List of Archived Posts

2012 Newsgroup Postings (06/04 - 06/17)

Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
How do you feel about the fact that today India has more IBM employees than US?
Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
Think You Know The Mainframe?
Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
Leadership Trends and Realities: What Does Leadership Look Like Today
Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
How do you feel about the fact that today India has more IBM employees than US?
Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
Imbecilic Constitution
How do you feel about the fact that India has more employees than US?
Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
Mainframes Warming Up to the Cloud
The Age of Unsatisfying Wars
Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
Apple 1 on Evilbay
Baby Boomer Guys -- Do you look old? Part II
US economic update. Everything that follows is a result of what you see here
US economic update. Everything that follows is a result of what you see here
Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
How do you feel about the fact that today India has more IBM employees than US?
Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
Other Than In Computers, Civilization Basically Stopped Progressing In The 1960s
Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
Other Than In Computers, Civilization Basically Stopped Progressing In The 1960s
Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
How do you feel about the fact that today India has more IBM employees than US?
Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
Difference between fingerspitzengefuhl and Coup d'oeil?
The Invention of Email
Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
The Invention of Email
How will mainframers retiring be different from Y2K?
Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
How will mainframers retiring be different from Y2K?
The Invention of Email
Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
How will mainframers retiring be different from Y2K?
Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
How many cost a cpu second?
How many cost a cpu second?
Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
What are your experiences with Amdahl Computers and Plug-Compatibles?
Is this Boyd's fundamental postulate, 'to improve our capacity for independent action'?
Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
What are your experiences with Amdahl Computers and Plug-Compatibles?
How will mainframers retiring be different from Y2K?
Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
Interesting News Article
Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
How many cost a cpu second?
Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
Interesting News Article
Interesting News Article
Interesting News Article
Interesting News Article
Interesting News Article
Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
A joke seen in an online discussion about moving a box of tape backups
Interesting News Article
Interesting News Article
Interesting News Article
Interesting News Article

Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Mon, 04 Jun 2012 12:27:39
Peter Flass <> writes:
Of course. If they publish an audit the company doesn't like, the company will cancel their contract and get someone else. It's exactly like the ratings agencies rating CDOs 'AAA', because if they didn't this time, they won't get to a next time. There needs to be a better solution. How about putting the names of all major accounting firms in a hat and randomly drawing one each year?

note that it isn't just accounting firms ... cbs 60mins a few weeks ago had segment on lehman and that their accounting firm, federal reserve, and sec all had people on site ... and they all appeared to just be sitting on the sidelines the whole time, watching what was going on (never raising an issue or flagging the problems).

old thread mentioning Lehman: Ernst & Young sued for fraud over Lehman Ernst & Young called to account -- should Audit firms be investigated for their role in the crisis? Ernst & Young sued for fraud over Lehman Ernst & Young sued for fraud over Lehman Ernst & Young sued for fraud over Lehman Ernst & Young sued for fraud over Lehman

other recent posts mentioning Lehman: Regulatory Agency logo Bank of America Fined $1 Billion for Mortgage Fraud New theory of moral behavior may explain recent ethical lapses in banking industry Study links ultrafast machine trading with risk of crash US real-estate has lost $7T in value Greek knife to Wall Street Fannie and Freddie must go - here's how Banks Repaid Fed Bailout With Other Fed Money: Government Report Memory versus processor speed Memory versus processor speed Time to competency for new software language? Rome speaks to us. Their example can inspire us to avoid their fate The case against Lehman Brothers Psychology Of Fraud: Why Good People Do Bad Things How do you feel about the fact that India has more employees than US? Psychology Of Fraud: Why Good People Do Bad Things Adult Supervision Psychology Of Fraud: Why Good People Do Bad Things Psychology Of Fraud: Why Good People Do Bad Things U.S. Needs a National Safety Board for Financial Crashes Why Hasn't The Government Prosecuted Anyone For The 2008 Financial recession? Why Hasn't The Government Prosecuted Anyone For The 2008 Financial recession? Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Mon, 04 Jun 2012 12:43:56
re: Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

Stiglitz on business news just now pushing his new book (The Price of Inequality: How Today's Divided Society Endangers Our Future)

not available until june11. comments are that the level inequality is significantly worse now than 30yrs ago ... as are the opportunities for moving up (much worse now than almost anytime in the country's history) ... continues the theme of concentration of wealth as opposed to creation of wealth

other posts mentioning Stiglitz: Are Ctibank's services and products so vital to global economy than no other banks can substitute it? HSBC is expected to announce a profit, which is good, what did they do differently? The Formula That Killed Wall Street I need insight on the Stock Market Should AIG executives be allowed to keep the bonuses they were contractually obligated to be paid? Should Glass-Steagall be reinstated? Who first mentioned Credit Crunch? What is the real basis for business mess we are facing today? US banking Changes- TARP Proposl On whom or what would you place the blame for the sub-prime crisis? The True Cost of 9/11 -- Includes 18 Veteran Suicides a Day Washington's Cult of Continuous Failure Scotland, was Re: Solving the Floating-Point Goldilocks Problem! The true cost of 9/11: Trillions and trillions wasted on wars, a fiscal catastrophe, and a weaker America Predator GE: We Bring Bad Things to Life Fed Report: Mortgage Mess NOT an Inside Job Vampire Squid How do you feel about the fact that India has more employees than US? Defense acquisitions are broken and no one cares Psychology Of Fraud: Why Good People Do Bad Things Adult Supervision Psychology Of Fraud: Why Good People Do Bad Things

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

How do you feel about the fact that today India has more IBM employees than US?

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: (Lynn Wheeler)
Date: 4 June, 2012
Subject: How do you feel about the fact that today India has more IBM employees than US?
Blog: IBMers
ref: How do you feel about the fact that India has more employees than US?

In this (a.f.c.) thread about Boyd (I had first sponsored Boyd's briefings at IBM in the early 80s) and hierarchical command&control ... . .

I included the above post with some additional introduction from Boyd's briefings ... and then followed it with this ... continuing the thread about IBMs 1980s long slide into the red:

other past posts in this thread: How do you feel about the fact that India has more employees than US? How do you feel about the fact that India has more employees than US? How do you feel about the fact that India has more employees than US? How do you feel about the fact that India has more employees than US? How do you feel about the fact that India has more employees than US?

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Tue, 05 Jun 2012 06:40:20
kenney writes:
The average standard of living for just about everybody in the first world has improved over the last thirty years. The increase in disparity between top and bottom is because if you have money to start with it grows faster than starting from scratch. I do not remember who said it "The first million is the hardest". There is also a difference between estimated wealth and disposable income. A lot depends on how liquid your assets are.

re: Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

with reguard to degree inequality increasing over the past 30 yrs. part of stiglitz interview is that the "opportunity" to transition from the bottom 99% to the top 1% has declined ... the "land of opportunity" is becoming more and more a myth; those that have done it recently are becoming more and more rare/exceptions.

this post Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

has reference to Stiglitz's earlier book

Stiglitz's Freefall: America, Free Markets, and the Sinking of the World Economy

as well as this article

America Is Broken, What Now?

showing comparison of pay & productivity from 1947-now ... there is big break at 1979/1980 ... (inflation adjusted) worker compensation tracked productivity from 1947-1979 ... and then compensation went nearly flat while productivity increase curve kept on the same slope.

also appears here:
part of this article:

this somewhat corresponds to the references to the ratio of executive to worker compensation exploding to 400:1 (and spiking to over 500:1 during the bubble) after being 20:1 for a long time (and 10:1 in much of the rest of the world) ... make the case that while worker compensation has been kept nearly flat since 1980 ... the additional value increase (from increased productivity) has effectively been diverted into the pockets of the 1% Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

the chances/probability of somebody making that first million (or whatever the inflation adjusted dividing point is) has decreased significantly along with the increasing concentration of wealth

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Think You Know The Mainframe?

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: (Lynn Wheeler)
Date: 5 June, 2012
Subject: Think You Know The Mainframe?
Blog: Greater IBM
I've had several things to say in this review of Gerstner's book ... including references to Gerstner's resurrection of IBM

in the 80s there was projection that ibm's revenue of $60B (nearly all mainframe related) would double shortly to $120B (again nearly all of it mainframe related) ... even when mainframe was heading in the opposite direction (with the company going into the red in the early 90s requiring Gerstner's resurrection). Recent notes that 83% of IBM's revenue was software&services with 17% everything else ... including hardware sales which appeared to be approx. evenly divided between intel/86, risc, and mainframe (approx. $5B each ... give/take a little) ... as aside 1990 $120B would be the equivalent of $211B in inflation adjusted dollars (big differenece between $5B current and $211B).

Much longer followup on Gerstner's resurrection of IBM in post recently to (linkedin) "IBMers" discussion ... "closed" group but archived here:

then repeated the post in a.f.c. newsgroup
with this followup

There have been long winded threads in a couple of the mainframe groups that started off with article about NASA retiring its last mainframe. Part of discussion is that fully configured z196 mainframe with 80 processor is listed at 50BIPS and $28M (or about $560,000/BIPS). A intel/86 e5-2600 blade is rated at 527BIPS and IBM lists a base price of $1815 (or $3.15/BIPS). Part of the story about current intel/86 performance is that all of the new chips are actually RISC engines with 86 instructions being converted to RISC microops for actual execution.

posts in the threads about NASA retiring its last mainframe: NASA unplugs their last mainframe NASA unplugs their last mainframe NASA unplugs their last mainframe Layer 8: NASA unplugs last mainframe Layer 8: NASA unplugs last mainframe Layer 8: NASA unplugs last mainframe Layer 8: NASA unplugs last mainframe Layer 8: NASA unplugs last mainframe NASA unplugs their last mainframe NASA unplugs their last mainframe NASA unplugs their last mainframe Layer 8: NASA unplugs last mainframe

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Tue, 05 Jun 2012 10:14:33
jmfbahciv <> writes:
Of course. Politicains have every incentive to delay the inevitable. When the fit hits the shan, it's going to be an uncleanable mess. Recovering will take a lot longer because all politicians will spend most of their time pointing fingers instead of doing the real work. Look at Greece. They've been allowed to feed at Europe's socialistic feeding trough for so much money that all Greek citizens have become dependent on the unending supply of money. All are unwillling to give that up so they want to stay in the EU but not pay the debt off and continue to borrow.

I don't know about Spain but I suspect the fucking so-called "social programs" provided by large entities such as the EU or the UN has helped this situation immensely.

re: Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

from today: Collapse At Hand

from above:
US banks' derivative bets of $230 trillion, concentrated in five banks, are 15.3 times larger than the US GDP. A failed political system that allows unregulated banks to place uncovered bets 15 times larger than the US economy is a system that is headed for catastrophic failure. As the word spreads of the fantastic lack of judgment in the American political and financial systems, the catastrophe in waiting will become a reality.

... snip ...

Assets, of course, are not risk-based capital. According to the Comptroller of the Currency report, as of December 31, 2011, JPMorgan Chase held $70.2 trillion in derivatives and only $136 billion in risk-based capital. In other words, the bank's derivative bets are 516 times larger than the capital that covers the bets.

... snip ...

this recent post mentions interview with Sheila Bair that it is actually easy to differentiate between (using derivatives for) "insurance" and "gambling" Why Hasn't The Government Prosecuted Anyone For The 2008 Financial recession?

recent posts mentioning JPMorgan We are on the brink of historic decision [referring to defence cuts] JPM LOSES $2 BILLION USD! JPM LOSES $2 BILLION USD! How do you feel about the fact that today India has more IBM employees than US? Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

post from last year that JPMorgan held 11% of world's derivative exposure The men who crashed the world

as to Greece, I've mentioned periodically recently that on business trips to Greece in the 90s, the locals were extremely proud to point out that tax fraud was fundamental part of the culture.

however, can't claim that the US is any better. CDO report was that in the last decade, there was a reduction of $6T in tax revenues and a $6T increase in spending (compared to baseline that had all federal debt retired by 2010) creating a $12T budget gap. Most of it started as soon as congress allowed the fiscal responsibilty act to expire in 2002. The last decade, former comptroller general would include in speeches references to nobody in congress was capable of middle school arithmetic (after 2002, referring to what congress was doing to the budget). misc. past posts mentioning comptroller general references (congress total inability to do balanced budget) last decade: The Pankian Metaphor The Pankian Metaphor Health Care IBM Unionization IBM Unionization IBM Unionization IBM Unionization IBM Unionization IBM Unionization Horrid thought about Politics, President Bush, and Democrats U.S. Cedes Top Spot in Global IT Competitiveness what does xp do when system is copying Newsweek article--baby boomers and computers Computer Science Education: Where Are the Software Engineers of Tomorrow? Computer Science Education: Where Are the Software Engineers of Tomorrow? Computer Science Education: Where Are the Software Engineers of Tomorrow? fraying infrastructure Banks failing to manage IT risk - study dollar coins Republican accomplishments and Hoover Taxcuts What is the real basis for business mess we are facing today? Hexadecimal Kid - articles from Computerworld wanted Happy DEC-10 Day Happy DEC-10 Day The 2010 Census Idiotic take on Bush tax cuts expiring They always think we don't understand They always think we don't understand They always think we don't understand origin of 'fields'? Congressional Bickering The True Cost of 9/11 -- Includes 18 Veteran Suicides a Day The Next Convergence: The Future of Economic Growth in a Multispeed World computer bootlaces Bernanke Hearings The debt fallout: How Social Security went "cash negative" earlier than expected Speed: Re: Soups Gingrich urged yes vote on controversial Medicare bill We are on the brink of a historic decision [referring to defence cuts] They're Trying to Block Military Cuts PC industry is heading for more change McCain calls for U.S.-led airstrikes in Syria Word Length Zakaria: by itself, Buffett rule is good 'Gutting' Our Military The Pentagon's New Defense Clandestine Service Defense acquisitions are broken and no one cares Fareed Zakaria

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Tue, 05 Jun 2012 10:43:07
Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> writes:
however, can't claim that the US is any better. CDO report was that in the last decade, there was a reduction of $6T in tax revenues and a $6T increase in spending (compared to baseline that had all federal debt retired by 2010) creating a $12T budget gap. Most of it started as soon as congress allowed the fiscal responsibilty act to expire in 2002. The last decade, former comptroller general would include in speeches references to nobody in congress was capable of middle school arithmetic (after 2002, referring to what congress was doing to the budget).

re: Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

of the $6T increase in spending (compared to baseline), DOD got a little over $2T extra.

[at the moment website isn't responding, and the wayback machine is saying that the pages aren't available at the moment ... listing a variety of possible reasons}

What Did the Rumsfeld/Gates Pentagon Do with $1 Trillion?

note has moved to
... missing $1T is now

Above mentions that DOD got slightly over $2T extra (over baseline of the extra $6T), slightly over $1T went to the two wars ... but the other $1+T was absorbed into DOD and they effectively have nothing to show for the extra money (in fact, most things are worse than they were a decade ago) ... so the question is what actually happened to the extra money.

searching rest of the web for a copy of the paper ... one is listed here:

recent posts referencing the article: They're Trying to Block Military Cuts PC industry is heading for more change McCain calls for U.S.-led airstrikes in Syria China's J-20 Stealth Fighter Is Already Doing A Whole Lot More Than Anyone Expected Is Washington So Bad at Strategy? "Scoring" The Romney Tax Plan: Trillions Of Dollars Of Deficits As Far As The Eye Can See Memory versus processor speed We are on the brink of historic decision [referring to defence cuts] Who Increased the Debt? Word Length Glory Days of Army Acquisition Were Not So Glorious Rome speaks to us. Their example can inspire us to avoid their fate Zakaria: by itself, Buffett rule is good 'Gutting' Our Military Defense acquisitions are broken and no one cares

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Leadership Trends and Realities: What Does Leadership Look Like Today

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: (Lynn Wheeler)
Date: 5 June, 2012
Subject: Leadership Trends and Realities: What Does Leadership Look Like Today
Blog: Facebook
Leadership Trends and Realities: What Does Leadership Look Like Today

First time I sponsored Boyd's briefings at IBM in the early 80s, he just did Patterns of Conflict ... however the 2nd time, he had developed Organic Design For Command And Control which he also presented. Part of the briefing was that the military had developed at rigid, top-down, command&control structure at entry to WW2 to field a huge number of men with no experience, leveraging the few skills that were available. By the 70s, US corporate culture was being contaminated by that paradigm as former military officers moved up the corporate ladder ... perpetuating the philosophy that only those at the very top know what they are doing. He contrasted the 3% officers in the German military with 11% in the US military (needed for rigid, top-down, command&control structure). He concluded that instead of "command&control", what was needed was "appreciation and leadership".

remember that Watson's Wild Duck references were to employees ... but when IBM had its 100th anniv videos, the Wild Duck video was about a customer (not an employee) ... strong emphasis that all employees toe the line. The trend that Boyd referenced about downturn in US corporate culture (because of influence of military rigid, top-down command&control) was accelerated in IBM in the mid-70s after the failure of FS effort ... reference Ferguson & Morris, "Computer Wars: The Post-IBM World", Time Books, 1993:
... and perhaps most damaging, the old culture under Watson Snr and Jr of free and vigorous debate was replaced with sycophancy and make no waves under Opel and Akers. It's claimed that thereafter, IBM lived in the shadow of defeat

... snip ...

another quote from the book:
But because of the heavy investment of face by the top management, F/S took years to kill, although its wrongheadedness was obvious from the very outset. "For the first time, during F/S, outspoken criticism became politically dangerous," recalls a former top executive.

... snip ...

During the "Future System" period, I continued to work on 360/370 stuff and would even periodically ridicule FS activity ... which wasn't especially career enhancing activity. Afterwards I was told several times that I had no career in the IBM company. There are a few additional web references here to "Future System" (as well as lots of my past postings on the subject):

past posts &/or URLs (from around the WEB) referring to Boyd

misc. posts mentioning Wild Duck: 'Innovation' and other crimes sizeof() was: The Perfect Computer - 36 bits? IT full of 'ducks'? Declare open season IBM Centennial Film: Wild Ducks Happy 100th Birthday, IBM! Innovation and iconoclasm What is IBM culture? What is IBM culture? John R. Opel, RIP 5 ways to keep your rockstar employees happy The Myth of Work-Life Balance Original Thinking Is Hard, Where Good Ideas Come From Original Thinking Is Hard, Where Good Ideas Come From Time to Think ... and to Listen

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Tue, 05 Jun 2012 12:40:10
hancock4 writes:
As one retired steel manager put, the kicker was when Disney replaced US Steel as one of the Dow Jones index companies. Could we fight a war with Disney?

Our heavy industry is a fraction of what it was.

Also, regarding China, they hold an awful lot of US debt, which is very troubling, but no one seems to care.

Iron Giant One of America's great machines comes back to life:

The machines that made the Jet Age

50,000 ton presses ... most are becoming "ancient"

especially needed for military items

article mentions both Japan and China are doing new massive presses with the new china press at 80,000 tons.

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Tue, 05 Jun 2012 18:32:32 (Scott Lurndal) writes:
Tanks are obsolete against a sophisticated enemy, and they have been since 1991, just like Battleships have been obsolete since WWII and the advent of the carrier battle group. Tanks are also less than useful in an asymmetric battlefield such as the War on ______ (fill in the blank with poverty, drugs, Christmas, or terrorism).

drones, the A-10 or smart loitering battlefield munitions have obsoleted the MBT as a strategic weapon. The days of battalions of soviet T-72 tanks facing off against the Abrams are (thankfully) in the past.

folklore is that Boyd was brought in and did the battle plan for desert storm ... as an altnerative to traditional army up the middle and slug it out until last tank standing. past refs Universal constants How would you succinctly desribe maneuver warfare?

past posts & URLs from around the web mentioning Boyd

abrahms is 65-70+ tons ... designed for slugfest in europe ... and even then there was lot of (bridge&road) infrastructure upgrading to handle the load. besides other issues ... lots of current conflict involve areas with 35 ton load limits. past refs: News Release Happy 100th Birthday, IBM! What is IBM culture?

has some discussion of damage to M1s

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Tue, 05 Jun 2012 19:54:41
hancock4 writes:
I wouldn't say Russia was the threat it once was. However, in many ways it is certainly not a friend either. It seems to be following the same troublemaking policy it followed in the past--helping other entities that are hostile or blocking needed world agreements to suppress hostility.

for a different perspective ... this depicts US as the biggest threat:

or at least the corporate oligarchy

this previous post mentioning that last decade ... it was slightly over $1T on the two wars. Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
this has it now over $1.3T

however, this says that total obligation may be closer to $5T ... which includes long term veterans benefits and medical care.

"Postmodern Imperialism" takes a fairly extreme interpretation of bits & pieces that I've seen in other books

America's Defense Meltdown: Pentagon Reform for President Obama and the New Congress
13 Bankers: The Wall Street Takeover and the Next Financial Meltdown
Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty
Lords of Finance: The Bankers Who Broke the World

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Tue, 05 Jun 2012 21:13:57
re: Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

you want a tank:

Soviet Tanks As Far As The Eye Can See

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

How do you feel about the fact that today India has more IBM employees than US?

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: (Lynn Wheeler)
Date: 6 June, 2012
Subject: How do you feel about the fact that today India has more IBM employees than US?
Blog: IBMers
During the "Future System" period, I continued to work on 360/370 stuff and would even periodically ridicule FS activity ... which wasn't especially career enhancing activity. Afterwards I was told several times that I had no career in the IBM company. There are a few additional web references here to "Future System" (as well as lots of my past postings on the subject):
AMEX, Private Equity, IBM related Gerstner posts

some more FS lore:

Discussion of old FS evaluation
FS description and discussion
IBM discussion with some FS
IBM Future Systems project (wiki)
A review of Broken Promises An unconventional view of what went wrong at IBM

something that I've referred to periodically and might possibly be inferred from the "Broken Promises" item above:

in the late 80s, a senior disk engineer got talk scheduled at annual, world-wide, internal communication group conference and opened the talk with the statement that the communication group was going to be responsible for the demise of the disk division. The issue was that the communication group had stranglehold on mainframe datacenters (corporate strategic responsibility for everything that crossed the datacenter walls), they were trying to protect their terminal emulation install base and aggressively opposing all forms of client/server and distributed computing. The disk division was starting to see drop in disk sales as data was fleeing the datacenter to more distributed computing friendly platforms (and top corporate executives were fairly oblivious to what was happening). The disk division had developed several products to address the situation, but they were constantly vetoed by the communication group (that owned responsibility for everything that crossed the datacenter walls).

The disk division had been formed into "adstar" in preparation for being spun off, which was suspended when Gerstner came on the scene ... but eventually came to pass ... and the disk division is no more and the San Jose plant site has had many of its bldgs. bulldozed.

other past posts in this thread: How do you feel about the fact that India has more employees than US? How do you feel about the fact that India has more employees than US? How do you feel about the fact that India has more employees than US? How do you feel about the fact that India has more employees than US? How do you feel about the fact that India has more employees than US? How do you feel about the fact that today India has more IBM employees than US? How do you feel about the fact that today India has more IBM employees than US?

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Wed, 06 Jun 2012 09:10:22
Michael Black <> writes:
On the other hand, one time I went into a store, and there was the usual "can I help you" that often seems more like "I'm watching you" and I said no, I didn't even think rudely, and the woman replied "I was only trying to be helpful"

there was a study about the person greeting at entry was pioneered by walmart ... just having the person greeting at entry cut shoplifting by a significant percentage (the drop in shoplifting easily paid the salary for the greeter). something about it was much easier to shoplift an impersonal bigbox store ... but the greeting change the dynamics.

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Wed, 06 Jun 2012 22:18:04
Dave Garland <> writes:
It's a fine idea, but every one of those loopholes has a vociferous lobby. One man's loophole is another man's legitimate tax policy. Eliminate the home interest deduction (even on vacation homes), you get a very large group mad. The charities won't feel charitable if you eliminate their deduction. Eliminate the lower rate for capital gains, you get a smaller but richer and more powerful group mad. The 'flat tax' people want to define income so it doesn't include dividends or inheritances. Axe special rates for married couples, and the married lobby will be carrying axes. Charge the same rates on corporate "persons" as you do on others and you've pissed off the entire corporate world. So I doubt it's possible to eliminate all loopholes.

having loop-holes results in 72,000+ page tax-code ... claim is if the code was simplified to 400-500 pages, it could increase GDP by 5-6% (aka the aggregate of dealing with the complexity of such a massive taxcode is an enormous burden on the country, aka the tax-code paradigm is "bad")

having loop-holes is also one of the major lobbying activity and a major contributor to observation that congress is the most corrupt institution on earth. eliminating loop-holes would help improve the level of integrity around congress.

having loop-holes is enormous burden on the country ... the downside to the country having loop-holes more than offsets the aggregate benefit of the loop-holes. however, congress is unlikely to eliminate them ... since that is a major source of congressional income.

recent posts mentioning tax-code: America needs a 2-page tax code Burroughs B5000, B5500, B6500 videos Let the IRS Do Your Taxes, Really UK firms need to 'fess up to security boobs Zakaria: by itself, Buffett rule is good How Selecting Voters Randomly Can Lead to Better Elections

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Imbecilic Constitution

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
Date: 06 June 2012
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Imbecilic Constitution
Blog: mailing list
Set of books from Fiske's history lectures in 1880s has w/o the influence of the Scots immigrants from the mid-atlantic states, the English immigrant influence would have resulted in radically different form of government.

something similar in more recent book by Webb's Born Fighting.

recently finished "Why Nations Fail" which talks about "inclusive" organizations (similar to Webb's "bottom-up" society). Both contrast it to the English top-down, exclusive society.

"Why Nations Fail" also describes Jamestown in 1607 originally being formed to follow the "Spanish" model, enslave the local natives to support the colony, however the natives around Jamestown weren't suitable. The first two years the colony almost starved since the wrong set of skills had been sent over. Then they switched to sending over enslaved British ("leet-men") and their punishment for attempting escape was death ... also from "Why Nations Fail" regarding the English Crown Corporation charters ... pg27:

The clauses of the Fundamental Constitutions laid out a rigid social structure. At the bottom were the "leet-men," with clause 23 noting, "All the children of leet-men shall be leet-men, and so to all generations."

... snip ...

related to "Why Nations Fail", success/failure and hierarchical organization

"Freefall: America, Free Markets, and the Sinking of the World Economy"

makes a point that it was specifically the Protestent work ethic, savings, and focus on literacy for all that contributed to rise of America. Other references contrast Scottish/English ... with "literacy for all" being a major differentiation.

recent posts mentioning "Why Nations Fail": PC industry is heading for more change The never-ending SCO lawsuit The Dallas Fed Is Calling For The Immediate Breakup Of Large Banks The never-ending SCO lawsuit speculation Candid Communications & Tweaking Curiosity, Tools to Consider Disruptive Thinkers: Defining the Problem Did they apply Boyd's concepts? Back to the future: convict labor returns to America The Army and Special Forces: The Fantasy Continues The Failure of Central Planning How do you feel about the fact that India has more employees than US? Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970


Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - ** Date: 06 June 2012 From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Hierarchy Blog: mailing list Why So Many Formerly Successful Companies Are Failing

There was something (at a recent Boyd conference) about successful companies not failing from doing the wrong thing ... but continuing to do the "once" right thing when environment has changed ... aka not adapting to changing environment. This may have been aided and abetted by rise of MBA focused on wringing every dollar out of existing operations.

Recent posts about Gerstner's "resurrection of IBM" ... changing from product focused company to a service focused company ... recent revenue was 83% software & services and 17% was everything else: , ,

There was recent discussion in various military forums about usefulness of MBA for officers.

... again, part of the recent MBA finger-pointing discussion was focus on wringing every possible dollar out of current infrastructure ... which skimmed from things like maintenance, infrastructure operation, R&D (long term things with no immediate payback). Such activity would have also gone hand-in-hand with pure greed (possibly even leveraging MBAs as front for their agendas).

a contributing factor raised in

was that last century America saw the rise of the "cult of personality" at the expense of character.

I had first sponsored Boyd's briefings at IBM in the early 80s. One of his points was that at entry to WW2, the US military had to field a large number with little or no experience. As a result they created a rigid, top-down command&control infrastructure to leverage the few available experienced individuals. He commented that by the early 80s, that paradigm was starting to adversely affect corporate america as former WW2 military members were climbing the corporate ladders (and emulating the WW2 military rigid, top-down command&control infrastructure ... assuming that only those at the very top knew what they were doing ... and everybody else had little or no skills, experience, and/or competence).

Concentrating all the control at the very top, cult of personality (at expense of character) and greed ... combine to drastically reduce effectiveness of an organization and its ability to adapt.

A more recent example is claims that the ratio of avg executive compensation to general worker compensation had exploded to 400:! after having been 20:1 for a long time and 10:1 in most of the rest of the world. Age of Greed

claims that the executive/work compensation ratio spiked over 500:1 during the economic mess

... as an aside, circa 1990, the commandant of the Marine corp leveraged Boyd for a Marine Corps make-over ... and they still celebrate Boyd ... there is a Boyd conference at the Marine Corps Univ (quantico) every year ... a couple weeks before Hacker's conference misc. URLs from around the web & past posts referring to Boyd
AMEX, Private Equity, IBM related Gerstner posts

misc. past posts mentioning cult of personality: Are mothers naturally better at OODA because they always have the Win in mind? Are mothers naturally better at OODA because they always have the Win in mind? Candid Communications & Tweaking Curiosity, Tools to Consider Does the Experiencing Self "Out-OODA" the Remembering Self? Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970


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Date: 06 June 2012
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Hierarchy
Blog: mailing list
re: Hierarchy

from recent facebook "greater ibm" item on "leadership":

Leadership Trends and Realities: What Does Leadership Look Like Today

First time I sponsored Boyd's briefings at IBM in the early 80s, he just did Patterns of Conflict ... however the 2nd time, he had developed Organic Design For Command And Control which he also presented. Part of the briefing was that the military had developed at rigid, top-down, command&control structure at entry to WW2 to field a huge number of men with no experience, leveraging the few skills that were available. By the 70s, US corporate culture was being contaminated by that paradigm as former military officers moved up the corporate ladder ... perpetuating the philosophy that only those at the very top know what they are doing. He contrasted the 3% officers in the German military with 11% in the US military (needed for rigid, top-down, command&control structure). He concluded that instead of "command&control", what was needed was "appreciation and leadership".

remember that Watson's "Wild Duck" references were to employees ... but when IBM had its 100th anniv videos, the "Wild Duck" video was about a customer (not an employee) ... strong emphasis that all employees toe the line. The trend that Boyd referenced about downturn in US corporate culture (because of influence of military rigid, top-down command&control) was accelerated in IBM in the mid-70s after the failure of FS effort ... reference Ferguson & Morris, "Computer Wars: The Post-IBM World", Time Books, 1993:

... and perhaps most damaging, the old culture under Watson Snr and Jr of free and vigorous debate was replaced with sycophancy and make no waves under Opel and Akers. It's claimed that thereafter, IBM lived in the shadow of defeat

... snip ...

another quote from the book:
But because of the heavy investment of face by the top management, F/S took years to kill, although its wrongheadedness was obvious from the very outset. "For the first time, during F/S, outspoken criticism became politically dangerous," recalls a former top executive.

... snip ...

During the "Future System" period, I continued to work on 360/370 stuff and would even periodically ridicule FS activity ... which wasn't especially career enhancing activity. Afterwards I was told several times that I had no career in the IBM company. past posts mentioning FS

Discussion of old FS evaluation
FS description and discussion
IBM discussion with some FS
IBM Future Systems project (wiki)
A review of Broken Promises An unconventional view of what went wrong at IBM

one of the references:

cites the motivation for FS was largely "clone controllers":
IBM tried to react by launching a major project called the 'Future System' (FS) in the early 1970's. The idea was to get so far ahead that the competition would never be able to keep up, and to have such a high level of integration that it would be impossible for competitors to follow a compatible niche strategy. However, the project failed because the objectives were too ambitious for the available technology. Many of the ideas that were developed were nevertheless adapted for later generations. Once IBM had acknowledged this failure, it launched its 'box strategy', which called for competitiveness with all the different types of compatible sub-systems. But this proved to be difficult because of IBM's cost structure and its R&D spending, and the strategy only resulted in a partial narrowing of the price gap between IBM and its rivals.

... snip ...

SNA was a design for FS with tight integration between the host software VTAM & the NCP in the outboard controller. When FS failed, the communication group attempted to perpetuate the objective (with SNA) even w/o the rest of FS.

In the very early days of SNA, my wife was co-author of an alternative architecture that was "peer-to-peer" (as contrasted with SNA which was primarily control infrastructure for huge numbers of dumb terminals) network (AWP39) ... which earned her lots of enemies in the communication group.

In the late 80s, the communication group was under heavy pressure from all sides ... and started taking all sorts of actions, including lots of misinformation internally. This is old email reference to communication group in support of converting the internal network to SNA

the resulting effort would have been significantly more cost/effective and better throughput if it had been converted to tcp/ip instead.

We had been working with many of the organizations that would become "T1" NSFNET backbone. When the "T1" NSFNET backbone RFP was released, internal politics prevented us from bidding. The director of NSF tried to help by writing letter to the company 3Apr1986, NSF Director to IBM Chief Scientist and IBM Senior VP and director of Research, copying IBM CEO) ... but that just made the internal politics much worse.

Old email that had been compiled by somebody and redistributed regarding internal misinformation claiming SNA being usuable for the NSFNET backbone (I heavily redacted and pruned):

The following year there was an annual, internal only, world-wide communication group conference that a senior disk engineer got a talk schedule ... and opened the talk with the statement that the communication group was going to be responsible for the demise of the disk division. The issue was that the communication group had stranglehold on mainframe datacenters (had corporate "strategic" ownership for everything that crossed the datacenter walls). The communication group was protecting their dumb terminal & terminal emulation install base and aggressively fighting off any encroaching by client/server and/or distributed computing. The disk division was already starting to see downturn in disk sales as data was fleeing the datacenter to more distributed computing friendly platforms. The disk division had come up with number of products to address the situation, but were constantly vetoed by the communication group.

footnote: as undergraduate in the 60s, I had added tty/ascii terminal support to cp67 and tried to do something with the terminal controller that it couldn't quite do. this was much of motivation for the univ. to start a clone controller project ... reverse engineering the 360/67 channel interface, building a controller board for Interdata/3 programmed to emulate mainframe terminal controller (with additional function). Four of us got written up for (some part of the) clone controller business (which becomes part of the motivation for the Future System effort). misc. past posts mentioning clone controller
AMEX, Private Equity, IBM related Gerstner posts

One of the weaknesses in the internal misinformation by the communication group regarding VTAM/NCP use for the T1 NSFNET backbone was that in '86 & '87 they were also claiming customers didn't want/need T1 support (as part of justifying they only had support up to 56kbit). So there was a different set of communication group documents claiming customers wouldn't need T1 until well into the early 90s (a story for another time).

note as the company was going into the red, the disk division was being reorged into "adstar" to spin-off. When Gerstner first came in, he put a stop to all such activity ... but then later, it happened anyway ... and the disk division is now gone. the "stranglehold" that the communication group had on the datacenter impacted more than just the disk division.

here is Boyd bio from the proceeding of the us naval institute after his death:

with regard to mention of US News & World report in above ... a couple days into Desert Storm it carried an article about Boyd title "The Fight To Change How America Fights" ... including references to current crop of newly minted majors & cols. as Boyd's "Jedi Knights".

USAF had pretty much disowned Boyd while he was alive (his effects went to quantico/marines, not the air force) ... but after he died ... from dedication of Boyd Hall:
"There are two career paths in front of you, and you have to choose which path you will follow. One path leads to promotions, titles, and positions of distinction.... The other path leads to doing things that are truly significant for the Air Force, but the rewards will quite often be a kick in the stomach because you may have to cross swords with the party line on occasion. You can't go down both paths, you have to choose. Do you want to be a man of distinction or do you want to do things that really influence the shape of the Air Force? To be or to do, that is the question." Colonel John R. Boyd, USAF 1927-1997

From the dedication of Boyd Hall, United States Air Force Weapons School, Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada. 17 September 1999

... snip ...

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

How do you feel about the fact that India has more employees than US?

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: (Lynn Wheeler)
Date: 7 June, 2012
Subject: How do you feel about the fact that India has more employees than US?
Blog: IBMers
A report following the 1990 census claimed that half the 18yr olds in the US were functionally illiterate. Another report said that over half of all advanced technical degrees at colleges & univ. in Cal. went to non-US (aka STEM). When we were interviewing technical BS degrees in the period, all "4.0" students were non-US.

One of the things that accelerated dataprocessing "off-shoring" was at end of the last century, both Y2k remediation and Internet bubble happened at the same time ... and there weren't enough resources in the US to go around ... forcing lots of work to go over seas. When Y2K remediation ended ... lots of jobs stayed overseas .... but there wasn't a lot of press in the US about it until after the Internet bubble burst. Over half of the staff making the Internet bubble possible had been those non-US with advanced technical degrees. Even before the bubble burst there was report that it would only take a small change in relative economies in their native countries and the US to reach tipping point and see large numbers of our best technical talent return to their native countries.

In the late 90s were doing some work with (very) large mid-western state univ. They noted that since the 60s, they had dumbed down their entering freshman class material three times (somewhat corresponds to report that half of 18yr olds were functionally illiterate as well as more recent reports about how low US secondary public schools rank among all industrial nations). They also commented that most states were effectively bankrupt ... hiding the fact by shuffling money around. They claimed they had seen it coming and had gone from 87% of the univ. budget coming from the state legislature to only 11% of the univ. budget coming from the state). One of the issues were foreign students become a gold-mine ... effectively being able to subsidize the much lower "in-state" tuition.

More recent, one of my offspring did some recruiting trips in the fareast for state educational institution. He claimed it only took recruiting three students to make a profit ... including covering all expenses for the recruiting trip.

a little with regard to middle class (i.e. current situation dates from 79/80)

America Is Broken, What Now?

showing comparison of pay & productivity from 1947-now ... there is big break at 1979/1980 ... (inflation adjusted) worker compensation tracked productivity from 1947-1979 ... and then compensation went effectively flat while productivity increase curve kept on the same slope.

also appears here: part of this article:

past posts in this thread How do you feel about the fact that India has more employees than US? How do you feel about the fact that India has more employees than US? How do you feel about the fact that India has more employees than US? How do you feel about the fact that India has more employees than US? How do you feel about the fact that India has more employees than US? How do you feel about the fact that today India has more IBM employees than US? How do you feel about the fact that today India has more IBM employees than US? How do you feel about the fact that today India has more IBM employees than US?

past posts mentioning US ranking &/or illiterate students: High Level Language Systems was Re: computer books/authors (Re: FA: How will current AI/robot stories play when AIs are real? Offshore IT Offshore IT Offshore IT [IBM-MAIN] NY Times editorial on white collar jobs going The SOB that helped IT jobs move to India is dead! The SOB that helped IT jobs move to India is dead! The SOB that helped IT jobs move to India is dead! The SOB that helped IT jobs move to India is dead! Low Bar for High School Students Threatens Tech Sector Mozilla v Firefox Academic priorities The Pankian Metaphor DEC's Hudson fab U.S. Cedes Top Spot in Global IT Competitiveness John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies IBM Unionization IBM Unionization IBM Unionization IBM Unionization IBM Unionization IBM Unionization IBM Unionization IBM Unionization IBM Unionization Poll: oldest computer thing you still use U.S. Cedes Top Spot in Global IT Competitiveness U.S. Cedes Top Spot in Global IT Competitiveness EZPass: Yes, Big Brother IS Watching You! Education ranking Education ranking Education ranking About 1 in 5 IBM employees now in India - so what ? Education ranking Education ranking Education ranking folklore indeed Education ranking Education ranking Education ranking Education ranking Education ranking Education ranking competitiveness Education ranking Education ranking Education ranking competitiveness Education ranking Education ranking Education ranking Toyota Beats GM in Global Production How do you manage your value statement? Republican accomplishments and Hoover Blinkylights VMware Chief Says the OS Is History Tell me why the taxpayer should be saving GM and Chrysler (and Ford) managers & shareholders at this stage of the game? Is Pride going to decimate the auto Industry? Can outsourcing be stopped? Five great technological revolutions On whom or what would you place the blame for the sub-prime crisis? TARP Disbursements Through April 10th I would like to understand the professional job market in US. Is it shrinking? I would like to understand the professional job market in US. Is it shrinking? Larrabee delayed: anyone know what's happening? Happy DEC-10 Day search engine history, was Happy DEC-10 Day They always think we don't understand origin of 'fields'? No command, and control Chinese and Indian Entrepreneurs Are Eating America's Lunch 50th anniversary of BASIC, COBOL? The Next Convergence: The Future of Economic Growth in a Multispeed World Great Brian Arthur article on the Second Economy UC-Berkeley and other 'public Ivies' in fiscal peril Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Thu, 07 Jun 2012 13:26:03
David Dyer-Bennet <> writes:
Gutenberg is books. Books are text.

But you probably mean ASCII text files? No, not the last decade or so. You can click on Kindle format on if that's what you need, or epub.

they would do presentation and dvd hand-outs ... in 2004 all 10,000 txt versions fit on single dvd ... they have ran out of dvd room about 30,000 (for just txt verions). Hart was scheduled to do the presentation last fall, but had recently died, Newby did the presentation instead post from last fall: digitize old hardcopy manuals

Gutenberg wiki

gutenberg web site:

there was also presentation by internet archive ... aka wayback machine, on book scanning and their "book on demand" printing ... claims for 300pg book, it costs about dollar to print (cheaper than it costs a library to shelve a book).

past posts mentioning (printed) book-on-demand Will Apple ever offer a newsreader? book machines The round wheels industry is heading for collapse

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Mainframes Warming Up to the Cloud

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: (Lynn Wheeler)
Date: 7 June, 2012
Subject: Mainframes Warming Up to the Cloud
Blog: MainframeZone
and Mainframes Warming Up to the Cloud

As from the discussion about NASA turning off its last mainframe .... fully configured z196 with 80 processors is rated at 50BIPS and costs $28M (or $560,000/BIPS). By comparison a E5-2600 blade is rated at 527BIPS and IBM lists base price of $1815 (or $3.15/BIPS).

The large cloud mega-datacenters will have hundreds of thousands of blades (at ratio of of approx. eleven 80-processor z196 per blade ... that would translate into millions of z196) ... and the scale is so large that they carefully fine-tune both the BIPS price/performance ... which is dropped so low ... that other costs come into play ... and they are also carefully managing energy/BIPS, cooling/BIPS ... aka total lifetime costs (per BIPS). Some of the larger cloud operators will have several of these mega-datacenters (each with hundreds of thousands of blades) spread around the world (carefully routing traffic to optimize not only utilization and efficiency across the hundreds-of-thousands of blades within a mega-datacenter ... buts also across the mega-datacenters at different places in the world.

I've periodically conjectured that many of these mega-datacenters, individually have more processing power than the aggregate processing power of all currently operating mainframe

for scaling ... top TPC-C

current #1 is oracle on sparc with 30,249,688 tpmC at $1.01/TPC-C and 2nd is db2 on ibm power with 10,366,254 tpmC at $1.38/TPC-C (I don't see a mainframe on the chart).

this slightly older report give IBM Power6 doing 6m tpmC and being equivalent to 40,000 mainframe MIPS or 10,000 more mainframe MIPS than a Z10

Fully configured Z10 was rated at 30BIPS, while fully configured Z196 is rated at 50BIPS. The above report of 6m tpmC @ 40BIPS (mainframe equivalent) ... would put (largest) fully configured Z196 at about 7.5m tpmC ... about 1/4th the current rated number one in the TPC-C benchmark list.

posts in the NASA unplugs last mainframe: NASA unplugs their last mainframe NASA unplugs their last mainframe NASA unplugs their last mainframe Layer 8: NASA unplugs last mainframe Layer 8: NASA unplugs last mainframe Layer 8: NASA unplugs last mainframe Layer 8: NASA unplugs last mainframe Layer 8: NASA unplugs last mainframe NASA unplugs their last mainframe NASA unplugs their last mainframe NASA unplugs their last mainframe Layer 8: NASA unplugs last mainframe

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

The Age of Unsatisfying Wars

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: (Lynn Wheeler)
Date: 7 June, 2012
Subject: The Age of Unsatisfying Wars
Blog: Google+

The Age of Unsatisfying Wars

the other scenario it is a purposeful strategy part of the Success Of Failure culture ... i.e. perpetual war & continuous conflict
... objective is not to bring it to conclusion ... but to have it go on forever

Boyd had a story about Vietnam and the new air force air-to-air missile; he reviewed it said it would be lucky to hit 10% (even tho they said it hit every time). Once in vietnam, he turned out to be right. One day the air force general (in vietnam) grounded all fighters and converted to sidewinders ... which had better hit rate ... and started loosing less planes and pilots The general was quickly called on the carpet in pentagon. He had committed the worst transgression in US military ... reducing budget share (loosing fewer planes and pilots) and increasing another service's budget share (using sidewinders). Pentagon was so far from actual conflict that their values were totally distorted and divorced from what was happening on the ground.

wallstreet folklore is that too-big-to-fail is large part because somebody lost the competition to be the next CEO of AMEX ... and so set out to show that he could build something much bigger (requiring removal and/or nullifying most of the wallstreet adult supervision) ... another case of US culture and "mine is larger than yours". some of the details of the events leading up to too-big-to-fail and economic bubble/mess
also repeated in this post with additional detail
which then motivated others to jump in.

"mine is larger than yours" (obsession not just in the pentagon) might be attributed to this about the rise of the cult of personality in the US last century (at the expense of character) ... discussed in this book:

There is less financial reward in immediate success ... leading to rise of Success of Failure culture ... as well as less interest in quick, decisive victories (aka perpetual wars)

from Boyd's bio in proceedings of US Naval Institute after his death:
Cheney used Boyd's ideas when he overrode the Army's plan and insisted on the famous left hook into Kuwait.


however instead of quick decisive victory, in the final moments, things were suspended. this then contributes to the past two decades of continuous conflict (Spinney's perpetual war).

sent by my daughter on memorial day: Battle for Baqubah: Killing Our Way Out

somewhat representing her husband's 2nd tour in Iraq (his 1st tour was Fallujah). also this blog:

as aside one of the Amazon Baqubah reviews states the fighting was more intense in Baqubah than Fallujah

Boyd's version of the cult of personality at the expense of character is To Be or To Do ...
"There are two career paths in front of you, and you have to choose which path you will follow. One path leads to promotions, titles, and positions of distinction.... The other path leads to doing things that are truly significant for the Air Force, but the rewards will quite often be a kick in the stomach because you may have to cross swords with the party line on occasion. You can't go down both paths, you have to choose. Do you want to be a man of distinction or do you want to do things that really influence the shape of the Air Force? To be or to do, that is the question." Colonel John R. Boyd, USAF 1927-1997

From the dedication of Boyd Hall, United States Air Force Weapons School, Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada. 17 September 1999

... snip ...

recent posts mentioning Success Of Failure and/or "Perpetual Wars": The PC industry is heading for collapse The PC industry is heading for collapse PC industry is heading for more change Strategy subsumes culture IBM Doing Some Restructuring? U.S. Cybersecurity Debate Risks Leaving Critical Infrastructure in the Dark Spontaneous conduction McCain calls for U.S.-led airstrikes in Syria China's J-20 Stealth Fighter Is Already Doing A Whole Lot More Than Anyone Expected Faster, Better, Cheaper: Why Not Pick All Three? "Scoring" The Romney Tax Plan: Trillions Of Dollars Of Deficits As Far As The Eye Can See Study Confirms The Government Produces The Buggiest Software Memory versus processor speed Memory versus processor speed Are mothers naturally better at OODA because they always have the Win in mind? We are on the brink of historic decision [referring to defence cuts] Disruptive Thinkers: Defining the Problem Disruptive Thinkers: Defining the Problem Time to Think ... and to Listen Time to Think ... and to Listen Time to Think ... and to Listen Defense budget casualties light on civilian side Defense acquisitions are broken and no one cares FAA air traffic facility consolidation effort already late

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Thu, 07 Jun 2012 16:46:46
hancock4 writes:
Bringing this back to computers, I think even at IBM, their new services unit treats its workers as consultants with zero benefits, unlimited work hours, and no job security. A far cry from IBM's former environment.

there are a number discussions related to this in linkedin ibmers ... various of my posts there are similar to some of the posts here.

one of the references that discusses some of the change is this one ...

A review of Broken Promises An unconventional view of what went wrong at IBM

also referenced in these recent posts: How do you feel about the fact that today India has more IBM employees than US? Hierarchy

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Apple 1 on Evilbay

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Apple 1 on Evilbay
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Thu, 07 Jun 2012 19:47:32
"Joe Morris" <> writes:
High-value items sometimes go through a supposedly "standard" shipping channel for the publicity value.

In 1958 the 45.52 ct Hope Diamond donated to the Smithsonian by New York jeweler Harry Winston. It was sent to the museum via registered mail, insured; the brown paper wrapper was on display in the museum, showing $145.29 in metered postage. (Sign of the times: it took 17 meter stamps to cover the cost: the postage machine coule print only one digit to the left of the decimal point.) $2.44 was postage; the balance was the premium for $1,000,000 insurance.

my youngest worked for air freight forwarder in college ... and they had significant problems with shipments disappearing ... worst were la guardia, kennedy, newark, and miami. they regularly sent dummy valuable looking shipments and check if they made it through. in some cases with special couriers meeting the plane on the tarmac and checking the belly of the plane to find no evidence of the shipment. one case had escourted pallet of rayban sunglasses go into belly of plane for non-stop, direct flight to newark. after arrival in newark no evidence could be found (whole pallet disappeared sometime after landing in newark).

they would *never* ship diamonds air frieght to any of those four airports (they might ship to nearby airports with special couriers meeting arriving plane).

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Baby Boomer Guys -- Do you look old? Part II

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: (Lynn Wheeler)
Date: 8 June, 2012
Subject: Baby Boomer Guys -- Do you look old? Part II
Blog: Greater IBM
Baby Boomer Guys -- Do you look old? Part II

This mentions that US has suffered from the rise of the "cult of personality" at the expense of "character" the last century:

John Boyd's version (I sponsored Boyd's briefings at IBM starting in the early 80s) is choosing between To Be or To Do ... from dedication of Boyd Hall:
"There are two career paths in front of you, and you have to choose which path you will follow. One path leads to promotions, titles, and positions of distinction.... The other path leads to doing things that are truly significant for the Air Force, but the rewards will quite often be a kick in the stomach because you may have to cross swords with the party line on occasion. You can't go down both paths, you have to choose. Do you want to be a man of distinction or do you want to do things that really influence the shape of the Air Force? To be or to do, that is the question." Colonel John R. Boyd, USAF 1927-1997

From the dedication of Boyd Hall, United States Air Force Weapons School, Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada. 17 September 1999

... snip ...

brief Boyd bio in the Proceedings of the Navy Institute (after his death):

note if you get the "welcome" page at the wayback machine ( ... click on the "Impatient!" field in the right middle of the page.

For a little more IBM tie-in ... Boyd's biography includes doing a stint in command of "spook base" ... biography claims it to have been a $2.5B "windfall" for IBM (over $17B in today's dollars). A spook base URL gone 404 but also lives on at the wayback machine

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

US economic update. Everything that follows is a result of what you see here

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: (Lynn Wheeler)
Date: 8 June, 2012
Subject: US economic update. Everything that follows is a result of what you see here.
Blog: Fabius Maximus
US economic update. Everything that follows is a result of what you see here.

"Confidence Men"
... the economic "A-team" helped get the president elected and in the "japan-or-sweden" solution they were going to choose "sweden" ... but they were also going to hold those on wallstreet accountable ... the president then appoints the "B-team" which selects "japan" solution (many who participated in the bubble and were not going to hold accountable those responsible).

... snip ...

and "Zombie Bank"

Has intro Sheila Bair saying the gov. chose the "Japan" zombie bank solution. and goes into more detail on effects of choosing the "japan" solution, propping up the failed institutions, and not holding accountable those responsible (although there are some disingenuous comments about wallstreet not knowing what it was doing).

I mention here wallstreet folklore that much of this was kicked off after loosing bid to be next CEO of AMEX, set out to build something bigger (major person behind repeal of Glass-Steagall and enabling too-big-to-fail).

and that institution was the too-big-to-fail institution with the largest amount of triple-A rated toxic CDOs being held "off-book" ... four largest too-big-to-fail were still holding $5.2T at the end of 2008:
Bank's Hidden Junk Menaces $1 Trillion Purge
wallstreet folklore about a major driving force behind too-big-to-fail, also mentioned here

CBO has report that last decade that tax revenues were reduced $6T and spending increased $6T, for a $12T budget gap (compared to baseline which had all federal debt retired by 2010). Most of this started after congress allowed fiscal responsibility act to expire in 2002. Last decade, the Comptroller General would include in his speeches that nobody in congress was capable of middle school arithmetic (based on what congress was doing to the budget after they allowed fiscal responsibility act to expire).

recent posts mentioning "Confidence Men", "Zombie Bank", and/or $5.2T off-balance: What's your favorite quote on "accountability"? Zombie Banks Age of Greed: The Triumph of Finance and the Decline of America, 1970 to the Present Who originated the phrase "user-friendly"? Avoiding a lost decade Fed's image tarnished by newly released documents Report: Fed Officials Joked About Housing Crisis Chris Dodd's SOPA crusading "Buffett Tax" and truth in numbers Where are all the old tech workers? Occupy the SEC (Securities & Exchange Commission) Too big not to fail Occupy the SEC Pitches An Extreme Makeover of Wall Street US real-estate has lost $7T in value PC industry is heading for more change The Economist's Take on Financial Innovation Fannie and Freddie must go - here's how Who Increased the Debt? The White House and Mortgage Fraud: So Far It's All Talk, No Action Inequality and Investment Bubbles: A Clearer Link Is Established Predator GE: We Bring Bad Things to Life Cartons of Punch Cards Freefall: America, Free Markets, and the Sinking of the World Economy Psychology Of Fraud: Why Good People Do Bad Things Why Can't Obama Bring Wall Street to Justice? Adult Supervision Adult Supervision JPM LOSES $2 BILLION USD! Psychology Of Fraud: Why Good People Do Bad Things Psychology Of Fraud: Why Good People Do Bad Things 24/7/365 appropriateness was Re: IBMLink outages in 2012 Owl: China Swamps US Across the Board -- Made in China Computer Chips Have Back Doors, 45 Other "Ways & Means" Sucking Blood from US Why Hasn't The Government Prosecuted Anyone For The 2008 Financial recession? Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

US economic update. Everything that follows is a result of what you see here

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: (Lynn Wheeler)
Date: 9 June, 2012
Subject: US economic update. Everything that follows is a result of what you see here.
Blog: Fabius Maximus
re: US economic update. Everything that follows is a result of what you see here.

I'm not sure the reference to "dead link" regarding just the four largest too-big-to-fail still having $5.2T held "off-book" at the end of 2008 ... I've double checked it several different ways
Bank's Hidden Junk Menaces $1 Trillion Purge

Another bloomberg link is that there was a total of $27T done during the last decade (aka $27T is more than enough to create a bubble/burst)
Evil Wall Street Exports Boomed With 'Fools' Born to Buy Debt

and lots of behind the scenes activity trying to clear all of it (that is separate from the $12T budget gap that congress created last decade)

$10T as of 2010 efforts to clean up the mess
$30T as of end 2011
with all of the above, there is little different that they appear able to do

this mentions that june2011, there was $700 trillion in derivative bets ... nothing appears to have been done to slow down the gambling

despite all the rhetoric about controlling derivatives and can't put a stop to risky gambling, Sheila Bair in the last week in TV interview claimed it is actually quiet easy to differentiate between use as straight insurance to cover potential losses and the enormous amount of risky gambling that continues to go on (hard to come up with scenario that the $700 trillion is insurance).

recent posts mentioning derivatives and/or bailout Revolution Through Banking? Age of Greed: The Triumph of Finance and the Decline of America, 1970 to the Present Who originated the phrase "user-friendly"? The PC industry is heading for collapse US real-estate has lost $7T in value US real-estate has lost $7T in value New Citigroup Looks Too Much Like the Old One PC industry is heading for more change PC industry is heading for more change Banks Repaid Fed Bailout With Other Fed Money: Government Report IBM cuts more than 1,000 U.S. workers Memory versus processor speed Why do people say "the soda loop is often depicted as a simple loop"? Who Increased the Debt? Who Increased the Debt? speculation Freefall: America, Free Markets, and the Sinking of the World Economy Fed Report: Mortgage Mess NOT an Inside Job Why Hasn't The Government Prosecuted Anyone For The 2008 Financial recession? Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

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From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Sat, 09 Jun 2012 09:09:52
jmfbahciv <> writes:
Then he can write a check for whatever he wants every April 15th. With his stupid statement plus the furor raised when Romney released his tax forms (he took advantage of a lot of tax-free income), Congress is going to perceive a mandate from the general public to raise taxes. That means that the middle class will get hit not the wealthy. That's how Congress operates. Those who are retired will get a much larger tax bill.

enormous amount to congress ("most corrupt institution on the face of the earth") creates "legal loop-holes" (like they pass a law that makes "insider trading" illegal ... except when it is a member of congress, or spam calling is illegal if you are on the no-call list ... unless you are a member of congress and can use the no-call list for your spam calling).

CBO has report that last decade, congress reduced tax revenues by $6T (things like loop-holes) while increasing spending by $6T ... for a $12T budget gap (compared to baseline that had all federal debt being retired by 2010). most of this started happening after congress allowed fiscal responsibility act to expire in 2002. Comptroller General would include in speeches that nobody in congress was capable of middle school arithmetic (based on what they were doing to the budget after they allowed the fiscal responsibility act to expire in 2002).

however, there were a couple laws still on the books ... spring 2009, irs was going after 52,000 super wealthy that were hiding income in switzerland
two years later, congress cutting enforcement funding (even tho amount cut is drastically less than what would be recovered)
and by the end of last year, except for token effort, it all has gone away

America Is Broken, What Now?

showing comparison of pay & productivity from 1947-now ... there is big break at 1979/1980 ... (inflation adjusted) worker compensation tracked productivity from 1947-1979 ... and then compensation went effectively flat while productivity increase curve kept on the same slope.

also appears here ... also shows US inequality has returned to period before crash of '29 (and the robber barons):
part of this article:

recent mention of robber barons Singer Cartons of Punch Cards Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

recent mention of increasing concentration of wealth and inequality Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

note that one of the special provision loop-holes is lower tax on revenue earned by private equity firms. private equity firms are somewhat analogous to real-estate speculators ... during the bubble, real-estate speculator could get no-down, no-documation, liar-loan, 1% interest only payment and flip after a year; in parts of country with 20-30% inflation, they could get 2000% ROI ... flipping the house and paying off the original mortgage. big difference between real-estate speculators and private equity firms ... private equity get large fees and commissions separate from the loan to buy the firm ... and it goes all on the books of the bought firm. Then when they "sell" the firm (aka IPO), the debt stays with the firm. real-estate speculator pays off the original loan and profit is the net on the proceeds; private equity firm keeps the whole amount ... private equity firm can even sell/ipo a company for less than they originally paid and still make enormous profit ... since they don't have to pay off the original loan (it is carried on the books of the company sold). Imagine that you could take out a mortgage to buy a house and then when you sell it ... you get to keep the whole amount (you don't have to pay-off your mortgage, the purchaser takes on responsibility for your mortgage).

recent posts mentioning private equity: The Myth of Work-Life Balance Mitt Romney avoids U.S tax by using Offshore bank accounts Romney's Opponents Intensify Attacks as Voting Nears Age of Greed: The Triumph of Finance and the Decline of America, 1970 to the Present You may ask yourself, well, how did I get here? Report: Fed Officials Joked About Housing Crisis The Myth of Work-Life Balance Where are all the old tech workers? Where are all the old tech workers? IBM Doing Some Restructuring? How do you feel about the fact that today India has more IBM employees than US? Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Sat, 09 Jun 2012 09:50:05
Dave Garland <> writes:
I don't think IBM was ever particularly happy in the consumer market, though. Commodity goods with not enough markup, and they failed to gain a proprietary advantage with Micro Channel. Not much in followup sales as compared to a mainframe or even a Selectric. They still make servers.

And (after a brief transitional period) Lenovo doesn't use the IBM name.

there was a joke that they lost $5 on every PS2 sold ... but they were going to make it up in volume.

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Sat, 09 Jun 2012 10:04:57
re: Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

this goes into some detail about private equity

The Buyout of America: How Private Equity Will Cause the Next Great Credit Crisis

a few past posts mentioning the book (book predates anything related to the current presidential campaigns) Favourite computer history books? After a Romney Deal, Profits and Then Layoffs Civilization, doomed?

this book also has some amount to say about private equity

Age of Greed: The Triumph of Finance and the Decline of America, 1970 to the Present

I have a little fun in this thread/posts US economic update. Everything that follows is a result of what you see here US economic update. Everything that follows is a result of what you see here

about some amount of the current situation; "everything that follows" is because somebody lost competition to be the next CEO of AMEX. "Age of Greed" provides additional details of the individuals involved.

a few past "Age of Greed" references: We are on the brink of a historic decision [referring to defence cuts] Age of Greed: The Triumph of Finance and the Decline of America, 1970 to the Present Romney's Opponents Intensify Attacks as Voting Nears Age of Greed: The Triumph of Finance and the Decline of America, 1970 to the Present You may ask yourself, well, how did I get here? Fed's image tarnished by newly released documents The Myth of Work-Life Balance Railroaded Regulatory Agency logo Chris Dodd's SOPA crusading Age of Greed: The Triumph of Finance and the Decline of America, 1970 to the Present Bain: A consulting firm too hot to handle? (Fortune, 1987) Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes? Sun Tzu, Boyd, strategy and extensions of same "Buffett Tax" and truth in numbers Where are all the old tech workers? IBM Doing Some Restructuring? IBM Doing Some Restructuring? Occupy the SEC (Securities & Exchange Commission) Too big not to fail Occupy the SEC Pitches An Extreme Makeover of Wall Street Why Is Finance So Big? IBM cuts more than 1,000 U.S. workers The Fractal Organization: Creating sustainable organizations with the Viable System Model Predator GE: We Bring Bad Things to Life Psychology Of Fraud: Why Good People Do Bad Things Psychology Of Fraud: Why Good People Do Bad Things Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Hierarchy

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Sat, 09 Jun 2012 11:02:06
Walter Banks <> writes:
Someone who knows more than me about the military could count up the layers between the President, secretary of defense, chairman of the joint chiefs . . . new recruit

much of the money is siphoned off by companies in one way or another.

recent post about congress creating $12T budget gap last decade ... $6T cut in revenue, $6T increase in spending (compared to baseline). Over $2T of the increase in spending last decade was for DOD, over $1T for the wars and the rest ($1+T) went where? Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

last decade, there has also been an enormous increase in private contractors ... somewhat trying to disquise the enormous increase in spending by showing up as contracts as opposed to civil servants and soldiers. this recent post Defense budget casualties light on civilian side

OMB guidance expected on measuring insourcing, outsourcing costs

from above:
Over the last decade, spending on service contractors has outpaced spending on federal employees, McCaskill said, citing figures from the Federal Procurement Data System and the Congressional Research Service. The cost of service contracts has increased by 79 percent, from $181 billion to $324 billion, she said. At the same time, spending on the total federal civilian workforce increased by 35 percent, from $170 billion to $229 billion

... snip ...

there was something recently that private army are costing many multiples per soldier

it use to be that it was all about MICC (claim is that Eisenhower originally intended to say military-industrial-congressional-complex but dropped "congressional" at the last minute) ... but increasing enormous amounts are disappearing into various commercial pockets. There are even some major companies that are failing to pay their taxes ... and agencies were trying to make them ineligible for future contracts (at least until they had paid their tax bills) ... and congress stepped in to block even it. this mentions it had been running $10B/annum in 2007 illegal aliens

which is consistent with members of congress taking efforts to block irs from going after 52,000 super-wealthy tax cheats hiding money in switzerland (separate from all the technically "legal" tax loopholes) ... recent post Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

other recent posts mentioning MICC: We are on the brink of a historic decision [referring to defence cuts] We are on the brink of a historic decision [referring to defence cuts] Ruminating on Strategic Thinking II. : Social Conditions PC industry is heading for more change PC industry is heading for more change They're Trying to Block Military Cuts How would you succinctly desribe maneuver warfare? PC industry is heading for more change Update on the F35 Debate McCain calls for U.S.-led airstrikes in Syria China's J-20 Stealth Fighter Is Already Doing A Whole Lot More Than Anyone Expected "Scoring" The Romney Tax Plan: Trillions Of Dollars Of Deficits As Far As The Eye Can See Memory versus processor speed Memory versus processor speed Who Increased the Debt? Word Length Glory Days of Army Acquisition Were Not So Glorious Disruptive Thinkers: Defining the Problem Sunday Book Review: Mind of War Time to Think ... and to Listen Hardware v. People Time to competency for new software language? Rome speaks to us. Their example can inspire us to avoid their fate Time to Think ... and to Listen Zakaria: by itself, Buffett rule is good Defense acquisitions are broken and no one cares How do you feel about the fact that India has more employees than US? How Selecting Voters Randomly Can Lead to Better Elections

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

How do you feel about the fact that today India has more IBM employees than US?

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: (Lynn Wheeler)
Date: 9 June, 2012
Subject: How do you feel about the fact that today India has more IBM employees than US?
Blog: IBMers
A little additional about non-US in US STEM curricula ... supposedly significant percentage were funded by their governments with direction that after graduation to go into specific technical departments at US companies and then after 5-7 yrs ... return home (technology transfer). A decade ago, there were several advanced R&D departments (in the US) at US companies that were wholly staffed by such individuals (typically mix of Indian and Asian).

One of the issues about US educated executives is that they have increasingly been corrupted by MBA programs and totally focused on their own compensation tied to quarterly results. Part of this is reports that ratio of US executive compensation to worker compensation had exploded to 400:1 after having been 20:1 for a long time (and 10:1 in much of the rest of the world) ... "Age of Greed" claims it spiked over 500:1 during the bubble last decade:

some of the period covered by "Age of Greed" ...

There are both govs. and corporations diverting lots of infrastructure spending for other purposes. This is Volcker quote from "Confidence Men", discussion between Volcker and civil engineering professor talking about lots of programs have been cut back or eliminated because no students and no students because no jobs:
Well, I said, 'The trouble with the United States recently is we spent several decades not producing many civil engineers and producing a huge number of financial engineers. And the result is s*tty bridges and a s*tty financial system!

... snip ...

More recently there are several reports that as a result of stimulus funding ... new US infrastructure projects were going to Chinese engineering companies.

In the time-frame that (Cal) PG&E was caught up in part of the ENRON episode, there was brush fire that damaged building caused by electrical contact. PUC had authorized rates that including spending for brush & tree trimming ... but instead it was being diverted to executive bonus. PG&E was held liable for the fire & building damage as well as fined for diverting the funds. However, I never heard anything about it actually be any downside for the individuals involved.

Early 80s, there was call for 100% unearned profit tax on US automakers. Scenario was that import quotas was cut competition and significantly increase US automakers profit that would be used to remake themselves ... but instead they just pocketed the money and continued business as usual.

Decade later, circa 1990, they had "C4 taskforce" to look at completely remaking themselves. They were planning on heavily leveraging technology and so invited representatives of high-tech companies. During the meetings, they could accurately describe the foreign competition and what needed to be done ... but as since seen recently ... again they still was little change. One of the issues was that US companies had several year product cycle that required a lot of expensive rework as technology changed (they would typically run two different product cycles offset by 3-4 years so that something new was delivered more frequently). At that time, foreign competition had cut the elapsed time product cycle under two years. Offline, I chided some of the mainframe brethren at the meetings, since they were on similar elapsed time product cycle (as US auto makers).

past posts in this thread: How do you feel about the fact that India has more employees than US? How do you feel about the fact that India has more employees than US? How do you feel about the fact that India has more employees than US? How do you feel about the fact that India has more employees than US? How do you feel about the fact that India has more employees than US? How do you feel about the fact that today India has more IBM employees than US? How do you feel about the fact that today India has more IBM employees than US? How do you feel about the fact that today India has more IBM employees than US? How do you feel about the fact that India has more employees than US?

recent posts mentioning "Confidence Men" &/or "Age Of Greed" We are on the brink of a historic decision [referring to defence cuts] What's your favorite quote on "accountability"? Zombie Banks Age of Greed: The Triumph of Finance and the Decline of America, 1970 to the Present Who originated the phrase "user-friendly"? Romney's Opponents Intensify Attacks as Voting Nears Age of Greed: The Triumph of Finance and the Decline of America, 1970 to the Present Who originated the phrase "user-friendly"? You may ask yourself, well, how did I get here? Avoiding a lost decade Fed's image tarnished by newly released documents The Myth of Work-Life Balance Railroaded Regulatory Agency logo Chris Dodd's SOPA crusading Age of Greed: The Triumph of Finance and the Decline of America, 1970 to the Present Bain: A consulting firm too hot to handle? (Fortune, 1987) The PC industry is heading for collapse Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes? Can anyone offer some insight Sun Tzu, Boyd, strategy and extensions of same "Buffett Tax" and truth in numbers The speeds of thought, complexities of problems Where are all the old tech workers? The New Age Bounty Hunger -- Showdown at the SEC Corral IBM Doing Some Restructuring? IBM Doing Some Restructuring? New theory of moral behavior may explain recent ethical lapses in banking industry Occupy the SEC (Securities & Exchange Commission) Too big not to fail Occupy the SEC Pitches An Extreme Makeover of Wall Street PC industry is heading for more change Why Is Finance So Big? The Economist's Take on Financial Innovation PC industry is heading for more change PC industry is heading for more change IBM cuts more than 1,000 U.S. workers Memory versus processor speed The Fractal Organization: Creating sustainable organizations with the Viable System Model The White House and Mortgage Fraud: So Far It's All Talk, No Action Inequality and Investment Bubbles: A Clearer Link Is Established Predator GE: We Bring Bad Things to Life Cartons of Punch Cards Psychology Of Fraud: Why Good People Do Bad Things Why Can't Obama Bring Wall Street to Justice? The Dangers of High-Frequency Trading; Wall Street's Speed Freaks Adult Supervision JPM LOSES $2 BILLION USD! Psychology Of Fraud: Why Good People Do Bad Things Psychology Of Fraud: Why Good People Do Bad Things Psychology Of Fraud: Why Good People Do Bad Things 24/7/365 appropriateness was Re: IBMLink outages in 2012 Owl: China Swamps US Across the Board -- Made in China Computer Chips Have Back Doors, 45 Other "Ways & Means" Sucking Blood from US Why Hasn't The Government Prosecuted Anyone For The 2008 Financial recession? Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Hierarchy US economic update. Everything that follows is a result of what you see here US economic update. Everything that follows is a result of what you see here Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Sun, 10 Jun 2012 10:46:36
jmfbahciv <> writes:
Brought to you by Barney Frank. You should get the book he wrote in the late 80s (can't remember the title and my copy is packed in some box). It lays out exactly what the Democrat Party intended to do so that everybody gets to be "equal". BF has a 100% effective reality filter.


as referenced in the NY Times article from the previous post

the country was extreme inequality and the top 1% had 23.9% of the total wealth at the time of the '29 crash, concentration of wealth decreases and equality increased until the mid/late 70s where the top 1% only had 8.9% of the total wealth. regardless of what barney frank may or may not have written in the late 80s ... after the late 70s, the trend reverses and concentration of weatlh and inequality increases dramatically until the top 1% were back to 23.5% of total wealth at the 2007 bubble collapse. What ever the democratic party claimed in the late 80s, exactly the opposite was happening (and continued the whole time) ... so Barney's book might be considered misdirection

In the executive/worker part of top1%, there was report that the ratio of executive compensation to worker compensation has reached 400:1 after being 20:1 for a long time (and 10:1 in most of the rest of the world). "Age of Greed" claims that the ratio spiked over 500:1 during the last decade. This corresponds to the other graph in the above article showing productivity is only upward slope from 47to79 with worker wages/compensation tracking. After 79, productivity slope actually increases while compensation goes nearly flat. That graph is also reproduced/discussed in the previously reference blog:

misc. other past posts referencing the "concentration of wealth" graphs The war on terabytes We are on the brink of a historic decision [referring to defence cuts] Age of Greed: The Triumph of Finance and the Decline of America, 1970 to the Present You may ask yourself, well, how did I get here? The PC industry is heading for collapse IBM cuts more than 1,000 U.S. workers Disruptive Thinkers: Defining the Problem Inequality and Investment Bubbles: A Clearer Link Is Established Vampire Squid Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards How do you feel about the fact that India has more employees than US?

there is quite a bit associated with democratic party and CRA mortgages to help the less well off (low-income being able to buy their first home) ... including those intentions resulted in the huge real-estate bubble/burst. However, a lot of misdirection and obfuscation. There was $27T in triple-A rated toxic CDOs done during the economic mess
Evil Wall Street Exports Boomed With 'Fools' Born to Buy Debt

they got the generic label sub-prime ... and somehow that met they were all CRA and the result of democratic party activities. but the general elimination of adult supervision of wallstreet resulted in only 1/4th of the loan/mortgages done during the bubble being in the traditional mortgage market ... and less than 10% of the traditional mortgage market was CRA ... aka an extremely small portion of the $27T bubble was in the CRA process. Some analogy to airplane accident investigation and finding something contributed 2-3% to the accident and therefor it was solely responsible for the accident

one of my scenarios is that members of congress actually create the facade of conflict to distract voters from what is really going on ... i.e. local washington news periodically refers to congressional activities as Kabuki theater (1603-1629):

recent posts mentioning Kabuki theater PC industry is heading for more change The PC industry is heading for collapse You can't do the math without the words IBM cuts more than 1,000 U.S. Workers McCain calls for U.S.-led airstrikes in Syria Why Republicans Aren't Mentioning the Real Cause of Rising Prices at the Gas Pump The Dallas Fed Is Calling For The Immediate Breakup Of Large Banks Word Length Developing a Disruptive Mindset Born Fighting Let the IRS Do Your Taxes, Really Time to competency for new software language? Rome speaks to us. Their example can inspire us to avoid their fate Why America Is Slouching Towards Third World Status

other recent posts mentioning "Age of Greed" book: We are on the brink of a historic decision [referring to defence cuts] Who originated the phrase "user-friendly"? Romney's Opponents Intensify Attacks as Voting Nears Age of Greed: The Triumph of Finance and the Decline of America, 1970 to the Present Avoiding a lost decade Fed's image tarnished by newly released documents The Myth of Work-Life Balance Railroaded Regulatory Agency logo Chris Dodd's SOPA crusading Age of Greed: The Triumph of Finance and the Decline of America, 1970 to the Present Bain: A consulting firm too hot to handle? (Fortune, 1987) Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes? Can anyone offer some insight Sun Tzu, Boyd, strategy and extensions of same "Buffett Tax" and truth in numbers The speeds of thought, complexities of problems Where are all the old tech workers? The New Age Bounty Hunger -- Showdown at the SEC Corral IBM Doing Some Restructuring? IBM Doing Some Restructuring? New theory of moral behavior may explain recent ethical lapses in banking industry Occupy the SEC (Securities & Exchange Commission) Too big not to fail Occupy the SEC Pitches An Extreme Makeover of Wall Street PC industry is heading for more change Why Is Finance So Big? PC industry is heading for more change PC industry is heading for more change Memory versus processor speed The Fractal Organization: Creating sustainable organizations with the Viable System Model Predator GE: We Bring Bad Things to Life Psychology Of Fraud: Why Good People Do Bad Things The Dangers of High-Frequency Trading; Wall Street's Speed Freaks Adult Supervision Psychology Of Fraud: Why Good People Do Bad Things Psychology Of Fraud: Why Good People Do Bad Things Psychology Of Fraud: Why Good People Do Bad Things Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Hierarchy US economic update. Everything that follows is a result of what you see here US economic update. Everything that follows is a result of what you see here Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards How do you feel about the fact that today India has more IBM employees than US?

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

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From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Sun, 10 Jun 2012 11:12:06
jmfbahciv <> writes:
I don't understand your thinking. Increasing the tax rates (my estimate was .3--it will be higher) isn't going to solve any of the problems Congress is having.

for the primary beneficiaries of the 72,000+ pages of tax loop-holes, the top marginal tax rate can have little to do with the effective tax percentage paid/collected.

in the Kabuki Theater scenario ... congress (as most corrupt institution on earth) most profitable area of business is tax loophole lobbying. constant turmoil and conflict over various areas of the tax code ... actually increases what members of congress collect. tax codes that periodically expire ... increases the take by congress ... instead of one-time large lobbying contribution ... it turns it into re-occurring congressional revenue ... and having appearance of opposition can drastically increase what congress collects.

last decade tax collections decrease $6T (in large part changes to tax code) and gov. spending increased $6T ... for a $12T budget gap (compared to baseline having all federal debt retired by 2010). Much of this happens after congress allows the fiscal responsibility act to expire in 2002. Comptroller General includes in speaches that nobody in congress is capable for middle school arithmetic ... based on what they were doing to the budget.

2006 a.f.c. posts referring to comptroller speeches and congress not capable of middle school arithmetic (based on what they were doing to the budget): The Pankian Metaphor The Pankian Metaphor The Pankian Metaphor The Pankian Metaphor The Pankian Metaphor The Pankian Metaphor The Pankian Metaphor The Pankian Metaphor The Pankian Metaphor The Pankian Metaphor The Pankian Metaphor Health Care Health Care Cray-1 Anniversary Event - September 21st Universal constants

more recent posts mentioning $12T budget gap: They're Trying to Block Military Cuts PC industry is heading for more change PC industry is heading for more change China's J-20 Stealth Fighter Is Already Doing A Whole Lot More Than Anyone Expected Is Washington So Bad at Strategy? "Scoring" The Romney Tax Plan: Trillions Of Dollars Of Deficits As Far As The Eye Can See Memory versus processor speed We are on the brink of historic decision [referring to defence cuts] Who Increased the Debt? Word Length Rome speaks to us. Their example can inspire us to avoid their fate Zakaria: by itself, Buffett rule is good 'Gutting' Our Military The Pentagon's New Defense Clandestine Service Defense acquisitions are broken and no one cares Adult Supervision Fareed Zakaria Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards US economic update. Everything that follows is a result of what you see here US economic update. Everything that follows is a result of what you see here Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

past posts mentioning fiscal responsibility act: How to defeat new telemarketing tactic How to defeat new telemarketing tactic Happy DEC-10 Day Oldest Instruction Set still in daily use? The 2010 Census The 2010 Census not even sort of about The 2010 Census Idiotic take on Bush tax cuts expiring They always think we don't understand They always think we don't understand origin of 'fields'? 77,000 federal workers paid more than governors Happy 100th Birthday, IBM! Happy 100th Birthday, IBM! Happy 100th Birthday, IBM! Happy 100th Birthday, IBM! Happy 100th Birthday, IBM! Happy 100th Birthday, IBM! Happy 100th Birthday, IBM! Happy 100th Birthday, IBM! Congressional Bickering The True Cost of 9/11 -- Includes 18 Veteran Suicides a Day computer bootlaces Bernanke Hearings The Mortgage Crisis---Some Inside Views The debt fallout: How Social Security went "cash negative" earlier than expected Speed: Re: Soups Gingrich urged yes vote on controversial Medicare bill We are on the brink of a historic decision [referring to defence cuts]

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

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From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Sun, 10 Jun 2012 13:01:54
Dan Espen <> writes:
Like I'm using the word "distortion" when I suspect the correct word is "lie", the Controller General knows damn well, that these congressmen are doing the arithmetic and know exactly what they are doing.

It's a constant source of amazement how their constituents will suck up: "small businessman", "death tax", "double tax", "fiscal conservative" and all the other lies.

re: Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

to split a hair, being able to do the arithmetic and doing the arithmetic are two different things. actually doing the arithmetic implies that they might care.

allowing the fiscal responsibility act to expire in 2002 is more direct indication that they didn't care ... the fiscal responsibility act required that they match gov. spending to gov. revenue/tax ... which would imply having to do some arithmetic. no more fiscal responsibility act, no more having to match spending to taxes ... and no more requirement to do arithmetic.

giving enormous tax reductions to the poor doesn't result in large congressional revenue. giving enormous tax reductions to the rich comes with enormous revenue to members of congress ... making them expire ... turns enormous one-time payment into reoccurring enormous ("lobbying") revenue (especially when there is appearance of opposing forces, the more appearance of conflict, the greater the reoccurring revenue stream).

we had been called into consult with small client/server startup that wanted to do payment transactions on their server, they had also invented this technology called "SSL" they wanted to use, the result is now frequently called electronic commerce. Afterwards we got into lots of operations that wanted to be part of the "click", "reoccurring" revenue stream. It also shows up in the anti-virus paradigm that requires continuous subscription ... since it doesn't actually address the underlying problem but is non-stop process of evolving virus "signatures". Recent claims that current anti-virus paradigm is collapsing in on itself with over 60,000 virus signatures (i.e. some similarity between 60,000+ virus signatures and 72,000+ page tax code).

congress as Kabuki theater (1603-1629)

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

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From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Sun, 10 Jun 2012 13:53:14
Peter Flass <> writes:
Apparently even the mainframe business isn't good enough for them these days. They're going mostly into services, where they can hire and fire contractors as business warrants. Making things is *way* too much trouble.

Middle of 80s, top executives were predicting revenue would double from $60B to $120B mostly on mainframe sales ... and had massive internal building program to double mainframe manufacturing ... this was when that part of the business was already starting to head in the opposite direction ... a few years later company goes into the red, requiring Gerstner's resurrection and he refocuses company on services (note that 1990 $120B is $210+B in today's dollars)

I've had a number of recent posts about e5-2600 (intel) blade has base $1815 price from ibm and is rated at 527BIPS. The largest configured, most recent z196 mainframe (80 processors) is rated at 50BIPS and goes for $28M.

a couple recent posts about Gerstner's resurrection of IBM ... recent revenue is 83% services&software ... everything else (17%) includes all hardware. intel/86 servers, power/risc servers, and mainframe are approx. $5B each (but I expect that the mainframe profit margin is significantly higher than the intel/86 server profit margin; and $5B mainframe revenue is far cry from 1990 $120B daydreams ... $210+B in today's dollars) You may ask yourself, well, how did I get here? The Myth of Work-Life Balance IBM's z196 Article at RWT Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes? Google works on Internet standards with TCP proposals, SPDY standardization Can a business be democratic? Tom Watson Sr. thought so Are rotating register files still a bad idea? Original Thinking Is Hard, Where Good Ideas Come From IBM Doing Some Restructuring? Inventor of e-mail honored by Smithsonian IBM cuts more than 1,000 U.S. Workers Layer 8: NASA unplugs last mainframe IBM cuts more than 1,000 U.S. Workers Burroughs B5000, B5500, B6500 videos Time to Think ... and to Listen How do you feel about the fact that India has more employees than US? Co-existance of z/OS and z/VM on same DASD farm Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Why So Many Formerly Successful Companies Are Failing How do you feel about the fact that today India has more IBM employees than US? Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Think You Know The Mainframe? How do you feel about the fact that today India has more IBM employees than US? Hierarchy

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

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From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Sun, 10 Jun 2012 14:03:54
jmfbahciv <> writes:
I read one history of that era. It sure seems like deja vu, including the wars going on.

i've mentioned before that in jan2009, I was asked to take the Pecora hearings (had been scanned fall before at Boston Public Library, senate hearings into the bubble/crash '29) and HTML'ize them with lots of internal crosslink/index HREFs as well as lots of URLs with correspondence between what happened then and what happened this time (some expectation that the new congress would have appetite to do something). After a couple months, got a call saying it wouldn't be needed after all (implication that there were enormous amounts of money from wallsteet being spread around capital hill).

this goes along with this from "Confidence Men":
... the economic "A-team" helped get the president elected and in the "japan-or-sweden" solution they were going to choose "sweden" ... but they were also going to hold those on wallstreet accountable ... the president then appoints the "B-team" which selects "japan" solution (many who participated in the bubble and were not going to hold accountable those responsible).

... snip ..

it goes along with this item about one of the top people responsible for the economic mess ... Glass-Steagall came out of the Pecora hearings and then in 1999 it was repealed:,28804,1877351_1877350_1877330,00.html

and recent reference about major force on wallstreet that was major factor pushing for repeal of Glass-Steagall ... convoluted sequence after having lost contest for next CEO of AMEX: How do you feel about the fact that today India has more IBM employees than US? Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards The Age of Unsatisfying Wars US economic update. Everything that follows is a result of what you see here Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

misc. past posts mentioning Pecora: OCR scans of old documents As bonuses...why breed greed, when others are in dire need? Is Wall Street World's Largest Ponzi Scheme where Madoff is Just a Poster Child? Should Glass-Steagall be reinstated? Who first mentioned Credit Crunch? The background reasons of Credit Crunch Should FDIC or the Federal Reserve Bank have the authority to shut down and take over non-bankfinancial institutions like AIG? Architectural Diversity What's your personal confidence level concerning financial market recovery? Just posted third article about toxic assets in a series on the current financial crisis Do the current Banking Results in the US hide a grim truth? Treating the Web As an Archive China's yuan 'set to usurp US dollar' as world's reserve currency The Paradox of Economic Recovery Analysing risk, especially credit risk in Banks, which was a major reason for the current crisis 64 Cores -- IBM is showing a prototype already In the USA "financial regulator seeks power to curb excess speculation." what is mortgage-backed securities? Opinions on the 'Unix Haters' Handbook' Opinions on the 'Unix Haters' Handbook U.K. lags in information security management practices Opinions on the 'Unix Haters' Handbook 70 Years of ATM Innovation 70 Years of ATM Innovation Bookshelves under BookMangler The 2010 Census Our Pecora Moment Our Pecora Moment The Python and the Mongoose: it helps if you know the rules of engagement Our Pecora Moment Idiotic programming style edicts Our Pecora Moment Idiotic programming style edicts Goldman Sachs -- Post SEC complaint. What's next? Fake debate: The Senate will not vote on big banks Favourite computer history books? Seeking *Specific* Implementation of Star Trek Game History--automated payroll processing by other than a computer? Who is Really to Blame for the Financial Crisis? Who is Really to Blame for the Financial Crisis? Idiotic programming style edicts Idiotic programming style edicts They always think we don't understand What banking is. (Essential for predicting the end of finance as we know it.) Rare Apple I computer sells for $216,000 in London TCM's Moguls documentary series TCM's Moguls documentary series TCM's Moguls documentary series Ernst & Young sued for fraud over Lehman Programmer Charged with thieft (maybe off topic) What do you think about fraud prevention in the governments? The Imaginot Line Productivity And Bubbles Productivity And Bubbles Productivity And Bubbles Productivity And Bubbles The first personal computer (PC) The first personal computer (PC) On Protectionism Home prices may drop another 25%, Shiller predicts US Housing Crisis Is Now Worse Than Great Depression US Housing Crisis Is Now Worse Than Great Depression Obama: "We don't have enough engineers" CISO's Guide to Breach Notification 'Megalomania, Insanity' Fueled Bubble: Munger Happy 100th Birthday, IBM! Happy 100th Birthday, IBM! Happy 100th Birthday, IBM! House panel approves data breach notification bill Advice from Richard P. Feynman Study shows powerful corporations really do control the world's finances computer bootlaces computer bootlaces computer bootlaces Bernanke Hearings Don't Dump the Volcker Rule Just Because It's Not Perfect The men who crashed the world The men who crashed the world The men who crashed the world The men who crashed the world The men who crashed the world The men who crashed the world The men who crashed the world Civilization, doomed? Building a Better America-One Wealth Quintile at a Time How Pursuit of Profits Kills Innovation and the U.S. Economy The men who crashed the world Fed Report Finds Speculators Played Big Role in Housing Collapse World faces 1930-type Depression IBM Manuals The round wheels industry is heading for collapse What's the most interesting thing you do in your non-work life? Bank of America Fined $1 Billion for Mortgage Fraud US real-estate has lost $7T in value US real-estate has lost $7T in value Greek knife to Wall Street PC industry is heading for more change PC industry is heading for more change Memory versus processor speed Adult Supervision REPEAL OF GLASS-STEAGALL DID NOT CAUSE THE FINANCIAL CRISIS - WHAT DO YOU THINK? Why Hasn't The Government Prosecuted Anyone For The 2008 Financial recession? Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

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From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Sun, 10 Jun 2012 22:34:22
Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> writes:
this goes along with this from "Confidence Men":

... the economic "A-team" helped get the president elected and in the "japan-or-sweden" solution they were going to choose "sweden" ... but they were also going to hold those on wallstreet accountable ... the president then appoints the "B-team" which selects "japan" solution (many who participated in the bubble and were not going to hold accountable those responsible).

... snip ..

re: Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

and "Zombie Bank"

Has intro Sheila Bair saying the gov. chose the "Japan" zombie bank solution. and goes into more detail on effects of choosing the "japan" solution, propping up the failed institutions, and not holding accountable those responsible (although there are some disingenuous comments about wallstreet not knowing what it was doing).

recent reference to "Zombie Bank" in this post US economic update. Everything that follows is a result of what you see here.

this recent post mentioning lack of infrastructure spending in the US ... also from "Confidence Men" ... resulting in loss of civil engineering programs (& Volcker's comment about "s*tty bridges and s*tty financial system") How do you feel about the fact that today India has more IBM employees than US?

this reference posted to Google+ Inequality and Investment Bubbles: A Clearer Link Is Established

Inequality and Investment Bubbles: A Clearer Link Is Established

shows up also in the graph of percent of total wealth held by the top 1% ... peaking with the crash of '29 and then again with the last decade:

this time, the deflating of the bubble doesn't appear to be returning to more equality ... in part possibly because of the propping up of the failed financial institutions ... and not holding accountable those responsible.

misc. recent posts referencing the graph showing both the worker compensation going flat the last 30+yrs (while productivity continued to increase) and percent of country's wealth held by the top 1% from 1913 to 2007: Vampire Squid Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards How do you feel about the fact that India has more employees than US? Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

rough correspondence of worker compensation going flat is period

Age of Greed: The Triumph of Finance and the Decline of America, 1970 to the Present

other past posts mentioning the "Age of Greed" We are on the brink of a historic decision [referring to defence cuts] Age of Greed: The Triumph of Finance and the Decline of America, 1970 to the Present Who originated the phrase "user-friendly"? Romney's Opponents Intensify Attacks as Voting Nears Age of Greed: The Triumph of Finance and the Decline of America, 1970 to the Present You may ask yourself, well, how did I get here? Avoiding a lost decade Fed's image tarnished by newly released documents The Myth of Work-Life Balance Railroaded Regulatory Agency logo Chris Dodd's SOPA crusading Age of Greed: The Triumph of Finance and the Decline of America, 1970 to the Present Bain: A consulting firm too hot to handle? (Fortune, 1987) The PC industry is heading for collapse Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes? Can anyone offer some insight Sun Tzu, Boyd, strategy and extensions of same "Buffett Tax" and truth in numbers The speeds of thought, complexities of problems Where are all the old tech workers? The New Age Bounty Hunger -- Showdown at the SEC Corral IBM Doing Some Restructuring? IBM Doing Some Restructuring? New theory of moral behavior may explain recent ethical lapses in banking industry Occupy the SEC (Securities & Exchange Commission) Too big not to fail Occupy the SEC Pitches An Extreme Makeover of Wall Street PC industry is heading for more change Why Is Finance So Big? PC industry is heading for more change PC industry is heading for more change IBM cuts more than 1,000 U.S. workers Memory versus processor speed The Fractal Organization: Creating sustainable organizations with the Viable System Model Inequality and Investment Bubbles: A Clearer Link Is Established Predator GE: We Bring Bad Things to Life Psychology Of Fraud: Why Good People Do Bad Things The Dangers of High-Frequency Trading; Wall Street's Speed Freaks Adult Supervision Psychology Of Fraud: Why Good People Do Bad Things Psychology Of Fraud: Why Good People Do Bad Things Psychology Of Fraud: Why Good People Do Bad Things Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Hierarchy US economic update. Everything that follows is a result of what you see here US economic update. Everything that follows is a result of what you see here Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Other Than In Computers, Civilization Basically Stopped Progressing In The 1960s

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From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Other Than In Computers, Civilization Basically Stopped Progressing In The 1960s
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2012 08:31:51
Other Than In Computers, Civilization Basically Stopped Progressing In The 1960s

from above:

But with the exception of the computer industry, it wasn't. Per capita incomes are still rising, but that rate is starkly decelerating. Median wages have been stagnant since 1973. People find themselves in an alarming Alice-in-Wonderland-style scenario in which they must run harder and harder -- that is, work longer hours -- just to stay in the same place. This deceleration is complex, and wage data alone don't explain it. But they do support the general sense that the rapid progress of the last 200 years is slowing all too quickly.

... snip ...

similar to this graph
also shown here:

slightly different metric (inflation adjusted) "avg. hourly wage" ... versus "median wage" ... but both show major change in trends occurring in the 70s.

goes along with the rising inequality and concentration of wealth starting in the 70s (also shown in the NYTimes 4Sept2011 graphic)

Age of Greed: The Triumph of Finance and the Decline of America, 1970 to the Present

going along with the rising inequality and concentration of wealth has been the diversion of funds from infrastructure projects ... mentioned here including Volcker's reference to lack of infrastructure spending translates into loss of infrastructure jobs and disappearing civil engineering programs ("And the result is s*tty bridges and a s*tty financial system!") Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

some resurgence in infrastructure projects (in part from stimulus funds) has resulted in contracts going to Chinese engineering firms

from above:
These projects sound like steps in the right direction, but much of the work is going to Chinese government-owned firms.

... snip ...

older article from 2007:

America's Infrastructure Engineering Dilemma

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

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From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2012 09:31:46
jmfbahciv <> writes:
But the goal is to concentrate that wealth to a few and redistribute some of it to the rest so they can be "equal". This is their socialism; it appears that their technique to implement this kind of economy is based on fascism. Did we read different books ;-)?

the barney frank book sounded like what he might like to do ... or is blue skying .. not what actually happened.

most of the $6T cut in tax revenues during the first decade of the century were for the benefit of the top 1%, the 52,000 super-wealthy hiding money in switzerland (tax dodging) were from the top 1%, and much of the $6T increase in spending last decade ... also found its way to the top 1%. together helps account for the top 1% having gone from 23.9% of total wealth in the late 20s, dropping down to 8.9% in the 70s and by 2007 had made it back to 23.5%

possible motivation for speeches, news releases, books, etc by some members of congress (for things like social reform) ... is to make it appear as if there would be action taken not in the interest of the top 1% ... which would significantly increase money flowing into capital hill. If things looked like they would settle down to nice, quiet status quo ... there would be little motivation for lobbying. It is only when it looks like things might change in different direction ... that motivates the money to start flowing ... more Kabuki Theater and keeping up the enormous flow of funds into capital hill.

recent posts mentioning the NYTimes article and/or Kabuki Theater: PC industry is heading for more change The PC industry is heading for collapse You can't do the math without the words IBM cuts more than 1,000 U.S. Workers McCain calls for U.S.-led airstrikes in Syria Why Republicans Aren't Mentioning the Real Cause of Rising Prices at the Gas Pump The Dallas Fed Is Calling For The Immediate Breakup Of Large Banks Word Length Developing a Disruptive Mindset Born Fighting Let the IRS Do Your Taxes, Really Time to competency for new software language? Rome speaks to us. Their example can inspire us to avoid their fate Vampire Squid Why America Is Slouching Towards Third World Status Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards How do you feel about the fact that India has more employees than US? Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Other Than In Computers, Civilization Basically Stopped Progressing In The 1960s

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

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From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2012 10:33:08
one of the first major legislation after congress allowed the fiscal responsibility act to expire in 2002 was medicare part-d. Comptroller General has characterized it as unfunded mandate coming to represent long-term $40T and totally swamping all other items. It has been characterized as trillions of dollars "gift" to the pharmaceutical industry

CBS 60mins on the intrique involved stuff even within the party in power. it identified 18 critical members of congress or staff moving the bill through and at last minute drops a one-liner into the bill and blocking CBO report analysing the effect of that one line (until after vote) ... and shortly afterwards all 18 had resigned and were on drug industry payroll.

one-line eliminated competitive bidding and in CBS 60mins comparison, the drugs from VA (with competitive bidding) are 1/3rd the cost of the same identical drugs under medicare part-d.

legislation that may appear to be heavily oriented towards social programs are still heavily weighted in favor of the 1%, inequality, and concentration of wealth ... with medicare part-D at the top of the list (and coming to swamp all other items).

misc. past posts mentioning medicare part-d: Health Care Oldest Instruction Set still in daily use? The 2010 Census The 2010 Census not even sort of about The 2010 Census They always think we don't understand 77,000 federal workers paid more than governors Happy 100th Birthday, IBM! Happy 100th Birthday, IBM! Happy 100th Birthday, IBM! Happy 100th Birthday, IBM! Happy 100th Birthday, IBM! Happy 100th Birthday, IBM! Advice from Richard P. Feynman computer bootlaces The Mortgage Crisis---Some Inside Views Speed: Re: Soups How Pursuit of Profits Kills Innovation and the U.S. Economy Gingrich urged yes vote on controversial Medicare bill The High Cost of Failing Artificial Hips We are on the brink of a historic decision [referring to defence cuts] McCain calls for U.S.-led airstrikes in Syria

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

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From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2012 13:26:57
"Charlie Gibbs" <cgibbs@kltpzyxm.invalid> writes:
It would be interesting to see a plot of executive compensation during the same period.

the one story is that the ratio of executive compensation to worked compensation has exploded to 400:1 after having been 20:1 for a long time (and 10:1 in most of the rest of the world) ... "Age of Greed" claims ratio spiked over 500:1 during the last decade. Of course if worker compensation went flat and executive compensation improvement actually increased ... would help account fo the explosion.

"Age of Greed" also points out that executive compensation tied to stock price and rising stock market can provide for enormous executive compensation even when the individuals are mediocre or incompetent (especially if the executives are boosting quarterly reports by keeping worker compensation flat).

There are stories that after the bubble burst, wallstreet changed the label from "performance bonuses" to "retention bonuses" ... since the too-big-to-fail were loosing money, the tens of billions in executive bonuses obviously couldn't be tied to performance ... so they invented another term.

NY state comptroller did a report that wallstreet bonuses spiked over 400% during the bubble ... and reports since the bubble burst are they are doing everything possible to keep the bonsus from returning to pre-bubble levels.

past posts mentioning 400:1 compensation ration and/or wallstreet bonuses spiking over 400%: Should The CEO Have the Lowest Pay In Senior Management? To: Graymouse -- Ireland and the EU, What in the H... is all this about? lack of information accuracy Cormpany sponsored insurance Taxes Taxes Are family businesses unfair competition? What do you think are the top characteristics of a good/effective leader in an organization? Do you feel these characteristics are learned or innate to an individual? Blinkylights Traditional Approach Won't Take Businesses Far Places realtors (and GM, too!) realtors (and GM, too!) The vanishing CEO bonus Greed - If greed was the cause of the global meltdown then why does the biz community appoint those who so easily succumb to its temptations? Executive pay: time for a trim? Executive pay: time for a trim? Greed Is Are reckless risks a natural fallout of "excessive" executive compensation ? The recently revealed excesses of John Thain, the former CEO of Merrill Lynch, while the firm was receiving $25 Billion in TARP funds makes me sick The subject is authoritarian tendencies in corporate management, and how they are related to political culture How to defeat new telemarketing tactic How to defeat new telemarketing tactic How to defeat new telemarketing tactic PNC Financial to pay CEO $3 million stock bonus Congress Set to Approve Pay Cap of $500,000 Most 'leaders' do not 'lead' and the majority of 'managers' do not 'manage'. Why is this? CEO pay sinks - Wall Street Journal/Hay Group survey results just released What TARP means for the future of executive pay Young Developers Get Old Mainframers' Jobs Opinions on the 'Unix Haters' Handbook search engine history, was Happy DEC-10 Day Agile Workforce The 2010 Census "Fraud & Stupidity Look a Lot Alike" Who is Really to Blame for the Financial Crisis? Dodd-Frank Act Makes CEO-Worker Pay Gap Subject to Disclosure Idiotic programming style edicts Idiotic programming style edicts Idiotic programming style edicts 60 Minutes News Report:Unemployed for over 99 weeks! What Is MERS and What Role Does It Have in the Foreclosure Mess? They always think we don't understand They always think we don't understand Compressing the OODA-Loop - Removing the D (and maybe even an O) They always think we don't understand What banking is. (Essential for predicting the end of finance as we know it.) OODA in highly stochastic environments WikiLeaks' Wall Street Bombshell What do you think about fraud prevention in the governments? Chinese and Indian Entrepreneurs Are Eating America's Lunch The Zippo Lighter theory of the financial crisis (or, who do we want to blame?) Productivity And Bubbles Productivity And Bubbles The first personal computer (PC) The first personal computer (PC) I actually miss working at IBM On Protectionism Massive Fraud, Common Crime, No Prosecutions Bank email archives thrown open in financial crash report The Seven Habits of Pointy-Haired Bosses Obama: "We don't have enough engineers" 'Megalomania, Insanity' Fueled Bubble: Munger Who was the Greatest IBM President and CEO of the last century? 50th anniversary of BASIC, COBOL? computer bootlaces AMERICA IS BROKEN, WHAT NOW? The banking sector grew seven times faster than gross domestic product since the beginning of the financial crisis and Too-Big-to-Fail: Banks Get Bigger After Dodd-Frank Estimate that WW1 cost $52B The Myth of Work-Life Balance You may ask yourself, well, how did I get here? What's your favorite quote on "accountability"? Wall Street Bonuses May Reach Lowest Level in 3 Years Sun Tzu, Boyd, strategy and extensions of same "Buffett Tax" and truth in numbers Strategy subsumes culture PC industry is heading for more change Where are all the old tech workers? What's the most interesting thing you do in your non-work life? Why Wall Street Should Stop Whining IBM Doing Some Restructuring? IBM cuts more than 1,000 U.S. Workers Who Increased the Debt? The Fractal Organization: Creating sustainable organizations with the Viable System Model Vampire Squid Adult Supervision Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards How do you feel about the fact that today India has more IBM employees than US? Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2012 13:36:09
"Charlie Gibbs" <cgibbs@kltpzyxm.invalid> writes:
It would be interesting to see a plot of executive compensation during the same period.

re: Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

the other thing juicing executive compensation are ENRON&WORLDCOM like activities (with SEC sitting on the sidelines watching it all happen but doing nothing). Congress passes Sarbanes-Oxley supposedly to prevent future ENRON/WORLDCOM situations ... however it still requires SEC to do something.

Apparently GAO even thought SEC wasn't doing anything and started doing reports of public company fraudulent financial filings ... showing uptic even after Sarbanes-Oxley

in theory under SOX ... all the executives would be doing jail time.

CBS 60mins recently had segment on Lehman ... where there were people from the auditors, SEC, and Federal Reserve all on site at Lehman ... but apparently just sat on the sidelines watching it all happen; my three monkeys scenario for the wallstreet adult supervision during the last decade:

recent posts mentioning GAO/SEC reports: The war on terabytes SEC v. Citigroup, How to Avoid (Greater) Disaster What's your favorite quote on "accountability"? Regulatory Agency logo "Buffett Tax" and truth in numbers What's the most interesting thing you do in your non-work life? Can America Lead the World's Fight Against Corruption? The New Age Bounty Hunger -- Showdown at the SEC Corral The Benefit and The Burden New theory of moral behavior may explain recent ethical lapses in banking industry Study links ultrafast machine trading with risk of crash US real-estate has lost $7T in value Fannie, Freddie Charge Taxpayers For Legal Bills PC industry is heading for more change PC industry is heading for more change PC industry is heading for more change Gordon Gekko Says IBM cuts more than 1,000 U.S. Workers Fannie and Freddie must go - here's how Senators Who Voted Against Ending Big Oil Tax Breaks Received Millions From Big Oil speculation Predator GE: We Bring Bad Things to Life Psychology Of Fraud: Why Good People Do Bad Things How do you feel about the fact that India has more employees than US? Adult Supervision Why Hasn't The Government prosecuted Anyone For The 2008 Financial recession? Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Other Than In Computers, Civilization Basically Stopped Progressing In The 1960s

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Other Than In Computers, Civilization Basically Stopped Progressing In The 1960s
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2012 16:45:04
Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> writes:
older article from 2007:

America's Infrastructure Engineering Dilemma

re: Other Than In Computers, Civilization Basically Stopped Progressing In The 1960s

somewhat of followup on the MIT 2007 item:

China Is Building An Absolutely Astounding Number Of Airports

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2012 20:24:12
Patrick Scheible <> writes:
He didn't say, but he meant rates.

there seems to be whole load of obfuscation, misdirection

what he said ... tax bill as percent of taxable income ... he also uses "rate paid"

if you get the logon page and don't have an account, stick the URL into google search.

"The Opinion Pages" "Stop Coddling the Super-Rich" by Warren E. Buffett

from above:
Last year my federal tax bill -- the income tax I paid, as well as payroll taxes paid by me and on my behalf -- was $6,938,744. That sounds like a lot of money. But what I paid was only 17.4 percent of my taxable income -- and that's actually a lower percentage than was paid by any of the other 20 people in our office. Their tax burdens ranged from 33 percent to 41 percent and averaged 36 percent

... snip ...

also ...
Since 1992, the I.R.S. has compiled data from the returns of the 400 Americans reporting the largest income. In 1992, the top 400 had aggregate taxable income of $16.9 billion and paid federal taxes of 29.2 percent on that sum. In 2008, the aggregate income of the highest 400 had soared to $90.9 billion -- a staggering $227.4 million on average -- but the rate paid had fallen to 21.5 percent.

... snip ...

graph of percent of the country's wealth by the top 1% as well as avg worker earnings

also avg worker earnings

similar thread: Other Than In Computers, Civilization Basically Stopped Progressing In The 1960s Other Than In Computers, Civilization Basically Stopped Progressing In The 1960s

other recent posts mentioning times' graphs Vampire Squid Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards How do you feel about the fact that India has more employees than US? Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2012 08:31:45
Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> writes:
CBS 60mins recently had segment on Lehman ... where there were people from the auditors, SEC, and Federal Reserve all on site at Lehman ... but apparently just sat on the sidelines watching it all happen; my three monkeys scenario for the wallstreet adult supervision during the last decade:

re: Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

add OCC to auditors, SEC, and Federal Reserve to the list of
"see no evil", "hear no evil", "speak no evil"

J.P. Morgan Knew of Risks; Warning Flags Raised Two Years Ago About Trading Desk That Lost $2 Billion
Regulator Concedes Oversight Lapse in JPMorgan Loss

and for other drift ... head of JPMorgan was also involved in creation of too-big-to-fail when he was protege of the person that lost out in competition for next CEO of AMEX Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards The Age of Unsatisfying Wars US economic update. Everything that follows is a result of what you see here.

the "winner" then gets hired away by KKR to turn around RJR and then is hired away to resurrect IBM.

KKR wins bidding war with AMEX for RJR

KKR then hires away heir apparent at AMEX to turn around RJR

then that person is hired away to resurrect IBM,_Jr.

he then goes on to be CEO of another large private equity Carlyle Group (2003-2008)

Then the person that lost the bid for next CEO of AMEX

the above includes this reference:
Back in 1986, Dimon was the bright young protege of "Sandy" Weill, when he was forced out of American Express in a coup de requin. Master and servant made their way to Baltimore, Maryland, where Weill acquired a storefront moneylending firm called Commercial Credit.

... snip ...

person that looses contest to be next CEO of AMEX later takes over Citi which is in violation of Glass-Steagall. Greenspan gives him an exemption while lobbying for repeal of Glass-Steagall.
and gets on times list of those responsible for the economic mess:,28804,1877351_1877350_1877329,00.html
and his protege goes on to become head of JPMorgan

Greenspan (and head of Federal Reserve) is then #3 on times list of those responsible,28804,1877351_1877350_1877331,00.html

and #4 on time's list of those responsible is head of SEC,28804,1877351_1877350_1877323,00.html

and #2 on time's list is person that shepherded the actual repeal of Glass-Steagall (allowing too-big-to-fail) ... as well as blocking direvatives from being regulated,28804,1877351_1877350_1877330,00.html

reference to derivative market $700T (under thinly disquised claim that it is all for insurance ... when the majority is pure gambling)

earlier post Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

has reference that mentions:
Assets, of course, are not risk-based capital. According to the Comptroller of the Currency report, as of December 31, 2011, JPMorgan Chase held $70.2 trillion in derivatives and only $136 billion in risk-based capital. In other words, the bank's derivative bets are 516 times larger than the capital that covers the bets.

... snip ...

JPMorgan/Chase with 10% of the world's derivative market and is leveraged 516 times.

gerstner posts
private equity posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

How do you feel about the fact that today India has more IBM employees than US?

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: (Lynn Wheeler)
Date: 12 June, 2012
Subject: How do you feel about the fact that today India has more IBM employees than US?
Blog: IBMers
Other Than In Computers, Civilization Basically Stopped Progressing In The 1960s

from above:
But with the exception of the computer industry, it wasn't. Per capita incomes are still rising, but that rate is starkly decelerating. Median wages have been stagnant since 1973. People find themselves in an alarming Alice-in-Wonderland-style scenario in which they must run harder and harder -- that is, work longer hours -- just to stay in the same place. This deceleration is complex, and wage data alone don't explain it. But they do support the general sense that the rapid progress of the last 200 years is slowing all too quickly.

... snip ...

similar to this graph
also shown here:

slightly different metric (inflation adjusted) "avg. hourly wage" ... versus "median wage" ... but both show major change in trends occurring in the 70s.

goes along with the rising inequality and concentration of wealth starting in the 70s (also shown in the NYTimes 4Sept2011 graphic)

Age of Greed: The Triumph of Finance and the Decline of America, 1970 to the Present

going along with the rising inequality and concentration of wealth has been the diversion of funds from infrastructure projects ... mentioned here including Volcker's reference to lack of infrastructure spending translates into loss of infrastructure jobs and disappearing civil engineering programs ("And the result is s*tty bridges and a s*tty financial system!")

some resurgence in infrastructure projects (in part from stimulus funds) has resulted in contracts going to Chinese engineering firms

from above:
These projects sound like steps in the right direction, but much of the work is going to Chinese government-owned firms.

... snip ...

older article from 2007:

America's Infrastructure Engineering Dilemma

sort of a followup on the 2007 MIT (America's Infrastructure Engineering Dilemma) item:

China Is Building An Absolutely Astounding Number Of Airports

re: Chinese ghost cities

.... at least they are keeping their engineers busy as well as encouraging the next generation. As the 2007 MIT reference infers ... even at the height of the economic bubble, US was diverting spending on infrastructure into other pockets. The impact was discouraging next generation from becoming engineers ... coupled with the general downturn in US public education (secondary school system now ranks near bottom of industrialized nations) ... means that the country no longer has the skills to rebuild the deteriorating infrastructure after decades of neglect. Chinese can make up the costs of the ghost cities on profit from contracts rebuilding our infrastructure.

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2012 09:24:25
jmfbahciv <> writes:
My sense is that a lot of decisions made were bank-biased, not economy biased. The goal was to save the banks, especially the eastern banks and the non-goal was to keep the economy healthy. That's why so many farmers lost their farms. The farm belt banks didn't get much priority vs. the eastern and some Californian banks. Cash flow stopped completely. No farms implies no economy. Farming is at the bottom of all trades' food chains. I'm writing this badly. Farming is the equivalent to the krill in the food chain.

as in this post Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

wallstreet and the too-big-to-fail are working hard to keep compensation from returning to pre-bubble levels ... and increasing the percent of total wealth concentrated by the top 1%.

I've frequently commented that real-estate prices drop to pre-bubble levels and might even drop further because of over-building during the bubble where speculation made it appear that there was more demand than actually existed (as opposed to wallstreet/financial/1% maintaining things at bubble peak; things like performance bonus being renamed retention bonus).

Home prices fall to 2002
Great Recession Shrank U.S. Families' Wealth to 1992 Levels, Says Fed

sacrifice mainstreet to maintain wallstreet & the 1%

other recent posts mnetioning the subject: Vampire Squid Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards How do you feel about the fact that India has more employees than US? Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Other Than In Computers, Civilization Basically Stopped Progressing In The 1960s Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards How do you feel about the fact that today India has more IBM employees than US?

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Difference between fingerspitzengefuhl and Coup d'oeil?

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: (Lynn Wheeler)
Date: 12 June, 2012
Subject: Difference between fingerspitzengefuhl and Coup d'oeil?
Blog: Boyd

both imply lots skill and experience (either directly and/or vicariously) ... both required observation & orientation ... where there is lots of context into which the observations can be placed (as part of orientation).

if fingerspitzengefuhl is straight "fast" and Coup d'oeil then straight slow ... then various tank tactics referred to as "fingerspitzengefuhl" actually have a lot of overlap with "Coup d'oeil" ... one could claim that they can blend together given a spectrum of fast/slow.

There can be situation where individual has difficulty in articulating the process for both ... at some point they seem to become intuitively obvious.

I've run into it a lot programming computers. As undergraduate in the 60s, I got "fluent" in computer machine language (claims are comparable to natural language fluency). Things that seemed trivially obvious to me, didn't have any English language equivalence. I was periodically blamed for not being able to explain (in English) to others how some of my programs were doing what they did ... and they couldn't understand just looking at the code.

Fluency was just in computer machine language ... along with it came a sense of what was going on in the machine. Most computer languages tend to be used in very myopic fashion, test&do-something ... simple rules with little or no context (aka orientation). I've contended that this is one of the reasons behind the claim for a couple decades a "parallel" programming language has been the holy grail. The real issue is that multiprocessors (or more recent multiple "cores") have severely exacerbated the number of things going on concurrently ... and therefor the overall state/context/orientation of the whole machine. While simple rule test&do-something wasn't very adequate for recognizing everything that might be going on concurrently in a single processor machine ... its deficiencies become even more so with lots of processors active concurrently.

I would make a couple tests and based on that be able to infer a lot of the rest of the machine ... while the standard methodology ... every possible case needed to be tested every time (lacking sense/context/orientation of the overall environment). I've since contended this is slightly analogous to reading body language and making inferences.

So one part of fingerspitzengefuhl & Coup d'oeil ... is being able to make observations and place them into significantly more complex context/orientation

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

The Invention of Email

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: The Invention of Email
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2012 16:47:20
don't seem we can get away from this:

The Invention of Email by a 14-Year-Old in Newark, NJ in 1978: Noam Chomsky Speaks to the Terminology of "Email"

a few past posts OT The inventor of Email - Tom Van Vleck OT The inventor of Email - Tom Van Vleck Web version of mainframes Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes? IBM cuts more than 1,000 U.S. Workers Invention of Email

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2012 18:14:48
Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> writes:
also ...

Since 1992, the I.R.S. has compiled data from the returns of the 400 Americans reporting the largest income. In 1992, the top 400 had aggregate taxable income of $16.9 billion and paid federal taxes of 29.2 percent on that sum. In 2008, the aggregate income of the highest 400 had soared to $90.9 billion -- a staggering $227.4 million on average -- but the rate paid had fallen to 21.5 percent.

... snip ...

re: Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

US GDP is around $14T ... Federal revenue is $2.3T or about 16% effective tax paid:

if the top 1% are paying 20% of their income and others are paying 30%-40% of their income ... there has got to be huge amount of the economy that is paying enormously less for total tax revenue to only be 16% of GDP (the other side of the discussion regarding comments about large percent of population not paying any tax ... is somewhat offset by those same people contributing very little to the GDP). There are stories about mega-corporations that contribute significant portion to GDP paying 5% or less in effective tax rate ... which would significantly contribute to the fact that effective total federal tax rate being only 16% of GDP (making significant portion of the GDP wealth in the country subsidized).

the alarming statistic from CBO report, is that congress in the last decade, after allowing fiscal responsibility act to expire in 2002, went on fiscal irresponsible binge ... cutting tax revenue by $6T and increasing spending by $6T (compared to baseline) for a $12T budget gap .. nearly equivalent to total annual GDP (when baseline would have had all federal debt gone by 2010).

also from wiki, budget is $3.4T which is 24% of GDP ... if the approx. $600B/year increase in spending by congress the last decade was elimianted ... the budget would be $2.8T ... and if the baseline had actually been followed (last decade, and all debt eliminated) the $250B in debt payment wouldn't be needed resulting in budget of $2.5T.

Also, if the approx $600B/year (aka $6T decade total) in tax revenue cut hadn't been done, the total tax revenue would be $2.9T or 21% of GDP.

misc. past posts mentioning congress allowing fiscal responsibility act to expire in 2002 (and going on fiscal irresponsible budget binge). IBM Unionization IBM Unionization IBM Unionization IBM Unionization IBM Unionization IBM Unionization Horrid thought about Politics, President Bush, and Democrats U.S. Cedes Top Spot in Global IT Competitiveness what does xp do when system is copying Newsweek article--baby boomers and computers Computer Science Education: Where Are the Software Engineers of Tomorrow? fraying infrastructure Banks failing to manage IT risk - study dollar coins Taxcuts How to defeat new telemarketing tactic How to defeat new telemarketing tactic What is the real basis for business mess we are facing today? Hexadecimal Kid - articles from Computerworld wanted Happy DEC-10 Day Oldest Instruction Set still in daily use? The 2010 Census The 2010 Census not even sort of about The 2010 Census Idiotic take on Bush tax cuts expiring They always think we don't understand They always think we don't understand They always think we don't understand origin of 'fields'? 77,000 federal workers paid more than governors Happy 100th Birthday, IBM! Happy 100th Birthday, IBM! Happy 100th Birthday, IBM! Happy 100th Birthday, IBM! Happy 100th Birthday, IBM! Happy 100th Birthday, IBM! Happy 100th Birthday, IBM! Happy 100th Birthday, IBM! Happy 100th Birthday, IBM! Congressional Bickering The True Cost of 9/11 -- Includes 18 Veteran Suicides a Day computer bootlaces Bernanke Hearings The Mortgage Crisis---Some Inside Views The debt fallout: How Social Security went "cash negative" earlier than expected Speed: Re: Soups Gingrich urged yes vote on controversial Medicare bill We are on the brink of a historic decision [referring to defence cuts] They're Trying to Block Military Cuts PC industry is heading for more change McCain calls for U.S.-led airstrikes in Syria "Scoring" The Romney Tax Plan: Trillions Of Dollars Of Deficits As Far As The Eye Can See Memory versus processor speed Word Length Zakaria: by itself, Buffett rule is good 'Gutting' Our Military The Pentagon's New Defense Clandestine Service Adult Supervision Fareed Zakaria Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards US economic update. Everything that follows is a result of what you see here Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

The Invention of Email

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: The Invention of Email
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2012 19:17:27
Walter Banks <> writes:
The term email was being used prior to September 1976 that on a variety university networks,

re: The Invention of Email

RFC 196 for mail box protocol (July 20, 1971) but doesn't say "email"

RFC 475 for network mail system (March 6, 1973) but doesn't say "email"

"history of mail command" ... ctss dec64 or jan65

also discusses other systems ... also mentions "instant messaging" as well as references this


Electronic Mail and Text Messaging in CTSS, 1965 - 1973

above also appears:

includes reference to this:

other recent news items

Noam Chomsky disputes email history
Noam Chomsky Disputes Email History
Noam Chomsky disputes email history
The Invention of Email by a 14-Year-Old in Newark, NJ in 1978: Noam 'Inventor of Email' Gets Support of Noam Chomsky

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

How will mainframers retiring be different from Y2K?

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: (Lynn Wheeler)
Date: 12 June, 2012
Subject: How will mainframers retiring be different from Y2K?
Blog: Mainframe Experts

IBM reported revenues was 83% services&software and 17% all else, including all hardware, also intel/86 servers, risc/power servers, and mainframe (servers) revenues were all approx. $5B each. IBM quotes $28M for 80 processor z196 rated at 50BIPS ($560,000/BIPS) and base price of $1815 for e5-2600 blade rated at 527BIPS ($3.15/BIPS). At $5B and $28M/system, IBM would be selling about 180 mainframes systems a year (aggregate processing power about 9TIPS), while at $5B and $1815/blade, IBM would be selling over 2M blades a year (1,600,000TIPS in aggregate processing power).

early on my wife was chief architect for amadeus ... however she backed x.25 as the interconnect. The SNA forces took exception and got her replaced. It didn't do much good, since amadeus went with x.25 anyway. a couple recent posts mentioning Amadeus The PC industry is heading for collapse The PC industry is heading for collapse

later we were brought in to one of the other large acp/tpf based res. systems. They started out with application that was about 25% of total load ... and they had a list of ten things they couldn't do. I went away and after two months came back with implementation that did all ten impossible things. The issue was that the existing paradigm hadn't hardly changed from the 60s .... when there was all sort of specific hardware, software, implementation trade-offs. By the mid-90s the hardware, software, and implementation trade-offs had totally changed and it was possible to go with a totally different paradigm that simplified an enormous number of things.

replicating the earlier paradigm on different platform would have been an enormous undertaking ... but leveraging 30yrs of technology to take a totally different approach .... lots of things became much simpler (including doing all ten impossible things on their list.

One of the issues was that their existing paradigm required several hundred support people ... and the requirement for large number of people helped account for some number of the ten impossible things. Changing the paradigm also eliminated the requirement for the several hundred support people. This led to them not really wanting the change in paradigm ... since they didn't want to eliminate the large staff organization. The different paradigm was nearly platform agnostic.

Totally different issue HP had bought convex (with exemplar) ... sci-based 128-system smp using hp risc processors. HP hired away somebody from the ibm austin risc group to head up superdome effort (somewhat as less expensive exemplar).. He tried to talk both of us into joining the organization.

some recent posts mentioning e5-2600: Layer 8: NASA unplugs last mainframe Layer 8: NASA unplugs last mainframe NASA unplugs their last mainframe Memory versus processor speed Can Mainframes Be Part Of Cloud Computing? Can Mainframes Be Part Of Cloud Computing? Burroughs B5000, B5500, B6500 videos Burroughs B5000, B5500, B6500 videos Can Mainframes Be Part Of Cloud Computing? Burroughs B5000, B5500, B6500 videos Should IBM allow the use of Hercules as z system emulator? Should IBM allow the use of Hercules as z system emulator? Think You Know The Mainframe? Mainframes Warming Up to the Cloud Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

misc past posts mentioning having redone routes: Competitors to SABRE? Summary: Robots of Doom Mainframe not a good architecture for interactive workloads The TransRelational Model: Performance Concerns The Pankian Metaphor RAMAC 305(?) time spent/day on a computer time spent/day on a computer Bidirectional Binary Self-Joins Even worse than UNIX nouns and adjectives CLIs and GUIs Automation is still not accepted to streamline the business processes... why organizations are not accepting newer technologies? another item related to ASCII vs. EBCDIC IBM halves mainframe Linux engine prices Outsourcing your Computer Center to IBM ? The 50th Anniversary of the Legendary IBM 1401 Hashing for DISTINCT or GROUP BY in SQL Innovation and iconoclasm Why are organizations sticking with mainframes? Disruptive Thinkers: Defining the Problem Burroughs B5000, B5500, B6500 videos

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2012 09:14:39
Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> writes:
I've frequently commented that real-estate prices drop to pre-bubble levels and might even drop further because of over-building during the bubble where speculation made it appear that there was more demand than actually existed (as opposed to wallstreet/financial/1% maintaining things at bubble peak; things like performance bonus being renamed retention bonus).

Home prices fall to 2002
Great Recession Shrank U.S. Families' Wealth to 1992 Levels, Says Fed

sacrifice mainstreet to maintain wallstreet & the 1%

re: Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

its the hot news:

THE MOST IMPORTANT STORY IN AMERICA: Family Net Worth Collapses 40% In 3 Years
Average Family's Net Worth Drops 38 Percent

post mentioning being asked to HTML'ize the Pecora hearings in jan2009, with lots of internal crossrefs/index and URLs between what happened crash of '29 and this time Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

the "liar loans" allowing speculation, bubble/burst in the real-estate market are the "Brokers' Loans" that enabled the bubble/burst in the stock market and crash of '29.

there had been some expectation in jan2009 that the new congress would have some appitite to do something ... but after a couple months, I got a call that it wouldn't be needed after all (implication that there was enormous amounts of money from wallstreet being spread around capital hill).

there have been several studies about large percentage of those on wallstreet are sociopaths and/or worse than psycopaths. one from today:

A Psychoanalytic Guide To The Financial Crisis (Psychoanalyst Says Western Society Is Sick And Heading For Collapse)

above is repeating much from Other Than In Computers, Civilization Basically Stopped Progressing In The 1960s Other Than In Computers, Civilization Basically Stopped Progressing In The 1960s

The times list of those responsible are heavily laced with the heads of regulatory agencies that did nothing during the crisis (sat on the sidelines and played the 3-monkeys, "see no evil", "hear no evil", "speak no evil" ) as well of those repealing regulations.

Coupled with congress not interested in doing anything ... there is also the scenario of the executive branch choosing the B-team ... while the A-team wanted the "swedish" solution and holding accountable those responsible ... the B-team (many involved in the mess) choose the japanese/zombie-bank and not holding anybody accountable. Why Hasn't The Government Prosecuted Anyone For The 2008 Financial recession? Why Hasn't The Government Prosecuted Anyone For The 2008 Financial recession? Why Hasn't The Government Prosecuted Anyone For The 2008 Financial recession?

past posts mentioning real-estate returns to pre-bubble or even lower (because of over-building/over-supply due to speculation as well as downturn in economy, propping up the failed too-big-to-fail banks instead of fixing the real-estate problem, etc). Blinkylights Blinkylights Blinkylights The human plague The men who crashed the world Why Wall Street Should Stop Whining

wharton article that estimates 1000 are responsible for 80% of the mess and it would go a long way to correcting the problem if the government could figure some way to eliminate them ... started requiring registration but lives free at wayback machine:

past posts mentioning above independent appraisers Fixing finance IBM CEO's remuneration last year ? independent appraisers Credit Crisis Timeline A Merit based system of reward -Does anybody (or any executive) really want to be judged on merit? Do you have other examples of how people evade taking resp. for risk CROOKS and NANNIES: what would Boyd do? CROOKS and NANNIES: what would Boyd do? The Credit Crunch: Why it happened? Banks' Demise: Why have the Governments hired the foxes to mend the chicken runs? Are Both The U.S. & UK on the brink of debt disaster? Amid Economic Turbulence, Mainframes Counter IT Cost-Cutting Trend Barbless The recently revealed excesses of John Thain, the former CEO of Merrill Lynch, while the firm was receiving $25 Billion in TARP funds makes me sick A great article was posted in another BI group: "To H*** with Business Intelligence: 40 Percent of Execs Trust Gut" US disaster, debts and bad financial management Credit & Risk Management ... go Simple ? In your opinion, which facts caused the global crise situation? How to defeat new telemarketing tactic How to defeat new telemarketing tactic People to Blame for the Financial Crisis 'WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE GLOBAL MELTDOWN' Congress Set to Approve Pay Cap of $500,000 Architectural Diversity What is the real basis for business mess we are facing today? US banking Changes- TARP Proposl US banking Changes- TARP Proposl On whom or what would you place the blame for the sub-prime crisis? The 2010 Census In the News: SEC storms the 'Castle' Who is Really to Blame for the Financial Crisis? Idiotic programming style edicts On Protectionism The first personal computer (PC) computer bootlaces computer bootlaces The men who crashed the world 21st Century Management approach? What's your favorite quote on "accountability"? Psychology Of Fraud: Why Good People Do Bad Things Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

How will mainframers retiring be different from Y2K?

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: (Lynn Wheeler)
Date: 13 June, 2012
Subject: How will mainframers retiring be different from Y2K?
Blog: Mainframe Experts
and How will mainframers retiring be different from Y2K?

in IBM there was also the line "heads roll uphill"

then there this about the massive Future System effort from the 70s (Ferguson & Morris, "Computer Wars: The Post-IBM World", Time Books, 1993 ... before the resurrection of IBM by Gerstner):
Most corrosive of all, the old IBM candor died with F/S. Top management, particularly Opel, reacted defensively as F/S headed toward a debacle. The IBM culture that Watson had built was a harsh one, but it encouraged dissent and open controversy. But because of the heavy investment of face by the top management, F/S took years to kill, although its wrongheadedness was obvious from the very outset. "For the first time, during F/S, outspoken criticism became politically dangerous," recalls a former top executive

... snip ...

F/S was going to completely replace 360/370 and was as different from 360/370 as 360 had been different from previous generations ... and:
... and perhaps most damaging, the old culture under Watson Snr and Jr of free and vigorous debate was replaced with sycophancy and make no waves under Opel and Akers. It's claimed that thereafter, IBM lived in the shadow of defeat

... snip ...

during F/S ... lots of 370 stuff was killed and/or suspended. Then when F/S died, there was mad rush to get stuff back into the 370 product pipelines. This lack of products during the period is credited with giving the clone processors a market foothold.

misc. past posts mentioning future system
AMEX, Private Equity, IBM related Gerstner posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

The Invention of Email

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: The Invention of Email
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2012 11:50:15
hancock4 writes:
As far as I can see, the original telegram was the invention of e- mail. To me, they're exactly the same. It's a written message send electrically.

Television is still television despite the addition of remote control, DVR, DVDs and VHS, high-def, stereo sound, cable, satellites, etc. Likewise, e-mail is still a telegram despite having a fancy computer to route it around. Indeed, by the 1960s, Western Union was routing telegrams by computer, too. Telex (and TWX) allowed users to send telegrams themselves directly to the recipient. Today with give an address with a @ instead of telex number. It's all the same.

re: The Invention of Email The Invention of Email

trivia ... in the 1992 spinoff of First Data from AMEX ... AMEX's MoneyGram was part of First Data spinoff

... a few recent posts mentioning the spinoff: Inventor of e-mail honored by Smithsonian Can Mainframes Be Part Of Cloud Computing? How do you feel about the fact that today India has more IBM employees than US? Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

First Data was then in bidding war with First Financial to buy Western Union ... and First Financial won. Later First Data and First Financial merge ... requiring First Data to divest MoneyGram.

In the middle of the last decade, First Data did an IPO spin-off of Western Union

before having private equity reverse-IPO by KKR

there was also items in the period that First Data owned Western Union ... about Western Union also being the first "electronic commerce" company for being able to "wire" money.

as previously mentioned there was something of contest for the next CEO of AMEX that Gerstner "won" (the looser leaving and eventually reappearing as the major force behind repeal of Glass-Steagall and creating too-big-to-fail). KKR and AMEX were then in bidding war for RJR ... which KKR won. KKR hires way Gerstner to turn-around RJR

... and later Gerstner is hired to resurrect IBM. Gerstner then goes on to be CEO of another private-equity firm, Carlyle from 2003-2008.,_Jr.

gerstner posts
private equity posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2012 12:30:59
"Charlie Gibbs" <cgibbs@kltpzyxm.invalid> writes:
It would be interesting to see a plot of executive compensation during the same period.

re: Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

lots & lots of charts ...including several giving CEO pay

DEAR AMERICA: You Should Be Mad As Hell About This

have to get down past all the unemployment numbers
"And now we turn to the other side of this issue ... the Americans for whom life has never been better. The OWNERS."

"If corporations are doing so well, everyone who works for them should be doing great, right? Wrong. The folks who are doing well are at the top. CEO pay is now 350X the average worker's, up from 50X from 1960-1985."

"CEO pay has skyrocketed 300% since 1990. Corporate profits have doubled. Average 'production worker' pay has increased 4%. The minimum wage has dropped. (All numbers adjusted for inflation)."

... it just goes on & on.

recent posts mentioning the NYTimes graph: Vampire Squid Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards How do you feel about the fact that India has more employees than US? Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Other Than In Computers, Civilization Basically Stopped Progressing In The 1960s Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards How do you feel about the fact that today India has more IBM employees than US?

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

How will mainframers retiring be different from Y2K?

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: (Lynn Wheeler)
Date: 13 June, 2012
Subject: How will mainframers retiring be different from Y2K?
Blog: Mainframe Experts
and How will mainframers retiring be different from Y2K? How will mainframers retiring be different from Y2K?

F/S was killed mid-70s. here is one story about FS

high-end F/S had 16 times the circuits as 168-3 but only 3times the performance. As above ... both 3033 & 3081 were rush job made from warmed over F/S technology.

Another study was that if an F/S machine had been made from the fastest available circuits (370/195), throughput of System/One (eastern airlines ACP/TFP res system running on 370/195) would only have thruput of a 370/145 (i.e. about factor of 30 times slower).

Whole sections of F/S specification were claimed to be so blue-sky and incomplete that it would never be implementable (even after enormous resources were devoted)

this has motivation for F/S as countermeasure to clone controllers ... having such tight integration, (clone controller) competition wouldn't be able to keep up. Some scenario that SNA was designed for handling large number of dumb terminals with very tight integration between VTAM(PU5) and NCP(PU4/37x5)

misc. past posts mentioning F/S

late 80s, senior disk engineer got a talk scheduled at internal, world-wide, annual communication group conference ... and opened the talk with the statement that the communication group was going to be responsible for the demise of the disk division. The issue was that the communication group had "stranglehold" on datacenter with corporate strategic "ownership" for everything that crossed the datacenter walls. Disk division was seeing decline in disk sales as data was fleeing the datacenter to more distributed computing friendly platforms. They had come up with a number of products to address the situation, but they were constantly vetoed by the communication group ... which was holding the line for their dumb terminal paradigm (and terminal emulation install base) trying to fight off distributed computing and client/server. misc. past posts mentioning protecting terminal emulation install base

In the mid-80s, the top executives were predicting the business would shortly double from $60B/annum to $120B/annum (mostly on mainframe & datacenter related sales) and had a massive internal building program to double mainframe manufacturing capacity ... even as business was starting to head in the other direction (helped significantly by the communication group). In the early 90s, the corporation went into the red. Somebody in POK distributed a notice asking would the last person to leave POK,please turn out the lights (take-off on the Boeing/Seattle billboard in the 60s, when Boeing had a downturn ... and they were the only major employer in Seattle).

In the 90-92 time-frame I remember visiting Somers every couple months. Everybody I talked to could clearly articulate what was happening and what needed to be done ... but all seemed intent on staving off the changes until they had (individually) retired (I guess some made it and some didn't).

trivia: MVS didn't actually have 26bit addressing. 3033 was starting to see enormous competition from 4341 ... both 4341 going out to every dept in large corporation (sort of leading edge of distributed computing, siphoning off lots of datacenter processing) as well as 4341 cluster in datacenter. cluster of 4341s had more aggregate processing, was cheaper than 3031, more aggregate real storage, and more aggregate i/o.

MVS was becoming increasingly bloated but couldn't get around 24bit/16mbyte problem ... so the 16mbyte constraint of 370 was bottleneck (with less and less left for application). A hack was done to 370 architecture took-over two unused bits of the 370, 16bit page table entry. Standard 370 PTE had 12bit (4kbyte) page number (i.e. 4096*4096=16m), 2defined bits and two undefined bits. The 3033 hack took the two undefined bits for and prepended them to the 12bit page number ... allowing for 16384 4k pages. Addressing was limited to 16mbytes, virtual address spaces was limited to 16mbytes ... but with multiple virtual address spaces ... it was possible to have lots more applications running ... some with their virtual pages above the 16mbyte line (with the page table hack, 24bit virtual addresses could dynamically, on-the-fly, be translated into 26bit real address). The 31-bit IDALs were co-opted and allowed to specify 26bit addresses ... i.e. the only thing that actually had 26bit real addresses (and there was bunch of gorpy stuff dealing with "below-the-16mbyte-line" and "above-the-16mbyte-line"

MVS had a different enormous "bloat" problem with addressing in the 3033 time-frame. In transition from SVS to MVS, each application was given its own 16mbyte virtual address space ... however, because of heavy use of "pointer-passing" API (from 360 days), image of MVS kernel was mapped into 8mbyte of every virtual address space. However, every subsystem (external to the kernel) also got mapped to its own virtual address space. This created enormous problem for pointer-passing API calls between applications and subsystems (in different address space). To address the problem, the "Common segment" was (also) created in every virtual address space ... started out at 1mbyte ... leaving only 7mbytes for applications ... however, the size needed to somewhat be proportional to number of subsystems and activity. By the 3033 timeframe it was common to have four & five mbyte common segments ... with some installations being pushed to five or six mbyte ... which would only leave 2-3mbytes for application use out of its "dedicated" 16mbyte virtual area. Internally, there was a major fortran chip design application that was constantly being reworked to not exceed 7mbytes ... and lots of carefully crafted MVS systems on high-end processors that had 1mbyte common segment. They were being forced to move to VM370/CMS in order to get around the 7mbyte size restriction (which is lots better than lots of customers that were being faced with 2mbyte size restrictions).

In any case, the other hack for 3033 (besides redefining the two unused bits in the page table entry) was retrofitting part of 370-xa to 3033 as dual-address space mode. This in theory would allow some subsystems to bypass needing common segment and directly address calling application address spaces (starting to alleviate the stress on common segment expanding to 8mbytes ... and leaving no room for application execution at all)

note as to 303x quick&dirty ... the 370/158 engine was shared for integrated channel microcode and 370 microcode. for the 303x, they took a 370/158 engine with the integrated channel microcode (and no 370 microcode) and called it a "channel director". A 3031 then was a 370/158 engine with the 370 microcode (and no integrated channel microcode) and a 2nd 370/158 engine with the integrated channel microcode (and no 370 microcode).

A 3032 then was a 370/168-3 with new panels and "channel director" (in lieu of the 168 external channel boxes).

A 3033 started out as 168-3 wiring/logic remapped to chips that were 20% faster (had been targeted for F/S). The chips also had more circuits per chip ... but additional circuits went unused. There was some late optimization with critical sections modified to use additional circuits per chip that claimed to get 3033 up to 50% faster than 168-3

about in the middle of the 3033 product cycle ... started to see (mid-life kicker?) the 14bit page-table-hack (trying to make use of 64mbyte memory) and dual-address space (trying to help hold off common segment growing 8mbyte ... leaving no room for application execution)

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2012 18:16:51
Ibmekon writes:
If executives get bonuses related to "assets" it is easy to see how "derivatives" have mushroomed.

re: Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

this references Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

that ye2011 there is $700T derivatives world-wide

with Chase at $70T holding 10% of the world total and representing a leverage of 516 times

earlier reference: Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

this quotes Sheila Bair as it being easy to differentiate hedging/derivatives as "insurance" from "gambling" (aka what in the world is worth $700T or even $70T) Why Hasn't The Government Prosecuted Anyone For The 2008 Financial recession?

one of the scenerios is too-big-to-fail claim that they got to play by the same rules as everybody else in the world, and if the rest of the world is heavily gambling ... then they have to gamble also. then things turn around when there are proposals for world wide regulation, there are cries of outrage about giving up US sovereignty.

Obama Trade Document Leaked, Revealing New Corporate Powers And Broken Campaign Promises

seems wallstreet is very agile regarding which argument they happened to be using moment to moment

for other drift, recent posts mentioning choosing "B-team": What's your favorite quote on "accountability"? Zombie Banks Avoiding a lost decade Fed's image tarnished by newly released documents The White House and Mortgage Fraud: So Far It's All Talk, No Action Predator GE: We Bring Bad Things to Life Why Can't Obama Bring Wall Street to Justice? Psychology Of Fraud: Why Good People Do Bad Things Psychology Of Fraud: Why Good People Do Bad Things Why Hasn't The Government Prosecuted Anyone For The 2008 Financial recession? US economic
update. Everything that follows is a result of what you see here Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

How many cost a cpu second?

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: lynn@GARLIC.COM (Anne & Lynn Wheeler)
Subject: Re: How many cost a cpu second?
Date: 14 Jun 2012 06:25:57
timothy.sipples@US.IBM.COM (Timothy Sipples) writes:
2. Average costs versus marginal costs. If you simply take the total expense and divide that up into chargebacks, you've got a problem. That'll cause very bad behavior as users try to flee what they see as high costs (average costs) which really truly aren't (they're actually marginal costs). One better way (albeit not perfect) is to charge an unavoidable, universal "membership fee" (per employee, for example) plus a variable rate, with the variable rate equal to true marginal costs. That's similar to your electric bill -- a "connection fee" plus a charge per kilowatt hour. Bonus points for peak and non-peak pricing. Non-peak could even be zero.

way back when IBM leased everything ... leasing rates was month for 1st 40hr@week, then lower for 41-80hrs, and then lower for 81-120hr, and then lowest for 121-168hrs.

IBM leasing was based on cpu meter which ran whenever the processor and/or channels were busy.

in the 60s, early days of the virtual machine online commercial service bureaus (CP67, precursor to vm370) tried to encourage offshift uses with lower rate ... however, initially the usage didn't cover keeping the service available 7x24 ... but w/o having the service available 7x24, it was hard to encourage off-shift uses. one of the issues was to minimize all off-shift, non-essential expenses ... aka darkroom operation, eliminate requirements for operator, automatic reboot/restart in case of fault, etc.

One of the issues was normal channel programs that would be able to accept terminal connection and incoming characters would also keep the meter running. So another hack was terminal controller channel command word that would allow channel to go idle (letting the leasing cpu meter come to stop) ... but would come active whenever there was incoming characters (system was 7x24 available, but meter wouldn't be running unless something was actually going on).

A consequence then of the 7x24 operation was that they had no window for hardware maintenance. As a result by the early 70s, those operations had enhanced online service so that it supported loosely-coupled operation with non-disruptive migration of processes between systems (so systems could be taken offline for hardware maintenace, w/o no disruption for online users).

One of the features of the cpu meter (for leasing charges) was that both cpu and all channels had to be idle for at least 400mills before the meter actually stopped. An indication that the MVS SRM had been designed during the leasing period was that it had a timer interval that wokeup every 400mills ... whether or not anything was going on (aka if MVS was running ... the cpu meter was guaranteed to always run regardless of whether anything was going on or not).

Total cost has been taken to extreme in modern mega-datacenters ... with hundreds of thousands or even millions of processors. cost of machines have dropped so low that electricity and cooling have started to become dominate costs. mega-datacenters are being designed to minimize cooling costs and located in areas that can best take advantage of natural cooling and also have lowest (& most dependable) electrical costs.

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

How many cost a cpu second?

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: lynn@GARLIC.COM (Anne & Lynn Wheeler)
Subject: Re: How many cost a cpu second?
Date: 14 Jun 2012 07:08:00
lynn@GARLIC.COM (Anne & Lynn Wheeler) writes:
Total cost has been taken to extreme in modern mega-datacenters ... with hundreds of thousands or even millions of processors. cost of machines have dropped so low that electricity and cooling have started to become dominate costs. mega-datacenters are being designed to minimize cooling costs and located in areas that can best take advantage of natural cooling and also have lowest (& most dependable) electrical costs.

re: How many cost a cpu second?

and in much the same way that the 60s virtual machine, online service bureaus worked hard to have the mainframe cpu meter come to a stop ... the drastic reduction in machine costs in modern mega-datacenters is also big driving factor in redesigning processors to drastically reduce electricity usage when they aren't actually doing processing (with drop in machine costs, electrical usage is becoming a much larger percentage of total cost of ownership).

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2012 10:48:07
Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> writes:
US GDP is around $14T ... Federal revenue is $2.3T or about 16% effective tax paid:

re: Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch CardsMonopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

an enormous amount of congressional wealth accumulation is being able to sell tax loop-holes (also major contributor to congress being called the most corrupt institution on earth).

the fiscal responsibility act severely put a crimp in that activity, it maintained that the government could only spend what it actually earned ... and had a baseline that all federal debt was paid off by 2010. the sale of loop-holes (under the fiscal responsibility act) would have required having a corresponding reduction in spending and/or increase in taxes somewhere else.

a congress that was seriously intent on selling loop-holes and increasing spending would have to eliminate fiscal responsibility act ... as happened in 2002 ... with the rest of the decade showing $6T cut in tax collections coupled with a $6T increase in spending for a $12T budget gap (and no baseline where all federal debt was retired in 2010).

in fact, one of the major legislation after the fiscal responsibility act was dropped ... was medicare part-d (including the special trillions & trillions gift for the drug companies eliminating competitive bidding) ... that the comptroller general refers to as a unfunded mandate that comes to be a long-term $40T item, totally swamping all other budget items. also motivating (presumably facetious) references in speeches to nobody in congress capable of middle school arithmetic.

even with the current historically low interest rate, the debt service is now a $250B/year budget item. none of that would have existed if the legislature and executive branch during the last decade had stuck to the baseline budget and the fiscal responsibility act.

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

What are your experiences with Amdahl Computers and Plug-Compatibles?

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: (Lynn Wheeler)
Date: 14 June, 2012
Subject: What are your experiences with Amdahl Computers and Plug-Compatibles?
Blog: MainframeZone
and What are you experiences with Amdahl Computers and Plug-Compatibles? What are you experiences with Amdahl Computers and Plug-Compatibles?

PCM were dependent on taking a percentage of a robust and healthy mainframe market ... with the significant downturn in the mainframe market ... even IBM when it went into the red in the early 90s ... there were notices from POK about would the last person to leave POK, please turn out the lights. 10% of a $60B/annum market is sufficient to support independent design&manufacturing business. When the total mainframe business drops to $5B (like it is now ... although there is inflation adjustment factor between $5B early 90s and $5B today) ... 10% of $5B or $500M is hard to justify independent design and manufacturing.

The downturn in the mainframe market also affected other parts of the mainframe business ... notice that IBM no longer has a disk division ... mainframe DASD hasn't existed for decades ... being simulated on standard commodity FBA disks.

IBM revenue was 83% services&software with 17% for everything else including all hardware. Server business was approx. evenly divided between 86/intel servers, risc/power servers and mainframe servers ... at approx. $5B each. A maxed out 80 processor z196 rated at 50BIPS goes for $28M (or $560,000.00/BIPS). With $5B total that works out to approx. 180 systems/year (around 9TIPS aggregate processing) ... assuming all max. configured z196. By comparison, IBM lists base price for a e5-2600 blade at $1815 rated at 527BIPS (about eleven times that of largest Z196 and $3.15/BIPS). With $5B total that would work out to over 2million blades/year and around 1,600,000TIPS aggregate processing).

recent posts mentioning e5-2600: Layer 8: NASA unplugs last mainframe Layer 8: NASA unplugs last mainframe NASA unplugs their last mainframe Memory versus processor speed Can Mainframes Be Part Of Cloud Computing? Can Mainframes Be Part Of Cloud Computing? Burroughs B5000, B5500, B6500 videos Can Mainframes Be Part Of Cloud Computing? Burroughs B5000, B5500, B6500 videos Think You Know The Mainframe? Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards How will mainframers retiring be different from Y2K?

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Is this Boyd's fundamental postulate, 'to improve our capacity for independent action'?

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: (Lynn Wheeler)
Date: 14 June, 2012
Subject: Is this Boyd's fundamental postulate, 'to improve our capacity for independent action'?
Blog: Boyd

In Boyd's Organic Design For Command & Control ... there was refrain about pushing decisions to the lowest level possible (as alternative to rigid, top-down, command&control structure). He would mention that the people closest to the problem are the mostly likely to have the best perspective. He would cite Guderian's verbal orders only during the blitzkrieg as further incentive for the people on the spot to make decisions ... removing some of the anxiety about after action review/blame for taking responsibility.

as an aside ... in the rigid, top-down, command&control structure ... it is a framework that results in anybody doing anything not directed from the top as "independent action". Boyd would change the framework and have the best person suited make decision (changes how it is viewed).

One of Boyd's stories about Viet Nam ... and the new air force air-to-air missile; he reviewed it said it would be lucky to hit 10% (even tho they said it hit every time). Once in vietnam, he turned out to be right. One day the air force general (in vietnam) grounded all fighters and converted to sidewinders ... which had better hit rate ... and started loosing less planes and pilots The general was quickly called on the carpet in pentagon. He had committed the worst transgression in US military ... reducing budget share (using fewer missiles, loosing fewer planes and pilots) and increasing another service's budget share (using sidewinders). Pentagon was so far from actual conflict that their values were totally distorted and divorced from what was going on ...

To Be or To Do

Boyd biography says in 1970, he did a stint in command of "spook base" ... description gone 404 but lives on at wayback machine

a decade later, in the early 80s, Boyd would tell about spending 18months preparing for this article ... gone behind paywall ... but (mostly) lives free at the wayback machine indicating that there had been little or no improvement at the pentagon (in the years since vietnam):,9171,953733,00.html

He would tell how the SECDEF first went after the person named in the article ... but the 18month preparation provided air-tight coverage ... then the SECDEF ("knowing" Boyd was behind the whole thing) had Boyd transferred to Alaska and banned from the pentagon for life. At the time, Boyd had congressional coverage and the SECDEF orders were reversed within a week. However, it would appear that in the decades since, such congressional coverage has pretty much disappeared.

misc. URLs (from around the web) and/or posts ... mentioning Boyd

for total topic drift ... you think it was still 1983 and it was Spinney's time article

so why would any of this come as surprise to anyone??

"independent action" typically contrasts the people at the very bottom with the people at the top in rigid, top-down, command&control paradigm. the boyd scenario is that everybody at every level should be making the decisions that they are suppose to. part of boyd/spinney about pentagon and more recent spinney about "perpetual war" and MICC (along with Eisenhower's warning about MIC) is fundamentally the business process is "misaligned" ... this is from congressional testimony about the pivotal role that the rating agencies play in the economic mess; they were financially incented to lie about CDO ratings (contributing significantly to $27T being done during the mess).

Pentagon and Congress are financial incented to keep money flowing to military suppliers. This can result in decisions that are exact opposite of what they should be ... and then they are motivated to see that the strategy is continued throughout the organization (as in Boyd's vietnam example about pentagon's budget share objective trumping all other considerations).

In the Boyd/Spinney scenario about Pentagon, I would claim "independent action" at the lowest level would be tolerated as long as it doesn't interfere with the objectives in the Pentagon. However, there are lots of intermediaries between the lowest level and Pentagon who have an immediate "risk adverse" objective. "Independent action" could then be tolerated if it was made perfectly clear that the intermediate layers are in no way responsible. One solution might be to eliminate the number of intermediate layers ... but that also has a tendency to more tightly focus responsibility ... rather than diffusing it.

Spinney's perpetual war as paradigm for keeping the funds flowing

Flowing from that are not only intermediate layers being "risk adverse" ... as part of promotion strategy ... but comments about nearly everybody to make full colonel requires sacrificing their integrity.

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2012 16:34:55
hancock4 writes:
Note USA Today article on how the House GOP want to cut back on regulators. Have they no shame?

re: Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

been going on for some time, cutting regulations, heavy pressuring to not enforce regulation, as well as cutting back number of regulators. however, it happens in nearly every area where somebody is willing to spend money. one of the reasons, washington area press refers to congress as Kabuki Theater ... 1603-1629:

note previous post: Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

even with all the tax breacks for the wealthy done last decade ... there were apparently still 52,000 super-wealthy hiding money in switzerland

two years later, congress cutting irs enforcement funding

and no more discussion of 52,000 super-wealthy ... almost all goes away:

when agencies want to blacklist companies from gov. contracts, that are seriously deliquent on their taxes, congress is enlisted to apply heavy pressure ... recently mentioned here: Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

note this is probably totally ineffective to be used against any member of congress (or anybody on wallstreet):

The World Bank's New Weapon Against Bribery: Shame

Kabuki Theater shows up in other ways. There was story about wallstreet helping congress draft especially onerous legislation for foreign-owned financial institutions operating in the US ... leaking the terms and then fanning the flames against congressional expertise in drafting regulations.

Current round is that *Volcker Rule* in Dodd-Frank was suppose to fix all problems ... but behind the scenes there was "Confidence Men", pg430:
But they were fighting on too many fronts. Carl Levin of Michigan and Jeff Merkley of Oregon had discovered that Dodd had discreetly gutted the Volcker Rule, and the two set to work trying to counteract Dodd's efforts. The Merkley-Levin Amendment articulated Volcker's idea fully--and wrote it as law. No regulatory backsliding, once everything settled down.

... snip ...

in part, legislation reworked to specifically specify that actual rules are left to regulators ... but then there is constant press about how impossibly complex that it would be for regulators to actually specify something ... and that regulators would totally mess it up ... basically smoke screen with lots of obfuscation and misdirection ... when nothing is actually going to be done. Casting doubt on *Volcker Rule* also shows up this week in Chase/Morgan testimony.

On the other side, end of last week, Shiela Bair in an interview says it is actually quite easy to differentiate between derivatives done for insurance and derivatives done for gambling (which enormously increases risk). Recent references to Chase/Morgan with $70T in derivatives which is leverage of 516 times (compared to their $136 billion in risk-based capital) ... what $70T in assets does Chase have that requires $70T coverage in insurance? Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

other references being $700T in derivatives worldwide (Chase/Morgan has 10% of total worldwide derivatives and the most of any US institution): Greek knife to Wall Street PC industry is heading for more change

one of the long-standing wallstreet claims has been that they need to be doing this enormous gambling because the rest of the world is doing it ... and wallstreet can only stop when there is the same rules applied worldwide. however, recently there is big uproar over proposal for worldwide rules because it would require giving up national governance (can you talk out of both sides of your mouth at the same time?).

recent posts mentioning Kabuki Theater: PC industry is heading for more change The PC industry is heading for collapse You can't do the math without the words IBM cuts more than 1,000 U.S. Workers McCain calls for U.S.-led airstrikes in Syria Why Republicans Aren't Mentioning the Real Cause of Rising Prices at the Gas Pump The Dallas Fed Is Calling For The Immediate Breakup Of Large Banks Word Length Developing a Disruptive Mindset Born Fighting Let the IRS Do Your Taxes, Really Time to competency for new software language? Rome speaks to us. Their example can inspire us to avoid their fate Why America Is Slouching Towards Third World Status Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

What are your experiences with Amdahl Computers and Plug-Compatibles?

Refed: **, - **, - **
From: (Lynn Wheeler)
Date: 14 June, 2012
Subject: What are your experiences with Amdahl Computers and Plug-Compatibles?
Blog: MainframeZone
and What are you experiences with Amdahl Computers and Plug-Compatibles? What are you experiences with Amdahl Computers and Plug-Compatibles? What are you experiences with Amdahl Computers and Plug-Compatibles?

When the company was going into the red, the san jose disk division was reorged into "adstar" in preparation for spinning off ... similar to what happened to LexMark. Before it could happen, Gerstner came in and put an end to it. Later san jose disk division was reorged into jointly owned subsidiary with Hitachi, and then Hitachi took over the whole operation ... IBM getting out of disk business.

Since then, press is that Hitachi has sold the operation.

As part of reorg of the disk division into jointly owned subsidiary with Hitachi ... some of the non-disk stuff (that had been part of Adstar) were moved into other places.

current "storage" division webpage

that says little about disks. It does say something about tape and storage subsystems ...

this is the disk page:

it talks about disk subsystems ... but nothing about making disks.

Even before IBM unloaded the disk division ... for some time it had been making just FBA disks and all CKD DASD were pure simulation. One of the reasons to still have disk controllers is to provide CKD DASD simulation for the company's flagship mainframe operating system ... which has been unable to move off CKD DASD (and support FBA) ... even though real CKD DASD hasn't been manufactured for decades.

for the fun of it ... old email from long ago and far away ... where i was pushing a project to have mix of 370 processors and risc processors in the same rack.

a problem I was also working with institutions on what would become NSFNET backbone and was due to also make presentation to the director of NSF ... and had to get a substitute so I could do the risc/370 in rack meetings (the technology basis for the modern internet is tcp/ip, the operational basis for the modern internet was the NSFNET backbone, and the business basis for the modern internet was CIX). misc. other email mentioning NSFNET

part of the performance of current '86 chips are they are all risc qprocessors that decompose 86 instructions into risc micro-ops for actual execution. This negates much of the performance differences that have existed between '86 chips and risc chips.

Note in the NSFNET backbone scenario, when the NSFNET T1 backbone RFP was actually released, internal politics prevented me from bidding. The director of NSF tried to help by writing the company a letter 3Apr1986, NSF Director to IBM Chief Scientist and IBM Senior VP and director of Research, copying IBM CEO), but that just made the internal politics worse ... as did statements about what I already had running was at least five years ahead of all bid submissions. I was already running with lots of T1 and faster links ... and even tho the RFP called for T1 links ... the winning bid actually only installed 440kbit link ... and attempted to obfuscate the issue by using telco T1 trunks with telco multiplexers running multiple 440kbit links per T1 trunk.

for other topic drift ... other old email related to risc chips, 801, iliad, romp, rios, power, power/pc, etc.

and for other background ... lots of old posts about them letting me come over to bldgs 14&15 (disk engineering and disk product test) on the san jose plant site ... and play disk engineer
AMEX, Private Equity, IBM related Gerstner posts

they also started requiring that i sit in on conference calls with the POK channel engineers even though I wasn't even in the disk division.

Note .. I eventually gave up on trying include 370s in racks ... and just went with all non-370. This old post mentions early Jan1992 meeting in Ellisons conference room on cluster-scale-up for HA/CMP:

this is old email related to HA/CMP cluster scale-up ... both for commercial/DBMS operation as well as scientific/numeric-intensive

within possibly hrs of the last email in the above (end of Jan1992), the cluster scale-up part is transferred and we are told we can't work on anything with more than four processors.

A couple weeks later there is this in the press (no more commercial/DBMS ... scientific/numeric-intensive "only") 17Feb1992

another article later in the spring, 11May1992, company was "caught by surprise"

even though I'd been working with such organizations dating back to late 70s trying to sell large clusters of 4341s ... and then working with the organizations on both clusters and lots of different kinds of interconnect (including NSFNET backbone)

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

How will mainframers retiring be different from Y2K?

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: (Lynn Wheeler)
Date: 14 June, 2012
Subject: How will mainframers retiring be different from Y2K?
Blog: Mainframe Experts
and How will mainframers retiring be different from Y2K? How will mainframers retiring be different from Y2K? How will mainframers retiring be different from Y2K?

Total trivia ... the other person and who did most of the actual visicalc programming/implementation

had earlier been at MIT and then went to work for one of the first (virtual machine) cp67 (later morphs into vm370) online commercial service bureaus ... before founding software arts with bricklin.

Future System has one level store, page-mapped file system/virtual memory architecture ... could say it got from tss/360. There was lots of performance optimization that was lacking. At univ. compare tss/360 running four simulated user benchmark script with fortran edit, compile, & execute which had worse performance than cp67/cms running on same hardware running same script with 35 usesrs. This is even before I did a whole lot of performance enhancements to cp67 (as undergraduate in the 60s).

Then during the FS period, at the science center I did a page-mapped filesystem for CMS ... and drawing on all the stuff I saw that was wrong in TSS/360 ... I avoided doing a bunch of stuff ... and did a bunch of other stuff a totally different way. For applications with moderate filesystem use, I could get three times the thruput with my CMS paged mapped filesystem ... as running same exact CMS running with normal filesystem (degree of improvement increased for applications that were more filesystem bound).. I would periodically ridicule the FS people as not really having much of idea of what they were doing.

Folklore is that some of the FS folks retreated to Rochester after the FS failure to eventually do S/38. They simplified it a lot ... but processor thruput still lost possibly 30times ... but in the S/38 market it was possible to get 30times the hardware speed. In the 370/195 market ... the hardware was as fast as you got ... and you wouldn't be converting a lot of customers from 370/195 to be running at 370/145 thruput with FS machine. Even 370/168 customers would see about a ten times slowdown with the fastest hardware available.. S/38 one-level-store filesystem implementation had another major drawback/simplification ... records were scatter allocated on any available disk ... so records for specific file could be randomly located across all available disks. Common failure mode at the time was single disk failure ... but s/38 filesystem required a integral backup of the whole system and an integral restore of the whole system (even for single disk failure). With a very few disks in s/38 configuration, recovery after single disk failure still might take 24hrs. It scaled up extremely poorly ... imagine in a 300disk configuration ... any single disk failure required restoring the complete filesystem for all 300 disks. It goes downhill from there.

Notice that in the 3081 description ... it is warmed over mid-70s FS hardware running the 370 simulator 7-8 yrs later. The machine cost/performance was enormously larger than early generations of 370s as well as any of the PCM 370s ... because of the enormous number of circuits (compared to any other 370). There was billions of dollars net loss with FS ... never close to being recovered by any of the mentioned efforts. In theory, 3081D was suppose to be two 5MIP processors ... but on lots of stuff it benchmarked slower than 3033MP. 3081K doubled the cache sizes and supposedly increased processing speed to 7MIPs/processor ... but on lots of stuff it barely benchmarked the same was 3033MP.

I've periodically claimed that John did RISC to go to the opposite extreme from what the FS people were doing.

My wife was asked by Bob Evans to do evaluation of 8100 and shortly later it was killed ... however there is this old email referencing MIT LISP machine group asking IBM for 801 RISC processor and Evans offering a 8100 instsead:

The article at describes that primary motivation for FS was countermeasure to clone controllers and having very high level tight integration between the processor and controllers. In that sense, SNA carried forward FS objectives creating a complex, highly integrated interface between VTAM on the host and NCP in the controller being able to support a large number of dumb terminals (because its slow-speed dumb terminal orientation, SNA never even bothered with a network layer).

For other old trivia, this is old post with part of presentation that I gave as undergraduate in the 60s at '68 fall SHARE (in Atlantic City):

it shows benchmarks running os/360 under cp67 after I rewrote significant portions of cp67 code (reducing cp67 processing time from 534 cpu seconds to 113 cpu seconds).

It uses a carefully crafted MFT14 system. Production university workload (running 360/67 as 360/65 w/o cp67) I built carefully optimized os/360 systems. I would take the STAGE2 output from the STAGE1 sysgen, tear it completely apart and put it back together so the execution sequence resulted in optimized placement of files and PDS members on the system disk. For typical university student workload it increased throughput approx. by factor of three times (because of the reduced/optimized disk arm seek distances) compared to vanilla stage1/stage2 sysgen.

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2012 21:24:54 (Scott Lurndal) writes:
Some McDonalds burger-flippers do. Not all burger flippers work for McDonalds, many are short-order cooks for mom-and-pop places. I'm sure some taxi drivers, auto mechanics (e.g. for the major dealerships) and retail clerks do also have 401ks/mutual funds.

Regardless, the majority (56%) don't have mutual funds.

lots of people with 401Ks were talked into stocks or stock related funds ... and lost their shirts when the economy crashed. now a common refrain is that lots of these people are hold their 401Ks in bonds & treasuries (as safe havens) when they should really be back in stocks (since bonds and treasuries are hardly paying any interest at all). much of the refrain seems to be coming from people that sell stocks (like barnum's comment about who is born every minute?).

quote from economics nobel prize winner in "Thinking, Fast & Slow", pg212:
"Since then, my questions about the stock market have hardened into a larger puzzle: a major industry appears to be built largely on an illusion of skill. Billions of shares are traded every day, with many people buying each stock and others selling it to them"

... snip ...

recent posts mentioning the quote: The war on terabytes We are on the brink of a historic decision [referring to defence cuts] The speeds of thought, complexities of problems Entropy and #SocialMedia What's the most interesting thing you do in your non-work life? speculation Psychology Of Fraud: Why Good People Do Bad Things

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Interesting News Article

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From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Interesting News Article
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2012 09:42:19
"Harry Vaderchi" <admin@> writes:
Not too keen on wars myself; even the US & UK governments seem to have decided it's time to withdraw from Afghanistan.

original post Other Than In Computers, Civilization Basically Stopped Progressing In The 1960s

there have recent comments have Eisenhower originally intended to warn about MICC (military-industrial-congressional complex), but dropped "congressional" at last minute.

this is recent (Boyd) story about MICC in the vietnam war The Age of Unsatisfying Wars
and Is this Boyd's fundamental postulage, 'to improve our capacity for independent action'?

a fundamental issue is that the objectives of congress and the pentagon can be fundamentally different than what might be stated; MICC is so far from the front lines that what is being measured is totally unrelated.

above references this time cover article from 1983, decade after vietnam, MICC values are as distorted as ever,9171,953733,00.html

this eventually translates into Spinney's "perpetual war" (or continuous conflict) as means of keeping the funds flowing.

almost everything in the '83 articles appears to be as true today as it was back then.

in the past decade it has also been accompanied by the FRCC and PRCC (financial-regulatory-congressional complex and pharmaceutical-regulatory-congressional complex)

this tribute after Boyd's death refers to end of cold war wasn't able to change the pentagon culture ... any more than following end of vietnam

and something similar after the withdrawals from Iraq and Afghanistan ... there are more things being written about whether there was any real point in going in at all ... but there is also a lot in the news about it would be a disaster to cut the Pentagon's budget (in much the same way that wallstreet wants to make sure it continues its bailout and executive bonuses).

CBO had report that last decade that tax revenue was reduced by $6T and spending was increased by $6T (compared to baseline, which had all federal debt being retired by 2010) for $12T budget gap ... much of it all happening after congress allowed the fiscal responsibility act to expire in 2002. on of the first major legislation after fiscal responsibility act expired in 2002 was medicare part-d which was gift of trillions to drug industry ... comptroller general calling it unfunded mandate that long-term grows to $40T totally swamping all other items.

However, this explains that there was $2+T increase in spending last decade (compared to baseline) for pentagon

What Did the Rumsfeld/Gates Pentagon Do with $1 Trillion?

note has moved to
... missing $1T is now has been offline for a couple weeks ... but I found copy here:

other refs:

There is $1+T specifically last decade for wars (although possibly 30% or more may have been graft and corruption) ... but it at least has explainable line item. However, where did the other trillion go? (other than keeping MICC funds flowing). one suspects that everything related to pentagon has to be viewed from the standpoint that the primary, fundamental objective is keeping the funds flowing.

misc. URLs around the web and past posts mentioning Boyd

other recent refs to "perpetual war": We are on the brink of historic decision [referring to defence cuts] Disruptive Thinkers: Defining the Problem Disruptive Thinkers: Defining the Problem Time to Think ... and to Listen Time to Think ... and to Listen Defense acquisitions are broken and no one cares

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2012 10:09:51
Walter Banks <> writes:
I would be willing to bet that Medicare fraud is no worse than health care insurance fraud in the US. The US government has been under pressure to clean up its act for thirty or more years and surprising thing is they have but the naive public still voice problems that have been fixed in some cases for decades.

on medicaid side ... estimates are that "fraud" runs 20-30% ... but it is run by the states and feds provide 50%/matching funds.

feds have offered to increase it to 60% (reducing states contribution by 20% from 50% to 40%) if states would enact legislation to reflect best practices for reducing fraud. however, lots of states have been lobbied extensively by medical industry to not enact recommended legislation. Lots of the industry "up-code" by 10-15% (bill padding) to get more money ... which they don't consider "real" fraud ... which would also be eliminated by new legislation.

misc. past posts mentioning medicaid fraud: "Rat Your Boss" or "Rats to Riches," the New SEC WHAT, WHY AND HOW - FRAUD, IMPACT OF AUDIT Happy 100th Birthday, IBM!

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

How many cost a cpu second?

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: lynn@GARLIC.COM (Anne & Lynn Wheeler)
Subject: Re: How many cost a cpu second?
Date: 15 Jun 2012 07:38:14
shmuel+gen@PATRIOT.NET (Shmuel Metz , Seymour J.) writes:
It may be the only server for which the OS provides accounting information, but that's not the same think. We don't know how much of the cost of the box is in support of instruction execution, how much in support of memory and how much in support of I/O. Then there is the issue of allocating DASD expenses. Ditto environmentals and staff.

What makes the mainframe marginally easier is that there is a smaller number of boxes and they all come out of the same budget.

re: How many cost a cpu second? How many cost a cpu second?

MVS also used to have capture ratio ... that it actually could only account for 40-60% of use. There would be a process where all the unaccounted for cpu time (total cpu found by taking elapsed time minus wait time) would be prorated across the accounted for use. This is similar to all the other total cost of ownership for running a datacenter ... getting prorated across the accounted for use.

Long ago and far away ... we ran into it looking at moving some large applications from mvs/3033s to large number of vm/4341s and trying to estimate how big the increase in throughput would be. part of the issue was that the mvs/3033s were running approx. 50% capture ratio (and had initially been unaccounted for in the considerations).

example of charging ... this references Amazon cloud "on-demand" charging $2.40/hr for "CC2" (although better bulk rates are available, CC2 is e5-2690, rated 527BIPS about equivalent of eleven 80-processor z196 rated at 50BIPS)

this references somebody doing on-demand cloud, supercomputer at 240TIPS (240,000BIPS, about equivalent of 4800 fully configured 80 processor z196)

part of "on-demand" service is that they have to over provision for peak demand ... might have 50% idle at low-points. It figures into total cost of ownership that has to be prorated across charged for service (in manner similar to MVS capture ratio). However, there can be special "off-peak" rates for using resources that would otherwise be idle.

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2012 12:50:09
another tax dodge:

Using S corporations to avoid the Medicare tax; Next year's new tax on net investment income provides another incentive to form an S corporation.

from above:
Both men conducted a personal service business through an S corporation, taking a minimum salary subject to self-employment taxes and the Medicare tax and distributing the remaining profits as dividends, which are subject to neither tax.

... snip ...

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2012 02:43:45
Patrick Scheible <> writes:
For 2011, the standard deduction is $5,800 and the personal exemption is $3,700, so $9,500 for someone filing as an individual. Above that the 10% bottom tax bracket kicks in.

Wikipedia cites an article in Kiplinger's saying that the lowest 50% of wageearners in the U.S. pay 3% of the total Federal income taxes. However, the Kiplinger's article it cites doesn't give even basic information about where the data comes from, like what year it represents. So take with a grain of salt.

re: Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

2011 Federal revenue is $2.3T or about

turns out 2011 GDP was $15T (not $14T)

so total effective federal tax paid as percent of GDP was 15%

what percent of the US GDP is contributed by the lowest 50% of wageearners ... if they pay 3% of total taxes ... i.e. is that .03*$2.3T or $69B (?) ... then what percent of total US GDP are they paying that tax on?

this reference Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

referenced that 1992, the top 400 "wage" earners was total $16.9B and paid rate of 29.2% ... in 2008, the aggregate income of the highest 400 was $90.9B but their percent taxes dropped to 21.5%.

there is still nearly the whole $14T GDP to account and how do the taxes break down.

this says total AGI in 2009 was little under $8T ... that is slightly more than half of GDP (assuming around $14T GDP for 2009) ...

where does the other $6T showup (that makes up GDP) and how is it taxed? Is above just individual returns or all returns (including corporations). If it is just individual returns, would the other $6T in GDP show up as corporate returns ... and if so, how does their taxes break out? While "Table 1" doesn't say "individual" returns; "Table 2" does say "individual" ... implying that the $8T is individual ... so corporate returns could account for the other $6T in GDP.

Bottom 50% is 69M returns, slightly over $1T aggregate and effective tax rate of 1.85%

from this reference: Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

the $2.3T federal collections is more than just income taxes ... other taxes as well ... and the above implies clever dodges ... for all kinds of federal revenue.

what is the total collection by feds (aka $2.3T, not just income taxes) broken out by individual/corporate by different groups that accounts for total $15T (GDP 2011 ... or $14T equivalent 2009).

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Interesting News Article

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Interesting News Article
Newsgroups: rec.arts.sf.written, alt.folklore.computers
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2012 10:24:33
Cryptoengineer <> writes:
Cold War -> (D)ARPA -> Internet, et alia

re: Interesting News Article thread references my original post Other Than In Computers, Civilization Basically Stopped Progressing In The 1960s

i.e. early defense packet network spawned modern internet.(?)

counter is that by late 70s, there is folklore that tightly integrated IMPs would periodically get into situations where nearly all the bandwidth was being used by IMPs exchanging network administrative trivia.

on the other hand, misc. old email mentioning internal network

internal network was larger than the internet from just about the beginning until sometime late '85 or early '86 ... effort from the cambridge science center, 4th flr, 545 tech sq. also brought you virtual machines (cp40 originally done on specially modified 360/40 which morphed into cp67 when 360/67 with virtual memory standard become available in 1967, later morphs into vm370), and GML was invented there in 1969 (a decade later GML morphs into iso standard SGML, and after another decade morphs into HTML at CERN). misc. past posts mentioning science center
misc. past posts mentioning internal network

person responsible for internal network

from above:
In 1976, MIT Professor Jerry Saltzer accompanied Hendricks to DARPA, where Henricks described his innovations to the principal scientist, Dr. Vinton P. Cerf. From that point on, Vint and other DARPA scientists adopted Hendricks' connectionless approach. The result developed into the Internet as we know it today.[6]

... snip ...

the "cool to be clever" reference in the wiki is also available here:
as well as book from amazon.

the technology basis for the modern internet TCP/IP ... and the ARPANET had big switch-over from IMP-based to TCP/IP on 1Jan1983. The operational basis for the modern internet is NSFNET backbone and the business basis for the modern internet was CIX.

also from the Hendricks wiki item
In the late 1970s, VNET was much larger than the ARPAnet/Internet as measured in the number of computers connected. In 1981, when the ARPAnet began converting to TCP/IP, there were about 250 ARPAnet nodes and 1000 VNET nodes.[7] Hendricks and others had proposed the interconnection of the two networks. Turing Award winner Jim Gray, then at IBM, thought the VNET/ARPAnet linkup would be "absolutely wonderful -- with no downside except security risks, which were containable." [8] IBM management declined.

... snip ...

The "1981" should be "1983". One of the issues was that ARPANET nodes were IMPs which were tightly controlled by the gov. and there were only about 100 IMPs at the time of the great switch-over to TCP/IP on 1Jan1983 (with possible 250 connected HOST computers ... i.e. the computers ran HOST/IMP protocol to talk to the IMPs ... and the IMPs were the network nodes).

the wiki also cites this old post of mine, regarding the size of the internal network in 1983:

The virtual machine operating system was also in wide use by a lot of gov. agencies ... which a lot of us weren't aware of. But another Hendricks story at the science center ... gone 404, but lives on at the wayback machine:

cites reference that can be found in virtual machine & science center history paper here:

for other drift about nsfnet backbone as operational basis for modern internet ... some old email

I was working with several of the organizations leading up to the NSFNET backbone ... but then when the NSFNET backbone RFP was released, internal politics preventing me from bidding. The director of the NSF tried to help by writing a letter to the company 3Apr1986, NSF Director to IBM Chief Scientist and IBM Senior VP and director of Research, copying IBM CEO) ... but that just made the internal politics worse ... as did the comments about what I already had running was at least five years ahead of all bid submissions. misc. past posts on the subject:

other related wiki entries

some past posts mentioning BITNET (&/or EARN)

the european part of BITNET was EARN ... old email from the person tasked to create EARN

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Interesting News Article

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Interesting News Article
Newsgroups: rec.arts.sf.written, alt.folklore.computers
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2012 11:47:02
re: Other Than In Computers, Civilization Basically Stopped Progressing In The 1960s Interesting News Article Interesting News Article

other trivia from previous post

past posts about GML/SGML at the science center (G, M, & L actually are the first letters of the last names of the inventors)

reference to SGML morphing into HTML at CERN

and reference to first webserver outside Europe is on the (virtual machine) vm370 system at SLAC:

original relational was by Codd in bldg. 28, original relational/sql implementation was System/R on vm370 370/145 in bldg 28 ... misc. past posts mentioning system/r

old email when Jim Gray was leaving bldg. 28 for tandem, he was palming a bunch of DBMS related stuff on to me .. ..

later I was doing both the stuff leading up to NSFNET backbone and also some stuff with trying to cram a lot of 370 and non-370 processors in the same rack. a couple old email about conflicted and having to find a substitute do a pitch to director of NSF while doing a meeting on clusters of 370 & non-370s in rack

a few years later was doing cluster scale-up, giving up on 370s in same rack with non-370s ... as part of our ha/cmp product. old post reference early Jan1992 meeting in ellison's conference room on ha/cmp cluster scale-up

old email about doing ha/cmp cluster scale-up for both commercial/dbms as well as scientific/numeric-intensive

then possibly within hrs of last email in above (late Jan1992), effort was transferred and we were told we couldn't work on anything with more than four processors. a couple weeks later, news in press about it being announced for numeric-intensive *ONLY* (17Feb1992)
and later in the spring reference to it coming as complete *SURPRISE* to the company (11May1992)

I got into a little tif with Gray (who was now at DEC) at Oct91 ACM SIGOPS at Asilomar ... over whether I could do industrial strength business critical dataprocessing with HA/CMP (and commodity parts) ... he was defending (specialized) VAX clusters. A couple years later, after forming san fran M'soft research ... he was on stage with his (then current) CEO touting their commodity business critical high availability cluster. misc. past posts mentioning HA/CMP

later in the last decade, Jim con's me into interviewing for position of chief security architect in redmond ... the interview drags on over period of several weeks, but we are unable to come to agreement. Jim then disappears ... some old posts Jim Gray Is Missing Jim Gray Is Missing Jim Gray Is Missing Jim Gray Is Missing Jim Gray Is Missing Jim Gray Is Missing Remembering The Search For Jim Gray, A Year Later

the following year there is tribute to Jim at Berkeley A Tribute to Jim Gray: Sometimes Nice Guys Do Finish First A Tribute to Jim Gray: Sometimes Nice Guys Do Finish First A Tribute to Jim Gray: Sometimes Nice Guys Do Finish First

webcast URLs of tribute Microsoft versus Digital Equipment Corporation

more recent reference about finally cluster scale-up high-availability for commerical/dbms From The Annals of Release No Software Before Its Time

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Interesting News Article

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Interesting News Article
Newsgroups: rec.arts.sf.written, alt.folklore.computers
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2012 12:27:55
Andrew Swallow <> writes:
Congress formally authorised the fighting. It just did not call it a war.

part of this thread is x-posted to rec.arts.sf.written and part of it is only in a.f.c. this was earlier post in thread that was only a.f.c. Interesting News Article

mentions Eisenhower originally intended to warn about the military-industrial-congressional complex (MICC) ... but then shortens it to military-industrial complex (MIC) at the last minute.

above also mentions that MICC has seriously mis-aligned business process ... borrowing from the testimony in congressional hearings into the pivotal role that the rating agencies played in the financial mess ... willing to sell Triple-A ratings on toxic CDOs when they knew they weren't worth triple-A ... but the triple-A ratings on toxic CDOs played significant role in the financial mess ... a major factor in there was $27T in triple-A rated toxic CDOs during the financial mess
Evil Wall Street Exports Boomed With 'Fools' Born to Buy Debt

it was major source of funds for real-estate speculation and the resulting boom/bust, triple-A rating trumping everything else ... enabling majority of loans via non-tradional lenders, liar-loans, no-documentation loans etc (using triple-A rated toxic CDOs, nearly anybody could get into the loan origination business and take their piece of the transactions as it flowed thru the infrastructure; greatly aided by congressional removal of regulations).

they were the equivalent to the Brokers' Loans that were the cause of the '29 crash ... from the Pecora (1930s congressional) hearings:

For the purpose of making it perfectly clear that the present industrial depression was due to the inflation of credit on brokers' loans, as obtained from the Bureau of Research of the Federal Reserve Board, the figures show that the inflation of credit for speculative purposes on stock exchanges were responsible directly for a rise in the average of quotations of the stocks from sixty in 1922 to 225 in 1929 to 35 in 1932 and that the change in the value of such Stocks listed on the New York Stock Exchange went through the same identical changes in almost identical percentages.

... snip ...

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Interesting News Article

Refed: **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Interesting News Article
Newsgroups: rec.arts.sf.written, alt.folklore.computers
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2012 12:47:09
possibly somebody reading this thread and ...

DARPA Unleashes the Mother of All Geek Memes

from above:
Friday, the skunkworks of the U.S. military, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, asked Twitter "What technology from science fiction would you most like to see as science fact?"

... snip ...

recent posts in the thread: Interesting News Article Interesting News Article Interesting News Article Interesting News Article

original post: Other Than In Computers, Civilization Basically Stopped Progressing In The 1960s

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Interesting News Article

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From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Interesting News Article
Newsgroups: rec.arts.sf.written, alt.folklore.computers
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2012 13:15:59
for related:

Airlines Have An Insanely Small Profit Margin

from the late 90s, there were articles that airlines had moved much of the profit from the "flying of planes" to the "selling of the tickets" ... in their reservation systems ... all done by computers ... needing very small staff. Cited was airline that posted a loss (in period with rise in oil prices) but the parent company showed healthy overall profit (loss by the airline was more than offset by the profit from selling the tickets).

early part of the century there were analogous articles about the US auto industry, moving much of the profit from the selling of cars to selling of car loans ... again primarily supported by computer transactions ... but also aided and abetted by triple-A rated toxic CDOs ... the triple-A rating trumps everything ... and immediately selling off the loan met the loan originators no longer had to worry about borrower's qualifications and/or loan quality. Toxic CDOs and early been used in the S&L mess to move fraudulent mortgages ... but w/o triple-A rating found very small market. The triple-A rating allowed them to be sold to large institutions restricted to only dealing in triple-A (like large retirement funds) ... providing nearly unlimited source of funds. recent mention: Interesting News Article

old post about wallstreet hammering somebody that dared mention the triple-A rated toxic CDO problem in his annual report: if you are an powerful financial regulator , how would you have stopped the credit crunch?

The Man Who Beat The Shorts

from above:
Watsa's only sin was in being a little too early with his prediction that the era of credit expansion would end badly. This is what he said in Fairfax's 2003 annual report: "It seems to us that securitization eliminates the incentive for the originator of [a] loan to be credit sensitive. Prior to securitization, the dealer would be very concerned about who was given credit to buy an automobile. With securitization, the dealer (almost) does not care."

... snip ...

Another operation doing something similar was GE
By the time Welch left in 2000, GE Capital's earnings had grown by some eighty times to well more than $5 billion, while the number of its employees did not even double. It provided half of GE's profits.

... snip ...

There was also suggestion that GE exactly made its numbers quarter after quarter, helped by the ease that numbers for financial services could be moved around. Again nearly all done by computers.

Computers are also implied in this reference to financial engineers. A civil engineering professor is talking to Volcker about disappearing civil engineering programs because lack of infrastructure projects and the associated jobs. Volcker then says:
Well, I said, 'The trouble with the United States recently is we spent several decades not producing many civil engineers and producing a huge number of financial engineers. And the result is s**tty bridges and a s**tty financial system!'

... snip ..

pg.290, Confidence Men: Wall Street, Washington, and the Education of a President

past posts in this thread: Interesting News Article Interesting News Article Interesting News Article Interesting News Article Interesting News Article

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970


Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: lynn@GARLIC.COM (Anne & Lynn Wheeler)
Subject: Re: Familiar
Date: 16 Jun 2012 11:09:31
scott_j_ford@YAHOO.COM (Scott Ford) writes:
Check this out, boy this looks vaguely familiar like CICS or DB2 ..

note that CICS was originally was to use as few os/360 resources as possible ... because os/360 processing was horrendously heavy weight and bloated. CICS had originally been developed at customer site before being selected for releasing as product.

disclaimer: univ. library got an ONR grant to do online catalog ... part of the money was used to get a 2321 datacell. The project was also selected to betatest for the original CICS product. As undergraduate, in the 60s, I got tasked with debugging and supporting CICS in the betatest. misc. past posts mentioning CICS and/or BDAM

original relational was Codd in bldg. 28 and the original relational/sql implementation was system/r on vm370 370/145 in bldg. 28. misc. past posts mentioning system/r

However, nearly everybody else in the industry released RDBMS product before IBM got around to it. In part because the company was so focused on new flagship DBMS EAGLE product, under the radar (so to speak) we were able to do technology transfer from bldg. 28 to Endicott for release as SQL/DS. Later after EAGLE imploded there was request about how fast could a port of be done to MVS (which eventually became DB2).

In this reference about meeting on HA/CMP cluster scale-up, early Jan1992 in Ellison conference room

we are working with oracle for RDBMS cluster scale-up for HA/CMP ... misc. old email mentioning cluster scale-up for both commercial and scientific/numeric-intensive

the issue was that Oracle's Unix product had cluster built in since it also ran on vax/cluster. I had to provide an HA/CMP API that had some of the look&feel of vax/cluster ... but there was also a list things that vax/cluster had done "wrong" ... that I got to correct (plus drawing on the mainframe experience). The IBM non-mainframe "DB2" of the period was in the process of being developed for OS2 and had none of the high-end, high-throughput features that were required. However, the mainframe people do complain if I'm allowed to continue ... it will be a minimum of five years ahead of where mainframe DB2 is.

In any case, end of Jan1992, possibly only hrs after the last email mentioned above ... the cluster scale-up is transferred and we are told we can't work on anything with more than four processors. A couple weeks later there is this for numeric-intensive *ONLY* (17Feb1992)
and later in the spring reference to it coming as complete *SURPRISE* to the company (11May1992)

and then much more recently for commercial/DBMS From The Annals of Release No Software Before Its Time

referencing (not quite 20yrs later):

DB2 announces technology that trumps Oracle RAC and Exadata
IBM pureScale Technology Redefines Transaction Processing Economics. New DB2 Feature Sets the Bar for System Performance on More than 100 IBM Power Systems

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2012 15:14:24
Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> writes:
Then the person that lost the bid for next CEO of AMEX

the above includes this reference:

Back in 1986, Dimon was the bright young protege of "Sandy" Weill, when he was forced out of American Express in a coup de requin. Master and servant made their way to Baltimore, Maryland, where Weill acquired a storefront moneylending firm called Commercial Credit.

... snip ...

re: Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

note the referenced article also quotes somebody as saying Commercial Credit was loan-shark operation

Senators Grovel, Embarrass Themselves at Dimon Hearing

other recent posts mentioning CEO of JPM, JPM losses, and/or JPM gambling $70T JPM LOSES $2 BILLION USD! Psychology Of Fraud: Why Good People Do Bad Things Why Hasn't The Government Prosecuted Anyone For The 2008 Financial recession? How do you feel about the fact that today India has more IBM employees than US? Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

other recent references to Taibbi articles and/or books: Why Wall Street Should Stop Whining A Conversation with Peter Thiel New theory of moral behavior may explain recent ethical lapses in banking industry The 15 Worst Data Security Breaches of the 21st Century The Death of MERS PC industry is heading for more change PC industry is heading for more change Goldman Exec Quits In A Scathing NYT Op-Ed About How The Firm Abuses Its Clients Why Republicans Aren't Mentioning the Real Cause of Rising Prices at the Gas Pump speculation Free $10 Million Loans For All! and Other Wall Street Notes Vampire Squid Adult Supervision Adult Supervision Accidentally Released - and Incredibly Embarrassing - Documents Show How Goldman et al Engaged in Naked Short Selling' JPM LOSES $2 BILLION USD! Psychology Of Fraud: Why Good People Do Bad Things Psychology Of Fraud: Why Good People Do Bad Things SEC: Taking on Big Firms is Tempting,' But We Prefer Picking on Little Guys Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

A joke seen in an online discussion about moving a box of tape backups

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: (Lynn Wheeler)
Date: 16 June, 2012
Subject:  A joke seen in an online discussion about moving a box of tape backups
Blog: Old Geek

the next stage was a 747 full of cdroms

mid-80s, communication group came up with bunch of reasons why customers didn't want T1 and faster speed computer intercoonect ... largely motivated by the flagship product only supported up to 56kbit/sec links. The flagship product did have "fat pipe" support which allowed multiple parallel 56kbit/sec links to be treated as single logical link. They presented study to corporation show that fat-pipes dropped off significantly above four and was zero at six. What they failed to mention was typical T1 tariff of the period was the same as 5-6 56kbit/sec links. Customers needing more than that installed straight T1 and switch to products from other vendors. Trivial customer survey of the period found 200 such installations.

I was doing HSDT (high-speed data transport) effort with T1 and faster links ... some past posts

and was having some hardware built on the other side of the pacific. Friday before I was to leave to visit the other side of the pacific, the communication group sent out announcement for new online discussion group on "high-speed" communication with the following definitions:

low-speed:       <9.6kbits
medium-speed:    19.2kbits
high-speed:      56kbits
very high-speed: 1.5mbits

monday morning on the wall of a conference room on the other side of the pacific were the following definitions:

low-speed:       <20mbits
medium-speed:    100mbits
high-speed:      200-300mbits
very high-speed: >600mbits

at about the same time as claiming that customers wouldn't need T1 support until well into the next decade ... they also started internal misinformation effort claiming that SNA/VTAM could be used for the NSFNET T1 backbone (when they didn't even have anything remotely resembling tcp/ip or even networking or internetworking layers ... not to mention the lack of T1 support).

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Interesting News Article

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Interesting News Article
Newsgroups: rec.arts.sf.written, alt.folklore.computers
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2012 15:58:00
Howard Brazee <> writes:
Could you quote the part that obligates the U.S. to live up to its treaty obligations?

showed up in recent facebook discussion and somebody posted this, part of discussion of world regulation with regard to treaties:

Treaties as Law of the Land

from above:
In the United States, a different principle is established. Our constitution declares a treaty to be the law of the land. It is, consequently, to be regarded in courts of justice as equivalent to an act of the legislature, whenever it operates of itself, without the aid of any legislative provision.

... snip ..

past posts in this thread: Interesting News Article Interesting News Article Interesting News Article Interesting News Article Interesting News Article Interesting News Article

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Interesting News Article

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Interesting News Article
Newsgroups: rec.arts.sf.written, alt.folklore.computers
Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2012 16:24:23
Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> writes:
showed up in recent facebook discussion and somebody posted this, part of discussion of world regulation with regard to treaties:

Treaties as Law of the Land

from above:

In the United States, a different principle is established. Our constitution declares a treaty to be the law of the land. It is, consequently, to be regarded in courts of justice as equivalent to an act of the legislature, whenever it operates of itself, without the aid of any legislative provision.

... snip ..

re: Interesting News Article

was in thread about how wallstreet attempts to discredit regulation. part of it was promoting extra provisions in regulation drafts that are obviously unworkable and then orchestrating backlash in public ... another is claiming that they need to do certain kinds of (highly risky) transactions because the rest of the world does them and they can't stop w/o the rest of the world stopping also ... which requires uniform world-wide regulation ... then they orchestrate backlash against uniform world-wide regulation.

recent posts about the $700T world-wide in risky derivative gambling (with JPM having $70T of that, 10% of worldwide total, more than any other US institution) Greek knife to Wall Street PC industry is heading for more change Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

old time article on those responsible for the economic mess, #2 on the list, senator largely responsible for the repeal of Glass-Steagall and legislation preventing derivative gambling from being regulated,28804,1877351_1877350_1877330,00.html

instrumental in the economic mess and too-big-to-fail

recent posts about the efforts to prevent derivative gambing from being regulated was actually a family affair (with help from various regulators): US real-estate has lost $7T in value PC industry is heading for more change speculation Why Hasn't The Government Prosecuted Anyone For The 2008 Financial recession? Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Interesting News Article

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Interesting News Article
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Sun, 17 Jun 2012 09:03:32
maus <> writes:
Could a treaty, therefore, allow a President to bypass Congress

re: Interesting News Article

quicky search engine

congress ratifies treaty similar to passing legislation ... discussion that in analogy to legislation being declared unconstitutional ... so could treaties

Constitutional Limitations on the Treaty Power

and example

High Court Rejects Bush Assertion on U.S. Treaties

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Interesting News Article

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Interesting News Article
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Sun, 17 Jun 2012 09:16:13
re: Interesting News Article Interesting News Article

more references:

the following also discusses whether a president can break/withdraw from treaty ... which hasn't been resolved

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

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