613, 8724, 8742, 8747, 8937, 8949, 9000, 9052, 9053, 9147, 9176, 9360, 9397) (Ref'ed By 9668)
- 9527
- DHCPv6 Options for the Homenet Naming Authority, Migault D., Mrugalski T., Weber R., 2024/01/28 (13pp) ( URL ref ) (See Also 9526) (Refs 1034, 2181, 6672, 7227, 7368, 7858, 8126, 8174, 8415, 9103)
- 9526
- Simple Provisioning of Public Names for Residential Networks, Hunter R., Migault D., Richardson M., Weber R., 2024/01/28 (35pp) ( URL ref ) (See Also 9527) (Refs 1034, 1918, 1996, 2136, 3007, 3587, 3927, 4034, 4192, 4193, 4291, 5011, 5155, 6092, 6749, 6762, 6887, 7010, 7084, 7344, 7368, 7404, 7707, 7788, 7858, 8094, 8174, 8375, 8415, 8446, 8484, 8499, 8501, 8555, 8610, 8672, 8978, 8981, 9103, 9250, 9276, 9525)
- 9525
- Service Identity in TLS, Saint-Andre P., Salz R., 2023/11/08 (25pp) ( URL ref ) (Obsoletes 6125) (Refs 791, 1034, 2782, 3261, 3403, 3986, 4291, 4343, 4514, 4592, 4949, 4985, 5234, 5280, 5630, 5890, 5891, 5922, 6066, 6120, 6125, 6186, 6698, 7301, 7858, 8174, 8446, 8555, 8689, 8915, 9000, 9001, 9110, 9147, 9325, 9345, 9460, 9461) (Ref'ed By 9526, 9635, 9683, 9704)
- 9524
- Segment Routing Replication for Multipoint Service Delivery, Bidgoli H., Filsfils C., Parekh R., Voyer D., Zhang Z., 2024/02/22 (22pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 2827, 3704, 4443, 6513, 7432, 7988, 8174, 8402, 8660, 8754, 8986, 9256, 9259, 9350) (Ref'ed By 9706)
- 9523
- A Secure Selection and Filtering Mechanism for the Network Time Protocol with Khronos, Dolev D., Mizrahi T., Rozen-Schiff N., Schapira M., 2024/02/21 (13pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 5905, 7384, 8033, 8915)
- 9522
- Overview and Principles of Internet Traffic Engineering, Farrel A., 2024/01/28 (73pp) ( URL ref ) (Obsoletes 3272) (Refs 791, 1102, 1104, 2205, 2330, 2386, 2474, 2475, 2597, 2678, 2702, 2722, 2753, 2961, 2998, 3031, 3086, 3124, 3168, 3175, 3198, 3209, 3270, 3272, 3469, 3473, 3630, 3945, 4090, 4124, 4203, 4271, 4340, 4461, 4594, 4655, 4872, 4873, 4875, 5151, 5250, 5305, 5329, 5331, 5357, 5394, 5440, 5470, 5472, 5541, 5557, 5559, 5623, 5664, 5671, 5693, 6107, 6119, 6241, 6372, 6374, 6601, 6805, 7011, 7149, 7285, 7390, 7426, 7471, 7491, 7551, 7567, 7665, 7679, 7680, 7923, 7926, 7950, 8033, 8034, 8040, 8051, 8189, 8231, 8259, 8279, 8281, 8283, 8290, 8402, 8453, 8570, 8571, 8655, 8664, 8684, 8685, 8795, 8803, 8896, 8938, 8955, 8972, 9000, 9023, 9040, 9113, 9256, 9262, 9298, 9315, 9332, 9350, 9439, 9502) (Ref'ed By 9689)
- 9521
- Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) for Generic Network Virtualization Encapsulation (Geneve), Aldrin S., Min X., Mirsky G., Pallagatti S., Tantsura J., 2024/01/16 (11pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 5880, 5881, 7365, 8014, 8174, 8926, 8971)
- 9520
- Negative Caching of DNS Resolution Failures, Carroll W., Thomas M., Wessels D., 2023/12/22 (14pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 2308, 4035, 4697) (Refs 882, 883, 1034, 1035, 2308, 4035, 4686, 4697, 4732, 5452, 6891, 7766, 7858, 7873, 8174, 8484, 8767, 8914, 9250)
- 9519
- Update to the IANA SSH Protocol Parameters Registry Requirements, Yee P., 2024/01/25 (6pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 4250, 4716, 4819, 8308) (Refs 4250, 4716, 4819, 8126, 8174, 8308)
- 9518
- Centralization, Decentralization, and Internet Standards, Nottingham M., 2023/12/18 (22pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 791, 3935, 4271, 5218, 5321, 6120, 8890, 9110, 9230, 9293) (Ref'ed By 9576)
- 9517
- A URN Namespace for the Data Documentation Initiative (DDI), Wackerow J., 2024/01/16 (18pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 952, 1034, 1035, 1123, 2181, 2483, 2782, 3401, 3402, 3403, 3833, 3958, 3986, 4343, 4848, 5234, 8141, 8174, 8484)
- 9516
- Active Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM) for Service Function Chaining (SFC), Ao T., Khasnabish B., Leung K., Meng W., Mirsky G., Mishra G., 2023/11/20 (30pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 792, 4086, 4302, 4303, 4443, 5706, 5880, 6437, 7110, 7555, 7665, 7799, 8029, 8126, 8174, 8300, 8595, 8924, 9015, 9145, 9263, 9451)
- 9515
- Revision to Registration Procedures for Multiple BMP Registries, Scudder J., 2023/12/08 (3pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 7854) (Refs 7854, 8126)
- 9514
- Border Gateway Protocol - Link State (BGP-LS) Extensions for Segment Routing over IPv6 (SRv6), Bernier D., Chen M., Dawra G., Decraene B., Filsfils C., Talaulikar K., 2023/12/06 (23pp) ( URL ref ) (See Also 9513) (Refs 5706, 7752, 8126, 8174, 8402, 8754, 8814, 8986, 9085, 9086, 9352) (Ref'ed By 9603)
- 9513
- OSPFv3 Extensions for Segment Routing over IPv6 (SRv6), Hu Z., Li Z., Psenak P., Talaulikar K., 2023/12/06 (26pp) ( URL ref ) (See Also 9514) (Refs 3630, 5340, 7166, 7770, 8126, 8174, 8362, 8402, 8476, 8665, 8666, 8754, 8986, 9084, 9259, 9350, 9352)
- 9512
- YAML Media Type, Aro E., Polli R., Wilde E., 2024/02/14 (13pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3629, 3986, 6838, 6901, 7464, 8174, 8259, 9110)
- 9511
- Attribution of Internet Probes, Donnet B., Iurman J., Vyncke ?., 2023/11/28 (10pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 768, 792, 4443, 4942, 7872, 8200, 8615, 9116, 9293)
- 9510
- Alternative Delta Time Encoding for Content-Centric Networking (CCNx) Using Compact Floating-Point Arithmetic, GündoÄan C., Oran D., Schmidt T., Wählisch M., 2024/02/22 (11pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 8609) (Refs 5497, 7927, 8174, 8569, 8609, 9139)
- 9509
- X.509 Certificate Extended Key Usage (EKU) for 5G Network Functions, Ekman J., Migault D., Reddy.K T., 2024/03ch/21 (9pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 5246, 5280, 7299, 7515, 7516, 7519, 8174, 8446, 9162, 9336)
- 9508
- Information-Centric Networking (ICN) Ping Protocol Specification, Droms R., Gibson J., Mastorakis S., Moiseenko I., Oran D., 2024/03ch/11 (18pp) ( URL ref ) (See Also 9531) (Refs 4648, 8126, 8174, 8569, 8609, 8793, 9344) (Ref'ed By 9507)
- 9507
- Information-Centric Networking (ICN) Traceroute Protocol Specification, Droms R., Gibson J., Mastorakis S., Moiseenko I., Oran D., 2024/03ch/11 (17pp) ( URL ref ) (See Also 9531) (Refs 4648, 8174, 8609, 8793, 9344, 9508)
- 9506
- Explicit Host-to-Network Flow Measurements Techniques, Bulgarella F., Cociglio M., Ferrieux A., Fioccola G., Hamchaoui I., Lubashev I., Nilo M., Sisto R., 2023/10/31 (37pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3168, 7713, 7786, 7799, 8558, 8701, 9000, 9001, 9065, 9293, 9312, 9341, 9343)
- 9505
- A Survey of Worldwide Censorship Techniques, Andersdotter A., Feamster N., J. L. Hall, Jones B., Knodel M., M. D. Aaron, 2023/11/20 (34pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 6066, 7624, 7754, 7858, 8484, 8744, 9000, 9293) (Ref'ed By 9620)
- 9504
- Path Computation Element Communication Protocol (PCEP) Extensions for Stateful PCE Usage in GMPLS-Controlled Networks, Ali Z., Lee Y., Lopez V., O. Gonzalez de Dios, Zheng H., 2023/12/07 (22pp) ( URL ref ) (Updated by 9756) (Refs 3471, 3473, 4655, 4657, 4872, 4873, 5440, 5511, 5521, 6123, 7025, 7399, 8051, 8126, 8174, 8231, 8232, 8253, 8281, 8282, 8623, 8745, 8779, 9357) (Ref'ed By 9756)
- 9503
- Simple Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol (STAMP) Extensions for Segment Routing Networks, Chen M., Filsfils C., Foote R., Gandhi R., Janssens B., 2023/11/01 (16pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 8126, 8174, 8402, 8545, 8762, 8972, 9256)
- 9502
- IGP Flexible Algorithm in IP Networks, Bonica R., Britto W., Hegde S., Kaneriya P., Psenak P., Shetty R., 2023/11/22 (21pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 2328, 4552, 4915, 5120, 5286, 5304, 5305, 5308, 5310, 5340, 7474, 7490, 7770, 7981, 8126, 8174, 8362, 8402, 8986, 9350, 9352) (Ref'ed By 9522)
- 9501
- Open Participation Principle regarding Remote Registration Fee, K?hlewind M., Reed J., Salz R., 2023/12/15 (6pp) ( URL ref ) (BCP-239) (Refs 3935, 8711)
- 9500
- Standard Public Key Cryptography (PKC) Test Keys, Bonnell C., Gutmann P., 2023/12/08 (28pp) ( URL ref )
- 9498
- The GNU Name System, Fix B., Grothoff C., Schanzenbach M., 2023/11/20 (74pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 1034, 1035, 1928, 2782, 3629, 3686, 3826, 4033, 5237, 5869, 5890, 5895, 6066, 6234, 6761, 6895, 6979, 7363, 7748, 8032, 8126, 8174, 8244, 8324, 8499, 8806, 9106, 9476)
- 9497
- Oblivious Pseudorandom Functions (OPRFs) Using Prime-Order Groups, C. A. Wood, Davidson A., Faz-Hernandez A., Sullivan N., 2023/12/22 (61pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 7748, 8017, 8174, 9380, 9496) (Ref'ed By 9578)
- 9496
- The ristretto255 and decaf448 Groups, Grigg J., H. de Valence, Hamburg M., Lovecruft I., Tankersley G., Valsorda F., 2023/12/22 (27pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 7748, 8032, 8174, 9380) (Ref'ed By 9497, 9591)
- 9495
- Certification Authority Authorization (CAA) Processing for Email Addresses, Bonnell C., 2023/10/13 (8pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 5234, 5322, 5890, 5891, 8174, 8659)
- 9493
- Subject Identifiers for Security Event Tokens, Backman A., Jain P., Scurtescu M., 2023/12/07 (18pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 1034, 3986, 5321, 5322, 7515, 7519, 7565, 8126, 8174, 8259, 8417, 8446) (Ref'ed By 9635)
- 9492
- OSPF Application-Specific Link Attributes, Drake J., Ginsberg L., Henderickx W., Psenak P., Tantsura J., 2023/10/10 (20pp) ( URL ref ) (Obsoletes 8920) (Refs 2328, 3209, 3630, 4203, 4552, 5286, 5329, 5340, 5709, 5714, 7166, 7308, 7471, 7474, 7684, 7855, 8126, 8174, 8362, 8920, 9256, 9479)
- 9491
- Integration of the Network Service Header (NSH) and Segment Routing for Service Function Chaining (SFC), Guichard J., Tantsura J., 2023/11/07 (17pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3031, 7498, 7665, 8174, 8200, 8300, 8402, 8596, 8660, 8663, 8665, 8667, 8754) (Ref'ed By 9543, 9689)
- 9490
- Report from the IAB Workshop on Management Techniques in Encrypted Networks (M-TEN), Hardaker W., Knodel M., Pauly T., 2024/01/16 (15pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3168, 8520)
- 9489
- Label Switched Path (LSP) Ping Mechanisms for EVPN and Provider Backbone Bridging EVPN (PBB-EVPN), Boutros S., Jain P., Mirsky G., Sajassi A., Salam S., 2023/11/09 (17pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 4760, 5586, 6425, 7432, 7623, 8029, 8174, 8214, 9041, 9136)
- 9488
- Local Protection Enforcement in the Path Computation Element Communication Protocol (PCEP), Aissaoui M., Sidor S., Sivabalan S., Stone A., 2023/10/18 (9pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 5440) (Refs 3209, 4090, 4655, 5440, 8174, 8231, 8253, 8281, 8664, 9085, 9325)
- 9487
- Export of Segment Routing over IPv6 Information in IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX), Claise B., Francois P., Graf T., 2023/11/08 (23pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 6313, 7011, 7012, 7270, 8126, 8174, 8200, 8402, 8669, 8754, 8986, 9256, 9352) (Ref'ed By 9565, 9710)
- 9486
- IPv6 Options for In Situ Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (IOAM), Bhandari S., Brockners F., 2023/09/29 (10pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 4302, 8174, 8200, 8250, 9098, 9197, 9326) (Ref'ed By 9617, 9630)
- 9485
- I-Regexp: An Interoperable Regular Expression Format, Bormann C., Bray T., 2023/10/13 (10pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3629, 5234, 7405, 7493, 8174) (Ref'ed By 9535, 9741)
- 9484
- Proxying IP in HTTP, Chernyakhovsky A., Kühlewind M., Pauly T., Schinazi D., Westerlund M., 2023/10/19 (37pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 9298) (Refs 792, 2474, 2827, 3168, 3986, 4291, 4301, 4443, 5095, 5234, 6040, 6169, 6570, 6874, 8085, 8126, 8174, 8200, 8305, 8441, 8899, 9000, 9110, 9112, 9113, 9114, 9209, 9220, 9221, 9293, 9297, 9298) (Ref'ed By 9614)
- 9483
- Lightweight Certificate Management Protocol (CMP) Profile, Brockhaus H., D. von Oheimb, Fries S., 2023/11/05 (83pp) ( URL ref ) (See Also 9480, 9481, 9482) (Refs 2986, 3647, 4210, 4211, 5246, 5280, 5652, 5753, 5958, 6712, 7030, 7252, 8174, 8366, 8446, 8551, 8572, 8615, 8649, 8933, 8995, 9045, 9110, 9325) (Ref'ed By 9733)
- 9482
- Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) Transfer for the Certificate Management Protocol, Sahni M., Tripathi S., 2023/11/05 (9pp) ( URL ref ) (See Also 9480, 9483) (Refs 4210, 5280, 6690, 6712, 7252, 7641, 7959, 8174, 8323, 8446, 8615, 9112, 9147) (Ref'ed By 9733)
- 9481
- Certificate Management Protocol (CMP) Algorithms, Aschauer H., Brockhaus H., Gray J., Ounsworth M., 2023/11/05 (28pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 4210) (See Also 9480, 9483) (Refs 2104, 2631, 3370, 3394, 3560, 3565, 4056, 4210, 4211, 4231, 5480, 5652, 5753, 5754, 8017, 8018, 8032, 8174, 8418, 8419, 8551, 8692, 8702, 9044, 9045)
- 9480
- Certificate Management Protocol (CMP) Updates, Brockhaus H., D. von Oheimb, Gray J., 2023/11/05 (55pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 4210, 5912, 6712) (See Also 9481, 9482, 9483) (Refs 2104, 2202, 2510, 2985, 2986, 3629, 4210, 4211, 5280, 5480, 5652, 5912, 5958, 6402, 6712, 7299, 8174, 8615, 8933, 9045) (Ref'ed By 9733)
- 9479
- IS-IS Application-Specific Link Attributes, Drake J., Ginsberg L., Henderickx W., Previdi S., Psenak P., 2023/10/10 (21pp) ( URL ref ) (Obsoletes 8919) (Refs 3209, 5286, 5304, 5305, 5307, 5310, 6119, 7308, 7370, 7855, 8126, 8174, 8570, 8919, 9256) (Ref'ed By 9492)
- 9478
- Labeled IPsec Traffic Selector Support for the Internet Key Exchange Protocol Version 2 (IKEv2), Prasad S., Wouters P., 2023/10/10 (7pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 4301, 5570, 7296, 8174)
- 9477
- Complaint Feedback Loop Address Header, Benecke J., 2023/09/27 (16pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 2104, 3864, 5234, 5322, 5965, 6376, 6449, 6532, 6590, 7405, 8058, 8174)
- 9476
- The .alt Special-Use Top-Level Domain, Hoffman P., Kumari W., 2023/09/14 (7pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 6761, 8174, 8198, 8244, 8499, 9156) (Ref'ed By 9498)
- 9475
- Messaging Use Cases and Extensions for Secure Telephone Identity Revisited (STIR), Peterson J., Wendt C., 2023/12/19 (10pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3261, 3428, 3862, 4103, 4648, 4975, 5194, 6234, 7340, 7489, 7519, 8174, 8224, 8225, 8226, 8591, 8816, 8862, 8876, 8946)
- 9474
- RSA Blind Signatures, C. A. Wood, Denis F., Jacobs F., 2023/10/10 (27pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 4055, 4086, 5280, 5756, 8017, 8174, 8446) (Ref'ed By 9578)
- 9473
- A Vocabulary of Path Properties, Enghardt R., Kr?henb?hl C., 2023/09/13 (13pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 1122, 1930, 1940, 2784, 3357, 3393, 4271, 5136, 5693, 6534, 7665, 7676, 7679, 7680, 8175, 8548, 8558, 8684, 8803, 9000, 9049, 9097, 9110, 9275, 9298, 9439)
- 9472
- A YANG Data Model for Reporting Software Bills of Materials (SBOMs) and Vulnerability Information, Lear E., Rose S., 2023/10/10 (18pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3688, 6020, 6241, 6991, 7231, 7252, 8040, 8174, 8340, 8520, 8615, 9110)
- 9471
- DNS Glue Requirements in Referral Responses, Andrews M., Huque S., Wessels D., Wouters P., 2023/09/30 (9pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 1034) (Refs 1034, 1035, 2931, 4033, 4034, 4035, 6891, 8174, 8499, 8945) (Ref'ed By 9609, 9715)
- 9470
- OAuth 2.0 Step Up Authentication Challenge Protocol, Bertocci V., Campbell B., 2023/09/08 (14pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 6749, 6750, 7519, 7662, 8174, 8414, 9068, 9110, 9449)
- 9469
- Applicability of Ethernet Virtual Private Network (EVPN) to Network Virtualization over Layer 3 (NVO3) Networks, Bocci M., Boutros S., Rabadan J., Sajassi A., 2023/09/20 (23pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 4271, 4272, 4364, 4760, 5925, 6952, 7348, 7364, 7365, 7432, 7510, 8365, 8584, 8926, 9012, 9014, 9135, 9136, 9251)
- 9468
- Unsolicited Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) for Sessionless Applications, Chen E., Rahman R., Raszuk R., Shen N., 2023/09/01 (16pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3688, 4271, 5082, 5880, 5881, 5883, 6020, 6241, 6242, 7880, 7911, 7947, 8040, 8174, 8340, 8341, 8342, 8349, 8446, 9314)
- 9467
- Relaxed Packet Counter Verification for Babel MAC Authentication, Chroboczek J., H?iland-J?rgensen T., 2024/01/16 (8pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 8967) (Refs 4303, 8174, 8967)
- 9466
- PIM Assert Message Packing, Eckert T., Liu Y., McBride M., Zhang Z., 2023/10/13 (20pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 2475, 3973, 6037, 7431, 7490, 7761, 8174, 9436)
- 9465
- PIM Null-Register Packing, Banthia R., Gopal A., Kamath V., R. Chokkanathapuram Sundaram, 2023/09/29 (9pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3446, 4610, 7761, 8174, 9436)
- 9464
- Internet Key Exchange Protocol Version 2 (IKEv2) Configuration for Encrypted DNS, Boucadair M., Reddy.K T., Smyslov V., Wing D., 2023/11/06 (16pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 5890, 6234, 7296, 7619, 7671, 7858, 8174, 8310, 8484, 8499, 8598, 8613, 9076, 9250, 9460, 9463) (Ref'ed By 9704)
- 9463
- DHCP and Router Advertisement Options for the Discovery of Network-designated Resolvers (DNR), Boucadair M., Cook N., Jensen T., Reddy.K T., Wing D., 2023/11/06 (23pp) ( URL ref ) (See Also 9462) (Refs 2132, 3396, 3552, 3646, 4786, 4861, 5280, 6125, 6731, 7113, 7227, 7513, 7610, 7824, 7844, 7858, 7969, 8106, 8146, 8174, 8310, 8415, 8484, 8499, 8613, 8801, 9076, 9250, 9460, 9461) (Ref'ed By 9464, 9540, 9606, 9704)
- 9462
- Discovery of Designated Resolvers, C. A. Wood, Jensen T., Kinnear E., McManus P., Pauly T., 2023/11/06 (16pp) ( URL ref ) (See Also 9463) (Refs 1918, 2132, 3927, 4193, 4291, 5280, 6105, 6303, 6761, 7858, 8106, 8174, 8415, 8446, 8484, 8880, 9250, 9460, 9461) (Ref'ed By 9540, 9606, 9704)
- 9461
- Service Binding Mapping for DNS Servers, Schwartz B., 2023/11/06 (10pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3629, 4501, 6570, 7858, 8174, 8484, 8552, 9113, 9250, 9460) (Ref'ed By 9462, 9463, 9525, 9540)
- 9460
- Service Binding and Parameter Specification via the DNS (SVCB and HTTPS Resource Records), Bishop M., Nygren E., Schwartz B., 2023/11/06 (47pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 1034, 1035, 1912, 1928, 2181, 2782, 3225, 3597, 3986, 4001, 5234, 5952, 6066, 6147, 6454, 6455, 6672, 6797, 7050, 7231, 7301, 7595, 7838, 7858, 7871, 8126, 8174, 8305, 8446, 8484, 8499, 8552, 9110, 9114) (Ref'ed By 9461, 9462, 9463, 9464, 9525, 9538, 9540, 9623, 9715)
- 9459
- CBOR Object Signing and Encryption (COSE): AES-CTR and AES-CBC, Housley R., Tschofenig H., 2023/09/14 (10pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3610, 4107, 5116, 5652, 8174, 9052)
- 9458
- Oblivious HTTP, C. A. Wood, Thomson M., 2024/01/12 (40pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 20, 4086, 5905, 6265, 6570, 6838, 7239, 7748, 7838, 8174, 8446, 8470, 8484, 9000, 9110, 9111, 9112, 9113, 9114, 9230, 9292) (Ref'ed By 9540, 9576, 9614)
- 9456
- Updates to the TLS Transport Model for SNMP, Vaughn K., 2023/11/08 (30pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 6353) (Refs 1123, 2578, 2579, 2580, 3410, 3411, 3412, 3413, 3414, 3415, 3416, 3417, 3418, 5246, 5280, 5591, 5890, 5952, 5953, 6353, 8126, 8174, 8422, 8446, 8447, 8996, 9147, 9150, 9325)
- 9455
- Avoiding Route Origin Authorizations (ROAs) Containing Multiple IP Prefixes, Bush R., Geng G., T. de Kock, Yan Z., Yao J., 2023/08/24 (6pp) ( URL ref ) (BCP-238) (Refs 3779, 6480, 6482, 8174, 8211)
- 9454
- Update to OSPF Terminology, Fox M., Lindem A., Retana A., 2023/08/16 (6pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 2328, 4222, 4811, 5243, 5340, 5614, 5838) (Refs 2328, 4222, 4811, 5243, 5340, 5614, 5838)
- 9453
- Applicability and Use Cases for IPv6 over Networks of Resource-constrained Nodes (6lo), Chakrabarti S., Choi Y., Gomez C., Hong Y., Sangi A., 2023/09/21 (24pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3756, 4861, 4862, 4919, 4944, 6282, 6550, 6568, 6606, 6620, 6775, 7228, 7400, 7428, 7668, 8065, 8066, 8105, 8138, 8163, 8200, 8352, 8376, 8505, 8613, 8928, 8929, 9008, 9010, 9035, 9159, 9354, 9428)
- 9452
- Network Service Header (NSH) Encapsulation for In Situ OAM (IOAM) Data, Bhandari S., Brockners F., 2023/08/24 (9pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 7665, 8174, 8300, 9197, 9322, 9326, 9378, 9451) (Ref'ed By 9617)
- 9451
- Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM) Packet and Behavior in the Network Service Header (NSH), Boucadair M., 2023/08/11 (6pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 8300) (Refs 6291, 7276, 7665, 8174, 8300, 8924, 8979, 9145, 9263) (Ref'ed By 9452, 9516)
- 9450
- Reliable and Available Wireless (RAW) Use Cases, Bernardos C.J., Papadopoulos G., Theoleyre F., Thubert P., 2023/08/24 (24pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 2475, 7554, 8557, 8578, 8655, 9030, 9055, 9317, 9372) (Ref'ed By 9699)
- 9449
- OAuth 2.0 Demonstrating Proof of Possession (DPoP), Bradley J., Campbell B., Fett D., Jones M., Lodderstedt T., Waite D., 2023/09/07 (39pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 2046, 3986, 4122, 4949, 5234, 6125, 6749, 6750, 6838, 7515, 7517, 7519, 7523, 7591, 7636, 7638, 7662, 7800, 8174, 8414, 8705, 8707, 8725, 8792, 9110, 9126) (Ref'ed By 9470, 9700)
- 9448
- TNAuthList Profile of Automated Certificate Management Environment (ACME) Authority Token, Barnes M., Hancock D., Peterson J., Wendt C., 2023/09/12 (15pp) ( URL ref ) (See Also 9447) (Refs 4648, 7340, 7515, 7519, 8174, 8224, 8225, 8226, 8555, 8725, 9060, 9110)
- 9447
- Automated Certificate Management Environment (ACME) Challenges Using an Authority Token, Barnes M., Hancock D., Peterson J., Wendt C., 2023/09/12 (11pp) ( URL ref ) (See Also 9448) (Refs 7515, 7519, 8174, 8226, 8396, 8555, 8725, 9110, 9115)
- 9446
- Reflections on Ten Years Past the Snowden Revelations, Badii F., Farrell S., S. M. Bellovin, Schneier B., 2023/07/20 (29pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 1984, 3365, 6462, 7217, 7258, 7480, 7481, 7687, 7858, 8056, 8064, 8280, 8446, 8461, 8484, 8981, 9000, 9082, 9083, 9113, 9224)
- 9445
- RADIUS Extensions for DHCP-Configured Services, Boucadair M., DeKok A., Reddy.K T., 2023/08/16 (18pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 4014) (Refs 2131, 2132, 2865, 2868, 2869, 3162, 3396, 4014, 4861, 5176, 6158, 6911, 6929, 6977, 7037, 7227, 7499, 7858, 7930, 8044, 8126, 8174, 8415, 8484, 8499, 9250)
- 9444
- Automated Certificate Management Environment (ACME) for Subdomains, Barnes R., Friel O., Hollebeek T., Richardson M., 2023/08/24 (20pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 819, 1034, 2986, 5280, 8174, 8499, 8555, 8738)
- 9443
- Multiplexing Scheme Updates for QUIC, Aboba B., Perkins C., Salgueiro G., 2023/07/12 (8pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 5764, 7983) (Refs 3550, 3711, 5764, 6189, 7983, 8174, 8489, 8656, 9000, 9001, 9147, 9287, 9369)
- 9442
- Static Context Header Compression (SCHC) over Sigfox Low-Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN), Aguilar S., Boite J., C?spedes S., Gomez C., Toutain L., Wistuba D., Z??iga J., 2023/07/26 (34pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 6241, 7252, 8040, 8174, 8259, 8376, 8724, 8949, 9441)
- 9441
- Static Context Header Compression (SCHC) Compound Acknowledgement (ACK), Aguilar S., C?spedes S., Gomez C., Toutain L., Wistuba D., Z??iga J., 2023/07/26 (22pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 8724, 9363) (Refs 3688, 6020, 6241, 6242, 8040, 8174, 8341, 8376, 8446, 8724, 9363) (Ref'ed By 9442)
- 9440
- Client-Cert HTTP Header Field, Bishop M., Campbell B., 2023/07/22 (14pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 5246, 5280, 6585, 7239, 7468, 7541, 8174, 8446, 8705, 8941, 9110, 9112, 9113, 9114, 9204) (Ref'ed By 9421, 9635, 9700)
- 9439
- Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO) Performance Cost Metrics, Contreras L., Dhody D., Lee Y., Randriamasy S., Wu Q., Yang Y., 2023/08/11 (35pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 2330, 2681, 3393, 3630, 5305, 5357, 6390, 7285, 7471, 7679, 7971, 8126, 8174, 8259, 8446, 8570, 8571, 8895, 8912, 9000, 9110, 9438) (Ref'ed By 9473, 9522)
- 9438
- CUBIC for Fast and Long-Distance Networks, Eggert L., Goel V., Ha S., Rhee I., Xu L., 2023/08/11 (28pp) ( URL ref ) (Obsoletes 8312) (Updates 5681) (Refs 2883, 2914, 3168, 3522, 3649, 3708, 3742, 4015, 5033, 5348, 5681, 5682, 6298, 6582, 6675, 6937, 7567, 7661, 8174, 8312, 8511, 8985, 9000, 9002, 9260, 9406) (Ref'ed By 9439, 9743)
- 9436
- PIM Message Type Space Extension and Reserved Bits, Retana A., Venaas S., 2023/08/31 (7pp) ( URL ref ) (Obsoletes 8736) (Updates 3973, 5015, 5059, 6754, 7761, 8364) (Refs 3973, 5015, 5059, 6166, 6754, 7761, 8126, 8174, 8364, 8736) (Ref'ed By 9465, 9466)
- 9435
- Considerations for Assigning a New Recommended Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP), Custura A., Fairhurst G., Secchi R., 2023/07/20 (23pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 791, 1122, 1349, 2474, 2475, 2597, 3086, 3246, 3260, 3270, 3290, 3662, 4594, 5127, 5129, 5160, 5415, 5865, 8100, 8126, 8174, 8325, 8436, 8622)
- 9434
- Drone Remote Identification Protocol (DRIP) Architecture, Card S., Gurtov A., Moskowitz R., Wiethuechter A., Zhao S., 2023/07/17 (28pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 1034, 3261, 3972, 5730, 6973, 7033, 7401, 7480, 8004, 8005, 8032, 8126, 8174, 9082, 9083, 9224, 9334, 9374) (Ref'ed By 9575)
- 9433
- Segment Routing over IPv6 for the Mobile User Plane, Camarillo P., Filsfils C., Kohno M., Matsushima S., Voyer D., 2023/07/21 (29pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 8174, 8402, 8754, 8986, 9087, 9256, 9350)
- 9432
- DNS Catalog Zones, Monshouwer C.R., P. van Dijk, Peltan L., Sargsyan A., Sur? O., Surý O., Thomassen P., Toorop W., 2023/07/06 (16pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 1035, 1982, 1996, 2136, 2606, 6761, 8126, 8174, 8499, 8945, 9103)
- 9431
- Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) Profile of Authentication and Authorization for Constrained Environments (ACE) Framework, Kirby A., Sengul C., 2023/07/12 (33pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 4648, 4949, 5705, 6066, 6234, 6749, 7250, 7252, 7301, 7516, 7517, 7519, 7627, 7800, 7925, 8032, 8174, 8392, 8422, 8442, 8446, 8447, 8610, 8747, 8949, 9052, 9110, 9200, 9201, 9202, 9237, 9325, 9360, 9430) (Ref'ed By 9594)
- 9430
- Extension of the Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) Profile for Authentication and Authorization for Constrained Environments (ACE) to Transport Layer Security (TLS), Bergmann O., J. Preuà Mattsson, Selander G., 2023/07/12 (6pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 9202) (Refs 7252, 8174, 8323, 8446, 8996, 9147, 9200, 9202, 9203, 9325) (Ref'ed By 9431)
- 9429
- JavaScript Session Establishment Protocol (JSEP), Jennings C., Rescorla E., Uberti J., 2024/04il/11 (86pp) ( URL ref ) (Obsoletes 8829) (Refs 3261, 3264, 3389, 3552, 3556, 3605, 3711, 3890, 3960, 4145, 4566, 4568, 4585, 4588, 4733, 5124, 5245, 5285, 5506, 5576, 5761, 5763, 5764, 5888, 6120, 6236, 6347, 6464, 6716, 6904, 7160, 7587, 7742, 7850, 7874, 8108, 8122, 8174, 8445, 8826, 8827, 8828, 8829, 8830, 8834, 8838, 8839, 8840, 8841, 8842, 8843, 8851, 8852, 8853, 8854, 8858, 8859, 9147) (Ref'ed By 9725)
- 9428
- Transmission of IPv6 Packets over Near Field Communication, Choi Y., Hong Y-G., Youn J-S., 2023/07/20 (17pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3756, 4086, 4861, 4862, 4919, 4944, 6282, 6775, 7136, 7217, 7400, 8025, 8174, 8200, 8505) (Ref'ed By 9453)
- 9427
- TLS-Based Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) Types for Use with TLS 1.3, DeKok A., 2023/06/27 (19pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 4851, 5281, 7170) (Refs 1994, 2433, 2759, 3748, 4137, 4851, 5216, 5281, 5422, 5705, 7170, 7542, 7585, 8126, 8174, 8446)
- 9426
- BATched Sparse (BATS) Coding Scheme for Multi-hop Data Transport, Huang X., Yang S., Yeung R., Zao J., 2023/07/21 (22pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 6330, 8174, 8406, 8682, 9265)
- 9425
- JSON Meta Application Protocol (JMAP) for Quotas, Cordier R., 2023/06/21 (11pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3629, 8174, 8620, 9007, 9110) (Ref'ed By 9661)
- 9424
- Indicators of Compromise (IoCs) and Their Role in Attack Defence, Paine K., Sellwood J., Shaw A., Whitehouse O., 2023/08/11 (24pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 7970) (Ref'ed By 9730)
- 9423
- Constrained RESTful Environments (CoRE) Target Attributes Registry, Bormann C., 2024/04il/11 (8pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 20, 5988, 6690, 7252, 7641, 8075, 8126, 8174, 8288, 8613, 9176) (Ref'ed By 9668)
- 9422
- The LIMITS SMTP Service Extension, Freed N., Klensin J., 2024/02/07 (11pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 1870, 2033, 2920, 3207, 4954, 5234, 5321, 6409, 8174)
- 9421
- HTTP Message Signatures, Backman A., Richer J., Sporny M., 2024/02ruary/14 (95pp) ( URL ref ) (See Also 9530) (Refs 20, 2104, 3986, 5234, 6234, 6265, 7239, 7468, 7515, 7517, 7518, 7807, 8017, 8032, 8126, 8174, 8446, 8792, 8941, 8996, 9110, 9112, 9325, 9440) (Ref'ed By 9635)
- 9420
- The Messaging Layer Security (MLS) Protocol, Barnes R., Beurdouche B., Cohn-Gordon K., Millican J., Omara E., Robert R., 2023/07/18 (132pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 2104, 5116, 5905, 6125, 7696, 8032, 8126, 8174, 8446, 8701, 9000, 9001, 9113) (Ref'ed By 9605, 9620, 9734)
- 9419
- Considerations on Application - Network Collaboration Using Path Signals, Arkko J., Hardie T., K?hlewind M., Pauly T., 2023/07/06 (15pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 5218, 6709, 6973, 7129, 7258, 7305, 8558, 8890, 9000, 9049, 9075, 9293, 9312)
- 9418
- A YANG Data Model for Service Assurance, Arumugam T., Claise B., Fasano P., Lucente P., Quilbeuf J., 2023/07/12 (38pp) ( URL ref ) (See Also 9417) (Refs 3688, 6241, 6242, 6991, 7950, 8040, 8174, 8340, 8341, 8342, 8343, 8446, 8525)
- 9417
- Service Assurance for Intent-Based Networking Architecture, Arumugam T., Claise B., Lopez D., Quilbeuf J., Voyer D., 2023/07/12 (23pp) ( URL ref ) (See Also 9418) (Refs 2865, 5424, 5905, 6242, 7011, 7149, 7665, 7950, 8199, 8309, 8446, 8466, 8641, 8907, 8969, 9315, 9375)
- 9416
- Security Considerations for Transient Numeric Identifiers Employed in Network Protocols, Arce I., Gont F., 2023/07/21 (10pp) ( URL ref ) (BCP-72) (Updates 3552) (See Also 9414, 9415) (Refs 791, 793, 1035, 2460, 3552, 4291, 5905, 6056, 6274, 6528, 7217, 7258, 7323, 7707, 7721, 7739, 8174, 8200, 9293)
- 9415
- On the Generation of Transient Numeric Identifiers, Arce I., Gont F., 2023/07/21 (37pp) ( URL ref ) (See Also 9414, 9416) (Refs 791, 793, 1035, 1321, 2104, 2460, 3971, 4086, 4291, 4862, 4953, 4963, 5722, 5905, 5925, 5927, 6056, 6151, 6191, 6194, 6274, 6437, 6528, 6973, 6980, 7098, 7217, 7258, 7323, 7707, 7721, 7739, 8064, 8200, 8446, 8937, 8981, 9293)
- 9414
- Unfortunate History of Transient Numeric Identifiers, Arce I., Gont F., 2023/07/21 (27pp) ( URL ref ) (See Also 9415, 9416) (Refs 768, 791, 793, 1035, 1323, 1883, 1884, 1948, 2073, 2374, 2460, 3041, 3587, 4291, 4862, 4941, 5157, 5452, 5905, 6056, 6274, 6528, 7217, 7258, 7323, 7707, 7721, 7739, 8064, 8200, 8415, 8981, 9109, 9293)
- 9413
- Maintaining Robust Protocols, Schinazi D., Thomson M., 2023/06/27 (14pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 760, 1958, 3117, 4271, 5218, 5704, 6151, 6709, 6891, 7568, 7606, 8446, 8914, 9000, 9110, 9113, 9170)
- 9412
- The ORIGIN Extension in HTTP/3, Bishop M., 2023/06/12 (5pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 6454, 8174, 8336, 9000, 9113, 9114)
- 9411
- Benchmarking Methodology for Network Security Device Performance, Balarajah B., Monkman B., Rossenhoevel C., 2023/03/09 (51pp) ( URL ref ) (Obsoletes 3511) (Refs 2544, 2647, 3511, 5180, 6815, 6890, 8174, 8200, 8446, 9000, 9001, 9002, 9113, 9114, 9204, 9293) (Ref'ed By 9693)
- 9409
- The 'sip-trunking-capability' Link Relation Type, Engi D., Inamdar K., Narayanan S., Salgueiro G., 2023/07/14 (5pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3261, 3986, 6749, 7033, 8288)
- 9407
- Tetrys: An On-the-Fly Network Coding Protocol, Detchart J., Lacan J., Lochin E., Roca V., 2023/06/12 (23pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 4303, 5052, 5445, 5510, 5651, 5740, 6363, 8174, 8406, 8680, 9265)
- 9406
- HyStart++: Modified Slow Start for TCP, Balasubramanian P., Huang Y., Olson M., 2023/05/15 (9pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 1122, 1191, 4821, 5681, 8174, 9002, 9260) (Ref'ed By 9438)
- 9405
- AI Sarcasm Detection: Insult Your AI without Offending It, GPT C., R. L. Barnes, 2023/04/01 (5pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 5424, 8446, 9110, 9113)
- 9404
- JSON Meta Application Protocol (JMAP) Blob Management Extension, Gondwana B., 2023/08/16 (24pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 8620) (Refs 3230, 4648, 7888, 8126, 8174, 8620, 8621, 9007) (Ref'ed By 9661)
- 9403
- A YANG Data Model for RIB Extensions, Lindem A., Qu Y., 2023/11/20 (22pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3688, 5714, 6020, 6241, 6242, 6991, 7950, 7951, 8040, 8340, 8341, 8342, 8343, 8349, 8446, 8792, 9129, 9130)
- 9402
- Concat Notation, Basaglia M., Bernards J., Maas J., 2023/04/01 (8pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 20, 5234, 8174)
- 9401
- The Addition of the Death (DTH) Flag to TCP, Toyosawa S., 2023/04/01 (6pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3514, 6093, 8174, 9110, 9293)
- 9400
- Guidelines for the Organization of Fully Online Meetings, Duke M., K?hlewind M., 2023/06/12 (10pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 8174, 8713, 8719, 9311)
- 9399
- Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure: Logotypes in X.509 Certificates, Freeman T., Housley R., Rosenthol L., Santesson S., 2023/05/05 (39pp) ( URL ref ) (Obsoletes 3709, 6170) (Refs 1952, 2046, 2397, 3003, 3709, 3986, 5234, 5280, 5646, 5755, 5912, 6151, 6170, 6268, 7858, 8118, 8174, 8446, 9110, 9162, 9216, 9230)
- 9398
- A YANG Data Model for Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) and Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) Proxy Devices, Liu X., Liu Y., Panchanathan M., Sivakumar M., Zhao H., 2023/05/30 (20pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3376, 3688, 3810, 4605, 6020, 6241, 6242, 6991, 7761, 7950, 7951, 8040, 8294, 8340, 8341, 8342, 8343, 8349, 8446, 8652, 9128)
- 9397
- Trusted Execution Environment Provisioning (TEEP) Architecture, Pei M., Thaler D., Tschofenig H., Wheeler D., 2023/07/21 (31pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 4949, 5280, 6024, 7696, 9019, 9334) (Ref'ed By 9528)
- 9396
- OAuth 2.0 Rich Authorization Requests, Campbell B., Lodderstedt T., Richer J., 2023/05/30 (38pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 20, 6749, 7519, 7591, 7662, 8174, 8259, 8414, 8628, 8707, 9101, 9126) (Ref'ed By 9635, 9700)
- 9395
- Deprecation of the Internet Key Exchange Version 1 (IKEv1) Protocol and Obsoleted Algorithms, Wouters P., 2023/04/24 (7pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 8221, 8247) (Refs 2407, 2408, 2409, 4306, 6407, 7296, 8174, 8221, 8247, 8784)
- 9394
- IMAP PARTIAL Extension for Paged SEARCH and FETCH, A. P. Achuthan, Alves L., Melnikov A., Nagulakonda V., 2023/06/12 (10pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 4731, 5267) (Refs 3501, 4466, 4731, 5234, 5267, 7162, 8174, 9051) (Ref'ed By 9738)
- 9393
- Concise Software Identification Tags, Birkholz H., Fitzgerald-McKay J., Schmidt C., Waltermire D., 2023/06/28 (61pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3444, 3629, 3986, 4122, 5198, 5234, 5646, 5890, 6648, 7252, 7595, 8126, 8174, 8288, 8322, 8412, 8520, 8610, 8949, 9052, 9334, 9338) (Ref'ed By 9683)
- 9392
- Sending RTP Control Protocol (RTCP) Feedback for Congestion Control in Interactive Multimedia Conferences, Perkins C., 2023/04/26 (17pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 2508, 2914, 3449, 3545, 3550, 3611, 3711, 4585, 5124, 5348, 5506, 5795, 7022, 7201, 7667, 8083, 8085, 8108, 8445, 8825, 8831, 8834, 8861, 8872, 8888, 9293) (Ref'ed By 9743)
- 9391
- Static Context Header Compression over Narrowband Internet of Things, Minaburo A., Ramos E., 2023/04/19 (22pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 5795, 8174, 8376, 8724, 8824)
- 9390
- Diameter Group Signaling, Jones M., Liebsch M., Morand L., 2023/04/25 (21pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 6733, 7155, 8174)
- 9389
- Nominating Committee Eligibility, Duke M., 2023/04/28 (9pp) ( URL ref ) (BCP-10) (Obsoletes 8788, 8989) (Updates 8713) (Refs 8713, 8788, 8989)
- 9388
- Content Delivery Network Interconnection (CDNI) Footprint Types: Country Subdivision Code and Footprint Union, Mishra S., Sopher N., 2023/07/20 (11pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 8008) (Refs 6707, 7336, 8006, 8008, 8174, 9240, 9241)
- 9387
- Use Cases for DDoS Open Threat Signaling (DOTS) Telemetry, Chen M., Hayashi Y., Su L., 2023/04/20 (26pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3413, 4271, 7011, 7149, 7950, 8612, 8783, 8792, 8903, 8955, 9132, 9244)
- 9386
- IPv6 Deployment Status, Fioccola G., J. Palet Martinez, Mishra G., Volpato P., Xie C., 2023/04/19 (37pp) ( URL ref ) (Obsoletes 6036) (Refs 1918, 3756, 3971, 4213, 4862, 5095, 6036, 6180, 6264, 6333, 6540, 6583, 6877, 6883, 6980, 7381, 7596, 7597, 7599, 7872, 8064, 8200, 8305, 8415, 8683, 8950, 8981, 9098, 9099, 9313)
- 9385
- Using GOST Cryptographic Algorithms in the Internet Key Exchange Protocol Version 2 (IKEv2), Smyslov V., 2023/05/22 (148pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 2104, 6986, 7091, 7296, 7427, 7619, 7801, 7836, 8174, 8891, 9227)
- 9384
- A BGP Cease NOTIFICATION Subcode for Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD), Haas J., 2023/03/24 (5pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 4271, 4273, 4486, 5880, 5882, 8174, 8538)
- 9383
- SPAKE2+, an Augmented Password-Authenticated Key Exchange (PAKE) Protocol, C. A. Wood, Taubert T., 2023/09/30 (25pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 2104, 4493, 5480, 5869, 6234, 7914, 8032, 8174, 8265, 8844, 9106, 9382)
- 9382
- SPAKE2, a Password-Authenticated Key Exchange, Ladd W., 2023/09/30 (17pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 2104, 4493, 5480, 5869, 6234, 7914, 8032, 8174, 8265, 9380) (Ref'ed By 9383)
- 9381
- Verifiable Random Functions (VRFs), Goldberg S., Papadopoulos D., Reyzin L., VÄelák J., 2023/08/23 (47pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 5114, 6234, 6979, 8017, 8032, 8174, 9380)
- 9380
- Hashing to Elliptic Curves, C. A. Wood, Faz-Hernandez A., R. S. Wahby, Scott S., Sullivan N., 2023/08/11 (145pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 2104, 5869, 7693, 7748, 7914, 8017, 8018, 8174, 9106) (Ref'ed By 9381, 9382, 9496, 9497, 9591)
- 9378
- In Situ Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (IOAM) Deployment, Bernier D., Bhandari S., Brockners F., Mizrahi T., 2023/04/26 (20pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 2784, 5905, 7276, 7384, 7665, 7799, 8039, 8279, 8300, 8799, 8915, 8926, 9197, 9322, 9326, 9359) (Ref'ed By 9452)
- 9377
- IS-IS Flood Reflection, Bowers C., Lee Y., Przygienda T., Sharma A., White R., 2023/04/04 (19pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 4271, 4456, 5302, 5304, 7775, 7981, 8099, 8126, 8174, 9012, 9107)
- 9375
- A YANG Data Model for Network and VPN Service Performance Monitoring, Boucadair M., O. Gonzalez de Dios, Wen B., Wu B., Wu Q., 2023/04/26 (39pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3393, 3688, 4026, 4364, 4656, 5277, 5357, 6020, 6241, 6242, 6374, 6991, 7471, 7950, 8040, 8194, 8309, 8340, 8341, 8345, 8446, 8532, 8570, 8571, 8632, 8639, 8641, 8762, 8969, 9197, 9291) (Ref'ed By 9417, 9732)
- 9374
- DRIP Entity Tag (DET) for Unmanned Aircraft System Remote ID (UAS RID), Card S., Gurtov A., Moskowitz R., Wiethuechter A., 2023/03/15 (34pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 7343, 7401) (Refs 3972, 4025, 4034, 4122, 4303, 5280, 6890, 7343, 7401, 8004, 8005, 8032, 8126, 8174, 8200, 9063, 9224, 9373) (Ref'ed By 9434, 9575)
- 9373
- EdDSA Value for IPSECKEY, Kivinen T., Moskowitz R., Richardson M., 2023/03/15 (5pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 2536, 3110, 4025, 6605, 8005, 8080) (Ref'ed By 9374)
- 9372
- L-Band Digital Aeronautical Communications System (LDACS), Gr?upl T., M?urer N., Schmitt C., 2023/03/24 (35pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 4301, 4861, 5213, 5795, 7296, 8200, 8446, 9099, 9147, 9300, 9301) (Ref'ed By 9450)
- 9371
- Registration Procedures for Private Enterprise Numbers (PENs), Baber A., Hoffman P., 2023/03/01 (6pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 2865, 3411, 5284, 5424, 5612, 6350, 6733, 8126)
- 9370
- Multiple Key Exchanges in the Internet Key Exchange Protocol Version 2 (IKEv2), Bartlett G., CJ. Tjhai, D. Van Geest, Fluhrer S., Garcia-Morchon O., Smyslov V., Tomlinson M., 2023/05/22 (29pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 7296) (Refs 5723, 6023, 7296, 7383, 8019, 8174, 8247, 8784, 9242)
- 9369
- QUIC Version 2, Duke M., 2023/05/31 (14pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 7301, 7838, 8174, 8999, 9000, 9001, 9002, 9114, 9250, 9368) (Ref'ed By 9443)
- 9368
- Compatible Version Negotiation for QUIC, Rescorla E., Schinazi D., 2023/05/31 (15pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 8999) (Refs 7301, 8174, 8446, 8999, 9000, 9293) (Ref'ed By 9369)
- 9367
- GOST Cipher Suites for Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol Version 1.3, Alekseev E., Babueva A., Griboedova E., Nikiforova L., Smyshlyaev S., 2023/02/17 (71pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 4357, 6986, 7091, 7801, 7836, 8174, 8446, 8645, 8891, 9058)
- 9366
- Multiple SIP Reason Header Field Values, Sparks R., 2023/03/07 (4pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 3326) (Refs 3326, 8174)
- 9365
- IPv6 Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (IPWAVE): Problem Statement and Use Cases, Jeong J., 2023/03/15 (47pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 2710, 3626, 3753, 3810, 3963, 3971, 4086, 4193, 4301, 4302, 4303, 4308, 4821, 4861, 4862, 4885, 4888, 5213, 5280, 5415, 5614, 5881, 5889, 6130, 6250, 6275, 6550, 6583, 6775, 6959, 7149, 7181, 7296, 7333, 7427, 7429, 7466, 7721, 8002, 8028, 8175, 8200, 8446, 8505, 8629, 8684, 8691, 8757, 8899, 8928, 8981, 9000, 9099, 9119, 9300)
- 9364
- DNS Security Extensions (DNSSEC), Hoffman P., 2023/02/14 (10pp) ( URL ref ) (BCP-237) (Refs 2065, 2535, 2536, 3110, 4033, 4034, 4035, 4470, 4509, 5011, 5155, 5702, 6014, 6605, 6698, 6725, 6781, 6840, 6975, 7129, 7344, 7583, 7646, 7958, 8027, 8078, 8080, 8145, 8198, 8499, 8509, 8624, 8901, 9077, 9157, 9276) (Ref'ed By 9575, 9615, 9704, 9718)
- 9363
- A YANG Data Model for Static Context Header Compression (SCHC), Minaburo A., Toutain L., 2023/03/01 (47pp) ( URL ref ) (Updated by 9441) (Refs 768, 3168, 3688, 6020, 6241, 6242, 7136, 7252, 7950, 7959, 7967, 8040, 8174, 8200, 8341, 8342, 8376, 8446, 8613, 8724, 8824, 9011) (Ref'ed By 9441)
- 9362
- Distributed Denial-of-Service Open Threat Signaling (DOTS) Signal Channel Configuration Attributes for Robust Block Transmission, Boucadair M., Shallow J., 2023/02/28 (21pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3688, 6020, 7252, 7959, 8174, 8323, 8340, 8612, 8791, 9132, 9177, 9244)
- 9361
- ICANN Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH) Functional Specifications, Lozano G., 2023/03/09 (50pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3339, 3688, 4180, 4648, 4880, 5280, 5890, 7617, 7848, 8174, 8499, 9110, 9325)
- 9360
- CBOR Object Signing and Encryption (COSE): Header Parameters for Carrying and Referencing X.509 Certificates, Schaad J., 2023/02/16 (12pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 2585, 2634, 3986, 5280, 6838, 8152, 8174, 8392, 8446, 8551, 8610, 8613, 8949, 9052, 9147) (Ref'ed By 9431, 9528, 9679)
- 9359
- Echo Request/Reply for Enabled In Situ OAM (IOAM) Capabilities, Bo L., Min X., Mirsky G., 2023/04/07 (17pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 4302, 4303, 4443, 4620, 4884, 8029, 8126, 8174, 8335, 8799, 9197, 9326) (Ref'ed By 9378)
- 9358
- Path Computation Element Communication Protocol (PCEP) Extensions for Establishing Relationships between Sets of Label Switched Paths and Virtual Networks, Ceccarelli D., Lee Y., Zheng H., 2023/02/14 (12pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 20, 4655, 5440, 5541, 6805, 7470, 8051, 8174, 8231, 8253, 8281, 8453, 8637, 8697, 8751)
- 9357
- Label Switched Path (LSP) Object Flag Extension for Stateful PCE, Xiong Q., 2023/02/14 (9pp) ( URL ref ) (Updated by 9756) (Refs 5088, 5089, 5440, 8126, 8174, 8231, 8253, 8281, 8623, 8786, 9325) (Ref'ed By 9504, 9756)
- 9356
- Advertising Layer 2 Bundle Member Link Attributes in OSPF, Psenak P., Talaulikar K., 2023/01/25 (12pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 9085) (Refs 3630, 4202, 4203, 4552, 4655, 5329, 5709, 7166, 7471, 7474, 7684, 7752, 8174, 8362, 8402, 8510, 8665, 8666, 8668, 9085, 9129)
- 9355
- OSPF Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) Strict-Mode, Fu A., Psenak P., Rajesh M., Talaulikar K., 2023/02/22 (10pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 2328) (Refs 2328, 5340, 5613, 5709, 5838, 5880, 5882, 5883, 6213, 7474, 8174, 9129)
- 9354
- Transmission of IPv6 Packets over Power Line Communication (PLC) Networks, Hong Y-G., Hou J., Liu B., Perkins C., Tang X., 2023/01/13 (20pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 2464, 3972, 4291, 4861, 4944, 4963, 5191, 5535, 6282, 6550, 6775, 7136, 7217, 7925, 7973, 8036, 8065, 8174, 8415, 8505, 8981, 9010, 9031, 9140) (Ref'ed By 9453)
- 9353
- IGP Extension for Path Computation Element Communication Protocol (PCEP) Security Capability Support in PCE Discovery (PCED), Dhody D., King D., Lopez D., Ma Q., Wu Q., 2023/01/13 (13pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 5088, 5089, 8231, 8306) (Refs 2385, 4674, 5088, 5089, 5304, 5310, 5440, 5557, 5709, 5925, 5926, 6823, 6952, 7770, 8126, 8174, 8177, 8231, 8253, 8306, 8446, 8623)
- 9352
- IS-IS Extensions to Support Segment Routing over the IPv6 Data Plane, Bashandy A., Decraene B., Filsfils C., Hu Z., Psenak P., 2023/02/22 (25pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 7370) (See Also 9350) (Refs 5120, 5286, 5304, 5305, 5308, 5310, 7370, 7794, 7981, 8126, 8174, 8355, 8402, 8491, 8665, 8667, 8754, 8986, 9259) (Ref'ed By 9487, 9502, 9513, 9514, 9603, 9666, 9702)
- 9351
- Border Gateway Protocol - Link State (BGP-LS) Extensions for Flexible Algorithm Advertisement, Dawra G., Psenak P., Talaulikar K., Zandi S., 2023/02/22 (14pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3209, 7308, 7752, 8174, 8402, 8919, 8920, 9085, 9256, 9294, 9350)
- 9350
- IGP Flexible Algorithm, Filsfils C., Gulko A., Hegde S., Psenak P., Talaulikar K., 2023/02/22 (42pp) ( URL ref ) (See Also 9352) (Refs 2328, 3101, 3630, 3906, 4203, 4552, 5250, 5304, 5305, 5307, 5310, 5340, 6571, 7120, 7308, 7471, 7474, 7684, 7770, 7981, 8126, 8174, 8362, 8570, 8660, 8665, 8666, 8667, 8919, 8920, 8986) (Ref'ed By 9351, 9433, 9502, 9513, 9522, 9524, 9658, 9716)
- 9349
- Definitions of Managed Objects for IP Traffic Flow Security, Fedyk D., Kinzie E., 2023/01/31 (19pp) ( URL ref ) (See Also 9347) (Refs 2578, 2579, 2580, 3410, 3414, 3826, 4301, 5348, 5591, 5592, 6353, 8174, 9348)
- 9348
- A YANG Data Model for IP Traffic Flow Security, Fedyk D., Hopps C., 2023/01/31 (25pp) ( URL ref ) (See Also 9347) (Refs 3688, 4301, 5348, 6020, 6241, 6242, 6991, 7950, 8040, 8340, 8341, 8342, 8446, 9061) (Ref'ed By 9349)
- 9347
- Aggregation and Fragmentation Mode for Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) and Its Use for IP Traffic Flow Security (IP-TFS), Hopps C., 2023/01/31 (31pp) ( URL ref ) (See Also 9348, 9349) (Refs 791, 1191, 2474, 2914, 3168, 4301, 4303, 4342, 4821, 5348, 6040, 7120, 7296, 7510, 7893, 8084, 8126, 8174, 8200, 8201, 8546, 8899, 9329)
- 9346
- IS-IS Extensions in Support of Inter-Autonomous System (AS) MPLS and GMPLS Traffic Engineering, Chen M., Ginsberg L., Previdi S., Xiaodong D., 2023/02/14 (19pp) ( URL ref ) (Obsoletes 5316) (Refs 1195, 3209, 4216, 4271, 4655, 5152, 5304, 5305, 5307, 5308, 5310, 5316, 5441, 5925, 6119, 6823, 7981, 8174)
- 9345
- Delegated Credentials for TLS and DTLS, Barnes R., Iyengar S., Rescorla E., Sullivan N., 2023/07/13 (17pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3820, 5246, 5280, 5912, 8032, 8174, 8446, 8555, 9147) (Ref'ed By 9525, 9677)
- 9344
- CCNinfo: Discovering Content and Network Information in Content-Centric Networks, Asaeda H., Ooka A., Shao X., 2023/02/16 (36pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 8126, 8174, 8487, 8569, 8609, 8793) (Ref'ed By 9507, 9508)
- 9343
- IPv6 Application of the Alternate-Marking Method, Cociglio M., Fioccola G., Pang R., Qin F., Zhou T., 2022/12/20 (20pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 4301, 6437, 6438, 7045, 7384, 8174, 8200, 8754, 8799, 8915, 9341, 9342) (Ref'ed By 9506)
- 9342
- Clustered Alternate-Marking Method, Cociglio M., Fioccola G., Sapio A., Sisto R., Zhou T., 2022/12/14 (24pp) ( URL ref ) (Obsoletes 8889) (See Also 9341) (Refs 5474, 5475, 5644, 7011, 8174, 8889, 9198) (Ref'ed By 9343)
- 9341
- Alternate-Marking Method, Cociglio M., Fioccola G., Mirsky G., Mizrahi T., Zhou T., 2022/12/14 (22pp) ( URL ref ) (Obsoletes 8321) (See Also 9342) (Refs 2330, 3393, 4656, 5357, 5481, 5905, 6390, 6703, 7384, 7679, 7680, 7799, 8174, 8321, 8799) (Ref'ed By 9343, 9506, 9551, 9571, 9714)
- 9340
- Architectural Principles for a Quantum Internet, A. S. Cacciapuoti, Caleffi M., Kozlowski W., Nagayama S., R. Van Meter, Rijsman B., Wehner S., 2023/03/15 (37pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 1958) (Ref'ed By 9583)
- 9339
- OSPF Reverse Metric, Johnston H., Psenak P., Talaulikar K., 2022/12/20 (11pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 2328, 3630, 4915, 5340, 5613, 5709, 6845, 7474, 8042, 8174, 8405, 8500, 9129)
- 9338
- CBOR Object Signing and Encryption (COSE): Countersignatures, Schaad J., 2022/12/14 (18pp) ( URL ref ) (STD-96) (Updates 9052) (Refs 4998, 7049, 7252, 8152, 8174, 8259, 8610, 8613, 8949, 9052) (Ref'ed By 9393, 9594)
- 9337
- Generating Password-Based Keys Using the GOST Algorithms, Ekaterina K., 2022/12/09 (14pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 20, 2104, 6070, 6986, 7801, 7836, 8018, 8174, 8645, 8891) (Ref'ed By 9548)
- 9336
- X.509 Certificate General-Purpose Extended Key Usage (EKU) for Document Signing, Ito T., Okubo T., Turner S., 2022/12/20 (8pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 5280, 7299, 8174) (Ref'ed By 9509)
- 9335
- Completely Encrypting RTP Header Extensions and Contributing Sources, Jennings C., Murillo S., Uberti J., 2023/01/25 (21pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 3711) (Refs 3264, 3550, 3711, 6464, 6465, 6904, 7714, 8174, 8285, 8859, 8866) (Ref'ed By 9626)
- 9334
- Remote ATtestation procedureS (RATS) Architecture, Birkholz H., Pan W., Richardson M., Smith N., Thaler D., 2023/01/13 (46pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 4086, 4949, 5209, 5280, 6024, 7519, 8322, 8392) (Ref'ed By 9393, 9397, 9434, 9576, 9683, 9684)
- 9333
- Minimal IP Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP), Guggemos T., Migault D., 2023/01/13 (13pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 4086, 4301, 4303, 5297, 7296, 7815, 8174, 8221, 8452, 8750)
- 9332
- Dual-Queue Coupled Active Queue Management (AQM) for Low Latency, Low Loss, and Scalable Throughput (L4S), Briscoe B., K. De Schepper, White G., 2023/01/19 (52pp) ( URL ref ) (See Also 9330, 9331) (Refs 970, 2914, 3168, 3246, 3649, 5033, 5348, 5681, 5706, 7567, 8033, 8034, 8174, 8257, 8290, 8298, 8311, 8312, 8404, 9000) (Ref'ed By 9522, 9743)
- 9331
- The Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) Protocol for Low Latency, Low Loss, and Scalable Throughput (L4S), Briscoe B., K. De Schepper, 2023/01/19 (52pp) ( URL ref ) (See Also 9330, 9332) (Refs 2474, 3168, 3246, 3540, 3649, 4301, 4302, 4303, 4340, 4341, 4342, 4774, 4960, 5033, 5129, 5348, 5562, 5622, 5681, 5706, 5865, 5925, 6040, 6077, 6660, 6675, 6679, 7560, 7567, 7713, 8033, 8083, 8085, 8174, 8257, 8290, 8298, 8311, 8312, 8511, 8888, 8985, 9000, 9001, 9147) (Ref'ed By 9599, 9600, 9601)
- 9330
- Low Latency, Low Loss, and Scalable Throughput (L4S) Internet Service: Architecture, Bagnulo M., Briscoe B., K. De Schepper, White G., 2023/01/19 (36pp) ( URL ref ) (See Also 9331, 9332) (Refs 970, 2475, 2698, 2884, 3168, 3246, 3540, 3649, 4340, 4774, 4960, 5033, 5348, 5670, 5681, 6040, 6679, 6817, 6973, 7560, 7567, 7665, 7713, 8033, 8034, 8170, 8257, 8290, 8298, 8311, 8312, 8404, 8511, 8888, 8985, 9000, 9113)
- 9329
- TCP Encapsulation of Internet Key Exchange Protocol (IKE) and IPsec Packets, Pauly T., Smyslov V., 2022/11/30 (30pp) ( URL ref ) (Obsoletes 8229) (Refs 1122, 2817, 3168, 3948, 4301, 4303, 4555, 4621, 4953, 4987, 5246, 5685, 5723, 5961, 6040, 6311, 6520, 6528, 7296, 7383, 8019, 8174, 8229, 8446, 9293, 9325) (Ref'ed By 9347, 9601, 9622)
- 9328
- RTP Payload Format for Versatile Video Coding (VVC), M. M Hannuksela, Sanchez Y., Wang Y.K., Wenger S., Zhao S., 2022/12/20 (54pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 2974, 3264, 3550, 3551, 3711, 4585, 4648, 5104, 5124, 5576, 6184, 6190, 7201, 7202, 7656, 7667, 7798, 7826, 8082, 8174, 8866) (Ref'ed By 9584, 9751)
- 9327
- Control Messages Protocol for Use with Network Time Protocol Version 4, Haberman B., 2022/11/01 (21pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 791, 1305, 3704, 5905, 5952, 8174, 8200)
- 9326
- In Situ Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (IOAM) Direct Exporting, Bhandari S., Brockners F., Gafni B., Mizrahi T., Song H., 2022/11/15 (13pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 5475, 6291, 7014, 8126, 8174, 9197, 9322) (Ref'ed By 9359, 9378, 9452, 9486, 9551, 9617, 9630)
- 9325
- Recommendations for Secure Use of Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS), Fossati T., Saint-Andre P., Sheffer Y., 2022/11/30 (34pp) ( URL ref ) (BCP-195) (Obsoletes 7525) (Updates 5288, 6066) (Refs 1939, 2246, 3261, 3602, 3766, 4346, 4347, 4949, 5077, 5116, 5246, 5280, 5288, 5321, 5746, 6066, 6101, 6120, 6125, 6176, 6347, 6698, 6797, 6960, 6961, 6979, 7228, 7301, 7366, 7435, 7457, 7465, 7507, 7525, 7568, 7590, 7627, 7633, 7672, 7673, 7712, 7748, 7919, 7924, 7925, 8174, 8422, 8446, 8452, 8461, 8470, 8879, 8996, 9000, 9001, 9051, 9110, 9112, 9113, 9147, 9155, 9162) (Ref'ed By 9329, 9357, 9361, 9421, 9430, 9431, 9456, 9483, 9488, 9525, 9538, 9560, 9569, 9604, 9635, 9662, 9700, 9701)
- 9324
- Policy Based on the Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) without Route Refresh, Bush R., Patel K., Smith P., Tinka M., 2022/12/20 (7pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 8481) (Refs 2918, 4271, 6480, 6482, 6811, 7313, 7947, 8174, 8205, 8481)
- 9323
- A Profile for RPKI Signed Checklists (RSCs), Harrison T., Maddison B., Snijders J., 2022/11/18 (13pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 1952, 3779, 5652, 6268, 6480, 6481, 6487, 6488, 7935, 8174, 9255, 9286)
- 9322
- In Situ Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (IOAM) Loopback and Active Flags, Bhandari S., Brockners F., Gafni B., Mizrahi T., Spiegel M., 2022/11/15 (13pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 5475, 6291, 6724, 7014, 7799, 8174, 9197) (Ref'ed By 9326, 9378, 9452)
- 9321
- Signature Validation Token, Housley R., Santesson S., 2022/10/15 (34pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3125, 3161, 3647, 5035, 5280, 5652, 7515, 7518, 7519, 8174, 8610, 9231)
- 9320
- Deterministic Networking (DetNet) Bounded Latency, Finn N., J.-Y. LeBoudec, Mohammadpour E., Varga B., Zhang J., 2022/11/30 (26pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 2212, 2475, 2697, 3552, 6658, 7322, 7806, 8578, 8655, 8939, 8964, 9016, 9023, 9055)
- 9319
- The Use of maxLength in the Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI), Gilad Y., Goldberg S., Maddison B., Snijders J., Sriram K., 2022/10/21 (13pp) ( URL ref ) (BCP-185) (Refs 1918, 4271, 5737, 6480, 6482, 6811, 6907, 7115, 7999, 8174, 8205) (Ref'ed By 9582)
- 9318
- IAB Workshop Report: Measuring Network Quality for End-Users, Hardaker W., Shapira O., 2022/10/05 (31pp) ( URL ref )
- 9317
- Operational Considerations for Streaming Media, Begen A., Dawkins S., Holland J., 2022/10/28 (37pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 2001, 2736, 3135, 3168, 3550, 3758, 4733, 5481, 5594, 5681, 5762, 6190, 6582, 6817, 6843, 7258, 7414, 7510, 7656, 7661, 8083, 8084, 8085, 8095, 8216, 8312, 8404, 8446, 8622, 8723, 8824, 8825, 8834, 8835, 8999, 9000, 9001, 9002, 9065, 9075, 9111, 9114, 9221, 9260, 9293, 9312) (Ref'ed By 9450)
- 9316
- Intent Classification, Havel O., Li C., Lopez D., Martinez-Julia P., Nobre J., Olariu A., 2022/10/21 (35pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 9315)
- 9315
- Intent-Based Networking - Concepts and Definitions, Ciavaglia L., Clemm A., L. Z. Granville, Tantsura J., 2022/10/11 (23pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3411, 7575, 7950, 8299, 8309, 8345, 8994) (Ref'ed By 9316, 9417, 9522)
- 9314
- YANG Data Model for Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD), Jethanandani M., Mirsky G., Pallagatti S., Rahman R., Zheng L., 2022/09/23 (58pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 9127) (Refs 3031, 3688, 5586, 5880, 5881, 5882, 5883, 5884, 5885, 6020, 6241, 6242, 6991, 7130, 8040, 8177, 8340, 8341, 8342, 8343, 8344, 8349, 8446, 8529, 8530, 8532, 8960, 9127) (Ref'ed By 9128, 9129, 9130, 9468)
- 9313
- Pros and Cons of IPv6 Transition Technologies for IPv4-as-a-Service (IPv4aaS), Farrer I., Howard L., J. Palet Martinez, Lencse G., Patterson R., 2022/10/14 (27pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 2473, 2544, 2663, 4814, 5180, 5452, 6052, 6146, 6147, 6180, 6269, 6333, 6346, 6519, 6877, 6887, 6888, 6889, 7050, 7269, 7341, 7393, 7422, 7596, 7597, 7599, 7605, 7757, 7915, 7950, 8114, 8215, 8219, 8415, 8512, 8513, 8658, 8676, 8683) (Ref'ed By 9386)
- 9312
- Manageability of the QUIC Transport Protocol, K?hlewind M., Trammell B., 2022/09/27 (29pp) ( URL ref ) (See Also 9308) (Refs 1191, 1812, 2475, 3168, 3449, 4443, 4459, 4787, 4987, 5382, 6066, 7301, 7605, 7801, 7838, 7983, 8201, 8504, 8546, 8811, 8899, 8999, 9000, 9001, 9002, 9065, 9114, 9250, 9287) (Ref'ed By 9317, 9419, 9506)
- 9311
- Running an IETF Hackathon, Eckel C., 2022/09/13 (23pp) ( URL ref ) (Ref'ed By 9400)
- 9310
- X.509 Certificate Extension for 5G Network Function Types, Housley R., J. Preu Mattsson, Migault D., Turner S., 2023/01/12 (11pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 5246, 5280, 5912, 6268, 8174, 8446)
- 9309
- Robots Exclusion Protocol, Illyes G., Koster M., Sassman L., Zeller H., 2022/09/09 (12pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 2046, 3629, 3986, 5234, 8174, 8288, 9110, 9111)
- 9308
- Applicability of the QUIC Transport Protocol, K?hlewind M., Trammell B., 2022/09/27 (22pp) ( URL ref ) (See Also 9312) (Refs 1034, 2475, 5077, 5382, 5905, 6335, 6762, 7301, 7413, 7657, 7838, 8085, 8446, 8470, 8981, 8999, 9000, 9001, 9114, 9218, 9221)
- 9307
- Report from the IAB Workshop on Analyzing IETF Data (AID) 2021, C. S. Perkins, Cath C., K?hlewind M., N. ten Oever, 2022/09/26 (15pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 2021)
- 9306
- Vendor-Specific LISP Canonical Address Format (LCAF), Ashtaputre V., Ermagan V., Farinacci D., Rodriguez-Natal A., Smirnov A., 2022/10/20 (5pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 8060) (Refs 8060, 8126, 8174, 9300, 9301)
- 9305
- Locator/ID Separation Protocol (LISP) Generic Protocol Extension, Agarwal P., Lemon J., Lewis D., Maino F., Smith M., 2022/10/20 (14pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 2003, 2474, 2983, 3168, 3692, 6040, 6935, 6936, 7348, 7835, 8085, 8086, 8126, 8174, 8200, 8300, 9300) (Ref'ed By 9301)
- 9304
- Locator/ID Separation Protocol (LISP): Shared Extension Message and IANA Registry for Packet Type Allocations, Boucadair M., Jacquenet C., 2022/10/20 (5pp) ( URL ref ) (Obsoletes 8113) (See Also 9301) (Refs 8113, 8126, 8174)
- 9303
- Locator/ID Separation Protocol Security (LISP-SEC), Cabellos A., Ermagan V., Maino F., Saucez D., 2022/10/20 (23pp) ( URL ref ) (See Also 9301) (Refs 2104, 3394, 4086, 4868, 5869, 6234, 6836, 7525, 7835, 8126, 8174, 9147, 9300) (Ref'ed By 9299)
- 9302
- Locator/ID Separation Protocol (LISP) Map-Versioning, Bonaventure O., Iannone L., Saucez D., 2022/10/20 (15pp) ( URL ref ) (Obsoletes 6834) (See Also 9299, 9300, 9301) (Refs 1982, 6832, 6834, 7835, 8174)
- 9301
- Locator/ID Separation Protocol (LISP) Control Plane, Cabellos A., Farinacci D., Fuller V., Maino F., 2022/10/20 (42pp) ( URL ref ) (Obsoletes 6833) (See Also 9299, 9300, 9302, 9303, 9304) (Refs 1035, 1071, 2404, 2890, 4086, 4868, 4984, 5869, 6830, 6831, 6832, 6833, 6836, 6837, 6973, 7348, 7835, 8060, 8061, 8085, 8111, 8126, 8174, 8378, 8402, 9147, 9305) (Ref'ed By 9306, 9372, 9735)
- 9300
- The Locator/ID Separation Protocol (LISP), Cabellos A., Farinacci D., Fuller V., Lewis D., Meyer D., 2022/10/20 (33pp) ( URL ref ) (Obsoletes 6830) (See Also 9299, 9301, 9302) (Refs 768, 791, 1034, 1191, 2453, 2474, 2677, 2784, 2983, 3056, 3261, 4086, 4459, 4760, 4821, 4984, 6040, 6438, 6830, 6831, 6832, 6835, 6935, 6936, 7052, 7215, 8060, 8061, 8085, 8126, 8174, 8200, 8201, 8378, 8704, 8899) (Ref'ed By 9303, 9305, 9306, 9365, 9372, 9599, 9601, 9706, 9735)
- 9299
- An Architectural Introduction to the Locator/ID Separation Protocol (LISP), Cabellos A., Saucez D., 2022/10/20 (24pp) ( URL ref ) (See Also 9300, 9301, 9302) (Refs 1191, 1918, 2992, 3963, 4821, 4984, 5944, 6275, 6831, 6832, 6835, 6836, 6837, 6935, 6936, 7052, 7215, 7835, 8060, 8111, 8378, 9303)
- 9298
- Proxying UDP in HTTP, Schinazi D., 2022/08/24 (16pp) ( URL ref ) (Updated by 9484) (Refs 768, 2234, 3168, 3986, 4443, 4787, 6040, 6169, 6455, 6570, 8085, 8174, 8441, 8899, 9000, 9110, 9112, 9113, 9114, 9209, 9220, 9221, 9293, 9297) (Ref'ed By 9473, 9484, 9522, 9532)
- 9297
- HTTP Datagrams and the Capsule Protocol, Pardue L., Schinazi D., 2022/08/24 (14pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 6455, 8126, 8174, 8441, 8899, 8941, 9000, 9110, 9112, 9113, 9114, 9218, 9220, 9221, 9293) (Ref'ed By 9298, 9484, 9614)
- 9296
- ifStackTable for the Point-to-Point (P2P) Interface over a LAN Type: Definition and Examples, Halpern J., Liu D., Zhang C., 2022/08/23 (9pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 2863, 5309, 6991, 7224, 8126, 8174, 8343)
- 9295
- Clarifications for Ed25519, Ed448, X25519, and X448 Algorithm Identifiers, Ito T., Josefsson S., McCarney D., Turner S., 2022/09/13 (5pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 8410) (Refs 5280, 8174, 8410)
- 9294
- Application-Specific Link Attributes Advertisement Using the Border Gateway Protocol - Link State (BGP-LS), Psenak P., Talaulikar K., Tantsura J., 2022/08/19 (12pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 1195, 2328, 3209, 4202, 5286, 5340, 7752, 8174, 8402, 8571, 8919, 8920, 9104) (Ref'ed By 9351)
- 9293
- Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), Eddy W., 2022/08/18 (98pp) ( URL ref ) (STD-7) (Obsoletes 793, 2873, 6093) (Updates 1011, 1122, 5961) (Refs 791, 793, 896, 1011, 1122, 1191, 1349, 1644, 2018, 2474, 2525, 2581, 2675, 2873, 2883, 2914, 2923, 2988, 3168, 3449, 3465, 3540, 4727, 4821, 4953, 4987, 5033, 5044, 5461, 5570, 5681, 5795, 5925, 5927, 5961, 6093, 6191, 6298, 6429, 6528, 6633, 6691, 6864, 6994, 7094, 7323, 7413, 7414, 7657, 8087, 8095, 8174, 8200, 8201, 8303, 8311, 8504, 8546, 8548, 8558, 8684, 8961, 9000, 9065, 9170) (Ref'ed By 9297, 9298, 9317, 9329, 9368, 9392, 9401, 9411, 9414, 9415, 9416, 9419, 9484, 9505, 9506, 9511, 9518, 9565, 9620, 9621, 9643, 9648, 9653, 9681, 9687, 9710, 9740, 9743)
- 9292
- Binary Representation of HTTP Messages, C. A. Wood, Thomson M., 2022/08/30 (16pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 2518, 7541, 8174, 8297, 9000, 9110, 9112, 9113, 9114, 9204) (Ref'ed By 9458, 9540)
- 9291
- A YANG Network Data Model for Layer 2 VPNs, Barguil S., Boucadair M., Munoz L., O. Gonzalez de Dios, 2022/09/22 (139pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 2507, 2508, 3032, 3545, 3644, 3688, 4026, 4446, 4448, 4553, 4618, 4619, 4664, 4667, 4717, 4761, 4762, 4816, 4842, 4863, 4901, 5086, 5087, 5143, 5795, 5880, 6020, 6074, 6241, 6242, 6307, 6624, 6991, 7209, 7267, 7297, 7432, 7623, 7950, 7951, 8040, 8077, 8214, 8294, 8309, 8340, 8341, 8342, 8343, 8345, 8365, 8446, 8453, 8466, 8519, 8584, 8792, 8960, 8969) (Ref'ed By 9375, 9732)
- 9290
- Concise Problem Details for Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) APIs, Bormann C., Fossati T., 2022/10/19 (21pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 2482, 3986, 4647, 4648, 5646, 7252, 7807, 8126, 8174, 8610, 8949, 9165) (Ref'ed By 9594)
- 9289
- Towards Remote Procedure Call Encryption by Default, Lever C., Myklebust T., 2022/09/13 (21pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 5531) (Refs 1833, 2203, 5056, 5280, 5531, 6125, 6698, 6973, 7258, 7301, 7435, 7525, 8126, 8166, 8167, 8174, 8446, 8899, 9110, 9147, 9266)
- 9288
- Recommendations on the Filtering of IPv6 Packets Containing IPv6 Extension Headers at Transit Routers, Gont F., Liu W., 2022/08/18 (33pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 1034, 2205, 2460, 2473, 2675, 2710, 2711, 3692, 3810, 3871, 4286, 4301, 4302, 4303, 4727, 4782, 5095, 5533, 5570, 5971, 6192, 6275, 6398, 6550, 6553, 6554, 6621, 6740, 6744, 6788, 6971, 7045, 7112, 7126, 7401, 7731, 7739, 7872, 8174, 8200, 8250, 8754, 8900, 9008, 9098) (Ref'ed By 9673)
- 9287
- Greasing the QUIC Bit, Thomson M., 2022/08/23 (6pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 8174, 8546, 8999, 9000, 9170) (Ref'ed By 9312, 9443)
- 9286
- Manifests for the Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI), Austein R., Huston G., Kent S., Lepinski M., 2022/06/30 (16pp) ( URL ref ) (Obsoletes 6486) (Refs 3779, 5280, 5652, 6480, 6481, 6482, 6486, 6487, 6488, 6489, 7935, 8174) (Ref'ed By 9323, 9632, 9691, 9697)
- 9285
- The Base45 Data Encoding, F?ltstr?m P., Ljunggren F., vanGulik D.W., 2022/08/09 (8pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 4648, 8174) (Ref'ed By 9741)
- 9284
- Multihoming Deployment Considerations for DDoS Open Threat Signaling (DOTS), Boucadair M., Pan W., Reddy.K T., 2022/08/30 (14pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3582, 4116, 4218, 4732, 6724, 7556, 8043, 8174, 8612, 8783, 8803, 8811, 8903, 8973, 9132)
- 9283
- IAB Charter Update for RFC Editor Model, Carpenter B., 2022/06/30 (3pp) ( URL ref ) (BCP-39) (Updates 2850) (See Also 9280) (Refs 2850)
- 9282
- Responsibility Change for the RFC Series, Rosen B., 2022/06/30 (3pp) ( URL ref ) (BCP-9) (Updates 2026) (Refs 9280) (Ref'ed By 9680, 9725)
- 9281
- Entities Involved in the IETF Standards Process, Salz R., 2022/06/30 (12pp) ( URL ref ) (BCP-11) (Obsoletes 2028) (Refs 2014, 2028, 2418, 2850, 2860, 3710, 3934, 4440, 5378, 5657, 6410, 7100, 7127, 7418, 7475, 7776, 7827, 8126, 8179, 8712, 8713, 8714, 8715, 8716, 8719, 8721, 8788, 8789, 9280)
- 9280
- RFC Editor Model (Version 3), Saint-Andre P., 2022/06/30 (27pp) ( URL ref ) (Updated by 9720) (Obsoletes 8728) (Updates 7841, 8729, 8730) (See Also 9283) (Refs 3, 7, 9, 2418, 2850, 5378, 5620, 5657, 6410, 6635, 7100, 7127, 7154, 7322, 7475, 7776, 7841, 7991, 8179, 8700, 8711, 8716, 8728, 8729, 8730, 8789, 8874) (Ref'ed By 9281, 9282, 9720)
- 9279
- Internet Group Management Protocol Version 3 (IGMPv3) and Multicast Listener Discovery Version 2 (MLDv2) Message Extension, Asaeda H., Sivakumar M., Venaas S., Zhang Z., 2022/08/02 (12pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3376, 3692, 3810, 5790, 8126, 8174)
- 9278
- JWK Thumbprint URI, Jones M., Yasuda K., 2022/08/09 (6pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 6755, 7517, 7519, 7638, 7748, 8174) (Ref'ed By 9679)
- 9277
- On Stable Storage for Items in Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR), Bormann C., Richardson M., 2020/08/30 (18pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 20, 2781, 6838, 7252, 8017, 8126, 8152, 8428, 8610, 8742, 8949, 9110, 9177) (Ref'ed By 9594, 9682)
- 9276
- Guidance for NSEC3 Parameter Settings, Dukhovni V., Hardaker W., 2022/08/11 (10pp) ( URL ref ) (BCP-236) (Updates 5155) (Refs 4035, 4470, 5155, 8126, 8174, 8624, 8914) (Ref'ed By 9364, 9526, 9563)
- 9275
- An Extension for Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO): Path Vector, Gao K., Lee Y., Randriamasy S., Yang Y., Zhang J., 2022/09/23 (54pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 2046, 2216, 2387, 4271, 5322, 7285, 8174, 8189, 8895, 8896, 9113, 9114, 9240, 9274) (Ref'ed By 9473)
- 9274
- A Cost Mode Registry for the Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO) Protocol, Boucadair M., Wu Q., 2022/07/26 (7pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 7285) (Refs 7285, 8126, 8174) (Ref'ed By 9275)
- 9273
- Network Coding for Content-Centric Networking / Named Data Networking: Considerations and Challenges, Asaeda H., Matsuzono K., Westphal C., 2022/08/17 (20pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 6363, 7927, 7945, 8406, 8569, 8609, 8793, 9265)
- 9272
- Underlay Path Calculation Algorithm and Constraints for Bit Index Explicit Replication (BIER), Bidgoli H., Dolganow A., Gulko A., Przygienda T., Wijnands I.J., Zhang Z., 2022/09/09 (6pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 8401, 8444) (Refs 8174, 8279, 8401, 8444, 8665)
- 9271
- Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) Management Protocol -- Commands and Responses, Price R., 2022/08/09 (52pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 20, 3552, 5234, 5280, 7030, 7405, 7991, 8174, 8446, 8894)
- 9270
- GMPLS Signaling Extensions for Shared Mesh Protection, Busi I., He J., Park P., Ryoo J., Yoon B., 2022/08/11 (13pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 4872, 4873) (Refs 3209, 3473, 4426, 4872, 4873, 6372, 7412, 8174, 8776)
- 9269
- Experimental Scenarios of Information-Centric Networking (ICN) Integration in 4G Mobile Networks, Jangam A., Ravindran R., Stolic M., Suthar P., Trossen D., 2022/08/23 (33pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 4594, 6459, 7476, 7927, 7945, 8569, 8609, 9064, 9139)
- 9268
- IPv6 Minimum Path MTU Hop-by-Hop Option, Fairhurst G., Hinden B., 2022/08/29 (20pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 1063, 1191, 2460, 4301, 4302, 4443, 4821, 4861, 6438, 7637, 8085, 8174, 8200, 8201, 8446, 8899, 8900, 9000, 9099) (Ref'ed By 9673)
- 9267
- Common Implementation Anti-Patterns Related to Domain Name System (DNS) Resource Record (RR) Processing, Amri A., D. dos Santos, Dashevskyi S., Wetzels J., 2022/07/28 (16pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 1035, 5625, 6895, 7858, 8484)
- 9266
- Channel Bindings for TLS 1.3, Whited S., 2022/07/26 (7pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 5801, 5802, 5929, 7677) (Refs 5056, 5246, 5705, 5801, 5802, 5929, 7627, 7677, 8174, 8446) (Ref'ed By 9289)
- 9265
- Forward Erasure Correction (FEC) Coding and Congestion Control in Transport, Kuhn N., Lochin E., Michel F., Welzl M., 2022/07/26 (21pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3168, 3758, 4340, 5109, 5681, 6297, 6356, 8095, 8406, 8680, 8681, 8699, 9221) (Ref'ed By 9273, 9407, 9426)
- 9264
- Linkset: Media Types and a Link Relation Type for Link Sets, VandeSompel H., Wilde E., 2022/07/26 (31pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3986, 5234, 5646, 5988, 6690, 6838, 6906, 7284, 8174, 8187, 8259, 8288, 9110)
- 9263
- Network Service Header (NSH) Metadata Type 2 Variable-Length Context Headers, Eastlake D., Elzur U., Majee S., Pignataro C., Wei Y., 2022/08/09 (15pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 2890, 3032, 3931, 4364, 6790, 7665, 8174, 8200, 8300, 8926, 8979, 9145) (Ref'ed By 9451, 9516)
- 9262
- Tree Engineering for Bit Index Explicit Replication (BIER-TE), Cauchie G., Eckert T., Menth M., 2022/10/14 (43pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 4253, 4456, 4655, 5440, 6241, 6242, 7589, 7752, 7950, 7988, 8040, 8174, 8253, 8279, 8296, 8345, 8401, 8402, 8444, 8556) (Ref'ed By 9522, 9689)
- 9261
- Exported Authenticators in TLS, Sullivan N., 2022/07/13 (14pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 2104, 5246, 5705, 6066, 6347, 6960, 6962, 7250, 7627, 8174, 8446, 8447, 9001, 9113, 9147, 9162)
- 9260
- Stream Control Transmission Protocol, Nielsen K., Stewart R., T?xen M., 2022/06/04 (133pp) ( URL ref ) (Obsoletes 4460, 4960, 6096, 7053, 8540) (Refs 768, 793, 1122, 1123, 1191, 1858, 1982, 2104, 2196, 2522, 2960, 3465, 3873, 4086, 4291, 4301, 4303, 4460, 4895, 4960, 5681, 6083, 6096, 6335, 6458, 6951, 7053, 7296, 8126, 8174, 8200, 8201, 8260, 8261, 8540, 8899) (Ref'ed By 9244, 9317, 9406, 9438, 9530, 9653, 9693, 9710, 9739, 9743)
- 9259
- Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM) in Segment Routing over IPv6 (SRv6), Ali Z., Chen M., Filsfils C., Matsushima S., Voyer D., 2022/06/23 (19pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 792, 2328, 4443, 4884, 5476, 5837, 5880, 7011, 7012, 7799, 7880, 8174, 8402, 8403, 8571, 8754, 8986, 9197) (Ref'ed By 9352, 9513, 9524)
- 9258
- Importing External Pre-Shared Keys (PSKs) for TLS 1.3, Benjamin D., C. A. Wood, 2022/07/25 (11pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 5056, 5246, 5869, 7301, 8126, 8174, 8446, 8447, 9000, 9147) (Ref'ed By 9257, 9645)
- 9257
- Guidance for External Pre-Shared Key (PSK) Usage in TLS, C. A. Wood, Housley R., Hoyland J., Sethi M., 2022/07/25 (13pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 2865, 3748, 4122, 4279, 6066, 6614, 7925, 8174, 8446, 8773, 9147, 9258) (Ref'ed By 9645)
- 9256
- Segment Routing Policy Architecture, Bogdanov A., Filsfils C., Mattes P., Talaulikar K., Voyer D., 2022/07/24 (35pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 8402) (Refs 20, 1195, 2328, 3630, 4760, 5305, 5307, 5329, 5340, 5462, 6830, 7471, 7752, 8126, 8174, 8231, 8402, 8476, 8491, 8570, 8660, 8664, 8754, 8814, 8986, 9012, 9086) (Ref'ed By 9351, 9433, 9479, 9487, 9492, 9503, 9522, 9524, 9603, 9604, 9655, 9689, 9703, 9716, 9731, 9732)
- 9255
- The 'I' in RPKI Does Not Stand for Identity, Bush R., Housley R., 2022/06/08 (7pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3912, 5280, 6480, 6493, 7382, 8174, 8635) (Ref'ed By 9323)
- 9254
- Encoding of Data Modeled with YANG in the Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR), Bormann C., Pelov A., Petrov I., Richardson M., Veillette M., 2022/07/18 (45pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 5234, 6241, 6991, 7228, 7252, 7317, 7950, 7951, 8040, 8174, 8259, 8343, 8344, 8610, 8791, 8949) (Ref'ed By 9595, 9675)
- 9253
- Support for iCalendar Relationships, Douglass M., 2022/08/18 (19pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 5545) (Refs 3986, 4791, 4918, 5234, 5545, 7986, 8174, 8288, 8607)
- 9252
- BGP Overlay Services Based on Segment Routing over IPv6 (SRv6), Dawra G., Decraene B., Rabadan J., Raszuk R., Talaulikar K., Zhuang S., 2022/07/18 (29pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 2545, 2827, 3704, 4271, 4272, 4364, 4456, 4659, 4760, 5925, 6513, 6514, 6952, 7432, 7606, 8126, 8174, 8200, 8214, 8277, 8317, 8365, 8402, 8669, 8754, 8950, 8986, 9012, 9136, 9251) (Ref'ed By 9746)
- 9251
- Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) and Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) Proxies for Ethernet VPN (EVPN), Drake J., Lin W., Mishra M., Patel K., Sajassi A., Thoria S., 2022/06/22 (30pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 2236, 2710, 3376, 3810, 4364, 4541, 4684, 6513, 6514, 6625, 7432, 7606, 8126, 8174) (Ref'ed By 9252, 9469, 9572, 9624, 9625)
- 9250
- DNS over Dedicated QUIC Connections, Dickinson S., Huitema C., Mankin A., 2022/05/11 (27pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 1034, 1035, 1995, 1996, 3833, 5936, 6335, 6891, 7301, 7525, 7766, 7828, 7830, 7858, 7873, 8094, 8126, 8174, 8310, 8446, 8467, 8484, 8490, 8914, 8932, 8996, 9000, 9001, 9002, 9076, 9103) (Ref'ed By 9312, 9369, 9445, 9461, 9462, 9463, 9464, 9520, 9526, 9539, 9606, 9704)
- 9249
- A YANG Data Model for NTP, A. Kumar S N, Dhody D., Sinha A., Wu N., Zhao Y., 2022/07/05 (56pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 1305, 1321, 3174, 3688, 4493, 5905, 5907, 6020, 6241, 6242, 6991, 7317, 7950, 8040, 8174, 8294, 8340, 8341, 8342, 8343, 8446, 8519, 8573, 8792)
- 9248
- Interoperability Profile for Relay User Equipment, Rosen B., 2022/06/09 (36pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 2392, 3261, 3263, 3264, 3311, 3323, 3326, 3327, 3458, 3515, 3605, 3665, 3840, 3842, 3891, 3892, 3960, 3966, 4102, 4103, 4488, 4585, 4733, 4967, 5104, 5168, 5393, 5626, 5658, 6263, 6351, 6352, 6442, 6665, 6764, 6881, 7525, 7742, 7852, 7874, 8126, 8174, 8445, 8446, 8599, 8760, 8825, 8827, 8829, 8834, 8835, 8839, 8865, 8866, 9071, 9110, 9112)
- 9247
- BGP - Link State (BGP-LS) Extensions for Seamless Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (S-BFD), Aldrin S., Li Z., Mirsky G., Talaulikar K., Tantsura J., Zhuang S., 2022/06/23 (6pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 5880, 7752, 7880, 7883, 7884, 8174)
- 9246
- URI Signing for Content Delivery Network Interconnection (CDNI), Leung K., Sorber P., vanBrandenburg R., 2022/06/14 (37pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 791, 3986, 5905, 5952, 6265, 6570, 6707, 6920, 6983, 7230, 7336, 7337, 7516, 7517, 7519, 7937, 7975, 8006, 8008, 8126, 8174, 8216, 8259, 8725)
- 9245
- IETF Discussion List Charter, Eggert L., Harris S., 2022/06/21 (7pp) ( URL ref ) (BCP-45) (Obsoletes 3005) (Updates 3683) (Refs 3005, 3160, 3184, 3552, 3683, 7154, 7776)
- 9244
- Distributed Denial-of-Service Open Threat Signaling (DOTS) Telemetry, Boucadair M., Chen M., Doron E., Reddy.K T., Shallow J., 2022/06/20 (108pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 2330, 3688, 4732, 5612, 5646, 6020, 6991, 7252, 7641, 7950, 7959, 7970, 8040, 8174, 8340, 8345, 8525, 8612, 8783, 8791, 8811, 8903, 8949, 9132, 9133, 9177, 9260) (Ref'ed By 9362, 9387)
- 9243
- A YANG Data Model for DHCPv6 Configuration, Farrer I., 2022/06/21 (92pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 2277, 3118, 3319, 3688, 6020, 6241, 6242, 6355, 6991, 7707, 7824, 7844, 7950, 8040, 8174, 8340, 8341, 8342, 8343, 8415, 8446, 8987)
- 9242
- Intermediate Exchange in the Internet Key Exchange Protocol Version 2 (IKEv2), Smyslov V., 2022/05/27 (14pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 5282, 5723, 6928, 7296, 7383, 8019, 8174, 8229) (Ref'ed By 9370, 9593)
- 9241
- Content Delivery Network Interconnection (CDNI) Footprint and Capabilities Advertisement Using Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO), Ma K., Peterson J., Seedorf J., Yang Y., Zhang J., 2022/07/14 (42pp) ( URL ref ) (See Also 9240) (Refs 5693, 6707, 6793, 7285, 7493, 7616, 7971, 7975, 8006, 8008, 8174, 8259, 8446, 8895) (Ref'ed By 9388)
- 9240
- An Extension for Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO): Entity Property Maps, Gao K., Randriamasy S., Roome W., Yang Y., Zhang J., 2022/07/14 (53pp) ( URL ref ) (See Also 9241) (Refs 3849, 3986, 4291, 4632, 5511, 5737, 5952, 7285, 7921, 8126, 8174, 8259, 8446, 8895, 8896) (Ref'ed By 9275, 9388)
- 9239
- Updates to ECMAScript Media Types, Borins M., Bynens M., Farias B., Miller M., 2022/05/06 (13pp) ( URL ref ) (Obsoletes 4329) (Refs 2045, 2397, 2978, 3236, 3552, 3629, 3875, 3986, 3987, 4288, 4329, 6365, 6648, 6838, 8174)
- 9238
- Loading Manufacturer Usage Description (MUD) URLs from QR Codes, H. Habibi Gharakheili, Latour J., Richardson M., 2022/05/12 (12pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3986, 8174, 8259, 8520, 8995)
- 9237
- An Authorization Information Format (AIF) for Authentication and Authorization for Constrained Environments (ACE), Bormann C., 2022/08/31 (14pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3986, 4949, 6570, 6838, 7228, 7252, 7493, 8126, 8132, 8174, 8259, 8576, 8610, 8881, 8949, 9110, 9165, 9200) (Ref'ed By 9431, 9594)
- 9236
- Architectural Considerations of Information-Centric Networking (ICN) Using a Name Resolution Service, Hong J., Kafle V., You T., 2022/04/21 (11pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 7927, 8569, 8609, 9138)
- 9235
- TCP Authentication Option (TCP-AO) Test Vectors, Kuusisaari J., Touch J., 2022/05/12 (25pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 791, 793, 2018, 2202, 4493, 5925, 5926, 6978, 7323, 8174, 8200) (Ref'ed By 9648)
- 9234
- Route Leak Prevention and Detection Using Roles in UPDATE and OPEN Messages, Azimov A., Bogomazov E., Bush R., Patel K., Sriram K., 2022/05/06 (12pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 4271, 4272, 5065, 5492, 7606, 7705, 7908, 7938, 8126, 8174, 8205)
- 9233
- Internationalized Domain Names for Applications 2008 (IDNA2008) and Unicode 12.0.0, F?ltstr?m P., 2022/03/31 (26pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3454, 3490, 3491, 5890, 5891, 5892, 5893, 5894, 5895, 6452, 6912, 8753)
- 9232
- Network Telemetry Framework, Ciavaglia L., Martinez-Julia P., Qin F., Song H., Wang A., 2022/05/27 (33pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 1157, 2578, 2981, 3176, 3411, 3416, 3877, 3954, 4656, 5085, 5357, 5424, 6020, 6241, 6812, 7011, 7258, 7276, 7540, 7575, 7799, 7854, 7950, 8040, 8084, 8085, 8259, 8321, 8639, 8641, 8671, 8762, 8889, 8924, 9197) (Ref'ed By 9732)
- 9231
- Additional XML Security Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs), Eastlake D., 2022/07/05 (47pp) ( URL ref ) (Obsoletes 6931) (Refs 1321, 2104, 2315, 3075, 3076, 3092, 3275, 3394, 3713, 3741, 3986, 4010, 4050, 4055, 4269, 4648, 5869, 6090, 6151, 6194, 6234, 6931, 7465, 7696, 7748, 8017, 8032, 8126, 8174, 8391, 8439) (Ref'ed By 9321)
- 9230
- Oblivious DNS over HTTPS, Kinnear E., McManus P., Pauly T., Verma T., Wood C.A., 2022/06/08 (19pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 4086, 6570, 7239, 7871, 8174, 8446, 8467, 8484, 9110, 9209) (Ref'ed By 9399, 9458, 9518, 9614)
- 9229
- IPv4 Routes with an IPv6 Next Hop in the Babel Routing Protocol, Chroboczek J., 2022/05/06 (9pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 792, 826, 1191, 4821, 4861, 5549, 7404, 7600, 8174, 8966)
- 9228
- Delivered-To Email Header Field, Crocker D., 2022/04/13 (10pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3864, 5234, 5321, 5322, 5598, 8174)
- 9227
- Using GOST Ciphers in the Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) and Internet Key Exchange Version 2 (IKEv2) Protocols, Smyslov V., 2022/03/31 (22pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 2104, 4106, 4303, 4543, 5282, 6986, 7296, 7383, 7801, 7836, 8174, 8645, 8891, 9058) (Ref'ed By 9385)
- 9226
- Bioctal: Hexadecimal 2.0, Breen M., 2022/04/01 (7pp) ( URL ref )
- 9225
- Software Defects Considered Harmful, Morrow C., Snijders J., VanMook R., 2022/04/01 (6pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 1149, 8174)
- 9224
- Finding the Authoritative Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP) Service, Blanchet M., 2022/03/31 (15pp) ( URL ref ) (STD-95) (Obsoletes 7484) (Refs 3339, 4632, 5396, 5890, 5952, 7071, 7234, 7258, 7480, 7481, 7484, 8174, 8259, 8446, 8521, 9082, 9083) (Ref'ed By 9374, 9434, 9446)
- 9223
- Real-Time Transport Object Delivery over Unidirectional Transport (ROUTE), Chaponniere L., Luby M., Mandyam G., Stockhammer T., Zia W., 2022/04/27 (35pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 1952, 2557, 3740, 3986, 5052, 5445, 5651, 5775, 6330, 6363, 6726, 6968, 7231, 8174, 8551, 8932, 9000, 9147)
- 9222
- Guidelines for Autonomic Service Agents, B. E. Carpenter, Ciavaglia L., Jiang S., Peloso P., 2022/03/31 (23pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 6241, 6973, 7575, 7665, 8368, 8949, 8990, 8991, 8992, 8993, 8994, 8995)
- 9221
- An Unreliable Datagram Extension to QUIC, Kinnear E., Pauly T., Schinazi D., 2022/03/31 (9pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 768, 6347, 8174, 9000, 9001, 9002) (Ref'ed By 9265, 9297, 9298, 9308, 9317, 9484)
- 9220
- Bootstrapping WebSockets with HTTP/3, Hamilton R., 2022/06/08 (4pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 6455, 7807, 8174, 8441, 9110, 9113, 9114) (Ref'ed By 9297, 9298, 9484)
- 9219
- S/MIME Signature Verification Extension to the JSON Meta Application Protocol (JMAP), Melnikov A., 2022/04/05 (10pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 1847, 5280, 8174, 8550, 8551, 8620, 8621)
- 9218
- Extensible Prioritization Scheme for HTTP, Oku K., Pardue L., 2022/06/06 (21pp) ( URL ref ) (See Also 9113) (Refs 7239, 7540, 8081, 8126, 8174, 8941, 9000, 9002, 9110, 9111, 9114) (Ref'ed By 9205, 9297, 9308, 9622)
- 9216
- S/MIME Example Keys and Certificates, D. K. Gillmor, 2022/04/21 (32pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 4134, 5280, 5322, 5958, 7292, 7468, 7469, 8032, 8410, 8418, 8479, 8551) (Ref'ed By 9399)
- 9214
- OSPFv3 Code Point for MPLS LSP Ping, Aissaoui M., Nainar N., Pignataro C., 2022/04/13 (6pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 8287) (Refs 5340, 5838, 8029, 8174, 8287, 8402)
- 9213
- Targeted HTTP Cache Control, Ludin S., Nottingham M., Wu Y., 2022/06/08 (8pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 8174, 8941, 9110, 9111)
- 9211
- The Cache-Status HTTP Response Header Field, Nottingham M., 2022/06/08 (9pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 8126, 8174, 8941, 9110, 9111)
- 9210
- DNS Transport over TCP - Operational Requirements, Kristoff J., Wessels D., 2022/03/22 (29pp) ( URL ref ) (BCP-235) (Updates 1123, 1536) (Refs 768, 793, 883, 1034, 1035, 1123, 1536, 1995, 1996, 2136, 2181, 2541, 2671, 2694, 3022, 3225, 3226, 4472, 4953, 4987, 5358, 5452, 5507, 5625, 5927, 5936, 5961, 5966, 6298, 6762, 6781, 6891, 6950, 7413, 7477, 7534, 7720, 7766, 7828, 7858, 7873, 7901, 7918, 8027, 8094, 8162, 8174, 8200, 8324, 8446, 8467, 8482, 8483, 8484, 8490, 8501, 8806, 8906, 8932, 8945)
- 9209
- The Proxy-Status HTTP Response Header Field, Nottingham M., Sikora P., 2022/06/08 (22pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 7301, 8126, 8174, 8446, 8499, 8586, 8914, 8941, 9110) (Ref'ed By 9230, 9298, 9484, 9532)
- 9208
- IMAP QUOTA Extension, Melnikov A., 2022/03/31 (19pp) ( URL ref ) (Obsoletes 2087) (Refs 822, 2033, 2087, 3501, 4314, 5234, 5257, 8126, 8174, 9051)
- 9205
- Building Protocols with HTTP, Nottingham M., 2022/06/08 (27pp) ( URL ref ) (BCP-56) (Obsoletes 3205) (Refs 3205, 3986, 4791, 4918, 5861, 6265, 6415, 6454, 6570, 6648, 6797, 6838, 7258, 7301, 7595, 7605, 7616, 7617, 7807, 8174, 8259, 8288, 8297, 8446, 8470, 8615, 8820, 8941, 8949, 9110, 9111, 9112, 9113, 9114, 9218) (Ref'ed By 9569, 9725)
- 9204
- QPACK: Field Compression for HTTP/3, Bishop M., Frindell A., Krasic C., 2022/06/06 (41pp) ( URL ref ) (See Also 9114) (Refs 1951, 2360, 6454, 7541, 8174, 8446, 9000, 9110, 9113) (Ref'ed By 9292, 9411, 9440)
- 9203
- The Object Security for Constrained RESTful Environments (OSCORE) Profile of the Authentication and Authorization for Constrained Environments (ACE) Framework, Gunnarsson M., Palombini F., Seitz L., Selander G., 2022/08/31 (28pp) ( URL ref ) (See Also 9200) (Refs 4648, 4949, 5869, 6749, 7252, 7800, 8126, 8174, 8392, 8446, 8610, 8613, 8747, 8949, 9052, 9053, 9110, 9147, 9201) (Ref'ed By 9430, 9594)
- 9202
- Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) Profile for Authentication and Authorization for Constrained Environments (ACE), Bergmann O., Bormann C., Gerdes S., Seitz L., Selander G., 2022/08/31 (23pp) ( URL ref ) (Updated by 9430) (See Also 9200) (Refs 4279, 5869, 6347, 6655, 6749, 7250, 7251, 7252, 7662, 7748, 7925, 8032, 8152, 8174, 8392, 8422, 8446, 8610, 8747, 8949, 9147, 9201) (Ref'ed By 9430, 9431, 9594)
- 9201
- Additional OAuth Parameters for Authentication and Authorization for Constrained Environments (ACE), Seitz L., 2022/08/31 (11pp) ( URL ref ) (See Also 9200) (Refs 6749, 7252, 7800, 8152, 8174, 8259, 8705, 8747, 8949) (Ref'ed By 9202, 9203, 9431)
- 9200
- Authentication and Authorization for Constrained Environments Using the OAuth 2.0 Framework (ACE-OAuth), Erdtman S., Seitz L., Selander G., Tschofenig H., Wahlstroem E., 2022/08/31 (72pp) ( URL ref ) (See Also 9201, 9202, 9203) (Refs 3986, 4648, 4949, 6347, 6690, 6749, 6750, 6819, 6838, 6920, 7009, 7228, 7252, 7519, 7521, 7591, 7641, 7662, 7744, 7959, 8126, 8152, 8174, 8252, 8259, 8392, 8414, 8446, 8516, 8610, 8613, 8628, 8693, 8747, 8949, 9000, 9110, 9113, 9147) (Ref'ed By 9237, 9430, 9431, 9594)
- 9198
- Advanced Unidirectional Route Assessment (AURA), Alvarez-Hamelin J., Fabini J., Geib R., Morton A., Pignataro C., 2022/05/23 (23pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 2330) (Refs 792, 1122, 1812, 2330, 2681, 2991, 4656, 5357, 5388, 5835, 5837, 6437, 6438, 6673, 7312, 7325, 7594, 7799, 8029, 8174, 8403, 8468, 9197) (Ref'ed By 9342)
- 9197
- Data Fields for In Situ Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (IOAM), Bhandari S., Brockners F., Mizrahi T., 2022/05/23 (40pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 5905, 7276, 7384, 7665, 7799, 7820, 7821, 8126, 8174, 8300, 8799, 8877, 8926) (Ref'ed By 9198, 9232, 9259, 9322, 9326, 9359, 9375, 9378, 9452, 9486, 9545, 9551, 9617, 9630, 9638)
- 9194
- A YANG Module for IS-IS Reverse Metric, Hopps C., 2022/10/19 (13pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3688, 6020, 6241, 6242, 7951, 8040, 8340, 8341, 8342, 8349, 8446, 8500, 9130)
- 9193
- Sensor Measurement Lists (SenML) Fields for Indicating Data Value Content-Format, Bormann C., Ker?nen A., 2022/06/07 (10pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 1590, 2045, 4180, 4648, 5234, 6690, 6838, 7252, 8174, 8428, 8866, 8949, 9110)
- 9185
- DTLS Tunnel between a Media Distributor and Key Distributor to Facilitate Key Exchange, Ellenbogen P., Jones P., Ohlmeier N., 2022/04/25 (18pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3264, 3550, 3711, 4122, 5764, 8122, 8126, 8174, 8446, 8723, 8842, 8844, 8866, 8871, 9147)
- 9178
- Building Power-Efficient Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) Devices for Cellular Networks, Arkko J., Eriksson A., Ker?nen A., 2022/05/27 (14pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 4838, 6092, 6690, 7228, 7252, 7641, 8259, 8387, 8428, 8949, 9176)
- 9177
- Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) Block-Wise Transfer Options Supporting Robust Transmission, Boucadair M., Shallow J., 2022/03/22 (41pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 6838, 6928, 7252, 7641, 7959, 7967, 8075, 8132, 8174, 8323, 8610, 8613, 8742, 8949, 8974, 9132) (Ref'ed By 9244, 9277, 9362)
- 9176
- Constrained RESTful Environments (CoRE) Resource Directory, Ams?ss C., Bormann C., Koster M., P. van der Stok, Shelby Z., 2022/04/25 (60pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3306, 3307, 3849, 3986, 4122, 4944, 5771, 6570, 6690, 6724, 6763, 6775, 6874, 7228, 7230, 7252, 7641, 8106, 8126, 8132, 8141, 8174, 8288, 8613) (Ref'ed By 9178, 9423, 9528, 9668)
- 9170
- Long-Term Viability of Protocol Extension Mechanisms, Pauly T., Thomson M., 2021/12/30 (17pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 791, 793, 1112, 1157, 2113, 2464, 2711, 3261, 3597, 5218, 5246, 5321, 5704, 6066, 6709, 6733, 6891, 7208, 7301, 7413, 7489, 7696, 7838, 8170, 8446, 8460, 8558, 8684, 8701, 8941, 8999, 9000) (Ref'ed By 9287, 9293, 9413, 9607)
- 9169
- New ASN.1 Modules for the Evidence Record Syntax (ERS), Housley R., Wallace C., 2021/12/30 (11pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 4998, 5055, 5276, 5911, 5912, 6268)
- 9167
- Registry Maintenance Notification for the Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP), Carney R., Kolker J., Sattler T., 2021/12/24 (22pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3339, 3688, 3986, 5646, 5730, 5891, 7451, 8174, 9038)
- 9165
- Additional Control Operators for the Concise Data Definition Language (CDDL), Bormann C., 2021/12/24 (11pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3339, 5234, 7405, 8174, 8428, 8610, 8943, 8949) (Ref'ed By 9237, 9290, 9682, 9741)
- 9164
- Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR) Tags for IPv4 and IPv6 Addresses and Prefixes, Bormann C., Richardson M., 2021/12/13 (10pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 4001, 4007, 6991, 7042, 8126, 8174, 8610, 8949)
- 9163
- Expect-CT Extension for HTTP, Stark E., 2022/06/07 (18pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3339, 3986, 4648, 5234, 5280, 6797, 6839, 6962, 7468, 7469, 8174, 8259, 8446, 9110, 9111, 9162)
- 9162
- Certificate Transparency Version 2.0, Laurie B., Messeri E., Stradling R., 2021/12/09 (53pp) ( URL ref ) (Obsoletes 6962) (Refs 3553, 3986, 4648, 5246, 5280, 5652, 5912, 6066, 6234, 6268, 6960, 6962, 6979, 7231, 7633, 7807, 8032, 8126, 8174, 8259, 8391, 8446, 8820) (Ref'ed By 9163, 9261, 9325, 9399, 9509)
- 9160
- Export of MPLS Segment Routing Label Type Information in IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX), Graf T., 2021/12/16 (5pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 7012, 8277, 8660, 8661, 8664, 8665, 8666, 8667, 8669, 8670)
- 9159
- IPv6 Mesh over BLUETOOTH(R) Low Energy Using the Internet Protocol Support Profile (IPSP), Darroudi S.M., Gomez C., Savolainen T., Spoerk M., 2021/12/13 (14pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 4291, 4861, 4903, 6282, 6775, 7416, 7668, 8174, 8505, 8928) (Ref'ed By 9453)
- 9158 I
- Update to the Object Identifier Registry for the PKIX Working Group, Housley R., 2021/11/30 (4pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 7299) (Refs 4210, 4212, 5272, 5273, 5274, 6402, 7299, 8126)
- 9157 PS
- Revised IANA Considerations for DNSSEC, Hoffman P., 2021/11/30 (5pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 5155, 6014, 8624) (Refs 3658, 4033, 4034, 4035, 5155, 6014, 8126, 8174, 8624) (Ref'ed By 9364, 9718)
- 9156 PS
- DNS Query Name Minimisation to Improve Privacy, Bortzmeyer S., Dolmans R., Hoffman P., 2021/11/18 (11pp) ( URL ref ) (Obsoletes 7816) (Refs 1034, 1035, 2181, 6672, 6895, 6973, 7816, 8020, 8174, 8198, 8499, 9076) (Ref'ed By 9476, 9539, 9567, 9606, 9615)
- 9155
- Deprecating MD5 and SHA-1 Signature Hashes in TLS 1.2 and DTLS 1.2, Ghedini A., Moriarty K., Velvindron L., 2021/12/20 (5pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 5246) (Refs 5246, 6151, 8174, 8446, 8447) (Ref'ed By 9325)
- 9154
- Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP) Secure Authorization Information for Transfer, Gould J., Wilhelm R., 2021/12/30 (22pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3688, 4086, 5730, 5731, 5733, 5734, 7451, 8174, 8499)
- 9152
- Secure Object Delivery Protocol (SODP) Server Interfaces: NSA's Profile for Delivery of Certificates, Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs), and Symmetric Keys to Clients, Jenkins M., Turner S., 2022/04/26 (18pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 2046, 2985, 2986, 3739, 4108, 5273, 5274, 5280, 5652, 5911, 5912, 5913, 5915, 5916, 5917, 5958, 5959, 6010, 6031, 6032, 6033, 6160, 6161, 6162, 6268, 6402, 7030, 7191, 7192, 7292, 7906, 8174, 8295, 8603, 8755, 8756, 9151)
- 9151
- Commercial National Security Algorithm (CNSA) Suite Profile for TLS and DTLS 1.2 and 1.3, Cooley D., 2022/04/25 (14pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 5246, 5288, 5289, 6347, 7627, 7919, 8017, 8174, 8422, 8446, 8603, 9147) (Ref'ed By 9152)
- 9150
- TLS 1.3 Authentication and Integrity-Only Cipher Suites, Cam-Winget N., Visoky J., 2022/04/21 (10pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 2104, 4868, 5246, 6234, 8174, 8446, 9147) (Ref'ed By 9456)
- 9149
- TLS Ticket Requests, Pauly T., Schinazi D., Wood C.A., 2022/04/25 (8pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 8174, 8305, 8446, 8447, 9147)
- 9148
- EST-coaps: Enrollment over Secure Transport with the Secure Constrained Application Protocol, Kampanakis P., P. van der Stok, Raza S., Richardson M., 2022/04/25 (41pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 2585, 4919, 5246, 5272, 5929, 5958, 5967, 6347, 6402, 6690, 7030, 7228, 7230, 7251, 7252, 7299, 7525, 7627, 7748, 7925, 7959, 8075, 8174, 8422, 8446, 8551, 8710, 9147) (Ref'ed By 9733)
- 9147
- The Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) Protocol Version 1.3, Modadugu N., Rescorla E., Tschofenig H., 2022/04/21 (61pp) ( URL ref ) (Obsoletes 6347) (Refs 768, 793, 1191, 2522, 4303, 4340, 4346, 4347, 4443, 4821, 4960, 5238, 5246, 5763, 5764, 6066, 6298, 6347, 7296, 7525, 7924, 7983, 8174, 8201, 8439, 8445, 8446, 8879, 8996, 9000, 9002) (Ref'ed By 9053, 9148, 9149, 9150, 9151, 9185, 9200, 9202, 9203, 9223, 9257, 9258, 9261, 9289, 9301, 9303, 9325, 9331, 9345, 9360, 9372, 9429, 9430, 9443, 9456, 9482, 9525, 9528, 9638, 9647, 9662, 9725)
- 9145
- Integrity Protection for the Network Service Header (NSH) and Encryption of Sensitive Context Headers, Boucadair M., Reddy.K T., Wing D., 2021/12/13 (25pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 2104, 4046, 4107, 4868, 5116, 5905, 6973, 7258, 7498, 7635, 7665, 8165, 8174, 8300, 8459, 8633, 8877, 8915) (Ref'ed By 9263, 9451, 9516)
- 9144
- Comparison of Network Management Datastore Architecture (NMDA) Datastores, Bierman A., Clemm A., Qu Y., Tantsura J., 2021/12/10 (16pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3688, 6020, 6241, 6242, 6991, 7950, 7951, 8040, 8072, 8174, 8340, 8341, 8342, 8343, 8446)
- 9141 PS
- Updating References to the IETF FTP Service, Danyliw R., 2021/11/18 (18pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 2077, 2418, 2648, 2954, 2955, 3020, 3083, 3201, 3202, 3295, 3684, 3962, 3970, 4036, 4131, 4251, 4323, 4546, 4547, 4639, 4682, 5098, 5428, 6756, 7241) (Refs 2077, 2418, 2648, 2954, 2955, 3020, 3083, 3201, 3202, 3295, 3684, 3962, 3970, 4036, 4131, 4251, 4323, 4546, 4547, 4639, 4682, 5098, 5428, 6756, 7241, 8174)
- 9140
- Nimble Out-of-Band Authentication for EAP (EAP-NOOB), Aura T., Peltonen A., Sethi M., 2021/12/30 (51pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 2104, 2904, 3748, 3986, 4137, 4648, 5056, 5216, 5247, 6234, 6677, 7517, 7518, 7542, 7748, 8037, 8126, 8174, 8259) (Ref'ed By 9354)
- 9139
- Information-Centric Networking (ICN) Adaptation to Low-Power Wireless Personal Area Networks (LoWPANs), G?ndo?an C., Marxer C., Scherb C., Schmidt T., Tschudin C., W?hlisch M., 2021/11/30 (42pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 4944, 5497, 6256, 6282, 6775, 7228, 7252, 7476, 7927, 7945, 8025, 8174, 8569, 8609, 8930, 8931) (Ref'ed By 9269, 9510)
- 9138 I
- Design Considerations for Name Resolution Service in Information-Centric Networking (ICN), Dong L., Hong J., Ohlman B., Westphal C., You T., 2021/11/30 (17pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 6920, 7927, 8569, 9064) (Ref'ed By 9236)
- 9137
- Considerations for Cancellation of IETF Meetings, Duke M., 2021/10/11 (7pp) ( URL ref ) (BCP-226) (Refs 8174, 8718, 8719)
- 9136 PS
- IP Prefix Advertisement in Ethernet VPN (EVPN), Drake J., Henderickx W., Lin W., Rabadan J., Sajassi A., 2021/10/13 (31pp) ( URL ref ) (See Also 9135) (Refs 4364, 5227, 5798, 7348, 7365, 7432, 7606, 8174, 8365, 8926, 9012) (Ref'ed By 9252, 9469, 9489, 9572, 9625)
- 9135 PS
- Integrated Routing and Bridging in Ethernet VPN (EVPN), Drake J., Rabadan J., Sajassi A., Salam S., Thoria S., 2021/10/13 (30pp) ( URL ref ) (See Also 9136) (Refs 4364, 4365, 5798, 7348, 7365, 7432, 7606, 7637, 8174, 8365, 9012) (Ref'ed By 9469, 9625)
- 9134 PS
- RTP Payload Format for ISO/IEC 21122 (JPEG XS), Bruylants T., Damman C., Descampe A., Richter T., 2021/10/28 (27pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3264, 3550, 3551, 3711, 4175, 4585, 4855, 5124, 6838, 7201, 7202, 8083, 8085, 8174, 8866, 8888)
- 9133 PS
- Controlling Filtering Rules Using Distributed Denial-of-Service Open Threat Signaling (DOTS) Signal Channel, Boucadair M., Nagata T., Nishizuka K., Reddy.K T., 2021/09/02 (26pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3688, 6020, 7950, 7951, 8174, 8340, 8612, 8783, 8791, 8811, 9132) (Ref'ed By 9244)
- 9132 PS
- Distributed Denial-of-Service Open Threat Signaling (DOTS) Signal Channel Specification, Boucadair M., Reddy.K T., Shallow J., 2021/09/02 (107pp) ( URL ref ) (Obsoletes 8782) (Refs 791, 1122, 3022, 3688, 3986, 4034, 4122, 4279, 4340, 4632, 4648, 4732, 4787, 4960, 4987, 5246, 5280, 5925, 6020, 6052, 6066, 6125, 6146, 6234, 6296, 6347, 6724, 6838, 6887, 6888, 6991, 7030, 7250, 7252, 7413, 7452, 7525, 7589, 7641, 7858, 7918, 7924, 7950, 7951, 7959, 8085, 8126, 8174, 8200, 8305, 8323, 8340, 8446, 8484, 8489, 8499, 8612, 8615, 8768, 8782, 8783, 8791, 8811, 8903, 8949, 8973) (Ref'ed By 9066, 9133, 9177, 9244, 9284, 9362, 9387)
- 9131 PS
- Gratuitous Neighbor Discovery: Creating Neighbor Cache Entries on First-Hop Routers, Linkova J., 2021/10/01 (20pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 4861) (Refs 3756, 4291, 4429, 4541, 4861, 4862, 6583, 6775, 8174, 8305, 8505, 8981) (Ref'ed By 9568, 9686)
- 9130
- YANG Data Model for the IS-IS Protocol, Lhotka L., Lindem A., Litkowski S., Yeung D., Zhang J., 2022/10/19 (103pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 1195, 3688, 4090, 5029, 5120, 5130, 5286, 5301, 5302, 5305, 5307, 5308, 5443, 5880, 5881, 6020, 6119, 6232, 6241, 6242, 6991, 7490, 7794, 7812, 7917, 7950, 7981, 8040, 8174, 8177, 8294, 8340, 8341, 8342, 8343, 8349, 8405, 8446, 8570, 8706, 8792, 9314) (Ref'ed By 9194, 9403)
- 9129
- YANG Data Model for the OSPF Protocol, Chen I., Lindem A., Qu Y., Yeung D., Zhang Z., 2022/10/19 (116pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 905, 1765, 1793, 2328, 3101, 3623, 3630, 3688, 4552, 4576, 4577, 4750, 4915, 4973, 5082, 5185, 5187, 5250, 5286, 5309, 5329, 5340, 5443, 5613, 5642, 5643, 5649, 5709, 5714, 5838, 5880, 5881, 6020, 6241, 6242, 6565, 6845, 6860, 6987, 6991, 7166, 7474, 7490, 7684, 7770, 7777, 7884, 7950, 8040, 8174, 8177, 8294, 8340, 8341, 8342, 8343, 8349, 8405, 8446, 8476, 9314) (Ref'ed By 9339, 9355, 9356, 9403, 9587)
- 9128
- YANG Data Model for Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM), Hu F., Liu X., Liu Y., McAllister P., Peter A., Sivakumar M., 2022/10/19 (92pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3376, 3569, 3618, 3688, 3810, 3973, 4607, 4610, 5015, 5059, 5060, 5880, 6020, 6241, 6242, 6388, 6991, 7761, 7950, 7951, 8040, 8294, 8340, 8341, 8342, 8343, 8349, 8407, 8446, 8706, 9314) (Ref'ed By 9398)
- 9127 PS
- YANG Data Model for Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD), Jethanandani M., Mirsky G., Pallagatti S., Rahman R., Zheng L., 2021/10/21 (64pp) ( URL ref ) (Updated by 9314) (Refs 3031, 3688, 5586, 5880, 5881, 5882, 5883, 5884, 5885, 6020, 6241, 6242, 6428, 6991, 7130, 8040, 8177, 8340, 8341, 8342, 8343, 8344, 8349, 8446, 8529, 8530, 8532, 8960) (Ref'ed By 9314)
- 9126 PS
- OAuth 2.0 Pushed Authorization Requests, Campbell B., Lodderstedt T., Sakimura N., Skokan F., Tonge D., 2021/09/15 (18pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 6749, 6755, 7517, 7519, 7523, 7591, 7636, 8174, 8252, 8259, 8414, 8705, 8707, 9101) (Ref'ed By 9396, 9449, 9700)
- 9125 PS
- Gateway Auto-Discovery and Route Advertisement for Site Interconnection Using Segment Routing, Drake J., Farrel A., Jalil L., Patel K., Rosen E., 2021/08/28 (12pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 4271, 4272, 4360, 4364, 4684, 4760, 5291, 5925, 6952, 7752, 7911, 7926, 8126, 8174, 8402, 9012, 9085, 9086)
- 9122
- IANA Registry for Sieve Actions, Melnikov A., Murchison K., 2023/06/27 (9pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3894, 5228, 5229, 5230, 5232, 5293, 5429, 5435, 5490, 5703, 6009, 6131, 6134, 6558, 6785, 8126, 8579, 8580, 9042) (Ref'ed By 9671)
- 9121
- Deprecating Infrastructure 'int' Domains, Baber A., Davies K., 2023/04/28 (6pp) ( URL ref ) (Obsoletes 1528) (Updates 1706) (Refs 1035, 1528, 1591, 1706, 3172, 4159)
- 9120 I
- Nameservers for the Address and Routing Parameter Area ('arpa') Domain, Arkko J., Davies K., 2021/10/29 (7pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 3172) (Refs 3172, 5855, 7720)
- 9119 I
- Multicast Considerations over IEEE 802 Wireless Media, JC. Z??iga, Kumari W., McBride M., Perkins C., Stanley D., 2021/10/08 (22pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 826, 2131, 4286, 4541, 4601, 4861, 4862, 5757, 5796, 6282, 6762, 6763, 6775, 6970, 7450, 7761, 8415, 8505, 8777, 8929, 9030) (Ref'ed By 9365)
- 9118 PS
- Enhanced JSON Web Token (JWT) Claim Constraints for Secure Telephone Identity Revisited (STIR) Certificates, Housley R., 2021/08/23 (12pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 8226) (Refs 4949, 5280, 5912, 7468, 8174, 8225, 8226, 9060)
- 9117 PS
- Revised Validation Procedure for BGP Flow Specifications, Alcaide J., Filsfils C., Mohapatra P., Smith D., Uttaro J., 2021/08/23 (12pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 8955) (Refs 4271, 4760, 5065, 6472, 7947, 8174, 8955)
- 9116
- A File Format to Aid in Security Vulnerability Disclosure, Foudil E., Shafranovich Y., 2022/04/27 (21pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 793, 2045, 2046, 2142, 2196, 2277, 2350, 3013, 3339, 3629, 3966, 3986, 4648, 4880, 5198, 5234, 5322, 5646, 6068, 6125, 6960, 7230, 7231, 7405, 7485, 8126, 8174, 8615) (Ref'ed By 9511)
- 9115 PS
- An Automatic Certificate Management Environment (ACME) Profile for Generating Delegated Certificates, A. Pastor Perales, Fossati T., L?pez D., Sheffer Y., 2021/09/20 (42pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 2986, 5280, 6125, 7336, 7807, 8174, 8225, 8226, 8555, 8610, 8657, 8659, 8739, 9060) (Ref'ed By 9447, 9538)
- 9114
- HTTP/3, Bishop M., 2022/06/06 (57pp) ( URL ref ) (See Also 9110, 9204) (Refs 793, 3986, 6066, 6265, 6585, 7301, 7413, 7541, 7838, 8126, 8164, 8174, 8446, 8470, 8499, 9000, 9111, 9112, 9113) (Ref'ed By 9205, 9218, 9220, 9275, 9292, 9297, 9298, 9308, 9312, 9317, 9369, 9411, 9412, 9440, 9458, 9460, 9484, 9569, 9729)
- 9113
- HTTP/2, Benfield C., Thomson M., 2022/06/06 (78pp) ( URL ref ) (Obsoletes 7540, 8740) (See Also 9110, 9218) (Refs 793, 1122, 3749, 3986, 5246, 5289, 6066, 6125, 6265, 6585, 6973, 7301, 7323, 7525, 7540, 7541, 7838, 8174, 8422, 8441, 8446, 8470, 8499, 8740, 9000, 9111, 9112) (Ref'ed By 9114, 9200, 9204, 9205, 9220, 9261, 9275, 9292, 9297, 9298, 9325, 9330, 9405, 9411, 9412, 9413, 9420, 9440, 9446, 9458, 9461, 9484, 9522, 9547, 9569, 9614, 9621, 9623, 9651, 9675, 9729)
- 9112
- HTTP/1.1, Fielding R., Nottingham M., Reschke J., 2022/06/06 (46pp) ( URL ref ) (STD-99) (See Also 9110, 9111) (Refs 1945, 1950, 1951, 1952, 2045, 2046, 2049, 2068, 2557, 3986, 5234, 5322, 7230, 7405, 8126, 8174, 8446) (Ref'ed By 9113, 9114, 9205, 9248, 9292, 9297, 9298, 9325, 9421, 9440, 9458, 9482, 9484, 9530, 9569, 9621, 9661, 9725)
- 9111
- HTTP Caching, Fielding R., Nottingham M., Reschke J., 2022/06/06 (35pp) ( URL ref ) (STD-98) (Obsoletes 7234) (See Also 9110, 9112) (Refs 2616, 5234, 5861, 6265, 7234, 7405, 8126, 8174) (Ref'ed By 9113, 9114, 9163, 9205, 9211, 9213, 9218, 9309, 9317, 9458, 9578, 9632, 9635)
- 9110
- HTTP Semantics, Fielding R., Nottingham M., Reschke J., 2022/06/06 (194pp) ( URL ref ) (STD-97) (Obsoletes 2818, 7230, 7231, 7232, 7233) (Updates 3864) (See Also 9111, 9112, 9113, 9114) (Refs 793, 850, 1919, 1945, 1950, 1951, 1952, 2046, 2047, 2068, 2145, 2295, 2324, 2557, 2616, 2617, 2774, 2818, 2978, 3040, 3864, 3875, 3986, 4033, 4289, 4559, 4647, 4648, 4918, 5234, 5280, 5322, 5646, 5789, 5905, 6125, 6265, 6365, 6454, 6585, 6648, 6838, 7230, 7231, 7232, 7233, 7234, 7235, 7405, 7538, 7540, 7541, 7578, 7595, 7615, 7616, 7617, 7694, 7838, 8126, 8174, 8187, 8246, 8288, 8336, 8446, 8615, 8941) (Ref'ed By 9163, 9193, 9200, 9203, 9204, 9205, 9209, 9211, 9213, 9218, 9220, 9230, 9237, 9248, 9264, 9277, 9289, 9292, 9297, 9298, 9309, 9325, 9361, 9399, 9401, 9405, 9413, 9421, 9425, 9431, 9439, 9440, 9447, 9448, 9449, 9458, 9460, 9470, 9472, 9473, 9483, 9484, 9512, 9518, 9525, 9530, 9532, 9536, 9540, 9559, 9560, 9577, 9578, 9623, 9632, 9635, 9636, 9645, 9646, 9651, 9652, 9674, 9691, 9700, 9725, 9729, 9745)
- 9109 PS
- Network Time Protocol Version 4: Port Randomization, Gont F., Gont G., Lichvar M., 2021/08/23 (9pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 5905) (Refs 792, 2663, 3715, 4443, 4953, 5905, 5927, 6056, 6335, 8174) (Ref'ed By 9414)
- 9108 PS
- YANG Types for DNS Classes and Resource Record Types, ?pa?ek P., Lhotka L., 2021/09/08 (14pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 1035, 3597, 3688, 6020, 6241, 7950, 8040, 8174, 8499)
- 9107 PS
- BGP Optimal Route Reflection (BGP ORR), ?man E., Cassar C., Decraene B., Raszuk R., Wang K., 2021/08/23 (9pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 2328, 4271, 4364, 4456, 5340, 7752, 7911, 7947, 8174) (Ref'ed By 9377)
- 9106 I
- Argon2 Memory-Hard Function for Password Hashing and Proof-of-Work Applications, Biryukov A., Dinu D., Josefsson S., Khovratovich D., 2021/09/07 (21pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 7693, 8174) (Ref'ed By 9052, 9380, 9383, 9498, 9580)
- 9105 PS
- A YANG Data Model for Terminal Access Controller Access-Control System Plus (TACACS+), Wang M., Wu B., Zheng G., 2021/08/05 (16pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3688, 6241, 6242, 6991, 7317, 7950, 8040, 8174, 8340, 8341, 8342, 8343, 8446, 8529, 8907)
- 9104 PS
- Distribution of Traffic Engineering Extended Administrative Groups Using the Border Gateway Protocol - Link State (BGP-LS), Talaulikar K., Tantsura J., Wang Z., Wu Q., 2021/08/11 (7pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 1195, 2328, 4271, 4272, 4552, 5304, 5340, 6863, 6952, 7166, 7308, 7474, 7752, 8174) (Ref'ed By 9294)
- 9103 PS
- DNS Zone Transfer over TLS, Aras P., Dickinson S., Mankin A., Sahib S., Toorop W., 2021/08/23 (32pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 1995, 5936, 7766) (Refs 1034, 1035, 1982, 1995, 1996, 2931, 5155, 5936, 6891, 6973, 7766, 7828, 7858, 8174, 8310, 8446, 8484, 8499, 8914, 8945, 8976, 9076) (Ref'ed By 9250, 9432, 9526, 9527)
- 9102
- TLS DNSSEC Chain Extension, Dukhovni V., Huque S., Shore M., Toorop W., Wouters P., 2021/08/11 (43pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 1035, 4033, 4034, 4035, 5011, 5155, 5246, 5905, 6066, 6698, 7218, 7250, 7671, 7858, 7901, 8174, 8310, 8446) (Ref'ed By 9539)
- 9101 PS
- The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework: JWT-Secured Authorization Request (JAR), Bradley J., Jones M., Sakimura N., 2021/08/21 (25pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 2046, 3629, 3986, 6125, 6749, 6750, 6819, 6838, 6973, 7230, 7515, 7516, 7518, 7519, 7523, 7525, 7591, 8141, 8174, 8259, 8414, 8725) (Ref'ed By 9126, 9396, 9700)
- 9100 PS
- Sensor Measurement Lists (SenML) Features and Versions, Bormann C., 2021/08/16 (7pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 8428) (Refs 7493, 8126, 8174, 8428, 8798)
- 9099 I
- Operational Security Considerations for IPv6 Networks, Chittimaneni K., Kaeo M., Rey E., Vyncke ?., 2021/08/13 (48pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 826, 1918, 2131, 2460, 2529, 2663, 2784, 2827, 2866, 3056, 3068, 3627, 3704, 3756, 3964, 3971, 3972, 4033, 4107, 4193, 4293, 4301, 4302, 4303, 4364, 4380, 4381, 4443, 4552, 4649, 4659, 4795, 4798, 4861, 4864, 4890, 4942, 5082, 5214, 5340, 5635, 5952, 5969, 6092, 6104, 6105, 6144, 6146, 6147, 6164, 6169, 6177, 6192, 6221, 6241, 6264, 6269, 6296, 6302, 6324, 6333, 6343, 6434, 6459, 6547, 6564, 6583, 6598, 6620, 6666, 6762, 6763, 6775, 6877, 6888, 6939, 6964, 6967, 6980, 7010, 7011, 7012, 7039, 7045, 7084, 7112, 7113, 7123, 7166, 7217, 7359, 7381, 7404, 7422, 7454, 7513, 7526, 7552, 7597, 7599, 7610, 7707, 7721, 7772, 7785, 7824, 7844, 7857, 7872, 7915, 7934, 8040, 8064, 8174, 8177, 8190, 8200, 8210, 8273, 8343, 8344, 8415, 8504, 8520, 8541, 8981) (Ref'ed By 9268, 9365, 9372, 9386, 9568)
- 9098 I
- Operational Implications of IPv6 Packets with Extension Headers, Doering G., Gont F., Hilliard N., Huston G., Kumari W., Liu W., 2021/09/15 (17pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 2460, 5095, 5635, 5722, 6192, 6437, 6438, 6946, 6980, 7045, 7098, 7112, 7113, 7739, 7872, 8021, 8200, 8504, 8900, 8955, 8956) (Ref'ed By 9288, 9386, 9486, 9673, 9740)
- 9097 PS
- Metrics and Methods for One-Way IP Capacity, Ciavattone L., Geib R., Morton A., 2021/11/09 (33pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 2330, 2544, 2681, 3148, 4656, 4737, 5136, 5357, 6438, 6815, 7312, 7497, 7594, 7680, 7799, 8085, 8174, 8337, 8468) (Ref'ed By 9473)
- 9096
- Improving the Reaction of Customer Edge Routers to IPv6 Renumbering Events, ?or? J., Gont F., Patterson R., Volz B., 2021/08/30 (11pp) ( URL ref ) (BCP-234) (Updates 7084) (Refs 4191, 4861, 4862, 7084, 7772, 7844, 8106, 8174, 8415, 8978)
- 9095 I
- Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP) Domain Name Mapping Extension for Strict Bundling Registration, Kong N., Li H., Xie J., Yao J., Zhou L., 2021/07/27 (23pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3688, 3743, 3915, 4290, 5730, 5731, 5890, 5891, 5892, 7451)
- 9094 PS
- A YANG Data Model for Wavelength Switched Optical Networks (WSONs), Guo A., King D., Lee Y., Lopez V., Zheng H., 2021/08/13 (56pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3688, 6020, 6241, 6242, 7446, 7579, 7581, 7950, 8040, 8340, 8341, 8342, 8345, 8446, 8795, 9093)
- 9093 PS
- A YANG Data Model for Layer 0 Types, Guo A., King D., Lee Y., Lopez V., Zheng H., 2021/08/13 (20pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3688, 4203, 6163, 6205, 6241, 6242, 7446, 7581, 7698, 7699, 7950, 8040, 8341, 8342, 8363, 8446, 8776, 8795) (Ref'ed By 9094)
- 9092 -PS
- Finding and Using Geofeed Data, Bush R., Candela M., Housley R., Kumari W., 2021/07/26 (21pp) ( URL ref ) (Obsoleted by 9632) (Refs 959, 2622, 2725, 2818, 3629, 3779, 3912, 4012, 4632, 4648, 5280, 5485, 5652, 6481, 6486, 7234, 7485, 7909, 8174, 8805, 8933, 9082) (Ref'ed By 9632)
- 9091
- Experimental Domain-Based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance (DMARC) Extension for Public Suffix Domains, Kitterman S., Wicinski T., 2021/07/26 (14pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3833, 5234, 5598, 6973, 7489, 7624, 7960, 8020, 8126, 8174)
- 9090 PS
- Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR) Tags for Object Identifiers, Bormann C., 2021/07/15 (13pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 6256, 7388, 8174, 8610, 8949) (Ref'ed By 9741)
- 9089 PS
- Signaling Entropy Label Capability and Entropy Readable Label Depth Using OSPF, Bocci M., Filsfils C., Kini S., Litkowski S., Psenak P., Xu X., 2021/08/14 (8pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 5340, 6790, 7684, 7752, 7770, 8174, 8362, 8476, 8660, 8662, 8665, 8666, 8814, 9085, 9088)
- 9088 PS
- Signaling Entropy Label Capability and Entropy Readable Label Depth Using IS-IS, Bocci M., Filsfils C., Kini S., Litkowski S., Psenak P., Xu X., 2021/08/14 (7pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 5302, 6790, 7752, 7794, 7981, 8174, 8491, 8660, 8662, 8667, 8814, 9085) (Ref'ed By 9089, 9613, 9702)
- 9087 I
- Segment Routing Centralized BGP Egress Peer Engineering, Afanasiev D., Aries E., Dawra G., Filsfils C., Previdi S., 2021/08/14 (17pp) ( URL ref ) (See Also 9086) (Refs 6241, 7011, 7752, 7854, 7855, 7911, 8174, 8277, 8281, 8402, 8570, 8571, 8664) (Ref'ed By 9433, 9689, 9703, 9716)
- 9086 PS
- Border Gateway Protocol - Link State (BGP-LS) Extensions for Segment Routing BGP Egress Peer Engineering, Dong J., Filsfils C., Patel K., Previdi S., Ray S., Talaulikar K., 2021/08/14 (15pp) ( URL ref ) (See Also 9087) (Refs 5065, 6286, 7752, 8174, 8402, 9085) (Ref'ed By 9125, 9256, 9514, 9703, 9716)
- 9085 PS
- Border Gateway Protocol - Link State (BGP-LS) Extensions for Segment Routing, Chen M., Filsfils C., Gredler H., Previdi S., Talaulikar K., 2021/08/13 (27pp) ( URL ref ) (Updated by 9356) (See Also 9084) (Refs 4202, 5120, 5308, 5340, 5706, 7684, 7752, 7794, 8174, 8362, 8402, 8571, 8661, 8665, 8666, 8667, 8668, 9020) (Ref'ed By 9086, 9088, 9089, 9125, 9351, 9356, 9488, 9514, 9732)
- 9084 PS
- OSPF Prefix Originator Extensions, Dong J., Lindem A., Psenak P., Talaulikar K., Wang A., 2021/08/13 (9pp) ( URL ref ) (See Also 9085) (Refs 2328, 3101, 3630, 5329, 5340, 5838, 7684, 7752, 8174, 8362) (Ref'ed By 9513)
- 9083 S
- JSON Responses for the Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP), Hollenbeck S., Newton A., 2021/06/16 (81pp) ( URL ref ) (STD-95) (Obsoletes 7483) (See Also 9082) (Refs 3339, 3629, 3912, 3986, 4034, 5396, 5646, 5730, 5890, 5910, 5952, 6350, 6839, 7095, 7480, 7481, 7483, 8126, 8174, 8259, 8288) (Ref'ed By 9224, 9434, 9446, 9536, 9537, 9560)
- 9082 S
- Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP) Query Format, Hollenbeck S., Newton A., 2021/06/16 (18pp) ( URL ref ) (STD-95) (Obsoletes 7482) (See Also 9083) (Refs 952, 1035, 1123, 1166, 3912, 3986, 4007, 4290, 4291, 4632, 4918, 5396, 5730, 5733, 5890, 5891, 5952, 6874, 6927, 7230, 7231, 7480, 7481, 7482, 7484, 8174, 8499, 8521) (Ref'ed By 9092, 9224, 9434, 9446, 9536, 9537, 9560, 9632)
- 9081 PS
- Interoperation between Multicast Virtual Private Network (MVPN) and Multicast Source Directory Protocol (MSDP) Source-Active Routes, Giuliano L., Zhang Z., 2021/07/22 (6pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 6514) (Refs 2764, 3618, 6513, 6514, 7716, 8174)
- 9080 PS
- Homenet Profile of the Babel Routing Protocol, Chroboczek J., 2021/08/26 (8pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 7788, 8174, 8966, 8967, 9079)
- 9079 PS
- Source-Specific Routing in the Babel Routing Protocol, Boutier M., Chroboczek J., 2021/08/26 (13pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3704, 4960, 6126, 6724, 8174, 8305, 8445, 8684, 8704, 8966) (Ref'ed By 9080)
- 9078
- Reaction: Indicating Summary Reaction to a Message, Crocker D., Freed N., Signes R., 2021/08/04 (9pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 2045, 2183, 5234, 5322, 5598, 8174)
- 9077 PS
- NSEC and NSEC3: TTLs and Aggressive Use, P. van Dijk, 2021/07/22 (8pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 4034, 4035, 5155, 8198) (Refs 2308, 4034, 4035, 5155, 8174, 8198) (Ref'ed By 9364)
- 9076 I
- DNS Privacy Considerations, Wicinski T., 2021/07/22 (22pp) ( URL ref ) (Obsoletes 7626) (Refs 1034, 1035, 3552, 4033, 4470, 5155, 5936, 6269, 6891, 6973, 7258, 7413, 7525, 7624, 7626, 7721, 7754, 7816, 7858, 7871, 7873, 7929, 8446, 8484, 8499, 8744, 8890, 8932, 9000) (Ref'ed By 9103, 9156, 9250, 9463, 9464)
- 9075 I
- Report from the IAB COVID-19 Network Impacts Workshop 2020, Arkko J., Farrell S., K?hlewind M., Perkins C., 2021/07/22 (20pp) ( URL ref ) (Ref'ed By 9317, 9419)
- 9074 PS
- 'VALARM' Extensions for iCalendar, Daboo C., Murchison K., 2021/08/04 (18pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 5545) (Refs 4791, 5234, 5545, 5546, 5870, 7986, 8174, 9073)
- 9073 PS
- Event Publishing Extensions to iCalendar, Douglass M., 2021/08/04 (29pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 5545) (Refs 3986, 4589, 5234, 5545, 5546, 6350, 7986, 8126, 8174, 8259) (Ref'ed By 9074)
- 9072 PS
- Extended Optional Parameters Length for BGP OPEN Message, Chen E., Scudder J., 2021/07/15 (6pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 4271) (Refs 4271, 4272, 5492, 8174)
- 9071 PS
- RTP-Mixer Formatting of Multiparty Real-Time Text, Hellstr?m G., 2021/07/06 (35pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 4103) (Refs 3550, 4102, 4103, 4353, 4575, 4579, 5194, 5630, 5764, 6263, 7667, 7675, 8174, 8643, 8723, 8825, 8865, 8866) (Ref'ed By 9248, 9620)
- 9068 PS
- JSON Web Token (JWT) Profile for OAuth 2.0 Access Tokens, Bertocci V., 2021/10/21 (15pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 2046, 6749, 6750, 6838, 7515, 7518, 7519, 7523, 7643, 7662, 8174, 8414, 8693, 8707, 8725) (Ref'ed By 9470, 9560, 9700)
- 9067 PS
- A YANG Data Model for Routing Policy, Lindem A., Liu X., Qu Y., Tantsura J., 2021/10/11 (38pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 2328, 3101, 3688, 4271, 5130, 5302, 6020, 6241, 6242, 6991, 7950, 8040, 8174, 8340, 8341, 8342, 8343, 8349, 8446)
- 9066 PS
- Distributed Denial-of-Service Open Threat Signaling (DOTS) Signal Channel Call Home, Boucadair M., Reddy.K T., Shallow J., 2021/12/09 (34pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 792, 2663, 3688, 4340, 4443, 4632, 4732, 4949, 4960, 6020, 6052, 6146, 6347, 6398, 6973, 6991, 7011, 7596, 7597, 8071, 8174, 8340, 8446, 8512, 8513, 8517, 8576, 8612, 8791, 8811, 8903, 8955, 8956, 8973, 9132)
- 9065 I
- Considerations around Transport Header Confidentiality, Network Operations, and the Evolution of Internet Transport Protocols, Fairhurst G., Perkins C., 2021/07/14 (37pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 791, 2410, 2474, 2475, 2507, 2508, 2914, 3168, 3234, 3261, 3393, 3550, 3552, 3711, 4302, 4303, 4585, 4737, 4960, 5166, 5218, 5236, 5426, 5481, 5795, 5925, 6056, 6269, 6294, 6347, 6437, 6438, 6846, 6973, 7098, 7126, 7258, 7413, 7414, 7567, 7594, 7605, 7624, 7799, 7872, 7928, 7983, 8033, 8084, 8085, 8086, 8087, 8095, 8200, 8250, 8289, 8290, 8404, 8446, 8462, 8517, 8546, 8548, 8558, 8684, 8701, 8724, 8837, 8866, 8922, 9000) (Ref'ed By 9293, 9312, 9317, 9506)
- 9064 I
- Considerations in the Development of a QoS Architecture for CCNx-Like Information-Centric Networking Protocols, Oran D., 2021/06/30 (23pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 793, 2205, 2474, 2998, 3170, 3209, 4340, 4594, 4960, 8174, 8569, 8609, 9000) (Ref'ed By 9138, 9269)
- 9063 I
- Host Identity Protocol Architecture, Komu M., Moskowitz R., 2021/07/15 (41pp) ( URL ref ) (Obsoletes 4423) (See Also 9028) (Refs 2136, 2766, 3022, 3102, 3748, 3972, 4033, 4225, 4380, 4423, 5218, 5338, 5482, 5887, 6078, 6079, 6250, 6281, 6317, 6537, 6538, 7086, 7296, 7343, 7401, 7402, 7435, 8002, 8003, 8004, 8005, 8046, 8047) (Ref'ed By 9374)
- 9062 I
- Framework and Requirements for Ethernet VPN (EVPN) Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM), Aldrin S., Drake J., Eastlake D., Sajassi A., Salam S., 2021/06/30 (16pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 792, 2544, 2681, 3393, 4443, 5085, 5880, 5881, 5883, 5884, 6136, 6291, 6425, 6428, 6632, 6673, 7432, 7623, 7679, 7680, 8029, 8174)
- 9061 PS
- A YANG Data Model for IPsec Flow Protection Based on Software-Defined Networking (SDN), Lopez-Millan G., Marin-Lopez R., Pereniguez-Garcia F., 2021/07/14 (90pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 2367, 3688, 3947, 3948, 4301, 4303, 5280, 5322, 5915, 6020, 6040, 6071, 6241, 6242, 6437, 6960, 6991, 7149, 7296, 7383, 7426, 7427, 7619, 7950, 8017, 8040, 8174, 8192, 8221, 8229, 8247, 8329, 8340, 8341, 8342, 8446) (Ref'ed By 9348)
- 9060 PS
- Secure Telephone Identity Revisited (STIR) Certificate Delegation, Peterson J., 2021/09/17 (12pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3261, 3647, 3986, 5280, 6480, 7340, 7375, 8174, 8224, 8225, 8226, 8555, 8739) (Ref'ed By 9115, 9118, 9448)
- 9059 PS
- Path Computation Element Communication Protocol (PCEP) Extensions for Associated Bidirectional Label Switched Paths (LSPs), Barth C., Gandhi R., Wen B., 2021/06/23 (20pp) ( URL ref ) (Updated by 9756) (Refs 3209, 5440, 5654, 7420, 7551, 8051, 8126, 8174, 8231, 8253, 8281, 8408, 8537, 8697) (Ref'ed By 9756)
- 9058 I
- Multilinear Galois Mode (MGM), Griboedova E., Nozdrunov V., Shishkin V., Smyshlyaev S., 2021/06/30 (25pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 7801, 8174, 8891) (Ref'ed By 9227, 9367)
- 9057
- Email Author Header Field, Crocker D., 2021/06/22 (7pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 733, 3501, 3864, 5234, 5322, 5598, 5703, 8174)
- 9056 PS
- Deterministic Networking (DetNet) Data Plane: IP over MPLS, Berger L., Bryant S., Fedyk D., Korhonen J., Varga B., 2021/10/04 (11pp) ( URL ref ) (See Also 9055) (Refs 4301, 8174, 8655, 8938, 8939, 8964)
- 9055 I
- Deterministic Networking (DetNet) Security Considerations, Grossman E., Hacker A., Mizrahi T., 2021/06/25 (50pp) ( URL ref ) (See Also 9056) (Refs 2474, 2475, 3552, 3985, 4107, 4253, 4301, 4302, 4385, 4432, 5586, 5880, 5905, 5920, 5921, 6071, 6073, 6274, 6478, 6562, 6632, 6941, 7384, 7567, 7641, 7748, 7835, 8446, 8578, 8655, 8938, 8939, 8964, 9016, 9023, 9025) (Ref'ed By 9320, 9450, 9546, 9550, 9551, 9633)
- 9054
- CBOR Object Signing and Encryption (COSE): Hash Algorithms, Schaad J., 2022/08/30 (9pp) ( URL ref ) (See Also 9052) (Refs 2634, 3174, 5652, 6194, 7696, 8152, 8174)
- 9053
- CBOR Object Signing and Encryption (COSE): Initial Algorithms, Schaad J., 2022/08/30 (41pp) ( URL ref ) (See Also 9052) (Refs 2104, 3394, 3610, 4231, 4493, 5116, 5480, 5869, 6090, 6151, 6979, 7252, 7518, 7748, 8017, 8032, 8126, 8152, 8174, 8230, 8259, 8439, 8446, 8551, 8610, 8778, 8949, 9021, 9147) (Ref'ed By 9203, 9528, 9529, 9594, 9679)
- 9052
- CBOR Object Signing and Encryption (COSE): Structures and Process, Schaad J., 2022/08/30 (66pp) ( URL ref ) (STD-96) (Updated by 9338) (Obsoletes 8152) (See Also 9053, 9054) (Refs 2633, 3394, 3851, 4262, 4949, 5116, 5652, 5751, 5752, 5990, 6838, 7252, 7515, 7516, 7517, 7518, 7696, 8032, 8126, 8152, 8174, 8230, 8259, 8551, 8610, 8613, 8949, 9106) (Ref'ed By 9203, 9338, 9360, 9393, 9431, 9459, 9528, 9594, 9596, 9597, 9679)
- 9051 PS
- Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) - Version 4rev2, Leiba B., Melnikov A., 2021/08/23 (163pp) ( URL ref ) (Obsoletes 3501) (Refs 822, 1064, 1176, 1730, 1732, 1733, 1864, 2045, 2046, 2047, 2060, 2061, 2062, 2077, 2087, 2152, 2177, 2180, 2183, 2193, 2231, 2342, 2557, 2595, 2683, 2978, 3282, 3348, 3501, 3502, 3503, 3516, 3629, 3691, 4314, 4315, 4422, 4466, 4505, 4549, 4616, 4648, 4731, 4752, 4959, 5092, 5161, 5182, 5198, 5234, 5246, 5255, 5256, 5258, 5321, 5322, 5465, 5530, 5788, 5819, 6151, 6154, 6186, 6376, 6409, 6532, 6648, 6851, 6855, 7162, 7525, 7677, 7817, 7888, 8081, 8098, 8126, 8174, 8305, 8314, 8438, 8446, 8474, 8550, 8551) (Ref'ed By 9208, 9325, 9394, 9585, 9586, 9590, 9698, 9738, 9755)
- 9050 PS
- Path Computation Element Communication Protocol (PCEP) Procedures and Extensions for Using the PCE as a Central Controller (PCECC) of LSPs, Li Z., Negi M., Peng S., Zhao Q., Zhou C., 2021/07/15 (33pp) ( URL ref ) (Updated by 9756) (Refs 4655, 5440, 5511, 7025, 7399, 7420, 7491, 7525, 8126, 8174, 8231, 8232, 8253, 8281, 8283, 8408, 8664, 8741, 8779) (Ref'ed By 9604, 9689, 9756, 9757)
- 9049 I
- Path Aware Networking: Obstacles to Deployment (A Bestiary of Roads Not Taken), Dawkins S., 2021/06/25 (36pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 791, 792, 793, 1016, 1122, 1190, 1633, 1809, 1819, 1887, 2001, 2205, 2210, 2211, 2212, 2215, 2309, 2460, 2475, 2481, 3168, 3697, 4094, 4443, 4782, 5082, 5218, 5533, 5575, 5681, 5971, 5973, 5974, 5981, 6294, 6398, 6437, 6438, 6633, 6928, 7305, 7418, 8085, 8170, 8655, 8793, 9000) (Ref'ed By 9419, 9473, 9706, 9743)
- 9048 I
- Improved Extensible Authentication Protocol Method for 3GPP Mobile Network Authentication and Key Agreement (EAP-AKA'), Arkko J., Eronen P., Lehtovirta V., Torvinen V., 2021/09/23, 2021/10/29 (40pp) ( URL ref ) (Updated by 9678) (Updates 4187, 5448) (Refs 2104, 3310, 3748, 4086, 4169, 4186, 4187, 4284, 4306, 5113, 5247, 5281, 5448, 6194, 6973, 7170, 7258, 7296, 7542, 8126, 8174) (Ref'ed By 9678)
- 9047 PS
- Propagation of ARP/ND Flags in an Ethernet Virtual Private Network (EVPN), Lin W., Nagaraj K., Rabadan J., Sathappan S., 2021/06/22 (10pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 4861, 7432, 8126, 8174)
- 9046 I
- Babel Information Model, Jethanandani M., Stark B., 2021/06/30 (20pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 2104, 3339, 4868, 6241, 7468, 7693, 7950, 8174, 8193, 8966, 8967, 8968) (Ref'ed By 9647)
- 9045 PS
- Algorithm Requirements Update to the Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Certificate Request Message Format (CRMF), Housley R., 2021/06/08 (9pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 4211) (Refs 2104, 4211, 4231, 6194, 8018, 8174, 9044) (Ref'ed By 9480, 9481, 9483)
- 9044 PS
- Using the AES-GMAC Algorithm with the Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS), Housley R., 2021/06/08 (9pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 4086, 5084, 5652, 5912, 7696, 8174) (Ref'ed By 9045, 9481)
- 9043 I
- FFV1 Video Coding Format Versions 0, 1, and 3, Martinez J., Niedermayer M., Rice D., 2021/08/23 (51pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 4732, 4855, 6716, 6838, 8174)
- 9042 PS
- Sieve Email Filtering: Delivery by MAILBOXID, Gondwana B., 2021/06/30 (8pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 5228) (Refs 2342, 3501, 4314, 5228, 5229, 5234, 5490, 8174, 8474, 8579, 8580) (Ref'ed By 9122)
- 9041 PS
- Updating the MPLS Label Switched Paths (LSPs) Ping Parameters IANA Registry, Andersson L., Chen M., Pignataro C., Saad T., 2021/07/26 (31pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 8029, 8611) (Refs 7110, 7555, 7743, 7759, 8029, 8126, 8174, 8287, 8611) (Ref'ed By 9489, 9655)
- 9040 I
- TCP Control Block Interdependence, Islam S., Touch J., Welzl M., 2021/07/27 (29pp) ( URL ref ) (Obsoletes 2140) (Refs 793, 1122, 1191, 1379, 1644, 2001, 2140, 2414, 2663, 3124, 3390, 4340, 4821, 4960, 5681, 5925, 6298, 6437, 6691, 6928, 7231, 7323, 7413, 7424, 7540, 7661, 8174, 8201, 8684) (Ref'ed By 9522, 9623)
- 9039 PS
- Uniform Resource Names for Device Identifiers, Arkko J., Jennings C., Shelby Z., 2021/06/30 (15pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 2578, 3261, 3986, 4122, 5234, 5612, 6920, 7230, 7252, 7254, 7405, 7540, 7721, 8126, 8141, 8174, 8259, 8428, 8464)
- 9038 PS
- Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP) Unhandled Namespaces, Casanova M., Gould J., 2021/05/29 (21pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3688, 3735, 3915, 5234, 5730, 5731, 5910, 7451, 8174, 8590) (Ref'ed By 9167)
- 9037 I
- Deterministic Networking (DetNet) Data Plane: MPLS over IEEE 802.1 Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN), Bryant S., Farkas J., Malis A., Varga B., 2021/06/02 (11pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3031, 8655, 8964) (Ref'ed By 9546)
- 9036 PS
- Changing the Location-to-Service Translation (LoST) Location Profiles Registry Policy, Gellens R., 2021/06/03 (4pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 5222) (Refs 5222, 8126)
- 9035 PS
- A Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Networks (RPL) Destination-Oriented Directed Acyclic Graph (DODAG) Configuration Option for the 6LoWPAN Routing Header, Thubert P., Zhao L., 2021/04/30 (9pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 8138) (Refs 6282, 6550, 6553, 7102, 7228, 7416, 8138, 8174, 8505, 9008, 9010) (Ref'ed By 9030, 9453)
- 9034 PS
- Packet Delivery Deadline Time in the Routing Header for IPv6 over Low-Power Wireless Personal Area Networks (6LoWPANs), Anamalamudi S., Hegde M., Perkins C., S.V.R. Anand, Thomas L., 2021/06/10 (19pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 4944, 5905, 6282, 6550, 6553, 6554, 7384, 7554, 8138, 8174, 8578, 8655, 8929, 9008, 9030)
- 9033 PS
- 6TiSCH Minimal Scheduling Function (MSF), Chang T., Dujovne D., Duquennoy S., Vilajosana X., Vu?ini? M., 2021/05/29 (20pp) ( URL ref ) (See Also 9030) (Refs 2474, 6206, 6550, 7554, 8126, 8174, 8180, 8480, 8505, 9031, 9032)
- 9032 PS
- Encapsulation of 6TiSCH Join and Enrollment Information Elements, Dujovne D., Richardson M., 2021/05/29 (10pp) ( URL ref ) (See Also 9030) (Refs 4861, 4862, 6550, 6775, 7554, 8137, 8174, 8180, 8929, 9031) (Ref'ed By 9033)
- 9031 PS
- Constrained Join Protocol (CoJP) for 6TiSCH, Pister K., Richardson M., Simon J., Vu?ini? M., 2021/05/29 (41pp) ( URL ref ) (See Also 9030) (Refs 2597, 3172, 4231, 4944, 5869, 6550, 6761, 6762, 7252, 7554, 7721, 8085, 8126, 8152, 8174, 8180, 8415, 8480, 8505, 8610, 8613, 8615, 8742, 8820, 8949, 8974, 8990) (Ref'ed By 9032, 9033, 9354)
- 9030 I
- An Architecture for IPv6 over the Time-Slotted Channel Hopping Mode of IEEE 802.15.4 (6TiSCH), Thubert P., 2021/05/29 (57pp) ( URL ref ) (See Also 9031, 9032, 9033) (Refs 768, 2474, 2545, 3209, 3444, 3963, 4080, 4291, 4861, 4862, 4903, 4919, 4944, 5340, 5889, 5974, 6275, 6282, 6347, 6550, 6551, 6552, 6553, 6554, 6606, 6775, 6830, 7102, 7228, 7252, 7426, 7554, 8025, 8137, 8138, 8180, 8200, 8453, 8480, 8505, 8578, 8613, 8655, 8928, 8929, 8930, 8931, 8939, 8995, 9008, 9010, 9035) (Ref'ed By 9034, 9119, 9450, 9685)
- 9029 PS
- Updates to the Allocation Policy for the Border Gateway Protocol - Link State (BGP-LS) Parameters Registries, Farrel A., 2021/06/08 (5pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 7752) (Refs 7752, 8126, 8174)
- 9028
- Native NAT Traversal Mode for the Host Identity Protocol, Ker?nen A., Komu M., Mel?n J., 2021/07/15 (55pp) ( URL ref ) (See Also 9063) (Refs 1191, 2475, 3264, 3948, 4291, 5128, 5207, 5245, 5770, 6146, 6147, 6538, 7050, 7401, 7402, 8003, 8004, 8005, 8046, 8047, 8126, 8174, 8201, 8445, 8489, 8656, 8750, 8899, 8961)
- 9027 PS
- Assertion Values for Resource Priority Header and SIP Priority Header Claims in Support of Emergency Services Networks, Dolly M., Wendt C., 2021/06/03 (7pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 4412, 5031, 7090, 7135, 7519, 8174, 8224, 8225, 8443)
- 9026 PS
- Multicast VPN Fast Upstream Failover, Kebler R., Mirsky G., Morin T., 2021/04/17 (22pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 1122, 4090, 4271, 4291, 4875, 5880, 6513, 6514, 7431, 7606, 8126, 8174, 8562)
- 9025 PS
- Deterministic Networking (DetNet) Data Plane: MPLS over UDP/IP, Berger L., Bryant S., Farkas J., Malis A., Varga B., 2021/04/30 (8pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 7510, 8174, 8655, 8754, 8939, 8964) (Ref'ed By 9055, 9546, 9566, 9634)
- 9024 PS
- Deterministic Networking (DetNet) Data Plane: IEEE 802.1 Time-Sensitive Networking over MPLS, Bryant S., Farkas J., Fedyk D., Malis A., Varga B., 2021/06/03 (12pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3031, 3985, 8174, 8655, 8938, 8964)
- 9023 I
- Deterministic Networking (DetNet) Data Plane: IP over IEEE 802.1 Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN), Bryant S., Farkas J., Malis A., Varga B., 2021/06/08 (10pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 8655, 8939) (Ref'ed By 9055, 9320, 9522, 9699)
- 9022 PS
- Domain Name Registration Data (DNRD) Objects Mapping, Gould J., Lozano G., Thippeswamy C., 2021/05/28 (169pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 791, 1952, 2818, 3339, 3688, 3912, 3915, 4180, 5730, 5731, 5732, 5733, 5891, 5910, 5952, 6234, 6672, 7525, 8174, 8499, 8909)
- 9021 I
- Use of the Walnut Digital Signature Algorithm with CBOR Object Signing and Encryption (COSE), Atkins D., 2021/05/27 (11pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 4086, 8152, 8174) (Ref'ed By 9053)
- 9020 PS
- YANG Data Model for Segment Routing, Lindem A., Litkowski S., Qu Y., Sarkar P., Tantsura J., 2021/05/26 (39pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3688, 6020, 6241, 6242, 6991, 7950, 8040, 8174, 8294, 8340, 8341, 8342, 8343, 8349, 8402, 8446, 8660, 8661, 8665, 8667, 8669, 8792, 8814) (Ref'ed By 9085)
- 9019 I
- A Firmware Update Architecture for Internet of Things, Brown D., Meriac M., Moran B., Tschofenig H., 2021/04/30 (25pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 6024, 6763, 7228, 8240, 8778) (Ref'ed By 9397)
- 9018 PS
- Interoperable Domain Name System (DNS) Server Cookies, Andrews M., Eastlake D., Sury O., Toorop W., 2021/04/05 (16pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 7873) (Refs 1982, 3339, 7873, 8174, 8981)
- 9017 PS
- Special-Purpose Label Terminology, Andersson L., Farrel A., Kompella K., 2021/04/09 (8pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 3032, 7274) (Refs 3032, 7274, 8174, 8595) (Ref'ed By 9714)
- 9016 I
- Flow and Service Information Model for Deterministic Networking (DetNet), Cummings R., Farkas J., Fedyk D., Jiang Y., Varga B., 2021/03/30 (20pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3444, 8655, 8938, 8939, 8964) (Ref'ed By 9055, 9320, 9566, 9633)
- 9015 PS
- BGP Control Plane for the Network Service Header in Service Function Chaining, Drake J., Farrel A., Jalil L., Rosen E., Uttaro J., 2021/06/08 (59pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3022, 4271, 4272, 4360, 4364, 4760, 5925, 6146, 6296, 6952, 7432, 7498, 7606, 7665, 8126, 8174, 8300, 8595, 8596, 8955, 9012) (Ref'ed By 9516)
- 9014 PS
- Interconnect Solution for Ethernet VPN (EVPN) Overlay Networks, Drake J., Henderickx W., Rabadan J., Sajassi A., Sathappan S., 2021/05/26 (24pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3031, 4023, 4684, 4761, 4762, 6074, 6870, 7041, 7348, 7432, 7543, 7623, 7637, 8174, 8365, 9012) (Ref'ed By 9469)
- 9013 PS
- OSPF Advertisement of Tunnel Encapsulations, Contreras L., Decraene B., Jalil L., Raszuk R., Xu X., 2021/04/27 (10pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 2328, 5340, 5512, 5565, 5640, 7490, 7770, 8126, 8174, 9012)
- 9012 PS
- The BGP Tunnel Encapsulation Attribute, G. Van de Velde, Patel K., Sangli S., Scudder J., 2021/04/27 (41pp) ( URL ref ) (Obsoletes 5512, 5566) (Updates 5640) (Refs 2474, 2784, 2890, 3032, 3270, 3931, 4023, 4271, 4272, 4364, 4760, 5129, 5462, 5512, 5565, 5566, 5640, 6514, 6811, 6890, 7348, 7510, 7606, 7637, 8126, 8174, 8205, 8277, 8365, 8402, 8669) (Ref'ed By 9013, 9014, 9015, 9125, 9135, 9136, 9252, 9256, 9377, 9469, 9689, 9746)
- 9011 PS
- Static Context Header Compression and Fragmentation (SCHC) over LoRaWAN, Gimenez O., Petrov I., 2021/04/22 (26pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 4291, 4493, 8064, 8065, 8174, 8376, 8724) (Ref'ed By 9363)
- 9010 PS
- Routing for RPL (Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Networks) Leaves, Richardson M., Thubert P., 2021/04/09 (36pp) ( URL ref ) (Updated by 9685) (Updates 6550, 6775, 8505) (See Also 9008, 9009) (Refs 3810, 4861, 4862, 4919, 6282, 6550, 6553, 6554, 6606, 6687, 6775, 7039, 7102, 7228, 7400, 7416, 8025, 8126, 8138, 8174, 8200, 8415, 8504, 8505, 8928, 8929) (Ref'ed By 9030, 9035, 9354, 9453, 9685)
- 9009 PS
- Efficient Route Invalidation, Cao Z., Jadhav R.A., Sahoo R.N., Thubert P., 2021/04/09 (21pp) ( URL ref ) (See Also 9010) (Refs 6550, 8126, 8174, 8505)
- 9008 PS
- Using RPI Option Type, Routing Header for Source Routes, and IPv6-in-IPv6 Encapsulation in the RPL Data Plane, Richardson M., Robles M.I., Thubert P., 2021/04/09 (49pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 6550, 6553, 8138) (See Also 9010) (Refs 801, 2460, 2473, 2827, 4443, 5406, 6040, 6282, 6437, 6550, 6553, 6554, 6775, 6997, 7045, 7102, 7416, 8025, 8138, 8174, 8180, 8200, 8504, 8505, 8928, 8929) (Ref'ed By 9030, 9034, 9035, 9288, 9453, 9685)
- 9007 PS
- Handling Message Disposition Notification with the JSON Meta Application Protocol (JMAP), Ouazana R., 2021/03/22 (13pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 3503, 5322, 8098, 8620, 8621) (Ref'ed By 9404, 9425)
- 9006 I
- TCP Usage Guidance in the Internet of Things (IoT), Crowcroft J., Gomez C., Scharf M., 2021/03/27 (24pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 793, 1122, 2018, 2757, 2884, 3042, 3168, 3481, 3819, 4944, 5382, 5681, 5925, 6077, 6120, 6282, 6298, 6550, 6606, 6691, 6775, 6928, 7228, 7230, 7252, 7323, 7413, 7414, 7428, 7540, 7567, 7668, 8087, 8105, 8163, 8200, 8201, 8323, 8352, 8376, 8446, 8900, 8931, 8961)
- 9005 PS
- Path Computation Element Communication Protocol (PCEP) Extension for Associating Policies and Label Switched Paths (LSPs), Hardwick J., Li C., Litkowski S., Sivabalan S., Tantsura J., 2021/03/29 (15pp) ( URL ref ) (Refs 4655, 5394, 5440, 5905, 7420, 7470, 7525, 8231, 8253, 8281, 8664, 8697)
- 9004 I
- Updates for the Back-to-Back Frame Benchmark in RFC 2544, Morton A., 2021/05/26 (13pp) ( URL ref ) (Updates 2544) (Refs 1242, 1944, 2544, 2889, 5180, 6201, 6815, 6985, 8174, 8239)
- 9003 PS
- Extended BGP Administrative Shutdown Communication, Azimov A., Heitz J., Scudder J., Snijders J., 2021/01/08 (7pp) ( URL ref ) (Obsoletes 8203) (Updates 4486) (Refs 3629, 4271, 4272, 4486, 5424, 6973, 8203)
- 9002 PS
- QUIC Loss Detection and Congestion Control, Iyengar J., Swett I., 2021/05/27 (42pp) ( URL ref ) (See Also 9000, 9001) (Refs 2018, 3168, 3465, 5681, 5682, 5827, 6298, 6582, 6675, 6928, 6937, 7661, 8085, 8174, 8311, 8312, 8511, 8985) (Ref'ed By 9147, 9218, 9221, 9250, 9312, 9317, 9369, 9406, 9411, 9438, 9681, 9743)
- 9001 PS
- Using TLS to Secure QUIC, Thomson M., Turner S., 2021/05/27 (52pp) ( URL ref ) (See Also 9000, 9002) (Refs 20, 2818, 4086, 5116, 5280, 5869, 7301, 8174, 8439, 8446, 8447, 8470, 8740, 8879) (Ref'ed By 8999, 9221, 9250, 9261, 9308, 9312, 9317, 9325, 9331, 9369, 9411, 9420, 9443, 9506, 9525, 9577, 9729)
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