Old EMAIL index

By date, early-to-mid 70s, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, later


Old Pictures

Wild Ducks

Mar/Apr '05 eserver magazine article on garlic web pages and mainframe history


Old EMAIL Index (by year)

early to mid-70s

731212 750102, 750430, 750827, 771216,


780321, 780329, 780405, 780405, 780414, 780517, 780717, 781010, 781011, 781013, 781016, 781018, 781103, 781128, 781211, 781218, 781228,


790105, 790117, 790122, 790123, 790123, 790212, 790212, 790216, 790220, 790220, 790220, 790223, 790226, 790312, 790312, 790316, 790326, 790326, 790329, 790402, 790403, 790403, 790404, 790404, 790424, 790429, 790429, 790504, 790508, 790523, 790606, 790607, 790619, 790705, 790711, 790711, 790711, 790711, 790711, 790711, 790905, 790912, 790912, 791010, 791010, 791010, 791011, 791011, 791012, 791025, 791107, 791107, 791206, 791211,


800117, 800117, 800119, 800121, 800121, 800122, 800208, 800208, 800221, 800221, 800221, 800227, 800227, 800227, 800228, 800301, 800306, 800307, 800310, 800310, 800310, 800310, 800311, 800311, 800311, 800311, 800311, 800312, 800312, 800314, 800318, 800319, 800320, 800321, 800323, 800325, 800327, 800327, 800329, 800329, 800329, 800331, 800331, 800401, 800401, 800402, 800404, 800404, 800406, 800407, 800407, 800407, 800408, 800408, 800408, 800409, 800416, 800417, 800417, 800423, 800423, 800423, 800424, 800428, 800429, 800429, 800429, 800501, 800506, 800506, 800513, 800514, 800529, 800604, 800605, 800609, 800624, 800703, 800703, 800703, 800703, 800710, 800711, 800716, 800717, 800804, 800804, 800804, 800806, 800807, 800807, 800807, 800807, 800807 800807 800814, 800903, 800920, 801006, 801006, 801006, 801006, 801008, 801008, 801009, 801010, 801015, 801015, 801015, 801015, 801015, 801016, 801121, 801124, 801124, 801210, 801211, 801211, 801216, 801216, 801222,


810126, 810128, 810210, 810217 810223, 810318, 810402, 810402, 810403, 810408 810409, 810421, 810421, 810422, 810422, 810422, 810423, 810423, 810423, 810423, 810423, 810423, 810423, 810423, 810423, 810423, 810423, 810505, 810506, 810506, 810506, 810511, 810511, 810512, 810506, 810514, 810515, 810525, 810526, 810527, 810531, 810617, 810623, 810623, 810626, 810629, 810630, 810706, 810706, 810714, 810727, 810729, 810808, 810808, 810812, 810820, 810821, 810828, 810914, 810921, 810927, 811029, 811005, 811006, 811006 811019, 811019, 811104, 811113, 811115, 811116, 811116, 811208, 811118, 811212, 811225, 811228,


820111, 820111, 820119, 820201, 820202, 820208, 820208, 820210, 820210, 820215, 820225, 820301, 820303, 820304, 820322, 820323, 820324, 820324, 820401, 820413, 820430, 820503, 820512, 820512, 820513, 820519, 820714, 820726, 820805, 820805, 820811, 820820, 820826, 820826, 820826, 820826, 820826, 820826, 820826, 820907, 820907, 820907, 820907, 820907, 820910, 820912, 820915, 820915, 820915, 820916, 820916, 820916, 820916, 820917, 820917, 820917, 820917, 820918, 820923, 820929, 820929, 820929, 821008, 821019, 821021, 821022, 821022, 821022, 821022, 821022, 821022, 821022, 821022, 821026, 821027, 821104, 821104, 821105, 821112, 821122, 821204, 821206, 821207, 821214, 821214, 821216, 821217, 821225, 821230, 821230, 821230, 821230, 821230, 821230, 821230,


830106, 830109, 830112, 830112, 830113, 830113, 830113, 830113, 830119, 830121, 830123, 830125, 830125, 830126, 830202, 830202, 830202, 830202, 830207, 830210, 830213, 830213, 830218, 830227, 830314, 830316, 830322, 830330, 830331, 830331, 830331, 830404, 830413, 830413, 830413, 830420, 830420, 830420, 830422, 830505, 830513, 830513, 830513, 830516, 830523, 830527, 830705, 830709, 830711, 830711, 830803, 830803, 830804, 830804, 830804, 830804, 830809, 830810, 830822, 830822, 830823, 830830, 830830, 830902, 830916, 831011, 831027, 831027, 831102, 831108, 831108, 831110, 831110, 831110, 831117, 831118, 831128, 831222, 831123, 831202, 831209, 831222, 831227,


840104, 840109, 840111, 840117, 840117b, 830207, 840306, 840309, 840320, 840320, 840320, 840320, 840320, 840320, 840402, 840402, 840403, 840404, 840405, 840405, 840405, 840405, 840412, 830416, 840418, 840517, 840517, 840518, 840606, 840606, 840606, 840606, 840607, 840618, 840626, 840626, 840626, 840720, 840809, 840823, 840904, 840904, 840904, 840921, 840926, 841003, 841012, 841012, 841012, 841015, 841016, 841114, 841114, 841114, 841115, 841116, 841116, 841120, 841121, 841121, 841121, 841126, 841127, 841127, 841207, 841207, 841207, 841207, 841207, 841207, 841207, 841217, 841218, 841219, 841226,


850108, 850117, 850117, 850117, 850129, 850301, 850304, 850312, 850312, 850313, 850313, 850314, 850314, 850315, 850321, 850322, 850325, 850325, 850326, 850326, 850327, 850328, 850402, 850405, 850408, 850409, 850409, 850409, 850409, 850412, 850419, 850425, 850425, 850426, 850501, 850503, 850503, 850503, 850506, 850506, 850507, 850507, 850520, 850520, 850520, 850520, 850604, 850605, 850607, 850607, 850607, 850617, 850618, 850619, 850621, 850625, 850701, 850701, 850712, 850719, 850820, 850821 850821 850824, 850829 850906, 850906, 850906, 850906, 850908, 850908, 850908, 850908, 850909, 850909, 850909, 850930, 850930, 850930, 850930, 850930, 851001, 851015, 851017, 851021, 851025, 851106, 851114, 851114, 851114, 851114, 851114, 851116,


860111, 860111, 860113, 860114, 860117, 860117, 860117, 860117, 860117, 860119, 860119, 860120, 860121, 860121, 860121, 860122, 860123, 860124, 860124, 860124, 860217, 860217, 860219, 860223, 860306, 860404, 860407, 860407, 860407, 860407, 860407, 860408, 860414, 860416, 860417, 860417, 860418, 860422, 860423, 860428, 860428, 860430, 860501, 860501, 860505, 860505, 860507, 860512, 860513, 860513, 860519, 860527, 860527, 860609, 860616, 860616, 860812, 860818, 860915, 860915, 860915, 860916, 860929, 861002, 861010, 861010, 861010, 861014, 861016, 861016, 861031, 861031, 861031, 861114, 861208, 861209, 861209, 861114, 861223, 861223, 861225,


870108, 870109, 870109, 870109, 870204, 870211, 870218, 870219, 870220, 870220, 870302, 870302, 870306, 870315, 870320, 870323, 870328, 870401, 870416, 870507, 870507, 870508, 870508, 870515, 870515, 870604, 870624, 870713, 870722, 870825, 870825, 870825, 870925, 871021, 871111, 871115, 871122, 871124, 871124, 871124, 871124, 871124, 871130, 871204, 871204, 871204, 871204, 871204, 871204, 871204, 871204, 871204, 871204, 871204, 871204, 871204, 871204, 871204, 871204, 871204, 871204, 871227, 871230,


880104, 880104, 880104, 880104, 880104, 880104, 880113, 880130, 880205, 880216, 880224, 880316, 880322, 880324, 880324, 880329, 880331, 880402, 880511, 880606, 880622, 880715, 880901, 880928, 881005, 881011, 881014, 881020, 881027, 881113, 881201, 881216, 881216, 881216, 881216,


890125, 890217, 890219, 890308, 890327, 890424, 890512, 890519, 890605, 890615, 890615, 890706, 890707, 890709, 890727, 890731, 890801, 890801, 890807, 890810, 890901, 891017 891114


900417, 900615, 900615, 900618, 900823, 900921, 901022, 901024, 901107,


910123, 910214 910308, 910319, 910523, 910712, 910729, 910806, 910807, 910808, 910809, 910903, 910910, 910923, 910928, 911003, 911004, 911005, 911014, 911024, 911119, 911205, 911212, 911230,


920113, 920114, 920129, 920129, 920129, 920129, 920416, 920606 920622, 920623, 920624, 920629, 920630, 920630, 920722, 921229,

since 1992

940907, 940913, 950110, 950809, 951030, 960203, 960323, 961211, 970624, 980908, 991117, 20030805, 20030827,

Old EMAIL Index (by topic)

NSFNET related

830804, 830830, 841121, 841121, 841121, 850312, 850313, 850314, 850315, 850325, 850325, 850326, 850402, 850405, 850408, 850409, 850409, 850425, 850425, 850426, 850501, 850506, 850607, 850930, 850930, 850930, 850930, 851001, 851106, 851114, 851114, 851114, 851114, 851114, 860407, 860407, 860407, 860407, 860407, 860417, 860428, 860428, 860430, 860501, 860505, 860505, 860512, 860513, 860513, 860519, 860915, 860915, 860915, 861208, 870109, 870109, 870109, 870204, 870204, 870204, 870204, 870220, 870302, 870515, 870515, 880104, 880104, 880104, 880104, 880104, 880104, 940913,

and collected posts mentioning NSFNET

nsfnet SNA/VTAM misinformation
870109, 870109

other SNA/VTAM misinformation
870302, 870306

NSFNET backbone (preliminary) program announcement 860328
RFP awarded 24nov87 and RFP kickoff meeting 7Jan1988
880104, 880104

HSDT, distributed, &/or other network

781016, 790404, 790404, 800506, 810706, 810729, 811212, 820215, 821022, 821122, 830112, 830804, 830422, 840320, 840320, 840320, 840320, 840320, 840418, 840606, 840606, 840904, 840904, 840912, 841121, 841121, 841217, 841218, 850117, 850117, 850117, 850312, 850312, 850313, 850314, 850325, 850325, 850326, 850402, 850405, 850408, 850409, 850409, 850501, 850607, 850607, 850625, 850719, 850821 850821 850930, 850930, 851021, 851106, 851114, 851114, 851114, 860120, 860407, 860407, 860408, 860416, 860417, 860418, 860505, 860812, 860915, 860915, 861010, 861010, 861010, 861225, 870108, 870204, 870204, 870204, 870204, 870204, 870218, 870219, 870220, 870306, 870402, 870416, 870507, 870624, 870725, 871130, 880322, 880715, 880715, 881216, 881216, 881216, 890219, 890308, 890731, 890801, 890801, 890901, 920630, 920630, 940913,

and collected posts mentioning HSDT (high-speed data transport) project
Rate-based control for XTP Technical Advisory Board and old rate-based email 890801
a few XTP related email: 881113, 890424, and 890901

MEDUSA (cluster-in-a-rack)

910910, 910928, 911003, 911004, 911005, 911014, 911024, 911119, 911205, 911230, 920129, 920129, 920129, 920129,

Collected posts mentioning ha/6000, ha/cmp, cluster, loosely-coupled

Also other related HA/CMP email 891017 900615, 900615, 910729, 910806, 910808, 910809, 911205, 911212, 920113, 920114, 920722,
A reference to (128 processor shared-disk) cluster scale-up meeting early Jan92
Possibly within hours of the 920129 email, the effort was transferred, we were told we couldn't work on anything with more than four processors, and within couple weeks there were articles, Computerworld news 17feb1992 (from wayback machine) ... IBM establishes laboratory to develop parallel systems (pg8)
aka IBM supercomputer announce: 920217 article
... "scientific and technical only" and then 920511 article ... "caught by surprise"(!?)

earlier processor cluster activity (overlap 801, supercomputer and NSFNET):
850314, 850315, 870315,
801 related email

CMSBACK (internal precursor to workstation datasave, ADSM, & TSM)

791025, 801211, 830112,
and collected posts mentioning backup/archive, cmsback, wdsf, adsm, tsm, etc


800329, 800329, 800401, 800408, 800408, 810515, 850909, 850909, 810629,

Public Key (and/or other crypto)

780517, 790312, 790403, 790403, 810506, 810515, 841115, 841218, 841226, 850619, 850625, 850701, 860120, 860407, 970624,

810506 and 810515 discuss PGP-like proposal. Misc posts on various public key topics

VNET - IBM Internal Network

781016, 781018, 790403, 791206, 800122, 800327, 801216, 810506, 810515, 811212, 821112, 821206, 821230, 830422, 830823, 830916, 840823, 851017, 860416, 860417, 860418, 860403, 861225, 870204, 870204, 870204, 870204, 870204, 870229, 870302, 870306, 870323, 870328, 870624, 870925, 871021,

Various posts mentioning internal network (the internal network was larger than the arpanet/internet from just about the beginning until sometime mid/late 80s)

Global LRU, clock, etc

780717, 810506, 821019, 850304, 850409, 851015, 860111, 860111, 860114, 860119, 860119, 860124, 860501, 860609, 860916, 861209, 870320,

and collected posts mentioning clock, replacement algorithms, etc

801, Iliad, ROMP, Fort Knox, RIOS, risc

781128, 790607, 790619, 790705, 790711, 790711, 790711, 790711, 790711, 801121, 810318, 810422, 810808, 810812, 811006, 811006, 811104, 811113, 811115, 830420, 830804, 841015, 841016, 841114, 841116, 841127, 841127, 850301, 850314, 850315, 850409, 861010, 861010, 861010, 870315, 880316, 880324, 880928, 890807, 911205,

and collected posts mentioning 801, Iliad, Fort Knox, ROMP, RIOS, RISC, etc

and (801) cluster scale-up

some processor cluster activity (overlap 801, supercomputer and NSFNET):
850314, 850315, 870315,

43xx machines

790212, 790212, 790226, 790326, 790326, 790404, 790404, 790429, 800228, 800310, 800311, 800311, 800717, 801006, 801015, 801121, 810128, 810617, 810706, 820826, 820826, 820826, 820826, 820826, 820912, 820916, 820916, 830112, 830125, 830413, 830705, 831027, 841012, 861031,

HONE system (Hands-On Network Environment)

781010, 781011, 781013, 781018, 790216, 790220, 800310, 800318, 800409, 801006, 801124, 820714, 820826, 820912, 821104, 821104, 821105, 821214, 830113, 830227, 830413, 830902, 840626, 841116, 841219, 851017, 860117, 860306, 870218,

and collected posts mentioning (virtual machine based) HONE system, world-wide online sales&marketing system (and/or APL)

VMSG - early internal email client

790312, 790312, 790403, 790403, 791206, 800221, 800920, 810629, 820811, 820826, 830413,

a early, limited function, pre-release VMSG version was used in PROFS

VMSHARE - TYMSHARE CMS-based online computer conference for SHARE

780405, 800307, 800310, 800318, 800329, 800331, 800401, 800409, 801006, 810223, 810511, 811225, 811228, 820301, 820714, 821217, 830113, 830113, 830119, 830227, 830413, 830902, 831027, 831108, 840626, 840809, 841219, 850328, 850506, 850820, 850906, 860111, 860111, 860306, 861016,

vmshare archive:
sometimes "404" ... wayback machine

And some old pictures

3270 logon screen post, more recent post,

3270 logo screen shot

Hyperchannel box

1000th internal network node post

1000th node globe

2741 selectric APL ball post

2741 apl typeball

2741 apl typeball

HSDT digital tdma post

hsdt digital tdma

home terminal 77-79 post

home miniterm

home miniterm

3101 home terminal post

home 3101

home pc/home terminal post

home pc

Share LSRAD report

now available at: http://bitsavers.org/pdf/ibm/share/

360/67 blue card and vmshare reference card

67 blue card and vmshare card

IBM related song books

song books

RIOS paperweight


Backyard full USENET (satellite) feed (circa 1993)

pagesat usenet feed
Usenet News By Satellite ... pg51 article co-author with Jack Powers. I got full sat. feed for doing windows and unix drivers for their sat modem.

Careerists and Bureaucrats destroying Watson culture/legacy and wild ducks

Chairman Learson attempting to stop IBM careerists and bureaucrats destroying the Watsons' culture/legacy.

Management Briefing
Number 1-72: January 18, 1972


Once again, I'm writing you a Management Briefing on the subject of bureaucracy. Evidently the earlier ones haven't worked. So this time I'm taking a further step: I'm going directly to the individual employees in the company. You will be reading this poster and my comment on it in the forthcoming issue of THINK magazine. But I wanted each one of you to have an advance copy because rooting out bureaucracy rests principally with the way each of us runs his own shop.

We've got to make a dent in this problem. By the time the THINK piece comes out, I want the correction process already to have begun. And that job starts with you and with me.

Vin Learson


|           "BUSINESS ECOLOGY"            |
|                                         |
|                                         |
|            +---------------+            |
|            |  BUREAUCRACY  |            |
|            +---------------+            |
|                                         |
|           is your worst enemy           |
|              because it -               |
|                                         |
|      POISONS      the mind              |
|      STIFLES      the spirit            |
|      POLLUTES     self-motivation       |
|             and finally                 |
|      KILLS        the individual.       |
"I'M Going To Do All I Can to Fight This Problem . . ."
by T. Vincent Learson, Chairman

pg160-162 (including THINK magazine article), 30 years of Management Briefings, 1958-1988

in some posts:
xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx,

1973 IBM poster "How to Stuff a Wild Duck"

How to Stuff a Wild Duck

"We are convinced that any business needs its wild ducks. And in IBM we try not to tame them." - T.J. Watson, Jr.

in some posts:
xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx

Then as Future System was failing in the 70s (from Ferguson & Morris, "Computer Wars: The Post-IBM World", Time Books, 1993)
... Watsons' legacy/culture:

"and perhaps most damaging, the old culture under Watson Snr and Jr of free and vigorous debate was replaced with *SYNCOPHANCY* and *MAKE NO WAVES* under Opel and Akers. It's claimed that thereafter, IBM lived in the shadow of defeat ... But because of the heavy investment of face by the top management, F/S took years to kill, although its wrong headedness was obvious from the very outset. "For the first time, during F/S, outspoken criticism became politically dangerous," recalls a former top executive."

Some FS details:
Discussion of old FS evaluation
FS description and discussion

FS refs in some posts:
xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx,

In the late 70s and early 80s, I was blamed for online computer conferencing (precursor to the IBM forums and modern social media) on the internal network (larger than arpanet/internet from just about the beginning until sometime mid/late 80s). It really took off spring of 1981 when I distributed a trip report of visit to Jim Gray at Tandem. Only about 300 directly participated but claims upwards of 25,000 were reading. There were six copies of approx. 300 pages printed along with executive summary and summary of the summary and packaged in Tandem 3-ring binders and sent to the executive committee (folklore is 5of6 wanted to fire me) ... from summary of summary:

• The perception of many technical people in IBM is that the company is rapidly heading for disaster. Furthermore, people fear that this movement will not be appreciated until it begins more directly to affect revenue, at which point recovery may be impossible

• Many technical people are extremely frustrated with their management and with the way things are going in IBM. To an increasing extent, people are reacting to this by leaving IBM Most of the contributors to the present discussion would prefer to stay with IBM and see the problems rectified. However, there is increasing skepticism that correction is possible or likely, given the apparent lack of commitment by management to take action

• There is a widespread perception that IBM management has failed to understand how to manage technical people and high-technology development in an extremely competitive environment.

From IBM Jargon:

Tandem Memos - n. Something constructive but hard to control; a fresh of breath air (sic). That's another Tandem Memos. A phrase to worry middle management. It refers to the computer-based conference (widely distributed in 1981) in which many technical personnel expressed dissatisfaction with the tools available to them at that time, and also constructively criticized the way products were [are] developed. The memos are required reading for anyone with a serious interest in quality products. If you have not seen the memos, try reading the November 1981 Datamation summary.

Online computer communication posts:

But it takes another decade (1981-1992), IBM is being reorganized into the 13 baby blues, in preparation for breaking up the company. ... gone behind paywall, but mostly lives free at wayback machine.
may also work

had already left IBM, but get a call from the bowels of Armonk asking if could help with breakup of the company. Lots of business units were using supplier contracts in other units via MOUs. After the breakup, all of these contracts would be in different companies ... all of those MOUs would have to be cataloged and turned into their own contracts. However, before getting started, the board brings in a new CEO and reverses the breakup.

New IBM CEO posts

in some past posts: xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx

also "Rise and Fall of IBM"

other related post


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2022f.html#32 John Boyd and IBM Wild Ducks
2022f.html#60 John Boyd and IBM Wild Ducks
2022f.html#67 John Boyd and IBM Wild Ducks
2022g.html#24 John Boyd and IBM Wild Ducks