List of Archived Posts

2018 Newsgroup Postings (09/13 - 12/31)

IBM's 3033
Pigs Want To Feed at the Trough Again: Bernanke, Geithner and Paulson Use Crisis Anniversary to Ask for More Bailout Powers
Pigs Want To Feed at the Trough Again: Bernanke, Geithner and Paulson Use Crisis Anniversary to Ask for More Bailout Powers
Pigs Want To Feed at the Trough Again: Bernanke, Geithner and Paulson Use Crisis Anniversary to Ask for More Bailout Powers
Pigs Want To Feed at the Trough Again: Bernanke, Geithner and Paulson Use Crisis Anniversary to Ask for More Bailout Powers
These Four Predicted The Global Financial Crisis; Here's What They Think Causes The Next One
As Debt Rises, the Government Will Soon Spend More on Interest Than on the Military
The LLC Loophole; In New York, where an LLC is legally a person, companies can use the vehicles to blast through campaign finance limits
A Tea Party Movement to Overhaul the Constitution Is Quietly Gaining
Why Dodd-Frank Is A Protection Racket For Banks
A Tea Party Movement to Overhaul the Constitution Is Quietly Gaining
IBM mainframe today
IBM today
IBM today
A Tea Party Movement to Overhaul the Constitution Is Quietly Gaining
IBM Z and cloud
IBM Z and cloud
IBM mainframe today
A Tea Party Movement to Overhaul the Constitution Is Quietly Gaining
A Tea Party Movement to Overhaul the Constitution Is Quietly Gaining
IBM today
A Tea Party Movement to Overhaul the Constitution Is Quietly Gaining
Financial Sector Data Breaches Soar Despite Heavy Security Spending
LikeWar: The Weaponization of Social Media
LikeWar: The Weaponization of Social Media
America's new aristocracy lives in an accountability-free zone
LikeWar: The Weaponization of Social Media
America's electoral system gives the Republicans advantages over Democrats
America's electoral system gives the Republicans advantages over Democrats
Scientists Just Laid Out Paths to Solve Climate Change. We Aren't on Track to Do Any of Them
US Auto Industry
Banking via home computers/internet is a disaster for the computer world
IBM Disks
The rise and fall of IBM
OT: Postal Service seeks record price hikes to bolster falling revenues
Banking via home computers/internet is a disaster for the computer world
The rise and fall of IBM
The U.S. Needs to Crack Down on White-Collar Crime
The U.S. Needs to Crack Down on White-Collar Crime
America's electoral system gives the Republicans advantages over Democrats
The Great Depression II
SCP of file to USS from Mac is corrupted
The Great Depression II
The Great Depression II
Why Finance Is Too Important to Leave to Larry Summers
How Wall Street Drove Public Pensions Into Crisis and Pocketed Billions in Fees
"It Will Not End Well" - How Gibson's Paradox Has Been Buried
How Wall Street Drove Public Pensions Into Crisis and Pocketed Billions in Fees
PC Personal Computing Market
More Americans Supported Hitler Than You May Think
All programmers that developed in machine code and Assembly in the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s died?
All programmers that developed in machine code and Assembly in the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s died?
online computer conferencing, was: System level coding examples
PROFS, email, 3270
PC Personal Computing Market
Too Rich to Jail
DASD Development
So much for THAT excuse | Computerworld SHARK TANK
1970s school compsci curriculum--what would you do?
1970s school compsci curriculum--what would you do?
Lawmakers Leak Plan For $3 Billion Pension-Fund Bailout
LRU ... "global" vs "local"
Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth?
Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth?
Why General Motors Is Cutting Over 14,000 Workers
Economic Mess Prosecution
Economic Mess Prosecution
IBM Suits
The Bushes: Fathers and Sons
Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth?
Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth?
Jean Sammet — Designer of COBOL – A Computer of One's Own – Medium
Trump is reportedly not worried about a massive US debt crisis as he'll be out of office by then
How Wall Street Drove Public Pensions Into Crisis and Pocketed Billions in Fees
CP67 & EMAIL history
The Bushes: Fathers and Sons
Douglas Engelbart, the forgotten hero of modern computing
A Short History Of Corporations
Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth?
Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth?
Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth?
Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth?
Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth?
Bernie Madoff's Legacy: Whistleblower Inc.; A decade after Madoff's arrest, an industry of bounty-hunting tipsters aims to cash in on the next big fraud
Douglas Engelbart, the forgotten hero of modern computing
Douglas Engelbart, the forgotten hero of modern computing
Douglas Engelbart, the forgotten hero of modern computing
Trump administration appointee quits lobbying for Saudi Arabia
Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth?
Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth?
Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth?
Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth?
ACS360 and FS
Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth?
Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth?
IBM Career
America's janky payment system, explained
Christian nationalists are trying to seize power -- but progressives have a plan to fight back
The rise and fall of IBM
US Navy Contractors Hacked by China "More Than A Handful Of Times"
U.S. Cash Repatriation Plunges 50%, Defying Trump's Tax Forecast
Netscape: The Fire That Filled Silicon Valley's First Bubble
Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth?
Netscape: The Fire That Filled Silicon Valley's First Bubble
Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth?
Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth?
Politicians have caused a pay 'collapse' for the bottom 90 percent of workers, researchers say
Share Buybacks and the Contradictions of "Shareholder Capitalism"
IBM Token-Ring
IBM Token-RIng
Online Timsharing
The Post-IBM World
Trump asking advisers if he can legally fire Fed chief
Trump asking advisers if he can legally fire Fed chief
Trump asking advisers if he can legally fire Fed chief
Trump asking advisers if he can legally fire Fed chief
What Minimum-Wage Foes Got Wrong About Seattle
The Post-IBM World
What Minimum-Wage Foes Got Wrong About Seattle
As a grocery chain is dismantled, investors recover their money. Worker pensions are short millions

IBM's 3033

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: IBM's 3033
Date: 13 Sept 2018
Blog: Facebook
IBM's 3033
For example, the 3033's first customer -- Singer Company -- which processed more than 80,000 computing jobs a month at its corporate data center in Wayne, N.J., found that its new 3033 immediately provided greater computing capability at then prevailing cost levels while at the same time supporting the introduction of future data processing applications, such as a company-wide online reporting system.
... snip ...

IBM very carefully controlled shipping order by date order received. The first 3033 was going to be installed in vm370 account which was going to be great loss of face for POK's favorite son operating system MVS. Since they couldn't fiddle the shipping order ... but they managed to fiddle the delivery of the machines, so that the first installation was a MVS customer

With the failure of Future System, there was mad rush to get products back into the 370 pipeline (370 efforts being shutdown during FS, lack of 370 offerings during the FS period was credited with giving clone processor makers market foothold, during this period salesforce had to maximize their FUD marketing skills). Kicked off in parallel were quick&dirty 303x and 3081 (XA) efforts. POK also managed to convince corporate to kill off the vm370 product, shutdown the burlington mall development group and move everybody to POK to work on MVS/XA (otherwise MVS/XA wouldn't be able to ship on time). Eventually, Endicott managed to save the vm/370 product mission, but had to reconstitute a vm370 development group from scratch.

For 303x, They took 370/158 engine with just integrated channel microcode and made it 303x external channel processor. A 3031 was a 370/158 engine with just 370 microcode (and no integrated channel microcode) and a 2nd 370/158 (channel director) with just the integrated channel microcode (and no 370 microcode). A 3032 was 370/168 engine using 303x (370/158 engine) for external channels. 3033 started out 168 logic remapped to 20% faster chips, other hacks got it up to 4.5mips (around 50% faster than 168-3). Other FS, 3033, 3081 detail

Future System posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Pigs Want To Feed at the Trough Again: Bernanke, Geithner and Paulson Use Crisis Anniversary to Ask for More Bailout Powers

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Pigs Want To Feed at the Trough Again: Bernanke, Geithner and Paulson Use Crisis Anniversary to Ask for More Bailout Powers
Blog: Facebook
Date: 13 Sep 2018
re: Pigs Want To Feed at the Trough Again: Bernanke, Geithner and Paulson Use Crisis Anniversary to Ask for More Bailout Powers Pigs Want To Feed at the Trough Again: Bernanke, Geithner and Paulson Use Crisis Anniversary to Ask for More Bailout Powers Pigs Want To Feed at the Trough Again: Bernanke, Geithner and Paulson Use Crisis Anniversary to Ask for More Bailout Powers Pigs Want To Feed at the Trough Again: Bernanke, Geithner and Paulson Use Crisis Anniversary to Ask for More Bailout Powers Pigs Want To Feed at the Trough Again: Bernanke, Geithner and Paulson Use Crisis Anniversary to Ask for More Bailout Powers Pigs Want To Feed at the Trough Again: Bernanke, Geithner and Paulson Use Crisis Anniversary to Ask for More Bailout Powers

Ten Years After the Crash, We've Learned Nothing. The great financial catastrophe of our times is still badly misunderstood, and led to grotesque consequences, including the election of Donald Trump
Paulson knew as well as anyone. Treasury and the other regulators received ample warning. Take the Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS), a regulatory arm of Treasury that happened to oversee two of the worst basket-cases, Washington Mutual and AIG. According to Bean, the OTS observed and ignored more than 500 deficiencies in mortgage practices just at WaMu in the years before the crash.
... snip ...

The U.S. Financial Crisis

VP and former CIA director repeatedly claims no knowledge of
because he was fulltime administration point person deregulating financial industry ... creating S&L crisis
along with other members of his family
and another

Republicans and Saudis bailing out the Bushes

last decade (after turn of century) another family member is president and presides over the economic mess 70 times larger than the S&L crisis. S&L crisis had 1000 criminal convictions with jailtime, proportionally the economic mess should have 70,000.

S&l crisis posts
fiscal responsibility act posts
Economic Mess posts
TBTF (too big to fail, too big to prosecute, too big to jail) posts
(triple-a rated) toxic CDO posts
Fed chairman posts
ZIRP posts
'29 crash, Pecora Hearings and/or Glass-Steagall posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970


From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: IBM ESCON
Blog: Facebook
Date: 14 Sep 2018
1980, STL was bursting at the seams and they were moving 300 people from the IMS group to offsite bldg (with service back into STL datacenter). They had tried "remote 3270", but found the human factors totally unacceptable. I get con'ed into doing channel-extender support ... so they can have local channel-attached controllers at the remote bldg (and not able to tell the difference between human factors in house STL and at the off-site bldg). The hardware vendor tries to get IBM to release my support, but there is group in POK playing with some fiber stuff got it vetoed. In 1988, I'm asked to help LLNL (national lab) standardize some serial stuff they are playing with, which quickly becomes Fibre Channel Standard (including some stuff that I did in 1980). Finally the POK stuff is released in 1990 as ESCON with ES/9000 when it is already obsolete (half-duplex, lucky if it gets 17mbytes/sec, FCS full-duplex, aggregate 200mbytes/sec). Later some POK engineers get involved with FCS and define a FCS heavy-weight protocol that drastically reduces the native throughput, that is eventually released as FICON. Most recent published peak I/O benchmark was z196 that used 104 FICON to get 2M IOPS. About the same time, a FCS was announced for E5-2600 blade claiming over million IOPS (two such FCS getting higher throughput than 104 FCS running with FICON protocol).

channel-extender posts
FICON posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Pigs Want To Feed at the Trough Again: Bernanke, Geithner and Paulson Use Crisis Anniversary to Ask for More Bailout Powers

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Pigs Want To Feed at the Trough Again: Bernanke, Geithner and Paulson Use Crisis Anniversary to Ask for More Bailout Powers
Blog: Facebook
Date: 14 Sep 2018
re: Pigs Want To Feed at the Trough Again: Bernanke, Geithner and Paulson Use Crisis Anniversary to Ask for More Bailout Powers Pigs Want To Feed at the Trough Again: Bernanke, Geithner and Paulson Use Crisis Anniversary to Ask for More Bailout Powers Pigs Want To Feed at the Trough Again: Bernanke, Geithner and Paulson Use Crisis Anniversary to Ask for More Bailout Powers Pigs Want To Feed at the Trough Again: Bernanke, Geithner and Paulson Use Crisis Anniversary to Ask for More Bailout Powers Pigs Want To Feed at the Trough Again: Bernanke, Geithner and Paulson Use Crisis Anniversary to Ask for More Bailout Powers Pigs Want To Feed at the Trough Again: Bernanke, Geithner and Paulson Use Crisis Anniversary to Ask for More Bailout Powers Pigs Want To Feed at the Trough Again: Bernanke, Geithner and Paulson Use Crisis Anniversary to Ask for More Bailout Powers

10 Years After Lehman. And Nothing Has Been Fixed

1999, I'm asked to help prevent the coming economic mess, some investment bankers had walked away "clean" from the S&l crisis, where then doing Internet IPO mills (invest a few millions, hype, ipo for a few billion, should fail to leave the field clear for next round), and were predicted to get into securitize mortgages. I was to help improve the integrity of supporting documents as countermeasure. They then start paying rating agencies for triple-A (when the rating agencies knew they weren't worth triple-A, from Oct2008 congressional hearing). Triple-A trumps supporting documents and they can start doing no-documentation, liar loans. Triple-A significantly contributes to being able to do over $27T 2001-2008, including selling to institutions restricted to only dealing in "safe" investments (like large pension funds).

Triple-A allows them to sell off everything as fast as they could be made and eliminates any reason to care about borrower's qualifications or loan quality. Then they find that they can design securitize mortgages to fail, pay for triple-A, sell-off into the market and take out CDS gambling bets that they would fail (creating enormous demand for dodgy loans/mortgages, now they care about borrower's qualifications, but not in traditional way). The largest holder of the CDS gambling bets was AIG and was negotiating to pay off at 50cents on the dollar when the SECTREAS steps in and has them sign a document that they can't sue those making the bets and to take TARP funds to pay off at face value. The largest recipient of TARP funds was AIG and the large recipient of face value payoffs was the firm formally headed by SECTREAS.

The rhetoric in congress was that Sarbanes-Oxley would prevent future ENRONs and guarantee that executives and auditors did jailtime, but it required SEC to do something. Possibly because GAO didn't believe they were doing anything they started doing reports of public company fraudulent financial reports, even showing they increased after SOX goes into effect (and nobody doing jailtime). Less well known is that SOX also required SEC to do something about rating agencies, but they did about as much about rating agencies as they did about public company fraudulent financial reports.

The #2 person on times list of those responsible for the economic mess,28804,1877351_1877350_1877330,00.html

was responsible for GLBA ... known for repeal of Glass-Steagall (head of CITI had enlisted SECTREAS to help with the repeal, the SECTREAS then resigns and joins CITI after he helps get the repeal going). However, #2 is on the list for legislation preventing CDS gambling bets from being regulated.

The chair of CFTC proposed regulating the CDS gambling bets, the chair was then quickly replaced with #2's wife ... while he got provision added to the law to prevent regulation (originally referred to as gift to ENRON). When that was done, #2's wife resigned and joined the ENRON board and audit committee. Gramm and the 'Enron Loophole'
Enron was a major contributor to Mr. Gramm's political campaigns, and Mr. Gramm's wife, Wendy, served on the Enron board, which she joined after stepping down as chairwoman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.
... snip ...

Phil Gramm's Enron Favor .. gone 404 but lives on at wayback machine
A few days after she got the ball rolling on the exemption, Wendy Gramm resigned from the commission. Enron soon appointed her to its board of directors, where she served on the audit committee, which oversees the inner financial workings of the corporation. For this, the company paid her between $915,000 and $1.85 million in stocks and dividends, as much as $50,000 in annual salary, and $176,000 in attendance fees
... snip ...

Economic Mess posts
(triple-a rated) toxic CDO posts
S&l crisis posts
fiscal responsibility act posts
'29 crash, Pecora Hearings and/or Glass-Steagall posts
ENRON posts
Sarbanes-Oxley posts
financial.reporting.fraud posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Pigs Want To Feed at the Trough Again: Bernanke, Geithner and Paulson Use Crisis Anniversary to Ask for More Bailout Powers

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Pigs Want To Feed at the Trough Again: Bernanke, Geithner and Paulson Use Crisis Anniversary to Ask for More Bailout Powers
Blog: Facebook
Date: 14 Sep 2018
re: Pigs Want To Feed at the Trough Again: Bernanke, Geithner and Paulson Use Crisis Anniversary to Ask for More Bailout Powers Pigs Want To Feed at the Trough Again: Bernanke, Geithner and Paulson Use Crisis Anniversary to Ask for More Bailout Powers Pigs Want To Feed at the Trough Again: Bernanke, Geithner and Paulson Use Crisis Anniversary to Ask for More Bailout Powers Pigs Want To Feed at the Trough Again: Bernanke, Geithner and Paulson Use Crisis Anniversary to Ask for More Bailout Powers Pigs Want To Feed at the Trough Again: Bernanke, Geithner and Paulson Use Crisis Anniversary to Ask for More Bailout Powers Pigs Want To Feed at the Trough Again: Bernanke, Geithner and Paulson Use Crisis Anniversary to Ask for More Bailout Powers Pigs Want To Feed at the Trough Again: Bernanke, Geithner and Paulson Use Crisis Anniversary to Ask for More Bailout Powers Pigs Want To Feed at the Trough Again: Bernanke, Geithner and Paulson Use Crisis Anniversary to Ask for More Bailout Powers

They were the regulators that watched it happen ... and then covered up for those responsible.

The Policymakers Saved the Financial System. And America Never Forgave Them.

Confidence Men: Wall Street, Washington, and the Education of a President.

has several references that essentially wallstreet was using the EHM debt strategy against the American public. other references were about new president having to choose between the economic A-team (Volcker et al) and the B-team. The A-team was instrumental in getting him elected, but the A-team would have held wallstreet and the too big to fail accountable, which would have likely taken down most of those institutions (so new president chooses the b-team that wasn't going to hold anybody responsible).

Economic Mess posts
TBTF (too big to fail, too big to prosecute, too big to jail) posts
(triple-a rated) toxic CDO posts
regulatory capture posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Pigs Want To Feed at the Trough Again: Bernanke, Geithner and Paulson Use Crisis Anniversary to Ask for More Bailout Powers

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Pigs Want To Feed at the Trough Again: Bernanke, Geithner and Paulson Use Crisis Anniversary to Ask for More Bailout Powers
Blog: Facebook
Date: 15 Sep 2018
re: Pigs Want To Feed at the Trough Again: Bernanke, Geithner and Paulson Use Crisis Anniversary to Ask for More Bailout Powers Pigs Want To Feed at the Trough Again: Bernanke, Geithner and Paulson Use Crisis Anniversary to Ask for More Bailout Powers Pigs Want To Feed at the Trough Again: Bernanke, Geithner and Paulson Use Crisis Anniversary to Ask for More Bailout Powers Pigs Want To Feed at the Trough Again: Bernanke, Geithner and Paulson Use Crisis Anniversary to Ask for More Bailout Powers Pigs Want To Feed at the Trough Again: Bernanke, Geithner and Paulson Use Crisis Anniversary to Ask for More Bailout Powers Pigs Want To Feed at the Trough Again: Bernanke, Geithner and Paulson Use Crisis Anniversary to Ask for More Bailout Powers Pigs Want To Feed at the Trough Again: Bernanke, Geithner and Paulson Use Crisis Anniversary to Ask for More Bailout Powers Pigs Want To Feed at the Trough Again: Bernanke, Geithner and Paulson Use Crisis Anniversary to Ask for More Bailout Powers Pigs Want To Feed at the Trough Again: Bernanke, Geithner and Paulson Use Crisis Anniversary to Ask for More Bailout Powers

Double Whammy: Implicit Subsidies and the Great Financial Crisis

Jan2009 (decade after asked to try and help prevent the coming economic mess), I was asked to HTML'ize the Pecora Hearings (30s senate hearings into '29 crash that resulted in Glass-Steagall and criminal convictions, had been the scanned fall2008 at Boston Public Library) with lots of internal HREFs and URLs between what happened this time and what happened then (comments that the new congress might have appetite to do something). I work on it for awhile and then get a call saying that it won't be needed after all (references to capital hill totally buried under enormous mountains of wallstreet cash).

Economic Mess posts
'29 crash, Pecora Hearings and/or Glass-Steagall posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

These Four Predicted The Global Financial Crisis; Here's What They Think Causes The Next One

Refed: **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: These Four Predicted The Global Financial Crisis; Here's What They Think Causes The Next One
Blog: Facebook
Date: 15 Sep 2018
These Four Predicted The Global Financial Crisis; Here's What They Think Causes The Next One

1999, I'm asked to help try and prevent the coming economic mess (we failed), some investment bankers had walked away "clean" from the S&L crisis, where then doing Internet IPO mills (invest a few millions, hype, ipo for a few billion, should fail to leave the field clear for next round), and were predicted to get into securitize mortgages. I was to help improve the integrity of supporting documents as countermeasure. They then start paying rating agencies for triple-A (when the rating agencies knew they weren't worth triple-A, from Oct2008 congressional hearing). Triple-A trumps supporting documents and they can start doing no-documentation, liar loans. Triple-A significantly contributes to being able to do over $27T 2001-2008, including selling to institutions restricted to only dealing in "safe" investments (like large pension funds).

Triple-A allows them to sell off everything as fast as they could be made and eliminates any reason to care about borrower's qualifications or loan quality. Then they find that they can design securitize mortgages to fail, pay for triple-A, sell-off into the market and take out CDS gambling bets that they would fail (creating enormous demand for dodgy loans/mortgages, now they care about borrower's qualifications, but not in traditional way). The largest holder of the CDS gambling bets was AIG and was negotiating to pay off at 50cents on the dollar when the SECTREAS steps in and has them sign a document that they can't sue those making the bets and to take TARP funds to pay off at face value. The largest recipient of TARP funds was AIG and the large recipient of face value payoffs was the firm formally headed by SECTREAS.

The rhetoric in congress was that Sarbanes-Oxley would prevent future ENRONs and guarantee that executives and auditors did jailtime, but it required SEC to do something. Possibly because GAO didn't believe they were doing anything they started doing reports of public company fraudulent financial reports, even showing they increased after SOX goes into effect (and nobody doing jailtime). Less well known is that SOX also required SEC to do something about rating agencies, but they did about as much about rating agencies as they did about public company fraudulent financial reports.

The #2 person on times list of those responsible for the economic mess,28804,1877351_1877350_1877330,00.html
was responsible for GLBA ... known for repeal of Glass-Steagall (head of CITI had enlisted SECTREAS to help with the repeal, the SECTREAS then resigns and joins CITI after he helps get the repeal going).
However, #2 is on the list for legislation preventing CDS gambling bets from being regulated.

The chair of CFTC proposed regulating the CDS gambling bets,
the chair was then quickly replaced with #2's wife ... while he got provision added to the law to prevent regulation (originally referred to as gift to ENRON). When that was done, #2's wife resigned and joined the ENRON board and audit committee. Gramm and the 'Enron Loophole'
Enron was a major contributor to Mr. Gramm's political campaigns, and Mr. Gramm's wife, Wendy, served on the Enron board, which she joined after stepping down as chairwoman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.
... snip ...

Phil Gramm's Enron Favor .. gone 404 but lives on at wayback machine
A few days after she got the ball rolling on the exemption, Wendy Gramm resigned from the commission. Enron soon appointed her to its board of directors, where she served on the audit committee, which oversees the inner financial workings of the corporation. For this, the company paid her between $915,000 and $1.85 million in stocks and dividends, as much as $50,000 in annual salary, and $176,000 in attendance fees
... snip ...

Jan2009 (decade after asked to try and help prevent the coming economic mess), I was asked to HTML'ize the Pecora Hearings (30s senate hearings into '29 crash that resulted in Glass-Steagall and criminal convictions) with lots of internal HREFs and URLs between what happened this time and what happened then (comments that the new congress might have appetite to do something). I work on it for awhile and then get a call saying that it won't be needed after all (references to capital hill totally buried under enormous mountains of wallstreet cash).

Economic Mess posts
Fed chairman posts
(triple-a rated) toxic CDO posts
S&l crisis posts
fiscal responsibility act posts
'29 crash, Pecora Hearings and/or Glass-Steagall posts
ENRON posts
Sarbanes-Oxley posts
financial.reporting.fraud posts

The Next Financial Calamity Is Coming. Here's What to Watch.
Seth Klarman: These Are The 20 Forgotten Lessons From The 2008 Crisis
Ten Misconceptions About Financial Crisis on 10-Year Anniversary
Lehman's Fall Cast a Long, Risky Banking Shadow
Financial panic and credit disruptions in the 2007-09 crisis
The Makings of a 2020 Recession and Financial Crisis by Nouriel Roubini & Brunello Rosa
What We Should Have Learned From the 2008 Financial Crisis
Ten years after Lehman's collapse, a massive trader default in Norway has stunned markets again

Pigs Want To Feed at the Trough Again: Bernanke, Geithner and Paulson Use Crisis Anniversary to Ask for More Bailout Powers
Ten Years After Lehman's Collapse: What caused the Crash of 2008 is now shaping our post-modern 1930s - der Freitag
The Real Cost of the 2008 Financial Crisis
Ten Years Since Lehman: Biggest Driver of 2008 Financial Crisis Has Only Got Worse
The 2008 financial crisis upturned politics - and it's not done yet
The U.S. Financial Crisis
10 Years After Lehman. And Nothing Has Been Fixed
Double Whammy: Implicit Subsidies and the Great Financial Crisis

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

As Debt Rises, the Government Will Soon Spend More on Interest Than on the Military

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: As Debt Rises, the Government Will Soon Spend More on Interest Than on the Military
Blog: Facebook
Date: 25 Sep 2018
As Debt Rises, the Government Will Soon Spend More on Interest Than on the Military

2002, congress lets the fiscal responsibility act lapse (spending can't exceed tax revenue, on its way to eliminating all federal debt). By 2005, comptroller general was including in speeches that nobody in congress was capable of middle school arithmetic (for how badly they were savaging the budget). 2010, CBO office report 2003-2009 tax revenue cut by $6T and spending increased by $6T for $12T gap compared to fiscal responsible budget (first time taxes were cut to not pay for two wars).

fiscal responsibility act posts

TARP funds were justified by the SECTREAS to buy offbook toxic assets to bail out the financial institutions (from the mess they made last decade), but with only $700B appropriated and just the four largest Too Big To Fail still carrying $5.2T ye2008 (over $27T done 2001-2008), it wouldn't have hardly dented the problem and TARP was used for other purposes. The Federal Reserve is left to do the real "bailout", buying trillions in their assets and providing tens of trillions in ZIRP funds. The FEDRES fought long legal battle to prevent disclosing the "real bailout" and when they lost, the FEDRES chair held press conference. He said that he assumed that the TBTF would use the ZIRP funds to help mainstreet, but when they didn't, he had no way to force them, but that didn't stop the ZIRP funds ... used to buy US Treasuries (aka debt) and make >$300B/annum on the spread. Note that FEDRES chair had supposedly been selected in part on being a depression era scholar ... but the FEDRES had tried something similar then with the same results, so the chair should have had no reasonable expectation of something different this time. Note that it doesn't work w/o huge federal debt ... it was sort of confluence of FEDRES and TBTF needed huge federal debt, special interests wanting huge tax cut and military-industrial complex wanting huge spending increase.

TARP addenda ... original finding that they could pay for triple-A rating for securitized mortgages (when rating agencies knew they weren't worth triple-A, from Oct2008 congressional hearings) and immediately sell off everything into the bond market (including to entities restricted to only dealing in "safe" investments, like large pension funds) eliminated having to care about borrower's qualifications or loan quality ... doing no-documentation, liar loans to speed up the process. Then they find that they can do securitize mortgages/loans designed to fail, pay for triple-A, sell into the bond market, and take out CDS gambling bets they would fail, creating huge demands for dodgy mortgages. Now they cared about borrower's qualification, but not in the traditional way. The largest holder of CDS gambling bets was AIG and was negotiating to pay off at 50cents on the dollar when the SECTREAS steps in, has them sign a document that they can't sue those making the bets and take TARP funds to pay off at face value. The largest recipient of TARP funds is AIG and the largest recipient of face value payoffs was the firm formally headed by SECTREAS.

Economic Mess posts
TBTF (too big to fail, too big to prosecute, too big to jail) posts
(triple-a rated) toxic CDO posts
Fed chairman posts
ZIRP posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

The LLC Loophole; In New York, where an LLC is legally a person, companies can use the vehicles to blast through campaign finance limits

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: The LLC Loophole; In New York, where an LLC is legally a person, companies can use the vehicles to blast through campaign finance limits.
Blog: Facebook
Date: 26 Sep 2018
The LLC Loophole; In New York, where an LLC is legally a person, companies can use the vehicles to blast through campaign finance limits.
But none of the donations came from Breslin Realty itself. They came instead from a network of 22 limited liability companies that, though all controlled by Breslin, legally operate as separate individuals and so, under New York state's campaign finance laws, can each donate the individual maximum to political campaigns.
... snip ... Treasure Islands: Uncovering the Damage of Offshore Banking and Tax Havens
references corporations are people and can vote in City of London, 32k corporate voters and 9k human voters.

We the Corporations: How American Businesses Won Their Civil Rights
Originally, US corporations were entities that operate in public interest, but then certain factions wanted those rights extended to entities that can operate in self interest as well "people" rights under constitution.

On this issue, Hamiltonians were corporationalists--proponents of corporate enterprise who advocated for expansive constitutional rights for business. Jeffersonians, meanwhile, were populists--opponents of corporate power who sought to limit corporate rights in the name of the people.

The railroad corporations were constitutional first movers who employed innovative tactics to secure new rights. They envisioned the lawsuits as a form of strategic litigation, or what their lawyers called "test cases," to determine whether corporations had the same rights as ordinary people to equal protection and due process under the Fourteenth Amendment.
... snip ...

Thomas Jefferson: The Art of Power

Hamilton wanted the bank to be funded by federal deposits but run, in part, for the benefit of private investors. Jefferson and Madison objected. 29 They feared that the Hamiltonian program would enable financial speculators to benefit from commercial transactions made possible by government funds.
... snip ...

inequality posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

A Tea Party Movement to Overhaul the Constitution Is Quietly Gaining

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: A Tea Party Movement to Overhaul the Constitution Is Quietly Gaining
Blog: Facebook
Date: 26 Sep 2018
A Tea Party Movement to Overhaul the Constitution Is Quietly Gaining Steam

We the Corporations: How American Businesses Won Their Civil Rights
Originally, US corporations were entities that operate in public interest, but then certain factions wanted those rights extended to entities that can operate in self interest as well "people" rights under constitution.

Between 1868, when the amendment was ratified, and 1912, when a scholar set out to identify every Fourteenth Amendment case heard by the Supreme Court, the justices decided 28 cases dealing with the rights of African Americans--and an astonishing 312 cases dealing with the rights of corporations.

For most of American history, the Supreme Court failed to protect the dispossessed and the marginalized, with the justices claiming to be powerless in the face of hostile public sentiment. As we will see, however, the court's record on corporate rights was much different. In 1809, the Supreme Court decided the first case on the constitutional rights of corporations, decades before the first comparable cases for women or racial minorities. And unlike women and minorities, who lost nearly all of their early cases, corporations won that first case--and have compiled an impressive list of victories in the years since.

On this issue, Hamiltonians were corporationalists--proponents of corporate enterprise who advocated for expansive constitutional rights for business. Jeffersonians, meanwhile, were populists--opponents of corporate power who sought to limit corporate rights in the name of the people.

The railroad corporations were constitutional first movers who employed innovative tactics to secure new rights. They envisioned the lawsuits as a form of strategic litigation, or what their lawyers called "test cases," to determine whether corporations had the same rights as ordinary people to equal protection and due process under the Fourteenth Amendment.

... snip ...

Thomas Jefferson: The Art of Power

Hamilton wanted the bank to be funded by federal deposits but run, in part, for the benefit of private investors. Jefferson and Madison objected. 29 They feared that the Hamiltonian program would enable financial speculators to benefit from commercial transactions made possible by government funds.
... snip ...

My wife's father was awarded a set of history books from 1880s, for some distinction at West Point by daughters of 17th century

They reference that if hadn't been for mid-Atlantic (Jefferson, Madison, Scottish etc) influence, the English settlers (Hamilton, Federalists) would have prevailed and our form of government would be more like English with monarch and structured society. The constitution deliberations were kept confidential and when states didn't ratified it, Jefferson was brought back from France to do the Bill of Rights (in order to get constitution ratified). Besides Bill of Rights, Jefferson was also major force behind making sure our country had separation of church and state.

Note the original English settlement was Jamestown that had planned to follow the Spanish model, military to enslave the local natives to support the settlement. It turns out that the North American natives weren't as cooperative and the original settlement starved. English then switched to sending over other members of the British Isles to serve the purpose. The crown charters for those settlements had rigid social structure with the "leet-men" at the bottom and "All the children of leet-men shall be leet-men, and so to all generations".

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Why Dodd-Frank Is A Protection Racket For Banks

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Why Dodd-Frank Is A Protection Racket For Banks
Blog: Facebook
Date: 30 Sep 2018
Why Dodd-Frank Is A Protection Racket For Banks
Why Dodd-Frank Is a Protection Racket for Banks

In 1999, I was asked to help try and prevent the coming economic mess (we failed). Decade later in Jan 2009, I was asked to HTML'ize the Pecora Hearings (senate 30s hearings into '29 crash, resulted in criminal convictions and jailtime) with lots of internal HREFs and URLs between what happened this time and what happened them (comments that the new congress might have appetite to do something). I work on it for awhile and then get call that it won't be needed after all (comments that capital hill totally buried under enormous amounts of wall street cash).

Eventually they apparently decided that they would have to do something. Note that one of the sponsors of Dodd-Frank is also on the list of friends
of the number one person on Time's list of those responsible for the economic mess.,28804,1877351_1877350_1877339,00.html

They had industry lobbyists writing sections to kneecap and discredit the bill:

1) sections that sounded good, but would have little or no effect on actual business 2) sections that were extraordinarily complex and contradictory making it impossible to create regulations 3) ridiculous sections that were leaked and then the same lobbyist that drafted the sections would publicly criticize them.

"Confidence Men"

But they were fighting on too many fronts. Carl Levin of Michigan and Jeff Merkley of Oregon had discovered that Dodd had discreetly gutted the Volcker Rule, and the two set to work trying to counteract Dodd's efforts. The Merkley-Levin Amendment articulated Volcker's idea fully -- and wrote it as law. No regulatory backsliding, once everything settled down.
... snip ...

also has several references that essentially wallstreet was using the EHM debt strategy against the American public. Other references were about new president having to choose between the economic A-team (Volcker et al) and the B-team. The A-team was instrumental in getting him elected, but the A-team would have held wallstreet and the too big to fail accountable, which would have likely taken down most of those institutions (so new president chooses the b-team that wasn't going to hold anybody responsible).

some other refs from the period:

Deja Vu on the Hill: Wall Street Lobbyists Roll Back Finance Reform, Again
Bank Lobbyists Writing the Rules for Wall Street (gone 404, but lives on at wayback machine)
Banks' Lobbyists Help in Drafting Financial Bills

Economic Mess posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

A Tea Party Movement to Overhaul the Constitution Is Quietly Gaining

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: A Tea Party Movement to Overhaul the Constitution Is Quietly Gaining
Blog: Facebook
Date: 30 Sep 2018
re: A Tea Party Movement to Overhaul the Constitution Is Quietly Gaining

Putting Democracy in Chains; Charles Koch's and the Republican Party's War Against the US Constitution and Democracy
Part 1: Charles Koch, the Republican Party, and Their War Against U.S. Democracy
We can either have democracy in this country or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but wa can not have both - Justice Louis Brandis
... snip ...

inequality posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

IBM mainframe today

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: IBM mainframe today
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Mon, 01 Oct 2018 03:36:04 -0700 (Ted Nolan <tednolan>) writes:
As sort of a parallel to the "IBM Today" thread, I was wondering what an IBM mainframe is today. Say your business has been running on 360/370 for decades and the building catches fire and you have to replace it.

Does IBM still give you a big steel box that is your "mainframe"? If so is it one chip and a lot of empty space inside or what?

this central
z900, 16 processors, 2.5BIPS (156MIPS/proc), Dec2000 z990, 32 processors, 9BIPS, (281MIPS/proc), 2003 z9, 54 processors, 18BIPS (333MIPS/proc), July2005 z10, 64 processors, 30BIPS (469MIPS/proc), Feb2008 z196, 80 processors, 50BIPS (625MIPS/proc), Jul2010 EC12, 101 processors, 75BIPS (743MIPS/proc), Aug2012 z13, 140 processors, 100BIPS (710MIPS/proc), Jan2015 z14, 170 processors, 150BIPS (862MIPS/proc), Aug2017

claim is that over half the z10->z196 per processor speedup was adopting various memory latency masking mechanisms (that have been in other platforms for decades), out-of-order, speculative execution, branch prediction, etc ... aka current memory latency (cache miss) when measured in count of processor cycles is equivalent to 60s disk latency when measured in count of 60s processor cycles.

today's systems.'s_systems

note that they still require CKD DASD, even though they haven't been manufactured for decades, simulated on industry standard fixed-block disks.

there is P/390 ... can get software license

precursor was A74/7437 by same group ... old email
in this post Why not an IBM zSeries workstation?

current is zPDT ... (IBM) emulator that runs on PC/Linux

some history

other triva: I got con'ed into doing channel extender support for STL in 1980 when they were moving 300 people from the IMS group to offsite bldg (with dataprocessing support back to STL datacenter). Hardware vendor tried to get IBM permission to release my support ... but there was group in POK that was playing with some serial stuff and got that veto'ed (were afraid that if it was in the market, it would make it harder to justify releasing their stuff) ... some past posts

then in 1988, I was asked to help LLNL get some serial stuff they were playing with standardized ... which quickly becomes Fibre Channel Standard (including some of the stuff I did in 1980).

The POK people finally get their stuff released as ESCON in 1990 (with ES/9000) when it is already obsolete.

Then some POK engineers get involved in FCS and defined a heavy weight protocol that drastically reduces the native throughput ... which is eventually released as FICON. The most recent peak I/O benchmark numbers I've seen are for z196 getting 2M IOPS using 104 FICON (running over 104 FCs). About the same time a FCS was announced for E5-2600 blade claiming over million (native) IOPS (two such having more throughput than 104 FICON). some past posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

IBM today

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: IBM today
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Mon, 01 Oct 2018 03:48:02 -0700
hancock4 writes:
IBM built its success on providing top notch customer support, and charging for it. In the early days of data processing, it was all so new and so expensive that customers welcomed IBM's support to get out their payroll and make good use of their very expensive hardware. Win win for IBM and its customers.

told periodically ... late 80s, senior disk engineer got talk scheduled at annual, world-wide internal communication group conference supposedly on 3174 performance, but opened the talk with the statement that the head of the communication group was going to be responsible for the demise of the disk division. The issue was that the communication group had stranglehold on datacenters with corporate strategic ownership of everything that crossed datacenter walls and were fiercely fighting off distributed computing and client/server, trying to preserve their dumb terminal paradigm and install base. The disk division was seeing data fleeing datacenters to more distributed computing friendly platforms with fall in disk sales. The disk division had come up with a number of solution to address the opportunity, but they were constantly being vetoed by the communication group. The mainframe datacenter stranglehold wasn't just affecting disk sales and a few years later the company goes into the red.

past posts

look at recent IBM financials ... mainframe hardware is declining part of the business ... was 5% of revenue and dropping ... but total mainframe group (including software and services) was 25% of revenue (and 40% of bottom line) ... aka milking some very high end customers (even when they weren't buying new machines).

2000 I did some performance work for financial datacenter that was running 450k statement cobol application on over 40 max. configured mainframes (at $30M/pop) ... constantly being upgraded, none older than 18months (got 14% improvement in the cobol app, which translated into the max. number of mainframes needed). ... there are a relatively small number of these datacenters that provide the majority of the mainframe revenue

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

IBM today

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: IBM today
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Mon, 01 Oct 2018 04:01:16 -0700
J. Clarke <> writes:
Why would an IBM Z made in 2018 consume more electricity than an Intel based system of the same capacity?

You seem to be laboring under the misconception that companies that use mainframes are using the same mainframe they installed in 1970, when the reality is that most of them are using brand new mainframes installed in the last 10 years or so.

re: IBM mainframe today IBM today

industry standard server chips are under intense pressure from the large cloud datacenters to optimize computation power efficiency. They have been claiming for over a decade that they assemble their own servers for 1/3rd the cost of servers from brand name vendors ... possibly motivation for IBM to have sold off that server business a couple years ago ... especially after the server chip makers said that they were shipping over half their product directly to large cloud megadatacenters.

The cloud megadatacenters had so drastically reduced their server cost (server cost/BIPS something like 1/100,000 that of IBM mainframe) that power&cooling was becoming increasingly major cost factor ... and they started applying significant pressure to their server chip vendors to improve power&cooling efficiencies. Somewhat was result, industry standard benchmarks have been expanded past cost/transaction ... to also power-efficiency/transaction ... and power efficiency rating is now standard for cloud megadatacenters.

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

A Tea Party Movement to Overhaul the Constitution Is Quietly Gaining

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: A Tea Party Movement to Overhaul the Constitution Is Quietly Gaining
Blog: Facebook
Date: 01 Oct 2018
re: A Tea Party Movement to Overhaul the Constitution Is Quietly Gaining A Tea Party Movement to Overhaul the Constitution Is Quietly Gaining

Democratic republic
A democratic republic is a form of government operating on principles adopted from a republic and a democracy. Rather than being a cross between two entirely separate systems, democratic republics may function on principles shared by both republics and democracies.
... snip ...

Is the United States of America a republic or a democracy
The United States is not a direct democracy, in the sense of a country in which laws (and other government decisions) are made predominantly by majority vote. Some lawmaking is done this way, on the state and local levels, but it's only a tiny fraction of all lawmaking. But we are a representative democracy, which is a form of democracy.
... snip ...

The 1880 history books given to West Point graduates for some distinction by the daughters of 17th century

goes into some detail that Jefferson was brought back from France when the constitution wasn't being ratified ... and along with Madison and others did the "Bill of Rights", the addition was finally possible to get the constitution ratified.
The Bill of Rights is the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution.[1] Proposed following the often bitter 1787-88 battle over ratification of the U.S. Constitution, and crafted to address the objections raised by Anti-Federalists, the Bill of Rights amendments add to the Constitution specific guarantees of personal freedoms and rights, clear limitations on the government's power in judicial and other proceedings, and explicit declarations that all powers not specifically delegated to Congress by the Constitution are reserved for the states or the people
... snip ...

frequently characterized as Jefferson/populists trying to limit powers supported by Hamilton/Federalists. As discussed in some detail: "We the Corporations: How American Businesses Won Their Civil Rights"

the Federalists have been fighting back by getting constitutional rights extended to corporations ... corporations were originally entities that were to operate in the public interest, this was first compromised by removing the "operate in public interest" restriction (i.e. allowing them to operate in self-interest) ... and then the campaign to get constitutional rights for corporations (i.e. corporations are "people"). Also major propaganda campaign by corporations/industrialists after getting such a bad reputation for the depression and supporting Nazi Germany, for equating Capitalism with Christianity (result including adding "Under God" to the pledge of allegiance in the early 50s)

inequality posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

IBM Z and cloud

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: lynn@GARLIC.COM (Anne & Lynn Wheeler)
Subject: Re: IBM Z and cloud
Date: 1 Oct 2018 12:14:14 -0700
smetz3@GMU.EDU (Seymour J Metz) writes:
cloud = timesharing

Someone else deploys the infrastructure, to you it's a black box. Less control but also less manpower. Some legal issues.

No, z/OS is not a cloud, but neither is AIX, *bsd, Linux, windows or Solaris; it's the deployment that makes it a cloud or not a cloud. You can have a cloud with z/OS just as much as you can have one with, e.g., Linux.

In 1968, there were two commercial spin-offs from the IBM Cambridge Science Center ... doing virtual machine based online (commercial) service bureaus. One of the big issues was providing 7x24 non-stop operation. This was in the days when IBM leased the hardware and charges was based on number of hours per month ... based on the "system" clock ... which would run whenever any CPU and/or channel was busy (and continue to run for 400ms after everything was idle).

There was lots of work on CP67 to reduce offshift charges when (initially) use was light (and little revenue based on online use) ... this included dark room operation ... not requiring onsite operator ... as well as special terminal channel program that would go to sleep when no characters were arriving ... but would immediately wake up to accept incoming characters (allowing system clock & charges to stop when system idle). They also fairly quickly moved up the value stream specializing in offering services to the financial industry and had to provide significant security features (when multiple competing financial operations all using the same systems).

past scince center posts

Trivia: long after IBM changed from leased to selling hardware ... MVS still had timer event that would wake up every 400ms (to make sure system clock never stopped).

other triva: science center also started offering its virtual machine CP67 services to other internal IBM operations as well as (free) to various employees and students at various institutions of higher learning in the Cambridge/Boston area. CSC had also ported apl\360 (typically ran with 16kbyte workspace) to CMS as CMS\APL ... including allowing workspace to be virtual address space size and offering API for system services (like file read/write) ... greatly expanding the real-world applications that could be done on APL. Early user was business planning/forcasting from IBM Armonk hdqtrs that loaded the most holy of IBM data (detailed customer information) on the system ... for modeling ... and significant security had to be demonstrated ... making sure people like MIT students wouldn't be able to access corporate data.

For over decade the large cloud operations have claimed they assemble their own server systems for 1/3rd the price of brand name server systems (a typical cloud megadatacenter will have over half million blade systems), likely part of the motivation for IBM selling off its server product business ... along with announcements from the server chip (processors, etc) makers were shipping over half their chips directly to the large cloud operations.

The large cloud operations have reduced the cost of their servers so drastically that they are able to significantly over provision for "on-demand" (i.e. huge number of idle systems that can be instantly "on-demand" operation) ... these costs are possibly 1/100,000 the cost/BIPS of typical IBM mainframe. Because they have reduced server costs so significantly power&cooling has become increasing major portion of cloud megadatacenter ... and they have put significant pressure on server chip makers to optimize execution power consumption as well as drop to zero when systems are idle (but instantly on for "on-demand").

There are some number of vendors looking at leverage a lot of the enormous work down by the cloud megadatacenters for marketing in-house cloud operations to businesses.

The comparison to the 60s virtual machine commercial online operation ... is cloud datacenter (with over half million systems) typically operate with staff of 80-120 people (compared to cp/67 dark room operation) ... and power/cooling dropping to zero when systems are idle ... but are instantly on (compared to 360 channel programs allowing channel to go idle allowing system meter to stop ... but instantly on) ... as well as quite a bit of work on security.

Early 70s also had TYMSHARE (on west coast) offering online commercial services (now with VM370). In Aug1976, TYMSHARE also started offering is CMS-based online computer conference "free" to SHARE as VMSHARE ... archives here:
sometimes(?) "404" ... but also at wayback machine

other trivia: as undergraduate in the 60s, I was brought into small group in Boeing CFO office to help with consolidating all dataprocessing into Boeing Computer Services (independent business unit to better monetize the investment, just renton datacenter had something between $200M-$300M, 60s dollars, in 360 mainframes, 360/65s were arriving faster than they could be installed, boxes constantly being staged in the hallways around the machine room). I had done a great deal of os/360 optimization previously at the university as well as rewritten large parts of CP67 ... which I was also to install).

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

IBM Z and cloud

From: lynn@GARLIC.COM (Anne & Lynn Wheeler)
Subject: Re: IBM Z and cloud
Date: 1 Oct 2018 12:35:03 -0700
sipples@SG.IBM.COM (Timothy Sipples) writes:
z/OS is UNIX(TM), certified by The Open Group and a trademark bearer. Linux is not UNIX, as it happens. Apple's macOS is UNIX, while iOS, tvOS, and watchOS are not. AIX is UNIX. The modern BSD family operating systems derived from "Networking Tape 2" (NetBSD, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, etc.) are not UNIX.

re: IBM Z and cloud

originally funded/developed by (renamed/reorged IBM disk division) ADSTAR software VP ... as part of trying to work around the communication group ... also provided venture/startup funding to entities doing distributed computing support that would use mainframe for disk storage.

I've mentioned before that senior disk engineer got talk scheduled at world-wide, annual, internal communication group ... supposedly on 3174 performance ... but opened the talk that the IBM communication group was going to be responsible for the IBM disk division. The issue was that the communication group had corporate strategic responsibility for everything that crossed datacenter walls and were fiercely fighting off distributed computing and client/server ... trying to preserve their (emulated) dumb terminal paradigm and install base. The disk division was seeing data fleeing to more distributed computing platforms with drop in disk sales ... their efforts to correct the problems were constantly being veto'ed by the communication group. "POSIX" support was part of work-around (since it didn't directly involve crossing the datacenter walls) and funding distributed computing startups didn't directly challenge communication group IBM ownership of everything (IBM) that crossed the datacenter wall. The communication group stranglehold on mainframe datacenters didn't just disks ... and a few years later IBM goes into the red.

POSIX ... portable operating system interface ... originally 1988
z/OS here

trivia: "ADSTAR" was the furthest along with reoganization of IBM into the 13 "baby blues" in preparation for breaking up the company. reference gone behind paywall, but mostly lives free at wayback machine,9171,977353,00.html

then new CEO was brought in and the breakup reversed ... although as predicted ... IBM disk group no long exists ... even tho CKD DASD is still required ... but haven't been manufactured for decades, all being emulated on industry standard fixed-block disks.

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

IBM mainframe today

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: IBM mainframe today
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Mon, 01 Oct 2018 12:52:22 -0700
re: IBM mainframe today

there is also ibm-main mailing list discussion group ... originated in the 80s on corporate sponsored univ. BITNET (for a time larger than arpanet/internet) ... also EARN in europe

ibm-main mailing list gatewayed to usenet, which is in turned gatewayed to google groups ... archives here!forum/
recent thread on "IBM Z and cloud"!topic/

other trivia: listserv originated in Paris on EARN in mid-80s

past posts mentioning bitnet (& earn)

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

A Tea Party Movement to Overhaul the Constitution Is Quietly Gaining

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: A Tea Party Movement to Overhaul the Constitution Is Quietly Gaining
Blog: Facebook
Date: 01 Oct 2018
re: A Tea Party Movement to Overhaul the Constitution Is Quietly Gaining A Tea Party Movement to Overhaul the Constitution Is Quietly Gaining A Tea Party Movement to Overhaul the Constitution Is Quietly Gaining

with regard to the corporate propaganda campaign equating Capitalism with Christianity (deflect from being responsible for depression and supporting Nazi Germany).

Note that John Foster Dulles played major role in rebuilding Germany's economy, industry and military 20s thru early 40s. The Brothers: John Foster Dulles, Allen Dulles, and Their Secret World War,

Foster was stunned by his brother's suggestion that Sullivan & Cromwell quit Germany. Many of his clients with interests there, including not just banks but corporations like Standard Oil and General Electric, wished Sullivan & Cromwell to remain active regardless of political conditions.

At least one other senior partner at Sullivan & Cromwell, Eustace Seligman, was equally disturbed. In October 1939, six weeks after the Nazi invasion of Poland, he took the extraordinary step of sending Foster a formal memorandum disavowing what his old friend was saying about Nazism
... snip ...

From the law of unintended consequences; 1943 US Strategic Bombing Program, they needed German industrial and military targets and coordinates, they got the information and detailed plans from wallstreet.

In the red scares ... all sort of propaganda was repositioned as opposition to USSR and PRC. In the 50s, John Foster Dulles is quoted as saying that he justified supporting Nazis from the 20s through the early 40s as a counterforce to the Soviet Union (as opposed to supporting capitalism).

other trivia: Milton Miles book ("Another Kind of War") first half was about going into china to setup coastal watchers but then spent much of the rest training 50,000 guerrillas fighting the Japanese. He then spends the last half of the book about how OSS and Army (& Wedemeyer) gave china to the communists. They came in and wanted to take over the whole (nationalists) operation. The US Navy and Nationalists rebuffed them, so to get something they could take credit for, they support the communists.

However, it is also claimed that US believed that it needed Soviets to defeat Japan (after the end of German hostilities) and part of placating the Soviets was aiding Mao in Manchuria. After Germany, in Manchuria there was 1.5M Soviets fighting 1M Japanese. By comparison Okinawa, US had 600k fighting 76k Japanese. This covers a lot of Soviets in WW2, including Manchuria.

Marshall backs Wedemeyer & the Army, Wedemeyer testimony Dec 1947, possibly realizes what was done wrong,9171,804381,00.html
Marshall is SECSTATE (1947-1949) and State puts out white paper trying to absolve State of blame for giving China to the communists
This has Marshall&Wedemeyer very close ... and then beginning red scare era, Wedemeyer was telling Marshall one thing and the McCarthy people something else

Others joined in McCarthy's crusade. Wedemeyer helped quietly at first, and then, having whispered darkly about Marshall ever since the canceled ambassadorship, went public. Wedemeyer's self-congratulatory memoir alleged that exhaustion and intellectual shortcomings had made Marshall "easy prey to crypto-Communists, or Communist sympathizing sycophants, who played on his vanity to accomplish their own ends." Marshall's China mission, according to Wedemeyer, caused the Nationalists to become "so disheartened and demoralized by our attitude that they finally ceased to resist the Communists."
... snip ...

What if the Kuomintang Had Won the Chinese Civil War?

There would have been no Korean war, no domino theory, no vietnam?

Note: my wife's father was command of engineering combat group in Europe, and after defeat of Germany, he was sent over in 1946 as military adviser ("MAGIC") to Chiang Kai Shek and he brought his family over in 1947 to live in Nanking (my wife remembers being evacuated out of Nanking in Army cargo plane on 3hrs notice when the city was ringed).

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

A Tea Party Movement to Overhaul the Constitution Is Quietly Gaining

Refed: **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: A Tea Party Movement to Overhaul the Constitution Is Quietly Gaining
Blog: Facebook
Date: 01 Oct 2018
re: A Tea Party Movement to Overhaul the Constitution Is Quietly Gaining A Tea Party Movement to Overhaul the Constitution Is Quietly Gaining A Tea Party Movement to Overhaul the Constitution Is Quietly Gaining A Tea Party Movement to Overhaul the Constitution Is Quietly Gaining

Representative Democracy
A drawback to this type of government is that elected officials are not required to fulfill promises made before their election and are able to promote their own self-interests once elected, providing an incohesive system of governance.[21] Legislators are also under scrutiny as the system of majority-won legislators voting for issues for the large group of people fosters inequality among the marginalized.[22]
... snip ...

references Oligarchy
Putative oligarchies
specific example United States
references: Income inequality in the United States, Impact on democracy and society

inequality posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

IBM today

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: IBM today
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Mon, 01 Oct 2018 22:15:16 -0700
J. Clarke <> writes:
Your point, with regard to the power consumption of mainframes produced in 2018 being?

IBM has much less customer pressure to aggresively optimize power&cooling, the latest generation of e5-2600v5 blade (now platinum, gold, silver, etc) has possibly the aggregate processing BIPS rate equivalent to ten max configured Z14 (@150BIPS/Z14) at 1/100,000 the cost/BIPS ... as a result, power/cooling represents a relatively insignificant part of Z14 lifetime cost (compare to cloud megadatacenter blades).

The industry standard benchmarks now even include power/cooling per transaction ... it has been a couple decades since IBM has published industry standard benchmarks ... when it was still just cost/transactions ... and before the move to also include power/transaction.

PUE introduced in 2006 and large cloud megadacenters regularly quote their values ... have also not seen any similar for any mainframe datacenter

IBM article on datacenter PUE ... but fails to make any reference to mainframe, highlights that it has the largest portfolio of registered data centers ... but says nothing about the total number systems (large cloud operation will have a dozen megadatacenters each with more than half million systems)

this 2008 article says typical customers running X86 servers at 2-10% utilization, but all drawing full energy ... can be consolidated on z/VM mainframe using less total energy.
same story also from decade ago

however, it doesn't mention this decade, customers were consolidating 10-20 X86 servers on standard X86 with X86 virtualization ... and standard (X86) server improvements
TPC (benchmark) pricing
and TPC (benchmark) energy

IBM claims z14 23% better power efficiency than z13 ... could get almost that amount just from change to smallere circuit size. z13, 140 processors, 100BIPS (710MIPS/proc), Jan2015 z14, 170 processors, 150BIPS (862MIPS/proc), Aug2017

It has been decades since ibm did mainframe industry standard benchmark comparisons for cost/transaction which have since also evolved power/transaction

megadatacenters are approaching 1.0 PUE ... with at least ten times better power/transaction.

z196 (max configured 50BIPS) era cloud datacenters used four core/chip, two chip (8 processors) e5-2600v1 blades with processing rating of 400-530BIPS per blade (ten times z196). They went through v2, v3, and v4 generations before Intel rebranded platinum, gold, silver, bronze XEON server chips. They currently run 4-28 cores/chip and 2-8 chips per blade, aka 8-224 processors/blade (and 16-448 threads/blade) ... with blades that easily exceed 1.5TIPS/blade (10-50 max. configured z14) and typical megadatacenter with over half million such blades and large cloud operator will have 6-12 such megadatacenters ... approach ten million such blades. Their blade costs have dropped so dramatically that even modest power efficiency improvements it is easy to totally turn-over all blades. There volumes are so huge they have lots of clout with server chip makers to get enhanced customized tailor chips.

IBM use to give aggregate mainframe systems revenue per year ... max. configured systems have been pretty steady around $30M ... so it was straight forward to calculate numbers of processor chips needed per year (at six cores/chip). Also able to find chip size and calculate approx. number of chips per (manufacturing fab) wafers ... and single minimum size wafer run has providing enough processors for multiple year of mainframe sales. Now they just give sales number with respect to previous year ... so now to get a real number have to run thruough several years of percent changes.

Introducing the IBM z14 Model ZR1, designed for the data-centric cloud ecosystem, with maximum security and enterprise server quality

triva: recent z196 2M IOPS peak i/o throughput ref IBM mainframe today

required 104 FICONs (running over 104 FCS) ... while there was E5-2600 FCS announced claiming over million IOPS on single FCS. The corresponding zHPF description claimed 30% improvement over standard FICON ... and included doing a little bit of what I had done for STL channel-extender in 1980 and included in the original FCS standard definition.

for other trivia: I worked with Jim Gray at IBM SJR

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

A Tea Party Movement to Overhaul the Constitution Is Quietly Gaining

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: A Tea Party Movement to Overhaul the Constitution Is Quietly Gaining
Blog: Facebook
Date: 02 Oct 2018
re: A Tea Party Movement to Overhaul the Constitution Is Quietly Gaining A Tea Party Movement to Overhaul the Constitution Is Quietly Gaining A Tea Party Movement to Overhaul the Constitution Is Quietly Gaining A Tea Party Movement to Overhaul the Constitution Is Quietly Gaining A Tea Party Movement to Overhaul the Constitution Is Quietly Gaining

Inequality by itself kills nations, it is the "opportunity" for innovation and change that energizes economies and makes them more efficient. Recently inequality has increased and opportunity has significantly decreased. "Why Nations Fail" also spends quite a bit of time looking at independent action (supported by universal education) contrasted to rigid, top-down, command&control.

Slight topic drift ... related to my "Why Nations Fail" comment. Early 80s, I was introduced to John Boyd and would sponsor his briefings at IBM. When he was instructor at Nellis, he was considered possibly best fighter pilot in the world. He had invented E/M theory used for training fighter pilots and then designing fighter planes. He used it for resign of the original F15 (including cutting weight nearly in half) and then design of YF16 & YF17 which becomes F16 & F18. 1990, the Marine Corps Commandant leveraged Boyd for make-over of the corps ... and we've continued to have meetings on the subject at Marine Corps University at Quantico (the USAF bomber culture hated him and by the time he passes the USAF had pretty much disowned him and it was the Marines at Arlington). During briefings he would comment that US business culture was being contaminated by former military officers steeped in rigid, top-down, command&control (however, about this time, articles were also starting to appear that MBAs were starting to destory US businesses with myopic focus on short term quarterly results). John Boyd's Art of War; Why our greatest military theorist only made colonel.

Boyd posts and URLs

Original purpose of patent office in the constitution was to protect creative/innovative individuals from institutions trying to preserve existing status quo (disruptive innovation making economy more efficient). Recently it has inverted, corporations doing enormous numbers of defensive patents protecting status quo and inhibiting innovation. Business schools now teach how to monopolize markets and use patents to control innovation and change, preserving status quo. The Price of Inequality: How Today's Divided Society Endangers Our Future

In business school we teach students how to recognize, and create, barriers to competition -- including barriers to entry -- that help ensure that profits won't be eroded. Indeed, as we shall shortly see, some of the most important innovations in business in the last three decades have centered not on making the economy more efficient but on how better to ensure monopoly power or how better to circumvent government regulations intended to align social returns and private rewards.
... snip ...

We the Corporations: How American Businesses Won Their Civil Rights

The notion that corporations should devote themselves to maximizing profits is often taken to be one of the bedrock principles of corporate law and governance. In the early history of corporations, however, business corporations were much different; as Blackstone wrote in his Commentaries, corporations could only be formed if they served public purposes. Today, in part because of the Dartmouth College case, that rule no longer applies, and modern business corporations are considered private entities that need not serve any explicitly public objective.
... snip ...

inequality posts

some topic drift ... a couple former Oracle people (that I had worked with on DBMS) were at small client/server startup responsible for something called "commerce server" and I was brought in as consultant because they wanted to do payment transactions on the server. The startup had also done this technology they called "SSL" they wanted to use, the result is now frequently called "electronic commerece". The actual deployment preserved the existing institutions, business processes and payment transactions fees (which actually increased because they had significant portion prorated on fraud).

Because of having done "electronic commerce", I was asked to participate in international financial standards. I authored a transaction protocol and designed an enhanced payment card for both point-of-sale and internet that would eliminate nearly all the existing fraud. It had the downside of eliminating justification for 90% of payment fees (represented several score billions) and eliminate barriers to entry for new payment processors ... effectively commoditizing payment transaction business. Twenty years later and still nothing has been done (originally, electronic commerce had no downside for existing financial institutions).

total topic drift, I was also asked to talk to a group of hollywood studios about how to change the movie distribution business. One of the issues was theaters under reported admissions and could take six months or more to settle payments (for showing film). Would it be possible for studios to directly get accounting of admissions along with immediate settlement of payments. They also wanted to throw in move from film to digital (both recording & projection), using it to address various piracy issues.

total trivia: earlier in 1983 I was asked to aid Berkeley 10m project. They were looking at putting up new observatory on mountain in Hawaii (they got funding from Keck foundation and was renamed Keck observatory) ... also wanting to move from film to digital and electronic transmission enabling remote observing from the mainland. They were testing technology at Lick observatory (east of San Jose) ... including 200x200 (40K pel) CCD. At the time, there was rumors that Spielburg was playing with 2048x2048, 4M pel CCD; 16M pel CCD quite common in cameras today. More movie trivia, when I first moved to San Jose, one of my co-workers was member of San Jose Astronomy club and would tell stories about Lucas would bring draft scripts for eight star wars movies for the club to review.

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Financial Sector Data Breaches Soar Despite Heavy Security Spending

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Financial Sector Data Breaches Soar Despite Heavy Security Spending
Blog: Facebook
Date: 03 Oct 2018
Financial Sector Data Breaches Soar Despite Heavy Security Spending; Banks and other financial firms have disclosed three times as many breaches so far this year than they did in 2016, Bitglass says.

we had been brought in to help wordsmith some cal. state legislation. at the time they were working on electronic signature, data breach notification (first in country), and opt-in personal information sharing. many of the participants were involved in privacy issues and done detailed public surveys and found that #1 issue was identity theft, primarily involving fraudulent financial transactions as a result of some breach. there was hope that publicity from the notifications would result in corrective action. The problem is that normally entities take security measures in self protection, however in the case of most breaches, the institutions weren't at risk, it was the public.

past posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

LikeWar: The Weaponization of Social Media

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: LikeWar: The Weaponization of Social Media
Blog: Facebook
Date: 03 Oct 2018
LikeWar: The Weaponization of Social Media - An OODA-Loop interview with P.W. Singer

In 1968, two spin-offs from the IBM cambridge science center formed to provide commercial online services using CP/67-CMS (developed at the science center). In the early 70s, TYMSHARE was also providing commercial online services using VM370-CMS (follow-on to CP/67-CMS). In AUG1976, TYMSHARE started providing its CMS-based online computer conferencing free to (IBM user group) SHARE as VMSHARE ... archives here
sometimes(?) "404" ... but also at wayback machine

I arranged with TYMSHARE to get a updated monthly tape of all VMSHARE files to make available on internal IBM systems and the internal IBM network (larger than arpanet/internet from just about the beginning until mid-80s) ... a major difficulty was with IBM lawyers that were concerned that exposing IBM employees to customer information would contaminate them. I was also blamed for online computer conferencing (precursor to social media) on the internal network in the late 70s and early 80s. Folklore is that when the corporate executive committee was told about online computer conferencing (and the internal network), 5of6 wanted to fire me.

Somewhat as a result, a researcher was paid to study how I communicate ... they sat in the back of my office for nine months taking notes (face-to-face, telephone, etc), went with me to meetings, got copies of all my incoming & outgoing email as well as logs of all instant messages. The result was research reports, Stanford Phd (joint with language and computer AI), papers, talks and books.

some past posts

As online computer conferencing spread to larger audiences in the 80s, saw various kinds of behavior appear ... one such started to be referred to as "trolls" ... people trying to incite/provoke public emotional arguments. Things got more complex with trolls assuming multiple personas, taking multiple sides of an arguments, attempting to bring others into the discussion.

a little drift: In the early 80s, I was introduced to John Boyd and would sponsor his briefings at IBM. John Boyd's Art of War; Why our greatest military theorist only made colonel.
in briefings he would include discussion of his OODA-loop

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

LikeWar: The Weaponization of Social Media

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: LikeWar: The Weaponization of Social Media
Blog: Facebook
Date: 04 Oct 2018
re: LikeWar: The Weaponization of Social Media

We would have friday's after work with people from research, disk engineering, STL, sometimes customers from silicon valley, etc ... usually at some place around the San Jose plant site, but would sometimes stray over to Los Gatos (or other places). One of the discussions was silver bullet to get management & executives to use computers. One of the things we came up with was online telephone books ... Jim Gray would spend no more than two weeks writing the lookup app and I would spend no more than two weeks putting together processors to acquire, reformat and redistribute the phone books. The PROFS group would pick up internal applications and wrap menus around them, including the phone book app and an early version of internal VMSG for their email client. The VMSG author attempts to offer them an enhanced version and they tried to get him fired (because they had taken credit for the email client). The whole thing quiets down when the VMSG author demonstrates that his initials are in every PROFS email (in nondisplayed field).

At some point late 1979 or early 1980, there was rapid spreading rumor that top IBM executives where communicating via email and suddenly every manager in the company needed a 3270 terminal on their desk. This was in period when 3270 terminals weres part of annual budget and required VP signoff ... and lots of justified development 3270 terminals disappeared to manager desks (which spent all day with VM370 logo or PROFS menu being burned into screen, while their assistants actually processed email). Unused terminals on managers desk were still a status symbol a decade later with PS2/486 with large screens being rerouted and spent the day unused for 3270 terminal emulation (with vm370 logo or PROFS menu being burned into the screen) in some manager's office.

Late 80s, there was PROFS issue in the executive branch ... where some apparently believed if they deleted email, it totally disappeared (and weren't on backup tapes). In the 90s, the executive branch started preventing backup tapes from being made ... until GSA & NA tightened up processes ... after the turn of the century the executive branch started making extensive use of non-gov email (emails that disappeared went from tens of thousand to millions).

Other tivia: we would have monthly user group meetings at SLAC and go to Oasis afterwards.
The first webserver in the US was on the SLAC VM370 system

couple comments done for this thread in other discussion groups

Early 80s, I had project I called HSDT (high-speed data transport) with (full-duplex) T1 and faster speed links. This included working with director of NSF and we were suppose to get $20M to interconnect the NSF supercomputer centers. Then congress cuts the budget, some number of things happen and eventually NSF released RFP (in part based on what we already had running) ... archived preliminary announcement (28Mar1986)
as regional networks connect into the centers, it morphs into the NSFNET backbone, precursor to modern internet.

posts mentioning NSFNET
HSDT posts
internal network posts

In addition to TCP, also had mainframe VNET (internal network, also used for corporate sponsored BITNET) that I wanted to support. VNET used the VM Spool which was a 4kbyte buffered synchronous API (i.e. when buffer needed to be read or written, associated process was disabled). Spool file system on 3330 might get 30-40 4k spool disk I/Os per second ... but with multiple other users, VNET might be limited to 4-8 4k spool disk I/Os per second or 16kbyte-32kbyte per second (160kbit-320kbit/second). For full duplex T1, I needed 150kbytes/sec in each direction or 300kbytes/sec aggregate for each T1.

In early 80s, I redid VM spool implementation in VS/Pascal running in virtual address space ... VM kernel making spool upcalls to the spool processor. It implemented support for asynchronous spool r/w operations (VNET not disabled for execution while buffers being read/written), large file contiguous allocation with multiple buffer read/writes, as well as buffer read-ahead and write-behind. Eventual objective was come close to 3mbyte/sec spool throughput on 3380 (sort of analogous to the VM/SP ten page, full-track 3380 "swapping" support). There was also some fancy new stuff spool file speed&function for checkpoint and recovery. Also since it was isolated in virtual address space, glitches didn't take down the VM service (spool was no longer direct function of the underlying kernel). Also kernel implementation used serial search of spool file lists ... which became really processor expensive with large number of files. I implemented combination tree/hash that ran significantly faster (with large number of files) ... significantly increased the spool file records/sec at the same time using less processor.

It never did get very wide use, in part because the communication group didn't support anything more than 56kbits/sec links on their 37x5 products. The communication group also tried hard to block release of the VM370 TCP/IP product (implemented in VS/Pascal) ... and when they couldn't, the said they had to release it (since they had corporate strategic responsibility for everything that cross datacenter wall). What initially shipped got 44kbytes/sec throughput using nearly whole 3090 CPU. I then did the enhancements to support RFC1044 and in some tuning tests at Cray Research between 4341 and Cray, got sustained channel throughput using only modest amount of 4341 processor (possibly 500 times improvement in bytes moved per instruction executed).

RFC1044 posts

AWD had done their own AT-bus (16bit) 4mbit T/R card for PC/RT. However for RS/6000, AWD wasn't allowed to do their own cards and had to do PS2 microchannel cards ... that were all implemented with low-throughput design point. For instance the PS2 microchannel 16mbit T/R card had lower per card throughput (aka 300+ cards design point sharing single LAN bandwidth doing terminal emulation) than the PC/RT 4mbit T/R (PC/RT server having higher thruput than RS/6000 server). Similar problems with all the other PS2 cards (joke that it would limit RS/6000 to thruput of PS2) ... finally AWD did RS/6000 730 with VMEbus to get around the internal politics not allowing them to do their own (microchannel) cards (and used industry standard high speed VMEbus cards).

Late 80s, my wife wrote 3-tier architecture with ethernet and some other high-speed stuff into response for gov. super high-security high-throughput large campus request ... and then we were out doing customer executive presentations on the design. This earned us lots of arrows in the back from communication group, SNA, SAA, and token-ring forces. Some of the arrows was Dallas E/S did a report showing 16mbit T/R was far superior to 10mbit ethernet (however it appeared that they used original ethernet 3mbit/sec prototype before ethernet CSMA/CD standard). Note, the new Almaden Research bldg had been done with lots of CAT4 (assuming 16mbit T/R) but found that running 10mbit ethernet over CAT4 had more aggregate LAN throughput, more per card LAN throughput, and lower latency (than 16mbit T/R).

Part of the issues was that SNA didn't have a network layer ... which contributed to configurations with hundreds of T/R cards sharing common 16mbit LAN (less than half that effective aggregate throughput). For less cost than 300 16mbit T/R cards, could have 300 high-performance ethernet cards with non-IBM channel interface RFC1044 router supporting up to 16 ethernet lans ... ten of the lans with 30 machines/lan (more per LAN throughput plus 1/10th the stations/lan, high-speed router stitching it together) and six of the lans with high-speed (RS/6000) servers ... plus high-speed channel interface.

3-tier posts
801/risc, romp, pc/rt, rios, rs/6000, etc posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

America's new aristocracy lives in an accountability-free zone

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: America's new aristocracy lives in an accountability-free zone
Blog: Facebook
Date: 06 Oct 2018
America's new aristocracy lives in an accountability-free zone

Rhetoric on the floor of congress was that Sarbanes-Oxley would prevent future ENRONs and guarantee that executives and auditors did jailtime, however it required SEC to do something. Possibly because even GAO didn't believe SEC was doing anything, it started doing reports of public company fraudulent financial reports ... even showing uptic after SOX goes into effect (and nobody doing jailtime). Joke was that congress felt so badly that one of the big accounting firms went out of business, the added stringent audit processes was just a large gift to the audit industry ... but would change nothing.

Somewhat related, during the congressional Madoff hearings, they had the person that had tried unsuccessfully for a decade to try and get SEC to do something about Madoff (SEC's hands were forced when Madoff turned himself in). Congress asked if new regulations were needed. He responded that while new regulations might be needed, much more important was transparency and visibility (possibly because SEC wasn't doing anything with the regulations they had).

ENRON posts
Madoff posts
Financial Reporting Fraud posts
Inequality posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

LikeWar: The Weaponization of Social Media

Refed: **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: LikeWar: The Weaponization of Social Media
Blog: Facebook
Date: 06 Oct 2018
re: LikeWar: The Weaponization of Social Media LikeWar: The Weaponization of Social Media

other triva, in middle 80s, internal network (VNET) still wasn't SNA. For 37x5 controllers, ran bisynch with "Y-adapter" ... two subchannel address to get concurrent, full-duplex transmission in both directions ... had much higher throughput than running SNA. I tried to get presentation at the VNET governing board on how to improve much higher throughput. However this was in period when the communication group was spreading lots of internal misinformation ... including presentations to corporate executive committee; VNET would stop working if not converted to SNA, NSF could run over SNA, etc. They also got VNET governing board restricted to managers and technical people no longer allowed to participate.

Somebody collected a lot of the communication group NSF SNA misinformation email and forwarded it to us ... significantly clipped and redacted to protect the guilty

They also had presentation to the corporate executive committee that customers wouldn't need T1 support until sometime in the 90s. The showed stats for customer 37x5 "fat pipes" (multiple parallel 56kbit links treated as single logical link), number of customers configurations with 2, 3, 4, 5 ... dropping to zero by six. What they didn't know (or didn't show) was that telco tariffs for 5-6 56k links was about the same as single T1 link. We relatively easily found 200 customers with T1 links ... but had switched to non-IBM controller interface.

hsdt posts
internal network posts
NSFNET posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

America's electoral system gives the Republicans advantages over Democrats

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: America's electoral system gives the Republicans advantages over Democrats
Blog: Facebook
Date: 07 Oct 2018
America's electoral system gives the Republicans advantages over Democrats

Fareed just called out political strife and conflict got much worse with speaker Gingrich. In 1999, after we were asked to help prevent the coming economic mess (we failed), one of other things we were told was that there has always been conflict between the two parties, but they could put their differences aside and come together to do things for the country. With Gingrich, everything came to be about party advantage and level of party conflict and strife got ten times worse. Now everything is Kabuki dance/theater ... what you see is distraction for the public (like Roman circus) and has little to do with what is really going on.

economic mess posts
Kabuki theater posts

PHD thesis

based (in part) on (then recently) released classified information says that Johnson's staff told him the Vietnam war was not winnable, but it in court of world opinion, it would be better to go ahead fight and loose.

military-industrial(-congressional) complex posts

Then in the paris peace talks, Nixon committed treason convincing N. Vietnam to not settle until after the presidential election.

Article Three of the United States Constitution
U.S. Constitution - Article III
18 US Code 2381 - Treason
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.
... snip ...

George Will Confirms Nixon's Vietnam Treason
Declassified LBJ Tapes Accuse Richard Nixon of Treason
The Lyndon Johnson tapes: Richard Nixon's 'treason'
Newly Released Secret Tapes Reveal LBJ Knew but Never Spoke Out About Nixon's 'Treason'
Did Nixon Commit Treason in 1968? What The New LBJ Tapes Reveal.
Richard Nixon at 100: not just criminal, but treasonous too
Yes, Nixon Scuttled the Vietnam Peace Talks - John Aloysius Farrell
Richard Nixon's long shadow
Nixon's Treason Now Acknowledged
Fleshing Out Nixon's Vietnam 'Treason'

Reagan and Iran ... hostage crisis resolved on the very day Reagan was inaugurated
... and then The Profiteers: Bechtel and the Men Who Built the World
Pollard had accidentally "busted the most secret White House operation of modern times," as one account put it. "Neither Pollard nor the government of Israel was aware that they had smashed George Bush's first shipment of arms to Iran."
... snip ...

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

America's electoral system gives the Republicans advantages over Democrats

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: America's electoral system gives the Republicans advantages over Democrats
Blog: Facebook
Date: 07 Oct 2018
re: America's electoral system gives the Republicans advantages over Democrats

more Bush family, Iraq (& Saudi)

CIA director Colby refuses to approve "Team B" analysis claiming huge Russian military capability, justifying huge US military spending increase.

White House Chief of Staff Rumsfeld gets Colby replaced with somebody (Bush1) that will agree with "Team B" analysis. Rumsfeld then resigns to become SECDEF (and is replaced by his assistant Cheney).

In the 80s, US support Iraq in the iran/iraq war
Bush1 is VP and Rumsfeld is involved in supporting Iraq, including supplying WMDs

In the early 90s, Bush1 is president and Cheney is SECDEF. Sat. photo recon analyst told white house that saddam was marshaling forces to invade Kuwait. White house said that saddam would do no such thing and proceeded to discredit the analyst. Later the analyst informed the white house that saddam was marshaling forces to invade Saudi Arabia, now the white house has to choose between saddam and the Saudis.

This century, Bush2 is president, Cheney is VP, Rumsfeld is SECDEF and one of the "Team B" members is deputy SECDEF (and major architect of Iraq policy).

Before the invasion, the cousin of white house chief of staff Card ... was dealing with the Iraqis at the UN and was given evidence that WMDs (tracing back to US in the Iran/Iraq war) had been decommissioned. the cousin shared it with Card, Powell and others ... then is locked up in military hospital, book was published in 2010 (4yrs before decommissioned WMDs were declassified)

NY Times series from 2014, the decommission WMDs (tracing back to US from Iran/Iraq war), had been found early in the invasion, but the information was classified for a decade

and military-industrial-complex wanted a war so badly that corporate reps were telling former eastern block countries that if they voted for IRAQ2 invasion in the UN, they would get membership in NATO and (directed appropriation) USAID (can *ONLY* be used for purchase of modern US arms). From the law of unintended consequences, the invaders were told to bypass ammo dumps looking for WMDs, when they got around to going back, over a million metric tons had evaporated.

perpetual war posts
military-industrial(-congressional) complex posts
WMD posts

... also (back to the 80s), VP and former CIA director repeatedly claims no knowledge of
because he was fulltime administration point person deregulating financial industry ... creating S&L crisis
along with other members of his family
and another

Republicans and Saudis bailing out the Bushes

S&l crisis posts

last decade (after turn of century) another family member is president and presides over the economic mess 70 times larger than the S&L crisis. S&L crisis had 1000 criminal convictions with jailtime, proportionally the economic mess should have 70,000 (criminal convictions with jailtime), so far nobody.

America's new aristocracy lives in an accountability-free zone

economic mess posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Scientists Just Laid Out Paths to Solve Climate Change. We Aren't on Track to Do Any of Them

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Scientists Just Laid Out Paths to Solve Climate Change. We Aren't on Track to Do Any of Them
Blog: Facebook
Date: 08 Oct 2018
Scientists Just Laid Out Paths to Solve Climate Change. We Aren't on Track to Do Any of Them

Some of the same people for hire did papers for the tobacco industry, also helped spin "team b" results, and more recently doing articles for fossil fuel industry, including dragging in religion. Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming

Which as been used before, after entry WW2, 5000 industrialists from across the US had conference at NYC Waldorf-Astoria and in part because they had gotten such bad reputation for the depression and supporting Nazi Germany, they approved a major propaganda campaign to equate capitalism with Christianity
part of the result by the early 50s was adding "in god we trust" to money and "under god" to the pledge of allegiance.


June1940, Germany had a victory celebration at the NYC Waldorf-Astoria with major industrialists. Lots of them were there to hear how to do business with the Nazis

John Foster Dulles played major role in rebuilding Germany's economy, industry and military 20s thru early 40s. The Brothers: John Foster Dulles, Allen Dulles, and Their Secret World War,

Foster was stunned by his brother's suggestion that Sullivan & Cromwell quit Germany. Many of his clients with interests there, including not just banks but corporations like Standard Oil and General Electric, wished Sullivan & Cromwell to remain active regardless of political conditions.

At least one other senior partner at Sullivan & Cromwell, Eustace Seligman, was equally disturbed. In October 1939, six weeks after the Nazi invasion of Poland, he took the extraordinary step of sending Foster a formal memorandum disavowing what his old friend was saying about Nazism
... snip ...

From the law of unintended consequences; 1943 US Strategic Bombing Program, they needed German industrial and military targets and coordinates, they got the information and detailed plans from wallstreet.

Tying capitalism&religion in the 50s had misdirection involving the red menace ... including claims that John Foster Dulles said he was supporting the Nazis as a counter-force to Soviets.

Exxon Agrees to Disclose Climate Risks Under Pressure from Investors; In an SEC filing, the oil giant dropped its opposition to a shareholder demand for disclosure. Exxon also faces climate fraud investigations by two states.
Exxon Climate

trivia: "Standard Oil" in the John Foster Dulles reference ... supporting the Nazis ... is now EXXON
It is the largest direct descendant of John D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil Company,[2] and was formed on November 30, 1999 by the merger of Exxon (formerly the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey) and Mobil (formerly the Standard Oil Company of New York).
... snip ...

more fossil fuel (needing religion obfuscation and misdirection), June1940 Waldorf-Astoria victory celebration
One prominent figure at the German victory celebration was Torkild Rieber, of Texaco, whose tankers eluded the British blockade. The company had already been warned, at Roosevelt's instigation, about violations of the Neutrality Law. But Rieber had set up an elaborate scheme for shipping oil and petroleum products through neutral ports in South America. With the Germans now preparing to turn the English Channel into what Churchill thought would become "a river of blood," other industrialists were eager to learn from Texaco how to do more business with Hitler.
... snip ...

past posts mentioning "merchants of doubt" A Matter of Mindset: Iraq, Sequestration and the U.S. Army What Makes an Architecture Bizarre? Lessons Learned from the Iraq War What Makes an Architecture Bizarre? What Makes an Architecture Bizarre? Is newer technology always better? It almost is. Exceptions? What Makes an Architecture Bizarre? John Boyd's Art of War Steve B sees what investors think The REAL Reason U.S. Targets Whistleblowers An insider's story of the global attack on climate science Stolen F-35 Secrets Now Showing Up in China's Stealth Fighter $40 billion missile defense system proves unreliable 10 Big Fat Lies and the Liars Who Told Them OT: article on foreign outsourcing Forget the McDonnells. We're ignoring bigger, more pernicious corruption right under our noses 43rd President 12 Reasons America Doesn't Win Its Wars Jeb: George W. Bush is a top foreign policy adviser Pentagon remains stubbornly unable to account for its billions 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95 British socialism / anti-trust Milton Friedman's Cherished Theory Is Laid to Rest Breaking: Entire Nation Experiencing Collective Amnesia About Iraq War Merchants of Doubt How Economists Turned Corporations into Predators "Worse Than Big Tobacco": How Big Pharma Fuels the Opioid Epidemic Sugar Industry Long Downplayed Potential Harms More Guns Do Not Stop More Crimes, Evidence Shows Chevron's lawyer, speaking for major oil companies, says climate change is real and it's your fault Iraq Invasion Air Force Risks Losing Third of F-35s If Upkeep Costs Aren't Cut How China's New Stealth Fighter Could Soon Surpass the US F-22 Raptor Barb America Celebrates Lateral Move From Monarchy To Corporate Rule

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

US Auto Industry

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: US Auto Industry
Blog: Facebook
Date: 08 Oct 2018
70s, congress established quotas to reduce competition and give US industry huge profits that they were suppose to use to remake themselves, put they just pocketed the money and continued business as usual. Early 80s, there was call for 100% unearned profit tax on the industry because they were just pocketing the money.

1990, the industry had the C4 task force to look at completely remaking themselves ... and because they were planning on heavy leveraging technology, they invited technology vendors to send representatives. During the sessions they could accurately describe what the competition was doing better, what they were doing, and what they had to change. One of the issues was that they were taking 7-8yrs from start to rolling off the line (with two efforts running in parallel, offset 3-4yrs to make it look like something new more frequently). The major players had spun off their parts businesses and over 7-8yr period, parts used in original design were no longer available. A major example was corvette with tight space tolerances under the "skin" where there had to redesign, rework and further delays because of how parts changed. The foreign competition had cut that 7-8yrs product cycle in half in the 1st part of the 80s and 1990, there were in the process of cutting it in half again (much more efficient and four times faster reacting to changes in market and technology). Offline I would chide the IBM mainframe brethren how did they expect to contribute because at the time they had similar problems.

auto industry c4 task force posts

Roll forward to the bailouts ... even tho they knew what they needed to do, the various stakeholders still managed to maintain the status quo.

since brought up, Jan1999 I was asked to help try and prevent the coming economic mess (we failed). I was to improve the integrity of securitized mortgage documents (as countermeasure). However, they find that they can pay for triple-A rating (when rating agencies knew they weren't worth triple-A, from Oct2008 congressional hearings into the role that rating agencies played in the economic mess). Triple-A rating trumps supporting documents and they can start doing no-documentation liar loans, triple-A significantly contributing to selling over $27T 2001-2008 (including to entities restricted to only dealing in "safe" investments, like large pension funds) and no longer having to care about borrowers' qualification or loan quality, just how fast they can turn them over.

triple-a (toxic) assets

they then find that they can do securitized loans designed to fail, pay for triple-A, sell into the bond market, and take out CDS gambling bets that they will fail, creating enormous demand for dodgy loans (now they care about borrowers' qualifications, but not in the traditional way). AIG is the largest holder of the CDS gambling bets and was negotiating to pay off at 50cents on the dollar when the SECTREAS steps in fall of 2008 and has them sign document that they can't sue those making the CDS gambling bets and take TARP funds to pay off at face value. The largest recipient of TARP funds is AIG and the largest recipient of face value payoffs is firm formally headed by SECTREAS.

In 2008, the SECTREAS had convinced congress to appropriate TARP funds, supposedly to buy too big to fail off-book toxic assets, but with just $700B ... it wouldn't hardly make a dent in the problem, when just the four largest TBTF were holding $5.2T ye2008. As a result it was left to the Federal Reserve to do the real bailout (trillions buying toxic assets, and tens of trillions in ZIRP funds), and SECTREAS used TARP for other things (besides AIG, Bush/SECTREAS GM bailout 19Dec2008; also fall2008, there was tens of billions for some TBTF, but that was mostly for cosmetic purposes).

economic mess posts
too big to fail (too big to prosecute, too big to jail) posts

Federal Reserve fought long legal battle to prevent disclosing the "real" TBTF bailout. When they lost, FED Chairman holds press conference saying that he thought the TBTF would use ZIRP funds to help mainstreet, but when they didn't, he had no way to force them (however, that didn't stop the tens of trillions in ZIRP funds). Note that the FED Chairman was chosen in part because he supposedly was depression era scholar. However, the FED had tried something similar then with the same results, so the Chairman should have had no expectation of a different result this time.

Fed chairman posts
ZIRP posts

Jan2009 (decade after being asked to help try and prevent economic mess), I'm asked to HTML'ize the Pecora Hearings (30s senate hearings into the '29 crash, resulting in criminal convictions and Glass-Steagall) with lots of internal HREFs and URLs between what happened this time and what happened then (comments that the new congress might have an appetite to do something). I work on it and then get a call saying it won't be needed after all (references that capital hill was buried under enormous mountains of wall street cash).

'29 crash, Pecora Hearings and/or Glass-Steagall posts

Some IBM related I mentioned two CP/67-CMS spin-offs 1968 ... both of them move up the value chain to providing services to financial industry. Jan2009, one of them is briefly mentioned in the news as helping with evaluating the off-book toxic assets for TARP purchases ... which never happened. It turns out that they had previously bought the pricing services division from one of the major rating agencies, but then there was also lots of news about how hard it would be to accurately evaluate the securitized toxic assets. However, the real problems were 1) no-documentation, liar loans w/o supporting documents, 2) not enough money to actually make a dent in the problem, 3) earlier in 2008, several tens of billions had been sold at 22cents on the dollar (marked at 22cents on the dollar, just the four largest TBTF would have had to book four trillion in losses). What actually happened is that the FED bought trillions at 98cents on the dollar (w/o needing evaluation).

pricing service division past posts Banks to embrace virtualisation in 2009: survey Banks to embrace virtualisation in 2009: survey What are the challenges in risk analytics post financial crisis? Lets play Blame Game...? The Credit Crunch: Why it happened? CROOKS and NANNIES: what would Boyd do? The Credit Crunch: Why it happened? A great article was posted in another BI group: "To H*** with Business Intelligence: 40 Percent of Execs Trust Gut" US disaster, debts and bad financial management Credit & Risk Management ... go Simple ? How to defeat new telemarketing tactic Audit II: Two more scary words: Sarbanes-Oxley The background reasons of Credit Crunch Are the "brightest minds in finance" finally onto something? When did "client server" become part of the language? On whom or what would you place the blame for the sub-prime crisis? Is the current downturn cyclic or systemic? Analysing risk, especially credit risk in Banks, which was a major reason for the current crisis UK issues Turning apology (and about time, too) Opinions on the 'Unix Haters' Handbook' Is C close to the machine? Happy DEC-10 Day alphas was: search engine history, was Happy DEC LPARs: More or Less? "Fraud & Stupidity Look a Lot Alike" The first personal computer (PC) S&P's History of Relentless Political Advocacy How Many Divisions Does Standard and Poors Have? PC industry is heading for more change Adair Turner: A New Debt-Free Money Advocate How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size What Makes an Architecture Bizarre? The Internet: Missing the Light spacewar Royal Pardon For Turing only sometimes From looms to computers to looms Interactive Data Corp taps banks for sale or IPO -sources Thanks Obama Banking; The Book That Will Save Banking From Itself Pareto efficiency

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Banking via home computers/internet is a disaster for the computer world

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Banking via home computers/internet is a disaster for the computer world.
Newsgroups: comp.arch
Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2018 22:38:57 -0700
MitchAlsup <> writes:
Anyone who does their banking on a computer, not under the roof of their bank office, is simply asking for trouble.

In my opinion, they deserve it.

mid-90s in financial industry conferences, the consumer dial-up banking operations were giving presentations on converting to internet ... effectively because of the enormous customer support costs supporting proprietary dial-up software for large number of operating systems, versions, different kinds & models of serial port modems, etc ... effectively offloading all those problems on ISPs.

in the same conferences, the cash management/commercial dial-up banking operations said they would never move to internet, because of a large number of exploits & vulnerabilities ... many of which continue to this day (however since then, cash management/commercial dial-up banking have been moved to internet also).

around decade ago, FEDS started recommending that commercial internet online banking should have a dedicated (internet) computer that is *NEVER* used for anything else but online banking (which minimizes some of the exploits).

other trivia: around the turn of the century there was lots of efforts to move to token based authentication as countermeasure to internet exploits. one of the players distributed payment cards with embedded chips along with ("free") serial-port chip reader (possibly fire sale for serial-port chip readers being obsoleted by USB ... which was supposed to address many of the serial-port problems). The resulting severe consumer support problems spawned rapidly spreading opinion in financial industry that chipcards weren't practical in the consumer home (internet) market (even tho the problems were with the serial-port readers, not with the chipcards (apparently all institutional knowledge of serial-port problems had evaporated over period of 5rs) ... and industry pull-back from home consumer chipcard programs.

online dial-up banking posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

IBM Disks

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: IBM Disks
Blog: Facebook
Date: 10 Oct 2018
DASD ... direct access storage device ... when there were drums, disks, and strips ... and not clear what would dominate in the future.

When I transfer to San Jose Research ,,, they let me wander around disk plant site, STL programming, HONE and other IBM places in silicon valley ... and some number of customer sites. At the time, bldg14&15 (disk engineering and product test) were running stand-alone, pre-scheduled 7x24 mainframe testing schedules. They had once tried MVS to see if they could do some concurrent testing, but MVS had 15min MTBF in that environment. I offer to rewrite IOS to make in bullet proof and never fail so they can do any amount of on-demand, concurrent testing. The downside, is that any time they have problem, they try to blame me and I have to go over and diagnose some problem they have (increasingly they want me to participate in things like all conference calls with POK channel engineers). I did do internal report on the work and happened to mention the MVS 15min MTBF which brings down the wrath of the MVS group on my head.

Original 3380, 3mbyte/sec transfer, 20 track spacing between each data track. Double density 3380 (with twice number cylinders) reduces the space to 10 track spacings, then triple density 3380 (and three times number cylinders) reduces spacing further. The father of 801/risc (pc/rt, rs/6000, power, power/pc, etc) wants to do a "wide" disk head and wants me to help him. The head read/writes 16 data tracks in parallel with two servo tracks on the edges. The disk is formatted with one servo track per 16 data tracks (wide head follows servo tracks on both sides of the 16 data tracks). This not only greatly increases data density but has the unfortunate side-effect of increasing transfer speed by factor of 16, from 3mbyte/sec to 48mbyte/sec ... and IBM has no products that support 48mbyte/sec transfer.

getting to play disk engineer posts
CKD, FBA, multi-track search posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

The rise and fall of IBM

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: The rise and fall of IBM
Blog: Facebook
Date: 11 Oct 2018
Ferguson & Morris, "Computer Wars: The Post-IBM World", Time Books .... reference to the "Future System" project 1st half of the 70s, was going to completely replace 370 and 370 efforts were being shutdown, the lack of 370 products during the period is credited with giving clone processor makers market foothold:
... and perhaps most damaging, the old culture under Watson Snr and Jr of free and vigorous debate was replaced with sycophancy and make no waves under Opel and Akers. It's claimed that thereafter, IBM lived in the shadow of defeat
But because of the heavy investment of face by the top management, F/S took years to kill, although its wrong headedness was obvious from the very outset. "For the first time, during F/S, outspoken criticism became politically dangerous," recalls a former top executive.
... snip ...

I continued to work on 370 stuff all during the FS period, even periodically ridiculing the FS activity ... which wasn't exactly a career enhancing activity. Note this has reference to FS ... that major motivation in FS was to create (complexity and tight integration) barriers to clone controllers ... however might claim that they carried the complexity effort so far, that even IBM couldn't accomplish it.

future system posts

trivia: as undergraduate I rewrote a lot of IBM system software. When some from the science center came out to the university last week of Jan1968 to install CP67 ... it had 2741 and 1052 terminal support with automatic terminal identification. The university had a lot of ASCII/TTY terminals and I had to extend the automatic terminal identification support. Then I wanted a single dail-in number (hunt group pool) for all dail-in terminals. However, it didn't quite work because while IBM controllers allowed the SAD command to dynamically change type of port tereminal adapter, line speeds for each port was hard wired. As a result, the University started a clone controller project, building channel interface board for Interdata/3 programmed to emulate IBM terminal controller ... but with dynamic speed identification. This was then enhanced to an Interdata/4 handling the channel interface and a cluster of Interdata/3s handling port/line interfaces. Interdata (and later Perkin/Elmer) start selling this as clone controller. Four of us get written up for (some part of) clone controller business.

PCM/OEM clone controller posts

After moving to SJR, bldg14&15 (disk engineering and product test), suck me into playing disk engineer part time. One of the issues was CKD was increasingly becoming obsolete and the whole business was moving to FBA, the biggest inhibitor was MVS. I offerred FBA support but was told that even if I provided fully integrated and tested FBA support, that I still needed an extra $26M business case (for education, training and documentation) ... or about extra $200M-$300M in sales. However, IBM was then selling disks as fast as they could be made, and FBA support would just change to the same amount of FBA disks (no incremental sales) ... and I couldn't use life-time costs as part of the business case. CKD disks haven't been made for decades, all being simulated on industry standard fixed block disks (for MVS).

getting to play disk engineer posts
CKD, FBA, multi-track search posts

Then single processor chips drastically reducing computing costs and the rise of personal computer were significant disruptive to computing business, especially threatening to the communication group's dumb terminal paradigm and install base.

Mid-80s, I get con'ed into working with baby bell that had redid a VTAM/NCP implementation from scratch on Series/1 with something like ten times the feature/function/performance of the IBM implementation. It implemented real networking support out in Series/1 with control of resources out in the Series/1, faking out mainframe VTAM simulating cross-domain support. I was to package it and release it as TYPE-1 product, quickly upgrading to RS/6000 platform (for when RS/6000 was announced). We spent some time with several of the largest 37x5 customers, but they constantly warned us that communication group was notorious for political tricks. We thought we had brick walled off every possible thing that the communication group might do, but what they did next can only be described as truth is stranger than fiction.

parts of presentations

Late 80s, a senior disk engineer got a talk scheduled at internal, world-wide, annual, communication group conference ... supposedly on 3174 performance ... however he opened his talk with the statement that the head of the communication group was going to be responsible for the demise of the disk division. The issue was that the communication group had stranglehold on datacenters with corporate strategic ownership of everything that crossed datacenter walls and were fiercely fighting off distributed computing and client/server, trying to preserve their dumb terminal paradigm and install base. The disk division was seeing data fleeing datacenters to more distributed computing friendly platforms with fall in disk sales. The disk division had come up with a number of solution to address the opportunity, but they were constantly being vetoed by the communication group (with their corporate strategic ownership of everything that crossed datacenter walls). The mainframe datacenter stranglehold wasn't just affecting disk sales and a few years later the company goes into the red.

dumb terminal paradigm and terminal emulation posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

OT: Postal Service seeks record price hikes to bolster falling revenues

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: OT:  Postal Service seeks record price hikes to bolster falling revenues
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2018 11:59:54 -0700
hancock4 writes:
CNN reported that the US Postal Service is asking for the biggest price jump on stamps in its history. Facing pressure from the Trump administration to address a revenue shortfall, the Postal Service on Wednesday proposed raising the price of 1-oz. letters from 50 cents to 55 cents, which would be a record nominal increase if approved. The price of each additional ounce would go down slightly.

article at:

email and e-commerce has killed a lot of mail volume. But postal service cutbacks has discouraged mailers as well.

We still do need a healthy mail system. Republican policies have hurt the post office.

2006 congressional law requiring USPS to prefund benefits

USPS Defaults on Billions in Mandatory Payments, Despite Scheduled Relief
The 2006 law requiring the prefunding scheduled the lump-sum payments to last 10 years, meaning they expired in 2017. USPS must still make its "normal costs" payments for the retiree health benefits, as well as an amortization of its future liabilities. It is now also facing amortized payments to cover its unfunded liabilities in the Civil Service Retirement System and the Federal Employees Retirement System.
US Postal Service workers have a retiree health care benefit in addition to their pension. Before Congress passed the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act of 2006, the USPS operated under a pay-as-you-go model for retiree health care funding. The new law requires the Postal Service to pre-fund its benefit obligations.
... snip ...

trivia: as undergraduate, I was hired as fulltime employee into small group in the Boeing's CFO office to help with the formation of Boeing Computer Services (consolidate all dataprocessing into independent business unit to better monetise the investment, including offering services for non-Boeing entities). At the time, I thot Renton datacenter was possibly largest in the world with something like $200M-$300M (60s dollars) in IBM 360s, with 360/65s arriving faster than they could be installed, boxes constantly staged in hallways around the machine room. One of the things I did was online CP67 virtual machine (360/67) system for CFO office (at the time, they only had a 360/30 for payroll). They also bring the 360/67 SMP from Boeing Huntsville to Seattle.

After graduation, I join the IBM science center at MIT (rather than remaining at Boeing). CSC ports APL\360 to CP67/CMS for CMS\APL, extending workspace (and redoing APL garbage collection) for virtual memory size (from typical 16kbyte apl\360 size) and adding API for system services (like file read/write) ... enabling lots of real-world applications.

By then BCS has office in DC and doing government contracts and one of the CSC people (offspring of one of the people that discovered DNA) leaves IBM and joins BCS in Washington DC. I stop by and he shows off he is doing APL analytical analysis justifying postal stamp one cent increase.

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Banking via home computers/internet is a disaster for the computer world

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Banking via home computers/internet is a disaster for the computer world.
Newsgroups: comp.arch
Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2018 12:27:13 -0700
David Brown <> writes:
It is impossible to make systems that are entirely 100% secure - all you can do is reduce the risks as much as practical. Yes, sophisticated enough malware could access your netbank in this sort of scenario - but alternatives such as cash have plenty of risks of their own. It could be that here in Norway the risk of getting a malware "break-in" to steal money is higher than in the USA - but the risk of getting a physical break-in is much, much lower as people rarely have significant cash.

Still, I do all my net banking using a dedicated user on my Linux machine. The chances of getting malware on it is not something I am concerned about.

re: Banking via home computers/internet is a disaster for the computer world.

there was still vulnerabilities were malware has control of your PC ... and can display incorrect information and monitor/change what is typed. EU has FINREAD as countermeasure ... external hardened cardreader with its display and keypad ... we do financial standard that includes option that not only is the token authenticated ... but the cardreader is also authenticated ... giving the level of integrity that the transaction was performed in (transaction done where both the transaction environment and the token is authentication has higher level of trust than just authenticating the token. I get a couple trips to Brussels to participate in EU FINREAD standards. However, EU FINREAD is part of collaterial damage from the serial-port fiasco and financial industry pullback from chipcards/tokens

eu finread posts

part of the issue was making the cost to the crook for exploit greater than any expected ROI ... and have them go someplace else. The skimming and malware attacks can compromise millions of accounts with little or no physical effort on the part of the crook.

we had been brought in to help worksmith some cal. state legislation. At the time they were doing "electronic signature", data breach notification and "opt-in personal information sharing". Several of the participants were heavily into privacy issues and done extensive consumer surveys ... and the #1 issue was identity theft, in the form of fraudulent financial transactions frequently as result of data breach. The issue was that there was little or nothing being done about breaches and it was hoped that publicity from the breaches would motivate countermeasures. The problem was that normally entities take security measures in self-protection, but in case of the breaches, the institutions were at risk, it was the public.

Part of the financial transaction standard work wasn't to address the breaches (at least millions of locations around the world), but to harden the transaction so that crooks weren't able to use information from breaches (skimming, evesdropping, compromise end-points, etc) to perform fraudulent financial transactions (eliminating majority of motivation for the crooks).

past posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

The rise and fall of IBM

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: The rise and fall of IBM
Blog: Facebook
Date: 11 Oct 2018
re: The rise and fall of IBM

long description of FS in first half of 70s

folklore is that when FS implodes, some retreat to Rochester and do greatly simplified FS as S/38. One of the issues is that FS had scale-up/performance problems ... which greatly affected commercial dataprocessing ... but not the S/38 target market.

future system posts


paper 1970 at San Jose Research ... and SQL/Relational System/R implementation started on VM370 370/145.

System/R posts

Actual first relational product ships on Multics in June 1976 Multics was on 5th flr, floor above science center that did virtual machine cp40 and CP67, internal network, invented GML 1969, other stuff.

science center posts

The "official" corporate new database was "EAGLE" ... started during the FS period. Both IMS and EAGLE were impeding System/R. Finally while corporation was distracted by EAGLE, was able to get SYSTEM/R tech transfer to Endicott for SQL/DS (under the "radar"). Then when EAGLE finally implodes, there was a request how fast could SQL/DS be ported to MVS ... which eventually ships as DB2 ... originally for decision support only (not to compete with IMS transaction market).

Part of S/38 simplification was all disks in common pool filesystem with scatter allocation (pieces of files can appear across all available disks). Doesn't make any difference for single disk systems, but as scale-up ... all disks have to be backed up and restored as a single entity ... any single disk failure requires restoring the complete filesystem. As systems got larger (more disks), this became increasing catastrophic process. SJ disk engineer got original RAID patent in 1978, and because single disk failures was so catastrophic, S/38 was early RAID adopter.

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

The U.S. Needs to Crack Down on White-Collar Crime

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: The U.S. Needs to Crack Down on White-Collar Crime
Blog: Facebook
Date: 15 Oct 2018
The U.S. Needs to Crack Down on White-Collar Crime; What makes Michael Cohen different from other fraudsters? He got caught.

Rhetoric on the floor of congress was that Sarbanes-Oxley would prevent future ENRONs and guarantee that executives and auditors did jailtime, however it required SEC to do something. Possibly because even GAO didn't believe SEC was doing anything, it started doing reports of public company fraudulent financial reports ... even showing uptic after SOX goes into effect (and nobody doing jailtime). Joke was that congress felt so badly that one of the big accounting firms went out of business, the added stringent audit processes was just a large gift to the audit industry ... but would change nothing.

ENRON posts
Sarbanes-Oxley posts
financial reporting fraud posts

Somewhat related, during the congressional Madoff hearings, they had the person that had tried unsuccessfully for a decade to try and get SEC to do something about Madoff (SEC's hands were forced when Madoff turned himself in). Congress asked if new regulations were needed. He responded that while new regulations might be needed, much more important was transparency and visibility (possibly because SEC wasn't doing anything with the regulations they had).

Madoff posts

Trump Probably Engaged in Felony Tax Evasion

tax evasion, tax fraud, tax avoidance, tax haven posts

note bill black S&L scandal, Keating, etc
The senators got off with a slap on the wrist, but so enraged was one of those bankers, Charles Keating -- after whom the senate's so-called "Keating Five" were named -- he sent a memo that read, in part, 'get Black -- kill him dead.' Metaphorically, of course. Of course.[5]
... snip ...

VP and former CIA director repeatedly claims no knowledge of
because he was fulltime administration point person deregulating financial industry ... creating S&L crisis
along with other members of his family
and another

Republicans and Saudis bailing out the Bushes

S&l crisis posts

last decade (after turn of century) another family member is president and presides over the economic mess 70 times larger than the S&L crisis. S&L crisis had 1000 criminal convictions with jailtime, proportionally the economic mess should have 70,000 (criminal convictions with jailtime), so far nobody.

Economic Mess posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

The U.S. Needs to Crack Down on White-Collar Crime

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: The U.S. Needs to Crack Down on White-Collar Crime
Blog: Facebook
Date: 15 Oct 2018
re: The U.S. Needs to Crack Down on White-Collar Crimea
also America's new aristocracy lives in an accountability-free zone

Fed Inspector Turned Whistleblower Reveals System Rigged For Goldman Sachs
Goldman Sachs' seedy underbelly exposed in shocking tapes

whistleblower posts

in the Madoff hearings, they had the person that tried unsuccessfully for a decade to get SEC to do something about Madoff (SEC hands were forced when Madoff turned himself in) ... he mentioned that tips&whistleblower turn up 13 times more fraud than audits.

madoff psots

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

America's electoral system gives the Republicans advantages over Democrats

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: America's electoral system gives the Republicans advantages over Democrats
Blog: Facebook
Date: 15 Oct 2018
re: America's electoral system gives the Republicans advantages over Democrats America's electoral system gives the Republicans advantages over Democrats

The Man Who Broke Politics; Newt Gingrich turned partisan battles into bloodsport, wrecked Congress, and paved the way for Trump's rise. Now he's reveling in his achievements.
But few figures in modern history have done more than Gingrich to lay the groundwork for Trump's rise. During his two decades in Congress, he pioneered a style of partisan combat--replete with name-calling, conspiracy theories, and strategic obstructionism--that poisoned America's political culture and plunged Washington into permanent dysfunction. Gingrich's career can perhaps be best understood as a grand exercise in devolution--an effort to strip American politics of the civilizing traits it had developed over time and return it to its most primal essence.
... snip ...

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

The Great Depression II

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: The Great Depression II
Blog: Facebook
Date: 17 Oct 2018
The Great Depression II

Note the repeal of Glass-Steagall wasn't root cause of economic mess ... it was used as excuse to not hold accountable the institutions that had become Too Big To Fail (as result of Glass-Steagall repeal) ... and then later when they were found to also be money laundering for drug cartels and terrorists ... start to see references to Too Big To Prosecute and Too Big To Jail.

too big to fail (too big to prosecute, too big to jail)

1999, I'm asked to help prevent the coming economic mess, some investment bankers had walked away "clean" from the S&l crisis, where then doing Internet IPO mills (invest a few millions, hype, ipo for a few billion, should fail to leave the field clear for next round), and were predicted to get into securitize mortgages. I was to help improve the integrity of supporting documents as countermeasure. They then start paying rating agencies for triple-A (when the rating agencies knew they weren't worth triple-A, from Oct2008 congressional hearing). Triple-A trumps supporting documents and they can start doing no-documentation, liar loans. Triple-A significantly contributes to being able to do over $27T 2001-2008, including selling to institutions restricted to only dealing in "safe" investments (like large pension funds).

(triple-a rated) toxic CDO posts

Decade later, Jan2009 I was asked to HTML'ize the Pecora Hearings (30s senate hearings into '29 crash that resulted in Glass-Steagall and criminal convictions) with lots of internal HREFs and URLs between what happened this time and what happened then (comments that the new congress might have appetite to do something). I work on it for awhile and then get a call saying that it won't be needed after all (references to capital hill totally buried under enormous mountains of wallstreet cash).

'29 crash, Pecora Hearings and/or Glass-Steagall posts
Economic Mess posts

Note, the rhetoric in congress was that Sarbanes-Oxley would prevent future ENRONs and guarantee that executives and auditors did jailtime, but it required SEC to do something. Possibly because GAO didn't believe SEC was doing anything, they started doing reports of public company fraudulent financial reports, even showing fraudulent reports increased after SOX goes into effect (and nobody doing jailtime). Less well known is that SOX also required SEC to do something about rating agencies, but they did about as much about rating agencies as they did about public company fraudulent financial reports.

ENRON posts
Sarbanes-Oxley posts
Financial Reporting Fraud posts

In the congressional Madoff hearings, they had testimony from the person that had tried unsuccesfully for a decade to get SEC to do something about Madoff (SEC's hands were forced when Madoff turned himself in).

Madoff posts

also rating agencies

A $1 Trillion Powder Keg Threatens the Corporate Bond Market
The resulting acquisition binge left an unprecedented number of major corporations just a rung or two from junk credit ratings,
But those companies, which have almost $1 trillion of debt, have been allowed to maintain investment-grade ratings by Moody's Investors Service and S&P Global Ratings.
... snip ...

VP and former CIA director repeatedly claims no knowledge of
because he was fulltime administration point person deregulating financial industry ... creating S&L crisis
along with other members of his family
and another

Republicans and Saudis bailing out the Bushes

last decade (after turn of century) another family member is president and presides over the economic mess 70 times larger than the S&L crisis. S&L crisis had 1000 criminal convictions with jailtime, proportionally the economic mess should have 70,000 (criminal convictions with jailtime), so far nobody.

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

SCP of file to USS from Mac is corrupted

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: SCP of file to USS from Mac is corrupted
To: <>
Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2018 18:56:34 -0700
tom@TOMBRENNANSOFTWARE.COM (Tom Brennan) writes:
Poking the I HATE EBCDIC bear? :)

IBM father of ASCII and "The Biggest Computer Goof Ever" (aka EBCDIC) ... has passed and website gone 404, but it lives on at wayback machine
I was myself in charge of such "Logical Systems Standards" for IBM at the time, and have written 20 papers about ASCII. One doesn't get the sobriquet "Father of ASCII" for nothing.
The culprit was T. Vincent Learson. The only thing for his defense is that he had no idea of what he had done. It was when he was an IBM Vice President, prior to tenure as Chairman of the Board, those lofty positions where you believe that, if you order it done, it actually will be done. I've mentioned this fiasco elsewhere. Here are some direct extracts:
... snip ...

more history


virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

The Great Depression II

Refed: **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: The Great Depression II
Blog: Facebook
Date: 19 Oct 2018
re: The Great Depression II

Wall Street Loves These Risky Loans. The Rest of Us Should Be Wary. The C.L.O., a cousin of the mortgage-related product that malfunctioned a decade ago, has become one of the hottest investments on Wall Street.
Banks pooled millions of mortgages -- some of them to borrowers with a shaky ability to repay -- to create C.D.O.s. They kept some, and the rest they sold off to a slew of other investors: in-house hedge funds, European banks, large American pension plans and more.
... snip ...

doesn't mentioned they payed rating agencies for triple-A (when rating agencies knew they weren't worth triple-A) allowing them to selloff to entities restricted to only dealing in "safe investments", like large pension funds ... significantly contributing to doing over $27T 2001-2008.

(triple-a rated) toxic CDO posts
Economic Mess posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

The Great Depression II

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: The Great Depression II
Blog: Facebook
Date: 19 Oct 2018
re: The Great Depression II The Great Depression II

Stockman: Why Greenspanian Central Banking Is The Mortal Enemy Of Capitalist Prosperity

On This Day In History: The Fed Put Is Born

Economic Mess posts
Fed Chairman posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Why Finance Is Too Important to Leave to Larry Summers

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Why Finance Is Too Important to Leave to Larry Summers
Blog: Facebook
Date: 20 Oct 2018
Mark Ames: Why Finance Is Too Important to Leave to Larry Summers
references: Why Larry Summers Should Not Be Permitted to Run Anything More Important than a Dog Pound

then there is Harvard was hired to send over people to teach capitalism ... however those sent over were intent on capitalistic looting ... which gave rise to Putin and their oligarchs ... as countermeasure to our oligarchs (intent on looting Russia). "Is Harvard Responsible For Rise of Putin" ... after the fall of the soviet union, those sent over to teach capitalism were more intent on looting the country. John Helmer: Convicted Fraudster Jonathan Hay, Harvard's Man Who Wrecked Russia, Resurfaces in Ukraine
If you are unfamiliar with this fiasco, which was also the true proximate cause of Larry Summers' ouster from Harvard, you must read an extraordinary expose, How Harvard Lost Russia, from Institutional Investor. I am told copies of this article were stuffed in every Harvard faculty member's inbox the day Summers got a vote of no confidence and resigned shortly thereafter.
... snip ...

How Harvard lost Russia; The best and brightest of America's premier university came to Moscow in the 1990s to teach Russians how to be capitalists. This is the inside story of how their efforts led to scandal and disgrace (gone 404, but lives on wayback machine)
Mostly, they hurt Russia and its hopes of establishing a lasting framework for a stable Western-style capitalism, as Summers himself acknowledged when he testified under oath in the U.S. lawsuit in Cambridge in 2002. "The project was of enormous value," said Summers, who by then had been installed as the president of Harvard. "Its cessation was damaging to Russian economic reform and to the U.S.-Russian relationship."
... snip ...

posts references Harvard and Putin Malicious Cyber Activity 25th Anniversary Implementation of Nunn-Lugar Act Sleepwalking Into a Nuclear Arms Race with Russia View of Russia How can we stop algorithms telling lies? Disregard post (another screwup; absolutely nothing to do with computers whatsoever!) When Working From Home Doesn't Work John Helmer: Lunatic Russia-Hating in Washington Is 70 Years Old. It Started with Joseph Alsop, George Kennan and the Washington Post Tech: we didn't mean for it to turn out like this Innovation?, Government, Military, Commercial Predicting the future in five years as seen from 1983 The 17 equations that changed the course of history DEC and HVAC Olympics opening ceremony Revealed - the capitalist network that runs the world Anatomy of Failure: Why America Loses Every War It Starts Nassim Nicholas Taleb tablets and desktops was Has Microsoft

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

How Wall Street Drove Public Pensions Into Crisis and Pocketed Billions in Fees

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: How Wall Street Drove Public Pensions Into Crisis and Pocketed Billions in Fees
Blog: Facebook
Date: 20 Oct 2018
A Giant Pile of Money; How Wall Street Drove Public Pensions Into Crisis and Pocketed Billions in Fees
Public pensions across the country now squander tens of billions of dollars each year on risky, often poor-performing alternative investments -- money public pensions can ill afford to waste. For all the talk of insolvency, $4 trillion now sits in the coffers of the country's public pensions. It's a giant pile of money of intense interest to Wall Street -- one generally overseen by boards stocked with laypeople, often political appointees. "Time and again," Siedle has written, "hucksters successfully pull the wool over these boards' eyes."
... snip ...

1999 I was asked to try and help stop the coming economic mess (we failed). They said that some of the investment bankers had walked away "clean" from the S&l crisis, were then running Internet IPO mills (invest a few million, hyp, IPO for a few billion, should fail to leave the field clear for next round) and were predicted to next get into mortgages.

I was to improve the integrity of securitized mortgage supporting documents as countermeasure. They then find they can pay for triple-A rating (when the rating agencies knew they weren't worth triple-A, from Oct2008 congressional hearings). Triple-A trumps supporting documents and they can start doing no-documentation, liar loans (no documents, no document integrity issues), spinning off the transactions as fast as possible, no longer needing to care about borrower's qualifications or loan quality (largely enabling being able to do over $27T 2001-2008 unloading into the bond market, including selling to entities restricted to only dealing in safe investments, like large pension funds).

Decade later (Jan2009), I'm asked to HTML'ize the Pecora Hearings (30s senate hearings into '29 crash, responsible for criminal convictions and Glass-Steagall, had been scanned fall 2008 at Boston Library) with lots of internal HREFs and URLs between what happened then and what happened this time (comments that new congress might have appetite to do something). I work on it for awhile and then get a call saying it won't be needed after all (reference to enormous mountains of wallstreet cash totally burying capital hill). S&l crisis had 1000 criminal convictions with jailtime, proportionally, economic mess should have 70,000, so far there have been none.

Economic Mess posts
(triple-a rated) toxic CDO posts
'29 crash, Pecora Hearings and/or Glass-Steagall posts
S&l crisis posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

"It Will Not End Well" - How Gibson's Paradox Has Been Buried

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: "It Will Not End Well" - How Gibson's Paradox Has Been Buried
Blog: Facebook
Date: 20 Oct 2018
"It Will Not End Well" - How Gibson's Paradox Has Been Buried
Gibson's paradox is now explained and is no longer a paradox. The relationship between bond yields and the general price level in the context of manufacturing still exists. It has only been buried, because manufacturing has become a minor part of the modern economy. The saver is euthanised, and private sector wealth has become overly-dependent on financial speculation. It will not end well.
... snip ...

The American Economy Is Rigged
America has long outdone others in its level of inequality, but in the past 40 years it has reached new heights. Whereas the income share of the top 0.1 percent has more than quadrupled and that of the top 1 percent has almost doubled, that of the bottom 90 percent has declined. Wages at the bottom, adjusted for inflation, are about the same as they were some 60 years ago! In fact, for those with a high school education or less, incomes have fallen over recent decades. Males have been particularly hard hit, as the U.S. has moved away from manufacturing industries into an economy based on services.
... snip ...

economic mess posts
inequality posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

How Wall Street Drove Public Pensions Into Crisis and Pocketed Billions in Fees

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: How Wall Street Drove Public Pensions Into Crisis and Pocketed Billions in Fees
Blog: Facebook
Date: 21 Oct 2018
re: How Wall Street Drove Public Pensions Into Crisis and Pocketed Billions in Fees

Public Pensions for Sale, Part 2; Kentucky's willingness to gamble massively on high-risk alternative investments for its pensions has made the state an easy mark for Wall Street hucksters

This is akin to what "wall street hucksters" did during S&L Crisis, selling "junk bonds" to S&Ls in the 80s. Because the industry got such a bad reputation during the "S&L Crisis", they changed the name of "junk bonds" to "high yield bonds" ... and the industry name to Private Equity.

S&l crisis posts
Private Equity posts
Economic Mess posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

PC Personal Computing Market

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: PC Personal Computing Market
Blog: Facebook
Date: 23 Oct 2018
Note that foreign auto import quotas was to reduce competition and give US auto companies enormous profits that they would use to completely remake themselves. However, they just pocketed the money and continued business as usual and in the early 80s there was a call for 100% unearned profit tax on the US auto industry. 1990, the US auto industry had "C4 taskforce" to look at completely remaking themselves and because they were planning on heavily leveraging technology, they invited representatives from major technology companies to participate. During the meetings, they could accurately describe what the foreign competition was doing right and all the things that the US industry had to change. Offline I would chide the mainframe brethren how could they expect to contribute because they suffered from many of the same shortcomings as the US auto industry. Note that the more recent auto bailouts demonstrated that they still weren't able to remake themselves.

from law of unintended consequences, in the early 80s because of the reduced competition they were able to nearly double price of their cars (behind enormous increased profits). However because consumer earnings hadn't increased, they had to go from 36 month auto loans to 60 and 72 month loans. This required that warranties had to be increased to periods comparable to loan period. They were then being eaten by warranty costs ... and forced into address some of the quality issues.

C4 task force posts:

also 1990 there were predictions that emerging HDTV would be behind all new electronics (predicting that the required high volume, high performance electronics would also be the basis for everything from PCs to supercomputers). Dept of Commerce was sponsoring all these meetings to constantly make trivial changes to the HDTV standard trying to give US makers competitive advantage (lead time) ... as all TV makers were moving to asia. Then the rise of the Internet was major factor spurring consumer volumes for PCs and the PC volumes (and driver for electronics) started to overshadow the predicted HDTV volumes.

The initial IBM/PC volumes were spurred by (dumb) 3270 terminal emulation ... business market where large corporation had justification for tens of thousands of 3270s could switch to IBM/PC for about the same price and in single desktop footprint get 3270 terminal and some local computing capacity (giving great competitive advantage with PCs targeted at infant personal computing market). My brother was regional apple market rep and when he came into town I could go to apple business dinners and argue with MAC developers (before MAC had been announced) about MAC design.

Then the rise of the internet gave enormous boost to the consumer PC market and clone markers stepped in with products with price point for that market.

periodically repeated story: a senior disk engineer got a talk scheduled at internal, world-wide, annual, communication group conference ... supposedly on 3174 performance ... however he opened his talk with the statement that the head of the communication group was going to be responsible for the demise of the disk division. The issue was that the communication group had stranglehold on datacenters with corporate strategic ownership of everything that crossed datacenter walls and were fiercely fighting off distributed computing and client/server, trying to preserve their dumb terminal paradigm and install base. The disk division was seeing data fleeing datacenters to more distributed computing friendly platforms with fall in disk sales. The disk division had come up with a number of solution to address the opportunity, but they were constantly being vetoed by the communication group. The mainframe datacenter stranglehold wasn't just affecting disk sales and a few years later the company goes into the red.

dumb terminal paradigm

A co-worker leaves SJR and is doing a lot of consulting work for chip houses in silicon valley. At one large chip house (engineering senior VP had used CP67/CMS as young engineer in the 60s), he got AT&T C running on CMS, did several compiler performance enhancements and was porting lots of UNIX-based VLSI chip design tools to CMS. One day the IBM marketing rep asked him what he was doing. He said he was adding ethernet support to connect in SGI workstations. The marketing rep told him that if he didn't do token-ring instead, the company might not get the timely mainframe support they were use to. I then get an hour call having to listen to lots of four letter words. The next morning the senior VP has press conference to announce they were moving off mainframe to SUN servers. Then IBM has some number of taskforces to look at why silicon valley was moving off mainframe (however, they weren't allowed to consider the real reasons).

1980, there was effort to use 801/risc Iliad chip for the low-end and mid-range 370 microprocessors (4361&4381 follow-on to 4331&4341), AS/400 follow-on to S/38, multitude of controller processors, etc. For various reasons, (almost) all of these efforts floundered and things returned to business as usual with CISC chips (saw some number of engineers go to work on RISC efforts at other vendors).

Research/OPD 801/risc ROMP processor chip was going to be DISPLAYWRITER follow-on. When that got canceled, they decided to retargeted it to the unix workstation market ... hiring the company that had done the AT&T unix port to the IBM/PC for PC/IX to do a port to ROMP (becomes AIX).

801/risc, iliad, romp, rios, power, power/pc, etc

The price-point for these 801/risc processors were well above most of the PC market (as was PS2).
Overall, the PS/2 line was largely unsuccessful with the consumer market, even though the PC based Models 30 and 25 were an attempt to address it. With what was widely seen as a technically competent but cynical attempt to gain undisputed control of the market, IBM unleashed an industry backlash, which went on to standardize, VESA, EISA and PCI. In large part, IBM failed to establish a link in the consumer's mind between the PS/2 MicroChannel architecture and the immature OS/2 1.x operating system; the more capable OS/2 version 2.0 did not release until 1992.[13]

The firm suffered massive financial losses for the remainder of the 1980s, forfeiting its previously unquestioned position as the industry leader, and eventually lost its status as the largest manufacturer of personal computers, first to Compaq and then to Dell. From a high of 10,000 employees in Boca Raton before the PS/2 came out, only seven years later, IBM had $600 million in unsold inventory and was laying off staff by the thousands.[14][15][full citation needed] After the failure of the PS/2 line to establish a new standard, IBM was forced to revert to building ISA PCs--following the industry it had once led--with the low-end PS/1 line and later with the more compatible Aptiva and PS/ValuePoint lines.

... snip ...

30yrs of personal computer market

past posts mentioning arstechnica PC market article What is the protocal for GMT offset in SMTP (e-mail) header Steve Jobs passed away 'Free Unix!': The world-changing proclamation made30yearsagotoday upcoming TV show, "Halt & Catch Fire" Could this be the wrongest prediction of all time? Mannix "computer in a briefcase" Mannix "computer in a briefcase" Old word processors

posts mentioning HDTV & dept commerce how old are you guys Cray-1 Anniversary Event - September 21st Is computer history taugh now? US or China? dig. TV 60 Minutes News Report:Unemployed for over 99 weeks! Is there a connection between your strategic and tactical assertions? Cultural attitudes towards failure President Obama announces semiconductor industry working group to review U.S. competitiveness

posts mentioning dataquest PC market study for IBM Boca Moore law What ever happened to Tandem and NonStop OS ? IBM to the PCM market more on (the new 40+ yr old) virtualization Houses Intel's Future is integrated How long before Microsoft goes the way of DEC (and in part, IBM)? Happy DEC-10 Day SLIGHTLY OT - Home Computer of the Future (not IBM) Slackware IBM commitment to academia 9th Feb 2014 IBM sells Intel server business, company is doomed upcoming TV show, "Halt & Catch Fire" Could this be the wrongest prediction of all time? What would Klinger look like in business attire? IBM "Breakup" ARM Cortex A53 64 bit ARM Cortex A53 64 bit IBM downfall IBM PS2 EasyLink email ad Obsolete processors, 286 vs. 386

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

More Americans Supported Hitler Than You May Think

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: More Americans Supported Hitler Than You May Think.
Blog: Facebook
Date: 24 Oct 2018
More Americans Supported Hitler Than You May Think. Here's Why One Expert Thinks That History Isn't Better Known

John Foster Dulles played major role in rebuilding Germany's industry, economy and military after WW1 through early 40s.

Foster was stunned by his brother's suggestion that Sullivan & Cromwell quit Germany. Many of his clients with interests there, including not just banks but corporations like Standard Oil and General Electric, wished Sullivan & Cromwell to remain active regardless of political conditions.

At least one other senior partner at Sullivan & Cromwell, Eustace Seligman, was equally disturbed. In October 1939, six weeks after the Nazi invasion of Poland, he took the extraordinary step of sending Foster a formal memorandum disavowing what his old friend was saying about Nazism
... snip ...

From the law of unintended consequences; 1943 US Strategic Bombing Program needing German industrial and military targets and coordinates, got the information and detailed plans from wallstreet.

June 1940, Germany had a victory celebration at the NYC Waldorf-Astoria with major industrialists. Lots of them were there to hear how to do business with the Nazis

Later 5000 industrialists from across the US had conference (also) at NYC Waldorf-Astoria and in part because they had gotten such bad reputation for the depression and supporting Nazi Germany, approved a major propaganda campaign to equate capitalism with Christianity

results included adding "In God We Trust" to money and "under God" to the pledge of allegiance, it was also extended in the 50s as part of fighting the "red menace" ... further obfuscating the role they played in supporting Nazis.

Note that major neutrality bill was by members of congress that were disgusted with the enormous WW1 profiteering that they had seen. Industrialists wanting to do business with Nazis, supported propaganda ("fake news"?) that respun this as part of isolationism.

recent posts mentionin Dulles, Intrepid, "under God", etc The First World War Predicting the future in five years as seen from 1983 1963 Timesharing: A Solution to Computer Bottlenecks 1963 Timesharing: A Solution to Computer Bottlenecks Pushing Out Immigrants Isn't About the Economy The Man From Sullivan & Cromwell More Guns Do Not Stop More Crimes, Evidence Shows Revealed - the capitalist network that runs the world Doubts about the HR departments that require knowledge of technology that does not exist Counterinsurgency Lessons from Malaya and Vietnam: Learning to Eat Soup with a Knife off topic 1952 B-52 ad IBM's Chief Executive's Message to Shareholders 75 Years Ago What Lies Beyond Capitalism And Socialism? Barb Post WW2 red hunt We must stop bad bosses using migrant labour to drive down wages How American Racism Influenced Hitler; Scholars are mapping the international precursors of Nazism The Persistent Myth of U.S. Precision Bombing The Persistent Myth of U.S. Precision Bombing tablets and desktops was Has Microsoft America Celebrates Lateral Move From Monarchy To Corporate Rule old grudges, Computers, anyone? meanwhile in eastern Asia^WEurope, was tablets and desktops was Has Microsoft Top CEOs' compensation increased 17.6 percent in 2017; The ratio of CEO-to-worker compensation grew to 312-to-1 meanwhile in eastern Asia^WEurope, was tablets and desktops was Has Microsoft A Tea Party Movement to Overhaul the Constitution Is Quietly Gaining A Tea Party Movement to Overhaul the Constitution Is Quietly Gaining Scientists Just Laid Out Paths to Solve Climate Change. We Aren't on Track to Do Any of Them

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

All programmers that developed in machine code and Assembly in the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s died?

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: All programmers that developed in machine code and Assembly in the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s died?
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2018 11:55:07 -0800
françai s <> writes:
All programmers that developed in machine code and Assembly in the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s died?

The majority of programmers that developed in machine code and Assembly in the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s died?

60s, undergraduate spring semester took 2hr fortran intro to computing ... univ. had 709 running tape-to-tape IBSYS with 1401 (MPIO) front end doing card->tape and tape->printer/punch. That summer they replaced 1401 with 360/30 (as part of transition to replacing 709/1401 with 360/67, initially sold for tss/360) and I get summer job to rewrite 1401 MPIO in 360 assembler (even tho MPIO would still run in 1401 emulation mode). Univ. datacenter shutdown 8am sat. to 8am monday ... and I would get the whole place dedicated for 48hrs straight every weekend ... which continues thru school year (made monday morning classes a little hard going 48hrs w/o sleep). I get to design/implement/debug monitor/supervisor, devices drivers, interrupt handlers, error recovery, storage management, console interface, etc. I fairly quickly learn that first thing when I come in was to clean all the tape drives and disassemble the 2540 reader/punch for cleaning. Also periodically 3rd shift had finished early and powered everything off and turned out the lights. 360/30 would periodically not complete powered on, and eventually I found all the controller "CE" switches ... put everything in CE-mode, powered on the 360/30 and then powered on each controller and returned to normal mode.

I eventually had box of cards (2000 statement assemble program). It had assembly option that would generate TXT deck to run "stand-alone" with BPS loader ... or under OS/360 with data services macros. "Stand-alone" version took a little less than 30mins to assemble (under os/360 pcp release 6, on 360/30). The OS/360 version took over an hour to assemble, added time effectively all was DCB macro processing, six DCB macros at around 6mins (or so) per DCB

Then 709&360/30 is then replaced with 360/67 and I'm hired fulltime responsible for systems (actually 360/67 originally for tss/360, but tss/360 never came to production fruition, so ran os/360 as 360/65) ... and I continue to own the datacenter all to myself on the weekend.

student fortran jobs took less than second on 709 tape->tape ibsys, initially they were taking over minute on 360/65 OS/360. Installing hasp cut that about in half. I redid OS/360 system generation to optimize disk arm seek and PDS directory multi-track search ... that cut elapsed time to 12.9secs (nearly additional three times speedup).

three people from IBM Cambridge Science Center come out last week Jan1968 to install CP/67 ... and I get to rewrite much of the code and play with it on weekends.

from old archived posts, part of Fall '68 presentation at (IBM user group) SHARE ... mentioning reworking OS/360 ... and rewriting much of CP67 kernel CP/67 & OS MFT14

it wasn't until installing WATFOR, that student fortran was running faster than on 709.

CP67 had support for automatic terminal type recognition (for 2741 & 1052) using terminal controller "SAD" command to switch line/port scanner type. Univ had some number of TTY/ASCII and I extended terminal type recognition to do 2741, 1052, & TTY/ASCII. I then wanted to have single dial-in number ("hunt group") for all terminal types ... which wouldn't quite work. While the terminal controller supported changing the line/port scanner type ... the line speeds were hard-wired (2741&1052 the same, but TTY/ASCII slower).

This was part of motivation for univ. to start clone controller project. We built channel interface board for Interdata/3 that was programmed to emulate terminal controller ... with the addition that it would do automatic line speed. This was upgraded to Interdata/4 for the channel interface with cluster of Interdata/3s handling ports (and Interdata starts selling them as clone controllers, later sold under P/E logo after P/E buys Interdata). Four of us then get written up for being responsible for (some part of) clone controller business. Around turn of the century visiting large datacenter, I run into one of the still running P/E boxes handling majority of east coast point-of-sale, card swipe dial-up terminals.

IBM science center posts
360 plug compatible controller posts

before I graduate (and still 60s), I'm hired fulltime into small group into Boeing CFO office to help with the formation of Boeing Computer Services (consolidate all dataprocessing into independent business unit to better monetize the investment, including services for non-Boeing entities). At the time CFO office only had 360/30 for payroll, but was trying to take over Renton datacenter which had $200M-$300M (60s dollars) in IBM 360s, 360/65s arriving faster than they could be installed, boxes constantly being staged in hallways around the machine room. I do get 360/67 at hdqtrs to play with CP/67. 747#3 was flying skies of seattle getting FAA flt certification. When I graduate, instead of staying at Boeing I join the IBM science center at MIT.

misc. web refs:

WATFOR was precursor to WATFIV

some of the MIT CTSS people
had done to the 5th flr to do MULTICS
others went to the science center on the 4th flr, did virtual machines (cp40 & cp67), internal network, bunch of online stuff, invented GML 1969 (decade later morphs into ISO SGML and another decade morphs into HTML at CERN) CP67
hunt group:

Many univ. were sold 360/67 for tss/360, tss/360 never came to fruition, many resorted to using them as 360/65 for OS/360, but a couple did their own virtual memory systems

MTS did their own clone terminal controller with PDP-8
Stanford reference

other trivia, follow-on to CP67 was (virtual machine) VM370. both (stanford) SLAC and CERN (sister organizations) were long time VM370 users ... and first US webserver was SLAC VM370 system

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

All programmers that developed in machine code and Assembly in the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s died?

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: All programmers that developed in machine code and Assembly in the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s died?
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2018 12:34:33 -0800
James Dow Allen <> writes:
BTW, in the mid 1970's I wrote small fragments of microcode for 370/3135 and 370/3145. Has anyone else still here done that?

re: All programmers that developed in machine code and Assembly in the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s died?

there was guy at IBM Palo Alto science center that did the APL microcode assist for 370/145 (ran lot of apl code as fast as 370/168), also worked on

First half of 70s, IBM had the future system project ... some past posts

which was going to replace 370 and completely different. Internal politics whas shutting down 370 efforts and lack of 370 products during the period is credited with giving clone processor vendors market foothold. When FS implodes, there was mad rush to get stuff back into product pipelines. Part of that was kicking off quick&dirty 303x & 3081 in parallel.

I get con'ed into some of the efforts, one was microcode assists for 138/148 (135/145 follow-on). Was told that there was 6k bytes of microcode space for assists and was to select highest 6k byte kernel pathlengths for redoing in microcode (at the time it was taking avg of ten microcode instructions to emulate 370 instruction, so direct translation to microcode was about ten times speedup).

two things done to identify the highest executed kernel paths. One was putting logged timestamps all through the kernel and calculating differences between two timestamps. the other was working with the PASC 145 microcode person for a "kernel" PSW address "sampler" ... that would increment (microcode) counter for each kernel 32byte address range. This is old post of the data from the timestamp calculations ... showing highest executed 6k bytes account for 79.55 of kernel execution 370 ECPS VM microcode assist

at the same time, I got con'ed into (microcode) enhancements for 370/125. 115&125 had nine position memory bus for microprocessors ... all the microprocessors were the same ... one with microcode for emulating 370 and rest with microcode implementing (device) controller functions. 125 was identical except the microprocessor emulating 370 was 50% faster. The objective was do SMP multiprocessor support that would have up to five 370/125 processors ... leaving room for up to four device controllers (disk, communication, etc).

In addition to 148ECPS for 125, I also put much of SMP dispatching into microcode with queued interface for pending processor execution and another queued interface for application interrupts needing kernel services (something like what the intel i432 did later). Also all disk I/O queued interface for start/interrupt ... sort of superset of 370/xa SSCH.

The 148 people complained that 5processor 125 would overlap their processing power ... in escalation meetings, I was asked to argue for both sides for/against 148ECPS and for/against 125SMP. The 148ECPs faction won and 125SMP never came out. I did redo the 125SMP microcode design in assembler for standard VM370 SMP support running on 158&168 SMP.

past 125SMP posts
past SMP/multiprocessor and/or compare&swap posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

online computer conferencing, was: System level coding examples

Refed: **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: online computer conferencing, was: System level coding examples
To: <>
Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2018 14:32:20 -0800
bchapman22@GMAIL.COM (Brian Chapman) writes:
I didn't realize that the listserv even existed. I thought the Google newsgroup was the primary forum.

this discussion group originated with listserv (mailing list) on corporate sponsored university BITNET in the 80s. it then transitioned to TCP/IP and the internet ... along with a "gateway" for outgoing listserv to usenet discussion groups (on internet). More recently, google acquired the usenet discussion groups archive and merged them into google groups ... along with a gateway from ongoing usenet discussion groups to google groups (aka ibm-main list appears as in the usenet news bit.listserv hierarchy and goes by same name in google groups).

things will go from:

listserv->(internet)usenet news groups->google groups

but not reverse direction. usenet postings will show up in google groups (but not listserv), google group postings only show up at google but not listserv or usenet.

grandfather of all this is TYMSHARE's early 70s CMS-based online computer conferencing that they started providing to SHARE for free in AUG1976 ... archives here
sometimes(?) "404" ... but also at wayback machine

I had cut deal with TYMSHARE to get monthly tape dump of all VMSHARE files for putting up on internal systems and network. The biggest problem I had was with corporate lawyers who were afraid of exposing general employees to customer information.

bitnet & listserv

usenet news

google acquaires the deja usenet newsgroup archive

virtual machines, cp40, cp67 (precursor to vm370), networking technology used for the internal network (larger than internet/arpanet from just about the beginning until sometime mid-80s, also used for corporate sponsored university BITNET, also larger than arpanet/internet for some time), lots of online applications, etc, all from the IBM cambridge science center in the 60s. GML was also invented at the science center in 1969 (3letters for the last names of inventors, decade later morphs into ISO SGML, another decade morphs into HTML at CERN).

I was blamed for online computer conferencing on the internal network in the late 70s & early 80s. Folklore is that when corporate executive committee was told about online computer conferencing (and internal network), 5of6 wanted to fire me. One of the results was an official online discussion tool ... which was superset of combined usenet&listserv (or listserv was subset of the internal tool).

internal online computer conferencing posts
internal network posts
BITNET (& EARN) posts
science center posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

PROFS, email, 3270

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: PROFS, email, 3270
Blog: Facebook
Date: 17 Nov 2018
PROFS group picked up a number of internal applications for use, one was a very early version of VMSG for the email client. When the VMSG author offered them a much enhanced version, they tried to get him fired (having taken credit for everything in PROFS). Everything quieted down when the author demonstrated that every PROFS note contained his initials in non-displayed field. After that he only shared source with me and one other person.

Somebody with every possible security clearance was needed to scan the backup tapes for the congressional subpoena ... that caught Ollie. Middle 90s, the first lady's aid was implicated in canceling backups, loosing tens of thousand of emails. GSA then significantly tightened up backup procedures. With the new enforced backup procedures, after the start of the century the new administration moved to using non-GOV email servers ... resulting in loss of millions of emails. More recently, former first lady, and at the time, sec. of state, was familiar with need to use non-GOV email servers.

Certain 3-letter gov. agency was heavy user starting with CP67 in the 60s ... and very active in (IBM user group) SHARE (SHARE installation codes were 3-letter and they chose CAD ... supposedly for cload-and-dagger). They showed some use/load activities over the day ... first peaking around 10am in the morning ... after morning coffee, people were reading all the dispatches that had been arriving from around the world over night. You can sometimes see their installation code in the VMSHARE archives (TYMSHARE started providing their CMS-based online computer conferencing system for free to SHARE in AUG1976)
sometimes(?) "404" ... but also at wayback machine

VMSG author also wrote parasite/story .... late 70s, 3270 simulator application (using VM370 pseudo device support) with HLLAPI-like language ... so small ran in CMS transient area. More detailed description in this archived old post
and "story" that connects to RETAIN (through CCDN gateway) and downloads "PUT BUCKETs"

CTSS EMAIL history

some of the CTSS people went to the 5th flr and did multics
others went to the IBM science center on the 4th flr and did virtual machine (cp/40 & cp/67, precursors to VM/370), networking technology (used for the internal network and later for the corporate sponsored university BITNET), lots of online applications, invented GML in 1969 (three letters for inventors last name, decade later morphs into ISO SGML and after another decade morphs into HTML at CERN)

One of my hobbies after joining IBM was enhanced production operating systems for internal datacenters and (eventually becoming world-wide) CMS-based online sales&marketing support HONE systems was long time customers. I was asked to go over for some of the early HONE installs outside US ... including when EMEA hdqtrs moved from NY to Paris (and needed a Paris HONE system). One of things I remember from that trip was it took some fiddling in Paris on how to read my email back in the states ... of course, those things are much easier now.

One of my hobbies after joining IBM was enhanced production operating systems for internal datacenters and (eventually becoming world-wide) CMS-based online sales&marketing support HONE systems was long time customers. I was asked to go over for some of the early HONE installs outside US ... including when EMEA hdqtrs moved from NY to Paris (and needed a Paris HONE system). One of things I remember from that trip was it took some fiddling in Paris on how to read my email back in the states ... of course, those things are much easier now.

3270 keyboard would lock if you attempted to hit key when system was writing to the screen. 3277 had electronics in the head. There was FIFO box built for 3277, unplug keyboard from the head, plug in the FIFO box into head, and plug keyboard into the FIFO box. The FIFO box would queue keystrokes in the box if couldn't transmit, avoiding keyboard lock. significantly improving human factors.

3278 moved the electronics back into the controller (to reduce manufacturing cost), it made things much slower (hardware response went from 3277 .086secs, to minimum 3278 .3secs, but frequently much worse) because of the significant increase in chatter between the 3278 and controller (later IBM/PC with 3277 card upload/download was three times faster than IBM/PC with 3278 card). Complaints to 3278 product administrator eventually got a response that the 3278 wasn't designed for interactive computing, but for data entry.

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

PC Personal Computing Market

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: PC Personal Computing Market
Blog: Facebook
Date: 17 Nov 2018
re: PC Personal Computing Market

part of communication group effort to maintain dumb terminal paradigm (fiercely fighting off client/server and distributed computing) was block release of mainframe TCP/IP support. Eventually when they could no longer block it, they changed their story that since communication group had strategic ownership of everything that crossed datacenter wall, TCP/IP had to be released through communication group. What was finally released was kneecapped in various ways ... price, throughput, performance, etc (got 44kbytes/sec using nearly whole 3090 processor). I did the changes to support RFC1044 and in some throughput tests at Cray Research between (IBM) 4341 and Cray, got channel throughput using only modest amount of 4341 processor (something like 500 times improvement in bytes moved per instruction executed). 1044 posts

The (IBM) internal network (not SNA), larger than arpanet/internet from just about the beginning until sometime mid-80s, fell behind internet node numbers, in part because started seeing PC TCP/IP nodes on the internet, while PCs on the internal network were restricted to being dumb terminal emulation. Also in the 2nd half of the 80s, the communication was spreading lots of mis-information that 1) internal network had to be converted to SNA/VTAM or internal network would stop working and 2) that SNA/VTAM could support NSFNET (TCP/IP) backbone (precursor to the modern internet). past NSFNET psts

Lots of this SNA/VTAM internal misinformation email was gatherred up by somebody and forwarded to me (with comments). In the past I've posted this to internet, heavily snipped and redacted to protect the guilty. NSF related email

trivia: in the 90s, Postel (internet standards RFC Editor) before he passes, use to let me help do STD1. He also sponsored my talk on what had to be done to internet to make in industrial strength dataprocessing (standing room only at ISI, with graduate network computer dept over from USC).

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Too Rich to Jail

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Too Rich to Jail
Blog: Facebook
Date: 18 Nov 2018
Too Rich to Jail

too big to jail (too big to fail, too big to prosecute)

1999, I was asked to help stop the coming economic mess (we failed). Then in Jan2009, I was asked to HTML'ize the Pecora Hearings (30s senate hearings into '29 crash), with lots of internal HREFs and URLs between what happened this time and what happened then (reference that the new congress might have appetite to do something). I work on it for awhile and then get a call that it won't be needed after all (comment that there were huge mountains of wallstreet cash totally burying capital hill & that there was possibly only one or two honest members of congress left).

S&l crisis posts
Economic Mess posts

Confidence Men: Wall Street, Washington, and the Education of a President.

has several references that essentially wallstreet was using the EHM debt strategy against the American public. other references were about new president having to choose between the economic A-team (Volcker et al) and the B-team. The A-team was instrumental in getting him elected, but the A-team would have held wallstreet and the too big to fail accountable, which would have likely taken down most of those institutions (so new president chooses the b-team that wasn't going to hold anybody responsible).

... also (back to the 80s), VP and former CIA director repeatedly claims no knowledge of
because he was fulltime administration point person deregulating financial industry ... creating S&L crisis
along with other members of his family
and another

Republicans and Saudis bailing out the Bushes

last decade (after turn of century) another family member is president and presides over the economic mess 70 times larger than the S&L crisis. S&L crisis had 1000 criminal convictions with jailtime, proportionally the economic mess should have 70,000 (criminal convictions with jailtime), so far nobody.

other recent posts mentioning "confidence men" Predicting the future in five years as seen from 1983 How a Misfit Group of Computer Geeks and English Majors Transformed Wall Street Senate Democrats Join Hands With Republicans to Sell You Out to Banks Tax Cut for Stock Buybacks Important US technology companies sold to foreigners Bankers Hate the Volcker Rule. Now, It Could Be Watered Down Pigs Want To Feed at the Trough Again: Bernanke, Geithner and Paulson Use Crisis Anniversary to Ask for More Bailout Powers Pigs Want To Feed at the Trough Again: Bernanke, Geithner and Paulson Use Crisis Anniversary to Ask for More Bailout Powers Why Dodd-Frank Is A Protection Racket For Banks

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

DASD Development

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: DASD Development
Blog: Facebook
Date: 19 Nov 2018
DASD engineering bldg 14 "testcells" were locked wire cages ... badges were coded for which doors they opened. Getting into bldg 14 was different code for getting into the machine room with testcells. Something similar for bldg 15 product test next door (coding for bldg 15 machine room was different from bldg 15 exterior doors). Also rule that none of development engineers from bldg 14 had access to bldg 15 product test ... keeping clear separation brick wall between development and product test. I was one of the few people that had badge coded for every door and I didn't even work for the disk division ... I was just random person from san jose research across the street in bldg. 28 that was allowed to wander around.

When I first transferred there all testing was being done on stand alone machine, prescheduled 7x24. They had once tried MVS for multiple concurrent testing, but MVS had 15mins MTBF in that environment. I offered to rewrite I/O supervisor so it was bullet proof and never fail ... allowing on-demand, anytime concurrent testing ... significantly improving productivity. This got me sucked into being blamed any time they had some sort of problem and I would have to come in and diagnose something that was almost always a hardware problem.

Several years later when 3380 was preparing to ship, FE had error regression, 57 errors that they were able emulate where MVS was still crashing in all 57 cases (requiring re-ipl) and in 2/3rds of the cases there was no indication of what caused the re-ipl. old email

In internal document describing the I/O supervisor rewrite, I happened to mentioned the MVS 15min MTBF ... which brought down the wrath of the MVS group on my head.

Bldg. 15 product test would get early engineering machines for dasd test ... second or third operation machines ... 3033, 4341, etc. Since DASD testing only took a couple percent of the system, we set up in house time-sharing service on the 3033 ... found spare strings of 16 3330s.

When initially set up, somebody was running thin-film head air bearing simulation (floating head) on the 370/195 over in bldg. 28, but was lucky to get (high-priority) one week turn around. We setup so he could run on our in-house 3033 service ... even though 3033 run time was more than twice 195 ... they could still get several turn arounds a day (compared to be lucky to get one-week turn around on 195)

We also did fiddling with boxes ... when 3274 controller first arrived, the boxes were constantly required to be manually reset/re-impl. We found that if you hit every 3274 subchannel address with HDV/CLRIO in tight loop, the 3274 would re-impl on its own. We found we could do something similar with the 3033 channel director to prompt it to re-impl.

posts mentioning getting to play disk engineering in bldg14&15

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

So much for THAT excuse | Computerworld SHARK TANK

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: So much for THAT excuse | Computerworld SHARK TANK
Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2018 20:26:30 -0800
0000000a2a8c2020-dmarc-request@LISTSERV.UA.EDU (Tom Marchant) writes:
No. It never sets the zone bits to 0. It sets the zone bits to F when in EBCDIC mode and to 5 when in ASCII mode.

Don't forget ASCII was a 7-bit code. IBM was probably among the first to design an 8-bit extension. I don't know when an 8-bit ASCII standard was introduced.

The greatest computer "goof", 360 was supposed to be ASCII, by the (IBM) father of ASCII (website gone 404 but lives on at wayback machine):
Who Goofed?

The culprit was T. Vincent Learson. The only thing for his defense is that he had no idea of what he had done. It was when he was an IBM Vice President, prior to tenure as Chairman of the Board, those lofty positions where you believe that, if you order it done, it actually will be done. I've mentioned this fiasco elsewhere. Here are some direct extracts:

... snip ...

bemer history index page

Bob Bemer
Computer Pioneer Bob Bemer, 84
Robert W. Bemer, 84, Pioneer In Computer Programming
Robert W. Bemer

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

1970s school compsci curriculum--what would you do?

Refed: **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: 1970s school compsci curriculum--what would you do?
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2018 13:32:27 -0800
timcaffrey420 writes:
In 1975 (or probably earlier) my school got a couple of teletypes they could use to access the school system's IBM 370 running VM. Each teletype had access to its own virtual machine running CMS (which was a good thing, we got really good at crashing CMS).

The (tall) math teacher that taught the class eventually left for a programming job.

The local technical college had an IBM 1130 clone which the math club (for local high school students) used in a programming contest.

- Tim

as undergraduate in the 60s, I was hired fulltime to be responsible for the os/360 administration and academic production system. Three people came out from the science center last week Jan1968 to install CP67/CMS (precursor to VM370/CMS) and I got to play with it on weekends ... rewriting large amount of CP67 code (which was picked up and shipped in standard product). The original code supported 1052 and 2741 terminals, and one of the things I had to do was add TTY/ASCII terminal support. After graduating, I joined the science center.

In the 70s, some of the science center split off to form the VM370 development group ... as part of the rewrite of CP67 to VM370 they dropped and/or simplified lots of CP67.

Early 1974, I started work on moving lots of code from CP67 to VM370 ... finally finishing a lot of it spring 1975. archived old email:

One of my hobbies after joining IBM was enhanced production operating systems for internal datacenters ... and sometimes some of the work would be periodically picked up for standard release and shipped to customers. Pieces of the CP67->VM370 work didn't start shipping to customers until sometime 1976.

One of the things done for performance work was synthetic workloads and configuration controls for automated benchmarking. Starting with standard vm370, it was guaranteed to crash vm370. I had to redo significant amount of the vm370 serialization and integrity infrastructure in order to eliminate the automated benchmarking guaranteed system crashes (as well as zombie users).

past science center posts
past automated benchmarking posts

somebody at the science center (4th flr, 545 tech sq) had ported PDP1 spacewar
to a 2250mod4 (i.e. 1130+2250 display)

After joining the science center, I would sometimes would bring my kids in on weekends and let them play spacewars ... keyboard was divided in half for two-person play controls..

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

1970s school compsci curriculum--what would you do?

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: 1970s school compsci curriculum--what would you do?
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2018 16:34:50 -0800
maus <> writes:
AFAIK or know, the problem is that the Internet was supposed to survive a nuclear war. What we have is better than that, for a while, anyway.

re: 1970s school compsci curriculum--what would you do?

Supposedly IMP-based ARPANET was designed to be significantly resilient to network damage/outage. However just before cutover to internetworking protocol, 1Jan1983, there were 100 IMPs (and 255 connected hosts) ... and observation was that IMP administration chatter totally saturated the links whenever anything happened (aka it didn't scale well, administration overhead increasingly non-linear with number of IMPs).

we had been working with some people at Oracle on scale-up of cluster Oracle to commercial 128-system .... when our cluster scale-up was transferred, announced as IBM supercomputer (we had also been working with national labs and other gov. agencies on technical/scientific cluster scale-up) and we were told we couldn't work on anything with more than four processors (contributing factor was mainframe DB2 complained that if we were allowed to go ahead, it would be at least five years ahead of them) ... we leave a few months later. old archive post about Jan1992 meeting in Ellison's conference room (just weeks before cluster scale-up transfer)

later two of the people in the meeting had left Oracle, and were working were at a small client/server startup responsible for something called "commercial server" and we were brought in as consultants because they want to do payment transactions on the server, they had also invented some technology called "SSL" they wanted to use, the result is now frequently called "electronic commerce".

I had absolute authority over webservers to payment networks (but could only make recommentations between servers and client ... some of which were almost immediately violated and have accounted for some number of vulnerabilities and exploits).

Shift-4 was payment service & and transaction protocol (primarily used by T&E industry, especially Las Vegas hotels and casinos) ... and was the transaction protocol was selected for use between the servers and internet gateway that interfaced to payment networks. At the time, payment operation centers had requirement of 5min elapsed time for first level problem determination ... but problem determination was primarily based on circuit based infrastructure (that didn't translate directly to packet-based Internet). Early webserver test had situation where service disruption was closed with NTF (no trouble found) after three hrs of manual trouble shooting. I had to do bunch of software compensating procedures and write diagnostic manual for commercial transition from circuit-based infrastructure to packet-based infrastructure.

payment network gateway posts

For internet partitioning and outages, started out with multiple connections between payment gateways and multiple different critical places in internet backbones and advertising routes via routed. However during the "electronic commerce" development period, the internet backbone transitions to hierarchical routing (because advertised routes wasn't scaling). That left fallback to just DNS multiple A-records (i.e. webserver mapping to multiple IP addresses). On the startup client/browser side, they kept claiming that supporting multiple A-records (when unable to connect to first ip-address, try any additional ip-addresses) was too complex (even when I provided client examples from tcp/ip reno&tahoe distributions). It took another year to get the browser people to support multiple A-records.

Until he passes, Postel (internet standards RFC editor) use to let me help with (periodically re-issued) STD1. He also sponsored my "Why Internet Isn't Business Critical Dataprocessing" talk at ISI (and invited USC computer networking graduate department, standing room only). Of course, going on 25yrs later, lots of the stuff is old hat now at Internet operation centers. Just guessing, that (at least some) current "Shift4" POS terminals are running over the Internet.

I've periodically pontificated over the years that it can take ten times the effort of a well designed & tested application to turn it into business critical service ... some past posts IBM says AMD dead in 5yrs ... -- Microsoft Monopoly vs. IBM "Perfect" or "Provable" security both crypto and non-crypto? The System/360 Model 20 Wasn't As Bad As All That Is computer history taught now? John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies PSI MIPS PSI MIPS Outsourcing loosing steam? Industry Standard Time To Analyze A Line Of Code IBM announced z10 ..why so fast...any problem on z 9 fraying infrastructure Builders V. Breakers Is SUN going to become x86'ed ?? PDCA vs. OODA Somewhat off-topic: cloned, possibly hacked Faster, Better, Cheaper: Why Not Pick All Three? Before the Internet: The golden age of online services Economic Failures of HTTPS Encryption LEO The real story of how the Internet became so vulnerable The real story of how the Internet became so vulnerable History of Mainframe Cloud MVS vs HASP vs JES (was 2821) progress in e-mail, such as AOL Tech: we didn't mean for it to turn out like this

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Lawmakers Leak Plan For $3 Billion Pension-Fund Bailout

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Lawmakers Leak Plan For $3 Billion Pension-Fund Bailout
Blog: Facebook
Date: 24 Nov 2018
Oct2008 congressional hearing testimony was that rating agencies were being paid for triple-A ratings on securitized mortgages when they (rating agencies) knew they weren't worth triple-A. The triple-A rating contributed significantly to being able to do over $27T 2001-2008, including selling into bond market to institutions restricted to only dealing in "safe" investments, including pension funds (some estimated that they lost 30% of value).

economic mess posts
(triple-A rated) toxic CDO posts

Lawmakers Leak Plan For $3 Billion Pension-Fund Bailout
"We bailed out Wall Street in 2008 and 2009," said Kenneth Feinberg, who was appointed to a top role at the Treasury Department in 2015 working on problems with multiemployer pension plans. "Bailouts have occurred before."
... snip ...

past Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp posts Health Care IBM Unionization As Expected, Ford Falls From 2nd Place in U.S. Sales What do YOU call the # sign? Michigan industry Happy DEC-10 Day search engine history, was Happy DEC-10 Day Favourite computer history books? Bankruptcy a reprieve for some companies copyright protection/Doug Englebart weird apple trivia weird apple trivia weird apple trivia Is IBM Suddenly Vulnerable To A Takeover? weird apple trivia IBM Data Processing Center and Pi prices, was Western Union envisioned internet functionality prices, was Western Union envisioned internet functionality prices, was Western Union envisioned internet functionality Qbasic - lies about Medicare Qbasic - lies about Medicare Pension Funds at Risk E.R. Burroughs OT: DuPont seeks to screw workers of their pensions D.C. Hivemind Mulls How Clinton Can Pass Huge Corporate Tax Cut IBM Pension United Air Lines - an OODA-loop perspective [CM] What was your first home computer? The IBM Appeal - when is a pensions promise not a promise? Business as Usual: The Long History of Corporate Personhood endless medical arguments, Disregard post (another screwup) 'X' Marks the Spot Where Inequality Took Root: Dig Here Doubts about the HR departments that require knowledge of technology that does not exist

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

LRU ... "global" vs "local"

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: LRU ... "global" vs "local"
Blog: Facebook
Date: 25 Nov 2018
Still undergraduate, 1968 I rewrote lots of cp67 software at the university, including i/o system (along with page i/o) and page replacement. About the same time, some of the Dartmouth people wrote academic article in ACM on "local" least recently used page replacement algorithm. My page replacement algorithm was "global" LRU. Lots of My code was picked and included in standard CP67 distribution (including "global" LRU page replacement). In the early 70s, the IBM Grenoble Scientific Center modified CP67 to implement the 1968 ACM description from Dartmouth. My "global" LRU CP/67 on cambridge 768kbyte 360/67 (104 available 4kbyte pages) with 80 users had better response and throughput than the Grenoble system with 1mbyte 360/67 (155 pageable pages) with 35 users running nearly identical workload.

Role forward to SIGOPS (Asilomar, 14-16Dec81), Jim Gray (who I worked with at San Jose Research, bldg28, before he left for Tandem), asked me if I could help a Tandem co-worker get his Stanford PHD which involved "global" LRU ... and some of the old Dartmouth players involved in the 1968 "local" LRU ... were lobbying Stanford heavily to not award the PHD. Jim was aware that I had the detailed CP/67 global/local LRU data from decade earlier Cambridge/Grenoble comparison.

Note however, SJR management prevented me for nearly a year from sending a response, old archived (even tho my original work had been done as undergraduate in 1968)

Late 70s and early 80s, I was blamed for online computer conferencing (precursor to modern social media) on the internal network (larger than arpanet/internet from just about the beginning until sometime mid-80s). Folklore is that when the corporate executive committee was told about online computer conferencing (and the internal network), 5of6 wanted to fire me. I hoped that SJR management thought preventing me from sending response was some sort of punishment (for online computer conferencing) rather than taking sides in the LRU academic dispute.

From IBMJargon (part of the online computer conferencing)
Tandem Memos - n. Something constructive but hard to control; a fresh of breath air (sic). That's another Tandem Memos. A phrase to worry middle management. It refers to the computer-based conference (widely distributed in 1981) in which many technical personnel expressed dissatisfaction with the tools available to them at that time, and also constructively criticised the way products were [are] developed. The memos are required reading for anyone with a serious interest in quality products. If you have not seen the memos, try reading the November 1981 Datamation summary.
... snip ...

note: I wasn't responsible for the leak to Datamation, even tho my name is prominently mentioned.

posts referring to virtual memory, paging, page replacement
global LRU related email

specific posts mention Grenoble Science Center and LRU Multitasking question Old Computers Swapper was Re: History of Login Names Computer History Exhibition, Grenoble France real multi-tasking, multi-programming Infiniband - practicalities for small clusters Athlon cache question Thou shalt have no other gods before the ANSI C standard Secure design Moving assembler programs above the line Exceptions at basic block boundaries Exceptions at basic block boundaries Code density and performance? using 3390 mod-9s virtual memory virtual memory virtual memory virtual memory virtual memory virtual memory virtual memory virtual memory REAL memory column in SDSF The Future of CPUs: What's After Multi-Core? Poster of computer hardware events? No Glory for the PDP-15 New test attempt Microsoft versus Digital Equipment Corporation What if the computers went back to the '70s too? 16:32 far pointers in OpenWatcom C/C++ 16:32 far pointers in OpenWatcom C/C++ The first personal computer (PC) segments and sharing, was 68000 assembly language programming 5 Byte Device Addresses? Closure in Disappearance of Computer Scientist VM370 40yr anniv, CP67 44yr anniv S/360 architecture, was PDP-10 system calls True LRU With 8-Way Associativity Is Implementable By Any Other Name What Makes a Tax System Bizarre? Teletypewriter Model 33 Do we really need 64-bit addresses or is 48-bit enough? How hyper threading works? (Intel) Messing Up the System/360 Mainframe Virtual Memory You count as an old-timer if (was Re: Origin of the phrase "XYZZY") little old mainframes, Re: Was it ever worth it? MMIX meltdown

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth?

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth?
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2018 10:22:45 -0800
Ahem A Rivet's Shot <> writes:
No! The scientific method is primarily a tool for identifying and rejecting incorrect theories about the world. Science is about applying that method repeatedly in an attempt to build models of the world that cannot be falsified.

No scientist has yet been able to falsify the statement "There is a god" - if I am wrong in this please cite the peer reviewed paper in which the non-existence of deities is demonstrated, failing that a paper in which the non-existence of any deity is demonstrated.

protecting vested interests can happen in all sorts of places ... and "science" isn't totally immune ... not a failure of the methodology, but of the people

As undergraduate in 1968, I rewrote a lot of (virtual machine) CP67 at the university, including much of the virtual memory, paging, and page replacement algorithm. The page replacement algorithm was a kind of "global" LRU ("least recently used"), most of which was picked up and shipped in the standard product. At the time, there was academic paper published in CACM ... on another kind of page replacement algorithm that was "local" LRU.

In the early 70s, the cambridge scientific center was running CP/67 on 768kbyte 360/67 (104 pageable pages after fixed memory requirements). Also in the early 70s, the grenoble scientific center modified their CP/67 to correspond with the 1968 CACM "local LRU" academic paper ... and ran on 1mbyte 360/67 (155 pageable pages after fixed memory requirements (and results published in CACM). I was provideed detailed performance details from both the Cambridge and Grenoble systems. The Cambridge system with 75-80 users and better throughput and response than the Grenoble system with 35users (with 50% more pageable memory and half the users running similar workload profile as Cambridge users).

Role forward to SIGOPS (Asilomar, 14-16Dec81), Jim Gray (who I worked with at San Jose Research, bldg28, before he left for Tandem), asked me if I could help a Tandem co-worker get his Stanford PHD which involved "global" LRU ... and some of the players involved in the 1968 "local" LRU ... were lobbying Stanford heavily to not award the PHD. Jim was aware that I had the detailed CP/67 global/local LRU data from decade earlier Cambridge/Grenoble comparison.

Note however, SJR management prevented me for nearly a year from sending a resply, old archived response (even tho my original work had been done as undergraduate in 1968)

Late 70s and early 80s, I was blamed for online computer conferencing (precursor to modern social media) on the internal network (larger than arpanet/internet from just about the beginning until sometime mid-80s). Folklore is that when the corporate executive committee was told about online computer conferencing (and the internal network), 5of6 wanted to fire me. I hoped that SJR management thought preventing me from sending response was some sort of punishment for online computer conferencing rather than taking sides in the LRU academic dispute.

From IBMJargon (part of the online computer conferencing):
Tandem Memos - n. Something constructive but hard to control; a fresh of breath air (sic). That's another Tandem Memos. A phrase to worry middle management. It refers to the computer-based conference (widely distributed in 1981) in which many technical personnel expressed dissatisfaction with the tools available to them at that time, and also constructively criticised the way products were [are] developed. The memos are required reading for anyone with a serious interest in quality products. If you have not seen the memos, try reading the November 1981 Datamation summary.
... snip ...

Later in the early 70s, I had done a variation on page replacement ... LRU has assumption that least recently used page is the least likely to be used in the near future ... so is best candidate for replacement. However, there can be pathelogical situation where that doesn't hold true ... even the least recently used page can be the most likely to be used next. The variation was to include some amount of random information, but when LRU is working well, the LRU information will dominate the random information. However, when LRU is working poorly, the random information starts to dominate (with the replacement algorithm switching from LRU replacement ... to approx. random replacement).

posts referring to virtual memory, paging, page replacement

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth?

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth?
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2018 17:45:40 -0800
re: Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth?

other "scientists" paid by vested interests, working to preserve the status quo; book about scientists paid to produce reports&studies ... some of the same scientists involved over the years with tobacco industry, "team b" russian military analysis, climate change, etc

something similar as economy was crashing last decade, a wallstreet financial consultant recommending to put ("capture") as many prominant economists as possible on salary or retainer. Economists and the Powerful: Convenient Theories, Distorted Facts, Ample Rewards
"Only through having been caught so blatantly with their noses in the troughs (e.g. the 2011 Academy Award -- winning documentary Inside Job) has the American Economic Association finally been forced to adopt an ethical code, and that code is weak and incomplete compared with other disciplines."

inside job

including prominent economist paid to testify in court on behalf of #1 on time's list of those responsible for economic mess,28804,1877351_1877350_1877339,00.html

"merchant of doubt" posts
"team B" posts
economic mess posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Why General Motors Is Cutting Over 14,000 Workers

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Why General Motors Is Cutting Over 14,000 Workers
Blog: Facebook
Date: 28 Nov 2018
Why General Motors Is Cutting Over 14,000 Workers
Huge Cuts at General Motors: What We Know

Congress passes foreign auto import quotas, reduces foreign competition, allows big US auto price increases and enormously increases US auto profits ... supposedly to be used to completely remake themselves. Instead they just pocketed the profits and continue business as arts. Early 80s, there was article calling for 100% unearned profit tax on the US auto makers (because they just pocketed the increase in profits and continued business as usual).

In 1990 they had the C4 taskforce to look at completely remaking themselves and because they were planning on heavily leveraging technology, they invited representatives from technology companies to participate. In the meetings, they could describe in detail what the foreign auto makers were doing (right) and the changes that US had to make. However, from the more recent bailouts, they still continued business as usual and weren't able to "remake" themselves.

C4 taskforce posts

From the law of unintended consequences, back in the 80s the reduction in competition allowed US makers to nearly double auto prices. However, public wages didn't see a corresponding increase so they had to move from the traditional 36month auto loans to 60month (and 72month) auto loans. However, to have 60month loans, they had to increase warranties to 60months ... and because of poor US quality, this drastically increases warranty costs (then forced into some quality improvement to reduce warranty costs).

How Toyota Turns Workers Into Problem Solvers
To paraphrase one of our contacts, he said, "It's not that we don't want to tell you what TPS is, it's that we can't. We don't have adequate words for it. But, we can show you what TPS is."

We've observed that Toyota, its best suppliers, and other companies that have learned well from Toyota can confidently distribute a tremendous amount of responsibility to the people who actually do the work, from the most senior, experienced member of the organization to the most junior. This is accomplished because of the tremendous emphasis on teaching everyone how to be a skillful problem solver.

... snip ...

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Economic Mess Prosecution

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From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Economic Mess Prosecution
Blog: Facebook
Date: 29 Nov 2018
some of what went into Sarbanes-Oxley ... made financial crimes much easier to prove along with extended statute of limitation ... long after statute of limitations had expired for other financial crimes, they could still have been easily prosecuted with SOX.

sarbanes-oxley posts

back to the 80s, VP and former CIA director repeatedly claims no knowledge of
because he was fulltime administration point person deregulating financial industry ... creating S&L crisis
along with other members of his family
and another

Republicans and Saudis bailing out the Bushes

S&l crisis posts

last decade (after turn of century) another family member is president and presides over the economic mess 70 times larger than the S&L crisis. S&L crisis had 1000 criminal convictions with jailtime, proportionally the economic mess should have 70,000 (criminal convictions with jailtime), so far nobody.

funny thing, as undergraduate in the 60s I rewrote a lot of IBM's (virtual machine) mainframe operating system, including adding dynamic adaptive resource management ... which IBM picked up and shipped in standard product ... in use by lots of commercial customers, but also by some gov. agencies (some I didn't even know about until later, getting asked to give computer security classes in the 70s).

dynamic adaptive resource management posts

Roll forward to 1999, I'm asked to help stop the coming economic mess (we failed). Some "investment bankers" had walked away "clean" from the S&l crisis, were then running Internet IPO mills (invest few million, hype, IPO for a few billion, should then fail, to leave field clear for next round), and were predicted next to get into securitized mortgage.

I was to improve the integrity of securitized mortgage supporting documents as countermeasure. However, they then find they can pay the rating agencies for triple-A (when the rating agencies knew they weren't worth triple-A, from Oct2008 congressional testimony). Triple-A trumps supporting documents and they can start doing no-document, liar loans, securitize, pay for triple-A and sell into the bond market (including to institutions restricted to only dealing in *SAFE* investments, like large pension funds which then take big hit), largely contributing to doing over $27T 2001-2008.

(triple-A rated) toxic CDOs posts

Sarbanes-Oxley rhetoric on floor of congress was that it would stop future ENRONs and guarantee that executives and auditors did jailtime, however it required SEC to do something. Possibly because even GAO didn't believe SEC was doing anything (aka "regulatory capture"), it started doing reports of public company fraudulent financial reporting, even showing they increased after SOX goes into effect (and nobody doing jailtime)

enron posts
public company financial reporting fraud posts
regulatory capture posts

Less well known is that SOX also required SEC to do something about the rating agencies, but SEC did about as much about the rating agencies as they did about the public company fraudulent financial reporting.

Decade later, Jan2009 I'm asked to HTML'ize the Pecora Hearings (30s senate hearings into '29crash, resulted in criminal convictions with jailtime and Glass-Steagall, had been scanned the fall before at Boston Public Library), with lots of internal HREFs and URLs between what happened this time and what happened then (comments that the new congress might have appetite to do something). I work on it for awhile and then get a call that it won't be needed after all (references to enormous mountains of wallstreet cash totally burying capital hill, comments that there are at most 2-3 honest members of congress).

Pecora Hearings &/or Glass-Steagall posts

Confidence Men: Wall Street, Washington, and the Education of a President.

has several references that essentially wallstreet was using the EHM debt strategy against the American public. other references were about new president having to choose between the economic A-team (Volcker et al) and the B-team. The A-team was instrumental in getting him elected, but the A-team would have held wallstreet and the too big to fail accountable, which would have likely taken down most of those institutions (so new president chooses the b-team that wasn't going to hold anybody responsible).

too big to fail (too big to prosecute, too big to jail) posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Economic Mess Prosecution

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Economic Mess Prosecution
Blog: Facebook
Date: 30 Nov 2018
re: Economic Mess Prosecution

from annals of more than you ever wanted to know; banks use to do mortgages using deposits and make money off the mortgage payments (had to care about borrowers' qualifications). With securitized mortgages (& triple-A rating), non-bank loan originators move in, securitize, sell into the bond market through wallstreet; money made off transaction fees (& new business for wallstreet), revenue proportional to mortgage amount and how fast they can sell off the mortgages (no longer needing to care about borrowers' qualifications). Number one on time's list of those responsible for the economic mess (loan originator CEO):,28804,1877351_1877350_1877339,00.html

(tripla-A) toxic CDOs

Number two on Time's list was responsible for GLBA and repeal of Glass-Steagall, but is on the list because of legislation to prevent regulation of CDS gambling bets.,28804,1877351_1877350_1877330,00.html

original described as gift to ENRON. Chair of CFTC proposes regulating CDS gambling bets ... and is quickly replaced with #2's wife, while he gets legislation preventing CDS gambling bet regulation, his wife then resigns and is appointed to ENRON's board and audit committee.

'29 crash, Pecora Hearings and/or Glass-Steagall posts

Then they find that they can design securitize mortgages to fail, pay for triple-A, sell-off into the bond market and take out CDS gambling bets that they would fail (creating enormous demand for dodgy loans/mortgages, now they care about borrowers' qualifications, but not in traditional way). The largest holder of the CDS gambling bets was AIG and was negotiating to pay off at 50cents on the dollar when the SECTREAS steps in and has them sign a document that they can't sue those making the bets and to take TARP funds to pay off at face value. The largest recipient of TARP funds was AIG and the large recipient of face value payoffs was the firm formally headed by SECTREAS.

SECTREAS had lobbied congress for TARP funds to buy "off book" toxic assets, but with only $700B appropriated would hardly make dent in the off book toxic assets, with just the four largest TBTF holding $5.2T ye2008 (a few tens of billions had gone for 22cents on the dollar earlier in the year, if forced to "mark to market", the institutions would have been declared insolvent and forced to be liquidated). Bailout is mostly done behind the scenes by Federal Reserve, buying trillions in off book toxic assets at 98cents on the dollar and providing tens of trillions in ZIRP funds.

ZIRP posts
FED Chairman posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

IBM Suits

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: IBM Suits
Blog: Facebook
Date: 30 Nov 2018
recent IBM suits and drinking the "kool-aid" posts Now Hear This--Prepare For The "To Be Or To Do" Moment Workplace Advice I Wish I Had Known Wearing a tie cuts circulation to your brain

I drank the kool-aid when I joined ... but then there was something I considered totally inconsistent with IBM values ... and got told that I would have no career or promotions if I didn't go along ... I stopped worrying about my dress after that. Guy running one of the largest financial datacenters on east coast (vast football field of IBM mainframes) liked me to stop by and talk technology. At some point the local IBM branch manager horribly offended the customer and they decided to order an Amdahl box (to punish IBM). Up until then Amdahl had sold into technical & university boxes but hadn't yet broken into the true-blue commercial market ... and this would be the first (since orange box in vast sea of blue).

I was asked to go onsite for 6-12 months to obfuscate why the customer was ordering an Amdahl box, trying to make it look like a technical issue, and I refused. The customer said they wouldn't mind me being onsite for a year, but it wouldn't change their mind about ordering the Amdahl box. I was told that this was going to reflect badly on the branch manager's career who was a good sailing buddy of IBM CEO ... and I was to fall on the sword, making it look like a technical issue. I stopped wearing the "empty suit" uniform and also made sure that my business cards carried no title (or at least was just one word "staff", since most places I went, people knew who I was already and it was immaterial how IBM ranked me).

was at the end of FS period: Ferguson & Morris, "Computer Wars: The Post-IBM World", Time Books, 1993 .... reference to the "Future System" project 1st half of the 70s, was going to completely replace 370 and 370 efforts were being shutdown, the lack of 370 products during the period is credited with giving clone processor makers (including Amdahl) market foothold:
... and perhaps most damaging, the old culture under Watson Snr and Jr of free and vigorous debate was replaced with sycophancy and make no waves under Opel and Akers. It's claimed that thereafter, IBM lived in the shadow of defeat

... But because of the heavy investment of face by the top management, F/S took years to kill, although its wrong headedness was obvious from the very outset. "For the first time, during F/S, outspoken criticism became politically dangerous," recalls a former top executive.

... snip ...

I had continued to work on 360/370 stuff all during the FS period, even periodically ridiculing FS (which also wasn't exactly career enhancing activity).

Future System posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

The Bushes: Fathers and Sons

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: The Bushes: Fathers and Sons
Blog: Facebook
Date: 02 Dec 2018
conflates several things: The Bushes: Fathers and Sons

CIA director Colby refuses to approve "Team B" analysis greatly exaggerating Russian military capability, justifying huge US military spending increase.

"team B" posts

White House Chief of Staff Rumsfeld gets Colby replaced with somebody (Bush1) that will agree with "Team B" analysis. Rumsfeld then resigns to become SECDEF (and is replaced by his assistant Cheney).

In the 80s, US supports Iraq in the Iran/iraq war
Bush1 is VP, two Bechtel SVPs are SECTREAS and SECDEF, and Rumsfeld is involved in supporting Iraq, including supplying WMDs

In the early 90s, Bush1 is president, Cheney is SECDEF and previous SECTREAS is SECSTATE. Sat. photo recon analyst told white house that Saddam was marshaling forces to invade Kuwait. White house said that Saddam would do no such thing and proceeded to discredit the analyst. Later the analyst informed the white house that Saddam was marshaling forces to invade Saudi Arabia, now the white house has to choose between Saddam and the Saudis.
Records appear showing Bush ran Iran/Contra and he pardons everybody but public scapegoat Ollie.

This century, Bush2 is president, Cheney is VP, Rumsfeld is SECDEF and one of the "Team B" members is deputy SECDEF (and major architect of Iraq policy).

Before the invasion, the cousin of white house chief of staff Card ... was dealing with the Iraqis at the UN and was given evidence that WMDs (tracing back to US in the Iran/Iraq war) had been decommissioned. the cousin shared it with Card, Powell and others ... then is locked up in military hospital, book was published in 2010 (4yrs before decommissioned WMDs were declassified)

NY Times series from 2014, the decommission WMDs (tracing back to US from Iran/Iraq war), had been found early in the invasion, but the information was classified for a decade

WMD posts

and military-industrial-complex wanted a war so badly that corporate reps were telling former eastern block countries that if they voted for IRAQ2 invasion in the UN, they would get membership in NATO and (directed appropriation) USAID (can *ONLY* be used for purchase of modern US arms). From the law of unintended consequences, the invaders were told to bypass ammo dumps looking for WMDs, when they got around to going back, over a million metric tons had evaporated.

military-industrial(-congressional) complex posts
perpetual war posts

... also (back to the 80s), VP and former CIA director repeatedly claims no knowledge of
because he was fulltime administration point person deregulating financial industry ... creating S&L crisis
along with other members of his family
and another

S&l crisis posts

last decade (after turn of century) another family member is president and presides over the economic mess 70 times larger than the S&L crisis. S&L crisis had 1000 criminal convictions with jailtime, proportionally the economic mess should have 70,000 (criminal convictions with jailtime), so far nobody.

economic mess posts

Legacy of President George H.W. Bush: War Crimes, Racism
America's new aristocracy lives in an accountability-free zone

2002, congress lets the fiscal responsibility act expire (spending can't exceed tax revenue, on its way to eliminating all federal debt). 2010 CBO report, 2003-2009, taxes were cut by $6T and spending increased by $6T for $12T difference with fiscal responsible budget (first time taxes were cut to not pay for two wars).

fiscal responsibility act posts

Also, spring 2009, IRS announces that it is going after 50,000 Americans that owed $400B on money illegally stashed overseas (separate from the changes that allowed legally stashing trillions overseas). Spring 2011, new speaker of house said that they were cutting budget for department responsible for recovering that $400B. Since then there was news about few billion in fines on too big to fail that facilitated the tax evasion, but nothing about recovering the $400B.

tax evasion, tax fraud, tax avoidance, tax haven posts
TBTF (too big to fail, too big to prosecute, too big to jail) posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth?

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth?
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Sun, 02 Dec 2018 19:27:00 -0800
Quadibloc <> writes:
Legitimate science certainly is not a religion - it's a method of finding knowledge, and a body of knowledge open to change and revision.

re: Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth? Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth?

going along with science is innovation ... as opposed to static instituions working to preserve the status quo.

"wny nations fail"

highlights that original purpose of patent office was to promote innovation and protect individual inventors from corporations trying to preserve the status quo and block innovation ... however it currently has morphed into the exact opposite (being used by corporations for "defensive patents" and maintaining status quo). also, pg33:
Between 1820 and 1845, only 19 percent of patentees in the United States had parents who were professionals or were from recognizable major landowning families. During the same period, 40 percent of those who took out patents had only primary schooling or less, just like Edison. Moreover, they often exploited their patent by starting a firm, again like Edison. Just as the United States in the nineteenth century was more democratic politically than almost any other nation in the world at the time, it was also more democratic than others when it came to innovation. This was critical to its path to becoming the most economically innovative nation in the world.
... snip ...

and, The Price of Inequality: How Today's Divided Society Endangers Our Future (Joseph E. Stiglitz)

In business school we teach students how to recognize, and create, barriers to competition -- including barriers to entry -- that help ensure that profits won't be eroded. Indeed, as we shall shortly see, some of the most important innovations in business in the last three decades have centered not on making the economy more efficient but on how better to ensure monopoly power or how better to circumvent government regulations intended to align social returns and private rewards
... snip ...

We the Corporations: How American Businesses Won Their Civil Rights

goes into some detail about how in the birth of the country, corporations were originally intended to operate in public interest and in return given special privileges. Since then special interests have constantly worked on extending individual constitutional rights to corporations (companies as "people") ... operating in self-interest rather than the public interest.

inequality posts

recent "We the Corporations" posts: We the Corporations: How American Businesses Won Their Civil Rights We the Corporations: How American Businesses Won Their Civil Rights Barb Mission Command Is Swarm Intelligence We must stop bad bosses using migrant labour to drive down wages More Immigration America Celebrates Lateral Move From Monarchy To Corporate Rule OT: Trump Top CEOs' compensation increased 17.6 percent in 2017 The LLC Loophole; In New York, where an LLC is legally a person The Supreme Court Is Headed Back to the 19th Century The LLC Loophole; In New York, where an LLC is legally a person, companies can use the vehicles to blast through campaign finance limits A Tea Party Movement to Overhaul the Constitution Is Quietly Gaining A Tea Party Movement to Overhaul the Constitution Is Quietly Gaining

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth?

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth?
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Wed, 05 Dec 2018 09:55:07 -0800
Charlie Gibbs <cgibbs@kltpzyxm.invalid> writes:
I think he means sodium. (Mostly high-pressure sodium these days - I haven't seen low-pressure sodium lamps for a while. They're _really_ orange - or yellow, actually.)

LEDs are even more efficient - the city has replaced mercury vapour lamps on streets near our house with LEDs.

old post about san jose city fight over move to "high pressure" or "low pressure" sodium

high pressure spread across the spectrum ... low pressure would be benefit to Lick Observatory ... so much of San Jose was "orange" in the 80s.

Lick Observatory
wiki sodium vapor lamps
from above:
Light pollution considerations

For placements where light pollution is of prime importance (for example an observatory parking lot), low pressure sodium is preferred. Sodium emits light on only one wavelength, and therefore is the easiest to filter out.

... snip ...

I had gotten sucked into Berkeley "10 meter" ... that would go up on top of mountain in Hawaii ... and they were working on switch from film to digital (CCD) and wanted to do remote observing from the mainland (getting real-time images) ... and they were running tests at Lick.

misc. old email mentioning some visits to lick observatory

HSDT posts

other past posts mentioning "Berkeley 10meter" (now Keck Observatory, based on being paid for by grant from Keck Foundation) CCD technology Jack Kilby dead A Super-Efficient Light Bulb ATMs by the Numbers ATMs by the Numbers TV Big Bang 10/12/09 Program Work Method Question Other early NSFNET backbone Slackware OT: Physics question and Star Trek 360/20, was 1132 printer history Royal Pardon For Turing Revamped PDP-11 in Honolulu or maybe Santa Fe Revamped PDP-11 in Brooklyn Spaceshot: 3,200-megapixel camera for powerful cosmos telescope moves forward Under Hawaii's Starriest Skies, a Fight Over Sacred Ground Stopping the Internet of noise Earth's atmosphere just crossed another troubling climate change threshold George Lucas reveals his plan for Star Wars 7 through 9--and it was awful A Tea Party Movement to Overhaul the Constitution Is Quietly Gaining

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Jean Sammet — Designer of COBOL – A Computer of One's Own – Medium

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: lynn@GARLIC.COM (Anne & Lynn Wheeler)
Subject: Re: Jean Sammet — Designer of COBOL – A Computer of One's Own – Medium
Date: 5 Dec 2018 21:39:37 -0800
john.archie.mckown@GMAIL.COM (John McKown) writes:

Sammet wiki

sammet was (resident) in the boston programming center, 3rd flr, 545 tech square (as was Nat rochester). When the CP67/cms group was spun off from the science center (on the 4th flr), the moved to 3rd flr and took over the boston programming center (& sammet and rochester moved up to the science center on the 4th flr). As the CP67 group morphed into the vm370 group and outgrew the 3rd flr, the vm370 group moved out to the old SBC (service bureau corporation) bldg at burlington mall.

I would come in on weekends and sometimes bring my kids. sometimes I would set them up to play the (pdp1) spacewar port to 2250m4 (1130+2250) ... but other times they would just run up and down the halls. Sammet was usually the only other person on the flr ... to complain about the noise my kids running up & down the halls.

posts mentioning 545 tech sq
cambridge science center wiki

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Trump is reportedly not worried about a massive US debt crisis as he'll be out of office by then

Refed: **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Trump is reportedly not worried about a massive US debt crisis as he'll be out of office by then
Blog: Facebook
Date: 06 Dec 2018
Trump is reportedly not worried about a massive US debt crisis as he'll be out of office by then

2002, republican congress lets fiscal responsibility act lapse (spending can't exceed revenue) on its way to eliminating all federal debt (completely different republicans than the ones that passed the act). 2010, CBO report that 2003-2009, congress cuts taxes by $6T and increased spending by $6T for $12T gap compared to fiscal responsibility budget (first time taxes cut to not pay for two wars). Somewhat confluence of multiple interests, at least 1) Federal Reserve and wallstreet wanted huge federal debt, 2) wallstreet and special interests wanted huge tax cut, 3) military-industrial complex wanted huge spending increase. By 2005, US Comptroller General was including in speeches that nobody in congress was capable of middle school arithmetic (for how badly they were savaging the budget).

fiscal responsibility act posts
military-industrial(-congressional) complex posts

SECTREAS pressured congress into appropriating TARP funds, supposedly to bail out the TBTF, buying offbook toxic assets ... but only had $700B appropriated. YE2008, just the four largest TBTF were holding $5.2T and TARP was used for other purposes and FEDRES did the real bailout, buying trillions in toxic assets at 98cents on the dollar and providing tens of trillions in ZIRP funds. FEDRES fought long legal battle to block disclosing what it was doing. When FEDRES lost, FED chairman held a press conference and said that he expected TBTF to use ZIRP to help mainstreet, but when they didn't he had no way to force them ... but that didn't stop ZIRP funds (buying trillions in treasuries and clearing hundreds of billions, w/o enormous federal debt, it doesn't work). Note that FED Chairman had been selected in part because he was depression era scholar, but FED had tried something similar then with the same results, so there should have been no expectation of something different this time.

TBTF (too big to fail, too big to prosecute, too big to jail) posts
Fed chairman posts
ZIRP posts

note that VP (and former director of CIA) repeatedly claiming no knowledge of
because he was fulltime administration point person deregulating financial industry ... creating S&L crisis
along with other members of his family
and another

S&l crisis posts

last decade, another family member presides over the economic mess, 70 times larger than the S&L crisis (which had 1000 criminal convictions with jailtime), proportionally there should have been 70,000 criminal convictions (with jailtimes), so far nobody has even been charged.

Economic Mess posts

Oct2008 congressional hearings was that rating agencies were selling triple-A ratings (for securitized mortgages), even when they knew they weren't worth triple-A largely enabling being able to sell over $27T in triple-A (toxic) CDOs (securitized loans/mortgages) into the bond market, including to funds restricted to only dealing in safe investment, including large pension funds (claims lost 1/3rd of value).

(triple-a rated) toxic CDO posts

The triple-A ratings enabled doing no-documentation, liar loans and no longer having to care about borrowers' qualifications and/or loan quality (being able to immediately sell-off into the bond market). Then they realize that they can design securitized mortgages to fail, buy triple-A rating, take-out CDS gambling bets and selloff into the bond market, creating enormous demand for dodgy mortgages (now they cared about borrowers' qualifications, but not in the traditional way). The largest holder of the CDS gambling bets was AIG and negotiating to pay off at 50cents on the dollar. Then the SECTREAS steps in and has AIG sign a document that they can't sue those making CDS gambling bets and to take TARP funds to payoff CDS gambling bets at face value. The largest recipient of TARP funds is AIG and the largest recipient of face value payoffs is the firm formally headed by the SECTREAS.

#1 on Time's list responsible for the economic mess, CEO of national non-bank mortgage originator,28804,1877351_1877350_1877339,00.html

#2 on Time's list was responsible for GLBA and repeal of Glass-Steagall, but is on the list because of legislation preventing regulation of CDS gambling bets.,28804,1877351_1877350_1877330,00.html
original described as gift to ENRON. Chair of CFTC proposes regulating CDS gambling bets ... and is quickly replaced with #2's wife, while he gets legislation preventing regulating CDS gambling bets, his wife then resigns and is appointed to ENRON's board and audit committee.

ENRON posts
'29 crash, Pecora Hearings and/or Glass-Steagall posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

How Wall Street Drove Public Pensions Into Crisis and Pocketed Billions in Fees

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: How Wall Street Drove Public Pensions Into Crisis and Pocketed Billions in Fees
Blog: Facebook
Date: 07 Dec 2018
re: How Wall Street Drove Public Pensions Into Crisis and Pocketed Billions in Fees How Wall Street Drove Public Pensions Into Crisis and Pocketed Billions in Fees Lawmakers Leak Plan For $3 Billion Pension-Fund Bailout

"I Thought This Deal Was Absurd, But Pensions Are Piling In..."

The pension crisis is bigger than the world's 20 largest economies

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

CP67 & EMAIL history

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: CP67 & EMAIL history
Blog: Facebook
Date: 08 Oct 2018
three people from the science center came out to the university the last week of Jan1968 to install CP67/CMS ("release 1") ... was 3rd installation after science center & lincoln labs. At that time CP67 source was still on OS/360, assembled, generate "TXT" punched cards (for each module) and ordered in card tray. The card tray of cards would be IPL'ed (boot) using BPS loader that generated kernel image in memory, which was then written to disk (then IPL CP67 kernel from disk).

science center posts

Release 2, source had been moved to CMS and source changes were done in CMS "update" format, update applied to original source module to generate temporary file which was assembled, generating "TXT" file for each file. Original CMS update format was dependent on serial numbers in cols 73-80 in the file being updated ... and also required user to type serial numbers in each card in the "update" deck to source module. I was rewriting so much of CP67 (and update files), that I wrote a preprocessor to UPDATE ... that would look for trailing "$" on INSERT and REPLACE control cards followed by how sequence numbers should be generated for the following cards, it would generate a temporary "update" file that was then fed to the CMS UPDATE command (with sequence numbers automatically added to inserted cards).

They then started punching the BPS loader followed by each module assembled "TXT" file image from CMS to virtual punch that was transferred to virtual reader (rather than real cards punched) ... then IPL'ed the virtual card tray of cards ... which was then wrote the CP67 kernel memory image to disk.

CMS had a DISK DUMP/LOAD program that "punched" a raw CMS file data ... each card had four(?) character header and eight character trailer (sequence number) ... with 68 bytes of data from raw file format inbetween ... last card had the CMS file system control FST (this is similar to CMS TAPE DUMP/LOAD program, which wrote 800bytes of raw CMS file image to tape records followed by file system control FST). This allowed card image of any kind of file (even purely memory image MODULE files) to be moved between systems (in the same way TAPE DUMP/LOAD files could be moved between systems).

CMS "email" processors started out (virtual) "punching" card image of the text, which was transferred to the (virtual) card reader of another user. CP67/CMS networking started out extending this to transferring the punch image to the RSCS/VNET user with destination system & user header information (RSCS/VNET at the destination site would then route punched output to the reader of the destination user).

Science center had distributed development project with Endicott (over vnet/rscs links) that generated source updates for CP67 to provide 370 virtual machines (in addition to 360 & 360/67 virtual machines). Part of this was EXEC process that implemented multi-level source update ... apply a sequence of source updates in specific order (iteratively executing CMS UPDATE). Standard was base product release CP67 source, the "L" level updates (I guess for Lynn, I was at the science center by that time, for the production CP67 that ran on real 360/67), the "H" level updates (that added support for virtual 370 machines, which would run in 360/67 virtual machine), and the "I" level updates (that modified CP67 to run on 370 architecture, rather than 360/67 architecture). CP67I was running in virtual 370 under CP67H running in virtual 360/67 under CP67L running on real 360/67, a year before any real engineering 370s were available. The additional CP67H layer in virtual machine was the cambridge system also used by non-IBM employees (staff, professors, students) from various cambridge area universities (BU, MIT, etc) ... and they didn't want unannounced 370 information accidentally leaking.

In the early-mid 70s there were lots of people creating email programs/exec ... especially with the rise of the internal network (VNET/RSCS, larger than arpanet/internet from just about the beginning until sometime mid-80s). The unknown & most used was VMSG ... a very early version was picked up by the PROFS group and used for their email client. When the VMSG author tried to offer them a much improved version, the PROFS group tried to get him fired (because they had taken credit for everything in PROFS). Things quieted down after he showed that his initials were in every PROFS email in non-displayed field.

Trivia: VNET/RSCS was also used for the corporate sponsored university BITNET (EARN in europe), also larger than arpanet/internet for some time.

internal network posts

I took semester 2hr intro to computing (fortran) spring. University had 709/IBSYS running tape->tape with 1401 front-end handling tape<->unit record. That summer they get 360/30 running OS/360 replacing 1401 (part of transition from 709/1401 to 360/67), but spent a lot of time running MPIO (tape<->unit record) in 1401 hardware/microcode emulation mode and I get hired to re-implement MPIO in 360 assembler, I get to design and implement my own monitor, device drivers, interrupt handlers, error recovery, storage management, task manager, etc (never took assembler, operating system, any other computer class, only had 2h intro to fortran). Univ. shutsdown datacenter from 8am sat until 8am monday ... and I have the whole place dedicated to myself for 48hrs straight. Eventually i have box of (2000) cards (assembler statements). I have assembler option to either generate stand-alone version (card deck IPL with BPS loader) or running under OS/360 with system services macros. Stand-alone version takes about 30mins to assemble, OS/360 version took a little over hr to assemble, each DCB macro taking 5+mins. A little later, I'm hired fulltime to be responsible for university production systems, still get dedicated datacenter all to myself on weekends, but a Monday morning class can be a little hard after 48hrs w/o sleep.

posts mentioning CP67 "L", "H", and "I" systems HONE was .. Hercules and System/390 - do we need it? determining memory size Vintage computers are better than modern crap ! IBM 3614 and 3624 ATM's intel's Vanderpool and virtualization in general Virtual Machine Hardware DOS/360: Forty years Exceptions at basic block boundaries Behavior in undefined areas? virtual 360/67 support in cp67 What ever happened to Tandem and NonStop OS ? Is VIO mandatory? About TLB in lower-level caches 3380-3390 Conversion - DISAPPOINTMENT Virtual Virtualizers Mainframe Limericks Source maintenance was Re: SEQUENCE NUMBERS Materiel and graft Was FORTRAN buggy? Was FORTRAN buggy? IBM sues maker of Intel-based Mainframe clones How many 36-bit Unix ports in the old days? FBA rant when was MMU virtualization first considered practical? GETMAIN/FREEMAIN and virtual storage backing up GETMAIN/FREEMAIN and virtual storage backing up EXCP access methos EXCP access methos SEs & History Lessons While watching Biography about Bill Gates on CNBC last Night "Portable" data centers PDP-10s and Unix "Portable" data centers old email Source code for s/360 Source code for s/360 [PUBLIC] LPARs: More or Less? Item on TPF Mainframe Executive article on the death of tape CSC History Boeing Plant 2 ... End of an Era IBM Future System TSO Profile NUM and PACK computer bootlaces Data Areas? Any cool anecdotes IBM 40yrs of VM New HD [OT ] Mainframe memories Difference between MVS and z / OS systems Connecting memory to 370/145 with only 36 bits Early Networking Computer/IBM Career The ICL 2900 MVT doesn't boot in 16mbytes IBM Profs DEC introduces PDP-6 [was Re: IBM introduces System/360] DEC introduces PDP-6 [was Re: IBM introduces System/360] History of Virtualization

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

The Bushes: Fathers and Sons

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: The Bushes: Fathers and Sons
Blog: Facebook
Date: 09 Dec 2018
re: The Bushes: Fathers and Sons

Bush 41: The Triumph of Manners Over Truth
Elite secret society tied Bush to circles of power
GHW Bush & JFK Hit

Gerstner then leaves IBM to head up another major private-equity company, that was buying up beltway bandits (including company that will employ Snowden) and gov. contractors ... hiring prominent politicians to lobby congress to outsource business to their companies. Companies in the PE-mills are under intense pressure to cut corners to push profit up to their owners.
Lou Gerstner, former ceo of ibm, now heads the Carlyle Group, a Washington-based global private equity firm whose 2006 revenues of $87 billion were just a few billion below ibm's. Carlyle has boasted George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, and former Secretary of State James Baker III on its employee roster.
... snip ...

enormous uptic in outsourcing last decade, intelligence: 70% of budget and over half the people: and the rapidly
rapidly spreading success of failure culture, companies in PE-mills get a lot more money (to push up to their owners) from a series of failures

One of the opportunities is agencies are prohibited from lobbying congress and companies can't use gov. contract money in lobbying congress ... but apparently PE owners have no such restriction

private equity posts
>Gerstner posts
success of failure posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Douglas Engelbart, the forgotten hero of modern computing

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Douglas Engelbart, the forgotten hero of modern computing
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Sun, 09 Dec 2018 14:35:55 -0800
Douglas Engelbart, the forgotten hero of modern computing

In the late 70s and 80s, I would visit TYMSHARE a lot (by that time, Engelbart and NLS/Augment was at TYMSHARE) and also see some of their people at the monthly BAYBUNCH meetings held at SLAC. When M/D was buying TYMSHARE, I was brought in to evaluate GNOSIS (370 operating system they had written tailored to service bureau operations) as part of its spinoff for KeyKOS. I was also asked to find people in IBM that might be interested in hiring Engelbart and would interview him.

Did Engelbart's "Mother of All Demos" Launch the Connected World?

NLS (computer system)

other trivia, TYMSHARE started offering their CMS-based online computer conferencing system free to (IBM user group) SHARE in Aug1976, archives
sometimes(?) "404" ... but also at wayback machine

recent postgs mentioning TYMSHARE: Who Plotted This Map for Adventure Game 1963 Timesharing: A Solution to Computer Bottlenecks VSE timeline [was: RE: VSAM usage for ancient disk models] Predicting the future in five years as seen from 1983 CIA Caught Between Operational Security and Analytical Quality In 1953 Iran Coup Planning S/360 announce 4/7/1964, 54yrs The IRS Really Needs Some New Computers z/VM Live Guest Relocation z/VM Live Guest Relocation The Road Not Taken: Edward Lansdale and the American Tragedy in Vietnam Has Microsoft commuted suicide Online History 3380 failures Frank Heart Dies at 89 DEC introduces PDP-6 [was Re: IBM introduces System/360] usenet history, was 1958 Crisis in education Updated Green Card The (broken) economics of OSS The (broken) economics of OSS IBM Z and cloud LikeWar: The Weaponization of Social Media online computer conferencing, was: System level coding examples PROFS, email, 3270

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

A Short History Of Corporations

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From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: A Short History Of Corporations
Blog: Facebook
Date: 09 Dec 2018
A Short History Of Corporations
After Independence, American corporations, like the British companies before them, were chartered to perform specific public functions - digging canals, building bridges. Their charters lasted between 10 and 40 years, often requiring the termination of the corporation on completion of a specific task, setting limits on commercial interests and prohibiting any corporate participation in the political process.
... snip ...

David Korten, When Corporations Rule the World, Earthscan, London 1995; Jeffrey Kaplan, The Short History of Corporations, Terrain, 1999; Daniel Bennet, Who's In Charge?, POCLAD, London.

We the Corporations: How American Businesses Won Their Civil Rights

Originally, US corporations were entities that operate in public interest, but then certain factions wanted those rights extended to entities that can operate in self interest as well "people" rights under constitution.

Between 1868, when the amendment was ratified, and 1912, when a scholar set out to identify every Fourteenth Amendment case heard by the Supreme Court, the justices decided 28 cases dealing with the rights of African Americans--and an astonishing 312 cases dealing with the rights of corporations.

For most of American history, the Supreme Court failed to protect the dispossessed and the marginalized, with the justices claiming to be powerless in the face of hostile public sentiment. As we will see, however, the court's record on corporate rights was much different. In 1809, the Supreme Court decided the first case on the constitutional rights of corporations, decades before the first comparable cases for women or racial minorities. And unlike women and minorities, who lost nearly all of their early cases, corporations won that first case--and have compiled an impressive list of victories in the years since.

On this issue, Hamiltonians were corporationalists--proponents of corporate enterprise who advocated for expansive constitutional rights for business. Jeffersonians, meanwhile, were populists--opponents of corporate power who sought to limit corporate rights in the name of the people.

The railroad corporations were constitutional first movers who employed innovative tactics to secure new rights. They envisioned the lawsuits as a form of strategic litigation, or what their lawyers called "test cases," to determine whether corporations had the same rights as ordinary people to equal protection and due process under the Fourteenth Amendment.

... snip ...

Thomas Jefferson: The Art of Power
Hamilton wanted the bank to be funded by federal deposits but run, in part, for the benefit of private investors. Jefferson and Madison objected. 29 They feared that the Hamiltonian program would enable financial speculators to benefit from commercial transactions made possible by government funds.
... snip ...

and more "We the Corporations", pgxi/loc45-50:
IN DECEMBER 1882, ROSCOE CONKLING, A FORMER SENATOR and close confidant of President Chester Arthur, appeared before the justices of the Supreme Court of the United States to argue that corporations like his client, the Southern Pacific Railroad Company, were entitled to equal rights under the Fourteenth Amendment. Although that provision of the Constitution said that no state shall "deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law" or "deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws," Conkling insisted the amendment's drafters intended to cover business corporations too. pgxiv/loc74-78: Between 1868, when the amendment was ratified, and 1912, when a scholar set out to identify every Fourteenth Amendment case heard by the Supreme Court, the justices decided 28 cases dealing with the rights of African Americans--and an astonishing 312 cases dealing with the rights of corporations.
... snip ...

.... Conkling in his arguments claimed that the authors of 14th amendment had intended to include "corporations" in addition to "persons", but failed to include the wording in the final text. Later somebody reviewed all the notes by the authors and found no such reference to corporations (Conkling had fabricated his argument before the Supreme Court). By the time Conkling supreme court arguments were shown to be fabricated, there was significant decisions (based on his fabrications).

We the Corporations: How American Businesses Won Their Civil Rights

inequality posts

recent "Corporations are people" posts We the Corporations: How American Businesses Won Their Civil Rights We the Corporations: How American Businesses Won Their Civil Rights Barb Mission Command Is Swarm Intelligence We must stop bad bosses using migrant labour to drive down wages More Immigration America Celebrates Lateral Move From Monarchy To Corporate Rule OT: Trump Top CEOs' compensation increased 17.6 percent in 2017 The LLC Loophole; In New York, where an LLC is legally a person The Supreme Court Is Headed Back to the 19th Century The LLC Loophole; In New York, where an LLC is legally a person, companies can use the vehicles to blast through campaign finance limits A Tea Party Movement to Overhaul the Constitution Is Quietly Gaining A Tea Party Movement to Overhaul the Constitution Is Quietly Gaining Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth?

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth?

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth?
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Sun, 09 Dec 2018 19:07:01 -0800
Peter Flass <> writes:
IIRC it flew once on a test flight and never again. I think Boeing is now working on an SST.

while still undergraduate was hired into small group in Boeing CFO office to help with formation of Boeing Computer Services (consolidate all dataprocessing into independent business unit to better monetize the investment, including offering services to non-Boeing entities).

747#3 was flying skies of seattle getting FAA flt certification and down the street was working on SST
refining the design
October 1968, the company was finally forced to abandon the variable geometry wing.[16][17] The Boeing team fell back on a tailed delta fixed wing. The new design was also smaller, seating 234, and known as the Model 2707-300. Work began on a full-sized mock-up and two prototypes in September 1969, now two years behind schedule.
... snip ...

Early 80s, was introduced to John Boyd (and would sponsor his briefings at IBM)

one of his (many) stories was redoing the original F15 design, which started out like F111 with variable-sweep wings

he showed that the weight of the pivot more than offset any variable-sweep wing design benefit (contributing to nearly cutting F15 weight in half) ... which is somewhat similar to what Boeing found with 2707.

recent posts mentioning working at Boeing IBM Z and cloud The rise and fall of IBM All programmers that developed in machine code and Assembly in the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s died?

other Boyd references:

John Boyd - USAF, The Fighter Pilot Who Changed the Art of Air Warfare
John Boyd's Art of War; Why our greatest military theorist only made colonel.
Genghis John - Chuck Spinney's Bio of John Boyd

Boyd posts and URLs

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth?

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth?
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Sun, 09 Dec 2018 21:58:03 -0800
re: Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth?

Boyd responsible for redoing F15, and then for YF16 & YF17 (when he ran lightweight fighter design at Pentagon) ... which becomes F16 & F18, and much more

Earlier he had come up with E/M theory ... which was used first for training fighter pilots (when he was instructor at USAF weapons school, he was considered possibly best fighter pilot in the world) and then used for designing fighter planes ... not just F16
Boyd, a U.S. jet fighter pilot in the Korean War, began developing the theory in the early 1960s. He teamed with mathematician Thomas Christie at Eglin Air Force Base to use the base's high-speed computer to compare the performance envelopes of U.S. and Soviet aircraft from the Korean and Vietnam Wars. They completed a two-volume report on their studies in 1964. Energy Maneuverability came to be accepted within the U.S. Air Force and brought about improvements in the requirements for the F-15 Eagle and later the F-16 Fighting Falcon fighters.[2]
... snip ...

The General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon is a single-engine supersonic multirole fighter aircraft originally developed by General Dynamics (now Lockheed Martin) for the United States Air Force (USAF). Designed as an air superiority day fighter, it evolved into a successful all-weather multirole aircraft. Over 4,500 aircraft have been built since production was approved in 1976.[4]

... was also 1st unstable & fly-by-wire fighter


AN/APG-68 for F-16
AN/APG-83 AESA upgrade

1990, Commandant of the Marine Corp, leverages Boyd for make-over of the corp ... and there is a Boyd tribute/display in lobby of Marine Corp Univ. library and Gray Research Center (with lots of Marines) ... and we have still have had Boyd Military Stategy meetings at Marine Corp University. Recent work

picture taken this week last year, only USAF in marine shrine, quantico, lobby gray research center

quantico lobby shrine

Another of Boyd associates, graduate of 1st USAF Academy class and on fast track to General when he says that Boyd destroyed his career by challenging him to do what was right.
HBO dramatized it

40 Years of the 'Fighter Mafia', An informal group begun by Col. John Boyd and mathematician Tom Christie calls for military reform--by doing more with less.
To understand the group is to go back to its origins. Founding member John Boyd, military strategist and "guru," is best known for developing the OODA (observe, orient, decide, act) Loop concept, which when applied correctly gives a pilot advantage over an adversary in combat operations. Boyd passed away from cancer in 1997, but he was ever present in spirit at Wednesday night's event.
... snip ...

Chuck Spinney's tribute after his passing, by then, USAF had pretty much disowned him and it was Marines at Arlington and all his effects go to the Gray research center in quantico
The YF-16, which won, is still the most maneuverable fighter ever designed. The production successors, the not-so-lightweight F-16 (Air Force) and the F/A-18 (the Navy-Marine Corps aircraft that evolved from the YF-17), together with the F-15, dominate the skies today. Naturally, Boyd believed they could have been much better war machines if the bureaucrats had not corrupted their thoroughbred design with so many bells and whistles. Nevertheless, more than any other single person, the Mad Major is responsible for our nation's unsurpassed air superiority, which began in the mid-1970s and continues to this day.
... snip ...

USAF does dedicate Boyd Hall at USAF Weapons School, renovation 2013

Boyd posts and URLs

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth?

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth?
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2018 10:53:21 -0800
Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> writes:
40 Years of the 'Fighter Mafia', An informal group begun by Col. John Boyd and mathematician Tom Christie calls for military reform--by doing more with less.

re: Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth? Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth?

from "40 years of the fighter mafia"
"I don't know anywhere else to go to find a group more dedicated to making things better," says Charles "Chuck" Myers, who flew B-25 missions against Japanese shipping in World War II and later became a fabled test pilot--setting a new World Speed Record of 1544 mph with the F-106 in 1959--and eventually the Pentagon's director for air warfare. In that role, he was able--with the help of "the group"--to push successfully for the lightweight fighter program that incorporated the F-15, F-16, and later F-18 planes into the fleet during the 1960s and 1970s.
"John Boyd came in as a maverick," Sprey recalled. Initially, Boyd was brought to the Pentagon in the 1960s by a general who disliked Sprey's ideas on close air support and was pulling together a group of eggheads to "disgrace" him. When the general left Boyd alone in the room with Sprey they "became fast friends, co-conspirators." The rest is history.
By the time the group held its first Washington meeting in 1973, Sprey, Boyd, Christie, and test pilot Col. Everest Riccioni had designed the concept that was directly implemented as the F-15 and F-16 fighter programs--which have served as the core of American air power for the past 40 years.
... snip ...

has picture of Pierre Sprey, Tom Christie, and Chuck Myers at 2013 "Boyd" weds night get together (still going strong, Boyd passed in 1997); ... Sprey CAS "A10" thunderbolt/warthog and Christie worked with Boyd on E/M theory.

picture of me at the weds night get together a year ago.

weds night roundtable

oh and the F18
and later Growler

Boyd is also credited with the "left hook" land war battle plan for Desert Storm ... Desert Storm was 42day, only last 100hrs was land war. GAO Air Effectiveness study has A10 taking out Iraqi tanks so easily that the Iraqi crews were walking away from the tanks as sitting ducks ... A10 sort of had turkey shoot ... firing total of million 30mm shells during Desert Storm. Land war description of fierce tank battles with coalition forces taking no damage, don't mention if the Iraqi tanks had anyboyd home. Burton's "Pentagon Wars" has him getting the cost of 30mm shells down from >$80 to $13 (million shells, $13m).

There have been lots of explanations why the Abram's M1 didn't get into the "left hook" position to cut-off the Republican Guard retreat ... another is Boyd possibly took the M1 specs at face value and didn't take into account how tightly tethered M1s are tied to their supply and maintenance

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth?

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth?
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2018 15:36:07 -0800
maus <> writes:
The problem with many of those shells was that being filled with 'depleted uraniuum', the residue will be still killing people in many years time.m

re: Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth? Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth? Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth?

not just A10 Desert Storm, but also this century (overview from 2017):

Depleted Uranium and Radioactive Contamination in Iraq: An Overview

not just Marines, the army was also in fallujah 2004-2005 but foot patrol
and then went back Baqubah 2007-2008, described as much worse than fallujah, but administration claimed surge was better, so didn't get coverage.

other trivia:

CIA director Colby refuses to approve "Team B" analysis greatly exaggerating Russian military capability, justifying huge US military spending increase.
White House Chief of Staff Rumsfeld gets Colby replaced with somebody (Bush1) that will agree with "Team B" analysis. Rumsfeld then resigns to become SECDEF (and is replaced by his assistant Cheney).

In the 80s, US supports Iraq in the Iran/iraq war
Bush1 is VP, two Bechtel SVPs are SECTREAS and SECDEF, and Rumsfeld is involved in supporting Iraq, including supplying WMDs

In the early 90s, Bush1 is president, Cheney is SECDEF and previous SECTREAS is SECSTATE. Sat. photo recon analyst told white house that Saddam was marshaling forces to invade Kuwait. White house said that Saddam would do no such thing and proceeded to discredit the analyst. Later the analyst informed the white house that Saddam was marshaling forces to invade Saudi Arabia, now the white house has to choose between Saddam and the Saudis.
Records appear showing Bush ran Iran/Contra and he pardons everybody but public scapegoat Ollie.

This century, Bush2 is president, Cheney is VP, Rumsfeld is SECDEF and one of the "Team B" members is deputy SECDEF (and major architect of Iraq policy).

Before the invasion, the cousin of white house chief of staff Card ... was dealing with the Iraqis at the UN and was given evidence that WMDs (tracing back to US in the Iran/Iraq war) had been decommissioned. the cousin shared it with Card, Powell and others ... then is locked up in military hospital, book was published in 2010 (4yrs before decommissioned WMDs were declassified)

NY Times series from 2014, the decommission WMDs (tracing back to US from Iran/Iraq war), had been found early in the invasion, but the information was classified for a decade (not just other health effects, but decommissioned WMDs poisoning our own people)

and military-industrial-complex wanted a war so badly that corporate reps were telling former eastern block countries that if they voted for IRAQ2 invasion in the UN, they would get membership in NATO and (directed appropriation) USAID (can *ONLY* be used for purchase of modern US arms). From the law of unintended consequences, the invaders were told to bypass ammo dumps looking for WMDs, when they got around to going back, over a million metric tons had evaporated (later large artillery shells from the ammo dumps start showing up in IEDs)

also this century, enormous stockpiles of 50caliber ammo, some dating back to WW2 were used in the Iraq invasion. I was effectively told that invaders were told to (constantly?) use suppressing fire ... at slightest provocation (... until ammunition was exhausted).

military-industrial(-congressional) complex posts
WMD posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth?

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From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth?
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2018 16:04:14 -0800
Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> writes:
AN/APG-68 for F-16
AN/APG-83 AESA upgrade

re: Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth? Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth? Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth? Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth?

a little more computer related, plane design, & radar digital signal processing, I somewhat got sucked into the A10/F35 argument ... and went looking for current state of (F35) stealth.

F35 original design point was bomb truck with (air superiority) F22 flying cover ... and F35 stealth optimized at the front and below (i.e. its ground radar targets) ... much less so all other directions. Stealth comparison analysis of F35 with other planes
has analysis of F35 radar signature at different radar frequencies involving different angles and portions of the frame (lots to say about how cost reduced and compromised stealth compared to original design)

F22 had lots of reliability problems and its stealth coating was claimed to have lots of moisture/weather vulnerability (couldn't take F22 out in the rain). old reference "This is F-22: Can't Fly Won't Die"

Tyndall (F22 airbase) website (before hurricane) talked about how the F22 stealth coating maintenance bays were constantly backlogged.

There have been articles that more recent stealth coating used by F35 is much more resistance to weather and moisture ... however in references there are concerns about retrofitting to F22 because of air friction vulnerable from the much higher F22 speed.

Recent scenarios for F35 (w/o F22) is for standoff packs of F35s taking out targets with barrage of missiles (but if started from scratch, such a design would likely use drones instead of human pilots)

This is 2011 tutorial on radar (including military) but says it needs 3Tflops for really advanced (real-time), which was beyond 2011 processing, 2011 tutorial on DSP, FFT, Radar (part 3)
STAP (part 4)
SAR (part 5)

Spring 2015, DOD puts export restrictions on latest advanced processor chips (capable of 3Tflops). Late 2015, at supercomputer conference, China demonstrates that it was making its own chips. Dec2017 article claims self driving cars were using computers doing 300 trillion/sec (100 times 2011 requirement). China started publishing articles that they can track stealth with low frequency radar ... but resolution isn't good enough for targeting.

There was also article that the latest computer technology could reduce the number of F22/F35 AESA radar transmit/receive pairs by nearly order of magnitude w/o loss of radar tracking capability.
Airborne systems

F35 articles repeately talk about its reduced radar signature is so small that it is hard to find/recognize scanning the whole horizon. However, multi-band radar with low frequency for tracking, then can focus targeting radar to that region and do real-time targeting with latest digital signal processing.

advances in technology make stealth obsolete (from 2011)
low frequency radar
longer discussion ... even US implementations

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Bernie Madoff's Legacy: Whistleblower Inc.; A decade after Madoff's arrest, an industry of bounty-hunting tipsters aims to cash in on the next big fraud

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Bernie Madoff's Legacy: Whistleblower Inc.; A decade after Madoff's arrest, an industry of bounty-hunting tipsters aims to cash in on the next big fraud
Blog: Facebook
Date: 11 Dec 2018
Bernie Madoff's Legacy: Whistleblower Inc.; A decade after Madoff's arrest, an industry of bounty-hunting tipsters aims to cash in on the next big fraud

Sarbanes-Oxley Act
Note that similar reporting criticsm raised when whistleblower provision was added to Sarbanes-Oxley act.
more recent: SEC Receives Extensive Criticism in Comments on Proposed Changes to Whistleblower Program

The rhetoric behind Sarbanes-Oxley was that it would prevent future ENRONs and guarantee that executives and auditors did jailtime, however it required SEC to do something. Possibly because even GAO didn't believe SEC was doing anything, GAO started doing reports of public company fraudulent financial reporting, even showed it increased after SOX went into effect (and nobody doing jailtime). The joke was that SOX was really a full employment gift to the audit industry, requiring significant increase in audit costs.

In the Madoff congressional hearings, they had the person that had tried unsuccessfully for a decade to get SEC to do something about Madoff (SEC hands were forced when Madoff turned himself in). During the testimony, the person was asked if new regulations was needed, he replied that while new regulations might be needed, much more important was transparency and visibility (possibly because it seemed that SEC was doing little with the existing regulations). He also pointed out that tips/whistleblowers turn up 13 times more fraud than audits and that SEC had a line for corporations to complain about audits, but no tip 1-800 line.

Sarbane-Oxley posts
whistleblower posts
ENRON posts
financial.reporting.fraud posts
Madoff posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Douglas Engelbart, the forgotten hero of modern computing

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Douglas Engelbart, the forgotten hero of modern computing
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2018 14:43:24 -0800
hancock4 writes:
In a book, "Valley of genius [electronic resource] : the uncensored history of Silicon Valley, as told by the hackers, founders, and freaks who made it boom" by Adam Fisher, Engelbart is given great credit. He's treated as if he invented on-line processing.

In my humble opinion, "modern computing" exists because of the contributions of a great many 'old style' engineers and the 'old' corporations who funded them, like IBM, Western Union, Bell Telephone, Burroughs, Univac, etc.

On-line processing requires a substantial amount of CPU, disk, and RAM memory. Those sort of things originally didn't exist at all and had to be invented, then, the cost had to drop substantially in order to have enough horsepower to support online processing. I don't think a lot of biographers of Silicon Valley understand that.

re: Douglas Engelbart, the forgotten hero of modern computing

trivia: saw the transition in resources with uptake of RDBMS in the 80s. Was involved with the original sql/relational implementation ... System/R, past posts

In the 70s, the IBM IMS group was criticizing System/R for requiring twice the disk space (as IMS, for the relational index) and significant more disk I/Os (for processing index) ... compared to IMS. IMS was criticized for requiring significant more administration skills, time, and effort. In the 80s, things started to flip, disk costs significantly dropped (mitigating RDBMS index disk space) and system real memory sizes significantly increased (allowing caching of RDBMS indexes) ... and overall computer related costs dropping resulted in enormous increase in demand ... where scarcity of humans skills created significant bottleneck/costs for IMS.

at Jim Gray celebration a decade ago ... he is credited with computerized banking/financial ... formal logging and "ACID" properties giving auditors confidence in computer records. old reference Father Of Financial Dataprocessing

I mention that Jim palmed a lot of stuff on me when he left for Tandem

90s, wallstreet spent billions on straight-through processing. Real-time/online transactions was just queuing up work for (legacy) overnight (cobol) batch settlement. Part of the issue was globalization was increasing the workload and decreasing the size of the overnight batch processing window ... moving to "straight-through" supposedly would eliminate those as problems.

They were doing parallel processing implementations, planning on using large numbers of "killer micros" ... but were warned about the standarad parallization libraries being used had hundred times the overhead of cobol batch ... which they ignored. Then things imploded when large pilots went up in flames, any anticipated throughput improvement using large number of killer micros, totally swamped by the parallelization overhead. One of the fallouts & scars from the failure, was conjecture that it would be long time before such a move was tried again

recent posts mentioning straight-through processing and/or overnight batch window. The ICL 2900 The ICL 2900 The ICL 2900 The Pentagon still uses computer software from 1958 to manage its contracts The Pentagon still uses computer software from 1958 to manage its contracts The Mainframe vs. the Server Farm: A Comparison Wall Street OFF TOPIC: University of California, Irvine, revokes 500 admissions Somewhat Interesting Mainframe Article Tech: we didn't mean for it to turn out like this When did the home computer die? Bottlenecks and Capacity planning The Pentagon still uses computer software from 1958 to manage its contracts How IBM Was Left Behind

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Douglas Engelbart, the forgotten hero of modern computing

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Douglas Engelbart, the forgotten hero of modern computing
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2018 18:45:19 -0800
re: Douglas Engelbart, the forgotten hero of modern computing Douglas Engelbart, the forgotten hero of modern computing

Evelyn Berezin, 93, Dies; Built the First True Word Processor
Some historians say that American Airlines, using I.B.M computers and a system called Sabre (Semi-Automated Business Research Environment), developed the first experimental airline reservation system in 1960. But Mr. Kirschenbaum, in "Track Changes," wrote, "With Berezin's assistance, Teleregister implemented the first automated airlines reservations system in the world (for United Airlines), predating the better-known Sabre system by at least a year."
... snip ...

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Douglas Engelbart, the forgotten hero of modern computing

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Douglas Engelbart, the forgotten hero of modern computing
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2018 09:54:27 -0800
re: Douglas Engelbart, the forgotten hero of modern computing Douglas Engelbart, the forgotten hero of modern computing Douglas Engelbart, the forgotten hero of modern computing

50 years on, we're living the reality first shown at the "Mother of All Demos" Douglas Engelbart changed computer history forever on December 9, 1968.

recent post about another 1968, 50yrs on CP67 & EMAIL History

three people from the science center came out to the university the last week of Jan1968 to install CP67/CMS (release 1) ... and was the 3rd installation after science center and lincoln labs. Previous year, univ. had hired me fulltime to be responsible for mainframe production systems ... and responsibility for CP67/CMS got added to the list.

posts mentioning science center

"virtualization" item from today: 10 hot data-center virtualization startups to watch (more than 50yrs on):


History of CP/CMS

precursor was CP40 by the science center done on 360/40 with hardware modifications to provide virtual memory (CP40 morphs into CP67 when 360/67s become available)

part of fall68 presentation that I gave at (IBM user group) SHARE on some of the CP67 changes I had done first half of 1968 (in old 1994 a.f.c. post)

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Trump administration appointee quits lobbying for Saudi Arabia

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Trump administration appointee quits lobbying for Saudi Arabia
Blog: Facebook
Date: 12 Dec 2018
Trump administration appointee quits lobbying for Saudi Arabia

the comments on the original post in "The Center for Public Integrity" facebook timeline puts culpability for much of middle east mess on MI6 and Britain.

The World Crisis, Vol. 1, Churchill explains the mess in middle east started with move from 13.5in to 15in guns (leading to moving from coal to oil) loc2012-14:
From the beginning there appeared a ship carrying ten 15-inch guns, and therefore at least 600 feet long with room inside her for engines which would drive her 21 knots and capacity to carry armour which on the armoured belt, the turrets and the conning tower would reach the thickness unprecedented in the British Service of 13 inches.

To build any large additional number of oil-burning ships meant basing our naval supremacy upon oil. But oil was not found in appreciable quantities in our islands. If we required it, we must carry it by sea in peace or war from distant countries.

This led to enormous expense and to tremendous opposition on the Naval Estimates. Yet it was absolutely impossible to turn back. We could only fight our way forward, and finally we found our way to the Anglo-Persian Oil agreement and contract, which for an initial investment of two millions of public money (subsequently increased to five millions) has not only secured to the Navy a very substantial proportion of its oil supply, but has led to the acquisition by the Government of a controlling share in oil properties and interests which are at present valued at scores of millions sterling, and also to very considerable economies, which are still continuing, in the purchase price of Admiralty oil.
... snip ...

When the newly elected democratic government wanted to review the Anglo-Person contract, US arranged coup and backed Shah as front,_Jr%2E

... and Schwarzkoph (senior) training of the secret police to help keep Shah in power

past posts mentioning Churchill's ref: The World Crisis, Vol. 1 "Computer & Automation" later issues--anti-establishment thrust US and UK have staged coups before Frieden calculator Chain of Title: How Three Ordinary Americans Uncovered Wall Street's Great Foreclosure Fraud "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967) A Coal Fire May Have Helped Sink the 'Titanic' CBS News: WikiLeaks claims to release thousands of CIA documents of computer activity Economist, Harry Dent Hints: Global Banks Facing a Serious Crisis in Months Ahead Breaking: Entire Nation Experiencing Collective Amnesia About Iraq War [CM] What was your first home computer? Iraq, Longest War When It Comes to the War in the Greater Middle East, Maybe We're the Bad Guys Predicting the future in five years as seen from 1983 DEC and HVAC free, huh, was Bitcoin confusion? America's War for the Greater Middle East: A Military History The G.O.P. Tax Cut Is Draining the Treasury Even Faster Than Expected Iran shrink-wrapped $100 Payments tablets and desktops was Has Microsoft

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth?

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth?
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2018 08:03:05 -0800
maus <> writes:
Never seen one, just read of the stupidity of it. AFAIK, the humvee had the same track width as an Abrams tank, so it can follow in the tanks tracks across a minefield.

That would work, unless the mine was designed to go off after the first heavy vehicle lassed over. I think a German mine during WWII was designed to do that.

there was articles about the popularity of civilian humvee in southern cal, that it (and some other popular large truck vehicles) exceeded weight limit of most residential streets ... so were illegal to drive in the neighborhood.

old thread in comp.arch (weight classified as commercial vehicle qualifying for tax break, but "illegal" on residential streets)

longer discussion in a.f.c. (mentioning heavy buses allowed on residential streets not built for such loads)

more recent a.f.c. reference

referencing article from 2004

H1 @ 10,300 pounds and H2 at 8,600 pounds.

son-in-law was in Fallujah 2004-2005
and then back again 2007-2008 in baqubah (described as worse than fallujah). Abrams M1 flat bottom and extremely vulnerable to IEDs (lots of armor above ground, but flat bottom and little "blast" resistance) ... that they took to running routes before taking Abrams out for drive.

he was foot patrol in Fallujah ... but had Bradley M2A3 in Baqubah ... talked about loosing so many Bradleys that they were eventually getting mothballed Bradley "DS" (desert storm) as replacements ... except he kept jerry rigging repairs for his M2A3, in part because it had more modern communication/electronics.
Longer discussions

Much of Burton's "Pentagon Wars" is about getting lots of fixes for the original Bradley, saving large number of lives (the people he was fighting for the fixes, got promotions and he got forced retirement). Recent Burton reference upthread
pentagon wars

military-industrial(-congressional) complex posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth?

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth?
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2018 10:57:20 -0800
Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> writes:
referencing article from 2004

H1 @ 10,300 pounds and H2 at 8,600 pounds.


original hummer H1 quoted from 2004 slate article at 10,300

How Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) Works, humvees

H2 still 8600, H3 reduced to 6001 from above:
2006, H1:10300, H2: 8600, H3: 5850
2007, H2: 8600, H3: 5850
2008, H2: 8600, H3: 6001
2009, H2: 8600, H3: 6001, H3T:6001

GMC GVWR 4850-9700
Ford GVWR 4300-14,500

F450 was 14,500 in 2008, reduced to 10,100 in 2009

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth?

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth?
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2018 11:30:10 -0800

original Hummer H1 production 1992-2006

they started doing more consumer friendly with H2 & H3

H2, 2002-2009
H3, 2006-2010

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth?

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth?
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2018 13:58:13 -0800
Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> writes:
referencing article from 2004

H1 @ 10,300 pounds and H2 at 8,600 pounds.


The slate 2004 article talks about over 6,000gvwr trucks being prohibited (with limited exceptions) on most residential streets.

current City of LA webpage about residential limitation on trucks >6000gvwr

class2 gvwr 6001-10000, class3 gvwr 10000-14000

HUMMER H1 10,300, production 1992-2006

a little more consumer friendly (but both still >6000)

HUMMER H2 8600, production 2002-2009 HUMMER H3 6001, production 2006-2010

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

ACS360 and FS

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: ACS360 and FS
Blog: Facebook
Date: 15 Dec 2018
about end of ACS-360 (executives worried that it would advance the state-of-the-art too fast and they would loose control of the market), at the bottom lists ACS-360 features that show up in ES/9000 over 20yrs later (1990). Amdahl shutdowns ACS-360 and short time leaves IBM to do clone 370 startup.
wasn't the only time that former IBMer does startup ... thinking that they could do something better than allowed to do at IBM

ACS-360 was advanced, higher performance 360 in the late 60s. FS was in the 70s, completely different and incompatible with 370. Internal FS politics was killing off 370 efforts ... and the lack of 370 products during the FS period is credited with giving clone processor makers (like Amdahl) market foothold.

A claimed major objective for FS was to make the integration of processor with controllers so complex that it would significantly raise the bar for clone controller maker competition ... however, it resulted in giving the opening for clone system makers.

trivia: as undergraduate in the 60s I did a clone controller that was picked up by the vendor and marketed as IBM clone controller. Four of us got written up as responsible for (some part of) the clone controller business.

clone controller posts

After failure of FS project (completely different than 370 and was going to completely replace 370, during FS era, internal politics shutting 370 efforts, lack of 370 products during FS period, credited with giving clone system makers, market foothold). Head of POK also managed to convince corporate to kill vm/370 product, shutdown the development group and transfer all the people to work on MVS/XA (or otherwise MVS/XA wouldn't ship on time some 6-8yrs later). They were planning on not telling the vm/370 group until the very last minute to minimize those that might escape. However, the info leaked early and joke that head of POK was one of the biggest contributors to the fledging DEC VMS effort, for the numbers that managed to escape IBM to work at DEC.

Ferguson & Morris, "Computer Wars: The Post-IBM World", Time Books, 1993 .... reference to the "Future System" project 1st half of the 70s, was going to completely replace 370 and 370 efforts were being shutdown, the lack of 370 products during the period is credited with giving clone processor makers (including Amdahl) market foothold:
and perhaps most damaging, the old culture under Watson Snr and Jr of free and vigorous debate was replaced with sycophancy and make no waves under Opel and Akers. It's claimed that thereafter, IBM lived in the shadow of defeat
But because of the heavy investment of face by the top management, F/S took years to kill, although its wrong headedness was obvious from the very outset. "For the first time, during F/S, outspoken criticism became politically dangerous," recalls a former top executive.
... snip ...

I had continued to work on 360/370 stuff all during the FS period, even periodically ridiculing FS (which also wasn't exactly career enhancing activity).

some discussion of FS

FS posts

Jan1979, I got con'ed into doing benchmarks for national alb on engineering 4341 (4341s hadn't shipped yet to customers) that was looking at getting 70 for compute farm (sort of leading edge of the coming cluster supercomputers). 4300s were selling into the same mid-range market against DEC VAX/VMS. 4300s sold about same numbers as VAX/VMS in small unit orders, big difference were large 4300 orders of hundreds at a time for placing in departmental areas (sort of leading edge of coming distributed computing tsunami). Story is that head of POK got corporate to cut allocation of critical 4341 manufacturing component in half because felt threatened by cluster 4341s (much cheaper than 3033, higher throughput, much less floor space and environmentals, etc).

I was at research bldg28 ... but had done systems that ran across the street on the mainframes in bldg 14 (disk engineering) and bldg 15 (disk product test). bldg15 got earliest engineering 3033 and 4341 (after first two or three at processor development) and I got lots of time on these machines (I had better access than most people in POK and Endicott).

getting to play disk engineer posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth?

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth?
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Sat, 15 Dec 2018 12:44:51 -0800
maus <> writes:
Careful. That road leads to Fascism, in which people who think they are smart, but are really dumb as Facebook users, take over..

brings up Dunning-Kruger effect

a little more drift ... The Black Swan: Second Edition: The Impact of the Highly Improbable
The strangest thing is that people in business usually agree with me when they listen to me talk or hear me make my case. But when they go to the office the next day they revert to the Gaussian tools so entrenched in their habits. Their minds are domain-dependent, so they can exercise critical thinking at a conference while not doing so in the office.
... snip ...

I noticed something similar (but different) when wandering around Somers in the early 90s, having discussions agreeing about the major changes needed in IBM ... and then go back a few weeks/months later and nothing had changed (or even attempted).

Unbeknownst to me, 1987 was not the first time the idea of the Gaussian was shown to be lunacy. Mandelbrot proposed the scalable to the economics establishment around 1960, and showed them how the Gaussian curve did not fit prices then.
... snip ...

periodically described as resigned in "protest"
Mandelbrot left IBM in 1987, after 35 years and 12 days, when IBM decided to end pure research in his division.[24] He joined the Department of Mathematics at Yale, and obtained his first tenured post in 1999, at the age of 75.[25] At the time of his retirement in 2005, he was Sterling Professor of Mathematical Sciences.
... snip ...
Mandelbrot saw financial markets as an example of "wild randomness", characterized by concentration and long range dependence. He developed several original approaches for modelling financial fluctuations.[18] In his early work, he found that the price changes in financial markets did not follow a Gaussian distribution, but rather Lévy stable distributions having infinite variance. He found, for example, that cotton prices followed a Lévy stable distribution with parameter α equal to 1.7 rather than 2 as in a Gaussian distribution. "Stable" distributions have the property that the sum of many instances of a random variable follows the same distribution but with a larger scale parameter.[19]
... snip ...

In 1999, I was asked to help try and prevent the coming economic mess. Claims that some investment bankers had walked away "clean" from S&l crisis, where then running Internet IPO mills (invest a few million, hype, IPO for a few billion, should then fail leaving field clear for the next round) and were predicted to get into securitized mortgages next. Leading up to the economic mess imploding, articles were appearing trying to lay the blame on computer models and risk managers. The risk managers were saying that the business people forced them to fiddle the inputs until they got the outputs they wanted (garbage-in, garbage-out).

economic mess posts
S&l crisis posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth?

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth?
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Sat, 15 Dec 2018 13:13:38 -0800
Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> writes:
other Boyd references:

John Boyd - USAF, The Fighter Pilot Who Changed the Art of Air Warfare
John Boyd's Art of War; Why our greatest military theorist only made colonel.
Genghis John - Chuck Spinney's Bio of John Boyd

re: Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth? Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth? Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth? Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth?

recent: The F-16 Fighting Falcon: A Creation Of The 'Lightweight Fighter Mafia'
We don't want to give away the good stuff but perhaps the most interesting bit of info involves a famous pilot's scientific approach to air combat and his formation, along with other scientists and researchers, of the Lightweight Fighter Mafia. You'll need to watch to find out more (don't worry; this won't be on the test.)
... snip ...

Boyd posts and URLs

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

IBM Career

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: IBM Career
Blog: Facebook
Date: 16 Dec 2018
Much of my time at IBM, I was told I had no career and could expect no raises or promotions.

Early 80s at San Jose Research, I wrote open door saying I was underpaid with backup information. I got a written reply from head of HR saying that after detailed study of my career, I was being paid exactly what I was suppose to. I then put cover reply with copy of exchange appended and pointed out that I was being asked to interview potential new hires to work in new group under my direction and the candidates were being offered starting salary 30% more than I was making. I never got a written reply, but a few weeks later I got a 30% raise (putting me on level playing field with the potential new hires).

Later in 1991, I got written approval for VTP (7/31/91) and then asked to stay on with approval for VTP->ITO. Starting late spring 1992, I would start getting communication that I was never approved for any early out and/or there was never any VTP->ITO conversion program, etc. I would respond with detail copies of prior approvals, bulletin board announcements for VTP, ITO, and VTP->ITO. For some reason, I continued to get responses from all levels in Austin that none of that happened ... which I would constantly respond with detailed documentation refuting their false claims (with appended copies of all prior information). It seemed like Austin would make non-stop denials regardless of the detailed documentation showing their assertions were facetious/false. It called to mind advice from various people frequently reminded me that (especially in IBM) Business Ethics is an oxymoron. Small sample of archived email exchange during that period (I learned early on in IBM that I needed to keep detailed record trail).

Date: Sat, 6 Jun 1992 12:13:29 PDT
from: lhw@sjsvm28
subject: ito

as a total aside ... just to put our minds at rest ... how is the ITO process coming?

I had gotten some advice from XXXX earlier that Austin may for some reason decide not to approve our ITO application. There is a woman in the personnel office that might be able to help (if she is still there and I can go back thru my records and find her name).

In the series of things that happened last summer, I had written approval for the VTP with a leave date of 7/31/91. Starting some time in early June, SSPD said that they were interested in transferring the project from AWD to SSPD along with us ... as well as making me a job offer. About every two weeks, they would say ... "just another week and it will all be pushed through". When things got down to 7/31/91 and they were still saying that it was going to take another week or so before it was all approved, I was asked to not take the VTP and in return I would automatically be approved for the ITO (this supposedly was to cover the slim possibility that the project and people transfer to SSPD as well as the raise/promotion didn't come thru).

As we know now none of that came thru. When I was offered the job to transfer to austin/awd five years ago, I was told that I had to take a DEMOTION but would be immediately promoted ... "at the most it would take would be 12 months to get promoted back" (to reassure me, I was effectively told that it wasn't just another empty ibm management promise since personnel practices required that the demotion could last for NO LONGER THAN 12 months). Unfortunately none of that happened. Finally more than two years after having been made the promise, I open'ed door asking effectively what happened to the absolutely personnel practices that was suppose to guarantee that the promotion would take place. Unfortunately that whole issue appeared to get lost in the executive/management musical chairs that have gone on in Austin.

... snip ... top of post, old email index

From the annals of truth is stranger than fiction, both my wife and I take ITO 31July1992, the next day I get a letter at home saying I had been given big promotion, effectively immediately (while on ITO).

past refs to SJR opendoor How to Stuff a Wild Duck The IBM "Open Door" policy IBM layoffs strike first in India; workers describe cuts as 'slaughter' and 'massive' How Comp-Sci went from passing fad to must have major IBM Programmer Aptitude Test IBM Programmer Aptitude Test Globalization Worker Negotiation IBM Career

a few past refs to getting promoted after leaving CSC History Tech Time Warp of the Week: The World's First Hard Drive, 1956 Remember 3277? IBM 1970s EasyLink email ad

past posts mentioning business ethics is oxymoron IBM Unionization CROOKS and NANNIES: what would Boyd do? How do you see ethics playing a role in your organizations current or past? U.S. students behind in math, science, analysis says Revisiting CHARACTER and BUSINESS ETHICS U.S. begins inquiry of IBM in mainframe market "Portable" data centers Happy DEC-10 Day Would you fight? 16:32 far pointers in OpenWatcom C/C++ 16:32 far pointers in OpenWatcom C/C++ Productivity And Bubbles How to Stuff a Wild Duck The IBM "Open Door" policy IBM layoffs strike first in India; workers describe cuts as 'slaughter' and 'massive' IBM Programmer Aptitude Test IBM Disk Engineering IBM Career Terminology - Datasets Workplace Advice I Wish I Had Known

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

America's janky payment system, explained

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: America's janky payment system, explained
Blog: Facebook
Date: 16 Dec 2018
America's janky payment system, explained

2nd half of 90s (two decades ago), there were a number of ACH same day & real time settlement pilots ... banks pushed back because they were making so much on the "float" ... the delay between when they had to stop paying interest on the amount in the account (had the money for free) and when the funds were actually transferred.

After the turn of the century, articles about why EU was moving ahead faster was because such revenue was much smaller percent (or zero) of EU banks' bottom line (compared to the US financial institutions).

One such was ACH pilot using standards/definition that I had written (and chip I had designed), wasn't member of NACHA, so a member submitted RFI on my behalf (14Sept1998)

Results of the ACH Internet Council pilot, gone 404, but lives on at wayback machine (23July2001) ... including being able to do "SECURE" debit internet transactions (standards/chip was payment method agnostic, credit, debit, ACH, POS, etc)

some old "float" posts IP: Re: Why we don't use digital cash Electronic Checks AGAINST ID CARDS re:The Law of Digital Cash Bank Float May Sink Bank Float May Sink Is there any future for smartcards? Payment systems - the explosion of 1995 is happening in 2006 Payment systems - the explosion of 1995 is happening in 2006 On-card displays The bank fraud blame game The bank fraud blame game Fixing SSL (was Re: Dutch Transport Card Broken) Price point

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Christian nationalists are trying to seize power -- but progressives have a plan to fight back

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Christian nationalists are trying to seize power -- but progressives have a plan to fight back
Blog: Facebook
Date: 16 Dec 2018
Christian nationalists are trying to seize power -- but progressives have a plan to fight back
Platt identified three ways the Project Blitz exemption bills ""limit rather than enhance religious liberties. "First, they favor certain views", rather than protecting everyone's views. Second, "they require people to subsidize religious beliefs that they don't themselves hold." And third, "some of the proposed exemptions overtly allow discrimination against religious minorities," such as a recently-passed Texas bill that "allows religious foster care agencies to refuse to place children in non-Christian families."
... snip ...

This is along the lines of corporation group in the 40s, because they had gotton such a bad reputation for the depression and supporting Nazi Germany, they sponsored a major propaganda campaign to equate capitalism with Christianity (in part resulting with adding "In God We Trust" to money and "under God" to the pledge of allegiance)

some recent references Commercial grade ink and paper (Western Union) When Working From Home Doesn't Work What if the Kuomintang Had Won the Chinese Civil War? Tech: we didn't mean for it to turn out like this America's Over-Hyped Strategic Bombing Experiment What if the Kuomintang Had Won the Chinese Civil War? The U.S. was not founded as a Christian nation Russia Invaded Japanese Islands With U.S. Ships -- After Japan Surrendered Predicting the future in five years as seen from 1983 Pushing Out Immigrants Isn't About the Economy The Man From Sullivan & Cromwell More Guns Do Not Stop More Crimes, Evidence Shows Revealed - the capitalist network that runs the world Doubts about the HR departments that require knowledge of technology that does not exist Counterinsurgency Lessons from Malaya and Vietnam: Learning to Eat Soup with a Knife IBM's Chief Executive's Message to Shareholders 75 Years Ago What Lies Beyond Capitalism And Socialism? Barb Post WW2 red hunt We must stop bad bosses using migrant labour to drive down wages How American Racism Influenced Hitler; Scholars are mapping the international precursors of Nazism The Persistent Myth of U.S. Precision Bombing tablets and desktops was Has Microsoft America Celebrates Lateral Move From Monarchy To Corporate Rule old grudges, Computers, anyone? Top CEOs' compensation increased 17.6 percent in 2017; The ratio of CEO-to-worker compensation grew to 312-to-1 A Tea Party Movement to Overhaul the Constitution Is Quietly Gaining Scientists Just Laid Out Paths to Solve Climate Change. We Aren't on Track to Do Any of Them More Americans Supported Hitler Than You May Think

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

The rise and fall of IBM

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: The rise and fall of IBM
Blog: Facebook
Date: 18 Dec 2018
re: ACS360 and FS
Posted to both Facebook and a.f.c. The rise and fall of IBM Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth?

Date: 23 May 91, 09:52:20 PDT
To: lynn@wheeler

Lynn, PCLIB has an AMSROUND forum that contains comments on Akers note. It's approx. 6k lines already. Reminds me of the Tandem papers, some years back. History repeats. Also I am told that the Akers note is now classified IBM Confidential. Interesting.

... snip ... top of post, old email index

In the late 70s and early 80s, I had been blamed for online computer conferencing on the internal network (larger than arpanet/internet from just about the beginning until sometime mid-80s). Folklore is that when the corporate executive committee was told about online computer conferencing (and the internal network), 5of6 wanted to fire me. Part of the outcome of investigations and task forces on online computer conferencing was official conferencing software and official (moderated) forums. From IBMJARGON:

Tandem Memos - n. Something constructive but hard to control; a fresh of breath air (sic). That's another Tandem Memos. A phrase to worry middle management. It refers to the computer-based conference (widely distributed in 1981) in which many technical personnel expressed dissatisfaction with the tools available to them at that time, and also constructively criticized the way products were [are] developed. The memos are required reading for anyone with a serious interest in quality products. If you have not seen the memos, try reading the November 1981 Datamation summary.
... snip ...

Newsgroups: ibm.ibmpc.amsround.digest
Date: 12 Jul 91 16:02:01 GMT

From: xxxxxx

Has anyone noticed that among the 9000+ lines of activity in this FORUM, not one since mine back at about 2000 has originated from an RHQVM system. For the benefit of those who may not know the current network topology. "RHQ" is where all the "headquarters" systems (Somers... White Plains... Harrison) get their computing resources. Since centralising these sytems, and suffering regular power failures and communications failures in the non-redundant and unprotected public utilites of northern Westchester, the powers-that-be have decided that FORUMs have no useful business purpose during daylight hours, and have DISABLED ALL SHADOWS from 6am to 6pm.

... snip ... top of post, old email index

computer conferencing posts
internal network posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

US Navy Contractors Hacked by China "More Than A Handful Of Times"

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: US Navy Contractors Hacked by China "More Than A Handful Of Times"
Blog: Facebook
Date: 18 Dec 2018
US Navy Contractors Hacked by China "More Than A Handful Of Times"

been going on for over decade ...

Report: China gained U.S. weapons secrets using cyber espionage
Confidential report lists U.S. weapons system designs compromised by Chinese cyberspies
REPORT: Chinese Hackers Stole Plans For Dozens Of Critical US Weapons Systems

our military-industrial complex is extraordinarily cyber dumb ... or they've been doing it on purpose to help create more credible adversary to justify more appropriations from congress.

military-industrial complex posts

a few recent cyberdumb posts: The Next New Military Specialty Should Be Software Developers Lawmakers to Military: Don't Buy Another 'Money Pit' Like F-35 How China Pushes the Limits on Military Technology Transfer F-35: Still No Finish Line in Sight DoD watchdog: Air Force failed to effectively manage F-22 modernization 11 crazy up-close photos of the F-22 Raptor stealth fighter jet soaring through the air F-35 Chinese Government Hackers Have Successfully Stolen Massive Amounts Of Highly Sensitive Data On U.S. Submarine Warfare

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

U.S. Cash Repatriation Plunges 50%, Defying Trump's Tax Forecast

Refed: **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: U.S. Cash Repatriation Plunges 50%, Defying Trump's Tax Forecast
Blog: Facebook
Date: 20 Dec 2018
U.S. Cash Repatriation Plunges 50%, Defying Trump's Tax Forecast

The poster child spotlighted for repatriation (for all the money going to employee bonuses), however from the company's website, it said that "up to $1000" bonus for every employee ... which would amount to less than 3% (even if every employee got full $1000) of the money being repatriated, the rest, their website showed going to stock buybacks and executive bonuses.

2002, congress lets the fiscal responsibility act lapse, spending couldn't exceed revenue, on its way to eliminating all federal debt. 2005, US Comptroller General was including in speeches that nobody in congress was capable of middle school arithmetic (for how badly they were savaging the budget). CBO 2010 report was that 2003-2009, taxes were cut by $6T and spending increased by $6T for $12T gap compared to fiscal responsible budget. Sort of confluence of Federal Reserve and wallstreet wanting huge federal debt, special interests and wallstreet wanting huge tax cut, and military-industrial complex wanting huge spending increase (first time taxes were cut to not pay for two wars, now on its way to exceeding $6T).

Some amount of drop in tax revenue were new loopholes for (legally?) hiding money in tax havens overseas. The poster child was heavy equipment maker that built in the US and sold&delivered to customers in the US. They set up a "distributorship" in offshore tax haven and all products were "sold" to the distributorship at cost which then sold to the customers in the US (with all profits booked overseas), equipment still made in the US, and shipped directly to customers in the US. Also claims that the money never even physically left the US ... "foreign profits" actually invested in the US (like US Treasuries) ... just magic fairy dust tax loophole electronic bookkeeping.

Spring 2009, IRS announces that it is going after 50,000 wealthy Americans that owned $400B in taxes on money illegally hidden overseas (tax evasion, that is separate from the new tax loopholes for legally hiding money overseas). Then in Spring 2011, the new speaker of the house was drastically cutting the budget for the organization responsible for recovering the $400B. Since then there has been news about a few billion in fines on the too big to fail that facilitated the tax evasion, but nothing about recovery of the $400B (or anything about jailtime and penalties for the illegal activity).

stock buyback posts fiscal responsible budget posts
US Comptroller General posts
tax evasion (tax avoidance, tax loopholes, tax havens) posts
TBTF (too big to fail, too big to prosecute, too big to jail) posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Netscape: The Fire That Filled Silicon Valley's First Bubble

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Netscape: The Fire That Filled Silicon Valley's First Bubble
Blog: Facebook
Date: 20 Dec 2018
Netscape: The Fire That Filled Silicon Valley's First Bubble

rivia: "MOSAIC" company was told they had to stop using the name "MOSAIC" ... they changed the name to "NETSCAPE", which was provided by silicon valley company that already owned the name "NETSCAPE", what was the name of that company???

We left IBM a few months after IBM transferred cluster scale-up, announced it as IBM supercomputer and we were told we couldn't work on anything with more than four processor. Two of the Oracle people that we had worked with on cluster scale-up later left and were at MOSAIC responsible for something called "commerce server" and we were brought in as consultants because they wanted to do payment transactions on the server. I had absolute authority over everything on the payment network side (webserver to internet payment gateway that interfaced to the financial payment networks). I had done multi-machine "HA/CMP" payment gateways with multiple connections into different parts of internet backbone. I originally started with advertising routes (in case of failures), but during this period, backbone transitioned to hierarchical routing (route advertisement wasn't scaling) ... so had to resort to DNS multiple-A record (host name with list of multiple ip-addresses). Payment trouble center had a bunch of circuit-based diagnostic tools and had criteria of 5mins for 1st level problem determination. I had to do significant amount of work to provide equivalent for packet-based environment.

payment network gateway posts

MDC was at Moscone 1996, Jim Gray (I had worked with Jim at SJR before left for Tandem) had recently established SanFran M'soft research center a couple blocks from Moscone and was holding open house during MDC. All the banners at MDC said "internet" ... but the repeated refrain in all the sessions was "preserve your investment" (any trick of the trade that could done over small private network would be enabled for the internet).

NETSCAPE had increasing number of internet facing servers for downloading product. Problem was most of the (UNIX server) platforms had same problem with handling FINWAIT list processing, as load increased, CPU for FINWAIT processing zoomed to 95+%. Things improved when they installed a SEQUENT server .... which had fixed the FINWAIT problem some time before (it was another six months before started seeing FINWAIT fix from other vendors).

re: Novell in the original (facebook wired) thread; Early 80s, IBM San Jose disk division had internal server project called DataHub. They hired a group in Provo, Utah to do some of the code implementation and somebody from San Jose was commuting to Provo almost every week. Somewhere along the way, corporate directed SJ to abort the DataHub project (the communication group was trying to limit PCs to 3270 emulation, trying to preserve their dumb terminal paradigm and install base). The group in Provo was allowed to keep the code they had already done and shortly later a new company appeared in Provo ... name started with "N".

I ran an advanced technology conference spring of 1982 and one of the presentations was on DataHub by a person frequently commuting to Provo.

old archived post with copy of call for papers for spring 1982 advanced technology conference ... mentioning GPD DataHub and subcontracting some of the software to company in Provo Utah

also part of original thread about IE packaged free with windows helping kill off netscape

Former IBM CEO John Opel Dies
According to the New York Times, it was Opel who met with Bill Gates, CEO of the then-small software firm Microsoft, to discuss the possibility of using Microsoft PC-DOS OS for IBM's about-to-be-released PC. Opel set up the meeting at the request of Gates' mother, Mary Maxwell Gates. The two had both served on the National United Way's executive committee.
... snip ...

other trivia: before ms/dos
there was Seattle computer
before Seattle computer, there was cp/m
before developing cp/m, kildall worked on cp67/cms (precursor to vm370) at npg (gone 404, but lives on at the wayback machine)

even more trivia: The first webserver in the US was on the SLAC VM370 system

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970 putgarlic all

Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth?

Refed: **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth?
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2018 19:04:00 -0800
maus <> writes:
1.35, I think, locally. most is tax. Where they are going to raise that amount if people change to electricity is the problem

old threads about road design/build/cost is almost totally driven by heavy truck 18-wheeler use, aka ESALs (cars and light trucks have no effect). "road use" gas tax is attempt to spread/broaden(/subsidize) the cost of heavy truck use across much larger population. Of course lots of instances of jurisdictions raiding the hiway fund for other activities while infrastructure deteriorates

past ESAL posts Transportation OT Global warming The Pankian Metaphor The Pankian Metaphor The Pankian Metaphor The Pankian Metaphor The Pankian Metaphor The Pankian Metaphor The Pankian Metaphor The Pankian Metaphor The Pankian Metaphor The Pankian Metaphor fraying infrastructure dollar coins Idiotic cars driving themselves Central vs. expanded storage TCM's Moguls documentary series A Close Look at the Perry Tax Plan A Close Look at the Perry Tax Plan "Highway Patrol" back on TV "Highway Patrol" back on TV Future of support for telephone rotary dial ? IMPI (System/38 / AS/400 historical) 1970--protesters seize computer center Minimum Wage Disregard post (another screwup; absolutely nothing to do with computers whatsoever!) Predicting the future in five years as seen from 1983 Predicting the future in five years as seen from 1983 Bitcoin confusion?

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Netscape: The Fire That Filled Silicon Valley's First Bubble

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Netscape: The Fire That Filled Silicon Valley's First Bubble
Blog: Facebook
Date: 20 Dec 2018
re: Netscape: The Fire That Filled Silicon Valley's First Bubble

some topic drift:

somewhat for having done "electronic commerce" ... I was asked to participate in financial standards bodies and co-authored some (mostly security related) standards. In 1999, I was asked to help stop the coming "economic mess" (we failed). I was told that some investment bankers had walked away "clean" from the S&l crisis, were then running Internet IPO Mills (invest a few million, hype, IPO for a few billion, needed to fail to leave the field clear for the next round of IPOs) and were predicted next to get into securitized mortgages.

more than you ever wanted to know??

Decade later, Jan2009 I was asked to HTML'ize the Pecora Hearings (30s senate hearings into the '29 crash, resulted in Glass-Steagall and jailtime, had been scanned fall 2008 at Boston Public Library) with lots of internal HREFs and URLs between what happened this time and what happened then (comments that the new congress might have appetite to do something). I work on it for awhile and then get a call saying it won't be needed after all (reference to enormous mountains of wallstreet cash totally burying capital hill; at most only 2-3 honest members in all of congress, its all Kabuki theater/dance, what you see publicly has little to do with what really is going on).

'29 crash, Pecora Hearings and/or Glass-Steagall posts
S&l crisis posts
Economic Mess posts

Somebody was in competition with AMEX president to be next CEO of AMEX and looses. The looser departs taking his protegee and they go to Baltimore taking over what was described as a loan-sharking business. They make some number of other acquisitions eventually acquiring CITIBANK in violation of Glass-Steagall. Greenspan gives them an exemption while they lobby congress for repeal (they enlist several in DC, including SECTREAS ... who resigns after the ball is rolling and joins CITI in what was described at the time as co-CEO). Some number of reasons are then given why the protegee then leaves CITI and eventually becomes CEO of another of the four largest too big to fail ... and is still there.

The SECTREAS in the 90s (before he resigns to join CITI) and the SECTREAS in the following administration (after turn of century), both had formally been head of the same investment bank (joke that TREASURY is still the branch office in DC for that institution). That SECTREAS (after turn of century) was responsible for extracting TARP funds out of congress. It turns out that the industry was doing securitized mortgages designed to fail (creating enormous demand for faulty mortgages), paying the rating agencies for triple-A rating (when the rating agencies knew they weren't worth triple-A, from Oct2008 congressional hearings), selling into the bond market (including to entities like large pension funds that are restricted to only dealing in "safe"/triple-A investments) and taking out CDS gambling bets that they would fail. The largest holder of the CDS gambling bets was AIG. AIG was negotiating to pay off at 50cents on the dollar when the SECTREAS steps in, has them sign document that they can't sue those making the CDS gambling bets and to take TARP funds to pay off at face value. The largest recipient of TARP funds was AIG and the largest recipient of face value payoffs was the firm formally headed by the SECTREAS.

Originally excuse for TARP funds was to buy offbook toxic assets (to bail out too big to fail) but only $700B was appropriated (enuf for AIG, but not enough for TBTF offbook toxic assets). Just the four largest TBTF was holding $5.2T offbook toxic assets ye2008 (with CITI holding the most). It was up to Federal Reserve to do the real bailout behind the scenes, buying trillions in offbook toxic assets and providing tens of trillions in ZIRP funds.

TBTF (too big to fail, too big to prosecute, too big to jail) posts
(triple-a rated) toxic CDO posts

Also early on, AMEX and KKR were in competition for private-equity LBO of RJR, and KKR wins. KKR then runs into problems with RJR and hires away president of AMEX (that had won CEO competition) to help turn it around.
IBM then goes into the red and hires away the former president of AMEX as CEO, using some of the techniques used at RJR.

some other players: (back to the 80s), VP and former CIA director repeatedly claims no knowledge of
because he was fulltime administration point person deregulating financial industry ... creating S&L crisis
along with other members of his family
and another

last decade (after turn of century) another family member is president and presides over the economic mess 70 times larger than the S&L crisis. S&L crisis had 1000 criminal convictions with jailtime, proportionally the economic mess should have 70,000 (criminal convictions with jailtime), so far nobody.

Another dimension, #1 on times list for those responsible for the economic mess,28804,1877351_1877350_1877339,00.html

mortgages used to be by regulated depository institutions using deposits, revenue from the mortgage payments (and had to care about borrowers' qualifications and loan quality). Then came the new breed of mortgage originators, feeding the wallstreet securitized mortgage process, revenue was purely commisions & transaction fees and it becomes how big a mortgage and how fast could they be sold off into the bond market (no longer needing to care about borrowers' qualification). Being able to pay for triple-A rating significantly contributed to being able to do over $27T 2001-2008. Part of speeding up the process was "electronic documents" which resulted in lots of missing legally required paperwork. From the law of unintended consequences, some of the biggest fines for the economic mess was after things imploded, was for the "robo-signing mills" ... fabricating the missing paperwork.

We had been brought in to help word smith some cal. state legislation. At the time they were working on electronic signature, (the original, first) data breach notification, and opt-in personal information sharing. Somewhat being involved in cal. electronic signature was asked into meeting at the Mortgage Banker's Association (lobbying group with new bldg across a park from IMF and World Bank) to talk about electronic signature on electronic (mortgage) documents (apparently trying to enlist my help).

#2 on times list for those responsible for the economic mess,28804,1877351_1877350_1877330,00.html

Now better known for GLBA which included repeal of Glass-Steagall, however he is on the list for legislation blocking regulation of derivatives (CDS gambling bets), originally described as favor for ENRON. The chair of CFTC suggested regulating derivatives, who was then quickly replaced by #2's wife, while he got legislation blocking any regulation. The wife then resigns and joins ENRON board and audit committee.

ENRON posts

2002, congress lets the fiscal responsibility act lapse, spending couldn't exceed revenue, on its way to eliminating all federal debt. 2005 comptroller general was including in speeches that nobody in congress was capable of middle school arithmetic. CBO 2010 report was that 2003-2009, taxes was cut by $6T and spending increased by $6T for $12T gap compared to fiscal responsible budget. Sort of confluence of Federal Reserve and wallstreet wanting huge federal debt, special interests and wallstreet wanting huge tax cut, and military-industrial complex wanting huge spending increase (first time taxes were cut to not pay for two wars, now on its way to exceeding $6T).

Fiscal Responsibility Act posts

The real bailout of too big to fail was by federal reserve and fought a long hard legal battle to prevent disclosing what they were doing (buying trillions in offbook toxic assets at 98cents on the dollar and tens of trillions in ZIRP funds). When they lost, the chairman held press conference to say that he thought that the TBTF would use the tens of trillions in ZIRP funds to help main street, but when they didn't (instead buying treasuries), he had no way to force them (but that didn't stop the ZIRP funds). Note that the chairman was selected in part because he was a depression era scholar where the FED had tried something similar with the same results (so he should have had no real expectations of anything different this time).

Fed Chairman posts

There have been lots written about ZIRP eliminated any reason for banks to compete (with interest rates) for deposits (because they got all the funds they needed from ZIRP) ... which would force pension & 401K funds (and other savers) into the equity market, where wallstreet could skim the rest (that they hadn't already taken with triple-A rated securitize mortgages in the bond market). The rise of HFT significantly increased the many ways of manipulating the market. This was sort of 2nd round. Early 90s, wallstreet lobbied companies and congress for changes in pension laws ... because the large pension funds were negotiating management fees to near nothing. Wallstreet would be able to make several times that with 401Ks (and for companies, they could significantly reduce their pension costs).

ZIRP posts

Lots in recent news about if FED starts rising rates, it would bring lots of the savers out of the equity markets into safer instruments (and make a big hit on wallstreet revenue).

Late 90s, one of the members of financial standards group represented NSCC (before they merged with DTC to form DTCC)

he invited me into NSCC to look at improving integrity of trading floor transactions ... I work on it for awhile and then get told that it was being suspended. A side effect of the integrity work would have greatly increased transparency and visibility ... an anathema to wallstreet culture ... and something like 30% of transactions can't stand the light of day. Those class of transactions have gotten worse with HFT

trivia: rhetoric on the floor of congress for Sarbanes-Oxley was that it would prevent future ENRONs and guarantee that executives and auditors did jailtime, but it required SEC to do something. Possibly because even GAO didn't believe SEC was doing anything, GAO started doing reports of public company fraudulent financial reporting ... even show that it increased after Sarbanes-Oxley goes into effect (and nobody doing jailtime). Some claims that congress felt "badly" about one of the audit houses went out of business after ENRON, and the really expensive SOX audits was full employment gift to the industry that wouldn't actually change anything.

Sarbanes-Oxley posts
Financial Reporting Fraud posts

In the congressional Madoff hearings, they had the person that tried unsuccessfully for a decade to get SEC to do something about Madoff (SEC hands were forced when Madoff turned himself in). Congress asked him if new regulations were needed. He replied that while new regulations might be needed, much more important was transparency and visibility (possibly because SEC wasn't doing anything with the regulations they had). He also pointed out that tips/whistleblowers turns up 13 times more fraud than audits ... and while SEC had a 1-800 number for corporations to complain about audits, SEC had no number to report fraud.

Madoff posts
AMEX, Private Equity, IBM related Gerstner posts

Turns out that a lot of wallstreet is focused on volatility ... they have much less revenue from static, stable market ... they do pump&dump ... pushing the market up (buy low, sell high) and then short ... pushing the market down. Old interview that they are all doing illegal activity (before it got much worse with HFT) ... and have nothing to worry about from SEC.

Less well known is that Sarbanes-Oxley also required SEC to do something about the credit rating agencies (that last decade were selling triple-A rating on stuff they knew weren't worth triple-A) ... but SEC did about as much about the credit rating agencies as they did about public company fraudulent financial filings. --
virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth?

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth?
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2018 10:29:00 -0800
Dave Garland <> writes:
In the US, anyhow. Mike's right, we need a severely escalating scale. Much of our market is now controlled by computers trading on their own volition in extremely short time intervals. That should make everyone queasy. Though a 1% transaction tax would probably take care of that extreme problem by necessitating adult supervision. (Gene Wirchenko had an item in Risks Digest about this, an example being Berkshire Hathaway stock being skewed because trading computers saw news about actress Anne Hathaway.)

lots of articles on the HFT players primarily slugging it out with each other trying to win the next few cents (thousands of times per second) ... which holds prospect of forcing investors out of the market (since system has been so thoroughly gamed)

this is decade old article (even before the big rise of HFT) ... that they were already illegally gaming the system (and had nothing to worry about from SEC)

a couple recent posts mentioning HFT The Return Of Haim Bodek - HFT's First Whistleblower Netscape: The Fire That Filled Silicon Valley's First Bubble

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth?

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth?
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Sat, 22 Dec 2018 09:43:56 -0800
Dave Garland <> writes:
There are 2 types of cc chip. One requires physical contact. One (and some smartphones with appropriate app) does interact with nearby equipment, but I believe the range is only a foot or so. More powerful ones such as those in passports can interact over multiple feet. RF blocking card cases, wallets, etc. are available.

the contact ones require enormous amounts of power (& time) to drive the crypto. transit industry asked me to design a contactless chip (ISO 14443) that could do stronger crypto than the payment industry standard contact chip, but done within transit turnstyle/gate contactless power limitation and 100ms transit turnstyle/gate time limitation (allowing same chip to be used for both transit and payment transactions).

the payment industry had previously looked at how their contact chip could be used for transit ... the came up with an RF sleeve/adapter that card was placed in and a 20ft RF tunnel that people would walk slowly through leading up to the turnstyle ...

there had been a large pilot of the payment industry standard contact chip card in the US at the turn of the century ... but it was during the YES CARD period (somebody's observation at ATM Integrity taskforce meeting was that the payment industry managed to spend billions of dollars to prove chips were less secure than magstripe). In the wake of the YES CARD debacle, there was references that it would be a long time before it was tried again in the US (letting other jurisdictions be the guinea pigs and work out all the bugs) ... YES CARD posts

some old contactless chip posts: QC Bio-info leak? QC Bio-info leak? AADS Strawman AADS Strawman Risk Management in AA / draft X9.59 AGAINST ID CARDS DOD Prepares for biometric embedded smart card pilot Visa, Philips team to promote 'contactless' credit card [3d-secure] 3D Secure and EMV Smartcard in CD A challenge A challenge A challenge A challenge x9.59 Phillips, Visa push contactless payments in consumer devices Contactless payments and the security challenges [Clips] Contactless payments and the security challenges Broken SSL domain name trust model long-term GPG signing key Face and fingerprints swiped in Dutch biometric passport crack (another card skim vulnerability) FraudWatch - Chip&Pin, a new tenner (USD10) Court rules email addresses are not signatures, and signs death warrant for Digital Signatures Court rules email addresses are not signatures, and signs death warrant for Digital Signatures UK Detects Chip-And-PIN Security Flaw UK Detects Chip-And-PIN Security Flaw UK Banks Expected To Move To DDA EMV Cards New ISO standard aims to ensure the security of financial transactions on the Internet Securely handling credit card transactions earns Blackboard kudos Naked Payments IV - let's all go naked Microsoft - will they bungle the security game? DDA cards may address the UK Chip&Pin woes DDA cards may address the UK Chip&Pin woes DDA cards may address the UK Chip&Pin woes Crypto to defend chip IP: snake oil or good idea? DDA cards may address the UK Chip&Pin woes Governance of anonymous financial services crypto component services - is there a market? Public key encrypt-then-sign or sign-then-encrypt? The bank fraud blame game Realistic dynamics of contactless Realistic dynamics of contactless Realistic dynamics of contactless Price point

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Politicians have caused a pay 'collapse' for the bottom 90 percent of workers, researchers say

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Politicians have caused a pay 'collapse' for the bottom 90 percent of workers, researchers say
Blog: Facebook
Date: 22 Dec 2018
Politicians have caused a pay 'collapse' for the bottom 90 percent of workers, researchers say

Destruction of Middle Class
The Real Reason Wages Have Stagnated: Our Economy Is Optimized For Financialization
How GE, GM, Coca-Cola And Kodak Put Shareholders Ahead Of Employees
from here (updated Aug2018)

Meet the Economist Behind the One Percent's Stealth Takeover of America
Bad Ideas; Reknowned economist James K. Galbraith, one of our expert panelists, pulls no punches in talking about the damage wrought by financial innovation
Economists are arguing over how their profession messed up during the Great Recession. This is what happened
Milton Friedman
Friedman promoted an alternative macroeconomic viewpoint known as "monetarism", and argued that a steady, small expansion of the money supply was the preferred policy.[12] His ideas concerning monetary policy, taxation, privatization and deregulation influenced government policies, especially during the 1980s.
... snip ...

Milton Friedman's Cherished Theory Is Laid to Rest
Even now, when economic models have become far more complex than anything in Friedman's time, economists still go back to Friedman's theory as a mental touchstone -- a fundamental intuition that guides the way they make their models. My first macroeconomics professor believed in it deeply and instinctively, and would even bring it up in department seminars.
... snip ...

inequality posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Share Buybacks and the Contradictions of "Shareholder Capitalism"

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Share Buybacks and the Contradictions of "Shareholder Capitalism"
Blog: Facebook
Date: 25 Dec 2018
Share Buybacks and the Contradictions of "Shareholder Capitalism"

Is All Lost? Record Share Buybacks But Stocks Get Crushed
One JPMorgan Strategist Finds The Buyback Party Is Over (But Doesn't Want To Be Branded "Fake News")
Corporate Share Buybacks Looking Dumber By The Day

The Great Deformation: The Corruption of Capitalism in America
IBM was not the born-again growth machine trumpeted by the mob of Wall Street momo traders. It was actually a stock buyback contraption on steroids. During the five years ending in fiscal 2011, the company spent a staggering $67 billion repurchasing its own shares, a figure that was equal to 100 percent of its net income.

Total shareholder distributions, including dividends, amounted to $82 billion, or 122 percent, of net income over this five-year period. Likewise, during the last five years IBM spent less on capital investment than its depreciation and amortization charges, and also shrank its constant dollar spending for research and development by nearly 2 percent annually.
... snip ...

stock buyback posts

More recent is the rise of high-frequency trading, major HFT slugging it out with each other to see who can skim the most out of the system (and threatening to drive investors out of the market).

recent HFT posts: when to get out??? Mary Jo White Seriously Misled The US Senate To Become SEC Chair How do BIG WEBSITES work? How do BIG WEBSITES work? [CM] What was your first home computer? IBM Another Disappointment The Real Reason Wages Have Stagnated: Our Economy Is Optimized For Financialization The Windows 95 chime was created on a Mac GE's $31 billion pension nightmare The Return Of Haim Bodek - HFT's First Whistleblower Air Force Risks Losing Third of F-35s If Upkeep Costs Aren't Cut How China's New Stealth Fighter Could Soon Surpass the US F-22 Raptor Why the F-35 Isn't Good Enough for Japan Navy's Top-Dollar Stealth Fighter May Not Go the Distance Netscape: The Fire That Filled Silicon Valley's First Bubble Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth?

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

IBM Token-Ring

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: IBM Token-Ring
Blog: Facebook
Date: 25 Dec 2018
re: LikeWar: The Weaponization of Social Media LikeWar: The Weaponization of Social Media LikeWar: The Weaponization of Social Media

Lots of $69 10mbit ethernet cards capable of >8mbit/sec per card throughput ... using AMD LANCE, Intel 82586, or chips from several other vendors. By comparison the communication group heavily kneecapped $799 16mbit token-ring microchannel card had less throughput than the 4mbit token-ring pcat bus card that AWD did for the PC/RT.

1988 ACM SIGCOMM article had study of 30 station, showed 10mbit ethernet lan, with tight device driver loop in all stations constantly transmitting minimum size packets had the effective lan throughput drop to 8mbits/sec. At the same time, IBM Dallas E&S center published 16mbit T/R comparison with 10mbit ethernet ... they only way I could figure they got the enet numbers was if they used numbers for prototype 3mbit/sec ethernet before the "listen before transmit" standard.

AWD had done their own 16bit at-bus 4mbit t/r card for PC/RT ... but for 32bit microchannel RS/6000, AWD was forced to only use PS2 microchannel cards (joke was that for lots of things, RS/6000 wouldn't have any higher throughput than PS2). Communication group had so drastically kneecapped the PS microchannel 16mbit t/r card (trying to preserve their dumb terminal 3270 emulation paradigm, design point of 300 stations sharing common 16mbit t/r LAN doing 3270 emulation), that the AWD at-bus 4mbit T/R card had much higher per card throughput than the ($800) PS2 microchannel 16mbit T/R card (a PC/RT server with 4mbit T/R card had higher throughput than RS/6000 server with microchannel 16mbit T/R card).

801, awd, romp, pc/rt, rios, rs/6000, power/pc

New Almaden Research was extensively wired with CAT4 presumably assuming 16mbit t/r ... however they found that if they ran 10mbit ethernet over the CAT4, they had higher station throughput, lower transmission latency and higher aggregate LAN throughput ... Also a RS/6000 server with $69 10mbit ethernet card had significantly higher throughput (could sustain >8mbit/sec) ... which was nearly order of magnitude better than with an $800 16mbit t/r card. Also could get a relatively inexpensive TCP/IP router with 200mbit/sec backblane that supported sixteen 10mbit/sec ethernet ... so could spread clients across 10-14 LANs with the remaining LANs dedicated one each per server (for enormous greater throughput and enormously less cost than clients and servers with $800 16mbit/sec T/R cards all sharing a single LAN capacity, tied together with MAUs).

Early 80s, we were running T1s and working with NSF director and was suppose to get $20M to interconnect the NSF supercomputer centers. Then congress cuts the budget, some other things happen and eventually a T1 network RFP is released (in part based on what we already had running). Internal politics prevent us from bidding. The NSF director tries to help by writing a letter (with support from other agencies) to the company (copying the CEO) ... which just makes the internal politics worse (including the statements that what we already had running was at least 5yrs ahead of all RFP responses). Some other part of IBM is part of the winning bid ... with a rube goldberg lashup with PC/RTs supporting 440kbit links (not T1 links). Possibly to create a facade that they met the T1 requirement, they installed T1 trunks with telco multiplexors (multiple PC/RT 440kbit links over T1 trunk). Part of the ridicule was that some of the T1 trunks were multiplexed in turn over telco T5 trunks, so why can't they claim it is at T5 network.

As mentioned upthread/previously I was asked to be the redteam for the IBM response to upgrade NSF to T3 (45mbytes), possibly figuring that they could shutdown my ridicule and criticsm (about the time Raleigh shipped the 3737 ... that didn't fully handle T1). I had access to router box with 200mbit (quickly doubled to 400mbit) backplane, had support for mainframe channel interface, T3 interface and/or up to 16 ethernet networks. The original released mainframe TCP/IP product got about 44kbytes/sec using nearly full 3090 processor. I did software upgrades to support RFC1044 and in some tuning tests at Cray Research between Cray and 4341, got sustained 4341 channel throughput using only modest amount of 4341 processor (possibly 500 times increase in bytes moved per instruction executed).

RFC1044 posts

Preliminary NSF announcement (28Mar1986)
as regional networks connect, it evolves into the NSFNET backbone

Late 80s, typical host TCP/IP implementation had 5k instruction pathlength and did five buffer copies. The analysis of VTAM for equivalent function was 160k instruction pathlength and 16 buffer copies (cache misses for larger buffer sizes could cost more in processor time than the 160k instruction pathlength). There was presentation at summer 1988 IETF (internet standards) meeting that demo'ed 100 instruction router pathlength (receive packet, route it, transmit). That was same IETF meeting that Van Jacobson demonstrated slow start for flow & congestion control. However the same 1988 ACM SIGCOMM issue with the ethernet performance analysis, also had article that in large heterogeneous network, "window algorithms" for flow/congestion control are non-stable (HSDT had moved to rate-based pacing in the early 80s because of those problems and other issues).

Besides working with NSF director on interconnecting the NSF supercomputer centers, was also working with IT guy in Clementi's E&S center in IBM Kingston that had whole boatload of Floating Point Systems boxes (and trying to figure out how 370 might play). Had a high speed satellite link between the Los Gatos lab on the west coast and Clementi's lab. in IBM Kingston. Ed Sussenguth was trying to force us to use Zebra (precursor to 3737) ... but wouldn't scale up to T2 or T3.

Date: 06/06/84 15:08:59
To: wheeler

Hi Lynn,

Thanks for the TRBOX and now hsdt0425 file.. they both arrived by the time I had finished reading the prior hsdt0425.

A suggestion... is there some way to note the deltas? Now I have to carefully re-read each document as it arrives in order to note the changes. Speeds, I believe it works out thus:

t1 1.544 Mb
t2 6.12 Mb
t3 44.7 Mb
t4 274.5 Mb

Also for reference the A-720 can support speeds to the satellite of 56K to 44.7 megabits per sec.

Damped out Ed Suthenguths arguments about Zebra last week by saying the Sat. Project is planning to use 6 Mb bandwidths. If Ed gets the idea that this is only a T1 project then Ed will DEMAND we use Zebras.

... snip ... top of post, old email index, HSDT email

Clementi ref

Note that floating point systems boxes were not only compute intensive (and relatively inexpensive) ... but supported 40mbyte/sec disk arrays ... to roll data into/out-of memory. When 3090 came out, there was vector processing added to the box (much higher price) but only had 3mbytte I/O channels (there was a horrible 3090 hack to demonstrate 40mbyte disk array). But a much more cost effective was Cornell's 3090 with its boat load of FPS boxes.
Cornell University led by physicist Kenneth G. Wilson made a supercomputer proposal to NSF with IBM to produce a processor array of FPS boxes attached to an IBM mainframe with the name lCAP.
... snip ...

old hsdt email reference
in this post
other HSDT email

old archive posts with even older email that 3737 is the product version of the raleigh "ZEBRA" prototype project.

I also had project to tie a whole boat load of processors to make a supercomputer. Old email about having schedule conflict between presenting HSDT to NSF director and week meeting in Yorktown on cluster supercomputer.

HSDT posts
NSF posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

IBM Token-RIng

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: IBM Token-RIng
Blog: Facebook
Date: 25 Dec 2018
re: IBM Token-Ring
four years later after

more from Clementi's lab:

Date: 06/06/84 16:16:56
To: wheeler

HI Lynn,

I'm on your side and so is xxxx. However I get the distinct impression that CPD is attempting to use Ed Suthenguths Zebra to slow thigs up. It could be rather embarrasing if someone other than CPD in IBM can offer a viable T1 solution that also can support t2 or t3. The meeting last week was set up by yyyy for the specific purpose of examining all CPD possibilities as solutions for implementation in this project in lieu of HYPERchannel. Now, even after xxxx got Ed to agree in public, that Zebra won't go faster than 2 Mb, he will be at the meeting on Tues. and yyyy expects him to continue to participate. Having seen how CPD lobbied against the NETEX contract I am perhaps biased that their prime objective is to use any vehicle other than HC for this project. It is only your arguement, and their admission that they have nothing, that can stop them from diverting the project to supporting T1 speed only. If t1 were the only candidate then Ed would be nominating his Zebra as the only logical choice (in my opinion.)

I will even predict that Ed will expect the Sat. project to permit him to test his Zebra... If that happens I would like to be involved and help him, but expect that he will pick up the costs and not expect the existing or proposed funding to absorb the delta cost (if any.)

What I am therefore suggesting is that you read your document from the CPD reference point. All of Lynn Wheeler's work of late has put significant pressure on CPD to get into the LAN business. Today they see T1 as about their upper limit - ie Rolms and the contract with CPD/Data Switch to provide a t1 voice/data switch.

If this project succeeds and IBM (xxxx) can offer our customers/internal greater than t1 before CPD announces and ships their voice/data switch what happens to their strategy on product announce times???

I would like to see us reach for higher than t1 sppeds as I think our "customer requirements" will exceed all expectations. Particularily when AT&T can today offer point to point 100/200Mb fiber to internal customers. What I saw down at the AT&T plant in Atlanta, Ga. and the backorders that were described, lead me to believe that within 2 years you will see a "leased/switched fiber" tariff.


... snip ... top of post, old email index, HSDT email

battling CPD T1 still going on:

Date: Fri, 15 Jul 88 17:06:59 est
From: lynn
Subject: t1 market

I'm not sure about that particular one, but I understand that for the fall '85 plan, cpd did a study and found that there was one (or possibly two) T1 connected to 3725 and only forcast six by 1989 (i.e. effectively no 3725 market business case). DSD non-concurred with the plan because they did a survey of DSD customers and found several thousand T1s (I don't remember for sure if it was 6,000).

As they say, it is all in how you ask the question, you can get any answer you want. Part of the problem is the 3725 is so slow and hard to program (remember the old saying about TSO, it may be slow, but it sure is hard to use?) ... that even with the T1 3725 RPQ the maximum thru-put using dedicated 3725s (each optimally tuned for just this one thing) on both ends is less than T1. A large part of that is bottleneck in 3725 & its programming, but some is just SNA.

To some extent that is where Ed S. Zebra (and product version, special bid 3737 comes in). Not only does it have multiple dedicated 68ks, but it is running a mini-vtam in the box because to really get effective use of a T1 link (even just standard terrestrial, not even satellite), SNA "protocol" has to be "enhanced" (i.e. you need to use something else) ... and that is the reason for the mini-vtam. The mini-vtam running in the 3737 has to spoof sna protocol to the host machine and then use a more efficient protocol over the t1 link (the local 3737 immediately tells the local host mainframe that the packet has arrived at the remote host mainframe ... even tho it is still in local buffer memory and hasn't even been transmitted ... then the 3737s do their spoofing magic underneath the covers using their own protocol ... and you just hope that the link doesn't go down while one of your packets are being processed ... sounds like the unix file system).

In any case cpd frequently uses circular logic to achieve their goals, they don't need high-speed hardware &/or architecture implementation because there is nobody using their hardware to do that (it is relatively obvious that it is quite difficult to find somebody using cpd hardware/architecture for something that it can't do). On the other hand, once DSD phrased the question in a different way, they found thousands of T1 links ... it was just none of it was using cpd hardware.

... snip ... top of post, old email index, HSDT email

and the (La Gaude) 3725 T1 RPQ ... sort of variation on "fat pipe" ... but in this case treating the T1 multiplexed 30 56kbit links as single logical link:

Date: SAT, 07/25/87
From: wheeler


In another case involving CPD La Gaude using 3725s to drive a T1 link over a satellite ... they have used a (non-IBM) multiplexor to partition the T1 link into multiple 56kbit links. SNA "architecture" (implement originally restricted number of "blocks out" to modulo7 ... then going to 127. For a T1 satellite channel, neither is sufficient to drive a T1 channel. However, they side-stepped the modulo127 architecture issue by partitioning the T1 channel into multiple subchannels ... the 3725 divides the datastream into almost 30 substreams, each with modulo blocks out, the hardware multiplexor recombines that into the T1 stream the multiplexor on the remote end splits it apart again and then the 3725 re-assembles it into a single stream ... all in order so there isn't an apparent violation of the architecture (even tho the "system" can have both logically and actually almost 30*127 blocks "out"). As long as the "violation" of the architecture is hidden in some other vendors box (i.e. in this case the multiplexor) then everything is full "SNA" compatible (disregarding the issue that the 3725 isn't physically capable of moving a T1 sustained stream of data ... closer to half a T1).

... snip ... top of post, old email index, HSDT email

HSDT posts
NSF posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Online Timsharing

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Online Timsharing
Blog: Facebook
Date: 30 Dec 2018
Some of the MIT CTSS (online timesharing) people
had gone to the 5th flr to do MULTICS.

Other of the CTSS people went to the IBM science center on the 4th flr and did (virtual machine online timesharing) CP40/CMS for a 360/40 with virtual memory hardware modifications. CP40/CMS morphs into CP67/CMS when 360/67 becomes available standard with virtual memory. 1968, there were two spinoffs from the science center offering commercial online timesharing. This was back when IBM rented 360s, charges based on the system meter that ran whenever the CPU and/or any channel was busy (cpu and all channels had to be idle for at least 400ms before system meter stopped). There was lots of CP67 work transition to 7x24 operation, leaving systems up 7x24 to encourage offshift use ... and minimize costs especially early on when there was little or no use; dark room operation w/o operator, special channel programs that allowed channels (and system meter) to stop when things were idle, but immediately wake up with arriving characters.

science center and 545 tech sq posts
commercial online timesharing posts

Trivia: long after IBM had switched to sales, MVS still had a timer task that woke up every 400ms guaranteeing system meter would never stop (even when system was idle). Other trivia: I've continuously had online terminal at home since Mar1970.

The big cloud megadatacenters have done something similar. For well over decade they assemble their own systems at 1/3rd cost of brand name vendors. More recently server processor makers said that they were shipping over half server chips directly to cloud megadatacenters ... likely contributing to IBM selling off its brand name server business.

The big cloud operators have so radically reduced the cost of servers to extent that power & cooling have increasingly become the major expense (and forced server chip makers into doing custom server chips optimized for power consumption). A large cloud megadatacenter with at least half a million systems (and several million processors) will operate with 80-120 people (thousands of systems/person).

aka: cloud businesses view dataprocessing as cost, not profit

TYMSHARE (provided virtual machine based online timesharing)
started providing its CMS-based online computer conferencing free to SHARE in AUG1976, archives here
sometimes(?) "404" ... but also at wayback machine

I cut a deal with TYMSHARE to send me monthly tapes of all the VMSHARE files, for putting up on internal network and systems, including world-wide sales&marketing (virtual machine based online timesharing) HONE system (some people questioned why HONE would allow me to put up VMSHARE files, they forgot that one of my hobbies after joining IBM was providing enhanced operating systems for internal datacenters and HONE was long time customer). One of the biggest road blocks with putting up the VMSHARE files were IBM lawyers that worried that IBM employees would be contaminated with customer information (customer information in VMSHARE could be at odds with what internal employees were told).

Probably all contributed to me being blamed for online computer conferencing on the internal network (larger than the arpanet/internet from just about beginning until sometime mid-80s) in the late 70s and early 80s. Folklore is that when corporate executive committee were told about online computer conferencing (and the internal network), 5of6 wanted to fire me.

online computer conferencing posts
internal network posts

Trivia: mid-70s, the US HONE datacenters were consolidated in Silicon Valley ... and by the late 70s, their system was running max. number of loosely-coupled (3330 string switch with two 3830 four channel interface, eight systems) large POK multiprocessors (16 processors) with enhancements for load-balanacing and fall-over in largest single-system image (& largest "cloud" operation up until that time, such support doesn't ship to customers for possibly another 30yrs). Other trivia: when Facebook first moves into Silicon Valley, it is into a new bldg built next door to the old HONE datacenter.

some misc archived old HONE related email
some misc archived old VMSHARE related email

HONE related posts

On a periodic visit to TYMSHARE, they demonstrated adventure game that they had recently found on Stanford PDP10 system and then copied to their PDP10 and then ported to CMS
I got (fortran) source and executable ... and made the executable available internally in IBM and would send a copy of the source to anybody that they had got all points. Relatively quickly versions with more points and PLI ports appeared

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

The Post-IBM World

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: The Post-IBM World
Blog: Facebook
Date: 30 Dec 2018
re: The rise and fall of IBM The rise and fall of IBM IBM Suits Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth? ACS360 and FS The rise and fall of IBM

Ferguson & Morris, "Computer Wars: The Post-IBM World", Time Books, 1993 .... reference to the "Future System" project 1st half of the 70s, was going to completely replace 370 and 370 efforts were being shutdown, the lack of 370 products during the period is credited with giving clone processor makers market foothold:
... and perhaps most damaging, the old culture under Watson Snr and Jr of free and vigorous debate was replaced with sycophancy and make no waves under Opel and Akers. It's claimed that thereafter, IBM lived in the shadow of defeat
But because of the heavy investment of face by the top management, F/S took years to kill, although its wrong headedness was obvious from the very outset. "For the first time, during F/S, outspoken criticism became politically dangerous," recalls a former top executive.
... snip ...

AMEX & KKR were in competition for private-equity, LBO take-over of RJR and KKR won. KKR then ran into problems and hired away president of AMEX to help turn it around.
IBM had gone into the red and was being reorganized into the 13 "Baby Blues" in preparation for breaking up the company, gone behind paywall, but mostly free at wayback machine,9171,977353,00.html

Then board hires away the former president of AMEX to help turn it around ... using some of the same techniques used at RJR.

Note: we had left IBM but get a call from the bowels of Armonk, asking if we could help with the breakup. Business units used MOUs to leverage supplier contracts in other units. After the breakup, the different business units could be in different companies and the MOUs would have to be turned into their own contracts (all such MOUs would have to be cataloged). Before we get started, the new CEO has reversed the breakup. Before that we had been hearing from various former co-workers that the top executives were not paying any attention to running the company, they were spending all their time moving expenses from the following year into the current year. We ask our contact from the bowels of Armonk. He said that the current year was in the red and top executives wouldn't get any bonus (and how far in the red makes no difference). Moving expenses from the following year could nudge it barely into the black and the way the executive bonus plan worked, top executives would get bonus more than twice as large as any previous bonus (basically rewarded for driving the company into the red).

IBM CEO leaves IBM to head up another major private-equity company, that was buying up beltway bandits (including company that will employ Snowden) and gov. contractors and hiring prominent politicians to lobby congress to outsource business to their companies. Companies in the PE-mills are under intense pressure to cut corners to push profit up to their owners (agencies can't lobby congress, and companies can't use money from gov. contracts to lobby congress, but PE owners appear to not be under any restriction).
Lou Gerstner, former ceo of ibm, now heads the Carlyle Group, a Washington-based global private equity firm whose 2006 revenues of $87 billion were just a few billion below ibm's. Carlyle has boasted George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, and former Secretary of State James Baker III on its employee roster.
... snip ...

enormous uptic in outsourcing last decade, intelligence: 70% of budget and over half the people: boosting the rapidly
spreading success of failure culture, lots more money for companies in PE-mills with a series of failures

gerstner posts
posts referencing pensions
private equity posts
success of failure culture

... trivia: I continued to work on 360&370 stuff all during the "Future System" period and periodically ridicule FS ... which wasn't exactly career enhancing activity.

Part of FS was going to be a single level store (paged mapped filesystem) ... along the lines of TSS/360. As undergraduate, I did a lot of apples:apples comparisons between CP67/CMS and TSS/360 (CMS with 30 users had significant better throughput and response than TSS/360 with four users ... lots of it had to do with its single level store implementation). During the FS period, I did a page mapped filesystem for CMS ... that had better throughput than the standard CMS filesystem ... and enormously better than TSS360 single level store (claiming I learned what not to do by analyzing TSS/360, and would have been much better than whatever FS might have been).

future system posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Trump asking advisers if he can legally fire Fed chief

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Trump asking advisers if he can legally fire Fed chief
Blog: Facebook
Date: 30 Dec 2018
Trump asking advisers if he can legally fire Fed chief

In numerous standards meeting at different Federal Reserve bldgs, they frequently made a point that they weren't an agency of the Federal government.

Somebody was in competition with the President of AMEX to be the next AMEX CEO and lost. He then left, taking his protegee to Baltimore acquiring what has been called a loan sharking business. They make some other acquisitions, eventually acquiring CITI in violation of Glass-Steagall. Greenspan gives them an exemption while they enlist some number in DC to lobby congress for repeal (including then SECTREAS). When things are rolling, the SECTREAS resigns and joins CITI (which becomes one of the four largest TBTF) in what was described as co-CEO. The protegee then leaves and shows up as CEO of one of the other four largest TBTF.

AMEX is in competition with KKR for private-equity LBO of RJR and KKR wins. KKR runs into trouble and hires away AMEX president to help turn it around.
IBM then goes into the red and board hires away the former AMEX president who then uses some of the same techniques at IBM (as used at RJR):

Jan1999 I'm asked to help prevent the coming economic mess, some investment bankers "walked away clean" from the S&l crisis, were then doing Internet IPO mills (invest a few million, hype, IPO, should fail to leave the field clear for the next round), and were predicted next to get into securitized mortgages. I was to improve the integrity of securitized mortgages supporting documents as countermeasure. They then find they can pay the credit rating agencies for triple-A ratings (when they knew they weren't worth triple-A from Oct2008 congressional hearing testimony), enabling them no longer care about borrowers' qualifications or loan quality, start doing no-documentation, liar loans, securitize, pay for triple-A and sell (through wallstreet) into the bond market (including to funds that are restricted to "safe investment", like large pension funds) ... largely enabling doing over $27T 2001-2008.

They then find they can they can design securitized mortgages to fail, pay for triple-A, sell into the bond market, and take out CDS gambling bets that they will fail, creating enormous demand for questionable mortgages (they now care about borrowers' qualifications, but not in the traditional way). SECTREAS (former head of same firm that the old SECTREAS, now at CITI, was head of) convinces congress about TARP (supposedly to buy offbook toxic assets), but with only $700B would hardly touch the problem with just the four largest TBTF holding $5.2T ye2008. Largest holder of the CDS gambling bets was AIG and was negotiating to pay off at 50 cents on the dollar, when the SECTREAS steps in, has them sign a document that they can't sue those making the bets and to take TARP funds to pay off at face value. The largest recipient of TARP funds is AIG and the largest recipient of face value payoffs is the firm formally headed by SECTREAS.

Federal Reserve fights a long, hard legal battle to prevent disclosing that they were doing the bailout behind the scenes, buying trillions in offbook toxic assets at 98cents on the dollar and providing tens of trillions in ZIRP funds. When they loose, the Federal Reserve chairman holds a press conference and says he expected that the TBTF would use the ZIRP funds to help mainstreet, however when they didn't, he had no way to force them (but that didn't stop the ZIRP funds). Note that the chairman had been selected in part for being a depression era scholar, but the FED had tried something similar then with the same results, so the chairman shouldn't have expected anything different this time.

Side-effect of the ZIRP funds, was that TBTF no longer needed deposits for funds and lots of articles about retirees being forced from safe investments into equity markets (allowing skimming what wasn't already gotten out of triple-A rated securitized mortgages). This was at the same time that large firms were juicing the market with stock buybacks.

fed chairman posts
ZIRP funds posts
stock buyback posts

There have been lots of articles this long after the crash, when will the FED stop having to prop up the TBTF and market, unload the offbook assets, stop the ZIRP funds, and return to normal interest rate.

Jan2009, I'm asked to HTML'ize the Pecora Hearings (30s Senate hearings into the '29 crash, resulted in Glass-Steagall and lots of criminal convictions, scanned fall2008 at Boston Public Library) with lots of internal HREFs and URLs between what happened then and what happened this time (comment that the new congress might have appetite to do something). I work on it for awhile and then get call saying it won't be used after all (references to enormous mountains of wallstreet cash totally burying capital hill, possibly only two honest members of congress left).

Confidence Men: Wall Street, Washington, and the Education of a President.
has several references that essentially wallstreet was using the EHM debt strategy against the American public. other references were about new president having to choose between the economic A-team (Volcker et al) and the B-team. The A-team was instrumental in getting him elected, but the A-team would have held wallstreet and the TBTF accountable, which would have likely taken down most of those institutions (so new president chooses the b-team that wasn't going to hold anybody responsible).

Former CIA director and then VP repeatedly claimed that he knew nothing about
because he was fulltime administration point person deregulating financial industry ... creating S&L crisis
along with other members of his family
and another
another family member presides over the economic mess last decade, 70 times larger than the S&l crisis. S&L crisis had 30,000 criminal referrals and 1000 criminal convictions with jailtime, proportionally the economic mess should have 2.1M criminal referrals and 70,000 criminal convictions.

same people, different subject:

CIA director Colby refuses to approve "Team B" analysis greatly exaggerating Russian military capability, justifying huge US military spending increase.

White House Chief of Staff Rumsfeld gets Colby replaced with somebody (Bush1) that will agree with "Team B" analysis. Rumsfeld then resigns to become SECDEF (and is replaced by his assistant Cheney).

Team B posts

In the 80s, US supports Iraq in the Iran/iraq war
Bush1 is VP and Rumsfeld is involved in supporting Iraq, including supplying WMDs

In the early 90s, Bush1 is president, Cheney is SECDEF. Sat. photo recon analyst told white house that Saddam was marshaling forces to invade Kuwait. White house said that Saddam would do no such thing and proceeded to discredit the analyst. Later the analyst informed the white house that Saddam was marshaling forces to invade Saudi Arabia, now the white house has to choose between Saddam and the Saudis.
Records appear showing Bush ran Iran/Contra and he pardons everybody but public scapegoat Ollie.

This century, Bush2 is president, Cheney is VP, Rumsfeld is SECDEF and one of the "Team B" members is deputy SECDEF (and major architect of Iraq policy).

last decade, cousin of white house chief of staff Card ... was dealing with the Iraqis at the UN and was given evidence that WMDs (tracing back to US in the Iran/Iraq war) had been decommissioned. the cousin shared it with Card, Powell and others ... then is locked up in military hospital, book was published in 2010 (before decommissioned WMDs were declassified)

NY Times series from 2014, the decommission WMDs (tracing back to US from Iran/Iraq war), had been found early in the invasion, but the information was classified for a decade

WMD posts

and military-industrial-complex wanted a war so badly that corporate reps were telling former eastern block countries that if they voted for IRAQ2 invasion in the UN, they would get membership in NATO and (directed appropriation) USAID (can *ONLY* be used for purchase of modern US arms). From the law of unintended consequences, the invaders were told to bypass ammo dumps looking for WMDs, when they got around to going back, over a million metric tons had evaporated.

perpetual war posts
military-industrial(-congressional) comple posts

2002 congress lets the fiscal responsibility act lapse (spending can't exceed tax revenue, on its way to eliminating all federal debt). By 2005, US Comptroller General was including in speeches that nobody in congress was capable of middle school arithmetic (for how badly they were savaging the budget). 2010 CBO report, 2003-2009, tax revenue was cut $6T and spending increased by $6T for $12T gap compared to fiscal responsible budget (first time taxes cut to not pay for two wars). Sort of confluence of 1) Federal Reserve and wallstreet wants large federal debt (the ZIRP funds works for the TBTF with large federal debt), 2) special interests and wallstreet want large tax cut, 3) military-industrial complex want large spending increase.

fiscal responsibility act posts

the early 90s SECDEF goes on to head up an oil field company that becomes one of the largest defense contractors ... after the turn of the century becomes VP and his firm gets tens of billions in no-bid IRAQ contracts

Former AMEX president leaves IBM to head up another major private-equity company, that was buying up gov. contractors and beltway bandits (including company that will employ Snowden), and hiring prominent politicians to lobby congress to outsource business to their companies. Companies in the PE-mills are under intense pressure to cut corners to push profit up to their owners (gov. agencies can't lobby congress and gov. contractors can't use gov. contract money to lobby congress, but PE owners don't seem to be under any restrictions)
Lou Gerstner, former ceo of ibm, now heads the Carlyle Group, a Washington-based global private equity firm whose 2006 revenues of $87 billion were just a few billion below ibm's. Carlyle has boasted George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, and former Secretary of State James Baker III on its employee roster.
... snip ...

enormous uptic in outsourcing last decade, intelligence: 70% of budget and over half the people:
contributing to the rapidly spreading success of failure culture, lots more money for companies in PE-mills with a series of failures

Gerstner posts
posts referencing pensions
private-equity posts
success of failure posts

80s, CITI had been largest player in variable interest rate mortgages. Somebody then does analysis of CITI mortgage portfolio that minor change in interest rates would take down CITI. CITI then unloads its mortgage portfolio, gets out of the mortgage market and requires a private (Saudi) bailout to stay in business. The person that had done the earlier CITI analysis, in 2006 is writing articles that the mortgage risk analysis was invalid. After crash, articles appear that the computer risk analysis was at fault. However risk managers were saying that the business people were forcing them to fiddle the inputs in order to get the desired results (garbage-in, garbage-out). Start of economic mess bailout there was some speculation, that it was done in part as favor to Saudi (ye2008 four largest TBTF $5.2T offbook toxic assets, CITI held the most).

too big to fail (too big to prosecute, too big to jail) posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Trump asking advisers if he can legally fire Fed chief

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From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Trump asking advisers if he can legally fire Fed chief
Blog: Facebook
Date: 30 Dec 2018
re: Trump asking advisers if he can legally fire Fed chief

The rhetoric behind Sarbanes-Oxley was that it would prevent future ENRONs and guarantee that executives and auditors did jailtime, however it required SEC to do something. Possibly because even GAO didn't believe SEC was doing anything, GAO started doing reports of public company fraudulent financial reporting, even showed it increased after SOX went into effect (and nobody doing jailtime). The joke was that SOX was really a full employment gift to the audit industry, requiring significant increase in audit costs.

sarbanes-oxley posts
ENRON posts
financial.reporting.fraud posts

In the Madoff congressional hearings, they had the person that had tried unsuccessfully for a decade to get SEC to do something about Madoff (SEC hands were forced when Madoff turned himself in). During the testimony, the person was asked if new regulations was needed, he replied that while new regulations might be needed, much more important was transparency and visibility (possibly because it seemed that SEC was doing little with the existing regulations). He also pointed out that tips/whistleblowers turn up 13 times more fraud than audits and that SEC had a line for corporations to complain about audits, but no tip 1-800 line.

Madoff posts

Less well known is that SOX also required SEC to do something about the credit rating agencies (that were selling triple-A ratings on stuff they knew weren't worth triple-A), but SEC appears to do about as much about them as the public company fraudulent financial filings.

Another dimension, #1 on times list for those responsible for the economic mess,28804,1877351_1877350_1877339,00.html

mortgages used to be by regulated depository banks using deposits, revenue coming from mortgage payments (and had to care about borrowers' qualifications and loan quality). Then came the new breed of mortgage originators, feeding the wallstreet securitized mortgage process, revenue was purely commissions & transaction fees and it becomes how big a mortgage and how fast could they be sold off into the bond market (no longer needing to care about borrowers' qualification). Being able to pay for triple-A rating significantly contributed to being able to do over $27T 2001-2008. Part of speeding up the process was "electronic documents" which resulted in lots of missing legally required paperwork. From the law of unintended consequences, some of the biggest fines for the economic mess was after things imploded, was for the "robo-signing mills" ... fabricating the missing paperwork.

economic mess posts
triple-A rated toxic CDO posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Trump asking advisers if he can legally fire Fed chief

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From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Trump asking advisers if he can legally fire Fed chief
Blog: Facebook
Date: 30 Dec 2018
re: Trump asking advisers if he can legally fire Fed chief Trump asking advisers if he can legally fire Fed chief

We had been brought in to help word smith some cal. state legislation. At the time they were working on electronic signature, (the original, first) data breach notification, and opt-in personal information sharing. Somewhat being involved in cal. electronic signature was asked into meeting at the Mortgage Banker's Association (lobbying group with new bldg across the park from IMF and World Bank) to talk about electronic signature on electronic (mortgage) documents (apparently trying to enlist my help).

electronic signature posts

#2 on times list for those responsible for the economic mess,28804,1877351_1877350_1877330,00.html

Now better known for GLBA which included repeal of Glass-Steagall, however he is on the list for legislation blocking regulation of derivatives (CDS gambling bets), originally described as favor for ENRON. The chair of CFTC suggested regulating derivatives, who was then quickly replaced by #2's wife, while he got legislation blocking any regulation. The wife then resigns and joins ENRON board and audit committee.

Rhetoric on the floor of congress for GLBA was the primary purpose was if you already have a bank charter, you get to keep it, but if you don't already have a bank charter, you can't get one, specifically calling out WalMart and Microsoft (aka, block new banking competition. Rumor was that the president was going to veto it. It had originally passed along party lines (54-44), and not enough to override a veto. Congress was reminded that wallstreet had invested $240M in congress, about evenly divided between the two parties and congress "owed" wallstreet. They then added some unrelated legislation to get the additional votes.

We had been brought in to help wordsmith cal. legislation. At the time they were working on electronic signature, (the original) databreach notification, and opt-in privacy sharing (personal information can only be shared if institution has record of person agreeing to sharing). Electronic signature and databreach notification passes, but before "opt-in privacy" passes, "opt-out" sharing federal preemption legislation is also added to GLBA. They also add other things like repeal of Glass-Steagall. GLBA passes senate with ("veto proof") 90-8 votes.

economic mess posts
'29 crash, Pecora Hearings and/or Glass-Steagall posts
electronic signature posts

2004, there was a privacy national organization meeting in DC that included a panel session of all the FTC commissioners. During the session, somebody got up and asked the commissioners what they were going to do about "opt-out" sharing. He said that he worked for a company that did call-center technology used by all major financial companies. He said that none of their call centers had a way of recording information from a "opt-out" call (meaning never a "opt-out" record, and they were always free to share your personal information). The FTC commissioners just ignored him.

Roll forward to the Federal Reserve bailout which requires a bank charter. Some of FEDs best friends were wallstreet investment banks that didn't have banking charters. The FED just handed out banking charters to all their friends (that didn't have one, theoretically in violation of GLBA).

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Trump asking advisers if he can legally fire Fed chief

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From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Trump asking advisers if he can legally fire Fed chief
Blog: Facebook
Date: 30 Dec 2018
re: Trump asking advisers if he can legally fire Fed chief Trump asking advisers if he can legally fire Fed chief Trump asking advisers if he can legally fire Fed chief

Noncompliant ... mostly about NYFED and Goldman-Sachs. 90s, former head of GS was SECTREAS and then last decade, another former head of GS was also SECTREAS, there was joke that US Treasury was GS branch office in DC.

Most of standards meetings (we were involved with) were with Boston Fed (and one at New Orleans Fed) ... although economist from St. Louis Fed did write a paper referencing some of my work.

However, at one point early in the Basel II draft (right at start of century, before published) ... one of the NYFED people had got a new section in the draft for qualitative risk adjusted capital (in addition to the traditional quantitative risk adjusted capital), and we were invited in for discussions on how it could be implemented. However, during the review process, US TBTF completely neutered the new section.

economic mess posts
TBTF (too big to fail, too big to prosecute, too big to jail) posts
regulatory capture posts
whistleblower posts

some old posts mentioning Basel II Sarbanes-Oxley is what you get when you don't do FC Is Basel 2 out...Basel 3 in? Is Basel 2 out...Basel 3 in? Would the Basel Committee's announced enhancement of Basel II Framework and other steps have prevented the current global financial crisis had they been implemented years ago? Would the Basel Committee's announced enhancement of Basel II Framework and other steps have prevented the current global financial crisis had they been implemented years ago? Would the Basel Committee's announced enhancement of Basel II Framework and other steps have prevented the current global financial crisis had they been implemented years ago? VCs have a self-destruction gene, let's tweak it Dangerous Hardware As Expected, Ford Falls From 2nd Place in U.S. Sales As Expected, Ford Falls From 2nd Place in U.S. Sales Banks failing to manage IT risk - study Banks failing to manage IT risk - study independent appraisers subprime write-down sweepstakes lack of information accuracy Blinkylights The human plague Do you believe a global financial regulation is possible? Basel Committee outlines plans to strengthen Basel II Blinkenlights

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

What Minimum-Wage Foes Got Wrong About Seattle

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From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: What Minimum-Wage Foes Got Wrong About Seattle
Blog: Facebook
Date: 30 Dec 2018
What Minimum-Wage Foes Got Wrong About Seattle

Economics: The Discipline That Refuses to Change; Behavioral economics upended the idea that humans act solely in their rational self-interest. So why do most undergrads barely learn anything about the field?

as economy was crashing, there were articles trying to blame the risk managers and risk models. However the risk managers came back and said they were being forced to fiddle the inputs until the business people got the results they wanted (garbage in, garbage out). then a wallstreet consultant advised they hire and/or put on retainer as many prominent economists as possible ... that would parrot what was wanted.

economic mess posts

"Economists and the Powerful: Convenient Theories, Distorted Facts, Ample Rewards" goes into the capture of economists in more detail

"Only through having been caught so blatantly with their noses in the troughs (e.g. the 2011 Academy Award -- winning documentary Inside Job) has the American Economic Association finally been forced to adopt an ethical code, and that code is weak and incomplete compared with other disciplines."

The AEA was pushed into action by a damning research report into the systematic concealment of conflicts of interest by top financial economists and by a letter from three hundred economists who urged the association to come up with a code of ethics. Epstein and Carrick-Hagenbarth (2010) have shown that many highly influential financial economists in the US hold roles in the private financial sector, from serving on boards to owning the respective companies. Many of these have written on financial regulation in the media or in scholarly papers. Very rarely have they disclosed their affiliations to the financial industry in their writing or in their testimony in front of Congress, thus concealing a potential conflict of interest.
... snip ...

"Inside Job" references how leading economists were captured similar to the capture of the regulatory agencies. How Economists Turned Corporations into Predators
Since the 1980s, business schools have touted "agency theory," a controversial set of ideas meant to explain how corporations best operate. Proponents say that you run a business with the goal of channeling money to shareholders instead of, say, creating great products or making any efforts at socially responsible actions such as taking account of climate change. Many now take this view as gospel, even though no less a business titan than Jack Welch, former CEO of GE, called the notion that a company should be run to maximize shareholder value "the dumbest idea in the world." Why did Welch say that?
... snip ...

Politicians have caused a pay 'collapse' for the bottom 90 percent of workers, researchers say
Destruction of Middle Class
The Real Reason Wages Have Stagnated: Our Economy Is Optimized For Financialization
How GE, GM, Coca-Cola And Kodak Put Shareholders Ahead Of Employees
from here (updated Aug2018)

Meet the Economist Behind the One Percent's Stealth Takeover of America
Bad Ideas; Reknowned economist James K. Galbraith, one of our expert panelists, pulls no punches in talking about the damage wrought by financial innovation
Economists are arguing over how their profession messed up during the Great Recession. This is what happened

Milton Friedman
Friedman promoted an alternative macroeconomic viewpoint known as "monetarism", and argued that a steady, small expansion of the money supply was the preferred policy.[12] His ideas concerning monetary policy, taxation, privatization and deregulation influenced government policies, especially during the 1980s.
... snip ...

Milton Friedman's Cherished Theory Is Laid to Rest
Even now, when economic models have become far more complex than anything in Friedman's time, economists still go back to Friedman's theory as a mental touchstone -- a fundamental intuition that guides the way they make their models. My first macroeconomics professor believed in it deeply and instinctively, and would even bring it up in department seminars.
... snip ...

inequality posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

The Post-IBM World

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: The Post-IBM World
Blog: Facebook
Date: 30 Dec 2018
re: The rise and fall of IBM The rise and fall of IBM IBM Suits Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth? ACS360 and FS The rise and fall of IBM The Post-IBM World

System/38 was greatly simplified FS sold into market that didn't need a lot of features and/or performance. Part of FS was that it could have five levels of storage access indirection. One of the final nails in the FS coffin was analysis by the IBM Houston Science Center, that if System/One (eastern airline res system) running on 370/195 was moved to the largest, fastest possible FS, it would have the throughput of 370/145 (about 30 times slowdown).

There was some amount of FS features that were total blue sky that never got as far as having any implementation specification. FS was divided into 12(13?) areas, At the time my wife reported to person in charge of one of the areas. She has commented that several of the other areas lacked anything remotely resembling implementation specification ("where's the beef"). Lot more FS details

Another S/38 FS simplification was that all disks were mapped into single, "single level store" filesystem ... with scatter allocation across (all) disks. As a result, the whole filesystem (all disks) had to be backed up as single entity ... and any problem (like single disk failure) required that the whole filesystem had to be restored as single entity ... claims were that System/38 with a couple disks took 24hrs to recover from single disk failure. Can you imagine a large installation with 300 disks might take months to recover (from something like single disk failure).

One of the San Jose engineers filed patent for raid disks 1977 ... and single disk failure was so catastrophic that S/38 became an early raid adopter.

AS/400 was follow-on for both S/36 & S/38 ... with some of the more esoteric S/38 features dropped.

S/38 trivia: my brother was regional Apple rep (largest physical region CONUS). When he came into town, I could be included in business dinners ... and argue about Apple MAC design with developers (before MAC was announced). My brother also figured out how to remotely dial into the company S/38 to track manufacturing and delivery schedules (Apple was using S/38 to run the business at that time).

1980 there was an effort to move a lot of systems and controllers to 801/RISC Iliad processors, 4361/4381, AS/400, controllers, etc. For various of reasons all of these efforts floundered and fell back to CISC chips (saw some number of engineers leaving IBM to risc efforts at other vendors). Decade later, there was joint Apple, IBM, Motorola (AIM) effort for 801/RISC Power/PC ... and AS/400 "finally" moves to 801/RISC

Future System posts
801/risc posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

What Minimum-Wage Foes Got Wrong About Seattle

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From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: What Minimum-Wage Foes Got Wrong About Seattle
Blog: Facebook
Date: 30 Dec 2018
re: What Minimum-Wage Foes Got Wrong About Seattle

... some topic drift

There is book about national chamber of commerce was involved in heavy lobbying increase around turn of century for congress to ignore explosion in importing illegal workers. The book also cites some number of local chapters severing relations with the national body over their support for illegal workers and paying less than minimum wages). "The Influence Machine: The U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the Corporate Capture of American Life"

trivia: mid-90s, First Data was in competition with First Financial to buy Western Union. WU was in poor financial shape and FDC drops out. Later in the 90s, FDC and First Financial merge and FDC has to spin-off MoneyGram as part of the merger. With the enormous explosion in illegal workers being brought in by large companies after the turn of the century, there was corresponding explosion in WU revenue (workers sending their paychecks home). By 2005, the huge explosion in illegal workers has resulted in WU revenue explosion so that it equaled all other FDC revenue (aka half of FDC bottom line, had doubled total FDC revenue).

Possibly in part because the President of Mexico invited FDC executives to Mexico to be thrown in jail (for the egregious profits WU was making off illegal workers sending paychecks home), FDC spins off Western Union in 2005.

other trivia: FDC primary business in this period was banks outsourcing total/all credit card processing ... at this time FDC was handling all processing for something like 600M US credit cards (transactions, statements, payments, 1-800 call centers, etc, *ALL* processing). First Financial merger (not quite as large as FDC) had also brought with it the original (and still major) gift/merchant card processing.

Other triiva: First Financial original gift/merchant card implementation involved pair of (non-IBM) systems with one production and 2nd backup if the production system failed. The initial implementation had single "fixed" stored-value to start (which was then reduced by each purchase) and the initial pilot was for one of the large national gas stations. Well after 3 months they had a problem with the disks for both the production and backup systems ... which lost the current account balances. They had to recreate the disk filesystems and restore all accounts to max value (costing them what ever had been spent over the 3 month period). We were brought in for the after action analysis to identify all the problems and formulate how to prevent it happening again.

Now almost every merchant has stored-value gift/merchant cards.

even more trivia: In the late 90s, congress asked GAO do a study of effect of paying workers below living wage ... GAO report found it cost (city/state/federal) govs. avg $10K/worker/year .... basically worked out to an indirect gov. subsidy to their employers. The interesting thing is that it has been almost 20yrs since that report ... and no congress this century have asked the GAO to update the study.

FDC trivia: In 1992, AMEX spins off much of its financial & transaction outsourcing (including large IBM mainframe datacenters) in the largest IPO up until that time. Lots of the FDC executives had worked for the former AMEX president that becomes CEO of IBM.

other FDC trivia: around turn of the century, I do some performance work at a FDC datacenter, for cobal batch application that does account overnight settlement ... runnning >40 max. configured IBM mainframes (@$30+M/pop) ... number required to finish settlement in the overnight window (I got about 14% improvement, none of the mainframes older than 18months, constantly being upgraded).

... other drift, gold standard & economy


more detail from earlier 2012 post, "Gold Standard Good Or Bad", financial crime risk, fraud and security blog


The Influence of Sea Power Upon History, 1660-1783 (A. T. Mahan), 1890,
The mines of Brazil were the ruin of Portugal, as those of Mexico and Peru had been of Spain; all manufactures fell into insane contempt; ere long the English supplied the Portuguese not only with clothes, but with all merchandise, all commodities, even to salt-fish and grain. After their gold, the Portuguese abandoned their very soil; the vineyards of Oporto were finally bought by the English with Brazilian gold, which had only passed through Portugal to be spread throughout England.
... snip ...

Lords of Finance: The Bankers Who Broke the World

it somewhat discusses end of 1800s up through start of start of WW2 to provide setting for the Great Depression. It references gold standard put a cap on central banks arbitrarily printing money ... and worked well from end of 1800s up through part of WW1 ... because the production of new gold approximately kept pace with the expansion of world economy. However, it pointed out that was somewhat a fortunate coincidence.

US went into WW1 with something like half the gold reserves of England. England lost about half its gold reserves with the spending on WW1 and US came out of WW1 with at least five times the gold reserves (because all European purchases and loans). As a result there was enormous mismatch.

inequality posts
AMEX, Private Equity, IBM related Gerstner posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

As a grocery chain is dismantled, investors recover their money. Worker pensions are short millions

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: As a grocery chain is dismantled, investors recover their money. Worker pensions are short millions.
Blog: Facebook
Date: 31 Dec 2018
As a grocery chain is dismantled, investors recover their money. Worker pensions are short millions.
According to a 2013 tally by Gotbaum, companies controlled by private-equity firms have used bankruptcy to shed more than $650 million of pension obligations. That leaves the government's pension insurer or employees to pick up the tab.

Since bankruptcy law changed in 1978, Gotbaum said, "the business community has been inventing new uses of the bankruptcy courts. The private-equity community realized they could use Chapter 11 to do pension laundering."

... snip ...

private equity notorious for extracting every cent possible, over half corporate debt defaults are companies involved in PE-mill. Somewhat like house-flipping but they put 100% leverage buyout loan on the books of the bought company. If the company is subsequent resold, instead of paying off the debt, it goes with the sold company (they can even resell for less than they paid, and still walk away with boat load of money). The heavy debt load quaranteed to bring down lots of companies (surprising all the debt defaults don't affect the credit rating of the original PE borrower).

private equity posts
pension posts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

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