From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Correction to Univac 494 description on web site Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers Date: Sat, 21 Aug 2004 16:21:04 -0600jsavard@excxn.aNOSPAMb.cdn.invalid (John Savard) writes:
later sometime late '80s, i have some recollection of reading the mainframes using 64+16 ecc (detect 16 bit errors, correct 15 bit errors) ... instead of 8+1 (detect 1 bit errors)
... aka what you see, isn't necessarily all there is.
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Losing colonies Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers Date: Sat, 21 Aug 2004 17:59:26 -0600Giles Todd writes:
so what, if any portion of knowledge in specific domains, have some language aspect i.e. language being one of the tools for representing knowledge; aka would the incremental difficulty of implementing an array oriented problem in assembler vis-a-vis APL ... result in lower percentage of assembler people correctly solving the problem (especially if the assembler people had never been exposed to array oriented problems in the past).
so there is some assertions in non-knowledge oriented domain spaces that correct and/or appropriate tools can improve the quality of work. in the programming field ... programming languages frequently represent the domain solving tools. is it impossible for people to not solve problems with really inappropriate tools ... and is language a tool
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Linguistic Determinism Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers Date: Sun, 22 Aug 2004 10:44:49 -0600jsavard@excxn.aNOSPAMb.cdn.invalid (John Savard) writes:
the issue from my original post was can specific computer language influence how one handles complex tasks (as well as the quality of any solutions) .... say a lower case l-d ... rather than upper case L-D.
... for that matter any semanticly meaningful construct ... aid
in handling complex tasks ... and/or influence the quality of
handling complex tasks. at a much more fundamental level ...
i would assert that CAS's invention of compare&swap instruction
... at the cambridge science center
... was a much improved semantic construct for addressing
multiprocessor environments
and back to my original assertion ... the semantic construct(s) related to implicit lengths in conventional c-programming has significantly affected the quality of c-based solutions ... specifically in large part responsible for the enormous increase in buffer overflow related exploits.
so can we evolve the language ... and given the adverse connotation of upper case L-D ... coin a term that connotes the influence that language quality/features has on ability and quality of (possibly domain-specific) problem solving.
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Correction to Univac 494 description on web site Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers Date: Sun, 22 Aug 2004 11:28:56 -0600jsavard@excxn.aNOSPAMb.cdn.invalid (John Savard) writes:
didn't find what i vaguely remember ... but found two from ibm reserach ... one from 2002 describing memory (140, 128) ecc ... 128bits data, 12 error correcting code; and earlier one describing (76, 64) and mentioning (78, 64) ... 64bits data and either 12 or 14 bits of error correcting. the latest generation of memory appears to have doubled the error correcting memory unit from 64bits to 128bits ... while keeping the amount of error correctings bits at 12.
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Correction to Univac 494 description on web site Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers Date: Sun, 22 Aug 2004 12:16:16 -0600the artical mentions (76, 64) and (78, 64) and talkes about g1-g5, this mentions four bit error correct (S4EC/DED)
the article mentioning (140, 128) for z900
... after this paragraph it talks about (144, 132) design.
The memory (L3) consists of up to four cards per server. Each card has
a memory controller. The memory card contains up to eight rows of 144
synchronous DRAM chips. Data is stored into one row at a time, two
bits per chip, and is organized as two 144-bit data words. To protect
the data, z900 uses a (140, 128) ECC with 128 data bits and 12 check
bits. The code corrects any single-bit failure as well as any
single-symbol failure (i.e., 2-bit failure within the same
chip). Therefore, if a DRAM is completely broken and the bits coming
from that chip are unpredictable, the hardware is able to correct the
bits and calculate the proper data without replacing the chip. If two
of the 72 DRAMs in the same row/same data word are broken, the ECC
logic is able to detect errors in the data fetched from these broken
chips. Since there are only 140 bits in an ECC data word and there are
144 bits in the bus, the four additional bits are stored in two spare
chips. These chips can be used to spare any two of the 70 chips
normally used for the data. There are up to 32 spare chips per card as
compared to four for G5/G6
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Losing colonies Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers Date: Sun, 22 Aug 2004 13:59:32 -0600another possible observation ... is that the majority of the population tend to spend a lot of time within the context of 1) their past experience and 2) the provided semantic tools ... and that the invention of new semantics (like charlie's invention of compare&swap for multiprocessor semantics) is not a frequent and everyday occurance ... although once invented ... it can be adopted by the rest of the population ... making all participants more efficient.
in the buffer overflow case ... one hypothesis is whether the downside costs of the great increase in buffer overflows significantly exceeds any possibly cost benefit of having implicit length semantics.
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Losing colonies Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers Date: Sun, 22 Aug 2004 16:47:52 -0600somewhat additional drift for semantic meaning/knowledge .... from the buffer overflow thread ... i mentioned looking at the cve database as part of adding additional stuff to the worked i've done on merged security taxonomy and glossary
specificallly from a different thread vintage computers are better than modern crap!
the same tool, i originally started using for maintaining information about
the IETF RFC documents and capturing rules about the IETF standards
process. i also use it for generating the rfc index
when i first started out with the rules stuff ... it identified a
whole slew of RFCs that were listed by STD1 as documenting something
in the standards process but also happened to have been
obsoleted. this information for a time was carried in section 6.10 of
std1 ... but as things were cleaned up ... was eventually dropped. i
still generate the information in the index:
for quite a while ... the obsoletes and updates information has been carried as tagged information ... and in the knowledge tool i use ... full bi-directional relationships are created .... so when i generate the rfc index information .... the listing of which RFCs obsolete/update other RFCs is generated along with the listing of which RFCs are obsoletedby/updatedby is also generated.
several years ago ... a new tag was generated ... "See Also" .... which
was used originally primarily to reference RFCs that were part of
collections. Since that time, "See Also" tag seems to have changed to
being used primarily to reference other forms of an RFC ... i.e. STD
and RTR
In theory, the original "See Also" was strictly symmetrical ... all RFCs in a group/collection, all used See Also for all other RFCs in the same group/collection.
What I put off doing for a long time ... was writing some code that scanned the contents of RFC files .... identifying the References section and extracting the RFC reference information. References would tend to be asymmetrical relationship ... RFCs would have a list of RFCs that they Reference .... but in turn, RFCs would also have a list of RFCs that they were ReferencedBy.
So last week .... somebody at Crypto 2004 (where they had papers and
lots of discussions about MD5 and other hashing exploits) asked me if
i had a dependency tree of RFCs related to MD5. I didn't, but I
quickly created a summary list of all RFCs that mention MD5 .... RFCs that reference MD5
and then started on some awk scripts to scan RFCs ... attempting to recognize "References" sections .... and extracting from those sections ... references to other RFCs. the scripts are in some amount of flux because there are some number of special cases
Another issue is that the original (symmetric) "See Also" semantics hasn't been consistently followed ... to tie-together RFC group/clusters .... and RFCs frequently just reference each other using the asymmetrical References/ReferencedBy relationship.
For MD5 specifically, it gets more convoluted since the early MD5 RFC (1321) is informational and some subsequent standards process RFCs may or may not reference the RFC (even tho they reference MD5 in the body of the RFC). So now there is
1) keyword listing ... i.e. at
and select Term (term->RFC#) in the RFCs listed by section and
then "MD5" in the Acronym fastpath. That gives the list of RFCs
that had "md2", "md4", "md5", and/or "message digest" in the RFC title
and/or the RFC abstract.
2) the list of all RFCs that condtain the characters "md5" anywhere
3) the summary for RFC 1321 which lists all RFCs that it is referenced by (some, but not all of the RFCs that mention MD5 ... list 1321 in the reference list, for example rfc 2440, OpenPGP doesn't list 1321 as a reference).
And for another twist ... there is a recent collection of RFCs on
S/Mime, CMS, and some other security issues; 3850, 3851, 3852, 3853,
3854, 3855, 3859, 3860, 3861, 3862 and 3863
3852 obsoletes 3369; 3852 also references 3851
3853 references 3369 (obsoleted by 3852) and 3851 (but doesn't reference 3852 which obsoletes 3369)
3859 and 3860 references 3852
3851 and 3850 reference each other ... which in theory would imply a "See Also" symmetrical relationship.
so an obvious rule ... would be to convert situations where two RFCs mutually reference each other ... from a References/ReferencedBy asymmetrical relationship to a SeeAlso symmetrical relationship. Similarly to 3850/3851 mutual referencing ... also 1320/1321 mutually reference (i.e. 1321/md5 references 1320/md4 and 1320/md4 references 1321/md5).
a less obvious rule would involve converting References to an obsoleted RFC ... to the RFC that obsoleted it.
and to the question from crypto 2004 last week .... other than RFCs that have the string "md5" ... there are no obvious list of IETF standards that are dependent on MD5 (which might need reviewing based on talks/papers at last weeks crypto 2004).
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: A quote from Crypto-Gram Newsgroups: sci.crypt Date: Sun, 22 Aug 2004 17:54:04 -0600"Stephen Sprunk" writes:
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: FAST TCP makes dialup faster than broadband? Newsgroups: comp.protocols.tcp-ip Date: Mon, 23 Aug 2004 10:40:36 -0600Craig Partridge writes:
the scenario at that time was some sort of rate-based pacing ... which could be implemented as explicit control over the inter-packet transmission interval (i.e. which would tend to explicitly control back-to-back packet arrival at intermediate nodes). possibly one of the issues at the time ... was a lot of the low-end machines had relatively privmitive timer facilities ... making explicit control of inter-packet transmission intervals difficult.
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: FAST TCP makes dialup faster than broadband? Newsgroups: comp.protocols.tcp-ip Date: Mon, 23 Aug 2004 10:52:52 -0600.... oh yes, some past threads mentioning fast tcp FAST - Shame On You Caltech!!! Fix the shuttle or fly it unmanned 20th anv. of 1000th node on internal network Fast TCP Thoughts on Utility Computing? History of Computer Network Industry packetloss bad for sliding window protocol ? IBM 360 memory network history
.... and for something a little different ... i finally am adding
references to my rfc index
recent post discussing some of the issues
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Losing colonies Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers Date: Mon, 23 Aug 2004 10:59:32 -0600"Charlie Gibbs" writes:
in a couple cases, ten years later ... i would get call that some kernel fix had stopped things working (and possibly the next release can't ship) ... the problem was that some feature was occurring as an "implicit" side-effect of other things. it wasn't just a matter of figuring out what a new instruction did ... it was trying to figure out how it worked when there were no instructions being executed at all.
one of the lessons learned was that implicit ... may be purely local optimization and usually turns out to always be bad in the long term.
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Losing colonies Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers Date: Mon, 23 Aug 2004 14:23:21 -0600Brian Inglis writes:
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: FAST TCP makes dialup faster than broadband? Newsgroups: comp.protocols.tcp-ip Date: Tue, 24 Aug 2004 10:02:10 -0600Craig Partridge writes:
you don't even have to take into account the round-trip time estimation ... any more than you have to take in the round-trip time estimation for window count/size pacing.
if you analyse congestion as packet arrival ... window size/count only indirectly controls packet arrival ... and because it only indirectly controls packet arrival (other than upper limit an maximum that would happen at one time) ... there tends to be a great deal more variance ... leading to less predictable behavior. translating rate-based pacing into inter-packet transmission delay can much more predictably control packet arrival (which has much higher correlation with congestion) because it has much more predictable control on packet production.
including round-trip time estimation ... might be useful for initial guess for slow-start. however one source of woes is conflicting control objectives ... aka 1) maximizing propagation delay masking against 2) congestion control.
i contend that (proper) rate-based pacing mapped into inter-packet transmission delay can be designed to perform no worse than window packet/size implementation ... if the weighting of the control objectives are the same ... and typically should be much better since the packet production rate will be more stable.
one of the woes is possibly since round-trip time estimation is a time value ... and a rate-based pacing implementation with inter-packet transmission delay is also a time value ... that some advantage can be taken because they are both time values.
the problem is the round-trip time estimation is a time value that isn't associated with congestion. so a dynamic adaptive feed-back control algorithm that is attempting to compensate for congestion ... is in trouble if it gives too much weight to characteristic that has nothing to do with congestion ... aka possibly under the mistaken belief that because the congestion mechanism has switched from max. window size to a time-based paradigm ... and that round-trip time is also a time-based paradigm ... that the dynamic adaptive feed-back control algorithm give undo consideration to things that have nothing to do with congestion.
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: FAST TCP makes dialup faster than broadband? Newsgroups: comp.protocols.tcp-ip Date: Tue, 24 Aug 2004 15:50:32 -0600so the original ack&window model came from end-to-end links .... where the receiving node had some number of buffers ... and the link was potentially faster than the ability of the receiving node to process the packets. the receiving number pre-allocated some number of packet buffers ... and ack'ed when a packet had been successfully received and processed (freeing up the packet buffer) for additional incoming packets. this tended to have the effect of packet buffers being idle for round-trip-time. some optimization could be done by the receiving node on ack'ing before the buffer was cleared ... to minimuze idle buffer time.
moving into complex store&forward network with intermediate nodes ... it was possible if the packets arrived at the intermediate nodes ... the buffers would be overrun, packets would be dropped and there would be congestion. the intermediate nodes had no immediate way of acking to pace packets to available buffers. however a congestion queueing model could be used to represent congestion and non-congestion situations. congestion occurred when the packet arrival rate exceeded the intermediate rate of processing &/or forwarding. in a no-congestion scenario ... clients could send packets as fast as the media would handle them. as intermediate node congestion increased, the objective would be to slow down the client packet transmit rate. One way of profiling that is by increasing inter-packet transmission delay ... from zero for no congestion ... to some arbritrarily large value ... depending on the congestion level at intermediate nodes.
the issue in such an intermediate node congestion queueing model ... it is totally independent of anything to do with individual client round-trip-times .... it is solely related to how fast the clients are injecting packets into the network.
so modifications of ack&window model was attempted to addressing the intermediate node congestiom problem. the direct (intermediate node congestion) problem is how fast is the client injecting packets into the network ... and in the ack&window model ... the first problem appears is that the client gets to inject a full window's worth of packets immediately (as fast as media accepts the bits). right off the bat, this has high probability of saturating an intermediate node (in the congestion model) ... unless it is purely the no-congestion case and packets can be injected into the network as fast as the media will take it. So one of the things that slow-start can do is eliminate the startup problem of a injecting a full window worth of packets ... as fast as the media will take them. So, if you open up the window ... it isn't directly controlling the inter-packet injection interval into the network (which is the direct problem that is contributing to intermediate node congestion) ... just the total number of bits in any round-trip-time (and the client round-trip-time can be totally unrelated to the packet transmit/arrival rate causing intermediate node congestion). So the magic in slow-start is to try and coerce ACK (and keep fingers crossed) arrival interval back to the client to have some uniform distribution (and somewhat related to round-trip-time and the number of outstanding ACKs).
so a couple ACK down-sides
1) there is no mechanism that directly guarantees uniform arrival intervals of ACKs back to the client ... i.e. can slow-start avoid the startup congestion problem inherent with window/ack paradigm ... and then can it subsequently achieve any sort of steady-state interval between ACKs arriving back to the client. In theory, ACKs can have a relatively random return intervals back to the client .. in part because there is nothing directly controlling ACK return intevals.
2) the claim for intermediate node congestion model is that the packet arrival rate at the intermediate node leading to congestion is independent of any client's round-trip-time. in theory, the best control that a purely window/ack can achieve is an interval between acks equal to the round-trip-time. however, there is nothing preventing intermediate node congestion requiring client packet transmittion rates to be less than one per round-trip-time (which can't be done with purely ACK based implementation).
there is an ACK up-side
ACK return intervals can be pretty random ... which may tend to average to round-trip-interval divided by packet-window-size. the randomness of the return can be less than client packet transmission interval and result in client transmitting back-to-back packets resulting in congestion. however, bursty congestion spikes can result in temporarily stopping ACK returns ... which stops client packet transmission. This would be considered a faster dynamic adaptive backoff mechanism (comparable to almost immediately seeing simultaneous transmission collisions on enet). A purely rate-based pacing implementation might possibly continue to transmit for several packets (continuing to contribute to congestion spike) after a pure ACK implementation would have stopped.
so a dynamic adaptive rate-based pacing algorithm could use a number of early ACKs to possibly slowly reduce the inter-packet transmission delay ... but would quickly increase inter-packet transmission delay if it saw late ACKs.
Part of the issue from control theory standpoint is that ACK frequency can be affected by a lot of factors (like round-trip-time) which can have absolutely nothing to do with intermediate node congestion and packet arrival rates (at intermediate nodes). The one possible possitive correlation with ACKs and congestion ... is that busrty spike congestion can cause late ACK arrival ... so a rate-based pacing algorithm might take late ACK arrival as part of feedback consideration.
If you take the model of intermediate node congestion being caused by aggregate packet arrival rate ... then any client round-trip-time can be totally unrelated to any intermediate node packet arrival rate. then with an objective of slowing down the aggregate packet arrival rate at intermediate nodes by slowing down the individual client packet transmission rates. The possible values of client packet transmission rates to achieve this (unrelated to round-trip-times) can even be less than one packet per round-trip-time (or interpacket transmission delay greater than round-trip-time) ... which can't occur in the traditional window/ack paradigm.
An only slightly related analogy is that the back-off times for ethernet collisions doesn't have a lot to do with ethernet transmission elapsed times.
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: I am an ageing techy, expert on everything. Let me explain the Middle East Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers Date: Tue, 24 Aug 2004 17:46:18 -0600"Charlie Gibbs" writes:
which then reminds me of boyd
some number of retellings of a boyd story about why large organizations
became more & more rigid, less adaptable and less agile in the 70s
and 80s. A beautiful morning in AFM. mainframe question Star Trek: TNG reference Dijkstra on "The End of Computing Science"
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: I am an ageing techy, expert on everything. Let me explain the Middle East Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers Date: Tue, 24 Aug 2004 20:44:26 -0600Stanford Business School: Studying business successes without also looking at failures tends to create a misleading or entirely wrong picture of what it takes to succeed. A faculty member examines undersampling of failure and finds companies that fail often do the same things as companies that succeed.
with respect to another point in the above article ... I was once told that all successful startups in silicon valley shared (at least) one thing in common ... they had all changed their business plan at least once since starting .... implying adaptability and agility may be one of the most important characteristics.
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: FAST TCP makes dialup faster than broadband? Newsgroups: comp.protocols.tcp-ip Date: Wed, 25 Aug 2004 11:45:48 -0600Craig Partridge writes:
so if an intermediate node could exert direct direct back-pressure .... then the propagation delay of that signal to the packet producer is an issue. so worst case propagation delay for late ACKs is an early intermediate node on the upstream packet side ... all the ACKs already in the stream will arrive at the sending node on "time" and the sending node won't observe the late ACK until something less than full-RTT ... and be able to take corrective action.
So the earliest possible indication of congestion spike at some intermediate node is a late ACK ... which is behind a full stream of ACKs already in the stream. The duration of non-late ACKs preceeding the late ACK is the propagation delay from the intermediate node to the receiving node and then the receiver back to the sender. So RTT is related to the earliest that a sending node can see the earliest indication of a congestion spike and take some corrective action. Then there is the latency of packets already in flight ... and the intermediate node won't see a fall-off because of the sender's reaction to the late ack ... which makes it a full RTT at the intermediate node for senders to adjust to increased congestion because of late ACK indication at the sender.
so the re-action delay of senders to intermediate node congestion based on late ACK indications is a full RTT ... which is the earliest indication of burps in the congestion.
so back to my comment about simple control theory saying that the production rate of packets by senders is independent of the RTT ... and based on calculating the production rate of packets by senders as being dependent on the congestion along the way (and not based on RTT). your comment is that reaction time to change packet production rate-based on congestion along the way .... is based on RTT. However, my original comment is that in a rate-based pacing scenario ... the calculation of the packet production rate should correlate to congestion and that RTT is independent of congestion (other than its affects on reaction time to changes in congestion). So if packet production rate is calculated based purely on congestion ... and if control of packet production rate is achieved via inter-packet transmission delays ... then the inter-packet transmission delays calculation should be based purely on congestion. Is the calculation is based purely on congestion ... then it can't be based on RTT.
The second order effects is that re-action latency to changes in congestion is related to RTT.
So what would control theory have if it was to consider RTT as part of calculating packet production rate (instead of solely considering congestion). It would seem that it would need some predictive measure of downside effects of reaction latency ... and the size of reaction latency.
my original claim is that the cause of congestion is packet production rate ... and that the sending nodes should be calculating their packete production rate-based solely on congestion (and independent of RTT).
Furhtermore that ACK/windowing algorithms try and approximate packet production rate by assuming that it is possible to achieve some sort of homogeneous disitribution of ACKs arrivals back to the sender ... and that by changing the value of number of packets in flight based on RTT ... and there being a logical one-for-one between packets and ACKs ... that RTT/number-of-packets will result in ACKs arriving at approximately that interval. However, the assertion is that RTT divided by number-of-packets is only second order control ... since there is no direct control over the ACK arrival rate back to the sender ... and therefor no direct control of the resulting packet transmission rate.
However, if you use direct rate-based pacing with something like explicit control over inter-packet transmission interval ... you eliminate any calculation involving RTT ... and make the inter-packet transmission interval (and therefor the packet production rate) based solely on congestion ... and independent of RTT.
so RTT does have second order effects on the re-action time in dealing with changes in congestion. So control theory would say that you calculate downside of congestion reaction latency and the probability of congestion spikes ... so how would that manifest itself in calculating the packet production rate? Traditional control theory leaves excess capacity in the system for handling resource spikes when latency re-action is more costly (there are more packets lost of adjusting to congestion spikes than lost to leaving some transmission idle). that translates into decreasing the packet production rate calculation by some percentage ... which would translate into increasing the inter-packet transmission delay. Basically you are looking at the cost of packet loss due to congestion spikes ... the probability of congestion spikes per unit time ... and the nominal congestion re-action delay ... which in aggregate translates into probability of total packet loss because of congestion spikes and reaction delay (where RTT is sort of 2nd order factor). You then somewhat assume that backing off packet production rate, leaving excess capacity can compensate for congestion spikes (and there are fewer packets loss to packet production back-off than there would be to congestion spikes ... and the reaction delay).
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: FAST TCP makes dialup faster than broadband? Newsgroups: comp.protocols.tcp-ip Date: Wed, 25 Aug 2004 12:08:31 -0600so we go back to the original premise ... control theory results in packet producers calculating packet production rate solely on congestion. if all the packet producers are calculating packet production rate solely on congestion ... they aren't calculating it based on anything else ... including RTT. If the packet arrival rate at intermediate nodes is based on the packet production rate of the individual senders ... and if all the senders are using congestion as the sole factor in calculating packet production rate ... then to first order appoximation, the packet arrival rate at intermediate nodes is based on sender packet production rate ... packet production rate is independent of RTT ... then intermediate node packet arrival rate is independent of RTT.
so in real life, intermediate nodes are seeing traffic spikes which require packet production rate adjustments at the senders ... and that RTT affects the reaction time.
one of the original statements that w/o direct control over ACK arrival intervals ... ACK arrival patterns may result in opening up a large portion of a window at a single moment, resulting in several back-to-back packets being transmitted ... which would could appear as transient congestion at intermediate node ... requiring re-active adjustments. I believe this is one of the non-stable scenarios in early papers.
so one conjecture is explicit control of packet production rate may significant mitigate the occurance of such transient congestions (and also mitigate needing to be aware of RTT adjustment delay affects to transient changes).
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: FAST TCP makes dialup faster than broadband? Newsgroups: comp.protocols.tcp-ip Date: Wed, 25 Aug 2004 12:22:04 -0600and small footnote
control algorithms will tend to adjust the rate of change proportional to the feedback latency (driving cars, martian rovers, etc).
while congestion may be the sole factor used in producers calculating their packet production rate (independent of RTT) ... the feedback latency is proportional to RTT ... so the frequency that increases in packet production rate is done should be proportional to the RTT feedback interval. So the rate of packet production is solely based on congestion and independent of RTT ... but the rate of increases in packet production can be proportional to the RTT feedback interval.
however, as per previous ... conjecture about non-stable nature of ACK-based infrastructures for handling congestion ... may in fact be a significant cause behind spikes in intermediate node congestion ... requiring significant changes in packet production rate by the producers (where RTT becomes significant factor in the reaction delay of the infrastructure).
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: FAST TCP makes dialup faster than broadband? Newsgroups: comp.protocols.tcp-ip Date: Wed, 25 Aug 2004 14:38:50 -0600and getting really carried away ... some comments on dynamic adaptive feedforward control algorithms ... as well as non-stable negative feedback effects.
if the congestion control mechanism was going to include predictive congestion (as well as past congestion) ... i contend, something with high correlation is number of intermediate nodes ... not RTT elapsed time; aka I could have a direct double-hop satellite link with no intermediate nodes and therefor no intermediate node congestion ... with a significantly higher RTT elapsed time than a 30-hop terrestial path. So a dynamic adaptive feedforward congestion control algorithm could figure in not only past congestion behavior for controlling packet transmit rate ... but also use likely hop-count as a probability indication of possibly future congestion (but not RTT elapsed time as probablity of congestion ... although as stated RTT elapsed time does affect feedback latency ... and therefor should be a factor in control algorithm deciding on rate of change ... as opposed to pure rate). RTT elapsed time may have some correlation with number of intermediate nodes ... but would be considered only a second order effect of predicting congestion potential (since you can actually have very high RTT elapsed time with no intermediate node congestion issues).
so, one of the conjectures about ACK-based being non-stable and possibly even having negative feedback. The assertion is that the transmission of multiple back-to-back packets, possibly when a full window opens, can result in a spike in congestion and slow-down at an intermediate node. So the observation is that any spike in congestion and slow-down at an intermediate node can result in some number of ACKs backing up at the congested intermediate node. Then if the congestion decreases ... any backed up ACKs may be released in bunches.
The release of bunched, backed up ACKs (from an intermediate node that saw transient congestion spikes) means that the arrival of bunched ACKS at the sending node will open up multiple packets in the sending window ... resulting in the sending node being able to send multiple back-to-back packets ... which in turn, can result in transient congestion spikes at intermediate nodes. The issue then is that any cause of transient congestion spike at intermediate nodes ... may result in ACK return bunching ... which then results in a lull in packet transmission at the sender ... followed by multiple back-to-back transmission at the sender. The intermediate nodes then could get into negative feed-back, non-stable oscillation of packet transmission lulls followed by packet transmission peaks. From a control algorithm standpoint for ACK characteristic, this non-stable oscillation may continue until eventually packets are dropped and sending nodes go into some sort of back-off ... until the congestion builds up and it starts the cycle all over again.
There are some second order effects as number of intermeidate nodes increase ... random perturbation in large number of intermediate nodes in the same path ... can have a dampening effect on any strong negative feedback oscillations caused by ACK bunching. On the other hand ... unless the random perturbations are really significant ... multiple intermediate nodes might result in amplifying the negative feedback oscillations.
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Vintage computers are better than modern crap ! Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2004 08:56:02 -0600jmfbahciv writes:
misc. stuff about this thing now called e-commerce
other posts about effort for application -> service Test and Set (TS) vs Compare and Swap (CS) Buffer overflow Buffer overflow Computer Naming Conventions Wanted: the SOUNDS of classic computing IBM says AMD dead in 5yrs ... -- Microsoft Monopoly vs. IBM A Dark Day The BASIC Variations Mars Rover Not Responding Automating secure transactions
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Vintage computers are better than modern crap ! Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2004 10:22:38 -0600Alan Balmer writes:
the shared-secret password scenario for a long time has been that each
security domain wanted unique password (different passwords at your
employer, your bank, and your local operation in a garage ISP). part
of the problem is that each security domain appeared to think they
were the only-one ... discounting the fact that a person now may have
to manage scores of unique passwords ... which are difficult to
remember and possibly change every month. that has led to problems
like people having to write down their passwords and possibly store
them close to where they might use them. old joke A beautiful morning in AFM
another issue is that possibly 1/3rd of exploits involve social engineering .... getting people to give-up information that they shouldn't (like passwords and/or other authentication code).
one of the issues of going to two-factor authentication ... say some form of hardware tokens ... is it makes social engineering task more difficult since it now involves convincing somebody to give up a physical object ... in addition to just information.
... there is this old saying about there not being any truely hard technical problems ... i.e. all the really hard problems typically arise from some form of people issues.
random passed social engineering posts cardtech/securetech & CA PKI KISS for PKIX Software for PKI Attacks on a PKI "Marginot Web" (SSL, payments, etc) An attack on paypal An attack on paypal The real problem that https has conspicuously failed to fix Electronic Safety and Soundness: Securing Finance in a New Age The Digital Insider: Backdoor Trojans ... fyi authentication and authorization ... addenda Using crypto against Phishing, Spoofing and Spamming Future architecture Beginner question on Security Two-factor authentication with SSH? A Dark Day S/360 Engineering Changes Microsoft Internet Patch public key vs passwd authentication? Bank security question (newbie question) Pub/priv key security Pub/priv key security Threat of running a web server? MITM attacks Vintage computers are better than modern crap ! Vintage computers are better than modern crap !
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Public key authentication defeats passwd age warning. Newsgroups: Date: Fri, 27 Aug 2004 09:31:05 (Darren Tucker) writes:
public keys can be substituted in place of passwords ... put them in the table entry and identify digital signature as the method of authentication (instead of password compare). if the system authentication file supported that ... then ssh could stuff the public key there in lieu of password ... instead of needing its own table.
since knowledge of public key isn't subject to the same sort of exploits as passwords ... the requirement for frequent changes is severely mitigated as means of bounding (undiscovered) exploits.
there are however possibly two completely different issues here
1) confusing that digital credentials are equivalent to public key. public keys can easily be done like ssh ... which just registers the authentication material ... however, it registers a public key for performing authentication instead of registering a password for authentication & maintains the same business process. because of the vaguries of current "password" oriented authentication files ... ssh resorts to its own registration file. note that this is a completely different business process for authentication material than the typical digital credential business process. while the ssh-like method preserves the business process for the relying party to register the authentication material ... the digital credential model originated so that the registration process could be outsourced to 3rd parties.
2) there are still exploits on public/private key that are compariable to password-based infrastructure exploits. part of the expiry process is to bound the life of a specific password exploit (because of its vulnerability to being learned). a lot of the public key credentialling infrastructures distract attention by focusing on the strength of public key operations and/or the credentialling registration process. however, a direct equivalent to attackers acquiring password is attackers acquiring the private key. if you were looking at the use of expiring as a method of bounding an exploit ... you would compare the probability for an attacker to obtain a password (via all possible mechanisms) compared to the difficulty that it might take an attacker to obtain a private key (via all possible mechanisms). If you determined that it was four times harder for an attacker to obtain a user's private key ... you might then choose to make the validity period for a registered public key ... four times that of a registered password (however, if it was a 20 times harder for an attacker to obtain a private key ... you might make a public key validity period 20 times longer). A simple password harvesting attack might be to obtain the file where the user stores all their passwords. A possibly equivalent attack on private key is to obtain the file where the user stores their private key(s)). If the ease of performing such attack is roughly equivalent and such attack represents major vulnerability ... then it could be that the expiration of a password and the expiration of a public key would be similar.
one possible issue in ssh vis-a-vis password ... if major password exploit is evesdropping the authentication process ... and password authentication is no longer used (because ssh is using digital signature) ... then a major factor in needing password expiring for bounding exploits is eliminated (and the artifact that ssh registration of public key for authentication hasn't been integrated into overall system infrastructure of registration business process of authentication material). however, if the major vulnerability is acquisition of client stored files containing authentication material (either password or private key) ... then there could be a need for more consistent expiring for both passwords and private keys.
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: US fiscal policy (Was: Bob Bemer, Computer Pioneer,Father of ASCII,Invento Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers Date: Fri, 27 Aug 2004 13:24:12 (Michael Wojcik) writes:
the cp67/vm370 development group split off from the science center and then when they outgrew available space in 545 tech sq, the group moved out to the old SBC bldg. in burlington mall (sbc having been transferred to cdc).
in the mid-70s, the group was told that there would be no more vm/370 product (for customers), that burlington mall was being shutdown ... and that everybody had to move to POK to work on the internal-only vmtool in support of mvs/xa development ... which saw some number of the vm/370 development group going to dec and prime (i don't remember any going to dg).
misc. past posts about departmental servers and that market segment
explosion. middle layer Mainframes & Unix departmental servers Alpha vs. Itanic: facts vs. FUD a.f.c history checkup... (was What specifications will the standard year 2001 PC have?) The demise of compaq The demise of compaq IBM Mainframe at home Bettman Archive in Trouble CDC6600 - just how powerful a machine was it? HONE, ****, misc HONE, ****, misc ...killer PC's vm marketing (cross post) Mainframe Spreadsheets - 1980's History difference between itanium and alpha IBM was: VAX again: unix What makes a mainframe a mainframe? When nerds were nerds Tools -vs- Utility Mainframe Emulation Solutions DE-skilling was Re: ServerPak Install via QuickLoad Product If there had been no MS-DOS Who said "The Mainframe is dead"? Vintage computers are better than modern crap ! Monster(ous) sig (was Re: Vintage computers are better
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Timeless Classics of Software Engineering Newsgroups: comp.arch,comp.databases.theory,,comp.lang.c++, Date: Fri, 27 Aug 2004 14:24:46 (Eric Hamilton) writes:
Guderian had a large body of highly skilled and experienced people ... who he outlined general strategic objectives and left the tactical decisions to the person on the spot .... he supposedly proclaimed verbal orders only ... in the theory that the auditors going around after the fact would not find a paper trail to blame anybody when battle execution had glitches. the theory was the trade-off of letting experierenced people on the spot feel free to make decisions w/o repercusions, more than offset any possibility that they might make mistakes.
boyd contrasted this with the much less experienced american army with few really experienced people which was structured for heavy top-down direction (to take advantage of skill scarcity) ... the rigid top-down direction with little local autonomy would rely on logistics and managing huge resource advantage (in some cases 10:1).
part of the issue is that rigid, top-down operations is used to manage large pools of unskilled resources. on the other hand, rigid top-down operations can negate any advantage of skilled resource pool (since they will typically be prevented from exercising their own judgement).
so in the Guderian scenario .... you are able to lay out strategic objectives and then allow a great deal of autonomy in achieving tactical objectives (given a sufficent skill pool and clear strategic direction).
random boyd refs:
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Timeless Classics of Software Engineering Newsgroups: comp.arch,comp.databases.theory,,comp.lang.c++, Date: Fri, 27 Aug 2004 15:10:59 (Eric Hamilton) writes:
is was all about super programmer and librarian .... i think the super programmer was re-action to the large low-skilled hordes ... and the librarian was to take some of administrative load of the super programmer.
i remember years later somebody explaining that managers tended to spend 90% of their time with the 10% least productive people ... and that 90% of the work was frequently done by the 10% most productive people; it was unlikely that anything that a manager did was going to significantly improve the 10% least productive members .... however if they spent 90% of their time helping remove obstacles from the 10% most productive ... and even if that only improved things by 10% ... that would be the most benefical thing that they could do. This was sort of the librarian analogy from harlan ... that managers weren't there to tell the high skilled people what to do ... managers were to facilitate and remove obstacles from their most productive people.
this is somewhat more consistant with one of boyd's talks on the organic design for command and control.
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Timeless Classics of Software Engineering Newsgroups: comp.arch,comp.databases.theory,,comp.lang.c++, Date: Fri, 27 Aug 2004 20:00:22 -0600Anne & Lynn Wheeler writes:
so doing some searching ... this is a picture of approx. what i remember
this lists a ieee conference at twin bridge marriott, washington dc in '69
this lists first marriott motor hotel, twin bridges, washington dc
and this has a reference to the site of the former Twin Bridges Marriott
having been razed several years ago
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Vintage computers are better than modern crap ! Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers Date: Sat, 28 Aug 2004 07:43:30 -0600... from not so long ago and far away .... notice that official organizations would be issuing (public) keys
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Vintage computers are better than modern crap ! Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers Date: Sat, 28 Aug 2004 07:53:09 -0600and at:
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: CDC STAR-100 Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers Date: Sun, 29 Aug 2004 09:46:10 -0600jsavard@excxn.aNOSPAMb.cdn.invalid (John Savard) writes:
random past ref: CDC6600 - just how powerful a machine was it?
for lot more drift, about same time as above post, post here in
a.f.c. on putting up scan of thornton's book
network systems did high speed and heterogeneous internconnect
long time later, when i had done rfc 1044 support ... i got involved
in tuning at cray research .... somewhat in conjunction with hsdt ...
hsdt collection (things like rate-based pacing, dynamic adaptive
control, optimal thruput, etc)
the original VPN ... i saw in a guy's house (he worked for nsc) ... it was for secure link to work ... he then introduced it at ietf router working group and it is now called VPN.
random past rfc 1044 posts: Log Structured filesystems -- think twice mainframe tcp/ip tcp/ip middle layer ... cics ... from posting from another list Edsger Dijkstra: the blackest week of his professional life Edsger Dijkstra: the blackest week of his professional life why is there an "@" key? Speaking of USB ( was Re: ASR 33 Typing Element) Ux's good points. Does the word "mainframe" still have a meaning? OT? Pentium 4 Prefetch engine? Pentium 4 Prefetch engine? Pre ARPAnet email? Did AT&T offer Unix to Digital Equipment in the 70s? Wired News :The Grid: The Next-Gen Internet? OT - Internet Explorer V6.0 The demise of compaq CDC6600 - just how powerful a machine was it? CDC6600 - just how powerful a machine was it? Total Computing Power general networking is: DEC eNet: was Vnet : Unbelievable IBM S/370-168, 195, and 3033 E-mail from the OS-390 ???? Beyond 8+3 3745 & NCP Withdrawl? 360/370 disk drives filesystem structure, was tape format (long post) difference between itanium and alpha COMTEN- IBM networking boxes COMTEN- IBM networking boxes Why only 24 bits on S/360? Why only 24 bits on S/360? Why only 24 bits on S/360? unix A Dark Day Fix the shuttle or fly it unmanned Microkernels are not "all or nothing". Re: Multics Concepts For Cray to commercialize Red Storm History of Computer Network Industry network history
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Internet turns 35, still work in progress Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers Date: Sun, 29 Aug 2004 13:17:13 -0600Internet turns 35, still work in progress
and it was only last year that we had the stuff about internet turning 20 ... with the switch over from arpanet protocol to internetworking protocol on 1/1/83.
and i've repeatedly claimed that the internal network
was larger than the arpanet/internet for most of the period; possibly in large part because most of the internal net nodes had gateway like function ... which didn't show up until the 1/1/83 great switch-over ... and help contribute to the internet passing the internal network in number of nodes .... sometime in '85.
misc. past references to 1/1/83 ... what makes a cpu fast Pre ARPAnet email? Processor Modes Author seeks help - net in 1981 Author seeks help - net in 1981 Author seeks help - net in 1981 Author seeks help - net in 1981 A new forum is up! Q: what means nntp Computer Naming Conventions ibm vnet : Computer Naming Conventions Why did OSI fail compared with TCP-IP? Why did OSI fail compared with TCP-IP? Why did OSI fail compared with TCP-IP? Why did OSI fail compared with TCP-IP? Coulda, Woulda, Shoudda moments? Coulda, Woulda, Shoudda moments? Why did OSI fail compared with TCP-IP? Why did OSI fail compared with TCP-IP? Al Gore and the Internet Buffer overflow vm marketing (cross post) Vnet : Unbelievable 10 choices that were critical to the Net's success PLX Vector display systems HASP: difference between itanium and alpha unix Use of SSL as a VPN early vnet & exploit Multiple layers of virtual address translation Rewrite TCP/IP vnet 1000th node anniversary 6/10 Why did TCP become popular ? Why did TCP become popular ? Why did TCP become popular ? A Dark Day FAST - Shame On You Caltech!!! One big box vs. many little boxes Microsoft Internet Patch IEN 45 and TCP checksum offload History of Computer Network Industry Mainframe Emulation Solutions JSX 328x printing (portrait) Pre-relational, post-relational, 1968 CODASYL "Survey of Data Base Systems" The attack of the killer mainframes vm Usenet invented 30 years ago by a Swede? Questions of IP Text Adventures (which computer was first?) network history network history network history network history network history network history network history OT The First Mouse
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: capacity planning: art, science or magic? Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers Date: Sun, 29 Aug 2004 14:00:58 -0600Capacity Planning: Art, Science or Magic?
and slightly related: ... using the mathematical technique of
regression to predict ...
in the early 70s ... there were sort of three techniques being used at
the science center for performance.
1) modeling/simulation
2) instruction sampling
3) multiple regression analysis
very early in cp/67 development ... a cms application was created that
was originally called DUSETIMR (delta use time) ... which woke up
every 5-10 minutes and went digging around the cp kernel for all sorts
of counters, statistics, times, etc and logged the information. many
shops ran it and/or something similar and eventually years of
operational information was accumulated.
the huge amount of accumulated information across years of operation of large number of different systems was used in both calibrating the "1" modeling work as well as "3" input for the regression calculations.
The logged information was also used for developing workload and
system profiles ... which were used in the defintion of synthetic
workloads and benchmarks (which then were also calibrated against huge
amount of observed data). The combination of the huge amount of
observational data, models, synthetic workload and benchmarks also
contributed to the emerging defintion of capacity planning and
performance predictor. as mentioned before the benchmark and modeling
that were part of the extensive calibration of the resource manager
and the predictor was made available on HONE as a marketing tool
the instruction sampling and the regression work was used to identify "hotspots" that would be worth while of performance work ... the instruction sampling for direct instruction hotspots and the regression for functional hotspots.
the regression work was also useful in identifying long term trends (across the years & years of accumulated operation statistics).
the instruction sampling was also used in identitying kernel features
to be migrated to microcode in virgul/tully (aka 370
138/148). Endicott came to cambridge with a comment that the machines
would have 6k bytes of microcode space for kernel assists. instruction
sampling was used to sample instruction location and then identify the
highest used 6k bytes of kernel code ... that was approximately
translated on byte-for-byte into microcode 370 ECPS VM microcode assist
misc. other mcode posts
a few years ago ... i had an opportunity to use regression to pick out functional hotspot on an extremely large and heavily used application (scores of dedicated large mainframes) that had been studied and optimized to death with instruction sampling ... and regression turned up a functional hotspot accounting for nearly 30% of total utilization ... that wasn't showing up in instruction hotspot analysis.
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Frontiernet insists on being my firewall... Newsgroups: Date: Sun, 29 Aug 2004 14:50:18 -0600ibuprofin@painkiller.example.tld (Moe Trin) writes:
when we were doing this thing for sever payment transactions and
payment gateway with small client/server startup
we could dictate a number of things like multiple a-record support
(for server to gateway interactions) ... recent related post
however, the people doing the client were another matter, claiming that things like multiple a-record support was way too advanced.
on the other hand at m'soft developers conference, jan, 1996 at moscone, the tcp/ip developers from redmond that i tracked down all understood readily about multiple a-record support (and said of course their browswer supported it). on the other hand ... the constant repeated refrain/theme at the conference was "protect your investment" (i.e. all the vs/basic programmers weren't going to have to learn something different).
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: US fiscal policy (Was: Bob Bemer, Computer Pioneer,Father of ASCII,Invento Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers Date: Sun, 29 Aug 2004 18:39:13 -0600Anne & Lynn Wheeler writes:
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: August 23, 1957 Newsgroups: alt.sys.pdp10,alt.folklore.computers Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2004 09:55:50 (Dave Hansen) writes:
early mainframe tcp/ip product implementation was also done in
vs/pascal ... which i had to deal with when doing rfc1044 support
... recent topic drift: CDC STAR-100
random past posts mentioning vs/pascal: Computer of the century perceived forced conversion from cp/m to ms-dos in late 80's Mainframe Spreadsheets - 1980's History Beyond 8+3 Beyond 8+3 dasd full cylinder transfer (long post warning) filesystem structure, was tape format (long post) COMTEN- IBM networking boxes Question about Unix "heritage" SPXTAPE status from REXX When nerds were nerds TSO alternative More complex operations now a better choice? Infiniband - practicalities for small clusters HERCULES Infiniband - practicalities for small clusters
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Big Bertha Thing blogs Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2004 15:46:15 -0600dgriffi writes:
Although the name was commonly applied to a whole variety of
large-calibre German artillery guns the "Big Bertha" ('Dicke Berta')
actually referred to a single siege gun, at that time the world's
largest and most powerful.
Produced by the German firm of Krupp the Big Bertha was a 42cm
howitzer, model L/14 designed in the aftermath of the Russo-Japanese
War of 1904 on behalf of the German Army. It was initially used as a
means of (successfully) demolishing the fortress towns of Liege and
Namur in August 1914, the war's first month (and subsequently as
Antwerp). It was thereafter used to similarly reduce other enemy
strong-points as the need arose.
Big Bertha was the 420mm (16.5-in.) howitzer used by German forces
advancing through Belgium in 1914. They were nicknamed for the Krupp
arms works matriarch Bertha Krupp von Bohlen. Transported in pieces,
moved by rail and assembled in place, they proved devastating in
destroying Belgian forts. They were somewhat less effective against
French Forts of sturdier design. The howitzers were also used as siege
weapons on the eastern front. By 1917, less accurate due to wear on
the barrels and extremely vulnerable to counter battery fire once
located, they were phased out of operation. The term "Big Bertha" is
sometimes applied to the Krupp manufactured artillery piece of
completely different design that shelled Paris in 1918 from the
phenomenal range of 75 miles. This later weapon, however, is more
commonly known as the "Paris Gun".
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Vintage computers are better than modern crap ! Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2004 08:06:37 -0600K Williams writes:
on of the problems there were some relatively straight-forward branch constructs from modest assembler source that would nest 10 or more levels deep. i finally had put in limit to not next more than 5-6 levels deep.
i have vague recollection that the slac mods to the h-assembler (late 70s, early 80s) included marco package for if/then/else code (as opposed to if/then/else constructs for conditional code generation) ... but the quick search engine use only turns up references to actual assembler enhancements ... not related macro package.
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Wars against bad things Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2004 08:54:30 -0600Peter Flass writes:
the customer installation issue was then number & mix of machines with regard to their cpu cycles needed.
there was some talk at recent share meeting that ibm started to really take notice of the linux phenomena after somebody did a report on the number of customer mainframes running it (which appeared to be all new mainframe business ... apparently displacing otherwise non-ibm, non-mainframe business) ... aka it was a customer driven reaction.
at the time, there was some referernce to the test was with vm running in a "test lpar" i.e. the vm system doing the 40k linux test ... was running in a subset of the machine.
some time ago ... a subset of the vm function was migrated into the hardware and referred to as logical partitions (or LPARs). it is similar to function provided by virtual machine operating system ... except they do some optimization ... like partitioning real memory so that LPAR memory is dedicated ... no support for moving pages back&forth to disk. the configuration of lpar is done in the "microcode" or service processor ... specifying the amount of real memory, which i/o devices, and how-many &/or what percentage of processors.
on the real "bare" machine &/or in an partition of a LPAR configurated machine it is then possible to boot a vm (virtual machine) operating system ... which then provides more granular resource allocation (than is nominal used in LPAR operation).
lots of LPAR references: Why can't more CPUs virtualize themselves? Reliability and SMPs Merced Processor Support at it again Computer of the century Mainframe operating systems Ux's good points. VM (not VMS or Virtual Machine, the IBM sort) VM (not VMS or Virtual Machine, the IBM sort) VM (not VMS or Virtual Machine, the IBM sort) VM (not VMS or Virtual Machine, the IBM sort) VM (not VMS or Virtual Machine, the IBM sort) IBM Linux Does the word "mainframe" still have a meaning? Does the word "mainframe" still have a meaning? Is a VAX a mainframe? TSS ancient history, was X86 ultimate CISC? designs) virtualizable 360, was TSS ancient history Competitors to SABRE? Z/90, S/390, 370/ESA (slightly off topic) Pentium 4 Prefetch engine? SIMTICS Estimate JCL overhead Accounting systems ... still in use? (Do we still share?) MERT Operating System & Microkernels Alpha: an invitation to communicate D mainframe question CMS under MVS Open Architectures ? Hercules etc. IBM not just missing a great opportunity... Hercules etc. IBM not just missing a great opportunity... PDP-10 Archive migration plan VAX, M68K complex instructions (was Re: Did Intel Bite Off More Than It Can Chew?) 2 questions: diag 68 and calling convention Crazy idea: has it been done? Computers in Science Fiction Blade architectures IBM competes with Sun w/new Chips Tweaking old computers? why does wait state exist? why does wait state exist? Home mainframes Home mainframes Home mainframes Everything you wanted to know about z900 from IBM Running z/VM 4.3 in LPAR & guest v-r or v=f Linux paging Linux paging Newbie: Two quesions about mainframes Running z/VM 4.3 in LPAR & guest v-r or v=f LISTSERV Discussion List For USS Questions? Mainframe System Programmer/Administrator market demand? rebirth rebirth Wild hardware idea How much overhead is "running another MVS LPAR" ? ECPS:VM DISPx instructions What is timesharing, anyway? Why are there few viruses for UNIX/Linux systems? Secure OS Thoughts SR 15,15 was: IEFBR14 Problems S/360 undocumented instructions? CPUs with microcode ? Architect Mainframe system - books/guidenance Virtual Machine Concept Oldest running code OS Partitioning and security PSW Sampling Memory Affinity The attack of the killer mainframes The attack of the killer mainframes Infiniband - practicalities for small clusters Infiniband - practicalities for small clusters A quote from Crypto-Gram
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Adventure Newsgroups: alt.os.multics Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2004 10:00:40 -0600David Spencer writes:
this was 300 points ... with an extra bonus point.
over the next couple months several people made enhancements ... including a PLI port with >500 points.
unfortunately i no longer have copies of any of them.
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: August 23, 1957 Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2004 15:11:48 -0600Charles Shannon Hendrix writes:
from above:
The PowerPC processor architecture provides several instructions
specifically to control the order in which stores perform their
changes to memory and, thus, to control the order in which another
processor observes the stores; to control the order in which
instructions are executed; and for accessing shared storage. These
instructions are:
sync Synchronise
lwsync Lightweight Sync (a new instruction in POWER4)
eieio Enforce In-Order Execution of I/O
lwarx Load Word And Reserve
ldarx Load Doubleword And Reserve
stwcx Store Word Conditional
stdcx Store Doubleword Conditional
isync Instruction Synchronise
the write up then has more instruction detailed descriptions
long ago and far away, at the science center
charlie had invented compare and swap (aka term was used because the mnemonic CAS are charlie's initials). got it into 370 architecture ... but one of the conditions was to come up with non-smp justification for the instruction (since the majority of the 370s at the time were uniprocessors). the result was the original programming notes how a multi-threaded, non-privileged application, that was running enabled for interrupts (on either uniprocessor or multiprocessor machine), cold coordinate its operation.
the original romp/rios/power wasn't originally targeted for a unix-like environment .... it was going to be uniprocessor only with protection and privilege checking being enforced by compiler and loader. since there was no privilege levels and no-smp, all multi-threaded applications could disable for interrupts when they needed to serialize.
this assumption was invalidated when the line was re-targeted to unix environment that required privilege/non-privilege domain .... however the original power/rios were still targeted as uniprocessor only environments. w/o a specific serialization instruction, but needing serialization for high-performance, multi-threaded applications, a compare and swap macro was defined ... that actually an interrupt into the supervisor call handler. There were some tightly coded instructions in the interrupt handler that simulated the compare and swap instruction operation (while running disabled for interrupts) ... that then immediately returned to the application.
somerset then started the power/pc ... which was almost a totally
different chip line (from rios/power) that was going to support shared
memory multiprocessing.
this references has alpha/power4 comparison on a number
of things
including shared-memory thread fork/join
this is evoluation of the original programming notes for compare &
swap for multi-threading ... in theory, both multiprocessor and
uniprocessor operation (in esa/390); multiprogramming (aka
multithreaded) and multiprocessor examples:
esa/390 compare and swap
esa/390 compare double and swap
for 64-bit z/architecture the compare&swap have been augmented with perform
locked operation. ,,, perform locked operation definition
three compare and swap instructions for 64-bit z/architecture
three compare double and swap instructions for 64-bit z/architecture
the multiprogramming and multiprocessing examples from z/architecture
printicple of operations
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Vintage computers are better than modern crap ! Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2004 20:12:52 -0600"Jack Peacock" writes:
it eventually grew to about a box of cards.
i then modified it so there were effectively two versions with conditional assembly ... one was the complete stand-alone monitor that took-over and ran the whole machine .... the other used os/360 system facilities. this required the use of five DCB macros (just defined storage fields for i/o devices). You could watch the lights on the 360/30 when it hit the DCB macro ... each taking 5-6 minutes elapsed time to "assemble".
some 370 announce/fcs dates Are the L1 and L2 caches flushed on a page fault ? IBM S/370-168, 195, and 3033 If the x86 ISA could be redone
from above references: IBM S/370-135 71-03 72-05 14 INTERMED. S/370 CPU
370/135 was announced march 71 ... and first customer ship (aka FCS ... first box shipped to a custoemr), May 72.
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Vintage computers are better than modern crap ! Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers Date: Wed, 01 Sep 2004 08:49:08 -0600Brian Inglis writes:
sometime in the late 60s the assembler was improved.
os/360 sysgens/builds frequently took a shift or two ... "stage1" sysgen was maybe a 100-200 card assembler program; all macros with parameters. the macros didn't expand to code ... they expanded to punch statements which generated "stage2" os/360 jobstream that was mostly utility commands (stage2 punched cards were frequently aroound 2000-3000). "stage1" might run 10-30 minutes. "stage2" took the majority of time ... but there was little or no assembler involved in "stage2" ... mostly iehmove & iebcopy utility operations.
the state-of-the-art was to take dedicated machine time for two shifts ... stage2 if run w/o problems would typically finish in under eight hours ... but there were sporadic glitches that showed up that frequently sent things back to repeat the process from the very start (and the stage1/stage2 sequence appeared to be somewhat viewed as this magical black box operation). the process was frequently baby-sat (at least before june 23rd, 1969) by one or two ibm system engineers along with support staff from the customer.
when i had my first student programming job ... recent post Vintage computers are better than modern crap!
I frequently got the 360/30 from 8am sat. until 8am monday (pulled non-stop 48hr shift). one weekend, i got pre-empted for a couple shifts by a "sysgen". I stuck around writing code ... and watched them restart a couple times from the very beginning. This struck me as odd ... so when they took a break ... i did a print-out of the stage2 card deck ... to see what all the fuss was about.
Eventually i developed a process .... with two objectives ... 1) i could run stage2 jobstream in standard working system and 2) i could re-arrange all the statements in the stage2 process ... so that the order that files were copied to the new system packs would result in optimizing operational disk arm seeks. I got to give some share presentations on this mythical ability to run stage2 in standard job stream and optimization of the resulting system.
random past posts: CP/67 & OS MFT14 CP/67 & OS MFT14 Pre S/360 IBM Operating Systems? IA64 Self Virtualizable? Reviving the OS/360 thread (Questions about OS/360) MVS vs HASP vs JES (was 2821) sysprog shortage - what questions would you ask? IBM 1460 Navy orders supercomputer Navy orders supercomputer Disk caching and file systems. Disk history...people forget VTOC position Price of core memory checking some myths. Is anybody out there still writting BAL 370. DEC midnight requisition system is this correct ? OS/360 became MVS and MVS >> OS/390 is this correct ? OS/360 became MVS and MVS >> OS/390 Infiniband's impact was Re: Intel's 64-bit strategy cp/67 addenda (cross-post warning) cp/67 addenda (cross-post warning) Mainframers: Take back the light (spotlight, that is) WATFOR's Silver Anniversary Do any architectures use instruction count instead of timer The problem with installable operating systems why does wait state exist? Collating on the S/360-2540 card reader? filesystem structure, was tape format (long post) HASP assembly: What the heck is an MVT ABEND 422? HASP assembly: What the heck is an MVT ABEND 422? cp/67 35th anniversary 40th anniversary of IBM System/360 on 7 Apr 2004 AMD/Linux vs Intel/Microsoft origin of the UNIX dd command real multi-tasking, multi-programming Infiniband - practicalities for small clusters
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: 65nm news from Intel Newsgroups: comp.arch,, Date: Wed, 01 Sep 2004 08:54:09 (G) writes:
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Vintage computers are better than modern crap ! Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers Date: Wed, 01 Sep 2004 09:32:52 -0600Alan Balmer writes:
in the late 70s there were joke about some efforts in operating system failure isolation and recovery ... the joke was that with the recovery code ... by the time the system actually got around to failing and taking a dump ... it was impossible to diagnose the original problem (recovery as taken as euphemism for covering up the problem repeatedly before getting around to determining that the system really had to fail).
that was somewhat mitigated by lpars in the late '80s ... since systems were really isolated from each other.
of course virtual machine systems have tended to provide failure, integrity, and security isolation for long time.
we got into some more of failure fencing and isolation when
we were doing ha/cmp:
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Wars against bad things Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers Date: Wed, 01 Sep 2004 12:44:04 -0600Brian Inglis writes:
recent x-post from comp.arch
An important emerging industry trend is that IT resources will increasingly
be provided over the internet, possibly replacing in-house IT shops in the
end. Along the same trend on the side of academic research, ACM SIGMICRO
will be providing to microarchitecture researchers free access to machines
with some uniquely interesting architectures. You can do any research you
want with these machines, or you can choose to just get a hands-on
experience to learn about the architectures, to plan your research. Thanks
to generous donations from IBM and HP, an IBM S/390 (zSeries) mainframe
(running z/VM which lets you have your own virtual multiprocessor
machine(s) with Linux or other guest OS), as well as an HP Itanium system
(running Linux), will be available in the second half of this year to
SIGMICRO researchers worldwide, over the internet. We encourage you to ask
for accounts on these machines on-line on our Web site (described below).
Because of the limited number of available accounts, the requests will be
subject to a review. There is a benefit to entering your preliminary
requests early.
The long-term goal of SIGMICRO is to freely provide hardware and software
research resources to deserving microarchitecture researchers worldwide,
with the help of the industry.
SIGMICRO is happy to announce its new Web site on microarchitecture
research and education, which was developed through a year-long effort. The
goal of our Web site is to advance the state of the art in microprocessor
design by:
- Disseminating information from academic and industrial sources,
- Providing access to computing resources for microarchitecture research,
- Encouraging interaction between researchers, educators, and students.
Some of the methods for achieving this include:
- A dynamic database that allows members to submit content to the site via
Web forms,
- An annotated Web bibliography,
- A portal system to computing resources the site actively recruits from
leading-edge computer companies, and
- A set of bulletin boards targeted to specific communities.
Notable among the features in the new Web site is the Purdue University
NETCARE system, which gives researchers access to a comprehensive set of
architecture research and simulation tools, as well as an opportunity to
run these tools over the Web. The SIGMICRO Web site also includes a
database of graduating students. Graduate students in microarchitecture-
related fields, including advanced compiler areas, are encouraged to add an
entry to this database about their own theses, to make the community of
their peers (and potential employers) aware of their work.
The new SIGMICRO Web site has been launched at the following URL. We
cordially invite you to take a look:
The ACM Special Interest Group on Microarchitectural Research, SIGMICRO,
specializes in computer microarchitecture, and especially in features
permitting instruction-level parallelism and their related implications on
compiler design. For the past 33 years, the annual MICRO conference
(co-sponsored by SIGMICRO) has been a key forum for presenting major
breakthroughs in computing architecture, and has established itself as the
premier conference on instruction level parallelism. The SIGMICRO
newsletter is published once a year as the conference proceedings and is
included as a benefit of membership in the SIG.
SIGMICRO's long term goals toward furthering the state of the art in the
field include:
- Continuing quality improvements to the MICRO conference series
- Becoming a Web resource, for teaching and research fields related to
- Establishing new student awards, to foster interest in leading edge
microarchitecture research
- Providing computing research resources to microarchitecture researchers
worldwide, with the help of the industry.
ACM SIGMICRO is the professional organization to belong to if you are a
microarchitect, microprogrammer, advanced compiler designer, or a
researcher/developer of superscalar, pipelined, or fine-grain parallel
computer architectures, or if you are interested in learning more about
such microarchitecture topics.
Officers -------- Chair: Kemal Ebcioglu, IBM Vice-Chair: Steve Beaty, Metro State College of Denver Secretary/Treasurer: Ed Gehringer, North Carolina State U. SIGMICRO Web Site Steering Committee ------------------------------------ Renato Figueiredo, Purdue U. Jose Fortes, Purdue U. Ed Gehringer, North Carolina State U. Augustus Uht, U. of Rhode Island--
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: August 23, 1957 Newsgroups: alt.sys.pdp10,alt.folklore.computers Date: Wed, 01 Sep 2004 13:00:16 -0600Brian Inglis writes:
this was before "G", "M", and "L" invented GML and it was added to the cms script commnad. DCF later was a specific set of script GML libraries.
almost all totally from the science center
i noted recently that the ML stuff had sort of come back home ....
original science center where all the work originated (was in bldg in
the SE corner of tech. sq facing the railroad tracks)
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Xah Lee's Unixism Newsgroups: comp.lang.perl.misc,alt.folklore.computers,comp.lang.lisp,comp.lang.python,comp.unix.programmer Date: Thu, 02 Sep 2004 07:12:21 (Rob Warnock) writes:
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Xah Lee's Unixism Newsgroups: comp.lang.perl.misc,alt.folklore.computers,comp.lang.lisp,comp.lang.python,comp.unix.programmer Date: Thu, 02 Sep 2004 07:14:21 -0600Brian Inglis writes:
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Xah Lee's Unixism Newsgroups: comp.lang.perl.misc,alt.folklore.computers,comp.lang.lisp,comp.lang.python,comp.unix.programmer Date: Thu, 02 Sep 2004 09:43:59 -0600joe writes:
recent reference Random signatures
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Xah Lee's Unixism Newsgroups: comp.lang.perl.misc,alt.folklore.computers,comp.lang.lisp,comp.lang.python,comp.unix.programmer Date: Thu, 02 Sep 2004 09:55:45 -0600jmfbahciv writes:
then there is melinda's vm history which has a lot of the ctss, multics,
cp/cms early lore .... current copy at:
a much earlier version was posted to vmshare computer conference in
eight parts and can be found at the vmshare archive site:
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Xah Lee's Unixism Newsgroups: comp.lang.perl.misc,alt.folklore.computers,comp.lang.lisp,comp.lang.python,comp.unix.programmer Date: Thu, 02 Sep 2004 10:13:28 -0600Rupert Pigott writes:
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Xah Lee's Unixism Newsgroups: comp.lang.perl.misc,alt.folklore.computers,comp.lang.lisp,comp.lang.python,comp.unix.programmer Date: Thu, 02 Sep 2004 10:19:23 -0600jmfbahciv writes:
melinda, on her site has historical write up with some early ctss,
multics, cp/cms lore:
an earlier version was posted in eight parts to vmshare computer
conferencing ... vmshare archive:
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: slashdot drift on 360 clone by rca Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers Date: Thu, 02 Sep 2004 12:04:55 -0600Build Your Own Blade Server (a little different about clones)
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: US fiscal policy (Was: Bob Bemer, Computer Pioneer,Father of ASCII,Invento Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers Date: Thu, 02 Sep 2004 15:15:08 -0600Greg Menke <> writes:
you see it in microprocessors and automobiles ... where there is not only a significant R&D budget ... but heavy up-front production facility investment. the fabrication plants for newer generation of popular microprocessors seem to be doubling in cost while their expected lifetime seem to be decreasing (larger and larger fixed infrastructure costs and increasing R&D costs having to be amortized over a shorter and shorter period of time).
some parts of the computer industry may actually have the ratio of marketing budget to R&D budget more like 3:1 or 5:1 ... in theory generating the demand that can cover the infrastructure fixed costs.
it is somewhat like the insurance analogy .... you have to spread the premiums across a large enuf base to cover the pay-outs .... aka i have some recollection of reading that half of fed. fema flood insurance payouts year after year go to the same state ... which wouldn't likely be possible if you didn't have the other 49 states contributing to the fund (there was some footnote that it would have been cheaper to pay people in that state to stop building on these things called flood plains ... where it repeatedly floods nearly every year).
so one possible scenario is that the marketing budget triples these costs (2/3rds marketing, 1/3rd R&D) ... but it may increase the demand by a factor of ten. if the price of the drug is heavily weighted to fixed upfront costs, rather than production & distribution .... then cutting the marketing, may cut the demand by a factor of ten ... which could increase the price for specific drugs by a factor of 3-4.
one question would be is it possible to get the upfront investment from the money people if there isn't some follow-thru plan to generate the demand.
the scenario in the us automobile market in the 60s ... i don't remember anybody complaining about the marketing budget ... it was more like enuf money wasn't being spent in other places in the process (possibly going to dividends, salaries, bonuses, etc) ... which seemed to make them more susceptible to foreign competition.
in the drug market ... can two companies go head-to-head ... and the one with a large marketing budget actually take market share away from the company with no marketing at all ... and as a result charge less per unit (because of increased volume and manufacturing scale) ... and be more likely to be viable long term?
so one might claim that large marketing budgets might be indicative of industry with large amount of competition ... and an industry with little or nothing spent on marketing ... might be indicative of little or no competition. so is lot of competition good or bad ... and/or does most marketing have anything to do with competition.
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Xah Lee's Unixism Newsgroups: comp.lang.perl.misc,alt.folklore.computers,comp.lang.lisp,comp.lang.python,comp.unix.programmer Date: Thu, 02 Sep 2004 15:57:38 -0600Alan Balmer writes:
i have some recollection of competing bids building single unit assemblies at sea coast sites allowing them to be barged to florida. supposedly the shuttle boosters were sectioned specifically because they were being fabricated in utah and there were transportation constraints.
shortly after the disaster ... some magazine carried a story spoof about columbus being told that his ships had to be built in the mountains where the trees grew ... and because of the difficulty of dragging them down to the sea ... they were to be built in sections ... and then tar would be used to hold them together when they were put to sea.
earlier thread on this subject CNN reports...
this has 149 feet long as 12 feet diameter in four sections from utah
... making each section about 40 foot long. 12 foot high and wide on flatbed .... 15-16 high (on flatbed) clears bridges and overpasses and 12 foot wide should hopefully be within bridge width restrictions.
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Losing colonies Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers Date: Thu, 02 Sep 2004 20:55:12 -0600different aspect about language and brain interaction
Brain scans highlight how Chinese language and learning pathways
differ from alphabet-based languages like English
Dyslexia not the same in every culture
so the article talks about different parts of the brain are
used for learning chinese and english ... but ...
It does not mean Chinese dyslexics might be able to use different
portions of their brain and learn to read English signs and
instructions more easily. Once a person learns to read they tend to
use the same circuitry regardless of the second language and its
alphabet, Eden said.
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Xah Lee's Unixism Newsgroups: comp.lang.perl.misc,alt.folklore.computers,comp.lang.lisp,comp.lang.python,comp.unix.programmer Date: Fri, 03 Sep 2004 10:45:24 -0600SM Ryan writes:
slight reference to the internal network in above
one of the arguments we used in proposed security sweeps to find all copies ... was that a public entertainment area would be less of a problem than attempting to outright & totally outlaw such activities. for one thing a single (trusted?) entertainment area would use less disk space than lots of disguised (to evade security sweep) individual copies.
random past adventure threads Earliest memories of "Adventure" & "Trek" Crowther (pre-Woods) "Colossal Cave" Microsoft boss warns breakup could worsen virus problem Adventure Games (Was: Navy orders supercomputer) adventure ... nearly 20 years 3270 protocol Call for folklore - was Re: So it's cyclical. Any DEC 340 Display System Doco ? IBM system 370 The real history of computer architecture: the short form Playing games in mainframe Text Adventures (which computer was first?) Text Adventures (which computer was first?) Adventure game (was:PL/? History (was Hercules)) Adventure game (was:PL/? History (was Hercules))
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: US fiscal policy (Was: Bob Bemer, Computer Pioneer,Father of ASCII,Invento Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers Date: Fri, 03 Sep 2004 11:48:15 -0600Anne & Lynn Wheeler writes:
a static, homogeneous, well-studied environment can have a single central authoritity making uniform decisions for the whole infrastructure more efficiently ... since they presumably would understand global optimization issues; aka you eliminate (internal) competitive forces (and marketing) as superfluous and inefficient.
the issue is in changing &/or non-homogeneous environment .... it isn't going to be well-studied and well-understood for a single central authority to make globally uniform decisions that are either globally or individually more efficient. so in changing &/or non-homogeneous environment ... there will tend to be larger degree of variability as well as competition (and potentially things like marketing). the theory is that for a large infrastructure to be agile and adaptable across a wide-range of conditions ... the operation will tend to be much more distributed with a greater degree of local optimization.
So part of the issue is can more changeable, adaptable, non-uniform operation be more efficient than a uniform, global centralized operation. Part of the trade-off would seem to be whether the environment is relatively static and uniform .... or whether there is a high degree of change and local variability.
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Xah Lee's Unixism Newsgroups: comp.lang.perl.misc,alt.folklore.computers,comp.lang.lisp,comp.lang.python,comp.unix.programmer Date: Fri, 03 Sep 2004 12:09:30 -0600Alan Balmer writes:
so the failure cause scenario went (compared to solutions that didn't require gaskets and manufacturing in sections)
disaster because of inferior(?) gaskets inferior(?) gaskets because of gaskets gaskets because of transportion sectioning requirement transportation sectioning requirement because the sections were manufactured in utah
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: IBM 360 Newsgroups: Date: Fri, 03 Sep 2004 13:49:37 -0600aw288@ibm-main.lst (William Donzelli) writes:
some quick search engine use looking for ferrite core articles and
threading them by hand (mostly passing references)
there were footnotes (in some of the above) that the improved process efficiency that ibm developed in producing ferrite core memories was one of the reasons for 360 success (it could turn out more machines with more ferrite core).
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Xah Lee's Unixism Newsgroups: comp.lang.perl.misc,alt.folklore.computers,comp.lang.lisp,comp.lang.python,comp.unix.programmer Date: Fri, 03 Sep 2004 14:22:55 -0600Alan Balmer writes:
supposedly utah was the *only* bid that required sectioning to meet various overland transportation requirement.
previous post
earlier reply to your comment about ... "shuttle boosters are 3.7m
diameter" ... with comment about the alternative single unit
assemblers being barged to florida.
as repeatedly posted ... as far as i know from all the stuff from the period ... the comments were that the utah design was the *only* design that had to be built in sections (because of transportation issues) and re-assembled in florida and the only design that involved such gaskets. all other designs were built on various shores in single pieces and would be barged as single piece to florida and no gaskets were involved (because they were manufactured in single pieces and barged to florida in whole pieces).
the difference between barging and train ... was that there are significantly less length, width, height, dimensional restrictions on barged items compared to dimensional restrictions on overland train .... because of bridges, tunnels, curves, clearances from adjacent traffic, clearances involving any sort of structures near tracks.
i was under the impression that barging was fairly straight forward from east coast, gulf coast, many major rivers, etc. i would guess that anyplace that you could get a ship that was 160' or larger ... you could transport a barged assembly.
in fact, a shipyard that was accustomed to building a ship in a single assemble (w/o needing gaskets to hold it together) could probably also build a single assembly booster rocket ... and barge it to florida.
i'm not sure about how to catalog all the possible sites &/or
shipyards that could build single section unit (things like single
section ships that are built in single section w/o gaskets to hold the
different sections together) ... some quicky google about ports®ion=US
turns up corpus cristi ... they handle ships built in single sections (w/o gaskets to hold them together) up to 1000 ft long and 45 ft depth. they also mention some docks that are barge use only that only handle 260 ft length and 16 ft depth (course there probably isn't much of height or width restriction with overhanging adjacent structures).
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Xah Lee's Unixism Newsgroups: comp.lang.perl.misc,alt.folklore.computers,comp.lang.lisp,comp.lang.python,comp.unix.programmer Date: Fri, 03 Sep 2004 15:24:46 -0600Alan Balmer writes:
can you imagine it being built in sections that required meeting overland train transportion restrictions? ... not only would it have to be section in 40ft long pieces .... but probably each 40ft section would have to be cut into slivers since it would otherwise have too big/wide .... and then assembled with huge amounts of gaskets in florida ... not only around the circumference but huge amount of gaskets up and down its length.
lets see what search engine comes up with for saturn v 1st stage
reference ... aha ... it turns out that wikipedia is your friend
first stage:
is 138ft ... about the same length as the assembled shuttle booster rocket ... but 33ft in diameter. can you imagine the saturn v first stage being built someplace in 40ft sections .... as well as down its length 40ft long section down the length ... sort of like a pie ... say 8ths ... what is the straight line between the end points for 1/8th arc of a 33ft diamter circle ...
the circumference is a little over 103ft so 1/8th of that is about 13ft arc ... which would make the straight line for the end-points of the arc about 12ft .... which might just about fit overland train transportion restrictions. so saturn v first stage could be manufactured in 32 sections ... transported to florida by train and re-assembled with gaskets.
saturn v second stage
doesn't give the dimensions ... picture seems to imply about the same
circumference but not as long.
saturn v third stage
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Xah Lee's Unixism Newsgroups: comp.lang.perl.misc,alt.folklore.computers,comp.lang.lisp,comp.lang.python,comp.unix.programmer Date: Fri, 03 Sep 2004 15:34:39 -0600Alan Balmer writes:
i just repeated the claims after the disaster about majority of the other launch things were single section and barged to the launch site (as well as the alternative booster proposals).
the issue of the gaskets is pretty well established as being required for the sectional manufacturing ... predicated on the dimensional restrictions on overland train transportation ... that was perceived to have been a pretty unique ... when other major deliverables have been built in single section and barged to launch site.
from a purely fucntional standpoint to somebody's leap with regard to personalities ... is somebody else's doing.
i would say that any argument about the personality issues ... shouldn't creap into purely straight forward issue about whether all manufacturing assemblies require sectioning because of transportation restrictions. lots of assemblies are made in single sections and barged to florida.
i can see taking issue with somebody (else) over their possible personality assertions ... but that shouldn't also result in comments about whether sectioning is required for all possible modes of transportation.
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Xah Lee's Unixism Newsgroups: comp.lang.perl.misc,alt.folklore.computers,comp.lang.lisp,comp.lang.python,comp.unix.programmer Date: Fri, 03 Sep 2004 16:54:32 -0600"John Thingstad" writes:
1) one about sectioning the boats for columbus because they had to be built in the mountains where the trees grew and then used tar to stick the sections together for the trip across the atlantic. lots of ships were lost at sea for all sorts of reasons ... but hopefully none because the ship was built in sections and tar was used to stick them together.
2) way back when, because a wagon slipped off the trail and down the side of the mountain and people died ... congress decreed that there would be no more travel across the appalachian trail ... hardly consistent with the tens of thousands of traffic deaths each year.
... however, i think your reply is intended possibly for somebody else's post ... not mine.
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Xah Lee's Unixism Newsgroups: comp.lang.perl.misc,alt.folklore.computers,comp.lang.lisp,comp.lang.python,comp.unix.programmer Date: Fri, 03 Sep 2004 17:43:12 -0600Anne & Lynn Wheeler writes:
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Xah Lee's Unixism Newsgroups: comp.lang.perl.misc,alt.folklore.computers,comp.lang.lisp,comp.lang.python,comp.unix.programmer Date: Sat, 04 Sep 2004 08:58:06 -0600jmfbahciv writes:
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Question About VM List Newsgroups:,bit.listserv.vmesa-l,alt.folklore.computers Date: Sat, 04 Sep 2004 09:15:29 -0600sergiomvs@ibm-main.lst (Sergio Lima) writes:
appears to be relative standard listserv processor ... evoluation
from the one developed for bitnet ... which was sort of a clone of the
internal corporate list server originally supporting vmtools (and
later pctools when there was a pc) ... which was partially of a
fallout of something called tandem memos ... minor reference from
old jargon
history of listserv, bitnet, misc. other
other bitnet/earn refs:
the usenet bit.listserv hierarchy is typically listserv/usenet gateways.
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |