Collected Postings

2023- Collected Postings, 2016-2022 Collected Postings, 2013-2015 Collected Postings, 2011-2012 Collected Postings, 2009-2010 Collected Postings, 2007-2008 Collected Postings, 2005-2006 Collected Postings, 2003-2004 Collected Postings, 2001-2002 Collected Postings, 1993-2000 Collected Postings,
Misc. Topic Organization -- Internet History Postings -- Old Email Index

Postings by various subjects

Misc. subthreads:
Memory Mapping & File System
Backup, storage management
Benchmarking, workload profile, capacity planning
Future system
Problem determination, zombies, dump readers
System/R, SQL/DS, misc RDBMS
Location/address independent code
Misc. commercial time-sharing
peer-coupled shared data
GML origin at science center
misc VAMPS and/or bounce lock
continuous availability, disaster survivability, geographic survivability
mentioning HASP
IBM DASD, CKD, FBA, vtocs, multi-track search, etc
BDAM and/or CICS
Unbundling and charging for software
First 360 PCM/OEM Controller
360/370 m'code
Other threads:
Misc. 545 Tech Sq and Cambridge Science Center
Disk Engineering
Performance and/or Scheduling
Cluster, High Availability and/or Loosely-Coupled
APL and/or HONE
Multiprocessor, tightly-coupled, SMP, compare&swap
Working Set, LRU, WSClock Page Replacement Algorithm
801 &/or ROMP

Memory Mapping & File System

2025.html#114 IBM 370 Virtual Memory
2025.html#66 Multics vs Unix
2025.html#45 Multics vs Unix
2025.html#38 Multics vs Unix
2025.html#22 IBM Future System
2024g.html#91 CP/67 Multics vs Unix
2024g.html#35 IBM and Amdahl history (Re: What is an N-bit machine?)
2024f.html#29 IBM 370 Virtual memory
2024f.html#25 Future System, Single-Level-Store, S/38
2024f.html#23 Future System, Single-Level-Store, S/38
2024e.html#75 IBM San Jose
2024e.html#68 The IBM Way by Buck Rogers
2024d.html#34 ancient OS history, ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360
2024d.html#29 Future System and S/38
2024d.html#1 time-sharing history, Privilege Levels Below User
2024c.html#97 Virtual Memory Paging
2024c.html#40 CMS RED, XEDIT, IOS3270, FULIST, BROWSE
2024b.html#93 PC370
2024b.html#69 3270s For Management
2024b.html#18 IBM 5100
2024b.html#16 IBM 5100
2024.html#103 Multicians
2024.html#27 HASP, ASP, JES2, JES3
2023g.html#98 Shared Memory Feature
2023g.html#92 Shared Memory Feature
2023g.html#89 Shared Memory Feature
2023g.html#86 Shared Memory Feature
2023g.html#60 PDS Directory Multi-track Search
2023g.html#3 Vintage Future System
2023g.html#1 Vintage TSS/360
2023f.html#99 Vintage S/38
2023f.html#93 CSC, HONE, 23Jun69 Unbundling, Future System
2023f.html#65 Vintage TSS/360
2023f.html#56 The Most Important Computer You've Never Heard Of
2023e.html#48 VM370/CMS Shared Segments
2023d.html#100 IBM 3083
2023b.html#80 IBM 158-3 (& 4341)
2023b.html#49 CP67 "IPL-by-name"
2023b.html#6 z/VM 50th - part 7
2023b.html#0 IBM 370
2023.html#45 IBM 3081 TCM
2022h.html#44 360/85
2022h.html#27 370 virtual memory
2022f.html#44 z/VM 50th
2022e.html#56 Channel Program I/O Processing Efficiency
2022e.html#27 IBM "nine-net"
2022e.html#10 VM/370 Going Away
2022e.html#7 RED and XEDIT fullscreen editors
2022d.html#94 Operating System File/Dataset I/O
2022c.html#65 IBM Mainframe market was Re: Approximate reciprocals
2022b.html#54 IBM History
2022.html#89 165/168/3033 & 370 virtual memory
2022.html#85 HSDT SFS (spool file rewrite)
2022.html#65 CMSBACK
2022.html#61 File Backup
2022.html#41 370/195
2022.html#8 DEC VAX, VAX/Cluster and HA/CMP
2021k.html#132 IBM Clone Controllers
2021k.html#43 Transaction Memory
2021i.html#41 not a 360 either, was Design a better 16 or 32 bit processor
2021h.html#88 CMSBACK, ADSM, TSM
2021h.html#54 PROFS
2021h.html#48 Dynamic Adaptive Resource Management
2021g.html#34 IBM Fan-fold cards
2021g.html#30 Execute and IBM history, not Sequencer vs microcode
2021g.html#25 Execute and IBM history, not Sequencer vs microcode
2021e.html#65 SHARE (& GUIDE)
2021e.html#25 rather far from Univac 90/30 DIAG instruction
2021d.html#39 IBM 370/155
2021d.html#38 April 7, 1964: IBM Bets Big on System/360
2021c.html#16 IBM Wild Ducks
2020.html#32 IBM TSS
2020.html#30 Main memory as an I/O device
2019e.html#108 Dyanmic Adaptive Resource Manager
2019c.html#70 2301, 2303, 2305-1, 2305-2, paging, etc
2019b.html#14 Tandem Memo
2019b.html#5 Oct1986 IBM user group SEAS history presentation
2019b.html#4 Oct1986 IBM user group SEAS history presentation
2018e.html#95 The (broken) economics of OSS
2018c.html#70 Quantity of machine code programmers and quantity of Assembly programmers
2018.html#38 thrashing, was Re: A Computer That Never Was: the IBM 7095
2017j.html#95 why VM, was thrashing
2017j.html#90 thrashing, was Re: A Computer That Never Was: the IBM 7095
2017j.html#88 Ferranti Atlas paging
2017j.html#79 thrashing, was Re: A Computer That Never Was: the IBM 7095
2017j.html#34 Tech: we didn't mean for it to turn out like this
2017g.html#102 SEX
2017g.html#56 What is the most epic computer glitch you have ever seen?
2017f.html#87 How a few yellow dots burned the Intercept's NSA leaker
2017f.html#39 MVS vs HASP vs JES (was 2821)
2017e.html#3 TSS/8, was A Whirlwind History of the Computer
2017c.html#60 [EXTERNAL] ComputerWorld Says: Cobol plays major role in U.S. government breaches
2016h.html#101 Multitasking question
2016e.html#115 IBM History
2016c.html#12 You count as an old-timer if (was Re: Origin of the phrase "XYZZY")
2016b.html#112 You count as an old-timer if (was Re: Origin of the phrase "XYZZY")
2015h.html#93 OT: Electrician cuts wrong wire and downs 25,000 square foot data centre
2015h.html#59 IMPI (System/38 / AS/400 historical)
2015g.html#0 Miniskirts and mainframes
2015e.html#18 June 1985 email
2015d.html#3 30 yr old email
2015b.html#60 ou sont les VAXen d'antan, was Variable-Length Instructions that aren't
2015b.html#10 Oracle Sparc M7
2014m.html#115 Mill Computing talk in Estonia on 12/10/2104
2014k.html#77 Bell Picturephone--early business application experiments
2014k.html#73 Bell Picturephone--early business application experiments
2014k.html#48 1950: Northrop's Digital Differential Analyzer
2014k.html#39 1950: Northrop's Digital Differential Analyzer
2014k.html#36 1950: Northrop's Digital Differential Analyzer
2014k.html#34 1950: Northrop's Digital Differential Analyzer
2014k.html#31 1950: Northrop's Digital Differential Analyzer
2014k.html#30 1950: Northrop's Digital Differential Analyzer
2014i.html#88 z/OS physical memory usage with multiple copies of same load module at different virtual addresses
2014i.html#86 z/OS physical memory usage with multiple copies of same load module at different virtual addresses
2014i.html#85 z/OS physical memory usage with multiple copies of same load module at different virtual addresses
2014i.html#82 z/OS physical memory usage with multiple copies of same load module at different virtual addresses
2014i.html#71 z/OS physical memory usage with multiple copies of same load module at different virtual addresses
2014i.html#69 IBM Programmer Aptitude Test
2014i.html#66 z/OS physical memory usage with multiple copies of same load module at different virtual addresses
2014g.html#97 IBM architecture, was Fifty Years of nitpicking definitions, was BASIC,theProgrammingLanguageT
2014g.html#96 IBM architecture, was Fifty Years of nitpicking definitions, was BASIC,theProgrammingLanguageT
2014g.html#91 Fifty Years of nitpicking definitions, was BASIC,theProgrammingLanguageT
2014g.html#88 Fifty Years of nitpicking definitions, was BASIC,theProgrammingLanguageT
2014g.html#86 Fifty Years of nitpicking definitions, was BASIC,theProgrammingLanguageT
2014g.html#74 Fifty Years of nitpicking definitions, was BASIC,theProgrammingLanguageT
2014e.html#50 The mainframe turns 50, or, why the IBM System/360 launch was the dawn of enterprise IT
2014e.html#22 23Jun1969 Unbundling Announcement
2014d.html#59 Difference between MVS and z / OS systems
2014d.html#30 [OT ] Mainframe memories
2014d.html#27 [OT ] Mainframe memories
2014d.html#25 Mainframe memories
2014c.html#74 assembler
2014b.html#68 Salesmen--IBM and Coca Cola
2014.html#33 Warnings for the U.S. military about innovation and the information age: The Pentagon looks like a minicomputer firm
2013n.html#24 Aging Sysprogs = Aging Farmers
2013m.html#60 Open source software
2013m.html#50 Open source software
2013i.html#31 DRAM is the new Bulk Core
2013h.html#47 Storage paradigm [was: RE: Data volumes]
2013h.html#45 Storage paradigm [was: RE: Data volumes]
2013h.html#32 Getting at the original command name/line
2013h.html#16 How about the old mainframe error messages that actually give you a clue about what's broken
2013g.html#15 What Makes code storage management so cool?
2013c.html#71 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013c.html#32 REFRPROT History Question
2013c.html#31 REFRPROT History Question
2013.html#65 what makes a computer architect great?
2013.html#63 what makes a computer architect great?
2012o.html#66 ISO documentation of IBM 3375, 3380 and 3390 track format
2012o.html#43 Regarding Time Sharing
2012o.html#34 Regarding Time Sharing
2012n.html#35 390 vector instruction set reuse, was 8-bit bytes
2012m.html#16 ibm
2012l.html#75 PDP-10 system calls, was 1132 printer history
2012l.html#26 PDP-10 system calls, was 1132 printer history
2012k.html#50 1132 printer history
2012h.html#66 How will mainframers retiring be different from Y2K?
2012g.html#23 VM Workshop 2012
2012f.html#50 SIE - CompArch
2012f.html#40 STSC Story
2012f.html#29 which one came first
2012f.html#28 which one came first
2012b.html#4 CSC History
2012.html#14 HONE
2011p.html#112 SPF in 1978
2011p.html#48 Hello?
2011o.html#8 John R. Opel, RIP
2011m.html#64 JCL CROSS-REFERENCE Utilities (OT for Paul, Rick, and Shmuel)
2011m.html#34 CMS load module format
2011l.html#11 segments and sharing, was 68000 assembly language programming
2011l.html#6 segments and sharing, was 68000 assembly language programming
2011h.html#70 IBM Mainframe (1980's) on You tube
2011h.html#34 Happy 100th Birthday, IBM!
2011f.html#79 DCSS ... when shared segments were implemented in VM
2011f.html#76 PIC code, RISC versus CISC
2011f.html#71 how to get a command result without writing it to a file
2011f.html#67 Old email from spring 1985
2011e.html#72 Collection of APL documents
2011e.html#12 Multiple Virtual Memory
2011e.html#10 Multiple Virtual Memory
2011e.html#1 Multiple Virtual Memory
2011d.html#71 Multiple Virtual Memory
2011c.html#14 If IBM Hadn't Bet the Company
2011c.html#12 If IBM Hadn't Bet the Company
2011c.html#6 Other early NSFNET backbone
2011b.html#62 vm/370 3081
2011b.html#20 A brief history of CMS/XA, part 1
2011b.html#19 A brief history of CMS/XA, part 1
2011.html#74 shared code, was Speed of Old Hard Disks - adcons
2011.html#72 Speed of Old Hard Disks
2011.html#28 Personal histories and IBM computing
2011.html#21 zLinux OR Linux on zEnterprise Blade Extension???
2011.html#14 IBM Future System
2010p.html#37 Language first, hardware second
2010n.html#62 When will MVS be able to use cheap dasd
2010m.html#1 History of Hard-coded Offsets
2010l.html#75 Location of first programmable computer
2010l.html#20 Old EMAIL Index
2010l.html#19 Old EMAIL Index
2010k.html#35 Was VM ever used as an exokernel?
2010j.html#38 Information on obscure text editors wanted
2010g.html#67 Interesting presentation
2010f.html#11 IBM And Microsoft Clash Over Unbundling Policy
2010f.html#10 What was the historical price of a P/390?
2010e.html#25 HONE Compute Intensive
2010e.html#21 paged-access method
2010d.html#70 LPARs: More or Less?
2010c.html#46 Mythical computers and magazine reviews
2010c.html#36 Processes' memory
2010c.html#14 Processes' memory
2010c.html#5 Processes' memory
2010.html#46 locate mode, was Happy DEC-10 Day
2010.html#42 Happy DEC-10 Day
2009r.html#68 360 programs on a z/10
2009q.html#66 spool file data
2009q.html#19 Mainframe running 1,500 Linux servers?
2009o.html#12 Calling ::routines in oorexx 4.0
2009k.html#68 And, 40 years of IBM midrange
2009k.html#65 Java question
2009j.html#77 More named/shared systems
2009j.html#73 DCSS ... when shared segments were implemented in VM
2009j.html#67 DCSS
2009h.html#72 Operating Systems for Virtual Machines
2009h.html#63 Operating Systems for Virtual Machines
2009e.html#55 Gone but not forgotten: 10 operating systems the world left behind
2009e.html#44 Architectural Diversity
2009e.html#39 Gone but not forgotten: 10 operating systems the world left behind
2009e.html#34 Gone but not forgotten: 10 operating systems the world left behind
2009e.html#14 Future System
2009c.html#54 THE runs in DOS box?
2009.html#17 Magnetic tape storage
2008s.html#56 Computer History Museum
2008s.html#39 The Internet's 100 Oldest Dot-Com Domains
2008r.html#21 What if the computers went back to the '70s too?
2008o.html#55 Virtual
2008o.html#50 Old XDS Sigma stuff
2008j.html#1 OS X Finder windows vs terminal window weirdness
2008i.html#79 OS X Finder windows vs terminal window weirdness
2008h.html#79 Microsoft versus Digital Equipment Corporation
2008h.html#76 Microsoft versus Digital Equipment Corporation
2008h.html#73 Microsoft versus Digital Equipment Corporation
2008g.html#22 Was CMS multi-tasking?
2007u.html#83 IBM mainframe history, was Floating-point myths
2007u.html#81 IBM mainframe history, was Floating-point myths
2007t.html#72 Remembering the CDC 6600
2007r.html#67 CSA 'above the bar'
2007r.html#62 CSA 'above the bar'
2007o.html#48 Virtual Storage implementation
2007l.html#61 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007l.html#49 Drums: Memory or Peripheral?
2007j.html#43 z/VM usability
2007j.html#41 z/VM usability
2007g.html#66 Memory Mapped Vs I/O Mapped Vs others
2007g.html#14 ISPF not productive
2007f.html#33 Historical curiosity question
2007f.html#14 more shared segment archeology
2007e.html#17 A way to speed up level 1 caches
2007d.html#23 How many 36-bit Unix ports in the old days?
2007d.html#7 Has anyone ever used self-modifying microcode? Would it even be useful?
2007c.html#23 How many 36-bit Unix ports in the old days?
2006y.html#35 The Future of CPUs: What's After Multi-Core?
2006y.html#26 moving on
2006y.html#20 moving on
2006x.html#26 Multiple mappings
2006w.html#25 To RISC or not to RISC
2006w.html#11 long ago and far away, vm370 from early/mid 70s
2006w.html#9 dcss and page mapped filesystem
2006w.html#8 Why these original FORTRAN quirks?
2006w.html#7 Why these original FORTRAN quirks?
2006v.html#36 Why these original FORTRAN quirks?
2006v.html#0 Why these original FORTRAN quirks?
2006u.html#61 Why these original FORTRAN quirks?
2006u.html#60 Why these original FORTRAN quirks?
2006u.html#54 Why these original FORTRAN quirks?
2006u.html#26 Assembler question
2006t.html#39 Why these original FORTRAN quirks?
2006t.html#24 CMSBACK
2006s.html#61 Is the teaching of non-reentrant HLASM coding practices ever defensible?
2006s.html#25 VM SPOOL question
2006s.html#17 bandwidth of a swallow (was: Real core)
2006r.html#23 50th Anniversary of invention of disk drives
2006r.html#3 Trying to design low level hard disk manipulation program
2006q.html#27 dcss and page mapped filesystem
2006p.html#39 "25th Anniversary of the Personal Computer"
2006o.html#64 The Fate of VM - was: Re: Baby MVS???
2006o.html#53 The Fate of VM - was: Re: Baby MVS???
2006m.html#56 DCSS
2006m.html#54 DCSS
2006m.html#53 DCSS
2006m.html#30 Old Hashing Routine
2006k.html#14 The Pankian Metaphor
2006j.html#38 The Pankian Metaphor
2006j.html#36 The Pankian Metaphor
2006j.html#3 virtual memory
2006j.html#2 virtual memory
2006i.html#43 virtual memory
2006i.html#23 Virtual memory implementation in S/370
2006f.html#2 using 3390 mod-9s
2006d.html#20 Statistics on program constant sizes?
2006.html#31 Is VIO mandatory?
2006.html#25 DCSS as SWAP disk for z/Linux
2006.html#19 DCSS as SWAP disk for z/Linux
2006.html#18 DCSS as SWAP disk for z/Linux
2006.html#17 DCSS as SWAP disk for z/Linux
2006.html#13 VM maclib reference
2006.html#10 How to restore VMFPLC dumped files on z/VM V5.1
2006.html#2 Average Seek times are pretty confusing
2005t.html#39 FULIST
2005t.html#8 2nd level install - duplicate volsers
2005s.html#41 Random Access Tape?
2005s.html#28 MVCIN instruction
2005s.html#26 IEH/IEB/... names?
2005s.html#25 MVCIN instruction
2005s.html#22 MVCIN instruction
2005p.html#42 VMFPLC2 to load EREP PTFs
2005p.html#3 What ever happened to Tandem and NonStop OS ?
2005n.html#36 Code density and performance?
2005n.html#35 PART 3. Why it seems difficult to make an OOO VAX competitive
2005n.html#31 Code density and performance?
2005k.html#47 Performance and Capacity Planning
2005j.html#56 Q ALLOC PAGE vs. CP Q ALLOC vs ESAMAP
2005j.html#55 Q ALLOC PAGE vs. CP Q ALLOC vs ESAMAP
2005j.html#54 Q ALLOC PAGE vs. CP Q ALLOC vs ESAMAP
2005g.html#30 Moving assembler programs above the line
2005f.html#45 Moving assembler programs above the line
2005e.html#53 System/360; Hardwired vs. Microcoded
2005d.html#38 Thou shalt have no other gods before the ANSI C standard
2005c.html#18 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2005b.html#50 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2005b.html#11 Relocating application architecture and compiler support
2005b.html#9 Relocating application architecture and compiler support
2005b.html#8 Relocating application architecture and compiler support
2004q.html#72 IUCV in VM/CMS
2004p.html#11 History of C
2004p.html#8 vm/370 smp support and shared segment protection hack
2004p.html#3 History of C
2004o.html#45 Integer types for 128-bit addressing
2004o.html#21 Integer types for 128-bit addressing
2004o.html#11 Integer types for 128-bit addressing
2004o.html#9 Integer types for 128-bit addressing
2004o.html#7 Integer types for 128-bit addressing
2004o.html#4 Integer types for 128-bit addressing
2004o.html#2 Integer types for 128-bit addressing
2004n.html#55 Integer types for 128-bit addressing
2004m.html#58 Shipwrecks
2004m.html#11 Whatever happened to IBM's VM PC software?
2004m.html#7 Whatever happened to IBM's VM PC software?
2004l.html#6 Xah Lee's Unixism
2004g.html#42 command line switches [Re: [REALLY OT!] Overuse of symbolic constants]
2004f.html#55 Infiniband - practicalities for small clusters
2004f.html#51 before execution does it require whole program 2 b loaded in
2004f.html#43 can a program be run withour main memory ?
2004f.html#41 Infiniband - practicalities for small clusters
2004f.html#26 command line switches [Re: [REALLY OT!] Overuse of symbolic
2004f.html#23 command line switches [Re: [REALLY OT!] Overuse of symbolic
2004d.html#66 System/360 40 years old today
2004d.html#5 IBM 360 memory
2004d.html#3 IBM 360 memory
2004d.html#0 IBM 360 memory
2003o.html#47 Funny Micro$oft patent
2003o.html#42 misc. dmksnt
2003n.html#45 hung/zombie users ... long boring, wandering story
2003n.html#33 Cray to commercialize Red Storm
2003n.html#5 "Personal Computer" Re: Why haven't the email bobmers been shut down
2003k.html#63 SPXTAPE status from REXX
2003g.html#27 SYSPROF and the 190 disk
2003f.html#32 Alpha performance, why?
2003f.html#20 Alpha performance, why?
2003f.html#10 Alpha performance, why?
2003f.html#4 Alpha performance, why?
2003f.html#3 Alpha performance, why?
2003e.html#56 Reviving Multics
2003e.html#12 Resolved: There Are No Programs With >32 Bits of Text
2003b.html#44 filesystem structure, was tape format (long post)
2003b.html#43 VMFPLC2 tape format
2003b.html#33 dasd full cylinder transfer (long post warning)
2003.html#15 rebirth
2003.html#6 rebirth
2002q.html#25 Beyond 8+3
2002q.html#21 Beyond 8+3
2002q.html#1 Linux paging
2002o.html#25 Early computer games
2002l.html#36 Do any architectures use instruction count instead of timer
2002j.html#27 Unisys A11 worth keeping?
2002f.html#50 Blade architectures
2002f.html#49 Blade architectures
2002f.html#44 Blade architectures
2002f.html#42 Blade architectures
2002f.html#41 Blade architectures
2002f.html#16 Blade architectures
2001n.html#26 Open Architectures?
2001m.html#25 ESCON Data Transfer Rate
2001i.html#39 IBM OS Timeline?
2001i.html#20 Very CISC Instuctions (Was: why the machine word size ...)
2001f.html#48 any 70's era supercomputers that ran as slow as today's supercomputers?
2001f.html#9 Theo Alkema
2001d.html#77 Pentium 4 Prefetch engine?
2001c.html#89 database (or b-tree) page sizes
2001c.html#48 database (or b-tree) page sizes
2001c.html#13 LINUS for S/390
2001c.html#2 Z/90, S/390, 370/ESA (slightly off topic)
2001.html#63 Are the L1 and L2 caches flushed on a page fault?
2000f.html#70 TSS ancient history, was X86 ultimate CISC? designs
99.html#237 I can't believe this newsgroup still exists
96.html#19 IBM 4381 (finger-check)
94.html#46 Rethinking Virtual Memory
94.html#42 bloat
94.html#27 370 ECPS VM microcode assist
94.html#5 Schedulers
94.html#2 Schedulers
94.html#00 Big I/O or Kicking the Mainframe out the Door
93.html#31 Big I/O or Kicking the Mainframe out the Door
93.html#29 Log Structured filesystems -- think twice
93.html#26 MTS & LLMPS?

top , by subject : technology , networking , public key , integrity , Boyd - home

GML origin at science center

GML/SGML history, more, ditto

2025b.html#14 IBM Token-Ring
2025.html#116 CMS 3270 Multi-user SPACEWAR Game
2025.html#111 Computers, Online, And Internet Long Time Ago
2025.html#108 IBM 370 Virtual Storage
2025.html#104 Mainframe dumps and debugging
2025.html#83 Online Social Media
2025.html#54 Multics vs Unix
2025.html#5 Dataprocessing Innovation
2024g.html#111 Dataprocessing Innovation
2024g.html#108 IBM 370 Virtual Storage
2024g.html#73 Early Email
2024g.html#67 HTTP Error 522 and OS/360 Error 222
2024g.html#40 We all made IBM 'Great'
2024g.html#16 ARPANET And Science Center Network
2024g.html#13 ARPANET And Science Center Network
2024f.html#115 Internal network and "tele"
2024f.html#107 NSFnet
2024f.html#89 IBM Internal Network
2024f.html#75 Prodigy
2024f.html#71 IBM 2250 Hypertext Editing System
2024f.html#48 IBM Telecommunication Controllers
2024f.html#44 PROFS & VMSG
2024f.html#35 IBM Virtual Memory Global LRU
2024e.html#142 The joy of FORTRAN
2024e.html#136 HASP, JES2, NJE, VNET/RSCS
2024e.html#126 IBM 360/67 Blue Card
2024e.html#101 I learned the language of computer programming in my 50s - here's what I discovered
2024e.html#99 PROFS, SCRIPT, GML, Internal Network
2024e.html#95 RFC33 New HOST-HOST Protocol
2024e.html#82 The Internet's 100 Oldest Dot-Com Domains
2024e.html#45 Netscape
2024e.html#44 Netscape
2024e.html#25 VMNETMAP
2024d.html#111 GNOME bans Manjaro Core Team Member for uttering "Lunduke"
2024d.html#82 APL and REXX Programming Languages
2024d.html#74 Some Email History
2024d.html#68 ARPANET & IBM Internal Network
2024d.html#60 16June1911, IBM Incorporation Day
2024d.html#37 Chat Rooms and Social Media
2024d.html#19 IBM Internal Network
2024d.html#8 TCP/IP Protocol
2024c.html#111 Anyone here (on
2024c.html#57 IBM Mainframe, TCP/IP, Token-ring, Ethernet
2024c.html#30 GML and W3C
2024c.html#27 PDP1 Spacewar
2024c.html#22 FOILS
2024b.html#104 OSI: The Internet That Wasn't
2024b.html#99 OSI: The Internet That Wasn't
2024b.html#82 rusty iron why ``folklore''?
2024b.html#81 rusty iron why ``folklore''?
2024b.html#74 Internet DNS Trivia
2024b.html#33 Internet
2024b.html#32 HA/CMP
2024.html#110 IBM User Group SHARE
2024.html#100 Multicians
2024.html#65 IBM Mainframes and Education Infrastructure
2024.html#55 EARN 40th Anniversary Conference
2024.html#38 RS/6000 Mainframe
2024.html#31 MIT Area Computing
2024.html#21 1975: VM/370 and CMS Demo
2023g.html#39 Vintage Mainframe
2023g.html#24 Vintage ARPANET/Internet
2023f.html#92 CSC, HONE, 23Jun69 Unbundling, Future System
2023f.html#76 Vintage Mainframe DCF
2023f.html#35 Vintage IBM Mainframes & Minicomputers
2023f.html#8 Internet
2023f.html#4 GML/SGML separating content and format
2023e.html#86 Relational RDBMS
2023e.html#44 IBM 360/65 & 360/67 Multiprocessors
2023e.html#34 IBM 360/67
2023d.html#121 Science Center, SCRIPT, GML, SGML, HTML, RSCS/VNET
2023d.html#118 Science Center, SCRIPT, GML, SGML, HTML, RSCS/VNET
2023d.html#87 545tech sq, 3rd, 4th, & 5th flrs
2023d.html#79 IBM System/360 JCL
2023d.html#73 Some Virtual Machine History
2023d.html#62 Online Before The Cloud
2023d.html#29 IBM 3278
2023d.html#6 Failed Expectations: A Deep Dive Into the Internet's 40 Years of Evolution
2023c.html#78 IBM TLA
2023c.html#36 30 years ago, one decision altered the course of our connected world
2023c.html#7 IBM Downfall
2023.html#109 Early Webservers
2023.html#99 Online Computer Conferencing
2023.html#80 ASCII/TTY Terminal Support
2023.html#70 GML, SGML, & HTML
2023.html#67 IBM "Green Card"
2023.html#30 IBM Change
2023.html#24 IBM Punch Cards
2023.html#5 1403 printer
2022h.html#68 Fred P. Brooks, 1931-2022
2022g.html#56 Stanford SLAC (and BAYBUNCH)
2022g.html#54 Stanford SLAC (and BAYBUNCH)
2022f.html#69 360/67 & DUMPRX
2022f.html#50 z/VM 50th - part 3
2022f.html#23 1963 Timesharing: A Solution to Computer Bottlenecks
2022f.html#7 Vintage Computing
2022d.html#44 CMS Personal Computing Precursor
2022d.html#17 Computer Server Market
2022c.html#99 IBM Bookmaster, GML, SGML, HTML
2022c.html#27 IBM Cambridge Science Center
2022c.html#8 Cloud Timesharing
2022b.html#111 The Rise of DOS: How Microsoft Got the IBM PC OS Contract
2022b.html#22 IBM Cloud to offer Z-series mainframes for first time - albeit for test and dev
2022b.html#20 CP-67
2022.html#113 On the origin of the /text section/ for code
2022.html#111 On the origin of the /text section/ for code
2022.html#3 GML/SGML/HTML/Mosaic
2021h.html#81 Why the IBM PC Used an Intel 8088
2021h.html#52 PROFS
2021h.html#23 NOW the web is 30 years old: When Tim Berners-Lee switched on the first World Wide Web server
2021g.html#92 Was E-mail a Mistake? The mathematics of distributed systems suggests that meetings might be better
2021f.html#20 1401 MPIO
2021c.html#86 IBM SNA/VTAM (& HSDT)
2021c.html#48 MAINFRAME (4341) History
2021c.html#29 System/R, QBE, IMS, EAGLE, IDEA, DB2
2021b.html#37 HA/CMP Marketing
2021.html#69 OS/2
2021.html#25 IBM Acronyms
2020.html#35 Who introduced named files?
2019e.html#136 Half an operating system: The triumph and tragedy of OS/2
2019e.html#87 5 milestones that created the internet, 50 years after the first network message
2019d.html#6 Fernando Corbato, a Father of Your Computer (and Your Password), Dies at 93
2019c.html#90 DNS & other trivia
2019b.html#97 Journey from Idea to Practice: Internetworking and Protocols
2019b.html#96 Journey from Idea to Practice: Internetworking and Protocols
2019.html#74 21 random but totally appropriate ways to celebrate the World Wide Web's 30th birthday
2018e.html#53 Updated Green Card
2018e.html#21 Manned Orbiting Laboratory Declassified: Inside a US Military Space Station
2018e.html#20 Manned Orbiting Laboratory Declassified: Inside a US Military Space Station
2018c.html#15 Old word processors
2018b.html#94 Old word processors
2018b.html#46 Think you know web browsers? Take this quiz and prove it
2017k.html#69 IBM/PC
2017j.html#83 Ferranti Atlas paging
2017i.html#26 progress in e-mail, such as AOL
2017i.html#25 progress in e-mail, such as AOL
2017h.html#6 Initialized paged memory without a hard commit
2017g.html#69 48-year-old Multics Operating System Resurrected
2017g.html#68 MULTICS & VM370 History
2017g.html#46 Windows 10 Pro automatic update
2017g.html#38 The most important invention from every state
2017g.html#34 Programmers Who Use Spaces Paid More
2017f.html#105 The IBM 7094 and CTSS
2017f.html#93 Jean Sammet, Co-Designer of a Pioneering Computer Language, Dies at 89
2017e.html#35 Mainframe Family tree and chronology 2
2017e.html#14 The Geniuses that Anticipated the Idea of the Internet
2017e.html#11 The Geniuses that Anticipated the Idea of the Internet
2017d.html#53 ARM Cortex A53 64 bit
2016h.html#87 [CM] 40 years of man page history
2016f.html#42 Computers
2016e.html#124 Early Networking
2016e.html#34 How the internet was invented
2016e.html#32 How the internet was invented
2016d.html#76 IBM plans for the future - an imaginary tale
2016d.html#33 The Network Nation, Revised Edition
2016d.html#14 client/server & HTML
2015h.html#109 25 Years: How the Web began
2015h.html#108 25 Years: How the Web began
2015h.html#107 25 Years: How the Web began
2015g.html#98 PROFS & GML
2015f.html#79 Limit number of frames of real storage per job
2015f.html#50 The joy of simplicity?
2015e.html#8 New Line vs. Line Feed
2014l.html#14 Do we really need 64-bit addresses or is 48-bit enough?
2014k.html#48 1950: Northrop's Digital Differential Analyzer
2014h.html#60 The Tragedy of Rapid Evolution?
2014f.html#56 Fifty Years of BASIC, the Programming Language That Made Computers Personal
2014e.html#48 Before the Internet: The golden age of online service
2014e.html#3 IBM PCjr STRIPPED BARE: We tear down the machine Big Blue wouldrather you f
2014d.html#34 World Wide Web turns 25 years old
2014c.html#56 Computer Architecture Manuals - tools for writing and maintaining- state of the art?
2014.html#17 Literate JCL?
2013o.html#88 DCF on OS/2
2013o.html#84 The Mother of All Demos: The 1968 presentation that sparked atech revolutio
2013o.html#74 The Mother of All Demos: The 1968 presentation that sparked a tech revolution
2013o.html#21 CTSS DITTO
2013m.html#37 Why is the mainframe so expensive?
2013l.html#15 spacewar
2013h.html#51 Search for first Web page takes detour into US
2013g.html#32 The Vindication of Barb
2013f.html#70 How internet can evolve
2013f.html#45 Reports: IBM may sell x86 server business to Lenovo
2013e.html#0 What in your opinion is the one defining IBM product?
2013b.html#52 Article for the boss: COBOL will outlive us all
2013.html#72 IBM documentation - anybody know the current tool? (from Mislocated Doc thread)
2012p.html#22 What is a Mainframe?
2012p.html#7 Why former IBMers who left maybe years ago for any reason are still active on the Greater IBM Connection?
2012o.html#39 PC/mainframe browser(s) was Re: 360/20, was 1132 printer history
2012l.html#86 Etymology of APAR
2012l.html#22 "execs" or "scripts"
2012l.html#21 "execs" or "scripts"
2012l.html#15 "execs" or "scripts"
2012k.html#84 Did Bill Gates Steal the Heart of DOS?
2012j.html#83 Gordon Crovitz: Who Really Invented the Internet?
2012i.html#23 OT but important Wall Street Journal article on Internet regulation
2012h.html#74 Interesting News Article
2012f.html#89 Defense acquisitions are broken and no one cares
2012f.html#42 Oh hum, it's the 60s and 70's all over again
2012e.html#55 Just for a laugh... How to spot an old IBMer
2012e.html#5 History of UNIX Manpages
2012d.html#15 Happy Webiversary!
2012b.html#91 The PC industry is heading for collapse
2012b.html#83 The PC industry is heading for collapse
2012b.html#72 Original Thinking Is Hard, Where Good Ideas Come From
2012b.html#46 What s going on in the redbooks site?
2012.html#64 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2012.html#50 Can any one tell about what is APL language
2011p.html#89 Is there an SPF setting to turn CAPS ON like keyboard key?
2011o.html#34 Data Areas?
2011n.html#58 "Geek" t-shirts
2011n.html#33 Last Word on Dennis Ritchie
2011n.html#0 Before Netscape: the forgotten Web browsers of the early 1990s
2011m.html#69 "Best" versus "worst" programming language you've used?
2011m.html#67 NeXT, give Steve a little credit for the Web
2011l.html#55 Any candidates for best acronyms?
2011k.html#75 Somewhat off-topic: cloned, possibly hacked
2011j.html#37 First Website Launched 20 Years Ago Today
2011j.html#36 First Website Launched 20 Years Ago Today
2011i.html#26 Web version of mainframes
2011h.html#49 OT The inventor of Email - Tom Van Vleck
2011g.html#38 IBM Assembler manuals
2011f.html#81 TSO Profile NUM and PACK
2011f.html#73 Wylbur, Orvyl, Milton, CRBE/CRJE were all used (and sometimes liked) in the past
2011f.html#31 TCP/IP Available on MVS When?
2011e.html#86 The first personal computer (PC)
2011d.html#72 Multiple Virtual Memory
2011d.html#60 Maybe off topic
2011c.html#73 IBM and the Computer Revolution
2010q.html#46 Is email dead? What do you think?
2010q.html#7 XML-based formats vs. ISO8583
2010p.html#60 Daisywheel Question: 192-character Printwheel Types
2010o.html#32 Compared even to the development of the phone or TV; the Web developed very quickly
2010k.html#61 GML
2010k.html#55 GML
2010k.html#53 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010k.html#52 GML
2010k.html#49 GML
2010k.html#48 GML
2010k.html#47 GML
2010k.html#42 GML
2010k.html#41 Unix systems and Serialization mechanism
2010j.html#76 What is the protocal for GMT offset in SMTP (e-mail) header
2010i.html#32 Death by Powerpoint
2010i.html#10 25 reasons why hardware is still hot at IBM
2010h.html#53 IBM 029 service manual
2010h.html#35 First among SQLs; COBOL for lawyers
2010d.html#60 LPARs: More or Less?
2010c.html#80 Happy DEC-10 Day
2010c.html#69 Apple iPad -- this merges with folklore.
2010b.html#45 sysout using machine control instead of ANSI control
2009s.html#1 PDP-10s and Unix
2009j.html#18 Another one bites the dust
2009j.html#16 TIME's Annual Journey: 1989
2009i.html#76 Tiny-traffic DoS attack spotlights Apache flaw
2009i.html#43 Why are z/OS people reluctant to use z/OS UNIX? (Are settlements a good argument for overnight batch COBOL ?)
2009i.html#41 20 Years Ago Today: Birth of the Dot-Com Era
2009d.html#56 Hurrah Berners-Lee! Web celebrates 20th anniversary
2009d.html#25 Can TOD (STCKE) be compressed into 12 bytes
2009d.html#1 ooRexx scripting on Linux
2009c.html#34 Is the Relational Database Doomed?
2009c.html#5 history of comments and source code annotations
2009.html#41 New machine code
2008r.html#29 What if the computers went back to the '70s too?
2008p.html#67 Web Security hasn't moved since 1995
2008m.html#90 z/OS Documentation - again
2008m.html#59 CHROME and WEB apps on Mainframe?
2008j.html#93 CLIs and GUIs
2008j.html#92 CLIs and GUIs
2008j.html#91 CLIs and GUIs
2008j.html#90 CLIs and GUIs
2008j.html#86 CLIs and GUIs
2008j.html#0 squirrels
2008e.html#47 System z10 announcement (in English)
2008e.html#27 Richard Feynman, the Challenger Disaster, and Software Engineering
2008d.html#15 more on (the new 40+ yr old) virtualization
2008c.html#31 Kerberized authorization service
2008b.html#65 How does ATTACH pass address of ECB to child?
2007v.html#81 Tap and faucet and spellcheckers
2007v.html#46 folklore indeed
2007v.html#17 Amazon's "Simple" Database
2007t.html#40 Why isn't OMVS command integrated with ISPF?
2007r.html#48 Half a Century of Crappy Computing
2007r.html#23 Abend S0C0
2007p.html#19 zH/OS (z/OS on Hercules for personal use only)
2007o.html#71 The use of "script" for program
2007o.html#65 The use of "script" for program
2007o.html#57 ACP/TPF
2007n.html#69 women as computer operators in the 1960s
2007n.html#27 What if phone company had developed Internet?
2007n.html#23 What if phone company had developed Internet?
2007m.html#66 Off Topic But Concept should be Known To All
2007m.html#51 Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard?
2007l.html#65 mainframe = superserver
2007k.html#75 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007k.html#65 Non-Standard Mainframe Language?
2007j.html#24 Newbie question on table design
2007f.html#66 IBM System z9
2007f.html#65 History - Early Green Card
2007f.html#32 A database theory resource - ideas
2007d.html#48 IBM S/360 series operating systems history
2007d.html#29 old tapes
2007d.html#17 Jim Gray Is Missing
2006w.html#0 Patent buster for a method that increases password security
2006v.html#51 Patent buster for a method that increases password security
2006u.html#61 Why these original FORTRAN quirks?
2006p.html#53 what's the difference between LF(Line Fee) and NL (New line) ?
2006p.html#52 what's the difference between LF(Line Fee) and NL (New line) ?
2006p.html#44 Materiel and graft
2006p.html#27 What part of z/OS is the OS?
2006p.html#16 Comic Sans was Re: An alternative history
2006o.html#59 Why no double wide compare and swap on Sparc?
2006o.html#49 The Fate of VM - was: Re: Baby MVS???
2006n.html#4 The System/360 Model 20 Wasn't As Bad As All That
2006m.html#55 The System/360 Model 20 Wasn't As Bad As All That
2006j.html#23 virtual memory
2006i.html#30 virtual memory
2006h.html#55 History of first use of all-computerized typesetting?
2006e.html#25 About TLB in lower-level caches
2006d.html#35 Fw: Tax chooses dead language - Austalia
2006b.html#12 IBM 610 workstation computer
2005t.html#25 Why does my address appear as part of my name?
2005s.html#12 Flat Query
2005q.html#15 HASP/ASP JES/JES2/JES3
2005q.html#12 What ever happened to Tandem and NonStop OS ?
2005q.html#3 winscape?
2005o.html#38 SHARE reflections
2005l.html#30 A good argument for XML
2005l.html#10 who invented CONFIG/SYS?
2005k.html#58 Book on computer architecture for beginners
2005j.html#25 IBM Plugs Big Iron to the College Crowd
2005i.html#49 Where should the type information be?
2005i.html#20 First assembly language encounters--how to get started?
2005g.html#49 "Best practices" or "Best implementations"?
2005f.html#49 Moving assembler programs above the line
2005f.html#41 Moving assembler programs above the line
2005e.html#53 System/360; Hardwired vs. Microcoded
2005e.html#39 xml-security vs. native security
2005e.html#38 xml-security vs. native security
2005e.html#34 Thou shalt have no other gods before the ANSI C standard
2005e.html#17 Where should the type information be?
2005c.html#56 intel's Vanderpool and virtualization in general
2005b.html#25 360POO
2005.html#33 some RDBMS history (x-over from comp.databases.theory)
2005.html#27 Network databases
2005.html#26 Network databases
2005.html#25 Network databases
2004q.html#58 CAS and LL/SC (was Re: High Level Assembler for MVS & VM & VSE)
2004q.html#6 XML Data Model
2004p.html#38 funny article
2004p.html#10 vm/370 smp support and shared segment protection hack
2004n.html#45 Shipwrecks
2004n.html#38 RS/6000 in Sysplex Environment
2004n.html#17 RISCs too close to hardware?
2004n.html#12 XML: The good, the bad, and the ugly
2004n.html#11 XML: The good, the bad, and the ugly
2004n.html#10 RISCs too close to hardware?
2004l.html#73 Specifying all biz rules in relational data
2004l.html#72 Specifying all biz rules in relational data
2004l.html#62 Some Laws
2004j.html#25 Wars against bad things
2004h.html#39 SEC Tests Technology to Speed Accounting Analysis
2004g.html#47 PL/? History
2004g.html#8 network history
2004e.html#30 The attack of the killer mainframes
2004e.html#15 Pre-relational, post-relational, 1968 CODASYL "Survey of Data Base Systems"
2004d.html#23 Xquery might have some things right
2004c.html#61 IBM 360 memory
2004c.html#51 [OT] Lockheed puts F-16 manuals online
2004c.html#26 Moribund TSO/E
2004c.html#6 If the x86 ISA could be redone
2004c.html#1 Oldest running code
2004b.html#58 Oldest running code
2004b.html#55 Oldest running code
2004.html#44 OT The First Mouse
2003o.html#32 who invented the "popup" ?
2003o.html#21 TSO alternative
2003m.html#56 model 91/CRJE and IKJLEW
2003m.html#31 SR 15,15 was: IEFBR14 Problems
2003m.html#16 OSI not quite dead yet
2003l.html#14 Cost of patching "unsustainable"
2003k.html#52 dissassembled code
2003k.html#45 text character based diagrams in technical documentation
2003k.html#41 An Understanding Database Theory
2003i.html#73 Computer resources, past, present, and future
2003h.html#20 UT200 (CDC RJE) Software for TOPS-10?
2003h.html#19 Why did TCP become popular ?
2003g.html#37 Lisp Machines
2003g.html#15 Disk capacity and backup solutions
2003f.html#2 History of project maintenance tools -- what and when?
2003d.html#74 unix
2003b.html#59 Wanted: Weird Programming Language
2003b.html#20 Card Columns
2002o.html#78 Newsgroup cliques?
2002o.html#54 XML, AI, Cyc, psych, and literature
2002o.html#49 XML, AI, Cyc, psych, and literature
2002o.html#4 Mainframe Spreadsheets - 1980's History
2002n.html#37 VR vs. Portable Computing
2002n.html#35 VR vs. Portable Computing
2002m.html#56 Microsoft's innovations
2002m.html#52 Microsoft's innovations [was:the rtf format]
2002m.html#50 Microsoft's innovations [was:the rtf format]
2002j.html#80 Difference between Unix and Linux?
2002j.html#64 vm marketing (cross post)
2002j.html#13 Unisys A11 worth keeping?
2002j.html#3 HONE, Aid, misc
2002i.html#76 HONE was .. Hercules and System/390 - do we need it?
2002i.html#43 CDC6600 - just how powerful a machine was it?
2002h.html#69 history of CMS
2002h.html#17 disk write caching (was: ibm icecube -- return of
2002g.html#67 Coulda, Woulda, Shoudda moments?
2002g.html#4 markup vs wysiwyg (was: Re: learning how to use a computer)
2002f.html#51 markup vs wysiwyg (was: Re: learning how to use a computer)
2002f.html#30 Computers in Science Fiction
2002f.html#29 Computers in Science Fiction
2002f.html#14 Mail system scalability (Was: Re: Itanium troubles)
2002c.html#39 VAX, M68K complex instructions (was Re: Did Intel Bite Off More Than It Can Chew?)
2002b.html#64 ... the need for a Museum of Computer Software
2002b.html#59 Computer Naming Conventions
2002b.html#48 ... the need for a Museum of Computer Software
2002b.html#46 ... the need for a Museum of Computer Software
2002b.html#35 bzip2 vs gzip (was Re: PDP-10 Archive migration plan)
2002.html#53 School Help
2001n.html#37 Hercules etc. IBM not just missing a great opportunity...
2001n.html#36 Movies with source code (was Re: Movies with DEC minis)
2001n.html#31 Hercules etc. IBM not just missing a great opportunity...
2001m.html#43 FA: Early IBM Software and Reference Manuals
2001l.html#24 mainframe question
2001l.html#20 mainframe question
2001l.html#16 Disappointed
2001i.html#39 IBM OS Timeline?
2001i.html#7 YKYGOW...
2001i.html#1 History of Microsoft Word (and wordprocessing in general)
2001h.html#46 Whom Do Programmers Admire Now???
2001h.html#34 D
2001h.html#19 checking some myths.
2001h.html#9 VM: checking some myths.
2001g.html#54 DSRunoff; was Re: TECO Critique
2001g.html#24 XML: No More CICS?
2001f.html#49 any 70's era supercomputers that ran as slow as today's supercompu
2001e.html#73 CS instruction, when introducted ?
2001d.html#42 IBM was/is: Imitation...
2001c.html#88 Unix hard links
2001b.html#50 IBM 705 computer manual
2000f.html#61 360 Architecture, Multics, ... was (Re: X86 ultimate CISC? No.)
2000e.html#23 Is Tim Berners-Lee the inventor of the web?
2000e.html#1 What good and old text formatter are there ?
2000e.html#0 What good and old text formatter are there ?
2000d.html#30 Secure Operating Systems
2000c.html#30 internal corporate network, misc.
2000b.html#32 20th March 2000
2000.html#82 Ux's good points.
2000.html#34 IBM 360 Manuals on line ?
2000.html#8 Computer of the century
aadsm27.htm#24 Why self describing data formats:
aadsm28.htm#39 Format Wars: XML v. JSON
aadsm15.htm#15 Resolving an identifier into a meaning
aepay10.htm#52 REVIEW: "Secure XML", Donald E. Eastlake/Kitty Niles
99.html#197 Computing As She Really Is. Was: Re: Life-Advancing Work of Timothy Berners-Lee
99.html#91 Documentation query
99.html#52 Enter fonts (was Re: Unix case-sensitivity: how did it originate?
99.html#43 Enter fonts (was Re: Unix case-sensitivity: how did it originate?
99.html#42 Enter fonts (was Re: Unix case-sensitivity: how did it originate?
98.html#21 Reviving the OS/360 thread (Questions about OS/360)
98.html#16 S/360 operating systems geneaology
97.html#26 IA64 Self Virtualizable?
97.html#10 HELP! Chronology of word-processing
97.html#9 HELP! Chronology of word-processing
96.html#24 old manuals
94.html#55 How Do the Old Mainframes Compare to Today's Micros?
94.html#43 Bloat, elegance, simplicity and other irrelevant concepts
94.html#11 REXX

top , by subject : technology , networking , public key , integrity , Boyd - home

Benchmarking, workload profile, capacity planning

2024g.html#12 4th Generation Programming Language
2024d.html#88 Computer Virtual Memory
2024d.html#9 Benchmarking and Testing
2024c.html#119 Financial/ATM Processing
2024c.html#6 Testing
2024b.html#72 Vintage Internet and Vintage APL
2024b.html#45 Automated Operator
2024b.html#31 HONE, Performance Predictor, and Configurators
2024.html#21 1975: VM/370 and CMS Demo
2023g.html#43 Wheeler Scheduler
2023f.html#112 CSC, HONE, 23Jun69 Unbundling, Future System
2023f.html#92 CSC, HONE, 23Jun69 Unbundling, Future System
2023e.html#87 CP/67, VM/370, VM/SP, VM/XA
2023e.html#49 VM370/CMS Shared Segments
2023e.html#33 Copyright Software
2023d.html#113 VM370
2023d.html#71 IBM System/360, 1964
2023d.html#24 VM370, SMP, HONE
2023b.html#80 IBM 158-3 (& 4341)
2023b.html#32 Bimodal Distribution
2022f.html#53 z/VM 50th - part 4
2022f.html#44 z/VM 50th
2022e.html#96 Enhanced Production Operating Systems II
2022e.html#79 Enhanced Production Operating Systems
2022e.html#51 Channel Program I/O Processing Efficiency
2022e.html#5 RED and XEDIT fullscreen editors
2022c.html#0 System Response
2022.html#46 Automated Benchmarking
2022.html#45 Automated Benchmarking
2022.html#42 Automated Benchmarking
2022.html#37 Error Handling
2022.html#29 IBM HONE
2021k.html#121 Computer Performance
2021k.html#120 Computer Performance
2021j.html#25 VM370, 3081, and AT&T Long Lines
2021i.html#61 Virtual Machine Debugging
2021h.html#79 IBM Internal network
2021e.html#61 Performance Monitoring, Analysis, Simulation, etc
2021d.html#39 IBM 370/155
2021d.html#25 Field Support and PSRs
2021.html#17 Performance History, 5-10Oct1986, SEAS
2021.html#14 Unbundling and Kernel Software
2019e.html#108 Dyanmic Adaptive Resource Manager
2019c.html#85 IBM: Buying While Apathetaic
2019b.html#24 Online Computer Conferencing
2018f.html#59 1970s school compsci curriculum--what would you do?
2017k.html#37 CMS style XMITMSG for Unix and other platforms
2017j.html#103 why VM, was thrashing
2017h.html#68 Pareto efficiency
2017b.html#27 Virtualization's Past Helps Explain Its Current Importance
2016h.html#59 Resurrected! Paul Allen's tech team brings 50-year -old supercomputer back from the dead
2016e.html#77 Honeywell 200
2016d.html#2 Does OODA-loop observation carry a lot of baggage
2016c.html#5 You count as an old-timer if (was Re: Origin of the phrase "XYZZY")
2016b.html#109 Bimodal Distribution
2016b.html#54 CMS\APL
2016b.html#36 Ransomware
2015c.html#71 A New Performance Model
2014g.html#85 Costs of core
2014.html#18 "Death of the mainframe"
2014.html#2 Application development paradigms [was: RE: Learning Rexx]
2013l.html#18 A Brief History of Cloud Computing
2013j.html#38 1969 networked word processor "Astrotype"
2013i.html#27 RBS Mainframe Meltdown: A year on, the fallout is still coming
2013g.html#79 What Makes code storage management so cool?
2013g.html#75 What Makes code storage management so cool?
2012n.html#27 System/360--50 years--the future?
2012k.html#17 a clock in it, was Re: Interesting News Article
2012j.html#17 Operating System, what is it?
2012f.html#62 Hard Disk Drive Construction
2012f.html#60 Hard Disk Drive Construction
2012f.html#24 Time to competency for new software language?
2012d.html#38 Invention of Email
2011g.html#49 My first mainframe experience
2011b.html#61 VM13025 ... zombie/hung users
2010o.html#48 origin of 'fields'?
2010n.html#42 Really dumb IPL question
2010l.html#15 Age
2010k.html#25 Was VM ever used as an exokernel?
2010k.html#8 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010k.html#4 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010j.html#54 Article says mainframe most cost-efficient platform
2010d.html#62 LPARs: More or Less?
2010d.html#39 search engine history, was Happy DEC-10 Day
2009o.html#80 OpenSolaris goes "tic'less"???
2009m.html#75 Continous Systems Modelling Package
2009m.html#70 Client Certificate UI for Chrome?
2009m.html#37 comp.arch has made itself a sitting duck for spam
2009h.html#76 A Math Geek's Plan to Save Wall Street's Soul
2009d.html#5 Why do IBMers think disks are 'Direct Access'?
2008s.html#56 Computer History Museum
2008p.html#41 Automation is still not accepted to streamline the business processes... why organizations are not accepting newer technologies?
2008n.html#22 VMware Chief Says the OS Is History
2008i.html#33 Mainframe Project management
2008h.html#97 Is virtualization diminishing the importance of OS?
2008e.html#50 fraying infrastructure
2008e.html#16 Kernels
2008c.html#24 Job ad for z/OS systems programmer trainee
2007u.html#21 Distributed Computing
2007s.html#54 ongoing rush to the new, 40+ yr old virtual machine technology
2007r.html#68 High order bit in 31/24 bit address
2007p.html#71 Translation of IBM Basic Assembler to C?
2007n.html#95 The Unexpected Fact about the First Computer Programmer
2007n.html#79 PSI MIPS
2007m.html#67 Operating systems are old and busted
2007m.html#55 Capacity and Relational Database
2007m.html#36 Future of System/360 architecture?
2007l.html#20 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007k.html#65 Non-Standard Mainframe Language?
2007i.html#77 Sizing CPU
2007i.html#21 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007g.html#73 The Perfect Computer - 36 bits?
2007g.html#44 1960s: IBM mgmt mistrust of SLT for ICs?
2007f.html#51 Is computer history taught now?
2007f.html#40 The Perfect Computer - 36 bits?
2007d.html#23 How many 36-bit Unix ports in the old days?
2006x.html#16 The Future of CPUs: What's After Multi-Core?
2006w.html#16 intersection between autolog command and cmsback (more history)
2006w.html#8 Why these original FORTRAN quirks?
2006v.html#47 Why so little parallelism?
2006t.html#28 Why these original FORTRAN quirks?
2006s.html#40 Ranking of non-IBM mainframe builders?
2006s.html#24 Curiousity: CPU % for COBOL program
2006q.html#34 Was FORTRAN buggy?
2006o.html#23 Strobe equivalents
2006l.html#45 Mainframe Linux Mythbusting (Was: Using Java in batch on z/OS?)
2006l.html#3 virtual memory
2006k.html#50 TSO and more was: PDP-1
2006j.html#23 virtual memory
2006i.html#30 virtual memory
2006h.html#25 The Pankian Metaphor
2006h.html#22 The Pankian Metaphor
2006g.html#34 The Pankian Metaphor
2006g.html#1 The Pankian Metaphor
2006f.html#30 A very basic question
2006f.html#22 A very basic question
2006e.html#25 About TLB in lower-level caches
2006b.html#18 Expanded Storage
2006b.html#17 Expanded Storage
2006b.html#15 {SPAM?} Re: Expanded Storage
2005s.html#50 Various kinds of System reloads
2005s.html#46 Various kinds of System reloads
2005s.html#44 winscape?
2005q.html#8 What ever happened to Tandem and NonStop OS ?
2005p.html#3 What ever happened to Tandem and NonStop OS ?
2005o.html#30 auto reIPL
2005o.html#25 auto reIPL
2005n.html#21 Code density and performance?
2005n.html#18 Code density and performance?
2005k.html#47 Performance and Capacity Planning
2005k.html#42 wheeler scheduler and hpo
2005k.html#17 More on garbage collection
2005j.html#62 More on garbage collection
2005j.html#60 Ancient history
2005j.html#25 IBM Plugs Big Iron to the College Crowd
2005j.html#17 Performance and Capacity Planning
2005j.html#16 Performance and Capacity Planning
2005j.html#13 Performance and Capacity Planning
2005j.html#12 Performance and Capacity Planning
2005i.html#49 Where should the type information be?
2005i.html#39 Behavior in undefined areas?
2005h.html#15 Exceptions at basic block boundaries
2005h.html#1 Single System Image questions
2005e.html#35 Thou shalt have no other gods before the ANSI C standard
2005d.html#62 Misuse of word "microcode"
2005d.html#48 Secure design
2005d.html#33 Thou shalt have no other gods before the ANSI C standard
2005d.html#9 intel's Vanderpool and virtualization in general (was Re: Cell press release, redacted.)
2005d.html#1 Self restarting property of RTOS-How it works?
2005c.html#6 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2005.html#53 8086 memory space
2004q.html#84 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2004q.html#72 IUCV in VM/CMS
2004q.html#58 CAS and LL/SC (was Re: High Level Assembler for MVS & VM & VSE)
2004q.html#3 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2004p.html#64 Systems software versus applications software definitions
2004p.html#20 Systems software versus applications software definitions
2004o.html#10 Multi-processor timing issue
2004n.html#37 passing of iverson
2004n.html#15 360 longevity, was RISCs too close to hardware?
2004l.html#72 Specifying all biz rules in relational data
2004l.html#9 Vintage computers are better than modern crap !
2004k.html#31 capacity planning: art, science or magic?
2004j.html#53 history books on the development of capacity planning (SMF and RMF)
2004h.html#38 build-robots-which-can-automate-testing dept
2004g.html#57 Adventure game (was:PL/? History (was Hercules))
2004g.html#40 IBM 7094 Emulator - An historic moment?
2004f.html#3 Infiniband - practicalities for small clusters
2003p.html#29 Sun researchers: Computers do bad math ;)
2003p.html#26 Sun researchers: Computers do bad math ;)
2003n.html#45 hung/zombie users ... long boring, wandering story
2003k.html#49 S/360 IPL from 7 track tape
2003j.html#34 Interrupt in an IBM mainframe
2003j.html#33 A Dark Day
2003h.html#5 IBM says AMD dead in 5yrs ... -- Microsoft Monopoly vs. IBM
2003g.html#15 Disk capacity and backup solutions
2003f.html#30 Alpha performance, why?
2003d.html#37 Why only 24 bits on S/360?
2003.html#20 rebirth
2003.html#5 rebirth
2002q.html#28 Origin of XAUTOLOG (x-post)
2002p.html#64 cost of crossing kernel/user boundary
2002p.html#2 IBM OS source code
2002k.html#66 OT (sort-of) - Does it take math skills to do data processing?
2002d.html#0 VAX, M68K complex instructions (was Re: Did Intel Bite Off MoreThan It Can Chew?)
2002c.html#45 cp/67 addenda (cross-post warning)
2002b.html#64 ... the need for a Museum of Computer Software
2001l.html#32 mainframe question
2001i.html#46 Withdrawal Announcement 901-218 - No More 'small machines'
2001h.html#18 checking some myths.
2001f.html#56 any 70's era supercomputers that ran as slow as today's supercomputers?
2001e.html#45 VM/370 Resource Manager
2001c.html#13 LINUS for S/390
aadsm27.htm#24 Why self describing data formats:
95.html#0 pathlengths
94.html#52 Measuring Virtual Memory
94.html#5 Schedulers
94.html#2 Schedulers

top , by subject : technology , networking , public key , integrity , Boyd - home

Backup, Storage Management

Some related old CMSBACK email

2025.html#94 old pharts, Multics vs Unix
2025.html#70 VM370/CMS, VMFPLC
2024e.html#87 IBM San Jose
2024e.html#75 IBM San Jose
2024d.html#92 Computer Virtual Memory
2024b.html#7 IBM Tapes
2023g.html#32 Storage Management
2023e.html#98 Mainframe Tapes
2023e.html#83 Storage Management
2023e.html#81 Storage Management
2023c.html#55 IBM VM/370
2022c.html#85 VMworkshop.og 2022
2022c.html#32 CMSBACK & VMFPLC
2022.html#65 CMSBACK
2022.html#62 File Backup
2022.html#61 File Backup
2021j.html#22 IBM 3420 Tape
2021h.html#88 CMSBACK, ADSM, TSM
2021g.html#89 Keeping old (IBM) stuff
2021c.html#63 Distributed Computing
2021.html#26 CMSBACK, ADSM, TSM
2018e.html#104 The (broken) economics of OSS
2018d.html#41 The Rise and Fall of IBM
2018d.html#39 IBM downturn
2018d.html#9 Hell is ... ?
2018.html#35 AW: Re: Number of Cylinders per Volume
2017k.html#34 Bad History
2017j.html#91 thrashing, was Re: A Computer That Never Was: the IBM 7095
2017g.html#37 CMSBACK
2017b.html#29 Virtualization's Past Helps Explain Its Current Importance
2016e.html#88 E.R. Burroughs
2016.html#2 History question - In what year did IBM first release its DF/DSS backup & restore product?
2015f.html#5 Can you have a robust IT system that needs experts to run it?
2015.html#89 a bit of hope? What was old is new again
2014l.html#65 Could this be the wrongest prediction of all time?
2014i.html#79 IBM Programmer Aptitude Test
2014i.html#58 How Comp-Sci went from passing fad to must have major
2014b.html#92 write rings
2013d.html#11 relative mainframe speeds, was What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2012p.html#61 What is holding back cloud adoption?
2012k.html#83 Does anyone remember what mainframe backup products were for VMs around 2000/2001
2012k.html#82 END OF FILE
2012k.html#76 END OF FILE
2012k.html#70 END OF FILE
2012k.html#46 Slackware
2012g.html#4 Hard drives: A bit of progress
2012b.html#73 Tape vs DASD - Speed/time/CPU utilization
2011o.html#16 Dennis Ritchie
2011m.html#34 CMS load module format
2011l.html#28 computer bootlaces
2011j.html#6 At least two decades back, some gurus predicted
2011i.html#69 Making Z/OS easier - Effectively replacing JCL with Unix like commands
2011i.html#59 FW: Mysterious Email (original had no subject)
2010o.html#35 Tivoli Storage Manager for z/OS (Functionally Stablized & Impending Demise)
2010l.html#43 PROP instead of POPS, PoO, et al
2010l.html#22 Old EMAIL Index
2010l.html#19 Old EMAIL Index
2010l.html#18 Old EMAIL Index
2010l.html#0 Old EMAIL Index
2010k.html#33 Was VM ever used as an exokernel?
2010i.html#18 How to analyze a volume's access by dataset
2010d.html#67 Adventure - Or Colossal Cave Adventure
2009n.html#66 Evolution of Floating Point
2009f.html#59 Backup and Restore Manager for z/VM
2009b.html#72 IBM Revamps Venerable Tivoli Storage Software
2009.html#17 Magnetic tape storage
2009.html#8 Is SUN going to become x86'ed ??
2008r.html#28 What if the computers went back to the '70s too?
2008j.html#72 tape blocking
2008j.html#31 What is "timesharing" (Re: OS X Finder windows vs terminal window weirdness)
2008j.html#7 We're losing the battle
2008h.html#46 Whitehouse Emails Were Lost Due to "Upgrade"
2008.html#63 LINC-8 Front Panel Questions
2008.html#13 LINC-8 Front Panel Questions
2007r.html#16 VM TSM server support
2007m.html#32 Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules
2007i.html#80 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007.html#35 V2X2 vs. Shark (SnapShot v. FlashCopy)
2007.html#32 V2X2 vs. Shark (SnapShot v. FlashCopy)
2006y.html#35 The Future of CPUs: What's After Multi-Core?
2006x.html#3 Why so little parallelism?
2006w.html#42 vmshare
2006w.html#20 cluster-in-a-rack
2006w.html#16 intersection between autolog command and cmsback (more history)
2006v.html#24 Z/Os Storage Mgmt products
2006v.html#10 What's a mainframe?
2006u.html#30 Why so little parallelism?
2006u.html#27 Why so little parallelism?
2006u.html#20 Why so little parallelism?
2006u.html#19 Why so little parallelism?
2006t.html#24 CMSBACK
2006t.html#20 Why these original FORTRAN quirks?; Now : Programming practices
2006r.html#12 Trying to design low level hard disk manipulation program
2006o.html#64 The Fate of VM - was: Re: Baby MVS???
2006n.html#33 CRAM, DataCell, and 3850
2006n.html#29 CRAM, DataCell, and 3850
2006m.html#19 Mainframe Linux Mythbusting
2006b.html#14 Expanded Storage
2006b.html#2 Mount a tape
2006.html#21 IBM up for grabs?
2006.html#9 How to restore VMFPLC dumped files on z/VM V5.1
2005p.html#42 VMFPLC2 to load EREP PTFs
2005j.html#56 Q ALLOC PAGE vs. CP Q ALLOC vs ESAMAP
2005i.html#47 Listserver for DFSMS/HSM
2005f.html#34 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2005d.html#36 backup/archive
2005.html#4 Athlon cache question
2004q.html#20 Systems software versus applications software definitions
2004p.html#5 History of C
2004o.html#45 Integer types for 128-bit addressing
2004m.html#11 Whatever happened to IBM's VM PC software?
2004i.html#17 New Method for Authenticated Public Key Exchange without Digital Certificates
2004h.html#51 New Method for Authenticated Public Key Exchange without Digital Certificates
2004h.html#2 Adventure game (was:PL/? History (was Hercules))
2004g.html#49 Adventure game (was:PL/? History (was Hercules))
2004g.html#44 Sequence Numbbers in Location 73-80
2004e.html#39 Candle support from Los Delhi
2004e.html#25 Relational Model and Search Engines?
2004e.html#24 Relational Model and Search Engines?
2004c.html#38 ATA drives and vibration problems in multi-drive racks
2004c.html#21 PSW Sampling
2004b.html#48 Automating secure transactions
2004.html#14 Holee shit! 30 years ago!
2004.html#1 Saturation Design Point
2003p.html#46 comp.arch classic: the 10-bit byte
2003p.html#39 Mainframe Emulation Solutions
2003p.html#3 Hyperthreading vs. SMP
2003o.html#68 History of Computer Network Industry
2003o.html#55 History of Computer Network Industry
2003o.html#48 incremental cms file backup
2003n.html#29 Architect Mainframe system - books/guidenance
2003m.html#33 MAD Programming Language
2003m.html#12 Seven of Nine
2003l.html#17 how long does (or did) it take to boot a timesharing system?
2003k.html#49 S/360 IPL from 7 track tape
2003k.html#47 Slashdot: O'Reilly On The Importance Of The Mainframe Heritage
2003k.html#28 Microkernels are not "all or nothing". Re: Multics Concepts For
2003j.html#64 Transactions for Industrial Strength Programming
2003j.html#58 atomic memory-operation question
2003j.html#47 The Tao Of Backup: End of postings
2003j.html#45 Hand cranking telephones
2003j.html#44 Hand cranking telephones
2003j.html#38 Virtual Cleaning Cartridge
2003j.html#32 Language semantics wrt exploits
2003j.html#18 why doesn't processor reordering instructions affect most
2003i.html#53 A Dark Day
2003i.html#52 HSM Functionality for Microsoft, using the Mainframe as the
2003i.html#50 A Dark Day
2003h.html#56 The figures of merit that make mainframes worth the price
2003h.html#8 IBM says AMD dead in 5yrs ... -- Microsoft Monopoly vs. IBM
2003h.html#6 IBM says AMD dead in 5yrs ... -- Microsoft Monopoly vs. IBM
2003h.html#5 IBM says AMD dead in 5yrs ... -- Microsoft Monopoly vs. IBM
2003g.html#47 Disk capacity and backup solutions
2003g.html#15 Disk capacity and backup solutions
2003g.html#3 Disk capacity and backup solutions
2003d.html#9 IBM says AMD dead in 5yrs ... -- Microsoft Monopoly vs. IBM
2003c.html#51 HASP assembly: What the heck is an MVT ABEND 422?
2003c.html#23 difference between itanium and alpha
2003b.html#44 filesystem structure, was tape format (long post)
2003b.html#43 VMFPLC2 tape format
2003b.html#42 VMFPLC2 tape format
2003b.html#33 dasd full cylinder transfer (long post warning)
2003.html#38 Calculating expected reliability for designed system
2002q.html#25 Beyond 8+3
2002p.html#50 Cirtificate Authorities 'CAs', how curruptable are they to
2002m.html#15 What is microcode?
2002k.html#34 30th b'day .... original vm/370 announcement letter (by popular demand)
2002k.html#8 Avoiding JCL Space Abends
2002h.html#87 Atomic operations redux
2002h.html#36 Computers in Science Fiction
2002h.html#35 Computers in Science Fiction
2002h.html#34 Computers in Science Fiction
2002h.html#29 Computers in Science Fiction
2002h.html#28 backup hard drive
2002f.html#11 Blade architectures
2002f.html#7 Blade architectures
2002e.html#16 Deleting files and emails at Arthur Andersen and Enron
2002e.html#15 Deleting files and emails at Arthur Andersen and Enron
2002e.html#10 Deleting files and emails at Arthur Andersen and Enron
2002e.html#4 Mainframers: Take back the light (spotlight, that is)
2002e.html#3 IBM's "old" boss speaks (was "new")
2002d.html#43 Mainframers: Take back the light (spotlight, that is)
2002c.html#28 OS Workloads : Interactive etc
2002.html#7 The demise of compaq
2001n.html#92 "blocking factors" (Was: Tapes)
2001n.html#79 a.f.c history checkup... (was What specifications will the standard year 2001 PC have?)
2001n.html#66 Holy Satanism! Re: Hyper-Threading Technology - Intel information.
2001m.html#0 7.2 Install "upgrade to ext3" LOSES DATA
2001k.html#46 3270 protocol
2001j.html#43 Disaster Stories Needed
2001h.html#7 PKI/Digital signature doesn't work
2001g.html#43 The Alpha/IA64 Hybrid
2001g.html#15 Extended memory error recovery
2001b.html#14 IBM's announcement on RVAs
2001.html#61 Where do the filesystem and RAID system belong?
2001.html#33 Where do the filesystem and RAID system belong?
2000g.html#5 e-commerce: Storing Credit Card numbers safely
2000d.html#25 Superduper computers--why RISC not 390?
2000c.html#25 Hard disks, one year ago today
2000b.html#83 write rings
2000b.html#82 write rings
2000b.html#45 OSA-Express Gigabit Ethernet card planning
2000b.html#29 20th March 2000
99.html#149 OS/360 (and descendants) VM system?
99.html#145 Q: S/390 on PowerPC?
99.html#130 early hardware
99.html#59 Living legends

top , by subject : technology , networking , public key , integrity , Boyd - home

Problem determination, zombies, dump readers

2025.html#103 Mainframe dumps and debugging
2024f.html#114 REXX
2024e.html#21 360/50 and CP-40
2024d.html#81 APL and REXX Programming Languages
2024d.html#26 IBM 23June1969 Unbundling Announcement
2024d.html#16 REXX and DUMPRX
2024b.html#1 Vintage REXX
2024.html#60 IOS3270 Green Card and DUMPRX
2023g.html#69 Assembler & non-Assembler For System Programming
2023g.html#54 REX, REXX, and DUMPRX
2023g.html#49 REXX (DUMRX, 3092, VMSG, Parasite/Story)
2023g.html#38 Computer "DUMPS"
2023f.html#45 Vintage IBM Mainframes & Minicomputers
2023f.html#28 IBM Reference Cards
2023e.html#32 3081 TCMs
2023d.html#74 Some Virtual Machine History
2023d.html#29 IBM 3278
2023d.html#4 Some 3090 & channel related trivia:
2023c.html#59 VM/370 3270 Terminal
2023c.html#41 VM/370 3270 Terminal
2023.html#96 Mainframe Assembler
2023.html#26 IBM Punch Cards
2022h.html#101 PSR, IOS3270, 3092, & DUMPRX
2022h.html#34 Mainframe Development Language
2022g.html#7 3880 DASD Controller
2022f.html#69 360/67 & DUMPRX
2022e.html#2 IBM Games
2022d.html#108 System Dumps & 7x24 operation
2022c.html#107 TCMs & IBM Mainframe
2022c.html#5 4361/3092
2022.html#129 Dataprocessing Career
2022.html#36 Error Handling
2021k.html#104 DUMPRX
2021j.html#84 Happy 50th Birthday, EMAIL!
2021j.html#28 Programming Languages in IBM
2021j.html#24 Programming Languages in IBM
2021i.html#61 Virtual Machine Debugging
2021h.html#55 even an old mainframer can do it
2021g.html#31 IBM Programming Projects
2021g.html#27 IBM Fan-fold cards
2021d.html#25 Field Support and PSRs
2021d.html#2 What's Fortran?!?!
2021c.html#58 MAINFRAME (4341) History
2019e.html#120 maps on Cadillac Seville trip computer from 1978
2019b.html#82 TCM
2019.html#76 How many years ago?
2018e.html#22 Manned Orbiting Laboratory Declassified: Inside a US Military Space Station
2018d.html#48 IPCS, DUMPRX, 3092, EREP
2018b.html#6 S/360 addressing, not Honeywell 200
2018.html#43 VSAM usage for ancient disk models
2017j.html#37 Tech: we didn't mean for it to turn out like this
2017h.html#68 Pareto efficiency
2017e.html#57 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#32 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#16 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017c.html#89 GREAT presentation on the history of the mainframe
2017.html#80 Languages
2016h.html#59 Resurrected! Paul Allen's tech team brings 50-year -old supercomputer back from the dead
2016c.html#42 DUMPRX
2016b.html#78 Microcode
2015h.html#105 DOS descendant still lives was Re: slight reprieve on the z
2015g.html#91 IBM 4341, introduced in 1979, was 26 times faster than the 360/30
2015b.html#19 What were the complaints of binary code programmers that not accept Assembly?
2015b.html#18 What were the complaints of binary code programmers that not accept Assembly?
2015b.html#17 What were the complaints of binary code programmers that not accept Assembly?
2014e.html#14 23Jun1969 Unbundling Announcement
2013o.html#30 GUI vs 3270 Re: MVS Quick Reference, was: LookAT
2013o.html#27 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013n.html#91 rebuild 1403 printer chain
2013i.html#40 Reader Comment on SA22-7832-08 (PoPS), should I?
2013h.html#32 Getting at the original command name/line
2013g.html#33 What Makes code storage management so cool?
2013e.html#35 New HD
2013d.html#14 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013c.html#35 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013c.html#25 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013b.html#60 New HD
2013.html#29 Java Security?
2012o.html#37 Regarding Time Sharing
2012m.html#0 PDP-10 system calls, was 1132 printer history
2012l.html#71 Strings (hijacked from: The IBM zEnterprise EC12 announcment)
2012k.html#17 a clock in it, was Re: Interesting News Article
2012j.html#80 Slackware
2012j.html#79 Slackware
2012i.html#83 How smart do you need to be to be really good with Assembler?
2012g.html#23 VM Workshop 2012
2012f.html#76 Time to competency for new software language?
2012e.html#76 Companies struggling to fill mainframe skills gap
2012e.html#64 Typeface (font) and city identity
2012e.html#63 Typeface (font) and city identity
2012e.html#62 Typeface (font) and city identity
2012e.html#38 A bit of IBM System 360 nostalgia
2012b.html#62 An approach to Dump formatting of Control Blocks
2012.html#60 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2012.html#58 An approach to Dump formatting of Control Blocks
2011n.html#55 "Geek" t-shirts
2011n.html#17 Dennis Ritchie
2011f.html#71 how to get a command result without writing it to a file
2011e.html#25 Multiple Virtual Memory
2011c.html#71 IBM and the Computer Revolution
2011b.html#61 VM13025 ... zombie/hung users
2011b.html#24 IBM S/360 Green Card high quality scan
2010q.html#72 Mainframe discussion with lots of CP67 & VM370 mention
2010q.html#47 IBM S/360 Green Card high quality scan here
2010p.html#30 Philosophy: curiousity question
2010l.html#1 Honoree pedigrees
2010h.html#42 IBM 029 service manual
2010e.html#38 Need tool to zap core
2010e.html#32 Need tool to zap core
2010e.html#10 Need tool to zap core
2009q.html#36 toolsrun
2009k.html#48 Timeline: 40 Years Of Unix
2009k.html#20 If you don't have access to a mainframe
2009k.html#0 Timeline: The evolution of online communities
2009g.html#58 Old-school programming techniques you probably don't miss
2009c.html#26 Tracing the third "when" in a "Select"
2009.html#56 Data losses set to soar
2008j.html#54 OS X Finder windows vs terminal window weirdness
2008g.html#29 CA ESD files Options
2008e.html#49 Any benefit to programming a RISC processor by hand?
2008.html#23 z/OS and VM Control Blocks
2007v.html#46 folklore indeed
2007u.html#8 Open z/Architecture or Not
2007s.html#50 Running REXX program in a batch job
2007p.html#65 Translation of IBM Basic Assembler to C?
2007n.html#95 The Unexpected Fact about the First Computer Programmer
2007l.html#11 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007k.html#64 Even worse than UNIX
2007j.html#27 Even worse than UNIX
2007j.html#26 Even worse than Unix
2007i.html#44 latest Principles of Operation
2007i.html#30 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007c.html#20 How many 36-bit Unix ports in the old days?
2007c.html#12 Special characters in passwords was Re: RACF - Password rules
2007c.html#4 "The Elements of Programming Style"
2007.html#24 How to write a full-screen Rexx debugger?
2007.html#23 How to write a full-screen Rexx debugger?
2007.html#18 IBM sues maker of Intel-based Mainframe clones
2006y.html#1 "The Elements of Programming Style"
2006x.html#35 "The Elements of Programming Style"
2006x.html#24 IBM sues maker of Intel-based Mainframe clones
2006v.html#5 Why these original FORTRAN quirks?
2006u.html#41 Is this true? (Were gotos really *that* bad?)
2006t.html#45 To RISC or not to RISC
2006t.html#10 Why these original FORTRAN quirks?
2006s.html#25 VM SPOOL question
2006s.html#20 real core
2006q.html#36 Was FORTRAN buggy?
2006p.html#28 Greatest Software Ever Written?
2006p.html#1 Greatest Software Ever Written?
2006n.html#49 Not Your Dad's Mainframe: Little Iron
2006n.html#43 MTS, Emacs, and... WYLBUR?
2006n.html#34 Not Your Dad's Mainframe: Little Iron
2006n.html#11 Not Your Dad's Mainframe: Little Iron
2006i.html#15 rexx or other macro processor on z/os?
2006i.html#6 The Pankian Metaphor
2006h.html#56 The Pankian Metaphor
2006b.html#17 Expanded Storage
2006b.html#13 Change in computers as a hobbiest
2005u.html#57 IPCS Standard Print Servic
2005t.html#43 FULIST
2005t.html#42 FULIST
2005t.html#41 FULIST
2005q.html#27 What ever happened to Tandem and NonStop OS ?
2005p.html#10 What ever happened to Tandem and NonStop OS ?
2005n.html#47 Anyone know whether VM/370 EDGAR is still available anywhere?
2005j.html#41 TSO replacement?
2005h.html#13 Today's mainframe--anything to new?
2005f.html#16 Where should the type information be: in tags and descriptors
2005f.html#15 Where should the type information be: in tags and descriptors
2005c.html#50 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2005b.html#17 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2005b.html#16 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2004q.html#84 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2004q.html#3 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2004p.html#64 Systems software versus applications software definitions
2004o.html#45 Integer types for 128-bit addressing
2004n.html#10 RISCs too close to hardware?
2004m.html#47 IBM Open Sources Object Rexx
2004m.html#35 Shipwrecks
2004m.html#34 tracking 64bit storage
2004m.html#33 Shipwrecks
2004m.html#26 Shipwrecks
2004h.html#31 Usage of Hex Dump
2004h.html#2 Adventure game (was:PL/? History (was Hercules))
2004h.html#0 Adventure game (was:PL/? History (was Hercules))
2004g.html#57 Adventure game (was:PL/? History (was Hercules))
2004f.html#3 Infiniband - practicalities for small clusters
2004d.html#19 REXX still going strong after 25 years
2004c.html#2 Oldest running code
2003p.html#23 1960s images of IBM 360 mainframes
2003n.html#45 hung/zombie users ... long boring, wandering story
2003n.html#34 Macros and base register question
2003k.html#54 dissassembled code
2003j.html#16 A Dark Day
2003i.html#58 assembler performance superiority: a given
2003h.html#5 IBM says AMD dead in 5yrs ... -- Microsoft Monopoly vs. IBM
2003f.html#26 Alpha performance, why?
2003d.html#65 unix
2002p.html#64 cost of crossing kernel/user boundary
2002n.html#71 bps loader, was PLX
2002k.html#63 OT (sort-of) - Does it take math skills to do data processing?
2002k.html#46 OT (sort-of) - Does it take math skills to do data processing?
2002k.html#40 hung/zombie users
2002k.html#38 GOTOs cross-posting
2002h.html#49 Coulda, Woulda, Shoudda moments?
2002h.html#37 Computers in Science Fiction
2002g.html#27 Security Issues of using Internet Banking
2002f.html#23 Computers in Science Fiction
2002d.html#0 VAX, M68K complex instructions (was Re: Did Intel Bite Off MoreThan It Can Chew?)
2002.html#28 Buffer overflow
2001l.html#32 mainframe question
2001h.html#43 Credit Card # encryption
2001h.html#18 checking some myths.
2001f.html#56 any 70's era supercomputers that ran as slow as today's supercomputers?
2001c.html#38 How Commercial-Off-The-Shelf Systems make society vulnerable
2001c.html#0 Z/90, S/390, 370/ESA (slightly off topic)
2001b.html#23 Linux IA-64 interrupts [was Re: Itanium benchmarks ...]
2001.html#13 Review of Steve McConnell's AFTER THE GOLD RUSH
2000c.html#33 What level of computer is needed for a computer to Love?
2000b.html#33 20th March 2000
2000b.html#32 20th March 2000
aadsm5.htm#asrn3 Assurance, e-commerce, and some x9.59 ... fyi
99.html#202 Middleware - where did that come from?
99.html#198 Life-Advancing Work of Timothy Berners-Lee
97.html#15 OSes commerical, history
95.html#1 pathlengths
94.html#11 REXX
94.html#2 Schedulers
93.html#0 360/67, was Re: IBM's Project F/S?

somewhat related:
Disk Engineering

top , by subject : technology , networking , public key , integrity , Boyd - home

Misc. Future System

Some FS Comments
Discussion of old FS evaluation
FS description and discussion
IBM Future Systems project (wiki)

2025b.html#44 IBM 70s & 80s
2025b.html#42 IBM 70s & 80s
2025b.html#35 3081, 370/XA, MVS/XA
2025b.html#33 3081, 370/XA, MVS/XA
2025b.html#27 IBM 3880, 3380, Data-streaming
2025b.html#22 IBM San Jose and Santa Teresa Lab
2025.html#130 Online Social Media
2025.html#129 The Paging Game
2025.html#124 The joy of FORTRAN
2025.html#121 Clone 370 System Makers
2025.html#113 2301 Fixed-Head Drum
2025.html#108 IBM 370 Virtual Storage
2025.html#100 Clone 370 Mainframes
2025.html#94 old pharts, Multics vs Unix
2025.html#61 old pharts, Multics vs Unix
2025.html#53 Canned Software and OCO-Wars
2025.html#43 Multics vs Unix
2025.html#38 Multics vs Unix
2025.html#32 IBM 3090
2025.html#22 IBM Future System
2025.html#20 Virtual Machine History
2025.html#19 Virtual Machine History
2024g.html#112 Dataprocessing Innovation
2024g.html#109 Future System, Liquid Cooling, Clone 370s
2024g.html#91 CP/67 Multics vs Unix
2024g.html#89 IBM 4300 and 3370FBA
2024g.html#81 IBM 4300 and 3370FBA
2024g.html#70 Building the System/360 Mainframe Nearly Destroyed IBM
2024g.html#56 Compute Farm and Distributed Computing Tsunami
2024g.html#55 Compute Farm and Distributed Computing Tsunami
2024g.html#47 IT Career Memory
2024g.html#37 IBM Mainframe User Group SHARE
2024g.html#35 IBM and Amdahl history (Re: What is an N-bit machine?)
2024g.html#30 Computer System Performance Work
2024g.html#26 IBM Move From Leased To Sales
2024g.html#23 IBM Move From Leased To Sales
2024g.html#0 Any interesting PDP/TECO photos out there?
2024f.html#113 IBM 370 Virtual Memory
2024f.html#106 NSFnet
2024f.html#104 Father, Son & CO. My Life At IBM And Beyond
2024f.html#90 SHARE User Group Meeting October 1968 Film Restoration, IBM 360
2024f.html#86 The Rise and Fall of the 'IBM Way'
2024f.html#74 IBM IMS
2024f.html#62 Amdahl and other trivia
2024f.html#56 IBM DB2 and MIP Envy
2024f.html#50 IBM 3081 & TCM
2024f.html#46 IBM TCM
2024f.html#39 IBM 801/RISC, PC/RT, AS/400
2024f.html#38 IBM 370/168
2024f.html#36 IBM 801/RISC, PC/RT, AS/400
2024f.html#30 IBM 370 Virtual memory
2024f.html#23 Future System, Single-Level-Store, S/38
2024f.html#17 The joy of FORTRAN
2024f.html#16 The joy of FORTRAN
2024f.html#14 Computer Wars: The Post-IBM World
2024f.html#3 Emulating vintage computers
2024f.html#2 The joy of FORTRAN
2024f.html#1 IBM (Empty) Suits
2024f.html#0 IBM Numeric Intensive
2024e.html#141 IBM Basic Beliefs
2024e.html#131 3081 (/3090) TCMs and Service Processor
2024e.html#129 IBM 4300
2024e.html#124 IBM - Making The World Work Better
2024e.html#122 IBM Retirement
2024e.html#119 IBM PC/RT AIX
2024e.html#116 what's a mainframe, was is Vax addressing sane today
2024e.html#114 Seastar and Iceberg
2024e.html#113 370/125, Future System, 370-138/148
2024e.html#109 Seastar and Iceberg
2024e.html#100 360, 370, post-370, multiprocessor
2024e.html#83 Scheduler
2024e.html#68 The IBM Way by Buck Rogers
2024e.html#67 The IBM Way by Buck Rogers
2024e.html#65 Amdahl
2024e.html#64 RS/6000, PowerPC, AS/400
2024e.html#37 Gene Amdahl
2024e.html#33 IBM 138/148
2024e.html#18 IBM Downfall and Make-over
2024d.html#100 Chipsandcheese article on the CDC6600
2024d.html#85 ATT/SUN and Open System Foundation
2024d.html#66 360/65, 360/67, 360/75 750ns memory
2024d.html#62 360/65, 360/67, 360/75 750ns memory
2024d.html#53 16June1911, IBM Incorporation Day
2024d.html#48 Architectural implications of locate mode I/O
2024d.html#39 ancient OS history, ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360
2024d.html#29 Future System and S/38
2024d.html#25 IBM 23June1969 Unbundling Announcement
2024d.html#18 Mid-Range Market
2024d.html#13 MVS/ISPF Editor
2024d.html#9 Benchmarking and Testing
2024d.html#1 time-sharing history, Privilege Levels Below User
2024c.html#120 Disconnect Between Coursework And Real-World Computers
2024c.html#119 Financial/ATM Processing
2024c.html#97 Virtual Memory Paging
2024c.html#90 Gordon Bell
2024c.html#88 Virtual Machines
2024c.html#87 Gordon Bell
2024c.html#77 Mainframe and Blade Servers
2024c.html#40 CMS RED, XEDIT, IOS3270, FULIST, BROWSE
2024c.html#18 CP40/CMS
2024c.html#15 360&370 Unix (and other history)
2024c.html#11 370 Multiprocessor
2024c.html#6 Testing
2024c.html#2 ReBoot Hill Revisited
2024b.html#114 EBCDIC
2024b.html#108 IBM 360 Announce 7Apr1964
2024b.html#107 IBM 360 Announce 7Apr1964
2024b.html#103 IBM 360 Announce 7Apr1964
2024b.html#98 IBM 360 Announce 7Apr1964
2024b.html#92 IBM User Group Share
2024b.html#72 Vintage Internet and Vintage APL
2024b.html#68 IBM Hardware Stories
2024b.html#65 MVT/SVS/MVS/MVS.XA
2024b.html#58 Vintage MVS
2024b.html#48 Vintage 3033
2024b.html#31 HONE, Performance Predictor, and Configurators
2024b.html#20 DB2, Spooling, Virtual Memory
2024b.html#16 IBM 5100
2024b.html#15 IBM 5100
2024b.html#5 Vintage REXX
2024.html#121 IBM VM/370 and VM/XA
2024.html#116 IBM's Unbundling
2024.html#107 Whether something is RISC or not (Re: PDP-8 theology, not Concertina II Progress)
2024.html#106 IBM, Unix, editors
2024.html#104 Multicians
2024.html#103 Multicians
2024.html#101 Whether something is RISC or not (Re: PDP-8 theology, not Concertina II Progress)
2024.html#98 Whether something is RISC or not (Re: PDP-8 theology, not Concertina II Progress)
2024.html#94 MVS SRM
2024.html#90 IBM, Unix, editors
2024.html#86 RS/6000 Mainframe
2024.html#65 IBM Mainframes and Education Infrastructure
2024.html#64 IBM 4300s
2024.html#50 Slow MVS/TSO
2024.html#36 RS/6000 Mainframe
2024.html#27 HASP, ASP, JES2, JES3
2024.html#24 Tomasulo at IBM
2024.html#23 The Greatest Capitalist Who Ever Lived
2024.html#21 1975: VM/370 and CMS Demo
2024.html#20 How IBM Stumbled onto RISC
2024.html#11 How IBM Stumbled onto RISC
2024.html#1 How IBM Stumbled onto RISC
2023g.html#106 Shared Memory Feature
2023g.html#105 VM Mascot
2023g.html#103 More IBM Downfall
2023g.html#100 VM Mascot
2023g.html#99 VM Mascot
2023g.html#78 MVT, MVS, MVS/XA & Posix support
2023g.html#77 MVT, MVS, MVS/XA & Posix support
2023g.html#76 Another IBM Downturn
2023g.html#60 PDS Directory Multi-track Search
2023g.html#58 Multiprocessor
2023g.html#57 Future System, 115/125, 138/148, ECPS
2023g.html#56 Future System, 115/125, 138/148, ECPS
2023g.html#55 AUSMINIUM
2023g.html#54 REX, REXX, and DUMPRX
2023g.html#46 Amdahl CPUs
2023g.html#43 Wheeler Scheduler
2023g.html#30 Vintage IBM OS/VU
2023g.html#27 Another IBM Downturn
2023g.html#11 Vintage Future System
2023g.html#10 370/125 VM/370
2023g.html#8 Vintage Future System
2023g.html#6 Vintage Future System
2023g.html#4 Vintage Future System
2023g.html#3 Vintage Future System
2023g.html#1 Vintage TSS/360
2023f.html#114 Copyright Software
2023f.html#111 Copyright Software
2023f.html#104 MVS versus VM370, PROFS and HONE
2023f.html#103 Microcode Development and Writing to Floppies
2023f.html#99 Vintage S/38
2023f.html#92 CSC, HONE, 23Jun69 Unbundling, Future System
2023f.html#89 Vintage IBM 709
2023f.html#80 Vintage Mainframe 3081D
2023f.html#75 Vintage Mainframe PROFS
2023f.html#72 Vintage RS/6000 Mainframe
2023f.html#69 Vintage TSS/360
2023f.html#65 Vintage TSS/360
2023f.html#61 The Most Important Computer You've Never Heard Of
2023f.html#57 Vintage IBM 370/125
2023f.html#56 The Most Important Computer You've Never Heard Of
2023f.html#54 Vintage IBM Mainframes & Minicomputers
2023f.html#40 Rise and Fall of IBM
2023f.html#35 Vintage IBM Mainframes & Minicomputers
2023f.html#32 IBM Mainframe Lore
2023f.html#27 Ferranti Atlas
2023e.html#102 CP/67, VM/370, VM/SP, VM/XA
2023e.html#91 CP/67, VM/370, VM/SP, VM/XA
2023e.html#87 CP/67, VM/370, VM/SP, VM/XA
2023e.html#84 memory speeds, Solving the Floating-Point Conundrum
2023e.html#72 microcomputers, minicomputers, mainframes, supercomputers
2023e.html#69 The IBM System/360 Revolution
2023e.html#65 PDP-6 Architecture, was ISA
2023e.html#51 VM370/CMS Shared Segments
2023e.html#31 3081 TCMs
2023e.html#19 Copyright Software
2023e.html#16 Copyright Software
2023e.html#14 Copyright Software
2023e.html#6 HASP, JES, MVT, 370 Virtual Memory, VS2
2023d.html#114 DASD, Channel and I/O long winded trivia
2023d.html#113 VM370
2023d.html#105 DASD, Channel and I/O long winded trivia
2023d.html#104 DASD, Channel and I/O long winded trivia
2023d.html#102 Typing, Keyboards, Computers
2023d.html#100 IBM 3083
2023d.html#95 370/148 masthead/banner
2023d.html#94 The IBM mainframe: How it runs and why it survives
2023d.html#91 IBM 3083
2023d.html#90 IBM 3083
2023d.html#87 545tech sq, 3rd, 4th, & 5th flrs
2023d.html#63 CICS Product 54yrs old today
2023d.html#36 "The Big One" (IBM 3033)
2023d.html#28 Ingenious librarians
2023d.html#23 VM370, SMP, HONE
2023d.html#17 IBM MVS RAS
2023d.html#12 Ingenious librarians
2023d.html#11 Ingenious librarians
2023d.html#9 IBM MVS RAS
2023c.html#106 Some 3033 (and other) Trivia
2023c.html#104 IBM Term "DASD"
2023c.html#79 IBM TLA
2023c.html#77 IBM Big Blue, True Blue, Bleed Blue
2023c.html#61 VM/370 3270 Terminal
2023c.html#58 IBM Downfall
2023c.html#55 IBM VM/370
2023c.html#44 VM/370 3270 Terminal
2023c.html#25 IBM Downfall
2023c.html#24 IBM Downfall
2023c.html#23 IBM Downfall
2023c.html#10 IBM Downfall
2023b.html#104 2023 IBM Poughkeepsie, NY
2023b.html#98 360 Announce Stories
2023b.html#84 Clone/OEM IBM systems
2023b.html#82 IBM 158-3 (& 4341)
2023b.html#79 IBM 158-3 (& 4341)
2023b.html#78 IBM 158-3 (& 4341)
2023b.html#64 Another 4341 thread
2023b.html#55 IBM 3031, 3032, 3033
2023b.html#23 IBM VM370 "Resource Manager"
2023b.html#20 IBM Technology
2023b.html#11 Open Software Foundation
2023b.html#6 z/VM 50th - part 7
2023b.html#0 IBM 370
2023.html#92 IBM 4341
2023.html#87 IBM San Jose
2023.html#74 IBM 4341
2023.html#73 IBM 4341
2023.html#72 IBM 4341
2023.html#69 IBM and OSS
2023.html#68 IBM and OSS
2023.html#65 7090/7044 Direct Couple
2023.html#55 z/VM 50th - Part 6, long winded zm story (before z/vm)
2023.html#50 370 Virtual Memory Decision
2023.html#45 IBM 3081 TCM
2023.html#41 IBM 3081 TCM
2023.html#40 IBM AIX
2023.html#36 IBM changes between 1968 and 1989
2023.html#34 IBM Punch Cards
2023.html#27 IBM Punch Cards
2023.html#14 360 Announce and then the Future System Disaster
2022h.html#120 IBM Controlling the Market
2022h.html#117 TOPS-20 Boot Camp for VMS Users 05-Mar-2022
2022h.html#114 TOPS-20 Boot Camp for VMS Users 05-Mar-2022
2022h.html#103 IBM 360
2022h.html#99 IBM 360
2022h.html#93 IBM 360
2022h.html#69 Fred P. Brooks, 1931-2022
2022h.html#52 smaller faster cheaper, computer history thru the lens of esthetics versus economics
2022h.html#49 smaller faster cheaper, computer history thru the lens of esthetics versus economics
2022h.html#48 smaller faster cheaper, computer history thru the lens of esthetics versus economics
2022h.html#39 IBM Teddy Bear
2022h.html#35 360/85
2022h.html#33 computer history thru the lens of esthetics versus economics
2022h.html#22 370 virtual memory
2022h.html#17 Arguments for a Sane Instruction Set Architecture--5 years later
2022h.html#2 360/91
2022h.html#0 Iconic consoles of the IBM System/360 mainframes, 55 years old
2022g.html#85 RS/6000 (and some mainframe)
2022g.html#82 RS/6000 (and some mainframe)
2022g.html#66 IBM Dress Code
2022g.html#62 IBM DPD
2022g.html#59 Stanford SLAC (and BAYBUNCH)
2022g.html#58 Stanford SLAC (and BAYBUNCH)
2022g.html#22 3081 TCMs
2022g.html#3 IBM Wild Ducks
2022f.html#109 IBM Downfall
2022f.html#105 IBM Downfall
2022f.html#54 z/VM 50th - part 4
2022f.html#53 z/VM 50th - part 4
2022f.html#49 z/VM 50th - part 2
2022f.html#44 z/VM 50th
2022f.html#29 IBM Power: The Servers that Apple Should Have Created
2022f.html#10 9 Mainframe Statistics That May Surprise You
2022e.html#103 John Boyd and IBM Wild Ducks
2022e.html#102 Mainframe Channel I/O
2022e.html#97 Enhanced Production Operating Systems II
2022e.html#96 Enhanced Production Operating Systems II
2022e.html#87 Enhanced Production Operating Systems
2022e.html#87 Enhanced Production Operating Systems
2022e.html#79 Enhanced Production Operating Systems
2022e.html#60 IBM CEO: Only 60% of office workers will ever return full-time
2022e.html#50 Channel Program I/O Processing Efficiency
2022e.html#50 Channel Program I/O Processing Efficiency
2022e.html#48 Channel Program I/O Processing Efficiency
2022e.html#44 IBM Chairman John Opel
2022e.html#36 IBM 23June1969 Unbundle
2022e.html#12 VM/370 Going Away
2022e.html#9 VM/370 Going Away
2022e.html#6 RED and XEDIT fullscreen editors
2022d.html#94 Operating System File/Dataset I/O
2022d.html#89 Short-term profits and long-term consequences -- did Jack Welch break capitalism?
2022d.html#76 "12 O'clock High" In IBM Management School
2022d.html#71 IBM Z16 - The Mainframe Is Dead, Long Live The Mainframe
2022d.html#66 VM/370 Turns 50 2Aug2022
2022d.html#64 For aficionados of the /360
2022d.html#60 VM/370 Turns 50 2Aug2022
2022d.html#56 CMS OS/360 Simulation
2022d.html#55 CMS OS/360 Simulation
2022d.html#52 Another IBM Down Fall thread
2022d.html#47 360&370 I/O Channels
2022d.html#35 IBM Business Conduct Guidelines
2022d.html#21 COMPUTER HISTORY: REMEMBERING THE IBM SYSTEM/360 MAINFRAME, its Origin and Technology
2022d.html#20 COMPUTER HISTORY: REMEMBERING THE IBM SYSTEM/360 MAINFRAME, its Origin and Technology
2022d.html#18 Computer Server Market
2022d.html#0 Programming By Committee
2022c.html#120 Programming By Committee
2022c.html#106 TCMs & IBM Mainframe
2022c.html#84 VMworkshop.og 2022
2022c.html#45 IBM deliberately misclassified mainframe sales to enrich execs, lawsuit claims
2022c.html#43 Why did Dennis Ritchie write that UNIX was a modern implementation of CTSS?
2022c.html#42 Why did Dennis Ritchie write that UNIX was a modern implementation of CTSS?
2022c.html#41 CMSBACK & VMFPLC
2022c.html#32 CMSBACK & VMFPLC
2022c.html#9 Cloud Timesharing
2022c.html#0 System Response
2022b.html#118 IBM Disks
2022b.html#102 370/158 Integrated Channel
2022b.html#100 CDC6000
2022b.html#99 CDC6000
2022b.html#95 IBM Salary
2022b.html#88 Computer BUNCH
2022b.html#72 Link FEC and Encryption
2022b.html#58 Interdata Computers
2022b.html#54 IBM History
2022b.html#53 IBM History
2022b.html#51 IBM History
2022b.html#50 100 days after IBM split, Kyndryl signs strategic cloud pact with AWS
2022b.html#37 Leadership
2022b.html#30 Online at home
2022b.html#13 360 Performance
2022b.html#12 TCP/IP and Mid-range market
2022b.html#7 USENET still around
2022b.html#1 On why it's CR+LF and not LF+CR [ASR33]
2022.html#112 GM C4 and IBM HA/CMP
2022.html#105 IBM PLI
2022.html#100 IBM PLI
2022.html#98 Virtual Machine SIE instruction
2022.html#89 165/168/3033 & 370 virtual memory
2022.html#77 165/168/3033 & 370 virtual memory
2022.html#74 165/168/3033 & 370 virtual memory
2022.html#58 Computer Security
2022.html#53 Automated Benchmarking
2022.html#49 Acoustic Coupler
2022.html#41 370/195
2022.html#39 Mainframe I/O
2022.html#31 370/195
2022.html#29 IBM HONE
2022.html#15 Mainframe I/O
2022.html#12 Programming Skills
2022.html#8 DEC VAX, VAX/Cluster and HA/CMP
2022.html#7 DEC VAX, VAX/Cluster and HA/CMP
2021k.html#132 IBM Clone Controllers
2021k.html#124 IBM Clone Controllers
2021k.html#121 Computer Performance
2021k.html#119 70s & 80s mainframes
2021k.html#116 Building the System/360 Mainframe Nearly Destroyed IBM
2021k.html#113 IBM Future System
2021k.html#106 IBM Future System
2021k.html#105 IBM Future System
2021k.html#49 VM/SP crashing all over the place
2021k.html#45 Transaction Memory
2021k.html#43 Transaction Memory
2021k.html#38 IBM Boeblingen
2021k.html#4 IBM 370 and Future System
2021j.html#113 IBM Downturn
2021j.html#93 IBM 3278
2021j.html#82 IBM 370 and Future System
2021j.html#77 IBM 370 and Future System
2021j.html#76 IBM 370 and Future System
2021j.html#70 IBM Wild Ducks
2021j.html#68 MTS, 360/67, FS, Internet, SNA
2021j.html#66 IBM ACP/TPF
2021j.html#25 VM370, 3081, and AT&T Long Lines
2021j.html#5 IBM Lost Opportunities
2021j.html#4 IBM Lost Opportunities
2021j.html#3 IBM Lost Opportunities
2021i.html#100 IBM Lost Opportunities
2021i.html#85 IBM 3033 channel I/O testing
2021i.html#81 IBM Downturn
2021i.html#79 IBM Downturn
2021i.html#77 IBM ACP/TPF
2021i.html#75 IBM ITPS
2021i.html#66 Virtual Machine Debugging
2021i.html#41 not a 360 either, was Design a better 16 or 32 bit processor
2021h.html#107 3277 graphics
2021h.html#91 IBM XT/370
2021h.html#70 IBM Research, Adtech, Science Center
2021h.html#53 PROFS
2021h.html#51 OoO S/360 descendants
2021h.html#48 Dynamic Adaptive Resource Management
2021h.html#46 Dynamic Adaptive Resource Management
2021h.html#3 Cloud computing's destiny
2021g.html#69 Mainframe mid-range computing market
2021g.html#51 Intel rumored to be in talks to buy chip manufacturer GlobalFoundries for $30B
2021g.html#43 iBM System/3 FORTRAN for engineering/science work?
2021g.html#19 Big Blue's big email blues signal terminal decline - unless it learns to migrate itself
2021g.html#6 IBM 370
2021g.html#5 IBM's 18-month company-wide email system migration has been a disaster, sources say
2021g.html#0 MVS Group Wrath
2021f.html#40 IBM Mainframe
2021f.html#24 IBM Remains Big Tech's Disaster
2021e.html#67 Amdahl
2021e.html#66 Amdahl
2021e.html#62 IBM / How To Stuff A Wild Duck
2021e.html#61 Performance Monitoring, Analysis, Simulation, etc
2021e.html#57 Hacking, Exploits and Vulnerabilities
2021e.html#25 rather far from Univac 90/30 DIAG instruction
2021e.html#15 IBM Internal Network
2021d.html#85 Bizarre Career Events
2021d.html#66 IBM CEO Story
2021d.html#47 Cloud Computing
2021d.html#45 POK 370 Multiprocessor Machines
2021d.html#41 IBM Powerpoint sales presentations
2021d.html#39 IBM 370/155
2021d.html#38 April 7, 1964: IBM Bets Big on System/360
2021d.html#33 April 7, 1964: IBM Bets Big on System/360
2021d.html#28 IBM 370/195
2021d.html#25 Field Support and PSRs
2021c.html#64 CMS Support
2021c.html#47 MAINFRAME (4341) History
2021c.html#37 Some CP67, Future System and other history
2021c.html#16 IBM Wild Ducks
2021c.html#15 IBM Wild Ducks
2021c.html#12 Z/VM
2021c.html#5 Z/VM
2021b.html#97 IBM Glory days
2021b.html#89 IBM Innovation
2021b.html#49 Holy wars of the past - how did they turn out?
2021b.html#48 Holy wars of the past - how did they turn out?
2021b.html#34 HONE story/history
2021b.html#23 IBM Recruiting
2021b.html#18 IBM Recruiting
2021b.html#15 IBM Recruiting
2021b.html#7 IBM & Apple
2021.html#82 Kinder/Gentler IBM
2021.html#72 Airline Reservation System
2021.html#68 OS/2
2021.html#63 Mainframe IPL
2021.html#52 Amdahl Computers
2021.html#39 IBM Tech
2021.html#1 How an obscure British PC maker invented ARM and changed the world
2021.html#0 IBM "Wild Ducks"
2020.html#39 If Memory Had Been Cheaper
2019e.html#133 IBM system/360 ad
2019e.html#126 23Jun1969 Unbundling
2019e.html#121 Virtualization
2019e.html#108 Dyanmic Adaptive Resource Manager
2019d.html#115 Assembler :- PC Instruction
2019d.html#107 IBM HONE
2019d.html#106 IBM HONE
2019d.html#2 Rise and Fall of IBM
2019c.html#89 A New Theory On Time Indicates Present And Future Exist Simultaneously
2019c.html#85 IBM: Buying While Apathetaic
2019c.html#70 2301, 2303, 2305-1, 2305-2, paging, etc
2019c.html#59 The rise and fall of IBM
2019c.html#44 IBM 9020
2019c.html#33 IBM Future System
2019c.html#32 IBM Future System
2019c.html#2 S/38, AS/400
2019c.html#1 mainframe hacking "success stories"?
2019b.html#92 MVS Boney Fingers
2019b.html#80 TCM
2019b.html#24 Online Computer Conferencing
2019b.html#22 Online Computer Conferencing
2019.html#83 The Sublime: Is it the same for IBM and Special Ops?
2019.html#82 The Sublime: Is it the same for IBM and Special Ops?
2019.html#76 How many years ago?
2019.html#65 23june1969 unbundling
2019.html#38 long-winded post thread, 3033, 3081, Future System
2019.html#12 Employees Come First
2019.html#2 The rise and fall of IBM
2018f.html#118 The Post-IBM World
2018f.html#112 The Post-IBM World
2018f.html#93 ACS360 and FS
2018f.html#68 IBM Suits
2018f.html#52 All programmers that developed in machine code and Assembly in the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s died?
2018f.html#37 The rise and fall of IBM
2018f.html#34 The rise and fall of IBM
2018f.html#0 IBM's 3033
2018e.html#118 IBM today
2018e.html#97 The (broken) economics of OSS
2018e.html#96 The (broken) economics of OSS
2018e.html#95 The (broken) economics of OSS
2018e.html#91 The (broken) economics of OSS
2018e.html#30 These Are the Best Companies to Work For in the U.S
2018e.html#27 Wearing a tie cuts circulation to your brain
2018e.html#5 Computers, anyone?
2018e.html#2 Frank Heart Dies at 89
2018e.html#1 Service Bureau Corporation
2018d.html#111 The story of the internet is all about layers; How the internet lost its decentralized innocence
2018d.html#108 Frank Heart Dies at 89
2018d.html#48 IPCS, DUMPRX, 3092, EREP
2018d.html#22 The Rise and Fall of IBM
2018d.html#6 Workplace Advice I Wish I Had Known
2018d.html#5 DOS & OS2
2018d.html#3 Has Microsoft commuted suicide
2018c.html#80 z/VM Live Guest Relocation
2018c.html#78 z/VM Live Guest Relocation
2018c.html#77 z/VM Live Guest Relocation
2018c.html#64 Has Microsoft commuted suicide
2018c.html#29 Software Delivery on Tape to be Discontinued
2018c.html#27 Software Delivery on Tape to be Discontinued
2018c.html#23 VS History
2018c.html#18 Old word processors
2018c.html#16 Old word processors
2018c.html#13 Graph database on z/OS?
2018b.html#53 Think you know web browsers? Take this quiz and prove it
2018b.html#19 Important US technology companies sold to foreigners
2018b.html#14 Important US technology companies sold to foreigners
2018b.html#13 Important US technology companies sold to foreigners
2018.html#99 Prime
2018.html#55 Now Hear This--Prepare For The "To Be Or To Do" Moment
2018.html#33 1963 Timesharing: A Solution to Computer Bottlenecks
2017k.html#67 SABRE after the 7090
2017k.html#43 Low end IBM System/360 (-30) and other machines
2017k.html#30 Converting programs to accommodate 8-character userids and prefixes
2017j.html#103 why VM, was thrashing
2017j.html#99 OS-9
2017j.html#98 OS-9
2017j.html#97 why VM, was thrashing
2017j.html#95 why VM, was thrashing
2017j.html#90 thrashing, was Re: A Computer That Never Was: the IBM 7095
2017j.html#88 Ferranti Atlas paging
2017j.html#83 Ferranti Atlas paging
2017j.html#79 thrashing, was Re: A Computer That Never Was: the IBM 7095
2017j.html#66 A Computer That Never Was: the IBM 7095
2017j.html#49 Tech: we didn't mean for it to turn out like this
2017j.html#34 Tech: we didn't mean for it to turn out like this
2017j.html#23 How to Stuff a Wild Duck
2017j.html#16 IBM open sources it's JVM and JIT code
2017i.html#80 WW II cryptography
2017i.html#62 64 bit addressing into the future
2017i.html#58 64 bit addressing into the future
2017h.html#68 Pareto efficiency
2017h.html#62 computer component reliability, 1951
2017g.html#104 SEX
2017g.html#101 SEX
2017g.html#74 Running unsupported is dangerous was Re: AW: Re: LE strikes again
2017g.html#69 48-year-old Multics Operating System Resurrected
2017g.html#68 MULTICS & VM370 History
2017g.html#66 Is AMD Dooomed? A Silly Suggestion!
2017g.html#56 What is the most epic computer glitch you have ever seen?
2017g.html#28 Eliminating the systems programmer was Re: IBM cuts contractor bil ling by 15 percent (our else)
2017g.html#23 Eliminating the systems programmer was Re: IBM cuts contractor billing by 15 percent (our else)
2017g.html#22 IBM Future Sytem 1975, 1977
2017f.html#99 IBM downfall
2017f.html#87 How a few yellow dots burned the Intercept's NSA leaker
2017f.html#78 Go Greyhound and leave the computing to us ???
2017f.html#39 MVS vs HASP vs JES (was 2821)
2017f.html#35 Hitachi to Deliver New Mainframe Based on IBM z Systems in Japan
2017e.html#67 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#62 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#61 Typesetting
2017e.html#46 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#35 Mainframe Family tree and chronology 2
2017e.html#25 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#18 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017d.html#83 Mainframe operating systems?
2017d.html#82 Mainframe operating systems?
2017d.html#56 Some IBM Research RJ reports
2017d.html#48 360 announce day
2017d.html#5 IBM's core business
2017c.html#94 GREAT presentation on the history of the mainframe
2017c.html#81 GREAT presentation on the history of the mainframe
2017c.html#80 Great mainframe history(?)
2017c.html#60 [EXTERNAL] ComputerWorld Says: Cobol plays major role in U.S. government breaches
2017c.html#59 The ICL 2900
2017c.html#55 The ICL 2900
2017c.html#54 The ICL 2900
2017c.html#50 Mainframes after Future System
2017c.html#28 The ICL 2900
2017b.html#27 Virtualization's Past Helps Explain Its Current Importance
2017b.html#23 IBM "Breakup"
2017b.html#2 IBM 1970s
2017.html#85 The ICL 2900
2017.html#84 The ICL 2900
2017.html#74 The ICL 2900
2017.html#59 The ICL 2900
2017.html#46 Hidden Figures and the IBM 7090 computer
2017.html#6 Some IBM History
2016h.html#102 Multitasking question
2016h.html#101 Multitasking question
2016h.html#86 Computer/IBM Career
2016h.html#75 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016h.html#66 just what is micro-code anyway?
2016h.html#52 Resurrected! Paul Allen’s tech team brings 50-year -old supercomputer back from the dead
2016h.html#49 Resurrected! Paul Allen’s tech team brings 50-year -old supercomputer back from the dead
2016h.html#48 Why Can't You Buy z Mainframe Services from Amazon Cloud Services?
2016h.html#30 IBM project discussions
2016g.html#68 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016g.html#53 IBM Sales & Marketing
2016g.html#29 Computer hard drives have shrunk like crazy over the last 60 years -- here's a look back
2016f.html#97 ABO Automatic Binary Optimizer
2016f.html#91 ABO Automatic Binary Optimizer
2016f.html#85 3033
2016f.html#38 British socialism / anti-trust
2016f.html#26 British socialism / anti-trust
2016e.html#130 3380 & 3081 history
2016e.html#128 This Day in History: 22Aug1955, The First Computer User Group Is Founded
2016e.html#124 Early Networking
2016e.html#116 How the internet was invented
2016e.html#115 IBM History
2016e.html#114 IBM History
2016e.html#95 IBM History
2016e.html#92 How the internet was invented
2016e.html#77 Honeywell 200
2016e.html#17 Looking for info on IBM ATMs - 2984, 3614, and 3624
2016e.html#14 Leaked IBM email says cutting 'redundant' jobs is a 'permanent and ongoing' part of its business model
2016d.html#67 Dynamic adaptive resource management (was: PL/I advertising
2016d.html#59 PL/I advertising
2016d.html#47 PL/I advertising
2016d.html#44 PL/I advertising
2016d.html#37 First Non-Trivial Program You Developed
2016c.html#5 You count as an old-timer if (was Re: Origin of the phrase "XYZZY")
2016b.html#112 You count as an old-timer if (was Re: Origin of the phrase "XYZZY")
2016b.html#78 Microcode
2016b.html#77 Qbasic - lies about Medicare
2016b.html#54 CMS\APL
2016b.html#36 Ransomware
2016b.html#28 Qbasic
2016b.html#23 IBM's 3033; "The Big One": IBM's 3033
2016b.html#18 IBM Destination z - What the Heck Is JCL and Why Does It Look So Funny?
2016.html#82 DEC and The Americans
2016.html#78 Mainframe Virtual Memory
2016.html#41 1976 vs. 2016?
2016.html#33 IBM STRETCH repricing decision?
2015h.html#104 DOS descendant still lives was Re: slight reprieve on the z
2015h.html#94 Systems thinking--still in short supply
2015h.html#73 Miniskirts and mainframes
2015h.html#64 [CM] Coding with dad on the Dragon 32
2015h.html#57 Gene Amhdahl Dies at 92
2015h.html#43 Are we just running in place?
2015h.html#38 high level language idea
2015h.html#32 (External):Re: IBM
2015g.html#91 IBM 4341, introduced in 1979, was 26 times faster than the 360/30
2015g.html#17 There's No Such Thing as Corporate DNA
2015g.html#0 Miniskirts and mainframes
2015e.html#87 These hackers warned the Internet would become a security disaster. Nobody listened
2015e.html#22 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#20 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#8 New Line vs. Line Feed
2015e.html#5 Remember 3277?
2015d.html#84 ACP/TPF
2015d.html#64 Western Union envisioned internet functionality
2015d.html#48 Western Union envisioned internet functionality
2015d.html#46 Remember 3277?
2015d.html#14 3033 & 3081 question
2015d.html#3 30 yr old email
2015c.html#106 IBM System/32, System/34 implementation technology?
2015c.html#105 IBM System/32, System/34 implementation technology?
2015c.html#94 VM370 Logo Screen
2015c.html#71 A New Performance Model
2015c.html#44 John Titor was right? IBM 5100
2015b.html#61 ou sont les VAXen d'antan, was Variable-Length Instructions that aren't
2015b.html#60 ou sont les VAXen d'antan, was Variable-Length Instructions that aren't
2015b.html#48 IBM's One Hundred Year History Is About Cash, Culture and Mutualism
2015b.html#46 Connecting memory to 370/145 with only 36 bits
2015b.html#45 Connecting memory to 370/145 with only 36 bits
2015b.html#43 Connecting memory to 370/145 with only 36 bits
2015b.html#39 Connecting memory to 370/145 with only 36 bits
2015b.html#10 Oracle Sparc M7
2015.html#94 Update History Documentaries | Watson | PBS Video
2015.html#91 IBM Data Processing Center and Pi
2015.html#87 a bit of hope? What was old is new again
2015.html#85 a bit of hope? What was old is new again
2015.html#84 a bit of hope? What was old is new again
2014m.html#170 IBM Continues To Crumble
2014m.html#155 IBM Continues To Crumble
2014m.html#115 Mill Computing talk in Estonia on 12/10/2104
2014m.html#105 IBM 360/85 vs. 370/165
2014m.html#74 SD?
2014m.html#66 Why you need batch cloud computing
2014m.html#65 Decimation of the valuation of IBM
2014m.html#61 Decimation of the valuation of IBM
2014m.html#35 BBC News - Microsoft fixes '19-year-old' bug with emergency patch
2014m.html#25 Microsoft Open Sources .NET, Saying It Will Run on Linux and Mac
2014m.html#19 Microsoft Open Sources .NET, Saying It Will Run on Linux and Mac
2014l.html#88 IBM sees boosting profit margins as more important than sales growth
2014l.html#50 IBM's Ginni Rometty Just Confessed To A Huge Failure -- It Might Be The Best Thing For The Company
2014l.html#20 Do we really need 64-bit addresses or is 48-bit enough?
2014l.html#13 Do we really need 64-bit addresses or is 48-bit enough?
2014l.html#11 360/85
2014k.html#82 Do we really need 64-bit DP or is 48-bit enough?
2014k.html#77 Bell Picturephone--early business application experiments
2014k.html#75 Bell Picturephone--early business application experiments
2014k.html#74 Bell Picturephone--early business application experiments
2014k.html#73 Bell Picturephone--early business application experiments
2014k.html#71 Bell Picturephone--early business application experiments
2014k.html#48 1950: Northrop's Digital Differential Analyzer
2014k.html#39 1950: Northrop's Digital Differential Analyzer
2014k.html#31 1950: Northrop's Digital Differential Analyzer
2014k.html#30 1950: Northrop's Digital Differential Analyzer
2014k.html#28 1950: Northrop's Digital Differential Analyzer
2014k.html#25 1950: Northrop's Digital Differential Analyzer
2014k.html#23 1950: Northrop's Digital Differential Analyzer
2014j.html#99 No Internet. No Microsoft Windows. No iPods. This Is What Tech Was Like In 1984
2014j.html#66 No Internet. No Microsoft Windows. No iPods. This Is What Tech Was Like In 1984
2014j.html#32 Univac 90 series info posted on bitsavers
2014j.html#19 DG Nova 1200 as console
2014j.html#10 R.I.P. PDP-10?
2014j.html#5 The SDS 92, its place in history?
2014i.html#93 As OpenVMS nears 30, users dredge up videos from DEC's heyday
2014i.html#89 make a new thread
2014i.html#87 IBM Programmer Aptitude Test
2014i.html#82 z/OS physical memory usage with multiple copies of same load module at different virtual addresses
2014i.html#72 IBM Programmer Aptitude Test
2014i.html#71 z/OS physical memory usage with multiple copies of same load module at different virtual addresses
2014i.html#70 IBM Programmer Aptitude Test
2014i.html#69 IBM Programmer Aptitude Test
2014i.html#66 z/OS physical memory usage with multiple copies of same load module at different virtual addresses
2014i.html#63 Cloud Wars: Now Even the CIA Slams IBM's Technology
2014i.html#52 IBM Programmer Aptitude Test
2014i.html#47 IBM Programmer Aptitude Test
2014i.html#8 With hindsight, what would you have done?
2014i.html#7 You can make your workplace 'happy'
2014h.html#105 TSO Test does not support 65-bit debugging?
2014h.html#99 TSO Test does not support 65-bit debugging?
2014h.html#80 The Tragedy of Rapid Evolution?
2014h.html#68 Over in the Mainframe Experts Network LinkedIn group
2014h.html#65 Are you tired of the negative comments about IBM in this community?
2014h.html#20 Demonstrating Moore's law
2014g.html#105 Fifty Years of nitpicking definitions, was BASIC,theProgrammingLanguageT
2014g.html#103 Fifty Years of nitpicking definitions, was BASIC,theProgrammingLanguageT
2014g.html#97 IBM architecture, was Fifty Years of nitpicking definitions, was BASIC,theProgrammingLanguageT
2014g.html#91 Fifty Years of nitpicking definitions, was BASIC,theProgrammingLanguageT
2014g.html#85 Costs of core
2014g.html#83 Costs of core
2014g.html#40 Fifty Years of BASIC, the Programming Language That Made Computers Personal
2014g.html#18 350 DBAs stare blankly when reminded super-users can pinch data
2014g.html#4 Is end of mainframe near ?
2014f.html#95 Is end of mainframe near ?
2014f.html#81 Is end of mainframe near ?
2014f.html#74 Is end of mainframe near ?
2014f.html#54 IBM Sales Fall Again, Pressuring Rometty's Profit Goal
2014f.html#49 Beyond the EC12
2014f.html#29 upcoming TV show, "Halt & Catch Fire"
2014f.html#22 Complete 360 and 370 systems found
2014f.html#21 Complete 360 and 370 systems found
2014e.html#53 The mainframe turns 50, or, why the IBM System/360 launch was the dawn of enterprise IT
2014e.html#52 Rather nice article on COBOL on Vulture Central
2014e.html#51 The mainframe turns 50, or, why the IBM System/360 launch was the dawn of enterprise IT
2014e.html#50 The mainframe turns 50, or, why the IBM System/360 launch was the dawn of enterprise IT
2014e.html#40 The mainframe turns 50, or, why the IBM System/360 launch was the dawn of enterprise IT
2014e.html#26 23Jun1969 Unbundling Announcement
2014e.html#16 23Jun1969 Unbundling Announcement
2014e.html#15 Last Gasp for Hard Disk Drives
2014e.html#14 23Jun1969 Unbundling Announcement
2014d.html#87 Difference between MVS and z / OS systems
2014d.html#83 Difference between MVS and z / OS systems
2014d.html#62 Difference between MVS and z / OS systems
2014d.html#59 Difference between MVS and z / OS systems
2014d.html#54 Difference between MVS and z / OS systems
2014d.html#28 Write Inhibit
2014d.html#25 Mainframe memories
2014d.html#24 IBM ACS
2014d.html#22 [OT ] Mainframe memories
2014d.html#21 Write Inhibit
2014d.html#20 Write Inhibit
2014c.html#97 IBM ACS
2014c.html#76 assembler
2014c.html#75 Bloat
2014c.html#74 assembler
2014b.html#105 Happy 50th Birthday to the IBM Cambridge Scientific Center
2014b.html#97 Where does the term Wild Duck come from?
2014b.html#92 write rings
2014b.html#84 CPU time
2014b.html#70 Salesmen--IBM and Coca Cola
2014b.html#68 Salesmen--IBM and Coca Cola
2014b.html#66 Salesmen--IBM and Coca Cola
2014b.html#49 Mac at 30: A love/hate relationship from the support front
2014.html#99 the suckage of MS-DOS, was Re: 'Free Unix!
2014.html#62 Imprecise Interrupts and the 360/195
2014.html#52 IBM Wild Ducks
2014.html#33 Warnings for the U.S. military about innovation and the information age: The Pentagon looks like a minicomputer firm
2014.html#19 the suckage of MS-DOS, was Re: 'Free Unix!
2014.html#4 Application development paradigms [was: RE: Learning Rexx]
2014.html#2 Application development paradigms [was: RE: Learning Rexx]
2013o.html#91 Learning Rexx
2013o.html#82 One day, a computer will fit on a desk (1974) - YouTube
2013o.html#68 "Death of the mainframe"
2013o.html#56 Early !BM multiprocessors (renamed from Curiosity: TCB mapping macro name - why IKJTCB?)
2013o.html#45 the nonsuckage of source, was MS-DOS, was Re: 'Free Unix!
2013o.html#12 "hexadecimal"?
2013o.html#7 Something to Think About - Optimal PDS Blocking
2013o.html#3 Inside the Box People don't actually like creativity
2013n.html#94 z/OS is antique WAS: Aging Sysprogs = Aging Farmers
2013n.html#59 'Free Unix!': The world-changing proclamation made30yearsagotoday
2013n.html#46 'Free Unix!': The world-changing proclamation made30yearsagotoday
2013n.html#42 Serialization without Enque
2013n.html#24 Aging Sysprogs = Aging Farmers
2013n.html#22 Aging Sysprogs = Aging Farmers
2013n.html#18 z/OS is antique WAS: Aging Sysprogs = Aging Farmers
2013m.html#73 Clemson Univ. Data Center Tour (1980)
2013m.html#71 'Free Unix!': The world-changing proclamation made 30 years agotoday
2013m.html#70 architectures, was Open source software
2013m.html#55 'Free Unix!': The world-changing proclamation made 30 years ago today
2013m.html#48 Quote on
2013m.html#40 Open source software
2013m.html#26 Voyager 1 just left the solar system using less computing powerthan your iP
2013m.html#24 Voyager 1 just left the solar system using less computing powerthan your iP
2013l.html#66 model numbers; was re: World's worst programming environment?
2013l.html#49 The Original IBM Basic Beliefs for those that have never seen them
2013l.html#39 model numbers; was re: World's worst programming environment?
2013l.html#27 World's worst programming environment?
2013l.html#22 Teletypewriter Model 33
2013l.html#20 Teletypewriter Model 33
2013k.html#90 spacewar
2013j.html#67 OSI: The Internet That Wasn't
2013j.html#38 1969 networked word processor "Astrotype"
2013j.html#23 The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software
2013i.html#73 Future of COBOL based on RDz policies was Re: RDz or RDzEnterprise developers
2013i.html#31 DRAM is the new Bulk Core
2013i.html#27 RBS Mainframe Meltdown: A year on, the fallout is still coming
2013i.html#8 DEC Demise (was IBM commitment to academia)
2013i.html#5 IBM commitment to academia
2013h.html#85 Before the PC: IBM invents virtualisation
2013h.html#84 Minicomputer Pricing
2013h.html#72 Minicomputer Pricing
2013h.html#67 Minicomputer Pricing
2013h.html#47 Storage paradigm [was: RE: Data volumes]
2013h.html#45 Storage paradigm [was: RE: Data volumes]
2013h.html#44 Why does IBM keep saying things like this:
2013h.html#40 The Mainframe is "Alive and Kicking"
2013h.html#32 Getting at the original command name/line
2013h.html#16 How about the old mainframe error messages that actually give you a clue about what's broken
2013h.html#14 The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software
2013h.html#10 The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software
2013g.html#75 What Makes code storage management so cool?
2013g.html#65 JES History
2013g.html#49 A Complete History Of Mainframe Computing
2013g.html#34 What Makes code storage management so cool?
2013g.html#1 A Complete History Of Mainframe Computing
2013f.html#78 The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software
2013f.html#69 The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software
2013f.html#29 Delay between idea and implementation
2013e.html#39 As an IBM'er just like the Marines only a few good men and women make the cut
2013e.html#26 The Big, Bad Bit Stuffers of IBM
2013e.html#18 What in your opinion is the one defining IBM product?
2013e.html#11 Relative price of S/370 AP and MP systems
2013d.html#57 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#22 Query for Destination z article -- mainframes back to the future
2013d.html#19 Query for Destination z article -- mainframes back to the future
2013c.html#77 relative mainframe speeds, was What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013c.html#71 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013c.html#59 Why Intel can't retire X86
2013c.html#37 PDP-10 byte instructions, was What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013c.html#31 REFRPROT History Question
2013c.html#20 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013c.html#15 I do not understand S0C6 on CDSG
2013c.html#8 OT: CPL on LCM systems [was Re: COBOL will outlive us all]
2013b.html#75 Fortran
2013b.html#73 One reason for monocase was Re: Dualcase vs monocase. Was: Article for the boss
2013b.html#61 Google Patents Staple of '70s Mainframe Computing
2013b.html#26 New HD
2013b.html#23 AT&T Holmdel Computer Center films, 1973 Unix
2013.html#67 Was MVS/SE designed to confound Amdahl?
2013.html#63 what makes a computer architect great?
2013.html#58 Was MVS/SE designed to confound Amdahl?
2013.html#47 AT&T Holmdel Computer Center films, 1973 Unix
2013.html#14 Is Microsoft becoming folklore?
2013.html#3 Is Microsoft becoming folklore?
2012p.html#63 Today in TIME Tech History: Piston-less Power (1959), IBM's Decline (1992), TiVo (1998) and More
2012p.html#53 What is holding back cloud adoption?
2012p.html#19 IBM Is Changing The Terms Of Its Retirement Plan, Which Is Frustrating Some Employees
2012p.html#11 IBM Is Changing The Terms Of Its Retirement Plan, Which Is Frustrating Some Employees
2012o.html#61 ISO documentation of IBM 3375, 3380 and 3390 track format
2012o.html#37 Regarding Time Sharing
2012o.html#35 Regarding Time Sharing
2012o.html#34 Regarding Time Sharing
2012o.html#22 Assembler vs. COBOL--processing time, space needed
2012o.html#4 Unintended consequence of RISC simplicity?
2012n.html#60 The IBM mainframe has been the backbone of most of the world's largest IT organizations for more than 48 years
2012n.html#52 history of Programming language and CPU in relation to each
2012n.html#42 history of Programming language and CPU in relation to each
2012n.html#35 390 vector instruction set reuse, was 8-bit bytes
2012n.html#32 390 vector instruction set reuse, was 8-bit bytes
2012m.html#62 Another Light goes out
2012m.html#47 Official current definition of MVS
2012m.html#31 Still think the mainframe is going away soon: Think again. IBM mainframe computer sales are 4% of IBM's revenue; with software, services, and storage it's 25%
2012m.html#28 I.B.M. Mainframe Evolves to Serve the Digital World
2012l.html#99 PDP-10 system calls, was 1132 printer history
2012l.html#90 Blades versus z was Re: Turn Off Another Light - Univ. of Tennessee
2012l.html#73 PDP-10 system calls, was 1132 printer history
2012l.html#72 zEC12, and previous generations, "why?" type question - GPU computing
2012l.html#49 Too true to be funny - 51% of the surveyed Americans think that stormy we
2012l.html#27 PDP-10 system calls, was 1132 printer history
2012l.html#26 PDP-10 system calls, was 1132 printer history
2012l.html#18 X86 server
2012k.html#76 END OF FILE
2012k.html#62 Any cool anecdotes IBM 40yrs of VM
2012k.html#59 1132 printer history
2012k.html#58 1132 printer history
2012k.html#57 1132 printer history
2012k.html#53 1132 printer history
2012k.html#50 1132 printer history
2012k.html#49 1132 printer history
2012k.html#48 1132 printer history
2012k.html#41 Cloud Computing
2012k.html#33 Using NOTE and POINT simulation macros on CMS?
2012k.html#23 How to Stuff a Wild Duck
2012k.html#17 a clock in it, was Re: Interesting News Article
2012k.html#15 Microsoft's Downfall: Inside the Executive E-mails and Cannibalistic Culture That Felled a Tech Giant
2012j.html#91 printer history Languages influenced by PL/1
2012j.html#52 The dbdebunk revival
2012j.html#41 Are you creative?
2012j.html#30 Can anybody give me a clear idea about Cloud Computing in MAINFRAME ?
2012j.html#29 How smart do you need to be to be really good with Assembler?
2012j.html#17 Operating System, what is it?
2012j.html#14 Can anybody give me a clear idea about Cloud Computing in MAINFRAME ?
2012j.html#13 Can anybody give me a clear idea about Cloud Computing in MAINFRAME ?
2012j.html#5 Interesting News Article
2012i.html#43 Virtual address Memory Protection Unit
2012i.html#26 Top Ten Reasons Why Large Companies Fail To Keep Their Best Talent
2012i.html#16 Think You Know The Mainframe?
2012h.html#66 How will mainframers retiring be different from Y2K?
2012h.html#57 How will mainframers retiring be different from Y2K?
2012h.html#54 How will mainframers retiring be different from Y2K?
2012h.html#17 Hierarchy
2012h.html#12 How do you feel about the fact that today India has more IBM employees than US?
2012h.html#7 Leadership Trends and Realities: What Does Leadership Look Like Today
2012g.html#17 Co-existance of z/OS and z/VM on same DASD farm
2012f.html#78 What are you experiences with Amdahl Computers and Plug-Compatibles?
2012f.html#65 The old is new again - Not IBM related, but I hope interesting
2012f.html#59 Hard Disk Drive Construction
2012f.html#50 SIE - CompArch
2012f.html#48 Explination of S0C4 reason code 4 and related data areas
2012f.html#46 Cartons of Punch Cards
2012f.html#28 which one came first
2012f.html#24 Time to competency for new software language?
2012f.html#22 Indirect Bit
2012f.html#18 Word Length
2012e.html#105 Burroughs B5000, B5500, B6500 videos
2012e.html#38 A bit of IBM System 360 nostalgia
2012e.html#21 A z/OS Redbook Corrected - just about!
2012d.html#74 Execution Velocity
2012d.html#65 FAA 9020 - S/360-65 or S/360-67?
2012c.html#20 M68k add to memory is not a mistake any more
2012b.html#100 5 Byte Device Addresses?
2012b.html#98 5 Byte Device Addresses?
2012b.html#76 IBM Doing Some Restructuring?
2012b.html#66 M68k add to memory is not a mistake any more
2012b.html#59 Original Thinking Is Hard, Where Good Ideas Come From
2012b.html#4 CSC History
2012.html#104 Can a business be democratic? Tom Watson Sr. thought so
2012.html#100 The PC industry is heading for collapse
2012.html#55 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2012.html#42 Drones now account for one third of U.S. warplanes
2012.html#14 HONE
2011p.html#121 The Myth of Work-Life Balance
2011p.html#114 Start Interpretive Execution
2011p.html#112 SPF in 1978
2011p.html#105 5 ways to keep your rockstar employees happy
2011p.html#82 Migration off mainframe
2011p.html#57 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2011p.html#56 Are prefix opcodes better than variable length?
2011p.html#52 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2011p.html#48 Hello?
2011p.html#35 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2011o.html#92 Question regarding PSW correction after translation exceptions on old IBM hardware
2011o.html#33 Data Areas?
2011o.html#14 John R. Opel, RIP
2011o.html#6 John R. Opel, RIP
2011n.html#93 John R. Opel, RIP
2011n.html#45 CRLF in Unix being translated on Mainframe to x'25'
2011n.html#40 John McCarthy
2011m.html#45 What is IBM culture?
2011m.html#37 What is IBM culture?
2011m.html#34 CMS load module format
2011m.html#28 Supervisory Processors
2011m.html#22 Supervisory Processors
2011m.html#8 What is IBM culture?
2011m.html#1 What is IBM culture?
2011l.html#43 What is IBM culture?
2011l.html#26 computer bootlaces
2011l.html#20 Selectric Typewriter--50th Anniversary
2011l.html#19 Selectric Typewriter--50th Anniversary
2011l.html#18 Selectric Typewriter--50th Anniversary
2011l.html#16 Selectric Typewriter--50th Anniversary
2011l.html#15 Selectric Typewriter--50th Anniversary
2011l.html#14 Selectric Typewriter--50th Anniversary
2011l.html#12 Selectric Typewriter--50th Anniversary
2011l.html#11 segments and sharing, was 68000 assembly language programming
2011l.html#9 segments and sharing, was 68000 assembly language programming
2011l.html#6 segments and sharing, was 68000 assembly language programming
2011k.html#87 'smttter IBMdroids
2011k.html#84 'smttter IBMdroids
2011k.html#80 Selectric Typewriter--50th Anniversary
2011k.html#79 Selectric Typewriter--50th Anniversary
2011k.html#34 Who was the Greatest IBM President and CEO of the last century?
2011k.html#9 Was there ever a DOS JCL reference like the Brown book?
2011j.html#69 Who was the Greatest IBM President and CEO of the last century?
2011j.html#66 Wondering if I am really eligible for this group
2011j.html#65 Who was the Greatest IBM President and CEO of the last century?
2011j.html#60 Who was the Greatest IBM President and CEO of the last century?
2011j.html#42 assembler help!
2011j.html#14 Innovation and iconoclasm
2011j.html#12 program coding pads
2011j.html#10 program coding pads
2011i.html#65 Architecture / Instruction Set / Language co-design
2011i.html#63 Before the PC: IBM invents virtualisation (Cambridge skunkworks)
2011i.html#56 Joint Design of Instruction Set and Language
2011i.html#35 Having left IBM, seem to be reminded that IBM is not the same IBM I had joined
2011i.html#7 Do you remember back to June 23, 1969 when IBM unbundled
2011h.html#75 pdp8 to PC- have we lost our way?
2011h.html#70 IBM Mainframe (1980's) on You tube
2011h.html#63 Do you remember back to June 23, 1969 when IBM unbundled
2011h.html#61 Do you remember back to June 23, 1969 when IBM unbundled
2011h.html#47 The IBM would have, could have and should have story
2011h.html#35 Happy 100th Birthday, IBM!
2011h.html#34 Happy 100th Birthday, IBM!
2011h.html#30 IBM Centennial Film: Wild Ducks
2011h.html#20 When is performance really an issue? Was: Running an ISPF applicction from one pds
2011g.html#34 Congratulations, where was my invite?
2011g.html#32 Congratulations, where was my invite?
2011g.html#29 Congratulations, where was my invite?
2011g.html#16 Running z/OS On Your Laptop
2011g.html#12 Clone Processors
2011g.html#8 Is the magic and romance killed by Windows (and Linux)?
2011g.html#6 Is the magic and romance killed by Windows (and Linux)?
2011f.html#85 SV: USS vs USS
2011f.html#77 Overloaded acronyms
2011f.html#70 Z chip at ISSCC
2011f.html#42 At least two decades back, some gurus predicted that mainframes would disappear in future and it still has not happened
2011f.html#39 At least two decades back, some gurus predicted that mainframes would disappear in future and it still has not happened
2011f.html#2 Car models and corporate culture: It's all lies
2011e.html#82 What is your most memorable Mainframe security bug, breach or lesson learned?
2011e.html#55 junking CKD; was "Social Security Confronts IT Obsolescence"
2011e.html#54 Downloading PoOps?
2011e.html#47 junking CKD; was "Social Security Confronts IT Obsolescence"
2011e.html#30 vm370 running in "XA-mode"
2011e.html#11 Multiple Virtual Memory
2011e.html#1 Multiple Virtual Memory
2011d.html#81 Multiple Virtual Memory
2011d.html#73 Multiple Virtual Memory
2011d.html#71 Multiple Virtual Memory
2011d.html#52 Maybe off topic
2011d.html#15 I actually miss working at IBM
2011d.html#13 I actually miss working at IBM
2011c.html#91 If IBM Hadn't Bet the Company
2011c.html#85 If IBM Hadn't Bet the Company
2011c.html#84 If IBM Hadn't Bet the Company
2011c.html#83 IBM Future System
2011c.html#68 IBM and the Computer Revolution
2011c.html#62 z/OS 1.13 preview
2011c.html#60 IBM Future System
2011c.html#57 IBM Future System
2011c.html#55 If IBM Hadn't Bet the Company
2011c.html#53 IBM and the Computer Revolution
2011c.html#51 If IBM Hadn't Bet the Company
2011c.html#38 IBM "Watson" computer and Jeopardy
2011c.html#33 If IBM Hadn't Bet the Company
2011c.html#17 If IBM Hadn't Bet the Company
2011c.html#14 If IBM Hadn't Bet the Company
2011c.html#12 If IBM Hadn't Bet the Company
2011c.html#9 If IBM Hadn't Bet the Company
2011c.html#7 RISCversus CISC
2011c.html#1 IBM Future System
2011b.html#87 The first personal computer (PC)
2011b.html#77 If IBM Hadn't Bet the Company
2011b.html#72 IBM Future System
2011b.html#70 vm/370 3081
2011b.html#61 VM13025 ... zombie/hung users
2011b.html#5 Mainframe upgrade done with wire cutters?
2011.html#74 shared code, was Speed of Old Hard Disks - adcons
2011.html#52 speculation: z/OS "enhancments"
2011.html#28 Personal histories and IBM computing
2011.html#18 IBM Future System
2011.html#17 Looking for a real Fortran-66 compatible PC compiler (CP/M or DOS or Windows, doesn't matter)
2010q.html#64 IBM Future System
2010q.html#60 I actually miss working at IBM
2010q.html#59 Boeing Plant 2 ... End of an Era
2010q.html#50 I actually miss working at IBM
2010q.html#38 Looking for a real Fortran-66 compatible PC compiler (CP/M or DOS or Windows, doesn't matter)
2010q.html#32 IBM Future System
2010q.html#22 Who hasn't caused an outage? What is the worst thing you have done?
2010q.html#4 Plug Your Data Leaks from the inside
2010p.html#77 Orientation - does group input (or groups of data) make better decisions than one person can?
2010o.html#47 origin of 'fields'?
2010n.html#83 Hashing for DISTINCT or GROUP BY in SQL
2010n.html#82 Hashing for DISTINCT or GROUP BY in SQL
2010n.html#73 Mainframe hacking?
2010n.html#42 Really dumb IPL question
2010n.html#15 Mainframe Slang terms
2010m.html#81 Nostalgia
2010m.html#46 optimizing compilers
2010m.html#41 IBM 3883 Manuals
2010m.html#33 What will Microsoft use its ARM license for?
2010m.html#15 History of Hard-coded Offsets
2010l.html#54 C-I-C-S vs KICKS
2010l.html#45 PROP instead of POPS, PoO, et al
2010l.html#39 Age
2010l.html#34 Age
2010l.html#20 Old EMAIL Index
2010l.html#19 Old EMAIL Index
2010l.html#15 Age
2010l.html#10 Titles for the Class of 1978
2010k.html#72 "SIE" on a RISC architecture
2010k.html#57 taking down the machine - z9 series
2010k.html#51 Information on obscure text editors wanted
2010j.html#83 Percentage of code executed that is user written was Re: Delete all members of a PDS that is allocated
2010j.html#82 Percentage of code executed that is user written was Re: Delete all members of a PDS that is allocated
2010j.html#80 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010j.html#57 Article says mainframe most cost-efficient platform
2010j.html#54 Article says mainframe most cost-efficient platform
2010j.html#32 Personal use z/OS machines was Re: Multiprise 3k for personal Use?
2010j.html#20 Personal use z/OS machines was Re: Multiprise 3k for personal Use?
2010j.html#19 Personal use z/OS machines was Re: Multiprise 3k for personal Use?
2010j.html#3 Significant Bits
2010j.html#2 Significant Bits
2010j.html#1 History: Mark-sense cards vs. plain keypunching?
2010i.html#22 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010i.html#5 25 reasons why hardware is still hot at IBM
2010h.html#70 25 reasons why hardware is still hot at IBM
2010h.html#48 Do you know of, or have you participated in, any good examples of successful collaboration?
2010h.html#40 Faster image rotation
2010h.html#18 How many mainframes are there?
2010h.html#12 OS/400 and z/OS
2010h.html#8 Far and near pointers on the 80286 and later
2010h.html#2 Far and near pointers on the 80286 and later
2010g.html#67 Interesting presentation
2010g.html#34 someone smarter than Dave Cutler
2010f.html#58 Handling multicore CPUs; what the competition is thinking
2010f.html#11 IBM And Microsoft Clash Over Unbundling Policy
2010f.html#1 More calumny: "Secret Service Uses 1980s Mainframe"
2010e.html#62 z9 / z10 instruction speed(s)
2010e.html#61 z9 / z10 instruction speed(s)
2010e.html#30 SHAREWARE at Its Finest
2010e.html#28 What was old is new again (water chilled)
2010e.html#25 HONE Compute Intensive
2010e.html#6 Need tool to zap core
2010d.html#70 LPARs: More or Less?
2010d.html#59 LPARs: More or Less?
2010d.html#43 What was old is new again (water chilled)
2010d.html#39 search engine history, was Happy DEC-10 Day
2010c.html#5 Processes' memory
2010c.html#4 Processes' memory
2010b.html#100 "The Naked Mainframe" (Forbes Security Article)
2010b.html#65 Source code for s/360 [PUBLIC]
2010b.html#31 Happy DEC-10 Day
2010b.html#22 How long for IBM System/360 architecture and its descendants?
2010.html#45 360 programs on a z/10
2010.html#17 360 programs on a z/10
2009s.html#60 360 programs on a z/10
2009s.html#29 channels, was Larrabee delayed: anyone know what's happening?
2009r.html#59 "Portable" data centers
2009r.html#49 "Portable" data centers
2009r.html#41 While watching Biography about Bill Gates on CNBC last Night
2009r.html#33 While watching Biography about Bill Gates on CNBC last Night
2009r.html#14 "Portable" data centers
2009r.html#7 The 50th Anniversary of the Legendary IBM 1401
2009q.html#74 Now is time for banks to replace core system according to Accenture
2009q.html#57 The 50th Anniversary of the Legendary IBM 1401
2009q.html#42 The 50th Anniversary of the Legendary IBM 1401
2009p.html#82 What would be a truly relational operating system ?
2009p.html#60 MasPar compiler and simulator
2009p.html#34 big iron mainframe vs. x86 servers
2009p.html#21 The future of CPU based computing, mini clusters
2009p.html#8 - IBM Puts Executive on Leave
2009o.html#74 Back to the 1970s: IBM in mainframe antitrust suit again
2009o.html#37 Young Developers Get Old Mainframers' Jobs
2009o.html#31 Justice Department probing allegations of abuse by IBM in mainframe computer market
2009o.html#12 Calling ::routines in oorexx 4.0
2009o.html#11 Microprocessors with Definable MIcrocode
2009o.html#10 Microprocessors with Definable MIcrocode
2009o.html#4 Broken Brancher
2009m.html#43 Convert DB2 on z/OS to UDB on z/Linux
2009m.html#16 comp.arch has made itself a sitting duck for spam
2009l.html#58 ACP, One of the Oldest Open Source Apps
2009l.html#46 SNA: conflicting opinions
2009l.html#44 SNA: conflicting opinions
2009l.html#40 Old-school programming techniques you probably don't miss
2009l.html#22 another item related to ASCII vs. EBCDIC
2009k.html#73 And, 40 years of IBM midrange
2009k.html#71 Hercules Question
2009k.html#70 An inComplete History Of Mainframe Computing
2009k.html#68 And, 40 years of IBM midrange
2009k.html#62 Hercules; more information requested
2009k.html#49 A Complete History Of Mainframe Computing
2009k.html#40 Gone but not forgotten: 10 operating systems the world left behind
2009k.html#5 Moving to the Net: Encrypted Execution for User Code on a Hosting Site
2009j.html#67 DCSS
2009j.html#60 A Complete History Of Mainframe Computing
2009j.html#59 A Complete History Of Mainframe Computing
2009i.html#37 Why are z/OS people reluctant to use z/OS UNIX?
2009i.html#32 Why are z/OS people reluctant to use z/OS UNIX?
2009h.html#71 My Vintage Dream PC
2009h.html#6 The coming death of all RISC chips
2009h.html#5 mainframe replacement (Z/Journal Does it Again)
2009g.html#70 Mainframe articles
2009g.html#0 Windowed Interfaces 1981-2009
2009f.html#66 How did the monitor work under TOPS?
2009f.html#62 How did the monitor work under TOPS?
2009f.html#23 Opinion: The top 10 operating system stinkers
2009f.html#21 Opinion: The top 10 operating system stinkers
2009f.html#17 Opinion: The top 10 operating system stinkers
2009e.html#45 Mainframe Hall of Fame: 17 New Members Added
2009e.html#14 Future System
2009e.html#5 registers vs cache
2009d.html#66 Future System
2009d.html#54 mainframe performance
2009d.html#44 Future System
2009d.html#35 Future System
2009d.html#34 Future System
2009d.html#33 Architectural Diversity
2009d.html#32 Architectural Diversity
2009c.html#54 THE runs in DOS box?
2009c.html#14 Assembler Question
2009c.html#9 Assembler Question
2009b.html#67 IBM tried to kill VM?
2009.html#81 Is SUN going to become x86'ed ??
2009.html#6 mvs preemption dispatcher
2008s.html#17 IBM PC competitors
2008r.html#47 pc/370
2008r.html#24 What if the computers went back to the '70s too?
2008r.html#8 Can outsourcing be stopped?
2008q.html#31 TOPS-10
2008q.html#29 TOPS-10
2008q.html#27 TOPS-10
2008p.html#66 Happy 30th Birthday!
2008p.html#4 Strings story
2008p.html#1 My Funniest or Most Memorable Moment at IBM
2008o.html#67 Invitation to Join Mainframe Security Guru Group
2008o.html#66 Open Source, Unbundling, and Future System
2008o.html#41 The human plague
2008m.html#63 CHROME and WEB apps on Mainframe?
2008m.html#61 CHROME and WEB apps on Mainframe?
2008m.html#34 Future architectures
2008m.html#13 Yet another squirrel question - Results (very very long post)
2008m.html#10 Unbelievable Patent for JCL
2008m.html#1 Yet another squirrel question - Results (very very long post)
2008l.html#85 old 370 info
2008l.html#75 Intel: an expensive many-core future is ahead of us
2008l.html#23 Memories of ACC, IBM Channels and Mainframe Internet Devices
2008k.html#79 Larrabee details: Yes, it is based on the Pentium. :-)
2008k.html#21 IBM's 2Q2008 Earnings
2008j.html#82 Taxes
2008j.html#78 How powerful C64 may have been if it used an 8 Mhz 8088 or 68008 ?microprocessor (with otherwise the same hardware)?
2008j.html#72 tape blocking
2008i.html#75 Outsourcing dilemma or debacle, you decide
2008i.html#19 American Airlines
2008i.html#18 Microsoft versus Digital Equipment Corporation
2008h.html#83 Java; a POX
2008h.html#40 3277 terminals and emulators
2008h.html#29 DB2 & z/OS Dissertation Research
2008g.html#63 Machine-Level Assembly Language
2008g.html#61 performance of hardware dynamic scheduling
2008g.html#60 Different Implementations of VLIW
2008g.html#56 performance of hardware dynamic scheduling
2008g.html#54 performance of hardware dynamic scheduling
2008g.html#53 performance of hardware dynamic scheduling
2008g.html#48 How did third-party software companies deal with unbundling being sprung on them?
2008f.html#72 China overtakes U.S. as top Web market
2008f.html#46 independent appraisers
2008e.html#52 Any benefit to programming a RISC processor by hand?
2008e.html#38 Any benefit to programming a RISC processor by hand?
2008e.html#36 Batch job to perform sftp transfer
2008e.html#31 IBM announced z10 ..why so fast...any problem on z 9
2008e.html#10 Kernels
2008d.html#56 Throwaway cores
2008d.html#54 Throwaway cores
2008d.html#23 more on (the new 40+ yr old) virtualization
2008d.html#16 more on (the new 40+ yr old) virtualization
2008c.html#78 CPU time differences for the same job
2008c.html#68 Toyota Beats GM in Global Production
2008c.html#35 New Opcodes
2008b.html#11 folklore indeed
2008.html#16 No Glory for the PDP-15
2007v.html#101 It keeps getting uglier
2007v.html#96 source for VAX programmers
2007v.html#92 Tap and faucet and spellcheckers
2007u.html#35 What do YOU call the # sign?
2007u.html#17 T3 Sues IBM To Break its Mainframe Monopoly
2007u.html#13 new 40+ yr old, disruptive technology
2007t.html#76 T3 Sues IBM To Break its Mainframe Monopoly
2007t.html#69 T3 Sues IBM To Break its Mainframe Monopoly
2007t.html#68 T3 Sues IBM To Break its Mainframe Monopoly
2007t.html#65 Remembering the CDC 6600
2007s.html#33 Age of IBM VM
2007r.html#74 System 360 EBCDIC vs. ASCII
2007r.html#39 Translation of IBM Basic Assembler to C?
2007r.html#28 complicated address generation unit?
2007q.html#54 The history of Structure capabilities
2007q.html#51 The history of Structure capabilities
2007q.html#48 IBM System/3 & 3277-1
2007p.html#35 Newsweek article--baby boomers and computers
2007p.html#29 Newsweek article--baby boomers and computers
2007p.html#23 Newsweek article--baby boomers and computers
2007p.html#9 CA to IBM product swap
2007p.html#5 PL/S programming language
2007p.html#3 PL/S programming language
2007p.html#1 what does xp do when system is copying
2007o.html#48 Virtual Storage implementation
2007n.html#31 IBM obsoleting mainframe hardware
2007m.html#67 Operating systems are old and busted
2007m.html#66 Off Topic But Concept should be Known To All
2007m.html#34 IBM 8000 ???
2007m.html#15 Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules
2007l.html#71 IBM 360 Model 20 Questions
2007l.html#62 Friday musings on the future of 3270 applications
2007l.html#10 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007k.html#46 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007k.html#28 IBM 360 Model 20 Questions
2007k.html#27 user level TCP implementation
2007j.html#95 VLIW pre-history
2007j.html#73 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007j.html#43 z/VM usability
2007i.html#31 Latest Principles of Operation
2007i.html#21 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007i.html#20 Does anyone know of a documented case of VM being penetrated by hackers?
2007h.html#39 sizeof() was: The Perfect Computer - 36 bits?
2007h.html#24 sizeof() was: The Perfect Computer - 36 bits?
2007h.html#17 MIPS and RISC
2007g.html#70 The Perfect Computer - 36 bits?
2007g.html#57 IBM to the PCM market(the sky is falling!!!the sky is falling!!)
2007g.html#55 IBM to the PCM market(the sky is falling!!!the sky is falling!!)
2007g.html#44 1960s: IBM mgmt mistrust of SLT for ICs?
2007g.html#17 The Perfect Computer - 36 bits?
2007g.html#16 What's a CPU second?
2007g.html#13 The Perfect Computer - 36 bits?
2007g.html#11 The Perfect Computer - 36 bits?
2007f.html#77 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007f.html#61 Is computer history taught now?
2007f.html#45 The Perfect Computer - 36 bits?
2007f.html#30 The Perfect Computer - 36 bits?
2007f.html#28 The Perfect Computer - 36 bits?
2007f.html#27 The Perfect Computer - 36 bits?
2007f.html#26 The Perfect Computer - 36 bits?
2007f.html#14 more shared segment archeology
2007f.html#11 Is computer history taught now?
2007f.html#10 Beyond multicore
2007e.html#48 time spent/day on a computer
2007d.html#21 How many 36-bit Unix ports in the old days?
2007d.html#18 IBMLink 2000 Finding ESO levels
2007d.html#17 Jim Gray Is Missing
2006x.html#26 Multiple mappings
2006w.html#34 Top versus bottom posting was Re: IBM sues maker of Intel-based Mainframe clones
2006w.html#2 IBM sues maker of Intel-based Mainframe clones
2006v.html#20 Ranking of non-IBM mainframe builders?
2006u.html#31 To RISC or not to RISC
2006t.html#36 The Future of CPUs: What's After Multi-Core?
2006t.html#14 32 or even 64 registers for x86-64?
2006t.html#7 32 or even 64 registers for x86-64?
2006r.html#36 REAL memory column in SDSF
2006r.html#22 Was FORTRAN buggy?
2006q.html#35 Admired designs / designs to study
2006q.html#12 Another BIG Mainframe Bites the Dust
2006q.html#1 Materiel and graft
2006p.html#50 what's the difference between LF(Line Fee) and NL (New line) ?
2006o.html#62 Greatest Software, System R
2006o.html#29 oops, cics
2006n.html#42 Why is zSeries so CPU poor?
2006n.html#38 Linux - Our Saving Grace?
2006n.html#37 History: How did Forth get its stacks?
2006n.html#27 sorting was: The System/360 Model 20 Wasn't As Bad As All That
2006n.html#26 sorting was: The System/360 Model 20 Wasn't As Bad As All That
2006n.html#16 On the 370/165 and the 360/85
2006m.html#45 Musings on a holiday weekend
2006m.html#44 Musings on a holiday weekend
2006i.html#33 virtual memory
2006i.html#32 virtual memory
2006h.html#52 Need Help defining an AS400 with an IP address to the mainframe
2006d.html#19 Hercules 3.04 announcement
2006d.html#15 Hercules 3.04 announcement
2006c.html#40 IBM 610 workstation computer
2006c.html#18 Change in computers as a hobbiest
2006c.html#3 Architectural support for programming languages
2006b.html#22 Would multi-core replace SMPs?
2006.html#11 Some credible documented evidence that a MVS or later op sys has ever been hacked
2006.html#7 EREP , sense ... manual
2005v.html#0 DMV systems?
2005u.html#5 What ever happened to Tandem and NonStop OS ?
2005s.html#16 Is a Hurricane about to hit IBM ?
2005r.html#49 MVCIN instruction
2005r.html#44 What ever happened to Tandem and NonStop OS ?
2005r.html#11 Intel strikes back with a parallel x86 design
2005r.html#4 OS's with loadable filesystem support?
2005q.html#40 Intel strikes back with a parallel x86 design
2005q.html#27 What ever happened to Tandem and NonStop OS ?
2005q.html#24 What ever happened to Tandem and NonStop OS ?
2005p.html#45 HASP/ASP JES/JES2/JES3
2005p.html#39 What ever happened to Tandem and NonStop OS ?
2005p.html#34 What is CRJE
2005p.html#26 What ever happened to Tandem and NonStop OS ?
2005p.html#15 DUMP Datasets and SMS
2005p.html#14 Multicores
2005p.html#8 EBCDIC to 6-bit and bac
2005o.html#37 What ever happened to Tandem and NonStop OS ?
2005m.html#26 Code density and performance?
2005m.html#23 Old Computers and Moisture don't mix - fairly OT
2005k.html#45 Performance and Capacity Planning
2005k.html#11 IBM/Watson autobiography--thoughts on?
2005k.html#6 IBM/Watson autobiography--thoughts on?
2005k.html#5 IBM/Watson autobiography--thoughts on?
2005j.html#35 IBM Plugs Big Iron to the College Crowd
2005j.html#32 IBM Plugs Big Iron to the College Crowd
2005j.html#31 Three-Address RISC, and Really Fast Addressing
2005h.html#11 Exceptions at basic block boundaries
2005g.html#55 Security via hardware?
2005f.html#45 Moving assembler programs above the line
2005f.html#24 System/360; Hardwired vs. Microcoded
2005f.html#22 System/360; Hardwired vs. Microcoded
2005f.html#19 Where should the type information be: in tags and descriptors
2005f.html#1 System/360; Hardwired vs. Microcoded
2005e.html#63 Mozilla v Firefox
2005e.html#35 Thou shalt have no other gods before the ANSI C standard
2005e.html#29 Using the Cache to Change the Width of Memory
2005e.html#17 Where should the type information be?
2005c.html#57 Thou shalt have no other gods before the ANSI C standard
2005c.html#2 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2005b.html#62 The mid-seventies SHARE survey
2005b.html#47 The mid-seventies SHARE survey
2005b.html#29 M.I.T. SNA study team
2005b.html#12 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2005.html#25 Network databases
2004q.html#60 Will multicore CPUs have identical cores?
2004q.html#22 Tru64 and the DECSYSTEM 20
2004p.html#31 IBM 3705 and UC.5
2004o.html#66 Integer types for 128-bit addressing
2004o.html#47 Integer types for 128-bit addressing
2004o.html#3 Integer types for 128-bit addressing
2004n.html#55 Integer types for 128-bit addressing
2004n.html#38 RS/6000 in Sysplex Environment
2004m.html#53 4GHz is the glass ceiling?
2004m.html#17 mainframe and microprocessor
2004l.html#51 Specifying all biz rules in relational data
2004j.html#17 Wars against bad things
2004h.html#20 Vintage computers are better than modern crap!
2004h.html#6 The One True Language
2004g.html#45 command line switches [Re: [REALLY OT!] Overuse of symbolic constants]
2004g.html#24 |d|i|g|i|t|a|l| questions
2004g.html#15 Infiniband - practicalities for small clusters
2004g.html#12 network history
2004f.html#58 Infiniband - practicalities for small clusters
2004e.html#50 going w/o sleep
2004e.html#46 going w/o sleep
2004e.html#27 NSF interest in Multics security
2004e.html#0 were dumb terminals actually so dumb???
2004d.html#62 microsoft antitrust
2004d.html#28 360 and You Bet Your Company
2004d.html#22 System/360 40th Anniversary
2004c.html#26 Moribund TSO/E
2004c.html#22 More complex operations now a better choice?
2004b.html#49 new to mainframe asm
2004.html#24 40th anniversary of IBM System/360 on 7 Apr 2004
2003p.html#30 Not A Survey Question
2003p.html#25 Mainframe Training
2003p.html#24 Mainframe Training
2003o.html#56 An entirely new proprietary hardware strategy
2003o.html#55 History of Computer Network Industry
2003n.html#17 which CPU for educational purposes?
2003m.html#23 Intel iAPX 432
2003l.html#30 Secure OS Thoughts
2003l.html#21 Secure OS Thoughts
2003i.html#4 A Dark Day
2003i.html#3 A Dark Day
2003h.html#52 Question about Unix "heritage"
2003h.html#47 Segments, capabilities, buffer overrun attacks
2003h.html#41 Segments, capabilities, buffer overrun attacks
2003h.html#32 IBM system 370
2003g.html#58 40th Anniversary of IBM System/360
2003g.html#31 Lisp Machines
2003f.html#27 Ibm's disasters in the 70's
2003e.html#56 Reviving Multics
2003e.html#55 Reviving Multics
2003e.html#54 Reviving Multics
2003e.html#15 unix
2003e.html#4 cp/67 35th anniversary
2003d.html#73 unix
2003d.html#72 cp/67 35th anniversary
2003d.html#67 unix
2003d.html#58 POWER hashes vs tree
2003d.html#55 Another light on the map going out
2003d.html#43 IBM says AMD dead in 5yrs ... -- Microsoft Monopoly vs. IBM
2003c.html#65 Dijkstra on "The End of Computing Science"
2003c.html#28 difference between itanium and alpha
2003c.html#7 what is the difference between ALU & FPU
2003b.html#45 hyperblock drift, was filesystem structure (long warning)
2003b.html#16 3745 & NCP Withdrawl?
2003b.html#11 Card Columns
2003b.html#8 Card Columns
2003b.html#5 Card Columns
2003b.html#0 Disk drives as commodities. Was Re: Yamhill
2002m.html#35 simple architecture machine instruction set
2002l.html#22 Computer Architectures
2002l.html#19 Computer Architectures
2002k.html#16 s/w was: How will current AI/robot stories play when AIs are
2002i.html#60 Unisys A11 worth keeping?
2002g.html#76 Pipelining in the past
2002g.html#70 Pipelining in the past
2002f.html#42 Blade architectures
2002d.html#27 iAPX432 today?
2002d.html#10 IBM Mainframe at home
2002c.html#19 Did Intel Bite Off More Than It Can Chew?
2002c.html#1 Gerstner moves over as planned
2002b.html#23 Infiniband's impact was Re: Intel's 64-bit strategy
2002.html#43 hollow files in unix filesystems?
2002.html#36 a.f.c history checkup... (was What specifications will the standard year 2001 PC have?)
2001n.html#65 Holy Satanism! Re: Hyper-Threading Technology - Intel information.
2001n.html#46 Blinking lights
2001i.html#7 YKYGOW...
2001g.html#36 What was object oriented in iAPX432?
2001f.html#43 Golden Era of Compilers
2001f.html#33 IBM's "VM for the PC" c.1984??
2001f.html#30 IBM's "VM for the PC" c.1984??
2001e.html#4 Block oriented I/O over IP
2000g.html#18 360/370 instruction cycle time
2000f.html#56 TSS ancient history, was X86 ultimate CISC? designs)
2000f.html#40 Famous Machines and Software that didn't
2000f.html#37 OT?
2000f.html#30 OT?
2000f.html#28 OT?
2000f.html#27 OT?
2000f.html#21 OT?
2000f.html#18 OT?
2000f.html#17 [OT] FS - IBM Future System
2000.html#3 Computer of the century
99.html#237 I can't believe this newsgroup still exists
99.html#100 Why won't the AS/400 die? Or, It's 1999 why do I have to learn how to use
96.html#24 old manuals

top , by subject : technology , networking , public key , integrity , Boyd - home

System/R, SQL/DS, misc RDBMS

For other reference, System/R reunion website:
... and

2025b.html#44 IBM 70s & 80s
2025b.html#21 IBM San Jose and Santa Teresa Lab
2025b.html#20 IBM San Jose and Santa Teresa Lab
2025b.html#5 RDBMS, SQL/DS, DB2, HA/CMP
2025.html#132 The joy of FORTRAN
2025.html#131 The joy of FORTRAN
2025.html#119 Consumer and Commercial Computers
2025.html#106 Giant Steps for IBM?
2025.html#76 old pharts, Multics vs Unix vs mainframes
2025.html#59 Multics vs Unix
2025.html#54 Multics vs Unix
2025.html#14 Dataprocessing Innovation
2025.html#7 Dataprocessing Innovation
2025.html#5 Dataprocessing Innovation
2024g.html#111 Dataprocessing Innovation
2024g.html#107 IBM 370 Virtual Storage
2024g.html#9 4th Generation Programming Language
2024g.html#6 IBM 5100
2024f.html#74 IBM IMS
2024f.html#70 The joy of FORTH (not)
2024f.html#56 IBM DB2 and MIP Envy
2024e.html#88 IBM DB2
2024e.html#80 IBM DB2
2024e.html#78 IBM DB2
2024e.html#61 Article on new mainframe use
2024e.html#59 Article on new mainframe use
2024e.html#24 Public Facebook Mainframe Group
2024d.html#73 GOSIP
2024d.html#55 Architectural implications of locate mode I/O
2024d.html#4 Disconnect Between Coursework And Real-World Computers
2024d.html#3 Disconnect Between Coursework And Real-World Computers
2024c.html#120 Disconnect Between Coursework And Real-World Computers
2024c.html#105 Financial/ATM Processing
2024c.html#95 Codd almighty! Has it been half a century of SQL already?
2024c.html#94 Virtual Memory Paging
2024c.html#70 IBM 3705 & 3725
2024c.html#18 CP40/CMS
2024c.html#7 Testing
2024b.html#80 IBM DBMS/RDBMS
2024b.html#29 DB2
2024b.html#28 DB2
2024b.html#22 HA/CMP
2024b.html#20 DB2, Spooling, Virtual Memory
2024b.html#17 IBM 5100
2024.html#93 IBM, Unix, editors
2024.html#89 IBM 360
2024.html#79 Benchmarks
2024.html#72 IBM AIX
2024.html#33 RS/6000 Mainframe
2023g.html#107 Cluster and Distributed Computing
2023g.html#86 Shared Memory Feature
2023g.html#73 MVS/TSO and VM370/CMS Interactive Response
2023g.html#69 Assembler & non-Assembler For System Programming
2023g.html#61 PDS Directory Multi-track Search
2023g.html#54 REX, REXX, and DUMPRX
2023g.html#13 Vintage Future System
2023g.html#4 Vintage Future System
2023f.html#115 IBM RAS
2023f.html#109 CSC, HONE, 23Jun69 Unbundling, Future System
2023f.html#70 Vintage RS/6000 Mainframe
2023f.html#58 Vintage IBM 5100
2023e.html#86 Relational RDBMS
2023e.html#79 microcomputers, minicomputers, mainframes, supercomputers
2023e.html#53 VM370/CMS Shared Segments
2023e.html#52 VM370/CMS Shared Segments
2023e.html#42 Systems Network Architecture
2023e.html#25 EBCDIC "Commputer Goof"
2023e.html#12 Tymshare
2023d.html#105 DASD, Channel and I/O long winded trivia
2023d.html#97 The IBM mainframe: How it runs and why it survives
2023d.html#11 Ingenious librarians
2023c.html#90 More Dataprocessing Career
2023c.html#36 30 years ago, one decision altered the course of our connected world
2023c.html#26 Global & Local Page Replacement
2023c.html#7 IBM Downfall
2023b.html#87 IRS and legacy COBOL
2023.html#74 IBM 4341
2023.html#71 IBM 4341
2023.html#1 IMS & DB2
2022h.html#112 TOPS-20 Boot Camp for VMS Users 05-Mar-2022
2022h.html#92 Psychology of Computer Programming
2022h.html#70 Researchers found security pitfalls in IBM's cloud infrastructure
2022h.html#52 smaller faster cheaper, computer history thru the lens of esthetics versus economics
2022h.html#11 Computer History IBM 305 RAMAC and 650 RAMAC, 1956 (350 Disk Storage)
2022h.html#3 AL Gore Invented The Internet
2022g.html#87 CICS (and other history)
2022g.html#26 Why Things Fail
2022f.html#116 360/67 Virtual Memory
2022f.html#113 360/67 Virtual Memory
2022f.html#92 CDC6600, Cray, Thornton
2022f.html#73 IBM/PC
2022f.html#72 IBM/PC
2022f.html#30 IBM Power: The Servers that Apple Should Have Created
2022f.html#10 9 Mainframe Statistics That May Surprise You
2022e.html#105 FedEx to Stop Using Mainframes, Close All Data Centers By 2024
2022e.html#31 Technology Flashback
2022e.html#25 IBM "nine-net"
2022e.html#11 VM/370 Going Away
2022d.html#101 IBM Stretch (7030) -- Aggressive Uniprocessor Parallelism
2022d.html#86 IBM Z16 - The Mainframe Is Dead, Long Live The Mainframe
2022d.html#74 WAIS. Z39.50
2022d.html#62 IBM 360/50 Simulation From Its Microcode
2022c.html#63 What's different, was Why did Dennis Ritchie write that UNIX was a modern implementation of CTSS?
2022c.html#28 IBM Cambridge Science Center
2022c.html#13 IBM z16: Built to Build the Future of Your Business
2022b.html#105 The 1995 SQL Reunion: People, Projects, and Politics
2022b.html#90 Computer BUNCH
2022b.html#78 Channel I/O
2022b.html#62 IBM DB2
2022b.html#59 CICS, BDAM, DBMS, RDBMS
2022b.html#49 4th generation language
2022b.html#41 Security
2022.html#79 165/168/3033 & 370 virtual memory
2022.html#11 Home Computers
2022.html#8 DEC VAX, VAX/Cluster and HA/CMP
2021k.html#131 Multitrack Search Performance
2021k.html#129 Computer Performance
2021k.html#123 Mainframe "Peak I/O" benchmark
2021k.html#115 Peer-Coupled Shared Data Architecture
2021k.html#53 IBM Mainframe
2021j.html#109 168 Loosely-Coupled Configuration
2021j.html#23 Programming Languages in IBM
2021i.html#102 IBM Lost Opportunities
2021i.html#19 A brief overview of IBM's new 7 nm Telum mainframe CPU
2021i.html#10 A brief overview of IBM's new 7 nm Telum mainframe CPU
2021i.html#1 IBM Internal network
2021h.html#104 Mainframe Hall of Fame
2021g.html#71 the wonders of SABRE, was Magnetic Drum reservations 1952
2021g.html#56 The Case Against SQL
2021g.html#52 The Case Against SQL
2021f.html#84 Mainframe mid-range computing market
2021f.html#67 RDBMS, SQL, QBE
2021c.html#50 IBM CEO
2021c.html#47 MAINFRAME (4341) History
2021c.html#31 System/R, QBE, IMS, EAGLE, IDEA, DB2
2021c.html#28 System/R, QBE, IMS, EAGLE, IDEA, DB2
2021b.html#38 HA/CMP Marketing
2021b.html#29 IBM Recruiting
2021b.html#5 Availability
2021b.html#4 Killer Micros
2021.html#36 IBM HA/CMP Product
2020.html#28 50 years online at home
2019e.html#160 Y2K
2019e.html#11 To Lynn Wheeler, if still observing
2019d.html#63 IBM 3330 & 3380
2019d.html#4 IBM Midrange today?
2019c.html#23 DB2
2019c.html#11 mainframe hacking "success stories"?
2019b.html#92 MVS Boney Fingers
2019b.html#66 IBM Tumbles After Reporting Worst Revenue In 17 Years As Cloud Hits Air Pocket
2019b.html#15 Tandem Memo
2018f.html#85 Douglas Engelbart, the forgotten hero of modern computing
2018f.html#37 The rise and fall of IBM
2018e.html#100 The (broken) economics of OSS
2018e.html#73 System/R, SQL/DS, DB2, HA/CMP
2018d.html#69 tablets and desktops was Has Microsoft
2018d.html#66 tablets and desktops was Has Microsoft
2018d.html#29 MMIX meltdown
2018d.html#3 Has Microsoft commuted suicide
2018c.html#95 Tandem Memos
2018c.html#85 z/VM Live Guest Relocation
2018c.html#78 z/VM Live Guest Relocation
2018c.html#49 S/360 announce 4/7/1964, 54yrs
2018c.html#33 The Pentagon still uses computer software from 1958 to manage its contracts
2018c.html#13 Graph database on z/OS?
2018b.html#55 Brain size of human ancestors evolved gradually over 3 million years
2018b.html#42 Predicting the future in five years as seen from 1983
2018.html#46 VSE timeline [was: RE: VSAM usage for ancient disk models]
2018.html#24 1963 Timesharing: A Solution to Computer Bottlenecks
2018.html#9 Who Plotted This Map for Adventure Game
2017k.html#63 SABRE after the 7090
2017j.html#95 why VM, was thrashing
2017j.html#83 Ferranti Atlas paging
2017j.html#40 Tech: we didn't mean for it to turn out like this
2017j.html#39 The complete history of the IBM PC, part two: The DOS empire strikes; The real victor was Microsoft, which built an empire on the back of a shadily acquired MS-DOS
2017j.html#29 Db2! was: NODE.js for z/OS
2017j.html#27 Db2! was: NODE.js for z/OS
2017i.html#36 IBM Shareholders Need Employee Enthusiasm, Engagemant And Passions
2017h.html#94 What is SQL? The language of databases
2017h.html#78 IBM Mag TAPE Selectric ad 1966
2017g.html#90 Stopping the Internet of noise
2017g.html#46 Windows 10 Pro automatic update
2017f.html#50 MVS vs HASP vs JES (was 2821)
2017f.html#37 MVS vs HASP vs JES (was 2821)
2017f.html#34 The head of the Census Bureau just quit, and the consequences are huge
2017f.html#14 Fast OODA Loops increase Maneuverability
2017d.html#66 Paging subsystems in the era of bigass memory
2017d.html#39 The Pentagon still uses computer software from 1958 to manage its contracts
2017c.html#81 GREAT presentation on the history of the mainframe
2017c.html#80 Great mainframe history(?)
2017c.html#4 How do BIG WEBSITES work?
2017b.html#82 The ICL 2900
2017b.html#75 The ICL 2900
2017.html#102 Trump to sign cyber security order
2017.html#93 The Undoing Project: A Friendship That Changed Our Minds Kindle Edition
2017.html#58 The ICL 2900
2016h.html#72 Why Can't You Buy z Mainframe Services from Amazon Cloud Services?
2016e.html#71 Dinosaurisation of we oldies?
2016d.html#104 Is it a lost cause?
2016d.html#79 Is it a lost cause?
2016d.html#57 PL/I advertising
2016c.html#13 Computers anyone?
2016b.html#24 You thought IEFBR14 was bad? Try GNU's /bin/true code
2016.html#52 Compile error
2015h.html#42 Relational Databases Lack Relationships
2015h.html#27 the legacy of Seymour Cray
2015g.html#98 PROFS & GML
2015g.html#90 IBM Embraces Virtual Memory -- Finally
2015g.html#18 Miniskirts and mainframes
2015e.html#59 Why major financial institutions are growing their use of mainframes
2015e.html#27 Coase's Blockchain - the first half block - Vinay Gupta explains triple entry
2015b.html#63 Do we really?
2015b.html#59 A-10
2015b.html#48 IBM's One Hundred Year History Is About Cash, Culture and Mutualism
2014m.html#155 IBM Continues To Crumble
2014m.html#152 Is true that a real programmer would not stoop to wasting machine capacity to do the assembly?
2014m.html#142 IBM Continues To Crumble
2014m.html#123 Holy Grail for parallel programming language
2014m.html#119 Holy Grail for parallel programming language
2014m.html#113 How Much Bandwidth do we have?
2014m.html#57 Why you need batch cloud computing
2014m.html#25 Microsoft Open Sources .NET, Saying It Will Run on Linux and Mac
2014m.html#19 Microsoft Open Sources .NET, Saying It Will Run on Linux and Mac
2014l.html#45 Could this be the wrongest prediction of all time?
2014k.html#48 1950: Northrop's Digital Differential Analyzer
2014k.html#40 How Larry Ellison Became The Fifth Richest Man In The World By Using IBM's Idea
2014k.html#31 1950: Northrop's Digital Differential Analyzer
2014k.html#21 Flat (VSAM or other) files still in use?
2014k.html#20 How Larry Ellison Became The Fifth Richest Man In The World By Using IBM's Idea
2014j.html#101 Flat (VSAM or other) files still in use?
2014j.html#96 Demonstrating Moore's law
2014i.html#32 Speed of computers--wave equation for the copper atom? (curiosity)
2014h.html#110 IBM mainframes, was PDP-11 architecture
2014h.html#99 TSO Test does not support 65-bit debugging?
2014h.html#68 Over in the Mainframe Experts Network LinkedIn group
2014g.html#85 Costs of core
2014g.html#65 Is end of mainframe near ?
2014g.html#40 Fifty Years of BASIC, the Programming Language That Made Computers Personal
2014g.html#38 Fifty Years of BASIC, the Programming Language That Made Computers Personal
2014g.html#2 Is end of mainframe near ?
2014f.html#86 Is end of mainframe near ?
2014e.html#52 Rather nice article on COBOL on Vulture Central
2014e.html#34 Before the Internet: The golden age of online services
2014e.html#11 Can the mainframe remain relevant in the cloud and mobile era?
2014d.html#55 Difference between MVS and z / OS systems
2014c.html#77 Bloat
2014c.html#60 Bloat
2014c.html#22 US Federal Reserve pushes ahead with Faster Payments planning
2014b.html#35 OODA
2014.html#94 Santa has a Mainframe!
2014.html#73 the suckage of MS-DOS, was Re: 'Free Unix!
2014.html#50 "Death of the mainframe"
2014.html#23 Scary Sysprogs and educating those 'kids'
2013o.html#80 "Death of the mainframe"
2013o.html#44 the suckage of MS-DOS, was Re: 'Free Unix!
2013o.html#6 "hexadecimal"?
2013n.html#2 'Free Unix!': The world-changing proclamation made 30yearsagotoday
2013n.html#0 'Free Unix!': The world-changing proclamation made 30yearsagotoday
2013m.html#87 'Free Unix!': The world-changing proclamation made 30 yearsagotoday
2013m.html#62 Google F1 was: Re: MongoDB
2013m.html#48 Quote on
2013m.html#45 Why is the mainframe so expensive?
2013m.html#26 Voyager 1 just left the solar system using less computing powerthan your iP
2013l.html#56 "NSA foils much internet encryption"
2013l.html#53 Mainframe On Cloud
2013l.html#18 A Brief History of Cloud Computing
2013k.html#42 12 simple rules: How Ted Codd transformed the humble database
2013i.html#2 IBM commitment to academia
2013h.html#16 How about the old mainframe error messages that actually give you a clue about what's broken
2013g.html#24 Old data storage or data base
2013g.html#23 Old data storage or data base
2013g.html#22 What Makes code storage management so cool?
2013g.html#16 Old data storage or data base
2013f.html#73 The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software
2013f.html#63 The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software
2013f.html#58 The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software
2013f.html#32 Delay between idea and implementation
2013e.html#26 The Big, Bad Bit Stuffers of IBM
2013e.html#4 Oracle To IBM: Your 'Customers Are Being Wildly Overcharged'
2013c.html#57 Article for the boss: COBOL will outlive us all
2013c.html#56 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013c.html#37 PDP-10 byte instructions, was What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013c.html#32 REFRPROT History Question
2013b.html#58 Dualcase vs monocase. Was: Article for the boss
2013b.html#25 Still think the mainframe is going away soon: Think again. IBM mainframe computer sales are 4% of IBM's revenue; with software, services, and storage it's 25%
2013.html#77 OT: but hopefully interesting - Million core supercomputer
2013.html#52 New HD
2012o.html#58 ISO documentation of IBM 3375, 3380 and 3390 track format
2012o.html#11 Mainframes are still the best platform for high volume transaction processing
2012o.html#10 OT: Tax breaks to Oracle debated
2012o.html#8 Initial ideas (orientation) constrain creativity
2012n.html#66 Fred Brooks on OS/360 "JCL is the worst language ever"
2012n.html#9 How do you feel about the fact that today India has more IBM employees than any of the other countries in the world including the USA.?
2012m.html#22 RDBMSs timeline poster
2012k.html#51 1132 printer history
2012j.html#78 locks, semaphores and reference counting
2012j.html#52 The dbdebunk revival
2012j.html#48 The dbdebunk revival
2012j.html#14 Can anybody give me a clear idea about Cloud Computing in MAINFRAME ?
2012i.html#95 Can anybody give me a clear idea about Cloud Computing in MAINFRAME ?
2012i.html#89 Can anybody give me a clear idea about Cloud Computing in MAINFRAME ?
2012h.html#78 Familiar
2012h.html#74 Interesting News Article
2012g.html#21 Closure in Disappearance of Computer Scientist
2012f.html#85 Cartons of Punch Cards
2012f.html#43 Time to competency for new software language?
2012f.html#1 Hard Disk Drive Construction
2012f.html#0 Burroughs B5000, B5500, B6500 videos
2012e.html#85 Slide Show: 10 SQL Injection Tools For Database Pwnage
2012e.html#84 Time to competency for new software language?
2012e.html#54 Why are organizations sticking with mainframes?
2012e.html#27 NASA unplugs their last mainframe
2012d.html#64 Layer 8: NASA unplugs last mainframe
2012d.html#58 Where are all the old tech workers?
2012d.html#56 Server time Protocol and CICS
2012d.html#51 From Who originated the phrase "user-friendly"?
2012d.html#28 NASA unplugs their last mainframe
2012d.html#15 Happy Webiversary!
2012b.html#88 Original Thinking Is Hard, Where Good Ideas Come From
2012b.html#76 IBM Doing Some Restructuring?
2012b.html#60 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2012.html#84 Where are all the old tech workers?
2012.html#82 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2012.html#67 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2012.html#66 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2012.html#23 21st Century Migrates Mainframe with Clerity
2011p.html#78 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2011p.html#64 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2011p.html#60 Spontaneous conduction
2011p.html#20 Deja Cloud?
2011p.html#8 Why are organizations sticking with mainframes?
2011p.html#6 Why are organizations sticking with mainframes?
2011p.html#1 Deja Cloud?
2011n.html#50 John McCarthy 1927-2011
2011n.html#40 John McCarthy
2011n.html#29 Dennis Ritchie's Wonderful Web Pages
2011n.html#28 Massive SQL injection attack has compromised nearly 200,000 ASP.Net sites
2011n.html#27 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2011m.html#69 "Best" versus "worst" programming language you've used?
2011l.html#33 Selectric Typewriter--50th Anniversary
2011l.html#22 IBM IMS - Vern Watts
2011k.html#82 'smttter IBMdroids
2011k.html#80 Selectric Typewriter--50th Anniversary
2011k.html#65 Somewhat off-topic: cloned, possibly hacked
2011k.html#34 Who was the Greatest IBM President and CEO of the last century?
2011j.html#68 Wondering if I am really eligible for this group
2011j.html#49 "How do you feel about 'gotos'"
2011j.html#42 assembler help!
2011j.html#22 MS-DOS is 30 years old today
2011i.html#9 At least two decades back, some gurus predicted that mainframes would disappear in future and it still has not happened
2011h.html#64 SQL Injection Deemed No. 1 Software Flaw
2011h.html#32 At least two decades back, some gurus predicted that mainframes would disappear in future and it still has not happened
2011h.html#21 Eurofighter v F16
2011g.html#78 Is the magic and romance killed by Windows (and Linux)?
2011f.html#33 At least two decades back, some gurus predicted that mainframes would disappear
2011f.html#8 New job for mainframes: Cloud platform
2011d.html#60 Maybe off topic
2011d.html#56 Early RDBMS database
2011d.html#55 Maybe off topic
2011d.html#54 Maybe off topic
2011d.html#52 Maybe off topic
2011d.html#52 Maybe off topic
2011d.html#0 IBM and the Computer Revolution
2011c.html#57 IBM Future System
2011c.html#32 If IBM Hadn't Bet the Company
2011b.html#63 If IBM Hadn't Bet the Company
2011b.html#12 Testing hardware RESERVE
2011.html#97 History of copy on write
2011.html#85 Two terrific writers .. are going to write a book
2011.html#54 speculation: z/OS "enhancments"
2011.html#36 CKD DASD
2011.html#22 System R
2011.html#21 zLinux OR Linux on zEnterprise Blade Extension???
2010o.html#63 They always think we don't understand
2010o.html#30 Linux 2.6.37 kills the Big Kernel Lock
2010o.html#26 Global Sourcing with Cloud Computing and Virtualization
2010n.html#82 Hashing for DISTINCT or GROUP BY in SQL
2010n.html#81 Hashing for DISTINCT or GROUP BY in SQL
2010n.html#80 Hashing for DISTINCT or GROUP BY in SQL
2010n.html#61 Oracle database design slowed Chase online banking fix
2010m.html#80 3270 Emulator Software
2010l.html#36 Great things happened in 1973
2010l.html#32 OS idling
2010l.html#31 Wax ON Wax OFF -- Tuning VSAM considerations
2010l.html#18 Old EMAIL Index
2010l.html#14 Age
2010l.html#11 Titles for the Class of 1978
2010k.html#3 Assembler programs was Re: Delete all members of a PDS that is allocated
2010j.html#76 What is the protocal for GMT offset in SMTP (e-mail) header
2010j.html#59 Article says mainframe most cost-efficient platform
2010j.html#50 Knuth Got It Wrong
2010i.html#85 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010i.html#46 SAP recovers a secret for keeping data safer than the standard relational database
2010h.html#35 First among SQLs; COBOL for lawyers
2010h.html#0 What is the protocal for GMT offset in SMTP (e-mail) header time-stamp?
2010g.html#33 SQL Server replacement
2010f.html#61 Handling multicore CPUs; what the competition is thinking
2010e.html#55 Senior Java Developer vs. MVS Systems Programmer (warning: Conley rant)
2010e.html#54 search engine history, was Happy DEC-10 Day
2010e.html#12 Senior Java Developer vs. MVS Systems Programmer (warning: Conley rant)
2010d.html#59 LPARs: More or Less?
2010d.html#33 The origins of CICS
2010d.html#12 The origins of CICS
2010d.html#0 PDS vs. PDSE
2010b.html#41 Happy DEC-10 Day
2010b.html#32 Happy DEC-10 Day
2010.html#53 locate mode, was Happy DEC-10 Day
2010.html#52 locate mode, was Happy DEC-10 Day
2010.html#40 Happy DEC-10 Day
2010.html#19 Happy DEC-10 Day
2009s.html#30 Larrabee delayed: anyone know what's happening?
2009r.html#30 SQL injection attack claims 132,000+
2009r.html#24 How to reduce the overall monthly cost on a System z environment?
2009q.html#19 Mainframe running 1,500 Linux servers?
2009p.html#83 What would be a truly relational operating system ?
2009p.html#82 What would be a truly relational operating system ?
2009p.html#70 My War On SQL
2009p.html#42 big iron mainframe vs. x86 servers
2009p.html#38 big iron mainframe vs. x86 servers
2009p.html#36 Survey Revives Debate Over Mainframe's Future - Business Center
2009p.html#35 DB2 announces technology that trumps Oracle RAC and Exadata
2009p.html#13 Secret Service plans IT reboot
2009o.html#70 cpu upgrade
2009o.html#11 Microprocessors with Definable MIcrocode
2009m.html#56 Declare War on SQL Injection Attacks
2009m.html#43 Convert DB2 on z/OS to UDB on z/Linux
2009l.html#64 Hacker charges also an indictment on PCI, expert says
2009l.html#61 Hacker charges also an indictment on PCI, expert says
2009l.html#46 SNA: conflicting opinions
2009l.html#27 August 7, 1944: today is the 65th Anniversary of the Birth of the Computer
2009k.html#63 The satate of software
2009k.html#40 Gone but not forgotten: 10 operating systems the world left behind
2009k.html#36 Ingres claims massive database performance boost
2009k.html#35 Microsoft Is Among the First to Try out PayPal's New Payments API
2009k.html#34 A Complete History Of Mainframe Computing
2009k.html#29 Oracle Database Abandons z/OS
2009j.html#5 Database Servers: Candy For Hackers
2009i.html#73 A Guide for Full Field Background Checks
2009i.html#71 Barclays ATMs hit by computer fault
2009i.html#33 Every network should be required to have a minimum level of security before connecting to the Internet
2009i.html#30 Why are z/OS people reluctant to use z/OS UNIX?
2009i.html#29 Online Computer Conferencing
2009i.html#7 My Vintage Dream PC
2009h.html#70 My Vintage Dream PC
2009g.html#15 Confessions of a Cobol programmer
2009g.html#2 Just posted third article about toxic assets in a series on the current financial crisis
2009f.html#58 Opinion: The top 10 operating system stinkers
2009e.html#61 "A foolish consistency" or "3390 cyl/track architecture"
2009e.html#6 ATMs At Risk
2009e.html#1 Hurrah Berners-Lee! Web celebrates 20th anniversary
2009c.html#34 Is the Relational Database Doomed?
2009c.html#27 Is the Relational Database Doomed?
2009c.html#9 Assembler Question
2009b.html#64 SQL attacks dominated 2008, says IBM
2009b.html#43 "Larrabee" GPU design question
2009b.html#40 "Larrabee" GPU design question
2009.html#60 The 25 Most Dangerous Programming Errors
2008r.html#22 What if the computers went back to the '70s too?
2008p.html#6 SECURITY and BUSINESS CONTINUITY ..... Where they fit in?
2008o.html#25 What are the Black Swans for IT Security?
2008o.html#24 Nonviolent Activists Are Now Terrorists
2008l.html#88 Book: "Everyone Else Must Fail" --Larry Ellison and Oracle ???
2008l.html#57 No offense to any one but is DB2/6000 an old technology. Does anybody still use it, if so what type of industries??
2008k.html#76 Disk drive improvements
2008k.html#74 Top 10 vulnerabilities for service orientated architecture?
2008k.html#72 Transactional Memory
2008k.html#63 Intel: an expensive many-core future is ahead of us
2008j.html#78 How powerful C64 may have been if it used an 8 Mhz 8088 or 68008 ?microprocessor (with otherwise the same hardware)?
2008j.html#16 We're losing the battle
2008j.html#15 What is "timesharing" (Re: OS X Finder windows vs terminal window weirdness)
2008i.html#94 Lynn - You keep using the term "we" - who is "we"?
2008i.html#70 Next Generation Security
2008i.html#63 DB2 25 anniversary
2008i.html#63a DB2 25 anniversary: Birth Of An Accidental Empire
2008i.html#54 Trusted (mainframe) online transactions
2008i.html#44 Are multicore processors driving application developers to explore multithreaded programming options?
2008i.html#40 A Tribute to Jim Gray: Sometimes Nice Guys Do Finish First
2008i.html#37 American Airlines
2008i.html#32 A Tribute to Jim Gray: Sometimes Nice Guys Do Finish First
2008i.html#9 Obfuscation was: Definition of file spec in commands
2008i.html#8 pro- foreign key propaganda?
2008h.html#91 Microsoft versus Digital Equipment Corporation
2008h.html#79 Microsoft versus Digital Equipment Corporation
2008h.html#68 New test attempt
2008h.html#64 New test attempt
2008h.html#46 Whitehouse Emails Were Lost Due to "Upgrade"
2008h.html#29 DB2 & z/OS Dissertation Research
2008h.html#10 What would be a future of technical blogs ? I am wondering what kind of services readers except to get from a technical blog in next 10 years
2008g.html#56 performance of hardware dynamic scheduling
2008g.html#19 CA ESD files Options
2008f.html#36 Object-relational impedence
2008e.html#67 Any benefit to programming a RISC processor by hand?
2008d.html#92 Database Pioneer Rethinks The Best Way To Organize Data
2008d.html#50 CPU time differences for the same job
2008d.html#25 Remembering The Search For Jim Gray, A Year Later
2008d.html#23 more on (the new 40+ yr old) virtualization
2008c.html#88 CPU time differences for the same job
2008c.html#78 CPU time differences for the same job
2008b.html#81 Did early Oracle run on the IBM mainframe?
2008b.html#79 Did early Oracle run on the IBM mainframe?
2008b.html#70 Wheeler Postings
2008b.html#63 How does ATTACH pass address of ECB to child?
2008b.html#29 MapReduce - a Major Step Backwards?
2008.html#68 Computer Science Education: Where Are the Software Engineers of Tomorrow?
2007v.html#47 MTS memories
2007v.html#43 distributed lock manager
2007v.html#42 Newbie question about db normalization theory: redundant keys OK?
2007v.html#17 Amazon's "Simple" Database
2007u.html#86 IBM mainframe history, was Floating-point myths
2007u.html#34 25 years: A technology timeline
2007u.html#18 Folklore references to CP67 at Lincoln Labs
2007s.html#33 Age of IBM VM
2007s.html#24 [ClassicMainframes] multics source is now open
2007s.html#21 Ellison Looks Back As Oracle Turns 30
2007s.html#20 Ellison Looks Back As Oracle Turns 30
2007r.html#52 Translation of IBM Basic Assembler to C?
2007r.html#39 Translation of IBM Basic Assembler to C?
2007p.html#58 what does xp do when system is copying
2007p.html#13 IBM Releases Office Desktop Software at No Charge to Foster Collaboration
2007p.html#3 PL/S programming language
2007o.html#60 Are Relational Databases Obsolete?
2007o.html#48 Virtual Storage implementation
2007o.html#45 Virtual Storage implementation
2007o.html#17 FORTRAN IV program illustrating assigned GO TO on web site
2007o.html#12 more transactional memory for mutlithread/multiprocessor operation
2007n.html#82 mainframe developer = permanent position - Dublin Ireland
2007n.html#73 Inside the High-Tech Hunt for a Missing Silicon Valley Legend
2007n.html#30 How would a relational operating system look like?
2007m.html#66 Off Topic But Concept should be Known To All
2007m.html#56 Capacity and Relational Database
2007m.html#55 Capacity and Relational Database
2007m.html#47 Capacity and Relational Database
2007m.html#13 Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard?
2007l.html#57 How would a relational operating system look like?
2007l.html#56 Scholars needed to build a computer history bibliography
2007l.html#53 Drums: Memory or Peripheral?
2007l.html#30 tab browsing
2007k.html#69 The top 10 dead (or dying) computer skills
2007k.html#36 DEC and news groups
2007j.html#88 IBM Unionization
2007j.html#71 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007j.html#24 Newbie question on table design
2007j.html#17 Newbie question on table design
2007j.html#14 Newbie question on table design
2007j.html#12 Newbie question on table design
2007j.html#2 Newbie question on table design
2007i.html#68 A tribute to Jim Gray
2007i.html#61 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007i.html#54 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007h.html#61 Fast and Safe C Strings: User friendly C macros to Declare and use C Strings
2007g.html#28 Jim Gray Is Missing
2007g.html#25 Bidirectional Binary Self-Joins
2007f.html#66 IBM System z9
2007f.html#54 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007f.html#32 A database theory resource - ideas
2007f.html#16 more shared segment archeology
2007f.html#15 Designing database tables for performance?
2007f.html#14 more shared segment archeology
2007f.html#12 FBA rant
2007f.html#11 Is computer history taught now?
2007f.html#10 Beyond multicore
2007e.html#63 FBA rant
2007e.html#41 IBM S/360 series operating systems history
2007e.html#37 Quote from comp.object
2007e.html#36 Quote from comp.object
2007e.html#31 Quote from comp.object
2007e.html#14 Cycles per ASM instruction
2007e.html#1 Designing database tables for performance?
2007d.html#37 MAC and SSL
2007d.html#27 modern paging
2007d.html#17 Jim Gray Is Missing
2007d.html#8 Jim Gray Is Missing
2007d.html#6 Jim Gray Is Missing
2007d.html#4 Jim Gray Is Missing
2007c.html#42 Keep VM 24X7 365 days
2007b.html#58 Authentication architecture on a Unix Network
2007b.html#31 IBMLink 2000 Finding ESO levels
2007b.html#16 V2X2 vs. Shark (SnapShot v. FlashCopy)
2007.html#1 "The Elements of Programming Style"
2006y.html#26 moving on
2006x.html#3 Why so little parallelism?
2006w.html#46 The Future of CPUs: What's After Multi-Core?
2006w.html#27 Generalised approach to storing address details
2006w.html#23 Multiple mappings
2006w.html#13 IBM sues maker of Intel-based Mainframe clones
2006w.html#11 long ago and far away, vm370 from early/mid 70s
2006v.html#48 Why so little parallelism?
2006u.html#28 Assembler question
2006u.html#21 Why so little parallelism?
2006t.html#39 Why these original FORTRAN quirks?
2006t.html#23 threads versus task
2006t.html#16 Is the teaching of non-reentrant HLASM coding practices ever defensible?
2006t.html#2 Is the teaching of non-reentrant HLASM coding practices ever defensible?
2006s.html#61 Is the teaching of non-reentrant HLASM coding practices ever defensible?
2006s.html#27 Why these original FORTRAN quirks?
2006s.html#15 THE on USS?
2006r.html#31 50th Anniversary of invention of disk drives
2006r.html#21 50th Anniversary of invention of disk drives
2006q.html#29 3 value logic. Why is SQL so special?
2006q.html#23 3 value logic. Why is SQL so special?
2006q.html#22 3 value logic. Why is SQL so special?
2006p.html#39 "25th Anniversary of the Personal Computer"
2006o.html#63 Greatest Software, System R
2006o.html#62 Greatest Software, System R
2006o.html#57 Greatest Software Ever Written?
2006o.html#56 Greatest Software Ever Written?
2006o.html#52 The Fate of VM - was: Re: Baby MVS???
2006o.html#39 sorting
2006o.html#33 When Does Folklore Begin???
2006o.html#26 Cache-Size vs Performance
2006o.html#24 computational model of transactions
2006o.html#22 Cache-Size vs Performance
2006m.html#32 Old Hashing Routine
2006l.html#24 Google Architecture
2006l.html#0 history of computing
2006k.html#35 PDP-1
2006j.html#23 virtual memory
2006j.html#20 virtual memory
2006h.html#48 The Chant of the Trolloc Hordes
2006e.html#46 using 3390 mod-9s
2006e.html#41 CJ Date on Missing Information
2006e.html#34 CJ Date on Missing Information
2006c.html#42 IBM 610 workstation computer
2006c.html#35 X.509 and ssh
2006b.html#6 IBM 610 workstation computer
2006.html#22 IBM up for grabs?
2005u.html#44 POWER6 on zSeries?
2005u.html#41 Mainframe Applications and Records Keeping?
2005u.html#38 Mainframe Applications and Records Keeping?
2005u.html#7 Reservation System Design
2005t.html#49 FULIST
2005t.html#44 FULIST
2005t.html#34 RSA SecurID product
2005t.html#25 Why does my address appear as part of my name?
2005t.html#23 So what's null then if it's not nothing
2005t.html#20 So what's null then if it's not nothing?
2005t.html#8 2nd level install - duplicate volsers
2005t.html#0 TTP and KCM
2005s.html#12 Flat Query
2005s.html#9 Flat Query
2005s.html#4 Flat Query
2005s.html#3 Flat Query
2005r.html#23 OS's with loadable filesystem support?
2005q.html#27 What ever happened to Tandem and NonStop OS ?
2005q.html#5 What ever happened to Tandem and NonStop OS ?
2005p.html#26 What ever happened to Tandem and NonStop OS ?
2005o.html#37 What ever happened to Tandem and NonStop OS ?
2005o.html#14 dbdebunk 'Quote of Week' comment
2005o.html#10 Virtual memory and memory protection
2005n.html#50 APL, J or K?
2005n.html#7 54 Processors?
2005m.html#19 Implementation of boolean types
2005l.html#30 A good argument for XML
2005j.html#47 Where should the type information be?
2005j.html#45 Where should the type information be?
2005i.html#35 The Worth of Verisign's Brand
2005h.html#28 Crash detection by O
2005f.html#32 the relational model of data objects *and* program objects
2005f.html#27 the relational model of data objects *and* program objects
2005f.html#26 the relational model of data objects *and* program objects
2005f.html#23 the relational model of data objects *and* program objects
2005e.html#0 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2005d.html#61 Virtual Machine Hardware
2005d.html#57 Thou shalt have no other gods before the ANSI C standard
2005d.html#40 Thou shalt have no other gods before the ANSI C standard
2005d.html#38 Thou shalt have no other gods before the ANSI C standard
2005d.html#0 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2005c.html#56 intel's Vanderpool and virtualization in general
2005c.html#18 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2005c.html#1 4shift schedule
2005b.html#1 Foreign key in Oracle Sql
2005.html#58 Foreign key in Oracle Sql
2005.html#55 Foreign key in Oracle Sql
2005.html#33 some RDBMS history (x-over from comp.databases.theory)
2005.html#30 Network databases
2005.html#25 Network databases
2005.html#24 Network databases
2005.html#23 Network databases
2005.html#8 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2004q.html#79 Athlon cache question
2004q.html#75 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2004q.html#73 Athlon cache question
2004q.html#31 Integer types for 128-bit addressing
2004q.html#23 1GB Tables as Classes, or Tables as Types, and all that
2004p.html#63 Systems software versus applications software definitions
2004p.html#1 Relational vs network vs hierarchic databases
2004o.html#67 Relational vs network vs hierarchic databases
2004o.html#40 Facilities "owned" by MVS
2004o.html#39 Facilities "owned" by MVS
2004o.html#38 Facilities "owned" by MVS
2004n.html#45 Shipwrecks
2004n.html#18 RISCs too close to hardware?
2004n.html#10 RISCs too close to hardware?
2004m.html#6 a history question
2004l.html#72 Specifying all biz rules in relational data
2004l.html#67 Lock-free algorithms
2004l.html#62 Some Laws
2004l.html#44 Shipwrecks
2004j.html#18 Wars against bad things
2004e.html#15 Pre-relational, post-relational, 1968 CODASYL "Survey of Data Base Systems"
2004e.html#12 Pre-relational, post-relational, 1968 CODASYL "Survey of Data Base Systems"
2003p.html#28 The BASIC Variations
2003n.html#18 Dreaming About Redesigning SQL
2003n.html#15 Dreaming About Redesigning SQL
2003n.html#12 Dreaming About Redesigning SQL
2003n.html#11 Dreaming About Redesigning SQL
2003l.html#15 downsizing (euphemisms)
2003k.html#41 An Understanding Database Theory
2003j.html#61 Micro$loth Update Mail-Bomb
2003h.html#12 Do Data Models Need to built on a Mathematical Concept?
2003g.html#46 death of Edgar F. (Ted) Codd
2003g.html#43 Codd's death (x-post from a.f.c)
2003g.html#41 How to cope with missing values - NULLS?
2003g.html#40 How to cope with missing values - NULLS?
2003f.html#44 unix
2003e.html#9 cp/67 35th anniversary
2003d.html#17 CA-RAMIS
2003c.html#78 The relational model and relational algebra - why did SQL become the industry standard?
2003c.html#75 The relational model and relational algebra - why did SQL become the industry standard?
2002q.html#32 Collating on the S/360-2540 card reader?
2002o.html#54 XML, AI, Cyc, psych, and literature
2002n.html#36 VR vs. Portable Computing
2002l.html#71 Faster seeks (was Re: Do any architectures use instruction
2002k.html#9 Avoiding JCL Space Abends
2002i.html#69 Hercules and System/390 - do we need it?
2002h.html#17 disk write caching (was: ibm icecube -- return of
2002g.html#60 Amiga Rexx
2002e.html#44 SQL wildcard origins?
2002.html#10 index searching
2001i.html#32 IBM OS Timeline?
2001d.html#44 IBM was/is: Imitation...
2000f.html#16 [OT] FS - IBM Future System
2000e.html#49 How did Oracle get started?
2000b.html#55 Multics dual-page-size scheme
2000b.html#29 20th March 2000
aadsm13.htm#8 OCSP and LDAP
aadsm13.htm#9 OCSP and LDAP
aadsm15.htm#15 Resolving an identifier into a meaning
aadsm27.htm#25 Why self describing data formats:
96.html#15 tcp/ip
95.html#13 SSA

top , by subject : technology , networking , public key , integrity , Boyd - home

Location/address independent code

Executable code that was free of address location dependencies. Technique was used for both pageable kernel routines as well as relocatable/floating shared segments.

2025.html#66 Multics vs Unix
2025.html#45 Multics vs Unix
2024f.html#29 IBM 370 Virtual memory
2024c.html#40 CMS RED, XEDIT, IOS3270, FULIST, BROWSE
2023g.html#98 Shared Memory Feature
2023g.html#92 Shared Memory Feature
2023g.html#89 Shared Memory Feature
2023g.html#86 Shared Memory Feature
2023g.html#1 Vintage TSS/360
2023f.html#65 Vintage TSS/360
2023f.html#56 The Most Important Computer You've Never Heard Of
2023e.html#48 VM370/CMS Shared Segments
2023b.html#80 IBM 158-3 (& 4341)
2022f.html#44 z/VM 50th
2022e.html#7 RED and XEDIT fullscreen editors
2022d.html#94 Operating System File/Dataset I/O
2021k.html#43 Transaction Memory
2021g.html#30 Execute and IBM history, not Sequencer vs microcode
2021g.html#25 Execute and IBM history, not Sequencer vs microcode
2021d.html#38 April 7, 1964: IBM Bets Big on System/360
2019e.html#108 Dyanmic Adaptive Resource Manager
2019b.html#61 Location Independent Code
2019b.html#14 Tandem Memo
2018e.html#66 something like a 360, was PDP 11/40 system manual
2018c.html#70 Quantity of machine code programmers and quantity of Assembly programmers
2018.html#38 thrashing, was Re: A Computer That Never Was: the IBM 7095
2017j.html#90 thrashing, was Re: A Computer That Never Was: the IBM 7095
2017j.html#88 Ferranti Atlas paging
2017f.html#39 MVS vs HASP vs JES (was 2821)
2016h.html#102 Multitasking question
2016h.html#101 Multitasking question
2016c.html#12 You count as an old-timer if (was Re: Origin of the phrase "XYZZY")
2016b.html#112 You count as an old-timer if (was Re: Origin of the phrase "XYZZY")
2016b.html#27 Qbasic
2016b.html#23 IBM's 3033; "The Big One": IBM's 3033
2014k.html#48 1950: Northrop's Digital Differential Analyzer
2014k.html#39 1950: Northrop's Digital Differential Analyzer
2014k.html#36 1950: Northrop's Digital Differential Analyzer
2014k.html#35 1950: Northrop's Digital Differential Analyzer
2014k.html#34 1950: Northrop's Digital Differential Analyzer
2014k.html#31 1950: Northrop's Digital Differential Analyzer
2014i.html#88 z/OS physical memory usage with multiple copies of same load module at different virtual addresses
2014i.html#85 z/OS physical memory usage with multiple copies of same load module at different virtual addresses
2014i.html#82 z/OS physical memory usage with multiple copies of same load module at different virtual addresses
2014i.html#67 z/OS physical memory usage with multiple copies of same load module at different virtual addresses
2014i.html#66 z/OS physical memory usage with multiple copies of same load module at different virtual addresses
2014g.html#96 IBM architecture, was Fifty Years of nitpicking definitions, was BASIC,theProgrammingLanguageT
2014g.html#91 Fifty Years of nitpicking definitions, was BASIC,theProgrammingLanguageT
2014g.html#88 Fifty Years of nitpicking definitions, was BASIC,theProgrammingLanguageT
2014g.html#86 Fifty Years of nitpicking definitions, was BASIC,theProgrammingLanguageT
2014g.html#74 Fifty Years of nitpicking definitions, was BASIC,theProgrammingLanguageT
2014e.html#22 23Jun1969 Unbundling Announcement
2014d.html#30 [OT ] Mainframe memories
2014d.html#27 [OT ] Mainframe memories
2014d.html#25 Mainframe memories
2013m.html#60 Open source software
2013m.html#50 Open source software
2013h.html#45 Storage paradigm [was: RE: Data volumes]
2013g.html#15 What Makes code storage management so cool?
2013c.html#71 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013c.html#32 REFRPROT History Question
2012o.html#34 Regarding Time Sharing
2012f.html#50 SIE - CompArch
2012f.html#29 which one came first
2011p.html#112 SPF in 1978
2011l.html#6 segments and sharing, was 68000 assembly language programming
2011h.html#70 IBM Mainframe (1980's) on You tube
2011h.html#34 Happy 100th Birthday, IBM!
2011f.html#79 DCSS ... when shared segments were implemented in VM
2011f.html#76 PIC code, RISC versus CISC
2011e.html#72 Collection of APL documents
2011e.html#10 Multiple Virtual Memory
2011c.html#12 If IBM Hadn't Bet the Company
2011b.html#29 A brief history of CMS/XA, part 1
2011b.html#20 A brief history of CMS/XA, part 1
2011.html#81 shared code, was Speed of Old Hard Disks - adcons
2011.html#79 Speed of Old Hard Disks - adcons
2011.html#74 shared code, was Speed of Old Hard Disks - adcons
2011.html#73 Speed of Old Hard Disks - adcons
2011.html#72 Speed of Old Hard Disks
2011.html#71 Speed of Old Hard Disks
2011.html#28 Personal histories and IBM computing
2010l.html#75 Location of first programmable computer
2010l.html#20 Old EMAIL Index
2010e.html#21 paged-access method
2010d.html#70 LPARs: More or Less?
2009j.html#68 DCSS addenda
2009e.html#34 Gone but not forgotten: 10 operating systems the world left behind
2009c.html#54 THE runs in DOS box?
2008r.html#21 What if the computers went back to the '70s too?
2008o.html#50 Old XDS Sigma stuff
2008m.html#22 Future architectures
2008l.html#72 Error handling for system calls
2008i.html#79 OS X Finder windows vs terminal window weirdness
2008h.html#79 Microsoft versus Digital Equipment Corporation
2008h.html#76 Microsoft versus Digital Equipment Corporation
2008g.html#63 Machine-Level Assembly Language
2008g.html#22 Was CMS multi-tasking?
2007v.html#52 vm folklore, new, 40+ yr old technology
2007v.html#51 Education ranking
2007v.html#50 IBM mainframe history, was Floating-point myths
2007v.html#49 IBM mainframe history, was Floating-point myths
2007u.html#81 IBM mainframe history, was Floating-point myths
2007r.html#67 CSA 'above the bar'
2007r.html#62 CSA 'above the bar'
2007o.html#48 Virtual Storage implementation
2007j.html#43 z/VM usability
2007g.html#31 Wylbur and Paging
2007d.html#23 How many 36-bit Unix ports in the old days?
2007c.html#45 SVCs
2007.html#10 moving on
2006y.html#26 moving on
2006y.html#20 moving on
2006x.html#26 Multiple mappings
2006w.html#19 Cache, TLB and OS
2006w.html#17 Cache, TLB and OS
2006w.html#8 Why these original FORTRAN quirks?
2006w.html#7 Why these original FORTRAN quirks?
2006v.html#36 Why these original FORTRAN quirks?
2006v.html#7 Why these original FORTRAN quirks?
2006v.html#0 Why these original FORTRAN quirks?
2006u.html#61 Why these original FORTRAN quirks?
2006u.html#60 Why these original FORTRAN quirks?
2006u.html#54 Why these original FORTRAN quirks?
2006u.html#26 Assembler question
2006u.html#1 Why these original FORTRAN quirks?
2006t.html#39 Why these original FORTRAN quirks?
2006t.html#30 Why these original FORTRAN quirks?
2006t.html#1 Is the teaching of non-reentrant HLASM coding practices ever
2006s.html#61 Is the teaching of non-reentrant HLASM coding practices ever defensible?
2006s.html#17 bandwidth of a swallow (was: Real core)
2006q.html#27 dcss and page mapped filesystem
2006m.html#56 DCSS
2006m.html#54 DCSS
2006m.html#53 DCSS
2006m.html#30 Old Hashing Routine
2006j.html#38 The Pankian Metaphor
2006i.html#43 virtual memory
2006i.html#23 Virtual memory implementation in S/370
2006d.html#20 Statistics on program constant sizes?
2006.html#25 DCSS as SWAP disk for z/Linux
2006.html#19 DCSS as SWAP disk for z/Linux
2006.html#13 VM maclib reference
2005t.html#39 FULIST
2005p.html#3 What ever happened to Tandem and NonStop OS ?
2005n.html#35 PART 3. Why it seems difficult to make an OOO VAX competitive
2005k.html#47 Performance and Capacity Planning
2005j.html#54 Q ALLOC PAGE vs. CP Q ALLOC vs ESAMAP
2005g.html#30 Moving assembler programs above the line
2005f.html#45 Moving assembler programs above the line
2005e.html#53 System/360; Hardwired vs. Microcoded
2005d.html#38 Thou shalt have no other gods before the ANSI C standard
2005c.html#18 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2005b.html#36 Relocating application architecture and compiler support
2005b.html#28 Relocating application architecture and compiler support
2005b.html#27 Relocating application architecture and compiler support
2005b.html#11 Relocating application architecture and compiler support
2005b.html#9 Relocating application architecture and compiler support
2005b.html#8 Relocating application architecture and compiler support
2005b.html#5 Relocating application architecture and compiler support
2005b.html#4 Relocating application architecture and compiler support
2005b.html#2 Relocating application architecture and compiler support
2005.html#5 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2004q.html#72 IUCV in VM/CMS
2004p.html#8 vm/370 smp support and shared segment protection hack
2004p.html#3 History of C
2004o.html#45 Integer types for 128-bit addressing
2004o.html#11 Integer types for 128-bit addressing
2004o.html#9 Integer types for 128-bit addressing
2004m.html#58 Shipwrecks
2004m.html#11 Whatever happened to IBM's VM PC software?
2004l.html#6 Xah Lee's Unixism
2004g.html#42 command line switches [Re: [REALLY OT!] Overuse of symbolic constants]
2004f.html#61 Infiniband - practicalities for small clusters
2004f.html#60 Infiniband - practicalities for small clusters
2004f.html#59 Infiniband - practicalities for small clusters
2004f.html#58 Infiniband - practicalities for small clusters
2004f.html#55 Infiniband - practicalities for small clusters
2004f.html#53 Infiniband - practicalities for small clusters
2004f.html#51 before execution does it require whole program 2 b loaded in
2004f.html#45 Infiniband - practicalities for small clusters
2004f.html#43 can a program be run withour main memory ?
2004f.html#41 Infiniband - practicalities for small clusters
2004f.html#26 command line switches [Re: [REALLY OT!] Overuse of symbolic
2004f.html#24 command line switches [Re: [REALLY OT!] Overuse of symbolic
2004f.html#23 command line switches [Re: [REALLY OT!] Overuse of symbolic
2004f.html#14 command line switches [Re: [REALLY OT!] Overuse of symbolic
2004f.html#11 command line switches [Re: [REALLY OT!] Overuse of symbolic
2004d.html#5 IBM 360 memory
2003o.html#42 misc. dmksnt
2003n.html#45 hung/zombie users ... long boring, wandering story
2003n.html#5 "Personal Computer" Re: Why haven't the email bobmers been shut down
2003f.html#32 Alpha performance, why?
2003f.html#31 Alpha performance, why?
2003f.html#30 Alpha performance, why?
2003f.html#26 Alpha performance, why?
2003f.html#23 Alpha performance, why?
2003f.html#20 Alpha performance, why?
2003f.html#14 Alpha performance, why?
2003f.html#12 Alpha performance, why?
2003f.html#10 Alpha performance, why?
2002p.html#64 cost of crossing kernel/user boundary
2002p.html#56 cost of crossing kernel/user boundary
2002o.html#25 Early computer games
2002n.html#71 bps loader, was PLX
2002f.html#41 Blade architectures
2002b.html#44 PDP-10 Archive migration plan
2001l.html#32 mainframe question
2001b.html#23 Linux IA-64 interrupts [was Re: Itanium benchmarks ...]
2000.html#75 Mainframe operating systems

top , by subject : technology , networking , public key , integrity , Boyd - home

Misc. commercial online computing

2025b.html#24 Forget About Cloud Computing. On-Premises Is All the Rage Again
2025b.html#14 IBM Token-Ring
2025.html#131 The joy of FORTRAN
2025.html#126 The Paging Game
2025.html#82 Online Social Media
2025.html#5 Dataprocessing Innovation
2024g.html#100 CP/67 Multics vs Unix
2024g.html#99 Terminals
2024g.html#94 CP/67 Multics vs Unix
2024g.html#62 Progenitors of OS/360 - BPS, BOS, TOS, DOS (Ways To Say How Old
2024g.html#45 IBM Mainframe User Group SHARE
2024g.html#9 4th Generation Programming Language
2024f.html#125 Adventure Game
2024f.html#106 NSFnet
2024f.html#75 Prodigy
2024e.html#20 TYMSHARE, ADVENTURE/games
2024e.html#1 TYMSHARE Dialup
2024c.html#110 Anyone here (on
2024c.html#104 Virtual Memory Paging
2024c.html#103 CP67 & VM370 Source Maintenance
2024c.html#25 Tymshare & Ann Hardy
2024b.html#90 IBM User Group Share
2024b.html#87 Dialed in - a history of BBSing
2024b.html#81 rusty iron why ``folklore''?
2024b.html#65 MVT/SVS/MVS/MVS.XA
2024b.html#34 Internet
2024b.html#17 IBM 5100
2023e.html#12 Tymshare
2023e.html#9 Tymshare
2023d.html#78 IBM System/360, 1964
2023d.html#62 Online Before The Cloud
2023d.html#16 Grace Hopper (& Ann Hardy)
2023d.html#14 Rent/Leased IBM 360
2023c.html#79 IBM TLA
2023c.html#67 VM/370 3270 Terminal
2023c.html#66 Economic Mess and IBM Science Center
2023c.html#65 Economic Mess and IBM Science Center
2023c.html#55 IBM VM/370
2023c.html#25 IBM Downfall
2023b.html#88 Online systems fostering online communication
2023b.html#86 Online systems fostering online communication
2023b.html#34 Online Terminals
2023b.html#15 IBM User Group, SHARE
2023b.html#14 IBM User Group, SHARE
2023b.html#11 Open Software Foundation
2023.html#97 Online Computer Conferencing
2023.html#74 IBM 4341
2023.html#43 IBM changes between 1968 and 1989
2023.html#40 IBM AIX
2023.html#37 Adventure Game
2023.html#36 IBM changes between 1968 and 1989
2023.html#13 NCSS and Dun & Bradstreet
2022h.html#124 Corporate Computer Conferencing
2022h.html#122 The History of Electronic Mail
2022h.html#69 Fred P. Brooks, 1931-2022
2022h.html#60 Fortran
2022g.html#93 No, I will not pay the bill
2022g.html#92 TYMSHARE
2022f.html#116 360/67 Virtual Memory
2022f.html#115 360/67 Virtual Memory
2022f.html#23 1963 Timesharing: A Solution to Computer Bottlenecks
2022f.html#10 9 Mainframe Statistics That May Surprise You
2022e.html#0 IBM Quota
2022d.html#108 System Dumps & 7x24 operation
2022d.html#60 VM/370 Turns 50 2Aug2022
2022c.html#31 IBM Cambridge Science Center
2022c.html#29 Unix work-alike
2022c.html#28 IBM Cambridge Science Center
2022c.html#26 IBM Cambridge Science Center
2022c.html#25 IBM Mainframe time-sharing
2022c.html#8 Cloud Timesharing
2022b.html#126 Google Cloud
2022b.html#118 IBM Disks
2022b.html#107 15 Examples of How Different Life Was Before The Internet
2022b.html#93 IBM Color 3279
2022b.html#49 4th generation language
2022b.html#34 IBM Cloud to offer Z-series mainframes for first time - albeit for test and dev
2022b.html#30 Online at home
2022b.html#28 Early Online
2022b.html#22 IBM Cloud to offer Z-series mainframes for first time - albeit for test and dev
2022b.html#1 On why it's CR+LF and not LF+CR [ASR33]
2022.html#123 SHARE LSRAD Report
2022.html#66 HSDT, EARN, BITNET, Internet
2022.html#65 CMSBACK
2022.html#57 Computer Security
2022.html#36 Error Handling
2022.html#27 Mainframe System Meter
2021k.html#104 DUMPRX
2021k.html#102 IBM CSO
2021k.html#98 BITNET XMAS EXEC
2021k.html#92 Cobol and Jean Sammet
2021k.html#53 IBM Mainframe
2021k.html#50 VM/SP crashing all over the place
2021k.html#45 Transaction Memory
2021k.html#42 Clouds are service
2021k.html#0 Women in Computing
2021j.html#77 IBM 370 and Future System
2021j.html#71 book review: Broad Band: The Untold Story of the Women Who Made the Internet
2021j.html#68 MTS, 360/67, FS, Internet, SNA
2021j.html#59 Order of Knights VM
2021j.html#48 SUSE Reviving Usenet
2021j.html#0 IBM Lost Opportunities
2021i.html#99 SUSE Reviving Usenet
2021i.html#95 SUSE Reviving Usenet
2021i.html#94 bootstrap, was What is the oldest computer that could be used today for real work?
2021i.html#77 IBM ACP/TPF
2021i.html#75 IBM ITPS
2021h.html#100 CMSBACK, ADSM, TSM
2021h.html#98 CMSBACK, ADSM, TSM
2021h.html#68 TYMSHARE, VMSHARE, and Adventure
2021h.html#47 Dynamic Adaptive Resource Management
2021h.html#1 Cloud computing's destiny
2021g.html#90 Was E-mail a Mistake? The mathematics of distributed systems suggests that meetings might be better
2021g.html#45 Cloud computing's destiny
2021g.html#27 IBM Fan-fold cards
2021g.html#23 report writer alternatives
2021f.html#67 RDBMS, SQL, QBE
2021f.html#20 1401 MPIO
2021f.html#16 IBM Zcloud - is it just outsourcing ?
2021e.html#55 SHARE (& GUIDE)
2021e.html#30 Departure Email
2021e.html#8 Online Computer Conferencing
2021d.html#42 IBM Powerpoint sales presentations
2021c.html#12 Z/VM
2021c.html#5 Z/VM
2021b.html#84 1977: Zork
2021b.html#81 The Golden Age of computer user groups
2021b.html#69 Fumble Finger Distribution list
2021b.html#3 Will The Cloud Take Down The Mainframe?
2021.html#85 IBM Auditors and Games
2021.html#72 Airline Reservation System
2021.html#25 IBM Acronyms
2021.html#14 Unbundling and Kernel Software
2020.html#28 50 years online at home
2019d.html#27 Someone Else's Computer: The Prehistory of Cloud Computing
2019d.html#16 The amount of software running on traditional servers is set to almost halve in the next 3 years amid the shift to the cloud, and it's great news for the data center business
2019d.html#4 IBM Midrange today?
2018f.html#111 Online Timsharing
2018e.html#45 DEC introduces PDP-6 [was Re: IBM introduces System/360]
2018d.html#16 Has Microsoft commuted suicide
2018d.html#3 Has Microsoft commuted suicide
2018.html#27 1963 Timesharing: A Solution to Computer Bottlenecks
2018.html#24 1963 Timesharing: A Solution to Computer Bottlenecks
2018.html#4 upgrade
2017k.html#45 APL
2017j.html#83 Ferranti Atlas paging
2017j.html#41 TYMSHARE @ CHM
2017j.html#39 The complete history of the IBM PC, part two: The DOS empire strikes; The real victor was Microsoft, which built an empire on the back of a shadily acquired MS-DOS
2017j.html#29 Db2! was: NODE.js for z/OS
2017j.html#26 Tech: we didn't mean for it to turn out like this
2017i.html#65 When Working From Home Doesn't Work
2017h.html#60 Pareto efficiency
2017g.html#20 Programmers Who Use Spaces Paid More
2017g.html#11 Mainframe Networking problems
2017f.html#27 MVS vs HASP vs JES (was 2821)
2017d.html#85 Mainframe operating systems?
2017b.html#51 The ICL 2900
2017.html#28 {wtf} Tymshare SuperBasic Source Code
2017.html#21 History of Mainframe Cloud
2016g.html#64 The Forgotten World of BBS Door Games - Slideshow from
2016g.html#46 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016g.html#45 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016g.html#44 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016g.html#43 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016f.html#62 remote system support (i.e. the data center is 2 states away from you)
2016e.html#110 Tymshare sold to McDonnell Douglas
2016e.html#107 some computer and online history
2016e.html#77 Honeywell 200
2016e.html#71 Dinosaurisation of we oldies?
2016d.html#95 Is it a lost cause?
2016d.html#77 PDP-8 advertising
2016d.html#60 History--early remote on-line computer access
2016d.html#36 The Network Nation, Revised Edition
2016b.html#86 Cloud Computing
2016b.html#30 Qbasic
2016b.html#28 Qbasic
2016.html#29 1976 vs. 2016?
2016.html#28 1976 vs. 2016?
2015f.html#50 The joy of simplicity?
2015f.html#15 Interactive Data Corp taps banks for sale or IPO -sources
2015c.html#103 auto-reboot
2015c.html#52 The Stack Depth
2015b.html#18 What were the complaints of binary code programmers that not accept Assembly?
2015.html#74 Ancient computers in use today
2014l.html#15 Do we really need 64-bit addresses or is 48-bit enough?
2014k.html#16 1950: Northrop's Digital Differential Analyzer
2014j.html#84 No Internet. No Microsoft Windows. No iPods. This Is What Tech Was Like In 1984
2014j.html#50 curly brace languages source code style quides
2014i.html#32 Speed of computers--wave equation for the copper atom? (curiosity)
2014e.html#34 Before the Internet: The golden age of online services
2014e.html#14 23Jun1969 Unbundling Announcement
2014e.html#8 The IBM Strategy
2014e.html#4 Can the mainframe remain relevant in the cloud and mobile era?
2014c.html#77 Bloat
2014c.html#15 50 years of timesharing
2014b.html#2 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014.html#18 "Death of the mainframe"
2013o.html#19 Why IBM chose MS-DOS, was Re: 'Free Unix!' made30yearsagotoday
2013m.html#62 Google F1 was: Re: MongoDB
2013m.html#58 'Free Unix!': The world-changing proclamation made 30yearsagotoday
2013l.html#62 model numbers; was re: World's worst programming environment?
2013l.html#3 A Brief History of Cloud Computing
2013k.html#82 spacewar
2013j.html#38 1969 networked word processor "Astrotype"
2013j.html#24 The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software
2013j.html#23 The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software
2013i.html#27 RBS Mainframe Meltdown: A year on, the fallout is still coming
2013i.html#6 The Subroutine Call
2013h.html#66 OT: "Highway Patrol" back on TV
2013h.html#2 What Makes code storage management so cool?
2013d.html#55 Arthur C. Clarke Predicts the Internet, 1974
2013c.html#91 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013c.html#56 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2012l.html#47 I.B.M. Mainframe Evolves to Serve the Digital World
2012k.html#84 Did Bill Gates Steal the Heart of DOS?
2012k.html#41 Cloud Computing
2012i.html#88 Can anybody give me a clear idea about Cloud Computing in MAINFRAME ?
2012i.html#40 GNOSIS & KeyKOS
2012i.html#25 Can anybody give me a clear idea about Cloud Computing in MAINFRAME ?
2012g.html#34 Co-existance of z/OS and z/VM on same DASD farm
2012f.html#27 Indirect Bit
2012f.html#19 Can Mainframes Be Part Of Cloud Computing?
2012f.html#16 Word Length
2012f.html#4 Can Mainframes Be Part Of Cloud Computing?
2012e.html#101 Burroughs B5000, B5500, B6500 videos
2012e.html#83 Why are organizations sticking with mainframes?
2012d.html#51 From Who originated the phrase "user-friendly"?
2012.html#61 Hybrid computing -- from mainframe to virtualization
2012.html#16 From "Who originated the phrase user-friendly" thread
2011p.html#11 1979 SHARE LSRAD Report
2011o.html#55 What is Cloud Computing?
2011o.html#19 Deja Cloud?
2011o.html#15 John R. Opel, RIP
2011n.html#35 Last Word on Dennis Ritchie
2011m.html#47 From The Annals of Release No Software Before Its Time
2011k.html#68 HP getting out of computer biz
2011k.html#2 First Website Launched 20 Years Ago Today
2011j.html#23 Cloud computing - is it a financial con trick?
2011i.html#73 The Unix revolution -- thank you, Uncle Sam?
2011f.html#6 New job for mainframes: Cloud platform
2011e.html#84 New job for mainframes: Cloud platform
2011b.html#87 The first personal computer (PC)
2011b.html#80 The first personal computer (PC)
2011b.html#66 Boeing Plant 2 ... End of an Era
2011b.html#5 Mainframe upgrade done with wire cutters?
2010q.html#35 VMSHARE Archives
2010q.html#10 Mainframe upgrade done with wire cutters?
2010o.html#47 origin of 'fields'?
2010n.html#42 Really dumb IPL question
2010n.html#10 Mainframe Slang terms
2010l.html#30 How much is the Data Center charging for each mainframe user?
2010l.html#23 OS idling
2010k.html#25 Was VM ever used as an exokernel?
2010j.html#84 USPTO Grants Bezos Patent on '60s-Era Chargebacks
2010j.html#76 What is the protocal for GMT offset in SMTP (e-mail) header
2010j.html#37 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010j.html#35 IBM Rational Developer for System z
2010j.html#34 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010j.html#17 Personal use z/OS machines was Re: Multiprise 3k for personal Use?
2010j.html#15 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010i.html#66 Global CIO: Global Banks Form Consortium To Counter HP, IBM, & Oracle
2010i.html#54 Favourite computer history books?
2010i.html#17 takes on virty infrastructure
2010g.html#40 someone smarter than Dave Cutler
2010g.html#13 An Interview with Watts Humphrey, Part 6: The IBM 360
2010f.html#75 Is Security a Curse for the Cloud Computing Industry?
2010f.html#74 Is Security a Curse for the Cloud Computing Industry?
2010e.html#55 Senior Java Developer vs. MVS Systems Programmer (warning: Conley rant)
2010e.html#52 LPARs: More or Less?
2010e.html#50 LPARs: More or Less?
2010d.html#84 Adventure - Or Colossal Cave Adventure
2010d.html#59 LPARs: More or Less
2010d.html#27 HONE & VMSHARE
2010d.html#4 alphas was: search engine history, was Happy DEC
2010c.html#48 Happy DEC-10 Day
2010b.html#31 Happy DEC-10 Day
2010.html#10 Happy DEC-10 Day
2009s.html#36 Larrabee delayed: anyone know what's happening?
2009q.html#16 'cloud computing' and 'SAAS'
2009q.html#8 Is Cloud Computing Old Hat?
2009o.html#79 Is it time to stop research in Computer Architecture ?
2009n.html#28 Status of Arpanet/Internet in 1976?
2009n.html#27 Continous Systems Modelling Package
2009m.html#90 A Faster Way to the Cloud
2009m.html#88 Continous Systems Modelling Package
2009m.html#81 A Faster Way to the Cloud
2009l.html#14 August 7, 1944: today is the 65th Anniversary of the Birth of the Computer
2009k.html#41 Disksize history question
2009j.html#60 A Complete History Of Mainframe Computing
2009i.html#22 My Vintage Dream PC
2009f.html#28 Opinion: The top 10 operating system stinkers
2009f.html#19 greenbar
2009e.html#70 When did "client server" become part of the language?
2009e.html#30 Timeline: 40 years of OS milestones
2009e.html#4 Cost of CPU Time
2009d.html#50 Mainframe Hall of Fame: 17 New Members Added
2009c.html#57 Western Union history--data communications passed it by
2009.html#46 Lawyers & programming (x-over from a.f.c discussion)
2009.html#31 Banks to embrace virtualisation in 2009: survey
2009.html#27 NPR Asks: Will Cloud Computing Work in the White House?
2009.html#21 Banks to embrace virtualisation in 2009: survey
2008s.html#42 Welcome to Rain Matrix: The Cloud Computing Network
2008s.html#3 New machine code
2008r.html#11 What if the computers went back to the '70s too?
2008r.html#9 Comprehensive security?
2008r.html#3 What if the computers went back to the '70s too?
2008o.html#57 Virtual
2008o.html#56 Virtual
2008m.html#65 CHROME and WEB apps on Mainframe?
2008m.html#64 CHROME and WEB apps on Mainframe?
2008l.html#62 Intel: an expensive many-core future is ahead of us
2008k.html#65 Crippleware: hardware examples
2008k.html#64 Crippleware: hardware examples
2008j.html#7 We're losing the battle
2008j.html#6 What is "timesharing" (Re: OS X Finder windows vs terminal window weirdness)
2008j.html#5 What is "timesharing" (Re: OS X Finder windows vs terminal window weirdness)
2008j.html#4 What is "timesharing" (Re: OS X Finder windows vs terminal window weirdness)
2008i.html#103 OS X Finder windows vs terminal window weirdness
2008i.html#100 OS X Finder windows vs terminal window weirdness
2008i.html#7 Annoying Processor Pricing
2008h.html#88 Annoying Processor Pricing
2008h.html#7 Xephon, are they still in business?
2008g.html#26 CA ESD files Options
2008g.html#18 CA ESD files Options
2008d.html#15 more on (the new 40+ yr old) virtualization
2008c.html#71 Toyota Sales for 2007 May Surpass GM
2008c.html#65 No Glory for the PDP-15
2008c.html#63 Toyota Sales for 2007 May Surpass GM
2008c.html#49 No Glory for the PDP-15
2008c.html#2 folklore indeed
2008b.html#53 folklore indeed
2008b.html#27 Re-hosting IMB-MAIN
2008b.html#24 folklore indeed
2008.html#89 folklore indeed
2008.html#88 folklore indeed
2008.html#75 Rotary phones
2008.html#17 Usefulness of bidirectional read/write?
2008.html#14 hacked TOPS-10 monitors
2007v.html#36 folklore indeed
2007v.html#11 IBM mainframe history, was Floating-point myths
2007u.html#81 IBM mainframe history, was Floating-point myths
2007u.html#23 T3 Sues IBM To Break its Mainframe Monopoly
2007u.html#18 Folklore references to CP67 at Lincoln Labs
2007u.html#6 Open z/Architecture or Not
2007t.html#65 Remembering the CDC 6600
2007s.html#45 "Server" processors for numbercrunching?
2007s.html#43 Intel Ships Power-Efficient Penryn CPUs
2007s.html#29 Intel Ships Power-Efficient Penryn CPUs
2007s.html#17 Oddly good news week: Google announces a Caps library for Javascript
2007r.html#47 Translation of IBM Basic Assembler to C?
2007r.html#15 The history of Structure capabilities
2007r.html#11 The history of Structure capabilities
2007q.html#23 GETMAIN/FREEMAIN and virtual storage backing up
2007p.html#74 GETMAIN/FREEMAIN and virtual storage backing up
2007p.html#27 Newsweek article--baby boomers and computers
2007p.html#26 what does xp do when system is copying
2007p.html#17 what does xp do when system is copying
2007p.html#14 Newsweek article--baby boomers and computers
2007o.html#58 ACP/TPF
2007n.html#23 What if phone company had developed Internet?
2007n.html#17 What if phone company had developed Internet?
2007n.html#10 The top 10 dead (or dying) computer skills
2007m.html#68 Operating systems are old and busted
2007m.html#67 Operating systems are old and busted
2007m.html#57 The Development of the Vital IBM PC in Spite of the Corporate Culture of IBM
2007m.html#51 Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard?
2007k.html#60 3350 failures
2007k.html#48 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007k.html#26 user level TCP implementation
2007k.html#15 Data Areas Manuals to be dropped
2007j.html#17 Newbie question on table design
2007h.html#54 ANN: Microsoft goes Open Source
2007g.html#73 The Perfect Computer - 36 bits?
2007e.html#37 Quote from comp.object
2007d.html#48 IBM S/360 series operating systems history
2007d.html#23 How many 36-bit Unix ports in the old days?
2007c.html#45 SVCs
2007c.html#12 Special characters in passwords was Re: RACF - Password rules
2007b.html#50 Is anyone still running
2007.html#8 "The Elements of Programming Style"
2006y.html#22 "The Elements of Programming Style"
2006y.html#20 moving on
2006y.html#18 The History of Computer Role-Playing Games
2006x.html#19 The Future of CPUs: What's After Multi-Core?
2006v.html#38 vmshare
2006v.html#22 vmshare
2006t.html#44 1960s railroad data processing on L&N
2006s.html#65 Paranoia..Paranoia..Am I on the right track?.. any help please?
2006s.html#54 Why these original FORTRAN quirks?
2006s.html#17 bandwidth of a swallow (was: Real core)
2006s.html#7 Very slow booting and running and brain-dead OS's?
2006r.html#41 Very slow booting and running and brain-dead OS's?
2006r.html#37 REAL memory column in SDSF
2006r.html#30 50th Anniversary of invention of disk drives
2006r.html#11 Was FORTRAN buggy?
2006p.html#54 Douglas Engelbart's HyperScope 1.0 Launched
2006p.html#13 What part of z/OS is the OS?
2006o.html#49 The Fate of VM - was: Re: Baby MVS???
2006o.html#41 When Does Folklore Begin???
2006n.html#13 Not Your Dad's Mainframe: Little Iron
2006n.html#3 Not Your Dad's Mainframe: Little Iron
2006n.html#2 The System/360 Model 20 Wasn't As Bad As All That
2006m.html#50 The System/360 Model 20 Wasn't As Bad As All That
2006l.html#55 virtual memory
2006l.html#44 The very first text editor
2006k.html#37 PDP-1
2006k.html#36 PDP-1
2006k.html#35 PDP-1
2006k.html#32 PDP-1
2006k.html#30 PDP-1
2006k.html#29 PDP-1
2006j.html#40 virtual memory
2006i.html#6 The Pankian Metaphor
2006i.html#4 Mainframe vs. xSeries
2006i.html#2 The Pankian Metaphor
2006h.html#53 Mainframe vs. xSeries
2006h.html#40 Mainframe vs. xSeries
2006h.html#14 Security
2006h.html#9 It's official: "nuke" infected Windows PCs instead of fixing them
2006f.html#30 A very basic question
2006c.html#22 Military Time?
2006b.html#39 another blast from the past
2006.html#36 Charging Time
2006.html#35 Charging Time
2005u.html#38 Mainframe Applications and Records Keeping?
2005u.html#28 Fast action games on System/360+?
2005t.html#35 winscape?
2005t.html#29 AMD to leave x86 behind?
2005s.html#45 winscape?
2005s.html#44 winscape?
2005s.html#17 winscape?
2005s.html#12 Flat Query
2005q.html#39 How To Abandon Microsoft
2005p.html#45 HASP/ASP JES/JES2/JES3
2005p.html#20 address space
2005o.html#46 Article: The True Value of Mainframe Security
2005o.html#38 SHARE reflections
2005o.html#34 Not enough parallelism in programming
2005o.html#30 auto reIPL
2005o.html#20 Why? (Was: US Military Dead during Iraq War
2005n.html#45 Anyone know whether VM/370 EDGAR is still available anywhere?
2005m.html#8 IBM's mini computers--lack thereof
2005k.html#40 IBM/Watson autobiography--thoughts on?
2005k.html#30 Public disclosure of discovered vulnerabilities
2005k.html#14 virtual 360/67 support in cp67
2005k.html#5 IBM/Watson autobiography--thoughts on?
2005j.html#48 Public disclosure of discovered vulnerabilities
2005i.html#15 Now the crackpots are trying to make it their own
2005h.html#38 Systems Programming for 8 Year-olds
2005h.html#18 Exceptions at basic block boundaries
2005h.html#1 Single System Image questions
2005g.html#57 Security via hardware?
2005f.html#63 Moving assembler programs above the line
2005d.html#35 Thou shalt have no other gods before the ANSI C standard
2005d.html#9 intel's Vanderpool and virtualization in general (was Re: Cell press release, redacted.)
2005d.html#4 Self restarting property of RTOS-How it works?
2005d.html#2 360 longevity, was RISCs too close to hardware?
2005c.html#56 intel's Vanderpool and virtualization in general
2005c.html#18 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2005b.html#50 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2005b.html#12 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2005b.html#6 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2005.html#54 creat
2004q.html#72 IUCV in VM/CMS
2004p.html#48 History of C
2004p.html#43 History of C
2004o.html#49 Integer types for 128-bit addressing
2004o.html#45 Integer types for 128-bit addressing
2004o.html#18 Integer types for 128-bit addressing
2004n.html#37 passing of iverson
2004m.html#54 Shipwrecks
2004m.html#49 EAL5
2004m.html#17 mainframe and microprocessor
2004l.html#6 Xah Lee's Unixism
2004k.html#38 Adventure
2004j.html#41 Vintage computers are better than modern crap !
2004j.html#37 Vintage computers are better than modern crap !
2004j.html#28 Vintage computers are better than modern crap !
2004j.html#25 Wars against bad things
2004j.html#23 Wars against bad things
2004j.html#20 The Reincarnation of Virtual Machines
2004h.html#49 Univac 9200, 9300: the 360 clone I never heard of!
2004h.html#34 Which Monitor Would You Pick??????
2004h.html#31 Usage of Hex Dump
2004h.html#27 Vintage computers are better than modern crap !
2004e.html#14 were dumb terminals actually so dumb???
2004d.html#33 someone looking to donate IBM magazines and stuff
2004d.html#6 Memory Affinity
2004c.html#47 IBM 360 memory
2004c.html#37 Memory Affinity
2004c.html#34 Playing games in mainframe
2004c.html#26 Moribund TSO/E
2004c.html#17 If there had been no MS-DOS
2004c.html#11 40yrs, science center, feb. 1964
2004c.html#7 IBM operating systems
2003o.html#23 Tools -vs- Utility
2003n.html#46 What makes a mainframe a mainframe?
2003n.html#45 hung/zombie users ... long boring, wandering story
2003n.html#15 Dreaming About Redesigning SQL
2003m.html#54 Thoughts on Utility Computing?
2003m.html#48 Thoughts on Utility Computing?
2003m.html#33 MAD Programming Language
2003m.html#16 OSI not quite dead yet
2003l.html#34 Thoughts on Utility Computing?
2003l.html#22 Secure OS Thoughts
2003k.html#50 Slashdot: O'Reilly On The Importance Of The Mainframe Heritage
2003k.html#10 What is timesharing, anyway?
2003i.html#69 IBM system 370
2003i.html#15 two pi, four phase, 370 clone
2003h.html#41 Segments, capabilities, buffer overrun attacks
2003h.html#28 OT What movies have taught us about Computers
2003e.html#75 History of project maintenance tools -- what and when?
2003e.html#66 History of project maintenance tools -- what and when?
2003d.html#72 cp/67 35th anniversary
2003d.html#68 unix
2003d.html#17 CA-RAMIS
2003d.html#15 CA-RAMIS
2002q.html#3 Vector display systems
2002p.html#37 Newbie: Two quesions about mainframes
2002p.html#3 IBM OS source code
2002p.html#2 IBM OS source code
2002o.html#48 XML, AI, Cyc, psych, and literature
2002n.html#67 Mainframe Spreadsheets - 1980's History
2002m.html#61 The next big things that weren't
2002l.html#66 10 choices that were critical to the Net's success
2002l.html#61 10 choices that were critical to the Net's success
2002l.html#56 10 choices that were critical to the Net's success
2002l.html#53 10 choices that were critical to the Net's success
2002i.html#69 Hercules and System/390 - do we need it?
2002i.html#64 Hercules and System/390 - do we need it?
2002i.html#63 Hercules and System/390 - do we need it?
2002i.html#44 Unisys A11 worth keeping?
2002h.html#43 IBM doing anything for 50th Anniv?
2002g.html#4 markup vs wysiwyg (was: Re: learning how to use a computer)
2002f.html#59 Blade architectures
2002f.html#0 Computers in Science Fiction
2002e.html#47 Multics_Security
2001n.html#10 TSS/360
2001m.html#55 TSS/360
2001m.html#54 Author seeks help - net in 1981
2001m.html#51 Author seeks help - net in 1981
2001m.html#44 Call for folklore - was Re: So it's cyclical.
2001m.html#1 ASR33/35 Controls
2001h.html#59 Blinkenlights
2001h.html#35 D
2001g.html#52 Compaq kills Alpha
2001g.html#35 Did AT&T offer Unix to Digital Equipment in the 70s?
2001g.html#33 Did AT&T offer Unix to Digital Equipment in the 70s?
2001g.html#32 Did AT&T offer Unix to Digital Equipment in the 70s?
2001g.html#30 Did AT&T offer Unix to Digital Equipment in the 70s?
2001b.html#50 IBM 705 computer manual
2000g.html#31 stupid user stories
2000g.html#22 No more innovation? Get serious
2000f.html#69 TSS ancient history, was X86 ultimate CISC? designs)
aadsm18.htm#33 An interesting "new" computer security problem
aadsm18.htm#34 An interesting "new" computer security problem
aadsm21.htm#9 Clearing sensitive in-memory data in perl
aadsm25.htm#37 How the Classical Scholars dropped security from the canon of Computer Science
99.html#150 Q: S/390 on PowerPC?
99.html#10 IBM S/360

top , by subject : technology , networking , public key , integrity , Boyd - home

Misc. peer-coupled shared data

Anne had been con'ed into doing a stint in POK responsible for loosely-coupled architecture. While there she developed Peer-Coupled Shared Data architecture (mainframe for cluster), which, except for IMS hot-standby, didn't see a lot of takeup until SYSPLEX and Parallel SYSPLEX.

2025.html#54 Multics vs Unix
2025.html#0 IBM APPN
2024f.html#74 IBM IMS
2024e.html#140 HASP, JES2, NJE, VNET/RSCS
2024d.html#65 360/65, 360/67, 360/75 750ns memory
2024c.html#105 Financial/ATM Processing
2024c.html#79 Mainframe and Blade Servers
2024b.html#80 IBM DBMS/RDBMS
2024b.html#30 ACP/TPF
2024b.html#29 DB2
2024.html#36 RS/6000 Mainframe
2024.html#27 HASP, ASP, JES2, JES3
2023g.html#106 Shared Memory Feature
2023f.html#100 CSC, HONE, 23Jun69 Unbundling, Future System
2023f.html#72 Vintage RS/6000 Mainframe
2023f.html#51 IBM Vintage Series/1
2023e.html#76 microcomputers, minicomputers, mainframes, supercomputers
2023e.html#53 VM370/CMS Shared Segments
2023e.html#45 IBM 360/65 & 360/67 Multiprocessors
2023e.html#41 Systems Network Architecture
2023e.html#5 Boyd and OODA-loop
2023e.html#4 HASP, JES, MVT, 370 Virtual Memory, VS2
2023e.html#1 DASD, Channel and I/O long winded trivia
2023d.html#85 Airline Reservation System
2023d.html#43 AI Scale-up
2023c.html#48 Conflicts with IBM Communication Group
2023c.html#47 IBM ACIS
2023.html#1 IMS & DB2
2022h.html#1 Iconic consoles of the IBM System/360 mainframes, 55 years old
2022g.html#26 Why Things Fail
2022f.html#74 IBM/PC
2022f.html#59 The Man That Helped Change IBM
2022e.html#25 IBM "nine-net"
2022d.html#51 IBM Spooling
2022c.html#79 Peer-Coupled Shared Data
2022c.html#20 Telum & z16
2022b.html#102 370/158 Integrated Channel
2022b.html#11 Seattle Dataprocessing
2021k.html#114 Peer-Coupled Shared Data Architecture
2021j.html#68 MTS, 360/67, FS, Internet, SNA
2021i.html#19 A brief overview of IBM's new 7 nm Telum mainframe CPU
2021h.html#90 IBM Internal network
2021g.html#76 Electronic Signature
2021e.html#76 WEB Security
2021c.html#39 WA State frets about Boeing brain drain, but it's already happening
2021c.html#13 IMS Stories
2021b.html#72 IMS Stories
2021.html#55 IBM Quota
2019d.html#119 IBM Acronyms
2019d.html#26 direct couple
2019c.html#42 mainframe hacking "success stories"?
2019c.html#35 Transition to cloud computing
2019.html#38 long-winded post thread, 3033, 3081, Future System
2018e.html#94 It's 1983: What computer would you buy?
2018e.html#73 System/R, SQL/DS, DB2, HA/CMP
2018e.html#2 Frank Heart Dies at 89
2018d.html#13 Workplace Advice I Wish I Had Known
2018c.html#80 z/VM Live Guest Relocation
2018c.html#79 z/VM Live Guest Relocation
2018b.html#13 Important US technology companies sold to foreigners
2018.html#98 Mainframe Use/History
2017k.html#65 Intrigued by IBM
2017k.html#52 When did the home computer die?
2017k.html#40 IBM etc I/O channels?
2017k.html#39 IBM etc I/O channels?
2017j.html#40 Tech: we didn't mean for it to turn out like this
2017j.html#28 Db2! was: NODE.js for z/OS
2017f.html#33 MVS vs HASP vs JES (was 2821)
2017e.html#79 Typesetting
2017e.html#62 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017d.html#42 What are mainframes
2017c.html#55 The ICL 2900
2017c.html#30 The ICL 2900
2017c.html#19 Check out Massive Amazon cloud service outage disrupts sitesa
2017b.html#82 The ICL 2900
2017.html#98 360 & Series/1
2016e.html#85 Honeywell 200
2016d.html#104 Is it a lost cause?
2016d.html#48 PL/I advertising
2016.html#82 DEC and The Americans
2016.html#54 Compile error
2015h.html#86 Old HASP
2015g.html#96 TCP joke
2015f.html#5 Can you have a robust IT system that needs experts to run it?
2015e.html#59 Why major financial institutions are growing their use of mainframes
2015e.html#47 GRS Control Unit ( Was IBM mainframe operations in the 80s)
2015e.html#46 GRS Control Unit ( Was IBM mainframe operations in the 80s)
2015d.html#2 Knowledge Center Outage May 3rd
2015c.html#112 JES2 as primary with JES3 as a secondary
2014m.html#155 IBM Continues To Crumble
2014g.html#103 Fifty Years of nitpicking definitions, was BASIC,theProgrammingLanguageT
2014f.html#81 Is end of mainframe near ?
2014f.html#69 Is end of mainframe near?
2014e.html#7 Last Gasp for Hard Disk Drives
2014d.html#56 Difference between MVS and z / OS systems
2014c.html#88 Optimization, CPU time, and related issues
2013n.html#19 z/OS is antique WAS: Aging Sysprogs = Aging Farmers
2013m.html#95 Access to IBM Z/OS z/VM Documentation
2013l.html#46 Teletypewriter Model 33
2013l.html#44 Teletypewriter Model 33
2013l.html#18 A Brief History of Cloud Computing
2013i.html#27 RBS Mainframe Meltdown: A year on, the fallout is still coming
2013h.html#16 How about the old mainframe error messages that actually give you a clue about what's broken
2013g.html#44 What Makes code storage management so cool?
2013g.html#24 Old data storage or data base
2013f.html#74 The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software
2013b.html#22 Rejoice! z/OS 2.1 addresses some long term JCL complaints from here:
2013.html#16 From build to buy: American Airlines changes modernization course midflight
2012o.html#52 PC/mainframe browser(s) was Re: 360/20, was 1132 printer history
2012o.html#11 Mainframes are still the best platform for high volume transaction processing
2012m.html#24 Does the IBM System z Mainframe rely on Security by Obscurity or is it Secure by Design
2012k.html#27 A debate on JES2 versus JES3 and IBM's continued support for both products
2012k.html#23 How to Stuff a Wild Duck
2012j.html#2 Can anybody give me a clear idea about Cloud Computing in MAINFRAME ?
2012i.html#71 "The Truth Will Set You Free" -- on Destination z
2012i.html#25 Can anybody give me a clear idea about Cloud Computing in MAINFRAME ?
2012g.html#34 Co-existance of z/OS and z/VM on same DASD farm
2012e.html#83 Why are organizations sticking with mainframes?
2012d.html#43 Layer 8: NASA unplugs last mainframe
2012d.html#28 NASA unplugs their last mainframe
2012d.html#6 NASA unplugs their last mainframe
2012.html#82 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2012.html#73 Reject gmail
2012.html#67 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2011p.html#100 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2011p.html#76 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2011p.html#50 Hello?
2011n.html#11 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2011n.html#3 Banks Face Ongoing Cyber Threats
2011m.html#6 What is IBM culture?
2011l.html#26 computer bootlaces
2011k.html#82 'smttter IBMdroids
2011j.html#58 Graph of total world disk space over time?
2011j.html#0 program coding pads
2011i.html#77 program coding pads
2011h.html#68 IBM Mainframe (1980's) on You tube
2011h.html#8 At least two decades back, some gurus predicted that mainframes would disappear in future and it still has not happened
2011g.html#74 We list every company in the world that has a mainframe computer
2011f.html#6 New job for mainframes: Cloud platform
2011f.html#4 Cool Things You Can Do in z/OS
2011e.html#16 At least two decades back, some gurus predicted that mainframes would disappear in future and it still has not happened
2011e.html#0 Mainframe technology in 2011 and beyond; who is going to run these Mainframes?
2011d.html#74 Multiple Virtual Memory
2011d.html#41 Is email dead? What do you think?
2011b.html#46 zLinux OR Linux on zEnterprise Blade Extension???
2011.html#21 zLinux OR Linux on zEnterprise Blade Extension???
2010q.html#73 zLinux OR Linux on zEnterprise Blade Extension???
2010q.html#37 Programmer Charged with thieft (maybe off topic)
2010n.html#3 JES2 vs. JES3
2010l.html#55 Mainframe Hacking -- Fact or Fiction
2010l.html#4 Did a mainframe glitch trigger DBS Bank outage?
2010k.html#70 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010k.html#65 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010k.html#56 Unix systems and Serialization mechanism
2010j.html#14 Multiprise 3k for personal Use?
2010i.html#61 IBM to announce new MF's this year
2010h.html#66 25 reasons why hardware is still hot at IBM
2010f.html#48 Nonlinear systems and nonlocal supercomputing
2010f.html#14 What was the historical price of a P/390?
2010e.html#83 Entry point for a Mainframe?
2010e.html#50 LPARs: More or Less?
2010d.html#62 LPARs: More or Less?
2010d.html#12 The origins of CICS
2010b.html#90 Happy DEC-10 Day
2009s.html#34 Larrabee delayed: anyone know what's happening?
2009s.html#32 Larrabee delayed: anyone know what's happening?
2009r.html#21 Small Server Mob Advantage
2009r.html#20 70 Years of ATM Innovation
2009q.html#83 Small Server Mob Advantage
2009q.html#28 Check out Computer glitch to cause flight delays across U.S. - MarketWatch
2009p.html#35 DB2 announces technology that trumps Oracle RAC and Exadata
2009o.html#81 big iron mainframe vs. x86 servers
2009n.html#35 Cybersecurity Today: The Wild, Wild West
2009l.html#66 ACP, One of the Oldest Open Source Apps
2009l.html#3 VTAM security issue
2009i.html#26 Why are z/OS people reluctant to use z/OS UNIX?
2009i.html#23 Why are z/OS people reluctant to use z/OS UNIX? (Are settlements a good argument for overnight batch COBOL ?)
2009h.html#1 z/Journal Does it Again
2009g.html#15 Confessions of a Cobol programmer
2009e.html#56 When did "client server" become part of the language?
2009e.html#47 When did "client server" become part of the language?
2009e.html#46 When did "client server" become part of the language?
2009d.html#4 Why do IBMers think disks are 'Direct Access'?
2008s.html#77 Is SUN going to become x86'ed ??
2008r.html#72 Curiousity: largest parallel sysplex around?
2008r.html#71 Curiousity: largest parallel sysplex around?
2008p.html#61 Serial vs. Parallel
2008p.html#5 Privacy, Identity theft, account fraud
2008o.html#76 Blinkenlights
2008o.html#56 Virtual
2008j.html#16 We're losing the battle
2008i.html#97 We're losing the battle
2008i.html#94 Lynn - You keep using the term "we" - who is "we"?
2008i.html#17 Does anyone have any IT data center disaster stories?
2008h.html#88 Annoying Processor Pricing
2008h.html#8a Using Military Philosophy to Drive High Value Sales
2008e.html#73 Convergent Technologies vs Sun
2008e.html#17 MAINFRAME Training with IBM Certification and JOB GUARANTEE
2008d.html#71 Interesting ibm about the myths of the Mainframe
2008d.html#60 more on (the new 40+ yr old) virtualization
2008d.html#11 Toyota Sales for 2007 May Surpass GM
2008b.html#69 How does ATTACH pass address of ECB to child?
2008b.html#40 windows time service
2007v.html#92 Tap and faucet and spellcheckers
2007v.html#28 folklore indeed
2007u.html#35 What do YOU call the # sign?
2007r.html#44 complicated address generation unit?
2007r.html#10 IBM System/3 & 3277-1
2007q.html#46 Are there tasks that don't play by WLM's rules
2007q.html#14 Does software life begin at 40? IBM updates IMS database
2007p.html#44 what does xp do when system is copying
2007p.html#12 JES2 or JES3, Which one is older?
2007o.html#72 FICON tape drive?
2007o.html#59 ACP/TPF
2007n.html#77 PSI MIPS
2007n.html#49 VLIW pre-history
2007m.html#55 Capacity and Relational Database
2007l.html#62 Friday musings on the future of 3270 applications
2007l.html#19 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007k.html#23 Another "migration" from the mainframe
2007j.html#71 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007j.html#62 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007j.html#44 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007j.html#32 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007h.html#76 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007h.html#38 sizeof() was: The Perfect Computer - 36 bits?
2007h.html#35 sizeof() was: The Perfect Computer - 36 bits?
2007g.html#80 IBM to the PCM market(the sky is falling!!!the sky is falling!!)
2007g.html#12 University rank of Computer Architecture
2007f.html#56 Is computer history taught now?
2007e.html#41 IBM S/360 series operating systems history
2007e.html#16 Attractive Alternatives to Mainframes
2007d.html#24 How many 36-bit Unix ports in the old days?
2007c.html#42 Keep VM 24X7 365 days
2007b.html#48 6400 impact printer
2007b.html#18 How many 36-bit Unix ports in the old days?
2007b.html#9 Mainframe vs. "Server" (Was Just another example of mainframe
2007.html#39 Just another example of mainframe costs
2006x.html#33 NSFNET (long post warning)
2006x.html#8 vmshare
2006x.html#7 vmshare
2006u.html#55 What's a mainframe?
2006u.html#30 Why so little parallelism?
2006u.html#28 Assembler question
2006t.html#36 The Future of CPUs: What's After Multi-Core?
2006r.html#9 Was FORTRAN buggy?
2006r.html#4 Was FORTRAN buggy?
2006o.html#62 Greatest Software, System R
2006o.html#33 When Does Folklore Begin???
2006l.html#45 Mainframe Linux Mythbusting (Was: Using Java in batch on z/OS?)
2006l.html#7 Google Architecture
2006l.html#4 Google Architecture
2006k.html#21 Sending CONSOLE/SYSLOG To Off-Mainframe Server
2006j.html#31 virtual memory
2006i.html#32 virtual memory
2006i.html#2 The Pankian Metaphor
2006h.html#52 Need Help defining an AS400 with an IP address to the mainframe
2006f.html#19 Over my head in a JES exit
2006e.html#46 using 3390 mod-9s
2006d.html#24 IBM 610 workstation computer
2006c.html#43 IBM 610 workstation computer
2006.html#32 UMA vs SMP? Clarification of terminology
2006.html#16 Would multi-core replace SMPs?
2005v.html#0 DMV systems?
2005u.html#46 Channel Distances
2005u.html#38 Mainframe Applications and Records Keeping?
2005u.html#37 Mainframe Applications and Records Keeping?
2005u.html#23 Channel Distances
2005s.html#16 Is a Hurricane about to hit IBM ?
2005r.html#14 Intel strikes back with a parallel x86 design
2005q.html#27 What ever happened to Tandem and NonStop OS ?
2005p.html#45 HASP/ASP JES/JES2/JES3
2005p.html#44 hasp, jes, rasp, aspen, gold
2005p.html#15 DUMP Datasets and SMS
2005p.html#8 EBCDIC to 6-bit and back
2005o.html#39 JES unification project
2005o.html#38 SHARE reflections
2005o.html#37 What ever happened to Tandem and NonStop OS ?
2005o.html#30 auto reIPL
2005n.html#38 What was new&important in computer architecture 10 years ago ?
2005n.html#25 Data communications over telegraph circuits
2005n.html#7 54 Processors?
2005m.html#52 Cluster computing drawbacks
2005m.html#17 Another - Another One Bites the Dust
2005j.html#60 Ancient history
2005i.html#43 Development as Configuration
2005h.html#2 Single System Image questions
2005h.html#1 Single System Image questions
2005d.html#25 The future of the Mainframe
2005d.html#9 intel's Vanderpool and virtualization in general (was Re: Cell press release, redacted.)
2005d.html#2 360 longevity, was RISCs too close to hardware?
2005c.html#7 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2005.html#50 something like a CTC on a PC
2005.html#46 8086 memory space
2005.html#38 something like a CTC on a PC
2005.html#11 CAS and LL/SC
2004q.html#75 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2004q.html#68 Will multicore CPUs have identical cores?
2004p.html#49 History of C
2004p.html#43 History of C
2004p.html#31 IBM 3705 and UC.5
2004o.html#5 Integer types for 128-bit addressing
2004n.html#38 RS/6000 in Sysplex Environment
2004n.html#16 RISCs too close to hardware?
2004m.html#46 Shipwrecks
2004m.html#24 IBM Spells Out Mainframe Strategy
2004m.html#0 Specifying all biz rules in relational data
2004l.html#6 Xah Lee's Unixism
2004j.html#23 Wars against bad things
2004h.html#20 Vintage computers are better than modern crap !
2004e.html#51 Infiniband - practicalities for small clusters
2004.html#50 Mainframe not a good architecture for interactive workloads
2003n.html#29 Architect Mainframe system - books/guidenance
2003i.html#70 A few Z990 Gee-Wiz stats
2003h.html#60 The figures of merit that make mainframes worth the price
2003h.html#31 OT What movies have taught us about Computers
2003h.html#9 Why did TCP become popular ?
2003d.html#67 unix
2003d.html#49 unix
2002q.html#35 HASP:
2002o.html#68 META: Newsgroup cliques?
2002j.html#45 M$ SMP and old time IBM's LCMP
2002h.html#12 Why did OSI fail compared with TCP-IP?
2002g.html#48 Why did OSI fail compared with TCP-IP?
2002f.html#6 Blade architectures
2002b.html#54 Computer Naming Conventions
2001n.html#3 News IBM loses supercomputer crown
2001j.html#23 OT - Internet Explorer V6.0
2001i.html#52 misc loosely-coupled, sysplex, cluster, supercomputer, & electronic commerce
2001i.html#41 Withdrawal Announcement 901-218 - No More 'small machines'
2001h.html#76 Other oddball IBM System 360's ?
2001g.html#46 The Alpha/IA64 Hybrid
2001g.html#44 The Alpha/IA64 Hybrid
2001e.html#2 Block oriented I/O over IP
2001d.html#71 Pentium 4 Prefetch engine?
2001c.html#69 Wheeler and Wheeler
2001b.html#73 7090 vs. 7094 etc.
2000f.html#37 OT?
2000f.html#30 OT?
2000.html#13 Computer of the century
99.html#128 Examples of non-relational databases
99.html#100 Why won't the AS/400 die? Or, It's 1999 why do I have to learn how to use
99.html#92 MVS vs HASP vs JES (was 2821)
99.html#77 Are mainframes relevant ??
99.html#71 High Availabilty on S/390
98.html#40 Comparison Cluster vs SMP?
98.html#37 What is MVS/ESA?
98.html#35 Drive letters
98.html#30 Drive letters

top , by subject : technology , networking , public key , integrity , Boyd - home

Misc. VAMPS and/or bounce lock

2025b.html#34 IBM 370/125
2024e.html#113 370/125, Future System, 370-138/148
2023g.html#106 Shared Memory Feature
2023g.html#56 Future System, 115/125, 138/148, ECPS
2023g.html#22 Vintage Cray
2023g.html#16 370/125 VM/370
2023g.html#10 370/125 VM/370
2023g.html#4 Vintage Future System
2023f.html#57 Vintage IBM 370/125
2023e.html#50 VM370/CMS Shared Segments
2023e.html#22 Copyright Software
2023d.html#90 IBM 3083
2023.html#49 23Jun1969 Unbundling and Online IBM Branch Offices
2023.html#47 370/125 and MVCL instruction
2022h.html#52 smaller faster cheaper, computer history thru the lens of esthetics versus economics
2021k.html#38 IBM Boeblingen
2021h.html#91 IBM XT/370
2021b.html#34 HONE story/history
2020.html#39 If Memory Had Been Cheaper
2019c.html#33 IBM Future System
2019.html#84 IBM 5100
2018f.html#52 All programmers that developed in machine code and Assembly in the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s died?
2018e.html#30 These Are the Best Companies to Work For in the U.S
2018c.html#18 Old word processors
2018b.html#104 AW: mainframe distribution
2017j.html#98 OS-9
2017g.html#28 Eliminating the systems programmer was Re: IBM cuts contractor bil ling by 15 percent (our else)
2017e.html#61 Typesetting
2017c.html#95 GREAT presentation on the history of the mainframe
2017c.html#86 GREAT presentation on the history of the mainframe
2017b.html#2 IBM 1970s
2017.html#74 The ICL 2900
2016e.html#115 IBM History
2016d.html#65 PL/I advertising
2016d.html#64 PL/I advertising
2016d.html#63 PL/I advertising
2016d.html#62 PL/I advertising
2016d.html#59 PL/I advertising
2015g.html#91 IBM 4341, introduced in 1979, was 26 times faster than the 360/30
2015g.html#75 The Phillipines in 2012
2015f.html#80 Miniskirts and mainframes
2015b.html#39 Connecting memory to 370/145 with only 36 bits
2014m.html#107 IBM 360/85 vs. 370/165
2014d.html#59 Difference between MVS and z / OS systems
2013c.html#22 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013c.html#21 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013b.html#37 AT&T Holmdel Computer Center films, 1973 Unix
2012k.html#18 1132 printer history
2012k.html#14 International Business Marionette
2012c.html#29 5 Byte Device Addresses?
2011p.html#82 Migration off mainframe
2011n.html#31 big-little
2011l.html#2 68000 assembly language programming
2011k.html#86 'smttter IBMdroids
2011k.html#79 Selectric Typewriter--50th Anniversary
2011j.html#10 program coding pads
2011i.html#47 Robert Morris, man who helped develop Unix, dies at 78
2011b.html#68 vm/370 3081
2011.html#28 Personal histories and IBM computing
2010m.html#15 History of Hard-coded Offsets
2010l.html#21 Titles for the Class of 1978
2010l.html#10 Titles for the Class of 1978
2010l.html#9 Age
2010j.html#22 Personal use z/OS machines was Re: Multiprise 3k for personal Use?
2010h.html#8 Far and near pointers on the 80286 and later
2010g.html#1 IA64
2009s.html#62 Problem with XP scheduler?
2009q.html#74 Now is time for banks to replace core system according to Accenture
2009o.html#46 U.S. begins inquiry of IBM in mainframe market
2009o.html#13 Microprocessors with Definable MIcrocode
2009i.html#32 Why are z/OS people reluctant to use z/OS UNIX?
2009d.html#53 mainframe performance
2008m.html#2 Yet another squirrel question - Results (very very long post)
2008k.html#22 CLIs and GUIs
2008e.html#32 CPU time differences for the same job
2008d.html#54 Throwaway cores
2008c.html#78 CPU time differences for the same job
2007t.html#77 T3 Sues IBM To Break its Mainframe Monopoly
2007s.html#36 Oracle Introduces Oracle VM As It Leaps Into Virtualization
2007o.html#37 Each CPU usage
2007l.html#26 Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard?
2007h.html#3 21st Century ISA goals?
2007g.html#44 1960s: IBM mgmt mistrust of SLT for ICs?
2007g.html#17 The Perfect Computer - 36 bits?
2007f.html#14 more shared segment archeology
2007d.html#61 ISA Support for Multithreading
2007c.html#4 "The Elements of Programming Style"
2006y.html#26 moving on
2006y.html#17 The Future of CPUs: What's After Multi-Core?
2006x.html#10 The Future of CPUs: What's After Multi-Core?
2006w.html#10 long ago and far away, vm370 from early/mid 70s
2006v.html#23 Ranking of non-IBM mainframe builders?
2006u.html#15 To RISC or not to RISC
2006t.html#9 32 or even 64 registers for x86-64?
2006r.html#22 Was FORTRAN buggy?
2006n.html#44 Any resources on VLIW?
2006n.html#42 Why is zSeries so CPU poor?
2006d.html#7 IBM 610 workstation computer
2006c.html#47 IBM 610 workstation computer
2006c.html#40 IBM 610 workstation computer
2006b.html#40 another blast from the past ... vamps
2006b.html#39 another blast from the past
2006.html#16 Would multi-core replace SMPs?
2005p.html#39 What ever happened to Tandem and NonStop OS ?
2005o.html#37 What ever happened to Tandem and NonStop OS ?
2005o.html#35 Implementing schedulers in processor????
2005n.html#47 Anyone know whether VM/370 EDGAR is still available anywhere?
2005n.html#38 What was new&important in computer architecture 10 years ago ?
2005m.html#48 Code density and performance?
2005k.html#53 Performance and Capacity Planning
2005k.html#52 Performance and Capacity Planning
2005k.html#51 Performance and Capacity Planning
2005k.html#50 Performance and Capacity Planning
2005k.html#47 Performance and Capacity Planning
2005k.html#46 Performance and Capacity Planning
2005k.html#42 wheeler scheduler and hpo
2005i.html#51 Regarding interrupt sharing architectures!
2005h.html#22 Today's mainframe--anything to new?
2005g.html#18 DOS/360: Forty years
2005f.html#46 Moving assembler programs above the line
2005e.html#59 System/360; Hardwired vs. Microcoded
2005e.html#35 Thou shalt have no other gods before the ANSI C standard
2005d.html#64 Misuse of word "microcode"
2005d.html#41 Thou shalt have no other gods before the ANSI C standard
2005c.html#42 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2004q.html#72 IUCV in VM/CMS
2004q.html#64 Will multicore CPUs have identical cores?
2004p.html#8 vm/370 smp support and shared segment protection hack
2004o.html#45 Integer types for 128-bit addressing
2004o.html#33 Integer types for 128-bit addressing
2004m.html#17 mainframe and microprocessor
2004m.html#5 Tera
2004m.html#1 Tera
2004l.html#77 Tera
2004f.html#21 Infiniband - practicalities for small clusters
2004f.html#3 Infiniband - practicalities for small clusters
2004e.html#52 Infiniband - practicalities for small clusters
2004d.html#62 microsoft antitrust
2003n.html#45 hung/zombie users ... long boring, wandering story
2003e.html#65 801 (was Re: Reviving Multics
2003e.html#56 Reviving Multics
2003.html#17 rebirth
2003.html#16 rebirth
2003.html#14 rebirth
2003.html#5 rebirth
2003.html#4 rebirth
2002o.html#16 Home mainframes
2002i.html#82 HONE
2002i.html#80 HONE
2001j.html#48 Pentium 4 SMT "Hyperthreading"
2001j.html#19 I hate Compaq
2001j.html#18 I hate Compaq
2001i.html#2 Most complex instructions (was Re: IBM 9020 FAA/ATC Systems from 1960's)
2000e.html#7 Ridiculous
2000e.html#6 Ridiculous
2000d.html#11 4341 was "Is a VAX a mainframe?"
2000d.html#10 4341 was "Is a VAX a mainframe?"
2000c.html#68 Does the word "mainframe" still have a meaning?
99.html#88 FIne-grained locking
94.html#27 370 ECPS VM microcode assist

top , by subject : technology , networking , public key , integrity , Boyd - home

continuous availability, disaster survivability, geographic survivability

2025b.html#32 Forget About Cloud Computing. On-Premises Is All the Rage Again
2025b.html#5 RDBMS, SQL/DS, DB2, HA/CMP
2025.html#125 The joy of FORTRAN
2025.html#104 Mainframe dumps and debugging
2025.html#89 Wang Terminals (Re: old pharts, Multics vs Unix)
2025.html#86 Big Iron Throughput
2025.html#76 old pharts, Multics vs Unix vs mainframes
2025.html#57 Multics vs Unix
2025.html#24 IBM Mainframe Comparison
2024g.html#103 John Boyd and Deming
2024g.html#82 IBM S/38
2024g.html#57 FCS, ESCON, FICON
2024g.html#46 IT Career Memory
2024g.html#43 Apollo Computer
2024g.html#27 IBM Unbundling, Software Source and Priced
2024g.html#5 IBM Transformational Change
2024f.html#121 IBM Downturn and Downfall
2024f.html#109 NSFnet
2024f.html#67 IBM "THINK"
2024f.html#25 Future System, Single-Level-Store, S/38
2024f.html#0 IBM Numeric Intensive
2024e.html#138 IBM - Making The World Work Better
2024e.html#121 IBM PC/RT AIX
2024e.html#117 what's a mainframe, was is Vax addressing sane today
2024e.html#55 Article on new mainframe use
2024d.html#97 Mainframe Integrity
2024d.html#50 Architectural implications of locate mode I/O
2024d.html#47 E-commerce
2024d.html#14 801/RISC
2024d.html#12 ADA, FAA ATC, FSD
2024d.html#4 Disconnect Between Coursework And Real-World Computers
2024c.html#105 Financial/ATM Processing
2024c.html#79 Mainframe and Blade Servers
2024c.html#60 IBM "Winchester" Disk
2024c.html#54 IBM 3705 & 3725
2024c.html#7 Testing
2024c.html#3 ReBoot Hill Revisited
2024b.html#111 IBM 360 Announce 7Apr1964
2024b.html#84 IBM DBMS/RDBMS
2024b.html#80 IBM DBMS/RDBMS
2024b.html#55 IBM Token-Ring
2024b.html#44 Mainframe Career
2024b.html#29 DB2
2024b.html#22 HA/CMP
2024.html#93 IBM, Unix, editors
2024.html#82 Benchmarks
2024.html#35 RS/6000 Mainframe
2023f.html#115 IBM RAS
2023f.html#72 Vintage RS/6000 Mainframe
2023f.html#70 Vintage RS/6000 Mainframe
2023f.html#38 Vintage IBM Mainframes & Minicomputers
2023e.html#79 microcomputers, minicomputers, mainframes, supercomputers
2023d.html#97 The IBM mainframe: How it runs and why it survives
2023d.html#85 Airline Reservation System
2023d.html#81 Taligent and Pink
2023d.html#71 IBM System/360, 1964
2023d.html#46 wallpaper updater
2023d.html#43 AI Scale-up
2023.html#66 Boeing to deliver last 747, the plane that democratized flying
2022h.html#103 IBM 360
2022g.html#94 IBM Cambridge Science Center Performance Technology
2022g.html#75 RS/6000 (and some mainframe)
2022g.html#61 Datacenter Vulnerability
2022g.html#27 Why Things Fail
2022g.html#26 Why Things Fail
2022f.html#59 The Man That Helped Change IBM
2022f.html#10 9 Mainframe Statistics That May Surprise You
2022e.html#28 IBM "nine-net"
2022e.html#2 IBM Games
2022c.html#73 lock me up, was IBM Mainframe market
2022c.html#56 ASCI White
2022c.html#20 Telum & z16
2022c.html#9 Cloud Timesharing
2022.html#129 Dataprocessing Career
2022.html#13 Mainframe I/O
2021k.html#114 Peer-Coupled Shared Data Architecture
2021k.html#57 System Availability
2021k.html#55 System Availability
2021k.html#54 System Availability
2021k.html#15 Disk Failures
2021j.html#109 168 Loosely-Coupled Configuration
2021j.html#11 System Availability
2021j.html#10 System Availability
2021i.html#102 IBM Lost Opportunities
2021i.html#83 IBM Downturn
2021i.html#19 A brief overview of IBM's new 7 nm Telum mainframe CPU
2021e.html#75 WEB Security
2021d.html#53 IMS Stories
2021c.html#13 IMS Stories
2021b.html#90 IBM Innovation
2021b.html#5 Availability
2021.html#3 How an obscure British PC maker invented ARM and changed the world
2019e.html#110 ROMP & Displaywriter
2019d.html#106 IBM HONE
2019c.html#23 DB2
2019.html#19 IBM assembler over the ages
2018d.html#4 MORGAN STANLEY: Tech giants are investing way more 'aggressively' in data centers than anyone thought, and it's driving double-digit growth
2018c.html#77 z/VM Live Guest Relocation
2018b.html#56 Computer science hot major in college (article)
2017k.html#58 Failures and Resiliency
2017k.html#52 When did the home computer die?
2017j.html#42 Tech: we didn't mean for it to turn out like this
2017j.html#40 Tech: we didn't mean for it to turn out like this
2017h.html#62 computer component reliability, 1951
2017h.html#16 IBM RAS
2017g.html#46 Windows 10 Pro automatic update
2017d.html#92 Old hardware
2017d.html#34 ARM Cortex A53 64 bit
2017c.html#96 ComputerWorld Says: Cobol plays major role in U.S. government breaches
2017c.html#19 Check out Massive Amazon cloud service outage disrupts sitesa
2017c.html#14 Check out Massive Amazon cloud service outage disrupts sites
2017c.html#13 Check out Massive Amazon cloud service outage disrupts sites
2017b.html#49 z/OS under Linux ?
2017b.html#21 Pre-internet email and usenet (was Re: How to choose the best news server for this newsgroup in 40tude Dialog?)
2017.html#27 History of Mainframe Cloud
2016f.html#89 Why the cloud is bad news for Cisco, Dell, and HP
2016f.html#7 More IBM DASD RAS discussion
2016f.html#5 More IBM DASD RAS discussion
2016e.html#99 Delta Outage
2015h.html#118 25 Years: How the Web began
2015h.html#100 OT: Electrician cuts wrong wire and downs 25,000 square foot data centre
2015h.html#98 OT: Electrician cuts wrong wire and downs 25,000 square foot data centre
2015h.html#86 Old HASP
2015g.html#19 Linux Foundation Launches Open Mainframe Project
2015g.html#1 Miniskirts and mainframes
2015f.html#35 Moving to the Cloud
2015f.html#5 Can you have a robust IT system that needs experts to run it?
2015e.html#59 Why major financial institutions are growing their use of mainframes
2015.html#32 Why on Earth Is IBM Still Making Mainframes?
2014m.html#155 IBM Continues To Crumble
2014m.html#113 How Much Bandwidth do we have?
2014m.html#54 Why you need batch cloud computing
2014k.html#40 How Larry Ellison Became The Fifth Richest Man In The World By Using IBM's Idea
2014j.html#96 Demonstrating Moore's law
2014g.html#49 Is end of mainframe near?
2014f.html#69 Is end of mainframe near?
2014f.html#39 Before the Internet: The golden age of online services
2014e.html#11 Can the mainframe remain relevant in the cloud and mobile era?
2014e.html#10 Can the mainframe remain relevant in the cloud and mobile era?
2014.html#23 Scary Sysprogs and educating those 'kids'
2013o.html#75 "Death of the mainframe"
2013n.html#69 'Free Unix!': The world-changing proclamation made30yearsagotoday
2013n.html#19 z/OS is antique WAS: Aging Sysprogs = Aging Farmers
2013m.html#95 Access to IBM Z/OS z/VM Documentation
2013i.html#37 The Subroutine Call
2013h.html#20 How about the old mainframe error messages that actually give you a clue about what's broken
2013h.html#17 Supercomputers face growing resilience problems
2013f.html#74 The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software
2013f.html#61 The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software
2013f.html#19 Where Does the Cloud Cover the Mainframe?
2013b.html#8 mainframe "selling" points
2013.html#16 From build to buy: American Airlines changes modernization course midflight
2012o.html#11 Mainframes are still the best platform for high volume transaction processing
2012l.html#56 Blades versus z was Re: Turn Off Another Light - Univ. of Tennessee
2012l.html#47 I.B.M. Mainframe Evolves to Serve the Digital World
2012l.html#19 X86 server
2012g.html#44 Cartons of Punch Cards
2012g.html#43 High Availability on IBM System i
2012g.html#30 24/7/365 appropriateness was Re: IBMLink outages in 2012
2012g.html#29 24/7/365 appropriateness was Re: IBMLink outages in 2012
2012e.html#83 Why are organizations sticking with mainframes?
2012d.html#6 NASA unplugs their last mainframe
2012b.html#10 Cloud apps placed well in the economic cycle
2012b.html#3 Why Threat Modelling fails in practice
2012.html#85 IPLs and system maintenance was Re: PDSE
2012.html#82 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2011p.html#76 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2011n.html#95 At least two decades back, some gurus predicted that mainframes would disappear in future and it still has not happened
2011n.html#64 Maintenance at two in the afternoon? On a Friday?
2011n.html#11 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2011n.html#3 Banks Face Ongoing Cyber Threats
2011m.html#73 Transitioning Highly Available Applications to System z
2011m.html#54 Any candidates for best acronyms?
2011h.html#50 DR Plans
2011f.html#8 New job for mainframes: Cloud platform
2011e.html#93 Itanium at ISSCC
2011e.html#17 At least two decades back, some gurus predicted that mainframes would disappear in future and it still has not happened
2011e.html#16 At least two decades back, some gurus predicted that mainframes would disappear in future and it still has not happened
2010q.html#37 Programmer Charged with thieft (maybe off topic)
2010n.html#82 Hashing for DISTINCT or GROUP BY in SQL
2010n.html#65 When will MVS be able to use cheap dasd
2010l.html#80 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010l.html#55 Mainframe Hacking -- Fact or Fiction
2010l.html#4 Did a mainframe glitch trigger DBS Bank outage?
2010i.html#29 someone smarter than Dave Cutler
2010i.html#2 Processors stall on OLTP workloads about half the time--almost no matter what you do
2010f.html#68 But... that's *impossible*
2010f.html#65 Mainframe Executive article on the death of tape
2010d.html#63 LPARs: More or Less?
2010.html#31 Larrabee delayed: anyone know what's happening?
2009s.html#35 Larrabee delayed: anyone know what's happening?
2009q.html#28 Check out Computer glitch to cause flight delays across U.S. - MarketWatch
2009p.html#38 big iron mainframe vs. x86 servers
2009p.html#33 Survey Revives Depate Over Mainframe's Future
2009p.html#24 Survey Revives Debate Over Mainframe's Future
2009o.html#81 big iron mainframe vs. x86 servers
2009o.html#39 Disaster recovery is dead; long live continuous business operations
2009m.html#84 A Faster Way to the Cloud
2009m.html#37 comp.arch has made itself a sitting duck for spam
2009l.html#66 ACP, One of the Oldest Open Source Apps
2009l.html#57 IBM halves mainframe Linux engine prices
2009l.html#18 August 7, 1944: today is the 65th Anniversary of the Birth of the Computer
2009k.html#17 Bulletproof
2009j.html#6 IBM's Revenge on Sun
2009i.html#10 64 Cores -- IBM is showing a prototype already
2009g.html#24 Top 10 Cybersecurity Threats for 2009, will they cause creation of highly-secure Corporate-wide Intranets?
2009.html#4 Is SUN going to become x86'ed ??
2009.html#3 Is SUN going to become x86'ed ??
2009.html#2 Is SUN going to become x86'ed ??
2009.html#1 Is SUN going to become x86'ed??
2008s.html#77 Is SUN going to become x86'ed ??
2008s.html#75 Is SUN going to become x86'ed ??
2008p.html#6 SECURITY and BUSINESS CONTINUITY ..... Where they fit in?
2008n.html#63 To what extent do IP networks meet the stringent requirements of High Availability (HA) where the target performance is 99.999%? What performance is obtained in practice
2008j.html#16 We're losing the battle
2008i.html#97 We're losing the battle
2008i.html#17 Does anyone have any IT data center disaster stories?
2008i.html#0 Has anyone got a rule of thumb for calculation data center sizing
2008h.html#88 Annoying Processor Pricing
2008g.html#50 CA ESD files Options
2008g.html#29 CA ESD files Options
2008f.html#9 EPIC, Ending Piracy of Integrated Circuits
2008e.html#54 news maintenance: Prison pushes
2008e.html#53 Why Is Less Than 99.9% Uptime Acceptable?
2008e.html#41 IBM announced z10 ..why so fast...any problem on z 9
2008d.html#31 Toyota Sales for 2007 May Surpass GM
2008d.html#30 Toyota Sales for 2007 May Surpass GM
2008d.html#21 Toyota Sales for 2007 May Surpass GM
2008d.html#11 Toyota Sales for 2007 May Surpass GM
2008b.html#45 windows time service
2008b.html#42 windows time service
2008b.html#40 windows time service
2008b.html#36 windows time service
2008b.html#33 windows time service
2008.html#1 LINC-8 Front Panel Questions
2007v.html#64 folklore indeed
2007t.html#48 Data Center Theft
2007s.html#58 Translation of IBM Basic Assembler to C?
2007q.html#60 Fixing our fraying Internet infrastructure
2007n.html#80 Poll: oldest computer thing you still use
2007k.html#37 DEC and news groups
2007k.html#18 Another "migration" from the mainframe
2007j.html#44 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007j.html#32 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007i.html#80 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007i.html#61 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007i.html#27 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007i.html#22 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007h.html#78 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007h.html#76 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007f.html#56 Is computer history taught now?
2007e.html#38 FBA rant
2007e.html#16 Attractive Alternatives to Mainframes
2007.html#39 Just another example of mainframe costs
2007.html#38 How many 36-bit Unix ports in the old days?
2007.html#36 How many 36-bit Unix ports in the old days?
2007.html#29 Just another example of mainframe costs
2006y.html#36 Multiple mappings
2006u.html#30 Why so little parallelism?
2006s.html#28 Storage Philosophy Question
2006r.html#41 Very slow booting and running and brain-dead OS's?
2006q.html#44 The not-so-little shop of 747s
2006o.html#33 When Does Folklore Begin???
2006j.html#3 virtual memory
2006i.html#2 The Pankian Metaphor
2006d.html#17 IBM 610 workstation computer
2005u.html#38 Mainframe Applications and Records Keeping?
2005u.html#37 Mainframe Applications and Records Keeping?
2005q.html#38 Intel strikes back with a parallel x86 design
2005p.html#13 One more about SYRES Sharing
2005p.html#11 What ever happened to Tandem and NonStop OS ?
2005o.html#38 SHARE reflections
2005n.html#26 Data communications over telegraph circuits
2005n.html#7 54 Processors?
2005n.html#0 Cluster computing drawbacks
2005c.html#7 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2005c.html#6 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2004o.html#5 Integer types for 128-bit addressing
2004o.html#4 Integer types for 128-bit addressing
2004n.html#39 RS/6000 in Sysplex Environment
2004n.html#16 RISCs too close to hardware?
2004m.html#26 Shipwrecks
2004m.html#24 IBM Spells Out Mainframe Strategy
2004h.html#20 Vintage computers are better than modern crap !
2004c.html#16 Anyone Still Using Cards?
2003p.html#37 The BASIC Variations
2003o.html#6 perfomance vs. key size
2003h.html#60 The figures of merit that make mainframes worth the price
2003h.html#31 OT What movies have taught us about Computers
2003f.html#36 Super Anti War Computers
2003.html#38 Calculating expected reliability for designed system
2002p.html#54 Newbie: Two quesions about mainframes
2002o.html#14 Home mainframes
2002m.html#5 Dumb Question - Hardend Site ?
2002l.html#15 Large Banking is the only chance for Mainframe
2002i.html#24 CDC6600 - just how powerful a machine was it?
2002f.html#4 Blade architectures
2002e.html#68 Blade architectures
2002e.html#67 Blade architectures
2002c.html#39 VAX, M68K complex instructions (was Re: Did Intel Bite Off More Than It Can Chew?)
2002.html#44 Calculating a Gigalapse
2001n.html#47 Sysplex Info
2001k.html#18 HP-UX will not be ported to Alpha (no surprise)exit
2001k.html#13 HP-UX will not be ported to Alpha (no surprise)exit
2001j.html#23 OT - Internet Explorer V6.0
2001i.html#52 misc loosely-coupled, sysplex, cluster, supercomputer, & electronic commerce
2001i.html#49 Withdrawal Announcement 901-218 - No More 'small machines'
2001i.html#48 Withdrawal Announcement 901-218 - No More 'small machines'
2001i.html#46 Withdrawal Announcement 901-218 - No More 'small machines'
2001i.html#43 Withdrawal Announcement 901-218 - No More 'small machines'
2001i.html#41 Withdrawal Announcement 901-218 - No More 'small machines'
2001g.html#46 The Alpha/IA64 Hybrid
2001.html#41 Where do the filesystem and RAID system belong?
2001.html#33 Where do the filesystem and RAID system belong?
2000g.html#27 Could CDR-coding be on the way back?
aadsm28.htm#59 Information Security Vs. Businesss Resilience
aadsm9.htm#pkcs12 A PKI Question: PKCS11-> PKCS12
aepay2.htm#cadis disaster recovery cross-posting
aadsm2.htm#availability A different architecture? (was Re: certificate path
99.html#184 Clustering systems
99.html#145 Q: S/390 on PowerPC?
99.html#128 Examples of non-relational databases
99.html#71 High Availabilty on S/390
98.html#23 Fear of Multiprocessing?

top , by subject : technology , networking , public key , integrity , Boyd - home

mentioning HASP, ASP, JES2, JES3, NJI/NJE

2025b.html#16 IBM VM/CMS Mainframe
2025.html#103 Mainframe dumps and debugging
2025.html#85 Stress-testing of Mainframes (the HASP story)
2025.html#8 IBM OS/360 MFT HASP
2024g.html#98 RSCS/VNET
2024g.html#79 Early Email
2024g.html#63 Progenitors of OS/360 - BPS, BOS, TOS, DOS (Ways To Say How Old You Are)
2024f.html#74 IBM IMS
2024e.html#140 HASP, JES2, NJE, VNET/RSCS
2024e.html#136 HASP, JES2, NJE, VNET/RSCS
2024e.html#98 RFC33 New HOST-HOST Protocol
2024e.html#95 RFC33 New HOST-HOST Protocol
2024e.html#46 Netscape
2024e.html#25 VMNETMAP
2024d.html#68 ARPANET & IBM Internal Network
2024d.html#65 360/65, 360/67, 360/75 750ns memory
2024d.html#36 This New Internet Thing, Chapter 8
2024d.html#33 IBM 23June1969 Unbundling Announcement
2024c.html#117 Disconnect Between Coursework And Real-World Computers
2024c.html#78 IBM Internal Network
2024b.html#90 IBM User Group Share
2024b.html#86 Vintage BITNET
2024b.html#80 IBM DBMS/RDBMS
2024b.html#20 DB2, Spooling, Virtual Memory
2024.html#108 IBM, Unix, editors
2024.html#105 IBM, Unix, editors
2024.html#27 HASP, ASP, JES2, JES3
2023g.html#1 Vintage TSS/360
2023f.html#90 Vintage IBM HASP
2023f.html#51 IBM Vintage Series/1
2023f.html#34 Vintage IBM Mainframes & Minicomputers
2023f.html#29 Univ. Maryland 7094
2023f.html#24 Video terminals
2023e.html#76 microcomputers, minicomputers, mainframes, supercomputers
2023e.html#66 HASP, JES, MVT, 370 Virtual Memory, VS2
2023e.html#64 Computing Career
2023e.html#12 Tymshare
2023e.html#4 HASP, JES, MVT, 370 Virtual Memory, VS2
2023d.html#120 Science Center, SCRIPT, GML, SGML, HTML, RSCS/VNET
2023d.html#118 Science Center, SCRIPT, GML, SGML, HTML, RSCS/VNET
2023d.html#100 IBM 3083
2023b.html#41 Sunset IBM JES3
2023b.html#24 IBM HASP (& 2780 terminal)
2023.html#65 7090/7044 Direct Couple
2022h.html#73 The CHRISTMA EXEC network worm - 35 years and counting!
2022h.html#1 Iconic consoles of the IBM System/360 mainframes, 55 years old
2022g.html#44 Some BITNET (& other) History
2022f.html#118 360/67 Virtual Memory
2022f.html#74 IBM/PC
2022f.html#50 z/VM 50th - part 3
2022f.html#38 What's something from the early days of the Internet which younger generations may not know about?
2022f.html#17 What's different, was Why did Dennis Ritchie write that UNIX was a modern implementation of CTSS?
2022e.html#63 IBM Software Charging Rules
2022e.html#31 Technology Flashback
2022d.html#95 Operating System File/Dataset I/O
2022d.html#57 CMS OS/360 Simulation
2022d.html#51 IBM Spooling
2022c.html#121 Programming By Committee
2022c.html#45 IBM deliberately misclassified mainframe sales to enrich execs, lawsuit claims
2022c.html#27 IBM Cambridge Science Center
2022b.html#76 Link FEC and Encryption
2021k.html#89 IBM PROFs
2021h.html#92 IBM Internal network
2021h.html#53 PROFS
2021f.html#79 Where Would We Be Without the Paper Punch Card?
2021e.html#14 IBM Internal Network
2021d.html#53 IMS Stories
2021d.html#37 April 7, 1964: IBM Bets Big on System/360
2021c.html#47 MAINFRAME (4341) History
2021b.html#75 In the 1970s, Email Was Special
2021.html#57 ES/9000 as POK was being scaled way back
2021.html#25 IBM Acronyms
2019e.html#126 23Jun1969 Unbundling
2019e.html#19 All programmers that developed in machine code and Assembly in the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s died?
2019d.html#120 IBM Acronyms
2019d.html#119 IBM Acronyms
2019d.html#26 direct couple
2019c.html#28 CICS Turns 50 Monday, July 8
2019b.html#30 This Paper Map Shows The Extent Of The Entire Internet In 1973
2018e.html#94 It's 1983: What computer would you buy?
2018e.html#63 EBCDIC Bad History
2018e.html#2 Frank Heart Dies at 89
2018d.html#49 What microprocessor is more powerful, the Z80 or 6502?
2018d.html#48 IPCS, DUMPRX, 3092, EREP
2017j.html#37 Tech: we didn't mean for it to turn out like this
2017i.html#23 progress in e-mail, such as AOL
2017g.html#102 SEX
2017g.html#34 Programmers Who Use Spaces Paid More
2017g.html#7 Mainframe Networking problems
2017g.html#4 Mapping the decentralized world of tomorrow
2017f.html#33 MVS vs HASP vs JES (was 2821)
2017f.html#23 MVS vs HASP vs JES (was 2821)
2017e.html#25 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017d.html#81 Mainframe operating systems?
2016h.html#74 Arpanet May 1973
2016g.html#75 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016e.html#124 Early Networking
2016e.html#33 How the internet was invented
2016d.html#46 PL/I advertising
2016.html#82 DEC and The Americans
2016.html#54 Compile error
2015h.html#86 Old HASP
2015h.html#38 high level language idea
2015c.html#112 JES2 as primary with JES3 as a secondary
2015b.html#15 What were the complaints of binary code programmers that not accept Assembly?
2014m.html#134 A System 360 question
2014l.html#23 Do we really need 64-bit addresses or is 48-bit enough?
2014l.html#19 Do we really need 64-bit addresses or is 48-bit enough?
2014i.html#41 How Comp-Sci went from passing fad to must have major
2014h.html#103 TSO Test does not support 65-bit debugging?
2014h.html#99 TSO Test does not support 65-bit debugging?
2014d.html#75 NJE Clarifications
2014d.html#32 [OT ] Mainframe memories
2014b.html#105 Happy 50th Birthday to the IBM Cambridge Scientific Center
2013o.html#87 The Mother of All Demos: The 1968 presentation that sparked a tech revolution
2013o.html#54 Curiosity: TCB mapping macro name - why IKJTCB?
2013n.html#28 SNA vs TCP/IP
2013l.html#18 A Brief History of Cloud Computing
2013k.html#27 Unbuffered glass TTYs?
2013g.html#65 JES History
2013g.html#64 A Fascinating History of JES2
2013e.html#84 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013c.html#1 Spacewar! on S/360
2013b.html#26 New HD
2013b.html#22 Rejoice! z/OS 2.1 addresses some long term JCL complaints from here:
2013.html#74 mainframe "selling" points
2012o.html#37 Regarding Time Sharing
2012o.html#13 Should you support or abandon the 3270 as a User Interface?
2012n.html#64 Should you support or abandon the 3270 as a User Interface?
2012n.html#54 The IBM mainframe has been the backbone of most of the world's largest IT organizations for more than 48 years
2012n.html#42 history of Programming language and CPU in relation to each
2012k.html#27 A debate on JES2 versus JES3 and IBM's continued support for both products
2012j.html#90 Gordon Crovitz: Who Really Invented the Internet?
2012j.html#84 Gordon Crovitz: Who Really Invented the Internet?
2012i.html#20 Vm & ZLinux VSWITCH question
2012g.html#32 IBM bans Siri: Privacy risk, or corporate paranoia at its best?
2012f.html#10 Layer 8: NASA unplugs last mainframe
2012e.html#19 Inventor of e-mail honored by Smithsonian
2011p.html#81 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2011p.html#77 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2011p.html#76 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2011p.html#4 Dennis Ritchie
2011n.html#5 Any candidates for best acronyms?
2011m.html#16 Two new (internal network related) wiki entries
2011m.html#15 Any candidates for best acronyms?
2011j.html#13 program coding pads
2011i.html#3 pdp8 to PC- have we lost our way?
2011h.html#62 Do you remember back to June 23, 1969 when IBM unbundled
2011e.html#78 Internet pioneer Paul Baran
2011e.html#77 Internet pioneer Paul Baran
2011d.html#73 Multiple Virtual Memory
2011c.html#60 IBM Future System
2011.html#85 Two terrific writers .. are going to write a book
2010q.html#62 Is email dead? What do you think?
2010p.html#42 Which non-IBM software products (from ISVs) have been most significant to the mainframe's success?
2010n.html#8 JES2 vs. JES3
2010n.html#7 JES2 vs. JES3
2010n.html#3 JES2 vs. JES3
2010m.html#84 Set numbers off permanently
2010l.html#61 Mainframe Slang terms
2010l.html#54 C-I-C-S vs KICKS
2010b.html#44 sysout using machine control instead of ANSI control
2010b.html#30 Happy DEC-10 Day
2009r.html#13 Small Server Mob Advantage
2009q.html#83 Small Server Mob Advantage
2009o.html#20 mainframe e-mail with attachments
2009o.html#1 Status of Arpanet/Internet in 1976?
2009k.html#12 Timeline: The evolution of online communities
2009h.html#48 Book on Poughkeepsie
2009f.html#24 Opinion: The top 10 operating system stinkers
2009e.html#52 history of comments and source code annotations
2009e.html#18 Microminiaturized Modules
2008m.html#35 IBM THINK original equipment sign
2008k.html#60 recent mentions of 40+ yr old technology
2008.html#15 hacked TOPS-10 monitors
2007v.html#41 IBM mainframe history, was Floating-point myths
2007u.html#35 What do YOU call the # sign?
2007s.html#50 Running REXX program in a batch job
2007s.html#41 Age of IBM VM
2007r.html#1 IBM System/3 & 3277-1
2007r.html#0 IBM System/3 & 3277-1
2007p.html#21 Newsweek article--baby boomers and computers
2007p.html#12 JES2 or JES3, Which one is older?
2007p.html#0 The use of "script" for program
2007m.html#70 Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard?
2007m.html#69 Operating systems are old and busted
2007j.html#79 IBM 360 Model 20 Questions
2007j.html#78 IBM 360 Model 20 Questions
2007j.html#39 Newbie question on table design
2007h.html#18 sizeof() was: The Perfect Computer - 36 bits?
2007h.html#0 The Perfect Computer - 36 bits?
2007e.html#56 Grilled Turkey
2007e.html#38 FBA rant
2006x.html#8 vmshare
2006w.html#24 IBM sues maker of Intel-based Mainframe clones
2006s.html#42 Ranking of non-IBM mainframe builders?
2006s.html#17 bandwidth of a swallow (was: Real core)
2006r.html#5 Was FORTRAN buggy?
2006l.html#46 Mainframe Linux Mythbusting (Was: Using Java in batch on z/OS?)
2006i.html#4 Mainframe vs. xSeries
2006f.html#26 Old PCs--environmental hazard
2006f.html#23 Old PCs--environmental hazard
2006f.html#21 Over my head in a JES exit
2006f.html#19 Over my head in a JES exit
2006b.html#27 IBM 610 workstation computer
2006.html#15 S/360
2005s.html#16 Is a Hurricane about to hit IBM ?
2005r.html#28 Intel strikes back with a parallel x86 design
2005q.html#7 HASP/ASP JES/JES2/JES3
2005q.html#0 HASP/ASP JES/JES2/JES3
2005p.html#45 HASP/ASP JES/JES2/JES3
2005p.html#44 hasp, jes, rasp, aspen, gold
2005p.html#37 CRJE and CRBE
2005p.html#34 What is CRJE
2005p.html#15 DUMP Datasets and SMS
2005n.html#45 Anyone know whether VM/370 EDGAR is still available anywhere?
2005m.html#16 CPU time and system load
2005j.html#54 Q ALLOC PAGE vs. CP Q ALLOC vs ESAMAP
2005i.html#37 Secure FTP on the Mainframe
2005h.html#13 Today's mainframe--anything to new?
2005h.html#6 Software for IBM 360/30 (was Re: DOS/360: Forty years)
2005f.html#53 Where should the type information be: in tags and descriptors
2005f.html#18 Is Supercomputing Possible?
2005f.html#12 Mozilla v Firefox
2005f.html#11 Mozilla v Firefox
2005b.html#41 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2005.html#5 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2004q.html#58 CAS and LL/SC (was Re: High Level Assembler for MVS & VM & VSE)
2004q.html#37 A Glimpse into PC Development Philosophy
2004n.html#13 RISCs too close to hardware
2004n.html#4 RISCs too close to hardware?
2004m.html#0 Specifying all biz rules in relational data
2004l.html#61 Shipwrecks
2004l.html#29 FW: Looking for Disk Calc program/Exec
2004k.html#41 Vintage computers are better than modern crap !
2004k.html#30 Internet turns 35, still work in progress
2004j.html#17 Wars against bad things
2004h.html#43 Hard disk architecture: are outer cylinders still faster than inner cylinders?
2004g.html#39 spool
2004g.html#8 network history
2004g.html#4 Infiniband - practicalities for small clusters
2004f.html#30 vm
2004f.html#29 [Meta] Marketplace argument
2004e.html#51 Infiniband - practicalities for small clusters
2004d.html#73 DASD Architecture of the future
2004d.html#72 ibm mainframe or unix
2004d.html#39 System/360 40th Anniversary
2004c.html#61 IBM 360 memory
2004c.html#32 Moribund TSO/E
2004c.html#28 Moribund TSO/E
2004c.html#27 Moribund TSO/E
2004c.html#26 Moribund TSO/E
2004c.html#10 XDS Sigma vs IBM 370 was Re: I/O Selectric on eBay: How to use?
2004c.html#9 TSS/370 binary distribution now available
2004c.html#6 If the x86 ISA could be redone
2004b.html#55 Oldest running code
2004b.html#53 origin of the UNIX dd command
2004b.html#48 Automating secure transactions
2004b.html#31 determining memory size
2004.html#50 Mainframe not a good architecture for interactive workloads
2004.html#48 AMD/Linux vs Intel/Microsoft
2004.html#40 AMD/Linux vs Intel/Microsoft
2004.html#1 Saturation Design Point
2003o.html#68 History of Computer Network Industry
2003n.html#22 foundations of relational theory? - some references for the
2003m.html#57 wsmr-simtel20 shut down 10 years ago today
2003m.html#56 model 91/CRJE and IKJLEW
2003m.html#53 model 91/CRJE and IKJLEW
2003m.html#39 S/360 undocumented instructions?
2003l.html#11 how long does (or did) it take to boot a timesharing system?
2003k.html#48 Who said DAT?
2003k.html#13 What is timesharing, anyway?
2003i.html#70 A few Z990 Gee-Wiz stats
2003i.html#12 Which monitor for Fujitsu Micro 16s?
2003h.html#60 The figures of merit that make mainframes worth the price
2003h.html#31 OT What movies have taught us about Computers
2003h.html#19 Why did TCP become popular ?
2003g.html#66 software pricing
2003g.html#64 UT200 (CDC RJE) Software for TOPS-10?
2003f.html#49 unix
2003f.html#0 early vnet & exploit
2003d.html#67 unix
2003c.html#69 OT: One for the historians - 360/91
2003c.html#63 Re : OT: One for the historians - 360/91
2003c.html#55 HASP assembly: What the heck is an MVT ABEND 422?
2003c.html#53 HASP assembly: What the heck is an MVT ABEND 422?
2003c.html#51 HASP assembly: What the heck is an MVT ABEND 422?
2003c.html#47 difference between itanium and alpha
2002q.html#49 myths about Multics
2002q.html#39 HASP:
2002q.html#37 HASP:
2002q.html#36 HASP:
2002q.html#35 HASP:
2002q.html#32 Collating on the S/360-2540 card reader?
2002q.html#31 Collating on the S/360-2540 card reader?
2002q.html#29 Collating on the S/360-2540 card reader?
2002q.html#23 Free Desktop Cyber emulation on PC before Christmas
2002p.html#62 cost of crossing kernel/user boundary
2002p.html#16 myths about Multics
2002o.html#68 META: Newsgroup cliques?
2002o.html#24 IBM Selectric as printer
2002o.html#17 PLX
2002n.html#58 IBM S/370-168, 195, and 3033
2002n.html#54 SHARE MVT Project anniversary
2002n.html#53 SHARE MVT Project anniversary
2002m.html#3 The problem with installable operating systems
2002l.html#29 Do any architectures use instruction count instead of timer
2002l.html#15 Large Banking is the only chance for Mainframe
2002k.html#23 Vnet : Unbelievable
2002k.html#20 Vnet : Unbelievable
2002h.html#73 Where did text file line ending characters begin?
2002h.html#14 Why did OSI fail compared with TCP-IP?
2002f.html#53 WATFOR's Silver Anniversary
2002f.html#38 Playing Cards was Re: looking for information on the IBM
2002f.html#37 Playing Cards was Re: looking for information on the IBM 7090
2002f.html#6 Blade architectures
2002e.html#71 Blade architectures
2002e.html#25 Crazy idea: has it been done?
2002c.html#50 Swapper was Re: History of Login Names
2002c.html#4 Did Intel Bite Off More Than It Can Chew?
2002b.html#57 Computer Naming Conventions
2002b.html#56 Computer Naming Conventions
2002b.html#53 Computer Naming Conventions
2002b.html#44 PDP-10 Archive migration plan
2002b.html#24 Infiniband's impact was Re: Intel's 64-bit strategy
2002.html#31 index searching
2001n.html#60 CMS FILEDEF DISK and CONCAT
2001n.html#37 Hercules etc. IBM not just missing a great opportunity...
2001n.html#12 Author seeks help - net in 1981
2001n.html#11 OCO
2001l.html#62 ASR33/35 Controls
2001l.html#5 mainframe question
2001k.html#37 Is anybody out there still writting BAL 370.
2001j.html#45 OT - Internet Explorer V6.0
2001i.html#33 Waterloo Interpreters (was Re: RAX (was RE: IBM OS Timeline?))
2001i.html#30 IBM OS Timeline?
2001h.html#60 Whom Do Programmers Admire Now???
2001h.html#24 "Hollerith" card code to EBCDIC conversion
2001h.html#12 checking some myths.
2001g.html#48 The Alpha/IA64 Hybrid
2001g.html#46 The Alpha/IA64 Hybrid
2001g.html#44 The Alpha/IA64 Hybrid
2001g.html#22 Golden Era of Compilers
2001f.html#26 Price of core memory
2001f.html#2 Mysterious Prefixes
2001e.html#12 Blame it all on Microsoft
2001e.html#7 Blame it all on Microsoft
2001e.html#6 Blame it all on Microsoft
2001b.html#73 7090 vs. 7094 etc.
2000f.html#71 HASP vs. "Straight OS," not vs. ASP
2000f.html#68 TSS ancient history, was X86 ultimate CISC? designs)
2000f.html#58 360 Architecture, Multics, ... was (Re: X86 ultimate CISC? No.)
2000e.html#14 internet preceeds Gore in office.
2000d.html#45 Charging for time-share CPU time
2000d.html#44 Charging for time-share CPU time
2000d.html#36 Assembly language formatting on IBM systems
2000c.html#20 IBM 1460
2000c.html#18 IBM 1460
2000c.html#10 IBM 1460
2000.html#76 Mainframe operating systems
2000.html#55 OS/360 JCL: The DD statement and DCBs
99.html#209 Core (word usage) was anti-equipment etc
99.html#117 OS390 bundling and version numbers -Reply
99.html#113 OS/360 names and error codes (was: Humorous and/or Interesting Opcodes)
99.html#109 OS/360 names and error codes (was: Humorous and/or Interesting Opcodes)
99.html#94 MVS vs HASP vs JES (was 2821)
99.html#93 MVS vs HASP vs JES (was 2821)
99.html#92 MVS vs HASP vs JES (was 2821)
99.html#77 Are mainframes relevant ??
99.html#76 Mainframes at Universities
99.html#58 When did IBM go object only
99.html#33 why is there an "@" key?
98.html#29 Drive letters
98.html#21 Reviving the OS/360 thread (Questions about OS/360)
97.html#28 IA64 Self Virtualizable?
97.html#25 Early RJE Terminals (was Re: First Network?)
97.html#22 Pre S/360 IBM Operating Systems?
96.html#12 IBM song
96.html#9 cics
95.html#7 Who built the Internet? (was: Linux/AXP.. Reliable?)
94.html#18 CP/67 & OS MFT14
94.html#2 Schedulers
93.html#15 unit record & other controllers
93.html#2 360/67, was Re: IBM's Project F/S ?

top , by subject : technology , networking , public key , integrity , Boyd - home

IBM DASD, CKD, FBA, vtocs, multi-track search, etc

other posts about getting to play disk engineer in bldgs 14&15

2025b.html#12 IBM 3880, 3380, Data-streaming
2025.html#120 Microcode and Virtual Machine
2025.html#112 2301 Fixed-Head Drum
2025.html#86 Big Iron Throughput
2025.html#78 old pharts, Multics vs Unix vs mainframes
2025.html#77 IBM Mainframe Terminals
2025.html#24 IBM Mainframe Comparison
2025.html#17 On-demand Supercomputer
2024g.html#110 IBM 370 Virtual Storage
2024g.html#81 IBM 4300 and 3370FBA
2024g.html#68 Where did CKD disks come from?
2024g.html#66 Where did CKD disks come from?
2024g.html#65 Where did CKD disks come from?
2024g.html#60 Creative Ways To Say How Old You Are
2024g.html#58 FCS, ESCON, FICON
2024g.html#55 Compute Farm and Distributed Computing Tsunami
2024g.html#54 Creative Ways To Say How Old You Are
2024g.html#29 Computer System Performance Work
2024g.html#3 IBM CKD DASD
2024f.html#33 IBM 370 Virtual memory
2024e.html#109 Seastar and Iceberg
2024e.html#2 DASD CKD
2024d.html#96 Mainframe Integrity
2024d.html#55 Architectural implications of locate mode I/O
2024d.html#26 IBM 23June1969 Unbundling Announcement
2024d.html#24 ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360
2024d.html#16 REXX and DUMPRX
2024c.html#74 Mainframe and Blade Servers
2024c.html#73 Mainframe and Blade Servers
2024c.html#61 IBM "Winchester" Disk
2024c.html#60 IBM "Winchester" Disk
2024c.html#34 Old adage "Nobody ever got fired for buying IBM"
2024c.html#29 Wondering Why DEC Is The Most Popular
2024c.html#12 370 Multiprocessor
2024b.html#110 IBM 360 Announce 7Apr1964
2024b.html#105 IBM 360 Announce 7Apr1964
2024b.html#93 PC370
2024.html#75 Slow MVS/TSO
2024.html#65 IBM Mainframes and Education Infrastructure
2024.html#54 RS/6000 Mainframe
2024.html#28 IBM Disks and Drums
2023g.html#107 Cluster and Distributed Computing
2023g.html#82 Cloud and Megadatacenter
2023g.html#80 MVT, MVS, MVS/XA & Posix support
2023g.html#72 MVS/TSO and VM370/CMS Interactive Response
2023g.html#61 PDS Directory Multi-track Search
2023g.html#60 PDS Directory Multi-track Search
2023f.html#68 Vintage IBM 3380s
2023f.html#62 Why Do Mainframes Still Exist
2023f.html#58 Vintage IBM 5100
2023e.html#32 3081 TCMs
2023e.html#29 Copyright Software
2023e.html#7 HASP, JES, MVT, 370 Virtual Memory, VS2
2023d.html#112 3380 Capacity compared to 1TB micro-SD
2023d.html#111 3380 Capacity compared to 1TB micro-SD
2023d.html#105 DASD, Channel and I/O long winded trivia
2023d.html#104 DASD, Channel and I/O long winded trivia
2023c.html#99 Fortran
2023c.html#96 Fortran
2023c.html#46 IBM DASD
2023b.html#26 DISK Performance and Reliability
2023.html#89 IBM San Jose
2023.html#74 IBM 4341
2023.html#73 IBM 4341
2023.html#71 IBM 4341
2023.html#33 IBM Punch Cards
2022h.html#21 370 virtual memory
2022g.html#75 RS/6000 (and some mainframe)
2022g.html#74 Mainframe and/or Cloud
2022f.html#85 IBM CKD DASD
2022f.html#0 Mainframe Channel I/O
2022e.html#67 SHARE LSRAD Report
2022e.html#48 Channel Program I/O Processing Efficiency
2022d.html#47 360&370 I/O Channels
2022d.html#46 MGLRU Revved Once More For Promising Linux Performance Improvements
2022d.html#7 Computer Server Market
2022c.html#107 TCMs & IBM Mainframe
2022c.html#106 TCMs & IBM Mainframe
2022c.html#101 IBM 4300, VS1, VM370
2022c.html#74 IBM Mainframe market was Re: Approximate reciprocals
2022c.html#70 IBM Mainframe market was Re: Approximate reciprocals
2022c.html#64 IBM Mainframe market was Re: Approximate reciprocals
2022c.html#49 IBM 3033 Personal Computing
2022c.html#19 Telum & z16
2022c.html#18 IBM Left Behind
2022c.html#5 4361/3092
2022b.html#73 IBM Disks
2022b.html#70 IBM 3380 disks
2022.html#98 Virtual Machine SIE instruction
2022.html#92 Processor, DASD, VTAM & TCP/IP performance
2022.html#76 165/168/3033 & 370 virtual memory
2022.html#72 165/168/3033 & 370 virtual memory
2022.html#70 165/168/3033 & 370 virtual memory
2022.html#59 370 Architecture Redbook
2022.html#13 Mainframe I/O
2021k.html#134 IBM Clone Controllers
2021k.html#131 Multitrack Search Performance
2021k.html#122 Mainframe "Peak I/O" benchmark
2021k.html#108 IBM Disks
2021j.html#111 IBM CKD DASD and multi-track search
2021j.html#106 IBM CKD DASD and multi-track search
2021j.html#105 IBM CKD DASD and multi-track search
2021i.html#29 OoO S/360 descendants
2021i.html#24 OoO S/360 descendants
2021f.html#84 Mainframe mid-range computing market
2021f.html#75 Mainframe disks
2021f.html#53 3380 disk capacity
2021f.html#44 IBM Mainframe
2021f.html#42 IBM Mainframe
2021f.html#23 IBM Zcloud - is it just outsourcing ?
2021d.html#2 What's Fortran?!?!
2021c.html#47 MAINFRAME (4341) History
2021b.html#78 CKD Disks
2021.html#60 San Jose bldg 50 and 3380 manufacturing
2021.html#59 San Jose bldg 50 and 3380 manufacturing
2021.html#56 IBM Quota
2021.html#6 3880 & 3380
2021.html#4 3390 CKD Simulation
2020.html#18 How many ways can one sentence be wrong dept
2019e.html#120 maps on Cadillac Seville trip computer from 1978
2019c.html#80 IBM: Buying While Apathetaic
2019c.html#70 2301, 2303, 2305-1, 2305-2, paging, etc
2019c.html#42 mainframe hacking "success stories"?
2019b.html#82 TCM
2019b.html#75 IBM downturn
2019b.html#57 HA/CMP, HA/6000, Harrier/9333, STK Iceberg & Adstar Seastar
2019b.html#52 S/360
2019b.html#25 Online Computer Conferencing
2019b.html#15 Tandem Memo
2018f.html#34 The rise and fall of IBM
2018f.html#33 IBM Disks
2018f.html#17 IBM Z and cloud
2018e.html#93 It's 1983: What computer would you buy?
2018e.html#22 Manned Orbiting Laboratory Declassified: Inside a US Military Space Station
2018c.html#30 Bottlenecks and Capacity planning
2018b.html#80 BYTE Magazine Pentomino Article
2018b.html#15 Important US technology companies sold to foreigners
2018.html#93 S/360 addressing, not Honeywell 200
2018.html#81 CKD details
2018.html#79 CKD details
2018.html#77 CKD details
2018.html#41 VSAM usage for ancient disk models
2018.html#2 upgrade
2018.html#1 upgrade
2017k.html#52 When did the home computer die?
2017k.html#46 Can anyone remember "drum" storage?
2017k.html#44 Can anyone remember "drum" storage?
2017k.html#42 IBM etc I/O channels?
2017k.html#36 IBM etc I/O channels?
2017j.html#88 Ferranti Atlas paging
2017j.html#3 Somewhat Interesting Mainframe Article
2017i.html#46 Temporary Data Sets
2017i.html#37 learning Unix, was progress in e-mail, such as AOL
2017i.html#33 learning Unix, was progress in e-mail, such as AOL
2017i.html#20 Positioning the read pointer of a Windows file
2017h.html#18 IBM RAS
2017g.html#23 Eliminating the systems programmer was Re: IBM cuts contractor billing by 15 percent (our else)
2017f.html#46 MVS vs HASP vs JES (was 2821)
2017f.html#39 MVS vs HASP vs JES (was 2821)
2017f.html#38 MVS vs HASP vs JES (was 2821)
2017f.html#37 MVS vs HASP vs JES (was 2821)
2017f.html#36 MVS vs HASP vs JES (was 2821)
2017f.html#31 MVS vs HASP vs JES (was 2821)
2017f.html#30 MVS vs HASP vs JES (was 2821)
2017f.html#28 MVS vs HASP vs JES (was 2821)
2017f.html#5 SDB (system determined Blksize)
2017d.html#36 The Pentagon still uses computer software from 1958 to manage its contracts
2017d.html#3 GREAT presentation on the history of the mainframe
2017b.html#73 The ICL 2900
2017.html#88 The ICL 2900
2016g.html#76 IBM disk capacity
2016g.html#74 IBM disk capacity
2016g.html#28 Computer hard drives have shrunk like crazy over the last 60 years -- here's a look back
2016g.html#26 Computer hard drives have shrunk like crazy over the last 60 years -- here's a look back
2016f.html#86 3033
2016f.html#29 Samsung's million-IOPS, 6.4TB, 64Gb/s SSD is ... well, quite something
2016f.html#5 More IBM DASD RAS discussion
2016d.html#22 What was a 3314?
2016d.html#21 What was a 3314?
2016d.html#13 What Would Be Your Ultimate Computer?
2016d.html#12 What Would Be Your Ultimate Computer?
2016c.html#24 CeBIT and mainframes
2016c.html#12 You count as an old-timer if (was Re: Origin of the phrase "XYZZY")
2016c.html#9 You count as an old-timer if (was Re: Origin of the phrase "XYZZY")
2016b.html#29 Qbasic
2016.html#23 the legacy of Seymour Cray
2016.html#15 Dilbert ... oh, you must work for IBM
2016.html#5 Fibre Chanel Vs FICON
2015h.html#92 OT: Electrician cuts wrong wire and downs 25,000 square foot data centre
2015h.html#81 IBM Automatic (COBOL) Binary Optimizer Now Availabile
2015h.html#73 Miniskirts and mainframes
2015h.html#41 high level language idea
2015h.html#24 the legacy of Seymour Cray
2015g.html#99 PROFS & GML
2015g.html#61 [Poll] Computing favorities
2015g.html#58 [Poll] Computing favorities
2015g.html#15 Formal definition of Speed Matching Buffer
2015g.html#4 3380 was actually FBA?
2015f.html#86 Formal definition of Speed Matching Buffer
2015c.html#102 End of vacuum tubes in computers?
2015.html#36 [CM] IBM releases Z13 Mainframe - looks like Batman
2015.html#35 [CM] IBM releases Z13 Mainframe - looks like Batman
2014m.html#154 BDW length vs. Physical Length
2014m.html#102 Page Data Set Sizes and Volume Types
2014m.html#101 Page Data Set Sizes and Volume Types
2014m.html#87 Death of spinning disk?
2014l.html#90 What's the difference between doing performance in a mainframe environment versus doing in others
2014l.html#78 Could this be the wrongest prediction of all time?
2014l.html#65 Could this be the wrongest prediction of all time?
2014k.html#9 Fwd: [sqlite] presentation about ordering and atomicity of filesystems
2014k.html#8 Fwd: [sqlite] presentation about ordering and atomicity of filesystems
2014k.html#7 Fwd: [sqlite] presentation about ordering and atomicity of filesystems
2014k.html#2 Flat (VSAM or other) files still in use?
2014j.html#31 Univac 90 series info posted on bitsavers
2014j.html#30 Univac 90 series info posted on bitsavers
2014j.html#29 Univac 90 series info posted on bitsaversa
2014i.html#97 The SDS 92, its place in history?
2014i.html#78 IBM Programmer Aptitude Test
2014h.html#9 Demonstrating Moore's law
2014g.html#87 real vs. emulated CKD
2014g.html#84 real vs. emulated CKD
2014g.html#83 Costs of core
2014g.html#82 Costs of core
2014f.html#40 IBM 360/370 hardware unearthed
2014e.html#14 23Jun1969 Unbundling Announcement
2014e.html#13 The IBM Strategy
2014e.html#8 The IBM Strategy
2014c.html#60 Bloat
2014b.html#18 Quixotically on-topic post, still on topic
2014b.html#17 Quixotically on-topic post, still on topic
2014b.html#15 Quixotically on-topic post, still on topic
2013o.html#69 "Death of the mainframe"
2013o.html#5 Something to Think About - Optimal PDS Blocking
2013n.html#54 rebuild 1403 printer chain
2013m.html#78 'Free Unix!': The world-changing proclamation made 30 years agotoday
2013m.html#72 'Free Unix!': The world-changing proclamation made 30 years agotoday
2013l.html#18 A Brief History of Cloud Computing
2013k.html#58 DASD, Tape and other peripherals attached to a Mainframe
2013i.html#36 The Subroutine Call
2013i.html#2 IBM commitment to academia
2013h.html#47 Storage paradigm [was: RE: Data volumes]
2013h.html#24 I/O Optimization
2013g.html#94 The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software
2013g.html#85 Old data storage or data base
2013g.html#23 Old data storage or data base
2013f.html#80 The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software
2013e.html#84 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#47 Arthur C. Clarke Predicts the Internet, 1974
2013d.html#2 Query for Destination z article -- mainframes back to the future
2013c.html#73 relative mainframe speeds, was What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013c.html#70 relative mainframe speeds, was What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013c.html#69 relative mainframe speeds, was What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013c.html#68 relative mainframe speeds, was What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013c.html#52 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013c.html#50 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013b.html#7 mainframe "selling" points
2013.html#69 What is a Mainframe?
2013.html#40 Searching for storage (DASD) alternatives
2013.html#30 Searching for storage (DASD) alternatives
2013.html#25 Is Microsoft becoming folklore?
2013.html#24 Is Microsoft becoming folklore?
2012p.html#32 Search Google, 1960:s-style
2012p.html#29 Search Google, 1960:s-style
2012p.html#16 HCF [was Re: AMC proposes 1980s computer TV series "Halt &Catch Fire"]
2012o.html#70 bubble memory
2012o.html#66 ISO documentation of IBM 3375, 3380 and 3390 track format
2012o.html#64 Random thoughts: Low power, High performance
2012o.html#62 ISO documentation of IBM 3375, 3380 and 3390 track format
2012o.html#58 ISO documentation of IBM 3375, 3380 and 3390 track format
2012o.html#31 Regarding Time Sharing
2012n.html#65 Fred Brooks on OS/360 "JCL is the worst language ever"
2012m.html#4 Blades versus z was Re: Turn Off Another Light - Univ. of Tennessee
2012m.html#2 Blades versus z was Re: Turn Off Another Light - Univ. of Tennessee
2012m.html#0 PDP-10 system calls, was 1132 printer history
2012l.html#81 Blades versus z was Re: Turn Off Another Light - Univ. of Tennessee
2012l.html#78 PDP-10 system calls, was 1132 printer history
2012k.html#76 END OF FILE
2012j.html#2 Can anybody give me a clear idea about Cloud Computing in MAINFRAME ?
2012i.html#95 Can anybody give me a clear idea about Cloud Computing in MAINFRAME ?
2012i.html#89 Can anybody give me a clear idea about Cloud Computing in MAINFRAME ?
2012g.html#19 Co-existance of z/OS and z/VM on same DASD farm
2012g.html#1 Did the 1401 use SVC's??
2012f.html#1 Hard Disk Drive Construction
2012e.html#27 NASA unplugs their last mainframe
2012d.html#78 megabytes per second
2012d.html#76 megabytes per second
2012d.html#75 megabytes per second
2012c.html#23 M68k add to memory is not a mistake any more
2012b.html#64 Why can't the track format be changed?
2012b.html#58 Why can't the track format be changed?
2012.html#91 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2012.html#75 VM sysprogs don't need the keys to the door locks
2011p.html#44 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2011p.html#40 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2011o.html#2 Dennis Ritchie
2011n.html#95 At least two decades back, some gurus predicted that mainframes would disappear in future and it still has not happened
2011n.html#27 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2011l.html#33 Selectric Typewriter--50th Anniversary
2011l.html#20 Selectric Typewriter--50th Anniversary
2011j.html#58 Graph of total world disk space over time?
2011j.html#57 Graph of total world disk space over time?
2011j.html#56 Graph of total world disk space over time?
2011j.html#55 Graph of total world disk space over time?
2011j.html#54 Graph of total world disk space over time?
2011j.html#47 Graph of total world disk space over time?
2011e.html#75 I'd forgotten what a 2305 looked like
2011e.html#62 3090 ... announce 12Feb85
2011e.html#50 junking CKD
2011e.html#47 junking CKD; was "Social Security Confronts IT Obsolescence"
2011e.html#46 junking CKD; was "Social Security Confronts IT Obsolescence"
2011e.html#45 junking CKD; was "Social Security Confronts IT Obsolescence"
2011e.html#44 junking CKD; was "Social Security Confronts IT Obsolescence"
2011e.html#43 junking CKD; was "Social Security Confronts IT Obsolescence"
2011e.html#37 junking CKD; was "Social Security Confronts IT Obsolescence"
2011e.html#35 junking CKD; was "Social Security Confronts IT Obsolescence"
2011e.html#31 "Social Security Confronts IT Obsolescence"
2011e.html#1 Multiple Virtual Memory
2011c.html#71 IBM and the Computer Revolution
2011c.html#62 z/OS 1.13 preview
2011b.html#76 If IBM Hadn't Bet the Company
2011b.html#63 If IBM Hadn't Bet the Company
2011b.html#47 A brief history of CMS/XA, part 1
2011b.html#29 A brief history of CMS/XA, part 1
2011.html#79 Speed of Old Hard Disks - adcons
2011.html#47 CKD DASD
2011.html#36 CKD DASD
2011.html#35 CKD DASD
2010q.html#20 Mainframe upgrade done with wire cutters?
2010o.html#12 When will MVS be able to use cheap dasd
2010o.html#7 When will MVS be able to use cheap dasd
2010n.html#84 Hashing for DISTINCT or GROUP BY in SQL
2010n.html#75 When will MVS be able to use cheap dasd
2010n.html#65 When will MVS be able to use cheap dasd
2010n.html#15 Mainframe Slang terms
2010n.html#14 Mainframe Slang terms
2010n.html#10 Mainframe Slang terms
2010m.html#41 IBM 3883 Manuals
2010m.html#4 History of Hard-coded Offsets
2010m.html#1 History of Hard-coded Offsets
2010l.html#76 History of Hard-coded Offsets
2010l.html#33 History of Hard-coded Offsets
2010l.html#13 Old EMAIL Index
2010k.html#17 Documenting the underlying FBA design of 3375, 3380 and 3390?
2010k.html#10 Documenting the underlying FBA design of 3375, 3380 and 3390?
2010j.html#62 Article says mainframe most cost-efficient platform
2010j.html#57 Article says mainframe most cost-efficient platform
2010h.html#70 25 reasons why hardware is still hot at IBM
2010h.html#30 45 years of Mainframe
2010f.html#18 What was the historical price of a P/390?
2010f.html#16 What was the historical price of a P/390?
2010e.html#36 What was old is new again (water chilled)
2010d.html#66 LPARs: More or Less?
2010d.html#16 PDS vs. PDSE
2010d.html#9 PDS vs. PDSE
2010d.html#0 PDS vs. PDSE
2010.html#68 locate mode, was Happy DEC-10 Day
2010.html#59 locate mode, was Happy DEC-10 Day
2010.html#54 locate mode, was Happy DEC-10 Day
2010.html#51 locate mode, was Happy DEC-10 Day
2010.html#49 locate mode, was Happy DEC-10 Day
2010.html#48 locate mode, was Happy DEC-10 Day
2010.html#47 locate mode, was Happy DEC-10 Day
2010.html#25 Happy DEC-10 Day
2009s.html#30 Larrabee delayed: anyone know what's happening?
2009s.html#22 Larrabee delayed: anyone know what's happening?
2009s.html#21 PDP-10s and Unix
2009s.html#18 Larrabee delayed: anyone know what's happening?
2009s.html#2 While watching Biography about Bill Gates on CNBC last Night
2009k.html#74 Disksize history question
2009k.html#61 Z/VM support for FBA devices was Re: z/OS support of HMC's 3270 emulation?
2009k.html#52 Hercules; more information requested
2009k.html#45 Z/VM support for FBA devices was Re: z/OS support of HMC's 3270 emulation?
2009k.html#44 Z/VM support for FBA devices was Re: z/OS support of HMC's 3270 emulation?
2009k.html#43 Z/VM support for FBA devices was Re: z/OS support of HMC's 3270 emulation?
2009k.html#34 A Complete History Of Mainframe Computing
2009j.html#73 DCSS ... when shared segments were implemented in VM
2009e.html#61 "A foolish consistancy" or "3390 cyl/track architecture"
2009c.html#35 Why do IBMers think disks are 'Direct Access'?
2008r.html#55 TOPS-10
2008q.html#40 TOPS-10
2008o.html#55 Virtual
2008j.html#50 Another difference between platforms
2008j.html#49 Another difference between platforms
2008i.html#68 EXCP access methos
2008i.html#8 pro- foreign key propaganda?
2008h.html#59 Microsoft versus Digital Equipment Corporation
2008b.html#18 Flash memory arrays
2008b.html#17 Flash memory arrays
2008b.html#16 Flash memory arrays
2007v.html#47 MTS memories
2007v.html#40 IBM mainframe history, was Floating-point myths
2007v.html#4 IBM mainframe history, was Floating-point myths
2007v.html#3 IBM mainframe history, was Floating-point myths
2007v.html#1 IBM mainframe history, was Floating-point myths
2007u.html#86 IBM mainframe history, was Floating-point myths
2007u.html#52 The future of PDSs
2007s.html#8 Anybody remember Keypunch cards?
2007p.html#45 64 gig memory
2007p.html#37 Writing 23FDs
2007o.html#54 mainframe performance, was Is a RISC chip more expensive?
2007l.html#49 Drums: Memory or Peripheral?
2007i.html#33 Internal DASD Pathing
2007h.html#3 21st Century ISA goals?
2007f.html#34 Historical curiosity question
2007f.html#20 Historical curiosity question
2007f.html#19 Is computer history taught now?
2007f.html#3 FBA rant
2007f.html#1 FBA rant
2007e.html#59 FBA rant
2007e.html#43 FBA rant
2007e.html#42 FBA rant
2007e.html#40 FBA rant
2007e.html#38 FBA rant
2007e.html#35 FBA rant
2007e.html#33 IBM S/360 series operating systems history
2007e.html#14 Cycles per ASM instruction
2006v.html#31 MB to Cyl Conversion
2006v.html#28 MB to Cyl Conversion
2006s.html#31 Why magnetic drums was/are worse than disks ?
2006s.html#15 THE on USS?
2006r.html#37 REAL memory column in SDSF
2006r.html#33 50th Anniversary of invention of disk drives
2006r.html#31 50th Anniversary of invention of disk drives
2006m.html#32 Old Hashing Routine
2006m.html#13 Track capacity?
2006m.html#8 Track capacity?
2006m.html#5 Track capacity?
2006j.html#7 virtual memory
2006f.html#4 using 3390 mod-9s
2006f.html#3 using 3390 mod-9s
2006f.html#1 using 3390 mod-9s
2006e.html#45 using 3390 mod-9s
2005u.html#44 POWER6 on zSeries?
2005u.html#21 3390-81
2005t.html#7 2nd level install - duplicate volsers
2005s.html#41 Random Access Tape?
2005s.html#29 IBM 3330
2005s.html#22 MVCIN instruction
2005r.html#55 IBM 3330
2005r.html#51 winscape?
2005r.html#19 Intel strikes back with a parallel x86 design
2005m.html#40 capacity of largest drive
2005m.html#34 IBM's mini computers--lack thereof
2005m.html#30 Massive i/o
2005m.html#28 IBM's mini computers--lack thereof
2005k.html#34 How much RAM is 64K (36-bit) words of Core Memory?
2005h.html#32 Software for IBM 360/30
2005h.html#3 IBM 360 channel assignments
2005e.html#13 Device and channel
2005e.html#12 Device and channel
2005e.html#6 He Who Thought He Knew Something About DASD
2005e.html#5 He Who Thought He Knew Something About DASD
2005d.html#62 Misuse of word "microcode"
2005c.html#64 Is the solution FBA was Re: FW: Looking for Disk Calc
2005c.html#36 The mid-seventies SHARE survey
2005c.html#23 Volume Largest Free Space Problem... ???
2005c.html#9 The mid-seventies SHARE survey
2005c.html#8 The mid-seventies SHARE survey
2005c.html#3 The mid-seventies SHARE survey
2005b.html#23 360 DIAGNOSE
2005.html#25 Network databases
2004q.html#85 The TransRelational Model: Performance Concerns
2004p.html#29 FW: Is FICON good enough, or is it the only choice we get?
2004p.html#19 History of C
2004p.html#1 Relational vs network vs hierarchic databases
2004p.html#0 Relational vs network vs hierarchic databases
2004o.html#30 z/OS UNIX
2004o.html#29 Integer types for 128-bit addressing
2004o.html#27 Integer types for 128-bit addressing
2004o.html#25 CKD Disks?
2004o.html#22 Integer types for 128-bit addressing
2004o.html#7 Integer types for 128-bit addressing
2004o.html#6 CKD Disks?
2004o.html#4 Integer types for 128-bit addressing
2004o.html#0 CKD Disks?
2004n.html#54 CKD Disks?
2004n.html#52 CKD Disks?
2004n.html#51 CKD Disks?
2004n.html#45 Shipwrecks
2004n.html#14 360 longevity, was RISCs too close to hardware?
2004m.html#7 Whatever happened to IBM's VM PC software?
2004l.html#36 FW: Looking for Disk Calc program/Exec
2004l.html#29 FW: Looking for Disk Calc program/Exec
2004l.html#24 Is the solution FBA was Re: FW: Looking for Disk Calc
2004l.html#23 Is the solution FBA was Re: FW: Looking for Disk Calc
2004l.html#22 Is the solution FBA was Re: FW: Looking for Disk Calc
2004l.html#20 Is the solution FBA was Re: FW: Looking for Disk Calc
2004k.html#41 Vintage computers are better than modern crap !
2004h.html#29 BLKSIZE question
2004g.html#51 Channel busy without less I/O
2004g.html#15 Infiniband - practicalities for small clusters
2004g.html#11 Infiniband - practicalities for small clusters
2004e.html#42 Infiniband - practicalities for small clusters
2004d.html#73 DASD Architecture of the future
2004d.html#65 System/360 40 years old today
2004d.html#63 System/360 40 years old today
2004.html#39 AMD/Linux vs Intel/Microsoft
2003o.html#64 1teraflops cell processor possible?
2003o.html#47 Funny Micro$oft patent
2003m.html#56 model 91/CRJE and IKJLEW
2003m.html#23 Intel iAPX 432
2003k.html#37 Microkernels are not "all or nothing". Re: Multics Concepts For
2003k.html#28 Microkernels are not "all or nothing". Re: Multics Concepts For
2003j.html#76 1950s AT&T/IBM lack of collaboration?
2003g.html#22 303x, idals, dat, disk head settle, and other rambling folklore
2003f.html#51 inter-block gaps on DASD tracks
2003c.html#66 FBA suggestion was Re: "average" DASD Blocksize
2003c.html#48 "average" DASD Blocksize
2003b.html#44 filesystem structure, was tape format (long post)
2003b.html#22 360/370 disk drives
2003b.html#7 Disk drives as commodities. Was Re: Yamhill
2003.html#70 Disk drives as commodities. Was Re: Yamhill
2003.html#15 rebirth
2002o.html#46 Question about hard disk scheduling algorithms
2002o.html#11 Home mainframes
2002o.html#3 PLX
2002n.html#50 EXCP
2002l.html#49 Do any architectures use instruction count instead of timer
2002l.html#47 Do any architectures use instruction count instead of timer
2002h.html#79 Al Gore and the Internet
2002h.html#18 Address Spaces
2002g.html#32 Secure Device Drivers
2002g.html#13 Secure Device Drivers
2002f.html#60 Mainframes and "mini-computers"
2002f.html#8 Is AMD doing an Intel?
2002f.html#7 Blade architectures
2002e.html#46 What goes into a 3090?
2002e.html#5 What goes into a 3090?
2002d.html#55 Storage Virtualization
2002d.html#22 DASD response times
2002d.html#19 Mainframers: Take back the light (spotlight, that is)
2002c.html#51 cp/67 addenda (cross-post warning)
2002c.html#29 Page size (was: VAX, M68K complex instructions)
2002b.html#32 First DESKTOP Unix Box?
2002b.html#24 Infiniband's impact was Re: Intel's 64-bit strategy
2002b.html#20 index searching
2002b.html#2 Microcode? (& index searching)
2002b.html#1 Microcode? (& index searching)
2002.html#10 index searching
2002.html#6 index searching
2002.html#5 index searching
2001n.html#60 CMS FILEDEF DISK and CONCAT
2001n.html#15 Replace SNA communication to host with something else
2001m.html#56 Contiguous file system
2001l.html#63 MVS History (all parts)
2001l.html#53 mainframe question
2001l.html#40 MVS History (all parts)
2001l.html#39 is this correct ? OS/360 became MVS and MVS >> OS/390
2001l.html#14 mainframe question
2001k.html#70 Is anybody out there still writting BAL 370.
2001k.html#37 Is anybody out there still writting BAL 370.
2001j.html#3 YKYGOW...
2001i.html#30 IBM OS Timeline?
2001d.html#68 I/O contention
2001d.html#64 VTOC/VTOC INDEX/VVDS and performance (expansion of VTOC position)
2001d.html#61 VTOC/VTOC INDEX/VVDS and performance (expansion of VTOC position)
2001d.html#60 VTOC/VTOC INDEX/VVDS and performance (expansion of VTOC position)
2001d.html#49 VTOC position
2001d.html#48 VTOC position
2001c.html#17 database (or b-tree) page sizes
2001.html#55 FBA History Question (was: RE: What's the meaning of track overfl ow?)
2001.html#54 FBA History Question (was: RE: What's the meaning of track overfl ow?)
2000g.html#52 > 512 byte disk blocks (was: 4M pages are a bad idea)
2000g.html#51 > 512 byte disk blocks (was: 4M pages are a bad idea)
2000f.html#42 IBM 3340 help
2000f.html#19 OT?
2000f.html#18 OT?
2000d.html#7 4341 was "Is a VAX a mainframe?"
2000.html#86 Ux's good points.
99.html#75 Read if over 40 and have Mainframe background
99.html#74 Read if over 40 and have Mainframe background
97.html#29 IA64 Self Virtualizable?
97.html#16 Why Mainframes?
94.html#35 mainframe CKD disks & PDS files (looong... warning)

top , by subject : technology , networking , public key , integrity , Boyd - home

BDAM and/or CICS

2025b.html#38 IBM Computers in the 60s
2025.html#105 Giant Steps for IBM?
2025.html#4 Dataprocessing Innovation
2024g.html#68 Where did CKD disks come from?
2024e.html#96 IBM CICS
2024e.html#26 VMNETMAP
2024d.html#107 Biggest Computer Goof Ever
2024d.html#76 Some work before IBM
2024d.html#33 IBM 23June1969 Unbundling Announcement
2024c.html#96 Online Library Catalog
2024c.html#24 TDM Computer Links
2024b.html#114 EBCDIC
2024.html#69 NIH National Library Of Medicine
2023g.html#81 MVT, MVS, MVS/XA & Posix support
2023g.html#74 MVS/TSO and VM370/CMS Interactive Response
2023g.html#19 OS/360 Bloat
2023f.html#34 Vintage IBM Mainframes & Minicomputers
2023f.html#24 Video terminals
2023d.html#65 CICS Product 54yrs old today
2023d.html#60 CICS Product 54yrs old today
2023c.html#46 IBM DASD
2023b.html#26 DISK Performance and Reliability
2023.html#108 IBM CICS
2022h.html#110 CICS sysprogs
2022h.html#54 smaller faster cheaper, computer history thru the lens of esthetics versus economics
2022g.html#88 IBM Cambridge Science Center Performance Technology
2022g.html#87 CICS (and other history)
2022f.html#8 CICS 53 Years
2022e.html#31 Technology Flashback
2022d.html#78 US Takes Supercomputer Top Spot With First True Exascale Machine
2022d.html#8 Computer Server Market
2022c.html#72 IBM Mainframe market was Re: Approximate reciprocals
2022c.html#39 After IBM
2022c.html#3 IBM 2250 Graphics Display
2022b.html#59 CICS, BDAM, DBMS, RDBMS
2022.html#38 IBM CICS
2022.html#13 Mainframe I/O
2021k.html#106 IBM Future System
2021j.html#66 IBM ACP/TPF
2021j.html#65 IBM DASD
2021j.html#30 VM370, 3081, and AT&T Long Lines
2021i.html#1 IBM Internal network
2021h.html#71 IBM Research, Adtech, Science Center
2021g.html#70 the wonders of SABRE, was Magnetic Drum reservations 1952
2021g.html#44 iBM System/3 FORTRAN for engineering/science work?
2021f.html#42 IBM Mainframe
2021d.html#36 April 7, 1964: IBM Bets Big on System/360
2021.html#80 CICS
2019e.html#4 CICS History
2019c.html#88 Fwd: Happy 50th Birthday CICS
2019c.html#28 CICS Turns 50 Monday, July 8
2019.html#78 370 virtual memory
2019.html#70 CICS Product 50 Years Old
2018d.html#68 tablets and desktops was Has Microsoft
2018c.html#13 Graph database on z/OS?
2017k.html#57 When did the home computer die?
2017k.html#50 Can anyone remember "drum" storage?
2017j.html#93 It's 1983: What computer would you buy?
2017j.html#76 A Computer That Never Was: the IBM 7095
2017j.html#38 Tech: we didn't mean for it to turn out like this
2017i.html#4 EasyLink email ad
2017f.html#34 The head of the Census Bureau just quit, and the consequences are huge
2017.html#3 Is multiprocessing better then multithreading?
2016g.html#51 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016e.html#51 How the internet was invented
2016e.html#23 47 Years of CICS
2016d.html#36 The Network Nation, Revised Edition
2016d.html#22 What was a 3314?
2016b.html#80 Asynchronous Interrupts
2016.html#83 DEC and The Americans
2016.html#35 the legacy of Seymour Cray
2015h.html#66 IMPI (System/38 / AS/400 historical)
2015b.html#64 Do we really?
2014h.html#99 TSO Test does not support 65-bit debugging?
2014e.html#52 Rather nice article on COBOL on Vulture Central
2014d.html#51 Can we logon to TSO witout having TN3270 up ?
2014d.html#32 [OT ] Mainframe memories
2013o.html#54 Curiosity: TCB mapping macro name - why IKJTCB?
2013l.html#18 A Brief History of Cloud Computing
2013i.html#36 The Subroutine Call
2013g.html#87 Old data storage or data base
2013g.html#39 Old data storage or data base
2012o.html#11 Mainframes are still the best platform for high volume transaction processing
2012n.html#74 history of Programming language and CPU in relation to each
2012k.html#88 1132 printer history
2012i.html#56 Operating System, what is it?
2012i.html#7 Familiar
2012h.html#78 Familiar
2012f.html#42 Oh hum, it's the 60s and 70's all over again
2012d.html#56 Server time Protocol and CICS
2011p.html#78 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2011o.html#87 Any candidates for best acronyms?
2011n.html#5 Any candidates for best acronyms?
2011j.html#43 First Website Launched 20 Years Ago Today
2011h.html#11 History of byte addressing
2011g.html#78 Is the magic and romance killed by Windows (and Linux)?
2011g.html#42 z/OS SYSLOG to UNIX syslog daemon?
2011b.html#86 If IBM Hadn't Bet the Company
2011b.html#74 If IBM Hadn't Bet the Company
2011.html#23 zLinux OR Linux on zEnterprise Blade Extension???
2010q.html#67 ibm 2321 (data cell)
2010p.html#22 64 bit mode disabled
2010n.html#80 Hashing for DISTINCT or GROUP BY in SQL
2010n.html#20 What non-IBM software products have been most significant to the mainframe's success
2010l.html#47 C-I-C-S vs KICKS
2010j.html#73 IBM 3670 Brokerage Communications System
2010g.html#85 What is the protocal for GMT offset in SMTP (e-mail) header
2010g.html#80 What is the protocal for GMT offset in SMTP (e-mail) header time-stamp?
2010e.html#9 Adventure - Or Colossal Cave Adventure
2010c.html#50 The origins of CICS
2010c.html#47 Extracting STDOUT data from USS
2010.html#25 Happy DEC-10 Day
2010.html#21 Happy DEC-10 Day
2009q.html#25 Old datasearches
2009o.html#77 Is it time to stop research in Computer Architecture ?
2009o.html#70 cpu upgrade
2009m.html#66 What happened to computer architecture (and comp.arch?)
2009l.html#46 SNA: conflicting opinions
2009k.html#20 If you don't have access to a mainframe
2009f.html#58 Opinion: The top 10 operating system stinkers
2009f.html#24 Opinion: The top 10 operating system stinkers
2009f.html#22 Does anyone know if there is a 'version' of CICS that IBM is planning to implement for AIX or something that does a similar function already?
2009d.html#68 Lack of bit field instructions in x86 instruction set because of patents ?
2009.html#44 Lawyers & programming (x-over from a.f.c discussion)
2009.html#41 New machine code
2008s.html#7 Is anyone interested in starting a CICS specific group?
2008l.html#80 Book: "Everyone Else Must Fail" --Larry Ellison and Oracle ???
2008l.html#56 Intel: an expensive many-core future is ahead of us
2008j.html#5 What is "timesharing" (Re: OS X Finder windows vs terminal window weirdness)
2008i.html#102 OS X Finder windows vs terminal window weirdness
2008i.html#12 pro- foreign key propaganda?
2008.html#89 folklore indeed
2007v.html#23 folklore indeed
2007t.html#49 What do YOU call the # sign?
2007s.html#33 Age of IBM VM
2007r.html#55 Translation of IBM Basic Assembler to C?
2007r.html#50 Translation of IBM Basic Assembler to C?
2007q.html#26 Does software life begin at 40? IBM updates IMS database
2007q.html#14 Does software life begin at 40? IBM updates IMS database
2007p.html#13 IBM Releases Office Desktop Software at No Charge to Foster Collaboration
2007n.html#82 mainframe developer = permanent position - Dublin Ireland
2007m.html#55 Capacity and Relational Database
2007l.html#27 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007g.html#39 Wylbur and Paging
2007f.html#64 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007e.html#51 FBA rant
2007e.html#37 Quote from comp.object
2006t.html#22 threads versus task
2006s.html#43 Ranking of non-IBM mainframe builders?
2006o.html#29 oops, cics
2006i.html#12 Mainframe near history (IBM 3380 and 3880 docs)
2006i.html#0 The Pankian Metaphor
2005o.html#47 Article: The True Value of Mainframe Security
2005o.html#45 Article: The True Value of Mainframe Security
2005m.html#44 TLAs - was summit else entirely
2004q.html#85 The TransRelational Model: Performance Concerns
2004p.html#1 Relational vs network vs hierarchic databases
2004o.html#67 Relational vs network vs hierarchic databases
2004o.html#55 Integer types for 128-bit addressing
2004o.html#5 Integer types for 128-bit addressing
2004o.html#4 Integer types for 128-bit addressing
2004n.html#47 Shipwrecks
2004n.html#16 RISCs too close to hardware?
2004n.html#9 RISCs too close to hardware?
2004n.html#5 RISCs too close to hardware?
2004n.html#0 RISCs too close to hardware?
2004m.html#61 RISCs too close to hardware?
2004m.html#40 Result of STCK instruction - GMT or local?
2004e.html#41 Infiniband - practicalities for small clusters
2004c.html#53 defination of terms: "Application Server" vs. "Transaction Server"
2004.html#51 Mainframe not a good architecture for interactive workloads
2004.html#47 Mainframe not a good architecture for interactive workloads
2003p.html#23 1960s images of IBM 360 mainframes
2003n.html#29 Architect Mainframe system - books/guidenance
2003l.html#9 how long does (or did) it take to boot a timesharing system?
2003k.html#9 What is timesharing, anyway?
2003j.html#68 Transactions for Industrial Strength Programming
2003j.html#24 Red Phosphor Terminal?
2003j.html#2 Fix the shuttle or fly it unmanned
2003e.html#69 Gartner Office Information Systems 6/2/89
2002l.html#68 10 choices that were critical to the Net's success
2002j.html#53 SHARE Planning
2002j.html#50 SHARE Planning
2002i.html#50 CDC6600 - just how powerful a machine was it?
2002i.html#11 CDC6600 - just how powerful a machine was it?
2002i.html#9 More about SUN and CICS
2002h.html#63 Sizing the application
2002g.html#78 Is it safe to use social securty number as intranet username?
2002g.html#3 Why are Mainframe Computers really still in use at all?
2002e.html#62 Computers in Science Fiction
2002c.html#4 Did Intel Bite Off More Than It Can Chew?
2002.html#45 VM and/or Linux under OS/390?????
2002.html#1 The demise of compaq
2001n.html#11 OCO
2001n.html#0 TSS/360
2001m.html#51 Author seeks help - net in 1981
2001l.html#43 QTAM (was: MVS History)
2001l.html#28 Indiana University and IBM Unveil the Nation's LargestUniversity-Owned Supercomputer
2001k.html#51 Is anybody out there still writting BAL 370.
2001k.html#39 Newbie TOPS-10 7.03 question
2001j.html#25 Parity - why even or odd (was Re: Load Locked
2001j.html#24 Parity - why even or odd (was Re: Load Locked
2001j.html#16 OT - Internet Explorer V6.0
2001j.html#1 Off-topic everywhere [was: Re: thee and thou
2001i.html#49 Withdrawal Announcement 901-218 - No More 'small machines'
2001i.html#38 IBM OS Timeline?
2001i.html#37 IBM OS Timeline?
2001g.html#24 XML: No More CICS?
2001d.html#56 Pentium 4 Prefetch engine?
2001d.html#5 Unix hard links
2001.html#62 California DMV
2001.html#51 Competitors to SABRE?
2000f.html#69 TSS ancient history, was X86 ultimate CISC? designs)
2000c.html#54 WHAT IS A MAINFRAME???
2000c.html#52 Does the word "mainframe" still have a meaning?
2000c.html#45 Does the word "mainframe" still have a meaning?
2000c.html#35 What level of computer is needed for a computer to Love?
2000b.html#41 How to learn assembler language for OS/390 ?
99.html#218 Mainframe acronyms: how do you pronounce them?
99.html#130 early hardware
99.html#58 When did IBM go object only
98.html#34 ... cics ... from posting from another list
98.html#33 ... cics ... from posting from another list
97.html#30 How is CICS pronounced?
97.html#8 Ancient DASD
97.html#6 IBM Hursley?
96.html#9 cics
94.html#35 mainframe CKD disks & PDS files (looong... warning)
94.html#33 short CICS story

top , by subject : technology , networking , public key , integrity , Boyd - home

(23Jun69) Unbundling and charging for software

2025.html#129 The Paging Game
2025.html#105 Giant Steps for IBM?
2025.html#30 3270 Terminals
2024g.html#111 Dataprocessing Innovation
2024g.html#47 IT Career Memory
2024g.html#37 IBM Mainframe User Group SHARE
2024g.html#30 Computer System Performance Work
2024g.html#6 IBM 5100
2024f.html#91 IBM Email and PROFS
2024f.html#45 IBM 5100 and Other History
2024f.html#40 IBM Virtual Memory Global LRU
2024e.html#83 Scheduler
2024e.html#67 The IBM Way by Buck Rogers
2024e.html#46 Netscape
2024e.html#19 HONE, APL, IBM 5100
2024e.html#18 IBM Downfall and Make-over
2024d.html#81 APL and REXX Programming Languages
2024d.html#29 Future System and S/38
2024d.html#25 IBM 23June1969 Unbundling Announcement
2024d.html#9 Benchmarking and Testing
2024c.html#119 Financial/ATM Processing
2024c.html#31 HONE &/or APL
2024c.html#6 Testing
2024b.html#72 Vintage Internet and Vintage APL
2024b.html#71 Vintage Internet and Vintage APL
2024b.html#31 HONE, Performance Predictor, and Configurators
2024b.html#18 IBM 5100
2024.html#116 IBM's Unbundling
2024.html#108 IBM, Unix, editors
2024.html#94 MVS SRM
2024.html#78 Mainframe Performance Optimization
2024.html#20 How IBM Stumbled onto RISC
2023g.html#105 VM Mascot
2023g.html#99 VM Mascot
2023g.html#77 MVT, MVS, MVS/XA & Posix support
2023g.html#76 Another IBM Downturn
2023g.html#45 Wheeler Scheduler
2023g.html#43 Wheeler Scheduler
2023g.html#20 IBM Educational Support
2023g.html#6 Vintage Future System
2023f.html#111 Copyright Software
2023f.html#92 CSC, HONE, 23Jun69 Unbundling, Future System
2023f.html#54 Vintage IBM Mainframes & Minicomputers
2023f.html#41 Vintage IBM Mainframes & Minicomputers
2023e.html#87 CP/67, VM/370, VM/SP, VM/XA
2023e.html#53 VM370/CMS Shared Segments
2023e.html#14 Copyright Software
2023e.html#6 HASP, JES, MVT, 370 Virtual Memory, VS2
2023d.html#113 VM370
2023d.html#110 APL
2023d.html#23 VM370, SMP, HONE
2023d.html#17 IBM MVS RAS
2023c.html#55 IBM VM/370
2023c.html#10 IBM Downfall
2023b.html#23 IBM VM370 "Resource Manager"
2023.html#117 IBM 5100
2023.html#68 IBM and OSS
2023.html#57 Almost IBM class student
2023.html#49 23Jun1969 Unbundling and Online IBM Branch Offices
2023.html#28 IBM Punch Cards
2023.html#20 IBM Change
2022h.html#110 CICS sysprogs
2022g.html#93 No, I will not pay the bill
2022g.html#87 CICS (and other history)
2022g.html#59 Stanford SLAC (and BAYBUNCH)
2022g.html#23 IBM APL
2022g.html#11 360 Powerup
2022g.html#2 VM/370
2022f.html#53 z/VM 50th - part 4
2022f.html#34 Vintage Computing
2022f.html#23 1963 Timesharing: A Solution to Computer Bottlenecks
2022f.html#17 What's different, was Why did Dennis Ritchie write that UNIX was a modern implementation of CTSS?
2022e.html#79 Enhanced Production Operating Systems
2022e.html#63 IBM Software Charging Rules
2022e.html#50 Channel Program I/O Processing Efficiency
2022e.html#36 IBM 23June1969 Unbundle
2022e.html#7 RED and XEDIT fullscreen editors
2022d.html#78 US Takes Supercomputer Top Spot With First True Exascale Machine
2022d.html#68 CMS OS/360 Simulation
2022d.html#62 IBM 360/50 Simulation From Its Microcode
2022d.html#0 Programming By Committee
2022c.html#121 Programming By Committee
2022c.html#45 IBM deliberately misclassified mainframe sales to enrich execs, lawsuit claims
2022c.html#42 Why did Dennis Ritchie write that UNIX was a modern implementation of CTSS?
2022c.html#0 System Response
2022b.html#118 IBM Disks
2022b.html#30 Online at home
2022b.html#22 IBM Cloud to offer Z-series mainframes for first time - albeit for test and dev
2022.html#103 Online Computer Conferencing
2022.html#52 Acoustic Coupler
2022.html#43 Automated Benchmarking
2022.html#42 Automated Benchmarking
2022.html#29 IBM HONE
2022.html#4 GML/SGML/HTML/Mosaic
2021k.html#121 Computer Performance
2021k.html#89 IBM PROFs
2021k.html#50 VM/SP crashing all over the place
2021k.html#28 APL
2021j.html#83 Happy 50th Birthday, EMAIL!
2021j.html#25 VM370, 3081, and AT&T Long Lines
2021h.html#46 Dynamic Adaptive Resource Management
2021g.html#0 MVS Group Wrath
2021e.html#80 Amdahl
2021e.html#67 Amdahl
2021e.html#61 Performance Monitoring, Analysis, Simulation, etc
2021d.html#43 IBM Powerpoint sales presentations
2021d.html#25 Field Support and PSRs
2021c.html#37 Some CP67, Future System and other history
2021c.html#5 Z/VM
2021b.html#89 IBM Innovation
2021b.html#32 HONE story/history
2021b.html#15 IBM Recruiting
2021.html#72 Airline Reservation System
2021.html#57 ES/9000 as POK was being scaled way back
2021.html#14 Unbundling and Kernel Software
2019e.html#133 IBM system/360 ad
2019e.html#126 23Jun1969 Unbundling
2019e.html#108 Dyanmic Adaptive Resource Manager
2019d.html#106 IBM HONE
2019d.html#3 A crashing disappointment!
2019c.html#89 A New Theory On Time Indicates Present And Future Exist Simultaneously
2019c.html#85 IBM: Buying While Apathetaic
2019c.html#63 2741 & APL
2019b.html#92 MVS Boney Fingers
2019b.html#24 Online Computer Conferencing
2019.html#65 23june1969 unbundling
2019.html#64 23june1969 unbundling
2018e.html#118 IBM today
2018e.html#103 The (broken) economics of OSS
2018e.html#96 The (broken) economics of OSS
2018e.html#91 The (broken) economics of OSS
2018e.html#5 Computers, anyone?
2018d.html#49 What microprocessor is more powerful, the Z80 or 6502?
2018d.html#40 Online History
2018.html#23 IBM Profs
2018.html#4 upgrade
2017j.html#103 why VM, was thrashing
2017j.html#94 IBM does what IBM does best: Raises the chopper again
2017j.html#76 A Computer That Never Was: the IBM 7095
2017j.html#49 Tech: we didn't mean for it to turn out like this
2017j.html#16 IBM open sources it's JVM and JIT code
2017i.html#49 IBM Branch Offices: What They Were, How They Worked, 1920s-1980s
2017i.html#23 progress in e-mail, such as AOL
2017h.html#62 computer component reliability, 1951
2017h.html#44 VM/370 45th Birthday
2017g.html#101 SEX
2017g.html#34 Programmers Who Use Spaces Paid More
2017g.html#23 Eliminating the systems programmer was Re: IBM cuts contractor billing by 15 percent (our else)
2017g.html#15 HONE Systems
2017e.html#25 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#18 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017d.html#83 Mainframe operating systems?
2017d.html#56 Some IBM Research RJ reports
2017d.html#48 360 announce day
2017c.html#92 An OODA loop is a far-from-equilibrium, non-linear system with feedback
2017c.html#2 ISPF (was Fujitsu Mainframe Vs IBM mainframe)
2017b.html#23 IBM "Breakup"
2017.html#59 The ICL 2900
2016h.html#52 Resurrected! Paul Allen’s tech team brings 50-year -old supercomputer back from the dead
2016g.html#68 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016g.html#29 Computer hard drives have shrunk like crazy over the last 60 years -- here's a look back
2016f.html#39 what is 3380 E?
2016f.html#26 British socialism / anti-trust
2016e.html#128 This Day in History: 22Aug1955, The First Computer User Group Is Founded
2016e.html#77 Honeywell 200
2016e.html#60 Honeywell 200
2016e.html#14 Leaked IBM email says cutting 'redundant' jobs is a 'permanent and ongoing' part of its business model
2016d.html#100 Multithreaded output to stderr and stdout
2016d.html#76 IBM plans for the future - an imaginary tale
2016d.html#67 Dynamic adaptive resource management (was: PL/I advertising
2016d.html#46 PL/I advertising
2016d.html#42 Old Computing
2016d.html#37 First Non-Trivial Program You Developed
2016d.html#27 Old IBM Mainframe Systems
2016c.html#82 Fwd: Tech News 1964
2016b.html#77 Qbasic - lies about Medicare
2016b.html#54 CMS\APL
2016b.html#36 Ransomware
2016b.html#18 IBM Destination z - What the Heck Is JCL and Why Does It Look So Funny?
2015h.html#104 DOS descendant still lives was Re: slight reprieve on the z
2015h.html#86 Old HASP
2015h.html#38 high level language idea
2015h.html#36 high level language idea
2015g.html#98 PROFS & GML
2015g.html#91 IBM 4341, introduced in 1979, was 26 times faster than the 360/30
2015g.html#45 [Poll] Computing favorities
2015e.html#20 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#11 The real story of how the Internet became so vulnerable
2015e.html#5 Remember 3277?
2015d.html#59 Western Union envisioned internet functionality
2015d.html#48 Western Union envisioned internet functionality
2015d.html#14 3033 & 3081 question
2015d.html#2 Knowledge Center Outage May 3rd
2015c.html#71 A New Performance Model
2015c.html#46 John Titor was right? IBM 5100
2015b.html#48 IBM's One Hundred Year History Is About Cash, Culture and Mutualism
2015b.html#43 Connecting memory to 370/145 with only 36 bits
2015b.html#39 Connecting memory to 370/145 with only 36 bits
2015.html#84 a bit of hope? What was old is new again
2014m.html#66 Why you need batch cloud computing
2014m.html#35 BBC News - Microsoft fixes '19-year-old' bug with emergency patch
2014l.html#50 IBM's Ginni Rometty Just Confessed To A Huge Failure -- It Might Be The Best Thing For The Company
2014k.html#31 1950: Northrop's Digital Differential Analyzer
2014i.html#56 How Comp-Sci went from passing fad to must have major
2014i.html#41 How Comp-Sci went from passing fad to must have major
2014h.html#99 TSO Test does not support 65-bit debugging?
2014h.html#68 Over in the Mainframe Experts Network LinkedIn group
2014h.html#65 Are you tired of the negative comments about IBM in this community?
2014g.html#105 Fifty Years of nitpicking definitions, was BASIC,theProgrammingLanguageT
2014g.html#98 After the Sun (Microsystems) Sets, the Real Stories Come Out
2014g.html#85 Costs of core
2014e.html#26 23Jun1969 Unbundling Announcement
2014e.html#14 23Jun1969 Unbundling Announcement
2014d.html#59 Difference between MVS and z / OS systems
2014.html#19 the suckage of MS-DOS, was Re: 'Free Unix!
2014.html#5 Application development paradigms [was: RE: Learning Rexx]
2013o.html#45 the nonsuckage of source, was MS-DOS, was Re: 'Free Unix!
2013n.html#60 Bridgestone Sues IBM For $600 Million Over Allegedly 'Defective' System That Plunged The Company Into 'Chaos'
2013n.html#22 Aging Sysprogs = Aging Farmers
2013m.html#55 'Free Unix!': The world-changing proclamation made 30 years ago today
2013l.html#66 model numbers; was re: World's worst programming environment?
2013k.html#27 Unbuffered glass TTYs?
2013j.html#12 Greenbar
2013j.html#8 How long has open source been part of your life?
2013i.html#36 The Subroutine Call
2013h.html#76 DataPower XML Appliance and RACF
2013f.html#78 The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software
2013f.html#74 The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software
2013e.html#84 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013c.html#1 Spacewar! on S/360
2013b.html#61 Google Patents Staple of '70s Mainframe Computing
2013b.html#26 New HD
2013.html#74 mainframe "selling" points
2013.html#47 AT&T Holmdel Computer Center films, 1973 Unix
2012p.html#63 Today in TIME Tech History: Piston-less Power (1959), IBM's Decline (1992), TiVo (1998) and More
2012n.html#64 Should you support or abandon the 3270 as a User Interface?
2012m.html#62 Another Light goes out
2012m.html#47 Official current definition of MVS
2012l.html#27 PDP-10 system calls, was 1132 printer history
2012l.html#18 X86 server
2012k.html#62 Any cool anecdotes IBM 40yrs of VM
2012k.html#48 1132 printer history
2012k.html#8 International Business Marionette
2012j.html#30 Can anybody give me a clear idea about Cloud Computing in MAINFRAME ?
2012j.html#17 Operating System, what is it?
2012g.html#54 Open source and the National Security Agency, together again
2012f.html#78 What are you experiences with Amdahl Computers and Plug-Compatibles?
2012f.html#53 Image if someone built a general-menu-system
2012f.html#40 STSC Story
2012f.html#18 Word Length
2012e.html#39 A bit of IBM System 360 nostalgia
2012b.html#50 France to Google: Free is Evil
2012b.html#45 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2012b.html#43 Where are all the old tech workers?
2011p.html#106 SPF in 1978
2011p.html#105 5 ways to keep your rockstar employees happy
2011p.html#56 Are prefix opcodes better than variable length?
2011p.html#4 Dennis Ritchie
2011o.html#44 Data Areas?
2011o.html#33 Data Areas
2011n.html#53 Virginia M. Rometty elected IBM president
2011m.html#69 "Best" versus "worst" programming language you've used?
2011m.html#37 What is IBM culture?
2011l.html#43 What is IBM culture?
2011l.html#41 computer bootlaces
2011l.html#20 Selectric Typewriter--50th Anniversary
2011l.html#19 Selectric Typewriter--50th Anniversary
2011j.html#66 Wondering if I am really eligible for this group
2011j.html#10 program coding pads
2011i.html#71 The Unix revolution -- thank you, Uncle Sam?
2011i.html#7 Do you remember back to June 23, 1969 when IBM unbundled
2011i.html#3 pdp8 to PC- have we lost our way?
2011h.html#75 pdp8 to PC- have we lost our way?
2011h.html#63 Do you remember back to June 23, 1969 when IBM unbundled
2011h.html#62 Do you remember back to June 23, 1969 when IBM unbundled
2011h.html#61 Do you remember back to June 23, 1969 when IBM unbundled
2011g.html#29 Congratulations, where was my invite?
2011g.html#16 Running z/OS On Your Laptop
2011g.html#12 Clone Processors
2011g.html#6 Is the magic and romance killed by Windows (and Linux)?
2011f.html#51 US HONE Datacenter consolidation
2011f.html#6 New job for mainframes: Cloud platform
2011f.html#3 History of APL -- Software Preservation Group
2011e.html#69 The first personal computer (PC)
2011d.html#58 IBM and the Computer Revolution
2011d.html#44 Andrew developments in Rochester
2011b.html#87 The first personal computer (PC)
2011b.html#61 VM13025 ... zombie/hung users
2011b.html#6 Mainframe upgrade done with wire cutters?
2011b.html#5 Mainframe upgrade done with wire cutters?
2011.html#28 Personal histories and IBM computing
2010q.html#38 Looking for a real Fortran-66 compatible PC compiler (CP/M or DOS or Windows, doesn't matter)
2010q.html#32 IBM Future System
2010p.html#34 TCM's Moguls documentary series
2010o.html#73 IEFBR14
2010o.html#47 origin of 'fields'?
2010o.html#3 When will MVS be able to use cheap dasd
2010n.html#83 Hashing for DISTINCT or GROUP BY in SQL
2010n.html#63 Big Iron — The Mainframe Story
2010n.html#58 PL/1 as first language
2010m.html#86 Set numbers off permanently
2010m.html#84 Set numbers off permanently
2010m.html#81 Nostalgia
2010l.html#47 C-I-C-S vs KICKS
2010l.html#15 Age
2010k.html#9 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010j.html#80 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010j.html#76 What is the protocal for GMT offset in SMTP (e-mail) header
2010j.html#54 Article says mainframe most cost-efficient platform
2010j.html#20 Personal use z/OS machines was Re: Multiprise 3k for personal Use?
2010j.html#19 Personal use z/OS machines was Re: Multiprise 3k for personal Use?
2010g.html#50 Call for XEDIT freaks, submit ISPF requirements
2010g.html#38 someone smarter than Dave Cutler
2010g.html#6 Call for XEDIT freaks, submit ISPF requirements
2010g.html#5 16:32 far pointers in OpenWatcom C/C++
2010f.html#11 IBM And Microsoft Clash Over Unbundling Policy
2010e.html#65 LPARs: More or Less?
2010e.html#61 z9 / z10 instruction speed(s)
2010e.html#28 What was old is new again (water chilled)
2010e.html#25 HONE Compute Intensive
2010e.html#24 Unbundling & HONE
2010d.html#60 LPARs: More or Less?
2010d.html#42 search engine history, was Happy DEC-10 Day
2010d.html#39 search engine history, was Happy DEC-10 Day
2010b.html#51 Source code for s/360
2009r.html#49 "Portable" data centers
2009r.html#7 The 50th Anniversary of the Legendary IBM 1401
2009q.html#64 spool file tag data
2009q.html#57 The 50th Anniversary of the Legendary IBM 1401
'2009q.html#16 cloud computing' and 'SAAS'
2009q.html#8 Is Cloud Computing Old Hat?
2009o.html#74 Back to the 1970s: IBM in mainframe antitrust suit again
2009o.html#37 Young Developers Get Old Mainframers' Jobs
2009o.html#31 Justice Department probing allegations of abuse by IBM in mainframe computer market
2009l.html#58 ACP, One of the Oldest Open Source Apps
2009l.html#22 another item related to ASCII vs. EBCDIC
2009l.html#1 Poll results: your favorite IBM tool was IBM-issued laptops
2009k.html#71 Hercules Question
2009j.html#68 DCSS addenda
2009j.html#18 Another one bites the dust
2009i.html#45 dynamic allocation
2009i.html#37 Why are z/OS people reluctant to use z/OS UNIX?
2009i.html#26 Why are z/OS people reluctant to use z/OS UNIX?
2009h.html#68 My Vintage Dream PC
2009f.html#18 System/360 Announcement (7Apr64)
2009f.html#5 Operating Systems and I/O Driven Scheduling
2009f.html#0 How did the monitor work under TOPS?
2009.html#0 Is SUN going to become x86'ed ??
2008s.html#17 IBM PC competitors
2008r.html#8 Can outsourcing be stopped?
2008p.html#41 Automation is still not accepted to streamline the business processes... why organizations are not accepting newer technologies?
2008p.html#17 Open Source, Unbundling, and Future System
2008p.html#4 Strings story
2008o.html#66 Open Source, Unbundling, and Future System
2008o.html#41 The human plague
2008n.html#22 VMware Chief Says the OS Is History
2008m.html#62 CHROME and WEB apps on Mainframe?
2008m.html#61 CHROME and WEB apps on Mainframe?
2008m.html#2 Yet another squirrel question - Results (very very long post)
2008m.html#1 Yet another squirrel question - Results (very very long post)
2008j.html#89 CLIs and GUIs
2008j.html#50 Another difference between platforms
2008i.html#57 Microsoft versus Digital Equipment Corporation
2008h.html#7 Xephon, are they still in business?
2008g.html#48 How did third-party software companies deal with unbundling being sprung on them?
2008d.html#32 Interesting Mainframe Article: 5 Myths Exposed
2008d.html#16 more on (the new 40+ yr old) virtualization
2008d.html#15 more on (the new 40+ yr old) virtualization
2008b.html#27 Re-hosting IMB-MAIN
2008.html#59 old internal network references
2008.html#16 No Glory for the PDP-15
2007v.html#23 folklore indeed
2007u.html#6 Open z/Architecture or Not
2007t.html#71 T3 Sues IBM To Break its Mainframe Monopoly
2007s.html#36 Oracle Introduces Oracle VM As It Leaps Into Virtualization
2007s.html#35 Oracle Introduces Oracle VM As It Leaps Into Virtualization
2007s.html#33 Age of IBM VM
2007s.html#24 [ClassicMainframes] multics source is now open
2007s.html#20 Ellison Looks Back As Oracle Turns 30
2007r.html#68 High order bit in 31/24 bit address
2007r.html#11 The history of Structure capabilities
2007q.html#58 Direction of Stack Growth
2007q.html#23 GETMAIN/FREEMAIN and virtual storage backing up
2007q.html#14 Does software life begin at 40? IBM updates IMS database
2007n.html#95 The Unexpected Fact about the First Computer Programmer
2007n.html#3 Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard?
2007m.html#57 The Development of the Vital IBM PC in Spite of the Corporate Culture of IBM
2007m.html#46 Rate Monotonic Scheduling (RMS) vs. OS Scheduling
2007m.html#42 The Development of the Vital IBM PC in Spite of the Corporate Culture of IBM
2007l.html#10 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007k.html#65 Non-Standard Mainframe Language?
2007k.html#15 Data Areas Manuals to be dropped
2007j.html#65 Help settle a job title/role debate
2007i.html#43 Latest Principles of Operation
2007g.html#73 The Perfect Computer - 36 bits?
2007g.html#61 The Perfect Computer - 36 bits?
2007g.html#55 IBM to the PCM market(the sky is falling!!!the sky is falling!!)
2007g.html#44 1960s: IBM mgmt mistrust of SLT for ICs?
2007g.html#21 The Perfect Computer - 36 bits?
2007f.html#67 The Perfect Computer - 36 bits?
2007f.html#57 Is computer history taught now?
2007e.html#60 FBA rant
2007e.html#22 A way to speed up level 1 caches
2007c.html#47 SVCs
2006y.html#17 The Future of CPUs: What's After Multi-Core?
2006x.html#10 The Future of CPUs: What's After Multi-Core?
2006w.html#34 Top versus bottom posting was Re: IBM sues maker of Intel-based Mainframe clones
2006w.html#2 IBM sues maker of Intel-based Mainframe clones
2006v.html#47 Why so little parallelism?
2006s.html#59 Why magnetic drums was/are worse than disks ?
2006q.html#34 Was FORTRAN buggy?
2006j.html#33 How to implement Lpars within Linux
2006j.html#29 How to implement Lpars within Linux
2006g.html#1 The Pankian Metaphor
2006d.html#27 IBM 610 workstation computer
2006c.html#18 Change in computers as a hobbiest
2006b.html#10 IBM 3090/VM Humor
2006b.html#8 Free to good home: IBM RT UNIX
2006b.html#7 Mount a tape
2005t.html#40 FULIST
2005r.html#9 Intel strikes back with a parallel x86 design
2005r.html#7 DDJ Article on "Secure" Dongle
2005r.html#5 What ever happened to Tandem and NonStop OS ?
2005q.html#34 How To Abandon Microsoft
2005q.html#12 What ever happened to Tandem and NonStop OS ?
2005q.html#8 What ever happened to Tandem and NonStop OS ?
2005p.html#22 Multicores
2005o.html#25 auto reIPL
2005o.html#24 is a computer like an airport?
2005o.html#5 Code density and performance?
2005n.html#47 Anyone know whether VM/370 EDGAR is still available anywhere?
2005n.html#21 Code density and performance?
2005m.html#3 IBM 5100 luggable computer with APL
2005k.html#42 wheeler scheduler and hpo
2005k.html#36 Determining processor status without IPIs
2005k.html#20 IBM/Watson autobiography--thoughts on?
2005k.html#13 IBM/Watson autobiography--thoughts on?
2005k.html#12 IBM/Watson autobiography--thoughts on?
2005j.html#30 IBM Plugs Big Iron to the College Crowd
2005i.html#46 Friday question: How far back is PLO instruction supported?
2005g.html#55 Security via hardware?
2005g.html#51 Security via hardware?
2005e.html#35 Thou shalt have no other gods before the ANSI C standard
2005d.html#41 Thou shalt have no other gods before the ANSI C standard
2005d.html#6 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2005c.html#42 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2005b.html#49 The mid-seventies SHARE survey
2004q.html#72 IUCV in VM/CMS
2004p.html#20 Systems software versus applications software definitions
2004p.html#8 vm/370 smp support and shared segment protection hack
2004m.html#53 4GHz is the glass ceiling?
2004k.html#41 Vintage computers are better than modern crap !
2004g.html#2 Text Adventures (which computer was first?)
2004f.html#3 Infiniband - practicalities for small clusters
2004e.html#10 What is the truth ?
2004e.html#6 What is the truth ?
2003k.html#46 Slashdot: O'Reilly On The Importance Of The Mainframe Heritage
2003k.html#1 Dealing with complexity
2003j.html#54 June 23, 1969: IBM "unbundles" software
2003j.html#48 June 23, 1969: IBM "unbundles" software
2003h.html#36 IBM says AMD dead in 5yrs ... -- Microsoft Monopoly vs. IBM
2003g.html#66 software pricing
2002p.html#7 myths about Multics
2002p.html#2 IBM OS source code
2002h.html#44 50 years ago (1952)?
2002c.html#28 OS Workloads : Interactive etc
2002b.html#27 IBM SHRINKS by 10 percent
2001l.html#30 mainframe question
2001e.html#6 Blame it all on Microsoft
2001c.html#18 On RC4 in C
aadsm22.htm#37 Meccano Trojans coming to a desktop near you
aadsm25.htm#37 How the Classical Scholars dropped security from the canon of Computer Science
99.html#58 When did IBM go object only
99.html#30 You count as an old-timer if (was Re: origin of the phrase
99.html#29 You count as an old-timer if (was Re: origin of the phrase
98.html#43 early (1950s & 1960s) IBM mainframe software
98.html#42 early (1950s & 1960s) IBM mainframe software

360 PCM/OEM Controller

2025b.html#38 IBM Computers in the 60s
2025.html#111 Computers, Online, And Internet Long Time Ago
2025.html#109 IBM Process Control Minicomputers
2025.html#77 IBM Mainframe Terminals
2025.html#6 IBM 37x5
2024g.html#99 Terminals
2024g.html#95 IBM Mainframe Channels
2024g.html#2 Origin Of The Autobaud Technique
2024g.html#1 Origin Of The Autobaud Technique
2024g.html#0 Any interesting PDP/TECO photos out there?
2024f.html#60 IBM 3705
2024f.html#48 IBM Telecommunication Controllers
2024f.html#32 IBM 370 Virtual memory
2024e.html#98 RFC33 New HOST-HOST Protocol
2024e.html#3 TYMSHARE Dialup
2024d.html#111 GNOME bans Manjaro Core Team Member for uttering "Lunduke"
2024d.html#110 IBM 3705 & 3725
2024d.html#107 Biggest Computer Goof Ever
2024d.html#103 IBM 360/40, 360/50, 360/65, 360/67, 360/75
2024d.html#99 Interdata Clone IBM Telecommunication Controller
2024c.html#93 ASCII/TTY33 Support
2024c.html#53 IBM 3705 & 3725
2024c.html#15 360&370 Unix (and other history)
2024b.html#114 EBCDIC
2024b.html#103 IBM 360 Announce 7Apr1964
2024b.html#97 IBM 360 Announce 7Apr1964
2024b.html#60 Vintage Selectric
2024b.html#44 Mainframe Career
2024.html#40 UNIX, MULTICS, CTSS, CSC, CP67
2024.html#26 1960's COMPUTER HISTORY: REMEMBERING THE IBM SYSTEM/360 MAINFRAME Origin and Technology (IRS, NASA)
2023g.html#36 Timeslice, Scheduling, Interdata
2023g.html#21 Vintage X.25
2023g.html#3 Vintage Future System
2023f.html#102 MPIO, Student Fortran, SYSGENS, CP67, 370 Virtual Memory
2023f.html#91 Vintage 3101
2023f.html#53 IBM Vintage ASCII 360
2023f.html#40 Rise and Fall of IBM
2023f.html#34 Vintage IBM Mainframes & Minicomputers
2023f.html#32 IBM Mainframe Lore
2023f.html#7 Video terminals
2023e.html#94 CP/67, VM/370, VM/SP, VM/XA
2023e.html#82 Saving mainframe (EBCDIC) files
2023e.html#77 microcomputers, minicomputers, mainframes, supercomputers
2023e.html#64 Computing Career
2023e.html#12 Tymshare
2023d.html#83 Typing, Keyboards, Computers
2023c.html#62 Conflicts with IBM Communication Group
2023c.html#60 VM/370 3270 Terminal
2023b.html#91 360 Announce Stories
2023b.html#62 Ethernet (& CAT5)
2023b.html#34 Online Terminals
2023b.html#3 IBM 370
2023.html#80 ASCII/TTY Terminal Support
2023.html#36 IBM changes between 1968 and 1989
2023.html#27 IBM Punch Cards
2023.html#2 big and little, Can BCD and binary multipliers share circuitry?
2022h.html#93 IBM 360
2022f.html#114 360/67 Virtual Memory
2022f.html#113 360/67 Virtual Memory
2022f.html#82 Why the Soviet computer failed
2022f.html#71 COMTEN - IBM Clone Telecommunication Controller
2022f.html#70 COMTEN - IBM Clone Telecommunication Controller
2022f.html#40 What's something from the early days of the Internet which younger generations may not know about?
2022e.html#92 Enhanced Production Operating Systems
2022e.html#32 IBM 37x5 Boxes
2022d.html#21 COMPUTER HISTORY: REMEMBERING THE IBM SYSTEM/360 MAINFRAME, its Origin and Technology
2022d.html#18 Computer Server Market
2022d.html#0 Programming By Committee
2022c.html#119 byte me, was What's different, was Why did Dennis Ritchie write that
2022c.html#60 What's different, was Why did Dennis Ritchie write that UNIX was a modern implementation of CTSS?
2022c.html#43 What's different, was Why did Dennis Ritchie write that UNIX was a modern implementation of CTSS?
2022b.html#100 CDC6000
2022b.html#89 Computer BUNCH
2022b.html#88 Computer BUNCH
2022b.html#76 Link FEC and Encryption
2022b.html#72 Link FEC and Encryption
2022b.html#58 Interdata Computers
2022b.html#13 360 Performance
2022.html#127 On why it's CR+LF and not LF+CR [ASR33]
2022.html#49 Acoustic Coupler
2021k.html#125 IBM Clone Controllers
2021k.html#124 IBM Clone Controllers
2021j.html#76 IBM 370 and Future System
2021j.html#68 MTS, 360/67, FS, Internet, SNA
2021i.html#72 FDC Haggerstown
2021h.html#65 CSC, Virtual Machines, Internet
2021g.html#43 iBM System/3 FORTRAN for engineering/science work?
2021f.html#2 IBM Series/1
2021e.html#45 Blank 80-column punch cards up for grabs
2021c.html#91 IBM SNA/VTAM (& HSDT)
2021b.html#18 IBM Recruiting
2020.html#39 If Memory Had Been Cheaper
2020.html#34 CR or LF?
2020.html#8 IBM timesharing terminal--offline preparation?
2019e.html#133 IBM system/360 ad
2019d.html#109 IBM HONE
2019c.html#32 IBM Future System
2019c.html#28 CICS Turns 50 Monday, July 8
2019c.html#8 3270 48th Birthday
2019.html#65 23june1969 unbundling
2019.html#53 IBM/PC Uptake
2019.html#14 The PDP11 and subsequent influences
2019.html#2 The rise and fall of IBM
2018f.html#93 ACS360 and FS
2018f.html#51 All programmers that developed in machine code and Assembly in the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s died?
2018f.html#34 The rise and fall of IBM
2018e.html#97 The (broken) economics of OSS
2018d.html#22 The Rise and Fall of IBM
2018c.html#36 Osborne 1 with speech synthesis
2018c.html#35 Osborne 1 with speech synthesis
2017k.html#26 little old mainframes, Re: Was it ever worth it?
2017j.html#11 The Windows 95 chime was created on a Mac
2017h.html#71 Preferred colour scheme?
2017h.html#44 VM/370 45th Birthday
2017g.html#109 Online Terminals
2017g.html#104 SEX
2017g.html#101 SEX
2017g.html#26 Programmers Who Use Spaces Paid More
2017g.html#22 IBM Future Sytem 1975, 1977
2017e.html#62 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017c.html#68 Movie Computers
2017c.html#59 The ICL 2900
2017c.html#55 The ICL 2900
2017c.html#3 The ICL 2900
2017.html#85 The ICL 2900
2017.html#23 {wtf} Tymshare SuperBasic Source Code
2016h.html#71 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016h.html#65 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016h.html#26 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016g.html#7 PDPs in Canadian nuclear plants
2016f.html#26 British socialism / anti-trust
2016f.html#11 Frieden calculator
2016e.html#124 Early Networking
2016e.html#0 Is it a lost cause?
2016d.html#36 The Network Nation, Revised Edition
2016d.html#10 Qbasic
2016c.html#25 Globalization Worker Negotiation
2016b.html#82 Qbasic - lies about Medicare
2016b.html#77 Qbasic - lies about Medicare
2016b.html#76 Qbasic - lies about Medicare
2016.html#78 Mainframe Virtual Memory
2016.html#33 IBM STRETCH repricing decision?
2015g.html#96 TCP joke
2015f.html#80 Miniskirts and mainframes
2015f.html#62 3705
2015e.html#14 Clone Controllers and Channel Extenders
2015d.html#64 Western Union envisioned internet functionality
2015.html#95 56kbit modems
2015.html#75 Ancient computers in use today
2014m.html#60 The Road Not Taken: Knowing When to Keep Your Mouth Shut
2014m.html#56 The Road Not Taken: Knowing When to Keep Your Mouth Shut
2014m.html#25 Microsoft Open Sources .NET, Saying It Will Run on Linux and Mac
2014k.html#28 1950: Northrop's Digital Differential Analyzer
2014j.html#66 No Internet. No Microsoft Windows. No iPods. This Is What Tech Was Like In 1984
2014j.html#32 Univac 90 series info posted on bitsavers
2014i.html#69 IBM Programmer Aptitude Test
2014h.html#99 TSO Test does not support 65-bit debugging?
2014h.html#80 The Tragedy of Rapid Evolution?
2014h.html#76 The Tragedy of Rapid Evolution?
2014g.html#24 Fifty Years of BASIC, the Programming Language That Made Computers Personal
2014f.html#21 Complete 360 and 370 systems found
2014e.html#15 Last Gasp for Hard Disk Drives
2014d.html#39 [CM] Ten recollections about the early WWW and Internet
2014d.html#28 Write Inhibit
2014c.html#14 How many EBCDIC machines are still around?
2014c.html#6 The PDP-8/e and thread drifT?
2014b.html#70 Salesmen--IBM and Coca Cola
2014.html#99 the suckage of MS-DOS, was Re: 'Free Unix!
2013n.html#18 z/OS is antique WAS: Aging Sysprogs = Aging Farmers
2013l.html#66 model numbers; was re: World's worst programming environment?
2013l.html#33 Teletypewriter Model 33
2013l.html#21 Teletypewriter Model 33
2013l.html#20 Teletypewriter Model 33
2013j.html#67 OSI: The Internet That Wasn't
2013j.html#25 8080 BASIC
2013i.html#73 Future of COBOL based on RDz policies was Re: RDz or RDzEnterprise developers
2013h.html#84 Minicomputer Pricing
2013g.html#34 What Makes code storage management so cool?
2013d.html#57 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013c.html#20 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2012o.html#22 Assembler vs. COBOL--processing time, space needed
2012m.html#17 update/reseq
2012m.html#15 cp67, vm370, etc
2012k.html#48 1132 printer history
2012k.html#41 Cloud Computing
2012j.html#30 Can anybody give me a clear idea about Cloud Computing in MAINFRAME ?
2012h.html#17 Hierarchy
2012f.html#78 What are you experiences with Amdahl Computers and Plug-Compatibles?
2012f.html#65 The old is new again - Not IBM related, but I hope interesting
2012f.html#11 Word Length
2012e.html#48 Word Length
2012e.html#38 A bit of IBM System 360 nostalgia
2012e.html#2 Harris HCX Computers
2012d.html#74 Execution Velocity
2012b.html#98 5 Byte Device Addresses?
2011o.html#87 Any candidates for best acronyms?
2011n.html#72 CRLF in Unix being translated on Mainframe to x'25'
2011n.html#70 1979 SHARE LSRAD Report
2011n.html#45 CRLF in Unix being translated on Mainframe to x'25'
2011n.html#5 Any candidates for best acronyms?
2011m.html#8 What is IBM culture?
2011l.html#26 computer bootlaces
2011k.html#68 HP getting out of computer biz
2011k.html#29 CLOCK change problem
2011k.html#27 CLOCK change problem
2011h.html#44 OT The inventor of Email - Tom Van Vleck
2011h.html#33 Happy 100th Birthday, IBM!
2011g.html#44 My first mainframe experience
2011g.html#29 Congratulations, where was my invite?
2011f.html#63 The IBM Selective Sequence Electronic Calculator
2011f.html#12 New job for mainframes: Cloud platform
2011e.html#43 junking CKD; was "Social Security Confronts IT Obsolescence"
2011d.html#73 Multiple Virtual Memory
2011d.html#13 I actually miss working at IBM
2011c.html#68 IBM and the Computer Revolution
2011c.html#57 IBM Future System
2011.html#91 Mainframe upgrade done with wire cutters?
2010q.html#62 Is email dead? What do you think?
2010q.html#22 Who hasn't caused an outage? What is the worst thing you have done?
2010o.html#47 origin of 'fields'?
2010o.html#33 Why are TSO IDs limited to 7 characters
2010n.html#83 Hashing for DISTINCT or GROUP BY in SQL
2010m.html#78 Mainframe Hall of Fame (MHOF)
2010m.html#66 Win 3.11 on Broadband
2010l.html#54 C-I-C-S vs KICKS
2010l.html#39 Age
2010l.html#7 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010j.html#83 Percentage of code executed that is user written was Re: Delete all members of a PDS that is allocated
2010j.html#80 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010j.html#75 What is the protocal for GMT offset in SMTP (e-mail) header
2010j.html#57 Article says mainframe most cost-efficient platform
2010j.html#19 Personal use z/OS machines was Re: Multiprise 3k for personal Use?
2010j.html#11 Information on obscure text editors wanted
2010j.html#3 Significant Bits
2010h.html#18 How many mainframes are there?
2010g.html#34 someone smarter than Dave Cutler
2010f.html#11 IBM And Microsoft Clash Over Unbundling Policy
2010f.html#9 Entry point for a Mainframe?
2010e.html#62 z9 / z10 instruction speed(s)
2010d.html#84 Adventure - Or Colossal Cave Adventure
2010d.html#53 SWTL and 522
2010d.html#14 Happy DEC-10 Day
2010.html#4 360 programs on a z/10
2009s.html#53 DEC-10 SOS Editor Intra-Line Editing
2009s.html#29 channels, was Larrabee delayed: anyone know what's happening?
2009r.html#63 tty
2009r.html#49 "Portable" data centers
2009p.html#34 big iron mainframe vs. x86 servers
2009o.html#80 OpenSolaris goes "tic'less"???
2009o.html#77 Is it time to stop research in Computer Architecture ?
2009o.html#31 Justice Department probing allegations of abuse by IBM in mainframe computer market
2009n.html#42 DARPA, at least, has a clue (maybe, sometimes)
2009m.html#27 Origin of "fork"
2009l.html#51 August 7, 1944: today is the 65th Anniversary of the Birth of the Computer
2009l.html#46 SNA: conflicting opinions
2009l.html#34 August 7, 1944: today is the 65th Anniversary of the Birth of the Computer
2009l.html#22 another item related to ASCII vs. EBCDIC
2009k.html#70 An inComplete History Of Mainframe Computing
2009k.html#69 An inComplete History Of Mainframe Computing
2009k.html#1 A Complete History Of Mainframe Computing
2009j.html#68 DCSS addenda
2009j.html#61 A Complete History Of Mainframe Computing
2009j.html#60 A Complete History Of Mainframe Computing
2009i.html#32 Why are z/OS people reluctant to use z/OS UNIX?
2009g.html#45 Netbooks: A terminal by any other name
2009g.html#0 Windowed Interfaces 1981-2009
2009e.html#4 Cost of CPU Time
2009d.html#49 Mainframe Hall of Fame: 17 New Members Added
2009d.html#44 Future System
2009c.html#14 Assembler Question
2009c.html#9 Assembler Question
2009.html#81 Is SUN going to become x86'ed ??
2008s.html#51 Computer History Museum
2008s.html#17 IBM PC competitors
2008s.html#3 New machine code
2008p.html#17 Open Source, Unbundling, and Future System
2008o.html#66 Open Source, Unbundling, and Future System
2008o.html#41 The human plague
2008m.html#46 Baudot code direct to computers?
2008m.html#39 Baudot code direct to computers?
2008m.html#37 Baudot code direct to computers?
2008m.html#1 Yet another squirrel question - Results (very very long post)
2008l.html#75 Intel: an expensive many-core future is ahead of us
2008l.html#23 Memories of ACC, IBM Channels and Mainframe Internet Devices
2008k.html#65 Crippleware: hardware examples
2008g.html#61 performance of hardware dynamic scheduling
2008g.html#48 How did third-party software companies deal with unbundling being sprung on them?
2008e.html#36 Batch job to perform sftp transfer
2008d.html#67 Throwaway cores
2008d.html#60 more on (the new 40+ yr old) virtualization
2008d.html#46 Throwaway cores
2008d.html#16 more on (the new 40+ yr old) virtualization
2007v.html#101 It keeps getting uglier
2007v.html#41 IBM mainframe history, was Floating-point myths
2007v.html#36 folklore indeed
2007v.html#27 folklore indeed
2007u.html#17 T3 Sues IBM To Break its Mainframe Monopoly
2007t.html#74 What do YOU call the # sign?
2007t.html#68 T3 Sues IBM To Break its Mainframe Monopoly
2007t.html#65 Remembering the CDC 6600
2007s.html#33 Age of IBM VM
2007r.html#74 System 360 EBCDIC vs. ASCII
2007r.html#39 Translation of IBM Basic Assembler to C?
2007q.html#51 The history of Structure capabilities
2007p.html#23 Newsweek article--baby boomers and computers
2007p.html#21 Newsweek article--baby boomers and computers
2007p.html#5 PL/S programming language
2007p.html#4 what does xp do when system is copying
2007m.html#45 The Development of the Vital IBM PC in Spite of the Corporate Culture of IBM
2007l.html#62 Friday musings on the future of 3270 applications
2007l.html#21 Non-Standard Mainframe Language?
2007l.html#17 Linux: The Completely Fair Scheduler
2007l.html#11 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007l.html#10 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007j.html#76 Linux: The Completely Fair Scheduler
2007j.html#46 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007j.html#6 MTS *FS tape format?
2007i.html#31 Latest Principles of Operation
2007h.html#39 sizeof() was: The Perfect Computer - 36 bits?
2007f.html#79 The Perfect Computer - 36 bits?
2007f.html#46 The Perfect Computer - 36 bits?
2007f.html#45 The Perfect Computer - 36 bits?
2007f.html#38 IBM System z9
2007f.html#28 The Perfect Computer - 36 bits?
2007f.html#26 The Perfect Computer - 36 bits?
2007e.html#48 time spent/day on a computer
2007e.html#9 The Genealogy of the IBM PC
2007b.html#27 How many 36-bit Unix ports in the old days?
2006y.html#4 Why so little parallelism?
2006w.html#34 Top versus bottom posting was Re: IBM sues maker of Intel-based Mainframe clones
2006w.html#2 IBM sues maker of Intel-based Mainframe clones
2006v.html#20 Ranking of non-IBM mainframe builders?
2006r.html#36 REAL memory column in SDSF
2006p.html#50 what's the difference between LF(Line Fee) and NL (New line) ?
2006o.html#62 Greatest Software, System R
2006o.html#29 oops, cics
2006o.html#5 Gould, not Harris
2006o.html#3 MTS, Emacs, and... WYLBUR?
2006n.html#18 The System/360 Model 20 Wasn't As Bad As All That
2006n.html#15 Old IBM protocol IBM 1006
2006m.html#47 The System/360 Model 20 Wasn't As Bad As All That
2006m.html#44 Musings on a holiday weekend
2006m.html#41 Why Didn't The Cent Sign or the Exclamation Mark Print?
2006m.html#25 Mainframe Limericks
2006m.html#2 An Out-of-the-Main Activity
2006l.html#50 Mainframe Linux Mythbusting (Was: Using Java in batch on z/OS?)
2006k.html#42 Arpa address
2006k.html#41 PDP-1
2006k.html#29 PDP-1
2006j.html#30 virtual memory
2006h.html#52 Need Help defining an AS400 with an IP address to the mainframe
2006g.html#18 TOD Clock the same as the BIOS clock in PCs?
2006f.html#11 Anyone remember Mohawk Data Science ?
2006e.html#9 terminals was: Caller ID "spoofing"
2006c.html#21 Military Time?
2006c.html#18 Change in computers as a hobbiest
2006.html#7 EREP , sense ... manual
2005s.html#16 Is a Hurricane about to hit IBM ?
2005r.html#49 MVCIN instruction
2005r.html#4 OS's with loadable filesystem support?
2005p.html#37 CRJE and CRB
2005p.html#34 What is CRJE
2005p.html#26 What ever happened to Tandem and NonStop OS ?
2005p.html#15 DUMP Datasets and SMS
2005p.html#8 EBCDIC to 6-bit and back
2005o.html#25 auto reIPL
2005m.html#14 IBM's mini computers--lack thereof
2005k.html#41 Title screen for HLA Adventure? Need help designing one
2005k.html#6 IBM/Watson autobiography--thoughts on?
2005j.html#32 IBM Plugs Big Iron to the College Crowd
2005h.html#3 IBM 360 channel assignments
2005h.html#0 Where should the type information be?
2005g.html#55 Security via hardware?
2005f.html#56 1401-S, 1470 "last gasp" computers?
2005f.html#45 Moving assembler programs above the line
2005f.html#1 System/360; Hardwired vs. Microcoded
2005e.html#63 Mozilla v Firefox
2005e.html#35 Thou shalt have no other gods before the ANSI C standard
2005d.html#1 Self restarting property of RTOS-How it works?
2005c.html#65 Thou shalt have no other gods before the ANSI C standard
2005c.html#58 Thou shalt have no other gods before the ANSI C standard
2005c.html#57 Thou shalt have no other gods before the ANSI C standard
2005b.html#47 The mid-seventies SHARE survey
2005b.html#30 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2005b.html#29 M.I.T. SNA study team
2005b.html#12 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2004p.html#33 IBM 3705 and UC.5
2004p.html#31 IBM 3705 and UC.5
2004p.html#30 IBM 3705 and UC.5
2004p.html#27 IBM 3705 and UC.5
2004p.html#5 History of C
2004o.html#66 Integer types for 128-bit addressing
2004o.html#47 Integer types for 128-bit addressing
2004n.html#38 RS/6000 in Sysplex Environment
2004m.html#53 4GHz is the glass ceiling?
2004m.html#39 Multi-processor timing issue
2004m.html#38 Multi-processor timing issue
2004m.html#36 Multi-processor timing issue
2004m.html#17 mainframe and microprocessor
2004l.html#71 a history question
2004j.html#47 Vintage computers are better than modern crap !
2004j.html#17 Wars against bad things
2004h.html#20 Vintage computers are better than modern crap!
2004h.html#6 The One True Language
2004g.html#12 network history
2004g.html#9 Need to understand difference between EBCDIC and EDCDIC
2004e.html#5 A POX on you, Dennis Ritchie!!!
2004e.html#0 were dumb terminals actually so dumb???
2004d.html#22 System/360 40th Anniversary
2004c.html#40 Microprocessor History Site
2004c.html#26 Moribund TSO/E
2004c.html#22 More complex operations now a better choice?
2004c.html#7 IBM operating systems
2004b.html#49 new to mainframe asm
2004b.html#47 new to mainframe asm
2004.html#35 40th anniversary of IBM System/360 on 7 Apr 200
2003p.html#24 Mainframe Training
2003p.html#23 1960s images of IBM 360 mainframes
2003o.html#55 History of Computer Network Industry
2003o.html#16 When nerds were nerds
2003n.html#50 Call-gate-like mechanism
2003m.html#53 model 91/CRJE and IKJLEW
2003l.html#30 Secure OS Thoughts
2003k.html#30 IBM channels, was Re: Microkernels are not "all or nothing"
2003g.html#58 40th Anniversary of IBM System/360
2003e.html#16 unix
2003e.html#13 unix
2003e.html#8 cp/67 35th anniversary
2003e.html#4 cp/67 35th anniversary
2003e.html#3 cp/67 35th anniversary
2003e.html#2 cp/67 35th anniversary
2003e.html#1 cp/67 35th anniversary
2003d.html#73 unix
2003d.html#72 cp/67 35th anniversary
2003d.html#67 unix
2003d.html#49 unix
2003d.html#44 Why only 24 bits on S/360?
2003c.html#76 COMTEN- IBM networking boxes
2003c.html#70 COMTEN- IBM networking boxes
2003c.html#57 Easiest possible PASV experiment
2003c.html#28 difference between itanium and alpha
2003c.html#15 difference between itanium and alpha
2003b.html#11 Card Columns
2003b.html#8 Card Columns
2003b.html#5 Card Columns
2003.html#73 Card Columns
2003.html#67 3745 & NCP Withdrawl?
2003.html#25 rebirth
2003.html#17 rebirth
2003.html#9 Mainframe System Programmer/Administrator market demand?
2002q.html#39 HASP:
2002n.html#51 History of HEX and ASCII
2002n.html#33 why does wait state exist?
2002n.html#32 why does wait state exist?
2002m.html#73 VLSI and "the real world"
2002m.html#21 Original K & R C Compilers
2002l.html#19 Computer Architectures
2002l.html#2 What is microcode?
2002k.html#66 OT (sort-of) - Does it take math skills to do data processing ?
2002k.html#37 RCA Spectra architecture
2002k.html#20 Vnet : Unbelievable
2002j.html#75 30th b'day
2002j.html#56 Server and Mainframes
2002j.html#53 SHARE Planning
2002j.html#36 Difference between Unix and Linux?
2002i.html#68 CDC6600 - just how powerful a machine was it?
2002i.html#58 CDC6600 - just how powerful a machine was it?
2002i.html#32 IBM was: CDC6600 - just how powerful a machine was it?
2002h.html#62 history of CMS
2002h.html#48 Why did OSI fail compared with TCP-IP?
2002h.html#44 50 years ago (1952)?
2002h.html#12 Why did OSI fail compared with TCP-IP?
2002g.html#79 Coulda, Woulda, Shoudda moments?
2002g.html#61 GE 625/635 Reference + Smart Hardware
2002g.html#48 Why did OSI fail compared with TCP-IP?
2002f.html#52 Mainframes and "mini-computers"
2002f.html#47 How Long have you worked with MF's ? (poll)
2002f.html#38 Playing Cards was Re: looking for information on the IBM
2002f.html#37 Playing Cards was Re: looking for information on the IBM 7090
2002d.html#30 Mainframers: Take back the light (spotlight, that is)
2002d.html#19 Mainframers: Take back the light (spotlight, that is)
2002c.html#45 cp/67 addenda (cross-post warning)
2002c.html#42 Beginning of the end for SNA?
2002c.html#41 Beginning of the end for SNA?
2002b.html#62 TOPS-10 logins (Was Re: HP-2000F - want to know more about it)
2002b.html#54 Computer Naming Conventions
2002b.html#1 Microcode? (& index searching)
2002.html#48 Microcode?
2002.html#28 Buffer overflow
2002.html#15 index searching
2002.html#11 The demise of compaq
2001n.html#44 PC/370
2001n.html#23 Alpha vs. Itanic: facts vs. FUD
2001l.html#44 QTAM (was: MVS History)
2001l.html#43 QTAM (was: MVS History)
2001l.html#30 mainframe question
2001l.html#8 mainframe question
2001k.html#21 almost lost LBJ tapes; Dictabelt
2001j.html#38 Big black helicopters
2001j.html#3 YKYGOW...
2001i.html#39 IBM OS Timeline?
2001i.html#30 IBM OS Timeline?
2001i.html#21 3745 and SNI
2001h.html#60 Whom Do Programmers Admire Now???
2001h.html#50 Flip the bits in a byte
2001h.html#9 VM: checking some myths.
2001g.html#32 Did AT&T offer Unix to Digital Equipment in the 70s?
2001g.html#30 Did AT&T offer Unix to Digital Equipment in the 70s?
2001g.html#5 New IBM history book out
2001f.html#78 HMC . . . does anyone out there like it?
2001f.html#67 IBM mainframe reference online?
2001f.html#49 any 70's era supercomputers that ran as slow as today's supercompu
2001f.html#48 any 70's era supercomputers that ran as slow as today's supercomputers?
2001f.html#44 Golden Era of Compilers
2001f.html#33 IBM's "VM for the PC" c.1984??
2001e.html#58 Wireless Interference
2001e.html#55 Pre ARPAnet email?
2001e.html#53 Pre ARPAnet email?
2001e.html#22 High Level Language Systems was Re: computer books/authors
2001e.html#8 Blame it all on Microsoft
2001d.html#55 VM & VSE news
2001d.html#54 VM & VSE news
2001d.html#35 Imitation
2001d.html#35 Imitation...
2001d.html#34 Very CISC Instuctions (Was: why the machine word size ...)
2001b.html#75 Z/90, S/390, 370/ESA (slightly off topic)
2001b.html#74 Z/90, S/390, 370/ESA (slightly off topic)
2001b.html#14 IBM's announcement on RVAs
2001.html#72 California DMV
2001.html#71 what is interrupt mask register?
2001.html#17 IBM 1142 reader/punch (Re: First video terminal?)
2001.html#13 [OT] FS - IBM Future System
2001.html#5 First video terminal?
2001.html#5 Sv: First video terminal?
2001.html#4 First video terminal?
2000f.html#68 TSS ancient history, was X86 ultimate CISC? designs)
2000f.html#6 History of ASCII (was Re: Why Not! Why not???)
2000c.html#81 Unisys vs IBM mainframe comparisons
2000c.html#80 Unisys vs IBM mainframe comparisons
2000c.html#59 Does the word "mainframe" still have a meaning?
2000c.html#54 WHAT IS A MAINFRAME???
2000c.html#51 WHAT IS A MAINFRAME???
2000c.html#48 WHAT IS A MAINFRAME???
2000c.html#37 Interdata, Perkin-Elmer, et al.
2000c.html#36 Interdata, Perkin-Elmer, et al.
2000b.html#49 VM (not VMS or Virtual Machine, the IBM sort)
2000.html#77 Mainframe operating systems
99.html#234 Computer of the century
99.html#195 Anti trust suits--IBMs' compared to Microsoft
99.html#190 Merced Processor Support at it again
99.html#86 1401 Wordmark?
99.html#67 System/1?
99.html#55 Modem history [was ba.b: Re: Gender Gap's Wildest Show!!! Tonight!!!]
99.html#44 Internet and/or ARPANET?
99.html#12 Old Computers
98.html#49 Edsger Dijkstra: the blackest week of his professional life
98.html#34 ... cics ... from posting from another list
98.html#33 ... cics ... from posting from another list
98.html#2 CP-67 (was IBM 360 DOS (was Is Win95 without DOS...))
97.html#25 Early RJE Terminals (was Re: First Network?)
97.html#16 Why Mainframes?
97.html#7 Did 1401 have time?
96.html#39 Mainframes & Unix
96.html#37 interdata & perkin/elmer machines
96.html#30 interdata and perkin/elmer
95.html#14 characters
94.html#54 How Do the Old Mainframes
94.html#33a High Speed Data Transport (HSDT)
93.html#19 1st non-ibm 360 controller
93.html#16 unit record & other controllers
93.html#15 unit record & other controllers
93.html#2 360/67, was Re: IBM's Project F/S?

top , by subject : technology , networking , public key , integrity , Boyd - home

360/370 m'code

2025.html#96 IBM Token-Ring
2025.html#43 Multics vs Unix
2025.html#38 Multics vs Unix
2025.html#26 Virtual Machine History
2025.html#23 IBM NY Buildings
2025.html#19 Virtual Machine History
2025.html#10 IBM 37x5
2024g.html#112 Dataprocessing Innovation
2024g.html#91 CP/67 Multics vs Unix
2024f.html#39 IBM 801/RISC, PC/RT, AS/400
2024f.html#38 IBM 370/168
2024e.html#129 IBM 4300
2024e.html#113 370/125, Future System, 370-138/148
2024c.html#17 IBM Millicode
2024b.html#68 IBM Hardware Stories
2024.html#67 VM Microcode Assist
2024.html#63 VM Microcode Assist
2024.html#62 VM Microcode Assist
2024.html#61 VM Microcode Assist
2023f.html#114 Copyright Software
2023f.html#104 MVS versus VM370, PROFS and HONE
2023f.html#57 Vintage IBM 370/125
2023e.html#74 microcomputers, minicomputers, mainframes, supercomputers
2023e.html#51 VM370/CMS Shared Segments
2023e.html#50 VM370/CMS Shared Segments
2023e.html#22 Copyright Software
2023d.html#106 DASD, Channel and I/O long winded trivia
2023d.html#95 370/148 masthead/banner
2023d.html#29 IBM 3278
2023d.html#10 IBM MVS RAS
2023d.html#0 Some 3033 (and other) Trivia
2023c.html#106 Some 3033 (and other) Trivia
2023c.html#97 Fortran
2023c.html#84 Dataprocessing Career
2023c.html#61 VM/370 3270 Terminal
2023c.html#25 IBM Downfall
2023c.html#24 IBM Downfall
2023b.html#79 IBM 158-3 (& 4341)
2023b.html#64 Another 4341 thread
2023b.html#49 CP67 "IPL-by-name"
2023.html#74 IBM 4341
2023.html#55 z/VM 50th - Part 6, long winded zm story (before z/vm)
2023.html#49 23Jun1969 Unbundling and Online IBM Branch Offices
2023.html#47 370/125 and MVCL instruction
2023.html#41 IBM 3081 TCM
2023.html#38 Disk optimization
2023.html#18 PROFS trivia
2022h.html#97 IBM 360
2022h.html#39 IBM Teddy Bear
2022g.html#92 TYMSHARE
2022g.html#74 Mainframe and/or Cloud
2022g.html#68 Datacenter Vulnerability
2022g.html#58 Stanford SLAC (and BAYBUNCH)
2022g.html#22 3081 TCMs
2022f.html#91 CDC6600, Cray, Thornton
2022f.html#49 z/VM 50th - part 2
2022f.html#44 z/VM 50th
2022f.html#10 9 Mainframe Statistics That May Surprise You
2022e.html#102 Mainframe Channel I/O
2022e.html#9 VM/370 Going Away
2022d.html#80 ROMP
2022d.html#58 IBM 360/50 Simulation From Its Microcode
2022d.html#56 CMS OS/360 Simulation
2022d.html#29 Network Congestion
2022d.html#20 COMPUTER HISTORY: REMEMBERING THE IBM SYSTEM/360 MAINFRAME, its Origin and Technology
2022c.html#108 TCMs & IBM Mainframe
2022c.html#108 TCMs & IBM Mainframe
2022c.html#102 IBM Bookmaster, GML, SGML, HTML
2022c.html#101 IBM 4300, VS1, VM370
2022c.html#66 IBM Mainframe market was Re: Approximate reciprocals
2022c.html#65 IBM Mainframe market was Re: Approximate reciprocals
2022c.html#45 IBM deliberately misclassified mainframe sales to enrich execs, lawsuit claims
2022c.html#41 CMSBACK & VMFPLC
2022c.html#41 CMSBACK & VMFPLC
2022c.html#5 4361/3092
2022b.html#110 IBM 4341 & 3270
2022b.html#110 IBM 4341 & 3270
2022.html#128 SHARE LSRAD Report
2022.html#98 Virtual Machine SIE instruction
2022.html#95 Latency and Throughput
2022.html#91 ECPS Microcode Assist
2022.html#88 Virtual Machine SIE instruction
2022.html#87 370/195
2022.html#86 Virtual Machine SIE instruction
2022.html#82 Virtual Machine SIE instruction
2022.html#71 165/168/3033 & 370 virtual memory
2022.html#56 370 Architecture Redbook
2022.html#55 Precursor to current virtual machines and containers
2022.html#33 138/148
2022.html#20 Service Processor
2021k.html#119 70s & 80s mainframes
2021k.html#119 70s & 80s mainframes
2021k.html#106 IBM Future System
2021k.html#105 IBM Future System
2021k.html#38 IBM Boeblingen
2021k.html#4 IBM 370 and Future System
2021j.html#66 IBM ACP/TPF
2021j.html#4 IBM Lost Opportunities
2021j.html#3 IBM Lost Opportunities
2021i.html#85 IBM 3033 channel I/O testing
2021i.html#77 IBM ACP/TPF
2021i.html#75 IBM ITPS
2021i.html#66 Virtual Machine Debugging
2021i.html#31 What is the oldest computer that could be used today for real work?
2021h.html#107 3277 graphics
2021h.html#91 IBM XT/370
2021g.html#69 Mainframe mid-range computing market
2021f.html#40 IBM Mainframe
2021e.html#67 Amdahl
2021e.html#66 Amdahl
2021e.html#25 rather far from Univac 90/30 DIAG instruction
2021d.html#57 IBM 370
2021d.html#56 IBM 370
2021d.html#9 IBM 360/85
2021c.html#72 I/O processors, What could cause a comeback for big-endianism very slowly?
2021c.html#71 What could cause a comeback for big-endianism very slowly?
2021c.html#62 MAINFRAME (4341) History
2021c.html#56 MAINFRAME (4341) History
2021c.html#47 MAINFRAME (4341) History
2021b.html#49 Holy wars of the past - how did they turn out?
2021b.html#48 Holy wars of the past - how did they turn out?
2021b.html#12 IBM "811", 370/xa architecture
2021.html#54 IBM Quota
2021.html#52 Amdahl Computers
2021.html#39 IBM Tech
2020.html#40 If Memory Had Been Cheaper
2020.html#39 If Memory Had Been Cheaper
2019e.html#146 Water-cooled 360s?
2019d.html#107 IBM HONE
2019c.html#70 2301, 2303, 2305-1, 2305-2, paging, etc
2019c.html#44 IBM 9020
2019c.html#33 IBM Future System
2019c.html#2 S/38, AS/400
2019b.html#80 TCM
2019b.html#78 IBM Tumbles After Reporting Worst Revenue In 17 Years As Cloud Hits Air Pocket
2019b.html#77 IBM downturn
2019b.html#5 Oct1986 IBM user group SEAS history presentation
2019.html#84 IBM 5100
2019.html#76 How many years ago?
2019.html#65 23june1969 unbundling
2019.html#63 instruction clock speed
2019.html#38 long-winded post thread, 3033, 3081, Future System
2019.html#26 Where's the fire? | Computerworld Shark Tank
2019.html#14 The PDP11 and subsequent influences
2018f.html#75 CP67 & EMAIL history
2018f.html#57 DASD Development
2018f.html#52 All programmers that developed in machine code and Assembly in the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s died?
2018f.html#0 IBM's 3033
2018e.html#100 The (broken) economics of OSS
2018e.html#96 The (broken) economics of OSS
2018e.html#95 The (broken) economics of OSS
2018e.html#91 The (broken) economics of OSS
2018e.html#71 PDP 11/40 system manual
2018e.html#54 Tachyum Prodigy: performance from architecture
2018e.html#30 These Are the Best Companies to Work For in the U.S
2018e.html#20 Manned Orbiting Laboratory Declassified: Inside a US Military Space Station
2018d.html#116 Watch IBM's TV ad touting its first portable PC, a 50-lb marvel
2018d.html#86 3380 failures
2018d.html#81 IBM 138/148 & Forecasting
2018d.html#5 DOS & OS2
2018c.html#80 z/VM Live Guest Relocation
2018c.html#31 Old word processors
2018c.html#29 Software Delivery on Tape to be Discontinued
2018c.html#23 VS History
2018c.html#18 Old word processors
2018b.html#104 AW: mainframe distribution
2018b.html#96 IBM 5100
2018.html#97 S/360 addressing, not Honeywell 200
2018.html#93 S/360 addressing, not Honeywell 200
2018.html#46 VSE timeline [was: RE: VSAM usage for ancient disk models]
2018.html#46 VSE timeline [was: RE: VSAM usage for ancient disk models]
2018.html#2 upgrade
2017k.html#65 Intrigued by IBM
2017k.html#47 When did the home computer die?
2017k.html#36 IBM etc I/O channels?
2017k.html#20 little old mainframes, Re: Was it ever worth it?
2017k.html#16 A Computer That Never Was: the IBM 7095
2017k.html#12 thrashing, was Re: A Computer That Never Was: the IBM 7095
2017j.html#98 OS-9
2017j.html#97 why VM, was thrashing
2017j.html#92 mainframe fortran, or A Computer That Never Was: the IBM 7095
2017j.html#82 A Computer That Never Was: the IBM 7095
2017j.html#81 A Computer That Never Was: the IBM 7095
2017j.html#18 The Windows 95 chime was created on a Mac
2017j.html#16 IBM open sources it's JVM and JIT code
2017i.html#80 WW II cryptography
2017i.html#63 64 bit addressing into the future
2017i.html#62 64 bit addressing into the future
2017i.html#54 Here's a horrifying thought for all you management types
2017i.html#48 64 bit addressing into the future
2017i.html#43 learning Unix, was progress in e-mail, such as AOL
2017g.html#95 Hard Drives Started Out as Massive Machines That Were Rented by the Month
2017g.html#61 What is the most epic computer glitch you have ever seen?
2017g.html#43 The most important invention from every state
2017g.html#28 Eliminating the systems programmer was Re: IBM cuts contractor bil ling by 15 percent (our else)
2017g.html#26 Programmers Who Use Spaces Paid More
2017f.html#97 The evolution of the laptop computer
2017f.html#47 MVS vs HASP vs JES (was 2821)
2017e.html#81 Linear Thinking in a Nonlinear World
2017e.html#61 Typesetting
2017e.html#48 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#48 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#46 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#46 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#35 Mainframe Family tree and chronology 2
2017e.html#19 MVT doesn't boot in 16mbytes
2017e.html#5 TSS/8, was A Whirlwind History of the Computer
2017d.html#91 A Whirlwind History of the Computer
2017d.html#83 Mainframe operating systems?
2017d.html#78 Mainframe operating systems?
2017d.html#28 ARM Cortex A53 64 bit
2017d.html#1 GREAT presentation on the history of the mainframe
2017d.html#0 IBM & SABRE
2017c.html#95 GREAT presentation on the history of the mainframe
2017c.html#88 GREAT presentation on the history of the mainframe
2017c.html#87 GREAT presentation on the history of the mainframe
2017c.html#86 GREAT presentation on the history of the mainframe
2017c.html#81 GREAT presentation on the history of the mainframe
2017c.html#80 Great mainframe history(?)
2017c.html#53 Multics Timeline
2017c.html#50 Mainframes after Future System
2017c.html#30 The ICL 2900
2017c.html#29 Multitasking, together with OS operations
2017c.html#10 SC/MP (1977 microprocessor) architecture
2017c.html#9 SC/MP (1977 microprocessor) architecture
2017c.html#7 SC/MP (1977 microprocessor) architecture
2017b.html#78 The ICL 2900
2017b.html#70 The ICL 2900
2017b.html#37 IBM LinuxONE Rockhopper
2017b.html#2 IBM 1970s
2017.html#90 The ICL 2900
2017.html#84 The ICL 2900
2017.html#75 The ICL 2900
2017.html#74 The ICL 2900
2017.html#38 Paper tape (was Re: Hidden Figures)
2016h.html#105 Multitasking question
2016h.html#66 just what is micro-code anyway?
2016h.html#50 Resurrected! Paul Allen's tech team brings 50-year -old supercomputer back from the dead
2016h.html#49 Resurrected! Paul Allen's tech team brings 50-year -old supercomputer back from the dead
2016g.html#71 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016f.html#91 ABO Automatic Binary Optimizer
2016f.html#85 3033
2016e.html#116 How the internet was invented
2016e.html#115 IBM History
2016e.html#92 How the internet was invented
2016e.html#56 IBM 1401 vs. 360/30 emulation?
2016d.html#83 The mainframe is dead. Long live the mainframe!
2016d.html#65 PL/I advertising
2016d.html#64 PL/I advertising
2016d.html#63 PL/I advertising
2016d.html#62 PL/I advertising
2016d.html#59 PL/I advertising
2016d.html#56 PL/I advertising
2016d.html#45 PL/I advertising
2016d.html#34 The Network Nation, Revised Edition
2016b.html#79 Asynchronous Interrupts
2016b.html#78 Microcode
2016b.html#23 IBM's 3033; "The Big One": IBM's 3033
2016.html#82 DEC and The Americans
2016.html#81 DEC and The Americans
2016.html#74 Lineage of TPF
2016.html#64 Where do you place VSE?
2016.html#23 the legacy of Seymour Cray
2015h.html#112 Is there a source for detailed, instruction-level performance info?
2015h.html#106 DOS descendant still lives was Re: slight reprieve on the z
2015h.html#105 DOS descendant still lives was Re: slight reprieve on the z
2015h.html#104 DOS descendant still lives was Re: slight reprieve on the z
2015h.html#84 disARMed
2015h.html#63 [CM] Coding with dad on the Dragon 32
2015h.html#35 high level language idea
2015g.html#91 IBM 4341, introduced in 1979, was 26 times faster than the 360/30
2015g.html#75 The Phillipines in 2012
2015f.html#88 Formal definition of Speed Matching Buffer
2015f.html#85 Miniskirts and mainframes
2015f.html#80 Miniskirts and mainframes
2015d.html#71 30 yr old email
2015d.html#14 3033 & 3081 question
2015d.html#8 30 yr old email
2015c.html#110 IBM System/32, System/34 implementation technology?
2015c.html#106 IBM System/32, System/34 implementation technology?
2015c.html#52 The Stack Depth
2015c.html#46 John Titor was right? IBM 5100
2015c.html#44 John Titor was right? IBM 5100
2015c.html#42 John Titor was right? IBM 5100
2015b.html#61 ou sont les VAXen d'antan, was Variable-Length Instructions that aren't
2015b.html#50 Connecting memory to 370/145 with only 36 bits
2015b.html#46 Connecting memory to 370/145 with only 36 bits
2015b.html#45 Connecting memory to 370/145 with only 36 bits
2015b.html#44 Connecting memory to 370/145 with only 36 bits
2015b.html#39 Connecting memory to 370/145 with only 36 bits
2015.html#88 Ancient computers in use today
2015.html#85 a bit of hope? What was old is new again
2015.html#75 Ancient computers in use today
2015.html#71 Remembrance of things past
2015.html#45 z13 "new"(?) characteristics from RedBook
2014m.html#172 Slushware
2014m.html#161 Slushware
2014m.html#107 IBM 360/85 vs. 370/165
2014m.html#74 SD?
2014l.html#88 IBM sees boosting profit margins as more important than sales growth
2014l.html#59 IBM 1401 upgrade--differences between 1460, 1410, and 7010?
2014l.html#40 Could this be the wrongest prediction of all time?
2014l.html#11 360/85
2014k.html#26 1950: Northrop's Digital Differential Analyzer
2014k.html#25 1950: Northrop's Digital Differential Analyzer
2014k.html#24 1950: Northrop's Digital Differential Analyzer
2014k.html#23 1950: Northrop's Digital Differential Analyzer
2014k.html#23 1950: Northrop's Digital Differential Analyzer
2014j.html#100 No Internet. No Microsoft Windows. No iPods. This Is What Tech Was Like In 1984
2014j.html#33 Univac 90 series info posted on bitsavers
2014j.html#19 DG Nova 1200 as console
2014j.html#10 R.I.P. PDP-10?
2014j.html#5 The SDS 92, its place in history?
2014h.html#109 history of copy on write, was PDP-11 architecture, was There Is Still Hope
2014h.html#20 Demonstrating Moore's law
2014g.html#103 Fifty Years of nitpicking definitions, was BASIC,theProgrammingLanguageT
2014g.html#83 Costs of core
2014f.html#78 Over in the Mainframe Experts Network LinkedIn group
2014f.html#21 Complete 360 and 370 systems found
2014e.html#50 The mainframe turns 50, or, why the IBM System/360 launch was the dawn of enterprise IT
2014e.html#40 The mainframe turns 50, or, why the IBM System/360 launch was the dawn of enterprise IT
2014d.html#83 Difference between MVS and z / OS systems
2014d.html#62 Difference between MVS and z / OS systems
2014d.html#59 Difference between MVS and z / OS systems
2014d.html#41 World Wide Web turns 25 years old
2014d.html#24 IBM ACS
2014d.html#21 Write Inhibit
2014d.html#20 Write Inhibit
2014d.html#19 Write Inhibit
2014d.html#17 Write Inhibit
2014c.html#7 How many EBCDIC machines are still around?
2014b.html#81 CPU time
2014.html#62 Imprecise Interrupts and the 360/195
2014.html#31 Hardware failures (was Re: Scary Sysprogs ...)
2013o.html#82 One day, a computer will fit on a desk (1974) - YouTube
2013o.html#12 "hexadecimal"?
2013o.html#8 'Free Unix!': The world-changing proclamation made30yearsagotoday
2013n.html#95 'Free Unix!': The world-changing proclamationmade30yearsagotoday
2013n.html#82 'Free Unix!': The world-changing proclamation made30yearsagotoday
2013n.html#62 'Free Unix!': The world-changing proclamation made30yearsagotoday
2013n.html#46 'Free Unix!': The world-changing proclamation made30yearsagotoday
2013m.html#51 50,000 x86 operating system on single mainframe
2013l.html#31 model numbers; was re: World's worst programming environment?
2013l.html#27 World's worst programming environment?
2013i.html#36 The Subroutine Call
2013i.html#29 By Any Other Name
2013h.html#18 "Highway Patrol" back on TV
2013f.html#68 Linear search vs. Binary search
2013e.html#61 32760?
2013e.html#11 Relative price of S/370 AP and MP systems
2013c.html#77 relative mainframe speeds, was What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013c.html#36 Lisp machines, was What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013c.html#32 REFRPROT History Question
2013c.html#15 I do not understand S0C6 on CDSG
2013b.html#37 AT&T Holmdel Computer Center films, 1973 Unix
2013.html#69 What is a Mainframe?
2013.html#67 Was MVS/SE designed to confound Amdahl?
2013.html#59 Was MVS/SE designed to confound Amdahl?
2013.html#58 Was MVS/SE designed to confound Amdahl?
2013.html#3 Is Microsoft becoming folklore?
2012p.html#8 AMC proposes 1980s computer TV series Halt & Catch Fire
2012p.html#8 AMC proposes 1980s computer TV series Halt & Catch Fire
2012o.html#43 Regarding Time Sharing
2012o.html#37 Regarding Time Sharing
2012o.html#22 Assembler vs. COBOL--processing time, space needed
2012n.html#52 history of Programming language and CPU in relation to each
2012n.html#49 history of Programming language and CPU in relation to each
2012n.html#36 390 vector instruction set reuse, was 8-bit bytes
2012n.html#33 390 vector instruction set reuse, was 8-bit bytes
2012n.html#27 System/360--50 years--the future?
2012l.html#99 PDP-10 system calls, was 1132 printer history
2012l.html#77 zEC12, and previous generations, "why?" type question - GPU computing
2012l.html#56 Blades versus z was Re: Turn Off Another Light - Univ. of Tennessee
2012l.html#26 PDP-10 system calls, was 1132 printer history
2012k.html#14 International Business Marionette
2012k.html#8 International Business Marionette
2012j.html#91 printer history Languages influenced by PL/1
2012h.html#57 How will mainframers retiring be different from Y2K?
2012f.html#78 What are you experiences with Amdahl Computers and Plug-Compatibles?
2012f.html#50 SIE - CompArch
2012f.html#46 Cartons of Punch Cards
2012f.html#39 SIE - CompArch
2012f.html#22 Indirect Bit
2012e.html#56 Typeface (font) and city identity
2012e.html#38 A bit of IBM System 360 nostalgia
2012d.html#70 Mainframe System 370
2012d.html#6 NASA unplugs their last mainframe
2012c.html#47 nested LRU schemes
2012c.html#29 5 Byte Device Addresses?
2012.html#92 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2012.html#69 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2011p.html#122 Deja Cloud?
2011p.html#118 Start Interpretive Execution
2011p.html#117 Start Interpretive Execution
2011p.html#116 Start Interpretive Execution
2011p.html#115 Start Interpretive Execution
2011p.html#114 Start Interpretive Execution
2011p.html#113 Start Interpretive Execution
2011p.html#107 SPF in 1978
2011p.html#102 Question on PR/SM dispatcher
2011p.html#82 Migration off mainframe
2011o.html#23 3270 archaeology
2011n.html#27 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2011m.html#47 From The Annals of Release No Software Before Its Time
2011m.html#22 Supervisory Processors
2011k.html#90 New IBM Redbooks residency experience in Poughkeepsie, NY
2011k.html#86 'smttter IBMdroids
2011k.html#84 'smttter IBMdroids
2011k.html#79 Selectric Typewriter--50th Anniversary
2011k.html#9 Was there ever a DOS JCL reference like the Brown book?
2011j.html#66 Wondering if I am really eligible for this group
2011j.html#48 Opcode X'A0'
2011j.html#10 program coding pads
2011i.html#63 Before the PC: IBM invents virtualisation (Cambridge skunkworks)
2011i.html#54 Before the PC: IBM invents virtualisation (Cambridge skunkworks)
2011i.html#47 Robert Morris, man who helped develop Unix, dies at 78
2011h.html#68 IBM Mainframe (1980's) on You tube
2011g.html#65 DG Fountainhead vs IBM Future Systems
2011g.html#38 IBM Assembler manuals
2011f.html#69 how to get a command result without writing it to a file
2011f.html#50 Dyadic vs AP: Was "CPU utilization/forecasting"
2011f.html#42 At least two decades back, some gurus predicted that mainframes would disappear in future and it still has not happened
2011f.html#39 At least two decades back, some gurus predicted that mainframes would disappear in future and it still has not happened
2011e.html#30 vm370 running in "XA-mode"
2011e.html#5 Multiple Virtual Memory
2011c.html#93 Irrational desire to author fundamental interfaces
2011c.html#87 A History of VM Performance
2011b.html#78 If IBM Hadn't Bet the Company
2011b.html#70 vm/370 3081
2011b.html#62 vm/370 3081
2011b.html#18 Melinda Varian's history page move
2011b.html#8 Mainframe upgrade done with wire cutters?
2011.html#62 SIE - CompArch
2011.html#28 Personal histories and IBM computing
2010q.html#32 IBM Future System
2010p.html#37 Language first, hardware second
2010n.html#77 ZeuS attacks mobiles in bank SMS bypass scam
2010n.html#71 Fujitsu starts shipping 800 rack 80,000 chip 'K' supercomputer
2010n.html#62 When will MVS be able to use cheap dasd
2010n.html#39 Central vs. expanded storage
2010n.html#15 Mainframe Slang terms
2010n.html#14 Mainframe Slang terms
2010n.html#12 Mainframe Slang terms
2010m.html#78 Mainframe Hall of Fame (MHOF)
2010m.html#74 z millicode: where does it reside?
2010m.html#55 z millicode: where does it reside?
2010m.html#45 Basic question about CPU instructions
2010m.html#42 IBM 3883 Manuals
2010m.html#39 CPU time variance
2010m.html#15 History of Hard-coded Offsets
2010l.html#35 TSSO - Hardcoded Offsets - Etc
2010l.html#21 Titles for the Class of 1978
2010l.html#10 Titles for the Class of 1978
2010k.html#72 "SIE" on a RISC architecture
2010k.html#71 "SIE" on a RISC architecture
2010k.html#65 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010k.html#37 taking down the machine - z9 series
2010k.html#32 Was VM ever used as an exokernel?
2010j.html#81 Percentage of code executed that is user written was Re: Delete all members of a PDS that is allocated
2010j.html#1 History: Mark-sense cards vs. plain keypunching?
2010i.html#28 someone smarter than Dave Cutler
2010h.html#12 OS/400 and z/OS
2010h.html#2 Far and near pointers on the 80286 and later
2010g.html#32 Intel Nehalem-EX Aims for the Mainframe
2010g.html#31 Mainframe Executive article on the death of tape
2010g.html#24 Mainframe Executive article on the death of tape
2010e.html#76 LPARs: More or Less?
2010e.html#51 LPARs: More or Less?
2010e.html#44 Need tool to zap core
2010e.html#36 What was old is new again (water chilled)
2010e.html#27 SHAREWARE at Its Finest
2010d.html#78 LPARs: More or Less?
2010d.html#70 LPARs: More or Less?
2010d.html#66 LPARs: More or Less?
2010d.html#60 LPARs: More or Less?
2010d.html#59 LPARs: More or Less?
2010d.html#58 LPARs: More or Less?
2010c.html#56 Processes' memory
2010c.html#55 Processes' memory
2010c.html#54 Processes' memory
2010c.html#46 Mythical computers and magazine reviews
2010c.html#36 Processes' memory
2010c.html#28 Processes' memory
2010c.html#20 Processes' memory
2010c.html#15 Processes' memory
2010.html#2 Happy DEC-10 Day
2009s.html#61 IBM 9393 RVAs "Obsolete" for Sure
2009s.html#29 channels, was Larrabee delayed: anyone know what's happening?
2009s.html#3 "Portable" data centers
2009s.html#1 PDP-10s and Unix
2009r.html#52 360 programs on a z/10
2009r.html#51 "Portable" data centers
2009r.html#49 "Portable" data centers
2009r.html#41 While watching Biography about Bill Gates on CNBC last Night
2009r.html#38 While watching Biography about Bill Gates on CNBC last Night
2009r.html#17 How to reduce the overall monthly cost on a System z environment?
2009q.html#82 Small Server Mob Advantage
2009q.html#79 Now is time for banks to replace core system according to Accenture
2009q.html#15 Mainframe running 1,500 Linux servers?
2009p.html#80 IBM driving mainframe systems programmers into the ground
2009p.html#12 Secret Service plans IT reboot
2009o.html#46 U.S. begins inquiry of IBM in mainframe market
2009o.html#14 Microprocessors with Definable MIcrocode
2009o.html#4 Broken Brancher
2009n.html#74 Best IEFACTRT (off topic)
2009j.html#59 A Complete History Of Mainframe Computing
2009i.html#37 Why are z/OS people reluctant to use z/OS UNIX?
2009h.html#35 Computer virus strikes US Marshals, FBI affected
2009g.html#70 Mainframe articles
2009g.html#55 Old-school programming techniques you probably don't miss
2009g.html#49 Old-school programming techniques you probably don't miss
2009e.html#5 registers vs cache
2009d.html#54 mainframe performance
2009d.html#29 Thanks for the SEL32 Reminder, Al!
2009d.html#5 Why do IBMers think disks are 'Direct Access'?
2009c.html#24 IBM tried to kill VM?
2009.html#3 Is SUN going to become x86'ed ??
2008s.html#52 Computer History Museum
2008s.html#2 Anyone know much about z/VM?
2008r.html#38 "True" story of the birth of the IBM PC
2008r.html#27 CPU time/instruction table
2008r.html#24 What if the computers went back to the '70s too?
2008r.html#16 What if the computers went back to the '70s too?
2008r.html#8 Can outsourcing be stopped?
2008q.html#63 EAL5 Certification for z10 Enterprise Class Server
2008q.html#48 TOPS-10
2008q.html#44 TOPS-10
2008q.html#24 The madness of 'king cores'
2008o.html#55 Virtual
2008n.html#57 VMware renders multitasking OSes redundant
2008m.html#57 "Engine" in Z/OS?
2008l.html#85 old 370 info
2008l.html#83 old 370 info
2008k.html#53 recent mentions of 40+ yr old technology
2008k.html#45 recent mentions of 40+ yr old technology
2008k.html#22 CLIs and GUIs
2008j.html#26 Op codes removed from z/10
2008i.html#10 Different Implementations of VLIW
2008h.html#80 Microsoft versus Digital Equipment Corporation
2008h.html#70 New test attempt
2008h.html#47 Microsoft versus Digital Equipment Corporation
2008g.html#60 Different Implementations of VLIW
2008g.html#6 It's Too Darn Hot
2008f.html#68 Virtualization's security threats
2008e.html#31 IBM announced z10 ..why so fast...any problem on z 9
2008e.html#30 VMware signs deal to embed software in HP servers
2008e.html#11 Kernels
2008e.html#10 Kernels
2008d.html#91 z10 presentation on 26 Feb
2008d.html#57 Fwd: Linux zSeries questions
2008d.html#54 Throwaway cores
2008d.html#46 Throwaway cores
2008d.html#39 Throwaway cores
2008c.html#82 CPU time differences for the same job
2008c.html#67 What happened to resumable instructions?
2008c.html#42 New Opcodes
2008c.html#33 New Opcodes
2008c.html#32 New Opcodes
2008c.html#24 Job ad for z/OS systems programmer trainee
2008b.html#11 folklore indeed
2008.html#49 IBM LCS
2008.html#42 Inaccurate CPU% reported by RMF and TMON
2007v.html#21 It keeps getting uglier
2007v.html#0 IBM mainframe history, was Floating-point myths
2007u.html#83 IBM mainframe history, was Floating-point myths
2007u.html#73 New, 40+ yr old, direction in operating systems
2007u.html#41 New, 40+ yr old, direction in operating systems
2007u.html#39 New, 40+ yr old, direction in operating systems
2007u.html#21 Distributed Computing
2007u.html#20 folklore indeed
2007u.html#9 Open z architecture and Linux questions
2007t.html#23 SMF Under VM
2007s.html#44 "Server" processors for numbercrunching?
2007s.html#43 Intel Ships Power-Efficient Penryn CPUs
2007s.html#40 ongoing rush to the new, 40+ yr old virtual machine technology
2007s.html#36 Oracle Introduces Oracle VM As It Leaps Into Virtualization
2007s.html#35 Oracle Introduces Oracle VM As It Leaps Into Virtualization
2007s.html#27 Oracle Introduces Oracle VM As It Leaps Into Virtualization
2007s.html#0 Marines look for a few less servers, via virtualization
2007r.html#23 Abend S0C0
2007q.html#25 VMware: New King Of The Data Center?
2007q.html#15 The SLT Search LisT instruction - Maybe another one for the Wheelers
2007p.html#70 GETMAIN/FREEMAIN and virtual storage backing up
2007p.html#65 Translation of IBM Basic Assembler to C?
2007p.html#36 Writing 23FDs
2007p.html#8 what does xp do when system is copying
2007p.html#2 what does xp do when system is copying
2007p.html#1 what does xp do when system is copying
2007o.html#47 Virtual Storage implementation
2007o.html#46 Virtual Storage implementation
2007o.html#45 Virtual Storage implementation
2007o.html#42 mainframe performance, was Is a RISC chip more expensive?
2007o.html#16 Hypervisors May Replace Operating Systems As King Of The Data Center
2007o.html#9 Hypervisors May Replace Operating Systems As King Of The Data Center
2007o.html#7 Hypervisors May Replace Operating Systems As King Of The Data Center
2007o.html#4 Hypervisors May Replace Operating Systems As King Of The Data Center
2007o.html#3 Hypervisors May Replace Operating Systems As King Of The Data Center
2007o.html#2 Hypervisors May Replace Operating Systems As King Of The Data Center
2007o.html#1 Hypervisors May Replace Operating Systems As King Of The Data Center
2007n.html#96 some questions about System z PR/SM
2007n.html#79 PSI MIPS
2007n.html#10 The top 10 dead (or dying) computer skills
2007m.html#52 Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard?
2007m.html#47 Capacity and Relational Database
2007m.html#15 Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules
2007m.html#11 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007l.html#61 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007k.html#74 Non-Standard Mainframe Language?
2007k.html#67 Non-Standard Mainframe Language?
2007k.html#59 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007k.html#52 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007k.html#39 VLIW pre-history
2007k.html#26 user level TCP implementation
2007k.html#7 VLIW pre-history
2007k.html#6 VLIW pre-history
2007j.html#84 VLIW pre-history
2007j.html#41 z/VM usability
2007j.html#29 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007i.html#31 Latest Principles of Operation
2007h.html#1 21st Century ISA goals?
2007g.html#76 The Perfect Computer - 36 bits?
2007g.html#72 The Perfect Computer - 36 bits?
2007g.html#70 The Perfect Computer - 36 bits?
2007g.html#61 The Perfect Computer - 36 bits?
2007g.html#44 1960s: IBM mgmt mistrust of SLT for ICs?
2007g.html#23 The Perfect Computer - 36 bits?
2007g.html#17 The Perfect Computer - 36 bits?
2007f.html#61 Is computer history taught now?
2007f.html#57 Is computer history taught now?
2007f.html#28 The Perfect Computer - 36 bits?
2007f.html#16 more shared segment archeology
2007f.html#14 more shared segment archeology
2007f.html#6 IBM S/360 series operating systems history
2007f.html#0 FBA rant
2007e.html#39 FBA rant
2007e.html#32 I/O in Emulated Mainframes
2007d.html#72 IBM S/360 series operating systems history
2007d.html#71 Cycles per ASM instruction
2007d.html#65 IBM S/360 series operating systems history
2007d.html#62 Cycles per ASM instruction
2007d.html#61 ISA Support for Multithreading
2007d.html#23 How many 36-bit Unix ports in the old days?
2007d.html#21 How many 36-bit Unix ports in the old days?
2007d.html#9 Has anyone ever used self-modifying microcode? Would it even be useful?
2007d.html#7 Has anyone ever used self-modifying microcode? Would it even be useful?
2007d.html#3 Has anyone ever used self-modifying microcode? Would it even be useful?
2007d.html#1 Has anyone ever used self-modifying microcode? Would it even be useful?
2007c.html#49 SVCs
2007c.html#47 SVCs
2007c.html#45 SVCs
2007c.html#42 Keep VM 24X7 365 days
2007c.html#14 How many 36-bit Unix ports in the old days?
2007b.html#57 "The Elements of Programming Style"
2007b.html#30 How many 36-bit Unix ports in the old days?
2007b.html#21 history question
2007b.html#20 How many 36-bit Unix ports in the old days?
2007b.html#15 How many 36-bit Unix ports in the old days?
2007b.html#1 How many 36-bit Unix ports in the old days?
2007.html#23 How to write a full-screen Rexx debugger?
2006y.html#26 moving on
2006y.html#21 moving on
2006w.html#22 Are hypervisors the new foundation for system software?
2006w.html#11 long ago and far away, vm370 from early/mid 70s
2006w.html#10 long ago and far away, vm370 from early/mid 70s
2006v.html#20 Ranking of non-IBM mainframe builders?
2006u.html#34 Assembler question
2006u.html#33 Assembler question
2006u.html#32 To RISC or not to RISC
2006u.html#31 To RISC or not to RISC
2006u.html#29 To RISC or not to RISC
2006u.html#16 IA64 and emulator performance
2006t.html#19 old vm370 mitre benchmark
2006t.html#9 32 or even 64 registers for x86-64?
2006s.html#40 Ranking of non-IBM mainframe builders?
2006s.html#22 Why these original FORTRAN quirks?
2006r.html#40 REAL memory column in SDSF
2006r.html#37 REAL memory column in SDSF
2006r.html#27 A Day For Surprises (Astounding Itanium Tricks)
2006q.html#57 Was FORTRAN buggy?
2006q.html#56 Was FORTRAN buggy?
2006q.html#49 Was FORTRAN buggy?
2006q.html#11 what's the difference between LF(Line Fee) and NL (New line) ?
2006p.html#42 old hypervisor email
2006p.html#40 "25th Anniversary of the Personal Computer"
2006p.html#10 What part of z/OS is the OS?
2006p.html#0 DASD Response Time (on antique 3390?)
2006o.html#38 hardware virtualization slower than software?
2006o.html#23 Strobe equivalents
2006n.html#46 Why is z series so CPU poor?
2006n.html#44 Any resources on VLIW?
2006n.html#16 On the 370/165 and the 360/85
2006m.html#54 DCSS
2006m.html#39 Using different storage key's
2006m.html#27 Old Hashing Routine
2006m.html#19 Mainframe Linux Mythbusting
2006l.html#25 Mainframe Linux Mythbusting (Was: Using Java in batch on z/OS?)
2006l.html#23 Virtual Virtualizers
2006l.html#22 Virtual Virtualizers
2006l.html#19 virtual memory
2006k.html#51 other cp/cms history
2006j.html#35 Code density and performance?
2006j.html#32 Code density and performance?
2006j.html#31 virtual memory
2006j.html#29 How to implement Lpars within Linux
2006j.html#27 virtual memory
2006j.html#21 virtual memory
2006j.html#5 virtual memory
2006i.html#41 virtual memory
2006h.html#30 The Pankian Metaphor
2006f.html#28 Old PCs--environmental hazard
2006f.html#22 A very basic question
2006e.html#15 About TLB in lower-level caches
2006e.html#12 About TLB in lower-level caches
2006c.html#47 IBM 610 workstation computer
2006c.html#11 Mainframe Jobs Going Away
2006c.html#9 Mainframe Jobs Going Away
2006c.html#1 Multiple address spaces
2006b.html#40 another blast from the past ... VAMPS
2006b.html#39 another blast from the past
2006b.html#38 blast from the past ... macrocode
2006b.html#32 Multiple address spaces
2006b.html#19 IBM 3090/VM Humor
2006.html#31 Is VIO mandatory?
2006.html#17 {SPAM?} DCSS as SWAP disk for z/Linux
2005u.html#48 POWER6 on zSeries?
2005u.html#45 IBM's POWER6
2005u.html#44 POWER6 on zSeries?
2005u.html#43 POWER6 on zSeries?
2005u.html#40 POWER6 on zSeries?
2005s.html#36 Filemode 7-9?
2005s.html#34 Power5 and Cell, new issue of IBM Journal of R&D
2005s.html#22 MVCIN instruction
2005s.html#21 MVCIN instruction
2005q.html#30 HASP/ASP JES/JES2/JES3
2005p.html#38 storage key question
2005p.html#29 Documentation for the New Instructions for the z9 Processor
2005p.html#27 What ever happened to Tandem and NonStop OS ?
2005p.html#14 Multicores
2005p.html#1 Intel engineer discusses their dual-core design
2005o.html#35 Implementing schedulers in processor????
2005n.html#45 Anyone know whether VM/370 EDGAR is still available anywhere?
2005n.html#36 Code density and performance?
2005n.html#18 Code density and performance?
2005n.html#12 Code density and performance?
2005m.html#16 CPU time and system load
2005m.html#9 IBM's mini computers--lack thereof
2005l.html#27 How does this make you feel?
2005l.html#25 PKI Crypto and VSAM RLS
2005k.html#59 Book on computer architecture for beginners
2005k.html#54 Determining processor status without IPIs
2005k.html#50 Performance and Capacity Planning
2005k.html#49 Determining processor status without IPIs
2005k.html#47 Performance and Capacity Planning
2005k.html#46 Performance and Capacity Planning
2005k.html#43 Determining processor status without IPIs
2005k.html#42 wheeler scheduler and hpo
2005k.html#39 Determining processor status without IPIs
2005k.html#38 Determining processor status without IPIs
2005k.html#36 Determining processor status without IPIs
2005k.html#35 Determining processor status without IPIs
2005k.html#17 More on garbage collection
2005j.html#19 Performance and Capacity Planning
2005h.html#40 Software for IBM 360/30
2005h.html#37 Software for IBM 360/30
2005h.html#32 Software for IBM 360/30
2005h.html#24 Description of a new old-fashioned programming language
2005h.html#19 Blowing My Own Horn
2005h.html#13 Today's mainframe--anything to new?
2005g.html#17 DOS/360: Forty years
2005g.html#16 DOS/360: Forty years
2005f.html#59 Where should the type information be: in tags and descriptors
2005f.html#46 Moving assembler programs above the line
2005f.html#10 Where should the type information be: in tags and descriptors
2005f.html#6 Where should the type information be: in tags and descriptors
2005f.html#1 System/360; Hardwired vs. Microcoded
2005e.html#59 System/360; Hardwired vs. Microcoded
2005e.html#57 System/360; Hardwired vs. Microcoded
2005e.html#53 System/360; Hardwired vs. Microcoded
2005d.html#70 Virtual Machine Hardware
2005d.html#68 Misuse of word "microcode"
2005d.html#64 Misuse of word "microcode"
2005d.html#60 Misuse of word "microcode"
2005d.html#59 Misuse of word "microcode"
2005d.html#41 Thou shalt have no other gods before the ANSI C standard
2005d.html#6 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2005c.html#56 intel's Vanderpool and virtualization in general
2005c.html#33 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2005b.html#26 CAS and LL/SC
2005b.html#5 Relocating application architecture and compiler support
2004q.html#72 IUCV in VM/CMS
2004q.html#64 Will multicore CPUs have identical cores?
2004q.html#18 PR/SM Dynamic Time Slice calculation
2004p.html#34 IBM 3705 and UC.5
2004o.html#33 Integer types for 128-bit addressing
2004o.html#13 Integer types for 128-bit addressing
2004o.html#7 Integer types for 128-bit addressing
2004n.html#15 360 longevity, was RISCs too close to hardware?
2004n.html#14 360 longevity, was RISCs too close to hardware?
2004n.html#10 RISCs too close to hardware?
2004n.html#1 RISCs too close to hardware?
2004m.html#54 Shipwrecks
2004m.html#49 EAL5
2004m.html#17 mainframe and microprocessor
2004m.html#7 Whatever happened to IBM's VM PC software?
2004m.html#5 Tera
2004l.html#77 Tera
2004l.html#29 FW: Looking for Disk Calc program/Exec
2004l.html#17 IBM 3090 : Was (and fek that) : Re: new computer kits
2004l.html#14 Xah Lee's Unixism
2004l.html#10 Complex Instructions
2004l.html#2 IBM 3090 : Was (and fek that) : Re: new computer kits
2004k.html#37 Wars against bad things
2004k.html#31 capacity planning: art, science or magic?
2004j.html#57 Monster(ous) sig (was Re: Vintage computers are better
2004j.html#45 A quote from Crypto-Gram
2004j.html#35 A quote from Crypto-Gram
2004j.html#33 A quote from Crypto-Gram
2004j.html#17 Wars against bad things
2004h.html#27 Vintage computers are better than modern crap !
2004h.html#6 The One True Language
2004g.html#50 Chained I/O's
2004g.html#47 PL/? History
2004g.html#24 |d|i|g|i|t|a|l| questions
2004g.html#21 Infiniband - practicalities for small clusters
2004g.html#17 Infiniband - practicalities for small clusters
2004g.html#15 Infiniband - practicalities for small clusters
2004f.html#47 Infiniband - practicalities for small clusters
2004f.html#29 [Meta] Marketplace argument
2004f.html#21 Infiniband - practicalities for small clusters
2004f.html#3 Infiniband - practicalities for small clusters
2004e.html#52 Infiniband - practicalities for small clusters
2004e.html#51 Infiniband - practicalities for small clusters
2004e.html#42 Infiniband - practicalities for small clusters
2004e.html#37 command line switches [Re: [REALLY OT!] Overuse of symbolic
2004e.html#32 The attack of the killer mainframes
2004e.html#30 The attack of the killer mainframes
2004e.html#28 The attack of the killer mainframes
2004e.html#26 The attack of the killer mainframes
2004e.html#16 Paging query - progress
2004d.html#65 System/360 40 years old today
2004d.html#63 System/360 40 years old today
2004d.html#62 microsoft antitrust
2004d.html#42 REXX still going strong after 25 years
2004d.html#12 real multi-tasking, multi-programming
2004d.html#6 Memory Affinity
2004d.html#3 IBM 360 memory
2004c.html#51 [OT] Lockheed puts F-16 manuals online
2004c.html#33 separate MMU chips
2004c.html#24 More complex operations now a better choice?
2004c.html#21 PSW Sampling
2004c.html#8 IBM operating systems and APL
2004c.html#7 IBM operating systems
2004c.html#6 If the x86 ISA could be redone
2004c.html#5 PSW Sampling
2004c.html#4 OS Partitioning and security
2004b.html#58 Oldest running code
2004b.html#26 determining memory size
2004.html#25 40th anniversary of IBM System/360 on 7 Apr 2004
2004.html#21 40th anniversary of IBM System/360 on 7 Apr 2004
2004.html#19 virtual-machine theory
2004.html#10 Dyadic
2004.html#9 Dyadic
2004.html#8 virtual-machine theory
2004.html#7 Dyadic
2004.html#5 The BASIC Variations
2004.html#1 Saturation Design Point
2003p.html#43 Mainframe Emulation Solutions
2003p.html#40 virtual-machine theory
2003p.html#32 Mainframe Emulation Solutions
2003p.html#10 Secure web logins w random passwords
2003p.html#3 Hyperthreading vs. SMP
2003o.html#52 Virtual Machine Concept
2003o.html#43 Computer folklore - forecasting Sputnik's orbit with
2003n.html#45 hung/zombie users ... long boring, wandering story
2003n.html#29 Architect Mainframe system - books/guidenance
2003n.html#13 CPUs with microcode ?
2003n.html#13 CPUs with microcode ?
2003n.html#8 The IBM 5100 and John Titor
2003m.html#43 S/360 undocumented instructions?
2003m.html#42 S/360 undocumented instructions?
2003m.html#37 S/360 undocumented instructions?
2003m.html#36 S/360 undocumented instructions?
2003m.html#15 IEFBR14 Problems
2003l.html#12 Why are there few viruses for UNIX/Linux systems?
2003l.html#9 how long does (or did) it take to boot a timesharing system?
2003k.html#55 S/360 IPL from 7 track tape
2003k.html#48 Who said DAT?
2003k.html#10 What is timesharing, anyway?
2003k.html#9 What is timesharing, anyway?
2003j.html#58 atomic memory-operation question
2003j.html#42 Flash 10208
2003j.html#27 A Dark Day
2003j.html#24 Red Phosphor Terminal?
2003i.html#79 IBM 5100
2003i.html#42 Fix the shuttle or fly it unmanned
2003i.html#33 Fix the shuttle or fly it unmanned
2003i.html#9 IBM system 370
2003i.html#5 Name for this early transistor package?
2003h.html#40 IBM system 370
2003g.html#54 Rewrite TCP/IP
2003g.html#33 price ov IBM virtual address box??
2003g.html#22 303x, idals, dat, disk head settle, and other rambling folklore
2003g.html#21 price ov IBM virtual address box??
2003g.html#18 Multiple layers of virtual address translation
2003g.html#14 Page Table - per OS/Process
2003f.html#56 ECPS:VM DISPx instructions
2003f.html#54 ECPS:VM DISPx instructions
2003f.html#52 ECPS:VM DISPx instructions
2003f.html#50 Alpha performance, why?
2003f.html#49 unix
2003f.html#47 ECPS:VM DISPx instructions
2003f.html#43 ECPS:VM DISPx instructions
2003f.html#40 inter-block gaps on DASD tracks
2003f.html#21 "Super-Cheap" Supercomputing
2003e.html#65 801 (was Re: Reviving Multics
2003e.html#56 Reviving Multics
2003e.html#17 unix
2003d.html#21 PDP10 and RISC
2003d.html#7 Low-end processors (again)
2003c.html#41 How much overhead is "running another MVS LPAR" ?
2003b.html#22 360/370 disk drives
2003b.html#18 Card Columns
2003b.html#7 Disk drives as commodities. Was Re: Yamhill
2003b.html#0 Disk drives as commodities. Was Re: Yamhill
2003.html#61 MIDAS
2003.html#60 MIDAS
2003.html#56 Wild hardware idea
2003.html#39 Flex Question
2003.html#17 rebirth
2003.html#16 rebirth
2003.html#15 rebirth
2003.html#14 rebirth
2003.html#9 Mainframe System Programmer/Administrator market demand?
2003.html#8 rebirth
2003.html#7 rebirth
2003.html#6 rebirth
2003.html#5 rebirth
2003.html#4 rebirth
2002q.html#53 MVS History
2002q.html#26 LISTSERV Discussion List For USS Questions?
2002p.html#59 AMP vs SMP
2002p.html#55 Running z/VM 4.3 in LPAR & guest v-r or v=f
2002p.html#54 Newbie: Two quesions about mainframes
2002p.html#48 Linux paging
2002p.html#44 Linux paging
2002p.html#40 Linux paging
2002p.html#37 Newbie: Two quesions about mainframes
2002p.html#4 Running z/VM 4.3 in LPAR & guest v-r or v=f
2002o.html#18 Everything you wanted to know about z900 from IBM
2002o.html#16 Home mainframes
2002o.html#15 Home mainframes
2002o.html#3 PLX
2002o.html#1 Home mainframes
2002o.html#0 Home mainframes
2002n.html#73 Home mainframes
2002n.html#66 Mainframe Spreadsheets - 1980's History
2002n.html#58 IBM S/370-168, 195, and 3033
2002n.html#28 why does wait state exist?
2002n.html#27 why does wait state exist?
2002n.html#6 Tweaking old computers?
2002m.html#75 New Book
2002m.html#70 Tweaking old computers?
2002m.html#68 Tweaking old computers?
2002m.html#61 The next big things that weren't
2002m.html#42 Wanted: the SOUNDS of classic computing
2002m.html#15 What is microcode?
2002l.html#69 The problem with installable operating systems
2002l.html#62 Itanium2 performance data from SGI
2002l.html#51 Handling variable page sizes?
2002l.html#44 Thirty Years Later: Lessons from the Multics Security Evaluation
2002l.html#40 Do any architectures use instruction count instead of timer
2002l.html#34 Do any architectures use instruction count instead of timer
2002l.html#32 What is microcode?
2002l.html#29 Do any architectures use instruction count instead of timer
2002l.html#17 What is microcode?
2002l.html#14 Z/OS--anything new?
2002l.html#10 What is microcode?
2002l.html#7 What is microcode?
2002l.html#2 What is microcode?
2002l.html#0 What is microcode?
2002k.html#16 s/w was: How will current AI/robot stories play when AIs are
2002k.html#2 IBM 327x terminals and controllers (was Re: Itanium2 power
2002j.html#66 vm marketing (cross post)
2002j.html#34 ...killer PC's
2002j.html#19 ITF on IBM 360
2002j.html#17 CDC6600 - just how powerful a machine was it?
2002j.html#10 "Clean" CISC (was Re: McKinley Cometh...)
2002j.html#8 "Clean" CISC (was Re: McKinley Cometh...)
2002j.html#5 HONE, xxx#, misc
2002i.html#80 HONE
2002i.html#57 CDC6600 - just how powerful a machine was it?
2002i.html#23 CDC6600 - just how powerful a machine was it?
2002i.html#19 CDC6600 - just how powerful a machine was it?
2002i.html#9 More about SUN and CICS
2002i.html#2 Where did text file line ending characters begin?
2002h.html#79 Al Gore and the Internet
2002h.html#76 time again
2002h.html#63 Sizing the application
2002h.html#60 Java, C++ (was Re: Is HTML dead?)
2002h.html#59 history of CMS
2002h.html#52 Bettman Archive in Trouble
2002h.html#50 crossreferenced program code listings
2002h.html#23 System/360 shortcuts
2002h.html#21 PowerPC Mainframe
2002h.html#20 PowerPC Mainframe?
2002h.html#19 PowerPC Mainframe?
2002g.html#76 Pipelining in the past
2002g.html#70 Pipelining in the past
2002g.html#39 "Soul of a New Machine" Computer?
2002g.html#2 Computers in Science Fiction
2002g.html#1 WATFOR's Silver Anniversary
2002f.html#57 IBM competes with Sun w/new Chips
2002f.html#54 WATFOR's Silver Anniversary
2002f.html#42 Blade architectures
2002f.html#29 Computers in Science Fiction
2002f.html#13 Hardware glitches, designed in and otherwise
2002f.html#8 Is AMD doing an Intel?
2002f.html#6 Blade architectures
2002e.html#75 Computers in Science Fiction
2002e.html#62 Computers in Science Fiction
2002e.html#47 Multics_Security
2002e.html#8 What are some impressive page rates?
2002e.html#5 What goes into a 3090?
2002e.html#2 IBM's "old" boss speaks (was "new")
2002d.html#31 2 questions: diag 68 and calling convention
2002d.html#19 Mainframers: Take back the light (spotlight, that is)
2002d.html#14 Mainframers: Take back the light (spotlight, that is)
2002d.html#13 IBM Mainframe at home
2002d.html#8 Security Proportional to Risk (was: IBM Mainframe at home)
2002d.html#7 IBM Mainframe at home
2002d.html#4 IBM Mainframe at home
2002c.html#44 cp/67 (coss-post warning)
2002c.html#42 Beginning of the end for SNA?
2002c.html#39 VAX, M68K complex instructions (was Re: Did Intel Bite Off More Than It Can Chew?)
2002c.html#38 Wang tower minicomputer
2002c.html#34 OS Workloads : Interactive etc
2002c.html#30 OS Workloads : Interactive etc
2002b.html#64 ... the need for a Museum of Computer Software
2002b.html#59 Computer Naming Conventions
2002b.html#56 Computer Naming Conventions
2002b.html#44 PDP-10 Archive migration plan
2002b.html#43 IBM 5100 [Was: First DESKTOP Unix Box?]
2002b.html#32 First DESKTOP Unix Box?
2002b.html#29 windows XP and HAL: The CP/M way still works in 2002
2002b.html#11 Microcode? (& index searching)
2002b.html#9 Microcode? (& index searching)
2002b.html#8 Microcode? (& index searching)
2002b.html#6 Microcode?
2002b.html#5 Microcode? (& index searching)
2002b.html#4 Microcode? (& index searching)
2002b.html#3 Microcode? (& index searching)
2002b.html#2 Microcode? (& index searching)
2002b.html#1 Microcode? (& index searching)
2002b.html#0 Microcode?
2002.html#52 Microcode?
2002.html#51 Microcode?
2002.html#50 Microcode?
2002.html#48 Microcode?
2002.html#36 a.f.c history checkup... (was What specifications will the standard year 2001 PC have?)
2002.html#14 index searching
2001n.html#92 "blocking factors" (Was: Tapes)
2001n.html#39 195 was: Computer Typesetting Was: Movies with source code
2001n.html#26 Open Architectures ?
2001n.html#18 Call for folklore - was Re: So it's cyclical.
2001n.html#9 NCP
2001n.html#0 TSS/360
2001m.html#53 TSS/360
2001m.html#38 CMS under MVS
2001l.html#63 MVS History (all parts)
2001l.html#42 is this correct ? OS/360 became MVS and MVS >> OS/390
2001l.html#36 History
2001k.html#65 SMP idea for the future
2001k.html#33 3270 protocol
2001k.html#29 HP Compaq merger, here we go again.
2001k.html#8 Minimalist design (was Re: Parity - why even or odd)
2001j.html#48 Pentium 4 SMT "Hyperthreading"
2001j.html#3 YKYGOW...
2001i.html#39 IBM OS Timeline?
2001i.html#38 IBM OS Timeline?
2001i.html#37 IBM OS Timeline?
2001i.html#19 Very CISC Instuctions (Was: why the machine word size ...)
2001i.html#15 IBM 9020 FAA/ATC Systems from 1960's
2001i.html#14 IBM 9020 FAA/ATC Systems from 1960's
2001i.html#3 Most complex instructions (was Re: IBM 9020 FAA/ATC Systems from 1960's)
2001i.html#2 Most complex instructions (was Re: IBM 9020 FAA/ATC Systems from 1960's)
2001h.html#73 Most complex instructions
2001h.html#71 IBM 9020 FAA/ATC Systems from 1960's
2001h.html#69 Very CISC Instuctions (Was: why the machine word size ...)
2001h.html#33 D
2001h.html#28 checking some myths.
2001h.html#10 VM: checking some myths.
2001h.html#9 VM: checking some myths.
2001h.html#2 Alpha: an invitation to communicate
2001h.html#2 Alpha: an invitation to communicate
2001h.html#1 Alpha: an invitation to communicate
2001g.html#22 Golden Era of Compilers
2001f.html#69 Test and Set (TS) vs Compare and Swap (CS)
2001f.html#43 Golden Era of Compilers
2001f.html#23 MERT Operating System & Microkernels
2001f.html#23 MERT Operating System & Microkernels
2001f.html#17 Accounting systems ... still in use? (Do we still share?)
2001f.html#16 Wanted other CPU's
2001e.html#73 CS instruction, when introducted ?
2001e.html#61 Estimate JCL overhead
2001e.html#9 MIP rating on old S/370s
2001e.html#5 SIMTICS
2001d.html#68 I/O contention
2001d.html#55 VM & VSE news
2001d.html#54 VM & VSE news
2001d.html#54 VM & VSE news
2001d.html#26 why the machine word size is in radix 8??
2001d.html#22 why the machine word size is in radix 8??
2001c.html#87 "Bootstrap"
2001c.html#3 Z/90, S/390, 370/ESA (slightly off topic)
2001c.html#2 Z/90, S/390, 370/ESA (slightly off topic)
2001c.html#1 Z/90, S/390, 370/ESA (slightly off topic)
2001b.html#83 Z/90, S/390, 370/ESA (slightly off topic)
2001b.html#49 PC Keyboard Relics
2001b.html#42 John Mashey's greatest hits
2001b.html#40 John Mashey's greatest hits
2001b.html#29 z900 and Virtual Machine Theory
2001.html#38 Competitors to SABRE?
2000g.html#21 360/370 instruction cycle time
2000g.html#11 360/370 instruction cycle time
2000g.html#8 360/370 instruction cycle time
2000g.html#7 360/370 instruction cycle time
2000f.html#78 TSS ancient history, was X86 ultimate CISC? designs)
2000f.html#66 360 Architecture, Multics, ... was (Re: X86 ultimate CISC? No.)
2000f.html#59 360 Architecture, Multics, ... was (Re: X86 ultimate CISC? No.)
2000f.html#57 X86 ultimate CISC? No. (was: Re: "all-out" vs less aggressive designs)
2000f.html#55 X86 ultimate CISC? No. (was: Re: "all-out" vs less aggressive designs)
2000f.html#37 OT?
2000e.html#56 Why not an IBM zSeries workstation?
2000e.html#54 VLIW at IBM Research
2000e.html#6 Ridiculous
2000d.html#82 "all-out" vs less aggressive designs (was: Re: 36 to 32 bit transition)
2000d.html#60 "all-out" vs less aggressive designs (was: Re: 36 to 32 bit transition)
2000d.html#20 S/360 development burnout?
2000d.html#12 4341 was "Is a VAX a mainframe?"
2000d.html#11 4341 was "Is a VAX a mainframe?"
2000d.html#7 4341 was "Is a VAX a mainframe?"
2000c.html#83 Is a VAX a mainframe?
2000c.html#76 Is a VAX a mainframe?
2000c.html#75 Does the word "mainframe" still have a meaning?
2000c.html#69 Does the word "mainframe" still have a meaning?
2000c.html#68 Does the word "mainframe" still have a meaning?
2000c.html#50 Does the word "mainframe" still have a meaning?
2000c.html#19 Hard disks, one year ago today
2000c.html#8 IBM Linux
2000b.html#62 VM (not VMS or Virtual Machine, the IBM sort)
2000b.html#52 VM (not VMS or Virtual Machine, the IBM sort)
2000b.html#51 VM (not VMS or Virtual Machine, the IBM sort)
2000b.html#50 VM (not VMS or Virtual Machine, the IBM sort)
2000.html#86 Ux's good points.
2000.html#78 Mainframe operating systems
2000.html#70 APL on PalmOS ???
2000.html#63 Mainframe operating systems
2000.html#12 I'm overwhelmed
2000.html#8 Computer of the century
99.html#209 Core (word usage) was anti-equipment etc
99.html#204 Core (word usage) was anti-equipment etc
99.html#191 Merced Processor Support at it again
99.html#187 Merced Processor Support at it again
99.html#136a checks (was S/390 on PowerPC?)
99.html#116 IBM S/360 microcode (was Re: CPU taxonomy (misunderstood RISC))
99.html#90 CPU's directly executing HLL's (was Which programming languages)
99.html#64 Old naked woman ASCII art
99.html#7 IBM S/360
98.html#45 Why can't more CPUs virtualize themselves?
98.html#26 Merced & compilers (was Re: Effect of speed ... )
97.html#27 IA64 Self Virtualizable?
97.html#20 Why Mainframes?
95.html#3 What is an IBM 137/148???
94.html#51 Rethinking Virtual Memory
94.html#37 SIE instruction (S/390)
94.html#28 370 ECPS VM microcode assist
94.html#27 370 ECPS VM microcode assist
94.html#21 370 ECPS VM microcode assist
93.html#6 Self-virtualization and CPUs
93.html#3 Self-virtualization and CPUs

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