Collected Postings

2023- Collected Postings, 2016-2022 Collected Postings, 2013-2015 Collected Postings, 2011-2012 Collected Postings, 2009-2010 Collected Postings, 2007-2008 Collected Postings, 2005-2006 Collected Postings, 2003-2004 Collected Postings, 2001-2002 Collected Postings, 1993-2000 Collected Postings,
Misc. Topic Organization -- Internet History Postings -- Old Email Index

Postings by various subjects

Misc. 545 Tech Sq and Cambridge Science Center
Disk Engineering
Performance and/or Scheduling
Cluster, High Availability and/or Loosely-Coupled
APL and/or HONE
Multiprocessor, tightly-coupled, SMP, compare&swap
Working Set, LRU, WSClock Page Replacement Algorithm
801 &/or ROMP
Mainframe related subthreads moved:
MOVED: Location/address independent code
MOVED: continuous availability, disaster survivability, geographic survivability
MOVED: Backup, storage management
MOVED: Benchmarking, workload profile, capacity planning
MOVED: misc VAMPS and/or bounce lock
MOVED: IBM DASD, CKD, FBA, vtocs, multi-track search, etc
MOVED: Problem determination, zombies, dump readers
MOVED: Future System
MOVED: mentioning HASP
MOVED: Memory Mapping & File System
MOVED: Misc. commercial online computing
MOVED: GML origin at science center
MOVED: Peer-Coupled Shared Data
MOVED: System/R, SQL/DS, misc RDBMS
MOVED: Misc. commercial time-sharing
MOVED: Unbundling and charging for software
MOVED: 360/370 microcode
MOVED: 360 "plug compatible maker"
Networking postings moved
Public key postings moved
Integrity postings moved
Boyd postings moved
Postings by various misc. topics

Working Set, LRU, WSClock Page Replacement Algorithm

Some Related old email

2025.html#128 The Paging Game
2025.html#50 The Paging Game
2025.html#38 Multics vs Unix
2025.html#5 Dataprocessing Innovation
2024g.html#107 IBM 370 Virtual Storage
2024g.html#91 CP/67 Multics vs Unix
2024g.html#69 Building the System/360 Mainframe Nearly Destroyed IBM
2024g.html#30 Computer System Performance Work
2024f.html#29 IBM 370 Virtual memory
2024d.html#90 Computer Virtual Memory
2024d.html#88 Computer Virtual Memory
2024c.html#104 Virtual Memory Paging
2024c.html#102 Virtual Memory Paging
2024c.html#97 Virtual Memory Paging
2024c.html#94 Virtual Memory Paging
2024c.html#50 third system syndrome, interactive use, The Design of Design
2024c.html#6 Testing
2024b.html#97 IBM 360 Announce 7Apr1964
2024b.html#95 Ferranti Atlas and Virtual Memory
2024b.html#93 PC370
2024b.html#60 Vintage Selectric
2024b.html#44 Mainframe Career
2024b.html#39 Tonight's tradeoff
2024b.html#31 HONE, Performance Predictor, and Configurators
2024b.html#16 IBM 5100
2024.html#116 IBM's Unbundling
2024.html#73 UNIX, MULTICS, CTSS, CSC, CP67
2024.html#30 IBM Disks and Drums
2024.html#28 IBM Disks and Drums
2024.html#17 IBM Embraces Virtual Memory -- Finally
2023g.html#105 VM Mascot
2023g.html#102 VM Mascot
2023g.html#36 Timeslice, Scheduling, Interdata
2023g.html#7 Vintage 3880-11 & 3880-13
2023g.html#1 Vintage TSS/360
2023f.html#109 CSC, HONE, 23Jun69 Unbundling, Future System
2023f.html#36 Vintage IBM Mainframes & Minicomputers
2023f.html#34 Vintage IBM Mainframes & Minicomputers
2023f.html#26 Ferranti Atlas
2023f.html#25 Ferranti Atlas
2023e.html#49 VM370/CMS Shared Segments
2023e.html#34 IBM 360/67
2023e.html#33 Copyright Software
2023e.html#29 Copyright Software
2023e.html#19 Copyright Software
2023e.html#12 Tymshare
2023d.html#106 DASD, Channel and I/O long winded trivia
2023d.html#100 IBM 3083
2023d.html#24 VM370, SMP, HONE
2023d.html#23 VM370, SMP, HONE
2023c.html#90 More Dataprocessing Career
2023c.html#26 Global & Local Page Replacement
2023b.html#80 IBM 158-3 (& 4341)
2023.html#76 IBM 4341
2022h.html#93 IBM 360
2022h.html#56 Tandem Memos
2022h.html#44 360/85
2022h.html#21 370 virtual memory
2022f.html#119 360/67 Virtual Memory
2022f.html#44 z/VM 50th
2022e.html#79 Enhanced Production Operating Systems
2022e.html#50 Channel Program I/O Processing Efficiency
2022e.html#9 VM/370 Going Away
2022d.html#46 MGLRU Revved Once More For Promising Linux Performance Improvements
2022d.html#45 MGLRU Revved Once More For Promising Linux Performance Improvements
2022d.html#18 Computer Server Market
2022c.html#65 IBM Mainframe market was Re: Approximate reciprocals
2022c.html#0 System Response
2022b.html#94 Computer BUNCH
2022b.html#20 CP-67
2022.html#129 Dataprocessing Career
2022.html#83 165/168/3033 & 370 virtual memory
2022.html#80 165/168/3033 & 370 virtual memory
2022.html#26 Is this group only about older computers?
2022.html#25 CP67 and BPS Loader
2021k.html#124 IBM Clone Controllers
2021k.html#97 IBM Disks
2021k.html#0 Women in Computing
2021j.html#19 Windows 11 is now available
2021j.html#18 Windows 11 is now available
2021i.html#82 IBM Downturn
2021i.html#62 Virtual Machine Debugging
2021h.html#77 IBM XT/370
2021e.html#65 SHARE (& GUIDE)
2021e.html#3 IBM Internal Network
2021d.html#25 Field Support and PSRs
2021c.html#42 IBM Suggestion Program
2021c.html#38 Some CP67, Future System and other history
2021c.html#37 Some CP67, Future System and other history
2019e.html#121 Virtualization
2019e.html#19 All programmers that developed in machine code and Assembly in the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s died?
2019c.html#25 virtual memory
2019b.html#5 Oct1986 IBM user group SEAS history presentation
2019b.html#4 Oct1986 IBM user group SEAS history presentation
2018f.html#63 Is LINUX the inheritor of the Earth?
2018f.html#62 LRU ... "global" vs "local"
2018e.html#5 Computers, anyone?
2018d.html#68 tablets and desktops was Has Microsoft
2018d.html#28 MMIX meltdown
2018c.html#30 Bottlenecks and Capacity planning
2018.html#93 S/360 addressing, not Honeywell 200
2018.html#33 1963 Timesharing: A Solution to Computer Bottlenecks
2017k.html#35 little old mainframes, Re: Was it ever worth it?
2017k.html#12 thrashing, was Re: A Computer That Never Was: the IBM 7095
2017j.html#103 why VM, was thrashing
2017j.html#97 why VM, was thrashing
2017j.html#96 thrashing, was Re: A Computer That Never Was: the IBM 7095
2017j.html#95 why VM, was thrashing
2017j.html#85 Ferranti Atlas paging
2017j.html#84 VS/Repack
2017j.html#83 Ferranti Atlas paging
2017j.html#79 thrashing, was Re: A Computer That Never Was: the IBM 7095
2017j.html#78 thrashing, was Re: A Computer That Never Was: the IBM 7095
2017j.html#71 A Computer That Never Was: the IBM 7095
2017g.html#101 SEX
2017f.html#90 pneumatic cash systems was Re: [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#18 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#4 TSS/8, was A Whirlwind History of the Computer
2017d.html#66 Paging subsystems in the era of bigass memory
2017d.html#63 Paging subsystems in the era of bigass memory
2017d.html#61 Paging subsystems in the era of bigass memory
2017d.html#52 Some IBM Research RJ reports
2017d.html#51 CPU Timerons/Seconds vs Wall-clock Time
2017c.html#45 The ICL 2900
2017c.html#26 Multitasking, together with OS operations
2017b.html#30 Virtualization's Past Helps Explain Its Current Importance
2017b.html#29 Virtualization's Past Helps Explain Its Current Importance
2017b.html#27 Virtualization's Past Helps Explain Its Current Importance
2017b.html#26 Virtualization's Past Helps Explain Its Current Importance
2017b.html#24 Disorder
2017.html#61 The ICL 2900
2017.html#59 The ICL 2900
2016h.html#52 Resurrected! Paul Allen’s tech team brings 50-year -old supercomputer back from the dead
2016g.html#48 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016g.html#40 Floating point registers or general purpose registers
2016g.html#29 Computer hard drives have shrunk like crazy over the last 60 years -- here's a look back
2016f.html#92 ABO Automatic Binary Optimizer
2016e.html#77 Honeywell 200
2016e.html#2 S/360 stacks, was self-modifying code, Is it a lost cause?
2016d.html#47 PL/I advertising
2016c.html#0 You count as an old-timer if (was Re: Origin of the phrase "XYZZY")
2016b.html#112 You count as an old-timer if (was Re: Origin of the phrase "XYZZY")
2016.html#78 Mainframe Virtual Memory
2015h.html#43 Are we just running in place?
2015g.html#90 IBM Embraces Virtual Memory -- Finally
2015c.html#67 The Stack Depth
2015c.html#66 Messing Up the System/360
2015c.html#48 The Stack Depth
2015c.html#47 The Stack Depth
2015c.html#39 Virtual Memory Management
2015b.html#43 Connecting memory to 370/145 with only 36 bits
2014m.html#138 How hyper threading works? (Intel)2000.h5ml#5 IBM XT/370 and AT/370 (was Re: Computer of the century)
2014l.html#22 Do we really need 64-bit addresses or is 48-bit enough?
2014k.html#48 1950: Northrop's Digital Differential Analyzer
2014k.html#13 Question concerning running z/OS LPARs under z/VM
2014i.html#98 z/OS physical memory usage with multiple copies of same load module at different virtual addresses
2014i.html#96 z/OS physical memory usage with multiple copies of same load module at different virtual addresses
2014i.html#17 R.I.P. PDP-10?
2014e.html#14 23Jun1969 Unbundling Announcement
2014d.html#84 Difference between MVS and z / OS systems
2014d.html#32 [OT ] Mainframe memories
2013n.html#83 'Free Unix!': The world-changing proclamationmade30yearsagotoday
2013m.html#46 50,000 x86 operating system on single mainframe
2013l.html#25 Teletypewriter Model 33
2013k.html#70 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013i.html#30 By Any Other Name
2013g.html#11 What Makes code storage management so cool?
2013f.html#42 True LRU With 8-Way Associativity Is Implementable
2013e.html#71 The Atlas 2 and its Slave Store
2013d.html#7 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013c.html#49 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013c.html#48 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013c.html#17 I do not understand S0C6 on CDSG
2013c.html#15 I do not understand S0C6 on CDSG
2013b.html#11 what makes a computer architect great?
2012o.html#31 Regarding Time Sharing
2012m.html#18 interactive, dispatching, etc
2012l.html#38 S/360 architecture, was PDP-10 system calls
2012g.html#62 Caches, was Wardialing statistics(
2012g.html#25 VM370 40yr anniv, CP6 44yr anniv
2012g.html#21 Closure in Disappearance of Computer Scientist
2012f.html#18 Word Length
2012c.html#47 nested LRU schemes
2012c.html#33 5 Byte Device Addresses?
2012c.html#29 5 Byte Device Addresses?
2012c.html#28 5 Byte Device Addresses?
2012c.html#27 5 Byte Device Addresses?
2012c.html#17 5 Byte Device Addresses?
2011p.html#60 Spontaneous conduction
2011p.html#53 Odd variant on clock replacement algorithm
2011l.html#64 OUCB usage
2011l.html#6 segments and sharing, was 68000 assembly language programming
2011j.html#10 program coding pads
2011g.html#59 Is the magic and romance killed by Windows (and Linux)?
2011f.html#73 Wylbur, Orvyl, Milton, CRBE/CRJE were all used (and sometimes liked) in the past
2011f.html#71 how to get a command result without writing it to a file
2011f.html#67 Old email from spring 1985
2011f.html#59 Drum Memory with small Core Memory?
2011e.html#79 I'd forgotten what a 2305 looked like
2011e.html#66 |What is the maximum clock rate given the state of today's technology?
2011e.html#27 Multiple Virtual Memory
2011e.html#8 Multiple Virtual Memory
2011e.html#3 Multiple Virtual Memory
2011e.html#2 Multiple Virtual Memory
2011d.html#82 Multiple Virtual Memory
2011d.html#81 Multiple Virtual Memory
2011c.html#92 History of VM Performance
2011c.html#90 A History of VM Performance
2011c.html#88 Hillgang -- VM Performance
2011c.html#87 A History of VM Performance
2011c.html#74 A History of VM Performance
2011c.html#72 A History of VM Performance
2011c.html#8 The first personal computer (PC)
2011.html#44 CKD DASD
2010p.html#41 The Varieties of Virtualization
2010o.html#47 origin of 'fields'?
2010n.html#41 Central vs. expanded storage
2010n.html#39 Central vs. expanded storage
2010m.html#15 History of Hard-coded Offsets
2010m.html#5 Memory v. Storage: What's in a Name?
2010l.html#23 OS idling
2010j.html#37 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010i.html#18 How to analyze a volume's access by dataset
2010h.html#17 LINUX on the MAINFRAME
2010g.html#73 Interesting presentation
2010g.html#72 Interesting presentation
2010g.html#71 Interesting presentation
2010g.html#43 Interesting presentation
2010g.html#42 Interesting presentation
2010g.html#23 16:32 far pointers in OpenWatcom C/C++
2010g.html#22 Mainframe Executive article on the death of tape
2010g.html#2 16:32 far pointers in OpenWatcom C/C++
2010g.html#0 16:32 far pointers in OpenWatcom C/C++
2010f.html#91 16:32 far pointers in OpenWatcom C/C++
2010f.html#90 16:32 far pointers in OpenWatcom C/C++
2010f.html#89 16:32 far pointers in OpenWatcom C/C++
2010f.html#85 16:32 far pointers in OpenWatcom C/C++
2010e.html#61 z9 / z10 instruction speed(s)
2010d.html#78 LPARs: More or Less?
2010d.html#60 LPARs: More or Less?
2010d.html#6 Queing theory paper
2009r.html#54 While watching Biography about Bill Gates on CNBC last Night
2009l.html#12 August 7, 1944: today is the 65th Anniversary of the Birth of the Computer
2009h.html#76 A Math Geek's Plan to Save Wall Street's Soul
2009g.html#74 308x Processors - was "Mainframe articles"
2008r.html#21 What if the computers went back to the '70s too?
2008n.html#22 VMware Chief Says the OS Is History
2008m.html#34 Future architectures
2008m.html#13 Yet another squirrel question - Results (very very long post)
2008m.html#7 Future architectures
2008k.html#80 How to calculate effective page fault service time?
2008k.html#34 squirrels
2008k.html#32 squirrels
2008j.html#48 dollar coins
2008j.html#6 What is "timesharing" (Re: OS X Finder windows vs terminal window weirdness)
2008h.html#84 Microsoft versus Digital Equipment Corporation
2008h.html#79 Microsoft versus Digital Equipment Corporation
2008h.html#70 New test attempt
2008g.html#48 How did third-party software companies deal with unbundling being sprung on them?
2008g.html#9 Was CMS multi-tasking?
2008f.html#21 Fantasy-Land_Hierarchal_NUMA_Memory-Model_on_Vertical
2008f.html#19 Fantasy-Land_Hierarchal_NUMA_Memory-Model_on_Vertical
2008f.html#12 Fantasy-Land_Hierarchal_NUMA_Memory-Model_on_Vertical
2008f.html#8 Fantasy-Land_Hierarchal_NUMA_Memory-Model_on_Vertical
2008f.html#3 Fantasy-Land_Hierarchal_NUMA_Memory-Model_on_Vertical
2008e.html#39 z10 presentation on 26 Feb
2008e.html#16 Kernels
2008c.html#78 CPU time differences for the same job
2008c.html#65 No Glory for the PDP-15
2008.html#16 No Glory for the PDP-15
2007v.html#96 source for VAX programmers
2007u.html#79 IBM Floating-point myths
2007u.html#77 IBM Floating-point myths
2007u.html#6 Open z/Architecture or Not
2007t.html#54 new 40+ yr old, disruptive technology
2007s.html#5 Poster of computer hardware events?
2007r.html#75 Real storage usage - a quick question
2007r.html#65 CSA 'above the bar'
2007r.html#51 Translation of IBM Basic Assembler to C?
2007q.html#23 GETMAIN/FREEMAIN and virtual storage backing up
2007p.html#74 GETMAIN/FREEMAIN and virtual storage backing up
2007p.html#71 Translation of IBM Basic Assembler to C?
2007p.html#26 what does xp do when system is copying
2007p.html#11 what does xp do when system is copying
2007o.html#53 Virtual Storage implementation
2007o.html#47 Virtual Storage implementation
2007o.html#46 Virtual Storage implementation
2007o.html#45 Virtual Storage implementation
2007n.html#3 Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard?
2007m.html#67 Operating systems are old and busted
2007m.html#66 Off Topic But Concept should be Known To All
2007m.html#55 Capacity and Relational Database
2007m.html#47 Capacity and Relational Database
2007l.html#10 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007k.html#65 Non-Standard Mainframe Language?
2007k.html#17 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007k.html#2 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007j.html#73 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007j.html#43 z/VM usability
2007j.html#41 z/VM usability
2007g.html#73 The Perfect Computer - 36 bits?
2007g.html#44 1960s: IBM mgmt mistrust of SLT for ICs?
2007g.html#36 Wylbur and Paging
2007f.html#18 What to do with extra storage on new z9
2007e.html#27 IBM S/360 series operating systems history
2007e.html#21 A way to speed up level 1 caches
2007e.html#10 A way to speed up level 1 caches
2007e.html#7 A way to speed up level 1 caches
2007d.html#25 modern paging
2007c.html#56 SVCs
2007c.html#47 SVCs
2007c.html#23 How many 36-bit Unix ports in the old days?
2007b.html#34 Just another example of mainframe costs
2007b.html#14 Just another example of mainframe costs
2007.html#23 How to write a full-screen Rexx debugger?
2006y.html#35 The Future of CPUs: What's After Multi-Core?
2006y.html#17 The Future of CPUs: What's After Multi-Core?
2006y.html#9 The Future of CPUs: What's After Multi-Core?
2006x.html#17 The Future of CPUs: What's After Multi-Core?
2006x.html#16 The Future of CPUs: What's After Multi-Core?
2006x.html#10 The Future of CPUs: What's After Multi-Core?
2006x.html#2 The Future of CPUs: What's After Multi-Core?
2006w.html#46 The Future of CPUs: What's After Multi-Core?
2006w.html#34 Top versus bottom posting was Re: IBM sues maker of Intel-based Mainframe clones
2006w.html#8 Why these original FORTRAN quirks?
2006w.html#7 Why these original FORTRAN quirks?
2006w.html#2 IBM sues maker of Intel-based Mainframe clones
2006v.html#47 Why so little parallelism?
2006v.html#43 The Future of CPUs: What's After Multi-Core?
2006v.html#36 Why these original FORTRAN quirks?
2006t.html#13 VM SPOOL question
2006s.html#59 Why magnetic drums was/are worse than disks ?
2006s.html#25 VM SPOOL question
2006r.html#39 REAL memory column in SDSF
2006r.html#34 REAL memory column in SDSF
2006r.html#12 Trying to design low level hard disk manipulation program
2006q.html#34 Was FORTRAN buggy?
2006q.html#21 virtual memory
2006q.html#20 virtual memory
2006q.html#19 virtual memory
2006p.html#0 DASD Response Time (on antique 3390?)
2006o.html#26 Cache-Size vs Performance
2006n.html#17 The System/360 Model 20 Wasn't As Bad As All That
2006m.html#54 DCSS
2006m.html#32 Old Hashing Routine
2006l.html#15 virtual memory
2006l.html#14 virtual memory
2006l.html#13 virtual memory
2006l.html#12 virtual memory
2006l.html#11 virtual memory
2006l.html#9 virtual memory
2006l.html#5 virtual memory
2006l.html#3 virtual memory
2006j.html#39 virtual memory
2006j.html#30 virtual memory
2006j.html#25 virtual memory
2006j.html#22 virtual memory
2006j.html#21 virtual memory
2006j.html#19 virtual memory
2006j.html#18 virtual memory
2006j.html#17 virtual memory
2006j.html#14 virtual memory
2006j.html#13 virtual memory
2006j.html#11 The Pankian Metaphor
2006j.html#5 virtual memory
2006j.html#4 virtual memory
2006j.html#2 virtual memory
2006j.html#1 virtual memory
2006j.html#0 virtual memory
2006i.html#43 virtual memory
2006i.html#42 virtual memory
2006i.html#41 virtual memory
2006i.html#40 virtual memory
2006i.html#39 virtual memory
2006i.html#38 virtual memory
2006i.html#37 virtual memory
2006i.html#36 virtual memory
2006i.html#31 virtual memory
2006i.html#30 virtual memory
2006i.html#28 virtual memory
2006i.html#26 11may76, 30 years, (re-)release of resource manager
2006i.html#24 Virtual memory implementation in S/370
2006i.html#23 Virtual memory implementation in S/370
2006i.html#22 virtual memory
2006g.html#3 The Pankian Metaphor
2006f.html#44 The Pankian Metaphor
2006f.html#18 how much swap size did you take?
2006f.html#0 using 3390 mod-9s
2006d.html#21 IBM 610 workstation computer
2006d.html#0 IBM 610 workstation computer
2006c.html#18 Change in computers as a hobbiest
2006c.html#6 IBM 610 workstation computer
2006c.html#2 Multiple address spaces
2006b.html#35 Seeking Info on XDS Sigma 7 APL
2006b.html#16 Expanded Storage
2006b.html#15 Expanded Storage
2006b.html#14 Expanded Storage
2006.html#17 DCSS as SWAP disk for z/Linux
2005s.html#44 winscape?
2005r.html#13 Is a Hurricane about to hit IBM ?
2005r.html#5 What ever happened to Tandem and NonStop OS ?
2005q.html#8 What ever happened to Tandem and NonStop OS ?
2005p.html#31 z/VM performance
2005p.html#3 What ever happened to Tandem and NonStop OS ?
2005o.html#43 What ever happened to Tandem and NonStop OS?
2005n.html#47 Anyone know whether VM/370 EDGAR is still available anywhere?
2005n.html#23 Code density and performance?
2005n.html#21 Code density and performance?
2005n.html#19 Code density and performance?
2005k.html#54 Determining processor status without IPIs
2005k.html#47 Performance and Capacity Planning
2005j.html#51 Q ALLOC PAGE vs. CP Q ALLOC vs ESAMAP
2005i.html#39 Behavior in undefined areas?
2005i.html#15 Now the crackpots are trying to make it their own
2005h.html#15 Exceptions at basic block boundaries
2005h.html#10 Exceptions at basic block boundaries
2005g.html#55 Security via hardware?
2005g.html#18 DOS/360: Forty years
2005f.html#47 Moving assembler programs above the line
2005f.html#46 Moving assembler programs above the line
2005e.html#60 Mozilla v Firefox
2005e.html#35 Thou shalt have no other gods before the ANSI C standard
2005d.html#48 Secure design
2005c.html#53 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2005c.html#42 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2005c.html#27 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2005c.html#15 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2005c.html#6 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2005b.html#49 The mid-seventies SHARE survey
2005b.html#8 Relocating application architecture and compiler support
2005.html#6 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2005.html#2 Athlon cache question
2004q.html#84 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2004q.html#79 Athlon cache question
2004q.html#77 Athlon cache question
2004q.html#76 Athlon cache question
2004q.html#73 Athlon cache question
2004q.html#72 IUCV in VM/CMS
2004q.html#58 CAS and LL/SC (was Re: High Level Assembler for MVS & VM & VSE)
2004q.html#18 PR/SM Dynamic Time Slice calculation
2004p.html#64 Systems software versus applications software definitions
2004p.html#39 100% CPU is not always bad
2004p.html#20 Systems software versus applications software definitions
2004p.html#8 vm/370 smp support and shared segment protection hack
2004o.html#45 Integer types for 128-bit addressing
2004o.html#8 Integer types for 128-bit addressing
2004o.html#7 Integer types for 128-bit addressing
2004n.html#55 Integer types for 128-bit addressing
2004n.html#27 Shipwrecks
2004n.html#25 Shipwrecks
2004m.html#58 Shipwrecks
2004l.html#70 computer industry scenairo before the invention of the PC?
2004l.html#68 Lock-free algorithms
2004l.html#67 Lock-free algorithms
2004l.html#66 Lock-free algorithms
2004k.html#31 capacity planning: art, science or magic?
2004j.html#53 history books on the development of capacity planning (SMF and RMF)
2004i.html#0 Hard disk architecture: are outer cylinders still faster than inner cylinders?
2004h.html#46 self correcting systems
2004g.html#55 The WIZ Processor
2004g.html#13 Infiniband - practicalities for small clusters
2004f.html#46 Finites State Machine (OT?)
2004f.html#3 Infiniband - practicalities for small clusters
2004e.html#32 The attack of the killer mainframes
2004e.html#30 The attack of the killer mainframes
2004c.html#59 real multi-tasking, multi-programming
2004c.html#35 Computer-oriented license plates
2004b.html#60 Paging
2004b.html#58 Oldest running code
2004b.html#47 new to mainframe asm
2004.html#48 AMD/Linux vs Intel/Microsoft
2004.html#35 40th anniversary of IBM System/360 on 7 Apr 2004
2004.html#25 40th anniversary of IBM System/360 on 7 Apr 2004
2004.html#13 Holee shit! 30 years ago!
2003p.html#26 Sun researchers: Computers do bad math ;)
2003n.html#45 hung/zombie users ... long boring, wandering story
2003m.html#33 MAD Programming Language
2003k.html#9 What is timesharing, anyway?
2003k.html#8 z VM 4.3
2003k.html#5 What is timesharing, anyway?
2003j.html#72 Microkernels are not "all or nothing". Re: Multics Concepts For
2003j.html#70 Multics Concepts For the Contemporary Computing World
2003j.html#34 Interrupt in an IBM mainframe
2003h.html#8 IBM says AMD dead in 5yrs ... -- Microsoft Monopoly vs. IBM
2003h.html#6 IBM says AMD dead in 5yrs ... -- Microsoft Monopoly vs. IBM
2003h.html#5 IBM says AMD dead in 5yrs ... -- Microsoft Monopoly vs. IBM
2003g.html#55 Advantages of multiple cores on single chip
2003g.html#15 Disk capacity and backup solutions
2003g.html#0 Alpha performance, why?
2003f.html#55 Alpha performance, why?
2003f.html#53 Alpha performance, why?
2003f.html#30 Alpha performance, why?
2003f.html#5 Alpha performance, why?
2003c.html#57 Easiest possible PASV experiment
2003.html#43 Timesharing TOPS-10 vs. VAX/VMS "task based timesharing"
2003.html#20 rebirth
2003.html#17 rebirth
2003.html#5 rebirth
2002o.html#30 Computer History Exhibition, Grenoble France
2002n.html#73 Home mainframes
2002l.html#62 Itanium2 performance data from SGI
2002k.html#66 OT (sort-of) - Does it take math skills to do data processing ?
2002k.html#66 OT (sort-of) - Does it take math skills to do data processing ?
2002k.html#63 OT (sort-of) - Does it take math skills to do data processing ?
2002k.html#40 hung/zombie users
2002j.html#32 Latency benchmark (was HP Itanium2 benchmarks)
2002j.html#31 Unisys A11 worth keeping?
2002i.html#42 CDC6600 - just how powerful a machine was it?
2002h.html#62 history of CMS
2002h.html#49 Coulda, Woulda, Shoudda moments?
2002f.html#41 Blade architectures
2002f.html#23 Computers in Science Fiction
2002e.html#9 What are some impressive page rates?
2002e.html#8 What are some impressive page rates?
2002d.html#0 VAX, M68K complex instructions (was Re: Did Intel Bite Off MoreThan It Can Chew?)
2002c.html#54 Swapper was Re: History of Login Names
2002c.html#52 Swapper was Re: History of Login Names
2002c.html#49 Swapper was Re: History of Login Names
2002c.html#48 Swapper was Re: History of Login Names
2002c.html#39 VAX, M68K complex instructions (was Re: Did Intel Bite Off More Than It Can Chew?)
2002c.html#16 OS Workloads : Interactive etc
2002c.html#2 Need article on Cache schemes
2002b.html#16 hollow files in unix filesystems?
2002b.html#10 hollow files in unix filesystems?
2001n.html#31 Hercules etc. IBM not just missing a great opportunity...
2001n.html#26 Open Architectures ?
2001l.html#55 mainframe question
2001l.html#32 mainframe question
2001l.html#24 mainframe question
2001l.html#16 Disappointed
2001l.html#6 mainframe question
2001k.html#48 Common uses of multiprogramming on mainframes computer? Help!! Please
2001i.html#42 Question re: Size of Swap File
2001i.html#39 IBM OS Timeline?
2001i.html#20 Very CISC Instuctions (Was: why the machine word size ...)
2001h.html#60 Whom Do Programmers Admire Now???
2001h.html#46 Whom Do Programmers Admire Now???
2001h.html#34 D
2001h.html#29 checking some myths.
2001h.html#26 TECO Critique
2001h.html#11 checking some myths.
2001h.html#9 VM: checking some myths.
2001h.html#1 Alpha: an invitation to communicate
2001g.html#29 any 70's era supercomputers that ran as slow as today's supercomputers?
2001f.html#67 IBM mainframe reference online?
2001f.html#56 any 70's era supercomputers that ran as slow as today's supercomputers?
2001f.html#55 any 70's era supercomputers that ran as slow as today's supercomputers?
2001f.html#54 any 70's era supercomputers that ran as slow as today's supercomputers?
2001f.html#53 any 70's era supercomputers that ran as slow as today's supercomputers?
2001f.html#52 any 70's era supercomputers that ran as slow as today's supercomputers?
2001f.html#49 any 70's era supercomputers that ran as slow as today's supercompu
2001f.html#48 any 70's era supercomputers that ran as slow as today's supercomputers?
2001f.html#47 any 70's era supercomputers that ran as slow as today's supercomputers?
2001e.html#64 Design (Was Re: Server found behind drywall)
2001e.html#45 VM/370 Resource Manager
2001c.html#11 Memory management - Page replacement
2001c.html#10 Memory management - Page replacement
2001b.html#18 Linux IA-64 interrupts [was Re: Itanium benchmarks ...]
2001b.html#17 Linux IA-64 interrupts [was Re: Itanium benchmarks ...]
2001.html#13 Review of Steve McConnell's AFTER THE GOLD RUSH
2000g.html#38 4M pages are a bad idea (was Re: AMD 64bit Hammer CPU and VM)
2000g.html#30 Could CDR-coding be on the way back?
2000g.html#3 virtualizable 360, was TSS ancient history
2000f.html#60 360 Architecture, Multics, ... was (Re: X86 ultimate CISC? No.)
2000f.html#36 Optimal replacement Algorithm
2000f.html#34 Optimal replacement Algorithm
2000f.html#32 Optimal replacement Algorithm
2000f.html#18 OT?
2000f.html#10 Optimal replacement Algorithm
2000f.html#9 Optimal replacement Algorithm
2000d.html#13 4341 was "Is a VAX a mainframe?"
2000d.html#11 4341 was "Is a VAX a mainframe?"
2000c.html#35 What level of computer is needed for a computer to Love?
2000.html#86 Ux's good points
2000.html#52 Correct usage of "Image"???
99.html#237 I can't believe this newsgroup still exists
99.html#104 Fixed Head Drive (Was: Re:Power distribution (Was: Re: A primeval C compiler)
99.html#20 APL\360
99.html#18 Old Computers
98.html#54 qn on virtual page replacement
98.html#17 S/360 operating systems geneaology
98.html#12 S/360 operating systems geneaology
98.html#2 CP-67 (was IBM 360 DOS (was Is Win95 without DOS...))
97.html#28 IA64 Self Virtualizable?
97.html#22 Pre S/360 IBM Operating Systems?
97.html#0 LRU in caches with bit decay
96.html#11 Caches, (Random and LRU strategies)
96.html#10 Caches, (Random and LRU strategies)
96.html#0b Hypothetical performance question
96.html#0a Cache
95.html#12 slot chaining
95.html#2 Why is there only VM/370?
95.html#1 pathlengths
94.html#54 How Do the Old Mainframes
94.html#51 Rethinking Virtual Memory
94.html#49 Rethinking Virtual Memory
94.html#47 Rethinking Virtual Memory
94.html#46 Rethinking Virtual Memory
94.html#42 bloat
94.html#20 CP/67 & OS MFT14
94.html#14 lru, clock, random & dynamic adaptive ... addenda
94.html#10 lru, clock, random & dynamic adaptive
94.html#8 scheduling & dynamic adaptive ... long posting warning
94.html#5 Schedulers
94.html#4 Schedulers
94.html#2 Schedulers
94.html#1 Multitasking question
94.html#01 Big I/O or Kicking the Mainframe out the Door
93.html#31 Big I/O or Kicking the Mainframe out the Door
93.html#8 PowerPC Architecture (was: Re: PowerPC priced very low!)
93.html#7 HELP: Algorithm for Working Sets (Virtual Memory)
93.html#6 Self-virtualization and CPUs
93.html#5 360/67, was Re: IBM's Project F/S?
93.html#4 360/67, was Re: IBM's Project F/S?
93.html#0 360/67, was Re: IBM's Project F/S?

top , by subject : technology , networking , public key , integrity , Boyd - home

Performance and/or Scheduling

2025b.html#30 Some Career Highlights
2025.html#129 The Paging Game
2025.html#38 Multics vs Unix
2024g.html#91 CP/67 Multics vs Unix
2024g.html#69 Building the System/360 Mainframe Nearly Destroyed IBM
2024g.html#47 IT Career Memory
2024g.html#46 IT Career Memory
2024g.html#37 IBM Mainframe User Group SHARE
2024g.html#30 Computer System Performance Work
2024f.html#29 IBM 370 Virtual memory
2024e.html#83 Scheduler
2024e.html#81 IBM/PC
2024e.html#18 IBM Downfall and Make-over
2024d.html#88 Computer Virtual Memory
2024d.html#12 ADA, FAA ATC, FSD
2024d.html#9 Benchmarking and Testing
2024c.html#119 Financial/ATM Processing
2024c.html#112 Multithreading
2024c.html#94 Virtual Memory Paging
2024c.html#50 third system syndrome, interactive use, The Design of Design
2024c.html#6 Testing
2024b.html#97 IBM 360 Announce 7Apr1964
2024b.html#95 Ferranti Atlas and Virtual Memory
2024b.html#72 Vintage Internet and Vintage APL
2024b.html#60 Vintage Selectric
2024b.html#44 Mainframe Career
2024b.html#31 HONE, Performance Predictor, and Configurators
2024.html#116 IBM's Unbundling
2024.html#94 MVS SRM
2024.html#92 IBM, Unix, editors
2024.html#73 UNIX, MULTICS, CTSS, CSC, CP67
2024.html#28 IBM Disks and Drums
2024.html#17 IBM Embraces Virtual Memory -- Finally
2023g.html#105 VM Mascot
2023g.html#99 VM Mascot
2023g.html#76 Another IBM Downturn
2023g.html#45 Wheeler Scheduler
2023g.html#43 Wheeler Scheduler
2023g.html#36 Timeslice, Scheduling, Interdata
2023g.html#6 Vintage Future System
2023g.html#1 Vintage TSS/360
2023f.html#109 CSC, HONE, 23Jun69 Unbundling, Future System
2023f.html#101 CSC, HONE, 23Jun69 Unbundling, Future System
2023f.html#92 CSC, HONE, 23Jun69 Unbundling, Future System
2023f.html#54 Vintage IBM Mainframes & Minicomputers
2023f.html#34 Vintage IBM Mainframes & Minicomputers
2023e.html#87 CP/67, VM/370, VM/SP, VM/XA
2023e.html#49 VM370/CMS Shared Segments
2023e.html#34 IBM 360/67
2023e.html#33 Copyright Software
2023e.html#29 Copyright Software
2023e.html#19 Copyright Software
2023e.html#12 Tymshare
2023d.html#113 VM370
2023d.html#106 DASD, Channel and I/O long winded trivia
2023d.html#100 IBM 3083
2023d.html#25 VM370, SMP, HONE
2023d.html#24 VM370, SMP, HONE
2023d.html#23 VM370, SMP, HONE
2023d.html#17 IBM MVS RAS
2023c.html#90 More Dataprocessing Career
2023c.html#55 IBM VM/370
2023c.html#26 Global & Local Page Replacement
2023c.html#10 IBM Downfall
2023c.html#6 IBM Downfall
2023b.html#87 IRS and legacy COBOL
2023b.html#80 IBM 158-3 (& 4341)
2023b.html#32 Bimodal Distribution
2023b.html#23 IBM VM370 "Resource Manager"
2023.html#97 Online Computer Conferencing
2022h.html#21 370 virtual memory
2022g.html#84 RS/6000 (and some mainframe)
2022g.html#59 Stanford SLAC (and BAYBUNCH)
2022f.html#119 360/67 Virtual Memory
2022f.html#53 z/VM 50th - part 4
2022f.html#44 z/VM 50th
2022f.html#17 What's different, was Why did Dennis Ritchie write that UNIX was a modern implementation of CTSS?
2022e.html#90 Enhanced Production Operating Systems
2022e.html#79 Enhanced Production Operating Systems
2022e.html#66 Channel Program I/O Processing Efficiency
2022e.html#51 Channel Program I/O Processing Efficiency
2022e.html#50 Channel Program I/O Processing Efficiency
2022e.html#9 VM/370 Going Away
2022d.html#45 MGLRU Revved Once More For Promising Linux Performance Improvements
2022d.html#18 Computer Server Market
2022d.html#0 Programming By Committee
2022c.html#68 IBM Mainframe market was Re: Approximate reciprocals
2022c.html#42 Why did Dennis Ritchie write that UNIX was a modern implementation of CTSS?
2022c.html#0 System Response
2022b.html#118 IBM Disks
2022b.html#94 Computer BUNCH
2022b.html#30 Online at home
2022b.html#20 CP-67
2022.html#129 Dataprocessing Career
2022.html#94 VM/370 Interactive Response
2022.html#86 Virtual Machine SIE instruction
2022.html#42 Automated Benchmarking
2022.html#29 IBM HONE
2022.html#26 Is this group only about older computers?
2022.html#25 CP67 and BPS Loader
2021k.html#131 Multitrack Search Performance
2021k.html#124 IBM Clone Controllers
2021k.html#108 IBM Disks
2021k.html#87 OS/2
2021k.html#36 OS/2
2021j.html#25 VM370, 3081, and AT&T Long Lines
2021j.html#18 Windows 11 is now available
2021i.html#62 Virtual Machine Debugging
2021i.html#23 fast sort/merge, OoO S/360 descendants
2021h.html#104 Mainframe Hall of Fame
2021h.html#46 Dynamic Adaptive Resource Management
2021h.html#3 Cloud computing's destiny
2021g.html#0 MVS Group Wrath
2021e.html#67 Amdahl
2021e.html#65 SHARE (& GUIDE)
2021e.html#61 Performance Monitoring, Analysis, Simulation, etc
2021d.html#25 Field Support and PSRs
2021c.html#57 MAINFRAME (4341) History
2021c.html#41 Teaching IBM Class
2021c.html#37 Some CP67, Future System and other history
2021b.html#89 IBM Innovation
2021b.html#80 AT&T Long-lines
2021b.html#15 IBM Recruiting
2021b.html#14 IBM Recruiting
2021b.html#10 IBM Marketing Trips
2021.html#68 OS/2
2021.html#14 Unbundling and Kernel Software
2019e.html#121 Virtualization
2019e.html#108 Dyanmic Adaptive Resource Manager
2019e.html#19 All programmers that developed in machine code and Assembly in the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s died?
2019c.html#89 A New Theory On Time Indicates Present And Future Exist Simultaneously
2019c.html#85 IBM: Buying While Apathetaic
2019c.html#41 The Forgotten Operating System That Keeps the NYC Subway System Alive
2019b.html#92 MVS Boney Fingers
2019b.html#92 MVS Boney Fingers
2019b.html#27 Online Computer Conferencing
2019b.html#24 Online Computer Conferencing
2019b.html#5 Oct1986 IBM user group SEAS history presentation
2019b.html#4 Oct1986 IBM user group SEAS history presentation
2019.html#65 23june1969 unbundling
2018f.html#66 Economic Mess Prosecution
2018e.html#103 The (broken) economics of OSS
2018e.html#91 The (broken) economics of OSS
2018e.html#5 Computers, anyone?
2018d.html#68 tablets and desktops was Has Microsoft
2018d.html#28 MMIX meltdown
2018d.html#5 DOS & OS2
2018c.html#30 Bottlenecks and Capacity planning
2018.html#33 1963 Timesharing: A Solution to Computer Bottlenecks
2017j.html#103 why VM, was thrashing
2017j.html#71 A Computer That Never Was: the IBM 7095
2017j.html#49 Tech: we didn't mean for it to turn out like this
2017h.html#68 Pareto efficiency
2017h.html#54 Pareto efficiency
2017h.html#44 VM/370 45th Birthday
2017g.html#101 SEX
2017g.html#89 z/VM subcapacity pricing
2017g.html#23 Eliminating the systems programmer was Re: IBM cuts contractor billing by 15 percent (our else)
2017f.html#106 pneumatic cash systems was Re: [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#18 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#4 TSS/8, was A Whirlwind History of the Computer
2017d.html#56 Some IBM Research RJ reports
2017d.html#48 360 announce day
2017d.html#33 ARM Cortex A53 64 bit
2017c.html#45 The ICL 2900
2017c.html#26 Multitasking, together with OS operations
2017c.html#0 Locking our own orientation
2017b.html#70 The ICL 2900
2017b.html#27 Virtualization's Past Helps Explain Its Current Importance
2017.html#61 The ICL 2900
2017.html#59 The ICL 2900
2016h.html#59 Resurrected! Paul Allen's tech team brings 50-year -old supercomputer back from the dead
2016h.html#52 Resurrected! Paul Allen’s tech team brings 50-year -old supercomputer back from the dead
2016g.html#68 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016g.html#54 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016g.html#51 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016g.html#46 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016g.html#40 Floating point registers or general purpose registers
2016g.html#29 Computer hard drives have shrunk like crazy over the last 60 years -- here's a look back
2016f.html#26 British socialism / anti-trust
2016e.html#77 Honeywell 200
2016e.html#10 IBM OS/2 developers
2016e.html#2 S/360 stacks, was self-modifying code, Is it a lost cause?
2016d.html#101 Is it a lost cause?
2016d.html#67 Dynamic adaptive resource management (was: PL/I advertising
2016d.html#62 PL/I advertising
2016d.html#60 History--early remote on-line computer access
2016d.html#56 PL/I advertising
2016d.html#37 First Non-Trivial Program You Developed
2016d.html#2 Does OODA-loop observation carry a lot of baggage
2016c.html#5 You count as an old-timer if (was Re: Origin of the phrase "XYZZY")
2016c.html#0 You count as an old-timer if (was Re: Origin of the phrase "XYZZY")
2016b.html#112 You count as an old-timer if (was Re: Origin of the phrase "XYZZY")
2016b.html#109 Bimodal Distribution
2016b.html#77 Qbasic - lies about Medicare
2016b.html#54 CMS\APL
2016b.html#36 Ransomware
2016b.html#18 IBM Destination z - What the Heck Is JCL and Why Does It Look So Funny?
2015h.html#106 DOS descendant still lives was Re: slight reprieve on the z
2015h.html#43 Are we just running in place?
2015h.html#32 (External):Re: IBM
2015f.html#69 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#5 Remember 3277?
2015d.html#48 Western Union envisioned internet functionality
2015d.html#14 3033 & 3081 question
2015c.html#94 VM370 Logo Screen
2015c.html#71 A New Performance Model
2015c.html#48 The Stack Depth
2015c.html#39 Virtual Memory Management
2015b.html#43 Connecting memory to 370/145 with only 36 bits
2015.html#91 IBM Data Processing Center and Pi
2014m.html#175 Holy Grail for parallel programming language
2014m.html#66 Why you need batch cloud computing
2014l.html#20 Do we really need 64-bit addresses or is 48-bit enough?
2014k.html#48 1950: Northrop's Digital Differential Analyzer
2014k.html#31 1950: Northrop's Digital Differential Analyzer
2014h.html#103 TSO Test does not support 65-bit debugging?
2014g.html#105 Fifty Years of nitpicking definitions, was BASIC,theProgrammingLanguageT
2014g.html#85 Costs of core
2014e.html#14 23Jun1969 Unbundling Announcement
2014d.html#90 Enterprise Cobol 5.1
2014d.html#33 Long lived code? Long live long lived code!?
2014d.html#32 [OT ] Mainframe memories
2014d.html#25 [OT ] Mainframe memories
2014.html#19 the suckage of MS-DOS, was Re: 'Free Unix!
2013o.html#45 the nonsuckage of source, was MS-DOS, was Re: 'Free Unix!
2013n.html#66 Half an operating system: The triumph and tragedy of OS/2
2013n.html#22 Aging Sysprogs = Aging Farmers
2013m.html#55 'Free Unix!': The world-changing proclamation made 30 years ago today
2013l.html#66 model numbers; was re: World's worst programming environment?
2013i.html#30 By Any Other Name
2013h.html#32 Getting at the original command name/line
2013h.html#14 The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software
2013h.html#3 The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software
2013g.html#79 What Makes code storage management so cool?
2013g.html#75 What Makes code storage management so cool?
2013f.html#78 The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software
2013d.html#10 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#9 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#8 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013c.html#71 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013b.html#61 Google Patents Staple of '70s Mainframe Computing
2013b.html#26 New HD
2013.html#47 AT&T Holmdel Computer Center films, 1973 Unix
2012o.html#31 Regarding Time Sharing
2012o.html#30 Regarding Time Sharing
2012n.html#37 PDP-10 and Vax, was System/360--50 years--the future?
2012m.html#62 Another Light goes out
2012m.html#47 Official current definition of MVS
2012m.html#18 interactive, dispatching, etc
2012m.html#18 interactive, dispatching, etc
2012l.html#37 S/360 architecture, was PDP-10 system calls
2012l.html#27 PDP-10 system calls, was 1132 printer history
2012l.html#18 X86 server
2012k.html#62 Any cool anecdotes IBM 40yrs of VM
2012k.html#17 a clock in it, was Re: Interesting News Article
2012j.html#71 Help with elementary CPU speed question
2012j.html#41 Are you creative?
2012j.html#30 Can anybody give me a clear idea about Cloud Computing in MAINFRAME ?
2012j.html#20 Operating System, what is it?
2012f.html#78 What are you experiences with Amdahl Computers and Plug-Compatibles?
2012f.html#60 Hard Disk Drive Construction
2012f.html#59 Hard Disk Drive Construction
2012f.html#24 Time to competency for new software language?
2012f.html#18 Word Length
2012d.html#40 Strategy subsumes culture
2012c.html#29 5 Byte Device Addresses?
2011p.html#102 Question on PR/SM dispatcher
2011p.html#56 Are prefix opcodes better than variable length?
2011o.html#33 Data Areas?
2011n.html#46 HA/CMP Marketing Tour
2011m.html#34 CMS load module format
2011l.html#20 Selectric Typewriter--50th Anniversary
2011j.html#10 program coding pads
2011h.html#75 pdp8 to PC- have we lost our way?
2011h.html#61 Do you remember back to June 23, 1969 when IBM unbundled
2011h.html#26 Is the magic and romance killed by Windows (and Linux)?
2011g.html#29 Congratulations, where was my invite?
2011g.html#12 Clone Processors
2011g.html#11 Is the magic and romance killed by Windows (and Linux)?
2011g.html#9 Is the magic and romance killed by Windows (and Linux)?
2011g.html#8 Is the magic and romance killed by Windows (and Linux)?
2011g.html#6 Is the magic and romance killed by Windows (and Linux)?
2011e.html#79 I'd forgotten what a 2305 looked like
2011e.html#66 |What is the maximum clock rate given the state of today's technology?
2011d.html#13 I actually miss working at IBM
2011c.html#0 If IBM Hadn't Bet the Company
2011b.html#87 The first personal computer (PC)
2011b.html#61 VM13025 ... zombie/hung users
2011b.html#5 Mainframe upgrade done with wire cutters?
2011.html#35 CKD DASD
2011.html#28 Personal histories and IBM computing
2010q.html#32 IBM Future System
2010o.html#47 origin of 'fields'?
2010n.html#42 Really dumb IPL question
2010m.html#81 Nostalgia
2010m.html#15 History of Hard-coded Offsets
2010l.html#23 OS idling
2010l.html#21 Titles for the Class of 1978
2010k.html#57 taking down the machine - z9 series
2010k.html#25 Was VM ever used as an exokernel?
2010k.html#9 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010k.html#8 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010k.html#4 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010j.html#85 USPTO Grants Bezos Patent on '60s-Era Chargebacks
2010j.html#80 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010j.html#54 Article says mainframe most cost-efficient platform
2010j.html#37 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010j.html#20 Personal use z/OS machines was Re: Multiprise 3k for personal Use?
2010j.html#19 Personal use z/OS machines was Re: Multiprise 3k for personal Use?
2010i.html#43 Program Work Method Question
2010g.html#72 Interesting presentation
2010g.html#3 16:32 far pointers in OpenWatcom C/C++
2010f.html#11 IBM And Microsoft Clash Over Unbundling Policy
2010e.html#61 z9 / z10 instruction speed(s)
2010e.html#28 What was old is new again (water chilled)
2010e.html#25 HONE Compute Intensive
2010d.html#60 LPARs: More or Less?
2010d.html#42 search engine history, was Happy DEC-10 Day
2010d.html#39 search engine history, was Happy DEC-10 Day
2010d.html#6 Queing theory paper
2010b.html#37 Happy DEC-10 Day
2010b.html#32 Happy DEC-10 Day
2009s.html#62 Problem with XP scheduler?
2009s.html#55 Problem with XP scheduler?
2009s.html#54 Problem with XP scheduler?
2009s.html#20 Larrabee delayed: anyone know what's happening?
2009r.html#66 While watching Biography about Bill Gates on CNBC last Night
2009q.html#57 The 50th Anniversary of the Legendary IBM 1401
2009q.html#14 Electric Light Orchestra IBM song, in 1981?
2009o.html#46 U.S. begins inquiry of IBM in mainframe market
2009n.html#40 DARPA, at least, has a clue (maybe, sometimes)
2009m.html#37 comp.arch has made itself a sitting duck for spam
2009l.html#58 ACP, One of the Oldest Open Source Apps
2009l.html#22 another item related to ASCII vs. EBCDIC
2009l.html#12 August 7, 1944: today is the 65th Anniversary of the Birth of the Computer
2009k.html#71 Hercules Question
2009k.html#62 Hercules; more information requested
2009k.html#34 A Complete History Of Mainframe Computing
2009i.html#45 dynamic allocation
2009i.html#37 Why are z/OS people reluctant to use z/OS UNIX?
2009i.html#7 My Vintage Dream PC
2009h.html#76 A Math Geek's Plan to Save Wall Street's Soul
2009f.html#5 Operating Systems and I/O Driven Scheduling
2009.html#8 Is SUN going to become x86'ed ??
2009.html#6 mvs preemption dispatcher
2008s.html#17 IBM PC competitors
2008r.html#21 What if the computers went back to the '70s too?
2008p.html#41 Automation is still not accepted to streamline the business processes... why organizations are not accepting newer technologies?
2008p.html#1 My Funniest or Most Memorable Moment at IBM
2008o.html#66 Open Source, Unbundling, and Future System
2008o.html#41 The human plague
2008n.html#44 VMware Chief Says the OS Is History
2008n.html#43 VMware Chief Says the OS Is History
2008n.html#22 VMware Chief Says the OS Is History
2008m.html#34 Future architectures
2008m.html#13 Yet another squirrel question - Results (very very long post)
2008m.html#10 Unbelievable Patent for JCL
2008m.html#1 Yet another squirrel question - Results (very very long post)
2008k.html#34 squirrels
2008k.html#32 squirrels
2008j.html#86 CLIs and GUIs
2008j.html#51 dollar coins
2008j.html#46 dollar coins
2008j.html#30 OS X Finder windows vs terminal window weirdness
2008j.html#6 What is "timesharing" (Re: OS X Finder windows vs terminal window weirdness)
2008j.html#1 OS X Finder windows vs terminal window weirdness
2008i.html#58 I am trying to find out how CPU burst time is caluculated based on which CPU scheduling algorithms are created ?
2008i.html#57 Microsoft versus Digital Equipment Corporation
2008i.html#45 ARPANet architect: bring "fairness" to traffic management
2008i.html#33 Mainframe Project managemen
2008h.html#95 Old hardware
2008h.html#51 subprime write-down sweepstakes
2008g.html#48 How did third-party software companies deal with unbundling being sprung on them?
2008g.html#37 Virtualization: The IT Trend That Matters
2008g.html#35 Does TCP Need an Overhaul?
2008g.html#33 authoritative IEFBR14 reference
2008g.html#9 Was CMS multi-tasking?
2008f.html#1 independent appraisers
2008e.html#54 news maintenance: Prison pushes
2008e.html#16 Kernels
2008c.html#88 CPU time differences for the same job
2008c.html#78 CPU time differences for the same job
2008c.html#72 No Glory for the PDP-15
2008c.html#20 Toyota Sales for 2007 May Surpass GM
2008b.html#59 Toyota Sales for 2007 May Surpass GM
2008b.html#10 folklore indeed
2008b.html#9 folklore indeed
2008.html#89 folklore indeed
2008.html#16 No Glory for the PDP-15
2007v.html#96 source for VAX programmers
2007v.html#40 IBM mainframe history, was Floating-point myths
2007u.html#79 IBM Floating-point myths
2007u.html#6 Open z/Architecture or Not
2007t.html#54 new 40+ yr old, disruptive technology
2007t.html#23 SMF Under VM
2007s.html#54 ongoing rush to the new, 40+ yr old virtual machine technology
2007s.html#36 Oracle Introduces Oracle VM As It Leaps Into Virtualization
2007s.html#33 Age of IBM VM
2007s.html#20 Ellison Looks Back As Oracle Turns 30
2007s.html#5 Poster of computer hardware events?
2007r.html#68 High order bit in 31/24 bit address
2007q.html#64 Virtual Browsers: Disposable Security
2007q.html#23 GETMAIN/FREEMAIN and virtual storage backing up
2007p.html#71 Translation of IBM Basic Assembler to C?
2007p.html#58 what does xp do when system is copying
2007p.html#26 what does xp do when system is copying
2007p.html#13 IBM Releases Office Desktop Software at No Charge to Foster Collaboration
2007o.html#48 Virtual Storage implementation
2007n.html#95 The Unexpected Fact about the First Computer Programmer
2007n.html#79 PSI MIPS
2007n.html#3 Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard?
2007m.html#67 Operating systems are old and busted
2007m.html#66 Off Topic But Concept should be Known To All
2007m.html#52 Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard?
2007m.html#51 Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard?
2007m.html#46 Rate Monotonic Scheduling (RMS) vs. OS Scheduling
2007l.html#61 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007l.html#10 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007k.html#65 Non-Standard Mainframe Language?
2007k.html#15 Data Areas Manuals to be dropped
2007k.html#5 IBM Unionization
2007k.html#2 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007j.html#43 z/VM usability
2007j.html#41 z/VM usability
2007i.html#60 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007i.html#54 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007i.html#46 Linux: The Completely Fair Scheduler
2007i.html#43 Latest Principles of Operation
2007i.html#2 Linux: The Completely Fair Scheduler
2007i.html#1 Linux: The Completely Fair Scheduler
2007h.html#77 Linux: The Completely Fair Scheduler
2007g.html#73 The Perfect Computer - 36 bits?
2007g.html#56 The Perfect Computer - 36 bits?
2007g.html#55 IBM to the PCM market(the sky is falling!!!the sky is falling!!)
2007g.html#54 The Perfect Computer - 36 bits?
2007g.html#44 1960s: IBM mgmt mistrust of SLT for ICs?
2007e.html#60 FBA rant
2007e.html#50 Is computer history taught now?
2007e.html#22 A way to speed up level 1 caches
2007e.html#21 A way to speed up level 1 caches
2007c.html#49 SVCs
2007c.html#47 SVCs
2007c.html#12 Special characters in passwords was Re: RACF - Password rules
2007c.html#0 old discussion of disk controller chache
2007b.html#39 How many 36-bit Unix ports in the old days?
2007b.html#14 Just another example of mainframe costs
2007.html#23 How to write a full-screen Rexx debugger?
2006y.html#24 "The Elements of Programming Style"
2006y.html#22 "The Elements of Programming Style"
2006y.html#17 The Future of CPUs: What's After Multi-Core?
2006y.html#10 Why so little parallelism?
2006x.html#17 The Future of CPUs: What's After Multi-Core?
2006x.html#10 The Future of CPUs: What's After Multi-Core?
2006w.html#46 The Future of CPUs: What's After Multi-Core?
2006w.html#34 Top versus bottom posting was Re: IBM sues maker of Intel-based Mainframe clones
2006w.html#8 Why these original FORTRAN quirks?
2006w.html#7 Why these original FORTRAN quirks?
2006w.html#2 IBM sues maker of Intel-based Mainframe clones
2006v.html#47 Why so little parallelism?
2006v.html#36 Why these original FORTRAN quirks?
2006v.html#23 Ranking of non-IBM mainframe builders?
2006t.html#18 Why magnetic drums was/are worse than disks ?
2006s.html#59 Why magnetic drums was/are worse than disks ?
2006r.html#39 REAL memory column in SDSF
2006q.html#46 Was FORTRAN buggy?
2006q.html#34 Was FORTRAN buggy?
2006q.html#11 what's the difference between LF(Line Fee) and NL (New line) ?
2006o.html#23 Strobe equivalents
2006n.html#42 Why is zSeries so CPU poor?
2006n.html#21 The System/360 Model 20 Wasn't As Bad As All That
2006n.html#17 The System/360 Model 20 Wasn't As Bad As All That
2006m.html#54 DCSS
2006m.html#32 Old Hashing Routine
2006l.html#3 virtual memory
2006j.html#33 How to implement Lpars within Linux
2006j.html#30 virtual memory
2006j.html#21 virtual memory
2006i.html#43 virtual memory
2006i.html#28 virtual memory
2006i.html#26 11may76, 30 years, (re-)release of resource manager
2006i.html#24 Virtual memory implementation in S/370
2006h.html#30 The Pankian Metaphor
2006h.html#25 The Pankian Metaphor
2006h.html#22 The Pankian Metaphor
2006h.html#7 The Pankian Metaphor
2006g.html#34 The Pankian Metaphor
2006g.html#18 TOD Clock the same as the BIOS clock in PCs?
2006g.html#1 The Pankian Metaphor
2006f.html#44 The Pankian Metaphor
2006d.html#27 IBM 610 workstation computer
2006d.html#21 IBM 610 workstation computer
2006d.html#0 IBM 610 workstation computer
2006c.html#30 IBM 610 workstation computer
2006c.html#18 Change in computers as a hobbiest
2006c.html#6 IBM 610 workstation computer
2006c.html#2 Multiple address spaces
2006b.html#39 another blast from the past
2006b.html#35 Seeking Info on XDS Sigma 7 APL
2006b.html#21 IBM 3090/VM Humor
2006b.html#18 Expanded Storage
2006b.html#7 Mount a tape
2006.html#35 Charging Time
2006.html#25 DCSS as SWAP disk for z/Linux
2006.html#19 DCSS as SWAP disk for z/Linux
2005t.html#36 What ever happened to Tandem and NonStop OS ?
2005t.html#35 winscape?
2005s.html#44 winscape?
2005r.html#38 IEH/IEB/... names?
2005r.html#5 What ever happened to Tandem and NonStop OS ?
2005r.html#0 Intel strikes back with a parallel x86 design
2005q.html#8 What ever happened to Tandem and NonStop OS ?
2005p.html#31 z/VM performance
2005p.html#22 Multicores
2005p.html#21 Multicores
2005p.html#10 What ever happened to Tandem and NonStop OS ?
2005o.html#43 What ever happened to Tandem and NonStop OS?
2005o.html#24 is a computer like an airport?
2005o.html#5 Code density and performance?
2005n.html#47 Anyone know whether VM/370 EDGAR is still available anywhere?
2005n.html#21 Code density and performance?
2005k.html#47 Performance and Capacity Planning
2005k.html#42 wheeler scheduler and hpo
2005k.html#20 IBM/Watson autobiography--thoughts on?
2005i.html#39 Behavior in undefined areas?
2005i.html#15 Now the crackpots are trying to make it their own
2005h.html#1 Single System Image questions
2005g.html#55 Security via hardware?
2005g.html#18 DOS/360: Forty years
2005f.html#46 Moving assembler programs above the line
2005e.html#60 Mozilla v Firefox
2005e.html#35 Thou shalt have no other gods before the ANSI C standard
2005c.html#42 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2005c.html#6 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2005b.html#58 History of performance counters
2005b.html#49 The mid-seventies SHARE survey
2005b.html#13 Relocating application architecture and compiler support
2005b.html#8 Relocating application architecture and compiler support
2005.html#43 increasing addressable memory via paged memory?
2004q.html#84 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2004q.html#73 Athlon cache question
2004q.html#72 IUCV in VM/CMS
2004q.html#58 CAS and LL/SC (was Re: High Level Assembler for MVS & VM & VSE)
2004q.html#18 PR/SM Dynamic Time Slice calculation
2004q.html#3 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2004p.html#64 Systems software versus applications software definitions
2004p.html#39 100% CPU is not always bad
2004p.html#20 Systems software versus applications software definitions
2004p.html#8 vm/370 smp support and shared segment protection hack
2004p.html#2 Integer types for 128-bit addressing
2004o.html#45 Integer types for 128-bit addressing
2004o.html#25 CKD Disks?
2004o.html#14 Multi-processor timing issue
2004o.html#10 Multi-processor timing issue
2004o.html#9 Integer types for 128-bit addressing
2004o.html#2 Integer types for 128-bit addressing
2004n.html#27 Shipwrecks
2004n.html#22 Shipwrecks
2004n.html#2 Multi-processor timing issue
2004m.html#58 Shipwrecks
2004m.html#53 4GHz is the glass ceiling?
2004m.html#45 Multi-processor timing issue
2004m.html#36 Multi-processor timing issue
2004l.html#70 computer industry scenairo before the invention of the PC?
2004l.html#9 Vintage computers are better than modern crap !
2004l.html#6 Xah Lee's Unixism
2004k.html#31 capacity planning: art, science or magic?
2004j.html#53 history books on the development of capacity planning (SMF and RMF)
2004h.html#38 build-robots-which-can-automate-testing dept
2004g.html#57 Adventure game (was:PL/? History (was Hercules))
2004g.html#55 The WIZ Processor
2004g.html#40 IBM 7094 Emulator - An historic moment?
2004g.html#18 Infiniband - practicalities for small clusters
2004g.html#2 Text Adventures (which computer was first?)
2004f.html#46 Finites State Machine (OT?)
2004f.html#3 Infiniband - practicalities for small clusters
2004e.html#39 Candle support from Los Delhi
2004e.html#32 The attack of the killer mainframes
2004e.html#30 The attack of the killer mainframes
2004d.html#62 microsoft antitrust
2004c.html#61 IBM 360 memory
2004c.html#59 real multi-tasking, multi-programming
2004c.html#35 Computer-oriented license plates
2004b.html#58 Oldest running code
2004b.html#47 new to mainframe asm
2004.html#48 AMD/Linux vs Intel/Microsoft
2004.html#35 40th anniversary of IBM System/360 on 7 Apr 200
2004.html#25 40th anniversary of IBM System/360 on 7 Apr 2004
2003p.html#26 Sun researchers: Computers do bad math ;)
2003o.html#33 When nerds were nerds
2003o.html#28 When nerds were nerds
2003n.html#45 hung/zombie users ... long boring, wandering story
2003m.html#44 MAD Programming Language
2003m.html#40 MAD Programming Language
2003m.html#33 MAD Programming Language
2003k.html#19 Dealing with complexity
2003k.html#12 humor in source code
2003k.html#11 humor in source code
2003k.html#9 What is timesharing, anyway?
2003k.html#8 z VM 4.3
2003k.html#7 What is timesharing, anyway?
2003k.html#5 What is timesharing, anyway?
2003k.html#2 Rexx vs. Batch
2003j.html#72 Microkernels are not "all or nothing". Re: Multics Concepts For
2003j.html#70 Multics Concepts For the Contemporary Computing World
2003j.html#54 June 23, 1969: IBM "unbundles" software
2003j.html#48 June 23, 1969: IBM "unbundles" software
2003j.html#34 Interrupt in an IBM mainframe
2003h.html#5 IBM says AMD dead in 5yrs ... -- Microsoft Monopoly vs. IBM
2003g.html#30 One Processor is bad?
2003g.html#15 Disk capacity and backup solutions
2003f.html#30 Alpha performance, why?
2003f.html#17 History of project maintenance tools -- what and when?
2003f.html#15 Alpha performance, why?
2003f.html#12 Alpha performance, why?
2003f.html#8 Alpha performance, why?
2003f.html#5 Alpha performance, why?
2003f.html#3 Alpha performance, why?
2003e.html#56 Reviving Multics
2003e.html#35 unix
2003e.html#12 Resolved: There Are No Programs With >32 Bits of Text
2003c.html#57 Easiest possible PASV experiment
2003.html#47 Timesharing TOPS-10 vs. VAX/VMS "task based timesharing"
2003.html#43 Timesharing TOPS-10 vs. VAX/VMS "task based timesharing"
2003.html#27 rebirth
2003.html#23 rebirth
2003.html#21 rebirth
2003.html#20 rebirth
2003.html#17 rebirth
2003.html#14 rebirth
2003.html#5 rebirth
2002p.html#64 cost of crossing kernel/user boundary
2002p.html#2 IBM OS source code
2002n.html#73 Home mainframes
2002n.html#71 bps loader, was PLX
2002n.html#48 Tweaking old computers?
2002l.html#62 Itanium2 performance data from SGI
2002l.html#33 misc resource manager related folklore postings
2002l.html#26 Do any architectures use instruction count instead of timer
2002l.html#25 Do any architectures use instruction count instead of timer
2002k.html#66 OT (sort-of) - Does it take math skills to do data processing?
2002k.html#46 OT (sort-of) - Does it take math skills to do data processing?
2002k.html#40 hung/zombie users
2002k.html#13 Difference between Unix and Linux?
2002i.html#59 wrt code first, document later
2002i.html#56 wrt code first, document later
2002i.html#55 wrt code first, document later
2002i.html#53 wrt code first, document later
2002i.html#42 CDC6600 - just how powerful a machine was it?
2002i.html#34 IBM was: CDC6600 - just how powerful a machine was it?
2002i.html#32 IBM was: CDC6600 - just how powerful a machine was it?
2002h.html#62 history of CMS
2002h.html#49 Coulda, Woulda, Shoudda moments?
2002f.html#23 Computers in Science Fiction
2002e.html#64 Computers in Science Fiction
2002e.html#63 Computers in Science Fiction
2002e.html#62 Computers in Science Fiction
2002d.html#0 VAX, M68K complex instructions (was Re: Did Intel Bite Off MoreThan It Can Chew?)
2002c.html#54 Swapper was Re: History of Login Names
2002c.html#52 Swapper was Re: History of Login Names
2002c.html#39 VAX, M68K complex instructions (was Re: Did Intel Bite Off More Than It Can Chew?)
2002c.html#28 OS Workloads : Interactive etc
2002c.html#16 OS Workloads : Interactive etc
2002c.html#13 OS Workloads : Interactive etc
2002c.html#11 OS Workloads : Interactive etc
2002b.html#55 "Fair Share" scheduling
2002b.html#35 bzip2 vs gzip (was Re: PDP-10 Archive migration plan)
2001n.html#26 Open Architectures ?
2001l.html#32 mainframe question
2001l.html#24 mainframe question
2001l.html#16 Disappointed
2001l.html#11 mainframe question
2001l.html#9 mainframe question
2001l.html#6 mainframe question
2001k.html#48 Common uses of multiprogramming on mainframes computer? Help!! Please
2001k.html#20 almost lost LBJ tapes; Dictabelt
2001i.html#46 Withdrawal Announcement 901-218 - No More 'small machines'
2001i.html#41 Withdrawal Announcement 901-218 - No More 'small machines'
2001i.html#39 IBM OS Timeline?
2001i.html#2 Most complex instructions (was Re: IBM 9020 FAA/ATC Systems from 1960's)
2001h.html#61 Net banking, is it safe???
2001h.html#60 Whom Do Programmers Admire Now???
2001h.html#59 Blinkenlights
2001h.html#57 Whom Do Programmers Admire Now???
2001h.html#46 Whom Do Programmers Admire Now???
2001h.html#35 D
2001h.html#34 D
2001h.html#29 checking some myths.
2001h.html#26 TECO Critique
2001h.html#19 checking some myths
2001h.html#18 checking some myths
2001h.html#12 checking some myths
2001h.html#11 checking some myths
2001h.html#9 VM: checking some myths.
2001f.html#67 IBM mainframe reference online?
2001f.html#62 any 70's era supercomputers that ran as slow as today's supercomputers?
2001f.html#57 any 70's era supercomputers that ran as slow as today's supercomputers?
2001f.html#56 any 70's era supercomputers that ran as slow as today's supercomputers?
2001f.html#49 any 70's era supercomputers that ran as slow as today's supercompu
2001f.html#48 any 70's era supercomputers that ran as slow as today's supercomputers?
2001f.html#47 any 70's era supercomputers that ran as slow as today's supercomputers?
2001f.html#26 Price of core memory
2001f.html#3 Oldest program you've written, and still in use?
2001e.html#64 Design (Was Re: Server found behind drywall)
2001e.html#51 Ever hear of RFC 1149? A geek silliness taken wing
2001e.html#45 VM/370 Resource Manager
2001d.html#10 Simpler technology
2001c.html#74 database (or b-tree) page sizes
2001c.html#26 The Foolish Dozen or so in This News Group
2001c.html#17 database (or b-tree) page sizes
2001c.html#16 database (or b-tree) page sizes
2001c.html#13 LINUS for S/390
2001c.html#2 Z/90, S/390, 370/ESA (slightly off topic)
2001c.html#1 Z/90, S/390, 370/ESA (slightly off topic)
2001b.html#85 what makes a cpu fast
2001b.html#79 Z/90, S/390, 370/ESA (slightly off topic)
2001.html#73 how old are you guys
2001.html#63 Are the L1 and L2 caches flushed on a page fault?
2001.html#53 Disk drive behavior
2001.html#39 Life as a programmer--1960, 1965?
2001.html#38 Competitors to SABRE?
2001.html#37 Competitors to SABRE?
2001.html#29 Review of Steve McConnell's AFTER THE GOLD RUSH
2001.html#13 Review of Steve McConnell's AFTER THE GOLD RUSH
2001.html#10 Review of Steve McConnell's AFTER THE GOLD RUSH
2000g.html#45 4M pages are a bad idea (was Re: AMD 64bit Hammer CPU and VM)
2000g.html#42 4M pages are a bad idea (was Re: AMD 64bit Hammer CPU and VM)
2000g.html#18 360/370 instruction cycle time
2000g.html#12 360 Architecture, Multics, ... was (Re: X86 ultimate CISC? No.)
2000f.html#69 TSS ancient history, was X86 ultimate CISC? designs)
2000f.html#66 360 Architecture, Multics, ... was (Re: X86 ultimate CISC? No.)
2000f.html#60 360 Architecture, Multics, ... was (Re: X86 ultimate CISC? No.)
2000f.html#57 X86 ultimate CISC? No. (was: Re: "all-out" vs less aggressive designs)
2000f.html#55 X86 ultimate CISC? No. (was: Re: "all-out" vs less aggressive designs)
2000f.html#45 Al Gore and the Internet (Part 2 of 2)
2000f.html#36 Optimal replacement Algorithm
2000f.html#32 Optimal replacement Algorithm
2000f.html#31 OT?
2000f.html#23 Why trust root CAs?
2000f.html#19 OT?
2000f.html#18 OT?
2000f.html#13 Airspeed Semantics, was: not quite an sr-71, was: Re: jet in IBM ad?
2000e.html#57 Why not an IBM zSeries workstation?
2000e.html#56 Why not an IBM zSeries workstation?
2000e.html#52 Why not an IBM zSeries workstation?
2000e.html#45 IBM's Workplace OS (Was: .. Pink)
2000e.html#36 War, Chaos, & Business (web site), or Col John Boyd
2000e.html#19 Is Al Gore The Father of the Internet?^
2000e.html#10 Is Al Gore The Father of the Internet?^
2000e.html#7 Ridiculous
2000d.html#82 "all-out" vs less aggressive designs (was: Re: 36 to 32 bit transition)
2000d.html#76 When the Internet went private
2000d.html#75 When the Internet went private
2000d.html#74 When the Internet went private
2000d.html#71 When the Internet went private
2000d.html#70 When the Internet went private
2000d.html#62 iAPX-432 (was: 36 to 32 bit transition
2000d.html#61 "all-out" vs less aggressive designs (was: Re: 36 to 32 bit transition)
2000d.html#53 IBM 650 (was: Re: IBM--old computer manuals)
2000d.html#50 Navy orders supercomputer
2000d.html#47 Charging for time-share CPU time
2000d.html#46 Charging for time-share CPU time
2000d.html#45 Charging for time-share CPU time
2000d.html#30 Secure Operating Systems
2000d.html#28 RS/6000 vs. System/390 architecture?
2000d.html#21 S/360 development burnout?
2000d.html#17 Where's all the VMers?
2000d.html#7 4341 was "Is a VAX a mainframe?"
2000d.html#2 IBM's "ASCI White" and "Big Blue" architecture?
2000d.html#0 Is a VAX a mainframe?
2000.html#93 Predictions and reality: the I/O Bottleneck
2000.html#92 Ux's good points
2000.html#86 Ux's good points
2000.html#75 Mainframe operating systems
2000.html#63 Mainframe operating systems
2000.html#44 Historically important UNIX or computer things
2000.html#12 I'm overwhelmed
aadsm22.htm#37 Meccano Trojans coming to a desktop near you
99.html#204 Core (word usage) was anti-equipment etc
99.html#188 Merced Processor Support at it again
99.html#187 Merced Processor Support at it again
99.html#183 Clustering systems
99.html#149 OS/360 (and descendants) VM system?
99.html#148 OS/360 (and descendants) VM system?
99.html#147 Dispute about Internet's origins
99.html#143 OS/360 (and descendants) VM system?
99.html#142 OS/360 (and descendants) VM system?
99.html#137 Mainframe emulation
99.html#136a checks (was S/390 on PowerPC?)
99.html#129 High Performance PowerPC
99.html#119 Computer, supercomputers & related
99.html#103 IBM 9020 computers used by FAA (was Re: EPO stories (was: HELP IT'S HOT!!!!!))
99.html#96 IEFBR14 cookie from
99.html#93 MVS vs HASP vs JES (was 2821)
99.html#90 CPU's directly executing HLL's (was Which programming languages)
99.html#75 Read if over 40 and have Mainframe background
99.html#74 Read if over 40 and have Mainframe background
99.html#67 System/1?
98.html#46 The god old days(???)
98.html#21 Reviving the OS/360 thread (Questions about OS/360)
98.html#17 S/360 operating systems geneaology
98.html#12 S/360 operating systems geneaology
98.html#6 OS with no distinction between RAM and HD?
97.html#29 IA64 Self Virtualizable?
97.html#28 IA64 Self Virtualizable?
97.html#22 Pre S/360 IBM Operating Systems?
97.html#20 Why Mainframes?
97.html#15 OSes commerical, history
97.html#13 OSes commerical, history
97.html#12 OSes commerical, history
97.html#11 OSes commerical, history
97.html#10 HELP! Chronology of word-processing
96.html#34 Mainframes & Unix
95.html#10 Virtual Memory (A return to the past?)
95.html#8 3330 Disk Drives
95.html#6 801
95.html#5 Who started RISC? (was: 64 bit Linux?)
95.html#3 What is an IBM 137/148???
95.html#2 Why is there only VM/370?
95.html#00 old mainframes & text processing
94.html#55 How Do the Old Mainframes Compare to Today's Micros?
94.html#54 How Do the Old Mainframes
94.html#52 Measuring Virtual Memory
94.html#51 Rethinking Virtual Memory
94.html#50 Rethinking Virtual Memory
94.html#49 Rethinking Virtual Memory
94.html#46 Rethinking Virtual Memory
94.html#44 bloat
94.html#43 Bloat, elegance, simplicity and other irrelevant concepts
94.html#38 IBM 370/195
94.html#35 mainframe CKD disks & PDS files (looong... warning)
94.html#33a High Speed Data Transport (HSDT)
94.html#27 370 ECPS VM microcode assist
94.html#23 CP spooling & programming technology
94.html#22 CP spooling & programming technology
94.html#21 370 ECPS VM microcode assist
94.html#18 CP/67 & OS MFT14
93.html#31 Big I/O or Kicking the Mainframe out the Door
93.html#29 Log Structured filesystems -- think twice
93.html#28 Log Structured filesystems -- think twice
93.html#21 Too much data on an actuator (was: 3.5 inch 9GB )
93.html#15 unit record & other controllers
93.html#12 managing large amounts of vm

top , by subject : technology , networking , public key , integrity , Boyd - home

Multiprocessor, tightly-coupled, SMP, compare&swap

2025b.html#42 IBM 70s & 80s
2025b.html#35 3081, 370/XA, MVS/XA
2025b.html#34 IBM 370/125
2025b.html#33 3081, 370/XA, MVS/XA
2025b.html#22 IBM San Jose and Santa Teresa Lab
2025.html#121 Clone 370 System Makers
2025.html#120 Microcode and Virtual Machine
2025.html#101 Clone 370 Mainframes
2025.html#53 Canned Software and OCO-Wars
2025.html#52 Canned Software and OCO-Wars
2025.html#43 Multics vs Unix
2025.html#42 Multics vs Unix
2025.html#32 IBM 3090
2025.html#25 Virtual Machine History
2025.html#20 Virtual Machine History
2025.html#19 Virtual Machine History
2025.html#6 IBM 37x5
2024g.html#112 Dataprocessing Innovation
2024g.html#110 IBM 370 Virtual Storage
2024g.html#109 Future System, Liquid Cooling, Clone 370s
2024g.html#89 IBM 4300 and 3370FBA
2024g.html#85 IBM S/38
2024g.html#84 IBM 4300 and 3370FBA
2024g.html#56 Compute Farm and Distributed Computing Tsunami
2024g.html#43 Apollo Computer
2024g.html#37 IBM Mainframe User Group SHARE
2024g.html#36 What is an N-bit machine?
2024g.html#26 IBM Move From Leased To Sales
2024f.html#121 IBM Downturn and Downfall
2024f.html#110 360/65 and 360/67
2024f.html#107 NSFnet
2024f.html#106 NSFnet
2024f.html#97 SHARE User Group Meeting October 1968 Film Restoration, IBM 360
2024f.html#90 SHARE User Group Meeting October 1968 Film Restoration, IBM 360
2024f.html#62 Amdahl and other trivia
2024f.html#50 IBM 3081 & TCM
2024f.html#46 IBM TCM
2024f.html#45 IBM 5100 and Other History
2024f.html#37 IBM 370/168
2024f.html#36 IBM 801/RISC, PC/RT, AS/400
2024f.html#29 IBM 370 Virtual memory
2024f.html#24 Future System, Single-Level-Store, S/38
2024f.html#21 Byte ordering
2024f.html#19 CSC Virtual Machine Work
2024f.html#17 The joy of FORTRAN
2024f.html#0 IBM Numeric Intensive
2024e.html#129 IBM 4300
2024e.html#119 IBM PC/RT AIX
2024e.html#116 what's a mainframe, was is Vax addressing sane today
2024e.html#115 what's a mainframe, was is Vax addressing sane today
2024e.html#113 370/125, Future System, 370-138/148
2024e.html#106 IBM 801/RISC
2024e.html#100 360, 370, post-370, multiprocessor
2024e.html#92 IBM TPF
2024e.html#83 Scheduler
2024e.html#67 The IBM Way by Buck Rogers
2024e.html#65 Amdahl
2024e.html#44 Netscape
2024e.html#37 Gene Amdahl
2024e.html#19 HONE, APL, IBM 5100
2024e.html#18 IBM Downfall and Make-over
2024e.html#6 2314 Disks
2024e.html#0 2314 Disks
2024d.html#101 Chipsandcheese article on the CDC6600
2024d.html#100 Chipsandcheese article on the CDC6600
2024d.html#91 Computer Virtual Memory
2024d.html#85 ATT/SUN and Open System Foundation
2024d.html#66 360/65, 360/67, 360/75 750ns memory
2024d.html#62 360/65, 360/67, 360/75 750ns memory
2024d.html#12 ADA, FAA ATS, FSD
2024d.html#10 Benchmarking and Testing
2024d.html#0 time-sharing history, Privilege Levels Below User
2024c.html#120 Disconnect Between Coursework And Real-World Computers
2024c.html#119 Financial/ATM Processing
2024c.html#100 IBM 4300
2024c.html#90 Gordon Bell2016f.html#28 Revival of pessimistic locking
2024c.html#77 Mainframe and Blade Servers
2024c.html#52 backward architecture, The Design of Design
2024c.html#51 third system syndrome, interactive use, The Design of Design
2024c.html#50 third system syndrome, interactive use, The Design of Design
2024c.html#40 CMS RED, XEDIT, IOS3270, FULIST, BROWSE
2024c.html#31 HONE &/or APL
2024c.html#20 IBM Millicode
2024c.html#16 CTSS, Multicis, CP67/CMS
2024c.html#15 360&370 Unix (and other history)
2024c.html#11 370 Multiprocessor
2024b.html#108 IBM 360 Announce 7Apr1964
2024b.html#105 IBM 360 Announce 7Apr1964
2024b.html#98 IBM 360 Announce 7Apr1964
2024b.html#96 Ferranti Atlas and Virtual Memory
2024b.html#69 3270s For Management
2024b.html#68 IBM Hardware Stories
2024b.html#61 Vintage MVS
2024b.html#48 Vintage 3033
2024b.html#18 IBM 5100
2024b.html#11 3033
2024.html#112 IBM User Group SHARE
2024.html#98 Whether something is RISC or not (Re: PDP-8 theology, not Concertina II Progress)
2024.html#96 IBM, Unix, editors
2024.html#88 IBM 360
2024.html#78 Mainframe Performance Optimization
2024.html#54 RS/6000 Mainframe
2024.html#46 RS/6000 Mainframe
2024.html#44 RS/6000 Mainframe
2024.html#36 RS/6000 Mainframe
2024.html#24 Tomasulo at IBM
2024.html#20 How IBM Stumbled onto RISC
2024.html#1 How IBM Stumbled onto RISC
2023g.html#106 Shared Memory Feature
2023g.html#103 More IBM Downfall
2023g.html#97 Shared Memory Feature
2023g.html#78 MVT, MVS, MVS/XA & Posix support
2023g.html#58 Multiprocessor
2023g.html#56 Future System, 115/125, 138/148, ECPS
2023g.html#45 Wheeler Scheduler
2023g.html#35 Vintage TSS/360
2023g.html#30 Vintage IBM OS/VU
2023g.html#29 Another IBM Downturn
2023g.html#23 Vintage 3081 and Water Cooling
2023g.html#22 Vintage Cray
2023g.html#16 370/125 VM/370
2023g.html#6 Vintage Future System
2023g.html#4 Vintage Future System
2023f.html#114 Copyright Software
2023f.html#113 360/67 Virtual Memory
2023f.html#93 CSC, HONE, 23Jun69 Unbundling, Future System
2023f.html#92 CSC, HONE, 23Jun69 Unbundling, Future System
2023f.html#89 Vintage IBM 709
2023f.html#87 FAA ATC, The Brawl in IBM 1964
2023f.html#86 FAA ATC, The Brawl in IBM 1964
2023f.html#81 Vintage Mainframe 3081D
2023f.html#80 Vintage Mainframe 3081D
2023f.html#57 Vintage IBM 370/125
2023f.html#48 IBM 360/65 and 360/67
2023f.html#41 Vintage IBM Mainframes & Minicomputers
2023f.html#36 Vintage IBM Mainframes & Minicomputers
2023f.html#27 Ferranti Atlas
2023e.html#102 CP/67, VM/370, VM/SP, VM/XA
2023e.html#100 CP/67, VM/370, VM/SP, VM/XA
2023e.html#91 CP/67, VM/370, VM/SP, VM/XA
2023e.html#87 CP/67, VM/370, VM/SP, VM/XA
2023e.html#75 microcomputers, minicomputers, mainframes, supercomputers
2023e.html#73 microcomputers, minicomputers, mainframes, supercomputers
2023e.html#72 microcomputers, minicomputers, mainframes, supercomputers
2023e.html#51 VM370/CMS Shared Segments
2023e.html#50 VM370/CMS Shared Segments
2023e.html#49 VM370/CMS Shared Segments
2023e.html#43 IBM 360/65 & 360/67 Multiprocessors
2023e.html#33 Copyright Software
2023e.html#31 3081 TCMs
2023e.html#22 Copyright Software
2023e.html#5 Boyd and OODA-loop
2023d.html#113 VM370
2023d.html#106 DASD, Channel and I/O long winded trivia
2023d.html#90 IBM 3083
2023d.html#87 545tech sq, 3rd, 4th, & 5th flrs
2023d.html#49 Computer Speed Gains Erased By Modern Software
2023d.html#36 "The Big One" (IBM 3033)
2023d.html#32 IBM 370/195
2023d.html#23 VM370, SMP, HONE
2023d.html#20 IBM 360/195
2023d.html#12 Ingenious librarians
2023d.html#9 IBM MVS RAS
2023c.html#106 Some 3033 (and other) Trivia
2023c.html#103 IBM Term "DASD"
2023c.html#77 IBM Big Blue, True Blue, Bleed Blue
2023c.html#61 VM/370 3270 Terminal
2023c.html#58 IBM Downfall
2023c.html#25 IBM Downfall
2023c.html#10 IBM Downfall
2023c.html#9 IBM Downfall
2023c.html#8 IBM Downfall
2023b.html#104 2023 IBM Poughkeepsie, NY
2023b.html#98 360 Announce Stories
2023b.html#86 Online systems fostering online communication
2023b.html#84 Clone/OEM IBM systems
2023b.html#82 IBM 158-3 (& 4341)
2023b.html#80 IBM 158-3 (& 4341)
2023b.html#55 IBM 3031, 3032, 3033
2023b.html#28 NEC processors banned for 386 industrial espionage?
2023b.html#6 z/VM 50th - part 7
2023b.html#0 IBM 370
2023.html#92 IBM 4341
2023.html#91 IBM 4341
2023.html#55 z/VM 50th - Part 6, long winded zm story (before z/vm)
2023.html#49 23Jun1969 Unbundling and Online IBM Branch Offices
2023.html#47 370/125 and MVCL instruction
2023.html#42 IBM AIX
2023.html#40 IBM AIX
2023.html#12 IBM Marketing, Sales, Branch Offices
2022h.html#112 TOPS-20 Boot Camp for VMS Users 05-Mar-2022
2022h.html#55 More John Boyd and OODA-loop
2022h.html#54 smaller faster cheaper, computer history thru the lens of esthetics versus economics
2022h.html#52 smaller faster cheaper, computer history thru the lens of esthetics versus economics
2022h.html#51 Sun Tzu, Aristotle, and John Boyd
2022h.html#49 smaller faster cheaper, computer history thru the lens of esthetics versus economics
2022h.html#35 360/85
2022h.html#17 Arguments for a Sane Instruction Set Architecture--5 years later
2022h.html#2 360/91
2022g.html#91 Stanford SLAC (and BAYBUNCH)
2022g.html#90 IBM Cambridge Science Center Performance Technology
2022g.html#87 CICS (and other history)
2022g.html#40 360/67 Virtual Memory
2022g.html#22 3081 TCMs
2022f.html#110 IBM Downfall
2022f.html#53 z/VM 50th - part 4
2022f.html#49 z/VM 50th - part 2
2022f.html#44 z/VM 50th
2022f.html#30 IBM Power: The Servers that Apple Should Have Created
2022f.html#29 IBM Power: The Servers that Apple Should Have Created
2022f.html#10 9 Mainframe Statistics That May Surprise You
2022e.html#99 Enhanced Production Operating Systems II
2022e.html#97 Enhanced Production Operating Systems II
2022e.html#96 Enhanced Production Operating Systems II
2022e.html#78 IBM Quota
2022e.html#55 Channel Program I/O Processing Efficiency
2022e.html#50 Channel Program I/O Processing Efficiency
2022e.html#7 RED and XEDIT fullscreen editors
2022d.html#66 VM/370 Turns 50 2Aug2022
2022d.html#63 VM/370 Turns 50 2Aug2022
2022d.html#62 IBM 360/50 Simulation From Its Microcode
2022d.html#61 IBM 360/50 Simulation From Its Microcode
2022d.html#57 CMS OS/360 Simulation
2022d.html#56 CMS OS/360 Simulation
2022d.html#34 Retrotechtacular: The IBM System/360 Remembered
2022d.html#31 COMPUTER HISTORY: REMEMBERING THE IBM SYSTEM/360 MAINFRAME, its Origin and Technology
2022d.html#22 COMPUTER HISTORY: REMEMBERING THE IBM SYSTEM/360 MAINFRAME, its Origin and Technology
2022d.html#12 Computer Server Market
2022d.html#11 Computer Server Market
2022c.html#106 TCMs & IBM Mainframe
2022c.html#9 Cloud Timesharing
2022b.html#94 Computer BUNCH
2022b.html#51 IBM History
2022b.html#32 IBM Cloud to offer Z-series mainframes for first time - albeit for test and dev
2022b.html#8 Porting APL to CP67/CMS
2022.html#112 GM C4 and IBM HA/CMP
2022.html#81 165/168/3033 & 370 virtual memory
2022.html#80 165/168/3033 & 370 virtual memory
2022.html#77 165/168/3033 & 370 virtual memory
2022.html#60 370/195
2022.html#31 370/195
2022.html#29 IBM HONE
2022.html#26 Is this group only about older computers?
2022.html#8 DEC VAX, VAX/Cluster and HA/CMP
2021k.html#58 Card Associations
2021k.html#50 VM/SP crashing all over the place
2021k.html#38 IBM Boeblingen
2021k.html#28 APL
2021k.html#23 MS/DOS for IBM/PC
2021j.html#108 168 Loosely-Coupled Configuration
2021j.html#59 Order of Knights VM
2021j.html#25 VM370, 3081, and AT&T Long Lines
2021j.html#5 IBM Lost Opportunities
2021i.html#78 IBM ACP/TPF
2021i.html#77 IBM ACP/TPF
2021i.html#75 IBM ITPS
2021i.html#41 not a 360 either, was Design a better 16 or 32 bit processor
2021i.html#16 A brief overview of IBM's new 7 nm Telum mainframe CPU
2021i.html#10 A brief overview of IBM's new 7 nm Telum mainframe CPU
2021h.html#91 IBM XT/370
2021h.html#67 CSC, Virtual Machines, Internet
2021h.html#51 OoO S/360 descendants
2021h.html#45 OoO S/360 descendants
2021h.html#44 OoO S/360 descendants
2021h.html#3 Cloud computing's destiny
2021g.html#90 Was E-mail a Mistake? The mathematics of distributed systems suggests that meetings might be better
2021g.html#71 the wonders of SABRE, was Magnetic Drum reservations 1952
2021g.html#70 the wonders of SABRE, was Magnetic Drum reservations 1952
2021g.html#34 IBM Fan-fold cards
2021f.html#40 IBM Mainframe
2021e.html#61 Performance Monitoring, Analysis, Simulation, etc
2021d.html#45 POK 370 Multiprocessor Machines
2021d.html#44 IBM Powerpoint sales presentations
2021d.html#43 IBM Powerpoint sales presentations
2021d.html#28 IBM 370/195
2021c.html#73 I/O processors, What could cause a comeback for big-endianism very slowly?
2021c.html#66 ACP/TPF 3083
2021b.html#80 AT&T Long-lines
2021b.html#44 HA/CMP Marketing
2021b.html#35 HONE story/history
2021b.html#34 HONE story/history
2021b.html#32 HONE story/history
2021b.html#23 IBM Recruiting
2021b.html#15 IBM Recruiting
2021.html#86 IBM Auditors and Games
2021.html#74 Airline Reservation System
2021.html#72 Airline Reservation System
2021.html#25 IBM Acronyms
2021.html#14 Unbundling and Kernel Software
2021.html#3 How an obscure British PC maker invented ARM and changed the world
2021.html#1 How an obscure British PC maker invented ARM and changed the world
2020.html#39 If Memory Had Been Cheaper
2019e.html#146 Water-cooled 360s?
2019e.html#108 Dyanmic Adaptive Resource Manager
2019e.html#29 IBM History
2019e.html#12 To Lynn Wheeler, if still observing
2019e.html#11 To Lynn Wheeler, if still observing
2019e.html#9 To Lynn Wheeler, if still observing
2019e.html#8 To Anne & Lynn Wheeler, if still observing
2019e.html#2 To Lynn Wheeler, if still observing
2019d.html#121 IBM Acronyms
2019d.html#108 IBM HONE
2019d.html#81 Where do byte orders come from, Nova vs PDP-11
2019d.html#67 Facebook Knows More About You Than the CIA
2019d.html#62 IBM 370/195
2019d.html#61 IBM 360/67
2019d.html#59 IBM 360/67
2019c.html#70 2301, 2303, 2305-1, 2305-2, paging, etc
2019c.html#46 IBM 9020
2019c.html#33 IBM Future System
2019c.html#12 mainframe hacking "success stories"?
2019b.html#80 TCM
2019b.html#14 Tandem Memo
2019.html#84 IBM 5100
2019.html#77 How many years ago?
2019.html#73 Backwards compatibility
2018f.html#52 All programmers that developed in machine code and Assembly in the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s died?
2018e.html#100 The (broken) economics of OSS
2018e.html#98 It's 1983: What computer would you buy?
2018e.html#94 It's 1983: What computer would you buy?
2018e.html#30 These Are the Best Companies to Work For in the U.S
2018e.html#23 Manned Orbiting Laboratory Declassified: Inside a US Military Space Station
2018e.html#20 Manned Orbiting Laboratory Declassified: Inside a US Military Space Station
2018e.html#15 Frank Heart Dies at 89
2018d.html#67 tablets and desktops was Has Microsoft
2018d.html#66 tablets and desktops was Has Microsoft
2018d.html#57 tablets and desktops was Has Microsoft
2018c.html#80 z/VM Live Guest Relocation
2018c.html#62 The IRS Really Needs Some New Computers
2018c.html#18 Old word processors
2018b.html#53 Think you know web browsers? Take this quiz and prove it
2018.html#88 IBM HONE system
2017k.html#65 Intrigued by IBM
2017k.html#60 SABRE after the 7090
2017k.html#59 branch avoidance on orthodox Stanford RISC
2017k.html#57 When did the home computer die?
2017k.html#40 IBM etc I/O channels?
2017k.html#39 IBM etc I/O channels?
2017k.html#33 Bad History
2017k.html#21 little old mainframes, Re: Was it ever worth it?
2017j.html#103 why VM, was thrashing
2017i.html#62 64 bit addressing into the future
2017i.html#61 64 bit addressing into the future
2017h.html#96 computer component reliability, 1951
2017h.html#62 computer component reliability, 1951
2017g.html#70 What is the most epic computer glitch you have ever seen?
2017g.html#39 360/95
2017g.html#15 HONE Systems
2017f.html#105 The IBM 7094 and CTSS
2017f.html#99 IBM downfall
2017f.html#32 MVS vs HASP vs JES (was 2821)
2017e.html#94 Migration off Mainframe to other platform
2017e.html#61 Typesetting
2017e.html#52 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#35 Mainframe Family tree and chronology 2
2017e.html#29 1967 new computer installations
2017e.html#18 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017d.html#82 Mainframe operating systems?
2017d.html#71 Software as a Replacement of Hardware
2017d.html#48 360 announce day
2017d.html#42 What are mainframes
2017c.html#95 GREAT presentation on the history of the mainframe
2017c.html#94 GREAT presentation on the history of the mainframe
2017c.html#86 GREAT presentation on the history of the mainframe
2017c.html#54 The ICL 2900
2017c.html#50 Mainframes after Future System
2017c.html#49 The ICL 2900
2017c.html#48 The ICL 2900
2017c.html#45 The ICL 2900
2017c.html#44 The ICL 2900
2017c.html#30 The ICL 2900
2017b.html#8 BSAM vs QSAM
2017.html#75 The ICL 2900
2017.html#74 The ICL 2900
2017.html#61 The ICL 2900
2017.html#59 The ICL 2900
2017.html#20 {wtf} Tymshare SuperBasic Source Code
2017.html#3 Is multiprocessing better then multithreading?
2016h.html#102 Multitasking question
2016h.html#98 A Christmassy PL/I tale
2016h.html#52 Resurrected! Paul Allen’s tech team brings 50-year -old supercomputer back from the dead
2016h.html#49 Resurrected! Paul Allen’s tech team brings 50-year -old supercomputer back from the dead
2016h.html#9 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016h.html#7 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016g.html#68 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016g.html#51 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016g.html#29 Computer hard drives have shrunk like crazy over the last 60 years -- here's a look back
2016g.html#15 Rogue sysadmins the target of Microsoft's new 'Shielded VM' security
2016f.html#91 ABO Automatic Binary Optimizer
2016f.html#86 3033
2016f.html#85 3033
2016f.html#33 Samsung's million-IOPS, 6.4TB, 64Gb/s SSD is ... well, quite something
2016f.html#31 Revival of pessimistic locking
2016e.html#114 IBM History
2016e.html#65 Dinosaurisation of we oldies?
2016e.html#45 How the internet was invented
2016e.html#37 How the internet was invented
2016e.html#17 Looking for info on IBM ATMs - 2984, 3614, and 3624
2016d.html#103 Multithreaded output to stderr and stdout
2016d.html#100 Multithreaded output to stderr and stdout
2016d.html#96 Multithreaded output to stderr and stdout
2016d.html#65 PL/I advertising
2016d.html#64 PL/I advertising
2016d.html#63 PL/I advertising
2016d.html#62 PL/I advertising
2016d.html#59 PL/I advertising
2016d.html#55 PL/I advertising
2016d.html#2 Does OODA-loop observation carry a lot of baggage
2016c.html#70 Microprocessor Optimization Primer
2016c.html#60 Which Books Can You Recommend For Learning Computer Programming?
2016c.html#56 Which Books Can You Recommend For Learning Computer Programming?
2016c.html#3 You count as an old-timer if (was Re: Origin of the phrase "XYZZY")
2016b.html#80 Asynchronous Interrupts
2016b.html#23 IBM's 3033; "The Big One": IBM's 3033
2016.html#83 DEC and The Americans
2016.html#82 DEC and The Americans
2016.html#78 Mainframe Virtual Memory
2016.html#74 Lineage of TPF
2016.html#63 Lineage of TPF
2015h.html#110 Is there a source for detailed, instruction-level performance info?
2015h.html#105 DOS descendant still lives was Re: slight reprieve on the z
2015h.html#43 Are we just running in place?
2015g.html#98 PROFS & GML
2015g.html#91 IBM 4341, introduced in 1979, was 26 times faster than the 360/30
2015g.html#85 New cache coherence scales logarithmically
2015g.html#76 First new cache-coherence mechanism in 30 years
2015g.html#75 The Phillipines in 2012
2015g.html#72 100 boxes of computer books on the wall
2015f.html#23 A Modest Proposal (for avoiding OOO)
2015d.html#84 ACP/TPF
2015d.html#39 Remember 3277?
2015d.html#14 3033 & 3081 question
2015c.html#107 crash, restart, and all that, was Your earliest dream?
2015c.html#69 A New Performance Model ?
2015c.html#30 IBM Z13
2015c.html#27 30 yr old email
2015c.html#26 OT: Digital? Cloud? Modern And Cost-Effective? Surprise! It's The Mainframe - Forbes
2015b.html#61 ou sont les VAXen d'antan, was Variable-Length Instructions that aren't
2015b.html#43 Connecting memory to 370/145 with only 36 bits
2015.html#85 a bit of hope? What was old is new again
2015.html#43 z13 "new"(?) characteristics from RedBook
2015.html#27 Webcasts - New Technology for System z
2014m.html#173 IBM Continues To Crumble
2014m.html#142 IBM Continues To Crumble
2014m.html#140 IBM Continues To Crumble
2014m.html#123 Holy Grail for parallel programming language
2014m.html#119 Holy Grail for parallel programming language
2014m.html#118 By the time we get to 'O' in OODA
2014m.html#107 IBM 360/85 vs. 370/165
2014m.html#105 IBM 360/85 vs. 370/165
2014m.html#19 Microsoft Open Sources .NET, Saying It Will Run on Linux and Mac
2014l.html#14 Do we really need 64-bit addresses or is 48-bit enough?
2014k.html#71 Bell Picturephone--early business application experiments
2014k.html#61 zOS 1.13 – CPU latent demand
2014k.html#48 1950: Northrop's Digital Differential Analyzer
2014j.html#99 No Internet. No Microsoft Windows. No iPods. This Is What Tech Was Like In 1984
2014i.html#82 z/OS physical memory usage with multiple copies of same load module at different virtual addresses
2014i.html#68 z/OS physical memory usage with multiple copies of same load module at different virtual addresses
2014h.html#6 Demonstrating Moore's law
2014g.html#105 Fifty Years of nitpicking definitions, was BASIC,theProgrammingLanguageT
2014g.html#103 Fifty Years of nitpicking definitions, was BASIC,theProgrammingLanguageT
2014g.html#90 Fifty Years of nitpicking definitions, was BASIC,theProgrammingLanguageT
2014f.html#56 Fifty Years of BASIC, the Programming Language That Made Computers Personal
2014f.html#50 Beyond the EC12
2014f.html#49 Beyond the EC12
2014f.html#21 Complete 360 and 370 systems found
2014e.html#15 Last Gasp for Hard Disk Drives
2014d.html#88 Parallel programming may not be so daunting
2014d.html#85 Parallel programming may not be so daunting
2014d.html#61 Difference between MVS and z / OS systems
2014d.html#59 Difference between MVS and z / OS systems
2014c.html#88 Optimization, CPU time, and related issues
2014c.html#64 Optimization, CPU time, and related issues
2014c.html#62 Optimization, CPU time, and related issues
2014b.html#35 OODA
2014.html#71 the suckage of MS-DOS, was Re: 'Free Unix!
2014.html#62 Imprecise Interrupts and the 360/195
2013o.html#85 Early !BM multiprocessors (renamed from Curiosity: TCB mapping macro name - why IKJTCB?)
2013o.html#55 Curiosity: TCB mapping macro name - why IKJTCB?
2013n.html#68 'Free Unix!': The world-changing proclamation made30yearsagotoday
2013n.html#65 'Free Unix!': The world-changing proclamation made30yearsagotoday
2013n.html#59 'Free Unix!': The world-changing proclamation made30yearsagotoday
2013n.html#50 'Free Unix!': The world-changing proclamation made30yearsagotoday
2013n.html#42 Serialization without Enque
2013n.html#23 Serialization without Enque
2013m.html#70 architectures, was Open source software
2013l.html#18 A Brief History of Cloud Computing
2013i.html#33 DRAM is the new Bulk Core
2013h.html#14 The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software
2013h.html#6 The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software
2013e.html#11 Relative price of S/370 AP and MP systems
2013c.html#67 relative speeds, was What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013c.html#37 PDP-10 byte instructions, was What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013c.html#22 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013c.html#21 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013b.html#37 AT&T Holmdel Computer Center films, 1973 Unix
2013.html#52 New HD
2013.html#48 New HD
2012p.html#16 HCF [was Re: AMC proposes 1980s computer TV series "Halt &Catch Fire"]
2012o.html#22 Assembler vs. COBOL--processing time, space needed
2012o.html#4 Unintended consequence of RISC simplicity?
2012n.html#40 history of Programming language and CPU in relation to each other
2012n.html#33 390 vector instruction set reuse, was 8-bit bytes
2012m.html#62 Another Light goes out
2012m.html#47 Official current definition of MVS
2012l.html#86 Etymology of APAR
2012k.html#62 Any cool anecdotes IBM 40yrs of VM
2012k.html#59 1132 printer history
2012k.html#18 1132 printer history
2012j.html#78 locks, semaphores and reference counting
2012j.html#77 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012j.html#71 Help with elementary CPU speed question
2012j.html#45 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012j.html#44 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012f.html#45 Hard Disk Drive Construction
2012f.html#43 Time to competency for new software language?
2012f.html#37 Hard Disk Drive Construction
2012e.html#96 Indirect Bit
2012e.html#38 A bit of IBM System 360 nostalgia
2012d.html#65 FAA 9020 - S/360-65 or S/360-67?
2012d.html#64 Layer 8: NASA unplugs last mainframe
2012c.html#43 M68k add to memory is not a mistake any more
2012c.html#29 5 Byte Device Addresses?
2011p.html#115 Start Interpretive Execution
2011p.html#77 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2011o.html#58 Bllue Waters (ibm version) is dead. Long live Blue Gene/Q
2011o.html#33 Data Areas?
2011n.html#31 big-little
2011l.html#55 Any candidates for best acronyms?
2011k.html#86 'smttter IBMdroids
2011k.html#84 'smttter IBMdroids
2011k.html#82 'smttter IBMdroids
2011k.html#80 Selectric Typewriter--50th Anniversary
2011k.html#79 Selectric Typewriter--50th Anniversary
2011k.html#62 Selectric Typewriter--50th Anniversary
2011k.html#61 Selectric Typewriter--50th Anniversary
2011j.html#10 program coding pads
2011j.html#5 What is an instruction?
2011i.html#77 program coding pads
2011h.html#20 When is performance really an issue? Was: Running an ISPF applicction from one pds
2011h.html#11 History of byte addressing
2011g.html#79 alignment, was History of byte addressing
2011g.html#7 Is the magic and romance killed by Windows (and Linux)?
2011g.html#6 Is the magic and romance killed by Windows (and Linux)?
2011f.html#60 Dyadic vs AP: Was "CPU utilization/forecasting"
2011f.html#50 Dyadic vs AP: Was "CPU utilization/forecasting"
2011f.html#49 Dyadic vs AP: Was "CPU utilization/forecasting"
2011d.html#72 Multiple Virtual Memory
2011d.html#60 Maybe off topic
2011c.html#38 IBM "Watson" computer and Jeopardy
2011c.html#27 If IBM Hadn't Bet the Company
2011c.html#26 If IBM Hadn't Bet the Company
2011b.html#70 vm/370 3081
2011b.html#68 vm/370 3081
2011b.html#62 vm/370 3081
2011b.html#61 VM13025 ... zombie/hung users
2011b.html#49 vm/370 3081
2011.html#28 Personal histories and IBM computing
2011.html#23 zLinux OR Linux on zEnterprise Blade Extension???
2011.html#6 IBM 360 display and Stanford Big Iron
2010q.html#12 X-memory POST question
2010o.html#30 Linux 2.6.37 kills the Big Kernel Lock
2010o.html#29 Linux 2.6.37 kills the Big Kernel Lock
2010m.html#15 History of Hard-coded Offsets
2010l.html#21 Titles for the Class of 1978
2010l.html#14 Age
2010l.html#9 Age
2010k.html#68 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010k.html#67 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010k.html#42 GML
2010k.html#30 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010j.html#54 Article says mainframe most cost-efficient platform
2010j.html#22 Personal use z/OS machines was Re: Multiprise 3k for personal Use?
2010j.html#20 Personal use z/OS machines was Re: Multiprise 3k for personal Use?
2010j.html#5 Problem Statement on the Cross-Realm Operation of Kerberos
2010i.html#78 IBM to announce new MF's this year
2010i.html#31 IBM Unix prehistory, someone smarter than Dave Cutler
2010i.html#6 45 years of Mainframe
2010h.html#86 Itanium had appeal
2010h.html#45 Processors stall on OLTP workloads about half the time--almost no matter what you do
2010h.html#44 Processors stall on OLTP workloads about half the time--almost no matter what you do
2010h.html#14 Posting ECB's, SRB's, Across Region Boundaries - Pre CMS
2010g.html#85 What is the protocal for GMT offset in SMTP (e-mail) header
2010g.html#80 What is the protocal for GMT offset in SMTP (e-mail) header time-stamp?
2010g.html#1 IA64
2010f.html#66 asymmetric multiprocessing
2010f.html#50 Handling multicore CPUs; what the competition is thinking
2010f.html#49 Nonlinear systems and nonlocal supercomputing
2010f.html#48 Nonlinear systems and nonlocal supercomputing
2010e.html#61 z9 / z10 instruction speed(s)
2010e.html#31 What was old is new again (water chilled)
2010e.html#25 HONE Compute Intensive
2010e.html#23 Item on TPF
2010d.html#42 search engine history, was Happy DEC-10 Day
2010d.html#39 search engine history, was Happy DEC-10 Day
2010d.html#20 search engine history, was Happy DEC-10 Day
2010c.html#47 Extracting STDOUT data from USS
2010b.html#67 How long for IBM System/360 architecture and its descendants?
2010.html#43 Happy DEC-10 Day
2010.html#0 Problem with XP scheduler?
2009s.html#62 Problem with XP scheduler?
2009s.html#59 Problem with XP scheduler?
2009s.html#54 Problem with XP scheduler?
2009s.html#29 channels, was Larrabee delayed: anyone know what's happening?
2009s.html#0 tty
2009r.html#59 "Portable" data centers
2009q.html#74 Now is time for banks to replace core system according to Accenture
2009p.html#82 What would be a truly relational operating system ?
2009o.html#77 Is it time to stop research in Computer Architecture ?
2009o.html#70 cpu upgrade
2009o.html#57 U.S. begins inquiry of IBM in mainframe market
2009o.html#46 U.S. begins inquiry of IBM in mainframe market
2009o.html#29 Justice Department probing allegations of abuse by IBM in mainframe computer market
2009o.html#17 Broken hardware was Re: Broken Brancher
2009o.html#14 Microprocessors with Definable MIcrocode
2009o.html#13 Microprocessors with Definable MIcrocode
2009o.html#0 Best IEFACTRT (off topic)
2009l.html#65 ACP, One of the Oldest Open Source Apps
2009l.html#55 IBM halves mainframe Linux engine prices
2009l.html#40 Old-school programming techniques you probably don't miss
2009k.html#66 A Complete History Of Mainframe Computing
2009k.html#14 A Complete History Of Mainframe Computing
2009k.html#10 A Complete History Of Mainframe Computing
2009k.html#8 A Complete History Of Mainframe Computing
2009i.html#36 SEs & History Lessons
2009i.html#32 Why are z/OS people reluctant to use z/OS UNIX?
2009h.html#80 64 Cores -- IBM is showing a prototype already
2009h.html#77 Operating Systems for Virtual Machines
2009h.html#7 The coming death of all RISC chips
2009f.html#66 How did the monitor work under TOPS?
2009d.html#53 mainframe performance
2009d.html#25 Can TOD (STCKE) be compressed into 12 bytes
2009b.html#43 "Larrabee" GPU design question
2009b.html#39 "Larrabee" GPU design question
2009.html#30 the Z/10 and timers
2009.html#28 the Z/10 and timers
2009.html#5 Is SUN going to become x86'ed ??
2008r.html#73 Curiousity: largest parallel sysplex around?
2008r.html#72 Curiousity: largest parallel sysplex around?
2008r.html#44 another one biting the dust?
2008r.html#1 What is better faster CPU speed or wider bus?
2008p.html#33 Making tea
2008m.html#24 Some confusion about virtual cache
2008m.html#2 Yet another squirrel question - Results (very very long post)
2008l.html#78 Yet another squirrel question - Results (very very long post)
2008l.html#56 Intel: an expensive many-core future is ahead of us
2008l.html#55 Intel: an expensive many-core future is ahead of us
2008k.html#72 Transactional Memory
2008k.html#63 Intel: an expensive many-core future is ahead of us
2008j.html#81 How powerful C64 may have been if it used an 8 Mhz 8088 or 68008 ?microprocessor (with otherwise the same hardware)?
2008j.html#50 Another difference between platforms
2008j.html#42 Intel: an expensive many-core future is ahead of us
2008i.html#100 OS X Finder windows vs terminal window weirdness
2008i.html#57 Microsoft versus Digital Equipment Corporation
2008i.html#44 Are multicore processors driving application developers to explore multithreaded programming options?
2008i.html#38 American Airlines
2008i.html#28 Scalable Nonblocking Data Structures
2008i.html#18 Microsoft versus Digital Equipment Corporation
2008i.html#6 Removing the Big Kernel Lock
2008i.html#5 Microsoft versus Digital Equipment Corporation
2008i.html#3 Microsoft versus Digital Equipment Corporation
2008i.html#2 Microsoft versus Digital Equipment Corporation
2008h.html#94 Microsoft versus Digital Equipment Corporation
2008h.html#91 Microsoft versus Digital Equipment Corporation
2008h.html#53 Why 'pop' and not 'pull' the complementary action to 'push' for a stack
2008h.html#25 Two views of Microkernels (Re: Kernels
2008g.html#56 performance of hardware dynamic scheduling
2008g.html#14 Was CMS multi-tasking?
2008f.html#74 Multicore boom needs new developer skills
2008f.html#48 Wintel, Universities Team On Parallel Programming
2008f.html#42 Panic in Multicore Land
2008f.html#37 Panic in Multicore Land
2008e.html#67 Any benefit to programming a RISC processor by hand?
2008e.html#40 Fantasy-Land_Hierarchal_NUMA_Memory-Model_on_Vertical
2008e.html#32 CPU time differences for the same job
2008d.html#90 Berkeley researcher describes parallel path
2008d.html#89 Berkeley researcher describes parallel path
2008c.html#92 CPU time differences for the same job
2008c.html#79 WSCHED and WSYNC
2008c.html#78 CPU time differences for the same job
2008c.html#29 New Opcodes
2008b.html#69 How does ATTACH pass address of ECB to child?
2008b.html#65 How does ATTACH pass address of ECB to child?
2008b.html#60 How does ATTACH pass address of ECB to child?
2008b.html#58 How does ATTACH pass address of ECB to child?
2008b.html#51 How does ATTACH pass address of ECB to child?
2008b.html#50 How does ATTACH pass address of ECB to child?
2008b.html#48 How does ATTACH pass address of ECB to child?
2008b.html#47 How does ATTACH pass address of ECB to child?
2008b.html#31 How does ATTACH pass address of ECB to child?
2008b.html#0 on-demand computing
2008.html#16 No Glory for the PDP-15
2007v.html#47 MTS memories
2007v.html#28 folklore indeed
2007v.html#7 Faster Chips Are Leaving Programmers in Their Dust
2007u.html#1 T3 Sues IBM To Break its Mainframe Monopoly
2007t.html#76 T3 Sues IBM To Break its Mainframe Monopoly
2007t.html#37 Intel memory latencies
2007s.html#39 CSA 'above the bar'
2007s.html#33 Age of IBM VM
2007r.html#44 complicated address generation unit?
2007p.html#69 GETMAIN/FREEMAIN and virtual storage backing up
2007p.html#55 Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard?
2007p.html#19 zH/OS (z/OS on Hercules for personal use only)
2007o.html#48 Virtual Storage implementation
2007o.html#37 Each CPU usage
2007o.html#12 more transactional memory for mutlithread/multiprocessor operation
2007n.html#95 The Unexpected Fact about the First Computer Programmer
2007n.html#1 Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard?
2007m.html#59 Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard?
2007m.html#52 Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard?
2007m.html#49 Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard?
2007m.html#26 Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard?
2007m.html#22 Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard?
2007m.html#19 Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard?
2007m.html#14 Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard?
2007m.html#13 Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard?
2007m.html#2 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007l.html#65 mainframe = superserver
2007l.html#63 Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard?
2007l.html#60 Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard?
2007l.html#42 My Dream PC -- Chip-Based
2007l.html#38 Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard?
2007l.html#26 Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard?
2007l.html#24 Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard?
2007l.html#19 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007l.html#15 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007j.html#62 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007j.html#56 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007j.html#32 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007j.html#23 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007j.html#18 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007i.html#78 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007i.html#49 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007i.html#31 Latest Principles of Operation
2007g.html#73 The Perfect Computer - 36 bits?
2007g.html#44 1960s: IBM mgmt mistrust of SLT for ICs?
2007g.html#17 The Perfect Computer - 36 bits?
2007g.html#16 What's a CPU second?
2007f.html#14 more shared segment archeology
2007f.html#12 FBA rant
2007f.html#11 Is computer history taught now?
2007f.html#10 Beyond multicore
2007e.html#22 A way to speed up level 1 caches
2007e.html#8 ISA Support for Multithreading
2007e.html#0 ISA Support for Multithreading
2007c.html#47 SVCs
2007c.html#24 "The Elements of Programming Style"
2007c.html#4 "The Elements of Programming Style"
2007b.html#18 How many 36-bit Unix ports in the old days?
2007.html#46 How many 36-bit Unix ports in the old days?
2007.html#44 vm/sp1
2006y.html#26 moving on
2006y.html#17 The Future of CPUs: What's After Multi-Core?
2006x.html#25 Executing both branches in advance ?
2006x.html#10 The Future of CPUs: What's After Multi-Core?
2006v.html#21 The Future of CPUs: What's After Multi-Core?
2006u.html#17 Why so little parallelism?
2006u.html#15 To RISC or not to RISC
2006t.html#22 threads versus task
2006s.html#55 Is the teaching of non-reentrant HLASM coding practices ever defensible?
2006s.html#53 Is the teaching of non-reentrant HLASM coding practices ever defensible?
2006s.html#21 Very slow booting and running and brain-dead OS's?
2006s.html#19 Very slow booting and running and brain-dead OS's?
2006r.html#22 Was FORTRAN buggy?
2006r.html#2 Was FORTRAN buggy?
2006q.html#34 Was FORTRAN buggy?
2006q.html#24 "25th Anniversary of the Personal Computer"
2006q.html#9 Is no one reading the article?
2006q.html#0 PowerPC or PARISC?
2006o.html#59 Why no double wide compare and swap on Sparc?
2006n.html#44 Any resources on VLIW?
2006m.html#27 Old Hashing Routine
2006l.html#65 Why no double wide compare and swap on Sparc?
2006l.html#43 One or two CPUs - the pros & cons
2006l.html#30 One or two CPUs - the pros & cons
2006j.html#23 virtual memory
2006h.html#46 blast from the past, tcp/ip, project athena and kerberos
2006e.html#25 About TLB in lower-level caches
2006d.html#6 IBM 610 workstation computer
2006d.html#5 IBM 610 workstation computer
2006d.html#2 IBM 610 workstation computer
2006c.html#47 IBM 610 workstation computer
2006c.html#45 IBM 610 workstation computer
2006c.html#42 IBM 610 workstation computer
2006c.html#40 IBM 610 workstation computer
2006c.html#8 IBM 610 workstation computer
2006c.html#7 IBM 610 workstation computer
2006b.html#40 another blast from the past ... vamps
2006b.html#22 Would multi-core replace SMPs?
2006.html#34 UMA vs SMP? Clarification of terminology
2006.html#32 UMA vs SMP? Clarification of terminology
2006.html#16 Would multi-core replace SMPs?
2006.html#14 Would multi-core replace SMPs?
2006.html#13 VM maclib reference
2005v.html#0 DMV systems?
2005s.html#40 Filemode 7-9?
2005s.html#38 MVCIN instruction
2005s.html#21 MVCIN instruction
2005r.html#46 Numa-Q Information
2005r.html#44 Numa-Q Information
2005r.html#5 What ever happened to Tandem and NonStop OS ?
2005q.html#49 What ever happened to Tandem and NonStop OS ?
2005q.html#15 HASP/ASP JES/JES2/JES3
2005q.html#8 What ever happened to Tandem and NonStop OS ?
2005p.html#39 What ever happened to Tandem and NonStop OS ?
2005p.html#22 Multicores
2005o.html#44 Intel engineer discusses their dual-core design
2005o.html#38 SHARE reflections
2005o.html#37 What ever happened to Tandem and NonStop OS ?
2005n.html#47 Anyone know whether VM/370 EDGAR is still available anywhere?
2005n.html#38 What was new&important in computer architecture 10 years ago ?
2005n.html#21 Code density and performance?
2005n.html#6 Cache coherency protocols: Write-update versus write-invalidate
2005n.html#4 54 Processors?
2005m.html#55 54 Processors?
2005m.html#48 Code density and performance?
2005m.html#47 Code density and performance?
2005m.html#43 Code density and performance?
2005k.html#53 Performance and Capacity Planning
2005k.html#51 Performance and Capacity Planning
2005k.html#47 Performance and Capacity Planning
2005k.html#46 Performance and Capacity Planning
2005k.html#45 Performance and Capacity Planning
2005k.html#42 wheeler scheduler and hpo
2005j.html#28 NASA Discovers Space Spies From the 60's
2005j.html#25 IBM Plugs Big Iron to the College Crowd
2005j.html#17 Performance and Capacity Planning
2005j.html#16 Performance and Capacity Planning
2005i.html#40 Friday question: How far back is PLO instruction supported?
2005h.html#22 Today's mainframe--anything to new?
2005g.html#55 Security via hardware?
2005f.html#46 Moving assembler programs above the line
2005f.html#41 Moving assembler programs above the line
2005e.html#35 Thou shalt have no other gods before the ANSI C standard
2005d.html#64 Misuse of word "microcode"
2005d.html#41 Thou shalt have no other gods before the ANSI C standard
2005d.html#20 shared memory programming on distributed memory model?
2005c.html#42 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2005.html#40 clusters vs shared-memory (was: Re: CAS and LL/SC (was Re: High Level Assembler for MVS & VM & VSE))
2005.html#39 CAS and LL/SC (was Re: High Level Assembler for MVS & VM & VSE)
2005.html#26 Network databases
2005.html#22 The Soul of Barb's New Machine (was Re: creat)
2005.html#21 The Soul of Barb's New Machine (was Re: creat)
2004q.html#58 CAS and LL/SC (was Re: High Level Assembler for MVS & VM & VSE)
2004q.html#40 Tru64 and the DECSYSTEM 20
2004q.html#39 CAS and LL/SC
2004q.html#38 CAS and LL/SC
2004q.html#36 CAS and LL/SC
2004q.html#30 High Level Assembler for MVS & VM & VSE
2004p.html#64 Systems software versus applications software definitions
2004p.html#20 Systems software versus applications software definitions
2004p.html#8 vm/370 smp support and shared segment protection hack
2004o.html#45 Integer types for 128-bit addressing
2004o.html#33 Integer types for 128-bit addressing
2004n.html#38 RS/6000 in Sysplex Environment
2004m.html#58 Shipwrecks
2004m.html#5 Tera
2004m.html#1 Tera
2004l.html#77 Tera
2004l.html#70 computer industry scenairo before the invention of the PC?
2004l.html#67 Lock-free algorithms
2004l.html#66 Lock-free algorithms
2004l.html#59 Lock-free algorithms
2004l.html#56 project athena & compare and swap
2004l.html#55 Access to AMD 64 bit developer centre
2004l.html#6 Xah Lee's Unixism
2004k.html#42 65nm news from Intel
2004k.html#39 August 23, 1957
2004k.html#2 Linguistic Determinism
2004j.html#25 Wars against bad things
2004g.html#2 Text Adventures (which computer was first?)
2004f.html#26 command line switches [Re: [REALLY OT!] Overuse of symbolic
2004f.html#25 Infiniband - practicalities for small clusters
2004f.html#21 Infiniband - practicalities for small clusters
2004f.html#3 Infiniband - practicalities for small clusters
2004e.html#52 Infiniband - practicalities for small clusters
2004e.html#44 Infiniband - practicalities for small clusters
2004e.html#30 The attack of the killer mainframes
2004d.html#62 microsoft antitrust
2004d.html#43 [OT] Microsoft aggressive search plans revealed
2004d.html#12 real multi-tasking, multi-programming
2004c.html#58 real multi-tasking, multi-programming
2004c.html#46 IBM 360 memory
2004c.html#37 Memory Affinity
2004c.html#35 Computer-oriented license plates
2004b.html#57 PLO instruction
2004.html#27 dual processors: not just for breakfast anymore?
2004.html#25 40th anniversary of IBM System/360 on 7 Apr 2004
2004.html#7 Dyadic
2004.html#1 Saturation Design Point
2003p.html#3 Hyperthreading vs. SMP
2003n.html#45 hung/zombie users ... long boring, wandering story
2003n.html#29 Architect Mainframe system - books/guidenance
2003j.html#58 atomic memory-operation question
2003h.html#5 IBM says AMD dead in 5yrs ... -- Microsoft Monopoly vs. IBM
2003g.html#30 One Processor is bad?
2003g.html#15 Disk capacity and backup solutions
2003e.html#67 The Pentium 4 - RIP?
2003e.html#56 Reviving Multics
2003.html#14 rebirth
2003.html#8 rebirth
2003.html#7 rebirth
2003.html#5 rebirth
2002p.html#58 AMP vs SMP
2002o.html#26 Relocation, was Re: Early computer games
2002l.html#69 The problem with installable operating systems
2002l.html#25 Do any architectures use instruction count instead of timer
2002l.html#18 ISAs, SMP and hardware optimisations
2002k.html#66 OT (sort-of) - Does it take math skills to do data processing ?
2002j.html#45 M$ SMP and old time IBM's LCMP
2002i.html#83 HONE
2002i.html#82 HONE
2002i.html#80 HONE
2002i.html#25 CDC6600 - just how powerful a machine was it?
2002h.html#57 Future architecture [was Re: Future micro-architecture: ]
2002h.html#55 Future architecture [was Re: Future micro-architecture: ]
2002h.html#46 Future architecture
2002h.html#45 Future architecture [was Re: Future micro-architecture: ]
2002h.html#24 PowerPC Mainframe
2002h.html#21 PowerPC Mainframe
2002c.html#9 IBM Doesn't Make Small MP's Anymore
2002b.html#61 Filesystem namespaces (was Re: Serving non-MS-word .doc files (wasRe: PDP-10 Archive migrationplan))
2002b.html#60 Filesystem namespaces (was Re: Serving non-MS-word .doc files (wasRe: PDP-10 Archive migrationplan))
2001n.html#64 The demise of compaq
2001n.html#31 Hercules etc. IBM not just missing a great opportunity...
2001l.html#32 mainframe question
2001l.html#24 mainframe question
2001k.html#67 SMP idea for the future
2001k.html#66 SMP idea for the future
2001k.html#65 SMP idea for the future
2001k.html#57 SMP idea for the future
2001k.html#48 Common uses of multiprogramming on mainframes computer? Help!! Please
2001k.html#47 SMP idea for the future
2001k.html#45 SMP idea for the future
2001k.html#12 Minimalist design (was Re: Parity - why even or odd)
2001k.html#8 Minimalist design (was Re: Parity - why even or odd)
2001j.html#48 Pentium 4 SMT "Hyperthreading"
2001j.html#27 Pentium 4 SMT "Hyperthreading"
2001j.html#19 I hate Compaq
2001j.html#18 I hate Compaq
2001j.html#17 I hate Compaq
2001j.html#12 OT - Internet Explorer V6.0
2001i.html#39 IBM OS Timeline?
2001i.html#34 IBM OS Timeline?
2001i.html#3 Most complex instructions (was Re: IBM 9020 FAA/ATC Systems from 1960's)
2001i.html#2 Most complex instructions (was Re: IBM 9020 FAA/ATC Systems from 1960's)
2001h.html#34 D
2001h.html#17 IBM 9020 FAA/ATC Systems from 1960's
2001h.html#9 VM: checking some myths.
2001h.html#1 Alpha: an invitation to communicate
2001g.html#49 Did AT&T offer Unix to Digital Equipment in the 70s?
2001g.html#9 Test and Set (TS) vs Compare and Swap (CS)
2001g.html#8 Test and Set (TS) vs Compare and Swap (CS)
2001g.html#4 Extended memory error recovery
2001f.html#76 Test and Set (TS) vs Compare and Swap (CS)
2001f.html#75 Test and Set (TS) vs Compare and Swap (CS)
2001f.html#74 Test and Set (TS) vs Compare and Swap (CS)
2001f.html#73 Test and Set (TS) vs Compare and Swap (CS)
2001f.html#70 Test and Set (TS) vs Compare and Swap (CS)
2001f.html#69 Test and Set (TS) vs Compare and Swap (CS)
2001f.html#67 IBM mainframe reference online?
2001f.html#61 Test and Set (TS) vs Compare and Swap (CS)
2001f.html#56 any 70's era supercomputers that ran as slow as today's supercomputers?
2001f.html#43 Golden Era of Compilers
2001f.html#41 Test and Set (TS) vs Compare and Swap (CS)
2001f.html#23 MERT Operating System & Microkernels
2001e.html#74 CS instruction, when introducted?
2001e.html#73 CS instruction, when introducted?
2001d.html#70 Pentium 4 Prefetch engine?
2001d.html#69 Block oriented I/O over IP
2001d.html#26 why the machine word size is in radix 8??
2001c.html#66 KI-10 vs. IBM at Rutgers
2001c.html#13 LINUS for S/390
2001b.html#85 what makes a cpu fast
2001b.html#74 Z/90, S/390, 370/ESA (slightly off topic)
2001b.html#56 Why SMP at all anymore?
2001b.html#39 John Mashey's greatest hits
2001b.html#37 John Mashey's greatest hits
2001b.html#35 John Mashey's greatest hits
2001b.html#33 John Mashey's greatest hits
2001.html#66 what is interrupt mask register?
2001.html#26 Disk caching and file systems. Disk history...people forget
2001.html#18 Disk caching and file systems. Disk history...people forget
2001.html#13 Review of Steve McConnell's AFTER THE GOLD RUSH
2000g.html#32 Multitasking and resource sharing
2000g.html#27 Could CDR-coding be on the way back?
2000g.html#11 360/370 instruction cycle time
2000f.html#34 Optimal replacement Algorithm
2000f.html#30 OT?
2000e.html#58 Why not an IBM zSeries workstation?
2000e.html#25 Test and Set: Which architectures have indivisible instructions?
2000e.html#22 Is a VAX a mainframe?
2000e.html#8 Is a VAX a mainframe?
2000e.html#7 Ridiculous
2000e.html#6 Ridiculous
2000e.html#4 Ridiculous
2000e.html#2 Ridiculous
2000d.html#31 RS/6000 vs. System/390 architecture?
2000d.html#11 4341 was "Is a VAX a mainframe?"
2000d.html#10 4341 was "Is a VAX a mainframe?"
2000d.html#9 4341 was "Is a VAX a mainframe?"
2000c.html#79 Unisys vs IBM mainframe comparisons
2000c.html#68 Does the word "mainframe" still have a meaning?
2000c.html#30 internal corporate network, misc
2000c.html#21 Cache coherence [was Re: TF-1]
2000c.html#14 thread scheduling and cache coherence traffic
2000c.html#9 Cache coherence [was Re: TF-1]
2000c.html#4 TF-1
2000b.html#65 oddly portable machines
2000.html#92 Ux's good points
2000.html#78 Mainframe operating systems
99.html#176 S/360 history
99.html#149 OS/360 (and descendants) VM system?
99.html#139 OS/360 (and descendants) VM system?
99.html#103 IBM 9020 computers used by FAA (was Re: EPO stories (was: HELP IT'S HOT!!!!!))
99.html#97 Power4 = 2 cpu's on die?
99.html#89 FIne-grained locking
99.html#88 FIne-grained locking
98.html#58 Reliability and SMPs
98.html#57 Reliability and SMPs
98.html#40 Comparison Cluster vs SMP?
98.html#26 Merced & compilers (was Re: Effect of speed ... )
98.html#25 Merced & compilers (was Re: Effect of speed ... )
98.html#24 Fear of Multiprocessing?
98.html#23 Fear of Multiprocessing?
98.html#16 S/360 operating systems geneaology
98.html#12 S/360 operating systems geneaology
98.html#8 Old Vintage Operating Systems
97.html#19 Why Mainframes?
97.html#10 HELP! Chronology of word-processing
97.html#5 360/44 (was Re: IBM 1130 (was Re: IBM 7090--used for business or
97.html#4 Mythical beasts (was IBM... mainframe)
96.html#0b Hypothetical performance question
95.html#14 characters
95.html#11 801 & power/pc
95.html#8a atomic load/store, esp. multi-CPU
95.html#6 801
95.html#5 Who started RISC? (was: 64 bit Linux?)
95.html#3a SMP, Sequent Computer Systems, and software
95.html#3 What is an IBM 137/148???
95.html#1 pathlengths
94.html#45 SMP, Spin Locks and Serialized Access
94.html#38 IBM 370/195
94.html#27 370 ECPS VM microcode assist
94.html#10 lru, clock, random & dynamic adaptive
94.html#7 IBM 7090 (360s, 370s, apl, etc)
94.html#2 Schedulers
94.html#02 Register to Memory Swap
94.html#01 Big I/O or Kicking the Mainframe out the Door
93.html#31 Big I/O or Kicking the Mainframe out the Door
93.html#26 MTS & LLMPS?
93.html#24 Multicpu's ready for the masses yet?
93.html#22 Assembly language program for RS600 for mutual exclusion
93.html#0 360/67, was Re: IBM's Project F/S?

top , by subject : technology , networking , public key , integrity , Boyd - home

Cluster, High Availability and/or Loosely-Coupled

HA/CMP scale-up meeting with Oracle
95.html#13, 96.html#15
and some old background email on HA/CMP scale-up (i.e. HA/MEDUSA)
cluster computing, 29Jan92, same day from office of IBM FSD president
nearly immediately, project transferred and we were told we couldn't work on anything with more than four processors
Computerworld news 17feb1992 (from wayback machine) ... IBM establishes laboratory to develop parallel systems (pg8)
... scientific and technical only
... caught by surprise
and other related topics
Peer-coupled shared data -- continuous availability, disaster survivability

2025b.html#41 AIM, Apple, IBM, Motorola
2025b.html#36 FAA ATC, The Brawl in IBM 1964
2025b.html#32 Forget About Cloud Computing. On-Premises Is All the Rage Again
2025b.html#30 Some Career Highlights
2025b.html#26 IBM 3880, 3380, Data-streaming
2025b.html#22 IBM San Jose and Santa Teresa Lab
2025b.html#8 The joy of FORTRAN
2025b.html#5 RDBMS, SQL/DS, DB2, HA/CMP
2025b.html#2 Why VAX Was the Ultimate CISC and Not RISC
2025.html#125 The joy of FORTRAN
2025.html#119 Consumer and Commercial Computers
2025.html#106 Giant Steps for IBM?
2025.html#104 Mainframe dumps and debugging
2025.html#89 Wang Terminals (Re: old pharts, Multics vs Unix)
2025.html#86 Big Iron Throughput
2025.html#76 old pharts, Multics vs Unix vs mainframes
2025.html#57 Multics vs Unix
2025.html#54 Multics vs Unix
2025.html#37 IBM Mainframe
2025.html#24 IBM Mainframe Comparison
2025.html#23 IBM NY Buildings
2024g.html#76 Creative Ways To Say How Old You Are
2024g.html#103 John Boyd and Deming
2024g.html#102 CP/67 Multics vs Unix
2024g.html#94 CP/67 Multics vs Unix
2024g.html#88 Creative Ways To Say How Old You Are
2024g.html#83 IBM PC/RT
2024g.html#82 IBM S/38
2024g.html#80 The New Internet Thing
2024g.html#76 Creative Ways To Say How Old You Are
2024g.html#57 FCS, ESCON, FICON
2024g.html#51 IBM RS/6000
2024g.html#46 IT Career Memory
2024g.html#43 Apollo Computer
2024g.html#27 IBM Unbundling, Software Source and Priced
2024g.html#25 Taligent
2024g.html#21 The New Internet Thing
2024g.html#20 The New Internet Thing
2024g.html#16 ARPANET And Science Center Network
2024g.html#5 IBM Transformational Change
2024g.html#3 IBM CKD DASD
2024f.html#121 IBM Downturn and Downfall
2024f.html#109 NSFnet
2024f.html#73 IBM 2250 Hypertext Editing System
2024f.html#70 The joy of FORTH (not)
2024f.html#67 IBM "THINK"
2024f.html#47 Postel, RFC Editor, Internet
2024f.html#36 IBM 801/RISC, PC/RT, AS/400
2024f.html#25 Future System, Single-Level-Store, S/38
2024f.html#21 Byte ordering
2024f.html#18 The joy of RISC
2024f.html#15 CSC Virtual Machine Work
2024f.html#3 Emulating vintage computers
2024f.html#0 IBM Numeric Intensive
2024e.html#138 IBM - Making The World Work Better
2024e.html#130 Scalable Computing
2024e.html#121 IBM PC/RT AIX
2024e.html#118 big, fast, etc, was is Vax addressing sane today
2024e.html#117 what's a mainframe, was is Vax addressing sane today
2024e.html#111 Viewgraph, Transparency, Viewfoil
2024e.html#108 Auto C4 Taskforce
2024e.html#105 IBM 801/RISC
2024e.html#88 IBM DB2
2024e.html#83 Scheduler
2024e.html#78 IBM DB2
2024e.html#75 IBM San Jose
2024e.html#63 RS/6000, PowerPC, AS/400
2024e.html#62 RS/6000, PowerPC, AS/400
2024e.html#59 Article on new mainframe use
2024e.html#55 Article on new mainframe use
2024e.html#41 Netscape
2024e.html#22 Disk Capacity and Channel Performance
2024d.html#104 What happens to old MAC assignments?
2024d.html#97 Mainframe Integrity
2024d.html#85 ATT/SUN and Open System Foundation
2024d.html#84 ATT/SUN and Open System Foundation
2024d.html#57 Seymour Cray and the Dawn of Supercomputing
2024d.html#52 Cray
2024d.html#50 Architectural implications of locate mode I/O
2024d.html#48 Architectural implications of locate mode I/O
2024d.html#14 801/RISC
2024d.html#12 ADA, FAA ATC, FSD
2024d.html#6 Disconnect Between Coursework And Real-World Computers
2024d.html#5 Disconnect Between Coursework And Real-World Computers
2024d.html#4 Disconnect Between Coursework And Real-World Computers
2024c.html#114 Disconnect Between Coursework And Real-World Computers
2024c.html#112 Multithreading
2024c.html#105 Financial/ATM Processing
2024c.html#92 TCP Joke
2024c.html#81 Inventing The Internet
2024c.html#79 Mainframe and Blade Servers
2024c.html#71 IBM 3705 & 3725
2024c.html#70 IBM 3705 & 3725
2024c.html#64 HTTP over TCP
2024c.html#60 IBM "Winchester" Disk
2024c.html#54 IBM 3705 & 3725
2024c.html#42 Netscape
2024c.html#18 CP40/CMS
2024c.html#7 Testing
2024c.html#3 ReBoot Hill Revisited
2024c.html#1 Disk & TCP/IP I/O
2024b.html#116 Disk & TCP/IP I/O
2024b.html#111 IBM 360 Announce 7Apr1964
2024b.html#110 IBM 360 Announce 7Apr1964
2024b.html#106 OSI: The Internet That Wasn't
2024b.html#101 OSI: The Internet That Wasn't
2024b.html#98 IBM 360 Announce 7Apr1964
2024b.html#93 PC370
2024b.html#80 IBM DBMS/RDBMS
2024b.html#73 Vintage IBM, RISC, Internet
2024b.html#70 HSDT, HA/CMP, NSFNET, Internet
2024b.html#55 IBM Token-Ring
2024b.html#44 Mainframe Career
2024b.html#33 Internet
2024b.html#29 DB2
2024b.html#22 HA/CMP
2024b.html#21 HA/CMP
2024.html#114 BAL
2024.html#98 Whether something is RISC or not (Re: PDP-8 theology, not Concertina II Progress)
2024.html#93 IBM, Unix, editors
2024.html#91 IBM, Unix, editors
2024.html#85 RS/6000 Mainframe
2024.html#82 Benchmarks
2024.html#72 IBM AIX
2024.html#71 IBM AIX
2024.html#67 VM Microcode Assist
2024.html#54 RS/6000 Mainframe
2024.html#52 RS/6000 Mainframe
2024.html#44 RS/6000 Mainframe
2024.html#35 RS/6000 Mainframe
2024.html#34 RS/6000 Mainframe
2024.html#33 RS/6000 Mainframe
2024.html#32 IBM Jargon: FOILS
2024.html#1 How IBM Stumbled onto RISC
2023g.html#106 Shared Memory Feature
2023g.html#43 Wheeler Scheduler
2023g.html#29 Another IBM Downturn
2023g.html#28 IBM FSD
2023g.html#25 Vintage Cray
2023g.html#22 Vintage Cray
2023g.html#17 Vintage Future System
2023g.html#13 Vintage Future System
2023f.html#115 IBM RAS
2023f.html#84 FAA ATC, The Brawl in IBM 1964
2023f.html#72 Vintage RS/6000 Mainframe
2023f.html#70 Vintage RS/6000 Mainframe
2023f.html#59 Vintage IBM Power/PC
2023f.html#58 Vintage IBM 5100
2023f.html#38 Vintage IBM Mainframes & Minicomputers
2023f.html#23 The evolution of Windows authentication
2023f.html#18 MOSAIC
2023f.html#8 Internet
2023e.html#107 DataTree, UniTree, Mesa Archival
2023e.html#106 DataTree, UniTree, Mesa Archival
2023e.html#86 Relational RDBMS
2023e.html#79 microcomputers, minicomputers, mainframes, supercomputers
2023e.html#78 microcomputers, minicomputers, mainframes, supercomputers
2023e.html#76 microcomputers, minicomputers, mainframes, supercomputers
2023e.html#71 microcomputers, minicomputers, mainframes, supercomputers
2023e.html#52 VM370/CMS Shared Segments
2023e.html#42 Systems Network Architecture
2023e.html#37 IBM 360/67
2023e.html#17 Maneuver Warfare as a Tradition. A Blast from the Past
2023e.html#5 Boyd and OODA-loop
2023d.html#116 APL
2023d.html#104 DASD, Channel and I/O long winded trivia
2023d.html#97 The IBM mainframe: How it runs and why it survives
2023d.html#96 The IBM mainframe: How it runs and why it survives
2023d.html#85 Airline Reservation System
2023d.html#81 Taligent and Pink
2023d.html#56 How the Net Was Won
2023d.html#46 wallpaper updater
2023d.html#43 AI Scale-up
2023d.html#15 Boeing 747
2023d.html#3 IBM Supercomputer
2023c.html#90 More Dataprocessing Career
2023c.html#58 IBM Downfall
2023c.html#47 IBM ACIS
2023c.html#30 30 years ago, one decision altered the course of our connected world
2023c.html#29 30 years ago, one decision altered the course of our connected world
2023c.html#19 IBM Downfall
2023c.html#7 IBM Downfall
2023b.html#74 IBM Breakup
2023b.html#28 NEC processors banned for 386 industrial espionage?
2023.html#110 If Nothing Changes, Nothing Changes
2023.html#85 Memories of Mosaic
2023.html#82 Memories of Mosaic
2023.html#74 IBM 4341
2023.html#54 Classified Material and Security
2023.html#42 IBM AIX
2023.html#31 IBM Change
2023.html#1 IMS & DB2
2022h.html#103 IBM 360
2022h.html#92 Psychology of Computer Programming
2022h.html#84 CDC, Cray, Supercomputers
2022h.html#70 Researchers found security pitfalls in IBM's cloud infrastructure
2022h.html#26 Inventing the Internet
2022h.html#16 Inventing the Internet
2022h.html#12 Inventing the Internet
2022h.html#11 Computer History IBM 305 RAMAC and 650 RAMAC, 1956 (350 Disk Storage)
2022h.html#3 AL Gore Invented The Internet
2022g.html#90 IBM Cambridge Science Center Performance Technology
2022g.html#85 RS/6000 (and some mainframe)
2022g.html#77 RS/6000 (and some mainframe)
2022g.html#75 RS/6000 (and some mainframe)
2022g.html#61 Datacenter Vulnerability
2022g.html#26 Why Things Fail
2022f.html#109 IBM Downfall
2022f.html#90 CDC6600, Cray, Thornton
2022f.html#59 The Man That Helped Change IBM
2022f.html#57 The Man That Helped Change IBM
2022f.html#51 IBM Career
2022f.html#28 IBM Power: The Servers that Apple Should Have Created
2022f.html#26 IBM "nine-net"
2022f.html#10 9 Mainframe Statistics That May Surprise You
2022e.html#105 FedEx to Stop Using Mainframes, Close All Data Centers By 2024
2022e.html#103 John Boyd and IBM Wild Ducks
2022e.html#90 Enhanced Production Operating Systems
2022e.html#84 Enhanced Production Operating Systems
2022e.html#78 IBM Quota
2022e.html#77 IBM Quota
2022e.html#66 Channel Program I/O Processing Efficiency
2022e.html#47 Best dumb terminal for serial connections
2022e.html#25 IBM "nine-net"
2022e.html#11 VM/370 Going Away
2022d.html#105 Transistors of the 68000
2022d.html#101 IBM Stretch (7030) -- Aggressive Uniprocessor Parallelism
2022d.html#86 IBM Z16 - The Mainframe Is Dead, Long Live The Mainframe
2022d.html#78 US Takes Supercomputer Top Spot With First True Exascale Machine
2022d.html#74 WAIS. Z39.50
2022c.html#98 IBM Systems Revenue Put Into a Historical Context
2022c.html#77 IBM Mainframe market was Re: Approximate reciprocals
2022c.html#73 lock me up, was IBM Mainframe market
2022c.html#63 What's different, was Why did Dennis Ritchie write that UNIX was a modern implementation of CTSS?
2022c.html#56 ASCI White
2022c.html#39 After IBM
2022c.html#17 IBM z16: Built to Build the Future of Your Business
2022c.html#11 IBM z16: Built to Build the Future of Your Business
2022c.html#9 Cloud Timesharing
2022b.html#109 Attackers exploit fundamental flaw in the web's security to steal $2 million in cryptocurrency
2022b.html#97 IBM 9020
2022b.html#87 High-Performance Mobile System-on-Chip Clusters
2022b.html#68 ARPANET pioneer Jack Haverty says the internet was never finished
2022b.html#67 David Boggs, Co-Inventor of Ethernet, Dies at 71
2022b.html#62 IBM DB2
2022b.html#55 IBM History
2022b.html#38 Security
2022b.html#32 IBM Cloud to offer Z-series mainframes for first time - albeit for test and dev
2022b.html#16 Channel I/O
2022b.html#15 Channel I/O
2022b.html#10 Seattle Dataprocessing
2022b.html#3 Final Rules of Thumb on How Computing Affects Organizations and People
2022.html#129 Dataprocessing Career
2022.html#112 GM C4 and IBM HA/CMP
2022.html#95 Latency and Throughput
2022.html#66 HSDT, EARN, BITNET, Internet
2022.html#65 CMSBACK
2022.html#62 File Backup
2022.html#16 IBM Clone Controllers
2022.html#15 Mainframe I/O
2022.html#13 Mainframe I/O
2022.html#11 Home Computers
2022.html#7 DEC VAX, VAX/Cluster and HA/CMP
2022.html#3 GML/SGML/HTML/Mosaic
2021k.html#133 IBM Clone Controllers
2021k.html#129 Computer Performance
2021k.html#128 The Network Nation
2021k.html#127 SSA
2021k.html#123 Mainframe "Peak I/O" benchmark
2021k.html#122 Mainframe "Peak I/O" benchmark
2021k.html#114 Peer-Coupled Shared Data Architecture
2021k.html#109 Network Systems
2021k.html#84 Internet Old Farts
2021k.html#83 Internet Old Farts
2021k.html#55 System Availability
2021k.html#54 System Availability
2021k.html#53 IBM Mainframe
2021k.html#44 US Auto Industry
2021k.html#27 MS/DOS for IBM/PC
2021k.html#15 Disk Failures
2021j.html#109 168 Loosely-Coupled Configuration
2021j.html#55 ESnet
2021j.html#52 ESnet
2021j.html#42 IBM Business School Cases
2021j.html#31 IBM Downturn
2021j.html#29 IBM AIX
2021j.html#24 Programming Languages in IBM
2021j.html#10 System Availability
2021j.html#2 IBM Lost Opportunities
2021i.html#102 IBM Lost Opportunities
2021i.html#83 IBM Downturn
2021i.html#19 A brief overview of IBM's new 7 nm Telum mainframe CPU
2021i.html#10 A brief overview of IBM's new 7 nm Telum mainframe CPU
2021h.html#104 Mainframe Hall of Fame
2021h.html#93 CMSBACK, ADSM, TSM
2021h.html#83 IBM Internal network
2021h.html#25 NOW the web is 30 years old: When Tim Berners-Lee switched on the first World Wide Web server
2021g.html#65 IBM HSDT & HA/CMP
2021g.html#42 IBM Token-Ring
2021g.html#35 Cloud computing's destiny
2021g.html#21 Big Blue's big email blues signal terminal decline - unless it learns to migrate itself
2021g.html#1 IBM ESCON Experience
2021f.html#92 Mainframe mid-range computing market
2021f.html#88 Mainframe mid-range computing market
2021f.html#30 IBM HSDT & HA/CMP
2021f.html#29 Quic gives the internet's data transmission foundation a needed speedup
2021f.html#10 Air Traffic System
2021f.html#9 Air Traffic System
2021f.html#8 Air Traffic System
2021e.html#75 WEB Security
2021e.html#74 WEB Security
2021e.html#56 Hacking, Exploits and Vulnerabilities
2021d.html#87 Bizarre Career Events
2021d.html#83 IBM AIX
2021d.html#53 IMS Stories
2021d.html#46 Cloud Computing
2021d.html#36 April 7, 1964: IBM Bets Big on System/360
2021d.html#16 The Rise of the Internet
2021c.html#95 What's Fortran?!?!
2021c.html#86 IBM SNA/VTAM (& HSDT)
2021c.html#83 IBM SNA/VTAM (& HSDT)
2021c.html#69 Online History
2021c.html#68 Online History
2021c.html#63 Distributed Computing
2021c.html#59 IBM CEO
2021c.html#52 IBM CEO
2021c.html#50 IBM CEO
2021c.html#32 IBM Executives
2021b.html#99 What The Media Isn't Telling You About Texas Blackouts
2021b.html#90 IBM Innovation
2021b.html#85 Dail-up banking and the Internet
2021b.html#50 Holy wars of the past - how did they turn out?
2021b.html#42 HA/CMP Marketing
2021b.html#38 HA/CMP Marketing
2021b.html#36 HA/CMP Marketing
2021b.html#32 HONE story/history
2021b.html#31 Indian Casino and HA/CMP
2021b.html#30 IBM Recruiting
2021b.html#29 IBM Recruiting
2021b.html#28 IBM Recruiting
2021b.html#14 IBM Recruiting
2021b.html#10 IBM Marketing Trips
2021b.html#5 Availability
2021b.html#4 Killer Micros
2021b.html#1 Will The Cloud Take Down The Mainframe?
2021.html#70 Life After IBM
2021.html#65 Mainframe IPL
2021.html#57 ES/9000 as POK was being scaled way back
2021.html#56 IBM Quota
2021.html#43 Dialup Online Banking
2021.html#42 IBM Rusty Bucket
2021.html#39 IBM Tech
2021.html#36 IBM HA/CMP Product
2021.html#13 Resilience and Sustainability
2021.html#7 IBM CEOs
2021.html#2 How an obscure British PC maker invented ARM and changed the world
2021.html#0 IBM "Wild Ducks"
2019e.html#116 Next Generation Global Prediction System
2019e.html#110 ROMP & Displaywriter
2019e.html#87 5 milestones that created the internet, 50 years after the first network message
2019e.html#27 PC Market
2019e.html#11 To Lynn Wheeler, if still observing
2019d.html#113 Internet and Business Critical Dataprocessing
2019c.html#44 IBM 9020
2019c.html#35 Transition to cloud computing
2019c.html#23 DB2
2019c.html#19 Before Netscape: The forgotten Web browsers of the early 1990s
2019c.html#16 mainframe hacking "success stories"?
2019c.html#11 mainframe hacking "success stories"?
2019b.html#100 mainframe hacking "success stories"?
2019b.html#97 Journey from Idea to Practice: Internetworking and Protocols
2019b.html#88 IBM 9020 FAA/ATC Systems from 1960's
2019b.html#76 IBM downturn
2019b.html#73 The Brawl in IBM 1964
2019b.html#66 IBM Tumbles After Reporting Worst Revenue In 17 Years As Cloud Hits Air Pocket
2019b.html#60 S/360
2019b.html#57 HA/CMP, HA/6000, Harrier/9333, STK Iceberg & Adstar Seastar
2019.html#74 21 random but totally appropriate ways to celebrate the World Wide Web's 30th birthday
2019.html#33 Cluster Systems
2019.html#32 Cluster Systems
2019.html#19 IBM assembler over the ages
2019.html#16 Netscape: The Fire That Filled Silicon Valley's First Bubble
2019.html#12 Employees Come First
2018e.html#100 The (broken) economics of OSS
2018e.html#73 System/R, SQL/DS, DB2, HA/CMP
2018e.html#21 Manned Orbiting Laboratory Declassified: Inside a US Military Space Station
2018e.html#8 Rash of Fortnite cheaters infected by malware that breaks HTTPS encryption
2018d.html#69 tablets and desktops was Has Microsoft
2018d.html#66 tablets and desktops was Has Microsoft
2018d.html#57 tablets and desktops was Has Microsoft
2018d.html#47 This 1966 Article About 'Computer Danger' Predicted a Bleak Future of Bank Crimes and Info Leaks
2018d.html#45 This 1966 Article About 'Computer Danger' Predicted a Bleak Future of Bank Crimes and Info Leaks
2018d.html#42 Mainframes and Supercomputers, From the Beginning Till Today
2018d.html#41 The Rise and Fall of IBM
2018d.html#33 Online History
2018d.html#27 The Medici Effect
2018d.html#11 Hell is ... ?
2018d.html#4 MORGAN STANLEY: Tech giants are investing way more 'aggressively' in data centers than anyone thought, and it's driving double-digit growth
2018c.html#109 JSF/F-35
2018c.html#95 Tandem Memos
2018c.html#87 The Rise and Fall of Thinking Machines
2018c.html#80 z/VM Live Guest Relocation
2018c.html#79 z/VM Live Guest Relocation
2018c.html#78 z/VM Live Guest Relocation
2018c.html#77 z/VM Live Guest Relocation
2018c.html#72 Indian Casino and HA/CMP
2018c.html#33 The Pentagon still uses computer software from 1958 to manage its contracts
2018c.html#28 Software Delivery on Tape to be Discontinued
2018c.html#9 Graph database on z/OS?
2018b.html#100 Old word processors
2018b.html#63 Major firms learning to adapt in fight against start-ups: IBM
2018b.html#56 Computer science hot major in college (article)
2018b.html#52 Think you know web browsers? Take this quiz and prove it
2018b.html#49 Think you know web browsers? Take this quiz and prove it
2018b.html#47 Think you know web browsers? Take this quiz and prove it
2018b.html#44 Think you know web browsers? Take this quiz and prove it
2018b.html#14 Important US technology companies sold to foreigners
2018.html#105 Predicting the future in five years as seen from 1983
2018.html#102 Web Authentication: A Broken Trust with No Easy Fix
2018.html#101 Interchange
2018.html#98 Mainframe Use/History
2018.html#75 DEC and HVAC
2018.html#27 1963 Timesharing: A Solution to Computer Bottlenecks
2017k.html#58 Failures and Resiliency
2017k.html#52 When did the home computer die?
2017k.html#47 When did the home computer die?
2017k.html#40 IBM etc I/O channels?
2017k.html#39 IBM etc I/O channels?
2017k.html#8 IBM Mainframe
2017j.html#92 mainframe fortran, or A Computer That Never Was: the IBM 7095
2017j.html#67 US to regain supercomputing supremacy with Summit
2017j.html#40 Tech: we didn't mean for it to turn out like this
2017j.html#27 Db2! was: NODE.js for z/OS
2017j.html#26 Tech: we didn't mean for it to turn out like this
2017i.html#36 IBM Shareholders Need Employee Enthusiasm, Engagemant And Passions
2017h.html#120 EasyLink email ad
2017h.html#89 z14 and zBX
2017h.html#78 IBM Mag TAPE Selectric ad 1966
2017h.html#76 Any definitive reference for why the PDP-11 was little-endian?
2017h.html#73 Demolishing the Tile Turtle
2017h.html#67 IBM: A History Of Progress, 1890s to 2001
2017h.html#62 computer component reliability, 1951
2017h.html#26 The complete history of the IBM PC, part two: The DOS empire strikes; The real victor was Microsoft, which built an empire on the back of a shadily acquired MS-DOS
2017h.html#16 IBM RAS
2017g.html#90 Stopping the Internet of noise
2017g.html#76 TRAX manual set for sale
2017g.html#46 Windows 10 Pro automatic update
2017g.html#14 Mainframe Networking problems
2017f.html#100 Jean Sammet, Co-Designer of a Pioneering Computer Language, Dies at 89
2017f.html#86 IBM Goes to War with Oracle: IT Customers Praise Result
2017f.html#50 MVS vs HASP vs JES (was 2821)
2017e.html#79 Typesetting
2017e.html#75 11May1992 (25 years ago) press on cluster scale-up
2017e.html#14 The Geniuses that Anticipated the Idea of the Internet
2017e.html#11 The Geniuses that Anticipated the Idea of the Internet
2017d.html#92 Old hardware
2017d.html#73 US NII
2017d.html#42 What are mainframes
2017d.html#34 ARM Cortex A53 64 bit
2017d.html#31 ARM Cortex A53 64 bit
2017c.html#96 ComputerWorld Says: Cobol plays major role in U.S. government breaches
2017c.html#85 Great mainframe history(?)
2017c.html#63 The ICL 2900
2017c.html#61 [EXTERNAL] ComputerWorld Says: Cobol plays major role in U.S. government breaches
2017c.html#52 The ICL 2900
2017c.html#50 Mainframes after Future System
2017c.html#49 The ICL 2900
2017c.html#30 The ICL 2900
2017c.html#13 Check out Massive Amazon cloud service outage disrupts sites
2017c.html#6 How do BIG WEBSITES work?
2017b.html#82 The ICL 2900
2017b.html#75 The ICL 2900
2017b.html#73 The ICL 2900
2017.html#85 The ICL 2900
2017.html#58 The ICL 2900
2017.html#27 History of Mainframe Cloud
2016h.html#95 Retrieving data from old hard drives?
2016h.html#29 Erich Bloch, IBM pioneer who later led National Science Foundation, dies at 91
2016f.html#83 IBM's Gerstner to Join Carlyle As Investment Firm's Chairman
2016f.html#77 Why the cloud is bad news for Cisco, Dell, and HP
2016f.html#33 Samsung's million-IOPS, 6.4TB, 64Gb/s SSD is ... well, quite something
2016f.html#31 Revival of pessimistic locking
2016f.html#5 More IBM DASD RAS discussion
2016e.html#100 Don't be Delta: Four pillars of high availability
2016e.html#99 Delta Outage
2016e.html#95 IBM History
2016e.html#93 Delta Outage
2016e.html#85 Honeywell 200
2016e.html#82 Honeywell 200
2016e.html#46 China takes the lead in supercomputing while America sleeps
2016e.html#35 How the internet was invented
2016d.html#104 Is it a lost cause?
2016d.html#89 China builds world's most powerful computer
2016d.html#75 IBM refused to lay off workers for decades, and then America had to rethink its entire corporate strategy
2016d.html#57 PL/I advertising
2016c.html#61 Can commodity hardware actually emulate the power of a mainframe?
2016c.html#19 enigma
2016b.html#69 Fibre Channel is still alive and kicking
2015h.html#98 OT: Electrician cuts wrong wire and downs 25,000 square foot data centre
2015h.html#71 Miniskirts and mainframes
2015h.html#58 IMPI (System/38 / AS/400 historical)
2015h.html#17 the legacy of Seymour Cray
2015g.html#96 TCP joke
2015g.html#75 The Phillipines in 2012
2015g.html#74 100 boxes of computer books on the wall
2015g.html#19 Linux Foundation Launches Open Mainframe Project
2015g.html#18 Miniskirts and mainframes
2015g.html#16 Federal Deficits
2015g.html#1 Miniskirts and mainframes
2015f.html#85 Miniskirts and mainframes
2015f.html#71 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#35 Moving to the Cloud
2015f.html#17 Credit card fraud solution coming to America...finally
2015f.html#5 Can you have a robust IT system that needs experts to run it?
2015e.html#59 Why major financial institutions are growing their use of mainframes
2015e.html#53 Clearly I'm Not Reading This Right
2015e.html#46 GRS Control Unit ( Was IBM mainframe operations in the 80s)
2015e.html#25 The real story of how the Internet became so vulnerable
2015e.html#10 The real story of how the Internet became so vulnerable
2015d.html#39 Remember 3277?
2015c.html#104 On a lighter note, even the Holograms are demonstrating
2015c.html#93 HONE Shutdown
2014m.html#175 Holy Grail for parallel programming language
2014m.html#173 IBM Continues To Crumble
2014m.html#155 IBM Continues To Crumble
2014m.html#143 LEO
2014m.html#142 IBM Continues To Crumble
2014m.html#140 IBM Continues To Crumble
2014m.html#130 Reinventing the Wheel (or at least the multiport memory) (?)
2014m.html#129 Is there an Inventory of the Installed Mainframe Systems Worldwide and or for Europe alone?
2014m.html#119 Holy Grail for parallel programming language
2014m.html#117 Are we programmed to stop at the 'first' right answer
2014m.html#113 How Much Bandwidth do we have
2014m.html#98 Why has human progress ground to a halt?
2014m.html#95 5 Easy Steps to a High Performance Cluster
2014m.html#94 5 Easy Steps to a High Performance Cluster
2014m.html#93 5 Easy Steps to a High Performance Cluster
2014m.html#57 Why you need batch cloud computing
2014l.html#53 IBM 'major announcement' points to deal on chip manufacturing
2014l.html#45 Could this be the wrongest prediction of all time?
2014l.html#44 IBM 'major announcement' points to deal on chip manufacturing
2014l.html#11 360/85
2014l.html#7 HP splits, again
2014k.html#72 *uix web security
2014k.html#40 How Larry Ellison Became The Fifth Richest Man In The World By Using IBM's Idea
2014k.html#18 1950: Northrop's Digital Differential Analyzer
2014k.html#7 Fwd: [sqlite] presentation about ordering and atomicity of filesystems
2014j.html#102 ? How programs in c language drew graphics directly to screen in old days without X or Framebuffer?
2014j.html#96 Demonstrating Moore's law
2014j.html#76 No Internet. No Microsoft Windows. No iPods. This Is What Tech Was Like In 1984
2014j.html#37 History--computer performance comparison chart
2014j.html#5 The SDS 92, its place in history?
2014i.html#99 The SDS 92, its place in history?
2014i.html#61 A computer at home?
2014i.html#36 Fortran archaeology, was R.I.P. PDP-10?
2014i.html#35 Fortran archaeology, was R.I.P. PDP-10?
2014i.html#21 IBM to sell Apples
2014h.html#68 Over in the Mainframe Experts Network LinkedIn group
2014h.html#59 The Tragedy of Rapid Evolution?
2014h.html#33 Can Ginni really lead the company to the next great product line?
2014h.html#21 Is end of mainframe near?
2014h.html#17 Emulating z CPs was: Demonstrating Moore's law
2014h.html#16 Emulating z CPs was: Demonstrating Moore's law
2014g.html#40 Fifty Years of BASIC, the Programming Language That Made Computers Personal
2014f.html#81 Is end of mainframe near ?
2014f.html#69 Is end of mainframe near?
2014f.html#39 Before the Internet: The golden age of online services
2014f.html#38 Before the Internet: The golden age of online services
2014f.html#37 IBM hopes new chip can turn the tables on Intel
2014e.html#70 How the Internet wasn't Commercial Dataprocessing
2014e.html#11 Can the mainframe remain relevant in the cloud and mobile era?
2014e.html#7 Last Gasp for Hard Disk Drives
2014d.html#52 [CM] Ten recollections about the early WWW and Internet
2014d.html#19 Write Inhibit
2014c.html#72 11 Years to Catch Up with Seymour
2014b.html#68 Salesmen--IBM and Coca Cola
2014b.html#35 OODA
2014.html#85 the suckage of MS-DOS, was Re: 'Free Unix!
2014.html#73 the suckage of MS-DOS, was Re: 'Free Unix!
2014.html#71 the suckage of MS-DOS, was Re: 'Free Unix!
2014.html#29 Hardware failures (was Re: Scary Sysprogs ...)
2014.html#23 Scary Sysprogs and educating those 'kids'
2013o.html#75 "Death of the mainframe"
2013o.html#56 Early !BM multiprocessors (renamed from Curiosity: TCB mapping macro name - why IKJTCB?)
2013o.html#44 the suckage of MS-DOS, was Re: 'Free Unix!
2013n.html#92 'Free Unix!': The world-changing proclamation made30yearsagotoday
2013n.html#19 z/OS is antique WAS: Aging Sysprogs = Aging Farmers
2013m.html#100 SHARE Blog: News Flash: The Mainframe (Still) Isn't Dead
2013m.html#96 SHARE Blog: News Flash: The Mainframe (Still) Isn't Dead
2013m.html#95 Access to IBM Z/OS z/VM Documentation
2013m.html#86 'Free Unix!': The world-changing proclamation made 30 yearsagotoday
2013m.html#70 architectures, was Open source software
2013m.html#57 'Free Unix!': The world-changing proclamation made 30 years agotoday
2013m.html#56 'Free Unix!': The world-changing proclamation made 30 years agotoday
2013m.html#48 Quote on
2013l.html#55 "NSA foils much internet encryption"
2013l.html#19 A Brief History of Cloud Computing
2013l.html#15 spacewar
2013l.html#3 A Brief History of Cloud Computing
2013k.html#6 OT? IBM licenses POWER architecture to other vendors
2013i.html#50 The Subroutine Call
2013i.html#39 1969 networked word processor "Astrotype"
2013i.html#15 Should we, as an industry, STOP using the word Mainframe and find (and start using) something more up-to-date
2013i.html#2 IBM commitment to academia
2013h.html#67 Minicomputer Pricing
2013h.html#36 CLECs, Barbara, and the Phone Geek
2013h.html#33 CLECs, Barbara, and the Phone Geek
2013h.html#20 How about the old mainframe error messages that actually give you a clue about what's broken
2013h.html#17 Supercomputers face growing resilience problems
2013h.html#6 The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software
2013g.html#56 Adventures in parallelism: Celebrating 30 years of parallel computing at Argonne
2013g.html#49 A Complete History Of Mainframe Computing
2013g.html#23 Old data storage or data base
2013g.html#22 What Makes code storage management so cool?
2013g.html#14 Tech Time Warp of the Week: The 50-Pound Portable PC, 1977
2013g.html#6 The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software
2013f.html#74 The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software
2013f.html#70 How internet can evolve
2013f.html#61 The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software
2013f.html#45 Reports: IBM may sell x86 server business to Lenovo
2013f.html#38 Reports: IBM may sell x86 server business to Lenovo
2013f.html#32 Delay between idea and implementation
2013f.html#29 Delay between idea and implementation
2013f.html#19 Where Does the Cloud Cover the Mainframe?
2013e.html#4 Oracle To IBM: Your 'Customers Are Being Wildly Overcharged'
2013c.html#84 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013c.html#65 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013c.html#63 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013b.html#8 mainframe "selling" points
2013.html#77 OT: but hopefully interesting - Million core supercomputer
2013.html#52 New HD
2013.html#40 Searching for storage (DASD) alternatives
2013.html#28 Java Security?
2013.html#16 From build to buy: American Airlines changes modernization course midflight
2012p.html#16 HCF [was Re: AMC proposes 1980s computer TV series "Halt &Catch Fire"]
2012p.html#9 3270s & other stuff
2012p.html#5 What is a Mainframe?
2012p.html#0 These Two Charts Show How The Priorities Of US Companies Have Gotten Screwed Up
2012o.html#68 PC/mainframe browser(s) was Re: 360/20, was 1132 printer history
2012o.html#47 PC/mainframe browser(s) was Re: 360/20, was 1132 printerhistory
2012o.html#39 PC/mainframe browser(s) was Re: 360/20, was 1132 printer history
2012o.html#22 Assembler vs. COBOL--processing time, space needed
2012o.html#13 Should you support or abandon the 3270 as a User Interface?
2012o.html#11 Mainframes are still the best platform for high volume transaction processing
2012n.html#53 history of Programming language and CPU in relation to each other
2012n.html#31 390 vector instruction set reuse, was 8-bit bytes
2012n.html#28 390 vector instruction set reuse, was 8-bit bytes
2012n.html#9 How do you feel about the fact that today India has more IBM employees than any of the other countries in the world including the USA.?
2012l.html#56 Blades versus z was Re: Turn Off Another Light - Univ. of Tennessee
2012l.html#39 The IBM zEnterprise EC12 announcment
2012l.html#30 X86 server
2012l.html#19 X86 server
2012l.html#16 X86 server
2012k.html#77 ESCON
2012k.html#76 END OF FILE
2012k.html#69 ESCON
2012k.html#60 Core characteristics of resilience
2012k.html#51 1132 printer history
2012k.html#26 How to Stuff a Wild Duck
2012k.html#5 Gordon Crovitz: Who Really Invented the Internet?
2012j.html#78 locks, semaphores and reference counting
2012j.html#77 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012j.html#56 Failing Gracefully
2012j.html#53 Yahoo Password Breach: 7 Lessons Learned - Security - Attacks/breaches - Informationweek
2012j.html#13 Can anybody give me a clear idea about Cloud Computing in MAINFRAME ?
2012j.html#2 Can anybody give me a clear idea about Cloud Computing in MAINFRAME ?
2012i.html#95 Can anybody give me a clear idea about Cloud Computing in MAINFRAME ?
2012i.html#71 "The Truth Will Set You Free" -- on Destination z
2012i.html#54 IBM, Lawrence Livermore aim to meld supercomputing, industries
2012i.html#47 IBM, Lawrence Livermore aim to meld supercomputing, industries
2012i.html#15 Can anybody give me a clear idea about Cloud Computing in MAINFRAME ?
2012i.html#5 Interesting News Article
2012h.html#78 Familiar
2012h.html#74 Interesting News Article
2012g.html#44 Cartons of Punch Cards
2012g.html#43 High Availability on IBM System i
2012g.html#29 24/7/365 appropriateness was Re: IBMLink outages in 2012
2012f.html#94 Time to competency for new software language?
2012f.html#85 Cartons of Punch Cards
2012f.html#55 Burroughs B5000, B5500, B6500 videos
2012f.html#47 Cartons of Punch Cards
2012f.html#43 Time to competency for new software language?
2012f.html#0 Burroughs B5000, B5500, B6500 videos
2012e.html#83 Why are organizations sticking with mainframes?
2012e.html#27 NASA unplugs their last mainframe
2012e.html#13 A z/OS Redbook Corrected - just about!
2012d.html#77 Pre-Friday fun: Halon dumps and POK Resets
2012d.html#43 Layer 8: NASA unplugs last mainframe
2012d.html#28 NASA unplugs their last mainframe
2012d.html#6 NASA unplugs their last mainframe
2012c.html#60 Memory versus processor speed
2012b.html#93 Original Thinking Is Hard, Where Good Ideas Come From
2012b.html#78 The PC industry is heading for collapse
2012b.html#63 PC industry is heading for more change
2012b.html#35 Entropy and #SocialMedia
2012b.html#10 Cloud apps placed well in the economic cycle
2012b.html#3 Why Threat Modelling fails in practice
2012.html#90 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2012.html#85 IPLs and system maintenance was Re: PDSE
2012.html#82 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2012.html#65 Reject gmail
2012.html#46 Non-acquiring/probing reads
2011p.html#122 Deja Cloud?
2011p.html#77 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2011p.html#76 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2011p.html#75 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2011p.html#44 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2011p.html#42 z/OS's basis for TCP/IP
2011p.html#40 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2011p.html#2 What the heck is cloud computer and why does it matter
2011o.html#90 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2011o.html#89 What is Cloud Computing?
2011o.html#63 Intel's 1 teraflop chip
2011o.html#24 Dennis Ritchie
2011n.html#95 At least two decades back, some gurus predicted that mainframes would disappear in future and it still has not happened
2011n.html#64 Maintenance at two in the afternoon? On a Friday?
2011n.html#60 Two studies of the concentration of power -- government and industry
2011n.html#46 HA/CMP Marketing Tour
2011n.html#34 Last Word on Dennis Ritchie
2011n.html#33 Last Word on Dennis Ritchie
2011n.html#29 Dennis Ritchie's Wonderful Web Pages
2011n.html#11 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2011n.html#6 Founders of SSL Call Game Over?
2011n.html#0 Before Netscape: the forgotten Web browsers of the early 1990s
2011m.html#73 Transitioning Highly Available Applications to System z
2011m.html#54 Any candidates for best acronyms?
2011m.html#24 Supervisory Processors
2011m.html#11 PKI "fixes" that don't fix PKI
2011l.html#32 Selectric Typewriter--50th Anniversary
2011k.html#82 'smttter IBMdroids
2011k.html#50 The real reason IBM didn't want to dump more money into Blue Waters
2011j.html#27 Cloud computing - is it a financial con trick?
2011j.html#25 Cloud computing - is it a financial con trick?
2011h.html#50 DR Plans
2011h.html#48 Happy 100th Birthday, IBM!
2011h.html#35 Happy 100th Birthday, IBM!
2011h.html#32 At least two decades back, some gurus predicted that mainframes would disappear in future and it still has not happened
2011h.html#27 At least two decades back, some gurus predicted that mainframes would disappear in future and it still has not happened
2011g.html#11 Is the magic and romance killed by Windows (and Linux)?
2011f.html#70 Z chip at ISSCC
2011f.html#32 At least two decades back, some gurus predicted that mainframes would disappear
2011f.html#8 New job for mainframes: Cloud platform
2011f.html#4 Cool Things You Can Do in z/OS
2011f.html#1 Itanium at ISSCC
2011e.html#93 Itanium at ISSCC
2011e.html#84 New job for mainframes: Cloud platform
2011e.html#17 At least two decades back, some gurus predicted that mainframes would disappear in future and it still has not happened
2011e.html#16 At least two decades back, some gurus predicted that mainframes would disappear in future and it still has not happened
2011d.html#74 Multiple Virtual Memory
2011d.html#55 Maybe off topic
2011d.html#43 Sabre; The First Online Reservation System
2011d.html#24 IBM Watson's Ancestors: A Look at Supercomputers of the Past
2011d.html#7 IBM Watson's Ancestors: A Look at Supercomputers of the Past
2011c.html#77 IBM and the Computer Revolution
2011c.html#69 The first personal computer (PC)
2011c.html#63 Comparing YOUR Computer with Supercomputers of the Past
2011c.html#54 If IBM Hadn't Bet the Company
2011c.html#38 IBM "Watson" computer and Jeopardy
2011c.html#27 If IBM Hadn't Bet the Company
2011c.html#24 If IBM Hadn't Bet the Company
2011c.html#20 If IBM Hadn't Bet the Company
2011c.html#13 The first personal computer (PC)
2011c.html#6 Other early NSFNET backbone
2011b.html#84 If IBM Hadn't Bet the Company
2011b.html#78 If IBM Hadn't Bet the Company
2011b.html#58 Other early NSFNET backbone
2011b.html#55 Speed of Old Hard Disks
2011b.html#50 Speed of Old Hard Disks
2011b.html#48 Speed of Old Hard Disks
2011b.html#46 zLinux OR Linux on zEnterprise Blade Extension???
2011b.html#40 Colossal Cave Adventure in PL/I
2011b.html#10 Rare Apple I computer sells for $216,000 in London
2011.html#23 zLinux OR Linux on zEnterprise Blade Extension???
2011.html#12 zLinux OR Linux on zEnterprise Blade Extension???
2011.html#8 zLinux OR Linux on zEnterprise Blade Extension???
2010q.html#69 No command, and control
2010q.html#57 Is email dead? What do you think?
2010q.html#54 Is email dead? What do you think?
2010q.html#52 I actually miss working at IBM
2010q.html#37 Programmer Charged with thieft (maybe off topic)
2010p.html#62 TCM's Moguls documentary series
2010o.html#64 They always think we don't understand
2010o.html#16 The Scariest Company in Tech
2010o.html#15 SAP ON IBM mainframe
2010n.html#82 Hashing for DISTINCT or GROUP BY in SQL
2010n.html#70 Fujitsu starts shipping 800 rack 80,000 chip 'K' supercomputer
2010n.html#65 When will MVS be able to use cheap dasd
2010m.html#54 IBM Unleashes 256-core Unix Server, Its Biggest Yet
2010m.html#52 Basic question about CPU instructions
2010m.html#25 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010l.html#80 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010l.html#73 A mighty fortress is our PKI, Part II
2010l.html#55 Mainframe Hacking -- Fact or Fiction
2010l.html#14 Age
2010l.html#4 Did a mainframe glitch trigger DBS Bank outage?
2010k.html#65 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010k.html#54 Unix systems and Serialization mechanism
2010k.html#50 Information on obscure text editors wanted
2010k.html#28 taking down the machine - z9 series
2010k.html#3 Assembler programs was Re: Delete all members of a PDS that is allocated
2010j.html#78 What is the protocal for GMT offset in SMTP (e-mail) header
2010j.html#65 Article says mainframe most cost-efficient platform
2010j.html#64 Article says mainframe most cost-efficient platform
2010j.html#62 Article says mainframe most cost-efficient platform
2010j.html#58 Article says mainframe most cost-efficient platform
2010j.html#53 Article says mainframe most cost-efficient platform
2010j.html#49 Article says mainframe most cost-efficient platform
2010j.html#14 Multiprise 3k for personal Use?
2010j.html#2 Significant Bits
2010i.html#67 IBM to announce new MF's this year
2010i.html#61 IBM to announce new MF's this year
2010i.html#31 IBM Unix prehistory, someone smarter than Dave Cutler
2010i.html#29 someone smarter than Dave Cutler
2010i.html#20 How to analyze a volume's access by dataset
2010i.html#2 Processors stall on OLTP workloads about half the time--almost no matter what you do
2010h.html#66 25 reasons why hardware is still hot at IBM
2010h.html#63 25 reasons why hardware is still hot at IBM
2010h.html#47 COBOL - no longer being taught - is a problem
2010h.html#44 Processors stall on OLTP workloads about half the time--almost no matter what you do
2010h.html#19 How many mainframes are there?
2010h.html#11 someone smarter than Dave Cutler
2010g.html#81 What is the protocal for GMT offset in SMTP (e-mail) header time-stamp?
2010g.html#77 IBM responds to Oracle's Exadata with new systems
2010g.html#8 Handling multicore CPUs; what the competition is thinking
2010g.html#4 Handling multicore CPUs; what the competition is thinking
2010f.html#77 Notes on two presentations by Gordon Bell ca. 1998
2010f.html#68 But... that's *impossible*
2010f.html#65 Mainframe Executive article on the death of tape
2010f.html#61 Handling multicore CPUs; what the competition is thinking
2010f.html#50 Handling multicore CPUs; what the competition is thinking
2010f.html#49 Nonlinear systems and nonlocal supercomputing
2010f.html#48 Nonlinear systems and nonlocal supercomputing
2010f.html#47 Nonlinear systems and nonlocal supercomputing
2010f.html#13 What was the historical price of a P/390?
2010f.html#7 What was the historical price of a P/390?
2010e.html#68 Entry point for a Mainframe?
2010e.html#25 HONE Compute Intensive
2010e.html#15 search engine history, was Happy DEC-10 Day
2010e.html#13 search engine history, was Happy DEC-10 Day
2010d.html#63 LPARs: More or Less?
2010d.html#40 alphas was: search engine history, was Happy DEC
2010c.html#14 Processes' memory
2010b.html#93 search engine history, was Happy DEC-10 Day
2010b.html#71 Happy DEC-10 Day
2010b.html#67 How long for IBM System/360 architecture and its descendants?
2010b.html#62 Happy DEC-10 Day
2010b.html#32 Happy DEC-10 Day
2010.html#65 Oldest Instruction Set still in daily use?
2010.html#43 Happy DEC-10 Day
2010.html#31 Larrabee delayed: anyone know what's happening?
2009s.html#59 Problem with XP scheduler?
2009s.html#58 DEC-10 SOS Editor Intra-Line Editing
2009s.html#36 Larrabee delayed: anyone know what's happening?
2009s.html#35 Larrabee delayed: anyone know what's happening?
2009s.html#32 Larrabee delayed: anyone know what's happening?
2009s.html#31 Larrabee delayed: anyone know what's happening?
2009s.html#30 Larrabee delayed: anyone know what's happening?
2009s.html#8 Union Pacific Railroad ditches its mainframe for SOA
2009s.html#7 Union Pacific Railroad ditches its mainframe for SOA
2009r.html#67 While watching Biography about Bill Gates on CNBC last Night
2009r.html#10 70 Years of ATM Innovation
2009r.html#9 The 50th Anniversary of the Legendary IBM 1401
2009r.html#5 The 50th Anniversary of the Legendary IBM 1401
2009q.html#69 Now is time for banks to replace core system according to Accenture
2009q.html#68 Now is time for banks to replace core system according to Accenture
2009q.html#33 Check out Computer glitch to cause flight delays across U.S. - MarketWatch
2009q.html#32 Mainframe running 1,500 Linux servers?
2009q.html#29 Check out Computer glitch to cause flight delays across U.S. - MarketWatch
2009q.html#28 Check out Computer glitch to cause flight delays across U.S. - MarketWatch
2009q.html#27 Supercomputers Are Still Fast, but Less Super
2009q.html#26 Check out Computer glitch to cause flight delays across U.S. - MarketWatch
2009p.html#78 big iron mainframe vs. x86 servers
2009p.html#63 Little bit OT IBM & Air NZ outage report to stay Top Secret
2009p.html#58 MasPar compiler and simulator
2009p.html#57 MasPar compiler and simulator
2009p.html#56 MasPar compiler and simulator
2009p.html#55 MasPar compiler and simulator
2009p.html#54 big iron mainframe vs. x86 servers
2009p.html#49 big iron mainframe vs. x86 servers
2009p.html#46 From The Annals of Release No Software Before Its Time
2009p.html#43 From The Annals of Release No Software Before Its Time
2009p.html#42 big iron mainframe vs. x86 servers
2009p.html#40 Wireless security (somehow thread-drifted from Re: Getting Out Hard Drive in Real Old Computer)
2009p.html#38 big iron mainframe vs. x86 servers
2009p.html#35 DB2 announces technology that trumps Oracle RAC and Exadata
2009p.html#33 Survey Revives Depate Over Mainframe's Future
2009p.html#29 Computer Experts Deconstruct FDIC Email Scam
2009p.html#24 Survey Revives Debate Over Mainframe's Future
2009p.html#10 big iron mainframe vs. x86 servers
2009o.html#81 big iron mainframe vs. x86 servers
2009o.html#57 U.S. begins inquiry of IBM in mainframe market
2009o.html#53 E-Banking on a Locked Down (Non-Microsoft) PC
2009o.html#39 Disaster recovery is dead; long live continuous business operations
2009o.html#9 Evolution of Floating Point
2009n.html#43 Status of Arpanet/Internet in 1976?
2009m.html#84 A Faster Way to the Cloud
2009m.html#58 Ikea type font change
2009m.html#57 Ikea type font change
2009m.html#56 Declare War on SQL Injection Attacks
2009m.html#40 PCI Council Releases Recommendations For Preventing Card-Skimming Attacks
2009m.html#39 ACP, One of the Oldest Open Source Apps
2009m.html#32 comp.arch has made itself a sitting duck for spam
2009m.html#26 comp.arch has made itself a sitting duck for spam
2009m.html#8 Need new 3270 emulator: SSH, inexpensive, reliable
2009l.html#66 ACP, One of the Oldest Open Source Apps
2009l.html#57 IBM halves mainframe Linux engine prices
2009l.html#40 Old-school programming techniques you probably don't miss
2009l.html#18 August 7, 1944: today is the 65th Anniversary of the Birth of the Computer
2009l.html#7 VTAM security issue
2009k.html#67 Disksize history question
2009k.html#64 PayPal hit by global outage
2009k.html#63 The satate of software
2009k.html#50 A Complete History Of Mainframe Computing
2009k.html#49 A Complete History Of Mainframe Computing
2009k.html#36 Ingres claims massive database performance boost
2009k.html#29 Oracle Database Abandons z/OS
2009k.html#17 Bulletproof
2009j.html#59 A Complete History Of Mainframe Computing
2009j.html#54 A Complete History Of Mainframe Computing
2009j.html#52 A Complete History Of Mainframe Computing
2009j.html#37 A Complete History Of Mainframe Computing
2009j.html#28 Malware steals ATM accounts and PIN codes; Pwns ATMS user Windows XP
2009j.html#9 Intel, IBM spar for lead in Top 500 list
2009j.html#6 IBM's Revenge on Sun
2009j.html#5 Database Servers: Candy For Hackers
2009j.html#4 IBM's Revenge on Sun
2009i.html#32 Why are z/OS people reluctant to use z/OS UNIX?
2009i.html#27 My Vintage Dream PC
2009i.html#23 Why are z/OS people reluctant to use z/OS UNIX? (Are settlements a good argument for overnight batch COBOL ?)
2009i.html#15 DB2 vs SYBASE or ORACLE
2009i.html#10 64 Cores -- IBM is showing a prototype already
2009h.html#26 Natural keys vs Aritficial Keys
2009h.html#9 The Benefits of AIX Data Replication in HACMP
2009h.html#7 The coming death of all RISC chips
2009h.html#1 z/Journal Does it Again
2009g.html#60 Old-school programming techniques you probably don't miss
2009g.html#24 Top 10 Cybersecurity Threats for 2009, will they cause creation of highly-secure Corporate-wide Intranets?
2009g.html#18 Top 10 Cybersecurity Threats for 2009, will they cause creation of highly-secure Corporate-wide Intranets?
2009g.html#11 Top 10 Cybersecurity Threats for 2009, will they cause creation of highly-secure Corporate-wide Intranets?
2009g.html#2 Just posted third article about toxic assets in a series on the current financial crisis
2009f.html#66 How did the monitor work under TOPS?
2009f.html#11 Unfair taxes
2009e.html#69 Where Are They Now? 25 Computer Products That Refuse to Die
2009e.html#60 Mainframe Hall of Fame: 17 New Members Added
2009e.html#57 Mainframe Hall of Fame: 17 New Members Added
2009e.html#22 Payment downtime threatens online retailers
2009e.html#7 IBM in Talks to Buy Sun
2009d.html#71 Lack of bit field instructions in x86 instruction set because of patents ?
2009c.html#58 Has anyone seen a lift from using an Extended Validation SSL Certificate?
2009c.html#50 SSLstrip hacking tool bypasses SSL to trick users, steal passwords
2009c.html#40 Assembler Question
2009c.html#23 Fresh start for lost file formats
2009c.html#17 Bletchley Park fires up Big Green-Eyed Monster
2009b.html#69 Intel's Future is integrated
2009b.html#43 "Larrabee" GPU design question
2009b.html#40 "Larrabee" GPU design question
2009b.html#26 A question about arp tables
2009.html#56 Data losses set to soar
2009.html#39 repeat after me: RAID != backup
2009.html#5 Is SUN going to become x86'ed ??
2009.html#4 Is SUN going to become x86'ed ??
2009.html#3 Is SUN going to become x86'ed ??
2009.html#2 Is SUN going to become x86'ed ??
2009.html#1 Is SUN going to become x86'ed??
2009.html#0 Is SUN going to become x86'ed??
2008s.html#75 Is SUN going to become x86'ed ??
2008s.html#67 Is SUN going to become x86'ed ??
2008s.html#45 Are blade servers becoming irrelevant with advances in virtualization and multi-core processor technology ?
2008s.html#25 Web Security hasn't moved since 1995
2008s.html#20 Five great technological revolutions
2008r.html#73 Curiousity: largest parallel sysplex around?
2008r.html#72 Curiousity: largest parallel sysplex around?
2008r.html#71 Curiousity: largest parallel sysplex around?
2008r.html#50 Security is a subset of Reliability
2008r.html#43 another one biting the dust?
2008q.html#55 Can outsourcing be stopped?
2008p.html#61 Serial vs. Parallel
2008p.html#48 How much knowledge should a software architect have regarding software security?
2008p.html#33 Making tea
2008p.html#6 SECURITY and BUSINESS CONTINUITY ..... Where they fit in?
2008p.html#1 My Funniest or Most Memorable Moment at IBM
2008o.html#59 Virtual
2008o.html#6 Houses
2008o.html#5 Houses
2008n.html#92 How did http get a port number as low as 80?
2008n.html#63 To what extent do IP networks meet the stringent requirements of High Availability (HA) where the target performance is 99.999%? What performance is obtained in practice
2008n.html#34 Builders v. Breakers
2008m.html#24 Some confusion about virtual cache
2008l.html#21 recent mentions of 40+ yr old technology
2008l.html#20 IBM-MAIN longevity
2008k.html#63 Intel: an expensive many-core future is ahead of us
2008k.html#21 IBM's 2Q2008 Earnings
2008j.html#86 CLIs and GUIs
2008j.html#50 Another difference between platforms
2008j.html#16 We're losing the battle
2008j.html#10 We're losing the battle
2008i.html#97 We're losing the battle
2008i.html#94 Lynn - You keep using the term "we" - who is "we"?
2008i.html#82 parallel computing book
2008i.html#70 Next Generation Security
2008i.html#50 Microsoft versus Digital Equipment Corporation
2008i.html#18 Microsoft versus Digital Equipment Corporation
2008i.html#17 Does anyone have any IT data center disaster stories?
2008i.html#0 Has anyone got a rule of thumb for calculation data center sizing
2008h.html#95 Old hardware
2008h.html#91 Microsoft versus Digital Equipment Corporation
2008h.html#62 Microsoft versus Digital Equipment Corporation
2008h.html#45 How can companies decrease power consumption of their IT infrastructure?
2008h.html#8a Using Military Philosophy to Drive High Value Sales
2008g.html#56 performance of hardware dynamic scheduling
2008g.html#55 performance of hardware dynamic scheduling
2008g.html#50 CA ESD files Options
2008g.html#29 CA ESD files Options
2008f.html#9 EPIC, Ending Piracy of Integrated Circuits
2008e.html#67 Any benefit to programming a RISC processor by hand?
2008e.html#53 Why Is Less Than 99.9% Uptime Acceptable?
2008e.html#41 IBM announced z10 ..why so fast...any problem on z 9
2008e.html#40 Fantasy-Land_Hierarchal_NUMA_Memory-Model_on_Vertical
2008e.html#4 Migration from Mainframe to othre platforms - the othe bell?
2008d.html#87 Berkeley researcher describes parallel path
2008d.html#74 Price of CPU seconds
2008d.html#70 Time to rewrite DBMS, says Ingres founder
2008d.html#21 Toyota Sales for 2007 May Surpass GM
2008c.html#91 Toyota Sales for 2007 May Surpass GM
2008c.html#85 Human error tops the list of security threats
2008c.html#81 Random thoughts
2008c.html#78 CPU time differences for the same job
2008c.html#68 Toyota Beats GM in Global Production
2008c.html#53 Migration from Mainframe to othre platforms - the othe bell?
2008b.html#70 Wheeler Postings
2008b.html#69 How does ATTACH pass address of ECB to child?
2008b.html#52 China's Godson-2 processor takes center stage
2008b.html#45 windows time service
2008b.html#40 windows time service
2008b.html#36 windows time service
2008b.html#34 windows time service
2008b.html#33 windows time service
2008.html#1 LINC-8 Front Panel Questions
2007v.html#73 folklore indeed
2007v.html#64 folklore indeed
2007v.html#43 distributed lock manager
2007v.html#42 Newbie question about db normalization theory: redundant keys OK?
2007v.html#28 folklore indeed
2007u.html#75 The rise of parallelism (and other computing challenges)
2007u.html#19 Distributed Computing
2007u.html#14 What do YOU call the # sign?
2007t.html#19 Translation of IBM Basic Assembler to C?
2007s.html#58 Translation of IBM Basic Assembler to C?
2007s.html#46 "Server" processors for numbercrunching?
2007s.html#6 ATMs
2007r.html#44 complicated address generation unit?
2007r.html#43 does memory still have parity?
2007r.html#17 How to tell a fake SSL certificate from a real one
2007r.html#13 What do ATMS and card readers use?
2007q.html#67 does memory still have parity?
2007q.html#60 Fixing our fraying Internet infrastructure
2007q.html#50 US or China?
2007q.html#38 what does xp do when system is copying
2007q.html#33 Google And IBM Take Aim At Shortage Of Distributed Computing Skills
2007p.html#67 what does xp do when system is copying
2007p.html#40 what does xp do when system is copying
2007p.html#33 what does xp do when system is copying
2007o.html#52 Virtual Storage implementation
2007o.html#45 Virtual Storage implementation
2007o.html#35 Is a RISC chip more expensive?
2007o.html#23 Outsourcing loosing steam?
2007o.html#18 Flying Was: Fission products
2007n.html#80 Poll: oldest computer thing you still use
2007n.html#77 PSI MIPS
2007n.html#49 VLIW pre-history
2007n.html#41 Windows: Monitor or CUSP?
2007n.html#31 IBM obsoleting mainframe hardware
2007n.html#19 The Development of the Vital IBM PC in Spite of the Corporate Culture of IBM
2007n.html#6 Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard?
2007m.html#61 Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard?
2007m.html#55 Capacity and Relational Database
2007m.html#36 Future of System/360 architecture?
2007m.html#13 Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard?
2007l.html#68 nouns and adjectives
2007l.html#65 mainframe = superserver
2007l.html#63 Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard?
2007l.html#42 My Dream PC -- Chip-Based
2007l.html#24 Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard?
2007l.html#19 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007l.html#15 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007l.html#7 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007k.html#41 DEC and news groups
2007k.html#37 DEC and news groups
2007k.html#35 DEC and news groups
2007k.html#23 Another "migration" from the mainframe
2007k.html#18 Another "migration" from the mainframe
2007j.html#88 IBM Unionization
2007j.html#71 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007j.html#62 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007j.html#47 IBM Unionization
2007j.html#46 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007j.html#44 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007j.html#32 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007i.html#80 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007i.html#78 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007i.html#66 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007i.html#61 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007i.html#50 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007i.html#43 Latest Principles of Operation
2007i.html#27 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007i.html#22 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007i.html#1 Linux: The Completely Fair Scheduler
2007h.html#76 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007h.html#67 SSL vs. SSL over tcp/ip
2007h.html#53 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007g.html#81 IBM to the PCM market
2007g.html#69 The Perfect Computer - 36 bits?
2007g.html#56 The Perfect Computer - 36 bits?
2007g.html#16 What's a CPU second?
2007f.html#56 Is computer history taught now?
2007f.html#44 Is computer history taught now?
2007f.html#37 Is computer history taught now?
2007e.html#38 FBA rant
2007e.html#23 Securing financial transactions a high priority for 2007
2007e.html#16 Attractive Alternatives to Mainframes
2007d.html#43 Is computer history taugh now?
2007d.html#39 old tapes
2007c.html#55 "The Elements of Programming Style"
2007c.html#42 Keep VM 24X7 365 days
2007c.html#14 How many 36-bit Unix ports in the old days?
2007c.html#7 Miniature clusters
2007b.html#18 How many 36-bit Unix ports in the old days?
2007b.html#8 Special characters in passwords was Re: RACF - Password rules
2007.html#39 Just another example of mainframe costs
2007.html#37 How many 36-bit Unix ports in the old days?
2007.html#36 How many 36-bit Unix ports in the old days?
2007.html#31 V2X2 vs. Shark (SnapShot v. FlashCopy)
2007.html#30 V2X2 vs. Shark (SnapShot v. FlashCopy)
2007.html#29 Just another example of mainframe costs
2007.html#16 How many 36-bit Unix ports in the old days?
2006y.html#36 Multiple mappings
2006x.html#33 NSFNET (long post warning)
2006x.html#3 Why so little parallelism?
2006w.html#41 Why so little parallelism?
2006w.html#40 Why so little parallelism?
2006w.html#26 Why so little parallelism?
2006w.html#20 cluster-in-a-rack
2006w.html#14 IBM sues maker of Intel-based Mainframe clones
2006w.html#13 IBM sues maker of Intel-based Mainframe clones
2006v.html#10 What's a mainframe?
2006u.html#31 To RISC or not to RISC
2006u.html#30 Why so little parallelism?
2006u.html#19 Why so little parallelism?
2006u.html#17 Why so little parallelism?
2006t.html#32 The Future of CPUs: What's After Multi-Core?
2006t.html#31 The Future of CPUs: What's After Multi-Core?
2006t.html#2 Is the teaching of non-reentrant HLASM coding practices ever defensible?
2006s.html#28 Storage Philosophy Question
2006s.html#14 Ultra simple computing
2006s.html#10 Why not 2048 or 4096 bit RSA key issuance?
2006s.html#7 Very slow booting and running and brain-dead OS's?
2006r.html#41 Very slow booting and running and brain-dead OS's?
2006r.html#4 Was FORTRAN buggy?
2006q.html#44 The not-so-little shop of 747s
2006p.html#39 "25th Anniversary of the Personal Computer"
2006p.html#9 New airline security measures in Europe
2006o.html#63 Greatest Software, System R
2006o.html#62 Greatest Software, System R
2006o.html#33 When Does Folklore Begin???
2006o.html#32 When Does Folklore Begin???
2006o.html#24 computational model of transactions
2006o.html#9 Pa Tpk spends $30 million for "Duet" system; but benefits are unknown
2006n.html#29 CRAM, DataCell, and 3850
2006m.html#52 TCP/IP and connecting z to alternate platforms
2006l.html#43 One or two CPUs - the pros & cons
2006l.html#42 The very first text editor
2006l.html#38 Token-ring vs Ethernet - 10 years later
2006l.html#28 Google Architecture
2006l.html#24 Google Architecture
2006l.html#7 Google Architecture
2006l.html#4 Google Architecture
2006j.html#31 virtual memory
2006j.html#20 virtual memory
2006j.html#15 30 hop limit
2006j.html#10 The Chant of the Trolloc Hordes
2006j.html#3 virtual memory
2006i.html#33 virtual memory
2006i.html#32 virtual memory
2006i.html#29 Which entry of the routing table was selected?
2006i.html#21 blast from the past on reliable communication
2006i.html#6 The Pankian Metaphor
2006i.html#2 The Pankian Metaphor
2006h.html#22 The Pankian Metaphor
2006g.html#11 The Pankian Metaphor
2006f.html#6 64-bit architectures & 32-bit instructions
2006e.html#11 Caller ID "spoofing"
2006e.html#10 Caller ID "spoofing"
2006d.html#24 IBM 610 workstation computer
2006d.html#22 IBM 610 workstation computer
2006d.html#18 IBM 610 workstation computer
2006d.html#17 IBM 610 workstation computer
2006d.html#14 IBM 610 workstation computer
2006c.html#41 IBM 610 workstation computer
2006c.html#40 IBM 610 workstation computer
2006c.html#8 IBM 610 workstation computer
2006c.html#7 IBM 610 workstation computer
2006b.html#8 Free to good home: IBM RT UNIX
2006.html#36 Charging Time
2006.html#32 UMA vs SMP? Clarification of terminology
2006.html#16 Would multi-core replace SMPs?
2005v.html#0 DMV systems?
2005u.html#61 DMV systems?
2005u.html#38 Mainframe Applications and Records Keeping?
2005u.html#37 Mainframe Applications and Records Keeping?
2005t.html#34 RSA SecurID product
2005t.html#8 2nd level install - duplicate volsers
2005t.html#0 TTP and KCM
2005s.html#18 winscape?
2005r.html#43 Numa-Q Information
2005r.html#39 What ever happened to Tandem and NonStop OS ?
2005r.html#33 The 8008
2005r.html#32 How does the internet really look like ?
2005r.html#23 OS's with loadable filesystem support?
2005r.html#11 Intel strikes back with a parallel x86 design
2005q.html#47 Intel strikes back with a parallel x86 design
2005q.html#40 Intel strikes back with a parallel x86 design
2005q.html#38 Intel strikes back with a parallel x86 design
2005q.html#27 What ever happened to Tandem and NonStop OS ?
2005q.html#20 Ethernet, Aloha and CSMA/CD
2005p.html#11 What ever happened to Tandem and NonStop OS ?
2005o.html#38 SHARE reflections
2005o.html#37 What ever happened to Tandem and NonStop OS ?
2005o.html#32 What ever happened to Tandem and NonStop OS ?
2005o.html#30 auto reIPL
2005o.html#27 Data communications over telegraph circuits
2005o.html#22 help understand disk managment
2005o.html#18 Data communications over telegraph circuits
2005n.html#38 What was new&important in computer architecture 10 years ago ?
2005n.html#37 What was new&important in computer architecture 10 years ago ?
2005n.html#34 Data communications over telegraph circuits
2005n.html#26 Data communications over telegraph circuits
2005n.html#25 Data communications over telegraph circuits
2005n.html#11 Code density and performance?
2005n.html#7 54 Processors?
2005n.html#2 Cluster computing drawbacks
2005n.html#0 Cluster computing drawbacks
2005m.html#52 Cluster computing drawbacks
2005m.html#50 Cluster computing drawbacks
2005m.html#46 IBM's mini computers--lack thereof
2005m.html#38 Massive i/o
2005m.html#17 Another - Another One Bites the Dust
2005m.html#12 IBM's mini computers--lack thereof
2005k.html#45 Performance and Capacity Planning
2005k.html#28 IBM/Watson autobiography--thoughts on?
2005k.html#23 More on garbage
2005k.html#21 IBM/Watson autobiography--thoughts on?
2005j.html#64 More on garbage
2005j.html#32 IBM Plugs Big Iron to the College Crowd
2005j.html#25 IBM Plugs Big Iron to the College Crowd
2005i.html#43 Development as Configuration
2005i.html#42 Development as Configuration
2005i.html#11 Revoking the Root
2005h.html#28 Crash detection by OS
2005h.html#26 Crash detection by OS
2005h.html#13 Today's mainframe--anything to new?
2005h.html#2 Single System Image questions
2005h.html#1 Single System Image questions
2005g.html#48 "Best practices" or "Best implementations"?
2005f.html#32 the relational model of data objects *and* program objects
2005f.html#18 Is Supercomputing Possible?
2005e.html#51 TLS-certificates and interoperability-issues sendmail/Exchange/postfix
2005e.html#16 Device and channel
2005e.html#15 Device and channel
2005e.html#12 Device and channel
2005e.html#6 He Who Thought He Knew Something About DASD
2005d.html#72 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2005d.html#25 The future of the Mainframe
2005d.html#9 intel's Vanderpool and virtualization in general (was Re: Cell press release, redacted.)
2005d.html#2 360 longevity, was RISCs too close to hardware?
2005c.html#7 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2005c.html#6 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2005b.html#1 Foreign key in Oracle Sql
2005.html#55 Foreign key in Oracle Sql
2005.html#53 8086 memory space
2005.html#52 8086 memory space
2005.html#41 something like a CTC on a PC
2005.html#40 clusters vs shared-memory (was: Re: CAS and LL/SC (was Re: High Level Assembler for MVS & VM & VSE))
2005.html#38 something like a CTC on a PC
2005.html#11 CAS and LL/SC
2004q.html#84 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2004q.html#71 will there every be another commerically signficant new ISA?
2004q.html#70 CAS and LL/SC
2004q.html#68 Will multicore CPUs have identical cores?
2004q.html#51 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2004q.html#40 Tru64 and the DECSYSTEM 20
2004q.html#35 [Lit.] Buffer overrun
2004q.html#10 [Lit.] Buffer overrun
2004q.html#3 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2004p.html#64 Systems software versus applications software definitions
2004p.html#63 Systems software versus applications software definitions
2004p.html#53 Integer types for 128-bit addressing
2004p.html#48 History of C
2004p.html#43 History of C
2004o.html#53 360 longevity, was RISCs too close to hardware?
2004o.html#5 Integer types for 128-bit addressing
2004n.html#46 ARP Caching
2004n.html#45 Shipwrecks
2004n.html#39 RS/6000 in Sysplex Environment
2004n.html#38 RS/6000 in Sysplex Environment
2004n.html#19 RISCs too close to hardware?
2004n.html#16 RISCs too close to hardware?
2004m.html#46 Shipwrecks
2004m.html#45 Multi-processor timing issue
2004m.html#34 tracking 64bit storage
2004m.html#26 Shipwrecks
2004m.html#24 IBM Spells Out Mainframe Strategy
2004m.html#0 Specifying all biz rules in relational data
2004l.html#15 Xah Lee's Unixism
2004l.html#6 Xah Lee's Unixism
2004k.html#43 Vintage computers are better than modern crap !
2004j.html#29 Vintage computers are better than modern crap !
2004i.html#8 Hard disk architecture: are outer cylinders still faster than inner cylinders?
2004i.html#2 New Method for Authenticated Public Key Exchange without Digital Certificates
2004i.html#1 Hard disk architecture: are outer cylinders still faster than inner cylinders?
2004h.html#22 Vintage computers are better than modern crap !
2004h.html#20 Vintage computers are better than modern crap!
2004h.html#2 Adventure game (was:PL/? History (was Hercules))
2004e.html#51 Infiniband - practicalities for small clusters
2004e.html#39 Candle support from Los Delhi
2004c.html#16 Anyone Still Using Cards?
2004b.html#8 Mars Rover Not Responding
2004b.html#6 Mainframe not a good architecture for interactive workloads
2004.html#50 Mainframe not a good architecture for interactive workloads
2004.html#49 Mainframe not a good architecture for interactive workloads
2004.html#28 Two subjects: 64-bit OS2/eCs, Innotek Products
2004.html#23 Holee shit! 30 years ago!
2004.html#1 Saturation Design Point
2003p.html#37 The BASIC Variations
2003o.html#54 An entirely new proprietary hardware strategy
2003o.html#6 perfomance vs. key size
2003n.html#29 Architect Mainframe system - books/guidenance
2003j.html#64 Transactions for Industrial Strength Programming
2003j.html#62 Dealing with complexity
2003j.html#22 why doesn't processor reordering instructions affect most
2003i.html#70 A few Z990 Gee-Wiz stats
2003h.html#60 The figures of merit that make mainframes worth the price
2003h.html#52 Question about Unix "heritage"
2003h.html#31 OT What movies have taught us about Computers
2003h.html#21 IBM says AMD dead in 5yrs ... -- Microsoft Monopoly vs. IBM
2003g.html#15 Disk capacity and backup solutions
2003f.html#36 Super Anti War Computers
2003d.html#45 IBM says AMD dead in 5yrs ... -- Microsoft Monopoly vs. IBM
2003d.html#37 Why only 24 bits on S/360?
2003d.html#10 Low-end processors (again)
2003c.html#50 Filesystems
2003c.html#21 Network separation using host w/multiple network interfaces
2003b.html#29 360/370 disk drives
2003.html#6 rebirth
2002q.html#30 System Hang
2002p.html#31 Western Union data communications?
2002o.html#14 Home mainframes
2002n.html#7 Tweaking old computers?
2002m.html#22 DOS history question
2002l.html#37 Computer Architectures
2002l.html#27 End of Moore's law and how it can influence job market
2002l.html#15 Large Banking is the only chance for Mainframe
2002k.html#8 Avoiding JCL Space Abends
2002j.html#57 Server and Mainframes
2002j.html#45 M$ SMP and old time IBM's LCMP
2002i.html#60 Unisys A11 worth keeping?
2002i.html#24 CDC6600 - just how powerful a machine was it?
2002h.html#52 Bettman Archive in Trouble
2002g.html#48 Why did OSI fail compared with TCP-IP?
2002f.html#17 Blade architectures
2002f.html#4 Blade architectures
2002f.html#1 Blade architectures
2002e.html#71 Blade architecture
2002e.html#68 Blade architectures
2002e.html#67 Blade architectures
2002e.html#58 O'Reilly C Book
2002d.html#43 Mainframers: Take back the light (spotlight, that is)
2002d.html#20 Mainframers: Take back the light (spotlight, that is)
2002c.html#39 VAX, M68K complex instructions (was Re: Did Intel Bite Off More Than It Can Chew?)
2002c.html#16 OS Workloads : Interactive etc
2002b.html#63 Filesystem namespaces (was Re: Serving non-MS-word .doc files (was Re: PDP-10 Archive migrationplan))
2002b.html#34 Does it support "Journaling"?
2002.html#44 Calculating a Gigalapse
2002.html#23 Buffer overflow
2002.html#20 Younger recruits versus experienced veterans ( was Re: The demise of compa
2001n.html#70 CM-5 Thinking Machines, Supercomputers
2001n.html#68 CM-5 Thinking Machines, Supercomputers
2001n.html#47 Sysplex Info
2001n.html#30 FreeBSD more secure than Linux
2001n.html#3 News IBM loses supercomputer crown
2001m.html#15 departmental servers
2001l.html#47 five-nines
2001l.html#28 Indiana University and IBM Unveil the Nation's LargestUniversity-Owned Supercomputer
2001l.html#27 Indiana University and IBM Unveil the Nation's LargestUniversity-Owned Supercomputer
2001k.html#48 Common uses of multiprogramming on mainframes computer? Help!! Please
2001k.html#17 HP-UX will not be ported to Alpha (no surprise)exit
2001k.html#13 HP-UX will not be ported to Alpha (no surprise)exit
2001k.html#11 HP-UX will not be ported to Alpha (no surprise)exit
2001k.html#10 HP-UX will not be ported to Alpha (no surprise)exit
2001k.html#9 HP-UX will not be ported to Alpha (no surprise)exit
2001k.html#5 OT - Internet Explorer V6.0
2001j.html#47 OT - Internet Explorer V6.0
2001j.html#45 OT - Internet Explorer V6.0
2001j.html#23 OT - Internet Explorer V6.0
2001j.html#17 I hate Compaq
2001j.html#12 OT - Internet Explorer V6.0
2001i.html#52 misc loosely-coupled, sysplex, cluster, supercomputer, & electronic commerce
2001i.html#49 Withdrawal Announcement 901-218 - No More 'small machines'
2001i.html#48 Withdrawal Announcement 901-218 - No More 'small machines'
2001i.html#46 Withdrawal Announcement 901-218 - No More 'small machines'
2001i.html#43 Withdrawal Announcement 901-218 - No More 'small machines'
2001i.html#41 Withdrawal Announcement 901-218 - No More 'small machines'
2001h.html#76 Other oddball IBM System 360's?
2001h.html#1 Alpha: an invitation to communicate
2001g.html#52 Compaq kills Alpha
2001g.html#49 Did AT&T offer Unix to Digital Equipment in the 70s?
2001g.html#48 The Alpha/IA64 Hybrid
2001g.html#47 The Alpha/IA64 Hybrid
2001g.html#46 The Alpha/IA64 Hybrid
2001g.html#44 The Alpha/IA64 Hybrid
2001g.html#43 The Alpha/IA64 Hybrid
2001g.html#23 IA64 Rocks My World
2001f.html#11 Climate, US, Japan & supers query
2001e.html#64 Design (Was Re: Server found behind drywall)
2001e.html#41 Where are IBM z390 SPECint2000 results?
2001e.html#4 Block oriented I/O over IP
2001e.html#2 Block oriented I/O over IP
2001d.html#70 Pentium 4 Prefetch engine?
2001c.html#69 Wheeler and Wheeler
2001c.html#66 KI-10 vs. IBM at Rutgers
2001b.html#73 7090 vs. 7094 etc
2001b.html#60 monterey's place in computing was: Kildall "flying" (was Re: First OS?)
2001b.html#35 John Mashey's greatest hits
2001b.html#15 Linux IA-64 interrupts [was Re: Itanium benchmarks ...]
2001b.html#14 IBM's announcement on RVAs
2001b.html#11 Review of the Intel C/C++ compiler for Windows
2001.html#40 Disk drive behavior
2001.html#38 Competitors to SABRE?
2001.html#36 Where do the filesystem and RAID system belong?
2001.html#33 Where do the filesystem and RAID system belong?
2001.html#26 Disk caching and file systems. Disk history...people forget
2000g.html#43 4M pages are a bad idea (was Re: AMD 64bit Hammer CPU and VM)
2000g.html#38 4M pages are a bad idea (was Re: AMD 64bit Hammer CPU and VM)
2000g.html#27 Could CDR-coding be on the way back?
2000f.html#37 OT?
2000f.html#31 OT?
2000f.html#30 OT?
2000f.html#29 OT?
2000e.html#49 How did Oracle get started?
2000e.html#22 Is a VAX a mainframe?
2000d.html#31 RS/6000 vs. System/390 architecture?
2000c.html#68 Does the word "mainframe" still have a meaning?
2000c.html#56 Does the word "mainframe" still have a meaning?
2000c.html#19 Hard disks, one year ago today
2000c.html#14 thread scheduling and cache coherence traffic
2000c.html#9 Cache coherence [was Re: TF-1]
2000b.html#85 Mainframe power failure (somehow morphed from Re: write rings)
2000b.html#45 OSA-Express Gigabit Ethernet card planning
2000.html#78 Mainframe operating systems
2000.html#64 distributed locking patents
2000.html#31 Computer of the century
aadsm14.htm#38 An attack on paypal (trivia addenda)
aadsm20.htm#42 Another entry in the internet security hall of shame
aadsm23.htm#21 Reliable Connections Are Not>
aadsm23.htm#24 Reliable Connections Are Not
aadsm25.htm#37 How the Classical Scholars dropped security from the canon of Computer Science
aadsm25.htm#41 Why security training is really important (and it ain't anything to do with security!)
aadsm26.htm#17 Changing the Mantra -- RFC 4732 on rethinking DOS
aadsm27.htm#47 If your CSO lacks an MBA, fire one of you
aadsm27.htm#54 Security can only be message-based?
aadsm28.htm#59 Information Security Vs. Businesss Resilience
aepay6.htm#erictalk Announce: Eric Hughes giving Stanford EE380 talk this
aepay6.htm#erictalk2 Announce: Eric Hughes giving Stanford EE380 talk this2000.html#13 Computer of the century
99.html#219 Study says "buffer overflow" is most common security bug
99.html#186 Clustering systems
99.html#185 Clustering systems
99.html#184 Clustering systems
99.html#183 Clustering systems
99.html#182 Clustering systems
99.html#152 Uptime (was Re: Q: S/390 on PowerPC?)
99.html#145 Q: S/390 on PowerPC?
99.html#128 Examples of non-relational databases
99.html#71 High Availabilty on S/390
99.html#68 The Melissa Virus or War on Microsoft?
99.html#54 Fault Tolerance
98.html#58 Reliability and SMPs
98.html#57 Reliability and SMPs
98.html#49 Edsger Dijkstra: the blackest week of his professional life
98.html#40 Comparison Cluster vs SMP?
98.html#37 What is MVS/ESA?
98.html#35a Drive letters
98.html#30 Drive letters
97.html#29 IA64 Self Virtualizable?
97.html#14 Galaxies
97.html#5 360/44 (was Re: IBM 1130 (was Re: IBM 7090--used for business or
97.html#4 Mythical beasts (was IBM... mainframe)
96.html#36 Mainframes & Unix (and TPF)
96.html#34 Mainframes & Unix
96.html#33 Mainframes & Unix
96.html#31 Mainframes & Unix
96.html#29 Mainframes & Unix
96.html#27 Mainframes & Unix
96.html#17 middle layer
96.html#15 tcp/ip
95.html#13 SSA
95.html#11a Crashproof Architecture
94.html#33a High Speed Data Transport (HSDT)
94.html#31 High Speed Data Transport (HSDT)
94.html#23 CP spooling & programming technology
94.html#19 Dual-ported disks?
94.html#16 Dual-ported disks?
94.html#15 cp disk story
94.html#7 IBM 7090 (360s, 370s, apl, etc)
94.html#4 Schedulers
93.html#31 Big I/O or Kicking the Mainframe out the Door
93.html#21 Too much data on an actuator (was: 3.5 inch 9GB )
93.html#5 360/67, was Re: IBM's Project F/S?
93.html#4 360/67, was Re: IBM's Project F/S?

top , by subject : technology , networking , public key , integrity , Boyd - home

Disk Engineering

2025b.html#44 IBM 70s & 80s
2025b.html#37 FAA ATC, The Brawl in IBM 1964
2025b.html#33 3081, 370/XA, MVS/XA
2025b.html#26 IBM 3880, 3380, Data-streaming
2025b.html#25 IBM 3880, 3380, Data-streaming
2025b.html#21 IBM San Jose and Santa Teresa Lab
2025b.html#20 IBM San Jose and Santa Teresa Lab
2025b.html#12 IBM 3880, 3380, Data-streaming
2025b.html#6 2301 Fixed-Head Drum
2025.html#122 Clone 370 System Makers
2025.html#120 Microcode and Virtual Machine
2025.html#115 2301 Fixed-Head Drum
2025.html#113 2301 Fixed-Head Drum
2025.html#107 IBM 370 Virtual Storage
2025.html#105 Giant Steps for IBM?
2025.html#86 Big Iron Throughput
2025.html#77 IBM Mainframe Terminals
2025.html#71 VM370/CMS, VMFPLC
2025.html#61 old pharts, Multics vs Unix
2025.html#59 Multics vs Unix
2025.html#29 IBM 3090
2025.html#18 Thin-film Disk Heads
2025.html#17 On-demand Supercomputer
2025.html#15 Dataprocessing Innovation
2024g.html#110 IBM 370 Virtual Storage
2024g.html#70 Building the System/360 Mainframe Nearly Destroyed IBM
2024g.html#65 Where did CKD disks come from?
2024g.html#58 FCS, ESCON, FICON
2024g.html#54 Creative Ways To Say How Old You Are
2024g.html#42 Back When Geek Humour Was A New Concept To Me
2024g.html#38 IBM Mainframe User Group SHARE
2024g.html#7 IBM 5100
2024g.html#5 IBM Transformational Change
2024g.html#3 IBM CKD DASD
2024f.html#95 SHARE User Group Meeting October 1968 Film Restoration, IBM 360
2024f.html#92 IBM Email and PROFS
2024f.html#70 The joy of FORTH (not)
2024f.html#46 IBM TCM
2024f.html#33 IBM 370 Virtual memory
2024f.html#5 IBM (Empty) Suits
2024e.html#129 IBM 4300
2024e.html#116 what's a mainframe, was is Vax addressing sane today
2024e.html#109 Seastar and Iceberg
2024e.html#84 IBM GPD/AdStaR Disk Division
2024e.html#80 IBM DB2
2024e.html#74 IBM San Jose
2024e.html#68 The IBM Way by Buck Rogers
2024e.html#35 Disk Capacity and Channel Performance
2024e.html#6 2314 Disks
2024e.html#2 DASD CKD
2024d.html#96 Mainframe Integrity
2024d.html#95 Mainframe Integrity
2024d.html#92 Computer Virtual Memory
2024d.html#91 Computer Virtual Memory
2024d.html#72 IBM "Winchester" Disk
2024d.html#48 Architectural implications of locate mode I/O
2024d.html#39 ancient OS history, ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360
2024d.html#29 Future System and S/38
2024d.html#9 Benchmarking and Testing
2024c.html#119 Financial/ATM Processing
2024c.html#100 IBM 4300
2024c.html#77 Mainframe and Blade Servers
2024c.html#75 Mainframe and Blade Servers
2024c.html#73 Mainframe and Blade Servers
2024c.html#61 IBM "Winchester" Disk
2024c.html#59 IBM "Winchester" Disk
2024c.html#51 third system syndrome, interactive use, The Design of Design
2024c.html#20 IBM Millicode
2024c.html#19 IBM Millicode
2024c.html#7 Testing
2024b.html#115 Disk & TCP/IP I/O
2024b.html#110 IBM 360 Announce 7Apr1964
2024b.html#68 IBM Hardware Stories
2024b.html#48 Vintage 3033
2024b.html#40 Vintage IBM 3380s
2024b.html#19 Machine Room Access
2024b.html#14 Machine Room Access
2024b.html#11 3033
2024.html#122 Assembler language and code optimization
2024.html#114 BAL
2024.html#104 Multicians
2024.html#88 IBM 360
2024.html#64 IBM 4300s
2024.html#47 3330, 3340, 3350, 3380
2024.html#35 RS/6000 Mainframe
2024.html#29 IBM Disks and Drums
2024.html#22 1975: VM/370 and CMS Demo
2024.html#18 IBM Embraces Virtual Memory -- Finally
2023g.html#107 Cluster and Distributed Computing
2023g.html#105 VM Mascot
2023g.html#97 Shared Memory Feature
2023g.html#84 Vintage DASD
2023g.html#70 MVS/TSO and VM370/CMS Interactive Response
2023g.html#61 PDS Directory Multi-track Search
2023g.html#57 Future System, 115/125, 138/148, ECPS
2023g.html#26 Vintage 370/158
2023g.html#15 Vintage IBM 4300
2023g.html#4 Vintage Future System
2023f.html#115 IBM RAS
2023f.html#70 Vintage RS/6000 Mainframe
2023f.html#67 Vintage IBM 3380s
2023f.html#62 Why Do Mainframes Still Exist
2023f.html#58 Vintage IBM 5100
2023f.html#49 IBM 3350FH, Vulcan, 1655
2023f.html#36 Vintage IBM Mainframes & Minicomputers
2023f.html#27 Ferranti Atlas
2023e.html#91 CP/67, VM/370, VM/SP, VM/XA
2023e.html#83 Storage Management
2023e.html#71 microcomputers, minicomputers, mainframes, supercomputers
2023e.html#52 VM370/CMS Shared Segments
2023e.html#25 EBCDIC "Commputer Goof"
2023e.html#3 DASD, Channel and I/O long winded trivia
2023d.html#117 DASD, Channel and I/O long winded trivia
2023d.html#114 DASD, Channel and I/O long winded trivia
2023d.html#112 3380 Capacity compared to 1TB micro-SD
2023d.html#111 3380 Capacity compared to 1TB micro-SD
2023d.html#104 DASD, Channel and I/O long winded trivia
2023d.html#103 The IBM mainframe: How it runs and why it survives
2023d.html#100 IBM 3083
2023d.html#97 The IBM mainframe: How it runs and why it survives
2023d.html#72 Some Virtual Machine History
2023d.html#19 IBM 3880 Disk Controller
2023d.html#18 IBM 3880 Disk Controller
2023d.html#9 IBM MVS RAS
2023d.html#4 Some 3090 & channel related trivia:
2023c.html#106 Some 3033 (and other) Trivia
2023c.html#104 IBM Term "DASD"
2023c.html#103 IBM Term "DASD"
2023c.html#96 Fortran
2023c.html#90 More Dataprocessing Career
2023c.html#46 IBM DASD
2023c.html#45 IBM DASD
2023c.html#25 IBM Downfall
2023b.html#84 Clone/OEM IBM systems
2023b.html#80 IBM 158-3 (& 4341)
2023b.html#79 IBM 158-3 (& 4341)
2023b.html#58 IBM 3031, 3032, 3033
2023b.html#55 IBM 3031, 3032, 3033
2023b.html#26 DISK Performance and Reliability
2023b.html#20 IBM Technology
2023b.html#16 IBM User Group, SHARE
2023.html#86 IBM San Jose
2023.html#74 IBM 4341
2023.html#73 IBM 4341
2023.html#71 IBM 4341
2023.html#59 Classified Material and Security
2023.html#41 IBM 3081 TCM
2023.html#38 Disk optimization
2023.html#33 IBM Punch Cards
2023.html#18 PROFS trivia
2023.html#6 Mainrame Channel Redrive
2023.html#4 Mainrame Channel Redrive
2023.html#2 big and little, Can BCD and binary multipliers share circuitry?
2022h.html#114 TOPS-20 Boot Camp for VMS Users 05-Mar-2022
2022h.html#113 TOPS-20 Boot Camp for VMS Users 05-Mar-2022
2022h.html#108 IBM 360
2022h.html#16 Inventing the Internet
2022h.html#11 Computer History IBM 305 RAMAC and 650 RAMAC, 1956 (350 Disk Storage)
2022g.html#95 Iconic consoles of the IBM System/360 mainframes, 55 years old
2022g.html#90 IBM Cambridge Science Center Performance Technology
2022g.html#84 RS/6000 (and some mainframe)
2022g.html#77 RS/6000 (and some mainframe)
2022g.html#75 RS/6000 (and some mainframe)
2022g.html#9 3880 DASD Controller
2022g.html#8 IBM 4341
2022g.html#5 IBM Tech Editor
2022g.html#4 3880 DASD Controller
2022f.html#95 VM I/O
2022f.html#91 CDC6600, Cray, Thornton
2022f.html#85 IBM CKD DASD
2022f.html#82 Why the Soviet computer failed
2022f.html#61 200TB SSDs could come soon thanks to Micron's new chip
2022e.html#102 Mainframe Channel I/O
2022e.html#100 Mainframe Channel I/O
2022e.html#79 Enhanced Production Operating Systems
2022e.html#61 Channel Program I/O Processing Efficiency
2022e.html#54 Channel Program I/O Processing Efficiency
2022e.html#53 Channel Program I/O Processing Efficiency
2022e.html#49 Channel Program I/O Processing Efficiency
2022e.html#18 3270 Trivia
2022d.html#97 MVS support
2022d.html#66 VM/370 Turns 50 2Aug2022
2022d.html#48 360&370 I/O Channels
2022d.html#47 360&370 I/O Channels
2022d.html#22 COMPUTER HISTORY: REMEMBERING THE IBM SYSTEM/360 MAINFRAME, its Origin and Technology
2022d.html#11 Computer Server Market
2022c.html#106 TCMs & IBM Mainframe
2022c.html#74 IBM Mainframe market was Re: Approximate reciprocals
2022c.html#66 IBM Mainframe market was Re: Approximate reciprocals
2022c.html#48 IBM 3033 Personal Computing
2022c.html#22 Telum & z16
2022c.html#5 4361/3092
2022b.html#124 System Response
2022b.html#110 IBM 4341 & 3270
2022b.html#90 Computer BUNCH
2022b.html#77 Channel I/O
2022b.html#73 IBM Disks
2022b.html#70 IBM 3380 disks
2022b.html#17 Channel I/O
2022b.html#16 Channel I/O
2022b.html#15 Channel I/O
2022b.html#7 USENET still around
2022b.html#5 On why it's CR+LF and not LF+CR [ASR33]
2022b.html#0 Dataprocessing Career
2022.html#83 165/168/3033 & 370 virtual memory
2022.html#64 370/195
2022.html#44 Automated Benchmarking
2022.html#42 Automated Benchmarking
2022.html#41 370/195
2022.html#35 Error Handling
2022.html#15 Mainframe I/O
2022.html#14 Mainframe I/O
2021k.html#115 Peer-Coupled Shared Data Architecture
2021k.html#107 IBM Future System
2021k.html#97 IBM Disks
2021k.html#59 IBM Mainframe
2021j.html#94 IBM 3278
2021j.html#92 IBM 3278
2021j.html#65 IBM DASD
2021j.html#51 3380 DASD
2021j.html#23 Programming Languages in IBM
2021i.html#85 IBM 3033 channel I/O testing
2021i.html#81 IBM Downturn
2021i.html#61 Virtual Machine Debugging
2021i.html#30 What is the oldest computer that could be used today for real work?
2021i.html#24 OoO S/360 descendants
2021g.html#49 6-10Oct1986 SEAS
2021g.html#0 MVS Group Wrath
2021f.html#84 Mainframe mid-range computing market
2021f.html#75 Mainframe disks
2021f.html#53 3380 disk capacity
2021f.html#40 IBM Mainframe
2021f.html#23 IBM Zcloud - is it just outsourcing ?
2021e.html#63 IBM / How To Stuff A Wild Duck
2021e.html#62 IBM / How To Stuff A Wild Duck
2021d.html#60 IBM Hardest Problem(s)
2021d.html#36 April 7, 1964: IBM Bets Big on System/360
2021d.html#28 IBM 370/195
2021c.html#66 ACP/TPF 3083
2021c.html#53 IBM CEO
2021c.html#47 MAINFRAME (4341) History
2021b.html#55 In the 1970s, Email Was Special
2021b.html#29 IBM Recruiting
2021b.html#24 IBM Recruiting
2021b.html#2 Will The Cloud Take Down The Mainframe?
2021.html#82 Kinder/Gentler IBM
2021.html#79 IBM Disk Division
2021.html#76 4341 Benchmarks
2021.html#62 Mainframe IPL
2021.html#60 San Jose bldg 50 and 3380 manufacturing
2021.html#59 San Jose bldg 50 and 3380 manufacturing
2021.html#56 IBM Quota
2021.html#31 Tandem Memo
2021.html#14 Unbundling and Kernel Software
2021.html#6 3880 & 3380
2021.html#5 LSM - Los Gatos State Machine
2020.html#42 If Memory Had Been Cheaper
2020.html#32 IBM TSS
2020.html#30 Main memory as an I/O device
2019e.html#160 Y2K
2019e.html#27 PC Market
2019d.html#107 IBM HONE
2019d.html#62 IBM 370/195
2019c.html#70 2301, 2303, 2305-1, 2305-2, paging, etc
2019c.html#32 IBM Future System
2019b.html#57 HA/CMP, HA/6000, Harrier/9333, STK Iceberg & Adstar Seastar
2019b.html#53 S/360
2019b.html#52 S/360
2019b.html#24 Online Computer Conferencing
2019b.html#15 Tandem Memo
2019.html#38 long-winded post thread, 3033, 3081, Future System
2019.html#18 IBM assembler
2018f.html#93 ACS360 and FS
2018f.html#57 DASD Development
2018f.html#34 The rise and fall of IBM
2018f.html#33 IBM Disks
2018e.html#100 The (broken) economics of OSS
2018e.html#22 Manned Orbiting Laboratory Declassified: Inside a US Military Space Station
2018d.html#86 3380 failures
2018d.html#17 3390 teardown
2018d.html#13 Workplace Advice I Wish I Had Known
2018d.html#12 3390 teardown
2018c.html#78 z/VM Live Guest Relocation
2018b.html#111 Didn't we have this some time ago on some SLED disks? Multi-actuator
2018b.html#80 BYTE Magazine Pentomino Article
2018.html#81 CKD details
2018.html#41 VSAM usage for ancient disk models
2017k.html#44 Can anyone remember "drum" storage?
2017k.html#43 Low end IBM System/360 (-30) and other machines
2017k.html#34 Bad History
2017k.html#20 little old mainframes, Re: Was it ever worth it?
2017j.html#96 thrashing, was Re: A Computer That Never Was: the IBM 7095
2017j.html#88 Ferranti Atlas paging
2017h.html#16 IBM RAS
2017g.html#95 Hard Drives Started Out as Massive Machines That Were Rented by the Month
2017g.html#92 In Silicon Valley, dropping in at the GooglePlex, tech museums and the Jobs garage
2017g.html#64 What is the most epic computer glitch you have ever seen?
2017g.html#61 What is the most epic computer glitch you have ever seen?
2017f.html#28 MVS vs HASP vs JES (was 2821)
2017e.html#36 National Telephone Day
2017e.html#10 WD ships 'world's largest' 12TB HGST Ultrastar He12 Helium 7200 RPM Enterprise HDDs
2017d.html#71 Software as a Replacement of Hardware
2017d.html#65 Paging subsystems in the era of bigass memory
2017d.html#61 Paging subsystems in the era of bigass memory
2017d.html#60 Optimizing the Hard Disk Directly
2017d.html#58 Paging subsystems in the era of bigass memory
2017d.html#54 GREAT presentation on the history of the mainframe
2017d.html#52 Some IBM Research RJ reports
2017d.html#47 Optimizing the Hard Disk Directly
2017d.html#3 GREAT presentation on the history of the mainframe
2017d.html#1 GREAT presentation on the history of the mainframe
2017c.html#29 Multitasking, together with OS operations
2017c.html#14 Check out Massive Amazon cloud service outage disrupts sites
2017b.html#75 The ICL 2900
2017b.html#69 The ICL 2900
2017b.html#68 The ICL 2900
2017b.html#66 The ICL 2900
2017b.html#57 3350 disks
2017.html#90 The ICL 2900
2017.html#78 IBM Disk Engineering
2016h.html#95 Retrieving data from old hard drives?
2016h.html#50 Resurrected! Paul Allen's tech team brings 50-year -old supercomputer back from the dead
2016h.html#45 Resurrected! Paul Allen’s tech team brings 50-year-old supercomputer back from the dead
2016g.html#76 IBM disk capacity
2016g.html#74 IBM disk capacity
2016g.html#71 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016g.html#26 Computer hard drives have shrunk like crazy over the last 60 years -- here's a look back
2016g.html#20 How to Fix IBM
2016f.html#85 3033
2016f.html#39 what is 3380 E?
2016f.html#6 More IBM DASD RAS discussion
2016f.html#2 IBM DASD RAS discussion
2016e.html#130 3380 & 3081 history
2016e.html#83 Looking for info on IBM ATMs - 2984, 3614, and 3624
2016e.html#56 IBM 1401 vs. 360/30 emulation?
2016e.html#45 How the internet was invented
2016e.html#37 How the internet was invented
2016d.html#42 Old Computing
2016c.html#24 CeBIT and mainframes
2016c.html#3 You count as an old-timer if (was Re: Origin of the phrase "XYZZY")
2016b.html#79 Asynchronous Interrupts
2016b.html#27 Qbasic
2016b.html#23 IBM's 3033; "The Big One": IBM's 3033
2016.html#78 Mainframe Virtual Memory
2015h.html#105 DOS descendant still lives was Re: slight reprieve on the z
2015h.html#98 OT: Electrician cuts wrong wire and downs 25,000 square foot data centre
2015h.html#59 IMPI (System/38 / AS/400 historical)
2015h.html#41 high level language idea
2015h.html#6 1954 RAMAC Prototype
2015h.html#2 More "ageing mainframe" (bad) press
2015g.html#91 IBM 4341, introduced in 1979, was 26 times faster than the 360/30
2015g.html#9 3380 was actually FBA?
2015g.html#6 3380 was actually FBA?
2015f.html#89 Formal definition of Speed Matching Buffer
2015f.html#88 Formal definition of Speed Matching Buffer
2015e.html#47 GRS Control Unit ( Was IBM mainframe operations in the 80s)
2015e.html#46 GRS Control Unit ( Was IBM mainframe operations in the 80s)
2015d.html#39 Remember 3277?
2015d.html#34 Tech Time Warp of the Week: The World's First Hard Drive, 1956
2015d.html#1 IBM System/32, System/34 implementation technology?
2015c.html#71 A New Performance Model
2015b.html#61 ou sont les VAXen d'antan, was Variable-Length Instructions that aren't
2015.html#86 a bit of hope? What was old is new again
2014m.html#115 Mill Computing talk in Estonia on 12/10/2104
2014m.html#88 Death of spinning disk
2014m.html#87 Death of spinning disk?
2014m.html#74 SD?
2014m.html#72 Why you need batch cloud computing
2014m.html#65 Decimation of the valuation of IBM
2014m.html#57 Why you need batch cloud computing
2014m.html#57 Why you need batch cloud computing
2014l.html#81 Could this be the wrongest prediction of all time?
2014l.html#78 Could this be the wrongest prediction of all time?
2014l.html#66 Could this be the wrongest prediction of all time?
2014l.html#45 Could this be the wrongest prediction of all time?
2014k.html#81 Bell Picturephone--early business application experiments
2014k.html#26 1950: Northrop's Digital Differential Analyzer
2014k.html#23 1950: Northrop's Digital Differential Analyzer
2014k.html#22 1950: Northrop's Digital Differential Analyzer
2014j.html#35 curly brace languages source code style quides
2014j.html#16 The SDS 92, its place in history?
2014i.html#91 IBM Programmer Aptitude Test
2014i.html#73 IBM Programmer Aptitude Test
2014i.html#52 IBM Programmer Aptitude Test
2014g.html#85 Costs of core
2014g.html#79 non-IBM: SONY new tape storage - 185 Terabytes on a tape
2014f.html#72 Mainframe (in general) running at 100% not always a bad thing
2014f.html#50 Beyond the EC12
2014f.html#40 IBM 360/370 hardware unearthed
2014f.html#27 Complete 360 and 370 systems found
2014f.html#22 Complete 360 and 370 systems found
2014e.html#40 The mainframe turns 50, or, why the IBM System/360 launch was the dawn of enterprise IT
2014e.html#21 23Jun1969 Unbundling Announcement
2014d.html#87 Difference between MVS and z / OS systems
2014d.html#70 Last Gasp For Hard Disk Drives
2014d.html#56 Difference between MVS and z / OS systems
2014d.html#24 IBM ACS
2014b.html#68 Salesmen--IBM and Coca Cola
2014b.html#63 Mac at 30: A love/hate relationship from the support front
2014b.html#49 Mac at 30: A love/hate relationship from the support front
2014b.html#35 OODA
2014b.html#17 Quixotically on-topic post, still on topic
2014b.html#15 Quixotically on-topic post, still on topic
2014.html#27 Hardware failures (was Re: Scary Sysprogs ...)
2013o.html#92 Cylinder buffer
2013o.html#12 "hexadecimal"?
2013o.html#7 Something to Think About - Optimal PDS Blocking
2013n.html#69 'Free Unix!': The world-changing proclamation made30yearsagotoday
2013n.html#68 'Free Unix!': The world-changing proclamation made30yearsagotoday
2013n.html#57 rebuild 1403 printer chain
2013n.html#56 rebuild 1403 printer chain
2013m.html#32 Work long hours (Was Re: Pissing contest(s))
2013m.html#26 Voyager 1 just left the solar system using less computing powerthan your iP
2013l.html#56 "NSA foils much internet encryption"
2013k.html#90 spacewar
2013k.html#58 DASD, Tape and other peripherals attached to a Mainframe
2013j.html#28 more on the 1975 Transaction Telephone set
2013h.html#86 By Any Other Name
2013h.html#47 Storage paradigm [was: RE: Data volumes]
2013h.html#16 How about the old mainframe error messages that actually give you a clue about what's broken
2013g.html#94 The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software
2013g.html#76 The Vindication of Barb
2013g.html#23 Old data storage or data base
2013f.html#80 The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software
2013f.html#74 The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software
2013f.html#54 Alan Shugart and IBM
2013e.html#26 The Big, Bad Bit Stuffers of IBM
2013e.html#17 The Big, Bad Bit Stuffers of IBM
2013d.html#7 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#2 Query for Destination z article -- mainframes back to the future
2013c.html#77 relative mainframe speeds, was What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013c.html#74 relative mainframe speeds, was What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013b.html#25 Still think the mainframe is going away soon: Think again. IBM mainframe computer sales are 4% of IBM's revenue; with software, services, and storage it's 25%
2012p.html#17 What is a Mainframe?
2012p.html#5 What is a Mainframe?
2012o.html#70 bubble memory
2012o.html#64 Random thoughts: Low power, High performance
2012o.html#62 ISO documentation of IBM 3375, 3380 and 3390 track format
2012o.html#61 ISO documentation of IBM 3375, 3380 and 3390 track format
2012o.html#60 ISO documentation of IBM 3375, 3380 and 3390 track format
2012o.html#59 ISO documentation of IBM 3375, 3380 and 3390 track format
2012o.html#58 ISO documentation of IBM 3375, 3380 and 3390 track format
2012o.html#54 Thoughts About Mainframe Developers and Why I Was Oh So Wrong
2012o.html#31 Regarding Time Sharing
2012o.html#30 Regarding Time Sharing
2012o.html#28 IBM mainframe evolves to serve the digital world
2012o.html#27 Blades versus z was Re: Turn Off Another Light - Univ. of Tennessee
2012o.html#25 Blades versus z was Re: Turn Off Another Light - Univ. of Tennessee
2012o.html#24 Assembler vs. COBOL--processing time, space needed
2012n.html#47 history of Programming language and CPU in relation to each
2012n.html#46 history of Programming language and CPU in relation to each
2012n.html#9 How do you feel about the fact that today India has more IBM employees than any of the other countries in the world including the USA.?
2012m.html#6 Blades versus z was Re: Turn Off Another Light - Univ. of Tennessee
2012m.html#4 Blades versus z was Re: Turn Off Another Light - Univ. of Tennessee
2012l.html#30 X86 server
2012l.html#3 Did Bill Gates Steal the Heart of DOS?
2012k.html#88 1132 printer history
2012k.html#25 Two Articles of Interest on Culture and Things to Look For
2012j.html#52 The dbdebunk revival
2012j.html#29 How smart do you need to be to be really good with Assembler?
2012j.html#22 Interesting News Article
2012j.html#14 Can anybody give me a clear idea about Cloud Computing in MAINFRAME ?
2012j.html#13 Can anybody give me a clear idea about Cloud Computing in MAINFRAME ?
2012j.html#12 Can anybody give me a clear idea about Cloud Computing in MAINFRAME ?
2012i.html#95 Can anybody give me a clear idea about Cloud Computing in MAINFRAME ?
2012i.html#28 Top Ten Reasons Why Large Companies Fail To Keep Their Best Talent
2012h.html#65 What are your experiences with Amdahl Computers and Plug-Compatibles?
2012h.html#12 How do you feel about the fact that today India has more IBM employees than US?
2012g.html#35 IBM bans Siri: Privacy risk, or corporate paranoia at its best?
2012g.html#4 Hard drives: A bit of progress
2012g.html#1 Did the 1401 use SVC's??
2012f.html#24 Time to competency for new software language?
2012f.html#1 Hard Disk Drive Construction
2012e.html#106 Hard Disk Drive Construction
2012e.html#83 Why are organizations sticking with mainframes?
2012e.html#39 A bit of IBM System 360 nostalgia
2012e.html#27 NASA unplugs their last mainframe
2012d.html#76 megabytes per second
2012d.html#75 megabytes per second
2012d.html#72 megabytes per second
2012d.html#41 Layer 8: NASA unplugs last mainframe
2012d.html#28 NASA unplugs their last mainframe
2012c.html#58 Memory versus processor speed
2012c.html#47 nested LRU schemes
2012c.html#23 M68k add to memory is not a mistake any more
2012c.html#20 M68k add to memory is not a mistake any more
2012b.html#73 Tape vs DASD - Speed/time/CPU utilization
2012b.html#64 Why can't the track format be changed?
2012b.html#2 The PC industry is heading for collapse
2012.html#84 Where are all the old tech workers?
2011p.html#134 Start Interpretive Execution
2011p.html#128 Start Interpretive Execution
2011p.html#120 Start Interpretive Execution
2011p.html#55 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2011p.html#51 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2011p.html#36 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2011p.html#32 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2011p.html#26 Deja Cloud?
2011p.html#20 Deja Cloud?
2011p.html#19 Deja Cloud?
2011p.html#5 Why are organizations sticking with mainframes?
2011o.html#23 3270 archaeology
2011n.html#36 Last Word on Dennis Ritchie
2011l.html#31 computer bootlaces
2011k.html#86 'smttter IBMdroids
2011j.html#56 Graph of total world disk space over time?
2011j.html#55 Graph of total world disk space over time?
2011j.html#54 Graph of total world disk space over time?
2011j.html#47 Graph of total world disk space over time?
2011j.html#9 program coding pads
2011i.html#62 Announcement of the disk drive (1956)
2011g.html#59 Is the magic and romance killed by Windows (and Linux)?
2011f.html#87 Gee... I wonder if I qualify for "old geek"?
2011f.html#72 program coding pads
2011f.html#46 At least two decades back, some gurus predicted that mainframes would disappear in future and it still has not happened
2011e.html#81 Collection of APL documents
2011e.html#62 3090 ... announce 12Feb85
2011e.html#45 junking CKD; was "Social Security Confronts IT Obsolescence"
2011d.html#63 The first personal computer (PC)
2011d.html#55 Maybe off topic
2011d.html#49 If IBM Hadn't Bet the Company
2011c.html#62 z/OS 1.13 preview
2011c.html#26 If IBM Hadn't Bet the Compan
2011c.html#14 If IBM Hadn't Bet the Company
2011b.html#48 Speed of Old Hard Disks
2011b.html#47 A brief history of CMS/XA, part 1
2011b.html#14 Long-running jobs, PDS, and DISP=SHR
2011.html#86 Utility of find single set bit instruction?
2011.html#71 Speed of Old Hard Disks
2011.html#70 Speed of Old Hard Disks
2011.html#69 Speed of Old Hard Disks
2011.html#68 Speed of Old Hard Disks
2011.html#67 Speed of Old Hard Disks
2011.html#66 Speed of Old Hard Disks
2011.html#65 Speed of Old Hard Disks
2011.html#63 Speed of Old Hard Disks
2011.html#61 Speed of Old Hard Disks
2011.html#60 Speed of Old Hard Disks
2011.html#59 Speed of Old Hard Disks
2011.html#58 Speed of Old Hard Disks
2011.html#57 Speed of Old Hard Disks
2011.html#56 Speed of Old Hard Disks
2011.html#37 CKD DASD
2011.html#36 CKD DASD
2011.html#35 CKD DASD
2011.html#23 zLinux OR Linux on zEnterprise Blade Extension???
2011.html#16 Looking for a real Fortran-66 compatible PC compiler (CP/M or DOS or Windows, doesn't matter)
2011.html#14 IBM Future System
2010q.html#42 Who hasn't caused an outage? What is the worst thing you have done?
2010q.html#41 Old EMAIL Index
2010q.html#30 IBM Historic computing
2010q.html#25 Economic espionage discussed
2010p.html#34 TCM's Moguls documentary series
2010o.html#63 They always think we don't understand
2010o.html#12 When will MVS be able to use cheap dasd
2010n.html#84 Hashing for DISTINCT or GROUP BY in SQL
2010n.html#65 When will MVS be able to use cheap dasd
2010n.html#51 Paper tape
2010n.html#18 Mainframe Slang terms
2010n.html#12 Mainframe Slang terms
2010m.html#80 3270 Emulator Software
2010m.html#52 Basic question about CPU instructions
2010m.html#44 IBM 3883 Manuals
2010m.html#42 IBM 3883 Manuals
2010m.html#41 IBM 3883 Manuals
2010l.html#33 History of Hard-coded Offsets
2010l.html#31 Wax ON Wax OFF -- Tuning VSAM considerations
2010l.html#18 Old EMAIL Index
2010k.html#17 Documenting the underlying FBA design of 3375, 3380 and 3390?
2010k.html#10 Documenting the underlying FBA design of 3375, 3380 and 3390?
2010i.html#85 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010h.html#70 25 reasons why hardware is still hot at IBM
2010h.html#10 Far and near pointers on the 80286 and later
2010g.html#44 16:32 far pointers in OpenWatcom C/C++
2010g.html#32 Intel Nehalem-EX Aims for the Mainframe
2010g.html#0 16:32 far pointers in OpenWatcom C/C++
2010f.html#18 What was the historical price of a P/390?
2010f.html#16 What was the historical price of a P/390?
2010f.html#7 What was the historical price of a P/390?
2010e.html#30 SHAREWARE at Its Finest
2010e.html#5 What is a Server?
2010d.html#66 LPARs: More or Less?
2010d.html#59 LPARs: More or Less?
2010c.html#71 using an FPGA to emulate a vintage computer
2010c.html#1 "The Naked Mainframe" (Forbes Security Article)
2010b.html#100 "The Naked Mainframe" (Forbes Security Article)
2010b.html#29 Happy DEC-10 Day
2009s.html#33 Larrabee delayed: anyone know what's happening?
2009s.html#29 channels, was Larrabee delayed: anyone know what's happening?
2009s.html#22 Larrabee delayed: anyone know what's happening?
2009s.html#16 Why Coder Pay Isn't Proportional To Productivity
2009r.html#52 360 programs on a z/10
2009r.html#51 "Portable" data centers
2009r.html#49 "Portable" data centers
2009r.html#37 While watching Biography about Bill Gates on CNBC last Night
2009q.html#79 Now is time for banks to replace core system according to Accenture
2009q.html#74 Now is time for banks to replace core system according to Accenture
2009q.html#70 Now is time for banks to replace core system according to Accenture
2009p.html#16 - IBM Puts Executive on Leave
2009p.html#13 Secret Service plans IT reboot
2009p.html#12 Secret Service plans IT reboot
2009p.html#11 Secret Service plans IT reboot
2009p.html#0 big iron mainframe vs. x86 servers
2009o.html#17 Broken hardware was Re: Broken Brancher
2009m.html#36 comp.arch has made itself a sitting duck for spam
2009l.html#46 SNA: conflicting opinions
2009k.html#75 Disksize history question
2009k.html#58 Disksize history question
2009k.html#49 A Complete History Of Mainframe Computing
2009k.html#45 Z/VM support for FBA devices was Re: z/OS support of HMC's 3270 emulation?
2009k.html#44 Z/VM support for FBA devices was Re: z/OS support of HMC's 3270 emulation?
2009k.html#43 Z/VM support for FBA devices was Re: z/OS support of HMC's 3270 emulation?
2009k.html#42 Disksize history question
2009k.html#41 Disksize history question
2009k.html#17 Bulletproof
2009j.html#73 DCSS ... when shared segments were implemented in VM
2009i.html#71 Barclays ATMs hit by computer fault
2009i.html#66 Was there ever a 10in floppy?
2009i.html#65 Was there ever a 10in floppy?
2009i.html#7 My Vintage Dream PC
2009h.html#68 My Vintage Dream PC
2009e.html#61 "A foolish consistancy" or "3390 cyl/track architecture"
2009e.html#45 Mainframe Hall of Fame: 17 New Members Added
2009e.html#44 Architectural Diversity
2009e.html#41 "A foolish consistancy" or "3390 cyl/track architecture"
2009e.html#1 Hurrah Berners-Lee! Web celebrates 20th anniversary
2009d.html#48 Mainframe Hall of Fame: 17 New Members Added
2009c.html#35 Why do IBMers think disks are 'Direct Access'?
2009c.html#9 Assembler Question
2009.html#43 Evil weather
2009.html#8 Is SUN going to become x86'ed ??
2009.html#3 Is SUN going to become x86'ed ??
2008s.html#17 IBM PC competitors
2008r.html#37 What if the computers went back to the '70s too?
2008r.html#32 What if the computers went back to the '70s too?
2008q.html#43 TOPS-10
2008q.html#42 TOPS-10
2008q.html#40 TOPS-10
2008o.html#55 Virtual
2008m.html#61 CHROME and WEB apps on Mainframe?
2008l.html#65 Crippleware: hardware examples
2008l.html#58 Intel: an expensive many-core future is ahead of us
2008l.html#55 Intel: an expensive many-core future is ahead of us
2008k.html#80 How to calculate effective page fault service time?
2008k.html#77 Disk drive improvements
2008k.html#76 Disk drive improvements
2008k.html#75 Disk drive improvements
2008j.html#49 Another difference between platforms
2008j.html#15 What is "timesharing" (Re: OS X Finder windows vs terminal window weirdness)
2008i.html#41 American Airlines
2008i.html#37 American Airlines
2008i.html#9 Obfuscation was: Definition of file spec in commands
2008i.html#8 pro- foreign key propaganda?
2008h.html#62 Microsoft versus Digital Equipment Corporation
2008h.html#46 Whitehouse Emails Were Lost Due to "Upgrade"
2008g.html#19 CA ESD files Options
2008g.html#18 CA ESD files Options
2008f.html#34 Historic IBM Building 25 in San Jose destroyed by fire
2008f.html#29 Historic IBM Building 25 in San Jose destroyed by fire
2008e.html#60 z10 presentation on 26 Feb
2008e.html#2 How many overwrites for secure erase?
2008d.html#52 Throwaway cores
2008d.html#23 more on (the new 40+ yr old) virtualization
2008c.html#88 CPU time differences for the same job
2008b.html#45 windows time service
2008b.html#42 windows time service
2008b.html#25 Flash memory arrays
2008.html#27 Tap and faucet and spellcheckers
2008.html#25 Tap and faucet and spellcheckers
2007v.html#33 Hitachi, Silver Lake in talks about hard drives, sources say
2007u.html#86 IBM mainframe history, was Floating-point myths
2007t.html#77 T3 Sues IBM To Break its Mainframe Monopoly
2007t.html#72 Remembering the CDC 6600
2007s.html#9 Poster of computer hardware events?
2007s.html#8 Anybody remember Keypunch cards?
2007p.html#58 what does xp do when system is copying
2007o.html#69 ServerPac Installs and dataset allocations
2007o.html#67 1401 simulator for OS/360
2007o.html#64 Toshiba Boosts Hard Drive Density By 50%
2007n.html#3 Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard?
2007m.html#55 Capacity and Relational Database
2007m.html#40 Bulkiest removable storage media?
2007l.html#53 Drums: Memory or Peripheral?
2007l.html#52 Drums: Memory or Peripheral?
2007l.html#7 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007k.html#62 3350 failures
2007k.html#58 3350 failures
2007k.html#38 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007k.html#21 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007j.html#68 Disc Drives
2007j.html#64 Disc Drives
2007i.html#83 Disc Drives
2007i.html#34 Internal DASD Pathing
2007h.html#68 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007h.html#54 ANN: Microsoft goes Open Source
2007h.html#9 21st Century ISA goals?
2007h.html#6 21st Century ISA goals?
2007g.html#12 University rank of Computer Architecture
2007f.html#5 FBA rant
2007e.html#63 FBA rant
2007e.html#46 FBA rant
2007e.html#43 FBA rant
2007e.html#42 FBA rant
2007e.html#40 FBA rant
2007e.html#38 FBA rant
2007e.html#33 IBM S/360 series operating systems history
2007e.html#21 A way to speed up level 1 caches
2007d.html#21 How many 36-bit Unix ports in the old days?
2007c.html#42 Keep VM 24X7 365 days
2007c.html#12 Special characters in passwords was Re: RACF - Password rules
2007c.html#5 old productivity response time studies
2007c.html#0 old discussion of disk controller chache
2007b.html#28 What is "command reject" trying to tell me?
2007b.html#27 How many 36-bit Unix ports in the old days?
2007b.html#26 How many 36-bit Unix ports in the old days?
2007b.html#25 What is "command reject" trying to tell me?
2007.html#44 vm/sp1
2007.html#37 How many 36-bit Unix ports in the old days?
2007.html#29 Just another example of mainframe costs
2007.html#2 "The Elements of Programming Style"
2006y.html#34 "The Elements of Programming Style"
2006y.html#25 "The Elements of Programming Style"
2006x.html#31 The Future of CPUs: What's After Multi-Core?
2006x.html#27 The Future of CPUs: What's After Multi-Core?
2006x.html#15 The Future of CPUs: What's After Multi-Core?
2006x.html#13 The Future of CPUs: What's After Multi-Core?
2006x.html#12 The Future of CPUs: What's After Multi-Core?
2006v.html#23 Ranking of non-IBM mainframe builders?
2006v.html#20 Ranking of non-IBM mainframe builders?
2006v.html#19 Ranking of non-IBM mainframe builders?
2006v.html#17 Ranking of non-IBM mainframe builders?
2006v.html#16 Ranking of non-IBM mainframe builders?
2006u.html#26 Assembler question
2006u.html#18 Why so little parallelism?
2006t.html#41 The Future of CPUs: What's After Multi-Core?
2006t.html#19 old vm370 mitre benchmark
2006t.html#18 Why magnetic drums was/are worse than disks ?
2006s.html#59 Why magnetic drums was/are worse than disks ?
2006s.html#45 Why magnetic drums was/are worse than disks ?
2006s.html#42 Ranking of non-IBM mainframe builders?
2006s.html#33 Why magnetic drums was/are worse than disks ?
2006s.html#32 Why magnetic drums was/are worse than disks ?
2006s.html#31 Why magnetic drums was/are worse than disks ?
2006s.html#30 Why magnetic drums was/are worse than disks ?
2006s.html#29 Why these original FORTRAN quirks?
2006r.html#40 REAL memory column in SDSF
2006r.html#39 REAL memory column in SDSF
2006r.html#36 REAL memory column in SDSF
2006r.html#31 50th Anniversary of invention of disk drives
2006r.html#23 50th Anniversary of invention of disk drives
2006r.html#21 50th Anniversary of invention of disk drives
2006r.html#20 50th Anniversary of invention of disk drives
2006r.html#15 50th Anniversary of invention of disk drives
2006r.html#14 50th Anniversary of invention of disk drives
2006r.html#12 Trying to design low level hard disk manipulation program
2006r.html#4 Was FORTRAN buggy?
2006q.html#50 Was FORTRAN buggy?
2006q.html#42 Was FORTRAN buggy?
2006q.html#36 Was FORTRAN buggy?
2006q.html#1 Materiel and graft
2006p.html#40 "25th Anniversary of the Personal Computer"
2006p.html#0 DASD Response Time (on antique 3390?)
2006o.html#68 DASD Response Time (on antique 3390?)
2006o.html#52 The Fate of VM - was: Re: Baby MVS???
2006o.html#44 When Does Folklore Begin???
2006l.html#18 virtual memory
2006l.html#17 virtual memory
2006l.html#6 Google Architecture
2006i.html#6 The Pankian Metaphor
2006g.html#0 IBM 3380 and 3880 maintenance docs needed
2006e.html#36 The Pankian Metaphor
2006d.html#14 IBM 610 workstation computer
2006d.html#3 Hercules 3.04 announcement
2006d.html#1 Hercules 3.04 announcement
2006c.html#46 Hercules 3.04 announcement
2006c.html#6 IBM 610 workstation computer
2006.html#22 IBM up for grabs?
2006.html#4 Average Seek times are pretty confusing
2006.html#1 Average Seek times are pretty confusing
2005v.html#6 DMV systems?
2005t.html#50 non ECC
2005s.html#34 Power5 and Cell, new issue of IBM Journal of R&D
2005p.html#1 Intel engineer discusses their dual-core design
2005o.html#44 Intel engineer discusses their dual-core design
2005o.html#25 auto reIPL
2005m.html#40 capacity of largest drive
2005m.html#17 Another - Another One Bites the Dust
2005k.html#9 3705 ID Tag
2005i.html#51 Regarding interrupt sharing architectures!
2005h.html#40 Software for IBM 360/30
2005h.html#32 Software for IBM 360/30
2005f.html#60 Where should the type information be: in tags and descriptors
2005f.html#49 Moving assembler programs above the line
2005f.html#5 System/360; Hardwired vs. Microcoded
2005f.html#4 System/360; Hardwired vs. Microcoded
2005e.html#11 He Who Thought He Knew Something About DASD
2005e.html#10 He Who Thought He Knew Something About DASD
2005e.html#5 He Who Thought He Knew Something About DASD
2005d.html#62 Misuse of word "microcode"
2005d.html#36 backup/archive
2005d.html#29 Adversarial Testing, was Re: Thou shalt have no
2005d.html#28 Adversarial Testing, was Re: Thou shalt have no
2005d.html#27 Adversarial Testing, was Re: Thou shalt have no
2005c.html#64 Is the solution FBA was Re: FW: Looking for Disk Calc
2005c.html#23 Volume Largest Free Space Problem... ???
2005c.html#1 4shift schedule
2005b.html#45 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2005b.html#35 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2005.html#35 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2005.html#8 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2004q.html#64 Will multicore CPUs have identical cores?
2004q.html#3 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2004p.html#64 Systems software versus applications software definitions
2004p.html#62 IBM 3614 and 3624 ATM's
2004p.html#61 IBM 3614 and 3624 ATM's
2004p.html#58 IBM 3614 and 3624 ATM's
2004o.html#55 Integer types for 128-bit addressing
2004o.html#45 Integer types for 128-bit addressing
2004o.html#25 CKD Disks?
2004o.html#17 360 longevity, was RISCs too close to hardware?
2004o.html#15 360 longevity, was RISCs too close to hardware?
2004o.html#8 Integer types for 128-bit addressing
2004o.html#7 Integer types for 128-bit addressing
2004n.html#52 CKD Disks?
2004n.html#45 Shipwrecks
2004n.html#39 RS/6000 in Sysplex Environment
2004n.html#22 Shipwrecks
2004n.html#18 RISCs too close to hardware?
2004n.html#15 360 longevity, was RISCs too close to hardware?
2004n.html#14 360 longevity, was RISCs too close to hardware?
2004m.html#45 Multi-processor timing issue
2004l.html#23 Is the solution FBA was Re: FW: Looking for Disk Calc
2004l.html#22 Is the solution FBA was Re: FW: Looking for Disk Calc
2004l.html#20 Is the solution FBA was Re: FW: Looking for Disk Calc
2004l.html#14 Xah Lee's Unixism
2004l.html#12 Xah Lee's Unixism
2004g.html#21 Infiniband - practicalities for small clusters
2004d.html#65 System/360 40 years old today
2004b.html#15 harddisk in space
2004.html#35 40th anniversary of IBM System/360 on 7 Apr 200
2004.html#21 40th anniversary of IBM System/360 on 7 Apr 2004
2003o.html#2 Orthographical oddities
2003o.html#1 An informed populace
2003n.html#45 hung/zombie users ... long boring, wandering story
2003n.html#39 DASD history
2003m.html#43 S/360 undocumented instructions?
2003k.html#1 Dealing with complexity
2003j.html#69 Multics Concepts For the Contemporary Computing World
2003j.html#33 A Dark Day
2003j.html#16 A Dark Day
2003i.html#72 A few Z990 Gee-Wiz stats
2003i.html#32 A Dark Day
2003g.html#15 Disk capacity and backup solutions
2003g.html#14 Page Table - per OS/Process
2003f.html#40 inter-block gaps on DASD tracks
2003e.html#9 cp/67 35th anniversary
2003e.html#9 cp/67 35th anniversary
2003e.html#7 cp/67 35th anniversary
2003c.html#48 "average" DASD Blocksize
2003c.html#38 "average" DASD Blocksize
2003c.html#37 "average" DASD Blocksize
2003c.html#36 "average" DASD Blocksize
2003b.html#67 Disk drives as commodities. Was Re: Yamhill
2003b.html#52 Disk drives as commodities. Was Re: Yamhill
2003b.html#51 Disk drives as commodities. Was Re: Yamhill
2003b.html#22 360/370 disk drives
2003b.html#7 Disk drives as commodities. Was Re: Yamhill
2003b.html#6 Disk drives as commodities. Was Re: Yamhill
2003b.html#4 Disk drives as commodities. Was Re: Yamhill
2003b.html#3 Disk drives as commodities. Was Re: Yamhill
2003.html#15 rebirth
2002p.html#46 Linux paging
2002o.html#74 They Got Mail: Not-So-Fond Farewells
2002n.html#63 Help me find pics of a UNIVAC please
2002n.html#62 PLX
2002n.html#31 why does wait state exist?
2002n.html#29 why does wait state exist?
2002l.html#50 IBM 2311 disk drive actuator and head assembly
2002l.html#2 What is microcode?
2002k.html#38 GOTOs cross-posting
2002j.html#56 Server and Mainframes
2002j.html#30 Weird
2002i.html#22 CDC6600 - just how powerful a machine was it?
2002i.html#18 AS/400 and MVS - clarification please
2002i.html#5 DCAS [Was: Re: 'atomic' memops?]
2002h.html#50 crossreferenced program code listings
2002h.html#49 Coulda, Woulda, Shoudda moments?
2002g.html#32 Secure Device Drivers
2002f.html#23 Computers in Science Fiction
2002e.html#57 Mainframers: Take back the light (spotlight, that is)
2002d.html#19 Mainframers: Take back the light (spotlight, that is)
2002d.html#8 Security Proportional to Risk (was: IBM Mainframe at home)
2002d.html#5 IBM Mainframe at home
2002d.html#0 VAX, M68K complex instructions (was Re: Did Intel Bite Off MoreThan It Can Chew?)
2002b.html#2 Microcode? (& index searching)
2002b.html#1 Microcode? (& index searching)
2002.html#10 index searching
2002.html#6 index searching
2002.html#5 index searching
2002.html#0 index searching
2001n.html#39 195 was: Computer Typesetting Was: Movies with source code
2001m.html#36 Is OLTEP really dead?
2001l.html#63 MVS History (all parts)
2001l.html#57 mainframe question
2001l.html#55 mainframe question
2001l.html#54 mainframe question
2001l.html#53 mainframe question
2001l.html#41 mainframe question
2001l.html#32 mainframe question
2001l.html#19 mainframe question
2001l.html#13 mainframe question
2001k.html#14 HP-UX will not be ported to Alpha (no surprise)exit
2001i.html#39 IBM OS Timeline?
2001h.html#29 checking some myths
2001h.html#28 checking some myths
2001h.html#19 checking some myths.
2001h.html#1 Alpha: an invitation to communicate
2001g.html#44 The Alpha/IA64 Hybrid
2001g.html#35 Did AT&T offer Unix to Digital Equipment in the 70s?
2001g.html#32 Did AT&T offer Unix to Digital Equipment in the 70s?
2001f.html#75 Test and Set (TS) vs Compare and Swap (CS)
2001f.html#67 IBM mainframe reference online?
2001e.html#64 Design (Was Re: Server found behind drywall)
2001e.html#41 Where are IBM z390 SPECint2000 results?
2001e.html#3 "Bootstrap"
2001b.html#23 Linux IA-64 interrupts [was Re: Itanium benchmarks ...]
2001.html#13 Review of Steve McConnell's AFTER THE GOLD RUSH
2000d.html#0 Is a VAX a mainframe?
2000c.html#75 Does the word "mainframe" still have a meaning?
2000c.html#73 Does the word "mainframe" still have a meaning?
2000c.html#72 Does the word "mainframe" still have a meaning?
2000c.html#70 Does the word "mainframe" still have a meaning?
2000c.html#69 Does the word "mainframe" still have a meaning?
2000.html#9 Computer of the century
99.html#223 Paradigm Shifted (was: Re: BBSs vs. The Internet)
99.html#149 OS/360 (and descendants) VM system?
99.html#98 Early interupts on mainframes
99.html#54 Fault Tolerance
99.html#31 Old Computers
98.html#4 VSE or MVS
96.html#27 Mainframes & Unix
96.html#19 IBM 4381 (finger-check)
96.html#18 IBM 4381 (finger-check)
95.html#3 What is an IBM 137/148???
94.html#15 cp disk story

top , by subject : technology , networking , public key , integrity , Boyd - home

APL and/or HONE (Hands-On Network Environment)

and some misc. old HONE related email

2025b.html#42 IBM 70s & 80s
2025b.html#34 IBM 370/125
2025.html#121 Clone 370 System Makers
2025.html#120 Microcode and Virtual Machine
2025.html#101 Clone 370 Mainframes
2025.html#52 Canned Software and OCO-Wars
2025.html#43 Multics vs Unix
2025.html#42 Multics vs Unix
2025.html#30 3270 Terminals
2025.html#20 Virtual Machine History
2025.html#6 IBM 37x5
2024g.html#112 Dataprocessing Innovation
2024g.html#111 Dataprocessing Innovation
2024g.html#108 IBM 370 Virtual Storage
2024g.html#107 IBM 370 Virtual Storage
2024g.html#91 CP/67 Multics vs Unix
2024g.html#89 IBM 4300 and 3370FBA
2024g.html#70 Building the System/360 Mainframe Nearly Destroyed IBM
2024g.html#56 Compute Farm and Distributed Computing Tsunami
2024g.html#45 IBM Mainframe User Group SHARE
2024g.html#37 IBM Mainframe User Group SHARE
2024g.html#35 IBM and Amdahl history (Re: What is an N-bit machine?)
2024g.html#12 4th Generation Programming Language
2024g.html#6 IBM 5100
2024f.html#110 360/65 and 360/67
2024f.html#97 SHARE User Group Meeting October 1968 Film Restoration, IBM 360
2024f.html#94 IBM Email and PROFS
2024f.html#91 IBM Email and PROFS
2024f.html#80 CP67 And Source Update
2024f.html#75 Prodigy
2024f.html#48 IBM Telecommunication Controllers
2024f.html#46 IBM TCM
2024f.html#45 IBM 5100 and Other History
2024f.html#40 IBM Virtual Memory Global LRU
2024f.html#37 IBM 370/168
2024f.html#29 IBM 370 Virtual memory
2024e.html#119 IBM PC/RT AIX
2024e.html#106 IBM 801/RISC
2024e.html#67 The IBM Way by Buck Rogers
2024e.html#65 Amdahl
2024e.html#64 RS/6000, PowerPC, AS/400
2024e.html#44 Netscape
2024e.html#37 Gene Amdahl
2024e.html#19 HONE, APL, IBM 5100
2024e.html#18 IBM Downfall and Make-over
2024e.html#6 2314 Disks
2024e.html#0 2314 Disks
2024d.html#100 Chipsandcheese article on the CDC6600
2024d.html#92 Computer Virtual Memory
2024d.html#91 Computer Virtual Memory
2024d.html#81 APL and REXX Programming Languages
2024d.html#74 Some Email History
2024d.html#62 360/65, 360/67, 360/75 750ns memory
2024d.html#25 IBM 23June1969 Unbundling Announcement
2024d.html#12 ADA, FAA ATC, FSD
2024d.html#10 Benchmarking and Testing
2024d.html#9 Benchmarking and Testing
2024d.html#0 time-sharing history, Privilege Levels Below User
2024c.html#119 Financial/ATM Processing
2024c.html#112 Multithreading
2024c.html#104 Virtual Memory Paging
2024c.html#100 IBM 4300
2024c.html#90 Gordon Bell
2024c.html#77 Mainframe and Blade Servers
2024c.html#53 IBM 3705 & 3725
2024c.html#51 third system syndrome, interactive use, The Design of Design
2024c.html#50 third system syndrome, interactive use, The Design of Design
2024c.html#40 CMS RED, XEDIT, IOS3270, FULIST, BROWSE
2024c.html#31 HONE &/or APL
2024c.html#15 360&370 Unix (and other history)
2024c.html#11 370 Multiprocessor
2024c.html#6 Testing
2024b.html#96 Ferranti Atlas and Virtual Memory
2024b.html#72 Vintage Internet and Vintage APL
2024b.html#71 Vintage Internet and Vintage APL
2024b.html#69 3270s For Management
2024b.html#62 Vintage Series/1
2024b.html#60 Vintage Selectric
2024b.html#51 IBM Token-Ring
2024b.html#31 HONE, Performance Predictor, and Configurators
2024b.html#18 IBM 5100
2024b.html#15 IBM 5100
2024b.html#7 IBM Tapes
2024.html#116 IBM's Unbundling
2024.html#112 IBM User Group SHARE
2024.html#109 IBM User Group SHARE
2024.html#94 MVS SRM
2024.html#88 IBM 360
2024.html#78 Mainframe Performance Optimization
2024.html#21 1975: VM/370 and CMS Demo
2023g.html#105 VM Mascot
2023g.html#73 MVS/TSO and VM370/CMS Interactive Response
2023g.html#72 MVS/TSO and VM370/CMS Interactive Response
2023g.html#71 MVS/TSO and VM370/CMS Interactive Response
2023g.html#58 Multiprocessor
2023g.html#43 Wheeler Scheduler
2023g.html#30 Vintage IBM OS/VU
2023g.html#15 Vintage IBM 4300
2023g.html#6 Vintage Future System
2023g.html#4 Vintage Future System
2023f.html#104 MVS versus VM370, PROFS and HONE
2023f.html#94 CSC, HONE, 23Jun69 Unbundling, Future System
2023f.html#93 CSC, HONE, 23Jun69 Unbundling, Future System
2023f.html#92 CSC, HONE, 23Jun69 Unbundling, Future System
2023f.html#77 Vintage Mainframe PROFS
2023f.html#75 Vintage Mainframe PROFS
2023f.html#64 Online Computer Conferencing
2023f.html#60 The Many Ways To Play Colossal Cave Adventure After Nearly Half A Century
2023f.html#55 Vintage IBM 5100
2023f.html#44 IBM Vintage Series/1
2023f.html#42 Vintage IBM Mainframes & Minicomputers
2023f.html#41 Vintage IBM Mainframes & Minicomputers
2023f.html#35 Vintage IBM Mainframes & Minicomputers
2023f.html#27 Ferranti Atlas
2023e.html#98 Mainframe Tapes
2023e.html#87 CP/67, VM/370, VM/SP, VM/XA
2023e.html#81 Storage Management
2023e.html#75 microcomputers, minicomputers, mainframes, supercomputers
2023e.html#53 VM370/CMS Shared Segments
2023e.html#33 Copyright Software
2023d.html#113 VM370
2023d.html#110 APL
2023d.html#106 DASD, Channel and I/O long winded trivia
2023d.html#100 IBM 3083
2023d.html#90 IBM 3083
2023d.html#71 IBM System/360, 1964
2023d.html#24 VM370, SMP, HONE
2023d.html#23 VM370, SMP, HONE
2023d.html#18 IBM 3880 Disk Controller
2023d.html#15 Boeing 747
2023c.html#103 IBM Term "DASD"
2023c.html#94 Netherlands and Uithoorn
2023c.html#90 More Dataprocessing Career
2023c.html#82 Dataprocessing Career
2023c.html#79 IBM TLA
2023c.html#77 IBM Big Blue, True Blue, Bleed Blue
2023c.html#55 IBM VM/370
2023c.html#44 VM/370 3270 Terminal
2023c.html#25 IBM Downfall
2023c.html#15 IBM Downfall
2023c.html#10 IBM Downfall
2023c.html#6 IBM Downfall
2023b.html#92 IRS and legacy COBOL
2023b.html#87 IRS and legacy COBOL
2023b.html#86 Online systems fostering online communication
2023b.html#82 IBM 158-3 (& 4341)
2023b.html#80 IBM 158-3 (& 4341)
2023b.html#79 IBM 158-3 (& 4341)
2023b.html#14 IBM User Group, SHARE
2023b.html#5 IBM 370
2023b.html#4 IBM 370
2023.html#117 IBM 5100
2023.html#97 Online Computer Conferencing
2023.html#91 IBM 4341
2023.html#90 Performance Predictor, IBM downfall, and new CEO
2023.html#57 Almost IBM class student
2023.html#49 23Jun1969 Unbundling and Online IBM Branch Offices
2023.html#37 Adventure Game
2023.html#20 IBM Change
2023.html#15 IBM Marketing, Sales, Branch Offices
2023.html#12 IBM Marketing, Sales, Branch Offices
2022h.html#112 TOPS-20 Boot Camp for VMS Users 05-Mar-2022
2022h.html#2 360/91
2022g.html#93 No, I will not pay the bill
2022g.html#90 IBM Cambridge Science Center Performance Technology
2022g.html#88 IBM Cambridge Science Center Performance Technology
2022g.html#68 Datacenter Vulnerability
2022g.html#65 IBM DPD
2022g.html#63 IBM DPD
2022g.html#61 Datacenter Vulnerability
2022g.html#23 IBM APL
2022g.html#2 VM/370
2022f.html#110 IBM Downfall
2022f.html#75 IBM/PC
2022f.html#59 The Man That Helped Change IBM
2022f.html#53 z/VM 50th - part 4
2022f.html#44 z/VM 50th
2022f.html#30 IBM Power: The Servers that Apple Should Have Created
2022f.html#10 9 Mainframe Statistics That May Surprise You
2022f.html#3 COBOL and tricks
2022e.html#96 Enhanced Production Operating Systems II
2022e.html#79 Enhanced Production Operating Systems
2022e.html#60 IBM CEO: Only 60% of office workers will ever return full-time
2022e.html#55 Channel Program I/O Processing Efficiency
2022e.html#51 Channel Program I/O Processing Efficiency
2022e.html#50 Channel Program I/O Processing Efficiency
2022e.html#36 IBM 23June1969 Unbundle
2022e.html#32 IBM 37x5 Boxes
2022e.html#10 VM/370 Going Away
2022e.html#9 VM/370 Going Away
2022d.html#95 Operating System File/Dataset I/O
2022d.html#68 CMS OS/360 Simulation
2022d.html#63 VM/370 Turns 50 2Aug2022
2022d.html#62 IBM 360/50 Simulation From Its Microcode
2022c.html#86 APL & IBM 5100
2022c.html#62 IBM RESPOND
2022c.html#26 IBM Cambridge Science Center
2022c.html#22 Telum & z16
2022b.html#124 System Response
2022b.html#107 15 Examples of How Different Life Was Before The Internet
2022b.html#95 IBM Salary
2022b.html#90 Computer BUNCH
2022b.html#34 IBM Cloud to offer Z-series mainframes for first time - albeit for test and dev
2022b.html#29 IBM Cloud to offer Z-series mainframes for first time - albeit for test and dev
2022b.html#22 IBM Cloud to offer Z-series mainframes for first time - albeit for test and dev
2022b.html#8 Porting APL to CP67/CMS
2022.html#129 Dataprocessing Career
2022.html#128 SHARE LSRAD Report
2022.html#123 SHARE LSRAD Report
2022.html#103 Online Computer Conferencing
2022.html#101 Online Computer Conferencing
2022.html#81 165/168/3033 & 370 virtual memory
2022.html#74 165/168/3033 & 370 virtual memory
2022.html#65 CMSBACK
2022.html#61 File Backup
2022.html#52 Acoustic Coupler
2022.html#46 Automated Benchmarking
2022.html#43 Automated Benchmarking
2022.html#36 Error Handling
2022.html#29 IBM HONE
2022.html#15 Mainframe I/O
2022.html#4 GML/SGML/HTML/Mosaic
2021k.html#121 Computer Performance
2021k.html#120 Computer Performance
2021k.html#102 IBM CSO
2021k.html#55 System Availability
2021k.html#54 System Availability
2021k.html#47 IBM CSC, CMS\APL, IBM 2250, IBM 3277GA
2021k.html#34 APL
2021k.html#28 APL
2021k.html#23 MS/DOS for IBM/PC
2021j.html#108 168 Loosely-Coupled Configuration
2021j.html#59 Order of Knights VM
2021j.html#30 VM370, 3081, and AT&T Long Lines
2021j.html#25 VM370, 3081, and AT&T Long Lines
2021j.html#11 System Availability
2021i.html#78 IBM ACP/TPF
2021i.html#77 IBM ACP/TPF
2021i.html#61 Virtual Machine Debugging
2021i.html#10 A brief overview of IBM's new 7 nm Telum mainframe CPU
2021h.html#67 CSC, Virtual Machines, Internet
2021h.html#3 Cloud computing's destiny
2021h.html#1 Cloud computing's destiny
2021g.html#71 the wonders of SABRE, was Magnetic Drum reservations 1952
2021g.html#34 IBM Fan-fold cards
2021g.html#31 IBM Programming Projects
2021g.html#29 Execute and IBM history, not Sequencer vs microcode
2021g.html#6 IBM 370
2021f.html#30 IBM HSDT & HA/CMP
2021f.html#20 1401 MPIO
2021f.html#16 IBM Zcloud - is it just outsourcing ?
2021f.html#2 IBM Series/1
2021e.html#79 Early IBM Business Trips
2021e.html#62 IBM / How To Stuff A Wild Duck
2021e.html#61 Performance Monitoring, Analysis, Simulation, etc
2021e.html#55 SHARE (& GUIDE)
2021e.html#8 Online Computer Conferencing
2021d.html#60 IBM Hardest Problem(s)
2021d.html#45 POK 370 Multiprocessor Machines
2021d.html#44 IBM Powerpoint sales presentations
2021d.html#43 IBM Powerpoint sales presentations
2021c.html#37 Some CP67, Future System and other history
2021c.html#17 IBM Wild Ducks
2021b.html#89 IBM Innovation
2021b.html#80 AT&T Long-lines
2021b.html#74 IMS Stories
2021b.html#35 HONE story/history
2021b.html#34 HONE story/history
2021b.html#33 HONE story/history
2021b.html#32 HONE story/history
2021b.html#23 IBM Recruiting
2021b.html#15 IBM Recruiting
2021.html#86 IBM Auditors and Games
2021.html#85 IBM Auditors and Gamesp
2021.html#74 Airline Reservation System
2021.html#14 Unbundling and Kernel Software
2020.html#28 50 years online at home
2019d.html#114 IBM HONE
2019d.html#108 IBM HONE
2019d.html#106 IBM HONE
2019d.html#96 PROFS and Internal Network
2019d.html#3 A crashing disappointment!
2019c.html#85 IBM: Buying While Apathetaic
2019c.html#80 IBM: Buying While Apathetaic
2019c.html#70 2301, 2303, 2305-1, 2305-2, paging, etc
2019c.html#63 2741 & APL
2019c.html#46 IBM 9020
2019c.html#25 virtual memory
2019b.html#92 MVS Boney Fingers
2019b.html#77 IBM downturn
2019b.html#27 Online Computer Conferencing
2019b.html#26 This Paper Map Shows The Extent Of The Entire Internet In 1973
2019b.html#14 Tandem Memo
2019.html#77 How many years ago?
2019.html#68 23june1969 unbundling
2019.html#67 Economic Mess
2019.html#64 23june1969 unbundling
2019.html#38 long-winded post thread, 3033, 3081, Future System
2018f.html#111 Online Timsharing
2018e.html#100 The (broken) economics of OSS
2018e.html#73 System/R, SQL/DS, DB2, HA/CMP
2018e.html#53 Updated Green Card
2018e.html#51 usenet history, was 1958 Crisis in education
2018e.html#22 Manned Orbiting Laboratory Declassified: Inside a US Military Space Station
2018d.html#116 Watch IBM's TV ad touting its first portable PC, a 50-lb marvel
2018d.html#83 CMS\APL
2018d.html#40 Online History
2018d.html#39 IBM downturn
2018d.html#13 Workplace Advice I Wish I Had Known
2018d.html#2 Has Microsoft commuted suicide
2018c.html#79 z/VM Live Guest Relocation
2018c.html#78 z/VM Live Guest Relocation
2018c.html#77 z/VM Live Guest Relocation
2018c.html#43 S/360 announce 4/7/1964, 54yrs
2018b.html#99 IBM 5100
2018b.html#96 IBM 5100
2018.html#88 IBM HONE system
2018.html#27 1963 Timesharing: A Solution to Computer Bottlenecks
2018.html#23 IBM Profs
2017k.html#45 APL
2017k.html#40 IBM etc I/O channels?
2017j.html#109 It's 1983: What computer would you buy?
2017j.html#103 why VM, was thrashing
2017j.html#86 VS/Repack
2017j.html#84 VS/Repack
2017i.html#80 WW II cryptography
2017i.html#49 IBM Branch Offices: What They Were, How They Worked, 1920s-1980s
2017h.html#99 Boca Series/1 & CPD
2017h.html#68 Pareto efficiency
2017h.html#62 computer component reliability, 1951
2017g.html#67 What is the most epic computer glitch you have ever seen?
2017g.html#56 What is the most epic computer glitch you have ever seen?
2017g.html#51 Stopping the Internet of noise
2017g.html#15 HONE Systems
2017g.html#11 Mainframe Networking problems
2017g.html#10 Mainframe Networking problems
2017f.html#108 The IBM 7094 and CTSS
2017f.html#105 The IBM 7094 and CTSS
2017f.html#97 The evolution of the laptop computer
2017f.html#67 Explore the groundbreaking Colossal Cave Adventure, 41 years on
2017d.html#85 Mainframe operating systems?
2017d.html#70 IBM online systems
2017d.html#66 Paging subsystems in the era of bigass memory
2017d.html#45 FW: What are mainframes
2017d.html#43 The Pentagon still uses computer software from 1958 to manage its contracts
2017d.html#42 What are mainframes
2017c.html#92 An OODA loop is a far-from-equilibrium, non-linear system with feedback
2017c.html#45 The ICL 2900
2017c.html#28 The ICL 2900
2017b.html#51 The ICL 2900
2017b.html#44 More on Mannix and the computer
2017b.html#27 Virtualization's Past Helps Explain Its Current Importance
2017b.html#2 IBM 1970s
2017.html#77 HONE APL Systems
2017.html#13 follow up to dense code definition
2016h.html#86 Computer/IBM Career
2016g.html#42 Floating point registers or general purpose registers
2016g.html#15 Rogue sysadmins the target of Microsoft's new 'Shielded VM' security
2016f.html#39 what is 3380 E?
2016f.html#8 IBM email
2016e.html#106 Blogs
2016e.html#88 E.R. Burroughs
2016e.html#14 Leaked IBM email says cutting 'redundant' jobs is a 'permanent and ongoing' part of its business model
2016d.html#42 Old Computing
2016d.html#41 PL/I advertising
2016d.html#34 The Network Nation, Revised Edition
2016d.html#27 Old IBM Mainframe Systems
2016c.html#63 Which Books Can You Recommend For Learning Computer Programming?
2016c.html#5 You count as an old-timer if (was Re: Origin of the phrase "XYZZY")
2016b.html#109 Bimodal Distribution
2016b.html#54 CMS\APL
2016b.html#36 Ransomware
2016.html#63 Lineage of TPF
2015h.html#112 Is there a source for detailed, instruction-level performance info?
2015h.html#86 Old HASP
2015g.html#98 PROFS & GML
2015g.html#91 IBM 4341, introduced in 1979, was 26 times faster than the 360/30
2015g.html#19 Linux Foundation Launches Open Mainframe Project
2015f.html#73 OT: A&P supermarket bankruptcy
2015f.html#69 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015e.html#11 The real story of how the Internet became so vulnerable
2015d.html#48 Western Union envisioned internet functionality
2015d.html#12 HONE Shutdown
2015d.html#2 Knowledge Center Outage May 3rd
2015c.html#93 HONE Shutdown
2015c.html#52 The Stack Depth
2015c.html#46 John Titor was right? IBM 5100
2015c.html#27 30 yr old email
2015c.html#24 30 yr old email
2015b.html#48 IBM's One Hundred Year History Is About Cash, Culture and Mutualism
2015b.html#43 Connecting memory to 370/145 with only 36 bits
2015b.html#39 Connecting memory to 370/145 with only 36 bits
2015.html#87 a bit of hope? What was old is new again
2015.html#86 a bit of hope? What was old is new again
2015.html#85 a bit of hope? What was old is new again
2014m.html#65 Decimation of the valuation of IBM
2014l.html#13 Do we really need 64-bit addresses or is 48-bit enough?
2014l.html#11 360/85
2014k.html#79 Do we really need 64-bit addresses or is 48-bit enough?
2014i.html#82 z/OS physical memory usage with multiple copies of same load module at different virtual addresses
2014i.html#68 z/OS physical memory usage with multiple copies of same load module at different virtual addresses
2014i.html#52 IBM Programmer Aptitude Test
2014i.html#7 You can make your workplace 'happy'
2014i.html#6 TSO Test does not support 65-bit debugging?
2014h.html#47 Are you tired of the negative comments about IBM in this community?
2014g.html#105 Fifty Years of nitpicking definitions, was BASIC,theProgrammingLanguageT
2014g.html#103 Fifty Years of nitpicking definitions, was BASIC,theProgrammingLanguageT
2014g.html#98 After the Sun (Microsystems) Sets, the Real Stories Come Out
2014g.html#92 Fifty Years of nitpicking definitions, was BASIC,theProgrammingLanguageT
2014e.html#69 Before the Internet: The golden age of online services
2014e.html#34 Before the Internet: The golden age of online services
2014e.html#21 23Jun1969 Unbundling Announcement
2014e.html#14 23Jun1969 Unbundling Announcement
2014c.html#88 Optimization, CPU time, and related issues
2014c.html#71 assembler
2014c.html#65 IBM layoffs strike first in India; workers describe cuts as 'slaughter' and 'massive'
2014b.html#105 Happy 50th Birthday to the IBM Cambridge Scientific Center
2014b.html#81 CPU time
2014.html#5 Application development paradigms [was: RE: Learning Rexx]
2013o.html#19 Why IBM chose MS-DOS, was Re: 'Free Unix!' made30yearsagotoday
2013n.html#60 Bridgestone Sues IBM For $600 Million Over Allegedly 'Defective' System That Plunged The Company Into 'Chaos'
2013n.html#22 Aging Sysprogs = Aging Farmers
2013m.html#32 Work long hours (Was Re: Pissing contest(s))
2013m.html#26 Voyager 1 just left the solar system using less computing powerthan your iP
2013l.html#56 "NSA foils much internet encryption"
2013l.html#46 Teletypewriter Model 33
2013k.html#62 Suggestions Appreciated for a Program Counter History Log
2013j.html#12 Greenbar
2013i.html#67 regex that never matches?
2013h.html#32 Getting at the original command name/line
2013g.html#6 The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software
2013f.html#74 The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software
2013e.html#11 Relative price of S/370 AP and MP systems
2013d.html#58 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013c.html#21 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013.html#19 How do we fight bureaucracy and bureaucrats in IBM?
2012p.html#64 IBM Is Changing The Terms Of Its Retirement Plan, Which Is Frustrating Some Employees
2012p.html#63 Today in TIME Tech History: Piston-less Power (1959), IBM's Decline (1992), TiVo (1998) and More
2012p.html#16 HCF [was Re: AMC proposes 1980s computer TV series "Halt &Catch Fire"]
2012o.html#43 Regarding Time Sharing
2012o.html#20 Assembler vs. COBOL--processing time, space needed
2012o.html#19 Assembler vs. COBOL--processing time, space needed
2012n.html#27 System/360--50 years--the future?
2012l.html#82 zEC12, and previous generations, "why?" type question - GPU computing
2012l.html#79 zEC12, and previous generations, "why?" type question - GPU computing
2012k.html#14 International Business Marionette
2012k.html#8 International Business Marionette
2012j.html#82 printer history Languages influenced by PL/1
2012i.html#93 Operating System, what is it?
2012i.html#26 Top Ten Reasons Why Large Companies Fail To Keep Their Best Talent
2012g.html#34 Co-existance of z/OS and z/VM on same DASD farm
2012f.html#60 Hard Disk Drive Construction
2012f.html#40 STSC Story
2012f.html#24 Time to competency for new software language?
2012e.html#83 Why are organizations sticking with mainframes?
2012e.html#39 A bit of IBM System 360 nostalgia
2012d.html#15 Happy Webiversary!
2012b.html#49 What s going on in the redbooks site?
2012b.html#43 Where are all the old tech workers?
2012.html#107 Before the PC: IBM invents virtualisation
2012.html#84 Where are all the old tech workers?
2012.html#50 Can any one tell about what is APL language
2012.html#28 The feedback economy
2012.html#27 From "Who originated the phrase user-friendly" thread
2012.html#14 HONE
2012.html#10 Can any one tell about what is APL language
2012.html#7 Can any one tell about what is APL language
2011p.html#122 Deja Cloud?
2011p.html#114 Start Interpretive Execution
2011p.html#105 5 ways to keep your rockstar employees happy
2011p.html#47 z/OS's basis for TCP/IP
2011o.html#81 What is Cloud Computing?
2011o.html#78 Simple record extraction from a sequential file
2011o.html#55 What is Cloud Computing?
2011o.html#53 HONE
2011o.html#44 Data Areas?
2011o.html#43 Deja Cloud?
2011o.html#24 Dennis Ritchie
2011o.html#19 Deja Cloud?
2011n.html#53 Virginia M. Rometty elected IBM president
2011n.html#35 Last Word on Dennis Ritchie
2011m.html#69 "Best" versus "worst" programming language you've used?
2011m.html#63 JCL CROSS-REFERENCE Utilities (OT for Paul, Rick, and Shmuel)
2011m.html#62 JCL CROSS-REFERENCE Utilities (OT for Paul, Rick, and Shmuel)
2011m.html#61 JCL CROSS-REFERENCE Utilities (OT for Paul, Rick, and Shmuel)
2011m.html#47 From The Annals of Release No Software Before Its Time
2011m.html#46 From The Annals of Release No Software Before Its Time
2011m.html#41 CMS load module format
2011m.html#37 What is IBM culture?
2011m.html#27 "Best" versus "worst" programming language you've used?
2011l.html#55 Any candidates for best acronyms?
2011l.html#43 What is IBM culture?
2011l.html#41 computer bootlaces
2011l.html#33 Selectric Typewriter--50th Anniversary
2011l.html#20 Selectric Typewriter--50th Anniversary
2011l.html#19 Selectric Typewriter--50th Anniversary
2011k.html#84 'smttter IBMdroids
2011k.html#2 First Website Launched 20 Years Ago Today
2011j.html#66 Wondering if I am really eligible for this group
2011j.html#48 Opcode X'A0'
2011j.html#1 Before the PC: IBM invents virtualisation
2011i.html#55 Architecture / Instruction Set / Language co-design
2011h.html#61 Do you remember back to June 23, 1969 when IBM unbundled
2011h.html#59 SSL digital certificates
2011g.html#49 My first mainframe experience
2011f.html#75 Wylbur, Orvyl, Milton, CRBE/CRJE were all used (and sometimes liked) in the past
2011f.html#60 Dyadic vs AP: Was "CPU utilization/forecasting"
2011f.html#51 US HONE Datacenter consolidation
2011f.html#49 Dyadic vs AP: Was "CPU utilization/forecasting"
2011f.html#12 New job for mainframes: Cloud platform
2011f.html#6 New job for mainframes: Cloud platform
2011f.html#3 History of APL -- Software Preservation Group
2011e.html#84 New job for mainframes: Cloud platform
2011e.html#83 History of APL -- Software Preservation Group
2011e.html#79 I'd forgotten what a 2305 looked like
2011e.html#72 Collection of APL documents
2011e.html#63 Collection of APL documents
2011e.html#58 Collection of APL documents
2011e.html#32 SNA/VTAM Misinformation
2011e.html#17 At least two decades back, some gurus predicted that mainframes would disappear in future and it still has not happened
2011e.html#8 Multiple Virtual Memory
2011b.html#69 Boeing Plant 2 ... End of an Era
2011b.html#26 Rare Apple I computer sells for $216,000 in London
2011b.html#23 A brief history of CMS/XA, part 1
2011b.html#12 Testing hardware RESERVE
2011b.html#5 Mainframe upgrade done with wire cutters?
2011.html#28 Personal histories and IBM computing
2010q.html#54 Is email dead? What do you think?
2010q.html#51 Is email dead? What do you think?
2010q.html#35 VMSHARE Archives
2010q.html#9 EXTERNAL: Re: Problem with an edit command in tso
2010q.html#1 Why we build big computers
2010o.html#63 They always think we don't understand
2010o.html#48 origin of 'fields'?
2010o.html#35 Tivoli Storage Manager for z/OS (Functionally Stablized & Impending Demise)
2010o.html#3 When will MVS be able to use cheap dasd
2010n.html#58 PL/1 as first language
2010n.html#17 What non-IBM software products have been most significant to the mainframe's success
2010n.html#10 Mainframe Slang terms
2010m.html#49 Announcement from IBMers: 10000 and counting
2010m.html#43 IBM 3883 Manuals
2010m.html#42 IBM 3883 Manuals
2010l.html#22 Old EMAIL Index
2010l.html#20 Old EMAIL Index
2010l.html#19 Old EMAIL Index
2010l.html#18 Old EMAIL Index
2010l.html#15 Age
2010l.html#11 Titles for the Class of 1978
2010k.html#8 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010j.html#81 Percentage of code executed that is user written was Re: Delete all members of a PDS that is allocated
2010j.html#80 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010j.html#76 What is the protocal for GMT offset in SMTP (e-mail) header
2010j.html#48 Knuth Got It Wrong
2010j.html#17 Personal use z/OS machines was Re: Multiprise 3k for personal Use?
2010i.html#85 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010i.html#66 Global CIO: Global Banks Form Consortium To Counter HP, IBM, & Oracle
2010i.html#35 Global CIO: Global Banks Form Consortium To Counter HP, IBM, & Oracle
2010i.html#17 takes on virty infrastructure
2010i.html#13 IBM 5100 First Portable Computer commercial 1977
2010i.html#11 IBM 5100 First Portable Computer commercial 1977
2010f.html#24 Would you fight?
2010e.html#57 IBM Plans to Discontinue REDBOOK Series
2010e.html#50 LPARs: More or Less?
2010e.html#29 HONE & VMSHARE
2010e.html#25 HONE Compute Intensive
2010e.html#24 Unbundling & HONE
2010e.html#22 search engine history, was Happy DEC-10 Day
2010e.html#21 paged-access method
2010d.html#59 LPARs: More or Less?
2010d.html#27 HONE & VMSHARE
2010c.html#54 Processes' memory
2010c.html#35 Processes' memory
2010c.html#28 Processes' memory
2010b.html#98 "The Naked Mainframe" (Forbes Security Article)
2010b.html#87 "The Naked Mainframe" (Forbes Security Article)
2010b.html#51 Source code for s/360
2010.html#20 360 programs on a z/10
2010.html#5 DEC-10 SOS Editor Intra-Line Editing
2009s.html#29 channels, was Larrabee delayed: anyone know what's happening?
2009s.html#12 user group meetings
2009r.html#68 360 programs on a z/10
2009r.html#49 "Portable" data centers
2009r.html#17 How to reduce the overall monthly cost on a System z environment?
2009q.html#74 Now is time for banks to replace core system according to Accenture
2009q.html#64 spool file tag data
2009q.html#44 Old datasearches
2009q.html#18 email
2009q.html#16 cloud computing' and 'SAAS'
2009q.html#8 Is Cloud Computing Old Hat?
2009q.html#0 Anyone going to Supercomputers '09 in Portland?
2009p.html#84 Anyone going to Supercomputers '09 in Portland?
2009p.html#43 From The Annals of Release No Software Before Its Time
2009p.html#36 Survey Revives Debate Over Mainframe's Future - Business Center
2009p.html#33 Survey Revives Depate Over Mainframe's Future
2009o.html#81 big iron mainframe vs. x86 servers
2009o.html#52 Revisiting CHARACTER and BUSINESS ETHICS
2009o.html#32 Justice Department probing allegations of abuse by IBM in mainframe computer market
2009n.html#9 Existence of early 360 software ( was Re: Continous Systems Modelling Packa
2009m.html#88 Continous Systems Modelling Package
2009m.html#75 Continous Systems Modelling Package
2009l.html#43 SNA: conflicting opinions
2009l.html#22 another item related to ASCII vs. EBCDIC
2009l.html#1 Poll results: your favorite IBM tool was IBM-issued laptops
2009k.html#65 Java question
2009k.html#58 Disksize history question
2009j.html#77 More named/shared systems
2009j.html#67 DCSS
2009i.html#67 30 years of the spreadsheet
2009i.html#36 SEs & History Lessons
2009i.html#35 SEs & History Lessons
2009i.html#29 Online Computer Conferencing
2009i.html#26 Why are z/OS people reluctant to use z/OS UNIX?
2009i.html#22 My Vintage Dream PC
2009h.html#76 A Math Geek's Plan to Save Wall Street's Soul
2009h.html#70 My Vintage Dream PC
2009h.html#68 My Vintage Dream PC
2009f.html#18 System/360 Announcement (7Apr64)
2009f.html#0 How did the monitor work under TOPS?
2009d.html#5 Why do IBMers think disks are 'Direct Access'?
2009.html#0 Is SUN going to become x86'ed??
2008s.html#17 IBM PC competitors
2008r.html#72 Curiousity: largest parallel sysplex around?
2008r.html#40 Paris
2008q.html#65 APL
2008q.html#59 APL
2008q.html#48 TOPS-10
2008q.html#41 TOPS-10
2008q.html#38 TOPS-10
2008p.html#73 History of preprocessing (Burroughs ALGOL)
2008p.html#41 Automation is still not accepted to streamline the business processes... why organizations are not accepting newer technologies?
2008o.html#66 Open Source, Unbundling, and Future System
2008o.html#57 Virtual
2008o.html#56 Virtual
2008n.html#57 VMware renders multitasking OSes redundant
2008m.html#65 CHROME and WEB apps on Mainframe?
2008m.html#61 CHROME and WEB apps on Mainframe?
2008m.html#42 APL
2008m.html#36 IBM THINK original equipment sign
2008m.html#1 Yet another squirrel question - Results (very very long post)
2008l.html#81 Intel: an expensive many-core future is ahead of us
2008k.html#81 IBM-MAIN longevity
2008j.html#89 CLIs and GUIs
2008j.html#72 tape blocking
2008j.html#50 Another difference between platforms
2008i.html#38 American Airlines
2008i.html#9 Obfuscation was: Definition of file spec in commands
2008h.html#74 Microsoft versus Digital Equipment Corporation
2008h.html#46 Whitehouse Emails Were Lost Due to "Upgrade"
2008h.html#7 Xephon, are they still in business?
2008f.html#36 Object-relational impedence
2008d.html#82 Migration from Mainframe to othre platforms - the othe bell?
2008d.html#35 Interesting Mainframe Article: 5 Myths Exposed
2008d.html#32 Interesting Mainframe Article: 5 Myths Exposed
2008c.html#24 Job ad for z/OS systems programmer trainee
2008b.html#65 How does ATTACH pass address of ECB to child?
2008b.html#27 Re-hosting IMB-MAIN
2008.html#59 old internal network references
2007v.html#63 An old fashioned Christmas
2007v.html#48 IBM mainframe history, was Floating-point myths
2007v.html#47 MTS memories
2007v.html#27 folklore indeed
2007v.html#0 IBM mainframe history, was Floating-point myths
2007u.html#21 Distributed Computing
2007u.html#8 Open z/Architecture or Not
2007u.html#6 Open z/Architecture or Not
2007t.html#71 T3 Sues IBM To Break its Mainframe Monopoly
2007s.html#47 In The US, Email Is Only For Old People
2007s.html#45 "Server" processors for numbercrunching?
2007s.html#41 Age of IBM VM
2007s.html#33 Age of IBM VM
2007r.html#68 High order bit in 31/24 bit address
2007r.html#44 complicated address generation unit?
2007r.html#16 VM TSM server support
2007r.html#15 The history of Structure capabilities
2007r.html#5 The history of Structure capabilities
2007q.html#23 GETMAIN/FREEMAIN and virtual storage backing up
2007o.html#45 Virtual Storage implementation
2007m.html#57 The Development of the Vital IBM PC in Spite of the Corporate Culture of IBM
2007m.html#55 Capacity and Relational Database
2007m.html#42 The Development of the Vital IBM PC in Spite of the Corporate Culture of IBM
2007m.html#15 Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules
2007l.html#59 Scholars needed to build a computer history bibliography
2007k.html#73 Non-Standard Mainframe Language?
2007k.html#67 Non-Standard Mainframe Language?
2007k.html#65 Non-Standard Mainframe Language?
2007k.html#60 3350 failures
2007j.html#88 IBM Unionization
2007j.html#65 Help settle a job title/role debate
2007j.html#21 IBM Unionization
2007j.html#19 IBM Unionization
2007j.html#17 Newbie question on table design
2007i.html#77 Sizing CPU
2007i.html#20 Does anyone know of a documented case of VM being penetrated by hackers?
2007h.html#62 sizeof() was: The Perfect Computer - 36 bits?
2007g.html#73 The Perfect Computer - 36 bits?
2007g.html#48 The Perfect Computer - 36 bits?
2007g.html#47 The Perfect Computer - 36 bits?
2007g.html#31 Wylbur and Paging
2007f.html#44 Is computer history taught now?
2007f.html#20 Historical curiosity question
2007e.html#41 IBM S/360 series operating systems history
2007e.html#38 FBA rant
2007d.html#64 Is computer history taugh now?
2007d.html#39 old tapes
2007d.html#18 IBMLink 2000 Finding ESO levels
2007b.html#55 IBMLink 2000 Finding ESO levels
2007b.html#51 Special characters in passwords was Re: RACF - Password rules
2007b.html#32 IBMLink 2000 Finding ESO levels
2007b.html#27 How many 36-bit Unix ports in the old days?
2006y.html#26 moving on
2006x.html#19 The Future of CPUs: What's After Multi-Core?
2006w.html#7 Why these original FORTRAN quirks?
2006w.html#3 IBM sues maker of Intel-based Mainframe clones
2006v.html#40 vmshare
2006v.html#22 vmshare
2006t.html#28 Why these original FORTRAN quirks?
2006s.html#24 Curiousity: CPU % for COBOL program
2006s.html#12 Languages that should have made it but didn't
2006p.html#39 "25th Anniversary of the Personal Computer"
2006p.html#35 Metroliner telephone article
2006p.html#34 "25th Anniversary of the Personal Computer"
2006p.html#31 "25th Anniversary of the Personal Computer"
2006o.html#53 The Fate of VM - was: Re: Baby MVS???
2006o.html#52 The Fate of VM - was: Re: Baby MVS???
2006o.html#49 The Fate of VM - was: Re: Baby MVS???
2006o.html#30 The Question of Braces in APL-ASCII
2006o.html#25 CPU usage for paging
2006o.html#23 Strobe equivalents
2006o.html#13 The SEL 840 computer
2006o.html#6 Article on Painted Post, NY
2006n.html#26 sorting was: The System/360 Model 20 Wasn't As Bad As All That
2006n.html#3 Not Your Dad's Mainframe: Little Iron
2006n.html#2 The System/360 Model 20 Wasn't As Bad As All That
2006m.html#53 DCSS
2006m.html#19 Mainframe Linux Mythbusting
2006l.html#3 virtual memory
2006k.html#43 Arpa address
2006k.html#34 PDP-1
2006j.html#24 virtual memory
2006i.html#6 The Pankian Metaphor
2006h.html#25 The Pankian Metaphor
2006h.html#14 Security
2006h.html#9 It's official: "nuke" infected Windows PCs instead of fixing them
2006f.html#30 A very basic question
2006f.html#22 A very basic question
2006e.html#36 The Pankian Metaphor
2006e.html#20 About TLB in lower-level caches
2006d.html#18 IBM 610 workstation computer
2006c.html#44 IBM 610 workstation computer
2006b.html#39 another blast from the past
2006b.html#23 Seeking Info on XDS Sigma 7 APL
2006b.html#20 Seeking Info on XDS Sigma 7 APL
2006b.html#17 {SPAM?} Re: Expanded Storage
2006b.html#15 Expanded Storage
2006.html#13 VM maclib reference
2006.html#10 How to restore VMFPLC dumped files on z/VM V5.1
2006.html#9 How to restore VMFPLC dumped files on z/VM V5.1
2006.html#0 EREP , sense ... manual
2005u.html#39 Mainframe Applications and Records Keeping?
2005u.html#38 Mainframe Applications and Records Keeping?
2005t.html#24 What ever happened to Tandem and NonStop OS ?
2005s.html#44 winscape?
2005r.html#50 winscape?
2005q.html#27 What ever happened to Tandem and NonStop OS ?
2005p.html#28 Canon Cat for Sale
2005p.html#20 address space
2005o.html#46 Article: The True Value of Mainframe Security
2005o.html#38 SHARE reflections
2005o.html#34 Not enough parallelism in programming
2005o.html#30 auto reIPL
2005n.html#50 APL, J or K?
2005n.html#45 Anyone know whether VM/370 EDGAR is still available anywhere?
2005n.html#44 What was new&important in computer architecture 10 years ago ?
2005n.html#18 Code density and performance?
2005m.html#2 IBM 5100 luggable computer with APL
2005k.html#47 Performance and Capacity Planning
2005k.html#18 Question about Dungeon game on the PDP
2005k.html#17 More on garbage collection
2005k.html#5 IBM/Watson autobiography--thoughts on?
2005j.html#62 More on garbage collection
2005j.html#56 Q ALLOC PAGE vs. CP Q ALLOC vs ESAMAP
2005j.html#54 Q ALLOC PAGE vs. CP Q ALLOC vs ESAMAP
2005j.html#29 IBM Plugs Big Iron to the College Crowd
2005j.html#25 IBM Plugs Big Iron to the College Crowd
2005j.html#16 Performance and Capacity Planning
2005j.html#12 Performance and Capacity Planning
2005h.html#38 Systems Programming for 8 Year-olds
2005h.html#15 Exceptions at basic block boundaries
2005h.html#1 Single System Image questions
2005g.html#30 Moving assembler programs above the line
2005g.html#28 Moving assembler programs above the line
2005g.html#27 Moving assembler programs above the line
2005g.html#25 Moving assembler programs above the line
2005g.html#12 Moving assembler programs above the line
2005g.html#11 Moving assembler programs above the line
2005f.html#63 Moving assembler programs above the line
2005f.html#46 Moving assembler programs above the line
2005d.html#48 Secure design
2005d.html#36 backup/archive
2005d.html#33 Thou shalt have no other gods before the ANSI C standard
2005d.html#6 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2005d.html#2 360 longevity, was RISCs too close to hardware?
2005d.html#1 Self restarting property of RTOS-How it works?
2005c.html#56 intel's Vanderpool and virtualization in general
2005c.html#1 4shift schedule
2005.html#54 creat
2005.html#44 John Titor was right? IBM 5100
2005.html#41 something like a CTC on a PC
2005.html#13 Amusing acronym
2005.html#8 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2004q.html#72 IUCV in VM/CMS
2004q.html#5 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2004p.html#62 IBM 3614 and 3624 ATM's
2004p.html#49 History of C
2004p.html#48 History of C
2004p.html#8 vm/370 smp support and shared segment protection hack
2004o.html#55 Integer types for 128-bit addressing
2004o.html#48 Integer types for 128-bit addressing
2004o.html#45 Integer types for 128-bit addressing
2004o.html#31 NEC drives
2004o.html#29 Integer types for 128-bit addressing
2004o.html#17 360 longevity, was RISCs too close to hardware?
2004o.html#16 360 longevity, was RISCs too close to hardware?
2004o.html#11 Integer types for 128-bit addressing
2004o.html#10 Multi-processor timing issue
2004o.html#9 Integer types for 128-bit addressing
2004n.html#55 Integer types for 128-bit addressing
2004n.html#37 passing of iverson
2004n.html#18 RISCs too close to hardware?
2004n.html#0 RISCs too close to hardware?
2004m.html#54 Shipwrecks
2004m.html#24 IBM Spells Out Mainframe Strategy
2004m.html#17 mainframe and microprocesso
2004l.html#22 Is the solution FBA was Re: FW: Looking for Disk Calc
2004l.html#9 Vintage computers are better than modern crap !
2004l.html#6 Xah Lee's Unixism
2004k.html#31 capacity planning: art, science or magic?
2004j.html#55 history books on the development of capacity planning (SMF and RMF)
2004j.html#53 history books on the development of capacity planning (SMF and RMF)
2004j.html#25 Wars against bad things
2004j.html#23 Wars against bad things
2004g.html#42 command line switches [Re: [REALLY OT!] Overuse of symbolic constants]
2004g.html#35 network history (repeat, google may have gotten confused?)
2004g.html#11 Infiniband - practicalities for small clusters
2004d.html#62 microsoft antitrust
2004d.html#43 [OT] Microsoft aggressive search plans revealed
2004d.html#25 System/360 40th Anniversary
2004c.html#47 IBM 360 memory
2004c.html#37 Memory Affinity
2004c.html#26 Moribund TSO/E
2004c.html#21 PSW Sampling
2004c.html#8 IBM operating systems and APL
2004c.html#7 IBM operating systems
2004b.html#58 Oldest running code
2004.html#49 Mainframe not a good architecture for interactive workloads
2004.html#21 40th anniversary of IBM System/360 on 7 Apr 2004
2003p.html#29 Sun researchers: Computers do bad math ;)
2003o.html#23 Tools -vs- Utility
2003o.html#2 Orthographical oddities
2003n.html#45 hung/zombie users ... long boring, wandering story
2003n.html#8 The IBM 5100 and John Titor
2003m.html#32 SR 15,15 was: IEFBR14 Problems
2003k.html#50 Slashdot: O'Reilly On The Importance Of The Mainframe Heritage
2003k.html#47 Slashdot: O'Reilly On The Importance Of The Mainframe Heritage
2003k.html#10 What is timesharing, anyway?
2003j.html#32 Language semantics wrt exploits
2003j.html#16 A Dark Day
2003h.html#31 OT What movies have taught us about Computers
2003g.html#15 Disk capacity and backup solutions
2003g.html#10 Speed of APL on 360s, was Any DEC 340 Display System Doco ?
2003g.html#5 Any DEC 340 Display System Doco?
2003f.html#21 "Super-Cheap" Supercomputing
2003e.html#12 Resolved: There Are No Programs With >32 Bits of Text
2003e.html#9 cp/67 35th anniversary
2003d.html#17 CA-RAMIS
2003c.html#18 Early attempts at console humor?
2003c.html#16 Early attempts at console humor?
2003b.html#59 Wanted: Weird Programming Language
2003b.html#33 dasd full cylinder transfer (long post warning)
2003b.html#26 360/370 disk drives
2002q.html#47 myths about Multics
2002q.html#28 Origin of XAUTOLOG (x-post)
2002p.html#47 Linux paging
2002p.html#37 Newbie: Two quesions about mainframes
2002o.html#4 Mainframe Spreadsheets - 1980's History
2002n.html#73 Home mainframes
2002n.html#67 Mainframe Spreadsheets - 1980's History
2002n.html#66 Mainframe Spreadsheets - 1980's History
2002l.html#25 Do any architectures use instruction count instead of timer
2002j.html#70 hone acronym (cross post)
2002j.html#64 vm marketing (cross post)
2002j.html#45 M$ SMP and old time IBM's LCMP
2002j.html#37 HONE was .. Hercules and System/390 - do we need it?
2002j.html#7 HONE, ****, misc
2002j.html#5 HONE, xxx#, misc
2002j.html#4 HONE, ****, misc
2002j.html#3 HONE, Aid, misc
2002j.html#2 HONE was .. Hercules and System/390 - do we need it?
2002j.html#0 HONE was .. Hercules and System/390 - do we need it?
2002i.html#80 HONE
2002i.html#76 HONE was .. Hercules and System/390 - do we need it?
2002i.html#69 Hercules and System/390 - do we need it?
2002i.html#22 CDC6600 - just how powerful a machine was it?
2002h.html#67 history of CMS
2002h.html#61 Java, C++ (was Re: Is HTML dead?)
2002h.html#60 Java, C++ (was Re: Is HTML dead?)
2002g.html#36 The need for Meaningful Error Messages :)
2002f.html#23 Computers in Science Fiction
2002f.html#4 Blade architectures
2002e.html#47 Multics_Security
2002d.html#43 Mainframers: Take back the light (spotlight, that is)
2002d.html#17 Mainframers: Take back the light (spotlight, that is)
2002c.html#45 cp/67 addenda (cross-post warning)
2002c.html#39 VAX, M68K complex instructions (was Re: Did Intel Bite Off More Than It Can Chew?)
2002c.html#34 OS Workloads : Interactive etc
2002c.html#30 OS Workloads : Interactive etc
2002b.html#64 ... the need for a Museum of Computer Software
2002b.html#27 IBM SHRINKS by 10 percent
2001n.html#31 Hercules etc. IBM not just missing a great opportunity...
2001n.html#26 Open Architectures ?
2001n.html#3 News IBM loses supercomputer crown
2001l.html#16 Disappointed
2001k.html#48 Common uses of multiprogramming on mainframes computer? Help!! Please
2001i.html#46 Withdrawal Announcement 901-218 - No More 'small machines'
2001i.html#44 Withdrawal Announcement 901-218 - No More 'small machines'
2001i.html#43 Withdrawal Announcement 901-218 - No More 'small machines'
2001i.html#41 Withdrawal Announcement 901-218 - No More 'small machines'
2001i.html#39 IBM OS Timeline?
2001h.html#34 D
2001h.html#29 checking some myths.
2001g.html#46 The Alpha/IA64 Hybrid
2001g.html#44 The Alpha/IA64 Hybrid
2001g.html#43 The Alpha/IA64 Hybrid
2001g.html#33 Did AT&T offer Unix to Digital Equipment in the 70s?
2001f.html#72 Simulation Question
2001f.html#48 any 70's era supercomputers that ran as slow as today's supercomputers?
2001f.html#21 Theo Alkema
2001f.html#9 Theo Alkema
2001e.html#64 Design (Was Re: Server found behind drywall)
2001b.html#74 Z/90, S/390, 370/ESA (slightly off topic)
2001b.html#71 Z/90, S/390, 370/ESA (slightly off topic)
2000f.html#62 360 Architecture, Multics, ... was (Re: X86 ultimate CISC? No.)
2000f.html#60 360 Architecture, Multics, ... was (Re: X86 ultimate CISC? No.)
2000f.html#57 X86 ultimate CISC? No. (was: Re: "all-out" vs less aggressive designs)
2000f.html#30 OT?
2000f.html#26 OT?
2000f.html#20 Competitors to SABRE?
2000f.html#6 History of ASCII (was Re: Why Not! Why not???)
2000e.html#45 IBM's Workplace OS (Was: .. Pink)
2000e.html#22 Is a VAX a mainframe?
2000e.html#6 Ridiculous
2000d.html#37 S/360 development burnout?
2000d.html#15 APL version in IBM 5100 (Was: Resurrecting the IBM 1130)
2000c.html#83 Is a VAX a mainframe?
2000c.html#49 Does the word "mainframe" still have a meaning?
2000c.html#47 Does the word "mainframe" still have a meaning?
2000c.html#30 internal corporate network, misc
2000.html#75 Mainframe operating systems
2000.html#70 APL on PalmOS???
2000.html#69 APL on PalmOS???
2000.html#1 Computer of the century
aadsm21.htm#6 Clearing sensitive in-memory data in perl
99.html#150 Q: S/390 on PowerPC?
99.html#149 OS/360 (and descendants) VM system?
99.html#122 Computer supersitions [was Re: Speaking of USB ( was Re: ASR 33 Typing Element)]
99.html#90 CPU's directly executing HLL's (was Which programming languages)
99.html#38 1968 release of APL\360 wanted
99.html#36 why is there an "@" key?
99.html#20 APL\360
98.html#23 Fear of Multiprocessing?
97.html#14 Galaxies
97.html#4 Mythical beasts (was IBM... mainframe)
95.html#3 What is an IBM 137/148???
94.html#55 How Do the Old Mainframes Compare to Today's Micros?
94.html#43 Bloat, elegance, simplicity and other irrelevant concepts
94.html#7 IBM 7090 (360s, 370s, apl, etc)
93.html#5 360/67, was Re: IBM's Project F/S?

top , by subject : technology , networking , public key , integrity , Boyd - home

Misc. 545 Tech Sq and Cambrdge Science Center (formed 1Feb1964)

2025b.html#42 IBM 70s & 80s
2025b.html#40 IBM APPN
2025b.html#39 FAA ATC, The Brawl in IBM 1964
2025b.html#38 IBM Computers in the 60s
2025b.html#30 Some Career Highlights
2025b.html#28 IBM WatchPad
2025b.html#24 Forget About Cloud Computing. On-Premises Is All the Rage Again
2025b.html#19 IBM VM/CMS Mainframe
2025b.html#17 IBM VM/CMS Mainframe
2025b.html#16 IBM VM/CMS Mainframe
2025b.html#14 IBM Token-Ring
2025b.html#6 2301 Fixed-Head Drum
2025b.html#5 RDBMS, SQL/DS, DB2, HA/CMP
2025b.html#1 Large Datacenters
2025.html#132 The joy of FORTRAN
2025.html#131 The joy of FORTRAN
2025.html#130 Online Social Media
2025.html#128 The Paging Game
2025.html#122 Clone 370 System Makers
2025.html#121 Clone 370 System Makers
2025.html#120 Microcode and Virtual Machine
2025.html#116 CMS 3270 Multi-user SPACEWAR Game
2025.html#114 IBM 370 Virtual Memory
2025.html#112 2301 Fixed-Head Drum
2025.html#111 Computers, Online, And Internet Long Time Ago
2025.html#109 IBM Process Control Minicomputers
2025.html#108 IBM 370 Virtual Storage
2025.html#105 Giant Steps for IBM?
2025.html#104 Mainframe dumps and debugging
2025.html#101 Clone 370 Mainframes
2025.html#94 old pharts, Multics vs Unix
2025.html#92 IBM Suggestion Plan
2025.html#90 Online Social Media
2025.html#85 Stress-testing of Mainframes (the HASP story)
2025.html#83 Online Social Media
2025.html#82 Online Social Media
2025.html#79 360/370 IPL
2025.html#62 Grace Hopper, Jean Sammat, Cobol
2025.html#54 Multics vs Unix
2025.html#52 Canned Software and OCO-Wars
2025.html#51 The Paging Game
2025.html#50 The Paging Game
2025.html#45 Multics vs Unix
2025.html#42 Multics vs Unix
2025.html#41 Multics vs Unix
2025.html#40 Multics vs Unix
2025.html#39 Multics vs Unix
2025.html#38 Multics vs Unix
2025.html#33 IBM ATM Protocol?
2025.html#26 Virtual Machine History
2025.html#22 IBM Future System
2025.html#19 Virtual Machine History
2025.html#10 IBM 37x5
2025.html#8 IBM OS/360 MFT HASP
2025.html#6 IBM 37x5
2025.html#5 Dataprocessing Innovation
2025.html#3 IBM Tape Archive
2025.html#2 IBM APPN
2024g.html#111 Dataprocessing Innovation
2024g.html#108 IBM 370 Virtual Storage
2024g.html#107 IBM 370 Virtual Storage
2024g.html#100 CP/67 Multics vs Unix
2024g.html#99 Terminals
2024g.html#98 RSCS/VNET
2024g.html#94 CP/67 Multics vs Unix
2024g.html#92 CP/67 Multics vs Unix
2024g.html#91 CP/67 Multics vs Unix
2024g.html#90 Multics vs Unix
2024g.html#86 Progenitors of OS/360 - BPS, BOS, TOS, DOS (Ways To Say How Old
2024g.html#79 Early Email
2024g.html#78 Creative Ways To Say How Old You Are
2024g.html#77 Early Email
2024g.html#73 Early Email
2024g.html#70 Building the System/360 Mainframe Nearly Destroyed IBM
2024g.html<2>#69 Building the System/360 Mainframe Nearly Destroyed IBM
2024g.html#69 Building the System/360 Mainframe Nearly Destroyed IBM
2024g.html#67 HTTP Error 522 and OS/360 Error 222
2024g.html#63 Progenitors of OS/360 - BPS, BOS, TOS, DOS (Ways To Say How Old You Are)
2024g.html#62 Progenitors of OS/360 - BPS, BOS, TOS, DOS (Ways To Say How Old
2024g.html#59 Cloud Megadatacenters
2024g.html#56 Compute Farm and Distributed Computing Tsunami
2024g.html#54 Creative Ways To Say How Old You Are
2024g.html#48 Implicit Versus Explicit "Run" Command
2024g.html#47 IT Career Memory
2024g.html#40 We all made IBM 'Great'
2024g.html#37 IBM Mainframe User Group SHARE
2024g.html#30 Computer System Performance Work
2024g.html#29 Computer System Performance Work
2024g.html#23 IBM Move From Leased To Sales
2024g.html#17 60s Computers
2024g.html#16 ARPANET And Science Center Network
2024g.html#13 ARPANET And Science Center Network
2024g.html#12 4th Generation Programming Language
2024g.html#11 4th Generation Programming Language
2024g.html#9 4th Generation Programming Language
2024g.html#6 IBM 5100
2024g.html#1 Origin Of The Autobaud Technique
2024g.html#0 Any interesting PDP/TECO photos out there?
2024f.html#122 IBM Downturn and Downfall
2024f.html#119 IBM Downturn and Downfall
2024f.html#115 Internal network and "tele"
2024f.html#113 IBM 370 Virtual Memory
2024f.html#112 IBM Email and PROFS
2024f.html#110 360/65 and 360/67
2024f.html#107 NSFnet
2024f.html#97 SHARE User Group Meeting October 1968 Film Restoration, IBM 360
2024f.html#94 IBM Email and PROFS
2024f.html#92 IBM Email and PROFS
2024f.html#91 IBM Email and PROFS
2024f.html#90 SHARE User Group Meeting October 1968 Film Restoration, IBM 360
2024f.html#89 IBM Internal Network
2024f.html#88 SHARE User Group Meeting October 1968 Film Restoration, IBM 360
2024f.html#80 CP67 And Source Update
2024f.html#75 Prodigy
2024f.html#71 IBM 2250 Hypertext Editing System
2024f.html#61 IBM Mainframe System Meter
2024f.html#60 IBM 3705
2024f.html#48 IBM Telecommunication Controllers
2024f.html#45 IBM 5100 and Other History
2024f.html#44 PROFS & VMSG
2024f.html#40 IBM Virtual Memory Global LRU
2024f.html#37 IBM 370/168
2024f.html#32 IBM 370 Virtual memory
2024f.html#29 IBM 370 Virtual memory
2024f.html#25 Future System, Single-Level-Store, S/38
2024f.html#22 stacks are not hard, The joy of FORTRAN-like languages
2024f.html#20 IBM 360/30, 360/65, 360/67 Work
2024f.html#15 CSC Virtual Machine Work
2024e.html#144 The joy of FORTRAN
2024e.html#142 The joy of FORTRAN
2024e.html#136 HASP, JES2, NJE, VNET/RSCS
2024e.html#126 IBM 360/67 Blue Card
2024e.html#113 370/125, Future System, 370-138/148
2024e.html#111 Viewgraph, Transparency, Viewfoil
2024e.html#110 Edson and Bullying
2024e.html#101 I learned the language of computer programming in my 50s - here's what I discovered
2024e.html#99 PROFS, SCRIPT, GML, Internal Network
2024e.html#95 RFC33 New HOST-HOST Protocol
2024e.html#91 When Did "Internet" Come Into Common Use
2024e.html#88 IBM DB2
2024e.html#86 When Did "Internet" Come Into Common Use
2024e.html#83 Scheduler
2024e.html#82 The Internet's 100 Oldest Dot-Com Domains
2024e.html#67 The IBM Way by Buck Rogers
2024e.html#65 Amdahl
2024e.html#64 RS/6000, PowerPC, AS/400
2024e.html#60 Early Networking
2024e.html#57 DEBE
2024e.html#45 Netscape
2024e.html#44 Netscape
2024e.html#37 Gene Amdahl
2024e.html#36 Implicit Versus Explicit "Run" Command
2024e.html#25 VMNETMAP
2024e.html#24 Public Facebook Mainframe Group
2024e.html#21 360/50 and CP-40
2024e.html#19 HONE, APL, IBM 5100
2024e.html#18 IBM Downfall and Make-over
2024e.html#6 2314 Disks
2024e.html#3 TYMSHARE Dialup
2024e.html#1 TYMSHARE Dialup
2024e.html#0 2314 Disks
2024d.html#112 43 years ago, Microsoft bought 86-DOS and started its journey to dominate the PC market
2024d.html#111 GNOME bans Manjaro Core Team Member for uttering "Lunduke"
2024d.html#103 IBM 360/40, 360/50, 360/65, 360/67, 360/75
2024d.html#102 Chipsandcheese article on the CDC6600
2024d.html#101 Chipsandcheese article on the CDC6600
2024d.html#100 Chipsandcheese article on the CDC6600
2024d.html#92 Computer Virtual Memory
2024d.html#88 Computer Virtual Memory
2024d.html#85 ATT/SUN and Open System Foundation
2024d.html#82 APL and REXX Programming Languages
2024d.html#81 APL and REXX Programming Languages
2024d.html#76 Some work before IBM
2024d.html#74 Some Email History
2024d.html#68 ARPANET & IBM Internal Network
2024d.html#63 360/65, 360/67, 360/75 750ns memory
2024d.html#62 360/65, 360/67, 360/75 750ns memory
2024d.html#60 16June1911, IBM Incorporation Day
2024d.html#43 Chat Rooms and Social Media
2024d.html#37 Chat Rooms and Social Media
2024d.html#36 This New Internet Thing, Chapter 8
2024d.html#34 ancient OS history, ARM is sort of channeling the IBM 360
2024d.html#26 IBM 23June1969 Unbundling Announcement
2024d.html#25 IBM 23June1969 Unbundling Announcement
2024d.html#22 Early Computer Use
2024d.html#21 IBM CSC and MIT MULTICS
2024d.html#19 IBM Internal Network
2024d.html#12 ADA, FAA ATC, FSD
2024d.html#10 Benchmarking and Testing
2024d.html#9 Benchmarking and Testing
2024d.html#8 TCP/IP Protocol
2024d.html#1 time-sharing history, Privilege Levels Below User
2024d.html#0 time-sharing history, Privilege Levels Below User
2024c.html#119 Financial/ATM Processing
2024c.html#116 IBM Mainframe System Meter
2024c.html#112 Multithreading
2024c.html#111 Anyone here (on
2024c.html#103 CP67 & VM370 Source Maintenance
2024c.html#100 IBM 4300
2024c.html#97 Virtual Memory Paging
2024c.html#94 Virtual Memory Paging
2024c.html#93 ASCII/TTY33 Support
2024c.html#90 Gordon Bell
2024c.html#88 Virtual Machines
2024c.html#78 IBM Internal Network
2024c.html#65 More CPS
2024c.html#57 IBM Mainframe, TCP/IP, Token-ring, Ethernet
2024c.html#53 IBM 3705 & 3725
2024c.html#51 third system syndrome, interactive use, The Design of Design
2024c.html#50 third system syndrome, interactive use, The Design of Design
2024c.html#40 CMS RED, XEDIT, IOS3270, FULIST, BROWSE
2024c.html#31 HONE &/or APL
2024c.html#30 GML and W3C
2024c.html#27 PDP1 Spacewar
2024c.html#22 FOILS
2024c.html#18 CP40/CMS
2024c.html#16 CTSS, Multicis, CP67/CMS
2024c.html#15 360&370 Unix (and other history)
2024c.html#11 370 Multiprocessor
2024c.html#9 Boeing and the Dark Age of American Manufacturing
2024c.html#6 Testing
2024c.html#4 Cobol
2024b.html#114 EBCDIC
2024b.html#109 IBM->SMTP/822 conversion
2024b.html#104 OSI: The Internet That Wasn't
2024b.html#103 IBM 360 Announce 7Apr1964
2024b.html#100 OSI: The Internet That Wasn't
2024b.html#99 OSI: The Internet That Wasn't
2024b.html#97 IBM 360 Announce 7Apr1964
2024b.html#96 Ferranti Atlas and Virtual Memory
2024b.html#95 Ferranti Atlas and Virtual Memory
2024b.html#93 PC370
2024b.html#89 Dialed in - a history of BBSing
2024b.html#87 Dialed in - a history of BBSing
2024b.html#86 Vintage BITNET
2024b.html#83 rusty iron why ``folklore''?
2024b.html#82 rusty iron why ``folklore''?
2024b.html#81 rusty iron why ``folklore''?
2024b.html#74 Internet DNS Trivia
2024b.html#73 Vintage IBM, RISC, Internet
2024b.html#72 Vintage Internet and Vintage APL
2024b.html#71 Vintage Internet and Vintage APL
2024b.html#69 3270s For Management
2024b.html#65 MVT/SVS/MVS/MVS.XA
2024b.html#63 Computers and Boyd
2024b.html#60 Vintage Selectric
2024b.html#51 IBM Token-Ring
2024b.html#49 Vintage 2250
2024b.html#45 Automated Operator
2024b.html#44 Mainframe Career
2024b.html#39 Tonight's tradeoff
2024b.html#33 Internet
2024b.html#32 HA/CMP
2024b.html#31 HONE, Performance Predictor, and Configurators
2024b.html#25 CTSS/7094, Multics, Unix, CP/67
2024b.html#18 IBM 5100
2024b.html#17 IBM 5100
2024b.html#10 Some NSFNET, Internet, and other networking background
2024b.html#7 IBM Tapes
2024b.html#5 Vintage REXX
2024b.html#2 Can a compiler work without an Operating System?
2024.html#116 IBM's Unbundling
2024.html#112 IBM User Group SHARE
2024.html#111 IBM User Group SHARE
2024.html#110 IBM User Group SHARE
2024.html#109 IBM User Group SHARE
2024.html#105 IBM, Unix, editors
2024.html#103 Multicians
2024.html#101 Whether something is RISC or not (Re: PDP-8 theology, not Concertina II Progress)
2024.html#100 Multicians
2024.html#96 IBM, Unix, editors
2024.html#94 MVS SRM
2024.html#92 IBM, Unix, editors
2024.html#90 IBM, Unix, editors
2024.html#88 IBM 360
2024.html#87 IBM 360
2024.html#78 Mainframe Performance Optimization
2024.html#70 IBM AIX
2024.html#65 IBM Mainframes and Education Infrastructure
2024.html#55 EARN 40th Anniversary Conference
2024.html#49 Card Sequence Numbers
2024.html#40 UNIX, MULTICS, CTSS, CSC, CP67
2024.html#39 Card Sequence Numbers
2024.html#38 RS/6000 Mainframe
2024.html#31 MIT Area Computing
2024.html#28 IBM Disks and Drums
2024.html#26 1960's COMPUTER HISTORY: REMEMBERING THE IBM SYSTEM/360 MAINFRAME Origin and Technology (IRS, NASA)
2024.html#22 1975: VM/370 and CMS Demo
2024.html#21 1975: VM/370 and CMS Demo
2024.html#17 IBM Embraces Virtual Memory -- Finally
2024.html#4 IBM/PC History
2023g.html#105 VM Mascot
2023g.html#104 More IBM Downfall
2023g.html#101 VM Mascot
2023g.html#99 VM Mascot
2023g.html#87 Mainframe Performance Analysis
2023g.html#83 MVT, MVS, MVS/XA & Posix support
2023g.html#82 Cloud and Megadatacenter
2023g.html#76 Another IBM Downturn
2023g.html#69 Assembler & non-Assembler For System Programming
2023g.html#64 Mainframe Cobol, 3rd&4th Generation Languages
2023g.html#63 CP67 support for 370 virtual memory
2023g.html#58 Multiprocessor
2023g.html#43 Wheeler Scheduler
2023g.html#42 IBM Koolaid
2023g.html#39 Vintage Mainframe
2023g.html#36 Timeslice, Scheduling, Interdata
2023g.html#35 Vintage TSS/360
2023g.html#31 Mainframe Datacenter
2023g.html#30 Vintage IBM OS/VU
2023g.html#27 Another IBM Downturn
2023g.html#24 Vintage ARPANET/Internet
2023g.html#20 IBM Educational Support
2023g.html#6 Vintage Future System
2023g.html#4 Vintage Future System
2023g.html#1 Vintage TSS/360
2023f.html#113 360/67 Virtual Memory
2023f.html#112 CSC, HONE, 23Jun69 Unbundling, Future System
2023f.html#110 CSC, HONE, 23Jun69 Unbundling, Future System
2023f.html#109 CSC, HONE, 23Jun69 Unbundling, Future System
2023f.html#108 CSC, HONE, 23Jun69 Unbundling, Future System
2023f.html#106 360/67 Virtual Memory
2023f.html#105 360/67 Virtual Memory
2023f.html#104 MVS versus VM370, PROFS and HONE
2023f.html#102 MPIO, Student Fortran, SYSGENS, CP67, 370 Virtual Memory
2023f.html#101 CSC, HONE, 23Jun69 Unbundling, Future System
2023f.html#93 CSC, HONE, 23Jun69 Unbundling, Future System
2023f.html#92 CSC, HONE, 23Jun69 Unbundling, Future System
2023f.html#89 Vintage IBM 709
2023f.html#88 Vintage IBM 709
2023f.html#83 360 CARD IPL
2023f.html#76 Vintage Mainframe DCF
2023f.html#71 Vintage Mainframe PROFS
2023f.html#66 Vintage TSS/360
2023f.html#65 Vintage TSS/360
2023f.html#61 The Most Important Computer You've Never Heard Of
2023f.html#52 IBM Vintage 1130
2023f.html#48 IBM 360/65 and 360/67
2023f.html#47 Vintage IBM Mainframes & Minicomputers
2023f.html#42 Vintage IBM Mainframes & Minicomputers
2023f.html#41 Vintage IBM Mainframes & Minicomputers
2023f.html#35 Vintage IBM Mainframes & Minicomputers
2023f.html#34 Vintage IBM Mainframes & Minicomputers
2023f.html#20 I've Been Moved
2023f.html#8 Internet
2023f.html#7 Video terminals
2023f.html#4 GML/SGML separating content and format
2023f.html#3 CP/67, VM/370, VM/SP, VM/XA
2023e.html#89 CP/67, VM/370, VM/SP, VM/XA
2023e.html#87 CP/67, VM/370, VM/SP, VM/XA
2023e.html#86 Relational RDBMS
2023e.html#75 microcomputers, minicomputers, mainframes, supercomputers
2023e.html#73 microcomputers, minicomputers, mainframes, supercomputers
2023e.html#70 The IBM System/360 Revolution
2023e.html#69 The IBM System/360 Revolution
2023e.html#65 PDP-6 Architecture, was ISA
2023e.html#64 Computing Career
2023e.html#63 Early Internet
2023e.html#54 VM370/CMS Shared Segments
2023e.html#53 VM370/CMS Shared Segments
2023e.html#47 IBM 360/67
2023e.html#44 IBM 360/65 & 360/67 Multiprocessors
2023e.html#43 IBM 360/65 & 360/67 Multiprocessors
2023e.html#39 IBM 360/67
2023e.html#34 IBM 360/67
2023e.html#33 Copyright Software
2023e.html#29 Copyright Software
2023e.html#26 Some IBM/PC History
2023e.html#22 Copyright Software
2023e.html#17 Maneuver Warfare as a Tradition. A Blast from the Past
2023e.html#16 Copyright Software
2023e.html#14 Copyright Software
2023e.html#12 Tymshare
2023d.html#121 Science Center, SCRIPT, GML, SGML, HTML, RSCS/VNET
2023d.html#118 Science Center, SCRIPT, GML, SGML, HTML, RSCS/VNET
2023d.html#113 VM370
2023d.html#110 APL
2023d.html#106 DASD, Channel and I/O long winded trivia
2023d.html#101 Operating System/360
2023d.html#100 IBM 3083
2023d.html#98 IBM DASD, Virtual Memory
2023d.html#90 IBM 3083
2023d.html#88 545tech sq, 3rd, 4th, & 5th flrs
2023d.html#87 545tech sq, 3rd, 4th, & 5th flrs
2023d.html#86 5th flr Multics & 4th flr science center
2023d.html#79 IBM System/360 JCL
2023d.html#78 IBM System/360, 1964
2023d.html#73 Some Virtual Machine History
2023d.html#72 Some Virtual Machine History
2023d.html#71 IBM System/360, 1964
2023d.html#69 Fortran, IBM 1130
2023d.html#67 IBM System/360, 1964
2023d.html#62 Online Before The Cloud
2023d.html#55 How the Net Was Won
2023d.html#32 IBM 370/195
2023d.html#29 IBM 3278
2023d.html#24 VM370, SMP, HONE
2023d.html#23 VM370, SMP, HONE
2023d.html#17 IBM MVS RAS
2023d.html#15 Boeing 747
2023d.html#14 Rent/Leased IBM 360
2023d.html#12 Ingenious librarians
2023d.html#9 IBM MVS RAS
2023d.html#6 Failed Expectations: A Deep Dive Into the Internet's 40 Years of Evolution
2023c.html#105 IBM 360/40 and CP/40
2023c.html#102 IBM Levels of Management
2023c.html#94 Netherlands and Uithoorn
2023c.html#90 More Dataprocessing Career
2023c.html#88 More Dataprocessing Career
2023c.html#82 Dataprocessing Career
2023c.html#78 IBM TLA
2023c.html#77 IBM Big Blue, True Blue, Bleed Blue
2023c.html#73 Dataprocessing 48hr shift
2023c.html#70 VM/370 3270 Terminal
2023c.html#69 NSFNET (Old Farts)
2023c.html#67 VM/370 3270 Terminal
2023c.html#66 Economic Mess and IBM Science Center
2023c.html#65 Economic Mess and IBM Science Center
2023c.html#62 Conflicts with IBM Communication Group
2023c.html#60 VM/370 3270 Terminal
2023c.html#58 IBM Downfall
2023c.html#56 IBM Empty Suits
2023c.html#55 IBM VM/370
2023c.html#48 Conflicts with IBM Communication Group
2023c.html#44 VM/370 3270 Terminal
2023c.html#36 30 years ago, one decision altered the course of our connected world
2023c.html#32 30 years ago, one decision altered the course of our connected world
2023c.html#29 30 years ago, one decision altered the course of our connected world
2023c.html#26 Global & Local Page Replacement
2023c.html#25 IBM Downfall
2023c.html#22 IBM Downfall
2023c.html#10 IBM Downfall
2023c.html#7 IBM Downfall
2023c.html#6 IBM Downfall
2023b.html#103 2023 IBM Poughkeepsie, NY
2023b.html#96 IBM 360 Folklore
2023b.html#88 Online systems fostering online communication
2023b.html#87 IRS and legacy COBOL
2023b.html#86 Online systems fostering online communication
2023b.html#84 Clone/OEM IBM systems
2023b.html#80 IBM 158-3 (& 4341)
2023b.html#72 Schooling Was for the Industrial Era, Unschooling Is for the Future
2023b.html#69 Ethernet (& CAT5)
2023b.html#51 Ethernet (& CAT5)
2023b.html#49 CP67 "IPL-by-name"
2023b.html#44 IBM 370
2023b.html#34 Online Terminals
2023b.html#32 Bimodal Distribution
2023b.html#0 IBM 370
2023.html#117 IBM 5100
2023.html#112 Early Webservers
2023.html#109 Early Webservers
2023.html#99 Online Computer Conferencing
2023.html#91 IBM 4341
2023.html#90 Performance Predictor, IBM downfall, and new CEO
2023.html#84 Memories of Mosaic
2023.html#80 ASCII/TTY Terminal Support
2023.html#77 IBM/PC and Microchannel
2023.html#76 IBM 4341
2023.html#74 IBM 4341
2023.html#71 IBM 4341
2023.html#70 GML, SGML, & HTML
2023.html#68 IBM and OSS
2023.html#67 IBM "Green Card"
2023.html#58 Almost IBM class student
2023.html#57 Almost IBM class student
2023.html#54 Classified Material and Security
2023.html#46 MTS & IBM 360/67
2023.html#43 IBM changes between 1968 and 1989
2023.html#40 IBM AIX
2023.html#34 IBM Punch Cards
2023.html#30 IBM Change
2023.html#24 IBM Punch Cards
2023.html#20 IBM Change
2023.html#18 PROFS trivia
2023.html#13 NCSS and Dun & Bradstreet
2023.html#12 IBM Marketing, Sales, Branch Offices
2023.html#5 1403 printer
2023.html#4 Mainrame Channel Redrive
2022h.html#122 The History of Electronic Mail
2022h.html#112 TOPS-20 Boot Camp for VMS Users 05-Mar-2022
2022h.html#77 The Internet Is Having Its Midlife Crisis
2022h.html#75 Researchers found security pitfalls in IBM's cloud infrastructure
2022h.html#72 The CHRISTMA EXEC network worm - 35 years and counting!
2022h.html#69 Fred P. Brooks, 1931-2022
2022h.html#68 Fred P. Brooks, 1931-2022
2022h.html#60 Fortran
2022h.html#52 smaller faster cheaper, computer history thru the lens of esthetics versus economics
2022h.html#43 1973 ARPANET Map
2022h.html#27 370 virtual memory
2022h.html#24 Inventing the Internet
2022h.html#22 370 virtual memory
2022h.html#21 370 virtual memory
2022h.html#16 Inventing the Internet
2022h.html#12 Inventing the Internet
2022h.html#7 IBM Cambridge Science Center Performance Technology
2022h.html#3 AL Gore Invented The Internet
2022g.html#95 Iconic consoles of the IBM System/360 mainframes, 55 years old
2022g.html#93 No, I will not pay the bill
2022g.html#90 IBM Cambridge Science Center Performance Technology
2022g.html#88 IBM Cambridge Science Center Performance Technology
2022g.html#71 Mainframe and/or Cloud
2022g.html#66 IBM Dress Code
2022g.html#63 IBM DPD
2022g.html#60 Stanford SLAC (and BAYBUNCH)
2022g.html#59 Stanford SLAC (and BAYBUNCH)
2022g.html#56 Stanford SLAC (and BAYBUNCH)
2022g.html#54 Stanford SLAC (and BAYBUNCH)
2022g.html#43 Some BITNET (& other) History
2022g.html#40 360/67 Virtual Memory
2022g.html#32 Early EMAIL
2022g.html#23 IBM APL
2022g.html#2 VM/370
2022f.html#120 360/67 Virtual Memory
2022f.html#119 360/67 Virtual Memory
2022f.html#118 360/67 Virtual Memory
2022f.html#116 360/67 Virtual Memory
2022f.html#115 360/67 Virtual Memory
2022f.html#113 360/67 Virtual Memory
2022f.html#110 IBM Downfall
2022f.html#107 IBM Downfall
2022f.html#98 Mainframe Cloud
2022f.html#83 COBOL and tricks
2022f.html#82 Why the Soviet computer failed
2022f.html#80 COBOL and tricks
2022f.html#75 IBM/PC
2022f.html#73 IBM/PC
2022f.html#72 IBM/PC
2022f.html#71 COMTEN - IBM Clone Telecommunication Controller
2022f.html#70 COMTEN - IBM Clone Telecommunication Controller
2022f.html#67 John Boyd and IBM Wild Ducks
2022f.html#53 z/VM 50th - part 4
2022f.html#50 z/VM 50th - part 3
2022f.html#46 What's something from the early days of the Internet which younger generations may not know about?
2022f.html#44 z/VM 50th
2022f.html#43 What's something from the early days of the Internet which younger generations may not know about?
2022f.html#42 IBM Bureaucrats
2022f.html#40 What's something from the early days of the Internet which younger generations may not know about?
2022f.html#37 What's something from the early days of the Internet which younger generations may not know about?
2022f.html#30 IBM Power: The Servers that Apple Should Have Created
2022f.html#23 1963 Timesharing: A Solution to Computer Bottlenecks
2022f.html#17 What's different, was Why did Dennis Ritchie write that UNIX was a modern implementation of CTSS?
2022f.html#10 9 Mainframe Statistics That May Surprise You
2022f.html#7 Vintage Computing
2022f.html#3 COBOL and tricks
2022e.html#103 John Boyd and IBM Wild Ducks
2022e.html#98 Enhanced Production Operating Systems II
2022e.html#97 Enhanced Production Operating Systems II
2022e.html#96 Enhanced Production Operating Systems II
2022e.html#95 Enhanced Production Operating Systems II
2022e.html#94 Enhanced Production Operating Systems
2022e.html#80 IBM Quota
2022e.html#79 Enhanced Production Operating Systems
2022e.html#78 IBM Quota
2022e.html#50 Channel Program I/O Processing Efficiency
2022e.html#44 IBM Chairman John Opel
2022e.html#37 IBM 37x5 Boxes
2022e.html#36 IBM 23June1969 Unbundle
2022e.html#32 IBM 37x5 Boxes
2022e.html#31 Technology Flashback
2022e.html#22 IBM "nine-net"
2022e.html#13 VM/370 Going Away
2022e.html#9 VM/370 Going Away
2022e.html#7 RED and XEDIT fullscreen editors
2022e.html#6 RED and XEDIT fullscreen editors
2022e.html#5 RED and XEDIT fullscreen editors
2022e.html#2 IBM Games
2022e.html#0 IBM Quota
2022d.html#108 System Dumps & 7x24 operation
2022d.html#100 IBM Stretch (7030) -- Aggressive Uniprocessor Parallelism
2022d.html#95 Operating System File/Dataset I/O
2022d.html#94 Operating System File/Dataset I/O
2022d.html#91 Short-term profits and long-term consequences -- did Jack Welch break capitalism?
2022d.html#90 Short-term profits and long-term consequences -- did Jack Welch break capitalism?
2022d.html#74 WAIS. Z39.50
2022d.html#72 WAIS. Z39.50
2022d.html#70 IBM Z16 - The Mainframe Is Dead, Long Live The Mainframe
2022d.html#68 CMS OS/360 Simulation
2022d.html#67 CMS OS/360 Simulation
2022d.html#63 VM/370 Turns 50 2Aug2022
2022d.html#62 IBM 360/50 Simulation From Its Microcode
2022d.html#61 IBM 360/50 Simulation From Its Microcode
2022d.html#60 VM/370 Turns 50 2Aug2022
2022d.html#59 CMS OS/360 Simulation
2022d.html#58 IBM 360/50 Simulation From Its Microcode
2022d.html#57 CMS OS/360 Simulation
2022d.html#45 MGLRU Revved Once More For Promising Linux Performance Improvements
2022d.html#44 CMS Personal Computing Precursor
2022d.html#30 COMPUTER HISTORY: REMEMBERING THE IBM SYSTEM/360 MAINFRAME, its Origin and Technology
2022d.html#29 Network Congestion
2022d.html#27 COMPUTER HISTORY: REMEMBERING THE IBM SYSTEM/360 MAINFRAME, its Origin and Technology
2022d.html#22 COMPUTER HISTORY: REMEMBERING THE IBM SYSTEM/360 MAINFRAME, its Origin and Technology
2022d.html#21 COMPUTER HISTORY: REMEMBERING THE IBM SYSTEM/360 MAINFRAME, its Origin and Technology
2022d.html#19 COMPUTER HISTORY: REMEMBERING THE IBM SYSTEM/360 MAINFRAME, its Origin and Technology
2022d.html#18 Computer Server Market
2022d.html#17 Computer Server Market
2022c.html#121 Programming By Committee
2022c.html#100 IBM Bookmaster, GML, SGML, HTML
2022c.html#99 IBM Bookmaster, GML, SGML, HTML
2022c.html#86 APL & IBM 5100
2022c.html#68 IBM Mainframe market was Re: Approximate reciprocals
2022c.html#51 Why did Dennis Ritchie write that UNIX was a modern implementation of CTSS?
2022c.html#42 Why did Dennis Ritchie write that UNIX was a modern implementation of CTSS?
2022c.html#29 Unix work-alike
2022c.html#27 IBM Cambridge Science Center
2022c.html#26 IBM Cambridge Science Center
2022c.html#25 IBM Mainframe time-sharing
2022c.html#8 Cloud Timesharing
2022c.html#2 IBM 2250 Graphics Display
2022c.html#1 Copying files on CTSS?
2022c.html#0 System Response
2022b.html#126 Google Cloud
2022b.html#121 Lack of Unix in 70s/80s hacker culture?
2022b.html#111 The Rise of DOS: How Microsoft Got the IBM PC OS Contract
2022b.html#95 IBM Salary
2022b.html#90 Computer BUNCH
2022b.html#89 Computer BUNCH
2022b.html#78 Channel I/O
2022b.html#58 Interdata Computers
2022b.html#54 IBM History
2022b.html#49 4th generation language
2022b.html#38 Security
2022b.html#35 Dataprocessing Career
2022b.html#22 IBM Cloud to offer Z-series mainframes for first time - albeit for test and dev
2022b.html#20 CP-67
2022b.html#13 360 Performance
2022b.html#10 Seattle Dataprocessing
2022b.html#9 Porting APL to CP67/CMS
2022b.html#8 Porting APL to CP67/CMS
2022.html#129 Dataprocessing Career
2022.html#116 On the origin of the /text section/ for code
2022.html#114 On the origin of the /text section/ for code
2022.html#113 On the origin of the /text section/ for code
2022.html#111 On the origin of the /text section/ for code
2022.html#105 IBM PLI
2022.html#104 Mainframe Performance
2022.html#103 Online Computer Conferencing
2022.html#101 Online Computer Conferencing
2022.html#100 IBM PLI
2022.html#86 Virtual Machine SIE instruction
2022.html#81 165/168/3033 & 370 virtual memory
2022.html#74 165/168/3033 & 370 virtual memory
2022.html#73 MVT storage management issues
2022.html#66 HSDT, EARN, BITNET, Internet
2022.html#57 Computer Security
2022.html#55 Precursor to current virtual machines and containers
2022.html#52 Acoustic Coupler
2022.html#49 Acoustic Coupler
2022.html#43 Automated Benchmarking
2022.html#42 Automated Benchmarking
2022.html#40 Mythical Man Month
2022.html#29 IBM HONE
2022.html#27 Mainframe System Meter
2022.html#26 Is this group only about older computers?
2022.html#25 CP67 and BPS Loader
2022.html#17 Mainframe I/O
2022.html#15 Mainframe I/O
2022.html#12 Programming Skills
2022.html#5 360 IPL
2022.html#3 GML/SGML/HTML/Mosaic
2021k.html#124 IBM Clone Controllers
2021k.html#121 Computer Performance
2021k.html#120 Computer Performance
2021k.html#119 70s & 80s mainframes
2021k.html#115 Peer-Coupled Shared Data Architecture
2021k.html#106 IBM Future System
2021k.html#92 Cobol and Jean Sammet
2021k.html#89 IBM PROFs
2021k.html#86 IBM and Internet Old Farts
2021k.html#83 Internet Old Farts
2021k.html#70 'Flying Blind' Review: Downward Trajectory
2021k.html#64 1973 Holmdel IBM 370's
2021k.html#63 1973 Holmdel IBM 370's
2021k.html#55 System Availability
2021k.html#54 System Availability
2021k.html#51 VM/SP crashing all over the place
2021k.html#47 IBM CSC, CMS\APL, IBM 2250, IBM 3277GA
2021k.html#34 APL
2021k.html#28 APL
2021k.html#23 MS/DOS for IBM/PC
2021k.html#0 Women in Computing
2021j.html#88 Happy 50th Birthday, EMAIL!
2021j.html#77 IBM 370 and Future System
2021j.html#68 MTS, 360/67, FS, Internet, SNA
2021j.html#64 addressing and protection, was Paper about ISO C
2021j.html#63 IBM 360s
2021j.html#59 Order of Knights VM
2021j.html#52 ESnet
2021j.html#48 SUSE Reviving Usenet
2021j.html#35 Programming Languages in IBM
2021j.html#30 VM370, 3081, and AT&T Long Lines
2021j.html#25 VM370, 3081, and AT&T Long Lines
2021j.html#11 System Availability
2021j.html#4 IBM Lost Opportunities
2021j.html#0 IBM Lost Opportunities
2021i.html#101 IBM Lost Opportunities
2021i.html#86 IBM EMAIL
2021i.html#78 IBM ACP/TPF
2021i.html#77 IBM ACP/TPF
2021i.html#62 Virtual Machine Debugging
2021i.html#61 Virtual Machine Debugging
2021i.html#10 A brief overview of IBM's new 7 nm Telum mainframe CPU
2021h.html#103 CSC, Virtual Machines, Internet
2021h.html#81 Why the IBM PC Used an Intel 8088
2021h.html#71 IBM Research, Adtech, Science Center
2021h.html#70 IBM Research, Adtech, Science Center
2021h.html#67 CSC, Virtual Machines, Internet
2021h.html#65 CSC, Virtual Machines, Internet
2021h.html#54 PROFS
2021h.html#53 PROFS
2021h.html#52 PROFS
2021h.html#50 PROFS
2021h.html#48 Dynamic Adaptive Resource Management
2021h.html#46 Dynamic Adaptive Resource Management
2021h.html#35 IBM/PC 12Aug1981
2021h.html#23 NOW the web is 30 years old: When Tim Berners-Lee switched on the first World Wide Web server
2021h.html#3 Cloud computing's destiny
2021g.html#92 Was E-mail a Mistake? The mathematics of distributed systems suggests that meetings might be better
2021g.html#90 Was E-mail a Mistake? The mathematics of distributed systems suggests that meetings might be better
2021g.html#71 the wonders of SABRE, was Magnetic Drum reservations 1952
2021g.html#35 Cloud computing's destiny
2021g.html#34 IBM Fan-fold cards
2021g.html#31 IBM Programming Projects
2021g.html#30 Execute and IBM history, not Sequencer vs microcode
2021g.html#29 Execute and IBM history, not Sequencer vs microcode
2021g.html#25 Execute and IBM history, not Sequencer vs microcode
2021g.html#23 report writer alternatives
2021g.html#6 IBM 370
2021f.html#76 IBM OS/2
2021f.html#54 Switch over to Internetworking Protocol
2021f.html#30 IBM HSDT & HA/CMP
2021f.html#29 Quic gives the internet's data transmission foundation a needed speedup
2021f.html#20 1401 MPIO
2021f.html#16 IBM Zcloud - is it just outsourcing ?
2021f.html#8 Air Traffic System
2021f.html#2 IBM Series/1
2021e.html#79 Early IBM Business Trips
2021e.html#74 WEB Security
2021e.html#67 Amdahl
2021e.html#66 Amdahl
2021e.html#65 SHARE (& GUIDE)
2021e.html#62 IBM / How To Stuff A Wild Duck
2021e.html#61 Performance Monitoring, Analysis, Simulation, etc
2021e.html#57 Hacking, Exploits and Vulnerabilities
2021e.html#55 SHARE (& GUIDE)
2021e.html#45 Blank 80-column punch cards up for grabs
2021e.html#25 rather far from Univac 90/30 DIAG instruction
2021e.html#19 Univac 90/30 DIAG instruction
2021d.html#52 IBM Hardest Problem(s)
2021d.html#43 IBM Powerpoint sales presentations
2021d.html#39 IBM 370/155
2021d.html#34 April 7, 1964: IBM Bets Big on System/360
2021d.html#32 April 7, 1964: IBM Bets Big on System/360
2021d.html#25 Field Support and PSRs
2021d.html#17 The Rise of the Internet
2021d.html#12 The Rise of the Internet
2021c.html#86 IBM SNA/VTAM (& HSDT)
2021c.html#72 I/O processors, What could cause a comeback for big-endianism very slowly?
2021c.html#64 CMS Support
2021c.html#48 MAINFRAME (4341) History
2021c.html#37 Some CP67, Future System and other history
2021c.html#31 System/R, QBE, IMS, EAGLE, IDEA, DB2
2021c.html#29 System/R, QBE, IMS, EAGLE, IDEA, DB2
2021c.html#5 Z/VM
2021c.html#2 Colours on screen (mainframe history question)
2021b.html#80 AT&T Long-lines
2021b.html#62 Early Computer Use
2021b.html#55 In the 1970s, Email Was Special
2021b.html#54 In the 1970s, Email Was Special
2021b.html#32 HONE story/history
2021b.html#27 DEBE?
2021b.html#23 IBM Recruiting
2021b.html#16 IBM Recruiting
2021b.html#13 IBM Recruiting
2021b.html#4 Killer Micros
2021b.html#3 Will The Cloud Take Down The Mainframe?
2021.html#86 IBM Auditors and Games
2021.html#82 Kinder/Gentler IBM
2021.html#78 Interactive Computing
2021.html#69 OS/2
2021.html#67 IBM Education Classes
2021.html#52 Amdahl Computers
2021.html#41 CADAM & Catia
2021.html#25 IBM Acronyms
2021.html#14 Unbundling and Kernel Software
2021.html#3 How an obscure British PC maker invented ARM and changed the world
2020.html#45 Watch AI-controlled virtual fighters take on an Air Force pilot on August 18th
2020.html#39 If Memory Had Been Cheaper
2020.html#35 Who introduced named files?
2020.html#32 IBM TSS
2020.html#30 Main memory as an I/O device
2020.html#8 IBM timesharing terminal--offline preparation?
2019e.html#141 IBM and Internet
2019e.html#138 Half an operating system: The triumph and tragedy of OS/2
2019e.html#136 Half an operating system: The triumph and tragedy of OS/2
2019e.html#133 IBM system/360 ad
2019e.html#126 23Jun1969 Unbundling
2019e.html#121 Virtualization
2019e.html#87 5 milestones that created the internet, 50 years after the first network message
2019e.html#27 PC Market
2019e.html#19 All programmers that developed in machine code and Assembly in the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s died?
2019e.html#12 To Lynn Wheeler, if still observing
2019e.html#3 The One Type of Game That Kills Creativity and Innovation
2019e.html#2 To Lynn Wheeler, if still observing
2019d.html#108 IBM HONE
2019d.html#106 IBM HONE
2019d.html#16 The amount of software running on traditional servers is set to almost halve in the next 3 years amid the shift to the cloud, and it's great news for the data center business
2019d.html#6 Fernando Corbato, a Father of Your Computer (and Your Password), Dies at 93
2019d.html#4 IBM Midrange today?
2019d.html#3 A crashing disappointment!
2019c.html#90 DNS & other trivia
2019c.html#86 IBM: Buying While Apathetaic
2019c.html#85 IBM: Buying While Apathetaic
2019c.html#80 IBM: Buying While Apathetaic
2019c.html#70 2301, 2303, 2305-1, 2305-2, paging, etc
2019c.html#70 2301, 2303, 2305-1, 2305-2, paging, etc
2019c.html#63 2741 & APL
2019c.html#46 IBM 9020
2019c.html#42 mainframe hacking "success stories"?
2019c.html#41 The Forgotten Operating System That Keeps the NYC Subway System Alive
2019c.html#33 IBM Future System
2019c.html#25 virtual memory
2019c.html#8 3270 48th Birthday
2019b.html#97 Journey from Idea to Practice: Internetworking and Protocols
2019b.html#66 IBM Tumbles After Reporting Worst Revenue In 17 Years As Cloud Hits Air Pocket
2019b.html#54 Misinformation: anti-vaccine bullshit
2019b.html#51 System/360 consoles
2019b.html#28 Science Center
2019b.html#27 Online Computer Conferencing
2019b.html#14 Tandem Memo
2019b.html#4 Oct1986 IBM user group SEAS history presentation
2019.html#88 Economic Mess
2019.html#77 How many years ago?
2019.html#74 21 random but totally appropriate ways to celebrate the World Wide Web's 30th birthday
2019.html#67 Economic Mess
2019.html#64 23june1969 unbundling
2019.html#56 Economic Mess
2019.html#2 The rise and fall of IBM
2018f.html#111 Online Timsharing
2018f.html#87 Douglas Engelbart, the forgotten hero of modern computing
2018f.html#75 CP67 & EMAIL history
2018f.html#72 Jean Sammet — Designer of COBOL – A Computer of One’s Own – Medium
2018f.html#59 1970s school compsci curriculum--what would you do?
2018f.html#53 online computer conferencing, was: System level coding examples
2018f.html#51 All programmers that developed in machine code and Assembly in the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s died?
2018f.html#37 The rise and fall of IBM
2018f.html#35 OT: Postal Service seeks record price hikes to bolster falling revenues
2018f.html#24 LikeWar: The Weaponization of Social Media
2018f.html#16 IBM Z and cloud
2018e.html#104 The (broken) economics of OSS
2018e.html#103 The (broken) economics of OSS
2018e.html#100 The (broken) economics of OSS
2018e.html#94 It's 1983: What computer would you buy?
2018e.html#86 History of Virtualization
2018e.html#85 History of Virtualization
2018e.html#69 different architecture, was PDP 11/40 system manual
2018e.html#65 System recovered from Princeton/Melinda backup/archive tapes
2018e.html#55 usenet history, was 1958 Crisis in education
2018e.html#53 Updated Green Card
2018e.html#49 DEC introduces PDP-6 [was Re: IBM introduces System/360]
2018e.html#45 DEC introduces PDP-6 [was Re: IBM introduces System/360]
2018e.html#27 Wearing a tie cuts circulation to your brain
2018e.html#20 Manned Orbiting Laboratory Declassified: Inside a US Military Space Station
2018e.html#15 Frank Heart Dies at 89
2018d.html#116 Watch IBM's TV ad touting its first portable PC, a 50-lb marvel
2018d.html#111 The story of the internet is all about layers; How the internet lost its decentralized innocence
2018d.html#108 Frank Heart Dies at 89
2018d.html#106 Everyone is born creative, but it is educated out of us at school
2018d.html#83 CMS\APL
2018d.html#74 tablets and desktops was Has Microsoft
2018d.html#72 tablets and desktops was Has Microsoft
2018d.html#68 tablets and desktops was Has Microsoft
2018d.html#66 tablets and desktops was Has Microsoft
2018d.html#43 How IBM Was Left Behind
2018d.html#40 Online History
2018d.html#33 Online History
2018d.html#30 MMIX meltdown
2018d.html#29 MMIX meltdown
2018d.html#28 MMIX meltdown
2018d.html#24 8088 and 68k, where it went wrong
2018d.html#19 68k, where it went wrong
2018d.html#16 Has Microsoft commuted suicide
2018d.html#13 Workplace Advice I Wish I Had Known
2018d.html#5 DOS & OS2
2018d.html#3 Has Microsoft commuted suicide
2018d.html#2 Has Microsoft commuted suicide
2018d.html#0 The Road Not Taken: Edward Lansdale and the American Tragedy in Vietnam
2018c.html#85 z/VM Live Guest Relocation
2018c.html#79 z/VM Live Guest Relocation
2018c.html#32 Old word processors
2018c.html#31 Old word processors
2018c.html#15 Old word processors
2018b.html#99 IBM 5100
2018b.html#94 Old word processors
2018b.html#64 Doubts about the HR departments that require knowledge of technology that does not exist
2018b.html#46 Think you know web browsers? Take this quiz and prove it
2018b.html#20 How to open a new console in Concurrent CP/M?
2018b.html#14 Important US technology companies sold to foreigners
2018.html#99 Prime
2018.html#86 Predicting the future in five years as seen from 1983
2018.html#50 Predicting the future in five years as seen from 1983
2018.html#33 1963 Timesharing: A Solution to Computer Bottlenecks
2018.html#31 1963 Timesharing: A Solution to Computer Bottlenecks
2018.html#27 1963 Timesharing: A Solution to Computer Bottlenecks
2018.html#24 1963 Timesharing: A Solution to Computer Bottlenecks
2018.html#23 IBM Profs
2018.html#21 IBM Profs
2018.html#18 IBM Profs
2018.html#15 1963 Timesharing: A Solution to Computer Bottlenecks
2017k.html#69 IBM/PC
2017k.html#65 Intrigued by IBM
2017k.html#59 branch avoidance on orthodox Stanford RISC
2017k.html#45 APL
2017k.html#37 CMS style XMITMSG for Unix and other platforms
2017k.html#33 Bad History
2017k.html#29 little old mainframes, Re: Was it ever worth it?
2017k.html#22 little old mainframes, Re: Was it ever worth it?
2017j.html#95 why VM, was thrashing
2017j.html#84 VS/Repack
2017j.html#83 Ferranti Atlas paging
2017j.html#71 A Computer That Never Was: the IBM 7095
2017j.html#39 The complete history of the IBM PC, part two: The DOS empire strikes; The real victor was Microsoft, which built an empire on the back of a shadily acquired MS-DOS
2017j.html#33 How DARPA, The Secretive Agency That Invented The Internet, Is Working To Reinvent It
2017j.html#29 Db2! was: NODE.js for z/OS
2017j.html#26 Tech: we didn't mean for it to turn out like this
2017i.html#76 git, z/OS and COBOL
2017i.html#65 When Working From Home Doesn't Work
2017i.html#50 When Working From Home Doesn't Work
2017i.html#49 IBM Branch Offices: What They Were, How They Worked, 1920s-1980s
2017h.html#68 Pareto efficiency
2017h.html#59 RISC and PC/RT ancient history, was Re: On second thoughts
2017h.html#50 System/360--detailed engineering description (AFIPS 1964)
2017h.html#44 VM/370 45th Birthday
2017h.html#6 Initialized paged memory without a hard commit
2017g.html#101 SEX
2017g.html#84 Mannix "computer in a briefcase"
2017g.html#74 Running unsupported is dangerous was Re: AW: Re: LE strikes again
2017g.html#70 What is the most epic computer glitch you have ever seen?
2017g.html#69 48-year-old Multics Operating System Resurrected
2017g.html#68 MULTICS & VM370 History
2017g.html#62 Play the Pentagon-Funded Video Game That Predates Pong
2017g.html#46 Windows 10 Pro automatic update
2017g.html#38 The most important invention from every state
2017g.html#34 Programmers Who Use Spaces Paid More
2017g.html#20 Programmers Who Use Spaces Paid More
2017g.html#15 HONE Systems
2017g.html#11 Mainframe Networking problems
2017g.html#0 OFF TOPIC: 1949 self propelled railway diesel car
2017f.html#108 The IBM 7094 and CTSS
2017f.html#105 The IBM 7094 and CTSS
2017f.html#93 Jean Sammet, Co-Designer of a Pioneering Computer Language, Dies at 89
2017f.html#79 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017f.html#50 MVS vs HASP vs JES (was 2821)
2017f.html#39 MVS vs HASP vs JES (was 2821)
2017f.html#32 MVS vs HASP vs JES (was 2821)
2017f.html#27 MVS vs HASP vs JES (was 2821)
2017f.html#25 MVS vs HASP vs JES (was 2821)
2017e.html#71 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#50 A flaw in the design; The Internet's founders saw its promise but didn't foresee users attacking one another
2017e.html#35 Mainframe Family tree and chronology 2
2017e.html#34 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#25 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#21 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#20 cultural stereotypes, was Ironic old "fortune"
2017e.html#19 MVT doesn't boot in 16mbytes
2017e.html#18 [CM] What was your first home computer?
2017e.html#14 The Geniuses that Anticipated the Idea of the Internet
2017e.html#11 The Geniuses that Anticipated the Idea of the Internet
2017e.html#3 TSS/8, was A Whirlwind History of the Computer
2017d.html#80 Mainframe operating systems?
2017d.html#75 Mainframe operating systems?
2017d.html#56 Some IBM Research RJ reports
2017d.html#53 ARM Cortex A53 64 bit
2017d.html#51 CPU Timerons/Seconds vs Wall-clock Time
2017c.html#92 An OODA loop is a far-from-equilibrium, non-linear system with feedback
2017c.html#62 Most people are secretly threatened by creativity
2017c.html#60 [EXTERNAL] ComputerWorld Says: Cobol plays major role in U.S. government breaches
2017c.html#53 Multics Timeline
2017c.html#43 Formed by Megafloods, This Place Fooled Scientists for Decades
2017c.html#30 The ICL 2900
2017c.html#28 The ICL 2900
2017c.html#26 Multitasking, together with OS operations
2017c.html#21 Congratulations IBM for 'inventing' out-of-office email. You win Stupid Patent of the Month
2017c.html#14 Check out Massive Amazon cloud service outage disrupts sites
2017c.html#3 The ICL 2900
2017b.html#62 BITNET 8bit
2017b.html#53 COBOL and POSIX pipes
2017b.html#51 The ICL 2900
2017b.html#44 More on Mannix and the computer
2017b.html#36 IBM LinuxONE Rockhopper
2017b.html#27 Virtualization's Past Helps Explain Its Current Importance
2017.html#87 The ICL 2900
2017.html#77 HONE APL Systems
2017.html#61 The ICL 2900
2017.html#47 Putting The Times's First Email Address to Bed
2017.html#46 Hidden Figures and the IBM 7090 computer
2017.html#28 {wtf} Tymshare SuperBasic Source Code
2017.html#23 {wtf} Tymshare SuperBasic Source Code
2017.html#21 History of Mainframe Cloud
2017.html#20 {wtf} Tymshare SuperBasic Source Code
2017.html#14 Japanese company replaces office workers with artificial intelligence
2017.html#13 follow up to dense code definition
2017.html#0 Leap seconds
2016h.html#111 Definition of "dense code"
2016h.html#102 Multitasking question
2016h.html#87 [CM] 40 years of man page history
2016h.html#86 Computer/IBM Career
2016h.html#59 Resurrected! Paul Allen's tech team brings 50-year -old supercomputer back from the dead
2016h.html#43 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016h.html#7 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016h.html#5 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016g.html#75 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016g.html#68 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016g.html#62 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016g.html#48 "I used a real computer at home...and so will you" (Popular Science May 1967)
2016g.html#42 Floating point registers or general purpose registers
2016g.html#40 Floating point registers or general purpose registers
2016g.html#33 OODA-loop and virtual machines
2016f.html#92 ABO Automatic Binary Optimizer
2016f.html#70 Security Design: Stop Trying to Fix the User
2016f.html#62 remote system support (i.e. the data center is 2 states away from you)
2016f.html#43 1970--a family gets a home computer
2016f.html#42 Computers
2016f.html#28 Revival of pessimistic locking
2016f.html#13 Bullying
2016e.html#124 Early Networking
2016e.html#108 Some (IBM-related) History
2016e.html#78 Honeywell 200
2016e.html#77 Honeywell 200
2016e.html#76 PROFS
2016e.html#71 Dinosaurisation of we oldies?
2016e.html#67 Was Microsoft built on stolen goods?
2016e.html#53 E.R. Burroughs
2016e.html#32 How the internet was invented
2016e.html#31 How the internet was invented
2016e.html#4 Play the Pentagon-Funded Video Game That Predates 'Pong'
2016e.html#2 S/360 stacks, was self-modifying code, Is it a lost cause?
2016e.html#0 Is it a lost cause?
2016d.html#100 Multithreaded output to stderr and stdout
2016d.html#97 Is it a lost cause?
2016d.html#96 Multithreaded output to stderr and stdout
2016d.html#95 Is it a lost cause?
2016d.html#76 IBM plans for the future - an imaginary tale
2016d.html#65 PL/I advertising
2016d.html#64 PL/I advertising
2016d.html#55 PL/I advertising
2016d.html#50 PL/I advertising
2016d.html#46 PL/I advertising
2016d.html#44 PL/I advertising
2016d.html#41 PL/I advertising
2016d.html#35 PL/I advertising
2016d.html#34 The Network Nation, Revised Edition
2016d.html#33 The Network Nation, Revised Edition
2016d.html#14 client/server & HTML
2016d.html#3 Qbasic
2016c.html#82 Fwd: Tech News 1964
2016c.html#70 Microprocessor Optimization Primer
2016c.html#63 Which Books Can You Recommend For Learning Computer Programming?
2016c.html#56 Which Books Can You Recommend For Learning Computer Programming?
2016c.html#10 You count as an old-timer if (was Re: Origin of the phrase "XYZZY")
2016c.html#6 You count as an old-timer if (was Re: Origin of the phrase "XYZZY")
2016c.html#1 You count as an old-timer if (was Re: Origin of the phrase "XYZZY")
2016b.html#112 You count as an old-timer if (was Re: Origin of the phrase "XYZZY")
2016b.html#109 Bimodal Distribution
2016b.html#86 Cloud Computing
2016b.html#63 Qbasic - lies about Medicare
2016b.html#54 CMS\APL
2016b.html#46 Early Unixes requirements
2016b.html#36 Ransomware
2016b.html#30 Qbasic
2016b.html#28 Qbasic
2016b.html#17 IBM Destination z - What the Heck Is JCL and Why Does It Look So Funny?
2016.html#78 Mainframe Virtual Memory
2016.html#63 Lineage of TPF
2016.html#41 1976 vs. 2016?
2016.html#27 1976 vs. 2016?
2015h.html#112 Is there a source for detailed, instruction-level performance info?
2015h.html#109 25 Years: How the Web began
2015h.html#108 25 Years: How the Web began
2015h.html#107 25 Years: How the Web began
2015h.html#106 DOS descendant still lives was Re: slight reprieve on the z
2015h.html#103 Median Age of US Managers
2015h.html#86 Old HASP
2015h.html#73 Miniskirts and mainframes
2015h.html#66 IMPI (System/38 / AS/400 historical)
2015h.html#64 [CM] Coding with dad on the Dragon 32
2015h.html#43 Are we just running in place?
2015h.html#27 the legacy of Seymour Cray
2015g.html#99 PROFS & GML
2015g.html#98 PROFS & GML
2015g.html#90 IBM Embraces Virtual Memory -- Finally
2015g.html#85 New cache coherence scales logarithmically
2015g.html#80 Term "Open Systems" (as Sometimes Currently Used) is Dead -- Who's with Me?
2015g.html#54 Mainframes open to internet attacks?
2015g.html#0 Miniskirts and mainframes
2015f.html#85 Miniskirts and mainframes
2015f.html#84 Miniskirts and mainframes
2015f.html#79 Limit number of frames of real storage per job
2015f.html#69 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#66 1973--TI 8 digit electric calculator--$99.95
2015f.html#62 3705
2015f.html#50 The joy of simplicity?
2015f.html#23 A Modest Proposal (for avoiding OOO)
2015e.html#84 Inaugural Podcast: Dave Farber, Grandfather of the Internet
2015e.html#19 The real story of how the Internet became so vulnerable
2015e.html#15 The real story of how the Internet became so vulnerable
2015e.html#11 The real story of how the Internet became so vulnerable
2015e.html#8 New Line vs. Line Feed
2015d.html#48 Western Union envisioned internet functionality
2015d.html#3 30 yr old email
2015d.html#2 Knowledge Center Outage May 3rd
2015c.html#103 auto-reboot
2015c.html#90 Your earliest dream?
2015c.html#69 A New Performance Model ?
2015c.html#66 Messing Up the System/360
2015c.html#65 A New Performance Model ?
2015c.html#59 production machines with paging hardware, The Stack Depth
2015c.html#57 The Stack Depth
2015c.html#52 The Stack Depth
2015c.html#47 The Stack Depth
2015c.html#44 John Titor was right? IBM 5100
2015c.html#39 Virtual Memory Management
2015c.html#27 30 yr old email
2015b.html#48 IBM's One Hundred Year History Is About Cash, Culture and Mutualism
2015b.html#40 OS/360
2015b.html#39 Connecting memory to 370/145 with only 36 bits
2015.html#100 Anthem Healthcare Hacked
2015.html#95 56kbit modems
2015.html#86 a bit of hope? What was old is new again
2015.html#85 a bit of hope? What was old is new again
2015.html#74 Ancient computers in use today
2015.html#47 [CM] IBM releases Z13 Mainframe - looks like Batman
2014m.html#163 Slushware
2014m.html#143 LEO
2014m.html#66 Why you need batch cloud computing
2014m.html#60 The Road Not Taken: Knowing When to Keep Your Mouth Shut
2014m.html#56 The Road Not Taken: Knowing When to Keep Your Mouth Shut
2014m.html#54 Why you need batch cloud computing
2014m.html#19 Microsoft Open Sources .NET, Saying It Will Run on Linux and Mac
2014l.html#69 Could this be the wrongest prediction of all time?
2014l.html#56 This Chart From IBM Explains Why Cloud Computing Is Such A Game-Changer
2014l.html#23 Do we really need 64-bit addresses or is 48-bit enough?
2014l.html#20 Do we really need 64-bit addresses or is 48-bit enough?
2014l.html#14 Do we really need 64-bit addresses or is 48-bit enough?
2014l.html#10 Do we really need 64-bit addresses or is 48-bit enough?
2014k.html#79 Do we really need 64-bit addresses or is 48-bit enough?
2014k.html#48 1950: Northrop's Digital Differential Analyzer
2014j.html#103 ? How programs in c language drew graphics directly to screen in old days without X or Framebuffer?
2014j.html#102 ? How programs in c language drew graphics directly to screen in old days without X or Framebuffer?
2014j.html#61 No Internet. No Microsoft Windows. No iPods. This Is What Tech Was Like In 1984
2014j.html#50 curly brace languages source code style quides
2014j.html#33 Univac 90 series info posted on bitsavers
2014i.html#71 z/OS physical memory usage with multiple copies of same load module at different virtual addresses
2014i.html#68 z/OS physical memory usage with multiple copies of same load module at different virtual addresses
2014i.html#67 z/OS physical memory usage with multiple copies of same load module at different virtual addresses
2014i.html#44 IBM Programmer Aptitude Test
2014i.html#41 How Comp-Sci went from passing fad to must have major
2014i.html#40 IBM Programmer Aptitude Test
2014i.html#31 Speed of computers--wave equation for the copper atom? (curiosity)
2014i.html#16 R.I.P. PDP-10?
2014h.html#108 PDP-11 architecture, was There Is Still Hope
2014h.html#103 TSO Test does not support 65-bit debugging?
2014h.html#60 The Tragedy of Rapid Evolution?
2014h.html#47 Are you tired of the negative comments about IBM in this community?
2014g.html#99 IBM architecture, was Fifty Years of nitpicking definitions, was BASIC,theProgrammingLanguageT
2014g.html#98 After the Sun (Microsystems) Sets, the Real Stories Come Out
2014g.html#92 Fifty Years of nitpicking definitions, was BASIC,theProgrammingLanguageT
2014g.html#85 Costs of core
2014g.html#77 Spacewar Oral History Research Project
2014g.html#74 Fifty Years of nitpicking definitions, was BASIC,theProgrammingLanguageT
2014g.html#63 Costs of core
2014g.html#42 Special characters for Passwords
2014g.html#30 Special characters for Passwords
2014g.html#28 Does IBM CEO Rometty Understand Cloud?
2014g.html#24 Fifty Years of BASIC, the Programming Language That Made Computers Personal
2014g.html#23 Three Reasons the Mainframe is in Trouble
2014f.html#95 Is end of mainframe near ?
2014f.html#75 Is end of mainframe near ?
2014f.html#56 Fifty Years of BASIC, the Programming Language That Made Computers Personal
2014f.html#11 Before the Internet: The golden age of online services
2014f.html#10 It's all K&R's fault
2014f.html#4 Another Golden Anniversary - Dartmouth BASIC
2014e.html#74 Another Golden Anniversary - Dartmouth BASIC
2014e.html#69 Before the Internet: The golden age of online services
2014e.html#36 Semi-OT: Government snooping was Re: Is there any MF shop using AWS service?
2014e.html#35 System/360 celebration set for ten cities; 1964 pricing for oneweek
2014e.html#28 System/360 celebration set for ten cities; 1964 pricing for oneweek
2014e.html#16 23Jun1969 Unbundling Announcement
2014e.html#14 23Jun1969 Unbundling Announcement
2014e.html#7 Last Gasp for Hard Disk Drives
2014e.html#4 Can the mainframe remain relevant in the cloud and mobile era?
2014e.html#3 IBM PCjr STRIPPED BARE: We tear down the machine Big Blue wouldrather you f
2014d.html#103 Microsoft publishes MS-DOS, Word for Windows source code
2014d.html#85 Parallel programming may not be so daunting
2014d.html#75 NJE Clarifications
2014d.html#60 Difference between MVS and z / OS systems
2014d.html#59 Difference between MVS and z / OS systems
2014d.html#57 Difference between MVS and z / OS systems
2014d.html#56 Difference between MVS and z / OS systems
2014d.html#39 [CM] Ten recollections about the early WWW and Internet
2014d.html#34 World Wide Web turns 25 years old
2014d.html#25 Mainframe memories
2014d.html#23 Mainframe memories
2014d.html#16 Mainframe memories
2014c.html#71 assembler
2014c.html#65 IBM layoffs strike first in India; workers describe cuts as 'slaughter' and 'massive'
2014c.html#56 Computer Architecture Manuals - tools for writing and maintaining- state of the art?
2014b.html#105 Happy 50th Birthday to the IBM Cambridge Scientific Center
2014b.html#88 Happy 50th Birthday to the IBM Cambridge Scientific Center, Kendall Square Pioneer
2014b.html#83 CPU time
2014b.html#81 CPU time
2014b.html#49 Mac at 30: A love/hate relationship from the support front
2014b.html#2 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014.html#19 the suckage of MS-DOS, was Re: 'Free Unix!
2014.html#17 Literate JCL?
2014.html#5 Application development paradigms [was: RE: Learning Rexx]
2014.html#1 Application development paradigms [was: RE: Learning Rexx]
2013o.html#84 The Mother of All Demos: The 1968 presentation that sparked atech revolutio
2013o.html#56 Early !BM multiprocessors (renamed from Curiosity: TCB mapping macro name - why IKJTCB?)
2013o.html#55 Curiosity: TCB mapping macro name - why IKJTCB?
2013o.html#21 CTSS DITTO
2013o.html#19 Why IBM chose MS-DOS, was Re: 'Free Unix!' made30yearsagotoday
2013n.html#77 'Free Unix!': The world-changing proclamation made30yearsagotoday
2013n.html#23 Serialization without Enque
2013n.html#22 Aging Sysprogs = Aging Farmers
2013n.html#16 z/OS is antique WAS: Aging Sysprogs = Aging Farmers
2013n.html#3 50th anniversary S/360 coming up
2013m.html#62 Google F1 was: Re: MongoDB
2013m.html#48 Quote on
2013m.html#41 Quote on
2013m.html#38 Quote on
2013m.html#37 Why is the mainframe so expensive?
2013l.html#28 World's worst programming environment?
2013l.html#25 Teletypewriter Model 33
2013l.html#24 Teletypewriter Model 33
2013l.html#20 Teletypewriter Model 33
2013l.html#18 A Brief History of Cloud Computing
2013l.html#15 spacewar
2013l.html#3 A Brief History of Cloud Computing
2013k.html#82 spacewar
2013k.html#62 Suggestions Appreciated for a Program Counter History Log
2013j.html#57 The Internet: Missing the Light
2013j.html#12 Greenbar
2013i.html#67 regex that never matches?
2013i.html#32 Jean Sammet quotation
2013i.html#29 By Any Other Name
2013i.html#13 EBCDIC and the P-Bit
2013i.html#11 EBCDIC and the P-Bit
2013i.html#9 IBM commitment to academia
2013i.html#7 IBM commitment to academia
2013h.html#85 Before the PC: IBM invents virtualisation
2013h.html#76 DataPower XML Appliance and RACF
2013h.html#67 Minicomputer Pricing
2013h.html#51 Search for first Web page takes detour into US
2013h.html#45 Storage paradigm [was: RE: Data volumes]
2013h.html#35 Some Things Never Die
2013h.html#16 How about the old mainframe error messages that actually give you a clue about what's broken
2013h.html#14 The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software
2013h.html#9 IBM ad for Basic Operating System
2013h.html#7 IBM ad for Basic Operating System
2013g.html#79 What Makes code storage management so cool?
2013g.html#75 What Makes code storage management so cool?
2013g.html#72 DEC and the Bell System?
2013g.html#32 The Vindication of Barb
2013g.html#16 Old data storage or data base
2013g.html#6 The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software
2013f.html#70 How internet can evolve
2013f.html#61 The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software
2013f.html#57 The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software
2013f.html#55 Polaroid's SX-70, the Greatest Gadget of All Time, Is 41
2013f.html#45 Reports: IBM may sell x86 server business to Lenovo
2013f.html#10 'Hacking The Mainframe': What Hollywood Gets Wrong About Its Favorite Tech
2013e.html#88 Sequence Numbrs (was 32760?
2013e.html#71 The Atlas 2 and its Slave Store
2013e.html#63 The Atlas 2 and its Slave Store
2013e.html#0 What in your opinion is the one defining IBM product?
2013d.html#50 Arthur C. Clarke Predicts the Internet, 1974
2013d.html#27 a long time ago, was What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#26 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013c.html#91 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013c.html#57 Article for the boss: COBOL will outlive us all
2013c.html#56 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013c.html#37 PDP-10 byte instructions, was What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013c.html#30 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013c.html#21 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013c.html#11 Article for the boss: COBOL will outlive us all
2013c.html#8 OT: CPL on LCM systems [was Re: COBOL will outlive us all]
2013b.html#77 Spacewar! on S/360
2013b.html#61 Google Patents Staple of '70s Mainframe Computing
2013b.html#51 Article for the boss: COBOL will outlive us all
2013b.html#37 AT&T Holmdel Computer Center films, 1973 Unix
2013.html#74 mainframe "selling" points
2013.html#72 IBM documentation - anybody know the current tool? (from Mislocated Doc thread)
2013.html#71 New HD
2013.html#52 New HD
2013.html#48 New HD
2013.html#40 Searching for storage (DASD) alternatives
2012p.html#28 Some interesting post about the importance of Security and what it means for the Mainframe
2012p.html#23 HCF
2012p.html#22 What is a Mainframe?
2012p.html#7 Why former IBMers who left maybe years ago for any reason are still active on the Greater IBM Connection?
2012o.html#51 Lotus: Farewell to a Once-Great Tech Brand
2012o.html#39 PC/mainframe browser(s) was Re: 360/20, was 1132 printer history
2012o.html#22 Assembler vs. COBOL--processing time, space needed
2012o.html#20 Assembler vs. COBOL--processing time, space needed
2012o.html#19 Assembler vs. COBOL--processing time, space needed
2012n.html#27 System/360--50 years--the future?
2012l.html#98 PDP-10 system calls, was 1132 printer history
2012l.html#79 zEC12, and previous generations, "why?" type question - GPU computing
2012l.html#49 Too true to be funny - 51% of the surveyed Americans think that stormy we
2012l.html#15 "execs" or "scripts"
2012l.html#8 "execs" or "scripts"
2012k.html#84 Did Bill Gates Steal the Heart of DOS?
2012k.html#72 Any cool anecdotes IBM 40yrs of VM
2012k.html#17 a clock in it, was Re: Interesting News Article
2012j.html#83 Gordon Crovitz: Who Really Invented the Internet?
2012j.html#45 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012j.html#30 Can anybody give me a clear idea about Cloud Computing in MAINFRAME ?
2012j.html#22 Interesting News Article
2012j.html#21 A bit of IBM System 360 nostalgia
2012j.html#20 Operating System, what is it?
2012i.html#95 Can anybody give me a clear idea about Cloud Computing in MAINFRAME ?
2012i.html#93 Operating System, what is it?
2012i.html#59 Operating System, what is it?
2012i.html#44 Simulated PDP-11 Blinkenlight front panel for SimH
2012i.html#20 Vm & ZLinux VSWITCH question
2012h.html#73 Interesting News Article
2012f.html#89 Defense acquisitions are broken and no one cares
2012f.html#65 The old is new again - Not IBM related, but I hope interesting
2012f.html#62 Hard Disk Drive Construction
2012f.html#60 Hard Disk Drive Construction
2012f.html#59 Hard Disk Drive Construction
2012f.html#48 Explination of S0C4 reason code 4 and related data areas
2012f.html#42 Oh hum, it's the 60s and 70's all over again
2012f.html#41 Hi, Does any one knows the true origin of the usage of the word bug in computers to design a fault?
2012f.html#37 Hard Disk Drive Construction
2012f.html#28 which one came first
2012f.html#24 Time to competency for new software language?
2012f.html#16 Word Length
2012f.html#6 Burroughs B5000, B5500, B6500 videos
2012e.html#101 Burroughs B5000, B5500, B6500 videos
2012e.html#100 Indirect Bit
2012e.html#48 Word Length
2012e.html#46 A bit of IBM System 360 nostalgia
2012e.html#45 Word Length
2012e.html#9 History of UNIX Manpages
2012e.html#5 History of UNIX Manpages
2012d.html#73 Execution Velocity
2012d.html#59 A computer metaphor for systems integration
2012d.html#51 From Who originated the phrase "user-friendly"?
2012d.html#38 Invention of Email
2012d.html#24 Inventor of e-mail honored by Smithsonian
2012d.html#15 Happy Webiversary!
2012c.html#43 M68k add to memory is not a mistake any more
2012c.html#24 Original Thinking Is Hard, Where Good Ideas Come From
2012c.html#15 Authorized functions
2012b.html#98 5 Byte Device Addresses?
2012b.html#91 The PC industry is heading for collapse
2012b.html#83 The PC industry is heading for collapse
2012b.html#81 The PC industry is heading for collapse
2012b.html#72 Original Thinking Is Hard, Where Good Ideas Come From
2012b.html#58 Why can't the track format be changed?
2012b.html#46 What s going on in the redbooks site?
2012b.html#43 Where are all the old tech workers?
2012b.html#25 CSC History
2012b.html#7 The PC industry is heading for collapse
2012b.html#6 Cloud apps placed well in the economic cycle
2012b.html#4 CSC History
2012.html#107 Before the PC: IBM invents virtualisation
2012.html#100 The PC industry is heading for collapse
2012.html#96 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2012.html#64 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2012.html#61 Hybrid computing -- from mainframe to virtualization
2012.html#50 Can any one tell about what is APL language
2012.html#19 From Who originated the phrase "user-friendly"?
2012.html#10 Can any one tell about what is APL language
2011p.html#112 SPF in 1978
2011p.html#106 SPF in 1978
2011p.html#105 5 ways to keep your rockstar employees happy
2011p.html#97 test
2011p.html#89 Is there an SPF setting to turn CAPS ON like keyboard key?
2011p.html#82 Migration off mainframe
2011p.html#77 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2011p.html#60 Spontaneous conduction
2011p.html#56 Are prefix opcodes better than variable length?
2011p.html#49 z/OS's basis for TCP/IP
2011p.html#48 Hello?
2011o.html#92 Question regarding PSW correction after translation exceptions on old IBM hardware
2011o.html#55 What is Cloud Computing?
2011o.html#53 HONE
2011o.html#34 Data Areas?
2011o.html#21 The "IBM Displays" Memory Lane (Was: TSO SCREENSIZE)
2011o.html#15 John R. Opel, RIP
2011o.html#14 John R. Opel, RIP
2011n.html#93 John R. Opel, RIP
2011n.html#58 "Geek" t-shirts
2011n.html#40 John McCarthy
2011n.html#33 Last Word on Dennis Ritchie
2011n.html#16 ARPANET's coming out party: when the Internet first took center stage
2011n.html#2 Soups
2011m.html#69 "Best" versus "worst" programming language you've used?
2011m.html#67 NeXT, give Steve a little credit for the Web
2011m.html#63 JCL CROSS-REFERENCE Utilities (OT for Paul, Rick, and Shmuel)
2011m.html#61 JCL CROSS-REFERENCE Utilities (OT for Paul, Rick, and Shmuel)
2011m.html#60 How old is the oldest email in your current email inbox?
2011m.html#59 From The Annals of Release No Software Before Its Time
2011m.html#50 ISBNs
2011m.html#49 CMS load module format
2011m.html#35 How old is the oldest email in your current email inbox?
2011m.html#31 computer bootlaces
2011m.html#29 It's Cool To Be Clever
2011m.html#15 Any candidates for best acronyms?
2011m.html#10 Selectric Typewriter--50th Anniversary
2011l.html#58 Oldest computer on the internet?
2011l.html#55 Any candidates for best acronyms?
2011l.html#27 computer bootlaces
2011l.html#24 computer bootlaces
2011l.html#11 segments and sharing, was 68000 assembly language programming
2011k.html#82 'smttter IBMdroids
2011k.html#75 Somewhat off-topic: cloned, possibly hacked
2011k.html#67 Somewhat off-topic: cloned, possibly hacked
2011k.html#61 Selectric Typewriter--50th Anniversary
2011k.html#34 Who was the Greatest IBM President and CEO of the last century?
2011j.html#68 Wondering if I am really eligible for this group
2011j.html#66 Wondering if I am really eligible for this group
2011j.html#48 Opcode X'A0'
2011j.html#46 Suffix of 64 bit instructions
2011j.html#37 First Website Launched 20 Years Ago Today
2011j.html#36 First Website Launched 20 Years Ago Today
2011j.html#22 MS-DOS is 30 years old today
2011j.html#12 program coding pads
2011j.html#7 Innovation and iconoclasm
2011j.html#5 What is an instruction?
2011j.html#4 Announcement of the disk drive (1956)
2011i.html#74 The Unix revolution -- thank you, Uncle Sam?
2011i.html#73 The Unix revolution -- thank you, Uncle Sam?
2011i.html#63 Before the PC: IBM invents virtualisation (Cambridge skunkworks)
2011i.html#55 Architecture / Instruction Set / Language co-design
2011i.html#54 Before the PC: IBM invents virtualisation (Cambridge skunkworks)
2011i.html#39 Wondering if I am really eligible for this group. I learned my first programming language in 1975
2011i.html#26 Web version of mainframes
2011h.html#70 IBM Mainframe (1980's) on You tube
2011h.html#69 IBM Mainframe (1980's) on You tube
2011h.html#51 Did My Brother Invent E-Mail With Tom Van Vleck?
2011h.html#49 OT The inventor of Email - Tom Van Vleck
2011h.html#44 OT The inventor of Email - Tom Van Vleck
2011h.html#34 Happy 100th Birthday, IBM!
2011h.html#26 Is the magic and romance killed by Windows (and Linux)?
2011h.html#18 Is the magic and romance killed by Windows (and Linux)?
2011h.html#17 Is the magic and romance killed by Windows (and Linux)?
2011g.html#64 Is the magic and romance killed by Windows (and Linux)?
2011g.html#49 My first mainframe experience
2011g.html#45 My first mainframe experience
2011g.html#38 IBM Assembler manuals
2011g.html#7 Is the magic and romance killed by Windows (and Linux)?
2011f.html#81 TSO Profile NUM and PACK
2011f.html#73 Wylbur, Orvyl, Milton, CRBE/CRJE were all used (and sometimes liked) in the past
2011f.html#71 how to get a command result without writing it to a file
2011f.html#63 The IBM Selective Sequence Electronic Calculator
2011f.html#56 Drum Memory with small Core Memory?
2011f.html#49 Dyadic vs AP: Was "CPU utilization/forecasting"
2011f.html#41 CPU utilization/forecasting
2011f.html#39 At least two decades back, some gurus predicted that mainframes would disappear in future and it still has not happened
2011f.html#31 TCP/IP Available on MVS When?
2011e.html#4 Multiple Virtual Memory
2011e.html#1 Multiple Virtual Memory
2011d.html#82 Multiple Virtual Memory
2011d.html#81 Multiple Virtual Memory
2011d.html#72 Multiple Virtual Memory
2011d.html#71 Multiple Virtual Memory
2011d.html#60 Maybe off topic
2011d.html#59 The first personal computer (PC)
2011d.html#52 Maybe off topic
2011d.html#17 The first personal computer (PC)
2011d.html#8 Security flaws in software development
2011c.html#73 IBM and the Computer Revolution
2011c.html#61 IBM 100: System 360 From Computers to Computer Systems
2011c.html#55 If IBM Hadn't Bet the Company
2011c.html#53 IBM and the Computer Revolution
2011c.html#35 If IBM Hadn't Bet the Company
2011c.html#8 The first personal computer (PC)
2011c.html#4 If IBM Hadn't Bet the Company
2011b.html#69 Boeing Plant 2 ... End of an Era
2011b.html#15 History of copy on write
2011b.html#7 Mainframe upgrade done with wire cutters?
2011.html#76 Speed of Old Hard Disks - adcons
2011.html#73 Speed of Old Hard Disks - adcons
2011.html#18 IBM Future System
2011.html#15 545 Tech Square
2010q.html#68 My Funniest or Most Memorable Moment at IBM
2010q.html#46 Is email dead? What do you think?
2010q.html#41 Old EMAIL Index
2010q.html#23 WikiLeaks' Wall Street Bombshell
2010q.html#9 EXTERNAL: Re: Problem with an edit command in tso
2010q.html#7 XML-based formats vs. ISO8583
2010p.html#60 Daisywheel Question: 192-character Printwheel Types
2010p.html#42 Which non-IBM software products (from ISVs) have been most significant to the mainframe's success?
2010p.html#34 TCM's Moguls documentary series
2010p.html#13 Sandboxing: Understanding System Containment
2010o.html#47 origin of 'fields'?
2010o.html#30 Linux 2.6.37 kills the Big Kernel Lock
2010n.html#17 What non-IBM software products have been most significant to the mainframe's success
2010m.html#28 CSC History
2010m.html#27 Mainframe Hall of Fame (MHOF)
2010m.html#26 CSC History
2010m.html#22 CSC History
2010m.html#5 Memory v. Storage: What's in a Name?
2010l.html#81 A mighty fortress is our PKI
2010l.html#74 CSC History
2010l.html#15 Age
2010l.html#11 Titles for the Class of 1978
2010l.html#2 TSS (Transaction Security System)
2010k.html#61 GML
2010k.html#55 GML
2010k.html#53 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010k.html#51 Information on obscure text editors wanted
2010k.html#48 GML
2010k.html#41 Unix systems and Serialization mechanism
2010k.html#30 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010k.html#25 Was VM ever used as an exokernel?
2010k.html#13 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010k.html#11 TSO region size
2010k.html#9 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010k.html#8 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010j.html#81 Percentage of code executed that is user written was Re: Delete all members of a PDS that is allocated
2010j.html#76 What is the protocal for GMT offset in SMTP (e-mail) header
2010j.html#67 Article says mainframe most cost-efficient platform
2010j.html#61 Information on obscure text editors wanted
2010j.html#60 Information on obscure text editors wanted
2010j.html#54 Article says mainframe most cost-efficient platform
2010j.html#51 Information on obscure text editors wanted
2010j.html#50 Knuth Got It Wrong
2010j.html#20 Personal use z/OS machines was Re: Multiprise 3k for personal Use?
2010j.html#17 Personal use z/OS machines was Re: Multiprise 3k for personal Use?
2010j.html#5 Problem Statement on the Cross-Realm Operation of Kerberos
2010i.html#66 Global CIO: Global Banks Form Consortium To Counter HP, IBM, & Oracle
2010i.html#31 IBM Unix prehistory, someone smarter than Dave Cutler
2010i.html#13 IBM 5100 First Portable Computer commercial 1977
2010h.html#53 IBM 029 service manual
2010h.html#48 Do you know of, or have you participated in, any good examples of successful collaboration?
2010h.html#35 First among SQLs; COBOL for lawyers
2010h.html#17 LINUX on the MAINFRAME
2010g.html#80 What is the protocal for GMT offset in SMTP (e-mail) header time-stamp?
2010g.html#68 What is the protocal for GMT offset in SMTP (e-mail) header
2010g.html#53 Far and near pointers on the 80286 and later
2010g.html#13 An Interview with Watts Humphrey, Part 6: The IBM 360
2010g.html#9 Far and near pointers on the 80286 and later
2010f.html#73 Handling multicore CPUs; what the competition is thinking
2010d.html#60 LPARs: More or Less?
2010d.html#45 What was old is new again (water chilled)
2010d.html#33 The origins of CICS
2010d.html#20 search engine history, was Happy DEC-10 Day
2010c.html#40 PC history, was search engine history, was Happy DEC-10 Day
2010c.html#35 Processes' memory
2010c.html#28 Processes' memory
2010b.html#51 Source code for s/360
2010b.html#45 sysout using machine control instead of ANSI control
2010b.html#31 Happy DEC-10 Day
2009s.html#40 DEC-10 SOS Editor Intra-Line Editing
2009s.html#17 old email
2009s.html#3 "Portable" data centers
2009r.html#69 360 programs on a z/10
2009r.html#68 360 programs on a z/10
2009r.html#42 While watching Biography about Bill Gates on CNBC last Night
2009r.html#38 While watching Biography about Bill Gates on CNBC last Night
2009r.html#17 How to reduce the overall monthly cost on a System z environment?
2009q.html#83 Small Server Mob Advantage
2009q.html#47 Is C close to the machine?
2009q.html#29 Check out Computer glitch to cause flight delays across U.S. - MarketWatch
2009q.html#6 The 50th Anniversary of the Legendary IBM 1401
2009p.html#82 What would be a truly relational operating system ?
2009p.html#71 Blast from the Past: 40 years of Multics, 1969-2009
2009p.html#70 My War On SQL
2009p.html#33 Survey Revives Depate Over Mainframe's Future
2009o.html#37 Young Developers Get Old Mainframers' Jobs
2009m.html#38 33 Years In IT/Security/Audit
2009l.html#43 SNA: conflicting opinions
2009l.html#12 August 7, 1944: today is the 65th Anniversary of the Birth of the Computer
2009l.html#9 August 7, 1944: today is the 65th Anniversary of the Birth of the Computer
2009l.html#7 VTAM security issue
2009l.html#1 Poll results: your favorite IBM tool was IBM-issued laptops
2009k.html#70 An inComplete History Of Mainframe Computing
2009k.html#55 Hercules; more information requested
2009k.html#41 Disksize history question
2009k.html#40 Gone but not forgotten: 10 operating systems the world left behind
2009k.html#19 Timeline: The evolution of online communities
2009j.html#67 DCSS
2009j.html#20 Kaminsky interview: DNSSEC addresses cross-organizational trust and security
2009j.html#18 Another one bites the dust
2009j.html#16 TIME's Annual Journey: 1989
2009i.html#76 Tiny-traffic DoS attack spotlights Apache flaw
2009i.html#43 Why are z/OS people reluctant to use z/OS UNIX? (Are settlements a good argument for overnight batch COBOL ?)
2009i.html#35 SEs & History Lessons
2009i.html#26 Why are z/OS people reluctant to use z/OS UNIX?
2009h.html#76 A Math Geek's Plan to Save Wall Street's Soul
2009h.html#72 Operating Systems for Virtual Machines
2009h.html#52 IBM 1401
2009f.html#66 How did the monitor work under TOPS?
2009f.html#13 System/360 Announcement (7apr64)
2009e.html#32 Gone but not forgotten: 10 operating systems the world left behind
2009e.html#14 Future System
2009e.html#11 Lack of bit field instructions in x86 instruction set because of ?patents ?
2009e.html#1 Hurrah Berners-Lee! Web celebrates 20th anniversary
2009d.html#56 Hurrah Berners-Lee! Web celebrates 20th anniversary
2009d.html#25 Can TOD (STCKE) be compressed into 12 bytes
2009d.html#5 Why do IBMers think disks are 'Direct Access'?
2009d.html#1 ooRexx scripting on Linux
2009c.html#35 Why do IBMers think disks are 'Direct Access'?
2009c.html#34 Is the Relational Database Doomed?
2009c.html#24 IBM tried to kill VM?
2009c.html#14 Assembler Question
2009c.html#5 history of comments and source code annotations
2009b.html#67 IBM tried to kill VM?
2009b.html#39 "Larrabee" GPU design question
2009.html#70 A New Role for Old Geeks
2009.html#41 New machine code
2009.html#28 the Z/10 and timers
2009.html#0 Is SUN going to become x86'ed??
2008s.html#48 New machine code
2008s.html#42 Welcome to Rain Matrix: The Cloud Computing Network
2008s.html#17 IBM PC competitors
2008r.html#72 Curiousity: largest parallel sysplex around?
2008r.html#29 What if the computers went back to the '70s too?
2008r.html#18 Comprehensive security?
2008r.html#17 Comprehensive security?
2008r.html#16 What if the computers went back to the '70s too?
2008r.html#14 What if the computers went back to the '70s too?
2008q.html#65 APL
2008q.html#52 TOPS-10
2008q.html#48 TOPS-10
2008p.html#67 Web Security hasn't moved since 1995
2008p.html#41 Automation is still not accepted to streamline the business processes... why organizations are not accepting newer technologies?
2008p.html#16 Blinkenlights
2008o.html#77 PDP-1 Spacewar! program internals
2008o.html#50 Old XDS Sigma stuff
2008o.html#41 The human plague
2008n.html#57 VMware renders multitasking OSes redundant
2008n.html#30 Macs for security (now, with new improved NSA hardening tips!)
2008n.html#22 VMware Chief Says the OS Is History
2008m.html#90 z/OS Documentation - again
2008m.html#59 CHROME and WEB apps on Mainframe?
2008m.html#42 APL
2008m.html#36 IBM THINK original equipment sign
2008m.html#35 IBM THINK original equipment sign
2008m.html#7 Future architectures
2008m.html#2 Yet another squirrel question - Results (very very long post)
2008l.html#82 Yet another squirrel question - Results (very very long post)
2008l.html#81 Intel: an expensive many-core future is ahead of us
2008l.html#78 Yet another squirrel question - Results (very very long post)
2008l.html#72 Error handling for system calls
2008l.html#59 Intel: an expensive many-core future is ahead of us
2008l.html#55 Intel: an expensive many-core future is ahead of us
2008l.html#45 z/OS BIND9 DNS Vulnerable to Cache Poisoning Attack Problem?
2008l.html#13 IBM-MAIN longevity
2008k.html#64 Crippleware: hardware examples
2008k.html#63 Intel: an expensive many-core future is ahead of us
2008k.html#7 Schneier
2008j.html#87 CLIs and GUIs
2008j.html#86 CLIs and GUIs
2008j.html#83 How powerful C64 may have been if it used an 8 Mhz 8088 or 68008 ?microprocessor (with otherwise the same hardware)?
2008j.html#81 How powerful C64 may have been if it used an 8 Mhz 8088 or 68008 ?microprocessor (with otherwise the same hardware)?
2008j.html#50 Another difference between platforms
2008j.html#15 What is "timesharing" (Re: OS X Finder windows vs terminal window weirdness)
2008j.html#0 squirrels
2008i.html#103 OS X Finder windows vs terminal window weirdness
2008i.html#96 A Blast from the Past
2008i.html#69 EXCP access methos
2008i.html#8 pro- foreign key propaganda?
2008i.html#7 Annoying Processor Pricing
2008h.html#95 Old hardware
2008h.html#91 Microsoft versus Digital Equipment Corporation
2008h.html#81 Microsoft versus Digital Equipment Corporation
2008h.html#78 Microsoft versus Digital Equipment Corporation
2008h.html#73 Microsoft versus Digital Equipment Corporation
2008h.html#64 New test attempt
2008h.html#45 How can companies decrease power consumption of their IT infrastructure?
2008h.html#31 VTAM R.I.P. -- SNATAM anyone?
2008h.html#25 Two views of Microkernels (Re: Kernels
2008h.html#7 Xephon, are they still in business?
2008g.html#63 Machine-Level Assembly Language
2008g.html#48 How did third-party software companies deal with unbundling being sprung on them?
2008g.html#45 authoritative IEFBR14 reference
2008g.html#26 CA ESD files Options
2008g.html#9 Was CMS multi-tasking?
2008f.html#74 Multicore boom needs new developer skills
2008f.html#68 Virtualization's security threats
2008f.html#36 Object-relational impedence
2008e.html#67 Any benefit to programming a RISC processor by hand?
2008e.html#55 Google ventures into health records biz
2008e.html#47 System z10 announcement (in English)
2008e.html#36 Batch job to perform sftp transfer
2008e.html#27 Richard Feynman, the Challenger Disaster, and Software Engineering
2008e.html#20 cp67 announced 40 yrs ago at spring 68 share in houston
2008e.html#15 Kernels
2008d.html#91 z10 presentation on 26 Feb
2008d.html#35 Interesting Mainframe Article: 5 Myths Exposed
2008d.html#32 Interesting Mainframe Article: 5 Myths Exposed
2008d.html#15 more on (the new 40+ yr old) virtualization
2008c.html#78 CPU time differences for the same job
2008c.html#71 Toyota Sales for 2007 May Surpass GM
2008c.html#67 What happened to resumable instructions?
2008c.html#65 No Glory for the PDP-15
2008c.html#63 Toyota Sales for 2007 May Surpass GM
2008c.html#31 Kerberized authorization service
2008c.html#24 Job ad for z/OS systems programmer trainee
2008b.html#65 How does ATTACH pass address of ECB to child?
2008b.html#63 How does ATTACH pass address of ECB to child?
2008b.html#63 How does ATTACH pass address of ECB to child?
2008b.html#62 40 yrs of cp67 and cms
2008b.html#58 How does ATTACH pass address of ECB to child?
2008b.html#53 folklore indeed
2008b.html#50 How does ATTACH pass address of ECB to child?
2008b.html#48 How does ATTACH pass address of ECB to child?
2008b.html#47 How does ATTACH pass address of ECB to child?
2008b.html#31 How does ATTACH pass address of ECB to child?
2008b.html#18 Flash memory arrays
2008b.html#4 folklore indeed
2008.html#74 Virtualization Wave
2008.html#59 old internal network references
2008.html#30 hacked TOPS-10 monitors
2008.html#29 Need Help filtering out sporge in comp.arch
2008.html#10 For the History buff's an IBM 5150 pc
2007v.html#96 source for VAX programmers
2007v.html#81 Tap and faucet and spellcheckers
2007v.html#68 It keeps getting uglier
2007v.html#57 folklore indeed
2007v.html#48 IBM mainframe history, was Floating-point myths
2007v.html#46 folklore indeed
2007v.html#17 Amazon's "Simple" Database
2007v.html#11 IBM mainframe history, was Floating-point myths
2007v.html#7 Faster Chips Are Leaving Programmers in Their Dust
2007v.html#0 IBM mainframe history, was Floating-point myths
2007u.html#84 IBM Floating-point myths
2007u.html#77 IBM Floating-point myths
2007u.html#40 Computer language history
2007u.html#23 T3 Sues IBM To Break its Mainframe Monopoly
2007u.html#21 Distributed Computing
2007u.html#20 folklore indeed
2007u.html#14 What do YOU call the # sign?
2007u.html#13 new 40+ yr old, disruptive technology
2007t.html#72 Remembering the CDC 6600
2007t.html#71 T3 Sues IBM To Break its Mainframe Monopoly
2007t.html#62 Remembering the CDC 6600
2007t.html#54 new 40+ yr old, disruptive technology
2007t.html#45 Translation of IBM Basic Assembler to C?
2007t.html#40 Why isn't OMVS command integrated with ISPF?
2007s.html#45 "Server" processors for numbercrunching?
2007s.html#42 ongoing rush to the new, 40+ yr old virtual machine technology
2007s.html#41 Age of IBM VM
2007s.html#33 Age of IBM VM
2007s.html#31 multics source is now open
2007s.html#30 Intel Ships Power-Efficient Penryn CPUs
2007s.html#29 Intel Ships Power-Efficient Penryn CPUs
2007r.html#68 High order bit in 31/24 bit address
2007r.html#64 CSA 'above the bar'
2007r.html#51 Translation of IBM Basic Assembler to C?
2007r.html#48 Half a Century of Crappy Computing
2007r.html#47 Translation of IBM Basic Assembler to C?
2007r.html#44 complicated address generation unit?
2007r.html#42 New 'virtual IT job' could be very real
2007r.html#23 Abend S0C0
2007q.html#59 Virtualization: Everybody's Doing It, but Few Know How
2007q.html#25 VMware: New King Of The Data Center?
2007q.html#23 GETMAIN/FREEMAIN and virtual storage backing up
2007q.html#3 Virtualization: Don't Ask, Don't Tell
2007q.html#0 A question for the Wheelers - Diagnose instruction
2007p.html#74 GETMAIN/FREEMAIN and virtual storage backing up
2007p.html#72 A question for the Wheelers - Diagnose instruction
2007p.html#69 GETMAIN/FREEMAIN and virtual storage backing up
2007p.html#51 Translation of IBM Basic Assembler to C?
2007p.html#35 Newsweek article--baby boomers and computers
2007p.html#23 Newsweek article--baby boomers and computers
2007p.html#19 zH/OS (z/OS on Hercules for personal use only)
2007p.html#14 Newsweek article--baby boomers and computers
2007p.html#13 IBM Releases Office Desktop Software at No Charge to Foster Collaboration
2007o.html#73 The name "shell"
2007o.html#71 The use of "script" for program
2007o.html#70 The name "shell"
2007o.html#65 The use of "script" for program
2007o.html#57 ACP/TPF
2007o.html#53 Virtual Storage implementation
2007o.html#48 Virtual Storage implementation
2007o.html#45 Virtual Storage implementation
2007o.html#41 Virtual Storage implementation
2007o.html#37 Each CPU usage
2007o.html#36 It's No Secret: VMware to Develop Secure Systems for NSA
2007o.html#10 IBM 8000 series
2007o.html#1 Hypervisors May Replace Operating Systems As King Of The Data Center
2007n.html#69 women as computer operators in the 1960s
2007n.html#27 What if phone company had developed Internet?
2007n.html#23 What if phone company had developed Internet?
2007m.html#70 Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard?
2007m.html#67 Operating systems are old and busted
2007m.html#66 Off Topic But Concept, should be Known To All
2007m.html#64 Operating systems are old and busted
2007m.html#60 Scholars needed to build a computer history bibliography
2007m.html#56 Capacity and Relational Database
2007m.html#55 Capacity and Relational Database
2007m.html#52 Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard?
2007m.html#51 Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard?
2007m.html#36 Future of System/360 architecture?
2007m.html#11 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007l.html#65 mainframe = superserver
2007l.html#63 Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard?
2007l.html#59 Scholars needed to build a computer history bibliography
2007l.html#58 Scholars needed to build a computer history bibliography
2007l.html#55 Scholars needed to build a computer history bibliography
2007l.html#24 Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard?
2007k.html#75 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007k.html#67 Non-Standard Mainframe Language?
2007k.html#65 Non-Standard Mainframe Language?
2007k.html#48 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007k.html#47 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007k.html#43 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007k.html#33 Even worse than UNIX
2007k.html#26 user level TCP implementation
2007j.html#65 Help settle a job title/role debate
2007j.html#43 z/VM usability
2007j.html#24 Newbie question on table design
2007j.html#23 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007j.html#19 IBM Unionization
2007j.html#17 Newbie question on table design
2007j.html#11 Newbie question on table design
2007j.html#2 Newbie question on table design
2007i.html#77 Sizing CPU
2007i.html#49 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007i.html#31 Latest Principles of Operation
2007i.html#20 Does anyone know of a documented case of VM being penetrated by hackers?
2007i.html#16 when was MMU virtualization first considered practical?
2007i.html#15 when was MMU virtualization first considered practical?
2007i.html#14 when was MMU virtualization first considered practical?
2007h.html#62 sizeof() was: The Perfect Computer - 36 bits?
2007h.html#18 sizeof() was: The Perfect Computer - 36 bits?
2007h.html#10 The Perfect Computer - 36 bits?
2007h.html#0 The Perfect Computer - 36 bits?
2007g.html#75 The Perfect Computer - 36 bits?
2007g.html#57 IBM to the PCM market(the sky is falling!!!the sky is falling!!)
2007g.html#39 Wylbur and Paging
2007g.html#37 The Perfect Computer - 36 bits?
2007g.html#36 Wylbur and Paging
2007g.html#31 Wylbur and Paging
2007g.html#16 What's a CPU second?
2007g.html#13 The Perfect Computer - 36 bits?
2007f.html#66 IBM System z9
2007f.html#65 History - Early Green Card
2007f.html#59 virtual machines, the new, old thing (again)
2007f.html#40 The Perfect Computer - 36 bits?
2007f.html#32 A database theory resource - ideas
2007f.html#20 Historical curiosity question
2007f.html#14 more shared segment archeology
2007f.html#12 FBA rant
2007f.html#11 Is computer history taught now?
2007f.html#7 IBM S/360 series operating systems history
2007e.html#56 Grilled Turkey
2007e.html#51 FBA rant
2007e.html#38 FBA rant
2007e.html#37 Quote from comp.object
2007e.html#19 Cycles per ASM instruction
2007d.html#52 CMS (PC Operating Systems)
2007d.html#48 IBM S/360 series operating systems history
2007d.html#41 Is computer history taugh now?
2007d.html#29 old tapes
2007d.html#28 SVCs
2007d.html#15 Pennsylvania Railroad ticket fax service
2007b.html#51 Special characters in passwords was Re: RACF - Password rules
2007b.html#50 Is anyone still running
2007b.html#32 IBMLink 2000 Finding ESO levels
2007b.html#21 history question
2007b.html#12 Special characters in passwords was Re: RACF - Password rules
2007.html#12 "The Elements of Programming Style"
2006x.html#19 The Future of CPUs: What's After Multi-Core?
2006x.html#17 The Future of CPUs: What's After Multi-Core?
2006x.html#16 The Future of CPUs: What's After Multi-Core?
2006x.html#2 The Future of CPUs: What's After Multi-Core?
2006w.html#22 Are hypervisors the new foundation for system software?
2006w.html#8 Why these original FORTRAN quirks?
2006w.html#7 Why these original FORTRAN quirks?
2006w.html#3 IBM sues maker of Intel-based Mainframe clones
2006w.html#0 Patent buster for a method that increases password security
2006v.html#52 Is this true? (Were gotos really *that* bad?)
2006v.html#51 Patent buster for a method that increases password security
2006v.html#36 Why these original FORTRAN quirks?
2006u.html#41 Is this true? (Were gotos really *that* bad?)
2006u.html#15 To RISC or not to RISC
2006u.html#7 The Future of CPUs: What's After Multi-Core?
2006t.html#44 1960s railroad data processing on L&N
2006t.html#36 The Future of CPUs: What's After Multi-Core?
2006t.html#28 Why these original FORTRAN quirks?
2006t.html#22 threads versus task
2006s.html#65 Paranoia..Paranoia..Am I on the right track?.. any help please?
2006s.html#53 Is the teaching of non-reentrant HLASM coding practices ever defensible?
2006s.html#47 5692 and 6SN7 vs 5963's for computer use
2006s.html#43 Ranking of non-IBM mainframe builders?
2006s.html#40 Ranking of non-IBM mainframe builders?
2006s.html#24 Curiousity: CPU % for COBOL program
2006s.html#21 Very slow booting and running and brain-dead OS's?
2006s.html#18 IDC: Virtual machines taking over the worl
2006s.html#12 Languages that should have made it but didn't
2006s.html#1 Info on Compiler System 1 (Univac, Navy)?
2006r.html#34 REAL memory column in SDSF
2006r.html#12 Trying to design low level hard disk manipulation program
2006r.html#8 should program call stack grow upward or downwards?
2006p.html#52 what's the difference between LF(Line Fee) and NL (New line) ?
2006p.html#50 what's the difference between LF(Line Fee) and NL (New line) ?
2006p.html#44 Materiel and graft
2006p.html#27 What part of z/OS is the OS?
2006p.html#16 Comic Sans was Re: An alternative history
2006o.html#59 Why no double wide compare and swap on Sparc?
2006o.html#52 The Fate of VM - was: Re: Baby MVS???
2006o.html#49 The Fate of VM - was: Re: Baby MVS???
2006o.html#38 hardware virtualization slower than software?
2006o.html#29 oops, cics
2006o.html#27 oops
2006o.html#26 Cache-Size vs Performance
2006o.html#23 Strobe equivalents
2006o.html#19 Source maintenance was Re: SEQUENCE NUMBERS
2006o.html#13 The SEL 840 computer
2006n.html#53 the more things change, the more things stay the same
2006n.html#45 sorting
2006n.html#24 sorting was: The System/360 Model 20 Wasn't As Bad As All That
2006n.html#7 Linux mainframe game machine
2006n.html#2 The System/360 Model 20 Wasn't As Bad As All That
2006m.html#55 The System/360 Model 20 Wasn't As Bad As All That
2006m.html#54 DCSS
2006m.html#53 DCSS
2006m.html#42 Why Didn't The Cent Sign or the Exclamation Mark Print?
2006m.html#27 Old Hashing Routine
2006m.html#26 Mainframe Limericks
2006m.html#25 Mainframe Limericks
2006m.html#21 The very first text editor
2006l.html#65 Why no double wide compare and swap on Sparc?
2006l.html#45 Mainframe Linux Mythbusting (Was: Using Java in batch on z/OS?)
2006l.html#44 The very first text editor
2006l.html#43 One or two CPUs - the pros & cons
2006l.html#21 Virtual Virtualizers
2006l.html#11 virtual memory
2006l.html#9 virtual memory
2006l.html#3 virtual memory
2006k.html#51 other cp/cms history
2006k.html#41 PDP-1
2006k.html#32 PDP-1
2006k.html#30 PDP-1
2006k.html#29 PDP-1
2006k.html#27 PDP-1
2006j.html#44 virtual memory
2006j.html#43 virtual memory
2006j.html#24 virtual memory
2006j.html#23 virtual memory
2006j.html#13 virtual memory
2006i.html#42 virtual memory
2006i.html#37 virtual memory
2006i.html#32 virtual memory
2006i.html#31 virtual memory
2006i.html#30 virtual memory
2006i.html#26 11may76, 30 years, (re-)release of resource manager
2006i.html#22 virtual memory
2006i.html#4 Mainframe vs. xSeries
2006h.html#55 History of first use of all-computerized typesetting?
2006h.html#52 Need Help defining an AS400 with an IP address to the mainframe
2006h.html#46 blast from the past, tcp/ip, project athena and kerberos
2006h.html#25 The Pankian Metaphor
2006h.html#20 Binder REP Cards (Was: What's the linkage editor really wants?)
2006h.html#14 Security
2006g.html#42 Old PCs--environmental hazard
2006g.html#22 TOD Clock the same as the BIOS clock in PCs?
2006f.html#22 A very basic question
2006f.html#19 Over my head in a JES exit
2006f.html#5 3380-3390 Conversion - DISAPPOINTMENT
2006f.html#0 using 3390 mod-9s
2006e.html#40 transputers again was: The demise of Commodore
2006e.html#25 About TLB in lower-level caches
2006e.html#20 About TLB in lower-level caches
2006e.html#7 About TLB in lower-level caches
2006d.html#35 Fw: Tax chooses dead language - Austalia
2006c.html#44 IBM 610 workstation computer
2006c.html#28 Mount DASD as read-only
2006c.html#25 Change in computers as a hobbiest
2006c.html#18 Change in computers as a hobbiest
2006b.html#40 another blast from the past ... VAMPS
2006b.html#23 Seeking Info on XDS Sigma 7 APL
2006b.html#15 Expanded Storage
2006b.html#12 IBM 610 workstation computer
2006.html#40 All Good Things
2006.html#38 Is VIO mandatory?
2006.html#34 UMA vs SMP? Clarification of terminology
2006.html#25 DCSS as SWAP disk for z/Linux
2006.html#19 DCSS as SWAP disk for z/Linux
2006.html#13 VM maclib reference
2006.html#7 EREP , sense ... manual
2005u.html#47 The rise of the virtual machines
2005u.html#4 Fast action games on System/360+?
2005t.html#46 winscape?
2005t.html#8 2nd level install - duplicate volsers
2005s.html#46 Various kinds of System reloads
2005s.html#44 winscape?
2005s.html#35 Filemode 7-9?
2005s.html#26 IEH/IEB/... names?
2005s.html#23 winscape?
2005s.html#21 MVCIN instruction
2005s.html#17 winscape?
2005s.html#12 Flat Query
2005q.html#49 What ever happened to Tandem and NonStop OS ?
2005q.html#39 How To Abandon Microsoft
2005q.html#15 HASP/ASP JES/JES2/JES3
2005q.html#12 What ever happened to Tandem and NonStop OS ?
2005q.html#7 HASP/ASP JES/JES2/JES3
2005q.html#3 winscape?
2005q.html#0 HASP/ASP JES/JES2/JES3
2005p.html#45 HASP/ASP JES/JES2/JES3
2005p.html#27 What ever happened to Tandem and NonStop OS ?
2005p.html#20 address space
2005p.html#15 DUMP Datasets and SMS
2005p.html#3 What ever happened to Tandem and NonStop OS ?
2005p.html#0 Article: The True Value of Mainframe Security
2005o.html#46 Article: The True Value of Mainframe Security
2005o.html#38 SHARE reflections
2005o.html#35 Implementing schedulers in processor????
2005o.html#34 Not enough parallelism in programming
2005o.html#30 auto reIPL
2005o.html#12 30 Years and still counting
2005o.html#10 Virtual memory and memory protection
2005o.html#5 Code density and performance?
2005o.html#4 Robert Creasy, RIP
2005n.html#50 APL, J or K?
2005n.html#40 You might be a mainframer if... :-) V3.8
2005n.html#23 Code density and performance?
2005n.html#18 Code density and performance?
2005m.html#43 Code density and performance?
2005m.html#9 IBM's mini computers--lack thereof
2005m.html#2 IBM 5100 luggable computer with APL
2005l.html#30 A good argument for XML
2005l.html#10 who invented CONFIG/SYS?
2005k.html#58 Book on computer architecture for beginners
2005k.html#51 Performance and Capacity Planning
2005k.html#47 Performance and Capacity Planning
2005k.html#42 wheeler scheduler and hpo
2005k.html#30 Public disclosure of discovered vulnerabilities
2005k.html#17 More on garbage collection
2005k.html#14 virtual 360/67 support in cp67
2005k.html#8 virtual 360/67 support in cp67
2005j.html#62 More on garbage collection
2005j.html#51 Q ALLOC PAGE vs. CP Q ALLOC vs ESAMAP
2005j.html#48 Public disclosure of discovered vulnerabilities
2005j.html#47 Where should the type information be?
2005j.html#45 Where should the type information be?
2005j.html#38 virtual 360/67 support in cp67
2005j.html#25 IBM Plugs Big Iron to the College Crowd
2005j.html#16 Performance and Capacity Planning
2005j.html#1 The 8008
2005i.html#49 Where should the type information be?
2005i.html#40 Friday question: How far back is PLO instruction supported?
2005i.html#39 Behavior in undefined areas?
2005i.html#37 Secure FTP on the Mainframe
2005i.html#20 First assembly language encounters--how to get started?
2005h.html#37 Software for IBM 360/30
2005h.html#18 Exceptions at basic block boundaries
2005h.html#15 Exceptions at basic block boundaries
2005h.html#10 Exceptions at basic block boundaries
2005h.html#1 Single System Image questions
2005g.html#57 Security via hardware?
2005g.html#56 Software for IBM 360/30
2005g.html#49 "Best practices" or "Best implementations"?
2005g.html#30 Moving assembler programs above the line
2005g.html#17 DOS/360: Forty years
2005f.html#63 Moving assembler programs above the line
2005f.html#56 1401-S, 1470 "last gasp" computers?
2005f.html#45 Moving assembler programs above the line
2005f.html#41 Moving assembler programs above the line
2005e.html#63 Mozilla v Firefox
2005e.html#57 System/360; Hardwired vs. Microcoded
2005e.html#53 System/360; Hardwired vs. Microcoded
2005e.html#34 Thou shalt have no other gods before the ANSI C standard
2005e.html#17 Where should the type information be?
2005d.html#58 Virtual Machine Hardware
2005d.html#48 Secure design
2005d.html#41 Thou shalt have no other gods before the ANSI C standard
2005d.html#39 Thou shalt have no other gods before the ANSI C standard
2005d.html#38 Thou shalt have no other gods before the ANSI C standard
2005d.html#37 Thou shalt have no other gods before the ANSI C standard
2005d.html#35 Thou shalt have no other gods before the ANSI C standard
2005d.html#33 Thou shalt have no other gods before the ANSI C standard
2005d.html#31 The Mainframe and its future.. or furniture
2005d.html#6 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2005c.html#59 intel's Vanderpool and virtualization in general
2005c.html#56 intel's Vanderpool and virtualization in general
2005c.html#42 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2005b.html#45 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2005b.html#25 360POO
2005.html#33 some RDBMS history (x-over from comp.databases.theory)
2005.html#26 Network databases
2005.html#25 Network databases
2005.html#21 The Soul of Barb's New Machine (was Re: creat)
2005.html#8 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2005.html#5 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2004q.html#76 Athlon cache question
2004q.html#58 CAS and LL/SC (was Re: High Level Assembler for MVS & VM & VSE)
2004q.html#56 CAS and LL/SC (was Re: High Level Assembler for MVS & VM & VSE)
2004q.html#30 High Level Assembler for MVS & VM & VSE
2004q.html#6 XML Data Model
2004p.html#53 Integer types for 128-bit addressing
2004p.html#50 IBM 3614 and 3624 ATM's
2004p.html#39 100% CPU is not always bad
2004p.html#38 funny article
2004p.html#27 IBM 3705 and UC.5
2004p.html#10 vm/370 smp support and shared segment protection hack
2004o.html#47 Integer types for 128-bit addressing
2004o.html#45 Integer types for 128-bit addressing
2004o.html#42 how it works, the computer, 1971
2004o.html#18 Integer types for 128-bit addressing
2004o.html#10 Multi-processor timing issue
2004n.html#55 Integer types for 128-bit addressing
2004n.html#38 RS/6000 in Sysplex Environment
2004n.html#37 passing of iverson
2004n.html#36 Shipwrecks (dynamic linking)
2004n.html#25 Shipwrecks
2004n.html#19 RISCs too close to hardware?
2004n.html#17 RISCs too close to hardware?
2004n.html#4 RISCs too close to hardware?
2004n.html#3 Shipwrecks
2004n.html#0 RISCs too close to hardware?
2004m.html#58 Shipwrecks
2004m.html#54 Shipwrecks
2004m.html#53 4GHz is the glass ceiling?
2004m.html#15 computer industry scenairo before the invention of the PC?
2004l.html#73 Specifying all biz rules in relational data
2004l.html#72 Specifying all biz rules in relational data
2004l.html#62 Some Laws
2004l.html#56 project athena & compare and swap
2004l.html#55 Access to AMD 64 bit developer centre
2004l.html#27 Shipwrecks
2004l.html#9 Vintage computers are better than modern crap !
2004l.html#0 Xah Lee's Unixism
2004k.html#47 Xah Lee's Unixism
2004k.html#46 Xah Lee's Unixism
2004k.html#45 August 23, 1957
2004k.html#39 August 23, 1957
2004k.html#2 Linguistic Determinism
2004j.html#53 history books on the development of capacity planning (SMF and RMF)
2004j.html#42 Vintage computers are better than modern crap !
2004j.html#41 Vintage computers are better than modern crap !
2004j.html#28 Vintage computers are better than modern crap !
2004j.html#25 Wars against bad things
2004j.html#20 The Reincarnation of Virtual Machines
2004h.html#39 SEC Tests Technology to Speed Accounting Analysis
2004h.html#34 Which Monitor Would You Pick??????
2004g.html#47 PL/? History
2004g.html#8 network history
2004f.html#6 Infiniband - practicalities for small clusters
2004e.html#44 Infiniband - practicalities for small clusters
2004e.html#37 command line switches [Re: [REALLY OT!] Overuse of symbolic
2004e.html#30 The attack of the killer mainframes
2004e.html#26 The attack of the killer mainframes
2004e.html#15 Pre-relational, post-relational, 1968 CODASYL "Survey of Data Base Systems"
2004e.html#12 Pre-relational, post-relational, 1968 CODASYL "Survey of Data Base Systems"
2004e.html#7 OT Global warming
2004d.html#45 who were the original fortran installations?
2004d.html#43 [OT] Microsoft aggressive search plans revealed
2004d.html#42 REXX still going strong after 25 years
2004d.html#33 someone looking to donate IBM magazines and stuff
2004d.html#23 Xquery might have some things right
2004c.html#58 real multi-tasking, multi-programming
2004c.html#51 [OT] Lockheed puts F-16 manuals online
2004c.html#47 IBM 360 memory
2004c.html#26 Moribund TSO/E
2004c.html#21 PSW Sampling
2004c.html#11 40yrs, science center, feb. 1964
2004c.html#7 IBM operating systems
2004c.html#6 If the x86 ISA could be redone
2004c.html#1 Oldest running code
2004b.html#58 Oldest running code
2004b.html#57 PLO instruction
2004b.html#31 determining memory size
2004b.html#12 pointless embedded systems
2004.html#53 Mainframe not a good architecture for interactive workloads
2004.html#44 OT The First Mouse
2004.html#32 BASIC Language History?
2004.html#25 40th anniversary of IBM System/360 on 7 Apr 2004
2004.html#20 BASIC Language History?
2004.html#7 Dyadic
2003p.html#9 virtual-machine theory
2003o.html#47 Funny Micro$oft patent
2003o.html#32 who invented the "popup"?
2003o.html#23 Tools -vs- Utility
2003o.html#21 TSO alternative
2003n.html#45 hung/zombie users ... long boring, wandering story
2003n.html#12 Dreaming About Redesigning SQL
2003m.html#45 MAD Programming Language
2003m.html#31 SR 15,15 was: IEFBR14 Problems
2003m.html#16 OSI not quite dead yet
2003m.html#14 Seven of Nine
2003m.html#4 IBM Manuals from the 1940's and 1950's
2003l.html#30 Secure OS Thoughts
2003k.html#55 S/360 IPL from 7 track tape
2003k.html#52 dissassembled code
2003k.html#48 Who said DAT?
2003k.html#46 Slashdot: O'Reilly On The Importance Of The Mainframe Heritage
2003k.html#45 text character based diagrams in technical documentation
2003k.html#41 An Understanding Database Theory
2003k.html#27 Microkernels are not "all or nothing". Re: Multics Concepts For
2003k.html#4 1950s AT&T/IBM lack of collaboration?
2003k.html#0 VSPC
2003j.html#32 Language semantics wrt exploits
2003i.html#14 instant messaging
2003i.html#12 Which monitor for Fujitsu Micro 16s?
2003h.html#52 Question about Unix "heritage"
2003h.html#34 chad... the unknown story
2003h.html#20 UT200 (CDC RJE) Software for TOPS-10?
2003h.html#19 Why did TCP become popular?
2003g.html#33 price ov IBM virtual address box??
2003g.html#31 Lisp Machines
2003g.html#29 Lisp Machines
2003g.html#18 Multiple layers of virtual address translation
2003g.html#15 Disk capacity and backup solutions
2003f.html#39 1130 Games WAS Re: Any DEC 340 Display System Doco ?
2003f.html#26 Alpha performance, why?
2003f.html#15 Alpha performance, why?
2003f.html#2 History of project maintenance tools -- what and when?
2003f.html#1 History of project maintenance tools -- what and when?
2003e.html#67 The Pentium 4 - RIP?
2003e.html#66 History of project maintenance tools -- what and when?
2003d.html#72 cp/67 35th anniversary
2003d.html#68 unix
2003d.html#38 The PDP-1 - games machine?
2003d.html#37 Why only 24 bits on S/360?
2003d.html#15 CA-RAMIS
2003c.html#75 The relational model and relational algebra - why did SQL become the industry standard?
2003c.html#53 HASP assembly: What the heck is an MVT ABEND 422?
2003c.html#40 "average" DASD Blocksize
2003c.html#0 Wanted: Weird Programming Language
2003b.html#60 founder, cambridge science center
2003b.html#59 Wanted: Weird Programming Language
2003b.html#22 360/370 disk drives
2003b.html#20 Card Columns
2003b.html#14 Disk drives as commodities. Was Re: Yamhill
2003b.html#0 Disk drives as commodities. Was Re: Yamhill
2003.html#50 Origin of Kerberos
2003.html#18 cost of crossing kernel/user boundary
2002q.html#14 computers and alcohol
2002p.html#37 Newbie: Two quesions about mainframes
2002o.html#78 Newsgroup cliques?
2002o.html#55 XML, AI, Cyc, psych, and literature
2002o.html#54 XML, AI, Cyc, psych, and literature
2002o.html#49 XML, AI, Cyc, psych, and literature
2002o.html#30 Computer History Exhibition, Grenoble France
2002o.html#17 PLX
2002o.html#4 Mainframe Spreadsheets - 1980's History
2002n.html#73 Home mainframes
2002n.html#62 PLX
2002n.html#54 SHARE MVT Project anniversar
2002n.html#39 CMS update
2002n.html#28 why does wait state exist?
2002n.html#27 why does wait state exist?
2002m.html#50 Microsoft's innovations [was:the rtf format]
2002l.html#69 The problem with installable operating systems
2002l.html#67 The problem with installable operating systems
2002l.html#65 The problem with installable operating systems
2002l.html#44 Thirty Years Later: Lessons from the Multics Security Evaluation
2002l.html#43 another 30 year thing
2002k.html#66 OT (sort-of) - Does it take math skills to do data processing?
2002j.html#80 Difference between Unix and Linux?
2002j.html#64 vm marketing (cross post)
2002j.html#17 CDC6600 - just how powerful a machine was it?
2002j.html#2 HONE was .. Hercules and System/390 - do we need it?
2002h.html#59 history of CMS
2002h.html#57 Future architecture [was Re: Future micro-architecture: ]
2002h.html#56 history of CMS
2002h.html#55 Future architecture [was Re: Future micro-architecture: ]
2002h.html#50 crossreferenced program code listings
2002h.html#34 Computers in Science Fiction
2002g.html#67 Coulda, Woulda, Shoudda moments?
2002f.html#51 markup vs wysiwyg (was: Re: learning how to use a computer)
2002c.html#49 Swapper was Re: History of Login Names
2002c.html#45 cp/67 addenda (cross-post warning)
2002c.html#44 cp/67 (coss-post warning)
2002c.html#39 VAX, M68K complex instructions (was Re: Did Intel Bite Off More Than It Can Chew?)
2002c.html#28 OS Workloads : Interactive etc
2002b.html#64 ... the need for a Museum of Computer Software
2002b.html#62 TOPS-10 logins (Was Re: HP-2000F - want to know more about it)
2002b.html#48 the need for a Museum of Computer Software
2002b.html#46 the need for a Museum of Computer Software
2002b.html#35 bzip2 vs gzip (was Re: PDP-10 Archive migration plan)
2001n.html#37 Hercules etc. IBM not just missing a great opportunity
2001n.html#36 Movies with source code (was Re: Movies with DEC minis)
2001n.html#32 Hercules etc. IBM not just missing a great opportunity...
2001n.html#31 Hercules etc. IBM not just missing a great opportunity...
2001n.html#13 Unpacking my 15-year old office boxes generates memory refreshes
2001m.html#49 TSS/360
2001m.html#47 TSS/360
2001m.html#40 info
2001m.html#15 departmental servers
2001l.html#24 mainframe question
2001l.html#20 mainframe question
2001l.html#16 Disappointed
2001k.html#67 SMP idea for the future
2001k.html#66 SMP idea for the future
2001k.html#65 SMP idea for the future
2001i.html#55 Computer security: The Future
2001i.html#46 Withdrawal Announcement 901-218 - No More 'small machines'
2001i.html#44 Withdrawal Announcement 901-218 - No More 'small machines'
2001i.html#39 IBM OS Timeline?
2001i.html#34 IBM OS Timeline?
2001i.html#20 Very CISC Instuctions (Was: why the machine word size ...)
2001i.html#17 History of Microsoft Word (and wordprocessing in general)
2001i.html#7 YKYGOW
2001i.html#1 History of Microsoft Word (and wordprocessing in general)
2001h.html#57 Whom Do Programmers Admire Now???
2001h.html#46 Whom Do Programmers Admire Now???
2001h.html#34 D
2001h.html#26 TECO Critique
2001h.html#17 IBM 9020 FAA/ATC Systems from 1960's
2001h.html#10 VM: checking some myths
2001h.html#9 VM: checking some myths
2001g.html#54 DSRunoff; was Re: TECO Critique
2001f.html#78 HMC . . . does anyone out there like it?
2001f.html#72 Simulation Question
2001f.html#71 commodity storage servers
2001f.html#13 5-player Spacewar?
2001e.html#74 CS instruction, when introducted?
2001e.html#73 CS instruction, when introducted?
2001e.html#12 Blame it all on Microsoft
2001e.html#4 Block oriented I/O over IP
2001d.html#70 Pentium 4 Prefetch engine?
2001d.html#42 IBM was/is: Imitation
2001c.html#31 database (or b-tree) page sizes
2001c.html#13 LINUS for S/390
2001b.html#79 Z/90, S/390, 370/ESA (slightly off topic)
2001b.html#75 Z/90, S/390, 370/ESA (slightly off topic)
2001b.html#21 First OS?
2001.html#15 IBM Model Numbers (was: First video terminal?)
2001.html#14 IBM Model Numbers (was: First video terminal?)
2001.html#0 First video terminal?
2000g.html#36 stupid user stories
2000g.html#30 Could CDR-coding be on the way back?
2000g.html#0 TSS ancient history, was X86 ultimate CISC? designs)
2000f.html#78 TSS ancient history, was X86 ultimate CISC? designs)
2000f.html#66 360 Architecture, Multics, ... was (Re: X86 ultimate CISC? No.)
2000f.html#63 TSS ancient history, was X86 ultimate CISC? designs)
2000f.html#60 360 Architecture, Multics, ... was (Re: X86 ultimate CISC? No.)
2000f.html#59 360 Architecture, Multics, ... was (Re: X86 ultimate CISC? No.)
2000f.html#30 OT?
2000f.html#26 OT?
2000f.html#21 OT?
2000e.html#15 internet preceeds Gore in office
2000e.html#13 internet preceeds Gore in office
2000e.html#0 What good and old text formatter are there?
2000d.html#68 "all-out" vs less aggressive designs
2000d.html#51 Navy orders supercomputer
2000d.html#37 S/360 development burnout?
2000d.html#30 Secure Operating Systems
2000c.html#79 Unisys vs IBM mainframe comparisons
2000c.html#49 Does the word "mainframe" still have a meaning?
2000c.html#42 Domainatrix - the final word
2000c.html#30 internal corporate network, misc
2000b.html#86 write rings
2000b.html#82 write rings
2000b.html#61 VM (not VMS or Virtual Machine, the IBM sort)
2000b.html#55 Multics dual-page-size scheme
2000b.html#54 Multics dual-page-size scheme
2000b.html#29 20th March 2000
2000.html#82 Ux's good points
2000.html#81 Ux's good points
2000.html#14 Computer of the century
aadsm28.htm#11 Death of antivirus software imminent
aadsm27.htm#54 Security can only be message-based?
aadsm27.htm#24 Why self describing data formats:
aadsm22.htm#32 Meccano Trojans coming to a desktop near you
aadsm21.htm#9 Clearing sensitive in-memory data in perl
aadsm15.htm#23 NCipher Takes Hardware Security To Network Level
aadsm15.htm#15 Resolving an identifier into a meaning
99.html#176 S/360 history
99.html#142 OS/360 (and descendants) VM system?
99.html#139 OS/360 (and descendants) VM system?
99.html#127 Dispute about Internet's origins
99.html#126 Dispute about Internet's origins
99.html#121 Painting machines (the colour the customer wants)
99.html#119 Computer, supercomputers & related
99.html#100 Why won't the AS/400 die? Or, It's 1999 why do I have to learn how to use
99.html#90 CPU's directly executing HLL's (was Which programming languages)
99.html#43 Enter fonts (was Re: Unix case-sensitivity: how did it originate?
99.html#42 Enter fonts (was Re: Unix case-sensitivity: how did it originate?
99.html#39 Internet and/or ARPANET?
99.html#38 1968 release of APL\360 wanted
99.html#33 why is there an "@" key?
99.html#18 Old Computers
99.html#10 IBM S/360
99.html#7 IBM S/360
99.html#2 IBM S/360
98.html#52 Multics
98.html#37 What is MVS/ESA?
98.html#35a Drive letters
98.html#33 ... cics ... from posting from another list
98.html#28 Drive letters
98.html#7 DOS is Stolen!
97.html#19 Why Mainframes?
97.html#10 HELP! Chronology of word-processing
97.html#4 Mythical beasts (was IBM... mainframe)
97.html#2 IBM 1130 (was Re: IBM 7090--used for business or science?)
96.html#24 old manuals
96.html#19 IBM 4381 (finger-check)
96.html#4a John Hartmann's Birthday Party
95.html#8a atomic load/store, esp. multi-CPU
95.html#7 Who built the Internet? (was: Linux/AXP.. Reliable?)
94.html#53 How Do the Old Mainframes
94.html#32 painting computers
94.html#27 370 ECPS VM microcode assist
94.html#21 370 ECPS VM microcode assist
94.html#1 Multitasking question
94.html#02 Register to Memory Swap
93.html#25 MTS & LLMPS?
93.html#7 HELP: Algorithm for Working Sets (Virtual Memory)
93.html#0 360/67, was Re: IBM's Project F/S?

top , by subject : technology , networking , public key , integrity , Boyd - home

Misc. 801, ROMP, RIOS, fort knox, etc

and some old email mentioning 801, risc, iliad, romp, rios, etc

2025b.html#43 IBM 70s & 80s
2025b.html#41 AIM, Apple, IBM, Motorola
2025b.html#28 IBM WatchPad
2025b.html#10 IBM Token-Ring
2025b.html#7 Why VAX Was the Ultimate CISC and Not RISC
2025b.html#2 Why VAX Was the Ultimate CISC and Not RISC
2025.html#125 The joy of FORTRAN
2025.html#124 The joy of FORTRAN
2025.html#119 Consumer and Commercial Computers
2025.html#106 Giant Steps for IBM?
2025.html#95 IBM Token-Ring
2025.html#88 Wang Terminals (Re: old pharts, Multics vs Unix)
2025.html#86 Big Iron Throughput
2025.html#46 Multics vs Unix
2025.html#37 IBM Mainframe
2025.html#32 IBM 3090
2025.html#31 On-demand Supercomputer
2024g.html#104 CP/67 Multics vs Unix
2024g.html#103 John Boyd and Deming
2024g.html#102 CP/67 Multics vs Unix
2024g.html#101 IBM Token-Ring versus Ethernet
2024g.html#83 IBM PC/RT
2024g.html#82 IBM S/38
2024g.html#57 FCS, ESCON, FICON
2024g.html#51 IBM RS/6000
2024g.html#46 IT Career Memory
2024g.html#43 Apollo Computer
2024g.html#35 IBM and Amdahl history (Re: What is an N-bit machine?)
2024g.html#33 SUN Workstation Tidbit
2024g.html#27 IBM Unbundling, Software Source and Priced
2024g.html#18 PS2 Microchannel
2024g.html#5 IBM Transformational Change
2024f.html#121 IBM Downturn and Downfall
2024f.html#109 NSFnet
2024f.html#67 IBM "THINK"
2024f.html#39 IBM 801/RISC, PC/RT, AS/400
2024f.html#36 IBM 801/RISC, PC/RT, AS/400
2024f.html#25 Future System, Single-Level-Store, S/38
2024f.html#21 Byte ordering
2024f.html#18 The joy of RISC
2024f.html#17 The joy of FORTRAN
2024f.html#5 IBM (Empty) Suits
2024f.html#3 Emulating vintage computers
2024f.html#0 IBM Numeric Intensive
2024e.html#121 IBM PC/RT AIX
2024e.html#119 IBM PC/RT AIX
2024e.html#106 IBM 801/RISC
2024e.html#105 IBM 801/RISC
2024e.html#79 NSFNET
2024e.html#78 IBM DB2
2024e.html#71 The IBM Way by Buck Rogers
2024e.html#64 RS/6000, PowerPC, AS/400
2024e.html#63 RS/6000, PowerPC, AS/400
2024e.html#62 RS/6000, PowerPC, AS/400
2024e.html#55 Article on new mainframe use
2024e.html#40 Instruction Tracing
2024d.html#86 ATT/SUN and Open System Foundation
2024d.html#85 ATT/SUN and Open System Foundation
2024d.html#84 ATT/SUN and Open System Foundation
2024d.html#80 IBM ATM At San Jose Plant Site
2024d.html#23 Obscure Systems in my Past
2024d.html#14 801/RISC
2024d.html#12 ADA, FAA ATC, FSD
2024d.html#4 Disconnect Between Coursework And Real-World Computers
2024c.html#105 Financial/ATM Processing
2024c.html#79 Mainframe and Blade Servers
2024c.html#69 IBM Token-Ring
2024c.html#60 IBM "Winchester" Disk
2024c.html$57 IBM Mainframe, TCP/IP, Token-ring, Ethernet
2024c.html#54 IBM 3705 & 3725
2024c.html#53 IBM 3705 & 3725
2024c.html#44 IBM Mainframe LAN Support
2024c.html#32 UNIX & IBM AIX
2024c.html#17 IBM Millicode
2024c.html#7 Testing
2024c.html#3 ReBoot Hill Revisited
2024c.html#1 Disk & TCP/IP I/O
2024b.html#105 IBM 360 Announce 7Apr1964
2024b.html#73 Vintage IBM, RISC, Internet
2024b.html#57 Vintage RISC
2024b.html#55 IBM Token-Ring
2024b.html#53 Vintage Mainframe
2024b.html#52 IBM Token-Ring
2024b.html#47 OS2
2024b.html#41 Vintage Mainframe
2024b.html#29 DB2
2024b.html#22 HA/CMP
2024.html#117 IBM Downfall
2024.html#98 Whether something is RISC or not (Re: PDP-8 theology, not Concertina II Progress)
2024.html#97 IBM, Unix, editors
2024.html#91 IBM, Unix, editors
2024.html#86 RS/6000 Mainframe
2024.html#85 RS/6000 Mainframe
2024.html#81 Benchmarks
2024.html#79 Benchmarks
2024.html#72 IBM AIX
2024.html#70 IBM AIX
2024.html#68 IBM 3270
2024.html#67 VM Microcode Assist
2024.html#62 VM Microcode Assist
2024.html#54 RS/6000 Mainframe
2024.html#52 RS/6000 Mainframe
2024.html#46 RS/6000 Mainframe
2024.html#44 RS/6000 Mainframe
2024.html#41 RS/6000 Mainframe
2024.html#37 RS/6000 Mainframe
2024.html#33 RS/6000 Mainframe
2024.html#11 How IBM Stumbled onto RISC
2024.html#9 How IBM Stumbled onto RISC
2024.html#5 How IBM Stumbled onto RISC
2024.html#3 How IBM Stumbled onto RISC
2024.html#1 How IBM Stumbled onto RISC
2023g.html#96 Vintage 370 Clones, Amdahl, Fujitsu, Hitachi
2023g.html#96 Vintage 370 Clones, Amdahl, Fujitsu, Hitachi
2023g.html#96 Vintage 370 Clones, Amdahl, Fujitsu, Hitachi
2023g.html#76 Another IBM Downturn
2023g.html#68 Assembler & non-Assembler For System Programming
2023g.html#17 Vintage Future System
2023g.html#11 Vintage Future System
2023f.html#100 CSC, HONE, 23Jun69 Unbundling, Future System
2023f.html#78 Vintage Mainframe PROFS
2023f.html#70 Vintage RS/6000 Mainframe
2023f.html#61 The Most Important Computer You've Never Heard Of
2023f.html#59 Vintage IBM Power/PC
2023f.html#44 IBM Vintage Series/1
2023f.html#43 IBM Vintage Series/1
2023f.html#16 Internet
2023e.html#107 DataTree, UniTree, Mesa Archival
2023e.html#102 CP/67, VM/370, VM/SP, VM/XA
2023e.html#84 memory speeds, Solving the Floating-Point Conundrum
2023e.html#59 801/RISC and Mid-range
2023e.html#30 Apple Versus IBM
2023e.html#26 Some IBM/PC History
2023e.html#25 EBCDIC "Commputer Goof"
2023d.html#108 DASD, Channel and I/O long winded trivia
2023c.html#98 Fortran
2023c.html#91 TCP/IP, Internet, Ethernet, 3Tier
2023c.html#91 TCP/IP, Internet, Ethernett, 3Tier
2023c.html#49 Conflicts with IBM Communication Group
2023c.html#6 IBM Downfall
2023b.html#65 HURD
2023b.html#50 Ethernet (& CAT5)
2023b.html#28 NEC processors banned for 386 industrial espionage?
2023b.html#13 IBM/PC
2023b.html#4 IBM 370
2023.html#110 If Nothing Changes, Nothing Changes
2023.html#86 IBM San Jose
2023.html#77 IBM/PC and Microchannel
2023.html#74 IBM 4341
2023.html#39 IBM AIX
2023.html#32 IBM Change
2023.html#21 IBM Change
2022h.html#104 IBM 360
2022h.html#103 IBM 360
2022h.html#57 Christmas 1989
2022h.html#40 Mainframe Development Language
2022h.html#32 do some Americans write their 1's in this way ?
2022g.html#85 RS/6000 (and some mainframe)
2022g.html#82 RS/6000 (and some mainframe)
2022g.html#77 RS/6000 (and some mainframe)
2022g.html#75 RS/6000 (and some mainframe)
2022g.html#65 IBM DPD
2022g.html#6 "In Defense of ALGOL"
2022f.html#109 IBM Downfall
2022f.html#107 IBM Downfall
2022f.html#93 NCAR Fileserver
2022f.html#73 IBM/PC
2022f.html#29 IBM Power: The Servers that Apple Should Have Created
2022f.html#28 IBM Power: The Servers that Apple Should Have Created
2022f.html#26 IBM "nine-net"
2022f.html#19 Strange chip: Teardown of a vintage IBM token ring controller
2022f.html#18 Strange chip: Teardown of a vintage IBM token ring controller
2022f.html#4 What is IBM SNA?
2022e.html#23 IBM "nine-net"
2022e.html#20 3270 Trivia
2022e.html#16 Context switch cost
2022e.html#12 VM/370 Going Away
2022e.html#11 VM/370 Going Away
2022d.html#105 Transistors of the 68000
2022d.html#82 ROMP
2022d.html#81 ROMP
2022d.html#80 ROMP
2022d.html#79 ROMP
2022c.html#77 IBM Mainframe market was Re: Approximate reciprocals
2022c.html#76 lock me up, was IBM Mainframe market
2022c.html#55 What's different, was Why did Dennis Ritchie write that UNIX was a modern implementation of CTSS?
2022c.html#41 CMSBACK & VMFPLC
2022c.html#23 Telum & z16
2022c.html#17 IBM z16: Built to Build the Future of Your Business
2022b.html#70 IBM 3380 disks
2022b.html#66 David Boggs, Co-Inventor of Ethernet, Dies at 71
2022b.html#65 David Boggs, Co-Inventor of Ethernet, Dies at 71
2022b.html#64 Mainframes
2022b.html#39 LANs and IBM Token-Ring
2022.html#91 ECPS Microcode Assist
2022.html#22 IBM IBU (Independent Business Unit)
2022.html#8 DEC VAX, VAX/Cluster and HA/CMP
2021k.html#133 IBM Clone Controllers
2021k.html#113 IBM Future System
2021k.html#88 IBM and Internet Old Farts
2021k.html#74 IBM2Dos
2021k.html#64 1973 Holmdel IBM 370's
2021k.html#63 1973 Holmdel IBM 370's
2021k.html#43 Transaction Memory
2021k.html#27 MS/DOS for IBM/PC
2021j.html#50 IBM Downturn
2021j.html#49 IBM Downturn
2021j.html#29 IBM AIX
2021j.html#2 IBM Lost Opportunities
2021i.html#70 IBM MYTE
2021i.html#45 not a 360 either, was Design a better 16 or 32 bit processor
2021i.html#41 not a 360 either, was Design a better 16 or 32 bit processor
2021h.html#99 Why the IBM PC Used an Intel 8088
2021h.html#32 IBM Graphical Workstation
2021g.html#69 Mainframe mid-range computing market
2021g.html#42 IBM Token-Ring
2021g.html#38 Cloud computing's destiny
2021f.html#44 IBM Mainframe
2021d.html#83 IBM AIX
2021d.html#55 Cloud Computing
2021d.html#47 Cloud Computing
2021d.html#15 The Rise of the Internet
2021c.html#87 IBM SNA/VTAM (& HSDT)
2021b.html#51 CISC to FS to RISC, Holy wars of the past - how did they turn out?
2021b.html#49 Holy wars of the past - how did they turn out?
2021b.html#48 Holy wars of the past - how did they turn out?
2021b.html#9 IBM Kneecapping products
2021.html#71 Airline Reservation System
2021.html#50 does anyone recall any details about MVS/XA?
2021.html#1 How an obscure British PC maker invented ARM and changed the world
2019e.html#139 Half an operating system: The triumph and tragedy of OS/2
2019e.html#110 ROMP & Displaywriter
2019e.html#109 ROMP & Displaywriter
2019e.html#86 5 milestones that created the internet, 50 years after the first network message
2019e.html#27 PC Market
2019e.html#11 To Lynn Wheeler, if still observing
2019d.html#28 Rust in peace: Memory bugs in C and C++ code cause security issues so Microsoft is considering alternatives once again
2019d.html#10 IBM Midrange today?
2019c.html#32 IBM Future System
2019c.html#3 Internet
2019c.html#2 S/38, AS/400
2019b.html#79 IBM downturn
2019b.html#75 IBM downturn
2019b.html#7 Oct1986 IBM user group SEAS history presentation
2019.html#72 Token-Ring
2019.html#66 Token-Ring
2019.html#58 Bureaucracy and Agile
2019.html#54 IBM bureaucracy
2018f.html#118 The Post-IBM World
2018f.html#109 IBM Token-Ring
2018f.html#49 PC Personal Computing Market
2018f.html#25 LikeWar: The Weaponization of Social Media
2018e.html#103 The (broken) economics of OSS
2018e.html#95 The (broken) economics of OSS
2018e.html#54 Tachyum Prodigy: performance from architecture
2018e.html#28 These Are the Best Companies to Work For in the U.S
2018d.html#69 tablets and desktops was Has Microsoft
2018d.html#31 MMIX meltdown
2018d.html#28 MMIX meltdown
2018c.html#109 JSF/F-35
2018c.html#61 Famous paper on security and source code from the '60s or '70s
2018c.html#18 Old word processors
2018b.html#109 Old word processors
2018b.html#100 Old word processors
2018b.html#84 HSDT, LSM, and EVE
2017k.html#54 Low end IBM System/360 (-30) and other machines
2017k.html#43 Low end IBM System/360 (-30) and other machines
2017j.html#99 OS-9
2017i.html#58 64 bit addressing into the future
2017i.html#45 learning Unix, was progress in e-mail, such as AOL
2017i.html#36 IBM Shareholders Need Employee Enthusiasm, Engagemant And Passions
2017h.html#113 IBM PS2
2017h.html#89 z14 and zBX
2017h.html#59 RISC and PC/RT ancient history, was Re: On second thoughts
2017h.html#58 On second thoughts
2017h.html#57 On second thoughts
2017h.html#15 The complete history of the IBM PC, part two: The DOS empire strikes; The real victor was Microsoft, which built an empire on the back of a shadily acquired MS-DOS
2017g.html#66 Is AMD Dooomed? A Silly Suggestion!
2017g.html#65 Is AMD Dooomed? A Silly Suggestion!
2017g.html#29 Eliminating the systems programmer was Re: IBM cuts contractor bil ling by 15 percent (our else)
2017f.html#111 IBM downfall
2017f.html#94 Jean Sammet, Co-Designer of a Pioneering Computer Language, Dies at 89
2017d.html#82 Mainframe operating systems?
2017d.html#71 Software as a Replacement of Hardware
2017d.html#31 ARM Cortex A53 64 bit
2017d.html#21 ARM Cortex A53 64 bit
2017c.html#95 GREAT presentation on the history of the mainframe
2017c.html#94 GREAT presentation on the history of the mainframe
2017c.html#86 GREAT presentation on the history of the mainframe
2017c.html#85 Great mainframe history(?)
2017c.html#84 Great mainframe history(?)
2017c.html#54 The ICL 2900
2017c.html#10 SC/MP (1977 microprocessor) architecture
2017c.html#9 SC/MP (1977 microprocessor) architecture
2017c.html#7 SC/MP (1977 microprocessor) architecture
2017b.html#46 The ICL 2900
2017b.html#9 The ICL 2900
2016h.html#66 just what is micro-code anyway?
2016g.html#38 LIFE magazine 1945 "Thinking machines" predictions
2016f.html#97 ABO Automatic Binary Optimizer
2016f.html#30 Revival of pessimistic locking
2016f.html#28 Revival of pessimistic locking
2016e.html#82 Honeywell 200
2016e.html#17 Looking for info on IBM ATMs - 2984, 3614, and 3624
2016e.html#13 Looking for info on IBM ATMs - 2984, 3614, and 3624
2016d.html#53 PL/I advertising
2016d.html#15 What Would Be Your Ultimate Computer?
2016c.html#83 opinion? Fujitsu USA
2016c.html#70 Microprocessor Optimization Primer
2016b.html#78 Microcode
2016b.html#74 Fibre Channel is still alive and kicking
2015h.html#108 25 Years: How the Web began
2015h.html#88 What's Worked in Computer Science
2015h.html#85 First Single-Chip Out-of-Order Microprocessor?
2015h.html#71 Miniskirts and mainframes
2015h.html#63 [CM] Coding with dad on the Dragon 32
2015h.html#58 IMPI (System/38 / AS/400 historical)
2015g.html#83 Term "Open Systems" (as Sometimes Currently Used) is Dead -- Who's with Me?
2015g.html#52 [Poll] Computing favorities
2015e.html#86 Inaugural Podcast: Dave Farber, Grandfather of the Internet
2015d.html#41 Western Union envisioned internet functionality
2015c.html#110 IBM System/32, System/34 implementation technology?
2015c.html#105 IBM System/32, System/34 implementation technology?
2015c.html#42 John Titor was right? IBM 5100
2015c.html#34 30 yr old email
2015b.html#46 Connecting memory to 370/145 with only 36 bits
2015.html#71 Remembrance of things past
2015.html#70 IBM Data Processing Center and Pi
2015.html#66 IBM Data Processing Center and Pi
2015.html#45 z13 "new"(?) characteristics from RedBook
2014m.html#172 Slushware
2014m.html#142 IBM Continues To Crumble
2014m.html#128 How Much Bandwidth do we have?
2014m.html#115 Mill Computing talk in Estonia on 12/10/2104
2014m.html#57 Why you need batch cloud computing
2014m.html#19 Microsoft Open Sources .NET, Saying It Will Run on Linux and Mac
2014l.html#53 IBM 'major announcement' points to deal on chip manufacturing
2014l.html#48 IBM 'major announcement' points to deal on chip manufacturing
2014l.html#37 Could this be the wrongest prediction of all time?
2014k.html#78 Do we really need 64-bit DP or is 48-bit enough?
2014k.html#75 Bell Picturephone--early business application experiments
2014k.html#74 Bell Picturephone--early business application experiments
2014k.html#7 Fwd: [sqlite] presentation about ordering and atomicity of filesystems
2014j.html#103 How programs in c language drew graphics directly to screen in old days without X or Framebuffer?
2014j.html#100 No Internet. No Microsoft Windows. No iPods. This Is What Tech Was Like In 198
2014j.html#12 The SDS 92, its place in history?
2014i.html#89 make a new thread
2014i.html#21 IBM to sell Apples
2014i.html#9 With hindsight, what would you have done?
2014i.html#8 With hindsight, what would you have done?
2014h.html#68 Over in the Mainframe Experts Network LinkedIn group
2014h.html#62 The Tragedy of Rapid Evolution?
2014g.html#73 After the Sun (Microsystems) Sets, the Real Stories Come Outa
2014f.html#81 Is end of mainframe near ?
2014f.html#75 Is end of mainframe near ?
2014f.html#45 IBM hopes new chip can turn the tables on Intel
2014f.html#37 IBM hopes new chip can turn the tables on Intel
2014e.html#20 IBM 8150?
2014d.html#62 Difference between MVS and z / OS systems
2014c.html#80 11 Years to Catch Up with Seymour
2014c.html#76 assembler
2014c.html#61 I Must Have Been Dreaming (36-bit word needed for ballistics?)
2014c.html#21 The PDP-8/e and thread drifT?
2014b.html#68 Salesmen--IBM and Coca Cola
2014b.html#67 Royal Pardon For Turing
2014b.html#5 IBM Plans Big Spending for the Cloud ($1.2B)
2014b.html#4 IBM Plans Big Spending for the Cloud ($1.2B)
2013n.html#95 'Free Unix!': The world-changing proclamationmade30yearsagotoday
2013n.html#92 'Free Unix!': The world-changing proclamation made30yearsagotoday
2013n.html#59 'Free Unix!': The world-changing proclamation made30yearsagotoday
2013n.html#42 Serialization without Enque
2013m.html#70 architectures, was Open source software
2013m.html#51 50,000 x86 operating system on single mainframe
2013m.html#40 Open source software
2013l.html#56 "NSA foils much internet encryption"
2013l.html#39 model numbers; was re: World's worst programming environment?
2013k.html#8 OT? IBM licenses POWER architecture to other vendors
2013k.html#6 OT? IBM licenses POWER architecture to other vendors
2013i.html#8 DEC Demise (was IBM commitment to academia)
2013i.html#0 By Any Other Name
2013h.html#86 By Any Other Name
2013h.html#35 Some Things Never Die
2013f.html#69 The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software
2013f.html#65 Linear search vs. Binary search
2013f.html#33 Delay between idea and implementation
2013f.html#32 Delay between idea and implementation
2013f.html#29 Delay between idea and implementation
2013c.html#72 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013c.html#59 Why Intel can't retire X86
2013c.html#29 Lisp machines, was What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013b.html#32 Ethernet at 40: Its daddy reveals its turbulent youth
2013b.html#3 New HD
2013.html#52 New HD
2013.html#33 caches in virtual
2012p.html#9 3270s & other stuff
2012o.html#66 ISO documentation of IBM 3375, 3380 and 3390 track format
2012o.html#40 PC/mainframe browser(s) was Re: 360/20, was 1132 printer history
2012o.html#4 Unintended consequence of RISC simplicity?
2012n.html#15 System/360--50 years--the future?
2012m.html#31 Still think the mainframe is going away soon: Think again. IBM mainframe computer sales are 4% of IBM's revenue; with software, services, and storage it's 25%
2012l.html#82 zEC12, and previous generations, "why?" type question - GPU computing
2012k.html#58 1132 printer history
2012k.html#53 1132 printer history
2012j.html#27 Simulated PDP-11 Blinkenlight front panel for SimH
2012j.html#26 Can anybody give me a clear idea about Cloud Computing in MAINFRAME ?
2012i.html#43 Virtual address Memory Protection Unit
2012h.html#66 How will mainframers retiring be different from Y2K?
2012h.html#65 What are your experiences with Amdahl Computers and Plug-Compatibles?
2012g.html#43 High Availability on IBM System i
2012g.html#37 Hard drives: A bit of progress
2012g.html#36 Should IBM allow the use of Hercules as z system emulator?
2012f.html#96 Hard Disk Drive Construction
2012f.html#94 Time to competency for new software language?
2012f.html#55 Burroughs B5000, B5500, B6500 videos
2012f.html#48 Explination of S0C4 reason code 4 and related data areas
2012f.html#22 Indirect Bit
2012e.html#21 A z/OS Redbook Corrected - just about!
2012e.html#2 Harris HCX Computers
2012d.html#28 NASA unplugs their last mainframe
2012d.html#23 IBM cuts more than 1,000 U.S. Workers
2012c.html#60 Memory versus processor speed
2012c.html#59 Memory versus processor speed
2012b.html#57 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2012b.html#45 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2012.html#92 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2012.html#90 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2012.html#66 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2011p.html#75 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2011p.html#35 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2011o.html#90 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2011o.html#58 Bllue Waters (ibm version) is dead. Long live Blue Gene/Q
2011m.html#28 Supervisory Processors
2011m.html#26 Supervisory Processors
2011m.html#24 Supervisory Processors
2011m.html#22 Supervisory Processors
2011l.html#15 Selectric Typewriter--50th Anniversary
2011l.html#9 segments and sharing, was 68000 assembly language programming
2011i.html#75 Check out June 2011 | TOP500 Supercomputing Sites
2011i.html#61 Joint Design of Instruction Set and Language
2011i.html#60 Speed matters: how Ethernet went from 3Mbps to 100Gbps... and beyond
2011i.html#56 Joint Design of Instruction Set and Language
2011h.html#48 Happy 100th Birthday, IBM!
2011h.html#35 Happy 100th Birthday, IBM!
2011h.html#1 History of byte addressing
2011f.html#85 SV: USS vs USS
2011e.html#28 Intepreted Languages
2011e.html#11 Multiple Virtual Memory
2011e.html#10 Multiple Virtual Memory
2011d.html#29 IBM Watson's Ancestors: A Look at Supercomputers of the Past
2011d.html#24 IBM Watson's Ancestors: A Look at Supercomputers of the Past
2011d.html#7 IBM Watson's Ancestors: A Look at Supercomputers of the Past
2011c.html#93 Irrational desire to author fundamental interfaces
2011c.html#66 RISCversus CISC
2011c.html#38 IBM "Watson" computer and Jeopardy
2011c.html#29 RISCversus CISC
2011c.html#14 If IBM Hadn't Bet the Company
2011c.html#7 RISCversus CISC
2011b.html#71 If IBM Hadn't Bet the Company
2011b.html#48 Speed of Old Hard Disks
2010q.html#32 IBM Future System
2010p.html#37 Language first, hardware second
2010p.html#35 Language first, hardware second
2010n.html#82 Hashing for DISTINCT or GROUP BY in SQL
2010n.html#69 Fujitsu starts shipping 800 rack 80,000 chip 'K' supercomputer
2010m.html#78 Mainframe Hall of Fame (MHOF)
2010m.html#52 Basic question about CPU instructions
2010m.html#46 optimizing compilers
2010m.html#45 Basic question about CPU instructions
2010m.html#35 RISC design, was What will Microsoft use its ARM license for?
2010m.html#33 What will Microsoft use its ARM license for?
2010l.html#42 IBM zEnterprise Announced
2010l.html#39 Age
2010l.html#34 Age
2010j.html#70 RISC load-store verses x86 Add from memory
2010j.html#39 Friden Flexowriter equipment series
2010j.html#2 Significant Bit
2010j.html#1 History: Mark-sense cards vs. plain keypunching?
2010i.html#61 IBM to announce new MF's this year
2010i.html#31 IBM Unix prehistory, someone smarter than Dave Cutler
2010i.html#30 IBM Unix prehistory, someone smarter than Dave Cutler
2010i.html#28 someone smarter than Dave Cutler
2010h.html#23 What is the protocal for GMT offset in SMTP (e-mail) header
2010h.html#13 OS/400 and z/OS
2010h.html#12 OS/400 and z/OS
2010f.html#83 Notes on two presentations by Gordon Bell ca. 1998
2010f.html#82 Notes on two presentations by Gordon Bell ca. 1998
2010f.html#78 Notes on two presentations by Gordon Bell ca. 1998
2010f.html#77 Notes on two presentations by Gordon Bell ca. 1998
2010f.html#50 Handling multicore CPUs; what the competition is thinking
2010f.html#49 Nonlinear systems and nonlocal supercomputing
2010c.html#54 Processes' memory
2010c.html#30 search engine history, was Happy DEC-10 Day
2010c.html#29 search engine history, was Happy DEC-10 Day
2010c.html#21 Processes' memory
2010c.html#2 PC history, was search engine history, was Happy DEC-10 Day
2010b.html#93 search engine history, was Happy DEC-10 Day
2010b.html#85 search engine history, was Happy DEC-10 Day
2010b.html#77 search engine history, was Happy DEC-10 Day
2010b.html#67 How long for IBM System/360 architecture and its descendants?
2010b.html#58 How long for IBM System/360 architecture and its descendants?
2010b.html#22 How long for IBM System/360 architecture and its descendants?
2010.html#43 Happy DEC-10 Day
2010.html#42 Happy DEC-10 Day
2010.html#8 The 50th Anniversary of the Legendary IBM 1401
2010.html#6 Larrabee delayed: anyone know what's happening?
2010.html#4 360 programs on a z/10
2009s.html#32 Larrabee delayed: anyone know what's happening?
2009r.html#9 The 50th Anniversary of the Legendary IBM 1401
2009q.html#79 Now is time for banks to replace core system according to Accenture
2009p.html#82 What would be a truly relational operating system ?
2009p.html#21 The future of CPU based computing, mini clusters
2009p.html#16 - IBM Puts Executive on Leave
2009o.html#26 Some Recollections
2009o.html#10 Microprocessors with Definable MIcrocode
2009n.html#48 Microprocessors with Definable MIcrocode
2009l.html#40 Old-school programming techniques you probably don't miss
2009k.html#40 Gone but not forgotten: 10 operating systems the world left behind
2009k.html#37 Timeline: 40 Years Of Unix
2009i.html#32 Why are z/OS people reluctant to use z/OS UNIX?
2009h.html#35 Computer virus strikes US Marshals, FBI affected
2009h.html#7 The coming death of all RISC chips
2009h.html#6 The coming death of all RISC chips
2009g.html#65 The coming death of all RISC chips
2009g.html#51 Old-school programming techniques you probably don't miss
2009g.html#49 Old-school programming techniques you probably don't miss
2009f.html#62 How did the monitor work under TOPS?
2009f.html#50 what IBM 360/370/etc. model was their best seller?
2009f.html#21 Opinion: The top 10 operating system stinkers
2009e.html#14 Future System
2009e.html#5 registers vs cache
2009d.html#44 Future System
2009d.html#35 Future System
2009d.html#33 Architectural Diversity
2009d.html#32 Architectural Diversity
2009b.html#43 "Larrabee" GPU design question
2009b.html#22 Evil weather
2008r.html#44 another one biting the dust?
2008r.html#43 another one biting the dust?
2008r.html#25 What if the computers went back to the '70s too?
2008q.html#31 TOPS-10
2008q.html#27 TOPS-10
2008m.html#24 Some confusion about virtual cache
2008m.html#22 Future architectures
2008l.html#85 old 370 info
2008l.html#82 Yet another squirrel question - Results (very very long post)
2008l.html#45 z/OS BIND9 DNS Vulnerable to Cache Poisoning Attack Problem?
2008l.html#23 Memories of ACC, IBM Channels and Mainframe Internet Devices
2008k.html#79 Larrabee details: Yes, it is based on the Pentium. :-)
2008k.html#78 Secure64 Develops First Automated DNSSEC Signing Application to Help Secure the Internet Worldwide
2008k.html#72 Transactional Memory
2008k.html#70 Intel: an expensive many-core future is ahead of us
2008k.html#59 Happy 20th Birthday, AS/400
2008k.html#22 CLIs and GUIs
2008k.html#21 IBM's 2Q2008 Earnings
2008j.html#82 Taxes
2008i.html#18 Microsoft versus Digital Equipment Corporation
2008h.html#66 Microsoft versus Digital Equipment Corporation
2008h.html#40 3277 terminals and emulators
2008h.html#33 Two views of Microkernels (Re: Kernels
2008h.html#27 Two views of Microkernels (Re: Kernels
2008h.html#16 handling the SPAM on this group
2008h.html#14 Two views of Microkernels (Re: Kernels
2008g.html#56 performance of hardware dynamic scheduling
2008g.html#53 performance of hardware dynamic scheduling
2008e.html#67 Any benefit to programming a RISC processor by hand?
2008e.html#52 Any benefit to programming a RISC processor by hand?
2008e.html#38 Any benefit to programming a RISC processor by hand?
2008e.html#36 Batch job to perform sftp transfer
2008e.html#10 Kernels
2008d.html#83 Migration from Mainframe to othre platforms - the othe bell?
2008d.html#82 Migration from Mainframe to othre platforms - the othe bell?
2008d.html#68 Regarding the virtual machines
2008d.html#56 Throwaway cores
2008d.html#54 Throwaway cores
2008d.html#52 Throwaway cores
2008d.html#46 Throwaway cores
2008c.html#50 Migration from Mainframe to othre platforms - the othe bell?
2008b.html#52 China's Godson-2 processor takes center stage
2008.html#0 It keeps getting uglier
2007u.html#1 T3 Sues IBM To Break its Mainframe Monopoly
2007t.html#76 T3 Sues IBM To Break its Mainframe Monopoly
2007t.html#65 Remembering the CDC 6600
2007s.html#46 "Server" processors for numbercrunching?
2007r.html#57 Translation of IBM Basic Assembler to C?
2007r.html#44 complicated address generation unit?
2007r.html#28 complicated address generation unit?
2007q.html#54 The history of Structure capabilities
2007q.html#51 The history of Structure capabilities
2007q.html#48 IBM System/3 & 3277-1
2007p.html#65 Translation of IBM Basic Assembler to C?
2007p.html#48 Translation of IBM Basic Assembler to C?
2007p.html#8 what does xp do when system is copying
2007o.html#42 mainframe performance, was Is a RISC chip more expensive?
2007o.html#35 Is a RISC chip more expensive?
2007n.html#87 Why is not AIX ported to z/Series?
2007n.html#36 How to flush data most efficiently from memory to disk when db checkpoint?
2007n.html#19 The Development of the Vital IBM PC in Spite of the Corporate Culture of IBM
2007n.html#6 Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard?
2007m.html#61 Is Parallel Programming Just Too Hard?
2007m.html#23 Bulkiest removable storage media?
2007l.html#53 Drums: Memory or Peripheral?
2007l.html#7 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007k.html#67 Non-Standard Mainframe Language?
2007k.html#21 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007k.html#14 Some IBM 3033 information
2007j.html#95 VLIW pre-history
2007i.html#31 Latest Principles of Operation
2007h.html#44 sizeof() was: The Perfect Computer - 36 bits?
2007h.html#17 MIPS and RISC
2007g.html#17 The Perfect Computer - 36 bits?
2007g.html#16 What's a CPU second?
2007f.html#73 Is computer history taught now?
2007f.html#27 The Perfect Computer - 36 bits?
2007f.html#26 The Perfect Computer - 36 bits?
2007f.html#22 The Perfect Computer - 36 bits?
2007d.html#47 Is computer history taugh now?
2007d.html#43 Is computer history taugh now?
2007d.html#9 Has anyone ever used self-modifying microcode? Would it even be useful?
2007c.html#55 "The Elements of Programming Style"
2007c.html#50 How many 36-bit Unix ports in the old days?
2007c.html#19 How many 36-bit Unix ports in the old days?
2007c.html#14 How many 36-bit Unix ports in the old days?
2007b.html#57 "The Elements of Programming Style"
2007b.html#46 'Innovation' and other crimes
2007b.html#44 Why so little parallelism?
2007b.html#16 V2X2 vs. Shark (SnapShot v. FlashCopy)
2006y.html#40 Multiple mappings
2006y.html#36 Multiple mappings
2006x.html#0 What's a mainframe?
2006v.html#20 Ranking of non-IBM mainframe builders?
2006v.html#6 Reasons for the big paradigm switch
2006u.html#58 What's The Best Computer and Why
2006u.html#38 To RISC or not to RISC
2006u.html#37 To RISC or not to RISC
2006u.html#33 Assembler question
2006u.html#32 To RISC or not to RISC
2006u.html#31 To RISC or not to RISC
2006u.html#29 To RISC or not to RISC
2006u.html#17 Why so little parallelism?
2006u.html#16 IA64 and emulator performance
2006u.html#15 To RISC or not to RISC
2006t.html#14 32 or even 64 registers for x86-64?
2006t.html#9 32 or even 64 registers for x86-64?
2006t.html#7 32 or even 64 registers for x86-64?
2006s.html#2 History of IBM Systems
2006r.html#49 Seeking info on HP FOCUS (HP 9000 Series 500) and IBM ROMP CPUs from early 80's
2006r.html#26 A Day For Surprises (Astounding Itanium Tricks)
2006r.html#24 A Day For Surprises (Astounding Itanium Tricks)
2006q.html#35 Admired designs / designs to study
2006q.html#12 Another BIG Mainframe Bites the Dust
2006q.html#9 Is no one reading the article?
2006q.html#0 PowerPC or PARISC?
2006p.html#42 old hypervisor email
2006o.html#46 "25th Anniversary of the Personal Computer"
2006o.html#45 "25th Anniversary of the Personal Computer"
2006n.html#47 Any resources on VLIW?
2006n.html#38 Linux - Our Saving Grace?
2006n.html#37 History: How did Forth get its stacks?
2006m.html#46 Musings on a holiday weekend
2006m.html#44 Musings on a holiday weekend
2006j.html#27 virtual memory
2006i.html#33 virtual memory
2006f.html#8 Wonder why IBM code quality is suffering?
2006f.html#6 64-bit architectures & 32-bit instructions
2006e.html#0 About TLB in lower-level caches
2006d.html#9 IBM 610 workstation computer
2006c.html#42 IBM 610 workstation computer
2006c.html#40 IBM 610 workstation computer
2006c.html#24 Harvard Vs Von Neumann architecture
2006c.html#11 Mainframe Jobs Going Away
2006c.html#9 Mainframe Jobs Going Away
2006c.html#7 IBM 610 workstation computer
2006c.html#3 Architectural support for programming languages
2006b.html#38 blast from the past ... macrocode
2006b.html#28 Multiple address spaces
2006b.html#22 Would multi-core replace SMPs?
2006b.html#19 IBM 3090/VM Humor
2006b.html#8 Free to good home: IBM RT UNIX
2006.html#46 Free to good home: IBM RT UNIX
2006.html#39 What happens if CR's are directly changed?
2006.html#16 Would multi-core replace SMPs?
2005v.html#0 DMV systems?
2005u.html#61 DMV systems?
2005u.html#50 Channel Distances
2005u.html#45 IBM's POWER6
2005u.html#40 POWER6 on zSeries?
2005s.html#39 Filemode 7-9?
2005s.html#33 Power5 and Cell, new issue of IBM Journal of R&D
2005r.html#44 What ever happened to Tandem and NonStop OS ?
2005r.html#34 logical block addressing
2005r.html#27 transactional memory question
2005r.html#11 Intel strikes back with a parallel x86 design
2005r.html#4 OS's with loadable filesystem support?
2005q.html#46 Intel strikes back with a parallel x86 design
2005q.html#42 Intel strikes back with a parallel x86 design
2005q.html#40 Intel strikes back with a parallel x86 design
2005q.html#38 Intel strikes back with a parallel x86 design
2005q.html#27 What ever happened to Tandem and NonStop OS ?
2005q.html#20 Ethernet, Aloha and CSMA/CD
2005q.html#17 Ethernet, Aloha and CSMA/CD
2005q.html#14 What ever happened to Tandem and NonStop OS ?
2005p.html#39 What ever happened to Tandem and NonStop OS ?
2005p.html#14 Multicores
2005o.html#37 What ever happened to Tandem and NonStop OS ?
2005n.html#32 Why? (Was: US Military Dead during Iraq War
2005n.html#20 Why? (Was: US Military Dead during Iraq War
2005m.html#48 Code density and performance?
2005m.html#26 Code density and performance?
2005m.html#13 IBM's mini computers--lack thereof
2005m.html#12 IBM's mini computers--lack thereof
2005k.html#45 Performance and Capacity Planning
2005j.html#31 Three-Address RISC, and Really Fast Addressing
2005h.html#11 Exceptions at basic block boundaries
2005f.html#45 Moving assembler programs above the line
2005f.html#24 System/360; Hardwired vs. Microcoded
2005e.html#17 Where should the type information be?
2005e.html#12 Device and channel
2005e.html#7 Misuse of word "microcode"
2005d.html#72 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2005d.html#60 Misuse of word "microcode"
2005c.html#10 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2005c.html#6 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2005b.html#12 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2005.html#49 increasing addressable memory via paged memory?
2005.html#43 increasing addressable memory via paged memory?
2005.html#40 clusters vs shared-memory (was: Re: CAS and LL/SC (was Re: High Level Assembler for MVS & VM & VSE))
2005.html#1 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2005.html#0 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2004q.html#61 will there every be another commerically signficant new ISA?
2004q.html#39 CAS and LL/SC
2004q.html#38 CAS and LL/SC
2004q.html#36 CAS and LL/SC
2004p.html#59 IBM 3614 and 3624 ATM's
2004p.html#34 IBM 3705 and UC.5
2004o.html#2 Integer types for 128-bit addressing
2004n.html#30 First single chip 32-bit microprocessor
2004n.html#21 First single chip 32-bit microprocessor
2004m.html#59 RISCs too close to hardware?
2004m.html#17 mainframe and microprocessor
2004h.html#41 Interesting read about upcoming K9 processors
2004h.html#16 Page coloring required?
2004h.html#6 The One True Language
2004g.html#48 Hercules
2004g.html#24 |d|i|g|i|t|a|l| questions
2004f.html#29 [Meta] Marketplace argument
2004f.html#26 command line switches [Re: [REALLY OT!] Overuse of symbolic
2004e.html#27 NSF interest in Multics security
2004c.html#26 Moribund TSO/E
2004c.html#22 More complex operations now a better choice?
2004.html#31 Two subjects: 64-bit OS2/eCs, Innotek Products
2004.html#28 Two subjects: 64-bit OS2/eCs, Innotek Products
2004.html#15 Holee shit! 30 years ago!
2003o.html#49 Any experience with "The Last One"?
2003o.html#38 When nerds were nerds
2003n.html#26 Good news for SPARC
2003j.html#50 Multics Concepts For the Contemporary Computing World - a CPU
2003j.html#35 why doesn't processor reordering instructions affect most
2003j.html#22 why doesn't processor reordering instructions affect most
2003i.html#10 IBM system 370
2003i.html#9 IBM system 370
2003i.html#4 A Dark Day
2003h.html#37 Does PowerPC 970 has Tagged TLBs (Address Space Identifiers)
2003h.html#35 UNIX on LINUX on VM/ESA or z/VM
2003f.html#56 ECPS:VM DISPx instructions
2003f.html#22 Could somebody use SCSH, Sheme, or Lisp to create the "Lispm"
2003e.html#79 801 (was Re: Reviving Multics
2003e.html#65 801 (was Re: Reviving Multics
2003e.html#56 Reviving Multics
2003e.html#55 Reviving Multics
2003e.html#12 Resolved: There Are No Programs With >32 Bits of Text
2003e.html#0 Resolved: There Are No Programs With >32 Bits of Text
2003d.html#54 Filesystems
2003d.html#43 IBM says AMD dead in 5yrs ... -- Microsoft Monopoly vs. IBM
2003b.html#5 Card Columns
2003.html#4 rebirth
2003.html#3 rebirth
2003.html#2 rebirth
2002o.html#71 Pismronunciation
2002o.html#29 6670
2002o.html#6 Who wrote the obituary for John Cocke?
2002n.html#66 Mainframe Spreadsheets - 1980's History
2002n.html#61 Who wrote the obituary for John Cocke?
2002m.html#74 InfiniBand Performance (Hey Pfister!)
2002m.html#35 simple architecture machine instruction set
2002m.html#33 simple architecture machine instruction set
2002m.html#31 simple architecture machine instruction set
2002l.html#60 Handling variable page sizes?
2002l.html#27 End of Moore's law and how it can influence job market
2002l.html#14 Z/OS--anything new?
2002l.html#2 What is microcode?
2002k.html#16 s/w was: How will current AI/robot stories play when AIs are
2002j.html#20 MVS on Power (was Re: McKinley Cometh...)
2002j.html#10 "Clean" CISC (was Re: McKinley Cometh...)
2002j.html#8 "Clean" CISC (was Re: McKinley Cometh...)
2002i.html#83 HONE
2002i.html#81 McKinley Cometh
2002h.html#63 Sizing the application
2002h.html#19 PowerPC Mainframe?
2002g.html#77 Pipelining in the past
2002g.html#76 Pipelining in the past
2002g.html#70 Pipelining in the past
2002g.html#55 Multics hardware (was Re: "Soul of a New Machine" Computer?)
2002g.html#39 "Soul of a New Machine" Computer?
2002g.html#18 Black magic in POWER5
2002g.html#17 Black magic in POWER5
2002g.html#11 "Soul of a New Machine" Computer?
2002g.html#5 Black magic in POWER5
2002c.html#42 Beginning of the end for SNA?
2002c.html#40 using >=4GB of memory on a 32-bit processor
2002b.html#29 windows XP and HAL: The CP/M way still works in 2002
2001l.html#50 What makes a mainframe?
2001j.html#17 I hate Compaq
2001h.html#69 Very CISC Instuctions (Was: why the machine word size ...)
2001f.html#58 JFSes: are they really needed?
2001f.html#45 Golden Era of Compilers
2001f.html#43 Golden Era of Compilers
2001f.html#33 IBM's "VM for the PC" c.1984??
2001f.html#22 Early AIX including AIX/370
2001d.html#12 database (or b-tree) page sizes
2001c.html#84 database (or b-tree) page sizes
2001b.html#37 John Mashey's greatest hits
2000d.html#60 "all-out" vs less aggressive designs (was: Re: 36 to 32 bit transition)
2000d.html#31 RS/6000 vs. System/390 architecture?
2000d.html#28 RS/6000 vs. System/390 architecture?
2000c.html#9 Cache coherence [was Re: TF-1]
2000c.html#4 TF-1
2000c.html#3 RISC Reference?
2000b.html#54 Multics dual-page-size scheme
2000.html#59 Multithreading underlies new development paradigm
2000.html#49 IBM RT PC (was Re: What does AT stand for ?)
2000.html#16 Computer of the century
99.html#136a checks (was S/390 on PowerPC?)
99.html#129 High Performance PowerPC
99.html#66 System/1?
99.html#64 Old naked woman ASCII art
99.html#23 Roads as Runways Was: Re: BA Solves Y2K (Was: Re: Chinese Solve Y2K)
98.html#31 PowerPC MMU
98.html#27 Merced & compilers (was Re: Effect of speed ... )
98.html#26 Merced & compilers (was Re: Effect of speed ... )
98.html#25 Merced & compilers (was Re: Effect of speed ... )
97.html#5 360/44 (was Re: IBM 1130 (was Re: IBM 7090--used for business or
96.html#4a John Hartmann's Birthday Party
95.html#11 801 & power/pc
95.html#9 Cache and Memory Bandwidth (was Re: A Series Compilers)
95.html#6 801
95.html#5 Who started RISC? (was: 64 bit Linux?)
94.html#47 Rethinking Virtual Memory
94.html#22 CP spooling & programming technology

top , by subject : technology , networking , public key , integrity , Boyd - home

Moved References

certificate-less operation
Kerberos and/or pk-init
X9.59, Identity, Authentication, and Privacy
Client and Radius Authentication
Misc. Relying Party Certificates
SSL Domain Name Server Certificates
Discussion of real-time public key distribution with DNS
Digital Certificate Payload Bloat
Electronic Signature Legislation
three factor authentication
some mention of EU FINREAD
Risk, Fraud, Exploits, Vulnerabilities
Account Number Harvesting
postings mentioning MITM attacks
Buffer overflows, overruns, exploits
Secrets and Account numbers
Counterfeit YES CARDS
Naked Transaction Metaphor
RFC1044 Implementation
Misc. Bitnet, Earn
Computer Mediated Conversation
Various Terminal Emulation issues
HSDT and/or HYPERchannel
Misc. Internal Network references
Misc. ARPANET, NSFNET, Internet
Misc. Interop '88 references
3-tier networking architecture
OSI and High Speed Protocol
Col. John Boyd