From: Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers Subject: Re: history of computing Date: Wed, 31 May 2006 06:48:46 -0700Tim Shoppa wrote:
at the same time i was doing some work for system/r ... i also got to
do some stuff for a more network oriented implementation ... that had
some of the same objectives as went into system/r implementation ...
i.e. abstracting physical pointers that were characterisitc of 60s
database implementation). thread discussing part of this issue: Flat Query Flat Query
a many times descendent of that work, i use for maintaining the
information that I utilize for generating the RFC index
and the various merged glossaries and taxonomies
in fact, i suspect that the high ratio of hrefs to actual text accounts for the large number of daily hits from various search engine implementations ... almost as if they are using it for daily test case.
From: Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers Subject: Re: history of computing Date: Wed, 31 May 2006 08:24:04 -0700Tim Shoppa wrote:
so the past posts get updated in the header with Refed field which are the subsequent posts that reference the past posts; the RFC summary information for references, obsoletes, updates, etc ... are done similarly ... as are the merged taxonomy/glossary entries.
somewhat from a relational standpoint ... a side-effect of just loading information results in a kind of full normalization, full joining, and full indexing of the information just loaded ... along with side-effect of all full join/index operations are always bidirectional ... when there is a relationship from one-place to another ... there is automatically always a reverse relationship from the target back to the original. it is also trivial to approx. a RDBMS infrastructure (all primary index fields are unordered members of set) and at the same time also represent a hierarchical ordering (some members of the set may be precursor to other members of the same set) and/or mesh ... (some members of a set have various kinds of peer-to-peer relationships with other members of the same set).
it is difficult and/or somewhat contrived to approx. the full richness
of the infrastructure in HTML or even in a purely relational/sql
From: Newsgroups: comp.arch,alt.folklore.computers Subject: Re: virtual memory Date: Wed, 31 May 2006 08:56:51 wrote:
the earlier 3033 had a hack on this in the late 70s related to 24-bit addressing. instructions were 24-bit both real addressing and virtual address.
i've commented before that the 3033s were feeling some pressure from 4341 clusters and the 16mbyte real memory address limit .... i.e. you configure a six 4341 cluster, each 1mip (6mips aggregate), each 16mbyte real (96mbytes aggregate), each having six i/o channels (36 i/o channels aggregate) for about the same cost as a 4.5mip, 16 i/o channel, 16mbyte 3033.
the 370 PTE (page table entry) had two undefined bits ... the standard PTE was 12bit real 4k page numbers (i.e. 12bit*12bit ... gives 24bit, 16mbyte addressing). IDALS actually had field for doing i/o with real address up to 31bits. so 3033 came out with 32mbyte real support ... and used one of the unused PTE bits to allow defining 13bit (8192) 4k real pages. IDALs could do i/o moving pages to/from disk ... above the 16mbyte line.
however, there was some number of things that required real addressing of contents of virtual pages ... and for this there was a game played with page table entries .... that had a virtual page point to a real page below the 16mbyte line and a virtual page above the 16mbyte line ... and would copy the contents of the virtual page above the line to the virtual page below the line.
misc. past posts mentioning the 3033 hack for 32mbyte real storage: departmental servers Hardest Mistake in Comp Arch to Fix Infiniband - practicalities for small clusters Integer types for 128-bit addressing increasing addressable memory via paged memory? increasing addressable memory via paged memory? IBM's mini computers--lack thereof Intel engineer discusses their dual-core design address space HASP/ASP JES/JES2/JES3 POWER6 on zSeries? Multiple address spaces IBM 610 workstation computer using 3390 mod-9s
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: virtual memory Newsgroups: comp.arch,alt.folklore.computers Date: Wed, 31 May 2006 21:33:08 -0600"Eric P." writes:
one of the things that the several emulators did at the science center
was full instruction traces for exact storage reference sequence (at the instruction level) and then compared LRU against things like (belady's) OPT as well as the various implementations approx. LRU ... and then looked at global system thruput of the different mechanisms.
part of this contributed to the analytical model that grew into
the sales/marketing assist tool available on the hone system
called the performance predictor.
one of the issues was that standard (global or local) LRU degenerated
to FIFO under various conditions and much worse than RANDOM and/or
OPT. part of this was the slight of hand coding that i did in the
global LRU approximated that would degenerate to RANDOM in cases when
standard LRU degenerated to FIFO (and overall showed a 5-10 percent
improvement over straight LRU).
the other issue in various of these studies wasn't so much how close things got to LRU (or belady's OPT) but comparing overall system thruput using different strategies.
leading up to releasing my resource manager on 11may76
we did thousands of simulations and benchmarks ... that helped
calibrate both the stuff in the performance predictor as well in the
resource manager. we then did a varioation on the performance
predictor as well as a lot of synthetic benchmarks calibrated against
workload profiles from hundreds of systems, along with an automated
benchmarking infrastructure. the modified performance predictor got to
choose the workload profile, configuration, and system parameters for
the next benchmark, it then predicted what should happen, the
benchmark was run, and the measured results compared against the
predicted. the modified performance predictor updated the most recent
results ... and then used all the past benchmarks results plus the
most recent to select the next benchmark. leading up to the final
release of the resource manager ... 2000 such benchmarks were run
taking three months elapsed time.
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Google Architecture Newsgroups:,alt.folklore.computers Date: Thu, 01 Jun 2006 10:43:19 -0600Bill Richter wrote:
it was tough slogging because all the attention was focused on tightly-coupled architecture at the time. also she had battles with the sna forces ... who wanted control of all communication that left the processor complex (i.e. outside of direct disk i/o, etc).
part of the problem was that in the early days of SNA ... she had co-authored a "peer-to-peer" network architecture with Bert Moldow ... AWP39 (somewhat viewed in competition with sna). while SNA was tailored for centralized control of a large number of dumb terminals ... it was decidedly lacking in doing peer-to-peer operations with large numbers of intelligent peers.
a trivial example was sjr had done cluster 4341 implementation used highly optimized peer-to-peer protocols running over a slightly modified trotter/3088 (i.e. eventually came out as conventional ctca ... but with interconnection for eight processors/channels). peer-to-peer, asynchronous could achieve cluster synchronization in under a second elapsed time (for eight processors). doing the same thing with SNA increased the elapsed time to approx. a minute. the group was forced to only release the SNA-based implementation to customers ... which obviously had severe scaling properties as the numbers in a cluster increased.
recent cross-over reference mentioning 4341 clusters virtual memory
the communication division did help with significant uptake of PCs in
the commercial environment. a customer could replace a dumb 327x with a
PC for approx. the same price, get datacenter terminal emulation
connectivity and in the same desktop footprint also have some local
computing capability. as a result, you also found the communication
group with a large install base of products in the terminal emulation
market segment (with tens of millions of emulated dumb terminals)
in the late 80s, we had come up with 3-tier architecture (as an
extension to 2-tier, client/server) and were out pitching it to customer
executives. however, the communication group had come up with SAA which
was oriented trying to stem the tide moving to peer-to-peer networking,
client/server, and away from dumb terminals. as a result, we tended to
take a lot of heat from the SAA forces.
in the same time frame, a senior engineer from the disk group in san
jose managed to sneek a talk into the internal, annual world-wide
communication conference. he began his talk with the statement that the
communication group was going to be responsible for the demise of the
disk division. basically the disk division had been coming up with all
sorts of high-thruput, peer-to-peer network capability for PCs and
workstations to access the datacenter mainframe disk farms. the
communication was constantly opposing the efforts, protecting the
installed base of terminal emulation products. recent reference to
that talk: Can anythink kill x86-64?
i had started the high-speed data transport project in the early 80s ...
and had a number of T1 (1.5mbit) and higher speed links for various
high-speed backbone applications. one friday, somebody in the
communication group started an internal discussion on high-speed
communication with some definitions ... recent posting referencing this
definitions from communication group
low-speed <9.6kbits medium-speed 19.2kbits high-speed 56kbits very high-speed 1.5mbitsthe following monday, i was in the far-east talking about purchasing some hardware and they had the following definitions on their conference room wall
low-speed <20mbits medium-speed 100mbits high-speed 200-300mbits very high-speed >600mbitspart of this was the communication division 37xx product line only supported up to 56kbit links. They had recently done a study to determine if T1 support was required ... which concluded that in 8-10 years there would only be 200 mainframe customers requiring T1 communication support. The issue could have been that the people doing the study were suppose to come up with the results supporting the current product line ... or maybe they didn't understand the evolving communication market segment, or possibly both.
their methodology was to look at customers using 37xx "fat pipes" ... basically being able to operate multiple parallel 56kbit links as a simulated single connection. They found several customers with two parallel links, some with three parallel links, a few with four parallel links and none with higher number. Based on that, they projected that it would take nearly a decade before there were any number of customers with parallel links approaching T1 (1.5.mbits) capacity.
the problem with the analysis at the time was that the telcos were tariffing T1 at approx. the same as five 56kbit links. customers going to more than four 56kbit links were buying full T1 and operating them with hardware from other vendors. A trivial two-week survey turned up 200 mainframe customers with full T1 operations ... something that the communication group was projecting wouldn't occur for nearly another decade.
so last fall, i was at a conference and there was a talk about "google as a supercomputer". the basic thesis was that google was managing to aggregate large collection of processing power and data storage well into the supercomputer range ... and doing it for 1/3rd the cost of the next closest implementation (in terms of cost).
slightly related old post
from when we were working on scaling for our ha/cmp product
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: virtual memory Newsgroups: comp.arch,alt.folklore.computers Date: Thu, 01 Jun 2006 12:02:34 -0600"Eric P." writes:
it was in these particular circumstances (where LRU replacement degenerated to equivalent to FIFO replacement) that RANDOM replacement can be significantly better than LRU/FIFO replacement.
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Google Architecture Newsgroups:,alt.folklore.computers Date: Thu, 01 Jun 2006 12:33:10 -0600Chris.Craddock@CA.COM (Craddock, Chris) writes:
so the issue is effectively how fast fault isolation/recovery/tolerant technology becomes commodized. this is somewhat the scenario that happened with RAID ... when they first appeared, they were frequently depreciated compared to "mainframe" DASD ... but since then, they've effectively turned into the standard.
for a little drift, i've repeated several times before what I did for
i/o supervisor for the dasd engineering and product test labs
(bldg. 14 & bldg 15)
they had "testcells" ... basically hardware under development ... the term testcells somewhat come from the security provisions ... the test hardware were in individual heavy steel mesh "cages" (testing cells) ... inside a secured machine room.
they had tried doing testing in an operating system environment ... but at the time, MVS had a MTBF of 15 mins operating with a single testcell. i undertook to rewrite the i/o supervisor so that it would never fail ... even when operating half-dozen to a dozen testcells concurrently .... allowing the processor complex then to also be used for some number of other tasks concurrently.
bldg 14/15 tended to get early engineering models of processors ... also as part of disk testing. however, in the "stand-alone" mode of operation ... the processors were dedicated to scheduled i/o testing (which tended to be less than one percent cpu utilization).
with the bullet proof i/o supervisor ... the idle cpu could be put to other tasks. at one point, bldg. 15 got the first engineering 3033 (outside of POK) dedicated for disk i/o testing. however, once we had testing going on in an operating system environment, we could take advantage of essentially, an otherwise idle processor.
one of the applications that we moved onto the machine was the air bearing modeling that was going on as part of the development of the 3380 floating heads. SJR had a 370/195 that was being operated as an internal service ... and the air bearing modeling might get an hour or so a couple times a month. however, with essentially an idle 3033 sitting across the street ... we could drastically improve that (the 370/195 was peak rated around 10mips ... but most codes ran in the 5mip range ... and the 3033 was in the 4.5mip range ... but essentially unlimited amounts of 3033 time was still better than a hr or so of 370/195 time a couple times a month).
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Google Architecture Newsgroups:,alt.folklore.computers Date: Thu, 01 Jun 2006 20:17:52 -0600rkuebbin writes:
we took some amount of heat in the 80s from the communication group
working on high-speed data transport
and 3-tier architecture (as extension of 2-tier, client/server)
then in the early 90s ... when we were working on scaling
non-mainframe loosely-coupled for the commercial market
we got hit and told we couldn't work on anything involving
more than four processors ... minor reference:
however, the cluster scaling has evolved in a number of ways. high-energy physics picked it up and evolved it as something called GRID. a number of vendors also contributed a lot of work on GRID technology and since are out pushing it in various commercial market segments ... including financial. some of the early financial adopters are using GRID for doing complex financial analysis in real-time.
some topic drift ... i gave a talk a couple years ago at the
global grid forum
.... select GGF11-design-security-nakedkey in the above.
misc. GRID related news article in the commercial market
Investment Banks Using Grid Computing Models
ASPEED Taking Financial Grids to the Next Level
Wachovia uses grid technology to speed up transaction apps
Grid Computing That Heals Itself
GRID WORLD 2006: New IBM software brings autonomic computing to Grids
as somewhat referenced in a couple of the above ("batch processing
going back 50 years")... bringing "batch" to GRID can be somewhat
viewed as JES3 on steroids. before getting con'ed into going to pok to
be in charge of loosely coupled architecture
my wife had been in the JES group in g'burg. She had been one of the catchers for ASP ... as part of its transformation into JES3. She had also done a business analysis of the major JES2 and JES3 features as part of proposal for creating a merged product. however, that never made it very far ... in part because of a lot of internal politics.
random past posts mentioning jes3: When did IBM go object only MVS vs HASP vs JES (was 2821) Core (word usage) was anti-equipment etc Computer of the century Mainframe operating systems Mainframe operating systems OT? OT? 7090 vs. 7094 etc. Wheeler and Wheeler The Alpha/IA64 Hybrid The Alpha/IA64 Hybrid The Alpha/IA64 Hybrid OCO Crazy idea: has it been done? MVS 3.8J and NJE via CTC IBM S/370-168, 195, and 3033 Collating on the S/360-2540 card reader? HASP: origin of the UNIX dd command If the x86 ISA could be redone Infiniband - practicalities for small clusters spool What system Release do you use... OS390? z/os? I'm a Vendor S JES unification project hasp, jes, rasp, aspen, gold HASP/ASP JES/JES2/JES3 HASP/ASP JES/JES2/JES3 HASP/ASP JES/JES2/JES3 HASP/ASP JES/JES2/JES3 HASP/ASP JES/JES2/JES3 HASP/ASP JES/JES2/JES3 HASP/ASP JES/JES2/JES3 HASP/ASP JES/JES2/JES3 Is a Hurricane about to hit IBM ? Over my head in a JES exit
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Google Architecture Newsgroups:,alt.folklore.computers Date: Fri, 02 Jun 2006 05:56:04 -0600Anne & Lynn Wheeler wrote:
recent news article from yesterday
Cern seeks to tighten security for data grid
from above:
Although large data grids are only starting to be used in business, Cern
is seeing a lot of interest from industry. The lab is developing grids
that will reach across organisational boundaries, allowing multiple
institutions to share resources.
'Businesses are now becoming interested in this kind of grid,' said
Grey. 'Its use could enable suppliers and companies to share resources
and large corporations to share information between business units. Grid
technology will only be adopted if the right type of security solutions
are available.'
... snip ...
other references:
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: virtual memory Newsgroups: comp.arch,alt.folklore.computers Date: Fri, 02 Jun 2006 07:29:39 -0600Brian Inglis writes:
looked at the trade-offs of different sized pages. in (severely) real storage constrained environments ... smaller page sizes met that applications could run efficiently with smaller real storage requirements (i.e. portions of larger page that weren't actually needed by an application would not need to occupy real storage). larger page sizes tended to increase the real storage required by an application to run ... but it tended to result in more efficient use of the paging i/o infrastructure moving larger blocks of data to/from memory.
this was somewhat seen in the 370 architecture from the early 70s. it offered both 2k and 4k page sizes. the dos/vs and vs1 operating systems used 2k page sizes ... since they tended to run on lower end 370 machines which typically had a couple hundred k of real memory (sometimes after fixed kernel requirements ... maybe 100k to 200k ... i.e. 50-100 2k pages ... or 25-50 4k pages). os/vs2 and vm ran with 4k pages.
the trade-off was seen in transition of vs1 to the later 370/148 which had 1mbyte real storage.
vs1 was adaptation of real storage MFT system to virtual memory
... somewhat akin to the earlier description of svs Multiple address spaces Multiple address spaces Multiple address spaces virtual memory
vs1 would define a single 4mbyte virtual address space from which it ran multiple applications ... performing paging operations using 2k pages (typically 370/135 and 370/145 with 256kbyte to 512kbyte real storage).
in the mid-70s, the 138 and 148 follow-on to 135/145 were introduced with 148 configuration typically having 1mbyte of real storage.
A lot of 370/148 configurations operated with vm/370 as the base host system running vs1 in a 4mbyte virtual machine. vs1 would be configured that its 4mbyte virtual address space would be mapped one-for-one to the virtual machine address space. As a result, all 4mbytes of the virtual address space would appear to always be resident and never result in a page fault. A special interface was defined that allowed VM/370 to reflect any virtual machine page faults to the VS1 supervisor (allowing the VS1 supervisor to perform task switch ... although the VS1 supervisor wouldn't otherwise have to perform any operation in support of paging). When VM/370 finished processing the page replacement ... it then could single the VS1 supervisor that the page was now available.
So there were some number of comparisons running VS1 on a "bare" 370/148 with 1mbyte real storage and 2k virtual pages and running VS1 on the same hardware in a virtual machine under VM/370 doing paging with 4k virtual pages (with the total real storage available to VS1 operation reduced by the VM/370 fixed kernel requirements). It turned out that VS1 frequently ran faster under VM/370 than it did running on the bare hardware; i.e. VM/370 performing 4k page i/o operations (for VS1 ... rather than relying on VS1 to perform 2k page i/o operations) more than offset the overhead degradation of operating in a virtual machine.
The issue was that in the mid-70s with the transition to 1mbyte (and larger real storage sizes), systems had changed from being significantly real-storage constrained ... to only being moderately real-storage constrained ... and that the page fault handling and page i/o operations were starting to dominate as source of system bottleneck.
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: virtual memory Newsgroups: comp.arch,alt.folklore.computers Date: Fri, 02 Jun 2006 09:32:13 -0600Del Cecchi writes:
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: virtual memory Newsgroups: comp.arch,alt.folklore.computers Date: Fri, 02 Jun 2006 12:15:29 -0600Anne & Lynn Wheeler writes:
part of the instruction storage ref/change trace and paging
simulation was also the program reoganization work that
was mentioned previously virtual memory
D. Hatfield & J. Gerald, Program Restructuring for Virtual Memory,
IBM Systems Journal, v10n3, 1971
which was eventually released in 1976 as vs/repack
not only were various different sized pages simulated ... but the traces were also used for program re-organization to compact storage (that was used together) into minimum number of pages.
the "small" page advantage in severe real storage constrained configurations was to avoid unnecessarily bringing in parts of virtual storage ... that weren't going to be needed ... which might be brought in when using larger page sizes, increasing the total amount of real memory (unnecessarily).
however with program re-organization ... there would be high probability that adjacent storage would in-fact, be required ... so larger pages would tend to still occupy about the same amount of total real storage (compared to the smaller page sizes) ... with the advantage that the number of faults and fetches to bring in the virtual memory was reduced (fetching chunks in fewer, larger sizes)
as real storage sizes increased ... the benefit of high compaction and utilization from smaller pages would be less of an advantage ... and the larger number of page faults and transfers would become an increasingly significant throughput factor (vis-a-vis larger page sizes with fewer faults and fetches). also, the program restructuring tended to compact things w/o requiring the additional benefit of smaller page sizes.
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: virtual memory Newsgroups: comp.arch,alt.folklore.computers Date: Sat, 03 Jun 2006 08:26:35 -0600Bill Todd writes:
i believe i somewhat contributed to allowing the academic global LRU work to be published by citing real-live data showing both local LRU AND global LRU implementations for the same operating system running on (nearly) the same hardware with (nearly) the same kind of workload (although the global LRU environment was running on hardware that had only 2/3rds the real memory for paging, twice the number of users/workload, and still had better performance than the local LRU implementation).
a few past references: 360/67, was Re: IBM's Project F/S ? Memory management - Page replacement Swapper was Re: History of Login Names virtual memory virtual memory virtual memory virtual memory
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: virtual memory Newsgroups: comp.arch,alt.folklore.computers Date: Sat, 03 Jun 2006 09:01:17 -0600Bill Todd writes:
lots of past posts describing/discussing "big page" implementation. Defrag in linux? - Newbie question index searching Page size (was: VAX, M68K complex instructions) Swapper was Re: History of Login Names What are some impressive page rates? What are some impressive page rates? Blade architectures Do any architectures use instruction count instead of timer Handling variable page sizes? Disk drives as commodities. Was Re: Yamhill PDP10 and RISC Alpha performance, why? Alpha performance, why? Alpha performance, why? Page Table - per OS/Process 1teraflops cell processor possible? 1teraflops cell processor possible? Holee shit! 30 years ago! Paging query - progress Shipwrecks 100% CPU is not always bad Exceptions at basic block boundaries Q ALLOC PAGE vs. CP Q ALLOC vs ESAMAP 25% Pageds utilization on 3390-09? Code density and performance? Code density and performance? Code density and performance? Code density and performance? virtual memory virtual memory The Pankian Metaphor
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: virtual memory Newsgroups: comp.arch,alt.folklore.computers Date: Sat, 03 Jun 2006 10:01:30 -0600Bill Todd writes:
when i was an undergraduate in the 60s ... i did several score different kinds of implementations ... however, i was much more interested in shipping the best implementation for production systems than doing anything with academic publications. there has been very little of the work done in that period that made in into any academic literature. the best apples-to-apples comparison that i know of from the period was the grenoble science center and cambridge science center ... one doing local lru and the other doing global LRU ... both on cp/67 operating system, both on 360/67 machines, and both with similar cms workloads.
in the past i've periodically mentioned observing people in conflicts spending more resources on the argument than the resources required for each participant to go off and implement all possible variations and measure the results.
so one possible solutation is for you to do like I did as an undergraduate in the 60s and go off and implement several score different variations, deploy them in production environments and compare the measurements.
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: virtual memory Newsgroups: comp.arch,alt.folklore.computers Date: Sat, 03 Jun 2006 10:13:19 -0600Morten Reistad writes:
in fact, there was an infamous customer situation that involved upgrading from a 370/168-1 (with 16kbyte cache) to 370/168-3 (with 32kbyte cache).
the customer ran vs1 (with 2k virtual pages) under vm/370. vm/370 nominally ran with 4k virtual pages ... except doing shadow page tables for virtual machine guest operating system .. it used the same page mode (2k or 4k) for the shadow page tables as the virtual machine guest operating system used for their virtual page tables.
so for the transition for 370/168-3 with twice the cache size ... they choose to use the "2k" bit to address the additional cache line entries (under the assumption that this was a high-end machine only used by MVS or some vm). if the 370/168-3 ran with 2k virtual pages it would switch to 16k cache size mode (not using the additional 16k). if there was a switch between 4k virtual page mode and 2k virtual page mode, it would first completely flush the cache.
so for this particular customer, the upgrade from the 370/168-1 to the faster 370/168-3 actually resulted in degraded performance (because of the large number of cache flushes).
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: virtual memory Newsgroups: comp.arch,alt.folklore.computers Date: Sat, 03 Jun 2006 11:10:30 -0600Bill Todd writes:
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: virtual memory Newsgroups: comp.arch,alt.folklore.computers Date: Sat, 03 Jun 2006 11:51:50 -0600Brian Inglis writes:
... and noted that 4341 sales were actually larger than vax. part
of it was some sort of threshold had been crossed and you saw large
corporations placing orders for several hundred 4341s at a time. PDP-1 PDP-1
the issue for the corporation was while the 4341 offered better price/performance than vax ... it was also better performance and better price/performance than the entry level model of the high-end machines. the high-end was where the majority of the revenue was ... and even tho 4341 was larger market than vax ... it still wasn't very significant revenue compared to the high-end.
towards the mid-80s, one of the executives of the high-end division
gave a talk that included the comment that something like 11,000 of
the vax sales should have been 4341s. departmental servers
as mentioned here the total of 750 & 780 sales (thru 1988) was
approx. 46k Computers in Science Fiction
... so the 11,000 that should have been 4341s represented nearly 1/4th of the total combined 750 & 780 sales
however, one of the things that they failed to note was that in some of the internal politics between the mid-range 4341 division and the high-end division ... the high-end division managed to limit allocation of some components needed for buidling 4341s (which was viewed by some as trying to minimize the impact 4341 sales could have on the high-end entry-level machines).
of course by the mid-80s, you were starting to see customers in that mid-range market moving to workstations and high-end PCs for their computing needs. you can also see that in the vax sale numbers in the mid-80s ... while there was continued growth in vax sales during that period ... much of the numbers had shifted to micro-vaxes.
as posted before ... in the later 80s the world wide corporate revenue
was approaching $60b and executives were projecting that it would
double to $120b (they turned out to be wrong, it was possibly a career
limiting move on my part at the time to start predicting that the
company was heading into the red). IBM up for grabs? IBM up for grabs?
this gives revenue for 86 as $51.25b and over 400k employees.
and $58.6b for 1988
quicky search turns up this for a little comparison, this gives DECs
revenue for the last qtr of 1985 and 1986 ($1.9b and $2.3b
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: virtual memory Newsgroups: comp.arch,alt.folklore.computers Date: Sat, 03 Jun 2006 12:38:47 -0600Anne & Lynn Wheeler writes:
bldg15 had gotten the first 3033 engineering model outside of pok
... and the disk testing rarely used more than one percent of the cpu
... so we could do all sorts of stuff with the rest of the processing
power (one was to move over the air bearing simulation work that was
being used for designing the 3380 floating heads) ... recent reference: Google Architecture
similarly, got the first engineering 4341 outside of endicott ...
in fact, i had better 4341 access than the 4341 performance
test group in endicott had ... so they had me run various
of their benchmarks on the 4341 in san jose. misc. old posts
about 4341 benchmarks Is a VAX a mainframe? 4341 was "Is a VAX a mainframe?" Microcode? CDC6600 - just how powerful a machine was it? CDC6600 - just how powerful a machine was it? misc. old benchmarks (4331 & 11/750)
a couple old posts comparing original 4331 & 4341 vis-a-vis vax misc. old benchmarks (4331 & 11/750) misc. old benchmarks (4331 & 11/750) Why only 24 bits on S/360?
and some approx. mip rates for later 4341 models: misc. old benchmarks (4331 & 11/750)
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: virtual memory Newsgroups: comp.arch,alt.folklore.computers Date: Sat, 03 Jun 2006 18:52:26 -0600Peter Flass writes:
there was a share study that observed that 4341 had a lot more infrastructure support requirement than vax ... so while 4341 systems may have been better system price/performance ... there was requirement for scarce resources to support the machine that were hard to find (especially in smaller shops looking at only a machine or two, it was a lot easier to amortize such resources over several hundred or a thousand or two such machines).
we had done quite a bit of work somewhat in conjunction with the ecps
effort for the 148 ... random reference: 370 ECPS VM microcode assist
(follow-on to the 145 and precursor to the 4341) that signifantly addressed lots of those issues. however, that part of the effort was rejected by corporate ... it wasn't clear whether they were ambivalent about moving various aspects of mainframe into more ease of use direction (also part of it included effectively incorporating virtual machine support into base of all shipped machines ... somewhat analogous to modern day lpar support ... which corporate wasn't ready for either ... they still thot there was some chance of killing off virtual machine operation).
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Why I use a Mac, anno 2006 Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.advocacy,alt.folklore.computers Date: Sun, 04 Jun 2006 11:13:37 -0600George Graves writes:
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Virtual Virtualizers Newsgroups: comp.arch Date: Sun, 04 Jun 2006 11:07:50 -0600jsavard@excxn.aNOSPAMb.cdn.invalid (John Savard) writes:
i've posted several times before joint project in early 70s (35 years
ago) between cambridge
and endicott to provide 370 virtual machines under cp67 ... in part
because there were misc. instruction and field definitions between
360/67 virtual memory structure and 370 virtual memory structure;
probably the first use of the internal network in support of a
distributed project
first, was to create a version of cp67 kernel that provided 370 virtual machines ... called "cp67h". then there was a modification of cp67 to run in 370 virtual machine (rather than 360 called "cp67i").
virtual memory hadn't yet been announced for 370 so it was suppose to be a super secret. the cambridge cp67 provided access to non-employees, included students from various educational institutions in the cambridge area (mit, harvard, bu, etc) ... so there was concern if cp67h (providing 370 virtual machines) were to run on the bare hardware ... that details of 370 virtual memory would leak.
so cp67h was normally run in 360/67 virtual machine under cp67l (which was running on the real 360/67 hardware)
so standard operation was something like
cms running in a 370 virtual machine provided by cp67i cp67i running in a 370 virtual machine provided by cp67h cp67h running in a 360/67 virtual machine provided by cp67l cp67l running on real 360/67 machine
so there was recursive tracking of the PSW ... however, the managing PSW status was rather trivial compared to managing the shadow page tables.
you can sort of think of shadow page tables as the TLB for the virtual machine.
cp67i had a set of virtual page tables that mapped cms virtual address space addresses to the addresses into cp67i's (virtual) machine addresses.
cp67h had to simulate cp67i's page tables with shadow page tables. there were replication of cp67's page tables but having cp67h (virtual) machine addresses substituted for the addresses in cp67i's page tables.
then cp67l had to simulate cp67h's page tables (including cp67h's shadow tables simulating cp67i's page tables) using shadow tables that were duplicates of cp67h's page tables ... but substituting the "real" machine addresses for the cp67h (virtual) machine addresses.
misc. past posts mentioning cp67l, cp67h, cp67i stuff HONE was .. Hercules and System/390 - do we need it? determining memory size Vintage computers are better than modern crap ! IBM 3614 and 3624 ATM's intel's Vanderpool and virtualization in general Virtual Machine Hardware DOS/360: Forty years Exceptions at basic block boundaries Behavior in undefined areas? virtual 360/67 support in cp67 What ever happened to Tandem and NonStop OS ? Is VIO mandatory? About TLB in lower-level caches 3380-3390 Conversion - DISAPPOINTMENT
misc. past posts mentioning shadow page tables: Rethinking Virtual Memory Handling variable page sizes? Disk drives as commodities. Was Re: Yamhill unix Multiple layers of virtual address translation Computer-oriented license plates Lock-free algorithms Integer types for 128-bit addressing Virtual Machine Hardware Virtual Machine Hardware Virtual Machine Hardware Exceptions at basic block boundaries Exceptions at basic block boundaries Exceptions at basic block boundaries virtual 360/67 support in cp67 Determining processor status without IPIs wheeler scheduler and hpo Anyone know whether VM/370 EDGAR is still available anywhere? Non Power of 2 Cache Sizes HASP/ASP JES/JES2/JES3 About TLB in lower-level caches About TLB in lower-level caches About TLB in lower-level caches About TLB in lower-level caches About TLB in lower-level caches About TLB in lower-level caches The Pankian Metaphor virtual memory virtual memory
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Virtual Virtualizers Newsgroups: comp.arch,alt.folklore.computers Date: Sun, 04 Jun 2006 11:59:29 -0600jsavard@excxn.aNOSPAMb.cdn.invalid (John Savard) writes:
so the original VMA (virtual machine assist) was done on the 370/158 (and then replicated on the 370/168.
vm370 would load a special value in control register six (CR6) that was otherwise defined as unused/reserved in 370 architecture.
normally virtual machines were run in "problem" state ... and all "privileged/supervisor" state instructions would interrupt into the vm370 hypervisor for simulation. with CR6 loaded, there was support for some supervisor state instructions to be executed in problem state using virtual machine rules.
vm370 ran into some issues with this with cms shared, protected pages. for the morph from cp67/cms to vm370/cms, cms was reorganized to take advantage of the vm370 architecture for 64k (16 4k page) segment "protect". segment table entry for different virtual address spaces could point at the same page table (allowing multiple different virtual address spaces to share the same real pages). 370 virtual memory architecture provided for a "read-only" bit in segment table entry.
however, the hardware development to retrofit virtual memory to 370/165 got something like six months behind schedule. in an escalation meeting, the 165 engineers said they could make up six months if certain features from 370 virtual memory architecutre was dropped ... one of those features was segment protection. that proposal carried the day ... however, the cms shared segment (having multiple different virtual address spaces sharing the same real pages in a protect manner) was impacted.
so, in order to preserve the capability of sharing common real pages ... it was necessary to drop back to a hack using standard storage protection (carried forward from 360 architecture). this provided setting a storage protect key associated with every 2k block of storage (which could apply just store protect or both store & fetch protect). the program status word then carried a corresponding storage protect key. a PSW storage protect key of zero allowed instructions to access/modify any storage. A non-zero PSW storage protect key met that instructions could only access/modify 2k blocks of storage that had storage protect key that matched the PSW storage protect key.
So CMS virtual address spaces were run with a hack that forced all zero storage protect keys (in the cms virtual address space) to non-zero. Furthermore, any new (virtual) PSW loaded by CMS with a zero (PSW) storage protect key was forced to non-zero. The problem was that the virtual machine microcode assist (VMA) only had the rules for standard virtual machine privilege instruction operation (it didn't provide for supporting the fiddling of storage protect keys). As a result, CMS virtual address spaces with "shared segments" had to be run with VMA disabled. It was possible to run a CMS virtual address space w/o any shared segments ... and have VMA enabled ... but the advantage of running with shared real pages (and w/o VMA) was normally much larger than the advantage of running with VMA enabled (and w/o shared real pages).
VMA was signficiantly expanded for the 370/xa on 3081 with
SIE instruction. recent post referencing an old SIE discussion virtual memory
Amdahl then introduced "hypervisor" which was a virtual machine subset all implemented in hardware/microcode (not requiring a software virtual machine hypervisor) ... also mentioned in the SIE ref.
response was "PR/SM" on the 3090 ... which offered similar capability. this evolved into LPARs. Initially PR/SM provided assist for only one level "deep" ... i.e. if a software virtual machine operating system was running in a PR/SM (LPAR) hypervisor ... a lot of the virtual machine assist for its virtual machine was not operational.
there have been recent discussions in various mainframe n.g. about PR/SM being upgraded to handle two level "deep" operation ... i.e. virtual machines running under a software virtual machine operating system which, in turn, was running in PR/SM (LPAR) hypervisor, would have virtual machine microcode assists operational.
misc. past posts about the cms storage protect hack for shared
segments ... after shared segment protect was dropped from 370 virtual
memory architecture: [Lit.] Buffer overruns [Lit.] Buffer overruns Moving assembler programs above the line Moving assembler programs above the line Exceptions at basic block boundaries Exceptions at basic block boundaries VM maclib reference Hadware Support for Protection Bits: what does it really mean? Virtual memory implementation in S/370 virtual memory virtual memory
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Virtual Virtualizers Newsgroups: comp.arch Date: Sun, 04 Jun 2006 12:17:35 -0600Anne & Lynn Wheeler writes:
the other "shadow" process is for virtual machine I/O programs. the operating system in the virtual machine is building I/O programs using what it thinks are "real addresses" (but in fact are virtual addresses of the virtual machine).
for i/o programs, the supervisor implementating the virtual machine support has to make a "shadow" copy of the i/o program in the virtual machine and then swizzle all the virtual machine addresses to "real" addresses (as well a pinning the associated virtual pages to the real addresses for the duration of the i/o).
with regard to sie, pr/sm and recursive virtual machine support by
hardware virtual machine performance assists ... Virtual Virtualizers
here is a discussion of some of the changes for zSeries hardware
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Google Architecture Newsgroups:,alt.folklore.computers Date: Mon, 05 Jun 2006 07:36:00 -0600Craddock, Chris wrote:
a lot of the ACID (and TPC) stuff originated with Jim. When Jim left
system/r group (original relational/sql implementation):
and went to tandem, we would frequently drop by and visit him. In fact,
I got blamed for something called tandem memos ... couple posts with
minor refs:
Later when we were doing ha/cmp (on non-mainframe platform)
and out preaching availability and scale-up on commodity priced hardware
Jim and I had some disagreements ... of course he was with DEC at the time, and they were pitching vax/clusters.
Of course, later he was up on the stage announcing commodity priced clusters for scale-up and availability.
for other drift ... a recent thread discussing some vax/vms and
mid-range mainframe market somewhat from late 70s into mid and
late 80s:
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Mainframe Linux Mythbusting (Was: Using Java in batch on z/OS?) Newsgroups:,alt.folklore.computers Date: Mon, 05 Jun 2006 10:29:58 -0600Ed Gould wrote:
there was a lot of investigation trying to make it almost as transparently part of the machine as current day LPAR. ... basically pre-installed with lots of useability stuff on every machine that went out the door
however this was back in the days when corporate still thot they had a chance to kill vm ... and while they allowed endicott to ship ecps support, the idea that every machine that went out the door had it pre-installed was blocked (along with the lots of the usability stuff)
POK had the vm development group in burlington mall shutdown and all the people were told they had to move to POK to work on the (internal only) VMTOOL supporting mvs/xa development (justification was that mvs/xa development couldn't meet schedule unless they had all the vm developers working on it also) ... and there would be no more vm products for customers. endicott managed to pickup some of the vm370 mission and rescue some of the people from having to move to POK (although quite a few stayed in the boston area and went to places like DEC to work on what was to became VMS).
however, this (138/148) was the leading edge of some companies starting
to order the boxes in large numbers. this really accelerated in the
4331/4341 time-frame where it wasn't unusual to have customers ordering
the boxes in a couple hundred at a time. old reference to one such situation departmental servers
the issue started becoming if the number of machines increase by two orders of magnitude (100 times) ... where does the two orders of magnitude increase in the number of support people come from?
this period also saw a big explosion in the number of vm/4341s on the
internal network
which was nearly almost all vm machines already. at the time the arpanet
cutover to internetworking protocol on 1/1/83, there was possibly 100
arpanet nodes with somewhere between 100 and 255 connected system hosts
however the internal network was almost 1000 nodes by that time ...
almost all vm (and non-sna) machines. a recent thread Arpa address Arpa address Arpa address
vax was also selling into that same mid-range market (as 4331 and 4341).
there was some study that 4341 was better price/performance and a claim
that something like 11,000 vax sales should have been 4341s ... recent
post mentioning the subject: virtual memory
however, in that period there was a SHARE study/report that found that a lot of customers were buying vax (instead of vm/4341s) because of much less resources/skills were needed to install, support and maintain the systems (although overall 4331/4341 did still sell more total than vax, in part because of large customers ordering them a couple hundred at a time).
then there was an expectation of a similar explosion in sales for the
4381 (4341 follow-on) ... but by that time customers were starting to
buy workstations and high-end PCs for that market segment. you can also
see similar affect on the vax sales going into the mid-80s.
The issue in the 80s (especially early 80s) wasn't that sysprogs were no
longer (absolutely) needed ... it was if you had a customer with a
couple large mainframes in a datacenter ... and they ordered 210 4341s departmental servers
where was the additional trained staff going to come from?
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Google Architecture Newsgroups:,alt.folklore.computers Date: Tue, 06 Jun 2006 06:55:05 -0600Phil Payne wrote:
much of the information is maintained with information base technology
(that i developed) ... and applications are used to generate/update the
html files. for instance, the merged financial taxonomy and glossary has
greater than 35,000 hrefs in a single file.
the ietf rfc index files currently have an aggregate of nearly 125,000
a few recent posts mentioning the subject: 64-bit architectures & 32-bit instructions Google is full history of computing
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Google Architecture Newsgroups:,alt.folklore.computers Date: Tue, 06 Jun 2006 07:08:27 -0600R.S. wrote:
then there is the way-back machine. in a thread looking at UK chip&pin vulnerabilities, a URL (from a few years ago) that went into some discussion of the yes card vulnerability, appeared to have become cloaked. however it was still available at the way-back machine.
parts of fraud & vulnerability thread mentioning yes cards ... and
mentioning old web page still at the way-back machine FraudWatch - Chip&Pin, a new tenner (USD10) FraudWatch - Chip&Pin, a new tenner (USD10) Meccano Trojans coming to a desktop near you Meccano Trojans coming to a desktop near you FraudWatch - Chip&Pin, a new tenner (USD10) FraudWatch - Chip&Pin, a new tenner (USD10) FraudWatch - Chip&Pin, a new tenner (USD10) Court rules email addresses are not signatures, and signs death warrant for Digital Signatures
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Google Architecture Newsgroups:,alt.folklore.computers Date: Tue, 06 Jun 2006 08:05:11 -0600Phil Payne wrote:
i'm seeing nearly identical total daily hits from google and yahoo crawlers ... however, the yahoo hits are coming from a much larger number of different, unique originating ip-addresses
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Mainframe Linux Mythbusting (Was: Using Java in batch on z/OS?) Newsgroups:,alt.folklore.computers Date: Tue, 06 Jun 2006 11:57:52 -0600Marian Gasparovic wrote:
very Boyd and OODA-loop oriented
I sponsored Boyd a number of times at internal corporate seminars in the early 80s (it started out being slightly less than full day, but as Boyd evolved some of his talks it began harder and harder to get it all crammed into a single day) .... some number of people would go in thinking it would be a very non-civilian oriented talk and were surprised to find how applicable it was to all sorts of business endeavors (it has since become much more acceptable to reference boyd's OODA-loop concepts in business settings, especially where rapid adaptation and agility to deal with changing circumstances is required).
having projected in the late 80s that things were headed into the red and things would have to change ... in the early 90s, we would periodically visit places like somers for discussions on the subject. nobody would really disagree that things were going to have to change ... but you go back a couple months later and found nothing was changing.
one possible observation was that there were a large number of senior people with possibly 25-30 years experience and their perceived value was based on experience in on a long standing, relatively consistent paradigm. any significant changes in the paradigm would significantly reduce the perceived value of these individuals' experience.
there appeared to be a large contingent of people that didn't disagree that things were going to have to change ... but they were doing everything possible to forestall it until at least after they, personally had retired (and then it would be somebody else's problem)
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: One or two CPUs - the pros & cons Newsgroups:,alt.folklore.computers Date: Tue, 06 Jun 2006 15:08:00 -0600Charles Mills wrote:
370s had extremely strong memory consistency and for cache operations ... a two-processor 370 SMP would run the processor hardware at 90 percent of a uniprocessor ... to allow for handling cross-cache consistency chatter ... so the bare two-processor hardware started out at 1.8times that of a uniprocessor. you added in typical smp kernel overhead and a two-processor smp got something like 1.5 times the thruput of a uniprocessor.
there were games I played with highly optimized and extremely efficient smp kernel processing along with some games related to cache affinity ... and sometimes you could come out with thruput greater than two times a uniprocessor (having twice the cache size and some games with cache affinity and cache hit ratios more than compensating for the base two-processor machine hardware running only 1.8times a single processor).
when 3081 came out it was only going to be in multiprocessor versions (so the uniprocessor vis-a-vis multiprocessor slow-down wasn't going to be evident). however ACP/TPF didn't have multiprocessor support and that represented a significant customer base. Frequently you found ACP/TPF running under VM on 3081 (solely using VM to managed two processor operation). eventually they were forced into coming out with the single processor 3083 ... which had individual processor that ran at nearly 15 percent faster than 3081 processor (because of the elimination of the slow-down provisions for cross-cache chatter)
running the processors (in multiprocessor mode) at only .9 (that of uniprocessor to allow for cross-cache chatter) was only the start. any actual cross-cache chatter could result in even further hardware thruput degradation. going to the four-processor 3084 ... the amount of cross-cache chatter effects got worse (in the two-processor case, a cache was getting signals from one other cache, in the four-processor case, a cache was getting hit with signals from three other caches).
in that time-frame you saw both the VM and MVS kernels restructured so that internal kernel structures and storage management was carefully laid out on cache-line boundaries and done in multiples of cache-lines ... to reduce the impact of stuff like cache-line thrashing. That restructuring supposedly got something like a five percent overall system thruput increase.
there was some joke that to compensate for the smp cache effects, the 3090 caches used a machine cycle ten times faster than that of the 3090 processor machine cycle.
there can be secondary considerations. in the 158/168 time-frame ... 370/158-3 at around 1mip processing was about at the knee of the price/technology curve. the 370/168-3 at around 3mip processing was way past the knee of price/technology curve ... and cost significantly more to build/manufacture.
at one point we had a project called logical machines to build a 16-way smp using 158-3 engines ... that still cost less to manufacture (parts plus build) than a single processor 168. we were going great guns ... until some upper executive realized that MVS was never going to be able to ship 16-way SMP support within the life-time of the project and killed the effort (in part because it wouldn't look good if there was a flagship 16-way smp hardware product and there was no MVS capable of running on it). we had also relaxed some cache consistency requirements ... that made it much less painful getting to 16-way smp operation.
something similar to your description of machine processing states has also been used in the past to describe the overhead of virtual machine operation. if the guest is in wait state ... the amount of virtual machine overhead is zero. if the guest is executing only problem state instructions, the virtual machine overhead is zero. it isn't until you start executing various supervisor state instructions that you start to see various kinds of virtual machine overhead degradation.
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Google Architecture Newsgroups:,alt.folklore.computers Date: Wed, 07 Jun 2006 06:19:23 -0600Phil Smith III wrote:
at the time, somebody commented that there was something like 40k professional nlm librarians world-wide. the process was that they would sit down with a doctor or other medical professional for a couple hrs, take down their requirements and then go off for 2-3 days and do searches ... eventually coming back with some set of results.
nlm had passed the search threashold of extremely large number of articles back around 1980 and had a severe bimodel keyword search problem. out to five to eight keywords ... there would still be hundreds of thousands of responses ... and then adding one more keyword (to the search) would result in zero responses. the holy grail of large search infrastructures has been to come up with the number of responses greater than zero and less than a hundred.
in early 80s, nlm got a interface, grateful med. grateful med could ask for the return of the number of responses ... rather than the actual responses. grateful med would keep tracks of searches and count of responses. the person doing the search seemed to involve a slightly, semi-directed random walk ... looking for a query that met the holy grail ... greater than zero responses and less than one hundred.
finding acceptable responses is problem common to most environments after the number of items pass billions, regardless of the implementation platform.
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Google Architecture Newsgroups:,alt.folklore.computers CC: ibmmain <> Date: Wed, 07 Jun 2006 08:01:16 -0600Anne & Lynn Wheeler wrote:
for even more drift ... a news item from later yesterday
UK Detects Chip-And-PIN Security Flaw
APACS says the security lapse came to light in a recent study of the
authentication technology used in the UK's new "chip-and-PIN" card system.
... snip ...
and some comment UK Detects Chip-And-PIN Security Flaw
not too long after the exploit (from earlier deployments) being
documented in 2002 ... it was explained to a group from the ATM
industry ... leading somebody in the audience to quip
do you
mean that they managed to spend a couple billion dollars to prove that
chips are less secure than magstripes
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Google Architecture Newsgroups:,alt.folklore.computers Date: Wed, 07 Jun 2006 18:28:58 -0600Anne & Lynn Wheeler wrote:
a little drift back to ibm:
gone 404, but lives on at wayback machine
from above:
Safeway and its technology partner IBM were involved in the first 'Chip
and Pin' trials held in the UK in 1997. Recently, Safeway engaged IBM
again to provide the Electronic Payment System (EPS) infrastructure in
support of the company's push forward with the introduction of 'Chip and
... snip ...
the 2002 article mentioning yes card vulnerability describes exploit involving chip&pin deployments in 2002 and earlier.
the most recent article yesterday describes the current chip&pin deployment apparently with the same vulnerability as described in the 2002 article mentioning yes card exploits.
for the yes card exploits in the 90s and thru (at least) 2002, technology that had been around for some time involving compromised and/or counterfeit terminals (that had been havesting magstripe and pins used for creating counterfeit debit cards) ... was adapted to harvesting chip&pin "SDA" data.
The harvested "SDA" data was then loaded into a counterfeit chip. The terminal chip&pin standard called for authenticating the card and then asking the card 1) if the entered PIN was correct (YES), 2) if the transaction was to be offline (YES), and 3) if the transaction was within the account credit limit (YES). The harvested "SDA" data was sufficient for a counterfeit card to fool a terminal ... and then the counterfeit card was programmed to always answer YES to all the terminal's questions (resulting in giving the counterfeit card the yes card name). It was not actually necessary to harvest the valid PIN since the counterfeit yes card would always claim any entered PIN was valid.
Part of the issue with the yes card vulnerability was that it was an attack on the terminal (not the card). Regardless of how valid chip&pin cards had been programmed ... once an attacker had havested "SDA" data ... it was able to create counterfeit yes cards (and attack chip&pin terminals).
somewhat related posting UK Detects Chip-and-PIN Security Flaw
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Dual Core CPUs are slower than Dual Single core CPUs ?? Newsgroups: comp.arch,alt.folklore.computers Date: Thu, 08 Jun 2006 11:12:44 -0600"Mayank" writes:
there is an analogy to this from long ago and far away involving real storage for tss/360 paging (from the 60s). tss/360 was originally announced to run on a 512kbyte 360/67 ... but the tss/360 (fixed) kernel was rapidly growing. eventually the minimum was 768kbytes and to really get anything done with tss/360 you needed 1024kbytes (largest memory configuration).
then benchmarked two processor tss/360 on a two processor 360/67 with two megabytes of real storage (each processor came with 1mbyte max. and multiprocessor support allowed the addressing to be linear) ... and tss/360 thruput was coming out around 3.5times that of tss/360 uniprocessor operation.
somebody made the claim that tss/360 scale-up, multiprocessor support and algorithms were obviously the best in the industry ... being able to get 3.5 times the thruput with only two times the resources.
it turns out that it was a relative measurement, both tss/360 uniprocessor and multiprocessor thruput was quite bad ... using an absolute measure (as opposed to purely relative measurement).
the issue was that the tss/360 kernel requirements had grown so that if you attempted to perform almost any operations ... with the amount of real storage left over for paging in a 1mbyte configuration ... would page thrash. with double the real storage (2mbytes) ... the amount of real storage left over for application paging increased by a factor of 5-10 times (compared to single processor, 1mbyte configuration) ... resulting in tss/360 seeing 3.5 times the aggregate thruput (in two processor configuration) relative to single processor configuration (however, neither numbers were actually that remarkable).
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Token-ring vs Ethernet - 10 years later Newsgroups:,alt.folklore.computers Date: Thu, 08 Jun 2006 15:03:23 -0600Gilbert Saint-Flour wrote:
as part of the SAA terminal emulation strategy,
the T/R cards were built with per adapter thruput targeted at the terminal emulation market segment (say 300 PCs on the same ring). austin had designed & built their own 4mbit t/r (16bit isa) for workstation environments. for rs/6000 they were forced to use the corporate standard 16mbit microchannel t/r card. this card had lower per card thruput than the pc/rt 4mbit t/r card (they weren't allowed to do their own 16mbit microchannel t/r card that had even the same per card thruput as their 4mbit 16bit ISA t/r card).
as part of moving research up the hill from sjr to alm, the new alm building had extensive new wiring. however, in detailed tests they were finding that 10mbit ethernet had higher aggregate thruput and lower latency over the CAT4 wiring than 16mbit t/r going over the same CAT4 wiring.
in the SAA time-frame we had come up with 3-tier architecture
and were out pitching it to customer executives .... including examples showing 10mbit (CAT4 wiring) ethernet deployments compared to 16mbit t/r deployments (using same CAT4 wiring).
we were taking lots of heat from SAA forces which were actively trying to contain 2-tier/client-server and return the paradigm to the terminal emulation from the first half of the 80s (so you didn't need faster per card thruput because you were stuck in terminal emulation paradigm and you were stuck in terminal emulation paradigm because of the limited per card thruput).
we were also taking lots of heat from the t/r contingent. one of the t/r centers had published a paper showing 16mbit t/r compared to "ethernet" ... with ethernet degrading to less than 1mbit aggregate effective thruput. it appeared to be using the ancient 3mbit ethernet specification which didn't even include listen before transmit (part of the 10mbit standard).
about the same time, annual acm sigcomm had a paper that did some detailed look at commoningly deployed ethernet. one of the tests had 30 stations in tight low-level device driver loop transmitting minimum sized packets as fast as possible. In this scenario, effective aggregate thruput of 10mbit ethernet dropped off to 8.5mbits from a normal environment with effective aggregate thruput around 9.5mbits.
disclaimer: my wife is co-inventor for token passing patents (US and international) from the late 70s.
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Token-ring vs Ethernet - 10 years later Newsgroups:,alt.folklore.computers Date: Thu, 08 Jun 2006 18:42:55 -0600Charles Mills wrote:
microchannel 16mbit t/r card were going for something like $900/card
aggregate 16mbit t/r LAN had lower aggregate network thruput than 10mbit ethernet
individual microchannel 16mbit t/r adapter card had lower per card thruput than almost any enet cards and even lower per card thruput than the pc/rt 4mbit t/r 16bit isa card.
there were 10mbit 16bit isa ethernet cards with numerous different chips ... intel (82586), amd (lance), and several others ... with list price in the $100-$200/card range but some starting to show up with street price approaching $50.
ethernet lan had normal aggregate effective thruput in the 9.5mbit range (was both higher aggregate thruput and lower latency than 16mbit t/r)
you could get effective 9.5mbit thruput from large percentage of many of these cards ... equivalent to aggregate effective lan thruput
the 16mbit microchannel t/r cards had target design of terminal emulation with something like 300 sharing the same lan. it wasn't necessary that any individual card have any significant effective thruput (and went for possibly 10 times the price of competitive enet cards).
as more environments started moving from terminal emulation paradigm to client/server paradigm ... you were starting to have server asymmetric bandwidth requirements with individual (server) adapter card thruput equivalent to aggregate lan thruput ... i.e. servers needed to have thruput capacity equal to aggregate requirements of all clients.
there were no token-ring card products that were designed to satisfy the server side of the client/server asymmetric bandwidth requirement (i.e. single adapter card capability of sustaining full aggregate lan bandwidth) ... while a large number of the enet card products provided individual cards that were capable of sustaining peak aggregate lan thruput (and went for as little as almost 1/20th the equivalent 16mbit mircochannel t/r cards).
since a large percentage of all the enet card products could sustain 9.5mbit ... they worked well for both server deployments ... as well as peak instantaneous client use.
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Google Architecture Newsgroups:,alt.folklore.computers CC: ibmmain <> Date: Fri, 09 Jun 2006 06:34:12 -0600re:
oh and late breaking topic drift:
Bank admits flaws in chip and PIN security
Millions at risk from Chip and Pin
Millions in danger from chip and pin fraudsters
UK Banks Expected To Move To DDA EMV Cards
and some comments: UK Detects Chip-And-PIN Security Flaw UK Banks Expected To Move To DDA EMV Cards
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Token-ring vs Ethernet - 10 years later Newsgroups:,alt.folklore.computers CC: ibmmain <> Date: Fri, 09 Jun 2006 08:25:43 -0600Anne & Lynn Wheeler wrote:
the SAA drive was controlling feature/function as part of trying to
maintain the terminal emulation paradigm and forestall transition to
.... or what we were out doing, pitching 3-tier architecture and what
was to become middleware (we had come up with 3-tier architecture and
was out pitching it to customer executives and taken heat from the SAA
consistent with the SAA drive and attempts to maintain the terminal emulation paradigm was the low per card effective thruput and recommended configurations with 100-300 machines sharing the same 16mbit t/r lan (although effective aggregate bandwidth was less than 8mbit with typical configurations dividing that between 100-300 machines).
for some drift, the terminal emulation paradigm would have been happy to stick with the original coax cable runs ... but one of the reasons for the transition to t/r supporting terminal emulation paradigm was that there were large number of installations running in lb/sq-ft loading problems from the overloaded long cable tray runs (there had to be physical cable running from the machine room to each & every terminal).
all of this tended to fence off the mainframe from participating in the emerging new advanced feature/functions around client/server paradigm. enforcing the terminal emulation paradigm was resulting in the server feature/function being done outside of the datacenter and loads of datacenter corporate data leaking out to these servers.
this was what had prompted a senior person from the disk division to
sneaking a presentation into the communication group's internal,
annual world-wide conference, where he started out the presentation by
stating that the communication group was going to be responsible for
the demise of the mainframe disk division. recent reference Google Architecture
for some additional drift, we sporadically claim that the original SOA (service oriented architecture) implementation was the payment gateway.
we had come up with 3-tier architecture (and what was going to be
called middleware) and had also done our ha/cmp product
we were later asked to consult with a small client/server startup that wanted to perform payment transactions on their server.
turns out that two of the people from this ha/cmp meeting
were now at this small client/server startup and responsible for
something that was being called the commerce server
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Token-ring vs Ethernet - 10 years later Newsgroups:,alt.folklore.computers Date: Fri, 09 Jun 2006 12:58:53 -0600R.S. wrote:
in the very early 80s, san jose had a project called DataHub and part of the code implementation was subcontracted out to an organization in Provo. One of the DataHub people in San Jose was making nearly weekly flights to Provo.
At some point corporate dictated abandoning the project ... and the organization in Provo was allowed to assume rights to all of the code that they had been contracted to implement.
misc. past posts mentioning DataHub John Hartmann's Birthday Party No more innovation? Get serious When will IBM buy Sun? Coulda, Woulda, Shoudda moments? Over-the-shoulder effect MP cost effectiveness Alpha performance, why? Infiniband - practicalities for small clusters What ever happened to Tandem and NonStop OS ? What ever happened to Tandem and NonStop OS ? Intel strikes back with a parallel x86 design
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: virtual memory Newsgroups: comp.arch,alt.folklore.computers Date: Fri, 09 Jun 2006 22:02:45 -0600"Del Cecchi" writes:
not only did workstations and high-end PCs start to take over the
mid-range ... but also the low-end. this started to happen before
racetrack ... I claim that is also why 4381 (4341 follow-on) didn't see
the continued explosive growth that the 4341 experienced. the change
in the mid-range market also impacted vax. previous post Mainframe Linux Mythbusting (Was: Using Java in batch on z/OS?)
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: One or two CPUs - the pros & cons Newsgroups:,alt.folklore.computers Date: Sat, 10 Jun 2006 15:50:17 -0600Ted MacNEIL wrote:
for mixed-mode workload, 2084-332 is around 20 times the thruput of 2084-301; the 2084-302 is 1.9 times the thruput of 2084-301 for the same workload. The ratio of thruput increase to number of processors is then 1.9/2 = 95% (for 2084-302) and 20/32 = 62.5% (for 2084-332).
your number of 2084-308 with 2993/450 gives a ratio of 6.65 and for 2084-309 the ratio 3299/450 is 7.33.
the overall MIP ratio to processors of 6.65/8 is 83% and 7.33/9 is 81%. however, the incremental MIP ratio of 306/450 is 68%
from a separate source that provided 2094-7xx "SI MIPs"
for 2094-701, SI MIPs is 608 and 2094-702, SI MIPs is 1193 or an increase of 585 SI MIPs
for 2094-731, SI MIPs is 11462 and for 2094-732, SI MIPs is 11687 or an increase of 225 MIPs
the MIP ratio of 2094-732/2094-701 or 11687/608 is 19.22 ... or approx the same thruput ratio as given for 2084-332 compared to 2084-301 (i.e. the incremental 225 MIPs going from 31 to 32 results in overall effective ratio consistent with other LSPR thruput ratio comparisons).
for 2094-732, the overall SI MIP ratio to processors of 19.22/32 is 60% however the incremental SI MIP ratio of 225/608 (i.e. adding an additional processor going from 31 to 32) is 37%.
i.e. the overall increase in processor complex thruput is increasing at a slower rate than the increase in the number of processors (i.e. by 32 processors, the overall processor complex is 60% of 32 single processors). however, the incremental benefit of adding one additional processor is declining even faster (the incremental benefit of going from 31 processors to 32 processors is only 37% of a full single processor).
so possible interesting additional columns in tables for the redbook might be 1) the current thruput ratio number (to single processor) but divided by the number of processors and 2) incremental thruput divided by the thruput of a single processor.
This would show the percentage overall effective use of the complex (vis-a-vis a single processor) as the number of processors increased, plus the incremental benefit of adding one additional processor (compared to a simple single processor).
for all i know, such information is already in the redbook ... I just didn't see it as I was quickly scanning thru.
my previous post One or two CPUs - the pros & cons
mentioned two-processor 370 have 1.8 hardware MIP of a one processor since each machine ran at .9 cycle to allow for cross-cache chatter ... but typical thruput was in the 1.5-1.6 range because of the additional kernel overhead required to keep multiple processors coordinated.
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: The very first text editor Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers Date: Sat, 10 Jun 2006 16:13:32 -0600Elliott Roper writes:
in business production, batch environment all sorts of things get reported, excepted, and even automagic features developed for handling wide range of exceptions, etc ... somewhat evolving over 50 years with the assumption that the person responsible for the application is not present (there may or may not be people present when the application actually ran ... but there definitly was an orientation that the responsible individuals weren't present and therefor it was necessary to evolve the infrastructure for supporting paradigm w/o the responsible people around).
in contrast, most of the infrastructures that have evolved from interactive platform have tended to make assumptions about responsible people are present and can take whatever corrective actions that are necessary. such infrastructures can be more "user friendly" for some things ... but can be enormously difficult to adapt to a automated "lights out" operation (like huge web farms).
so, in this particular example, it turned out that (for whatever reason) sort exhausted the available file space ... but there was no exception for it and/or anything to catch the exception even if there had been an exception ... and the process continued happily on ... but with only about 20 percent of the people ... including eventually replacing the original file.
then of course when we were doing ha/cmp
we found ourselves talking to some places with 5-nines (aggregate system .99999) availability requirements (five minute total outage per year).
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: One or two CPUs - the pros & cons Newsgroups:,alt.folklore.computers Date: Sat, 10 Jun 2006 20:14:06 -0600Gerhard Adam wrote: What are you losing? It isn't as if these processors are off playing solitaire. They're paying the cost of communication to allow more simultaneous operations for YOUR workload. The primary benefit of this approach is to reduce the queueing impacts of multiple units of work competing for a finite resource. If you don't think this is a reasonable exchange, there is nothing prohibiting you from running your workload on a series of uniprocessors that fully exploit their "MIPS" rating.
This issue of "losing" resources is a false one. The implication is that somehow this is being down on purpose. The resources aren't lost, but rather redirected to accommodate the increased complexity of the system. There is virtually nothing I can think of that scales upwards without a loss of either efficiency, cost, or complexity.
minor topic drift, for a long time the corner stone of SMP operation was
compare&swap instruction. at the science center
charlie had been working on SMP efficiency and fine-grain locking with
CP67 on the 360/67. He invented the compare&swap instruction
(mnemonic chose because CAS are charlie's initials). the first couple
trips to POK trying to get compare&swap into the 370 architecture
were not successful. we were told that the mainstream POK operating
systems didn't care about CAS ... that they could perfectly well get by
with TS (test-and-set). In order to get CAS included in the 370
architecture ... a non-SMP application for CAS would have to be created.
Thus was born the descriptions about how to use various flavors of CAS
in enabled, multi-threaded application code (whether running on single
process or SMP, multiprocessor configurations). The original
descriptions were part of the instruction programming notes ... but in
later principles of operation were moved to the appendix. misc. past
posts on smp, compare&swap, scale-up, etc
tightly-coupled tends to assume extremely fine grain communication and the coordination overhead reflects. loosely-coupled tends to have much courser grained coordination. given that your workload can accommodate courser grained coordination ... a few 20-processor complexes in a loosely-coupled environment ... may, in fact, provide overall better thruput than a single 60 processor operation (where the incremental benefit of each additional processor may be getting close to 1/3rd of a single processor by the time you hit 32 processor configuration).
we saw that in the late 80s when we got involved in both fiber channel standard effort as well as the scalable coherent interface standard effort.
FCS was obviously a loosely-coupled technology ... which we worked on
when we were doing ha/cmp
also minor reference here
One of the engineers in austin had taken some old fiber optic communication technology that had been laying around POK since the 70s (eventually announced as escon on mainframes) and did various tweaks to it ... got it running about ten percent faster effective thruput, and adapted some optical drivers from the cdrom market segment that were less than 1/10th the cost of the drivers that had been defined in POK. This was adapted for full-duplex operation (simultaneously full bandwidth transmission in both directions) and released as SLA (serial link adapter) for rs/6000. Almost immediately he wanted to start on a proprietary version of it that would run 800mbits (simultaneously in both directions). Since we had been working with the FCS standards operation, we lobbied long and hard to drop any idea of doing a propriety definition and instead work on the FCS standard (1gbit, full-duplex, simultaneously in both direction). Eventually he agreed and went on to become the editor of the FCS standards document.
SCI could be used in purely tightly-coupled operation ... but it had a number of characteristics which also could be used to approximate loosely-coupled ... and then there were the things in-between ... for NUMA (aka non-uniform) memory architecture.
SCI could operate as if it was memory references ... but provide a variety of different performance characteristics (somewhat analogous to old 360 LCS ... where some configurations used it as extension of memory for standard execution and other configurations used it like electronic disk .... more akin to 3090 expanded store).
sequent and dg took standard four intel processor shared memory boards ... and configured them on the 64-port SCI memory interface for a total of 256 processors that could operate as a shared memory multiprocessor.
convex took two HP processor shared memory boards ... and configured them on the 64-port SCI memory interface for a total of 128 processors that could operate as a shared memory multiprocessor.
while background chatter for sci is very low ... actually having a lot of different processors hitting the same location constantly can degrade much faster than more traditional uniform memory architecture. at some point the trade-off can cross.
so partitioning can be good ... convex took and adapted MACH for the exemplar. one of the things they could do to cut down fine grain coordination scale-up issues is partition the exemplar into possibly 5-6 twenty processor shared memory multiprocessor ... then they could simulate loosely-coupled communication between the different complexes using synchronous memory copies.
this was partially a hardware scale-up issue ... scaling shared kernel that was constantly hitting same memory locations from a large number of different real processors ... and partially using partitioning to manage complexity growth. this is somewhat like LPARs are used to partition to manage complexity of different operations that may possibly have somewhat different goals ... which would be a lot more difficult using a single system operation.
for other historical topic drift ... MACH was picked up from CMU ...
someplace that andrew file system, andrew windows & widgets,
camelot, etc had come out of. In this period there was Project Athena
at MIT ... jointly funded by DEC and IBM to the tune of $25m each
(from which came Kerberos, X, and some number of other things). While
IBM funded CMU to the tune of $50m. Mach was also picked up at the
basis for NeXT and later for apple operating system (among others).
some misc. kerberos refs:
LANL somewhat sponsored/pushed HIPPI thru standards organization (as standard of Cray's copper parallel channel). LLNL somewhat sponsored/pushed FCS thru standards organization (as a fiber version of a serial copper connectivity that they had deployed). And SLAC somewhat sponsored/pushed SCI thru the standards process.
misc. old posts mentioning HIPPI, FCS, and/or SCI what makes a cpu fast M$ SMP and old time IBM's LCMP rebirth Expanded Storage Device and channel Is Supercomputing Possible? Today's mainframe--anything to new? Performance and Capacity Planning 54 Processors? Cache coherency protocols: Write-update versus write-invalidate DMV systems?
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: The very first text editor Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers Date: Sun, 11 Jun 2006 07:28:46 -0600jmfbahciv writes:
note that the time-sharing stuff
originating out of the science center
was totally different than the batch stuff that the company was better
known for. however, the dominance of the perception about the batch
stuff seemed to frequently totally obscure the fact that the size of
the company's time-sharing install market was actually larger than
any other companies' time-sharing install (or even total install)
... i.e. past comments that just the number of vm/4341 installs were
comparable to the total number of vax machine sales (in the late
70s and early 80s). virtual memory Arpa address PDP-1 virtual memory virtual memory virtual memory virtual memory Google Architecture Mainframe Linux Mythbusting (Was: Using Java in batch on z/OS?) virtual memory
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Mainframe Linux Mythbusting (Was: Using Java in batch on z/OS?) Newsgroups:,alt.folklore.computers Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2006 07:21:59 -0600Paul Gilmartin wrote:
in heavily SNA centric environment, the term "peer-to-peer" networking was invented to describe standard networking (as understood by most of the rest of the world) differentiated from SNA communication infrastructures.
in the early SNA days, my wife had co-authored peer-to-peer networking
architecture with Bert Moldow ... AWP39 (which never got announced as
product, sna group possibly viewed it as competition). Later, when she
was con'ed into going to POK to be in charge of loosely-coupled
architecture ... she originated Peer-Coupled Shared Data
which didn't see a lot of uptake ... except for the guys doing IMS hot-standby ... at least until parallel sysplex came along.
the closest thing to networking within any kind of SNA context was AWP164 ... which the SNA organization non-concurred with announcing. After some escalation, AWP164 announcement letter ... "APPN" was carefully crafted to not imply any relationship between AWP164/APPN and SNA.
I used to chide the person responsible for AWP164 that he was wasting his time trying to craft networking into SNA context ... they were never going to appreciate and/or accept him ... he would be much better off spending his time working within a real networking context like the internet.
note that the explosion in the internal corporate network in the 70s and
early 80s ... wasn't an SNA implementation either .... however it had a
form of gateway capability implemented in every node. slight drift ...
it was another product brought to you courtesy of the science center
as was virtual machines, the (smp) compare&swap instruction, the
invention of GML (original ancestor of sgml, html, xml, etc), and
numerous interactive technologies. i've also asserted that all the
performance measurement, modeling, workload profiling, etc, etc ...
evolved into what is now called capacity planning
in any case (in part because of the gateway like function), the internal
was larger than arpanet/internet from just about the beginning until
possibly mid-85. the "arpanet" got its gateway capability with the great
switchover to internetworking protocol on 1/1/83.
recent thread that discussed the size of the internal network vis-a-vis
the size of the arpanet Arpa address Arpa address Arpa address Arpa address Arpa address Arpa address Arpa address Arpa address Arpa address Arpa address Arpa address Arpa address Arpa address Arpa address
misc. past posts mentioning AWP39 and/or awp164 (appn): RS/6000 in Sysplex Environment IBM 3705 and UC.5 EBCDIC to 6-bit and back DUMP Datasets and SMS DUMP Datasets and SMS What ever happened to Tandem and NonStop OS ? Channel Distances Need Help defining an AS400 with an IP address to the mainframe virtual memory Arpa address Sending CONSOLE/SYSLOG To Off-Mainframe Server Google Architecture
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Mainframe Linux Mythbusting (Was: Using Java in batch on z/OS?) Newsgroups:,alt.folklore.computers Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2006 07:49:59 -0600Ed Gould wrote:
a lot of the original hasp/jes2 networking code running originally on the internal network still carried the "TUCC" identifier on source code "cards".
HASP had a 255 entry table for pseudo devices. the hasp/jes2 support
started out defining networking nodes using unused entries in the pseudo
device table. that typically allowed JES2 to define something like
160-200 networking nodes. misc. past hasp &/or jes2 postings
by the time JES2 networking was announced as a product, the internal
network had over 255 nodes
and by the time JES2 had support for 999 nodes, the internal network was over 1000 nodes, and by the time JES2 had support for 1999 nodes, the internal network was over 2000 nodes. JES2 would trash any network traffic that came thru the node, where JES2 didn't have the destination node in its local table. However, JES2 also would trash any network traffic where the originating node wasn't in its local table. This made JES2 almost unusable on the internal network except as carefully controlled end-node (not as any sort of intermediate store&forward node).
the other problem was that JES2 network architecture was notorious for getting networking mixed up with work load processing. relatively minor changes in header formats between releases could result in one JES2 system crashing another JES2 (and associated MVS) system. there is an infamous case on the internal network where a JES2 system in San Jose was causing MVS system crashes in Hursley.
since the primary mainstay of the internal network had implemented gateway-like capability ... it also implemented a large array of different interfaces/gateways to JES2 systems .... allowing JES2 networking some modicum of participation in the internal network. because of the problem with one jes2 system causing other jes2/mvs systems to crash (due to even minor from changes in version/releases) ... there grew up compensating processes in the internal network jes2 gateway interfaces. basically a canonical jes format representation. An internal network interface that talked directly to a real JES2 node ... would be specific to that version/release of jes2 ... and eventually had the code that converted from canonical JES2 format to the format needed by that specific JES2 system (as countermeasure preventing different JES2 systems causing each other to crash).
as an aside ... the corporate requirements for the internal network required all transmission leaving a corporate facility to be encrypted. at one point there was the claim that the internal network had over half of all the link encryptors in the world. one of the harder issues getting internal network connectivity in various parts of the world was the issue of encrypted links crossing national boundaries ... it was frequently a really tough sell to get two (or more) different government agencies to all agree that a link going from one corporate location (in one country) to another corporate location (in a different country) could be encrypted.
disclaimer ... during part of this period my wife served a stint in the g'burg jes group.
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: One or two CPUs - the pros & cons Newsgroups:,alt.folklore.computers Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2006 08:13:01 -0600Brian Westerman wrote:
the trivial corollary then is that the incremental increase as a percentage of a single processor ... is also declining (and has to decline faster than the overall decline ... or otherwise the simple arithmetic showing decline in overall thruput as a function of the number of processors ... wouldn't be happening).
ref: One or two CPUs - the pros & cons One or two CPUs - the pros & cons One or two CPUs - the pros & cons
take some of the LSPR ratios listed in this reference
and do some trivial arithmetic ... divide the overall thruput multiplier by the number of processors and see that the percentage declines as the number of processors increase. in order for that percentage to decline the incremental thruput increase contributed by each additional processor has to be decreasing.
i.e. from previous post One or two CPUs - the pros & cons
from some trivial examples in
in the PDF version of the reference document ... see table 5-1 LSPR table Z990 on (PDF) page 177 ... or document page 164.
going from one processor to two processors has thruput factor going from 1.0 to 1.9 (of a single processor) ... actually low of 1.8 to a high of 1.95.
if you divide the two-processor 1.9 thruput factor by the number of processors, you get .95. however, the incremantal performance is .9 (going from one processors to two processors) so dividing .9 by 1 ... gives that the incremental addition of the 2nd processor is .9.
by the time you are at 32 processors the thruput factor is around 20 (for different workloads it ranges between 14.17times to 24.18times). if you divide the thruput factor 20 by the number of processors ... you get approximately .60. if you calculate the difference in thruput increase between 31 processors and 32 processors ... you find that the amount of thruput increase of adding the one additional processor (going from 31 processors to 32 processors) is equivalent to less than 40percent of a single processor.
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: virtual memory Newsgroups: comp.arch,alt.folklore.computers Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2006 09:03:01 -0600Del Cecchi writes:
so a lot of that 4341/vax trade-off (hardware versis people cost) started moving to significantly cheaper hardware in the mid-80s which frequently also had lower skill requirements (workstations and large PCs).
for the market segment that as400 and s/36 was in ... the people/skill trade-off appeared to still represent a dominant issue. however in the late 80s ... we had some talks with the guy running gsd application software (as400, s/38, s36) ... my wife had worked with him when they had both been in the g'burg jes group (long ago and far away). he indicated that he was seeing some amount of s36 application software running on PCs in various ways.
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Supercomputers Cost Newsgroups: comp.arch Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2006 09:04:52 -0600Del Cecchi writes:
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Mainframe Linux Mythbusting (Was: Using Java in batch on Newsgroups:,alt.folklore.computers Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2006 09:35:05 -0600gilmap@ibm-main.lst wrote:
in hsdt
i had one effort to ship a peer-to-peer networking operation that had ability to emulate 37xx (hardware/software) around the edges. it had originally been implemented on S/1 boxes by one of the RBOCs. i was going to move it to ha/cmp rs/6000 configurations.
the trivial use of real (peer-to-peer) network provided the ability to do a large number of things for sna configurations that were impossible in real sna operation.
dominant issue was that it would have severely impacted the communication groups 37xx revenue.
i accidentally got invited to give a presentation on the project at an SNA ARB (architecture review board) meeting in raleigh. afterwards, the person running ARB was very agitated and wanted to know how it was that I had been invited ... I think he wanted to make sure it never happened again. part of the problem was that it seemed that most of the people (or at least most of the technical people) in the audience wanted to stop work on what they were doing and come work on what I was doing. That, of course, wasn't allowed to last long.
old thread discussing some amount of that effort: System/1 ? System/1 ? System/1 ? System/1 ? Series/1 as NCP (was: Re: System/1 ?)
the post System/1
includes part of the presentation that I gave at the ARB meeting. it gives both a functional and a business cost analysis for comparable configurations (based on series/1 hardware ... not rs/6000 hardware).
disclaimer: as an undergraduate ... there was some things that I wanted
to do with 2702 telecommunication controller ... that it turned out
couldn't be done. somewhat as a result, the university started a project
that reversed engineered the mainframe channel interface and built a
channel interface board for an interdata/3 ... which was programmed to
emulate a telecommunication controller. there was some write-up blaming
four of us for spawning the clone controller business
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: the new math: old battle of the sexes was: PDP-1 Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2006 10:08:34 -0600Al Balmer writes:
somewhat as a result, there was a researcher that was hired that sat in the back of my office for nine months, went with me to meetings, etc ... taking notes on how i communicated. they also got copies of all my incoming and outgoing email and logs of all instant messaging. a version of the final research report was also published as a stanford phd thesis ... joint between language and computer ai depts.
the researcher turned out to have been a professional ESL teacher for several years. at one point they made some statement about my having many of the characteristics of a non-native english speaker ... but w/o any other native spoken language.
misc. past related posts (computer mediated conversation)
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Mainframe Linux Mythbusting Newsgroups:,alt.folklore.computers Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2006 11:43:37 (Bob Kaplow) writes:
the big transition for arpanet was moving to internetworking protocol on 1/1/83. prior to internetworking ... you could have everything under a single administrative domain (even have bbn publishing network wide maint. schedules on the arpanet imp nodes). with the transition to internetworking and multiple environments ... DNS somewhat came into its own ... in part because you were having to deal with multiple administrative/policy domains.
random uucp bang references from quick search engine use
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Mainframe Linux Mythbusting (Was: Using Java in batch on z/OS?) Newsgroups:,alt.folklore.computers Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2006 12:17:04 -0600Ted MacNEIL wrote:
with respect to the previous post about running sna thru a real
(peer-to-peer) networking infrastructure Mainframe Linux Mythbusting (Was: Using Java in batch on z/OS?)
and eliminating the communication groups whole 37xx business .... the obvious reaction was to get corporate to make sure all of my funding was cut.
the couldn't actually kill the project because it came out of another organization and most of the work was going to be subcontracted to the original (RBOC) implementers (just no money).
so showing a little ingenuity ... we went to one of the largest SNA customers. they had a huge annual budget devoted to operational and infrastructure things to compensate for SNA shortcomings. we showed that the fully funded costs for development, ship, and support of this other thing ... plus the hardware costs replacing all the 37xx boxes ... was less than their first year savings on all the add-on stuff that they could now eliminate (i.e. the customer would fund the total product development and product ship costs ... because they would easily recover that within the first year of operation).
getting that part stopped required other measures.
so there was an early mainframe tcp/ip implementation. in the late 80s, it would get about 44kbyte/sec aggregate thruput and consume just about a whole 3090 processor. i added rfc 1044 support to the implementation and in some tuning tests at cray research between a 4341 (clone) and a cray machine was able to show sustained effective thruput of approx. 1mbyte/sec using only a modest amount of the 4341 processor (limited to the controller hardware interface to the 4341 channel); i.e. about 25 times the thruput for maybe 1/20th the pathlength.
was somehow able to sneak out rfc 1044 support in the product when
they weren't paying attention. misc. past posts mentioning rfc 1044
the communication division finally came out and said that even tho sna
and OSI were strategic (govs. and large institutions and organizations
were all publicly claiming that all that internetworking stuff was going
to be eliminated and replaced by osi)
... that they were doing a tcp/ip implementation support in vtam. there was an organization in palo alto sq (corner of page mill and el camino) that was sometimes referred to as communication "west". they got the job of subcontracting the vtam implementation to a contractor.
the first/original (vtam) implementation had tcp/ip thruput significantly higher than lu6.2. it was then explained to the contractor that all protocol analysis have shown that lu6.2 has higher thruput than tcp/ip ... and therefor any tcp/ip implementation that benchmarked tcp/ip with substantially higher thruput than lu6.2 was incorrect ... and the company wasn't going to pay for an incorrect tcp/ip implementation. so what did the contractor do?
in that time-frame there was some analysis of NFS implementation running on top of typical tcp/ip ... common bsd tahoe/reno workstation implementation. there was a range of implementations from a low of 5k instruction pathlength (and five buffer copies) to something like 40k instruction pathlength ... to do a typical NFS operation.
in some detailed comparisons, it was claimed that somewhat equivalent mainframe function (not NFS, but the closest that SAA had to NFS capability) implemented on top of LU6.2 required 160k instruction pathlength and 15 buffer copies. Also, at the time, one of the issues in doing an 8kbyte buffer copy (involved in a NFS equivalent operation) was that 15 8k buffer copies could cost more processor cycles than executing the 160k instructions.
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Memory Mapped I/O Vs I/O Mapped I/O Newsgroups: comp.arch Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2006 12:49:30 -0600Terje Mathisen wrote:
now the questions that appear to be trying to get their homework done for them ... seem to be relatively randomly distributed all year ... with no particular obvious clustering.
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: virtual memory Newsgroups: comp.arch,alt.folklore.computers Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2006 13:09:09 -0600Del Cecchi writes:
note besides the people skill issue ... there was also other aspects of the target market segment. a significant percentage of the explosive vm/4341 growth in late 70s and early 80s, was personal computing time-sharing. very little of the as400 and s/36 market directly involved personal computing type operations ... so there was much less direct impact of PC personal computing on as400 and s/36 customer market segment than on the vm/4341 personal computing time-sharing installs.
misc. posts about cp67 and vm370 personal computing time-sharing
over the years
but as i mentioned, later you did start to see porting of s/36 application software to pc platforms (in part because s/36 got shot).
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: DEC's Hudson fab Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2006 13:45:46 -0600KR Williams writes:
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: DEC's Hudson fab Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2006 09:00:35 -0600Howard S Shubs writes:
a semi-custom chip was done for an aads chip strawman
in a fab in dresden and had to put on a bunny suit for the walk thru.
a few comments regarding aads chip strawman vis-a-vis recent chip-and-pin UK Detects Chip-And-PIN Security Flaw UK Detects Chip-And-PIN Security Flaw UK Banks Expected To Move To DDA EMV Cards New ISO standard aims to ensure the security of financial transactions on the Internet Naked Payments IV - let's all go naked
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: DEC's Hudson fab Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2006 09:21:55 -0600Anne & Lynn Wheeler writes:
it was class 1 clean room,,51_52_9999_507,00.html
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Supercomputers Cost Newsgroups: comp.arch,alt.folklore.computers Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2006 15:18:07 -0600Thomas Womack writes:
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: DEC's Hudson fab Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2006 09:53:09 -0600Roland Hutchinson writes:
Anne & Lynn Wheeler |
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: DEC's Hudson fab Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2006 09:09:07 -0600"Peter \"Firefly\" Lund" writes:
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Large Computer Rescue Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers,comp.sys.dec, Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2006 09:15:36 (Bob Koehler) writes:
gcard ios3270 was attempt to emulate a lot of the green card with online 3270 screens. it doesn't quite have everything ... it doesn't have the punch card hole equivalences for bcd and ebcdic
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: DEC's Hudson fab Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2006 10:48:52 -0600Anne & Lynn Wheeler writes:
at the time, the articles also talked about coming from a society with a 98percent literacy rate that it took a bit of adjustment to adapt to a society with a 68percent literacy rate.
i've posted before about stuff from a little later in the early 90s, article quoting census study that half of the high-school graduate age people were functionally illiterate; half of the technical graduates from cal. univ/colleges were foreign born, major mid-western univ. commenting that between 1970 and 1990 they had to "dumb" down tech books for entering students.
recently there was some article about techincal higher education programs having lots of vacant seats (possibly a lot of the former, foreign born, students are finding institutions of higher eduction closer to home). in any case, one institution to try and fill the empty seats, went out and recuited a whole bunch of "special" students ... but it didn't work out; they all flunked out within 2-3 months.
misc. past posts: High Level Language Systems was Re: computer books/authors (Re: FA: How will current AI/robot stories play when AIs are real? How will current AI/robot stories play when AIs are real? hyperblock drift, was filesystem structure (long warning) Offshore IT Offshore IT Offshore IT [IBM-MAIN] NY Times editorial on white collar jobs going The SOB that helped IT jobs move to India is dead! The SOB that helped IT jobs move to India is dead! The SOB that helped IT jobs move to India is dead! The SOB that helped IT jobs move to India is dead! Low Bar for High School Students Threatens Tech Sector Losing colonies Mozilla v Firefox Where should the type information be? Academic priorities The Pankian Metaphor
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Large Computer Rescue Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers,comp.sys.dec, Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2006 11:06:32 -0600long ago as a student programmer, i had a summer job to port 1401 MPIO program to 360/30. basically MPIO acted as front-end card->tape and tape->printer/punch for the univerisity 709. they could run 360/30 in 1401 hardware emulation mode and run original MPIO ... so maybe it was just a make-work job for student programmer.
i got to design and implement my own supervisor, task manager, device handlers, storage manager. it was eventaully about 2000 source assembler cards ... and my default mechanism was to assemble it under os/360 and then reboot the machine with stand-alone loader.
to fix a bug in source and re-assemble ... was approx. an hour elapsed time ... rebooting os360, and then re-assembling my source program (which took half hour elapsed time). so i got relatively good at patching the "binary" card output of the assembler. I hadn't discovered "REP" cards ... so I would find the appropriate card ... and "multi-punch" a patch using a 026 keypunch (i.e. duplicate the card up to the patch, multi-punch the patch on the new card and then finish duplicating the rest of the card). after a while i got so i could read the key-punch holes as easily as i could read and interpret hex (I could fan the card deck looking for the TXT card with the relative program address of the location needing patching ... i.e. translating the punch holes in the card address field into hex).
one representation that still sticks solidly in my mind is 12-2-9 punch holes for hex '02'. convention was that assembler and compiler binary executable output cards had 12-2-9 in column one, followed by executable control card "type" (i.e. ESD, TXT, RLD, END, etc).
misc. past posts mentioning 12-2-9 and/or various 12-2-9 card
formats finding object decks with multiple entry points IBM Model Numbers (was: First video terminal?) Text (was: Review of Steve McConnell's AFTER THE GOLD RUSH) Is anybody out there still writting BAL 370. Commenting style (was: Call for folklore) Blade architectures PLX bps loader, was PLX Early computer games Relocation, was Re: Early computer games command line switches [Re: [REALLY OT!] Overuse of symbolic Is the solution FBA was Re: FW: Looking for Disk Calc Where should the type information be: in tags and descriptors Where should the type information be: in tags and descriptors Free to good home: IBM RT UNIX IBM 610 workstation computer Binder REP Cards (Was: What's the linkage editor really wants?) REP cards
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <> Subject: Re: Why no double wide compare and swap on Sparc? Newsgroups: comp.arch,alt.folklore.computers Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2006 11:27:47 -0600Andy Glew writes:
the traditional locking on 360 multiprocessors had been test-and-set.
charlie was doing a lot of multiprocessor fine-grain locking work for
cp/67 at the science center
when he invented compare&swap (came up with compare&swap to match charlie's initials "CAS").
a large part of the invention of compare&swap was because he noted that much of the fine-grain test&test locking was purely for some simple storage updates ... aka pointers and counters ... and that compare&swap could accomplish both the "locking" of the earlier test-and-set ... but the compare&swap semantics could also be used to directly accomplish various storage updates w/o having to acquire independent locking operations.
early attempts to deal with the pok 370 architecture group trying to get compare&swap into 370 architecture wasn't successful. they claimed that the "mainstream" (pok) operating system group didn't see sufficient additional smp benefit of compare&swap over the earlier simple test-and-set for locking. they said that in order to get compare&swap justified for 370 architecture a non-smp lock use had to be used.
as a result, the multi-threaded application use for various storage location updates was invented (independent of running on a single processor or a multiprocessor). in the traditional smp kernel use, the instruction stream is disabled for interrupts so a lock, load, modify, sotre, unlock sequence ... so there isn't a lot of deadlock problems. in multi-thread applications, the lock, update, unlock sequence could be interrupted with another thread getting dispatched and then deadlocking (which then requires all sorts of logic to avoid). the atomic compare&swap operation significantly reduced the various deadlock scenarios and software complexity for dealing with them.
the original rios/power/rs6000 didn't have support for shared-memory multiprocessing as well as no compare&swap instruction. the problem was that in the intervening years (between early 70s and early 90s) a number of multi-threaded applications (like large database infrastructures) had adopted use of compare&swap instruction. in order to simplify support, aix defined a software compare&swap macro ... which interrupted into the kernel and had a special fast-path for emulating compare&swap semantics (while disabled for interrupts, aka approx. atomic compare&swap in a single processor environment).
misc. past posts on smp, compare&swap, etc