List of Archived Posts

2005 Newsgroup Postings (04/22 - 05/04)

What is a Certificate?
What is a Certificate?
Cross-Realm Authentication
What is a Certificate?
Successful remote AES key extraction
Where should the type information be?
Using the Cache to Change the Width of Memory
Where should the type information be?
On smartcards and card readers
What is a Certificate?
What is a Certificate?
Moving assembler programs above the line
Moving assembler programs above the line
What is a Certificate?
DOS/360: Forty years
Good passwords and security priorities
DOS/360: Forty years
DOS/360: Forty years
DOS/360: Forty years
DOS/360: Forty years
DOS/360: Forty years
Protocol stack - disadvantages (revision)
Protocol stack - disadvantages (revision)
Thou shalt have no other gods before the ANSI C standard
DOS/360: Forty years
Moving assembler programs above the line
Maximum RAM and ROM for smartcards
Moving assembler programs above the line
Moving assembler programs above the line
Certificate Management Tools
Moving assembler programs above the line
Maximum RAM and ROM for smartcards
Maximum RAM and ROM for smartcards
Good passwords and security priorities
Maximum RAM and ROM for smartcards
Maximum RAM and ROM for smartcards
Maximum RAM and ROM for smartcards
MVS secure configuration standard
MVS secure configuration standard
Key pair & Certificate lifetimes
MVS secure configuration standard
Maximum RAM and ROM for smartcards
TCP channel half closed
Academic priorities
Maximum RAM and ROM for smartcards
Maximum RAM and ROM for smartcards
Maximum RAM and ROM for smartcards
Maximum RAM and ROM for smartcards
"Best practices" or "Best implementations"?
"Best practices" or "Best implementations"?
Maximum RAM and ROM for smartcards
Security via hardware?
Software for IBM 360/30
"Best practices" or "Best implementations"?
Security via hardware?
Security via hardware?
Software for IBM 360/30
Security via hardware?

What is a Certificate?

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: What is a Certificate?
Date: Fri, 22 Apr 2005 01:54:25 -0600
"TC" writes:
I understand public key encryption, but I do not understand the terminology surrounding security certificates.

For starters, what exactly is a certificate? On the Microsoft website, I've read that it is a private key / public key pair. Verisign has told me, however, that a certificate is a public key signed with a certification authority's private key. Which is it?

basically there is technology with asymmetric encryption (one key encrypts, another key decrypt ... they form a key pair).

public key encryption involves a business process for doing things like digital signature authentication. the businees process designates one of the keys from the key pair to be a private key which will be kept confidential and never divulged or exposed. The business process designates the other key as public and allows it to be made widely available.

for authentication purposes, public keys can be registered in place for pin/passwords &/or other shared-secrets

a person then can use the private key to encode a hash of some data ... creating a digital signature. the digital signature can be transmitted and verified using the registered public key. From 3-factor authentication paradigm
something you have
something you know
something you are

... the verification of a digital signature with a public key implies something you have authentication ... i.e. the originator has exclusive access to the private key producing the digital qsignature. The advantage of public key vis-a-vis a shared-secret ... is the public key can be used for verifying a digital signature ... but can't be used for impersonation by creating a digital signature (while anybody with access to a registerd shared-secret can not only used the shared-secret for verification but also for impersonation).

digital certificates were originally targeted at the offline email paradigm from the early 80s ... where somebody called the local (electronic) postoffice, exchanged email and hung up. The scenario was if email was received from somebody with no prior contact ... how was the receiver going to authentication a complete stranger ... never having contact with the person before.

In the PGP secure email model ... you register the public keys of the parties that you are acquanted with. In the offline stranger scenario ... you have no method of validating whether any specific public key belongs to a specific person. So the idea was that in your trusted public key repository ... in addition to directly registering public keys of entities you directly communicated with ... you would also register public keys of something called "certification authorities" (or CAs). CAs would create things called digital certificates where they bind some information about an entity to their public key ... and the digital certificates are digitally signed by the certification authorities.

This is basically the "letters of credit" model from the sailing ship days. The recipient gets a communication that is digitally signed and has an appended digital certificate. The recipient verifies the CA's digital signature (on the digital certificate) using the CA's public key stored in the recipient's trusted public key repository. Having validated the CA's digital signature, they can now trust the contents of the digital certificate ... from which they pull the originator's public key ... to validate the digital signature on the actual message. This provides for indirect authentication when a total stranger is involved and the recipient has no recourse to online, electronic, and/or other forms of timely communication to validate communication from an unknown stranger. This is compared to the PGP trust model ... where individuals load their trusted public key repository with the actual public keys of individuals they communicate with ... as opposed to having it loaded with public keys of certification authorities (since the actual public keys are directly available ... there is no need for certification authorities and/or digital certificates, certified by certification authorities).

An example is the SSL domain name digital certificate scenario. The issue were various perceived integrity issues with the domain name infrastructure and whether a browser client could actually trust that the URL they had typed into the browser ... corresponded to the webserver they were talking to.

The browsers have a preloaded trusted public key store.of numerous recognized certification authorities. Servers contact one of these certification authorites to get a SSL domain name digital certificate containing their domain name and their public key (digitally signed by the certification authority). The browser contacts the server in a SSL session. The server returns a digitally signed message and their SSL domain name certificate. The browser validates the CA's digital signature on the returned digital certificate (using the CA's public key that has been preloaded into their browser) ... and then uses the public key from the digital certificate to validate the digitally signed message. If that works ... they then can check whether the domain name (in the supplied digital certificate) matches the domain name that they typed in as part of the URL (aka prooves that the server you think you are talking to is actually the server you are talking to)..

So an issue for the SSL domain name certification authorities is that an applicant supplies some amount of identification information. The certification authority then must cross-check that identification information on file with the authoritative agency responsible for domain name ownership. This identification matching process is an error prone, time-consuming, and expensive activity. It also turns out that the authoritative agency responsible for domain name ownership is the domain name infrastructure ... which has the integrity concerns giving rise to the need for SSL domain name certificates.

So somewhat a proposal backed by the SSL domain name certification authority industry ... is that applicants for domain names should also provide a public key as part of domain name registration. Use of this "on-file" public key could help with a number of the existing domain name infrastructure integrity issues. Also the certificaton authority industry could require that SSL domain name certificate applications be digitally signed. Then the certification authority can replace an error-prone, expensive and time-consuming identification matching process with a much simpler and more reliable authenticaton process (they simply retrieve the on-file public key for that domain from the domain name infrastructure and validate the digital signature on the SSL domain name certificate application ... note that this is a certificate-less operation being able to do real-time online retrieval of public keys instead of getting them from a stale, static digital certificate).

All well and good ... however it represents soemthing of a catch-22 for the certificaton authority industry. By improving the integrity of the domain name infrastructure ... they improve the integrity of their certifying that the entity requesting the domain name certificate is the actual owner of the domain name. However, the questions about the integrity of the domain name infrastructure is a major factor for needing SSL domain name digital certificates. Improving the integrity of the domain name infrastructure reduces the requirement for SSL domain name digital certificates.

The other issue is if there are now public keys on-file for real-time, online retrieval ... for access by the certification authorities in certificate-less digital signature authentication ... then it would also be possible for other entities to also do real-time online retrieval of such public keys. One scenario would be to modify the the SSL protocol for certificate-less operation by retrieving the appropriate public key directly from the domain name infrastructure.

misc. past postings about SSL domain name certificates

misc. past postings about certificate-less public key authentication

recent posting on other aspects of certificaton authorities and digital certificate business model single-signon with X.509 certificates

Anne & Lynn Wheeler |

What is a Certificate?

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: What is a Certificate?
Date: Fri, 22 Apr 2005 03:06:13 -0600
jacost writes:
Certificate binds your public key with your identity, confirmed by Certificate Authority by its signature. The public key itself is not enough -- you have to be sure that the public key really belongs to the person whose name/address is in it. To verify the signature, you need something you can trust. For this purpose browsers have some certificates of well known root CAs built in. When you start an SSL session, your browser gets a certificate for that website and the certificates of all CAs (trust path) until it reaches self-signed certificate of root CA it knows. If it is not able to do it, it warns you that it cannot confirm the identity of that website.

The same applies to other uses of PKI -- e-mail and so on. For example, if you want to encrypt a message, you have to get a public key of the recipient. You use that key to encrypt a symmetric session key, which in turns is used to encrypt a message. If you get this key (in the form of certificate) from public source (web page, e-mail, directory server) then you have to confirm that this key is really belongs to that person -- you (your software) validate trust path using a set of root CA's certificates you trust.

note with respect to previous posting What is a Certificate?

on SSL domain name certificates

for original e-commerce ... minor reference:

the basic idea is whether you are really talking to the webserver you think you are talking to ... aka are you really talking to the webserver that corresponds to the URL that you typed in.

the problem was that most webservers found that the SSL overhead decreased their webserver capacity by at least 80% ... so SSL was quickly limited to just the payment portion of the e-commerce shopping experience.

so no longer do you typically type in a URL and have an immediate SSL session that validates that the domain name in the URL (you typed) is the same as the domain name in the SSL domain name certificate sent back as part of SSL handshake (since there is no SSL handshake, there is no SSL domain name validation).

Instead, you wait until you get to shopping experience checkout and select the PAYMENT button ... which takes you to a URL SSL session provided by the PAYMENT button.

The problem is that if you really aren't at the website you think you should be at ... and there is some possible slight-of-hand or faudulent activity afoot ... then the basic shopping experience could be occurring at a fraudulent site ... and there is no SSL domain name certificate validation that the website you are talking to is the same as the URL you typed in.

Now if you actually happened to be at a fraudulent site ... and they put up a PAYMENT button ... it is likely that the fraudulent site will have obtained a valid SSL domain name certificate ... for some doamin/host name that they actually registered ... and the PAYMNET button will invoke an SSL URL that corresponds to the certificate that they do have (their SSL certificate is validating the domain that they provided in their PAYMENT button ... and not validating something that you provided).

So everything appears to work ... but it actually isn't correct.

This is separate from the issue mentioned in the previous postings where the certification authority ... in ceritifying the request for an SSL domain name certificate ... has to certify that the requesting entity is entitled to request a SLL domain name certificate for that domain. They do this certification by checking with the authoritative agency for domain name ownership ... and require that somebody requesting an SSL domain name certificate is actually associated with the ownership of that domain.

The problem is that the authoritative agency that the certification authorities have to check with (responsible for domain name ownership) is the domain name infrastructure. The possible integrity issues with the domain name infrastructure is what gave rise to requiring SSL domain name certificates in the first place. So if there is an integrity issue with the domain name infrastructure .... and the domain name infrastructure is the authoritative agency responsible for domain name ownership ... then there is possibly integrity issues with domain name ownership (various stories about domain name hijacking over the years).

So it turns out that the actual trust "chain" for domain name ownership ... doesn't stop with a "ROOT" certificaton authority ... but continues back to the authoritative agency responsible for the information that is being certified by the certification authorities.

If the information is wrong at the authoritative agency responsible for the information being certified ...then the certification authorities can be certifying invalid information ... aka somebody does a domain name hijacking and then applies for a domain name certificate (this is different than somebody obtaining any possible domain, applying for a valid SSL certificate for that domain, and then using it in conjunction with a fraudulent e-commerce site and a fraudulent "PAYMENT" button).

As mentioned in the previous posts ... a solution for improving the integrity of the domain name infrastructure ... to better improve the integrity of the information that is being certified by the certification authorities .... is to start requiring registration of public keys at the same time domain names are obtained. Then they require that SSL domain name certificate application be digitally signed. The certification authorities then can validate the digital signature on the application by doing a real-time, online retrieval of the "on-file" public key from the domain name infrastructure. Note that this is a digital signature validation with public key in a certificate-less operation ... using online, realtime access instead of stale, static certificates that were originally designed to address the offline email authentication problem in the early 80s.

The issue (or catch-22) then becomes if the certification authorities can do certificate-less authentication of digital signatures with on-file, online, real-time public keys ... then it is possible that others could also start doing certificate-less authentication of digital signatures with on-file, online, real-time public keys (rather than redundant, superfluous, stale, static certificate-based public keys) ... aka modify SSL protocols to directly do real-time retrieval of public keys from the domain name infrastructure instead of relying on public keys in stale, static certificates.

Anne & Lynn Wheeler |

Cross-Realm Authentication

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Cross-Realm Authentication
Newsgroups: comp.protocols.kerberos
Date: Fri, 22 Apr 2005 02:03:44 -0600 (Darren Hoch) writes:
I am giving a pretty lengthy presentation on Sun Kerberos next week and I want to make sure I have the correct understanding of how cross-realm authentication works.

for some topic drift ... not too long ago i sat thru a presentation on a SAML implementation for cross-domain authentication; i observed that the message flows looked almost exactly like kerberos cross-domain message flows. the person giving the presentation looked surprised that anybody knew anything about kerberos and then finally commented something about practically there are just a limited number of ways for information flowing between domains.

Anne & Lynn Wheeler |

What is a Certificate?

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: What is a Certificate?
Date: Fri, 22 Apr 2005 14:32:14 -0600
Juergen Nieveler writes:
It creates a self-signed certificate - a certificate that will work just like any other, but cannot be used to proof anything. The signature on the certificate was generated by its own key, that's like saying "I'm me because I say I'm me".

The important part about real certificates is that they are signed by a Certificate Authority - somebody who is known to check the authencity of keys before signing them. Obviously, this cannot work with self-signatures :-)

note however, to get the CA's public key for validating a signature on a CA-issued digital certificate ... you get that out of a CA self-signed digital certificate ... which says I'm the CA because I say I'm the CA.

so who checks the authenticity of the CA's keys?

basically there you have a trusted repository of public keys. In the case of PGP ... you validated the public keys that you are communicating with before classifying them as trusted.

CA public keys are also typically in a trusted repository of public keys (frequently built inside an application like a browser) ... and somebody hopefully has validated the authenticity of the CA public keys before (pre)loading them into the client's trusted repository of public keys>.

At some point all operations have to resort to some repository of trusted public keys ... whether it is a certificate-less environment (where you typically are doing the validation of the authenticity of the public keys and related information ... like PGP operation) .... or a certificate-based environment ... where there is one or more level of indirection between the validation of the digital signature on the original communication and the final validation of a CA's digital signature on a communication (in the format of a digital certificate) ... using a CA's public key that has been (pre)loaded in an application trusted public key repository.

misc certificate-less

Anne & Lynn Wheeler |

Successful remote AES key extraction

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Successful remote AES key extraction
Newsgroups: sci.crypt
Date: Fri, 22 Apr 2005 14:50:09 -0600
"D. J. Bernstein" writes:
That's a crazy premise. Network load simply doesn't work that way in the real world. Packets come in waves and bursts and spikes, forcing almost all hops to have far more capacity than they usually need.

this is one of the issues raised with the original slow start stuff ... some of the prototyping had been done on direct ethernet connection between two hosts.

I believe that the same month that slow-start presentation was made an an IETF meeting ... there was a paper published in ACM SIGCOMM proceedings about slow-start not being stable in real-world environments (because of things like significant bursty trends).

for a little side drift ... one of the issues has been communication protocols using windowing algorithms to coordinate the number of outstanding sent packets with the amount of buffers at receiving nodes (originally in direct point to point links involving latency either in transmission and/or at end-point processing).

Windowing tends to only be indirectly related to amount of intermediate node congestion. Intermediate node congestion tends to be things like the arrival rate and stuff like back-to-back packet arrivals. One of the issues raised in the early SIGCOMM proceedings paper is that returning ACK-packets (which open windows) can get bunched up ... which results in opening multiple windows at the sending side. The sending side then tends to transmit multiple back-to-back packets (for the size represented by the multiple bunched ACKs). The multiple back-to-back transmission by the sender then tends to aggravate saturation and congestion at intermediate nodes (this bursty characteristic is one of the things contributing to non-stable slow-start operation).

If the multiple arriving back to back packets contribute to intermediate node saturation ... a possible solution is to have time-delays between packet transmission to address intermediate node congestion. However, it is possible to create an infrastructure that dynamically adjusts the intermediate transmission delay to address intermediate node saturation ... and totally ignore window-based strategies.

for HSDT in the mid-80s, we had done rate-based pacing w/o having to resort to windowing oriented algorithms for long latency network connections. a problem at the time of slow-start work was that there were a whole class of machines and software with primitive timing faclities that made if difficult to implement rate-based pacing using a dynamically adaptive inter-packet transmission delay (directly controlling the rate of packet production in order to influence the rate of packet arrival at intermediate nodes).

misc. hsdt

Anne & Lynn Wheeler |

Where should the type information be?

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Where should the type information be?
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Fri, 22 Apr 2005 14:58:25 -0600
"Charlie Gibbs" writes:
I thought the keys had labels like "large Coke", etc. I guess they're accommodating the decline of literacy, too. (Is it time to resurrect my rant about hieroglyphics, pictograms, "international road signs", etc.? National Lampoon once did a wonderful spoof of road signs that were meant to say things like "Bears playing cellos, next 10 km".)

how bout when boarding procedures shifted from telling people seat numbers XXX and higher .... to section 1, section 2, section 3, etc (it eliminated issue with people having to figure out whether their seat number was higher than the most recent seat called).

Anne & Lynn Wheeler |

Using the Cache to Change the Width of Memory

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Using the Cache to Change the Width of Memory
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Sat, 23 Apr 2005 07:29:00 -0600
Michael Hearne writes:
No, April 1st, at least in the United States, is a day of lies and practical jokes. It is likely that the RFC in question was delayed until April 2nd.

as an aside ... "normal" RFCs carry month/year ... while april 1st RFCs have month/day/year designation.

in my index

i carry month/day/year for all RFCs by picking up their original appearance date.

in the above index ... select Term (term->RFC#) in the RFCs listed by section, then scroll down to "April1" ... i.e.
4042 4041 3751 3514 3252 3251 3093 3092 3091 2795 2551 2550 2549 2325 2324 2323 2322 2321 2100 1927 1926 1925 1924 1776 1607 1606 1605 1437 1313 1217 1149 1097 852 748

... clicking on the RFC number brings up the RFC summary.
4042 I
UTF-9 and UTF-18 Efficient Transformation Formats of Unicode, Crispin M., 2005/04/01 (9pp) (.txt=19123) (Refs 959, 2130, 2152, 2276, 2781)

4041 I
Requirements for Morality Sections in Routing Area Drafts, Farrel A., 2005/04/01 (8pp) (.txt=15249)

... clicking on the ".txt=nnn" field retrieves the actual RFC.


you can readily see the 4/1 designation difference in this small extract from the IETF rfc-index.txt file:
4040 RTP Payload Format for a 64 kbit/s Transparent Call. R. Kreuter. April 2005. (Format: TXT=15363 bytes) (Status: PROPOSED STANDARD)

4041 Requirements for Morality Sections in Routing Area Drafts. A. Farrel. April-01-2005. (Format: TXT=15249 bytes) (Status: INFORMATIONAL)

4042 UTF-9 and UTF-18 Efficient Transformation Formats of Unicode. M. Crispin. April-01-2005. (Format: TXT=19123 bytes) (Status: INFORMATIONAL)

4045 Extensions to Support Efficient Carrying of Multicast Traffic in Layer-2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP). G. Bourdon. April 2005. (Format: TXT=59140 bytes) (Status: EXPERIMENTAL)

Anne & Lynn Wheeler |

Where should the type information be?

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Where should the type information be?
Newsgroups: comp.arch.arithmetic,comp.arch,alt.folklore.computers
Date: Sun, 24 Apr 2005 07:09:48 -0600
"Trevor L. Jackson, III" writes:
This is an excellent example of an effect I only recently recognized. The success of Really Bad Software(tm) can be mostly explained by the fact that the buyers can;t tell whether the software is working or not. Since they can't tell good software from bad software, bad software wins in the marketplace.

this is somewhat reminiscent of discussions in the 70s & 80s about the automobile industry

Anne & Lynn Wheeler |

On smartcards and card readers

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: On smartcards and card readers
Newsgroups: alt.hack,
Date: Sun, 24 Apr 2005 14:38:12 -0600
nemu writes:
Hi. Lately i found my wallet full of smartcards, and was wondering what's inside them. I got an old smartmouse reader, and installed smartcard and chipcard-tools on my debian, but it seems i can't get any info out of the reader. I'm new in this field and googled a bit. I think for these smartmouses any program should be okay, am i wrong? Then, there's one think i can't really figure out. How do i recognize different chips and cards? I know there are card supporting ctapi drivers, others do support PCSC. If i find which kind of cards i've in my pocket i'd rather build my own reader and make a software for it. Any information is welcome!

smartcards were originally targeted at the portable computing market niche currently occupied by PDAs and cellphones. At the time there was no portable input/output technology ... so there was big push for physical interface standards so that your portable computing device could be used with large numbers of distributed, fixed input/output stations. Somewhere along the way ... portable input/output capability was invented and pretty much closed off that market niche for smartcards.

so the next market niche is the offline authentication and authorization market segment ... at much lower value than represented by the PDA/cellphone market segment. Note, however, that various kinds of online and wireless facilities are opening that market segment to PDA/cellphone appliances (shrinking the segment that chipcards still find some applicability).

one of the competing market forces ... is the competing models for institutional-centric issued authentication/authorization tokens vis-a-vis individual-centric authentication/authorization tokens.

In the institutional-centric paradigm ... every institution issues you a unique token (akin to the requirement for unique authentication shared-secret for every institution or security domain). This results in you having one token or smartcard per institution ... somewhat akin to the DRM/piracy model that evolved in the early to mid-80s ... harddisks were appearing and you could load all your applications on harddisks ... but for every application you had running ... you had to have the corresponding anti-piracy floppy disk in the floppy disk reader (it made running multiple concurrent applications all but impossible and would have potentially resulted in you having to shuffle scores of anti-piracy floppy disks). I've raised the issue at various booths at various smartcard expositions ... that if the prevaling smartcard authentication/authorization institutional-centric model was ever to become successful, you would have scores of hardware tokens .... somewhat akin to the people that have a keyring with scores of keys.

The competing model is to have some unique individual-centric authentication model ... that is registered with every institution. ... from three-factor authentication model
something you have
something you know
something you are

the unique characteristic registered with every institution might be a biometric.

Alternatively, it might be some PDA/cellphone based mechanism with a unique (and difficult to counterfeit) characteristic (or for 2 or 3-factor authentication ... it might be some combination of operations).

some past threads raising the institutional-centric vis-a-vis individual-centric authentication/authorization model: DNSSEC (RE: Software for PKI) A Lesson In Security Bank security question (newbie question) Single User: Password or Certificate

Anne & Lynn Wheeler |

What is a Certificate?

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: What is a Certificate?
Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2005 10:22:25 -0600
"TC" writes:
Thank you. I believe I understand. Please tell me if I've got this right: All certificates are signed by a certification authority. If a certificate is signed by a certification authority which does not itself have a certificate, then it is a self-signed certificate.

When I use Microsoft's "selfsign.exe", I am using a certification authority which does not have a certificate. I am using the CA's private key to sign a newly generated public key, and therefore creating a new self-signed certificate.

This makes sense to me.

I am confused about one part of your explanation, however: You suggest that self-signed certificates are signed by the certification authority which issued them. Aren't all certificates signed by the CA which issued them, and only by the CA which issued them?

the format of certificate is a technical standard/specification that includes things like public keys and a digital signature.

who signs the certificate is a business specification.

the business specification of the verification of digital signatures typically involves the relying party (entity relying on the digital signature verification) having some form of trusted repository of public keys. These trusted repositories of public keys may be used to implement direct verification ... like in PGP signed email. Other public keys in the relying party's trusted public keys may belong to parties that issue digitally signed digital certificates ... that attest to the trust involving other entities.

In general, all "root" CA digital certificates are self-signed. In this situation it is up to the relying party (or somebody that the relying party trusts) to load the public keys for "root" certification authorities into some trusted public key repository.

selfsign needs to have a pair of asymmetric cryptography keys. The key of the pair that is designated "public" is placed in the certificate and the key (of the pair) that is designated "private" is used to digitally sign the certificate. This can be used to become a new "root" certification authority.

To the extent that such a new "root" certification authority has any business acceptance ... is the extent that the associated public key can be loaded into relying parties trusted public key repositories.

In general, all the common PKI infrastructures ... have at their root ... one (or more) self-signed digital certificate.

The PKI business issue is if all the digital certificates are self-signed and require somebody to make a specific decision about each associated public key for loading into a trusted public key repository ... then you can do away with the certificates all together and just go about directly loading the trusted public keys into the repositories.

The whole point about PKIs and digital certificates ... is that for some entity that you trust (have their public key loading into your trusted public key repository) ... will you "trust" their judgement as to other public keys ... aka CAs have made trust judgments (and/or certified other public keys) and placed that trust judgement in something called a digital certificate and have digitally signed that digital certificate.

The business purpose of the stale, static digital certificates are a substitute for

  1. the relying party having their own trusted judgment about the associated public key (aka having the specific public key already loaded into their own trusted public key repository)(
  2. the relying party not being able to contact the certification authority in a timely manner to directly verify information
there was the scenario in the mid-90s about x.509 identity certificates overloaded with privacy information and found institutions retrenching to relying-party-only certificates (i.e. where the relying party registered the public key and also issued a certificate). The relying-party-only certificates usually only contained some identifier (like an account number) which referred to all the information that the relying-party knew about the key-owner. Rather than having the information in a digital certificate where it might be transmitted all over the world and unnecessarily exposted the information to all sorts of prying eyes ... the information was kept securely at the relying party. However, it was trivial to show that such stale, static digital certificates were redundant and superfluous ... since the relying-party already had all the information on record (including the registered public key) and therefor there existed no information in the stale, static digital certificates that the relying party didn't already have. It was futhre aggravated in the case of payment transactions for financial relying parties. Not only were the stale, static digital certificates redundant and superfluous, but they were tended to also be one hundred times larger than the typical payment transaction size (resulting in enormous payload bloat).

there is the scenario involving SSL server domain name certificates, which were motivated in large part by integrity concerns involving the domain name infrastrucutre. somebody would apply for a SSL server domain name certificate and supply a lot of identification information. The certification authority would then contact the authoritative agency for domain name ownership to validate whether the applicant for the digital certificate was the actual owner of the domain name. This raised two issues:

  1. the authoritative agency for domain name ownership is the domain name infrastructure ... which has integrity concerns ... which give rise to the requirement for SSL domain name certificates
  2. trying to match an applicants identification information with the domain name identification information on file with the domain name infrastructure was a time-consuming, costly, and error prone process.
Somewhat to address both these issues (domain name infrastructure integrity and vaguries of identity matching) a proposal (somewhat from the CA industry) is that a domain name owner register a public key when they obtain a domain name. Future interaction between the domain name owner and the domain name infrastructure then are digitally signed and the domain name infrastructure can verify the digital signature with the on-file public key ... note: no certificate.
Also, CAs can require that SSL domain name certificates applications be digitally signed. The CAs then can do a real-time retrieval of the on-file public key and verify the digital signature on the application (turning a time-consuming, costly, and error prone identification process into a simple and reliable authentication process). note: no certificate

The catch-22 for the CA industry is

  1. improving the integrity of the domain name infrastructure then lessens some of the original justification for SSL domain name certificates
  2. if the CA industry can use certificate-less public keys on file from the domain name infrastructure (for validating digital signatures from domain name owners) ... then it is also possible that others could also do real-time retrieval of certificatelss on-file public keys (aka do a modified version of TLS/SSL that uses certificate-less public keys retrieved directly from the domain name infrastructure).
Part of the issue is that the whole CA trust chain/hierarchy is a business definition. As a business definition ... it can't be limited to just those business processes that involve digital certificates and public keys ... but has to extend all the way thru the business processes that CAs use for certification as well as the authoritative agencies that they rely on for the original information.

A frequent comment is no (trust) chain is stronger than its weakest link. If the CA industry is looking at improving their trust hierarch/chain by using certificate-less, on-file public keys kept by the domain name infrastructure ... then why can't others directly also use such certificate-less, on-file public keys (and eliminate all the extraneous business processes).

Anne & Lynn Wheeler |

What is a Certificate?

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: What is a Certificate?
Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2005 12:39:35 -0600
"TC" writes:
Thanks. It seems to me that you are describing a system different from the one described by Jacost. In the system you describe, a self-signed certificate is a public key signed with its own private key. In the system described by Jacost, a self-signed certificate is a public key signed with the private key of a certification authority which has no certificate.

the definition of a self-signed certificate is a certificate signed by the private key that corresponds to the public key contained in the certificate. an indication of a self-signed certificate ... is that the public key contained in the certificate itself is used for validating the certificate's digital signature ... as opposed to continue searching the trust hierarchy looking for a "higher" certificate with a public key for validating the current digital certificate's digital signature.

a CA can have a self-signed "root" certificate ... and that CA can use the corresponding ("root") private key to sign other certificates where the same business organization is in possession of the corresponding private keys. this would be a more general business reference to a CA signing certificates for itself. In such a business sense ... such CA certificates are self-signed, in the sense that they are signed by the same business operation. However, this isn't the common definition of a "self-signed certificate".

note in my RFC index

clicking on the ".txt=nnn" field in each RFC summary will retrieve the actual rfc.

from rfc3280 Authority Key Identifier

The authority key identifier extension provides a means of identifying the public key corresponding to the private key used to sign a certificate. This extension is used where an issuer has multiple signing keys (either due to multiple concurrent key pairs or due to changeover). The identification MAY be based on either the key identifier (the subject key identifier in the issuer's certificate) or on the issuer name and serial number.

The keyIdentifier field of the authorityKeyIdentifier extension MUST be included in all certificates generated by conforming CAs to facilitate certification path construction. There is one exception; where a CA distributes its public key in the form of a self-signed certificate, the authority key identifier MAY be omitted. The signature on a self-signed certificate is generated with the private key associated with the certificate's subject public key. (This proves that the issuer possesses both the public and private keys.) In this case, the subject and authority key identifiers would be identical, but only the subject key identifier is needed for certification path building.

from rfc3125
3.6.1 Certificate Requirements

The certificateTrustTrees identifies a set of self signed certificates for the trust points used to start (or end) certificate path processing and the initial conditions for certificate path validation as defined RFC 2459 [7] section 4. This ASN1 structure is used to define policy for validating the signing certificate, the TSA's certificate and attribute certificates.

from rfc3261:
26.4.2 S/MIME

The largest outstanding defect with the S/MIME mechanism is the lack of a prevalent public key infrastructure for end users. If self- signed certificates (or certificates that cannot be verified by one of the participants in a dialog) are used, the SIP-based key exchange mechanism described in Section 23.2 is susceptible to a man-in-the- middle attack with which an attacker can potentially inspect and modify S/MIME bodies. The attacker needs to intercept the first exchange of keys between the two parties in a dialog, remove the existing CMS-detached signatures from the request and response, and insert a different CMS-detached signature containing a certificate supplied by the attacker (but which seems to be a certificate for the proper address-of-record). Each party will think they have exchanged keys with the other, when in fact each has the public key of the attacker.

from rfc3379, section 5.
The DPD server response includes zero, one, or several certification paths. Each path consists of a sequence of certificates, starting with the certificate to be validated and ending with a trust anchor. If the trust anchor is a self-signed certificate, that self-signed certificate MUST NOT be included. In addition, if requested, the revocation information associated with each certificate in the path MUST also be returned.

from rfc3820, section 2.5
In order for a party to have rights of it's own it requires a unique identity. Possible options for obtaining an unique identity are:

1) Obtain an identity from a traditional Certification Authority (CA).

2) Obtain a new identity independently - for example by using the generated public key and a self-signed certificate.

3) Derive the new identity from an existing identity.

from rfc3830, section 3.
Public-key cryptography can be used to create a scalable system. A disadvantage with this approach is that it is more resource consuming than the pre-shared key approach. Another disadvantage is that in most cases, a PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) is needed to handle the distribution of public keys. Of course, it is possible to use public keys as pre-shared keys (e.g., by using self-signed certificates). It should also be noted that, as mentioned above, this method may be used to establish a "cached" symmetric key that later can be used to establish subsequent TGKs by using the pre-shared key method (hence, the subsequent request can be executed more efficiently).

Anne & Lynn Wheeler |

Moving assembler programs above the line

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Moving assembler programs above the line
Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2005 13:40:33 -0600
hancock4 writes:
I hated APL. Never could understand it, never liked it.

To me, it was only useful for high level mathematicians who would understand the complex methods each little character represented. It was too much for the rest of us mere mortals used to Fortran and Cobol.

APL was frequently used like spreadsheets programs are used today ... sometimes even for adhoc ... upfront learning curve was a higher than existing spreadsheets ... but level of learning for proficient user wasn't a whole lot different.

Anne & Lynn Wheeler |

Moving assembler programs above the line

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Moving assembler programs above the line
Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2005 14:06:22 -0600
Bill Manry writes:
On the mainframe, maybe, but I believe a version for the IBM 1130 predates APL\360 by a few years.

there was work on the ibm/pc predecessor with a chip that emulated 360 and the machine then provided apl\360. a earlier prototype was done with a chip that emulated the 1130 and provided apl\1130.

i have a apl\360 "users manual" published as a tjw/ykt research document by iverson and falkoff dated august 1968. It references a 1962 publication by iverson ... and credits a predecesor implementation on 7090 by breed and abrams at stanford. it also gives the same 1968 date for both the apl\360 primer and the apl\1130 primer.

a previous posting where i had typed in the acknowledgments page: A new "Remember when?" period happening right now

previous posts mentioning 5100: APL version in IBM 5100 (Was: Resurrecting the IBM 1130) A question for you old guys -- IBM 1130 information A new "Remember when?" period happening right now APL on PalmOS ??? APL on PalmOS ??? First OS? Why SMP at all anymore? Z/90, S/390, 370/ESA (slightly off topic) IBM 5100 [Was: First DESKTOP Unix Box?] IBM 5100 [Was: First DESKTOP Unix Box?] IBM 5100 [Was: First DESKTOP Unix Box?] IBM 5100 [Was: First DESKTOP Unix Box?] IBM 5100 IBM 5100 IBM 5100 IBM 5100 The IBM 5100 and John Titor The IBM 5100 and John Titor IBM operating systems and APL Shipwrecks John Titor was right? IBM 5100

Anne & Lynn Wheeler |

What is a Certificate?

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: What is a Certificate?
Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2005 13:48:02 -0600
re: What is a Certificate?

Anne & Lynn Wheeler writes:
26.4.2 S/MIME

The largest outstanding defect with the S/MIME mechanism is the lack of a prevalent public key infrastructure for end users. If self- signed certificates (or certificates that cannot be verified by one of the participants in a dialog) are used, the SIP-based key exchange mechanism described in Section 23.2 is susceptible to a man-in-the- middle attack with which an attacker can potentially inspect and modify S/MIME bodies. The attacker needs to intercept the first exchange of keys between the two parties in a dialog, remove the existing CMS-detached signatures from the request and response, and insert a different CMS-detached signature containing a certificate supplied by the attacker (but which seems to be a certificate for the proper address-of-record). Each party will think they have exchanged keys with the other, when in fact each has the public key of the attacker.

note that the man-in-the-middle (MITM) attack applies to effectively keys that have to be loaded in the relying party's trusted public key repository ... including those keys belonging to certification authorities.

in effect, some additional &/or out-of-band method is required for further validating the association between some public key and some other characteristic (nominally represented by information contained in a signed digital certificate).

one method used in the PGP case is to have a key-id (basically a short encoded representation of the full public key) and the key-id is verbally confirmed in telephone, face-to-face and/or other independent (trusted) communication.

frequently in many of the PKI/CA related deployments ... the application vendor prebuilds a trusted public key repository into the application itself ... and the relying party then places some level of trust in the application vendor.

one of the issues that has been raised in the case of various vendor provided trusted public key repositories ... is some of them involve CA keys that have become quite stale and/or the CA companies have even gone out of business. In these situations there may be no apparent trusted constodian of the corresponding private key. Furthermore, the PKI/CA deployments that have been made ... make no differentiation between the trust levels of the CA public keys that have been preloaded into a vendor provided trusted public key repository ... aka all certificates are accepted equally regardless of which CA public key (from the relying party's trusted public key repository) has been used to validate a digital certificate's digital signature (i.e. regardless of which CA issued the certificate).

the original design point for PKI, certificates, ca etc ... was the offline email scenario from the early 80s ... where a relying party dialed up their local (electronic) post office, exchanged email, and then hungup. The issue was for received email from senders that the relying party had never before interacted with (and/or never before communicated with) ... how were they to authenticate the email origin. Since there never before had been any communication ... the relying/receiving party likely wasn't to have any information on hand about the sender. Also, since the relying/receiving party had hungup (and was now offline), they had no timely, online recourse to information from any authoritative agency. Digital certificates filled the gap as a substitute for the real information (in this particular communication scenario was offline and receiving something from a stranger).

However, in an online world, it is frequently trivially possible to show that stale, static digital certificates are redundant and superfluous.

Anne & Lynn Wheeler |

DOS/360: Forty years

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: DOS/360: Forty years
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2005 15:24:41 -0600
hancock4 writes:
Further, S/360 was able to handle far more I/O devices and activity than a PC can. I doubt even today's sophisticated desktop PCs could handle multiple users banging away on them, along with multiple high speed printers, readers and punches. But our DOS S/360-40 handled it smoothly. (Admittedly our 2415 tape drivers were incredibly slow).

to some extent it was transferred bytes per mip ... and/or arm accesses per mip.

in the late 70s ... i started making some observation that disk relative system performance had declined by something like a factor of ten times (by the early 80s, cpus, memories, etc had increased by a factor of 50 times while disk arm performance had only increased by a factor of five times or less ... therefor the disk arm performance had a relative system performance decline of a factor of ten times).

we had a 360/67 that support 70-80 cp67/cms users ... and much later there was a processor with nearly fifty times the processing power supporting 300 vm370/cms users. It turns out the disk arm performance had possibly improved by a factor of four times.

One of the things you really started seeing was trying to leverage various kinds of caching (explosion in the availability of memory sizes) to compensate for the lack of disk performance improvements. Other approaches that tended to trade-off electronic memory vis-a-vis disk arm performance was to transfer in significantly larger blocks (which could make sense for some application environments).

In any case, my assertions upset some number of people in the disk division ... and their performance modeling group got assigned to refute it. After a couple months, they came back and effectively said that I somewhat understated the decline in disk relative system thruput. They then turned the study into SHARE presentation ... where they described disk strategies to help overall system thruput.

some random past postings mentioning the decline in disk relative system performance: Big I/O or Kicking the Mainframe out the Door Bloat, elegance, simplicity and other irrelevant concepts How Do the Old Mainframes Compare to Today's Micros? Virtual Memory (A return to the past?) The god old days(???) IBM S/360 Why SMP at all anymore? Pentium 4 Prefetch engine? any 70's era supercomputers that ran as slow as today's supercomputers? Q: Merced a flop or not? MVS History (all parts) MVS History (all parts) Smallest Storage Capacity Hard Disk? Microcode? (& index searching) index searching What are some impressive page rates? What are some impressive page rates? index searching AS/400 and MVS - clarification please 360 longevity, was RISCs too close to hardware? 100% CPU is not always bad What is the "name" of a system?

Anne & Lynn Wheeler |

Good passwords and security priorities

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Good passwords and security priorities
Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2005 16:37:11 -0600
"sinister" writes:
I have the impression that in many situations, simple but critical security protection measures are overlooked, even though complicated but less vital measures are implemented.

Isn't it true that a policy enforcing good passwords is critical, and a set of security policies that overlooks that is flawed?

one big issue is that when using shared-secrets ... the policy requires a unique password/pin for every distinct security domain (i.e. you don't want the password for online banking, connecting to your neighborhood isp, and your employee shared-secret to all be the same). the proliferation of unique electronic security domains sometimes results in a single person required to have scores of unique passwords.

many time, a security officer for a specific security domain will totally ignore the human factors issues involved when a person is required to memorize scores of complex, hard to guess passwords that possibly change once a month. a myopic security policy that operates as if it is the only security domain ... and is specifying the only password that a person is required to memorize ... is overlooking real-world reality and human factors. people have hard enuf time memorizing a complex password that is changing monthly ... but it becomes impossible when a person is faced with scores of such situations.

misc. past postings on shared-secrets

a couple past postings on a specific password policy recommendation OT Re: A beautiful morning in AFM. OT Re: A beautiful morning in AFM.

Anne & Lynn Wheeler |

DOS/360: Forty years

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: DOS/360: Forty years
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2005 09:52:19 -0600
rpl writes:
370/148 256K
370/168 512K

lots of 370/148 were 512k and sometimes even a mbyte (memory technology getting used was cheaper) and 370/168 wasn't unusual to have 4mbytes.

i worked on microcode for virgil/tully (aka 138/148) associated with the vm performance assist. another feature of 148 was that it had significantly faster floating point than 145 ... and was targeted as competitive machine in world trade markets against clone 370s.

recent posts mentioning 148 microcode assists Misuse of word "microcode" Where should the type information be: in tags and descriptors
and lots of mcode related postings

as part of the effort, i got to spend quite a bit of time running around the world doing 138/148 business forecast analysis with various organizations. There was some big difference between how the sales and marketing business was done in the US and how sales and marketing business was done in the rest of the world.

In the US, yearly business forecasts rolled up from the branch offices to the regions and then to DP hdqtrs ... and that information was provided to the manufacturing plants for resource and capacity planning for the upcoming year. If sales business people were wrong, the manufacturing plants were responsible for the difference.

In world trade, the country sales forecasts were basis for placing orders with the manufacturing plants (each country bought machines from manufacturing). The machines were then built and shipped to the countries ordering them. If forecasts were too high ... the unsold machines were on the books of the country that ordered them ... not on the books of the manufacturing plant.

One of the things that became very apparent was the people doing sales forecasts in world trade countries were quite a bit more dllligent than the people doing sales forecasts in the US; aka in world trade their jobs could ride on how accurate the forecasts were (since world trade countries bought and carried the inventory corresponding to the sales forecasts)).

In the US, since the forecasts were not held accountable against the marketing/sales organization (i.e. manufacturing plants carried the inventory not the sales organizaiton) ... there was much less accountability in the forecasts. US sales forecasts tended to be much more aligned with corporate strategic statements than possibly with what they felt customers might actually be expected to buy. The result was manufacturing tended to discount the accuracy of US sales forecasts and tended to duplicate the forecasting effort for US sales i.e. to try and come up with accurate numbers ... rather than numbers that possibly tended to support the current corporate hdqtrs strategic thinking.

Anne & Lynn Wheeler |

DOS/360: Forty years

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: DOS/360: Forty years
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2005 13:00:04 -0600
Allodoxaphobia <> writes:
rwong? -- unless _my_ bitrot is as severe as yours. :-) T'wern't any Sys/370 148's. The 145 had a DAT box from Day 1, and that model number endured.

(customer) 145s had DAT from day 1 ... but it wasn't enabled until virtual memory was announce (at which time, the 145s got new microcode loads to enable virtual memory). the 145s did have front panel with lots of lights and "rollers" with crypted designation about the meanings of the lights. all 145s shipped to customers had the physical rollers ... and included a "xlat" designation for one of the lights. this resulted in some speculation in the press prior to 370 virtual memory announcement.

165s had to have (fairly large) hardware retrofit in the field.

138, 148, 158, and 168s were all new technology and models to the previous 135, 145, 155, and 165.

virgil/tully (138/148) besides being faster & typically more memory than their predecessor ... had operating system microcode performance assists (vs1 and vm) ... and the 148 had significantly faster floating point than the 145 (much faster than the nominal overall speedup of the 148 over the 145).

besides ecps project mentioned in previous postings DOS/360: Forty years Misuse of word "microcode" Where should the type information be: in tags and descriptors

the science center:

had an earlier joint project with endicott. this was to create software virtual machine (cp67 running 360/67) that emulated the 370 architecture (including virtual memory), as oppsed to emulating 360/67 architecture. 370 architecture had some number of new instructions not found in 360 ... and the virtual memory tables had a number of differences from those defined in 360/67. this was running in regular use at least a year before the first engineering 370/145 with virtual memory was operational.

various past postings on cp67h & cp67i activities: crossreferenced program code listings HONE was .. Hercules and System/390 - do we need it? hone acronym (cross post) determining memory size DASD Architecture of the future Vintage computers are better than modern crap ! IBM 3614 and 3624 ATM's intel's Vanderpool and virtualization in general Virtual Machine Hardware Virtual Machine Hardware

Anne & Lynn Wheeler |

DOS/360: Forty years

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: DOS/360: Forty years
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2005 13:10:35 -0600
Anne & Lynn Wheeler writes:
as part of the effort, i got to spend quite a bit of time running around the world doing 138/148 business forecast analysis with various organizations. There was some big difference between how the sales and marketing business was done in the US and how sales and marketing business was done in the rest of the world.

it turns out that i was doing virgil/tully (138/148) at about the same time I was doing VAMPS

and the resource manager:

there were some interesting strategic marketing meetings at various locations that were looking at VAMPS vis-a-vis 148 (before VAMPS got killed). to some extent they were targeted at the same market segment and therefor were viewed was somewhat competitive. the strategic marketing meetings were to look at which should be chosen (if necessary) ... and so the meetings pitted the 148 in competition with VAMPS. the problem in these meetings was that i had to fairly represent both factions ... since i was doing a lot of work on both products ... and would represent both products at such meetings (in theory i was suppose to argue the pros & cons of both products with myself).

Anne & Lynn Wheeler |

DOS/360: Forty years

Refed: **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: DOS/360: Forty years
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2005 13:30:21 -0600
rpl writes:
370/148 256K 370/168 512K

for a little more topic drift ... look at the definition for "remap" in this copy of ibm jargon: --
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |

DOS/360: Forty years

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: DOS/360: Forty years
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2005 14:14:46 -0600
and a small sample of 148s on the internal network:
REKVM1 * RESPOND/2 148/VM EMEA Reykjavik,Iceland 354-1-27700x25 TUCVMJ * TUCVMI/5 148/VM GPD Tucson, Arizona 8-562-7100 BOEVM13 * BOEVM4/9 148/VM EMEA Boeblingen,Ger. 49-7031-16-8903

Anne & Lynn Wheeler |

Protocol stack - disadvantages (revision)

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Protocol stack - disadvantages (revision)
Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2005 17:09:25 -0600
Wolfgang Kueter writes:
I see no reason why an application should try to handle routing (IMHO one should let the routers just do their job) or offer debugging possibilities for problems on lower layers. Implementing that would mean much more code and thus a less robust stack (which no longer would be a stack).

there are some funny things about the layers ... for instance the hostname->ip-address mapping is effectively normally a call done by applications ... which then requests a connection based on the ip-address. in the case of multiple A-records (domain name system maps the same hostname to multiple ip address) ... there is some latitude about which ip-address the application may choose to use and/or retry if it is unable to make a connection.

in the case of "multihomed" hosts with connections into various strategic backbone locations in the web ... the application layer may have some knowledge about the best choice of which of the ip-addresses to try.

part of this has been that the traditional layered architecture paradigms have followed straight-forward message flows. The things that allow such architectures to operate have tended to be described as some variation on "service" applications that operate outside the straight-forward message flows ... aka some of these implementations refer to this as out-of-band control functions ... there is an RFC someplace talking about the differencies of internet TCP w/o out-of-band control channel compared to the (much better) TCP originally implemented on arpanet that provide support for out-of-band control channel.

some of multiple A-record and multihome recovery issues were aggravated when the internet switched from arbritrary/anarchy routing to hierarchical routing in the ealy 90s (when the internet was much smaller, infrastructure could look for alternate paths to the same interface ... however that didn't scale well ... requiring the switch-over to hierarchical routing). With hierarchical routing change-over ... there was much more of requirement for multihoming into different parts of the internet backbone (for availability).

Anne & Lynn Wheeler |

Protocol stack - disadvantages (revision)

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Protocol stack - disadvantages (revision)
Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2005 17:31:17 -0600
another example ... also from the early/mid 90s ... about the same time as the switch-over to hierarchical routing was ipsec vis-a-vis SSL. ipsec was suppose to handle all the function ... totally encapsulated in the lower-level protocol levels.

SSL came along at the application level and subsume some amount of the function being projected (at the time) for ipsec. the whole certificate and public key stuff was supposed to be the lower-level function in ipsec (using publickey stuff to setup transport layer encrypted channel). SSL did all that ... but SSL in the application/browser implementation (w/o requiring anybody to change the machine's protocol stack and/or operating system) also used the same public key certificate to check whether the domain name typed into the browser was the same domain name on the certificate. in the ipsec scenario it would have been handled all at the lower level ... which had no idea what a person had typed in for a URL at the application layer. If the certificate had all be stripped away at the lower level ... the browser application would have had no way of comparing the domain name in the certificate to the domain name typed in as the URL.

Anne & Lynn Wheeler |

Thou shalt have no other gods before the ANSI C standard

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Thou shalt have no other gods before the ANSI C standard
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2005 18:26:42 -0600
Peter Flass writes:
I *believe* that you could send data while the carriage was returning, and the TTY would try to type them. You'd get a few random characters, the line would start on about the 4'th character of data, and then would overtype the stuff it had typed on the return. If I'm not mixing the TTY up with some other terminal, the drivers would have to pad with some NULs after a CR to prevent this. How many NULs depended on the line speed (return speed was constant, so it took more NULs on faster lines), so lines that autobauded had to determine this on the fly. Fun stuff in the old days.

same problem with 2741s ... when cp67 wrote a line ... after the CR at the end of the stream it added something like 1 idle character for ever ten characters transferred.

Anne & Lynn Wheeler |

DOS/360: Forty years

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: DOS/360: Forty years
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2005 21:57:59 -0600
Lawrence Greenwald writes:
Oh yes, there were 370/148s. Looked like the 158.

No flashing lights and a 3270 replaced the 3210/3215 console.

here is 145 (although not very good closeup of front panel)

and 148

from the "mainframe photo album"

some 370 machine characteristics

370 announce & shiip dates

note in the above ... there possibly is some problem with 145 & 145-3 dates. first it claims that 145 was "withdrawn" only a couple months after it started shipping. also the 145-3 date shows it was announced on the same date as the 148.

this has somewhat more consistant dates for 145 (although the site it was taken from no longer seems to have the information available)

it does say virtual memory was announced for 370 8/72 and shipped 8/73. also that the 135-3 & 145-3 were announce on 8/72 also and shipped 8/73. They do appear to have some gotchas ... with some of the boxes and/or software associated with virtual memory available prior to 8/73 (that virtual memory supposedly was available) .... "virtual storage" (the name at the time for virtual memory) would be prereq for any software that used virtual storage. Also 158 had virtual memory ... and so couldn't ship before virtual memory was officially available.

this reference has a lot of dates ... but also some inconsistancies with 145 & 148:

some 370 machine characteristics are here:

some ibm dates from 1964-1974 (with a lot of other dates)

Anne & Lynn Wheeler |

Moving assembler programs above the line

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Moving assembler programs above the line
Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2005 22:01:47 -0600
Bill Manry writes:
On the mainframe, maybe, but I believe a version for the IBM 1130 predates APL\360 by a few years.

One other detail...after APL\360 and before VSAPL there was a product called APL-SV (or APL\SV?) that ran on OS/VS2-SVS and introduced the shared variable concept. It came with a shared variable processor that would access MVS PS/PO data sets, albeit slowly. We developed SV processors that would do ISAM and (later) VSAM, and our shop began using APL as a business applications development language for certain types of online apps (mainly inquiry things). Took a bunch of COBOL programmers and taught them APL, and most of them loved it.

here is falkoff's "The family of APL systems"

Anne & Lynn Wheeler |

Maximum RAM and ROM for smartcards

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Maximum RAM and ROM for smartcards
Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2005 08:02:53 -0600
Daniel James writes:
Smartcards typically have a few kB each of ROM and non-volatile RAM (Flash/EE), and a few hundred bytes of (volatile) RAM storage. Higher-end cards typically have no more than 32kB of NVRAM.

There are a few reasons that smartcard memory sizes are limited:

- The card has limited physical size.
- The card has limited available electrical power. More memory (= more transistors) => higher power requirement
- The card has limited capacity for heat dispersion, more memory (= more transistors) => more heat.
- The card has to provide physical protection to prevent the memory being accessed directly, bypassing security of the card OS. This makes the chip package bulkier and reduces its heat dispesion capability.
- Cards are accessed by 1/2-duplex serial link normally running at 9600 baud (but up to 115k2 on some cards) ... it takes a long time to send large amounts of data to a card. Filling 2MB would take a *very* long time; most people wouldn't want to do wait.

There are designs for cards with high-speed USB-style interfaces in place of the serial port, when these cards become available it will be practical to support much higher memory capacities ... but these cards will be incompatible with the millions of readers already deployed throughout the world. A changeover won't happen overnight.

there is somewhat a use issue. smartcards market segment target from the late 80s was somewhat the portable (and disconnected) computing niche. one of the reasons for the iso standards was that there was no portable input & output capability readily available in that period ... so you needed fixed physical stations that provided the input/output capability that you could take your portable computing device to.

starting in the early 90s ... you started to see PDAs and cellphones with portable input and output capability built-in. This started to fill the niche that some had envisioned for smartcards. Part of the issue ... which would you prefer a device with possibly a couple mbytes that had no input/output capability and you had to go find some station .... or a device with the input/output capability you could carry along with you.

in some respect it took so long for smartcards to catcqqh on in that niche ... that other technology came along and made them obsolete.

however, numerous operations have invested significant amount in the core technology and they have been seriously motivated to find a way to recoup that investment.

Anne & Lynn Wheeler |

Moving assembler programs above the line

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Moving assembler programs above the line
Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2005 10:02:01 -0600
Anne & Lynn Wheeler writes:
here is falkoff's "The family of APL systems"

not really highlighted was that most of the early APLs ... up until cms\apl (and then apl\cms) typically offered 16-32kbyte workspaces ... apl\360 "service" offered by the philly science center had 16kbyte or 32kbyte workspaces ... and the apl\360 service contained a monitor that swapped the complete workspace to/from disks when it switched users.

part of going to cms\apl was that it completely eliminated the monitor ... but it also opened up workspaces to hundreds of k (or megabytes) using virtual memory. As part of that, the APL storage allocation mechanism had to be completely reworked ... because it tended to touch every available piece of available storage in the workspace (which worked in a real-storage swap environment ... but was very painful in a paged virtual memory environment).

when cambridge started offering cms\apl as an internal corporate service ... you started to see places like corporate hdqtrs coming on to do business modeling ... since you could start doing reasonably sized programs. cms\apl also introduced being able to do standard system calls (including file i/o). prior to that, APL systems tended to be restricted to having all the data and program contained in single (16kbyte) workspace.

cms\apl and then apl\cms work also did a lot to make sure that the core interpreter could reside in shared segments (i.e. the same image could be concurrently in multiple different address spaces).

For HONE, a "padded cell" APL application evolved that tried to totally isolate the sales & market people from having to deal with standard online computing environment. The consolidation of all the US HONE centers in Cal. ... and the growing dependency on sales&marketing on HONE for major aspects of the operation ... saw the US HONE center growing towards 40,000 defined userids in the 1980 time-frame. The US HONE complex was also replicated at numerous datacenters around the world ... for worldwide sales & marketing support.

The "padded cell" APL application was code-named Sequoia and was the default application loaded into every APL workspace at initialization. Sequoia grew overtime to a couple hundred kbytes. Sequoia provided the "user interface" that most marketing and sales people dealt with (underlying APL and/or CMS environment was rarely seen).

Sequoia would load, execute and delete other applications from the standard workspace. At some point, performance analysis indicated that having private copies of Sequoia in every workspace (and every virtual address space) represented a major paging issue. The guys at PASC that had done apl\cms ... helped HONE with an APL hack where the Sequoia APL program was moved from normal workspace into part of the HONE APL interpreter (so it became part of the shared segments ... i.e. only a single copy that was shared across all the different virtual address spaces).

Major HONE APL applications were "configurators" ... basically a somewhat speadsheet type application where customer machine configuration requirements were entered ... and the configurator would determine what all needed to be specified for the machine order.

past hone &/or apl posts

Anne & Lynn Wheeler |

Moving assembler programs above the line

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Moving assembler programs above the line
Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2005 10:28:18 -0600
another HONE story ...

possibly considered steotypical computer nerd.

in the early to mid 70s ... prior to consolidation of all the US HONE datacenters .. one of the US HONE datacenters occupied the 2nd floor of a bldg at prominent location on wilshire blvd.

the computer room was in the center ... and staff had cubicles along the outside windows. One of the HONE support staff had a fairly large telescope (w/floor tripod) in his cubicle that he used to admire the opposite gender out on wilshire during lunch hour.

Anne & Lynn Wheeler |

Certificate Management Tools

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Certificate Management Tools
Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2005 10:57:35 -0600
"TC" writes:
I have also determined that I do not have the ability to create such a certificate. I have Microsoft's selfcert.exe and the certification authoriy included with Microsoft Windows 2003 Server. With these tools, I can create certificates, but I have no control over the expiration date and I cannot export the private key (and therefore can only apply the certificate from the computer on which it was created).

private keys are stored in some sort of encrypted file ... totally separate from any certificate.

at least one vendor has a virus demo where they copy an encrypted private key file off a victim machine and break the encryption in something like an avg. of 40-50 seconds (brute force guessing on secret/symmetric key used to encrypt the private key file).

In PGP and SSH it is relatively trivial to identify the encrypted private key file ... and copy it across multiple machines ... however these implementations also make due w/o requiring public key certificates.

quicky use of search engine turns up this ssh for windows:

commercial ssh web site:

open ssl has an application for generating certificates

also using search engine ... the first several sites that come up about generating certificate

Anne & Lynn Wheeler |

Moving assembler programs above the line

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Moving assembler programs above the line
Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2005 12:36:54 -0600
an earlier part of the HONE cms/apl experience was making (and then apl\cms) was making the APL interpreter part of shared code (so you didn't need a unique copy resident in each address space).

the original cp67 facilities for sharing pages across address spaces was fairly hokey. Basically there was a table built into the kernel which defined groups of page areas on disk. A privilege system command, savesys .... allowed specific pages from the users current address space to be written to specific collection area on disk. There was a hack to the virtual IPL (boot) command that instead of simulating the device boot process .... would map pages from a defined group into current address space (including establishing any "sharing" characteristics).

An unshared version of this was used by a number of customers to get fast OS360 ipl/boot (i.e. pages from a virtual os360 guest would be saved after os360 had gone thru is laborious startup process).

An early HONE apl\cms hack was to save pages after APL interpretor had been loaded. cp67 & vm370 could be setup so that it would automatically execute an IPL command at login; so instead of specifying an IPL device ... for most HONE users, it specified a specially group of saved pages that included both the CMS kernel and the APL interpretor.

At the science center

one of the activites that I had done was virtual memory management enhancements to cp67 (cms paged map file system, dynamically loading additional page image stuff ... after virtual IPL/boot ... including shared page/segment specifications). there were two cambridge "Z" publications on the work (I & II, ZZ20-6001 and ZZ20-6002, aka "Z" publications only available internally). various references to some of the stuff involved in the virtual memory management enhancements

The IPL APL hack (which most users didn't even realize was happening) worked for HONE as long as the user never needed to leave the sequoia/apl environment. However, the HONE/APL/Sequoia environment was extremely CPU entensive (one of the characteristics of interpreted APL environment). Some analysis was done finding a few critical configurator components doing sophisticated modeling ... could give back well over half of all HONE cpu usage by being recoded in Fortran. The problem with the IPL hack for shared pages is that it wasn't possible to transparently transition from the IPL/APL environment to a Fortran application and back to IPL/APL.

Early in the VM370 release 2 product cycle, i ported the cp67 VMM enhancements to vm370 and also integrated them into HONE operation. It was now possible to configure the userids for sales&marketing people to automatically IPL/BOOT a relatively normal CMS ... and then automatically transition into an APL/Sequoia environment (that was able to reference a page-image of the APL interpretor on a cms page mapped filesystem ... including specifications for shared page/segments transparent to the end user. It was then possible for Sequoia to setup automated scripts for exiting the APL/Sequoia environment, executing specific Fortran applications and automatically re-entering the APL/Sequoia environment (all transparent to the sales&marketing people using HONE).

This dynamic invoking of shared images was deemed to be relatively useful ... and the vm370 development group picked up a small subset of the changes (w/o the page mapped filesystem support) for vm370 release 3 as something called discontiguous shared segments (DCSS).

Anne & Lynn Wheeler |

Maximum RAM and ROM for smartcards

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Maximum RAM and ROM for smartcards
Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2005 15:12:54 -0600
Sylvain writes:
actually not, sorry for mistake, USB cards I know only support USB protocol and are so not compliant with ISO readers.

there have been two-chip configurations that support ISO7816 and USB ... with USB interface on one end and 7816 on the other end. there has been some talk of single chip implementations that would support 7816, 14443, and USB.

btw, here is announcement from today ...

but as per the previous comment ... which would you prefer ... your one megabyte (or more) in some form of pda or cellphone ... or accessing your one megabyte with no interface to access it.

Anne & Lynn Wheeler |

Maximum RAM and ROM for smartcards

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Maximum RAM and ROM for smartcards
Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2005 16:34:09 -0600
Sylvain writes:
the key features of a PDA or cellphone are what you do with the input and output devices (such as being able to transmit voice, display info as so fork), not the availability, nor internal details of these interfaces.

smartcards offer "low-level" communication interfaces only ok, but being able to use a MB smartcard to, say, watch a movie on a 14443-enabled PDA may have sense; a smartcard is just (cryptographic capabilities don't rely on sizes) a secured data carrier (and reading performances are close to these USB storage-key).

the original design point of smartcards was for portable computing ... but there wasn't the portable technology for providing input/output capability ... which gave rise to the requirement for ISO standards that you could have fixed input/output stations that would interoperate with the portable computing device (also viewed as not requiring high transfer rate for keyboard input and character display output ... lots of 9600 baud terminals around in that period).

that niche got filled by PDAs and cellphones before smartcards ever penetrated the market. however, there was significant investment into the technology ... and since then it has sort of been a solution in search of a problem.

there was then some attempt to apply smartcards to high transaction environments ... however the physical contact characteristics were shown to be totally inadequent for high transaction environments ... which prompted the 14443.

going on in parallel with the smartcard technology efforts ... you found the PC technology market developing interfaces like USB.

So ... there has been some flaying around attempting to adopt some of the computer-originated technologies to smartcards (to help recover the significant smartcard investment). However, if you are talking about plugging some sort of hardware token into a portable computing device (like a pda or cellphone) ... then any computing processes in the hardware token are going to be pretty redundant and superfluous to the computing capability in the "real" computing device. the majority of these scenarios are possibly looking at high-speed storage/memory interface ... to augment the existing storage/memory of the "real" portable computing devices.

This is totally different design point than smartcards ... which required both their own computing capability as well as memory and only required a slow-speed interface for character input (typing) and character output (display). It would seem more sensible, rather than try and force fit smartcards into a solution that they were never designed for ... to design a solution that fits the requirement.

Besides (computer) USB usurping the role of 7816 in the portable "contact" computing market ... you are starting to see bluetooth, various wireless, and even cellphone technology usurping 14443 in the contactless market segment.

so back to the original assertion ... the target market niche for the smartcard design point evaportated before smartcards ever took off. Since then they have been a solution in search of a problem (in part because of the original significant investment in the technology). They've been proposed as solutions for problems that they were never designed for. It lots of cases, their combination of both memory and computing represents redundant and superfluous capability for the problem they get targeted for (i.e. usually because they would be used in conjunction with something that already has significantly more memory and/or computing power ... that the smartcard solution represents extraneous and unneeded capability).

Anne & Lynn Wheeler |

Good passwords and security priorities

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Good passwords and security priorities
Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2005 17:04:39 -0600
"sinister" writes:
Overall, I don't disagree; I have a list of all my passwords for work and personal business on my home computer, and it's quite long, which is a real hassle.

However, at my work nearly all the risk is with break-ins from remote places in cyberspace. So there's nothing wrong with most users just writing their password down and leaving it in a desk drawer.

several studies have indicated that at least 77% of fraudulent breakins involve insiders.

recently in the news, there was something about plan for lifting a couple hundred million from some bank. there appeared to have been keyloggers installed on serveral machines ... possibly by somebody from a maint. or cleaning crew. the keyloggers were almost undetectable.

not only wasn't the physical area not safe (for storing recorded passwords), but static data, shared-secret authentication mechanisms were vulnerable (whether they were written down or not).

Anne & Lynn Wheeler |

Maximum RAM and ROM for smartcards

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Maximum RAM and ROM for smartcards
Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2005 18:46:31 -0600
Sylvain <>
basically they are designated to perform "secure" (as secure as possible) debit-credit transactions, and yes they do that better than a mag-strip and to secure your GSM connexion; now (recently) we use their internal protection to hold data such as your ID; do you suggest to use PDA as a passport or ID card ?

for most of corporate needs, I'm agree that large storage is useless, strong cryptographic capabilities should be enough assuming that data are managed on back-office.

but still, ID markets require storage (not yet MB) and computing power of cards is not ridiculous (I know some crypto-libs on Wintel that run slower than a smartcard!) so, they offer a good choice for portable computing and storage ... even if they don't come with a display and so on (or because they don't), they are supposed to be used in a CAD not in standalone way (that's why I said comparison was meaningless).

there was some deployment for payment operations with stored value paradigm in parts of the world where there were no online connectivity ... or the connectivity was extremely expensive ... aka the cost of the chip was much less expensive than any available telco costs.

they saw much less uptake in parts of the world where online connectivity was pervasive and readily available at nominal cost ... in those environments you saw magstripe stored-value cards ... even for stored value ... since in such environments with pervasive online connectivity, online stored-value w/o chips is much less expensive than offline stored-value w/chips.

there is some discussion about using smartcards for things like door badge access. basically from 3-factor authentication paradigm
something you have
something you know
something you are

a hardware token for authenticated has been around for many years. in the early days ... many of the door badge systems and other types of access systems, suffered the same difficiency as the target market for chip-based stored value ... there was no connectivity. In these systems the authentication device was viewed as not only providing the authentication ... but also the access permissions (which doors that could be open ... somewhat analogous to the stored-value chips that contained the current balance). However as technology progressed a lot of the access control systems shifted to online implementations. All the permissions were maintained online and could be updated in real time.

It was only the no-value infrastructures that stuck with the offline paradigm ... because there wasn't enuf value proposition to upgrade to the higher integrity of an online, real-time system (being able to do things like log, recognize patterns, reconfigure in real-time, etc).

So again, there tends to be the infrastructures that involve value ... which involve online, real-time systems regarding permissions and access control ... and only require authentication mechanisms (not identification and/or permissions) ... and the no-value infrastructures that can't afford the higher integrity operations and will rely on devices that provide both the authentication as well as the authorization/permission information.

So if you are dealing with infrastructures of any value ... in parts of the world where online connectivity is becoming pervasive and cost-effective ... you go to online permissions and authorizations ... and are purely relying on the remote operation for authentication.

Such a well-designed high-integrity permissions/authorization infrastructure should be capable of supporting a variety of authentication mechanisms concurrently ... preferrably tailoring the integrity of the authentication required to the value of the specific operation needing permission/authorization (for instance a couple $10 transactions per day might require much lower integrity authentication mechanism than being able to do numerous $1m transactions per day).

So for purely a reaonably infrastructure involving value of any kind ... authentication proportional to the value involved would be needed. something you have authentication could be some sort of electronic hardware device that could demonstrate its uniqueness and have extremely difficult antitampering and anticounterfeiting mechanisms. It is possible to implement such a characteristic using a sophisticated smartcard device ... but again it is overkill ... like having huge amounts of memory in a smartcard is overkill.

Given a requirement for straight-forward something you have authentication, that can demonstrate uniqueness and have strong antitampering and anticounterfeiting characteristics ... you need much less processing that what is typically available in a smartcard.

Many of the old paradigm "id cards" might require significant amount of storage was because the relying institutions like any reasonable online capability ... and so had to provide a substitute for they would be relying on ... in the institution specific cards that might be provisioned to each person.

This was one of the early 90s proposals for smartcards for use as driver's licenses ... all your personal history, driving record and lots of other information would be carried in your driver's license. When stopped, law enforcement (not having any kind of radio, cellular, and/or other kinds of electronic communication) could rely on processing your driver's license chip to find out everything about you (outstanding packing tickets, speeding tickets, DUIs, revoked, and whether the card was lost or stolen). What occurred in reality was law enforcement obtained online connectivity and have timely, real-time information at their fingertips ... they don't need to ask your driver's license whether it was lost or stolen ... they query the online database. The only thing they really need is some unique characteristic that they can reliably use to associate the person with their online records. Having all that information in a smarcard driver's license is redundant and superfluous and doesn't provide as high quality information as the online database records.

Anne & Lynn Wheeler |

Maximum RAM and ROM for smartcards

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Maximum RAM and ROM for smartcards
Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2005 19:47:10 -0600
... so another from early 90s was the medical record card ... you would have your complete medical records on a card ... in case you were in an accident and the paramedics would review your complete medical history before starting emergency treatment.

there were a number problems with this scenario ... 1) there is not much a paramedic can do in an emergency situation with your complete medical records, 2) any processing of your complete medical records imply some nominal level of electronic equipment, 3) in all cases that i know of where paramedics have some nominal electronic equipment ... it is used to go online with real doctors who are required to authorize many kinds of treatment.

I would contend that there is a lot more benefit from having online medical records for emergency access ... than there is trying to deploy personal medical records in a smartcard. If i was looking at getting a copy of my complete medical records ... i would probably go after it as an add-on to my PDA ... rather than having a separate emergency medical record card.

Anne & Lynn Wheeler |

Maximum RAM and ROM for smartcards

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Maximum RAM and ROM for smartcards
Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2005 08:36:05 -0600
Daniel James writes:
You could do such a thing with a Palm/Pocket PC device, of course, but you would have no guarantee of the integrity of the pocket device -- a virus or worm might compromise that device and cause it to reveal its keys or to misrepresent the data being agreed/signed. Using a sealed, tamper-resistant, non-software-upgradeable device -- such as a hypothetical smartcard with a display and keypad -- would eliminate this

just add a very reduced set of electronics inside the body of a PDA. it is a lot cheaper than having separate PDA and smartcard. this is somewhat the trusted computing scenario.

i gave a talk a couple years ago at the intel developer's conference in the trusted computing track. in the talk, i commented that it appeared that over the previous couple years their design appeared to have gotten significantly simpler and was approaching the design i had did about the time they started out. somebody in the front row quipped that was possibly because that I didn't have a committee of a couple hundred people helping me with the design.

almost by definition, almost every "smartcard" on the market today, does allow loading of software ... in part because they are still somewhat a solution in search of a problem. they regularly position themselves that if there is a problem ... then of course they could load the appropriate software to address the problem.

Anne & Lynn Wheeler |

MVS secure configuration standard

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: MVS secure configuration standard
Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2005 10:17:28 -0600
shmuel+ibm-main@ibm-main.lst (Shmuel Metz , Seymour J.) writes:
[1] You could take that last as a sign that they didn't trust me, but took it as a sign that they were exercising reasonable and necessary prudence. A good security policy need not get underfoot, and that policy was very easy to live with.

there have been a number of recent studies that at least 77 percent of fraud and theft involve insiders ... which confirms an age old adage that the majority of fraud is by insiders.

in the early 80s there started to be a lot of work on collusion controls ... i.e. processes that required two or more different people for their operation and work on how to recognize when the checks and balances were being subverted by collusion.

in recent years, the internet has tended to take attention away from insider threats to focus on external vulnerabilities. in some cases the issue of the internet obfuscates whether the exploit was by an insider or an outsider (even tho the majority of fraud continues to involve insiders).

Anne & Lynn Wheeler |

MVS secure configuration standard

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: MVS secure configuration standard
Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2005 11:04:54 -0600
shmuel+ibm-main@ibm-main.lst (Shmuel Metz , Seymour J.) writes:
SAF allows for more granularity than you see in the PC and *ix worlds; take advantage of it. Create userids tailored to roles; if someone wears multiple hats, issue him multiple ids. If someone needs to submit batch jobs with specific privileges but doesn't need them only, create an id that is only allowed in batch and give him surrogate authority. Don't give UID(0) to anyone unless they can't do the job with, e.g., su. In particular, don't make your SMP userid UID(0).

in the early days ... the default was allowed/permitted ... except for what was denied. the transition to default deny except what was permitted created a significant complexity problem.

lets say there are a million data processing objects, each with its own permission and a thousand people. In theory, a security officer had a million by thousand matrix or a billion decisions to make. This was obviously not going to be a practical paradigm in any real world scenario.

one solution was role-based access control. people have job descriptions and there tends to be significantly fewer different job descriptions than people. Do a role or job analysis cataloging the explicit permissions needed for each job. When somebody new shows up, they have a job description. The security officer just assigns the "role" that matches that job description (and the infrastructure takes care of populating the fine-grain permissions associated with that role for that person). The security officer is left with very few decisions to make as to granting permissions ... reduces possibly a billion decision problem to possibly a couple hundred decision problem.

NIST reference on role-based access control

this has been characterized as handling 95% of the problem. Real world situations always involve people having to do things outside of their strict role/job definition. That is where the security officer work shows up ... making permission decisions about the remaining five percent of real world scenarios.

in the collusion case ... minor prior reference: MVS secure configuration standard

the upfront role-based analysis would have looked at job descriptions and permission partitioning to enforce multiple person involvement for achieving some business operation.

however, frequently a lot of the thot that went into establishing partitioning as part of addressing collusion issues ... can be obfuscated in the actual deployment. When it comes time for a security officer to allow the same person to have multiple roles (to address practical real world situations) ... some of the business rules about giving the same person a collective set of permissions (that need to remain disjoint) may be violated (in the roll-up of fine-grain permissions to collections of permissions represented by roles, knowledge about which sets of fine-grain permissions that are required to be disjoint, may be lost).

in that sense, most of the implementations that do fine-grain permissions roll-up into role aggregates (RBAC systems) lack the ability to also specify rules about which sets of fine grain permissions have to be kept disjoint ... as well as identify minimum set of fine-grain permissions that are required for achieving various kinds of exploits.

Anne & Lynn Wheeler |

Key pair & Certificate lifetimes

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Key pair & Certificate lifetimes
Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2005 11:20:59 -0600
vandananoSpam writes:
Are the public-private key pairs supposed to have the same lifetime as the certificate?? I could not find any specific mention either way in the RFCs.

RFCs tend to address technical issues .... certificate lifetime tends to be a business issue ... involving (at least)

• expected validity lifetime of the information certified
• expected lifetime of the private key related to the public key certified
• expected lifetime (non-exploit) of the CA's private key
• possibly, expected CA business lifetime

I've seen scenarios for 24hr (and even 8hr) certificates ... where the information certified today couldn't be relied on to still be true tomorrow.

The certificate model ... again, is the offline scenario evolving the letters-of-credit paradigm left over (at least) the sailing ship days. The person involved could have a credential and the relying party relies on the credential in lieu of being able to directly contact the authoritative agency responsible for the information.

the short-lived certificates are starting to blur the line regarding whether the relying party would be better off directly contacting the authoritative agency in real-time ... rather than relying on a stale, static certificate provided by the party they were trying to validate.

there have also been a number of deployments where the relying party went thru the motions of performing the digital certificate processing and then, in real-time, went directly to the authoriative agency responsible for the information anyway (making the use of a stale, static certificate, redundant and superfluous).

Anne & Lynn Wheeler |

MVS secure configuration standard

Refed: **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: MVS secure configuration standard
Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2005 13:58:15 -0600
allan.staller@ibm-main.lst (Staller, Allan) writes:
Several years ago, MVS (I believe MVS/ESA 4.?) was certified at the DOD B2 level of security.

Perhaps a review of the DOD "orange book" for the B2 security requirements would be appropriate.

orange book is being depreciated ... supposedly being supplanted by common criteria ... i've been criticized for continuing to carry orange book definitions in my merged security taxonomy & glossary

one of the things that orange book tended to assume was general purposes dataprocessing system being concurrently used for multiple different activities that possibly involved multiple different security criteria. common criteria is much more open to dedicated operations and compensating procedures for things that would never be able to handle the security requirements of a general dataprocessing serivce with numerous different concurrent (and possibly conflicting) operations going on.

there, then is the internal folklore of a gov. operation requesting all the exact source code for a specific deployed operational MVS system (or for any deployed MVS system). after the expediture of truely huge amounts of resources and money investigating the issue ... it was finally determined to not be practical.

Anne & Lynn Wheeler |

Maximum RAM and ROM for smartcards

Refed: **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Maximum RAM and ROM for smartcards
Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2005 09:12:49 -0600
Daniel James writes:
That's the point: you could shop online using the browser of an untrusted PC on an insecure network but then send the final "shopping basket" to to a trusted secure handheld terminal and review the items purchsed, the prices, and the delivery address and sign that "shopping basket" on the secure device. It would not then matter that the browser, the PC and the network are insecure because the signature guarantees that the transaction details cannot be changed. This requires more than just a smartcard, though, as the device has to be able to display the "shopping basket"'s contents, and the customer has to be able to trust the device.

EU finread terminal standard attempted to address some of that

basically 1) is what you see really what you are signing and

2) is any pin-entry actually going directly to the card (and not being skimmed and/or potentially replayed)

a side issue with POS devices with secure modules is whether there are overlays (like in various atm machine exploits) which raise issues similar to those that finread standard attempts to address.

one of the provisions allowed for in the x9.59 payment standard (requirement for the standard working group was preserve the integrity of the financial infrastructure)

was the possibility of dual-signatures. there is the prospect that terminals/readers are deployed with security modules, tamper-resistant features and other security characteristics ... but when a financial institution is receiving transactions ... and is doing risk assesement ... how does the financial infrastructure know that a terminal actually meeting security requirements was being used (as opposed to a counterfeit). to address this issue ... x9.59 allowed that for an embedded security chip to also digitally sign the transaction (after being digitally signed by the costomer). The signing by a embedded security chip in the terminal's security module ... would provide evidence (to the processing financial institution) that a counterfeit terminal wasn't being used (however, it wouldn't preclude that such a terminal environment hadn't been compromised with something like an overlay).

one of the issues in using personal devices (like PDAs) for (wireless) point-of-sale transactions, is that a dilligent customer has a lot more confidence that their personal device hadn't been compromised with counterfeit, overlays or other skimming technologies (it is "their" display and "their" keypad). An embedded security chip in the personal device can provide some evidence as to the integrity charactistics of the device/environment originating the transactions (it doesn't preclude all types of exploits ... but it possibly provides a better bound on what exploits and therefor what risks might be involved).

Anne & Lynn Wheeler |

TCP channel half closed

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: TCP channel half closed.
Newsgroups: comp.protocols.tcp-ip
Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2005 11:45:25 -0600
Rick Jones writes:
When the application on A called shutdown or close, the TCP endpoint would send a FIN and transition to FIN_WAIT_1. It is now waiting for an ACK of the FIN, and will retransmit until it gets one. If it receives an ACK of the FIN it will transition to FIN_WAIT_2 and sit there until it recieves a FIN from the remote. If it does not receive an ACK of its FIN, it will rtx timeout and die, perhaps sending a RST. It will not go into CLOSE_WAIT.

CLOSE_WAIT is the stat that B would enter when it received the FIN as it is now the one waiting for the application to call close.

half-closed (and half-open) sessions have been notorious denial-of-service.

in the mid-90s the problem would even crop up unintentially. the advent of HTTP over TCP created an explosion in short-lived sessions (and enormous FINWAIT lists). up until then most implementations had sequential searches of the FINWAIT list (nobody expected the size of the list to exceed more than tens of elements).

in the '96 time-frame there were starting to be numerous high-use HTTP servers that found that they had 100% cpu consumption ... with something like 95% of that spent scanning the FINWAIT list.

netscape was into serious replication of their servers ... in part because of the enormous amounts of cpu spent spinning in FINWAIT list scan. at one point, netscape transitioned to a large sequent server. sequent had previously addressed the FINWAIT list scan issue because of various commercial dataprocessing customer installations that would deal with 20,000 telnet sessions.

eventually most vendors got around to rewriting their FINWAIT list handling code.

Anne & Lynn Wheeler |

Academic priorities

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From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Academic priorities
Newsgroups: comp.arch.arithmetic,comp.arch,alt.folklore.computers
Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2005 13:01:03 -0600 (Herman Rubin) writes:
Teaching computations does not teach principles.

Those with real problems in probability and statistics do not need to know how to compute anything, but they need to be able to formulate their problems in "mathematical space", and understand what is going on.

I would make the mathematics requirement for college entrance the ability to formulate word problems, which may not be complete, of about a half page, in symbols which communicates the information accurately, using as many variables as they wish.

however it is reasonable to be able to perform some reasonable calculation estimates ... frequently as a real-world sanity check on large projects & theories. you can't imagine the enormous $$$ i've seen poured down the drain on really brilliant ideas because somebody didn't bother to apply a little 8th grade math as a sanity check.

somewhat unrelated ... in some work with a very large state land-grant univerisity ten years ago ... they had commented that they had dumbed down their entering freshmen text books three times in the previous 25 years (and there is nothing to indicate that the trend has significantly changed). of course this was about the time that the census bureau had a report published claiming that half the 18yr olds (stats from the 1990 census) were functionally illiterate.

Anne & Lynn Wheeler |

Maximum RAM and ROM for smartcards

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Maximum RAM and ROM for smartcards
Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2005 15:55:09 -0600
Sylvain writes:
web seller can also choose to invest in https servers, it is not _the_ solution but it may help.

the original work we were involved with using ssl for e-commerce

was to handle a perceived problem with the domain name infrastructure where you might not be talking to the webserver you believed you were talking to. so webservers got SSL domain name certificates ... and in the SSL exchange, the browser would validate the webservers certificate ... and then compare the domain name in the certificate with the domain name in the URL. the assumption was that you then probably were talking to the webserver that you thot you were talking to.

well, webservers found out that they took a 80-90 percent performance hit. so the common deployment tese days is that ssl isn't used for the actual shopping experience ... the part where you had the person potentially was the one that directed the browser to the website initially .... so there is no check matching the domain name in the webservers certificate with what was in the URL initially provided for the browser.

you eventually get to checkout and select the payment button ... which initiates the https part. Note, however, if you have been talking to a fraudulent site (the thing that SSL was suppose to prevent) .. it is likely that the payment button will specify a URL with a domain name for which the crooks have a matching certificate for (i.e. with the payment button, the crooks get to specify both the URL for the browser as well as provide any SSL certificate; it isn't likely they would provide something that doesn't match).

so the other thing that has been in the news for the past couple weeks ... is people getting to an incorrect site when they mistype again, whoever has set up the site that people go to when they mistype ... are likely also to have a svalid SSL certificate that matches the domain name you are at.

lots of ssl certificate posts

Anne & Lynn Wheeler |

Maximum RAM and ROM for smartcards

Refed: **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Maximum RAM and ROM for smartcards
Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2005 18:46:17 -0600
Sylvain writes:
ok, it wasn't exactly my point but I'm agree with your conclusions. sicne 99% of web users don't know what PKI, X509, or even "domain name" mean, having a trusted cert to confirm that such page comes from it is certainly useless.

I was more thinking about mutual authentication (SSL 3) made by an active agent that allow or prevent specific connexion (and it could rely on a smartacrd with its list of pre-approved merchant-sites, or more likely the cert of your bank).

for the payment gateway ...

we mandated mutual authentication SSL ... before there was a mutual authentication SSL. It turns out the certificates were redundant and superfluous.

the purpose of certificates were to handle provide relying parties (in this case both parties are "relying") who had no previous contact and/or knowledge about each other.

in the case of financial institution and their customers, they have previous knowledge about each other ... and even records about each other. They don't need to rely on certificates to provide that information. In the mutual SSL autnetication scenario for e-commerce, certificates were utilized ... in large part because the software already existed. However, once the initial certificate processing was completed ... both sides they looked up into their existing records to verify that they were communicating with the expected parties. In effect, other than some minor preleminary processing that leveraged existing software, the certificates were redundant and superfluous (since information related to pre-existing relationship was what drove the business process).

in the early 90s there was started to be some amount of effort into x.509 identity certificates ... however it was completely predictable what sets of identity information ... various future relying parties might be interested in. as a result, you started to see various CAs looking enormous overloading of privacy information for x.509 identity certificates. in the middle 90s, financial institutions beginning to realize x.509 identity certificates represented enormous privacy and liability problems.

there was some effort by financial institutions with relying-party-only certificates

a financial institution would register all the information in an account record ... including the customer's public key. they then created an r-p-o certificate that they gave to the customer. in the future, the customer created a payment transaction, signed the transaction ... and sent the combination of the payment transaction, the digital signature, and the r-p-o digital certificate back to the financial institution.

since the financial institution already had all the information, having the customer send back the digital certificate represented totally redundant and superfluous operation; or almost. It turns out that even a relying-party-only certificate was on the order of 100 times larger than typical payment transactions. Including a redundant and superfluous digital certifcate with every payment transaction had the effect of enormous increase in payload bloat ... increasing typical transaction transmission size by one hundred times.

In the scenario where customer establishes a relationship with a financial institution ... they can register their public key with the financial institution and the financial institution can verify their digital signature with the on-file public key. It is a totally certificatelss operation

and furthermore matches the existing business models where people provide their "human" signature on a signature card when they establish business relationships with a financial institution.

at the same time, the financial institution can provide their customers with the financial institutions public key .... and the customer can save in their trusted public key repository. again no digital certificates. Effectively the trusted public key repository is the model used by implementations like PGP and SSH ... getting along w/o certificates. Furthermore, the trusted public key repository is also the foundation of PKI implementation ... where the public keys of the certificate authorities are typically loaded into application trusted public key repositories (this is where the public keys come from that allow relying parties to validate any digital certificates that have been sent to them).

In almost all of the SSL mutual authentication scenarios, the actual digital certificates are totally redundant and superfluous ... since the connection is normally being establish between two parties that have prior/existing relationship (they do not have to depend on the certification from totally extraneous certification authorities to determine information about the other party).

Anne & Lynn Wheeler |

Maximum RAM and ROM for smartcards

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From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Maximum RAM and ROM for smartcards
Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2005 19:11:59 -0600
Sylvain writes:
I said that it is (most of the time) useless to perform hash computation inside of the cards (if you don't trust a hash, why will you trust the plain text (still no display) ?), but of course PKCS1 padding shall always be made internally of the card prior signature, as well as OAEP padding prior encipherment. moreover the smartcard application shall check the length of transmitted data (the message digest) or set some low limits.

fundamentally digital signature is a misnomer ... it carries none of the properties typically associated with a human signature, like view, understand, approval. authorize, agree, etc.

for the most practicale purposes, digital signatures are purely authentication ... from three factor authentication paradigm
something you have
something you know
something you are

baiscally, digital signature is a form of something you have authentication ... it indicates that some entity has access to and use of a private key.

in the authentication scenario ... random data is sent (countermeasure for replay attacks), the remote end digital signs the random data and returns the digital signature. The relying party then can validate the digital signature with the on-file public key. the result is some implication regarding something you have authentication.

Some relying parties might find of some interest what is required to access and use a private key ... is the prviate key in an encrypted software file ... or was it generated in some hardware token with specific integrity characteristics and there are no provisions for the private key to depart the token. most of the (PKI) infrastructures maintain little or no information about integrity characteristics that might be of some real interest to relying parties.

the previous mentioned EU finread standard does define a terminal that provides an environment where it attempts to establish that the transaction being signed was read and some indication that there was understanding. The purpose of the 2nd digital signature ... by the signing environment ... was to provide a possible indication that some procedure was followed that might possibly satisfy "human" signature requirements (as opposed to just the users digital signature which is just there to provide authentication).

Hownever, there is a vulnerability in such systems if asymmetric keys were used for both authentication operation and signature operations. If "random data" was ever signed w/o being viewed as part of purely authentication event ... and signatures were also accepted for "agree, authorize, and/or approval" messages ... then an attack is to transmit valid data under the guise of being "random" authentication data.

there are some forms of attacks on private keys involving encryption of carefully constructed data. one of the purposes for hardware token to hash the data ... even it is hashing an existing hash of data ... as countermeasure against such attacks aka how does a hardware token know that the data it is being asked to sign is actually a real hash ... anymore than does a person know that random data (that they might sign as part of an authentication protocol) is truely random.

in the dual-use attack ... possible countermeasures is to append some disclaimer to every piece of data that is digitally signed (prior to digitally signing it) and transmit back both the digital signature as well as the actual message signed (as modified with the disclaimer)

lots of past post about dual-use attacks Single Identity. Was: PKI International Consortium Using crypto against Phishing, Spoofing and Spamming dual-use digital signature vulnerability dual-use digital signature vulnerability dual-use digital signature vulnerability dual-use digital signature vulnerability dual-use digital signature vulnerability dual-use digital signature vulnerability dual-use digital signature vulnerability dual-use digital signature vulnerability dual-use digital signature vulnerability

Anne & Lynn Wheeler |

Maximum RAM and ROM for smartcards

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From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Maximum RAM and ROM for smartcards
Date: Sat, 30 Apr 2005 10:06:34 -0600
Daniel James writes:
There are designs for cards with high-speed USB-style interfaces in place of the serial port, when these cards become available it will be practical to support much higher memory capacities ... but these cards will be incompatible with the millions of readers already deployed throughout the world. A changeover won't happen overnight.

one of the market segments that smartcards wandered into was transactions of various kinds ... these tended to have time constraints and could be high-use. one of the short-comings of iso7816 in high-use was wear and tear on contacts. a common failure mode was high-use readers developing burs on the contacts which in turn would would "rip" contacts off smartcards (when inserted or removed).

14443 proximity was somewhat developed to replace 7816 in this market segment (helping address both time-constraint and mechanical wear).

the problem with 14443 in time-constraint market-segment was that it severely exhaserbated the power-constraint issue that you raised.

for instance, one of the approaches to addressing the enormous time-problem with RSA operations has been to significantly increase the circuit count (1100-bit multiplier in lieu of a 16-bit or 32-bit multiplier) ... for some chips this represented a 30percent or larger increase in circuit count and significant increase in power draw (exceeding the power-constraints of typical 14443 proximity capability ... aka you can have fast & high-power draw or you can have slow & low-power draw).

an old data point from the mid-90s using BSAFE2 library on 100mhz PC ... was on the order of 20-30secs processing for a defined financial transaction (involving multiple RSA operations). This was using standard BSAFE2 16-bit math operations. A friend had done a rewrite of the BSAFE2 library to use 32-bit math operations (in lieu of the 16-bit math operations and got a factor of four speed-up).

One of the issues with USB represents a totally different target market ... even tho the small form factor may remain similar. The original issue was having a convienent portable form factor w/o its own "human" input/output interface ... because the technology didn't exist at the time ... and requiring ISO standards for interfaces ... so that the device could be used with fixed stations that did have "human" input/output capability.

Technology did evolve for human input/output, displacing that early target market. The issue now is finding different target markets for portable small form factor w/o its own power and w/o its own human input/output interface.

Given a market place where a human is tending to carry any portable device (including ones with their own input and display capability) ... then many of the advantages cited for miniature single chip tokens ... can also be achieved by embedding such a chip in a slightly larger device with more capability.

One of the potential infrastructure issues is a model with lots of different institutions issuing miniature single chip tokens vis-a-vis person having a single portable device that can be registered in different contexts.

In the 3-factor authentication model
something you havesomething you knowsomething you are


... there has been a requirement for something you know shared-secrets to be unique in every unique security domain ... so that other individuals that have access to your shared-secret in one security domain ... can't impersonate you in a different security-domain, aka your local neighborhood ISP can't use your ISP login password to impersonate you at your bank. This has led to the problem with people having to deal with scores of different and unique shared-secrets.

in the past, institutions have tended to issue unique something you have tokens ... somewhat worried about integrity of the tokens and being able to generate counterfeit tokens.

however, in the evolving 3-factor authentication environment ... it is becoming pretty obvious that you aren't going to have a unique thumbprint (something you are) authentication, for all the different possible different security domains that you will interface with.

the technology is now available for high integrity something you have tokens that are at least as hard to counterfeit as thumbprints (something you are). one issue is will any something you have (token) based environment come down on the side of the old fashion something you know shared-secret paradigm (potentially having scores of different tokens, one for every unique security-domain) ... or will it be able to evolve more like the something you are paradigm ... where the same token can be used across a number of different operational infrastructures (aka person-centric infrastructure as opposed to institution-centric infrastructure).

An operational issue is that if the infrastructure believes a lot of infrastructure-specific information has to be loaded into a token ... then it will tend to have to follow the unique shared-secret paradigm as opposed to the something you are model (infrastructures not figuring out how to give you a unique thumb for every institution ... as well as encode lots of institution specific information into the thumb they provide you).

Anne & Lynn Wheeler |

"Best practices" or "Best implementations"?

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: "Best practices" or "Best implementations"?
Date: Sat, 30 Apr 2005 12:14:16 -0600
Christoph Weizen writes:
I wonder how to implement OpenSSH the smart way. We have ~70 hosts (AIX 5.2/5.3), several with HACMP using r-tools and Kerberos.

The admins connecting via telnet (PuTTY, Exceed, etc.) from their PCs to the servers as root and then mainly su to ora<SID> or <SID>adm (SAP).

Main goals: - no direct root login - maybe personalized logins for logging purpose - divide admins in SAP-, Oracle- and Unix-Admin

So, there are several possibilities: - ssh from PC to server, personalized accounts, su Control who is doing something - but DISPLAY is "lost", isn't it? - a central host for loggin in and then jump to destination [...]

ssh has been a lot more focused on one-to-many and/or many-to-one scenarios ... not tending to have the administrative processes for handling generalized many-to-many.

one of the things that kerberos attempted to target in the late 80s was to also include facilities that could be used for managing the administrative issues of a many-to-many environment (as opposed to the simple, inline authentication operation ... but also possibly lots of administrative gorp managing a large operation).

not too long ago ... i saw a detailed presentation on a new SAML deployment. My comment to the presentor was all the SAML message flows looked exactly like kerberos message flows that were put together in the late 80s (except the SAML messages tended to have somewhat larger information content than the typical kerberos message).

somewhat topic drift ... we invented hacmp originally in the late 80s and put out the first release

slightly related specific posting

one of the issues has been moving kerberos

from a password, shared-secret based paradigm

into something that didn't involve static data that would be susceptable to simple replay and impersonation.

the early pkinit draft for kerberos was straight-forward digital signature authentication w/o needing PKIs and/or other complex infrastructure, digital certificates, etc. It simply involved registering public keys in place of passwords, and performing digital signature verification (with the registered public keys)

avoiding the additional complexity, business processes and potentially external business operations that is typical of certificate-based PKI deployments.

There have also been similar enhancements for RADIUS ... i.e. backend protocol for authentication & authorization information ... doing dynamic-data authentication using digital signatures with public keys registered in lieu of passwords (and avoiding the additional complexity, business processes and potentially external business operations that is typical of certificate-based PKI deployements)

Anne & Lynn Wheeler |

"Best practices" or "Best implementations"?

Refed: **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: "Best practices" or "Best implementations"?
Date: Sat, 30 Apr 2005 13:04:46 -0600
both the radius and kerberos (and most saml) implementations can provide an administrative repository for authentication and authorization informration.

typically in the radius scenario ... you go thru standard authentication at each point ... but the authentication and authorization information is retrieved from a radius server (that can be setup for the whole infrastructure).

radius was originally done by livingston for their modem concentrators and later made available to IETF and expanded into server of generalized authentication and authorization information (it probably sees its dominant use by ISPs for customer authentication&authorization, but has been adapted for lots of other authentication applications).

kerberos has been somewhat more oriented towards single-sign-on where you authenticate to the kerberos administrative point and the whole infrastructure is setup to utilize the kerberos authenticaton and authorization based information

kerberos was original done at MIT project athena (jointly funded by dec and ibm) ... and evolved also into IETF standard. numerous vendors have kerberos-enabled their products that perform authentication operations (including most of the unix vendors as well as m'soft and windows infrastructures).

SAML might be considered a morphing of the kerberos protocol into the latest markup language craze ... html, xml, etc which trace their heritage back to the invention of generalized markup language
at the science center

For the most part, SAML has focused on defining the message types and message fields ... which is possibly why implementation deployments have adapted the kerberos message flows. There is still the administrative issue about infrastructure for maintaining, updating, and changing a large operation's authentication and authorization rules (as opposed to the straight inline, barebones operation of a single authentication event).

reference of various IETF RFC documents for kerberos and radius, I have a RFC index:

select TERM (term->RFC#) in the RFCs listed by section.

scroll down to kerberos section
see also authentication , security
3962 3961 3244 3129 2942 2712 2623 1964 1510 1411

and/or radius section
remote authentication dial in user service (RADIUS )
see also authentication , network access server , network services
4014 3580 3579 3576 3575 3162 2882 2869 2868 2867 2866 2865 2809 2621 2620 2619 2618 2548 2139 2138 2059 2058

selecting the RFC number brings up the associated RFC summary. selecting the ".txt=nnn" field in a RFC summary fetches the actual RFC.

Anne & Lynn Wheeler |

Maximum RAM and ROM for smartcards

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Maximum RAM and ROM for smartcards
Date: Sat, 30 Apr 2005 14:46:58 -0600
Anne & Lynn Wheeler writes:
In almost all of the SSL mutual authentication scenarios, the actual digital certificates are totally redundant and superfluous ... since the connection is normally being establish between two parties that have prior/existing relationship (they do not have to depend on the certification from totally extraneous certification authorities to determine information about the other party).

real live one from today ... went to a (commercial) site where i actually type in the ... and the browser comes back to me with a message about unknown certificate ... and did i want to view the certificate.

so of course, i said yes. the actual certificate was from some "self" (an unknown generic brand?) certificate authority and it was for "localhost.localdomain".

so i wonder if i'm victim of the DNS poisoning that has been in the press. I do a little snooping to check what the actual ip-address i'm connected to ... actually might be.

infrastructure claims the ip address is some thing with some aliases, including the domain name that i had typed in.

i then access other places in the internet to do explicit DNS domain name to ip-address mapping.

i then retype https://"ip-address" ... rather than the domain name ... i don't know which is worse ... typing in the domain name and the browser coming back with a certificate that is flagged as totally unacceptable ... or typing in the direct ip-address and having nothing for the browser to match against).

at least if i check around several places in the internet for the domainname to ip-address mapping ... and then use the ip-address based on the concensus ... i have some hope that i'm at least not subject to some specific site DNS poisoning.

Anne & Lynn Wheeler |

Security via hardware?

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From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Security via hardware?
Date: Sat, 30 Apr 2005 18:58:16 -0600
Michael Pelletier writes:

one of the security models is PAIN:
• Privacy
• Authentication
• Identification

there is the 3-factor authentication model
something you know
something you have
something you are

the something you know authentication have frequently been shared-secrets ... pins, passwords, account numbers, etc. There is frequently a recommendation that people are required to have a unique shared-secret for every domain they operate in. The vulnerability is that people that are part of one security domain infrastructure not only can use the information to authenticate you in one security domain ... they can also use the same information to impersonate you in another security domain (i.e. pin/password used with your local neighborhood ISP isn't likely to be the same pin/password you use for online banking or at your place of employment).

the use of static (shared-secret) paradigm for authentication has led to crooks harvesting both information in flight ... as well as large repositories of information at rest. At lot of this has been hitting the news recently with regard to identity theft. Nominally, identity theft is obtaining enuf (static) information about you to open new accounts in your name. It is also being used to obtain any information necessary that enables them to perform fraudulent transactions with your existing accounts. an example in discussion of security proportional to risk:
other random stuff with respect to shared-secret infrastructures

in any case, it has given rise to many people having scores of pin/passwords that they have to keep track of ... which frequently leads to them all being record on a piece of paper (or in a file) that is subject to be stolen (or copied).

In any case, all of this has given rise to other authentication mechanisms ... including something you have (frequently chips that have some unique characteristic which is difficult to counterfeit) or something you are (biometrics). Ideally, in either of these other paradigms, you no longer need a unique thing per security-domain for instance it is unlikely that you are going to be issued a unique thumb in lieu of every existing unique password you may currently have (with tokens of sufficient integrity characteristics ... you shouldn't also need to be issued a unique token in lieu of every existing unique password). The advantage of unique thumbs or tokens ... is that they are much harder to counterfeit than shared-secret pin-passwords (and proof of token possession shouldn't be dependent on generation of static data which can be skimmed and later replayed for impersonation).

So one of the PC hardware proposals was to put a something you have hardware token chip that performed authentication using some kind of dynamic data ... that couldn't simply be harvested or skimmed (evesdropping) for later impersonation and/or fraudulent purposes. Your applications running on your PC could utilize the chip in internet authentication protocols on your behalf.

Unfortunately several other market forces complicate such deployment. In the IBM unbundling of june 23rd, 1969 ... IBM announced that it was going to start charging for software (motivated quite a bit because of litigation from the fed. gov. and other entities). At first, it was just application software where kernel software continued to ship as "free". In order to appropriately charge for each copy of software being used, each copy was installed on a machine referencing a unique processor serial number (in effect, if you didn't enforce a customer to pay for each copy they were using ... you might be still be considered guilty of bundling software and hardware).

eventually the legal forces (especially from the federal gov) to enforce separate charging for hardware and software began to permeate much of the rest of the industry. a cornerstone of the software pricing was to be able to uniquely associated each copy of software with its use. One way of doing that was having each processor uniquely identified.

in the early 80s, there was some of this permeating the PC industry ... sometimes referred to under the heading of DRM (digital rights management). The PCs of the period didn't have unique, non-counterfeitable identification. The mechanism used was to ship a unique and (supposedly) non-counterfeitable (and non-copy'ble) floppy disk. You could install the application on your hard disk ... but the application required a specific floppy disk to be in the reader in order for it to operate.

One such view ... if it is possible to create a unique authentication mechanism for each PC ... system and application software might also be able to use it to make sure that it was running on the machine that it was supposed to be running on (the mainframe model introduced in the 70s when litigation forced unbundling ... being applied to the PC market).

This might be considered to be slightly more appearling than having every system component and application ship with its own unique USB (chip) token ... and the associated component/application wouldn't operate unless the associated USB token was currently plugged in (i.e. the mid-80s DRM model substituting non-copy'able and non-counterfietable chips for non-copy'able and non-counterfeitable floppy disks) ... if managing scores of different passwords was difficult ... imagine trying to concurrently manage hundreds of unique USB tokens for every machine.

Anne & Lynn Wheeler |

Software for IBM 360/30

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Software for IBM 360/30
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Sun, 01 May 2005 08:41:01 -0600
"sqrfolkdnc" writes:
What about BPS? I think it was less than BOS. IIRC, I loaded BPS, then loaded an emulator program (all on cards) and could run TWO 1401 microcode based emulations on a 32K 360/30. The BPS and 360 program handled the time sharing between the two 1401 emulations. That was needed after DOS grew 2K and the emulator program we ran all day under DOS would no longer fit to allow running 1401 programs under DOS batch.

the univ. had a 709 with a 1401 doing ur<->tape front-end with program deck called MPIO. the univ. got a 360/30 replacing the 1401 (on its way to getting a 360/67 replacing the 709).

They gave me a summer job writing MPIO program for 360/30 assembler. I got to design/write my own storage manager, device drivers, interrupt handler, task manager, etc. I did implementation with conditional assembler test that did either DCBs and ran under os/360 ... or a stand-alone version ... that you could load with the BPS loader.

I would get the machine room for the weekend for development and test (8am sat. until 8am monday). The program took nearly 30 minutes to assemble (standalong version ... or around 50 minutes for the os/360 version ... each DCB macro taking approx. 5 minutes elapsed time to process).

Before I learned that the BPS loader supported "REP" cards ... I would do quicky program patches by repunching the "TXT" cards (along the way, i had to learn to read punch-codes ... since there was no character code for the hex printed at the top of the TXT decks).

misc. past references to BPS loader: ** Old Vintage Operating Systems ** sysprog shortage - what questions would you ask? Linux IA-64 interrupts [was Re: Itanium benchmarks ...] HELP HELP How Long have you worked with MF's ? (poll) Computers in Science Fiction PLX bps loader, was PLX bps loader, was PLX Home mainframes cost of crossing kernel/user boundary cost of crossing kernel/user boundary Alpha performance, why? Alpha performance, why? Tools -vs- Utility A POX on you, Dennis Ritchie!!! command line switches [Re: [REALLY OT!] Overuse of symbolic command line switches [Re: [REALLY OT!] Overuse of symbolic constants] Integer types for 128-bit addressing Where should the type information be: in tags and descriptors Where should the type information be: in tags and descriptors

Anne & Lynn Wheeler |

"Best practices" or "Best implementations"?

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: "Best practices" or "Best implementations"?
Date: Sun, 01 May 2005 09:16:00 -0600
Christoph Weizen writes:
Thanks a lot for your detailed summary. Great work.

a somewhat different aspect of the administration of permission management (not just applicable to MVS): MVS secure configuration standard MVS secure configuration standard MVS secure configuration standard

Anne & Lynn Wheeler |

Security via hardware?

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Security via hardware?
Date: Sun, 01 May 2005 09:59:24 -0600
Winged writes:
On authentication, I am only aware of few biometric device that work reliably. I have used a wide variety of commercial systems and all have various issues, for example, one iris identification system I have worked with , did not work reliably, same for a retina scan system used, depending on the day, and even time of day, it frequently denied access to what I needed access to.

At the other end of the spectrum, my fingerprint ID system on my laptop, lets my daughter into the system more reliably than me, go figure.

for the past several years at ID shows ... my fingerprint tended to not register reliably ... although it has somewhat improved within the last couple months. they claimed that my ridges were more characteristic of "asian" genotype ... lots of fine, closely spaced ridges (as well as lots of old abrasions; long ago and far away i would demonstrate macho by handling re-bars w/o gloves, back in the days of who could rip their shift sleave just by flexing their bicep) ... as opposed to european norm ... which tends to have fewer and larger ridges.

one of the past arguments against using fingerprints on payments vis-a-vis debit cards with pins ... was how easy it was to counterfeit fingerprints. the counter argument was that something like 30percent of the people write their pins on their debit card. The comparison then becomes, after stealing a debit card, which is more difficult:

1) lifting fingerprint from the card and counterfeiting fingerprint entry
2) lifting a pin written on the card and counterfeiting pin entry

biometrics usually involve fuzzy matches ... with false positives and negatives somewhat under control of the choice of the scoring threshold that is set. identification may try for a higher scoring match (i.e. attempting to search a collection of recorded fingerprints for a match) than simple authentication (attempting to determine if a supplied fingerprint matches the authorized fingerprint).

In authentication, there is also the issue of security proportional to risk ... infrastructures may be willing to accept much lower scoring values for $5 transactions than they are likely to accept for $1m transactions. slight topic drift on security proportional to risk: Security Proportional To Risk

for some payment infrastructures involving offline payment transactions, they've tended to focus on the single optimal fixed scoring threshhold value and the choice of the optimal value ... obfuscating that most online systems are migrating to concepts related to security proportional to risk .... i.e. require higher scoring values ... and even possibly multiple readings from multiple fingers for higher values (and multiple readings from multiple fingers might be considered an addendum to 3-factor authentication paradigm).

and for some topic drift regarding single optimal values ... an old april 1st security story: OT Re: A beautiful morning in AFM. OT Re: A beautiful morning in AFM.

Anne & Lynn Wheeler |

Security via hardware?

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Newsgroups:, alt.folklore.computers
Date: 2 May 2005 06:06:08 -0700
Subject: Re: Security via hardware?
re: Security via hardware?

further addenda to evolution of software pricing and licensing of software to specific processor (installing licensed software so that it only ran on a specific processor ... and software being able to recognize the specific processor that it had been licensed for)

initially just applciation software was priced (and licensed for specifc processor) as part of the june 23rd, 1969 unbundling announcement (note it might have been considered a violation of the unbundling requirement if there was no per processor licensing enforced ... aka customers still effectively being able to run software for free).

However, it took almost another ten years before there was kernel (operating system) pricing (& processor specific licensing). it appeared that the company was arguing that kernel software should continue to be free (required for correct operation of the hardware so remained "bundled")

when i was an undergraduate i got involved in building a clone of a mainframe control unit

later there was a write up blaming four of us for starting the mainframe plug compatable controller business.

supposedly the plug-compatible controller business was one of the primary motivations behind the future system project. FS was going to more radically different from 360, than 360 had been different from the machines that went before it. some specific quotes FS - IBM Future System
other postings on FS

FS was an extremely large project that was eventually killed before it was even announced (very few people outside the company were even aware of it at the time). I didn't make myself very popular with the FS people. There was a long running "cult" film at a theater down in central sq ... and I would liken a lot of FS to the inmates being in charge of the asylum.

along the way, supposedly the radical departure of FS from 360 was contributing factor in Amdahl leaving to build 360 mainframe procssor clones. at a presentation he gave at MIT in the early 70s, he was asked what reasoning did he use with the VC people to fund his undertaken. He replied that even if IBM were to completely walk away from 360 at that moment (can be considered a veiled referene to FS), customers had already invested over $100B in 360 application software, which would keep him in buiiness at least thru the end of the century.

When i was an undergraduate, i was also doing a lot of operating system performance and algorithm work, a lot of which was picked up and shipped in standard product

in the morphing of 360 product to 370, a lot of the performance work i had done as an undergraduate was dropped from the product. In the mid-70s there was a resolution raised by the SHARE user group to have my performance work put back in the 370 operating systme.

This was at a time when clone mainframe was starting to make market penetration. In the original unbundling, the execuse was used that only application software should be licensed and charged for ... that kernel software should still be "free" (aka bundled as part of the hardware) since it was necessary for the operation of the computer.

With the advent of clone processors, the issue of not pricing and licensing kernel (operating system) software was revisted (aka customer could buy their processors from clone manufactur and then get the operating system for free from IBM ... the clone guys did have to encour the significant expense associated with operating systems(.

My "new" resource manager was selected to be the guinea pig for licensed/priced kernel software. I got to spend time on and off for six months with the business people formulating the kernel software pricing policies. The half-way measure taken for this round was that "kernel" software that was direcxtly involved in hardware support (aka device drivers, interrupt handlers, multiprocessor support, etc) would still be free; everything else could be charged for. The "resource manager" supposedly was better management of workload ...... so it wasn't directly needed for the basic hardware operation. In theory, customers buying large Amdahl clone machines might start paying IBM for some kernel software stuff.

This did result in an unanticipated problem. I had done a lot of work on multiprocessor support and there was a large part of the "resource manager" that involved kernel restructure that had been done with multiprocessor support in mind. When they decided that they would ship multiprocessor support to customers in the next release
.. they were faced with a dilemma.

Multiprocessing support had to be "free" (under the guidelines that kernel code directly involved in hardware support was free) ... but it was dependent on a lot of the kernel reorganization code that was already in customer shops as part of the resource manager (which was charged for kernel code), The solution was creation of "new" resource manager ... all the code (about 80-90 percent) of the resource manager that was involved in kernel restructuring required by SMP support ... was removed and made part of the "free" kernel. The new, improved and drastically reduced (in number of lines of code) resource manager continued to be licensed at its original price.

Along with the continued penetration of clone processors into the market ... there was eventually a transition to charge for all kernel software (whether it was required for direct hardware support or not)).

for slight "security" authentication topic drift ... there was lots of concern regarding any information leaking out about FS.

a super-secure online system was put together with all the documentation in soft copy ... people could only view the documentation on 3270 terminals (real terminals ... before terminal emulation, cut&paste, screen-scraping, etc) ... with no ability to print or copy the information. For various reasons they made some claim that even if I was in the machine room, even I wouldn't be able to break the security (even I?, hard not to rise to that bait). So the counter was that it would take less than a couple minutes. First thing i had to do was cut off the machine totally from any outside access ... and then i flipped a bit in the memory of the machine and totally defeated all their security. Typical authentication routine involves calling a routine that validates the authentication information and then branching based on the return code. I flipped a bit so that no matter what condition the validation routine returned ... everything would be treated as correct validation (it was a mistake to give me the benefit of being in the same room with the machine).

possibly as revenge, i got assigned to help orientate the new company CSO that had come from high level position at some gov. agency (at least in that period, CSOs coming to industry from a fed. gov. career had physical security background)

Software for IBM 360/30

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Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: 2 May 2005 08:23:07 -0700
Subject: Re: Software for IBM 360/30
Joe Morris wrote:
I wonder how many shops reinvented that wheel. My PPOE had a 1401 running IOUP (Input/Output Utility Program) to process SYSIN/SYSOUT tapes for our 7040 (IBSYS) system; by the time the 1401 finally left one of our really great 1401 programmers had pretty much rewritten it from scratch, producing LOUP (Louie's Own Utility Program) with lots of bells and whistles.

When the 1401 was replaced with a 360/40 running MFT the sysprog team wrote a utility that stayed active while batch jobs were running (the equivalent of a TSR in PC-DOS terminology), complete with a round-robin internal scheduler to allow simultaneous tasks and centralized storage allocation. All sorts of hacks were included, of course (this was in the 1967 time frame), but it was stable and it worked.

there was share contributed program, LLMPS (lincoln labs multiprogramming system) which was a lot of unit record and tape applications (I have the share contribution document in a box someplace).

lincoln labs was the 2nd installation after the science center
to have cp67 running on 360/67.

the folklore is also that MTS (michigan terminal system) for 360/67 (and virtual memory support) start out with LLMPS at its core.

misc. past postings mentioning LLMPS unit record & other controllers MTS & LLMPS? MTS & LLMPS? MTS & LLMPS? S/360 operating systems geneaology TSS ancient history, was X86 ultimate CISC? designs) Ux's good points. TSS/360 Valid reference on lunar mission data being unreadable? TSS/360 SHARE MVT Project anniversary PLX SLAC 370 Pascal compiler found someone looking to donate IBM magazines and stuff Xah Lee's Unixism RISCs too close to hardware?

Security via hardware?

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Newsgroups:, alt.folklore.computers
Date: 3 May 2005 10:50:04 -0700
Subject: Re: Security via hardware?
so Security via hardware? Security via hardware? Security via hardware?

had trusted ID type support ... but not for actually building a trusted system ... but for the evolving software pricing & licensing infrastucture ... similar to current day DRM issues.

in the 60s & 70s we had built secure multi-user timesharing systems ... significantly more secure than many of the systems out there today. the security of these systems weren't dependent on hardware identification ... but basically from the ground-up builtin security design. some of this is referenced in past posts about commerical multi-user, timesharing systems from the 60s & 70s

recent post about specific example where cambridge
was already providing some general access to various BU, MIT, Harvard, and other students in the Cambridge area ... and then with the advent of cms\apl, cms\apl system file i/o capability and really "large" workspaces ... corporate hdqts people loaded some of the most valuable corporate data on the machine for doing business modeling. Moving assembler programs above the line

one might even make an assertion that to some extent the orange book work was attempting to capture some of the characteristics of these earlier systems and have it apply to later/newer commerical-off-the-shelf endevors. a couple recent, slightly related posts: MVS secure configuration standard MVS secure configuration standard MVS secure configuration standard
and "Best practices" or "Best implementations"? "Best practices" or "Best implementations"? "Best practices" or "Best implementations"?

the other application for trusted system identification ... is not so much whether a system is built with high level of integrity .... but if a system asserts such a characteristic to a remote operation ... how much trust can the remote operation place in the integrity assertion. This is similar to the EU finread terminal standard.

the standard specifies a number of integrity characteristics for finread ... however the standard doesn't actually specify a mechanism where a remote, relying party has any assurance that a finread was actually used via-a-vis some counterfeit terminal. one of the things in the x9.59 financial standard

allowed for the terminal digital signing a transaction in addition to the end user. the user's digital signature provides some authentication about the originating party (aka verification of the digital signature with a public key implies something you have authentication, aka the originating entity has access and use of the corresponding private key) ... the terminal digital signature provides some indication as to some integirty characteristics of the digital signing environment (was a finread standard terminal in use).

In that sense, a trusted machine authentication mechanism may not only provide reference for licensed software running on the local machine ... but possibly also a kind of reference for distributed licensing infrastructures.

There have been various infrastructure definitions for really personal computing devices ... where a trusted machine authentication not only serves as the scaffolding for software (and other kind of ... aka DRM) licensing ... but also as authenticating the device owner ... in lieu of a separate personal authentication token.

This does start to trample on the institution-centric token vis-a-vis person-centric token paradigms. In the institutional centric paradigm ... each institution provides each individual with a unique token basically one-for-one replacement for existing shared-secret pin/password

In a person-centric token paradigm ... the individual registers their (something you have) personal token(s) with each institution (analogous to the way in a something you are authentication scenario, somebody might register biometrics).

In the 90s, we were looking at the end-to-end business process associated with token authentication infrastructure as well as trying to significantly achieve business cost-reductions. One of the big expense items in the institutional centric model is typically the personalization that an institution performs for every token. Elimination of institutional personalization can significantly reduce costs in a token-based something you have infrastructure. Sometimes this, in conjunction with other streamlining can represent as much as a 10-to-one cost reduction.

More interesting ... in moving away from institutional token personalization, it can also enable the transition to person-centric token infrastructure; rather than every institution personalizing a unique token for every person ... a person registers their token(s) with every institution.

If a transition to an institution-centric token system (with each person have a unique token in place of every existing pin/password) is considered ... then a 10:1 reduction in token infrastructure costs is significant (in part, by streamlining the infrastructure delivery costs).

However, if you assume that every person eventually requires an avg. of one hundred tokens (in such an institutional-centric model), then a transition from an institutional-centric model to a person-centric model can represent a 100:1 reduction in the number of tokens ... with a corresponding 100:1 reduction in infrastructure token costs. A combination of 10:1 reduction in per token cost plus a 100:1 reduction in token number costs ... could represent an overall 1000:1 cost reduction in token infrastructure related costs.

if one were considering the 3-factor authentication model
something you have
something you know
something you are

a transition from a per institution something you have token for every person, to a person-centric something you have token could be considered making a person-centric token paradigm closer aligned with biometric paradigm (aka as long as it is unique ... a person doesn't need to have a unique thumbprint per institution)

misc past person/individual centric authentication infrastructures maximize best case, worst case, or average case? (TCPA) Single User: Password or Certificate On smartcards and card readers Maximum RAM and ROM for smartcards

lots of past AADS references

lots of past posts on general assurance issues

general past posts on exploits, vulnerabilities, fraud, etc

some specific past posts on common buffer overflow exploits

random past posts mentioning TCPA &/or palladium maximize best case, worst case, or average case? (TCPA) Challenge to TCPA/Palladium detractors Challenge to TCPA/Palladium detractors Feasability of Palladium / TCPA Overcoming the potential downside of TCPA Overcoming the potential downside of TCPA TCPA not virtualizable during ownership change (Re: Overcoming the potential downside of TCPA) A challenge A challenge Difference between TCPA-Hardware and a smart card (was: example:secure computing kernel needed) Difference between TCPA-Hardware and a smart card (was: example: secure computing kernel needed) Difference between TCPA-Hardware and a smart card (was: example: secure computing kernel needed) Difference between TCPA-Hardware and a smart card (was: example: secure computing kernel needed) Ousourced Trust (was Re: Difference between TCPA-Hardware and a smart card and something else before Ousourced Trust (was Re: Difference between TCPA-Hardware and a smart card and something else before Ousourced Trust (was Re: Difference between TCPA-Hardware and a smart card and something else before Ousourced Trust (was Re: Difference between TCPA-Hardware and a smart card and something else before Ousourced Trust (was Re: Difference between TCPA-Hardware and a smart card and something else before Ousourced Trust (was Re: Difference between TCPA-Hardware and a smart card and something else before Difference between TCPA-Hardware and a smart card (was: example: secure computing kernel needed)< Difference between TCPA-Hardware and a smart card (was: example: secure computing kernel needed) Difference between TCPA-Hardware and a smart card (was: example: secure computing kernel needed) Difference between TCPA-Hardware and a smart card (was: examp le: secure computing kernel needed) Dell to Add Security Chip to PCs

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