List of Archived Posts

2010 Newsgroup Postings (09/05 - 10/15)

UAE Man-in-the-Middle Attack Against SSL
zSecurity blog post - "READ is not benign"
UAE Man-in-the-Middle Attack Against SSL
JES2 vs. JES3
zSecurity blog post - "READ is not benign"
Cyber criminals seek 'full' sets of credentials that trade for only a few pounds
zSecurity blog post - "READ is not benign"
JES2 vs. JES3
JES2 vs. JES3
'Here you have' email worm spreads quickly
Mainframe Slang terms
Mainframe Slang terms
Mainframe Slang terms
Mainframe Slang terms
Mainframe Slang terms
Sabre Talk Information?
What non-IBM software products have been most significant to the mainframe's success
Mainframe Slang terms
A mighty fortress is our PKI, Part III
What non-IBM software products have been most significant to the mainframe's success
What non-IBM software products have been most significant to the mainframe's success
Data breaches remain high
Credit Card with a Computer Inside
A question about HTTPS
Will new card innovation help interchange and improve retention?
z/OS, TCP/IP, and OSA
z/OS, TCP/IP, and OSA
Will new card innovation help interchange and improve retention?
Idiotic programming style edicts
z/OS, TCP/IP, and OSA
Idiotic programming style edicts
Idiotic programming style edicts
Idiotic programming style edicts
Access z/OS 3270 TSO from "smartphone"?
Idiotic programming style edicts
Idiotic programming style edicts
Do we really need to care about DNS Security?
Idiotic programming style edicts
Central vs. expanded storage
Idiotic programming style edicts
Central vs. expanded storage
Really dumb IPL question
Paper tape
Who are these people who think cybersecurity experts are crying wolf?
Idiotic programming style edicts
Who are these people who think cybersecurity experts are crying wolf?
ZeuS attacks mobiles in bank SMS bypass scam
Is the United States the weakest link when it comes to credit card security?
ZeuS attacks mobiles in bnak SMS bypass scam
TARP Bailout to Cost Less Than Once Anticipated
Paper tape
Who are these people who think cybersecurity experts are crying wolf?
Is the United States the weakest link when it comes to credit card security?
PL/I vs. Pascal
The 10 Highest-Paid CEOs Who Laid Off The Most Employees
Who are these people who think cybersecurity experts are crying wolf?
Paper tape
PL/1 as first language
Question: Why Has Debit Grown So Quickly?
PL/1 as first language
Oracle database design slowed Chase online banking fix
When will MVS be able to use cheap dasd
Big Iron — The Mainframe Story
When will MVS be able to use cheap dasd
PL/1 as first language
Outgunned: How Security Tech Is Failing Us
PL/1 as first language
Fujitsu starts shipping 800 rack 80,000 chip 'K' supercomputer
Fujitsu starts shipping 800 rack 80,000 chip 'K' supercomputer
Fujitsu starts shipping 800 rack 80,000 chip 'K' supercomputer
When Merchants Get Rid Of Cardholder Data
Mainframe hacking?
FW: The meaning of SCIDS
When will MVS be able to use cheap dasd
Mainframe hacking?
ZeuS attacks mobiles in bank SMS bypass scam
Mainframe hacking?
Question: Why Has Debit Grown So Quickly?
Hashing for DISTINCT or GROUP BY in SQL
Hashing for DISTINCT or GROUP BY in SQL
Hashing for DISTINCT or GROUP BY in SQL
Hashing for DISTINCT or GROUP BY in SQL
Hashing for DISTINCT or GROUP BY in SQL
Hashing for DISTINCT or GROUP BY in SQL

UAE Man-in-the-Middle Attack Against SSL

From: (Lynn Wheeler)
Date: 05 Sep, 2010
Subject: UAE Man-in-the-Middle Attack Against SSL
Blog: Schneier on Security
re: UAE Man-in-the-Middle Attack Against SSL

DNSSEC is somewhat catch-22 for the Certification Authority industry. Originally, SSL was to offset various perceived weaknesses in DNS infrastructure. Improving the integrity of the DNS infrastructure, mitigates the justification for SSL.

Also, when we were doing this stuff that is now called electronic commerce (with SSL), we had to do various walkthru and audits of (SSL) CAs. Basically they require a lot of identification information from an SSL applicant, which then they have to match with what is on file at DNS as to the domain owner. As a result, DNS is the REAL trust root for SSL (with CA process somewhat obfuscating the fact). If you can't trust key fingerprints or other details obtained from DNS ... then how can the CAs trust DNS for information about the domain owner (for issuing a certificate). CAs need improved DNS integrity for the information they need, which would also improve DNS integrity for DNSSEC information.

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

zSecurity blog post - "READ is not benign"

Refed: **, - **, - **
From: (Lynn Wheeler)
Date: 05 Sep, 2010
Subject: zSecurity blog post - "READ is not benign"
Blog: MainframeZone
We had been brought in to consult with small client/server startup that wanted to do payment transactions on their server, the startup had also invented this technology called SSL they wanted to use; the result is now frequently called electronic commerce.

Somewhat as a result, in the mid-90s, we were asked to participate in the x9a10 financial standard working group which had been given the requirement to preserve the integrity of the financial infrastructure for all retail payments. Part of the x9a10 work was detailed threat & vulnerability studies of the large number of different retail payments (credit, debit, stored-value, point-of-sale, unattended, face-to-face, internet, wireless, high-value, low-value, transit turnstile, contact, contactless, etc). The result was the x9.59 financial standard which slightly tweaked the current paradigm to eliminate crooks being able to use knowledge of account numbers or harvested information from previous transactions, to perform fraudulent financial transactions.

We were also tangentially involved in the cal. state data breach legislation when we were asked in to help wordsmith the cal. state electronic signature legislation. several of the other participants were also heavily involved privacy issues and had done detailed consumer surveys. The number one privacy issue was "identity theft", mainly the form of "account fraud" where crooks use information harvested from previous transactions to perform fraudulent transactions (i.e. a kind of replay-attack, as a result of skimming, data breaches, etc;). NOTE: x9.59 standard did nothing to prevent such skimming and data breaches ... it just eliminated crooks being able to use the information for performing fraudulent transactions.

There seemed to be little or nothing being done about major source of such information from data breaches. Part of the issue, is the parties needing to protect/secure the information, aren't at risk from the breaches (the account holders are at risk, not the parties with the respositories breached). W/o something like the data breach legislation, there seemed to be no way to motivate the parties to protect the transaction databases (as long as the current payment transaction paradigm exists ... transition to x9.59 and changing the paradigm, eliminates the criminal motivation for the breaches since the information is no longer useful for performing fraudulent transactions).

In the major breaches in the news ... the threat/vulnerability is READ access ... havesting the information for purposes of (form of replay-attack) performing fraudulent transactions (x9.59 standard does eliminate such READ access threat/vulnerability ... since the information no longer is sufficient for performing fraudulent transactions).

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

UAE Man-in-the-Middle Attack Against SSL

From: (Lynn Wheeler)
Date: 06 Sep, 2010
Subject: UAE Man-in-the-Middle Attack Against SSL
Blog: Schneier on Security
re: UAE Man-in-the-Middle Attack Against SSL UAE Man-in-the-Middle Attack Against SSL

The original (merchant server/electronic commerce) SSL deployment requirement/assumption was that the user supplied the URL and understood the relationship between the webserver (they thot they were talking to) and the URL. Then SSL would validate that the webserver (that they were really talking to) corresponded to the URL (countermeasures to various kinds of DNS weaknesses). This was necessary two part process to guarantee that the webserver, a user thot they were talking to, was the webserver that they were actually talking to.

That was almost immediately violated when merchants discovered that SSL cut their thruput by 90-95% and dropped back to only using SSL for checkout/paying. The current paradigm has user clicking on a checkout/pay button (from an unvalidated webserver) ... which supplies the URL (not the user).

Users now tend to have little or no understanding about relationship between the webserver they think they are talking to, and the corresponding URL. As a result, SSL is reduced to just validating that the webserver, that a user is talking to, is whatever webserver it claims to be. An attack is a fraudulent merchant server (that hasn't been validated) has been able to obtain an SSL certificate for some arbitrary URL (that was created thru some front company) ... which is then used for the "pay button".

Another attack (that has happened periodically over the years), is domain name hijacking where an attacker is able to update domain ownership information at some arbitrary DNS operation ... and then applies for SSL certificate (with their own public key) from any SSL CA. Relatively trivial to register a front company (for fraudulent activity) and then they will guarantee that the information on the SSL certificate application matches the domain name ownership information (on file at DNS).

Part of DNSSEC proposals has user registering public key at the same time they register a domain name. Then all future communication is digitally signed and validated with the on-file public key (as countermeasure to domain name hijacking) ... which also eliminates a vulnerability to the SSL CA institutions.

In fact, then SSL CAs could reguest SSL certificate applications be digitally signed ... which they can (also) vaildated by real-time fetch of the on-file public key from the DNS infrastructure (changing an error-prone, time-consuming and expensive identification/matching process into an inexpensive, reliable and efficient authentication process). A catch-22 might be the rest of the world also doing real-time fetches of on-file public keys ... eliminating the requirement for SSL certificates.

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

JES2 vs. JES3

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: lynn@GARLIC.COM (Anne & Lynn Wheeler)
Subject: Re: JES2 vs. JES3
Date: 6 Sep 2010 12:51:04 -0700
before being con'ed into going to POK to be in charge of loosely-coupled architecture, my wife did a stint in the JES group ... including working on spec. for JESUS (JES Unified System) ... taking all the features, that customers couldn't live w/o, from both JES (slightly earlier, she had been part of the catchers for ASP in the JES group). However, the polarization of the two sides prevented much progress being made.

in POK, she did Peer-Coupled Shared Data architecture ... which saw little uptake (except for IMS hotstandby) until sysplex (contributing to her not staying long in that position; that & periodic battles with SNA organization about demands that SNA be mandated for peer-coupled coordination communication).

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

zSecurity blog post - "READ is not benign"

From: (Lynn Wheeler)
Date: 07 Sep, 2010
Subject: zSecurity blog post - "READ is not benign"
Blog: MainframeZone
re: zSecurity blog post - "READ is not benign"

one of the funny things ... the major use of SSL in the world today is for hiding account number and transaction information ... related to this earlier work we had done for "electronic commerce".

However, the x9.59 financial standard work eliminates the threat (of fraudulent financial transactions) as a result of this information leaking (x9.59 slightly changes the paradigm as part of preserving the integrity of the financial infrastructure for all retail payments). x9.59 did nothing to prevent information leakage, skimming, data breaches, etc ... it just eliminated the threat when such activities occur. As a result, x9.59 also eliminates the need for SSL (in its major use associated with "electronic commerce" and hiding account number and transaction information).

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Cyber criminals seek 'full' sets of credentials that trade for only a few pounds

From: (Lynn Wheeler)
Date: 07 Sep, 2010
Subject: Cyber criminals seek 'full' sets of credentials that trade for only a few pounds
Blog: Financial Crime Risk, Fraud and Security
Cyber criminals seek 'full' sets of credentials that trade for only a few pounds

Basically current online banking and payment infrastructures are subject to various kinds of replay attacks ... once the criminals have obtained one or more pieces of static information.

We had gotten asked to come in to consult with a small client/server startup that wanted to do payment transactions on their server. The startup had also invented this technology called "SSL" they wanted to use ... and the result is now frequently called "electronic commerce".

Somewhat as a result, in the mid-90s, we were asked to participate in the x9a10 financial standard working group, which had been given the requirement to preserve the integrity of the financial infrastructure for ALL retail payments. After detailed threat and vulnerability studies of wide variety of transaction types & environments, x9a10 came up with the x9.59 financial transaction standard.

One of the things that x9.59 did was slightly tweak the paradigm and eliminate the vulnerability from crooks obtaining static information (frequently from previous transactions) that allowed them to perform fraudulent (payment &/or online banking) financial transactions. x9.59 did nothing to eliminate skimming, data breaches, havesting, evesdropping and/or other mechanisms used to gather static information (for replay in fraudulent financial transactions) ... it just eliminated the usefulness such gathered static information to the crooks (for performing fraudulent financial transactions).

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

zSecurity blog post - "READ is not benign"

From: (Lynn Wheeler)
Date: 08 Sep, 2010
Subject: zSecurity blog post - "READ is not benign"
Blog: MainframeZone
re: zSecurity blog post - "READ is not benign" zSecurity blog post - "READ is not benign"

Why Surging Security Vulnerability Rate May Be a Good Thing

from above:
The answer is, yes and no. Security professionals recognize that total security can never be achieved. Instead, one can only hope to contain the problem by implementing processes that seek to minimize the scope of the software problems and the attackable surface on which cyber-criminals feed

... snip ...

as previously posted ... the x9a10 financial standard working group approach to vulnerability of information in financial transactions ... was to break the cycle of ever increasing sophisticated attacks and countermeasures ... and eliminate the information vulnerability by slightly tweaking the paradigm. It does nothing directly to prevent such attacks ... but eliminates the financial motivation to crooks, since they are no longer able to leverage the information obtained for performing fraudulent financial transactions.

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

JES2 vs. JES3

Refed: **, - **, - **
From: lynn@GARLIC.COM (Anne & Lynn Wheeler)
Subject: Re: JES2 vs. JES3
Date: 8 Sep 2010 13:51:51 -0700
re: JES2 vs. JES3

part of ibmmain thread from 2000 that ASP was same IBM group that did Direct Couple at the LA Science Center (i.e. ASP traces back to 7040/7090 direct couple system):

predates the archives here (jan2005):

but gatewayed to usenet as at google:

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

JES2 vs. JES3

Refed: **, - **, - **
From: lynn@GARLIC.COM (Anne & Lynn Wheeler)
Subject: Re: JES2 vs. JES3
Date: 9 Sep 2010 09:14:21 -0700
previous ibm-main (at google) references were direct couple at la science center and ucla (that morphed into ASP on 360)

ibm 7090 wiki page mentions two 7094/7044 direct couple systems at caltech/jpl

jes 2/3 wiki page also mentions asp evolving from 7094/7044 direct couple

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

'Here you have' email worm spreads quickly

Refed: **, - **, - **
From: (Lynn Wheeler)
Date: 10 Sep, 2010
Subject: 'Here you have' email worm spreads quickly
Blog: Information Security Network
'Here you have' email worm spreads quickly

from above:
The worm -- the first large outbreak of this type in nearly a decade -- is linked to a malicious screensaver file in email messages

... snip ...

"Here You Have" Virus Demonstrates Need to Improve Malware Security

there is some analogy with autos and the transition from needing professional operator to available for general consumer use. it took decades of vehicle and road safety engineering to get where we are now (recent news that auto accident deaths had drop to lowest level since 1950).

Part of the PC heritage was that it was designed for dedicated, offline use ... with no countermeasures for operation in hostile environment (except user beware, sort of the auto story for nearly a century). It evolved some with network support for small, closed, safe networking environments (automatic execution of lots of things arriving from the network w/o any safeguards and countermeasures for malicious activity). It was easy to extend the network support (done for closed, safe, environment) to the wild anarchy of world wide internet ... but at enormous consequences.

on the internal network (closed, corporate network, larger than the arpanet/internet from just about the beginning until late '85 or early '86) there was automatic execution exploit in the 70s ... except not very malicious. That resulted in lots of studying prohibiting automatic execution. Later in the 80s, some of the technology from the internal network was used in the education network bitnet (in the us) and earn (in europe). That had a worm almost exactly 12 months before the morris worm on the internet.

misc. past posts mentioning internal corporate network

misc. past posts reference xmas exec &/or morris worm [Lit.] Buffer overruns Greatest Software? CompUSA to Close after Jan. 1st 2008 folklore indeed Linux zSeries questions CA ESD files Options Two views of Microkernels (Re: Kernels What if the computers went back to the '70s too? Top 10 Cybersecurity Threats for 2009, will they cause creation of highly-secure Corporate-wide Intranets? Mainframe hacking Mainframe Hacking -- Fact or Fiction

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Mainframe Slang terms

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: (Lynn Wheeler)
Date: 11 Sep, 2010
Subject: Mainframe Slang terms
Blog: MainframeZone
re: Mainframe Slang terms

There were also a number of commercial time-sharing service bureaus that spun-off with cp67 ... at least one adapting cp67 to 370 and evolving it through the years.

Internally, after the 23jun69 unbundling announcement ... starting to charge for application software, se services, etc ... the internal cp67 HONE service was launched ... originally as mechanism for providing branch SEs with hands-one experience (a lot of SE experience was hands-on at customer site, which was severely reduced after unbundling announcement).

The science center had also ported apl\360 to cp67/cms for cms\apl. There was a large number of sales & marketing support applications that were developed on cms\apl ... and eventually that began to dominate all activity on HONE (SE hands-on operating system experience in virtual machines disappearing). Fairly quickly, mainframe orders weren't even accepted unless they had been first processed by a number of HONE applications. After the consolidation of US HONE datacenters (in the mid-70s, bldg. next to where facebook is now located), US HONE had over 30,000 userids by the late 70s. HONE clones also were sprouting up all over the world.

One of my hobbies was highly enhanced operating system distribution (first cp67 and later vm370) for internal locations; one of my long-time internal customers was HONE operation. some of old email transition from cp67 to vm370 (and csc/vm distribution):

One of the things that started happening in the late 70s ... was that a lot of datacenters were starting to burst at the seams ... and you saw customers putting in new generation of mid-range machines (vax'es from dec and 43xx from ibm) in all sorts of places (resulting in big explosion in these machines) that didn't require expensive datacenter operation. 43xx and vax'es sold fairly similar numbers in the orders with small number of machines. big boost for 43xx aggregate numbers was large customers ordering hundreds of 43xx machines at a time .... and putting them out into every nook & cranny.

One of the side-effects of this ... was the only disk division "new" mid-range disk was the FBA 3370 ... and MVS had failed to come out with any FBA device support. This pretty much left them out of this new exploding market ... leaving it to vm370, vs/e, etc. Eventually they did CKD simulation on FBA3370 and called it "3375" ... to give MVS some entry into the midrange market (MVS still doesn't have FBA support ... and all current CKD offerings are done with simulation on top of underlying FBA hardware).

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970


From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: ping
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Sat, 11 Sep 2010 07:56:30 -0400
Peter Flass <> writes:
I was wondering too, but this is always a slow time. Labor Day in the US probably keeps many people off-line for a week or so, and colleges are just getting going for the year. Does anyone have a count of postings by week for the last few years?

a couple recent computer folklore related postings in other places: JES2 vs. JES3 JES2 vs. JES3 JES2 vs. JES3 Mainframe Slang terms

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Mainframe Slang terms

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **
From: (Lynn Wheeler)
Date: 11 Sep, 2010
Subject: Mainframe Slang terms
Blog: MainframeZone
re: Mainframe Slang terms Mainframe Slang terms

They let me play disk engineer in bldg 14 (disk engineering) and bldg 15 (disk product test). They were doing stand-alone disk testing with simple RYO monitor ... with scheduling round-the-clock and on weekends. They had attempted to try MVS (to be able to do multiple concurrent testing), but MVS had 15min MTBF in that environment. I offered to do IOS rewrite to make it absolutely bullet-proof and never fail ... allowing on-demand, multiple concurrent testing anytime (vastly improving productivity). However, as a result I also got pulled into diagnosing, resolving, and working on all sorts of disk issues.

On the other side, I got to have much of the rest of the processor time .... since disk testing tended to be very I/O intensive and hardly used more than couple percent of the CPU. They tended to get 1st available processor after the processor engineers (for disk testing). As a result I had better access to early 3033, 4341, etc ... than most of the labs. I had done a lot of work on original ECPS for 138/148 working with endicott ... so I got asked to do various early testing with the disk engineering 4341 (for various endicott groups; including performance benchmarks) ... because I had better access than they did.

misc. old 43xx related email from the period

One of the evolving 4341 issues was that a cluster of 4341s was less expensive, easier to deploy, had higher aggregate mip rate, higher aggregate disk thruput, larger aggregate thruput ... than 3033 ... which led to some interesting internal political battles during the period.

misc. past posts mentioning getting to play disk engineer

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Mainframe Slang terms

Refed: **, - **, - **
From: (Lynn Wheeler)
Date: 11 Sep, 2010
Subject: Mainframe Slang terms
Blog: MainframeZone
re: Mainframe Slang terms Mainframe Slang terms Mainframe Slang terms

old post Introducing the new HavenCo location

with reference to "new" (dec) mainframe installation at stanford ... getting zap'ed by the radar sweep from mt. umunhum 25 miles away

I believe the referenced machine was the one that tymshare obtained a copy of adventure from, for porting to vm/cms. I managed to obtain a copy (very early on) for distribution over the internal network (I would provide original source to internal users demonstrating that they had obtained all points). There was a period when development appeared to nearly stop at many internal labs because so many were playing adventure. I remember STL announcing a 24hr grace period ... after which, any person caught playing adventure during normal working hrs would be dealt with severely.

as periodically mentioned, the internal network was larger than the arpanet/internet until late '85 or possibly early '86.

old email about momentos being prepared for celebrating the 1000th node (about the period when arpanet/internet was passing 255 nodes)

picture of (my) desk ornament mentioned in above:

1000th node globe

past post with misc. new node announcements from 1983

misc. more '83 new node announcements ... as well as list of all locations with new nodes added during 1983.

more mainframe crashing .... across the bay in berkeley ... there was story about cdc6600 crashing every tuesday morning (10am?) ... with thermal. they eventually tracked it to drop in water pressure; they watered the grass at that time every week ... simultaneously with lot of people getting out of class and the large number of flushing toilets ... resulted in loss of water pressure to the cooling units in the datacenter.

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Mainframe Slang terms

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: (Lynn Wheeler)
Date: 12 Sep, 2010
Subject: Mainframe Slang terms
Blog: MainframeZone
re: Mainframe Slang terms Mainframe Slang terms Mainframe Slang terms Mainframe Slang terms

old list with some disk names ... doesn't work as well with proportional font
2301 fixed-head/track (2303 but 4 r/w heads at time) 2303 fixed-head/track r/w 1-head (1/4th rate of 2301) Zeus Corinth 2305-1 fixed-head/track Zeus Athens 2305-2 fixed-head/track 2311 2314 MARS file 2321 data-cell "washing machine" Piccolo 3310 FBA Merlin 3330-1 Iceberg 3330-11 Winchester 3340-35 3340-70 3344 (3350 physical drive simulating multiple 3340s) Madrid 3350 NFP 3370 FBA Florence 3375 3370 supporting CKD Coronado 3380 A04, AA4, B04 EvergreenD 3380 AD4, BD4 EvergreenE 3380 AE4, BE4 3830 disk controller, horizontal microcode engine Cybernet 3850 MSS (also Comanche & Oak) Cutter 3880 disk controller, jib-prime (vertical) mcode engine Ironwood 3880-11 (4kbyte/page block 8mbyte cache) Sheriff 3880-13 (full track 8mbyte cache) Sahara 3880-21 (larger cache for "11") ?? 3880-23 (larger cache for "13")

there was also the speed-matching buffer allowing 3880s to be attached to 168s & 3033s (stage 3mbyte disk data transfers to 1.5mbyte channel speed) ... code name "Calypso" ... which had a whole load of problems. 168 wasn't too bad ... but 3033 was really slow since the 303x channel director was really a 158 in disguise ... and was just about the slowest channels from 370 (high overhead for command processing, etc). One of the other things about 4341 (from earlier mention of 4341 vis-a-vis 3033), was 4341 channel interface could just about operate at 3mbytes w/o any problems.

There were all sort of short & long term effects with MVS not supporting FBA. They had told me that even if I provided them integrated & tested support ... it would still cost $26M to ship MVS support for FBA (documents, education, training, etc). I needed to show business case with incremental revenue something like ten times the $26M ... and wasn't allowed to use long term life cycle cost as part of the justification (and since customers were already buying DASD as fast as it could be built ... the story was that if FBA support shipped, customers would just switch to buying as much FBA as CKD .... showing no incremental revenue).

With FBA, speed matching becames significantly simpler ... also long-haul propagation latency becomes simpler (i.e. ESCON and FICON with distances exceeding walls of datacenter) ... and of course ... it totally eliminates all the extra stuff that had to be done now when all the disk hardware is "REALLY" FBA (3375/3370 was just the sign of things to come).

misc. past posts mentioning ckd, fba

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Mainframe Slang terms

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: (Lynn Wheeler)
Date: 14 Sep, 2010
Subject: Mainframe Slang terms
Blog: MainframeZone
re: Mainframe Slang terms Mainframe Slang terms Mainframe Slang terms Mainframe Slang terms Mainframe Slang terms

in the early 70s, the "Future System" project started ... largely motivated by clone controllers; it was going to be as different from 360/370 as 360 had been different from earlier generations. During the FS period ... the 370 product pipeline was allowed to go dry (since FS was going to completely replace it).

When FS was finally killed off ... there was mad rush to get products back into the 370 (hardware & software) product pipeline ... and in parallel, start work on the 370 follow-on generation. The stop-gap at the high-end was to take the 158 engine, drop the 370 microcode ... just leaving the integrated channel microcode, repackinging it as 303x channel director. 3031 then was 158 engine with just the 370 microcode (and w/o the integrated channel m'code) and a 2nd 158 engine as the 303x channel director. 3032 was 168-3 repackaged to work with 303x channel director. 3033 started out as 168 wiring diagram mapped to 20% faster chips. The chips also had something like ten times the circuits/chips ... initially going unused. Before ship, some of 168 logic was redone to take some advantage of additional circuits/chip ... resulting in 3033 shipping about 50% faster than 168-3.

In parallel, there was "e-architecture" for the low and mid-range (code name for 4341 was "E4") ... and "XA" tailored to high-end MVS (code name for "XA" was "811"). POK managed to convince corporate that they wouldn't be able to make mvs/xa ship schedule unless vm370 was killed, the product group shutdown, and all the people moved to POK to be part of mvs/xa development (Endicott eventually managed to save the vm370 product mission but had to reconsitute a development group from scratch). They were going to delay telling the vm370 group of the shutdown/transfer until the last possible minute ... minimizing the number of people that might find jobs in the local area. However, the information leaked to the group a few months early (resulting in witch hunt to identify who had leaked the information). Some number of people were able to find alternatives in the local area working on VMS for DEC (resulting in joke that the head of POK was major contributor to DEC VMS)

Part of mvs/xa development was the internal-only virtual machine "vmtool". Much later, a flavor of vmtool was shipped to customers as migration aid (from mvs) to mvs/xa ... and then later, it would morph into vm/xa product. I've got misc. old email about the vm/xa product group being pressured by the mvs group to not support FBA devices ... being asked to make statements that FBA didn't make any sense since CKD was so much better than FBA (basically as part of supporting MVS's lack of FBA support). Of course it is now clear that is all ridiculous, with all disk technology now being FBA ... and MVS requiring a layer of CKD emulation on top.

One of the side-effects of including mention of the MVS 15min MTBF in an internal only report about testing environments in engineering and product test labs ... was that the MVS organization took offense and proceeding to block/non-concur with any corporate awards for the effort (actually for any corporate award).

Getting closer to release for 3380, MVS was still having significant problems with their disk support. This is old email reference to engineering having a standard regression bucket of 57 typically expected errors (that they would create & test for) ... and MVS would fail and require re-ipl/reboot in all cases (in most cases, not even give indication of what caused the failure).

Date: 10/15/80 13:29:38
From: wheeler

fyi; ref: I/O Reliability Enhancement; After running under VM for almost two years in the engineering labs, the 3380 hardware engineers recently did some live MVS testing.

They have a regression bucket of 57 hardware errors (hardware problems that are likely to occur & the FE must diagnose from the SCP error information provided).

It turns out that for 100% of the hardware errors, the MVS system hangs & must be re-IPL'ed. Also in 66% of the cases there is no indication of what the problem was that forced the re-IPL.

... snip ... top of post, old email index

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Sabre Talk Information?

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From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Sabre Talk Information?
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 2010 11:52:39 -0400
Morten Reistad <> writes:
I don't know about performance, but I know from pioneers in the travel business that reservation systems were all unstable and pretty fragile until somehwere around 1982; when the industry responded.

After that they could enter search lists spanning 3-4 lines in some obscure syntax.

... for other drift ...

in the mid-80s, my wife did short stint as chief architect for AMADEUS ... which started out being based on the old EASTERN (system/one that had ran on 370/195). she didn't last long because she backed x.25 (as opposed to sna) and the sna forces got her removed (which didn't help them much since AMADEUS went x.25 anyway; there is a big thick AMADEUS design document that still survives in a box somewhre in storage).

About the early 80s, ACP was renamed TPF ... to reflect some uptake by other industries (not just airlines) and by financial networks (not just restricted to reservation systems).

This was in 308x period ... while ACP/TPF had cluster support ... it lacked multiprocessor support ... which caused the corporation some amount of problems ... since 308x originally wasn't going to be available in other than multiprocessor. This contributed to a bunch of unnatural things being done to vm370 ... in order to try and give virtual ACP/TPF improved thruput on 3081 ... pretty much at the expense of every other customer vm370 workload on 308x.

Eventually they got around to removing a processor from (two-processor) 3081, resulting in the 3083. There were all sort of issues ... one of them was the way things were layed out in 3081, the straight-forward solution was to just remove processor-1 (leaving only processor-0) ... except all the "wiring" for processor-0 had it at the top of the box ... which would have left the box seriously top-heavy.

As mentioned in this article ... 308x technologies was at performance disadvantage

in addition to 3083 for ACP/TPF there were also special 3083 m'code loads tailored to ACP/TPF environment trying to make it slightly more competitive with the 370 clone processors. a few past posts mentioning 3083j & 3083jx: TSS ancient history, was X86 ultimate CISC? designs) I hate Compaq Performance and Capacity Planning MVCIN instruction IT Infrastructure Slideshow: The IBM Mainframe: 50 Years of Big Iron Innovation ACP, One of the Oldest Open Source Apps

In the mid-90s, we got brought into one of the major airline res. systems ... to look at their 10 impossible things that they (wanted to do &) couldn't do. Part of the issue was primitive data management facilities (which contributed to some amount of its thruput). As a result, major data management was done on traditional MVS system ... and then once or twice a month ... there was major "rebuild" on the production res. system. This required taking the system down & trying to limit the outage to single shift. It was also getting harder to find a good shift to be down ... as system was being used world-wide. Sunday night had been traditional ... but that was already 1st shift monday in the far east. One of the off-spring had (college) part-time job working answering phones at air freight company ... which required access to the res system for freight shipments ... and it was not unusual for rebuild outage to extend into monday morning.

The arcane system and language capabilities had rather restricted labor pool ... as a result this operation had couple thousand employees with inflated salaries (apparently quarter million was pretty run of the mill). The solution I did ... solved all ten impossible things ... but also did it on a different platform ... and eliminated the manual tasks being performed by several hundred of these individuals. We were then told that they hadn't actually wanted for us to solve the problem, just to be able to tell the board for the following five years that we were working as consultants (one of the board members in prior life had been executve at STL, before leaving to take CIO job in financial industry and then airline industry). The rewrite also collapsed something like three separate (complex, obscure syntax) interactions into single much simpler operation (besides the complex obscure syntax ... there were a sequence of operations that had to be done by experienced, trained person).

misc. past posts mentioning AMADEUS Did AT&T offer Unix to Digital Equipment in the 70s? Did AT&T offer Unix to Digital Equipment in the 70s? Other oddball IBM System 360's ? unix What makes a mainframe a mainframe? Mainframe not a good architecture for interactive workloads Mainframe not a good architecture for interactive workloads Shipwrecks Demo: Things in Hierarchies (w/o RM/SQL) Integer types for 128-bit addressing System/360; Hardwired vs. Microcoded EBCDIC to 6-bit and back How Many 360/195s and 370/195s were shipped? Was FORTRAN buggy? Why so little parallelism? Pennsylvania Railroad ticket fax service US Air computers delay psgrs The Perfect Computer - 36 bits? The top 10 dead (or dying) computer skills ACP/TPF 64 gig memory Migration from Mainframe to othre platforms - the othe bell? American Airlines American Airlines Automation is still not accepted to streamline the business processes... why organizations are not accepting newer technologies? IBM touts encryption innovation IBM halves mainframe Linux engine prices "Portable" data centers Happy DEC-10 Day someone smarter than Dave Cutler

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

What non-IBM software products have been most significant to the mainframe's success

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: (Lynn Wheeler)
Date: 15 Sep, 2010
Subject: What non-IBM software products have been most significant to the mainframe's success
Blog: MainframeZone
the science center, besides doing virtual machines, GML, lots of online tools ... port of apl\360 to cms for cms\apl ... and bunch of other stuff ... did a lot of work on performance measurement, performance reporting, workload profiling, system profiling and performance modeling (both event simulation as well as analytical modeling done in apl) ... some of it eventually morphing into capacity planning.

in the wake of 23jun69 unbundling announcement, the corporation created the (virtual machine based cp67) HONE system ... to give SEs "hands-on" experience with operating systems (prior to starting to charge for SE services, lots of SE experience was part of large groups at customers sites). However, they also started to deploy a lot of (cms\apl based) sales & marketing support applications on HONE ... which came to dominate all activity and the virtual guest operating system testing died off.

One of the science center workload & configuration analytical modeling tools was packaged as a HONE application (Performance Predictor), where sales & marketing types could enter customer workload and configuration details and then ask "what-if" questions regarding what happens when there are changes to workload and/or configuration.

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Mainframe Slang terms

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From: (Lynn Wheeler)
Date: 15 Sep, 2010
Subject: Mainframe Slang terms
Blog: MainframeZone
Internally there was a similar tool ... which would automatically do load balancing and thruput profiling. The issue is for 3380 to give same thruput as 3350 ... the 3380 had to be held to about 80% allocation (aka the amount of data on 3380 increased by a much larger factor than the increase in speed). The thruput profiling and load balancing ... was careful to keep the 3380 allocation limited to not have worse thruput than 3350.

There were some advice for policy allocation limited 3380s could have very low used data loaded on the remaining 20%.

At SHARE there was a semi-facetious proposal to offer a "high-speed" 3380 ... basically a normal 3380 where a special microcode load ... only allowed allocation on half the cylinders .... and charge more for these "high-speed" 3380s (i.e. it was for admin types that didn't understand false economy where the system degradation from loaded 3380 cost significantly more than relatively trivial $$/byte savings from fully loaded 3380.

I had started writing in the late 70s about disks were showing significant slower relative system thruput. In the early 80s, some disk division executives took offense and assigned the division performance group to refute my statements. After a few weeks, they came back and basically said that I had slightly understated the case (at the time, statement that disks had a factor of 10 times relative system thruput decline). The analysis was turned into SHARE presentation on organizing disk allocation for system thruput .... session B874 at SHARE 63, 8/18/84 ... bits and pieces from the presentation spread thru a couple of posts MVS History (all parts) using 3390 mod-9s DASD Response Time (on antique 3390?)

this old reference has table from '83 that motivated disk executives to ask the performance group to refute the claims (table works with fixed font) Big I/O or Kicking the Mainframe out the Door

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

A mighty fortress is our PKI, Part III

From: (Lynn Wheeler)
Date: 16 Sept, 2010
Subject: A mighty fortress is our PKI, Part III
MailingList: Cryptography
On 09/16/10 00:10, James A. Donald wrote:
That is rather like having a fortress with one wall rather than four walls, and when attackers go around the back, you quite correctly point out that the wall is only designed to stop attackers from coming in front.

the one i was fond of using during most of the 90s ... was a massive bank vault door in the middle of a open field ... with no walls, floor, ceiling, etc; operations would take prospects on tour of the field to show off how substantial the vault door was (impress them with spending all their money on the door, and make them forget they also needed a vault).

reference to archived post here from earlier this month Nearly $1,000,000 stolen electronically from the University of Virginia

misc. past references to vault door: Is cryptography where security took the wrong branch? solving the wrong problem Another entry in the internet security hall of shame IEEE article on intelligence and security HELP, Vulnerability in Debit PIN Encryption security, possibly Cracking SSL X.509 and ssh folklore indeed Top 10 Cybersecurity Threats for 2009, will they cause creation of highly-secure Corporate-wide Intranets?

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

What non-IBM software products have been most significant to the mainframe's success

From: (Lynn Wheeler)
Date: 16 Sep, 2010
Subject: What non-IBM software products have been most significant to the mainframe's success
Blog: MainframeZone
yelavich website had been authoritative resource for things CICS ... pages have gone 404 ... but they still live on at the wayback machine ... aka

when i was undergraduate in the 60s, the univ. library had ONR grant to do online catalog ... some of the money went to purchase 2321/datacell. the project was also selected to be betatest site for CICS product ... and I got tasked to support/debug the implementation (I remember shooting CICS bdam open bug ... involving library selecting different bdam options than the original implementation).

misc. past posts mentioning bdam &/or cics

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

What non-IBM software products have been most significant to the mainframe's success

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: (Lynn Wheeler)
Date: 17 Sep, 2010
Subject: What non-IBM software products have been most significant to the mainframe's success
Blog: MainframeZone
re: What non-IBM software products have been most significant to the mainframe's success What non-IBM software products have been most significant to the mainframe's success

the two early spin-offs from cp67 (& science center) were NCSS and IDC ... doing online commercial time-sharing service. Later, another virtual machine based (with vm370) commercial time-sharing service was Tymshare.

In 1969, NCSS started offering RAMIS from Mathematica

NCSS then developed NOMAD and started offering it

Most of the (virtual machine based) online commercial time-sharing services made large number of enhancements to cp67 & vm370. NCSS porting cp67 to 370 and renaming vp/css.

above also mentions one of the first "hacking" events ... covered in NYT article 26july81.

some of this also covered in history of cp/cms

the above mentions IDC ... started providing CP67-based service about the same time as NCSS. IDC moved to 370 ... but unlike NCSS ... switched to vm370 base for their extensive set of modifications.

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Data breaches remain high

From: (Lynn Wheeler)
Date: 18 Sep, 2010
Subject: Data breaches remain high
Blog: Information Security Network
Data breaches remain high

from above:
The number of reported data breaches have skyrocketed since numerous states, including Pennsylvania and New Jersey, adopted new data breach notification laws in 2005 and 2006.

... snip ...

We were tangentially involved in the (original Cal) state data breach notification legislation. We had been brought in to help wordsmith the electronic signature legislation and several of the parties were heavily involved in privacy issues.

They had done detailed (citizen) privacy surveys and no. one issue was "identity theft" ... significant part was form of "account fraud" as a result of data breaches. One of the issues with regard to data breaches ... is crooks use the information to perform fraudulent financial transactions against the account holders ... i.e. there is no direct threat against the institutions where the breaches occur ... and therefor they had much less motivation to take countermeasures.

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Credit Card with a Computer Inside

From: (Lynn Wheeler)
Date: 18 Sep, 2010
Subject: Credit Card with a Computer Inside
Blog: Payment Systems Network
Credit Card with a Computer Inside

we had been brought as consultants to small client/server startup that wanted to do payment transactions on their server ... the startup had also invented this technology they called "SSL" they wanted to use; the result is now frequently called "electronic commerce"

somewhat as a result, in the mid-90s, we were asked to participate in the x9a10 financial standard working group which had been given the requirement to preserve the integrity of the financial infrastructure for all retail payments (aka debit, credit, stored-value, gift-card, face-to-face, point-of-sale, internet, high-value, low-value, contact, contactless, wireless, transit turnstile, aka ALL) which resulted in the x9.59 financial transaction standard. Part of the standard was slightly tweaking the existing paradigm to eliminate skimming, evesdropping, data breach and other similar threats involving harvesting "static" data for performing fraudulent transactions (did nothing to prevent such activities, just eliminated threat that such activities could use the information for performing fraudulent transactions). Part of x9.59 is format agnostic and allowing authentication proportional to risk (i.e. possibly single-factor for low-value ... and exact some components also doing various levels of multi-factor authentication for higher values).

The cost for such components could be deployed in such a way that the aggregate, overall infrastructure expense is less than current paradigm ... and has sufficient integrity that the cost to compromise would always be higher than any expected resulting fraud (standard is also format agnostic).

Part of the issue is in the current infrastructure, major portion of existing fraud is born by merchants (in the form of various fees and other charges). Raising the bar on existing retail payment fraud would likely drive the crooks to switching to attacks involving opening new accounts (rather than attacks on existing accounts) ... including using "synthetic ids" (no actual corresponding person) ... which would shift all of the burden to the financial institutions.

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

A question about HTTPS

From: (Lynn Wheeler)
Date: 18 Sep, 2010
Subject: A question about HTTPS
Blog: Information Security Network
Browser parses URL and asks name server for ip-address that corresponds to the host name. Browser then does a TCP connection ... default to port 80 (for HTTP) or port 443 (for HTTPS) on the target host.

Minimum packet exchange for TCP is 7 packets (for reliable communication). HTTPS then adds a whole bunch of additional protocol chatter within the TCP session.

In the early days, the use of TCP for HTTP/HTTPS resulted in enormous strain on webservers ... since there had been some assumption that TCP was long-running sessions and the session close implementation wasn't particularly optimized. For a period, heavily loaded webservers were spending 90% of their cpu in TCP session close processing (until optimized implementations started appearing).

We had been brought in to consult with small client/server startup that wanted to do payment transactions on their server, the startup had also invented technology they called "SSL" they wanted to use; the result is now frequently called "electronic commerce".

Part of the deployment was something called a "payment gateway" ... that interfaced webservers to the financial payment networks.

Since we had approval authority over this part of the implementation, one of the mandates was mutual SSL authentication (implementation hadn't existed up until then) and "multiple-A" record support i.e. DNS returning a list of ip-addresses, instead of just one (in case of problems with connecting, attempts would be made to establish TCP connection with each address in the list until successful). However, we didn't have sign-off authority on the standard browser implementation ... so it took nearly another year before there was multiple-A record support on the browser side.

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Will new card innovation help interchange and improve retention?

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **
From: (Lynn Wheeler)
Date: 20 Sep, 2010
Subject: Will new card innovation help interchange and improve retention?
Blog: Payment Systems Network
Interchange networks can be considered examples of value-added-networks that grew up during the 70s & 80s ... and which were mostly obsoleted by the spreading, ubiquitous internet in the 90s. Interchange networks are one of the few remaining examples and possibly could go the way of the other value-added-networks with improvements in (internet) transaction integrity and availability.

We had been called in to consult with small client/server startup that wanted to do payment transactions on their server; they had also invented this technology called "SSL" they wanted to use; the result is now sometimes called "electronic commerce".

Somewhat as a result, in the mid-90s, we were asked to participate in the x9a10 financial standard working group which had been given the requirement to preserve the integrity of the financial infrastructure for ALL retail payments (i.e. debit, credit, stored-value, ACH, point-of-sale, unattended, internet, wireless, contact, contactless, high-value, low-value, transit-turnstile, aka ALL). After some amount detailed end-to-end threat and vulnerability studies of all the environments, the x9.59 financial transaction standard resulted.

Part of X9.59 standard was making it format agnostic (card, cellphone, dongle, token etc ... could work in any and all environments). Another part of x9.59 was to slightly tweak the paradigm and eliminate the evesdropping, skimming, data breach, etc vulnerabilities (didn't do anything to prevent such activity ... just eliminated the ability of crooks to use the harvested information for performing fraudulent financial transactions).

Attempting to meet all the other criteria ... x9.59 also enabled person-centric paradigm (allowing standard to work with institution provided authentication device ... like an institution issued card ... as well as with a consumer provided authentication device ... like user provided hardware token or smartphone).

Note that the major use of SSL in the world today is to hide transaction details as countermeasure to crooks being able to use the information for fraudulent financial transactions. X9.59 eliminated that as a vulnerability ... and therefor also eliminates this earlier work we had done using SSL for "electronic commerce"

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

z/OS, TCP/IP, and OSA

Refed: **, - **, - **
From: lynn@GARLIC.COM (Anne & Lynn Wheeler)
Subject: Re: z/OS, TCP/IP, and OSA
Date: 20 Sep 2010 15:16:34 -0700
PaulGBoulder@AIM.COM (Paul Gilmartin) writes:
IIRC, the first TCP/IP interface we had was an Intel Fastpath. I believe it was genned as a CTC. I found a 1988 Network Workd article mentioning Intel Fastpath Model 9750D and Interlink Model 3732.

original ibm mainframe tcp/ip product was done for vm and could consume nearly 3090 processor doing 44kbytes/sec. transfer. I added rfc1044 support and in some testing at cray research managed to get channel media thruput using modest amount of 4341 processor (maybe factor of 500 times improvement in instructions executed per bytes move). lots of past posts mentioning adding rfc 1044 support

was then at interop '88 (in non-ibm booth with some ibm hardware)

the base tcp/ip product was ported to mvs (and offered as product) by adding simulation for the required vm kernel functions.

later there was contractor hired to add tcp/ip support to vtam ... the folklore is that it was explained to the contractor in no uncertain terms ... that there would be no "valid" (aka acceptable) tcp/ip implementation (in vtam) that outperformed lu6.2 (the folklore was the explanation had to be done after the contractor submitted the initial implementation that didn't meet the "valid" criteria).

we had been doing internal network with T1 links and working with various parties on what was to become NSFNET backbone (operational precursor to modern internet) ... we would claim that the NSFNET backbone rfp called for T1 ... in part because we already had T1 links up and running production. Then some internal politics prevents us from bidding on backbone RFP (nsf director wrote a letter to the corporation, copying the ceo ... but that just aggravated the internal politics). Turns out that the winning T1 backbone RFP response ... didn't actually install T1 links; they installed 440kbit/sec links; and somewhat to meet the letter of the RFP, installed T1 trunks with telco multplexors (to handle multiple 440kbit links on the T1 trunks). misc. old "nsfnet" related email from the period

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

z/OS, TCP/IP, and OSA

Refed: **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: z/OS, TCP/IP, and OSA
Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2010 09:02:04 -0400
dboyes@SINENOMINE.NET (David Boyes) writes:
8232 (a channel attached PC/AT that came with a Ungermann/Bass 10mbit Ethernet card that jammed easily on networks with lots of collisions) also genned as a CTC

re: z/OS, TCP/IP, and OSA

one of the reasons it (and some of the others) was so slow (and used a lot of the processor) ... was that it wasn't a *real* tcp/ip device/router ... it was a lan device ... aka the mainframe tcp/ip code had to do the lan/mac header packaging of the ip-packet ... before sending it down the channel interface (aka the box just acted as physical interface between the channel and the lan ... w/o any tcp/ip code).

some of the other boxes were real tcp/ip devices/routers ... aka mainframe could send ip-packet over the channel interface ... and the outboard box did the appropriate routing and added appropriate media headers (as needed).

as an aside ... the original vm (and mvs with vm functional simulation) product was done in vs/pascal ... and didn't have any of the buffer overflow vulnerabilities that are frequently endemic in c-language implementations.

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Will new card innovation help interchange and improve retention?

From: (Lynn Wheeler)
Date: 21 Sep, 2010
Subject: Will new card innovation help interchange and improve retention?
Blog: Payment Systems Network
re: Will new card innovation help interchange and improve retention?

PIN + token is multi-factor authentication .... where PIN is countermeasure to lost/stolen token. Nominally, multi-factor authentication is considered more secure assuming that the different factors have independent vulnerabilities.

In the shared-secret (PIN) model. a unique PIN/password is required for every security domain (as countermeasure to cross-domain attacks). As a result, the number of PIN/passwords have exploded (compared to 40 years ago) ... exceeding the capacity for most human memories. One study of PIN-debit cards found 1/3rd had the PIN written on them (because of the stress that the exploding number of PIN/passwords had placed on human memories). That invalidates the assumption about multiple, different factors having independent threat/vulnerability

In the skimming world, a compromised POS device can skim both the static magnetic stripe information and the PIN at the same time ... also invalidating the assumption about multiple, different factors having independent threat/vulnerabilities.

In the consumer-centric scenario ... the same (or very small number of) tokens is used in large number of different environments. The result is that there is drastically reduced number of PINs that have to be remembered ... mitigating the threat of people being forced to write the large number of different PINs on their large number of different devices/tokens. Also, with the PIN being validated by the token (as opposed to over the network) .... it is no longer a shared-secret ... just a secret (not exposed to the different security domains and doesn't have any requirement for transmission). Since there isn't a shared-secret PIN (purely PIN secret between the token owner and the token) ... there is no institutional PIN management requirement.

Also, in the consumer-centric scenario ... for the same device to operate in ALL environments ... the same token has to operate w/o PIN (single factor, something you have authentication) for low-value transactions (say transit-turnstile) ... and w/pin (multiple factor authentication) for higher-value transactions.

In the x9.59 security proportional to risk scenario ... there are higher risks with non-X9.59 magstripe as well as much lower risk x9.59 transactions (it becomes a risk management issue). Note however ... x9.59 works equally well with a smartphone as a wireless transaction, a internet transaction, and/or a contactless card at POS and transit turnstile.

There will always be a transition stage ... but since x9.59 is now 15yrs old ... any transition that had started back then would have been pretty much over by now. Also the 15yr old x9.59 scenario has had none of the exploits and vulnerabilities that most of the other chip-based implementations have seen during the period since the mid-90s.

Various offsetting costs for such a deployment is the elimination of the skimming & data breach security measures that have to be deployed (for the current paradigm). Also, in the consumer centric scenario ... there is enormous consumer convenience being able to collapse everything to a single token (potentially something they already carry ... like a smartphone).

note there is separate scenario that applies the same x9.59 paradigm for individual authentication tokens ... but, instead to authenticating POS devices ... in fact, the x9.59 financial transaction standard allows (that in addition to every transaction having the individual's authentication) it is also allows for the environment, where the transaction takes place (aka like a POS terminal), also provide authentication (which could be an optional requirement especially for higher-valued transactions). Such a feature in each device can also be used for various kinds of protocols requiring secret session keys (aka same chip in each individual authentication token ... also in every POS terminal).

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Idiotic programming style edicts

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From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Idiotic programming style edicts
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2010 13:37:19 -0400
Patrick Scheible <> writes:
Right-wing attack radio myth. The Justice Dept. never minded banks not lending to bad risks. Bankers lent the junk mortgages because the bonus system rewarded such lending.

big part was that unregulated loan originators ... which had little attention in the past ... because they weren't a big part of the economy ... having very little access to money for lending.

that all changed when the unregulated loan originators found they could "securitize" the loans as toxic CDOs, pay the rating agencies for triple-A ratings (when both the loan originators and the rating agencies knew they weren't worth triple-A ... from fall2008 congressional testimony) ... and sell-off every loan they could make,

they no longer had to care about borrowers qualification and/or loan quality ... since they were immediately unloading the loans at premium prices (and now had tens of trillion dollar market for their toxic CDOs) ... only thing limiting them was how large and how fast they could make loans ... supposedly something like $27T worth of toxic CDOs were cycled thru this mill.
Evil Wall Street Exports Boomed With 'Fools' Born to Buy Debt

no-documentation, no-down payment, interest-only, 1% adjustable mortages became quite popular with speculators ... and the unregulated loan originators could care less ... the speculators drove up both the size of the mortgages (with speculation bubble) and the frequency of the mortgages (flipping before the mortgages adjusted) ... both were the only factors that the unregulated loan orginators cared about anymore.

with real-estate inflation running 15-30% in various parts of the country (further fueled by the speculators) ... speculators might make 2000% ROI with a no-documentation, no-down payment, interest-only, 1% adjustable mortgage (at least until the bubble burst). there were supposedly joke in the manhatten area, during the height of the bubble about it being something like musical chairs ... and who would be left holding the stuff when the music stopped (aka the unflipped mortages and the toxic CDOs).

The fees, commissions, and bonuses related to the toxic CDOs were enormously attractive to individuals ... that even knowing that the toxic CDOs could take down their institution ... their personal compensation more than overcame any worries they might have about the institutions, economy, and/or country.

Part of the repeal of Glass-Steagall by GLBA ... allowed the too big to fail banking institutions to have an unregulated investment banking arm deal in toxic CDOs (that had started out with unregulated loan originators) ... carrying them off-balance ... so they didn't show up on the books of the regulated bank (even if the risk could take down the whole institution) ... aka the loan originators and the toxic CDO transactions managed to mostly skirt all the regulation associated with normal bank lending and mortgages (which had revolved around regulated depository institutions using deposits as source of funds for lending; aka unregulated loan originators weren't using deposits as source of funds, and unregulated investment banking arms were buying toxic CDOs).

Supposedly at the end of 2008, just the top four too-big-to-fail financial institutions were carrying $5.2T worth of toxic CDOs off-balance. That was part of the problem with the TARP legislation as originally passed for purchasing "troubled assets" ... the amount of appropriated funds would have barely made a dent in just those four institutions' $5.2T ... to say nothing of the total amount of "troubled assets".

misc past posts mentioning the $5.2T in toxic CDOs carried off-balance by the top four too-big-to-fail financial institutions: Should FDIC or the Federal Reserve Bank have the authority to shut down and take over non-bank financial institutions like AIG? Architectural Diversity Architectural Diversity Are the "brightest minds in finance" finally onto something? When did "client server" become part of the language? Are the "brightest minds in finance" finally onto something? What is the real basis for business mess we are facing today? On whom or what would you place the blame for the sub-prime crisis? TARP Disbursements Through April 10th Is the current downturn cyclic or systemic? Do the current Banking Results in the US hide a grim truth? The $4 trillion housing headache In the USA "financial regulator seeks power to curb excess speculation." Financial Regulatory Reform - elimination of loophole allowing special purpose institutions outside Bank Holding Company (BHC) oversigh what is mortgage-backed securities? 64 Cores -- IBM is showing a prototype already Opinions on the 'Unix Haters' Handbook' Opinions on the 'Unix Haters' Handbook LPARs: More or Less? The 2010 Census The Revolving Door and S.E.C. Enforcement In the News: SEC storms the 'Castle' Who is Really to Blame for the Financial Crisis?

misc. past posts mentioning estimate of $27T total in toxic CDOs transactions done during the period: Should FDIC or the Federal Reserve Bank have the authority to shut down and take over non-bank financial institutions like AIG? Future of Financial Mathematics? We Can't Subsidize the Banks Forever Consumer Credit Crunch and Banking Writeoffs China's yuan 'set to usurp US dollar' as world's reserve currency UK issues Turning apology (and about time, too) UK issues Turning apology (and about time, too) alphas was: search engine history, was Happy DEC alphas was: search engine history, was Happy DEC search engine history, was Happy DEC-10 Day search engine history, was Happy DEC-10 Day search engine history, was Happy DEC-10 Day search engine history, was Happy DEC-10 Day search engine history, was Happy DEC-10 Day LPARs: More or Less? LPARs: More or Less? The 2010 Census The 2010 Census The 2010 Census The 2010 Census The Revolving Door and S.E.C. Enforcement Idiotic programming style edicts "Fraud & Stupidity Look a Lot Alike" Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Who is Really to Blame for the Financial Crisis? Who is Really to Blame for the Financial Crisis? Who is Really to Blame for the Financial Crisis? Who is Really to Blame for the Financial Crisis? Who is Really to Blame for the Financial Crisis?

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

z/OS, TCP/IP, and OSA

From: lynn@GARLIC.COM (Anne & Lynn Wheeler)
Subject: Re: z/OS, TCP/IP, and OSA
Date: 21 Sep 2010 10:51:57 -0700
PaulGBoulder@AIM.COM (Paul Gilmartin) writes:
At some point the TCP/IP stack must pass the address of an input buffer to the network interface. Can an oversize packet overflow that buffer? Or does the channel program prevent that and provide a Length Indication?

re: z/OS, TCP/IP, and OSA z/OS, TCP/IP, and OSA

the issue in most mainframe programming paradigms and several programming languages ... lengths were explicit constructs ... and while it was possible to have programming errors that result in buffer length problems ... they have been relatively rare compared to C-language environment.

C-language programming has had convention of implicit lengths based on the data in the buffer (aka "null" used to signal end of string) ... which has contributed to programming style that ignores and/or forgets about actual lengths ... resulting in huge number of buffer length related problems in C-language applications ... aka it is very hard/difficult to *NOT* have buffer length problems in C environment, comparable to the difficulting of having buffer length problems in many of these other environments (in C, you have to work really hard to not have problem; in these other environments ... it usually takes a lot of work to have a problem).

misc. past posts mentioning buffer length problems

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Idiotic programming style edicts

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Idiotic programming style edicts
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 2010 10:57:19 -0400
re: Idiotic programming style edicts

a new kindle arrived last friday. on linkedin this morning, I tripped across recommendation for "The Leader's Guide to Radical Management: reinventing the Workplace for the 21st Century [Kindle Edition]"

early in the "book" ... it has composite/example description of a few individuals, as examples of what is wrong with today's work environment. one of them is loan originator and how they were not required to care about applicant's qualifications and/or quality of the loan ... just required to make as many loans as fast as possible (since they would be immediately securitized and sold off ... they weren't suppose to care whether the applicant would ever pay off the loan or not).

small piece from above ...
If Ben had paused to ask himself what he was doing writing loans that had little hope of being repaid, he might have replied ...

... snip ...

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Idiotic programming style edicts

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Idiotic programming style edicts
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 2010 12:23:54 -0400
re: Idiotic programming style edicts Idiotic programming style edicts

Fed Divided on Move to Buy U.S. Debt

from above:
The Fed used up its main policy tool by lowering short-term interest rates to nearly zero in late 2008. So it bought about $1.4 trillion in mortgage-linked securities and debts owed by entities like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, from January 2009 to March 2010, in an effort to ease credit and push down long-term rates.

... snip ...

That $1.4T is double what had been appropriated in TARP for purchase of troubled assets

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Idiotic programming style edicts

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From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Idiotic programming style edicts
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Thu, 23 Sep 2010 09:51:10 -0400
jmfbahciv <> writes:
The repeal of the GS law created the loop hole so that banks could issue loans for those who could not afford the mortgage payments becuase the bank would transfer the loan to something else and get it off its books. This became the norm which resulted in the mess, once everyong saw they could do this. Why do you think barney Frank protected FannieMae and FreddyMac from realistic accounting? the goal was to "give" the poor house ownership. AFAICT, he and his ilk are still promoting this.

re: Idiotic programming style edicts Idiotic programming style edicts Idiotic programming style edicts

Repeal of Glass-Steagall didn't change how regulated banks made loans and mortgages. Repeal of Glass-Steagall allowed regulated banks to play in the wall-street (investment banking) triple-A rated, toxic CDO transaction frenzy. One of the NY numbers, was that wall-street financial bonuses spiked over 400percent during the period (the frenzy had already started in 2002):

The Fed's Too Easy on Wall Street

from above:
Here's a staggering figure to contemplate: New York City securities industry firms paid out a total of $137 billion in employee bonuses from 2002 to 2007, according to figures compiled by the New York State Office of the Comptroller. Let's break that down: Wall Street honchos earned a bonus of $9.8 billion in 2002, $15.8 billion in 2003, $18.6 billion in 2004, $25.7 billion in 2005, $33.9 billion in 2006, and $33.2 billion in 2007.

... snip ...

... and there has been a lot of activity since the bubble burst trying to prevent bonuses from returning to pre-spike levels. There was also report, that the aggregate size of the industry (as percent of GDP) tripled during the bubble ... with no obvious added benefit to the economy or the country (and lots of on-going efforts to keep things from returning to pre-bubble levels).

It wasn't so much Barney Frank protecting Fannie & Freddy ... but all of congress ... there was CBS report (at the start of the century and before the mess started) that they would put on (lobbiest) retainer, everybody that had any relation to congress (former congressmen, staffers, friends, relatives, etc) and had more lobbiests than employees. In some sense, Fannie/Freddy is small potatoes and obfuscation compared to where the majority of the activity went on.

securitizing loans into CDOs gave unregulated loan originators a (limited) source of funds for making loans (an alternative to traditional loans from regulated banks using deposits as source of funds for making loans). CDOs had been used during the S&L crisis to obfuscate the underlying value ... but there wasn't a big market for toxic CDOs ... and therefor the amount of money was limited ... and therefor also the number of loans that could be made were limited.

it was in the past decade when they discovered that it was possible to pay the rating agencies for triple-A ratings on toxic CDOs (when both the sellers and the rating agencies knew that they weren't worth triple-A) that the whole thing exploded. unregulated loan originators now had effectively an unlimited source of funds (from the triple-A rated toxic CDO market). Furthermore, being able to get triple-A rating, regardless of the actual value ... eliminated any reason to care about the borrower's qualifications or loan quality ... checking on such things just slowed down the process; cranking out loans as large as possible and as fast as possible was the only limitation on how much money they could earn (since every loan they did would get packaged and given triple-A rating).

There seemed to be significant fees, commissions, and bonuses for everybody even touching triple-A rated toxic-CDO transactions.

FannieMae and FreddyMac were actually rather late to buying triple-A rated toxic-CDOs ... along with retirement funds and everybody else participating in the frenzy.

The thing that GLBA did with repeal of Glass-Steagall, was that it allowed regulated depository institutions to have unregulated investment banking arms. For all the individuals involved, it was a lot more (personally) profitable to deal in triple-A rated toxic CDOs ... than normal mortgages ... and the unregulated investment banking arms could buy up enormous amounts of triple-A rated toxic CDOs (with all the players getting fees, commissions and bonuses). As previously mentioned, at the end of 2008, the four largest too-big-to-fail regulated depository financial institutions were carrying (off-balance) $5.2T in these toxic CDOs (much larger than FannieMae and FreddyMac had on the books).

The point of Glass-Steagall was to provide safety and soundness to deposits at regulated banks ... limiting the amount of risk that a regulated bank could place deposits. Repeal of Glass-Steagall allowed regulated banks (via unregulated investment banking arms) to participate in enormously risky activity (like dealing in triple-A rated, toxic CDOs) ... placing the institution and deposits at enormous risk.

misc. past posts referencing the 400% bonus spike with the triple-A rated, toxic CDO transaction frenzy Bush - place in history IBM CEO's remuneration last year ? independent appraisers The Return of Ada A Merit based system of reward -Does anybody (or any executive) really want to be judged on merit? Technology and the current crisis Your thoughts on the following comprehensive bailout plan please VMware Chief Says the OS Is History Another quiet week in finance Fraud in financial institution Once the dust settles, do you think Milton Friedman's economic theories will be laid to rest SOX (Sarbanes-Oxley Act), is this really followed and worthful considering current Financial Crisis? Does anyone get the idea that those responsible for containing this finanical crisis are doing too much? The human plague How much is 700 Billion Dollars?? Global Melt Down The vanishing CEO bonus Is This a Different Kind of Financial Crisis? How Should The Government Spend The $700 Billion? Garbage in, garbage out trampled by Moore's law Is American capitalism and greed to blame for our financial troubles in the US? Executive pay: time for a trim? CROOKS and NANNIES: what would Boyd do? Are reckless risks a natural fallout of "excessive" executive compensation ? The recently revealed excesses of John Thain, the former CEO of Merrill Lynch, while the firm was receiving $25 Billion in TARP funds makes me sick The subject is authoritarian tendencies in corporate management, and how they are related to political culture The recently revealed excesses of John Thain, the former CEO of Merrill Lynch, while the firm was receiving $25 Billion in TARP funds makes me sick US disaster, debts and bad financial management Credit & Risk Management ... go Simple ? As bonuses...why breed greed, when others are in dire need? How to defeat new telemarketing tactic How to defeat new telemarketing tactic How to defeat new telemarketing tactic PNC Financial to pay CEO $3 million stock bonus Congress Set to Approve Pay Cap of $500,000 Why is everyone talking about AIG bonuses of millions and keeping their mouth shut on billions sent to foreign banks? Architectural Diversity OODA-loop obfuscation Average Comp This Year At Top Firm Estimated At $700,000 search engine history, was Happy DEC-10 Day search engine history, was Happy DEC-10 Day search engine history, was Happy DEC-10 Day The 2010 Census The 2010 Census The Revolving Door and S.E.C. Enforcement "Fraud & Stupidity Look a Lot Alike" "Fraud & Stupidity Look a Lot Alike" Who is Really to Blame for the Financial Crisis?

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Access z/OS 3270 TSO from "smartphone"?

Refed: **, - **, - **
From: lynn@GARLIC.COM (Anne & Lynn Wheeler)
Subject: Re: Access z/OS 3270 TSO from "smartphone"?
Date: 23 Sep 2010 07:17:34 -0700
timothy.sipples@US.IBM.COM (Timothy Sipples) writes:
In terms of CPU burden, sure, there's CPU burden incurred *somewhere*, and CPU burden is never free anywhere. My employer -- the one that I do not speak for -- has neatly solved that financial problem at least in this particular mainframe use case and within its sphere.

earlier thread IBM 3883 Manuals

referencing few past posts (about processing required to handle all the TPF/ACP reservations in the world) mentioning cellphone xscale processor (in TREO) rated at a thousand MIPS Happy DEC-10 Day Happy DEC-10 Day

xscale/arm reference:

newer generation of ARM processors are even faster.

above mentions that there are already 20 billion ARM processosrs and more than 10 million ARM processors ship everyday.

3031 was one mip, 3032 was 3mips, and 3033 was 4.5mips.

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Idiotic programming style edicts

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From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Idiotic programming style edicts
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Thu, 23 Sep 2010 11:37:59 -0400
jmfbahciv <> writes:
The repeal of the GS law created the loop hole so that banks could issue loans for those who could not afford the mortgage payments becuase the bank would transfer the loan to something else and get it off its books. This became the norm which resulted in the mess, once everyong saw they could do this. Why do you think barney Frank protected FannieMae and FreddyMac from realistic accounting? the goal was to "give" the poor house ownership. AFAICT, he and his ilk are still promoting this.

re: Idiotic programming style edicts Idiotic programming style edicts Idiotic programming style edicts Idiotic programming style edicts

remember ... at the time of GLBA and nearly all of the mess ... which party was in control of congress?

the congressional party in power were the ones that put together GLBA and passed it ... with little or nothing from the other party (54-44). however, the folklore was the president was going to veto it ... and so you see various things being added to GLBA to bring on board nearly all of congress ... making the final vote "veto proof" (90-8)

recent posts mentioning making GLBA "veto proof" Oldest Instruction Set still in daily use? The 2010 Census

wiki reference:

GLBA didn't change how regulated banks used deposits for making loans and mortgages. However, repeal of Glass-Steagall allowed the institutions (via unregulated investment banking arms) to play in the triple-A rated toxic CDO frenzy ... piling up huge amount off-balance ... and making the whole institution insolvent. Their significant particpation in the triple-A rated toxic CDO frenzy ... also provided a large percentage of the funds that fueled the unregulated loan originators.

Much bigger than the Fannie/Freddy issue was that congress during the last decade wasn't actively requiring that SEC actually do anything (and/or meddling in SEC taking action). The major enabler for the whole financial mess and the triple-A rated toxic CDO frenzy was being able to pay the rating agencies for triple-A ratings ... something that the SEC should have stepped into.

In the wake of ENRON, congress had passed Sarbanes-Oxley ... but it seemed to have little actual effect ... including supposedly having SEC taking much larger role ... even with the rating agencies.

As part of SOX, the only thing that SEC actually seemed to do about the rating agencies was produce this report:

Report on the Role and Function of Credit Rating Agencies in the Operation of the Securities Markets; As Required by Section 702(b) of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

another indication that SEC wasn't doing anything doing the period was the congressional testimony by the person that had tried for a decade to get SEC to do something about Madoff.

It also seemed like GAO also thot that SEC was doing little or nothing when they started doing reports about number of financial filings by public companies that were either fraudulent and/or in error (even before SOX, should have resulted in some SEC action ... and supposedly SOX even gave SEC more powers)

There was even uptick in the problem filings after SOX ... so did Sarbanes-Oxley

• have no effect on fraudulent reporting
• encouraged public companies to increase fraudulent reporting
• w/o SOX, all public companies would have been making fraudulent filings

past posts referencing either the SEC credit rating report and/or the GAO fraudulent filing reports: Bush - place in history IBM's 2Q2008 Earnings Blinkenlights Why is sub-prime crisis of America called the sub-prime crisis? Global Melt Down Collateralized debt obligations (CDOs) Top financial firms of US are eyeing on bailout. It implies to me that their "Risk Management Department's" assessment was way below expectations Blind-sided, again. Why? Five great technological revolutions Garbage in, garbage out trampled by Moore's law How reliable are the credit rating companies? Who is over seeing them? What are the challenges in risk analytics post financial crisis? The Credit Crunch: Why it happened? CROOKS and NANNIES: what would Boyd do? A great article was posted in another BI group: "To H*** with Business Intelligence: 40 Percent of Execs Trust Gut" In your opinion, which facts caused the global crise situation? Credit & Risk Management ... go Simple ? As bonuses...why breed greed, when others are in dire need? What can we learn from the meltdown? How to defeat new telemarketing tactic Audit II: Two more scary words: Sarbanes-Oxley PNC Financial to pay CEO $3 million stock bonus NEW SEC (Enforcement) MANUAL, A welcome addition Bernard Madoff Is Jailed After Pleading Guilty -- are there more "Madoff's" out there? Is Wall Street World's Largest Ponzi Scheme where Madoff is Just a Poster Child? Should Glass-Steagall be reinstated? On whom or what would you place the blame for the sub-prime crisis? Just posted third article about toxic assets in a series on the current financial crisis Treating the Web As an Archive In the USA "financial regulator seeks power to curb excess speculation." IBM identity manager goes big on role control Happy DEC-10 Day The Revolving Door and S.E.C. Enforcement The Revolving Door and S.E.C. Enforcement The Python and the Mongoose: it helps if you know the rules of engagement "Fraud & Stupidity Look a Lot Alike" Idiotic programming style edicts Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Who is Really to Blame for the Financial Crisis?

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Idiotic programming style edicts

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From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Idiotic programming style edicts
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Thu, 23 Sep 2010 12:31:57 -0400
maus <> writes:
There is the theory that Greenspan let the lunatics in charge, after the Internet Bubble, to 'reenergize' the US economy.

not that it wasn't real ... but somewhat obfuscation and misdirection from the underlying triple-A rated, toxic CDOs ... were the CDS ... being able to place a bet on nearly anything ... including entities packaging triple-A rated, toxic CDOs, selling them off, and then betting that they would fail.

It was somewhat Greenspan in conjunction with people behind GLBA. The CDS have cost a couple hundred billions ... but the toll that the triple-A rated toxic CDOs have had ... runs more to large trillions. Repeal of Glass-Steagall allowed regulated depository financial institutions have unregulated investment banking arms play in the triple-A rated toxic CDOs ... effectively making the institutions insolvent (if everything was required to come back on the books).

25 People to Blame for the Financial Crisis; Phil Gramm,28804,1877351_1877350_1877330,00.html

from above:
He played a leading role in writing and pushing through Congress the 1999 repeal of the Depression-era Glass-Steagall Act, which separated commercial banks from Wall Street. He also inserted a key provision into the 2000 Commodity Futures Modernization Act that exempted over-the-counter derivatives like credit-default swaps from regulation by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. Credit-default swaps took down AIG, which has cost the U.S. $150 billion thus far.

... snip ...

Commodity Futures Modernization Act was also implicated in Enron ...

Gramm and the 'Enron Loophole'

from above:
Enron was a major contributor to Mr. Gramm's political campaigns, and Mr. Gramm's wife, Wendy, served on the Enron board, which she joined after stepping down as chairwoman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.

... snip ...

Phil Gramm's Enron Favor

from above:
A few days after she got the ball rolling on the exemption, Wendy Gramm resigned from the commission. Enron soon appointed her to its board of directors, where she served on the audit committee, which oversees the inner financial workings of the corporation. For this, the company paid her between $915,000 and $1.85 million in stocks and dividends, as much as $50,000 in annual salary, and $176,000 in attendance fees, according to a report by Public Citizen ...

... snip ...

... and then

Greenspan Slept as Off-Books Debt Escaped Scrutiny

from above:
That same year Greenspan, Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin and SEC Chairman Arthur Levitt opposed an attempt by Brooksley Born, head of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, to study regulating over-the-counter derivatives. In 2000, Congress passed a law keeping them unregulated.

... snip ...

aka Wendy Gramm fairly quickly replaced Born (as chairwoman of Commodity Futures Trading Commision) before stepping down (after her husband's exemption in the 2000 Commodity Futures Modernization Act) to join Enron's board (where she was on the audit committee).

misc. past posts mentioning above article: How to defeat new telemarketing tactic is it possible that ALL banks will be nationalized? Who will Survive AIG or Derivative Counterparty Risk? The Formula That Killed Wall Street HSBC is expected to announce a profit, which is good, what did they do differently? I need insight on the Stock Market Bernard Madoff Is Jailed After Pleading Guilty -- are there more "Madoff's" out there? Quiz: Evaluate your level of Spreadsheet risk Is Wall Street World's Largest Ponzi Scheme where Madoff is Just a Poster Child? Do bonuses foster unethical conduct? Should Glass-Steagall be reinstated? What is swap in the financial market? Should we fear and hate derivatives? Should FDIC or the Federal Reserve Bank have the authority to shut down and take over non-bank financial institutions like AIG? Architectural Diversity What is the real basis for business mess we are facing today? On whom or what would you place the blame for the sub-prime crisis? Just posted third article about toxic assets in a series on the current financial crisis Treating the Web As an Archive REGULATOR ROLE IN THE LIGHT OF RECENT FINANCIAL SCANDALS In the USA "financial regulator seeks power to curb excess speculation." Opinions on the 'Unix Haters' Handbook' Now is time for banks to replace core system according to Accenture 70 Years of ATM Innovation Oldest Instruction Set still in daily use? The 2010 Census Our Pecora Moment The Python and the Mongoose: it helps if you know the rules of engagement Who is Really to Blame for the Financial Crisis?

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Do we really need to care about DNS Security?

From: (Lynn Wheeler)
Date: 23 Sep, 2010
Subject: Do we really need to care about DNS Security?
Blog: Payment Systems Network
We had been called in to consult with a small client/server startup that wanted to do payment transactions on their server; they had also invented technology called "SSL" they wanted to use; the result is now frequently called "electronic commerce". As part of that activity, we had to do walk-thru/audits of some of these new operations calling themselves "Certification Authorities", that were issuing "digital certificates" in support of "SSL".

Big motivation for "SSL" was to overcome some integrity issues in the DNS infrastructure. However, the walk-thru of the CAs, showed that they were requiring SSL certificate applicants provide a lot of information ... that was then checked against the domain name owner information on-file at the DNS infrastructure. Improving the integrity of the DNS infrastructure was in the interest of the CA industry (as countermeasure to compromised domain name owner information resulting in providing SSL certificate to the wrong entity). However, improving the integrity of the DNS infrastructure also mitigates the whole justification for SSL & SSL certificates.

Disclaimer: person responsible for DNS was at the science center in the early 70s ... at the same time I was.

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Idiotic programming style edicts

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Idiotic programming style edicts
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Thu, 23 Sep 2010 15:34:15 -0400
Morten Reistad <> writes:
The next bubble was a much more vacuous one. It was build solidly on bad, ugly and outright criminal bad credit.

re: Idiotic programming style edicts Idiotic programming style edicts Idiotic programming style edicts Idiotic programming style edicts Idiotic programming style edicts Idiotic programming style edicts

there have been some references that the investment bankers behind a lot of the junk bonds in the S&L crisis (left no fingerprints) ... where then involved in the internet bubble ... running venture-capital/IPO mills (invest couple million, two years later have IPO at a couple or couple hundred billion, it was actually beneficial to then have the startup fail, since it left the market wide-open for the next startup IPO), ... and then went on to play major roles in the more recent toxic CDOs and CDS activity.

the wharton business school article ... estimated that approx. 1000 were responsible for 80% of the most recent mess and that it would go a long way to improving things if the gov. could figure out something to do about them. the article is either gone 404 or now behind some registration frontend ... however, it lives on at the wayback machine

misc. past posts mentioning wharton article: independent appraisers Fixing finance IBM CEO's remuneration last year ? independent appraisers Credit Crisis Timeline A Merit based system of reward -Does anybody (or any executive) really want to be judged on merit? Do you have other examples of how people evade taking resp. for risk CROOKS and NANNIES: what would Boyd do? CROOKS and NANNIES: what would Boyd do? The Credit Crunch: Why it happened? Banks' Demise: Why have the Governments hired the foxes to mend the chicken runs? Are Both The U.S. & UK on the brink of debt disaster? Amid Economic Turbulence, Mainframes Counter IT Cost-Cutting Trend Barbless The recently revealed excesses of John Thain, the former CEO of Merrill Lynch, while the firm was receiving $25 Billion in TARP funds makes me sick A great article was posted in another BI group: "To H*** with Business Intelligence: 40 Percent of Execs Trust Gut" US disaster, debts and bad financial management Credit & Risk Management ... go Simple ? In your opinion, which facts caused the global crise situation? How to defeat new telemarketing tactic How to defeat new telemarketing tactic People to Blame for the Financial Crisis 'WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE GLOBAL MELTDOWN' Congress Set to Approve Pay Cap of $500,000 Architectural Diversity What is the real basis for business mess we are facing today? US banking Changes- TARP Proposl US banking Changes- TARP Proposl On whom or what would you place the blame for the sub-prime crisis? The 2010 Census In the News: SEC storms the 'Castle' Who is Really to Blame for the Financial Crisis?

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Central vs. expanded storage

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: lynn@GARLIC.COM (Anne & Lynn Wheeler)
Subject: Re: Central vs. expanded storage
MailingList: IBM z/VM Operating System
Date: Fri, 24 Sep 2010 08:02:05 -0400
On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 2:14 AM, O'Brien, Dennis L <dennis.l.o'> wrote:
I heard from a couple of performance people at SHARE that we should have 20% to 25% of the total storage in an LPAR configured as expanded storage. Naturally, that's a guideline and the proper amount varies by workload. What should I look at to determine if we have enough expanded storage? We use Velocity's ESALPS suite. The systems that I'm most concerned about have a Linux guest workload. One of them is all WAS, and the other is a mix of WAS, Oracle, and some other things.

I've heard that WAS isn't the best choice for System z, but that's not the focus of my concern. We have the workload that we have, and I just want to make it run as well as it can.

expanded store was originally done for 3090 because of physical packaging problems ... it was not possible to locate all the memory they needed for configuration within the latency of the standard memory bus ... so they created the expanded store bus that was wider & longer ... and used software control to move 4k pages back&forth between regular storage and expanded store. a synchronous instruction was provided for moving the data back&forth.

the expanded store bus was also used to attach HIPPI (100mbyte/sec) channel/devices ... since the standard 3090 i/o interface couldn't handle the data-rate. However, since bus didn't support channel programs ... there was a peculiar (pc-like) peek/poke convention used (i.e. i/o control was done by moving 4k blocks to/from special reserved addresses on the bus).

moving forward (after physical packaging was no longer an issue) ... expanded store paradigm has been preserved because of software storage management &/or storage addressing deficiencies.

effectively, expanded store paradigm is used to partition real storage into different classes .... however, going back at least 40yrs ... there is large body of data that shows that single large store is more efficient than partitioning the same amount of storage (assuming that there aren't other storage management issues/shortcomings).

the simple scenario is 10000 storage pages and 10000 expanded storage pages ... all occupied; when there is requirement for page that is in expanded storage, it is swapped with a page in regular storage (incurring some software overhead). The alternative is one large block of 20000 pages ... all directly executable ... and doesn't require swapping any pages between expanded store and regular store.

One of the defficiencies is dealing with application and/or operating systems that perform their own caching/paging algorithm using some sort of LRU mechanism (i.e. replacing their own pages/records using some approximation to least-recently-used). This is characteristic of large DBMS infrastructures that manage records in their own cache as well as operating systems that support virtual memory. Their is a pathological scenario if the virtual operation doesn't have all its own dedicated storage (like in LPARs); VM will be managing virtual pages using an LRU methodology (least-recently-used pages are the ones selected for replacement) ... at the same time the virtual guest/DBMS is also managing (what it thinks is real storage) with an LRU methodology. If both are operating simultaneously ... it is possible for VM to "replace" what it thinks is the least-recently-used page (the virtual page least likely to be used) ... at the same time the virtual guest/DBMS has decided that same page is exactly the next page it wants to use.

Executing LRU replacement algorithms in a virtual guest/DBMS ... where its storage is also being managed via an LRU replacement algorithm, ... can invalidate the assumption underlying LRU replacement algorithms ... that the least-recently-used page is the least likely to be used (a virtual guest/DBMS ... doing is own LRU algorithm is likely to select the least-recently-used page as the next page most likely to be used).

misc. past posts mentioning expanded store TF-1 Expanded Storage? Expanded Storage? What are some impressive page rates? Expanded Storage Expanded Storage Expanded Storage VM maclib reference Is VIO mandatory? Expanded Storage {SPAM?} Re: Expanded Storage {SPAM?} Re: Expanded Storage {SPAM?} Re: Expanded Storage {SPAM?} Re: Expanded Storage Multiple address spaces Multiple address spaces virtual memory REAL memory column in SDSF REAL memory column in SDSF Tom's Hdw review of SSDs Virtual Storage implementation what does xp do when system is copying IBM LCS Flash memory arrays Thanks for the SEL32 Reminder, Al! Mainframe Hall of Fame: 17 New Members Added How to analyze a volume's access by dataset

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Idiotic programming style edicts

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Idiotic programming style edicts
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Fri, 24 Sep 2010 13:13:39 -0400
jmfbahciv <> writes:
Doesn't it look like the FFs are the pot where all the debt is ending up in?

We still don't know how big a mess this medical insurance edict is going to create. I don't see how Congress can channel that debt into the FFs.

(fannie/freddie started playing in toxic CDOs ... but less than the $5.2T that were in just the four largest too-big-to-fail financial instituations (that was being carried off-balance). Lots of the stuff in the news (like frannie/freddie) seems to be some obfuscation and misdirection away from where the core of the problem was ... aka there are lots of problems at fannie/freddie which need fixing ... but it is something like sacrificial lamb being thrown to the wolves ... when those responsible for the majority of the problems get away.

Supposedly the original purpose for TARP $700B was to buy up the stuff ... but it looked like when they found out how really large the problem it was ... they started using TARP money in other ways. Recent reports are that Federal Reserve has bought up $1.4T in toxic CDOs ... something that doesn't require congressional approval/appropriation

recent blog entry quoting some numbers

from above:
Between 2004 and 2006, when subprime lending was exploding, Fannie and Freddie went from holding a high of 48 percent of the subprime loans that were sold into the secondary market to holding about 24 percent, according to data from Inside Mortgage Finance, a specialty publication. One reason is that Fannie and Freddie were subject to tougher standards than many of the unregulated players in the private sector who weakened lending standards, most of whom have gone bankrupt or are now in deep trouble.

During those same explosive three years, private investment banks -- not Fannie and Freddie -- dominated the mortgage loans that were packaged and sold into the secondary mortgage market. In 2005 and 2006, the private sector securitized almost two thirds of all U.S. mortgages, supplanting Fannie and Freddie, according to a number of specialty publications that track this data.

... snip ...

lets say majority of problem was symbiotic relationship between two groups of preditors ... unregulated loan originators and those that dealt in (triple-A rated) toxic CDOs ... with some amount of plain greed from real estate speculation thrown in.

that goes along with the industry that dealt in the toxic CDOs, during the bubble/mess, had bonuses spike by more than 400% and the size of the industry (as percent of GDP) triple (with no obvious benefit to the economy or the country; in fact, just the opposite) ... and there is now all sort of resistance to having things return to pre-bubble levels.

refs: Idiotic programming style edicts Idiotic programming style edicts Idiotic programming style edicts Idiotic programming style edicts Idiotic programming style edicts Idiotic programming style edicts Idiotic programming style edicts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Central vs. expanded storage

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **
From: lynn@GARLIC.COM (Anne & Lynn Wheeler)
Subject: Re: Central vs. expanded storage
MailingList: IBM z/VM Operating System
Date: Sat, 25 Sep 2010 08:27:36 -0400
Kris Buelens wrote:
There is handshaking between Linux and VM, and even more than one flavor....

The fact that z/VM still likes to have some expanded storage is that the management of central and expanded are different: For expanded, CP has a time stamp and know exactly how old each page is. For central storage there only is the reference bit, thus CP can only know if the page was referenced since the last scan.

re: Central vs. expanded storage

least-recently-used approximation replacement (whether used in the last scan or not) ... is based on assumption that it is predictor of probability that the page will be needed in the near future.

as things age past a certain point ... differences in their age (since last used) becomes less reliable differentiator (as to higher or lower probability of being used in the near future) ... and some sort of pseudo-random can actually outperform strict ordering (some of these are scenarios where LRU devolves to FIFO ... and random performs better than straight FIFO).

in the 70s, there were a number of places that looked at multiple bits ... effectively one per scan, possibly one hardware bits and one or more software bits, where RRB becomes more like logical shift instruction.

One of the issues is if it takes too long to do a complete scan ... then there is little differentiation being made between pages. Splitting memory into storage and expanded storage ... makes regular storage smaller and therefor the scan goes faster. Having multiple bits (more history) also tends to scan going faster ... since the additional history tends to require scan to look at more pages each time.

Again from the early 70s, another approach is to offset the testing of the reference bit from resetting the reference bit ... say by 1/2 or 1/4 the number of pages. This gave the name to "clock" in the early 80s i.e. two "hands" rotating around storage pages ... one resetting and the other testing ... rather than a single "hand" resetting and testing simultaneously; while I had done something similar in the late 60s and early 70s ... "clock" was a stanford phd in the early 80s.

At the time of the stanford phd ... there was some academic opposition to giving a degree in that specific area ... and I was asked to provide some of my supporting studies from more than a decade earlier. An old post
with copy of communication from the time:

Besides doing VM, GML, bunch of online & conversational stuff, the science center had done a lot of work on performance monitoring, workload & configuration profiling, and stuff that would turn into capacity planning. This included various kinds of system simulators and analytical modeling. One of the system simulators included using instruction/storage traces for simulating variety of page replacement algorithms ... including "exact LRU" (aka maintaining exact LRU ordering of *every* page based on each & every reference). In the early 70s, I had come up with a variation on clock which would always beat "exact LRU" (coming closer to Belady's "OPT" ... given fore knowledge of program execution, it would always choose the page for replacement that resulted in the fewest total page faults).

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Really dumb IPL question

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: lynn@GARLIC.COM (Anne & Lynn Wheeler)
Subject: Re: Really dumb IPL question
Date: 27 Sep 2010 10:43:03 -0700
dba@LISTS.DUDA.COM (David Andrews) writes:
Perhaps TCPIP autolog would do the trick as well? Does your product run all the time?

I had originally created the autolog command for automated benchmarking ... near the end of the system boot/ipl process, it would autolog a generic id (*autolog1*). For benchmarking, *autolog1* would have script that autolog'ed the benchmarking ID ... which had a script controlling which processes to autolog and which synthetic workload each process should run. At the end of the benchmark, it would update the script for the next benchmark, and do an auto shutdown/reboot ... which would invoke the next benchmark. This would be repeated as long as needed. For instance, for the final validation for my resource manager, over 2000 automated benchmarks were run, taking 3 months elapsed time.

Some past posts mentioning automated benchmarking

some old email mentioning migrating a whole lot of code from cp67 to vm370 ... and features that were in my internal csc/vm release (product for internal datacenters) starting out with release 2 of vm370.

we had collected lots of workload and configuration profile information from both internal and customer datacenters ... and built graph depicting normal range of operations. The first 1000 benchmarks were manually defined to evenly cover the wide variety of configurations and workloads (along with numerous benchmarks way outside normal observed operations). The final 1000 was an intelligent automated program that included sophisticated analytical system model ... which would "look for" interesting operating points (based on all benchmark data todate; it would also predict what the resulting benchmark should be and compare the actual results with the predicted; interesting that it was used to help calibrate actual operation as well as the analytical system model).

some of the items (including autolog) were picked up and released in the standard vm370 release 3 ... and other features were packgaged and released in my resource manager. misc. past posts mentioning my resource manager

for production operation, while cp67 got auto-reboot fairly early ... it still required (operator) manual initiation of lots of the services (like networking). autolog became the standard process for starting all these standard processes (back then they were referred to as service virtual machines ... the current nomenclature seems to be virtual appliance).

One of the issues for virtual machine based system use for 7x24 online timesharing operation ... both dedicated corporate use as well as commercial timesharing service bureaus (the '60s & '70s version of cloud computing) was cutting datacenter costs for offshift, usually light usage. In the early days, machines were leased and monthly datacenter charge was based on hrs taken from the cpu meter, which ran when the cpu and/or any channel was active (and could continue to run for 400ms after all activity had ceased). A very early trick in cp67 was how to leave an active channel program (to accept incoming terminal activity) ... and still allow the channel to go to sleep when no data was actually being transferred. The later trick was increasing dark room operation for lots of offshift (not only auto-boot, but also have all the expected services to be back up and running). misc. past posts mentioning early online commercial timesharing service bureaus:

part of picking up lot of stuff I had been doing on 370 for release 3 ... and then also releasing a lot of the rest of stuff as resource manager ... was getting stuff back into the 370 product pipeline after the failure of FS ... misc. past posts mentioning Future System effort

i.e. FS was radically different from 370 and was going to completely replace it; as a result lots of work had ceased on 370 related products (I continued to work on 370 and made critical observations about reality of what was going on in FS). Recently I ran into description of OS/VS2 SVS & MVS that were supposedly just on the "glide-path" to the FS operating system ("OS/VS2 Release 3").

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Paper tape

Refed: **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Paper tape
Newsgroups: demon.service, alt.folklore.computers, uk.comp.vintage
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2010 08:34:01 -0400
"Nicholas D. Richards" <> writes:
One night while watching over a printer waiting for one of my listings to come out, I was left seeing stars as the printer ran out of paper and the cover shot up, catching my chin.

I remember one weekend (undergraduate in the 60s; they normally shutdown operations 8am sat and didn't restart until 8am monday ... so I could have the whole datacenter to myself for the weekend; 48hrs w/o sleep made monday morning classes a little difficult) when I was doing some work on os/360 on a 360/65 (actually 360/67 but running os/360 in non-translate mode) ... and the system came to stop and bell rang ... and I couldn't get anything to happen.

finally after 45-60 mins ... I slammed the 1052-7 operator's console, and the last sheet of paper fell out of the terminal.

turns out that there is a "finger" that senses the end/last of (fan-fold) paper had passed (and signals an "intervention required" interrupt to the system)... however, in this particular case, there still enough friction that the last page of paper was still sitting in the terminal. It wasn't until i slammed my fist into the console ... that last sheet of paper fell out ... and I realized I needed to feed another box of paper into the console.

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Who are these people who think cybersecurity experts are crying wolf?

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: (Lynn Wheeler)
Date: 28 Sep, 2010
Subject: Who are these people who think cybersecurity experts are crying wolf?
Blog: Information Security Network
shared-secret biometrics (i.e. where biometric is stored at some server) ... can be revoked ... they just can't be easily re-issued.

note, in addition, to the security snakeoil scare tactics ... there are also the purveyors of blatantly insecure products that raise such issues as part of misdirection and obfuscation.

we were tangentially involved with the ca. data breach legislation ... having been brought in to help wordsmith the cal. electronic signature legislation.

several of the participants were heavily involved in privacy issues and had done a number of detailed, in-depth privacy surveys. The number one issue was identity theft ... mostly the subcategory account fraud, where crooks harvest information from previous transactions to perform fraudulent financial transactions (current paradigm effectively uses static data for whatever authentication is provided ... and therefor it is a form of replay attack).

A major source for the harvested information has been various kinds of data breaches ... which there seemed to be little or nothing being done about. A big issue is normally institutions are motivated to provide security & threat countermeasures when their assets are at risk ... however, in this particular scenario ... the risk isn't to the institution but to the customers (resulting in no motivation to the institution). It was hoped that the publicity resulting from the data breach notification would provide some motivation to institutions to take countermeasures.

Earlier, we had been called in to consult with a small client/server startup that wanted to do payment transactions on their server; they had also invented this technology called SSL they wanted to use; the result is now frequently called electronic commerce.

Somewhat as a result, in the mid-90s we were asked to participate in the x9a10 financial standard working group which had been given the requirement to preserve the integrity of the financial infrastructure for ALL retail payments. There were threat & vulnerability studies of the various payment types, mechanisms, and environments.

The result was the x9.59 financial transaction standard. One of the things that x9.59 did was slightly tweak the existing paradigm and eliminate the replay attack threat (i.e. did nothing to prevent data breaches, skimming, evesdropping, etc ... just made the harvested information useless to the crooks for performing fraudulent financial transactions). In some sense, it can be considered to substitute strong authentication & integrity for confidentiality. Note that the major use of SSL in the world today is this earlier work we did on electronic commerce for hiding account numbers and transaction information. X9.59 eliminated the requirement to hide the information and therefore also eliminates the major use of "SSL" in the world today.

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Idiotic programming style edicts

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Idiotic programming style edicts
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2010 10:42:20 -0400
lynn wrote:
Fed Divided on Move to Buy U.S. Debt

What happened to the global economy and what we can do about it TARP Is Gone -- But May Soon Be Back

of course the "treasury" TARP doesn't include what the FED also has been doing. the baseline points out that the whole thing has been exceedingly favorably to bankers and has done nothing regarding the issue of future "responsibility" and "system risk".

there is a similar article about citi using DMCA to takedown internal document discussing how favorable things have been to the banks.

Citigroup uses DMCA as shield to hide past opinions

and there have been a number recent articles that the FEDs actions have also been unduely favorable to the institutions that carry major responsibility for the whole mess. note that the baseline article mentions the difficulty in actually using tarp funds for buying up toxic assets ... it says nothing about what must be equal difficulty that FED has bought up twice the toxic assets (as total appropriated in TARP).

the above article does point out that when similar things happened in other countries ... the people behind TARP were recommending significantly stronger measures ... than what they implemented when it was in our own country.

re: Idiotic programming style edicts Idiotic programming style edicts Idiotic programming style edicts Idiotic programming style edicts Idiotic programming style edicts Idiotic programming style edicts Idiotic programming style edicts Idiotic programming style edicts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Who are these people who think cybersecurity experts are crying wolf?

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: (Lynn Wheeler)
Date: 01 Oct, 2010
Subject: Who are these people who think cybersecurity experts are crying wolf?
Blog: Information Security Network
re: Who are these people who think cybersecurity experts are crying wolf?

i.e. the point of the (original) cal. data breech notification legislation (as per above) was trying to motivate institutions to protect financial transaction details ... since 1) there seem to be little being done and 2) it was major source of harvested information for crooks enabling fraudulent financial transactions (aka since existing paradigm is subject to replay attack with static data).

other issues in the existing paradigm with respect to harvesting static financial transaction information for fraudulent financial transactions (independent of the issue whether the institutions are being asked to protect stuff that doesn't put them at risk ... w/o the outside legislation and/or regulations).

security proportional to risk; the value of the information to the merchant can be a few dollars (profit on the transaction) and to the transaction processor a few cents. the value of the information to the crook can be the credit limit and/or account balance. as a result the crooks may be able to afford spending 100 times as much attacking the system as the merchant/processor can afford spending to defend

dual-use vulnerability; in many cases the current paradigm has the static information needed by crooks for performing fraudulent transaction is also the information that dozens of business processes require at millions of locations around the world. as a result, I've periodically observed that even if the world was buried under miles of information hiding encryption, it still couldn't stop information leakage.

... in fact, at the time of the cal. data breach notification work ... there seemed to be a tendency to have news related to fraud where consumer had some control ... like lost/stolen cards ... but a decided tendency to not publish information where the consumer had no control; insider threats, data breaches, and some skimming. External skimming situations where consumer might be able to notice something amiss showed up in the news ... but situations where skimming devices were installed during manufacturing tended to get much less press.

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

ZeuS attacks mobiles in bank SMS bypass scam

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: (Lynn Wheeler)
Date: 01 Oct, 2010
Subject: ZeuS attacks mobiles in bank SMS bypass scam
Blog: Financial Crime Risk, Fraud and Security
We had been called in to consult with a small client/server startup that wanted to do payment transactions on their server; they had also invented this technology called SSL they wanted to use; the result is now frequently called "electronic commerce".

Somewhat as a result, in the mid-90s, we were asked to participate in the x9a10 financial standard working group which had been given the requirement to preserve the integrity of the financial infrastructure for ALL retail payments. There were threat & vulnerability studies of the various payment types, mechanisms and environments.

The result was the x9.59 financial transaction standard. One of the things that X9.59 did was slightly tweak the existing paradigm and eliminate the replay attack threat (i.e. did nothing to prevent data breaches, skimming, evesdropping, etc ... just made the harvested information useless to the crooks for performing fraudulent financial transactions).

Note that the major use of SSL in the world today is this earlier work we had done on "electronic commerce" for hiding account numbers and transaction information. X9.59 eliminated the requirement to hide the information and therefor also eliminates the major use of "SSL" in the world today.

it has been recognized from the beginning that the majority of devices connecting to the internet have enormous vulnerabilities.

in the mid-90s, there were presentations by consumer dial-up online banking operations about moving to the internet, motivated by offloading the enormous consumer support costs of operating their own proprietary dial-up environment (especially involved with supporting serial-port devices ... aka the consumer serial-port dial-up modems). at the same time, the commercial/business dial-up online banking operations were claiming they would never move to the internet (because of the enormous security vulnerabilitys of the typical devices used to connect to the internet). More recently there have been recommendations that businesses have a PC dedicated only to online banking and *NEVER* used for anything else.

In parallel with the work on the x9.59 financial standard, there was work on the EU FINREAD device ... basically extending the "end-point" for performing financial operations to a hardened external device, that provided its own secure display (of the transactions) and required real human interaction to perform the operation. While x9.59 eliminated replay attacks (data-breaches, skimming, evesdropping, etc) ... there were still vulnerability of compromised end-points impersonating real human operation (which EU FINREAD standard would address for online financial operations).

Unfortunately the early part of this century there were some ill-fated token deployments that resulted in the industry retrenching from all such security approaches. One was POS deployment involving tokens with the YES CARD vulnerability (there was a quote from the period about billions being spent to prove that chips are less secure than magstripe).

Another was deployment of tokens along with a serial-port interface device (for online/internet operation) ... and the resulting consumer support nightmare (apparently the ephemeral institutional knowledge about serial-port support issues had evaporated in the very short period since consumer dial-up online banking started moving to the internet).

19 Nabbed as Zeus-Based Scam Unravels
'Avalanche' Group Linked to Fraud
Millions Netted in Global Bank Hack
Feds accuse 37 of being Zeus 'money mules'
Zeus Trojan bust reveals sophisticated 'money mules' operation in U.S. .
Dozens charged in NY in global computer virus scam
Update: U.S. charges 60 in connection with the Zeus Trojan
US Charges 60 in Connection With the Zeus Trojan
Governments take on Zeus, the god of cybercrime Malware
Feds hit Zeus group, but the brains remain overseas
Feds hit Zeus group, but the brains remain overseas
UK ZBot Fraudsters Officially Named and Charged
Over 60 to be charged in Zeus Trojan cybercrime Reuters
US Charges Over Sixty People in ZBot-Related Scheme
Feds Hit Zeus Group, but the Brains Remain Overseas
FBI Busts 37 in $3 Million Zeus Trojan Scam
U.S. Busts $3M 'Zeus Trojan' Cyber Crime Ring,2817,2370013,00.asp
80-plus charged in NYC in global computer virus scam to steal millions from US bank accounts,0,1993007.story
Authorities indict more than 60 for role in Zeus banking Trojan scheme,289142,sid185_gci1521052,00.html
Accounts Raided in Global Bank Hack
U.S. Busts $3M 'Zeus Trojan' Cyber Crime Ring
ZeuS trojan bank-theft scheme extends to the U.S.
Zeus Trojan Bust Reveals Sophisticated 'Money Mules' Operation in U.S.
Multiple Arrests Made in Million Dollar Online Scam
U.S. Busts $3M 'Zeus Trojan' Cyber Crime Ring
Zeus Botnet Bust Shows Malware is All about Money
Crackdown on Zeus Trojan crime ring in progress, 60 charged

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Is the United States the weakest link when it comes to credit card security?

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: (Lynn Wheeler)
Date: 01 Oct, 2010
Subject: Is the United States the weakest link when it comes to credit card security?
Blog: Payment System Network
Part of the issue was that there was a rather large US pilot the early part of this century ... but it was in the period of the YES CARD vulnerability. At the time there was a presentation in the "ATM Integrity TaskForce" meetings about the YES CARD which prompted somebody in the audience to comment
that they managed to spend billions on chips to prove that they are less secure than magstripe

. In the period afterwards, the pilot effort seemed to have evaporated w/o a trace.

Since then there have been various news items about the cost of such transition in the US. The possibility is that in the wake of the yes card scenario, there is worry that the actual cost might involve a whole series of such roll-outs.

in the early part of this century, there were also a number of safe/secure internet payment products that were being pitched to merchants and getting very high acceptance. Then came the cognitive dissonance when the merchants were told that the interchange rate for safe/secure payment products would be higher than the highest fraud interchange rate ... and it all sort of fell apart (merchants had anticipated that since in the past, the interchange rate was proportional to the fraud rate ... that the interchange rate would drop with safe/secure payments rather than go the other way)

as to the control issue ... in the late 90s, the major internet players offered to underwrite a ubiquitous roll-out of secure payment infrastructure ... expecting to recoup the expense by increased uptake of internet products. the major payment players didn't know what to make of the offer ... attack of decision paralysis and severe anxiety that it might result in loosing control of the payment business.

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

ZeuS attacks mobiles in bnak SMS bypass scam

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: (Lynn Wheeler)
Date: 01 Oct, 2010
Subject: ZeuS attacks mobiles in bnak SMS bypass scam
Blog: Financial Crime Risk, Fraud and Security
re: ZeuS attacks mobiles in bank SMS bypass scam

x-comment from a couple recent/related threads in (linkedin) info security group

re: Data breaches remain high Who are these people who think cybersecurity experts are crying wolf? Who are these people who think cybersecurity experts are crying wolf?

Data breaches remain high

from above:
The number of reported data breaches have skyrocketed since numerous states, including Pennsylvania and New Jersey, adopted new data breach notification laws in 2005 and 2006.

... snip ...

We were tangentially involved in the (original Cal) state data breach notification legislation. We had been brought in to help wordsmith the electronic signature legislation and several of the parties were heavily involved in privacy issues.

They had done detailed (citizen) privacy surveys and no. one issue was "identity theft" ... significant part was form of "account fraud" as a result of data breaches. One of the issues with regard to data breaches ... is crooks use the information to perform fraudulent financial transactions against the account holders ... i.e. there is no direct threat against the institutions where the breaches occur ... and therefor they had much less motivation to take countermeasures.

i.e. the point of the (original) cal. data breech notification legislation (as per above) was trying to motivate institutions to protect financial transaction details ... since 1) there seem to be little being done and 2) it was major source of harvested information for crooks enabling fraudulent financial transactions (aka since existing paradigm is subject to replay attack with static data).

other issues in the existing paradigm with respect to harvesting static financial transaction information for fraudulent financial transactions (independent of the issue whether the institutions are being asked to protect stuff that doesn't put them at risk ... w/o the outside legislation and/or regulations).

security proportional to risk; the value of the information to the merchant can be a few dollars (profit on the transaction) and to the transaction processor a few cents. the value of the information to the crook can be the credit limit and/or account balance. as a result the crooks may be able to afford spending 100 times as much attacking the system as the merchant/processor can afford spending to defend

• dual-use vulnerability; in many cases the current paradigm has the static information needed by crooks for performing fraudulent transaction is also the information that dozens of business processes require at millions of locations around the world. as a result, I've periodically observed that even if the world was buried under miles of information hiding encryption, it still couldn't stop information leakage.

... in fact, at the time of the cal. data breach notification work ... there seemed to be a tendency to have news related to fraud where consumer had some control ... like lost/stolen cards ... but a decided tendency to not publish information where the consumer had no control; insider threats, data breaches, and some skimming. External skimming situations where consumer might be able to notice something amiss showed up in the news ... but situations where skimming devices were installed during manufacturing tended to get much less press.

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

TARP Bailout to Cost Less Than Once Anticipated

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: (Lynn Wheeler)
Date: 03 Oct, 2010
Subject: TARP Bailout to Cost Less Than Once Anticipated
Blog: Facebook
TARP Bailout to Cost Less Than Once Anticipated

original TARP was to outright buy toxic assets:

somewhat in its place, Fed Reserve has spent $1.4T buying toxic assets (twice what was appropriated in TARP ... since the $700B would have hardly made a dent in amount of toxic assets).

There is seeming conflict behind some of the reasons given for not using TARP to buy toxic assets and federal reserve going ahead and buying toxic assets.

apparently Federal Reserve stepped in to help get them off the banks books. Then the banks could use the $1.4T from the FED to payoff TARP (and other things). When it first hit PIMCO bought several tens of billions at 22cents on the dollar ... anybody guess whether FED paid face value??

aka ... at 22cents on the dollar, the four too-big-to-fail institutions would have failed.

large part of toxic assets are 100%/no-down in hot speculation markets that were running 15-30% inflation. bubble bursts and values deflate to pre-speculation levels (and not likely to return soon); maybe 50%. Better than 22cents on the dollar, but still enuf to take down the four too-big-to-fail; rest is lots of obfuscation and mis-direction.

Virtual Machines and TARP

There was brief note jan2009 that IDC would be helping treasury value toxic assets (back when TARP was going to be used for purchases). IDC was one of the early virtual machine commercial online service bureaus in the 60s. then, they (and ncss) started moving upvalue into financial information; in the early 70s, IDC bought the pricing service division from one of the rating agencies

Selling pricing service division was possibly leading edge of rating agencies not actually needing to value assets to give triple-A ratings (to the toxic CDOs). Disclaimer, in the 60s, I interviewed with IDC ... and knew lots of the employees. It isn't that toxic assets are that hard to value ... it is valid valuation wouldn't keep the large holders of toxic assets from failing. As I mentioned before, we had been asked to look at issues of securitized mortgages (CDOs) in the late '90s.

misc. past refs to IDC buy pricing service division Banks to embrace virtualisation in 2009: survey Banks to embrace virtualisation in 2009: survey What are the challenges in risk analytics post financial crisis? Lets play Blame Game...? The Credit Crunch: Why it happened? CROOKS and NANNIES: what would Boyd do? The Credit Crunch: Why it happened? A great article was posted in another BI group: "To H*** with Business Intelligence: 40 Percent of Execs Trust Gut" US disaster, debts and bad financial management Credit & Risk Management ... go Simple ? How to defeat new telemarketing tactic Audit II: Two more scary words: Sarbanes-Oxley The background reasons of Credit Crunch Timeline: 40 years of OS milestones Are the "brightest minds in finance" finally onto something? When did "client server" become part of the language? On whom or what would you place the blame for the sub-prime crisis? Is the current downturn cyclic or systemic? Flawed Credit Ratings Reap Profits as Regulators Fail Investors Analysing risk, especially credit risk in Banks, which was a major reason for the current crisis UK issues Turning apology (and about time, too) Opinions on the 'Unix Haters' Handbook' Is C close to the machine? Happy DEC-10 Day alphas was: search engine history, was Happy DEC LPARs: More or Less? S.E.C. Moves to Tighten Rules on Bonds Backed by Consumer Loans The Python and the Mongoose: it helps if you know the rules of engagement "Fraud & Stupidity Look a Lot Alike"

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Paper tape

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Paper tape
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Mon, 04 Oct 2010 10:18:19 -0400 (Christian Brunschen) writes:
There's also the big difference between understanding code and being able to maintain or re-use it. So, even if you had tried very hard to understand the code, if it's just badly designed and written it should _still_ be thrown out and re-done.

sometimes you can start with well design code ... and it is the maintenance over a period of years that turns it into spaghetti (or maybe a septic tank).

past references to getting to play disk engineer in the bldgs. 14&15.

they were doing dedicated, stand-alone testings ... with available mainframes scheduled nearly 7x24. they had once tried MVS in the environment (i.e. being able to do on-demand, concurrent testing of several different testcells concurrently) ... but in that environment, MVS had 15min MTBF before having to re-ipl/re-boot.

I decided to rewrite i/o supervisor so that it would never fail (so they could do on-demand, concurrent testing of any number of development testcells ... vastly improving productivity and thruput).

on of the side-effects of doing the rewrite ... was that it was also more compact code, much shorter pathlength, and had more function (besides never fail).

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Who are these people who think cybersecurity experts are crying wolf?

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: (Lynn Wheeler)
Date: 05 Oct, 2010
Subject: Who are these people who think cybersecurity experts are crying wolf?
Blog: Information Security Network
re: Who are these people who think cybersecurity experts are crying wolf? Who are these people who think cybersecurity experts are crying wolf?

There is fairly major divide ... when the breach involves the institution assets and risk to the institution ... and the most common data breaches where the transaction details are used by crooks to perform fraudulent financial transactions against consumer accounts ... and doesn't represent a direct threat/risk to most of the institutions where the breach occurred.

Note that at the time of the cal. state data breach legislation, they were also working on an "opt-in" personal information sharing legislation ... which was then pre-empted by federal "opt-out" sharing provisions in GLBA (this is the same legislation that repealed Glass-Steagall). Since then there have been a series of federal data breach legislation introduced (so far none passing) that generally fell into two categories 1) roughly equivalent to the original cal. state legislation and 2) data breach notification legislation that would effectively pre-empt state laws and eliminate most notification requirement (careful what you ask for).

As to the "opt-out" sharing provisions in GLBA, a couple years ago at an annual national privacy conference in DC, there was a panel discussion with the FTC commissioners and somebody from the back of the room got up and asked if the FTC commissioners would be doing anything about (even the weak) "opt-out" sharing. They claimed to be involved in call center operations used by majority of financial institutions and said that most of the people answering "opt-out" calls had no provisions for recording who called and wanted to "opt-out".

As to data breaches regarding financial transaction information that can be used by crooks to perform fraudulent financial transactions (effectively a kind of static data replay attack) ... as previously mentioned the x9.59 financial transaction standard slightly tweaked the paradigm and eliminated that risk ... aka did nothing about eliminating data breaches, skimming, evesdropping, etc ... just eliminated the risk of crooks being able to use the information for fraudulent financial transactions.

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Is the United States the weakest link when it comes to credit card security?

From: (Lynn Wheeler)
Date: 05 Oct, 2010
Subject: Is the United States the weakest link when it comes to credit card security?
Blog: Payment System Network
re: Is the United States the weakest link when it comes to credit card security?

some of the differences with the late '90s approach may not be immediately obvious.

traditionally, solutions are by parties that have vested interest (profit motivation) in the solution and/or interest/profit in the status quo.

the late '90s solution was to drastically improve the online threat & vulnerability landscape by parties that viewed it as a cost & market inhibitor ... an approach which appeared to scare many of the traditional players (with profit/vested interest in the status quo) ... not the least of which were the traditional stakeholders being worried that major disruptive paradigm change might make them obsolete.

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

PL/I vs. Pascal

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: PL/I vs. Pascal
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Tue, 05 Oct 2010 16:18:29 -0400
Rich Alderson <> writes:
The project collapsed when one of the applications programmers got a copy of the DEC-10 Pascal compiler from 3M--which along with their mods still had most of the comments in German from the port of the ETH compiler for the CDC 6600. About the same time, the systems programmers obtained the HITAC 8000 Pascal compiler from the Australian Atomic Energy Commision. I got to read the sources for both, and probably still have 9-track tapes; I *know* I still have a copy of VS Pascal from when it was a third-class citizen from IBM.

VS Pascal started out in the Los Gatos VLSI tools group by two of their people ... initially using metaware tools (metaware was used for a number of projects related to VSLI design/support at Los Gatos). old reference to TWS What terminology reflects the "first" computer language ?

One of the two then left ... went thru a number of startups, became VP of software development at MIPs and then general manager of the SUN business unit responsible for JAVA (after SGI bought MIPS).

The other hung around for awhile ... and I was trying to get him to do (mainframe) C front-end for the pascal backend ... before he left to join metaware. Then when Palo Alto group was working on BSD port to mainframe ... I convinced them to subcontract the C compiler to metaware. Before mainframe BSD shipped ... the group was redirected to do a PC/RT BSD port instead (aka "AOS" written to the "bare metal") ... and that somewhat convoluted history is why "AOS" was done with metaware C compiler.

VS Pascal were used for a number products ... including the mainframe TCP/IP protocol stack. I attribute the difference between Pascal and C ... why that (mainframe pascal) implementation had none of the common buffer length exploits common with TCP/IP stacks implemented in C.

There were other issues with that mainframe implementation ... namely high processor overhead and performance. I did the changes to support RFC1044 and in some testing at Cray research got channel media thruput using modest amount of 4341 (about 500 times improvement in number of instructions executed per bytes moved). misc. past posts mentioning rfc1044 support

We left about the time of the corporate troubles in the early 90s. Other consequences of the corporate troubles was lot of migration to COTS vlsi tools ... which included tech. transfer of various internal tools to external vendor. I've mentioned before that I had a consulting contract to port one such 50k+ statement vs/pascal tool to other platforms. It was when I found that many of the pascals on other platforms had possibly been used for little more than student instruction (and for one major target platform, the vendor had recently outsourced development/support to a location 12 timezones away; some relation to the term "rocket science").

misc. other posts mentioning metaware: Is Al Gore The Father of the Internet?^ Mainframe Spreadsheets - 1980's History Beyond 8+3 Question about Unix "heritage" Infiniband - practicalities for small clusters First single chip 32-bit microprocessor [Lit.] Buffer overruns CAS and LL/SC CAS and LL/SC will there every be another commerically signficant new ISA? something like a CTC on a PC [Lit.] Buffer overruns [Lit.] Buffer overruns Power5 and Cell, new issue of IBM Journal of R&D Free to good home: IBM RT UNIX Newbie question on table design CLIs and GUIs Lack of bit field instructions in x86 instruction set because of ?patents ? Old-school programming techniques you probably don't miss Microprocessors with Definable MIcrocode search engine history, was Happy DEC-10 Day someone smarter than Dave Cutler

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

The 10 Highest-Paid CEOs Who Laid Off The Most Employees

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: (Lynn Wheeler)
Date: 05 Oct, 2010
Subject: The 10 Highest-Paid CEOs Who Laid Off The Most Employees
Blog: IBM Alumni
One of the other reports is GAO started doing audits of public company financial filings ... which showed big uptick in fraudulent filings &/or accounting errors ... even after Sarbanes-Oxley (apparently SEC was doing little or nothing in this area).

One of the explanations given for the fraudulent filings was that it significantly increased CEO bonuses and that even if the filings were later corrected, the bonuses weren't reclaimed.

One semi-facetious choice was

1) sarbanes-oxley had no effect on public company fraudulent financial filings 2) sarbanes-oxley encouraged public company fraudulent financial filings 3) without sarbanes-oxley, all public companies would be making fraudulent financial filings.

There were a number of articles in the mid/late 90s that large corporations had lobbied congress for changes so that retirement funds could be moved from liability to asset ... resulting in big bottom line jump and massive spike in CEO bonus. The issue then raised was in any possible bankruptcy ... would creditors have claim on those funds.

I can imagine somebody writing a book in a couple decades drawing parallels between the last 15yrs and the "robber baron" stories from 100 years earlier.

Two years ago there was wharton business school article that estimated approx. 1000 are responsible for 80% of the current situation and it would go a long way to improving things if the gov. could figure something to do with those 1000.

There is folklore about a large corporation that went into the red in the early 90s. Supposedly the top executives then spent the rest of that fiscal year ... shifting expenses from the following fiscal year into that year ... since for the purpose of the executive bonus plan, once you are in the red ... it didn't make much difference how far into the red things went. The expense shifting resulted in the following fiscal year showing a small profit and the way the executive bonus plan was written (as percent improvement over the prior year), the executive bonus that year was more than twice as large as any prior bonus ever paid (in effect, the executives earned more by the company going into the red).

misc recent posts mentioning the wharton article: Happy DEC-10 Day LPARs: More or Less? The 2010 Census In the News: SEC storms the 'Castle' Idiotic programming style edicts "Fraud & Stupidity Look a Lot Alike" Who is Really to Blame for the Financial Crisis? the Federal Reserve, was Re: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Idiotic programming style edicts

misc. recent posts mentioning the GAO audits/reports: Happy DEC-10 Day Happy DEC-10 Day The 2010 Census The Revolving Door and S.E.C. Enforcement The Revolving Door and S.E.C. Enforcement The Python and the Mongoose: it helps if you know the rules of engagement Idiotic programming style edicts Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Who is Really to Blame for the Financial Crisis? Idiotic programming style edicts

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Who are these people who think cybersecurity experts are crying wolf?

From: (Lynn Wheeler)
Date: 05 Oct, 2010
Subject: Who are these people who think cybersecurity experts are crying wolf?
Blog: Information Security Network
re: Who are these people who think cybersecurity experts are crying wolf? Who are these people who think cybersecurity experts are crying wolf? Who are these people who think cybersecurity experts are crying wolf?

since there appeared to be little or nothing before ... it made quite a bit of difference ... furthermore one might be tempted to also say that the whole PCI stuff was also a result since it didn't appear until several years later ... aka

the above is something less than complimentary

As mentioned upthread ... the purpose of the cal. data breach legislation wasn't motivated by all data from the public ... it was motivated by extensive consumer "privacy surveys" that their #1 issue was (in the current retail payment paradigm) that data from previous financial transactions can be used by crooks to perform fraudulent financial transactions. The risk wasn't the leakage of the data ... the risk was the leakage of the data could result in fraudulent financial transactions against their accounts.

The approach taken by the x9a10 financial standard working group wasn't to continue to try and prevent such leakage (i.e. static data used in a kind of replay attack) ... since the same data that the crooks were after, was also the data that was needed in dozens of business processes at millions of locations around the world. Instead, the x9a10 financial standard working group developed a standard that directly addressed the risk ... the fraudulent financial transactions ... making it immaterial whether the information leaked or not (therefor eliminating the need to secure such data).

A large part of the current problem with such data ... is not so much the difficulty of securing such data ... it is securing such data ... so that there is absolutely no access to the data and simultaneously allowing access to such data in dozen of business processes at millions of locations around the world. In the current paradigm ... just exposing a card for doing transaction at POS, is a potential point of leakage.

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Paper tape

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Paper tape
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Wed, 06 Oct 2010 13:21:48 -0400
Peter Flass <> writes:
Yup. That's why "instructional" subsets like SP/k were developed.

re: PL/I vs. Pascal

and pl.8 (80% of pli) for 801

for the fun of it ... old reference to mainframe pl.8 benchmark against vs/pascal mainframe benchmark (on 3033; aka lots of optimization technology went into pl.8 ... that was later propagated to other compilers/languages)

lots of other past posts mentioning pl.8 IBM RT PC (was Re: What does AT stand for ?) "all-out" vs less aggressive designs (was: Re: 36 to 32 bit transition) Early AIX including AIX/370 Golden Era of Compilers Pipelining in the past PowerPC Mainframe? simple architecture machine instruction set Pismronunciation rebirth Filesystems command line switches [Re: [REALLY OT!] Overuse of symbolic Hercules will there every be another commerically signficant new ISA? [Lit.] Buffer overruns [Lit.] Buffer overruns [Lit.] Buffer overruns System/360; Hardwired vs. Microcoded Exceptions at basic block boundaries Three-Address RISC, and Really Fast Addressing IBM's mini computers--lack thereof Code density and performance? Why? (Was: US Military Dead during Iraq War What ever happened to Tandem and NonStop OS ? Intel strikes back with a parallel x86 design Intel strikes back with a parallel x86 design Intel strikes back with a parallel x86 design Power5 and Cell, new issue of IBM Journal of R&D Free to good home: IBM RT UNIX IBM 3090/VM Humor Wonder why IBM code quality is suffering? "25th Anniversary of the Personal Computer" Another BIG Mainframe Bites the Dust Seeking info on HP FOCUS (HP 9000 Series 500) and IBM ROMP CPUs from early 80's 32 or even 64 registers for x86-64? 32 or even 64 registers for x86-64? To RISC or not to RISC To RISC or not to RISC What's a mainframe? MIPS and RISC Why is not AIX ported to z/Series? Is a RISC chip more expensive? Translation of IBM Basic Assembler to C? The history of Structure capabilities complicated address generation unit? Translation of IBM Basic Assembler to C? Migration from Mainframe to othre platforms - the othe bell? Regarding the virtual machines Migration from Mainframe to othre platforms - the othe bell? Any benefit to programming a RISC processor by hand? performance of hardware dynamic scheduling Two views of Microkernels (Re: Kernels Two views of Microkernels (Re: Kernels Taxes Larrabee details: Yes, it is based on the Pentium. :-) TOPS-10 TOPS-10 How did the monitor work under TOPS? Computer virus strikes US Marshals, FBI affected Microprocessors with Definable MIcrocode Microprocessors with Definable MIcrocode Some Recollections The 50th Anniversary of the Legendary IBM 1401 How long for IBM System/360 architecture and its descendants? How long for IBM System/360 architecture and its descendants? PC history, was search engine history, was Happy DEC-10 Day someone smarter than Dave Cutler IBM Unix prehistory, someone smarter than Dave Cutler Friden Flexowriter equipment series Article says mainframe most cost-efficient platform What will Microsoft use its ARM license for? RISC design, was What will Microsoft use its ARM license for? optimizing compilers

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

PL/1 as first language

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: PL/1 as first language
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Thu, 07 Oct 2010 09:33:53 -0400
jmfbahciv <> writes:
Having PL/I as a first lanugage is similar to handing a first grader Joyce's Ulysses as his first reader. A few would be able to read it but most would not.

re: PL/I vs. Pascal Paper tape

os/360 PL/I was huge, both compiler and run-time ... compiler had large number of load modules and run-time had large number of routines.

i have memories of PL/I demonstration at univ. before it was released, they brought a tape which was loaded to a 2314 disk pack ... and did some number of demonstrations over a couple day period. then there was some issue raised whether somebody at the univ. may have made an unauthorized backup of the 2314 when nobody was looking.

the size of the os/360 PL/I contributed to development of subsets for student instruction (most univ. couldn't afford the computer time/resources it took to compile even a minimal student PL/I program)

and for some topic drift ...

this was in the period of the 23jun69 unbundling announcement ... prompted by various litigation ... but the beginning of starting to charge for application software (including languages), SE services, etc. they did manage to make the case that kernel software should still be free. misc. past posts mentioning unbundling

... and of course, univ. developed PL/I subsets were also "free" (besides being much faster)

above mentions that PL/M subset was implemented for Intel and used to write CP/M ... as well as much of the software for 8080, 8085 & Z80 during the 70s.

up until unbundling, new SEs got much of their training by being part of large group at the customer site ... sort of apprentice. after unbundling, anybody doing anything at the customer site had to be charged for. with unbundling, that "training" evaporated. This prompted the initial HONE program ... several CP67 internal datacenters around the country allowing online access to SEs in the branch office ... being able to run/operate various operating systems in virtual machines. misc. past posts mentioning hone

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Question: Why Has Debit Grown So Quickly?

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: (Lynn Wheeler)
Date: 07 Oct, 2010
Subject: Question: Why Has Debit Grown So Quickly?
Blog: Payment System Network
If debit card is enabled for signature debit ... then whether or not the card had always been used with PIN ... crooks can still skim the magstripe and use it w/o PIN. A couple years ago there was article that signature debit has 15 times the fraud of PIN debit.

there was an interesting article a few years ago claiming that debit cards are less secure than credit cards. the issue was that early in magstripe ... crooks were creating counterfeit credit card by creating/guessing account numbers (according to known formula) and generating magstripe. The countermeasure to that was the development of card security code added to (credit) magstripes (and the attack on security code was skimming where complete valid magstripe was copied). following includes mention of magstripe managed out of los gatos lab (where I had several offices and labs):
card security code

debit cards didn't require such card security code ... since the PIN effectively provided equivalent countermeasure to counterfeit magstripe based on formula generated accounts. However, when debit cards were being enabled for signature debit (w/o PIN) ... all of a sudden they were vulnerable to counterfeit magstripe with formula generated accounts (not even having to skim a valid magstripe).

for other drift, ATM machine development ... also mentioning Los Gatos lab

above references one of my old postings.

and PIN article

I think "check card" was an attempt at branding ... nearly all debit cards appear to now be issued enabled for "signature debit" ... and it takes special request to get a debit card that is not enabled for signature. Some of the so-called "protection" for signature-debit (and/or differences between signature and PIN) is institutional policy and not subject to the same regulations as credit. debit article

above lists regulated card holder liability.

PIN has been considered as part of two-factor authentication (card as something you have and PIN as something you know) ... countermeasure against lost/stolen card as well as well as some forms of counterfeit magstripe.

Two-factor authentication is assumed to be more secure ... given that the different factors have independent attacks/failures.

With the proliferation of shared-secret something you know authentication (PIN, passwords, etc), people frequently have large scores of things to memorize ... which has exceeded breaking point of most humans. As a result, there is greater use of writing down these shared-secrets ... and one study found that 1/3rd of debit cards have PINs written on them.

Also, advances in technologies includes compromises to POS terminals & ATM machines for skimming magstripe (initially used by crooks to counteract the introduction of card security code). However, these advances have also included being able to skim the PIN at the same time as the magstripe is skimmed ... invalidating the assumption about multiple factor authentication having independent attacks/failures.

some of debit card processing can be institutional policy ... some of the branding dates back before the walmart/merchant antitrust ... history

where debit cards with association "bug" can be signature debit and transaction carried thru the association/credit networks (as opposed to the debit networks).

visa check/mastermoney antitrust litigation website

oh, recent POS terminal compromise notice

Aldi data breach shows payment terminal holes; Thieves hit point-of-sale terminals in Aldi grocery stores in 11 states

Some of the compromises have gotten quite sophisticated ... even being done during manufacturing.

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

PL/1 as first language

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: PL/1 as first language
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Thu, 07 Oct 2010 17:02:38 -0400
Peter Flass <> writes:
That was then, this is now. GCC and its library are now many times larger than even the most feature-loaded PL/I compiler.

re: PL/I vs. Pascal Paper tape PL/1 as first language

part of the overhead was large number of modules so compile could fit into minimum storage size ... resulting in large number of disk accesses and many minutes to do a compile/load/execute even simple programs.

relative size/complexity increase of GCC hasn't kept pace with increase in processor speeds and memory sizes ... so even program source that increased by same ratio as GCC ... would tend to compile today in seconds (rather than minutes).

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Oracle database design slowed Chase online banking fix

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: (Lynn Wheeler)
Date: 08 Oct, 2010
Subject: Oracle database design slowed Chase online banking fix
Blog: Payment Systems Network
Oracle database design slowed Chase online banking fix

Article mentions transaction redo to bring databases current and the overhead imposed by ACID properties. ACID is courtesy of Jim and his work creating TPC (after he left research ... when he tried palming off a lot of dbms consulting on me; this is back in the days of original sql/relational implementation). misc. past posts mentioning system/r

In the celebration for Jim (after he disappeared), there was point made that the ACID properties and formalizing transaction semantics ... went a long way to creating modern financial dataprocessing ... aka the integrity of ACID & formal transaction semantics getting auditors to accept computer records.

old references to the celebration: Microsoft versus Digital Equipment Corporation Book: "Everyone Else Must Fail" SECURITY and <b>BUSINESS CONTINUITY</b> Father Of Financial Dataprocessing PC premiered 40 years ago to awed crowd

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

When will MVS be able to use cheap dasd

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: lynn@GARLIC.COM (Anne & Lynn Wheeler)
Subject: Re: When will MVS be able to use cheap dasd
Date: 8 Oct 2010 09:50:28 -0700
mike@MENTOR-SERVICES.COM (Mike Myers) writes:

Interesting that you should mention the CMS file system and MVS.

Back around 1982 I was working for IBM in the Poughkeepsie, NY lab. Four of us did a prototype which ran CMS in a TSO address space under SIE.

I did a coporate advanced technology (adtech) conference/workshop that mar82 (first such corporate event in nearly six years) ... where some of the work was presented ... as well as various unix projects and some number of other things. a few old references to agenda/topics:

a little earlier there was corporate declaration that CMS was "strategic" for online conversational work and the TSO product administrator approached me about considering rewriting the MVS scheduler (so MVS might be able to better compete for things like interactive response) ... old email reference
in this past post another blast from the past

back in the cp67 era ... I had done paged mapped interface for the CMS file system, and later moved to vm370 and included it in the internal system distributions that I supported (like csc/vm and later sjr/vm). In the early 80s, it was easy to show that on identical configration & 3380s ... for moderate i/o intensive workload ... it had approx. three times the thruput of the unmodified, non-paged mapped filesystem (shorter pathlength, higher transfer rates, much better scaleability, etc). misc. past posts mentioning work on paged mapped filesystem

it wasn't simply just page-mapped/non-page-mapped ... because of the page-mapped I was able to do some fairly trivial filesystem enhancements (some of which would have been significantly more difficult in a non-page-mapped environment). Other things could have been done to the base filesystem ... but weren't ... like contiguous allocation ... akin to recent (linux) enhancement to EXT3 for EXT4 filesystem.

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Big Iron — The Mainframe Story

From: lynn@GARLIC.COM (Anne & Lynn Wheeler)
Subject: Re: Big Iron — The Mainframe Story
Date: 8 Oct 2010 09:29:14 -0700
ps2os2@YAHOO.COM (Ed Gould) writes:

Thanks it was interesting. What I got a big kick out of how IBM did not mention their abandoment of education in the 80's and 90's. Their 2003 date was to late and a dollar short.

I also thought it was interesting as how they danced around some topics saying a little bit but trying not to give the reason why IBM's did such a fantastic job in making sure new systems were supposedly more compatible with the old. Language Environment was not mentioned as I am sure it is still an embarrassment to IBM.

What should be interesting the years to come how good/bad IBM will be maintaining compatibility with different OS's amd languages. I am glass I am no longer full time into the beast as I suspect it will go down hill because of new writers of OS's will not care about compatibility the way the oldsters did.

lot of IBM leaving higher education was about the time of 23jun69 unbundling announcement ... and starting to charge for (application) software, se services, etc (result of various litigation ... including gov.) ... saw significant reduction in "education discounts".

IBM tried to come back in the early 80s (somewhat about the same time some of the gov. examination was being reduced) with ACIS ... starting to give large grants to lots of education institutions. Part of the issue was trying to rampup/staff a new organization from scratch ... that had enormous pot of money; there were some jokes that transfers from other organizations were people the other organziations wanted to turf anyway.

lots of technology you see today came out of that period/funding ... just is very little mainframe.

misc. past posts mentioning unbundling

some of the pull back in the 90s was result of the corporate troubles of the early 90s and corporation going into the red.

In the mid-80s, top executives were predicting that worldwide revenue would double in a few years ... and there was huge build-out of manufacturing capacity (anticipating that doubling) ... instead it went in the opposite direction. In the mid-80s, it wasn't very career enhancing to show effect of growing commoditizing of hardware and resulting shinkage of profit margins on same (and predicting what needed to be done about corporate expense structure).

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970


From: lynn@GARLIC.COM (Anne & Lynn Wheeler)
Subject: Re: CMS on MVS
Date: 8 Oct 2010 10:25:59 -0700
PaulGBoulder@AIM.COM (Paul Gilmartin) writes:
Where did you put NUCON? IIRC, there's an EXTRN for NUCON, which implies the possibility of relocating it and using an ADCON as a base. But IIRC also there's so much hardcoded "USING NUCON,R0" that relocation would be futile. Aren't the PSWs also mapped in NUCON? Or does the CMS nucleus much care about that?

re: When will MVS be able to use cheap dasd

there is the approach that has simulation of CMS system functions ... as opposed to running the CMS kernel ... these would be akin to CMS simulation of os/360 system functions for running os/360 applications.

There was joke in the late 70s that the 64K bytes of os/360 simulation code in cms was much more cost/effective than the MVS 8mbyte os/360 simulation ... and as been alluded to in previous posts, there were very large, major internal MVS applications that started pushing system boundaries and had to be ported to CMS (as way of getting around 7mbyte application restriction and other limits). In a couple cases, there was 12kbytes of additional simulation written to include support for os/360 features not already supported by CMS.

note that the simulation of vm370 (diag) functions in MVS was method used for getting vm370 tcp/ip support runing in MVS environment ... for original MVS tcp/ip product.

I know there have been lots of comments about the efficiency of that product ... but the base wasn't much better in vm370. However, early on, I added the rfc1044 support to the base product and in some tuning tests at cray research, got approx 500 times improvement in the number of instructions executed per byte moved. misc. past posts mentioning rfc1044 support --

When will MVS be able to use cheap dasd

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: lynn@GARLIC.COM (Anne & Lynn Wheeler)
Subject: Re: When will MVS be able to use cheap dasd
Date: 8 Oct 2010 12:57:24 -0700
rfochtman@YNC.NET (Rick Fochtman) writes:
My 2 cents worth: the "cheap DASD" doesn't live up to the reliability standards that IBM demands for z/OS. Stop and think, really hard, about the demands on z/OS DASD storage, as opposed to the "standards" you enjoy with your PC DASD. How many of your PC's stay up, with DASD spinning, on a 24/7 basis, for several years without problems?

re: When will MVS be able to use cheap dasd

commodity priced disks drove MTBF past 800,000 hrs, in part because of service & return costs would eliminate slim margins. nearly all hardware is now nearly identical ... differentiation is some electronics ... and RAS coming from various replication and RAID technologies.

All current DASD is CKD emulation on top underlying fixed block disk hardware ... that is close to same across industry.

I've paid more for things like replicated power supplies and hot-pluggable ... but that was the frame ... there was essentially no difference in the underlying disk hardware.

By the mid-80s ... large variety of platforms were moving past hardware as major contributor to outages ... it was software, human error ... and environmental ... when we were out marketing our HA/CMP product I coined the terms geographic survivability and disaster survivability to differentiate from disaster/recovery. When I was asked to write a section in the corporate strategic continuous availability document the section was pulled because of complaints from both Rochester and POK (about not being able to meet the criteria at the time). misc. past posts mentioning availability (and/or corporate continuous availability strategy document)

and our ha/cmp product

old foils/pitch of Jim's from '84 on availability (and stats on what was causing outages):

old posts mentioning CKD dasd, multi-track searches and FBA (including being told I had to show business case to justify $26M cost for MVS documents & education ... even if I provided MVS fully integrated and tested FBA support)

old posts mentioning getting to play disk engineer in bldgs. 14 & 15

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

PL/1 as first language

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: PL/1 as first language
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Sat, 09 Oct 2010 11:53:24 -0400 (Ted Nolan <tednolan>) writes:
IBM 360/370 assembler was the *second* language we encountered, and that class was generally considered to be the "weed out" class for the CSCI track.

re: PL/I vs. Pascal Paper tape PL/1 as first language PL/1 as first language

I had 2hr introduction to fortran in the spring and then was hired that summer to port 1401 MPIO to 360/30. Univ. had 709 running ibsys tape-to-tape with 1401 handling reader->tape and tape->printer/punch (with manual moving tape between 1401 tape drive and 709 tape drive).

As part of transition for replacing configuration with 360/67 ... the 1401 was replaced with 360/30 ... which could run MPIO in 1401 hardware emulation. Apparently having me rewrite in 360 assembler was an exercise in getting familiar with 360. Datacenter would shutdown 8am sat and wouldn't reopen until 8am monday ... I got to have the whole datacenter to myself for the 48hr period (continued the following year ... 48hrs w/o sleep made attending monday classes a little hard).

I got to design and implement my own interrupt handlers, device drivers, scheduling, storage management, error recovery, etc. It eventually was 2000 cards and basic took almost 30 minutes elapsed time to assemble. I had conditional assemblies that could either run stand-alone (with my own device drivers and interrupt handlers) or under os/360 using open/close, get/put, and DCB macros. The os/360 version took almost an hour to assemble since each DCB macro took 5-6 minutes elapsed time (you could tell when it was doing DCB macro by pattern of lights on 360/30 front panel).

Later assemblers got much faster ... the folklore was the early assembler was so slow because they told the person writing the op-code lookup that they only had 256 bytes for the implementation. He supposedly took that as meaning code+data ... so would reread the op-code lookup table from disk for each statement.

When configuration was replaced with 360/67 ... running as 360/65 with os/360 ... student fortran jobs that ran approx second elapsed time on 709 tape-to-tape ... were taking over minute elapsed time with os/360. This improved to approx. 30 seconds when HASP spooling was installed.

I was eventually hired to be responsible for production operating system ... part of old presentation I made at the fall68 share meeting in Atlantic City CP/67 & OS MFT14

I did a lot of work on the underlying OS/360 system to get fortran student jobs down to 12.9 seconds (from 30 seconds) ... mostly carefully arrainging order of all sorts of system stuff on disk to optimize disk arm seek operation. Finally when WATFOR was installed, elapsed time for student jobs finally got down to better than where they had been on 709.

I also rewrote large sections of cp67 to significantly reduce virtual machine overhead. It was never actually enough to move to full-production virtual machine operation ... I got to mostly play with cp67 on the weekends ... and the 360/67 ran as standard 360/65 with os/360 during the week.

misc. past posts mentioning 1401 MPIO OT: PC clock failure--CMOS battery? history of RPG and other languages, was search engine history How many mainframes are there? IBM 029 service manual Software that breaks computer hardware( was:IBM 029 service manual )

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Outgunned: How Security Tech Is Failing Us

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **
From: (Lynn Wheeler)
Date: 09 Oct, 2010
Subject: Outgunned: How Security Tech Is Failing Us
Blog: LinkedIn
Outgunned: How Security Tech Is Failing Us

from above:
Our testing shows we're spending billions on defenses that are no match for the stealthy attacks being thrown at us today. What can be done?

... snip ...

Long time observation is the basic infrastructure isn't defensible ... like being in a valley with the enemy occupying all the high ground ... or spending all the money on 6' thick vault door and setting it up in an open field (not bothering with vault, no walls, floors, ceilings, etc)

Before Jim Gray disappeared, he con'ed me into interviewing for Chief Security Architect in Redmond. The interview spanned a few weeks but we could never come to agreement on a number of issues

slightly related recent post: Oracle database design slowed Chase online banking fix

from x-over posting on "banning sick PCs" news item:

15 years ago I suggested that ISPs filter majority of the transmissions that result in threats and exploits. At the time, the ISPs claimed that they didn't have such filtering capability ... however, many were actually doing various kinds of filtering when it was in their financial interest ... filtering that demonstrated that they could do the other kind also.

one possible explanation why they weren't interested in doing such filtering was that it might expose them to liability when there was some exploit (eliminating 99% of the problems ... but not 100% ... somebody might sue them in the remaining 1% of the cases).

the current call does something similar but shifts the liability focus from the traffic that results in most infections to the infected machines.

As to the "sick" PCs ... I think I drew an analogy at the time to vehicle inspections and removing "unsafe" vehicles from the highway (metaphor in the period to information superhighway)

i somewhat preferred the vehicle metaphor with safety inspections and license to drive.

seat belts, air bags, safety glass, bumpers, texting while driving, working brakes, adequate tread, DUI, etc. lots of arguments against requiring internet safety are similar to what went on in the past about auto safety

there is some health analogy if you read descriptions of 1919 flu ... had to have recent doctor's examination health certificate to travel ... checked at railroad stations.

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

PL/1 as first language

Refed: **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: PL/1 as first language
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
Date: Sun, 10 Oct 2010 11:29:35 -0400
"Joe Morris" <> writes:
Unless both my memory and the SHARE web site are wrong, fall 1968 SHARE was in Atlantic City (Chalfonte/Haddon Hall as the conference hotel...I got stuck in the Treymore). This was the joint meeting with GUIDE where the two organizations were proposing a merger, but should be better remembered as the birthplace of the HASP sing-along.

Fall 1969 was in Boston. Memory says that's where the users raked IBM over the coals for the incredibly bad OS/360 Release 17 fiasco. One memory from one of the OS/360 project sessions at that meeting:

re: PL/1 as first language

you are right .. my fading memory has periodically wondered if it was atlantic city/boston or boston/atlantic city. My CP67/MFT14 presentation would have been at fall68 Atlantic City.


SHARE, Inc. Records, 1955-1994

SHARE Meeting Agendas, 1967-1994

    SHARE Membership Information (Box 17, folder 1)
SHARE 28, February 13-17, 1967 San Francisco, California (Box 17, folder 2)
SHARE/GUIDE 24 Meeting, May 22-26, 1967 New York (Box 17, folder 3)
SHARE 29, August 16-18, 1967 Miami Beach, Florida (Box 17, folder 4)
    SHARE 30, Feb. 28-March 1, 1968 Houston, Texas (Box 17, folder 5)
SHARE/GUIDE 26 Meeting, June 12-14, 1968 Chicago Illinois (Box 17, folder 6)
    SHARE/GUIDE 27 Meeting, Oct. 28-Nov. 1, 1968 Atlantic City, New Jersey (Box 17, folder 7)
SHARE 32, March 3-7, 1969 Los Angeles, California (Box 17, folder 8)
SHARE 34, March 1-6, 1970 Denver, Colorado (Box 17, folder 9)

... snip ...

I also had pure HASP presentation about mods. to HASP for tty/2741 terminal support with editor that implemented CMS edit syntax (written from scratch) that was done on HASP OS/360 Release 15/16 ... which would have been aug69 Boston ("SHARE 33" ... not listed in above).

The univ. sent me the week before to see member (head?) of HASP committee who was at Cornell datacenter in Ithaca. It was memorable trip ... flew into La Guardia for connecting flight to Ithaca ... which was DC3 at (marine) terminal (now usair?) on the other side of field. There was thunderstorm going thru the area and sat on the ground in plane with smell of hot fuel oil for hr or more ... before taking off. Most of the way was still flying thru middle of thunderstom and I spent most of the time barfing into bag. When flight stopped at Elmira, I staggered off to find motel room ... next morning got a rental car and then drove to Ithaca (and was late for the meeting). a couple past refs: IBM 610 workstation computer About TLB in lower-level caches IBM 360 Model 20 Questions

Later ran into the person at IBM ... he was doing part of the 801/risc/Iliad program that was to replace the large variety of different internal microprocessors ... the part that was going to use 801/risc/Iliad for microprocessor to be used in the follow-on for 4341 (4381). When those efforts floundered, he left and joined HP (on their risc processor effort) and later shows up as one of the principal architects for Itanium. At IBM, he was also credited with 3033 dual-address support (used by MVS).

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Fujitsu starts shipping 800 rack 80,000 chip 'K' supercomputer

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Fujitsu starts shipping 800 rack 80,000 chip 'K' supercomputer
Newsgroups: comp.arch
Date: Sun, 10 Oct 2010 21:10:08 -0400
Brett Davis <> writes:
Mainframes: IBM Z class (harks back to System 360), and three fringe ASIC designs, one by Fujitsu, and two by Unisys. MiniComputers: None? A market once dominated by the VAX line. IBM had at least two major mini lines, do either of these still exist?

43xx (360 "mainframe") sold into the same mid-range market as VAX in the same time frame and in the one-to-few order market, sold similar volumes. the big difference with total 43xx volumes were large multi-hundred orders by large corporations ... sort of the leading edge of distributed computing & departmental servers.

internally, the proliferation of 43xx machines contributed to scarcity of conference rooms (as they were being taken over for 43xx machines). the internal network had been larger than the arpanet/internet from just about the beginning until possibly late '85 or early '86 ... and the large proliferation of 43xx in the early 80s contributed to internal network passing 1000 nodes when arpanet/internet wasn't much more than 255 nodes.

misc. old post showing decade of vax sales sliced&diced with year, model, us/non-us, etc

mid-range started to fall to large PCs and workstations in the mid-80s ... can be seen in the vax volumes. in this time-frame, the 4341 follow-on, ... i.e 4381 was expected to see similar volume growth as experienced by 4341 in late 70s/early 80s ... but the mid-range market had already started to move.

circa 1980, there was a program to migrate the large number of different internal microprocessors to 801/risc (line of iliad chips) ... including the microprocessor for 4381 and the microprocessor for the s/38 follow-on in the as/400. that effort floundered for various reasons ... and there was another round of cisc microprocessors (and some number of the engineers left and show up working on risc efforts at other vendors).

as it happened ... as/400 eventually did migrate to a 801/risc chip in the 90s (power/pc).

misc. old email references mentioning 43xx

misc. old eamil references mentioning 801, risc, iliad, etc

misc. old posts mentioning internal network

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Fujitsu starts shipping 800 rack 80,000 chip 'K' supercomputer

From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Fujitsu starts shipping 800 rack 80,000 chip 'K' supercomputer
Newsgroups: comp.arch
Date: Mon, 11 Oct 2010 11:18:07 -0400
re: Fujitsu starts shipping 800 rack 80,000 chip 'K' supercomputer

a couple supercomputer related press items from early 90s:

scientific and technical only 2/17/92 article

caught by surprise 11May92 article

post referencing meeting early jan92 when it was still both commercial and scientific/technical

and then old email from the end of jan ... when it was still commercial and scientific/technical ... but possibly just hrs before it was transferred and we were told we couldn't work on anything with more than four processors

other old email regarding cluster scale-up work for both commercial and scientific/technical (before being told we couldn't work on anything with more than four processors)

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Fujitsu starts shipping 800 rack 80,000 chip 'K' supercomputer

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Fujitsu starts shipping 800 rack 80,000 chip 'K' supercomputer
Newsgroups: comp.arch
Date: Mon, 11 Oct 2010 12:43:52 -0400
Michael S <> writes:
VAX is dead, but you can run VMS on Itanium. OpenVMS v.8.4 even runs on newest Tukwilla blades. Also, unlike IBM, HP does not prohibit people from running VAX/VMS and AXP/OpenVMS on emulators. In fact, emulators from stromasys running on HP Proliant are even officially supported by HP.

re: Fujitsu starts shipping 800 rack 80,000 chip 'K' supercomputer Fujitsu starts shipping 800 rack 80,000 chip 'K' supercomputer

for much of its life, mainframe 360 was done by various kinds of cisc processors running microcode emulation ... the low-to-mid-range tended to vertical "microcode" ... was similar in many ways to recent software emulators on more well-known processors. the high-end tended to be horizontal microcode. it wasn't until more recent that you see cisc processors directly implementing mainframe 360 instructions.

the large profussion of internal processors was motivation for the 1980-circa effort to converge all those (internal) processors to 801/risc.

there is now an officially sanctioned, controlled, licensed software emulation for mainframe ... wiki ref:

points to

old reference to part of mid-70s project I did looking at high-use (virtual machine) kernel pathlengths to drop directly into microcode for mid-range processors. The mainframe microcode emulation tended to run approx. 10:1 native instruction per 360/370. It turned out (at least for kernel code), there tended to be about byte-for-byte equivalent between 360 and native instructions. I was given requirement that machine had 6000 bytes of available space for new microcode and I was to find the highest used 6000 bytes of kernel instructions (and design interface between kernel and microcode). This basically achieved 10:1 thruput increase for those 6000 bytes: 370 ECPS VM microcode assist

this was later supplanted with SIE instruction on 3081 for doing virtual machine operation. The issue on 3081 was it had limited microcode space ... and SIE instruction would result in the service processor paging in microcode from 3310 FBA disk (3081 had some amount of paged microcode).

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

When Merchants Get Rid Of Cardholder Data

From: (Lynn Wheeler)
Date: 12 Oct, 2010
Subject: When Merchants Get Rid Of Cardholder Data
Blog: Financial Crime Risk, Fraud and Security
This has been tried several times in the past but has floundered with various difficulties like merchants being able to handle charge-backs and needing access to the data.

The x9a10 financial standard working group had been given the requirement to preserve the integrity of the financial infrastructure for ALL retail payments and did threat & vulnerabilities studies of the various types, kinds, and environments involving retail payments in the mid-90s. It came up with the x9.59 standard which slightly tweaked the paradigm and eliminated the vulnerability & threat to cardholder data (i.e. crooks being able to use the information for performing fraudulent financial transactions). It did nothing about data breaches, skimming, evesdropping, insiders and/or other mechanisms where cardholder information might leak ... it just eliminated the financial fraud threat when such leakage occurs (and therefor all financial motivation to the crooks).

solution ... for some value of solved.

some x9.59 standard reference

recent linkedin posting discussing some of the patent work covering many pieces of the solution (chips, chip fab. processing, post fab. processing, issuing, enabling person-centric, lots of other stuff; originally the claims were going to be packaged as over 100 patent applications)

part of the issue was having been given the ALL requirement ... debit, credit, stored-value, high-value, point-of-sale, attended, unattended, internet, wireless, etc. then the transit industry came along and wanted the same solution to work there ... which added that the same chip work as well with contactless as contact, be simultaneously very high-value and at the same time low-value ... and work within the elapsed time and power constraints of transit turnstile. in the mid-90s, I had semi-facetiously said I would take a $500 milspec part and aggressively cost reduce it by 2-3 orders of magnitude while increasing the security.

couple recent posts in linkedin Payment System thread mentioning some deployment issues

various recent linkedin posts discussing data breach issues

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Mainframe hacking?

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: lynn@GARLIC.COM (Anne & Lynn Wheeler)
Subject: Re: Mainframe hacking?
Date: 13 Oct 2010 10:19:59 -0700
joe.mc24@YAHOO.COM (Joe Mc) writes:
I'm getting into a rather heated argument with a non mainframe colleague about whether the mainframe has been hacked or not. Legitimate hacking, not a disgruntled employee doing something illegal and not loss of tapes or other media. I'm talking the mainframe platform. Thoughts?

once I took the bait on such a taunt

prior to virtual memory being announced for 370 ... an internal document found its way into the hands of somebody from the press (sort of a corporate pentagon papers thing). there was big investigation and afterwards all the corporate copiers were retrofitted with an (unique) ID-tag that would show up on every page copied. for an example see the bottom of each of these scanned pages from gray presentation

somewhat as a result, the future system project (was going to replace all 370, as different from 360/370 as 360 had been different from prior generations) went to vm370-based softcopy documents ... with some additional security features added to vm370s that hosted the future system documents. misc. past posts mentioning future system

One weekend I had some benchmark time in machine room that contained one such vm370 ... and some of the people responsible (for special security addons supporting super-secure softcopy future system documents) taunted that even if I was left alone in the machine room ... I still wouldn't be able to access the documents. I countered that it would take less than five minutes ... most of the time was making sure the system was disabled from any access external to the machine room ... and then I flipped a bit in storage ... so anything/everything entered was accepted as valid password.

old reference to use of virtual machine systems for security ... of course, I didn't learn about these guys until much later:

as to virus ... there is xmas that occurred on bitnet almost exactly a year before morris worm on internet. bitnet was corporate sponsored higher educational network ... using similar technology to that used in the (mostly vm370 based) internal network (which was larger than the arpanet/internet from just about the beginning until possibly late 85 or early 86) ... misc. past posts mentioning bitnet (&/or EARN)
misc. past posts mentioning internal network

reference from vmshare archives

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

FW: The meaning of SCIDS

From: lynn@GARLIC.COM (Anne & Lynn Wheeler)
Subject: Re: FW: The meaning of SCIDS.
Date: 14 Oct 2010 07:32:38 -0700
maryanne4psu@GMAIL.COM (Mary Anne Matyaz) writes:
I'd always heard Social Conversation in a Drunken Stupor.

the definition I was told in the 60s was the

Society for Continuous Inebreation During Share

back in the days of open bar ... and one of the activities was seeing how many bottles could be slipped into your jacket for when SCIDS was closed. The story I was told at the time was that IBM'ers weren't allowed to include alcohol in travel expenses ... so it was bundled as part of SHARE registration. The other activity was thursday night (actually very early friday am), after scids was closed ... the unconsumed beverage was taken to the SHARE president's suite ... and one of the activities was helping limit the amount that had to be dealt with.

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

When will MVS be able to use cheap dasd

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **
From: lynn@GARLIC.COM (Anne & Lynn Wheeler)
Subject: Re: When will MVS be able to use cheap dasd
Date: 14 Oct 2010 08:22:59 -0700
re: When will MVS be able to use cheap dasd When will MVS be able to use cheap dasd

post from similar thread in this n.g./mailing-list from 2007 Question on DASD Hardware

with references to commodity disk having MTBF in the million-plus hrs and google's (then) recently published study: "Failure Trends in a Large Disk Drive Population" (involving more than 100,000 drives).

there was similar but different study from the period that Google's computing infrastructure was about 1/3rd of the cost (including doing their own assembly, management, maintenance) compared to ordering from brand name vendor ... by carefully studying which components to buy in quantity and puttting them together themselves.

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Mainframe hacking?

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: lynn@GARLIC.COM (Anne & Lynn Wheeler)
Subject: Re: Mainframe hacking?
Date: 14 Oct 2010 09:04:50 -0700
dba@LISTS.DUDA.COM (David Andrews) writes:
You could stay up all night typing in random subscriber IDs to see what you would get. It didn't take long to discover that the first three digits of a subscriber ID was the telephone area code of the subscriber. That cut down on the search space quite a bit. Area code 212 (New York City) was a target-rich environment!

re: Mainframe hacking

in 90s and there were summaries of wardialing ... dialing every number in an area code/region ... looking for modems ... and then taking signatures of the modems & the connected systems (some areas had 3% of numbers with some sort of modem connection).

in the late 90s, with the PDD-63

there was some amount spent in the financial industry meetings (in the white house annex) about Y2K remediation ... but a really hot topic was the ISACs (information sharing database of vulnerabilities and exploits) ... which had bunch of stuff ... a lot with mainframe dataprocessing ... since a lot of financial industry is mainframe based. Of major concern (and a lot of discussion) was constructing the ISAC in such a way that it wouldn't be subject to FOIA

Financial ISAC website

launced in 1999

since 9/11 ... public facing tends to be much more about terrorists

I was tangentially involved with the (original) cal. data breach notification act ... having been brought in to help wordsmith the electronic signature legislation. Several of the participants were heavily involved with consumer privacy issues and had done detailed, indepth surveys and found that the NO.1 issue was "identity theft", namely the "accound fraud" form where cardholder details from data breach was being used by criminals for fraudulent financial transactions.

The issue at the time was that little or nothing appeared to being done about the problem (not even being publicized) ... so they seemed to think that the publicity from databreach notifications might motivate the institutions to provide corrective actions and countermeasures.

A major issue was that institutions will put in place security measures to counteract bad things (risks) happending to the institutions. The problem with the "account fraud" scenario ... is that typically the "fraudulent financial transactions" were against consumer accounts ... not against the institution ... and therefor the institutions had nothing at risk and therefor little motivation to provide security.

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

ZeuS attacks mobiles in bank SMS bypass scam

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: (Lynn Wheeler)
Date: 14 Oct, 2010
Subject: ZeuS attacks mobiles in bank SMS bypass scam
Blog: Financial Crime Risk, Fraud and Security
re: ZeuS attacks mobiles in bank SMS bypass scam ZeuS attacks mobiles in bnak SMS bypass scam

Upthread I mentioned being brought in to consult with small client/server startup that wanted to do payment transactions on their server (now frequently called "electronic commerce"). Part of that effort was something called a "payment gateway" ... basically sat on the internet and handled payment transactions between the e-commerce webservers and the payment networks. Part of the "payment gateway" internet-facing infrastructure was systems that booted and ran from R/O media (with logging to a write-only interface and periodic scans of memory looking for real-time compromises).

"live cd" close a number of vulnerabilities ... but there are some kinds of BIOS exploits that they are subject to (that may have happened when not running "live cd"). A similar approach ... is using the new, new (old) thing, virtualization to provide R/O isolation (but with software) ... where it is always active and would include countermeasures to BIOS compromises.

from long ago and far away ... long before I knew they even existed:

I was doing a lot of work as undergraduate ... and would periodically get requests from the vendor for enhancements ... in retrospect some of the requests may have originated from that particular customer set.

PCs started out as unconnected with little protection and no countermeasures for the hostile environment of the internet ... sort of like going out the airlock of the space station w/o space suit

Connecting to the internet is somewhat like the early days of the automobile, before safety engineering, bumpers, safety glass, collapsible steering column, crush zones, padded dashboards, seatbelts, airbags, guardrails, traffic signs, rules-of-the-road, etc.

The new, new (old) technology, virtualization is being used a little like space suit ... total disposable browser internet environment ... that is created from scratch for period and disposed of when finished (along with any compromises). The virtualization boundaries compartmentalize and keep the hostile effects away from the underlying environment.

Of course, virtualiztion can also be inverted and used by the badguys. Say a public internet PC ... where crooks have compromised BIOS that always boots a stripped down hypervisor ... which in turns boots whatever the customer is expecting. The hypervisor allows complete monitoring of all PC activity ... undetected by traditional malware countermeasures (despite many claims over the past decade of various vendors).

A large part of the vulnerability in the financial world is the extensive use of "static" data for authentication ... i.e. pins, passwords, or even just the account number ... where simple harvesting of the information enables various forms of replay attacks. Eliminating "static" data for authentication is countermeasure to the harvesting/evesdropping (replay attack) compromises ... a little x-over from the "When Merchants Get Rid Of Cardholder Data" discussion ... also archived here:

That still leaves the active attacks ... where a compromised end-point basically impersonates the human for generation of a fraudulent transaction using whatever non-static (authentication) technology is deployed. The EU FINREAD standard from the last century was designed as countermeasure to "active" attacks where compromised end-point impersonates the human (effectively by moving the financial transaction end-point out to a special hardened device with its own unspoofable display & keypad).

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Mainframe hacking?

From: lynn@GARLIC.COM (Anne & Lynn Wheeler)
Subject: Re: Mainframe hacking?
Date: 14 Oct 2010 09:48:32 -0700
phil@VOLTAGE.COM (Phil Smith) writes:
Long ago and far away, a friend was looking at the VSE microfiche and found an undocumented SVC that stored the top half of a register value in the address contained in the bottom half of the register. He promptly wrote a program that used that SVC to gain control of the system. (He was working at IBM, so this was an internal thing.)

re: Mainframe hacking? Mainframe hacking?

at the end of last century there is infamous case of large financial institution (with large number of ATM machines) outsourcing the Y2K remediation of their backend financial transaction processing system to a software company (selected on basis of being low bidder) ... which they found out much later was a front for a criminal organization (eventually tripping across some very peculiar pieces of code that would do some stealthy transactions, that could be triggered by very specific combination of entries from ATM machine).

oh, and pieces of relative recent linkedin mainframe discussion Mainframe Hacking -- Fact or Fiction Mainframe Hacking -- Fact or Fiction Mainframe Hacking -- Fact or Fiction Mainframe Hacking -- Fact or Fiction

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Question: Why Has Debit Grown So Quickly?

Refed: **, - **, - **
From: (Lynn Wheeler)
Date: 15 Oct, 2010
Subject: Question: Why Has Debit Grown So Quickly?
Blog: Payment System Network
re: Question: Why Has Debit Grown So Quickly?

Note a lot of prepaid originated as stored-value in Europe in conjunction with chipcards ... which was being used to offset the scarce and very expensive online connectivity (something that wasn't a problem in the US and has been addressed over the past two decades for most of the rest of the world). In the early to mid-90s ... something analogous was introduced in the US ... but using magstripe and online (and existing POS terminals and acquiring networks). Those European chipcard programs seemed to evaporate in the late 90s not long after EU central banks announced that the stored-value/pre-paid operators would have to start paying interest on the "stored-value" (i.e. most of the operators were motivated by the float on the "stored-value"; significant improvement in connectivity and drop in price also contributed).

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Hashing for DISTINCT or GROUP BY in SQL

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Hashing for DISTINCT or GROUP BY in SQL
Newsgroups: comp.databases.theory
Date: Fri, 15 Oct 2010 13:45:22 -0400
paul c <anonymous@not-for-mail.invalid> writes:
I was given one or should I say I just took it. I worked for a hole-in-the-wall research company and we couldn't afford the maintenance. The parts were all what I called NASA-quality, eg., the 3 HP three-phase electric motor had a label on it saying 'lubricate every 20 years'. The IBM model number was 2321. It was ten years old and had 1,700 hours on the clock, so the university we got it from obviously had problems keeping it running too.

I was undergraduate at univ. where the library got ONR grant for doing online catalog ... part of the money went to getting a 2321 (to host the online catalog). The project was also selected to be one of the original betatest sites for CICS product ... and I got tasked to support/debug CICS.

ibm 2321 reference:
columbia 2321 reference:

Decade later, I was at SJR and doing some of the stuff for original relational/sql implementation (system/r with Jim Gray) ... when Jim left for tandem ... he palmed off bunch of stuff on me.

Another decade and half ... happened to be doing some work with somebody that had been one of the engineers that developed the 2321 (wasn't one of the engineering managers mentioned in the columbia article)

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Hashing for DISTINCT or GROUP BY in SQL

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Hashing for DISTINCT or GROUP BY in SQL
Newsgroups: comp.databases.theory
Date: Fri, 15 Oct 2010 15:00:40 -0400
paul c <anonymous@not-for-mail.invalid> writes:
The early 'databases' used by the first wide-reaching online network systems such as PARS involved ruthless reduction of 'attributes' as it were. Yet it was still possible for the real-time flight and cargo databases' of large airlines to be stored in some hundreds of MB's, in other words they could be recorded in the main memory of pretty much any of today's consumer pc's. Had such memory been available thirty or forty years ago, I'd venture that the programming landscape would look different today. There remains much bowing and scraping towards legacy obstacles. From papers they wrote, it looks like even the System R people's thinking was dominated more by past physical history than the likely future. Me too, it wasn't until the 1980's when I could actually put a computer under my arm that I started to realize how much more important the logical side of programming is. I think younger people are hide-bound in a different way, there are now so many different programming languages and therefore idioms which encourage them to think that all that can be invented has already been invented.

re: Hashing for DISTINCT or GROUP BY in SQL

in the late 70s, there was contention between the 60s "physical" IMS dbms group and the system/r group. The IMS group contending that the implicit index of system/r doubled the physical space needed on disk and there could be 4-5 times increase in disk i/o (processing index). the system/r group countered that the "implicit" index of system/r significantly reduced the human and adminstrative overhead involved in managing a large IMS database (direct record pointers exposed as part of the data a programmer had to handle ... and be updated if the DBMS was re-organized).

starting in the 80s ... there were dramatic increases in the amount of system storage ... allowed significant caching of indexes (mitigating a lot of additional RDBMS I/O overhead) as well as dramatic increase in amount of disk space and reduction in price/megabyte ... minimizing the additional index overhead ... at the same time people expertise was becoming scarce and more expensive (becoming market inhibitor for IMS).

You still find significant IMS use at large (especially financial) institutions

consulting with IMS development group was one of the things Jim palmed off on me when he left for Tandem.

I actually had a project in the mid-90s to look at the ten impossible things related to flt/route finding ... i.e. getting from point A to point B (for one of the large airline res systems). the implementation had ondisk database (design from late 50s, early 60s).

in the mid-90s, the full OAG raw data for all scheduled commercial flts in the world was a little over 200mbytes. the reservation systems turned that into large gbytes of DBMS with huge index (again design from 60s). I had recently come off a project doing optimal layout for large chip & board design ... and so condensed the raw OAG master file into approx 30mbytes with lots of organization ... that all fit into memory ... and then ran real-time walk thru the data (rather than dbms lookup ... with various optimization ran close to 100 times faster than dbms implementation).

It now easily fits in most present day smartphones.

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Hashing for DISTINCT or GROUP BY in SQL

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From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Hashing for DISTINCT or GROUP BY in SQL
Newsgroups: comp.databases.theory
Date: Fri, 15 Oct 2010 17:54:03 -0400
paul c <anonymous@not-for-mail.invalid> writes:
Later I met an Amdahl salesman who said, "give me more of this relational stuff, I can sell all the 'boxes' it needs". When a boss of mine plunked for an Amdahl cpu, the local IBM field manager invited him over for coffee and 'career counselling'. That was in the mid-1980's. By the early 1990's even IBM could see which way the wind was blowing and introduced the RS6000, basically a Unix machine, an attempt to hedge their bets, having already blown their early PC lead. In other words, just like other people do now, they knew something big was happening, they just didn't know what.

re: Hashing for DISTINCT or GROUP BY in SQL Hashing for DISTINCT or GROUP BY in SQL

lots more complicated than that.

I knew many of the people at Amdahl ... including the guy doing the Amdahl dbms HURON.

801/risc was "invented" by john cocke (at ibm) in the 70s ... I've claimed that it was attempting to go to the opposite extreme of the (failed) future system project ... some past future system posts

around 1980 there was effort to converge the large variety of different internal microprocessors to 801 (iliad) ... controller microprocessors, microprocessors used for low & midrange mainframes, microprocess for the s/38 follow-on ... the as/400, etc. For various reasons that effort failed ... and some number of engineers left and then show up at other vendors working on risc efforts. there was the OPD joint effort with research for ROMP and the displaywriter follow-on. For various reasons that got canceled and group looked around for something else to do with the hardware ... and hit on the unix workstation market ... eventually releasing the PC/RT with AIXv2 (they hired the group that had done the port of unix to the pc ... to do a port to pc/rt). the group then worked on follow-on chip to ROMP ... called RIOS ... which was eventually announced and shipped as RS/6000 workstation with AIXv3. misc. past posts mentioning 801, risc, romp, rios, pc/rt, iliad, rs/6000, etc.

note that while risc/Iliad floundered and various cisc chips were done, including for the as/400 ... as/400 did finally move to 801/risc (power/pc) chip in the 90s.

in the mid-80s timeframe I had done some work on putting large number of (801) "blue iliad" chips into large number of racks for various kinds of dataprocessing. "blue iliad" was never finished. However, with rios ... I started project to do the ha/cmp product along with cluster scale-up. some old email related to cluster scale-up

where there was lots of work on cluster scale-up to address both commercial as well as numerical intensive (supercomputer) markets. old post mentioning early jan92 meeting in ellison's conference room on RDBMS scale-up.

however in that time frame, the corporate supercomputer effort was out looking for technologies and discovered what we were working on.

possibly within hours of this email 01/29/92 email,

the effort was transferred, we were told we couldn't work on anything with more than four processors, and within couple weeks there were articles: 02/17/92 "scientific and technical only

and then later 11May92 "caught by surprise

there was some folklore that commerical mainframe dbms group didn't mind because what I was doing was possibly five years ahead of where they were at. i had also been asked to write a section for the corporate continuous availability strategy document ... but it was pulled when both rochester (as/400) and pok (mainframe) complained (that they couldn't meet the objectives). I had coined the terms disaster survivability and geographic survivability (to differentiate from disaster/recovery) when I was out marketing ha/cmp ... some past posts mentioning availability

there is also some folklore that the distributed lock manager I had designed for ha/cmp was reverse engineered and used by some rdbms for cluster operation on other vendor platforms.

part of the cluster rdbms was working with various rdbms vendors that had both vax/cluster as well as unix implementations. some of the ha/cmp distributed lock manager was done to ease migration of their vax/cluster support over onto unix platform (one such rdbms vendor did contribute the list of the top ten things wrong with the vax/cluster distributed lock manager ... that needed fixing).

a couple items from oct2009

which led me to post some comments "From The Annals of Release No Software Before Its Time"

misc. past posts mentioning original relational/sql implementation system/r

there first was tech. transfer of system/r from bldg. 28 to endicott for sql/ds. one of the people mentioned in the ellison conference room meeting claimed to have handled much of the tech transfer from endicott to STL for (mainframe) db2.

a completely different rdbms ... originally called shelby ... done in C-language in Toronto for OS/2 ... was eventually announced for non-mainframe platforms as DB2 (also ... although it was/is a completely different implementation).

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Hashing for DISTINCT or GROUP BY in SQL

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Hashing for DISTINCT or GROUP BY in SQL
Newsgroups: comp.databases.theory
Date: Fri, 15 Oct 2010 18:17:22 -0400
paul c <anonymous@not-for-mail.invalid> writes:
Also heard that IBM's mainframe salesmen who made big commissions selling the hardware to run IMS (not sure exactly when the software itself was 'unbundled') ran an active campaign within IBM to discredit Codd. It was very personal and nasty and may have caused him to have a stroke.

re: Hashing for DISTINCT or GROUP BY in SQL Hashing for DISTINCT or GROUP BY in SQL Hashing for DISTINCT or GROUP BY in SQL

presumably as a result of various litigation (including by the gov) ... there was the 23jun69 unbundling announcement and starting to charge for "application" software (although they managed to make the case that kernel software should still be free). misc. past posts mentioning unbundling

one of the other things I worked on as undergraduate at the univ. was a mainframe clone controller ... four of us we written up & blamed for being responsible for some amount of the clone controller business. some past posts

then in the early 70s the company started the future system effort ... which was going to completely replace the existing 360/370 mainframe architecture ... and was as different as 360 had been different from previous generations. various articles claim a major motivation was the clone controller business. since there wasn't going to be any more 360/370 mainframe ... those software & hardware product pipelines were allowed to go dry. then when future system effort failed, there was a mad rush to get hardware & softare products back into the 370 pipeline. the distraction of the future system effort is claimed to have contributed significantly to allowing mainframe clones (like Amdahl) to gain market foothold. misc. past posts

some of it is also discussed in this article:

and also in this paper

one of the results of the mainframe clones gaining market foothold and then mad rush to get stuff back into the product pipeline ... was decision to start charging (also) for kernel software. during the future system period, I had continued to work on 370 software (and was making less than complimentary comments about how feasable/practical FS was). Then, in the mad rush to get 370 software back into the product pipeline ... some piece of what I had been doing was chosen for product release ... and also selected to be the guinea pig for starting to charge for kernel software (i had to spend time with business people on policies for charging for kernel software).

now, Amdahl left before future system effort and claimed not to know anything about it. however, he gave a seminar in large auditorium at MIT in the early 70s about starting his new clone computer business. One of the questions from the audience was what arguments/justification did he use to get funding. He made some reference to customers had already spent something like $200B on developing 360-based software and even if IBM were to completely walk away from 360 (might be considered a veiled reference to FS), that was enough to keep him in business through the end of the century.

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Hashing for DISTINCT or GROUP BY in SQL

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Hashing for DISTINCT or GROUP BY in SQL
Newsgroups: comp.databases.theory
Date: Fri, 15 Oct 2010 18:38:19 -0400
paul c <anonymous@not-for-mail.invalid> writes:
In the 1970's IBM brought out a system called the S/38. It was really radical, having a linear addressing scheme that merged memory and whatever devices were attached, so the fixation on individual devices was ignored. Apparently internal politics at IBM limited the size of the S/38 so that it wouldn't compete with the big mainframes. Customer operations staff used to need to go to IBM courses to learn what operating system options needed to be toggled to enable the addition of peripherals. Some other companies like Burroughs had machines even before then that required no software changes to attach a new disk drive, in some cases not even down time so Burroughs didn't make any money charging for courses to learn how to do that. Wasn't Burroughs stupid!

re: Hashing for DISTINCT or GROUP BY in SQL Hashing for DISTINCT or GROUP BY in SQL Hashing for DISTINCT or GROUP BY in SQL Hashing for DISTINCT or GROUP BY in SQL

folklore is that with the failure of FS ... some of the people retreated to rochester and came out with an extremely scaled-back subset.

One of the issues that helped kill FS was study that claimed that if an FS machine was built from fastest 370 technology then available (370/195), applications running on that machine would have thruput of 370/145 (about 30 times slower machine). s/38 wasn't limited ... it just was selling into market that didn't notice a possible 30 times slow down.

s/38 large linear space motivated it to be original disk RAID adopter. there was folklore about taking days to restore a s/38 after a single disk failure ... since all disks were treated as single pool with possible scatter allocation occurring across all disks (you didn't back up a single disk ... you backed up the whole system as an single unit, which then required single complete restore, even if there was only a single disk failure). up until then there needed to some attention paid to disk allocation/recovery since single disk failure was a common failure/recovery scenario.

besides letting me play DBMS in bldg. 28 ... they also let me play disk engineer in bldgs. 14&15 ... one of the engineers there has patent from the 70s on RAID technology originally deployed by s/38. misc. past posts getting to play disk engineer

independent of that there has been this whole CKD DASD vis-a-vis FBA discussion. CKD DASD was something of sensible trade-off in the 60s ... but the balance was already starting to shift by the mid-70s ... with the disk division came out with FBA disks. All the platforms except the favorite son, mainstream MVS operating system, added support for FBA512 (where it was no longer necessary to change software for new disks with different sizes and/or geometries). misc. past posts metion ckd, fba, dasd, etc

All devices are now FBA512 ... even those that are supposedly CKD DASD ... which is actually a hardware emulation on top of underlying FBA512 device.

There is now some drive to move to FBA4096 implementation (because of various factors like error correction efficiencies) and there are recent discussions about various platforms which may or may not be able to handle FBA4096 transparently.

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

Hashing for DISTINCT or GROUP BY in SQL

Refed: **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **, - **
From: Anne & Lynn Wheeler <>
Subject: Re: Hashing for DISTINCT or GROUP BY in SQL
Newsgroups: comp.databases.theory
Date: Fri, 15 Oct 2010 19:26:19 -0400
paul c <anonymous@not-for-mail.invalid> writes:
At the same time (early 1990's), Steve Balmer had briefly retired from Microsoft with his early profits and Amdahl tried but failed to hire him, still dreaming that technology can be managed by the right person (today, whatever crystal ball skills he has aren't stopping erosion of the Microsoft franchise, who knows when that will turn into an avalanche). Not much later, Codd was willing to go to Amdahl to take over one of their software products and there was no argument about money (it was big money), it fell through because they wouldn't give him the title he wanted.

re: Hashing for DISTINCT or GROUP BY in SQL Hashing for DISTINCT or GROUP BY in SQL Hashing for DISTINCT or GROUP BY in SQL Hashing for DISTINCT or GROUP BY in SQL Hashing for DISTINCT or GROUP BY in SQL

codd's office was on 2nd flr of bldg. 28. I had an office on the first floor ... a few doors down from backus' office. I also had part of wing and labs out in los gatos lab (bldg. 29) ... both bldg. 28 and bldg. 29 have since been plowed under (in mid-80s, research moved out of bldg. 28 and up the hill).

before Jim disappeared ... he con'ed me into interviewing for chief security architect in redmond ... the interview went on for a few weeks ... but couldn't come to agreement.

old reference to celebration for jim:

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

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