List of Archived Posts

2024 Newsgroup Postings (06/12 - )

time-sharing history, Privilege Levels Below User
time-sharing history, Privilege Levels Below User
time-sharing history, Privilege Levels Below User
Disconnect Between Coursework And Real-World Computers
Disconnect Between Coursework And Real-World Computers
Disconnect Between Coursework And Real-World Computers
Disconnect Between Coursework And Real-World Computers
TCP/IP Protocol
TCP/IP Protocol
Benchmarking and Testing
Benchmarking and Testing
ATM, Mainframes, Tandem
Mid-Range Market
Private Equity Becomes Roach Motel as Public Pension Funds and Other Investors Borrow As Funds Remain Tied Up
Mid-Range Market
IBM Internal Network
NAS Hitachi 370 Clones
Early Computer Use
Obscure Systems in my Past
ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360
IBM 23June1969 Unbundling Announcement
IBM 23June1969 Unbundling Announcement
STL Channel Extender
Do We Need Language to Think?
Future System and S/38
Future System and S/38
Future System and S/38
ancient OS history, ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360
IBM 23June1969 Unbundling Announcement
ancient OS history, ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360
Null terminated strings, Disconnect Between Coursework And Real-World Computers
This New Internet Thing, Chapter 8
Chat Rooms and Social Media
ancient OS history, ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360
ancient OS history, ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360
ancient OS history, ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360
Chat Rooms and Social Media
Chat Rooms and Social Media
Economic Mess
Architectural implications of locate mode I/O
Architectural implications of locate mode I/O
Email Archive
16June1911, IBM Incorporation Day
Architectural implications of locate mode I/O
Architectural implications of locate mode I/O
Free and Open Source Software-and Other Market Failures
Seymour Cray and the Dawn of Supercomputing
Architectural implications of locate mode I/O and channels
Too-Big-To-Fail Money Laundering
16June1911, IBM Incorporation Day
Architectural implications of locate mode I/O
360/65, 360/67, 360/75 750ns memory
360/65, 360/67, 360/75 750ns memory
360/65, 360/67, 360/75 750ns memory
360/65, 360/67, 360/75 750ns memory
360/65, 360/67, 360/75 750ns memory
A Timeline of Mainframe Innovation
ARPANET & IBM Internal Network
ARPANET & IBM Internal Network
ARPANET & IBM Internal Network
ARPANET & IBM Internal Network
IBM "Winchester" Disk
Some Email History
Joe Biden Kicked Off the Encryption Wars
Some work before IBM
Other Silicon Valley
Other Silicon Valley
Other Silicon Valley
IBM ATM At San Jose Plant Site
APL and REXX Programming Languages
APL and REXX Programming Languages

time-sharing history, Privilege Levels Below User

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: time-sharing history, Privilege Levels Below User
Newsgroups: comp.arch
Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2024 11:54:55 -1000

John Levine <> writes:

In any event, I'd find the second article I linked to, the VM history
written by IBMers who were there, more credible than some random third
party magazine. CMS really was written at the same time as CP, and
they always intended them to work together as a time-sharing system.

Some of the MIT CTSS/7094 people went to the 5th flr to do Multics;
others went to the science center on the 4th flr to do virtual machines,
internal network, invent GML in 1969, other interactive applications.

cambridge science center wanted a 360/50 to add virtual memory to
... but all the spare 360/50s were going to FAA ATC project ... and they
had to settle for 360/40. (virtual machine) CP/40 (running on bare
hardware using hardware virtual memory mods _ was developed in parallel
with CMS (running on bare 360/40). When CP/40 virtual machines was
operational, they then could run CMS in CP/40 virtual machines.

Melinda history
and CP/40
my OCR from Comeau's original paper

CP/40 morphs into CP/67 when 360/67 standard with virtual memory
becomes available. I was responsible for OS/360 running on 360/67 (as
360/65), univ shutdown datacenter on weekends and I had datacenter
dedicated for 48hrs straight). CSC came out Jan1968 to install CP/67
(3rd install after CSC itself and MIT Lincoln Labs) ,,, and I mostly
played with it during my weekend dedicated time. First couple months
was rewriting pathlengths for running OS/360 in virtual
machine. Benchmark was OS/360 jobstream that ran 322secs on real
machine. Started out 858secs in virtual machine (CP67 CPU
534secs) .... after few months got CP67 CPU down to 113secs. I then
rewrite time-sharing system scheduling and dispatching, page I/O and
page replacement, I/O arm scheduling, etc.

I'v joked that original CP/67 scheduling delivered to univ (and I
completely replaced) ... looked a lot like Unix scheduling that I
first saw 15yrs later. Also 1st install at univ (jan1968) had CP67
source in OS/360 datasets ... it wasn't until a few months later that
they moved source to CMS files. After I graduated and joined science
center, one of my hobbies was enhanced production operating systems
for internal datacenters.

History of CP/CMS
Cambridge Scientific Center

when it was decided to add virtual memory to all 370s, it was also
decided to rewrite CP67 for VM370, simplifying and/or dropping lots of
features (also renaming Cambridge Monitor System to Conversational
Monitor System and crippling its ability to run on real machine).

1974, I start migrating lots of original CP67 stuff (including lots
that I had done as undergraduate) to VM370 Release2 base for an
enhanced internal CSC/VM (including for world-wide online
sales&marketing support HONE systems).  Then in 1975 I upgrade to
VM370 Release3 base and add the CP67 multiprocessor support (one of
the things dropped in CP67->VM370) ... originally for US
consolidated HONE complex so they could add 2nd processor to each of
their systems (all the US HONE systems had been consolidated in Palo
Alto, trivia: when FACEBOOK 1st moved into silicon valley, it was into
new bldg built next door to the former US consolidated HONE

science center posts
CSC/VM posts
SMP, tightly-coupled, multiprocessor posts
HONE & APL posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

time-sharing history, Privilege Levels Below User

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: time-sharing history, Privilege Levels Below User
Newsgroups: comp.arch
Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2024 15:19:14 -1000

Lawrence D'Oliveiro <ldo@nz.invalid> writes:

I recall CMS was single-user to start with, and the point of running it
under "CP" aka "VM" was to offer a multi-user service. Did CMS ever become
multi-user in its own right?

re: time-sharing history, Privilege Levels Below User

over years relying more & more on CP kernel services, no multi-user
... but did get multitasking

original CMS that could run on real hardware support SIO and channel
programs for file i/o ... a CP "diagnose" function for CMS file i/o
was added to CP/67 that ran purely synchronous (didn't return to CMS
until file I/O was completed) ... in transition to VM370, CMS went
purely for CP "diagnose" (and SIO capability was eliminated).

When I joined science center and also saw the virtual memory file
support by MULTICS ... I figured I could do one for CMS ... that
scaled up faster than the normal file I/O operation ... and I claimed
I learned what not to do for a page-mapped filesystem from TSS/360
(part of TSS/360 was just memory mapped the filesystem then mostly
faulted in pages ... while I did combination of memory mapping and
pre-fetching, read-ahead and write-behind support).

Some of the IBM Future System issues was specifying a TSS/360-like
filesystem ... one of the last nails in the FS coffin was study that
showed if 370/195 applications were ported to FS machine made out of
the fastest available hardware, it would have throughput of 370/145
(about 30 times slowdown ... part of it was serialization of file

Some existing FS descriptions talk about how FS lived on with S/38 ...
for entry-level business operation ... there was sufficient hardware
performance provide necessary throughput for the s/38 market.

In any case, the FS implosion contributed to memory mapped filesystem
implementations acquiring very bad reputation inside IBM. In 1980s, I
could show that heavily loaded, high-end systems with 3380 (3mbyte/sec
disks) running my page-mapped CMS filesystem had at least three times
the sustained throughput of standard CMS filesystems,

some FS

trivia: my brother was regional Apple rep (largest physical area
CONUS) and when he came into town, I could be invited to business
dinners and argue MAC design (even before MAC announced). He also
figured out how to remotely dial into the S/38 that ran Apple to
monitor manufacutring and delivery schedules.

science center posts
future system posts
page-mapped filesystem
CSC/VM posts

posts mention my brother regional apple rep Old adage "Nobody ever got fired for buying IBM" Vintage S/38 IBM Downfall Unix work-alike Transaction Memory Dynamic Adaptive Resource Management Silicon Valley IBM S/38 IBM & Apple S/38, AS/400 The Post-IBM World PC Personal Computing Market Soon, the Only Alternatives to Windows Server will be open-source Is AMD Dooomed? A Silly Suggestion! Eliminating the systems programmer was Re: IBM cuts contractor bil ling by 15 percent (our else) IMPI (System/38 / AS/400 historical) IBM architecture, was Fifty Years of nitpicking definitions, was BASIC,theProgrammingLanguageT Before the Internet: The golden age of online service Arthur C. Clarke Predicts the Internet, 1974 New HD IBM cuts more than 1,000 U.S. Workers If IBM Hadn't Bet the Company IBM Future System Rare Apple I computer sells for $216,000 in London Idiotic programming style edicts folklore indeed The Development of the Vital IBM PC in Spite of the Corporate Culture of IBM unix

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

time-sharing history, Privilege Levels Below User

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: time-sharing history, Privilege Levels Below User
Newsgroups: comp.arch
Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2024 16:13:03 -1000

Lawrence D'Oliveiro <ldo@nz.invalid> writes:

So what did you think of it? The original hardware architecture was
heavily centred around the 60.15Hz video refresh. Each refresh interval,
21888 bytes were read out of the video buffer (for the 512×342 display),
and 740 bytes were read out of the sound buffer to go to the speaker.

re: time-sharing history, Privilege Levels Below User time-sharing history, Privilege Levels Below User

biggest issue was what I characterized as kitchen table "only" with no
business uses ... desktop publishing was somewhat inbetween (visicalc
wasn't supposedly part of it)... at a time when large corporations
ordering tens of thousands of IBM/PC with 3270 terminal emulation
... single desktop footprint doing both mainframe terminal and
increasing kinds of local processing.

later IBM co-worker left and did some work for Apple using Cray with
100mbyte/sec high-end graphics ... could be used to simulate various
processor and graphic performance ... part of the joke that Cray used
Apple to design Cray machines and Apple used Cray machine to design
Apple machines.

some history

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Disconnect Between Coursework And Real-World Computers

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Disconnect Between Coursework And Real-World Computers
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2024 13:15:21 -1000

Charlie Gibbs <cgibbs@kltpzyxm.invalid> writes:

The big boss at my first POE was reluctant to switch from cards to
disks because "how can you be sure the data is really there if you
can't see the holes?"

May2008 at Berkeley (a year after he disappears on sailing trip), there
was a gathering to celebrate Jim Gray.  Part of that Gray celebration
involved acknowledging Jim Gray as father of (modern) financial
dataprocessing (including enabling electronic payment transactions).
Jim's formalizing of transaction semantics provided the basis that was
crucial in allowing financial auditors to move from requiring paper
ledgers to trusting computer operations (gone 404, but lives on at
wayback machine)
also transaction benchmarking

after transfering to SJR on west coast in 70s, I worked with Jim Gray
and Vera Watson on original SQL/relational RDBMS (System/R). Jim leaves
IBM for Tandem fall of 1980 ... recent AFC posts Anyone here (on Anyone here (on

System/R posts
"Tandem Memos" and online computer computer conferencing posts

posts mentioning Jim's celebration Benchmarks Global & Local Page Replacement Why Things Fail IBM Business Conduct Guidelines COMPUTER HISTORY: REMEMBERING THE IBM SYSTEM/360 MAINFRAME, its Origin and Technology IBM z16: Built to Build the Future of Your Business WA State frets about Boeing brain drain, but it's already happening Tandem Memo tablets and desktops was Has Microsoft MVS vs HASP vs JES (was 2821) The Pentagon still uses computer software from 1958 to manage its contracts IBM Jargon and General Computing Dictionary Tenth Edition How to Fix IBM Windows 10 forceful update? Flat (VSAM or other) files still in use? Is end of mainframe near ? Tandem Memos Why is the mainframe so expensive? Old data storage or data base IBM Is Changing The Terms Of Its Retirement Plan, Which Is Frustrating Some Employees Some interesting post about the importance of Security and what it means for the Mainframe Selectric Typewriter--50th Anniversary Which building at Berkeley? Hashing for DISTINCT or GROUP BY in SQL Mainframe Hall of Fame (MHOF) Is the ATM still the banking industry's single greatest innovation? 70 Years of ATM Innovation 8 ways the American information worker remains a Luddite ATMs by the Numbers Father Of Financial Dataprocessing A Tribute to Jim Gray: Sometimes Nice Guys Do Finish First A Tribute to Jim Gray: Sometimes Nice Guys Do Finish First

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Disconnect Between Coursework And Real-World Computers

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Disconnect Between Coursework And Real-World Computers
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2024 16:05:47 -1000

Lawrence D'Oliveiro <ldo@nz.invalid> writes:

Was that the name of the research project? Then when it was
commercialized, the product became known as "SQL/DS"?

Later succeeded by IBM's all-singing, all-dancing DBMS product, DB2.

I had to do a DB2 setup a few months ago. As with any IBM product it
seems, you soon find yourself asking "why did they make things so
complicated?" ...

re: Disconnect Between Coursework And Real-World Computers

This System/R mentions first customer was Pratt & Whitney

but there was also Bank of American that was getting 60 VM/4341
systems for distributed operation (one of the things Jim palm off on
me when he leaves for Tandem, was supportting BofA).

System/R ... we were able to do tech transfer to Endicott ("under the
radar" while the company was preoccupied with the next great new DBMS
"EAGLE") for SQL/DS (although Endicott cut back a little, there were
some enhancements to VM370 and Endicott wanted to be able to ship
SQL/DS w/o needing any VM370 changes).

Then when "EAGLE" implodes there was request for how fast could
System/R be ported to MVS ... which is eventually released as DB2
... originally for decision/support *only*.

Last product at IBM was HA/6000 starting in late 80s, originally for
NYTimes to migrate their newspaper system (ATEX) off VAXCluster to
RS/6000. I rename it HA/CMP when I start doing technical/scientific
cluster scale-up with national labs and commercial cluster scale-up
with RDBMS vendors (oracle, sybase, informix, ingres) that had
VAXCluster base in same source base with UNIX.

IBM Toronto had just gotten ("Shelby") project to implement a OS2
RDBMS in C ... while it would be portable ... but it was far from
industrial strenth DBMS ... it took some years before it had
availability and scale-up features as well as (mainframe) DB2
compatibility and (also) (re)branded DB2.

Jim had done a study at Tandem that commodity hardware had gotten at
lot more reliable and major service outages were becoming other
factors like environmental (hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, etc).

So one of the factors worked on was geographical distributed
operation, out marketing I coined the terms disaster
survivability and geographic survivability ... and the IBM
S/88 Product Administer starting taking me around to their customes as
well as got me to write a section for the IBM Corporate Continuous
Available Strategy document ... however it got pulled when both
Rochester (AS/400) and POK (mainframe) complained (that they couldn't
meet the requirements).

Early Jan1992, there was meeting with Oracle CEO on cluster scale-up
where AWD/Hester says that we will have 16 processor clusters by
mid-92 and 128 processor clusters by ye-92. In that meeting were a few
local IBMers and a number of other Oracle people ... one was Oracle
SVP who like to mention that when he was at IBM STL, he was the person
that handled most of the tech transfer to STL for MVS DB2.

However, by end of January, cluster scale-up had been transferred for
announce as IBM supercomputer (for technical/scientific *ONLY*) and we
were told that we couldn't work on anything with more than four
processors, we leave IBM a few months later. Contributing was the
mainframe DB2 were complaining that if we were allowed to continue, it
would be years ahead of them.

A couple years later, I was brought in as a consultant for a small
client/server, two former Oracle people (that had been in the HA/CMP
Oracle CEO scale-up meeting) were there responsible for something
called "commerce server" and wanted to do financial transactions on
the server; the startup had also invented this technology they called
"SSL" they wanted to use for transactions; it is sometimes now called
"electronic commerce". I had responsibility for everything between
webservers and financial industry payment networks.

system/r posts
ha/cmp posts
continuous availability, disaster survivability, geographic
survivability posts
801/risc, iliad, romp, rios, pc/rt, rs/6000, power, power/pc posts
Payment gateway posts

posts mentioning Toronto "Shelby" RDBMS for OS2 Relational RDBMS Systems Network Architecture IBM DB2 HA/CMP Marketing Hashing for DISTINCT or GROUP BY in SQL Opinion: The top 10 operating system stinkers No offense to any one but is DB2/6000 an old technology. Does anybody still use it, if so what type of industries?? Newbie question on table design IBM sues maker of Intel-based Mainframe clones Mainframe Applications and Records Keeping?

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Disconnect Between Coursework And Real-World Computers

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Disconnect Between Coursework And Real-World Computers
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2024 07:41:23 -1000

Lawrence D'Oliveiro <ldo@nz.invalid> writes:

I remember around the 1980s or so, IBM did try to sell some models of
System/390 (was it called that then?) as "supercomputers". I'm not sure if
they were ever competitive. IBM was still seen as a marketing behemoth

However, their POWER architecture has been much more successful in this
regard, and there are a few POWER-based machines in respectable places in
the Top500 list.

I had done some work with the 3033 processor engineers, once 3033 was
out the door, they started on 3090. Marketing wanted vector added to
3090 to sell into numerical intensive market. The processor engineers
were a little upset because they had optimized floating point so it
ran as fast as memory (claiming that in the past floating point was so
much slower than memory that memory could keep multiple floating units
constantly feed, resulting in vector).

I had HSDT project that had T1 and faster computer links (both
terrestrial and satellite) and one of the first was T1 satellite link
between Los Gatos lab on the west coast and clementi's
E&S lab in Kingston (on the east coast) which had several floating point
system boxes which had 40mbyte/sec disk arrays to keep up with numerical
intensive processing (IBM still had 3mbyte/sec channels and no disk

Cornell University, led by physicist Kenneth G. Wilson, made a
supercomputer proposal to NSF with IBM to produce a processor array of
FPS boxes attached to an IBM mainframe with the name lCAP.

Was also working with NSF Director and was suppose to get $20M to
interconnect the NSF Supercomputer centers ... then congress cuts the
budget, some other things happen and eventually an RFP is released (in
part based on what we already had running), from 28Mar1986 Preliminary

The OASC has initiated three programs: The Supercomputer Centers
Program to provide Supercomputer cycles; the New Technologies Program
to foster new supercomputer software and hardware developments; and
the Networking Program to build a National Supercomputer Access
Network - NSFnet.

... snip ...

IBM internal politics was not allowing us to bid (being blamed for
online computer conferencing inside IBM likely contributed). The NSF
director tried to help by writing the company a letter (3Apr1986, NSF
Director to IBM Chief Scientist and IBM Senior VP and director of
Research, copying IBM CEO) with support from other gov. agencies
... but that just made the internal politics worse (as did claims that
what we already had operational was at least 5yrs ahead of the winning
bid, awarded 24Nov87), as regional networks connect in, it becomes the
NSFNET backbone, precursor to modern internet.

previous post (in this thread) mentions last product we did at IBM was
HA/CMP and cluster scale-up (large numbers of POWER RS/6000)

end of Jan1992, cluster scale-up was transferred for announce as IBM
Supercomputer for technical/scientific *ONLY* and we were told we
couldn't work on anything with more than four processors (we leave IBM
a few months later).

Computerworld news 17feb1992 (from wayback machine) ... IBM
establishes laboratory to develop parallel systems (pg8)
cluster supercomputer for technical/scientific *ONLY*
more news 11may1992, IBM "caught" by surprise
and 15jun1992, Foray into Mainstream for Parallel Computing

as to any "surprise" ... more than decade previous (Jan1979), I was
con'ed into doing a benchmark on IBM 4341 for national lab that was
looking at getting 70 4341s for a compute farm (sort of the leading edge
of the coming cluster supercomputing tsunami).

HSDT posts
NSFNET posts
HA/CMP posts
online computer conferencing posts

posts mentioning jan1979 4341 benchmark for national lab The Control Data 6600 IBM 360 IBM Cambridge Science Center Performance Technology CDC6600, Cray, Thornton CDC6600, Cray, Thornton IBM 3278 ESnet IBM NUMBERS BIPOLAR'S DAYS WITH G5 CMOS MAINFRAMES Mainframes and Supercomputers, From the Beginning Till Today Think you know web browsers? Take this quiz and prove it VSE timeline [was: RE: VSAM usage for ancient disk models] 64 bit addressing into the future Resurrected! Paul Allen's tech team brings 50-year -old supercomputer back from the dead Resurrected! Paul Allen's tech team brings 50-year-old supercomputer back from the dead How the internet was invented DOS descendant still lives was Re: slight reprieve on the z Miniskirts and mainframes History--computer performance comparison chart I Must Have Been Dreaming (36-bit word needed for ballistics?) What Makes an Architecture Bizarre? DEC/PDP minicomputers for business in 1968? Under what circumstances would it be a mistake to migrate applications/workload off the mainframe? IBM Watson's Ancestors: A Look at Supercomputers of the Past Comparing YOUR Computer with Supercomputers of the Past While watching Biography about Bill Gates on CNBC last Night ACP, One of the Oldest Open Source Apps Cycles per ASM instruction moving on The Future of CPUs: What's After Multi-Core? CDC6600 - just how powerful a machine was it? CDC6600 - just how powerful a machine was it?

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Disconnect Between Coursework And Real-World Computers

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Disconnect Between Coursework And Real-World Computers
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2024 08:14:08 -1000

re: Disconnect Between Coursework And Real-World Computers Disconnect Between Coursework And Real-World Computers Disconnect Between Coursework And Real-World Computers

slightly related, 1988 the IBM branch office asks if I could help LLNL
(national lab) get some fiber stuff they were playing with, standardized
... which quickly becomes fibre-channel standard (FCS, initially
1gbit/sec, full-duplex, 200mbye/sec aggregate). IBM then finally gets
some of their stuff shipped with ES/9000 as ESCON (when it is already
obsolete), 17mbytes/sec.

Later some IBM POK engineers become involved with FCS and define a heavy
weight protocol that significantly cuts the native throughput,
eventually released as FICON.

Latest public benchmarks I can find is z196 "Peak I/O" that got 2M IOPS
with 104 FICON. About same time a FCS was announced for E5-2600 blades
(commingly used in cloud megadatacenters) claiming over million IOPS
(two such FCS have higher throughput than 104 FICON running over 104
FCS). As an asdie, IBM recommended that SAPs (system assist processors
that do actual I/O) CPU should be limited to 70% ... which would be 1.5M
IOPS. Also, no CKD DASD have been made for decades, all being simulated
on industry standard fixed-block disks.

We also worked with LLNL to get thier Cray Unicos LINCS filesystem ported
to HA/CMP as well as working with NCAR to get their supercomputer
filesystem (Mesa Archival) ported to HA/CMP.

FICON & FCS posts
ha/cmp posts
cloud megadatacenter posts some old posts mentioning LLNL LINCS and NCAR Mesa Archival Vintage Cray Distributed Computing Last Word on Dennis Ritchie Why so little parallelism? -- virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

TCP/IP Protocol

Refed: **, - **, - **
From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: TCP/IP Protocol
Date: 14 Jun, 2024
Blog: Facebook

My wife was co-author of AWP39, peer-to-peer networking architecture
... in the period when SNA 1st appeared ... they had to qualify with
"peer-to-peer" because SNA wasn't a System, wasn't a Network and
wasn't a Architecture ... and had "co-opted" the term "network".

In the 80s, the communication group was starting to fiercely fight off
client/server and distributed computing trying to preserve their dumb
terminal paradigm. Early 80s, I got HSDT project, T1 and faster
computer links (both terrestrial and satellite) and was periodically
in battles with the communication group because they were cap'ed at
56kbits/sec. Mid-80s, communication group prepared analysis for the
corporate executive committee explaining why customers wouldn't be
interested in T1 until well into the 90s. They showed how "fat-pipes"
(parallel 56kbit links treated as single logical link) dropped to zero
by seven links (aka 392kbits). What they didn't know (or didn't want
to tell the executive committee) was that typical T1 telco tariff in
the period was about the same as six 56kbit links. We did a trivial
customer survey and found 200 IBM mainframe customers with T1 links
... they just moved to non-IBM hardware and non-IBM software.

HSDT had some custom hardware being built on the other side of the
pacific. The friday before leaving for a visit, got email from
Raleigh announcing a new online forum about high-speed links with
follow definition:

low-speed: 9.6kbits/sec
medium speed: 19.2kbits/sec
high-speed: 56kbits/sec
very high-speed: 1.5mbits/sed

monday morning on wall of conference room on the other side of the

low-speed: <20mbits/sec
medium-speed: 100mbits/sec
high-speed: 200mbits-300mbits/sec
very high-seed >600mbits/sec

Later I was on Chesson's XTP technical advisory board (that
communication tried to block and lost) where I wrote into the
specification "rate-based" pacing ... which we had done when 1st
starting HSDT. Since there was some military agencies involved, took
XTP as HSP (High-Speed Protocol) to ISO chartered US ANSI X3S3.3
(standards group for networking and transport layer 3&4 protocols. It
was eventually rejected, telling us that ISO required standards work
conform to the OSI MODEL, XTP failed because 1) supported
internetworking protocol (sits between level 3&4), 2) by[assed layer
3/4 interface and 3) went directly to LAN MAC interface (which doesn't
exist in OSI model, sitting somewhere in middle of layer 3).

Communication group was also fighting off release of mainframe TCP/IP
support. When they lost, they changed tactic and said that since they
had corporate responsibility for everything that cross the datacenter
walls, it had to be released through them; what shipped got
44kbytes/sec aggregate throughput using nearly whole 3090 processor. I
then did changes for RFC1044 support and in some tuning tests at Cray
Research between Cray and IBM 4341 got sustained 4341 channel
throughput using only modest amount of 4341 processor (something like
500 times increase in bytes moved per instruction executed).

Communication group sort of capitulates and comes out with 3737 for T1
links, it had boat loads of memory and Motorola 68K processors
simulating local CTCA attached mainframe VTAM, immediately ACKing
received packets ... and then using real protocol for T1 link to
remote 3737. Problem was even on short haul terrestrial T1,
(mainframe) VTAM window pacing had exhausted maximum unACKed
transmitted packet limit, before ACKs started arriving (it required
faking ACKs to try and keep packets flowing). However, the box's peak
best was still about 2mbit/sec (US T1 full-duplex 3mbits, EU T1
full-duplex 4mbits).

Note also fighting off client/server and distributed computing it
severely kneecapped PS2 microchannel cards. AWD (workstation) had done
its own 4mbit token-ring card for PC/RT (16bit PC/AT bus), but for
microchannel RS/6000, corporate told AWD they couldn't do their own
cards but had to use the PS2 cards. Turns out the PS2 microchannel
16mbit token-ring cards had lower card throughput than the PC/RT 4mbit
token-ring cards (the other microchannel cards had been also been
severely kneecapped). The new Almaden bldg had been heavily wired
assuming 16mbit T/R. However they found 10mbit ethernet (over the same
wiring) had higher aggregate throughput and lower latency ... besides
$69 10mbit ethernet cards having much higher card throughput than $800
16mbit T/R cards (for the difference in the cost of ENET and T/R
cards, they could put in several high-speed TCP/IP routers that each
had IBM channel interfaces and 16 10mbit ENET interfaces (operating at
8.5mbit sustained, each router capable of 400mbit/sec), and also had
T1 and T3 options.

Late 80s, a senior disk engineer got a talk scheduled at communication
group, world-wide, internal, annual conference supposedly on 3174
performance ... but opens the talk with the statement that the
communication group was going to be responsible for the demise of the
disk division. The disk division was seeing drop in disk sales with
data fleeing the mainframe to more distributed computing friendly
platforms. The disk division had come up with a number of solutions
but they were constantly vetoed by the communication group (with their
corporate strategic ownership of everything that crossed datacenter
walls). One of the disk division partial work-arounds was investing in
distributed computing startups that would use IBM disks ... and the
disk executive would periodically ask us to drop by his investments to
see if we could help.

However, communication group datacenter stranglehold wasn't just disks
and a couple years later, IBM has one of the largest losses in the
history of US companies and was being reorganized into the 13 "baby
blues" in preparation for breaking up the company.,9171,977353,00.html,33009,977353-1,00.html

we had already left the company, but get call from the bowels of (corp
hdqtrs) Armonk asking us to help with the corporate breakup. Before we
get started, the board brings in the former AMEX president as CEO who
(somewhat) reverses the breakup (but it wasn't long before the disk
division was "divested").

HSDT posts
RFC1044 posts
XTP/HSP posts
posts mentioning communication group stranglehold on mainframe
IBM downturn/downfall/breakup posts

some posts mentioning AWP39 OSI: The Internet That Wasn't Vintage Mainframe ACP/TPF SNA/VTAM Rise and Fall of IBM Systems Network Architecture Conflicts with IBM Communication Group z/VM 50th - part 3 What's something from the early days of the Internet which younger generations may not know about? What is IBM SNA? IBM "nine-net" IBM Internal network IBM Acronyms Frank Heart Dies at 89 Service Bureau Corporation Important US technology companies sold to foreigners [CM] What was your first home computer? ARM Cortex A53 64 bit The ICL 2900 Early Networking PL/I advertising Systems thinking--still in short supply TCP joke Microsoft Open Sources .NET, Saying It Will Run on Linux and Mac Last Gasp for Hard Disk Drives the suckage of MS-DOS, was Re: 'Free Unix! SNA vs TCP/IP z/OS is antique WAS: Aging Sysprogs = Aging Farmers What Makes code storage management so cool? PC/mainframe browser(s) was Re: 360/20, was 1132 printer history Does the IBM System z Mainframe rely on Security by Obscurity or is it Secure by Design Cloud Computing How to Stuff a Wild Duck Can anybody give me a clear idea about Cloud Computing in MAINFRAME ? Hierarchy Where are all the old tech workers? Soups What is IBM culture? computer bootlaces zLinux OR Linux on zEnterprise Blade Extension??? someone smarter than Dave Cutler What is a Server? LPARs: More or Less?

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

TCP/IP Protocol

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: TCP/IP Protocol
Date: 14 Jun, 2024
Blog: Facebook

re: TCP/IP Protocol

For HSDT, was also working with NSF director and was suppose to get
$20M to interconnect NSF Supercomputer centers ... then congress cuts
the budget, some other things happen and finally an RFP is released
(in part based on what we already had running). From 28Mar1986
Preliminary Announcement:

The OASC has initiated three programs: The Supercomputer Centers
Program to provide Supercomputer cycles; the New Technologies Program
to foster new supercomputer software and hardware developments; and
the Networking Program to build a National Supercomputer Access
Network - NSFnet.

... snip ...

IBM internal politics was not allowing us to bid (being blamed for
online computer conferencing inside IBM likely contributed). The NSF
director tried to help by writing the company a letter (3Apr1986, NSF
Director to IBM Chief Scientist and IBM Senior VP and director of
Research, copying IBM CEO) with support from other gov. agencies
... but that just made the internal politics worse (as did claims that
what we already had operational was at least 5yrs ahead of the winning
bid), as regional networks connect in, it becomes the NSFNET backbone,
precursor to modern internet.

from one of the science center people that invented GML in 1969 (after
a decade it morphs into ISO standard SGML, after another decade it
morphs into another decade at CERN):

Actually, the law office application was the original motivation for
the project, something I was allowed to do part-time because of my
knowledge of the user requirements. My real job was to encourage the
staffs of the various scientific centers to make use of the
CP-67-based Wide Area Network that was centered in Cambridge.

... snip ...

trivia: the first webserver in the US was on Stanford SLAC VM370

Co-worker at the science center was responsible for the CP67 wide-area
network (which morphs into the corporate network, larger than
arpanet/internet from just about the beginning until sometime mid/late
80s). technology also used for the corporate sponsored univ. BITNET (&


In June 1975, MIT Professor Jerry Saltzer accompanied Hendricks to
DARPA, where Hendricks described his innovations to the principal
scientist, Dr. Vinton Cerf. Later that year in September 15-19 of 75,
Cerf and Hendricks were the only two delegates from the United States,
to attend a workshop on Data Communications at the International
Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, 2361 Laxenburg Austria where
again, Hendricks spoke publicly about his innovative design which
paved the way to the Internet as we know it today.

... snip ...

SJMerc article about Edson (he passed aug2020) and "IBM'S MISSED
OPPORTUNITY WITH THE INTERNET" (gone behind paywall but lives free at
wayback machine)
Also from wayback machine, some additional (IBM missed) references
from Ed's website

Science Center posts
gml, sgml, html posts
internal network posts
bitnet (& earn) posts
HSDT posts
NSFNET posts
internet posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Benchmarking and Testing

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Benchmarking and Testing
Date: 14 Jun, 2024
Blog: Facebook

When I transfer out to SJR in the 70s, I get to wander around
datacenters in silicon valley, including bldg14&15 across the street
(disk engineering and product test). They are running prescheduled,
around the clock, stand alone testing. They mentioned that they had
recently tried MVS, but it had 15min mean-time-betweeen failures in
that environment. I offer to rewrite I/O supervisor to make it bullet
proof and never fail so they can do any amount of ondemand concurrent
testing, greatly improving productivity. I do a internal-only research
report and happen to mention the MVS 15min MTBF, bringing down the
wrath of the MVS organization on my head. A few years later, when
3380/3880 are about to ship, FE has 57 simulated errors that they
expect to see. MVS is still failing for all 57 (requiring manual
re-ipl) and in 2/3rds of the cases, no indication of what caused the
failures (I wasn't sorry).

Earlier, after joining IBM, one of my hobbies was enhanced production
operating systems for internal datacenters ... including bunch of
stuff I had done as undergraduate in the 60s, including page
replacement algorithms, dynamic adaptive scheduling and resource
management, and other stuff (world-wide, online sales&marketing
support HONE systems were long time customers). As part of that I had
done automated benchmarking with synthetic workloads, being able to
specify configurations and kinds and amount of workloads (also
involved automated rebooting/re-ipl between each benchmark). After the
decision to add virtual memory to all 370s, the decision was also made
to rewrite CP67 for VM370 (involved simplifying or dropping lots of
features). In 1974, I start migrating lots of missing features from
CP67 to a VM370 Release2-based system .... starting with automated
benchmarking support. However, initially VM370 was unable to complete
set of benchmarks w/o crashing ... so the next was a lot of CP67
integrity features in order to complete set of benchmarks ... before
starting on further enhancements and performance work for my internal

The 23June1969 unbundling announcement included starting to charge for
SE services, maintenance, and (application) software (but managed to
make the case kernel software was still free). In the early 70s, there
was the Future System effort that was completely different from 370
and was going to completely replace 370s (internal politics was
killing off 370 efforts and the lack of new 370 during the period is
credited with giving 370 clone makers their market foothold).

When FS implodes, there is mad rush to get stuff back into the 370
product pipelines, including kicking off quick&dirty 3033&3081
in parallel. Possibly because of the rise of 370 clone makers, there
was also decision to start charging for kernel software ... and a
bunch of my internal stuff was chosen for guinea pig (and I had to
spend time with business planners and lawyers on kernel charging
policies). At the science center, there was also a APL-based
analytical system model done (was made available on HONE systems as
the Performance Predictor where branch people could enter
customer configuration and workloads and ask "what-if" questions about
workload/configuration changes) ... which was integrated with the
automated benchmarking. Before initial release, a 1000 benchmarks were
specified that had uniform distribution of configurations and
workloads, including extreme stress testing benchmarks. The modified
"system model" would predict the result of a benchmark and then
compare the prediction with the benchmark (validating the model and my
dynamic adaptive support). A modified APL-model then selected
configurations and workloads for another 1000 benchmarks (2000 total
that took three months elapsed time to run) searching for anomalous
combinations that my dynamic adaptive scheduling and resource
management might have problems with.

tank trivia: I had been introduced to John Boyd in the early 80s and
would sponsor his briefings at IBM. Boyd is credited with the Desert
Storm left hook, but there are all sorts of excuses why the Abrams
weren't in place to catch the retreating Republican Guards. Add to
excuses is possibly Boyd just used the rated Abrams speed but didn't
realize how tightly tied Abrams were to supply and maintenance.

Boyd posts and URL references
playing disk engineer in bldgs14&15 posts
science center posts
my internal CSC/VM posts
HONE & APL posts
23jun1969 unbundling posts
future system posts
dynamic adaptive resource management posts
benchmarking posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Benchmarking and Testing

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Benchmarking and Testing
Date: 14 Jun, 2024
Blog: Facebook

re: Benchmarking and Testing

other trivia: After initial set of CP67->VM370 changes for CSC/VM,
I start migrating SMP, tightly-coupled support to a VM370
Release3-based CSC/VM system, initially for the consolidated US HONE
datacenter to add a 2nd processor to each of their systems (for 16
processors total). I then get talked into helping with a 16-processor
tightly-coupled SMP and we con the 3033 processor engineers into
working on it in their spare time (a lot more interesting than
remapping 168-3 logic to 20% faster chips). Everybody thought it was
great until somebody tells the head of POK that it could be decades
before POK favorite son operating system (MVS) had effective
16-processor support (at the time, MVS documentation had 2-processor
was 1.2-1.5 throughput of single processor). He then invites some of
us to never visit POK again and directs 3033 processor engineers heads
down on 3033 with no distractions (POK doesn't ship a 16-processor SMP
until after turn of century). At HONE, I was getting twice the
throughput with combination of highly efficient SMP as well as a kind
of cache-affinity (improving cache hit ratio).

Head of POK also convinces corporate to kill the vm370 product,
shutdown the development group and transfer all the people to POK for
MVS/XA (Endicott eventually manages to save the VM370 product mission
but has to recreate a development group from scratch). I also transfer
out to the west coast

science center posts
CSC/VM posts
SMP, tightly-coupled multiprocessor posts
HONE posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

ATM, Mainframes, Tandem

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: ATM, Mainframes, Tandem.
Date: 16 Jun, 2024
Blog: Facebook

Late 70s, IBM SE in LA on large savings bank account, re-implemented
ATM support under VM/370 running on 370/158 that outperformed TPF
running on 370/168. He had implemented more sophisticated transaction
and disk arm scheduling algorithms that included taking into account
time-of-day and past activity patterns to better organize transaction
scheduling to improve transactions per disk arm sweep.

past refs: Lineage of TPF transactions, was There Is Still Hope IBM & Boyd

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970


From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: ADA, FAA ATC, FSD
Date: 16 Jun, 2024
Blog: Facebook

last product we did at IBM was HA/6000, started out for NYTimes to
move their newspaper system (ATEX) off vaxcluster to rs/6000. I rename
it HA/CMP when I start doing technical/scientific cluster scale-up
with national labs and commercial cluster scale-up with RDBMS vendors
(Oracle, Sybase, Informix, Ingres that had vaxcluster support in same
source base with unix ... it would be years before there was any IBM
with the necessary features). We did reviews of lots of failures and
availability and was brought into review FAA future system and got to
be good friends with the TA (that was spending 2nd shift programming
Ada for the project) to FSD president. Then the S/88 Product Administer
started taking us around to their customers and got me to write a
section for the corporate continuous availability strategy
document (it got pulled when both Rochester/AS400 and POK/mainframe
complained they couldn't meet the requirements).

Early Jan1992 had meeting with Oracle CEO where AWD/Hester tells them
that we would have 16-processor clusters by mid-92 and 128-processor
clusters by ye-92 ... but by the end of Jan, cluster scale-up was
transferred for announce as IBM Supercomputer (for
technical/scientific *ONLY*) and we were told we couldn't work on
anything with more than four processors (we leave IBM a few months
later). Contributing was mainframe DB2 complaining if we were allowed
to proceed, it would be years ahead of them.

Computerworld news 17feb1992 (from wayback machine) ... IBM
establishes laboratory to develop parallel systems (pg8)
cluster supercomputer for technical/scientific *ONLY*
more news 11may1992, IBM "caught" by surprise
and 15jun1992, Foray into Mainstream for Parallel Computing

part of FAA ATC review was IBM triple redundant hardware made it
unnecessary for software fault analysis ... review found some business
process fault scenarios ... and software design had to be reset

didn't know Fox in IBM, but after leaving IBM did project with company
he (and some other FSD people on FAA ATC) formed

Two mid air collisions 1956 and 1960 make this FAA procurement
special. The computer selected will be in the critical loop of making
sure that there are no more mid-air collisions. Many in IBM want to
not bid. A marketing manager with but 7 years in IBM and less than one
year as a manager is the proposal manager. IBM is in midstep in coming
up with the new line of computers - the 360. Chaos sucks into the fray
many executives- especially the next chairman, and also the IBM
president. A fire house in Poughkeepsie N Y is home to the technical
and marketing team for 60 very cold and long days. Finance and legal
get into the fray after that.

... snip ....

Executive Qualities

After 20 years in IBM, 7 as a divisional Vice President, Joe Fox had
his standard management presentation -to IBM and CIA groups -
published in 1976 -entitled EXECUTIVE QUALITIES. It had 9 printings
and was translated into Spanish -and has been offered continuously for
sale as a used book on It is now reprinted -verbatim- and
available from Createspace, Inc - for $15 per copy. The book presents
a total of 22 traits and qualities and their role in real life
situations- and their resolution- encountered during Mr. Fox's 20
years with IBM and with major computer customers, both government and
commercial. The presentation and the book followed a focus and use of
quotations to Identify and characterize the role of the traits and
qualities. Over 400 quotations enliven the text - and synthesize many
complex ideas.

... snip ...

CSC posts:
CSC/VM posts:
dynamic adaptive resource management, dispatching, scheduling
SMP, tightly-coupled, multiprocessor posts
HONE posts
HA/CMP posts
continuous availability, disaster survivability, geographic
survivability posts
801/risc, iliad, romp, rios, pc/rt, rs/6000, power, power/pc posts

some posts mentioning FAA ATC and triple-redundant hardware and no
need for software fault analysis CP40/CMS FAA ATC, The Brawl in IBM 1964 Air Traffic System

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970


From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: MVS/ISPF Editor
Date: 17 Jun, 2024
Blog: Facebook

edit post from earlier this year IBM, Unix, editors

Endicott instead of selecting one of the internal full-screen editors
for release to customers, had the XEDIT effort. I wrote them a memo
why they hadn't selected the (internal) "RED" to use for XEDIT ... it
had more feature/function, much more mature, and more efficient code
(almost the same as original line editor), etc. I got response back
that it was obviously the RED author's fault that he developed it much
earlier than XEDIT and it was much better, so it should be his
responsibility to bring XEDIT up to level of RED. From 6jun1979 email
(compare CPU secs to load large file for editing).


... I guess part of the issue was this wasn't long after "Future
System" imploded

and head of POK manages to convince corporate to kill the vm370/cms
product, shutdown the development group, and move all the people to
POK for MVS/XA ... Endicott eventually manages to save the product
mission (for the mid-range), but had to recreate development
organization from scratch (and claims of upwards of 200 people in the
ISPF organization).

In same time-frame, the 3274/3278 started shipping for 3272/3277
replacement ... 3278 had lots of the electronics moved back to the
3274 controller (to reduce 3278 manufacturing costs) significantly
driving up the terminal coax protocol chatter and latency. 3272/3277
had (fixed) .086sec hardware response ... while 3274/3278 had .3-.5sec
hardware response (depending about amount of data). This was also
during the period when there were studies showing quarter sec trivial
interactive response improved productivity (3272/3277 would meet the
objective with .164 "system response" (.086+.164=.25sec) ... which was
impossible to achieve with 3274/3278 (I actual had quite a few of my
internal systems with .11sec system response, aka plus 3722/3277
.086sec gave .196sec trivial interactive response). Letter to 3278
product administer was met with response that 3278 wasn't targeted for
interactive computing, but data entry. Note issue didn't cropped up
with MVS users ... since it was a rare MVS operation that could even
achieve one second system response.

trivia: later with IBM/PC, 3277 terminal emulation card would have 3-5
times the upload/download throughput of a 3278 terminal emulation card

posts mentioning 3272/3277 comparison with 3274/3278 HONE, Performance Predictor, and Configurators XT/370 3270 48th Birthday ARM Cortex A53 64 bit Teletypewriter Model 33 spacewar Dualcase vs monocase. Was: Article for the boss HELP WITH PCOM - PASTE OPTION NOT WORKING CORRECTLY Writing article on telework/telecommuting coax (3174) throughput 3270 Terminal If IBM Hadn't Bet the Company So why doesn't the mainstream IT press seem to get the IBM mainframe? The 50th Anniversary of the Legendary IBM 1401

future system posts

posts mentioning using revenue from VM370 Performance Products
to underwrite MVS ISPF: IBM, Unix, editors IBM Punch Cards IBM Software Charging Rules IBM deliberately misclassified mainframe sales to enrich execs, lawsuit claims IBM PROFs 23Jun1969 Unbundling What microprocessor is more powerful, the Z80 or 6502? progress in e-mail, such as AOL Programmers Who Use Spaces Paid More [CM] What was your first home computer? ISPF (was Fujitsu Mainframe Vs IBM mainframe) TSO Test does not support 65-bit debugging? Real Programmers The Subroutine Call Should you support or abandon the 3270 as a User Interface? SPF in 1978 Set numbers off permanently Call for XEDIT freaks, submit ISPF requirements Call for XEDIT freaks, submit ISPF requirements DEC-10 SOS Editor Intra-Line Editing

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970


From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: 801/RISC
Date: 17 Jun, 2024
Blog: Facebook

1980 there was project to move large number of CISC processors to
801/RISC ... controllers, entry/mid-range 370s (including 4361&4381
follow-on to 4331&4341), AS/400, etc ... for various reasons those
efforts floundered and business returned to CISC business as usual.

There was the 801/RISC ROMP chip that was suppose to be for
displaywriter follow-on ... when that got canceled, they decided to
pivot to the unix workstation market and hired the company that had
done AT&T UNIIX work for IBM/PC PC/IX which becomes "AIX" for
"PC/RT. ACIS was working on doing UCB BSD Unix for 370 and were
redirected to do it for the PC/RT as "AOS". Austin then start on
801/RISC RIOS chipset for the RS/6000.

The last product we did at IBM started out HA/6000 in the late 80s,
originally for NYTimes to move their newspaper system (ATEX) from
VAXCluster to RS/6000. I rename it HA/CMP when start doing cluster
scale-up with national labs and commercial cluster scale-up with RDBMS
vendors (Oracle, Sybase, Informix, Ingres) that had VAXCluster support
in the same source base with UNIX. Lots of studies of availability and
faults was showing that commodity hardware was getting more reliable
and problems were increasingly becoming environmental (floods,
hurricanes, earthquakes, etec) and needed to also support systems at
geographically distributed locations. Out marketing, I coined the
terms disaster survivability and geographic
survivability and IBM S/88 Product Administer started taking us
around to their customers. The S/88 Product Administer also got me to
write a section for the corporate continuous available straegy
document (but it got pulled when both Rochester/AS400 and
POK/mainframe complained they couldn't meet the requirements).

Early Jan1992, had meeting with Oracle CEO where AWD/Hester told them
that we would have 16-processor clusters by mid-92 and 128-processor
clusters by ye-92. However, by end of Jan, cluster scale-up was
transferred for announce as IBM Supercomputer (technical/scientific
*ONLY*) and we were told we couldn't work on anything with more than
four processors (we leave IBM a few months later). 1993 Industry MIPS
benchmarks, number of program iterations compared to reference
platform (not actual instruction count):

ES/9000-982, 8-processor : 408MIPS, 51MIPS/processor
RS6000/990 : 126MIPS (HA/CMP clusters would have been
             16-way/2016MIPS, 128-way/16,128MIPS

Note the executive we reported to when doing HA/CMP, went over to head
up Somerset (single chip 801/risc for AIM, Apple, IBM, Motorola; also
involved integrating a lot of Motoorola 88K RISC features into
Power/PC ... including SMP tightly-coupled multiprocessor
support). This was basis with what Rocheter used for moving AS/400 to
RISC (a decade or so after the original attempt).

Trivia: AWD PC/RT had PC/AT 16-bit bus and they had done their own
4mbit T/R (and other) cards. RS/6000 had microchannel and were told
they couldn't do their own cards but had to use the (communication
group's severely performance kneecapped) PS2 microchannel cards
(example PS2 16mbit T/R microchannel card had low card-throughput than
the PC/RT 4mbit T/R card ... joke was a RS/6000 server with
microchannel 16mbit T/R card would have lower throughput than PC/RT
with 4mbit T/R card).


Note about PC/RT ref being used for NSFNET: Early 80s, we had HSDT
project (T1 and faster computer links) and working with NSF Director
and was suppose to get $20M to interconnect the NSF Supercomputer
Centers, then congress cuts the budget, some other things happened and
eventually a RFP was release (in part based on what we already had
running), From 28Mar1986 Preliminary Announcement:

The OASC has initiated three programs: The Supercomputer Centers
Program to provide Supercomputer cycles; the New Technologies Program
to foster new supercomputer software and hardware developments; and
the Networking Program to build a National Supercomputer Access
Network - NSFnet.

... snip ...

IBM internal politics was not allowing us to bid (being blamed for
online computer conferencing inside IBM likely contributed). The NSF
director tried to help by writing the company a letter (3Apr1986, NSF
Director to IBM Chief Scientist and IBM Senior VP and director of
Research, copying IBM CEO) with support from other gov. agencies
... but that just made the internal politics worse (as did claims that
what we already had operational was at least 5yrs ahead of the winning
bid), as regional networks connect in, it becomes the NSFNET backbone,
precursor to modern internet.

The RFP called for T1 network, but the PC/RT links were 440kbits/sec
(not T1) and they put in T1 trunks with telco multiplexers (carrying
multiple 440kbit links) to call it a T1 network. I periodically
ridiculed that why don't they call it T5 network, since it was
possible that some of the T1 trunks were in turn, carried over T5

801/risc, iliad, romp, rios, pc/rt, rs/6000, power, power/pc posts
ha/cmp posts
continuous availability, disaster survivability, geographic
survivability posts
HSDT posts
NSFNET posts

posts mentioning Somerset, AIM, Apple, Motorola, power/pc, as/400 Disk & TCP/IP I/O IBM 360 Announce 7Apr1964 PC370 How IBM Stumbled onto RISC 801/RISC and Mid-range IBM Clone Controllers Cloud Computing S/38, AS/400 Delay between idea and implementation New HD IBM cuts more than 1,000 U.S. Workers Memory versus processor speed Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Mid-Range Market

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Mid-Range Market
Date: 17 Jun, 2024
Blog: Facebook

4300 sold into the same mid-range market as DEC VAX and in about same
numbers for small unit orders, the big difference was large
corporations with orders of hundreds of VM/4341s at a time for
distribution out in departmental areas (sort of the leading edge of
the coming distributed computing tsunami). Archived posts with decade
of VAX sales, sliced and diced by model, year, US/non-US (MVI&MVII
were micro-vax)

IBM 4361/4381 (follow-on to 4331/4341) was expected to see the same
explosion in sales, but can be seen by the VAX numbers, by the
mid-80s, the mid-range market was starting to shift to workstations
and large PCs.

AS/400 wasn't released until AUG1988

Other trivia, I had access to early engineering 4341 and Jan1979 was
con'ed into doing benchmark for national lab that was looking at
getting 70 for a compute farm (sort of leading edge of the coming
cluster supercomputing tsunami)

Posts mentioning mid-range distributed & cluster supercomputing
tsunamis architectural goals, Byte Addressability And Beyond IBM 4300 Vintage Mainframe HA/CMP VAX MIPS whatever they were, indirection in old architectures Cluster and Distributed Computing PDS Directory Multi-track Search Future System, 115/125, 138/148, ECPS Vintage IBM 4300 Internet microcomputers, minicomputers, mainframes, supercomputers 801/RISC and Mid-range Typing, Keyboards, Computers IBM 4341 PROFS trivia CDC6600, Cray, Thornton SHARE LSRAD Report Telum & z16 IBM Left Behind 4361/3092 TCP/IP and Mid-range market Mainframe I/O 3277 graphics Mainframe mid-range computing market MAINFRAME (4341) History IBM Recruiting Amdahl Computers PC Market IBM HONE IBM NUMBERS BIPOLAR'S DAYS WITH G5 CMOS MAINFRAMES mainframe hacking "success stories"? It's 1983:  What computer would you buy? AW: mainframe distribution 1963 Timesharing: A Solution to Computer Bottlenecks 64 bit addressing into the future Why Can't You Buy z Mainframe Services from Amazon Cloud Services? 3380 was actually FBA? IBM Continues To Crumble Why you need batch cloud computing

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970


Refed: **, - **, - **
From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: REXX and DUMPRX
Date: 18 Jun, 2024
Blog: Facebook

In the very early 80s, I wanted to demonstrate REX(X) was not just
another pretty scripting language (before renamed REXX and released to
customers). I decided on redoing a large assembler application (dump
processor & fault analysis) in REX with ten times the function and ten
times the performance (lot of hacks and slight of hand done to make
interpreted REX run faster than the assembler version), working half
time over three months elapsed. I finished early so started writing
automated script that searched for most common failure signatures. It
also included a pseudo dis-assembler ... converting storage areas into
instruction sequences and would format storage according to specified
dsects. I got softcopy of messages&codes and could index applicable
information. I had thought that it would be released to customers, but
for what ever reasons it wasn't (even tho it was in use by most PSRs
and internal datacenters) ... however, I finally did get permission to
give talks on the implementation at user group meetings ... and within
a few months similar implementations started showing up at customer
shops. Old archived email from 3092 group (3090 service processor,
pair of 4361s running highly modified version of VM370R6 with service
screens done in CMS IOS3270) contacted me about shipping it as part of

trivia: (recently gone 404, but lives on at wayback machine)

mentions requiring pair of 3370 FBA drives, even MVS accounts which
never had FBA support. Late 70s, I offered MVS group FBA support, but
they said that even if fully integrated and tested, I needed $26M
incremental revenue business case (couple hundred million in sales) to
cover cost of education and pubs ... but since IBM was already selling
every disk it could manufacture, FBA MVS sales would just translate
into same amount of disks ... and I couldn't use lifetime savings as
part of business case (note no CKD DASD have been manufactured for
decades, all being simulated on industry standard fixed-block disks,
aka 3380s were already fixed-block ... can be seen in formulas for
records/track where record size has to be rounded up to fixed
cell size).

dumprx posts
DASD, CKD, FBA, multi-track search posts

posts mentioning MVS FBA $26M business case: IBM 360 Announce 7Apr1964 Vintage IBM 3380s Vintage IBM 5100 3081 TCMs DASD, Channel and I/O long winded trivia Fortran IBM 4341 IBM 4341 IBM Punch Cards IBM CKD DASD CKD Disks 3880 & 3380 long-winded post thread, 3033, 3081, Future System The rise and fall of IBM Manned Orbiting Laboratory Declassified: Inside a US Military Space Station MVS vs HASP vs JES (was 2821) You count as an old-timer if (was Re: Origin of the phrase "XYZZY") Formal definition of Speed Matching Buffer The IBM Strategy Quixotically on-topic post, still on topic Santa has a Mainframe! rebuild 1403 printer chain IBM commitment to academia Old data storage or data base The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software Query for Destination z article -- mainframes back to the future relative mainframe speeds, was What Makes an Architecture Bizarre? Searching for storage (DASD) alternatives Search Google, 1960:s-style ISO documentation of IBM 3375, 3380 and 3390 track format Graph of total world disk space over time? junking CKD; was "Social Security Confronts IT Obsolescence" junking CKD; was "Social Security Confronts IT Obsolescence" A brief history of CMS/XA, part 1 zLinux OR Linux on zEnterprise Blade Extension??? When will MVS be able to use cheap dasd When will MVS be able to use cheap dasd Mainframe Slang terms Documenting the underlying FBA design of 3375, 3380 and 3390? What was the historical price of a P/390? DCSS ... when shared segments were implemented in VM Virtual Another difference between platforms using 3390 mod-9s using 3390 mod-9s capacity of largest drive Is the solution FBA was Re: FW: Looking for Disk Calc

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Private Equity Becomes Roach Motel as Public Pension Funds and Other Investors Borrow As Funds Remain Tied Up

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Private Equity Becomes Roach Motel as Public Pension Funds and Other Investors Borrow As Funds Remain Tied Up
Date: 18 Jun, 2024
Blog: Facebook

Private Equity Becomes Roach Motel as Public Pension Funds and Other
Investors Borrow As Funds Remain Tied Up

trivia: the industry got such a bad reputation during the S&L crisis

that they renamed the industry private equity and "junk bonds"
became "high yield bonds". I've seen TV interviews where the host kept
saying "junk bonds" and the guest kept say "high yield bonds" (when
talking about the same thing).

private equity posts
capitalism posts
S&L Crisis posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Mid-Range Market

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Mid-Range Market
Date: 18 Jun, 2024
Blog: Facebook

re: MVS/ISPF Editor Mid-Range Market REXX and DUMPRX

also note: Future System was completely different and was going to
completely replace 370 (internal politics was killing off 370 efforts
and lack of new 370 is credited with giving the clone 370 makers their
market foothold), then in the wake of the Future System implosion,
there was a mad rush to get stuff back into the 370 product pipeline,
including kicking off quick&dirty 3033&3081 in parallel.

the head of POK also manages to convince corporate to kill the
vm370/cms product, shutdown the development group, and move all the
people to POK for MVS/XA; they weren't planning on telling the people
about the move until the very last moment (to minimize those that
might be able to escape into the Boston area). The information managed
to leak early and several managed to escape, including to the brand
new, infant DEC VAX effort (joke was that head of POK was major
contributor to DEC VAX). They then had a witch hunt for the source of
the leak, fortunately for me, nobody gave up the leak source. Endicott
eventually manages to save the VM370/CMS product mission (for the
mid-range), but had to recreate development organization from scratch
(and claims in early 80s upwards of 200 people in the ISPF

as aside, one of the final nails in the FS coffin was analysis by the
IBM Houston Science Center that if 370/195 applications were migrated
to FS machine made out of the fastest available hardware, it would
have throughput of 370/145 (something like architecture having factor
of 30times slowdown).

future system posts

posts mentioning after future system implodes, head of POK convinces
corporate to kill vm370 product and move all the people to POK Gordon Bell Vintage Mainframe PROFS Ferranti Atlas microcomputers, minicomputers, mainframes, supercomputers Copyright Software DASD, Channel and I/O long winded trivia Another 4341 thread Open Software Foundation z/VM 50th - Part 6, long winded zm story (before z/vm) IBM Teddy Bear z/VM 50th Enhanced Production Operating Systems CMS OS/360 Simulation CMS Support Z/VM Amdahl Computers IBM downturn long-winded post thread, 3033, 3081, Future System The (broken) economics of OSS DOS & OS2 GREAT presentation on the history of the mainframe Great mainframe history(?) a bit of hope? What was old is new again Microsoft Open Sources .NET, Saying It Will Run on Linux and Mac Complete 360 and 370 systems found Rather nice article on COBOL on Vulture Central Happy 50th Birthday to the IBM Cambridge Scientific Center Application development paradigms [was: RE: Learning Rexx] z/OS is antique WAS: Aging Sysprogs = Aging Farmers What is holding back cloud adoption? Using NOTE and POINT simulation macros on CMS? SIE - CompArch A bit of IBM System 360 nostalgia FAA 9020 - S/360-65 or S/360-67? John R. Opel, RIP assembler help! Is the magic and romance killed by Windows (and Linux)?

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

IBM Internal Network

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: IBM Internal Network
Date: 18 Jun, 2024
Blog: Facebook

re: IBM Internal Network

co-worker at the science center was responsible for the science center
wide-area network ... one of the people that invented GML at the
science center in 1969, saying their original job was to promote the
CP67 wide-area network:

Actually, the law office application was the original motivation for
the project, something I was allowed to do part-time because of my
knowledge of the user requirements. My real job was to encourage the
staffs of the various scientific centers to make use of the
CP-67-based Wide Area Network that was centered in Cambridge.

... snip ...

Science Center wide-area network morphs into the internal corporate
network, larger than arpanet/internet from just about the beginning
until sometime mid/late 80s ... technology was also used for the
corporate sponsored univ BITNET&EARN.

At the 1jan1983 cut-over from HOST/IMP to internetworking, there was
100 IMPs and 255 hosts while the internal corporate network was
rapidly approaching 1000; old post with list of corporate locations
that added one or more hosts during 1983:

Edson wiki entry

In June 1975, MIT Professor Jerry Saltzer accompanied Hendricks to
DARPA, where Hendricks described his innovations to the principal
scientist, Dr. Vinton Cerf. Later that year in September 15-19 of 75,
Cerf and Hendricks were the only two delegates from the United States,
to attend a workshop on Data Communications at the International
Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, 2361 Laxenburg Austria where
again, Hendricks spoke publicly about his innovative design which
paved the way to the Internet as we know it today.

... snip ...

SJMerc article about Edson (he passed aug2020) and "IBM'S MISSED
OPPORTUNITY WITH THE INTERNET" (gone behind paywall but lives free at
wayback machine)
Also from wayback machine, some additional (IBM missed) references
from Ed's website

We had transferred out to SJR in 1977 and fall of 1982, SJR had the
first IBM connection to CSNET
some old archived email
CSNET (arpanet->intenet cutover) status email

Early 1980s, had HSDT project with T1 and faster computer links (both
satellite and terrestrial) and one of 1st links was satellite T1 link
between IBM Los Gatos lab and Clementi's
E&S lab in Kingston, that had a whole boatload of Floating Point Systems boxes
some of which had 40mbyte/sec disk arrays.

Was also working with NSF director and was suppose to get $20M to
interconnect the NSF supercomputer centers ... then congress cut the
budget, some other things happened and eventually a RFP was released
(in part based on what we already had running). Along the way, I was
asked to talk to UCB, NSF thought they were giving UC grant for UCB
supercomputer center, but folklore is that the regent's master
building plan was UCSD would get the next new bldg, and it became the
UCSD supercomputer center instead.

Working with the IBM UCB account team, in 1983 I was also asked if I
would talk to the Berkeley "10M telescope" people and had a number of
meetings with them and visit/tours of some testing being done at Lick
Observatory (east of San Jose). The 10M effort was also working on
transition from film to CCD ... and the plans were to put it on a
mountain in Hawaii and wanted to do remote observing from the
mainland. CCDs were still fairly primitive ... but starting to get
better, in any case it looked like remote viewing would start out
requiring around 800kbits/sec. Along the way, they got grants from the
Keck Foundation ... and it morphs into the Keck Observatory.

some archived ( posts with old 10m email

other trivia: 28Mar1986 Preliminary Announcement:

The OASC has initiated three programs: The Supercomputer Centers
Program to provide Supercomputer cycles; the New Technologies Program
to foster new supercomputer software and hardware developments; and
the Networking Program to build a National Supercomputer Access
Network - NSFnet.

... snip ...

IBM internal politics was not allowing us to bid. The NSF director
tried to help by writing the company a letter (3Apr1986, NSF Director
to IBM Chief Scientist and IBM Senior VP and director of Research,
copying IBM CEO) with support from other gov. agencies ... but that
just made the internal politics worse (as did claims that what we
already had operational was at least 5yrs ahead of the winning bid,
awarded 24Nov87)

Science Center posts
GML, SGML, HTML, posts
internal network posts
HSDT posts
NSFNET posts
internet posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

NAS Hitachi 370 Clones

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: NAS Hitachi 370 Clones
Date: 19 Jun, 2024
Blog: Facebook

Archived post with email about former IBMer (had doneone of the VM370
Performance Products) that was doing consulting ... including for
Lockheed's DIALOG ... mentions DIALOG had got a NAS AS9000

I would periodically drop by DIALOG to see him when he was in town. He
tried to interest me in leaving IBM and joining DIALOG or NAS

past posts mentioning DIALOG Anyone knew or used the Dialog service back in the 80's? Anyone knew or used the Dialog service back in the 80's? EasyLink email ad {wtf} Tymshare SuperBasic Source Code IBM Programmer Aptitude Test Before the Internet: The golden age of online services Graph of total world disk space over time? Old datasearches Old datasearches Continous Systems Modelling Package 3350 failures Q: S/390 on PowerPC?

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970


From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Date: 19 Jun, 2024
Blog: Facebook

There was friendly rivalry between (IBM science center) 4th &
(multics) 5th flrs ... one of their customers was USAFDC in the
pentagon ...

In spring 1979, some USAFDC wanted to come by to talk to me about
getting 20 4341 VM370 systems. When they finally came by six months
later, the planned order had grown to 210 4341 VM370 systems. Earlier
in jan1979, I had also been con'ed into doing a 6600 benchmark on an
internal engineering 4341 (processor clock not running full-speed;
before production shipments to customers) for a national lab that was
looking at getting 70 4341s for a compute farm (sort of leading edge
of the coming cluster supercomputing tsunami). The national lab
benchmark had run 35.77sec on 6600 and 36.21secs on engineering 4341.

IBM CSC posts

Posts mention USAFDC CTSS, Multicis, CP67/CMS Computers and Boyd Multicians Internet IBM 360/67 5th flr Multics & 4th flr science center IBM 4341 MAINFRAME (4341) History IBM Recruiting mainframe hacking "success stories"? It's 1983:  What computer would you buy? why VM, was thrashing Multics Timeline Warnings for the U.S. military about innovation and the information age: The Pentagon looks like a minicomputer firm The History of the Grid Warnings for the U.S. military about innovation and the information age: The Pentagon looks like a minicomputer firm

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Early Computer Use

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Early Computer Use
Date: 19 Jun, 2024
Blog: Facebook

Took two credit hr intro to fortran/computers, at the end of the
semester, univ hires me to rewrite 1401 MPIO for 360/30 (doing
reader->tape & tape->printer/punch frontend for 709). Univ was getting
360/67 for tss/360 to replace 709/1401 and got a 360/30 (had 1401
microcode emulation) temporarily replacing 1401. The univ. shutdown
datacenter on weekends and I had it dedicated, although 48hrs w/o
sleep made monday classes hard. They gave me a bunch of hardware &
software manuals and I got to design and implement my own stand-alone
monitor, device drivers, interrupt handlers, error recovery, storage
management, etc; within a few weeks had 2000 card 360 assembler

Within a year of intro class, 360/67 arrived and univ. hires me
fulltime responsible for os/360 (tss/360 never came to production) and
I continued to have my dedicated weekend time. Student fortran ran
under second on (tape->tape) 709, initially on os/360 (360/67 running
as 360/65), ran over minute. I install HASP cuts time in half. I then
redo STAGE2 SYSGEN, placing datasets and PDS members to optimize arm
seek and multi-track search, cutting another 2/3rds to 12.9secs; never
got better than 709 until I install Univ. of Waterloo WATFOR.

Before I graduate I'm hired into small group in Boeing CFO office to
help with formation of Boeing Computer Services (consolidate all
dataprocessing into independent business unit). I think Renton
datacenter possibly largest in the world, couple hundred million in
360s, 360/65s arriving faster than they could be installed, boxes
constantly staged in hallways around machine room (somebody joked that
Boeing was acquiring 360/65s like other companies acquired
keypunches). Lots of politics between Renton Director and CFO, who
only had a 360/30 up at Boeing field for payroll (although they
enlarge the machine room to install 360/67 for me to play with when
I'm not doing other stuff).

When I graduate, I join science center (instead of staying with Boeing
CFO) ... not long later IBM gets new CSO (had come from gov. service,
at one time head of presidential detail) and I'm asked to spend time
with him talking about computer security.

science center posts

some recent posts mentioning working in Boeing CFO office: IBM 4300 ASCII/TTY33 Support 360&370 Unix (and other history) Boeing and the Dark Age of American Manufacturing IBM 360 Announce 7Apr1964 IBM 360 Announce 7Apr1964 Computers and Boyd Vintage Selectric Vintage 2250 Mainframe Career IBM 360 Boeing's Shift from Engineering Excellence to Profit-Driven Culture: Tracing the Impact of the McDonnell Douglas Merger on the 737 Max Crisis UNIX, MULTICS, CTSS, CSC, CP67 Univ, Boeing Renton and "Spook Base" 1960's COMPUTER HISTORY: REMEMBERING THE IBM SYSTEM/360 MAINFRAME Origin and Technology (IRS, NASA) The Greatest Capitalist Who Ever Lived

posts mentioning asked to spend time with new IBM CSO talking about
computer security: Computers and Boyd Vintage Future System FAA ATC, The Brawl in IBM 1964 Dataprocessing Career Almost IBM class student Researchers found security pitfalls in IBM's cloud infrastructure 360/67 Virtual Memory Enhanced Production Operating Systems II Industrial Espionage Security Computer Security Automated Benchmarking IBM CSO IBM Confidential Mainframe mid-range computing market The Case Against SQL IBM Zcloud - is it just outsourcing ? Hacking, Exploits and Vulnerabilities Bizarre Career Events Teaching IBM class Interactive Computing IBM "Wild Ducks" Early mainframe security Facebook Knows More About You Than the CIA Economic Mess The Road Not Taken: Edward Lansdale and the American Tragedy in Vietnam IBM 5100 Running unsupported is dangerous was Re: AW: Re: LE strikes again IBM Story Ransomware on Mainframe application ? A flaw in the design; The Internet's founders saw its promise but didn't foresee users attacking one another The real story of how the Internet became so vulnerable IBM Programmer Aptitude Test Bridgestone Sues IBM For $600 Million Over Allegedly 'Defective' System That Plunged The Company Into 'Chaos' The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software Programmer Charged with thieft  (maybe off topic) Plug Your Data Leaks from the inside The Great Cyberheist Personal use z/OS machines was Re: Multiprise 3k for personal Use? Personal use z/OS machines was Re: Multiprise 3k for personal Use? While watching Biography about Bill Gates on CNBC last Night While watching Biography about Bill Gates on CNBC last Night Top 10 Cybersecurity Threats for 2009, will they cause creation of highly-secure Corporate-wide Intranets? Security via hardware? If your CSO lacks an MBA, fire one of you

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Obscure Systems in my Past

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Obscure Systems in my Past
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2024 08:32:17 -1000

"Kurt Weiske" <> writes:

Posting about the Pick system I worked on reminded me of another weird
system I worked on.

801/RISC ROMP chip ran CP.r implemented in PL.8 ... was going to be used
for displaywriter follow-on. When displaywriter follow-on got canceled
(word processing moving to ibm/pc), they decided to pivot to the unix
workstation market and got the company that did AT&T Unix port of IBM/PC
for PC/IX, to do one of ROMP (PC/RT and AIX). The issue was what to do
with the 200 PL.8 programmers.

They decideded to do VRM, a sort of virtual machine implementation in
PL.8 and told the unix port company it would be faster & simpler if
instead of porting to real ROMP ... it would be simpler&faster if they
ported to psuedo virtual machine VRM interface instead (one downside for
unix market, was that new device drivers required both unix/aix C driver
and a VRM PL.8 driver).. Then to help justify the VRM, they also got
Pick port to the psuedo virtual machine VRM interface (and could run

Note IBM ACIS had a few people in the process of doing a UCB BSD port to
(mainframe) 370 when they were told to instead port to PC/RT (bare
machine w/o VRM), ... which took enormously less resources and
enormously less time than either VRM or AIX.

posts mentioning 801/risc, iliad, romp, rios, pc/rt, rs/6000,
power/pc, etc

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360
Newsgroups: comp.arch
Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2024 14:28:04 -1000

John Levine <> writes:

It's not that close.  S/360 had a single key in the PSW that it matched against
all of a program's storage refrences while this has the tag in a pointer, so
it's more like a capability.

The x86 protection keys are more like S/360. There's a key for each
virtual page and a PKRU register that has to match.

360s, each 2kbytes had 4bit storage protect key .... match executing psw
4kbit key to storage protect key. zero in psw 4kbit key reserved for
system and allowing access all storage ... non-zero allowing for
(isolating) up to 15 separated concurrently executing (mvt) regions.

a little over decade ago was asked to track down decision to add virtual
memory to all 370s. basically MVT storage management was so bad that
required specifying region storage requirements four times larger than
used ... limiting number of concurrently executing regions to less than
number needed for keeping 1mbyte, 370/165 busy and justified. Going to
single 16mbyte virtual memory (VS2/SVS) allowed increasing number of
concurrent regions by factor of four (up to 15) with litte or no paging
(sort of like running MVT in a CP67 16mbyte virtual machine). Biggest
bit of code was creating a copy of passed channel (I/O) programs,
substituting real addresses for virtual addresses (Ludlow borrows
"CCWTRANS" from CP67, crafting into MVT EXCP/SVC0).

trivia: 370/165 engineers started complaining they if they had to
implement the full 370 virtual memory architecture, it would slip
announce by six months ... so several features were dropped (including
virtual memory segment table entry r/o flag, could have combination of
different virtual address spaces sharing the same segment, some being
r/w and some being r/o). Note: other models (& software) that
implmeneted full architecture, had to drop back to 370/165 subset.

370s were getting larger fast and increasingly needed more than 15
concurrently executing regions (to keep systems busy and justified) and
so transition to VS2/MVS, a different virtual address space for each
region (isolating each region storage access in different virtual
address space). However, it inherited os/360 pointer-passing APIs and so
mapped an image of the "MVS" kernel image into eight mbytes of every
virtual address space (leaving eight for application). Also "subsystems"
were mapped into separate address spaces and (pointer passing API)
needed to access application storage. Initially a common 1mbyte segment
storage area was mapped into all address spaces (common segment
area/"CSA"). However space requirements was somewhat proportional to
number of subsystems and concurrently executing application and "CSA"
quickly becomes "common system area").

By 3033 time-frame CSA was frequently 5-6mbytes ... leaving 2-3mbytes
for application regions (and threatening to becoming 8mbytes, leaving
zero). This was part of mad rush to xa/370 ... special architecture
features for MVS, including subsystems able to concurrently access
multiple address spaces (a subset was eventually retrofitted to 3033 as
"dual-address space mode").

other trivia: in 70s, I was pontificating that there was increasing
mismatch between disk throughput and system throughput. In early 80s I
wrote a tome about relative system disk throughput had declined by an
order of magnitude since os/360 announce (systems got 40-50 times
faster, disks only got 3-5 times faster). Some disk executive took
exception and assigned the division system performance group to refute
the claim. After a couple weeks they came back and effectively said I
had slightly understated the case. Their analysis was then turned into
(mainframe user group) SHARE
presentation about configuring disks for better system throughput
(16Aug1984, SHARE 63, B874).

posts mentioning DASD, CKD, FBA, multi-track search, etc

some recent posts mentioning SHARE B874 Old adage "Nobody ever got fired for buying IBM" backward architecture, The Design of Design Storage Management IBM DASD 3380 HASP, JES, MVT, 370 Virtual Memory, VS2 DISK Performance and Reliability IBM User Group, SHARE IBM Punch Cards Mainrame Channel Redrive 360/85 IBM Cambridge Science Center Performance Technology RS/6000 (and some mainframe) Mainframe Channel I/O Channel Program I/O Processing Efficiency 360&370 I/O Channels COMPUTER HISTORY: REMEMBERING THE IBM SYSTEM/360 MAINFRAME, its Origin and Technology Channel I/O Processor, DASD, VTAM & TCP/IP performance 165/168/3033 & 370 virtual memory Multitrack Search Performance IBM Disks IBM CKD DASD and multi-track search IBM 370 and Future System fast sort/merge, OoO S/360 descendants iBM System/3 FORTRAN for engineering/science work? 3380 disk capacity Univac 90/30 DIAG instruction IBM Disk Division San Jose bldg 50 and 3380 manufacturing Performance History, 5-10Oct1986, SEAS

some other recent posts mentioning (3033) dual-address space mode IBM Mainframe Addressing backward architecture, The Design of Design IBM 360 Announce 7Apr1964 IBM 360 Announce 7Apr1964 Vintage MVS How IBM Stumbled onto RISC Vintage TSS/360 DASD, Channel and I/O long winded trivia IBM 360/195 IBM MVS RAS Some 3033 (and other) Trivia 360/67 Virtual Memory 165/168/3033 & 370 virtual memory IBM Future System

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

IBM 23June1969 Unbundling Announcement

Refed: **, - **, - **
From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: IBM 23June1969 Unbundling Announcement
Date: 22 Jun, 2024
Blog: Facebook

from original post

from comment in post in another FACEBOOK group

23Jun1969 unbundling started to charge for (application) software
(however IBM manages to make the case that kernel software should
still be free), SE (software/support engineer) services, and

SE training used to include sort of apprentice program as part of
large group on-site at customer installation, with unbundling they
couldn't figure out how NOT to charge for on-site trainee SE time ...
kicking off the HONE (hands-on network experience) ... branch office
online access to (virtual machine) CP/67 systems practicing
with guest operating systems. The science center had originally wanted
a 360/50 to add virtual memory hardware support, but all the spare
360/50s were going to the FAA ATC program and so had to settle for
360/40, doing "CP40" & "CMS". When 360/67 standard with virtual
memory becomes available, CP40/CMS morphs into CP67/CMS.

I had taken two credit hour intro to Fortran/Computers and at the end
of the semester, the univ hires me to rewrite 1401 MPIO for
360/30. The univ. was getting a 360/67 for TSS/360, replacing 709/1401
and was temporarily getting 360/30 replacing 1401 ... as part of
getting 360 experience. The univ shutdown datacenter on weekends and I
would have the place dedicated, although 48hrs w/o sleep made monday
classes hard. I was given a bunch of hardware and software manuals and
got to design and implement my own monitor, device drivers, interrupt
handlers, error recovery, storage management, etc. and within a few
weeks had a 2000 card assembler program. The 360/67 arrives within a
year of taking intro class and I was hired fulltime responsible for
OS/360 (TSS/360 never really came to production and so 360/67 ran
fulltime as 360/65).

Then CSC came out to install CP67 (3rd installation after CSC itself
and MIT Lincoln Labs) and I got to play with it mostly during my
weekend dedicated time ... getting to redesign and rewrite a lot of
the code. Before I graduate, I was hired fulltime into small group in
the Boeing CFO office to help with formation with Boeing Computer
Services, consolidating all dataprocessing into independent business
unit. I thought Renton was possibly largest datacenter in the world,
360/65s arriving faster than they could be installed (boxes constantly
consolidated in hallways around machine room). Lots of politics
between Renton director and CFO, who only had a 360/30 up at Boeing
field for payroll (although they enlarge the machine room to install
360/67 for me to play with when I wasn't doing other stuff. Eventually
I graduate and join the science center (instead of staying with Boeing

At the science center, one of my hobbies was enhanced production
operating systems for internal datacenters and HONE was a long time
customer. CSC ports APL\360 to CMS for CMS\APL and HONE starts
offering CMS\APL-based branch sales&marketing support applications
which come to dominate all HONE activity (and original SE guest
operating system just dwindles away).

During early 70s, IBM has the "Future System" effort which was
completely different than 360/370 and was going to completely replace
it. During FS, internal politics was killing off 370 efforts (lack of
new 370 is credited with giving the clone 370 makers their market
foothol). When FS finally implodes there is mad rush to get stuff back
into 370 product pipelines, including kicking off quick&dirty
3033&3081 efforts in parallel.

Possibly because of the rise of the 370 clone makers, IBM also decides
to start charging for kernel software, starting with new kernel
add-ons (eventually transitioning to charging for all kernel software
and no longer providing software source) and a bunch of my internal
stuff was selected as guinea pig (I get to spend a lot of time with
business planners and lawyers on kernel software charging
practices). By early 80s, full kernel software was being charged for
and the start of the OCO-wars (object code only) with customers.

random other thoughts:

unbundling announce posts
CSC posts
CSC/VM posts
HONE posts
future system posts
IBM downturn/downfall/breakup posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

IBM 23June1969 Unbundling Announcement

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: IBM 23June1969 Unbundling Announcement
Date: 22 Jun, 2024
Blog: Facebook

re: IBM 23June1969 Unbundling Announcement

recently comment to REXX post: REXX and DUMPRX

In the very early 80s, I wanted to demonstrate REX(X) was not just
another pretty scripting language (before renamed REXX and released to
customers). I decided on redoing a large assembler application (dump
processor & fault analysis) in REX with ten times the function and ten
times the performance (lot of hacks and slight of hand done to make
interpreted REX run faster than the assembler version), working half
time over three months elapsed. I finished early so started writing
automated script that searched for most common failure signatures. It
also included a pseudo dis-assembler ... converting storage areas into
instruction sequences and would also format storage according to
specified dsects. I got softcopy of messages&codes and could index
applicable information.

I had thought that it would be released to customers, but for what
ever reasons it wasn't (even tho it was in use by most PSRs and
internal datacenters) ... however, I finally did get permission to
give talks on the implementation at user group meetings ... and within
a few months similar implementations started showing up at customer
shops. Old archived email from 3092 group (3090 service processor,
pair of 4361s running highly modified version of VM370R6 with service
screens done in CMS IOS3270) contacted me about shipping it as part of

trivia: (recently gone 404, but lives on at wayback machine)
mentions requiring pair of 3370 FBA drives, even MVS accounts which
never had FBA support. Late 70s, I offered MVS group FBA support, but
they said that even if fully integrated and tested, I needed $26M
incremental revenue business case (couple hundred million in sales) to
cover cost of education and pubs ... but since IBM was already selling
every disk it could manufacture, FBA would just translate into same
amount of disks ... and I couldn't use lifetime savings as part of
business case (note no CKD DASD have been manufactured for decades,
all being simulated on industry standard fixed-block disks).

other trivia: while at Boeing I modified CP67 to support "pageable
kernel" for lower use features, in some cases splitting large routines
into four 4kbyte page "chunks". This drove up the number of kernel
entry points to over 255. Turns out CP67 text decks were placed behind
a "BPS Loader" which only supported 255 ESD entries ... also
discovered that BPS did pass the address of its ESD table to routine
(CPINIT which wrote an image copy to disk for IPL from disk) ... I
moved a copy of the ESD table to the end of the pageable kernel
... which CPINIT would also write to disk (I was faced with constant
kludge to keep ESD entries within 255 limit). Also modified CPINIT
when IPLed from disk, pre-allocating failure/dump file, would also
write a copy of the ESD table to the file (a complete copy of all ESD
entries was available while running as well as in any DUMP file for

After leaving Boeing for science center ... I did find a source copy
of the BPS loader in a card cabinet up in 545 tech sq attic ... which
I modified for more than 255 ESD and also new type control card that
would force a 4k-byte boundary.

DUMPRX posts
cambridge science center posts
DASD, CKD, FBA, multi-track search posts

a few posts mentioning 709/1401, mpio, 360/67, os/360, cp/67, boeing
cfo, renton datacenter, boeing field IBM 360 Announce 7Apr1964 Vintage Selectric Vintage 2250 IBM 360 Vintage Mainframe Computing Career VM370/CMS Shared Segments IBM 360/67 DASD, Channel and I/O long winded trivia Typing, Keyboards, Computers Dataprocessing Career IBM OS/360 Programming Skills System/360 consoles All programmers that developed in machine code and Assembly in the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s died?

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

STL Channel Extender

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: STL Channel Extender
Date: 22 Jun, 2024
Blog: Facebook

1980 IBM STL (since renamed SVL) was bursting at the seams and they
were moving 300 people from IMS group to offsite bldg with service
back to STL datacenter. They had tried "remote 3270", but found the
human factors unacceptable. I get con'ed into implementing channel
extender support for NSC HYPERChannel (A220, A710/A715/A720,
A510/A515) ... allowing channel attached 3270 controllers to be
located at the offsite bldg, connected to mainframes back in STL
datacenter ... with no perceived difference in human factors (quarter
second or better trivial response).

STL had spread 3270 controller boxes across all the channels with 3830
disk controller boxes. Turns out the A220 mainframe channel-attach
boxes (used for channel extender) had significantly lower channel busy
for the same amount of 3270 terminal traffic (as 3270 channel-attach
controllers) and as a result the throughput for IMS group 168s (with
NSC A220s) increased by 10-15% ... and STL considered using NSC
HYPERChannel A220 channel-extender configuration, for all 3270
controllers (even those within STL). NSC tried to get IBM to release
my support, but a group in POK playing with some fiber stuff got it
vetoed (concerned that if it was in the market, it would make it
harder to release their stuff).

trivia: The vendor eventually duplicated my support and then the 3090
product administer tracked me down. He said that 3090 channels were
designed to have a total 3-5 channel errors (EREP reported) for all
systems&customers over a year period and there were instead 20 (extra
turned out to be channel-extender support). When I got a unrecoverable
telco transmission error, I would reflect a CSW "channel-check" to the
host software. I did some research and found that if an IFCC
(interface control check) was reflected instead, it basically resulted
in the same system recovery activity (and got vendor to change their
software from "CC" to "IFCC").

About the same time, the IBM communication group was fighting off the
release of mainframe TCP/IP ... and when that got reversed, they
changed their tactic and claimed that since they had corporate
ownership of everything that crossed datacenter walls, TCP/IP had to
be released through them; what shipped got 44kbytes/sec aggregate
using nearly whole 3090 processor. I then did RFC1044 support and in
some tuning tests at Cray Research between Cray and IBM 4341, got
sustained 4341 channel throughput using only modest amount of 4341 CPU
(something like 500 times improvement in bytes moved per instruction

other trivia: 1988, the IBM branch office asks me if I could help LLNL
(national lab) "standardize" some fiber stuff they were playing with,
which quickly becomes FCS (fibre-channel standard, including some
stuff I had done in 1980), initially 1gbit/sec, full-duplex, aggregate
200mbyte/sec. Then the POK "fiber" group gets their stuff released in
the 90s with ES/9000 as ESCON, when it was already obsolete,
17mbytes/sec. Then some POK engineers get involved with FCS and define
a heavy-weight protocol that drastically cuts the native throughput
which eventually ships as FICON. Most recent public benchmark I've
found is z196 "Peak I/O" getting 2M IOPS using 104 FICON (over 104
FCS). About the same time a FCS was announced for E5-2600 server
blades claiming over million IOPS (two such FCS having higher
throughput than 104 FICON). Note also, IBM documents keeping SAPs
(system assist processors that do I/O) to 70% CPU (which would be more
like 1.5M IOPS).

channel-extender posts
HSDT posts
rfc 1044 posts
FICON &/or FCS posts

some posts mentioning 3090 channel-extender channel "errors" DataTree, UniTree, Mesa Archival Some 3090 & channel related trivia: mainframe hacking "success stories"? IPCS, DUMPRX, 3092, EREP Why Can't You Buy z Mainframe Services from Amazon Cloud Services? Why are organizations sticking with mainframes? Hannaford case exposes holes in law, some say Channel Distances Wars against bad things

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Do We Need Language to Think?

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Do We Need Language to Think?
Date: 22 Jun, 2024
Blog: Facebook

Do We Need Language to Think? A group of neuroscientists argue that
our words are primarily for communicating, not for reasoning.

Late 70s & early 80s, I was blamed for online computer conferencing on
the internal corporate network (larger than arpanet/internet from just
about beginning until sometime mid/late 80s) ... it really took off
spring 1981 when I distributed trip report of visit to Jim Gray at
Tandem. Folklore is 5of6 of the corporate executive committee wanted
to fire me. One of the outcomes is researcher was paid to sit in the
back of my office for nine months, taking notes on how I communicated,
face-to-face, telephone, got copies of all my incoming and outgoing
email and logs of all instant messages. Results was books, papers,
conference talks and Stanford Phd joint between language and computer
AI (Winograd was advisor on AI side).

Researcher was ESL teacher in prior life and claimed I have
characteristics english as 2nd language ... but I have no other
natural language ... so there was some conjecture that I don't have a
"native" natural language.

online computer conferencing posts
internal corporate network posts

some posts mentioning ESL characteristics but no native natural
language Psychology of Computer Programming Foreign Language IBM Bookmaster, GML, SGML, HTML Programming Skills addressing and protection, was Paper about ISO C Online Computer Conferencing Army researchers find the best cyber teams are antisocial cyber teams AI Is Inventing Languages Humans Can't Understand. Should We Stop It? We Use Words to Talk. Why Do We Need Them to Think? What Does School Really Teach Children Strategy fingerspitzengefuhl and Coup d'oeil Thinking in a Foreign Language Compressing the OODA-Loop - Removing the D (and maybe even an O)

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Future System and S/38

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Future System and S/38
Date: 23 Jun, 2024
Blog: Facebook

Folklore is that with Future System imploding, some of the people
retreated to Rochester and did a simplified version resulting in
S/38. FS was completely different from 360/370 and was going to
completely replace it. One of the last nails in the FS "coffin" was
analysis by the IBM Houston Science Center that if 370/195 apps were
moved to FS machine made out of the fastest available hardware, it
would have throughput of 370/145 (about 30 times slowdown, aka
available hardware could meet throughput requirements of low-end s/38

One of the S/38 issues is it treated all disks as single large
filesystem (single file might have scatter allocation with pieces on
multiple disks) ... backup had to do whole backup as single large unit
(which could take many hrs while system was down) and any simple
single disk failures, required restoring the complete filesystem
backup (replace failed disk and then do complete filesystem restore,
large mainframe with 300 disks would have been down for weeks for any
backup or restore) ... which could take day or two.
Single disk failures were so traumatic that S/38 was early adopter of
redundant disks (IBM 1977 patent)
this mentions microcode and 23jun1969 unbundling announcement

recent longer tome on unbundling, charging for (application) software,
keeping "kernel software" free and later decision to start charging
for kernel software IBM 23June1969 Unbundling Announcement IBM 23June1969 Unbundling Announcement

I continued to work on 360/370 all during FS period and would
periodically ridicule FS activity (which wasn't very career enhancing
activity) ... including their single-level-store which somewhat was
carry over from TSS/360. I had done a page-mapped filesystem for CMS
and would claim that I learned what not to do from TSS/360 ... however
part of the FS failure gave single-level-store implementations a bad
reputation ... and I couldn't get my CMS version approved for part of
the product (even though could demonstrate at least three times the
throughput of standard CMS filesystem).

Note little over decade ago, I was asked to track down decision to add
virtual memory to all 370s; basically MVT storage management was so
bad that region sizes had to be specified four times later than used,
as result typical 1mbyte 370/165 would only run four concurrent
regions, insufficient to keep 165 busy and justified; going to 16mbyte
virtual address space, aka VS2/SVS, increase number of concurrent
running regions by factor of four with little or no paging (sort of
like running MVT in a CP67 16mbyte virtual machine). Simpson (of HASP
fame) had done MFT-based virtual memory operating system with
page-mapped filesystem "RASP" ... and he couldn't make any headway
... and left IBM for Amdahl where he redid "RASP" from scratch. Post
with some of email exchange about virtual memory for all 370s Multiple Virtual Memory

Future System posts
23jun1969 unbundling posts
posts mentioning getting to play disk engineer in bldg14&15 across the
street in 2nd half 70s
cms page-mapped filesystem posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Future System and S/38

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Future System and S/38
Date: 23 Jun, 2024
Blog: Facebook

re: Future System and S/38

CEO Learson tried (and failed) to block bureaucrats, careerists, MBAs
from destroying Watson culture & legacy.

FS (failing) significantly accelerated the rise of the bureaucrats,
careerists, and MBAs .... From Ferguson & Morris, "Computer Wars:
The Post-IBM World", Time Books, 1993

"and perhaps most damaging, the old culture under Watson Snr and Jr of
free and vigorous debate was replaced with *SYNCOPHANCY* and *MAKE NO
WAVES* under Opel and Akers. It's claimed that thereafter, IBM lived
in the shadow of defeat ... But because of the heavy investment of
face by the top management, F/S took years to kill, although its wrong
headedness was obvious from the very outset. "For the first time,
during F/S, outspoken criticism became politically dangerous," recalls
a former top executive

... snip ...

note: since FS was going to replace 360/370, internal politics was
killing off 370 efforts (and the lack of new IBM 370s during the
period is credited with given the clone 370 system makers their market
foothold). claim is a major motivation for FS was as a complex
countermeasure to clone compatible 360/370 I/O controllers ... but it
resulted in giving a rise to the clone 370 system makers)

late 80s, senior disk engineer gets a talk scheduled at annual,
world-wide, internal communication group conference, supposedly on
3174 performance ... but opens the talk that the communication group
was going to be responsible for the demise of the disk division. The
disk division was seeing drop in disk sales with data fleeing
datacenters to more distributed computing friendly platforms. The
communication group had a stranglehold on datacenters with their
corporate strategic responsibility for everything that crossed
datacenter walls and were fiercely fighting off client/server and
distributed computing. The disk division had come up with a number of
(distributed computing) solutions that were constantly vetoed by the
communication group.

Communication group datacenter stranglehold wasn't just disks, a
couple years later IBM has one of the largest losses in the history of
US companies and was being reorged into the 13 "baby blues" in
preparation for breaking up the company.,9171,977353,00.html,33009,977353-1,00.html

we had already left IBM but get a call from the bowels of Armonk
asking if we could help with the breakup of the company. Before we get
started, the board brings in the former president of AMEX that
(somewhat) reverses the breakup (although it wasn't long before the
disk division is gone).

... other trivia: before ms/dos
there was Seattle computer
before Seattle computer, there was cp/m
before developing cp/m, kildall worked on IBM cp67/cms at npg

... and opel

According to the New York Times, it was Opel who met with Bill Gates,
CEO of then-small software firm Microsoft, to discuss the possibility
of using Microsoft PC-DOS OS for IBM's about-to-be-released PC. Opel
set up the meeting at the request of Gates' mother, Mary Maxwell
Gates. The two had both served on the National United Way's executive

... snip ...

The communication group had later performance kneecapped the PS2
microchannel cards. The AWD workstation division had done their own
cards for the PC/RT (AT-bus) including the 4mbit token-ring
card. However, for RS/6000 microchannel, AWD was told they couldn't do
their own cards, but had to use the PS2 microchannel cards. An example
of severe performance kneecap was that the PS2 microchannel 16mbit T/R
card had lower card throughput than the PC/RT 4mbit T/R card (joke was
a RS/6000 16mbit T/R server would have lower throughput than PC/RT
4mbit T/R server).

Note: 4300s sold into the same mid-range market as DEC VAX and in
about same numbers (for small unit orders). Big difference was large
corporation orders for hundreds of 4300s at a time for placing out in
departmental areas (sort of the leading edge of the coming distributed
computing tsunami). Old post with a decade of DEC VAX sales, sliced
and diced by model, year, US/non-US. As can be seen by mid-80s VAX
numbers, mid-range market was starting to shift to workstations and
large PC servers (MVI/MVII are microvax workstations).

future system posts
communication group datacenter stranglehold posts
801/risc, iliad, romp, rios, pc/rt, rs/6000, power, power/pc posts
IBM downturn/downfall/breakup posts
AMEX President posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Future System and S/38

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Future System and S/38
Date: 23 Jun, 2024
Blog: Facebook

re: Future System and S/38 Future System and S/38

Mainframe emulators (running on PC, linux, windows, max os x)

Free and copyright "free" IBM software (through the 70s) available.

Early 1979, copyright law changed & extended life, I scanned my copy
of SHARE LSRAD report (copyright Dec79), in late 2011 and had to find
somebody at SHARE to approve putting it up on bitsavers:

some posts mentioning hercules and funsoft mainframe emulators IBM Mainframe Emulation What is the oldest computer that could be used today for real work? Irrational desire to author fundamental interfaces search engine history, was Happy DEC-10 Day IBM tried to kill VM? virtual 360/67 support in cp67 The attack of the killer mainframes

posts mentioning bitsaver and SHARE LSRAD Tymshare & Ann Hardy IBM User Group Share Storage Management Copyright Software SHARE LSRAD Report Miniskirts and mainframes Amdahl UTS manual Before the PC: IBM invents virtualisation Vintage IBM Manuals 32760? What is holding back cloud adoption? Regarding Time Sharing GNOSIS & KeyKOS Just a quick link to a video by the National Research Council of Canada made in 1971 on computer technology for filmmaking Making the Mainframe more Accessible - What is Your Vision? IBM Manuals 1979 SHARE LSRAD Report 1979 SHARE LSRAD Report 1979 SHARE LSRAD Report digitize old hardcopy manuals Two terrific writers .. are going to write a book IBM S/360 Green Card high quality scan Old EMAIL Index Wanted: SHARE Volume I proceedings A New Role for Old Geeks repeat after me:  RAID != backup

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

ancient OS history, ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: ancient OS history, ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360
Newsgroups: comp.arch
Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2024 17:46:11 -1000

John Levine <> writes:

Not really. VS1 was basically MFT running in a single virtual address
space. The early versions of VS2 were SVS, MVT running in a single
virtual address space, and then MVS, where each job got its own
address space. As Lynn has often explained, OS chewed up so much of
the address space that they needed MVS to make enough room for
programs to keep doing useful work.

re: ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360

... also SVS single 16mbyte virtual address space (sort of like
running MVT in CP67 16mbyte virtual machine) to "protect"
regions from each other still used the 360 4bit storage protection key
...  so caped at 15 concurrent regions ... but systems were getting
faster, much faster than disks were getting faster ... so needed
increasing numbers of concurrently executing regions ... so went to
MVS ... gave each region its own virtual address space (to keep them
isolated/protected from each other). But MVS was becoming increasingly
bloated both in real storage and amount it took in each region's
virtual address space .... so needed more than 16mbyte real storage as
well as more than 16mbyte virtual storage.

trivia: I was pontificating in the 70s about mismatch between increase
in system throughput (memory & CPU) and increase in disk
throughput. In early 80s wrote a tome that the relative system
throughput of disk had declined by an order of magnitude since 360 was
announced in the 60s (systems increase 40-50 times, disks increased
3-5 times). A disk division executive took exception and assigned the
division performance group to refute my claims. After a couple of
weeks, they basically came back and said that I had slightly
understated the problem.

They then respun the analysis for a (mainframe user group) SHARE
presentation for how to configure disks for increased system
throughput (16Aug1984, SHARE 63, B874).

more recently there have been some references that cache-miss, memory
access latency, when measured in count of processor cycles, is
compareable to 60s disk access latency, when measured in count of 60s
processor cycles (memory is new disk ... current memory access
relative to processor speed is similar to 60s disk access relative to
60s processor speed)

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

IBM 23June1969 Unbundling Announcement

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: IBM 23June1969 Unbundling Announcement
Date: 24 Jun, 2024
Blog: Facebook

re: IBM 23June1969 Unbundling Announcement IBM 23June1969 Unbundling Announcement

undergraduate at univ and working full time for the datacenter
responsible for os/360 ... I had added 2741&tty ascii terminal support
and editor (with CMS edit-syntax) to HASP ... and on way to east coast
SHARE had side trip to Cornell to see the head (Bill Worley?) of SHARE
HASP committee ... flew in from west coast to La Guardia and getting a
(DC3?) flt to Ithaca ... from Marine(?) terminal ... sat in plane for
an hour held up as thunderstorm went through ... then heavy turbulence
whole time in air (and periodically throwing up). Got off 1st stop
(Elmira), got a rental car, found motel for the night, and drove the
rest of the way to Cornell the next morning.

Univ library did get ONR grant to do online catalog, part of the
money went for 2321 datacell, also selected for IBM CICS betatest and
supporting CICS added to tasks ... 1st bug was CICS wouldn't come up
... turns out there were some undocumented, hard-coded BDAM options
and library had built their BDAM datasets with different set of
options. trivia: some 25yrs later was brought into NIH's NLM to look
at UMLS and a couple people still there that had built NLM's
(BDAM-based) online catalog 25yrs earlier.

posts mentioning HASP/ASP, JES2/JES, and/or NJE/NJI:
CICS and/or BDAM posts

... a few posts mentioning Worley and Cornell/HASP Old HASP IBM LCS Newsweek article--baby boomers and computers IBM 360 Model 20 Questions About TLB in lower-level caches [Meta] Marketplace argument

... a few posts mentioning NIH, NLM, UMLS, BDAM Ingenious librarians After IBM Graph database on z/OS? Brain size of human ancestors evolved gradually over 3 million years The head of the Census Bureau just quit, and the consequences are huge Old data storage or data base Relational vs network vs hierarchic databases Relational vs network vs hierarchic databases

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

ancient OS history, ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: ancient OS history, ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360
Newsgroups: comp.arch
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2024 08:33:39 -1000

John Levine <> writes:

My recollection is that if you were using QSAM with multiple buffers
and full track records it wasn't hard to keep the disk going at full
speed. Later versions of OS do chained scheduling if you have enough
buffers, doing several disk operations with one cnannel program. ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360 ancient OS history, ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360

When 360/67 was delivered to univ. I was hired fulltime responsible
for OS/360 (tss/360 never came to production). Initially student
fortran jobs ran over a minute (had run under a second on 709
tape->tape). I installed HASP which cuts the time in half. I then
started redoing OS/360 SYSGEN to carefully place SYSTEM datasets and
PDS (program library) members to optimize arm seek and multi-track
search (channel program used to searc PDS directory for member
location) cutting another 2/3rds to 12.9secs. Student Fortran never
got better than 709 until I installed Univ. of Waterloo WATFOR.

when CP67 was 1st delivered to univ (3rd installation after cambridge
itself and MIT lincoln labs), all I/O was FIFO and page I/O was single
4k page at time. CMS filesystem was 800 byte blocks and was usually
single block transfer per channel program ... however if loading a
program image and had been allocated contiguous sequential, it would
transfer up to track worth in single channel program.

I redid disk I/O to ordered seek and redid page I/O to maximize page
transfers per revolution (at same arm position). For 2301 fixed-head
(paging) drum I got it from max around 70 4k/sec to peak of 270 4k/sec
(max transfers per 2301 revolution).

There was problem with CMS filesystem that pretty much did scatter
allocate (CMS sort of shared some CTSS heritage with UNIX going back
through MULTICS) ... so it was rare file that it happened to have any
sequentially allocated, contiguous records. Shortly after graduating
and joining science center ... and seeing what multics was doing on
flr above (science center was on 4th flr 545tech sq, multics was on
the 5flr), I modified CMS filesystem to be 4k records and use a paged
mapped API (and the underneath page I/O support would order for
maximum transfers per revolution) ... and I also added to CMS program
image generation, an attempt to maximize contiguous allocation, which
could result close to max transfers/revolution in single channel
program (when loading program).

science center posts
page-mapped filesystem posts

some recent posts mentioning work as undergraduate Virtual Memory Paging IBM 360 Announce 7Apr1964 Computers and Boyd Mainframe Career Vintage TSS/360 MPIO, Student Fortran, SYSGENS, CP67, 370 Virtual Memory 360 CARD IPL Vintage TSS/360 Vintage IBM Mainframes & Minicomputers Video terminals Computing Career IBM 360/67 Copyright Software Tymshare DASD, Channel and I/O long winded trivia DASD, Channel and I/O long winded trivia IBM DASD Global & Local Page Replacement IBM Downfall

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Null terminated strings, Disconnect Between Coursework And Real-World Computers

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Null terminated strings, Disconnect Between Coursework And Real-World Computers
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2024 11:50:16 -1000

Lawrence D'Oliveiro <ldo@nz.invalid> writes:

Ah, the GE 645, the MULTICS machine. Was the H6180 very similar? Did
Honeywell develop any entirely separate OS to take advantage of that kind
of hardware? (Not sure if its computer business remained in existence long
enough to do so...)

GCC's new fortification level: The gains and costs

C programs routinely suffer from memory management problems. For several
years, a _FORTIFY_SOURCE preprocessor macro inserted error detection to
address these problems at compile time and run time. To add an extra
level of security, _FORTIFY_SOURCE=3 has been in the GNU C Library
(glibc) since version 2.34.

... snip ...

There were claims that null-terminated buffer string lengths were major
Internet/TCPIP exploits and vulnerabilities in 90s (until big uptic in
automagic execution of visual basic in data files). I pontificated that such
overflows were not seen in IBM mainframe VS/Pascal TCP/IP implementation
... or MULTICS PL/I implementation

Thirty Years Later: Lessons from the Multics Security Evaluation
2.2 Security as Standard Product Feature
2.3 No Buffer Overflows
2.4 Minimizing Complexity

Multics Security Evaluation: Vulnerability Analysis (1974)

Turn of the century, I tried to do semantic analysis of CVE reports
and asked MITRE if they could require a little more precision in the
reports (at the time Mitre responded that they were lucky to get any
information in the reports). Archived posts
then few months later, NIST published something similar

(C-language) buffer overflow posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

This New Internet Thing, Chapter 8

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: This New Internet Thing, Chapter 8
Date: 28 Jun, 2024
Blog: Facebook

This New Internet Thing, Chapter 8

... opel & ms/dos

According to the New York Times, it was Opel who met with Bill Gates,
CEO of then-small software firm Microsoft, to discuss the possibility
of using Microsoft PC-DOS OS for IBM's about-to-be-released PC. Opel
set up the meeting at the request of Gates' mother, Mary Maxwell
Gates. The two had both served on the National United Way's executive

... snip ...

... other trivia: before ms/dos
there was Seattle computer
before Seattle computer, there was cp/m
before developing cp/m, kildall worked on IBM cp/67-cms at npg

(virtual machine) CP67 (precursor to vm370)
other (virtual machine) history

I had taken two credit hr intro to fortran/computers and at the end of
the semester was hired to rerite 1401 MPIO in assembler for
360/30. The univ. was getting a 360/67 to replace 709/1401 and
temporarily the 1401 was replaced with 360/30 pending arrival of
360/67. The univ. shutdown datacenter on weekends and I got to have
the whole place dedicated (although 48hrs w/o sleep made monday
classes hard). I was given a bunch of hardware&software manuals and
got to design my own monitor, device drivers, error recovery, storage
management, etc ... and within a few weeks had 2000 card 360 assembler
program. Within a year of taking intro class, 360/67 arrive and I was
hired fulltime responsible for os/360 (tss/360 never came to
production fruition, so ran as 360/65 w/os360). Student fortran ran
less than second on 709 (tape->tape) but well over a minute with
fortgclg on 360/65 os/360. I install HASP and cuts time in half, then
I start redoing STAGE2 SYSGEN to carefully place datasets and PDS
member of optimized arm seek and multi-track search, cutting another
2/3rds to 12.9secs ... never got better than 709 until I install

Then cambridge came out to install cp67 (3rd install after cambridge
itself and mit lincoln labs) and I mostly got to play with it during
my weekend dedicated time. First few months concentrated on reWriting
lots of code to cut CP67 CPU time running OS/360. Test stream ran
322secs on bare machine and initially 856secs in virtual machine
(534seecs CP67 CPU) ... i get CP67 CPU down to 113secs. I then redo
disk and (fixed-head) drum I/O for ordered seek arm queuing and
chained page requests (optimizing transfers/revolution ... from purely
FIFO single page transfers ... and then dynamic adaptive
scheduling/resource-management and new page replacement algorithms.

HASP posts
CSC posts
NSFNET posts
internet posts

part of 60s SHARE presentation on os/360 & CP/67 work
at the univ CP/67 & OS MFT14

recent posts mentioning 709, 1401, MPIO, 360/30, 360/67, os/360,
student fortran, watfor, getting CP67 benchmark from 534secs to 113secs Virtual Memory Paging 360&370 Unix (and other history) EBCDIC IBM 360 Announce 7Apr1964 Computers and Boyd Vintage Selectric Mainframe Career IBM 360 MPIO, Student Fortran, SYSGENS, CP67, 370 Virtual Memory 360 CARD IPL Vintage IBM Mainframes & Minicomputers VM370/CMS Shared Segments IBM 360/67 DASD, Channel and I/O long winded trivia 545tech sq, 3rd, 4th, & 5th flrs Enhanced Production Operating Systems II

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Chat Rooms and Social Media

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Chat Rooms and Social Media
Date: 29 Jun, 2024
Blog: Facebook

One of the GML inventors (in 1969, "law office application") at the
science center, originally hired promoting cambridge wide-area network

Actually, the law office application was the original motivation for
the project, something I was allowed to do part-time because of my
knowledge of the user requirements. My real job was to encourage the
staffs of the various scientific centers to make use of the
CP-67-based Wide Area Network that was centered in Cambridge.

... snip ...

science center wide-area network morphing into corporate network
(larger than arpanet/internet from just about the beginning until
sometime mid/late 80s) ... technology also used for the corporate
sponsored univ BITNET&EARN

Note in aug1976, TYMSHARE
started offering their CMS-based online computer conferencing "free"
to (IBM mainframe user group) SHARE
as VMSHARE ... archives here
talk given at 1983 vm workshop
"networking research" on feb1987 agenda for vm workshop

I cut a deal with TYMSHARE to get monthly tape dumps of all VMSHARE
files for putting up on internal network and systems (largest problem
was with lawyers that were concerned internal employees would be
contaminated exposed to unfiltered customer information).

Late 70s and early 80s I was blamed for online computer conferencing
on the internal network, it really taking off spring of 1981 when I
distributed trip report of visit to Jim Gray at TANDEM ... only about
300 directly participated but claims that upwards of 25,000 was
reading (folklore when corporate executive committee was told, 5of6
wanted to fire me). One of the outcomes was researcher was paid to sit
in back of my office for nine months taking notes on how I
communicated (face-to-face, telephone, etc), also got copies of all my
incoming and outgoing email and logs of all instant messages. Results
were papers, conference talks, books and Stanford PHD (joint with
language and computer AI). One statistic was I averaged TO and/or FROM
email with some 270+ unique/different people per week for the nine
months. Other details:

1jan1983, arpanet transition from HOST/IMPs (approx. 100 network IMPs,
and 255 HOSTS) to internetworking protocol ... at the time the
internal network rapidly approaching 1000 ... archived post with
world-wide corporate locations getting one or more new nodes during
1983 (one of the complications was corporate requirement that all
links be encrypted and government resistance, especially when crossing
national boundaries):

Early 80s, also got HSDT project (T1 and faster computer links, both
terrestrial and satellite) and was working with NSF director on
interconnecting the NSF supercomputer centers ... initially was
suppose to get $20M, then congress cuts the budget, some other things
happen, and eventually RFP released (in part based on what we already
had running). Preliminary agenda 28Mar1986 Preliminary Announcement:

The OASC has initiated three programs: The Supercomputer Centers
Program to provide Supercomputer cycles; the New Technologies Program
to foster new supercomputer software and hardware developments; and
the Networking Program to build a National Supercomputer Access
Network - NSFnet.

... snip ...

IBM internal politics was not allowing us to bid (possibly
contributing was being blamed for online computer conferencing). The
NSF director tried to help by writing the company a letter (3Apr1986,
NSF Director to IBM Chief Scientist and IBM Senior VP and director of
Research, copying IBM CEO) with support from other gov. agencies
... but that just made the internal politics worse (as did claims that
what we already had operational was at least 5yrs ahead of the winning
bid, awarded 24Nov87)

co-worker at CSC and responsible for cambridge wide-area network
... we later transfer to SJR

In June 1975, MIT Professor Jerry Saltzer accompanied Hendricks to
DARPA, where Hendricks described his innovations to the principal
scientist, Dr. Vinton Cerf. Later that year in September 15-19 of 75,
Cerf and Hendricks were the only two delegates from the United States,
to attend a workshop on Data Communications at the International
Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, 2361 Laxenburg Austria where
again, Hendricks spoke publicly about his innovative design which
paved the way to the Internet as we know it today.

... snip ...

SJMerc article about Edson (he passed aug2020) and "IBM'S MISSED
OPPORTUNITY WITH THE INTERNET" (gone behind paywall but lives free at
wayback machine)
Also from wayback machine, some additional (IBM missed) references
from Ed's website

CSC posts
GML, SGML, HTML, etc posts
csc/vm posts
internal network posts
bitnet and/or earn posts
computer conferencing posts
hsdt posts
nsfnet posts
internet posts

some recent posts mentioning TYMSHARE and VMSHARE Disconnect Between Coursework And Real-World Computers Anyone here (on Virtual Memory Paging CP67 & VM370 Source Maintenance TYMSHARE, VMSHARE, ADVENTURE Tymshare & Ann Hardy IBM User Group Share Dialed in - a history of BBSing rusty iron why ``folklore''? Internet IBM User Group SHARE 3330, 3340, 3350, 3380

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970


From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Date: 29 Jun, 2024
Blog: Facebook

I recognized it, but didn't know it had a name

The GISH GALLOP. It's a rhetorical technique in which someone throws
out a fast string of lies, non-sequiturs, and specious arguments, so
many that it is impossible to fact-check or rebut them in the amount
of time it took to say them. Trying to figure out how to respond makes
the opponent lok confused, because they don't know where to start
grappling with the flood that has just him them. It is a form of

... snip ...

more detail:

There's a name for Trump's technique to overwhelm the public with a
stream of tiny lies (8Feb2017)

The Gallop works by leveraging two basic tendencies in human
reasoning. First, it's easier and faster to make a false claim than it
is to disprove one. Second, if an opponent fails to disprove every
single one of the spurious statements you state, you can claim victory
on the leftovers.

... snip ...

some past posts mentioning Trump's lies, and/or false, racist,
fascist, birther statements GOP Rep. Says Quiet Part Out Loud About Rejecting Border Deal We can't fight the Republican party's 'big lie' with facts alone Republicans delete webpage celebrating Trump's deal with Taliban A Trump bombshell quietly dropped last week. And it should shock us all A top spreader of coronavirus misinformation says he will delete his posts after 48 hours Trump Pressured DOJ to Declare Election Corrupt and 'Leave the Rest to Me' The Storm Is Upon Us Giuliani's Law License Is Suspended Over Trump Election Lies Just 15% of Americans say they like the way that Donald Trump conducts himself as president American Fascism How Trump Lost an Evangelical Stalwart Eric Holder is the Official Missing from Discussions of the Bidens' Ukrainian Efforts CIA's top lawyer made 'criminal referral' on complaint about Trump Ukraine call Acting Intelligence Chief Refuses to Testify, Prompting Standoff With Congress The results of Facebook's anti-conservative bias audit are in Former NSA And CIA Director Michael Hayden: The 'Golden Age Of Electronic Surveillance' Is Ending

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

ancient OS history, ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: ancient OS history, ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360
Newsgroups: comp.arch
Date: Sat, 29 Jun 2024 23:39:22 -1000

Lawrence D'Oliveiro <ldo@nz.invalid> writes:

Work out the numbers. The CPU time necessary to copy a single record is
most likely a small fraction of the time it takes to service an I/O

And this is not taking into account the fact that I/O interrupts run at a
higher priority than user-level tasks like copying buffers, anyway.

re: ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360 ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360 ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360

back to IBM decision to add virtual memory to every 370 ... aka MVT
storage management was so bad that regions had to be specified four
times larger than used ... as result a normal/typical 1mbyte 370/165
only ran four regions concurrently, insufficient to keep system busy
and justified. adding virtual memory, could run MVT in a 16mbyte
virtual address space (aka VS2/SVS, sort of like running MVT in cp67
16mbyte virtual machine)... increasing number of concurrent
running regions by factor of four times (up to 15) ... with little or
no paging.

however, created different overhead (in part because the FS failure
gave page-mapped filesystems a bad reputation) ... application
filesystem channel programs were created (usually) by library routines
in application space ... and the channel programs passed to EXCP/SVC0
for execution, now would have virtual addresses (rather than real
required by I/O system) ... this required EXCP/SVC0 make a copy of
every channel program, substituting real addresses for virtual
addresses (initially done by crafting CP67's "CCWTRANS" into

370 systems getting larger were then banging against the concurrent
region 15 limit imposed by the 4bit storage protection scheme keeping
regions separated and had to transition from VS2/SVS single address
space to VS2/MVS where every region was isolated in its own separate
address space.

However, MVS was increasingly becoming quite bloated (also EXCP/SVC0
still had to make channel program copies) and device redrive (device
idle between interrupt to starting next queued request) was a few
thousand instructions. I had transferred to SJR and got to wander
around datacenters in silicon valley including bldg14&15 (disk
development and product test) across the street. They were doing
prescheduled, 7x24, stand-alone testing and had mentioned they had
recently tried MVS, but in that environment, MVS had 15min
mean-time-between failure (besides its significant device idle waiting
for device redrive) requiring manual re-ipl/reboot (aka test devices
frequently violated all sort of rules & protocol). I offered to
rewrite I/O supervisor to make it bullet proof and never fail allowing
any amount of ondemand, concurrent testing ... improving productivity
(as well as cutting to a couple hundred instructions between taking
interrupt and redriving device).

post mentioning getting to play disk engineer in bldgs14&15
future system posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

ancient OS history, ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: ancient OS history, ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360
Newsgroups: comp.arch
Date: Sun, 30 Jun 2024 08:58:22 -1000 (John Dallman) writes:

What was the problem with the memory management? My experience of systems
without virtual memory doesn't include any that shared the machine among
several applications, so I have trouble guessing.

re: ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360 ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360 ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360 ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360

os/360 had "relative" (fixed) adcons ... that were resolved to fixed
(real) address at initial program load (and couldn't change for the
duration of the program) ... that also presented downside when moving
to virtual memory paged environment ... could directly execute paged
image from disk ... first, executable image had to be preloaded and
all "relative' adcons modified for the specific instance. tss/360 had
addressed that by keeping relative adcons, "relative" to base kept in
data structure specifically for that instance (same paged shared
executable image could appear at different addresses for different
programs executing in different address spaces).

MVT memory management for dynamic allocation for data had horrendous
problem with storage fragmentation and frequent requirement for large
areass of contiguous storage. Storage fragmentation problem increased
the longer the programs were running (and maintaining contiguous
allocation as number of different, concurrently running regions
increased). After joining IBM, I had done a page mapped filesystem for
CMS and because CMS made extensive use of OS/360 compilers, I was
constantly fighting the OS/360 adcon convention (wanting to constantly
pre-fix the ADCONs as part of executable loading).

note before I had graduated, I had been hired fulltime into small
group in the Boeing CFO office to help with the formation of Boeing
Computer Services (consolidate all data processing into an independent
busines unit). I thot Renton datacenter possibly largest in the world
(couple hundred million in IBM 360s, sort of precursor to modern cloud
megadatacenters), 360/65s arriving faster than could be installed,
boxes constantly being staged in the hallways around the machine
room. Lots of politics between Renton director and CFO who only had a
360/30 up at Boeing field for payroll (although they enlarged the room
to install a 360/67 for me to play with when I wasn't doing other

While I was there they moved a two-processor, duplex 360/67
(originally for tss/36) up to Seattle from Boeing Huntsville.
Huntsville had got the two processor machine with lots of 2250 graphic

for (long running) CAD 2250 applications ... since tss/360 didn't have
any CAD support ... they configured it as two single processor systems
each running MVT13 ... which was severely affected by the
fragmentation problem that increased the longer each CAD 2250 program
was running. A few years before the decision was made to add virtual
memory to all 370s ... Boeing Huntsville had modified MVT13 to run in
virtual memory mode ... it didn't support paging ... but used the
virtual memory to create contiguous virtual memory areas out of
non-contiguous areas of real storage (to address the MVT storage
management problem).

the initial solution adding virtual memory to all 370s (VS2/SVS) was
to continue allow each executing region to continue
specifying/reserving large, contiguous storage area ... but support
paging and increase the number of concurrently executing regions.

The original OS/360 design point of running in small real storage
contributed to the excessive disk activity ... where lots of system
was fragmented into small pieces that would be sequentially loaded
from disk for execution ... and then increasing the number of
concurrently executing regions used to compensate for the large I/O
disk filesystem wait time (somewhat analogous to processor poor cache
hit rate)

cms page-mapped filesystem posts
trying to map os/360 "relocation" adcons into cms page-mapped

some posts mentioning Boeing CFO, Boeing Huntsville, MVT13 IBM 360 IBM Embraces Virtual Memory -- Finally Vintage Mainframe OS/360 Bloat Vintage Future System Vintage Future System CSC, HONE, 23Jun69 Unbundling, Future System IBM 360/67

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

ancient OS history, ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: ancient OS history, ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360
Newsgroups: comp.arch
Date: Sun, 30 Jun 2024 09:09:23 -1000 (John Dallman) writes:

Are you sure? Per Wikipedia, the lowest-end real S/360, the Model 30,
could run with only card equipment, running BPS, or with only tape drives,
under TOS.


BOS was a really minimal OS for an 8KB RAM machine with one disc
drive, and DOS was less minimal.

The Model 30 was apparently one of the most popular machines in the
early days of S/360. Being able to build such small machines was a
strong commercial consideration for the company, and thus the

re: ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360 ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360 ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360 ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360 ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360

at end of semester after taking two credit hr intro course, was hired
to rewrite 1401 MPIO for (64kbyte) 360/30 ... which was running early
os/360 PCP (single executable program at a time) ... had 2311 disks,
tapes, and unit record. I first had a 2000 card program, assembled
under os/360 but ran "stand-alone" ... being loaded with the "BPS"
loader (had my own monitor, device drivers, interrupt handlers, error
recovery, storage management, etc). Making changes during development
& test required brining up os/360 and re-assembly and then
stand-alone loading.

I eventually got around to adding os/360 mode of operation using
assembly option to generate either the stand-alone version or the
os/360 version. It turns out the stand-alone version took 30mins to
assemble, however the OS/360 version took an hour to assemble (OS/360
required DCB macro for each device and each DCB macro added six
minutes elapsed time to assembly) ... aka stand-alone testing and then
re-ipl for OS/360 30min re-assemble still took less time than OS/360
testing and hour re-assemble.

posts mentioning 1401 mpio 360/30 dcb macros and  hour to assemble Univ, Boeing Renton and "Spook Base" 2540 "Column Binary" 360 CARD IPL Punch Cards IBM Punch Cards Punch Cards CMS OS/360 Simulation Is this group only about older computers? Virtual Machine Debugging Where Would We Be Without the Paper Punch Card? 1401 MPIO Recode 1401 MPIO for 360/30 IBM TSS All programmers that developed in machine code and Assembly in the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s died? System/360 consoles All programmers that developed in machine code and Assembly in the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s died? OS/360 PCP JCL OS/360 System/360--detailed engineering description (AFIPS 1964) MVS vs HASP vs JES (was 2821) What were the complaints of binary code programmers that not accept Assembly? model numbers; was re: World's worst programming environment? The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software PDP-10 system calls, was 1132 printer history IEBPTPCH questions Burroughs B5000, B5500, B6500 videos PCP - memory lane Is the magic and romance killed by Windows (and Linux)? PL/1 as first language history of RPG and other languages, was search engine history Punched Card Combinations IBM 1401 IBM System/360 DOS still going strong as Z/VSE Binder REP Cards (Was: What's the linkage editor really wants?) The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Mainframe

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970


From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Date: 30 Jun, 2024
Blog: Facebook


another version:

Gish Gallop A debate tactic where one flood their opponent
with numerous arguments, regardless of their accuracy or
validity. The goal is to overwhelm the opponent, creating the
impression of victory.

The key to this strategy is presenting these arguments with
confidence, contrasting sharply with the opponent's struggle
to debunk them.

When used in propaganda, it's called "firehosing" or the "Firehose of
Falsehood," often seen in Russian propaganda.

... snip ...

Firehose of falsehood

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Chat Rooms and Social Media

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Chat Rooms and Social Media
Date: 30 Jun, 2024
Blog: Facebook

re: Chat Rooms and Social Media

Note cambridge science center 60s cp67 had instant messages between
users on same machine. Then Pisa science center added SPM to CP67
... where there was software program interface for anyting that CP67
would otherwise display on the terminal/screen. Ed had done RSCS/VNET
that was used for the CP67 science center wide area network (that
morphed into the internal corporate network and also used for the
corporate sponsored univ BITNET) ... and supported "SPM" and instant
message forwarding to users on other machines in the network. SPM was
never released to customers ... although the RSCS/VNET shipped to
customers contained support for SPM. In the morph of CP67->VM370
... lots of features were initially dropped and/or simplified
.... although SPM internally was migrated to VM370. During the 70s,
VMCF, IUCV, and SMSG support were added to VM370 and RSCS/VNET also
added support (even tho SPM was a superset combination of VMCF, IUCV
and SMSG) which shipped to customer allowing "instant messaging"
between users on BITNET. A number of software "CHAT" applications
appeared that utilized this instant messaging capability.

Other trivia, circa 1980, a client/server multi-user spacewar game
appeared internally that used SPM between CMS 3270 clients and the
spacewar server (where clients could be on different vm370 network
nodes ... utilizing the same RSCS/VNET instant messaging
support). Then robot clients started appearing beating all human
players (in part because of their faster reaction time) ... and the
server was modified to increase power "use" non-linear as reactions
dropped below nominal human time (to somewhat level the playing

science center posts
internal network posts
BITNET &/or EARN posts

recent posts mentioning cambridge cp67 wide-area network: IBM Internal Network TCP/IP Protocol Anyone here (on IBM Mainframe, TCP/IP, Token-ring, Ethernet GML and W3C FOILS IBM->SMTP/822 conversion OSI: The Internet That Wasn't Vintage BITNET rusty iron why ``folklore''? Internet HA/CMP IBM User Group SHARE Multicians IBM Mainframes and Education Infrastructure MIT Area Computing THE RISE OF UNIX. THE SEEDS OF ITS FALL Internet GML/SGML separating content and format WAIS. Z39.50

posts mentioning (internal) multi-user spacewar game IBM AIX Computer Games Enhanced Production Operating Systems II IBM Games Peer-Coupled Shared Data Costs of core Application development paradigms [was: RE: Learning Rexx] Spacewar! on S/360 Adventure - Or Colossal Cave Adventure

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Chat Rooms and Social Media

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Chat Rooms and Social Media
Date: 01 Jul, 2024
Blog: Facebook

re: Chat Rooms and Social Media Chat Rooms and Social Media

blamed for (company) online computer conferencing ... mentioned
upthread; one of the other outcomes was official software (supporting
both usenet-like servers and mailing list modes) and officially
sanctioned, moderated online forums

part of internet passing corporate network in nodes in mid/late 80s,
was 1) corporate mandate that all links were encrypted and 2) the
communication group fiercely fighting off client/server and
distributed computing ... including (mostly) keeping network nodes to
mainframes and everything else was terminal emulation. Late 80s,
senior disk engineer got a talk scheduled at an internal, annual,
world-wide communication group conference supposedly on 3174
performance, but opened his talk with statement that the communication
group was going to be responsible for the demise of the disk
division. The disk division was seeing a drop in disk sales with data
fleeing mainframe datacenters to more distributed computing friendly
platforms. The disk division had come up with a number of solutions,
but they were constantly being vetoed by the communication group (with
communication group corporate strategic ownership of everything that
crosses datacenter walls). Communication group datacenter stranglehold
wasn't just disks and a couple years later, IBM has one of the largest
losses in the history of US companies ... and was being reorged into
the 13 "baby blues" in preparation for breaking up the company,9171,977353,00.html,33009,977353-1,00.html
we had already left IBM but get a call from the bowels of Armonk
(corporate hdqtrs) asking if we could help with the breakup of the
company. Before we get started, the board brings in the former
president of AMEX that (somewhat) reverses the breakup (although it
wasn't long before the disk division is gone).

Old email from person in Paris charged with formation of EARN (BITNET
in Europe) looking for network applications
shortly later mailing list, listserv appears in Paris.

online computer conferencing posts
communication group stranglehold on mainframe datacenter posts
internal corporate network posts
BITNET and/or EARN posts
IBM downturn/downfall/breakup posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Economic Mess

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Economic Mess
Date: 01 Jul, 2024
Blog: Facebook

Jan1999 I was asked to help prevent the coming economic mess (we
failed). I was told some investment bankers had walked away "clean"
from the S&L Crisis, were then running Internet IPO mills (invest
a million, hype, IPO for a couple billion, needed to fail to leave the
field clear for the next round) and were predicted to get into
securitiezed loans and mortgages next. I was to improve the integrity
of supporting documents for securtized mortgages&loans. Then (from
Oct2008 congressional testimony), they found they could pay rating
agencies for triple-A ratings (when the agencies knew they
weren't worth triple-A) enabling no-documentation, liar
loans/mortgages. Then they found they could design securitized
loans/mortgages to fail, pay for triple-A, sell into the bond
market and take out CDS "gambling bets". The largest holder of CDS of
CDS "gambling bets" was AIG and negotiating to pay off at 50cents on
the dollar, when the SECTREAS (who had convinced congress to provide
$700B in TARP funds, supposedly to buy off-book toxic CDOs
from too-big-to-fail) and has AIG sign a document that they
couldn't sue the those taking out CDS "gambling bets" and to take TARP
funds to pay off at face value. The largest recipient of TARP funds
was AIG and the largest recipient of face value CDS payoffs was the
firm formally headed by the SECTREAS.

Jan2009, I was asked to HTML'ize the Pecora Hearings (30s
congressional hearings into the '29 crash, that resulted in
Glass-Steagal; had been scanned the fall before (comments that the new
congress might have an appetite to do something) with lots of URLs
between what happened this time and what happened then. I work on it
for a few weeks and then get a call saying it won't be needed after
all (comments that capital hill was totally buried under enormous
mountains of wallstreet cash). Trivia: $700B TARP funds ... although
supposedly for buying TBTF off-book toxic CDOs would
have hardly made a dent; end of 2008, just the four
largest TBTF were carrying $5.2T in off-book, toxic
CDOs. TARP funds went for other stuff and the Federal Researve
handled the "real" TBTF bail-out behind the scenes.

economic mess posts
regulatory "capture" posts
too-big-to-fail, too-big-to-prosecute, too-big-to-jail posts
toxic CDO posts
regulatory capture posts
federal chairman posts
ZIRP funds
glass-steagall and/or pecora hearing posts
S&L crisis posts
capitalism posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970


From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Date: 02 Jul, 2024
Blog: Facebook


"ends justify the means" ... saying/doing what ever was necessary to
achieve objectives ... including stealth take-over of the conservative
Republican Party

The tycoon knew that the project was extremely radical, even a
"revolution" in governance, but he talked like a conservative to make
his plans sound more palatable.

... snip ...

lying more than ever

While some others in the movement called themselves conservatives, he
knew exactly how radical his cause was. Informed early on by one of
his grantees that the playbook on revolutionary organization had been
written by Vladimir Lenin, Koch dutifully cultivated a trusted "cadre"
of high-level operatives, just as Lenin had done, to build a movement
that refused compromise as it devised savvy maneuvers to alter the
political math in its favor.

... snip ...

Take-Over Republican Party

As for the party, Trump hasn't transformed the party, in my judgment,
as much as he has unmasked it. There was always a minority in the
Republican party -- 25, 30 percent -- that, how shall we say this,
that hailed extreme views, aberrant views. They've always been there,
from the John Birchers in the '50s, who thought Dwight Eisenhower was
a communist, to the Trump folks today who think John McCain's a
traitor. They had different names -- the religious right, tea partiers
-- but they've always been there. They were a fairly consistent,
fairly manageable minority who we, the establishment, enabled and

... snip ...

So the Federalist Society is part of an attempt to build an
alternative legal elite; one capable of moving conservative and
libertarian ideas into the mainstream. And it has worked. As evidenced
by Trump's repeated flaunting of his list of potential judges as
"Federalist Society approved," the society -- now a vast network of
tens of thousands of conservative and libertarian lawyers and judges
-- has evolved into the de facto gatekeeper for right-of-center
lawyers aspiring to government jobs and federal judgeships under
Republican presidents.

... snip ...

capitalism posts
racism posts

some posts mentioning false, misleading, lying We can't fight the Republican party's 'big lie' with facts alone A Trump bombshell quietly dropped last week. And it should shock us all Just 15% of Americans say they like the way that Donald Trump conducts himself as president American Fascism Trump and Republican Party Racism Trump Tells Georgia Official to Steal Election in Recorded Call How Trump Lost an Evangelical Stalwart Trump claims he's the messiah. Maybe he should quit while he's ahead The results of Facebook's anti-conservative bias audit are in

posts mentioning federalist society and/or heritage foundation The Last Thing This Supreme Court Could Do to Shock Us Right-Wing Think Tank's Climate 'Battle Plan' Wages 'War Against Our Children's Future' The Architect of the Radical Right What is the Federalist Society and What Do They Want From Our Courts? GOP unveils 'Commitment to America' It Didn't Start with Trump: The Decades-Long Saga of How the GOP Went Crazy Alito's Plan to Repeal Roe--and Other 20th Century Civil Rights The Death of Neoliberalism Has Been Greatly Exaggerated The Cult of Trump is actually comprised of MANY other Christian cults 'A perfect storm': Airmen, F-22s struggle at Eglin nearly three years after Hurricane Michael The Bunker: More Rot in the Ranks Onward, Christian fascists Book:  Kochland : the secret history of Koch Industries and corporate power in America Bots Are Destroying Political Discourse As We Know It Meet the Economist Behind the One Percent's Stealth Takeover of America The Barr Presidency David Koch Was the Ultimate Climate Change Denier The Forever War Is So Normalized That Opposing It Is "Isolationism" The Rise of Leninist Personnel Policies Update on the F35 Debate The Winds of Reform The Heritage Foundation, Then and Now

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970


From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: E-commerce
Date: 02 Jul, 2024
Blog: Facebook

doesn't mention whether "other applications" included direct consumer

Much more Ann Hardy at Computer History Museum

Ann rose up to become Vice President of the Integrated Systems
Division at Tymshare, from 1976 to 1984, which did online airline
reservations, home banking, and other applications. When Tymshare was
acquired by McDonnell-Douglas in 1984, Ann's position as a female VP
became untenable, and was eased out of the company by being encouraged
to spin out Gnosis, a secure, capabilities-based operating system
developed at Tymshare. Ann founded Key Logic, with funding from Gene
Amdahl, which produced KeyKOS, based on Gnosis, for IBM and Amdahl
mainframes. After closing Key Logic, Ann became a consultant, leading
to her cofounding Agorics with members of Ted Nelson's Xanadu project.

... snip ...


trivia: I was brought in to evaluate GNOSIS as part of the 1984 spin-off

other trivia: aug1976, TYMSHARE started offering its (VM370/)CMS-based
online computer conferencing free to SHARE
as VMSHARE ... archives here

I cut a deal with TYMSHARE to get a monthly tape dump of all VMSHARE
files for putting up on internal systems and network.

after leaving IBM in early 90s, I was brought in as consultant into small
client/server company, two former Oracle employees (that I had worked
with on cluster scale-up for IBM HA/CMP) were there, responsible for
something called "commerce server" doing credit card transactions, the
startup had also done this invention called "SSL" they were using, it
is now frequently called "electronic commerce". I had responsibility
for everything between webservers and the financial payment
networks. I then did a talk on "Why The Internet Wasn't Business
Critical Dataprocessing" (that Postel sponsored at ISI/USC), based on
the reliability, recovery & diagnostic software, procedures, etc I did
for e-commerce. Payment networks had a requirement that their trouble
desks doing first level problem determination within five
minutes. Early trials had a major sports store chain doing internet
e-commerce ads during week-end national football game half-times and
there were problems being able to connect to payment networks for
credit-card transactions ... after three hrs, it was closed as "NTF"
(no trouble found).

payment gateway posts
internet posts
HA/CMP posts
availability posts

posts mentioning Ann Hardy and TYMSHARE Tymshare & Ann Hardy IBM Jargon Tymshare Tymshare Online Forums and Information Grace Hopper (& Ann Hardy) Fortran When Computer Coding Was a 'Woman's' Job Fortran TYMSHARE Cobol and Jean Sammet Women in Computing book review:  Broad Band:  The Untold Story of the Women Who Made the Internet CMSBACK, ADSM, TSM Someone Else's Computer: The Prehistory of Cloud Computing New machine code

posts mentioning "commerce server", former oracle employees, "SSL", Postel
sponsoring my talk: Inventing The Internet HTTP over TCP OSI: The Internet That Wasn't Vintage IBM, RISC, Internet HSDT, HA/CMP, NSFNET, Internet Internet IBM AIX RS/6000 Mainframe The evolution of Windows authentication IBM 360/67 Maneuver Warfare as a Tradition. A Blast from the Past Airline Reservation System How the Net Was Won wallpaper updater Classified Material and Security IBM Change Why Things Fail IBM "nine-net" IBM z16: Built to Build the Future of Your Business Attackers exploit fundamental flaw in the web's security to steal $2 million in cryptocurrency ARPANET pioneer Jack Haverty says the internet was never finished Security Dataprocessing Career The Network Nation ESnet IBM Business School Cases System Availability WEB Security Hacking, Exploits and Vulnerabilities The Rise of the Internet Online History Mainframe Networking problems Jean Sammet, Co-Designer of a Pioneering Computer Language, Dies at 89 The Geniuses that Anticipated the Idea of the Internet The Geniuses that Anticipated the Idea of the Internet Early Networking

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Architectural implications of locate mode I/O

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Architectural implications of locate mode I/O
Newsgroups: comp.arch
Date: Tue, 02 Jul 2024 17:36:50 -1000 (MitchAlsup1) writes:

Once you recognize that I/O is eating up your precious CPU, and you
get to the point you are willing to expend another fixed programmed
device to make the I/O burden manageable, then you basically have
CDC 6600 Peripheral Processors, programmed in code or microcode.

re: ancient OS history, ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360 ancient OS history, ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360 ancient OS history, ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360 ancient OS history, ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360 ancient OS history, ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360

QSAM library does serialization for the application ...  get/put calls
does "wait" operations inside the library for I/O complete. BSAM library
has the applications performing serialization with their own "wait"
operations for read/write calls (application handling overlap of
possible processing with I/O).

Recent IBM articles mentioning that QSAM default multiple buffering was
established years ago as "five" ... but current recommendations are for
more like 150 (for QSAM to have high processing overlapped with
I/O). Note while they differentiate between application buffers and
"system" buffers (for move & locate mode), QSAM (system) buffers run was
part of application address space but are managed as part of QSAM
library code.

Both QSAM & BSAM libraries build the (application) channel programs
... and since OS/360 move to virtual memory for all 370s, they all have
(application address space) virtual addresses. When the library code
passes the channel program to EXCP/SVC0, a copy of the passed channel
programs are made, replacing the virtual addresses in the CCWs with
"real addresses". QSAM GET can return the address within its buffers
(involved in the actual I/O, "locate" mode) or copy data from its
buffers to the application buffers ("move" mode). The references on the
web all seemed to reference "system" and "application" buffers, but I
think it would be more appropriate to reference them as "library" and
"application" buffers.

370/158 had "integrated channels" ... the 158 engine ran both 370
instruction set microcode and the integrated channel microcode.

when future system imploded, there was mad rush to get stuff back into
the 370 product pipelines, including kicking off the quick&dirty
303x&3081 efforts in parallel.

for 303x they created "external channels" by taking a 158 engine with
just the integrated channel microcode (and no 370 microcode) for the
303x "channel director".

a 3031 was two 158 engines, one with just the 370 microcode and a 2nd
with just the integrated channel microcode

a 3032 was 168-3 remapped to use channel director for external channels.

a 3033 started with 168-3 logic remapped to 20% faster chips.

Jan1979, I had lots of use of an early engineering 4341 and was con'ed
into doing a (cdc6600) benchmark for national lab that was looking for
70 4341s for computer farm (sort of leading edge of the coming cluster
supercomputing tsunami). Benchmark was fortran compute doing no I/O and
executed with nothing else running.

4341: 36.21secs, 3031: 37.03secs, 158: 45.64secs

now integrated channel microcode ... 158 even with no I/O running was
still 45.64secs compared to the same hardware in 3031 but w/o channel
microcode: 37.03secs.

I had a channel efficiency benchmark ... basically how fast can channel
handle each channel command word (CCW) in a channel program (channel
architecture required it fetched, decoded and executed purely
sequentially/synchronously). Test was to have two disk read ("chained")
CCWs for two consecutive records. Then add a CCW between the two disk
read CCWs (in the channel program) ... which results in a complete
revolution to read the 2nd data record (because the latency, while disk
is spinning, in handling the extra CCW separating the two record read

Then reformat the disk to add a dummy record between each data record,
gradually increasing the size of the dummy record until the two data
records can be done in single revolution.

The size of the dummy record required for single revolution reading the
two records was the largest for 158 integrated channel as well as all
the 303x channel directors. The original 168 external channels could do
single revolution with the smallest possible dummy record (but a 168
with channel director, aka 3032, couldn't, nor could 3033) ... also the
4341 integrated channel microcode could do it with smallest possible
dummy record.

The 3081 channel command word (CCW) processing latency was more like 158
integrated channel (and 303x channel directors)

Second half of the 80s, I was member of Chesson's XTP TAB ... found a
comparison between typical UNIX at the time for TCP/IP had on the order
of 5k instructions and five buffer copies ... while compareable
mainframe protocol in VTAM had 160k instructions and 15 buffer copies
(larger buffers on high-end cache machines ... the cache misses for the
15 buffer copies could exceed processor cycles for the 160k

XTP was working on no buffer copies and streaming I/O ... attempting to
process TCP as close as possible to no buffer copy disk I/O.
Scatter/gather I/O for separate header and data ... also move from
header CRC protocol .... to trailor CRC protocol ... instead of software
prescanning the buffer to calculate CRC (for placing in header)
... outboard processing the data as it streams through, doing the CRC
and then appended to the end of the record.

When doing IBM's HA/CMP and working with major RDBMS vendors on cluster
scaleup in late 80s/early 90s, there was lots of references to POSIX
light-weight threads and asynchronous I/O for RDBMS (with no buffer
copies) and the RDBMS managing large record cache.

future system posts
posts mentioning getting to play disk engineer in bldgs 14&15
XTP/HSP posts
HA/CMP posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970


From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: REXX and DUMPRX
Date: 02 Jul, 2024
Blog: Facebook


quick web search for when rexx added to mvs

rexx history announce 1987 for tso & mvs


above mentions SAA ... there was joke about communication group trying
to get lots of IBM/PC applications running (or at least tied to) IBM
mainframes (part of fighting off client/server and distributed
computing trying to preserve their dumb terminal paradigm).

posts mentioning communication group fighting off client/server
and distributed computing trying to preserve their dumb terminal
IBM downturn/downfall/breakup posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Architectural implications of locate mode I/O

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Architectural implications of locate mode I/O
Newsgroups: comp.arch
Date: Wed, 03 Jul 2024 07:42:42 -1000

re: ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360 ancient OS history, ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360 ancient OS history, ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360 ancient OS history, ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360 ancient OS history, ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360 ancient OS history, ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360 Architectural implications of locate mode I/O

little "dependable" I/O drift

1980, IBM STL (since renamed SVL) was bursting at the seams and they
were moving 300 people (and their 3270 terminals) from the IMS (DBMS)
group to offsite bldg with dataprocessing service back to STL
datacenter. They had tried "remote 3270", but found the human factors
unacceptable. I get con'ed into implementating channel extender
support (A220, A710/A715/A720, A510/A515) ... allowing channel
attached 3270 cntrolers to be located at the offsite bldg, connected
to mainframes back in STL ... with no perceived difference in human
factors (quarter second or better trivial response).

STL had spread 3270 controller boxes across all the channels with 3830
disk controller boxes. Turns out the A220 mainframe channel-attach
boxes (used for channel extender) had significantly lower channel busy
for the same amount of 3270 terminal traffic (as 3270 channel-attach
controllers) and as a result the throughput for IMS group 168s (with
NSC A220s) increased by 10-15% ... and STL considered using NSC
HYPERChannel A220 channel-extender configuration, for all 3270
controllers (even those within STL). NSC tried to get IBM to release
my support, but a group in POK playing with some fiber stuff got it
vetoed (concerned that if it was in the market, it would make it
harder to release their stuff).

trivia: The vendor eventually duplicated my support and then the 3090
product administer tracked me down. He said that 3090 channels were
designed to have an aggregate total 3-5 channel errors (EREP reported)
for all systems&customers over a year period and there were
instead 20 (extra, turned out to be channel-extender support). When I
got a unrecoverable telco transmission error, I would reflect a CSW
"channel-check" to the host software. I did some research and found
that if an IFCC (interface control check) was reflected instead, it
basically resulted in the same system recovery activity (and got
vendor to change their software from "CC" to "IFCC").

I was asked to give a talk at NASA dependable computing workshop and
used the 3090 example as part of the talk

About the same time, the IBM communication group was fighting off the
release of mainframe TCP/IP ... and when that got reversed, they
changed their tactic and claimed that since they had corporate
ownership of everything that crossed datacenter walls, TCP/IP had to
be released through them; what shipped got 44kbytes/sec aggregate
using nearly whole 3090 processor. I then did RFC1044 support and in
some tuning tests at Cray Research between Cray and IBM 4341, got
sustained 4341 channel throughput using only modest amount of 4341 CPU
(something like 500 times improvement in bytes moved per instruction

other trivia: 1988, the IBM branch office asks me if I could help LLNL
(national lab) "standardize" some fiber stuff they were playing with,
which quickly becomes FCS (fibre-channel standard, including some
stuff I had done in 1980), initially 1gbit/sec, full-duplex, aggregate
200mbyte/sec. Then the POK "fiber" group gets their stuff released in
the 90s with ES/9000 as ESCON, when it was already obsolete,
17mbytes/sec. Then some POK engineers get involved with FCS and define
a heavy-weight protocol that drastically cuts the native throughput
which eventually ships as FICON. Most recent public benchmark I've
found is z196 "Peak I/O" getting 2M IOPS using 104 FICON (over 104
FCS). About the same time a FCS was announced for E5-2600 server
blades claiming over million IOPS (two such FCS having higher
throughput than 104 FICON). Note also, IBM documents keeping SAPs
(system assist processors that do I/O) to 70% CPU (which would be more
like 1.5M IOPS).

after leaving IBM in early 90s, I was brought in as consultant into
small client/server company, two former Oracle employees (that I had
worked with on cluster scale-up for IBM HA/CMP) were there,
responsible for something called "commerce server" doing credit card
transactions, the startup had also done this invention called "SSL"
they were using, it is now frequently called "electronic commerce". I
had responsibility for everything between webservers and the financial
payment networks. I then did a talk on "Why The Internet Wasn't
Business Critical Dataprocessing" (that Postel sponsored at ISI/USC),
based on the reliability, recovery & diagnostic software,
procedures, etc I did for e-commerce. Payment networks had a
requirement that their trouble desks doing first level problem
determination within five minutes. Early trials had a major sports
store chain doing internet e-commerce ads during week-end national
football game half-times and there were problems being able to connect
to payment networks for credit-card transactions ... after three hrs,
it was closed as "NTF" (no trouble found).

HSDT posts
channel-extender posts
RFC1044 posts
FICON and/or FCS posts
electronic commerce gateway posts
HA/CMP posts
available posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Email Archive

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Email Archive
Date: 03 Jul, 2024
Blog: Facebook

I have all email back to mid-1977. Most email (software source &
documents) from 60s up to mid-1977 were on triple redundant tapes in
the IBM Research tape library ... until mid-80s when IBM Almaden
Research had an operational problem with random tapes being mounted as
scratch and I lost a dozen tapes (including the triple-redundant
archive tapes).

just prior to the almaden tape library fiasco ... I got a request from
melinda (for her historical work)

for the (early 70s) original multi-level source maintenance
implementation ... and was able to pull it off archive tapes and email
it to her (before they got overwritten). old email (in archived posts)
... has reference to source maintenance from summer 1970

some old archived posts about multi-level source maint. Copyright Software VM/SP crashing all over the place System/360 celebration set for ten cities; 1964 pricing for oneweek If IBM Hadn't Bet the Company vmshare vmshare

internet trivia: person that did DNS, a decade+ earlier as MIT co-op
student at the science center worked on the multi-level source
maintenance, few old posts Internet DNS Trivia Some BITNET (& other) History DNS & other trivia Even worse than UNIX

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970


From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Cray
Date: 04 Jul, 2024
Blog: Facebook

mid-80s, communication group fiercely fighting off client/server and
distributed computing and trying to block mainframe TCP/IP support,
when that was overturned they changed tactic and said that since they
had corporate responsibility for everything that crossed datacenter
walls, it had to be released through them; what shipped got aggregate
of 44kbytes/sec using nearly whole 3090 processor. I then did support
for RFC1044 and in some tuning tests at Cray Research between Cray and
IBM 4341, got sustained 4341 channel throughput using only modest
amount of 4341 CPU (something like 500 times improvement in bytes
moved per instruction executed).

The last product we did at IBM was HA/6000, originally for NYTimes to
port their newspaper system (ATEX) from DEC VAXCluster to RS/6000. I
rename it HA/CMP when I start doing technical/scientific cluster
scale-up with national labs and commercial cluster scale-up with RDBMS
vendors (Oracle, Sybase, Informix, and Ingres) that had VAXCluster
support in same source base with Unix (I do a distributed lock manager
with VAXCluster API semantics and lots of scale-up, to ease the
port). AWD/Hester was saying we would have 16-way clusters by mid-92
and 128-way clusters by ye-92. Lots of work with LLNL (besides fiber
channel standard/FCS) including having their Cray Lincs/UNIREE ported
to HA/CMP. Then towards end of Jan92, cluster scale-up was transferred
for announce as IBM Supercomputer (for technical/scientific only) and
we were told we couldn't work on anything with more than four
processors (we leave IBM a few months later). We assumed contributing
was mainframe DB2 group complaining if we were allowed to proceed that
it would be far ahead of them.

17feb1992, IBM establishes laboratory to develop parallel systems (pg8)

Administration pushing national labs to commercialize technology as
part of making US more competitive, LANL supercomputer work
commercialized as DATATREE (by General Atomics), LLNL commercializes
LINCS as UNITREE and NCAR commercializes thier supercomputer work as
"Mesa Archival" ... HA/CMP was involved in working with all three.

Late 90s, did some consulting work for Steve Chen (responsible for
Y-MP) who was then CTO at Sequent (before IBM bought Sequent and shut
it down).

hsdt posts
RFC1044 posts
FCS and/or FICON posts
HA/CMP posts

some posts mentioning LLNL LINCS/UNITREE Vintage Cray CDC, Cray, Supercomputers David Boggs, Co-Inventor of Ethernet, Dies at 71 CMSBACK, ADSM, TSM IBM CEO S/360 HA/CMP, HA/6000, Harrier/9333, STK Iceberg & Adstar Seastar IBM, Lawrence Livermore aim to meld supercomputing, industries Last Word on Dennis Ritchie IBM-MAIN longevity Why so little parallelism? Device and channel Device and channel general networking is: DEC eNet: was Vnet : Unbelievable

recent posts mentioning Thornton, Cray, NSC, HYPERchannel Architectural implications of locate mode I/O STL Channel Extender Some NSFNET, Internet, and other networking background IBM User Group SHARE How IBM Stumbled onto RISC DataTree, UniTree, Mesa Archival DataTree, UniTree, Mesa Archival DataTree, UniTree, Mesa Archival CDC, Cray, Supercomputers NCAR Fileserver CDC6000 ARPANET pioneer Jack Haverty says the internet was never finished Network Systems IBM Downturn CMSBACK, ADSM, TSM

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

16June1911, IBM Incorporation Day

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: 16June1911, IBM Incorporation Day
Date: 04 Jul, 2024
Blog: Facebook

16June1911, IBM Incorporation Day

CEO Learson tried (and failed) to block bureaucrats, careerists, MBAs
from destroying Watson culture & legacy.

FS (failing) significantly accelerated the rise of the bureaucrats,
careerists, and MBAs .... From Ferguson & Morris, "Computer Wars: The
Post-IBM World", Time Books

... and perhaps most damaging, the old culture under Watson Snr and Jr
of free and vigorous debate was replaced with *SYNCOPHANCY* and *MAKE
NO WAVES* under Opel and Akers. It's claimed that thereafter, IBM
lived in the shadow of defeat ... But because of the heavy investment
of face by the top management, F/S took years to kill, although its
wrong headedness was obvious from the very outset. "For the first
time, during F/S, outspoken criticism became politically dangerous,"
recalls a former top executive

... snip ...

note: since FS was going to replace 360/370, internal politics was
killing off 370 efforts and the lack of new IBM 370s during the period
is credited with given the clone 370 system makers their market
foothold. Claim is a major motivation for FS was as a complex
countermeasure to clone compatible 360/370 I/O controllers ... but it
resulted in giving a rise to the clone 370 system makers. Less than
two decades later, IBM has one of the largest losses in the history of
US companies and was being reorged into the 13 "baby blues" in
preparation for breaking up the company.,9171,977353,00.html,33009,977353-1,00.html

we had already left IBM but get a call from the bowels of Armonk
asking if we could help with the breakup of the company. Before we get
started, the board brings in the former president of AMEX that
(somewhat) reverses the breakup (although it wasn't long before the
disk division is gone).

Future System posts
IBM downturn/downfall/breakup posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Architectural implications of locate mode I/O

Refed: **, - **, - **
From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Architectural implications of locate mode I/O
Newsgroups: comp.arch
Date: Fri, 05 Jul 2024 15:35:50 -1000

John Levine <> writes:

By putting most of the logic into the printer controller, the 1403 was
not just faster, but only took a small fraction of the CPU so the
whole system could do more work to keep the printer printing.

re: ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360 ancient OS history, ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360 ancient OS history, ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360 ancient OS history, ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360 ancient OS history, ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360 ancient OS history, ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360 Architectural implications of locate mode I/O Architectural implications of locate mode I/O

360 "CKD DASD" and multi-track search trade-off. 360s had relatively
little real storage (for caching information) and slow processor, so
for program libraries on disk ... they created "PDS" format and had
(disk resident, cylinder aligned) directory that contained records for
name of each program and its disk location in the library. To load a
program, it first did a "multi-track" search of of the PDS directory
started at track 0 of the 1st cylinder of the directory ... ran until
it found name match (or reached end of cylinder). If name wasn't found
at end of cylinder, it would restart if there were additional
cylinders in the directory. Trivia: the searched-for program name was
in processor memory and the multi-track search operation would refetch
the name every time it did a compare for matching name (with records
in the PDS directory), monopolizing channel, controller, & disk.

Roll forward to 1979, a large national grocery chain had large
loosely-coupled complex of multiple 370/168 systems sharing string of
DASD containing the PDS dataset of store controller applications
... and was experiencing enormous throughput problems. All the usual
corporate performance specialists had been dragged through the
datacenter with hopes that they could address the problem ... until
they eventually got around to calling me. I was brought into large
classroom with tables covered with large stacks of
activity/performance reports for each system. After 30-40 mins
examaning the reports ... I being to realize the aggregate activity
(summed across all systems) for specific shared disk was peaking at
6-7 (total) I/O operations ... and corresponding with severe
performance problem. I asked what was on that disk and was told it was
the (shared) store controller program library for all the stores in
all regions and 168 systems; which I then strongly suspected it was
the PDS multi-track search perfoerformance that I had grappled with as
undergraduate in the 60s.

The store controller PDS dataset was quite large and had a three
cylinder directory, resident on 3330 disk drive ... implying that on
the avg, a search required 1.5 cylinders (and two I/Os), the first
multi-track search I/O for all 19 cylinders would be 19/60=.317sec
(during which time that processor's channel was busy, and the shared
controller was also busy ... blocking access to all disks on that
string, not just the speecific drive, for all systems in the complex)
and the 2nd would be 9.5/60=.158sec ... or .475sec for the two
... plus a seek to move the disk arm to PDS directory, another seek to
move the disk arm to the cylinder where the program was located
... approx. .5+secs total for each store controller program library
load (involving 6-7 I/Os) or two program loads per second aggregate
serving all stores in the country.

The store controller PDS program library was then split across set of
three disks, one dedicated (non-shared) set for each system in the

I was also doing some work on System/R (original sql/releational
RDBMS) and taking some flak from the IMS DBMS group down the road. The
IMS group were complaining that RDBMS had twice the disk space (for
RDBMS index) and increased the number of disk I/Os by 4-5 times (for
processing RDBMS index). Counter was that the RDBMS index
significantly reduced the manual maintenance (compared to IMS). By
early 80s, disk price/bit was significantly plummeting and system real
memory significantly increased useable for RDBMS caching, reducing
physical I/Os (while manual maintenance skills costs were
significantly increasing).

other trivia: when I transfer to San Jose, I got to wander around
datacenters in silicon valley, including disk engineering & product
test (bldg14&15) across the street. They were doing prescheduled,
7x24, stand-alone mainframe testing. They mentioned they had recently
tried MVS, but it had 15min mean-time-between-failure, requiring
manual re-ipl/reboot in that environment. I offered to rewrite I/O
supervisor to make it bullet-proof and never fail enabling any amount
of on-demand, concurrent testing (greatly improving
productivity). Downside was they would point their finger at me
whenever they had problem and I was spending increasing amount of time
diagnosing their hardware problems.

1980 was real tipping point as hardware tradeoff switched from system
bottleneck to I/O bottleck (my claims that relative system disk
throughput had declined by order or magnitude, systems got 40-50 times
faster, disks got 3-5 faster).

getting to play disk engineer in bldgs14&15 posts
DASD, CKD, FBA, multi-track search posts
original SQL/relational RDBMS, System/R

some posts mentioning national grocery, PDS multi-track search PDS Directory Multi-track Search HASP, JES, MVT, 370 Virtual Memory, VS2 Fortran IBM CKD DASD Tandem Memo

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Architectural implications of locate mode I/O

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Architectural implications of locate mode I/O
Newsgroups: comp.arch
Date: Sat, 06 Jul 2024 07:34:43 -1000

"Stephen Fuld" <> writes:

As you posted below, the whole PDS search stuff could easily be a
disaster.  Even with moremodest sized PDSs, it was inefficient has
hell.  Doing a linear search, and worse yet, doing it on a device that
was slower than main memory, and tying up the disk controller and
channel to do it.  It wasn't even sort of addressed until the early
1990s with the "fast PDS search" feature in the 3990 controller.  The
searches still took the same amount of elapsed time, but the key field
comparison was done in the controller and it only returned status when
it found a match (or end of the extent), which freed up the channel.
Things would have been much better if they simply used some sort of
"table of contents" or index at the start of the PDS, read it in, then
did an in memory search.  Even on small memory machines, if you had a
small sized index block and used something like a B-tree of them, it
would have been faster.

re: ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360 ancient OS history, ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360 ancient OS history, ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360 ancient OS history, ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360 ancient OS history, ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360 ancient OS history, ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360 Architectural implications of locate mode I/O Architectural implications of locate mode I/O Architectural implications of locate mode I/O

trivia: I've also mentioned in 1980 using HYPERChannel to implement
channel extender ... as side-effect also reduced channel busy on the
"real" channels ... another side-effect would get calls from ibm
branches that had customers also doing stuff with HYPERChannel
including NCAR that did supercomputer "network access storage" (NAS)
that as side-effect eliminated channel busy for CKD DASD "search"
operations in 1st half of 80s (a decade before 3990)

for A510 channel emulator , the channel program was downloaded into
the A510 and executed from there. NCAR got a upgrade for A515 which
also allowed the search argument to be included in the download ...
so mainframe real memory and channels weren't involved (although the
dasd controller was still involved). It also supported 3rd party

Supercomputer would send request over HYPERChannel to mainframe
server. The mainframe would download the channel program into a A515
and return the A515 and channel program "handle" to the
supercomputer. The supercomputer would send a request to that A515 to
execute the specified channel program (and data would transfer
directly between the disk and the supercomputer w/o passing through
the mainframe).

Then became involved with HIPPI (open cray channel standard pushed by
LANL) and FCS (open fibre channel pushed by LLNL) also being able to
do 3rd party transfers ... along with have LLNL's LINCS/Unitree and
NCAR's "Mesa Archival" ported to IBM's HA/CMP product we were doing.

other trivia: as also mentioned System/R (original SQL/relational
RDBMS implementation) used cacheable indexes ... not linear searches.

HSDT posts
channel-extender posts
post mentioning DASD, CKD, FBA, mutli-track searches
FCS and/or FICON posts
system/r posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Free and Open Source Software-and Other Market Failures

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Free and Open Source Software-and Other Market Failures
Date: 06 Jul, 2024
Blog: Facebook

Free and Open Source Software-and Other Market Failures

IBM, the unimaginably huge monopoly, was so big that "nobody got fired
for buying IBM," and it was IBM's way or no way. Then there was
everybody else, sometimes referred to as "the seven dwarfs," and they
all wanted to be IBM instead of IBM. None of them realized that when
customers asked for "anything but IBM," it was not about the letters
on the nameplate but about the abuse of power.

... snip ...

CEO Learson tried (& failed) to block the bureaucrats, careerists &
MBAs from destroying Watson legacy and culture

IBM downturn/downfall/breakup posts
capitalism posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Seymour Cray and the Dawn of Supercomputing

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Seymour Cray and the Dawn of Supercomputing
Date: 06 Jul, 2024
Blog: Facebook

Seymour Cray and the Dawn of Supercomputing

Seymour Cray once dreamed of building the fastest computer in the
world. In a 30-year span, the "father of supercomputing" accomplished
that goal several times over.

... snip ...

HA/CMP posts ... some mentioning cluster scale-up

then there is thornton ... some posts mentioning thornton, cray and
cdc6000: DataTree, UniTree, Mesa Archival CDC, Cray, Supercomputers CDC6600, Cray, Thornton CDC6000 HA/CMP Marketing the legacy of Seymour Cray The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software A Complete History Of Mainframe Computing Blades versus z was Re: Turn Off Another Light - Univ. of Tennessee Blades versus z was Re: Turn Off Another Light - Univ. of Tennessee Assembler Question Channel Distances CDC6600 - just how powerful a machine was it?

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Architectural implications of locate mode I/O and channels

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Architectural implications of locate mode I/O and channels
Newsgroups: comp.arch
Date: Sun, 07 Jul 2024 07:30:58 -1000

"Paul A. Clayton" <> writes:

In theory, non-practicing patent licensors seem to make sense, similar
to ARM not making chips, but when the cost and risk to the single
patent holder is disproportionately small, patent trolling can be
profitable. (I suspect only part of the disparity comes from not
practicing; the U.S. legal system has significant weaknesses and
actual expertise is not easily communicated. My father, who worked for
AT&T, mentioned a lawyer who repeated sued AT&T who settled out of
court because such was cheaper than defending even against a claim
without basis.)

re: ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360 ancient OS history, ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360 ancient OS history, ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360 ancient OS history, ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360 ancient OS history, ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360 ancient OS history, ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360 Architectural implications of locate mode I/O Architectural implications of locate mode I/O Architectural implications of locate mode I/O Architectural implications of locate mode I/O

in 90s, there was semantic analysis of patents and found that something
like 30% of "computer/technology" patents were filed in other categories
using ambiguous wording ... "submarine" patents (unlikely to be found in
normal patent search) ... waiting for somebody that was making lots of
money that could be sued for patent infringement.

other trivia: around turn of century was doing some security chip work
for financial institution and was asked to work with patent boutique
legal firm, eventually had 50 draft (all assigned) patents and the
legal firm predicted that there would be over hundred before done
... some executive looked at the filing costs and directed all the
claims be repackaged as nine patents. then the patent office came back
and said they were getting tired of these humongous patents where the
filing fee didn't even cover the cost of reading the claims ... and
directed the claims be repackaged as at least a couple dozen patents.

some related info

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Too-Big-To-Fail Money Laundering

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Too-Big-To-Fail Money Laundering
Date: 07 Jul, 2024
Blog: Facebook

After the economic mess implosion at the end of 1st decade of the
century ... started having too big to fail/prosecute/jail" being
found money laundering for drug cartels (stories about the money
enabling large purchases of military grade equipment and responsible
for big uptic in violence on both sides of the border) ... and being
slapped with "deferred prosecution"

if they promised to stop ... or they would be prosecuted ... however
some had repeated cases and earlier "deferred prosecution" instances
just being ignored.

economic mess posts
too big to fail (prosecute/jail) posts
money laundering posts

past posts mentioning deferred prosecution: Mexican cartel sending people across border with cash to buy these weapons Sales of US-Made Guns and Weapons, Including US Army-Issued Ones, Are Under Spotlight in Mexico Again Huge Number of Migrants Highlights Border Crisis As US-style corporate leniency deals for bribery and corruption go global, repeat offenders are on the rise Wall Street Has Deployed a Dirty Tricks Playbook Against Whistleblowers for Decades, Now the Secrets Are Spilling Out Pigs Want To Feed at the Trough Again: Bernanke, Geithner and Paulson Use Crisis Anniversary to Ask for More Bailout Powers Dirty Money, Shiny Architecture Feds widen hunt for dirty money in Miami real estate Feds WIMP Trump to sign cyber security order Trump to sign cyber security order Western Union Admits Anti-Money Laundering and Consumer Fraud Violations, Forfeits $586 Million in Settlement with Justice Department and Federal Trade Commission Why Aren't Any Bankers in Prison for Causing the Financial Crisis? Why Is the Obama Administration Trying to Keep 11,000 Documents Sealed? Qbasic Qbasic Qbasic Thanks Obama I Feel Old 25 Years: How the Web began Economic Mess rationality rationality Talk of Criminally Prosecuting Corporations Up, Actual Prosecutions Down 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95 LIBOR: History's Largest Financial Crime that the WSJ and NYT Would Like You to Forget Eric Holder, Wall Street Double Agent, Comes in From the Cold Do we REALLY NEED all this regulatory oversight? 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95 Greedy Banks Nailed With $5 BILLION+ Fine For Fraud And Corruption Instead of focusing on big fines, law enforcement should seek long prison terms for the responsible executives

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

16June1911, IBM Incorporation Day

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: 16June1911, IBM Incorporation Day
Date: 07 Jul, 2024
Blog: Facebook

re: 16June1911, IBM Incorporation Day

re: SNA/TCPIP; 80s, the communication group was fighting off
client/server and distributed computing, trying to preserve their dumb
terminal paradigm ... late 80s, a senior disk engineer got a talk
scheduled at an annual, world-wide, internal, communication group
conference, supposedly on 3174 performance ... but opens the talk with
statement that the communication group was going to be responsible for
the demise of the disk divisions. The disk division was seeing a drop
in disk sales with data fleeing datacenters to more distributed
computing friendly platforms. They had come up with a number of
solutions but were constantly vetoed by the communication group (with
their corporate strategic ownership of everything that crossed
datacenters walls) ... communication group datacenter stranglehold
wasn't just disks and a couple years later IBM has one of the largest
losses in the history of US companies.

As partial work-around, senior disk division executive was investing
in distributed computing startups that would use IBM disks ... and
would periodically ask us to drop by his investments to see if we
could provide any help.

other trivia: I had HSDT project from early 80s (T1 and faster
computer links, both terrestrial and satellite), including work with
NSF director and was suppose to get $20M from NSF to interconnect the
NSF Supercomputing Centers; then congress cuts the budget, some other
things happened and finally an RFP is released (in part based on what
we already had running), Preliminary Announcement:

The OASC has initiated three programs: The Supercomputer Centers
Program to provide Supercomputer cycles; the New Technologies Program
to foster new supercomputer software and hardware developments; and
the Networking Program to build a National Supercomputer Access
Network - NSFnet.

.... snip ...

... IBM internal politics was not allowing us to bid (possibly
contributing was being blamed for online computer conferencing). The
NSF director tried to help by writing the company a letter (3Apr1986,
NSF Director to IBM Chief Scientist and IBM Senior VP and director of
Research, copying IBM CEO) with support from other gov. agencies
... but that just made the internal politics worse (as did claims that
what we already had operational was at least 5yrs ahead of the winning
bid, awarded 24Nov87)

co-worker at CSC and responsible for cambridge wide-area network (that
evolves into the corporate internal network, originally non-SNA,
technology also used for the corporate sponsored univ BITNET) ... from
one of the inventors of GML at the science center in the 60s

Actually, the law office application was the original motivation for
the project, something I was allowed to do part-time because of my
knowledge of the user requirements. My real job was to encourage the
staffs of the various scientific centers to make use of the
CP-67-based Wide Area Network that was centered in Cambridge.

... snip ...

... we later transfer to SJR

In June 1975, MIT Professor Jerry Saltzer accompanied Hendricks to
DARPA, where Hendricks described his innovations to the principal
scientist, Dr. Vinton Cerf. Later that year in September 15-19 of 75,
Cerf and Hendricks were the only two delegates from the United States,
to attend a workshop on Data Communications at the International
Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, 2361 Laxenburg Austria where
again, Hendricks spoke publicly about his innovative design which
paved the way to the Internet as we know it today.

... snip ...

SJMerc article about Edson (he passed aug2020) and "IBM'S MISSED
OPPORTUNITY WITH THE INTERNET" (gone behind paywall but lives free at
wayback machine)
Also from wayback machine, some additional (IBM missed) references
from Ed's website

communication group fighting off client/server & distributed
computing posts
IBM downturn/downfall/breakup posts
science center posts
internal network posts
bitnet (& earn) posts
GML, SGML, HTML, etc posts
HSDT posts
NSFNET posts
internet posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Architectural implications of locate mode I/O

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Architectural implications of locate mode I/O
Newsgroups: comp.arch
Date: Mon, 08 Jul 2024 08:01:22 -1000

Lawrence D'Oliveiro <ldo@nz.invalid> writes:

Did IMS have a locate mode as well?

re: ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360 ancient OS history, ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360 ancient OS history, ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360 ancient OS history, ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360 ancient OS history, ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360 ancient OS history, ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360 Architectural implications of locate mode I/O Architectural implications of locate mode I/O Architectural implications of locate mode I/O Architectural implications of locate mode I/O Architectural implications of locate mode I/O and channels

channel programs were built by filesystem library running as part of
application or directly by applicatiion code .... and then executes
system call, EXCP/SVC0 to invoke the channel program. With MVS and
virtual memory its in application virtual address space.

QSAM the library code data is to/from library buffers and then either
copies to application buffers or "locate" mode passing pointers in
QSAM buffers.

For IMS has data buffer cache directly managed (aware of whether data
record is aleady in cache or must be read ... and/or is changed in
cache and must be written) ... also transaction log)

With transition to virtual memory, the channel programs passed to
EXCP/SVC0 now had virtual addresses and channel architecture required
real addresses ... so EXCP/SVC0 required making a copy of the passed
channel programs replacing virtual addresses with real addresses (as
well as pinning the associated virtual pages until I/O completes, code
to create channel program copies with real addresses and managing
virtual page pin/unpin initially done copy crafting virtual
machine CP67 "CCWTRANS" into EXCP).

for priviliged apps that had fixed/pinned virtual pages for I/O
buffers, a new EXCPVR interface was built ... effectively the original
EXCP w/o (CCWTRANS) channel program copying (and virtual page

IMS "OSAM" and "VSAM" (OSAM may use QSAM

IMS communicates with OSAM using OPEN, CLOSE, READ, and WRITE macros. In
turn, OSAM communicates with the I/O supervisor by using the I/O driver

Data sets

An OSAM data set can be read by using either the BSAM or QSAM access method.

... snip ...

IMS Performance and Tuning guide page167

Prevents page fixing of the OSAM buffer pool. This is the correct choice
these days

... snip ..


virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

360/65, 360/67, 360/75 750ns memory

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **
From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: 360/65, 360/67, 360/75 750ns memory
Date: 08 Jul, 2024
Blog: Facebook

virtual memory 360 SMP original pubs had up to four processors ... but
only two processor SMP were made (except special 3-processor for
manned orbital lab, "MOL" project) ... can see single processor and
two processor specs in 360/67 func spec at bitsavers

... control register layout still has provisions for four-processor

360/65 SMP was just two single processor machines (each with their own
dedicated channels, SMP channel configuration simulated with
two-channel controllers at same address on the two machines) sharing
real storage (same for 370 SMP). 360/67 "duplex" had multi-ported
memory where CPU transfers and I/O transfers could go on concurrently
and allowed both processors to access all channels.

Charlie was working on fine-grain CP67 SMP locking at the science
center when he invented compare-and-swap (name chosen because
"CAS" were his initials). In meetings with the POK 370 architecture
owners trying to get CAS added, we were told that the POK favorite son
operating system people (MVT) said (360) test-and-set was sufficient;
and if CAS was to be justified, uses other than kernel locking (single
spin-lock) were needed ... thus were born the examples for
multi-threaded applications (as alternative to kernel locking system

In the morph of CP67->VM370, lots of features were simplified (and/or
dropped, including SMP support). In 1974, I started added lots of
stuff back into VM370R2-base for my internal "CSC/VM" (one of my
hobbies after joining IBM was enhanced production operating systems
for internal datacenters, and the internal, world-wide sales&marketing
support HONE systems were long time customers) ... which included
kernel re-org for multiprocessor operation (but not SMP itself). Then
in 1975, I upgraded to VM370R3-base with the inclusion of SMP support,
originally for the US consolidated HONE system (up in Palo Alto across
the back parking lot from the IBM Palo Science Center); trivia when
FACEBOOK 1st moved into silicon valley, it was into new bldg built
next door to the former HONE datacenter).

When US HONE datacenters were consolidated in Palo Alto,
loosely-coupled, shared DASD, "single-system image", with
load-balancing and fall-over support across the complex ... then with
SMP support they could add a 2nd processor to each system (largest IBM
"single-system image" complex in the world). With some slight of hand,
I was able to double the throughput of each system (at a time when POK
MVT/SVS/MVS documentation was only claiming two-processor SMP having
1.2-1.5 times the throughput of single processor).

Future System was cratering (during FS, internal politics was killing
off 370 efforts) and there was mad rush to get stuff back into the 370
product pipelines, including kicking off quick&dirty 3033&3081 efforts
in parallel.

and I was con'ed into helping with a 16-processor SMP 370 effort and
we shanghaied the 3033 processor engineers into working on it in their
spare time (lot more interesting that remapping 168 logic to 20%
faster chips. Everybody thought it was great until somebody told the
head of POK that it could be decades before MVS had (effective) 16-way
support (start at 1.2-1.5 throughput for 2-way and overhead/contention
increasing for each processor added). Some of us were then invited to
never visit POK again and the 3033 processor engineers directed "heads
down" only on 3033. Note POK doesn't ship a 16-processor SMP machine
until after the turn of the century.

trivia: 360/67 was originally, officially for tss/360 ... but tss/360
was enormously bloated and poor performance. Single processor 360/67
only had max 1mbyte real storage (while two processor could have
2mbytes) ... most of the 1mbyte taken up by tss/360 kernel. TSS/360
published that a two processor SMP had 3.8times the throughput of a
single processor (doesn't mention single processor heavily page
thrashed ... and while two processor still wasn't really good, the 2nd
mbyte allowed less page thrashing ... getting 3.8times throughput of
single processor. Melinda has some history about the early 360/67 and
TSS360/CP67 conflict (also at one time TSS/360 project had something
like 1200 people  while CP67/CMS has 12).

SMP, tightly-coupled, multiprocessor posts
CSC posts
CSC/VM posts
HONE posts
Future System posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

360/65, 360/67, 360/75 750ns memory

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **
From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: 360/65, 360/67, 360/75 750ns memory
Date: 08 Jul, 2024
Blog: Facebook

re: 360/65, 360/67, 360/75 750ns memory

I had taken a two credit hr intro to fortran/computer and at the end
of semester I was hired to rewrite 1401 MPIO for 360/30. Univ. was
getting 360/67 for tss/360 to replace 709/1401 and got a 360/30
temporarily replacing 1401 until 360/67 was available. I was given a
pile of software&hardware manuals (univ shutdown datacenter on
weekends and I got it dedicated although 48hrs w/o sleep made monday
classes hard) and got to design&implement my own monitor, device
drivers, interrupt handlers, error recovery, storage management, etc
and within a few weeks had 2000 card assembler program. The 360/67
arrived within a year of taking intro class, and I was hired fulltime
responsible for OS/360 (tss/360 was never satisfactory), so 360/67 ran
as 360/65.

Then three people from CSC came out to install CP67/CMS (3rd after CSC
itself and MIT Lincoln Labs) and I mostly played with it in my
dedicated weekend window. Before I graduate I was hired fulltime into
a small group in the Boeing CFO office to help with the formation of
Boeing Computer Services (consolidate all dataprocessing in an
independent business unit). I think Renton largest datacenter in the
world (couple hundred million in 360s), 360/65s arriving faster than
they could be installed, boxes constantly staged in the hallways
around the machine room. Lots of politics between Renton director and
CFO, who only had a 360/30 up at Boeing Field for payroll (although
they enlarge the machine room to install 360/67 for me to play with
when I wasn't doing other stuff). When I graduate, I join IBM CSC
instead of staying in the CFO office.

While I was at Boeing, the Boeing Huntsville two-processor, duplex/SMP
360/67 was brought up to Seattle. It had (also) originally been
ordered for TSS/360 but was configured as two 360/65 systems running
MVT. However it was intended for CAD/CAM with lots of 2250 graphic

and ran into the horrible MVT storage management problem, aggravated
with long running CAD/CAM jobs ... and had modified MVTR13 to run in
virtual memory mode with no paging (sort of precursor to VS2/SVS)
... just using fiddling of virtual memory as partial countermeasure.

Note a little over a decade ago, a customer asked me to track down
decision to add virtual memory to all 370s. Found a staff to executive
making decision. Basically MVT storage management was so bad that
region sizes typically had to be specified four times larger than used
... as a result standard 1mbyte 370/165 only had space for running
four concurrent regions, insufficient to keep the system busy and
justified. Putting MVT in 16mbyte virtual address space, VS2/SVS (sort
of like running MVT in 16mbyte virtual machine) allowed number of
concurrently running regions to be increase by factor of four (up to
15, aka 2kbyte 4bit storage protect keys), with little or no
paging. Later had to move to VS2/MVS, giving each "region", its own
private address space (for protection), as work around to the storage
protect key limit of 15.

science center posts

some posts mentioning Univ MPIO work, Boeing CFO work, Boeing
Hunstville two processor 360/67 Vintage 2250 IBM 360 Vintage Mainframe OS/360 Bloat IBM 360/67 IBM TSS System/360 consoles

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

360/65, 360/67, 360/75 750ns memory

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: 360/65, 360/67, 360/75 750ns memory
Date: 08 Jul, 2024
Blog: Facebook

re: 360/65, 360/67, 360/75 750ns memory 360/65, 360/67, 360/75 750ns memory

Trivia: In the early 80s, I was introduced to John Boyd and would
sponsor his briefings at IBM ... responsible for redoing F-15 design
(cutting weight in half) and YF-16 & YF-17 (that become the F16 and
F18) ... and also helped Pierre Sprey with A-10.

The F-16 is the first production fighter aircraft intentionally
designed to be slightly aerodynamically unstable, also known as
"relaxed static stability" (RSS), to improve manoeuvrability. Most
aircraft are designed with positive static stability, which induces
aircraft to return to straight and level flight attitude if the pilot
releases the controls; this reduces manoeuvrability as the inherent
stability has to be overcome. Aircraft with negative stability are
designed to deviate from controlled flight and thus be more
maneuverable. At supersonic speeds the F-16 gains stability
(eventually positive) due to aerodynamic changes.

... snip ...

other trivia: one of Boyd stories was about being very vocal that
electronics across the trail wouldn't work and possibly as punishment,
he is put in command of spook base (about the same time I was at
Boeing), one of his biographies has "spook base" a $2.5B "windfall"
for IBM (aka ten times Renton).

other Boyd mention:
Former commandant (passed earlier this spring) would sponsor us for
Boyd conferences at Marine Corp Univ.

Boyd posts and URLs

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

360/65, 360/67, 360/75 750ns memory

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: 360/65, 360/67, 360/75 750ns memory
Date: 08 Jul, 2024
Blog: Facebook

re: 360/65, 360/67, 360/75 750ns memory 360/65, 360/67, 360/75 750ns memory 360/65, 360/67, 360/75 750ns memory

note: Amdahl had won the battle to make ACS 360 compatible and then
ACS/360 was killed because executives thot that it would advance the
state-of-the-art too fast and IBM might loose control off the market
... also mentions design for full-speed, 1/3rd speed, and 1/9th speed
(he leaves IBM shortly later):

trivia: my wife was in gburg JES group and one of the catchers for
ASP/JES3. Then was con'ed into going to POK to be responsible for
"loosely-coupled (shared dasd) architecture (peer-coupled shared
data). She didn't remain long because 1) constant battles with
communication group trying to force her into using SNA/VTAM for
loosely-coupled operation and 2) little uptake (until much later with
SYSPLEX and Parallel SYSPLEX) except for IMS hot-standby. She has
story about asking Vern Watts who he would ask permission to do
hot-standby ... and he replies nobody, he would just tell them after
he was all done.

peer-coupled shared data posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

360/65, 360/67, 360/75 750ns memory

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: 360/65, 360/67, 360/75 750ns memory
Date: 08 Jul, 2024
Blog: Facebook

re: 360/65, 360/67, 360/75 750ns memory 360/65, 360/67, 360/75 750ns memory 360/65, 360/67, 360/75 750ns memory 360/65, 360/67, 360/75 750ns memory 360/65, 360/67, 360/75 750ns memory

trivia: while Boeing Renton datacenter was lots of 360/65s, there was
one 360/75 that had black rope around its perimeter area, when running
classified program, there would be guards at the corner and black
velvet draped over the lights of the 75 panel and 1403 areas where
printed paper was exposed. 360/75 funcchars at bitsaver

other trivia: I was blamed for online computer conferencing in the
late 70s and early 80s. It really took off the spring of 1981 when I
distributed trip report to Jim Gray at Tandem. When the corporate
executive committee was told there was something of uproar (folklore
5of6 wanted to fire me), with some task forces that resulted in
official online conferencing software and officially sanctioned
moderated forums. One of the observations

Date: 04/23/81 09:57:42
To: wheeler

your ramblings concerning the corp(se?) showed up in my reader
yesterday. like all good net people, i passed them along to 3 other
people. like rabbits interesting things seem to multiply on the
net. many of us here in pok experience the sort of feelings your mail
seems so burdened by: the company, from our point of view, is out of
control. i think the word will reach higher only when the almighty $$$
impact starts to hit. but maybe it never will. its hard to imagine one
stuffed company president saying to another (our) stuffed company
president i think i'll buy from those inovative freaks down the
street. '(i am not defending the mess that surrounds us, just trying
to understand why only some of us seem to see it).

bob tomasulo and dave anderson, the two poeple responsible for the
model 91 and the (incredible but killed) hawk project, just left pok
for the new stc computer company. management reaction: when dave told
them he was thinking of leaving they said 'ok. 'one word. 'ok. ' they
tried to keep bob by telling him he shouldn't go (the reward system in
pok could be a subject of long correspondence). when he left, the
management position was 'he wasn't doing anything anyway. '

in some sense true. but we haven't built an interesting high-speed
machine in 10 years. look at the 85/165/168/3033/trout. all the same
machine with treaks here and there. and the hordes continue to sweep
in with faster and faster machines. true, endicott plans to bring the
low/middle into the current high-end arena, but then where is the
high-end product development?

... snip ... top of post, old email index

note: trout/3090 engineers thought they were doing much better than
3081 (warmed over FS technology from the early 70s used in the early
80s, not part of 85/165/168/3033/trout).
end of ACS/360 has references to features that show up in ES/9000 more
than two decades later
Tomasulo algorithm
some discussion of online computer conferencing

shortly after joining IBM, I was asked to help with
hyper-/multi-threading the 370/195 (aka simulating two processor SMP,
patent mentioned in the "acs_end" web page, "Sidebar:
Multithreading"). 370/195 didn't have branch prediction and/or
speculative execution, so conditional branches drained the pipeline
and most codes ran at half 195 rated speed. Going to two instruction
streams (two simulated processors) theoretically would keep the
machine running at top speed (modulo MVT two-processor SMP overhead
only have 1.2-1.5 throughput of single processor). Effort got can'ed
when it was decided to add virtual memory to all 370s (and it was
decided it wasn't worth it to retrofit virtual memory to
370/195). 360/195 funct char (for 370/195 they add the basic new 370
instructions and some instruction retry)

SMP, tightly-coupled, multiprocessor posts
FS posts
online computer conferencing posts
internal network posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

A Timeline of Mainframe Innovation

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: A Timeline of Mainframe Innovation
Date: 09 Jul, 2024
Blog: Facebook

A Timeline of Mainframe Innovation

System/R was the original sql/relational implementation and we managed
to do tech transfer to Endicott for SQL/DS, while the company was
preoccupied with "EAGLE" (the next great DBMS follow-on to IMS). When
"EAGLE" implodes, there is request for how fast can System/R be ported
to MVS, which is eventually released as DB2 (originally for
decision/support "only").

1980, STL (since renamed SVL) was bursting at the seams and
transferring 300 people from the IMS group to offsite bldg (along with
their 3270 terminals) with dataprocessing back to STL datacenter. They
tried remote 3270 but found the human factors totally unacceptable. I
was con'ed into doing channel-extender support for them, allow
channel-attached 3270 controllers at the offsite bldg, with no
perceived difference in human factors. They had previously distributed
3270 controllers across processor channels with disks. The
channel-extended significantly cutting the channel busy time (for the
same amount of 3270 traffic), resulting in increasing system
throughput by 10-15%. STL then considered putting all 3270
channel-attached controllers (even those inhouse) on channel-extender
(for improvement in system throughput). An attempt to release my
support got vetoed by a group in POK (playing with some serial stuff,
afraid it would make it harder to announce their stuff).

In 1988, IBM branch office asks if I could help LLNL (national lab)
with getting some serial stuff they were playing with, standardized
(including some stuff I had done in 1980) ... which quickly becomes
fibre-channel standard ("FCS", initially 1gbit, full-duplex, aggregate
200mbytes/sec). POK eventually gets their stuff announced w/ES9000 as
ESCON (when it is already obsolete, 17mbytes/sec). Then some POK
engineers start playing with FCS and define a heavy-weight protocol
that drastically cuts throughput that eventually is announced as FICON
(running over FCS).  Most recent public benchmark I can find is z196
"Peak I/O" that got 2M IOPS using 104 FICON. About the same time a FCS
was announced for E5-2600 server blades claiming over million IOPS
(two native FCS getting higher throughput than 104 FICON). Also IBM
pubs recommends SAPs (system assist processors that do actual I/O) CPU
limit to 70% (aka 1.5M IOPS).

system/r posts
channel-extender posts
FICON and/or FCS posts

some recent mainframe posts Mainframe and Blade Servers ReBoot Hill Revisited IBM Hardware Stories Vintage Mainframe Vintage Mainframe TOPS-20 Boot Camp for VMS Users 05-Mar-2022 Mainframe and/or Cloud 9 Mainframe Statistics That May Surprise You Computer Server Market Financial longevity that redhat gives IBM IBM Mainframe market was Re: Approximate reciprocals IBM Z16 Mainframe Telum & z16

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

ARPANET & IBM Internal Network

Refed: **, - **, - **
From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: ARPANET & IBM Internal Network
Date: 10 Jul, 2024
Blog: Facebook

Note the IBM internal network was passing 200 ... base was built off
the 60s science center CP67 wide-area network (RSCS/VNET) and then the
growing number of VM370 (RSCS/VNET). San Jose and some other locations
had wanted to start bldg "SUN" network out of HASP/JES2 systems
... and a RSCS/VNET line-driver was written that simulated HASP
protocol. The problem was that the HASP support (still had "TUCC" in
cols. 68-71 and) used spare entries in the HASP psuedo device 255
entry table, usually around 160-180 ... and continued with JES2. The
HASP/JES2 implementation also trashed any traffic where there wasn't
an entry for either traffic origin or destination in the local
table. Since the internal network was passing 200 nodes, the HASP/JES2
systems had to be carefully restricted to edge/boundary nodes.

By the time of 1Jan1983 ARPANET cut-over from IMP/HOST protocol to
internetworking protocol there was approx. 100 IMP nodes and 255
mainframe hosts ... while the internal network was rapidly approaching
1000. Old archive post with misc 1983 network update samples and a
list of company locations that added one or more nodes during 1983.

The Cambridge internal network technology was also used for the
corporate sponsored univ. BITNET, for a time also larger than internet
in 89, merges with CSNET
to form CREN:

History/comment from one of the Cambridge people that had invented
GML, but job was to promote the science center wide-area network

Actually, the law office application was the original motivation for
the project, something I was allowed to do part-time because of my
knowledge of the user requirements. My real job was to encourage the
staffs of the various scientific centers to make use of the
CP-67-based Wide Area Network that was centered in Cambridge.

... snip ...

GML drift, some of the MIT CTSS/7094 people had gone to the 5th flr
for MULTICS and others had gone to the IBM Science Center on 4th
was rewritten for CP67/CMS as "SCRIPT" and after GML was invented in
1969, GML tag processing was added to "SCRIPT".

JES2 was finally updated to max of 999 nodes, but it was after the
internal network had passed 1000 (and JES2 still trashed traffic if
origin or destination nodes were in local table). The other JES2
shortcoming was that network fields and job control fields were
intermixed and traffic from JES2 nodes at different release levels
could crash destination JES2, bringing down MVS (requiring manual
re-ipl). As a result the VM370 emulated HASP driver acquired family of
changes that could reorganize HASP/JES fields to correspond to what
directly connected JES system required. There was the infamous case of
Hursley MVS systems crashing by San Jose MVS systems and the Hursley
VM370 staff was blamed (they hadn't gotten notice of latest VM370
emulated JES driver to account for San Jose JES2 header format

Internal network was larger than ARPANET/INTERNET from just about the
beginning until sometime mid/late 80s ... then in large part IBM
communication group forcing internal network to convert to SNA and
their fierce battle trying to block client/server and distributed
computing (internet start to see PCs and workstations as nodes, while
internally they were restricted to terminal emulation).

Some of us (including person response for CP67 wide-area network), in
the 2nd half of the 70s, tranfer from Cambridge to San Jose.

In June 1975, MIT Professor Jerry Saltzer accompanied Hendricks to
DARPA, where Hendricks described his innovations to the principal
scientist, Dr. Vinton Cerf. Later that year in September 15-19 of 75,
Cerf and Hendricks were the only two delegates from the United States,
to attend a workshop on Data Communications at the International
Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, 2361 Laxenburg Austria where
again, Hendricks spoke publicly about his innovative design which
paved the way to the Internet as we know it today.

... snip ...

SJMerc article about Edson (he passed aug2020) and "IBM'S MISSED
OPPORTUNITY WITH THE INTERNET" (gone behind paywall but lives free at
wayback machine)
Also from wayback machine, some additional (IBM missed) references
from Ed's website

A network distributed development project started in 1970 between
Endicott and Cambridge (after decision to add virtual memory to all
370s) ... to modify CP67 (running on 360/67) to emulate 370 virtual
memory machines ... and then do modified CP67 to run on 370 virtual
memory machines. "CP67I" was running in "CP67H" 370 virtual
machines regularly a year before the first engineering 370
with virtual machine was operational (in fact Endicott used
ipl'ing CP67I as a test for the first engineering 370 virtual memory
hardware). In part because non-IBM students, staff, professors from
Boston area institutions were using the Cambridge system, my
CP67L/CSCVM ran on the real hardware and CP67H ran in a
360/67 virtual machine (isolated from other users on the
Cambridge system), with CP67I running in a CP67H 370 virtual
machine (and CMS running in a CP67I virtual machine)

Cambridge Science Center posts
CSC/VM posts
GML, SGML, HTML, etc, posts
internal network posts
BITNET posts
NSFNET posts
internet posts

some recent posts mentioning CP67L, CP67H, CP67I, CP67SJ Virtual Machines CP67 support for 370 virtual memory Vintage IBM Mainframes & Minicomputers The IBM System/360 Revolution IBM 360/65 & 360/67 Multiprocessors IBM DASD, Virtual Memory IBM 4341 IBM 4341 370 virtual memory Enhanced Production Operating Systems IBM Quota CMS OS/360 Simulation Precursor to current virtual machines and containers Programming Skills MS/DOS for IBM/PC IBM Fan-fold cards IBM 370 IBM 370/155 Z/VM

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

ARPANET & IBM Internal Network

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: ARPANET & IBM Internal Network
Date: 10 Jul, 2024
Blog: Facebook

re: ARPANET & IBM Internal Network

RSCS/VNET from the 60s (point-to-point telco links), predating SNA by
nearly a decade (our joke SNA wasn't a System, wasn't a Network, and
wasn't an Architecture, about SNA time-frame, my wife was co-author of
AWP39, Peer-to-Peer Networking Architecture, they had to qualify it
with "Peer-to-Peer" since the communication group had misused
"network" for SNA). RSCS/VNET did use the CP67 (and then VM370) spool
file system with an optimized 4k block interface for stating data
... resulting in aggregate throughput limit of about 6-8 4k
records/sec (or 32kbyes/320kbits, less if spool file system was
heavily loaded with use by other users). Early 80s I got HSDT with T1
and faster computer links (both terrestrial and satellite) and I
needed 3-4mbits/sec per T1 link (300-400kbytes, 75-100 4k/sec).

I did a rewrite of VM370 spool file system in VS/Pascal running in
virtual address space, provided RSCS/VNET with asynchronous interface
(instead of synchronous) support contiguous allocation, multi-block
transfer, read-ahead and write-behind and super fast checkpoint
recovery) allowing supporting of multiple T1 (and faster) links. I was
scheduled to give presentation (spring 1987) on upgrading the backbone
network hubs at corporate backbone network meeting when I got email
saying the communication group had restricted attendance to managers
only while they brow-beat the company into converting the internal
network to SNA (SNA products at the time capped at 56kbit links),
claims included that if it wasn't upgraded to SNA, internal email
PROFS would stop working (which had been running fine for nearly a

The communication group was also trying to suppress release of
mainframe TCP/IP suport and when the lost, they change strategy and
said that since they had corporate straegic responsibility for
everything that crossed datacenter walls, it had to be release through
them. When shipped got aggregate of 44kbytes/sec using nearly whole
3090 processors. I then did support for RFC1044 and in some turning
tests at Cray Research between Cray and IBM 4341, got sustained 4341
channel throughput using only modest amount of 4341 CPU (something
like 500 times improvement in bytes moved per instruction executing).

I was also working with NSF Director and HSDT was suppose to get $20M
to interconnect the NSF supercomputer centers, then congress cuts the
budget, some other things happen and finally an RFP is released (in
part based on what we already had running). Preliminary agenda
28Mar1986 Preliminary Announcement:

The OASC has initiated three programs: The Supercomputer Centers
Program to provide Supercomputer cycles; the New Technologies Program
to foster new supercomputer software and hardware developments; and
the Networking Program to build a National Supercomputer Access
Network - NSFnet.

... snip ...

... IBM internal politics was not allowing us to bid (possibly
contributing was being blamed for online computer conferencing). The
NSF director tried to help by writing the company a letter (3Apr1986,
NSF Director to IBM Chief Scientist and IBM Senior VP and director of
Research, copying IBM CEO) with support from other gov. agencies
... but that just made the internal politics worse (as did claims that
what we already had operational was at least 5yrs ahead of the winning
bid, awarded 24Nov87)

internal network posts
HSDT posts
RFC1044 posts
NSFNET posts

some posts mentioning spool file system rewrite in vs/pascal Assembler & non-Assembler For System Programming [CM] What was your first home computer? Multiple Virtual Memory Was VM ever used as an exokernel? Operating Systems for Virtual Machines Was CMS multi-tasking? How many 36-bit Unix ports in the old days? MVCIN instruction SPXTAPE status from REXX Microkernels are not "all or nothing". Re: Multics Concepts For dasd full cylinder transfer (long post warning) Migrating pages from a paging device (was Re: removal of paging device)

some recent posts mentioning awp39: TCP/IP Protocol OSI: The Internet That Wasn't Vintage Mainframe ACP/TPF SNA/VTAM Rise and Fall of IBM Systems Network Architecture Conflicts with IBM Communication Group z/VM 50th - part 3 What's something from the early days of the Internet which younger generations may not know about? What is IBM SNA? IBM "nine-net" IBM Internal network

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

ARPANET & IBM Internal Network

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: ARPANET & IBM Internal Network
Date: 10 Jul, 2024
Blog: Facebook

re: ARPANET & IBM Internal Network ARPANET & IBM Internal Network

NSA DOCKMASTER and public email

after leaving IBM, I was rep to the ANSI financial industry standards
body including dealing with some amount of crypto and there were NIST
and other gov. agencies with reps. I got asked to be on panel in
trusted computing track at IDF ... I semi-facetiously mentioned
aggressively cost reducing a $500 security mil-spec chip to less than
dollar while improving security ... gone 404 but live on at wayback
machine (the guy running TPM (trusted computing module) chip effort
was in the front row and commented that I was able to do it because I
didn't have a committee of 200 people helping me with the design)

I also got asked to give presentation to former agency director then
at BAH ... and net was they couldn't see how to make any
profit. Trivia: BAH had bought the former (IBM) SBS bldg in Tysons,
gutted the bldg and built a 2nd identical bldg with lobby between the
two bldgs. The former director's office was in the original (SBS) bldg
and included the area where my wife's office had been (she returned to
IBM after SBS was dissolved).

... another case where people were complaining to me about couldn't do
something because it cost too much and I aggressively cost reduce and
then they would complain they couldn't do something because there was
no profit.

I had embedded the crypto in the silicon of the chip and just before I
went for EAL5-high (or 6) evaluation, the gov. pulled the crypto
evaluation criteria and I had to settle for a chip EAL4-high

some security chip work refs
some financial standard posts
some assurance posts

posts mentioning EAL-4 evalucation Bounty offered for secret NSA seeds behind NIST elliptic curves algo Attackers exploit fundamental flaw in the web's security to steal $2 million in cryptocurrency Typesetting Old hardware "NSA foils much internet encryption" NSA and crytanalysis Blades versus z was Re: Turn Off Another Light - Univ. of Tennessee CARD AUTHENTICATION TECHNOLOGY - Embedded keypad on Card - Is this the future CARD AUTHENTICATION TECHNOLOGY - Embedded keypad on Card - Is this the future The Credit Card Criminals Are Getting Crafty Has there been a change in US banking regulations recently Notes on two presentations by Gordon Bell ca. 1998 Should the USA Implement EMV? Crypto dongles to secure online transactions 33 Years In IT/Security/Audit Some companies are selling the idea that you can use just a (prox) physical access badge (single factor) for logical access as acceptable EAL5 Certification for z10 Enterprise Class Server EAL5 Certification for z10 Enterprise Class Server Any benefit to programming a RISC processor by hand? Education ranking Public Computers Public Computers what does xp do when system is copying My Dream PC -- Chip-Based newbie need help (ECC and wireless) How many 36-bit Unix ports in the old days? EAL5 Authenticated Public Key Exchange without Digital Certificates? Whatever happened to C2 "Orange Book" Windows security? Beware, Intel to embed digital certificates in Banias Opinion on smartcard security requested Opinion on smartcard security requested The bank fraud blame game Naked Payments IV - let's all go naked Use of TPM chip for RNG? Dell to Add Security Chip to PCs Dell to Add Security Chip to PCs Challenge to TCPA/Palladium detractors

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

ARPANET & IBM Internal Network

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: ARPANET & IBM Internal Network
Date: 11 Jul, 2024
Blog: Facebook

re: ARPANET & IBM Internal Network ARPANET & IBM Internal Network ARPANET & IBM Internal Network

trivia: big part of SBS demise was SNA/VTAM window pacing algorithm
... the sat. round-trip delay ... even with low-bandwidth link, met
that outstanding packet transmission limit was reached long before
returning ACKs started arriving ... so at a minimum very low bandwidth
utilization. Also contributed to capping terrestrial links at 56kbit
... even short haul T1 was so fast, that outstanding packet
transmission limit was reached (relatively) long before return ACKs
started arriving (so very little of bandwidth could be used)

There was 80s incident where they wanted to have double-hop satellite
link between STL on the west coast and Hursley (England, up/down
between west/east coast and then up/down between east coast/England)
being able to use the other's datacenter "off-shift". Initially
brought up with RSCS/VNET and no problems. Then (STL executive infused
with MVS/JES/SNA) insisted it be switched to JES2 and wouldn't
work. It was then switched back to RSCS/VNET and no problems. The
executive then decided that RSCS/VNET was too dumb to know it wasn't
working (even thought data was flowing fine). The actual problem was
the link startup protocol would time-out with the round-trip
double-hop delay.

Trivia: HSDT very early went to dynamic adaptive rate-based pacing
protocol (as opposed to window based protocol).

Trivia2: 1988 IETF (internet) meeting, there was presentation of (TCP)
slow-start window pacing for TCP. However, almost same time, 1988 ACM
SIGCOMM article showed how "slow-start window pacing" was non-stable
in large, multi-hop internet ... where returning ACKs bunch up at
intermediate hop and then released in burst ... resulting in sender
sending multiple back-to-back packets ... over running something in
the infrastructure.

Trivia3: after communication group presented to corporate executive
committee why customers wouldn't want "T1 support" until well into the
90s, they came out with 3737 in the 2nd half of the 80s. It had a
boat-load of memory and Motorola 68K with a simulated mini-VTAM,
simulating CTCA to local mainframe/VTAM. The 3737 would immediately
ACK transmission to local VTAM ... then use non-SNA with remote 3737
... trying to keep data flowing (although processing was capped around
2mbits/sec aggregate; aka US T1 full-duplex is 3mbits aggregate while
EU T1 full-duplex is 4mbits aggregate)

HSDT posts
internal network posts
internet posts

some posts mentioning 3737, T1, rate-based TCP/IP Protocol Vintage Mainframe Vintage Mainframe Ethernet (& CAT5) Peer-Coupled Shared Data IBM z16: Built to Build the Future of Your Business IBM SNA ARB Dynamic Adaptive Resource Management What's Fortran?!?! IBM SNA/VTAM (& HSDT) IBM Token-Ring TV Show "Hill Street Blues" Last Gasp for Hard Disk Drives Is the magic and romance killed by Windows (and Linux)?

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

IBM "Winchester" Disk

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: IBM "Winchester" Disk
Date: 12 Jul, 2024
Blog: Facebook

re: IBM "Winchester" Disk IBM "Winchester" Disk IBM "Winchester" Disk

First thin-film head was used with FBA3370 ... followed by CKD3380
(although already transition to everything actually FBA, 3380
records/track formula has record length being rounded up to "cell"
size). First 3380 had 20 track spacings between each data track, that
was then cut in half for double capacity 3380 (twice number tracks)
and then cut again for triple capacity. The father of 801/risc then
asks me to see if I can help him with idea for disk "wide-head",
handle 18 tracks, format has servo-track and 16 data tracks
(read/write 16 data tracks in parallel, following two servo-tracks on
each side side of set 16 data tracks). Problem was 50mbytes/sec
transfer and mainframe channels still stuck 3mbyte/sec .... this was
about same time as I was asked to help LLNL with what becomes FCS
... but POK doesn't become involved and announce FICON until much,
much later.

posts mentioning getting to play disk engineer in bldgs 14&15
FICON & FCS posts

misc. past posts mentioning cutting spacing between 3380 data tracks
and disk "wide-head" IBM 360 Announce 7Apr1964 Vintage RS/6000 Mainframe Vintage IBM 3380s EBCDIC "Commputer Goof" DASD, Channel and I/O long winded trivia IBM San Jose IBM Mainframe IBM Quota IBM downturn S/360 3390 teardown 3390 teardown Didn't we have this some time ago on some SLED disks? Multi-actuator Hard Drives Started Out as Massive Machines That Were Rented by the Month GREAT presentation on the history of the mainframe Demonstrating Moore's law

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970


From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: GOSIP
Date: 12 Jul, 2024
Blog: Facebook


I was member Greg Chesson's XTP TAB in the 80s, with some
gov. agencies involved ... prompting taking it to ISO charted ANSI
X3S3.3 (standards body for "level 3 and 4" standards) as
HSP. Eventually was told that ISO required that standards had to
correspond/follow OSI model; XTP/HSP failed because 1) supported
internetworking which doesn't exist in the OSI model, 2) skipped the
OSI model level 4/3 (transport/network) interface and 3) went directly
to LAN/MAC interface (also doesn't exist in OSI model, sitting
somewhere in middle of level 3). Somebody was circulating joke that
while IETF required two interoperable implementations to progress in
standards process while ISO didn't even require that a standard be

I was at ACM SIGMOD conference in the early 90s and in large
auditorium session, somebody asked what was this x.500/x.509 that was
happening in ISO and somebody else (I think one of the panelists up on
stage) explained that it was a bunch of networking engineers
attempting to reinvent 1960s-era database technology. Disclaimer: at
various times in 70s, 80s, and 90s worked on relational (RDBMS)

I was on panel up on stage in large ballroom, standing room only, took
opportunity to somewhat repeat the SIGMOD reference, 07Sep1998 21st
National Information Systems Security Conference
also made reference to taking $500 mil-spec security chip, cost
reducing to less than dollar while improving security, assurance panel
in trusted computing track at 2001 IDF

XTP/HSP posts
interop '88 posts
assurance posts
original sql/relational RDBMS posts
internet posts

some recent posts mentioning GOSIP OSI: The Internet That Wasn't Vintage Mainframe Internet Internet How the Net Was Won XTP, OSI & LAN/MAC INTEROP 88 Santa Clara Some BITNET (& other) History IETF TCP/IP versus ISO OSI IBM and Internet Old Farts IBM Research, Adtech, Science Center SHARE (& GUIDE) The Rise of the Internet The Rise of the Internet 5 milestones that created the internet, 50 years after the first network message 21 random but totally appropriate ways to celebrate the World Wide Web's 30th birthday Network names

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Some Email History

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Some Email History
Date: 12 Jul, 2024
Blog: Facebook

some early email history

then some of the CTSS people went to the 5th flr for MULTICS and
others went to the IBM Science Center on the 4th flr and did virtual
machine CP40/CMS on 360/40 with hardware virtual memory mods
... morphs into CP67/CMS when 360/67 standard with virtual memory
becomes available. I was undergraduate at univ but hired fulltime,
responsible for OS/360 (360/67 for tss/360 replacing 709/1401, but
tss/360 never came to production so ran as 360/65 with os/360), univ
shutdown datacenter on weekends and I would have it dedicated although
48hrs w/o sleep made Monday classes hard. Then CSC came out to install
CP67 (3rd after CSC itself and MIT Lincol Labs) and I mostly played
with it in my weekend dedicated time.

CSC initially had 1052 and 2741 terminal support. At univ, I add
TTY/ASCII support which CSC picks up and incorporates in standard
distributed CP67, Account of MIT Urban Lab CP67 (across tech sq quad
from 545) CP67 crashing 27 times in single day (I had done hack for
single byte/255char line lengths and somebody down at harvard wanted
to use ASCII device with max 1200 char ... they failed to fiddle all
the one byte hacks).

CSC 1st had message/mail for users on the same machine. Then one of
the CSC people did science center wide-area network (morphing into the
corporate network, larger than arpanet/internet from just about the
beginning until sometime mid/late 80s, technology also used for the
corporate sponsored univ BITNET, also for a time larger than
arpanet/internet) ... by one of the people inventing GML at science
center in 1969:

Actually, the law office application was the original motivation for
the project, something I was allowed to do part-time because of my
knowledge of the user requirements. My real job was to encourage the
staffs of the various scientific centers to make use of the
CP-67-based Wide Area Network that was centered in Cambridge.

... snip ...

Before I graduate, I'm hired fulltime into small group in Boeing CFO
office to help with the formation of Boeing Computer Services
(consolidate all dataprocessing into independent business unit). Then
when I graduate I join the science center (instead of staying with CFO
office). One of my hobbies was enhanced production operating systems
for internal datacenter and the US online (branch office)
sales&marketing support HONE systems were long time customers. Early
70s, decision to start deploying HONE to rest of world and was asked
to do some early non-US HONE installs, 1st in Paris ... and while
there had to figure out how to do email back to the states.

In Aug1976, TYMSHARE
started offering their CMS-based online computer conferencing "free"
to (IBM mainframe user group) SHARE
as VMSHARE ... archives here

and I cut deal with TYMSHARE to get monthly tape dump of all VMSHARE
files for putting up on internal network and systems

At the great 1jan1983 internetworking protocol cut-over there were
approx. 100 IMPs and 255 hosts, while the internal network was rapidly
approaching 1000, which it passes a few months later. Archived post
with corporate locations that added one or more new nodes during 1983

IBM CSC posts
CSC/VM posts
internal network posts
BITNET (and EARN) posts
GML, SGML, HTML, etc posts

some posts mentioning CTSS/EMAIL history IBM TLA Online systems fostering online communication The History of Electronic Mail IBM Cambridge Science Center IBM Mainframe time-sharing PROFS Was E-mail a Mistake? The mathematics of distributed systems suggests that meetings might be better PROFS, email, 3270 1963 Timesharing: A Solution to Computer Bottlenecks Congratulations IBM for 'inventing' out-of-office email. You win Stupid Patent of the Month [CM] Ten recollections about the early WWW and Internet The Invention of Email Authorized functions Inventor of e-mail honored by Smithsonian The PC industry is heading for collapse OT The inventor of Email - Tom Van Vleck OT The inventor of Email - Tom Van Vleck

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Joe Biden Kicked Off the Encryption Wars

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Joe Biden Kicked Off the Encryption Wars
Date: 13 Jul, 2024
Blog: Facebook

Joe Biden Kicked Off the Encryption Wars

I got HSDT in the early 80s (T1 and faster computer links, both
terrestrial and satellite) ... corporate requirement that links had to
be encrypted and I hated what I had to pay for T1 link encryptors and
faster encryptors were hard find. I did some benchmarking of software
(DES) encryption and it would require both IBM 3081K processors
dedicated to handle DES encryption/decryption for single T1
full-duplex link. I then became involved in link encryptor that would
handle 3mbytes/sec and cost less than $100 to make. The corporate DES
encryption group told me it was much weaker than DES encryption (and
couldn't be used). It took me three months to figure out how to
explain to the group, rather than much weaker, it was much stronger
than DES encryption. It was hollow victory, I was then told there was
only one operation in the world allowed to use such encryption. I
could make as many as I wanted, but they all had to be sent to address
on the east coast. It was when I realized there was three kinds of
crypto, 1) the kind they don't care about, 2) the kind you can't do,
and 3) the kind you can only do for them.

Some 15 or so yrs later, was rep to financial standards including
"commercial" key-escrow meetings. I did presentation on how escrow of
keys used for authentication would be violation of basic security
practices (santa cruz meeting?).  Some people got upset claiming that
users could misuse authentication keys for encryption (I believe it
was last meeting of that particular committee). Part of the issue was
business information in electronic transactions could be used for
fraudulent transactions. I worked hard on transaction standard with
much stronger authentication, which eliminated the anti-fraud
requirement for encrypting transactions. The eliminating encryption
requirement for financial transactions made some gov. types happy but
were unhappy that strong authentication required that the keys
couldn't be escrowed (as well as authentication didn't mean
identification ...aka PAIN/CAIN: Privacy/Confidential, Authentication,
Identification, Non-repudiation)

HSDT posts
internet posts
three factor authentication posts
risk, fraud, explots, threats, vulnerability posts
secrets and accont numbers

posts mentioning realizing there were three kinds of crypto Internet Vintage Mainframe XT/370 WAIS. Z39.50 Network Congestion Computer Security WEB Security Hacking, Exploits and Vulnerabilities IBM/BMI/MIB In the 1970s, Email Was Special IBM Recruiting IBM Travel 5 milestones that created the internet, 50 years after the first network message Online History IBM Mainframe Ushers in New Era of Data Protection Eliminating the systems programmer was Re: IBM cuts contractor billing by 15 percent (our else) A flaw in the design; The Internet's founders saw its promise but didn't foresee users attacking one another How the internet was invented Institutional Memory and Two-factor Authentication PROFS & GML Western Union envisioned internet functionality On a lighter note, even the Holograms are demonstrating No Internet. No Microsoft Windows. No iPods. This Is What Tech Was Like In 1984 IBM Programmer Aptitude Test TCP/IP Might Have Been Secure From the Start If Not For the NSA Is there any MF shop using AWS service? Last Gasp for Hard Disk Drives NSA seeks to build quantum computer that could crack most types of encryption Teletypewriter Model 33 The failure of cyber defence - the mindset is against it Reject gmail ARPANET's coming out party: when the Internet first took center stage We list every company in the world that has a mainframe computer Internet Evolution - Part I: Encryption basics Getting Out Hard Drive in Real Old Computer Own a piece of the crypto wars New test attempt

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Some work before IBM

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Some work before IBM
Date: 13 Jul, 2024
Blog: Facebook

I took two credit hr intro fortran/computers and at end of semester
was hired to rewrite 1401 MPIO for 360/30. Univ was getting 360/67 for
TSS/360 to replace 709/1401 and temporarily got 360/30 replacing 1401
pending availability of 360/67. Within a year of taking intro class,
the 360/67 came in and I was hired fulltime responsible for OS/360
(tss/360 didn't come to production so ran as 360/65). Student fortran
ran under a second on 709 (tape->tape), but over a minute on os/360
(fortgclg). I install HASP and cuts time in half. I then carefully
reorder stage2 sysgen for placement of datasets and PDS members to
optimize disk arm seek and multi-track searches, reducing time by
another 2/3rds to 12.9secs. Student Fortran never gets better than 709
until I install Univ. of Waterloo WATFOR.

Later the Univ. Library gets an ONR grant to do online catalog, some
of the money goes for an IBM 2321 datacell and the project was also
selected as betatest for original CICS product ... and CICS support
was added to my tasks. First problem was CICS wouldn't come
up. Problem was that CICS had some undocumented, hardcodied BDAM
options and library had built BDAM datasets with different set of
options. Yelavich URLs gone 404, but live on at wayback machine

Also CSC had come by to install CP67 (3rd after CSC itself and MIT
Lincoln Labs) and I get to play with it mostly during my weekend
dedicated time. I spend first few months rewriting CP67 to cut CPU
overhead running OS/360. OS/360 jobstream ran 322secs on bare machine,
initially 856secs in virtual machine; CP67 CPU 534secs got it down to

Before I graduate I'm hired fulltime in small group in Boeing CFO
office to help with the formation of Boeing Computer Services
(consolidate all dataprocessing into independent business unit). I
think Renton largest datacenter in the world, 360/65s arriving faster
than they could be installed, boxes constantly staged in hallways
around machine room. Lots of politics between Renton director and CFO
who only had a 360/30 up at Boeing field for payroll, although they
enlarge the machine room for a 360/67 for me to play with when I
wasn't doing other stuff. When I graduate, I join IBM science center
(instead of staying with Boeing CFO).

IBM CSC posts

Posts mentioning Boeing CFO, BCS, Renton, 1401 MPIO, fortran/watfor,
and CP/67 360/65, 360/67, 360/75 750ns memory Computers and Boyd Vintage 2250 Vintage Mainframe 360 CARD IPL DASD, Channel and I/O long winded trivia 545tech sq, 3rd, 4th, & 5th flrs IBM 370/195 Dataprocessing 48hr shift Classified Material and Security IBM OS/360 Operating System File/Dataset I/O CMS OS/360 Simulation COMPUTER HISTORY: REMEMBERING THE IBM SYSTEM/360 MAINFRAME, its Origin and Technology Programming Skills IBM TSS System/360 consoles

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Other Silicon Valley

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Other Silicon Valley
Date: 13 Jul, 2024
Blog: Facebook

aug1976, TYMSHARE
started offering its (VM370/)CMS-based online computer conferencing free to SHARE
as VMSHARE ... archives here
I cut a deal with TYMSHARE to get a monthly tape dump of all VMSHARE
files for putting up on internal systems and network.

SLAC was sponsoring monthly user group meetings and afterwards we
would usually adjourn to either the "O" or the "Goose". MD was buying
TYMSHARE in 1984 and I was brought in to evaluate GNOSIS for the
spinoff, also asked if I could find anybody in IBM to make Engelbart
an offer. SLAC was doing 168E & then 3081E with CERN .. emulate 360
sufficient to run FORTRAN, placed along the line to do initial data
and then SLAC had 1st webserver in the US:

posts mentioning TYMSHARE VMSHARE online computer conferencing,
Engelbart, Gnosis, SLAC Tymshare Douglas Engelbart, the forgotten hero of modern computing [CM] Ten recollections about the early WWW and Internet GNOSIS & KeyKOS Just a quick link to a video by the National Research Council of Canada made in 1971 on computer technology for filmmaking

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Other Silicon Valley

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Other Silicon Valley
Date: 14 Jul, 2024
Blog: Facebook

re: Other Silicon Valley

Ann Hardy at Computer History Museum

Ann rose up to become Vice President of the Integrated Systems
Division at Tymshare, from 1976 to 1984, which did online airline
reservations, home banking, and other applications. When Tymshare was
acquired by McDonnell-Douglas in 1984, Ann's position as a female VP
became untenable, and was eased out of the company by being encouraged
to spin out Gnosis, a secure, capabilities-based operating system
developed at Tymshare. Ann founded Key Logic, with funding from Gene
Amdahl, which produced KeyKOS, based on Gnosis, for IBM and Amdahl
mainframes. After closing Key Logic, Ann became a consultant, leading
to her cofounding Agorics with members of Ted Nelson's Xanadu project.

... snip ...

Ann Hardy

Ann Hardy is a crucial figure in the story of Tymshare and
time-sharing. She began programming in the 1950s, developing software
for the IBM Stretch supercomputer. Frustrated at the lack of
opportunity and pay inequality for women at IBM -- at one point she
discovered she was paid less than half of what the lowest-paid man
reporting to her was paid -- Hardy left to study at the University of
California, Berkeley, and then joined the Lawrence Livermore National
Laboratory in 1962. At the lab, one of her projects involved an early
and surprisingly successful time-sharing operating system.

... snip ...

If Discrimination, Then Branch: Ann Hardy's Contributions to Computing

past posts mention Ann Hardy E-commerce Tymshare & Ann Hardy IBM Jargon Tymshare Tymshare Online Forums and Information Grace Hopper (& Ann Hardy) Fortran When Computer Coding Was a 'Woman's' Job Fortran TYMSHARE Cobol and Jean Sammet Women in Computing book review:  Broad Band:  The Untold Story of the Women Who Made the Internet CMSBACK, ADSM, TSM Someone Else's Computer: The Prehistory of Cloud Computing

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Other Silicon Valley

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Other Silicon Valley
Date: 14 Jul, 2024
Blog: Facebook

re: Other Silicon Valley Other Silicon Valley


In 1984 Tymnet was bought by the McDonnell Douglas Corporation as part
of the acquisition of Tymshare.[6] The company was renamed McDonnell
Douglas Tymshare, and began a major reorganization. A year later,
McDonnell Douglas (MD) split Tymshare into several separate operating
companies: MD Network Systems Company, MD Field Service Company, MD
RCS, MD "xxx" and many more. (This is sometimes referred to the
Alphabet Soup phase of the company). At this point, Tymnet had
outlived its parent company Tymshare.

... snip ...


McDonnell Douglas was acquired by Boeing. Consequently, rights to use
technology developed by Tymshare are currently held by Boeing, British
Telecom (BT), Verizon Communications, and AT&T Inc. due to the
acquisitions and mergers from 1984 through 2005.

... snip ...

Tymnet Sold off

On July 30, 1989, it was announced that British Telecom was purchasing
McDonnell Douglas Network Systems Company, and McDonnell Douglas Field
Service Company was being spun off as a start-up called
NovaDyne. McDonnell Douglas was later acquired by Boeing. British
Telecom (BT) wanted to expand and the acquisition of Tymnet which was
already a worldwide data network helped to achieve that goal. On
November 17, 1989 MDNSC officially became BT Tymnet with its
headquarters in San Jose, California. BT brought with it the idea of
continuous development with teams in America, Europe, and Asia-pacific
all working together on the same projects. BT renamed the Tymnet
services, Global Network Services (GNS).

... snip ...

... trivia: I had taken two credit hr intro to fortran/computer and
end of semester was hired to rewrite 1401 MPIO for 360/30. Univ was
getting 360/67 to replace 709/1401 and temporarily got 360/30
replacing 1401, pending delivery of 360/67. Within year, 360/67
arrived and I was hired fulltime responsible for OS/360 (tss/360
didn't come to production so 360/67 ran as 360/65). Before I graduate,
I was hired fulltime into small group in Boeing CFO office to help
with the formation of Boeing Computer Services (consolidate all
dataprocessing into independent business unit). I thought Renton
datacenter possibly largest in the world, 360/65s arriving faster than
they could be instaled, boxes constantly staged in hallways around the
machine room. Lots of politics between Renton director and CFO who
only has 360/30 up at Boeing field for payroll, although they enlarge
the machine room for a 360/67, for me to play with when I wasn't doing
other stuff. When I graduate, I join the IBM science center (instead
of staying with Boeing CFO).

Keeping in contact with Boeing, claims about aquisition of M/D, 2016,
one of the "The Boeing Century" articles was about how the merger with
MD has nearly taken down Boeing and may yet still (infusion of
military industrial complex culture into commercial operation)

The Coming Boeing Bailout?

Unlike Boeing, McDonnell Douglas was run by financiers rather than
engineers. And though Boeing was the buyer, McDonnell Douglas
executives somehow took power in what analysts started calling a
"reverse takeover." The joke in Seattle was, "McDonnell Douglas bought
Boeing with Boeing's money."

... snip ...

Crash Course

Sorscher had spent the early aughts campaigning to preserve the
company's estimable engineering legacy. He had mountains of evidence
to support his position, mostly acquired via Boeing's 1997 acquisition
of McDonnell Douglas, a dysfunctional firm with a dilapidated aircraft
plant in Long Beach and a CEO who liked to use what he called the
"Hollywood model" for dealing with engineers: Hire them for a few
months when project deadlines are nigh, fire them when you need to
make numbers. In 2000, Boeing's engineers staged a 40-day strike over
the McDonnell deal's fallout; while they won major material
concessions from management, they lost the culture war. They also
inherited a notoriously dysfunctional product line from the
corner-cutting market gurus at McDonnell.

... snip ...

Boeing's travails show what's wrong with modern
capitalism. Deregulation means a company once run by engineers is now
in the thrall of financiers and its stock remains high even as its
planes fall from the sky

capitalism posts

posts mentioning Boeing/MD "merger" Boeing and the Dark Age of American Manufacturing Did Stock Buybacks Knock the Bolts Out of Boeing? More IBM Downfall Sun Tzu, Aristotle, and John Boyd Short-term profits and long-term consequences -- did Jack Welch break capitalism? Downfall: The Case Against Boeing Not counting dividends IBM delivered an annualized yearly loss of 2.27% 'Flying Blind' Review: Downward Trajectory Boeing Built an Unsafe Plane, and Blamed the Pilots When It Crashed 11 crazy up-close photos of the F-22 Raptor stealth fighter jet soaring through the air DoD watchdog: Air Force failed to effectively manage F-22 modernization How China's New Stealth Fighter Could Soon Surpass the US F-22 Raptor Failures and Resiliency The Boeing Century

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

IBM ATM At San Jose Plant Site

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: IBM ATM At San Jose Plant Site
Date: 14 Jul, 2024
Blog: Facebook

after being blamed for online computer conferencing on the internal
network (larger than arpanet/internet from just about the beginning
until sometime mid/late 80s), I was transferred from san jose research
to yorktown ... but left in San Jose besides SJR office (but had to
commute to YKT a couple times a month), I got part of wing and labs
out in the Los Gatos lab (and when research moved to almaden, office
up there).

Down in LSG basement there was still stuff from ATM development and

archive above a.f.c. post in google groups Looking for info on IBM ATMs - 2984, 3614, and 3624

CMC posts
internal network posts
hsdt posts
801 posts

summary of payment protocol work
post mentioning the work

posts mentioning internet council trials (including 2016e.html#13) AADS Chip Strawman Data Breach "Safe" Internet Payment Products America's janky payment system, explained Tandem Memos learning Unix, was progress in e-mail, such as AOL Typesetting Old hardware Looking for info on IBM ATMs - 2984, 3614, and 3624 3270 based ATMs Lineage of TPF History--did relay logic (e.g. crossbar switch) need air conditioning? FALSE: Reverse PIN Panic Code LA Times commentary:  roll out "smart" credit cards to deter fraud LA Times commentary:  roll out "smart" credit cards to deter fraud Special characters for Passwords Online Debit, Credit Fraud Will Soon Get Much Worse How the IETF plans to protect the web from NSA snooping 8080 BASIC PC industry is heading for more change Password shortcomings Credit cards with a proximity wifi chip can be as safe as walking around with your credit card number on a poster Looking for a real Fortran-66 compatible PC compiler (CP/M or DOSor Windows taking down the machine - z9 series taking down the machine - z9 series Idiotic programming style edicts Trust Facade Should the USA Implement EMV? Should the USA Implement EMV? 70 Years of ATM Innovation Nearly 500 People Fall Victim to ATM Skimming Scam Sophisticated cybercrooks cracking bank security efforts Voltage SecureData Now Provides Distributed End-to-End Encryption of Sensitive Data Latest Pilot Will Put Online PIN Debit to the Test for Credit Unions What happened to X9.59? ATM PIN through phone or Internet. Is it secure? Is it allowed by PCI-DSS?, Visa, MC, etc.? FC5 Special Workshop CFP: Emerging trends in Online Banking and Electronic Payments Can Smart Cards Reduce Payments Fraud and Identity Theft? Maybe It's Snake Oil All the Way Down Maybe It's Snake Oil All the Way Down [3d-secure] 3D Secure and EMV 3D Secure GUI E-merchants Turn Fraud-busters (somewhat related)

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

APL and REXX Programming Languages

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: APL and REXX Programming Languages
Date: 15 Jul, 2024
Blog: Facebook

long ago and far away, after graduating and joining IBM, one of my
hobbies was enhanced production operating systems for internal data
centers and HONE was long time customer. 23Jun1969 IBM unbundling
announcement started charging for SE (customer support) time, maint,
(application) software (managed to make the case that kernel software
was still free). Normal SE training included part of large group at
customer location, but they couldn't figure out how to NOT charge for
trainee time. Thus was born HONE, originally US CP67 datacenters with
branch office online access where SEs could practice with guest
operating systems running in virtual machines. The science center had
also ported APL\360 to CP67/CMS for CMS\APL, with fixes for running in
large, demand paged virtual memory and APIs for system services like
file I/O. HONE then started deploying CMS\APL-based branch office
online sales&marketing support applications which came to dominate all
HONE activity (SE practicing with guest operating systems withered
away). I was then asked to do some of the first non-US HONE
installations ... and then migration to VM370/CMS with HONE clone
installations (and their APL-bsed applications) propagating all over
the world (by far, largest use of APL in the world). Trivia: in
mid-70s, all US HONE datacenters were consolidated in silicon valley,
when FACEBOOK 1st moved into silicon valley, it was into new bldg
built next door to the former consolidated US HONE datacenter bldg.

not so long ago and far away (spring '82) ... before renamed and
released as rexx, I wanted to show it wasn't just another pretty
scripting language, demo was to redo a very large assembler program
(program failure and dump analysis) in three months elapsed time
working half time, with ten times the function and ten times the
performance (some hacks to have interpreted language running faster
than assembler); I finished early so decided to implement some
automated scripts that searched for common failure signatures.

I thought that it would be released to customers, but for whatever it
wasn't (even though nearly every PSR and internal datacenter was using
it, this was early in the OCO-wars, "object code only" ... customers
complaining that source would no longer be available). I did manage to
get approval to give user group presentations and how I did the
implementation ... and within a few months, similar implementations
started appearing. I eventually did get a request from the 3090
service processor (3092) group to release it on the service processor.
some old email
int this archived post

HONE posts
23jun1969, unbundling posts
cambridge science center posts
csc/vm posts
dumprx posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

APL and REXX Programming Languages

From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: APL and REXX Programming Languages
Date: 15 Jul, 2024
Blog: Facebook

re: APL and REXX Programming Languages

a little internet content, member of science center responsible for
the science center CP/67-based wide-area network; account by one of
the GML inventors (invented 1969 at the science center)

Actually, the law office application was the original motivation for
the project, something I was allowed to do part-time because of my
knowledge of the user requirements. My real job was to encourage the
staffs of the various scientific centers to make use of the
CP-67-based Wide Area Network that was centered in Cambridge.

... snip ...

science center wide-area network morphing into corporate network
(larger than arpanet/internet from inception as CP67-based wide-area
network, until sometime mid/late 80s) ... technology also used for the
corporate sponsored univ BITNET&EARN


In June 1975, MIT Professor Jerry Saltzer accompanied Hendricks to
DARPA, where Hendricks described his innovations to the principal
scientist, Dr. Vinton Cerf. Later that year in September 15-19 of 75,
Cerf and Hendricks were the only two delegates from the United States,
to attend a workshop on Data Communications at the International
Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, 2361 Laxenburg Austria where
again, Hendricks spoke publicly about his innovative design which
paved the way to the Internet as we know it today.

... snip ...

SJMerc article about Edson (he passed aug2020) and "IBM'S MISSED
OPPORTUNITY WITH THE INTERNET" (gone behind paywall but lives free at
wayback machine)
Also from wayback machine, some additional (IBM missed) references
from Ed's website

science center posts
internal network posts
GML, SGML, HTML, etc posts
bitnet (& earn) posts
internet posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970


From: Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Continuations
Newsgroups: comp.arch
Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2024 12:31:46 -1000

A little over a decade ago, I was asked if I could track down decision
to add virtual memory to all IBM 370s and found a former staff member
to executive making the decision. Basically OS/360 MVT storage
management was so bad that region sizes had to be specified four times
larger than used ... as a result only four concurrent regions could be
running concurrently on typical 1mbyte 370/165 system, insufficient to
keep system busy and justified.

Mapping MVT to a 16mbyte virtual address space (vs2/svs, similar to
running MVT in a CP67 16mbyte virtual machine), allowed concurrently
running regions increased by factor of four (limited to 15 with 4bit
storage protect keys, keeping regions isolated). However, as systems
increase, even fifteen weren't sufficient and they went to providing a
separate 16mbyte virtual address space for each region
(VS2/MVS). However OS/360 heavy pointer-passing API, resulted in
mapping a 8mbyte image of the MVS kernel into every virtual address
space (kernel API call would be able to access API parameters)
... leaving 8mbytes for application. Then because subsystems were also
placed in their own separate 16mbyte virtual address space ... for
subsystems access to caller's parameters, they mapped a 1mbyte "common
segment area" (CSA) into every virtual address space (leaving 7mbyes
for applications). However CSA space requirement was proportional to
concurrent executing applications and number of subsystems ... and
quickly became multi-mbyte "common system area". By 3033 time-frame
CSA was frequently 5-6mbytes (leaving 2-3mbytes for applications) and
threatening to become 8mbytes (leaving zero).

This was part of the mad rush to 370/XA & MVS/XA with 31-bit
addressing and "access registers" (semi-privileged subsystem could
access caller's address space "as secondary address space"). As
temporary stop-gap, a subset of "access registers" were retrofitted to
3033 for MVS, as "dual-address space mode". However, kernel code was
still required to swap hardware address space pointers (subsystem
call, passing through kernel, moving caller's address space pointer to
secondary, and loading subsystems address space pointer as primary
... and then restoring on return). Then got hardware support with a
"program call" table ... entry for each subsystem and subsystem call
could be handled all by hardware, including the address space pointer
swapping (w/o overhead of kernel software).

"program transfer" ... more like continuation,

1983 370/XA Pinciples of Operation SSA22-7085
pg3-5 Primary & Secondary Virtual Address
pg10-22 "Program Call"
pg10-28 "Program Transfer"

"program transfer" originally could also be used to restore CPU to state
saved by previous "Program Call" (aka return, programming notes pg10-30)

Principles of Operation SA22-7832-13 (May 2022)
pg3-23 "Address Spaces"
pg10-97 "Program Call"
pg10-110 "Program Return"
pg10-114 "Program Transfer"

posts mentioning "program call" and/or "dual address space" Continuations IBM Mainframe market was Re: Approximate reciprocals Versatile Cache from IBM long-winded post thread, 3033, 3081, Future System IBM assembler S/360 addressing, not Honeywell 200 64 bit addressing into the future S/360 stacks, was self-modifying code, Is it a lost cause? 'Free Unix!': The world-changing proclamation made 30 years agotoday Mainframes are still the best platform for high volume transaction processing 8-bit bytes and byte-addressed machines LPARs: More or Less? Happy DEC-10 Day Kernels Regarding the virtual machines "The Elements of Programming Style" address space Integer types for 128-bit addressing CKD Disks? PCIe as a chip-to-chip interconnect Infiniband - practicalities for small clusters Infiniband - practicalities for small clusters Page Table - per OS/Process Reviving Multics Everything you wanted to know about z900 from IBM Hardest Mistake in Comp Arch to Fix Minimalist design (was Re: Parity - why even or odd) Is a VAX a mainframe? What is MVS/ESA?

other recent posts mentioning common segment/system area ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360 Gordon Bell IBM Mainframe Addressing backward architecture, The Design of Design Vintage MVS Vintage 2250 HA/CMP 3033 Slow MVS/TSO MVT, MVS, MVS/XA & Posix support Vintage Mainframe Another IBM Downturn Vintage TSS/360 Ferranti Atlas "The Big One" (IBM 3033) IBM 360/195 IBM MVS RAS Some 3033 (and other) Trivia 370 virtual memory 360/67 Virtual Memory Operating System File/Dataset I/O CMS OS/360 Simulation IBM 3033 Personal Computing Channel I/O 165/168/3033 & 370 virtual memory IBM Future System IBM Research, Adtech, Science Center Early Computer Use IBM S/360 - 370

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

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