Up to General Topics/Subjects (2014-2017)

Postings (2014-2017) By Misc Topics

AUTO.C4.TASKFORCE 2023&later - 2018-2022 - before_2014 -
CAPITALISM 2023&later - 2018-2022 - before_2014 -
COMPTROLLER.GENERAL 2023&later - 2018-2022 - before_2014 -
DATA.BREACH.NOTIFICATION 2023&later - 2018-2022 - before_2014 -
DIALUP-BANKING 2023&later - 2018-2022 - before_2014 -
ECONOMIC.MESS 2023&later - 2018-2022 - before_2014 -
ENRON 2023&later - 2018-2022 - before_2014 -
FED.CHAIRMAN 2023&later - 2018-2022 - before_2014 -
FINANCIAL.REPORTING.FRAUD 2023&later - 2018-2022 - before_2014 -
FISCAL.RESPONSIBILITY.ACT 2023&later - 2018-2022 - before_2014 -
GERSTNER 2023&later - 2018-2022 - before_2014 -
GRIFTOPIA 2023&later - 2018-2022 - before_2014 -
IDENTITY.THEFT 2023&later - 2018-2022 - before_2014 -
INEQUALITY 2023&later - 2018-2022 - before_2014 -
KABUKI.THEATER 2023&later - 2018-2022 - before_2014 -
LIBOR 2023&later - 2018-2022 - before_2014 -
MADOFF 2023&later - 2018-2022 - before_2014 -
MEDICARE.PART-D 2023&later - 2018-2022 - before_2014 -
MERCHANTS.OF.DOUBT 2023&later - 2018-2022 - before_2014 -
MILITARY.INDUSTRIAL.COMPLEX 2023&later - 2018-2022 - before_2014 -
MONEY.LAUNDERING 2023&later - 2018-2022 - before_2014 -
PECORA&/ORGLASS-STEAGALL 2023&later - 2018-2022 - before_2014 -
PENSIONS 2023&later - 2018-2022 - before_2014 -
PERPETUAL.WAR 2023&later - 2018-2022 - before_2014 -
PRIVATE.EQUITY 2023&later - 2018-2022 - before_2014 -
RACISM 2023&later - 2018-2022 - before_2014 -
REGULATORY.CAPTURE 2023&later - 2018-2022 - before_2014 -
S&L.CRISIS 2023&later - 2018-2022 - before_2014 -
SARBANES-OXLEY 2023&later - 2018-2022 - before_2014 -
SECURITY.PROPORTIONAL.TO.RISK 2023&later - 2018-2022 - before_2014 -
STOCK.BUYBACK 2023&later - 2018-2022 - before_2014 -
SUCCESS.OF.FAILURE 2023&later - 2018-2022 - before_2014 -
TAX.EVASION 2023&later - 2018-2022 - before_2014 -
TEAM.B 2023&later - 2018-2022 - before_2014 -
TOO-BIG-TO-FAIL 2023&later - 2018-2022 - before_2014 -
TOXIC.CDO 2023&later - 2018-2022 - before_2014 -
TRUSTED.COMPUTING 2023&later - 2018-2022 - before_2014 -
WHISTLEBLOWER 2023&later - 2018-2022 - before_2014 -
WMDS 2023&later - 2018-2022 - before_2014 -
ZIRP 2023&later - 2018-2022 - before_2014 -
CHANNEL.EXTENDER 2023&later - 2018-2022 - before_2014 -
CSCVM 2023&later - 2018-2022 - before_2014 -
FICON 2023&later - 2018-2022 - before_2014 -
MEGADATACENTER 2023&later - 2018-2022 - before_2014 -
IBMDOWNFALL 2023&later - 2018-2022 - before_2014 -

auto.c4.taskforce postings (2014-2017)

2017k.html#8 IBM Mainframe
2017i.html#32 progress in e-mail, such as AOL
2017i.html#2 Mission Command: The Who, What, Where, When and Why An Anthology
2017h.html#100 'X' Marks the Spot Where Inequality Took Root: Dig Here
2017h.html#8 Trump is taking the wrong approach to China on tech, says ex-Reagan official who helped beat Soviets
2017g.html#54 Boyd's OODA-loop
2017g.html#52 Boyd's OODA-loop
2017g.html#9 Six Sigma
2016h.html#42 TARP Bailout
2016e.html#101 E.R. Burroughs
2016e.html#95 IBM History
2016d.html#16 Tesla and GM Will Probably Both Be Bankrupt in 10 Years
2016c.html#25 Globalization Worker Negotiation
2016.html#8 "Too Big To Fail"
2015h.html#87 Maneuver breaks out
2015g.html#94 HP being sued, not by IBM.....yet!
2015d.html#60 Why Today's Automobile Industry Looks A Lot Like IBM in 1985
2015d.html#46 Remember 3277?
2015c.html#9 The Planet's Best Stealth Fighter Isn't Made in America
2015.html#18 NYT on Sony hacking
2014m.html#149 LEO
2014m.html#24 weird apple trivia
2014m.html#8 weird apple trivia
2014k.html#83 HP splits, again
2014k.html#76 HP splits, again
2014h.html#25 How Comp-Sci went from passing fad to must have major
2014h.html#6 Demonstrating Moore's law
2014c.html#12 Royal Pardon For Turing

auto.c4.taskforce -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- before_2014 -- back to top/index

capitalism postings (2014-2017)

-#- data.breach.notification -#- economic.mess -#- financial.reporting.fraud -#- griftopia -#- inequality -#- libor -#- merchants.of.doubt -#- military.industrial.complex -#- money.laundering -#- Pecora&/orGlass-Steagall -#- private.equity -#- regulatory.capture -#- s&l.crisis -#- sarbanes-oxley -#- stock.buyback -#- tax.evasion -#- too-big-to-fail -#-
2017k.html#70 Russia Invaded Japanese Islands With U.S. Ships -- After Japan Surrendered
2017k.html#66 Innovation?, Government, Military, Commercial
2017k.html#56 'I hope I can quit working in a few years': A preview of the U.S. without pensions
2017k.html#49 The 50 Largest Stashes of Cash Companies Keep Overseas
2017k.html#31 The U.S. was not founded as a Christian nation
2017j.html#77 U.S. Corporate Tax Reform
2017j.html#64 Wages and Productivity
2017j.html#62 What if the Kuomintang Had Won the Chinese Civil War?
2017j.html#58 Wall Street Wants to Kill the Agency Protecting Americans From Financial Scams
2017j.html#54 Testing Progressives, Centrist Dems Team Up with GOP to Deregulate Banks
2017j.html#46 How Economists Turned Corporations into Predators
2017j.html#36 Tech: we didn't mean for it to turn out like this
2017j.html#35 Tech: we didn't mean for it to turn out like this
2017j.html#25 The Do's and Don'ts of Kleptocracy
2017j.html#24 What if the Kuomintang Had Won the Chinese Civil War?
2017j.html#8 The Mathematics of Inequality
2017j.html#4 Who Is The Smallest Government Spender Since Eisenhower? Would You Believe It's Barack Obama?
2017i.html#84 "Worse Than Big Tobacco": How Big Pharma Fuels the Opioid Epidemic
2017i.html#82 John Helmer: Lunatic Russia-Hating in Washington Is 70 Years Old. It Started with Joseph Alsop, George Kennan and the Washington Post
2017i.html#74 When Working From Home Doesn't Work
2017i.html#71 When Working From Home Doesn't Work
2017i.html#69 When Working From Home Doesn't Work
2017i.html#67 Allied Radio catalog 1956
2017i.html#60 When Working From Home Doesn't Work
2017i.html#55 How Economists Turned Corporations into Predators
2017i.html#53 When Working From Home Doesn't Work
2017i.html#47 Retirement Heist: How Firms Plunder Workers' Nest Eggs
2017i.html#39 Toys R Us: Another Private Equity Casualty
2017i.html#35 IBM Shareholders Need Employee Enthusiasm, Engagemant And Passions
2017i.html#17 Destructive Stock Buybacks-That You Pay For
2017i.html#14 How to spot a dodgy company - never trust a high achiever
2017i.html#8 The Real Reason Wages Have Stagnated: Our Economy Is Optimized For Financialization
2017i.html#1 Any definitive reference for why the PDP-11 was little-endian?
2017h.html#116 The Real Reason Wages Have Stagnated: Our Economy Is Optimized For Financialization
2017h.html#108 Iraq, Longest War
2017h.html#102 75 years ago, Hitler invaded Poland. Here's how it happened
2017h.html#101 The Payoff: Why Wall Street Always Wins
2017h.html#98 endless medical arguments, Disregard post (another screwup)
2017h.html#97 Business as Usual: The Long History of Corporate Personhood
2017h.html#92 'X' Marks the Spot Where Inequality Took Root: Dig Here
2017h.html#46 Disregard post (another screwup)
2017h.html#45 "Subprime Is Contained" (& Other Evidence That "They Really Don't Know What They're Doing")
2017h.html#41 Disregard post (another screwup)
2017h.html#39 Disregard post (another screwup; absolutely nothing to do with computers whatsoever!)
2017h.html#37 Disregard post (another screwup)
2017h.html#36 Disregard post (another screwup; absolutely nothing to do with computers whatsoever!)
2017h.html#22 OT: book: "Capital in the Twenty-First Century"
2017h.html#13 What the Enron E-mails Say About Us
2017h.html#9 Corporate Profit and Taxes
2017h.html#1 OT: book: "Capital in the Twenty-First Century"
2017g.html#107 Why IBM Should -- and Shouldn't -- Break Itself Up
2017g.html#105 Why IBM Should -- and Shouldn't -- Break Itself Up
2017g.html#99 The Real Reason You Should See Dunkirk: Hitler Lost World War II There
2017g.html#97 IBM Another Disappointment
2017g.html#83 How can we stop algorithms telling lies?
2017g.html#79 Bad Ideas
2017g.html#49 Shareholders Ahead Of Employees
2017g.html#47 The rise and fall of IBM
2017g.html#19 Financial, Healthcare, Construction, Education complexity
2017g.html#6 Mapping the decentralized world of tomorrow
2017f.html#102 pneumatic cash systems was Re: [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#92 pneumatic cash systems was Re: [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#85 Early use of word "computer", 1944
2017f.html#83 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#69 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#65 View of Russia
2017f.html#64 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#63 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#55 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#53 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#45 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#44 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#41 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#24 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#16 Conservatives and Spending
2017f.html#12 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#4 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#3 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#96 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#60 The Illusion Of Victory: America In World War I
2017e.html#44 [CM] cheap money, was What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#23 Ironic old "fortune"
2017e.html#7 Arthur Laffer's Theory on Tax Cuts Comes to Life Once More
2017d.html#93 United Air Lines - an OODA-loop perspective
2017d.html#77 Trump delay of the 'fiduciary rule' will cost retirement savers $3.7 billion
2017d.html#74 Trump delay of the 'fiduciary rule' will cost retirement savers $3.7 billion
2017d.html#67 Economists are arguing over how their profession messed up during the Great Recession. This is what happened
2017d.html#55 Should America Have Entered World War I?
2017d.html#5 IBM's core business
2017d.html#2 Single Payer
2017c.html#91 Godwin's Law should force us to remember & fear our shared heritage with Nazi Germany
2017c.html#58 The ICL 2900
2017b.html#83 Sleepwalking Into a Nuclear Arms Race with Russia
2017b.html#77 Corporate Tax Rate
2017b.html#64 Jean Tirole's Proposal to Appoint Felons to Monitor CEOs
2017b.html#48 Janet Yellen debunks Trump's case for killing Dodd-Frank
2017b.html#43 when to get out???
2017b.html#41 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017b.html#40 Job Loyalty
2017b.html#17 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017b.html#11 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017b.html#4 OT: Trump Moves to Roll Back Obama-Era Financial Regulations
2017b.html#3 Trump, Wall Street and the "banking caucus" ready to rip apart Dodd-Frank
2017.html#102 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017.html#97 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017.html#92 Trump's Rollback of the Neoliberal Market State
2017.html#69 How Private Equity Firms are Designed to Earn Big While Risking Little of Their Own
2017.html#63 One Nation Under God: How Corporate America Invented Christian America
2017.html#56 25th Anniversary Implementation of Nunn-Lugar Act
2017.html#54 Why the Pursuit of Shareholder Value Kills Innovation
2017.html#34 If economists want to be trusted again, they should learn to tell jokes
2017.html#31 Milton Friedman's Cherished Theory Is Laid to Rest
2017.html#29 Milton Friedman's Cherished Theory Is Laid to Rest
2017.html#26 Milton Friedman's Cherished Theory Is Laid to Rest
2017.html#24 Destruction of the Middle Class
2017.html#17 Destruction of the Middle Class
2017.html#10 Separation church and state
2017.html#7 Malicious Cyber Activity
2017.html#4 Separation church and state
2016h.html#83 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016h.html#68 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016h.html#62 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016h.html#41 Are We Nearing a Cyber Sarbanes-Oxley?
2016h.html#38 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016h.html#15 BREAKING: Trump Announces Big Gift To Banks Despite His Campaign Rhetoric Against Wall Street
2016h.html#3 Smedley Butler
2016g.html#92 The Lessons of Henry Kissinger
2016g.html#58 Drafting of Dodd-Frank
2016g.html#32 Ma Bell is coming back and, boy, is she pissed! She bought Bugs Bunny!
2016g.html#31 Economic Mess
2016g.html#12 IBM's Gerstner to Join Carlyle As Investment Firm's Chairman
2016g.html#8 Wall Street Preparing Dodd-Frank Rule Workaround
2016f.html#105 How to Win the Cyberwar Against Russia
2016f.html#98 Chain of Title: How Three Ordinary Americans Uncovered Wall Street's Great Foreclosure Fraud
2016f.html#95 Chain of Title: How Three Ordinary Americans Uncovered Wall Street's Great Foreclosure Fraud
2016f.html#94 The Brothers: John Foster Dulles, Allen Dulles, and Their Secret World War
2016f.html#73 IBM Buying Promontory Clinches It: Regtech Is Real
2016f.html#69 IBM Buying Promontory Clinches It: Regtech Is Real
2016f.html#56 "One Nation Under God: How Corporate America Invented Christian America"
2016f.html#52 U.S. Big Banks: A Culture of Crime
2016f.html#51 OT: DuPont seeks to screw workers of their pensions
2016f.html#35 Deutsche Bank and a $10Bn Money Laundering Nightmare: More Context Than You Can Shake a Stick at
2016f.html#27 British socialism / anti-trust
2016f.html#22 US and UK have staged coups before
2016f.html#3 E.R. Burroughs
2016e.html#59 How Putin Weaponized Wikileaks to Influence the Election of an American President
2016e.html#27 US Refused To Prosecute HSBC Over Fears Of "Global Financial Disaster"
2016d.html#87 Get Out Of Jail Free Card
2016d.html#72 Five Outdated Leadership Ideas That Need To Die
2016d.html#49 Fateful Choices
2016d.html#32 Dave Dayen's "Chain of Title" Reminds Us: The Obama Administration Could Have Jailed Wall Street Criminals. It Simply Chose Not To
2016d.html#26 How the computer transformed economics. And didn't
2016d.html#25 How the computer transformed economics. And didn't
2016d.html#23 Banking; The Book That Will Save Banking From Itself
2016d.html#19 Banking; The Book That Will Save Banking From Itself
2016d.html#7 Study: Cost of U.S. Regulations Larger Than Germany's Economy
2016c.html#84 Wells Fargo "Admits Deceiving" U.S. Government, Pays Record $1.2 Billion Settlement
2016c.html#79 Qbasic
2016c.html#78 Qbasic
2016c.html#75 Qbasic
2016c.html#69 Qbasic
2016c.html#65 A call for revolution
2016c.html#64 Isolationism and War Profiteering
2016c.html#53 Qbasic
2016c.html#52 Qbasic
2016c.html#7 Why was no one prosecuted for contributing to the financial crisis? New documents reveal why
2016b.html#102 Qbasic
2016b.html#73 Qbasic
2016b.html#65 Qbasic
2016b.html#49 Corporate malfeasance
2016b.html#39 Failure as a Way of Life; The logic of lost wars and military-industrial boondoggles
2016b.html#31 Putin holds phone call with Obama, urges better defense cooperation in fight against ISIS
2016b.html#11 Bill Black: How Many Lies Can the WSJ Pack into a Chart on Liar's Loans?
2016.html#102 Thanks Obama
2016.html#93 Thanks Obama
2016.html#86 Thanks Obama
2016.html#73 Shout out to Grace Hopper (State of the Union)
2016.html#39 Shout out to Grace Hopper (State of the Union)
2016.html#36 I Feel Old
2016.html#16 1970--protesters seize computer center
2016.html#13 1970--protesters seize computer center
2016.html#7 I Feel Old
2015h.html#122 For those who like to regress to their youth? :-)
2015h.html#94 Systems thinking--still in short supply
2015h.html#91 Happy Dec-10 Day!!!
2015h.html#70 Department of Defense Head Ashton Carter Enlists Silicon Valley to Transform the Military
2015h.html#28 rationality
2015h.html#26 Putin's Great Crime: He Defends His Allies and Attacks His Enemies
2015g.html#73 Economists' Tribal Thinking
2015g.html#70 AIG freezes defined-benefit pension plan
2015g.html#68 Yes, Computers Have Improved. No, Communism Hasn't
2015g.html#67 Economics Has a Math Problem
2015g.html#65 Michael Hudson's New Book: Wall Street Parasites Have Devoured Their Hosts -- Your Retirement Plan and the U.S. Economy
2015g.html#56 The long, slow death of the rule of law in America
2015g.html#32 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015g.html#30 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015g.html#27 OT: efforts to repeal strict public safety laws
2015g.html#22 [Poll] Computing favorities
2015g.html#17 There's No Such Thing as Corporate DNA
2015g.html#16 Federal Deficits
2015g.html#12 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015g.html#10 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015g.html#7 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015g.html#3 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#76 Pentagon remains stubbornly unable to account for its billions
2015f.html#65 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#64 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#63 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#53 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#48 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#45 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#44 No, the F-35 Can't Fight at Long Range, Either
2015f.html#36 Eric Holder, Wall Street Double Agent, Comes in From the Cold
2015f.html#30 Analysis: Root of Tattered US-Russia Ties Date Back Decades
2015f.html#29 Eric Holder Returns as Hero to Law Firm That Lobbies for Big Banks
2015f.html#24 IBM is struggling. But former CEO Sam Palmisano says he isn't looking back
2015f.html#22 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#13 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#10 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#1 Jeb: George W. Bush is a top foreign policy adviser
2015e.html#96 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#94 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#88 prices, was Western Union envisioned internet functionality
2015e.html#80 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#74 prices, was Western Union envisioned internet functionality
2015e.html#67 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#60 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#58 Time to Fire Mary Jo White: SEC Covers Up for Bank Capital Accounting Scam Promoted by Her Former Firm, Debevoise
2015e.html#48 These are the companies abandoning the U.S. to dodge taxes
2015e.html#34 43rd President
2015d.html#76 Greedy Banks Nailed With $5 BILLION+ Fine For Fraud And Corruption
2015d.html#69 Western Union envisioned internet functionality
2015d.html#54 The Jeb Bush Adviser Who Should Scare You
2015d.html#7 Fast Track/TPP: The Death of National Sovereignty, State Sovereignty, Separation of Powers, and Democracy
2015c.html#108 Occupy Democrats
2015c.html#80 Moody's Has a Cow, Slams GE's Masterful Financial Engineering
2015c.html#79 Belvedere Management: Massive Criminal Enterprise or Defamed Fund Manager?
2015c.html#75 Hillary Remains Clueless About Regulation on the 28th Anniversary of the Keating Five Meeting
2015c.html#41 past of nukes, was Future of support for telephone rotary dial ?
2015c.html#18 SEC's Andrew Bowden Regulatory Capture Scandal Hits the Major Leagues with Los Angeles Times Column
2015c.html#16 Retirement Heist
2015c.html#6 SEC's Andrew Bowden Regulatory Capture Scandal Hits the Major Leagues with Los Angeles Times Column
2015b.html#86 past of nukes, was Future of support for telephone rotary dial ?
2015b.html#81 Stanford Law School Covers Up SEC's Andrew Bowden's Embarrassing Remarks by Deep-Sixing Conference Video
2015b.html#71 Why do we have wars?
2015b.html#70 past of nukes, was Future of support for telephone rotary dial ?
2015b.html#51 bloomberg article on ASG and Chpater 11
2015b.html#42 Future of support for telephone rotary dial ?
2015b.html#41 New York's Benjamin Lawksy and the SEC's Kara Stein and Luis Aguilar Push for Tougher Sanctions Against Bank Executives
2015b.html#36 IBM CEO Rometty gets bonus despite company's woes
2015b.html#31 What were the complaints of binary code programmers that not accept Assembly?
2015b.html#27 What were the complaints of binary code programmers that not accept Assembly?
2015b.html#24 What were the complaints of binary code programmers that not accept Assembly?
2015b.html#22 Two New Papers Say Big Finance Sectors Hurt Growth and Innovation
2015b.html#20 $2 Billion City Of Tampa Pension Story Major Media Missed
2015b.html#12 Criminal Tax Evader HSBC's CEO Resorts to Bank Apologist Fable of the Virgin Crisis
2015b.html#8 Shoot Bank Of America Now---The Case For Super Glass-Steagall Is Overwhelming
2015b.html#6 do you blame Harvard for Putin
2015b.html#5 Swiss Leaks lifts the veil on a secretive banking system
2015b.html#2 do you blame Harvard for Putin
2015b.html#1 do you blame Harvard for Puten
2015b.html#0 S&L Crisis and Economic Mess
2015.html#98 Convicted Fraudster Jonathan Hay, Harvard's Man Who Wrecked Russia, Resurfaces in Ukraine
2015.html#92 Ocwen's Servicing Meltdown Proves Failure of Obama's Mortgage Settlements
2015.html#90 NY Judge Slams Wells Fargo For Forging Documents... And Why Nothing Will Change
2015.html#72 George W. Bush: Still the worst; A new study ranks Bush near the very bottom in history
2015.html#67 IBM Data Processing Center and Pi
2015.html#60 IBM Data Processing Center and Pi
2015.html#53 IBM Data Processing Center and Pi
2015.html#52 Report: Tax Evasion, Avoidance Costs United States $100 Billion A Year
2015.html#24 Forget the McDonnells. We're ignoring bigger, more pernicious corruption right under our noses
2015.html#17 Cromnibus cartoon
2015.html#7 weird apple trivia
2014m.html#177 LEO
2014m.html#145 IBM Continues To Crumble
2014m.html#137 weird apple trivia
2014m.html#131 Memo To WSJ: The CRomnibus Abomination Was Not "A Rare Bipartisan Success"
2014m.html#126 Wall Street's Revenge
2014m.html#120 Memo To Citigroup CEO Michael Corbat: Does Your Crony Capitalist Plunder Know No Shame?
2014m.html#97 Australia: Haven for Bank Control Frauds?
2014m.html#80 Companies on trial: are they 'too big to jail'?
2014m.html#65 Decimation of the valuation of IBM
2014m.html#63 The Fed Just Acknowledged Its Too Big To Jail Policy
2014m.html#61 Decimation of the valuation of IBM
2014m.html#58 Wall Street is Taking Over America's Pension Plans
2014m.html#55 Piketty Shreds Marginal Productivity as Neoclassical Justification for Supersized Pay
2014m.html#53 Banking - licensed to cheat! And whether you'll get away with it
2014m.html#52 LEO
2014m.html#44 Business culture in banking industry favors dishonest behavior
2014m.html#39 LEO
2014m.html#37 Income Inequality
2014m.html#34 Forget the 1%
2014m.html#33 LEO
2014m.html#21 Senate Democrats vs. the Middle Class; Senators elected in 2008 made Obama's agenda possible, and its results have harmed most Americans
2014m.html#16 weird apple trivia
2014m.html#14 weird apple trivia
2014m.html#10 weird apple trivia
2014m.html#2 weird apple trivia
2014m.html#1 weird apple trivia
2014l.html#94 weird apple trivia
2014l.html#92 How Much Does It Cost To Keep JPMorgan FX-Riggers Out Of Jail?
2014l.html#86 Brand-name companies' secret Luxembourg tax deals revealed
2014l.html#83 How Much Does It Cost To Keep JPMorgan FX-Riggers Out Of Jail?
2014l.html#82 SEC probing private equity performance figures
2014l.html#64 How Comp-Sci went from passing fad to must have major
2014l.html#60 IBM's Ginni Rometty Just Confessed To A Huge Failure -- It Might Be The Best Thing For The Company
2014l.html#49 IBM's Ginni Rometty Just Confessed To A Huge Failure -- It Might Be The Best Thing For The Company
2014l.html#36 IBM 'major announcement' points to deal on chip manufacturing
2014l.html#30 HP splits, again
2014l.html#26 LA Times commentary: roll out "smart" credit cards to deter fraud
2014l.html#3 HP splits, again
2014l.html#0 HP splits, again
2014k.html#80 HP splits, again
2014k.html#69 LA Times commentary: roll out "smart" credit cards to deter fraud
2014k.html#63 LA Times commentary: roll out "smart" credit cards to deter fraud
2014k.html#50 LA Times commentary: roll out "smart" credit cards to deter fraud
2014k.html#47 LA Times commentary: roll out "smart" credit cards to deter fraud
2014k.html#3 only sometimes From looms to computers to looms
2014j.html#55 US Entering New Era of Dirty Wars?
2014j.html#52 Bill Black on Bank Fraud: The Wall Street Journal's Choleric Rant about Cholera and Bank Fraud Epidemics
2014j.html#11 How Comp-Sci went from passing fad to must have major
2014j.html#9 How Comp-Sci went from passing fad to must have major
2014j.html#3 How Comp-Sci went from passing fad to must have major
2014i.html#101 How Comp-Sci went from passing fad to must have major
2014i.html#64 The Mystery of Flight MH17: Motives, Missiles, Flight Plans, and the Media
2014i.html#45 Sale receipt--obligatory?
2014i.html#30 How Comp-Sci went from passing fad to must have major
2014i.html#29 How Comp-Sci went from passing fad to must have major
2014i.html#19 Instead of focusing on big fines, law enforcement should seek long prison terms for the responsible executives
2014h.html#111 Maine Supreme Court Hands Major Defeat to MERS Mortgage Registry
2014h.html#53 BNP Near Settlement With U.S. for Up to $9 Billion
2014h.html#37 Married Couples and the Financial Mess
2014h.html#3 The Decline and Fall of IBM
2014h.html#0 The Decline and Fall of IBM
2014g.html#111 The Decline and Fall of IBM
2014g.html#109 SEC Caught Dark Pool and High Speed Traders Doing Bad Stuff
2014g.html#107 The SEC's Mary Jo White Punts on High Frequency Trading and Abandons Securities Act of 1934
2014g.html#80 OT - Quantum Teleportation Feat Brings Ultrafast Computer Networks Step Closer To Reality
2014g.html#59 SEC Official Describes Widespread Lawbreaking and Material Weakness in Controls in Private Equity Industry
2014g.html#58 Credit Suisse, BNP Paribas at Risk of Criminal Charges Over Taxes, Business With Banned Nations
2014g.html#52 SEC Official Describes Widespread Lawbreaking and Material Weakness in Controls in Private Equity Industry
2014g.html#44 SEC Official Describes Widespread Lawbreaking and Material Weakness in Controls in Private Equity Industry
2014g.html#33 Credit Suisse's Guilty Plea: The WSJ Uses the Right Adjective to Modify the Wrong Noun
2014f.html#80 IBM Sales Fall Again, Pressuring Rometty's Profit Goal
2014f.html#77 SEC Official Describes Widespread Lawbreaking and Material Weakness in Controls in Private Equity Industry
2014f.html#69 Is end of mainframe near ?
2014f.html#60 GAO and Wall Street Journal Whitewash Huge Criminal Bank Frauds
2014f.html#59 GAO and Wall Street Journal Whitewash Huge Criminal Bank Frauds
2014f.html#54 IBM Sales Fall Again, Pressuring Rometty's Profit Goal
2014f.html#48 IBM hopes new chip can turn the tables on Intel
2014f.html#47 Barbarians at the Gate
2014f.html#42 Before the Internet: The golden age of online services
2014f.html#14 Before the Internet: The golden age of online services
2014f.html#3 Three Expensive Milliseconds
2014f.html#1 Why IBM Is Tumbling: BRIC Sales Plunge, Total Revenue Lowest Since 2009
2014e.html#75 Before the Internet: The golden age of online services
2014e.html#72 Three Expensive Milliseconds
2014e.html#71 FBI Investigates High-Speed Trading
2014e.html#66 SEC Goldman Lawyer Says Agency Too Timid on Wall Street Misdeeds
2014d.html#98 The SEC Finally Takes an Interest in Collateralized Loan Obligations
2014d.html#91 IBM layoffs strike first in India; workers describe cuts as 'slaughter' and 'massive'
2014d.html#79 Kleptocrats hiding funds in US warned 'we will find you'
2014d.html#78 Wells Fargo made up on-demand foreclosure papers plan: court filing charges
2014d.html#64 Wells Fargo made up on-demand foreclosure papers plan: court filing charges
2014d.html#53 FDIC Sues 16 Big Banks That Set Key Rate
2014d.html#47 Stolen F-35 Secrets Now Showing Up in China's Stealth Fighter
2014d.html#46 Wells Fargo made up on-demand foreclosure papers plan: court filing charges
2014d.html#4 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014c.html#95 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014c.html#79 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014c.html#68 Economists and our responsibilities to society
2014c.html#57 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014c.html#55 Maximizing shareholder value: The goal that changed corporate America
2014c.html#54 IBM layoffs strike first in India; workers describe cuts as 'slaughter' and 'massive'
2014c.html#48 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014c.html#24 IBM sells Intel server business, company is doomed
2014c.html#23 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014c.html#17 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014c.html#16 Precious Metals Manipulation Worse Than Libor Scandal, German Regulator Says
2014c.html#2 Private-equity firms play major role in defense industry today
2014b.html#101 Defense Department Needs to Act Like IBM to Save Itself
2014b.html#93 Maximizing shareholder value: The Goal that changed corporate America
2014b.html#79 Shocking news: Execs do what they're paid to do
2014b.html#74 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#73 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#57 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#50 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#48 IBM Dumps Its Server Business On Lenovo For $2.3B
2014b.html#43 Royal Pardon for credit unions
2014b.html#34 IBM sells x86 server business to Lenovo (was Levono)
2014b.html#33 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#30 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#25 IBM Asian Revenues Crash, Adjusted Earnings Beat On Tax Rate Fudge; Debt Rises 20% To Fund Stock Buybacks
2014b.html#14 IBM to invest 1.2B into Cloud Data Centers
2014b.html#3 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014.html#87 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014.html#81 Pensions, was Re: Royal Pardon For Turing
2014.html#78 Fed may restrict bank ownership of commodities
2014.html#48 Royal Pardon For Turing

capitalism -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- before_2014 -- back to top/index

comptroller.general postings (2014-2017)

2017j.html#9 Who Is The Smallest Government Spender Since Eisenhower? Would You Believe It's Barack Obama?
2017j.html#4 Who Is The Smallest Government Spender Since Eisenhower? Would You Believe It's Barack Obama?
2017i.html#31 Reminder: It's very unusual to vote on a health-care bill before Congress knows what it will do
2017h.html#106 Iraq, Longest War
2017h.html#69 Feds Debt
2017h.html#51 endless medical arguments, Disregard post (another screwup)
2017g.html#79 Bad Ideas
2017g.html#50 SS Trust Fund
2017g.html#48 SS Trust Fund
2017f.html#103 Health Care Spending
2017d.html#2 Single Payer
2017c.html#90 Economist, Harry Dent Hints: Global Banks Facing a Serious Crisis in Months Ahead
2017c.html#56 Wall Street Vs. Main Street
2017b.html#41 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017.html#30 $16T National Debt
2017.html#16 House GOP appallingly votes to conceal cost of Obamacare repeal to taxpayers
2017.html#11 Attack SS Entitlements
2016h.html#103 Minimum Wage
2016h.html#91 Your Social Security cuts are already on the way
2016h.html#81 Economic Mess
2016h.html#63 GOP introduces plan to massively cut Social Security
2016f.html#100 D.C. Hivemind Mulls How Clinton Can Pass Huge Corporate Tax Cut
2016f.html#55 Congress, most corrupt institution on earth
2016f.html#16 The EpiPen Scandal Is Worse Than You Think: What You're Not Being Told
2016e.html#105 Washington Corruption
2016e.html#89 E.R. Burroughs
2016e.html#54 Social Security Trust Fund IOUs
2016e.html#11 "Computer & Automation" later issues--anti-establishment thrust
2016d.html#98 Trust in Government Is Collapsing Around the World
2016d.html#7 Study: Cost of U.S. Regulations Larger Than Germany's Economy
2016c.html#49 Federal Debt
2016c.html#18 Qbasic
2016c.html#17 Globalization Worker Negotiation
2016b.html#110 The Koch-Fueled Plot to Destroy the VA
2016b.html#84 Trump vs. Hillary
2016b.html#64 Qbasic
2016b.html#25 SS Trust Fund
2016b.html#12 Thanks Obama
2016.html#44 Thanks Obama
2016.html#30 I Feel Old
2015h.html#48 Protecting Social Security from the Thieves in the Night
2015g.html#86 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015g.html#16 Federal Deficits
2015f.html#10 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#48 These are the companies abandoning the U.S. to dodge taxes
2015d.html#77 Western Union envisioned internet functionality
2015d.html#75 Greedy Banks Nailed With $5 BILLION+ Fine For Fraud And Corruption
2015d.html#66 Western Union envisioned internet functionality
2015d.html#62 Medicare Part B premiums increasing up to 30%
2015c.html#108 Occupy Democrats
2015c.html#37 past of nukes, was Future of support for telephone rotary dial ?
2015c.html#4 Mandated Spending
2015b.html#80 House Republican budget: There's a mysterious $1.1 trillion in spending cuts in the House GOP's budget
2015b.html#3 About This Project: Swiss Leaks
2015.html#72 George W. Bush: Still the worst; A new study ranks Bush near the very bottom in history
2015.html#56 IBM Data Processing Center and Pi
2015.html#52 Report: Tax Evasion, Avoidance Costs United States $100 Billion A Year
2015.html#25 Gutting Dodd-Frank
2014m.html#77 LEO
2014m.html#67 LEO
2014m.html#1 weird apple trivia
2014l.html#89 Forbes perspective on IBM's troubles
2014k.html#66 LA Times commentary: roll out "smart" credit cards to deter fraud
2014j.html#81 No Internet. No Microsoft Windows. No iPods. This Is What Tech Was Like In 1984
2014g.html#104 A lifetime ban on lobbying for lawmakers?
2014c.html#100 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014c.html#27 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#94 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#53 Royal Pardon For Turing

comptroller.general -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- before_2014 -- back to top/index

data.breach.notification postings (2014-2017)

-#- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_breach -#-
2017k.html#0 Data Breach Notification
2017j.html#32 Tech: we didn't mean for it to turn out like this
2017i.html#30 SEC Admits US Public Filing System Was Hacked, "May Have Resulted" In Countless Illegal Profits
2017i.html#27 Equifax executives out after massive hack
2017i.html#21 The FTC says it's investigating the Equifax hack
2017i.html#18 progress in e-mail, such as AOL
2017i.html#16 Would encryption have prevented known major breaches?
2017h.html#117 Equifax Lobbied To Kill Rule Protecting Victims Of Data Breaches
2017h.html#10 Pentagon Would Ban Contractors That Don't Protect Data
2017g.html#88 IBM Mainframe Ushers in New Era of Data Protection
2017g.html#7 Mainframe Networking problems
2017f.html#75 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#85 Time to sack the chief of computing in the NHS?
2017d.html#101 Electronic Payments
2017d.html#74 Trump delay of the 'fiduciary rule' will cost retirement savers $3.7 billion
2017d.html#7 Congress just obliterated Obama-era rules preventing ISPs from selling your browsing history
2017d.html#6 ComputerWorld Says: Cobol plays major role in U.S. government breaches
2017c.html#69 ComputerWorld Says: Cobol plays major role in U.S. government breaches
2017c.html#67 Cobol plays major role in U.S. government breaches
2017c.html#61 [EXTERNAL] ComputerWorld Says: Cobol plays major role in U.S. government breaches
2017c.html#60 [EXTERNAL] ComputerWorld Says: Cobol plays major role in U.S. government breaches
2017c.html#34 CBS News: WikiLeaks claims to release thousands of CIA documents of computer activity
2017c.html#20 The FCC Seems Unlikely to Stop Internet Providers from Selling Your Data
2017c.html#18 FCC halts data security rules
2017c.html#1 FCC puts the brakes on ISP privacy rules it just passed in October
2017.html#94 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017.html#69 How Private Equity Firms are Designed to Earn Big While Risking Little of Their Own
2016h.html#108 Minimum Security Required
2016h.html#104 PC Compromise and Internet Transactions
2016h.html#41 Are We Nearing a Cyber Sarbanes-Oxley?
2016h.html#8 Make companies pay full cost of breaches to restore trust in the internet, says ISOC
2016h.html#4 OODA in IT Security
2016h.html#0 Snowden
2016g.html#84 Your Guide for Data Breach Crisis Communication
2016g.html#77 Your Guide for Data Breach Crisis Communication
2016g.html#33 OODA-loop and virtual machines
2016f.html#107 How to Win the Cyberwar Against Russia
2016f.html#89 Why the cloud is bad news for Cisco, Dell, and HP
2016f.html#75 IBM Buying Promontory Clinches It: Regtech Is Real
2016f.html#70 Security Design: Stop Trying to Fix the User
2016e.html#81 Why you need a strong authentication platform
2016e.html#35 How the internet was invented
2016d.html#20 Computer theft 1971
2016d.html#17 Cybercrime
2016c.html#67 We Must Stop The Race to Attribution After Each Cyberattack
2016c.html#54 Why you might not be warned of an online security breach
2016b.html#38 Ransomware
2015h.html#95 book "1984"--modern privacy
2015g.html#64 Intel: Criminals getting better at data exfiltration
2015e.html#61 Fed agency blames giant hack on 'neglected' security system
2015e.html#30 The real story of how the Internet became so vulnerable
2015e.html#19 The real story of how the Internet became so vulnerable
2015e.html#15 The real story of how the Internet became so vulnerable
2015d.html#67 PCI DSS compliance for z/OS
2015d.html#4 "Trust in digital certificate ecosystem eroding"
2015c.html#99 Cyber Threat Sharing is Great in Theory, But Tough in Practice
2015c.html#96 Data breach notification bill could weaken consumer protections
2015b.html#14 President to Issue Executive Order Encouraging Threat Intelligence Sharing
2015.html#96 Anthem Healthcare Hacked
2015.html#55 HealthCare.gov in Cahoots with Dozens of Tracking Websites
2015.html#54 How do we take political considerations into account in the OODA-Loop?
2014m.html#171 European data law: UK.gov TRASHES 'unambiguous consent' plans
2014m.html#124 Commissioner Adrian Leppard calls for legislation to compel the banking system to report fraud
2014m.html#92 The 10 Biggest Bank Card Hacks
2014l.html#55 LA Times commentary: roll out "smart" credit cards to deter fraud
2014g.html#31 Target Results Hurt by Canada, Data Breach
2014g.html#21 Thomas Piketty Is Right About the Past and Wrong About the Future
2014g.html#19 350 DBAs stare blankly when reminded super-users can pinch data
2014g.html#17 Is it time for a revolution to replace TLS?
2014g.html#15 Is it time for a revolution to replace TLS?
2014f.html#94 Privacy vs. freedom of the press--Google court ruling
2014f.html#71 Stopping Cybersecurity Breaches Means Rethinking Consequences
2014f.html#70 Obama Administration Launches Plan To Make An "Internet ID" A Reality
2014f.html#58 Consumers Ditch Their Breached Retailers, Banks and Doctors
2014e.html#78 How the Internet wasn't Commercial Dataprocessing
2014e.html#64 How the IETF plans to protect the web from NSA snooping
2014e.html#31 U.S. States Investigating Breach at Experian
2014e.html#6 Credit Card Breach at California DMV Provides Yet Another Warning of Cyber Insecurities
2014d.html#105 After Target, Neiman Marcus breaches, does PCI compliance mean anything?
2014d.html#102 How the IETF plans to protect the web from NSA snooping
2014d.html#40 Missed Alarms and 40 Million Stolen Credit Card Numbers: How Target Blew It
2014d.html#3 Let's Face It--It's the Cyber Era and We're Cyber Dumb
2014d.html#1 RSA 2014: Target Breach Has Bigger Impact on Data Security than Snowden, says Vormetric
2014.html#95 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014.html#65 Washington Post on Target store data thefts
2014.html#56 Washington Post on Target store data thefts
2014.html#53 Why the Target Breach Might Be Even Bigger: Big Data Means Big Breach

data.breach.notification -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- before_2014 -- back to top/index

dialup-banking postings (2014-2017)

2017e.html#31 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017d.html#92 Old hardware
2016h.html#99 PC Compromise and Internet Transactions
2016e.html#74 The chip card transition in the US has been a disaster
2016e.html#73 The chip card transition in the US has been a disaster
2016e.html#35 How the internet was invented
2016d.html#6 Qbasic
2016c.html#33 Institutional Memory and Two-factor Authentication
2015h.html#8 Self-service PC
2015e.html#87 These hackers warned the Internet would become a security disaster. Nobody listened
2015e.html#42 The real story of how the Internet became so vulnerable
2015e.html#12 The real story of how the Internet became so vulnerable
2015d.html#61 Western Union envisioned internet functionality
2014k.html#53 LA Times commentary: roll out "smart" credit cards to deter fraud
2014j.html#98 Cybersecurity
2014j.html#63 No Internet. No Microsoft Windows. No iPods. This Is What Tech Was Like In 1984
2014j.html#22 The SDS 92, its place in history?
2014j.html#21 The SDS 92, its place in history?
2014i.html#62 A computer at home?
2014i.html#60 A computer at home?
2014i.html#59 A computer at home?
2014h.html#43 Oil Co. Wins $350,000 Cyberheist Settlement
2014f.html#17 Online Debit, Credit Fraud Will Soon Get Much Worse
2014f.html#8 Is cybersecurity the next banking crisis in the making?
2014e.html#64 How the IETF plans to protect the web from NSA snooping
2014e.html#44 The dark side of digital banking
2014e.html#32 The dark side of digital banking

dialup-banking -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- before_2014 -- back to top/index

economic.mess postings (2014-2017)

-#- too-big-to-fail -#- toxic.cdo -#- zirp -#- regulatory.capture -#- fed.chairman -#- Pecora&/orGlass-Steagall -#- capitalism -#-
2017k.html#58 Failures and Resiliency
2017k.html#55 'I hope I can quit working in a few years': A preview of the U.S. without pensions
2017k.html#53 Spending, Deficit Concerns Arise With New Tax Law
2017k.html#51 Taxing Social Security Benefits
2017k.html#17 The 1970s engineering recession
2017k.html#6 The 1970s engineering recession
2017k.html#5 The 1970s engineering recession
2017k.html#4 The 1970s engineering recession
2017k.html#2 The 1970s engineering recession
2017k.html#1 The 1970s engineering recession
2017j.html#108 The 1970s engineering recession
2017j.html#106 The 1970s engineering recession
2017j.html#105 The 1970s engineering recession
2017j.html#102 The 1970s engineering recession
2017j.html#101 The 1970s engineering recession
2017j.html#100 The 1970s engineering recession
2017j.html#64 Wages and Productivity
2017j.html#58 Wall Street Wants to Kill the Agency Protecting Americans From Financial Scams
2017j.html#54 Testing Progressives, Centrist Dems Team Up with GOP to Deregulate Banks
2017j.html#52 Einhorn: "None Of The Problems From The Financial Crisis Have Been Solved"
2017j.html#46 How Economists Turned Corporations into Predators
2017j.html#13 Plutocracy Rising repost from Oct 2012
2017j.html#12 The Warning
2017j.html#10 Plutocracy Rising repost from Oct 2012
2017j.html#8 The Mathematics of Inequality
2017i.html#83 How the world's greatest financial experiment enriched the rich
2017i.html#72 When Working From Home Doesn't Work
2017i.html#60 When Working From Home Doesn't Work
2017i.html#47 Retirement Heist: How Firms Plunder Workers' Nest Eggs
2017i.html#38 Bullying trivia
2017i.html#27 Equifax executives out after massive hack
2017i.html#24 Systemic Risk
2017i.html#22 Dotcom Bubble
2017i.html#19 How to spot a dodgy company - never trust a high achiever
2017i.html#14 How to spot a dodgy company - never trust a high achiever
2017i.html#7 The Real Reason Wages Have Stagnated: Our Economy Is Optimized For Financialization
2017i.html#1 Any definitive reference for why the PDP-11 was little-endian?
2017h.html#116 The Real Reason Wages Have Stagnated: Our Economy Is Optimized For Financialization
2017h.html#115 When It Comes to the War in the Greater Middle East, Maybe We're the Bad Guys
2017h.html#112 Jamie Dimon's $13 Billion Secret--Revealed
2017h.html#108 Iraq, Longest War
2017h.html#107 Iraq, Longest War
2017h.html#101 The Payoff: Why Wall Street Always Wins
2017h.html#100 'X' Marks the Spot Where Inequality Took Root: Dig Here
2017h.html#88 Any definitive reference for why the PDP-11 was little-endian?
2017h.html#87 Any definitive reference for why the PDP-11 was little-endian?
2017h.html#86 The Lost Lesson of the Financial Crisis
2017h.html#77 Any definitive reference for why the PDP-11 was little-endian?
2017h.html#74 On Tactics
2017h.html#69 Feds Debt
2017h.html#60 Pareto efficiency
2017h.html#56 Feds WIMP
2017h.html#55 Pareto efficiency
2017h.html#54 Pareto efficiency
2017h.html#46 Disregard post (another screwup)
2017h.html#45 "Subprime Is Contained" (& Other Evidence That "They Really Don't Know What They're Doing")
2017h.html#39 Disregard post (another screwup; absolutely nothing to do with computers whatsoever!)
2017h.html#25 OFF TOPIC: University of California, Irvine, revokes 500 admissions
2017h.html#24 OFF TOPIC: University of California, Irvine, revokes 500 admissions
2017h.html#13 What the Enron E-mails Say About Us
2017h.html#9 Corporate Profit and Taxes
2017h.html#2 Trump is taking the wrong approach to China on tech, says ex-Reagan official who helped beat Soviets
2017g.html#108 Jamie Dimon: You Make Us Embarrassed to be Americans
2017g.html#106 Jamie Dimon: You Make Us Embarrassed to be Americans
2017g.html#100 Why CEO pay structures harm companies
2017g.html#85 How can we stop algorithms telling lies?
2017g.html#82 How can we stop algorithms telling lies?
2017g.html#79 Bad Ideas
2017g.html#48 SS Trust Fund
2017g.html#41 Iran/Contra and Email
2017g.html#19 Financial, Healthcare, Construction, Education complexity
2017g.html#6 Mapping the decentralized world of tomorrow
2017f.html#102 pneumatic cash systems was Re: [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#92 pneumatic cash systems was Re: [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#76 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#75 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#72 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#69 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#65 View of Russia
2017f.html#64 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#45 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#42 MVS vs HASP vs JES (was 2821)
2017f.html#27 MVS vs HASP vs JES (was 2821)
2017f.html#24 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#20 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#15 Conservatives and Spending
2017f.html#8 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#7 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#99 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#45 [CM] cheap money, was What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#44 [CM] cheap money, was What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#43 [CM] cheap money, was What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#41 [CM] cheap money, was What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#38 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017d.html#67 Economists are arguing over how their profession messed up during the Great Recession. This is what happened
2017d.html#59 Breaking: Entire Nation Experiencing Collective Amnesia About Iraq War
2017d.html#8 Congress just obliterated Obama-era rules preventing ISPs from selling your browsing history
2017c.html#90 Economist, Harry Dent Hints: Global Banks Facing a Serious Crisis in Months Ahead
2017c.html#56 Wall Street Vs. Main Street
2017c.html#42 Profitable Companies, No Taxes: Here's How They Did It
2017c.html#39 The Blockchain Will Do to the Financial System What the Internet Did to Media
2017c.html#31 Too-Big-To-Fail Not Punished
2017b.html#76 Another Big Company Departs California
2017b.html#52 when to get out???
2017b.html#50 when to get out???
2017b.html#48 Janet Yellen debunks Trump's case for killing Dodd-Frank
2017b.html#45 when to get out???
2017b.html#43 when to get out???
2017b.html#39 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017b.html#25 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017b.html#16 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017b.html#12 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017b.html#11 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017b.html#7 OT: Trump Moves to Roll Back Obama-Era Financial Regulations
2017b.html#6 OT: Trump Moves to Roll Back Obama-Era Financial Regulations
2017.html#104 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017.html#99 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017.html#97 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017.html#96 Trump, Wall Street and the "banking caucus" ready to rip apart Dodd-Frank
2017.html#95 Trump, Wall Street and the "banking caucus" ready to rip apart Dodd-Frank
2017.html#92 Trump's Rollback of the Neoliberal Market State
2017.html#83 Kabuki Theater
2017.html#67 Trump White House Senior Staff Have Private RNC Email Accounts
2017.html#65 Mnuchin Lied About His Bank's History of Robo-Signing Foreclosure Documents
2017.html#53 How Finance Behaves like a Parasite Toward the Economy
2017.html#50 Finance Is Not the Economy
2017.html#45 Western Union Admits Anti-Money Laundering and Consumer Fraud Violations, Forfeits $586 Million in Settlement with Justice Department and Federal Trade Commission
2017.html#40 The economics of corporate crime
2017.html#33 Moody's Agrees to Settle Financial Crisis-Era Claims for $864 Million
2017.html#31 Milton Friedman's Cherished Theory Is Laid to Rest
2017.html#26 Milton Friedman's Cherished Theory Is Laid to Rest
2017.html#17 Destruction of the Middle Class
2017.html#8 Too big to fail was Malicious Cyber Activity
2017.html#7 Malicious Cyber Activity
2016h.html#91 Your Social Security cuts are already on the way
2016h.html#82 Gov. Privatization
2016h.html#81 Economic Mess
2016h.html#63 GOP introduces plan to massively cut Social Security
2016h.html#54 CFTC Reproposes Position Limits Rule
2016h.html#42 TARP Bailout
2016h.html#41 Are We Nearing a Cyber Sarbanes-Oxley?
2016h.html#37 GOP Announces Privatization Of Medicare And The Details Are TERRIFYING
2016h.html#27 Are We Nearing a Cyber Sarbanes-Oxley?
2016h.html#15 BREAKING: Trump Announces Big Gift To Banks Despite His Campaign Rhetoric Against Wall Street
2016h.html#13 Jeff Sessions set to show his steel on white-collar crime
2016g.html#93 The annual Budget Games begin: Trump vs. Congress to control spending
2016g.html#88 Finance Is Not the Economy
2016g.html#87 Finance Is Not the Economy
2016g.html#83 Ma Bell is coming back and, boy, is she pissed! She bought Bugs Bunny!
2016g.html#58 Drafting of Dodd-Frank
2016g.html#55 more economic mess
2016g.html#39 Too Smug to Jail
2016g.html#36 Whitehouse EMAIL
2016g.html#32 Ma Bell is coming back and, boy, is she pissed! She bought Bugs Bunny!
2016g.html#31 Economic Mess
2016g.html#30 Is Jill Stein Correct? The Federal Reserve Could Buy Up All Outstanding Student Loans?
2016g.html#27 Economic Mess
2016g.html#8 Wall Street Preparing Dodd-Frank Rule Workaround
2016g.html#2 Airlines Reservation Systems
2016g.html#1 Airlines Reservation Systems
2016g.html#0 Airlines Reservation Systems
2016f.html#98 Chain of Title: How Three Ordinary Americans Uncovered Wall Street's Great Foreclosure Fraud
2016f.html#96 Chain of Title: How Three Ordinary Americans Uncovered Wall Street's Great Foreclosure Fraud
2016f.html#93 Chain of Title: How Three Ordinary Americans Uncovered Wall Street's Great Foreclosure Fraud
2016f.html#79 GLBA & Glass-Steagall
2016f.html#76 GLBA & Glass-Steagall
2016f.html#74 IBM Buying Promontory Clinches It: Regtech Is Real
2016f.html#73 IBM Buying Promontory Clinches It: Regtech Is Real
2016f.html#65 old Western Union Telegraph Company advertising
2016f.html#55 Congress, most corrupt institution on earth
2016f.html#51 OT: DuPont seeks to screw workers of their pensions
2016f.html#22 US and UK have staged coups before
2016f.html#0 IBM is Absolutely Down For The Count
2016e.html#109 Why Aren't Any Bankers in Prison for Causing the Financial Crisis?
2016e.html#89 E.R. Burroughs
2016e.html#59 How Putin Weaponized Wikileaks to Influence the Election of an American President
2016e.html#48 CIA Reactions to Finding No WMD in Iraq
2016e.html#29 Eric Holder's Longtime Excuse for Not Prosecuting Banks Just Crashed and Burned
2016e.html#6 Is it a lost cause?
2016d.html#98 Trust in Government Is Collapsing Around the World
2016d.html#86 Too Big To Jail
2016d.html#70 So, what was your computer birthplace?
2016d.html#29 How the computer transformed economics. And didn't
2016d.html#26 How the computer transformed economics. And didn't
2016d.html#19 Banking; The Book That Will Save Banking From Itself
2016d.html#7 Study: Cost of U.S. Regulations Larger Than Germany's Economy
2016d.html#1 Why Is the Obama Administration Trying to Keep 11,000 Documents Sealed?
2016d.html#0 Why Is the Obama Administration Trying to Keep 11,000 Documents Sealed?
2016c.html#99 Why Is the Obama Administration Trying to Keep 11,000 Documents Sealed?
2016c.html#94 Pension Funds at Risk
2016c.html#90 Goldman Slammed With $5.1 Billion Fine For "Serious Misconduct" In Mortgage Selling
2016c.html#88 Goldman Slammed With $5.1 Billion Fine For "Serious Misconduct" In Mortgage Selling
2016c.html#86 Wells Fargo "Admits Deceiving" U.S. Government, Pays Record $1.2 Billion Settlement
2016c.html#85 Wells Fargo "Admits Deceiving" U.S. Government, Pays Record $1.2 Billion Settlement
2016c.html#80 Qbasic
2016c.html#65 A call for revolution
2016c.html#34 Qbasic
2016c.html#29 Qbasic
2016c.html#27 Qbasic
2016c.html#23 How Generation Y is paying the price for baby boomer pensions
2016c.html#18 Qbasic
2016c.html#11 Qbasic
2016b.html#110 The Koch-Fueled Plot to Destroy the VA
2016b.html#84 Trump vs. Hillary
2016b.html#73 Qbasic
2016b.html#71 Qbasic
2016b.html#70 Qbasic
2016b.html#58 Wall Street strikes back against Bernie Sanders
2016b.html#51 Windows 10 forceful update?
2016b.html#42 Nobody saw the economic mess coming last decade
2016b.html#31 Putin holds phone call with Obama, urges better defense cooperation in fight against ISIS
2016b.html#28 Qbasic
2016b.html#11 Bill Black: How Many Lies Can the WSJ Pack into a Chart on Liar's Loans?
2016.html#95 Thanks Obama
2016.html#94 Thanks Obama
2016.html#89 Thanks Obama
2016.html#86 Thanks Obama
2016.html#71 Thanks Obama
2016.html#36 I Feel Old
2016.html#31 I Feel Old
2016.html#26 1970--protesters seize computer center
2016.html#11 25 Years: How the Web began
2016.html#10 25 Years: How the Web began
2016.html#8 "Too Big To Fail"
2016.html#6 Repealing Glass-Steagall
2016.html#0 Repealing Glass-Steagall
2015h.html#123 IBM retirement fund
2015h.html#78 The Global Financial Crisis: Analysis and Policy Implications
2015h.html#65 Economic Mess
2015h.html#60 rationality
2015h.html#56 rationality
2015h.html#55 rationality
2015h.html#54 rationality
2015h.html#45 rationality
2015h.html#44 rationality
2015h.html#28 rationality
2015h.html#25 Hillary Clinton's Glass-Steagall
2015h.html#23 It A "Liquidity Mirage": New York Fed Finally Grasps How Broken The Market Is Due To HFTs
2015h.html#22 rationality
2015h.html#19 Bernanke: Some Wall Street executives should've gone to jail over financial crisis
2015h.html#4 Decimal point character and billions
2015g.html#86 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015g.html#81 Now the DOJ Admits They Got it Wrong
2015g.html#73 Economists' Tribal Thinking
2015g.html#70 AIG freezes defined-benefit pension plan
2015g.html#65 Michael Hudson's New Book: Wall Street Parasites Have Devoured Their Hosts -- Your Retirement Plan and the U.S. Economy
2015g.html#57 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015g.html#56 The long, slow death of the rule of law in America
2015g.html#50 seveneves
2015g.html#49 seveneves
2015g.html#28 Miniskirts and mainframes
2015g.html#25 After 6 Years Of QE, And A $4.5 Trillion Balance Sheet, St. Louis Fed
2015g.html#16 Federal Deficits
2015f.html#76 Pentagon remains stubbornly unable to account for its billions
2015f.html#67 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#59 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#53 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#48 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#44 No, the F-35 Can't Fight at Long Range, Either
2015f.html#38 LIBOR: History's Largest Financial Crime that the WSJ and NYT Would Like You to Forget
2015f.html#37 LIBOR: History's Largest Financial Crime that the WSJ and NYT Would Like You to Forget
2015f.html#36 Eric Holder, Wall Street Double Agent, Comes in From the Cold
2015f.html#30 Analysis: Root of Tattered US-Russia Ties Date Back Decades
2015f.html#27 Federal Subsidies
2015f.html#16 Interactive Data Corp taps banks for sale or IPO -sources
2015f.html#4 Jeb: George W. Bush is a top foreign policy adviser
2015e.html#93 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#82 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#80 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#75 prices, was Western Union envisioned internet functionality
2015e.html#72 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#71 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#54 In Dramatic Decision Judge Finds Fed Bailout Of AIG Was "Illegal", Government "Violated Federal Reserve Act"
2015e.html#44 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#41 Poor People Caused The Financial Crisis
2015e.html#40 Poor People Caused The Financial Crisis
2015e.html#39 Poor People Caused The Financial Crisis
2015e.html#34 43rd President
2015d.html#76 Greedy Banks Nailed With $5 BILLION+ Fine For Fraud And Corruption
2015d.html#70 Western Union envisioned internet functionality
2015d.html#69 Western Union envisioned internet functionality
2015d.html#28 Bernie Sanders Proposes A Bill To Break Up The 'Too Big To Exist' Banks
2015d.html#24 Wall Street Bailouts Are Finally Over, Right?
2015d.html#20 Wall Street Bailouts Are Finally Over, Right?
2015d.html#5 7 years on from crisis, $150 billion in bank fines and penalties
2015d.html#4 "Trust in digital certificate ecosystem eroding"
2015c.html#108 Occupy Democrats
2015c.html#82 How Wall Street captured Washington's effort to rein in banks
2015c.html#53 Servicers in DOJ s Crosshairs Following JPM Robo-Signing Settlement
2015c.html#49 Global Fragility and the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis
2015c.html#7 Mandated Spending
2015b.html#31 What were the complaints of binary code programmers that not accept Assembly?
2015b.html#27 What were the complaints of binary code programmers that not accept Assembly?
2015b.html#24 What were the complaints of binary code programmers that not accept Assembly?
2015b.html#22 Two New Papers Say Big Finance Sectors Hurt Growth and Innovation
2015b.html#20 $2 Billion City Of Tampa Pension Story Major Media Missed
2015b.html#8 Shoot Bank Of America Now---The Case For Super Glass-Steagall Is Overwhelming
2015b.html#5 Swiss Leaks lifts the veil on a secretive banking system
2015b.html#2 do you blame Harvard for Putin
2015b.html#1 do you blame Harvard for Puten
2015b.html#0 S&L Crisis and Economic Mess
2015.html#98 Convicted Fraudster Jonathan Hay, Harvard's Man Who Wrecked Russia, Resurfaces in Ukraine
2015.html#97 S&P Near $1.37 Billion Settlement of Crisis-Era Suits
2015.html#92 Ocwen's Servicing Meltdown Proves Failure of Obama's Mortgage Settlements
2015.html#90 NY Judge Slams Wells Fargo For Forging Documents... And Why Nothing Will Change
2015.html#48 The 17 Equations That Changed The Course Of History
2015.html#24 Forget the McDonnells. We're ignoring bigger, more pernicious corruption right under our noses
2015.html#17 Cromnibus cartoon
2014m.html#160 LEO
2014m.html#157 LEO
2014m.html#150 LEO
2014m.html#131 Memo To WSJ: The CRomnibus Abomination Was Not "A Rare Bipartisan Success"
2014m.html#126 Wall Street's Revenge
2014m.html#99 US Debt In Public Hands Doubles Under Barack Obama
2014m.html#96 Banking on Crime
2014m.html#73 The Watchdog that Didn't Bark ... Again
2014m.html#43 LEO
2014m.html#38 LEO
2014m.html#33 LEO
2014m.html#32 LEO
2014m.html#29 LEO
2014m.html#24 weird apple trivia
2014m.html#23 weird apple trivia
2014m.html#14 weird apple trivia
2014m.html#13 weird apple trivia
2014m.html#11 weird apple trivia
2014m.html#8 weird apple trivia
2014m.html#2 weird apple trivia
2014l.html#26 LA Times commentary: roll out "smart" credit cards to deter fraud
2014l.html#1 HP splits, again
2014k.html#66 LA Times commentary: roll out "smart" credit cards to deter fraud
2014k.html#46 LA Times commentary: roll out "smart" credit cards to deter fraud
2014k.html#0 only sometimes From looms to computers to looms
2014j.html#3 How Comp-Sci went from passing fad to must have major
2014i.html#95 How Comp-Sci went from passing fad to must have major
2014i.html#45 Sale receipt--obligatory?
2014i.html#37 Sale receipt--obligatory?
2014i.html#27 How Comp-Sci went from passing fad to must have major
2014i.html#15 Instead of focusing on big fines, law enforcement should seek long prison terms for the responsible executives
2014i.html#14 Instead of focusing on big fines, law enforcement should seek long prison terms for the responsible executives
2014i.html#1 IBM Sales Fall Again, Pressuring Rometty's Profit Goal
2014h.html#111 Maine Supreme Court Hands Major Defeat to MERS Mortgage Registry
2014h.html#48 Mainframe on NCIS
2014h.html#37 Married Couples and the Financial Mess
2014g.html#94 Why Financialization Has Run Amok
2014g.html#78 Did these tech and telecom companies assess the risk and return with respect to Anti-Money Laundering challenges?
2014g.html#54 Has the last fighter pilot been born?
2014g.html#21 Thomas Piketty Is Right About the Past and Wrong About the Future
2014f.html#70 Obama Administration Launches Plan To Make An "Internet ID" A Reality
2014f.html#60 GAO and Wall Street Journal Whitewash Huge Criminal Bank Frauds
2014f.html#9 Before the Internet: The golden age of online services
2014f.html#2 Before the Internet: The golden age of online services
2014f.html#0 Before the Internet: The golden age of online services
2014e.html#34 Before the Internet: The golden age of online services
2014c.html#68 Economists and our responsibilities to society
2014b.html#8 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#7 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#2 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014.html#98 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014.html#55 Pensions, was Re: Royal Pardon For Turing
2014.html#54 Pensions, was Re: Royal Pardon For Turing
2014.html#49 Royal Pardon For Turing

economic.mess -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- before_2014 -- back to top/index

enron postings (2014-2017)

-#- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enron_scandal -#- sarbanes-oxley -#- financial.reporting.fraud -#-
2017k.html#5 The 1970s engineering recession
2017j.html#106 The 1970s engineering recession
2017j.html#60 The Windows 95 chime was created on a Mac
2017j.html#25 The Do's and Don'ts of Kleptocracy
2017j.html#12 The Warning
2017i.html#14 How to spot a dodgy company - never trust a high achiever
2017h.html#69 Feds Debt
2017h.html#56 Feds WIMP
2017h.html#13 What the Enron E-mails Say About Us
2017g.html#85 How can we stop algorithms telling lies?
2017g.html#79 Bad Ideas
2017g.html#21 Financial, Healthcare, Construction, Education complexity
2017f.html#76 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#42 MVS vs HASP vs JES (was 2821)
2017f.html#24 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#8 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#7 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#41 [CM] cheap money, was What was your first home computer?
2017d.html#95 Vendor Licensing Frustrations
2017d.html#93 United Air Lines - an OODA-loop perspective
2017d.html#8 Congress just obliterated Obama-era rules preventing ISPs from selling your browsing history
2017c.html#23 How do BIG WEBSITES work?
2017c.html#11 "Big Four" accounting firms take a hit
2017c.html#0 Locking our own orientation
2017b.html#64 Jean Tirole's Proposal to Appoint Felons to Monitor CEOs
2017b.html#48 Janet Yellen debunks Trump's case for killing Dodd-Frank
2017b.html#43 when to get out???
2017b.html#39 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017b.html#25 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017b.html#14 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017b.html#13 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017b.html#12 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017b.html#11 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017b.html#0 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017.html#104 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017.html#97 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017.html#96 Trump, Wall Street and the "banking caucus" ready to rip apart Dodd-Frank
2017.html#40 The economics of corporate crime
2017.html#36 Moody's Agrees to Settle Financial Crisis-Era Claims for $864 Million
2017.html#8 Too big to fail was Malicious Cyber Activity
2016h.html#54 CFTC Reproposes Position Limits Rule
2016h.html#27 Are We Nearing a Cyber Sarbanes-Oxley?
2016g.html#88 Finance Is Not the Economy
2016g.html#65 In the Trump Era, Leaking and Whistleblowing Are More Urgent, and More Noble, Than Ever
2016g.html#52 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016g.html#50 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016g.html#32 Ma Bell is coming back and, boy, is she pissed! She bought Bugs Bunny!
2016g.html#31 Economic Mess
2016g.html#27 Economic Mess
2016g.html#0 Airlines Reservation Systems
2016f.html#98 Chain of Title: How Three Ordinary Americans Uncovered Wall Street's Great Foreclosure Fraud
2016f.html#93 Chain of Title: How Three Ordinary Americans Uncovered Wall Street's Great Foreclosure Fraud
2016f.html#79 GLBA & Glass-Steagall
2016f.html#74 IBM Buying Promontory Clinches It: Regtech Is Real
2016e.html#109 Why Aren't Any Bankers in Prison for Causing the Financial Crisis?
2016e.html#29 Eric Holder's Longtime Excuse for Not Prosecuting Banks Just Crashed and Burned
2016d.html#98 Trust in Government Is Collapsing Around the World
2016d.html#32 Dave Dayen's "Chain of Title" Reminds Us: The Obama Administration Could Have Jailed Wall Street Criminals. It Simply Chose Not To
2016d.html#19 Banking; The Book That Will Save Banking From Itself
2016d.html#7 Study: Cost of U.S. Regulations Larger Than Germany's Economy
2016c.html#94 Pension Funds at Risk
2016c.html#90 Goldman Slammed With $5.1 Billion Fine For "Serious Misconduct" In Mortgage Selling
2016c.html#85 Wells Fargo "Admits Deceiving" U.S. Government, Pays Record $1.2 Billion Settlement
2016b.html#73 Qbasic
2016b.html#71 Qbasic
2016b.html#58 Wall Street strikes back against Bernie Sanders
2016b.html#51 Windows 10 forceful update?
2016b.html#42 Nobody saw the economic mess coming last decade
2016b.html#11 Bill Black: How Many Lies Can the WSJ Pack into a Chart on Liar's Loans?
2016b.html#5 The Deep State
2016.html#36 I Feel Old
2016.html#6 Repealing Glass-Steagall
2015h.html#102 Accounting industry and SEC hobble America's audit watchdog
2015h.html#94 Systems thinking--still in short supply
2015h.html#65 Economic Mess
2015h.html#56 rationality
2015h.html#45 rationality
2015h.html#29 Ernst & Young Confronts Madoff's Specter in Trial Over Audits
2015h.html#25 Hillary Clinton's Glass-Steagall
2015h.html#4 Decimal point character and billions
2015g.html#86 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015g.html#84 New hard drive
2015g.html#70 AIG freezes defined-benefit pension plan
2015g.html#65 Michael Hudson's New Book: Wall Street Parasites Have Devoured Their Hosts -- Your Retirement Plan and the U.S. Economy
2015f.html#76 Pentagon remains stubbornly unable to account for its billions
2015f.html#60 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#59 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#36 Eric Holder, Wall Street Double Agent, Comes in From the Cold
2015f.html#4 Jeb: George W. Bush is a top foreign policy adviser
2015e.html#80 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#64 Western Union envisioned internet functionality
2015e.html#47 Do we REALLY NEED all this regulatory oversight?
2015e.html#44 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015d.html#79 Greedy Banks Nailed With $5 BILLION+ Fine For Fraud And Corruption
2015d.html#76 Greedy Banks Nailed With $5 BILLION+ Fine For Fraud And Corruption
2015d.html#74 Public Confused Why World's Biggest Banks Admitting Criminal Fraud, Leads To Public Yawns
2015d.html#32 Auditors as Whistleblowers
2015d.html#28 Bernie Sanders Proposes A Bill To Break Up The 'Too Big To Exist' Banks
2015d.html#24 Wall Street Bailouts Are Finally Over, Right?
2015d.html#5 7 years on from crisis, $150 billion in bank fines and penalties
2015c.html#108 Occupy Democrats
2015c.html#88 How Wall Street captured Washington's effort to rein in banks
2015c.html#53 Servicers in DOJ s Crosshairs Following JPM Robo-Signing Settlement
2015c.html#49 Global Fragility and the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis
2015c.html#41 past of nukes, was Future of support for telephone rotary dial ?
2015c.html#6 SEC's Andrew Bowden Regulatory Capture Scandal Hits the Major Leagues with Los Angeles Times Column
2015b.html#12 Criminal Tax Evader HSBC's CEO Resorts to Bank Apologist Fable of the Virgin Crisis
2015b.html#8 Shoot Bank Of America Now---The Case For Super Glass-Steagall Is Overwhelming
2015.html#67 IBM Data Processing Center and Pi
2015.html#54 How do we take political considerations into account in the OODA-Loop?
2015.html#17 Cromnibus cartoon
2014m.html#177 LEO
2014m.html#153 LEO
2014m.html#151 LEO
2014m.html#150 LEO
2014m.html#131 Memo To WSJ: The CRomnibus Abomination Was Not "A Rare Bipartisan Success"
2014m.html#126 Wall Street's Revenge
2014m.html#121 Presenting The $303 Trillion In Derivatives That US Taxpayers Are Now On The Hook For
2014m.html#96 Banking on Crime
2014m.html#73 The Watchdog that Didn't Bark ... Again
2014m.html#46 Business culture in banking industry favors dishonest behavior
2014m.html#29 LEO
2014m.html#24 weird apple trivia
2014m.html#21 Senate Democrats vs. the Middle Class; Senators elected in 2008 made Obama's agenda possible, and its results have harmed most Americans
2014k.html#6 No Internet. No Microsoft Windows. No iPods. This Is What Tech Was Like In 1984
2014k.html#0 only sometimes From looms to computers to looms
2014j.html#81 No Internet. No Microsoft Windows. No iPods. This Is What Tech Was Like In 1984
2014i.html#95 How Comp-Sci went from passing fad to must have major
2014i.html#15 Instead of focusing on big fines, law enforcement should seek long prison terms for the responsible executives
2014i.html#10 Instead of focusing on big fines, law enforcement should seek long prison terms for the responsible executives
2014h.html#84 Support Senator Warren's Postal Banking Proposal
2014h.html#37 Married Couples and the Financial Mess
2014g.html#61 Association Of Certified Fraud Examiners Release 2014 Report On Fraud
2014g.html#60 Time that Senior Board members were held responsible for Criminal Actitivites of their Companies
2014f.html#60 GAO and Wall Street Journal Whitewash Huge Criminal Bank Frauds
2014e.html#80 Before the Internet: The golden age of online services
2014e.html#72 Three Expensive Milliseconds
2014e.html#66 SEC Goldman Lawyer Says Agency Too Timid on Wall Street Misdeeds
2014e.html#62 Before the Internet: The golden age of online services
2014d.html#82 S&P Judge Tentatively Rules It Must Face Deception Claims
2014d.html#46 Wells Fargo made up on-demand foreclosure papers plan: court filing charges
2014d.html#7 N.Y. Barclays Libor Traders Said to Face U.K. Charges
2014b.html#91 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#29 Royal Pardon for credit unions
2014b.html#7 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014.html#98 Royal Pardon For Turing

enron -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- before_2014 -- back to top/index

fed.chairman postings (2014-2017)

Greenspan, Bernanke, Yellen, Federal Reserve

-#- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chair_of_the_Federal_Reserve -#- economic.mess -#- too-big-to-fail -#- zirp -#-
2017k.html#58 Failures and Resiliency
2017k.html#53 Spending, Deficit Concerns Arise With New Tax Law
2017k.html#51 Taxing Social Security Benefits
2017k.html#2 The 1970s engineering recession
2017j.html#106 The 1970s engineering recession
2017j.html#102 The 1970s engineering recession
2017j.html#10 Plutocracy Rising repost from Oct 2012
2017i.html#83 How the world's greatest financial experiment enriched the rich
2017i.html#41 Commercial grade ink and paper (Western Union)
2017i.html#1 Any definitive reference for why the PDP-11 was little-endian?
2017h.html#69 Feds Debt
2017h.html#28 Stop Romanticizing Glass-Steagall
2017h.html#25 OFF TOPIC: University of California, Irvine, revokes 500 admissions
2017h.html#24 OFF TOPIC: University of California, Irvine, revokes 500 admissions
2017h.html#9 Corporate Profit and Taxes
2017g.html#108 Jamie Dimon: You Make Us Embarrassed to be Americans
2017g.html#106 Jamie Dimon: You Make Us Embarrassed to be Americans
2017g.html#83 How can we stop algorithms telling lies?
2017g.html#79 Bad Ideas
2017g.html#19 Financial, Healthcare, Construction, Education complexity
2017g.html#6 Mapping the decentralized world of tomorrow
2017f.html#75 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#69 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#65 View of Russia
2017f.html#24 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#7 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#4 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#45 [CM] cheap money, was What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#44 [CM] cheap money, was What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#41 [CM] cheap money, was What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#38 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#12 SS Trust Fund
2017d.html#67 Economists are arguing over how their profession messed up during the Great Recession. This is what happened
2017d.html#64 Breaking: Entire Nation Experiencing Collective Amnesia About Iraq War
2017c.html#90 Economist, Harry Dent Hints: Global Banks Facing a Serious Crisis in Months Ahead
2017c.html#58 The ICL 2900
2017c.html#56 Wall Street Vs. Main Street
2017c.html#42 Profitable Companies, No Taxes: Here's How They Did It
2017c.html#39 The Blockchain Will Do to the Financial System What the Internet Did to Media
2017b.html#52 when to get out???
2017b.html#48 Janet Yellen debunks Trump's case for killing Dodd-Frank
2017b.html#43 when to get out???
2017b.html#16 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017b.html#6 OT: Trump Moves to Roll Back Obama-Era Financial Regulations
2017b.html#0 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017.html#97 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017.html#96 Trump, Wall Street and the "banking caucus" ready to rip apart Dodd-Frank
2017.html#92 Trump's Rollback of the Neoliberal Market State
2017.html#33 Moody's Agrees to Settle Financial Crisis-Era Claims for $864 Million
2017.html#31 Milton Friedman's Cherished Theory Is Laid to Rest
2017.html#11 Attack SS Entitlements
2017.html#6 Some IBM History
2016h.html#91 Your Social Security cuts are already on the way
2016h.html#81 Economic Mess
2016h.html#63 GOP introduces plan to massively cut Social Security
2016h.html#42 TARP Bailout
2016h.html#37 GOP Announces Privatization Of Medicare And The Details Are TERRIFYING
2016g.html#95 Social Security Trust Fund
2016g.html#93 The annual Budget Games begin: Trump vs. Congress to control spending
2016g.html#90 Finance Is Not the Economy
2016g.html#87 Finance Is Not the Economy
2016g.html#78 More Dodd-Frank
2016g.html#55 more economic mess
2016g.html#39 Too Smug to Jail
2016g.html#32 Ma Bell is coming back and, boy, is she pissed! She bought Bugs Bunny!
2016g.html#31 Economic Mess
2016g.html#30 Is Jill Stein Correct? The Federal Reserve Could Buy Up All Outstanding Student Loans?
2016g.html#27 Economic Mess
2016g.html#2 Airlines Reservation Systems
2016f.html#79 GLBA & Glass-Steagall
2016f.html#76 GLBA & Glass-Steagall
2016f.html#74 IBM Buying Promontory Clinches It: Regtech Is Real
2016f.html#73 IBM Buying Promontory Clinches It: Regtech Is Real
2016f.html#66 old Western Union Telegraph Company advertising
2016f.html#65 old Western Union Telegraph Company advertising
2016f.html#0 IBM is Absolutely Down For The Count
2016e.html#109 Why Aren't Any Bankers in Prison for Causing the Financial Crisis?
2016e.html#89 E.R. Burroughs
2016e.html#59 How Putin Weaponized Wikileaks to Influence the Election of an American President
2016e.html#54 Social Security Trust Fund IOUs
2016e.html#35 How the internet was invented
2016d.html#98 Trust in Government Is Collapsing Around the World
2016d.html#70 So, what was your computer birthplace?
2016d.html#19 Banking; The Book That Will Save Banking From Itself
2016d.html#0 Why Is the Obama Administration Trying to Keep 11,000 Documents Sealed?
2016c.html#99 Why Is the Obama Administration Trying to Keep 11,000 Documents Sealed?
2016c.html#88 Goldman Slammed With $5.1 Billion Fine For "Serious Misconduct" In Mortgage Selling
2016c.html#86 Wells Fargo "Admits Deceiving" U.S. Government, Pays Record $1.2 Billion Settlement
2016c.html#85 Wells Fargo "Admits Deceiving" U.S. Government, Pays Record $1.2 Billion Settlement
2016c.html#84 Wells Fargo "Admits Deceiving" U.S. Government, Pays Record $1.2 Billion Settlement
2016c.html#58 Qbasic
2016c.html#49 Federal Debt
2016c.html#33 Institutional Memory and Two-factor Authentication
2016c.html#7 Why was no one prosecuted for contributing to the financial crisis? New documents reveal why
2016b.html#110 The Koch-Fueled Plot to Destroy the VA
2016b.html#84 Trump vs. Hillary
2016b.html#73 Qbasic
2016b.html#72 Qbasic
2016b.html#61 Qbasic
2016b.html#58 Wall Street strikes back against Bernie Sanders
2016b.html#42 Nobody saw the economic mess coming last decade
2016b.html#25 SS Trust Fund
2016b.html#12 Thanks Obama
2016b.html#5 The Deep State
2016.html#26 1970--protesters seize computer center
2016.html#8 "Too Big To Fail"
2016.html#6 Repealing Glass-Steagall
2016.html#0 Repealing Glass-Steagall
2015h.html#123 IBM retirement fund
2015h.html#65 Economic Mess
2015h.html#53 rationality
2015h.html#50 rationality
2015h.html#48 Protecting Social Security from the Thieves in the Night
2015h.html#47 rationality
2015h.html#45 rationality
2015h.html#44 rationality
2015h.html#25 Hillary Clinton's Glass-Steagall
2015h.html#19 Bernanke: Some Wall Street executives should've gone to jail over financial crisis
2015g.html#86 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015g.html#70 AIG freezes defined-benefit pension plan
2015g.html#65 Michael Hudson's New Book: Wall Street Parasites Have Devoured Their Hosts -- Your Retirement Plan and the U.S. Economy
2015g.html#57 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015g.html#50 seveneves
2015g.html#49 seveneves
2015g.html#25 After 6 Years Of QE, And A $4.5 Trillion Balance Sheet, St. Louis Fed
2015g.html#20 After 6 Years Of QE, And A $4.5 Trillion Balance Sheet, St. Louis Fed
2015g.html#16 Federal Deficits
2015f.html#53 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#36 Eric Holder, Wall Street Double Agent, Comes in From the Cold
2015f.html#27 Federal Subsidies
2015f.html#4 Jeb: George W. Bush is a top foreign policy adviser
2015e.html#96 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#93 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#82 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#54 In Dramatic Decision Judge Finds Fed Bailout Of AIG Was "Illegal", Government "Violated Federal Reserve Act"
2015e.html#41 Poor People Caused The Financial Crisis
2015d.html#79 Greedy Banks Nailed With $5 BILLION+ Fine For Fraud And Corruption
2015d.html#69 Western Union envisioned internet functionality
2015d.html#28 Bernie Sanders Proposes A Bill To Break Up The 'Too Big To Exist' Banks
2015d.html#20 Wall Street Bailouts Are Finally Over, Right?
2015d.html#15 Blogger Ben's Basically Full Of It
2015d.html#10 7 years on from crisis, $150 billion in bank fines and penalties
2015c.html#75 Hillary Remains Clueless About Regulation on the 28th Anniversary of the Keating Five Meeting
2015c.html#32 PEU Report: Obama's Intelligence Oversight Board a Corporate Lot
2015c.html#15 Retirement Heist
2015b.html#58 Neocons Guided Petraeus on Afghan War
2015b.html#8 Shoot Bank Of America Now---The Case For Super Glass-Steagall Is Overwhelming
2015b.html#2 do you blame Harvard for Putin
2015.html#98 Convicted Fraudster Jonathan Hay, Harvard's Man Who Wrecked Russia, Resurfaces in Ukraine
2015.html#17 Cromnibus cartoon
2015.html#7 weird apple trivia
2014m.html#157 LEO
2014m.html#153 LEO
2014m.html#150 LEO
2014m.html#131 Memo To WSJ: The CRomnibus Abomination Was Not "A Rare Bipartisan Success"
2014m.html#126 Wall Street's Revenge
2014m.html#121 Presenting The $303 Trillion In Derivatives That US Taxpayers Are Now On The Hook For
2014m.html#120 Memo To Citigroup CEO Michael Corbat: Does Your Crony Capitalist Plunder Know No Shame?
2014m.html#99 US Debt In Public Hands Doubles Under Barack Obama
2014m.html#75 LEO
2014m.html#73 The Watchdog that Didn't Bark ... Again
2014m.html#63 The Fed Just Acknowledged Its Too Big To Jail Policy
2014m.html#43 LEO
2014m.html#33 LEO
2014m.html#29 LEO
2014m.html#23 weird apple trivia
2014m.html#21 Senate Democrats vs. the Middle Class; Senators elected in 2008 made Obama's agenda possible, and its results have harmed most Americans
2014m.html#11 weird apple trivia
2014m.html#10 weird apple trivia
2014m.html#4 weird apple trivia
2014m.html#3 weird apple trivia
2014m.html#2 weird apple trivia
2014l.html#89 Forbes perspective on IBM's troubles
2014l.html#50 IBM's Ginni Rometty Just Confessed To A Huge Failure -- It Might Be The Best Thing For The Company
2014l.html#26 LA Times commentary: roll out "smart" credit cards to deter fraud
2014l.html#6 HP splits, again
2014l.html#4 HP splits, again
2014k.html#80 HP splits, again
2014k.html#66 LA Times commentary: roll out "smart" credit cards to deter fraud
2014k.html#46 LA Times commentary: roll out "smart" credit cards to deter fraud
2014i.html#95 How Comp-Sci went from passing fad to must have major
2014i.html#37 Sale receipt--obligatory?
2014i.html#29 How Comp-Sci went from passing fad to must have major
2014i.html#14 Instead of focusing on big fines, law enforcement should seek long prison terms for the responsible executives
2014h.html#37 Married Couples and the Financial Mess
2014h.html#30 Qualitative Easing
2014g.html#94 Why Financialization Has Run Amok
2014g.html#78 Did these tech and telecom companies assess the risk and return with respect to Anti-Money Laundering challenges?
2014g.html#76 Did these tech and telecom companies assess the risk and return with respect to Anti-Money Laundering challenges?
2014g.html#27 Jon Stewart Disembowels SecTreas Geithner
2014g.html#21 Thomas Piketty Is Right About the Past and Wrong About the Future
2014f.html#74 Is end of mainframe near ?
2014f.html#9 Before the Internet: The golden age of online services
2014f.html#0 Before the Internet: The golden age of online services
2014e.html#80 Before the Internet: The golden age of online services
2014d.html#91 IBM layoffs strike first in India; workers describe cuts as 'slaughter' and 'massive'
2014d.html#76 Crowdsourcing Diplomacy
2014d.html#73 The Federal Reserve: Masters Of The Universe Or Trapped Incompetents?
2014d.html#69 Littoral Warfare Ship
2014d.html#7 N.Y. Barclays Libor Traders Said to Face U.K. Charges
2014d.html#5 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014c.html#102 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014c.html#55 Maximizing shareholder value: The goal that changed corporate America
2014c.html#22 US Federal Reserve pushes ahead with Faster Payments planning
2014c.html#16 Precious Metals Manipulation Worse Than Libor Scandal, German Regulator Says
2014b.html#93 Maximizing shareholder value: The Goal that changed corporate America
2014b.html#53 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#51 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#24 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#22 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#20 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#19 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#0 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014.html#98 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014.html#87 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014.html#78 Fed may restrict bank ownership of commodities
2014.html#55 Pensions, was Re: Royal Pardon For Turing
2014.html#54 Pensions, was Re: Royal Pardon For Turing
2014.html#48 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014.html#47 McCain: Send Petraeus back to Iraq

fed.chairman -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- before_2014 -- back to top/index

financial.reporting.fraud postings (2014-2017)


-#- enron -#- sarbanes-oxley -#-
2017j.html#106 The 1970s engineering recession
2017j.html#60 The Windows 95 chime was created on a Mac
2017j.html#25 The Do's and Don'ts of Kleptocracy
2017i.html#14 How to spot a dodgy company - never trust a high achiever
2017i.html#7 The Real Reason Wages Have Stagnated: Our Economy Is Optimized For Financialization
2017h.html#69 Feds Debt
2017h.html#56 Feds WIMP
2017g.html#21 Financial, Healthcare, Construction, Education complexity
2017f.html#75 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#42 MVS vs HASP vs JES (was 2821)
2017f.html#24 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#7 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017c.html#11 "Big Four" accounting firms take a hit
2017c.html#0 Locking our own orientation
2017b.html#64 Jean Tirole's Proposal to Appoint Felons to Monitor CEOs
2017b.html#50 when to get out???
2017b.html#43 when to get out???
2017b.html#39 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017b.html#14 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017b.html#12 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017.html#104 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017.html#97 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017.html#40 The economics of corporate crime
2017.html#36 Moody's Agrees to Settle Financial Crisis-Era Claims for $864 Million
2017.html#8 Too big to fail was Malicious Cyber Activity
2016h.html#27 Are We Nearing a Cyber Sarbanes-Oxley?
2016g.html#88 Finance Is Not the Economy
2016g.html#65 In the Trump Era, Leaking and Whistleblowing Are More Urgent, and More Noble, Than Ever
2016g.html#52 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016g.html#32 Ma Bell is coming back and, boy, is she pissed! She bought Bugs Bunny!
2016g.html#27 Economic Mess
2016g.html#0 Airlines Reservation Systems
2016f.html#98 Chain of Title: How Three Ordinary Americans Uncovered Wall Street's Great Foreclosure Fraud
2016e.html#109 Why Aren't Any Bankers in Prison for Causing the Financial Crisis?
2016e.html#29 Eric Holder's Longtime Excuse for Not Prosecuting Banks Just Crashed and Burned
2016d.html#98 Trust in Government Is Collapsing Around the World
2016d.html#32 Dave Dayen's "Chain of Title" Reminds Us: The Obama Administration Could Have Jailed Wall Street Criminals. It Simply Chose Not To
2016d.html#19 Banking; The Book That Will Save Banking From Itself
2016d.html#7 Study: Cost of U.S. Regulations Larger Than Germany's Economy
2016c.html#90 Goldman Slammed With $5.1 Billion Fine For "Serious Misconduct" In Mortgage Selling
2016b.html#58 Wall Street strikes back against Bernie Sanders
2016b.html#51 Windows 10 forceful update?
2016b.html#42 Nobody saw the economic mess coming last decade
2016.html#36 I Feel Old
2016.html#6 Repealing Glass-Steagall
2015h.html#102 Accounting industry and SEC hobble America's audit watchdog
2015h.html#94 Systems thinking--still in short supply
2015h.html#65 Economic Mess
2015h.html#45 rationality
2015h.html#29 Ernst & Young Confronts Madoff's Specter in Trial Over Audits
2015h.html#7 Rarely enforced SEC rules may give green light to earnings manipulation
2015f.html#76 Pentagon remains stubbornly unable to account for its billions
2015f.html#60 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#59 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#47 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#36 Eric Holder, Wall Street Double Agent, Comes in From the Cold
2015f.html#4 Jeb: George W. Bush is a top foreign policy adviser
2015e.html#80 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#47 Do we REALLY NEED all this regulatory oversight?
2015e.html#44 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#23 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015d.html#76 Greedy Banks Nailed With $5 BILLION+ Fine For Fraud And Corruption
2015d.html#74 Public Confused Why World's Biggest Banks Admitting Criminal Fraud, Leads To Public Yawns
2015d.html#32 Auditors as Whistleblowers
2015d.html#28 Bernie Sanders Proposes A Bill To Break Up The 'Too Big To Exist' Banks
2015d.html#24 Wall Street Bailouts Are Finally Over, Right?
2015d.html#5 7 years on from crisis, $150 billion in bank fines and penalties
2015c.html#88 How Wall Street captured Washington's effort to rein in banks
2015c.html#53 Servicers in DOJ s Crosshairs Following JPM Robo-Signing Settlement
2015c.html#49 Global Fragility and the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis
2015c.html#41 past of nukes, was Future of support for telephone rotary dial ?
2015c.html#6 SEC's Andrew Bowden Regulatory Capture Scandal Hits the Major Leagues with Los Angeles Times Column
2015b.html#12 Criminal Tax Evader HSBC's CEO Resorts to Bank Apologist Fable of the Virgin Crisis
2015.html#67 IBM Data Processing Center and Pi
2015.html#54 How do we take political considerations into account in the OODA-Loop?
2015.html#17 Cromnibus cartoon
2014m.html#177 LEO
2014m.html#153 LEO
2014m.html#151 LEO
2014m.html#150 LEO
2014m.html#96 Banking on Crime
2014m.html#73 The Watchdog that Didn't Bark ... Again
2014m.html#46 Business culture in banking industry favors dishonest behavior
2014m.html#21 Senate Democrats vs. the Middle Class; Senators elected in 2008 made Obama's agenda possible, and its results have harmed most Americans
2014l.html#82 SEC probing private equity performance figures
2014k.html#0 only sometimes From looms to computers to looms
2014j.html#81 No Internet. No Microsoft Windows. No iPods. This Is What Tech Was Like In 1984
2014i.html#10 Instead of focusing on big fines, law enforcement should seek long prison terms for the responsible executives
2014h.html#84 Support Senator Warren's Postal Banking Proposal
2014g.html#61 Association Of Certified Fraud Examiners Release 2014 Report On Fraud
2014f.html#60 GAO and Wall Street Journal Whitewash Huge Criminal Bank Frauds
2014e.html#80 Before the Internet: The golden age of online services
2014d.html#46 Wells Fargo made up on-demand foreclosure papers plan: court filing charges
2014b.html#91 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#29 Royal Pardon for credit unions
2014b.html#1 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014.html#98 Royal Pardon For Turing

financial.reporting.fraud -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- before_2014 -- back to top/index

fiscal.responsibility.act postings (2014-2017)

-#- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PAYGO -#- medicare.part-d -#-
2017k.html#53 Spending, Deficit Concerns Arise With New Tax Law
2017k.html#2 The 1970s engineering recession
2017j.html#106 The 1970s engineering recession
2017j.html#77 U.S. Corporate Tax Reform
2017j.html#9 Who Is The Smallest Government Spender Since Eisenhower? Would You Believe It's Barack Obama?
2017j.html#4 Who Is The Smallest Government Spender Since Eisenhower? Would You Believe It's Barack Obama?
2017i.html#71 When Working From Home Doesn't Work
2017i.html#14 How to spot a dodgy company - never trust a high achiever
2017h.html#106 Iraq, Longest War
2017h.html#69 Feds Debt
2017h.html#51 endless medical arguments, Disregard post (another screwup)
2017h.html#25 OFF TOPIC: University of California, Irvine, revokes 500 admissions
2017h.html#9 Corporate Profit and Taxes
2017g.html#79 Bad Ideas
2017g.html#50 SS Trust Fund
2017g.html#48 SS Trust Fund
2017f.html#103 Health Care Spending
2017f.html#83 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#52 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#15 Conservatives and Spending
2017f.html#7 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#4 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#44 [CM] cheap money, was What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#38 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#12 SS Trust Fund
2017e.html#7 Arthur Laffer's Theory on Tax Cuts Comes to Life Once More
2017d.html#67 Economists are arguing over how their profession messed up during the Great Recession. This is what happened
2017d.html#64 Breaking: Entire Nation Experiencing Collective Amnesia About Iraq War
2017d.html#13 The Pentagon still uses computer software from 1958 to manage its contracts
2017d.html#2 Single Payer
2017c.html#90 Economist, Harry Dent Hints: Global Banks Facing a Serious Crisis in Months Ahead
2017c.html#56 Wall Street Vs. Main Street
2017c.html#42 Profitable Companies, No Taxes: Here's How They Did It
2017c.html#41 Profitable Companies, No Taxes: Here's How They Did It
2017b.html#77 Corporate Tax Rate
2017b.html#43 when to get out???
2017b.html#41 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017b.html#19 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017.html#42 Peak Savings: Wall Street Faces 20 Years Of Retirement Withdrawals As Boomers Hit 70 1/2
2017.html#30 $16T National Debt
2017.html#16 House GOP appallingly votes to conceal cost of Obamacare repeal to taxpayers
2017.html#11 Attack SS Entitlements
2016h.html#107 Minimum Wage
2016h.html#103 Minimum Wage
2016h.html#91 Your Social Security cuts are already on the way
2016h.html#81 Economic Mess
2016h.html#63 GOP introduces plan to massively cut Social Security
2016h.html#61 GOP introduces plan to massively cut Social Security
2016h.html#42 TARP Bailout
2016h.html#37 GOP Announces Privatization Of Medicare And The Details Are TERRIFYING
2016g.html#95 Social Security Trust Fund
2016g.html#93 The annual Budget Games begin: Trump vs. Congress to control spending
2016g.html#90 Finance Is Not the Economy
2016f.html#100 D.C. Hivemind Mulls How Clinton Can Pass Huge Corporate Tax Cut
2016f.html#66 old Western Union Telegraph Company advertising
2016f.html#55 Congress, most corrupt institution on earth
2016f.html#16 The EpiPen Scandal Is Worse Than You Think: What You're Not Being Told
2016e.html#105 Washington Corruption
2016e.html#89 E.R. Burroughs
2016e.html#54 Social Security Trust Fund IOUs
2016e.html#11 "Computer & Automation" later issues--anti-establishment thrust
2016d.html#98 Trust in Government Is Collapsing Around the World
2016d.html#7 Study: Cost of U.S. Regulations Larger Than Germany's Economy
2016c.html#49 Federal Debt
2016c.html#40 Qbasic
2016c.html#18 Qbasic
2016c.html#17 Globalization Worker Negotiation
2016b.html#110 The Koch-Fueled Plot to Destroy the VA
2016b.html#84 Trump vs. Hillary
2016b.html#73 Qbasic
2016b.html#64 Qbasic
2016b.html#58 Wall Street strikes back against Bernie Sanders
2016b.html#42 Nobody saw the economic mess coming last decade
2016b.html#34 Here's Why (And How) The Government Will "Borrow" Your Retirement Savings
2016b.html#25 SS Trust Fund
2016b.html#12 Thanks Obama
2016b.html#5 The Deep State
2016.html#44 Thanks Obama
2016.html#30 I Feel Old
2015h.html#55 rationality
2015h.html#54 rationality
2015h.html#48 Protecting Social Security from the Thieves in the Night
2015g.html#86 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015g.html#50 seveneves
2015g.html#20 After 6 Years Of QE, And A $4.5 Trillion Balance Sheet, St. Louis Fed
2015g.html#16 Federal Deficits
2015f.html#36 Eric Holder, Wall Street Double Agent, Comes in From the Cold
2015f.html#27 Federal Subsidies
2015f.html#10 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#96 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#80 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#48 These are the companies abandoning the U.S. to dodge taxes
2015e.html#34 43rd President
2015d.html#77 Western Union envisioned internet functionality
2015d.html#75 Greedy Banks Nailed With $5 BILLION+ Fine For Fraud And Corruption
2015d.html#66 Western Union envisioned internet functionality
2015d.html#62 Medicare Part B premiums increasing up to 30%
2015c.html#108 Occupy Democrats
2015c.html#40 past of nukes, was Future of support for telephone rotary dial ?
2015c.html#37 past of nukes, was Future of support for telephone rotary dial ?
2015c.html#4 Mandated Spending
2015b.html#80 House Republican budget: There's a mysterious $1.1 trillion in spending cuts in the House GOP's budget
2015b.html#3 About This Project: Swiss Leaks
2015.html#72 George W. Bush: Still the worst; A new study ranks Bush near the very bottom in history
2015.html#56 IBM Data Processing Center and Pi
2015.html#52 Report: Tax Evasion, Avoidance Costs United States $100 Billion A Year
2015.html#25 Gutting Dodd-Frank
2014m.html#99 US Debt In Public Hands Doubles Under Barack Obama
2014m.html#77 LEO
2014m.html#67 LEO
2014m.html#6 weird apple trivia
2014m.html#2 weird apple trivia
2014m.html#1 weird apple trivia
2014l.html#89 Forbes perspective on IBM's troubles
2014l.html#28 HP splits, again
2014l.html#6 HP splits, again
2014l.html#3 HP splits, again
2014l.html#2 HP splits, again
2014k.html#66 LA Times commentary: roll out "smart" credit cards to deter fraud
2014j.html#81 No Internet. No Microsoft Windows. No iPods. This Is What Tech Was Like In 1984
2014g.html#104 A lifetime ban on lobbying for lawmakers?
2014g.html#21 Thomas Piketty Is Right About the Past and Wrong About the Future
2014c.html#27 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014c.html#17 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#101 Defense Department Needs to Act Like IBM to Save Itself
2014b.html#99 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#94 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#73 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#61 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#60 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#57 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#53 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#45 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#9 Royal Pardon For Turing

fiscal.responsibility.act -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- before_2014 -- back to top/index

gerstner postings (2014-2017)

-#- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_V._Gerstner,_Jr. -#- ibmdownfall -#-
2017k.html#66 Innovation?, Government, Military, Commercial
2017k.html#55 'I hope I can quit working in a few years': A preview of the U.S. without pensions
2017k.html#34 Bad History
2017k.html#8 IBM Mainframe
2017k.html#0 Data Breach Notification
2017j.html#107 The 1970s engineering recession
2017j.html#89 The 1970s engineering recession
2017j.html#80 Here's why Warren Buffett is unloading IBM stock
2017i.html#67 Allied Radio catalog 1956
2017i.html#51 Russian Hackers Stole NSA Data on U.S. Cyber Defense
2017i.html#47 Retirement Heist: How Firms Plunder Workers' Nest Eggs
2017i.html#35 IBM Shareholders Need Employee Enthusiasm, Engagemant And Passions
2017i.html#33 learning Unix, was progress in e-mail, such as AOL
2017i.html#12 EasyLink email ad
2017i.html#10 The General Who Lost 2 Wars, Leaked Classified Information to His Lover--and Retired With a $220,000 Pension
2017i.html#9 The General Who Lost 2 Wars, Leaked Classified Information to His Lover--and Retired With a $220,000 Pension
2017h.html#91 Trump's cybersecurity advisers resign en masse
2017h.html#82 The IBM Appeal - when is a pensions promise not a promise?
2017h.html#80 The IBM Appeal - when is a pensions promise not a promise?
2017h.html#67 IBM: A History Of Progress, 1890s to 2001
2017h.html#51 endless medical arguments, Disregard post (another screwup)
2017h.html#2 Trump is taking the wrong approach to China on tech, says ex-Reagan official who helped beat Soviets
2017g.html#105 Why IBM Should -- and Shouldn't -- Break Itself Up
2017g.html#47 The rise and fall of IBM
2017g.html#18 BMC Software explores merger with CA
2017f.html#109 IBM downfall
2017f.html#101 Nice article about MF and Government
2017f.html#96 IBM downfall
2017f.html#69 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#65 View of Russia
2017f.html#51 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#11 The Mainframe vs. the Server Farm: A Comparison
2017e.html#96 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#77 Time to sack the chief of computing in the NHS?
2017e.html#50 A flaw in the design; The Internet's founders saw its promise but didn't foresee users attacking one another
2017e.html#45 [CM] cheap money, was What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#44 [CM] cheap money, was What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#24 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#10 WD ships 'world's largest' 12TB HGST Ultrastar He12 Helium 7200 RPM Enterprise HDDs
2017d.html#93 United Air Lines - an OODA-loop perspective
2017d.html#77 Trump delay of the 'fiduciary rule' will cost retirement savers $3.7 billion
2017d.html#19 Mainframes are used increasingly by major banks and financial institutions
2017d.html#18 IBM Pension
2017d.html#9 Which States Account for Our Trade Deficit with Mexico?
2017d.html#5 IBM's core business
2017c.html#85 Great mainframe history(?)
2017c.html#75 ComputerWorld Says: Cobol plays major role in U.S. government breaches
2017c.html#67 Cobol plays major role in U.S. government breaches
2017c.html#63 The ICL 2900
2017c.html#58 The ICL 2900
2017c.html#34 CBS News: WikiLeaks claims to release thousands of CIA documents of computer activity
2017c.html#5 NSA Deputy Director: Why I Spent the Last 40 Years In National Security
2017b.html#43 when to get out???
2017b.html#40 Job Loyalty
2017b.html#23 IBM "Breakup"
2017b.html#17 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017b.html#16 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017.html#82 The ICL 2900
2017.html#69 How Private Equity Firms are Designed to Earn Big While Risking Little of Their Own
2017.html#6 Some IBM History
2016h.html#110 The top 50 hospitals that gouge patients the most
2016h.html#92 Elections Fair?
2016h.html#91 Your Social Security cuts are already on the way
2016h.html#72 Why Can't You Buy z Mainframe Services from Amazon Cloud Services?
2016h.html#63 GOP introduces plan to massively cut Social Security
2016h.html#48 Why Can't You Buy z Mainframe Services from Amazon Cloud Services?
2016h.html#30 IBM project discussions
2016g.html#86 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016g.html#81 IBM Sells Somers Site for $31.75 million
2016g.html#80 IBM Sells Somers Site for $31.75 million
2016g.html#71 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016g.html#20 How to Fix IBM
2016g.html#12 IBM's Gerstner to Join Carlyle As Investment Firm's Chairman
2016g.html#2 Airlines Reservation Systems
2016f.html#83 IBM's Gerstner to Join Carlyle As Investment Firm's Chairman
2016f.html#82 At Booz Allen, a Vast U.S. Spy Operation, Run for Private Profit
2016f.html#78 GLBA & Glass-Steagall
2016f.html#76 GLBA & Glass-Steagall
2016f.html#50 OT: DuPont seeks to screw workers of their pensions
2016f.html#45 OT: DuPont seeks to screw workers of their pensions
2016f.html#29 Samsung's million-IOPS, 6.4TB, 64Gb/s SSD is ... well, quite something
2016e.html#108 Some (IBM-related) History
2016e.html#59 How Putin Weaponized Wikileaks to Influence the Election of an American President
2016e.html#41 How the internet was invented
2016e.html#15 Leaked IBM email says cutting 'redundant' jobs is a 'permanent and ongoing' part of its business model
2016d.html#105 How Private Contractors Have Created a Shadow NSA
2016d.html#98 Trust in Government Is Collapsing Around the World
2016d.html#97 Is it a lost cause?
2016d.html#89 China builds world's most powerful computer
2016d.html#84 The mainframe is dead. Long live the mainframe!
2016d.html#76 IBM plans for the future - an imaginary tale
2016d.html#75 IBM refused to lay off workers for decades, and then America had to rethink its entire corporate strategy
2016d.html#71 Raspberry Pi 3?
2016d.html#42 Old Computing
2016d.html#19 Banking; The Book That Will Save Banking From Itself
2016d.html#0 Why Is the Obama Administration Trying to Keep 11,000 Documents Sealed?
2016c.html#43 All is Lost At IBM
2016c.html#23 How Generation Y is paying the price for baby boomer pensions
2016c.html#21 Globalization Worker Negotiation
2016b.html#100 Ray Tomlinson, inventor of modern email, dies
2016b.html#75 Another Private-Equity LBO Queen Bites the Dust
2016b.html#72 Qbasic
2016b.html#61 Qbasic
2016b.html#45 Ransomware
2016b.html#4 Cyberdumb
2016.html#94 Thanks Obama
2016.html#76 Pentagon to take over control of background investigation information
2016.html#7 I Feel Old
2016.html#2 History question - In what year did IBM first release its DF/DSS backup & restore product?
2016.html#0 Repealing Glass-Steagall
2015h.html#123 IBM retirement fund
2015h.html#94 Systems thinking--still in short supply
2015h.html#50 rationality
2015h.html#45 rationality
2015h.html#32 (External):Re: IBM
2015h.html#18 the legacy of Seymour Cray
2015h.html#16 Modern computer brochures; military security; then and now ?
2015h.html#6 1954 RAMAC Prototype
2015g.html#100 Setting the writers right
2015g.html#89 Obama-Bush Years Saw Employers Reduce Health Insurance Coverage
2015g.html#71 Ginni Rometty, Chairman, President and CEO, IBM
2015g.html#70 AIG freezes defined-benefit pension plan
2015g.html#17 There's No Such Thing as Corporate DNA
2015f.html#36 Eric Holder, Wall Street Double Agent, Comes in From the Cold
2015f.html#33 IBM is struggling. But former CEO Sam Palmisano says he isn't looking back
2015f.html#26 Gerstner after IBM becomes Carlyle chairman
2015f.html#25 Gerstner after IBM becomes Carlyle chairman
2015f.html#24 IBM is struggling. But former CEO Sam Palmisano says he isn't looking back
2015f.html#22 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#13 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#81 prices, was Western Union envisioned internet functionality
2015e.html#78 Fed agency blames giant hack on 'neglected' security system
2015e.html#70 Encryption "would not have helped" at OPM, says DHS official
2015e.html#37 The real story of how the Internet became so vulnerable
2015e.html#20 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015d.html#79 Greedy Banks Nailed With $5 BILLION+ Fine For Fraud And Corruption
2015d.html#63 Western Union envisioned internet functionality
2015d.html#49 Western Union envisioned internet functionality
2015d.html#40 Remember 3277?
2015c.html#41 past of nukes, was Future of support for telephone rotary dial ?
2015c.html#32 PEU Report: Obama's Intelligence Oversight Board a Corporate Lot
2015c.html#16 Retirement Heist
2015c.html#15 Retirement Heist
2015b.html#58 Neocons Guided Petraeus on Afghan War
2015b.html#54 National Security and Double Government
2015b.html#51 bloomberg article on ASG and Chpater 11
2015b.html#8 Shoot Bank Of America Now---The Case For Super Glass-Steagall Is Overwhelming
2015b.html#2 do you blame Harvard for Putin
2015.html#98 Convicted Fraudster Jonathan Hay, Harvard's Man Who Wrecked Russia, Resurfaces in Ukraine
2015.html#83 Winslow Wheeler's War
2015.html#81 Ginni gets bonus, plus raise, and extra incentives
2015.html#72 George W. Bush: Still the worst; A new study ranks Bush near the very bottom in history
2015.html#60 IBM Data Processing Center and Pi
2015.html#30 Why on Earth Is IBM Still Making Mainframes?
2015.html#0 LEO
2014m.html#170 IBM Continues To Crumble
2014m.html#162 LEO
2014m.html#143 LEO
2014m.html#140 IBM Continues To Crumble
2014m.html#131 Memo To WSJ: The CRomnibus Abomination Was Not "A Rare Bipartisan Success"
2014m.html#122 Congress could soon allow pension plans to cut benefits for current retirees
2014m.html#120 Memo To Citigroup CEO Michael Corbat: Does Your Crony Capitalist Plunder Know No Shame?
2014m.html#61 Decimation of the valuation of IBM
2014l.html#64 How Comp-Sci went from passing fad to must have major
2014l.html#51 A View From Beneath the Dancing Elephant
2014l.html#50 IBM's Ginni Rometty Just Confessed To A Huge Failure -- It Might Be The Best Thing For The Company
2014l.html#28 HP splits, again
2014k.html#69 LA Times commentary: roll out "smart" credit cards to deter fraud
2014k.html#55 LA Times commentary: roll out "smart" credit cards to deter fraud
2014j.html#93 Demonstrating Moore's law
2014j.html#16 The SDS 92, its place in history?
2014i.html#79 IBM Programmer Aptitude Test
2014i.html#58 How Comp-Sci went from passing fad to must have major
2014i.html#38 Sale receipt--obligatory?
2014i.html#37 Sale receipt--obligatory?
2014i.html#34 UN to Five Eyes nations: Your mass surveillance is breaking the law
2014h.html#89 IBM, Lenovo server deal potentially scuppered over security
2014h.html#73 10 Big Fat Lies and the Liars Who Told Them
2014h.html#68 Over in the Mainframe Experts Network LinkedIn group
2014h.html#3 The Decline and Fall of IBM
2014h.html#0 The Decline and Fall of IBM
2014g.html#111 The Decline and Fall of IBM
2014g.html#80 OT - Quantum Teleportation Feat Brings Ultrafast Computer Networks Step Closer To Reality
2014g.html#21 Thomas Piketty Is Right About the Past and Wrong About the Future
2014g.html#4 Is end of mainframe near ?
2014f.html#74 Is end of mainframe near ?
2014f.html#69 Is end of mainframe near ?
2014f.html#54 IBM Sales Fall Again, Pressuring Rometty's Profit Goal
2014f.html#52 IBM hopes new chip can turn the tables on Intel
2014f.html#48 IBM hopes new chip can turn the tables on Intel
2014f.html#47 Barbarians at the Gate
2014f.html#32 upcoming TV show, "Halt & Catch Fire"
2014f.html#1 Why IBM Is Tumbling: BRIC Sales Plunge, Total Revenue Lowest Since 2009
2014e.html#80 Before the Internet: The golden age of online services
2014e.html#75 Before the Internet: The golden age of online services
2014e.html#58 NSA and Heartbleed
2014e.html#7 Last Gasp for Hard Disk Drives
2014d.html#91 IBM layoffs strike first in India; workers describe cuts as 'slaughter' and 'massive'
2014d.html#81 Eisenhower's military-industrial warning rings truer than ever
2014d.html#70 Last Gasp For Hard Disk Drives
2014d.html#55 Difference between MVS and z / OS systems
2014d.html#16 [OT ] Mainframe memories
2014d.html#8 Microsoft culture must change, chairman says
2014c.html#93 Curious observation: lack of a simple optimization in a C program
2014c.html#85 11 Years to Catch Up with Seymour
2014c.html#69 IBM layoffs strike first in India; workers describe cuts as 'slaughter' and 'massive'
2014c.html#55 Maximizing shareholder value: The goal that changed corporate America
2014c.html#39 Spy Chief Says Snowden Took Advantage of "Perfect Storm" of Security Lapses
2014c.html#30 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014c.html#28 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014c.html#24 IBM sells Intel server business, company is doomed
2014b.html#104 Defense Department Needs to Act Like IBM to Save Itself
2014b.html#101 Defense Department Needs to Act Like IBM to Save Itself
2014b.html#93 Maximizing shareholder value: The Goal that changed corporate America
2014b.html#62 UK government plans switch from Microsoft Office to open source
2014b.html#0 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014.html#97 Santa has a Mainframe!
2014.html#58 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014.html#48 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014.html#47 McCain: Send Petraeus back to Iraq
2014.html#12 5 Unnerving Documents Showing Ties Between Greenwald, Omidyar & Booz Allen Hamilton
2014.html#11 NSA seeks to build quantum computer that could crack most types of encryption

gerstner -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- before_2014 -- back to top/index

griftopia postings (2014-2017)

-#- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Griftopia -#- capitalism -#-
2017k.html#5 The 1970s engineering recession
2017f.html#26 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017.html#53 How Finance Behaves like a Parasite Toward the Economy
2016h.html#54 CFTC Reproposes Position Limits Rule
2016d.html#0 Why Is the Obama Administration Trying to Keep 11,000 Documents Sealed?
2016b.html#58 Wall Street strikes back against Bernie Sanders
2016.html#97 Thanks Obama
2016.html#45 Thanks Obama
2015h.html#65 Economic Mess
2015h.html#56 rationality
2015g.html#49 seveneves
2015e.html#66 prices, was Western Union envisioned internet functionality
2015e.html#34 43rd President
2015b.html#34 Ten Banks, Including JPM, Goldman, Deutsche, Barclays, SocGen And UBS, Probed For Gold Rigging
2014l.html#85 How Much Does It Cost To Keep JPMorgan FX-Riggers Out Of Jail?
2014e.html#62 Before the Internet: The golden age of online services
2014d.html#73 The Federal Reserve: Masters Of The Universe Or Trapped Incompetents?
2014c.html#102 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014c.html#101 How the Fed Let the World Blow Up in 2008; High oil prices blinded the Fed to the growing danger before the crash
2014c.html#42 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014c.html#16 Precious Metals Manipulation Worse Than Libor Scandal, German Regulator Says
2014c.html#8 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014.html#87 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014.html#78 Fed may restrict bank ownership of commodities

griftopia -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- before_2014 -- back to top/index

identity.theft postings (2014-2017)

-#- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Identity_theft -#-
2017k.html#0 Data Breach Notification
2017j.html#32 Tech: we didn't mean for it to turn out like this
2017h.html#117 Equifax Lobbied To Kill Rule Protecting Victims Of Data Breaches
2017h.html#10 Pentagon Would Ban Contractors That Don't Protect Data
2017g.html#7 Mainframe Networking problems
2017f.html#75 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#85 Time to sack the chief of computing in the NHS?
2017d.html#7 Congress just obliterated Obama-era rules preventing ISPs from selling your browsing history
2017c.html#61 [EXTERNAL] ComputerWorld Says: Cobol plays major role in U.S. government breaches
2017c.html#20 The FCC Seems Unlikely to Stop Internet Providers from Selling Your Data
2017c.html#18 FCC halts data security rules
2017c.html#1 FCC puts the brakes on ISP privacy rules it just passed in October
2017.html#94 Trump to sign cyber security order
2016h.html#104 PC Compromise and Internet Transactions
2016h.html#8 Make companies pay full cost of breaches to restore trust in the internet, says ISOC
2016h.html#4 OODA in IT Security
2016g.html#33 OODA-loop and virtual machines
2016f.html#107 How to Win the Cyberwar Against Russia
2016f.html#75 IBM Buying Promontory Clinches It: Regtech Is Real
2016f.html#70 Security Design: Stop Trying to Fix the User
2016e.html#81 Why you need a strong authentication platform
2016e.html#35 How the internet was invented
2016b.html#38 Ransomware
2015g.html#64 Intel: Criminals getting better at data exfiltration
2015e.html#30 The real story of how the Internet became so vulnerable
2015e.html#28 The real story of how the Internet became so vulnerable
2015d.html#67 PCI DSS compliance for z/OS
2015d.html#4 "Trust in digital certificate ecosystem eroding"
2015c.html#99 Cyber Threat Sharing is Great in Theory, But Tough in Practice
2015c.html#96 Data breach notification bill could weaken consumer protections
2015.html#96 Anthem Healthcare Hacked
2015.html#55 HealthCare.gov in Cahoots with Dozens of Tracking Websites
2015.html#54 How do we take political considerations into account in the OODA-Loop?
2014m.html#124 Commissioner Adrian Leppard calls for legislation to compel the banking system to report fraud
2014m.html#92 The 10 Biggest Bank Card Hacks
2014l.html#55 LA Times commentary: roll out "smart" credit cards to deter fraud
2014i.html#42 Sale receipt--obligatory?
2014h.html#96 'Synthetic' ID Theft Emerging As Fastest-Growing Type Of Consumer Fraud
2014g.html#31 Target Results Hurt by Canada, Data Breach
2014g.html#19 350 DBAs stare blankly when reminded super-users can pinch data
2014g.html#17 Is it time for a revolution to replace TLS?
2014f.html#71 Stopping Cybersecurity Breaches Means Rethinking Consequences
2014f.html#58 Consumers Ditch Their Breached Retailers, Banks and Doctors
2014f.html#19 Is cybersecurity the next banking crisis in the making?
2014e.html#6 Credit Card Breach at California DMV Provides Yet Another Warning of Cyber Insecurities
2014d.html#105 After Target, Neiman Marcus breaches, does PCI compliance mean anything?
2014d.html#102 How the IETF plans to protect the web from NSA snooping
2014.html#56 Washington Post on Target store data thefts
2014.html#53 Why the Target Breach Might Be Even Bigger: Big Data Means Big Breach

identity.theft -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- before_2014 -- back to top/index

inequality postings (2014-2017)

-#- capitalism -#- racism -#- tax.evasion -#-
2017k.html#68 Innovation?, Government, Military, Commercial
2017j.html#68 The true story behind Thanksgiving is a bloody struggle that decimated the population and ended with a head on a stick
2017j.html#65 On the Business Models of War
2017j.html#64 Wages and Productivity
2017j.html#12 The Warning
2017j.html#10 Plutocracy Rising repost from Oct 2012
2017j.html#8 The Mathematics of Inequality
2017i.html#60 When Working From Home Doesn't Work
2017i.html#40 Equality: The Impossible Quest
2017i.html#1 Any definitive reference for why the PDP-11 was little-endian?
2017h.html#116 The Real Reason Wages Have Stagnated: Our Economy Is Optimized For Financialization
2017h.html#100 'X' Marks the Spot Where Inequality Took Root: Dig Here
2017h.html#98 endless medical arguments, Disregard post (another screwup)
2017h.html#97 Business as Usual: The Long History of Corporate Personhood
2017h.html#92 'X' Marks the Spot Where Inequality Took Root: Dig Here
2017h.html#90 'X' Marks the Spot Where Inequality Took Root: Dig Here
2017h.html#83 Bureaucracy
2017h.html#24 OFF TOPIC: University of California, Irvine, revokes 500 admissions
2017h.html#22 OT: book: "Capital in the Twenty-First Century"
2017h.html#9 Corporate Profit and Taxes
2017h.html#1 OT: book: "Capital in the Twenty-First Century"
2017g.html#100 Why CEO pay structures harm companies
2017g.html#49 Shareholders Ahead Of Employees
2017f.html#62 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#53 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#49 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#45 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#44 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#43 MVS vs HASP vs JES (was 2821)
2017f.html#41 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#19 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#10 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#96 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017b.html#11 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017.html#55 Comanche Empire
2017.html#53 How Finance Behaves like a Parasite Toward the Economy
2017.html#49 How Finance Behaves like a Parasite Toward the Economy
2017.html#34 If economists want to be trusted again, they should learn to tell jokes
2017.html#32 Star Trek (was Re: TV show Mannix observations)
2017.html#30 $16T National Debt
2017.html#29 Milton Friedman's Cherished Theory Is Laid to Rest
2017.html#26 Milton Friedman's Cherished Theory Is Laid to Rest
2017.html#24 Destruction of the Middle Class
2017.html#17 Destruction of the Middle Class
2017.html#15 Separation church and state
2017.html#12 Separation church and state
2016h.html#107 Minimum Wage
2016h.html#106 Minimum Wage
2016h.html#103 Minimum Wage
2016g.html#13 Rogue sysadmins the target of Microsoft's new 'Shielded VM' security
2016f.html#103 Chain of Title: How Three Ordinary Americans Uncovered Wall Street's Great Foreclosure Fraud
2016c.html#65 A call for revolution
2016c.html#53 Qbasic
2016c.html#52 Qbasic
2016c.html#51 A call for revolution
2016c.html#46 Qbasic
2016c.html#39 Qbasic
2016c.html#38 Qbasic
2016c.html#37 Qbasic
2016c.html#23 How Generation Y is paying the price for baby boomer pensions
2016c.html#18 Qbasic
2016c.html#17 Globalization Worker Negotiation
2016b.html#102 Qbasic
2016b.html#65 Qbasic
2016b.html#64 Qbasic
2016b.html#50 A National Infrastructure Program Is a Smart Idea We Won't Do Because We Are Dysfunctional
2016b.html#49 Corporate malfeasance
2016.html#22 I Feel Old
2015h.html#52 rationality
2015h.html#51 rationality
2015h.html#50 rationality
2015g.html#68 Yes, Computers Have Improved. No, Communism Hasn't
2015g.html#20 After 6 Years Of QE, And A $4.5 Trillion Balance Sheet, St. Louis Fed
2015f.html#65 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#2 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#52 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015b.html#62 Future of support for telephone rotary dial ?
2015.html#29 the previous century, was channel islands, definitely not the location of LEO
2014m.html#84 LEO
2014m.html#39 LEO
2014m.html#37 Income Inequality
2014m.html#34 Forget the 1%
2014m.html#28 LEO
2014m.html#27 LEO
2014m.html#21 Senate Democrats vs. the Middle Class; Senators elected in 2008 made Obama's agenda possible, and its results have harmed most Americans
2014m.html#15 weird apple trivia
2014m.html#12 weird apple trivia
2014k.html#33 Power grid groans, blackouts roll through L.A. area as heat wave nears peak
2014k.html#32 Power grid groans, blackouts roll through L.A. area as heat wave nears peak
2014j.html#11 How Comp-Sci went from passing fad to must have major
2014j.html#9 How Comp-Sci went from passing fad to must have major
2014g.html#21 Thomas Piketty Is Right About the Past and Wrong About the Future
2014f.html#29 upcoming TV show, "Halt & Catch Fire"
2014f.html#15 Why IBM Is Tumbling: BRIC Sales Plunge, Total Revenue Lowest Since 2009
2014f.html#14 Before the Internet: The golden age of online services
2014f.html#7 Before the Internet: The golden age of online services
2014e.html#63 Before the Internet: The golden age of online services
2014e.html#59 Before the Internet: The golden age of online services
2014c.html#105 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014c.html#3 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#87 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#50 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#42 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#37 Royal Pardon For Turing

inequality -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- before_2014 -- back to top/index

kabuki.theater postings (2014-2017)

-#- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kabuki_dance -#-
2017j.html#69 Harvard Business School: The U.S. Political System Has Been 'Hijacked'
2017i.html#38 Bullying trivia
2017h.html#108 Iraq, Longest War
2017g.html#108 Jamie Dimon: You Make Us Embarrassed to be Americans
2017f.html#83 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#104 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017b.html#48 Janet Yellen debunks Trump's case for killing Dodd-Frank
2017b.html#19 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017b.html#13 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017b.html#12 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017b.html#11 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017.html#83 Kabuki Theater
2017.html#7 Malicious Cyber Activity
2016h.html#16 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016g.html#86 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016e.html#109 Why Aren't Any Bankers in Prison for Causing the Financial Crisis?
2016e.html#105 Washington Corruption
2016e.html#47 Nightmare on Wall Street: Republicans & Democrats Agree on Reinstating Glass-Steagall Act
2016e.html#21 FBI Rewrites Federal Law to Let Hillary Off the Hook
2016d.html#98 Trust in Government Is Collapsing Around the World
2016d.html#94 "Computer & Automation" later issues--anti-establishment thrust
2016c.html#99 Why Is the Obama Administration Trying to Keep 11,000 Documents Sealed?
2016c.html#18 Qbasic
2016b.html#67 Qbasic
2016b.html#42 Nobody saw the economic mess coming last decade
2016.html#85 Thanks Obama
2016.html#84 Thanks Obama
2016.html#44 Thanks Obama
2015h.html#102 Accounting industry and SEC hobble America's audit watchdog
2015h.html#80 Corruption Is as Bad in the US as in Developing Countries
2015h.html#48 Protecting Social Security from the Thieves in the Night
2015g.html#16 Federal Deficits
2015e.html#96 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#47 Do we REALLY NEED all this regulatory oversight?
2015e.html#40 Poor People Caused The Financial Crisis
2015e.html#38 The real story of how the Internet became so vulnerable
2015e.html#36 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#33 Will Clarence Thomas Recuse Himself Fom Obamacare Case?
2015.html#72 George W. Bush: Still the worst; A new study ranks Bush near the very bottom in history
2015.html#56 IBM Data Processing Center and Pi
2015.html#53 IBM Data Processing Center and Pi
2014m.html#110 LEO
2014m.html#28 LEO
2014m.html#27 LEO
2014m.html#1 weird apple trivia
2014l.html#28 HP splits, again
2014l.html#25 HP splits, again
2014l.html#6 HP splits, again
2014l.html#4 HP splits, again
2014l.html#1 HP splits, again
2014j.html#81 No Internet. No Microsoft Windows. No iPods. This Is What Tech Was Like In 1984
2014i.html#95 How Comp-Sci went from passing fad to must have major
2014i.html#39 Sale receipt--obligatory?
2014i.html#10 Instead of focusing on big fines, law enforcement should seek long prison terms for the responsible executives
2014h.html#84 Support Senator Warren's Postal Banking Proposal
2014h.html#37 Married Couples and the Financial Mess
2014h.html#30 Qualitative Easing
2014f.html#2 Before the Internet: The golden age of online services
2014c.html#1 If We Don't Keep The F-22 Raptor Viable, The F-35 Fleet Will Be Irrelevant'
2014b.html#73 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#45 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#40 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#30 Royal Pardon For Turing

kabuki.theater -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- before_2014 -- back to top/index

libor postings (2014-2017)

-#- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libor -#-
2017h.html#56 Feds WIMP
2017h.html#39 Disregard post (another screwup; absolutely nothing to do with computers whatsoever!)
2017f.html#26 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017b.html#39 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017.html#52 TV Show "Hill Street Blues"
2017.html#45 Western Union Admits Anti-Money Laundering and Consumer Fraud Violations, Forfeits $586 Million in Settlement with Justice Department and Federal Trade Commission
2017.html#8 Too big to fail was Malicious Cyber Activity
2016g.html#88 Finance Is Not the Economy
2016g.html#85 Stars face ruin over tax bill
2016g.html#27 Economic Mess
2016f.html#79 GLBA & Glass-Steagall
2016f.html#76 GLBA & Glass-Steagall
2016e.html#109 Why Aren't Any Bankers in Prison for Causing the Financial Crisis?
2016e.html#12 "Computer & Automation" later issues--anti-establishment thrust
2016e.html#7 "Computer & Automation" later issues--anti-establishment thrust
2016e.html#5 After 10 years and billions in fines, the UK has convicted precisely five people for rigging interest rates
2016d.html#98 Trust in Government Is Collapsing Around the World
2016d.html#19 Banking; The Book That Will Save Banking From Itself
2016d.html#0 Why Is the Obama Administration Trying to Keep 11,000 Documents Sealed?
2016c.html#94 Pension Funds at Risk
2016c.html#86 Wells Fargo "Admits Deceiving" U.S. Government, Pays Record $1.2 Billion Settlement
2016c.html#85 Wells Fargo "Admits Deceiving" U.S. Government, Pays Record $1.2 Billion Settlement
2016c.html#52 Qbasic
2016b.html#58 Wall Street strikes back against Bernie Sanders
2016.html#46 Thanks Obama
2016.html#16 1970--protesters seize computer center
2016.html#10 25 Years: How the Web began
2016.html#8 "Too Big To Fail"
2016.html#6 Repealing Glass-Steagall
2015h.html#65 Economic Mess
2015h.html#53 rationality
2015h.html#44 rationality
2015g.html#81 Now the DOJ Admits They Got it Wrong
2015g.html#70 AIG freezes defined-benefit pension plan
2015g.html#65 Michael Hudson's New Book: Wall Street Parasites Have Devoured Their Hosts -- Your Retirement Plan and the U.S. Economy
2015g.html#56 The long, slow death of the rule of law in America
2015g.html#46 seveneves
2015f.html#59 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#53 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#47 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#38 LIBOR: History's Largest Financial Crime that the WSJ and NYT Would Like You to Forget
2015f.html#37 LIBOR: History's Largest Financial Crime that the WSJ and NYT Would Like You to Forget
2015f.html#36 Eric Holder, Wall Street Double Agent, Comes in From the Cold
2015e.html#93 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#47 Do we REALLY NEED all this regulatory oversight?
2015e.html#44 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#43 Poor People Caused The Financial Crisis
2015e.html#41 Poor People Caused The Financial Crisis
2015e.html#23 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015d.html#74 Public Confused Why World's Biggest Banks Admitting Criminal Fraud, Leads To Public Yawns
2015d.html#28 Bernie Sanders Proposes A Bill To Break Up The 'Too Big To Exist' Banks
2015d.html#24 Wall Street Bailouts Are Finally Over, Right?
2015d.html#10 7 years on from crisis, $150 billion in bank fines and penalties
2015c.html#77 Deutsche Bank Said Near $1.5 Billion Settlement on Libor
2015b.html#34 Ten Banks, Including JPM, Goldman, Deutsche, Barclays, SocGen And UBS, Probed For Gold Rigging
2015b.html#24 What were the complaints of binary code programmers that not accept Assembly?
2014m.html#177 LEO
2014m.html#160 LEO
2014l.html#83 How Much Does It Cost To Keep JPMorgan FX-Riggers Out Of Jail?
2014k.html#66 LA Times commentary: roll out "smart" credit cards to deter fraud
2014g.html#47 Barclays Manipulated Gold as Soon as It Stopped Manipulating Libor
2014d.html#53 FDIC Sues 16 Big Banks That Set Key Rate
2014d.html#7 N.Y. Barclays Libor Traders Said to Face U.K. Charges
2014c.html#78 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014c.html#16 Precious Metals Manipulation Worse Than Libor Scandal, German Regulator Says
2014c.html#8 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#74 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014.html#87 Royal Pardon For Turing

libor -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- before_2014 -- back to top/index

madoff postings (2014-2017)

-#- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernard_Madoff -#- financial.reporting.fraud -#-
2017j.html#106 The 1970s engineering recession
2017j.html#60 The Windows 95 chime was created on a Mac
2017j.html#25 The Do's and Don'ts of Kleptocracy
2017i.html#14 How to spot a dodgy company - never trust a high achiever
2017i.html#7 The Real Reason Wages Have Stagnated: Our Economy Is Optimized For Financialization
2017h.html#69 Feds Debt
2017h.html#56 Feds WIMP
2017g.html#96 IBM Another Disappointment
2017g.html#79 Bad Ideas
2017g.html#19 Financial, Healthcare, Construction, Education complexity
2017g.html#17 Wall Street
2017f.html#107 'Madoff Whistleblower' Harry Markopolos Has Uncovered A New Fraud
2017f.html#75 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#26 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017d.html#12 Could better financial data have stopped Bernie Madoff?
2017c.html#23 How do BIG WEBSITES work?
2017c.html#11 "Big Four" accounting firms take a hit
2017b.html#64 Jean Tirole's Proposal to Appoint Felons to Monitor CEOs
2017b.html#43 when to get out???
2017.html#104 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017.html#44 New Rule Cracks Down on Corporate Muzzling of Whistleblowers
2016h.html#27 Are We Nearing a Cyber Sarbanes-Oxley?
2016g.html#88 Finance Is Not the Economy
2016g.html#65 In the Trump Era, Leaking and Whistleblowing Are More Urgent, and More Noble, Than Ever
2016g.html#50 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016f.html#98 Chain of Title: How Three Ordinary Americans Uncovered Wall Street's Great Foreclosure Fraud
2016f.html#74 IBM Buying Promontory Clinches It: Regtech Is Real
2016e.html#109 Why Aren't Any Bankers in Prison for Causing the Financial Crisis?
2016e.html#29 Eric Holder's Longtime Excuse for Not Prosecuting Banks Just Crashed and Burned
2016d.html#98 Trust in Government Is Collapsing Around the World
2016d.html#87 Get Out Of Jail Free Card
2016d.html#19 Banking; The Book That Will Save Banking From Itself
2016c.html#90 Goldman Slammed With $5.1 Billion Fine For "Serious Misconduct" In Mortgage Selling
2016c.html#11 Qbasic
2016b.html#42 Nobody saw the economic mess coming last decade
2016b.html#11 Bill Black: How Many Lies Can the WSJ Pack into a Chart on Liar's Loans?
2016b.html#5 The Deep State
2016.html#6 Repealing Glass-Steagall
2015h.html#65 Economic Mess
2015h.html#45 rationality
2015h.html#29 Ernst & Young Confronts Madoff's Specter in Trial Over Audits
2015h.html#23 It A "Liquidity Mirage": New York Fed Finally Grasps How Broken The Market Is Due To HFTs
2015g.html#70 AIG freezes defined-benefit pension plan
2015g.html#65 Michael Hudson's New Book: Wall Street Parasites Have Devoured Their Hosts -- Your Retirement Plan and the U.S. Economy
2015g.html#16 Federal Deficits
2015f.html#4 Jeb: George W. Bush is a top foreign policy adviser
2015e.html#47 Do we REALLY NEED all this regulatory oversight?
2015d.html#76 Greedy Banks Nailed With $5 BILLION+ Fine For Fraud And Corruption
2015d.html#74 Public Confused Why World's Biggest Banks Admitting Criminal Fraud, Leads To Public Yawns
2015d.html#32 Auditors as Whistleblowers
2015d.html#31 Bernie Sanders Proposes A Bill To Break Up The 'Too Big To Exist' Banks
2015d.html#28 Bernie Sanders Proposes A Bill To Break Up The 'Too Big To Exist' Banks
2015d.html#24 Wall Street Bailouts Are Finally Over, Right?
2015c.html#108 Occupy Democrats
2015c.html#88 How Wall Street captured Washington's effort to rein in banks
2015c.html#53 Servicers in DOJ s Crosshairs Following JPM Robo-Signing Settlement
2015c.html#49 Global Fragility and the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis
2015c.html#41 past of nukes, was Future of support for telephone rotary dial ?
2015c.html#6 SEC's Andrew Bowden Regulatory Capture Scandal Hits the Major Leagues with Los Angeles Times Column
2015b.html#12 Criminal Tax Evader HSBC's CEO Resorts to Bank Apologist Fable of the Virgin Crisis
2015.html#58 IBM Data Processing Center and Pi
2015.html#54 How do we take political considerations into account in the OODA-Loop?
2015.html#17 Cromnibus cartoon
2014m.html#73 The Watchdog that Didn't Bark ... Again
2014m.html#20 How To Make Transparency Part Of Organizational Culture
2014l.html#84 Uncovering insider trading with big data
2014k.html#0 only sometimes From looms to computers to looms
2014j.html#52 Bill Black on Bank Fraud: The Wall Street Journal's Choleric Rant about Cholera and Bank Fraud Epidemics
2014i.html#95 How Comp-Sci went from passing fad to must have major
2014i.html#10 Instead of focusing on big fines, law enforcement should seek long prison terms for the responsible executives
2014g.html#61 Association Of Certified Fraud Examiners Release 2014 Report On Fraud
2014g.html#58 Credit Suisse, BNP Paribas at Risk of Criminal Charges Over Taxes, Business With Banned Nations
2014g.html#54 Has the last fighter pilot been born?
2014g.html#1 HFT is harmful, say US market participants
2014f.html#60 GAO and Wall Street Journal Whitewash Huge Criminal Bank Frauds
2014e.html#80 Before the Internet: The golden age of online services
2014e.html#72 Three Expensive Milliseconds
2014e.html#66 SEC Goldman Lawyer Says Agency Too Timid on Wall Street Misdeeds
2014d.html#82 S&P Judge Tentatively Rules It Must Face Deception Claims
2014d.html#47 Stolen F-35 Secrets Now Showing Up in China's Stealth Fighter
2014d.html#46 Wells Fargo made up on-demand foreclosure papers plan: court filing charges
2014d.html#7 N.Y. Barclays Libor Traders Said to Face U.K. Charges
2014b.html#91 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#74 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#29 Royal Pardon for credit unions
2014.html#34 The invincible JP Morgan
2014.html#30 Criminal Action Is Expected for JPMorgan in Madoff Case
2014.html#14 Criminal Action Is Expected for JPMorgan in Madoff Case

madoff -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- before_2014 -- back to top/index

medicare.part-d postings (2014-2017)

-#- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medicare_Part_D -#- fiscal.responsibility.act -#-
2017i.html#31 Reminder: It's very unusual to vote on a health-care bill before Congress knows what it will do
2017h.html#69 Feds Debt
2017h.html#51 endless medical arguments, Disregard post (another screwup)
2017g.html#79 Bad Ideas
2017g.html#50 SS Trust Fund
2017f.html#103 Health Care Spending
2017d.html#2 Single Payer
2017.html#16 House GOP appallingly votes to conceal cost of Obamacare repeal to taxpayers
2016h.html#63 GOP introduces plan to massively cut Social Security
2016f.html#55 Congress, most corrupt institution on earth
2016f.html#16 The EpiPen Scandal Is Worse Than You Think: What You're Not Being Told
2016e.html#105 Washington Corruption
2016e.html#89 E.R. Burroughs
2016d.html#98 Trust in Government Is Collapsing Around the World
2016c.html#65 A call for revolution
2016c.html#53 Qbasic
2016c.html#49 Federal Debt
2016c.html#18 Qbasic
2016c.html#17 Globalization Worker Negotiation
2016b.html#110 The Koch-Fueled Plot to Destroy the VA
2016b.html#12 Thanks Obama
2016.html#30 I Feel Old
2015h.html#48 Protecting Social Security from the Thieves in the Night
2015g.html#16 Federal Deficits
2015f.html#10 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015d.html#77 Western Union envisioned internet functionality
2015d.html#66 Western Union envisioned internet functionality
2015d.html#62 Medicare Part B premiums increasing up to 30%
2015c.html#37 past of nukes, was Future of support for telephone rotary dial ?
2015c.html#4 Mandated Spending
2015b.html#80 House Republican budget: There's a mysterious $1.1 trillion in spending cuts in the House GOP's budget
2015.html#72 George W. Bush: Still the worst; A new study ranks Bush near the very bottom in history
2015.html#56 IBM Data Processing Center and Pi
2015.html#25 Gutting Dodd-Frank
2014m.html#67 LEO
2014l.html#25 HP splits, again
2014k.html#70 LA Times commentary: roll out "smart" credit cards to deter fraud
2014k.html#66 LA Times commentary: roll out "smart" credit cards to deter fraud
2014j.html#81 No Internet. No Microsoft Windows. No iPods. This Is What Tech Was Like In 1984
2014g.html#104 A lifetime ban on lobbying for lawmakers?
2014c.html#100 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014c.html#27 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#94 Royal Pardon For Turing

medicare.part-d -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- before_2014 -- back to top/index

merchants.of.doubt postings (2014-2017)

-#- http://www.merchantsofdoubt.org/ -#-
2017j.html#63 Sugar Industry Long Downplayed Potential Harms
2017j.html#46 How Economists Turned Corporations into Predators
2017i.html#84 "Worse Than Big Tobacco": How Big Pharma Fuels the Opioid Epidemic
2017i.html#60 When Working From Home Doesn't Work
2017i.html#55 How Economists Turned Corporations into Predators
2017i.html#13 Merchants of Doubt
2017d.html#59 Breaking: Entire Nation Experiencing Collective Amnesia About Iraq War
2017b.html#14 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017b.html#5 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017.html#103 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017.html#26 Milton Friedman's Cherished Theory Is Laid to Rest
2016f.html#47 British socialism / anti-trust
2015g.html#38 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#92 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#90 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#76 Pentagon remains stubbornly unable to account for its billions
2015f.html#1 Jeb: George W. Bush is a top foreign policy adviser
2015e.html#63 12 Reasons America Doesn't Win Its Wars
2015e.html#34 43rd President
2015.html#24 Forget the McDonnells. We're ignoring bigger, more pernicious corruption right under our noses
2014m.html#100 OT: article on foreign outsourcing
2014h.html#73 10 Big Fat Lies and the Liars Who Told Them
2014h.html#22 $40 billion missile defense system proves unreliable
2014e.html#79 Before the Internet: The golden age of online services
2014d.html#47 Stolen F-35 Secrets Now Showing Up in China's Stealth Fighter
2014b.html#31 An insider's story of the global attack on climate science

merchants.of.doubt -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- before_2014 -- back to top/index

military.industrial.complex postings (2014-2017)

-#- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military-industrial_complex -#- capitalism -#- perpetual.war -#- team.b -#- wmds -#-
2017k.html#68 Innovation?, Government, Military, Commercial
2017k.html#66 Innovation?, Government, Military, Commercial
2017k.html#58 Failures and Resiliency
2017k.html#53 Spending, Deficit Concerns Arise With New Tax Law
2017j.html#108 The 1970s engineering recession
2017j.html#73 A-10
2017j.html#65 On the Business Models of War
2017j.html#47 America's Over-Hyped Strategic Bombing Experiment
2017j.html#21 Norden bombsight
2017j.html#6 The Changing Face of War: Combat from the Marne to Iraq
2017j.html#2 WW II cryptography
2017i.html#75 WW II cryptography
2017i.html#68 Ghost Riders of Baghdad: Soldiers, Civilians, and the Myth of the Surge
2017i.html#64 The World America Made
2017i.html#14 How to spot a dodgy company - never trust a high achiever
2017i.html#13 Merchants of Doubt
2017i.html#11 The General Who Lost 2 Wars, Leaked Classified Information to His Lover--and Retired With a $220,000 Pension
2017i.html#10 The General Who Lost 2 Wars, Leaked Classified Information to His Lover--and Retired With a $220,000 Pension
2017i.html#9 The General Who Lost 2 Wars, Leaked Classified Information to His Lover--and Retired With a $220,000 Pension
2017h.html#115 When It Comes to the War in the Greater Middle East, Maybe We're the Bad Guys
2017h.html#111 In America's Wars, Failure Is the New Success
2017h.html#109 Iraq, Longest War
2017h.html#106 Iraq, Longest War
2017h.html#105 Iraq, Longest War
2017h.html#104 Iraq, Longest War
2017h.html#103 Iraq, Longest War
2017h.html#102 75 years ago, Hitler invaded Poland. Here's how it happened
2017h.html#98 endless medical arguments, Disregard post (another screwup)
2017h.html#97 Business as Usual: The Long History of Corporate Personhood
2017h.html#75 On Tactics
2017h.html#74 On Tactics
2017h.html#69 Feds Debt
2017h.html#40 Disregard post (another screwup; absolutely nothing to do with computers whatsoever!)
2017h.html#39 Disregard post (another screwup; absolutely nothing to do with computers whatsoever!)
2017h.html#38 Disregard post (another screwup; absolutely nothing to do with computers whatsoever!)
2017h.html#36 Disregard post (another screwup; absolutely nothing to do with computers whatsoever!)
2017h.html#34 Disregard post (another screwup; absolutely nothing to do with computers whatsoever!)
2017h.html#31 Disregard post (another screwup; absolutely nothing to do with computers whatsoever!)
2017h.html#25 OFF TOPIC: University of California, Irvine, revokes 500 admissions
2017h.html#20 Military Contractors
2017h.html#9 Corporate Profit and Taxes
2017g.html#99 The Real Reason You Should See Dunkirk: Hitler Lost World War II There
2017g.html#79 Bad Ideas
2017g.html#48 SS Trust Fund
2017g.html#13 Why the Pentagon would rather hire bin Laden than Donald Vandergriff
2017f.html#85 Early use of word "computer", 1944
2017f.html#84 Early use of word "computer", 1944
2017f.html#82 Early use of word "computer", 1944
2017f.html#77 Early use of word "computer", 1944
2017f.html#75 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#61 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#60 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#58 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#56 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#55 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#54 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#52 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#48 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#45 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#41 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#17 5 Naval Battles That Changed History Forever
2017f.html#14 Fast OODA-Loops increase Maneuverability
2017f.html#7 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#4 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#105 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#104 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#102 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#99 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#98 The head of the Census Bureau just quit, and the consequences are huge
2017e.html#97 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#73 More Cyberdumb
2017e.html#69 The knives are out for Trump's national security adviser H.R. McMaster
2017e.html#60 The Illusion Of Victory: America In World War I
2017e.html#44 [CM] cheap money, was What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#38 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#23 Ironic old "fortune"
2017e.html#12 SS Trust Fund
2017e.html#1 How Desert Storm Destroyed the US Military
2017d.html#68 America Can't Afford to Keep Losing the War in Afghanistan
2017d.html#67 Economists are arguing over how their profession messed up during the Great Recession. This is what happened
2017d.html#64 Breaking: Entire Nation Experiencing Collective Amnesia About Iraq War
2017d.html#59 Breaking: Entire Nation Experiencing Collective Amnesia About Iraq War
2017d.html#55 Should America Have Entered World War I?
2017d.html#38 Imperial Hubris
2017d.html#13 The Pentagon still uses computer software from 1958 to manage its contracts
2017d.html#6 ComputerWorld Says: Cobol plays major role in U.S. government breaches
2017c.html#90 Economist, Harry Dent Hints: Global Banks Facing a Serious Crisis in Months Ahead
2017c.html#51 F-35 Replacement: F-45 Mustang II Fighter -- Simple & Lightweight
2017c.html#47 WikiLeaks CIA Dump: Washington's Data Security Is a Mess
2017c.html#42 Profitable Companies, No Taxes: Here's How They Did It
2017c.html#40 Stop Believing in the Many Myths of the Iraq Surge
2017c.html#34 CBS News: WikiLeaks claims to release thousands of CIA documents of computer activity
2017c.html#33 CBS News: WikiLeaks claims to release thousands of CIA documents of computer activity
2017b.html#83 Sleepwalking Into a Nuclear Arms Race with Russia
2017b.html#64 Jean Tirole's Proposal to Appoint Felons to Monitor CEOs
2017b.html#55 60 Minutes interview with Grace Hopper
2017b.html#45 when to get out???
2017b.html#43 when to get out???
2017b.html#14 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017.html#51 The Not-So-Secret Way to Kill an F-22 or F-35 Stealth Fighter
2017.html#26 Milton Friedman's Cherished Theory Is Laid to Rest
2017.html#16 House GOP appallingly votes to conceal cost of Obamacare repeal to taxpayers
2017.html#7 Malicious Cyber Activity
2016h.html#93 F35 Program
2016h.html#91 Your Social Security cuts are already on the way
2016h.html#89 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016h.html#88 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016h.html#83 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016h.html#81 Economic Mess
2016h.html#80 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016h.html#78 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016h.html#68 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016h.html#63 GOP introduces plan to massively cut Social Security
2016h.html#62 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016h.html#42 TARP Bailout
2016h.html#40 The F-22 Raptor Is the World's Best Fighter (And It Has a Secret Weapon That Is Out in the Open)
2016h.html#39 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016h.html#38 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016h.html#37 GOP Announces Privatization Of Medicare And The Details Are TERRIFYING
2016h.html#36 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016h.html#33 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016h.html#22 Nixon and the war
2016h.html#21 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016h.html#20 Jeff Sessions set to show his steel on white-collar crime
2016h.html#18 The Winds of Reform
2016h.html#3 Smedley Butler
2016h.html#2 Smedley Butler
2016g.html#95 Social Security Trust Fund
2016g.html#93 The annual Budget Games begin: Trump vs. Congress to control spending
2016g.html#90 Finance Is Not the Economy
2016g.html#86 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016g.html#79 Defense Meltdown
2016g.html#63 America's Over-Hyped Strategic Bombing Experiment
2016g.html#57 Boyd F15, F16, F20
2016g.html#27 Economic Mess
2016g.html#25 Perpetual War
2016g.html#24 US Air Power
2016g.html#13 Rogue sysadmins the target of Microsoft's new 'Shielded VM' security
2016g.html#1 Airlines Reservation Systems
2016f.html#104 How to Win the Cyberwar Against Russia
2016f.html#102 Chain of Title: How Three Ordinary Americans Uncovered Wall Street's Great Foreclosure Fraud
2016f.html#96 Chain of Title: How Three Ordinary Americans Uncovered Wall Street's Great Foreclosure Fraud
2016f.html#81 The baby boomers' monumental quagmire in Iraq
2016f.html#68 Strategic Bombing
2016f.html#66 old Western Union Telegraph Company advertising
2016f.html#64 Strategic Bombing
2016f.html#56 "One Nation Under God: How Corporate America Invented Christian America"
2016f.html#51 OT: DuPont seeks to screw workers of their pensions
2016f.html#48 Report: Nearly $5 Trillion Spent on Iraq and Afghanistan Wars So Far
2016f.html#47 British socialism / anti-trust
2016f.html#41 Misc. Success of Failure
2016f.html#24 Frieden calculator
2016f.html#21 US and UK have staged coups before
2016f.html#20 Why a Single-Payer Health Care System is Inevitable
2016f.html#18 Bullying
2016f.html#15 How Veterans Are Losing the War at Home
2016e.html#125 Iraq War
2016e.html#122 U.S. Defense Contractors Tell Investors Russian Threat Is Great for Business
2016e.html#104 E.R. Burroughs
2016e.html#94 E.R. Burroughs
2016e.html#91 E.R. Burroughs
2016e.html#62 5th generation stealth, thermal, radar signature
2016e.html#61 5th generation stealth, thermal, radar signature
2016e.html#48 CIA Reactions to Finding No WMD in Iraq
2016e.html#30 The World Crisis, Vol. 1
2016e.html#26 The General Who Lost 2 Wars, Leaked Classified Information to His Lover--and Retired With a $220,000 Pension
2016e.html#22 Iran Can Now Detect U.S. Stealth Jets at Long Range
2016e.html#20 The Boeing Century
2016e.html#16 Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction: Who Said What When
2016e.html#11 "Computer & Automation" later issues--anti-establishment thrust
2016d.html#99 Trust in Government Is Collapsing Around the World
2016d.html#90 "Computer & Automation" later issues--anti-establishment thrust
2016d.html#89 China builds world's most powerful computer
2016d.html#49 Fateful Choices
2016c.html#95 Thanks Obama
2016c.html#91 Qbasic
2016c.html#89 Qbasic
2016c.html#81 Qbasic
2016c.html#80 Qbasic
2016c.html#79 Qbasic
2016c.html#75 Qbasic
2016c.html#73 Qbasic
2016c.html#71 Qbasic
2016c.html#69 Qbasic
2016c.html#65 A call for revolution
2016c.html#64 Isolationism and War Profiteering
2016c.html#53 Qbasic
2016c.html#50 Iraqi WMDs
2016c.html#41 Qbasic
2016c.html#40 Qbasic
2016c.html#31 Qbasic
2016c.html#29 Qbasic
2016c.html#18 Qbasic
2016b.html#110 The Koch-Fueled Plot to Destroy the VA
2016b.html#108 Qbasic
2016b.html#107 Qbasic - lies about Medicare
2016b.html#105 Computers anyone?
2016b.html#97 Computers anyone?
2016b.html#96 Computers anyone?
2016b.html#95 Computers anyone?
2016b.html#94 Computers anyone?
2016b.html#92 Computers anyone?
2016b.html#91 Computers anyone?
2016b.html#90 Computers anyone?
2016b.html#89 Computers anyone?
2016b.html#88 Computers anyone?
2016b.html#87 Computers anyone?
2016b.html#67 Qbasic
2016b.html#64 Qbasic
2016b.html#55 How to Kill the F-35 Stealth Fighter; It all comes down to radar ... and a big enough missile
2016b.html#53 Trump Is Right, Bush Lied: A Little-Known Part of the Bogus Case for War
2016b.html#50 A National Infrastructure Program Is a Smart Idea We Won't Do Because We Are Dysfunctional
2016b.html#49 Corporate malfeasance
2016b.html#39 Failure as a Way of Life; The logic of lost wars and military-industrial boondoggles
2016b.html#25 SS Trust Fund
2016b.html#21 DEC and The Americans
2016b.html#20 DEC and The Americans
2016b.html#19 Does Cybercrime Really Cost $1 Trillion?
2016b.html#12 Thanks Obama
2016b.html#10 What Will the Next A-10 Warthog Look Like?
2016b.html#9 The Deep State
2016b.html#8 Cyberdumb
2016b.html#4 Cyberdumb
2016.html#88 The Pentagon's Pricey Culture of Mediocrity
2016.html#86 Thanks Obama
2016.html#79 Shout out to Grace Hopper (State of the Union)
2016.html#75 American Gripen: The Solution To The F-35 Nightmare
2016.html#71 Thanks Obama
2016.html#48 Thanks Obama
2016.html#47 Thanks Obama
2016.html#24 1976 vs. 2016?
2016.html#20 Living With Fog and Friction: The Fallacy of Information Superiority
2016.html#16 1970--protesters seize computer center
2015h.html#122 For those who like to regress to their youth? :-)
2015h.html#119 For those who like to regress to their youth? :-)
2015h.html#79 New Smoking Gun: U.S. and UK KNEW Saddam Did NOT Possess WMDs
2015h.html#70 Department of Defense Head Ashton Carter Enlists Silicon Valley to Transform the Military
2015h.html#60 rationality
2015h.html#34 The Sad Symbolism of Captured U.S. Military Hardware
2015h.html#33 The wars in Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan were lost before they began, not on the battlefields
2015h.html#26 Putin's Great Crime: He Defends His Allies and Attacks His Enemies
2015h.html#16 Modern computer brochures; military security; then and now ?
2015h.html#4 Decimal point character and billions
2015h.html#0 How Corporate America Invented Christian America; Inside one reverend's big business-backed 1940s crusade to make the country conservative again
2015g.html#84 New hard drive
2015g.html#78 New hard drive
2015g.html#56 The long, slow death of the rule of law in America
2015g.html#55 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015g.html#38 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015g.html#17 There's No Such Thing as Corporate DNA
2015g.html#16 Federal Deficits
2015g.html#14 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015g.html#13 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015g.html#11 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015g.html#8 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015g.html#7 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015g.html#3 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#87 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#81 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#78 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#77 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#76 Pentagon remains stubbornly unable to account for its billions
2015f.html#58 No, the F-35 Can't Fight at Long Range, Either
2015f.html#54 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#51 No, the F-35 Can't Fight at Long Range, Either
2015f.html#46 No, the F-35 Can't Fight at Long Range, Either
2015f.html#44 No, the F-35 Can't Fight at Long Range, Either
2015f.html#43 No, the F-35 Can't Fight at Long Range, Either
2015f.html#42 No, the F-35 Can't Fight at Long Range, Either
2015f.html#13 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#1 Jeb: George W. Bush is a top foreign policy adviser
2015e.html#96 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#67 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#63 12 Reasons America Doesn't Win Its Wars
2015e.html#38 The real story of how the Internet became so vulnerable
2015e.html#34 43rd President
2015e.html#29 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95 ^A^K boy scouts
2015e.html#17 Why do we keep losing?
2015e.html#9 Why do we keep losing?
2015d.html#77 Western Union envisioned internet functionality
2015d.html#75 Greedy Banks Nailed With $5 BILLION+ Fine For Fraud And Corruption
2015d.html#54 The Jeb Bush Adviser Who Should Scare You
2015c.html#108 Occupy Democrats
2015c.html#89 Your earliest dream?
2015c.html#76 Your earliest dream?
2015c.html#70 God No, the U.S. Air Force Doesn't Need Another Curtis LeMay
2015c.html#51 past of nukes, was Future of support for telephone rotary dial ?
2015c.html#45 The Battle of Bretton Woods: John Maynard Keynes, Harry Dexter White, and the Making of a New World Order
2015c.html#40 past of nukes, was Future of support for telephone rotary dial ?
2015c.html#38 past of nukes, was Future of support for telephone rotary dial ?
2015c.html#35 past of nukes, was Future of support for telephone rotary dial ?
2015c.html#23 Why Doesn't the Intelligence Community Care Whether Its Surveillance Programs Work?
2015c.html#21 past of nukes, was Future of support for telephone rotary dial ?
2015c.html#20 past of nukes, was Future of support for telephone rotary dial ?
2015c.html#14 With the U.S. F-35 Grounded, Putin's New Jet Beats Us Hands-Down
2015c.html#13 past of nukes, was Future of support for telephone rotary dial ?
2015c.html#8 past of nukes, was Future of support for telephone rotary dial ?
2015c.html#5 past of nukes, was Future of support for telephone rotary dial ?
2015c.html#3 How Russia's S-400 makes the F-35 obsolete
2015b.html#78 past of nukes, was Future of support for telephone rotary dial ?
2015b.html#75 How Russia's S-400 makes the F-35 obsolete
2015b.html#74 past of nukes, was Future of support for telephone rotary dial ?
2015b.html#71 Why do we have wars?
2015b.html#69 past of nukes, was Future of support for telephone rotary dial ?
2015b.html#68 Why do we have wars?
2015b.html#66 fingerspitzengefuhl and Coup d'oeil
2015b.html#59 A-10
2015b.html#52 IBM Data Processing Center and Pi
2015b.html#16 Keydriven bit permutations
2015b.html#8 Shoot Bank Of America Now---The Case For Super Glass-Steagall Is Overwhelming
2015b.html#5 Swiss Leaks lifts the veil on a secretive banking system
2015b.html#4 Pay Any Price: Greed, Power, and Endless War
2015.html#72 George W. Bush: Still the worst; A new study ranks Bush near the very bottom in history
2015.html#68 IBM Data Processing Center and Pi
2015.html#56 IBM Data Processing Center and Pi
2015.html#54 How do we take political considerations into account in the OODA-Loop?
2015.html#53 IBM Data Processing Center and Pi
2015.html#18 NYT on Sony hacking
2015.html#16 NYT on Sony hacking
2015.html#13 LEO
2015.html#12 NYT on Sony hacking
2015.html#11 NYT on Sony hacking
2015.html#10 NYT on Sony hacking
2015.html#9 LEO
2015.html#6 NYT on Sony hacking
2015.html#3 LEO
2015.html#1 LEO
2015.html#0 LEO
2014m.html#178 LEO
2014m.html#82 LEO
2014m.html#78 LEO
2014m.html#77 LEO
2014m.html#67 LEO
2014m.html#64 LEO
2014m.html#51 LEO
2014m.html#48 LEO
2014m.html#40 LEO
2014m.html#3 weird apple trivia
2014m.html#2 weird apple trivia
2014l.html#89 Forbes perspective on IBM's troubles
2014l.html#68 How Comp-Sci went from passing fad to must have major
2014l.html#61 How Comp-Sci went from passing fad to must have major
2014l.html#25 HP splits, again
2014l.html#8 HP splits, again
2014l.html#4 HP splits, again
2014k.html#84 HP splits, again
2014k.html#51 LA Times commentary: roll out "smart" credit cards to deter fraud
2014k.html#12 1950: Northrop's Digital Differential Analyzer
2014j.html#104 No Internet. No Microsoft Windows. No iPods. This Is What Tech Was Like In 1984
2014j.html#81 No Internet. No Microsoft Windows. No iPods. This Is What Tech Was Like In 1984
2014j.html#74 No Internet. No Microsoft Windows. No iPods. This Is What Tech Was Like In 1984
2014j.html#64 US Entering New Era of Dirty Wars?
2014j.html#55 US Entering New Era of Dirty Wars?
2014j.html#43 Let's Face It--It's the Cyber Era and We're Cyber Dumb
2014j.html#41 50th/60th anniversary of SABRE--real-time airline reservations computer system
2014j.html#40 China's Fifth-Generation Fighter Could Be A Game Changer In An Increasingly Tense East Asia
2014j.html#14 Super Cane's Computers run Windows
2014i.html#95 How Comp-Sci went from passing fad to must have major
2014i.html#65 New Military Gear Doesn't Have to Cost a Fortune
2014i.html#27 How Comp-Sci went from passing fad to must have major
2014i.html#22 How Comp-Sci went from passing fad to must have major
2014i.html#20 US No Longer Tech Leader in Military War Gear
2014i.html#13 IBM & Boyd
2014h.html#100 The SDS 92, its place in history?
2014h.html#61 Are you tired of the negative comments about IBM in this community?
2014h.html#22 $40 billion missile defense system proves unreliable
2014h.html#1 Lessons Not Learned: The U.S. Navy's Status Quo Culture
2014g.html#68 Revamped PDP-11 in Brooklyn
2014f.html#93 Oligarchy Controls U.S. War-Making
2014f.html#73 Is end of mainframe near ?
2014f.html#68 A-10 Attack Jets Rack Up Air-to-Air Kills in Louisiana War Game
2014f.html#36 IBM Historic computing
2014f.html#35 upcoming TV show, "Halt & Catch Fire"
2014f.html#29 upcoming TV show, "Halt & Catch Fire"
2014f.html#6 Before the Internet: The golden age of online services
2014e.html#80 Before the Internet: The golden age of online services
2014e.html#55 Before the Internet: The golden age of online services
2014e.html#1 Obama to Kill Tomahawk, Hellfire Missile Programs
2014e.html#0 Deep State: Inside the Government Secrecy Industry
2014d.html#91 IBM layoffs strike first in India; workers describe cuts as 'slaughter' and 'massive'
2014d.html#81 Eisenhower's military-industrial warning rings truer than ever
2014d.html#47 Stolen F-35 Secrets Now Showing Up in China's Stealth Fighter
2014d.html#38 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014d.html#37 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014d.html#12 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014d.html#4 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014d.html#3 Let's Face It--It's the Cyber Era and We're Cyber Dumb
2014d.html#2 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014c.html#103 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014c.html#99 Reducing Army Size
2014c.html#92 Why do bank IT systems keep failing ?
2014c.html#87 11 Years to Catch Up with Seymour
2014c.html#86 11 Years to Catch Up with Seymour
2014c.html#85 11 Years to Catch Up with Seymour
2014c.html#81 11 Years to Catch Up with Seymour
2014c.html#72 11 Years to Catch Up with Seymour
2014c.html#54 IBM layoffs strike first in India; workers describe cuts as 'slaughter' and 'massive'
2014c.html#53 Not Wild Ducks but Wild Geese - The history behind the story
2014c.html#47 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014c.html#43 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014c.html#36 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014c.html#35 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014c.html#34 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014c.html#9 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014c.html#4 Defense Department Needs to Act Like IBM to Save Itself
2014c.html#2 Private-equity firms play major role in defense industry today
2014c.html#1 If We Don't Keep The F-22 Raptor Viable, The F-35 Fleet Will Be Irrelevant'
2014c.html#0 Navy's F-35C Completes Landing Tests Ahead of October Sea Trials
2014b.html#104 Defense Department Needs to Act Like IBM to Save Itself
2014b.html#101 Defense Department Needs to Act Like IBM to Save Itself
2014b.html#90 Can America Win Wars?
2014b.html#86 Can America Win Wars?
2014b.html#77 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#73 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#62 UK government plans switch from Microsoft Office to open source
2014b.html#60 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#54 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#52 US Army hopes to replace 25% of soldiers with robots by 2040
2014b.html#38 Can America Win Wars
2014b.html#31 An insider's story of the global attack on climate science
2014b.html#9 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014.html#12 5 Unnerving Documents Showing Ties Between Greenwald, Omidyar & Booz Allen Hamilton

military.industrial.complex -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- before_2014 -- back to top/index

money.laundering postings (2014-2017)

-#- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Money_laundering -#-
2017j.html#64 Wages and Productivity
2017j.html#59 Wall Street Wants to Kill the Agency Protecting Americans From Financial Scams
2017j.html#25 The Do's and Don'ts of Kleptocracy
2017h.html#79 Feds widen hunt for dirty money in Miami real estate
2017h.html#56 Feds WIMP
2017h.html#39 Disregard post (another screwup; absolutely nothing to do with computers whatsoever!)
2017g.html#78 This Afghan War Plan By The Guy Who Founded Blackwater Should Scare The Hell Out Of You
2017f.html#26 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#43 [CM] cheap money, was What was your first home computer?
2017b.html#39 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017b.html#16 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017b.html#11 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017.html#45 Western Union Admits Anti-Money Laundering and Consumer Fraud Violations, Forfeits $586 Million in Settlement with Justice Department and Federal Trade Commission
2017.html#8 Too big to fail was Malicious Cyber Activity
2016h.html#2 Smedley Butler
2016g.html#88 Finance Is Not the Economy
2016g.html#85 Stars face ruin over tax bill
2016g.html#65 In the Trump Era, Leaking and Whistleblowing Are More Urgent, and More Noble, Than Ever
2016g.html#52 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016g.html#27 Economic Mess
2016f.html#79 GLBA & Glass-Steagall
2016f.html#76 GLBA & Glass-Steagall
2016f.html#35 Deutsche Bank and a $10Bn Money Laundering Nightmare: More Context Than You Can Shake a Stick at
2016e.html#109 Why Aren't Any Bankers in Prison for Causing the Financial Crisis?
2016e.html#27 US Refused To Prosecute HSBC Over Fears Of "Global Financial Disaster"
2016d.html#98 Trust in Government Is Collapsing Around the World
2016d.html#19 Banking; The Book That Will Save Banking From Itself
2016d.html#0 Why Is the Obama Administration Trying to Keep 11,000 Documents Sealed?
2016c.html#94 Pension Funds at Risk
2016c.html#86 Wells Fargo "Admits Deceiving" U.S. Government, Pays Record $1.2 Billion Settlement
2016c.html#85 Wells Fargo "Admits Deceiving" U.S. Government, Pays Record $1.2 Billion Settlement
2016c.html#78 Qbasic
2016c.html#52 Qbasic
2016c.html#41 Qbasic
2016c.html#29 Qbasic
2016b.html#73 Qbasic
2016b.html#58 Wall Street strikes back against Bernie Sanders
2016b.html#50 A National Infrastructure Program Is a Smart Idea We Won't Do Because We Are Dysfunctional
2016b.html#0 Thanks Obama
2016.html#97 Thanks Obama
2016.html#46 Thanks Obama
2016.html#16 1970--protesters seize computer center
2016.html#10 25 Years: How the Web began
2016.html#8 "Too Big To Fail"
2015h.html#94 Systems thinking--still in short supply
2015h.html#65 Economic Mess
2015h.html#53 rationality
2015h.html#44 rationality
2015g.html#81 Now the DOJ Admits They Got it Wrong
2015g.html#70 AIG freezes defined-benefit pension plan
2015g.html#65 Michael Hudson's New Book: Wall Street Parasites Have Devoured Their Hosts -- Your Retirement Plan and the U.S. Economy
2015g.html#14 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#64 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#63 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#61 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#59 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#57 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#56 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#53 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#47 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#37 LIBOR: History's Largest Financial Crime that the WSJ and NYT Would Like You to Forget
2015f.html#36 Eric Holder, Wall Street Double Agent, Comes in From the Cold
2015e.html#93 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#92 prices, was Western Union envisioned internet functionality
2015e.html#60 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#47 Do we REALLY NEED all this regulatory oversight?
2015e.html#44 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#43 Poor People Caused The Financial Crisis
2015e.html#41 Poor People Caused The Financial Crisis
2015e.html#23 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015d.html#80 Greedy Banks Nailed With $5 BILLION+ Fine For Fraud And Corruption
2015d.html#75 Greedy Banks Nailed With $5 BILLION+ Fine For Fraud And Corruption
2015d.html#28 Bernie Sanders Proposes A Bill To Break Up The 'Too Big To Exist' Banks
2015d.html#24 Wall Street Bailouts Are Finally Over, Right?
2015d.html#10 7 years on from crisis, $150 billion in bank fines and penalties
2015c.html#78 French set euro¬1b bail as HSBC probe goes beyond Swiss branch
2015c.html#56 past of nukes, was Future of support for telephone rotary dial ?
2015b.html#35 Deny the British empire's crimes? No, we ignore them
2015b.html#27 What were the complaints of binary code programmers that not accept Assembly?
2015b.html#26 What were the complaints of binary code programmers that not accept Assembly?
2015b.html#24 What were the complaints of binary code programmers that not accept Assembly?
2015b.html#12 Criminal Tax Evader HSBC's CEO Resorts to Bank Apologist Fable of the Virgin Crisis
2015b.html#5 Swiss Leaks lifts the veil on a secretive banking system
2015b.html#3 About This Project: Swiss Leaks
2015.html#8 LEO
2014m.html#160 LEO
2014m.html#151 LEO
2014m.html#14 weird apple trivia
2014l.html#89 Forbes perspective on IBM's troubles
2014l.html#1 HP splits, again
2014k.html#85 HP splits, again
2014k.html#68 LA Times commentary: roll out "smart" credit cards to deter fraud
2014k.html#66 LA Times commentary: roll out "smart" credit cards to deter fraud
2014k.html#63 LA Times commentary: roll out "smart" credit cards to deter fraud
2014k.html#58 LA Times commentary: roll out "smart" credit cards to deter fraud
2014k.html#50 LA Times commentary: roll out "smart" credit cards to deter fraud
2014j.html#81 No Internet. No Microsoft Windows. No iPods. This Is What Tech Was Like In 1984
2014i.html#45 Sale receipt--obligatory?
2014i.html#42 Sale receipt--obligatory?
2014i.html#27 How Comp-Sci went from passing fad to must have major
2014h.html#114 Laundering Illegal Money? There's Ultraluxury New York Real Estate For That
2014h.html#97 Laundering Illegal Money? There's Ultraluxury New York Real Estate For That
2014h.html#96 'Synthetic' ID Theft Emerging As Fastest-Growing Type Of Consumer Fraud
2014h.html#95 How The Island Of Seychelles Became A Haven For Dirty Money
2014h.html#94 BNP Near Settlement With U.S. for Up to $9 Billion
2014h.html#53 BNP Near Settlement With U.S. for Up to $9 Billion
2014g.html#100 After the Sun (Microsystems) Sets, the Real Stories Come Out
2014g.html#78 Did these tech and telecom companies assess the risk and return with respect to Anti-Money Laundering challenges?
2014g.html#76 Did these tech and telecom companies assess the risk and return with respect to Anti-Money Laundering challenges?
2014g.html#32 SEC probes Schwab, Merrill, for anti-money laundering violations - sources
2014f.html#66 GAO and Wall Street Journal Whitewash Huge Criminal Bank Frauds
2014f.html#60 GAO and Wall Street Journal Whitewash Huge Criminal Bank Frauds
2014d.html#79 Kleptocrats hiding funds in US warned 'we will find you'
2014d.html#12 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014c.html#103 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014c.html#99 Reducing Army Size
2014c.html#98 Credit Suisse 'cloak-and-dagger' tactics cost US taxpayers billions
2014c.html#95 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014c.html#43 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014c.html#28 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#91 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#74 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014.html#98 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014.html#96 Pensions, was Re: Royal Pardon For Turing
2014.html#75 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014.html#69 Pensions, was Re: Royal Pardon For Turing
2014.html#43 Elizabeth Warren Proposes New Bill to Expose Shady Back Room Settlements for Crooked Banks

money.laundering -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- before_2014 -- back to top/index

Pecora&/orGlass-Steagall postings (2014-2017)

-#- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glass-Steagall_Act_of_1933 -#- economic.mess -#- too-big-to-fail -#-
2017k.html#1 The 1970s engineering recession
2017j.html#54 Testing Progressives, Centrist Dems Team Up with GOP to Deregulate Banks
2017j.html#12 The Warning
2017i.html#72 When Working From Home Doesn't Work
2017i.html#38 Bullying trivia
2017i.html#27 Equifax executives out after massive hack
2017i.html#24 Systemic Risk
2017i.html#14 How to spot a dodgy company - never trust a high achiever
2017h.html#108 Iraq, Longest War
2017h.html#107 Iraq, Longest War
2017h.html#101 The Payoff: Why Wall Street Always Wins
2017h.html#69 Feds Debt
2017h.html#39 Disregard post (another screwup; absolutely nothing to do with computers whatsoever!)
2017h.html#28 Stop Romanticizing Glass-Steagall
2017h.html#13 What the Enron E-mails Say About Us
2017h.html#2 Trump is taking the wrong approach to China on tech, says ex-Reagan official who helped beat Soviets
2017g.html#108 Jamie Dimon: You Make Us Embarrassed to be Americans
2017g.html#106 Jamie Dimon: You Make Us Embarrassed to be Americans
2017g.html#85 How can we stop algorithms telling lies?
2017g.html#83 How can we stop algorithms telling lies?
2017g.html#79 Bad Ideas
2017g.html#19 Financial, Healthcare, Construction, Education complexity
2017g.html#6 Mapping the decentralized world of tomorrow
2017f.html#76 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#69 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#68 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#65 View of Russia
2017f.html#8 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#45 [CM] cheap money, was What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#44 [CM] cheap money, was What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#43 [CM] cheap money, was What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#41 [CM] cheap money, was What was your first home computer?
2017d.html#67 Economists are arguing over how their profession messed up during the Great Recession. This is what happened
2017d.html#8 Congress just obliterated Obama-era rules preventing ISPs from selling your browsing history
2017d.html#7 Congress just obliterated Obama-era rules preventing ISPs from selling your browsing history
2017c.html#58 The ICL 2900
2017c.html#56 Wall Street Vs. Main Street
2017c.html#39 The Blockchain Will Do to the Financial System What the Internet Did to Media
2017c.html#31 Too-Big-To-Fail Not Punished
2017b.html#48 Janet Yellen debunks Trump's case for killing Dodd-Frank
2017b.html#16 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017b.html#13 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017b.html#6 OT: Trump Moves to Roll Back Obama-Era Financial Regulations
2017b.html#4 OT: Trump Moves to Roll Back Obama-Era Financial Regulations
2017.html#97 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017.html#96 Trump, Wall Street and the "banking caucus" ready to rip apart Dodd-Frank
2017.html#95 Trump, Wall Street and the "banking caucus" ready to rip apart Dodd-Frank
2017.html#92 Trump's Rollback of the Neoliberal Market State
2017.html#83 Kabuki Theater
2017.html#40 The economics of corporate crime
2017.html#33 Moody's Agrees to Settle Financial Crisis-Era Claims for $864 Million
2017.html#31 Milton Friedman's Cherished Theory Is Laid to Rest
2017.html#8 Too big to fail was Malicious Cyber Activity
2017.html#7 Malicious Cyber Activity
2017.html#6 Some IBM History
2016h.html#81 Economic Mess
2016h.html#42 TARP Bailout
2016h.html#13 Jeff Sessions set to show his steel on white-collar crime
2016g.html#93 The annual Budget Games begin: Trump vs. Congress to control spending
2016g.html#87 Finance Is Not the Economy
2016g.html#55 more economic mess
2016g.html#39 Too Smug to Jail
2016g.html#33 OODA-loop and virtual machines
2016g.html#32 Ma Bell is coming back and, boy, is she pissed! She bought Bugs Bunny!
2016g.html#31 Economic Mess
2016g.html#27 Economic Mess
2016g.html#22 Are the banks about to lose their hold on their payments business?
2016g.html#8 Wall Street Preparing Dodd-Frank Rule Workaround
2016g.html#2 Airlines Reservation Systems
2016g.html#0 Airlines Reservation Systems
2016f.html#108 How to Win the Cyberwar Against Russia
2016f.html#93 Chain of Title: How Three Ordinary Americans Uncovered Wall Street's Great Foreclosure Fraud
2016f.html#90 Iceland finds all guilty in banker market-abuse case
2016f.html#80 GLBA & Glass-Steagall
2016f.html#79 GLBA & Glass-Steagall
2016f.html#78 GLBA & Glass-Steagall
2016f.html#76 GLBA & Glass-Steagall
2016f.html#73 IBM Buying Promontory Clinches It: Regtech Is Real
2016f.html#65 old Western Union Telegraph Company advertising
2016f.html#55 Congress, most corrupt institution on earth
2016f.html#22 US and UK have staged coups before
2016f.html#20 Why a Single-Payer Health Care System is Inevitable
2016f.html#0 IBM is Absolutely Down For The Count
2016e.html#121 Busting The Banksters---The Case For Super Glass-Steagall
2016e.html#109 Why Aren't Any Bankers in Prison for Causing the Financial Crisis?
2016e.html#105 Washington Corruption
2016e.html#89 E.R. Burroughs
2016e.html#80 Nightmare on Wall Street: Republicans & Democrats Agree on Reinstating Glass-Steagall Act
2016e.html#64 One Thing Both Parties Want: Break Up the Banks Again
2016e.html#59 How Putin Weaponized Wikileaks to Influence the Election of an American President
2016e.html#54 Social Security Trust Fund IOUs
2016e.html#47 Nightmare on Wall Street: Republicans & Democrats Agree on Reinstating Glass-Steagall Act
2016e.html#29 Eric Holder's Longtime Excuse for Not Prosecuting Banks Just Crashed and Burned
2016e.html#27 US Refused To Prosecute HSBC Over Fears Of "Global Financial Disaster"
2016e.html#6 Is it a lost cause?
2016d.html#98 Trust in Government Is Collapsing Around the World
2016d.html#70 So, what was your computer birthplace?
2016d.html#51 Penn Central PL/I advertising
2016d.html#32 Dave Dayen's "Chain of Title" Reminds Us: The Obama Administration Could Have Jailed Wall Street Criminals. It Simply Chose Not To
2016d.html#19 Banking; The Book That Will Save Banking From Itself
2016d.html#7 Study: Cost of U.S. Regulations Larger Than Germany's Economy
2016d.html#1 Why Is the Obama Administration Trying to Keep 11,000 Documents Sealed?
2016d.html#0 Why Is the Obama Administration Trying to Keep 11,000 Documents Sealed?
2016c.html#99 Why Is the Obama Administration Trying to Keep 11,000 Documents Sealed?
2016c.html#94 Pension Funds at Risk
2016c.html#88 Goldman Slammed With $5.1 Billion Fine For "Serious Misconduct" In Mortgage Selling
2016c.html#86 Wells Fargo "Admits Deceiving" U.S. Government, Pays Record $1.2 Billion Settlement
2016c.html#85 Wells Fargo "Admits Deceiving" U.S. Government, Pays Record $1.2 Billion Settlement
2016c.html#84 Wells Fargo "Admits Deceiving" U.S. Government, Pays Record $1.2 Billion Settlement
2016c.html#51 A call for revolution
2016c.html#18 Qbasic
2016c.html#11 Qbasic
2016c.html#7 Why was no one prosecuted for contributing to the financial crisis? New documents reveal why
2016b.html#72 Qbasic
2016b.html#61 Qbasic
2016b.html#58 Wall Street strikes back against Bernie Sanders
2016b.html#51 Windows 10 forceful update?
2016b.html#42 Nobody saw the economic mess coming last decade
2016b.html#25 SS Trust Fund
2016b.html#11 Bill Black: How Many Lies Can the WSJ Pack into a Chart on Liar's Loans?
2016b.html#5 The Deep State
2016.html#16 1970--protesters seize computer center
2016.html#6 Repealing Glass-Steagall
2016.html#0 Repealing Glass-Steagall
2015h.html#123 IBM retirement fund
2015h.html#95 book "1984"--modern privacy
2015h.html#78 The Global Financial Crisis: Analysis and Policy Implications
2015h.html#75 Were you at SHARE in Seattle? Watch your credit card statements!
2015h.html#65 Economic Mess
2015h.html#56 rationality
2015h.html#50 rationality
2015h.html#47 rationality
2015h.html#45 rationality
2015h.html#44 rationality
2015h.html#26 Putin's Great Crime: He Defends His Allies and Attacks His Enemies
2015h.html#25 Hillary Clinton's Glass-Steagall
2015g.html#87 Calls for SEC Chair's Replacement Grow Louder in DC
2015g.html#86 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015g.html#81 Now the DOJ Admits They Got it Wrong
2015g.html#70 AIG freezes defined-benefit pension plan
2015g.html#65 Michael Hudson's New Book: Wall Street Parasites Have Devoured Their Hosts -- Your Retirement Plan and the U.S. Economy
2015g.html#57 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015g.html#50 seveneves
2015f.html#36 Eric Holder, Wall Street Double Agent, Comes in From the Cold
2015f.html#4 Jeb: George W. Bush is a top foreign policy adviser
2015e.html#80 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#55 Clearly I'm Not Reading This Right
2015e.html#47 Do we REALLY NEED all this regulatory oversight?
2015e.html#40 Poor People Caused The Financial Crisis
2015e.html#36 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#33 Will Clarence Thomas Recuse Himself Fom Obamacare Case?
2015d.html#80 Greedy Banks Nailed With $5 BILLION+ Fine For Fraud And Corruption
2015d.html#79 Greedy Banks Nailed With $5 BILLION+ Fine For Fraud And Corruption
2015d.html#78 Greedy Banks Nailed With $5 BILLION+ Fine For Fraud And Corruption
2015d.html#70 Western Union envisioned internet functionality
2015d.html#28 Bernie Sanders Proposes A Bill To Break Up The 'Too Big To Exist' Banks
2015d.html#24 Wall Street Bailouts Are Finally Over, Right?
2015d.html#20 Wall Street Bailouts Are Finally Over, Right?
2015d.html#10 7 years on from crisis, $150 billion in bank fines and penalties
2015c.html#108 Occupy Democrats
2015c.html#88 How Wall Street captured Washington's effort to rein in banks
2015c.html#82 How Wall Street captured Washington's effort to rein in banks
2015c.html#32 PEU Report: Obama's Intelligence Oversight Board a Corporate Lot
2015c.html#15 Retirement Heist
2015b.html#58 Neocons Guided Petraeus on Afghan War
2015b.html#36 IBM CEO Rometty gets bonus despite company's woes
2015b.html#25 What were the complaints of binary code programmers that not accept Assembly?
2015b.html#24 What were the complaints of binary code programmers that not accept Assembly?
2015b.html#8 Shoot Bank Of America Now---The Case For Super Glass-Steagall Is Overwhelming
2015b.html#5 Swiss Leaks lifts the veil on a secretive banking system
2015b.html#2 do you blame Harvard for Putin
2015.html#98 Convicted Fraudster Jonathan Hay, Harvard's Man Who Wrecked Russia, Resurfaces in Ukraine
2015.html#72 George W. Bush: Still the worst; A new study ranks Bush near the very bottom in history
2015.html#55 HealthCare.gov in Cahoots with Dozens of Tracking Websites
2015.html#54 How do we take political considerations into account in the OODA-Loop?
2015.html#17 Cromnibus cartoon
2014m.html#171 European data law: UK.gov TRASHES 'unambiguous consent' plans
2014m.html#160 LEO
2014m.html#158 LEO
2014m.html#157 LEO
2014m.html#153 LEO
2014m.html#150 LEO
2014m.html#131 Memo To WSJ: The CRomnibus Abomination Was Not "A Rare Bipartisan Success"
2014m.html#126 Wall Street's Revenge
2014m.html#121 Presenting The $303 Trillion In Derivatives That US Taxpayers Are Now On The Hook For
2014m.html#120 Memo To Citigroup CEO Michael Corbat: Does Your Crony Capitalist Plunder Know No Shame?
2014m.html#99 US Debt In Public Hands Doubles Under Barack Obama
2014m.html#73 The Watchdog that Didn't Bark ... Again
2014m.html#63 The Fed Just Acknowledged Its Too Big To Jail Policy
2014m.html#55 Piketty Shreds Marginal Productivity as Neoclassical Justification for Supersized Pay
2014m.html#29 LEO
2014m.html#21 Senate Democrats vs. the Middle Class; Senators elected in 2008 made Obama's agenda possible, and its results have harmed most Americans
2014m.html#11 weird apple trivia
2014l.html#89 Forbes perspective on IBM's troubles
2014l.html#55 LA Times commentary: roll out "smart" credit cards to deter fraud
2014l.html#50 IBM's Ginni Rometty Just Confessed To A Huge Failure -- It Might Be The Best Thing For The Company
2014l.html#4 HP splits, again
2014l.html#1 HP splits, again
2014k.html#66 LA Times commentary: roll out "smart" credit cards to deter fraud
2014k.html#47 LA Times commentary: roll out "smart" credit cards to deter fraud
2014k.html#46 LA Times commentary: roll out "smart" credit cards to deter fraud
2014j.html#81 No Internet. No Microsoft Windows. No iPods. This Is What Tech Was Like In 1984
2014i.html#95 How Comp-Sci went from passing fad to must have major
2014i.html#39 Sale receipt--obligatory?
2014i.html#37 Sale receipt--obligatory?
2014i.html#15 Instead of focusing on big fines, law enforcement should seek long prison terms for the responsible executives
2014i.html#10 Instead of focusing on big fines, law enforcement should seek long prison terms for the responsible executives
2014h.html#84 Support Senator Warren's Postal Banking Proposal
2014h.html#48 Mainframe on NCIS
2014h.html#37 Married Couples and the Financial Mess
2014h.html#30 Qualitative Easing
2014g.html#78 Did these tech and telecom companies assess the risk and return with respect to Anti-Money Laundering challenges?
2014g.html#76 Did these tech and telecom companies assess the risk and return with respect to Anti-Money Laundering challenges?
2014g.html#27 Jon Stewart Disembowels SecTreas Geithner
2014g.html#21 Thomas Piketty Is Right About the Past and Wrong About the Future
2014g.html#15 Is it time for a revolution to replace TLS?
2014g.html#9 Tim Geithner Redux - Here's the what American Bankers Association has to say on the subject
2014g.html#0 Tim Geithner Redux - Here's the what American Bankers Association has to say on the subject
2014f.html#94 Privacy vs. freedom of the press--Google court ruling
2014f.html#74 Is end of mainframe near ?
2014f.html#70 Obama Administration Launches Plan To Make An "Internet ID" A Reality
2014f.html#14 Before the Internet: The golden age of online services
2014f.html#9 Before the Internet: The golden age of online services
2014f.html#2 Before the Internet: The golden age of online services
2014f.html#0 Before the Internet: The golden age of online services
2014e.html#80 Before the Internet: The golden age of online services
2014d.html#81 Eisenhower's military-industrial warning rings truer than ever
2014c.html#67 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014c.html#55 Maximizing shareholder value: The goal that changed corporate America
2014c.html#42 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014c.html#32 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014c.html#28 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#93 Maximizing shareholder value: The Goal that changed corporate America
2014b.html#24 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#20 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#19 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#13 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#1 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#0 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014.html#98 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014.html#48 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014.html#47 McCain: Send Petraeus back to Iraq

Pecora&/orGlass-Steagall -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- before_2014 -- back to top/index

pensions postings (2014-2017)

-#- https://www.pbgc.gov/ -#-
2017k.html#56 'I hope I can quit working in a few years': A preview of the U.S. without pensions
2017k.html#55 'I hope I can quit working in a few years': A preview of the U.S. without pensions
2017k.html#51 Taxing Social Security Benefits
2017k.html#8 IBM Mainframe
2017k.html#0 Data Breach Notification
2017j.html#107 The 1970s engineering recession
2017j.html#80 Here's why Warren Buffett is unloading IBM stock
2017j.html#12 The Warning
2017j.html#9 Who Is The Smallest Government Spender Since Eisenhower? Would You Believe It's Barack Obama?
2017j.html#8 The Mathematics of Inequality
2017i.html#51 Russian Hackers Stole NSA Data on U.S. Cyber Defense
2017i.html#47 Retirement Heist: How Firms Plunder Workers' Nest Eggs
2017i.html#19 How to spot a dodgy company - never trust a high achiever
2017i.html#12 EasyLink email ad
2017i.html#11 The General Who Lost 2 Wars, Leaked Classified Information to His Lover--and Retired With a $220,000 Pension
2017i.html#10 The General Who Lost 2 Wars, Leaked Classified Information to His Lover--and Retired With a $220,000 Pension
2017i.html#9 The General Who Lost 2 Wars, Leaked Classified Information to His Lover--and Retired With a $220,000 Pension
2017i.html#7 The Real Reason Wages Have Stagnated: Our Economy Is Optimized For Financialization
2017h.html#116 The Real Reason Wages Have Stagnated: Our Economy Is Optimized For Financialization
2017h.html#108 Iraq, Longest War
2017h.html#100 'X' Marks the Spot Where Inequality Took Root: Dig Here
2017h.html#98 endless medical arguments, Disregard post (another screwup)
2017h.html#97 Business as Usual: The Long History of Corporate Personhood
2017h.html#92 'X' Marks the Spot Where Inequality Took Root: Dig Here
2017h.html#91 Trump's cybersecurity advisers resign en masse
2017h.html#86 The Lost Lesson of the Financial Crisis
2017h.html#82 The IBM Appeal - when is a pensions promise not a promise?
2017h.html#80 The IBM Appeal - when is a pensions promise not a promise?
2017h.html#69 Feds Debt
2017h.html#65 endless medical arguments, Disregard post (another screwup)
2017h.html#63 endless medical arguments, Disregard post (another screwup)
2017h.html#60 Pareto efficiency
2017h.html#55 Pareto efficiency
2017h.html#54 Pareto efficiency
2017h.html#48 endless medical arguments, Disregard post (another screwup)
2017h.html#39 Disregard post (another screwup; absolutely nothing to do with computers whatsoever!)
2017h.html#24 OFF TOPIC: University of California, Irvine, revokes 500 admissions
2017h.html#2 Trump is taking the wrong approach to China on tech, says ex-Reagan official who helped beat Soviets
2017g.html#105 Why IBM Should -- and Shouldn't -- Break Itself Up
2017g.html#82 How can we stop algorithms telling lies?
2017g.html#79 Bad Ideas
2017g.html#50 SS Trust Fund
2017g.html#49 Shareholders Ahead Of Employees
2017g.html#48 SS Trust Fund
2017g.html#47 The rise and fall of IBM
2017g.html#19 Financial, Healthcare, Construction, Education complexity
2017g.html#18 BMC Software explores merger with CA
2017g.html#6 Mapping the decentralized world of tomorrow
2017f.html#101 Nice article about MF and Government
2017f.html#96 IBM downfall
2017f.html#76 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#42 MVS vs HASP vs JES (was 2821)
2017f.html#24 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#16 Conservatives and Spending
2017f.html#7 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#4 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#99 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#96 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#45 [CM] cheap money, was What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#38 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#24 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#12 SS Trust Fund
2017d.html#93 United Air Lines - an OODA-loop perspective
2017d.html#77 Trump delay of the 'fiduciary rule' will cost retirement savers $3.7 billion
2017d.html#67 Economists are arguing over how their profession messed up during the Great Recession. This is what happened
2017d.html#18 IBM Pension
2017d.html#9 Which States Account for Our Trade Deficit with Mexico?
2017d.html#8 Congress just obliterated Obama-era rules preventing ISPs from selling your browsing history
2017d.html#5 IBM's core business
2017c.html#63 The ICL 2900
2017c.html#58 The ICL 2900
2017c.html#56 Wall Street Vs. Main Street
2017c.html#34 CBS News: WikiLeaks claims to release thousands of CIA documents of computer activity
2017c.html#23 How do BIG WEBSITES work?
2017c.html#22 How do BIG WEBSITES work?
2017b.html#48 Janet Yellen debunks Trump's case for killing Dodd-Frank
2017b.html#43 when to get out???
2017b.html#40 Job Loyalty
2017b.html#23 IBM "Breakup"
2017b.html#17 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017b.html#16 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017.html#97 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017.html#96 Trump, Wall Street and the "banking caucus" ready to rip apart Dodd-Frank
2017.html#92 Trump's Rollback of the Neoliberal Market State
2017.html#69 How Private Equity Firms are Designed to Earn Big While Risking Little of Their Own
2017.html#65 Mnuchin Lied About His Bank's History of Robo-Signing Foreclosure Documents
2017.html#42 Peak Savings: Wall Street Faces 20 Years Of Retirement Withdrawals As Boomers Hit 70 1/2
2017.html#34 If economists want to be trusted again, they should learn to tell jokes
2017.html#33 Moody's Agrees to Settle Financial Crisis-Era Claims for $864 Million
2017.html#31 Milton Friedman's Cherished Theory Is Laid to Rest
2017.html#30 $16T National Debt
2017.html#11 Attack SS Entitlements
2017.html#8 Too big to fail was Malicious Cyber Activity
2017.html#6 Some IBM History
2017.html#5 The Champions of the 401(k) Lament the Revolution They Started
2016h.html#100 Attack SS Entitlements
2016h.html#94 Your Social Security cuts are already on the way
2016h.html#91 Your Social Security cuts are already on the way
2016h.html#90 GOP Announces Privatization Of Medicare And The Details Are TERRIFYING
2016h.html#81 Economic Mess
2016h.html#72 Why Can't You Buy z Mainframe Services from Amazon Cloud Services?
2016h.html#63 GOP introduces plan to massively cut Social Security
2016h.html#61 GOP introduces plan to massively cut Social Security
2016h.html#42 TARP Bailout
2016h.html#37 GOP Announces Privatization Of Medicare And The Details Are TERRIFYING
2016h.html#27 Are We Nearing a Cyber Sarbanes-Oxley?
2016g.html#95 Social Security Trust Fund
2016g.html#87 Finance Is Not the Economy
2016g.html#55 more economic mess
2016g.html#39 Too Smug to Jail
2016g.html#27 Economic Mess
2016g.html#20 How to Fix IBM
2016g.html#2 Airlines Reservation Systems
2016f.html#109 Airlines Reservation Systems
2016f.html#100 D.C. Hivemind Mulls How Clinton Can Pass Huge Corporate Tax Cut
2016f.html#93 Chain of Title: How Three Ordinary Americans Uncovered Wall Street's Great Foreclosure Fraud
2016f.html#83 IBM's Gerstner to Join Carlyle As Investment Firm's Chairman
2016f.html#79 GLBA & Glass-Steagall
2016f.html#76 GLBA & Glass-Steagall
2016f.html#74 IBM Buying Promontory Clinches It: Regtech Is Real
2016f.html#73 IBM Buying Promontory Clinches It: Regtech Is Real
2016f.html#55 Congress, most corrupt institution on earth
2016f.html#51 OT: DuPont seeks to screw workers of their pensions
2016f.html#50 OT: DuPont seeks to screw workers of their pensions
2016f.html#45 OT: DuPont seeks to screw workers of their pensions
2016f.html#29 Samsung's million-IOPS, 6.4TB, 64Gb/s SSD is ... well, quite something
2016f.html#0 IBM is Absolutely Down For The Count
2016e.html#109 Why Aren't Any Bankers in Prison for Causing the Financial Crisis?
2016e.html#108 Some (IBM-related) History
2016e.html#98 E.R. Burroughs
2016e.html#97 IBM History
2016e.html#89 E.R. Burroughs
2016e.html#87 E.R. Burroughs
2016e.html#54 Social Security Trust Fund IOUs
2016e.html#29 Eric Holder's Longtime Excuse for Not Prosecuting Banks Just Crashed and Burned
2016e.html#26 The General Who Lost 2 Wars, Leaked Classified Information to His Lover--and Retired With a $220,000 Pension
2016e.html#15 Leaked IBM email says cutting 'redundant' jobs is a 'permanent and ongoing' part of its business model
2016e.html#6 Is it a lost cause?
2016d.html#99 Trust in Government Is Collapsing Around the World
2016d.html#98 Trust in Government Is Collapsing Around the World
2016d.html#89 China builds world's most powerful computer
2016d.html#84 The mainframe is dead. Long live the mainframe!
2016d.html#75 IBM refused to lay off workers for decades, and then America had to rethink its entire corporate strategy
2016d.html#19 Banking; The Book That Will Save Banking From Itself
2016d.html#9 IBM's 96 column punch card (was System/3)?
2016d.html#7 Study: Cost of U.S. Regulations Larger Than Germany's Economy
2016d.html#0 Why Is the Obama Administration Trying to Keep 11,000 Documents Sealed?
2016c.html#99 Why Is the Obama Administration Trying to Keep 11,000 Documents Sealed?
2016c.html#94 Pension Funds at Risk
2016c.html#88 Goldman Slammed With $5.1 Billion Fine For "Serious Misconduct" In Mortgage Selling
2016c.html#85 Wells Fargo "Admits Deceiving" U.S. Government, Pays Record $1.2 Billion Settlement
2016c.html#80 Qbasic
2016c.html#65 A call for revolution
2016c.html#23 How Generation Y is paying the price for baby boomer pensions
2016c.html#21 Globalization Worker Negotiation
2016c.html#17 Globalization Worker Negotiation
2016c.html#11 Qbasic
2016b.html#110 The Koch-Fueled Plot to Destroy the VA
2016b.html#100 Ray Tomlinson, inventor of modern email, dies
2016b.html#98 Qbasic - lies about Medicare
2016b.html#83 Qbasic - lies about Medicare
2016b.html#75 Another Private-Equity LBO Queen Bites the Dust
2016b.html#72 Qbasic
2016b.html#70 Qbasic
2016b.html#61 Qbasic
2016b.html#42 Nobody saw the economic mess coming last decade
2016b.html#25 SS Trust Fund
2016b.html#4 Cyberdumb
2016.html#94 Thanks Obama
2016.html#93 Thanks Obama
2016.html#76 Pentagon to take over control of background investigation information
2016.html#71 Thanks Obama
2016.html#44 Thanks Obama
2016.html#40 I Feel Old
2016.html#37 I Feel Old
2016.html#36 I Feel Old
2016.html#31 I Feel Old
2016.html#22 I Feel Old
2016.html#8 "Too Big To Fail"
2016.html#7 I Feel Old
2016.html#3 I Feel Old
2015h.html#123 IBM retirement fund
2015h.html#94 Systems thinking--still in short supply
2015h.html#78 The Global Financial Crisis: Analysis and Policy Implications
2015h.html#65 Economic Mess
2015h.html#60 rationality
2015h.html#56 rationality
2015h.html#54 rationality
2015h.html#48 Protecting Social Security from the Thieves in the Night
2015h.html#45 rationality
2015h.html#44 rationality
2015h.html#32 (External):Re: IBM
2015h.html#28 rationality
2015h.html#25 Hillary Clinton's Glass-Steagall
2015h.html#4 Decimal point character and billions
2015g.html#100 Setting the writers right
2015g.html#92 Leaked Seattle Audit Concludes Many Mortgage Documents Are Void
2015g.html#89 Obama-Bush Years Saw Employers Reduce Health Insurance Coverage
2015g.html#81 Now the DOJ Admits They Got it Wrong
2015g.html#73 Economists' Tribal Thinking
2015g.html#71 Ginni Rometty, Chairman, President and CEO, IBM
2015g.html#70 AIG freezes defined-benefit pension plan
2015g.html#65 Michael Hudson's New Book: Wall Street Parasites Have Devoured Their Hosts -- Your Retirement Plan and the U.S. Economy
2015g.html#56 The long, slow death of the rule of law in America
2015g.html#49 seveneves
2015g.html#28 Miniskirts and mainframes
2015g.html#25 After 6 Years Of QE, And A $4.5 Trillion Balance Sheet, St. Louis Fed
2015g.html#17 There's No Such Thing as Corporate DNA
2015f.html#67 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#65 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#48 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#36 Eric Holder, Wall Street Double Agent, Comes in From the Cold
2015f.html#33 IBM is struggling. But former CEO Sam Palmisano says he isn't looking back
2015f.html#27 Federal Subsidies
2015f.html#25 Gerstner after IBM becomes Carlyle chairman
2015f.html#24 IBM is struggling. But former CEO Sam Palmisano says he isn't looking back
2015f.html#22 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#13 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#4 Jeb: George W. Bush is a top foreign policy adviser
2015e.html#89 prices, was Western Union envisioned internet functionality
2015e.html#88 prices, was Western Union envisioned internet functionality
2015e.html#82 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#81 prices, was Western Union envisioned internet functionality
2015e.html#80 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#78 Fed agency blames giant hack on 'neglected' security system
2015e.html#76 prices, was Western Union envisioned internet functionality
2015e.html#75 prices, was Western Union envisioned internet functionality
2015e.html#71 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#70 Encryption "would not have helped" at OPM, says DHS official
2015e.html#64 Western Union envisioned internet functionality
2015e.html#39 Poor People Caused The Financial Crisis
2015e.html#37 The real story of how the Internet became so vulnerable
2015e.html#34 43rd President
2015d.html#82 Western Union envisioned internet functionality
2015d.html#79 Greedy Banks Nailed With $5 BILLION+ Fine For Fraud And Corruption
2015d.html#76 Greedy Banks Nailed With $5 BILLION+ Fine For Fraud And Corruption
2015d.html#69 Western Union envisioned internet functionality
2015d.html#68 Western Union envisioned internet functionality
2015d.html#63 Western Union envisioned internet functionality
2015d.html#28 Bernie Sanders Proposes A Bill To Break Up The 'Too Big To Exist' Banks
2015d.html#20 Wall Street Bailouts Are Finally Over, Right?
2015d.html#18 Can we design machines to automate ethics?
2015d.html#5 7 years on from crisis, $150 billion in bank fines and penalties
2015d.html#4 "Trust in digital certificate ecosystem eroding"
2015c.html#108 Occupy Democrats
2015c.html#88 How Wall Street captured Washington's effort to rein in banks
2015c.html#53 Servicers in DOJ s Crosshairs Following JPM Robo-Signing Settlement
2015c.html#49 Global Fragility and the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis
2015c.html#41 past of nukes, was Future of support for telephone rotary dial ?
2015c.html#40 past of nukes, was Future of support for telephone rotary dial ?
2015c.html#32 PEU Report: Obama's Intelligence Oversight Board a Corporate Lot
2015c.html#16 Retirement Heist
2015c.html#15 Retirement Heist
2015c.html#7 Mandated Spending
2015c.html#4 Mandated Spending
2015b.html#58 Neocons Guided Petraeus on Afghan War
2015b.html#54 National Security and Double Government
2015b.html#51 bloomberg article on ASG and Chpater 11
2015b.html#31 What were the complaints of binary code programmers that not accept Assembly?
2015b.html#24 What were the complaints of binary code programmers that not accept Assembly?
2015b.html#22 Two New Papers Say Big Finance Sectors Hurt Growth and Innovation
2015b.html#20 $2 Billion City Of Tampa Pension Story Major Media Missed
2015b.html#8 Shoot Bank Of America Now---The Case For Super Glass-Steagall Is Overwhelming
2015b.html#5 Swiss Leaks lifts the veil on a secretive banking system
2015b.html#0 S&L Crisis and Economic Mess
2015.html#97 S&P Near $1.37 Billion Settlement of Crisis-Era Suits
2015.html#92 Ocwen's Servicing Meltdown Proves Failure of Obama's Mortgage Settlements
2015.html#90 NY Judge Slams Wells Fargo For Forging Documents... And Why Nothing Will Change
2015.html#81 Ginni gets bonus, plus raise, and extra incentives
2015.html#73 S&P Near $1.37 Billion Settlement of Crisis-Era Suits
2015.html#59 IBM Data Processing Center and Pi
2015.html#54 How do we take political considerations into account in the OODA-Loop?
2015.html#48 The 17 Equations That Changed The Course Of History
2015.html#17 Cromnibus cartoon
2015.html#7 weird apple trivia
2014m.html#162 LEO
2014m.html#148 LEO
2014m.html#147 LEO
2014m.html#140 IBM Continues To Crumble
2014m.html#122 Congress could soon allow pension plans to cut benefits for current retirees
2014m.html#99 US Debt In Public Hands Doubles Under Barack Obama
2014m.html#90 Is IBM Suddenly Vulnerable To A Takeover?
2014m.html#62 Is IBM Suddenly Vulnerable To A Takeover?
2014m.html#61 Decimation of the valuation of IBM
2014m.html#58 Wall Street is Taking Over America's Pension Plans
2014m.html#52 LEO
2014m.html#24 weird apple trivia
2014m.html#21 Senate Democrats vs. the Middle Class; Senators elected in 2008 made Obama's agenda possible, and its results have harmed most Americans
2014m.html#18 weird apple trivia
2014m.html#17 How Much Does It Cost To Keep JPMorgan FX-Riggers Out Of Jail?
2014m.html#10 weird apple trivia
2014m.html#8 weird apple trivia
2014l.html#86 Brand-name companies' secret Luxembourg tax deals revealed
2014l.html#64 How Comp-Sci went from passing fad to must have major
2014l.html#51 A View From Beneath the Dancing Elephant
2014l.html#50 IBM's Ginni Rometty Just Confessed To A Huge Failure -- It Might Be The Best Thing For The Company
2014l.html#28 HP splits, again
2014k.html#69 LA Times commentary: roll out "smart" credit cards to deter fraud
2014h.html#89 IBM, Lenovo server deal potentially scuppered over security
2014g.html#111 The Decline and Fall of IBM
2014f.html#91 Open Books Stop Self-Dealing and Corruption
2014f.html#69 Is end of mainframe near ?
2014f.html#54 IBM Sales Fall Again, Pressuring Rometty's Profit Goal
2014f.html#48 IBM hopes new chip can turn the tables on Intel
2014f.html#47 Barbarians at the Gate
2014f.html#33 upcoming TV show, "Halt & Catch Fire"
2014f.html#32 upcoming TV show, "Halt & Catch Fire"
2014e.html#76 Before the Internet: The golden age of online services
2014e.html#75 Before the Internet: The golden age of online services
2014d.html#91 IBM layoffs strike first in India; workers describe cuts as 'slaughter' and 'massive'
2014d.html#4 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014c.html#55 Maximizing shareholder value: The goal that changed corporate America
2014c.html#54 IBM layoffs strike first in India; workers describe cuts as 'slaughter' and 'massive'
2014c.html#24 IBM sells Intel server business, company is doomed
2014c.html#1 If We Don't Keep The F-22 Raptor Viable, The F-35 Fleet Will Be Irrelevant'
2014b.html#104 Defense Department Needs to Act Like IBM to Save Itself
2014b.html#101 Defense Department Needs to Act Like IBM to Save Itself
2014b.html#93 Maximizing shareholder value: The Goal that changed corporate America
2014b.html#79 Shocking news: Execs do what they're paid to do
2014b.html#61 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#48 IBM Dumps Its Server Business On Lenovo For $2.3B
2014b.html#28 Royal Pardon for credit unions
2014.html#96 Pensions, was Re: Royal Pardon For Turing
2014.html#81 Pensions, was Re: Royal Pardon For Turing
2014.html#69 Pensions, was Re: Royal Pardon For Turing
2014.html#60 Pensions, was Re: Royal Pardon For Turing
2014.html#59 Pensions, was Re: Royal Pardon For Turing
2014.html#55 Pensions, was Re: Royal Pardon For Turing
2014.html#54 Pensions, was Re: Royal Pardon For Turing
2014.html#49 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014.html#48 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014.html#45 Royal Pardon For Turing

pensions -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- before_2014 -- back to top/index

perpetual.war postings (2014-2017)

-#- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perpetual_war -#- military.industrial.complex -#-
2017k.html#68 Innovation?, Government, Military, Commercial
2017k.html#66 Innovation?, Government, Military, Commercial
2017j.html#65 On the Business Models of War
2017j.html#2 WW II cryptography
2017i.html#64 The World America Made
2017i.html#41 Commercial grade ink and paper (Western Union)
2017i.html#14 How to spot a dodgy company - never trust a high achiever
2017i.html#13 Merchants of Doubt
2017h.html#115 When It Comes to the War in the Greater Middle East, Maybe We're the Bad Guys
2017h.html#111 In America's Wars, Failure Is the New Success
2017h.html#109 Iraq, Longest War
2017h.html#106 Iraq, Longest War
2017h.html#105 Iraq, Longest War
2017h.html#104 Iraq, Longest War
2017h.html#103 Iraq, Longest War
2017h.html#75 On Tactics
2017h.html#74 On Tactics
2017h.html#69 Feds Debt
2017h.html#36 Disregard post (another screwup; absolutely nothing to do with computers whatsoever!)
2017h.html#25 OFF TOPIC: University of California, Irvine, revokes 500 admissions
2017g.html#13 Why the Pentagon would rather hire bin Laden than Donald Vandergriff
2017g.html#6 Mapping the decentralized world of tomorrow
2017f.html#81 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#64 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#61 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#60 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#54 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#52 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#48 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#45 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#41 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#7 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#105 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#102 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#99 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#98 The head of the Census Bureau just quit, and the consequences are huge
2017e.html#69 The knives are out for Trump's national security adviser H.R. McMaster
2017e.html#60 The Illusion Of Victory: America In World War I
2017e.html#23 Ironic old "fortune"
2017e.html#1 How Desert Storm Destroyed the US Military
2017d.html#68 America Can't Afford to Keep Losing the War in Afghanistan
2017d.html#59 Breaking: Entire Nation Experiencing Collective Amnesia About Iraq War
2017d.html#55 Should America Have Entered World War I?
2017d.html#13 The Pentagon still uses computer software from 1958 to manage its contracts
2017c.html#56 Wall Street Vs. Main Street
2017c.html#47 WikiLeaks CIA Dump: Washington's Data Security Is a Mess
2017c.html#42 Profitable Companies, No Taxes: Here's How They Did It
2017c.html#40 Stop Believing in the Many Myths of the Iraq Surge
2017c.html#34 CBS News: WikiLeaks claims to release thousands of CIA documents of computer activity
2017c.html#33 CBS News: WikiLeaks claims to release thousands of CIA documents of computer activity
2017b.html#83 Sleepwalking Into a Nuclear Arms Race with Russia
2017b.html#60 Why Does Congress Accept Perpetual Wars?
2017b.html#45 when to get out???
2017b.html#16 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017b.html#14 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017b.html#13 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017.html#26 Milton Friedman's Cherished Theory Is Laid to Rest
2017.html#7 Malicious Cyber Activity
2016h.html#85 US vs German Armies
2016h.html#83 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016h.html#80 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016h.html#78 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016h.html#69 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016h.html#68 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016h.html#38 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016h.html#21 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016h.html#18 The Winds of Reform
2016h.html#11 Smedley Butler
2016h.html#3 Smedley Butler
2016h.html#2 Smedley Butler
2016g.html#79 Defense Meltdown
2016g.html#25 Perpetual War
2016f.html#104 How to Win the Cyberwar Against Russia
2016f.html#81 The baby boomers' monumental quagmire in Iraq
2016f.html#56 "One Nation Under God: How Corporate America Invented Christian America"
2016e.html#122 U.S. Defense Contractors Tell Investors Russian Threat Is Great for Business
2016e.html#111 Success of Failure
2016e.html#110 Tymshare sold to McDonnell Douglas
2016e.html#94 E.R. Burroughs
2016e.html#48 CIA Reactions to Finding No WMD in Iraq
2016e.html#26 The General Who Lost 2 Wars, Leaked Classified Information to His Lover--and Retired With a $220,000 Pension
2016c.html#79 Qbasic
2016c.html#64 Isolationism and War Profiteering
2016c.html#51 A call for revolution
2016c.html#46 Qbasic
2016b.html#39 Failure as a Way of Life; The logic of lost wars and military-industrial boondoggles
2016b.html#31 Putin holds phone call with Obama, urges better defense cooperation in fight against ISIS
2016.html#71 Thanks Obama
2016.html#48 Thanks Obama
2016.html#47 Thanks Obama
2016.html#31 I Feel Old
2016.html#16 1970--protesters seize computer center
2015h.html#122 For those who like to regress to their youth? :-)
2015h.html#119 For those who like to regress to their youth? :-)
2015h.html#70 Department of Defense Head Ashton Carter Enlists Silicon Valley to Transform the Military
2015h.html#16 Modern computer brochures; military security; then and now ?
2015g.html#78 New hard drive
2015g.html#55 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015g.html#16 Federal Deficits
2015g.html#14 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015g.html#13 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015g.html#11 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015g.html#8 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015g.html#7 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015g.html#3 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#87 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#78 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#77 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#76 Pentagon remains stubbornly unable to account for its billions
2015f.html#58 No, the F-35 Can't Fight at Long Range, Either
2015f.html#46 No, the F-35 Can't Fight at Long Range, Either
2015f.html#42 No, the F-35 Can't Fight at Long Range, Either
2015e.html#67 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#63 12 Reasons America Doesn't Win Its Wars
2015e.html#29 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95 ^A^K boy scouts
2015e.html#17 Why do we keep losing?
2015e.html#9 Why do we keep losing?
2015c.html#45 The Battle of Bretton Woods: John Maynard Keynes, Harry Dexter White, and the Making of a New World Order
2015c.html#38 past of nukes, was Future of support for telephone rotary dial ?
2015c.html#13 past of nukes, was Future of support for telephone rotary dial ?
2015c.html#5 past of nukes, was Future of support for telephone rotary dial ?
2015b.html#69 past of nukes, was Future of support for telephone rotary dial ?
2015b.html#68 Why do we have wars?
2015b.html#8 Shoot Bank Of America Now---The Case For Super Glass-Steagall Is Overwhelming
2015b.html#5 Swiss Leaks lifts the veil on a secretive banking system
2015b.html#4 Pay Any Price: Greed, Power, and Endless War
2015b.html#1 do you blame Harvard for Puten
2015.html#63 IBM Data Processing Center and Pi
2015.html#62 IBM Data Processing Center and Pi
2015.html#29 the previous century, was channel islands, definitely not the location of LEO
2014m.html#64 LEO
2014l.html#25 HP splits, again
2014l.html#8 HP splits, again
2014j.html#104 No Internet. No Microsoft Windows. No iPods. This Is What Tech Was Like In 1984
2014j.html#74 No Internet. No Microsoft Windows. No iPods. This Is What Tech Was Like In 1984
2014j.html#64 US Entering New Era of Dirty Wars?
2014j.html#55 US Entering New Era of Dirty Wars?
2014i.html#65 New Military Gear Doesn't Have to Cost a Fortune
2014i.html#39 Sale receipt--obligatory?
2014i.html#22 How Comp-Sci went from passing fad to must have major
2014i.html#20 US No Longer Tech Leader in Military War Gear
2014h.html#84 Support Senator Warren's Postal Banking Proposal
2014h.html#37 Married Couples and the Financial Mess
2014h.html#36 The Designer Of The F-15 Explains Just How Stupid The F-35 Is
2014g.html#70 Revamped PDP-11 in Brooklyn
2014g.html#66 Revamped PDP-11 in Brooklyn
2014f.html#93 Oligarchy Controls U.S. War-Making
2014f.html#29 upcoming TV show, "Halt & Catch Fire"
2014f.html#6 Before the Internet: The golden age of online services
2014d.html#47 Stolen F-35 Secrets Now Showing Up in China's Stealth Fighter
2014d.html#37 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014c.html#35 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#86 Can America Win Wars?
2014b.html#62 UK government plans switch from Microsoft Office to open source
2014b.html#38 Can America Win Wars
2014b.html#20 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#9 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014.html#40 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014.html#13 Al-Qaeda-linked force captures Fallujah amid rise in violence in Iraq

perpetual.war -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- before_2014 -- back to top/index

private.equity postings (2014-2017)

-#- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Private_equity -#- capitalism -#- s&l.crisis -#-
2017k.html#66 Innovation?, Government, Military, Commercial
2017k.html#56 'I hope I can quit working in a few years': A preview of the U.S. without pensions
2017k.html#55 'I hope I can quit working in a few years': A preview of the U.S. without pensions
2017k.html#8 IBM Mainframe
2017k.html#0 Data Breach Notification
2017j.html#107 The 1970s engineering recession
2017j.html#80 Here's why Warren Buffett is unloading IBM stock
2017j.html#7 Allied Radio catalog 1956
2017j.html#1 Allied Radio catalog 1956
2017i.html#67 Allied Radio catalog 1956
2017i.html#55 How Economists Turned Corporations into Predators
2017i.html#51 Russian Hackers Stole NSA Data on U.S. Cyber Defense
2017i.html#39 Toys R Us: Another Private Equity Casualty
2017i.html#35 IBM Shareholders Need Employee Enthusiasm, Engagemant And Passions
2017i.html#14 How to spot a dodgy company - never trust a high achiever
2017i.html#12 EasyLink email ad
2017i.html#11 The General Who Lost 2 Wars, Leaked Classified Information to His Lover--and Retired With a $220,000 Pension
2017i.html#10 The General Who Lost 2 Wars, Leaked Classified Information to His Lover--and Retired With a $220,000 Pension
2017i.html#9 The General Who Lost 2 Wars, Leaked Classified Information to His Lover--and Retired With a $220,000 Pension
2017h.html#91 Trump's cybersecurity advisers resign en masse
2017h.html#82 The IBM Appeal - when is a pensions promise not a promise?
2017h.html#80 The IBM Appeal - when is a pensions promise not a promise?
2017h.html#51 endless medical arguments, Disregard post (another screwup)
2017h.html#41 Disregard post (another screwup)
2017h.html#20 Military Contractors
2017h.html#10 Pentagon Would Ban Contractors That Don't Protect Data
2017h.html#9 Corporate Profit and Taxes
2017h.html#2 Trump is taking the wrong approach to China on tech, says ex-Reagan official who helped beat Soviets
2017g.html#105 Why IBM Should -- and Shouldn't -- Break Itself Up
2017g.html#78 This Afghan War Plan By The Guy Who Founded Blackwater Should Scare The Hell Out Of You
2017g.html#47 The rise and fall of IBM
2017g.html#18 BMC Software explores merger with CA
2017f.html#104 Early use of word "computer", 1944
2017f.html#101 Nice article about MF and Government
2017f.html#96 IBM downfall
2017f.html#71 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#56 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#45 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#24 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#20 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#96 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#77 Time to sack the chief of computing in the NHS?
2017e.html#56 A flaw in the design; The Internet's founders saw its promise but didn't foresee users attacking one another
2017e.html#50 A flaw in the design; The Internet's founders saw its promise but didn't foresee users attacking one another
2017e.html#45 [CM] cheap money, was What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#24 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017d.html#99 United Air Lines - an OODA-loop perspective
2017d.html#94 A 40-year "conspiracy" at the VA
2017d.html#93 United Air Lines - an OODA-loop perspective
2017d.html#77 Trump delay of the 'fiduciary rule' will cost retirement savers $3.7 billion
2017d.html#67 Economists are arguing over how their profession messed up during the Great Recession. This is what happened
2017d.html#18 IBM Pension
2017d.html#9 Which States Account for Our Trade Deficit with Mexico?
2017d.html#6 ComputerWorld Says: Cobol plays major role in U.S. government breaches
2017d.html#5 IBM's core business
2017c.html#75 ComputerWorld Says: Cobol plays major role in U.S. government breaches
2017c.html#71 ComputerWorld Says: Cobol plays major role in U.S. government breaches
2017c.html#67 Cobol plays major role in U.S. government breaches
2017c.html#61 [EXTERNAL] ComputerWorld Says: Cobol plays major role in U.S. government breaches
2017c.html#58 The ICL 2900
2017c.html#47 WikiLeaks CIA Dump: Washington's Data Security Is a Mess
2017c.html#34 CBS News: WikiLeaks claims to release thousands of CIA documents of computer activity
2017c.html#32 Hamilton and "Fake News"
2017c.html#5 NSA Deputy Director: Why I Spent the Last 40 Years In National Security
2017b.html#43 when to get out???
2017b.html#40 Job Loyalty
2017b.html#31 Spy Agencies Should Kick the Contractor Habit
2017b.html#23 IBM "Breakup"
2017b.html#17 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017b.html#16 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017b.html#11 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017.html#76 Avaya: How we arrived at Chapter 11
2017.html#69 How Private Equity Firms are Designed to Earn Big While Risking Little of Their Own
2017.html#64 Improving Congress's oversight of the intelligence community
2017.html#7 Malicious Cyber Activity
2017.html#6 Some IBM History
2016h.html#110 The top 50 hospitals that gouge patients the most
2016h.html#97 In American Towns, Private Profits From Public Works
2016h.html#92 Elections Fair?
2016h.html#91 Your Social Security cuts are already on the way
2016h.html#82 Gov. Privatization
2016h.html#72 Why Can't You Buy z Mainframe Services from Amazon Cloud Services?
2016h.html#63 GOP introduces plan to massively cut Social Security
2016h.html#30 IBM project discussions
2016h.html#0 Snowden
2016g.html#86 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016g.html#20 How to Fix IBM
2016g.html#12 IBM's Gerstner to Join Carlyle As Investment Firm's Chairman
2016g.html#2 Airlines Reservation Systems
2016f.html#83 IBM's Gerstner to Join Carlyle As Investment Firm's Chairman
2016f.html#82 At Booz Allen, a Vast U.S. Spy Operation, Run for Private Profit
2016f.html#78 GLBA & Glass-Steagall
2016f.html#76 GLBA & Glass-Steagall
2016f.html#51 OT: DuPont seeks to screw workers of their pensions
2016f.html#50 OT: DuPont seeks to screw workers of their pensions
2016f.html#40 Misc. Success of Failure
2016e.html#118 E.R. Burroughs
2016e.html#87 E.R. Burroughs
2016e.html#59 How Putin Weaponized Wikileaks to Influence the Election of an American President
2016e.html#26 The General Who Lost 2 Wars, Leaked Classified Information to His Lover--and Retired With a $220,000 Pension
2016e.html#21 FBI Rewrites Federal Law to Let Hillary Off the Hook
2016e.html#18 FBI Rewrites Federal Law to Let Hillary Off the Hook
2016e.html#15 Leaked IBM email says cutting 'redundant' jobs is a 'permanent and ongoing' part of its business model
2016d.html#105 How Private Contractors Have Created a Shadow NSA
2016d.html#98 Trust in Government Is Collapsing Around the World
2016d.html#84 The mainframe is dead. Long live the mainframe!
2016d.html#71 Raspberry Pi 3?
2016d.html#19 Banking; The Book That Will Save Banking From Itself
2016d.html#16 Tesla and GM Will Probably Both Be Bankrupt in 10 Years
2016d.html#0 Why Is the Obama Administration Trying to Keep 11,000 Documents Sealed?
2016c.html#65 A call for revolution
2016c.html#53 Qbasic
2016c.html#40 Qbasic
2016c.html#35 Qbasic
2016c.html#25 Globalization Worker Negotiation
2016c.html#23 How Generation Y is paying the price for baby boomer pensions
2016c.html#21 Globalization Worker Negotiation
2016b.html#107 Qbasic - lies about Medicare
2016b.html#100 Ray Tomlinson, inventor of modern email, dies
2016b.html#98 Qbasic - lies about Medicare
2016b.html#75 Another Private-Equity LBO Queen Bites the Dust
2016b.html#72 Qbasic
2016b.html#67 Qbasic
2016b.html#66 Catching Up on the OPM Breach
2016b.html#62 The NSA's back door has given every US secret to our enemies
2016b.html#61 Qbasic
2016b.html#45 Ransomware
2016b.html#4 Cyberdumb
2016.html#102 Thanks Obama
2016.html#94 Thanks Obama
2016.html#93 Thanks Obama
2016.html#92 Thanks Obama
2016.html#76 Pentagon to take over control of background investigation information
2016.html#36 I Feel Old
2016.html#31 I Feel Old
2016.html#7 I Feel Old
2015h.html#123 IBM retirement fund
2015h.html#94 Systems thinking--still in short supply
2015h.html#45 rationality
2015h.html#32 (External):Re: IBM
2015h.html#16 Modern computer brochures; military security; then and now ?
2015g.html#100 Setting the writers right
2015g.html#89 Obama-Bush Years Saw Employers Reduce Health Insurance Coverage
2015g.html#78 New hard drive
2015g.html#71 Ginni Rometty, Chairman, President and CEO, IBM
2015g.html#70 AIG freezes defined-benefit pension plan
2015g.html#56 The long, slow death of the rule of law in America
2015g.html#17 There's No Such Thing as Corporate DNA
2015f.html#42 No, the F-35 Can't Fight at Long Range, Either
2015f.html#41 Gov. Security
2015f.html#36 Eric Holder, Wall Street Double Agent, Comes in From the Cold
2015f.html#33 IBM is struggling. But former CEO Sam Palmisano says he isn't looking back
2015f.html#26 Gerstner after IBM becomes Carlyle chairman
2015f.html#25 Gerstner after IBM becomes Carlyle chairman
2015f.html#24 IBM is struggling. But former CEO Sam Palmisano says he isn't looking back
2015f.html#22 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#15 Interactive Data Corp taps banks for sale or IPO -sources
2015f.html#13 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#91 Fed agency blames giant hack on 'neglected' security system
2015e.html#89 prices, was Western Union envisioned internet functionality
2015e.html#88 prices, was Western Union envisioned internet functionality
2015e.html#81 prices, was Western Union envisioned internet functionality
2015e.html#80 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#78 Fed agency blames giant hack on 'neglected' security system
2015e.html#72 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#70 Encryption "would not have helped" at OPM, says DHS official
2015e.html#58 Time to Fire Mary Jo White: SEC Covers Up for Bank Capital Accounting Scam Promoted by Her Former Firm, Debevoise
2015e.html#38 The real story of how the Internet became so vulnerable
2015e.html#37 The real story of how the Internet became so vulnerable
2015d.html#79 Greedy Banks Nailed With $5 BILLION+ Fine For Fraud And Corruption
2015d.html#77 Western Union envisioned internet functionality
2015d.html#69 Western Union envisioned internet functionality
2015d.html#63 Western Union envisioned internet functionality
2015d.html#27 Western Union envisioned internet functionality
2015c.html#41 past of nukes, was Future of support for telephone rotary dial ?
2015c.html#32 PEU Report: Obama's Intelligence Oversight Board a Corporate Lot
2015c.html#18 SEC's Andrew Bowden Regulatory Capture Scandal Hits the Major Leagues with Los Angeles Times Column
2015c.html#16 Retirement Heist
2015c.html#15 Retirement Heist
2015b.html#86 past of nukes, was Future of support for telephone rotary dial ?
2015b.html#81 Stanford Law School Covers Up SEC's Andrew Bowden's Embarrassing Remarks by Deep-Sixing Conference Video
2015b.html#71 Why do we have wars?
2015b.html#58 Neocons Guided Petraeus on Afghan War
2015b.html#54 National Security and Double Government
2015b.html#51 bloomberg article on ASG and Chpater 11
2015b.html#8 Shoot Bank Of America Now---The Case For Super Glass-Steagall Is Overwhelming
2015.html#98 Convicted Fraudster Jonathan Hay, Harvard's Man Who Wrecked Russia, Resurfaces in Ukraine
2015.html#83 Winslow Wheeler's War
2015.html#81 Ginni gets bonus, plus raise, and extra incentives
2015.html#72 George W. Bush: Still the worst; A new study ranks Bush near the very bottom in history
2015.html#60 IBM Data Processing Center and Pi
2015.html#0 LEO
2014m.html#162 LEO
2014m.html#145 IBM Continues To Crumble
2014m.html#140 IBM Continues To Crumble
2014m.html#131 Memo To WSJ: The CRomnibus Abomination Was Not "A Rare Bipartisan Success"
2014m.html#61 Decimation of the valuation of IBM
2014m.html#58 Wall Street is Taking Over America's Pension Plans
2014m.html#52 LEO
2014m.html#37 Income Inequality
2014m.html#10 weird apple trivia
2014m.html#4 weird apple trivia
2014l.html#89 Forbes perspective on IBM's troubles
2014l.html#82 SEC probing private equity performance figures
2014l.html#64 How Comp-Sci went from passing fad to must have major
2014l.html#60 IBM's Ginni Rometty Just Confessed To A Huge Failure -- It Might Be The Best Thing For The Company
2014l.html#51 A View From Beneath the Dancing Elephant
2014l.html#50 IBM's Ginni Rometty Just Confessed To A Huge Failure -- It Might Be The Best Thing For The Company
2014l.html#36 IBM 'major announcement' points to deal on chip manufacturing
2014l.html#30 HP splits, again
2014l.html#28 HP splits, again
2014k.html#69 LA Times commentary: roll out "smart" credit cards to deter fraud
2014k.html#55 LA Times commentary: roll out "smart" credit cards to deter fraud
2014k.html#47 LA Times commentary: roll out "smart" credit cards to deter fraud
2014k.html#4 only sometimes From looms to computers to looms
2014k.html#1 only sometimes From looms to computers to looms
2014j.html#16 The SDS 92, its place in history?
2014i.html#58 How Comp-Sci went from passing fad to must have major
2014i.html#38 Sale receipt--obligatory?
2014i.html#37 Sale receipt--obligatory?
2014i.html#34 UN to Five Eyes nations: Your mass surveillance is breaking the law
2014h.html#89 IBM, Lenovo server deal potentially scuppered over security
2014h.html#73 10 Big Fat Lies and the Liars Who Told Them
2014h.html#68 Over in the Mainframe Experts Network LinkedIn group
2014h.html#44 SEC Charges Private Equity Firm With Pay-to-Play Violations Involving Political Campaign Contributions in Pennsylvania
2014h.html#0 The Decline and Fall of IBM
2014g.html#111 The Decline and Fall of IBM
2014g.html#80 OT - Quantum Teleportation Feat Brings Ultrafast Computer Networks Step Closer To Reality
2014g.html#61 Association Of Certified Fraud Examiners Release 2014 Report On Fraud
2014g.html#59 SEC Official Describes Widespread Lawbreaking and Material Weakness in Controls in Private Equity Industry
2014g.html#52 SEC Official Describes Widespread Lawbreaking and Material Weakness in Controls in Private Equity Industry
2014g.html#44 SEC Official Describes Widespread Lawbreaking and Material Weakness in Controls in Private Equity Industry
2014f.html#91 Open Books Stop Self-Dealing and Corruption
2014f.html#77 SEC Official Describes Widespread Lawbreaking and Material Weakness in Controls in Private Equity Industry
2014f.html#74 Is end of mainframe near ?
2014f.html#69 Is end of mainframe near ?
2014f.html#54 IBM Sales Fall Again, Pressuring Rometty's Profit Goal
2014f.html#52 IBM hopes new chip can turn the tables on Intel
2014f.html#48 IBM hopes new chip can turn the tables on Intel
2014f.html#47 Barbarians at the Gate
2014f.html#42 Before the Internet: The golden age of online services
2014f.html#33 upcoming TV show, "Halt & Catch Fire"
2014f.html#32 upcoming TV show, "Halt & Catch Fire"
2014f.html#31 upcoming TV show, "Halt & Catch Fire"
2014f.html#18 Before the Internet: The golden age of online services
2014f.html#14 Before the Internet: The golden age of online services
2014f.html#1 Why IBM Is Tumbling: BRIC Sales Plunge, Total Revenue Lowest Since 2009
2014e.html#80 Before the Internet: The golden age of online services
2014e.html#76 Before the Internet: The golden age of online services
2014e.html#75 Before the Internet: The golden age of online services
2014e.html#58 NSA and Heartbleed
2014e.html#7 Last Gasp for Hard Disk Drives
2014d.html#91 IBM layoffs strike first in India; workers describe cuts as 'slaughter' and 'massive'
2014d.html#81 Eisenhower's military-industrial warning rings truer than ever
2014d.html#16 [OT ] Mainframe memories
2014d.html#4 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014c.html#108 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014c.html#107 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014c.html#106 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014c.html#105 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014c.html#100 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014c.html#95 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014c.html#93 Curious observation: lack of a simple optimization in a C program
2014c.html#91 Why do bank IT systems keep failing ?
2014c.html#85 11 Years to Catch Up with Seymour
2014c.html#79 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014c.html#58 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014c.html#57 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014c.html#55 Maximizing shareholder value: The goal that changed corporate America
2014c.html#48 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014c.html#39 Spy Chief Says Snowden Took Advantage of "Perfect Storm" of Security Lapses
2014c.html#17 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014c.html#2 Private-equity firms play major role in defense industry today
2014b.html#104 Defense Department Needs to Act Like IBM to Save Itself
2014b.html#93 Maximizing shareholder value: The Goal that changed corporate America
2014b.html#62 UK government plans switch from Microsoft Office to open source
2014.html#58 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014.html#48 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014.html#47 McCain: Send Petraeus back to Iraq
2014.html#12 5 Unnerving Documents Showing Ties Between Greenwald, Omidyar & Booz Allen Hamilton
2014.html#11 NSA seeks to build quantum computer that could crack most types of encryption

private.equity -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- before_2014 -- back to top/index

racism postings (2014-2017)

-#- inequality -#-
2017e.html#23 Ironic old "fortune"
2017.html#15 Separation church and state
2016c.html#79 Qbasic
2016c.html#39 Qbasic
2016.html#86 Thanks Obama
2015g.html#10 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015g.html#3 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#52 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#73 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015b.html#69 past of nukes, was Future of support for telephone rotary dial ?

racism -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- before_2014 -- back to top/index

regulatory.capture postings (2014-2017)

-#- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regulatory_capture -#- sarbanes-oxley -#-
2017j.html#54 Testing Progressives, Centrist Dems Team Up with GOP to Deregulate Banks
2017i.html#47 Retirement Heist: How Firms Plunder Workers' Nest Eggs
2017i.html#14 How to spot a dodgy company - never trust a high achiever
2017i.html#7 The Real Reason Wages Have Stagnated: Our Economy Is Optimized For Financialization
2017i.html#1 Any definitive reference for why the PDP-11 was little-endian?
2017h.html#88 Any definitive reference for why the PDP-11 was little-endian?
2017h.html#87 Any definitive reference for why the PDP-11 was little-endian?
2017h.html#69 Feds Debt
2017h.html#56 Feds WIMP
2017h.html#28 Stop Romanticizing Glass-Steagall
2017h.html#13 What the Enron E-mails Say About Us
2017h.html#9 Corporate Profit and Taxes
2017g.html#85 How can we stop algorithms telling lies?
2017g.html#83 How can we stop algorithms telling lies?
2017g.html#79 Bad Ideas
2017g.html#21 Financial, Healthcare, Construction, Education complexity
2017g.html#19 Financial, Healthcare, Construction, Education complexity
2017g.html#17 Wall Street
2017g.html#6 Mapping the decentralized world of tomorrow
2017f.html#107 'Madoff Whistleblower' Harry Markopolos Has Uncovered A New Fraud
2017f.html#103 Health Care Spending
2017f.html#83 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#75 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#52 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#42 MVS vs HASP vs JES (was 2821)
2017f.html#26 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#24 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#15 Conservatives and Spending
2017f.html#7 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#4 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#44 [CM] cheap money, was What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#38 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#12 SS Trust Fund
2017e.html#7 Arthur Laffer's Theory on Tax Cuts Comes to Life Once More
2017d.html#67 Economists are arguing over how their profession messed up during the Great Recession. This is what happened
2017d.html#64 Breaking: Entire Nation Experiencing Collective Amnesia About Iraq War
2017d.html#13 The Pentagon still uses computer software from 1958 to manage its contracts
2017d.html#12 Could better financial data have stopped Bernie Madoff?
2017d.html#2 Single Payer
2017c.html#90 Economist, Harry Dent Hints: Global Banks Facing a Serious Crisis in Months Ahead
2017c.html#56 Wall Street Vs. Main Street
2017c.html#41 Profitable Companies, No Taxes: Here's How They Did It
2017c.html#23 How do BIG WEBSITES work?
2017c.html#11 "Big Four" accounting firms take a hit
2017c.html#0 Locking our own orientation
2017b.html#25 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017b.html#11 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017b.html#5 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017.html#104 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017.html#97 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017.html#95 Trump, Wall Street and the "banking caucus" ready to rip apart Dodd-Frank
2017.html#92 Trump's Rollback of the Neoliberal Market State
2017.html#44 New Rule Cracks Down on Corporate Muzzling of Whistleblowers
2017.html#42 Peak Savings: Wall Street Faces 20 Years Of Retirement Withdrawals As Boomers Hit 70 1/2
2017.html#40 The economics of corporate crime
2017.html#36 Moody's Agrees to Settle Financial Crisis-Era Claims for $864 Million
2017.html#30 $16T National Debt
2017.html#16 House GOP appallingly votes to conceal cost of Obamacare repeal to taxpayers
2017.html#11 Attack SS Entitlements
2017.html#8 Too big to fail was Malicious Cyber Activity
2016h.html#81 Economic Mess
2016h.html#27 Are We Nearing a Cyber Sarbanes-Oxley?
2016g.html#88 Finance Is Not the Economy
2016g.html#65 In the Trump Era, Leaking and Whistleblowing Are More Urgent, and More Noble, Than Ever
2016g.html#50 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016g.html#2 Airlines Reservation Systems
2016f.html#98 Chain of Title: How Three Ordinary Americans Uncovered Wall Street's Great Foreclosure Fraud
2016f.html#76 GLBA & Glass-Steagall
2016f.html#74 IBM Buying Promontory Clinches It: Regtech Is Real
2016e.html#109 Why Aren't Any Bankers in Prison for Causing the Financial Crisis?
2016e.html#105 Washington Corruption
2016e.html#54 Social Security Trust Fund IOUs
2016e.html#29 Eric Holder's Longtime Excuse for Not Prosecuting Banks Just Crashed and Burned
2016d.html#98 Trust in Government Is Collapsing Around the World
2016d.html#87 Get Out Of Jail Free Card
2016d.html#19 Banking; The Book That Will Save Banking From Itself
2016c.html#90 Goldman Slammed With $5.1 Billion Fine For "Serious Misconduct" In Mortgage Selling
2016c.html#65 A call for revolution
2016c.html#53 Qbasic
2016c.html#23 How Generation Y is paying the price for baby boomer pensions
2016c.html#18 Qbasic
2016c.html#16 There Is Regulatory Capture, But It Is By No Means Complete
2016c.html#11 Qbasic
2016b.html#58 Wall Street strikes back against Bernie Sanders
2016b.html#42 Nobody saw the economic mess coming last decade
2016b.html#25 SS Trust Fund
2016b.html#11 Bill Black: How Many Lies Can the WSJ Pack into a Chart on Liar's Loans?
2016b.html#5 The Deep State
2016.html#6 Repealing Glass-Steagall
2015h.html#65 Economic Mess
2015h.html#45 rationality
2015h.html#29 Ernst & Young Confronts Madoff's Specter in Trial Over Audits
2015h.html#23 It A "Liquidity Mirage": New York Fed Finally Grasps How Broken The Market Is Due To HFTs
2015g.html#70 AIG freezes defined-benefit pension plan
2015g.html#65 Michael Hudson's New Book: Wall Street Parasites Have Devoured Their Hosts -- Your Retirement Plan and the U.S. Economy
2015g.html#16 Federal Deficits
2015f.html#36 Eric Holder, Wall Street Double Agent, Comes in From the Cold
2015f.html#29 Eric Holder Returns as Hero to Law Firm That Lobbies for Big Banks
2015f.html#4 Jeb: George W. Bush is a top foreign policy adviser
2015e.html#47 Do we REALLY NEED all this regulatory oversight?
2015d.html#76 Greedy Banks Nailed With $5 BILLION+ Fine For Fraud And Corruption
2015d.html#74 Public Confused Why World's Biggest Banks Admitting Criminal Fraud, Leads To Public Yawns
2015d.html#32 Auditors as Whistleblowers
2015d.html#31 Bernie Sanders Proposes A Bill To Break Up The 'Too Big To Exist' Banks
2015d.html#28 Bernie Sanders Proposes A Bill To Break Up The 'Too Big To Exist' Banks
2015d.html#24 Wall Street Bailouts Are Finally Over, Right?
2015c.html#108 Occupy Democrats
2015c.html#88 How Wall Street captured Washington's effort to rein in banks
2015c.html#53 Servicers in DOJ s Crosshairs Following JPM Robo-Signing Settlement
2015c.html#49 Global Fragility and the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis
2015c.html#41 past of nukes, was Future of support for telephone rotary dial ?
2015c.html#18 SEC's Andrew Bowden Regulatory Capture Scandal Hits the Major Leagues with Los Angeles Times Column
2015c.html#16 Retirement Heist
2015c.html#6 SEC's Andrew Bowden Regulatory Capture Scandal Hits the Major Leagues with Los Angeles Times Column
2015b.html#86 past of nukes, was Future of support for telephone rotary dial ?
2015b.html#81 Stanford Law School Covers Up SEC's Andrew Bowden's Embarrassing Remarks by Deep-Sixing Conference Video
2015b.html#71 Why do we have wars?
2015b.html#12 Criminal Tax Evader HSBC's CEO Resorts to Bank Apologist Fable of the Virgin Crisis
2015.html#58 IBM Data Processing Center and Pi
2015.html#54 How do we take political considerations into account in the OODA-Loop?
2014m.html#73 The Watchdog that Didn't Bark ... Again
2014m.html#20 How To Make Transparency Part Of Organizational Culture
2014m.html#11 weird apple trivia
2014l.html#84 Uncovering insider trading with big data
2014l.html#4 HP splits, again
2014k.html#47 LA Times commentary: roll out "smart" credit cards to deter fraud
2014k.html#0 only sometimes From looms to computers to looms
2014j.html#52 Bill Black on Bank Fraud: The Wall Street Journal's Choleric Rant about Cholera and Bank Fraud Epidemics
2014i.html#10 Instead of focusing on big fines, law enforcement should seek long prison terms for the responsible executives
2014g.html#61 Association Of Certified Fraud Examiners Release 2014 Report On Fraud
2014g.html#58 Credit Suisse, BNP Paribas at Risk of Criminal Charges Over Taxes, Business With Banned Nations
2014g.html#54 Has the last fighter pilot been born?
2014f.html#60 GAO and Wall Street Journal Whitewash Huge Criminal Bank Frauds
2014e.html#80 Before the Internet: The golden age of online services
2014e.html#72 Three Expensive Milliseconds
2014e.html#66 SEC Goldman Lawyer Says Agency Too Timid on Wall Street Misdeeds
2014d.html#82 S&P Judge Tentatively Rules It Must Face Deception Claims
2014d.html#47 Stolen F-35 Secrets Now Showing Up in China's Stealth Fighter
2014d.html#46 Wells Fargo made up on-demand foreclosure papers plan: court filing charges
2014d.html#7 N.Y. Barclays Libor Traders Said to Face U.K. Charges
2014b.html#91 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#29 Royal Pardon for credit unions
2014.html#34 The invincible JP Morgan
2014.html#30 Criminal Action Is Expected for JPMorgan in Madoff Case
2014.html#14 Criminal Action Is Expected for JPMorgan in Madoff Case

regulatory.capture -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- before_2014 -- back to top/index

s&l.crisis postings (2014-2017)

-#- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Savings_and_loan_crisis -#- capitalism -#- private.equity -#- regulatory.capture -#-
2017k.html#53 Spending, Deficit Concerns Arise With New Tax Law
2017k.html#5 The 1970s engineering recession
2017k.html#1 The 1970s engineering recession
2017j.html#108 The 1970s engineering recession
2017j.html#105 The 1970s engineering recession
2017j.html#12 The Warning
2017j.html#10 Plutocracy Rising repost from Oct 2012
2017i.html#47 Retirement Heist: How Firms Plunder Workers' Nest Eggs
2017i.html#27 Equifax executives out after massive hack
2017i.html#24 Systemic Risk
2017i.html#22 Dotcom Bubble
2017i.html#19 How to spot a dodgy company - never trust a high achiever
2017i.html#7 The Real Reason Wages Have Stagnated: Our Economy Is Optimized For Financialization
2017h.html#115 When It Comes to the War in the Greater Middle East, Maybe We're the Bad Guys
2017h.html#108 Iraq, Longest War
2017h.html#107 Iraq, Longest War
2017h.html#86 The Lost Lesson of the Financial Crisis
2017h.html#74 On Tactics
2017h.html#69 Feds Debt
2017h.html#55 Pareto efficiency
2017h.html#54 Pareto efficiency
2017h.html#2 Trump is taking the wrong approach to China on tech, says ex-Reagan official who helped beat Soviets
2017g.html#108 Jamie Dimon: You Make Us Embarrassed to be Americans
2017g.html#79 Bad Ideas
2017g.html#48 SS Trust Fund
2017g.html#41 Iran/Contra and Email
2017g.html#19 Financial, Healthcare, Construction, Education complexity
2017g.html#18 BMC Software explores merger with CA
2017g.html#6 Mapping the decentralized world of tomorrow
2017f.html#76 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#65 View of Russia
2017f.html#64 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#45 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#24 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#20 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#15 Conservatives and Spending
2017f.html#7 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#99 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#44 [CM] cheap money, was What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#43 [CM] cheap money, was What was your first home computer?
2017d.html#67 Economists are arguing over how their profession messed up during the Great Recession. This is what happened
2017d.html#59 Breaking: Entire Nation Experiencing Collective Amnesia About Iraq War
2017c.html#42 Profitable Companies, No Taxes: Here's How They Did It
2017c.html#31 Too-Big-To-Fail Not Punished
2017b.html#76 Another Big Company Departs California
2017b.html#50 when to get out???
2017b.html#48 Janet Yellen debunks Trump's case for killing Dodd-Frank
2017b.html#45 when to get out???
2017b.html#43 when to get out???
2017b.html#40 Job Loyalty
2017b.html#39 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017b.html#25 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017b.html#16 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017b.html#6 OT: Trump Moves to Roll Back Obama-Era Financial Regulations
2017.html#104 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017.html#99 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017.html#97 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017.html#96 Trump, Wall Street and the "banking caucus" ready to rip apart Dodd-Frank
2017.html#95 Trump, Wall Street and the "banking caucus" ready to rip apart Dodd-Frank
2017.html#92 Trump's Rollback of the Neoliberal Market State
2017.html#83 Kabuki Theater
2017.html#68 Trump White House Senior Staff Have Private RNC Email Accounts
2017.html#67 Trump White House Senior Staff Have Private RNC Email Accounts
2017.html#65 Mnuchin Lied About His Bank's History of Robo-Signing Foreclosure Documents
2017.html#53 How Finance Behaves like a Parasite Toward the Economy
2017.html#50 Finance Is Not the Economy
2017.html#40 The economics of corporate crime
2017.html#33 Moody's Agrees to Settle Financial Crisis-Era Claims for $864 Million
2017.html#31 Milton Friedman's Cherished Theory Is Laid to Rest
2017.html#26 Milton Friedman's Cherished Theory Is Laid to Rest
2017.html#17 Destruction of the Middle Class
2017.html#8 Too big to fail was Malicious Cyber Activity
2016h.html#97 In American Towns, Private Profits From Public Works
2016h.html#91 Your Social Security cuts are already on the way
2016h.html#82 Gov. Privatization
2016h.html#81 Economic Mess
2016h.html#42 TARP Bailout
2016h.html#20 Jeff Sessions set to show his steel on white-collar crime
2016h.html#13 Jeff Sessions set to show his steel on white-collar crime
2016g.html#87 Finance Is Not the Economy
2016g.html#83 Ma Bell is coming back and, boy, is she pissed! She bought Bugs Bunny!
2016g.html#39 Too Smug to Jail
2016g.html#36 Whitehouse EMAIL
2016g.html#27 Economic Mess
2016g.html#2 Airlines Reservation Systems
2016g.html#1 Airlines Reservation Systems
2016f.html#96 Chain of Title: How Three Ordinary Americans Uncovered Wall Street's Great Foreclosure Fraud
2016f.html#90 Iceland finds all guilty in banker market-abuse case
2016f.html#76 GLBA & Glass-Steagall
2016f.html#73 IBM Buying Promontory Clinches It: Regtech Is Real
2016f.html#55 Congress, most corrupt institution on earth
2016f.html#52 U.S. Big Banks: A Culture of Crime
2016f.html#51 OT: DuPont seeks to screw workers of their pensions
2016f.html#0 IBM is Absolutely Down For The Count
2016e.html#105 Washington Corruption
2016e.html#89 E.R. Burroughs
2016e.html#48 CIA Reactions to Finding No WMD in Iraq
2016e.html#29 Eric Holder's Longtime Excuse for Not Prosecuting Banks Just Crashed and Burned
2016e.html#6 Is it a lost cause?
2016d.html#99 Trust in Government Is Collapsing Around the World
2016d.html#98 Trust in Government Is Collapsing Around the World
2016d.html#84 The mainframe is dead. Long live the mainframe!
2016d.html#19 Banking; The Book That Will Save Banking From Itself
2016d.html#7 Study: Cost of U.S. Regulations Larger Than Germany's Economy
2016d.html#1 Why Is the Obama Administration Trying to Keep 11,000 Documents Sealed?
2016d.html#0 Why Is the Obama Administration Trying to Keep 11,000 Documents Sealed?
2016c.html#99 Why Is the Obama Administration Trying to Keep 11,000 Documents Sealed?
2016c.html#94 Pension Funds at Risk
2016c.html#88 Goldman Slammed With $5.1 Billion Fine For "Serious Misconduct" In Mortgage Selling
2016c.html#85 Wells Fargo "Admits Deceiving" U.S. Government, Pays Record $1.2 Billion Settlement
2016c.html#80 Qbasic
2016c.html#65 A call for revolution
2016c.html#35 Qbasic
2016c.html#34 Qbasic
2016c.html#27 Qbasic
2016c.html#23 How Generation Y is paying the price for baby boomer pensions
2016c.html#11 Qbasic
2016b.html#98 Qbasic - lies about Medicare
2016b.html#75 Another Private-Equity LBO Queen Bites the Dust
2016b.html#72 Qbasic
2016b.html#71 Qbasic
2016b.html#61 Qbasic
2016b.html#42 Nobody saw the economic mess coming last decade
2016b.html#11 Bill Black: How Many Lies Can the WSJ Pack into a Chart on Liar's Loans?
2016b.html#5 The Deep State
2016.html#94 Thanks Obama
2016.html#86 Thanks Obama
2016.html#71 Thanks Obama
2016.html#36 I Feel Old
2016.html#31 I Feel Old
2016.html#10 25 Years: How the Web began
2016.html#8 "Too Big To Fail"
2016.html#7 I Feel Old
2016.html#0 Repealing Glass-Steagall
2015h.html#123 IBM retirement fund
2015h.html#78 The Global Financial Crisis: Analysis and Policy Implications
2015h.html#65 Economic Mess
2015h.html#60 rationality
2015h.html#56 rationality
2015h.html#45 rationality
2015h.html#44 rationality
2015h.html#28 rationality
2015h.html#25 Hillary Clinton's Glass-Steagall
2015g.html#92 Leaked Seattle Audit Concludes Many Mortgage Documents Are Void
2015g.html#89 Obama-Bush Years Saw Employers Reduce Health Insurance Coverage
2015g.html#81 Now the DOJ Admits They Got it Wrong
2015g.html#73 Economists' Tribal Thinking
2015g.html#71 Ginni Rometty, Chairman, President and CEO, IBM
2015g.html#70 AIG freezes defined-benefit pension plan
2015g.html#65 Michael Hudson's New Book: Wall Street Parasites Have Devoured Their Hosts -- Your Retirement Plan and the U.S. Economy
2015g.html#57 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015g.html#56 The long, slow death of the rule of law in America
2015g.html#28 Miniskirts and mainframes
2015g.html#25 After 6 Years Of QE, And A $4.5 Trillion Balance Sheet, St. Louis Fed
2015g.html#16 Federal Deficits
2015g.html#12 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#76 Pentagon remains stubbornly unable to account for its billions
2015f.html#67 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#59 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#53 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#48 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#38 LIBOR: History's Largest Financial Crime that the WSJ and NYT Would Like You to Forget
2015f.html#36 Eric Holder, Wall Street Double Agent, Comes in From the Cold
2015f.html#33 IBM is struggling. But former CEO Sam Palmisano says he isn't looking back
2015f.html#27 Federal Subsidies
2015f.html#4 Jeb: George W. Bush is a top foreign policy adviser
2015f.html#1 Jeb: George W. Bush is a top foreign policy adviser
2015e.html#82 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#80 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#75 prices, was Western Union envisioned internet functionality
2015e.html#71 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#67 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#47 Do we REALLY NEED all this regulatory oversight?
2015e.html#44 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#39 Poor People Caused The Financial Crisis
2015e.html#34 43rd President
2015e.html#0 The WSJ and Barron's Apologists for the Banksters Peddle Wallison's Fables
2015d.html#76 Greedy Banks Nailed With $5 BILLION+ Fine For Fraud And Corruption
2015d.html#69 Western Union envisioned internet functionality
2015d.html#54 The Jeb Bush Adviser Who Should Scare You
2015d.html#28 Bernie Sanders Proposes A Bill To Break Up The 'Too Big To Exist' Banks
2015d.html#24 Wall Street Bailouts Are Finally Over, Right?
2015d.html#20 Wall Street Bailouts Are Finally Over, Right?
2015d.html#18 Can we design machines to automate ethics?
2015d.html#5 7 years on from crisis, $150 billion in bank fines and penalties
2015d.html#4 "Trust in digital certificate ecosystem eroding"
2015c.html#108 Occupy Democrats
2015c.html#88 How Wall Street captured Washington's effort to rein in banks
2015c.html#82 How Wall Street captured Washington's effort to rein in banks
2015c.html#53 Servicers in DOJ s Crosshairs Following JPM Robo-Signing Settlement
2015c.html#49 Global Fragility and the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis
2015c.html#41 past of nukes, was Future of support for telephone rotary dial ?
2015c.html#11 past of nukes, was Future of support for telephone rotary dial ?
2015c.html#4 Mandated Spending
2015b.html#81 Stanford Law School Covers Up SEC's Andrew Bowden's Embarrassing Remarks by Deep-Sixing Conference Video
2015b.html#58 Neocons Guided Petraeus on Afghan War
2015b.html#54 National Security and Double Government
2015b.html#51 bloomberg article on ASG and Chpater 11
2015b.html#31 What were the complaints of binary code programmers that not accept Assembly?
2015b.html#27 What were the complaints of binary code programmers that not accept Assembly?
2015b.html#24 What were the complaints of binary code programmers that not accept Assembly?
2015b.html#22 Two New Papers Say Big Finance Sectors Hurt Growth and Innovation
2015b.html#20 $2 Billion City Of Tampa Pension Story Major Media Missed
2015b.html#8 Shoot Bank Of America Now---The Case For Super Glass-Steagall Is Overwhelming
2015b.html#5 Swiss Leaks lifts the veil on a secretive banking system
2015b.html#0 S&L Crisis and Economic Mess
2015.html#92 Ocwen's Servicing Meltdown Proves Failure of Obama's Mortgage Settlements
2015.html#90 NY Judge Slams Wells Fargo For Forging Documents... And Why Nothing Will Change
2015.html#81 Ginni gets bonus, plus raise, and extra incentives
2015.html#72 George W. Bush: Still the worst; A new study ranks Bush near the very bottom in history
2015.html#67 IBM Data Processing Center and Pi
2015.html#60 IBM Data Processing Center and Pi
2015.html#54 How do we take political considerations into account in the OODA-Loop?
2015.html#48 The 17 Equations That Changed The Course Of History
2015.html#25 Gutting Dodd-Frank
2015.html#17 Cromnibus cartoon
2015.html#15 Banking Culture Encourages Dishonesty
2015.html#0 LEO
2014m.html#153 LEO
2014m.html#145 IBM Continues To Crumble
2014m.html#137 weird apple trivia
2014m.html#131 Memo To WSJ: The CRomnibus Abomination Was Not "A Rare Bipartisan Success"
2014m.html#126 Wall Street's Revenge
2014m.html#97 Australia: Haven for Bank Control Frauds?
2014m.html#96 Banking on Crime
2014m.html#80 Companies on trial: are they 'too big to jail'?
2014m.html#73 The Watchdog that Didn't Bark ... Again
2014m.html#21 Senate Democrats vs. the Middle Class; Senators elected in 2008 made Obama's agenda possible, and its results have harmed most Americans
2014m.html#5 weird apple trivia
2014l.html#89 Forbes perspective on IBM's troubles
2014l.html#86 Brand-name companies' secret Luxembourg tax deals revealed
2014l.html#60 IBM's Ginni Rometty Just Confessed To A Huge Failure -- It Might Be The Best Thing For The Company
2014l.html#50 IBM's Ginni Rometty Just Confessed To A Huge Failure -- It Might Be The Best Thing For The Company
2014l.html#25 HP splits, again
2014l.html#7 HP splits, again
2014l.html#1 HP splits, again
2014k.html#69 LA Times commentary: roll out "smart" credit cards to deter fraud
2014k.html#67 LA Times commentary: roll out "smart" credit cards to deter fraud
2014k.html#66 LA Times commentary: roll out "smart" credit cards to deter fraud
2014k.html#1 only sometimes From looms to computers to looms
2014j.html#106 only sometimes From looms to computers to looms
2014j.html#52 Bill Black on Bank Fraud: The Wall Street Journal's Choleric Rant about Cholera and Bank Fraud Epidemics
2014i.html#95 How Comp-Sci went from passing fad to must have major
2014i.html#38 Sale receipt--obligatory?
2014i.html#14 Instead of focusing on big fines, law enforcement should seek long prison terms for the responsible executives
2014i.html#10 Instead of focusing on big fines, law enforcement should seek long prison terms for the responsible executives
2014h.html#22 $40 billion missile defense system proves unreliable
2014g.html#68 Revamped PDP-11 in Brooklyn
2014g.html#21 Thomas Piketty Is Right About the Past and Wrong About the Future
2014g.html#0 Tim Geithner Redux - Here's the what American Bankers Association has to say on the subject
2014f.html#70 Obama Administration Launches Plan To Make An "Internet ID" A Reality
2014f.html#66 GAO and Wall Street Journal Whitewash Huge Criminal Bank Frauds
2014f.html#32 upcoming TV show, "Halt & Catch Fire"
2014e.html#80 Before the Internet: The golden age of online services
2014e.html#76 Before the Internet: The golden age of online services
2014e.html#36 Semi-OT: Government snooping was Re: Is there any MF shop using AWS service?
2014d.html#76 Crowdsourcing Diplomacy
2014d.html#47 Stolen F-35 Secrets Now Showing Up in China's Stealth Fighter
2014d.html#46 Wells Fargo made up on-demand foreclosure papers plan: court filing charges
2014c.html#67 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014c.html#32 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014c.html#28 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#26 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#24 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014.html#98 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014.html#49 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014.html#46 What Gates Didn't Get Done
2014.html#44 Royal Pardon For Turing

s&l.crisis -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- before_2014 -- back to top/index

sarbanes-oxley postings (2014-2017)

-#- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarbanes-Oxley_Act -#- enron -#- financial.reporting.fraud -#- regulatoory.capture -#- whistleblower -#-
2017j.html#106 The 1970s engineering recession
2017j.html#60 The Windows 95 chime was created on a Mac
2017j.html#25 The Do's and Don'ts of Kleptocracy
2017i.html#14 How to spot a dodgy company - never trust a high achiever
2017i.html#7 The Real Reason Wages Have Stagnated: Our Economy Is Optimized For Financialization
2017h.html#69 Feds Debt
2017h.html#56 Feds WIMP
2017g.html#79 Bad Ideas
2017g.html#21 Financial, Healthcare, Construction, Education complexity
2017f.html#107 'Madoff Whistleblower' Harry Markopolos Has Uncovered A New Fraud
2017f.html#75 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#42 MVS vs HASP vs JES (was 2821)
2017f.html#24 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#7 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017d.html#95 Vendor Licensing Frustrations
2017c.html#23 How do BIG WEBSITES work?
2017c.html#11 "Big Four" accounting firms take a hit
2017c.html#0 Locking our own orientation
2017b.html#64 Jean Tirole's Proposal to Appoint Felons to Monitor CEOs
2017b.html#50 when to get out???
2017b.html#43 when to get out???
2017b.html#39 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017b.html#25 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017b.html#14 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017b.html#13 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017b.html#12 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017b.html#11 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017.html#104 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017.html#97 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017.html#70 Blockchain
2017.html#44 New Rule Cracks Down on Corporate Muzzling of Whistleblowers
2017.html#40 The economics of corporate crime
2017.html#36 Moody's Agrees to Settle Financial Crisis-Era Claims for $864 Million
2017.html#8 Too big to fail was Malicious Cyber Activity
2016h.html#41 Are We Nearing a Cyber Sarbanes-Oxley?
2016h.html#27 Are We Nearing a Cyber Sarbanes-Oxley?
2016g.html#88 Finance Is Not the Economy
2016g.html#65 In the Trump Era, Leaking and Whistleblowing Are More Urgent, and More Noble, Than Ever
2016g.html#52 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016g.html#32 Ma Bell is coming back and, boy, is she pissed! She bought Bugs Bunny!
2016g.html#27 Economic Mess
2016g.html#0 Airlines Reservation Systems
2016f.html#98 Chain of Title: How Three Ordinary Americans Uncovered Wall Street's Great Foreclosure Fraud
2016f.html#74 IBM Buying Promontory Clinches It: Regtech Is Real
2016f.html#52 U.S. Big Banks: A Culture of Crime
2016e.html#109 Why Aren't Any Bankers in Prison for Causing the Financial Crisis?
2016e.html#29 Eric Holder's Longtime Excuse for Not Prosecuting Banks Just Crashed and Burned
2016d.html#98 Trust in Government Is Collapsing Around the World
2016d.html#32 Dave Dayen's "Chain of Title" Reminds Us: The Obama Administration Could Have Jailed Wall Street Criminals. It Simply Chose Not To
2016d.html#19 Banking; The Book That Will Save Banking From Itself
2016d.html#7 Study: Cost of U.S. Regulations Larger Than Germany's Economy
2016c.html#90 Goldman Slammed With $5.1 Billion Fine For "Serious Misconduct" In Mortgage Selling
2016b.html#58 Wall Street strikes back against Bernie Sanders
2016b.html#51 Windows 10 forceful update?
2016b.html#42 Nobody saw the economic mess coming last decade
2016b.html#11 Bill Black: How Many Lies Can the WSJ Pack into a Chart on Liar's Loans?
2016b.html#5 The Deep State
2016.html#36 I Feel Old
2016.html#6 Repealing Glass-Steagall
2015h.html#102 Accounting industry and SEC hobble America's audit watchdog
2015h.html#94 Systems thinking--still in short supply
2015h.html#65 Economic Mess
2015h.html#45 rationality
2015h.html#29 Ernst & Young Confronts Madoff's Specter in Trial Over Audits
2015h.html#25 Hillary Clinton's Glass-Steagall
2015h.html#7 Rarely enforced SEC rules may give green light to earnings manipulation
2015g.html#84 New hard drive
2015g.html#78 New hard drive
2015f.html#76 Pentagon remains stubbornly unable to account for its billions
2015f.html#60 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#59 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#37 LIBOR: History's Largest Financial Crime that the WSJ and NYT Would Like You to Forget
2015f.html#36 Eric Holder, Wall Street Double Agent, Comes in From the Cold
2015f.html#4 Jeb: George W. Bush is a top foreign policy adviser
2015e.html#80 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#47 Do we REALLY NEED all this regulatory oversight?
2015e.html#44 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015d.html#76 Greedy Banks Nailed With $5 BILLION+ Fine For Fraud And Corruption
2015d.html#74 Public Confused Why World's Biggest Banks Admitting Criminal Fraud, Leads To Public Yawns
2015d.html#32 Auditors as Whistleblowers
2015d.html#28 Bernie Sanders Proposes A Bill To Break Up The 'Too Big To Exist' Banks
2015d.html#24 Wall Street Bailouts Are Finally Over, Right?
2015d.html#5 7 years on from crisis, $150 billion in bank fines and penalties
2015c.html#108 Occupy Democrats
2015c.html#88 How Wall Street captured Washington's effort to rein in banks
2015c.html#53 Servicers in DOJ s Crosshairs Following JPM Robo-Signing Settlement
2015c.html#49 Global Fragility and the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis
2015c.html#41 past of nukes, was Future of support for telephone rotary dial ?
2015c.html#6 SEC's Andrew Bowden Regulatory Capture Scandal Hits the Major Leagues with Los Angeles Times Column
2015b.html#24 What were the complaints of binary code programmers that not accept Assembly?
2015b.html#12 Criminal Tax Evader HSBC's CEO Resorts to Bank Apologist Fable of the Virgin Crisis
2015.html#67 IBM Data Processing Center and Pi
2015.html#54 How do we take political considerations into account in the OODA-Loop?
2015.html#17 Cromnibus cartoon
2014m.html#177 LEO
2014m.html#153 LEO
2014m.html#151 LEO
2014m.html#150 LEO
2014m.html#73 The Watchdog that Didn't Bark ... Again
2014m.html#46 Business culture in banking industry favors dishonest behavior
2014m.html#21 Senate Democrats vs. the Middle Class; Senators elected in 2008 made Obama's agenda possible, and its results have harmed most Americans
2014k.html#0 only sometimes From looms to computers to looms
2014j.html#81 No Internet. No Microsoft Windows. No iPods. This Is What Tech Was Like In 1984
2014i.html#10 Instead of focusing on big fines, law enforcement should seek long prison terms for the responsible executives
2014h.html#113 Follow the Money: How Finance Keeps the Whip Hand
2014h.html#112 In Banking World, Fraud Is an Epidemic
2014h.html#84 Support Senator Warren's Postal Banking Proposal
2014g.html#61 Association Of Certified Fraud Examiners Release 2014 Report On Fraud
2014g.html#60 Time that Senior Board members were held responsible for Criminal Actitivites of their Companies
2014f.html#60 GAO and Wall Street Journal Whitewash Huge Criminal Bank Frauds
2014e.html#80 Before the Internet: The golden age of online services
2014e.html#72 Three Expensive Milliseconds
2014e.html#66 SEC Goldman Lawyer Says Agency Too Timid on Wall Street Misdeeds
2014d.html#82 S&P Judge Tentatively Rules It Must Face Deception Claims
2014d.html#46 Wells Fargo made up on-demand foreclosure papers plan: court filing charges
2014d.html#7 N.Y. Barclays Libor Traders Said to Face U.K. Charges
2014b.html#91 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#29 Royal Pardon for credit unions
2014b.html#1 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014.html#98 Royal Pardon For Turing

sarbanes-oxley -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- before_2014 -- back to top/index

security.proportional.to.risk postings (2014-2017)

2017i.html#27 Equifax executives out after massive hack
2017i.html#21 The FTC says it's investigating the Equifax hack
2017i.html#16 Would encryption have prevented known major breaches?
2017h.html#10 Pentagon Would Ban Contractors That Don't Protect Data
2017g.html#88 IBM Mainframe Ushers in New Era of Data Protection
2017e.html#63 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#39 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017d.html#101 Electronic Payments
2017c.html#69 ComputerWorld Says: Cobol plays major role in U.S. government breaches
2017b.html#44 More on Mannix and the computer
2016h.html#108 Minimum Security Required
2016h.html#8 Make companies pay full cost of breaches to restore trust in the internet, says ISOC
2016h.html#4 OODA in IT Security
2016g.html#77 Your Guide for Data Breach Crisis Communication
2016g.html#33 OODA-loop and virtual machines
2016f.html#108 How to Win the Cyberwar Against Russia
2016f.html#88 Why the cloud is bad news for Cisco, Dell, and HP
2016f.html#87 Why the cloud is bad news for Cisco, Dell, and HP
2016e.html#81 Why you need a strong authentication platform
2016c.html#67 We Must Stop The Race to Attribution After Each Cyberattack
2015g.html#64 Intel: Criminals getting better at data exfiltration
2015d.html#67 PCI DSS compliance for z/OS
2015.html#54 How do we take political considerations into account in the OODA-Loop?
2014m.html#124 Commissioner Adrian Leppard calls for legislation to compel the banking system to report fraud
2014m.html#92 The 10 Biggest Bank Card Hacks
2014l.html#55 LA Times commentary: roll out "smart" credit cards to deter fraud
2014l.html#38 Surveillance Reform Theater
2014l.html#32 Surveillance Reform Theater
2014g.html#17 Is it time for a revolution to replace TLS?
2014f.html#74 Is end of mainframe near ?
2014f.html#71 Stopping Cybersecurity Breaches Means Rethinking Consequences
2014f.html#19 Is cybersecurity the next banking crisis in the making?
2014e.html#6 Credit Card Breach at California DMV Provides Yet Another Warning of Cyber Insecurities
2014d.html#102 How the IETF plans to protect the web from NSA snooping
2014d.html#40 Missed Alarms and 40 Million Stolen Credit Card Numbers: How Target Blew It
2014d.html#3 Let's Face It--It's the Cyber Era and We're Cyber Dumb
2014d.html#1 RSA 2014: Target Breach Has Bigger Impact on Data Security than Snowden, says Vormetric
2014.html#77 In a Cyber Breach, Who Pays, Banks or Retailers?
2014.html#65 Washington Post on Target store data thefts
2014.html#56 Washington Post on Target store data thefts
2014.html#53 Why the Target Breach Might Be Even Bigger: Big Data Means Big Breach

security.proportional.to.risk -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- before_2014 -- back to top/index

stock.buyback postings (2014-2017)

-#- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Share_repurchase -#- capitalism -#-
2017k.html#49 The 50 Largest Stashes of Cash Companies Keep Overseas
2017j.html#46 How Economists Turned Corporations into Predators
2017i.html#55 How Economists Turned Corporations into Predators
2017i.html#17 Destructive Stock Buybacks-That You Pay For
2017i.html#14 How to spot a dodgy company - never trust a high achiever
2017i.html#1 Any definitive reference for why the PDP-11 was little-endian?
2017h.html#46 Disregard post (another screwup)
2017h.html#45 "Subprime Is Contained" (& Other Evidence That "They Really Don't Know What They're Doing")
2017h.html#37 Disregard post (another screwup)
2017h.html#22 OT: book: "Capital in the Twenty-First Century"
2017g.html#97 IBM Another Disappointment
2017g.html#47 The rise and fall of IBM
2017g.html#17 Wall Street
2017f.html#71 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#24 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#7 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#3 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017d.html#77 Trump delay of the 'fiduciary rule' will cost retirement savers $3.7 billion
2017d.html#5 IBM's core business
2017c.html#58 The ICL 2900
2017b.html#43 when to get out???
2017b.html#23 IBM "Breakup"
2017.html#54 Why the Pursuit of Shareholder Value Kills Innovation
2017.html#43 How To Fix Executive Compensation And CEO Pay In Corporate America
2016h.html#91 Your Social Security cuts are already on the way
2016f.html#50 OT: DuPont seeks to screw workers of their pensions
2016c.html#65 A call for revolution
2015h.html#94 Systems thinking--still in short supply
2015g.html#68 Yes, Computers Have Improved. No, Communism Hasn't
2015g.html#50 seveneves
2015g.html#49 seveneves
2015g.html#17 There's No Such Thing as Corporate DNA
2015f.html#33 IBM is struggling. But former CEO Sam Palmisano says he isn't looking back
2015f.html#24 IBM is struggling. But former CEO Sam Palmisano says he isn't looking back
2015e.html#80 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015d.html#69 Western Union envisioned internet functionality
2015d.html#6 The US Equity Bubble Depends On Corporate Buybacks; Here's The Proof
2015c.html#80 Moody's Has a Cow, Slams GE's Masterful Financial Engineering
2015b.html#58 Neocons Guided Petraeus on Afghan War
2015b.html#51 bloomberg article on ASG and Chpater 11
2015b.html#36 IBM CEO Rometty gets bonus despite company's woes
2014m.html#155 IBM Continues To Crumble
2014m.html#145 IBM Continues To Crumble
2014m.html#132 LEO
2014m.html#61 Decimation of the valuation of IBM
2014m.html#58 Wall Street is Taking Over America's Pension Plans
2014m.html#4 weird apple trivia
2014l.html#95 weird apple trivia
2014l.html#94 weird apple trivia
2014l.html#89 Forbes perspective on IBM's troubles
2014l.html#60 IBM's Ginni Rometty Just Confessed To A Huge Failure -- It Might Be The Best Thing For The Company
2014l.html#50 IBM's Ginni Rometty Just Confessed To A Huge Failure -- It Might Be The Best Thing For The Company
2014l.html#36 IBM 'major announcement' points to deal on chip manufacturing
2014l.html#35 IBM 'major announcement' points to deal on chip manufacturing
2014k.html#4 only sometimes From looms to computers to looms
2014h.html#0 The Decline and Fall of IBM
2014g.html#111 The Decline and Fall of IBM
2014f.html#80 IBM Sales Fall Again, Pressuring Rometty's Profit Goal
2014f.html#69 Is end of mainframe near ?
2014f.html#57 Fed's stress tests were a confidence-rattling comedy of errors
2014f.html#54 IBM Sales Fall Again, Pressuring Rometty's Profit Goal
2014f.html#48 IBM hopes new chip can turn the tables on Intel
2014f.html#43 upcoming TV show, "Halt & Catch Fire"
2014f.html#33 upcoming TV show, "Halt & Catch Fire"
2014f.html#1 Why IBM Is Tumbling: BRIC Sales Plunge, Total Revenue Lowest Since 2009
2014e.html#77 Why IBM Is Tumbling: BRIC Sales Plunge, Total Revenue Lowest Since 2009
2014e.html#75 Before the Internet: The golden age of online services
2014d.html#91 IBM layoffs strike first in India; workers describe cuts as 'slaughter' and 'massive'
2014d.html#31 Apple's long IRS-Irish history
2014c.html#107 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014c.html#55 Maximizing shareholder value: The goal that changed corporate America
2014c.html#54 IBM layoffs strike first in India; workers describe cuts as 'slaughter' and 'massive'
2014c.html#48 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014c.html#24 IBM sells Intel server business, company is doomed
2014b.html#104 Defense Department Needs to Act Like IBM to Save Itself
2014b.html#101 Defense Department Needs to Act Like IBM to Save Itself
2014b.html#93 Maximizing shareholder value: The Goal that changed corporate America
2014b.html#79 Shocking news: Execs do what they're paid to do
2014b.html#48 IBM Dumps Its Server Business On Lenovo For $2.3B
2014b.html#25 IBM Asian Revenues Crash, Adjusted Earnings Beat On Tax Rate Fudge; Debt Rises 20% To Fund Stock Buybacks
2014b.html#16 IBM to invest 1.2B into Cloud Data Centers
2014b.html#14 IBM to invest 1.2B into Cloud Data Centers
2014.html#48 Royal Pardon For Turing

stock.buyback -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- before_2014 -- back to top/index

success.of.failure postings (2014-2017)

-#- http://www.govexec.com/excellence/management-matters/2007/04/the-success-of-failure/24107/ -#-
2017k.html#66 Innovation?, Government, Military, Commercial
2017k.html#51 Taxing Social Security Benefits
2017k.html#0 Data Breach Notification
2017j.html#107 The 1970s engineering recession
2017j.html#65 On the Business Models of War
2017j.html#44 Security Breach and Spilled Secrets Have Shaken the N.S.A. to Its Core
2017i.html#51 Russian Hackers Stole NSA Data on U.S. Cyber Defense
2017i.html#35 IBM Shareholders Need Employee Enthusiasm, Engagemant And Passions
2017i.html#11 The General Who Lost 2 Wars, Leaked Classified Information to His Lover--and Retired With a $220,000 Pension
2017i.html#9 The General Who Lost 2 Wars, Leaked Classified Information to His Lover--and Retired With a $220,000 Pension
2017h.html#111 In America's Wars, Failure Is the New Success
2017h.html#91 Trump's cybersecurity advisers resign en masse
2017h.html#82 The IBM Appeal - when is a pensions promise not a promise?
2017h.html#51 endless medical arguments, Disregard post (another screwup)
2017h.html#23 This Is How The US Government Destroys The Lives Of Patriotic Whistleblowers
2017h.html#20 Military Contractors
2017h.html#10 Pentagon Would Ban Contractors That Don't Protect Data
2017h.html#2 Trump is taking the wrong approach to China on tech, says ex-Reagan official who helped beat Soviets
2017g.html#78 This Afghan War Plan By The Guy Who Founded Blackwater Should Scare The Hell Out Of You
2017g.html#18 BMC Software explores merger with CA
2017g.html#13 Why the Pentagon would rather hire bin Laden than Donald Vandergriff
2017f.html#104 Early use of word "computer", 1944
2017f.html#101 Nice article about MF and Government
2017f.html#60 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#56 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#98 The head of the Census Bureau just quit, and the consequences are huge
2017e.html#89 The head of the Census Bureau just quit, and the consequences are huge
2017e.html#84 Time to sack the chief of computing in the NHS?
2017e.html#77 Time to sack the chief of computing in the NHS?
2017e.html#56 A flaw in the design; The Internet's founders saw its promise but didn't foresee users attacking one another
2017e.html#1 How Desert Storm Destroyed the US Military
2017d.html#99 United Air Lines - an OODA-loop perspective
2017d.html#94 A 40-year "conspiracy" at the VA
2017d.html#20 Imperial Hubris
2017d.html#6 ComputerWorld Says: Cobol plays major role in U.S. government breaches
2017d.html#5 IBM's core business
2017c.html#78 A 40-year 'conspiracy' at the VA; The Department of Veterans Affairs built perhaps the most important medical computer system in history
2017c.html#75 ComputerWorld Says: Cobol plays major role in U.S. government breaches
2017c.html#71 ComputerWorld Says: Cobol plays major role in U.S. government breaches
2017c.html#67 Cobol plays major role in U.S. government breaches
2017c.html#58 The ICL 2900
2017c.html#57 Trump to Seek Spinoff of U.S. Air-Traffic Control From FAA
2017c.html#47 WikiLeaks CIA Dump: Washington's Data Security Is a Mess
2017c.html#34 CBS News: WikiLeaks claims to release thousands of CIA documents of computer activity
2017c.html#32 Hamilton and "Fake News"
2017c.html#5 NSA Deputy Director: Why I Spent the Last 40 Years In National Security
2017b.html#35 Former CIA Analyst Sues Defense Department to Vindicate NSA Whistleblowers
2017b.html#31 Spy Agencies Should Kick the Contractor Habit
2017b.html#14 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017b.html#11 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017.html#69 How Private Equity Firms are Designed to Earn Big While Risking Little of Their Own
2017.html#64 Improving Congress's oversight of the intelligence community
2017.html#7 Malicious Cyber Activity
2016h.html#97 In American Towns, Private Profits From Public Works
2016h.html#96 This Is How The US Government Destroys The Lives Of Patriotic Whistleblowers
2016h.html#93 F35 Program
2016h.html#63 GOP introduces plan to massively cut Social Security
2016h.html#21 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016h.html#11 Smedley Butler
2016h.html#6 The Profiteers: Bechtel and the Men Who Built the World
2016h.html#0 Snowden
2016g.html#86 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016g.html#12 IBM's Gerstner to Join Carlyle As Investment Firm's Chairman
2016f.html#104 How to Win the Cyberwar Against Russia
2016f.html#83 IBM's Gerstner to Join Carlyle As Investment Firm's Chairman
2016f.html#82 At Booz Allen, a Vast U.S. Spy Operation, Run for Private Profit
2016f.html#76 GLBA & Glass-Steagall
2016f.html#41 Misc. Success of Failure
2016f.html#40 Misc. Success of Failure
2016f.html#12 Why a Single-Payer Health Care System is Inevitable
2016e.html#111 Success of Failure
2016e.html#59 How Putin Weaponized Wikileaks to Influence the Election of an American President
2016e.html#26 The General Who Lost 2 Wars, Leaked Classified Information to His Lover--and Retired With a $220,000 Pension
2016e.html#18 FBI Rewrites Federal Law to Let Hillary Off the Hook
2016d.html#105 How Private Contractors Have Created a Shadow NSA
2016d.html#98 Trust in Government Is Collapsing Around the World
2016d.html#74 Raspberry Pi 3?
2016d.html#71 Raspberry Pi 3?
2016d.html#69 Open DoD's Doors To Cyber Talent, Carter Asks Congress
2016d.html#38 [BBC] US nuclear force 'still uses floppy disks'
2016d.html#31 How the Pentagon punished NSA whistleblowers
2016d.html#19 Banking; The Book That Will Save Banking From Itself
2016d.html#0 Why Is the Obama Administration Trying to Keep 11,000 Documents Sealed?
2016c.html#65 A call for revolution
2016c.html#40 Qbasic
2016c.html#21 Globalization Worker Negotiation
2016c.html#15 A Spymaster Forgets the Bush Era
2016b.html#107 Qbasic - lies about Medicare
2016b.html#62 The NSA's back door has given every US secret to our enemies
2016b.html#39 Failure as a Way of Life; The logic of lost wars and military-industrial boondoggles
2016b.html#4 Cyberdumb
2016.html#16 1970--protesters seize computer center
2015h.html#94 Systems thinking--still in short supply
2015h.html#91 Happy Dec-10 Day!!!
2015h.html#80 Corruption Is as Bad in the US as in Developing Countries
2015h.html#70 Department of Defense Head Ashton Carter Enlists Silicon Valley to Transform the Military
2015h.html#32 (External):Re: IBM
2015h.html#17 the legacy of Seymour Cray
2015h.html#16 Modern computer brochures; military security; then and now ?
2015g.html#78 New hard drive
2015g.html#16 Federal Deficits
2015g.html#8 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#76 Pentagon remains stubbornly unable to account for its billions
2015f.html#58 No, the F-35 Can't Fight at Long Range, Either
2015f.html#43 No, the F-35 Can't Fight at Long Range, Either
2015f.html#42 No, the F-35 Can't Fight at Long Range, Either
2015f.html#41 Gov. Security
2015f.html#26 Gerstner after IBM becomes Carlyle chairman
2015f.html#20 Credit card fraud solution coming to America...finally
2015f.html#13 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#78 Fed agency blames giant hack on 'neglected' security system
2015e.html#56 Possible Pentagon destruction of evidence in NSA leak case probed
2015e.html#51 Dilbert 14June2015
2015e.html#38 The real story of how the Internet became so vulnerable
2015e.html#29 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95 ^A^K boy scouts
2015e.html#9 Why do we keep losing?
2015d.html#76 Greedy Banks Nailed With $5 BILLION+ Fine For Fraud And Corruption
2015c.html#97 Booz Allen Wolves Offer Advice on Protecting NSA Henhouse
2015c.html#23 Why Doesn't the Intelligence Community Care Whether Its Surveillance Programs Work?
2015c.html#16 Retirement Heist
2015b.html#86 past of nukes, was Future of support for telephone rotary dial ?
2015b.html#75 How Russia's S-400 makes the F-35 obsolete
2015b.html#68 Why do we have wars?
2015b.html#59 A-10
2015b.html#58 Neocons Guided Petraeus on Afghan War
2015b.html#54 National Security and Double Government
2015b.html#8 Shoot Bank Of America Now---The Case For Super Glass-Steagall Is Overwhelming
2015.html#93 Ginni gets bonus, plus raise, and extra incentives
2015.html#83 Winslow Wheeler's War
2015.html#81 Ginni gets bonus, plus raise, and extra incentives
2015.html#72 George W. Bush: Still the worst; A new study ranks Bush near the very bottom in history
2015.html#61 IBM Data Processing Center and Pi
2015.html#60 IBM Data Processing Center and Pi
2015.html#54 How do we take political considerations into account in the OODA-Loop?
2015.html#11 NYT on Sony hacking
2015.html#9 LEO
2015.html#6 NYT on Sony hacking
2015.html#2 The Taylor Report
2014m.html#178 LEO
2014m.html#175 Holy Grail for parallel programming language
2014m.html#141 Lind's version of Success of Failure
2014m.html#3 weird apple trivia
2014l.html#25 HP splits, again
2014l.html#7 HP splits, again
2014k.html#51 LA Times commentary: roll out "smart" credit cards to deter fraud
2014j.html#104 No Internet. No Microsoft Windows. No iPods. This Is What Tech Was Like In 1984
2014j.html#81 No Internet. No Microsoft Windows. No iPods. This Is What Tech Was Like In 1984
2014j.html#40 China's Fifth-Generation Fighter Could Be A Game Changer In An Increasingly Tense East Asia
2014i.html#65 New Military Gear Doesn't Have to Cost a Fortune
2014i.html#34 UN to Five Eyes nations: Your mass surveillance is breaking the law
2014i.html#28 How Comp-Sci went from passing fad to must have major
2014i.html#23 How Comp-Sci went from passing fad to must have major
2014i.html#22 How Comp-Sci went from passing fad to must have major
2014i.html#20 US No Longer Tech Leader in Military War Gear
2014i.html#3 Amid barrage of rockets, Iron Dome makes 2nd interception over greater Tel Aviv
2014h.html#100 The SDS 92, its place in history?
2014h.html#0 The Decline and Fall of IBM
2014g.html#104 A lifetime ban on lobbying for lawmakers?
2014g.html#80 OT - Quantum Teleportation Feat Brings Ultrafast Computer Networks Step Closer To Reality
2014g.html#19 350 DBAs stare blankly when reminded super-users can pinch data
2014e.html#58 NSA and Heartbleed
2014e.html#55 Before the Internet: The golden age of online services
2014d.html#81 Eisenhower's military-industrial warning rings truer than ever
2014d.html#68 The Pentagon Spent $2.7 Billion on an Intelligence System That Doesn't Work
2014d.html#58 The CIA's new "family jewels": Going back to Church?
2014d.html#47 Stolen F-35 Secrets Now Showing Up in China's Stealth Fighter
2014d.html#37 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014d.html#3 Let's Face It--It's the Cyber Era and We're Cyber Dumb
2014d.html#1 RSA 2014: Target Breach Has Bigger Impact on Data Security than Snowden, says Vormetric
2014c.html#91 Why do bank IT systems keep failing ?
2014c.html#90 Why do bank IT systems keep failing ?
2014c.html#85 11 Years to Catch Up with Seymour
2014c.html#39 Spy Chief Says Snowden Took Advantage of "Perfect Storm" of Security Lapses
2014c.html#1 If We Don't Keep The F-22 Raptor Viable, The F-35 Fleet Will Be Irrelevant'
2014b.html#38 Can America Win Wars
2014b.html#9 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014.html#36 Why IBM chose MS-DOS, was Re: 'Free Unix!' made30yearsagotoday
2014.html#35 500 Years of History Shows that Mass Spying Is Always Aimed at Crushing Dissent
2014.html#32 NSA Insiders Reveal What Went Wrong
2014.html#12 5 Unnerving Documents Showing Ties Between Greenwald, Omidyar & Booz Allen Hamilton
2014.html#11 NSA seeks to build quantum computer that could crack most types of encryption

success.of.failure -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- before_2014 -- back to top/index

tax.evasion postings (2014-2017)

-#- capitalism -#- inequality -#-
2017k.html#55 'I hope I can quit working in a few years': A preview of the U.S. without pensions
2017k.html#49 The 50 Largest Stashes of Cash Companies Keep Overseas
2017k.html#1 The 1970s engineering recession
2017j.html#77 U.S. Corporate Tax Reform
2017j.html#25 The Do's and Don'ts of Kleptocracy
2017j.html#4 Who Is The Smallest Government Spender Since Eisenhower? Would You Believe It's Barack Obama?
2017j.html#2 WW II cryptography
2017i.html#71 When Working From Home Doesn't Work
2017h.html#100 'X' Marks the Spot Where Inequality Took Root: Dig Here
2017h.html#98 endless medical arguments, Disregard post (another screwup)
2017h.html#97 Business as Usual: The Long History of Corporate Personhood
2017h.html#80 The IBM Appeal - when is a pensions promise not a promise?
2017h.html#79 Feds widen hunt for dirty money in Miami real estate
2017h.html#65 endless medical arguments, Disregard post (another screwup)
2017h.html#64 endless medical arguments, Disregard post (another screwup)
2017h.html#63 endless medical arguments, Disregard post (another screwup)
2017h.html#56 Feds WIMP
2017h.html#39 Disregard post (another screwup; absolutely nothing to do with computers whatsoever!)
2017h.html#36 Disregard post (another screwup; absolutely nothing to do with computers whatsoever!)
2017h.html#25 OFF TOPIC: University of California, Irvine, revokes 500 admissions
2017f.html#22 [CM] overpriced housing, was What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#6 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#4 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#7 Arthur Laffer's Theory on Tax Cuts Comes to Life Once More
2017e.html#6 Panama Papers law firm boss sees tax shelter boom in US
2017d.html#98 I.R.S. Enlists Debt Collectors to Recover Overdue Taxes
2017d.html#93 United Air Lines - an OODA-loop perspective
2017d.html#18 IBM Pension
2017d.html#2 Single Payer
2017c.html#41 Profitable Companies, No Taxes: Here's How They Did It
2017b.html#77 Corporate Tax Rate
2017b.html#43 when to get out???
2017b.html#41 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017b.html#39 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017b.html#19 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017b.html#11 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017.html#52 TV Show "Hill Street Blues"
2017.html#45 Western Union Admits Anti-Money Laundering and Consumer Fraud Violations, Forfeits $586 Million in Settlement with Justice Department and Federal Trade Commission
2017.html#35 Hammond threatens EU with aggressive tax changes after Brexit
2017.html#8 Too big to fail was Malicious Cyber Activity
2016h.html#94 Your Social Security cuts are already on the way
2016h.html#58 Every US taxpayer has effectively paid Apple at least $6 in recent years
2016g.html#93 The annual Budget Games begin: Trump vs. Congress to control spending
2016g.html#88 Finance Is Not the Economy
2016g.html#85 Stars face ruin over tax bill
2016g.html#57 Boyd F15, F16, F20
2016f.html#109 Airlines Reservation Systems
2016f.html#103 Chain of Title: How Three Ordinary Americans Uncovered Wall Street's Great Foreclosure Fraud
2016f.html#100 D.C. Hivemind Mulls How Clinton Can Pass Huge Corporate Tax Cut
2016f.html#79 GLBA & Glass-Steagall
2016f.html#76 GLBA & Glass-Steagall
2016f.html#66 old Western Union Telegraph Company advertising
2016f.html#53 Breaking: ICIJ and media partners reveal details of latest offshore leak
2016f.html#45 OT: DuPont seeks to screw workers of their pensions
2016f.html#41 Misc. Success of Failure
2016f.html#35 Deutsche Bank and a $10Bn Money Laundering Nightmare: More Context Than You Can Shake a Stick at
2016f.html#17 UBS whistleblower exposes 'political prostitution' all the way up to President Obama
2016e.html#109 Why Aren't Any Bankers in Prison for Causing the Financial Crisis?
2016e.html#93 Delta Outage
2016e.html#7 "Computer & Automation" later issues--anti-establishment thrust
2016d.html#98 Trust in Government Is Collapsing Around the World
2016d.html#19 Banking; The Book That Will Save Banking From Itself
2016d.html#7 Study: Cost of U.S. Regulations Larger Than Germany's Economy
2016d.html#0 Why Is the Obama Administration Trying to Keep 11,000 Documents Sealed?
2016c.html#94 Pension Funds at Risk
2016c.html#86 Wells Fargo "Admits Deceiving" U.S. Government, Pays Record $1.2 Billion Settlement
2016c.html#85 Wells Fargo "Admits Deceiving" U.S. Government, Pays Record $1.2 Billion Settlement
2016c.html#78 Qbasic
2016c.html#65 A call for revolution
2016c.html#53 Qbasic
2016c.html#52 Qbasic
2016c.html#17 Globalization Worker Negotiation
2016b.html#108 Qbasic
2016b.html#107 Qbasic - lies about Medicare
2016b.html#98 Qbasic - lies about Medicare
2016b.html#85 Qbasic - lies about Medicare
2016b.html#84 Trump vs. Hillary
2016b.html#83 Qbasic - lies about Medicare
2016b.html#67 Qbasic
2016b.html#65 Qbasic
2016b.html#64 Qbasic
2016b.html#58 Wall Street strikes back against Bernie Sanders
2016b.html#34 Here's Why (And How) The Government Will "Borrow" Your Retirement Savings
2016b.html#12 Thanks Obama
2016.html#93 Thanks Obama
2016.html#92 Thanks Obama
2016.html#91 Thanks Obama
2016.html#80 Thanks Obama
2016.html#46 Thanks Obama
2016.html#22 I Feel Old
2016.html#16 1970--protesters seize computer center
2016.html#10 25 Years: How the Web began
2016.html#8 "Too Big To Fail"
2016.html#7 I Feel Old
2015h.html#54 rationality
2015h.html#53 rationality
2015h.html#48 Protecting Social Security from the Thieves in the Night
2015h.html#29 Ernst & Young Confronts Madoff's Specter in Trial Over Audits
2015g.html#70 AIG freezes defined-benefit pension plan
2015g.html#56 The long, slow death of the rule of law in America
2015g.html#50 seveneves
2015g.html#16 Federal Deficits
2015f.html#61 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#59 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#53 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#47 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#36 Eric Holder, Wall Street Double Agent, Comes in From the Cold
2015f.html#27 Federal Subsidies
2015f.html#13 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#10 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#97 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#96 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#94 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#93 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#81 prices, was Western Union envisioned internet functionality
2015e.html#80 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#60 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#48 These are the companies abandoning the U.S. to dodge taxes
2015e.html#47 Do we REALLY NEED all this regulatory oversight?
2015e.html#44 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#43 Poor People Caused The Financial Crisis
2015e.html#41 Poor People Caused The Financial Crisis
2015e.html#23 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#4 Western Union envisioned internet functionality
2015d.html#76 Greedy Banks Nailed With $5 BILLION+ Fine For Fraud And Corruption
2015d.html#75 Greedy Banks Nailed With $5 BILLION+ Fine For Fraud And Corruption
2015d.html#68 Western Union envisioned internet functionality
2015d.html#63 Western Union envisioned internet functionality
2015d.html#28 Bernie Sanders Proposes A Bill To Break Up The 'Too Big To Exist' Banks
2015d.html#24 Wall Street Bailouts Are Finally Over, Right?
2015c.html#78 French set euro¬1b bail as HSBC probe goes beyond Swiss branch
2015c.html#56 past of nukes, was Future of support for telephone rotary dial ?
2015c.html#11 past of nukes, was Future of support for telephone rotary dial ?
2015b.html#35 Deny the British empire's crimes? No, we ignore them
2015b.html#24 What were the complaints of binary code programmers that not accept Assembly?
2015b.html#12 Criminal Tax Evader HSBC's CEO Resorts to Bank Apologist Fable of the Virgin Crisis
2015b.html#5 Swiss Leaks lifts the veil on a secretive banking system
2015b.html#3 About This Project: Swiss Leaks
2015.html#53 IBM Data Processing Center and Pi
2015.html#52 Report: Tax Evasion, Avoidance Costs United States $100 Billion A Year
2015.html#8 LEO
2014m.html#137 weird apple trivia
2014m.html#133 LEO
2014m.html#99 US Debt In Public Hands Doubles Under Barack Obama
2014m.html#75 LEO
2014m.html#9 weird apple trivia
2014m.html#5 weird apple trivia
2014m.html#3 weird apple trivia
2014m.html#2 weird apple trivia
2014m.html#1 weird apple trivia
2014m.html#0 weird apple trivia
2014l.html#95 weird apple trivia
2014l.html#93 Brand-name companies' secret Luxembourg tax deals revealed
2014l.html#86 Brand-name companies' secret Luxembourg tax deals revealed
2014l.html#28 HP splits, again
2014l.html#25 HP splits, again
2014l.html#4 HP splits, again
2014l.html#3 HP splits, again
2014k.html#80 HP splits, again
2014j.html#81 No Internet. No Microsoft Windows. No iPods. This Is What Tech Was Like In 1984
2014i.html#13 IBM & Boyd
2014h.html#95 How The Island Of Seychelles Became A Haven For Dirty Money
2014h.html#94 BNP Near Settlement With U.S. for Up to $9 Billion
2014g.html#100 After the Sun (Microsystems) Sets, the Real Stories Come Out
2014g.html#58 Credit Suisse, BNP Paribas at Risk of Criminal Charges Over Taxes, Business With Banned Nations
2014g.html#33 Credit Suisse's Guilty Plea: The WSJ Uses the Right Adjective to Modify the Wrong Noun
2014f.html#93 Oligarchy Controls U.S. War-Making
2014f.html#66 GAO and Wall Street Journal Whitewash Huge Criminal Bank Frauds
2014f.html#59 GAO and Wall Street Journal Whitewash Huge Criminal Bank Frauds
2014f.html#14 Before the Internet: The golden age of online services
2014e.html#68 How widespread is tax evasion? Cost of 'round-tripping,' a method investors use to avoid the tax collector
2014d.html#91 IBM layoffs strike first in India; workers describe cuts as 'slaughter' and 'massive'
2014d.html#79 Kleptocrats hiding funds in US warned 'we will find you'
2014d.html#31 Apple's long IRS-Irish history
2014c.html#98 Credit Suisse 'cloak-and-dagger' tactics cost US taxpayers billions
2014c.html#85 11 Years to Catch Up with Seymour
2014c.html#50 Broadband pricing
2014c.html#17 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#101 Defense Department Needs to Act Like IBM to Save Itself
2014b.html#100 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#99 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#94 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#91 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#73 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#60 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#57 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#53 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#51 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#50 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#40 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#33 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#32 Royal Pardon For Turing

tax.evasion -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- before_2014 -- back to top/index

team.b postings (2014-2017)

-#- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Team_B -#- military.industrial.complex -#- capitalism -#-
2017k.html#53 Spending, Deficit Concerns Arise With New Tax Law
2017j.html#108 The 1970s engineering recession
2017j.html#6 The Changing Face of War: Combat from the Marne to Iraq
2017j.html#0 Ghost Riders of Baghdad: Soldiers, Civilians, and the Myth of the Surge
2017i.html#84 "Worse Than Big Tobacco": How Big Pharma Fuels the Opioid Epidemic
2017i.html#68 Ghost Riders of Baghdad: Soldiers, Civilians, and the Myth of the Surge
2017i.html#64 The World America Made
2017i.html#13 Merchants of Doubt
2017h.html#107 Iraq, Longest War
2017h.html#103 Iraq, Longest War
2017f.html#52 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017d.html#59 Breaking: Entire Nation Experiencing Collective Amnesia About Iraq War
2017c.html#42 Profitable Companies, No Taxes: Here's How They Did It
2017c.html#40 Stop Believing in the Many Myths of the Iraq Surge
2017b.html#16 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017b.html#14 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017.html#71 Trump White House Senior Staff Have Private RNC Email Accounts
2017.html#26 Milton Friedman's Cherished Theory Is Laid to Rest
2016g.html#1 Airlines Reservation Systems
2016f.html#96 Chain of Title: How Three Ordinary Americans Uncovered Wall Street's Great Foreclosure Fraud
2016f.html#81 The baby boomers' monumental quagmire in Iraq
2016f.html#47 British socialism / anti-trust
2016f.html#24 Frieden calculator
2016e.html#125 Iraq War
2016e.html#122 U.S. Defense Contractors Tell Investors Russian Threat Is Great for Business
2016e.html#48 CIA Reactions to Finding No WMD in Iraq
2016d.html#99 Trust in Government Is Collapsing Around the World
2016c.html#80 Qbasic
2016c.html#69 Qbasic
2016b.html#53 Trump Is Right, Bush Lied: A Little-Known Part of the Bogus Case for War
2016.html#86 Thanks Obama
2016.html#79 Shout out to Grace Hopper (State of the Union)
2016.html#71 Thanks Obama
2016.html#16 1970--protesters seize computer center
2015h.html#60 rationality
2015g.html#38 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015g.html#28 Miniskirts and mainframes
2015g.html#16 Federal Deficits
2015g.html#12 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#76 Pentagon remains stubbornly unable to account for its billions
2015f.html#22 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#1 Jeb: George W. Bush is a top foreign policy adviser
2015e.html#67 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#63 12 Reasons America Doesn't Win Its Wars
2015e.html#34 43rd President
2015e.html#29 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95 ^A^K boy scouts
2015d.html#54 The Jeb Bush Adviser Who Should Scare You
2015c.html#108 Occupy Democrats
2015b.html#37 C.I.A. Is Said to Have Bought and Destroyed Iraqi Chemical Weapons
2015b.html#27 What were the complaints of binary code programmers that not accept Assembly?
2015b.html#16 Keydriven bit permutations
2015b.html#8 Shoot Bank Of America Now---The Case For Super Glass-Steagall Is Overwhelming
2015b.html#0 S&L Crisis and Economic Mess
2015.html#92 Ocwen's Servicing Meltdown Proves Failure of Obama's Mortgage Settlements
2015.html#72 George W. Bush: Still the worst; A new study ranks Bush near the very bottom in history
2015.html#67 IBM Data Processing Center and Pi
2015.html#17 Cromnibus cartoon
2015.html#13 LEO
2015.html#1 LEO
2015.html#0 LEO
2014m.html#48 LEO
2014l.html#25 HP splits, again
2014j.html#104 No Internet. No Microsoft Windows. No iPods. This Is What Tech Was Like In 1984
2014i.html#20 US No Longer Tech Leader in Military War Gear
2014h.html#22 $40 billion missile defense system proves unreliable
2014g.html#68 Revamped PDP-11 in Brooklyn
2014f.html#29 upcoming TV show, "Halt & Catch Fire"
2014f.html#6 Before the Internet: The golden age of online services
2014e.html#80 Before the Internet: The golden age of online services
2014d.html#38 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014d.html#37 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014d.html#12 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014c.html#103 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014c.html#99 Reducing Army Size
2014b.html#54 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#52 US Army hopes to replace 25% of soldiers with robots by 2040
2014.html#49 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014.html#47 McCain: Send Petraeus back to Iraq
2014.html#46 What Gates Didn't Get Done
2014.html#42 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014.html#13 Al-Qaeda-linked force captures Fallujah amid rise in violence in Iraq

team.b -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- before_2014 -- back to top/index

too-big-to-fail postings (2014-2017)

-#- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Too_big_to_fail -#- economic.mess -#- money.laundering -#- toxic.cdo -#- zirp -#-
2017k.html#17 The 1970s engineering recession
2017k.html#6 The 1970s engineering recession
2017k.html#5 The 1970s engineering recession
2017k.html#4 The 1970s engineering recession
2017k.html#2 The 1970s engineering recession
2017k.html#1 The 1970s engineering recession
2017j.html#102 The 1970s engineering recession
2017j.html#101 The 1970s engineering recession
2017j.html#100 The 1970s engineering recession
2017j.html#59 Wall Street Wants to Kill the Agency Protecting Americans From Financial Scams
2017j.html#54 Testing Progressives, Centrist Dems Team Up with GOP to Deregulate Banks
2017j.html#52 Einhorn: "None Of The Problems From The Financial Crisis Have Been Solved"
2017j.html#12 The Warning
2017j.html#10 Plutocracy Rising repost from Oct 2012
2017i.html#83 How the world's greatest financial experiment enriched the rich
2017i.html#47 Retirement Heist: How Firms Plunder Workers' Nest Eggs
2017i.html#41 Commercial grade ink and paper (Western Union)
2017i.html#19 How to spot a dodgy company - never trust a high achiever
2017i.html#1 Any definitive reference for why the PDP-11 was little-endian?
2017h.html#112 Jamie Dimon's $13 Billion Secret--Revealed
2017h.html#88 Any definitive reference for why the PDP-11 was little-endian?
2017h.html#85 Banks Earn Record Profits in Q2, Savers Sacrificed: FDIC
2017h.html#79 Feds widen hunt for dirty money in Miami real estate
2017h.html#69 Feds Debt
2017h.html#60 Pareto efficiency
2017h.html#56 Feds WIMP
2017h.html#55 Pareto efficiency
2017h.html#54 Pareto efficiency
2017h.html#39 Disregard post (another screwup; absolutely nothing to do with computers whatsoever!)
2017h.html#28 Stop Romanticizing Glass-Steagall
2017h.html#25 OFF TOPIC: University of California, Irvine, revokes 500 admissions
2017h.html#24 OFF TOPIC: University of California, Irvine, revokes 500 admissions
2017h.html#22 OT: book: "Capital in the Twenty-First Century"
2017g.html#108 Jamie Dimon: You Make Us Embarrassed to be Americans
2017g.html#106 Jamie Dimon: You Make Us Embarrassed to be Americans
2017g.html#83 How can we stop algorithms telling lies?
2017g.html#79 Bad Ideas
2017g.html#49 Shareholders Ahead Of Employees
2017g.html#19 Financial, Healthcare, Construction, Education complexity
2017g.html#6 Mapping the decentralized world of tomorrow
2017f.html#76 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#75 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#70 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#69 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#65 View of Russia
2017f.html#27 MVS vs HASP vs JES (was 2821)
2017f.html#26 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#24 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#8 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#7 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#6 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#99 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#45 [CM] cheap money, was What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#43 [CM] cheap money, was What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#42 [CM] cheap money, was What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#41 [CM] cheap money, was What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#38 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#7 Arthur Laffer's Theory on Tax Cuts Comes to Life Once More
2017d.html#98 I.R.S. Enlists Debt Collectors to Recover Overdue Taxes
2017d.html#67 Economists are arguing over how their profession messed up during the Great Recession. This is what happened
2017d.html#8 Congress just obliterated Obama-era rules preventing ISPs from selling your browsing history
2017c.html#90 Economist, Harry Dent Hints: Global Banks Facing a Serious Crisis in Months Ahead
2017c.html#58 The ICL 2900
2017c.html#56 Wall Street Vs. Main Street
2017c.html#42 Profitable Companies, No Taxes: Here's How They Did It
2017c.html#41 Profitable Companies, No Taxes: Here's How They Did It
2017c.html#39 The Blockchain Will Do to the Financial System What the Internet Did to Media
2017c.html#37 New phone scams
2017c.html#31 Too-Big-To-Fail Not Punished
2017b.html#48 Janet Yellen debunks Trump's case for killing Dodd-Frank
2017b.html#43 when to get out???
2017b.html#39 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017b.html#16 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017b.html#13 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017b.html#6 OT: Trump Moves to Roll Back Obama-Era Financial Regulations
2017b.html#4 OT: Trump Moves to Roll Back Obama-Era Financial Regulations
2017b.html#3 Trump, Wall Street and the "banking caucus" ready to rip apart Dodd-Frank
2017b.html#0 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017.html#96 Trump, Wall Street and the "banking caucus" ready to rip apart Dodd-Frank
2017.html#92 Trump's Rollback of the Neoliberal Market State
2017.html#65 Mnuchin Lied About His Bank's History of Robo-Signing Foreclosure Documents
2017.html#53 How Finance Behaves like a Parasite Toward the Economy
2017.html#45 Western Union Admits Anti-Money Laundering and Consumer Fraud Violations, Forfeits $586 Million in Settlement with Justice Department and Federal Trade Commission
2017.html#33 Moody's Agrees to Settle Financial Crisis-Era Claims for $864 Million
2017.html#31 Milton Friedman's Cherished Theory Is Laid to Rest
2017.html#8 Too big to fail was Malicious Cyber Activity
2017.html#7 Malicious Cyber Activity
2017.html#0 Leap seconds
2016h.html#91 Your Social Security cuts are already on the way
2016h.html#81 Economic Mess
2016h.html#63 GOP introduces plan to massively cut Social Security
2016h.html#42 TARP Bailout
2016h.html#41 Are We Nearing a Cyber Sarbanes-Oxley?
2016h.html#37 GOP Announces Privatization Of Medicare And The Details Are TERRIFYING
2016h.html#15 BREAKING: Trump Announces Big Gift To Banks Despite His Campaign Rhetoric Against Wall Street
2016g.html#93 The annual Budget Games begin: Trump vs. Congress to control spending
2016g.html#88 Finance Is Not the Economy
2016g.html#87 Finance Is Not the Economy
2016g.html#85 Stars face ruin over tax bill
2016g.html#78 More Dodd-Frank
2016g.html#73 Fed's Kashkari Releases Plan To End Too Big To Fail, Compares Banks To Terrorists
2016g.html#58 Drafting of Dodd-Frank
2016g.html#39 Too Smug to Jail
2016g.html#32 Ma Bell is coming back and, boy, is she pissed! She bought Bugs Bunny!
2016g.html#31 Economic Mess
2016g.html#30 Is Jill Stein Correct? The Federal Reserve Could Buy Up All Outstanding Student Loans?
2016g.html#27 Economic Mess
2016g.html#10 Wall Street Preparing Dodd-Frank Rule Workaround
2016g.html#9 Wall Street Preparing Dodd-Frank Rule Workaround
2016g.html#8 Wall Street Preparing Dodd-Frank Rule Workaround
2016g.html#2 Airlines Reservation Systems
2016f.html#96 Chain of Title: How Three Ordinary Americans Uncovered Wall Street's Great Foreclosure Fraud
2016f.html#93 Chain of Title: How Three Ordinary Americans Uncovered Wall Street's Great Foreclosure Fraud
2016f.html#90 Iceland finds all guilty in banker market-abuse case
2016f.html#79 GLBA & Glass-Steagall
2016f.html#76 GLBA & Glass-Steagall
2016f.html#73 IBM Buying Promontory Clinches It: Regtech Is Real
2016f.html#66 old Western Union Telegraph Company advertising
2016f.html#65 old Western Union Telegraph Company advertising
2016f.html#55 Congress, most corrupt institution on earth
2016f.html#54 U.S. Big Banks: A Culture of Crime
2016f.html#52 U.S. Big Banks: A Culture of Crime
2016f.html#22 US and UK have staged coups before
2016f.html#20 Why a Single-Payer Health Care System is Inevitable
2016f.html#0 IBM is Absolutely Down For The Count
2016e.html#109 Why Aren't Any Bankers in Prison for Causing the Financial Crisis?
2016e.html#89 E.R. Burroughs
2016e.html#79 And the Award for Best Financial Crisis Book
2016e.html#64 One Thing Both Parties Want: Break Up the Banks Again
2016e.html#59 How Putin Weaponized Wikileaks to Influence the Election of an American President
2016e.html#54 Social Security Trust Fund IOUs
2016e.html#29 Eric Holder's Longtime Excuse for Not Prosecuting Banks Just Crashed and Burned
2016e.html#27 US Refused To Prosecute HSBC Over Fears Of "Global Financial Disaster"
2016e.html#7 "Computer & Automation" later issues--anti-establishment thrust
2016e.html#6 Is it a lost cause?
2016e.html#5 After 10 years and billions in fines, the UK has convicted precisely five people for rigging interest rates
2016d.html#98 Trust in Government Is Collapsing Around the World
2016d.html#86 Too Big To Jail
2016d.html#70 So, what was your computer birthplace?
2016d.html#32 Dave Dayen's "Chain of Title" Reminds Us: The Obama Administration Could Have Jailed Wall Street Criminals. It Simply Chose Not To
2016d.html#26 How the computer transformed economics. And didn't
2016d.html#25 How the computer transformed economics. And didn't
2016d.html#23 Banking; The Book That Will Save Banking From Itself
2016d.html#19 Banking; The Book That Will Save Banking From Itself
2016d.html#11 Study: Cost of U.S. Regulations Larger Than Germany's Economy
2016d.html#7 Study: Cost of U.S. Regulations Larger Than Germany's Economy
2016d.html#1 Why Is the Obama Administration Trying to Keep 11,000 Documents Sealed?
2016d.html#0 Why Is the Obama Administration Trying to Keep 11,000 Documents Sealed?
2016c.html#99 Why Is the Obama Administration Trying to Keep 11,000 Documents Sealed?
2016c.html#94 Pension Funds at Risk
2016c.html#92 Goldman and Wells Fargo FINALLY Admit They Committed Fraud
2016c.html#88 Goldman Slammed With $5.1 Billion Fine For "Serious Misconduct" In Mortgage Selling
2016c.html#86 Wells Fargo "Admits Deceiving" U.S. Government, Pays Record $1.2 Billion Settlement
2016c.html#85 Wells Fargo "Admits Deceiving" U.S. Government, Pays Record $1.2 Billion Settlement
2016c.html#84 Wells Fargo "Admits Deceiving" U.S. Government, Pays Record $1.2 Billion Settlement
2016c.html#65 A call for revolution
2016c.html#58 Qbasic
2016c.html#52 Qbasic
2016c.html#49 Federal Debt
2016c.html#41 Qbasic
2016c.html#29 Qbasic
2016c.html#18 Qbasic
2016c.html#17 Globalization Worker Negotiation
2016c.html#14 Qbasic
2016c.html#7 Why was no one prosecuted for contributing to the financial crisis? New documents reveal why
2016b.html#110 The Koch-Fueled Plot to Destroy the VA
2016b.html#108 Qbasic
2016b.html#97 Computers anyone?
2016b.html#92 Computers anyone?
2016b.html#84 Trump vs. Hillary
2016b.html#73 Qbasic
2016b.html#72 Qbasic
2016b.html#71 Qbasic
2016b.html#64 Qbasic
2016b.html#61 Qbasic
2016b.html#58 Wall Street strikes back against Bernie Sanders
2016b.html#42 Nobody saw the economic mess coming last decade
2016b.html#34 Here's Why (And How) The Government Will "Borrow" Your Retirement Savings
2016b.html#28 Qbasic
2016b.html#25 SS Trust Fund
2016b.html#12 Thanks Obama
2016b.html#11 Bill Black: How Many Lies Can the WSJ Pack into a Chart on Liar's Loans?
2016b.html#0 Thanks Obama
2016.html#97 Thanks Obama
2016.html#95 Thanks Obama
2016.html#46 Thanks Obama
2016.html#26 1970--protesters seize computer center
2016.html#16 1970--protesters seize computer center
2016.html#11 25 Years: How the Web began
2016.html#10 25 Years: How the Web began
2016.html#8 "Too Big To Fail"
2016.html#6 Repealing Glass-Steagall
2015h.html#123 IBM retirement fund
2015h.html#78 The Global Financial Crisis: Analysis and Policy Implications
2015h.html#69 rationality
2015h.html#65 Economic Mess
2015h.html#56 rationality
2015h.html#53 rationality
2015h.html#48 Protecting Social Security from the Thieves in the Night
2015h.html#47 rationality
2015h.html#45 rationality
2015h.html#44 rationality
2015h.html#31 Talk of Criminally Prosecuting Corporations Up, Actual Prosecutions Down
2015h.html#28 rationality
2015h.html#26 Putin's Great Crime: He Defends His Allies and Attacks His Enemies
2015h.html#25 Hillary Clinton's Glass-Steagall
2015h.html#19 Bernanke: Some Wall Street executives should've gone to jail over financial crisis
2015h.html#4 Decimal point character and billions
2015g.html#87 Calls for SEC Chair's Replacement Grow Louder in DC
2015g.html#86 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015g.html#81 Now the DOJ Admits They Got it Wrong
2015g.html#73 Economists' Tribal Thinking
2015g.html#70 AIG freezes defined-benefit pension plan
2015g.html#65 Michael Hudson's New Book: Wall Street Parasites Have Devoured Their Hosts -- Your Retirement Plan and the U.S. Economy
2015g.html#57 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015g.html#56 The long, slow death of the rule of law in America
2015g.html#50 seveneves
2015g.html#49 seveneves
2015g.html#48 seveneves
2015g.html#47 seveneves
2015g.html#46 seveneves
2015g.html#25 After 6 Years Of QE, And A $4.5 Trillion Balance Sheet, St. Louis Fed
2015g.html#20 After 6 Years Of QE, And A $4.5 Trillion Balance Sheet, St. Louis Fed
2015g.html#16 Federal Deficits
2015f.html#64 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#63 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#60 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#59 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#57 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#56 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#53 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#47 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#37 LIBOR: History's Largest Financial Crime that the WSJ and NYT Would Like You to Forget
2015f.html#36 Eric Holder, Wall Street Double Agent, Comes in From the Cold
2015f.html#29 Eric Holder Returns as Hero to Law Firm That Lobbies for Big Banks
2015f.html#27 Federal Subsidies
2015f.html#16 Interactive Data Corp taps banks for sale or IPO -sources
2015e.html#97 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#96 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#95 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#93 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#92 prices, was Western Union envisioned internet functionality
2015e.html#82 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#80 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#71 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#58 Time to Fire Mary Jo White: SEC Covers Up for Bank Capital Accounting Scam Promoted by Her Former Firm, Debevoise
2015e.html#55 Clearly I'm Not Reading This Right
2015e.html#54 In Dramatic Decision Judge Finds Fed Bailout Of AIG Was "Illegal", Government "Violated Federal Reserve Act"
2015e.html#47 Do we REALLY NEED all this regulatory oversight?
2015e.html#44 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#43 Poor People Caused The Financial Crisis
2015e.html#41 Poor People Caused The Financial Crisis
2015e.html#39 Poor People Caused The Financial Crisis
2015e.html#36 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#34 43rd President
2015e.html#33 Will Clarence Thomas Recuse Himself Fom Obamacare Case?
2015e.html#23 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#0 The WSJ and Barron's Apologists for the Banksters Peddle Wallison's Fables
2015d.html#80 Greedy Banks Nailed With $5 BILLION+ Fine For Fraud And Corruption
2015d.html#79 Greedy Banks Nailed With $5 BILLION+ Fine For Fraud And Corruption
2015d.html#76 Greedy Banks Nailed With $5 BILLION+ Fine For Fraud And Corruption
2015d.html#75 Greedy Banks Nailed With $5 BILLION+ Fine For Fraud And Corruption
2015d.html#74 Public Confused Why World's Biggest Banks Admitting Criminal Fraud, Leads To Public Yawns
2015d.html#70 Western Union envisioned internet functionality
2015d.html#69 Western Union envisioned internet functionality
2015d.html#31 Bernie Sanders Proposes A Bill To Break Up The 'Too Big To Exist' Banks
2015d.html#28 Bernie Sanders Proposes A Bill To Break Up The 'Too Big To Exist' Banks
2015d.html#24 Wall Street Bailouts Are Finally Over, Right?
2015d.html#20 Wall Street Bailouts Are Finally Over, Right?
2015d.html#18 Can we design machines to automate ethics?
2015d.html#16 SEC Commissioner Furious At Deutsche Bank's "Decade Of Lying, Cheating, And Stealing"
2015d.html#15 Blogger Ben's Basically Full Of It
2015d.html#10 7 years on from crisis, $150 billion in bank fines and penalties
2015d.html#5 7 years on from crisis, $150 billion in bank fines and penalties
2015d.html#4 "Trust in digital certificate ecosystem eroding"
2015c.html#108 Occupy Democrats
2015c.html#88 How Wall Street captured Washington's effort to rein in banks
2015c.html#82 How Wall Street captured Washington's effort to rein in banks
2015c.html#74 N.Y. Bank Regulator Says Third-Party Vendors Provide Backdoor to Hackers
2015c.html#53 Servicers in DOJ s Crosshairs Following JPM Robo-Signing Settlement
2015c.html#51 past of nukes, was Future of support for telephone rotary dial ?
2015c.html#49 Global Fragility and the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis
2015c.html#40 past of nukes, was Future of support for telephone rotary dial ?
2015c.html#32 PEU Report: Obama's Intelligence Oversight Board a Corporate Lot
2015c.html#19 Have the Banks Escaped Criminal Prosecution because They're Spying Surrogates?
2015c.html#15 Retirement Heist
2015c.html#12 Was There Wrongdoing Done in the Financial Crisis?
2015c.html#10 Was There Wrongdoing Done in the Financial Crisis?
2015b.html#58 Neocons Guided Petraeus on Afghan War
2015b.html#41 New York's Benjamin Lawksy and the SEC's Kara Stein and Luis Aguilar Push for Tougher Sanctions Against Bank Executives
2015b.html#32 Larry Summers
2015b.html#31 What were the complaints of binary code programmers that not accept Assembly?
2015b.html#27 What were the complaints of binary code programmers that not accept Assembly?
2015b.html#26 What were the complaints of binary code programmers that not accept Assembly?
2015b.html#25 What were the complaints of binary code programmers that not accept Assembly?
2015b.html#24 What were the complaints of binary code programmers that not accept Assembly?
2015b.html#23 What were the complaints of binary code programmers that not accept Assembly?
2015b.html#22 Two New Papers Say Big Finance Sectors Hurt Growth and Innovation
2015b.html#21 Hackers stole from 100 banks and rigged ATMs to spew cash
2015b.html#20 $2 Billion City Of Tampa Pension Story Major Media Missed
2015b.html#14 President to Issue Executive Order Encouraging Threat Intelligence Sharing
2015b.html#12 Criminal Tax Evader HSBC's CEO Resorts to Bank Apologist Fable of the Virgin Crisis
2015b.html#8 Shoot Bank Of America Now---The Case For Super Glass-Steagall Is Overwhelming
2015b.html#6 do you blame Harvard for Putin
2015b.html#5 Swiss Leaks lifts the veil on a secretive banking system
2015b.html#3 About This Project: Swiss Leaks
2015b.html#0 S&L Crisis and Economic Mess
2015.html#98 Convicted Fraudster Jonathan Hay, Harvard's Man Who Wrecked Russia, Resurfaces in Ukraine
2015.html#97 S&P Near $1.37 Billion Settlement of Crisis-Era Suits
2015.html#92 Ocwen's Servicing Meltdown Proves Failure of Obama's Mortgage Settlements
2015.html#90 NY Judge Slams Wells Fargo For Forging Documents... And Why Nothing Will Change
2015.html#67 IBM Data Processing Center and Pi
2015.html#54 How do we take political considerations into account in the OODA-Loop?
2015.html#48 The 17 Equations That Changed The Course Of History
2015.html#17 Cromnibus cartoon
2014m.html#160 LEO
2014m.html#153 LEO
2014m.html#151 LEO
2014m.html#150 LEO
2014m.html#131 Memo To WSJ: The CRomnibus Abomination Was Not "A Rare Bipartisan Success"
2014m.html#126 Wall Street's Revenge
2014m.html#121 Presenting The $303 Trillion In Derivatives That US Taxpayers Are Now On The Hook For
2014m.html#120 Memo To Citigroup CEO Michael Corbat: Does Your Crony Capitalist Plunder Know No Shame?
2014m.html#99 US Debt In Public Hands Doubles Under Barack Obama
2014m.html#97 Australia: Haven for Bank Control Frauds?
2014m.html#96 Banking on Crime
2014m.html#91 LEO
2014m.html#80 Companies on trial: are they 'too big to jail'?
2014m.html#75 LEO
2014m.html#73 The Watchdog that Didn't Bark ... Again
2014m.html#63 The Fed Just Acknowledged Its Too Big To Jail Policy
2014m.html#55 Piketty Shreds Marginal Productivity as Neoclassical Justification for Supersized Pay
2014m.html#53 Banking - licensed to cheat! And whether you'll get away with it
2014m.html#33 LEO
2014m.html#31 LEO
2014m.html#29 LEO
2014m.html#23 weird apple trivia
2014m.html#21 Senate Democrats vs. the Middle Class; Senators elected in 2008 made Obama's agenda possible, and its results have harmed most Americans
2014m.html#18 weird apple trivia
2014m.html#16 weird apple trivia
2014m.html#14 weird apple trivia
2014m.html#13 weird apple trivia
2014m.html#11 weird apple trivia
2014m.html#8 weird apple trivia
2014m.html#6 weird apple trivia
2014m.html#4 weird apple trivia
2014m.html#3 weird apple trivia
2014m.html#2 weird apple trivia
2014l.html#92 How Much Does It Cost To Keep JPMorgan FX-Riggers Out Of Jail?
2014l.html#89 Forbes perspective on IBM's troubles
2014l.html#85 How Much Does It Cost To Keep JPMorgan FX-Riggers Out Of Jail?
2014l.html#83 How Much Does It Cost To Keep JPMorgan FX-Riggers Out Of Jail?
2014l.html#55 LA Times commentary: roll out "smart" credit cards to deter fraud
2014l.html#50 IBM's Ginni Rometty Just Confessed To A Huge Failure -- It Might Be The Best Thing For The Company
2014l.html#26 LA Times commentary: roll out "smart" credit cards to deter fraud
2014l.html#25 HP splits, again
2014l.html#9 HP splits, again
2014l.html#4 HP splits, again
2014l.html#1 HP splits, again
2014k.html#85 HP splits, again
2014k.html#69 LA Times commentary: roll out "smart" credit cards to deter fraud
2014k.html#68 LA Times commentary: roll out "smart" credit cards to deter fraud
2014k.html#67 LA Times commentary: roll out "smart" credit cards to deter fraud
2014k.html#66 LA Times commentary: roll out "smart" credit cards to deter fraud
2014k.html#63 LA Times commentary: roll out "smart" credit cards to deter fraud
2014k.html#58 LA Times commentary: roll out "smart" credit cards to deter fraud
2014k.html#50 LA Times commentary: roll out "smart" credit cards to deter fraud
2014k.html#47 LA Times commentary: roll out "smart" credit cards to deter fraud
2014k.html#46 LA Times commentary: roll out "smart" credit cards to deter fraud
2014k.html#0 only sometimes From looms to computers to looms
2014j.html#106 only sometimes From looms to computers to looms
2014j.html#81 No Internet. No Microsoft Windows. No iPods. This Is What Tech Was Like In 1984
2014j.html#52 Bill Black on Bank Fraud: The Wall Street Journal's Choleric Rant about Cholera and Bank Fraud Epidemics
2014j.html#42 Bank of America Adds a Mortgage Settlement to Its Collection
2014j.html#3 How Comp-Sci went from passing fad to must have major
2014i.html#101 How Comp-Sci went from passing fad to must have major
2014i.html#100 How Comp-Sci went from passing fad to must have major
2014i.html#95 How Comp-Sci went from passing fad to must have major
2014i.html#77 Settlements and Fines from TBTF Institutions Since the Crisis
2014i.html#45 Sale receipt--obligatory?
2014i.html#42 Sale receipt--obligatory?
2014i.html#39 Sale receipt--obligatory?
2014i.html#37 Sale receipt--obligatory?
2014i.html#29 How Comp-Sci went from passing fad to must have major
2014i.html#27 How Comp-Sci went from passing fad to must have major
2014i.html#19 Instead of focusing on big fines, law enforcement should seek long prison terms for the responsible executives
2014i.html#18 Instead of focusing on big fines, law enforcement should seek long prison terms for the responsible executives
2014i.html#15 Instead of focusing on big fines, law enforcement should seek long prison terms for the responsible executives
2014i.html#14 Instead of focusing on big fines, law enforcement should seek long prison terms for the responsible executives
2014i.html#10 Instead of focusing on big fines, law enforcement should seek long prison terms for the responsible executives
2014h.html#113 Follow the Money: How Finance Keeps the Whip Hand
2014h.html#112 In Banking World, Fraud Is an Epidemic
2014h.html#111 Maine Supreme Court Hands Major Defeat to MERS Mortgage Registry
2014h.html#96 'Synthetic' ID Theft Emerging As Fastest-Growing Type Of Consumer Fraud
2014h.html#94 BNP Near Settlement With U.S. for Up to $9 Billion
2014h.html#84 Support Senator Warren's Postal Banking Proposal
2014h.html#37 Married Couples and the Financial Mess
2014h.html#30 Qualitative Easing
2014g.html#100 After the Sun (Microsystems) Sets, the Real Stories Come Out
2014g.html#94 Why Financialization Has Run Amok
2014g.html#78 Did these tech and telecom companies assess the risk and return with respect to Anti-Money Laundering challenges?
2014g.html#76 Did these tech and telecom companies assess the risk and return with respect to Anti-Money Laundering challenges?
2014g.html#58 Credit Suisse, BNP Paribas at Risk of Criminal Charges Over Taxes, Business With Banned Nations
2014g.html#33 Credit Suisse's Guilty Plea: The WSJ Uses the Right Adjective to Modify the Wrong Noun
2014g.html#32 SEC probes Schwab, Merrill, for anti-money laundering violations - sources
2014g.html#27 Jon Stewart Disembowels SecTreas Geithner
2014g.html#21 Thomas Piketty Is Right About the Past and Wrong About the Future
2014g.html#15 Is it time for a revolution to replace TLS?
2014g.html#9 Tim Geithner Redux - Here's the what American Bankers Association has to say on the subject
2014g.html#0 Tim Geithner Redux - Here's the what American Bankers Association has to say on the subject
2014f.html#94 Privacy vs. freedom of the press--Google court ruling
2014f.html#74 Is end of mainframe near ?
2014f.html#70 Obama Administration Launches Plan To Make An "Internet ID" A Reality
2014f.html#66 GAO and Wall Street Journal Whitewash Huge Criminal Bank Frauds
2014f.html#60 GAO and Wall Street Journal Whitewash Huge Criminal Bank Frauds
2014f.html#9 Before the Internet: The golden age of online services
2014f.html#0 Before the Internet: The golden age of online services
2014e.html#80 Before the Internet: The golden age of online services
2014d.html#109 Citigroup Fails Fed Stress Test as BofA Gets Dividend Boost
2014d.html#107 Bank of America to pay $9.3 billion to settle mortgage bond claims
2014d.html#81 Eisenhower's military-industrial warning rings truer than ever
2014d.html#78 Wells Fargo made up on-demand foreclosure papers plan: court filing charges
2014d.html#64 Wells Fargo made up on-demand foreclosure papers plan: court filing charges
2014d.html#47 Stolen F-35 Secrets Now Showing Up in China's Stealth Fighter
2014d.html#46 Wells Fargo made up on-demand foreclosure papers plan: court filing charges
2014d.html#12 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014d.html#7 N.Y. Barclays Libor Traders Said to Face U.K. Charges
2014d.html#5 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014c.html#103 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014c.html#102 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014c.html#99 Reducing Army Size
2014c.html#95 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014c.html#78 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014c.html#70 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014c.html#67 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014c.html#57 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014c.html#55 Maximizing shareholder value: The goal that changed corporate America
2014c.html#43 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014c.html#42 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014c.html#32 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014c.html#28 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014c.html#27 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014c.html#26 JPMorgan Sued For Crony Justice - Presenting "A Decade of Illegal Conduct by JP Morgan Chase"
2014c.html#1 If We Don't Keep The F-22 Raptor Viable, The F-35 Fleet Will Be Irrelevant'
2014b.html#100 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#93 Maximizing shareholder value: The Goal that changed corporate America
2014b.html#75 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#74 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#61 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#53 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#43 Royal Pardon for credit unions
2014b.html#24 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#22 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#20 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#19 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#13 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#8 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#7 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#0 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014.html#98 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014.html#96 Pensions, was Re: Royal Pardon For Turing
2014.html#95 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014.html#69 Pensions, was Re: Royal Pardon For Turing
2014.html#60 Pensions, was Re: Royal Pardon For Turing
2014.html#55 Pensions, was Re: Royal Pardon For Turing
2014.html#54 Pensions, was Re: Royal Pardon For Turing
2014.html#48 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014.html#47 McCain: Send Petraeus back to Iraq
2014.html#43 Elizabeth Warren Proposes New Bill to Expose Shady Back Room Settlements for Crooked Banks
2014.html#34 The invincible JP Morgan
2014.html#30 Criminal Action Is Expected for JPMorgan in Madoff Case
2014.html#15 Federal Judge Hammers Justice Department for Not Prosecuting Wall Street Executives

too-big-to-fail -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- before_2014 -- back to top/index

toxic.cdo postings (2014-2017)

-#- economic.mess -#- too-big-to-fail -#-
2017k.html#58 Failures and Resiliency
2017k.html#56 'I hope I can quit working in a few years': A preview of the U.S. without pensions
2017k.html#55 'I hope I can quit working in a few years': A preview of the U.S. without pensions
2017k.html#17 The 1970s engineering recession
2017k.html#6 The 1970s engineering recession
2017k.html#5 The 1970s engineering recession
2017k.html#4 The 1970s engineering recession
2017k.html#2 The 1970s engineering recession
2017k.html#1 The 1970s engineering recession
2017j.html#106 The 1970s engineering recession
2017j.html#105 The 1970s engineering recession
2017j.html#102 The 1970s engineering recession
2017j.html#101 The 1970s engineering recession
2017j.html#100 The 1970s engineering recession
2017j.html#54 Testing Progressives, Centrist Dems Team Up with GOP to Deregulate Banks
2017j.html#13 Plutocracy Rising repost from Oct 2012
2017j.html#12 The Warning
2017j.html#10 Plutocracy Rising repost from Oct 2012
2017j.html#8 The Mathematics of Inequality
2017i.html#83 How the world's greatest financial experiment enriched the rich
2017i.html#47 Retirement Heist: How Firms Plunder Workers' Nest Eggs
2017i.html#22 Dotcom Bubble
2017i.html#19 How to spot a dodgy company - never trust a high achiever
2017i.html#7 The Real Reason Wages Have Stagnated: Our Economy Is Optimized For Financialization
2017i.html#1 Any definitive reference for why the PDP-11 was little-endian?
2017h.html#112 Jamie Dimon's $13 Billion Secret--Revealed
2017h.html#108 Iraq, Longest War
2017h.html#88 Any definitive reference for why the PDP-11 was little-endian?
2017h.html#69 Feds Debt
2017h.html#60 Pareto efficiency
2017h.html#55 Pareto efficiency
2017h.html#54 Pareto efficiency
2017h.html#39 Disregard post (another screwup; absolutely nothing to do with computers whatsoever!)
2017h.html#28 Stop Romanticizing Glass-Steagall
2017h.html#24 OFF TOPIC: University of California, Irvine, revokes 500 admissions
2017g.html#85 How can we stop algorithms telling lies?
2017g.html#82 How can we stop algorithms telling lies?
2017g.html#79 Bad Ideas
2017g.html#49 Shareholders Ahead Of Employees
2017g.html#19 Financial, Healthcare, Construction, Education complexity
2017g.html#6 Mapping the decentralized world of tomorrow
2017f.html#76 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#42 MVS vs HASP vs JES (was 2821)
2017f.html#27 MVS vs HASP vs JES (was 2821)
2017f.html#24 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#8 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#7 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#99 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#45 [CM] cheap money, was What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#38 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017d.html#67 Economists are arguing over how their profession messed up during the Great Recession. This is what happened
2017d.html#8 Congress just obliterated Obama-era rules preventing ISPs from selling your browsing history
2017c.html#90 Economist, Harry Dent Hints: Global Banks Facing a Serious Crisis in Months Ahead
2017c.html#56 Wall Street Vs. Main Street
2017c.html#42 Profitable Companies, No Taxes: Here's How They Did It
2017c.html#31 Too-Big-To-Fail Not Punished
2017b.html#76 Another Big Company Departs California
2017b.html#50 when to get out???
2017b.html#48 Janet Yellen debunks Trump's case for killing Dodd-Frank
2017b.html#43 when to get out???
2017b.html#39 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017b.html#16 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017b.html#7 OT: Trump Moves to Roll Back Obama-Era Financial Regulations
2017b.html#0 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017.html#97 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017.html#96 Trump, Wall Street and the "banking caucus" ready to rip apart Dodd-Frank
2017.html#92 Trump's Rollback of the Neoliberal Market State
2017.html#65 Mnuchin Lied About His Bank's History of Robo-Signing Foreclosure Documents
2017.html#50 Finance Is Not the Economy
2017.html#45 Western Union Admits Anti-Money Laundering and Consumer Fraud Violations, Forfeits $586 Million in Settlement with Justice Department and Federal Trade Commission
2017.html#40 The economics of corporate crime
2017.html#36 Moody's Agrees to Settle Financial Crisis-Era Claims for $864 Million
2017.html#33 Moody's Agrees to Settle Financial Crisis-Era Claims for $864 Million
2017.html#31 Milton Friedman's Cherished Theory Is Laid to Rest
2017.html#17 Destruction of the Middle Class
2017.html#8 Too big to fail was Malicious Cyber Activity
2017.html#5 The Champions of the 401(k) Lament the Revolution They Started
2016h.html#91 Your Social Security cuts are already on the way
2016h.html#81 Economic Mess
2016h.html#42 TARP Bailout
2016h.html#37 GOP Announces Privatization Of Medicare And The Details Are TERRIFYING
2016h.html#27 Are We Nearing a Cyber Sarbanes-Oxley?
2016g.html#93 The annual Budget Games begin: Trump vs. Congress to control spending
2016g.html#87 Finance Is Not the Economy
2016g.html#83 Ma Bell is coming back and, boy, is she pissed! She bought Bugs Bunny!
2016g.html#55 more economic mess
2016g.html#39 Too Smug to Jail
2016g.html#32 Ma Bell is coming back and, boy, is she pissed! She bought Bugs Bunny!
2016g.html#31 Economic Mess
2016g.html#30 Is Jill Stein Correct? The Federal Reserve Could Buy Up All Outstanding Student Loans?
2016g.html#27 Economic Mess
2016g.html#2 Airlines Reservation Systems
2016g.html#0 Airlines Reservation Systems
2016f.html#95 Chain of Title: How Three Ordinary Americans Uncovered Wall Street's Great Foreclosure Fraud
2016f.html#93 Chain of Title: How Three Ordinary Americans Uncovered Wall Street's Great Foreclosure Fraud
2016f.html#90 Iceland finds all guilty in banker market-abuse case
2016f.html#80 GLBA & Glass-Steagall
2016f.html#79 GLBA & Glass-Steagall
2016f.html#76 GLBA & Glass-Steagall
2016f.html#74 IBM Buying Promontory Clinches It: Regtech Is Real
2016f.html#73 IBM Buying Promontory Clinches It: Regtech Is Real
2016f.html#65 old Western Union Telegraph Company advertising
2016f.html#55 Congress, most corrupt institution on earth
2016f.html#51 OT: DuPont seeks to screw workers of their pensions
2016f.html#50 OT: DuPont seeks to screw workers of their pensions
2016f.html#22 US and UK have staged coups before
2016f.html#0 IBM is Absolutely Down For The Count
2016e.html#109 Why Aren't Any Bankers in Prison for Causing the Financial Crisis?
2016e.html#105 Washington Corruption
2016e.html#89 E.R. Burroughs
2016e.html#79 And the Award for Best Financial Crisis Book
2016e.html#29 Eric Holder's Longtime Excuse for Not Prosecuting Banks Just Crashed and Burned
2016e.html#6 Is it a lost cause?
2016d.html#98 Trust in Government Is Collapsing Around the World
2016d.html#29 How the computer transformed economics. And didn't
2016d.html#19 Banking; The Book That Will Save Banking From Itself
2016d.html#7 Study: Cost of U.S. Regulations Larger Than Germany's Economy
2016d.html#1 Why Is the Obama Administration Trying to Keep 11,000 Documents Sealed?
2016d.html#0 Why Is the Obama Administration Trying to Keep 11,000 Documents Sealed?
2016c.html#99 Why Is the Obama Administration Trying to Keep 11,000 Documents Sealed?
2016c.html#94 Pension Funds at Risk
2016c.html#92 Goldman and Wells Fargo FINALLY Admit They Committed Fraud
2016c.html#88 Goldman Slammed With $5.1 Billion Fine For "Serious Misconduct" In Mortgage Selling
2016c.html#86 Wells Fargo "Admits Deceiving" U.S. Government, Pays Record $1.2 Billion Settlement
2016c.html#85 Wells Fargo "Admits Deceiving" U.S. Government, Pays Record $1.2 Billion Settlement
2016c.html#84 Wells Fargo "Admits Deceiving" U.S. Government, Pays Record $1.2 Billion Settlement
2016c.html#65 A call for revolution
2016c.html#29 Qbasic
2016c.html#23 How Generation Y is paying the price for baby boomer pensions
2016c.html#11 Qbasic
2016b.html#110 The Koch-Fueled Plot to Destroy the VA
2016b.html#84 Trump vs. Hillary
2016b.html#72 Qbasic
2016b.html#71 Qbasic
2016b.html#70 Qbasic
2016b.html#61 Qbasic
2016b.html#58 Wall Street strikes back against Bernie Sanders
2016b.html#51 Windows 10 forceful update?
2016b.html#42 Nobody saw the economic mess coming last decade
2016b.html#28 Qbasic
2016b.html#11 Bill Black: How Many Lies Can the WSJ Pack into a Chart on Liar's Loans?
2016.html#95 Thanks Obama
2016.html#89 Thanks Obama
2016.html#37 I Feel Old
2016.html#36 I Feel Old
2016.html#26 1970--protesters seize computer center
2016.html#22 I Feel Old
2016.html#16 1970--protesters seize computer center
2016.html#10 25 Years: How the Web began
2016.html#8 "Too Big To Fail"
2016.html#7 I Feel Old
2016.html#6 Repealing Glass-Steagall
2016.html#0 Repealing Glass-Steagall
2015h.html#123 IBM retirement fund
2015h.html#78 The Global Financial Crisis: Analysis and Policy Implications
2015h.html#65 Economic Mess
2015h.html#56 rationality
2015h.html#53 rationality
2015h.html#44 rationality
2015h.html#29 Ernst & Young Confronts Madoff's Specter in Trial Over Audits
2015h.html#28 rationality
2015h.html#25 Hillary Clinton's Glass-Steagall
2015g.html#92 Leaked Seattle Audit Concludes Many Mortgage Documents Are Void
2015g.html#86 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015g.html#81 Now the DOJ Admits They Got it Wrong
2015g.html#73 Economists' Tribal Thinking
2015g.html#70 AIG freezes defined-benefit pension plan
2015g.html#65 Michael Hudson's New Book: Wall Street Parasites Have Devoured Their Hosts -- Your Retirement Plan and the U.S. Economy
2015g.html#56 The long, slow death of the rule of law in America
2015g.html#25 After 6 Years Of QE, And A $4.5 Trillion Balance Sheet, St. Louis Fed
2015f.html#67 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#36 Eric Holder, Wall Street Double Agent, Comes in From the Cold
2015f.html#27 Federal Subsidies
2015f.html#16 Interactive Data Corp taps banks for sale or IPO -sources
2015f.html#4 Jeb: George W. Bush is a top foreign policy adviser
2015e.html#95 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#93 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#82 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#80 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#75 prices, was Western Union envisioned internet functionality
2015e.html#72 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#71 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#54 In Dramatic Decision Judge Finds Fed Bailout Of AIG Was "Illegal", Government "Violated Federal Reserve Act"
2015e.html#47 Do we REALLY NEED all this regulatory oversight?
2015e.html#44 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#43 Poor People Caused The Financial Crisis
2015e.html#41 Poor People Caused The Financial Crisis
2015e.html#39 Poor People Caused The Financial Crisis
2015e.html#37 The real story of how the Internet became so vulnerable
2015e.html#34 43rd President
2015e.html#23 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#0 The WSJ and Barron's Apologists for the Banksters Peddle Wallison's Fables
2015d.html#79 Greedy Banks Nailed With $5 BILLION+ Fine For Fraud And Corruption
2015d.html#76 Greedy Banks Nailed With $5 BILLION+ Fine For Fraud And Corruption
2015d.html#70 Western Union envisioned internet functionality
2015d.html#69 Western Union envisioned internet functionality
2015d.html#31 Bernie Sanders Proposes A Bill To Break Up The 'Too Big To Exist' Banks
2015d.html#28 Bernie Sanders Proposes A Bill To Break Up The 'Too Big To Exist' Banks
2015d.html#20 Wall Street Bailouts Are Finally Over, Right?
2015d.html#10 7 years on from crisis, $150 billion in bank fines and penalties
2015d.html#5 7 years on from crisis, $150 billion in bank fines and penalties
2015d.html#4 "Trust in digital certificate ecosystem eroding"
2015c.html#108 Occupy Democrats
2015c.html#88 How Wall Street captured Washington's effort to rein in banks
2015c.html#53 Servicers in DOJ s Crosshairs Following JPM Robo-Signing Settlement
2015c.html#49 Global Fragility and the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis
2015c.html#41 past of nukes, was Future of support for telephone rotary dial ?
2015c.html#40 past of nukes, was Future of support for telephone rotary dial ?
2015c.html#15 Retirement Heist
2015c.html#12 Was There Wrongdoing Done in the Financial Crisis?
2015c.html#10 Was There Wrongdoing Done in the Financial Crisis?
2015c.html#6 SEC's Andrew Bowden Regulatory Capture Scandal Hits the Major Leagues with Los Angeles Times Column
2015c.html#4 Mandated Spending
2015b.html#32 Larry Summers
2015b.html#31 What were the complaints of binary code programmers that not accept Assembly?
2015b.html#24 What were the complaints of binary code programmers that not accept Assembly?
2015b.html#22 Two New Papers Say Big Finance Sectors Hurt Growth and Innovation
2015b.html#20 $2 Billion City Of Tampa Pension Story Major Media Missed
2015b.html#8 Shoot Bank Of America Now---The Case For Super Glass-Steagall Is Overwhelming
2015b.html#5 Swiss Leaks lifts the veil on a secretive banking system
2015b.html#0 S&L Crisis and Economic Mess
2015.html#97 S&P Near $1.37 Billion Settlement of Crisis-Era Suits
2015.html#92 Ocwen's Servicing Meltdown Proves Failure of Obama's Mortgage Settlements
2015.html#90 NY Judge Slams Wells Fargo For Forging Documents... And Why Nothing Will Change
2015.html#73 S&P Near $1.37 Billion Settlement of Crisis-Era Suits
2015.html#54 How do we take political considerations into account in the OODA-Loop?
2015.html#48 The 17 Equations That Changed The Course Of History
2015.html#17 Cromnibus cartoon
2014m.html#177 LEO
2014m.html#160 LEO
2014m.html#159 LEO
2014m.html#158 LEO
2014m.html#157 LEO
2014m.html#153 LEO
2014m.html#150 LEO
2014m.html#131 Memo To WSJ: The CRomnibus Abomination Was Not "A Rare Bipartisan Success"
2014m.html#126 Wall Street's Revenge
2014m.html#99 US Debt In Public Hands Doubles Under Barack Obama
2014m.html#73 The Watchdog that Didn't Bark ... Again
2014m.html#52 LEO
2014m.html#43 LEO
2014m.html#38 LEO
2014m.html#32 LEO
2014m.html#31 LEO
2014m.html#29 LEO
2014m.html#21 Senate Democrats vs. the Middle Class; Senators elected in 2008 made Obama's agenda possible, and its results have harmed most Americans
2014m.html#18 weird apple trivia
2014m.html#16 weird apple trivia
2014m.html#15 weird apple trivia
2014m.html#14 weird apple trivia
2014m.html#13 weird apple trivia
2014m.html#11 weird apple trivia
2014m.html#10 weird apple trivia
2014l.html#89 Forbes perspective on IBM's troubles
2014l.html#28 HP splits, again
2014l.html#26 LA Times commentary: roll out "smart" credit cards to deter fraud
2014l.html#7 HP splits, again
2014l.html#4 HP splits, again
2014k.html#69 LA Times commentary: roll out "smart" credit cards to deter fraud
2014k.html#0 only sometimes From looms to computers to looms
2014j.html#106 only sometimes From looms to computers to looms
2014j.html#42 Bank of America Adds a Mortgage Settlement to Its Collection
2014j.html#3 How Comp-Sci went from passing fad to must have major
2014i.html#95 How Comp-Sci went from passing fad to must have major
2014i.html#45 Sale receipt--obligatory?
2014i.html#39 Sale receipt--obligatory?
2014i.html#29 How Comp-Sci went from passing fad to must have major
2014i.html#19 Instead of focusing on big fines, law enforcement should seek long prison terms for the responsible executives
2014i.html#15 Instead of focusing on big fines, law enforcement should seek long prison terms for the responsible executives
2014i.html#14 Instead of focusing on big fines, law enforcement should seek long prison terms for the responsible executives
2014i.html#10 Instead of focusing on big fines, law enforcement should seek long prison terms for the responsible executives
2014h.html#113 Follow the Money: How Finance Keeps the Whip Hand
2014h.html#112 In Banking World, Fraud Is an Epidemic
2014h.html#111 Maine Supreme Court Hands Major Defeat to MERS Mortgage Registry
2014h.html#37 Married Couples and the Financial Mess
2014h.html#30 Qualitative Easing
2014g.html#54 Has the last fighter pilot been born?
2014f.html#70 Obama Administration Launches Plan To Make An "Internet ID" A Reality
2014f.html#14 Before the Internet: The golden age of online services
2014f.html#9 Before the Internet: The golden age of online services
2014f.html#2 Before the Internet: The golden age of online services
2014f.html#0 Before the Internet: The golden age of online services
2014e.html#80 Before the Internet: The golden age of online services
2014e.html#72 Three Expensive Milliseconds
2014e.html#67 Yes, the SEC was colluding with banks on CDO prosecutions
2014e.html#62 Before the Internet: The golden age of online services
2014e.html#34 Before the Internet: The golden age of online services
2014d.html#109 Citigroup Fails Fed Stress Test as BofA Gets Dividend Boost
2014d.html#107 Bank of America to pay $9.3 billion to settle mortgage bond claims
2014d.html#98 The SEC Finally Takes an Interest in Collateralized Loan Obligations
2014d.html#82 S&P Judge Tentatively Rules It Must Face Deception Claims
2014d.html#64 Wells Fargo made up on-demand foreclosure papers plan: court filing charges
2014d.html#47 Stolen F-35 Secrets Now Showing Up in China's Stealth Fighter
2014d.html#46 Wells Fargo made up on-demand foreclosure papers plan: court filing charges
2014c.html#102 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014c.html#79 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014c.html#67 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014c.html#8 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014c.html#1 If We Don't Keep The F-22 Raptor Viable, The F-35 Fleet Will Be Irrelevant'
2014b.html#104 Defense Department Needs to Act Like IBM to Save Itself
2014b.html#61 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#28 Royal Pardon for credit unions
2014b.html#26 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#24 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#22 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#7 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#6 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#3 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#1 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014.html#98 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014.html#81 Pensions, was Re: Royal Pardon For Turing
2014.html#49 Royal Pardon For Turing

toxic.cdo -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- before_2014 -- back to top/index

trusted.computing postings (2014-2017)

-#- https://web.archive.org/web/20011109072807/http://www.intel94.com/idf/spr2001/sessiondescription.asp?id=stp%2bs13 -#-
2017g.html#88 IBM Mainframe Ushers in New Era of Data Protection
2017e.html#78 Time to sack the chief of computing in the NHS?
2017e.html#31 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017d.html#92 Old hardware
2017d.html#10 Encryp-xit: Europe will go all in for crypto backdoors in June
2017.html#41 History of Mainframe Cloud
2017.html#39 History of Mainframe Cloud
2016g.html#15 Rogue sysadmins the target of Microsoft's new 'Shielded VM' security
2016g.html#13 Rogue sysadmins the target of Microsoft's new 'Shielded VM' security
2016g.html#11 Rogue sysadmins the target of Microsoft's new 'Shielded VM' security
2016f.html#63 Missile Defense
2016f.html#40 Misc. Success of Failure
2016e.html#9 Is it a lost cause?
2016e.html#8 Intel spyware chip?
2016d.html#9 IBM's 96 column punch card (was System/3)?
2016c.html#55 Institutional Memory and Two-factor Authentication
2016b.html#66 Catching Up on the OPM Breach
2016b.html#43 Ransomware
2015f.html#43 No, the F-35 Can't Fight at Long Range, Either
2015f.html#20 Credit card fraud solution coming to America...finally
2015b.html#72 Do we really?
2015.html#83 Winslow Wheeler's War
2014m.html#26 Whole Earth
2014l.html#55 LA Times commentary: roll out "smart" credit cards to deter fraud
2014k.html#42 LA Times commentary: roll out "smart" credit cards to deter fraud
2014j.html#24 UEFI?
2014g.html#41 Special characters for Passwords

trusted.computing -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- before_2014 -- back to top/index

whistleblower postings (2014-2017)

-#- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whistleblower -#- sarbanes-oxley -#-
2017j.html#25 The Do's and Don'ts of Kleptocracy
2017i.html#14 How to spot a dodgy company - never trust a high achiever
2017i.html#11 The General Who Lost 2 Wars, Leaked Classified Information to His Lover--and Retired With a $220,000 Pension
2017i.html#9 The General Who Lost 2 Wars, Leaked Classified Information to His Lover--and Retired With a $220,000 Pension
2017h.html#23 This Is How The US Government Destroys The Lives Of Patriotic Whistleblowers
2017f.html#107 'Madoff Whistleblower' Harry Markopolos Has Uncovered A New Fraud
2017e.html#84 Time to sack the chief of computing in the NHS?
2017d.html#12 Could better financial data have stopped Bernie Madoff?
2017c.html#23 How do BIG WEBSITES work?
2017c.html#11 "Big Four" accounting firms take a hit
2017c.html#5 NSA Deputy Director: Why I Spent the Last 40 Years In National Security
2017c.html#0 Locking our own orientation
2017b.html#35 Former CIA Analyst Sues Defense Department to Vindicate NSA Whistleblowers
2017.html#64 Improving Congress's oversight of the intelligence community
2017.html#44 New Rule Cracks Down on Corporate Muzzling of Whistleblowers
2016h.html#96 This Is How The US Government Destroys The Lives Of Patriotic Whistleblowers
2016h.html#63 GOP introduces plan to massively cut Social Security
2016h.html#27 Are We Nearing a Cyber Sarbanes-Oxley?
2016h.html#6 The Profiteers: Bechtel and the Men Who Built the World
2016h.html#0 Snowden
2016g.html#88 Finance Is Not the Economy
2016g.html#86 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016g.html#65 In the Trump Era, Leaking and Whistleblowing Are More Urgent, and More Noble, Than Ever
2016g.html#39 Too Smug to Jail
2016f.html#40 Misc. Success of Failure
2016f.html#17 UBS whistleblower exposes 'political prostitution' all the way up to President Obama
2016e.html#21 FBI Rewrites Federal Law to Let Hillary Off the Hook
2016e.html#18 FBI Rewrites Federal Law to Let Hillary Off the Hook
2016d.html#74 Raspberry Pi 3?
2016d.html#31 How the Pentagon punished NSA whistleblowers
2016d.html#25 How the computer transformed economics. And didn't
2016d.html#23 Banking; The Book That Will Save Banking From Itself
2016c.html#11 Qbasic
2016b.html#68 Eric Hunsader Explains To CNBC That "Markets Are Always Rigged"
2016b.html#62 The NSA's back door has given every US secret to our enemies
2016b.html#39 Failure as a Way of Life; The logic of lost wars and military-industrial boondoggles
2015h.html#32 (External):Re: IBM
2015h.html#30 Whistleblower Employed By Federal Whistleblower Protection Program Fired For Blowing The Whistle
2015g.html#56 The long, slow death of the rule of law in America
2015f.html#64 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#63 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#61 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#57 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#38 LIBOR: History's Largest Financial Crime that the WSJ and NYT Would Like You to Forget
2015e.html#95 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#39 Poor People Caused The Financial Crisis
2015e.html#23 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015d.html#32 Auditors as Whistleblowers
2015d.html#24 Wall Street Bailouts Are Finally Over, Right?
2015c.html#108 Occupy Democrats
2015c.html#88 How Wall Street captured Washington's effort to rein in banks
2015c.html#23 Why Doesn't the Intelligence Community Care Whether Its Surveillance Programs Work?
2015c.html#15 Retirement Heist
2015c.html#12 Was There Wrongdoing Done in the Financial Crisis?
2015c.html#10 Was There Wrongdoing Done in the Financial Crisis?
2015c.html#6 SEC's Andrew Bowden Regulatory Capture Scandal Hits the Major Leagues with Los Angeles Times Column
2015b.html#86 past of nukes, was Future of support for telephone rotary dial ?
2015b.html#24 What were the complaints of binary code programmers that not accept Assembly?
2015.html#72 George W. Bush: Still the worst; A new study ranks Bush near the very bottom in history
2015.html#2 The Taylor Report
2014m.html#153 LEO
2014m.html#63 The Fed Just Acknowledged Its Too Big To Jail Policy
2014m.html#53 Banking - licensed to cheat! And whether you'll get away with it
2014m.html#18 weird apple trivia
2014m.html#16 weird apple trivia
2014l.html#92 How Much Does It Cost To Keep JPMorgan FX-Riggers Out Of Jail?
2014l.html#9 HP splits, again
2014k.html#50 LA Times commentary: roll out "smart" credit cards to deter fraud
2014i.html#65 New Military Gear Doesn't Have to Cost a Fortune
2014i.html#34 UN to Five Eyes nations: Your mass surveillance is breaking the law
2014i.html#23 How Comp-Sci went from passing fad to must have major
2014i.html#10 Instead of focusing on big fines, law enforcement should seek long prison terms for the responsible executives
2014h.html#113 Follow the Money: How Finance Keeps the Whip Hand
2014h.html#112 In Banking World, Fraud Is an Epidemic
2014h.html#53 BNP Near Settlement With U.S. for Up to $9 Billion
2014g.html#61 Association Of Certified Fraud Examiners Release 2014 Report On Fraud
2014g.html#60 Time that Senior Board members were held responsible for Criminal Actitivites of their Companies
2014e.html#58 NSA and Heartbleed
2014d.html#64 Wells Fargo made up on-demand foreclosure papers plan: court filing charges
2014d.html#47 Stolen F-35 Secrets Now Showing Up in China's Stealth Fighter
2014d.html#46 Wells Fargo made up on-demand foreclosure papers plan: court filing charges
2014d.html#7 N.Y. Barclays Libor Traders Said to Face U.K. Charges
2014d.html#3 Let's Face It--It's the Cyber Era and We're Cyber Dumb
2014d.html#1 RSA 2014: Target Breach Has Bigger Impact on Data Security than Snowden, says Vormetric
2014c.html#91 Why do bank IT systems keep failing ?
2014c.html#85 11 Years to Catch Up with Seymour
2014c.html#55 Maximizing shareholder value: The goal that changed corporate America
2014c.html#39 Spy Chief Says Snowden Took Advantage of "Perfect Storm" of Security Lapses
2014b.html#93 Maximizing shareholder value: The Goal that changed corporate America
2014b.html#91 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014.html#36 Why IBM chose MS-DOS, was Re: 'Free Unix!' made30yearsagotoday
2014.html#12 5 Unnerving Documents Showing Ties Between Greenwald, Omidyar & Booz Allen Hamilton

whistleblower -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- before_2014 -- back to top/index

wmds postings (2014-2017)

-#- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weapon_of_mass_destruction -#- military.industrial.complex -#-
2017k.html#53 Spending, Deficit Concerns Arise With New Tax Law
2017j.html#108 The 1970s engineering recession
2017j.html#6 The Changing Face of War: Combat from the Marne to Iraq
2017j.html#2 WW II cryptography
2017j.html#0 Ghost Riders of Baghdad: Soldiers, Civilians, and the Myth of the Surge
2017i.html#68 Ghost Riders of Baghdad: Soldiers, Civilians, and the Myth of the Surge
2017i.html#64 The World America Made
2017i.html#13 Merchants of Doubt
2017h.html#115 When It Comes to the War in the Greater Middle East, Maybe We're the Bad Guys
2017h.html#103 Iraq, Longest War
2017h.html#74 On Tactics
2017h.html#38 Disregard post (another screwup; absolutely nothing to do with computers whatsoever!)
2017h.html#20 Military Contractors
2017f.html#64 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#54 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#48 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#45 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#7 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#104 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#99 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#98 The head of the Census Bureau just quit, and the consequences are huge
2017e.html#1 How Desert Storm Destroyed the US Military
2017d.html#59 Breaking: Entire Nation Experiencing Collective Amnesia About Iraq War
2017d.html#55 Should America Have Entered World War I?
2017d.html#13 The Pentagon still uses computer software from 1958 to manage its contracts
2017c.html#42 Profitable Companies, No Taxes: Here's How They Did It
2017c.html#40 Stop Believing in the Many Myths of the Iraq Surge
2017c.html#33 CBS News: WikiLeaks claims to release thousands of CIA documents of computer activity
2017b.html#45 when to get out???
2017b.html#14 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017.html#26 Milton Friedman's Cherished Theory Is Laid to Rest
2017.html#7 Malicious Cyber Activity
2016h.html#39 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016g.html#86 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016g.html#13 Rogue sysadmins the target of Microsoft's new 'Shielded VM' security
2016f.html#102 Chain of Title: How Three Ordinary Americans Uncovered Wall Street's Great Foreclosure Fraud
2016f.html#96 Chain of Title: How Three Ordinary Americans Uncovered Wall Street's Great Foreclosure Fraud
2016f.html#81 The baby boomers' monumental quagmire in Iraq
2016f.html#48 Report: Nearly $5 Trillion Spent on Iraq and Afghanistan Wars So Far
2016f.html#24 Frieden calculator
2016e.html#125 Iraq War
2016e.html#122 U.S. Defense Contractors Tell Investors Russian Threat Is Great for Business
2016e.html#48 CIA Reactions to Finding No WMD in Iraq
2016e.html#16 Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction: Who Said What When
2016d.html#102 "Computer & Automation" later issues--anti-establishment thrust
2016d.html#99 Trust in Government Is Collapsing Around the World
2016d.html#89 China builds world's most powerful computer
2016d.html#85 The World Crisis, Vol. 1
2016c.html#93 Qbasic
2016c.html#81 Qbasic
2016c.html#80 Qbasic
2016c.html#69 Qbasic
2016c.html#50 Iraqi WMDs
2016c.html#40 Qbasic
2016b.html#107 Qbasic - lies about Medicare
2016b.html#53 Trump Is Right, Bush Lied: A Little-Known Part of the Bogus Case for War
2016b.html#39 Failure as a Way of Life; The logic of lost wars and military-industrial boondoggles
2016.html#86 Thanks Obama
2016.html#79 Shout out to Grace Hopper (State of the Union)
2016.html#71 Thanks Obama
2016.html#48 Thanks Obama
2016.html#47 Thanks Obama
2016.html#38 Shout out to Grace Hopper (State of the Union)
2016.html#24 1976 vs. 2016?
2016.html#16 1970--protesters seize computer center
2015h.html#79 New Smoking Gun: U.S. and UK KNEW Saddam Did NOT Possess WMDs
2015h.html#60 rationality
2015h.html#33 The wars in Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan were lost before they began, not on the battlefields
2015g.html#78 New hard drive
2015g.html#16 Federal Deficits
2015g.html#13 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015g.html#12 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#76 Pentagon remains stubbornly unable to account for its billions
2015f.html#42 No, the F-35 Can't Fight at Long Range, Either
2015f.html#1 Jeb: George W. Bush is a top foreign policy adviser
2015e.html#67 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#34 43rd President
2015e.html#29 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95 ^A^K boy scouts
2015e.html#17 Why do we keep losing?
2015e.html#9 Why do we keep losing?
2015d.html#73 The Jeb Bush Adviser Who Should Scare You
2015d.html#54 The Jeb Bush Adviser Who Should Scare You
2015c.html#108 Occupy Democrats
2015c.html#21 past of nukes, was Future of support for telephone rotary dial ?
2015c.html#5 past of nukes, was Future of support for telephone rotary dial ?
2015b.html#78 past of nukes, was Future of support for telephone rotary dial ?
2015b.html#74 past of nukes, was Future of support for telephone rotary dial ?
2015b.html#68 Why do we have wars?
2015b.html#37 C.I.A. Is Said to Have Bought and Destroyed Iraqi Chemical Weapons
2015b.html#27 What were the complaints of binary code programmers that not accept Assembly?
2015b.html#16 Keydriven bit permutations
2015b.html#0 S&L Crisis and Economic Mess
2015.html#72 George W. Bush: Still the worst; A new study ranks Bush near the very bottom in history
2015.html#67 IBM Data Processing Center and Pi
2015.html#17 Cromnibus cartoon
2015.html#0 LEO
2014m.html#178 LEO
2014m.html#48 LEO
2014l.html#25 HP splits, again
2014l.html#21 HP splits, again
2014l.html#8 HP splits, again
2014j.html#104 No Internet. No Microsoft Windows. No iPods. This Is What Tech Was Like In 1984
2014i.html#20 US No Longer Tech Leader in Military War Gear
2014h.html#102 How Comp-Sci went from passing fad to must have major
2014h.html#36 The Designer Of The F-15 Explains Just How Stupid The F-35 Is
2014h.html#22 $40 billion missile defense system proves unreliable
2014g.html#68 Revamped PDP-11 in Brooklyn
2014e.html#80 Before the Internet: The golden age of online services
2014d.html#38 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014c.html#103 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014c.html#99 Reducing Army Size
2014c.html#36 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#106 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#54 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#38 Can America Win Wars
2014b.html#36 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#31 An insider's story of the global attack on climate science
2014.html#61 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014.html#42 Royal Pardon For Turing

wmds -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- before_2014 -- back to top/index

zirp postings (2014-2017)

-#- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zero_interest-rate_policy -#- economic.mess -#- fed.chairman -#- too-big-to-fail -#-
2017k.html#53 Spending, Deficit Concerns Arise With New Tax Law
2017k.html#2 The 1970s engineering recession
2017j.html#106 The 1970s engineering recession
2017j.html#102 The 1970s engineering recession
2017j.html#52 Einhorn: "None Of The Problems From The Financial Crisis Have Been Solved"
2017i.html#83 How the world's greatest financial experiment enriched the rich
2017i.html#17 Destructive Stock Buybacks-That You Pay For
2017i.html#1 Any definitive reference for why the PDP-11 was little-endian?
2017h.html#69 Feds Debt
2017h.html#56 Feds WIMP
2017h.html#25 OFF TOPIC: University of California, Irvine, revokes 500 admissions
2017h.html#24 OFF TOPIC: University of California, Irvine, revokes 500 admissions
2017g.html#79 Bad Ideas
2017g.html#19 Financial, Healthcare, Construction, Education complexity
2017g.html#6 Mapping the decentralized world of tomorrow
2017f.html#69 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#24 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#7 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#3 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#41 [CM] cheap money, was What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#38 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017c.html#90 Economist, Harry Dent Hints: Global Banks Facing a Serious Crisis in Months Ahead
2017c.html#56 Wall Street Vs. Main Street
2017c.html#39 The Blockchain Will Do to the Financial System What the Internet Did to Media
2017b.html#48 Janet Yellen debunks Trump's case for killing Dodd-Frank
2017b.html#43 when to get out???
2017b.html#6 OT: Trump Moves to Roll Back Obama-Era Financial Regulations
2017.html#96 Trump, Wall Street and the "banking caucus" ready to rip apart Dodd-Frank
2017.html#92 Trump's Rollback of the Neoliberal Market State
2017.html#33 Moody's Agrees to Settle Financial Crisis-Era Claims for $864 Million
2017.html#31 Milton Friedman's Cherished Theory Is Laid to Rest
2017.html#8 Too big to fail was Malicious Cyber Activity
2016h.html#81 Economic Mess
2016h.html#63 GOP introduces plan to massively cut Social Security
2016h.html#42 TARP Bailout
2016h.html#37 GOP Announces Privatization Of Medicare And The Details Are TERRIFYING
2016g.html#95 Social Security Trust Fund
2016g.html#93 The annual Budget Games begin: Trump vs. Congress to control spending
2016g.html#90 Finance Is Not the Economy
2016g.html#88 Finance Is Not the Economy
2016g.html#87 Finance Is Not the Economy
2016g.html#39 Too Smug to Jail
2016g.html#32 Ma Bell is coming back and, boy, is she pissed! She bought Bugs Bunny!
2016g.html#31 Economic Mess
2016g.html#30 Is Jill Stein Correct? The Federal Reserve Could Buy Up All Outstanding Student Loans?
2016g.html#27 Economic Mess
2016f.html#66 old Western Union Telegraph Company advertising
2016f.html#65 old Western Union Telegraph Company advertising
2016f.html#51 OT: DuPont seeks to screw workers of their pensions
2016f.html#0 IBM is Absolutely Down For The Count
2016e.html#89 E.R. Burroughs
2016e.html#54 Social Security Trust Fund IOUs
2016d.html#98 Trust in Government Is Collapsing Around the World
2016d.html#70 So, what was your computer birthplace?
2016d.html#19 Banking; The Book That Will Save Banking From Itself
2016c.html#99 Why Is the Obama Administration Trying to Keep 11,000 Documents Sealed?
2016c.html#88 Goldman Slammed With $5.1 Billion Fine For "Serious Misconduct" In Mortgage Selling
2016c.html#86 Wells Fargo "Admits Deceiving" U.S. Government, Pays Record $1.2 Billion Settlement
2016c.html#58 Qbasic
2016c.html#49 Federal Debt
2016b.html#110 The Koch-Fueled Plot to Destroy the VA
2016b.html#84 Trump vs. Hillary
2016b.html#73 Qbasic
2016b.html#58 Wall Street strikes back against Bernie Sanders
2016b.html#42 Nobody saw the economic mess coming last decade
2016b.html#25 SS Trust Fund
2016b.html#12 Thanks Obama
2016.html#26 1970--protesters seize computer center
2016.html#8 "Too Big To Fail"
2015h.html#78 The Global Financial Crisis: Analysis and Policy Implications
2015h.html#53 rationality
2015h.html#51 rationality
2015h.html#50 rationality
2015h.html#48 Protecting Social Security from the Thieves in the Night
2015h.html#47 rationality
2015h.html#46 rationality
2015h.html#44 rationality
2015h.html#25 Hillary Clinton's Glass-Steagall
2015h.html#19 Bernanke: Some Wall Street executives should've gone to jail over financial crisis
2015g.html#86 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015g.html#81 Now the DOJ Admits They Got it Wrong
2015g.html#70 AIG freezes defined-benefit pension plan
2015g.html#65 Michael Hudson's New Book: Wall Street Parasites Have Devoured Their Hosts -- Your Retirement Plan and the U.S. Economy
2015g.html#57 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015g.html#56 The long, slow death of the rule of law in America
2015g.html#50 seveneves
2015g.html#49 seveneves
2015g.html#25 After 6 Years Of QE, And A $4.5 Trillion Balance Sheet, St. Louis Fed
2015g.html#20 After 6 Years Of QE, And A $4.5 Trillion Balance Sheet, St. Louis Fed
2015g.html#16 Federal Deficits
2015f.html#53 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#36 Eric Holder, Wall Street Double Agent, Comes in From the Cold
2015f.html#27 Federal Subsidies
2015f.html#16 Interactive Data Corp taps banks for sale or IPO -sources
2015e.html#96 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#93 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#82 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#44 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#43 Poor People Caused The Financial Crisis
2015e.html#41 Poor People Caused The Financial Crisis
2015d.html#76 Greedy Banks Nailed With $5 BILLION+ Fine For Fraud And Corruption
2015d.html#70 Western Union envisioned internet functionality
2015d.html#69 Western Union envisioned internet functionality
2015d.html#28 Bernie Sanders Proposes A Bill To Break Up The 'Too Big To Exist' Banks
2015.html#17 Cromnibus cartoon
2014m.html#99 US Debt In Public Hands Doubles Under Barack Obama
2014m.html#75 LEO
2014m.html#58 Wall Street is Taking Over America's Pension Plans
2014m.html#43 LEO
2014m.html#29 LEO
2014m.html#23 weird apple trivia
2014m.html#11 weird apple trivia
2014m.html#6 weird apple trivia
2014m.html#4 weird apple trivia
2014m.html#3 weird apple trivia
2014m.html#2 weird apple trivia
2014l.html#95 weird apple trivia
2014l.html#94 weird apple trivia
2014l.html#89 Forbes perspective on IBM's troubles

zirp -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- before_2014 -- back to top/index

channel.extender postings (2014-2017)

-#- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Network_Systems_Corporation -#-
2017k.html#63 SABRE after the 7090
2017k.html#50 Can anyone remember "drum" storage?
2017k.html#25 little old mainframes, Re: Was it ever worth it?
2017k.html#8 IBM Mainframe
2017j.html#88 Ferranti Atlas paging
2017j.html#3 Somewhat Interesting Mainframe Article
2017i.html#59 64 bit addressing into the future
2017i.html#36 IBM Shareholders Need Employee Enthusiasm, Engagemant And Passions
2017g.html#90 Stopping the Internet of noise
2017g.html#71 What is the most epic computer glitch you have ever seen?
2017f.html#90 pneumatic cash systems was Re: [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#94 Migration off Mainframe to other platform
2017e.html#75 11May1992 (25 years ago) press on cluster scale-up
2017d.html#88 Paging subsystems in the era of bigass memory
2017d.html#25 ARM Cortex A53 64 bit
2017d.html#1 GREAT presentation on the history of the mainframe
2017c.html#16 System z: I/O Interoperability Evolution - From Bus & Tag to FICON
2017b.html#75 The ICL 2900
2017b.html#73 The ICL 2900
2017b.html#67 Zero-copy write on modern motherboards
2017.html#75 The ICL 2900
2017.html#19 follow up to dense code definition
2016h.html#95 Retrieving data from old hard drives?
2016h.html#53 Why Can't You Buy z Mainframe Services from Amazon Cloud Services?
2016h.html#29 Erich Bloch, IBM pioneer who later led National Science Foundation, dies at 91
2016g.html#28 Computer hard drives have shrunk like crazy over the last 60 years -- here's a look back
2016f.html#86 3033
2016f.html#25 Samsung's million-IOPS, 6.4TB, 64Gb/s SSD is ... well, quite something
2016f.html#5 More IBM DASD RAS discussion
2016f.html#2 IBM DASD RAS discussion
2016e.html#42 How the internet was invented
2016d.html#81 The mainframe is dead. Long live the mainframe!
2016d.html#75 IBM refused to lay off workers for decades, and then America had to rethink its entire corporate strategy
2016d.html#24 What was a 3314?
2016d.html#5 Qbasic
2016d.html#4 Qbasic
2016c.html#61 Can commodity hardware actually emulate the power of a mainframe?
2016c.html#28 CeBIT and mainframes
2016c.html#24 CeBIT and mainframes
2016b.html#74 Fibre Channel is still alive and kicking
2016b.html#69 Fibre Channel is still alive and kicking
2016b.html#27 Qbasic
2016.html#19 Fibre Chanel Vs FICON
2016.html#15 Dilbert ... oh, you must work for IBM
2015h.html#2 More "ageing mainframe" (bad) press
2015g.html#96 TCP joke
2015g.html#42 20 Things Incoming College Freshmen Will Never Understand
2015g.html#26 [Poll] Computing favorities
2015e.html#83 Inaugural Podcast: Dave Farber, Grandfather of the Internet
2015e.html#47 GRS Control Unit ( Was IBM mainframe operations in the 80s)
2015e.html#14 Clone Controllers and Channel Extenders
2015d.html#39 Remember 3277?
2015c.html#94 VM370 Logo Screen
2015c.html#93 HONE Shutdown
2015c.html#68 30 yr old email
2015.html#95 56kbit modems
2015.html#42 [CM] IBM releases Z13 Mainframe - looks like Batman
2015.html#41 [CM] IBM releases Z13 Mainframe - looks like Batman
2015.html#39 [CM] IBM releases Z13 Mainframe - looks like Batman
2015.html#38 [CM] IBM releases Z13 Mainframe - looks like Batman
2015.html#36 [CM] IBM releases Z13 Mainframe - looks like Batman
2014m.html#129 Is there an Inventory of the Installed Mainframe Systems Worldwide and or for Europe alone?
2014m.html#125 How Much Bandwidth do we have?
2014m.html#111 IBM 360/85 vs. 370/165
2014m.html#95 5 Easy Steps to a High Performance Cluster
2014k.html#18 1950: Northrop's Digital Differential Analyzer
2014k.html#17 1950: Northrop's Digital Differential Analyzer
2014k.html#15 MVS
2014j.html#39 curly brace languages source code style quides
2014j.html#18 IBM Programmer Aptitude Test
2014i.html#99 The SDS 92, its place in history?
2014h.html#105 TSO Test does not support 65-bit debugging?
2014h.html#88 The Tragedy of Rapid Evolution?
2014h.html#87 The Tragedy of Rapid Evolution?
2014h.html#72 ancient terminals, was The Tragedy of Rapid Evolution?
2014h.html#33 Can Ginni really lead the company to the next great product line?
2014h.html#17 Emulating z CPs was: Demonstrating Moore's law
2014g.html#12 Is end of mainframe near ?
2014f.html#86 Is end of mainframe near ?
2014f.html#67 Is end of mainframe near ?
2014f.html#65 non-IBM: SONY new tape storage - 185 Terabytes on a tape
2014f.html#51 Beyond the EC12
2014f.html#46 The Pentagon Wars
2014f.html#44 System Response
2014e.html#12 The IBM Strategy
2014e.html#7 Last Gasp for Hard Disk Drives
2014d.html#18 IBM ACS
2014c.html#63 11 Years to Catch Up with Seymour
2014c.html#22 US Federal Reserve pushes ahead with Faster Payments planning
2014b.html#5 IBM Plans Big Spending for the Cloud ($1.2B)
2014.html#94 Santa has a Mainframe!
2014.html#71 the suckage of MS-DOS, was Re: 'Free Unix!

channel.extender -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- before_2014 -- back to top/index

cscvm postings (2014-2017)

-#- subtopic.html#545tech -#- subtopic.html#fairshare -#- subtopic.html#wsclock -#- submain.html#benchmark -#-
2017k.html#37 CMS style XMITMSG for Unix and other platforms
2017k.html#33 Bad History
2017j.html#104 Now Hear This-Prepare For The "To Be Or To Do" Moment
2017h.html#68 Pareto efficiency
2017h.html#44 VM/370 45th Birthday
2017g.html#101 SEX
2017g.html#74 Running unsupported is dangerous was Re: AW: Re: LE strikes again
2017g.html#51 Stopping the Internet of noise
2017g.html#15 HONE Systems
2017g.html#11 Mainframe Networking problems
2017f.html#105 The IBM 7094 and CTSS
2017f.html#39 MVS vs HASP vs JES (was 2821)
2017e.html#32 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#18 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017d.html#85 Mainframe operating systems?
2017d.html#80 Mainframe operating systems?
2017d.html#66 Paging subsystems in the era of bigass memory
2017d.html#56 Some IBM Research RJ reports
2017d.html#48 360 announce day
2017d.html#25 ARM Cortex A53 64 bit
2017d.html#1 GREAT presentation on the history of the mainframe
2017c.html#53 Multics Timeline
2017c.html#45 The ICL 2900
2017c.html#28 The ICL 2900
2017b.html#27 Virtualization's Past Helps Explain Its Current Importance
2017b.html#2 IBM 1970s
2017.html#98 360 & Series/1
2017.html#59 The ICL 2900
2017.html#28 {wtf} Tymshare SuperBasic Source Code
2017.html#20 {wtf} Tymshare SuperBasic Source Code
2016h.html#52 Resurrected! Paul Allen's tech team brings 50-year -old supercomputer back from the dead
2016g.html#68 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016f.html#39 what is 3380 E?
2016e.html#106 Blogs
2016d.html#67 Dynamic adaptive resource management (was: PL/I advertising
2016d.html#47 PL/I advertising
2016c.html#10 You count as an old-timer if (was Re: Origin of the phrase "XYZZY")
2016c.html#1 You count as an old-timer if (was Re: Origin of the phrase "XYZZY")
2015h.html#106 DOS descendant still lives was Re: slight reprieve on the z
2015h.html#104 DOS descendant still lives was Re: slight reprieve on the z
2015g.html#54 Mainframes open to internet attacks?
2015g.html#0 Miniskirts and mainframes
2015d.html#3 30 yr old email
2015d.html#2 Knowledge Center Outage May 3rd
2015c.html#94 VM370 Logo Screen
2015c.html#71 A New Performance Model
2015c.html#46 John Titor was right? IBM 5100
2015c.html#27 30 yr old email
2015b.html#60 ou sont les VAXen d'antan, was Variable-Length Instructions that aren't
2015b.html#48 IBM's One Hundred Year History Is About Cash, Culture and Mutualism
2014l.html#13 Do we really need 64-bit addresses or is 48-bit enough?
2014l.html#10 Do we really need 64-bit addresses or is 48-bit enough?
2014h.html#107 CMS Editors was TSO Test does not support 65-bit debugging?
2014g.html#103 Fifty Years of nitpicking definitions, was BASIC,theProgrammingLanguageT
2014g.html#98 After the Sun (Microsystems) Sets, the Real Stories Come Out
2014g.html#91 Fifty Years of nitpicking definitions, was BASIC,theProgrammingLanguageT
2014g.html#85 Costs of core
2014g.html#74 Fifty Years of nitpicking definitions, was BASIC,theProgrammingLanguageT
2014g.html#26 Fifty Years of BASIC, the Programming Language That Made Computers Personal
2014g.html#23 Three Reasons the Mainframe is in Trouble
2014f.html#89 Real Programmers
2014e.html#22 23Jun1969 Unbundling Announcement
2014e.html#16 23Jun1969 Unbundling Announcement
2014d.html#59 Difference between MVS and z / OS systems
2014d.html#57 Difference between MVS and z / OS systems
2014d.html#22 [OT ] Mainframe memories
2014.html#33 Warnings for the U.S. military about innovation and the information age: The Pentagon looks like a minicomputer firm
2014.html#19 the suckage of MS-DOS, was Re: 'Free Unix!
2014.html#5 Application development paradigms [was: RE: Learning Rexx]
2014.html#2 Application development paradigms [was: RE: Learning Rexx]
2014.html#1 Application development paradigms [was: RE: Learning Rexx]

cscvm -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- before_2014 -- back to top/index

ficon postings (2014-2017)

-#- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FICON -#-
2017k.html#57 When did the home computer die?
2017k.html#50 Can anyone remember "drum" storage?
2017k.html#42 IBM etc I/O channels?
2017k.html#25 little old mainframes, Re: Was it ever worth it?
2017k.html#8 IBM Mainframe
2017j.html#88 Ferranti Atlas paging
2017j.html#3 Somewhat Interesting Mainframe Article
2017i.html#59 64 bit addressing into the future
2017i.html#48 64 bit addressing into the future
2017i.html#36 IBM Shareholders Need Employee Enthusiasm, Engagemant And Passions
2017i.html#33 learning Unix, was progress in e-mail, such as AOL
2017h.html#50 System/360--detailed engineering description (AFIPS 1964)
2017g.html#71 What is the most epic computer glitch you have ever seen?
2017f.html#9 The Mainframe vs. the Server Farm: A Comparison
2017e.html#94 Migration off Mainframe to other platform
2017e.html#75 11May1992 (25 years ago) press on cluster scale-up
2017e.html#10 WD ships 'world's largest' 12TB HGST Ultrastar He12 Helium 7200 RPM Enterprise HDDs
2017d.html#88 Paging subsystems in the era of bigass memory
2017d.html#60 Optimizing the Hard Disk Directly
2017d.html#58 Paging subsystems in the era of bigass memory
2017d.html#54 GREAT presentation on the history of the mainframe
2017d.html#36 The Pentagon still uses computer software from 1958 to manage its contracts
2017d.html#31 ARM Cortex A53 64 bit
2017d.html#25 ARM Cortex A53 64 bit
2017d.html#17 The Pentagon still uses computer software from 1958 to manage its contracts
2017d.html#4 GREAT presentation on the history of the mainframe
2017d.html#1 GREAT presentation on the history of the mainframe
2017c.html#16 System z: I/O Interoperability Evolution - From Bus & Tag to FICON
2017c.html#6 How do BIG WEBSITES work?
2017b.html#75 The ICL 2900
2017b.html#73 The ICL 2900
2017b.html#67 Zero-copy write on modern motherboards
2017.html#75 The ICL 2900
2017.html#19 follow up to dense code definition
2016h.html#95 Retrieving data from old hard drives?
2016h.html#53 Why Can't You Buy z Mainframe Services from Amazon Cloud Services?
2016h.html#29 Erich Bloch, IBM pioneer who later led National Science Foundation, dies at 91
2016g.html#28 Computer hard drives have shrunk like crazy over the last 60 years -- here's a look back
2016f.html#86 3033
2016f.html#25 Samsung's million-IOPS, 6.4TB, 64Gb/s SSD is ... well, quite something
2016f.html#2 IBM DASD RAS discussion
2016e.html#45 How the internet was invented
2016e.html#42 How the internet was invented
2016d.html#81 The mainframe is dead. Long live the mainframe!
2016d.html#80 Cringely article about more IBM rumors
2016d.html#75 IBM refused to lay off workers for decades, and then America had to rethink its entire corporate strategy
2016d.html#24 What was a 3314?
2016c.html#70 Microprocessor Optimization Primer
2016c.html#61 Can commodity hardware actually emulate the power of a mainframe?
2016c.html#28 CeBIT and mainframes
2016c.html#24 CeBIT and mainframes
2016b.html#104 You count as an old-timer if (was Re: Origin of the phrase "XYZZY")
2016b.html#103 You count as an old-timer if (was Re: Origin of the phrase "XYZZY")
2016b.html#74 Fibre Channel is still alive and kicking
2016b.html#69 Fibre Channel is still alive and kicking
2016b.html#27 Qbasic
2016b.html#23 IBM's 3033; "The Big One": IBM's 3033
2016.html#19 Fibre Chanel Vs FICON
2016.html#15 Dilbert ... oh, you must work for IBM
2016.html#5 Fibre Chanel Vs FICON
2015h.html#108 25 Years: How the Web began
2015h.html#81 IBM Automatic (COBOL) Binary Optimizer Now Availabile
2015h.html#2 More "ageing mainframe" (bad) press
2015g.html#96 TCP joke
2015g.html#42 20 Things Incoming College Freshmen Will Never Understand
2015g.html#26 [Poll] Computing favorities
2015g.html#19 Linux Foundation Launches Open Mainframe Project
2015f.html#93 Miniskirts and mainframes
2015f.html#0 What are some of your thoughts on future of mainframe in terms of Big Data?
2015e.html#47 GRS Control Unit ( Was IBM mainframe operations in the 80s)
2015e.html#14 Clone Controllers and Channel Extenders
2015d.html#39 Remember 3277?
2015c.html#93 HONE Shutdown
2015c.html#29 IBM Z13
2015.html#42 [CM] IBM releases Z13 Mainframe - looks like Batman
2015.html#40 [CM] IBM releases Z13 Mainframe - looks like Batman
2015.html#39 [CM] IBM releases Z13 Mainframe - looks like Batman
2015.html#38 [CM] IBM releases Z13 Mainframe - looks like Batman
2015.html#36 [CM] IBM releases Z13 Mainframe - looks like Batman
2015.html#35 [CM] IBM releases Z13 Mainframe - looks like Batman
2014m.html#142 IBM Continues To Crumble
2014m.html#129 Is there an Inventory of the Installed Mainframe Systems Worldwide and or for Europe alone?
2014m.html#125 How Much Bandwidth do we have?
2014m.html#111 IBM 360/85 vs. 370/165
2014m.html#95 5 Easy Steps to a High Performance Cluster
2014m.html#88 Death of spinning disk?
2014l.html#90 What's the difference between doing performance in a mainframe environment versus doing in others
2014l.html#87 IBM sees boosting profit margins as more important than sales growth
2014l.html#56 This Chart From IBM Explains Why Cloud Computing Is Such A Game-Changer
2014l.html#53 IBM 'major announcement' points to deal on chip manufacturing
2014l.html#24 Unisys CEO ousted, shares slip
2014k.html#74 Bell Picturephone--early business application experiments
2014k.html#19 High CPU Utilized
2014k.html#18 1950: Northrop's Digital Differential Analyzer
2014k.html#17 1950: Northrop's Digital Differential Analyzer
2014k.html#2 Flat (VSAM or other) files still in use?
2014j.html#90 Demonstrating Moore's law
2014j.html#56 R.I.P. PDP-10?
2014j.html#18 IBM Programmer Aptitude Test
2014j.html#16 The SDS 92, its place in history?
2014i.html#99 The SDS 92, its place in history?
2014i.html#97 The SDS 92, its place in history?
2014i.html#78 IBM Programmer Aptitude Test
2014h.html#87 The Tragedy of Rapid Evolution?
2014h.html#72 ancient terminals, was The Tragedy of Rapid Evolution?
2014h.html#57 [CM] Mainframe tech is here to stay: just add innovation
2014h.html#33 Can Ginni really lead the company to the next great product line?
2014h.html#17 Emulating z CPs was: Demonstrating Moore's law
2014h.html#9 Demonstrating Moore's law
2014g.html#20 Is end of mainframe near ?
2014g.html#12 Is end of mainframe near ?
2014g.html#8 Is end of mainframe near ?
2014g.html#4 Is end of mainframe near ?
2014g.html#2 Is end of mainframe near ?
2014f.html#92 Is end of mainframe near ?
2014f.html#86 Is end of mainframe near ?
2014f.html#78 Over in the Mainframe Experts Network LinkedIn group
2014f.html#72 Mainframe (in general) running at 100% not always a bad thing
2014f.html#67 Is end of mainframe near ?
2014f.html#65 non-IBM: SONY new tape storage - 185 Terabytes on a tape
2014f.html#51 Beyond the EC12
2014f.html#46 The Pentagon Wars
2014f.html#44 System Response
2014e.html#12 The IBM Strategy
2014e.html#7 Last Gasp for Hard Disk Drives
2014d.html#71 Last Gasp For Hard Disk Drives
2014d.html#18 IBM ACS
2014c.html#22 US Federal Reserve pushes ahead with Faster Payments planning
2014b.html#18 Quixotically on-topic post, still on topic
2014b.html#17 Quixotically on-topic post, still on topic
2014.html#97 Santa has a Mainframe!
2014.html#94 Santa has a Mainframe!
2014.html#85 the suckage of MS-DOS, was Re: 'Free Unix!
2014.html#73 the suckage of MS-DOS, was Re: 'Free Unix!
2014.html#71 the suckage of MS-DOS, was Re: 'Free Unix!

ficon -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- before_2014 -- back to top/index

megadatacenter postings (2014-2017)

-#- https://www.datacenterknowledge.com/archives/2014/10/15/how-is-a-mega-data-center-different-from-a-massive-one -#-
2017k.html#47 When did the home computer die?
2017k.html#30 Converting programs to accommodate 8-character userids and prefixes
2017i.html#73 When Working From Home Doesn't Work
2017h.html#89 z14 and zBX
2017h.html#61 computer component reliability, 1951
2017g.html#86 IBM Train Wreck Continues Ahead of Earnings
2017f.html#9 The Mainframe vs. the Server Farm: A Comparison
2017e.html#94 Migration off Mainframe to other platform
2017d.html#57 What are mainframes
2017d.html#48 360 announce day
2017d.html#40 What are mainframes
2017d.html#6 ComputerWorld Says: Cobol plays major role in U.S. government breaches
2017c.html#6 How do BIG WEBSITES work?
2017.html#21 History of Mainframe Cloud
2016h.html#60 Why Can't You Buy z Mainframe Services from Amazon Cloud Services?
2016h.html#57 Why Can't You Buy z Mainframe Services from Amazon Cloud Services?
2016h.html#55 Why Can't You Buy z Mainframe Services from Amazon Cloud Services?
2016h.html#48 Why Can't You Buy z Mainframe Services from Amazon Cloud Services?
2016h.html#47 Why Can't You Buy z Mainframe Services from Amazon Cloud Services?
2016g.html#61 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016g.html#45 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016f.html#89 Why the cloud is bad news for Cisco, Dell, and HP
2016f.html#77 Why the cloud is bad news for Cisco, Dell, and HP
2016f.html#62 remote system support (i.e. the data center is 2 states away from you)
2016e.html#90 Google and Facebook put their fierce rivalry aside to save money in this key area
2016e.html#50 China takes the lead in supercomputing while America sleeps
2016c.html#61 Can commodity hardware actually emulate the power of a mainframe?
2016c.html#24 CeBIT and mainframes
2016b.html#104 You count as an old-timer if (was Re: Origin of the phrase "XYZZY")
2016b.html#93 Google joins Facebook's game-changing project that's eating the $140 billion hardware market
2016b.html#57 Introducing the New z13s: Tim's Hardware Highlights
2015g.html#93 HP being sued, not by IBM.....yet!
2015g.html#83 Term "Open Systems" (as Sometimes Currently Used) is Dead -- Who's with Me?
2015g.html#19 Linux Foundation Launches Open Mainframe Project
2015g.html#18 Miniskirts and mainframes
2015f.html#93 Miniskirts and mainframes
2015f.html#83 Miniskirts and mainframes
2015f.html#35 Moving to the Cloud
2015f.html#5 Can you have a robust IT system that needs experts to run it?
2015f.html#0 What are some of your thoughts on future of mainframe in terms of Big Data?
2015e.html#69 Cambridge's HPC-as-a-service for boffins, big and small
2015d.html#50 Western Union envisioned internet functionality
2015c.html#30 IBM Z13
2015b.html#57 Economics of Mainframe Technology
2015.html#82 Is there an Inventory of the Installed Mainframe Systems Worldwide
2015.html#78 Is there an Inventory of the Inalled Mainframe Systems Worldwide
2015.html#46 Why on Earth Is IBM Still Making Mainframes?
2015.html#35 [CM] IBM releases Z13 Mainframe - looks like Batman
2014m.html#170 IBM Continues To Crumble
2014m.html#166 Slushware
2014m.html#155 IBM Continues To Crumble
2014m.html#145 IBM Continues To Crumble
2014m.html#144 LEO
2014m.html#129 Is there an Inventory of the Installed Mainframe Systems Worldwide and or for Europe alone?
2014m.html#113 How Much Bandwidth do we have?
2014l.html#90 What's the difference between doing performance in a mainframe environment versus doing in others
2014l.html#56 This Chart From IBM Explains Why Cloud Computing Is Such A Game-Changer
2014l.html#0 HP splits, again
2014k.html#2 Flat (VSAM or other) files still in use?
2014j.html#87 Demonstrating Moore's law
2014j.html#20 Blinkenlights
2014i.html#5 "F[R]eebie" software
2014h.html#68 Over in the Mainframe Experts Network LinkedIn group
2014h.html#57 [CM] Mainframe tech is here to stay: just add innovation
2014h.html#46 Demonstrating Moore's law
2014h.html#33 Can Ginni really lead the company to the next great product line?
2014h.html#24 IBM Opens New SoftLayer Data Center In Hong Kong
2014h.html#21 Is end of mainframe near?
2014h.html#5 Demonstrating Moore's law
2014g.html#65 Is end of mainframe near ?
2014g.html#20 Is end of mainframe near ?
2014g.html#14 Is end of mainframe near ?
2014g.html#4 Is end of mainframe near ?
2014f.html#86 Is end of mainframe near ?
2014f.html#84 Is end of mainframe near ?
2014f.html#80 IBM Sales Fall Again, Pressuring Rometty's Profit Goal
2014f.html#69 Is end of mainframe near ?
2014f.html#53 IBM hopes new chip can turn the tables on Intel
2014e.html#13 The IBM Strategy
2014e.html#12 The IBM Strategy
2014e.html#8 The IBM Strategy
2014e.html#4 Can the mainframe remain relevant in the cloud and mobile era?
2014d.html#108 The IBM Strategy
2014c.html#22 US Federal Reserve pushes ahead with Faster Payments planning
2014b.html#72 How many EBCDIC machines are still around?
2014b.html#27 IBM sells x86 server business to Levono
2014b.html#4 IBM Plans Big Spending for the Cloud ($1.2B)
2014.html#97 Santa has a Mainframe!
2014.html#94 Santa has a Mainframe!
2014.html#23 Scary Sysprogs and educating those 'kids'

megadatacenter -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- before_2014 -- back to top/index

ibmdownfall postings (2014-2017)

-#- https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/john-boyd-ibm-wild-ducks-lynn-wheeler/ -#- https://people.cs.clemson.edu/~mark/acs_end.html -#- https://www.jfsowa.com/computer/memo125.htm -#- https://www.ecole.org/en/session/49-the-rise-and-fall-of-ibm -#- gerstner -#- pensions -#- stock.buyback -#-
2017k.html#50 Can anyone remember "drum" storage?
2017k.html#38 CMS style XMITMSG for Unix and other platforms
2017k.html#34 Bad History
2017k.html#23 little old mainframes, Re: Was it ever worth it?
2017k.html#8 IBM Mainframe
2017k.html#0 Data Breach Notification
2017j.html#107 The 1970s engineering recession
2017j.html#91 thrashing, was Re: A Computer That Never Was: the IBM 7095
2017j.html#89 The 1970s engineering recession
2017j.html#66 A Computer That Never Was: the IBM 7095
2017i.html#52 IBM Branch Offices: What They Were, How They Worked, 1920s-1980s
2017i.html#46 Temporary Data Sets
2017i.html#33 learning Unix, was progress in e-mail, such as AOL
2017i.html#10 The General Who Lost 2 Wars, Leaked Classified Information to His Lover--and Retired With a $220,000 Pension
2017h.html#96 computer component reliability, 1951
2017h.html#91 Trump's cybersecurity advisers resign en masse
2017h.html#80 The IBM Appeal - when is a pensions promise not a promise?
2017h.html#67 IBM: A History Of Progress, 1890s to 2001
2017h.html#21 IBM ... the rise and fall
2017g.html#107 Why IBM Should -- and Shouldn't -- Break Itself Up
2017g.html#105 Why IBM Should -- and Shouldn't -- Break Itself Up
2017g.html#101 SEX
2017g.html#84 Mannix "computer in a briefcase"
2017g.html#60 Mannix "computer in a briefcase"
2017g.html#56 What is the most epic computer glitch you have ever seen?
2017g.html#47 The rise and fall of IBM
2017g.html#39 360/95
2017g.html#18 BMC Software explores merger with CA
2017f.html#111 IBM downfall
2017f.html#110 IBM downfall
2017f.html#109 IBM downfall
2017f.html#101 Nice article about MF and Government
2017f.html#99 IBM downfall
2017f.html#96 IBM downfall
2017f.html#51 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#11 The Mainframe vs. the Server Farm: A Comparison
2017e.html#62 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#35 Mainframe Family tree and chronology 2
2017e.html#24 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#10 WD ships 'world's largest' 12TB HGST Ultrastar He12 Helium 7200 RPM Enterprise HDDs
2017d.html#43 The Pentagon still uses computer software from 1958 to manage its contracts
2017d.html#32 The very beginning of TCP/IP
2017d.html#25 ARM Cortex A53 64 bit
2017d.html#19 Mainframes are used increasingly by major banks and financial institutions
2017d.html#18 IBM Pension
2017d.html#9 Which States Account for Our Trade Deficit with Mexico?
2017d.html#6 ComputerWorld Says: Cobol plays major role in U.S. government breaches
2017d.html#5 IBM's core business
2017c.html#85 Great mainframe history(?)
2017c.html#84 Great mainframe history(?)
2017c.html#81 GREAT presentation on the history of the mainframe
2017c.html#80 Great mainframe history(?)
2017c.html#63 The ICL 2900
2017c.html#58 The ICL 2900
2017c.html#55 The ICL 2900
2017c.html#34 CBS News: WikiLeaks claims to release thousands of CIA documents of computer activity
2017c.html#26 Multitasking, together with OS operations
2017b.html#67 Zero-copy write on modern motherboards
2017b.html#17 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017b.html#16 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017.html#86 The ICL 2900
2017.html#85 The ICL 2900
2017.html#84 The ICL 2900
2017.html#82 The ICL 2900
2017.html#81 The ICL 2900
2017.html#69 How Private Equity Firms are Designed to Earn Big While Risking Little of Their Own
2017.html#62 Big Shrink to "Hire" 25,000 in the US, as Layoffs Pile Up
2017.html#9 Some IBM History
2017.html#3 Is multiprocessing better then multithreading?
2016h.html#98 A Christmassy PL/I tale
2016h.html#75 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016h.html#72 Why Can't You Buy z Mainframe Services from Amazon Cloud Services?
2016h.html#71 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016h.html#48 Why Can't You Buy z Mainframe Services from Amazon Cloud Services?
2016h.html#45 Resurrected! Paul Allen's tech team brings 50-year-old supercomputer back from the dead
2016h.html#44 Resurrected! Paul Allen's tech team brings 50-year-old supercomputer back from the dead
2016h.html#30 IBM project discussions
2016h.html#17 Destination z article: Lessons Learned
2016h.html#7 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016g.html#81 IBM Sells Somers Site for $31.75 million
2016g.html#71 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016g.html#20 How to Fix IBM
2016f.html#83 IBM's Gerstner to Join Carlyle As Investment Firm's Chairman
2016f.html#29 Samsung's million-IOPS, 6.4TB, 64Gb/s SSD is ... well, quite something
2016f.html#26 British socialism / anti-trust
2016e.html#108 Some (IBM-related) History
2016e.html#97 IBM History
2016e.html#88 E.R. Burroughs
2016e.html#65 Dinosaurisation of we oldies?
2016e.html#60 Honeywell 200
2016e.html#41 How the internet was invented
2016e.html#37 How the internet was invented
2016e.html#14 Leaked IBM email says cutting 'redundant' jobs is a 'permanent and ongoing' part of its business model
2016d.html#97 Is it a lost cause?
2016d.html#89 China builds world's most powerful computer
2016d.html#84 The mainframe is dead. Long live the mainframe!
2016d.html#76 IBM plans for the future - an imaginary tale
2016d.html#48 PL/I advertising
2016d.html#42 Old Computing
2016d.html#41 PL/I advertising
2016d.html#19 Banking; The Book That Will Save Banking From Itself
2016c.html#43 All is Lost At IBM
2016c.html#23 How Generation Y is paying the price for baby boomer pensions
2016c.html#21 Globalization Worker Negotiation
2016c.html#10 You count as an old-timer if (was Re: Origin of the phrase "XYZZY")
2016c.html#5 You count as an old-timer if (was Re: Origin of the phrase "XYZZY")
2016c.html#3 You count as an old-timer if (was Re: Origin of the phrase "XYZZY")
2016b.html#109 Bimodal Distribution
2016b.html#100 Ray Tomlinson, inventor of modern email, dies
2016b.html#77 Qbasic - lies about Medicare
2016b.html#75 Another Private-Equity LBO Queen Bites the Dust
2016b.html#72 Qbasic
2016b.html#61 Qbasic
2016b.html#33 IBM's 3033; "The Big One": IBM's 3033
2016b.html#23 IBM's 3033; "The Big One": IBM's 3033
2016b.html#4 Cyberdumb
2016.html#94 Thanks Obama
2016.html#76 Pentagon to take over control of background investigation information
2016.html#41 1976 vs. 2016?
2016.html#33 IBM STRETCH repricing decision?
2016.html#2 History question - In what year did IBM first release its DF/DSS backup & restore product?
2015h.html#123 IBM retirement fund
2015h.html#110 Is there a source for detailed, instruction-level performance info?
2015h.html#103 Median Age of US Managers
2015h.html#94 Systems thinking--still in short supply
2015h.html#89 First Single-Chip Out-of-Order Microprocessor?
2015h.html#82 IBM Automatic (COBOL) Binary Optimizer Now Availabile
2015h.html#57 Gene Amhdahl Dies at 92
2015h.html#13 the legacy of Seymour Cray
2015h.html#6 1954 RAMAC Prototype
2015g.html#77 Term "Open Systems" (as Sometimes Currently Used) is Dead -- Who's with Me?
2015g.html#71 Ginni Rometty, Chairman, President and CEO, IBM
2015g.html#17 There's No Such Thing as Corporate DNA
2015f.html#36 Eric Holder, Wall Street Double Agent, Comes in From the Cold
2015f.html#25 Gerstner after IBM becomes Carlyle chairman
2015f.html#23 A Modest Proposal (for avoiding OOO)
2015f.html#3 Credit card fraud solution coming to America...finally
2015e.html#78 Fed agency blames giant hack on 'neglected' security system
2015e.html#70 Encryption "would not have helped" at OPM, says DHS official
2015e.html#68 A Modest Proposal (for avoiding OOO)
2015e.html#47 GRS Control Unit ( Was IBM mainframe operations in the 80s)
2015e.html#20 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015d.html#79 Greedy Banks Nailed With $5 BILLION+ Fine For Fraud And Corruption
2015d.html#64 Western Union envisioned internet functionality
2015d.html#63 Western Union envisioned internet functionality
2015d.html#49 Western Union envisioned internet functionality
2015d.html#46 Remember 3277?
2015d.html#43 Western Union envisioned internet functionality
2015d.html#42 Remember 3277?
2015d.html#40 Remember 3277?
2015d.html#14 3033 & 3081 question
2015c.html#91 Critique of System/360, 1967
2015c.html#69 A New Performance Model ?
2015c.html#34 30 yr old email
2015c.html#32 PEU Report: Obama's Intelligence Oversight Board a Corporate Lot
2015c.html#26 OT: Digital? Cloud? Modern And Cost-Effective? Surprise! It's The Mainframe - Forbes
2015c.html#15 Retirement Heist
2015b.html#61 ou sont les VAXen d'antan, was Variable-Length Instructions that aren't
2015b.html#51 bloomberg article on ASG and Chpater 11
2015.html#81 Ginni gets bonus, plus raise, and extra incentives
2015.html#27 Webcasts - New Technology for System z
2015.html#21 IBM ushers in BIGGEST EVER re-org for the cloud era, say insiders
2015.html#0 LEO
2014m.html#170 IBM Continues To Crumble
2014m.html#164 Slushware
2014m.html#162 LEO
2014m.html#155 IBM Continues To Crumble
2014m.html#143 LEO
2014m.html#140 IBM Continues To Crumble
2014m.html#131 Memo To WSJ: The CRomnibus Abomination Was Not "A Rare Bipartisan Success"
2014m.html#109 high end, was IBM 360/85 vs. 370/165
2014m.html#105 IBM 360/85 vs. 370/165
2014m.html#98 Why has human progress ground to a halt?
2014m.html#90 Is IBM Suddenly Vulnerable To A Takeover?
2014m.html#74 SD?
2014m.html#65 Decimation of the valuation of IBM
2014m.html#59 Why you need batch cloud computing
2014m.html#25 Microsoft Open Sources .NET, Saying It Will Run on Linux and Mac
2014l.html#50 IBM's Ginni Rometty Just Confessed To A Huge Failure -- It Might Be The Best Thing For The Company
2014l.html#41 Could this be the wrongest prediction of all time?
2014k.html#28 1950: Northrop's Digital Differential Analyzer
2014k.html#15 MVS
2014j.html#100 No Internet. No Microsoft Windows. No iPods. This Is What Tech Was Like In 1984
2014j.html#93 Demonstrating Moore's law
2014j.html#66 No Internet. No Microsoft Windows. No iPods. This Is What Tech Was Like In 1984
2014j.html#51 Is coding the new literacy?
2014j.html#38 Meet Cobol's hard core fans
2014j.html#32 Univac 90 series info posted on bitsavers
2014j.html#19 DG Nova 1200 as console
2014i.html#97 The SDS 92, its place in history?
2014i.html#87 IBM Programmer Aptitude Test
2014i.html#69 IBM Programmer Aptitude Test
2014i.html#58 How Comp-Sci went from passing fad to must have major
2014i.html#37 Sale receipt--obligatory?
2014h.html#80 The Tragedy of Rapid Evolution?
2014h.html#79 EBFAS
2014h.html#68 Over in the Mainframe Experts Network LinkedIn group
2014h.html#65 Are you tired of the negative comments about IBM in this community?
2014h.html#6 Demonstrating Moore's law
2014h.html#4 Demonstrating Moore's law
2014g.html#111 The Decline and Fall of IBM
2014g.html#14 Is end of mainframe near ?
2014g.html#11 DEC Technical Journal on Bitsavers
2014g.html#4 Is end of mainframe near ?
2014f.html#78 Over in the Mainframe Experts Network LinkedIn group
2014f.html#75 Is end of mainframe near ?
2014f.html#74 Is end of mainframe near ?
2014f.html#73 Is end of mainframe near ?
2014f.html#67 Is end of mainframe near ?
2014f.html#54 IBM Sales Fall Again, Pressuring Rometty's Profit Goal
2014f.html#21 Complete 360 and 370 systems found
2014e.html#51 The mainframe turns 50, or, why the IBM System/360 launch was the dawn of enterprise IT
2014e.html#29 The mainframe turns 50, or, why the IBM System/360 launch was the dawn of enterprise IT
2014e.html#26 23Jun1969 Unbundling Announcement
2014e.html#22 23Jun1969 Unbundling Announcement
2014e.html#15 Last Gasp for Hard Disk Drives
2014e.html#7 Last Gasp for Hard Disk Drives
2014d.html#81 Eisenhower's military-industrial warning rings truer than ever
2014d.html#70 Last Gasp For Hard Disk Drives
2014d.html#55 Difference between MVS and z / OS systems
2014d.html#50 Can we logon to TSO witout having TN3270 up ?
2014d.html#28 Write Inhibit
2014d.html#21 Write Inhibit
2014d.html#16 [OT ] Mainframe memories
2014d.html#8 Microsoft culture must change, chairman says
2014c.html#94 Optimization, CPU time, and related issues
2014c.html#93 Curious observation: lack of a simple optimization in a C program
2014c.html#69 IBM layoffs strike first in India; workers describe cuts as 'slaughter' and 'massive'
2014c.html#64 Optimization, CPU time, and related issues
2014c.html#55 Maximizing shareholder value: The goal that changed corporate America
2014c.html#24 IBM sells Intel server business, company is doomed
2014b.html#101 Defense Department Needs to Act Like IBM to Save Itself
2014b.html#93 Maximizing shareholder value: The Goal that changed corporate America
2014b.html#83 CPU time
2014b.html#81 CPU time
2014b.html#70 Salesmen--IBM and Coca Cola
2014b.html#44 Resistance to Java
2014b.html#15 Quixotically on-topic post, still on topic
2014.html#99 the suckage of MS-DOS, was Re: 'Free Unix!
2014.html#97 Santa has a Mainframe!
2014.html#62 Imprecise Interrupts and the 360/195
2014.html#48 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014.html#47 McCain: Send Petraeus back to Iraq

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