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2019 Newsgroup Postings (07/09 - 08/31)

The Forever War Is So Normalized That Opposing It Is "Isolationism"
Here's how to tame browser-tab madness in Chrome and Firefox
Rise and Fall of IBM
A crashing disappointment!
IBM Midrange today?
Don't Blame Capitalism
Fernando Corbato, a Father of Your Computer (and Your Password), Dies at 93
You paid taxes. These corporations didn't
Rise and Fall of IBM
IBM Midrange today?
CalPERS Sleaze Watch: Showcases Criminal Ex-General "Betray-Us" as Keynote Speaker at Offsite
Page through computer history with this complete scan of NeXT's Fall 1989 catalog
U.S. proposes barring big tech companies from offering financial services, digital currencies
Packard Bell/Apple
Scientist, war hero and gay icon Alan Turing is new face of the GBP50 note
The amount of software running on traditional servers is set to almost halve in the next 3 years amid the shift to the cloud, and it's great news for the data center business
No budget. On the brink of default. It's a hell of a way to run a country
Rust in peace: Memory bugs in C and C++ code cause security issues so Microsoft is considering alternatives once again
Moonshot - IBM 360 ?
The Coming Boeing Bailout?
A Deadly Heat Wave After the Hottest June On Record: How the Climate Crisis Is Creating 'a New Normal'
Rust in peace: Memory bugs in C and C++ code cause security issues so Microsoft is considering alternatives once again
A Deadly Heat Wave After the Hottest June On Record: How the Climate Crisis Is Creating 'a New Normal'
Chrysler DeSoto
Rust in peace: Memory bugs in C and C++ code cause security issues so Microsoft is considering alternatives once again
direct couple
Someone Else's Computer: The Prehistory of Cloud Computing
Rust in peace: Memory bugs in C and C++ code cause security issues so Microsoft is considering alternatives once again
The Coming Economic Crash -- And How to Stop It
Nobel Economist Angus Deaton: Inequality is Destroying Democratic Capitalism
UK Recovers $42 Billion By Stopping Tax Evasion
William Barr Supported Pardons In An Earlier D.C. 'Witch Hunt': Iran-Contra
The Great Hack tells us data corrupts
The Great Hack tells us data corrupts
The People Who Invented the Internet: #Reviewing The Imagineers of War
The People Who Invented the Internet: #Reviewing The Imagineers of War
George Will Changes His Mind--But Stays True to His Convictions
Trump's Message to U.S. Intelligence Officials: Be Loyal or Leave
The Roots of Boeing's 737 Max Crisis: A Regulator Relaxes Its Oversight
Capital One's breach was inevitable, because we did nothing after Equifax
Capital One Data Breach-100 Million Customers affected
Defense contractors aren't securing sensitive information, watchdog finds
Private Equity: The Perps Behind Destructive Hospital Surprise Billing
Rep. Cheney Accuses Tribes of "Destroying our Western Way of Life" Over Sacred Grizzly Protections
Sand and Steel
SS Trust Fund
Declassified CIA Document Reveals Iraq War Had Zero Justification
Here's what Nobel Prize-winning research says will make you more influential
Declassified CIA Document Reveals Iraq War Had Zero Justification
Recent climate and heat news
The global economy is broken, it must work for people, not vice versa
The global economy is broken, it must work for people, not vice versa
Those 'rat infested' places in Baltimore? They're owned by Trump's son-in-law
Global Warming and U.S. National Security Diplomacy
The Trump Administration Is Using the Full Power of the U.S. Surveillance State Against Whistleblowers
Disabled by default: Microsoft ups the ante in its war against VBScript on Internet Explorer
Newsflash: Trump and DeVos Do Not Want to Get Government Out of For-Profit College Industry
China's VT5 tank adds 'active protection'
IBM 360/67
IBM 360/67
IBM 360/67
IBM 370/195
IBM 3330 & 3380
How the Supreme Court Is Rebranding Corruption
What Happened to Aung San Suu Kyi?
Facebook Knows More About You Than the CIA
Facebook Knows More About You Than the CIA
Facebook Knows More About You Than the CIA
Decline of IBM
Decline of IBM
Decline of IBM
Decline of IBM
Decline of IBM
Employers escape sanctions, while the undocumented risk lives and prosecution
The Coming of American Fascism, 1920-1940
The Coming of American Fascism, 1920-1940
Magic and Mayhem: The Delusions of American Foreign Policy From Korea to Afghanistan
Bretton Woods Institutions: Enforcers, Not Saviours?
Bretton Woods Institutions: Enforcers, Not Saviours?
Bretton Woods Institutions: Enforcers, Not Saviours?
Where do byte orders come from, Nova vs PDP-11
The War Was Won Before Hiroshima--And the Generals Who Dropped the Bomb Knew It
Why The Dollar Rules The World - And Why Its Reign Could End
Steve King Devised an Insane Formula to Claim Undocumented Immigrants Are Taking Over America
Former Madoff Whistleblower Attacks GE Over $40 Billion Accounting Shortfall
The Hottest July, How Climate Change is Breaking Temperature Records in 2019
How nuclear weapons research revealed new climate threats
CEO compensation has grown 940% since 1978
A Secret Opioid Memo That Could Have Slowed an Epidemic
The Forgotten Story of Operation Anvil
Why F-5s Beat Out F-16s For The Navy's Latest Commercial Aggressor Contract
The War Was Won Before Hiroshima--And the Generals Who Dropped the Bomb Knew It
The War Was Won Before Hiroshima--And the Generals Who Dropped the Bomb Knew It
The War Was Won Before Hiroshima--And the Generals Who Dropped the Bomb Knew It
The results of Facebook's anti-conservative bias audit are in
PROFS and Internal Network
David Koch Was the Ultimate Climate Change Denier
How Journalists Covered the Rise of Mussolini and Hitler
Trump claims he's the messiah. Maybe he should quit while he's ahead
Destruction of Middle Class
vendor distributes their private key
Trump tells Republicans he may begin cutting social security and Medicare if he wins in 2020
David Koch Was the Ultimate Climate Change Denier
Trump tells Republicans he may begin cutting social security and Medicare if he wins in 2020
The Violent American Century: War and Terror Since World War II
Trump tells Republicans he may begin cutting social security and Medicare if he wins in 2020
Internet and Business Critical Dataprocessing
Assembler :- PC Instruction
David Koch Was the Ultimate Climate Change Denier
Armed with J-20 stealth fighters, China's future flattops could 'eventually fight US carriers'
IBM Acronyms
IBM Acronyms
IBM Acronyms

The Forever War Is So Normalized That Opposing It Is "Isolationism"

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: The Forever War Is So Normalized That Opposing It Is "Isolationism"
Date: 09 July 2019
Blog: Facebook
re: The Forever War Is So Normalized That Opposing It Is "Isolationism" The Forever War Is So Normalized That Opposing It Is "Isolationism" The Forever War Is So Normalized That Opposing It Is "Isolationism" The Forever War Is So Normalized That Opposing It Is "Isolationism" The Forever War Is So Normalized That Opposing It Is "Isolationism"

America Should Support Russia's Efforts Against Glorifying Nazism

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Here's how to tame browser-tab madness in Chrome and Firefox

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: Here's how to tame browser-tab madness in Chrome and Firefox
Date: 10 July 2019
Blog: Facebook
Here's how to tame browser-tab madness in Chrome and Firefox; Tons of open tabs can tax your computer and your patience. Relieve the stress on both with these six tips, settings, and free utilities.

Early 80s, we were doing lots of studies about human factors and waiting for the next screen to appear ... and work on how to make it look (nearly) instantaneous switch from previous screen to next screen. WEB messed that all up in the early 90s with synchronous wait. Early 2000 with appearance of tabs ... I did my own mini spider ... wget/curl fetch 100 "news" service pages ... figure between previous saved page and new page for new URLs, double check that I hadn't seen the new URLs and then automagic load each new news item URL in different background tab ... frequently 200-300 items (a couple times a day, sometimes several times more). That way I can switch each news item tab effectively instantaneously with no waiting (even better than physical newspaper or news magazine). Things got a little more complex when webservers started looking for robots, the tab loader couldn't just concurrently fetch a dozen URLs from the same web server ... there had to be a multiple second delay between each automated background tab fetch from the same webserver (but it could be done in the background w/o me having to wait).

past refs Is there a way to configure your web browser to use multiple Mozilla v Firefox Mozilla v Firefox Mozilla v Firefox Mozilla v Firefox big endian vs. little endian, why? Moz 1.8 performance dramatically improved RFC 2616 change proposal to increase speed Intel abandons USEnet news Which of the latest browsers do you prefer and why? How were you using the internet 10 years ago and how does that differ from how you use it today? Windowed Interfaces 1981-2009 Now is time for banks to replace core system according to Accenture OT: PC clock failure--CMOS battery? Unix systems and Serialization mechanism Agents Writing article on telework/telecommuting Just for a laugh ... How to spot an old IBMer PDP-10 and Vax, was System/360--50 years--the future? Parallel programming may not be so daunting Could this be the wrongest prediction of all time? "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Rise and Fall of IBM

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: Rise and Fall of IBM
Date: 10 July 2019
Blog: Facebook
Rise and Fall of IBM ... from mid-90s by former IBM executive

also Ferguson & Morris, "Computer Wars: The Post-IBM World", Time Books, 1993 .... reference to the "Future System" project 1st half of the 70s, was going to completely replace 370 and 370 efforts were being shutdown, the lack of 370 products during the period is credited with giving clone processor makers market foothold:
and perhaps most damaging, the old culture under Watson Snr and Jr of free and vigorous debate was replaced with sycophancy and make no waves under Opel and Akers. It's claimed that thereafter, IBM lived in the shadow of defeat
But because of the heavy investment of face by the top management, F/S took years to kill, although its wrong headedness was obvious from the very outset. "For the first time, during F/S, outspoken criticism became politically dangerous," recalls a former top executive.
... snip ...

future system posts

re: boeing:

within year after taking 2hr intro to computing/fortran, univ. hires me fulltime to be responsible for academic & administration IBM mainframe sysems. Then before I graduate, I'm hired into small group in Boeing CFO office to help with the formation of Boeing Computer Services/Systems (consolidate all dataprocessing into independent business unit to better monetise the investment, including offering services to non-Boeing entitiies, one of the early private/public/hybrid "clouds"). At the time, I thot Renton datacenter was possibly largest in the world, $200M-$300M (60s $$$) in IBM 360s, 360/65s arriving faster than they could be installed, boxes constantly being staged in hallways around the machine room (when I graduate, instead of staying at Boeing, I join the IBM science center at MIT).

2016 Boeing 100yr Century publication had article that "merger" with M/D nearly took down the company and might yet still. 737MAX articles have included some references to Boeing safety engineers leaving after the M/D take-over.

re: ibm disk

Late 80s, senior disk engineer got a talk scheduled at internal, annual, world-wide communication group conference, supposedly on 3174 performance, but opened the talk that the communication group was going to be responsible for the demise of the disk division. The issue was the communication group had stranglehold on datacenters with its corporate strategic ownership of everything that crossed the datacenter walls and was fighting off client/server and distributed computing trying to preserve their (emulated) dumb terminal paradigm and install base. The disk division was seeing data fleeing the mainframe datacenters to more distributed computing friendly platforms with drop in disk sales. The disk division had come up with a number of solutions, but they were constantly being vetoed by the communication group.

As a partial work around, senior disk executive (i.e. GPD/AdStar) was doing investing in distributed computing startups that would support mainframe as backend (with non-dumb terminal protocol) and/or at least use IBM disks. He would invite us in periodically and ask us if we would drop by any of his investments and lend a hand where we could.

dumb terminal references/posts

As a partial work around, senior disk executive (i.e. GPD/AdStar) was doing investing in distributed computing startups that would support mainframe as backend (with non-dumb terminal protocol) and/or at least use IBM disks. He would invite us in periodically and ask us if we would drop by any of his investments and lend a hand where we could.

as part of distributed computing, he also funded original POSIX support in MVS ... and since it didn't (directly) involve something that crossed datacenter walls, the communication group couldn't veto it (he could even claim some amount of SAA, moving distributed computing apps to mainframe).

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

A crashing disappointment!

Refed: **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: A crashing disappointment!
Newsgroups: uk.d-i-y, alt.folklore.computers
Date: Fri, 12 Jul 2019 08:15:43 -1000
Gareth's was W7 now W10 Downstairs Computer <> writes:
Are apprenticeships still a valid approach with so many of our traditional big industries going the way of the Dodo?

23June1969, IBM Unbundling announcement, started to charge for (application) software (had made the case that kernel software should still be free), SE services, maintenance, etc.

IBM SE training had included sort of apprenticeships as part of large group onsite at customer premise. As part of unbundling, they couldn't figure out how NOT to charge for the apprentice SEs in-training.

This gave rise to HONE (hands-on network environment), virtual machine CP67 services around the US with online access at branch offices, where SEs could practice with guest operating systems running in virtual machines.

The science center, besides doing virtual machines, first CP40/CMS hardware modifying 360/40 to add virtual memory ... some past info

which then morphed into CP67/CMS when 360/67 (virtual memory standard) becomes available ...

also did a port of APL\360 to CMS as CMS\APL. HONE then started offering APL-based sales&marketing support applications ... which came to dominate all HONE activity (and the SE use with guest operating system just faded away).

trivia (regarding wiki entry): Three people had come out to install CP67 at the univ last week of Jan1968. I then got to play with CP67 on the weekends (when the univ shutdown the datacenter) ... 3rd installation after science center (itself) and MIT Lincoln Labs. There was then product announcement/availability at spring '68 SHARE meeting in Houston. Melinda's history paper

Mid-70s, HONE consolidated all its US datacenters in Palo Alto and expanded its (virtual machine) VM370 to support single-system image cluster support (load balancing & fall-over, eventually eight large 2-way SMPs) before the product had SMP support and decades before the product shipped single system image support.

One of my hobbies after joining IBM was enhanced production operating systems for internal datacenters ... and HONE was long-time customer, first CP67 ... and after I migrated a bunch of stuff, VM370 (in the official morph of CP67 to VM370, a lot of CP67 stuff was dropped and/or simplified, including a bunch of stuff that I had done as undergraduate at the univ. in the 60s and IBM picked up and shipped in the product).

past posts mentiong 23June1969 unbundling
science center posts
HONE (&/or APL) posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

IBM Midrange today?

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: IBM Midrange today?
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Fri, 12 Jul 2019 10:21:41 -1000
hancock4 writes:
RPG was an excellent language for its day. Remember, that was nearly 60 years ago and computers were much smaller and less powerful. Before the advent of 4GL's like Easytrieve or DYL, RPG fit a need for "quick and dirty" reports.

several spin-offs from science center ... offering virtual machine based commercial services (first cp/67 and later vm/370). Some also quickly moved up value stream to specializing in services for financial industry and offerring 4GL languages (one of people a decade at one such company involved in "first financial language", then left to co-found software arts and do visicalc)

had RAMIS from mathematica
then NOMAD (NCSS Owned, Maintained, and Developed)

some mathematica people than doing RAMIS follow-on as FOCUS to be used by TYMSHARE (on their virtual machine VM370/CMS offering, NCSS competitor), prompting NCSS to do NOMAD


4th generation programming language

Also in the 70s, IBM San Jose Research did the original sql/relational system/r on vm370 ... but had lots of fights with the rest of corporation. While the corporation was preoccupied with EAGLE (next new DBMS), managed to do tech transfer to Endicott and get it out as SQL/DS. Later when EAGLE imploded, request was how fast could it be ported to MVS ... and was eventually released as DB2, originally for decision support *ONLY*.

science center posts
virtual machine commerecial online service posts
system/r posts

mentions science center spinoffs, as well as "First Financial Language" done in 60s

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Don't Blame Capitalism

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: Don't Blame Capitalism
Date: 12 July 2019
Blog: Facebook
Don't Blame Capitalism

On War
from intro, loc394-95:
As long as the Socialists only threatened capital they were not seriously interfered with, for the Government knew quite well that the undisputed sway of the employer was not for the ultimate good of the State.
... snip ...

the government needed general population standard of living sufficient that soldiers were willing to fight to preserve their way of life. Capitalists tendency was to reduce worker standard of living to the lowest possible ... below what the government needed for soldier motivation ... and therefor needed socialists as counterbalance to the capitalists in raising the general population standard of living.

June1940, Germany had a victory celebration at the NYC Waldorf-Astoria with major industrialists. Lots of them were there to hear how to do business with the Nazis

Later 5000 industrialists from across the US had conference (also) at NYC Waldorf-Astoria and in part because they had gotten such bad reputation for the depression and supporting Nazi Germany, they approved a major propaganda campaign to equate capitalism with Christianity
part of the result by the early 50s was adding "under god" to the pledge of allegiance.

"Confidence Men", includes several references that during recent economic mess, wallstreet used EHM tactics against our own people. Other references were about new president having to choose between the economic A-team (Volcker et al) and the B-team. The A-team was instrumental in getting him elected, but the A-team would have held wallstreet and the too-big-to-fail accountable, which would have likely taken down most of those institutions (so new president chooses the b-team that wasn't going to hold anybody responsible)

(military) "Team B" has Colby not approving the analysis and Rumsfeld getting Colby replaced with Bush, who would approve "Team B" analysis (justifying huge DOD spending increase), after Rumsfeld replaces Colby, he resigns as white house chief of staff to become SECDEF (and is replaced by his assistant Cheney)

US is supporting Iraq in Iran/Iraq war
Bush1 is VP and Rumsfeld is involved in supporting Iraq, including supplying WMDs

note that VP (and former director of CIA) repeatedly claiming no knowledge of
because he was fulltime administration point person deregulating financial industry ... creating S&L crisis along with other
members of his family
and another

Republicans and Saudis bailing out the Bushes.

later when Bush1 is president (and Cheney is SECDEF), it comes up that Bush1 ran Iran/Contra
Pollard had accidentally "busted the most secret White House operation of modern times," as one account put it. "Neither Pollard nor the government of Israel was aware that they had smashed George Bush's first shipment of arms to Iran."
... snip ...

Sat. photo recon analyst told white house that saddam was marshaling forces to invade Kuwait. White house said that saddam would do no such thing and proceeded to discredit the analyst. Later the analyst informed the white house that saddam was marshaling forces to invade Saudi Arabia, now the white house has to choose between saddam and the Saudis.

This century, Bush2 is president, Cheney is vp, Rumsfeld is SECDEF, and one of the "Team B" member is deputy SECDEF (and major architect of Iraq policy).

Before the invasion, the cousin of white house chief of staff Card ... was dealing with the Iraqis at the UN and was given evidence that WMDs (tracing back to US in the Iran/Iraq war) had been decommissioned. the cousin shared it with Card, Powell and others ... then is locked up in military hospital, the cousin's book was published in 2010 (4yrs before decommissioned WMDs were declassified)

NY Times series from 2014, the decommission WMDs (tracing back to US from Iran/Iraq war), had been found early in the invasion, but the information was classified for a decade

military-industrial-complex had wanted a war so badly that corporate reps were telling former eastern block countries that if they voted for IRAQ2 invasion in the UN, they would get membership in NATO and (directed appropriation) USAID (can *ONLY* be used for purchase of modern US arms, aka additional congressional gifts to MIC complex not in DOD budget). From the law of unintended consequences, the invaders were told to bypass ammo dumps looking for WMDs, when they got around to going back, over a million metric tons had evaporated.

Last decade, Bush2 also presides over the economic mess 70 times larger than his father's S&L crisis. S&L crisis had 1000 criminal convictions with jailtime, proportionally the economic mess should have 70,000 (criminal convictions with jailtime), so far nobody.

capitalism posts
inequality posts
"team b" posts
WMD posts
perpetual war posts
military-industrial(-congressional) complex posts
S&L crisis posts
economic mess posts
Too Big To Fail (too big to prosecute, too big to jail) posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Fernando Corbato, a Father of Your Computer (and Your Password), Dies at 93

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Fernando Corbató, a Father of Your Computer (and Your Password), Dies at 93
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Sat, 13 Jul 2019 06:36:05 -1000
Fernando Corbato, a Father of Your Computer (and Your Password), Dies at 93
C.T.S.S. gave rise to a successor project called Multics, which Dr. Corbató also led. He told the Babbage Institute, "Multics started out as kind of a wish list of what we would like to see in a big computer system that might be made as a commercial model."

Multics was a collaboration among M.I.T., AT&T's Bell Laboratories and General Electric. It failed as a commercial endeavor, but it inspired a team of computer scientists at Bell Labs to create Unix, a computer operating system that took root in the 1970s and was adopted widely in the '80s and '90s.

... snip ...

some of the CTSS people
then went to 5th flr to do Multics

others went to the science center on the 4th flr
and did virtual machines
the IBM internal network (larger than arpanet/internet from just about the beginning until sometime mid-80s) technology also used for the corporate sponsored BITNET (also larger than arpanet/internet for a time)

was also done for CMS as SCRIPT and then GML was invented at the science center in 1969 and GML tag processing was added to SCRIPT a decade later, GML morphs into ISO standard SGML and after another decade, morphs into HTML at CERN.

science center posts
internal network posts
BITNET posts
script, gml, sgml, etc posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

You paid taxes. These corporations didn't

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: You paid taxes. These corporations didn't
Date: 13 July 2019
Blog: Facebook
You paid taxes. These corporations didn't

In 2002, congress lets the fiscal responsibility act lapse, spending couldn't exceed revenue, on its way to eliminating all federal debt. 2005 comptroller general was including in speeches that nobody in congress was capable of middle school arithmetic (for how badly they were savaging the budget), completely different republican congress than the one that originally passed the act. CBO 2010 report was that 2003-2009, taxes was cut by $6T and spending increased by $6T for $12T gap compared to fiscal responsible budget. Sort of confluence of Federal Reserve and wallstreet wanting huge federal debt, special interests and wallstreet wanting huge tax cut, and military-industrial complex wanting huge spending increase (first time taxes were cut to not pay for two wars, now exceeding $6T).

A big part of the $6T cut was the enormous new loopholes added for special interest and corporations.

One of the CBO analyst had same last name, I remember in one meeting where we were all introducing ourselves, I managed that we aren't related, that I knew off.

Since demise of fiscal responsibility in 2002 they keep coming up with excuses/fabrication for further tax cuts

Start of this decade, the enormous tax loopholes from the previous decade (after the turn of the century) weren't reversed, but some of the spending was reduced, so it slowed the debt increase. Most recent administration has had further significant cuts in corporate taxes as well as spending increases, resuming acceleration in debt increase.

Other contributing factors ... from comments in this post Don't Blame Capitalism

Bush2 after turn of century presided over "economic mess", 70 times larger than his father's S&L crisis in the 80s.

Bush2 presided over the start of "perpetual wars", IRAQ2 invastion justified originally by Iraq supported Al Qaeda and would only cost $50B (now well over 100 times that original claim), then changed to WMDs. Before the invasion, they were told about decommissioned WMDs from the 80s Iran/Iraq war tracing back to the US ... in fact those decommissioned WMDs were found shortly after the invasion, but the information was keep classified for a decade.

Note: Bush1 80s involvement in middle east included Saudia Arabia
There was also a calculated decision to use the Saudis as surrogates in the cold war. The United States actually encouraged Saudi efforts to spread the extremist Wahhabi form of Islam as a way of stirring up large Muslim communities in Soviet-controlled countries. (It didn't hurt that Muslim Soviet Asia contained what were believed to be the world's largest undeveloped reserves of oil.)
... snip ...

and from truth is stranger than fiction and the law of unintended consequences that come back to bite you, bin Laden & 15of16 9/11 were Saudis.

The other problem after the turn of century (besides economic mess that nearly took down the country, enormous tax cuts and spending increases, perpetual wars, etc) was huge uptic in gov. outsourcing to for-profit companies. Private-equity companies were buying up government contractors and beltway bandits, hiring prominent politicians to lobby for outsourcing to their companies.
Lou Gerstner, former ceo of ibm, now heads the Carlyle Group, a Washington-based global private equity firm whose 2006 revenues of $87 billion were just a few billion below ibm's. Carlyle has boasted George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, and former Secretary of State James Baker III on its employee roster.
... snip ...

Companies in private equity mill are under intense pressure to cut corners in order to push as much money up to their owners (also half of corporate defaults are companies currently or previously in private equity mill). Companies that got contracts to do security clearances were found to be doing paper work, but not doing the background checks. Just Intelligence had 70% of the budget and half the people outsourced (which is claimed to have contributed to any number of intelligence failues).
and accelerating the rapidly spreading success of failure culture (companies make more profit from a series of failures, analogous to "perpetual wars", actually winning could result in reducing budget)

Another example is the OPM website hack/breach ... which had been outsourced to another private-equity owned company. OPM Contractor's Parent Firm Has a Troubled History
Founded in 1992 by the late investment banker Robert McKeon, Veritas Capital grew quickly by buying up government contractors and forming close ties with former senior government officials. Of the many defense-related investments made by the company, the most famous has been the 2005 purchase of DynCorp International, a scandal-plagued company that played a pivotal role in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
... snip ...

fiscal responsibility posts
comptroller general posts
military-industrial(-congressional) complex posts
perpetual war posts
economic mess posts
private equity posts
gerstner posts
success of failure posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970


From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: IBM TCP/IP
Date: 13 July 2019
Blog: Facebook
Communication group fought hard to block mainframe TCP/IP from being released. When they lost, they then said release had to be done through the communication group. For various reasons, what shipped got 44kbytes/sec aggregate using nearly full 3090 processor. I then did the support for RFC1044 and in some tuning tests at Cray Research between Cray and 4341, got full sustained channel media throughput using only modest amount of 4341 processor (something like 500 times improvement in bytes moved per instruction executed).

Communication group also fought me from being on the XTP technical advisory board. We took XTP to X3S3.3 (ISO chartered US ansi standards ... for network/transport layer) as high-speed protocol. It was turned down because ISO had requirement that network protocols had to conforrm to OSI model. XTP (high-speed protocol) didn't conforrm to OSI because 1) XTP supported internetworking protocol which doesn't exist in OSI (sitting between transport and network), 2) XTP supported LAN/MAC interface which doesn't existing in OSI model (MAC interface somewhere in the middle of network layer 3), and 3) XTP went directly from transport to MAC layer, bypassing transport/network interface.

We had a joke that while IETF (internet standards body) had requirement that there be at least two interoperable implementations for standard to progress in the process ... while ISO could pass a standard that couldn't even be implementable.

After leaving IBM, IETF RFC (standards) editor Postel would let me help him with the periodically released STD1

other trivia: some time later the communication group hired a silicon valley contractor to implement TCP/IP support directly in VTAM. He initially demo'ed TCP/IP running much faster than LU6.2. He was then told that everybody *knows* that a *proper* TCP/IP implementation runs much slower than LU6.2 ... and they would only be paying for a *proper* TCP/IP implementation

IBM had effort to respond to NSF RFP to upgrade backbone to T3 (44mbits/sec). There was couple dozen people from half dozen labs. that were the "blue team". I had been critical and disparaging about various IBM efforts ... and they asked me to be the RED team (possibly assuming that the blue team would show me up). At the final review, I presented first ... then the blue team. Five minutes into the blue team presentation, the executive in charge, pounded on the table and said he would lie down in front of a garbage truck before he allowed anything but the blue team proposal to go forward ... I get up and leave.

RFC 1044 posts
NSF network posts
XTP/HSP posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Rise and Fall of IBM

Refed: **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: Rise and Fall of IBM
Date: 10 July 2019
Blog: Facebook
re: Rise and Fall of IBM

AMEX was in competition with KKR for LBO take-over of RJR and KKR won:
KKR then ran into trouble and hired away the president of AMEX to help. He then left KKR to become IBM CEO ... and introduces some of the same financial engineering techniques used at RJR (gone 404, but lives on at wayback machine)

Stockman (Reagan's budget director) in "The Great Deformation: The Corruption of Capitalism in America" (and more financial engineering)
IBM was not the born-again growth machine trumpeted by the mob of Wall Street momo traders. It was actually a stock buyback contraption on steroids. During the five years ending in fiscal 2011, the company spent a staggering $67 billion repurchasing its own shares, a figure that was equal to 100 percent of its net income.
Total shareholder distributions, including dividends, amounted to $82 billion, or 122 percent, of net income over this five-year period. Likewise, during the last five years IBM spent less on capital investment than its depreciation and amortization charges, and also shrank its constant dollar spending for research and development by nearly 2 percent annually.
... snip ...

the former AMEX president leaves IBM to become head of (another) large private equity fund ... was specializing in buying government contractors and beltway bandits (including one that will employ Snowden). Agencies can't lobby congress and companies can't use gov. contract funds to lobby congress, but PE owners appear to be under no such restrictions ... hiring prominent politicians to lobby congress to outsource business to their companies. Companies in PE-mill are under intense pressure to cut corners in order to service heavy debt load and push profits up to their owners (re: servicing debt, half corporate defaults are companies currently or formally in PE-mill, what is funny all the defaults don't seem to affect the credit rating of the original PE-borrowers).
"Lou Gerstner, former ceo of ibm, now heads the Carlyle Group, a Washington-based global private equity firm whose 2006 revenues of $87 billion were just a few billion below ibm's. Carlyle has boasted George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, and former Secretary of State James Baker III on its employee roster."
... snip ...

enormous uptic in outsourcing last decade, just intelligence: 70% of budget and over half the people:
and significantly speeding up the spreading success of failure culture, lots more money for for-profit companies in PE-mills with a series of failures (analogous to military-industrial complex "perpetual war", actually winning a war might reduce the budget) ... claims that it also significantly contributes to the Intelligence failures.

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

IBM Midrange today?

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: IBM Midrange today?
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Sun, 14 Jul 2019 21:29:30 -1000
hancock4 writes:
Personally, I didn't see the advantage of all that layering. The AS/400 took a lot from the failed Future System. To me, they should've kept it simple, and followed the S/360 tradition, though maintaining compatibility with the S/3x series.

original AS/400 was "Fort Knox" ... next generation Rochester merging variety of S/3* products and use a risc/801 processor (part of the effort at the time to move all internal microprocessors to common 801/risc base, low&mid-range 370, AS/400, controllers, etc ... for various reasons all the efforts floundered and returned to traditional custom CISC microprocessors). The floundering Fort Knox was way behind schedule and never came out ... "Silverlake" was merged follow-on for both s/36 and s/38.
The Project Silverlake started as a sequel to a predecessor project code-named Fort Knox. The Fort Knox project had a lofty goal of creating the ultimate minicomputer in response to the successes of Digital Equipment Corporation(DEC) in the early 1980s. It was given the code name Fort Knox after the location of the U.S. government's gold depository.

The goal of Fort Knox was to unify several smaller IBM computers then on the market and put DEC and other competitors on the run. Due to a rigid development process, the specifications for creating this computer grew more complex as each day passed. By 1985, it became obvious that the development team was years away from a workable product for the market, and the project was canceled.

The Silverlake project was highly ambitious, but strict controls were put in place to keep its scope under the reins. Instead of everything being invested from the ground up, key building blocks were taken from the completed parts of the Fort Knox project as well as from two of the products being replaced--the System 36 and the System 38 minicomputers.
... snip ...

(Silverlake) AS/400 did eventually move to 801/risc ... in this case power/pc ... but a decade later.

801/risc, iliad, fort knox, romp, rios, pc/rt, rs/6000, power/pc posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

CalPERS Sleaze Watch: Showcases Criminal Ex-General "Betray-Us" as Keynote Speaker at Offsite

Refed: **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: CalPERS Sleaze Watch: Showcases Criminal Ex-General "Betray-Us" as Keynote Speaker at Offsite
Date: 15 July 2019
Blog: Facebook
CalPERS' Hedge Fund With 34% Stake in National Enquirer Parent Alleged To Be "Parking" Rather Than Selling

CalPERS Sleaze Watch: Showcases Criminal Ex-General "Betray-Us" as Keynote Speaker at Offsite

private equity posts

KKR & Petreaus Why do we have wars? Retirement Heist Thanks Obama Trust in Government Is Collapsing Around the World

other past calpers posts independent appraisers Royal Pardon For Turing How Comp-Sci went from passing fad to must have major weird apple trivia 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95 I Feel Old I Feel Old OT: DuPont seeks to screw workers of their pensions How do BIG WEBSITES work? How do BIG WEBSITES work? 'I hope I can quit working in a few years': A preview of the U.S. without pensions Prepare for the bankrupt government pension plans! 7 Charts Exposing The Nation's Pension Nightmare

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Page through computer history with this complete scan of NeXT's Fall 1989 catalog

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Page through computer history with this complete scan of NeXT's Fall 1989 catalog
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2019 07:55:51 -1000
Page through computer history with this complete scan of NeXT's Fall 1989 catalog

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

U.S. proposes barring big tech companies from offering financial services, digital currencies

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: U.S. proposes barring big tech companies from offering financial services, digital currencies
Date: 15 July 2019
Blog: Facebook
U.S. proposes barring big tech companies from offering financial services, digital currencies

note: almost same as rhetoric on floor of congress regarding "primary purpose" of GLBA (now better known for repeal of Glass-Steagall) ... keeping new competition out of banking (especially tech companies)

Glass-Steagall &/or Pecora hearing posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Packard Bell/Apple

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Packard Bell/Apple
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2019 08:51:17 -1000
Andreas Kohlbach <> writes:
Today I watched a Youtuber visiting Oslo in Norway. He said in the US he's (or was, might be older) lucky to see one Tesla per days. One hour after he arrived in Oslo he saw already five.

According to
58% of cars sold in March in Norway were EVs.

last month was in mainland china, lots and lots of motorbikes and scooters, all electric ... never saw a single gas powered (scary on sidewalks, can't hear them coming up behind you). Still lots of gas powered cars ... but did see lots of Teslas (and other electric cars).

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Scientist, war hero and gay icon Alan Turing is new face of the GBP50 note

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: Scientist, war hero and gay icon Alan Turing is new face of the GBP50 note
Date: 15 July 2019
Blog: Facebook
Scientist, war hero and gay icon Alan Turing is new face of the GBP50 note
After suffering from side-effects, Turing killed himself in 1954 by ingesting cyanide by the way of a poisoned apple - although rumours that he was poisoned by government spooks have endured to this day.
... snip ...

Britain's GBP50 Note Will Honor Computing Pioneer Alan Turing
During his lifetime, the mathematician and computer pioneer's reputation was overshadowed by a conviction under Britain's Victorian laws against homosexuality, and his war work remained a secret until decades later.
... snip ...

Just reading "Sand and Steel"

includes significant role that Bletchley Park played in WW2 (of course being in computer geek, ran into many accounts over the years)

posts mentioning Bletchley &/or Turing How many Megaflops and when? Security models How To Abandon Microsoft Why so little parallelism? Jim Gray Is Missing Wylbur and Paging UK computer history gets new home A Tribute to Jim Gray: Sometimes Nice Guys Do Finish First Bletchley Park fires up replica Turing Bombe Publisher of Geek's Atlas to help save Bletchley Park ATMs by the Numbers Internet pioneer Paul Baran Interesting News Article Old data storage or data base Royal Pardon For Turing channel islands, definitely not the location of LEO 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95 [Poll] Computing favorities IBM Jargon and General Computing Dictionary Tenth Edition Great mainframe history(?) The Pentagon still uses computer software from 1958 to manage its contracts The head of the Census Bureau just quit, and the consequences are huge WW II cryptography

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

The amount of software running on traditional servers is set to almost halve in the next 3 years amid the shift to the cloud, and it's great news for the data center business

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: The amount of software running on traditional servers is set to almost halve in the next 3 years amid the shift to the cloud, and it's great news for the data center business
Date: 17 July 2019
Blog: Facebook
The amount of software running on traditional servers is set to almost halve in the next 3 years amid the shift to the cloud, and it's great news for the data center business

several spin-offs from science center ... offering virtual machine based commercial services (first cp/67 and later vm/370). Some also quickly moved up value stream to specializing in services for financial industry and offerring 4GL languages (one of people a decade at one such company involved in "first financial language", then left to co-found software arts and do visicalc) ... lots of innovation in services

had RAMIS from mathematica
then NOMAD (NCSS Owned, Maintained, and Developed)

some mathematica people than doing RAMIS follow-on as FOCUS to be used by TYMSHARE (on their virtual machine VM370/CMS offering, NCSS competitor), prompting NCSS to do NOMAD


4th generation programming language

Also in the 70s, IBM San Jose Research did the original sql/relational system/r on vm370 ... but had lots of fights with the rest of corporation. While the corporation was preoccupied with EAGLE (next new DBMS), managed to do tech transfer to Endicott and get it out as SQL/DS. Later when EAGLE imploded, request was how fast could it be ported to MVS ... and was eventually released as DB2, originally for decision support *ONLY*.

mentions science center spinoffs, as well as "First Financial Language" done in 60s

Within a year after taking intro to computing/fortran, the univ hired me to be fulltime for the ibm mainframe systems (academic & administration). Then before I graudate, I'm hired into a small group in the Boeing CFO office to help with the formation of Boeing Computer systems/services (consolidate dataprocessing into an independent business unit to better monetize the investment, including offering services to non-Boeing entities). At the time, I thought Renton datacenter was possibly largest in the world, something like (60s $$) $200M-$300M in IBM mainframe, 360/65s were arriving faster than they could be installed, boxes constantly in the hallways around the machine room (when I graduate, I join the IBM science center at MIT rather than staying at Boeing).

One of the things that the science center (also offered services, but mostly to other IBM locations, although also had users from local cambridge/boston eductational institutions, staff, students, professors) and the spin-offs dealt with, was transition to 7x24 elastic, ondemand services as well as very strong security (to isolate different groups of users, some of the spin-offs served competitive financial organizations that had their own proprietary information).

of course, at the time there was also various gov. agencies that also had very strong security requirements ... ref. gone 404, but lives on at wayback machine:

online commercial services posts
science center posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

No budget. On the brink of default. It's a hell of a way to run a country

Refed: **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: No budget. On the brink of default. It's a hell of a way to run a country.
Date: 17 July 2019
Blog: Facebook
No budget. On the brink of default. It's a hell of a way to run a country.
The dangers created by our fiscal situation are significant. In two years, the federal government will spend more on interest than on children. Within six years, interest will eclipse how much we spend on defense. We are utterly unprepared for the aging of society, and we will likely enter the next recession with a debt relative to the economy twice as large as when the recession of 2008 hit.
... snip ...

In 2002, congress lets the fiscal responsibility act lapse, spending couldn't exceed revenue, on its way to eliminating all federal debt. 2005 comptroller general was including in speeches that nobody in congress was capable of middle school arithmetic (for how badly they were savaging the budget), completely different republican congress than the one that originally passed the act. CBO 2010 report was that 2003-2009, taxes was cut by $6T and spending increased by $6T for $12T gap compared to fiscal responsible budget. Sort of confluence of Federal Reserve and wallstreet wanting huge federal debt, special interests and wallstreet wanting huge tax cut, and military-industrial complex wanting huge spending increase (first time taxes were cut to not pay for two wars, now exceeding $6T).

A big part of the $6T cut was the enormous new loopholes added for special interest and corporations.

fiscal responsibility posts
comptroller general posts
perpetual war posts
military-industrial(-congressional) complex posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Rust in peace: Memory bugs in C and C++ code cause security issues so Microsoft is considering alternatives once again

Refed: **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Rust in peace: Memory bugs in C and C++ code cause security issues so Microsoft is considering alternatives once again
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2019 09:11:20 -1000
Rust in peace: Memory bugs in C and C++ code cause security issues so Microsoft is considering alternatives once again
The majority of vulnerabilities fixed and with a CVE assigned are caused by developers inadvertently inserting memory corruption bugs into their C and C++ code. As Microsoft increases its code base and uses more Open Source Software in its code, this problem isn't getting better, it's getting worse.
... snip ...

I've pontificated about this for some time. Some years ago I did some analysis of all CVE entries and then talked to Mitre about improving reporting characteristics for identifying classes of exploits. At the time, Mitre claimed that they were lucky to getting any descriptions at all ... and making requirements for descriptions could even reduce it further security taxonomy and CVE Why does Windows allow Worms? [Lit.] Buffer overruns

other posts mentioning memory corruption

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Moonshot - IBM 360 ?

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Moonshot - IBM 360 ?
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2019 10:05:41 -1000
David Wade <g4ugm@dave.invalid> writes:
As other have said the panel was really for the use of the Engineer. So no the CPU registers were not one separate lights. Instead they could be displayed on the same lights as were used to display main storage, Switches and scroll wheels being used to select either a storage address or a register.

I you are interested the operation of the panel is discussed in the "functional characteristics" manuals, one for each model. Several of these are on bitsavers.

within year after taking intro to computers/fortran, univ. hires me full time to be responsible for academic and administration ibm mainframe systems. Univ. shutdown the datacenter from 8am sat. to 8am monday ... and I would have the whole place to myself for 48hrs straight (although 48hrs w/o sleep could make monday classes difficult). They had 709/1401 combo but were in process transition to 360/67 (for tss/360). As part of transition they replaced 1401 with 360/30 ... (barely) ran os/360 ... but could also run in 1401 emulation mode. The 709 and 360/30 was replaced with 360/67 ... but tss/360 never did make it to mature production mode ... so mostly ran as 360/65 with os/360.

I spent large amount of time at the front console of the 360/30 and then 360/67 on weekends ... toggles on front panel could be used to store value (not just display values in the lights).

pg41 has drawing of 360/67 front panel

bottom of diagram, in the middle, has buttons for both "display" and "store".

following pages 42-44, have detailed description ... even being able to set an address and have the machine enter stopped state when execution reached that address ... then single cycle execute one instruction at a time (trying to isolate/understand some failure).

to the left bottom has system meter with CE key ... that could be switched into CE mode. This is when IBM still rented/leased systems ... and customer system meter was used for billing.

the system meter ran whenever the CPU(s) and/or any channels were busy ... and required everything be idle for 400ms before coming to a stop.

Trivia: long after IBM had switched to sales, MVS still had a timer system task that woke up every 400ms (guaranteeing that system meter never came to a stop, even when otherwise totally idle)

for cp/67, the science center (and the cp/67 commercial science center spinoffs) spent a large amount of effort to have the system up 7x24 ... but reduce/eliminate offshift expenses ... dark room, no human available, system meter not run when system idle ... this included special CCW channel programs that would allow channels to go idle, but instantly wake up whenever any characters arrived.

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

The Coming Boeing Bailout?

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: The Coming Boeing Bailout?
Date: 19 July 2019
Blog: Facebook
The Coming Boeing Bailout?
Unlike Boeing, McDonnell Douglas was run by financiers rather than engineers. And though Boeing was the buyer, McDonnell Douglas executives somehow took power in what analysts started calling a "reverse takeover." The joke in Seattle was, "McDonnell Douglas bought Boeing with Boeing's money."
... snip ...

2016 Boeing "century" publication had article that the merger with M/D nearly took down Boeing and might yet still. More recent articles about senior safety engineers resigning after the M/D takeover

Former Boeing Engineers Say Relentless Cost-Cutting Sacrificed Safety

military-industrial(-congressional) complex posts

recent posts mentioning Boeing: The American Military Sucks at Cybersecurity; A new report from US military watchdogs outlines hundreds of cybersecurity vulnerabilities IBM bureaucracy Digital Planes Reminder over in linkedin, IBM Mainframe announce 7April1964 Building the System/360 Mainframe Nearly Destroyed IBM System/360 consoles Contractors Are Giving Away America's Military Edge TCM virtual memory Rise and Fall of IBM The amount of software running on traditional servers is set to almost halve in the next 3 years amid the shift to the cloud, and it's great news for the data center business

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

A Deadly Heat Wave After the Hottest June On Record: How the Climate Crisis Is Creating 'a New Normal'

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: A Deadly Heat Wave After the Hottest June On Record: How the Climate Crisis Is Creating 'a New Normal'
Date: 19 July 2019
Blog: Facebook
A Deadly Heat Wave After the Hottest June On Record: How the Climate Crisis Is Creating 'a New Normal'

Arctic Summer Melt Shows Ice Is Disappearing Faster Than Normal
Last Month Was the Hottest June on Earth Ever Recorded
June was hottest ever recorded on Earth, European satellite agency announces
'Precipitous' fall in Antarctic sea ice since 2014 revealed
'It's getting warmer, wetter, wilder': the Arctic town heating faster than anywhere

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Rust in peace: Memory bugs in C and C++ code cause security issues so Microsoft is considering alternatives once again

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Rust in peace: Memory bugs in C and C++ code cause security issues so Microsoft is considering alternatives once again
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Sat, 20 Jul 2019 10:35:36 -1000
Ahem A Rivet's Shot <> writes:
Nothing to stop you using a storage/transfer format like this, various variations of tag-length-value have been used for decades. No need for another OS just a library.

re: Rust in peace: Memory bugs
in C and C++ code cause security issues so Microsoft is considering alternatives once again

unix&c convention had implicit record length based on character in the stream

os/360 had explicit length convention for buffers and variable length records, language libraries always checked length and most assembler code had convention to always check length (from length specification for variable length records and declared length for fixed length records)

multics originally all implemented in PLI (although some later recoded in assembler for performance) ... with similar conventions. Old thread referencing review Air Force Multics security study, 30yrs later Thirty Years Later: Lessons from the Multics Security Evaluation Thirty Years Later: Lessons from the Multics Security Evaluation Thirty Years Later: Lessons from the Multics Security Evaluation
2.2 Security as Standard Product Feature 2.3 No Buffer Overflows 2.4 Minimizing Complexity

from the intro in the above:
This Research Report consists of two invited papers for the Classic Papers section of the 18 th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC) to be held 9-13 December 2002 in Las Vegas, NV. The papers will be available on the web after the conference at

The first paper, Thirty Years Later: Lessons from the Multics Security Evaluation, is a commentary on the second paper, discussing the implications of the second paper's results on contemporary computer security issues. Copyright will be transferred on the first paper.

The second paper, Multics Security Evaluation: Vulnerability Analysis is a reprint of a US Air Force report, first published in 1974. It is a government document, approved for public release, distribution unlimited, and is not subject to copyright. This reprint does not include the original computer listings. They can be found at

... snip ...

NIST since moved to (although above redirects)

other (old) pontificating on the subject in this thread Buffer overruns

related archived posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

A Deadly Heat Wave After the Hottest June On Record: How the Climate Crisis Is Creating 'a New Normal'

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: A Deadly Heat Wave After the Hottest June On Record: How the Climate Crisis Is Creating 'a New Normal'
Date: 21 July 2019
Blog: Facebook
re: A Deadly Heat Wave After the Hottest June On Record: How the Climate Crisis Is Creating 'a New Normal

Red-hot planet: All-time heat records have been set all over the world during the past week

above july 5, 2018 ... july 5, 2019:

Europe's Heat Wave Fried The Global Temperature Record
Whoa! Alaska Is Hotter Than NYC. Here's Why

July 6, 2019:

Record-Breaking Heat Around the World (in Photos)

July 17, 2019:

Heat Wave to Hit Two-Thirds of the U.S. Here's What to Expect.

other recent posts mentioning climate: How Harvard Business School Has Reshaped American Capitalism Democracy in Chains Astronomy topic drift How corporate America invented 'Christian America' to fight the New Deal The Only Man Who Flew Both The F-22 And The YF-23 On Why The YF-23 Lost IBM revenue has fallen for 20 quarters -- but it used to run its business very differently Adding to Planetary Alarm Bells, Top US Finance Official Warns Climate Crisis a Recipe for Global Economic Collapse Is America A Christian Nation? IBM 9020 How to fight desertification and reverse climate change Holocaust
virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Chrysler DeSoto

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Chrysler DeSoto
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Mon, 22 Jul 2019 11:48:04 -1000
hancock4 writes:
Another old time car was the DeSoto. Here's an ad for it (2 pages)

see also
(preceding page has a fountain pen ad)

1st auto at college was 47 desoto with semi-automatic transmission, I'm pretty sure it was "fluid drive"
rather than presto-matic

I had originally learned to drive when I was eight on 38chevy flatbed truck, dual rear wheels, manual transmission with no synchromesh ... everything was double clutch.

past posts learning to drive when 8 wrt code first, document later If there had been no MS-DOS Working while young Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard? Idiotic programming style edicts Just wondering what precisely happened to this newsgroup Compressing the OODA-Loop - Removing the D (and maybe even an O) Looking for a real Fortran-66 compatible PC compiler (CP/M or DOSor Windows The first personal computer (PC) Apple's China Manufacturing blasted The Mother of All Demos: The 1968 presentation that sparked a tech revolution Revamped PDP-11 in Brooklyn rationality

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Rust in peace: Memory bugs in C and C++ code cause security issues so Microsoft is considering alternatives once again

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Rust in peace: Memory bugs in C and C++ code cause security issues so Microsoft is considering alternatives once again
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Mon, 22 Jul 2019 16:38:24 -1000
Andrew Swallow <> writes:
When implementing a capability type architecture the range checks have to be performed in parallel with the memory read. Saving money by performing the checks serially using the same adder is slow. So is loading the array/memory pointers.

re: Rust in peace: Memory bugs in C and C++ code cause security issues so Microsoft is considering alternatives once again Rust in peace: Memory bugs in C and C++ code cause security issues so Microsoft is considering alternatives once again

implemented a commercial capability operating system (GNOSIS) in the 70s for their commercial online service.
It was spun-off in the 80s after M/D bought Tymshare. I was brought in to evaluate GNOSIS as part of the spin-off as KeyKos to Key Logic

They cut system pathlength by over 1/3rd in transition from GNOSIS to KeyKOS ... by eliminating a huge amount of accounting pathlength in every transition (they wanted to not only account for system resources used by customers ... but they wanted to encourage third parth software and databases ... so they needed to know which system resources were being used so they could remit to 3rd parties).

Supposedly the highest performing (lowest "overhead") mainframe operating system was TPF (renamed from ACP when other than airlines started using it).

Key Logic reimplemented many of the ACP applications on KeyKOS and showed them with higher throughput and performance than TPF ... w/o sacrificing any security and integrity. Some claimed that they changed how the applicatoin/system boundary paradigm operated allowing them to significantly improve performance.

other references

more cap-lore/capability
computing stories

other a.f.c. drift from llnl/tymshare/gnosis

and "Someone Else's Computer: The Prehistory of Cloud Computing"

recent Tymshare/gnosis/keykos posts long-winded post thread, 3033, 3081, Future System Online Computer Conferencing Online Computer Conferencing IBM downturn TCM IBM Future System IBM 9020 IBM Midrange today? The amount of software running on traditional servers is set to almost halve in the next 3 years amid the shift to the cloud, and it's great news for the data center business

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

direct couple

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: direct couple
Date: 2d July 2019
Blog: Facebook
direct couple piece

precursor to 360 ASP. other trivia: my wife was in the gburg JES group and one of the catchers for ASP turning into JES3. She was also co-author of JESUS (JES unified system) ... all the features of HASP & ASP (JES2/ & JES3) that neither customers could live w/o ... for various reasons never happened.

other trivia: was undergraduate and within year of taking into to computing/fortran (at the time 709 tape->tape with 1401 for unit record, but quickly on path to upgrade to 360) was hired fulltime to be responsible for ibm mainframe systems. Last week Jan1968, three people from science center came out to install CP/67 at the univ. (added to my duties). Then I was asked to attend Spring1968 SHARE meeting in Houston (and the "public" cp67 announce). There were some number of people over from NASA including the IBM HASP people. Some memory that they had five 360/75s running some sort of 4+1 operation, 5th machine acting as backup/checking/spare(?).

direct couple trivia:
"The Direct Couple software package traveled around the aerospace industry and was frequently modified to match its performance to the workload of each individual company. One 7044-7094 was so efficient that when it was replaced by a System/360 Model 40-65 combination, the new 360 configuration could not run 24 hours of work in a day. (After OS/360 was tuned to the workload, the 7000 system could be retired.)"

at the univ. trays student fortran jobs were written to tape on 1401 then tape manually moved to 709 tape drive. Student Fortran jobs ran under second. Move to os/360 on 360/65 (actually 360/67 running as 360/65), each student fortran job ran over minute (about 100 times increase) ... almost all of it huge random disk access of enormous number of OS/360 pieces plus direct serialized printing. Adding HASP cut that in half ... but still 50 times 709.

posts mentioning hasp, jes, nje/nji, etc
posts mentioning Peer-Coupled Shared Data architecture

posts mentioning direct couple Mainframe operating systems JES2 vs. JES3 JES2 vs. JES3 The Tragedy of Rapid Evolution? Do we really need 64-bit addresses or is 48-bit enough? A System 360 question Tech: we didn't mean for it to turn out like this Tech: we didn't mean for it to turn out like this

posts mentioning JESUS Mainframe Slang terms JES2 vs. JES3 Which non-IBM software products (from ISVs) have been most significant to the mainframe's success? zLinux OR Linux on zEnterprise Blade Extension??? Two terrific writers .. are going to write a book Multiple Virtual Memory Multiple Virtual Memory Scanning JES3 JCL Why are organizations sticking with mainframes? A debate on JES2 versus JES3 and IBM's continued support for both products Rejoice! z/OS 2.1 addresses some long term JCL complaints from here: A Fascinating History of JES2 Access to IBM Z/OS z/VM Documentation Do we really need 64-bit addresses or is 48-bit enough? A System 360 question JES2 as primary with JES3 as a secondary Old HASP Compile error DEC and The Americans Is it a lost cause? Honeywell 200 MVS vs HASP vs JES (was 2821) Db2! was: NODE.js for z/OS Tech: we didn't mean for it to turn out like this IBM etc I/O channels? When did the home computer die? Mainframe Use/History Important US technology companies sold to foreigners Workplace Advice I Wish I Had Known Frank Heart Dies at 89 It's 1983: What computer would you buy? long-winded post thread, 3033, 3081, Future System CICS Turns 50 Monday, July 8 Transition to cloud computing mainframe hacking "success stories"?

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Someone Else's Computer: The Prehistory of Cloud Computing

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: Someone Else's Computer: The Prehistory of Cloud Computing
Date: 23 July 2019
Blog: Facebook
Someone Else's Computer: The Prehistory of Cloud Computing
Ann Hardy is a crucial figure in the story of Tymshare and time-sharing. She began programming in the 1950s, developing software for the IBM Stretch supercomputer. Frustrated at the lack of opportunity and pay inequality for women at IBM -- at one point she discovered she was paid less than half of what the lowest-paid man reporting to her was paid -- Hardy left to study at the University of California, Berkeley, and then joined the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in 1962. At the lab, one of her projects involved an early and surprisingly successful time-sharing operating system.
... snip ...

a couple past refs TYMSHARE @ CHM Rust in peace: Memory bugs in C and C++ code cause security issues so Microsoft is considering alternatives once again

In Aug1976, TYMSHARE made its VM370/CMS based online computer conferencing system "free" to IBM mainframe user group "SHARE" as "VMSHARE" .... archives here:

trivia: I made deal with TYMSHARE to get dumped tape copy of all the VMSHARE files once a month for putting up on internal systems and the internal network. The biggest problem I had was with IBM lawyers who were concerned that IBM employees might be contaminated with information about customers.

old email referencing vmshare

more trivia: TYMSHARE had developed their own mainframe operating system that was more tailored to commercial online service bureau, GNOSIS.
when M/D bought TYMSHARE, I was brought in to do a GNOSIS evaluation as part of spinning it off
some follow-on work


more cap-lore/capability
computing stories

other a.f.c. drift from llnl/tymshare/gnosis

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Rust in peace: Memory bugs in C and C++ code cause security issues so Microsoft is considering alternatives once again

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Rust in peace: Memory bugs in C and C++ code cause security issues so Microsoft is considering alternatives once again
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2019 11:25:38 -1000
Quadibloc <> writes:
Back in the day - I believe that's fixed now - Burroughs computers didn't have hardware to prevent execution of privileged instructions by user programs. They didn't need to; binary executables with privileged instructions could not be generated by software made available to unprivileged users, and they couldn't be read into the system from the card reader or from tape drives which were allowed to read tapes containing data made on other computers.

This pushed the security barrier outwards; theoretically it could work, but it would require personnel at a Burroughs installation to understand why certain rules were important, and not to carry over bad habits formed at IBM installations.

re: Rust in peace: Memory bugs in C and C++ code cause security issues so Microsoft is considering alternatives once again Rust in peace: Memory bugs in C and C++ code cause security issues so Microsoft is considering alternatives once again Rust in peace: Memory bugs in C and C++ code cause security issues so Microsoft is considering alternatives once again

original 801/risc architecture similar ... PL.8 compiler guaranteed to not generate incorrect programs ... and CP.r (operating system) guaranteed to only load valid/correct progams. Hardware had no provileged boundaries.

ROMP processor had inverted virtual memory tables and hardware had 16 segment registers that loaded a 12bit segment-ID (4096) segments (in-line application software could change virtual segment register values as easily as could address registers. Top four bits of 32-bit virtual address was used to index one of the segment registers ... and the 12-bit ID prepended to the remaining 28bit virtual address ... for a 40bit value used to find real address.

Originally intended to run CP.r for a follow-on to displaywriter. When that was canceled they decided to retarget to the unix workstation market. They got the company that had done the AT&T unix port to IBM/PC for PC/IX ... to do one for ROMP. ROMP hardware had to be retrofitted with hardware protection domains necessary for UNIX paradigm ... and changing segment register values became privileged operation (required UNIX kernel call for changing processes and/or mmap segment operations) ... the arbitrary use of 16 segment register 12bit values to "window" over 40bit address space become ... specific combination of 16 segment-ids to emulate a 32bit virtual address space in the unix paradigm

This was released as PC/RT & AIX.

Later RIOS follow-on (RS/6000) ... still had mention of having 52bit addresses ... even tho they no longer followed the original 801/risc paradigm ... it now had 24bit segment IDs (expanded from ROMP 12bit IDs)... and combinations of 16 segment IDs were used to emulate a 32bit virtual address space (i.e. application not having free reign to change any segment register value arbitrarily to form a 24+28=52bit (compared to ROMP 12+28=40bit) address.

past posts mentioning 801/risc, romp, iliad, rios, pc/rt, rs/6000, fort knox, etc

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

The Coming Economic Crash -- And How to Stop It

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: The Coming Economic Crash -- And How to Stop It
Date: 24 July 2019
Blog: Facebook
The Coming Economic Crash -- And How to Stop It

In Jan1999, I was asked to help try and stop the coming economic mess (resulting in the economic crash), we failed. Some had used securitized mortgages in the s&l crisis ... and they were projecting to be used again. I was to do standards that improved the integrity of supporting documents (making it much more difficult for fraud). They then find they can start paying rating agencies for triple-A rating (when rating agencies knew they weren't worth triple-A, from oct2018 congressional testimony). Triple-A trumps supporting documents and they can start doing no-documentation, liar loans and mortgages, securitize, pay for triple-A, and sell off into bond market. Triple-A largely responsible for being able to do over $27T (trillion!) 2001-2008, making economic mess 70 times larger than s&l crisis.

Bush1 was VP during the 80s and repeatedly claimed he knew nothing about Iran-Contra because he was fulltime administrative point person deregulating the financial industry, creating the S&L crisis ... along with help by other members of his family

Bush2 is then president last decade and presided over the economic mess (70 times larger than S&L crisis)

S&L crisis posts
(triple-A rated) toxic CDO posts
economic mess posts

"Confidence Men" has several references that essentially wallstreet was using the EHM (economic hit men) debt strategy against the American public. Other references were about new president having to choose between the economic A-team (Volcker et al) and the B-team. The A-team was instrumental in getting him elected, but the A-team would have held wallstreet and the too-big-to-fail accountable, which would have likely taken down most of those institutions (so new president chooses the b-team that wasn't going to hold anybody responsible).

Too Big To Fail (too big to prosecute, too big to jail) posts
virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Nobel Economist Angus Deaton: Inequality is Destroying Democratic Capitalism

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: Nobel Economist Angus Deaton: Inequality is Destroying Democratic Capitalism
Date: 24 July 2019
Blog: Facebook
Nobel Economist Angus Deaton: Inequality is Destroying Democratic Capitalism

inequality posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

UK Recovers $42 Billion By Stopping Tax Evasion

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: UK Recovers $42 Billion By Stopping Tax Evasion
Date: 25 July 2019
Blog: Facebook
UK Recovers $42 Billion By Stopping Tax Evasion

2002, congress lets the fiscal responsibility act expire, spending can't exceed tax revenue, on its way to eliminating all federal debt. 2010 CBO report was that 2003-2009 $6T cut in tax revenue and $6T increase in spending for $12T gap compared to fiscal responsible budget (first time taxes were cut to not pay for two wars).

April 2009, IRS announces that it was going after 52,000 wealthy Americans that owed $400B in taxes on money hidden overseas (illegal tax evasion, over and above the "legal" tax evasion allowed after 2002). Then Spring 2011, new Speaker of the House announced that he was cutting the budget of the IRS department responsible for recovering the $400B. Since then there have been news items about few billion in fines on institutions responsible for facilitating the illegal tax evasion ... but nothing about recovering the $400B. Policing Tax Evasion Could Save Billions, But Republicans Won't Fund Enforcement

tax evasion, tax fraud, tax haven, tax avoidance posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

William Barr Supported Pardons In An Earlier D.C. 'Witch Hunt': Iran-Contra

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: William Barr Supported Pardons In An Earlier D.C. 'Witch Hunt': Iran-Contra
Date: 27 July 2019
Blog: Facebook
William Barr Supported Pardons In An Earlier D.C. 'Witch Hunt': Iran-Contra

80s, VP (and former director of CIA) repeatedly claiming no knowledge of
because he was fulltime administration point person deregulating financial industry ... creating S&L crisis
along with other members of his family
and another

Republicans and Saudis bailing out the Bushes.

later when Bush1 is president (and Cheney is SECDEF), it comes up that Bush1 ran Iran/Contra
Pollard had accidentally "busted the most secret White House operation of modern times," as one account put it. "Neither Pollard nor the government of Israel was aware that they had smashed George Bush's first shipment of arms to Iran."

Despite his best efforts to silence Pollard, Weinberger would not escape his own entanglement in the Iran-Contra conspiracy, for which he would ultimately face criminal charges.
... snip ...

Last decade, Bush2 is president and presides over the economic mess, 70 times larger than his father's S&L crisis. S&L crisis had 1000 criminal convictions with jailtime, proportionally the economic mess should have 70,000 (criminal convictions with jailtime).

also from Bushes' 80s, from truth is stranger than fiction and the law of unintended consequences that come back to bite you
There was also a calculated decision to use the Saudis as surrogates in the cold war. The United States actually encouraged Saudi efforts to spread the extremist Wahhabi form of Islam as a way of stirring up large Muslim communities in Soviet-controlled countries. (It didn't hurt that Muslim Soviet Asia contained what were believed to be the world's largest undeveloped reserves of oil.)
... snip ...

Saudi extremist Islam/Wahhabi loosened on the world .. 15 of 16 9/11 were Saudis

First Iraqi-1 invasion: Sat. photo recon analyst told white house that Saddam was marshaling forces to invade Kuwait. White house said that Saddam would do no such thing and proceeded to discredit the analyst. Later the analyst informed the white house that Saddam was marshaling forces to invade Saudi Arabia, now the white house has to choose between Saddam and the Saudis.

Second Iraqi-2 invasion: earlier in the 80s, US supported Iraq in the Iran/Iraq war
Bush1 is VP and Rumsfeld is involved in supporting Iraq., including supplying WMDs

Then after turn of century, cousin of white house chief of staff Card ... was dealing with the Iraqis at the UN and given evidence that WMDs (tracing back to US in the Iran/Iraq war) had been decommissioned. The cousin shared it with Card, Powell and others ... then is locked up in military hospital, book was published in 2010 (before decommissioned WMDs were declassified)

NY Times series from 2014, the decommission WMDs (tracing back to US from Iran/Iraq war), had been found early in the invasion, but the information was classified for a decade

The military-industrial-complex had wanted IRAQ2 so badly that corporate reps were telling former eastern block countries that if they voted for IRAQ2 invasion in the UN, they would get membership in NATO and (directed appropriation) USAID (can *ONLY* be used for purchase of modern US arms). From the law of unintended consequences, the invaders were told to bypass ammo dumps looking for WMDs, when they got around to going back, over a million metric tons had evaporated.
later large artillery shells were showing up in IEDs and even taking out Abrams M1 tanks

much earlier, CIA Director Colby had not approved the "Team B" analysis (fabricated Russian military capability), Rumsfeld gets Colby replaced with Bush1, who would approve "Team B" analysis (justifying huge DOD spending increase), Rumsfeld then resigns as white house chief of staff to become SECDEF (and is replaced by his assistant Cheney)

This century, Bush2 is president, Cheney is VP, Rumsfeld is SECDEF (again) and one of the "Team B" members is deputy SECDEF (and major architect of Iraq policy).

"team b" posts
WMD posts
perpetual war posts
military-industrial(-congressional) complex posts
S&L crisis posts
economic mess posts
inequality posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

The Great Hack tells us data corrupts

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: The Great Hack tells us data corrupts
Date: 27 July 2019
Blog: Facebook
The Great Hack tells us data corrupts

The Great Hack: the film that goes behind the scenes of the Facebook data scandal
Cambridge Analytica is dead, but it's the living dead. Zombie sons of the company live on, including Data Propria, which is now working on the Trump2020 campaign and, most directly, in Emerdata, a company that was set up by Rebekah and Jennifer Mercer, the daughters of Cambridge Analytica's original owner, Robert Mercer, alongside Alexander Nix and - later - Julian Wheatland (though both men have since resigned).
... snip ...

SCL Group
SCL formed Cambridge Analytica to participate in the election process in the United States.[12] It entered the U.S. market in 2012, and was involved in 44 U.S. congressional, US Senate and state-level elections in the 2014 midterm elections.[3] In 2015 it was disclosed that the company had entered the Republican Party presidential primaries for the 2016 election, primarily in support of Ted Cruz. CA is heavily funded by hedge-fund billionaire Robert Mercer, a major supporter of Cruz[8] and then Donald Trump,[12] and is now under investigation by both the UK and the US governments.
... snip ...

The strange afterlife of Cambridge Analytica and the mysterious fate of its data
Cambridge Analytica Secrets Allegedly Covered Up by Trump Campaign Veterans
Cambridge Analytica
Cambridge Analytica was founded by conservative businessmen Steve Bannon and Robert Mercer. A minimum of 15 million dollars has been invested into the company by Mercer, according to The New York Times.[34] Bannon's stake in the company was estimated at 1 to 5 million dollars, but he divested his holdings in April 2017 as required by his role as White House Chief Strategist.[35] In March 2018, Jennifer Mercer and Rebekah Anne Mercer became directors of Emerdata limited.[36] In March 2018 it became public by Whistleblower Christopher Wylie, that Cambridge Analytica's first activities were founded on a data set, which its parent company SCL bought 2014 from a company named Global Science Research founded by Aleksandr Kogan[37] who worked as a psychologist at Cambridge.
... snip ...

Embattled data firm sent foreign workers to US campaigns
The foreign staff, sent mostly from Cambridge Analytica's London headquarters, specialized in political messaging, targeting, and strategy. The company worked on congressional races and for the super PAC of incoming White House national security adviser John Bolton during the 2014 election cycle.
... snip ...

... talks about Bannon and Bolton having foreign workers illegally working on US campaign.

What Is Emerdata? As Cambridge Analytica Shuts, Directors Surface in New Firm
Cambridge Analytica dismantled for good? Nope: It just changed its name to Emerdata
Cloak and Data: The Real Story Behind Cambridge Analytica's Rise and Fall
Giuliani-connected law firms have a history with a pro-Trump super PAC linked to Cambridge Analytica
How Trump Consultants Exploited the Facebook Data of Millions
New details emerge about Steve Bannon's ties to Cambridge Analytica

whistleblower posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

The Great Hack tells us data corrupts

Refed: **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: The Great Hack tells us data corrupts
Date: 28 July 2019
Blog: Facebook
re: The Great Hack tells us data corrupts

Netflix's 'The Great Hack' Misses The Big Picture
The response is unsettling, but maybe not so surprising--a fitting introduction to a story about Cambridge Analytica, the now-infamous firm that provided the Trump campaign with ad-targeting data during the 2016 election. The company, as we now know, scraped Facebook quiz data to construct millions of psychographic profiles, which it then used to hyper-target voters with custom-made campaign ads. As whistleblower Christopher Wylie succinctly puts it later in the film, Cambridge Analytica isn't a data science firm, but a "full-service propaganda machine."
... snip ...

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

The People Who Invented the Internet: #Reviewing The Imagineers of War

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: The People Who Invented the Internet: #Reviewing The Imagineers of War
Date: 28 July 2019
Blog: Facebook
The People Who Invented the Internet: #Reviewing The Imagineers of War

former co-worker at the IBM Science Center ...

The efforts to move IBM to internetworking protocol was constantly blocked. "It's Cool To Be Clever: The story of Edson C. Hendricks, the genius who invented the design for tthe Internet"

Ed was responsible for the design/implementation of the internal network, larger than arpanet/internet from just about the beginning until sometime mid-80s ... and also used for the corporate sponsored university BITNET (also larger than arpanet/internet for a time).

and later, IBM's Missed Opportunity With the Internet

Part of internet passing internal network in number of nodes ... was TCP/IP on PCs and workstations as network nodes, while the communication group was fiercely fighting off client/server and distributed computing, trying to preserve their dumb terminal paradigm (and limit PCs and workstations to terminal emulation).

We both transferred to IBM San Jose Research in 1977. Starting in the early 80s I had a project I called HSDT (High-Speed Data Transport) and working with the NSF Director, we were suppose to get $20M to interconnect the NSF supercomputer centers. Then congress cuts the budget, some other things happen, and finally NSF releases RFP. 28Mar1986 NSF preliminary announce

Internal politics prevent us from bidding. The NSF Director tries to help by writing the company a letter 3Apr1986, NSF Director to IBM Chief Scientist and IBM Senior VP and director of Research, copying IBM CEO), with support from other gov. agencies, but that just makes the internal politics worse (as did comments that what we already had running was at least 5yrs ahead of all RFP responses). As regional networks connect into the centers, it grows into the NSFNET backbone, precursor to modern internet.

internal network posts
BITNET posts
HSDT posts
NSFNET posts
dumb terminal paradigm posts
internet posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

The People Who Invented the Internet: #Reviewing The Imagineers of War

Refed: **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: The People Who Invented the Internet: #Reviewing The Imagineers of War
Date: 28 July 2019
Blog: Facebook
re: The People Who Invented the Internet: #Reviewing The Imagineers of War

trivia: the big cutover from arpanet IMP/HOST protocol to internetworking protocol was 1Jan1983 at the time there were approx. 100 IMP network nodes and 255 hosts ... when the internal network was rapidly approaching 1000 nodes, which it passes a few months later. Old post with list of corporate locations that added one or more internal network nodes during 1983

More trivia: one of the other factors constraining internal network growth (besides communication group fighting to preserve its dumb terminal paradigm) was corporate links leaving the bldg had to be encrypted ... and there were all sorts of battles with government entities ... especially when links crossed national boundary. In mid-80s, one of the vendors of hardware link encryptors claimed the internal network had more than half of all link encryptors in the world

HSDT trivia: HSDT was doing T1 (1.5mbits/sec) and faster speed links ... I really hated what I had to pay for T1 link encryptors and faster link encryptors were almost impossible to find.

internal network posts
HSDT posts

and of course, desk ornament, 1000th network node

1000th node globe

past posts mentioning hardware link encryptors Computer Naming Conventions Security Proportional to Risk (was: IBM Mainframe at home) Security Proportional to Risk (was: IBM Mainframe at home) "Slower is more secure" Use of SSL as a VPN Use of SSL as a VPN Wireless security network history network history IBM 3614 and 3624 ATM's IBM 3614 and 3624 ATM's IBM 3614 and 3624 ATM's high speed network, cross-over from sci.crypt [Lit.] Buffer overruns Intel strikes back with a parallel x86 design MVCIN instruction 1970s data comms (UK) The Pankian Metaphor Arpa address Mainframe Linux Mythbusting (Was: Using Java in batch on z/OS?) The very first text editor The Future of CPUs: What's After Multi-Core? waiting for acknowledgments vmshare more secure communication over the network Memory Mapped Vs I/O Mapped Vs others Damn what does xp do when system is copying Rotary phones 1998 vs. 2008: A Tech Retrospective New test attempt should I encrypt over a private network? Own a piece of the crypto wars IBM-MAIN longevity IBM-MAIN longevity IBM-MAIN longevity Blinkylights Discussions areas, private message silos, and how far we've come since 199x Is SUN going to become x86'ed ?? I need magic incantation for a power conditioner Hurrah Berners-Lee! Web celebrates 20th anniversary Top 10 Cybersecurity Threats for 2009, will they cause creation of highly-secure Corporate-wide Intranets? Mainframe articles VTAM security issue August 7, 1944: today is the 65th Anniversary of the Birth of the Computer Status of Arpanet/Internet in 1976? Status of Arpanet/Internet in 1976? Evolution of Floating Point mainframe e-mail with attachments Getting Out Hard Drive in Real Old Computer Cybercrime Checks Into The Hotel Industry What is the protocal for GMT offset in SMTP (e-mail) header A mighty fortress is our PKI towards https everywhere and strict transport security (was: Has there been a change in US banking regulations recently?) Internet Evolution - Part I: Encryption basics The Credit Card Criminals Are Getting Crafty Fear the Internet, was Cool Things You Can Do in z/OS TELSTAR satellite experiment Is the magic and romance killed by Windows (and Linux)? Is the magic and romance killed by Windows (and Linux)? We list every company in the world that has a mainframe computer Chase, Bank of America credit cards too hacker-friendly? Somewhat off-topic: cloned, possibly hacked Selectric Typewriter--50th Anniversary ARPANET's coming out party: when the Internet first took center stage Reject gmail CSSMTP and AUTH LOGIN smtp command Do you know where all your sensitive data is located? How do you feel about the fact that India has more employees than US? Does the IBM System z Mainframe rely on Security by Obscurity or is it Secure by Design The Vindication of Barb The failure of cyber defence - the mindset is against it Teletypewriter Model 33 "NSA foils much internet encryption" NSA seeks to build quantum computer that could crack most types of encryption Last Gasp for Hard Disk Drives Is there any MF shop using AWS service? TCP/IP Might Have Been Secure From the Start If Not For the NSA Before the Internet: The golden age of online services Semi-OT: Government snooping was Re: Is there any MF shop using AWS service? IBM Programmer Aptitude Test No Internet. No Microsoft Windows. No iPods. This Is What Tech Was Like In 1984 On a lighter note, even the Holograms are demonstrating Western Union envisioned internet functionality PROFS & GML PROFS & GML Institutional Memory and Two-factor Authentication The Network Nation, Revised Edition The real story of how the Internet became so vulnerable How the internet was invented Early Networking INTERNET More on Mannix and the computer Encryp-xit: Europe will go all in for crypto backdoors in June A flaw in the design; The Internet's founders saw its promise but didn't foresee users attacking one another A flaw in the design; The Internet's founders saw its promise but didn't foresee users attacking one another Eliminating the systems programmer was Re: IBM cuts contractor billing by 15 percent (our else) IBM Mainframe Ushers in New Era of Data Protection Landline telephone service Disappearing in 20 States Online History tablets and desktops was Has Microsoft mainframe hacking "success stories"?

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

George Will Changes His Mind--But Stays True to His Convictions

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: George Will Changes His Mind--But Stays True to His Convictions
Date: 28 July 2019
Blog: Facebook
George Will Changes His Mind--But Stays True to His Convictions

The The Conservative Sensibility
George Will
How to Build an Autocracy
George Will Confirms Nixon's Vietnam Treason
Richard Nixon's long shadow

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Trump's Message to U.S. Intelligence Officials: Be Loyal or Leave

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: Trump's Message to U.S. Intelligence Officials: Be Loyal or Leave
Date: 29 July 2019
Blog: Facebook
Trump's Message to U.S. Intelligence Officials: Be Loyal or Leave

Boyd: The Fighter Pilot Who Changed the Art of War
He stalked the office, staring at his underlings, then suddenly walking up to them, sticking a bony finger into their chest, and saying things such as, "If your boss demands loyalty, give him integrity. But if he demands integrity, then give him loyalty."
... snip ...

The Deep State: The Fall of the Constitution and the Rise of a Shadow Government
In early 2001, just before George W. Bush's inauguration, the Heritage Foundation produced a policy document designed to help the incoming administration choose personnel
In this document the authors stated the following: "The Office of Presidential Personnel (OPP) must make appointment decisions based on loyalty first and expertise second,"
Americans have paid a high price for our Leninist personnel policies, and not only in domestic matters. In important national security concerns such as staffing the Coalition Provisional Authority, a sort of vice royalty to administer Iraq until a real Iraqi government could be formed, the same guiding principle of loyalty before competence applied.
... snip ...

Boyd trivia (I was introduced to Boyd in the early 80s and would sponsor his briefings): 50s instructor at Nellis was possibly best fighter pilot and known as 40sec Boyd (for challenge to all comers that would put them on his tail and reverse it within 40secs, he actually did it within 20secs and asked about "40sec" ... there might be somebody in the world almost as good as he was and he might need the extra 20secs).

Spinney tribute to John Boyd (for those with subscriptions)
lives free at
other refs:

from thread today about relaxed stability and fly-by-wire (when he was head of light-weight fighter program at the pentagon, had redone the original F15 design, cutting weight nearly in half, and behind the YF16 & YF17 which become the F16&F18)
Experiences in the Vietnam War revealed the need for air superiority fighters and better air-to-air training for fighter pilots.[13] Based on his experiences in the Korean War and as a fighter tactics instructor in the early 1960s, Colonel John Boyd with mathematician Thomas Christie developed the energy-maneuverability theory to model a fighter aircraft's performance in combat. Boyd's work called for a small, lightweight aircraft that could maneuver with the minimum possible energy loss and which also incorporated an increased thrust-to-weight ratio.[14][15] In the late 1960s, Boyd gathered a group of like-minded innovators who became known as the Fighter Mafia, and in 1969, they secured Department of Defense funding for General Dynamics and Northrop to study design concepts based on the theory.
... snip ...

other recent posts mentioning Boyd's integrity quote: The Rise of Leninist Personnel Policies The Sublime: Is it the same for IBM and Special Ops? The American Empire Is the Sick Man of the 21st Century Mitch McConnell has done far more to destroy democratic norms than Donald Trump The Forever War Is So Normalized That Opposing It Is "Isolationism"

Boyd posts & URLs

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

The Roots of Boeing's 737 Max Crisis: A Regulator Relaxes Its Oversight

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: The Roots of Boeing's 737 Max Crisis: A Regulator Relaxes Its Oversight
Date: 29 July 2019
Blog: Facebook
The Roots of Boeing's 737 Max Crisis: A Regulator Relaxes Its Oversight

Relaxed Stability ... are more efficient, including more fuel efficient,
but require "fly by wire"
also weight savings

F16 relaxed stability
John Boyd, who I met in early 80s and would sponsor his briefings at IBM ... was behind YF16 and YF17 which become F16 and F18

The F-16 is a single-engine, highly maneuverable, supersonic, multi-role tactical fighter aircraft. It is much smaller and lighter than its predecessors, but uses advanced aerodynamics and avionics, including the first use of a relaxed static stability/fly-by-wire (RSS/FBW) flight control system, to achieve enhanced maneuver performance. Highly agile, the F-16 was the first fighter aircraft purpose-built to pull 9-g maneuvers and can reach a maximum speed of over Mach 2
... snip ...

Negative stability and fly-by-wire

Boeing 2016, century publication had article that the merger with M/D nearly took down the company and may yet still. Recent articles that after the take-over by M/D, in the late 90s saw senior safety engineers leaving.

The Coming Boeing Bailout?
Unlike Boeing, McDonnell Douglas was run by financiers rather than engineers. And though Boeing was the buyer, McDonnell Douglas executives some how took power in what analysts started calling a "reverse takeover." The joke in Seattle was, "McDonnell Douglas bought Boeing with Boeing's money."
... snip ...

Note that first decade of this century there was enormous increase in gov. outsourcing of all kinds, especially to private-equity owned companies that had hired prominent politicians to lobby congress to contract with their subsidiaries
"Lou Gerstner, former ceo of ibm, now heads the Carlyle Group, a Washington-based global private equity firm whose 2006 revenues of $87 billion were just a few billion below ibm's. Carlyle has boasted George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, and former Secretary of State James Baker III on its employee roster."
... snip ...

enormous uptic in outsourcing last decade, just intelligence: 70% of budget and over half the people, this included Snowden's employer and companies that were doing security clearances (but found to be filling out paperwork, but not actually doing background investigations)

and significantly speeding up the spreading success of failure culture, lots more money for for-profit companies in PE-mills with a series of failures (analogous to military-industrial complex "perpetual war", actually winning a war might reduce the budget) ... claims that it also significantly contributes to the Intelligence failures.

Boyd posts and URLs
military-industrial(-congressional) complex posts
perpetual war posts
private equity posts
gerstner posts
success of failure posts

recent posts mentioning Boeing The American Military Sucks at Cybersecurity; A new report from US military watchdogs outlines hundreds of cybersecurity vulnerabilities IBM bureaucracy Digital Planes Reminder over in linkedin, IBM Mainframe announce 7April1964 Building the System/360 Mainframe Nearly Destroyed IBM System/360 consoles Contractors Are Giving Away America's Military Edge TCM virtual memory Rise and Fall of IBM The amount of software running on traditional servers is set to almost halve in the next 3 years amid the shift to the cloud, and it's great news for the data center business The Coming Boeing Bailout?

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Capital One's breach was inevitable, because we did nothing after Equifax

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: Capital One's breach was inevitable, because we did nothing after Equifax
Date: 30 July 2019
Blog: Facebook
Capital One's breach was inevitable, because we did nothing after Equifax

We were brought in to help wordsmith some california legislation (late 90s, two decades ago). At the time they were doing electronic signature, data breach notification, and opt-in personal information sharing. Some of the participants had done indepth public privacy surveys and the #1 issue was identify theft, primarily fraudulent financial transactions as a result of breaches. At the time there was little or nothing being done (other than misdirection/obfuscation as to the source of the problems). The issue is that normally entities take security measures in self-protection, however in the case of the breaches, the institutions weren't at risk, it was the public. It was hoped that the publicity from breach notification might motivate corrective security measures.

Equifax's Massive ID Theft Is a Reminder That Firms Need Incentives to Keep Data Safe

electronic signature posts
data breach notifications posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Capital One Data Breach-100 Million Customers affected

From: lynn@GARLIC.COM (Anne & Lynn Wheeler)
Subject: Re: Capital One Data Breach-100 Million Customers affected
Date: 31 Jul 2019 19:52:55 -0700
jcewing@ACM.ORG (Joel C. Ewing) writes:
And I noticed a reprinted Washington Post article in my local paper today "Bank data stolen despite cloud push", which clearly indicates bank management had the perception that somehow removing data from Capital One's direct physical control to Amazon Web Services on the cloud would "improve" security rather than just add different paths for attack. Can't help but wonder if this move to "cut back" on Capital One's data centers also involved laying off the people that might have been smart enough to configure their firewall correctly and avoid the breach.

We were brought in to help wordsmith some california legislation (late 90s, two decades ago). At the time they were doing electronic signature, data breach notification (original, 1st in country), and opt-in personal information sharing. Some of the participants had done indepth public privacy surveys and the #1 issue was identify theft, primarily fraudulent financial transactions as a result of breaches. At the time there was little or nothing being done (other than misdirection/obfuscation as to the source of the problems). The issue is that normally entities take security measures in self-protection, however in the case of the breaches, the institutions weren't at risk, it was the public. It was hoped that the publicity from breach notification might motivate serious and comprehensive security measures.

since then there have been several federal breach notification (state preemption) bills introduced ... many of them worded in such a way that they would effectively eliminate any requirement for notification

electronic signature posts
data breach notifications posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Defense contractors aren't securing sensitive information, watchdog finds

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: Defense contractors aren't securing sensitive information, watchdog finds
Date: 01 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook
Defense contractors aren't securing sensitive information, watchdog finds

but also classified, adversaries dance through classified systems, snarfing up detailed designs of nearly all major weapon systems

Chinese Hackers Stole Boeing, Lockheed Military Plane Secrets: Feds
Report: China gained U.S. weapons secrets using cyberespionage
Confidential report lists U.S. weapons system designs compromised by Chinese cyberspies
REPORT: Chinese Hackers Stole Plans For Dozens Of Critical US Weapons Systems
A list of the U.S. weapons designs and technologies compromised by hackers

possibly part of enormous outsourcing that went on last decade and the rapidly
spreading success of failure culture

however, might be tempted to conjecture raising advisaries capability as part of a perpetual war strategy

Contractors Are Giving Away America's Military Edge

trivia: We were brought in to help wordsmith some california legislation (late 90s, two decades ago). At the time they were doing electronic signature, data breach notification, and opt-in personal information sharing. Some of the participants had done indepth public privacy surveys and the #1 issue was identify theft, primarily fraudulent financial transactions as a result of breaches. At the time there was little or nothing being done (other than misdirection/obfuscation as to the source of the problems). The issue is that normally entities take security measures in self-protection, however in the case of the breaches, the institutions weren't at risk, it was the public. It was hoped that the publicity from breach notification might motivate corrective security measures.

... in this case, military-industrial complex institutions putting the public at risk

perpetual war reference

perpetual war posts
military-industrial(-congressional) complex posts
success of failure posts

electronic signature posts
data breach notifications posts

past "cyberdumb" posts: Credit card fraud solution coming to America...finally Cyberdumb Cyberdumb Does Cybercrime Really Cost $1 Trillion? DEC and The Americans Computers anyone? Computers anyone? How to Win the Cyberwar Against Russia Snowden China's spies gain valuable US defense technology: report "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967) China's claim it has 'quantum' radar may leave $17 billion F-35 naked CBS News: WikiLeaks claims to release thousands of CIA documents of computer activity WikiLeaks CIA Dump: Washington's Data Security Is a Mess A flaw in the design; The Internet's founders saw its promise but didn't foresee users attacking one another More Cyberdumb Time to sack the chief of computing in the NHS? This Afghan War Plan By The Guy Who Founded Blackwater Should Scare The Hell Out Of You Russian Hackers Stole NSA Data on U.S. Cyber Defense China's mega fortress in Djibouti could be model for its bases in Pakistan Lawmakers to Military: Don't Buy Another 'Money Pit' Like F-35 DoD watchdog: Air Force failed to effectively manage F-22 modernization 11 crazy up-close photos of the F-22 Raptor stealth fighter jet soaring through the air US Navy Contractors Hacked by China "More Than A Handful Of Times" The American Military Sucks at Cybersecurity; A new report from US military watchdogs outlines hundreds of cybersecurity vulnerabilities The American Military Sucks at Cybersecurity; A new report from US military watchdogs outlines hundreds of cybersecurity vulnerabilities Contractors Are Giving Away America's Military Edge

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Private Equity: The Perps Behind Destructive Hospital Surprise Billing

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: Private Equity: The Perps Behind Destructive Hospital Surprise Billing
Date: 01 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook
Private Equity: The Perps Behind Destructive Hospital Surprise Billing

Private equity spent a lot of last decade buying up gov. contractors and beltway bandits and hiring prominent politicians to lobby congress to outsource gov. to the companies they bought.

This decade, they've moved into health care, hospitals, doctor practices. nursing homes, etc

private equity posts
virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Rep. Cheney Accuses Tribes of "Destroying our Western Way of Life" Over Sacred Grizzly Protections

Refed: **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: Rep. Cheney Accuses Tribes of "Destroying our Western Way of Life" Over Sacred Grizzly Protections
Date: 01 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook
Rep. Cheney Accuses Tribes of "Destroying our Western Way of Life" Over Sacred Grizzly Protections

both my parents were born in Wyoming and recent account by relative about great grandmother:
Her father was a doctor and she was his assistant even when he did amputation for soldiers. So when she married and came out west to Sheridan Wyoming, she was the only person with any medical background in the whole territory. She was constantly being called when the ranchers had any medical problems she also delivered a lot of babies. I sent you a picture of Indian artifact that i needed to tell you about. My mother was born on a ranch in Sheridan and one morning they woke up the pasture land there were many Indian Teepee set up. My mother said it was the Crow Indians with Chief Plentico who tribe was sick and dying from either chicken pox or measly. Our great grandmother built two big bonfires and put big black iron kettles over the fire and she had them boiled all the clot hings and blankets in a hot water to kill the gr ems and the other one had a chicken soup in it. She had the Indian women feeding the soup to the ill. Later on they came back and adopted my grandmother and my mother and her mother into the tribe. They outfitted them with deer skin dresses embroidered with elks teeth and porcupine quilt dyed red with berries. My mother kept the Indian dresses in the trunk in the basement along with her mothers wedding dress from France. but there was flood and everything was ruined. The few pieces she had was all she could saved. We still have the bead work.
... snip ...

other reference
When European Americans arrived in numbers, the Crows were resisting pressure from enemies who greatly outnumbered them. In the 1850s, a vision by Plenty Coups, then a boy, but who later became their greatest chief, was interpreted by tribal elders as meaning that the whites would become dominant over the entire country, and that the Crow, if they were to retain any of their land, would need to remain on good terms with the whites.[22]
... snip ...


virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Sand and Steel

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: Sand and Steel
Date: 01 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook
Sand and Steel
With an air of bitterness shared by all the attackers, Pepe observed, 'We searched for bomb craters, vital for our survival; the Air Corps had promised us one hundred tons of bombs for every five hundred square yards of beach; sure enough, we found the craters two days later - three miles inland.'
... snip ...

European Campaign: Its Origins and Conduct
The bomber preparation of Omaha Beach was a total failure, and German defenses on Omaha Beach were intact as American troops came ashore. At Utah Beach, the bombers were a little more effective because the IXth Bomber Command was using B-26 medium bombers. Wisely, in preparation for supporting the invasion, maintenance crews removed Norden bombsights from the bombers and installed the more effective low-level altitude sights.
... snip ...

McNamara was LeMay's staff planning fire bombing German and then Japanese cities. Part of the issue was that the Army Air Corp had been claiming that high altitude, 4-engine, heavy strategic bombers could win the war without even having to invade the continent, helping justify the one-third of total US WW2 spending went for the strategic bombing program ... and even with Norden bomb sites, they were finding it almost impossible to hit targets ... so they were under increasing pressure to show some results ... and fire bombing cities, it was nearly impossible to miss a whole city.

The Russians have claimed that the US Strategic Bombing program of cities did help them because the Germans diverted anti-air which otherwise would have been used on the eastern front (three-fourths of German military resources were on the eastern front, leaving the rest of the allies only having to deal with the remaining 1/4th)

other (Sand and Steel) triva; pg19|loc992-98:
However, OB West's remaining twenty-three Bodenständige (static position) divisions were either immobile or reserve infantry formations, with low Kampfwert (combat effectiveness) ratings. They were assessed as incapable of taking on offensive missions, and suitable only for limited defence. For the latter's transportation needs, in Rundstedt's domain there were 115,000 military horses on strength, a stark reminder of how reliant on these creatures the German armed forces were in 1944 - by contrast, the Allies would bring with them not a single equine. 3 A year earlier, roughly twenty-five per cent of officers stationed in France had fought in Russia; by 1944, this figure had almost doubled to sixty per cent. This did not necessarily reflect a reinforcement of the west, but a higher proportion of wounded and convalescing leaders.
... snip ...

there has been some speculation that after WW2, Americans (and others) may have exaggerated Germany's military in Europe during 44&45.

military-industrial(-congressional) complex posts

recent posts mentioning 1943 Strategic Bombing program People are Happier in Social Democracies Because There's Less Capitalism How corporate America invented 'Christian America' to fight the New Deal Family of Secrets D-Day And The Myth That The U.S. Defeated The Nazis The Forever War Is So Normalized That Opposing It Is "Isolationism" The Forever War Is So Normalized That Opposing It Is "Isolationism"

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

SS Trust Fund

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: SS Trust Fund
Date: 01 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook
SS Trust Fund

"Baby Boomer" generation is four times larger than the previous and twice as large as the following generation. Baby Boomers have been contributing to Social Security "Trust Fund",building up principle for "baby boomer" pension benefits (when they retire)

Stockman (Reagan's budget director) takes credit for revamping social security to take into account baby boomer's longer life expectancy ... however, more recently he has said he wanted the more money coming into the Trust Fund ... so they could immediately borrow everything that came in and spend (w/o having to say they increased taxes) on DOD/military. Stockman also takes credit for starting to tax SS benefits (double tax, contribution to SS trust fund is from after tax wages ... and then the SS benefits taxed again when it is paid out) ... so they even have more to spend (continuing a facade that they hadn't increased taxes, while at the same time having more money to spend).

More recently various factions don't depict the total federal debt ... but the debt amount less what is owned trust fund (as if they are positioning things to welsh on the borrowed trust fund debt)

recent posts mentioning SS Trust Fund: The Champions of the 401(k) Lament the Revolution They Started Attack SS Entitlements $16T National Debt Peak Savings: Wall Street Faces 20 Years Of Retirement Withdrawals As Boomers Hit 70 1/2 when to get out??? Economists are arguing over how their profession messed up during the Great Recession. This is what happened SS Trust Fund SS Trust Fund SS Trust Fund Who Is The Smallest Government Spender Since Eisenhower? Would You Believe It's Barack Obama? What Happened to the $2.6 Trillion Social Security Trust Fund? Democracy in Chains SS Trustees Report Summary

of course, Stockman also has a bit to say about IBM in "The Great Deformation: The Corruption of Capitalism in America"
IBM was not the born-again growth machine trumpeted by the mob of Wall Street momo traders. It was actually a stock buyback contraption on steroids. During the five years ending in fiscal 2011, the company spent a staggering $67 billion repurchasing its own shares, a figure that was equal to 100 percent of its net income.

Total shareholder distributions, including dividends, amounted to $82 billion, or 122 percent, of net income over this five-year period. Likewise, during the last five years IBM spent less on capital investment than its depreciation and amortization charges, and also shrank its constant dollar spending for research and development by nearly 2 percent annually.
... snip ...

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Declassified CIA Document Reveals Iraq War Had Zero Justification

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: Declassified CIA Document Reveals Iraq War Had Zero Justification
Date: 02 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook
Declassified CIA Document Reveals Iraq War Had Zero Justification

Original justification for Iraq2 invasion was that Iraq had supported al Qaeda and it would only cost $50B (now Iran/Afghanistan has passed 100 times that, $5T) ... it was then changed to WMDs (which had been decommissioned and traced back to US from the Iran/Iraq war in the 80s).

military-industrial-complex had wanted the Iraq2 invasion so badly that corporate reps were telling former eastern block countries that if they voted for IRAQ2 invasion in the UN, they would get membership in NATO and (directed appropriation) USAID (can *ONLY* be used for purchase of modern US arms, aka additional congressional gifts to MIC complex not in DOD budget). From the law of unintended consequences, the invaders were told to bypass ammo dumps looking for WMDs, when they got around to going back, over a million metric tons had evaporated (then large artillery shells start showin up in IEDs)

long history ...

CIA director Colby wouldn't agree with "team b" analysis about Russian military justifying enormous increase in DOD budget. White house chief of staff Rumsfeld gets Colby replaced by Bush who will agree with team b. Rumsfeld then resigns to become SECDEF and is replaced by his assistant Cheney.

Some of the same scientists for hire ... for the tobacco industry are then involved in spinning team b analysis for American public. Later some of the scientists for hire show up publishing articles for big oil

from truth is stranger than fiction and law of unintended consequences that come back to bite you (Bush Family Secrets)
There was also a calculated decision to use the Saudis as surrogates in the cold war. The United States actually encouraged Saudi efforts to spread the extremist Wahhabi form of Islam as a way of stirring up large Muslim communities in Soviet-controlled countries. (It didn't hurt that Muslim Soviet Asia contained what were believed to be the world's largest undeveloped reserves of oil.)
... snip ...

Saudi radical Islam/Wahhabi loosened on the world ... bin Laden & 15of16 9/11 were Saudis

in the 80s, former CIA director and vice-president repeatedly claimed he knew nothing about
because he was full-time administration point person deregulating the financial industry causing the S&L crisis
along with other members of his family
and another

Republicans and Saudis bailing out the Bushes.

another family member presides over the economic mess after turn of century, 70 times larger than his father's S&L crisis. S&L crisis had 1000 criminal convictions with jailtime, proportionally the economic mess should have 70,000 with jailtimes.

Also 80s, Iran/Iraq war
... VP and Rumsfeld are involved in supporting Iraq, including supplying WMDs

early 90s, Bush1 is president (and Cheney is SECDEF), it comes up that Bush1 ran Iran/Contra
Pollard had accidentally "busted the most secret White House operation of modern times," as one account put it. "Neither Pollard nor the government of Israel was aware that they had smashed George Bush's first shipment of arms to Iran."
... snip ...

also sat. photo recon analyst told white house that saddam was marshaling forces to invade Kuwait. White house said that saddam would do no such thing and proceeded to discredit the analyst. Later the analyst informed the white house that saddam was marshaling forces to invade Saudi Arabia, now the white house has to choose between saddam and the Saudis.

This century, H. is president (presiding over both the economic mess and perpetual war), Cheney is VP, Rumsfeld is SECDEF and one of the "Team B" members is deputy SECDEF (and major architect of Iraq policy).

Before the invasion, the cousin of white house chief of staff Card ... was dealing with the Iraqis at the UN and was given evidence that WMDs (tracing back to US in the Iran/Iraq war) had been decommissioned. the cousin shared it with Card, Powell and others ... then is locked up in military hospital, book was published in 2010 (4yrs before decommissioned WMDs were declassified)

NY Times series from 2014, the decommission WMDs (tracing back to US from Iran/Iraq war), had been found early in the invasion, but the information was classified for a decade

"team b" posts
WMD posts
perpetual war posts
military-industrial(-congressional) complex posts
S&L crisis posts
economic mess posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Here's what Nobel Prize-winning research says will make you more influential

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: Here's what Nobel Prize-winning research says will make you more influential
Date: 02 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook
Here's what Nobel Prize-winning research says will make you more influential

other, "The Undoing Project" goes into some detail how Kahneman and Tversky disproved economists' assumption that people make rational decisions ...
He had listened to an American economist talk about how so-and-so was stupid and so-and-so was a fool, then said, "All your economic models are premised on people being smart and rational, and yet all the people you know are idiots."

Amos heard over and over from economists and decision theorists that he and Danny had exaggerated human fallibility. Or that the kinks in the mind that they had observed were artificial. Or only present in the minds of college undergraduates. Or . . . something. A lot of people with whom Amos interacted had big investments in the idea that people were rational.
... snip ...

Kahneman (a psychologist) gets Nobel prize in economics, in part for debunking Friedman's theories involving rational man, but it was/is battle threatening vested interests.

The Battle of Bretton Woods: John Maynard Keynes, Harry Dexter White, and the Making of a New World Order (Council on Foreign Relations Books
Not surprisingly, Triffin's, Rueff's, and Hayek's radical alternatives to Bretton Woods "international money, a revived gold standard, and private money competition" were not congenial to governments, particularly that of the United States. But Friedman's monetarist ideas had legs; they did not threaten to make national central banks irrelevant.
... snip ...

recent posts mentioning Milton Friedman Democracy in Chains IBM revenue has fallen for 20 quarters -- but it used to run its business very differently Wage Stagnation Wage Stagnation

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Declassified CIA Document Reveals Iraq War Had Zero Justification

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: Declassified CIA Document Reveals Iraq War Had Zero Justification
Date: 02 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook
re: Declassified CIA Document Reveals Iraq War Had Zero Justification

Jan1999, I was asked to try and help stop the coming economic mess (we failed). In the S&L Crisis, some investment bankers had used fraudulent securitized mortgages ... but walked away "clean". They were then running Internet IPO mills, investment a few million, hype, IPO for billions, the new companies should then fail, leaving the field clear for the next round of IPOs. They were then predicted to get (back) into securitized mortgages. I was to improve the integrity of securitized mortgage supporting documents as countermeasure. They then find they can pay credit rating agencies for triple-A rating (when the rating agencies knew they weren't worth triple-A, from Oct2008 congressional testimony). Triple-A trumps supporting document and they could start doing no-documentation, liar loans and mortgages (and with no-documentation, no longer any integrity issue with supporting documents), securitize, pay for triple-A and sell into the bond market ... the triple-A rating significantly contributing to be able to do over $27T (trillion!) 2001-2008.

Besides "perpetual war" and "economic mess" last decade, there was also significant "tax revenue cuts", "spending increases" and huge amount of "government outsourcing".

2002, congress lets the financial responsibility act lapse (spending can't exceed tax revenue, on its way to eliminating all federal debt). 2010 CBO report was that 2003-2009, tax revenue cut $6T and spending increased $6T for $12T gap compared to fiscal responsible budget (1st time taxes cut to *NOT* pay for two wars). Sort of confluence of federal reserve and Too Big To Fail wanting huge federal debt, Wallstreet and special interests wanting huge tax cut, and military-industrial complex wanting enormous spending increase.

To go along with that private-equity was moving in on buying up government contractors and beltway bandits and hiring prominent politicians to lobby congress to outsource business to their companies. Just intelligence, 70% of the budget and half the people ... including Snowden's employer and companies doing security clearances (found to be filling out the paper work, but not actually doing background checks) ... claimed to have contributed to intelligence failures.
accelerating the rapidly spreading success of failure culture, lots more money for companies in PE-mills with a series of failures

Barbarians at the Capitol: Private Equity: Public Enemy
"Lou Gerstner, former ceo of ibm, now heads the Carlyle Group, a Washington-based global private equity firm whose 2006 revenues of $87 billion were just a few billion below ibm's. Carlyle has boasted George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, and former Secretary of State James Baker III on its employee roster."
... snip ...

Another example was the OPM website hack/breach ... which had been outsourced to another private-equity owned company. OPM Contractor's Parent Firm Has a Troubled History
Founded in 1992 by the late investment banker Robert McKeon, Veritas Capital grew quickly by buying up government contractors and forming close ties with former senior government officials. Of the many defense-related investments made by the company, the most famous has been the 2005 purchase of DynCorp International, a scandal-plagued company that played a pivotal role in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
... snip ...

Defense contractors aren't securing sensitive information, watchdog finds

fiscal responsibility posts
perpetual war posts
military-industrial(-congressional) complex posts
S&L crisis posts
(triple-A rated) toxic CDO posts
economic mess posts
Too Big To Fail (too big to prosecute, too big to jail) posts
private equity posts
gerstner posts
success of failure posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Recent climate and heat news

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: Recent climate and heat news
Date: 02 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook
'This Is the Beginning': New Study Warns Climate Crisis May Have Been Pivotal in Rise of Drug-Resistant Superbug
'Climate Grief': Fears About The Planet's Future Weigh On Americans' Mental Health
Climate Change: An Omitted Security Threat in Central Asia
Manipulation of the carbon emissions system threatens climate targets
Ancient plankton help researchers predict near-future climate
Greenland's Ice Melt a Climate Change 'Warning Sign', Scientists Say
More sensitive climates are more variable climates, research shows
New study identifies causes of multidecadal climate changes
Think the heatwave was bad? Climate already hitting key tipping points
This climate change coloring book illustrates the energy future
Heatwave: think it's hot in Europe? The human body is already close to thermal limits elsewhere
AI researchers need to stop hiding the climate toll of their work
Ancient global climate events rippled unevenly across the globe
Animals' body sizes shrinking from climate change, study finds
Can 'Supercharged' Plants Solve the Climate Crisis?
China is on track to meet its climate change goals nine years early
Climate activist Greta Thunberg is sailing to a climate summit
Climate Change Is Killing US Soldiers
Climate crisis blamed as temperature records broken in three nations
Climate scientists drive stake through heart of skeptics' argument
Ethiopia Plants 350 Million Trees in a Day To Help Tackle Climate Crisis
Ethiopia plants 350m trees in a day to help tackle climate crisis
Fighting Climate Change Means Ending War
How climate change disrupts relationships
How climate change disrupts relationships
How the Fed Should Fight Climate Change
Is AI the next big climate-change threat? We haven't a clue
July heatwave up to 3C hotter due to climate change
Marine heatwaves in a changing climate
No climate event of the last 2,000 years looks like humanity's
Some Pacific salmon populations are especially at risk from climate change
Space Research Can Save the Planet--Again
The geoengineering of consent: How conspiracists dominate YouTube climate science content
The Language of Climate Reporting Is Heating Up, Too
The next prime minister Boris Johnson's climate change record
US national security, climate change, startup HR, and launching in the Midwest
"There Is No Excuse For What Happened" - 50,000 Con Ed Customers Lose Power During Deadly Heatwave
All-time temperature records tumble again as heatwave sears Europe
Europe heatwave: Records tumble in Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands
French wine production hit by heatwave
Heatwaves are more dangerous in cities - Hot in the city
Killer Heat Waves Are Becoming Much More Common. Fortunately Scientists Are Getting Better at Predicting Them.
New Study Predicts Millions of Americans May Become Exposed to "Off the Charts" Heat
Nordic countries sizzle as European heatwave moves north
People who cheat on their partners more than twice as likely to engage in workplace misconduct, study claims
Power outages sparked by blistering heat wave; Brooklyn takes worst hit
Records Could Be Smashed Today As Second Heatwave Roasts Europe
Bacteria enhance coral resilience to climate change effects
Boris Johnson's stance on climate change has flip-flopped
Climate Activists Glued Themselves to the Capitol
Climate change could revive medieval megadroughts in US Southwest
Climate Change Requires Big Solutions. But Baby Steps Are the Only Way to Go.
Climate change: 12 years to save the planet? Make that 18 months
Climate change: Going vegetarian won't truly help our carbon footprint
Climate changes faster than animals adapt
Climate changes faster than animals adapt
Climate Equity: What Is It?
Climate Solution: Use Carbon Dioxide to Generate Electricity
Clues found on how soils may respond to climate change
Clues on how soils may respond to climate change found
Don't Ask How to Pay for Climate Change. Ask Who
Electric Scooters Aren't Quite as Climate-Friendly as We Thought
For California's redwoods, climate change isn't all bad
Gaming the Climate
Historic heat wave is double whammy for climate change
How to Talk Effectively about Climate Change
In a World With More and Intense Heat-Waves, a Review of What Heat Does to Us
Joe Biden's Climate Plan Melted During the Debate
June Was The Hottest Month On Record Globally. Here's Why That Matters
Major automakers strike climate deal with California, rebuffing Trump on proposed mileage freeze
Many animals can't adapt fast enough to climate change
Many Animals Can't Adapt to Climate Change Fast Enough
Most YouTube Climate Change Videos 'Oppose the Consensus View'
Most YouTube climate change videos 'oppose the consensus view'
Newly discovered Labrador fossils give clues about ancient climate
North Carolina coastal flooding is worsening with climate change, population growth
North Carolina coastal flooding is worsening with climate change, population growth
Pruitt's Plan for Climate Change Debates: Ask Conservative Think Tanks
Recent climate change trends 'unprecedented' in the last 2,000 years
Scientists Unveil Memorial To Iceland's 'First' Dead Glacier
Sorry, scooters aren't so climate-friendly after all
Stunning images of Greenland's climate tragedy as ice melts
The App Creeping on Your IG Location, Jakarta's Insurance Crisis, and More News
The climate is warming faster than it has in the last 2,000 years
The Cost of Climate Change: Steve Keen Dismantles William Nordhaus
The USDA Didn't Publish Its Plan to Help Farmers Adapt to Climate Change. Here's Where They Need it the Most.
Under Trump, 26% of Climate Change References Have Vanished From .Gov Sites
Understanding nematodes to address climate change
Want Someone to Care About Climate Change? Make It Personal
Wasps are shrinking in size and it may be because of climate change
Data centers may soon recycle heat into electricity
Europe expected to face record-breaking temps in second heat wave toda
European Cities Break Temperature Records With Heat Wave
Extremely Dangerous Heat Wave Will Impact 200 Million Across US This Weekend
Heatwave 2019: It's hot and Twitter is losing its cool
Heatwave takes a toll in Shanghai
Hot weather cuts French, German nuclear power output
Hot Weather Cuts French, German Nuclear Power Output
How to keep your house cool in the heatwave
It's so hot, UK needs to start naming heatwaves like we do when it's a bit windy
Killer Heat Forever, From Our Fossil-Fueled Inertia
New Solar Panels Use Waste Heat to Purify Water
Record heat in Europe moves toward Scandinavia before affecting the Arctic
The heat wave in Europe could jeopardize Notre Dame recovery efforts
Arctic Fires to Record Temps: What's Causing Extreme Weather
Geoengineering is very controversial. How can you do experiments? Harvard has some ideas.
Underwater Glacier Melt May Be Worse Than Thought
'Survive, Not Enjoy': Heat, Humidity Gripping Half the US
'This is unprecedented': Alert, Nunavut, is warmer than Victoria
Device channels heat into light
Engineers use heat-free tech for flexible electronics, print metal on flowers, gelatin
Heat and humidity grip East Coast as Midwest gets reprieve
Heat, humidity keeps hold on Eastern US as weekend slogs on
How bad is 108 degrees in Paris? Water over wine and no smoke breaks.
How cities are redesigning to deal with extreme heat
It's official: UK broke temperature record during heat wave
Moon bricks could keep the lights on and the heat up in Lunar colonies
New approach could make HVAC heat exchangers five times more efficient
Records fall as last day of heat wave bakes Midwest, East Coast
Unprecedented Heat Wave Near North Pole
US bracing for extreme heat as weekend temperatures soar
Walloped by heat wave, Greenland sees massive ice melt

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

The global economy is broken, it must work for people, not vice versa

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: The global economy is broken, it must work for people, not vice versa
Date: 03 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook
The global economy is broken, it must work for people, not vice versa; Three new books reveal the same picture: the global economy is shattered. They suggest how a more people-focused approach than capitalism might alleviate poverty and encourage jobs

On War
As long as the Socialists only threatened capital they were not seriously interfered with, for the Government knew quite well that the undisputed sway of the employer was not for the ultimate good of the State.
... snip ...

aka checks & balances ... the government needed general population standard of living sufficient that soldiers were willing to fight to preserve their way of life. Capitalists tendency was to reduce worker standard of living to the lowest possible ... below what the government needed for soldier motivation ... and therefor needed socialists as counterbalance to the capitalists in raising the general population standard of living.

June1940, Germany had a victory celebration at the NYC Waldorf-Astoria with major industrialists. Lots of them were there to hear how to do business with the Nazis

Later 5000 industrialists from across the US had conference (also) at NYC Waldorf-Astoria and in part because they had gotten such bad reputation for the depression and supporting Nazi Germany, they approved a major propaganda campaign to equate capitalism with Christianity
part of the result by the early 50s was adding "under god" to the pledge of allegiance.

recent posts How Harvard Business School Has Reshaped American Capitalism The Rise of Leninist Personnel Policies Billionaire warlords: Why the future is medieval People are Happier in Social Democracies Because There's Less Capitalism LUsers How corporate America invented 'Christian America' to fight the New Deal Capitalism Gone Wild Family of Secrets Is America A Christian Nation? Is America A Christian Nation? Forget China - it's America's own economic system that's broken; US weakness is inbuilt The Forever War Is So Normalized That Opposing It Is "Isolationism" Holocaust Don't Blame Capitalism

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

The global economy is broken, it must work for people, not vice versa

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: The global economy is broken, it must work for people, not vice versa
Date: 03 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook
re: The global economy is broken, it must work for people, not vice versa

then there is "Is Harvard responsible for the rise of Putin" ... after the fall of the soviet union, those sent over to teach capitalism were more intent on looting the country (and they needed a Russian to oppose US looting). John Helmer: Convicted Fraudster Jonathan Hay, Harvard's Man Who Wrecked Russia, Resurfaces in Ukraine
If you are unfamiliar with this fiasco, which was also the true proximate cause of Larry Summers' ouster from Harvard, you must read an extraordinary expose, How Harvard Lost Russia, from Institutional Investor. I am told copies of this article were stuffed in every Harvard faculty member's inbox the day Summers got a vote of no confidence and resigned shortly thereafter.
... snip ...

How Harvard lost Russia; The best and brightest of America's premier university came to Moscow in the 1990s to teach Russians how to be capitalists. This is the inside story of how their efforts led to scandal and disgrace (gone 404, but lives on at wayback machine)
Mostly, they hurt Russia and its hopes of establishing a lasting framework for a stable Western-style capitalism, as Summers himself acknowledged when he testified under oath in the U.S. lawsuit in Cambridge in 2002. "The project was of enormous value," said Summers, who by then had been installed as the president of Harvard. "Its cessation was damaging to Russian economic reform and to the U.S.-Russian relationship."
... snip ...

I had been somewhat sucked into a little of this ... objective to establish 5,000 brick&monitor bank branches in Russia @$1M ($5B total), as part of establishing (real) capitalism (involving complex sequence of resource transactions). Before it got started, the US kleptocracy had started and bank branch program never got off the ground.

From CSPAN, talks about extraordinary cooperation between US & Russia military in the 90s, 25th Anniversary Implementation of Nunn-Lugar Act

US style capitalist kleptocracy has long history ... even predating banana republics

US version with "War Is a Racket" and "Economic Hitman"
wiki entry also
references Butler's "War Is a Racket"
and "perpetual war" (for the military-industrial complex)

perpetual war posts
military-industrial(-congressional) complex posts

recent posts mentioning Putin and/or "Economic Hitman"/"EHM" China's African debt-trap ... and US Version TARP Funds and Noncompliant Family of Secrets Army Special Operations Forces Unconventional Warfare Billionaire warlords: Why the future is medieval Economic Mess LUsers You elected them to write new laws. They're letting corporations do it instead Has Privatization Benefitted the Public? The Only Man Who Flew Both The F-22 And The YF-23 On Why The YF-23 Lost Firefighting: The Financial Crisis and Its Lessons If Current Laws Prosecuting Bankers Aren't Used, What Can Warren Change? Don't forget how the Soviet Union saved the world from Hitler Did The 'B-Team' Overplay It's Hand On Iran? When Dead Companies Don't Die - Welcome To The Fat, Slow World Don't Blame Capitalism The Coming Economic Crash -- And How to Stop It

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Those 'rat infested' places in Baltimore? They're owned by Trump's son-in-law

Refed: **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: Those 'rat infested' places in Baltimore? They're owned by Trump's son-in-law
Date: 03 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook
Those 'rat infested' places in Baltimore? They're owned by Trump's son-in-law
Jared Kushner's family real estate firm owns thousands of apartments and townhomes in the Baltimore area, and some have been criticized for the same kind of disrepair and neglect that the president has accused local leaders of failing to address. Residents have complained about mold, bedbugs, leaks and, yes, mice -- plenty of mice. And they say management appears in no hurry to fix the problems.
... snip ...

Kushner properties in Baltimore accrued multiple violations for rodent infestation.

In Kushner-Owned Homes, Baltimore Residents Find Rodents
Jared Kushner owns lots of apartments near Baltimore, and some are infested with mice
Kushner's Baltimore housing complexes reexamined after Trump tweets
Baltimore official calls out Kushner-owned properties after Trump's 'infested' remarks
Trump's Son-in-Law Jared Kushner Owns Baltimore Area Housing Projects That Have Racked Up Hundreds of Building Code Violations
Did Jared Kushner-Owned Properties in Baltimore Violate Building Code Donald Trump tweeted about rat infested Baltimore homes Kushner owns

this article from 2017: Jared Kushner's Other Real Estate Empire in Baltimore

then there is his father and associates at the real estate company doing jail time for many types of fraud
There are reminders of Alabama that later joined Charles Kushner back north. Avram Lebor and Richard Goettlich - both of whom were imprisoned with Kushner - now work for the family's real estate company. Lebor, who served a seven-year sentence for a mortgage scheme, is Kushner's direction of acquisition; Goettlich serves as a leasing consultant. In 1998, Goettlich was sentenced to 10 years for securities fraud, money laundering and tax evasion.
... snip ...

Trumps ran a similar real estate empire, Trump's father arrested 1974 in baltimore for his real-estate
woody guthrie attack on Trump real estate practices

inequality posts
racism posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Global Warming and U.S. National Security Diplomacy

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: Global Warming and U.S. National Security Diplomacy
Date: 04 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook
Michael Hudson: Global Warming and U.S. National Security Diplomacy
It was the drive to control the world's oil trade - and to keep it dollarized - that led the United States to overthrow the Iranian government in 1953, George W. Bush and Dick Cheney to invade Iraq in 2013, and most recently for Donald Trump to isolate Iran while backing Saudi Arabia and its Wahabi foreign legion in Syria, Iraq and Yemen. Sixty years earlier, in 1953, the CIA and Britain joined to overthrow Iran's elected President Mohammad Mosaddegh to prevent him from nationalizing the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company. A similar strategy explains U.S. attempts at regime change in Venezuela and Russia.
... snip ...

Winston Churchill on the current mess in middle east and Persia/Iran dating back to before WW1 ... started with the move from 13.5in to 15in guns; loc2012-14:
From the beginning there appeared a ship carrying ten 15-inch guns, and therefore at least 600 feet long with room inside her for engines which would drive her 21 knots and capacity to carry armour which on the armoured belt, the turrets and the conning tower would reach the thickness unprecedented in the British Service of 13 inches.

To build any large additional number of oil-burning ships meant basing our naval supremacy upon oil. But oil was not found in appreciable quantities in our islands. If we required it, we must carry it by sea in peace or war from distant countries.

This led to enormous expense and to tremendous opposition on the Naval Estimates. Yet it was absolutely impossible to turn back. We could only fight our way forward, and finally we found our way to the Anglo-Persian Oil agreement and contract, which for an initial investment of two millions of public money (subsequently increased to five millions) has not only secured to the Navy a very substantial proportion of its oil supply, but has led to the acquisition by the Government of a controlling share in oil properties and interests which are at present valued at scores of millions sterling, and also to very considerable economies, which are still continuing, in the purchase price of Admiralty oil.
... snip ...

Then in the 50s, an Iran popular elected government wanted to examine the terms of the British oil contract. Kermit Roosevelt,_Jr.
helps with coup that installs the Shah (in exchange for supporting the existing status quo)
... and Schwarzkoph (senior) training of the secret police to help keep Shah in power (eventually an uprising against the violent, repressive government)

More Bush, from truth is stranger than fiction and law of unintended consequences that come back to bite you (Bush Family Secrets)
There was also a calculated decision to use the Saudis as surrogates in the cold war. The United States actually encouraged Saudi efforts to spread the extremist Wahhabi form of Islam as a way of stirring up large Muslim communities in Soviet-controlled countries. (It didn't hurt that Muslim Soviet Asia contained what were believed to be the world's largest undeveloped reserves of oil.)
... snip ...

Saudi extremist Islam/Wahhabi loosened on the world .. 15 of 16 9/11 were Saudis as was Osama bin Laden

then there is "Is Harvard responsible for the rise of Putin" ... after the fall of the soviet union, those sent over to teach capitalism were more intent on looting the country (and they needed a Russian to oppose US looting). John Helmer: Convicted Fraudster Jonathan Hay, Harvard's Man Who Wrecked Russia, Resurfaces in Ukraine
If you are unfamiliar with this fiasco, which was also the true proximate cause of Larry Summers' ouster from Harvard, you must read an extraordinary expose, How Harvard Lost Russia, from Institutional Investor. I am told copies of this article were stuffed in every Harvard faculty member's inbox the day Summers got a vote of no confidence and resigned shortly thereafter.
... snip ...

How Harvard lost Russia; The best and brightest of America's premier university came to Moscow in the 1990s to teach Russians how to be capitalists. This is the inside story of how their efforts led to scandal and disgrace (gone 404, but lives on at wayback machine)
Mostly, they hurt Russia and its hopes of establishing a lasting framework for a stable Western-style capitalism, as Summers himself acknowledged when he testified under oath in the U.S. lawsuit in Cambridge in 2002. "The project was of enormous value," said Summers, who by then had been installed as the president of Harvard. "Its cessation was damaging to Russian economic reform and to the U.S.-Russian relationship."
... snip ...

I had been somewhat sucked into a little of this ... objective to establish 5,000 brick&monitor bank branches in Russia @$1M ($5B total), as part of establishing (real) capitalism (involving complex sequence of resource transactions). Before it got started, the US kleptocracy had started and bank branch program never got off the ground.

From CSPAN, talks about extraordinary cooperation between US & Russia military in the 90s, 25th Anniversary Implementation of Nunn-Lugar Act

US style capitalist kleptocracy has long history ... even predating banana republics

US version with "War Is a Racket" and "Economic Hitman"
wiki entry
also references Butler's "War Is a Racket"
and "perpetual war" (for the military-industrial complex)

perpetual war posts

recent posts mentioning global warming and/or climate change A Deadly Heat Wave After the Hottest June On Record: How the Climate Crisis Is Creating 'a New Normal' Recent climate and heat news How corporate America invented 'Christian America' to fight the New Deal Meet the 'rented white coats' who defend toxic chemicals Union Pacific Announces 150th Anniversary Celebration Commemorating Transcontinental Railroad's Completion The Only Man Who Flew Both The F-22 And The YF-23 On Why The YF-23 Lost IBM revenue has fallen for 20 quarters -- but it used to run its business very differently Is America A Christian Nation? IBM 9020 How to fight desertification and reverse climate change Holocaust A Deadly Heat Wave After the Hottest June On Record: How the Climate Crisis Is Creating 'a New Normal' Recent climate and heat news

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

The Trump Administration Is Using the Full Power of the U.S. Surveillance State Against Whistleblowers

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: The Trump Administration Is Using the Full Power of the U.S. Surveillance State Against Whistleblowers
Date: 05 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook
The Metadata Trap; The Trump Administration Is Using the Full Power of the U.S. Surveillance State Against Whistleblowers
Government whistleblowers are increasingly being charged under laws such as the Espionage Act, but they aren't spies.
... snip ...

The joke has been the highest security classification in washington has been "down right embarrassing" ... issue isn't enemies learning the details, the absolute last thing they want is the american public learning the details.

In the wake of the huge uptake in outsourcing to for-profit companies after the turn of the century, especially companies in Private-Equaity mill (including Snowden's employer) ... that had been buying them up and hiring prominent politicians to lobby for outsourcing to their companies.

Barbarians at the Capitol: Private Equity: Public Enemy
"Lou Gerstner, former ceo of ibm, now heads the Carlyle Group, a Washington-based global private equity firm whose 2006 revenues of $87 billion were just a few billion below ibm's. Carlyle has boasted George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, and former Secretary of State James Baker III on its employee roster."
... snip ...


OPM Contractor's Parent Firm Has a Troubled History (gov. employee personal details breached)
Founded in 1992 by the late investment banker Robert McKeon, Veritas Capital grew quickly by buying up government contractors and forming close ties with former senior government officials. Of the many defense-related investments made by the company, the most famous has been the 2005 purchase of DynCorp International, a scandal-plagued company that played a pivotal role in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
... snip ...

in intelligence, 70% of the budget and half the employees ...
accelerating the rapidly spreading success of failure culture, lots more money for companies in PE-mills with a series of failures

One of the agency employees reported problems to the agency's congressional oversight committee ... and then was charged under the Espionage Act (I guess classifying the agency's congressional oversight committee as a foreign power). The agency was then put on probation for five years and not allowed to manage its own projects. Finally when probation period was up, the Espionage Act charges were dropped.

private-equity posts
success of failure posts
whistleblower posts
AMEX, Private Equity, IBM related Gerstner posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Disabled by default: Microsoft ups the ante in its war against VBScript on Internet Explorer

Refed: **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: Disabled by default: Microsoft ups the ante in its war against VBScript on Internet Explorer
Date: 05 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook
Disabled by default: Microsoft ups the ante in its war against VBScript on Internet Explorer; Will the last IE 11 user please turn out the lights?

At the 1996 Moscone MDC (Microsoft Developers Conference) ... all the banners said "Internet" ... but the constant refrain in every session ... was "protect your investment" ... aka all your VBScript applications would continue to run ... especially automated executed scripts embedded in data files. This paradigm didn't translate well from the closed, small, local business LANs to the wild anarchy of the Internet. Up until then the two major Internet exploits had been buffer overflow and social engineering. After that, the new major threat that came to dominate was automated executed VBScript (which gave rise to virus scanning industry).

past posts mentionin 1996 Moscone MDC: Virus propagation risks Identifying Latest zOS Fixes The lost art of real programming Where are all the old tech workers? Steve B sees what investors think It's all K&R's fault Before the Internet: The golden age of online services weird trivia Is it a lost cause? Old hardware Ironic old "fortune" Ransomware on Mainframe application ? Jean Sammet, Co-Designer of a Pioneering Computer Language, Dies at 89 Mainframe Networking problems The Microsoft security hole at the heart of Russian election hacking Windows 10 Pro automatic update Mannix "computer in a briefcase" Netscape: The Fire That Filled Silicon Valley's First Bubble

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Newsflash: Trump and DeVos Do Not Want to Get Government Out of For-Profit College Industry

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: Newsflash: Trump and DeVos Do Not Want to Get Government Out of For-Profit College Industry
Date: 05 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook
Newsflash: Trump and DeVos Do Not Want to Get Government Out of For-Profit College Industry
We got a great example of this turning of reality on its head in an otherwise excellent New York Times article on how it appears that Education Secretary Betsy DeVos intervened to ensure that a for profit college run by a political ally (Dream Center) could stay in business even after it was clear that it was about to go bankrupt.
From the standpoint of for-profit colleges, students are just intermediaries that allow them to receive money from the government. They want to be able to receive the money with no strings attached, which is essentially the position that DeVos and Trump are pushing.
... snip ...

Emails Show DeVos Aides Pulled Strings for Failing For-Profit Colleges

Yes, Trump University Was a Massive Scam
Trump University: It's Worse Than You Think
What Trump University was really like -- according to a former professor
Judge finalizes $25 million Trump University settlement for students of 'sham university'

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

China's VT5 tank adds 'active protection'

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: China's VT5 tank adds 'active protection'
Date: 05 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook
China's VT5 tank adds 'active protection'; Made-for-export light battle tank bolstered with high-tech defensive systems and new sensors
Weighing between 33 to 35 tons, the VT5 is only about half the weight of main battle tanks like the US M1A2, allowing it to run faster with quicker acceleration, beating most other tanks by a large margin.
... snip ...

There is old "marine" story about being forced to take M1 Abrams in order to make up the manufacturer's quantity discount (for the Army) ... while analysis showed that 95% of marine mission profiles were areas that have 35Ton load limit ... while the Abrams were 65-70Ton. M1 Abrams were originally designed for tank slugfest with the Soviets on the planes of Europe. In the 80s, US spent a boatload of money upgrading Germany's roads and bridges to handle Abrams. Now the Army have huge number of mothballed Abrams and doesn't want more, but congress (military-industrial-congressional complex) keeps appropriating money for more new Abrams.

2000 mothballed Abrams
says there is road/bridge classification, but doesn't give any examples.
Congress Again Buys Abrams Tanks the Army Doesn't Want
New Abrams are 80Ton

... and eventually autonomous

Israel unveils prototype 'tanks of the future'
Israel Defense Ministry Unveils `Combat Vehicle of the Future'

military-industrial(-congressional) complex posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

IBM 360/67

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: IBM 360/67
Date: 05 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook
original announce was 360/60 & 360/70 ... both with the same 1msec memory ... this was upgraded to 750nsec memory and re-announced as 360/65 and 360/75.

360/67 (simplex) was basically 360/65 with dynamic address translation added. Multiprocessor 360/67 was a lot more different than 360/65 multiprocessor. two processor 360/65 basically shared the same memory but had all their own dedicated processsor channels (simulated multiprocessor I/O configurations by having dual-channel controllers connected to the processor specific channels at the same address).

360/67 multiprocessor configuration controller, multi-ported memory, all processors could access all channels ... and channel I/O and CPU could access different memory banks concurrently. The "control registers" could also "sense" the configuration controller switch settings. Original announce was for up to 4-way processor configurations ... but mostly two-way were built except for one three processor for the (Lockheed) MOL (manned orbital laboratory) project .... the three processor in addition to "sensing" configuration switch settings ... could also set values in the control registers to change the configuration settings ... details in 360/67 funcchar at bitsaver

SMP, multiprocessor and/or compare&swap posts

Lot more 360/67, science center, tss/360, cp/67, and lincoln labs (lincoln labs had 2-processor 360/67) history in melinda's history document (science center 1st installed CP67 at lincoln labs ... after the science center itself ... and then at the univ. last week Jan1968 ... and I got to rewrite a large amount of the code)

there was a joke that tss/360 had 1200 people working on it when cp67/cms had 12 people

you might also like this ... somebody doing some research ... since gone 404 ... but lives on at wayback machine

... oh and continues on

past posts mentioning Melinda's history paper S/360 operating systems geneaology IBM Plugs Big Iron to the College Crowd A second look at memory access alignment TSO replacement? IBM/Watson autobiography--thoughts on? virtual 360/67 support in cp67 Determining processor status without IPIs About TLB in lower-level caches About TLB in lower-level caches About TLB in lower-level caches About TLB in lower-level caches MCTS History of first use of all-computerized typesetting? virtual memory PDP-1 Why these original FORTRAN quirks?; Now : Programming practices threads versus task CMSBACK 1960s railroad data processing on L&N The Future of CPUs: What's After Multi-Core? Scholars needed to build a computer history bibliography Running REXX program in a batch job source for VAX programmers old internal network references Article says mainframe most cost-efficient platform What is the protocal for GMT offset in SMTP (e-mail) header TSS (Transaction Security System) OT: CPL on LCM systems [was Re: COBOL will outlive us all] IBM Embraces Virtual Memory -- Finally DEC introduces PDP-6 [was Re: IBM introduces System/360] A crashing disappointment!

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

IBM 360/67

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: IBM 360/67
Date: 05 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook
re: IBM 360/67

Before graduation, I was hired into small group in the Boeing CFO office to help with the formation of Boeing Computer Services (consolidate all dataprocessing into independent business unit to better monetize the investment, including services for non-Boeing entities. At the time, I thought Renton datacenter possibly largest in the world ($200M-$300m in 360s, 60s $$$), 360/65s were arriving faster than they could be installed and boxes constantly staged in the hallways around the machine room. Boeing also had disaster plan ... that Mt. Rainier heats up and the resulting mud slide takes out the renton datacenter ... and the cost to Boeing being without the renton datacenter for a week was supposedly greater than the cost of the renton datacenter ... so the plan was to replicate the renton datacenter up at the new 747 plant (747#3 was flying skies of seattle getting faa flt certification) at Paine field. There was lots of politics between the CFO and head of renton ... CFO had 360/30 for boeing payroll (although they enlarged the machine room to install a 1mbyte, single processor 360/67 for me) while head of renton had enormoursly more 360s. When I graduate, instead of staying at Boeing, I join the science center at MIT.

Both the IBM branch people and the Boeing people tell story when 360 was initially announced. Boeing walks into the salesman office and orders boatload of 360s, the salesman knows very little about 360s ... but in the days of straight commission makes him the highest paid IBM employee that year. IBM then switches to quotas ... and next january, Boeing walks in with another large 360 order ... and salesman makes quota for the year. IBM then "adjusts" his quota and he leaves.

In the early 80s, I'm introduced to John Boyd and I would sponsor his briefings at IBM. He had a lot of stories, including about very vocal that the electronics across the trail wouldn't work ... so possibly as punishment, he is put in command of "spook base" ... he said that it had the largest air conditioned bldg in that part of the world. His biographies claim that "spook base" was a $2.5B windfall for IBM (again 60s $$$), ten times renton. "spook base" reference (but lives on at wayback machine)

Boyd posts & URLs

post posts mentioning IBM transition from commission to quota Killer Hard Drives - Shrapnel? bps loader, was PLX Integer types for 128-bit addressing T3 Sues IBM To Break its Mainframe Monopoly search engine history, was Happy DEC-10 Day z196 sysplex question Mainframe upgrade done with wire cutters? Who was the Greatest IBM President and CEO of the last century? movie "Airport" on cable Top IBM Salespeople Are Leaving In Droves, Say Those Who Have Quit Quitting Top IBM Salespeople Say They Are Leaving In Droves Why IBM chose MS-DOS, was Re: 'Free Unix!' made30yearsagotoday IBM Sales Fall Again, Pressuring Rometty's Profit Goal Univac 90 series info posted on bitsavers HP splits, again Ginni gets bonus, plus raise, and extra incentives IBM CEO Rometty gets bonus despite company's woes Hidden Figures and the IBM 7090 computer Reminder over in linkedin, IBM Mainframe announce 7April1964 Building the System/360 Mainframe Nearly Destroyed IBM System/360 consoles

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

IBM 360/67

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: IBM 360/67
Date: 05 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook
re: IBM 360/67 IBM 360/67

There was SIGP to signal other processor that you wanted it to do something and MP atomic test&set instruction for serialized locking on both 65 and 67 ... however OS/360 MP/65 primarily just used test&set in the interrupt handlers (I/O, SVC, etc) to serialize execution on only one processor at the time in the privileged operating system (kernel). One of the reasons that MVT tended to claim that two processor 360/65 had 1.2-1.3 times the throughput of single processor (since if one processor was already executing in the operating system, and the other processor entered an interrupt handler ... it would just have to spin waiting for the other processor to leave the operating system (enter wait and enter application execution).

When Charlie was doing fine-grain locking at the science center for CP/67 (lots & lots of locks allowing high level of operating system concurrent operation), he invented compare&swap instruction (name chosen because CAS are charlie's initials). We then tried to get compare&swap added to 370. It was initially rejected, the 370 architecture owners claimed that the POK favorite son operating system people (OS/360 MVT ... transition to MVS) said that test&set was more than sufficient (since the primarily just ran a single spin lock).

The 370 architecture owners said to get compare&swap justified for 370, we would have to come up with additional uses other than kernel locking. Thus was born the examples that are still included in principles of operation .... showing how compare&swap can be used by multi-threaded applications (like CICS, IMS, etc) even when running on single processor machines.

SMP, multiprocessor and/or compare&swap posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

IBM 370/195

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: IBM 370/195
Date: 05 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook
San Jose Research had MVT 370/195 that could have 3month job queue backup. Palo Alto Science Center eventually created a background checkpoint for their VM/370 370/145 system. 195 system was 30 times faster than 145 ... but PASC could get 3-4week turn around from 145 (using offshift cycles) compared to possibly 2-3month from 195.

I've periodically mentioned that one of my hobbies after joining IBM was enhanced operating systems for internal datacenters. After transferring to San Jose, I did bullet proof one for bldg. 14&15 disk engineering and product test systems. Bldg 15 got 2nd (or 3rd?) engineering 3033 from POK for disk channel testing. Testing took at most a percent or two of the 3033 ... so we setup an online service for using the rest of the machine.

There was somebody doing air bearing simulation for floating disk head design ... and with high priority was getting 2-3 week turn around on the 195. We set him up on the 3033 where he could get several turn arounds a day (even tho 3033 was less then half the processor thruput of 195).

trivia: when I first wandered into bldg 14&15 ... they were doing stand-alone testing prescheduled 7x24. At one point they had tried MVS to do some concurrent testing, but it turns out MVS had 15minute mean-time-to-failure (requiring manual re-ipl) in that environment. I offered to do bullet-proof, never fail input/output supervisor so they could do any amount of on-demand concurrent testing (greatly improving productivity).

getting to play disk engineer in bldgs 14&15 posts

there was rumor that the lamp test switch on some model (with large number of lights) had to be crippled.

I had got sucked in by the 370/195 people to work with them doing a hyperthread version ... simulating multiprocessor with two instruction streams (PSWs), two sets of registers, etc (sort of the precursor to current hyperthreaded processors). there is early IBM patent on it from ACS/360 supercomputer program (that got shudown primarily because executives thot it would advance state-of-the-art too fast and IBM would loose control of the market) ... ref here ... towards the bottom ("Sidebar: Multithreading").

195 had pipeline instruction stream and out-of-order execution ... but no speculative execution, so conditional branch drained the pipeline ... it took careful programming to keep it at 10MIPs but most codes ran at half throughput (5MIPs) because of conditional branch and pipeline draining. objective of hyperthreading was two different instruction streams (nominally running at 5MIPs) would keep the pipeline full.

It never came to fruition ... likely because the decision being made to virtual memory and no retrofit of virtual memory to 195. Also as I have mentioned in recent thread, OS/360 (MVT, MVS) multiprocessor support had bottleneck with kernel spin-lock so usually only claimed 1.2-1.3 throughput of single processor. IBM 360/67

the 370/195 people said that primary difference between 360/195 & 370/195 (besides the couple new instructions) was instruction retry ... which helped mask a lot of transient hardware failures

smp, multiprocessor and/or compare&swap posts

recent posts mentioning 360/195 hyperthreading How the internet was invented Dinosaurisation of we oldies? "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967) Resurrected! Paul Allen's tech team brings 50-year-old supercomputer back from the dead Resurrected! Paul Allen's tech team brings 50-year-old supercomputer back from the dead Is multiprocessing better then multithreading? Multitasking, together with OS operations 360/95 computer component reliability, 1951 learning Unix, was progress in e-mail, such as AOL Temporary Data Sets BYTE Magazine Pentomino Article Bottlenecks and Capacity planning instruction clock speed Backwards compatibility

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

IBM 3330 & 3380

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: IBM 3330 & 3380
Date: 07 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook
not 2314->3330 but 3330->3380

there was internal program that monitored all disk activity and generated output for moving 3330 data to 3380 ... load balancing 3330 data across available 3380 drives and not filling 3380 more than 80% full.

The issue was the 3380 capacity increased more than performance increased ... filling 3380 completely full would create contention and slow down the system (the cost of degraded system throughput totally swamp any savings in disk costs).

At SHARE we had a joke to defeat the bean counters ... strategy to offer a "fast" 3380 at higher cost (that viewed empty space on disk as wasted resources) ... basically a microcode load that only used half of 3380 disk ... the bean counters could have done it themselves at the cost of normal 3380 ... but bean counters were unable to actually do it (those unfilled cylinders just preyed on their mind) ... so the microcode fiction at higher cost.

Starting in the mid-70s I started complaining about slowing disks. By the early 80s, I was claiming that relative system disk throughput had declined by a factor of ten times since the 60s ... disks got 3-5 times faster but systems got 40-50 times faster ... so their relative system throughput had lost ten times. Some disk executive took exception to my claims and assigned the division performance group to refute my claims. After a few weeks they came back and essentially said that I had slightly understated the problem. The analysis was then respun into a SHARE presentation on how to manage disk configurations for improved system throughput (B874 @ SHARE 63). old posts with pieces of B874.

old post with pieces showing parts of the original claim (compare 2314 to 3380)

more recently I've been pointing out that processor cache miss latency to memory, when measured in count of processor cycles, is about the same as 60s disk access letency when measured in count of 60s processor cycles. A couple decades ago some platforms started doing out-of-order execution and hyperthreading for the equivalent 60s multiprogramming to overlap execution while waiting for disk i/o (some eventually shows up more recently in IBM mainframes, claim that half of per processor improvement from z10->z196 was introduction of some of these features).

trivia: long ago and far away ... after transfer to SJR, I did some work on the original SQL/relational implementation, "System/R" ... and participated in tech transfer to Endicott for SQL/DS ... "under the radar" while the corporation was preoccupied with the "official" next DBMS "EAGLE". Then when "EAGLE" failed, there was request how fast could System/R be ported to MVS ... which was eventually announced as DB2 (originally for decision support *ONLY*). Note during System/R days in the 70s, there was some contention with the IMS group down the road at STL.

system/r posts

trivia2: I was asked on customer ibm-main conferencing system if I could track down the original justification to move all 370 to virtual memory. Tracked down the explanation that showed IBM executives the MVT horrible storage management required MVT region sizes to be four times larger than typically used. As a result typical customer 370/165 1mbyte system was limited to four regions. Going to 16mbyte virtual memoy would allow the number of regions to be increased by a factor of four times (allowing for significant more computer processing overlapping with disk i/o) with little or no page I/O. Old ibm-main post with some of the details

some old posts talking about z10->z196 Under what circumstances would it be a mistake to migrate applications/workload off the mainframe? Is end of mainframe near ? Over in the Mainframe Experts Network LinkedIn group Over in the Mainframe Experts Network LinkedIn group A New Performance Model ? IBM Automatic (COBOL) Binary Optimizer Now Availabile Is there a source for detailed, instruction-level performance info? You count as an old-timer if (was Re: Origin of the phrase "XYZZY") Bottlenecks and Capacity planning IBM mainframe today

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

How the Supreme Court Is Rebranding Corruption

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: How the Supreme Court Is Rebranding Corruption
Date: 10 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook
How the Supreme Court Is Rebranding Corruption
But wait, there's more. The Roberts Supreme Court has also rebranded corruption by changing what counts as white-collar crimes. In Skilling v. US (a case brought by disgraced ex-CEO of Enron Jeff Skilling challenging his 24-year prison sentence for defrauding the company's shareholders), the Supreme Court agreed with Skilling that he should not have been charged with honest services fraud because his crimes did not involve a bribe or a kickback. This Supreme Court decision led to Skilling getting 10 years shaved off of his original sentence. He was released from jail in 2018 and left his halfway house in 2019. He is now a free man.
... snip ...

Jeffrey Skilling, Former Enron Chief, Released After 12 Years in Prison

Rhetoric on floor of congress was that Sarbanes-Oxley would prevent future ENRONs and guarantee that executives and auditors did jailtime, however it required SEC to do something. Possibly because even GAO didn't believe SEC was doing anything, it started publishing analysis of public company fraudulent financial statements ... even showing they increased after SOX goes into effect and nobody doing jailtime.

Later at the congressional MADOFF hearings, they had the person that had tried unsuccesfully for a decade to get SEC to do something about MADOFF (SEC hands were finally forced when MADOFF turned himself in). Congress asked him if new regulations were needed. He said that while new regulations might be needed, more important was transparency and visibility (possibly because SEC wasn't enforcing the existing regulations).

Another kind of example, as the economic mess was blowing up, wallstreet lobbying groups were working with FBI to have the definition of "mortgage fraud" to only apply to "borrowers", even though financial institutions were primarily responsible for the enormous amount of mortgage fraud.

... note Time's #2 for economic mess ... Now better known for GLBA and repeal of Glass-Steagall (enabling Too Big To Fail, used as excuse for not holding TBTF accountable), but on the list for legislation blocking regulation of CDS gambling bets (derivatives).,28804,1877351_1877350_1877330,00.html

Born, CFTC chair, suggested regulating derivatives.

Gramm's wife replaces Born, while Gramm gets legislation passed blocking derivative regulation), then his wife resigns to join Enron board (and audit committee).
Enron was a major contributor to Mr. Gramm's political campaigns, and Mr. Gramm's wife, Wendy, served on the Enron board, which she joined after stepping down as chairwoman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.
... snip ...

gone 404, but lives on at wayback machine
A few days after she got the ball rolling on the exemption, Wendy Gramm resigned from the commission. Enron soon appointed her to its board of directors, where she served on the audit committee, which oversees the inner financial workings of the corporation. For this, the company paid her between $915,000 and $1.85 million in stocks and dividends, as much as $50,000 in annual salary, and $176,000 in attendance fees
... snip ...

slightly different description: "Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right"
The most fateful Mercatus Center hire might have been Wendy Gramm, an economist and director at the giant Texas energy company Enron who was the wife of Senator Phil Gramm, the powerful Texas Republican. In the mid-1990s, she became the head of Mercatus's Regulatory Studies Program.

There, she pushed Congress to support what came to be known as the Enron Loophole, exempting the type of energy derivatives from which Enron profited from regulatory oversight. Both Enron and Koch Industries, which also was a major trader of derivatives, lobbied desperately for the loophole.

Some experts foresaw danger. In 1998, Brooksley Born, chair of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, warned that the lucrative but risky derivatives market needed more government oversight.

But Senator Gramm, who chaired the Senate Banking Committee, ignored such warnings, crafting a deregulatory bill made to order for Enron and Koch, called the Commodity Futures Modernization Act.
... snip ...

but from the law of unintended consequences, Jan1999 I was asked to try and help stop the coming economic mess. Some investment bankers had walked away "clean" from the S&L crisis, were then doing Internet IPO mills (invest a few mil, hype, IPO for a couple billion, should fail, to leave field clear for next round), and were projected to get into securitized mortgages next. Some securitized mortgages had been used to obfuscate fraudulent mortgages during the S&L crisis, posterchild was office bldgs in Dallas/Ft.Worth area that turned out to be empty lots. I was to improve the integrity of securitized mortgage supporting documents as countermeasure.

They then find that they could pay rating agencies for triple-A (when the rating agencies knew they weren't worth triple-A, from Oct2008 congressional testimony). Triple-A trumps supporting documents and they can start doing no-documentation, no-down, liar loans (pay for triple-A and immediately sell everything into the bond market, largely enabling being able to do over $27T, trillion! 2001-2008) w/o supporting documents, there is no issue of document integrity ... and the triple-A rating means that they no longer have to care about loan quality or borrowers' qualifications.

They then realize that they can design securitized mortgages to fail, pay for triple-A, sell into the bond market and take out CDS gambling bets (derivatives) that they would fail (creating enormous demand for dodgy loans, now they cared about borrowers' qualifications, but not in the traditional way).. The largest holder of these derivatives was AIG which was negotiating to pay off at 50cents on the dollar when SECTREAS steps in and has them sign paper they can't sue those making the bets, and take TARP funds to pay off at face value. The largest recipient of TARP funds was AIG and the largest recipient of face value payoffs was firm formally headed by SECTREAS.

Note that SECTREAS had lobbied hard to get congress to appropriate his TARP funds, supposedly to buy offbook toxic assets (securitized mortgages and loans), however with just $700B appropriated, it would have hardly made a dent in the problem, with just the four largest Too Big To Fail carrying over $5.2T year-end 2008. It was left to the Federal Reserve to do the real bailout, buying trillions in toxic assets and providing tens of trillions in ZIRP funds.
$27T reference
the bloomberg "four largest TBTF, $5.2T reference is gone":
At the end of 2008, for example, off-balance-sheet assets at just the four biggest U.S. banks -- Bank of America Corp., Citigroup Inc., JPMorgan Chase & Co. and Wells Fargo & Co. -- were about $5.2 trillion, according to their 2008 annual filings.
... snip ...

but this is later from 2015, Reuters saying the top six still held $3.3T:
With their access to off-balance-sheet entities largely preserved, the banks continue to hold vast sums of securitized loans offshore and off their books. Together, JPMorgan Chase & Co, Bank of America Corp, Citigroup, Wells Fargo & Co, Goldman Sachs Group Inc and Morgan Stanley hold nearly $3.3 trillion of securitized loans in off-balance-sheet entities.
... snip ...

Jan2009 (decade later), I was asked to HTML'ize the Pecora Hearings (30s senate hearings into '29crash, responsible for criminal convictions and jailtime) with lots of internal HREFs and URLs between what happened this time and what happened then (comments that the new congress might have appetite to do something). I work on it over a couple of months and then get a call saying it won't be needed after all (comments about enormous mountains of wallstreet cash totally burying capital hill, possibly only 2-3 honest members of congress left).

in the 80s, former CIA director and vice-president repeatedly claimed he knew nothing about
because he was full-time administration point person deregulating the financial industry causing the S&L crisis
along with other members of his family
and another

Republicans and Saudis bailing out the Bushes.

another family member presides over the economic mess after turn of century, 70 times larger than his father's S&L crisis. S&L crisis had 1000 criminal convictions with jailtime, proportionally the economic mess should have 70,000 with jailtimes.

... the Federal Reserve fought hard legal battle to prevent disclosing that they were doing the real bailout. When they lost and the details became public, the FED Chair held a press conference. He said that he believed that the TBTF would have used the ZIRP funds to help main street ... but when they didn't (buying treasuries and banking the spread, at least $300B/annum), he had no way to force them ... but that didn't stop the ZIRP funds. Note that the FED Chair had been chosen in part because of having been a student of the '29crash & depression ... when the FED had tried something similar with the same results ... so there should have been no expectation of anything different this time.

Enron posts
Sarbanes-Oxley posts
financial reporting fraud
economic mess posts
(triple-A rated) toxic CDO posts
fed chairman posts
ZIRP posts
'29 crash, Pecora Hearings, FDIC insured and/or Glass-Steagall posts
S&L crisis posts
Madoff posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

What Happened to Aung San Suu Kyi?

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: What Happened to Aung San Suu Kyi?
Date: 10 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook
What Happened to Aung San Suu Kyi?
Many Burmese resent people of South Asian descent, in part because when Britain governed Myanmar (then Burma) as part of India, it put Indians in positions of authority. And many Burmese Buddhists fear the fate of countries such as Afghanistan and Indonesia, where an intolerant strain of Islam--at times financed by Saudi Arabia--has supplanted Buddhism.
... snip ...

note, from truth is stranger than fiction and law of unintended consequences that come back to bite you
There was also a calculated decision to use the Saudis as surrogates in the cold war. The United States actually encouraged Saudi efforts to spread the extremist Wahhabi form of Islam as a way of stirring up large Muslim communities in Soviet-controlled countries. (It didn't hurt that Muslim Soviet Asia contained what were believed to be the world's largest undeveloped reserves of oil.)
... snip ...

Saudi radical extremist Islam/Wahhabi loosened on the world ... bin Laden & 15of16 9/11 were Saudis

other recent refs: Declassified CIA Document Reveals Iraq War Had Zero Justification Global Warming and U.S. National Security Diplomacy

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Facebook Knows More About You Than the CIA

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: Facebook Knows More About You Than the CIA
Date: 10 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook
Facebook Knows More About You Than the CIA

As an undergraduate I redid some amount of os/360 ... but especially redid/rewrote lots of cp/67 (precursor to vm370) ... since CP/67 was shipped with full (machine readable source). I never knew about these guys at the time (ref. gone 404, but lives on at the wayback machine)
but IBM would suggest things for me to rewrite in CP67, and in retrospect some of the suggestions may have originated from gov. agencies.

After joining IBM I was asked to give computer/security classes at the agency. They would sometimes brag offline that they knew where I was every day of my life back to birth (and challenged me to name any date) ... weird because I never worked for the gov. and/or have had a clearance ... possibly justified since they ran so much of my software (however this was all before the Church commission) ... there were even people who believed I worked for the agency ... even some agency people.

Trivia: some of them were active in (IBM customer user group) SHARE
They chose as their SHARE installation code: CAD (supposedly for "cloak-and-dagger"). I've mentioned before that in AUG1976, TYMSHARE
started offering their CMS-based online computer conferencing system free to SHARE in Aug1976 ... archives here (sometimes you can find their CAD installation code)

Other trivia, in the same timeframe, IBM got a new CSO that had came from gov. service (at one time head of presidential detail) and I was asked to spend some time traveling with him, talking about computer security (and little bit of physical security rubbed off on me).

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Facebook Knows More About You Than the CIA

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: Facebook Knows More About You Than the CIA
Date: 10 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook
re: Facebook Knows More About You Than the CIA

original announce was 360/60 & 360/70 ... both with the same 1msec memory ... this was upgraded to 750nsec memory and re-announced as 360/65 and 360/75.

360/67 (simplex) was basically 360/65 with dynamic address translation added. Multiprocessor 360/67 was a lot more different than 360/65 multiprocessor. two processor 360/65 basically shared the same memory but had all their own dedicated processsor channels (simulated multiprocessor I/O configurations by having dual-channel controllers connected to the processor specific channels at the same address).

360/67 multiprocessor configuration controller, multi-ported memory, all processors could access all channels ... and channel I/O and CPU could access different memory banks concurrently. The "control registers" could also "sense" the configuration controller switch settings. Original announce was for up to 4-way processor configurations ... but mostly two-way were built except for one three processor for the (Lockheed) MOL (manned orbital laboratory) project .... the three processor in addition to "sensing" configuration switch settings ... could also set values in the control registers to change the configuration settings ... details in 360/67 funcchar at bitsaver

Lot more 360/67, science center, tss/360, cp/67, and lincoln labs (lincoln labs had 2-processor 360/67) history in melinda's history document (science center 1st installed CP67 at lincoln labs ... after the science center itself ... and then at the univ. last week Jan1968 ... and I got to rewrite a large amount of the code)

there was a joke that tss/360 had 1200 people working on it when cp67/cms had 12 people

you might also like this ... somebody doing some research ... since gone 404 ... but lives on at wayback machine

... oh and continues on
and more ....

There was SIGP to signal other processor that you wanted it to do something and MP atomic test&set instruction for serialized locking on both 65 and 67 ... however OS/360 MP/65 primarily just used test&set in the interrupt handlers (I/O, SVC, etc) to serialize execution on only one processor at the time in the privileged operating system (kernel). One of the reasons that MVT tended to claim that two processor 360/65 had 1.2-1.3 times the throughput of single processor (since if one processor was already executing in the operating system, and the other processor entered an interrupt handler ... it would just have to spin waiting for the other processor to leave the operating system (enter wait and enter application execution).

When Charlie was doing fine-grain locking at the science center for CP/67 (lots & lots of locks allowing high level of operating system concurrent operation), he invented compare&swap instruction (name chosen because CAS are charlie's initials). We then tried to get compare&swap added to 370. It was initially rejected, the 370 architecture owners claimed that the POK favorite son operating system people (OS/360 MVT ... transition to MVS) said that test&set was more than sufficient (since the primarily just ran a single spin lock).

The 370 architecture owners said to get compare&swap justified for 370, we would have to come up with additional uses other than kernel locking. Thus was born the examples that are still included in principles of operation .... showing how compare&swap can be used by multi-threaded applications (like CICS, IMS, etc) even when running on single processor machines.

SMP multiprocessor and/or compare&swap posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Facebook Knows More About You Than the CIA

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: Facebook Knows More About You Than the CIA
Date: 10 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook
re Facebook Knows More About You Than the CIA Facebook Knows More About You Than the CIA

one of the things I did as undergraduate in the 60s, was get OS/360 system generation to run in standard job stream ... significantly cut elapsed time as well as not needing dedicated time. Getting stage1 sysgen to run was fairly straight forward ... the trick was the stage2 output. The initial primary motivation was carefully tore stage2 apart and put it back together for dataset and PDS member order for optimized disk arm motion (I got about 3times speed for typical univ. workload). Once I had done that ... there wasn't a whole lot more work to get stage2 to run in production system (w/HASP ... compared to running with the starter system). Early on needed stand along time ... but the univ. shutdown the datacenter from 8am sat until 8am monday .... and I had the whole place dedicated to myself ... although 48hrs w/o sleep could make a monday morning class a little hard. It is fairly obvious to keep the highest used dataset/members close together to minimize seek distance. Less obvious was placing the highest used members at the front of the PDS dataset to minimize the multi-track PDS directory search time.

Old post with part of presentation I gave at fall '68 SHARE meeting.

Shows running OS/360 benchmark running with and w/o CP67 ... as well as under CP67 after I rewrote major CP67 portions (mostly during summer 1968)

Benchmark was student job workload that originally ran less than a second per job on 709 (tape-to-tape, with manually moving tape between 709 and 1401 doing unit record).

Initial move to OS/360 360/65 (67 running in 65 mode) was well over a minute per job ... nearly 100 times increase. Installing HASP cut time nearly in half to something over 30 seconds. Redoing stage2 SYSGEN to optimize disk activity, got it down to 12.9seconds per job.

Initially running OS/360 under CP/67 increased time to about what it was before I did the SYSGEN optimization (the SYSGEN optimization was cutting disk wait time, while CP/67 increase was all CP67 CPU overhead).

univ student job benchmark

322 seconds elapsed 856 seconds ... added 534 seconds CP67 cpu overhead 435 seconds ... cut to 113 seconds CP67 cpu overhead, reducing CP67 overhead by 421 CPU secs

trivia the STAGE2 sysgen redo cut 500-some seconds off benchmark in disk wait time, the initial OS360 under CP67 added 500+seconds to benchmark in CP67 cpu overhead, I then rewrote lots of CP67 and got the CP67 overhead down to 113 CPU secs (cutting 421 CPU secs)

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Decline of IBM

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: Decline of IBM
Date: 10 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook
In the early 80s, I was introduced to John Boyd and would sponsor his briefings at IBM. He would refer to former military officers were starting to destroy US corporate culture with their ingrained rigid, top-down, command&control (decisions had to be forced up to the very top because only they were qualified to making decisions). However, that was about the same time that articles were starting to appear that MBAs were destroying US corporations with their myopic focus on quarterly results (some amount of that was discussed in "Tandem Memos" ... part of the internal online computer conferencing that I was blamed for in the late 70s and early 80s).

also from: The Price of Inequality: How Today's Divided Society Endangers Our Future, pg35/loc1169-73:
In business school we teach students how to recognize, and create, barriers to competition -- including barriers to entry -- that help ensure that profits won't be eroded. Indeed, as we shall shortly see, some of the most important innovations in business in the last three decades have centered not on making the economy more efficient but on how better to ensure monopoly power or how better to circumvent government regulations intended to align social returns and private rewards
... snip ...

Besides the part of former officers steeped in rigid, top-down, command&control destroying US corporate culture ... one of his other lines was
"There are two career paths in front of you, and you have to choose which path you will follow. One path leads to promotions, titles, and positions of distinction.... The other path leads to doing things that are truly significant for the Air Force, but the rewards will quite often be a kick in the stomach because you may have to cross swords with the party line on occasion. You can't go down both paths, you have to choose. Do you want to be a man of distinction or do you want to do things that really influence the shape of the Air Force? To be or to do, that is the question." Colonel John R. Boyd, USAF 1927-1997
... snip ...

used at the dedication of Boyd Hall, United States Air Force Weapons School, Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada. 17 September 1999. Somewhat of a surprise since the USAF had pretty much disowned Boyd and it was the Marines at Arlington ... and his effects went to Quantico. Part of the problem was offending the strategic bomber crowd having redone the original F15 design (cutting weight nearly in half) and responsible for the YF16 & YF17 (which become the F16 and F18).

John Boyd on Clausewitz: Don't Fall in Love with Your Mental Model
A New Concept of War, John Boyd, the U.S. Marines, and Maneuver Warfare
John Boyd's Art of War; Why our greatest military theorist only made colonel.
Spinney tribute to John Boyd (for those with subscriptions)
lives free at
other refs:

Boyd posts & URLs

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Decline of IBM

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: Decline of IBM
Date: 10 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook
re: Decline of IBM

"Down fall" of IBM could be considered to have started with FS "failure" Ferguson & Morris, "Computer Wars: The Post-IBM World", Time Books, 1993 .... reference to the "Future System" project 1st half of the 70s, was going to completely replace 370 and 370 efforts were being shutdown, the lack of 370 products during the period is credited with giving clone processor makers market foothold:
... and perhaps most damaging, the old culture under Watson Snr and Jr of free and vigorous debate was replaced with sycophancy and make no waves under Opel and Akers. It's claimed that thereafter, IBM lived in the shadow of defeat
But because of the heavy investment of face by the top management, F/S took years to kill, although its wrong headedness was obvious from the very outset. "For the first time, during F/S, outspoken criticism became politically dangerous," recalls a former top executive.
... snip ...

AMEX and KKR were in competition for private-equity, LBO, leveraged-buyout of RJR ... and KKR wins:

KKR runs into problems and hires away the AMEX president to help. IBM has gone into the red and was reorganizing into the 13 "baby blues" in preparation for breaking up the company. The board then hires away the former AMEX president ... who reverses the breakup and also uses some of the techniques used at RJR (gone 404, but lives on at wayback machine)

He then leaves IBM to become head of another large private-equity company (buying up gov. contractors & beltway bandits, hiring prominent politicians to lobby having gov. outsourced to their companies, including Snowden's employer)
"Lou Gerstner, former ceo of ibm, now heads the Carlyle Group, a Washington-based global private equity firm whose 2006 revenues of $87 billion were just a few billion below ibm's. Carlyle has boasted George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, and former Secretary of State James Baker III on its employee roster."
... snip ...

enormous uptic in outsourcing last decade, just intelligence: 70% of budget and over half the people
and significantly speeding up the spreading success of failure culture, lots more money for for-profit companies in PE-mills with a series of failures (analogous to military-industrial complex "perpetual war", actually winning a war might reduce the budget) ... claims that it also significantly contributes to the Intelligence failures.

private equity posts
gerstner posts
posts referencing pensions
success of failure posts

also rise and fall of IBM ... from mid-90s by former IBM executive

a period where the company was being restructured into what this time magazine reference called the 13 "baby blues" ... in preparation for splitting up the company ... "fall of ibm" article from 28Dec1992 "How IBM Was Left Behind" (gone behind paywall, but mostly lives free at wayback machine),9171,977353,00.html

re: 13 baby blues & the break up; we had left IBM, but got a call from the bowels of Armonk asking if we could help with some of the breakup mechanics (however before we get started, a new CEO had reversed the breakup). We had been hearing from various people still in IBM that the executives were not paying attention to running the business ... but were myopically concentrating on moving expenses from the following year to the current year. We asked our Armonk contact and he said that the current year was in the red and the top execs won't get their bonuses (no matter how far into the red). However, the way the bonus plan was written, if they could nudge the following year into the black (moving current year further into the red by transferring expenses from the following year), they would get a bonus more than twice as large as any previous bonus (in effect being rewarded for taking the company into the red).

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Decline of IBM

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: Decline of IBM
Date: 10 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook
re: Decline of IBM Decline of IBM

Former IBM CEO John Opel Dies
According to the New York Times, it was Opel who met with Bill Gates, CEO of the then-small software firm Microsoft, to discuss the possibility of using Microsoft PC-DOS OS for IBM's about-to-be-released PC. Opel set up the meeting at the request of Gates' mother, Mary Maxwell Gates. The two had both served on the National United Way's executive committee.
... snip ...

other trivia: before ms/dos
there was Seattle computer
before Seattle computer, there was cp/m
before developing cp/m, kildall worked on cp67/cms (precursor to vm370/cms) at npg (gone 404, but lives on at the wayback machine)

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Decline of IBM

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: Decline of IBM
Date: 10 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook
re: Decline of IBM Decline of IBM Decline of IBM

Not long after the turn of the century, the large cloud operators had started saying they were building their own servers at 1/3rd the cost of brand name servers. Large cloud operator will have several large megadatacenters, each with half million or more servers. IBM unloaded its server business about the time chip vendors started saying that they were shipping over half their server chips directly to cloud megadatacenters ... and that these chips were starting to be custom designed for cloud operations (including aggressively pushing "green operations"). Cloud operations had so drastically reduced server cost that power&cooling were increasingly becoming major part of megadatacenter ... aka cloud operations viewed computing as a cost item, not a profit item.

There are rumors that some of the server makers (still in the business) will do "white box" private clouds close to cost of megadatacenter

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Decline of IBM

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: Decline of IBM
Date: 10 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook
re: Decline of IBM Decline of IBM Decline of IBM Decline of IBM

periodic repost, late 80s, senior disk engineer got a talk scheduled at internal, annual, world-wide communication group conference, supposedly on 3174 performance, but opened the talk that the communication group was going to be responsible for the demise of the disk division. The issue was the communication group had stranglehold on datacenters with its corporate strategic ownership of everything that crossed the datacenter walls and was fighting off client/server and distributed computing trying to preserve their (emulated) dumb terminal paradigm and install base. The disk division was seeing data fleeing the mainframe datacenters to more distributed computing friendly platforms with drop in disk sales. The disk division had come up with a number of solutions, but they were constantly being vetoed by the communication group. The stranglehold that communication group had on IBM (customer) datacenters wasn't just restricted to disks and a few short years later the company has gone into the red (and was being restructured into the 13 "baby blues" in preparation for breaking up the company.

dump, terminal emulation posts gerstner posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Employers escape sanctions, while the undocumented risk lives and prosecution

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From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: Employers escape sanctions, while the undocumented risk lives and prosecution
Date: 11 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook
Employers escape sanctions, while the undocumented risk lives and prosecution

In 1992, AMEX spins off (a lot of its financial outsourcing & IBM mainframe dataprocessing as) "FDC", in the largest IPO up until that time. Mid-90s, FDC and First Financial were in bidding war for purchase of Western Union. FDC drops out because WU was in poor financial shape. Then FDC and First Financial merge (and FDC has to spin off MoneyGram). After the turn of the century there is huge explosion in companies bringing in illegal workers over the border (to work at below minimum wage) and corresponding explosion in WU revenue from illegal workers sending paychecks home. By 2005 (5yrs), WU revenue had increased to the point that it was as large as all the rest of FDC revenue (half of total, including merger with First Financial and other companies). Possibly in part because the president of Mexico invited FDC executives to Mexico to be thrown in jail (for how much WU was making off Mexican workers), FDC spins off WU as independent company.

This has large companies started funding National Chamber of Commerce around the turn of the century to lobby congress on the issue ... even talks about local chapters severing relationships with the national body over the illegal worker issue.

Some number of organizations were looking the other way during the economic mess bubble (lots of work for everybody) ... it becomes a lot more of an issue after the bubble bursts.

Note this is same congress that lets the fiscal responsibility act lapse in 2002 (spending can't exceed tax revenue, on its way to eliminating all federal debt). By 2005, comptroller of the federal government was including in speeches that nobody in congress was capable of middle school arithmetic (for how badly they were savaging the budget). CBO 2010 report that 2003-2009, tax revenue was cut by $6T and spending increased by $6T for a $12T gap compared to fiscal responsibility budget. Sort of confluence of federal reserve and Too Big To Fail wanting huge federal debt, wallstreet and special interests wanting huge tax cut, and military-industrial complex wanting enormous spending increase. This also the administration and congress that look the other way regarding all the stuff happening during the economic mess ... and the fabrication justifying the two (now perpetual) wars.

recent note/post on last decade and the related activities: How the Supreme Court Is Rebranding Corruption

fiscal responsibility posts
US Comptroller General posts
economic mess posts
inequality posts
perpetual war posts
military-industrial(-congressional) complex posts

past posts mentioning "influence machine" Opinions on the 'Unix Haters' Handbook' Opinions on the 'Unix Haters' Handbook' Opinions on the 'Unix Haters' Handbook Cartons of Punch Cards LEO 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95 Thanks Obama Qbasic Qbasic Minimum Wage Minimum Wage One Nation Under God: How Corporate America Invented Christian America Trump's crackdown focuses on people in the U.S. illegally - but not on the businesses that hire them Which States Account for Our Trade Deficit with Mexico? Pushing Out Immigrants Isn't About the Economy More Guns Do Not Stop More Crimes, Evidence Shows Doubts about the HR departments that require knowledge of technology that does not exist We the Corporations: How American Businesses Won Their Civil Rights Barb America Celebrates Lateral Move From Monarchy To Corporate Rule A Tea Party Movement to Overhaul the Constitution Is Quietly Gaining A Short History Of Corporations What Minimum-Wage Foes Got Wrong About Seattle People are Happier in Social Democracies Because There's Less Capitalism Union Pacific Announces 150th Anniversary Celebration Commemorating Transcontinental Railroad's Completion Forget China - it's America's own economic system that's broken; US weakness is inbuilt The Forever War Is So Normalized That Opposing It Is "Isolationism"

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

The Coming of American Fascism, 1920-1940

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From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: The Coming of American Fascism, 1920-1940
Date: 11 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook
The Coming of American Fascism, 1920-1940
The truth, then, is that Long and Coughlin, together with the influential Communist Party and other leftist organizations, helped save the New Deal from becoming genuinely fascist, from devolving into the dictatorial rule of big business. The pressures towards fascism remained, as reactionary sectors of business began to have significant victories against the Second New Deal starting in the late 1930s. But the genuine power that organized labor had achieved by then kept the U.S. from sliding into all-out fascism (in the Marxist sense) in the following decades.
... snip ...

June1940, Germany had a victory celebration at the NYC Waldorf-Astoria with major industrialists. Lots of them were there to hear how to do business with the Nazis

Later 5000 from across the US had conference (also) at NYC Waldorf-Astoria and in part because they had gotten such bad reputation for the depression and supporting Nazi Germany, they funded a large propaganda campaign to equate capitalism with Christianity (as part of refurbishing their horribly corrupt and venal image)

in part, by the early 50s was adding "under god" to the pledge of allegiance, even though founders strongly behind separation of church (/religion) and state; slightly cleaned up version
Even though the movement behind inserting "under God" into the pledge might have been initiated by a private religious fraternity and even though references to God appear in previous versions of the pledge, historian Kevin M. Kruse asserts that this movement was an effort by corporate America to instill in the minds of the people that capitalism and free enterprise were heavenly blessed. Kruse acknowledges the insertion of the phrase was influenced by the push-back against Russian atheistic communism during the Cold War, but argues the longer arc of history shows the conflation of Christianity and capitalism as a challenge to the New Deal played the larger role.[28]

[28] Kevin M. Kruse (March 30, 2015). "How 'One Nation' Didn't Become 'Under God' Until The '50s Religious Revival". NPR.

... snip ...

aka "Coming of America Fascism" shows countered the "New Deal" becoming fascist ... which had been the objective of the capitalists ... and possibly contributed to forcing them further into the Nazi/fascist camp.

past posts mentioning pledge of allegiance 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95 Corporate malfeasance British socialism / anti-trust "One Nation Under God: How Corporate America Invented Christian America" One Nation Under God: How Corporate America Invented Christian America [CM] What was your first home computer? More Guns Do Not Stop More Crimes, Evidence Shows Revealed - the capitalist network that runs the world Doubts about the HR departments that require knowledge of technology that does not exist How American Racism Influenced Hitler; Scholars are mapping the international precursors of Nazism The Persistent Myth of U.S. Precision Bombing tablets and desktops was Has Microsoft old grudges, Computers, anyone? Scientists Just Laid Out Paths to Solve Climate Change. We Aren't on Track to Do Any of Them More Americans Supported Hitler Than You May Think Christian nationalists are trying to seize power -- but progressives have a plan to fight back The Rise of Leninist Personnel Policies People are Happier in Social Democracies Because There's Less Capitalism LUsers Family of Secrets Is America A Christian Nation? Forget China - it's America's own economic system that's broken; US weakness is inbuilt The Forever War Is So Normalized That Opposing It Is "Isolationism" Holocaust Don't Blame Capitalism The global economy is broken, it must work for people, not vice versa

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

The Coming of American Fascism, 1920-1940

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: The Coming of American Fascism, 1920-1940
Date: 11 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook
re: The Coming of American Fascism, 1920-1940

John Foster Dulles played major role in rebuilding Germany's economy, industry and military 20s thru early 40s. The Brothers: John Foster Dulles, Allen Dulles, and Their Secret World War,
In mid-1931 a consortium of American banks, eager to safeguard their investments in Germany, persuaded the German government to accept a loan of nearly $500 million to prevent default. Foster was their agent. His ties to the German government tightened after Hitler took power at the beginning of 1933 and appointed Foster's old friend Hjalmar Schacht as minister of economics.

Foster was stunned by his brother's suggestion that Sullivan & Cromwell quit Germany. Many of his clients with interests there, including not just banks but corporations like Standard Oil and General Electric, wished Sullivan & Cromwell to remain active regardless of political conditions.

At least one other senior partner at Sullivan & Cromwell, Eustace Seligman, was equally disturbed. In October 1939, six weeks after the Nazi invasion of Poland, he took the extraordinary step of sending Foster a formal memorandum disavowing what his old friend was saying about Nazism
... snip ...

From the law of unintended consequences; 1943 US Strategic Bombing Program, they needed German industrial and military targets and locations, they got the information and detailed plans from wallstreet.

posts mention Dulles brothers: UK government plans switch from Microsoft Office to open source UK government plans switch from Microsoft Office to open source Royal Pardon For Turing Royal Pardon For Turing channel islands, definitely not the location of LEO IBM Data Processing Center and Pi Keydriven bit permutations IBM Data Processing Center and Pi Why do we have wars? past of nukes, was Future of support for telephone rotary dial ? Why do we have wars? past of nukes, was Future of support for telephone rotary dial ? past of nukes, was Future of support for telephone rotary dial ? past of nukes, was Future of support for telephone rotary dial ? The Battle of Bretton Woods: John Maynard Keynes, Harry Dexter White, and the Making of a New World Order past of nukes, was Future of support for telephone rotary dial ? God No, the U.S. Air Force Doesn't Need Another Curtis LeMay Fully Restored WWII Fighter Plane Up for Auction End of vacuum tubes in computers? Western Union envisioned internet functionality Eric Holder Returns as Hero to Law Firm That Lobbies for Big Banks Eric Holder, Wall Street Double Agent, Comes in From the Cold 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95 How Corporate America Invented Christian America; Inside one reverend's big business-backed 1940s crusade to make the country conservative again Putin's Great Crime: He Defends His Allies and Attacks His Enemies rationality For those who like to regress to their youth? :-) I Feel Old Shout out to Grace Hopper (State of the Union) Thanks Obama Failure as a Way of Life; The logic of lost wars and military-industrial boondoggles Corporate malfeasance Isolationism and War Profiteering Qbasic Qbasic Qbasic Qbasic Qbasic Qbasic Study: Cost of U.S. Regulations Larger Than Germany's Economy Fateful Choices "Computer & Automation" later issues--anti-establishment thrust British socialism / anti-trust "One Nation Under God: How Corporate America Invented Christian America" Strategic Bombing The Brothers: John Foster Dulles, Allen Dulles, and Their Secret World War Wall Street Preparing Dodd-Frank Rule Workaround America's Over-Hyped Strategic Bombing Experiment Smedley Butler "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967) "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967) "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967) One Nation Under God: How Corporate America Invented Christian America Mary Jo White Seriously Misled The US Senate To Become SEC Chair Jean Tirole's Proposal to Appoint Felons to Monitor CEOs Trump's S.E.C. Nominee Disclosure Offers Rare Glimpse of Clients and Conflicts Godwin's Law should force us to remember & fear our shared heritage with Nazi Germany Imperial Hubris Should America Have Entered World War I? Ironic old "fortune" Ironic old "fortune" The Illusion Of Victory: America In World War I The knives are out for Trump's national security adviser H.R. McMaster 5 Naval Battles That Changed History Forever [CM] What was your first home computer? Early use of word "computer", 1944 The Real Reason You Should See Dunkirk: Hitler Lost World War II There Dunkirk Disregard post (another screwup; absolutely nothing to do with computers whatsoever!) Business as Usual: The Long History of Corporate Personhood endless medical arguments, Disregard post (another screwup) 75 years ago, Hitler invaded Poland. Here's how it happened WW2 Internment When Working From Home Doesn't Work Norden bombsight What if the Kuomintang Had Won the Chinese Civil War? Tech: we didn't mean for it to turn out like this Tech: we didn't mean for it to turn out like this The U.S. was not founded as a Christian nation Russia Invaded Japanese Islands With U.S. Ships -- After Japan Surrendered The First World War Predicting the future in five years as seen from 1983 1963 Timesharing: A Solution to Computer Bottlenecks 1963 Timesharing: A Solution to Computer Bottlenecks The Man From Sullivan & Cromwell More Guns Do Not Stop More Crimes, Evidence Shows Revealed - the capitalist network that runs the world Doubts about the HR departments that require knowledge of technology that does not exist IBM's Chief Executive's Message to Shareholders 75 Years Ago What Lies Beyond Capitalism And Socialism? Post WW2 red hunt How American Racism Influenced Hitler; Scholars are mapping the international precursors of Nazism The Persistent Myth of U.S. Precision Bombing tablets and desktops was Has Microsoft old grudges, Computers, anyone? meanwhile in eastern Asia^WEurope, was tablets and desktops was Has Microsoft Top CEOs' compensation increased 17.6 percent in 2017; The ratio of CEO-to-worker compensation grew to 312-to-1 A Tea Party Movement to Overhaul the Constitution Is Quietly Gaining Scientists Just Laid Out Paths to Solve Climate Change. We Aren't on Track to Do Any of Them More Americans Supported Hitler Than You May Think The Rise of Leninist Personnel Policies Billionaire warlords: Why the future is medieval People are Happier in Social Democracies Because There's Less Capitalism LUsers How corporate America invented 'Christian America' to fight the New Deal Family of Secrets D-Day And The Myth That The U.S. Defeated The Nazis Is America A Christian Nation? Forget China - it's America's own economic system that's broken; US weakness is inbuilt The Forever War Is So Normalized That Opposing It Is "Isolationism" The Forever War Is So Normalized That Opposing It Is "Isolationism" Holocaust

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Magic and Mayhem: The Delusions of American Foreign Policy From Korea to Afghanistan

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From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: Magic and Mayhem: The Delusions of American Foreign Policy From Korea to Afghanistan
Date: 11 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook
Magic and Mayhem: The Delusions of American Foreign Policy From Korea to Afghanistan

from Amazon:
AFGHANISTAN AND IRAQ are the latest in a string of blunders that includes Vietnam and an unintended war with China from 1950 to '53, those four fiascoes being just the worst moments in nearly a lifetime of false urgencies, intelligence failures, grandiose designs, and stereotyping of enemies and allies alike. America brought down the Soviet empire at the cold war's most dangerous juncture, but even that victory was surrounded by myths, such as the conviction that we can easily shape the destinies of other people.

Misjudgments of this scale arise from a pattern of self-deception best described as "magical thinking." When we think magically, we conjure up beliefs that everyone wants to be like us, that America can accomplish anything out of sheer righteousness, and that our own wizardly policymakers will enable gigantic desires like "transforming the Middle East" to happen fast. Mantras of "stability" or "democracy" get substituted for reasoned reflection. Faith is placed in high-tech silver bullets, whether drones over Pakistan or helicopters in Vietnam.

... snip, and book, pg104/loc1608-11:
At the far end of self-deception, emergency men convince themselves that they know how their opponent actually thinks. General MacArthur insisted that no one understood the "Oriental mind" better than he, whether those "minds" were Japanese or Filipino or those of Chinese revolutionaries. In contending with Moscow, Robert McNamara shared a similar conceit.

Big gaps in understanding don't inhibit emergency men. Long after Saigon fell, McNamara could observe that a major lesson for America was to "know your opponent." To emphasize a point so blindingly obvious, indeed the most basic rule of war, shows a disdain for reality. Impossible dreams ensue. As Bundy concluded by 1965, "this damn war is much tougher" than had been anticipated.

Already in 2002 he had been reporting to Langley that Saddam had no active WMD programs, let alone fissile material. His analogy to Oz captures the ever-accreting layers of bureaucracy that arrive as more money is appropriated, more people assigned, all marshaled under the managerial conviction that a new organization chart brings a transformative quality. "The yellow brick road just seemed to get longer and longer" as station chiefs struggled to report to the top. And along the march to folly, the magical persuasions of a culture that refuses to admit error is "one explanation that sure makes sense to me."
... snip ...

Note that this has slant of self-assured "emergency men" going forward firmly believing in America's manifest destiny and they know best. However there are other views.

CIA director Colby wouldn't approve the "Team B" Soviet military analysis, then Rumsfeld gets Colby replaced with Bush1, who would approve "Team B" analysis (justifying huge DOD budget increase), after Rumsfeld replaces Colby, he resigns as white house chief of staff to become SECDEF (and is replaced by his assistant Cheney)

In the 80s, Iran/Iraq war
Former CIA director Bush is VP and Rumsfeld is involved in supporting Saddam and Iraq, including supplying WMDs

Also from 1980s, truth is stranger than fiction and law of unintended consequences that come back to bite you
There was also a calculated decision to use the Saudis as surrogates in the cold war. The United States actually encouraged Saudi efforts to spread the extremist Wahhabi form of Islam as a way of stirring up large Muslim communities in Soviet-controlled countries. (It didn't hurt that Muslim Soviet Asia contained what were believed to be the world's largest undeveloped reserves of oil.)
... snip ...

Saudi radical extremist Islam/Wahhabi loosened on the world ... and after turn of the century, bin Laden & 15of16 9/11 were Saudis

In the early 90s, H.W. is president and Cheney is SECDEF. Sat. photo recon analyst told white house that saddam was marshaling forces to invade Kuwait. White house said that saddam would do no such thing and proceeded to discredit the analyst. Later the analyst informed the white house that saddam was marshaling forces to invade Saudi Arabia, now the white house has to choose between Saddam and the Saudis.

This century, H. is president, Cheney is VP, Rumsfeld is SECDEF and one of the "Team B" member is deputy SECDEF (and major architect of Iraq policy).

Before the invasion, the cousin of white house chief of staff Card ... was dealing with the Iraqis at the UN and was given evidence that WMDs (tracing back to US in the Iran/Iraq war) had been decommissioned. the cousin shared it with Card, Powell and others ... then is locked up in military hospital, the cousin's book was published in 2010 (4yrs before decommissioned WMDs were declassified)

NY Times series from 2014, the decommission WMDs (tracing back to US from Iran/Iraq war), had been found early in the invasion, but the information was classified for a decade

The Military-industrial complex had wanted a war so badly that corporate reps were telling former eastern block countries that if they voted for IRAQ2 invasion in the UN, they would get membership in NATO and (directed appropriation) USAID (can *ONLY* be used for purchase of modern US arms, aka additional congressional gifts to MIC complex not in DOD budget). From the law of unintended consequences, the invaders were told to bypass ammo dumps looking for (the fabricated) WMDs, when they got around to going back to ammo dumps, over a million metric tons had evaporated (amd large artillery shells start showing up in IEDs).

Enormous self-interest, graft and corruption.

"team b" posts
WMD posts
perpetual war posts
military-industrial(-congressional) complex posts

recent graft & corruption posts: Democracy in Chains Bureaucracy and Agile How corporate America invented 'Christian America' to fight the New Deal 7 Charts Exposing The Nation's Pension Nightmare IBM revenue has fallen for 20 quarters -- but it used to run its business very differently Is America A Christian Nation? It's time we tear up our economics textbooks and start over The Forever War Is So Normalized That Opposing It Is "Isolationism" The Forever War Is So Normalized That Opposing It Is "Isolationism" The Forever War Is So Normalized That Opposing It Is "Isolationism" Wage Stagnation The Forever War Is So Normalized That Opposing It Is "Isolationism" The Forever War Is So Normalized That Opposing It Is "Isolationism" Holocaust The Forever War Is So Normalized That Opposing It Is "Isolationism" The Coming Economic Crash -- And How to Stop It Trump's Message to U.S. Intelligence Officials: Be Loyal or Leave Sand and Steel Declassified CIA Document Reveals Iraq War Had Zero Justification Declassified CIA Document Reveals Iraq War Had Zero Justification The global economy is broken, it must work for people, not vice versa The global economy is broken, it must work for people, not vice versa How the Supreme Court Is Rebranding Corruption What Happened to Aung San Suu Kyi? Employers escape sanctions, while the undocumented risk lives and prosecution The Coming of American Fascism, 1920-1940 The Coming of American Fascism, 1920-1940

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Bretton Woods Institutions: Enforcers, Not Saviours?

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From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: Bretton Woods Institutions: Enforcers, Not Saviours?
Date: 12 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook
Bretton Woods Institutions: Enforcers, Not Saviours?
According to their own internal evaluations, both the World Bank (WB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) have huge credibility deficits due to the policy conditionalities and advice they have dispensed to developing countries in recent decade
... snip ...

The Battle of Bretton Woods: John Maynard Keynes, Harry Dexter White, and the Making of a New World Order
Not surprisingly, Triffin's, Rueff's, and Hayek's radical alternatives to Bretton Woods "international money, a revived gold standard, and private money competition" were not congenial to governments, particularly that of the United States. But Friedman's monetarist ideas had legs; they did not threaten to make national central banks irrelevant.
... snip ...

"The Undoing Project" goes into some detail how Kahneman and Tversky disproved (Friedman) economists' assumption that people make rational decisions ...
He had listened to an American economist talk about how so-and-so was stupid and so-and-so was a fool, then said, "All your economic models are premised on people being smart and rational, and yet all the people you know are idiots."

Amos heard over and over from economists and decision theorists that he and Danny had exaggerated human fallibility. Or that the kinks in the mind that they had observed were artificial. Or only present in the minds of college undergraduates. Or . . . something. A lot of people with whom Amos interacted had big investments in the idea that people were rational.
... snip ...

Harry Dexter triva: ... US assistant secretary of treasury Harry Dexter White was operating on behalf of Stalin. Stalin was worried that Japan would attack from the east (opening another front) when he was already dealing with 3/4ths German military. He wanted to draw Japan into attacking US, so he sent White draft demands for US to transmit to Japan ... in US Hull note (ultimatum) which was major motivation factor for Japan to attack Pearl Harbor.
hull note
More Venona

also: Another example of White acting as an agent of influence for the Soviet Union was his obstruction of a proposed $200 million loan to Nationalist China in 1943, which he had been officially instructed to execute. ... contributing to Nationalist loosing China.

Benn Stein in "The Battle of Bretton Woods" spends pages 55-58 discussing "Operation Snow". pg56/loc1065-66:
The Soviets had, according to Karpov, used White to provoke Japan to attack the United States. The scheme even had a name: "Operation Snow," snow referring to White.
... snip ...


Eric Rauchway Battles "The Battle of Bretton Woods"
Operation Snow: How a Soviet Mole in FDR's White House Triggered Pearl Harbor
Pearl Harbor: Operation Snow
The Morgenthau Plan: Soviet Influence on American Postwar Policy

past posts mentioning Bretton Woods The Battle of Bretton Woods: John Maynard Keynes, Harry Dexter White, and the Making of a New World Order past of nukes, was Future of support for telephone rotary dial ? past of nukes, was Future of support for telephone rotary dial ? past of nukes, was Future of support for telephone rotary dial ? God No, the U.S. Air Force Doesn't Need Another Curtis LeMay Fully Restored WWII Fighter Plane Up for Auction Western Union envisioned internet functionality I Feel Old Shout out to Grace Hopper (State of the Union) Isolationism and War Profiteering Qbasic Qbasic "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967) Economist, Harry Dent Hints: Global Banks Facing a Serious Crisis in Months Ahead Godwin's Law should force us to remember & fear our shared heritage with Nazi Germany Should America Have Entered World War I? 5 Naval Battles That Changed History Forever Mapping the decentralized world of tomorrow Iraq, Longest War WW2 Internment WW II cryptography Pearl Harbor The 1970s engineering recession Russia Invaded Japanese Islands With U.S. Ships -- After Japan Surrendered Olympics opening ceremony Olympics opening ceremony The Redacted Testimony That Fully Explains Why General MacArthur Was Fired Post WW2 red hunt Here's what Nobel Prize-winning research says will make you more influential The Coming of American Fascism, 1920-1940

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Bretton Woods Institutions: Enforcers, Not Saviours?

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: Bretton Woods Institutions: Enforcers, Not Saviours?
Date: 12 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook
re: Bretton Woods Institutions: Enforcers, Not Saviours?

Economic Hit Man has "World Bank" & "IMF" playing major roles in being able to loot countries, convincing resource rich country to take out enormous loans for economic development ... grossly inflated, gold-plated contracts are then let to US engineering & construction companies. The numbers have been fudged that the projects will generate enough activity to pay off the loans ... which never happens. The country defaults on the loans ... and various natural resources are taken in lieu of payment. All of this significantly aided by bribes to various responsible gov. officials.
I knew what none of them could possibly know, that the corporatocracy, its band of EHMs, and the jackals waiting in the background would never allow the little guys to gain control. I only had to draw upon the examples of Arbenz and Mossadegh--and more recently, upon the 1973 CIA overthrow of Chile's democratically elected president, Salvador Allende. In fact, I understood that the stranglehold of global empire was growing stronger, despite OPEC--or, as I suspected at the time but did not confirm until later, with OPEC's help.

However, by the late 1980s it was apparent that Saddam was not buying into the EHM scenario. This was a major frustration and a great embarrassment to the first Bush administration. Like Panama, Iraq contributed to George H. W. Bush's wimp image. As Bush searched for a way out, Saddam played into his hands.
... also, pg106/log1728-36:
Vanity Fair concluded: The Bush family and the House of Saud, the two most powerful dynasties in the world, have had close personal, business, and political ties for more than 20 years. . . . In the private sector, the Saudis supported Harken Energy, a struggling oil company in which George W. Bush was an investor. Most recently, former president George H. W. Bush and his longtime ally, former Secretary of State James A. Baker III, have appeared before Saudis at fundraisers for the Carlyle Group, arguably the biggest private equity firm in the world. Today, former president Bush continues to serve as a senior adviser to the firm, whose investors allegedly include a Saudi accused of ties to terrorist support groups. . . . Just days after 9/11, wealthy Saudi Arabians, including members of the bin Laden family, were whisked out of the US on private jets. No one will admit to clearing the flights, and the passengers weren't questioned. Did the Bush family's long relationship with the Saudis help make it happen?
... snip ...

... and from truth is stranger than fiction and law of unintended consequences that come back to bite you, much of the radical Islam & ISIS can be considered our own fault, VP Bush in the 80s
There was also a calculated decision to use the Saudis as surrogates in the cold war. The United States actually encouraged Saudi efforts to spread the extremist Wahhabi form of Islam as a way of stirring up large Muslim communities in Soviet-controlled countries. (It didn't hurt that Muslim Soviet Asia contained what were believed to be the world's largest undeveloped reserves of oil.)
... snip ...

Saudi radical extremist Islam/Wahhabi loosened on the world ... bin Laden & 15of16 9/11 were Saudis

past refs to EHM, world bank and IMF What Makes a Tax System Bizarre? 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95 Qbasic Army Special Operations Forces Unconventional Warfare Billionaire warlords: Why the future is medieval

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Bretton Woods Institutions: Enforcers, Not Saviours?

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: Bretton Woods Institutions: Enforcers, Not Saviours?
Date: 12 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook
re: Bretton Woods Institutions: Enforcers, Not Saviours? Bretton Woods Institutions: Enforcers, Not Saviours?

also last decade, they even started using EHM strategy against the American public ... talking them into enormous mortgages that they would never be able to pay back.

80s, VP (and former director of CIA) repeatedly claiming no knowledge of
because he was fulltime administration point person deregulating financial industry ... creating S&L crisis
along with other members of his family
and another

Republicans and Saudis bailing out the Bushes.

last decade, Bush2 is president and presides over the economic mess, 70 times larger than his father's S&L crisis. S&L crisis had 1000 criminal convictions with jailtime, proportionally the economic mess should have 70,000 (criminal convictions with jailtime).

S&L crisis posts
economic mess posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Where do byte orders come from, Nova vs PDP-11

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From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Where do byte orders come from, Nova vs PDP-11
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2019 13:19:30 -1000
John Levine <> writes:
The Nova was a good computer, a lot of performance from a low cost design. It eventually had the same problem DEC did, nobody wanted a mini any more when they could get commodity micros.

Old post, I've periodically reference, decade of DEC VAX sales, sliced and diced by year, model, US/non-US ... around mid-80s drop in sales, effectively shows mid-range market moving to large PCs and workstations

IBM 4300s sold in the same mid-range market with similar numbers (modulo large corporate orders of 100+ for distributed computing placing out in departmental areas) ... and experienced similar decline.

I had a project that I was told neeeded some IBM content so went to order some Series/1 ... but this was just after IBM had bought ROLM ... ROLM was DG machines and years output of Series/1 were ordered to replace DG. The person running ROLM datacenter (even before IBM bought them), I had known several years earlier at IBM ... and horse traded some of help with their build&test for some series/1.

later in SCI meetings

both sequent and data general went with four i486 proceessor (shared cache) boards ... with SCI memory interface (allowing up to 64 boards, 256 processors). Never did see any of the data general machines
... but did see some number of the sequent

this was before IBM bought them and shut them down. I had left in the early 90s ... but did some consulting for Steve Chen ... who was CTO of Sequent at the time

SMP multiprocessor and/or compare&swap posts
HSDT posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

The War Was Won Before Hiroshima--And the Generals Who Dropped the Bomb Knew It

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From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: The War Was Won Before Hiroshima--And the Generals Who Dropped the Bomb Knew It
Date: 14 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook
The War Was Won Before Hiroshima--And the Generals Who Dropped the Bomb Knew It
Indeed, it would have been surprising if they had: Despite the terrible concentrated power of atomic weapons, the firebombing of Tokyo earlier in 1945 and the destruction of numerous Japanese cities by conventional bombing had killed far more people. The Navy Museum acknowledges what many historians have long known: It was only with the entry of the Soviet Union's Red Army into the war two days after the bombing of Hiroshima that the Japanese moved to finally surrender. Japan was used to losing cities to American bombing; what their military leaders feared more was the destruction of the country's military by an all-out Red Army assault.
... snip ...

McNamara was LeMay staff planning fire bombing of German & Japanese cities. McNamara quoted LeMay as saying if US had lost WW2, it would be them on trial for war crimes. McNamara then leaves for auto industry, but returns for Vietnam as SECDEF where he drops more tonnage than on Germany & Japan combined.

Soviets had 1.5M military quickly defeat million Japanese in Manchuria
.... compared to US had 600K against 76K Japanese in Okinawa

This covers a lot of Soviets in WW2, including Manchuria (after Germans had been defeated) "free pdf"

military-industrial(-congressional) complex posts

past posts mentioning Manchuria &/or Okinawa battles Downwind from Alamogordo Singer Cartons of Punch Cards OT: "Highway Patrol" back on TV OT: "Highway Patrol" back on TV Royal Pardon For Turing Royal Pardon For Turing The Battle of Bretton Woods: John Maynard Keynes, Harry Dexter White, and the Making of a New World Order Fateful Choices Dinosaurisation of we oldies? Dinosaurisation of we oldies? Economist, Harry Dent Hints: Global Banks Facing a Serious Crisis in Months Ahead Should America Have Entered World War I? 5 Naval Battles That Changed History Forever Early use of word "computer", 1944 Iraq, Longest War WW2 Internment WW II cryptography WW II cryptography WW II cryptography Pearl Harbor The 1970s engineering recession Russia Invaded Japanese Islands With U.S. Ships -- After Japan Surrendered Russia Invaded Japanese Islands With U.S. Ships -- After Japan Surrendered Russia Invaded Japanese Islands With U.S. Ships -- After Japan Surrendered Olympics opening ceremony Olympics opening ceremony Olympics opening ceremony Counterinsurgency Lessons from Malaya and Vietnam: Learning to Eat Soup with a Knife The Redacted Testimony That Fully Explains Why General MacArthur Was Fired Post WW2 red hunt The China Mission: George Marshall's Unfinished War, 1945-1947 tablets and desktops was Has Microsoft The Persistent Myth of U.S. Precision Bombing oriental old grudges, Computers, anyone? oriental old grudges, Computers, anyone? meanwhile in eastern Asia^WEurope, was tablets and desktops was Has Microsoft A Tea Party Movement to Overhaul the Constitution Is Quietly Gaining The Forever War Is So Normalized That Opposing It Is "Isolationism" This Kind of War: The Classic Military History of the Korean War Bretton Woods Institutions: Enforcers, Not Saviours?

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Why The Dollar Rules The World - And Why Its Reign Could End

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From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: Why The Dollar Rules The World - And Why Its Reign Could End
Date: 15 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook
Why The Dollar Rules The World - And Why Its Reign Could End
After each of the two world wars in the 20th century, the United States emerged as the largest creditor country, while the war had ruined the economies of the war-time enemies along with that of the major allies. After the end of the Cold War, this pattern would experience a repetition. The United States, so it seems, has been, since then, the only remaining superpower.
... snip ...

Enormous graft and corruption. The neutrality act were by members of congress that said they were doing it in reaction to the enormous war profiteering that they saw during WW1. The opposing forces then ran propaganda campaign to respin it as isolationism.

recent Bretton Woods &/or Facism posts Here's what Nobel Prize-winning research says will make you more influential The Coming of American Fascism, 1920-1940 The Coming of American Fascism, 1920-1940 Bretton Woods Institutions: Enforcers, Not Saviours? Bretton Woods Institutions: Enforcers, Not Saviours? Bretton Woods Institutions: Enforcers, Not Saviours? The War Was Won Before Hiroshima--And the Generals Who Dropped the Bomb Knew It

military-industrial(-congressional) complex posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Steve King Devised an Insane Formula to Claim Undocumented Immigrants Are Taking Over America

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From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: Steve King Devised an Insane Formula to Claim Undocumented Immigrants Are Taking Over America
Date: 15 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook
Steve King Devised an Insane Formula to Claim Undocumented Immigrants Are Taking Over America; The congressman also blamed abortion for population loss in rural America

In 1992, AMEX spins off (a lot of its financial outsourcing & IBM mainframe dataprocessing as) "FDC", in the largest IPO up until that time. Mid-90s, FDC and First Financial were in bidding war for purchase of Western Union. FDC drops out because WU was in poor financial shape. Then FDC and First Financial merge (and FDC has to spin off MoneyGram). After the turn of the century there is huge explosion in companies bringing in illegal workers over the border (to work at below minimum wage) and corresponding explosion in WU revenue from illegal workers sending paychecks home. By 2005 (5yrs), WU revenue had increased to the point that it was as large as all the rest of FDC revenue (half of total, including merger with First Financial and other companies). Possibly in part because the president of Mexico invited FDC executives to Mexico to be thrown in jail (for how much WU was making off Mexican workers), FDC spins off WU as independent company.

This has large companies started funding National Chamber of Commerce around the turn of the century to lobby congress on the issue ... even talks about local chapters severing relationships with the national body over the illegal worker issue.

Some number of organizations were looking the other way during the economic mess bubble (lots of work for everybody) ... it becomes a lot more of an issue after the bubble bursts.

Note this is same congress that lets the fiscal responsibility act lapse in 2002 (spending can't exceed tax revenue, on its way to eliminating all federal debt). By 2005, comptroller of the federal government was including in speeches that nobody in congress was capable of middle school arithmetic (for how badly they were savaging the budget). CBO 2010 report that 2003-2009, tax revenue was cut by $6T and spending increased by $6T for a $12T gap compared to fiscal responsibility budget. Sort of confluence of federal reserve and Too Big To Fail wanting huge federal debt, wallstreet and special interests wanting huge tax cut, and military-industrial complex wanting enormous spending increase. This also the administration and congress that look the other way regarding all the stuff happening during the economic mess ... and the fabrication justifying the two (now perpetual) wars.

inequality posts
economic mess posts
fiscal responsibility posts
comptroller general posts
economic mess posts
perpetual war posts
military-industrial(-congressional) complex posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Former Madoff Whistleblower Attacks GE Over $40 Billion Accounting Shortfall

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: Former Madoff Whistleblower Attacks GE Over $40 Billion Accounting Shortfall
Date: 15 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook
Former Madoff Whistleblower Attacks GE Over $40 Billion Accounting Shortfall
Markopolos: GE Is "Bankruptcy Waiting To Happen"
Madoff whistleblower claims General Electric is committing fraud 'bigger than Enron and Worldcom combined

Note Congressional Madoff hearings had the person that had tried unsuccessfully for a decade to get SEC to do something about Madoff (SEC's hands were forced when Madoff turned himself in)

Rhetoric on floor of congress was that Sarbanes-Oxley would prevent future ENRONs and guarantee that executives and auditors did jailtime, however it required SEC to do something. Possibly because even GAO didn't believe SEC was doing anything, it started publishing analysis of public company fraudulent financial statements ... even showing they increased after SOX goes into effect and nobody doing jailtime.

There was joke that SOX was actually huge gift to the audit industry ... because members felt bad that one of the big audit companies went out of business

Madoff posts
Enron posts
Sarbanes-Oxley posts
financial reporting fraud

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

The Hottest July, How Climate Change is Breaking Temperature Records in 2019

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: The Hottest July, How Climate Change is Breaking Temperature Records in 2019
Date: 15 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook
The Hottest July, How Climate Change is Breaking Temperature Records in 2019

Climate change or just crazy weather? How improving tools make it easier to tell. Scientists linked late July's heat wave in Western Europe to climate change in a matter of days.

re: How Harvard Business School Has Reshaped American Capitalism Adding to Planetary Alarm Bells, Top US Finance Official Warns Climate Crisis a Recipe for Global Economic Collapse How to fight desertification and reverse climate change A Deadly Heat Wave After the Hottest June On Record: How the Climate Crisis Is Creating 'a New Normal' A Deadly Heat Wave After the Hottest June On Record: How the Climate Crisis Is Creating 'a New Normal' Recent climate and heat news Global Warming and U.S. National Security Diplomacy

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

How nuclear weapons research revealed new climate threats

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: How nuclear weapons research revealed new climate threats
Date: 15 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook
How nuclear weapons research revealed new climate threats. Lawrence Livermore Lab's increasingly powerful climate models have sounded a stark warning for California.

What the hell is a climate model--and why does it matter? Better technology, techniques, and data sharing have allowed scientists to try novel experiments--or simply run many more of them.

re: How Harvard Business School Has Reshaped American Capitalism Adding to Planetary Alarm Bells, Top US Finance Official Warns Climate Crisis a Recipe for Global Economic Collapse How to fight desertification and reverse climate change A Deadly Heat Wave After the Hottest June On Record: How the Climate Crisis Is Creating 'a New Normal' A Deadly Heat Wave After the Hottest June On Record: How the Climate Crisis Is Creating 'a New Normal' Recent climate and heat news Global Warming and U.S. National Security Diplomacy The Hottest July, How Climate Change is Breaking Temperature Records in 2019

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

CEO compensation has grown 940% since 1978

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From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: CEO compensation has grown 940% since 1978
Date: 15 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook
CEO compensation has grown 940% since 1978; Typical worker compensation has risen only 12% during that time

How the SEC Enabled the Gross Under-Reporing of CEO Pay
Think it's scandalous that the average 2014 pay of the CEOs of the 500 biggest companies was 373 times that of the typical worker, as the AFL-CIO reported? You aren't scandalized enough. Their take home pay, which is reported in the bowels of SEC filings, as opposed to the Summary Compensation Table that the AFL-CIO, along with most analysts and reporters rely on, was a stunning 949 times that of the average worker in 2014.
... snip ...

Politicians have caused a pay 'collapse' for the bottom 90 percent of workers, researchers say
Destruction of Middle Class
The Real Reason Wages Have Stagnated: Our Economy Is Optimized For Financialization
How GE, GM, Coca-Cola And Kodak Put Shareholders Ahead Of Employees
latest update July 2019

there have been reports trying to counter by showing increase in "family" income ... which was actually transition from single wage earner to two

inequality posts

past 400:1 executive-to-worker compensationratio posts To: Graymouse -- Ireland and the EU, What in the H... is all this about? Cormpany sponsored insurance Taxes Taxes Are family businesses unfair competition? realtors (and GM, too!) Executive pay: time for a trim? Executive pay: time for a trim? Congress Set to Approve Pay Cap of $500,000 What TARP means for the future of executive pay Opinions on the 'Unix Haters' Handbook Who was the Greatest IBM President and CEO of the last century? computer bootlaces The Fractal Organization: Creating sustainable organizations with the Viable System Model Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards IBM Spent A Million Dollars Renovating And Staffing Its Former CEO's Office IBM Furloughs U.S. Hardware Employees to Reduce Costs What Makes a Tax System Bizarre? Why IBM Is Tumbling: BRIC Sales Plunge, Total Revenue Lowest Since 2009 upcoming TV show, "Halt & Catch Fire" The Tragedy of Rapid Evolution? How Comp-Sci went from passing fad to must have major Decimation of the valuation of IBM Here's how a retired submarine captain would save IBM What were the complaints of binary code programmers that not accept Assembly? Paying CEOs fat bonuses for stock performance doesn't work Rogue sysadmins the target of Microsoft's new 'Shielded VM' security Why CEO pay structures harm companies

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

A Secret Opioid Memo That Could Have Slowed an Epidemic

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From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: A Secret Opioid Memo That Could Have Slowed an Epidemic
Date: 15 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook
A Secret Opioid Memo That Could Have Slowed an Epidemic
A confidential government document containing evidence so critical it had the potential to change the course of an American tragedy was kept in the dark for more than a decade. The document, known as a "prosecution memo," details how government lawyers believed that Purdue Pharma, the maker of the powerful opioid, OxyContin, knew early on that the drug was fueling a rise in abuse and addiction. They also gathered evidence indicating that the company's executives had misled the public and Congress.

"The Weekly" shines a light on that 2006 Justice Department memo and its consequences for today's wave of lawsuits against opioid makers and members of the Sackler family, which owns Purdue Pharma

... snip ...

Drug industry hired dozens of officials from the DEA as the agency tried to curb opioid abuse

a few old opioid posts LEO "Worse Than Big Tobacco": How Big Pharma Fuels the Opioid Epidemic The drug industry's triumph over the DEA Patient Advocates Get Big Funding from Big Pharma

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

The Forgotten Story of Operation Anvil

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: The Forgotten Story of Operation Anvil
Date: 17 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook
The Forgotten Story of Operation Anvil. In August 1944, the United States executed a gigantic assault on southern France. Why does no one remember it?

Mulberrys were going to be supply for European invasion, except some were severely damaged in storm.

Part of the original plan was to take & use Antwerp for major/real port (with sufficient capacity), but that wasn't happening. However, Marshall fought hard to continue with Anvil. British were constantly trying to divert Anvil resources to Balkans and mid-east for their empire and oil supply. After Anvil took Marseilles in southern France ... that became the major supply port with sufficient capacity.

some past posts mentioning "Anvil" past of nukes, was Future of support for telephone rotary dial ? past of nukes, was Future of support for telephone rotary dial ? For those who like to regress to their youth? :-) Early use of word "computer", 1944

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Why F-5s Beat Out F-16s For The Navy's Latest Commercial Aggressor Contract

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: Why F-5s Beat Out F-16s For The Navy's Latest Commercial Aggressor Contract
Date: 17 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook
Why F-5s Beat Out F-16s For The Navy's Latest Commercial Aggressor Contract

Supposedly Boyd was also advocating the F20 tigershark (updated F5) for lots of environments (instead of F16). For the same amount of money you got more F20s than F16s, and they were simpler and required less maintenance ... so there was something like ten times the F20s flying time in the air (more F20s and each F20 having better flying time per maintenance hr). This was also at a time when missiles were becoming more of factor ... somewhat leveling the playing field between F20 and F16. There was recognition that US would never accept F20 and so they focused on targeting export market. It turns out that the military-industrial complex then lobbied congress that every F20 candidate customer country get "directed appropriation" USAID (could only be used to buy F16s). The countries were then claimed to say that while F20 was significantly more appropriate for their needs, the choice was between spending their own money for F20s or effectively getting F16s for "free".

Northrop F-20 Tigershark (initially "F-5G")
F-20 -- The Tigershark survivors
What Might Have Been: F-20 Tigershark

Boyd posts and URLs:
military-industrial(-congressional) complex posts

past posts referencing F-20 scheduling & dynamic adaptive ... long posting warning OS Workloads : Interactive etc OS Workloads : Interactive etc OS Workloads : Interactive etc Thou shalt have no other gods before the ANSI C standard News Release John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies Latest Principles of Operation EZPass: Yes, Big Brother IS Watching You! Signposts on the US Government's Trail of IT Failures Expanding U.S. Tactical Aviation's "Approved Belief" comp.arch has made itself a sitting duck for spam Did anybody ever build a Simon? 25 reasons why hardware is still hot at IBM They always think we don't understand Justifying application of Boyd to a project manager The Heritage Foundation, Then and Now Update on the F35 Debate Sunday Book Review: Mind of War Interesting News Article Simulated PDP-11 Blinkenlight front panel for SimH Is there a connection between your strategic and tactical assertions? Is there a connection between your strategic and tactical assertions? OT: Tax breaks to Oracle debated Is newer technology always better? It almost is. Exceptions? IBM commitment to academia Has the US Lost Its Grand Strategic Mind? US No Longer Tech Leader in Military War Gear How do we take political considerations into account in the OODA-Loop? A National Infrastructure Program Is a Smart Idea We Won't Do Because We Are Dysfunctional Boyd F15, F16, F20 The F-22 Raptor Is the World's Best Fighter (And It Has a Secret Weapon That Is Out in the Open) F-35 Replacement: F-45 Mustang II Fighter -- Simple & Lightweight A-10 This is the plane that almost beat out the legendary F-16

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

The War Was Won Before Hiroshima--And the Generals Who Dropped the Bomb Knew It

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: The War Was Won Before Hiroshima--And the Generals Who Dropped the Bomb Knew It
Date: 18 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook
re: The War Was Won Before Hiroshima--And the Generals Who Dropped the Bomb Knew It

strategic bombing of Omaha beach, (invalid) claims that with Norden sites, strategic bombers could do precision bombing from 5-6miles up, some conjecture that the switch to fire bombing cities was to show some benefit from strategic bombing since it was hard to miss a whole city.
The bomber preparation of Omaha Beach was a total failure, and German defenses on Omaha Beach were intact as American troops came ashore. At Utah Beach, the bombers were a little more effective because the IXth Bomber Command was using B-26 medium bombers. Wisely, in preparation for supporting the invasion, maintenance crews removed Norden bombsights from the bombers and installed the more effective low-level altitude sights.
... snip ...

strategic heavy bombing also claimed they wouldn't need long range fighers ... all the money could go to strategic 4engine heavy bombers, 1/3rd of total US WW2 spending went to strategic bombing program. In a British "Battle for Britain" talk a couple years, they said that they told Americans that the Germans learned the lesson about needing long range fighter escorts, but the Americans insisted on relearning the lesson the hard way.

Although the AAF attacks did create a disruption of the German economy, it proved to be only temporary. Repair, dispersion, and purchases from foreign sources quickly replaced the damaged capacity. The most serious problem resulting from these raids for the Allies was the cost in trained personnel and aircraft. In the August 17, 1943, attacks on Schweinfurt and Regensburg, unescorted American bombers lost 60 of the 306 B-17s that reached the targets. An additional 27 airplanes suffered serious damage.26 A second attack on Schweinfurt lost a further 60 B-17s out of 291 aircraft. The AAF unescorted bomber attacks against Luftwaffe production facilities proved disastrous.27
... snip ...

LeMay & company claiming that strategic bombing could win the war without needing to invade Europe, but found they did need to invade Europe and needed more infantry (and not so many pilots and aircrew),

For example, the AAF trained more pilots and aircrew members than were needed for the demands of the war. The War Department staff began to recognize that they had underestimated the number of combat arms Soldiers necessary to win the war. In 1944, the AAF transferred about 24,000 air cadets to Army ground forces to be retrained as infantrymen.7
... snip ...

sort of like the next decade claiming there was bomber gap with Soviets (justifying 30% DOD budget increase) ... thing to remember about U2 flts were that they provided Eisenhower with information to debunk the USAF bomber gap claims.

World War II at Sea: A Global History
Over the next three weeks, the B-29s delivered firebomb attacks against several more Japanese cities, including Nagoya, Osaka, and Kobe. With the planes coming in low and at night, fighter escorts were unnecessary because the Japanese did not have effective night fighters. LeMay even had the machine guns on the B-29s removed so the planes could carry more incendiaries. That meant that even before Iwo Jima was secured, the principal justification for attacking the island in the first place had been overtaken by events. Back in January, LeMay had told Spruance, "Without Iwo Jima I couldn't bomb Japan effectively." He very likely believed it when he said it, though it turned out not to have been true.
... snip ...

There was joke about Macarthur and Halsey in competition to see who could kill the most Americans in island hopping.

Other trivia, John Foster Dulles played major role in rebuilding German economy, industry, and military 20s through the early 40s. From the law of unintended consequences, when the 1943 US Strategic Bombing program needed industrial and military targets in Germany, they got the information from wallstreet.

military-industrial(-congressional) complex posts

past posts mentioning strategic (fire) bombing IBM Data Processing Center and Pi past of nukes, was Future of support for telephone rotary dial ? Fully Restored WWII Fighter Plane Up for Auction "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967) "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967) Dunkirk The Real Reason You Should See Dunkirk: Hitler Lost World War II There Dunkirk Disregard post (another screwup; absolutely nothing to do with computers whatsoever!) Norden bombsight 1963 Timesharing: A Solution to Computer Bottlenecks The US destroyed Tokyo 73 years ago in the deadliest air raid in history Historical Perspectives of the Operational Art Counterinsurgency Lessons from Malaya and Vietnam: Learning to Eat Soup with a Knife off topic 1952 B-52 ad The Persistent Myth of U.S. Precision Bombing meanwhile in eastern Asia^WEurope, was tablets and desktops was Has Microsoft meanwhile in eastern Asia^WEurope, was tablets and desktops was Has Microsoft D-Day And The Myth That The U.S. Defeated The Nazis The Forever War Is So Normalized That Opposing It Is "Isolationism" Sand and Steel

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

The War Was Won Before Hiroshima--And the Generals Who Dropped the Bomb Knew It

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: The War Was Won Before Hiroshima--And the Generals Who Dropped the Bomb Knew It
Date: 19 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook
re: The War Was Won Before Hiroshima--And the Generals Who Dropped the Bomb Knew It The War Was Won Before Hiroshima--And the Generals Who Dropped the Bomb Knew It

From Guderian's Panzer Leader
Hitler then said: 'If I had known that the figures for Russian tank strength which you gave in your book were in fact the true ones, I would not--I believe--ever have started this war.'

He was referring to my book Achtung! Panzer!, published in 1937, in which I had estimated Russian tank strength at that time as 10,000; both the Chief of the Army General Staff, Beck, and the censor had disagreed with this statement. It had cost me a lot of trouble to get that figure printed; but I had been able to show that intelligence reports at the time spoke of 17,000 Russian tanks and that my estimate was therefore, if anything, a very conservative one.

At this time our yearly tank production scarcely amounted to more than 1,000 of all types. In view of our enemies' production figures this was very small. As far back as 1933 I had visited a single Russian tank factory which was producing 22 tanks per day of the Christie-Russki type.
... snip ...

Tanks in the German Army
First encountered on 23 June 1941,[24] the T-34 outclassed the existing Panzer III and IV.[25] At the insistence of General Heinz Guderian, a special Panzerkommision was dispatched to the Eastern Front to assess the T-34.[26] Among the features of the Soviet tank considered most significant were the sloping armor, which gave much improved shot deflection and also increased the effective armor thickness against penetration, the wide track, which improved mobility over soft ground, and the 76.2 mm gun, which had good armor penetration and fired an effective high-explosive round.
... snip ...

The british referred to Shermans as Tommy Cookers because crews were being sent out to be slaughtered; Boyd's briefings had German's with 10:1 kill ratio (10 Shermans killed for every German tank, even inferior to the Russians), US was planning on winning with battle of attrition; Germans would run out of tanks and crew before the US (even at 10:1)
The Sherman was at a disadvantage. Although it mounted 75mm cannon, it was of a low-velocity type. The Sherman's designers felt that a low-velocity gun would last longer than a high-velocity one. They failed to realize that few Shermans would ever last long enough in combat to wear out their barrels. Later versions would have an upgraded high-velocity gun, but they would not reach front-line units until late November 1944, five months after the Normandy invasion. The armor, at 81mm, was considerably thinner than the Panther's and unable to withstand its armor-piercing ammunition.
... snip ...

Sand and Steel
The stature of the Nazi war machine, forged in North Africa, Italy and on the Eastern Front, was still feared in 1944, though demonstrably hollowed out. It also helped Berlin that the Western Allies, particularly the 21st Army Group, were also excessively cautious, which played to the German inclination – despite their convoluted command – of tactical speed of reaction. Finally, it also suited many Allied commanders after the war to talk up the prowess of their opponents, making the achievement of subduing them all the greater.
... snip ...

D-day was somewhat side-show for Germans ... majority of German military resources were in the east dealing with 500 Soviet divisions. The total of all US WW2 forces:
The 90-division gamble

Germany was so depleted by D-day that they were using horses for transport, pg38/loc1415-18:
It still comes as a surprise to many that the German Army in Normandy was predominantly horse-drawn. When Second Lieutenant Bob Sheehan of the US 60th Chemical Company (an outfit responsible for smoke weapons) breasted a rise over the dunes of Omaha on 7 June, he saw ‘a mind-shattering sight that convinced me the war was as good as won. It was a dead horse. The poor animal was still attached to the wagon it had been pulling.

We have already noted that 115,000 of them were assigned to OB West, with exactly 33,739 on the books of the Seventh Army on 1 March 1944, and another ten thousand arriving by 1 June. 60 These numbers came as a shock to Rommel, who, of course, had commanded the 7th Panzer Division in 1940 and the Afrika Korps in 1941–3, neither of which used horses.
... snip ...

Apparently Roosevelt didn't believe that US could defeat Japan without Soviets and had agreement with Stalin where Soviet would come in against Japan after the Germans had been defeated. Other reference "The Cover-Up at Omaha Beach"

military-industrial(-congressional) complex posts
Boyd posts & URLs

past posts mentioning 10:1 kill ratio V-Man's Patton Quote (LONG) (Pronafity) The Pankian Metaphor realtors (and GM, too!) Boyd's Briefings How Comp-Sci went from passing fad to must have major How Comp-Sci went from passing fad to must have major 1963 Timesharing: A Solution to Computer Bottlenecks

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

The War Was Won Before Hiroshima--And the Generals Who Dropped the Bomb Knew It

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: The War Was Won Before Hiroshima--And the Generals Who Dropped the Bomb Knew It
Date: 21 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook
re: The War Was Won Before Hiroshima--And the Generals Who Dropped the Bomb Knew It The War Was Won Before Hiroshima--And the Generals Who Dropped the Bomb Knew It The War Was Won Before Hiroshima--And the Generals Who Dropped the Bomb Knew It

References to current head of the administration asking personnel to pledge loyalty to him:

Bloodlands, mostly about area between Hitler and Stalin was killing ground during much of the 30s and 40s
however, pg77/loc1921-23:
Hitler would never claim the title 'president'; he preferred 'Leader.' From August 1934, German soldiers swore an unconditional oath of personal loyalty to Hitler, and thenceforth addressed him as 'My Leader'. Later that month Hitler's titles as 'Leader and Reich Chancellor' were confirmed by national plebiscite.
... snip ...

both Hitler and Stalin valued loyalty above all else.

recent post with reference about political loyalty valued above all else (The Rise of Leninist Personnel Policies) The Rise of Leninist Personnel Policies

The Deep State: The Fall of the Constitution and the Rise of a Shadow Government
In early 2001, just before George W. Bush's inauguration, the Heritage Foundation produced a policy document designed to help the incoming administration choose personnel

In this document the authors stated the following: "The Office of Presidential Personnel (OPP) must make appointment decisions based on loyalty first and expertise second,"

Americans have paid a high price for our Leninist personnel policies, and not only in domestic matters. In important national security concerns such as staffing the Coalition Provisional Authority, a sort of viceroyalty to administer Iraq until a real Iraqi government could be formed, the same guiding principle of loyalty before competence applied.
... snip ...

and Family of Secrets

Boyd reference: Boyd: The Fighter Pilot Who Changed the Art of War
He stalked the office, staring at his underlings, then suddenly walking up to them, sticking a bony finger into their chest, and saying things such as, "If your boss demands loyalty, give him integrity. But if he demands integrity, then give him loyalty."
... snip ...

Boyd posts and URLs
military-industrial(-congressional) complex posts

other posts mentioning rise of leninist personnel policies Family of Secrets Billionaire warlords: Why the future is medieval How corporate America invented 'Christian America' to fight the New Deal The American Empire Is the Sick Man of the 21st Century Mitch McConnell has done far more to destroy democratic norms than Donald Trump Is America A Christian Nation? Forget China - it's America's own economic system that's broken; US weakness is inbuilt The Forever War Is So Normalized That Opposing It Is "Isolationism" The Forever War Is So Normalized That Opposing It Is "Isolationism" Holocaust Trump's Message to U.S. Intelligence Officials: Be Loyal or Leave The global economy is broken, it must work for people, not vice versa The Coming of American Fascism, 1920-1940 The Coming of American Fascism, 1920-1940

other posts mentioning family of secrets Army Special Operations Forces Unconventional Warfare Billionaire warlords: Why the future is medieval Iran Payments Family of Secrets How Iran Won Our Iraq War The American Empire Is the Sick Man of the 21st Century Has Privatization Benefitted the Public? U.S. Has Spent Six Trillion Dollars on Wars That Killed Half a Million People Since 9/11, Report Says If Current Laws Prosecuting Bankers Aren't Used, What Can Warren Change? Yes, the Tech Giants Are a Big Problem--But the Untamed Finance Industry Could Still Blow Up the Economy Family of Secrets Mitch McConnell has done far more to destroy democratic norms than Donald Trump Is America A Christian Nation? Did The 'B-Team' Overplay It's Hand On Iran? Forget China - it's America's own economic system that's broken; US weakness is inbuilt The Forever War Is So Normalized That Opposing It Is "Isolationism" Holocaust Sand and Steel The global economy is broken, it must work for people, not vice versa The global economy is broken, it must work for people, not vice versa The Coming of American Fascism, 1920-1940 The Coming of American Fascism, 1920-1940

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

The results of Facebook's anti-conservative bias audit are in

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: The results of Facebook's anti-conservative bias audit are in
Date: 22 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook
The results of Facebook's anti-conservative bias audit are in.
Despite the time and energy invested, the conspicuous absence of evidence within the audit suggests what many media researchers already knew: Allegations of political bias are political theater. Sen. Ted Cruz has been touting anecdotes about Silicon Valley censorship for more than a year. President Donald Trump has fundraised on it.
.... snip ...

In the Trump Era, a Family's Fight With Google and Facebook Over Disinformation
The Western Journal rose on the forces that have remade -- and warped -- American politics, as activists, publishers and politicians harnessed social media's power and reach to serve fine-tuned ideological content to an ever-agitated audience. Founded by the veteran conservative provocateur Floyd G. Brown, who began his career with the race-baiting "Willie Horton" ad during the 1988 presidential campaign, and run by his younger son, Patrick, The Western Journal used misleading headlines and sensationalized stories to attract partisans, then profit from their anger.
... snip ...

How a Conservative News Site Thrived on Facebook and Google

21 outlandish conspiracy theories Donald Trump has floated over the years
While mulling a potential 2012 presidential bid, Trump became the most high-profile figure to promote the rumors suggesting that President Obama was not born in the US.
... snip ...

Donald Trump's History of Raising Birther Questions About President Obama
The origins of Donald Trump's autism/vaccine theory and how it was completely debunked eons ago

Trump has over 2,000 conflicts of interest since he's taken office: report

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

PROFS and Internal Network

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: PROFS and Internal Network
Date: 22 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook
coworker at the ibm cambridge science center was responsible for the internal network, larger than the arpanet/internet from just about the beginning until sometime mid-80s. we then both transferred to ibm san jose research in the later half of the 70s. SJR had original IBM gateway to csnet/arpanet that went live a couple months before the arpanet converted from HOST/IMP protocol to internetworking protocol (1Jan1983). 1jan1983 arpanet had approx. 100 IMP network nodes and approx 255 host at a time that internal network was rapidly approaching 1000 nodes, old post with list of internal locations that added one or more network nodes during 1983.
The internal networking protocol was also used for the corporate sponsored university "BITNET":

internal network posts
bitnet posts

recent posts The People Who Invented the Internet: #Reviewing The Imagineers of War The People Who Invented the Internet: #Reviewing The Imagineers of War

PROFS collected a lot of internal applications, wrapping 3270 menu interface around them (less computer literate). They had collected a very early copy of VMSG for the email client. When the VMSG author tried to offer them a much improved version, they tried to get him fired (having taken credit for most everything). The whole thing quieted down when the VMSG author showed that every PROFS "email" had his initials in non-displayed field (also he was in a country on the other side of the atlantic that has much stronger opinion about such activities). After that he just shared VMSG source with me and one other person.

Note that both PROFS and HONE had to deal with corporation where majority of the people were substantially computer illiterate. HONE posts

in the early 80s, there was an attempt to get internal IBM converted to internetworking protocol ... that met lots of resistance from the communication group; IBM's Missed Opportunity With the Internet, article behind paywall, but partially lives free at the wayback machine

Then in the mid-80s there was huge amount of misinformation from the communication group about the need to convert the internal network to SNA/VTAM ... and also SNA/VTAM could be used for the NSF supercomputer center interconnect.

Also in the late 70s and early 80s, I was blamed for online computer conferencing (early form of social media) on the internal network. Folklore is that when the corporate executive committee was told about it, 5of6 wanted to fire me. online computer conferencing posts

The 6th couldn't get me promoted, but provided funds for special projects. I had project "HSDT", that was doing T1 (1.5mbits/sec) and faster speed links ... and was working with director of NSF and was suppose to get $20M for interconnecting the NSF supercomputer centers. HSDT posts

Then congress cuts the budget, some other things happen, and eventually releases RFP (in part based on what we already had running). Old post with 28Mar1986 preliminary announce:
Internal politics prevent us from bidding. The NSF directory tries to help by writing the company a letter 3Apr1986, NSF Director to IBM Chief Scientist and IBM Senior VP and director of Research, copying IBM CEO) with support from other gov. agencies, copying the CEO ... but that just makes the internal politics worse (as does comments that what we had running was at least as 5yrs ahead of all responses). As regional networks connect into the centers, it grows into the NSFNET backbone, precursor to modern internet.
NSFNET posts

Part of communication group misinformation (in the mid-80s) was report to executive committee that customers wouldn't need T1 (1.5mbits/sec) before early 80s. The problem was the mainframe controller only supported 56kbit/sec links. They did customer survey of "fat pipes" (multiple parallel 56kbit links treated as single logical link). They showed customer use drop to zero by 7links. What they didn't know (or didn't want to reveal) was that most telco tariffs for T1 was about five or six 56kbit links. There were lots of customers with T1 links, but they had switched to non-IBM hardware.

Note VM370 network nodes would periodically back up the server side files. When Ollie deleted his client side email copies ... it didn't delete the server side originals.

Note that the administration through most of the 90s, apparently recognizing the issue with server side backup files ... the first lady's administrative assistance managed to disable server side backup .... loosing tens of thousand of emails. In the wake of that, internal government operations significantly reduced the ability to disable backups. The following administration immediately after the turn of the century then went to non-gov. servers ... resulting in millions of email files being lost. Earlier, this decade, the 90s former first lady as SECSTATE also went to non-gov. server, again loosing tens of thousands of email (similar number that they managed to loose in the 90s).

recent VMSG and/or PROFS posts Economic Mess Internal Telephone Message System Location Independent Code Russia Hacked Clinton's Computers Five Hours After Trump's Call 2301, 2303, 2305-1, 2305-2, paging, etc

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

David Koch Was the Ultimate Climate Change Denier

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: David Koch Was the Ultimate Climate Change Denier
Date: 24 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook
David Koch Was the Ultimate Climate Change Denier

Article about more than just Climate, In Jan1999, I was asked to help try and prevent the coming economic mess (we failed). Ran across Kochs backing all sorts of deregulation, part of which played a major role in the economic mess (as well as ENRON).

David Koch, Billionaire Who Fueled Right-Wing Movement, Dies at 79
Kochs key among small group quietly funding legal assault on campaign finance regulation
How G.O.P. Leaders Came to View Climate Change as Fake Science
How David Koch and His Brother Shaped American Politics
Column: David Koch's real legacy is the dark money network of rich right-wingers
Cato Institute ... originally named Charles Koch Foundation
Political activities of the Koch brothers (including Heritage Foundation)

Gramm chair of the Senate banking committee, #2 on times list responsible for economic mess, now better known for GLBA and repeal of Glass-Steagall, but on the list for his role in preventing derivative regulation.,28804,1877351_1877350_1877330,00.html

He and his wife Wendy (who was chair of CFTC) have been involved in the derivative loopholes used by ENRON and played a part in the economic mess
After a lobbying campaign from Enron, and a few days after the election of Bill Clinton in 1993, the CFTC exempted Enron from regulation in trading of energy derivatives. Six days later, she resigned and took a seat on the Enron Board of Directors and served on its Audit Committee.[8]
Then right before George W. Bush was elected, Phil Gramm introduced the Commodity Futures Modernization Act which deregulated the trading of derivatives.[8]
... snip ...

After Enron, she became head of the Regulatory Studies Program of the Mercatus Center. She expressed no regrets regarding the Enron debacle which she considered a success.

Emails Reveal Coziness Between Koch Lobbyists and Regulators
Koch Industries has lobbied on a number of rules promulgated by the CFTC via the Dodd-Frank financial reform law passed in 2010. The so-called position limits rules -- designed to reduce excessive speculation in commodity markets -- have been one Koch target.
... snip ...

"Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right"
But Senator Gramm, who chaired the Senate Banking Committee, ignored such warnings, crafting a deregulatory bill made to order for Enron and Koch, called the Commodity Futures Modernization Act.
... snip ...

Born, CFTC chair, suggested regulating derivatives.
1974 Charles Koch Speech: "Anti-Capitalism and Big Business" and How the Powell Memo Did Not Go Far Enough

Merchants of Doubt, scientists for hire, cancer studies for the tobacco industry, then supporting military-industry complex "Team B" study, and then climate doubt studies
more Heritage Foundation
In early 2001, just before George W. Bush's inauguration, the Heritage Foundation produced a policy document designed to help the incoming administration choose personnel

In this document the authors stated the following: "The Office of Presidential Personnel (OPP) must make appointment decisions based on loyalty first and expertise second,"

Americans have paid a high price for our Leninist personnel policies, and not only in domestic matters. In important national security concerns such as staffing the Coalition Provisional Authority, a sort of viceroyalty to administer Iraq until a real Iraqi government could be formed, the same guiding principle of loyalty before competence applied.
... snip ...

Vampire Squid has chapter on how CFTC had required players to hold significant positions because speculators resulted in wild, irrational price swings (they make money on volatility, they pump&dump and then do the reverse on way down). Then 19 secret letters went out allowing specific speculators to play. This resulted in huge spike in oil/gas the summer of 2008. A couple years later, a senator released the CFTC transaction details showing those responsible. The press pillared the senator (not the speculators) for violating corporation privacy (as if corporations were people under the constitution).

Democracy in Chains: The Radical Right's Stealth Attack on American Democracy
'Democracy In Chains' Traces The Rise Of American Libertarianism
A New History of the Right Has Become an Intellectual Flashpoint
Democracy in Chains

I had been told some investment bankers had walked away "clean" from the S&L crisis.

VP (and former director of CIA) repeatedly claiming no knowledge of
because he was fulltime administration point person deregulating financial industry ... creating S&L crisis along with other
members of his family
and another

Republicans and Saudis bailing out the Bushes.

I was asked to talk to the S&L regulator who refused to go along (he was then asked to resign so administration could appoint somebody that would go along).

Next, the investment bankers were running internet IPO mills, invest a few million, hype, IPO for a few billion, new Internet IPOs should fail, to leave the field clear for the next round of IPOs.

The investment bankers were predicted to get into securitized loans&mortgages next (there was over $27T 2001-2008, possibly clearing $4T-5T on the deals).

Trivia: I had been very vocal about critical analysis of technology involved in some upcoming Internet IPOs. I was in ANSI X9 financial industry standards meeting hosted by prominent financial lobbying organization in DC and asked to step out. I was taken to an office, the door shut and introduced to somebody from a NJ ethnic group. He said that some investment bankers had asked him to talk to me, it was nothing personal, purely business. My criticism was predicted to have a 10% downside on one of their upcoming $2B IPOs (aka $200,000,000) and would I please shutup. I went to some federal LEOs and they said, yep, investment bankers are like that, amoral sociopaths.

economic mess posts
Glass-Steagall &/or Pecora hearing posts
enron posts
S&L crisis posts
Merchants of Doubt posts
military-industrial(-congressional) complex posts
Team B posts
vampire squid posts
regulatory capture posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

How Journalists Covered the Rise of Mussolini and Hitler

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: How Journalists Covered the Rise of Mussolini and Hitler
Date: 25 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook
How Journalists Covered the Rise of Mussolini and Hitler. Reports on the rise of fascism in Europe were not the American media's finest hour

Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler and Stalin; Stalin started out way ahead, but then apparently Hitler tried his best to catch up.
In the middle of Europe in the middle of the twentieth century, the Nazi and Soviet regimes murdered some fourteen million people. The place where all of the victims died, the bloodlands, extends from central Poland to western Russia, through Ukraine, Belarus, and the Baltic States.

however, pg77/loc1921-23:
Hitler would never claim the title 'president'; he preferred 'Leader.' From August 1934, German soldiers swore an unconditional oath of personal loyalty to Hitler, and thenceforth addressed him as 'My Leader'. Later that month Hitler's titles as 'Leader and Reich Chancellor' were confirmed by national plebiscite.
... snip ...

both Hitler and Stalin valued loyalty above all else.

note that John Foster Dulles played major role rebuilding German economy, industry, and military from the 20s up through the early 40s
In mid-1931 a consortium of American banks, eager to safeguard their investments in Germany, persuaded the German government to accept a loan of nearly $500 million to prevent default. Foster was their agent. His ties to the German government tightened after Hitler took power at the beginning of 1933 and appointed Foster's old friend Hjalmar Schacht as minister of economics.

Foster was stunned by his brother's suggestion that Sullivan & Cromwell quit Germany. Many of his clients with interests there, including not just banks but corporations like Standard Oil and General Electric, wished Sullivan & Cromwell to remain active regardless of political conditions.

At least one other senior partner at Sullivan & Cromwell, Eustace Seligman, was equally disturbed. In October 1939, six weeks after the Nazi invasion of Poland, he took the extraordinary step of sending Foster a formal memorandum disavowing what his old friend was saying about Nazism
... snip ...

From the law of unintended consequences, when US 1943 Strategic Bombing program needed targets in Germany, they got plans and coordinates from wallstreet.

June1940, Germany had a victory celebration at the NYC Waldorf-Astoria with major industrialists. Lots of them were there to hear how to do business with the Nazis

Later 5000 industrialists from across the US had conference (also) at NYC Waldorf-Astoria and in part because they had gotten such bad reputation for the depression and supporting Nazi Germany, they approved a major propaganda campaign to equate capitalism with Christianity
part of the result by the early 50s was adding "under god" to the pledge of allegiance. slightly cleaned up version

military-industrial(-congressional) complex posts

recent posts mentioning war profiteering People are Happier in Social Democracies Because There's Less Capitalism Family of Secrets Is America A Christian Nation? The Forever War Is So Normalized That Opposing It Is "Isolationism" The Forever War Is So Normalized That Opposing It Is "Isolationism" The Forever War Is So Normalized That Opposing It Is "Isolationism" The Forever War Is So Normalized That Opposing It Is "Isolationism" The Forever War Is So Normalized That Opposing It Is "Isolationism" Holocaust The Forever War Is So Normalized That Opposing It Is "Isolationism" Trump's Message to U.S. Intelligence Officials: Be Loyal or Leave Sand and Steel The global economy is broken, it must work for people, not vice versa Employers escape sanctions, while the undocumented risk lives and prosecution The Coming of American Fascism, 1920-1940 The Coming of American Fascism, 1920-1940 Magic and Mayhem: The Delusions of American Foreign Policy From Korea to Afghanistan Bretton Woods Institutions: Enforcers, Not Saviours? The War Was Won Before Hiroshima--And the Generals Who Dropped the Bomb Knew It Why The Dollar Rules The World - And Why Its Reign Could End The War Was Won Before Hiroshima--And the Generals Who Dropped the Bomb Knew It The War Was Won Before Hiroshima--And the Generals Who Dropped the Bomb Knew It

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Trump claims he's the messiah. Maybe he should quit while he's ahead

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: Trump claims he's the messiah. Maybe he should quit while he's ahead.
Date: 25 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook
Trump claims he's the messiah. Maybe he should quit while he's ahead.

He ran on campaign including he would eliminate all federal debt ... instead huge tax cuts to corporations and the rich and is on target to double the federal debt.

Endless federal red ink may doom Social Security recipients

claimed "eliminate U.S. debt in 8 years"

2002, congress lets the fiscal responsibility act lapse (spending can't exceed revenue, on its way to eliminating all federal debt). By 2005, US Comptroller General was including in speeches that nobody in congress was capable of middle school arithmetic (for how badly they were savaging the budget). 2010, CBO report that 2003-2009, spending was increased by $6T and tax revenue cut by $6T for a $12T gap compared to fiscal responsibilty budget (first time taxes were cut to not pay for two wars). Sort of confluence of Federal Reserve and wallstreet wanting huge federal debt, special interests and wallstreet wanting huge tax cuts, and military-industrial complex wanting huge spending increase. Last administration managed to reign in some of the huge spending increase ... that went for the two fabricated wars ... but made little head way for restoring the tax cuts. Since that administration, spending increases and tax cuts have resumed.

From 2013, comments about US corporate tax rate of 35%, but GAO: U.S. corporations pay average effective tax rate of 12.6%
and corporate tax revenue as percentage of total tax revenue has been significantly dropping over the past several decades, but the current administration managed to fabricate further huge corporate and special interest tax cuts.

Spring 2009 IRS announced it was going after 52,000 wealthy Americans that had illegal evaded $400B in tax payments (in addition to the new legally created loopholes). Spring 2011, new speaker of the house announces he is eliminating funding for the IRS dept. responsible for recovering that $400B (plus penalties). Since then there has been news about too big to fail having been fined a few billion for facilitating the tax evasion (but nothing about recovering the $400B or criminal presecutions). On local DC weekend radio show the speaker also talked about appointing the new darlings of the Republican party ("tea party") to the house tax committee ... because members of that committee get the largest financial lobbying from corporations and special interests.

possibly more than you ever want to know about the two wars accounting for the big spending increases

Declassified CIA Document Reveals Iraq War Had Zero Justification

Original justification for Iraq2 invasion was that Iraq had supported al Qaeda and it would only cost $50B (now Iran/Afghanistan has passed 100 times that, >$5T) ... it was then changed to WMDs (which had been decommissioned and traced back to US from the Iran/Iraq war in the 80s).

military-industrial-complex had wanted the Iraq2 invasion so badly that corporate reps were telling former eastern block countries that if they voted for IRAQ2 invasion in the UN, they would get membership in NATO and (directed appropriation) USAID (can *ONLY* be used for purchase of modern US arms, aka additional congressional gifts to MIC complex not in DOD budget). From the law of unintended consequences, the invaders were told to bypass ammo dumps looking for WMDs, when they got around to going back, over a million metric tons had evaporated (then large artillery shells start showing up in IEDs)

long history ...

CIA director Colby wouldn't agree with "team b" analysis about Russian military justifying enormous increase in DOD budget. White house chief of staff Rumsfeld gets Colby replaced by Bush who will agree with team b. Rumsfeld then resigns to become SECDEF and is replaced by his assistant Cheney.

Some of the same scientists for hire ... for the tobacco industry are then involved in spinning team b analysis for American public. Later some of the scientists for hire show up publishing articles for big oil

from truth is stranger than fiction and law of unintended consequences that come back to bite you (Bush Family Secrets)
There was also a calculated decision to use the Saudis as surrogates in the cold war. The United States actually encouraged Saudi efforts to spread the extremist Wahhabi form of Islam as a way of stirring up large Muslim communities in Soviet-controlled countries. (It didn't hurt that Muslim Soviet Asia contained what were believed to be the world's largest undeveloped reserves of oil.)
... snip ...

Saudi radical Islam/Wahhabi loosened on the world ... bin Laden & 15of16 9/11 were Saudis

in the 80s, former CIA director and vice-president repeatedly claimed he knew nothing about
because he was full-time administration point person deregulating the financial industry causing the S&L crisis
along with other members of his family
and another

Republicans and Saudis bailing out the Bushes.

another family member presides over the economic mess after turn of century, 70 times larger than his father's S&L crisis. S&L crisis had 1000 criminal convictions with jailtime, proportionally the economic mess should have 70,000 with jailtimes.

Also 80s, Iran/Iraq war
... VP and Rumsfeld are involved in supporting Iraq, including supplying WMDs

early 90s, Bush1 is president (and Cheney is SECDEF), it comes up that Bush1 ran Iran/Contra
Pollard had accidentally "busted the most secret White House operation of modern times," as one account put it. "Neither Pollard nor the government of Israel was aware that they had smashed George Bush's first shipment of arms to Iran."
... snip ...

also sat. photo recon analyst told white house that saddam was marshaling forces to invade Kuwait. White house said that saddam would do no such thing and proceeded to discredit the analyst. Later the analyst informed the white house that saddam was marshaling forces to invade Saudi Arabia, now the white house has to choose between saddam and the Saudis.

This century, H. is president (presiding over both the economic mess and perpetual war), Cheney is VP, Rumsfeld is SECDEF and one of the "Team B" members is deputy SECDEF (and major architect of Iraq policy).

Before the invasion, the cousin of white house chief of staff Card ... was dealing with the Iraqis at the UN and was given evidence that WMDs (tracing back to US in the Iran/Iraq war) had been decommissioned. the cousin shared it with Card, Powell and others ... then is locked up in military hospital, book was published in 2010 (4yrs before decommissioned WMDs were declassified)

NY Times series from 2014, the decommission WMDs (tracing back to US from Iran/Iraq war), had been found early in the invasion, but the information was classified for a decade

fiscal responsibility posts
comptroller general posts
tax evasion, avoidance, fraud, havens, etc. posts
Too Big To Fail (too big to prosecute, too big to jail) posts
"team b" posts
Merchants of Doubt posts
WMD posts
perpetual war posts
military-industrial(-congressional) complex posts
S&L crisis posts
economic mess posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Destruction of Middle Class

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: Destruction of Middle Class
Date: 25 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook
Destruction of Middle Class
The Real Reason Wages Have Stagnated: Our Economy Is Optimized For Financialization
How GE, GM, Coca-Cola And Kodak Put Shareholders Ahead Of Employees
latest update July 2019

there have been reports trying to counter by showing increase in "family" income ... which was actually transition from single wage earner to two

The One Percent Have Gotten $21 Trillion Richer Since 1989. The Bottom 50% Have Gotten Poorer.

Carl Beijer: The oligarchs won't give you peace
Conservatives are desperate to absolve the 1 percent
Restoring the Great American Middle

The Real Reason Wages Have Stagnated: Our Economy Is Optimized For Financialization
"The Undoing Project" goes into some detail how Kahneman and Tversky disproved economists' assumption that people make rational decisions
He had listened to an American economist talk about how so-and-so was stupid and so-and-so was a fool, then said, "All your economic models are premised on people being smart and rational, and yet all the people you know are idiots."
... snip ...

Kahneman (a psychologist) gets Nobel prize in economics, in part for debunking Friedman's theories involving rational man

some topic drift, In the early 80s, I was introduced to John Boyd and sponsored his briefings. The Marine Corps commandant 89-90
leveraged Boyd for makeover of the corps ... and then continued to sponsor Boyd military strategy conferences at Marine Corps Univ.
Kahneman has studied Israli soldiers and also wrote "Thinking, Fast and Slow"
and we've had several discussions at MCU how "Fast and Slow" relates to Boyd's OODA-loop

Boyd has coup d'oeil and fingerspitszengefuhl with intuition and instinct ... plausibly from Course Of Instruction In Strategy, Fortification, Tactics Of Battles, & C.; Embracing The Duties Of Staff, Infantry (Henry Wager Halleck)
A rapid coup d'oeil prompt decision, active movements, are as indispensable as sound judgment; for the general must see, and decide, and act, all in the same instant.
... snip ...

Could claim that Boyd takes see/decide/act ... replaces see with observe ... and then adds internal brain processing ... putting observation in context (orientate, learning, knowledge). In briefings, Boyd would also emphasize observing from every possible facet ... countermeasure to biases ... observation, orientation, confirmation. cognitive. etc biases Also for many people OODA-LOOP implies step-by-step sequential, rather than all parts running simultaneously and asynchronously.

inequality posts
Body posts and URLs

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

vendor distributes their private key

From: lynn@GARLIC.COM (Anne & Lynn Wheeler)
Subject: Re: vendor distributes their private key
Date: 27 Aug 2019 10:49:24 -0700
smetz3@GMU.EDU (Seymour J Metz) writes:
The proper way to provide encryption and non-repudiation is to have two key pairs. You sign a message using your private key. People wanting to send you encrypted data encrypt using your public key. So if foo wants to send bar a signed encrypted document, foo double encrypts it with foo's private key and bar's publickey.

I got into the middle of this in NIST, US and ISO financial standards bodies. crypto non-repudiation can show it came from your machine. The crypto companies wanted to move up the value stream to claim that non-repudiation was in the legal sense of read, understood, agreed, approved, and/or authorized something ... so they could charge more for the crypto ... however showed that those crypto non-repudiation in no way satisfied the legal/business requirements (just that it was sent from your machine).

we were also brought in to help wordsmith some cal. state legislation ... at the time they were working on electronic signature, data breach notification and opt-in personal information sharing. The "digital certificate" companies were lobbying that the electronic signature legislation mandate digital certificates (obtained at high price from them, at the time they were hawking $20B/annum business plans on wallstreet where every person would have a digital certificate at $100/year) ... for use with "digital signatures" ... as someway being equivalent to "human signatures" (and apply to non-repudiation). They didn't get their way.

past electronic signature posts
data breach notification posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Trump tells Republicans he may begin cutting social security and Medicare if he wins in 2020

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From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: Trump tells Republicans he may begin cutting social security and Medicare if he wins in 2020
Date: 27 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook
Trump tells Republicans he may begin cutting social security and Medicare if he wins in 2020
Mr Trump won in 2016 by claiming, among other things, that he would be able to entirely wipe away the US national debt of more than $19tn in an eight-year period.
... snip ...

Trump: I will eliminate U.S. debt in 8 years
In a revealing interview, Trump predicts a 'massive recession' but intends to eliminate the national debt in 8 years

Note that the big change in deficit and debt was after congress lets fiscal responsibility act (spending can't exceed tax revenue, eliminated deficit and on its way to eliminating all federal debt) lapse in 2002.

In 2005, US Comptroller General was including in speeches that nobody in congress was capable of middle school arithmetic (for how badly they were savaging the budget). 2010 CBO report was that 2003-2009, tax revenue cut $6T and spending increased $6T for $12T gap compared to fiscal responsible budget (first time taxes were cut to not pay for two wars).

Compared to other budget items, Social Security and Medicare (except for Medicare part-d) has been little changed from before and after the fiscal responsibility act lapsed ... the budget problems are almost entirely the cuts in taxes for corporations and wealthy and the spending increases for the military-industrial complex for the two (fabricated) perpetual wars.

The factors have primarily been:

1) tax cuts for corporations and wealthy

2) spending increases for military-industrial complex for the two (fabricated) perpetual wars.

3) to lesser extent medicare part-d, the first major legislation passed after 2002 fiscal responsibility act lapse was medicare part-d in 2003. US Comptroller General described it as enormous gift to the drug industry that (could) come to be a long-term $40T that totally swamps all other budget items. CBS 60mins did a segment at the time, looking at the 18 Republicans responsible for getting the legislation passed ... within six months after passage, all 18 had resigned and were on drug industry payroll. That just before the final vote, they had inserted one sentence change to the bill and prevented CBO from distributing effect of the change ... which prevented competitive bidding. CBS showed medicare part-d products that were three times the price of identical products under competitive bidding.

fiscal responsibility posts
comptroller general posts
medicare part-d posts
perpetual war posts
military-industrial(-congressional) complex posts

some recent posts Balanced Federal Budget Most Corrupt Institution on Earth U.S. Has Spent Six Trillion Dollars on Wars That Killed Half a Million People Since 9/11, Report Says Mitch McConnell has done far more to destroy democratic norms than Donald Trump You paid taxes. These corporations didn't No budget. On the brink of default. It's a hell of a way to run a country UK Recovers $42 Billion By Stopping Tax Evasion Declassified CIA Document Reveals Iraq War Had Zero Justification Declassified CIA Document Reveals Iraq War Had Zero Justification Employers escape sanctions, while the undocumented risk lives and prosecution Steve King Devised an Insane Formula to Claim Undocumented Immigrants Are Taking Over America Trump claims he's the messiah. Maybe he should quit while he's ahead

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

David Koch Was the Ultimate Climate Change Denier

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: David Koch Was the Ultimate Climate Change Denier
Date: 27 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook
re: David Koch Was the Ultimate Climate Change Denier

Column: How MIT whitewashed the climate change denialism of a major donor, David Koch
Inside the Koch Brothers' Toxic Empire

and keeping derivatives from regulation

13 Bankers: The Wall Street Takeover and the Next Financial Meltdown
The ideology of innovation had its skeptics. Warren Buffett famously labeled derivatives "financial weapons of mass destruction" in the Berkshire Hathaway 2002 annual report.51 In his 2001 book Fooled by Randomness, Nassim Taleb argued that modern financial technology underestimated the likelihood of extreme events, with potentially catastrophic implications.52 Janet Tavakoli's 2003 book, Collateralized Debt Obligations and Structured Finance, discussed the potential problems involved in securitization, including the risk of fraud.53
... snip ...

enron posts
economic mess posts
Merchants of Doubt posts
regulatory capture posts
(securitized, triple-A rated) toxic CDO posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970


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From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: F-35
Date: 27 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook
This is F-22: Can't Fly Won't Die
Pilots call high-maintenance aircraft "hangar queens." Well, the F-22's a hangar empress. After three expensive decades in development, the plane meets fewer than one-third of its specified requirements.

Anyway, an enemy wouldn't have to down a single F-22 to defeat it. Just strike the hi-tech maintenance sites, and it's game over. (In WWII, we didn't shoot down every Japanese Zero; we just sank their carriers.) The F-22 isn't going to operate off a dirt strip with a repair tent.

But this is all about lobbying, not about lobbing bombs. Cynically, Lockheed Martin distributed the F-22 workload to nearly every state, employing under-qualified sub-contractors to create local financial stakes in the program. Great politics -- but the result has been a quality collapse.

... snip ...

F-22 stealth coating maintenance bays booked solidly around the clock

Supersonic speeds could cause big problems for the F-35's stealth coating

The F22 coating was criticized for its coating being subject to moisture and not being able to take the F22 out in the weather. A newer coat was developed, less subject to weather condition and used for the F35. However, discussions about retrofitting to F22, there was concern that it wasn't durable for the higher F22 speeds (i.e. F22 was developed as air superiority fighter and F35 developed as "bomb truck" with F22 flying cover). Now the new coating may not even handle the F35 top speeds?

From initial F-35 prototype, there was a lot of cost reduction compromise ... originally assuming it would be bomb truck with F-22 flying cover to handle high threat opponents. Comparison analysis of F35 with others
has analysis of F35 radar signature at different radar frequencies involving different angles and portions of the frame (lots to say about how cost reduced and compromised stealth compared to original design)

stealth typical talks about low-observable ... that return signal is equivalent to a baseball ... so identifying target across the whole horizon is deemed infeasable. fighter sized stealth aircarft are visible at some frequencies which are good enough for locating ... but not good enough for targeting. so hyphetically can have multi-band radar ... one for locating and then know where to aim higher resolution for targeting.

This is 2011 tutorial on DSP, FFT, Radar (part 3)
STAP (part 4)
SAR (part 5)

basically said that it needed 3TFLOPS (three trillion floating points operations per second) for (stealth) real time targeting ... which wasn't available at that time (although CPU power was rapidly approaching that). Spring2015, DOD put the latest generation of computer chips on controlled export. However, fall2015, at supercomputer conference, China demonstrated that they were making their own (similar chips for both supercomputers and military radar). Year end 2017 article mentioned self-driving cars having 300TFLOPS (100 time what was projected to do stealth realtime targeting).

Some of this may be associated with (F18) Growlers don't seem to be going away soon (they have the size and power for radar jamming units) and talk of combined missions with F35.

2011 USNI at naval academy, somebody pointed out that new generation drones were happening monthly while it will be 30yrs for F35 to do one generation (not just an enormous cost advantage ... but also enormous technology tracking advantage).

... OODA-loop speed tie-in ... US auto industry as example. Foreign auto import quotas were suppose to reduce competition and give US auto makers enormous profits which they would use to remake themselves. However, they just pocketed the profits and continued busy as usual. Early 80s, there were articles calling for 100% unearned profit tax on US auto industry (because they were just pocketing the profits). 1990, US auto industry had "C4 taskforce" to look at completely remaking themselves and because they were planning on heavily leveraging technology, they asked major technology companies to send participants. In the sessions they could accurately describe what the foreign companies were doing right and what US had to change to compete. Note however, the "bailouts" after the economic mess last decade, it was still business as usual.

One of the examples, was that auto industry was taking 7-8 yrs to turn out new model (from initial concept to rolling off the line), typically with two efforts running in parallel, offset 3-4 yrs ... to make it look like things happening more often (with cosmetic changes in between). The Japanese competitors had cut that in half in the early 80s (3-4yrs elapsed time) and were in the process of cutting it in half again (18-24months) ... which allowed them to quickly adapt to newer technology and changing customer preferences.

Boyd/OODA-loop posts and URL posts
C4 task force posts
military-industrial(-congressional) complex posts

F35 posts ELP weighs in on the software issue: ELP weighs in on the software issue: F-35 JOINT STRIKE FIGHTER IS A LEMON F-35 JOINT STRIKE FIGHTER IS A LEMON The Planet's Best Stealth Fighter Isn't Made in America Is end of mainframe near ? Has the last fighter pilot been born? The Designer Of The F-15 Explains Just How Stupid The F-35 Is How Comp-Sci went from passing fad to must have major A-10 Warthog No Longer Suitable for Middle East Combat, Air Force Leader Says China's Fifth-Generation Fighter Could Be A Game Changer In An Increasingly Tense East Asia 50th/60th anniversary of SABRE--real-time airline reservations computer system Let's Face It--It's the Cyber Era and We're Cyber Dumb A-10 How Russia's S-400 makes the F-35 obsolete With the U.S. F-35 Grounded, Putin's New Jet Beats Us Hands-Down No, the F-35 Can't Fight at Long Range, Either No, the F-35 Can't Fight at Long Range, Either No, the F-35 Can't Fight at Long Range, Either American Gripen: The Solution To The F-35 Nightmare DEC and The Americans How to Kill the F-35 Stealth Fighter; It all comes down to radar ... and a big enough missile Computers anyone? Computers anyone? Computers anyone? Computers anyone? Computers anyone? Iran Can Now Detect U.S. Stealth Jets at Long Range 5th generation stealth, thermal, radar signature E.R. Burroughs The F-22 Raptor Is the World's Best Fighter (And It Has a Secret Weapon That Is Out in the Open) Test Pilot Admits the F-35 Can't Dogfight F35 Program China's claim it has 'quantum' radar may leave $17 billion F-35 naked F-35 Replacement: F-45 Mustang II Fighter -- Simple & Lightweight F-35 F-35 Multi-Role Why China's New Supercomputer Is Only Technically the World's Fastest Lawmakers to Military: Don't Buy Another 'Money Pit' Like F-35 Air Force Risks Losing Third of F-35s If Upkeep Costs Aren't Cut How China's New Stealth Fighter Could Soon Surpass the US F-22 Raptor How China's New Stealth Fighter Could Soon Surpass the US F-22 Raptor DoD watchdog: Air Force failed to effectively manage F-22 modernization 11 crazy up-close photos of the F-22 Raptor stealth fighter jet soaring through the air The F-35 has a basic flaw that means an F-22 hybrid could outclass it -- and that's a big problem F-35 Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth? The Only Man Who Flew Both The F-22 And The YF-23 On Why The YF-23 Lost Supersonic speeds could cause big problems for the F-35's stealth coating

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970


From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: RED & XEDIT
Date: 27 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook
I got into a little dustup with Endicott XEDIT people ... I asked why they were doing XEDIT from scratch when RED had been heavily used inside IBM for many years, had more function, more features, better reliability, better performance, more maturity, etc. Finally the Endicott XEDIT people came back and said that it was the RED author's fault that RED was so much better than XEDIT and he should be required to "fix" XEDIT.

other posted email mentioning RED

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970


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From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: IBM HONE
Date: 28 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook
HONE long-winded warning:

One of my hobbies after joiniing IBM was enhanced production operating systems for internal datacenters and HONE was long-time customer. Some of my first overseas trips was being asked by HONE to help install HONE clones around the world.

IBM SE training used to include sort of apprentice program as part of large group onsite at customer site. 23June1969 unbundling program starting to separately charge for large number of things, including SE services ... however they couldn't figure out how NOT to charge for apprentice SEs at customer site. HONE started out for SEs to practice running online guest operating systems in (CP67) in virtual machines. The IBM cambridge science center in addition to virtual machines, the internal network, inventing GML, lots of other online stuff, also ported APL\360 to CMS as CMS\APL and HONE used it to start offering APL-based sales&marketing support applications on HONE. Eventually sales&marketing support applications came to dominate all HONE activity and running SE practice using guest operating just dwindled away.

past posts mentiong 23June1969 unbundling

In the mid-70s, US HONE datacenters were consolidated in silicon valley ... across the back parking lot from the IBM Palo Alto science center (other trivia, when FACEBOOK first moved into silicon valley, it was in new bldg. built next door to the old HONE datacenter).

HONE posts

Eventually HONE enhanced its virtual machine operation into the largest single-system image, loosely-coupled operation in the world ... large disk farm all shared with mulitple large multiprocessor systems with load-balancing and fall-over across the complex ... this was not long after the failure of FS, the mad rush to get products back into the 370 pipeline ... and the head of POK convincing corporate to kill the virtual machine product, shutdown the development group and transfer all the people to POK (or otherwise MVS/XA wouldn't ship on time several years later) ... so such features didn't ship in the virtual machine product until some 30yrs later. from "Annals of release no software before its time" posts

Future System posts

Co-worker at science center was responsible for the internal network (larger than arpanet/internet from just about the beginning until sometime mid-80s ... and not SNA). One of the first distributed development projects over the internal network was with Endicott to implement 370 virtual machines (including the yet, as announced virtual memory) running under CP/67 on 360/67. A subset of this ... (w/o the 370 virtual memory) was added to HONE system so branch office SEs could practice online with newer 370 operating systems (before sales&marketing applications came to dominate all HONE activity). The cambridge operation 360/67 ran my "L" updated CP67. In a 360/67 virtual machine, it ran a (virtual) CP/67 which addded the "H" updates ... which provided full 370 virtual machine (including 370 virtual memory), and in a 370 virtual machine ran a CP/67 with both the "H" updates and the "I" updates ... which changed CP/67 to run on 370 architecture. The CP/67-I system was in regular operation (in virtual machine) a year before the first engineering full 370/145 machine was operational in Endicott ... in fact a CP/67-I systems was booted on that machine as part of its original regression tests (which uncovered some architecture implementation bugs in the hardware). Part of the reason for running CP/67-H in virtual machine was Cambridge also support online access by professors, staff, and students for various institutions of higher learning in the Boston/Cambridge area (and wanted to minimize them tripping over the unannounced 370 stuff).

cambridge science center posts
internal network posts

Later silicon valley HONE single-system image, loosely-coupled operation was extended to support a 2nd replicated HONE datacenter in Dallas, and then 3rd in Boulder (in part as disaster survivabilty for things like silicon valley earthquakes).

Other projects at the science center was system simulators and performance modeling (some precursors to things like capacity planning). One of the APL-based analytical performance modeling tools was put up on HONE as the Performance Predictor. Branch office people could enter customer hardware configuration and workload profiles and asked questions about effect of changing hardware and/or workload.

Some old posted HONE-related email

In the 80s, as branch office people starting discovering other online features of the underlying operating system ... which HONE didn't have enough hardware capacity to support ... "VMIC" systems started going into regional centers and then branch offices (part of the enormous numbers of distributed VM/4341s that were being deployed).

other trivia: late 80s and early 90s, we were doing our IBM HA/CMP product (RS/6000, not IBM mainframe) and when out marketing, I coined the terms disaster survivability and geographic survivability. I was also asked to write a section for the corporate strategic continuous availability document ... but it got pulled when Rochester and POK complained that they couldn't meet those objectives (AS/400 & mainframes).

integrity, availability posts

more trivia: mid-80s I got con'ed into running a project to take a NCP/VTAM emulation done by a baby bell for IBM Series/1 and turn it out as type-1 product. It had enormous better feature, function, performance, throughput, and scale-up than Raleigh (37x5s, NCP, VTAM). I used real live performance data from the baby bell from live configurators different bell operating companies. For NCP/VTAM comparison I used HONE configurator data. Raleigh was horribly offending and constantly complained that none of the comparisons were valid ... strenuously trying to avoid mentioning that the NCP/VTAM data came directly from their configurators. Communication group was notorious for corporate dirty tricks ... and to avoid them cutting off corporate funding ... we managed to talk the largest 37x5 customer to provide all the funding (with no strings attached) ... he said that he would completely recover all funding in 9months with the Series/1 based implementation. What the communication group did next to block the effort can only be described as truth is stranger than fiction. Old post with part of presentation I gave at fall 1986 SNA ARB meeting in Raleigh

even more trivia: after transfering to San Jose Research in the late 70s, I would wander around datacenters both inside IBM (including HONE up valley) and customers ... as well as customers sites and the monthly user group meetings at SLAC. One of the customers was TYMSHARE which started offering their CMS online computer conferencing (precursor to modern social media like FACEBOOK) free to (IBM customer user group) SHARE in Aug1976. archives here

I cut a deal with TYMSHARE to get monthly tape dump of all VMSHARE files for putting up on the internal network and datacenters. One of the biggest road blocks were corporate people who were afraid that internal IBM employees would be contaminated if exposed to real life customer information (actually there were several instances where corporate people would tell internal IBM employees what customers were saying, which wasn't actually what they were saying ... and being exposed to VMSHARE could expose corporate duplicity). Lots of people would question why HONE would let me put up VMSHARE on their systems (who weren't aware that I provided the underlying software). Lots of VMSHARE was analogous to this current "IBM Retirees" group where customers would ask questions and get answers from other customers. I would get email SEs around the world thanking me for making the VMSHARE files available.

VMSHARE email posts

Very late 70s, there became a period where successful branch manager gets promoted to DPD executive position and be horrified to find out that HONE was VM370 based (instead of MVS) and direct the HONE organization to move to MVS. Most of HONE resourcees were then be devoted to try and move all the configurators and other applications to MVS ... and after a year or so, it would be declared a wonderful disaster, the person promoted and replaced with another former branch manager, and the process repeated. In the 80s they started blaming me for the reason that HONE couldn't be moved to MVS. If HONE could first be forced to stop using my enhanced operating system ... and move to the standard product, then it would be more likely it could then be moved to MVS.

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970


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From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: IBM HONE
Date: 28 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook

One of the places I got to wander around was the disk development and product test across the street in bldgs 14&15. At the time they were running prescheduled, around-the-clock, 7x24, stand-alone test time on several mainframes. They said they had tried using MVS for supporting multiple concurrent test time, but with even just a single "testcell", MVS had 15min MTBF in that environment. I offered to rewrite input/output supervisor to make it bullet proof and never fail. They were then able to run any number of on-demand, concurrent testing greatly improving productivity.

Bldg. 15 product test, tended to get the 2nd or 3rd engineering processor to start doing disk channel validation. They got very early 3033 as well as 4341 and we put internal online service up on the 3033 (since disk i/o testing only used a percent or two of the system). Air-bearing simulation for thin-film disk head design was getting a week or two turn-around on the 370/195 at SJR (across the street in bldg28). We set things up so he could run it on the bldg. 15 3033 and he could get several turn-arounds a day (even tho the 3033 had less than half the processor throughput of 195, but 195 had queues that could be 1-3 month turn arounds for non-priority work).

getting to play disk engineer in bldg 14&15

Jan1979, before 4341 FCS ... I get con'ed into doing some benchmarks for national lab that was looking at getting 70 VM/4341s for compute farm (sort of the leading edge of the coming cluster supercomputing tsunami). It alarmed POK, since the 4341 benchmarks were better than 3031, and a small cluster of 4341s had higher throughput than 3033, much lower cost, much less floor space and environmentals.

The reduced environmentals also allowed pushing huge numbers of distributed VM/4341s out into departmental areas (sort of the leading edge of the coming distributed computing tsunami, customers with orders for hundreds of VM/4300s at a time). MVS could run on 4341 ... but had two problems 1) low/mid range disks were all FBA ... the CKD disks weren't suited for non-datacenter) and 2) customers were looking at large ratio of systems per support person rather than MVS that required large numbers of support people per system

various old 4300 email

trivia: 303x was Q&D effort with warmed over 370; for the 303x channel director they took a 158 engine with just the integrated channel microcode and no 370 microcode. A 3031 then was two 158 engines, one was processor with 370 microcode (and w/o the integrated channel microcode) and a 2nd 158 engine as the channel director with the integrated channel microcode (and w/o the 370 microcode). A 3032 was 168-3 reconfigured to work with 303x channel directors. A 3033 was 168-3 logic remapped to 20% faster chips. Reference to FS (FS was going to completely replace 370 and 370 products were being killed off, lack of 370 products during the FS period is credit with giving 370 clone processor makers, market foothold) ... after FS failure was mad rush to get stuff back into 370 product pipeline and 303x and 3081 were "Q&D" projects kicked off in parallel

FS posts

I wrote a (internal only) report describing the work for supporting disk development and product test ... and happened to mention the MVS 15min MTBF ... which brought down the wrath of the MVS group on my head. They tried to have me separated from the company ... and when that didn't work, they tried to cause me as much trouble as possible (even contributing to argument that HONE had to move to vanilla VM370 system as migration path to moving to MVS).

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970


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From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: IBM HONE
Date: 28 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook

RETAIN, VMSG, PARASITE/STORY topic drift: PROFS group was collecting internal applications for wrapping 3270 menus around and the picked up a very early version of VMSG for the PROFS email client. When the VMSG author tried to offer PROFS a much improved version, they tried to get him fired (since they had alread claimed credit for it). The whole thing quieted down when he showed that every PROFS email contained his initials in non-displayed field (also he was located in country on the other side of the atlantic that had much dimmer view of such goings on). He also did PARASITE/STORY which was marvel of compact efficient code. PARASITE used pseudo-device support (also used by passthrough) to create programmed virtual 3270s. STORY was something like IBM/PC HLLAPI (before IBM/PC). PARASITE/STORY reference with some sample STORYs:
STORY script that logged into RETAIN and download PUT Bucket
other recent PARASITE/STORY post 2301, 2303, 2305-1, 2305-2, paging, etc

APL was compute intensive, you get eight two-processor 168-3 multiprocessors in loosely-coupled, single-system image all sharing the same disk farm with load-balancing and fall-over and you still max out the capacity ... stuck waiting for faster, new model processors. In the mean time, one of the things was recoding some of the APL heavy CPU hogs in fortran. The problem is then to fiddle things where APL could switch out to running fortran application and then automagically come back w/o end user noticing what was happening. HONE had moved off my enhanced CP/67 to standard VM/370 ... while waiting for me to come out with CSC/VM ... which morphs into SJR/VM (when I transfer to san jose research). Part of what I made sure was in CSC/VM was ability to switch from APL to FORTRAN and back to APL w/o user noticing.

Also as part of consolidation of US HONE in silicon valley across the back parking lot from IBM PASC ... they had the person at PASC that had done the 370/145 APL\CMS microcode assist ... APL applications on 145 ran as fast as on 168-3. HONE couldn't make much use of it because most HONE applications weren't just CPU hogs, but also memory hogs ... and they would page thrash on 145. However, the person then was working on FORTRAN-Q ... enhancement for FORTRANH that eventually is released as FORTRAN-HX (so he understood both the APL as well as the FORTRAN performance sides).

Part of the issue was that in the morph from CP67 to VM370, lots of things were greatly simplified as well as dropped (not just enhancements for internal datacenters, but even much of my CP67 enhancements that shipped to customers; so there was significant amount of stuff to move, lots of stuff to keep things from crashing (integrity and serialization), scale-up, performance, etc.

CSC posts csc/vm (&/or sjr/vm) posts
HONE posts
SMP posts

and cross-over with PARASITE/STORY mentioned elsewhere
Date: 17 January 1984, 14:54:10 CT
To: wheeler
Subject: Automated Testcase Drivers

Lynn, I was specifically interested in a full screen driver that could automate the AIDS test with SEQUOYA. There is a indiviual here xxxyyy, who has a modification to PVM that captures input flow and saves it in a CMS file as well as capturing out flow for results in a CMS file. Then later you can take the input file in PVM and start up as many application users as you want when ever you want. The results will be captured and you can compare result files to determine if you ran successfully.

... snip ... top of post, old email index

Date: 01/17/84 12:57:08
From: wheeler

re: parasite; a number of people are using PARASITE as drivers. IMS is currently using PARASITE STORYs as stress/regression testing. So are several others. There will be a session on STORYs at the ITE with user experience, etc.

... snip ... top of post, old email index

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970


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From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: IBM HONE
Date: 28 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook

Within year of taking intro to computer/fortran, univ hires me fulltime to be responsible for (academic & administration) mainframe systems. univ. shutdown datacenter from 8am sat until 8am mon and I had whole place dedicated to myself ... although 48hrs w/o sleep sometimes made monday morning class hard. They got a 360/67 originally to run TSS/360, but because TSS/360 never came to production and so ran as 360/65 with os/360. Three people from science center came out to install CP/67 (3rd installation after science center and MIT lincoln labs) ... and I got to play with CP/67 on the weekends ... rewrote lots of CP/67 code. CP/67 came with 1052 & 2741 terminal support and used SAD command by terminal controller to switch line/port scanner as part of automatic terminal type identification. The univ had some number of ASCII/TTY terminals (I remember the TTY line/port scanner for the mainframe terminal controller had arrived in box from Heathkit) and so I extended automatic terminal type support to ASCII/TTY. I then wanted to have a single dialup number for all terminal types (using telco "hunt group" that would select available line from pool of numbers/lines). It didn't quite work, while it was possible to change the line/port scanner, IBM had shortcut and hardwired line speed for each port (1052 & 2741 were same speed but TTY/ASCII was different speed). This was part of motivation for university to start clone controller project, built a channel interface board for Interdata/3 programmed to simulate mainframe terminal controller ... but also included dynamic line speed support. Later enhanced with Interdata/4 for the channel interface with cluster of Interdata/3s for port/line scanners. This gott written up as the four of us responsible for (some part of) IBM clone controller business. Around 2000, I ran into a descendant of the box in a datacenter that handled most of the point-of-sale dialup card-swipe terminals east of the mississippi.

clone controller posts

more trivia: mid-80s (communication group already didn't like me for doing clone controllers) I got con'ed into running a project to take a NCP/VTAM emulation done by a baby bell for IBM Series/1 and turn it out as type-1 product. It had enormous better feature, function, performance, throughput, and scale-up than Raleigh (37x5s, NCP, VTAM). I used real live performance data from the baby bell from live configurations at different bell operating companies. For NCP/VTAM comparison I used HONE configurator data. Raleigh was horribly offended and constantly complained that none of the comparisons were valid ... strenuously trying to avoid mentioning that the NCP/VTAM data came directly from their configurators. Communication group was notorious for corporate dirty tricks ... and to avoid them cutting of corporate funding ... we managed to talk the largest 37x5 customer to provide all the funding (with no strings attached) ... he said that he would completely recover all funding in 9months with the Series/1 based implementation. What the communication group did next to block the effort can only be described as truth is stranger than fiction. Old post with part of presentation I gave at fall 1986 SNA ARB meeting in Raleigh

Sneakernet had high bandwidth (station wagon and/or 747 comparison loaded with magtapes), but also high latency. Starting early 80s, had HSDT project with T1 (1.5mbits/sec) and faster speed links. Hard to use non-IBM mainframe controllers ... since communication just supported 56kbits. Was working with NSF director and was suppose to get $20M to interconnect the NSF supercomputer centers. Then congress cuts the budget, some other things happen and eventually NSF releases RFP ... Old post with 28Mar1986 preliminary release
Internal politics prevent use from bidding. The NSF director writes the company a letter 3Apr1986, NSF Director to IBM Chief Scientist and IBM Senior VP and director of Research, copying IBM CEO), with support from other agencies ... but that just makes the internal politics worse (as does comments that what we already had running was at least 5yrs ahead of all RFP responses). As regional networks connect into the centers, it grows into the NSFNET backbone, precursor to modern internet

HSDT posts
NSF network & supercomputer posts

About 1986, communication group tried to justify their 56kbit limit with report to the corporate executive committee that customers wouldn't be wanting T1 (and faster) links before early 90s. They showed survey of customer 37x5 "fat pipes" (multiple parallel 56kbit lines treated as single logical link) ... that drop to zero by 5-7 lines. What they didn't know, or weren't going to tell the executive committee was that typical telco tariff for T1 was about the same as five 56kbit links. Customers that needed more such switch to full T1 and non-IBM controller ... at the time, we did trivial survey that found 200 IBM customers with full T1 links.

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Trump tells Republicans he may begin cutting social security and Medicare if he wins in 2020

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: Trump tells Republicans he may begin cutting social security and Medicare if he wins in 2020
Date: 28 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook
re: Trump tells Republicans he may begin cutting social security and Medicare if he wins in 2020

The Social Security Ponzi Scheme Is Crumbling: Massive Cuts Or Tax Hikes Coming

"Baby Boomer" generation is four times larger than the previous and twice as large as following generation. Baby Boomers have been building up contributions/principle in SS "Trust Fund" for their pension benefits.

Stockman (Reagan's budget director) took credit for revamping/increasing social security contributions in early 80s, to cover longer lived baby boomers. However, in more recent years, he has said it was really a ploy to have more money to divert ("borrow") into other programs, primarily DOD (w/o having to "raise" taxes).

Some congress/gov/etc press list total federal debt less what is owed to the "SS Trust" fund ... as if they are getting ready to welsh on that debt.

other recent posts Democracy in Chains Social Security screening Facebook Instagram to evaluate disability claim The American Empire Is the Sick Man of the 21st Century What George Marshall Learned From His Time in China SS Trustees Report Summary Americans Die Younger Despite Spending the Most on Health Care SS Trust Fund Trump claims he's the messiah. Maybe he should quit while he's ahead

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

The Violent American Century: War and Terror Since World War II

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From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: The Violent American Century: War and Terror Since World War II
Date: 28 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook
The Violent American Century: War and Terror Since World War II
Technology, technocracy, and amorality advanced hand in hand in these air operations. By the time the United States began carpet-bombing Japan, "industrial war" and psychological warfare were firmly wedded, and the destruction of enemy morale by deliberately targeting densely populated urban centers had become standard operating procedure. 5 US air forces would later carry this most brutal of inheritances from World War II to the populations of Korea and Indochina.

In essence, massive retaliation took the World War II Anglo-American strategic practice of bombing German and Japanese cities to a new level by postulating that projected nuclear attacks should target enemy population centers. Even where military or industrial installations were primary targets, the possibility of causing staggering numbers of civilian deaths was deemed highly desirable in deterring a nuclear attack.
... snip ...

Note that McNamara was LeMay staff planning the fire bombing of German and Japanese cities. He then leaves for the auto indusry, but comes back as SECDEF for Vietnam

The postwar American leviathan was, and has remained to the present day, essentially bipolar—hubristic and overwhelmingly powerful by all material measures, yet fearful and insecure.1
... snip ...

Much of the military-industrial complex and other special interests have perfected the fear mongering to fine art for their own financial interests. One of the things to remember about the U2 is that it gave Eisenhower the information to debunk the USAF claims about the "bomber gap" (where they wanted 1/3rd increase in DOD budget).

In October 1969, during the Vietnam War, for example, the White House presided over by Richard Nixon concocted a short-lived secret plan called Operation Duck Hook in which the United States appeared to threaten Hanoi with a nuclear attack. H. R. Haldeman, one of Nixon's top aides, later quoted the president telling him, "They'll believe any threat of force that Nixon makes because it's Nixon. . . . I call it the Madman Theory, Bob. I want the North Vietnamese to believe I've reached the point where I might do anything to stop the war." This was neither the first nor last time that "madman" theorizing influenced nuclear planners. The line between rational and irrational war gaming was not always easy to discern.
... snip ...

this has reared its ugly head again recently.

Note that at the start of the century the two fabricated perpetual wars started and still going on.

Declassified CIA Document Reveals Iraq War Had Zero Justification Declassified CIA Document Reveals Iraq War Had Zero Justification Declassified CIA Document Reveals Iraq War Had Zero Justification

WW2 bombing The War Was Won Before Hiroshima--And the Generals Who Dropped the Bomb Knew It The War Was Won Before Hiroshima--And the Generals Who Dropped the Bomb Knew It The War Was Won Before Hiroshima--And the Generals Who Dropped the Bomb Knew It The War Was Won Before Hiroshima--And the Generals Who Dropped the Bomb Knew It

foreign policy and our wars Magic and Mayhem: The Delusions of American Foreign Policy From Korea to Afghanistan

are they purposefully letting information leak as part of increasing the fear mongering or is it that they just don't care. Defense contractors aren't securing sensitive information, watchdog finds

perpetual war posts
military-industrial(-congressional) complex posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Trump tells Republicans he may begin cutting social security and Medicare if he wins in 2020

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: Trump tells Republicans he may begin cutting social security and Medicare if he wins in 2020
Date: 28 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook
re: Trump tells Republicans he may begin cutting social security and Medicare if he wins in 2020 Trump tells Republicans he may begin cutting social security and Medicare if he wins in 2020

Legislation That Would Surreptitiously Steal Social Security's $2.9 Trillion Surplus Has Been Defeated - But 97% of Republicans Voted For It

Baby boomer generation is four times as large as previous generation and twice as large as the following generation ... Baby Boomers have been building up contributions in the SS Trust Fund for the benefits when they retire. This was trying to treat the SS Trust Fund as tax surplus rather than building principle in a retirement nest egg.

The "bubble" in the SS Trust Fund corresponds to the bubble in the number of baby boomer workers putting money away while they worked ... and now expect the principle still be there as they retire and start collecting benefits. The "SS Trust Fund" was "borrowed" and now some critters want to welsh on the loan (and not have to pay it back, theft/embezzlement in almost any other situation).

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Internet and Business Critical Dataprocessing

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From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: Internet and Business Critical Dataprocessing
Date: 28 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook
We started off doing HA/6000 high availability product ... but quickly changed the product name to HA/CMP when started doing cluster scale-up. Reference to Jan1992 meeting in Ellison's conference room on (commercial) 128-system cluster scale-up.

HA/CMP posts

Within a few weeks of that meeting, cluster scale-up was transferred, was announced as IBM supercomputer (for technical/scientific *ONLY*) and we were told we couldn't work on anything with more than four processors. Within a few months, we leave IBM. Later some of the Oracle people in the meeting had left and were at a small client/server startup responsible for something called "commerce server". We were brought in as consultants because they wanted to do payment transactions on the server, the startup had also invented this technology they called "SSL" they wanted to us, the result is now frequently called "electronic commerce".

I had absolute authority on everything from the server to gateways to payment networks (and am not aware of any exploits on that side). However, I could only make recommendations for the server to browser side ... some of which were almost immediately violated, contributing to problems that continue to this day.

Prior to mid-90s, the most common "internet" exploits involved 1) social engineering (things like getting you to divulge your password) and 2) buffer overflows in C-language implemented applications.

internet posts

However, at the 1996 MDC at Moscone center, all the banners said "INTERNET" ... but the constant refrain in all the sessions was "protect your investment" ... referring to the large number of automated executed scripts embedded in applications from the safe, closed, local business LAN environment. However that "safe" networking environment was being extended to the wild anarchy of the internet without any additional countermeasures. Automatically embedded script execution then grew to be as much as all other exploits and gave rise to the anti-virus business market.

After leaving IBM, Postel (Internet standards IETF RFC editor) also used to let me help with the periodically released/updated STD1. He also sponsored my briefing at IETF/ISI/USC (including graduate networking department) on why internet isn't business critical dataprocessing (not just exploits, but also availability).

As undergraduate, responsible for univ. production system and making lots of OS/360 and CP/67 enhancements ... IBM would periodically suggest things I might do to CP/67 .... but in retrospect some of them may have originated from these guys (which I didn't learn about until much later) ... ref gone 404, but lives on at the wayback machine

even tho I never had clearance or worked for them, but because they ran so much of my software ... apparently some number of people think I did (even some of their own people).

history posting from 25Aug2016 ... Browser War

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970


Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: IBM HONE
Date: 29 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook

about series/1 emulated VTAM/NCP

Series/1 ... 1986, VTAM/3090, NCP/3725 ... all data run through HONE CPD 3275 configurator. Series/1 had channel interface to 3090 emulating NCP. Series/1 implemented VTAM/NCP emulation ... all resources owned by simulated VTAM implemented in the Series/1 ... and operations all done cross-domain to real VTAM host. Both emulated VTAM & emulated NCP implemented in same infrastructure so could do a lot more things than real separated VTAM and NCP. RUs to NCP were then tunneled through real networking that was lot more efficient than SNA. Series/1 faster than 3725 and better price/performance ... as well as having real T1 and faster line support. Series/1 chat ring allowed connecting up to eight Series/1 in logical single configuration. All resources were owned by distributed Series/1 emulated VTAM with no-single-point of failure and no limit on number of resources in the "domain" (hundreds of thousands of terminals) with "shadowed" sessions outboard in the distributed Series/1 infrastructure.

IMS hot-standby expressed real interest in it ... because while they kept the shadowed IMS up to date and could fall over in minutes ... VTAM sessions had to be re-established from scratch. VTAM had an enormous scalup problem where session establishment overhead increased non-linear as you passed 10-20 thousand terminals (or ATM machines) ... and they were seeing 90+ minutes on 3090 for VTAM to get everything back up and operational. The Series/1 shadow session would allowed keeping sessions on the IMS hot-standby ... so "hot-standby" VTAM sessions were up and operational as fast as IMS hot-standby.

Series/1 implementation started out much better feature/function/cost in single site, single CEC environment ... but scale-up was enormously better so by the time multiple sites with multiple CECs with hundreds of thousand of terminals it was enormously better ... including no downtime for rolling system upgrades.

One of the issues in 1986 was that they had hit the wall on adding a long list of additional feature/functions because of the 512kbyte Series/1 memory limit. The proposal was to turn the Series/1 version out immediately as type-1 product ... also start immediately porting to 801/risc RIOS (would be used in RS/6000) chipset and have that available within a year (the whole thing had been implemented in portable code). RIOS enormously improved price/performance compared to both Series/1 (and of course 3725) and also eliminated the memory constraint (unleashing the ability to do a long list of additional feature/functions).

I did a sample deployment AT&T configuration with hundreds of thousands of terminals, multiple sites, multiple CECs and thousands of messages per second. The initial HONE CPD (3725) configuration was not sufficient to handle message traffic. The Series/1 environment was significantly better throughput and price/performance. The problem was the 3725 configurator had to forward a lot more of its terminal messages to some other 3725. I then had to significantly increase the number of 3725s in the configurator ... in order to get the configuration aggregate number of messages/sec ... which then blew the comparison totally out of the water.

from old 1999 post with part of the 1986 presentation

Increase 3725s from 80 to 117 and increase the 19.2kb links from 760 to 1112, and to increase number of 19.2kb modems from 1520 to 2224, 3725 configuration costs increase from $25.7M to $37.8M

By comparison the Series/1 configuraton was $14.2M, (included $11.5m for 20 8-plex S/1 nodes @ $573k)

After CPD managed to kneecap the project (what they did can only be described as truth is stranger than fiction) ... the operation had also done a graphical network manager ... CPD did manage to obtain the rights for the graphical network manager from the debris of what was left and release it as Graphical Netview.

HONE posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Assembler :- PC Instruction

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: lynn@GARLIC.COM (Anne & Lynn Wheeler)
Subject: Re: Assembler :- PC Instruction
Date: 29 Aug 2019 23:45:09 -0700
apoorva.kanmani@GMAIL.COM (SUBSCRIBE IBM-MAIN Anonymous) writes:
I have a question on PC instruction for which I have been looking for an answer for quite sometime now. According to "Priciples of operations" manual, execution of an SVC instruction causes a new PSW to be loaded from x'1C0' (SVC FLIH), and program interruption causes a new PSW loaded from x'1D0' (Program Interruption FLIH). Now my question is what happens when a "PC" instruction is executed. Does a new PSW gets loaded from a pre-determined location (like SVC/program interrruption) or it's all handled through some micro code?

The problem started with move from OS/VS2 SVS (and single address space) to OS/VS2 MVS and multiple address spaces (each application) ... however OS/360 heritage was heavily pointer passing APIs ... as a result an 8mbyte image of the MVS kernel had to appear in every application 16mbyte virtual address space ... so that kernel could access storage pointed to be the past pointers. the issue was then all the subsystems were put in each of their own address spaces and when application passed pointer to subsystem ... the subsystem was running in different address space than the address space that the parameter pointed to (by the passed pointer).

The solution was the common segment area, a one megabyte area in every application 16mbyte address space ... where applications could obtain parameter space so the pointer to the parameter list passed to subsystem was identical address in both the application and the subsystem. However, the requirement for common segment area space was somewhat proportional to number of concurrent applications and number of subsystems ... which quickly exceeded one (mbyte) segement ... and the common segment area (CSA) morphed into the common system area (CSA). As systems continued to grow, the CSA requirement got larger and larger, 4mbytes (kernel+csa is 12mbytes, leaving only 4mbytes for applications, then 6mbytes in 3033 time-frame (kernel+csa 14mbytes, leaving only 2mbytes for applications) and threatening to become 8mbytes ... leaving zero bytes for applications.

in the wake of the FS faulure (FS was going to be completely different than 370, and 370 efforts were being shutdown during FS period, also lack of 370 offerings during FS period is credited with giving clone mainframe vendors market foothold), there was mad rush to get stuff back into 370 product pipeline ... 303x and 3081 Q&D efforts were kicked off in parallel. 3081 included 370/xa, 31bit addressing and "access registers" (subsystems had their own virtual address space, but could use "access registers" to access "parameter" storage in application address space). All this was known informally as "811" for the Nov1978 publication date of the architecture specification documents.

future system posts

In part because of the increasing threat of CSA increasing to 8mbytes for larger 3033 customers, a subset of "access registers" was retrofitted to 3033 as "dual-address space" mode ... subsystems could have their own address space, but also a 2nd address space to access calling application parameters directly ... w/o needing CSA space.

In 370 (3033) dual-address space mode ... there still wasn't program call, but a supervisor call which in software would move the application space address space to secondary and then load the subsystem address space and enter the called subsystem. In 370/xa and "access register" program call had a system defined table with all the necessary information to do that function directly as part of the program call instruction (whether implemented in hardware, microcode, picocode and/or some combination)

Z/archiecture principles of opration references system defined ETEs (entry-table entrys) for program call instruction which includes a number options, including switching address spaces or not switching address spaces, changing instruction address, etc.

"Interrupts" save the current PSW and load a new (static) PSW.

Each Program Call ETE has controls for PSW fields that are saved and how much of new fields (unique to each ETE) are loaded ... as well as any address space games that might be played ... and various other rules (description goes on for more than dozen pages).

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

David Koch Was the Ultimate Climate Change Denier

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: David Koch Was the Ultimate Climate Change Denier
Date: 29 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook
re: David Koch Was the Ultimate Climate Change Denier David Koch Was the Ultimate Climate Change Denier

David Koch Got What He Paid. For The late Koch brother bought influence using PACs and other proxies. A prank call to Scott Walker revealed the truth about how the Kochs had their way with Republican politicians. (gone 4040)
Koch inherited his wealth and his ideological inclinations from his father, Fred Koch. Dad was an oilman and an industrialist who dabbled in politics, as a founding member of the John Birch Society in the late 1950s. The group was formed during the presidency of Dwight Eisenhower, who warned: "Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes you can do these things. Among them...are a few other Texas oil millionaires, and an occasional politician or business man from other areas. Their number is negligible and they are stupid."
... snip ...

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970


Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: IBM HONE
Date: 30 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook

Other CPD trivia (related to Series/1 supporting T1 & faster links): Start in early 80s, I had project doing T1 (1.5mbits/sec) and higher speed links. CPD 37x5 boxes only supported up to 56kbits/sec ... and to counter the impression that customers needed such capability, they did a report for the corporate executive committee that IBM wouldn't need to provide T1 support to customers before early 90s. They did survey of customer 37x5 "fat pipes" ... multiple parallel 56kbit lines treated as single logical link. They found that it dropped to zero by six or seven lines. What CPD didn't know (or didn't want to tell the corporate executive committee) was that telco T1 tariffs were typically the same as 5or6 56kbit links. When customers needed more, they just went with full T1 and non-IBM controller. We did a trivial survey at the time and found 200 customers running full T1 link.

hsdt posts

CPD then was under increasing pressure to do something about T1 ... but VTAM had a big architectural/implementation problem with higher speeds ... it couldn't effectively use them. Problem was that VTAM had a windowing congestion/flow algorithm where it limited the max number of unacknowedged/ACKs RUs, when it reach that limited it would stop transmitting (until it received ACKS to drop below the max). A critical number is the round-trip latency for a link times the number of RUs that can be transmitted per second (which is the speed of the link divided by the RU size). For even most short-hall terrestrial T1 that number is higher than the VTAM max ... so the link would sit idle a significant part of the time.

CPD then comes out with 3737 ... with a boatload of Motorolo 68k processors and large boatload of memory ... implementing a mini-VTAM spoofing the host VTAM that it was a host VTAM on the other end of CTCA link. It would immediately acknowledge that each RU had been received (faking out the host VTAM to constantly keep sending), transmit the RU using non-SNA to the remote 3737 ... keeping copy locally in case it had to be retransmitting (the VTAM spoofing and keeping RU copies demanded the large amount of memory and boatload of 68k proceessors). Problem was that even with all that processing and memory resources, 3737s peaked out at around 2mbits aggregate throughput. A US full-duplex T1 1.5mbits/sec is 3mbits/sec aggregate and an EU full-duplex T1 2mbits/sec is 4mbits/sec aggregate. Old email discussing 3737

Semi-related CPD trivia: CPD heavily fought a strenuous battle to prevent mainframe TCP/IP from being released. When they lost, they changed their strategy and claimed that since it was communication, it had to be released through CPD. What shipped got approx. aggregate 44kbytes/sec throughput using nearly whole 3090 processor. In 1988, I did the enhancements for RFC1044 and in some tuning tests at Cray Research between a 4341 and Cray, got sustained 4341 channel media throughput using only modest amount of the 4341 (about 500 times improvement in bytes moved per instruction executed).

RFC1044 posts

In the early 90s, CPD hired a silicon valley contractor to implement TCP/IP support in VTAM. He demo'ed TCP/IP running much faster than LU6.2. He was then told that everybody knows that a "valid" TCP/IP implementation runs much slower than LU6.2 ... and they would only be paying for a "valid" implementation.

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Armed with J-20 stealth fighters, China's future flattops could 'eventually fight US carriers'

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: Armed with J-20 stealth fighters, China's future flattops could 'eventually fight US carriers'
Date: 30 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook
Armed with J-20 stealth fighters, China's future flattops could 'eventually fight US carriers'

given history of making off with detailed designs of all major US weapons systems, J-20 is more of a F-22 air superiority clone ... than a F-35 "bomb truck"

adversaries dancing through all our networks making off with detail plans for all major weapons systems

NSA Details Chinese Cyber Theft of F-35, Military Secrets
FBI: Chinese hacker accessed gold mine of data on F-22, -35 and 32 U.S. military projects
Chinese Hackers Stole Boeing, Lockheed Military Plane Secrets: Feds
Confidential report lists U.S. weapons system designs compromised by Chinese cyberspies
REPORT: Chinese Hackers Stole Plans For Dozens Of Critical US Weapons Systems
A list of the U.S. weapons designs and technologies compromised by hackers
Report: China gained U.S. weapons secrets using cyberespionage

military-industrial(-congressional) complex posts

past posts ELP weighs in on the software issue: ELP weighs in on the software issue: F-35 JOINT STRIKE FIGHTER IS A LEMON The Planet's Best Stealth Fighter Isn't Made in America Is end of mainframe near ? Has the last fighter pilot been born? The Designer Of The F-15 Explains Just How Stupid The F-35 Is How Comp-Sci went from passing fad to must have major A-10 Warthog No Longer Suitable for Middle East Combat, Air Force Leader Says China's Fifth-Generation Fighter Could Be A Game Changer In An Increasingly Tense East Asia 50th/60th anniversary of SABRE--real-time airline reservations computer system Let's Face It--It's the Cyber Era and We're Cyber Dumb A-10 How Russia's S-400 makes the F-35 obsolete With the U.S. F-35 Grounded, Putin's New Jet Beats Us Hands-Down Credit card fraud solution coming to America...finally No, the F-35 Can't Fight at Long Range, Either No, the F-35 Can't Fight at Long Range, Either American Gripen: The Solution To The F-35 Nightmare Cyberdumb Cyberdumb Does Cybercrime Really Cost $1 Trillion? DEC and The Americans How to Kill the F-35 Stealth Fighter; It all comes down to radar ... and a big enough missile Computers anyone? Computers anyone? Computers anyone? Computers anyone? Iran Can Now Detect U.S. Stealth Jets at Long Range 5th generation stealth, thermal, radar signature E.R. Burroughs How to Win the Cyberwar Against Russia Snowden China's spies gain valuable US defense technology: report "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967) Test Pilot Admits the F-35 Can't Dogfight F35 Program China's claim it has 'quantum' radar may leave $17 billion F-35 naked CBS News: WikiLeaks claims to release thousands of CIA documents of computer activity WikiLeaks CIA Dump: Washington's Data Security Is a Mess A flaw in the design; The Internet's founders saw its promise but didn't foresee users attacking one another More Cyberdumb Time to sack the chief of computing in the NHS? F-35 This Afghan War Plan By The Guy Who Founded Blackwater Should Scare The Hell Out Of You Russian Hackers Stole NSA Data on U.S. Cyber Defense China's mega fortress in Djibouti could be model for its bases in Pakistan F-35 Multi-Role Lawmakers to Military: Don't Buy Another 'Money Pit' Like F-35 Air Force Risks Losing Third of F-35s If Upkeep Costs Aren't Cut How China's New Stealth Fighter Could Soon Surpass the US F-22 Raptor DoD watchdog: Air Force failed to effectively manage F-22 modernization 11 crazy up-close photos of the F-22 Raptor stealth fighter jet soaring through the air The F-35 has a basic flaw that means an F-22 hybrid could outclass it -- and that's a big problem F-35 Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth? US Navy Contractors Hacked by China "More Than A Handful Of Times" The American Military Sucks at Cybersecurity; A new report from US military watchdogs outlines hundreds of cybersecurity vulnerabilities The American Military Sucks at Cybersecurity; A new report from US military watchdogs outlines hundreds of cybersecurity vulnerabilities Contractors Are Giving Away America's Military Edge Defense contractors aren't securing sensitive information, watchdog finds F-35

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

IBM Acronyms

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: IBM Acronyms
Date: 31 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook
SNA triple oxymoron, not a System, not a Network, and not an Architecturea

In the first days of SNA, my wife was co-author of AWP (architecture white paper) "39" (AWP-39) ... and they had to name it "peer-to-peer networking" ... because SNA had misused "networking" for communication.

My wife did a stint in the JES2 group and was one of the catchers for ASP turning into JES3. She then was one of the co-authors of JESUS (JES Unified System) specification, all the features of JES2 and JES3 that the respective customers couldn't live w/o ... for various reasons it never came to fruition.

She then got con'ed into going to POK to be in charge of loosely-coupled architecture where she did Peer-Coupled Shared Data architecture. However she didn't remain long because 1) little uptake except for IMS hot-standby (until much later with SYSPLEX and Parallel SYSPLEX) and 2) constant battles with CPD trying to force her into using VTAM for loosely-coupled coordination.

Peer-Coupled Shared Data posts
HASP, JES, etc posts

past posts mentioning SNA triple oxymoron Vnet : Unbelievable Fix the shuttle or fly it unmanned Soups ARM Cortex A53 64 bit

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virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

IBM Acronyms

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: IBM Acronyms
Date: 31 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook
re: IBM Acronyms

A few years ago, a customer asked me to track down the IBM decision to make all of 370 "virtual memory" ... this is online posting ... which got into other history (btw, motivation for all of virtual memory was that MVT storage management was so bad that regions typical had to be four times as large as needed, limiting typical 1mbyte 370/165 to four regions, going to 16mbyte virtual memoy allowed increasing number of regions by a factor of four with nearly no paging)
HASP (Houston Automatic Spooling Priority System) was developed for the Houston Manned Space Center by Tom Simpson, Bob Crabtree and a couple of others who used their experience with the Moonlight (DCS) system. It overcame some of the horrendous design decisions that crippled MFT (many of these were fixed in MFT II). It was released as a type 3 program (I still have one of the source tapes, long since changed to chocolate) and turned the OS/360 program around. At the same time the West Region used their experience with Moonlight to create ASP. We used the BSC-B release when I was at Ohio State in 1969. Prior to that the RJE package was awful, although they all were due to the STR protocol. Lynn's workaround was one of the usable RJE packages - aaaaaa's team never did get it, and produced some real stones.
... snip ...

<same names redacted to protect the guilty>

some more
To find SPOOL you'll have to get some old 7070 marketing material. The problem being addressed was that the peripheral equipment (card reader, punch, printer) were all 150 docs/minute devices, whilst Univac and others were touting fast card readers (basically model 85 collators wired directly into the computer) and printers - 300 cards/minute and 600 lines/minute. The mainframes (704/709 and 705) us off-line card to tape, tape to card, and tape to printer equipment (with a ghastly wire printer that would print at 1000 lines a minute for a couple of seconds or so). This was an unacceptable solution for a mid-range system that was meant to replace the IBM 650. The solution took advantage of the interrupt facility built into the 7070 - the off line operations executed in the background while an application was running, so the 7070 became a tape-in, tape-out system, just like its big brothers, but without requiring so much extra equipment. This was heavily touted until 1959, when the IBM 1401 was announced. Since the 1401 could do simultaneous card-tape, tape-card, and tape-print, had the wonderful 1403 train printer and a fast card reader-punch (the 1402), and was incredibly cheap (less than the cost of the card equipment for the 7070), SPOOL suddenly became a bad word, to the dismay of the sales force.
... snip ...

HASP, JES, etc posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

IBM Acronyms

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler
Subject: IBM Acronyms
Date: 31 Aug 2019
Blog: Facebook
re: IBM Acronyms IBM Acronyms

There was mention that during TSS/360, they had 1200 people working on it for 360/67 ... at the time when the Science Center had 12 people working on CP67/CMS (precursor to VM/370).

I made a joke about after TSS/360 was decommitted and the group reduced to 20 people, that TSS/370 became a lot more efficient. AT&T & Bell had a project to take a striped down TSS/360 (kernel part of the operating system), SSUP (TSS RPQ) and place UNIX system calls on top for a 370 UNIX. The project then ran into issue when Amdahl shipped UTS (also a 370 UNIX). IBM Palo Alto center was working with UCLA on their UNIX work-alike, Locus ... and turned it out as AIX/370 ... running under VM/370. The IBM issue with FE (and possibly Amdahl also) was that while straight UNIX was "portable" ... it functionally worked, it lacked any of the EREP and RAS needed to support IBM mainframe ... solution was to run under VM/370 and rely on VM/370 to provide mainframe EREP/RAS. Objective with TSS/370 SSUP was that it had better scale-up, multiprocessing support and mainframe EREP/RAS ... to try and add that to plan, basic UNIX mainframe EREP/RAS was many times larger than a straight forward port. old email from Sydney VM support asking about the "TSS RPQ"

Note above was about the time that IBM National AT&T marketing rep tracked me down. When I had finished port from CP/67 to VM/370 ... old email

and providing "CSC/VM" to internal datacenters ... it didn't yet include CP67 multiprocessor support (part of long list of things simplified and/or dropped in the morph from CP67 to VM370) ... but somehow a deal was cut with AT&T longlines to have copy of my CSC/VM. Over the next several years, longlines woul make their own enhancements and migrate to new processors and propagated it around AT&T ... until 3081 which started out as a multiprocessor only machine (and that CSC/VM predated the porting of CP67 multiprocessor support). At that time IBM faced with longlines the same problem with ACP/TPF (which also didn't have multiprocessor support), that the whole customer base migrates to Amdahl (which was coming out with faster single proceessor machines, their latest single processor 5860 was rated about the same throughput as two processor 3081K ... although 3081K was actually much slower).

SMP, multiprocessor and/or compare&swap posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

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