Up to General Topics/Subjects (before_2014)

Postings (before_2014) By Misc Topics

AUTO.C4.TASKFORCE 2023&later - 2018-2022 - 2014-2017 -
CAPITALISM 2023&later - 2018-2022 - 2014-2017 -
COMPTROLLER.GENERAL 2023&later - 2018-2022 - 2014-2017 -
DATA.BREACH.NOTIFICATION 2023&later - 2018-2022 - 2014-2017 -
DIALUP-BANKING 2023&later - 2018-2022 - 2014-2017 -
ECONOMIC.MESS 2023&later - 2018-2022 - 2014-2017 -
ENRON 2023&later - 2018-2022 - 2014-2017 -
FED.CHAIRMAN 2023&later - 2018-2022 - 2014-2017 -
FINANCIAL.REPORTING.FRAUD 2023&later - 2018-2022 - 2014-2017 -
FISCAL.RESPONSIBILITY.ACT 2023&later - 2018-2022 - 2014-2017 -
GERSTNER 2023&later - 2018-2022 - 2014-2017 -
GRIFTOPIA 2023&later - 2018-2022 - 2014-2017 -
IDENTITY.THEFT 2023&later - 2018-2022 - 2014-2017 -
INEQUALITY 2023&later - 2018-2022 - 2014-2017 -
KABUKI.THEATER 2023&later - 2018-2022 - 2014-2017 -
LIBOR 2023&later - 2018-2022 - 2014-2017 -
MADOFF 2023&later - 2018-2022 - 2014-2017 -
MEDICARE.PART-D 2023&later - 2018-2022 - 2014-2017 -
MERCHANTS.OF.DOUBT 2023&later - 2018-2022 - 2014-2017 -
MILITARY.INDUSTRIAL.COMPLEX 2023&later - 2018-2022 - 2014-2017 -
MONEY.LAUNDERING 2023&later - 2018-2022 - 2014-2017 -
PECORA&/ORGLASS-STEAGALL 2023&later - 2018-2022 - 2014-2017 -
PENSIONS 2023&later - 2018-2022 - 2014-2017 -
PERPETUAL.WAR 2023&later - 2018-2022 - 2014-2017 -
PRIVATE.EQUITY 2023&later - 2018-2022 - 2014-2017 -
RACISM 2023&later - 2018-2022 - 2014-2017 -
REGULATORY.CAPTURE 2023&later - 2018-2022 - 2014-2017 -
S&L.CRISIS 2023&later - 2018-2022 - 2014-2017 -
SARBANES-OXLEY 2023&later - 2018-2022 - 2014-2017 -
SECURITY.PROPORTIONAL.TO.RISK 2023&later - 2018-2022 - 2014-2017 -
STOCK.BUYBACK 2023&later - 2018-2022 - 2014-2017 -
SUCCESS.OF.FAILURE 2023&later - 2018-2022 - 2014-2017 -
TAX.EVASION 2023&later - 2018-2022 - 2014-2017 -
TEAM.B 2023&later - 2018-2022 - 2014-2017 -
TOO-BIG-TO-FAIL 2023&later - 2018-2022 - 2014-2017 -
TOXIC.CDO 2023&later - 2018-2022 - 2014-2017 -
TRUSTED.COMPUTING 2023&later - 2018-2022 - 2014-2017 -
WHISTLEBLOWER 2023&later - 2018-2022 - 2014-2017 -
WMDS 2023&later - 2018-2022 - 2014-2017 -
ZIRP 2023&later - 2018-2022 - 2014-2017 -
CHANNEL.EXTENDER 2023&later - 2018-2022 - 2014-2017 -
CSCVM 2023&later - 2018-2022 - 2014-2017 -
FICON 2023&later - 2018-2022 - 2014-2017 -
MEGADATACENTER 2023&later - 2018-2022 - 2014-2017 -
IBMDOWNFALL 2023&later - 2018-2022 - 2014-2017 -

auto.c4.taskforce postings (before_2014)

2013o.html#46 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013o.html#1 'Free Unix!': The world-changing proclamation made30yearsagotoday
2013o.html#0 'Free Unix!': The world-changing proclamation made30yearsagotoday
2013k.html#67 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013j.html#40 Internet Mainframe Forums Considered Harmful
2013j.html#1 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013i.html#94 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013f.html#63 The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software
2013e.html#79 As an IBM'er just like the Marines only a few good men and women make the cut,
2013.html#1 IBM Is Changing The Terms Of Its Retirement Plan, Which Is Frustrating Some Employees
2012l.html#61 Singer Cartons of Punch Cards
2012l.html#12 First Battle: Operation Starlite and the Beginning of the Blood Debt in Vietnam
2012k.html#36 Race Against the Machine
2012k.html#21 Is there a connection between your strategic and tactical assertions?
2012j.html#28 Why Asian companies struggle to manage global workers
2012j.html#24 Why Asian companies struggle to manage global workers
2012i.html#86 Should the IBM approach be given a chance to fix the health care system?
2012h.html#31 How do you feel about the fact that today India has more IBM employees than US?
2012g.html#70 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012f.html#88 Defense acquisitions are broken and no one cares
2012f.html#77 Vampire Squid
2012e.html#78 Time to Think ... and to Listen
2012d.html#54 IBM cuts more than 1,000 U.S. Workers
2012c.html#62 Why Is Finance So Big?
2012c.html#40 Where are all the old tech workers?
2012c.html#32 US real-estate has lost $7T in value
2012c.html#26 Why Can't America Catch UP?
2012.html#31 Who originated the phrase "user-friendly"?
2012.html#25 You may ask yourself, well, how did I get here?
2012.html#22 Who originated the phrase "user-friendly"?
2011p.html#52 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2011n.html#86 PDCA vs. OODA
2011n.html#81 A Close Look at the Perry Tax Plan
2011n.html#65 Soups
2011l.html#73 computer bootlaces
2011l.html#35 The Next Convergence: The Future of Economic Growth in a Multispeed World
2011j.html#34 Boyd's Reading List Revisited
2011i.html#35 Having left IBM, seem to be reminded that IBM is not the same IBM I had joined
2011f.html#2 Car models and corporate culture: It's all lies
2011e.html#90 PDCA vs. OODA
2010p.html#23 They always think we don't understand
2010o.html#59 They always think we don't understand
2010o.html#22 60 Minutes News Report:Unemployed for over 99 weeks!
2010k.html#0 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010i.html#75 Favourite computer history books?
2010h.html#8 Far and near pointers on the 80286 and later
2010f.html#70 Handling multicore CPUs; what the competition is thinking
2010f.html#55 Handling multicore CPUs; what the competition is thinking
2010e.html#47 z9 / z10 instruction speed(s)
2010b.html#14 360 programs on a z/10
2009i.html#31 Why are z/OS people reluctant to use z/OS UNIX?
2009i.html#3 IBM interprets Lean development's Kaizen with new MCIF product
2009i.html#2 China-US Insights on the Future of the Auto Industry
2009f.html#20 What is the real basis for business mess we are facing today?
2008s.html#57 Garbage in, garbage out trampled by Moore's law
2008s.html#20 Five great technological revolutions
2008s.html#18 What next? from where would the Banks be hit?
2008r.html#63 Have you told your Congressman how to VOTE on the auto bailout?
2008q.html#22 Is Pride going to decimate the auto Industry?
2008p.html#77 Tell me why the taxpayer should be saving GM and Chrysler (and Ford) managers & shareholders at this stage of the game?
2008m.html#52 Are family businesses unfair competition?
2008m.html#21 Fraud due to stupid failure to test for negative
2008k.html#50 update on old (GM) competitiveness thread
2008k.html#2 Republican accomplishments and Hoover
2008h.html#65 Is a military model of leadership adequate to any company, as far as it based most on authority and discipline?
2008f.html#50 Toyota's Value Innovation: The Art of Tension
2008e.html#31 IBM announced z10 ..why so fast...any problem on z 9
2008c.html#68 Toyota Beats GM in Global Production
2008c.html#22 Toyota Beats GM in Global Production
2008.html#85 Toyota Sales for 2007 May Surpass GM
2008.html#84 Toyota Sales for 2007 May Surpass GM
2008.html#39 competitiveness
2008.html#28 As Expected, Ford Falls From 2nd Place in U.S. Sales
2007q.html#4 Horrid thought about Politics, President Bush, and Democrats
2007n.html#31 IBM obsoleting mainframe hardware
2007k.html#24 IBM Unionization
2007k.html#11 IBM Unionization
2007j.html#88 IBM Unionization
2007j.html#33 IBM Unionization
2007i.html#13 U.S. Cedes Top Spot in Global IT Competitiveness
2007g.html#52 U.S. Cedes Top Spot in Global IT Competitiveness
2007g.html#34 U.S. Cedes Top Spot in Global IT Competitiveness
2007g.html#29 The Perfect Computer - 36 bits?
2007f.html#50 The Perfect Computer - 36 bits?
2006v.html#14 In Search of Stupidity
2006m.html#49 The Pankian Metaphor (redux)
2006g.html#20 The Pankian Metaphor
2006g.html#17 The Pankian Metaphor
2006g.html#14 The Pankian Metaphor
2006.html#23 auto industry
2004h.html#22 Vintage computers are better than modern crap !
2004c.html#51 [OT] Lockheed puts F-16 manuals online
2004b.html#52 The SOB that helped IT jobs move to India is dead!
2000f.html#43 Reason Japanese cars are assembled in the US (was Re: American bigotry)
2000f.html#41 Reason Japanese cars are assembled in the US (was Re: American bigotry)

auto.c4.taskforce -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- 2014-2017 -- back to top/index

capitalism postings (before_2014)

-#- data.breach.notification -#- economic.mess -#- financial.reporting.fraud -#- griftopia -#- inequality -#- libor -#- merchants.of.doubt -#- military.industrial.complex -#- money.laundering -#- Pecora&/orGlass-Steagall -#- private.equity -#- regulatory.capture -#- s&l.crisis -#- sarbanes-oxley -#- stock.buyback -#- tax.evasion -#- too-big-to-fail -#-
2013o.html#81 Academics Who Defend Wall St. Reap Reward
2013o.html#64 "Death of the mainframe"
2013o.html#48 Citigroup is the Real Reason We Need the Volcker Rule
2013o.html#16 IBM Shrinks - Analysts Hate It
2013o.html#15 IBM Shrinks - Analysts Hate It
2013o.html#14 Microsoft, IBM lobbying seen killing key anti-patent troll proposal
2013n.html#60 Bridgestone Sues IBM For $600 Million Over Allegedly 'Defective' System That Plunged The Company Into 'Chaos'
2013n.html#40 The Wall Street Code: HFT Whisteblower Haim Bodek on Algorithmic Trading
2013n.html#20 Despite Eight Ongoing Criminal/Civil Investigations of JPMorgan, the Bank's a Law Enforcement Partner With the NYPD
2013n.html#8 copyright, was Re: 'Free Unix!': The world-changing proclamation made 30 yearsagotoday
2013n.html#1 IBM board OK repurchase of another $15B of stock
2013m.html#97 Confirmed: the US DoJ will not put the bankers in jail, no matter how deep the fraud
2013m.html#89 Behold The Face Of Central Banker Hubris
2013m.html#85 How do you feel about IBM passing off it's retirees to ObamaCare?
2013m.html#84 3Q earnings are becoming the norm at IBM. What is IBM management overlooking?
2013m.html#77 OCC Replies to Elizabeth Warren Reveal Extent of Regulatory Capture on Derivatives
2013m.html#76 The Scholars Who Shill for Wall Street
2013m.html#66 NSA Revelations Kill IBM Hardware Sales In China
2013m.html#63 IBM now employs more workers in India than US
2013m.html#61 IBM now employs more workers in India than US
2013m.html#37 Why is the mainframe so expensive?
2013m.html#24 Voyager 1 just left the solar system using less computing powerthan your iP
2013m.html#13 OT: NYT article--the rich get richer
2013m.html#8 Lending is still lagging according to Reuters. Why do you think that is?
2013m.html#1 OT: NYT article--the rich get richer
2013l.html#60 Retirement Heist
2013l.html#58 OT: NYT article--the rich get richer
2013l.html#57 What the Orgy of "Lehman Five Years On" Stories Missed
2013l.html#52 Lehman Brothers collapse: was capitalism to blame?
2013l.html#49 The Original IBM Basic Beliefs for those that have never seen them
2013l.html#48 Ex-Wall Street chieftains living large in post-meltdown world
2013l.html#14 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013l.html#13 Jack Lew Shows His True Colors By Forcing Deregulation of Derivatives on the CFTC
2013l.html#8 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013l.html#1 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#81 spacewar
2013k.html#57 The agency problem and how to create a criminogenic environment
2013k.html#51 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#50 IBM Furloughs U.S. Hardware Employees to Reduce Costs
2013k.html#47 The Incredible Con the Banksters Pulled on the FBI
2013k.html#45 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#43 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#38 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#36 The Incredible Con the Banksters Pulled on the FBI
2013k.html#29 The agency problem and how to create a criminogenic environment
2013k.html#26 The agency problem and how to create a criminogenic environment
2013k.html#10 What Makes Infrastructure investment not bizarre
2013k.html#9 Why DOJ Deemed Bank Execs Too Big To Jail
2013k.html#2 IBM Relevancy in the IT World
2013j.html#80 Why DOJ Deemed Bank Execs Too Big To Jail
2013j.html#73 Why DOJ Deemed Bank Execs Too Big To Jail
2013j.html#22 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013j.html#9 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013j.html#2 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013j.html#0 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013i.html#93 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013i.html#89 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013i.html#79 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013i.html#65 The Real Snowden Question
2013i.html#61 Big Data Is Opening Doors, but Maybe Too Many
2013i.html#54 How do you feel about the fact that India has more employees than US?
2013h.html#59 OT: "Highway Patrol" back on TV
2013h.html#58 Traders Said to Rig Currency Rates to Profit Off Clients
2013h.html#50 OT: "Highway Patrol" back on TV
2013h.html#49 OT: "Highway Patrol" back on TV
2013g.html#86 How Wall Street Defanged Dodd-Frank
2013g.html#81 Ireland feels the heat from Apple tax row
2013g.html#80 'Big four' accountants 'use knowledge of Treasury to help rich avoid tax'
2013g.html#69 What Makes collecting sales taxes Bizarre?
2013g.html#5 SAS Deserting the MF?
2013g.html#0 JPMorgan Caught in Swirl of Regulatory Woes
2013f.html#52 What Makes a substance Bizarre?
2013f.html#49 As an IBM'er just like the Marines only a few good men and women make the cut,
2013f.html#34 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013f.html#25 Linchpin Pro-Austerity Paper Rife with Errors; Recomputed Results Show No Growth Hit from High Government Debt
2013f.html#24 What Makes a substance Bizarre?
2013f.html#13 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013f.html#12 More Whistleblower Leaks on Foreclosure Settlement Show Both Suppression of Evidence and Gross Incompetence
2013f.html#3 What Makes a thread about the European debt crisis Bizarre?
2013e.html#82 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#42 More Whistleblower Leaks on Foreclosure Settlement Show Both Suppression of Evidence and Gross Incompetence
2013e.html#27 Secrecy for Sale: Inside the Global Offshore Money Maze
2013e.html#25 What Makes bank regulation and insurance Bizarre?
2013e.html#22 What Makes bank regulation and insurance Bizarre?
2013e.html#19 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#2 Too-Big-To-Fail, Too-Big-To-Prosecute, Too-Big-To-Jail, not just a problem in the USA
2013d.html#88 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#86 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#85 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#81 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#77 More Whistleblower Leaks on Foreclosure Settlement Show Both Suppression of Evidence and Gross Incompetence
2013d.html#73 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#63 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#60 Arthur C. Clarke Predicts the Internet, 1974
2013d.html#54 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#46 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#40 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013d.html#31 Bank Whistleblower Claims Retaliation And Wrongful Termination
2013d.html#29 Bank Holiday In Cyprus
2013d.html#28 Senator Sherrod Brown Drops a Bombshell in Mary Jo White's Hearing
2013d.html#6 Live-Blogging Senate Hearing Tomorrow, When J.P. Morgan Chase Will Be Torn a New One
2013d.html#4 Live-Blogging Senate Hearing Tomorrow, When J.P. Morgan Chase Will Be Torn a New One
2013c.html#61 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013c.html#58 More Whistleblower Leaks on Foreclosure Settlement Show Both Suppression of Evidence and Gross Incompetence
2013c.html#55 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013c.html#43 More Whistleblower Leaks on Foreclosure Settlement Show Both Suppression of Evidence and Gross Incompetence
2013c.html#42 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013c.html#19 More Whistleblower Leaks on Foreclosure Settlement Show Both Suppression of Evidence and Gross Incompetence
2013c.html#12 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013c.html#6 More Whistleblower Leaks on Foreclosure Settlement Show Both Suppression of Evidence and Gross Incompetence
2013c.html#5 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013c.html#3 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013b.html#76 Capitalism is so broken it can't be fixed Commentary: Saving capitalism will not save America
2013b.html#75 Fortran
2013b.html#74 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013b.html#65 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013b.html#64 More Whistleblower Leaks on Foreclosure Settlement Show Both Suppression of Evidence and Gross Incompetence
2013b.html#63 NBC's website hacked with malware
2013b.html#53 Should Bethany McLean Be Bothered by the Government Lawsuit Against S&P?
2013b.html#48 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013b.html#47 More Whistleblower Leaks on Foreclosure Settlement Show Both Suppression of Evidence and Gross Incompetence
2013b.html#46 Bankers Who Made Millions In Housing Boom Misled Investors: Study
2013b.html#44 Adair Turner: A New Debt-Free Money Advocate
2013b.html#36 More Whistleblower Leaks on Foreclosure Settlement Show Both Suppression of Evidence and Gross Incompetence
2013b.html#30 Email Trails Show Bankers Behaving Badly
2013b.html#28 Neil Barofsky: Geithner Doctrine Lives on in Libor Scandal
2013b.html#27 More Whistleblower Leaks on Foreclosure Settlement Show Both Suppression of Evidence and Gross Incompetence
2013b.html#16 More Whistleblower Leaks on Foreclosure Settlement Show Both Suppression of Evidence and Gross Incompetence
2013b.html#12 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013b.html#9 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013b.html#0 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013.html#73 More Whistleblower Leaks on Foreclosure Settlement Show Both Suppression of Evidence and Gross Incompetence
2013.html#66 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013.html#60 Choice of Mary Jo White to Head SEC Puts Fox In Charge of Hen House
2013.html#57 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013.html#42 Professor Coffee Hits a Nerve at SEC
2013.html#41 More Whistleblower Leaks on Foreclosure Settlement Show Both Suppression of Evidence and Gross Incompetence
2013.html#36 JPMorgan Chase slammed by regulators for control failings after botched derivatives bet
2013.html#26 Cultural attitudes towards failure
2013.html#20 The Big Fail
2013.html#4 HSBC's Settlement Leaves Us In A Scary Place
2013.html#2 Search Google, 1960:s-style
2012p.html#64 IBM Is Changing The Terms Of Its Retirement Plan, Which Is Frustrating Some Employees
2012p.html#62 Search Google, 1960:s-style
2012p.html#54 UBS Faces Potential LIBOR Fine Of $1 Billion -- Twice What Barclays Paid
2012p.html#48 Search Google, 1960:s-style
2012p.html#47 Search Google, 1960:s-style
2012p.html#45 Nate Silver is Not Just Wrong, but Maliciously Wrong
2012p.html#41 Search Google, 1960:s-style
2012p.html#40 Stealth Target of Defense Spending Cuts: America's Highly Effective Socialized Medicine Provider, the VA System, and Military Benefits Generally
2012p.html#39 UBS Faces Potential LIBOR Fine Of $1 Billion -- Twice What Barclays Paid
2012p.html#30 Search Google, 1960:s-style
2012p.html#24 OCC Confirms that Big Banks are Badly Managed, Lack Adequate Risk Management Controls
2012p.html#20 HSBC, SCB Agree to AML Penalties
2012o.html#73 These Two Charts Show How The Priorities Of US Companies Have Gotten Screwed Up
2012o.html#69 Can Open Source Ratings Break the Ratings Agency Oligopoly?
2012o.html#26 Why bankers rule the world
2012n.html#12 Why Auditors Fail To Detect Frauds?
2012n.html#11 General Mills computer
2012n.html#6 General Mills computer
2012n.html#1 STOP PRESS! An Auditor has been brought to task for a failed bank!
2012m.html#69 General Mills computer
2012m.html#68 General Mills computer
2012m.html#58 General Mills computer
2012m.html#57 General Mills computer
2012m.html#55 General Mills computer
2012m.html#40 General Mills computer
2012m.html#30 General Mills computer
2012l.html#50 Arming for the Navy's Return to History
2012l.html#48 The Payoff: Why Wall Street Always Wins
2012l.html#0 Quelle Surprise! SEC Plans to Make the World Safer for Fraudsters, Push Through JOBS Act Con-Artist-Friendly Solicitation Rules
2012k.html#89 Auditors Don't Know Squat!
2012k.html#45 If all of the American earned dollars hidden in off shore accounts were uncovered and taxed do you think we would be able to close the deficit gap?
2012k.html#39 History--punched card transmission over telegraph lines
2012k.html#12 The Secret Consensus Among Economists
2012k.html#9 Sandy Weill's About-Face on Big Banks
2012j.html#74 What voters are really choosing in November
2012j.html#37 Naked emperors, holy cows and Libor
2012j.html#19 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012j.html#15 Naked emperors, holy cows and Libor
2012i.html#57 a clock in it, was Re: Interesting News Article
2012i.html#1 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012h.html#39 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012g.html#83 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012g.html#76 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012g.html#14 Psychology Of Fraud: Why Good People Do Bad Things
2012g.html#12 JPM LOSES $2 BILLION USD!
2012g.html#10 Accidentally Released - and Incredibly Embarrassing - Documents Show How Goldman et al Engaged in 'Naked Short Selling'
2012f.html#61 Zakaria: by itself, Buffett rule is good
2012e.html#57 speculation
2012c.html#64 PC industry is heading for more change
2012c.html#63 The Economist's Take on Financial Innovation
2012c.html#5 Too big not to fail
2012b.html#59 Original Thinking Is Hard, Where Good Ideas Come From
2012b.html#44 What's the most interesting thing you do in your non-work life?
2012.html#94 Bankruptcy a reprieve for some companies
2012.html#88 The PC industry is heading for collapse
2012.html#87 The PC industry is heading for collapse
2012.html#62 Railroaded
2012.html#57 The Myth of Work-Life Balance
2012.html#6 We are on the brink of a historic decision [referring to defence cuts]
2012.html#1 The war on terabytes
2011p.html#130 vampires in financial infrastructure
2011p.html#121 The Myth of Work-Life Balance
2011p.html#92 Bank Failures Cost $88 Billion
2011p.html#88 Fed Report Finds Speculators Played Big Role in Housing Collapse
2011p.html#31 21st Century Management approach?
2011o.html#48 Civilization, doomed?
2011n.html#37 Revealed -- the capitalist network that runs the world
2011n.html#30 Have you ever wondered why some people seem to get rich easily
2011l.html#44 Kabuki Theater 1603-1629
2011k.html#49 50th anniversary of BASIC, COBOL?
2011k.html#42 Senator urges DoD: Do better job defending F-35
2011j.html#59 Why did the OODA-loop tactic grow into a strategy?
2011i.html#41 Happy 100th Birthday, IBM!
2011i.html#40 Happy 100th Birthday, IBM!
2011i.html#38 Happy 100th Birthday, IBM!
2011i.html#20 Happy 100th Birthday, IBM!
2011g.html#47 Lords: Auditors guilty of 'dereliction of duty'
2011g.html#30 Bank email archives thrown open in financial crash report
2011g.html#10 America's Defense Meltdown
2011f.html#52 Are Americans serious about dealing with money laundering and the drug cartels?
2011d.html#30 The first personal computer (PC)
2011d.html#20 The first personal computer (PC)
2011d.html#18 The first personal computer (PC)
2011b.html#88 NASA proves once again that, for it, the impossible is not even difficult
2011.html#53 What do you think about fraud prevention in the governments?
2011.html#50 What do you think about fraud prevention in the governments?
2011.html#46 What do you think about fraud prevention in the governments?
2010p.html#14 Rare Apple I computer sells for $216,000 in London
2010p.html#8 No command, and control
2010o.html#59 They always think we don't understand
2010n.html#40 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010m.html#73 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010m.html#24 Little-Noted, Prepaid Rules Would Cover Non-Banks As Wells As Banks
2010l.html#69 Who is Really to Blame for the Financial Crisis?
2010k.html#58 History--automated payroll processing by other than a computer?
2010k.html#36 taking down the machine - z9 series
2010h.html#27 In the News: SEC storms the 'Castle'
2010f.html#40 F.B.I. Faces New Setback in Computer Overhaul
2010d.html#49 search engine history, was Happy DEC-10 Day
2010d.html#48 search engine history, was Happy DEC-10 Day
2009p.html#31 Opinions on the 'Unix Haters' Handbook
2009o.html#64 The new coin of the NSA is also the new coin of the economy
2009i.html#25 64 Cores -- IBM is showing a prototype already
2009i.html#24 64 Cores -- IBM is showing a prototype already
2009i.html#13 64 Cores -- IBM is showing a prototype already
2009h.html#36 Analysing risk, especially credit risk in Banks, which was a major reason for the current crisis
2009h.html#20 China's yuan 'set to usurp US dollar' as world's reserve currency
2009h.html#3 Consumer Credit Crunch and Banking Writeoffs
2009g.html#77 A new global system is coming into existence
2009g.html#61 Prosecute Bank Execs
2009g.html#3 Do the current Banking Results in the US hide a grim truth?
2009g.html#1 Future of Financial Mathematics?
2009f.html#65 Just posted third article about toxic assets in a series on the current financial crisis
2009f.html#53 What every taxpayer should know about what caused the current Financial Crisis
2009f.html#49 Is the current downturn cyclic or systemic?
2009f.html#35 US banking Changes- TARP Proposl
2009f.html#31 What is the real basis for business mess we are facing today?
2009e.html#53 Are the "brightest minds in finance" finally onto something?
2009e.html#43 Architectural Diversity
2009e.html#31 Should FDIC or the Federal Reserve Bank have the authority to shut down and take over non-bank financial institutions like AIG?
2009e.html#1 Hurrah Berners-Lee! Web celebrates 20th anniversary
2009c.html#67 How to defeat new telemarketing tactic
2009c.html#65 is it possible that ALL banks will be nationalized?
2009c.html#55 Who will give Citigroup the KNOCKOUT blow?
2009c.html#53 How to defeat new telemarketing tactic
2009c.html#43 Business process re-engineering
2009b.html#79 How to defeat new telemarketing tactic
2009b.html#8 Do emperors from the banks have new clothes?
2009.html#84 what was the idea behind Citigroup's splitting up into two different divisions? what does this do for citigroup?
2008s.html#35 Is American capitalism and greed to blame for our financial troubles in the US?
2008q.html#26 Blinkenlights
2008o.html#42 The human plague
2008o.html#18 Once the dust settles, do you think Milton Friedman's economic theories will be laid to rest
2008m.html#91 Blinkylights
2008m.html#87 Fraud due to stupid failure to test for negative
2008m.html#49 Taxes
2008j.html#76 lack of information accuracy
2008i.html#56 The Price Of Oil --- going beyong US$130 a barrel
2008g.html#64 independent appraisers
2008g.html#57 Credit crisis could cost nearly $1 trillion, IMF predicts
2008g.html#44 Fixing finance
2008f.html#56 China overtakes U.S. as top Web market
2008c.html#16 Toyota Sales for 2007 May Surpass GM
2008.html#28 As Expected, Ford Falls From 2nd Place in U.S. Sales
2007r.html#58 Fixing our fraying Internet infrastructure
2007r.html#53 Fixing our fraying Internet infrastructure
2007j.html#91 IBM Unionization
2007h.html#55 ANN: Microsoft goes Open Source
2007g.html#65 IBM to the PCM market
2007d.html#10 The logic of privacy
2007.html#42 The logic of privacy
2006t.html#26 Universal constants
2006h.html#36 The Pankian Metaphor
2006g.html#17 The Pankian Metaphor
2006.html#12a sox, auditing, finding improprieties
2005i.html#17 The Worth of Verisign's Brand
2004l.html#19 FW: Looking for Disk Calc program/Exec (long)
2002o.html#54 XML, AI, Cyc, psych, and literature
2002h.html#27 Why are Mainframe Computers really still in use at all?
2002.html#17 index searching
2001d.html#43 Economic Factors on Automation
2000d.html#19 Comrade Ronda vs. the Capitalist Netmongers

capitalism -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- 2014-2017 -- back to top/index

comptroller.general postings (before_2014)

2013o.html#63 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013o.html#41 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013o.html#37 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013o.html#14 Microsoft, IBM lobbying seen killing key anti-patent troll proposal
2013l.html#64 OT: NYT article--the rich get richer
2013k.html#87 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#83 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#38 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013j.html#27 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013i.html#80 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013g.html#51 What Makes collecting sales taxes Bizarre?
2013f.html#16 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#89 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#70 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#20 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#94 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#56 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2012p.html#43 Search Google, 1960:s-style
2012p.html#41 Search Google, 1960:s-style
2012p.html#40 Stealth Target of Defense Spending Cuts: America's Highly Effective Socialized Medicine Provider, the VA System, and Military Benefits Generally
2012p.html#36 Search Google, 1960:s-style
2012p.html#30 Search Google, 1960:s-style
2012n.html#0 General Mills computer
2012m.html#33 General Mills computer
2012l.html#85 Singer Cartons of Punch Cards
2012k.html#79 Romney and Ryan's Phony Deficit-Reduction Plan
2012k.html#74 Unthinkable, Predictable Disasters
2012k.html#45 If all of the American earned dollars hidden in off shore accounts were uncovered and taxed do you think we would be able to close the deficit gap?
2012k.html#37 If all of the American earned dollars hidden in off shore accounts were uncovered and taxed do you think we would be able to close the deficit gap?
2012i.html#81 Should the IBM approach be given a chance to fix the health care system?
2012i.html#63 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012i.html#51 Is this Boyd's fundamental postulate, 'to improve our capacity for independent action'? thoughts please
2012i.html#41 Lawmakers reworked financial portfolios after talks with Fed, Treasury officials
2012i.html#0 Interesting News Article
2012h.html#68 Interesting News Article
2012h.html#61 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012h.html#33 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012h.html#27 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012h.html#25 US economic update. Everything that follows is a result of what you see here
2012h.html#6 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012h.html#5 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012g.html#45 Fareed Zakaria
2012g.html#6 Adult Supervision
2012f.html#88 Defense acquisitions are broken and no one cares
2012f.html#81 The Pentagon's New Defense Clandestine Service
2012f.html#61 Zakaria: by itself, Buffett rule is good
2012e.html#58 Word Length
2012d.html#36 McCain calls for U.S.-led airstrikes in Syria
2012c.html#53 PC industry is heading for more change
2012c.html#50 They're Trying to Block Military Cuts
2012.html#6 We are on the brink of a historic decision [referring to defence cuts]
2011p.html#136 Gingrich urged yes vote on controversial Medicare bill
2011o.html#73 How Pursuit of Profits Kills Innovation and the U.S. Economy
2011o.html#42 Speed: Re: Soups
2011n.html#67 The debt fallout: How Social Security went "cash negative" earlier than expected
2011n.html#57 The Mortgage Crisis---Some Inside Views
2011m.html#68 Bernanke Hearings
2011l.html#59 computer bootlaces
2011l.html#36 The Next Convergence: The Future of Economic Growth in a Multispeed World
2011j.html#18 Congressional Bickering
2011i.html#44 Happy 100th Birthday, IBM!
2011i.html#33 Happy 100th Birthday, IBM!
2011i.html#29 Happy 100th Birthday, IBM!
2011i.html#28 Happy 100th Birthday, IBM!
2011i.html#22 Happy 100th Birthday, IBM!
2011i.html#15 Happy 100th Birthday, IBM!
2011i.html#14 Happy 100th Birthday, IBM!
2011g.html#72 77,000 federal workers paid more than governors
2010o.html#75 origin of 'fields'?
2010o.html#69 They always think we don't understand
2010o.html#66 They always think we don't understand
2010m.html#79 Idiotic take on Bush tax cuts expiring
2010f.html#46 not even sort of about The 2010 Census
2010f.html#34 The 2010 Census
2010c.html#23 Happy DEC-10 Day
2010c.html#9 Oldest Instruction Set still in daily use?
2010c.html#3 Oldest Instruction Set still in daily use?
2010b.html#60 Happy DEC-10 Day
2010.html#39 Happy DEC-10 Day
2010.html#37 Happy DEC-10 Day
2010.html#36 Happy DEC-10 Day
2009p.html#87 IBM driving mainframe systems programmers into the ground
2009p.html#86 Opinions on the 'Unix Haters' Handbook
2009n.html#55 Hexadecimal Kid - articles from Computerworld wanted
2009f.html#20 What is the real basis for business mess we are facing today?
2008n.html#17 Michigan industry
2008n.html#9 Taxcuts
2008n.html#8 Taxcuts
2008i.html#98 dollar coins
2008h.html#26 The Return of Ada
2008h.html#3 America's Prophet of Fiscal Doom
2008g.html#1 The Workplace War for Age and Talent
2008f.html#86 Banks failing to manage IT risk - study
2008e.html#50 fraying infrastructure
2008d.html#40 Computer Science Education: Where Are the Software Engineers of Tomorrow?
2008.html#57 Computer Science Education: Where Are the Software Engineers of Tomorrow?
2007v.html#26 2007 Year in Review on Mainframes - Interesting
2007t.html#35 Newsweek article--baby boomers and computers
2007t.html#33 Newsweek article--baby boomers and computers
2007t.html#25 Newsweek article--baby boomers and computers
2007t.html#24 Translation of IBM Basic Assembler to C?
2007t.html#15 Newsweek article--baby boomers and computers
2007t.html#14 Newsweek article--baby boomers and computers
2007t.html#13 Newsweek article--baby boomers and computers
2007s.html#1 Translation of IBM Basic Assembler to C?
2007q.html#7 what does xp do when system is copying
2007p.html#22 U.S. Cedes Top Spot in Global IT Competitiveness
2007o.html#74 Horrid thought about Politics, President Bush, and Democrats
2007k.html#19 Another "migration" from the mainframe
2007j.html#91 IBM Unionization
2007j.html#20 IBM Unionization
2006t.html#26 Universal constants
2006r.html#0 Cray-1 Anniversary Event - September 21st
2006p.html#17 Health Care
2006o.html#61 Health Care
2006h.html#33 The Pankian Metaphor
2006h.html#19 The Pankian Metaphor
2006h.html#17 The Pankian Metaphor
2006h.html#4 The Pankian Metaphor
2006h.html#3 The Pankian Metaphor
2006h.html#2 The Pankian Metaphor
2006g.html#27 The Pankian Metaphor
2006g.html#14 The Pankian Metaphor
2006g.html#9 The Pankian Metaphor
2006f.html#44 The Pankian Metaphor
2006f.html#41 The Pankian Metaphor

comptroller.general -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- 2014-2017 -- back to top/index

data.breach.notification postings (before_2014)

-#- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_breach -#-
2013o.html#79 Would Target cybersecurity breach occur with a digital ID system?
2013o.html#78 What Chase And Other Banks Won't Tell You About Selling Your Data
2013o.html#67 What Chase And Other Banks Won't Tell You About Selling Your Data
2013o.html#66 Target breach likely involved inside knowledge, experts say
2013o.html#59 Target breach likely involved inside knowledge, experts say
2013o.html#52 Secret contract tied NSA and security industry pioneer
2013n.html#12 How the IETF plans to protect the web from NSA snooping
2013m.html#14 Gilmore response to NSA mathematician's "make rules for NSA" appeal
2013j.html#69 OSI: The Internet That Wasn't
2013j.html#46 Feds indict indentity theft ring
2013j.html#45 U.S. agents 'got lucky' pursuing accused Russia master hackers
2013i.html#77 Insane Insider Threat Program in Context of Morally and Mentally Bankrupt US Intelligence System
2013i.html#43 Theology question: Parameter formats
2013i.html#42 Theology question: Parameter formats
2013i.html#10 EBCDIC and the P-Bit
2013g.html#90 Experts: Network security deteriorating, privacy a lost cause
2013g.html#37 regulation,bridges,streams
2013f.html#47 Pirate Bay co-founder charged with hacking IBM mainframes, stealing money
2013c.html#82 Retailer Sues Visa Over $13 Million "Fine" for Being Hacked
2012p.html#49 Regulator Tells Banks to Share Cyber Attack Information
2012p.html#38 There can be no System Security without System Integrity
2012p.html#37 Some interesting post about the importance of Security and what it means for the Mainframe
2012p.html#28 Some interesting post about the importance of Security and what it means for the Mainframe
2012o.html#23 Does the IBM System z Mainframe rely on Security by Obscurity or is it Secure by Design?
2012n.html#63 history of Programming language and CPU in relation to each other
2012n.html#58 2012 History Conference
2012m.html#12 Does the IBM System z Mainframe rely on Security by Obscurity or is it Secure by Design
2012m.html#10 Does the IBM System z Mainframe rely on Security by Obscurity or is it Secure by Design
2012l.html#47 I.B.M. Mainframe Evolves to Serve the Digital World
2012l.html#14 The growing openness of an organization's infrastructure has greatly impacted security landscape
2012l.html#10 Cultural attitudes towards failure
2012k.html#19 SnOODAn: Boyd, Snowden, and Resilience
2012j.html#68 The Myth of Password Complexity & Frequent Change Rules
2012j.html#64 The Myth of Password Complexity & Frequent Change Rules
2012j.html#61 The Myth of Password Complexity & Frequent Change Rules
2012j.html#56 Failing Gracefully
2012j.html#53 Yahoo Password Breach: 7 Lessons Learned - Security - Attacks/breaches - Informationweek
2012j.html#47 Yahoo Password Breach: 7 Lessons Learned - Security - Attacks/breaches - Informationweek
2012i.html#86 Should the IBM approach be given a chance to fix the health care system?
2012i.html#80 Firms told to own up to cybercrime attacks
2012i.html#35 US Senate proposes national data breach notification act
2012i.html#31 US Senate proposes national data breach notification act
2012i.html#30 US Senate proposes national data breach notification act
2012f.html#38 UK firms need to 'fess up to security boobs
2012e.html#82 Fighting Cyber Crime with Transparency
2012e.html#79 What's the takeaway on Audit?
2012e.html#37 The $30 billion Social Security hack
2012e.html#33 PC industry is heading for more change
2012e.html#32 Visa, MasterCard warn of 'massive' security breach
2012e.html#29 Visa, MasterCard warn of 'massive' security breach
2012e.html#17 Data theft: Hacktivists 'steal more than criminals'
2012d.html#63 Fans of Threat Modelling reach for their guns ... but can they afford the bullets?
2012d.html#49 Do you know where all your sensitive data is located?
2012d.html#8 Time to pull the PIN!
2012c.html#6 The 15 Worst Data Security Breaches of the 21st Century
2012c.html#3 zSeries Manpower Sizing
2012b.html#71 Password shortcomings
2012b.html#3 Why Threat Modelling fails in practice
2012.html#91 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2012.html#65 Reject gmail
2012.html#35 Israel vows to hit back after credit cards hacked
2011p.html#131 The Times E-Mails Millions by Mistake to Say Subscriptions Were Canceled
2011p.html#25 ICO 'too scared' to clobber press for data breaches
2011o.html#13 Two-Factor Authentication - Hardware token or SMS OTP
2011o.html#1 Silicoin
2011n.html#47 PCI and the Insider Threat
2011n.html#15 Wicked Problems
2011n.html#7 Founders of SSL Call Game Over?
2011n.html#3 Banks Face Ongoing Cyber Threats
2011m.html#71 Don't Dump the Volcker Rule Just Because It's Not Perfect
2011l.html#72 Selectric Typewriter--50th Anniversary
2011l.html#56 Does outsourcing cause data loss?
2011l.html#49 Does outsourcing cause data loss?
2011l.html#47 Does outsourcing cause data loss?
2011k.html#83 California blazes trail again with enhanced breach alert law
2011k.html#53 50th anniversary of BASIC, COBOL?
2011j.html#21 disclosing "business" information on the internet
2011j.html#11 Innovation and iconoclasm
2011j.html#2 House panel approves data breach notification bill
2011i.html#45 Happy 100th Birthday, IBM!
2011h.html#60 Cyberwar vs. Cyber-Espionage vs. Cybercrime
2011h.html#55 CISO's Guide to Breach Notification
2011h.html#21 Eurofighter v F16
2011h.html#9 Breaches and Consumer Backlash
2011f.html#55 Are Americans serious about dealing with money laundering and the drug cartels?
2011f.html#25 Fear the Internet, was Cool Things You Can Do in z/OS
2011f.html#14 How is SSL hopelessly broken? Let us count the ways
2011b.html#36 Internal Fraud and Dollar Losses
2011b.html#11 Credit cards with a proximity wifi chip can be as safe as walking around with your credit card number on a poster
2011.html#30 Data Breaches: Stabilize in 2010, But There's an Asterisk
2010q.html#18 Plug Your Data Leaks from the inside
2010q.html#11 Card Fraud: 'Flash Attacks' and Wireless Transmissions
2010q.html#8 Plug Your Data Leaks from the inside
2010q.html#4 Plug Your Data Leaks from the inside
2010p.html#40 The Great Cyberheist
2010p.html#25 CARD AUTHENTICATION TECHNOLOGY - Embedded keypad on Card - Is this the future
2010p.html#5 Fun with ATM Skimmers, Part III
2010o.html#76 e-commerce smackdown as PCI standards revised
2010o.html#53 The Credit Card Criminals Are Getting Crafty
2010o.html#50 The Credit Card Criminals Are Getting Crafty
2010o.html#36 Cookies Are Dead in the Fight Against Fraud
2010o.html#23 Spooky Myths that Trick Merchants When It Comes to Secure Payments Processes
2010o.html#18 Electronic Theft Costs Businesses More Than Physical Theft
2010o.html#9 On Scope Scrinkage in PCI DSS
2010o.html#8 PCI: Smaller Merchants Threatened
2010n.html#76 Mainframe hacking?
2010n.html#72 When Merchants Get Rid Of Cardholder Data
2010n.html#59 Question: Why Has Debit Grown So Quickly?
2010n.html#56 Who are these people who think cybersecurity experts are crying wolf?
2010n.html#52 Who are these people who think cybersecurity experts are crying wolf?
2010n.html#49 ZeuS attacks mobiles in bnak SMS bypass scam
2010n.html#47 ZeuS attacks mobiles in bank SMS bypass scam
2010n.html#46 Who are these people who think cybersecurity experts are crying wolf?
2010n.html#44 Who are these people who think cybersecurity experts are crying wolf?
2010n.html#28 Will new card innovation help interchange and improve retention?
2010n.html#25 Will new card innovation help interchange and improve retention?
2010n.html#23 Credit Card with a Computer Inside
2010n.html#22 Data breaches remain high
2010n.html#5 Cyber criminals seek 'full' sets of credentials that trade for only a few pounds
2010n.html#4 zSecurity blog post - "READ is not benign"
2010n.html#1 zSecurity blog post - "READ is not benign"
2010m.html#64 How Safe Are Online Financial Transactions?
2010m.html#56 About that "Mighty Fortress"... What's it look like?
2010m.html#38 U.K. bank hit by massive fraud from ZeuS-based botnet
2010m.html#30 AT&T, Verizon to Target Visa, MasterCard With Phones
2010m.html#6 Five Theses on Security Protocols
2010m.html#2 Five Theses on Security Protocols
2010l.html#79 Five Theses on Security Protocols
2010l.html#71 A slight modification of my comments on PKI
2010l.html#70 A slight modification of my comments on PKI
2010l.html#59 A mighty fortress is our PKI
2010l.html#28 Mainframe Hacking -- Fact or Fiction
2010j.html#18 Personal use z/OS machines was Re: Multiprise 3k for personal Use?
2010j.html#7 Seeking *Specific* Implementation of Star Trek Game
2010i.html#83 The Evolution of the Extended Enterprise: Security Stategies for Forward Thinking Organizations
2010i.html#25 Retailers blamed for making people vulnerable to credit card fraud and ID theft
2010h.html#82 Costs Of Data Breaches Much Higher In U.S. Than In Other Countries, Study Says
2010h.html#74 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010h.html#73 Our Pecora Moment
2010h.html#26 In SSL We Trust? Not Lately
2010g.html#84 In SSL We Trust? Not Lately
2010f.html#29 Cyberattacks raise e-banking security fears
2010d.html#21 Credit card data security: Who's responsible?
2010c.html#60 Cybercrime Checks Into The Hotel Industry
2010b.html#82 Oldest Instruction Set still in daily use?
2010b.html#69 Happy DEC-10 Day
2009r.html#55 Verizon report goes deep inside data breach investigations
2009r.html#29 Data Breaches Show PCI DSS Ineffective
2009q.html#58 Cyber breaches are a closely kept secret
2009p.html#45 ATM machines are increasingly attractive to hackers
2009p.html#44 Nearly 500 People Fall Victim to ATM Skimming Scam
2009p.html#27 FBI: National data-breach law would help fight cybercrime
2009p.html#22 FBI: National data-breach law would help fight cybercrime
2009p.html#17 U.K. lags in information security management practices
2009p.html#15 Rogue security software threat will grow in 2010, warns report
2009o.html#83 Excerpt from Digital Equipment co-founder's autobiography "Learn, Earn and Return"
2009o.html#50 WSJ.com The Fallacy of Identity Theft
2009n.html#37 Firms failing to treat card data security seriously
2009n.html#4 Voltage SecureData Now Provides Distributed End-to-End Encryption of Sensitive Data
2009m.html#52 Online banking: Which bank is the most secure?
2009m.html#49 Hacker charges also an indictment on PCI, expert says
2009m.html#28 PCI Council Releases Recommendations For Preventing Card-Skimming Attacks
2009l.html#5 Internal fraud isn't new, but it's news
2009k.html#77 Cyber attackers empty business accounts in minutes
2009k.html#54 The satate of software
2009k.html#25 Don't Take Fraud Out of Context
2009k.html#21 Security certificate warnings don't work, researchers say
2009j.html#57 How can we stop Credit card FRAUD?
2009j.html#56 Replace the current antiquated credit card system
2009j.html#51 Replace the current antiquated credit card system
2009j.html#43 Usability and security gurus agree that masked passwords should go
2009j.html#33 IBM touts encryption innovation
2009j.html#23 Database Servers: Candy For Hackers
2009j.html#13 PCI SSC Seeks Input on Security Standards
2009j.html#11 Is anyone aware of a system that offers three layers of security and ID protection for online purchases or even over the counter POS purchases?
2009i.html#53 Merchant Groups Ask for Broad Changes in Letter to PCI's Overseer
2009i.html#14 Online Banking's Innate Security Flaws
2009h.html#69 How practically risky is it to use unsecured IMAP
2009h.html#4 ATM/Debit Card Fraud On The Rise
2009g.html#57 LexisNexis says its data was used by fraudsters
2009g.html#11 Top 10 Cybersecurity Threats for 2009, will they cause creation of highly-secure Corporate-wide Intranets?
2009g.html#10 Top 10 Cybersecurity Threats for 2009, will they cause creation of highly-secure Corporate-wide Intranets?
2009f.html#57 Data masking/data disguise Primer 1) WHY
2009f.html#42 More Data Breached In 2008 Than In Previous Four Years Combined
2009f.html#36 PCI security rules may require reinforcements
2009e.html#21 ATMs At Risk
2009d.html#71 Lack of bit field instructions in x86 instruction set because of patents ?
2009d.html#69 PCI Compliance
2009d.html#38 Internet threat: Hackers swarm bank accounts
2009d.html#27 Californa's Data Breach Law May Get an Update
2009b.html#63 Study: Data breaches continue to get more costly for businesses
2009b.html#62 Study: Data breaches continue to get more costly for businesses
2009b.html#50 Cellphones as Credit Cards? Americans Must Wait
2009b.html#44 Cybercrime cost $1 trillion last year, study
2009b.html#32 Heartland Says Entire Industry Should Revamp Security
2009b.html#29 is privacy a security attribute(component or ?). If yes, why? If no why not?
2009b.html#28 Online-Banking Authentication
2009b.html#21 ICSF and VISA/MasterCard?amex reference list
2009b.html#19 US credit card payment house breached by sniffing malware
2009b.html#14 question about ssh-keygen with empty passphrase
2009b.html#13 US credit card payment house breaches by sniffing malware
2009b.html#9 New Research Reveals 45% of Card Breach Victims Lose Confidence in Their Financial Accounts
2009b.html#6 US credit card payment house breached by sniffing malware
2009.html#75 Delays in DNS security baffling: Mockapetris
2009.html#58 HONEY I LOVE YOU, but please cut the cards
2009.html#56 Data losses set to soar
2009.html#34 Swedish police warn of tampered credit card terminals
2009.html#29 Data losses set to soar
2009.html#25 Wrong Instrument for Recurring Payments
2009.html#7 Swedish police warn of tampered credit card terminals
2008s.html#50 Perfect MITM Attacks With No-Check SSL
2008s.html#10 Data leakage - practical measures to improve Information Governance
2008s.html#1 PCI's Bob Russo: Data loss hurts brand more than a fine
2008r.html#23 What is the level of security in payment systems (credit and bank cards) nowadays?
2008r.html#2 Payment Card + Digital Signature
2008q.html#25 Cybercrime Could Be As Destructive As Credit Crisis
2008q.html#0 GPG
2008p.html#74 2008 Data Breaches: 30 Million and Counting
2008p.html#67 Web Security hasn't moved since 1995
2008p.html#38 How do group members think the US payments business will evolve over the next 3 years?
2008p.html#32 Can Smart Cards Reduce Payments Fraud and Identity Theft?
2008p.html#23 Your views on the increase in phishing crimes such as the recent problem French president Sarkozy faces
2008p.html#22 Can Smart Cards Reduce Payments Fraud and Identity Theft?
2008p.html#19 Can Smart Cards Reduce Payments Fraud and Identity Theft?
2008p.html#15 Can Smart Cards Reduce Payments Fraud and Identity Theft?
2008p.html#14 Can Smart Cards Reduce Payments Fraud and Identity Theft?
2008p.html#7 Dealing with the neew MA ID protection law
2008p.html#6 SECURITY and BUSINESS CONTINUITY ..... Where they fit in?
2008p.html#5 Privacy, Identity theft, account fraud
2008o.html#79 What emerging risks are exposed with a shift from paper to electronic retail payments?
2008o.html#76 Blinkenlights
2008o.html#60 Biometric Credit cards
2008o.html#22 What risk of possible data leakage do you see for your organization?
2008o.html#16 Is Information Security driven by compliance??
2008o.html#13 What risk of possible data leakage do you see for your organization?
2008n.html#82 Fraud in financial institution
2008n.html#75 Should online transactions be allowed on credit cards without adequate safeguards?
2008n.html#59 In your experience which is a superior debit card scheme - PIN based debit or signature debit?
2008n.html#54 In your experience which is a superior debit card scheme - PIN based debit or signature debit?
2008m.html#73 Blinkylights
2008m.html#72 What are security areas to be addressed before starting an e-commerce transaction or setting up a portal?
2008m.html#71 TJ Maxx - why are they still in business?
2008m.html#70 Why SSNs Are Not Appropriate for Authentication and when, where and why should you offer/use it?
2008m.html#66 With all the highly publicised data breeches and losses, are we all wasting our time?
2008m.html#56 With all the highly publicised data breeches and losses, are we all wasting our time?
2008m.html#55 With all the highly publicised data breeches and losses, are we all wasting our time?
2008l.html#53 Quality of IBM school clock systems?
2008l.html#52 Payments Security in RFS
2008l.html#49 Quality of IBM school clock systems?
2008l.html#30 Verifying Verified By Visa - Registration breaks chain of trust
2008j.html#55 What is "timesharing" (Re: OS X Finder windows vs terminal window weirdness)
2008j.html#39 What is "timesharing" (Re: OS X Finder windows vs terminal window weirdness)
2008j.html#37 What is "timesharing" (Re: OS X Finder windows vs terminal window weirdness)
2008j.html#35 Data Breach Reports Up 69 Percent in 2008
2008i.html#101 We're losing the battle
2008i.html#76 Security Awareness
2008i.html#70 Next Generation Security
2008i.html#55 Is data classification the right approach to pursue a risk based information security program?
2008i.html#53 Digital cash is the future?
2008i.html#42 Security Breaches
2008i.html#24 Credit Card Fraud
2008i.html#21 Worst Security Threats?
2008h.html#86 What mode of payment you could think of with the advent of time?
2008h.html#4 You won't guess who's the bad guy of ID theft
2008g.html#28 Hannaford case exposes holes in law, some say
2008g.html#27 Hannaford case exposes holes in law, some say
2008g.html#11 Hannaford case exposes holes in law, some say
2008g.html#10 Hannaford case exposes holes in law, some say
2008g.html#8 Hannaford case exposes holes in law, some say
2008e.html#66 independent appraisers
2008d.html#9 Toyota Sales for 2007 May Surpass GM
2008c.html#89 Toyota Sales for 2007 May Surpass GM
2008b.html#26 folklore indeed
2008.html#35 U.S. Identity Theft at Record Level in 2007
2008.html#11 Information security breaches quadrupled in 2007
2008.html#4 folklore indeed
2007v.html#90 folklore indeed
2007t.html#47 Translation of IBM Basic Assembler to C?
2007t.html#20 UK Retail Giant Breached by Insider
2007s.html#61 Translation of IBM Basic Assembler to C?
2007s.html#38 The new urgency to fix online privacy
2007s.html#16 The new urgency to fix online privacy
2007r.html#63 Translation of IBM Basic Assembler to C?
2007r.html#61 The new urgency to fix online privacy
2007r.html#34 Is the media letting banks off the hook on payment card security
2007r.html#32 Is the media letting banks off the hook on payment card security
2007r.html#29 The new urgency to fix online privacy
2007r.html#26 The new urgency to fix online privacy
2007r.html#24 How to tell a fake SSL certificate from a real one
2007o.html#27 EZPass: Yes, Big Brother IS Watching You!
2007o.html#5 The Unexpected Fact about the First Computer Programmer
2007n.html#50 WindowsMonitor or CUSP?
2007n.html#9 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007l.html#43 My Dream PC -- Chip-Based
2007l.html#35 My Dream PC -- Chip-Based
2007k.html#55 My Dream PC -- Chip-Based
2007g.html#30 T.J. Maxx data theft worse than first reported
2007g.html#20 T.J. Maxx data theft worse than first reported
2007g.html#10 Record Credit card heist...TJM
2007g.html#8 Securing financial transactions a high priority for 2007
2007f.html#72 Securing financial transactions a high priority for 2007
2007f.html#68 Securing financial transactions a high priority for 2007
2007f.html#31 Is that secure : <form action="https" from a local HTML page ?
2007e.html#26 Securing financial transactions a high priority for 2007
2007e.html#24 Securing financial transactions a high priority for 2007
2007e.html#2 Securing financial transactions a high priority for 2007
2007d.html#70 Securing financial transactions a high priority for 2007
2007d.html#57 Which is the Fastest (Secure) Way to Exchange 256-bit Keys?
2007d.html#5 Securing financial transactions a high priority for 2007
2007c.html#53 Securing financial transactions a high priority for 2007
2007c.html#37 Securing financial transactions a high priority for 2007
2007c.html#35 Securing financial transactions a high priority for 2007
2007c.html#27 Securing financial transactions a high priority for 2007
2007c.html#18 Securing financial transactions a high priority for 2007
2007c.html#11 Decoding the encryption puzzle
2007c.html#10 Securing financial transactions a high priority for 2007
2007c.html#9 Decoding the encryption puzzle
2007c.html#8 Securing financial transactions a high priority for 2007
2007b.html#62 Securing financial transactions a high priority for 2007
2007b.html#61 Securing financial transactions a high priority for 2007
2007b.html#33 security engineering versus information security
2007b.html#12 Special characters in passwords was Re: RACF - Password rules
2007b.html#8 Special characters in passwords was Re: RACF - Password rules
2007.html#42 The logic of privacy
2007.html#5 Securing financial transactions a high priority for 2007
2006y.html#25 "The Elements of Programming Style"
2006v.html#49 Patent buster for a method that increases password security
2006v.html#2 New attacks on the financial PIN processing
2006u.html#43 New attacks on the financial PIN processing
2006u.html#40 New attacks on the financial PIN processing
2006t.html#5 Are there more stupid people in IT than there used to be?
2006p.html#18 19,000 Accounts Compromised
2006o.html#47 the personal data theft pandemic continues
2006o.html#35 the personal data theft pandemic continues
2006k.html#17 Hey! Keep Your Hands Out Of My Abstraction Layer!
2006k.html#16 Value of an old IBM PS/2 CL57 SX Laptop
2006k.html#4 Passwords for bank sites - change or not?
2006h.html#15 Security
2006h.html#14 Security
2006f.html#16 trusted repositories and trusted transactions
2006e.html#44 Does the Data Protection Act of 2005 Make Sense
2006e.html#30 Debit Cards HACKED now
2006d.html#28 Caller ID "spoofing"
2006d.html#26 Caller ID "spoofing"
2006c.html#34 X.509 and ssh
2005v.html#2 ABN Tape - Found
2005u.html#33 PGP Lame question
2005u.html#31 AMD to leave x86 behind?
2005u.html#3 PGP Lame question
2005t.html#34 RSA SecurID product
2005t.html#27 RSA SecurID product
2005p.html#24 Hi-tech no panacea for ID theft woes
2005o.html#46 Article: The True Value of Mainframe Security
2005l.html#24 The Worth of Verisign's Brand
2002h.html#50 crossreferenced program code listings
2002.html#39 Buffer overflow

data.breach.notification -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- 2014-2017 -- back to top/index

dialup-banking postings (before_2014)

2013j.html#69 OSI: The Internet That Wasn't
2013j.html#21 8080 BASIC
2012j.html#73 Is it time to consider a stand-alone PC for online banking?
2012j.html#68 The Myth of Password Complexity & Frequent Change Rules
2012j.html#18 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012j.html#0 Federal appeal court raps bank over shoddy online security
2012i.html#79 Does Two-Factor Authentication Need Fixing?
2012i.html#32 Zeus/SpyEye 'Automatic Transfer' Module Masks Online Banking Theft
2012i.html#18 Zeus/SpyEye 'Automatic Transfer' Module Masks Online Banking Theft
2011m.html#38 ISBNs
2011g.html#48 Is the magic and romance killed by Windows (and Linux)?
2010m.html#87 Nearly $1,000,000 stolen electronically from the University of Virginia
2010m.html#82 Nearly $1,000,000 stolen electronically from the University of Virginia
2010j.html#41 Monet, was Re: A "portable" hard disk
2010d.html#30 Michigan firm sues bank over theft of $560,000
2010c.html#86 NY Town's Bank Account Hacked; Poughkeepsie Loses $378K in Fraudulent Transfers
2010c.html#79 Customers risk online banking fraud by reusing bank credentials
2009q.html#59 EU agency runs rule over ID cards for online banking logins
2009q.html#56 Crypto dongles to secure online transactions ... addenda
2009p.html#65 Crypto dongles to secure online transactions
2009p.html#44 Nearly 500 People Fall Victim to ATM Skimming Scam
2009m.html#73 Definition of a computer?
2009m.html#70 Client Certificate UI for Chrome?
2009m.html#68 Definition of a computer?
2009m.html#12 Need new 3270 emulator: SSH, inexpensive, reliable
2009m.html#9 Cyber crooks increasingly target small business accounts
2009l.html#61 Hacker charges also an indictment on PCI, expert says
2009l.html#2 Cyber attackers empty business accounts in minutes
2009c.html#37 The 20th Century of Central Banking is over
2008p.html#31 FC5 Special Workshop CFP: Emerging trends in Online Banking and Electronic Payments
2008p.html#28 Can Smart Cards Reduce Payments Fraud and Identity Theft?
2008o.html#9 Homebanking authentication methods: what's being used by your bank?
2008o.html#2 Credit Card Security
2008j.html#56 WoW security: now better than most banks
2008f.html#49 How do OTP tokens work?
2007u.html#11 Public Computers
2007n.html#65 Poll: oldest computer thing you still use
2006j.html#28 Password Complexity
2006d.html#41 Caller ID "spoofing"
2005i.html#1 Brit banks introduce delays on interbank xfers due to phishing boom
2001g.html#61 PKI/Digital signature doesn't work
2001g.html#60 PKI/Digital signature doesn't work
2001g.html#57 Q: Internet banking
99.html#224 X9.59/AADS announcement at BAI this week

dialup-banking -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- 2014-2017 -- back to top/index

economic.mess postings (before_2014)

-#- too-big-to-fail -#- toxic.cdo -#- zirp -#- regulatory.capture -#- fed.chairman -#- Pecora&/orGlass-Steagall -#- capitalism -#-
2013o.html#48 Citigroup is the Real Reason We Need the Volcker Rule
2013o.html#14 Microsoft, IBM lobbying seen killing key anti-patent troll proposal
2013n.html#87 Logics of Transformation
2013m.html#13 OT: NYT article--the rich get richer
2013m.html#3 Lending is still lagging according to Reuters. Why do you think that is?
2013l.html#52 Lehman Brothers collapse: was capitalism to blame?
2013l.html#14 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013l.html#13 Jack Lew Shows His True Colors By Forcing Deregulation of Derivatives on the CFTC
2013l.html#8 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013l.html#7 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013l.html#2 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013l.html#1 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#87 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#86 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#82 spacewar
2013k.html#52 The agency problem and how to create a criminogenic environment
2013k.html#35 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#32 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#29 The agency problem and how to create a criminogenic environment
2013k.html#28 Flag bloat
2013k.html#26 The agency problem and how to create a criminogenic environment
2013h.html#66 OT: "Highway Patrol" back on TV
2013f.html#4 What Makes a thread about the European debt crisis Bizarre?
2013f.html#3 What Makes a thread about the European debt crisis Bizarre?
2013e.html#79 As an IBM'er just like the Marines only a few good men and women make the cut,
2013e.html#29 What Makes bank regulation and insurance Bizarre?
2013e.html#24 What Makes bank regulation and insurance Bizarre?
2013e.html#23 What Makes bank regulation and insurance Bizarre?
2013d.html#94 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#67 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#64 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013c.html#66 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013b.html#54 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013b.html#46 Bankers Who Made Millions In Housing Boom Misled Investors: Study
2013b.html#41 Adair Turner: A New Debt-Free Money Advocate
2013b.html#38 Adair Turner: A New Debt-Free Money Advocate
2013b.html#35 Adair Turner: A New Debt-Free Money Advocate
2013b.html#9 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013b.html#4 Libor Lies Revealed in Rigging of $300 Trillion Benchmark
2013.html#73 More Whistleblower Leaks on Foreclosure Settlement Show Both Suppression of Evidence and Gross Incompetence
2013.html#54 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013.html#51 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013.html#49 Insider Fraud: What to Monitor
2013.html#44 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013.html#34 How Bankers Help Drug Traffickers and Terrorists
2013.html#0 IBM Is Changing The Terms Of Its Retirement Plan, Which Is Frustrating Some Employees
2012p.html#18 U.S. Treasury, AIG are poised to sever ties
2012o.html#73 These Two Charts Show How The Priorities Of US Companies Have Gotten Screwed Up
2012o.html#26 Why bankers rule the world
2012o.html#14 OT: Tax breaks to Oracle debated
2012o.html#7 Beyond the 10,000 Hour Rule
2012n.html#12 Why Auditors Fail To Detect Frauds?
2012n.html#6 General Mills computer
2012n.html#3 General Mills computer
2012m.html#63 General Mills computer
2012m.html#59 General Mills computer
2012m.html#58 General Mills computer
2012l.html#85 Singer Cartons of Punch Cards
2012l.html#68 Singer Cartons of Punch Cards
2012l.html#66 Singer Cartons of Punch Cards
2012l.html#65 Singer Cartons of Punch Cards
2012l.html#64 Singer Cartons of Punch Cards
2012l.html#48 The Payoff: Why Wall Street Always Wins
2012k.html#75 What's the bigger risk, retiring too soon, or too late?
2012k.html#31 History--punched card transmission over telegraph lines
2012k.html#12 The Secret Consensus Among Economists
2012j.html#65 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012j.html#28 Why Asian companies struggle to manage global workers
2012i.html#86 Should the IBM approach be given a chance to fix the health care system?
2012i.html#81 Should the IBM approach be given a chance to fix the health care system?
2012i.html#51 Is this Boyd's fundamental postulate, 'to improve our capacity for independent action'? thoughts please
2012i.html#29 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012i.html#14 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012h.html#82 Interesting News Article
2012h.html#63 Is this Boyd's fundamental postulate, 'to improve our capacity for independent action'?
2012h.html#45 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012h.html#36 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012h.html#32 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012h.html#16 Hierarchy
2012g.html#73 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012g.html#70 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012g.html#56 Why Hasn't The Government Prosecuted Anyone For The 2008 Financial recession?
2012g.html#16 Psychology Of Fraud: Why Good People Do Bad Things
2012g.html#6 Adult Supervision
2012f.html#87 How do you feel about the fact that India has more employees than US?
2012f.html#84 How do you feel about the fact that India has more employees than US?
2012f.html#75 Fed Report: Mortgage Mess NOT an Inside Job
2012f.html#74 Psychology Of Fraud: Why Good People Do Bad Things
2012f.html#69 Freefall: America, Free Markets, and the Sinking of the World Economy
2012f.html#66 Predator GE: We Bring Bad Things to Life
2012e.html#58 Word Length
2012e.html#40 Who Increased the Debt?
2012e.html#16 Wonder if they know how Boydian they are?
2012d.html#25 PC industry is heading for more change
2012d.html#16 IBM cuts more than 1,000 U.S. Workers
2012c.html#55 PC industry is heading for more change
2012c.html#46 PC industry is heading for more change
2012c.html#45 Fannie, Freddie Charge Taxpayers For Legal Bills
2012c.html#32 US real-estate has lost $7T in value
2011p.html#70 No One Telling Who Took $586B in Fed Swaps
2011p.html#3 The Obama Spending Non-surge
2011o.html#77 How Pursuit of Profits Kills Innovation and the U.S. Economy
2011o.html#76 How Pursuit of Profits Kills Innovation and the U.S. Economy
2011o.html#74 The Wall Street Pentagon Papers: Biggest Scam In World History Exposed: Are The Federal Reserve's Crimes Too Big To Comprehend?
2011o.html#37 Civilization, doomed?
2011n.html#79 The men who crashed the world
2011n.html#57 The Mortgage Crisis---Some Inside Views
2011n.html#41 The men who crashed the world
2011n.html#38 The Mark to Market Fantasy Fraud
2011m.html#75 Banks Awash in Cash, Which Isn't Good News
2011m.html#2 computer bootlaces
2011l.html#73 computer bootlaces
2011l.html#67 computer bootlaces
2011k.html#25 Wall Street Aristocracy Got $1.2 Trillion in Fed's Secret Loans
2011k.html#2 First Website Launched 20 Years Ago Today
2011j.html#50 How Many Divisions Does Standard and Poors Have?
2011j.html#45 S&P's History of Relentless Political Advocacy
2011j.html#39 Advice from Richard P. Feynman
2011i.html#45 Happy 100th Birthday, IBM!
2011i.html#18 Happy 100th Birthday, IBM!
2011i.html#11 'Megalomania, Insanity' Fueled Bubble: Munger
2011h.html#29 Obama: "We don't have enough engineers"
2011g.html#71 Pressing Obama, House Bars Rise for Debt Ceiling
2011e.html#74 The first personal computer (PC)
2011e.html#60 In your opinon, what is the highest risk of financial fraud for a corporation ?
2011e.html#41 On Protectionism
2011d.html#25 The first personal computer (PC)
2011d.html#19 The first personal computer (PC)
2011b.html#59 Productivity And Bubbles
2011b.html#45 Productivity And Bubbles
2011b.html#27 The Zippo Lighter theory of the financial crisis (or, who do we want to blame?)
2010q.html#58 Programmer Charged with thieft (maybe off topic)
2010p.html#69 Moody's hints at move that could be catastrophic for US debt
2010p.html#63 TCM's Moguls documentary series
2010p.html#46 TCM's Moguls documentary series
2010p.html#23 They always think we don't understand
2010p.html#17 What banking is. (Essential for predicting the end of finance as we know it.)
2010o.html#59 They always think we don't understand
2010n.html#50 TARP Bailout to Cost Less Than Once Anticipated
2010n.html#45 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010n.html#40 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010n.html#32 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010n.html#29 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010l.html#48 Who is Really to Blame for the Financial Crisis?
2010l.html#40 Who is Really to Blame for the Financial Crisis?
2010h.html#22 In the News: SEC storms the 'Castle'
2010f.html#69 The 2010 Census
2010f.html#62 The 2010 Census
2010f.html#54 The 2010 Census
2010f.html#51 The 2010 Census
2010f.html#37 The 2010 Census
2010e.html#74 LPARs: More or Less?
2010e.html#52 LPARs: More or Less?
2010d.html#13 search engine history, was Happy DEC-10 Day
2010d.html#4 alphas was: search engine history, was Happy DEC
2010c.html#87 search engine history, was Happy DEC-10 Day
2010c.html#53 Happy DEC-10 Day
2010c.html#51 Happy DEC-10 Day
2010c.html#48 Happy DEC-10 Day
2010c.html#23 Happy DEC-10 Day
2010.html#61 Happy DEC-10 Day
2010.html#37 Happy DEC-10 Day
2009r.html#47 70 Years of ATM Innovation
2009q.html#47 Is C close to the machine?
2009p.html#23 Opinions on the 'Unix Haters' Handbook
2009n.html#62 Opinions on the 'Unix Haters' Handbook'
2009n.html#21 UK issues Turning apology (and about time, too)
2009n.html#20 UK issues Turning apology (and about time, too)
2009j.html#81 64 Cores -- IBM is showing a prototype already
2009j.html#36 Average Comp This Year At Top Firm Estimated At $700,000
2009i.html#54 64 Cores -- IBM is showing a prototype already
2009i.html#44 64 Cores -- IBM is showing a prototype already
2009g.html#44 What TARP means for the future of executive pay
2009g.html#7 Just posted third article about toxic assets in a series on the current financial crisis
2009f.html#51 On whom or what would you place the blame for the sub-prime crisis?
2009f.html#47 TARP Disbursements Through April 10th
2009f.html#43 On whom or what would you place the blame for the sub-prime crisis?
2009f.html#35 US banking Changes- TARP Proposl
2009f.html#29 What is the real basis for business mess we are facing today?
2009f.html#27 US banking Changes- TARP Proposl
2009e.html#79 Are the "brightest minds in finance" finally onto something?
2009e.html#59 Tesco to open 30 "bank branches" this year
2009e.html#53 Are the "brightest minds in finance" finally onto something?
2009e.html#35 Architectural Diversity
2009e.html#23 Should FDIC or the Federal Reserve Bank have the authority to shut down and take over non-bank financial institutions like AIG?
2009e.html#17 Why is everyone talking about AIG bonuses of millions and keeping their mouth shut on billions sent to foreign banks?
2009d.html#74 Why is everyone talking about AIG bonuses of millions and keeping their mouth shut on billions sent to foreign banks?
2009d.html#73 Should Glass-Steagall be reinstated?
2009c.html#16 How to defeat new telemarketing tactic
2009c.html#11 How to defeat new telemarketing tactic
2009c.html#10 How to defeat new telemarketing tactic
2009b.html#59 As bonuses...why breed greed, when others are in dire need?
2009b.html#57 Credit & Risk Management ... go Simple ?
2009b.html#49 US disaster, debts and bad financial management
2009b.html#45 The recently revealed excesses of John Thain, the former CEO of Merrill Lynch, while the firm was receiving $25 Billion in TARP funds makes me sick
2009b.html#41 The subject is authoritarian tendencies in corporate management, and how they are related to political culture
2009b.html#35 The recently revealed excesses of John Thain, the former CEO of Merrill Lynch, while the firm was receiving $25 Billion in TARP funds makes me sick
2009b.html#30 The recently revealed excesses of John Thain, the former CEO of Merrill Lynch, while the firm was receiving $25 Billion in TARP funds makes me sick
2009b.html#25 The recently revealed excesses of John Thain, the former CEO of Merrill Lynch, while the firm was receiving $25 Billion in TARP funds makes me sick
2009.html#80 Are reckless risks a natural fallout of "excessive" executive compensation ?
2009.html#73 CROOKS and NANNIES: what would Boyd do?
2008s.html#41 Executive pay: time for a trim?
2008s.html#35 Is American capitalism and greed to blame for our financial troubles in the US?
2008s.html#33 Garbage in, garbage out trampled by Moore's law
2008s.html#32 How Should The Government Spend The $700 Billion?
2008r.html#61 The vanishing CEO bonus

economic.mess -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- 2014-2017 -- back to top/index

enron postings (before_2014)

-#- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enron_scandal -#- sarbanes-oxley -#- financial.reporting.fraud -#-
2013m.html#85 How do you feel about IBM passing off it's retirees to ObamaCare?
2013m.html#84 3Q earnings are becoming the norm at IBM. What is IBM management overlooking?
2013l.html#64 OT: NYT article--the rich get richer
2013l.html#52 Lehman Brothers collapse: was capitalism to blame?
2013l.html#43 OT: NYT article--the rich get richer
2013l.html#16 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013l.html#14 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013l.html#13 Jack Lew Shows His True Colors By Forcing Deregulation of Derivatives on the CFTC
2013l.html#7 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#87 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#50 IBM Furloughs U.S. Hardware Employees to Reduce Costs
2013k.html#45 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#29 The agency problem and how to create a criminogenic environment
2013k.html#28 Flag bloat
2013k.html#10 What Makes Infrastructure investment not bizarre
2013j.html#77 Why DOJ Deemed Bank Execs Too Big To Jail
2013j.html#76 Barclays, Traders Fined $487.9 Million by U.S. Regulator
2013j.html#73 Why DOJ Deemed Bank Execs Too Big To Jail
2013j.html#22 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013j.html#15 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013j.html#14 Barclays, Traders Fined $487.9 Million by U.S. Regulator
2013j.html#6 Barclays, Traders Fined $487.9 Million by U.S. Regulator
2013i.html#89 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013h.html#52 "Highway Patrol" back on TV
2013h.html#30 'Big four' accountants 'use knowledge of Treasury to help rich avoid tax'
2013g.html#80 'Big four' accountants 'use knowledge of Treasury to help rich avoid tax'
2013g.html#0 JPMorgan Caught in Swirl of Regulatory Woes
2013f.html#34 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013f.html#24 What Makes a substance Bizarre?
2013f.html#5 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013f.html#2 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013f.html#1 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013f.html#0 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#94 KPMG quits as Skechers and Herbalife auditor amid insider trading allegations
2013e.html#59 What Makes bank regulation and insurance Bizarre?
2013d.html#76 IBM Spent A Million Dollars Renovating And Staffing Its Former CEO's Office
2013d.html#73 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#64 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#31 Bank Whistleblower Claims Retaliation And Wrongful Termination
2013d.html#25 Senator Sherrod Brown Drops a Bombshell in Mary Jo White's Hearing
2013b.html#70 Implementing a Whistle-Blower Program - Detecting and Preventing Fraud at Workplace
2013b.html#46 Bankers Who Made Millions In Housing Boom Misled Investors: Study
2013b.html#41 Adair Turner: A New Debt-Free Money Advocate
2013.html#49 Insider Fraud: What to Monitor
2012p.html#64 IBM Is Changing The Terms Of Its Retirement Plan, Which Is Frustrating Some Employees
2012p.html#30 Search Google, 1960:s-style
2012o.html#14 OT: Tax breaks to Oracle debated
2012n.html#20 General Mills computer
2012n.html#1 STOP PRESS! An Auditor has been brought to task for a failed bank!
2012l.html#14 The growing openness of an organization's infrastructure has greatly impacted security landscape
2012l.html#0 Quelle Surprise! SEC Plans to Make the World Safer for Fraudsters, Push Through JOBS Act Con-Artist-Friendly Solicitation Rules
2012k.html#89 Auditors Don't Know Squat!
2012k.html#38 Four Signs Your Awesome Investment May Actually Be A Ponzi Scheme
2012k.html#5 Gordon Crovitz: Who Really Invented the Internet?
2012j.html#60 Auditors All Fall Down; PFGBest and MF Global Frauds Reveal Weak Watchdogs
2012j.html#36 UH-OH: $220 Million May Be Missing From Brokerage
2012i.html#94 Naked emperors, holy cows and Libor
2012i.html#41 Lawmakers reworked financial portfolios after talks with Fed, Treasury officials
2012h.html#42 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012h.html#31 How do you feel about the fact that today India has more IBM employees than US?
2012g.html#78 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012g.html#77 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012g.html#67 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012g.html#59 Why Hasn't The Government Prosecuted Anyone For The 2008 Financial recession?
2012g.html#6 Adult Supervision
2012f.html#91 Psychology Of Fraud: Why Good People Do Bad Things
2012f.html#84 How do you feel about the fact that India has more employees than US?
2012f.html#74 Psychology Of Fraud: Why Good People Do Bad Things
2012f.html#66 Predator GE: We Bring Bad Things to Life
2012e.html#57 speculation
2012e.html#30 Senators Who Voted Against Ending Big Oil Tax Breaks Received Millions From Big Oil
2012d.html#25 PC industry is heading for more change
2012d.html#16 IBM cuts more than 1,000 U.S. Workers
2012d.html#5 PC industry is heading for more change
2012c.html#54 PC industry is heading for more change
2012c.html#45 Fannie, Freddie Charge Taxpayers For Legal Bills
2012c.html#31 US real-estate has lost $7T in value
2012c.html#13 Study links ultrafast machine trading with risk of crash
2012c.html#0 New theory of moral behavior may explain recent ethical lapses in banking industry
2012b.html#87 The Benefit and The Burden
2012b.html#54 The New Age Bounty Hunger -- Showdown at the SEC Corral
2012b.html#53 Can America Lead the World's Fight Against Corruption?
2012b.html#44 What's the most interesting thing you do in your non-work life?
2012.html#26 What's your favorite quote on "accountability"?
2012.html#18 SEC v. Citigroup, How to Avoid (Greater) Disaster
2012.html#1 The war on terabytes
2011p.html#147 The Myth of Work-Life Balance
2011p.html#137 The High Cost of Failing Artificial Hips
2011p.html#72 The men who crashed the world
2011p.html#29 21st Century Management approach?
2011p.html#24 Case Study: SOX IT Compliance
2011p.html#9 The Dumbest Idea In The World: Maximizing Shareholder Value
2011p.html#0 The men who crashed the world
2011o.html#62 Civilization, doomed?
2011n.html#86 PDCA vs. OODA
2011n.html#79 The men who crashed the world
2011n.html#49 The men who crashed the world
2011n.html#41 The men who crashed the world
2011n.html#1 Banks Awash in Cash, Which Isn't Good News
2011m.html#33 Deloitte sued for $7.6 billion, accused of missing fraud
2011m.html#18 computer bootlaces
2011l.html#74 computer bootlaces
2011l.html#8 The True Cost of 9/11 -- Includes 18 Veteran Suicides a Day
2011k.html#60 50th anniversary of BASIC, COBOL?
2011k.html#54 50th anniversary of BASIC, COBOL?
2011k.html#30 Regulators seek to plug derivatives data gaps
2011k.html#20 Study shows powerful corporations really do control the world's finances
2011j.html#41 Advice from Richard P. Feynman
2011j.html#38 Advice from Richard P. Feynman
2011i.html#67 U.S. can't account for $8.7 billion of Iraq's money: audit
2011i.html#19 Happy 100th Birthday, IBM!
2011h.html#66 Senate Democrats Ask House to Boost SEC Funding
2011h.html#25 US Housing Crisis Is Now Worse Than Great Depression
2011g.html#52 Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room
2011g.html#47 Lords: Auditors guilty of 'dereliction of duty'
2011g.html#40 Fight Fraud with Device ID
2011g.html#5 How they failed to catch Madoff
2011f.html#86 Bank email archives thrown open in financial crash report
2011f.html#64 Are Americans serious about dealing with money laundering and the drug cartels?
2011f.html#62 Mixing Auth and Non-Auth Modules
2011f.html#52 Are Americans serious about dealing with money laundering and the drug cartels?
2011f.html#35 At least two decades back, some gurus predicted that mainframes would disappear
2011e.html#56 In your opinon, what is the highest risk of financial fraud for a corporation ?
2011e.html#38 On Protectionism
2011e.html#36 On Protectionism
2011e.html#9 I actually miss working at IBM
2011e.html#7 I actually miss working at IBM
2011d.html#23 The first personal computer (PC)
2010q.html#53 Programmer Charged with thieft (maybe off topic)
2010q.html#29 Ernst & Young sued for fraud over Lehman
2010q.html#21 Ernst & Young called to account -- should Audit firms be investigated for their role in the crisis?
2010p.html#54 TCM's Moguls documentary series
2010n.html#36 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010n.html#35 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010l.html#38 Who is Really to Blame for the Financial Crisis?
2010l.html#17 History--automated payroll processing by other than a computer?
2010k.html#46 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
2010i.html#69 Favourite computer history books?
2010h.html#67 The Python and the Mongoose: it helps if you know the rules of engagement
2010h.html#28 Our Pecora Moment
2010f.html#54 The 2010 Census
2010f.html#46 not even sort of about The 2010 Census
2010f.html#36 The 2010 Census
2010f.html#4 LPARs: More or Less?
2010b.html#82 Oldest Instruction Set still in daily use?
2009r.html#61 70 Years of ATM Innovation
2009r.html#47 70 Years of ATM Innovation
2009q.html#77 Now is time for banks to replace core system according to Accenture
2009o.html#84 Opinions on the 'Unix Haters' Handbook'
2009o.html#56 Opinions on the 'Unix Haters' Handbook'
2009o.html#25 Opinions on the 'Unix Haters' Handbook'
2009n.html#56 Opinions on the 'Unix Haters' Handbook'
2009m.html#89 Audits V: Why did this happen to us ;-(
2009j.html#30 An Amazing Document On Madoff Said To Have Been Sent To SEC In 2005
2009j.html#12 IBM identity manager goes big on role control
2009i.html#60 In the USA "financial regulator seeks power to curb excess speculation."
2009i.html#54 64 Cores -- IBM is showing a prototype already
2009h.html#29 Analysing risk, especially credit risk in Banks, which was a major reason for the current crisis
2009g.html#34 Board Visibility Into The Business
2009g.html#33 Treating the Web As an Archive
2009g.html#7 Just posted third article about toxic assets in a series on the current financial crisis
2009g.html#1 Future of Financial Mathematics?
2009f.html#65 Just posted third article about toxic assets in a series on the current financial crisis
2009f.html#53 What every taxpayer should know about what caused the current Financial Crisis
2009f.html#51 On whom or what would you place the blame for the sub-prime crisis?
2009f.html#49 Is the current downturn cyclic or systemic?
2009f.html#43 On whom or what would you place the blame for the sub-prime crisis?
2009f.html#29 What is the real basis for business mess we are facing today?
2009f.html#25 Is FINANCE the institutionalized form whereby (smart?) elites exact payment for the rest's being...?
2009f.html#2 CEO pay sinks - Wall Street Journal/Hay Group survey results just released
2009e.html#37 How do you see ethics playing a role in your organizations current or past?
2009e.html#36 Architectural Diversity
2009e.html#35 Architectural Diversity
2009e.html#23 Should FDIC or the Federal Reserve Bank have the authority to shut down and take over non-bank financial institutions like AIG?
2009e.html#13 Should we fear and hate derivatives?
2009e.html#0 What is swap in the financial market?
2009d.html#73 Should Glass-Steagall be reinstated?
2009d.html#64 Should AIG executives be allowed to keep the bonuses they were contractually obligated to be paid?
2009d.html#63 Do bonuses foster unethical conduct?
2009d.html#62 Is Wall Street World's Largest Ponzi Scheme where Madoff is Just a Poster Child?
2009d.html#61 Quiz: Evaluate your level of Spreadsheet risk
2009d.html#59 Quiz: Evaluate your level of Spreadsheet risk
2009d.html#42 Bernard Madoff Is Jailed After Pleading Guilty -- are there more "Madoff's" out there?
2009d.html#37 NEW SEC (Enforcement) MANUAL, A welcome addition
2009d.html#28 I need insight on the Stock Market
2009d.html#22 Is it time to put banking executives on trial?
2009d.html#18 HSBC is expected to announce a profit, which is good, what did they do differently?
2009d.html#16 The Formula That Killed Wall Street
2009d.html#11 Congress Set to Approve Pay Cap of $500,000
2009d.html#10 Who will Survive AIG or Derivative Counterparty Risk?
2009d.html#7 Are Ctibank's services and products so vital to global economy than no other banks can substitute it?
2009d.html#3 Congress Set to Approve Pay Cap of $500,000
2009d.html#0 PNC Financial to pay CEO $3 million stock bonus
2009c.html#67 How to defeat new telemarketing tactic
2009c.html#65 is it possible that ALL banks will be nationalized?
2009c.html#55 Who will give Citigroup the KNOCKOUT blow?
2009c.html#53 How to defeat new telemarketing tactic
2009c.html#49 How to defeat new telemarketing tactic
2009c.html#48 How to defeat new telemarketing tactic
2009c.html#46 How to defeat new telemarketing tactic
2009c.html#45 How to defeat new telemarketing tactic
2009c.html#42 How to defeat new telemarketing tactic
2009c.html#38 People to Blame for the Financial Crisis
2009c.html#36 How to defeat new telemarketing tactic
2009c.html#29 How to defeat new telemarketing tactic
2009c.html#20 Decision Making or Instinctive Steering?
2009c.html#10 How to defeat new telemarketing tactic
2009c.html#0 Audit II: Two more scary words: Sarbanes-Oxley
2009b.html#80 How to defeat new telemarketing tactic
2009b.html#73 What can we learn from the meltdown?
2009b.html#60 OCR scans of old documents
2009b.html#54 In your opinion, which facts caused the global crise situation?
2009b.html#53 Credit & Risk Management ... go Simple ?
2009b.html#52 What has the Global Financial Crisis taught the Nations, it's Governments and Decision Makers, and how should they apply that knowledge to manage risks differently in the future?
2009b.html#49 US disaster, debts and bad financial management
2009b.html#48 The blame game is on : A blow to the Audit/Accounting Industry or a lesson learned ???
2009b.html#36 A great article was posted in another BI group: "To H*** with Business Intelligence: 40 Percent of Execs Trust Gut"
2009.html#73 CROOKS and NANNIES: what would Boyd do?
2009.html#58 HONEY I LOVE YOU, but please cut the cards
2008s.html#30 How reliable are the credit rating companies? Who is over seeing them?
2008s.html#28 Garbage in, garbage out trampled by Moore's law
2008p.html#3 Blinkenlights
2008o.html#71 Why is sub-prime crisis of America called the sub-prime crisis?
2008o.html#68 Blinkenlights
2008m.html#80 Fraud due to stupid failure to test for negative
2008k.html#20 IBM's 2Q2008 Earnings
2008g.html#1 The Workplace War for Age and Talent
2008f.html#97 Bush - place in history
2008f.html#96 Bush - place in history
2008f.html#94 Bush - place in history
2008c.html#87 Toyota Sales for 2007 May Surpass GM
2008.html#78 As Expected, Ford Falls From 2nd Place in U.S. Sales
2008.html#71 As Expected, Ford Falls From 2nd Place in U.S. Sales
2007t.html#12 Translation of IBM Basic Assembler to C?
2007t.html#4 Translation of IBM Basic Assembler to C?
2007p.html#50 Newsweek article--baby boomers and computers
2007o.html#0 The Unexpected Fact about the First Computer Programmer
2007j.html#0 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2006h.html#58 Sarbanes-Oxley
2006.html#12a sox, auditing, finding improprieties
2005t.html#14 Dangerous Hardware
2004e.html#7 OT Global warming
2002k.html#15 Okay, we get it
2002e.html#16 Deleting files and emails at Arthur Andersen and Enron
2002e.html#15 Deleting files and emails at Arthur Andersen and Enron
2002e.html#10 Deleting files and emails at Arthur Andersen and Enron
2000e.html#17 X.25 lost out to the Internet - Why?

enron -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- 2014-2017 -- back to top/index

fed.chairman postings (before_2014)

Greenspan, Bernanke, Yellen, Federal Reserve

-#- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chair_of_the_Federal_Reserve -#- economic.mess -#- too-big-to-fail -#- zirp -#-
2013o.html#34 The Federal Reserve Lost $9 Trillion? What Liars! They gave that money away!
2013n.html#87 Logics of Transformation
2013m.html#89 Behold The Face Of Central Banker Hubris
2013m.html#66 NSA Revelations Kill IBM Hardware Sales In China
2013m.html#3 Lending is still lagging according to Reuters. Why do you think that is?
2013l.html#67 OT: NYT article--the rich get richer
2013l.html#64 OT: NYT article--the rich get richer
2013l.html#60 Retirement Heist
2013l.html#58 OT: NYT article--the rich get richer
2013l.html#57 What the Orgy of "Lehman Five Years On" Stories Missed
2013l.html#13 Jack Lew Shows His True Colors By Forcing Deregulation of Derivatives on the CFTC
2013l.html#2 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013l.html#1 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#71 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#57 The agency problem and how to create a criminogenic environment
2013k.html#41 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#35 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#31 China mulls probe into IBM, Oracle, EMC after NSA hack claims - report
2013k.html#29 The agency problem and how to create a criminogenic environment
2013k.html#28 Flag bloat
2013k.html#2 IBM Relevancy in the IT World
2013j.html#73 Why DOJ Deemed Bank Execs Too Big To Jail
2013j.html#22 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013j.html#18 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013j.html#16 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013j.html#10 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013j.html#4 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013j.html#0 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013i.html#84 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013i.html#76 The failure of cyber defence - the mindset is against it
2013i.html#54 How do you feel about the fact that India has more employees than US?
2013i.html#41 Is newer technology always better? It almost is. Exceptions?
2013i.html#20 Louis V. Gerstner Jr. lays out his post-IBM life
2013i.html#18 Louis V. Gerstner Jr. lays out his post-IBM life - Washington Post
2013f.html#63 The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software
2013f.html#48 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013f.html#36 Fed proposes annual assessments for large financial companies
2013f.html#31 Fed proposes annual assessments for large financial companies
2013f.html#30 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013f.html#15 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013f.html#12 More Whistleblower Leaks on Foreclosure Settlement Show Both Suppression of Evidence and Gross Incompetence
2013e.html#79 As an IBM'er just like the Marines only a few good men and women make the cut,
2013e.html#49 What Makes bank regulation and insurance Bizarre?
2013e.html#42 More Whistleblower Leaks on Foreclosure Settlement Show Both Suppression of Evidence and Gross Incompetence
2013e.html#31 What Makes bank regulation and insurance Bizarre?
2013e.html#29 What Makes bank regulation and insurance Bizarre?
2013e.html#19 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#2 Too-Big-To-Fail, Too-Big-To-Prosecute, Too-Big-To-Jail, not just a problem in the USA
2013d.html#94 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#76 IBM Spent A Million Dollars Renovating And Staffing Its Former CEO's Office
2013d.html#73 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#35 Ex-Bailout Watchdog: JPMorgan's Actions "Entirely Consistent With Fraud"
2013d.html#25 Senator Sherrod Brown Drops a Bombshell in Mary Jo White's Hearing
2013d.html#4 Live-Blogging Senate Hearing Tomorrow, When J.P. Morgan Chase Will Be Torn a New One
2013c.html#41 Danger as stock-market "Greedometer" flashes red
2013c.html#26 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013c.html#12 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013b.html#54 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013b.html#47 More Whistleblower Leaks on Foreclosure Settlement Show Both Suppression of Evidence and Gross Incompetence
2013b.html#38 Adair Turner: A New Debt-Free Money Advocate
2013b.html#9 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013b.html#4 Libor Lies Revealed in Rigging of $300 Trillion Benchmark
2013.html#57 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013.html#51 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013.html#44 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013.html#23 AIG may join bailout lawsuit against U.S. government
2013.html#21 AIG may join bailout lawsuit against U.S. government
2013.html#15 Search Google, 1960:s-style
2013.html#2 Search Google, 1960:s-style
2012p.html#64 IBM Is Changing The Terms Of Its Retirement Plan, Which Is Frustrating Some Employees
2012p.html#54 UBS Faces Potential LIBOR Fine Of $1 Billion -- Twice What Barclays Paid
2012p.html#51 Search Google, 1960:s-style
2012p.html#39 UBS Faces Potential LIBOR Fine Of $1 Billion -- Twice What Barclays Paid
2012p.html#18 U.S. Treasury, AIG are poised to sever ties
2012o.html#73 These Two Charts Show How The Priorities Of US Companies Have Gotten Screwed Up
2012o.html#14 OT: Tax breaks to Oracle debated
2012n.html#55 U.S. Sues Wells Fargo, Accusing It of Lying About Mortgages
2012n.html#20 General Mills computer
2012n.html#12 Why Auditors Fail To Detect Frauds?
2012n.html#8 General Mills computer
2012n.html#1 STOP PRESS! An Auditor has been brought to task for a failed bank!
2012m.html#69 General Mills computer
2012m.html#63 General Mills computer
2012m.html#59 General Mills computer
2012m.html#58 General Mills computer
2012m.html#50 General Mills computer
2012m.html#44 General Mills computer
2012l.html#65 Singer Cartons of Punch Cards
2012l.html#64 Singer Cartons of Punch Cards
2012l.html#63 Singer Cartons of Punch Cards
2012l.html#60 Singer Cartons of Punch Cards
2012k.html#75 What's the bigger risk, retiring too soon, or too late?
2012k.html#45 If all of the American earned dollars hidden in off shore accounts were uncovered and taxed do you think we would be able to close the deficit gap?
2012k.html#38 Four Signs Your Awesome Investment May Actually Be A Ponzi Scheme
2012k.html#31 History--punched card transmission over telegraph lines
2012k.html#16 Breakdown of the $26 Trillion the Federal Reserve Handed Out to Save Incompetent, but Rich Investors
2012j.html#65 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012j.html#37 Naked emperors, holy cows and Libor
2012j.html#28 Why Asian companies struggle to manage global workers
2012i.html#94 Naked emperors, holy cows and Libor
2012i.html#60 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012i.html#41 Lawmakers reworked financial portfolios after talks with Fed, Treasury officials
2012i.html#25 Can anybody give me a clear idea about Cloud Computing in MAINFRAME ?
2012i.html#14 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012h.html#75 Interesting News Article
2012h.html#45 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012h.html#42 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012h.html#26 US economic update. Everything that follows is a result of what you see here
2012h.html#0 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012g.html#87 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012g.html#82 How do you feel about the fact that today India has more IBM employees than US?
2012g.html#77 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012g.html#70 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012g.html#67 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012g.html#59 Why Hasn't The Government Prosecuted Anyone For The 2008 Financial recession?
2012g.html#56 Why Hasn't The Government Prosecuted Anyone For The 2008 Financial recession?
2012g.html#55 U.S. Needs a National Safety Board for Financial Crashes
2012g.html#22 Psychology Of Fraud: Why Good People Do Bad Things
2012g.html#20 Psychology Of Fraud: Why Good People Do Bad Things
2012g.html#16 Psychology Of Fraud: Why Good People Do Bad Things
2012g.html#6 Adult Supervision
2012f.html#87 How do you feel about the fact that India has more employees than US?
2012f.html#84 How do you feel about the fact that India has more employees than US?
2012f.html#75 Fed Report: Mortgage Mess NOT an Inside Job
2012f.html#31 Rome speaks to us. Their example can inspire us to avoid their fate
2012e.html#57 speculation
2012e.html#49 US payments system failing to meet the needs of the digital economy
2012e.html#40 Who Increased the Debt?
2012e.html#16 Wonder if they know how Boydian they are?
2012d.html#68 Memory versus processor speed
2012d.html#48 IBM cuts more than 1,000 U.S. workers
2012d.html#45 Banks Repaid Fed Bailout With Other Fed Money: Government Report
2012d.html#32 PC industry is heading for more change
2012d.html#11 PC industry is heading for more change
2012d.html#5 PC industry is heading for more change
2012c.html#55 PC industry is heading for more change
2012c.html#54 PC industry is heading for more change
2012c.html#46 PC industry is heading for more change
2012c.html#45 Fannie, Freddie Charge Taxpayers For Legal Bills
2012c.html#39 Greek knife to Wall Street
2012c.html#32 US real-estate has lost $7T in value
2012c.html#31 US real-estate has lost $7T in value
2012b.html#15 The PC industry is heading for collapse
2012b.html#13 We are on the brink of a historic decision [referring to defence cuts]
2012.html#67 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2012.html#48 Fed's image tarnished by newly released documents
2012.html#21 Zombie Banks
2012.html#6 We are on the brink of a historic decision [referring to defence cuts]
2012.html#0 Revolution Through Banking?
2011p.html#88 Fed Report Finds Speculators Played Big Role in Housing Collapse
2011p.html#70 No One Telling Who Took $586B in Fed Swaps
2011p.html#63 21st Century Management approach?
2011p.html#30 21st Century Management approach?
2011p.html#7 FDR explains one dimension of our problem: bankers own the government
2011p.html#3 The Obama Spending Non-surge
2011o.html#93 The men who crashed the world
2011o.html#74 The Wall Street Pentagon Papers: Biggest Scam In World History Exposed: Are The Federal Reserve's Crimes Too Big To Comprehend?
2011o.html#62 Civilization, doomed?
2011o.html#37 Civilization, doomed?
2011o.html#36 Civilization, doomed?
2011n.html#79 The men who crashed the world
2011n.html#57 The Mortgage Crisis---Some Inside Views
2011n.html#52 The men who crashed the world
2011n.html#49 The men who crashed the world
2011n.html#41 The men who crashed the world
2011n.html#38 The Mark to Market Fantasy Fraud
2011m.html#75 Banks Awash in Cash, Which Isn't Good News
2011m.html#68 Bernanke Hearings
2011l.html#74 computer bootlaces
2011l.html#73 computer bootlaces
2011l.html#39 Kabuki Theater 1603-1629
2011k.html#88 Justifying application of Boyd to a project manager
2011k.html#81 How Joe and Mary Six Pack Saved Wall Street, London, Frankfurt and Big Corporates in the USA and Europe
2011k.html#78 China's yuan could challenge dollar role in a decade
2011k.html#72 50th anniversary of BASIC, COBOL?
2011k.html#71 50th anniversary of BASIC, COBOL?
2011k.html#59 50th anniversary of BASIC, COBOL?
2011k.html#56 50th anniversary of BASIC, COBOL?
2011k.html#54 50th anniversary of BASIC, COBOL?
2011k.html#53 50th anniversary of BASIC, COBOL?
2011k.html#30 Regulators seek to plug derivatives data gaps
2011k.html#23 Wall Street Aristocracy Got $1.2 Trillion in Fed's Secret Loans
2011k.html#4 Geithner, Bernanke have little in arsenal to fight new crisis
2011j.html#45 S&P's History of Relentless Political Advocacy
2011j.html#44 S&P Downgrades USA; Time to Downgrade S&P?
2011j.html#41 Advice from Richard P. Feynman
2011j.html#39 Advice from Richard P. Feynman
2011j.html#11 Innovation and iconoclasm
2011j.html#3 Greed, Excess and America's Gaping Class Divide
2011i.html#18 Happy 100th Birthday, IBM!
2011i.html#11 'Megalomania, Insanity' Fueled Bubble: Munger
2011h.html#29 Obama: "We don't have enough engineers"
2011h.html#7 Home prices may drop another 25%, Shiller predicts
2011g.html#71 Pressing Obama, House Bars Rise for Debt Ceiling
2011f.html#55 Are Americans serious about dealing with money laundering and the drug cartels?
2011f.html#52 Are Americans serious about dealing with money laundering and the drug cartels?
2011e.html#41 On Protectionism
2011e.html#38 On Protectionism
2011d.html#26 The first personal computer (PC)
2011c.html#46 If IBM Hadn't Bet the Company
2011b.html#59 Productivity And Bubbles
2011b.html#45 Productivity And Bubbles
2011b.html#27 The Zippo Lighter theory of the financial crisis (or, who do we want to blame?)
2011.html#84 The Imaginot Line
2011.html#50 What do you think about fraud prevention in the governments?
2011.html#49 What do you think about fraud prevention in the governments?
2011.html#48 What do you think about fraud prevention in the governments?
2010q.html#66 Ernst & Young sued for fraud over Lehman
2010q.html#58 Programmer Charged with thieft (maybe off topic)
2010q.html#29 Ernst & Young sued for fraud over Lehman
2010q.html#24 Ernst & Young sued for fraud over Lehman
2010p.html#63 TCM's Moguls documentary series
2010p.html#59 TCM's Moguls documentary series
2010p.html#58 TCM's Moguls documentary series
2010p.html#54 TCM's Moguls documentary series
2010p.html#46 TCM's Moguls documentary series
2010p.html#23 They always think we don't understand
2010p.html#17 What banking is. (Essential for predicting the end of finance as we know it.)
2010o.html#38 Google scares Aussie banks
2010n.html#50 TARP Bailout to Cost Less Than Once Anticipated
2010n.html#40 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010n.html#36 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010l.html#66 the Federal Reserve, was Re: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
2010l.html#65 the Federal Reserve, was Re: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
2010l.html#60 Who is Really to Blame for the Financial Crisis?
2010l.html#40 Who is Really to Blame for the Financial Crisis?
2010l.html#38 Who is Really to Blame for the Financial Crisis?
2010k.html#29 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
2010k.html#24 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
2010j.html#0 Wal-Mart to support smartcard payments
2010i.html#62 blasts from the past -- old predictions come true
2010i.html#50 Ten examples of why the humble ATM = innovation in 2010
2010i.html#16 Fake debate: The Senate will not vote on big banks
2010h.html#67 The Python and the Mongoose: it helps if you know the rules of engagement
2010h.html#28 Our Pecora Moment
2010h.html#22 In the News: SEC storms the 'Castle'
2010f.html#69 The 2010 Census
2010f.html#54 The 2010 Census
2010f.html#46 not even sort of about The 2010 Census
2010f.html#4 LPARs: More or Less?
2010d.html#28 search engine history, was Happy DEC-10 Day
2010d.html#26 search engine history, was Happy DEC-10 Day
2010b.html#82 Oldest Instruction Set still in daily use?
2010.html#64 Happy DEC-10 Day
2010.html#61 Happy DEC-10 Day
2009r.html#61 70 Years of ATM Innovation
2009r.html#21 Small Server Mob Advantage
2009r.html#20 70 Years of ATM Innovation
2009q.html#77 Now is time for banks to replace core system according to Accenture
2009o.html#84 Opinions on the 'Unix Haters' Handbook'
2009l.html#39 Network Rivalry Sparks 10-Year Quadrupling of PIN-Debit Pricing
2009j.html#35 what is mortgage-backed securities?
2009i.html#60 In the USA "financial regulator seeks power to curb excess speculation."
2009i.html#58 Credit cards
2009i.html#57 In the USA "financial regulator seeks power to curb excess speculation."
2009i.html#49 What's your personal confidence level concerning financial market recovery?
2009i.html#40 64 Cores -- IBM is showing a prototype already
2009h.html#79 The $4 trillion housing headache
2009h.html#49 IBM to Build Europe, Asia 'Smart Infrastructure'
2009h.html#36 Analysing risk, especially credit risk in Banks, which was a major reason for the current crisis
2009h.html#29 Analysing risk, especially credit risk in Banks, which was a major reason for the current crisis
2009h.html#25 The Paradox of Economic Recovery
2009h.html#23 Consumer Credit Crunch and Banking Writeoffs
2009h.html#22 China's yuan 'set to usurp US dollar' as world's reserve currency
2009h.html#21 China's yuan 'set to usurp US dollar' as world's reserve currency
2009h.html#3 Consumer Credit Crunch and Banking Writeoffs
2009g.html#53 We Can't Subsidize the Banks Forever
2009g.html#37 Future of Financial Mathematics?
2009g.html#34 Board Visibility Into The Business
2009g.html#33 Treating the Web As an Archive
2009g.html#27 Flawed Credit Ratings Reap Profits as Regulators Fail Investors
2009g.html#7 Just posted third article about toxic assets in a series on the current financial crisis
2009g.html#5 Do the current Banking Results in the US hide a grim truth?
2009g.html#3 Do the current Banking Results in the US hide a grim truth?
2009f.html#65 Just posted third article about toxic assets in a series on the current financial crisis
2009f.html#56 What's your personal confidence level concerning financial market recovery?
2009f.html#53 What every taxpayer should know about what caused the current Financial Crisis
2009f.html#51 On whom or what would you place the blame for the sub-prime crisis?
2009f.html#49 Is the current downturn cyclic or systemic?
2009f.html#47 TARP Disbursements Through April 10th
2009f.html#43 On whom or what would you place the blame for the sub-prime crisis?
2009f.html#38 On whom or what would you place the blame for the sub-prime crisis?
2009f.html#35 US banking Changes- TARP Proposl
2009f.html#29 What is the real basis for business mess we are facing today?
2009f.html#27 US banking Changes- TARP Proposl
2009f.html#25 Is FINANCE the institutionalized form whereby (smart?) elites exact payment for the rest's being...?
2009e.html#70 When did "client server" become part of the language?
2009e.html#40 Architectural Diversity
2009e.html#35 Architectural Diversity
2009e.html#31 Should FDIC or the Federal Reserve Bank have the authority to shut down and take over non-bank financial institutions like AIG?
2009e.html#23 Should FDIC or the Federal Reserve Bank have the authority to shut down and take over non-bank financial institutions like AIG?
2009e.html#13 Should we fear and hate derivatives?
2009e.html#8 The background reasons of Credit Crunch
2009e.html#0 What is swap in the financial market?
2009d.html#77 Who first mentioned Credit Crunch?
2009d.html#73 Should Glass-Steagall be reinstated?
2009d.html#64 Should AIG executives be allowed to keep the bonuses they were contractually obligated to be paid?
2009d.html#63 Do bonuses foster unethical conduct?
2009d.html#62 Is Wall Street World's Largest Ponzi Scheme where Madoff is Just a Poster Child?
2009d.html#61 Quiz: Evaluate your level of Spreadsheet risk
2009d.html#46 Bernanke Says Regulators Must Protect Against Systemic Risks
2009d.html#45 Bernanke Says Regulators Must Protect Against Systemic Risks
2009d.html#42 Bernard Madoff Is Jailed After Pleading Guilty -- are there more "Madoff's" out there?
2009d.html#40 Bernanke Says Regulators Must Protect Against Systemic Risks
2009d.html#36 Bernanke Says Regulators Must Protect Against Systemic Risks
2009d.html#30 I need insight on the Stock Market
2009d.html#28 I need insight on the Stock Market
2009d.html#22 Is it time to put banking executives on trial?
2009d.html#18 HSBC is expected to announce a profit, which is good, what did they do differently?
2009d.html#16 The Formula That Killed Wall Street
2009d.html#10 Who will Survive AIG or Derivative Counterparty Risk?
2009d.html#0 PNC Financial to pay CEO $3 million stock bonus
2009c.html#65 is it possible that ALL banks will be nationalized?
2009c.html#61 Accounting for the "greed factor"
2009c.html#53 How to defeat new telemarketing tactic
2009c.html#16 How to defeat new telemarketing tactic
2009c.html#6 How to defeat new telemarketing tactic
2008s.html#23 Garbage in, garbage out trampled by Moore's law
2008p.html#8 Global Melt Down
2008o.html#83 Chip-and-pin card reader supply-chain subversion 'has netted millions from British shoppers'
2008o.html#82 Greenspan testimony and securization
2008o.html#80 Can we blame one person for the financial meltdown?
2008o.html#32 How much is 700 Billion Dollars??
2008o.html#31 The human plague
2008o.html#28 Does anyone get the idea that those responsible for containing this finanical crisis are doing too much?
2008o.html#26 SOX (Sarbanes-Oxley Act), is this really followed and worthful considering current Financial Crisis?
2008o.html#18 Once the dust settles, do you think Milton Friedman's economic theories will be laid to rest
2008n.html#78 Isn't it the Federal Reserve role to oversee the banking system??
2008n.html#8 Taxcuts
2008m.html#26 Fraud due to stupid failure to test for negative
2008m.html#16 Fraud due to stupid failure to test for negative
2008l.html#42 dollar coins
2008k.html#4 dollar coins
2008k.html#1 dollar coins
2008j.html#84 dollar coins
2008j.html#76 lack of information accuracy
2008j.html#73 lack of information accuracy
2008j.html#71 lack of information accuracy
2008j.html#38 dollar coins
2008i.html#77 Do you think the change in bankrupcy laws has exacerbated the problems in the housing market leading more people into forclosure?
2008i.html#30 subprime write-down sweepstakes
2008i.html#12 pro- foreign key propaganda?
2008h.html#90 subprime write-down sweepstakes
2008h.html#0 independent appraisers
2008g.html#67 independent appraisers
2008g.html#66 independent appraisers
2008g.html#52 IBM CEO's remuneration last year ?
2008g.html#51 IBM CEO's remuneration last year ?
2008f.html#76 Bush - place in history
2008f.html#43 independent appraisers
2008f.html#17 independent appraisers
2008f.html#13 independent appraisers
2008f.html#4 independent appraisers
2008f.html#1 independent appraisers
2008e.html#65 Banks failing to manage IT risk - study
2008e.html#42 Banks failing to manage IT risk - study
2008c.html#11 Toyota Sales for 2007 May Surpass GM
2007t.html#50 Newsweek article--baby boomers and computers
2007r.html#71 The new urgency to fix online privacy
2007p.html#22 U.S. Cedes Top Spot in Global IT Competitiveness
2007n.html#83 Poll: oldest computer thing you still use
2007n.html#47 WindowsMonitor or CUSP?
2007e.html#65 Securing financial transactions a high priority for 2007
2007e.html#28 Securing financial transactions a high priority for 2007
2006x.html#34 Year-end computer bug could ground Shuttle
2006u.html#22 AOS: The next big thing in data storage
2005u.html#16 AMD to leave x86 behind?
2004b.html#37 The SOB that helped IT jobs move to India is dead!
2001n.html#54 The demise of compaq
2001f.html#35 Security Concerns in the Financial Services Industry
99.html#156 checks (was S/390 on PowerPC?)
99.html#155 checks (was S/390 on PowerPC?)

fed.chairman -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- 2014-2017 -- back to top/index

financial.reporting.fraud postings (before_2014)


-#- enron -#- sarbanes-oxley -#-
2013o.html#17 Book-Cooking Bank Gets to Keep Cooked Books
2013l.html#64 OT: NYT article--the rich get richer
2013l.html#52 Lehman Brothers collapse: was capitalism to blame?
2013l.html#16 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013l.html#7 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#50 IBM Furloughs U.S. Hardware Employees to Reduce Costs
2013k.html#45 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#10 What Makes Infrastructure investment not bizarre
2013j.html#73 Why DOJ Deemed Bank Execs Too Big To Jail
2013d.html#64 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#25 Senator Sherrod Brown Drops a Bombshell in Mary Jo White's Hearing
2013b.html#70 Implementing a Whistle-Blower Program - Detecting and Preventing Fraud at Workplace
2013b.html#35 Adair Turner: A New Debt-Free Money Advocate
2013.html#49 Insider Fraud: What to Monitor
2013.html#4 HSBC's Settlement Leaves Us In A Scary Place
2013.html#0 IBM Is Changing The Terms Of Its Retirement Plan, Which Is Frustrating Some Employees
2012p.html#64 IBM Is Changing The Terms Of Its Retirement Plan, Which Is Frustrating Some Employees
2012p.html#48 Search Google, 1960:s-style
2012p.html#30 Search Google, 1960:s-style
2012p.html#24 OCC Confirms that Big Banks are Badly Managed, Lack Adequate Risk Management Controls
2012o.html#14 OT: Tax breaks to Oracle debated
2012n.html#20 General Mills computer
2012n.html#1 STOP PRESS! An Auditor has been brought to task for a failed bank!
2012m.html#19 Why Auditors Fail To Detect Frauds?
2012l.html#14 The growing openness of an organization's infrastructure has greatly impacted security landscape
2012l.html#0 Quelle Surprise! SEC Plans to Make the World Safer for Fraudsters, Push Through JOBS Act Con-Artist-Friendly Solicitation Rules
2012k.html#89 Auditors Don't Know Squat!
2012j.html#85 Study: One in Five Firms Misrepresent Earnings
2012h.html#42 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012g.html#78 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012g.html#67 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012g.html#59 Why Hasn't The Government Prosecuted Anyone For The 2008 Financial recession?
2012g.html#6 Adult Supervision
2012f.html#91 Psychology Of Fraud: Why Good People Do Bad Things
2012f.html#87 How do you feel about the fact that India has more employees than US?
2012f.html#84 How do you feel about the fact that India has more employees than US?
2012f.html#74 Psychology Of Fraud: Why Good People Do Bad Things
2012f.html#66 Predator GE: We Bring Bad Things to Life
2012e.html#57 speculation
2012e.html#30 Senators Who Voted Against Ending Big Oil Tax Breaks Received Millions From Big Oil
2012d.html#39 Fannie and Freddie must go - here's how
2012d.html#16 IBM cuts more than 1,000 U.S. Workers
2012d.html#12 Gordon Gekko Says
2012d.html#10 PC industry is heading for more change
2012d.html#5 PC industry is heading for more change
2012c.html#54 PC industry is heading for more change
2012c.html#45 Fannie, Freddie Charge Taxpayers For Legal Bills
2012c.html#31 US real-estate has lost $7T in value
2012c.html#13 Study links ultrafast machine trading with risk of crash
2012c.html#0 New theory of moral behavior may explain recent ethical lapses in banking industry
2012b.html#87 The Benefit and The Burden
2012b.html#54 The New Age Bounty Hunger -- Showdown at the SEC Corral
2012b.html#53 Can America Lead the World's Fight Against Corruption?
2012b.html#44 What's the most interesting thing you do in your non-work life?
2012b.html#19 "Buffett Tax" and truth in numbers
2012.html#70 Regulatory Agency logo
2012.html#26 What's your favorite quote on "accountability"?
2012.html#18 SEC v. Citigroup, How to Avoid (Greater) Disaster
2012.html#1 The war on terabytes
2011p.html#147 The Myth of Work-Life Balance
2011p.html#92 Bank Failures Cost $88 Billion
2011p.html#29 21st Century Management approach?
2011p.html#24 Case Study: SOX IT Compliance
2011p.html#23 Security 2012: Blood in the Water
2011p.html#9 The Dumbest Idea In The World: Maximizing Shareholder Value
2011p.html#0 The men who crashed the world
2011n.html#49 The men who crashed the world
2011f.html#35 At least two decades back, some gurus predicted that mainframes would disappear
2011e.html#36 On Protectionism
2011b.html#42 Productivity And Bubbles
2010q.html#31 Ernst & Young sued for fraud over Lehman
2010p.html#68 TCM's Moguls documentary series
2010p.html#7 What banking is. (Essential for predicting the end of finance as we know it.)
2010n.html#35 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010l.html#38 Who is Really to Blame for the Financial Crisis?
2010k.html#46 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
2010i.html#84 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010h.html#67 The Python and the Mongoose: it helps if you know the rules of engagement
2010h.html#16 The Revolving Door and S.E.C. Enforcement
2010h.html#15 The Revolving Door and S.E.C. Enforcement
2009j.html#30 An Amazing Document On Madoff Said To Have Been Sent To SEC In 2005
2009j.html#12 IBM identity manager goes big on role control
2009i.html#60 In the USA "financial regulator seeks power to curb excess speculation."
2009g.html#33 Treating the Web As an Archive
2009g.html#7 Just posted third article about toxic assets in a series on the current financial crisis
2009f.html#51 On whom or what would you place the blame for the sub-prime crisis?
2009f.html#29 What is the real basis for business mess we are facing today?
2009f.html#2 CEO pay sinks - Wall Street Journal/Hay Group survey results just released
2009e.html#37 How do you see ethics playing a role in your organizations current or past?
2009e.html#36 Architectural Diversity
2009d.html#73 Should Glass-Steagall be reinstated?
2009d.html#63 Do bonuses foster unethical conduct?
2009d.html#62 Is Wall Street World's Largest Ponzi Scheme where Madoff is Just a Poster Child?
2009d.html#61 Quiz: Evaluate your level of Spreadsheet risk
2009d.html#42 Bernard Madoff Is Jailed After Pleading Guilty -- are there more "Madoff's" out there?
2009d.html#37 NEW SEC (Enforcement) MANUAL, A welcome addition
2009d.html#3 Congress Set to Approve Pay Cap of $500,000
2009d.html#0 PNC Financial to pay CEO $3 million stock bonus
2009c.html#29 How to defeat new telemarketing tactic
2009c.html#20 Decision Making or Instinctive Steering?
2009c.html#0 Audit II: Two more scary words: Sarbanes-Oxley
2009b.html#80 How to defeat new telemarketing tactic
2009b.html#73 What can we learn from the meltdown?
2009b.html#54 In your opinion, which facts caused the global crise situation?
2009b.html#53 Credit & Risk Management ... go Simple ?
2009b.html#52 What has the Global Financial Crisis taught the Nations, it's Governments and Decision Makers, and how should they apply that knowledge to manage risks differently in the future?
2009b.html#49 US disaster, debts and bad financial management
2009b.html#48 The blame game is on : A blow to the Audit/Accounting Industry or a lesson learned ???
2009b.html#36 A great article was posted in another BI group: "To H*** with Business Intelligence: 40 Percent of Execs Trust Gut"
2009b.html#25 The recently revealed excesses of John Thain, the former CEO of Merrill Lynch, while the firm was receiving $25 Billion in TARP funds makes me sick
2008k.html#25 IBM's 2Q2008 Earnings
2008f.html#96 Bush - place in history

financial.reporting.fraud -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- 2014-2017 -- back to top/index

fiscal.responsibility.act postings (before_2014)

-#- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PAYGO -#- medicare.part-d -#-
2013o.html#37 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013l.html#64 OT: NYT article--the rich get richer
2013k.html#87 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#83 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#72 Versailles on the Potomac at it again
2013k.html#59 John Boyd's Art of War
2013k.html#41 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#38 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013j.html#27 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013f.html#16 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013f.html#5 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#89 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#80 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#77 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#74 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#72 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#70 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#67 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#97 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#94 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#56 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2012p.html#43 Search Google, 1960:s-style
2012p.html#41 Search Google, 1960:s-style
2012p.html#40 Stealth Target of Defense Spending Cuts: America's Highly Effective Socialized Medicine Provider, the VA System, and Military Benefits Generally
2012p.html#36 Search Google, 1960:s-style
2012p.html#30 Search Google, 1960:s-style
2012o.html#73 These Two Charts Show How The Priorities Of US Companies Have Gotten Screwed Up
2012o.html#1 OT: Tax breaks to Oracle debated
2012n.html#0 General Mills computer
2012m.html#33 General Mills computer
2012l.html#85 Singer Cartons of Punch Cards
2012l.html#55 CALCULATORS
2012k.html#79 Romney and Ryan's Phony Deficit-Reduction Plan
2012k.html#74 Unthinkable, Predictable Disasters
2012k.html#45 If all of the American earned dollars hidden in off shore accounts were uncovered and taxed do you think we would be able to close the deficit gap?
2012k.html#37 If all of the American earned dollars hidden in off shore accounts were uncovered and taxed do you think we would be able to close the deficit gap?
2012i.html#81 Should the IBM approach be given a chance to fix the health care system?
2012i.html#63 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012i.html#51 Is this Boyd's fundamental postulate, 'to improve our capacity for independent action'? thoughts please
2012i.html#41 Lawmakers reworked financial portfolios after talks with Fed, Treasury officials
2012i.html#0 Interesting News Article
2012h.html#68 Interesting News Article
2012h.html#61 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012h.html#50 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012h.html#40 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012h.html#34 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012h.html#33 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012h.html#27 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012h.html#25 US economic update. Everything that follows is a result of what you see here
2012g.html#45 Fareed Zakaria
2012g.html#6 Adult Supervision
2012f.html#81 The Pentagon's New Defense Clandestine Service
2012e.html#58 Word Length
2012d.html#60 Memory versus processor speed
2012d.html#53 "Scoring" The Romney Tax Plan: Trillions Of Dollars Of Deficits As Far As The Eye Can See
2012c.html#53 PC industry is heading for more change
2012c.html#50 They're Trying to Block Military Cuts
2012.html#6 We are on the brink of a historic decision [referring to defence cuts]
2011p.html#136 Gingrich urged yes vote on controversial Medicare bill
2011o.html#42 Speed: Re: Soups
2011n.html#67 The debt fallout: How Social Security went "cash negative" earlier than expected
2011n.html#57 The Mortgage Crisis---Some Inside Views
2011m.html#68 Bernanke Hearings
2011l.html#59 computer bootlaces
2011l.html#8 The True Cost of 9/11 -- Includes 18 Veteran Suicides a Day
2011j.html#18 Congressional Bickering
2011i.html#44 Happy 100th Birthday, IBM!
2011i.html#40 Happy 100th Birthday, IBM!
2011i.html#38 Happy 100th Birthday, IBM!
2011i.html#33 Happy 100th Birthday, IBM!
2011i.html#29 Happy 100th Birthday, IBM!
2011i.html#28 Happy 100th Birthday, IBM!
2011i.html#23 Happy 100th Birthday, IBM!
2011i.html#22 Happy 100th Birthday, IBM!
2011i.html#15 Happy 100th Birthday, IBM!
2011g.html#72 77,000 federal workers paid more than governors
2010o.html#75 origin of 'fields'?
2010o.html#66 They always think we don't understand
2010o.html#59 They always think we don't understand
2010m.html#79 Idiotic take on Bush tax cuts expiring
2010c.html#9 Oldest Instruction Set still in daily use?
2010b.html#60 Happy DEC-10 Day

fiscal.responsibility.act -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- 2014-2017 -- back to top/index

gerstner postings (before_2014)

-#- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_V._Gerstner,_Jr. -#- ibmdownfall -#-
2013o.html#73 "Death of the mainframe"
2013o.html#65 "Death of the mainframe"
2013o.html#64 "Death of the mainframe"
2013o.html#16 IBM Shrinks - Analysts Hate It
2013n.html#78 wtf ? - was Catalog system for Unix et al
2013n.html#17 z/OS is antique WAS: Aging Sysprogs = Aging Farmers
2013m.html#85 How do you feel about IBM passing off it's retirees to ObamaCare?
2013m.html#66 NSA Revelations Kill IBM Hardware Sales In China
2013m.html#46 50,000 x86 operating system on single mainframe
2013m.html#35 Why is the mainframe so expensive?
2013m.html#6 Voyager 1 just left the solar system using less computing powerthan your iP
2013m.html#0 UK NHS £10bn project failure
2013l.html#67 OT: NYT article--the rich get richer
2013l.html#64 OT: NYT article--the rich get richer
2013l.html#60 Retirement Heist
2013l.html#49 The Original IBM Basic Beliefs for those that have never seen them
2013l.html#41 Brazilian TV show accuses NSA of spying on oil firm based on leaked docs
2013k.html#61 John Boyd's Art of War
2013k.html#57 The agency problem and how to create a criminogenic environment
2013k.html#31 China mulls probe into IBM, Oracle, EMC after NSA hack claims - report
2013k.html#29 The agency problem and how to create a criminogenic environment
2013k.html#28 Flag bloat
2013k.html#2 IBM Relevancy in the IT World
2013j.html#74 How the NSA Manipulates Language To Mislead The Public
2013j.html#51 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013j.html#48 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013j.html#31 IBM vs. Amazon for Cloud
2013i.html#76 The failure of cyber defence - the mindset is against it
2013i.html#61 Big Data Is Opening Doors, but Maybe Too Many
2013i.html#54 How do you feel about the fact that India has more employees than US?
2013i.html#47 Making mainframe technology hip again
2013i.html#41 Is newer technology always better? It almost is. Exceptions?
2013i.html#26 Louis V. Gerstner Jr. lays out his post-IBM life
2013i.html#20 Louis V. Gerstner Jr. lays out his post-IBM life
2013i.html#18 Louis V. Gerstner Jr. lays out his post-IBM life - Washington Post
2013i.html#2 IBM commitment to academia
2013h.html#40 The Mainframe is "Alive and Kicking"
2013g.html#43 The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software
2013f.html#63 The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software
2013f.html#61 The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software
2013f.html#49 As an IBM'er just like the Marines only a few good men and women make the cut,
2013f.html#46 As an IBM'er just like the Marines only a few good men and women make the cut,
2013f.html#15 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#79 As an IBM'er just like the Marines only a few good men and women make the cut,
2013e.html#42 More Whistleblower Leaks on Foreclosure Settlement Show Both Suppression of Evidence and Gross Incompetence
2013e.html#19 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#17 The Big, Bad Bit Stuffers of IBM
2013d.html#76 IBM Spent A Million Dollars Renovating And Staffing Its Former CEO's Office
2013d.html#35 Ex-Bailout Watchdog: JPMorgan's Actions "Entirely Consistent With Fraud"
2013d.html#11 relative mainframe speeds, was What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#4 Live-Blogging Senate Hearing Tomorrow, When J.P. Morgan Chase Will Be Torn a New One
2013c.html#53 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013b.html#34 Ethernet at 40: Its daddy reveals its turbulent youth
2013b.html#3 New HD
2013.html#76 mainframe "selling" points
2012p.html#64 IBM Is Changing The Terms Of Its Retirement Plan, Which Is Frustrating Some Employees
2012p.html#61 What is holding back cloud adoption?
2012p.html#60 Today in TIME Tech History: Piston-less Power (1959), IBM's Decline (1992), TiVo (1998) and More
2012o.html#32 Does the IBM System z Mainframe rely on Obscurity or is it Security by Design?
2012o.html#14 OT: Tax breaks to Oracle debated
2012n.html#20 General Mills computer
2012n.html#8 General Mills computer
2012n.html#1 STOP PRESS! An Auditor has been brought to task for a failed bank!
2012m.html#58 General Mills computer
2012m.html#24 Does the IBM System z Mainframe rely on Security by Obscurity or is it Secure by Design
2012l.html#69 Cultural attitudes towards failure
2012l.html#63 Singer Cartons of Punch Cards
2012l.html#27 PDP-10 system calls, was 1132 printer history
2012l.html#20 X86 server
2012k.html#75 What's the bigger risk, retiring too soon, or too late?
2012k.html#70 END OF FILE
2012k.html#65 How do you feel about the fact that India has more employees than US?
2012k.html#49 1132 printer history
2012k.html#46 Slackware
2012k.html#34 History--punched card transmission over telegraph lines
2012k.html#31 History--punched card transmission over telegraph lines
2012k.html#21 Is there a connection between your strategic and tactical assertions?
2012k.html#19 SnOODAn: Boyd, Snowden, and Resilience
2012k.html#15 Microsoft's Downfall: Inside the Executive E-mails and Cannibalistic Culture That Felled a Tech Giant
2012k.html#9 Sandy Weill's About-Face on Big Banks
2012j.html#69 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012i.html#25 Can anybody give me a clear idea about Cloud Computing in MAINFRAME ?
2012i.html#16 Think You Know The Mainframe?
2012h.html#65 What are your experiences with Amdahl Computers and Plug-Compatibles?
2012h.html#55 The Invention of Email
2012h.html#54 How will mainframers retiring be different from Y2K?
2012h.html#45 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012h.html#35 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012h.html#21 The Age of Unsatisfying Wars
2012h.html#17 Hierarchy
2012h.html#16 Hierarchy
2012h.html#12 How do you feel about the fact that today India has more IBM employees than US?
2012h.html#4 Think You Know The Mainframe?
2012g.html#87 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012g.html#82 How do you feel about the fact that today India has more IBM employees than US?
2012g.html#74 Why So Many Formerly Successful Companies Are Failing
2012g.html#72 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012g.html#34 Co-existance of z/OS and z/VM on same DASD farm
2012g.html#4 Hard drives: A bit of progress
2012f.html#84 How do you feel about the fact that India has more employees than US?
2012f.html#3 Time to Think ... and to Listen
2012e.html#105 Burroughs B5000, B5500, B6500 videos
2012e.html#104 Time to Think ... and to Listen
2012d.html#35 Layer 8: NASA unplugs last mainframe
2012d.html#23 IBM cuts more than 1,000 U.S. Workers
2012d.html#21 Inventor of e-mail honored by Smithsonian
2012b.html#74 IBM Doing Some Restructuring?
2012b.html#59 Original Thinking Is Hard, Where Good Ideas Come From
2012b.html#41 Are rotating register files still a bad idea?
2012.html#104 Can a business be democratic? Tom Watson Sr. thought so
2012.html#103 Google works on Internet standards with TCP proposals, SPDY standardization
2012.html#92 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2012.html#57 The Myth of Work-Life Balance
2012.html#45 You may ask yourself, well, how did I get here?
2011l.html#14 Selectric Typewriter--50th Anniversary
2011k.html#34 Who was the Greatest IBM President and CEO of the last century?
2009d.html#19 Mainframe Hall of Fame: 17 New Members Added
2008f.html#46 independent appraisers
2003d.html#9 IBM says AMD dead in 5yrs ... -- Microsoft Monopoly vs. IBM
2002n.html#52 Computing on Demand ... was cpu metering
2002d.html#48 Speaking of Gerstner years
2002c.html#1 Gerstner moves over as planned
2001i.html#28 Proper ISA lifespan?

gerstner -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- 2014-2017 -- back to top/index

griftopia postings (before_2014)

-#- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Griftopia -#- capitalism -#-
2013m.html#12 OT: NYT article--the rich get richer
2013j.html#22 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013h.html#37 "Highway Patrol" back on TV
2013h.html#30 'Big four' accountants 'use knowledge of Treasury to help rich avoid tax'
2013f.html#34 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013b.html#41 Adair Turner: A New Debt-Free Money Advocate
2013.html#15 Search Google, 1960:s-style
2012n.html#20 General Mills computer
2012n.html#1 STOP PRESS! An Auditor has been brought to task for a failed bank!
2012m.html#42 General Mills computer
2012i.html#92 Naked emperors, holy cows and Libor
2012i.html#1 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012g.html#79 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012g.html#7 Adult Supervision
2012f.html#77 Vampire Squid
2012e.html#57 speculation
2012d.html#61 Why Republicans Aren't Mentioning the Real Cause of Rising Prices at the Gas Pump
2012b.html#84 A Conversation with Peter Thiel
2012b.html#19 "Buffett Tax" and truth in numbers
2011p.html#144 Fingerspitzengefühl
2011p.html#130 vampires in financial infrastructure
2011o.html#61 Civilization, doomed?
2011o.html#47 Civilization, doomed?
2011m.html#18 computer bootlaces
2011k.html#89 The Grand Message in the Conceptual Spiral
2011k.html#76 FIA shocked and outraged after Senator leaks oil trading data
2011k.html#46 Sand in Machine Makes a Stable Market
2011j.html#40 Advice from Richard P. Feynman
2011g.html#17 Hey all you Old Geeks (and younger ones too), with gas heading towards $6.00/gal, remote support, satellite offices and home office will become more cost effective
2011f.html#90 CFTC Limits on Commodity Speculation May Wait Until Early 2012
2011d.html#21 The first personal computer (PC)
2011b.html#59 Productivity And Bubbles
2011.html#55 America's Defense Meltdown
2011.html#53 What do you think about fraud prevention in the governments?
2010p.html#7 What banking is. (Essential for predicting the end of finance as we know it.)
2010p.html#6 What banking is. (Essential for predicting the end of finance as we know it.)
2010o.html#59 They always think we don't understand
2010h.html#27 In the News: SEC storms the 'Castle'
2009j.html#36 Average Comp This Year At Top Firm Estimated At $700,000

griftopia -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- 2014-2017 -- back to top/index

identity.theft postings (before_2014)

-#- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Identity_theft -#-
2013o.html#79 Would Target cybersecurity breach occur with a digital ID system?
2013o.html#78 What Chase And Other Banks Won't Tell You About Selling Your Data
2013o.html#67 What Chase And Other Banks Won't Tell You About Selling Your Data
2013o.html#66 Target breach likely involved inside knowledge, experts say
2013o.html#59 Target breach likely involved inside knowledge, experts say
2013o.html#52 Secret contract tied NSA and security industry pioneer
2013n.html#12 How the IETF plans to protect the web from NSA snooping
2013m.html#14 Gilmore response to NSA mathematician's "make rules for NSA" appeal
2013j.html#69 OSI: The Internet That Wasn't
2013j.html#46 Feds indict indentity theft ring
2013j.html#45 U.S. agents 'got lucky' pursuing accused Russia master hackers
2013g.html#90 Experts: Network security deteriorating, privacy a lost cause
2013g.html#42 The Vindication of Barb
2013f.html#47 Pirate Bay co-founder charged with hacking IBM mainframes, stealing money
2013d.html#21 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013c.html#82 Retailer Sues Visa Over $13 Million "Fine" for Being Hacked
2012p.html#49 Regulator Tells Banks to Share Cyber Attack Information
2012p.html#28 Some interesting post about the importance of Security and what it means for the Mainframe
2012o.html#63 Is it possible to hack mainframe system??
2012o.html#23 Does the IBM System z Mainframe rely on Security by Obscurity or is it Secure by Design?
2012n.html#77 U.S. banks on high alert against cyberattacks
2012n.html#75 history of Programming language and CPU in relation to each other
2012n.html#63 history of Programming language and CPU in relation to each other
2012n.html#58 2012 History Conference
2012m.html#10 Does the IBM System z Mainframe rely on Security by Obscurity or is it Secure by Design
2012l.html#14 The growing openness of an organization's infrastructure has greatly impacted security landscape
2012l.html#10 Cultural attitudes towards failure
2012k.html#19 SnOODAn: Boyd, Snowden, and Resilience
2012j.html#61 The Myth of Password Complexity & Frequent Change Rules
2012j.html#56 Failing Gracefully
2012j.html#47 Yahoo Password Breach: 7 Lessons Learned - Security - Attacks/breaches - Informationweek
2012i.html#86 Should the IBM approach be given a chance to fix the health care system?
2012i.html#80 Firms told to own up to cybercrime attacks
2012i.html#35 US Senate proposes national data breach notification act
2012i.html#31 US Senate proposes national data breach notification act
2012i.html#30 US Senate proposes national data breach notification act
2012f.html#38 UK firms need to 'fess up to security boobs
2012e.html#82 Fighting Cyber Crime with Transparency
2012e.html#79 What's the takeaway on Audit?
2012e.html#17 Data theft: Hacktivists 'steal more than criminals'
2012d.html#55 Do you know where all your sensitive data is located?
2012d.html#49 Do you know where all your sensitive data is located?
2012d.html#8 Time to pull the PIN!
2012c.html#6 The 15 Worst Data Security Breaches of the 21st Century
2012c.html#3 zSeries Manpower Sizing
2012b.html#71 Password shortcomings
2012b.html#3 Why Threat Modelling fails in practice
2012.html#35 Israel vows to hit back after credit cards hacked
2011n.html#47 PCI and the Insider Threat
2011l.html#56 Does outsourcing cause data loss?
2011l.html#49 Does outsourcing cause data loss?
2011l.html#47 Does outsourcing cause data loss?
2011k.html#83 California blazes trail again with enhanced breach alert law
2011k.html#53 50th anniversary of BASIC, COBOL?
2011j.html#21 disclosing "business" information on the internet
2011j.html#11 Innovation and iconoclasm
2011j.html#2 House panel approves data breach notification bill
2011i.html#45 Happy 100th Birthday, IBM!
2011h.html#60 Cyberwar vs. Cyber-Espionage vs. Cybercrime
2011h.html#55 CISO's Guide to Breach Notification
2011h.html#9 Breaches and Consumer Backlash
2011h.html#4 1st round in Internet Account Fraud World Cup: Customer 0, Bank 1, Attacker 300,000
2011g.html#39 BofA Breach: 'A Big, Scary Story'
2011f.html#55 Are Americans serious about dealing with money laundering and the drug cartels?
2011f.html#14 How is SSL hopelessly broken? Let us count the ways
2011b.html#36 Internal Fraud and Dollar Losses
2011.html#30 Data Breaches: Stabilize in 2010, But There's an Asterisk
2010q.html#13 "Compound threats" to appear in 2011 ?
2010q.html#4 Plug Your Data Leaks from the inside
2010p.html#40 The Great Cyberheist
2010p.html#39 TCM's Moguls documentary series
2010p.html#25 CARD AUTHENTICATION TECHNOLOGY - Embedded keypad on Card - Is this the future
2010p.html#5 Fun with ATM Skimmers, Part III
2010o.html#77 The Credit Card Criminals Are Getting Crafty
2010o.html#76 e-commerce smackdown as PCI standards revised
2010o.html#54 The Credit Card Criminals Are Getting Crafty
2010o.html#50 The Credit Card Criminals Are Getting Crafty
2010o.html#36 Cookies Are Dead in the Fight Against Fraud
2010o.html#23 Spooky Myths that Trick Merchants When It Comes to Secure Payments Processes
2010o.html#9 On Scope Scrinkage in PCI DSS
2010n.html#76 Mainframe hacking?
2010n.html#72 When Merchants Get Rid Of Cardholder Data
2010n.html#56 Who are these people who think cybersecurity experts are crying wolf?
2010n.html#52 Who are these people who think cybersecurity experts are crying wolf?
2010n.html#49 ZeuS attacks mobiles in bnak SMS bypass scam
2010n.html#46 Who are these people who think cybersecurity experts are crying wolf?
2010n.html#44 Who are these people who think cybersecurity experts are crying wolf?
2010n.html#25 Will new card innovation help interchange and improve retention?
2010n.html#22 Data breaches remain high
2010n.html#6 zSecurity blog post - "READ is not benign"
2010n.html#5 Cyber criminals seek 'full' sets of credentials that trade for only a few pounds
2010n.html#4 zSecurity blog post - "READ is not benign"
2010n.html#1 zSecurity blog post - "READ is not benign"
2010m.html#65 How Safe Are Online Financial Transactions?
2010m.html#64 How Safe Are Online Financial Transactions?
2010m.html#56 About that "Mighty Fortress"... What's it look like?
2010m.html#30 AT&T, Verizon to Target Visa, MasterCard With Phones
2010m.html#19 AT&T, Verizon to Target Visa, MasterCard With Phones
2010m.html#7 GSM eavesdropping
2010m.html#2 Five Theses on Security Protocols
2010l.html#79 Five Theses on Security Protocols
2010l.html#71 A slight modification of my comments on PKI
2010l.html#28 Mainframe Hacking -- Fact or Fiction
2010j.html#18 Personal use z/OS machines was Re: Multiprise 3k for personal Use?
2010j.html#7 Seeking *Specific* Implementation of Star Trek Game
2010i.html#83 The Evolution of the Extended Enterprise: Security Stategies for Forward Thinking Organizations
2010i.html#58 Cyber Self Defense: Reduce Your Attack Surface
2010i.html#25 Retailers blamed for making people vulnerable to credit card fraud and ID theft
2010h.html#82 Costs Of Data Breaches Much Higher In U.S. Than In Other Countries, Study Says
2010h.html#26 In SSL We Trust? Not Lately
2010g.html#84 In SSL We Trust? Not Lately
2010f.html#75 Is Security a Curse for the Cloud Computing Industry?
2010f.html#29 Cyberattacks raise e-banking security fears
2010b.html#82 Oldest Instruction Set still in daily use?
2010b.html#69 Happy DEC-10 Day
2009r.html#55 Verizon report goes deep inside data breach investigations
2009r.html#19 Scammers scrape RAM for bank card data
2009q.html#71 Trade Secrets and Confidential Information
2009q.html#58 Cyber breaches are a closely kept secret
2009p.html#75 What's old is new again
2009p.html#68 US retailers face $100bn in ID fraud losses a year - study
2009p.html#27 FBI: National data-breach law would help fight cybercrime
2009p.html#17 U.K. lags in information security management practices
2009p.html#15 Rogue security software threat will grow in 2010, warns report
2009o.html#50 WSJ.com The Fallacy of Identity Theft
2009n.html#71 Sophisticated cybercrooks cracking bank security efforts
2009n.html#37 Firms failing to treat card data security seriously
2009n.html#36 The Compliance Spectrum...Reducing PCI DSS Scope
2009m.html#4 Hacker charges also an indictment on PCI, expert says
2009l.html#53 Hacker charges also an indictment on PCI, expert says
2009l.html#5 Internal fraud isn't new, but it's news
2009l.html#0 Cyber attackers empty business accounts in minutes
2009k.html#77 Cyber attackers empty business accounts in minutes
2009k.html#54 The satate of software
2009k.html#28 Network Solutions breach exposed 500k card accounts
2009j.html#57 How can we stop Credit card FRAUD?
2009j.html#56 Replace the current antiquated credit card system
2009j.html#48 Replace the current antiquated credit card system
2009j.html#46 How can we stop Credit card FRAUD?
2009j.html#33 IBM touts encryption innovation
2009j.html#23 Database Servers: Candy For Hackers
2009j.html#13 PCI SSC Seeks Input on Security Standards
2009i.html#70 A Guide for Full Field Background Checks
2009h.html#69 How practically risky is it to use unsecured IMAP
2009h.html#46 IBM security expert: X86 virtualization not ready for regulated, mission-critical apps
2009g.html#57 LexisNexis says its data was used by fraudsters
2009g.html#10 Top 10 Cybersecurity Threats for 2009, will they cause creation of highly-secure Corporate-wide Intranets?
2009f.html#57 Data masking/data disguise Primer 1) WHY
2009f.html#36 PCI security rules may require reinforcements
2009d.html#71 Lack of bit field instructions in x86 instruction set because of patents ?
2009d.html#69 PCI Compliance
2009d.html#41 Return of the Smart Card?
2009d.html#27 Californa's Data Breach Law May Get an Update
2009b.html#9 New Research Reveals 45% of Card Breach Victims Lose Confidence in Their Financial Accounts
2009.html#29 Data losses set to soar
2009.html#7 Swedish police warn of tampered credit card terminals
2008s.html#10 Data leakage - practical measures to improve Information Governance
2008s.html#1 PCI's Bob Russo: Data loss hurts brand more than a fine
2008r.html#2 Payment Card + Digital Signature
2008q.html#0 GPG
2008p.html#83 Residual Risk Methodology for Single Factor Authentication
2008p.html#76 Multi-Factor Authentication - Moving Beyond Passwords for Security of Online Transactions
2008p.html#75 Alternative credit card network
2008p.html#74 2008 Data Breaches: 30 Million and Counting
2008p.html#72 Alternative credit card network
2008p.html#67 Web Security hasn't moved since 1995
2008p.html#59 Can Smart Cards Reduce Payments Fraud and Identity Theft?
2008p.html#58 Do soft certificates provide two factor authentication?
2008p.html#55 Can Smart Cards Reduce Payments Fraud and Identity Theft?
2008p.html#49 Can Smart Cards Reduce Payments Fruad and Identity Theft?
2008p.html#44 Can Smart Cards Reduce Payments Fraud and Identity Theft?
2008p.html#38 How do group members think the US payments business will evolve over the next 3 years?
2008p.html#34 How can I tell if a keylogger got added to my PC while I was in Beijing?
2008p.html#32 Can Smart Cards Reduce Payments Fraud and Identity Theft?
2008p.html#28 Can Smart Cards Reduce Payments Fraud and Identity Theft?
2008p.html#23 Your views on the increase in phishing crimes such as the recent problem French president Sarkozy faces
2008p.html#22 Can Smart Cards Reduce Payments Fraud and Identity Theft?
2008p.html#21 Would you say high tech authentication gizmo's are a waste of time/money/effort?
2008p.html#20 Donald Knuth stops paying for errata
2008p.html#19 Can Smart Cards Reduce Payments Fraud and Identity Theft?
2008p.html#18 Can Smart Cards Reduce Payments Fraud and Identity Theft?
2008p.html#15 Can Smart Cards Reduce Payments Fraud and Identity Theft?
2008p.html#14 Can Smart Cards Reduce Payments Fraud and Identity Theft?
2008p.html#11 Can Smart Cards Reduce Payments Fraud and Identity Theft?
2008p.html#10 Strings story
2008p.html#7 Dealing with the neew MA ID protection law
2008p.html#6 SECURITY and BUSINESS CONTINUITY ..... Where they fit in?
2008p.html#5 Privacy, Identity theft, account fraud
2008p.html#2 Keeping private information private
2008o.html#16 Is Information Security driven by compliance??
2008o.html#13 What risk of possible data leakage do you see for your organization?
2008n.html#96 Wachovia Bank web site
2008n.html#82 Fraud in financial institution
2008n.html#55 In your experience which is a superior debit card scheme - PIN based debit or signature debit?
2008m.html#73 Blinkylights
2008m.html#72 What are security areas to be addressed before starting an e-commerce transaction or setting up a portal?
2008m.html#71 TJ Maxx - why are they still in business?
2008m.html#70 Why SSNs Are Not Appropriate for Authentication and when, where and why should you offer/use it?
2008m.html#56 With all the highly publicised data breeches and losses, are we all wasting our time?
2008m.html#55 With all the highly publicised data breeches and losses, are we all wasting our time?
2008l.html#53 Quality of IBM school clock systems?
2008l.html#52 Payments Security in RFS
2008l.html#49 Quality of IBM school clock systems?
2008j.html#79 Calling Out
2008j.html#39 What is "timesharing" (Re: OS X Finder windows vs terminal window weirdness)
2008j.html#37 What is "timesharing" (Re: OS X Finder windows vs terminal window weirdness)
2008i.html#101 We're losing the battle
2008i.html#88 squirrels
2008i.html#83 Certificate Purpose
2008i.html#42 Security Breaches
2008i.html#21 Worst Security Threats?
2008h.html#86 What mode of payment you could think of with the advent of time?
2008h.html#4 You won't guess who's the bad guy of ID theft
2008g.html#28 Hannaford case exposes holes in law, some say
2008g.html#17 Hannaford breach illustrates dangerous compliance mentality
2008g.html#8 Hannaford case exposes holes in law, some say
2008f.html#33 EPIC, Ending Piracy of Integrated Circuits
2008f.html#26 independent appraisers
2008f.html#25 independent appraisers
2008e.html#66 independent appraisers
2008e.html#29 Who's Winning the ID Theft War?
2008d.html#34 New Research Confirms Identity Fraud Is On Decline
2008d.html#18 New Research Confirms Identity Fraud Is On Decline
2008d.html#10 Toyota Sales for 2007 May Surpass GM
2008c.html#47 Data Erasure Products
2008b.html#26 folklore indeed
2008.html#36 1970s credit cards, was: 1975 movie "Three Days of the Condor" tech stuff
2008.html#35 U.S. Identity Theft at Record Level in 2007
2008.html#4 folklore indeed
2007v.html#74 folklore indeed
2007v.html#44 Education ranking
2007u.html#58 folklore indeed
2007t.html#27 'Man in the browser' is new threat to online banking
2007t.html#7 Identity Theft Prevention tips
2007t.html#6 Translation of IBM Basic Assembler to C?
2007s.html#55 Translation of IBM Basic Assembler to C?
2007s.html#34 File sharing may lead to identity theft
2007r.html#30 Is the media letting banks off the hook on payment card security
2007q.html#72 Value of SSL client certificates?
2007q.html#29 what does xp do when system is copying
2007o.html#30 EZPass: Yes, Big Brother IS Watching You!
2007o.html#29 EZPass: Yes, Big Brother IS Watching You!
2007o.html#28 EZPass: Yes, Big Brother IS Watching You!
2007o.html#27 EZPass: Yes, Big Brother IS Watching You!
2007o.html#0 The Unexpected Fact about the First Computer Programmer
2007n.html#72 Poll: oldest computer thing you still use
2007n.html#9 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007l.html#35 My Dream PC -- Chip-Based
2007j.html#60 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007i.html#19 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007h.html#48 Securing financial transactions a high priority for 2007
2007g.html#30 T.J. Maxx data theft worse than first reported
2007g.html#8 Securing financial transactions a high priority for 2007
2007f.html#75 Securing financial transactions a high priority for 2007
2007f.html#58 Securing financial transactions a high priority for 2007
2007e.html#62 Securing financial transactions a high priority for 2007
2007e.html#61 Securing financial transactions a high priority for 2007
2007e.html#58 Securing financial transactions a high priority for 2007
2007e.html#29 Securing financial transactions a high priority for 2007
2007e.html#2 Securing financial transactions a high priority for 2007
2007c.html#32 Securing financial transactions a high priority for 2007
2007c.html#31 Securing financial transactions a high priority for 2007
2007c.html#22 Securing financial transactions a high priority for 2007
2007c.html#10 Securing financial transactions a high priority for 2007
2007b.html#62 Securing financial transactions a high priority for 2007
2007b.html#61 Securing financial transactions a high priority for 2007
2007b.html#60 Securing financial transactions a high priority for 2007
2007b.html#53 Forbidding Special characters in passwords
2006y.html#25 "The Elements of Programming Style"
2006x.html#22 'Innovation' and other crimes
2006v.html#49 Patent buster for a method that increases password security
2006v.html#42 On sci.crypt: New attacks on the financial PIN processing
2006v.html#2 New attacks on the financial PIN processing
2006u.html#40 New attacks on the financial PIN processing
2006p.html#38 Hackers steal AT&T customer data
2006p.html#18 19,000 Accounts Compromised
2006p.html#9 New airline security measures in Europe
2006p.html#8 SSL, Apache 2 and RSA key sizes
2006o.html#47 the personal data theft pandemic continues
2006o.html#37 the personal data theft pandemic continues
2006o.html#35 the personal data theft pandemic continues
2006n.html#40 Identity Management Best Practices
2006k.html#33 Password Complexity
2006k.html#23 Value of an old IBM PS/2 CL57 SX Laptop
2006k.html#16 Value of an old IBM PS/2 CL57 SX Laptop
2006k.html#4 Passwords for bank sites - change or not?
2006h.html#15 Security
2006f.html#35 X.509 and ssh
2006e.html#44 Does the Data Protection Act of 2005 Make Sense
2006e.html#26 Debit Cards HACKED now
2006d.html#26 Caller ID "spoofing"
2006d.html#25 Caller ID "spoofing"
2006c.html#35 X.509 and ssh
2006c.html#34 X.509 and ssh
2005v.html#3 ABN Tape - Found
2005v.html#2 ABN Tape - Found
2005u.html#33 PGP Lame question
2005u.html#3 PGP Lame question
2005p.html#25 Hi-tech no panacea for ID theft woes
2005p.html#24 Hi-tech no panacea for ID theft woes
2005m.html#42 public key authentication
2005m.html#37 public key authentication
2005l.html#36 More Phishing scams, still no SSL being used
2005l.html#35 More Phishing scams, still no SSL being used
2005l.html#24 The Worth of Verisign's Brand
2005l.html#22 The Worth of Verisign's Brand
2005j.html#53 Banks
2005j.html#52 Banks
2005i.html#36 Improving Authentication on the Internet
2005i.html#34 The Worth of Verisign's Brand
2005i.html#33 Improving Authentication on the Internet
2005i.html#1 Brit banks introduce delays on interbank xfers due to phishing boom
2005g.html#51 Security via hardware?
2005e.html#31 Public/Private key pair protection on Windows
2005c.html#48 [Lit.] Buffer overruns
2004q.html#0 Single User: Password or Certificate
2004m.html#9 REVIEW: "Biometrics for Network Security", Paul Reid
2004l.html#63 Actuarial facts
2004j.html#37 Vintage computers are better than modern crap !
2004g.html#41 [URL] (about) passwords
2004b.html#50 The SOB that helped IT jobs move to India is dead!
2003o.html#29 Biometric cards will not stop identity fraud
2003m.html#51 public key vs passwd authentication?
2002p.html#10 Cirtificate Authorities 'CAs', how curruptable are they to
2002p.html#9 Cirtificate Authorities 'CAs', how curruptable are they to
2002n.html#30 Help! Good protocol for national ID card?
2002m.html#19 A new e-commerce security proposal
2001l.html#29 voice encryption box (STU-III for the masses)
2001k.html#34 A thought on passwords
2001k.html#6 Is VeriSign lying???
2001d.html#19 [Newbie] Authentication vs. Authorisation?

identity.theft -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- 2014-2017 -- back to top/index

inequality postings (before_2014)

-#- capitalism -#- racism -#- tax.evasion -#-
2013m.html#15 OT: NYT article--the rich get richer
2013m.html#1 OT: NYT article--the rich get richer
2013l.html#45 OT: NYT article--the rich get richer
2013l.html#42 OT: NYT article--the rich get richer
2013k.html#60 spacewar
2013k.html#51 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#50 IBM Furloughs U.S. Hardware Employees to Reduce Costs
2013k.html#33 Management Secrets From Inside GE
2013j.html#10 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013j.html#4 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013i.html#93 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013i.html#91 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013e.html#77 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#15 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#7 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013d.html#86 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#65 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013.html#15 Search Google, 1960:s-style
2012p.html#64 IBM Is Changing The Terms Of Its Retirement Plan, Which Is Frustrating Some Employees
2012p.html#50 Search Google, 1960:s-style
2012p.html#44 Search Google, 1960:s-style
2012o.html#73 These Two Charts Show How The Priorities Of US Companies Have Gotten Screwed Up
2012o.html#71 Is orientation always because what has been observed? What are your 'direct' experiences?
2012n.html#83 Protected: R.I.P. Containment
2012n.html#2 General Mills computer
2012m.html#65 General Mills computer
2012m.html#39 General Mills computer
2012m.html#38 General Mills computer
2012l.html#85 Singer Cartons of Punch Cards
2012l.html#53 CALCULATORS
2012l.html#13 Cultural attitudes towards failure
2012l.html#10 Cultural attitudes towards failure
2012l.html#7 More Evidence Wall Street is Overpaid
2012k.html#40 Core characteristics of resilience
2012k.html#39 History--punched card transmission over telegraph lines
2012k.html#38 Four Signs Your Awesome Investment May Actually Be A Ponzi Scheme
2012k.html#36 Race Against the Machine
2012k.html#7 Is there a connection between your strategic and tactical assertions?
2012i.html#48 Thousands Of IBM Employees Got A Nasty Surprise Yesterday: Here's The Email They Saw
2012i.html#10 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012i.html#1 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012h.html#46 How do you feel about the fact that today India has more IBM employees than US?
2012h.html#44 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012h.html#40 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012h.html#39 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012h.html#38 Other Than In Computers, Civilization Basically Stopped Progressing In The 1960s
2012h.html#37 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012h.html#32 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012h.html#27 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012h.html#18 How do you feel about the fact that India has more employees than US?
2012h.html#3 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012h.html#1 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012g.html#80 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012f.html#77 Vampire Squid
2012f.html#35 Inequality and Investment Bubbles: A Clearer Link Is Established
2012f.html#14 Free $10 Million Loans For All! and Other Wall Street Notes
2012e.html#31 PC industry is heading for more change
2012b.html#24 PC industry is heading for more change
2012.html#87 The PC industry is heading for collapse
2011o.html#68 Building a Better America-One Wealth Quintile at a Time
2011o.html#31 Civilization, doomed?
2011m.html#52 Chinese researchers say early climate changes responsible for human crisis
2011l.html#46 computer bootlaces
2011j.html#59 Why did the OODA-loop tactic grow into a strategy?
2011j.html#14 Innovation and iconoclasm
2011j.html#7 Innovation and iconoclasm
2011i.html#50 Having left IBM, seem to be reminded that IBM is not the same IBM I had joined
2011i.html#46 Leaving the world of standard operating procedures
2007r.html#60 Fixing our fraying Internet infrastructure
2007r.html#58 Fixing our fraying Internet infrastructure
2007r.html#53 Fixing our fraying Internet infrastructure
2006u.html#25 Universal constants: world wars
2005d.html#32 Is a cryptographic monoculture hurting us all?

inequality -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- 2014-2017 -- back to top/index

kabuki.theater postings (before_2014)

-#- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kabuki_dance -#-
2013n.html#51 more tpp
2013l.html#52 Lehman Brothers collapse: was capitalism to blame?
2013l.html#45 OT: NYT article--the rich get richer
2013l.html#43 OT: NYT article--the rich get richer
2013l.html#8 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#11 What Makes Infrastructure investment not bizarre
2013i.html#89 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013i.html#88 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013f.html#36 Fed proposes annual assessments for large financial companies
2013f.html#24 What Makes a substance Bizarre?
2013f.html#2 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013f.html#1 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#87 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013c.html#66 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013b.html#9 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2012p.html#35 Search Google, 1960:s-style
2012p.html#30 Search Google, 1960:s-style
2012m.html#53 General Mills computer
2012m.html#32 General Mills computer
2012l.html#66 Singer Cartons of Punch Cards
2012l.html#55 CALCULATORS
2012k.html#12 The Secret Consensus Among Economists
2012i.html#86 Should the IBM approach be given a chance to fix the health care system?
2012i.html#41 Lawmakers reworked financial portfolios after talks with Fed, Treasury officials
2012i.html#1 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012h.html#64 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012h.html#39 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012h.html#34 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012h.html#33 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012h.html#32 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012g.html#46 Why America Is Slouching Towards Third World Status
2012f.html#31 Rome speaks to us. Their example can inspire us to avoid their fate
2012f.html#25 Time to competency for new software language?
2012f.html#17 Let the IRS Do Your Taxes, Really
2012f.html#15 Born Fighting
2012e.html#88 Developing a Disruptive Mindset
2012e.html#58 Word Length
2012d.html#61 Why Republicans Aren't Mentioning the Real Cause of Rising Prices at the Gas Pump
2012d.html#36 McCain calls for U.S.-led airstrikes in Syria
2012d.html#16 IBM cuts more than 1,000 U.S. Workers
2011p.html#137 The High Cost of Failing Artificial Hips
2011p.html#99 Stop SOPA! A Plea from the Inventors of the Internet
2011p.html#86 Congress as Kabuki Theater
2011o.html#66 Civilization, doomed?
2011m.html#5 computer bootlaces
2011m.html#0 computer bootlaces
2011l.html#68 computer bootlaces
2011l.html#67 computer bootlaces
2011l.html#44 Kabuki Theater 1603-1629
2011l.html#39 Kabuki Theater 1603-1629
2011k.html#18 What Uncle Warren doesn't mention
2011k.html#4 Geithner, Bernanke have little in arsenal to fight new crisis
2009d.html#74 Why is everyone talking about AIG bonuses of millions and keeping their mouth shut on billions sent to foreign banks?

kabuki.theater -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- 2014-2017 -- back to top/index

libor postings (before_2014)

-#- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libor -#-
2013n.html#53 'Free Unix!': The world-changing proclamationmade30yearsagotoday
2013m.html#15 OT: NYT article--the rich get richer
2013l.html#16 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#87 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#78 Libor Rate-Probe Spotlight Shines on Higher-Ups
2013k.html#74 RBC's other problem: Freddie Mac names embattled bank in LIBOR suit
2013j.html#73 Why DOJ Deemed Bank Execs Too Big To Jail
2013h.html#59 OT: "Highway Patrol" back on TV
2013h.html#58 Traders Said to Rig Currency Rates to Profit Off Clients
2013g.html#80 'Big four' accountants 'use knowledge of Treasury to help rich avoid tax'
2013e.html#59 What Makes bank regulation and insurance Bizarre?
2013e.html#41 It's a Banker's World
2013c.html#7 LIBOR: Viewing the Biggest Financial Crime in History
2013b.html#28 Neil Barofsky: Geithner Doctrine Lives on in Libor Scandal
2013b.html#9 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013b.html#4 Libor Lies Revealed in Rigging of $300 Trillion Benchmark
2013b.html#1 Libor Lies Revealed in Rigging of $300 Trillion Benchmark
2013.html#35 Does the UK Government Really Want us to Report Fraud?
2013.html#4 HSBC's Settlement Leaves Us In A Scary Place
2012p.html#62 Search Google, 1960:s-style
2012p.html#55 Search Google, 1960:s-style
2012p.html#54 UBS Faces Potential LIBOR Fine Of $1 Billion -- Twice What Barclays Paid
2012p.html#48 Search Google, 1960:s-style
2012p.html#39 UBS Faces Potential LIBOR Fine Of $1 Billion -- Twice What Barclays Paid
2012j.html#49 Naked emperors, holy cows and Libor
2012j.html#37 Naked emperors, holy cows and Libor
2012j.html#25 This Is The Wall Street Scandal Of All Scandals
2012j.html#19 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012j.html#15 Naked emperors, holy cows and Libor
2012j.html#4 Interesting News Article
2012i.html#94 Naked emperors, holy cows and Libor
2012i.html#92 Naked emperors, holy cows and Libor
2012i.html#87 Naked emperors, holy cows and Libor
2012i.html#85 Naked emperors, holy cows and Libor
2012i.html#77 'Inexperienced' RBS tech operative's blunder led to banking meltdown
2012i.html#76 Naked emperors, holy cows and Libor

libor -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- 2014-2017 -- back to top/index

madoff postings (before_2014)

-#- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernard_Madoff -#- financial.reporting.fraud -#-
2013o.html#35 Criminal Action Is Expected for JPMorgan in Madoff Case
2013l.html#64 OT: NYT article--the rich get richer
2013l.html#52 Lehman Brothers collapse: was capitalism to blame?
2013l.html#43 OT: NYT article--the rich get richer
2013l.html#16 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#87 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#45 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#29 The agency problem and how to create a criminogenic environment
2013k.html#10 What Makes Infrastructure investment not bizarre
2013j.html#80 Why DOJ Deemed Bank Execs Too Big To Jail
2013j.html#75 The Most dishonest bankers walk away with the most monety
2013h.html#30 'Big four' accountants 'use knowledge of Treasury to help rich avoid tax'
2013h.html#12 Why Didn't the SEC Catch Madoff? It Might Have Been Policy Not To
2013h.html#11 Become a millionaire and never work again - by being a whistleblower. Fair or perverse?
2013e.html#94 KPMG quits as Skechers and Herbalife auditor amid insider trading allegations
2013d.html#69 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#64 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#31 Bank Whistleblower Claims Retaliation And Wrongful Termination
2013d.html#4 Live-Blogging Senate Hearing Tomorrow, When J.P. Morgan Chase Will Be Torn a New One
2013c.html#26 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013b.html#70 Implementing a Whistle-Blower Program - Detecting and Preventing Fraud at Workplace
2013b.html#38 Adair Turner: A New Debt-Free Money Advocate
2013b.html#35 Adair Turner: A New Debt-Free Money Advocate
2013.html#42 Professor Coffee Hits a Nerve at SEC
2012o.html#63 Is it possible to hack mainframe system??
2012o.html#14 OT: Tax breaks to Oracle debated
2012n.html#77 U.S. banks on high alert against cyberattacks
2012m.html#19 Why Auditors Fail To Detect Frauds?
2012l.html#14 The growing openness of an organization's infrastructure has greatly impacted security landscape
2012l.html#0 Quelle Surprise! SEC Plans to Make the World Safer for Fraudsters, Push Through JOBS Act Con-Artist-Friendly Solicitation Rules
2012k.html#89 Auditors Don't Know Squat!
2012k.html#22 Four Signs Your Awesome Investment May Actually Be A Ponzi Scheme
2012k.html#13 Is there a connection between your strategic and tactical assertions?
2012j.html#85 Study: One in Five Firms Misrepresent Earnings
2012j.html#36 UH-OH: $220 Million May Be Missing From Brokerage
2012g.html#78 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012g.html#20 Psychology Of Fraud: Why Good People Do Bad Things
2012g.html#6 Adult Supervision
2012f.html#86 The Dangers of High-Frequency Trading; Wall Street's Speed Freaks
2012f.html#84 How do you feel about the fact that India has more employees than US?
2012f.html#74 Psychology Of Fraud: Why Good People Do Bad Things
2012f.html#66 Predator GE: We Bring Bad Things to Life
2012f.html#25 Time to competency for new software language?
2012e.html#57 speculation
2012e.html#23 Are mothers naturally better at OODA because they always have the Win in mind?
2012d.html#16 IBM cuts more than 1,000 U.S. Workers
2012d.html#12 Gordon Gekko Says
2012c.html#54 PC industry is heading for more change
2012c.html#36 US real-estate has lost $7T in value
2012c.html#25 Goldman Sachs P.R. Chief's Accidental Exit Interview
2012c.html#13 Study links ultrafast machine trading with risk of crash
2012c.html#4 Bank of America Fined $1 Billion for Mortgage Fraud
2012c.html#0 New theory of moral behavior may explain recent ethical lapses in banking industry
2012b.html#54 The New Age Bounty Hunger -- Showdown at the SEC Corral
2012b.html#44 What's the most interesting thing you do in your non-work life?
2012.html#70 Regulatory Agency logo
2012.html#26 What's your favorite quote on "accountability"?
2012.html#18 SEC v. Citigroup, How to Avoid (Greater) Disaster
2012.html#5 We are on the brink of a historic decision [referring to defence cuts]
2011p.html#137 The High Cost of Failing Artificial Hips
2011p.html#110 Loan Originators
2011p.html#30 21st Century Management approach?
2011p.html#29 21st Century Management approach?
2011p.html#16 John Robb on the OODA-Loop
2011p.html#12 Why are organizations sticking with mainframes?
2011o.html#80 How Pursuit of Profits Kills Innovation and the U.S. Economy
2011o.html#39 Civilization, doomed?
2011o.html#26 The men who crashed the world
2011o.html#4 The men who crashed the world
2011n.html#49 The men who crashed the world
2011n.html#30 Have you ever wondered why some people seem to get rich easily
2011n.html#1 Banks Awash in Cash, Which Isn't Good News
2011m.html#33 Deloitte sued for $7.6 billion, accused of missing fraud
2011m.html#18 computer bootlaces
2011l.html#1 As Pressure Grows to Cut Spending, the True Cost of Weapons Is Anyone's Guess
2011k.html#76 FIA shocked and outraged after Senator leaks oil trading data
2011k.html#60 50th anniversary of BASIC, COBOL?
2011k.html#37 50th anniversary of BASIC, COBOL?
2011k.html#20 Study shows powerful corporations really do control the world's finances
2011k.html#15 Is the SEC Covering Up Wall Street Crimes?
2011j.html#38 Advice from Richard P. Feynman
2011j.html#11 Innovation and iconoclasm
2011i.html#67 U.S. can't account for $8.7 billion of Iraq's money: audit
2011i.html#25 Happy 100th Birthday, IBM!
2011i.html#19 Happy 100th Birthday, IBM!
2011h.html#66 Senate Democrats Ask House to Boost SEC Funding
2011h.html#5 Home prices may drop another 25%, Shiller predicts
2011g.html#52 Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room
2011g.html#47 Lords: Auditors guilty of 'dereliction of duty'
2011g.html#40 Fight Fraud with Device ID
2011g.html#5 How they failed to catch Madoff
2011f.html#88 Court OKs Firing of Boeing Computer-Security Whistleblowers
2011f.html#82 Bank email archives thrown open in financial crash report
2011f.html#62 Mixing Auth and Non-Auth Modules
2011f.html#52 Are Americans serious about dealing with money laundering and the drug cartels?
2011f.html#35 At least two decades back, some gurus predicted that mainframes would disappear
2011e.html#56 In your opinon, what is the highest risk of financial fraud for a corporation ?
2011d.html#26 The first personal computer (PC)
2011d.html#23 The first personal computer (PC)
2011b.html#42 Productivity And Bubbles
2011b.html#21 New-home sales in 2010 fall to lowest in 47 years
2011.html#48 What do you think about fraud prevention in the governments?
2011.html#46 What do you think about fraud prevention in the governments?
2010q.html#53 Programmer Charged with thieft (maybe off topic)
2010q.html#21 Ernst & Young called to account -- should Audit firms be investigated for their role in the crisis?
2010p.html#54 TCM's Moguls documentary series
2010p.html#6 What banking is. (Essential for predicting the end of finance as we know it.)
2010o.html#76 e-commerce smackdown as PCI standards revised
2010o.html#71 They always think we don't understand
2010n.html#35 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010m.html#62 Dodd-Frank Act Makes CEO-Worker Pay Gap Subject to Disclosure
2010m.html#19 AT&T, Verizon to Target Visa, MasterCard With Phones
2010m.html#12 U.S. operators take on credit cards with contactless payment trial
2010l.html#38 Who is Really to Blame for the Financial Crisis?
2010i.html#47 "Fraud & Stupidity Look a Lot Alike"
2010i.html#42 "Fraud & Stupidity Look a Lot Alike"
2010i.html#34 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010h.html#69 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010h.html#67 The Python and the Mongoose: it helps if you know the rules of engagement
2010h.html#43 COBOL - no longer being taught - is a problem
2010h.html#41 Profiling of fraudsters
2010h.html#31 In the News: SEC storms the 'Castle'
2010h.html#15 The Revolving Door and S.E.C. Enforcement
2010f.html#56 Handling multicore CPUs; what the competition is thinking
2010f.html#46 not even sort of about The 2010 Census
2010f.html#33 The 2010 Census
2010e.html#77 Madoff Whistleblower Book
2010d.html#7 "Unhackable" Infineon Chip Physically Cracked - PCWorld
2009s.html#47 Audits VII: the future of the Audit is in your hands
2009p.html#57 MasPar compiler and simulator
2009o.html#71 "Rat Your Boss" or "Rats to Riches," the New SEC
2009j.html#30 An Amazing Document On Madoff Said To Have Been Sent To SEC In 2005
2009j.html#12 IBM identity manager goes big on role control
2009i.html#60 In the USA "financial regulator seeks power to curb excess speculation."
2009i.html#23 Why are z/OS people reluctant to use z/OS UNIX? (Are settlements a good argument for overnight batch COBOL ?)
2009g.html#33 Treating the Web As an Archive
2009g.html#29 Transparency and Visibility
2009g.html#7 Just posted third article about toxic assets in a series on the current financial crisis
2009f.html#67 Just posted third article about toxic assets in a series on the current financial crisis
2009f.html#51 On whom or what would you place the blame for the sub-prime crisis?
2009f.html#45 Artificial Intelligence to tackle rogue traders
2009f.html#29 What is the real basis for business mess we are facing today?
2009f.html#2 CEO pay sinks - Wall Street Journal/Hay Group survey results just released
2009e.html#53 Are the "brightest minds in finance" finally onto something?
2009e.html#37 How do you see ethics playing a role in your organizations current or past?
2009e.html#36 Architectural Diversity
2009e.html#15 The background reasons of Credit Crunch
2009e.html#0 What is swap in the financial market?
2009d.html#75 Whistleblowing and reporting fraud
2009d.html#73 Should Glass-Steagall be reinstated?
2009d.html#63 Do bonuses foster unethical conduct?
2009d.html#62 Is Wall Street World's Largest Ponzi Scheme where Madoff is Just a Poster Child?
2009d.html#61 Quiz: Evaluate your level of Spreadsheet risk
2009d.html#47 Bernard Madoff Is Jailed After Pleading Guilty -- are there more "Madoff's" out there?
2009d.html#42 Bernard Madoff Is Jailed After Pleading Guilty -- are there more "Madoff's" out there?
2009d.html#37 NEW SEC (Enforcement) MANUAL, A welcome addition
2009d.html#3 Congress Set to Approve Pay Cap of $500,000
2009d.html#0 PNC Financial to pay CEO $3 million stock bonus
2009c.html#51 How to defeat new telemarketing tactic
2009c.html#44 How to defeat new telemarketing tactic
2009c.html#29 How to defeat new telemarketing tactic
2009c.html#20 Decision Making or Instinctive Steering?
2009c.html#0 Audit II: Two more scary words: Sarbanes-Oxley
2009b.html#80 How to defeat new telemarketing tactic
2009b.html#73 What can we learn from the meltdown?
2009b.html#65 What can agencies such as the SEC do to insure us that something like Madoff's Ponzi scheme will never happen again?

madoff -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- 2014-2017 -- back to top/index

medicare.part-d postings (before_2014)

-#- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medicare_Part_D -#- fiscal.responsibility.act -#-
2013o.html#14 Microsoft, IBM lobbying seen killing key anti-patent troll proposal
2013l.html#64 OT: NYT article--the rich get richer
2013g.html#51 What Makes collecting sales taxes Bizarre?
2013f.html#16 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#89 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#20 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#97 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#94 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#56 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2012p.html#43 Search Google, 1960:s-style
2012p.html#41 Search Google, 1960:s-style
2012p.html#40 Stealth Target of Defense Spending Cuts: America's Highly Effective Socialized Medicine Provider, the VA System, and Military Benefits Generally
2012p.html#36 Search Google, 1960:s-style
2012n.html#0 General Mills computer
2012m.html#71 General Mills computer
2012m.html#38 General Mills computer
2012m.html#33 General Mills computer
2012l.html#85 Singer Cartons of Punch Cards
2012k.html#79 Romney and Ryan's Phony Deficit-Reduction Plan
2012k.html#74 Unthinkable, Predictable Disasters
2012k.html#37 If all of the American earned dollars hidden in off shore accounts were uncovered and taxed do you think we would be able to close the deficit gap?
2012i.html#81 Should the IBM approach be given a chance to fix the health care system?
2012i.html#63 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012i.html#51 Is this Boyd's fundamental postulate, 'to improve our capacity for independent action'? thoughts please
2012i.html#41 Lawmakers reworked financial portfolios after talks with Fed, Treasury officials
2012i.html#0 Interesting News Article
2012h.html#68 Interesting News Article
2012h.html#61 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012h.html#40 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012d.html#36 McCain calls for U.S.-led airstrikes in Syria
2012.html#6 We are on the brink of a historic decision [referring to defence cuts]
2011p.html#137 The High Cost of Failing Artificial Hips
2011p.html#136 Gingrich urged yes vote on controversial Medicare bill
2011o.html#73 How Pursuit of Profits Kills Innovation and the U.S. Economy
2011o.html#42 Speed: Re: Soups
2011n.html#57 The Mortgage Crisis---Some Inside Views
2011m.html#68 Bernanke Hearings
2011l.html#59 computer bootlaces
2011j.html#40 Advice from Richard P. Feynman
2011j.html#18 Congressional Bickering
2011i.html#37 Happy 100th Birthday, IBM!
2011i.html#33 Happy 100th Birthday, IBM!
2011i.html#29 Happy 100th Birthday, IBM!
2011i.html#28 Happy 100th Birthday, IBM!
2011i.html#20 Happy 100th Birthday, IBM!
2011i.html#14 Happy 100th Birthday, IBM!
2011g.html#72 77,000 federal workers paid more than governors
2010o.html#75 origin of 'fields'?
2010o.html#66 They always think we don't understand
2010m.html#79 Idiotic take on Bush tax cuts expiring
2010f.html#46 not even sort of about The 2010 Census
2010f.html#35 The 2010 Census
2010f.html#34 The 2010 Census
2010c.html#9 Oldest Instruction Set still in daily use?
2010c.html#3 Oldest Instruction Set still in daily use?
2010c.html#0 Oldest Instruction Set still in daily use?
2010.html#37 Happy DEC-10 Day
2009f.html#20 What is the real basis for business mess we are facing today?
2008n.html#8 Taxcuts
2008l.html#37 dollar coins
2008h.html#26 The Return of Ada
2008f.html#86 Banks failing to manage IT risk - study
2007t.html#18 Newsweek article--baby boomers and computers
2007t.html#13 Newsweek article--baby boomers and computers
2007q.html#7 what does xp do when system is copying
2006o.html#61 Health Care

medicare.part-d -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- 2014-2017 -- back to top/index

merchants.of.doubt postings (before_2014)

-#- http://www.merchantsofdoubt.org/ -#-
2013m.html#80 The REAL Reason U.S. Targets Whistleblowers
2013m.html#52 Steve B sees what investors think
2013k.html#59 John Boyd's Art of War
2013i.html#89 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013h.html#41 Is newer technology always better? It almost is. Exceptions?
2013f.html#7 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#54 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#5 Lessons Learned from the Iraq War
2013d.html#62 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013c.html#16 A Matter of Mindset: Iraq, Sequestration and the U.S. Army
2011m.html#52 Chinese researchers say early climate changes responsible for human crisis
2010.html#82 360 programs on a z/10
2009s.html#50 Daylight Savings Time again
2008n.html#3 Blinkylights
2008f.html#91 was: 1975 movie "Three Days of the Condor" tech stuff
2000d.html#78 When the Internet went private

merchants.of.doubt -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- 2014-2017 -- back to top/index

military.industrial.complex postings (before_2014)

-#- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military-industrial_complex -#- capitalism -#- perpetual.war -#- team.b -#- wmds -#-
2013o.html#77 Passage of Budget Bill Is NOT a Victory for the American People ... Only for the Military-Industrial Complex
2013o.html#63 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013o.html#42 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013o.html#41 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013o.html#40 ELP weighs in on the software issue:
2013o.html#38 'Free Unix!': The world-changing proclamation made30yearsagotoday
2013o.html#37 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013o.html#28 ELP weighs in on the software issue:
2013o.html#14 Microsoft, IBM lobbying seen killing key anti-patent troll proposal
2013o.html#2 Did you see the one about the F-35 and F/A-18?
2013n.html#85 U.S. Sidelined as Iraq Becomes Bloodier
2013n.html#73 Wylie discernible patterns
2013n.html#72 In Command, but Out Of Control
2013n.html#58 2 v 2 - How the Typhoon kills the F-35
2013n.html#44 'Free Unix!': The world-changing proclamationmade30yearsagotoday
2013m.html#101 Boyd Blasphemy: Justifying the F-35
2013m.html#80 The REAL Reason U.S. Targets Whistleblowers
2013m.html#52 Steve B sees what investors think
2013m.html#28 The Reformers
2013m.html#27 US Air Force Converts F-16 Fighters into Drones
2013m.html#23 "There IS no force, just inertia"
2013l.html#11 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013l.html#0 spacewar
2013k.html#87 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#76 spacewar
2013k.html#59 John Boyd's Art of War
2013k.html#48 John Boyd's Art of War
2013k.html#41 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#31 China mulls probe into IBM, Oracle, EMC after NSA hack claims - report
2013k.html#28 Flag bloat
2013j.html#83 copyright protection/Doug Englebart
2013j.html#81 copyright protection/Doug Englebart
2013j.html#51 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013j.html#49 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013j.html#48 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013j.html#36 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013j.html#30 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013i.html#85 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013i.html#78 Has the US Lost Its Grand Strategic Mind?
2013i.html#20 Louis V. Gerstner Jr. lays out his post-IBM life
2013h.html#87 IBM going ahead with more U.S. job cuts today
2013h.html#78 IBM commitment to academia
2013h.html#74 OT: "Highway Patrol" back on TV
2013h.html#61 NYT: N.S.A. Chief Says Phone Logs Halted Terror Threats
2013h.html#55 OT: "Highway Patrol" back on TV
2013h.html#54 NSA phone records
2013h.html#43 Is newer technology always better? It almost is. Exceptions?
2013h.html#41 Is newer technology always better? It almost is. Exceptions?
2013h.html#13 Is newer technology always better? It almost is. Exceptions?
2013g.html#92 A Matter of Mindset: Iraq
2013g.html#74 What Makes collecting sales taxes Bizarre?
2013g.html#69 What Makes collecting sales taxes Bizarre?
2013g.html#54 What Makes collecting sales taxes Bizarre?
2013g.html#51 What Makes collecting sales taxes Bizarre?
2013g.html#20 What Makes a bridge Bizarre?
2013f.html#69 The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software
2013f.html#46 As an IBM'er just like the Marines only a few good men and women make the cut,
2013f.html#16 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013f.html#14 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013f.html#7 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013f.html#5 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013f.html#2 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#74 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#72 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#68 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#67 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#62 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#56 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#54 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#53 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#51 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#50 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#48 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#43 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#32 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#20 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#16 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#10 The Knowledge Economy Two Classes of Workers
2013e.html#7 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013e.html#5 Lessons Learned from the Iraq War
2013d.html#97 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#80 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#62 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#54 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#48 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#37 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#28 Senator Sherrod Brown Drops a Bombshell in Mary Jo White's Hearing
2013c.html#54 NBC's website hacked with malware
2013c.html#28 A Matter of Mindset: Iraq, Sequestration and the U.S. Army
2013c.html#16 A Matter of Mindset: Iraq, Sequestration and the U.S. Army
2013.html#46 The China Threat: The MICC Pivots Obama Back to the Future
2012p.html#59 How do we fight bureaucracy and bureaucrats in IBM?
2012p.html#41 Search Google, 1960:s-style
2012p.html#40 Stealth Target of Defense Spending Cuts: America's Highly Effective Socialized Medicine Provider, the VA System, and Military Benefits Generally
2012o.html#2 OT: Tax breaks to Oracle debated
2012o.html#1 OT: Tax breaks to Oracle debated
2012n.html#83 Protected: R.I.P. Containment
2012n.html#22 Preparing for War with China
2012n.html#0 General Mills computer
2012m.html#64 Guest Post: Beakley on Boyd, Aerial Combat and the OODA-Loop
2012m.html#32 General Mills computer
2012l.html#97 What a Caveman Can Teach You About Strategy
2012l.html#50 Arming for the Navy's Return to History
2012l.html#5 Cultural attitudes towards failure
2012l.html#2 Cultural attitudes towards failure
2012k.html#87 Cultural attitudes towards failure
2012k.html#19 SnOODAn: Boyd, Snowden, and Resilience
2012k.html#7 Is there a connection between your strategic and tactical assertions?
2012j.html#63 Difference between fingerspitzengefuhl and Coup d'oeil?
2012j.html#10 Interesting News Article
2012i.html#66 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012i.html#64 Early use of the word "computer"
2012i.html#51 Is this Boyd's fundamental postulate, 'to improve our capacity for independent action'? thoughts please
2012i.html#50 Is there a connection between your strategic and tactical assertions?
2012i.html#24 Interesting News Article
2012i.html#0 Interesting News Article
2012h.html#75 Interesting News Article
2012h.html#68 Interesting News Article
2012h.html#63 Is this Boyd's fundamental postulate, 'to improve our capacity for independent action'?
2012h.html#30 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012g.html#47 How Selecting Voters Randomly Can Lead to Better Elections
2012g.html#15 Stars for hire
2012f.html#90 How do you feel about the fact that India has more employees than US?
2012f.html#88 Defense acquisitions are broken and no one cares
2012f.html#68 'Gutting' Our Military
2012f.html#61 Zakaria: by itself, Buffett rule is good
2012f.html#44 Time to Think ... and to Listen
2012f.html#31 Rome speaks to us. Their example can inspire us to avoid their fate
2012f.html#25 Time to competency for new software language?
2012f.html#5 Hardware v. People
2012e.html#78 Time to Think ... and to Listen
2012e.html#72 Sunday Book Review: Mind of War
2012e.html#71 Disruptive Thinkers: Defining the Problem
2012e.html#68 Glory Days of Army Acquisition Were Not So Glorious
2012e.html#58 Word Length
2012e.html#40 Who Increased the Debt?
2012d.html#68 Memory versus processor speed
2012d.html#60 Memory versus processor speed
2012d.html#53 "Scoring" The Romney Tax Plan: Trillions Of Dollars Of Deficits As Far As The Eye Can See
2012d.html#42 China's J-20 Stealth Fighter Is Already Doing A Whole Lot More Than Anyone Expected
2012d.html#36 McCain calls for U.S.-led airstrikes in Syria
2012c.html#56 Update on the F35 Debate
2012c.html#53 PC industry is heading for more change
2012c.html#51 How would you succinctly desribe maneuver warfare?
2012c.html#50 They're Trying to Block Military Cuts
2012b.html#39 PC industry is heading for more change
2012b.html#38 PC industry is heading for more change
2012.html#8 Ruminating on Strategic Thinking II. : Social Conditions
2012.html#5 We are on the brink of a historic decision [referring to defence cuts]
2012.html#3 We are on the brink of a historic decision [referring to defence cuts]
2011p.html#142 We are on the brink of a historic decision [referring to defence cuts]
2011p.html#65 Why (my, all) financial systems fail -- information complexity
2011p.html#63 21st Century Management approach?
2011p.html#34 21st Century Management approach?
2011o.html#73 How Pursuit of Profits Kills Innovation and the U.S. Economy
2011o.html#7 John R. Opel, RIP
2011o.html#4 The men who crashed the world
2011n.html#51 What separates Sun Tzu & John Boyd as Martial thinkers
2011n.html#8 Goodbye, OODA-Loop
2011l.html#62 The true cost of 9/11: Trillions and trillions wasted on wars, a fiscal catastrophe, and a weaker America
2011l.html#34 Scotland, was Re: Solving the Floating-Point Goldilocks Problem!
2011k.html#49 50th anniversary of BASIC, COBOL?
2011k.html#42 Senator urges DoD: Do better job defending F-35
2011j.html#59 Why did the OODA-loop tactic grow into a strategy?
2011j.html#40 Advice from Richard P. Feynman
2011i.html#79 Innovation and iconoclasm
2011i.html#32 Happy 100th Birthday, IBM!
2011f.html#28 US military spending has increased 81% since 2001
2011e.html#65 End of an era
2011e.html#33 The real cost of outsourcing (and offshoring)
2011.html#93 America's Defense Meltdown
2011.html#55 America's Defense Meltdown
2011.html#2 No command, and control
2010k.html#18 taking down the machine - z9 series
2010h.html#51 25 reasons why hardware is still hot at IBM
2010.html#36 Happy DEC-10 Day
2007t.html#46 Newsweek article--baby boomers and computers
2007t.html#33 Newsweek article--baby boomers and computers
2007t.html#24 Translation of IBM Basic Assembler to C?
2006u.html#24 When did computers start being EVIL???
2004j.html#27 US fiscal policy (Was: Bob Bemer, Computer Pioneer,Father
2004d.html#61 If you're going to bullshit, eschew moderation

military.industrial.complex -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- 2014-2017 -- back to top/index

money.laundering postings (before_2014)

-#- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Money_laundering -#-
2013n.html#53 'Free Unix!': The world-changing proclamationmade30yearsagotoday
2013n.html#44 'Free Unix!': The world-changing proclamationmade30yearsagotoday
2013m.html#15 OT: NYT article--the rich get richer
2013l.html#38 OT: NYT article--the rich get richer
2013l.html#37 Money Laundering Exposed As A Key Component Of The Housing Bubble's "All Cash" Bid
2013l.html#17 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013l.html#16 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#64 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#45 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#34 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#32 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013j.html#82 copyright protection/Doug Englebart
2013j.html#80 Why DOJ Deemed Bank Execs Too Big To Jail
2013j.html#77 Why DOJ Deemed Bank Execs Too Big To Jail
2013j.html#61 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013i.html#65 The Real Snowden Question
2013i.html#54 How do you feel about the fact that India has more employees than US?
2013h.html#56 OT: "Highway Patrol" back on TV
2013h.html#55 OT: "Highway Patrol" back on TV
2013h.html#49 OT: "Highway Patrol" back on TV
2013f.html#13 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013f.html#11 Secrecy for Sale: Inside the Global Offshore Money Maze
2013f.html#6 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#86 What Makes a thread about the European debt crisis Bizarre?
2013e.html#46 Secrecy for Sale: Inside the Global Offshore Money Maze
2013d.html#94 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#76 IBM Spent A Million Dollars Renovating And Staffing Its Former CEO's Office
2013d.html#43 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#42 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#6 Live-Blogging Senate Hearing Tomorrow, When J.P. Morgan Chase Will Be Torn a New One
2013c.html#61 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013b.html#49 Bankers Who Made Millions In Housing Boom Misled Investors: Study
2013b.html#48 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013b.html#47 More Whistleblower Leaks on Foreclosure Settlement Show Both Suppression of Evidence and Gross Incompetence
2013.html#36 JPMorgan Chase slammed by regulators for control failings after botched derivatives bet
2013.html#35 Does the UK Government Really Want us to Report Fraud?
2013.html#4 HSBC's Settlement Leaves Us In A Scary Place
2012p.html#64 IBM Is Changing The Terms Of Its Retirement Plan, Which Is Frustrating Some Employees
2012p.html#48 Search Google, 1960:s-style
2012p.html#30 Search Google, 1960:s-style
2012p.html#24 OCC Confirms that Big Banks are Badly Managed, Lack Adequate Risk Management Controls
2012p.html#20 HSBC, SCB Agree to AML Penalties
2012o.html#73 These Two Charts Show How The Priorities Of US Companies Have Gotten Screwed Up
2012n.html#0 General Mills computer
2012m.html#36 General Mills computer
2012m.html#30 General Mills computer
2012k.html#37 If all of the American earned dollars hidden in off shore accounts were uncovered and taxed do you think we would be able to close the deficit gap?
2012j.html#25 This Is The Wall Street Scandal Of All Scandals
2012g.html#9 JPM LOSES $2 BILLION USD!
2012f.html#88 Defense acquisitions are broken and no one cares
2012e.html#35 The Dallas Fed Is Calling For The Immediate Breakup Of Large Banks
2012e.html#16 Wonder if they know how Boydian they are?
2012c.html#31 US real-estate has lost $7T in value
2011p.html#96 Republicans Propose Bill to Treat Mexican Drug Cartels as 'Terrorist Insurgency'
2011o.html#36 Civilization, doomed?
2011o.html#28 Confidence in banking: the EU500 supernote, or, we're all money launderers now
2011n.html#49 The men who crashed the world
2011n.html#42 The Godfather of Kathmandu
2011m.html#14 computer bootlaces
2011k.html#53 50th anniversary of BASIC, COBOL?
2011k.html#44 New Scandal at DoJ as Illegal Guitars End Up In Hands of Mexican Drug Lords
2011k.html#22 Slouching toward Weimar
2011h.html#41 Delinquent Homeowners to Get Mortgage Aid from Government
2011f.html#64 Are Americans serious about dealing with money laundering and the drug cartels?
2011f.html#55 Are Americans serious about dealing with money laundering and the drug cartels?
2011f.html#52 Are Americans serious about dealing with money laundering and the drug cartels?
2011b.html#42 Productivity And Bubbles
2011.html#50 What do you think about fraud prevention in the governments?
2010m.html#68 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010m.html#24 Little-Noted, Prepaid Rules Would Cover Non-Banks As Wells As Banks
2010l.html#65 the Federal Reserve, was Re: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
2010.html#56 Daylight Savings Time again
2009r.html#27 New Gift Card Laws Also Benefit Terrorists
2008q.html#12 Blinkenlights
2008q.html#11 Blinkenlights
2008j.html#70 lack of information accuracy
2008j.html#66 lack of information accuracy
2007i.html#23 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2004b.html#27 updated merged (security) taxonomy & glossary

money.laundering -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- 2014-2017 -- back to top/index

Pecora&/orGlass-Steagall postings (before_2014)

-#- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glass-Steagall_Act_of_1933 -#- economic.mess -#- too-big-to-fail -#-
2013o.html#78 What Chase And Other Banks Won't Tell You About Selling Your Data
2013o.html#67 What Chase And Other Banks Won't Tell You About Selling Your Data
2013m.html#66 NSA Revelations Kill IBM Hardware Sales In China
2013m.html#28 The Reformers
2013m.html#15 OT: NYT article--the rich get richer
2013m.html#14 Gilmore response to NSA mathematician's "make rules for NSA" appeal
2013m.html#3 Lending is still lagging according to Reuters. Why do you think that is?
2013l.html#67 OT: NYT article--the rich get richer
2013l.html#64 OT: NYT article--the rich get richer
2013l.html#60 Retirement Heist
2013l.html#40 OT: NYT article--the rich get richer
2013l.html#16 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013l.html#8 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013l.html#1 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#86 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#57 The agency problem and how to create a criminogenic environment
2013k.html#35 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#31 China mulls probe into IBM, Oracle, EMC after NSA hack claims - report
2013k.html#30 Why DOJ Deemed Bank Execs Too Big To Jail
2013k.html#29 The agency problem and how to create a criminogenic environment
2013k.html#28 Flag bloat
2013k.html#2 IBM Relevancy in the IT World
2013j.html#17 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013j.html#16 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013j.html#10 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013i.html#89 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013i.html#76 The failure of cyber defence - the mindset is against it
2013i.html#54 How do you feel about the fact that India has more employees than US?
2013i.html#41 Is newer technology always better? It almost is. Exceptions?
2013i.html#20 Louis V. Gerstner Jr. lays out his post-IBM life
2013i.html#18 Louis V. Gerstner Jr. lays out his post-IBM life - Washington Post
2013f.html#69 The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software
2013f.html#48 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013f.html#36 Fed proposes annual assessments for large financial companies
2013f.html#15 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013f.html#8 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#86 What Makes a thread about the European debt crisis Bizarre?
2013e.html#79 As an IBM'er just like the Marines only a few good men and women make the cut,
2013e.html#42 More Whistleblower Leaks on Foreclosure Settlement Show Both Suppression of Evidence and Gross Incompetence
2013e.html#40 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013e.html#24 What Makes bank regulation and insurance Bizarre?
2013e.html#19 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#9 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#8 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013e.html#7 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013d.html#94 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#76 IBM Spent A Million Dollars Renovating And Staffing Its Former CEO's Office
2013d.html#73 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#35 Ex-Bailout Watchdog: JPMorgan's Actions "Entirely Consistent With Fraud"
2013d.html#28 Senator Sherrod Brown Drops a Bombshell in Mary Jo White's Hearing
2013d.html#25 Senator Sherrod Brown Drops a Bombshell in Mary Jo White's Hearing
2013d.html#4 Live-Blogging Senate Hearing Tomorrow, When J.P. Morgan Chase Will Be Torn a New One
2013c.html#66 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013c.html#12 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013c.html#3 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013b.html#76 Capitalism is so broken it can't be fixed Commentary: Saving capitalism will not save America
2013b.html#54 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013b.html#35 Adair Turner: A New Debt-Free Money Advocate
2013b.html#9 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013.html#57 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013.html#51 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013.html#49 Insider Fraud: What to Monitor
2013.html#44 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013.html#21 AIG may join bailout lawsuit against U.S. government
2013.html#4 HSBC's Settlement Leaves Us In A Scary Place
2012p.html#64 IBM Is Changing The Terms Of Its Retirement Plan, Which Is Frustrating Some Employees
2012p.html#48 Search Google, 1960:s-style
2012p.html#24 OCC Confirms that Big Banks are Badly Managed, Lack Adequate Risk Management Controls
2012p.html#18 U.S. Treasury, AIG are poised to sever ties
2012o.html#14 OT: Tax breaks to Oracle debated
2012o.html#10 OT: Tax breaks to Oracle debated
2012n.html#57 Bull by the Horns
2012n.html#55 U.S. Sues Wells Fargo, Accusing It of Lying About Mortgages
2012n.html#20 General Mills computer
2012n.html#3 General Mills computer
2012n.html#1 STOP PRESS! An Auditor has been brought to task for a failed bank!
2012m.html#71 General Mills computer
2012m.html#63 General Mills computer
2012m.html#59 General Mills computer
2012m.html#58 General Mills computer
2012m.html#12 Does the IBM System z Mainframe rely on Security by Obscurity or is it Secure by Design
2012l.html#63 Singer Cartons of Punch Cards
2012l.html#62 Singer Cartons of Punch Cards
2012l.html#60 Singer Cartons of Punch Cards
2012l.html#53 CALCULATORS
2012l.html#48 The Payoff: Why Wall Street Always Wins
2012k.html#75 What's the bigger risk, retiring too soon, or too late?
2012k.html#38 Four Signs Your Awesome Investment May Actually Be A Ponzi Scheme
2012k.html#31 History--punched card transmission over telegraph lines
2012k.html#13 Is there a connection between your strategic and tactical assertions?
2012k.html#12 The Secret Consensus Among Economists
2012k.html#9 Sandy Weill's About-Face on Big Banks
2012k.html#7 Is there a connection between your strategic and tactical assertions?
2012j.html#56 Failing Gracefully
2012j.html#47 Yahoo Password Breach: 7 Lessons Learned - Security - Attacks/breaches - Informationweek
2012j.html#28 Why Asian companies struggle to manage global workers
2012i.html#86 Should the IBM approach be given a chance to fix the health care system?
2012i.html#81 Should the IBM approach be given a chance to fix the health care system?
2012i.html#63 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012i.html#35 US Senate proposes national data breach notification act
2012i.html#30 US Senate proposes national data breach notification act
2012i.html#25 Can anybody give me a clear idea about Cloud Computing in MAINFRAME ?
2012h.html#82 Interesting News Article
2012h.html#75 Interesting News Article
2012h.html#55 The Invention of Email
2012h.html#53 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012h.html#45 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012h.html#36 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012h.html#25 US economic update. Everything that follows is a result of what you see here
2012g.html#87 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012g.html#84 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012g.html#82 How do you feel about the fact that today India has more IBM employees than US?
2012g.html#67 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012g.html#64 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012g.html#59 Why Hasn't The Government Prosecuted Anyone For The 2008 Financial recession?
2012g.html#56 Why Hasn't The Government Prosecuted Anyone For The 2008 Financial recession?
2012g.html#20 Psychology Of Fraud: Why Good People Do Bad Things
2012g.html#16 Psychology Of Fraud: Why Good People Do Bad Things
2012g.html#12 JPM LOSES $2 BILLION USD!
2012g.html#9 JPM LOSES $2 BILLION USD!
2012g.html#7 Adult Supervision
2012f.html#75 Fed Report: Mortgage Mess NOT an Inside Job
2012f.html#71 When Mobile Telecommunications Routes Become Banks
2012f.html#31 Rome speaks to us. Their example can inspire us to avoid their fate
2012e.html#41 Why Are the Fed and SEC Keeping Wall Street's Secrets?
2012e.html#30 Senators Who Voted Against Ending Big Oil Tax Breaks Received Millions From Big Oil
2012e.html#16 Wonder if they know how Boydian they are?
2012e.html#1 The Dallas Fed Is Calling For The Immediate Breakup Of Large Banks
2012d.html#68 Memory versus processor speed
2012d.html#32 PC industry is heading for more change
2012d.html#5 PC industry is heading for more change
2012c.html#54 PC industry is heading for more change
2012c.html#52 PC industry is heading for more change
2012c.html#37 US real-estate has lost $7T in value
2012c.html#32 US real-estate has lost $7T in value
2012c.html#31 US real-estate has lost $7T in value
2012b.html#56 What's the most interesting thing you do in your non-work life?
2012b.html#16 Interview of Mr. John Reed regarding banking fixing the game
2012b.html#5 The round wheels industry is heading for collapse
2012.html#25 You may ask yourself, well, how did I get here?
2012.html#0 Revolution Through Banking?
2011p.html#146 IBM Manuals
2011p.html#131 The Times E-Mails Millions by Mistake to Say Subscriptions Were Canceled
2011p.html#93 World faces 1930-type Depression
2011p.html#88 Fed Report Finds Speculators Played Big Role in Housing Collapse
2011p.html#28 The men who crashed the world
2011o.html#83 The banking sector grew seven times faster than gross domestic product since the beginning of the financial crisis and Too-Big-to-Fail: Banks Get Bigger After Dodd-Frank
2011o.html#80 How Pursuit of Profits Kills Innovation and the U.S. Economy
2011o.html#77 How Pursuit of Profits Kills Innovation and the U.S. Economy
2011o.html#68 Building a Better America-One Wealth Quintile at a Time
2011o.html#62 Civilization, doomed?
2011o.html#52 Civilization, doomed?
2011o.html#51 The men who crashed the world
2011o.html#37 Civilization, doomed?
2011o.html#36 Civilization, doomed?
2011o.html#26 The men who crashed the world
2011o.html#4 The men who crashed the world
2011n.html#82 The men who crashed the world
2011n.html#77 Did You Hear the One About the Bankers?
2011n.html#52 The men who crashed the world
2011n.html#48 The men who crashed the world
2011n.html#41 The men who crashed the world
2011m.html#71 Don't Dump the Volcker Rule Just Because It's Not Perfect
2011m.html#68 Bernanke Hearings
2011m.html#18 computer bootlaces
2011m.html#0 computer bootlaces
2011l.html#74 computer bootlaces
2011l.html#73 computer bootlaces
2011l.html#69 computer bootlaces
2011l.html#67 computer bootlaces
2011k.html#60 50th anniversary of BASIC, COBOL?
2011k.html#54 50th anniversary of BASIC, COBOL?
2011k.html#53 50th anniversary of BASIC, COBOL?
2011k.html#20 Study shows powerful corporations really do control the world's finances
2011j.html#52 How Many Divisions Does Standard and Poors Have?
2011j.html#44 S&P Downgrades USA; Time to Downgrade S&P?
2011j.html#41 Advice from Richard P. Feynman
2011j.html#39 Advice from Richard P. Feynman
2011i.html#45 Happy 100th Birthday, IBM!
2011i.html#42 Happy 100th Birthday, IBM!
2011i.html#18 Happy 100th Birthday, IBM!
2011h.html#55 CISO's Guide to Breach Notification
2011h.html#25 US Housing Crisis Is Now Worse Than Great Depression
2011h.html#24 US Housing Crisis Is Now Worse Than Great Depression
2011h.html#10 Home prices may drop another 25%, Shiller predicts
2011h.html#9 Breaches and Consumer Backlash
2011h.html#7 Home prices may drop another 25%, Shiller predicts
2011h.html#6 Home prices may drop another 25%, Shiller predicts
2011f.html#66 Bank email archives thrown open in financial crash report
2011f.html#52 Are Americans serious about dealing with money laundering and the drug cartels?
2011e.html#41 On Protectionism
2011e.html#38 On Protectionism
2011e.html#36 On Protectionism
2011e.html#9 I actually miss working at IBM
2011d.html#28 The first personal computer (PC)
2011d.html#27 The first personal computer (PC)
2011d.html#23 The first personal computer (PC)
2011d.html#19 The first personal computer (PC)
2011c.html#46 If IBM Hadn't Bet the Company
2011b.html#53 Productivity And Bubbles
2011b.html#45 Productivity And Bubbles
2011b.html#43 Productivity And Bubbles
2011b.html#42 Productivity And Bubbles
2011b.html#27 The Zippo Lighter theory of the financial crisis (or, who do we want to blame?)
2011.html#84 The Imaginot Line
2011.html#53 What do you think about fraud prevention in the governments?
2011.html#50 What do you think about fraud prevention in the governments?
2011.html#49 What do you think about fraud prevention in the governments?
2010q.html#53 Programmer Charged with thieft (maybe off topic)
2010q.html#29 Ernst & Young sued for fraud over Lehman
2010q.html#16 TCM's Moguls documentary series
2010p.html#59 TCM's Moguls documentary series
2010p.html#50 TCM's Moguls documentary series
2010p.html#29 The Mobile Device Is Becoming Humankind's Primary Tool
2010p.html#23 They always think we don't understand
2010p.html#17 What banking is. (Essential for predicting the end of finance as we know it.)
2010p.html#16 Rare Apple I computer sells for $216,000 in London
2010p.html#7 What banking is. (Essential for predicting the end of finance as we know it.)
2010o.html#76 e-commerce smackdown as PCI standards revised
2010o.html#65 They always think we don't understand
2010o.html#59 They always think we don't understand
2010o.html#53 The Credit Card Criminals Are Getting Crafty
2010o.html#38 Google scares Aussie banks
2010n.html#52 Who are these people who think cybersecurity experts are crying wolf?
2010n.html#36 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010n.html#35 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010n.html#33 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010n.html#29 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010m.html#56 About that "Mighty Fortress"... What's it look like?
2010m.html#8 Who is Really to Blame for the Financial Crisis?
2010l.html#69 Who is Really to Blame for the Financial Crisis?
2010l.html#68 Who is Really to Blame for the Financial Crisis?
2010l.html#66 the Federal Reserve, was Re: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
2010l.html#60 Who is Really to Blame for the Financial Crisis?
2010l.html#53 Who is Really to Blame for the Financial Crisis?
2010l.html#40 Who is Really to Blame for the Financial Crisis?
2010l.html#38 Who is Really to Blame for the Financial Crisis?
2010k.html#43 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
2010k.html#29 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
2010k.html#7 taking down the machine - z9 series
2010j.html#18 Personal use z/OS machines was Re: Multiprise 3k for personal Use?
2010j.html#7 Seeking *Specific* Implementation of Star Trek Game
2010i.html#77 Favourite computer history books?
2010i.html#63 Wal-Mart to support smartcard payments
2010i.html#62 blasts from the past -- old predictions come true
2010i.html#34 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010h.html#73 Our Pecora Moment
2010h.html#68 Our Pecora Moment
2010h.html#67 The Python and the Mongoose: it helps if you know the rules of engagement
2010h.html#52 Our Pecora Moment
2010h.html#28 Our Pecora Moment
2010h.html#15 The Revolving Door and S.E.C. Enforcement
2010f.html#54 The 2010 Census
2010f.html#51 The 2010 Census
2010f.html#36 The 2010 Census
2010e.html#74 LPARs: More or Less?
2010b.html#86 Oldest Instruction Set still in daily use?
2010b.html#82 Oldest Instruction Set still in daily use?
2010b.html#6 Bookshelves under BookMangler
2010.html#70 Post Office bank account 'could help 1m poor'
2010.html#61 Happy DEC-10 Day
2010.html#37 Happy DEC-10 Day
2009r.html#73 70 Years of ATM Innovation
2009r.html#61 70 Years of ATM Innovation
2009r.html#60 70 Years of ATM Innovation
2009r.html#53 70 Years of ATM Innovation
2009r.html#35 70 Years of ATM Innovation
2009q.html#77 Now is time for banks to replace core system according to Accenture
2009p.html#51 Opinions on the 'Unix Haters' Handbook
2009p.html#47 Opinions on the 'Unix Haters' Handbook
2009p.html#25 Opinions on the 'Unix Haters' Handbook
2009p.html#23 Opinions on the 'Unix Haters' Handbook
2009p.html#20 U.K. lags in information security management practices
2009p.html#17 U.K. lags in information security management practices
2009p.html#2 Opinions on the 'Unix Haters' Handbook
2009o.html#84 Opinions on the 'Unix Haters' Handbook'
2009o.html#48 Opinions on the 'Unix Haters' Handbook'
2009o.html#25 Opinions on the 'Unix Haters' Handbook'
2009o.html#23 Opinions on the 'Unix Haters' Handbook'
2009n.html#62 Opinions on the 'Unix Haters' Handbook'
2009n.html#58 Opinions on the 'Unix Haters' Handbook'
2009n.html#56 Opinions on the 'Unix Haters' Handbook'
2009n.html#17 UK issues Turning apology (and about time, too)
2009n.html#13 UK issues Turning apology (and about time, too)
2009m.html#89 Audits V: Why did this happen to us ;-(
2009l.html#5 Internal fraud isn't new, but it's news
2009k.html#2 Big Bonuses At Goldman Should Be Applauded, Not Criticized
2009j.html#69 64 Cores -- IBM is showing a prototype already
2009j.html#36 Average Comp This Year At Top Firm Estimated At $700,000
2009j.html#35 what is mortgage-backed securities?
2009j.html#1 Is it possible to have an alternative payment system without riding on the Card Network platforms?
2009i.html#77 Financial Regulatory Reform - elimination of loophole allowing special purpose institutions outside Bank Holding Company (BHC) oversigh
2009i.html#74 Administration calls for financial system overhaul
2009i.html#60 In the USA "financial regulator seeks power to curb excess speculation."
2009i.html#57 In the USA "financial regulator seeks power to curb excess speculation."
2009i.html#54 64 Cores -- IBM is showing a prototype already
2009i.html#49 What's your personal confidence level concerning financial market recovery?
2009i.html#44 64 Cores -- IBM is showing a prototype already
2009i.html#40 64 Cores -- IBM is showing a prototype already
2009i.html#13 64 Cores -- IBM is showing a prototype already
2009i.html#1 IBM to Build Europe, Asia 'Smart Infrastructure'
2009h.html#29 Analysing risk, especially credit risk in Banks, which was a major reason for the current crisis
2009h.html#25 The Paradox of Economic Recovery
2009h.html#22 China's yuan 'set to usurp US dollar' as world's reserve currency
2009h.html#3 Consumer Credit Crunch and Banking Writeoffs
2009g.html#53 We Can't Subsidize the Banks Forever
2009g.html#37 Future of Financial Mathematics?
2009g.html#33 Treating the Web As an Archive
2009g.html#27 Flawed Credit Ratings Reap Profits as Regulators Fail Investors
2009g.html#7 Just posted third article about toxic assets in a series on the current financial crisis
2009g.html#5 Do the current Banking Results in the US hide a grim truth?
2009f.html#65 Just posted third article about toxic assets in a series on the current financial crisis
2009f.html#56 What's your personal confidence level concerning financial market recovery?
2009f.html#53 What every taxpayer should know about what caused the current Financial Crisis
2009f.html#51 On whom or what would you place the blame for the sub-prime crisis?
2009f.html#49 Is the current downturn cyclic or systemic?
2009f.html#46 Who moved my payment?
2009f.html#43 On whom or what would you place the blame for the sub-prime crisis?
2009f.html#38 On whom or what would you place the blame for the sub-prime crisis?
2009f.html#31 What is the real basis for business mess we are facing today?
2009f.html#29 What is the real basis for business mess we are facing today?
2009f.html#27 US banking Changes- TARP Proposl
2009e.html#79 Are the "brightest minds in finance" finally onto something?
2009e.html#59 Tesco to open 30 "bank branches" this year
2009e.html#40 Architectural Diversity
2009e.html#36 Architectural Diversity
2009e.html#35 Architectural Diversity
2009e.html#23 Should FDIC or the Federal Reserve Bank have the authority to shut down and take over non-bank financial institutions like AIG?
2009e.html#13 Should we fear and hate derivatives?
2009e.html#8 The background reasons of Credit Crunch
2009e.html#0 What is swap in the financial market?
2009d.html#77 Who first mentioned Credit Crunch?
2009d.html#74 Why is everyone talking about AIG bonuses of millions and keeping their mouth shut on billions sent to foreign banks?
2009d.html#73 Should Glass-Steagall be reinstated?
2009d.html#63 Do bonuses foster unethical conduct?
2009d.html#62 Is Wall Street World's Largest Ponzi Scheme where Madoff is Just a Poster Child?
2009d.html#61 Quiz: Evaluate your level of Spreadsheet risk
2009d.html#42 Bernard Madoff Is Jailed After Pleading Guilty -- are there more "Madoff's" out there?
2009d.html#28 I need insight on the Stock Market
2009d.html#10 Who will Survive AIG or Derivative Counterparty Risk?
2009d.html#0 PNC Financial to pay CEO $3 million stock bonus
2009c.html#65 is it possible that ALL banks will be nationalized?
2009c.html#61 Accounting for the "greed factor"
2009c.html#55 Who will give Citigroup the KNOCKOUT blow?
2009c.html#53 How to defeat new telemarketing tactic
2009c.html#46 How to defeat new telemarketing tactic
2009c.html#42 How to defeat new telemarketing tactic
2009c.html#38 People to Blame for the Financial Crisis
2009c.html#36 How to defeat new telemarketing tactic
2009c.html#32 How to defeat new telemarketing tactic
2009c.html#29 How to defeat new telemarketing tactic
2009c.html#20 Decision Making or Instinctive Steering?
2009c.html#18 How to defeat new telemarketing tactic
2009c.html#16 How to defeat new telemarketing tactic
2009c.html#11 How to defeat new telemarketing tactic
2009c.html#10 How to defeat new telemarketing tactic
2009c.html#0 Audit II: Two more scary words: Sarbanes-Oxley
2009b.html#80 How to defeat new telemarketing tactic
2009b.html#79 How to defeat new telemarketing tactic
2009b.html#73 What can we learn from the meltdown?
2009b.html#60 OCR scans of old documents
2009b.html#59 As bonuses...why breed greed, when others are in dire need?
2009b.html#58 OCR scans of old documents
2009b.html#54 In your opinion, which facts caused the global crise situation?
2009b.html#53 Credit & Risk Management ... go Simple ?
2009b.html#52 What has the Global Financial Crisis taught the Nations, it's Governments and Decision Makers, and how should they apply that knowledge to manage risks differently in the future?
2009b.html#49 US disaster, debts and bad financial management
2009b.html#48 The blame game is on : A blow to the Audit/Accounting Industry or a lesson learned ???
2009.html#84 what was the idea behind Citigroup's splitting up into two different divisions? what does this do for citigroup?
2009.html#58 HONEY I LOVE YOU, but please cut the cards
2008s.html#55 Is this the story behind the crunchy credit stuff?
2008s.html#35 Is American capitalism and greed to blame for our financial troubles in the US?
2008s.html#23 Garbage in, garbage out trampled by Moore's law
2008s.html#20 Five great technological revolutions
2008s.html#9 Blind-sided, again. Why?
2008r.html#64 Is This a Different Kind of Financial Crisis?
2008q.html#66 Blinkenlights
2008q.html#26 Blinkenlights
2008p.html#9 Do you believe a global financial regulation is possible?
2008p.html#8 Global Melt Down
2008o.html#83 Chip-and-pin card reader supply-chain subversion 'has netted millions from British shoppers'
2008o.html#80 Can we blame one person for the financial meltdown?
2008o.html#78 Who murdered the financial system?
2008o.html#51 Why are some banks failing, and others aren't?
2008o.html#44 The human plague
2008o.html#43 The human plague
2008o.html#39 The human plague
2008o.html#37 The human plague
2008o.html#28 Does anyone get the idea that those responsible for containing this finanical crisis are doing too much?
2008o.html#19 What's your view of current global financial / economical situation?
2008o.html#18 Once the dust settles, do you think Milton Friedman's economic theories will be laid to rest
2008o.html#12 The human plague
2008n.html#99 Blinkylights
2008n.html#78 Isn't it the Federal Reserve role to oversee the banking system??
2008n.html#53 Your thoughts on the following comprehensive bailout plan please
2008n.html#19 Blinkylights
2008n.html#12 Blinkylights
2008m.html#73 Blinkylights
2008m.html#16 Fraud due to stupid failure to test for negative
2008l.html#70 dollar coins
2008l.html#67 dollar coins
2008l.html#42 dollar coins
2008k.html#41 dollar coins
2008k.html#36 dollar coins
2008k.html#28 dollar coins
2008j.html#66 lack of information accuracy
2008j.html#12 To: Graymouse -- Ireland and the EU, What in the H... is all this about?
2008h.html#89 Credit Crisis Timeline
2008h.html#32 subprime write-down sweepstakes
2008h.html#28 subprime write-down sweepstakes
2008h.html#1 subprime write-down sweepstakes
2008g.html#67 independent appraisers
2008g.html#66 independent appraisers
2008g.html#59 Credit crisis could cost nearly $1 trillion, IMF predicts
2008g.html#57 Credit crisis could cost nearly $1 trillion, IMF predicts
2008g.html#52 IBM CEO's remuneration last year ?
2008g.html#51 IBM CEO's remuneration last year ?
2008g.html#44 Fixing finance
2008g.html#16 independent appraisers
2008g.html#4 CDOs subverting Boyd's OODA-loop
2008g.html#2 Bush - place in history
2008f.html#97 Bush - place in history
2008f.html#96 Bush - place in history
2008f.html#94 Bush - place in history
2008f.html#79 Bush - place in history
2008f.html#75 Bush - place in history
2008f.html#73 Bush - place in history
2008f.html#71 Bush - place in history
2008f.html#53 independent appraisers
2008f.html#46 independent appraisers
2008f.html#43 independent appraisers
2008f.html#17 independent appraisers
2008f.html#13 independent appraisers
2008f.html#1 independent appraisers
2008e.html#59 independent appraisers
2008e.html#42 Banks failing to manage IT risk - study
2008d.html#85 Toyota Sales for 2007 May Surpass GM
2008c.html#87 Toyota Sales for 2007 May Surpass GM
2008c.html#11 Toyota Sales for 2007 May Surpass GM
2008b.html#12 Computer Science Education: Where Are the Software Engineers of Tomorrow?

Pecora&/orGlass-Steagall -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- 2014-2017 -- back to top/index

pensions postings (before_2014)

-#- https://www.pbgc.gov/ -#-
2013o.html#16 IBM Shrinks - Analysts Hate It
2013o.html#15 IBM Shrinks - Analysts Hate It
2013n.html#96 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013n.html#1 IBM board OK repurchase of another $15B of stock
2013m.html#85 How do you feel about IBM passing off it's retirees to ObamaCare?
2013m.html#61 IBM now employs more workers in India than US
2013m.html#53 Retirement Savings
2013m.html#24 Voyager 1 just left the solar system using less computing powerthan your iP
2013m.html#15 OT: NYT article--the rich get richer
2013m.html#12 OT: NYT article--the rich get richer
2013m.html#6 Voyager 1 just left the solar system using less computing powerthan your iP
2013m.html#4 OT: NYT article--the rich get richer
2013l.html#67 OT: NYT article--the rich get richer
2013l.html#63 OT: NYT article--the rich get richer
2013l.html#60 Retirement Heist
2013l.html#49 The Original IBM Basic Beliefs for those that have never seen them
2013k.html#83 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#67 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#61 John Boyd's Art of War
2013k.html#60 spacewar
2013k.html#51 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#50 IBM Furloughs U.S. Hardware Employees to Reduce Costs
2013k.html#33 Management Secrets From Inside GE
2013k.html#4 copyright protection/Doug Englebart
2013k.html#3 copyright protection/Doug Englebart
2013e.html#91 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#90 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#89 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#41 It's a Banker's World
2013d.html#80 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2012p.html#64 IBM Is Changing The Terms Of Its Retirement Plan, Which Is Frustrating Some Employees
2012p.html#58 What is holding back cloud adoption?
2012p.html#30 Search Google, 1960:s-style
2012n.html#0 General Mills computer
2012j.html#65 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012e.html#37 The $30 billion Social Security hack
2012c.html#0 New theory of moral behavior may explain recent ethical lapses in banking industry
2012.html#94 Bankruptcy a reprieve for some companies
2011o.html#69 Civilization, doomed?
2011n.html#67 The debt fallout: How Social Security went "cash negative" earlier than expected
2011j.html#2 House panel approves data breach notification bill
2011h.html#25 US Housing Crisis Is Now Worse Than Great Depression
2011g.html#76 The Two Trillion Dollar Meltdown: Easy Money, High Rollers, and the Great Credit Crash
2011g.html#71 Pressing Obama, House Bars Rise for Debt Ceiling
2011g.html#39 BofA Breach: 'A Big, Scary Story'
2011e.html#55 junking CKD; was "Social Security Confronts IT Obsolescence"
2011e.html#47 junking CKD; was "Social Security Confronts IT Obsolescence"
2011e.html#46 junking CKD; was "Social Security Confronts IT Obsolescence"
2011e.html#45 junking CKD; was "Social Security Confronts IT Obsolescence"
2011e.html#44 junking CKD; was "Social Security Confronts IT Obsolescence"
2011e.html#43 junking CKD; was "Social Security Confronts IT Obsolescence"
2011e.html#37 junking CKD; was "Social Security Confronts IT Obsolescence"
2011e.html#35 junking CKD; was "Social Security Confronts IT Obsolescence"
2011e.html#31 "Social Security Confronts IT Obsolescence"
2010o.html#78 origin of 'fields'?
2010o.html#72 They always think we don't understand
2010m.html#8 Who is Really to Blame for the Financial Crisis?
2010i.html#80 Favourite computer history books?
2010i.html#77 Favourite computer history books?
2010i.html#74 Favourite computer history books?
2010e.html#77 Madoff Whistleblower Book
2010d.html#46 search engine history, was Happy DEC-10 Day
2010b.html#56 Happy DEC-10 Day
2010b.html#24 Happy DEC-10 Day
2009j.html#38 what is mortgage-backed securities?
2008s.html#70 Garbage in, garbage out trampled by Moore's law
2008s.html#33 Garbage in, garbage out trampled by Moore's law
2008n.html#20 Michigan industry
2008n.html#17 Michigan industry
2008n.html#14 Blinkylights
2008n.html#13 Michigan industry
2008m.html#86 WSJ finds someone to blame.... be skeptical, and tell the WSJ to grow up
2008k.html#33 dollar coins
2008k.html#30 dollar coins
2008j.html#68 lack of information accuracy
2008h.html#57 our Barb: WWII
2008h.html#3 America's Prophet of Fiscal Doom
2008f.html#52 independent appraisers
2008f.html#46 independent appraisers
2008e.html#50 fraying infrastructure
2008d.html#6 How Safe Are Your Personal Records In The Hands Of Government Officials?
2008b.html#38 What do YOU call the # sign?
2008.html#66 As Expected, Ford Falls From 2nd Place in U.S. Sales
2008.html#65 As Expected, Ford Falls From 2nd Place in U.S. Sales
2007v.html#26 2007 Year in Review on Mainframes - Interesting
2007t.html#46 Newsweek article--baby boomers and computers
2007t.html#33 Newsweek article--baby boomers and computers
2007t.html#25 Newsweek article--baby boomers and computers
2007t.html#24 Translation of IBM Basic Assembler to C?
2007j.html#93 IBM Unionization
2007j.html#91 IBM Unionization
2006o.html#61 Health Care
2006n.html#40 Identity Management Best Practices
2006g.html#36 The Pankian Metaphor
2006g.html#35 The Pankian Metaphor
2006f.html#41 The Pankian Metaphor
2004l.html#39 I am an ageing techy, expert on everything. Let me explain
2004b.html#9 A hundred subjects: 64-bit OS2/eCs, Innotek Products,
2002m.html#17 A new e-commerce security proposal
2002g.html#7 income tax [was: Computers in Science Fiction]
2002c.html#7 Opinion on smartcard security requested
2001h.html#37 Credit Card # encryption

pensions -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- 2014-2017 -- back to top/index

perpetual.war postings (before_2014)

-#- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perpetual_war -#- military.industrial.complex -#-
2013o.html#83 NSA surveillance played little role in foiling terror plots, experts say
2013o.html#77 Passage of Budget Bill Is NOT a Victory for the American People ... Only for the Military-Industrial Complex
2013o.html#37 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013o.html#32 U.S. Sidelined as Iraq Becomes Bloodier
2013n.html#85 U.S. Sidelined as Iraq Becomes Bloodier
2013n.html#71 Wylie discernible patterns
2013m.html#80 The REAL Reason U.S. Targets Whistleblowers
2013k.html#87 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#76 spacewar
2013k.html#72 Versailles on the Potomac at it again
2013k.html#59 John Boyd's Art of War
2013j.html#36 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013i.html#78 Has the US Lost Its Grand Strategic Mind?
2013i.html#20 Louis V. Gerstner Jr. lays out his post-IBM life
2013h.html#87 IBM going ahead with more U.S. job cuts today
2013h.html#74 OT: "Highway Patrol" back on TV
2013h.html#43 Is newer technology always better? It almost is. Exceptions?
2013g.html#74 What Makes collecting sales taxes Bizarre?
2013f.html#60 As an IBM'er just like the Marines only a few good men and women make the cut,
2013f.html#21 What Makes weapons control Bizarre?
2013f.html#20 What Makes weapons control Bizarre?
2013e.html#43 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#38 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#32 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#16 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#7 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013e.html#5 Lessons Learned from the Iraq War
2013d.html#98 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#82 What Makes Economic History Bizarre?
2013d.html#54 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013c.html#28 A Matter of Mindset: Iraq, Sequestration and the U.S. Army
2013c.html#16 A Matter of Mindset: Iraq, Sequestration and the U.S. Army
2013.html#57 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013.html#46 The China Threat: The MICC Pivots Obama Back to the Future
2013.html#26 Cultural attitudes towards failure
2013.html#15 Search Google, 1960:s-style
2012p.html#59 How do we fight bureaucracy and bureaucrats in IBM?
2012o.html#71 Is orientation always because what has been observed? What are your 'direct' experiences?
2012o.html#2 OT: Tax breaks to Oracle debated
2012o.html#1 OT: Tax breaks to Oracle debated
2012n.html#83 Protected: R.I.P. Containment
2012n.html#60 The IBM mainframe has been the backbone of most of the world's largest IT organizations for more than 48 years
2012n.html#29 Jedi Knights
2012m.html#64 Guest Post: Beakley on Boyd, Aerial Combat and the OODA-Loop
2012m.html#49 Cultural attitudes towards failure
2012m.html#29 Cultural attitudes towards failure
2012l.html#97 What a Caveman Can Teach You About Strategy
2012l.html#62 Singer Cartons of Punch Cards
2012l.html#58 Singer Cartons of Punch Cards
2012l.html#50 Arming for the Navy's Return to History
2012l.html#45 Introducing John Boyd
2012l.html#5 Cultural attitudes towards failure
2012l.html#2 Cultural attitudes towards failure
2012k.html#87 Cultural attitudes towards failure
2012i.html#51 Is this Boyd's fundamental postulate, 'to improve our capacity for independent action'? thoughts please
2012i.html#24 Interesting News Article
2012i.html#0 Interesting News Article
2012h.html#68 Interesting News Article
2012h.html#63 Is this Boyd's fundamental postulate, 'to improve our capacity for independent action'?
2012h.html#21 The Age of Unsatisfying Wars
2012f.html#88 Defense acquisitions are broken and no one cares
2012e.html#104 Time to Think ... and to Listen
2012e.html#78 Time to Think ... and to Listen
2012e.html#71 Disruptive Thinkers: Defining the Problem
2012e.html#70 Disruptive Thinkers: Defining the Problem
2012e.html#25 We are on the brink of historic decision [referring to defence cuts]
2012d.html#68 Memory versus processor speed
2012d.html#53 "Scoring" The Romney Tax Plan: Trillions Of Dollars Of Deficits As Far As The Eye Can See
2012b.html#75 The Winds of Reform
2011p.html#142 We are on the brink of a historic decision [referring to defence cuts]
2011p.html#34 21st Century Management approach?
2011l.html#34 Scotland, was Re: Solving the Floating-Point Goldilocks Problem!
2011l.html#17 Washington's Cult of Continuous Failure
2011l.html#8 The True Cost of 9/11 -- Includes 18 Veteran Suicides a Day
2011l.html#0 Justifying application of Boyd to a project manager
2011k.html#88 Justifying application of Boyd to a project manager
2011k.html#49 50th anniversary of BASIC, COBOL?
2011k.html#42 Senator urges DoD: Do better job defending F-35
2011i.html#32 Happy 100th Birthday, IBM!
2011h.html#43 Happy 100th Birthday, IBM!
2011f.html#28 US military spending has increased 81% since 2001
2011e.html#65 End of an era
2011e.html#33 The real cost of outsourcing (and offshoring)
2011e.html#18 End of an era
2011d.html#83 End of an era
2011.html#93 America's Defense Meltdown

perpetual.war -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- 2014-2017 -- back to top/index

private.equity postings (before_2014)

-#- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Private_equity -#- capitalism -#- s&l.crisis -#-
2013o.html#64 "Death of the mainframe"
2013o.html#57 Beyond Snowden: A New Year's Wish For A Better Debate
2013o.html#16 IBM Shrinks - Analysts Hate It
2013m.html#66 NSA Revelations Kill IBM Hardware Sales In China
2013m.html#53 Retirement Savings
2013m.html#0 UK NHS £10bn project failure
2013l.html#60 Retirement Heist
2013l.html#49 The Original IBM Basic Beliefs for those that have never seen them
2013l.html#41 Brazilian TV show accuses NSA of spying on oil firm based on leaked docs
2013l.html#1 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#61 John Boyd's Art of War
2013k.html#60 spacewar
2013k.html#57 The agency problem and how to create a criminogenic environment
2013k.html#51 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#50 IBM Furloughs U.S. Hardware Employees to Reduce Costs
2013k.html#31 China mulls probe into IBM, Oracle, EMC after NSA hack claims - report
2013k.html#29 The agency problem and how to create a criminogenic environment
2013k.html#28 Flag bloat
2013k.html#2 IBM Relevancy in the IT World
2013j.html#74 How the NSA Manipulates Language To Mislead The Public
2013j.html#48 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013j.html#31 IBM vs. Amazon for Cloud
2013j.html#9 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013i.html#81 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013i.html#76 The failure of cyber defence - the mindset is against it
2013i.html#61 Big Data Is Opening Doors, but Maybe Too Many
2013i.html#54 How do you feel about the fact that India has more employees than US?
2013i.html#41 Is newer technology always better? It almost is. Exceptions?
2013i.html#26 Louis V. Gerstner Jr. lays out his post-IBM life
2013i.html#20 Louis V. Gerstner Jr. lays out his post-IBM life
2013i.html#18 Louis V. Gerstner Jr. lays out his post-IBM life - Washington Post
2013h.html#87 IBM going ahead with more U.S. job cuts today
2013h.html#77 IBM going ahead with more U.S. job cuts today
2013g.html#74 What Makes collecting sales taxes Bizarre?
2013g.html#5 SAS Deserting the MF?
2013f.html#61 The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software
2013f.html#49 As an IBM'er just like the Marines only a few good men and women make the cut,
2013f.html#15 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#79 As an IBM'er just like the Marines only a few good men and women make the cut,
2013d.html#76 IBM Spent A Million Dollars Renovating And Staffing Its Former CEO's Office
2013d.html#35 Ex-Bailout Watchdog: JPMorgan's Actions "Entirely Consistent With Fraud"
2012p.html#60 Today in TIME Tech History: Piston-less Power (1959), IBM's Decline (1992), TiVo (1998) and More
2012o.html#32 Does the IBM System z Mainframe rely on Obscurity or is it Security by Design?
2012o.html#14 OT: Tax breaks to Oracle debated
2012n.html#8 General Mills computer
2012m.html#24 Does the IBM System z Mainframe rely on Security by Obscurity or is it Secure by Design
2012l.html#63 Singer Cartons of Punch Cards
2012k.html#75 What's the bigger risk, retiring too soon, or too late?
2012k.html#34 History--punched card transmission over telegraph lines
2012k.html#31 History--punched card transmission over telegraph lines
2012i.html#25 Can anybody give me a clear idea about Cloud Computing in MAINFRAME ?
2012i.html#1 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012h.html#55 The Invention of Email
2012h.html#45 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012h.html#29 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012h.html#27 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012g.html#87 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012g.html#82 How do you feel about the fact that today India has more IBM employees than US?
2012b.html#76 IBM Doing Some Restructuring?
2012b.html#47 Where are all the old tech workers?
2012b.html#43 Where are all the old tech workers?
2012.html#57 The Myth of Work-Life Balance
2012.html#54 Report: Fed Officials Joked About Housing Crisis
2012.html#45 You may ask yourself, well, how did I get here?
2012.html#40 Age of Greed: The Triumph of Finance and the Decline of America, 1970 to the Present
2012.html#37 Romney's Opponents Intensify Attacks as Voting Nears
2012.html#29 Mitt Romney avoids U.S tax by using Offshore bank accounts
2012.html#4 The Myth of Work-Life Balance
2011o.html#71 How Pursuit of Profits Kills Innovation and the U.S. Economy
2011o.html#40 Civilization, doomed?
2011o.html#29 After a Romney Deal, Profits and Then Layoffs
2010i.html#80 Favourite computer history books?
2008s.html#70 Garbage in, garbage out trampled by Moore's law
2008h.html#1 subprime write-down sweepstakes
2008g.html#64 independent appraisers
2008f.html#46 independent appraisers
2008c.html#25 Toyota Sales for 2007 May Surpass GM

private.equity -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- 2014-2017 -- back to top/index

racism postings (before_2014)

-#- inequality -#-
2012h.html#39 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2008o.html#31 The human plague
2004d.html#57 If you're going to bullshit, eschew moderation
2002o.html#54 XML, AI, Cyc, psych, and literature

racism -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- 2014-2017 -- back to top/index

regulatory.capture postings (before_2014)

-#- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regulatory_capture -#- sarbanes-oxley -#-
2013m.html#77 OCC Replies to Elizabeth Warren Reveal Extent of Regulatory Capture on Derivatives
2013k.html#29 The agency problem and how to create a criminogenic environment
2013h.html#55 OT: "Highway Patrol" back on TV
2013d.html#94 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013b.html#35 Adair Turner: A New Debt-Free Money Advocate
2012c.html#54 PC industry is heading for more change
2012c.html#39 Greek knife to Wall Street
2011i.html#25 Happy 100th Birthday, IBM!

regulatory.capture -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- 2014-2017 -- back to top/index

s&l.crisis postings (before_2014)

-#- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Savings_and_loan_crisis -#- capitalism -#- private.equity -#- regulatory.capture -#-
2013o.html#31 The Mortgage Wars: Inside Fannie Mae, Big-Money Politics, and the Collapse of the American Dream
2013n.html#87 Logics of Transformation
2013m.html#97 Confirmed: the US DoJ will not put the bankers in jail, no matter how deep the fraud
2013m.html#28 The Reformers
2013m.html#1 OT: NYT article--the rich get richer
2013l.html#64 OT: NYT article--the rich get richer
2013l.html#58 OT: NYT article--the rich get richer
2013l.html#57 What the Orgy of "Lehman Five Years On" Stories Missed
2013l.html#43 OT: NYT article--the rich get richer
2013l.html#9 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013l.html#8 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013l.html#2 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#87 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#86 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#59 John Boyd's Art of War
2013k.html#57 The agency problem and how to create a criminogenic environment
2013k.html#54 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#52 The agency problem and how to create a criminogenic environment
2013k.html#43 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#41 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#36 The Incredible Con the Banksters Pulled on the FBI
2013k.html#35 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#32 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#29 The agency problem and how to create a criminogenic environment
2013k.html#26 The agency problem and how to create a criminogenic environment
2013k.html#21 Justice Dept. Sues Bank of America Over Mortgage Securities
2013j.html#80 Why DOJ Deemed Bank Execs Too Big To Jail
2013j.html#73 Why DOJ Deemed Bank Execs Too Big To Jail
2013j.html#61 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013j.html#18 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013h.html#65 OT: "Highway Patrol" back on TV
2013e.html#86 What Makes a thread about the European debt crisis Bizarre?
2013d.html#70 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#68 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#64 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#40 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013d.html#25 Senator Sherrod Brown Drops a Bombshell in Mary Jo White's Hearing
2013b.html#50 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013b.html#44 Adair Turner: A New Debt-Free Money Advocate
2013.html#68 Choice of Mary Jo White to Head SEC Puts Fox In Charge of Hen House
2013.html#49 Insider Fraud: What to Monitor
2013.html#0 IBM Is Changing The Terms Of Its Retirement Plan, Which Is Frustrating Some Employees
2012o.html#73 These Two Charts Show How The Priorities Of US Companies Have Gotten Screwed Up
2012o.html#69 Can Open Source Ratings Break the Ratings Agency Oligopoly?
2012o.html#26 Why bankers rule the world
2012o.html#7 Beyond the 10,000 Hour Rule
2012n.html#12 Why Auditors Fail To Detect Frauds?
2012n.html#3 General Mills computer
2012m.html#71 General Mills computer
2012m.html#56 General Mills computer
2012m.html#51 General Mills computer
2012k.html#89 Auditors Don't Know Squat!
2012k.html#43 Core characteristics of resilience
2012j.html#65 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012i.html#41 Lawmakers reworked financial portfolios after talks with Fed, Treasury officials
2012g.html#76 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012g.html#71 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012g.html#6 Adult Supervision
2012f.html#80 The Failure of Central Planning
2012f.html#75 Fed Report: Mortgage Mess NOT an Inside Job
2012e.html#20 Are mothers naturally better at OODA because they always have the Win in mind?
2012d.html#16 IBM cuts more than 1,000 U.S. Workers
2012d.html#5 PC industry is heading for more change
2012c.html#44 New Citigroup Looks Too Much Like the Old One
2012c.html#37 US real-estate has lost $7T in value
2012b.html#84 A Conversation with Peter Thiel
2012b.html#19 "Buffett Tax" and truth in numbers
2011o.html#41 Civilization, doomed?
2011o.html#37 Civilization, doomed?
2011n.html#82 The men who crashed the world
2011n.html#73 Did You Hear the One About the Bankers?
2011n.html#49 The men who crashed the world
2011m.html#18 computer bootlaces
2011m.html#14 computer bootlaces
2011k.html#60 50th anniversary of BASIC, COBOL?
2011j.html#35 Advice from Richard P. Feynman
2011j.html#24 rating agencies
2011j.html#7 Innovation and iconoclasm
2011i.html#24 Happy 100th Birthday, IBM!
2011i.html#21 Happy 100th Birthday, IBM!
2011i.html#19 Happy 100th Birthday, IBM!
2011f.html#66 Bank email archives thrown open in financial crash report
2011f.html#43 Massive Fraud, Common Crime, No Prosecutions
2011e.html#74 The first personal computer (PC)
2011e.html#60 In your opinon, what is the highest risk of financial fraud for a corporation ?
2011e.html#48 On Protectionism
2011e.html#41 On Protectionism
2011d.html#80 The first personal computer (PC)
2011d.html#25 The first personal computer (PC)
2011b.html#59 Productivity And Bubbles
2011b.html#42 Productivity And Bubbles
2011b.html#27 The Zippo Lighter theory of the financial crisis (or, who do we want to blame?)
2011.html#94 The Curly Factor -- Prologue
2011.html#49 What do you think about fraud prevention in the governments?
2010p.html#78 TCM's Moguls documentary series
2010p.html#6 What banking is. (Essential for predicting the end of finance as we know it.)
2010o.html#24 What Is MERS and What Role Does It Have in the Foreclosure Mess?
2010o.html#21 Compressing the OODA-Loop - Removing the D (and maybe even an O)
2010n.html#38 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010n.html#33 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010m.html#9 Who is Really to Blame for the Financial Crisis?
2010m.html#8 Who is Really to Blame for the Financial Crisis?
2010l.html#40 Who is Really to Blame for the Financial Crisis?
2010l.html#38 Who is Really to Blame for the Financial Crisis?
2010k.html#29 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
2010k.html#6 taking down the machine - z9 series
2010i.html#84 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010i.html#79 Favourite computer history books?
2010i.html#7 The Enablers for this "Real Estate Crisis"- Willful Blindness, Greed or more?
2010h.html#22 In the News: SEC storms the 'Castle'
2010f.html#84 The 2010 Census
2010d.html#56 search engine history, was Happy DEC-10 Day
2010b.html#26 Happy DEC-10 Day
2009n.html#47 Opinions on the 'Unix Haters' Handbook'
2009n.html#13 UK issues Turning apology (and about time, too)
2009i.html#59 Credit cards
2009g.html#46 What's your personal confidence level concerning financial market recovery?
2009g.html#27 Flawed Credit Ratings Reap Profits as Regulators Fail Investors
2009f.html#65 Just posted third article about toxic assets in a series on the current financial crisis
2009c.html#65 is it possible that ALL banks will be nationalized?
2009c.html#61 Accounting for the "greed factor"
2009c.html#32 How to defeat new telemarketing tactic
2009c.html#18 How to defeat new telemarketing tactic
2009c.html#6 How to defeat new telemarketing tactic
2009b.html#79 How to defeat new telemarketing tactic
2009b.html#78 How to defeat new telemarketing tactic
2009b.html#1 Are Both The U.S. & UK on the brink of debt disaster?
2009.html#63 CROOKS and NANNIES: what would Boyd do?
2008s.html#60 Garbage in, garbage out trampled by Moore's law
2008s.html#55 Is this the story behind the crunchy credit stuff?
2008s.html#35 Is American capitalism and greed to blame for our financial troubles in the US?
2008s.html#23 Garbage in, garbage out trampled by Moore's law
2008r.html#67 What is securitization and why are people wary of it ?
2008q.html#57 Blinkenlights
2008q.html#26 Blinkenlights
2008q.html#20 How is Subprime crisis impacting other Industries?
2008q.html#19 Collateralized debt obligations (CDOs)
2008q.html#11 Blinkenlights
2008p.html#60 Did sub-prime cause the financial mess we are in?
2008p.html#47 In Modeling Risk, the Human Factor Was Left Out
2008p.html#9 Do you believe a global financial regulation is possible?
2008p.html#8 Global Melt Down
2008o.html#82 Greenspan testimony and securization
2008o.html#80 Can we blame one person for the financial meltdown?
2008o.html#78 Who murdered the financial system?
2008o.html#75 In light of the recent financial crisis, did Sarbanes-Oxley fail to work?
2008o.html#65 Can the financial meltdown be used to motivate sustainable development in order to achieve sustainable growth and desired sustainability?
2008o.html#52 Why is sub-prime crisis of America called the sub-prime crisis?
2008o.html#39 The human plague
2008o.html#28 Does anyone get the idea that those responsible for containing this finanical crisis are doing too much?
2008o.html#26 SOX (Sarbanes-Oxley Act), is this really followed and worthful considering current Financial Crisis?
2008o.html#19 What's your view of current global financial / economical situation?
2008o.html#18 Once the dust settles, do you think Milton Friedman's economic theories will be laid to rest
2008o.html#15 Financial Crisis - the result of uncontrolled Innovation?
2008o.html#14 Blinkylights
2008n.html#74 Why can't we analyze the risks involved in mortgage-backed securities?
2008n.html#69 Another quiet week in finance
2008n.html#56 VMware Chief Says the OS Is History
2008n.html#49 VMware Chief Says the OS Is History
2008n.html#37 Success has many fathers, but failure has the US taxpayer
2008n.html#24 Blinkylights
2008n.html#14 Blinkylights
2008m.html#99 Blinkylights
2008m.html#95 Blinkylights
2008m.html#92 Blinkylights
2008m.html#26 Fraud due to stupid failure to test for negative
2008m.html#12 Fraud due to stupid failure to test for negative
2008l.html#67 dollar coins
2008k.html#33 dollar coins
2008k.html#18 dollar coins
2008k.html#11 dollar coins
2008k.html#8 Calling Out
2008j.html#69 lack of information accuracy
2008j.html#38 dollar coins
2008j.html#23 dollar coins
2008i.html#104 dollar coins
2008i.html#77 Do you think the change in bankrupcy laws has exacerbated the problems in the housing market leading more people into forclosure?
2008i.html#64 Is the credit crunch a short term aberation
2008i.html#30 subprime write-down sweepstakes
2008i.html#4 A Merit based system of reward -Does anybody (or any executive) really want to be judged on merit?
2008h.html#89 Credit Crisis Timeline
2008h.html#49 subprime write-down sweepstakes
2008h.html#48 subprime write-down sweepstakes
2008h.html#32 subprime write-down sweepstakes
2008h.html#28 subprime write-down sweepstakes
2008h.html#8a Using Military Philosophy to Drive High Value Sales
2008h.html#1 subprime write-down sweepstakes
2008g.html#64 independent appraisers
2008g.html#59 Credit crisis could cost nearly $1 trillion, IMF predicts
2008g.html#57 Credit crisis could cost nearly $1 trillion, IMF predicts
2008g.html#51 IBM CEO's remuneration last year ?
2008g.html#4 CDOs subverting Boyd's OODA-loop
2008f.html#89 Bush - place in history
2008f.html#86 Banks failing to manage IT risk - study
2008f.html#79 Bush - place in history
2008f.html#71 Bush - place in history
2008f.html#28 US aerospace and defense sector braces for potential brain drain as Cold War workers retire
2008f.html#13 independent appraisers
2008e.html#59 independent appraisers
2006k.html#49 Value of an old IBM PS/2 CL57 SX Laptop
2004e.html#19 Message To America's Students: The War, The Draft, Your Future

s&l.crisis -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- 2014-2017 -- back to top/index

sarbanes-oxley postings (before_2014)

-#- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarbanes-Oxley_Act -#- enron -#- financial.reporting.fraud -#- regulatoory.capture -#- whistleblower -#-
2013o.html#17 Book-Cooking Bank Gets to Keep Cooked Books
2013m.html#85 How do you feel about IBM passing off it's retirees to ObamaCare?
2013m.html#84 3Q earnings are becoming the norm at IBM. What is IBM management overlooking?
2013l.html#64 OT: NYT article--the rich get richer
2013l.html#52 Lehman Brothers collapse: was capitalism to blame?
2013l.html#43 OT: NYT article--the rich get richer
2013l.html#16 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013l.html#7 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#87 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#64 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#50 IBM Furloughs U.S. Hardware Employees to Reduce Costs
2013k.html#45 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#29 The agency problem and how to create a criminogenic environment
2013k.html#10 What Makes Infrastructure investment not bizarre
2013j.html#80 Why DOJ Deemed Bank Execs Too Big To Jail
2013j.html#76 Barclays, Traders Fined $487.9 Million by U.S. Regulator
2013j.html#75 The Most dishonest bankers walk away with the most monety
2013j.html#73 Why DOJ Deemed Bank Execs Too Big To Jail
2013j.html#15 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013j.html#14 Barclays, Traders Fined $487.9 Million by U.S. Regulator
2013h.html#68 OT: "Highway Patrol" back on TV
2013h.html#30 'Big four' accountants 'use knowledge of Treasury to help rich avoid tax'
2013h.html#11 Become a millionaire and never work again - by being a whistleblower. Fair or perverse?
2013g.html#80 'Big four' accountants 'use knowledge of Treasury to help rich avoid tax'
2013f.html#24 What Makes a substance Bizarre?
2013f.html#1 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013f.html#0 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#95 Secrecy for Sale: Inside the Global Offshore Money Maze
2013e.html#94 KPMG quits as Skechers and Herbalife auditor amid insider trading allegations
2013d.html#76 IBM Spent A Million Dollars Renovating And Staffing Its Former CEO's Office
2013d.html#71 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#64 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#31 Bank Whistleblower Claims Retaliation And Wrongful Termination
2013d.html#25 Senator Sherrod Brown Drops a Bombshell in Mary Jo White's Hearing
2013b.html#70 Implementing a Whistle-Blower Program - Detecting and Preventing Fraud at Workplace
2013b.html#41 Adair Turner: A New Debt-Free Money Advocate
2013b.html#35 Adair Turner: A New Debt-Free Money Advocate
2013b.html#30 Email Trails Show Bankers Behaving Badly
2013.html#60 Choice of Mary Jo White to Head SEC Puts Fox In Charge of Hen House
2013.html#49 Insider Fraud: What to Monitor
2013.html#42 Professor Coffee Hits a Nerve at SEC
2013.html#4 HSBC's Settlement Leaves Us In A Scary Place
2013.html#1 IBM Is Changing The Terms Of Its Retirement Plan, Which Is Frustrating Some Employees
2013.html#0 IBM Is Changing The Terms Of Its Retirement Plan, Which Is Frustrating Some Employees
2012p.html#64 IBM Is Changing The Terms Of Its Retirement Plan, Which Is Frustrating Some Employees
2012p.html#48 Search Google, 1960:s-style
2012p.html#30 Search Google, 1960:s-style
2012p.html#24 OCC Confirms that Big Banks are Badly Managed, Lack Adequate Risk Management Controls
2012o.html#14 OT: Tax breaks to Oracle debated
2012n.html#20 General Mills computer
2012n.html#12 Why Auditors Fail To Detect Frauds?
2012n.html#1 STOP PRESS! An Auditor has been brought to task for a failed bank!
2012m.html#19 Why Auditors Fail To Detect Frauds?
2012l.html#14 The growing openness of an organization's infrastructure has greatly impacted security landscape
2012l.html#0 Quelle Surprise! SEC Plans to Make the World Safer for Fraudsters, Push Through JOBS Act Con-Artist-Friendly Solicitation Rules
2012k.html#89 Auditors Don't Know Squat!
2012k.html#13 Is there a connection between your strategic and tactical assertions?
2012j.html#85 Study: One in Five Firms Misrepresent Earnings
2012j.html#60 Auditors All Fall Down; PFGBest and MF Global Frauds Reveal Weak Watchdogs
2012j.html#50 The Games Played By JP Morgan Chase
2012j.html#36 UH-OH: $220 Million May Be Missing From Brokerage
2012i.html#41 Lawmakers reworked financial portfolios after talks with Fed, Treasury officials
2012h.html#42 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012g.html#78 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012g.html#67 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012g.html#59 Why Hasn't The Government Prosecuted Anyone For The 2008 Financial recession?
2012g.html#20 Psychology Of Fraud: Why Good People Do Bad Things
2012g.html#14 Psychology Of Fraud: Why Good People Do Bad Things
2012g.html#6 Adult Supervision
2012f.html#91 Psychology Of Fraud: Why Good People Do Bad Things
2012f.html#84 How do you feel about the fact that India has more employees than US?
2012f.html#74 Psychology Of Fraud: Why Good People Do Bad Things
2012f.html#66 Predator GE: We Bring Bad Things to Life
2012e.html#57 speculation
2012e.html#30 Senators Who Voted Against Ending Big Oil Tax Breaks Received Millions From Big Oil
2012d.html#39 Fannie and Freddie must go - here's how
2012d.html#16 IBM cuts more than 1,000 U.S. Workers
2012d.html#12 Gordon Gekko Says
2012d.html#5 PC industry is heading for more change
2012c.html#54 PC industry is heading for more change
2012c.html#45 Fannie, Freddie Charge Taxpayers For Legal Bills
2012c.html#37 US real-estate has lost $7T in value
2012c.html#31 US real-estate has lost $7T in value
2012c.html#13 Study links ultrafast machine trading with risk of crash
2012c.html#0 New theory of moral behavior may explain recent ethical lapses in banking industry
2012b.html#87 The Benefit and The Burden
2012b.html#54 The New Age Bounty Hunger -- Showdown at the SEC Corral
2012b.html#53 Can America Lead the World's Fight Against Corruption?
2012b.html#44 What's the most interesting thing you do in your non-work life?
2012b.html#19 "Buffett Tax" and truth in numbers
2012.html#70 Regulatory Agency logo
2012.html#26 What's your favorite quote on "accountability"?
2012.html#18 SEC v. Citigroup, How to Avoid (Greater) Disaster
2012.html#1 The war on terabytes
2011p.html#147 The Myth of Work-Life Balance
2011p.html#137 The High Cost of Failing Artificial Hips
2011p.html#92 Bank Failures Cost $88 Billion
2011p.html#65 Why (my, all) financial systems fail -- information complexity
2011p.html#63 21st Century Management approach?
2011p.html#29 21st Century Management approach?
2011p.html#24 Case Study: SOX IT Compliance
2011p.html#23 Security 2012: Blood in the Water
2011p.html#12 Why are organizations sticking with mainframes?
2011p.html#9 The Dumbest Idea In The World: Maximizing Shareholder Value
2011p.html#0 The men who crashed the world
2011o.html#82 How Pursuit of Profits Kills Innovation and the U.S. Economy
2011o.html#11 End Bonuses for Bankers
2011n.html#86 PDCA vs. OODA
2011n.html#49 The men who crashed the world
2011n.html#1 Banks Awash in Cash, Which Isn't Good News
2011m.html#33 Deloitte sued for $7.6 billion, accused of missing fraud
2011l.html#8 The True Cost of 9/11 -- Includes 18 Veteran Suicides a Day
2011k.html#60 50th anniversary of BASIC, COBOL?
2011k.html#20 Study shows powerful corporations really do control the world's finances
2011k.html#15 Is the SEC Covering Up Wall Street Crimes?
2011j.html#40 Advice from Richard P. Feynman
2011j.html#38 Advice from Richard P. Feynman
2011j.html#24 rating agencies
2011i.html#67 U.S. can't account for $8.7 billion of Iraq's money: audit
2011i.html#19 Happy 100th Birthday, IBM!
2011h.html#66 Senate Democrats Ask House to Boost SEC Funding
2011g.html#52 Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room
2011g.html#47 Lords: Auditors guilty of 'dereliction of duty'
2011g.html#40 Fight Fraud with Device ID
2011g.html#5 How they failed to catch Madoff
2011f.html#88 Court OKs Firing of Boeing Computer-Security Whistleblowers
2011f.html#86 Bank email archives thrown open in financial crash report
2011f.html#64 Are Americans serious about dealing with money laundering and the drug cartels?
2011f.html#62 Mixing Auth and Non-Auth Modules
2011f.html#52 Are Americans serious about dealing with money laundering and the drug cartels?
2011f.html#35 At least two decades back, some gurus predicted that mainframes would disappear
2011e.html#60 In your opinon, what is the highest risk of financial fraud for a corporation ?
2011e.html#56 In your opinon, what is the highest risk of financial fraud for a corporation ?
2011e.html#36 On Protectionism
2011e.html#9 I actually miss working at IBM
2011e.html#7 I actually miss working at IBM
2011d.html#78 I actually miss working at IBM
2011d.html#28 The first personal computer (PC)
2011d.html#23 The first personal computer (PC)
2011b.html#42 Productivity And Bubbles
2011.html#80 Chinese and Indian Entrepreneurs Are Eating America's Lunch
2011.html#48 What do you think about fraud prevention in the governments?
2011.html#46 What do you think about fraud prevention in the governments?
2010q.html#58 Programmer Charged with thieft (maybe off topic)
2010q.html#53 Programmer Charged with thieft (maybe off topic)
2010q.html#31 Ernst & Young sued for fraud over Lehman
2010q.html#29 Ernst & Young sued for fraud over Lehman
2010q.html#21 Ernst & Young called to account -- should Audit firms be investigated for their role in the crisis?
2010p.html#54 TCM's Moguls documentary series
2010p.html#6 What banking is. (Essential for predicting the end of finance as we know it.)
2010o.html#71 They always think we don't understand
2010o.html#22 60 Minutes News Report:Unemployed for over 99 weeks!
2010n.html#55 The 10 Highest-Paid CEOs Who Laid Off The Most Employees
2010n.html#35 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010m.html#62 Dodd-Frank Act Makes CEO-Worker Pay Gap Subject to Disclosure
2010l.html#38 Who is Really to Blame for the Financial Crisis?
2010l.html#17 History--automated payroll processing by other than a computer?
2010k.html#46 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
2010i.html#84 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010i.html#48 "Fraud & Stupidity Look a Lot Alike"
2010i.html#42 "Fraud & Stupidity Look a Lot Alike"
2010i.html#34 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010h.html#67 The Python and the Mongoose: it helps if you know the rules of engagement
2010h.html#43 COBOL - no longer being taught - is a problem
2010h.html#15 The Revolving Door and S.E.C. Enforcement
2010f.html#46 not even sort of about The 2010 Census
2010f.html#33 The 2010 Census
2010f.html#4 LPARs: More or Less?
2010b.html#81 Happy DEC-10 Day
2009s.html#47 Audits VII: the future of the Audit is in your hands
2009s.html#45 Audits VII: the future of the Audit is in your hands
2009p.html#64 Failing The Sniff Test: Researchers Find New Way To Spot Fraud
2009o.html#71 "Rat Your Boss" or "Rats to Riches," the New SEC
2009n.html#20 UK issues Turning apology (and about time, too)
2009n.html#17 UK issues Turning apology (and about time, too)
2009m.html#89 Audits V: Why did this happen to us ;-(
2009j.html#30 An Amazing Document On Madoff Said To Have Been Sent To SEC In 2005
2009j.html#12 IBM identity manager goes big on role control
2009i.html#60 In the USA "financial regulator seeks power to curb excess speculation."
2009g.html#33 Treating the Web As an Archive
2009g.html#7 Just posted third article about toxic assets in a series on the current financial crisis
2009f.html#51 On whom or what would you place the blame for the sub-prime crisis?
2009f.html#29 What is the real basis for business mess we are facing today?
2009f.html#2 CEO pay sinks - Wall Street Journal/Hay Group survey results just released
2009e.html#37 How do you see ethics playing a role in your organizations current or past?
2009e.html#36 Architectural Diversity
2009e.html#35 Architectural Diversity
2009e.html#13 Should we fear and hate derivatives?
2009e.html#0 What is swap in the financial market?
2009d.html#75 Whistleblowing and reporting fraud
2009d.html#73 Should Glass-Steagall be reinstated?
2009d.html#63 Do bonuses foster unethical conduct?
2009d.html#62 Is Wall Street World's Largest Ponzi Scheme where Madoff is Just a Poster Child?
2009d.html#61 Quiz: Evaluate your level of Spreadsheet risk
2009d.html#42 Bernard Madoff Is Jailed After Pleading Guilty -- are there more "Madoff's" out there?
2009d.html#37 NEW SEC (Enforcement) MANUAL, A welcome addition
2009d.html#22 Is it time to put banking executives on trial?
2009d.html#10 Who will Survive AIG or Derivative Counterparty Risk?
2009d.html#3 Congress Set to Approve Pay Cap of $500,000
2009d.html#0 PNC Financial to pay CEO $3 million stock bonus
2009c.html#48 How to defeat new telemarketing tactic
2009c.html#44 How to defeat new telemarketing tactic
2009c.html#29 How to defeat new telemarketing tactic
2009c.html#20 Decision Making or Instinctive Steering?
2009c.html#3 How to defeat new telemarketing tactic
2009c.html#1 Audit II: Two more scary words: Sarbanes-Oxley
2009c.html#0 Audit II: Two more scary words: Sarbanes-Oxley
2009b.html#80 How to defeat new telemarketing tactic
2009b.html#73 What can we learn from the meltdown?
2009b.html#59 As bonuses...why breed greed, when others are in dire need?
2009b.html#57 Credit & Risk Management ... go Simple ?
2009b.html#54 In your opinion, which facts caused the global crise situation?
2009b.html#53 Credit & Risk Management ... go Simple ?
2009b.html#52 What has the Global Financial Crisis taught the Nations, it's Governments and Decision Makers, and how should they apply that knowledge to manage risks differently in the future?
2009b.html#37 A great article was posted in another BI group: "To H*** with Business Intelligence: 40 Percent of Execs Trust Gut"
2009b.html#36 A great article was posted in another BI group: "To H*** with Business Intelligence: 40 Percent of Execs Trust Gut"
2009b.html#25 The recently revealed excesses of John Thain, the former CEO of Merrill Lynch, while the firm was receiving $25 Billion in TARP funds makes me sick
2009.html#80 Are reckless risks a natural fallout of "excessive" executive compensation ?
2009.html#73 CROOKS and NANNIES: what would Boyd do?
2009.html#57 CROOKS and NANNIES: what would Boyd do?
2009.html#53 CROOKS and NANNIES: what would Boyd do?
2009.html#52 The Credit Crunch: Why it happened?
2009.html#15 What are the challenges in risk analytics post financial crisis?
2008s.html#41 Executive pay: time for a trim?
2008s.html#30 How reliable are the credit rating companies? Who is over seeing them?
2008s.html#28 Garbage in, garbage out trampled by Moore's law
2008s.html#24 Garbage in, garbage out trampled by Moore's law
2008s.html#20 Five great technological revolutions
2008s.html#9 Blind-sided, again. Why?
2008s.html#8 Top financial firms of US are eyeing on bailout. It implies to me that their "Risk Management Department's" assessment was way below expectations
2008s.html#5 Greed - If greed was the cause of the global meltdown then why does the biz community appoint those who so easily succumb to its temptations?
2008r.html#61 The vanishing CEO bonus
2008r.html#10 Blinkylights
2008q.html#69 if you are an powerful financial regulator , how would you have stopped the credit crunch?
2008q.html#58 Obama, ACORN, subprimes (Re: Spiders)
2008q.html#51 Obama, ACORN, subprimes (Re: Spiders)
2008q.html#50 Obama, ACORN, subprimes (Re: Spiders)
2008q.html#19 Collateralized debt obligations (CDOs)
2008q.html#14 realtors (and GM, too!)
2008p.html#8 Global Melt Down
2008o.html#75 In light of the recent financial crisis, did Sarbanes-Oxley fail to work?
2008o.html#71 Why is sub-prime crisis of America called the sub-prime crisis?
2008o.html#68 Blinkenlights
2008o.html#38 The human plague
2008o.html#31 The human plague
2008o.html#28 Does anyone get the idea that those responsible for containing this finanical crisis are doing too much?
2008o.html#26 SOX (Sarbanes-Oxley Act), is this really followed and worthful considering current Financial Crisis?
2008n.html#82 Fraud in financial institution
2008n.html#74 Why can't we analyze the risks involved in mortgage-backed securities?
2008n.html#72 Why was Sarbanes-Oxley not good enough to sent alarms to the regulators about the situation arising today?
2008n.html#69 Another quiet week in finance
2008n.html#56 VMware Chief Says the OS Is History
2008n.html#53 Your thoughts on the following comprehensive bailout plan please
2008n.html#37 Success has many fathers, but failure has the US taxpayer
2008n.html#2 Blinkylights
2008n.html#0 Blinkylights
2008j.html#64 lack of information accuracy
2008g.html#17 Hannaford breach illustrates dangerous compliance mentality
2008.html#78 As Expected, Ford Falls From 2nd Place in U.S. Sales
2008.html#71 As Expected, Ford Falls From 2nd Place in U.S. Sales
2007r.html#61 The new urgency to fix online privacy
2007o.html#0 The Unexpected Fact about the First Computer Programmer
2007j.html#75 IBM Unionization
2007j.html#74 IBM Unionization
2007j.html#0 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007b.html#63 Is Silicon Valley strangeled by SOX?
2006u.html#22 AOS: The next big thing in data storage
2006o.html#35 the personal data theft pandemic continues
2006j.html#28 Password Complexity
2006i.html#1 Sarbanes-Oxley
2006h.html#58 Sarbanes-Oxley
2006h.html#33 The Pankian Metaphor

sarbanes-oxley -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- 2014-2017 -- back to top/index

security.proportional.to.risk postings (before_2014)

2013o.html#79 Would Target cybersecurity breach occur with a digital ID system?
2013o.html#66 Target breach likely involved inside knowledge, experts say
2013o.html#59 Target breach likely involved inside knowledge, experts say
2013o.html#52 Secret contract tied NSA and security industry pioneer
2013j.html#69 OSI: The Internet That Wasn't
2013j.html#46 Feds indict indentity theft ring
2013j.html#45 U.S. agents 'got lucky' pursuing accused Russia master hackers
2013h.html#22 Check out Moto X: Motorola reveals plans for ink and even pills to replace AL
2013g.html#90 Experts: Network security deteriorating, privacy a lost cause
2013f.html#47 Pirate Bay co-founder charged with hacking IBM mainframes, stealing money
2012l.html#10 Cultural attitudes towards failure
2012e.html#85 Slide Show: 10 SQL Injection Tools For Database Pwnage
2012e.html#17 Data theft: Hacktivists 'steal more than criminals'
2012d.html#63 Fans of Threat Modelling reach for their guns ... but can they afford the bullets?
2012d.html#49 Do you know where all your sensitive data is located?
2012c.html#11 The 15 Worst Data Security Breaches of the 21st Century
2012c.html#6 The 15 Worst Data Security Breaches of the 21st Century
2012b.html#94 public key, encryption and trust
2012b.html#70 Four Sources of Trust, Crypto Not Scaling
2011o.html#13 Two-Factor Authentication - Hardware token or SMS OTP
2011o.html#1 Silicoin
2011n.html#47 PCI and the Insider Threat
2011n.html#15 Wicked Problems
2011l.html#47 Does outsourcing cause data loss?
2011j.html#63 Why do defenders keep losing to smaller cyberwarriors?
2011h.html#60 Cyberwar vs. Cyber-Espionage vs. Cybercrime
2011g.html#48 Is the magic and romance killed by Windows (and Linux)?
2011g.html#23 Fight Fraud with Device ID
2011b.html#36 Internal Fraud and Dollar Losses
2011.html#26 Julian Assange - Hero or Villain
2010q.html#58 Programmer Charged with thieft (maybe off topic)
2010q.html#25 Economic espionage discussed
2010p.html#25 CARD AUTHENTICATION TECHNOLOGY - Embedded keypad on Card - Is this the future
2010o.html#76 e-commerce smackdown as PCI standards revised
2010o.html#53 The Credit Card Criminals Are Getting Crafty
2010o.html#50 The Credit Card Criminals Are Getting Crafty
2010o.html#36 Cookies Are Dead in the Fight Against Fraud
2010o.html#31 Survey Outlines Compliance Challenge Among Small Merchants
2010o.html#28 Survey Outlines Compliance Challenge Among Small Merchants
2010o.html#8 PCI: Smaller Merchants Threatened
2010n.html#49 ZeuS attacks mobiles in bnak SMS bypass scam
2010n.html#46 Who are these people who think cybersecurity experts are crying wolf?
2010n.html#28 Will new card innovation help interchange and improve retention?
2010n.html#23 Credit Card with a Computer Inside
2010m.html#72 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010m.html#64 How Safe Are Online Financial Transactions?
2010m.html#29 Are we spending too little on security? Or are we spending too much??
2010m.html#6 Five Theses on Security Protocols
2010m.html#2 Five Theses on Security Protocols
2010l.html#79 Five Theses on Security Protocols
2010l.html#77 Five Theses on Security Protocols
2010l.html#72 A slight modification of my comments on PKI
2010l.html#70 A slight modification of my comments on PKI
2010k.html#5 The Attacker's Advantage
2010i.html#58 Cyber Self Defense: Reduce Your Attack Surface
2010i.html#25 Retailers blamed for making people vulnerable to credit card fraud and ID theft
2010g.html#84 In SSL We Trust? Not Lately
2010f.html#75 Is Security a Curse for the Cloud Computing Industry?
2010f.html#29 Cyberattacks raise e-banking security fears
2010e.html#3 "Unhackable" Infineon Chip Physically Cracked - PCWorld
2009s.html#39 Six Months Later, MasterCard Softens a Controversial PCI Rule
2009r.html#55 Verizon report goes deep inside data breach investigations
2009p.html#72 Crypto dongles to secure online transactions
2009n.html#7 Some companies are selling the idea that you can use just a (prox) physical access badge (single factor) for logical access as acceptable
2009n.html#3 Hacker charges also an indictment on PCI, expert says
2009m.html#62 August 7, 1944: today is the 65th Anniversary of the Birth of the Computer
2009m.html#22 PCI SSC Seeks standard for End to End Encryption?
2009m.html#13 PCI Council Releases Recommendations For Preventing Card-Skimming Attacks
2009l.html#53 Hacker charges also an indictment on PCI, expert says
2009l.html#39 Network Rivalry Sparks 10-Year Quadrupling of PIN-Debit Pricing
2009k.html#54 The satate of software
2009j.html#51 Replace the current antiquated credit card system
2009j.html#41 How can we stop Credit card FRAUD?
2009j.html#33 IBM touts encryption innovation
2009j.html#31 password safes for mac
2009j.html#13 PCI SSC Seeks Input on Security Standards
2009j.html#11 Is anyone aware of a system that offers three layers of security and ID protection for online purchases or even over the counter POS purchases?
2009i.html#53 Merchant Groups Ask for Broad Changes in Letter to PCI's Overseer
2009i.html#20 Online Banking's Innate Security Flaws
2009g.html#11 Top 10 Cybersecurity Threats for 2009, will they cause creation of highly-secure Corporate-wide Intranets?
2009g.html#10 Top 10 Cybersecurity Threats for 2009, will they cause creation of highly-secure Corporate-wide Intranets?
2009f.html#57 Data masking/data disguise Primer 1) WHY
2009f.html#36 PCI security rules may require reinforcements
2009d.html#72 Why Are CC Numbers Still So Easy To Find?
2009d.html#69 PCI Compliance
2009d.html#6 Heartland Data Breach Update: Now More Than 150 Institutions Impacted
2009b.html#62 Study: Data breaches continue to get more costly for businesses
2009b.html#13 US credit card payment house breaches by sniffing malware
2009.html#71 CROOKS and NANNIES: what would Boyd do?
2009.html#10 Swedish police warn of tampered credit card terminals
2009.html#4 Is SUN going to become x86'ed ??
2008s.html#35 Is American capitalism and greed to blame for our financial troubles in the US?
2008s.html#28 Garbage in, garbage out trampled by Moore's law
2008s.html#24 Garbage in, garbage out trampled by Moore's law
2008s.html#10 Data leakage - practical measures to improve Information Governance
2008s.html#5 Greed - If greed was the cause of the global meltdown then why does the biz community appoint those who so easily succumb to its temptations?
2008r.html#53 21 million German bank account details on black market
2008p.html#7 Dealing with the neew MA ID protection law
2008p.html#5 Privacy, Identity theft, account fraud
2008o.html#76 Blinkenlights
2008o.html#17 what will be a wow feature in a credit card
2008o.html#16 Is Information Security driven by compliance??
2008o.html#13 What risk of possible data leakage do you see for your organization?
2008n.html#90 Credit Card Security
2008n.html#75 Should online transactions be allowed on credit cards without adequate safeguards?
2008n.html#54 In your experience which is a superior debit card scheme - PIN based debit or signature debit?
2008m.html#72 What are security areas to be addressed before starting an e-commerce transaction or setting up a portal?
2008m.html#71 TJ Maxx - why are they still in business?
2008m.html#56 With all the highly publicised data breeches and losses, are we all wasting our time?
2008l.html#52 Payments Security in RFS
2008i.html#101 We're losing the battle
2008i.html#55 Is data classification the right approach to pursue a risk based information security program?
2008i.html#21 Worst Security Threats?
2008h.html#20 handling the SPAM on this group
2008c.html#47 Data Erasure Products
2008.html#5 folklore indeed
2008.html#4 folklore indeed
2008.html#2 folklore indeed
2007v.html#97 folklore indeed
2007v.html#91 Tap and faucet and spellcheckers
2007v.html#90 folklore indeed
2007v.html#87 Data Breaches Soar In 2007
2007v.html#86 folklore indeed
2007l.html#48 My Dream PC -- Chip-Based
2007l.html#40 My Dream PC -- Chip-Based
2007l.html#39 My Dream PC -- Chip-Based
2007l.html#35 My Dream PC -- Chip-Based
2007j.html#15 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007i.html#64 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007h.html#56 T.J. Maxx data theft worse than first reported
2007h.html#22 sizeof() was: The Perfect Computer - 36 bits?
2007g.html#20 T.J. Maxx data theft worse than first reported
2007f.html#68 Securing financial transactions a high priority for 2007
2007f.html#36 Silly beginner questions
2007f.html#31 Is that secure : <form action="https" from a local HTML page ?
2007e.html#61 Securing financial transactions a high priority for 2007
2007e.html#26 Securing financial transactions a high priority for 2007
2007e.html#2 Securing financial transactions a high priority for 2007
2007d.html#57 Which is the Fastest (Secure) Way to Exchange 256-bit Keys?
2007c.html#44 Securing financial transactions a high priority for 2007
2007c.html#40 Point-of-Sale security
2007c.html#38 Securing financial transactions a high priority for 2007
2007c.html#37 Securing financial transactions a high priority for 2007
2007c.html#27 Securing financial transactions a high priority for 2007
2007c.html#26 Securing financial transactions a high priority for 2007
2007c.html#11 Decoding the encryption puzzle
2007c.html#10 Securing financial transactions a high priority for 2007
2007c.html#9 Decoding the encryption puzzle
2007c.html#8 Securing financial transactions a high priority for 2007
2007c.html#6 Securing financial transactions a high priority for 2007
2007b.html#60 Securing financial transactions a high priority for 2007
2007b.html#33 security engineering versus information security
2007b.html#8 Special characters in passwords was Re: RACF - Password rules
2006v.html#49 Patent buster for a method that increases password security
2006v.html#2 New attacks on the financial PIN processing
2006t.html#40 Encryption and authentication
2006t.html#5 Are there more stupid people in IT than there used to be?
2006s.html#5 Why not 2048 or 4096 bit RSA key issuance?
2006s.html#4 Why not 2048 or 4096 bit RSA key issuance?
2006r.html#29 Intel abandons USEnet news
2006q.html#36 Was FORTRAN buggy?
2006p.html#18 19,000 Accounts Compromised
2006o.html#35 the personal data theft pandemic continues
2006o.html#20 Gen 2 EPC Protocol Approved as ISO 18000-6C
2006m.html#15 OpenSSL Hacks
2006k.html#23 Value of an old IBM PS/2 CL57 SX Laptop
2006k.html#16 Value of an old IBM PS/2 CL57 SX Laptop
2006k.html#4 Passwords for bank sites - change or not?
2006h.html#15 Security
2006e.html#44 Does the Data Protection Act of 2005 Make Sense
2006e.html#26 Debit Cards HACKED now
2006d.html#26 Caller ID "spoofing"
2006c.html#34 X.509 and ssh
2006.html#33 The new High Assurance SSL Certificates
2005v.html#4 ABN Tape - Found
2005u.html#33 PGP Lame question
2005u.html#3 PGP Lame question
2005t.html#34 RSA SecurID product
2005t.html#32 RSA SecurID product
2005r.html#7 DDJ Article on "Secure" Dongle
2005p.html#24 Hi-tech no panacea for ID theft woes
2005p.html#6 Innovative password security
2005o.html#2 X509 digital certificate for offline solution
2005l.html#36 More Phishing scams, still no SSL being used
2005l.html#35 More Phishing scams, still no SSL being used
2005l.html#22 The Worth of Verisign's Brand
2005k.html#26 More on garbage
2005k.html#23 More on garbage
2005j.html#53 Banks
2005i.html#36 Improving Authentication on the Internet
2005i.html#22 technical question about fingerprint usbkey
2005i.html#1 Brit banks introduce delays on interbank xfers due to phishing boom
2005g.html#54 Security via hardware?
2005g.html#51 Security via hardware?
2005f.html#60 Where should the type information be: in tags and descriptors
2004m.html#28 Shipwrecks
2004m.html#9 REVIEW: "Biometrics for Network Security", Paul Reid
2004l.html#45 "Perfect" or "Provable" security both crypto and non-crypto?
2004l.html#40 "Perfect" or "Provable" security both crypto and non-crypto?
2004j.html#15 US fiscal policy (Was: Bob Bemer, Computer Pioneer,Father of ASCII,Invento
2004j.html#0 New Method for Authenticated Public Key Exchange without Digital Certificates
2004f.html#36 MITM attacks
2004f.html#8 racf
2004b.html#48 Automating secure transactions
2004b.html#39 SSL certificates
2004.html#29 passwords
2003o.html#46 What 'NSA'?
2003m.html#51 public key vs passwd authentication?
2003m.html#11 AES-128 good enough for medical data?
2003l.html#64 Can you use ECC to produce digital signatures? It doesn't see
2002o.html#67 smartcard+fingerprint
2002o.html#56 Certificate Authority: Industry vs. Government
2002n.html#44 public-key cryptography impossible?
2002n.html#26 Help! Good protocol for national ID card?
2002n.html#25 Help! Good protocol for national ID card?
2002n.html#20 Help! Good protocol for national ID card?
2002m.html#19 A new e-commerce security proposal
2002m.html#14 fingerprint authentication
2002l.html#35 Cryptography
2002l.html#12 IEEE article on intelligence and security
2002l.html#11 IEEE article on intelligence and security
2002j.html#63 SSL integrity guarantees in abscense of client certificates
2002j.html#14 Symmetric-Key Credit Card Protocol on Web Site
2002i.html#72 A Lesson In Security
2002f.html#23 Computers in Science Fiction
2002d.html#28 Security Proportional to Risk (was: IBM Mainframe at home)
2002d.html#25 Security Proportional to Risk (was: IBM Mainframe at home)
2002d.html#24 Security Proportional to Risk (was: IBM Mainframe at home)
2002d.html#11 Security Proportional to Risk (was: IBM Mainframe at home)
2002d.html#9 Security Proportional to Risk (was: IBM Mainframe at home)
2002d.html#8 Security Proportional to Risk (was: IBM Mainframe at home)
2001l.html#2 Why is UNIX semi-immune to viral infection?
2001j.html#5 E-commerce security????
2001j.html#2 E-commerce security????
2001h.html#61 Net banking, is it safe???

security.proportional.to.risk -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- 2014-2017 -- back to top/index

stock.buyback postings (before_2014)

-#- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Share_repurchase -#- capitalism -#-
2013o.html#64 "Death of the mainframe"
2013o.html#16 IBM Shrinks - Analysts Hate It
2013o.html#15 IBM Shrinks - Analysts Hate It
2013o.html#14 Microsoft, IBM lobbying seen killing key anti-patent troll proposal
2013n.html#60 Bridgestone Sues IBM For $600 Million Over Allegedly 'Defective' System That Plunged The Company Into 'Chaos'
2013n.html#14 IBM board OK repurchase of another $15B of stock
2013n.html#1 IBM board OK repurchase of another $15B of stock
2013m.html#85 How do you feel about IBM passing off it's retirees to ObamaCare?
2013m.html#84 3Q earnings are becoming the norm at IBM. What is IBM management overlooking?
2013m.html#61 IBM now employs more workers in India than US
2013m.html#37 Why is the mainframe so expensive?
2013m.html#24 Voyager 1 just left the solar system using less computing powerthan your iP
2013l.html#60 Retirement Heist
2013l.html#49 The Original IBM Basic Beliefs for those that have never seen them
2013k.html#57 The agency problem and how to create a criminogenic environment
2013k.html#51 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#50 IBM Furloughs U.S. Hardware Employees to Reduce Costs
2013k.html#2 IBM Relevancy in the IT World
2013g.html#69 What Makes collecting sales taxes Bizarre?
2013g.html#5 SAS Deserting the MF?
2013f.html#63 The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software
2013f.html#49 As an IBM'er just like the Marines only a few good men and women make the cut,
2013f.html#34 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013f.html#30 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013f.html#23 What Makes weapons control Bizarre?
2013f.html#13 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013f.html#5 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013f.html#3 What Makes a thread about the European debt crisis Bizarre?
2012p.html#11 IBM Is Changing The Terms Of Its Retirement Plan, Which Is Frustrating Some Employees
2012j.html#74 What voters are really choosing in November
2012.html#77 Age of Greed: The Triumph of Finance and the Decline of America, 1970 to the Present
2010i.html#81 BMC reveals 'free money' mainframe and DB2 tools

stock.buyback -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- 2014-2017 -- back to top/index

success.of.failure postings (before_2014)

-#- http://www.govexec.com/excellence/management-matters/2007/04/the-success-of-failure/24107/ -#-
2013o.html#83 NSA surveillance played little role in foiling terror plots, experts say
2013o.html#76 Should New Limits Be Put on N.S.A. Surveillance?
2013o.html#70 Who broke the law, Snowden or the NSA?
2013o.html#57 Beyond Snowden: A New Year's Wish For A Better Debate
2013o.html#39 60 Minutes Puff Piece Claims NSA Saved U.S. From Cyberterrorism
2013o.html#38 'Free Unix!': The world-changing proclamation made30yearsagotoday
2013o.html#33 60 Minutes Puff Piece Claims NSA Saved U.S. From Cyberterrorism
2013n.html#9 America's Defense Amnesia
2013n.html#1 IBM board OK repurchase of another $15B of stock
2013m.html#69 PDCA vs. OODA
2013m.html#66 NSA Revelations Kill IBM Hardware Sales In China
2013m.html#28 The Reformers
2013m.html#0 UK NHS £10bn project failure
2013l.html#41 Brazilian TV show accuses NSA of spying on oil firm based on leaked docs
2013l.html#11 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#65 NASA Finally Figured Out How to Develop Technology -- Then Promptly Forgot
2013k.html#57 The agency problem and how to create a criminogenic environment
2013k.html#37 Do You Want Better Security? Eliminate System Administrators!
2013k.html#31 China mulls probe into IBM, Oracle, EMC after NSA hack claims - report
2013j.html#84 copyright protection/Doug Englebart
2013j.html#83 copyright protection/Doug Englebart
2013j.html#51 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013j.html#48 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013i.html#76 The failure of cyber defence - the mindset is against it
2013i.html#65 The Real Snowden Question
2013i.html#41 Is newer technology always better? It almost is. Exceptions?
2013i.html#26 Louis V. Gerstner Jr. lays out his post-IBM life
2013h.html#61 NYT: N.S.A. Chief Says Phone Logs Halted Terror Threats
2013h.html#57 OT: "Highway Patrol" back on TV
2013h.html#54 NSA phone records
2013h.html#53 NSA phone records
2013e.html#67 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#50 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#54 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013c.html#86 A Matter of Mindset: Iraq, Sequestration and the U.S. Army
2013c.html#45 A Matter of Mindset: Iraq, Sequestration and the U.S. Army
2013c.html#39 NPC Luncheon with Thomas Drake, NSA Whistleblower
2013c.html#16 A Matter of Mindset: Iraq, Sequestration and the U.S. Army
2013b.html#63 NBC's website hacked with malware
2013b.html#62 America Is Basically Helpless Against The Chinese Hackers
2012l.html#5 Cultural attitudes towards failure
2012k.html#87 Cultural attitudes towards failure
2012k.html#19 SnOODAn: Boyd, Snowden, and Resilience
2012i.html#50 Is there a connection between your strategic and tactical assertions?
2012i.html#49 Early use of the word "computer"
2012i.html#45 Simulated PDP-11 Blinkenlight front panel for SimH
2012i.html#44 Simulated PDP-11 Blinkenlight front panel for SimH
2012i.html#42 Simulated PDP-11 Blinkenlight front panel for SimH
2012i.html#34 Israel Has A Long List Of Problems But Its New Missile Defense Isn't One Of Them
2012h.html#21 The Age of Unsatisfying Wars
2012g.html#89 FAA air traffic facility consolidation effort already late
2012f.html#88 Defense acquisitions are broken and no one cares
2012f.html#82 Defense budget casualties light on civilian side
2012f.html#44 Time to Think ... and to Listen
2012e.html#104 Time to Think ... and to Listen
2012e.html#71 Disruptive Thinkers: Defining the Problem
2012e.html#70 Disruptive Thinkers: Defining the Problem
2012e.html#20 Are mothers naturally better at OODA because they always have the Win in mind?
2012d.html#60 Memory versus processor speed
2012d.html#57 Study Confirms The Government Produces The Buggiest Software
2012d.html#44 Faster, Better, Cheaper: Why Not Pick All Three?
2012d.html#42 China's J-20 Stealth Fighter Is Already Doing A Whole Lot More Than Anyone Expected
2012d.html#36 McCain calls for U.S.-led airstrikes in Syria
2012b.html#86 Spontaneous conduction
2012b.html#80 U.S. Cybersecurity Debate Risks Leaving Critical Infrastructure in the Dark
2012b.html#76 IBM Doing Some Restructuring?
2012b.html#42 Strategy subsumes culture
2012b.html#39 PC industry is heading for more change
2012b.html#15 The PC industry is heading for collapse
2012b.html#14 The PC industry is heading for collapse
2011p.html#145 What's Wrong With the US Defense R&D Budget?
2011p.html#142 We are on the brink of a historic decision [referring to defence cuts]
2011p.html#63 21st Century Management approach?
2011p.html#34 21st Century Management approach?
2011o.html#66 Civilization, doomed?
2011o.html#7 John R. Opel, RIP
2011n.html#88 What separates Sun Tzu & John Boyd as Martial thinkers
2011n.html#39 Beyond Patriot? The Multinational MEADS Air Defense Program
2011l.html#34 Scotland, was Re: Solving the Floating-Point Goldilocks Problem!
2011l.html#30 computer bootlaces
2011l.html#25 computer bootlaces
2011l.html#17 Washington's Cult of Continuous Failure
2011l.html#8 The True Cost of 9/11 -- Includes 18 Veteran Suicides a Day
2011l.html#0 Justifying application of Boyd to a project manager
2011k.html#48 50th anniversary of BASIC, COBOL?
2011k.html#41 Rafael Team with Raytheon to Offer Iron Dome in the U.S
2011j.html#33 China Builds Fleet of Small Warships While U.S. Drifts
2011i.html#79 Innovation and iconoclasm
2011i.html#36 Having left IBM, seem to be reminded that IBM is not the same IBM I had joined
2011g.html#72 77,000 federal workers paid more than governors
2011g.html#34 Congratulations, where was my invite?
2011g.html#32 Congratulations, where was my invite?
2011c.html#45 If IBM Hadn't Bet the Company
2011b.html#0 America's Defense Meltdown
2010q.html#69 No command, and control
2010q.html#5 Off-topic? When governments ask computers for an answer
2010p.html#78 TCM's Moguls documentary series
2010k.html#18 taking down the machine - z9 series
2010f.html#84 The 2010 Census
2010f.html#38 F.B.I. Faces New Setback in Computer Overhaul
2010b.html#26 Happy DEC-10 Day
2010b.html#19 STEM crisis
2009o.html#41 U.S. house decommissions its last mainframe, saves $730,000
2009o.html#25 Opinions on the 'Unix Haters' Handbook'
2008m.html#55 With all the highly publicised data breeches and losses, are we all wasting our time?
2008m.html#41 IBM--disposition of clock business
2007u.html#63 folklore indeed
2007q.html#62 Fixing our fraying Internet infrastructure
2007m.html#36 Future of System/360 architecture?
2007l.html#46 My Dream PC -- Chip-Based
2007h.html#29 sizeof() was: The Perfect Computer - 36 bits?

success.of.failure -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- 2014-2017 -- back to top/index

tax.evasion postings (before_2014)

-#- capitalism -#- inequality -#-
2013n.html#97 ACA (Obamacare) website problems--article
2013m.html#66 NSA Revelations Kill IBM Hardware Sales In China
2013l.html#68 OT: NYT article--the rich get richer
2013l.html#64 OT: NYT article--the rich get richer
2013l.html#60 Retirement Heist
2013l.html#16 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013l.html#1 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#73 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#71 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#69 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#64 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#60 spacewar
2013k.html#57 The agency problem and how to create a criminogenic environment
2013k.html#38 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#32 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#2 IBM Relevancy in the IT World
2013j.html#26 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013j.html#19 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013j.html#3 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013i.html#90 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013i.html#89 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013i.html#81 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013i.html#79 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013i.html#65 The Real Snowden Question
2013i.html#54 How do you feel about the fact that India has more employees than US?
2013h.html#55 OT: "Highway Patrol" back on TV
2013h.html#41 Is newer technology always better? It almost is. Exceptions?
2013h.html#25 'Big four' accountants 'use knowledge of Treasury to help rich avoid tax'
2013g.html#91 'Big four' accountants 'use knowledge of Treasury to help rich avoid tax'
2013g.html#86 How Wall Street Defanged Dodd-Frank
2013g.html#80 'Big four' accountants 'use knowledge of Treasury to help rich avoid tax'
2013f.html#69 The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software
2013f.html#30 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013f.html#17 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013f.html#16 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013f.html#14 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013f.html#13 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013f.html#11 Secrecy for Sale: Inside the Global Offshore Money Maze
2013f.html#6 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013f.html#2 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013f.html#0 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#95 Secrecy for Sale: Inside the Global Offshore Money Maze
2013e.html#93 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#91 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#89 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#86 What Makes a thread about the European debt crisis Bizarre?
2013e.html#70 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#59 What Makes bank regulation and insurance Bizarre?
2013e.html#49 What Makes bank regulation and insurance Bizarre?
2013e.html#46 Secrecy for Sale: Inside the Global Offshore Money Maze
2013e.html#27 Secrecy for Sale: Inside the Global Offshore Money Maze
2013d.html#36 Bank Whistleblower Claims Retaliation And Wrongful Termination
2012p.html#35 Search Google, 1960:s-style
2012m.html#38 General Mills computer
2012m.html#20 Hundreds Of Billions Of Dollars Expected To Be Withdrawn From Swiss Banks Amid Tax Evasion Crackdown
2012k.html#74 Unthinkable, Predictable Disasters
2012k.html#45 If all of the American earned dollars hidden in off shore accounts were uncovered and taxed do you think we would be able to close the deficit gap?
2012j.html#81 GBP13tn: hoard hidden from taxman by global elite
2012h.html#71 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012h.html#64 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012h.html#33 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012h.html#30 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012h.html#27 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012h.html#5 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012.html#34 Mitt Romney avoids U.S tax by using Offshore bank accounts
2012.html#29 Mitt Romney avoids U.S tax by using Offshore bank accounts
2011p.html#37 No Jail In UBS Tax Evasion Case
2011n.html#80 A Close Look at the Perry Tax Plan
2011n.html#42 The Godfather of Kathmandu
2011m.html#20 Million Corporation march on Washington
2011m.html#5 computer bootlaces
2011m.html#0 computer bootlaces
2011l.html#68 computer bootlaces
2011k.html#18 What Uncle Warren doesn't mention
2011k.html#4 Geithner, Bernanke have little in arsenal to fight new crisis
2011j.html#41 Advice from Richard P. Feynman
2011d.html#22 The first personal computer (PC)
2010.html#55 Daylight Savings Time again
2009q.html#77 Now is time for banks to replace core system according to Accenture
2009b.html#12 Amid Economic Turbulence, Mainframes Counter IT Cost-Cutting Trend
2007b.html#0 sealand up for sale

tax.evasion -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- 2014-2017 -- back to top/index

team.b postings (before_2014)

-#- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Team_B -#- military.industrial.complex -#- capitalism -#-
2013o.html#32 U.S. Sidelined as Iraq Becomes Bloodier
2013n.html#85 U.S. Sidelined as Iraq Becomes Bloodier
2013n.html#44 'Free Unix!': The world-changing proclamationmade30yearsagotoday
2013m.html#52 Steve B sees what investors think
2013m.html#28 The Reformers
2013k.html#87 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#84 spacewar
2013k.html#76 spacewar
2013k.html#59 John Boyd's Art of War
2013k.html#57 The agency problem and how to create a criminogenic environment
2013k.html#41 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013j.html#48 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013j.html#36 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013j.html#30 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013i.html#23 OT: "Highway Patrol" back on TV
2013i.html#21 OT: "Highway Patrol" back on TV
2013h.html#41 Is newer technology always better? It almost is. Exceptions?
2013g.html#92 A Matter of Mindset: Iraq
2013g.html#74 What Makes collecting sales taxes Bizarre?
2013g.html#62 What Makes collecting sales taxes Bizarre?
2013g.html#54 What Makes collecting sales taxes Bizarre?
2013g.html#53 What Makes collecting sales taxes Bizarre?
2013f.html#53 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013f.html#30 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013f.html#7 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#76 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#56 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#54 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#20 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#5 Lessons Learned from the Iraq War

team.b -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- 2014-2017 -- back to top/index

too-big-to-fail postings (before_2014)

-#- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Too_big_to_fail -#- economic.mess -#- toxic.cdo -#- zirp -#-
2013o.html#78 What Chase And Other Banks Won't Tell You About Selling Your Data
2013o.html#67 What Chase And Other Banks Won't Tell You About Selling Your Data
2013o.html#64 "Death of the mainframe"
2013o.html#48 Citigroup is the Real Reason We Need the Volcker Rule
2013o.html#36 Why Obama's Home Affordable Modification Program Failed
2013o.html#34 The Federal Reserve Lost $9 Trillion? What Liars! They gave that money away!
2013n.html#90 Elizabeth Warren Responds To Third Way Attack By Asking Wall Street To Disclose Ties
2013n.html#89 Another Batch of Wall Street Villains Freed on Technicality
2013n.html#87 Logics of Transformation
2013n.html#86 A Little More on the Computer
2013n.html#53 'Free Unix!': The world-changing proclamationmade30yearsagotoday
2013n.html#45 'Free Unix!': The world-changing proclamationmade30yearsagotoday
2013n.html#44 'Free Unix!': The world-changing proclamationmade30yearsagotoday
2013m.html#97 Confirmed: the US DoJ will not put the bankers in jail, no matter how deep the fraud
2013m.html#90 JPMorgan: Wall Street's Not Saying It's Guilty. It Not Even Sorry
2013m.html#89 Behold The Face Of Central Banker Hubris
2013m.html#77 OCC Replies to Elizabeth Warren Reveal Extent of Regulatory Capture on Derivatives
2013m.html#66 NSA Revelations Kill IBM Hardware Sales In China
2013m.html#53 Retirement Savings
2013m.html#15 OT: NYT article--the rich get richer
2013m.html#13 OT: NYT article--the rich get richer
2013m.html#11 Lending is still lagging according to Reuters. Why do you think that is?
2013m.html#3 Lending is still lagging according to Reuters. Why do you think that is?
2013m.html#1 OT: NYT article--the rich get richer
2013l.html#71 OT: NYT article--the rich get richer
2013l.html#67 OT: NYT article--the rich get richer
2013l.html#64 OT: NYT article--the rich get richer
2013l.html#60 Retirement Heist
2013l.html#58 OT: NYT article--the rich get richer
2013l.html#48 Ex-Wall Street chieftains living large in post-meltdown world
2013l.html#47 OT: NYT article--the rich get richer
2013l.html#45 OT: NYT article--the rich get richer
2013l.html#40 OT: NYT article--the rich get richer
2013l.html#38 OT: NYT article--the rich get richer
2013l.html#37 Money Laundering Exposed As A Key Component Of The Housing Bubble's "All Cash" Bid
2013l.html#36 Ex-Wall Street chieftains living large in post-meltdown world
2013l.html#17 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013l.html#16 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013l.html#14 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013l.html#1 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#86 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#82 spacewar
2013k.html#71 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#57 The agency problem and how to create a criminogenic environment
2013k.html#46 Why DOJ Deemed Bank Execs Too Big To Jail
2013k.html#35 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#34 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#32 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#31 China mulls probe into IBM, Oracle, EMC after NSA hack claims - report
2013k.html#30 Why DOJ Deemed Bank Execs Too Big To Jail
2013k.html#29 The agency problem and how to create a criminogenic environment
2013k.html#28 Flag bloat
2013k.html#26 The agency problem and how to create a criminogenic environment
2013k.html#22 Why DOJ Deemed Bank Execs Too Big To Jail
2013k.html#21 Justice Dept. Sues Bank of America Over Mortgage Securities
2013k.html#20 JPMorgan Nears Settlement on 'London Whale' Case
2013k.html#15 What Makes Infrastructure investment not bizarre
2013k.html#12 What Makes Infrastructure investment not bizarre
2013k.html#10 What Makes Infrastructure investment not bizarre
2013k.html#9 Why DOJ Deemed Bank Execs Too Big To Jail
2013k.html#2 IBM Relevancy in the IT World
2013j.html#83 copyright protection/Doug Englebart
2013j.html#82 copyright protection/Doug Englebart
2013j.html#80 Why DOJ Deemed Bank Execs Too Big To Jail
2013j.html#78 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013j.html#77 Why DOJ Deemed Bank Execs Too Big To Jail
2013j.html#73 Why DOJ Deemed Bank Execs Too Big To Jail
2013j.html#61 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013j.html#22 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013j.html#17 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013j.html#16 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013j.html#4 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013j.html#3 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013j.html#0 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013i.html#89 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013i.html#84 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013i.html#76 The failure of cyber defence - the mindset is against it
2013i.html#54 How do you feel about the fact that India has more employees than US?
2013i.html#41 Is newer technology always better? It almost is. Exceptions?
2013i.html#20 Louis V. Gerstner Jr. lays out his post-IBM life
2013i.html#18 Louis V. Gerstner Jr. lays out his post-IBM life - Washington Post
2013h.html#77 IBM going ahead with more U.S. job cuts today
2013h.html#59 OT: "Highway Patrol" back on TV
2013h.html#57 OT: "Highway Patrol" back on TV
2013h.html#56 OT: "Highway Patrol" back on TV
2013h.html#55 OT: "Highway Patrol" back on TV
2013h.html#50 OT: "Highway Patrol" back on TV
2013h.html#49 OT: "Highway Patrol" back on TV
2013h.html#46 OT: "Highway Patrol" back on TV
2013h.html#37 "Highway Patrol" back on TV
2013h.html#20 How about the old mainframe error messages that actually give you a clue about what's broken
2013g.html#86 How Wall Street Defanged Dodd-Frank
2013g.html#80 'Big four' accountants 'use knowledge of Treasury to help rich avoid tax'
2013f.html#63 The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software
2013f.html#48 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013f.html#36 Fed proposes annual assessments for large financial companies
2013f.html#31 Fed proposes annual assessments for large financial companies
2013f.html#15 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013f.html#11 Secrecy for Sale: Inside the Global Offshore Money Maze
2013f.html#8 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013f.html#6 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013f.html#4 What Makes a thread about the European debt crisis Bizarre?
2013f.html#3 What Makes a thread about the European debt crisis Bizarre?
2013f.html#0 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#86 What Makes a thread about the European debt crisis Bizarre?
2013e.html#83 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#80 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#79 As an IBM'er just like the Marines only a few good men and women make the cut,
2013e.html#45 What Makes bank regulation and insurance Bizarre?
2013e.html#40 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013e.html#37 What Makes bank regulation and insurance Bizarre?
2013e.html#29 What Makes bank regulation and insurance Bizarre?
2013e.html#28 What Makes bank regulation and insurance Bizarre?
2013e.html#23 What Makes bank regulation and insurance Bizarre?
2013e.html#22 What Makes bank regulation and insurance Bizarre?
2013e.html#20 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#19 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#13 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#10 The Knowledge Economy Two Classes of Workers
2013e.html#9 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#7 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013e.html#2 Too-Big-To-Fail, Too-Big-To-Prosecute, Too-Big-To-Jail, not just a problem in the USA
2013e.html#1 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013d.html#97 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#94 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#86 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#84 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#82 What Makes Economic History Bizarre?
2013d.html#81 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#76 IBM Spent A Million Dollars Renovating And Staffing Its Former CEO's Office
2013d.html#67 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#64 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#54 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#42 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#40 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013d.html#35 Ex-Bailout Watchdog: JPMorgan's Actions "Entirely Consistent With Fraud"
2013d.html#25 Senator Sherrod Brown Drops a Bombshell in Mary Jo White's Hearing
2013d.html#20 Y2K hacks
2013d.html#6 Live-Blogging Senate Hearing Tomorrow, When J.P. Morgan Chase Will Be Torn a New One
2013d.html#4 Live-Blogging Senate Hearing Tomorrow, When J.P. Morgan Chase Will Be Torn a New One
2013c.html#90 Query for Destination z article -- mainframes back to the future
2013c.html#66 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013c.html#61 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013c.html#55 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013c.html#26 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013c.html#12 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013c.html#3 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013b.html#76 Capitalism is so broken it can't be fixed Commentary: Saving capitalism will not save America
2013b.html#68 NBC's website hacked with malware
2013b.html#54 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013b.html#53 Should Bethany McLean Be Bothered by the Government Lawsuit Against S&P?
2013b.html#49 Bankers Who Made Millions In Housing Boom Misled Investors: Study
2013b.html#48 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013b.html#47 More Whistleblower Leaks on Foreclosure Settlement Show Both Suppression of Evidence and Gross Incompetence
2013b.html#46 Bankers Who Made Millions In Housing Boom Misled Investors: Study
2013b.html#38 Adair Turner: A New Debt-Free Money Advocate
2013b.html#35 Adair Turner: A New Debt-Free Money Advocate
2013b.html#28 Neil Barofsky: Geithner Doctrine Lives on in Libor Scandal
2013b.html#12 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013b.html#1 Libor Lies Revealed in Rigging of $300 Trillion Benchmark
2013b.html#0 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013.html#51 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013.html#50 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013.html#44 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013.html#34 How Bankers Help Drug Traffickers and Terrorists
2013.html#18 How do we fight bureaucracy and bureaucrats in IBM?
2013.html#4 HSBC's Settlement Leaves Us In A Scary Place
2012p.html#64 IBM Is Changing The Terms Of Its Retirement Plan, Which Is Frustrating Some Employees
2012p.html#62 Search Google, 1960:s-style
2012p.html#48 Search Google, 1960:s-style
2012p.html#39 UBS Faces Potential LIBOR Fine Of $1 Billion -- Twice What Barclays Paid
2012p.html#30 Search Google, 1960:s-style
2012p.html#24 OCC Confirms that Big Banks are Badly Managed, Lack Adequate Risk Management Controls
2012p.html#20 HSBC, SCB Agree to AML Penalties
2012p.html#18 U.S. Treasury, AIG are poised to sever ties
2012o.html#73 These Two Charts Show How The Priorities Of US Companies Have Gotten Screwed Up
2012o.html#17 Initial ideas (orientation) constrain creativity
2012o.html#14 OT: Tax breaks to Oracle debated
2012o.html#10 OT: Tax breaks to Oracle debated
2012n.html#55 U.S. Sues Wells Fargo, Accusing It of Lying About Mortgages
2012n.html#20 General Mills computer
2012n.html#12 Why Auditors Fail To Detect Frauds?
2012n.html#6 General Mills computer
2012n.html#3 General Mills computer
2012n.html#0 General Mills computer
2012m.html#63 General Mills computer
2012m.html#59 General Mills computer
2012m.html#58 General Mills computer
2012m.html#55 General Mills computer
2012m.html#50 General Mills computer
2012m.html#46 General Mills computer
2012m.html#45 General Mills computer
2012m.html#30 General Mills computer
2012m.html#12 Does the IBM System z Mainframe rely on Security by Obscurity or is it Secure by Design
2012l.html#85 Singer Cartons of Punch Cards
2012l.html#66 Singer Cartons of Punch Cards
2012l.html#65 Singer Cartons of Punch Cards
2012l.html#64 Singer Cartons of Punch Cards
2012l.html#63 Singer Cartons of Punch Cards
2012k.html#75 What's the bigger risk, retiring too soon, or too late?
2012k.html#37 If all of the American earned dollars hidden in off shore accounts were uncovered and taxed do you think we would be able to close the deficit gap?
2012k.html#31 History--punched card transmission over telegraph lines
2012k.html#9 Sandy Weill's About-Face on Big Banks
2012k.html#7 Is there a connection between your strategic and tactical assertions?
2012j.html#65 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012j.html#28 Why Asian companies struggle to manage global workers
2012j.html#25 This Is The Wall Street Scandal Of All Scandals
2012i.html#90 Operating System, what is it?
2012i.html#86 Should the IBM approach be given a chance to fix the health care system?
2012i.html#60 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012i.html#29 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012i.html#25 Can anybody give me a clear idea about Cloud Computing in MAINFRAME ?
2012i.html#14 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012h.html#82 Interesting News Article
2012h.html#58 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012h.html#55 The Invention of Email
2012h.html#53 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012h.html#47 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012h.html#45 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012h.html#41 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012h.html#26 US economic update. Everything that follows is a result of what you see here
2012h.html#25 US economic update. Everything that follows is a result of what you see here
2012h.html#21 The Age of Unsatisfying Wars
2012g.html#84 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012g.html#83 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012g.html#70 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012g.html#22 Psychology Of Fraud: Why Good People Do Bad Things
2012g.html#20 Psychology Of Fraud: Why Good People Do Bad Things
2012g.html#12 JPM LOSES $2 BILLION USD!
2012g.html#9 JPM LOSES $2 BILLION USD!
2012g.html#6 Adult Supervision
2012f.html#88 Defense acquisitions are broken and no one cares
2012f.html#75 Fed Report: Mortgage Mess NOT an Inside Job
2012f.html#69 Freefall: America, Free Markets, and the Sinking of the World Economy
2012f.html#14 Free $10 Million Loans For All! and Other Wall Street Notes
2012e.html#86 CISPA legislation seen by many as SOPA 2.0
2012e.html#42 Who Increased the Debt?
2012e.html#40 Who Increased the Debt?
2012e.html#37 The $30 billion Social Security hack
2012e.html#36 The never-ending SCO lawsuit
2012e.html#35 The Dallas Fed Is Calling For The Immediate Breakup Of Large Banks
2012e.html#33 PC industry is heading for more change
2012e.html#31 PC industry is heading for more change
2012e.html#16 Wonder if they know how Boydian they are?
2012e.html#1 The Dallas Fed Is Calling For The Immediate Breakup Of Large Banks
2012d.html#48 IBM cuts more than 1,000 U.S. workers
2012d.html#45 Banks Repaid Fed Bailout With Other Fed Money: Government Report
2012d.html#5 PC industry is heading for more change
2012c.html#55 PC industry is heading for more change
2012c.html#54 PC industry is heading for more change
2012c.html#52 PC industry is heading for more change
2012c.html#46 PC industry is heading for more change
2012c.html#45 Fannie, Freddie Charge Taxpayers For Legal Bills
2012c.html#32 US real-estate has lost $7T in value
2012c.html#31 US real-estate has lost $7T in value
2012b.html#35 Entropy and #SocialMedia
2012.html#25 You may ask yourself, well, how did I get here?
2012.html#0 Revolution Through Banking?
2011p.html#109 Zombie Banks
2011p.html#96 Republicans Propose Bill to Treat Mexican Drug Cartels as 'Terrorist Insurgency'
2011p.html#92 Bank Failures Cost $88 Billion
2011p.html#73 A question for the readership
2011p.html#70 No One Telling Who Took $586B in Fed Swaps
2011p.html#7 FDR explains one dimension of our problem: bankers own the government
2011p.html#3 The Obama Spending Non-surge
2011o.html#83 The banking sector grew seven times faster than gross domestic product since the beginning of the financial crisis and Too-Big-to-Fail: Banks Get Bigger After Dodd-Frank
2011o.html#80 How Pursuit of Profits Kills Innovation and the U.S. Economy
2011o.html#77 How Pursuit of Profits Kills Innovation and the U.S. Economy
2011o.html#76 How Pursuit of Profits Kills Innovation and the U.S. Economy
2011o.html#74 The Wall Street Pentagon Papers: Biggest Scam In World History Exposed: Are The Federal Reserve's Crimes Too Big To Comprehend?
2011o.html#52 Civilization, doomed?
2011o.html#51 The men who crashed the world
2011o.html#37 Civilization, doomed?
2011o.html#28 Confidence in banking: the EU500 supernote, or, we're all money launderers now
2011o.html#10 UAV vis-a-vis F35
2011o.html#7 John R. Opel, RIP
2011o.html#4 The men who crashed the world
2011n.html#82 The men who crashed the world
2011n.html#79 The men who crashed the world
2011n.html#73 Did You Hear the One About the Bankers?
2011n.html#57 The Mortgage Crisis---Some Inside Views
2011n.html#49 The men who crashed the world
2011n.html#41 The men who crashed the world
2011n.html#38 The Mark to Market Fantasy Fraud
2011m.html#75 Banks Awash in Cash, Which Isn't Good News
2011m.html#18 computer bootlaces
2011m.html#14 computer bootlaces
2011m.html#2 computer bootlaces
2011l.html#73 computer bootlaces
2011l.html#69 computer bootlaces
2011l.html#67 computer bootlaces
2011l.html#63 UAV vis-a-vis F35
2011l.html#49 Does outsourcing cause data loss?
2011l.html#40 The Next Convergence: The Future of Economic Growth in a Multispeed World
2011l.html#39 Kabuki Theater 1603-1629
2011k.html#89 The Grand Message in the Conceptual Spiral
2011k.html#81 How Joe and Mary Six Pack Saved Wall Street, London, Frankfurt and Big Corporates in the USA and Europe
2011k.html#60 50th anniversary of BASIC, COBOL?
2011k.html#59 50th anniversary of BASIC, COBOL?
2011k.html#56 50th anniversary of BASIC, COBOL?
2011k.html#53 50th anniversary of BASIC, COBOL?
2011k.html#44 New Scandal at DoJ as Illegal Guitars End Up In Hands of Mexican Drug Lords
2011k.html#25 Wall Street Aristocracy Got $1.2 Trillion in Fed's Secret Loans
2011k.html#22 Slouching toward Weimar
2011k.html#16 Feds Launch Probe Into S&P Mortgage Rates
2011j.html#50 How Many Divisions Does Standard and Poors Have?
2011j.html#45 S&P's History of Relentless Political Advocacy
2011j.html#44 S&P Downgrades USA; Time to Downgrade S&P?
2011j.html#39 Advice from Richard P. Feynman
2011j.html#14 Innovation and iconoclasm
2011i.html#18 Happy 100th Birthday, IBM!
2011i.html#11 'Megalomania, Insanity' Fueled Bubble: Munger
2011i.html#8 'Megalomania, Insanity' Fueled Bubble: Munger
2011h.html#41 Delinquent Homeowners to Get Mortgage Aid from Government
2011h.html#40 Delinquent Homeowners to Get Mortgage Aid from Government
2011h.html#29 Obama: "We don't have enough engineers"
2011h.html#25 US Housing Crisis Is Now Worse Than Great Depression
2011h.html#24 US Housing Crisis Is Now Worse Than Great Depression
2011h.html#10 Home prices may drop another 25%, Shiller predicts
2011h.html#7 Home prices may drop another 25%, Shiller predicts
2011g.html#71 Pressing Obama, House Bars Rise for Debt Ceiling
2011g.html#35 IBM Assembler manuals
2011f.html#86 Bank email archives thrown open in financial crash report
2011f.html#55 Are Americans serious about dealing with money laundering and the drug cartels?
2011f.html#52 Are Americans serious about dealing with money laundering and the drug cartels?
2011e.html#48 On Protectionism
2011e.html#41 On Protectionism
2011e.html#36 On Protectionism
2011d.html#70 The first personal computer (PC)
2011d.html#68 The first personal computer (PC)
2011d.html#28 The first personal computer (PC)
2011d.html#23 The first personal computer (PC)
2011d.html#19 The first personal computer (PC)
2011c.html#46 If IBM Hadn't Bet the Company
2011b.html#56 Productivity And Bubbles
2011b.html#53 Productivity And Bubbles
2011b.html#45 Productivity And Bubbles
2011b.html#42 Productivity And Bubbles
2011b.html#27 The Zippo Lighter theory of the financial crisis (or, who do we want to blame?)
2011b.html#0 America's Defense Meltdown
2011.html#94 The Curly Factor -- Prologue
2011.html#84 The Imaginot Line
2011.html#50 What do you think about fraud prevention in the governments?
2010q.html#66 Ernst & Young sued for fraud over Lehman
2010q.html#58 Programmer Charged with thieft (maybe off topic)
2010p.html#63 TCM's Moguls documentary series
2010p.html#59 TCM's Moguls documentary series
2010p.html#58 TCM's Moguls documentary series
2010p.html#17 What banking is. (Essential for predicting the end of finance as we know it.)
2010p.html#7 What banking is. (Essential for predicting the end of finance as we know it.)
2010n.html#50 TARP Bailout to Cost Less Than Once Anticipated
2010n.html#40 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010n.html#33 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010n.html#29 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010m.html#73 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010m.html#72 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010m.html#68 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010m.html#67 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010m.html#48 A New U.S. Treasury Rule Would Add Millions to Prepaid Ranks
2010m.html#24 Little-Noted, Prepaid Rules Would Cover Non-Banks As Wells As Banks
2010l.html#69 Who is Really to Blame for the Financial Crisis?
2010l.html#65 the Federal Reserve, was Re: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
2010l.html#60 Who is Really to Blame for the Financial Crisis?
2010l.html#53 Who is Really to Blame for the Financial Crisis?
2010l.html#40 Who is Really to Blame for the Financial Crisis?
2010l.html#17 History--automated payroll processing by other than a computer?
2010k.html#43 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
2010j.html#0 Wal-Mart to support smartcard payments
2010i.html#77 Favourite computer history books?
2010h.html#52 Our Pecora Moment
2010h.html#32 In the News: SEC storms the 'Castle'
2010h.html#22 In the News: SEC storms the 'Castle'
2010h.html#15 The Revolving Door and S.E.C. Enforcement
2010f.html#69 The 2010 Census
2010f.html#54 The 2010 Census
2010f.html#51 The 2010 Census
2010f.html#37 The 2010 Census
2010e.html#74 LPARs: More or Less?
2010e.html#52 LPARs: More or Less?
2010d.html#32 search engine history, was Happy DEC-10 Day
2010c.html#49 Happy DEC-10 Day
2010c.html#48 Happy DEC-10 Day
2010c.html#23 Happy DEC-10 Day
2010b.html#86 Oldest Instruction Set still in daily use?
2010b.html#82 Oldest Instruction Set still in daily use?
2010.html#61 Happy DEC-10 Day
2009r.html#61 70 Years of ATM Innovation
2009r.html#47 70 Years of ATM Innovation
2009r.html#46 70 Years of ATM Innovation
2009q.html#47 Is C close to the machine?
2009p.html#47 Opinions on the 'Unix Haters' Handbook
2009p.html#23 Opinions on the 'Unix Haters' Handbook
2009n.html#68 Opinions on the 'Unix Haters' Handbook'
2009n.html#62 Opinions on the 'Unix Haters' Handbook'
2009g.html#20 IBM forecasts 'new world order' for financial services
2009g.html#8 Just posted third article about toxic assets in a series on the current financial crisis
2009f.html#65 Just posted third article about toxic assets in a series on the current financial crisis
2009e.html#82 Architectural Diversity
2009d.html#40 Bernanke Says Regulators Must Protect Against Systemic Risks
2009d.html#36 Bernanke Says Regulators Must Protect Against Systemic Risks
2009d.html#30 I need insight on the Stock Market
2009d.html#3 Congress Set to Approve Pay Cap of $500,000
2009d.html#0 PNC Financial to pay CEO $3 million stock bonus
2009c.html#65 is it possible that ALL banks will be nationalized?
2009c.html#55 Who will give Citigroup the KNOCKOUT blow?
2008r.html#39 Blinkenlights
2008q.html#57 Blinkenlights
2008q.html#28 Blinkenlights
2008c.html#65 No Glory for the PDP-15

too-big-to-fail -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- 2014-2017 -- back to top/index

toxic.cdo postings (before_2014)

-#- economic.mess -#- too-big-to-fail -#-
2013o.html#48 Citigroup is the Real Reason We Need the Volcker Rule
2013o.html#31 The Mortgage Wars: Inside Fannie Mae, Big-Money Politics, and the Collapse of the American Dream
2013n.html#14 IBM board OK repurchase of another $15B of stock
2013m.html#53 Retirement Savings
2013l.html#64 OT: NYT article--the rich get richer
2013l.html#58 OT: NYT article--the rich get richer
2013l.html#52 Lehman Brothers collapse: was capitalism to blame?
2013l.html#48 Ex-Wall Street chieftains living large in post-meltdown world
2013l.html#43 OT: NYT article--the rich get richer
2013l.html#38 OT: NYT article--the rich get richer
2013l.html#36 Ex-Wall Street chieftains living large in post-meltdown world
2013l.html#14 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013l.html#9 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013l.html#7 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013l.html#1 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#86 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#82 spacewar
2013k.html#52 The agency problem and how to create a criminogenic environment
2013k.html#45 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#29 The agency problem and how to create a criminogenic environment
2013k.html#21 Justice Dept. Sues Bank of America Over Mortgage Securities
2013k.html#14 What Makes Infrastructure investment not bizarre
2013k.html#13 Justice Dept. Sues Bank of America Over Mortgage Securities
2013k.html#10 What Makes Infrastructure investment not bizarre
2013j.html#80 Why DOJ Deemed Bank Execs Too Big To Jail
2013j.html#18 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013h.html#68 OT: "Highway Patrol" back on TV
2013h.html#66 OT: "Highway Patrol" back on TV
2013h.html#65 OT: "Highway Patrol" back on TV
2013h.html#55 OT: "Highway Patrol" back on TV
2013g.html#5 SAS Deserting the MF?
2013f.html#61 The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software
2013f.html#49 As an IBM'er just like the Marines only a few good men and women make the cut,
2013f.html#48 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013e.html#90 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#23 What Makes bank regulation and insurance Bizarre?
2013e.html#2 Too-Big-To-Fail, Too-Big-To-Prosecute, Too-Big-To-Jail, not just a problem in the USA
2013d.html#94 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#70 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#68 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#67 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#25 Senator Sherrod Brown Drops a Bombshell in Mary Jo White's Hearing
2013c.html#66 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013b.html#54 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013b.html#46 Bankers Who Made Millions In Housing Boom Misled Investors: Study
2013b.html#41 Adair Turner: A New Debt-Free Money Advocate
2013b.html#39 The Alchemy of Securitization
2013b.html#35 Adair Turner: A New Debt-Free Money Advocate
2013b.html#30 Email Trails Show Bankers Behaving Badly
2013.html#66 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013.html#62 Taleb On "Skin In The Game" And His Disdain For Public Intellectuals
2013.html#54 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013.html#51 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013.html#49 Insider Fraud: What to Monitor
2013.html#34 How Bankers Help Drug Traffickers and Terrorists
2013.html#0 IBM Is Changing The Terms Of Its Retirement Plan, Which Is Frustrating Some Employees
2012p.html#51 Search Google, 1960:s-style
2012p.html#47 Search Google, 1960:s-style
2012p.html#45 Nate Silver is Not Just Wrong, but Maliciously Wrong
2012p.html#0 These Two Charts Show How The Priorities Of US Companies Have Gotten Screwed Up
2012o.html#73 These Two Charts Show How The Priorities Of US Companies Have Gotten Screwed Up
2012o.html#69 Can Open Source Ratings Break the Ratings Agency Oligopoly?
2012o.html#26 Why bankers rule the world
2012o.html#14 OT: Tax breaks to Oracle debated
2012o.html#7 Beyond the 10,000 Hour Rule
2012n.html#55 U.S. Sues Wells Fargo, Accusing It of Lying About Mortgages
2012n.html#20 General Mills computer
2012n.html#12 Why Auditors Fail To Detect Frauds?
2012n.html#6 General Mills computer
2012n.html#1 STOP PRESS! An Auditor has been brought to task for a failed bank!
2012m.html#56 General Mills computer
2012m.html#54 General Mills computer
2012m.html#51 General Mills computer
2012m.html#50 General Mills computer
2012m.html#45 General Mills computer
2012l.html#64 Singer Cartons of Punch Cards
2012k.html#75 What's the bigger risk, retiring too soon, or too late?
2012k.html#43 Core characteristics of resilience
2012j.html#65 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012j.html#28 Why Asian companies struggle to manage global workers
2012h.html#77 Interesting News Article
2012h.html#75 Interesting News Article
2012h.html#32 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012h.html#25 US economic update. Everything that follows is a result of what you see here
2012g.html#22 Psychology Of Fraud: Why Good People Do Bad Things
2012g.html#20 Psychology Of Fraud: Why Good People Do Bad Things
2012g.html#8 Adult Supervision
2012g.html#6 Adult Supervision
2012f.html#84 How do you feel about the fact that India has more employees than US?
2012f.html#75 Fed Report: Mortgage Mess NOT an Inside Job
2012f.html#74 Psychology Of Fraud: Why Good People Do Bad Things
2012f.html#69 Freefall: America, Free Markets, and the Sinking of the World Economy
2012f.html#66 Predator GE: We Bring Bad Things to Life
2012f.html#63 One maths formula and the financial crash
2012e.html#58 Word Length
2012e.html#42 Who Increased the Debt?
2012e.html#40 Who Increased the Debt?
2012e.html#23 Are mothers naturally better at OODA because they always have the Win in mind?
2012e.html#20 Are mothers naturally better at OODA because they always have the Win in mind?
2012d.html#52 Goldman Exec Quits In A Scathing NYT Op-Ed About How The Firm Abuses Its Clients
2012d.html#42 China's J-20 Stealth Fighter Is Already Doing A Whole Lot More Than Anyone Expected
2012d.html#32 PC industry is heading for more change
2012d.html#5 PC industry is heading for more change
2012c.html#54 PC industry is heading for more change
2012c.html#52 PC industry is heading for more change
2012c.html#49 PC industry is heading for more change
2012c.html#48 PC industry is heading for more change
2012c.html#46 PC industry is heading for more change
2012c.html#45 Fannie, Freddie Charge Taxpayers For Legal Bills
2012c.html#38 The Death of MERS
2012c.html#37 US real-estate has lost $7T in value
2012c.html#36 US real-estate has lost $7T in value
2012c.html#32 US real-estate has lost $7T in value
2012c.html#31 US real-estate has lost $7T in value
2012c.html#30 US real-estate has lost $7T in value
2012b.html#95 Bank of America Fined $1 Billion for Mortgage Fraud
2012b.html#65 Why Wall Street Should Stop Whining
2012b.html#19 "Buffett Tax" and truth in numbers
2012.html#32 Wall Street Bonuses May Reach Lowest Level in 3 Years
2012.html#21 Zombie Banks
2011p.html#135 Estimate that WW1 cost $52B
2011p.html#132 Yes Virginia, Electronic Signatures Are Legal
2011p.html#93 World faces 1930-type Depression
2011p.html#92 Bank Failures Cost $88 Billion
2011p.html#88 Fed Report Finds Speculators Played Big Role in Housing Collapse
2011p.html#70 No One Telling Who Took $586B in Fed Swaps
2011p.html#41 The men who crashed the world
2011p.html#31 21st Century Management approach?
2011p.html#23 Security 2012: Blood in the Water
2011p.html#3 The Obama Spending Non-surge
2011o.html#77 How Pursuit of Profits Kills Innovation and the U.S. Economy
2011o.html#76 How Pursuit of Profits Kills Innovation and the U.S. Economy
2011o.html#74 The Wall Street Pentagon Papers: Biggest Scam In World History Exposed: Are The Federal Reserve's Crimes Too Big To Comprehend?
2011o.html#73 How Pursuit of Profits Kills Innovation and the U.S. Economy
2011o.html#68 Building a Better America-One Wealth Quintile at a Time
2011o.html#60 Civilization, doomed?
2011o.html#52 Civilization, doomed?
2011o.html#51 The men who crashed the world
2011o.html#38 Civilization, doomed?
2011o.html#37 Civilization, doomed?
2011o.html#36 Civilization, doomed?
2011o.html#28 Confidence in banking: the EU500 supernote, or, we're all money launderers now
2011n.html#82 The men who crashed the world
2011n.html#79 The men who crashed the world
2011n.html#77 Did You Hear the One About the Bankers?
2011n.html#73 Did You Hear the One About the Bankers?
2011n.html#57 The Mortgage Crisis---Some Inside Views
2011n.html#52 The men who crashed the world
2011n.html#49 The men who crashed the world
2011n.html#41 The men who crashed the world
2011n.html#38 The Mark to Market Fantasy Fraud
2011m.html#18 computer bootlaces
2011l.html#73 computer bootlaces
2011l.html#69 computer bootlaces
2011l.html#67 computer bootlaces
2011l.html#62 The true cost of 9/11: Trillions and trillions wasted on wars, a fiscal catastrophe, and a weaker America
2011l.html#39 Kabuki Theater 1603-1629
2011k.html#81 How Joe and Mary Six Pack Saved Wall Street, London, Frankfurt and Big Corporates in the USA and Europe
2011k.html#60 50th anniversary of BASIC, COBOL?
2011k.html#59 50th anniversary of BASIC, COBOL?
2011k.html#56 50th anniversary of BASIC, COBOL?
2011k.html#25 Wall Street Aristocracy Got $1.2 Trillion in Fed's Secret Loans
2011k.html#16 Feds Launch Probe Into S&P Mortgage Rates
2011k.html#4 Geithner, Bernanke have little in arsenal to fight new crisis
2011k.html#2 First Website Launched 20 Years Ago Today
2011j.html#50 How Many Divisions Does Standard and Poors Have?
2011j.html#45 S&P's History of Relentless Political Advocacy
2011j.html#44 S&P Downgrades USA; Time to Downgrade S&P?
2011j.html#41 Advice from Richard P. Feynman
2011j.html#39 Advice from Richard P. Feynman
2011j.html#38 Advice from Richard P. Feynman
2011j.html#24 rating agencies
2011i.html#19 Happy 100th Birthday, IBM!
2011i.html#16 'Megalomania, Insanity' Fueled Bubble: Munger
2011i.html#13 'Megalomania, Insanity' Fueled Bubble: Munger
2011i.html#11 'Megalomania, Insanity' Fueled Bubble: Munger
2011i.html#2 'Megalomania, Insanity' Fueled Bubble: Munger
2011h.html#29 Obama: "We don't have enough engineers"
2011h.html#25 US Housing Crisis Is Now Worse Than Great Depression
2011h.html#24 US Housing Crisis Is Now Worse Than Great Depression
2011h.html#22 Is BitCoin a triple entry system?
2011h.html#7 Home prices may drop another 25%, Shiller predicts
2011h.html#5 Home prices may drop another 25%, Shiller predicts
2011g.html#71 Pressing Obama, House Bars Rise for Debt Ceiling
2011g.html#55 Mobius Says Financial Crisis 'Around the Corner'
2011g.html#47 Lords: Auditors guilty of 'dereliction of duty'
2011g.html#30 Bank email archives thrown open in financial crash report
2011f.html#66 Bank email archives thrown open in financial crash report
2011f.html#43 Massive Fraud, Common Crime, No Prosecutions
2011e.html#74 The first personal computer (PC)
2011e.html#60 In your opinon, what is the highest risk of financial fraud for a corporation ?
2011e.html#48 On Protectionism
2011e.html#41 On Protectionism
2011e.html#36 On Protectionism
2011e.html#7 I actually miss working at IBM
2011d.html#28 The first personal computer (PC)
2011d.html#25 The first personal computer (PC)
2011d.html#23 The first personal computer (PC)
2011c.html#46 If IBM Hadn't Bet the Company
2011b.html#45 Productivity And Bubbles
2011b.html#43 Productivity And Bubbles
2011b.html#42 Productivity And Bubbles
2011b.html#27 The Zippo Lighter theory of the financial crisis (or, who do we want to blame?)
2011.html#94 The Curly Factor -- Prologue
2011.html#84 The Imaginot Line
2011.html#80 Chinese and Indian Entrepreneurs Are Eating America's Lunch
2011.html#53 What do you think about fraud prevention in the governments?
2011.html#50 What do you think about fraud prevention in the governments?
2011.html#49 What do you think about fraud prevention in the governments?
2011.html#48 What do you think about fraud prevention in the governments?
2011.html#46 What do you think about fraud prevention in the governments?
2010q.html#40 Ernst & Young sued for fraud over Lehman
2010p.html#69 Moody's hints at move that could be catastrophic for US debt
2010p.html#63 TCM's Moguls documentary series
2010p.html#17 What banking is. (Essential for predicting the end of finance as we know it.)
2010p.html#7 What banking is. (Essential for predicting the end of finance as we know it.)
2010o.html#59 They always think we don't understand
2010o.html#24 What Is MERS and What Role Does It Have in the Foreclosure Mess?
2010o.html#22 60 Minutes News Report:Unemployed for over 99 weeks!
2010n.html#50 TARP Bailout to Cost Less Than Once Anticipated
2010n.html#40 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010n.html#38 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010n.html#36 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010n.html#35 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010n.html#33 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010n.html#29 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010m.html#72 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010m.html#9 Who is Really to Blame for the Financial Crisis?
2010m.html#8 Who is Really to Blame for the Financial Crisis?
2010m.html#6 Five Theses on Security Protocols
2010l.html#69 Who is Really to Blame for the Financial Crisis?
2010l.html#56 Who is Really to Blame for the Financial Crisis?
2010l.html#53 Who is Really to Blame for the Financial Crisis?
2010l.html#48 Who is Really to Blame for the Financial Crisis?
2010l.html#40 Who is Really to Blame for the Financial Crisis?
2010l.html#38 Who is Really to Blame for the Financial Crisis?
2010l.html#17 History--automated payroll processing by other than a computer?
2010k.html#46 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
2010k.html#29 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
2010k.html#6 taking down the machine - z9 series
2010j.html#12 Warren Buffett faces hearing over ratings agencies
2010i.html#79 Favourite computer history books?
2010i.html#49 "Fraud & Stupidity Look a Lot Alike"
2010i.html#48 "Fraud & Stupidity Look a Lot Alike"
2010i.html#47 "Fraud & Stupidity Look a Lot Alike"
2010i.html#34 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010i.html#7 The Enablers for this "Real Estate Crisis"- Willful Blindness, Greed or more?
2010i.html#4 Goldman Sachs -- Post SEC complaint. What's next?
2010h.html#32 In the News: SEC storms the 'Castle'
2010h.html#27 In the News: SEC storms the 'Castle'
2010h.html#22 In the News: SEC storms the 'Castle'
2010h.html#15 The Revolving Door and S.E.C. Enforcement
2010f.html#81 The 2010 Census
2010f.html#76 The 2010 Census
2010f.html#69 The 2010 Census
2010f.html#54 The 2010 Census
2010f.html#33 The 2010 Census
2010f.html#15 LPARs: More or Less?
2010e.html#74 LPARs: More or Less?
2010d.html#56 search engine history, was Happy DEC-10 Day
2010d.html#29 search engine history, was Happy DEC-10 Day
2010d.html#26 search engine history, was Happy DEC-10 Day
2010d.html#11 search engine history, was Happy DEC-10 Day
2010d.html#10 search engine history, was Happy DEC-10 Day
2010d.html#8 search engine history, was Happy DEC-10 Day
2010c.html#53 Happy DEC-10 Day
2010c.html#48 Happy DEC-10 Day
2010.html#61 Happy DEC-10 Day
2010.html#37 Happy DEC-10 Day
2009p.html#25 Opinions on the 'Unix Haters' Handbook
2009p.html#23 Opinions on the 'Unix Haters' Handbook
2009o.html#23 Opinions on the 'Unix Haters' Handbook'
2009n.html#68 Opinions on the 'Unix Haters' Handbook'
2009n.html#62 Opinions on the 'Unix Haters' Handbook'
2009n.html#58 Opinions on the 'Unix Haters' Handbook'
2009n.html#56 Opinions on the 'Unix Haters' Handbook'
2009n.html#47 Opinions on the 'Unix Haters' Handbook'
2009n.html#21 UK issues Turning apology (and about time, too)
2009n.html#20 UK issues Turning apology (and about time, too)
2009n.html#17 UK issues Turning apology (and about time, too)
2009n.html#13 UK issues Turning apology (and about time, too)
2009h.html#40 Analysing risk, especially credit risk in Banks, which was a major reason for the current crisis
2009h.html#29 Analysing risk, especially credit risk in Banks, which was a major reason for the current crisis
2009h.html#10 China's yuan 'set to usurp US dollar' as world's reserve currency
2009h.html#3 Consumer Credit Crunch and Banking Writeoffs
2009g.html#61 Prosecute Bank Execs
2009g.html#53 We Can't Subsidize the Banks Forever
2009g.html#52 Future of Financial Mathematics?
2009g.html#37 Future of Financial Mathematics?
2009g.html#34 Board Visibility Into The Business
2009g.html#31 OODA-loop obfuscation
2009g.html#27 Flawed Credit Ratings Reap Profits as Regulators Fail Investors
2009g.html#1 Future of Financial Mathematics?
2009f.html#65 Just posted third article about toxic assets in a series on the current financial crisis
2009f.html#56 What's your personal confidence level concerning financial market recovery?
2009f.html#49 Is the current downturn cyclic or systemic?
2009f.html#43 On whom or what would you place the blame for the sub-prime crisis?
2009f.html#41 On whom or what would you place the blame for the sub-prime crisis?
2009f.html#38 On whom or what would you place the blame for the sub-prime crisis?
2009f.html#35 US banking Changes- TARP Proposl
2009f.html#31 What is the real basis for business mess we are facing today?
2009e.html#70 When did "client server" become part of the language?
2009e.html#53 Are the "brightest minds in finance" finally onto something?
2009e.html#36 Architectural Diversity
2009e.html#30 Timeline: 40 years of OS milestones
2009e.html#23 Should FDIC or the Federal Reserve Bank have the authority to shut down and take over non-bank financial institutions like AIG?
2009e.html#15 The background reasons of Credit Crunch
2009e.html#8 The background reasons of Credit Crunch
2009d.html#77 Who first mentioned Credit Crunch?
2009d.html#74 Why is everyone talking about AIG bonuses of millions and keeping their mouth shut on billions sent to foreign banks?
2009d.html#73 Should Glass-Steagall be reinstated?
2009d.html#62 Is Wall Street World's Largest Ponzi Scheme where Madoff is Just a Poster Child?
2009d.html#46 Bernanke Says Regulators Must Protect Against Systemic Risks
2009d.html#42 Bernard Madoff Is Jailed After Pleading Guilty -- are there more "Madoff's" out there?
2009d.html#37 NEW SEC (Enforcement) MANUAL, A welcome addition
2009d.html#28 I need insight on the Stock Market
2009d.html#22 Is it time to put banking executives on trial?
2009d.html#18 HSBC is expected to announce a profit, which is good, what did they do differently?
2009d.html#16 The Formula That Killed Wall Street
2009d.html#7 Are Ctibank's services and products so vital to global economy than no other banks can substitute it?
2009d.html#0 PNC Financial to pay CEO $3 million stock bonus
2009c.html#67 How to defeat new telemarketing tactic
2009c.html#65 is it possible that ALL banks will be nationalized?
2009c.html#61 Accounting for the "greed factor"
2009c.html#55 Who will give Citigroup the KNOCKOUT blow?
2009c.html#53 How to defeat new telemarketing tactic
2009c.html#51 How to defeat new telemarketing tactic
2009c.html#38 People to Blame for the Financial Crisis
2009c.html#32 How to defeat new telemarketing tactic
2009c.html#29 How to defeat new telemarketing tactic
2009c.html#16 How to defeat new telemarketing tactic
2009c.html#8 How to defeat new telemarketing tactic
2009c.html#6 How to defeat new telemarketing tactic
2009c.html#1 Audit II: Two more scary words: Sarbanes-Oxley
2009b.html#80 How to defeat new telemarketing tactic
2009b.html#79 How to defeat new telemarketing tactic
2009b.html#78 How to defeat new telemarketing tactic
2009b.html#73 What can we learn from the meltdown?
2009b.html#59 As bonuses...why breed greed, when others are in dire need?
2009b.html#57 Credit & Risk Management ... go Simple ?
2009b.html#54 In your opinion, which facts caused the global crise situation?
2009b.html#53 Credit & Risk Management ... go Simple ?
2009b.html#52 What has the Global Financial Crisis taught the Nations, it's Governments and Decision Makers, and how should they apply that knowledge to manage risks differently in the future?
2009b.html#51 Will the Draft Bill floated in Congress yesterday to restrict trading of naked Credit Default Swaps help or aggravate?
2009b.html#49 US disaster, debts and bad financial management
2009b.html#37 A great article was posted in another BI group: "To H*** with Business Intelligence: 40 Percent of Execs Trust Gut"
2009b.html#25 The recently revealed excesses of John Thain, the former CEO of Merrill Lynch, while the firm was receiving $25 Billion in TARP funds makes me sick
2009b.html#23 BarCampBank - informal finance rantathon in London
2009b.html#1 Are Both The U.S. & UK on the brink of debt disaster?
2009.html#80 Are reckless risks a natural fallout of "excessive" executive compensation ?
2009.html#79 The Credit Crunch: Why it happened?
2009.html#77 CROOKS and NANNIES: what would Boyd do?
2009.html#74 CROOKS and NANNIES: what would Boyd do?
2009.html#73 CROOKS and NANNIES: what would Boyd do?
2009.html#63 CROOKS and NANNIES: what would Boyd do?
2009.html#52 The Credit Crunch: Why it happened?
2009.html#42 Lets play Blame Game...?
2009.html#32 What are the challenges in risk analytics post financial crisis?
2009.html#31 Banks to embrace virtualisation in 2009: survey
2009.html#21 Banks to embrace virtualisation in 2009: survey
2009.html#15 What are the challenges in risk analytics post financial crisis?
2009.html#14 What are the challenges in risk analytics post financial crisis?
2008s.html#60 Garbage in, garbage out trampled by Moore's law
2008s.html#59 Garbage in, garbage out trampled by Moore's law
2008s.html#55 Is this the story behind the crunchy credit stuff?
2008s.html#35 Is American capitalism and greed to blame for our financial troubles in the US?
2008s.html#30 How reliable are the credit rating companies? Who is over seeing them?
2008s.html#24 Garbage in, garbage out trampled by Moore's law
2008s.html#23 Garbage in, garbage out trampled by Moore's law
2008s.html#20 Five great technological revolutions
2008s.html#9 Blind-sided, again. Why?
2008s.html#8 Top financial firms of US are eyeing on bailout. It implies to me that their "Risk Management Department's" assessment was way below expectations
2008r.html#67 What is securitization and why are people wary of it ?
2008r.html#64 Is This a Different Kind of Financial Crisis?
2008r.html#58 Blinkenlights
2008r.html#35 Blinkenlights
2008r.html#10 Blinkylights
2008r.html#4 Basel Committee outlines plans to strengthen Basel II
2008q.html#69 if you are an powerful financial regulator , how would you have stopped the credit crunch?
2008q.html#68 Obama, ACORN, subprimes (Re: Spiders)
2008q.html#58 Obama, ACORN, subprimes (Re: Spiders)
2008q.html#57 Blinkenlights
2008q.html#50 Obama, ACORN, subprimes (Re: Spiders)
2008q.html#49 Have not the following principles been practically disproven, once and for all, by the current global financial meltdown?
2008q.html#32 I was wondering what types of frauds the audience think will increase?
2008q.html#28 Blinkenlights
2008q.html#20 How is Subprime crisis impacting other Industries?
2008q.html#19 Collateralized debt obligations (CDOs)
2008q.html#12 Blinkenlights
2008q.html#11 Blinkenlights
2008p.html#70 Is there any technology that we are severely lacking in the Financial industry?
2008p.html#60 Did sub-prime cause the financial mess we are in?
2008p.html#47 In Modeling Risk, the Human Factor Was Left Out
2008p.html#9 Do you believe a global financial regulation is possible?
2008p.html#8 Global Melt Down
2008p.html#3 Blinkenlights
2008o.html#82 Greenspan testimony and securization
2008o.html#80 Can we blame one person for the financial meltdown?
2008o.html#78 Who murdered the financial system?
2008o.html#75 In light of the recent financial crisis, did Sarbanes-Oxley fail to work?
2008o.html#74 Would anyone like to draw a diagram of effects or similar for the current "credit crisis"?
2008o.html#71 Why is sub-prime crisis of America called the sub-prime crisis?
2008o.html#68 Blinkenlights
2008o.html#65 Can the financial meltdown be used to motivate sustainable development in order to achieve sustainable growth and desired sustainability?
2008o.html#62 Would anyone like to draw a diagram of effects or similar for the current "credit crisis"?
2008o.html#52 Why is sub-prime crisis of America called the sub-prime crisis?
2008o.html#51 Why are some banks failing, and others aren't?
2008o.html#45 The human plague
2008o.html#43 The human plague
2008o.html#42 The human plague
2008o.html#31 The human plague
2008o.html#28 Does anyone get the idea that those responsible for containing this finanical crisis are doing too much?
2008o.html#26 SOX (Sarbanes-Oxley Act), is this really followed and worthful considering current Financial Crisis?
2008o.html#19 What's your view of current global financial / economical situation?
2008o.html#18 Once the dust settles, do you think Milton Friedman's economic theories will be laid to rest
2008o.html#15 Financial Crisis - the result of uncontrolled Innovation?
2008n.html#95 Blinkylights
2008n.html#94 Blinkylights
2008n.html#88 Blinkylights
2008n.html#78 Isn't it the Federal Reserve role to oversee the banking system??
2008n.html#74 Why can't we analyze the risks involved in mortgage-backed securities?
2008n.html#49 VMware Chief Says the OS Is History
2008n.html#44 VMware Chief Says the OS Is History
2008n.html#42 Blinkylights
2008n.html#40 Success has many fathers, but failure has the US taxpayer
2008n.html#37 Success has many fathers, but failure has the US taxpayer
2008n.html#33 Blinkylights
2008n.html#25 Blinkylights
2008n.html#24 Blinkylights
2008n.html#23 Michigan industry
2008n.html#21 Michigan industry
2008n.html#19 Blinkylights
2008n.html#14 Blinkylights
2008n.html#12 Blinkylights
2008n.html#3 Blinkylights
2008m.html#99 Blinkylights
2008m.html#96 Blinkylights
2008m.html#95 Blinkylights
2008m.html#92 Blinkylights
2008m.html#91 Blinkylights
2008m.html#81 Fraud due to stupid failure to test for negative
2008m.html#80 Fraud due to stupid failure to test for negative
2008m.html#76 When risks go south: FM&FM to be nationalized
2008m.html#26 Fraud due to stupid failure to test for negative
2008m.html#16 Fraud due to stupid failure to test for negative
2008m.html#15 Fraud due to stupid failure to test for negative
2008m.html#12 Fraud due to stupid failure to test for negative
2008l.html#70 dollar coins
2008l.html#67 dollar coins
2008l.html#44 dollar coins
2008l.html#42 dollar coins
2008k.html#33 dollar coins
2008k.html#27 dollar coins
2008k.html#23 dollar coins
2008k.html#20 IBM's 2Q2008 Earnings
2008k.html#19 dollar coins
2008k.html#16 dollar coins
2008k.html#14 dollar coins
2008k.html#13 dollar coins
2008k.html#12 dollar coins
2008k.html#11 dollar coins
2008k.html#10 Why do Banks lend poorly in the sub-prime market? Because they are not in Banking!
2008k.html#6 dollar coins
2008j.html#71 lack of information accuracy
2008j.html#69 lack of information accuracy
2008j.html#68 lack of information accuracy
2008j.html#67 lack of information accuracy
2008j.html#64 lack of information accuracy
2008j.html#51 dollar coins
2008j.html#48 dollar coins
2008j.html#46 dollar coins
2008j.html#40 dollar coins
2008j.html#38 dollar coins
2008j.html#23 dollar coins
2008j.html#22 dollar coins
2008j.html#18 dollar coins
2008j.html#15 What is "timesharing" (Re: OS X Finder windows vs terminal window weirdness)
2008j.html#12 To: Graymouse -- Ireland and the EU, What in the H... is all this about?
2008j.html#9 dollar coins
2008j.html#3 dollar coins
2008i.html#104 dollar coins
2008i.html#77 Do you think the change in bankrupcy laws has exacerbated the problems in the housing market leading more people into forclosure?
2008i.html#64 Is the credit crunch a short term aberation
2008i.html#30 subprime write-down sweepstakes
2008i.html#4 A Merit based system of reward -Does anybody (or any executive) really want to be judged on merit?
2008h.html#90 subprime write-down sweepstakes
2008h.html#89 Credit Crisis Timeline
2008h.html#49 subprime write-down sweepstakes
2008h.html#48 subprime write-down sweepstakes
2008h.html#32 subprime write-down sweepstakes
2008h.html#28 subprime write-down sweepstakes
2008h.html#1 subprime write-down sweepstakes
2008g.html#64 independent appraisers
2008g.html#62 Credit crisis could cost nearly $1 trillion, IMF predicts
2008g.html#59 Credit crisis could cost nearly $1 trillion, IMF predicts
2008g.html#52 IBM CEO's remuneration last year ?
2008g.html#51 IBM CEO's remuneration last year ?
2008g.html#44 Fixing finance
2008g.html#37 Virtualization: The IT Trend That Matters
2008g.html#32 independent appraisers
2008g.html#4 CDOs subverting Boyd's OODA-loop
2008f.html#94 Bush - place in history
2008f.html#79 Bush - place in history
2008f.html#77 Bush - place in history
2008f.html#75 Bush - place in history
2008f.html#71 Bush - place in history
2008f.html#53 independent appraisers
2008f.html#51 independent appraisers
2008f.html#46 independent appraisers
2008f.html#43 independent appraisers
2008f.html#32 independent appraisers
2008f.html#17 independent appraisers
2008f.html#1 independent appraisers
2008e.html#70 independent appraisers
2008e.html#65 Banks failing to manage IT risk - study
2008e.html#42 Banks failing to manage IT risk - study
2008d.html#85 Toyota Sales for 2007 May Surpass GM
2008c.html#11 Toyota Sales for 2007 May Surpass GM
2008b.html#75 Toyota Sales for 2007 May Surpass GM
2008.html#90 Computer Science Education: Where Are the Software Engineers of Tomorrow?
2008.html#66 As Expected, Ford Falls From 2nd Place in U.S. Sales

toxic.cdo -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- 2014-2017 -- back to top/index

trusted.computing postings (before_2014)

-#- https://web.archive.org/web/20011109072807/http://www.intel94.com/idf/spr2001/sessiondescription.asp?id=stp%2bs13 -#-
2013l.html#55 "NSA foils much internet encryption"
2013k.html#88 NSA and crytanalysis
2013k.html#77 German infosec agency warns against Trusted Computing in Windows 8
2013k.html#66 German infosec agency warns against Trusted Computing in Windows 8
2013j.html#74 How the NSA Manipulates Language To Mislead The Public
2013i.html#77 Insane Insider Threat Program in Context of Morally and Mentally Bankrupt US Intelligence System
2012n.html#63 history of Programming language and CPU in relation to each other
2012n.html#58 2012 History Conference
2012i.html#95 Can anybody give me a clear idea about Cloud Computing in MAINFRAME ?
2012g.html#53 The secret's out for secure chip design
2011p.html#48 Hello?
2011l.html#72 Selectric Typewriter--50th Anniversary
2011e.html#24 The first personal computer (PC)
2011c.html#78 RISCversus CISC
2011c.html#59 RISCversus CISC
2011b.html#11 Credit cards with a proximity wifi chip can be as safe as walking around with your credit card number on a poster
2010p.html#75 Orientation - does group input (or groups of data) make better decisions than one person can?
2010p.html#73 From OODA to AAADA
2010p.html#72 Orientation - does group input (or groups of data) make better decisions than one person can?
2010p.html#0 CARD AUTHENTICATION TECHNOLOGY - Embedded keypad on Card - Is this the future
2010o.html#84 CARD AUTHENTICATION TECHNOLOGY - Embedded keypad on Card - Is this the future
2010o.html#54 The Credit Card Criminals Are Getting Crafty
2010o.html#50 The Credit Card Criminals Are Getting Crafty
2010g.html#53 Far and near pointers on the 80286 and later
2010g.html#9 Far and near pointers on the 80286 and later
2010f.html#75 Is Security a Curse for the Cloud Computing Industry?
2010f.html#74 Is Security a Curse for the Cloud Computing Industry?
2010f.html#12 Real CPU Id
2010e.html#3 "Unhackable" Infineon Chip Physically Cracked - PCWorld
2010d.html#63 LPARs: More or Less?
2010d.html#38 search engine history, was Happy DEC-10 Day
2010d.html#34 "Unhackable" Infineon Chip Physically Cracked
2010d.html#7 "Unhackable" Infineon Chip Physically Cracked - PCWorld
2010c.html#61 Engineer shows how to crack a 'secure' TPM chip
2009p.html#59 MasPar compiler and simulator
2009n.html#12 33 Years In IT/Security/Audit
2009m.html#49 Hacker charges also an indictment on PCI, expert says
2009m.html#48 Hacker charges also an indictment on PCI, expert says
2009l.html#61 Hacker charges also an indictment on PCI, expert says
2009k.html#5 Moving to the Net: Encrypted Execution for User Code on a Hosting Site
2009j.html#58 Price Tag for End-to-End Encryption: $4.8 Billion, Mercator Says
2008p.html#19 Can Smart Cards Reduce Payments Fraud and Identity Theft?
2008p.html#14 Can Smart Cards Reduce Payments Fraud and Identity Theft?
2008j.html#57 What is "timesharing" (Re: OS X Finder windows vs terminal window weirdness)
2008f.html#67 Virtualization's security threats
2008f.html#35 confluence of virtualization and trusted computing
2008f.html#31 confluence of virtualization and trusted computing
2008e.html#76 independent appraisers
2007v.html#37 Apple files patent for WGA-style anti-piracy tech
2007v.html#30 Apple files patent for WGA-style anti-piracy tech
2007q.html#36 what does xp do when system is copying
2007m.html#20 Patents, Copyrights, Profits, Flex and Hercules
2007l.html#42 My Dream PC -- Chip-Based
2007k.html#55 My Dream PC -- Chip-Based
2007g.html#63 The Perfect Computer - 36 bits?
2007g.html#61 The Perfect Computer - 36 bits?
2007c.html#44 Securing financial transactions a high priority for 2007
2006w.html#37 What does a patent do that copyright does not?
2006v.html#26 Fighting Fraudulent Transactions
2006p.html#48 Device Authentication - The answer to attacks lauched using stolen passwords?
2006p.html#41 Device Authentication - The answer to attacks lauched using stolen passwords?
2006h.html#31 Intel vPro Technology
2005o.html#3 The Chinese MD5 attack
2005g.html#36 Maximum RAM and ROM for smartcards
2004p.html#20 Systems software versus applications software definitions
2004j.html#35 A quote from Crypto-Gram
2002n.html#18 Help! Good protocol for national ID card?
2002m.html#44 Beware, Intel to embed digital certificates in Banias
2002j.html#55 AADS, ECDSA, and even some TCPA
2002j.html#40 Beginner question on Security
2002i.html#71 TCPA
2001c.html#20 Something wrong with "re-inventing the wheel".?
2000f.html#65 Cryptogram Newsletter is off the wall?
2000b.html#76 Rainbow Series (a hard item to find..)

trusted.computing -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- 2014-2017 -- back to top/index

whistleblower postings (before_2014)

-#- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whistleblower -#- sarbanes-oxley -#-
2013o.html#77 Passage of Budget Bill Is NOT a Victory for the American People ... Only for the Military-Industrial Complex
2013o.html#76 Should New Limits Be Put on N.S.A. Surveillance?
2013o.html#70 Who broke the law, Snowden or the NSA?
2013o.html#57 Beyond Snowden: A New Year's Wish For A Better Debate
2013o.html#39 60 Minutes Puff Piece Claims NSA Saved U.S. From Cyberterrorism
2013o.html#33 60 Minutes Puff Piece Claims NSA Saved U.S. From Cyberterrorism
2013o.html#16 IBM Shrinks - Analysts Hate It
2013n.html#40 The Wall Street Code: HFT Whisteblower Haim Bodek on Algorithmic Trading
2013n.html#1 IBM board OK repurchase of another $15B of stock
2013m.html#80 The REAL Reason U.S. Targets Whistleblowers
2013m.html#66 NSA Revelations Kill IBM Hardware Sales In China
2013m.html#28 The Reformers
2013m.html#13 OT: NYT article--the rich get richer
2013l.html#40 OT: NYT article--the rich get richer
2013l.html#17 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013l.html#16 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#45 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013j.html#84 copyright protection/Doug Englebart
2013j.html#82 copyright protection/Doug Englebart
2013j.html#80 Why DOJ Deemed Bank Execs Too Big To Jail
2013j.html#75 The Most dishonest bankers walk away with the most monety
2013j.html#74 How the NSA Manipulates Language To Mislead The Public
2013j.html#20 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013i.html#76 The failure of cyber defence - the mindset is against it
2013i.html#65 The Real Snowden Question
2013i.html#41 Is newer technology always better? It almost is. Exceptions?
2013h.html#57 OT: "Highway Patrol" back on TV
2013h.html#48 OT: "Highway Patrol" back on TV
2013h.html#37 "Highway Patrol" back on TV
2013h.html#30 'Big four' accountants 'use knowledge of Treasury to help rich avoid tax'
2013h.html#12 Why Didn't the SEC Catch Madoff? It Might Have Been Policy Not To
2013h.html#11 Become a millionaire and never work again - by being a whistleblower. Fair or perverse?
2013f.html#24 What Makes a substance Bizarre?
2013f.html#12 More Whistleblower Leaks on Foreclosure Settlement Show Both Suppression of Evidence and Gross Incompetence
2013e.html#94 KPMG quits as Skechers and Herbalife auditor amid insider trading allegations
2013e.html#42 More Whistleblower Leaks on Foreclosure Settlement Show Both Suppression of Evidence and Gross Incompetence
2013e.html#29 What Makes bank regulation and insurance Bizarre?
2013e.html#24 What Makes bank regulation and insurance Bizarre?
2013e.html#22 What Makes bank regulation and insurance Bizarre?
2013e.html#21 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#97 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#90 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#77 More Whistleblower Leaks on Foreclosure Settlement Show Both Suppression of Evidence and Gross Incompetence
2013d.html#68 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#64 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#63 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#54 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#36 Bank Whistleblower Claims Retaliation And Wrongful Termination
2013d.html#31 Bank Whistleblower Claims Retaliation And Wrongful Termination
2013d.html#25 Senator Sherrod Brown Drops a Bombshell in Mary Jo White's Hearing
2013c.html#58 More Whistleblower Leaks on Foreclosure Settlement Show Both Suppression of Evidence and Gross Incompetence
2013c.html#45 A Matter of Mindset: Iraq, Sequestration and the U.S. Army
2013c.html#43 More Whistleblower Leaks on Foreclosure Settlement Show Both Suppression of Evidence and Gross Incompetence
2013c.html#39 NPC Luncheon with Thomas Drake, NSA Whistleblower
2013c.html#26 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013c.html#19 More Whistleblower Leaks on Foreclosure Settlement Show Both Suppression of Evidence and Gross Incompetence
2013c.html#18 WhistleWatch -- Blog Archive -- Former Top Federal Whistleblower Protector Scott Bloch, Esq. Pleads Guilty to Destruction of Government Property
2013c.html#6 More Whistleblower Leaks on Foreclosure Settlement Show Both Suppression of Evidence and Gross Incompetence
2013b.html#70 Implementing a Whistle-Blower Program - Detecting and Preventing Fraud at Workplace
2013b.html#64 More Whistleblower Leaks on Foreclosure Settlement Show Both Suppression of Evidence and Gross Incompetence
2013b.html#47 More Whistleblower Leaks on Foreclosure Settlement Show Both Suppression of Evidence and Gross Incompetence
2013b.html#36 More Whistleblower Leaks on Foreclosure Settlement Show Both Suppression of Evidence and Gross Incompetence
2013b.html#27 More Whistleblower Leaks on Foreclosure Settlement Show Both Suppression of Evidence and Gross Incompetence
2013b.html#16 More Whistleblower Leaks on Foreclosure Settlement Show Both Suppression of Evidence and Gross Incompetence
2013b.html#9 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013b.html#0 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2013.html#73 More Whistleblower Leaks on Foreclosure Settlement Show Both Suppression of Evidence and Gross Incompetence
2013.html#41 More Whistleblower Leaks on Foreclosure Settlement Show Both Suppression of Evidence and Gross Incompetence
2012n.html#77 U.S. banks on high alert against cyberattacks
2012m.html#58 General Mills computer
2012m.html#19 Why Auditors Fail To Detect Frauds?
2012l.html#14 The growing openness of an organization's infrastructure has greatly impacted security landscape
2012l.html#0 Quelle Surprise! SEC Plans to Make the World Safer for Fraudsters, Push Through JOBS Act Con-Artist-Friendly Solicitation Rules
2012k.html#89 Auditors Don't Know Squat!
2012j.html#85 Study: One in Five Firms Misrepresent Earnings
2012j.html#40 A whistleblower emerges from the shadows
2012j.html#37 Naked emperors, holy cows and Libor
2012d.html#42 China's J-20 Stealth Fighter Is Already Doing A Whole Lot More Than Anyone Expected
2012d.html#12 Gordon Gekko Says
2012c.html#13 Study links ultrafast machine trading with risk of crash
2012c.html#4 Bank of America Fined $1 Billion for Mortgage Fraud
2012b.html#54 The New Age Bounty Hunger -- Showdown at the SEC Corral
2012.html#26 What's your favorite quote on "accountability"?
2012.html#18 SEC v. Citigroup, How to Avoid (Greater) Disaster
2011p.html#30 21st Century Management approach?
2011k.html#20 Study shows powerful corporations really do control the world's finances
2011k.html#15 Is the SEC Covering Up Wall Street Crimes?
2011j.html#38 Advice from Richard P. Feynman
2011j.html#7 Innovation and iconoclasm
2011i.html#79 Innovation and iconoclasm
2011g.html#52 Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room
2011g.html#47 Lords: Auditors guilty of 'dereliction of duty'
2011f.html#88 Court OKs Firing of Boeing Computer-Security Whistleblowers
2011f.html#62 Mixing Auth and Non-Auth Modules
2010q.html#21 Ernst & Young called to account -- should Audit firms be investigated for their role in the crisis?
2010o.html#71 They always think we don't understand
2010i.html#42 "Fraud & Stupidity Look a Lot Alike"
2010h.html#43 COBOL - no longer being taught - is a problem
2010h.html#15 The Revolving Door and S.E.C. Enforcement
2010e.html#77 Madoff Whistleblower Book
2009s.html#45 Audits VII: the future of the Audit is in your hands
2009o.html#71 "Rat Your Boss" or "Rats to Riches," the New SEC
2009j.html#30 An Amazing Document On Madoff Said To Have Been Sent To SEC In 2005
2009i.html#60 In the USA "financial regulator seeks power to curb excess speculation."
2009d.html#75 Whistleblowing and reporting fraud
2009c.html#0 Audit II: Two more scary words: Sarbanes-Oxley
2009.html#53 CROOKS and NANNIES: what would Boyd do?
2007o.html#0 The Unexpected Fact about the First Computer Programmer
2006e.html#8 Beginner's Pubkey Crypto Question

whistleblower -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- 2014-2017 -- back to top/index

wmds postings (before_2014)

-#- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weapon_of_mass_destruction -#- military.industrial.complex -#-
2013n.html#85 U.S. Sidelined as Iraq Becomes Bloodier
2013n.html#10 Why the Death of the Tank Is Greatly Exaggerated
2013m.html#80 The REAL Reason U.S. Targets Whistleblowers
2013k.html#87 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013k.html#84 spacewar
2013k.html#81 spacewar
2013k.html#80 spacewar
2013k.html#59 John Boyd's Art of War
2013k.html#57 The agency problem and how to create a criminogenic environment
2013k.html#48 John Boyd's Art of War
2013j.html#30 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013i.html#78 Has the US Lost Its Grand Strategic Mind?
2013i.html#23 OT: "Highway Patrol" back on TV
2013h.html#64 OT: "Highway Patrol" back on TV
2013h.html#41 Is newer technology always better? It almost is. Exceptions?
2013h.html#38 OT: "Highway Patrol" back on TV
2013g.html#92 A Matter of Mindset: Iraq
2013g.html#74 What Makes collecting sales taxes Bizarre?
2013g.html#62 What Makes collecting sales taxes Bizarre?
2013f.html#53 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013f.html#5 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#78 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#51 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#50 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#43 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013e.html#5 Lessons Learned from the Iraq War
2013c.html#86 A Matter of Mindset: Iraq, Sequestration and the U.S. Army
2013c.html#54 NBC's website hacked with malware
2013.html#66 How to Cut Megabanks Down to Size
2012n.html#10 Jedi Knights
2011k.html#56 50th anniversary of BASIC, COBOL?
2011k.html#46 Sand in Machine Makes a Stable Market

wmds -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- 2014-2017 -- back to top/index

zirp postings (before_2014)

-#- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zero_interest-rate_policy -#- economic.mess -#- fed.chairman -#- too-big-to-fail -#-
2013j.html#10 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?
2013j.html#4 What Makes a Tax System Bizarre?

zirp -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- 2014-2017 -- back to top/index

channel.extender postings (before_2014)

-#- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Network_Systems_Corporation -#-
2013o.html#73 "Death of the mainframe"
2013n.html#54 rebuild 1403 printer chain
2013m.html#96 SHARE Blog: News Flash: The Mainframe (Still) Isn't Dead
2013m.html#94 SHARE Blog: News Flash: The Mainframe (Still) Isn't Dead
2013m.html#78 'Free Unix!': The world-changing proclamation made 30 years agotoday
2013m.html#35 Why is the mainframe so expensive?
2013l.html#54 Mainframe On Cloud
2013k.html#19 spacewar
2013j.html#86 IBM unveils new "mainframe for the rest of us"
2013i.html#63 Making mainframe technology hip again
2013i.html#59 Making mainframe technology hip again
2013i.html#50 The Subroutine Call
2013i.html#47 Making mainframe technology hip again
2013i.html#37 The Subroutine Call
2013h.html#80 Minicomputer Pricing
2013h.html#42 The Mainframe is "Alive and Kicking"
2013g.html#85 Old data storage or data base
2013g.html#45 The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software
2013g.html#24 Old data storage or data base
2013g.html#23 Old data storage or data base
2013g.html#14 Tech Time Warp of the Week: The 50-Pound Portable PC, 1977
2013g.html#3 A Complete History Of Mainframe Computing
2013g.html#2 A Complete History Of Mainframe Computing
2013d.html#45 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013c.html#68 relative mainframe speeds, was What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013c.html#63 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013c.html#62 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013b.html#58 Dualcase vs monocase. Was: Article for the boss
2013b.html#55 Dualcase vs monocase. Was: Article for the boss
2012p.html#16 HCF [was Re: AMC proposes 1980s computer TV series "Halt &Catch Fire"]
2012p.html#12 HCF [was Re: AMC proposes 1980s computer TV series "Halt &Catch Fire"]
2012p.html#9 3270s & other stuff
2012p.html#5 What is a Mainframe?
2012p.html#1 3270 response & channel throughput
2012o.html#27 Blades versus z was Re: Turn Off Another Light - Univ. of Tennessee
2012o.html#22 Assembler vs. COBOL--processing time, space needed
2012n.html#61 Should you support or abandon the 3270 as a User Interface?
2012m.html#43 Blades versus z was Re: Turn Off Another Light - Univ. of Tennessee
2012m.html#11 Blades versus z was Re: Turn Off Another Light - Univ. of Tennessee
2012l.html#25 X86 server
2012k.html#48 1132 printer history
2012k.html#47 T-carrier
2012k.html#3 printer history Languages influenced by PL/1
2012e.html#54 Why are organizations sticking with mainframes?
2012d.html#19 Writing article on telework/telecommuting
2012c.html#23 M68k add to memory is not a mistake any more
2011p.html#100 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2011p.html#20 Deja Cloud?
2011p.html#17 Deja Cloud?
2011l.html#22 IBM IMS - Vern Watts
2011h.html#0 We list every company in the world that has a mainframe computer
2011g.html#78 Is the magic and romance killed by Windows (and Linux)?
2011g.html#75 We list every company in the world that has a mainframe computer
2011g.html#43 My first mainframe experience
2011g.html#41 My first mainframe experience
2011f.html#32 At least two decades back, some gurus predicted that mainframes would disappear
2011f.html#0 coax (3174) throughput
2011c.html#77 IBM and the Computer Revolution
2011b.html#58 Other early NSFNET backbone
2011.html#85 Two terrific writers .. are going to write a book
2010o.html#55 Mac Emulator
2010m.html#85 3270 Emulator Software
2010m.html#83 3270 Emulator Software
2010m.html#80 3270 Emulator Software
2010j.html#62 Article says mainframe most cost-efficient platform
2010f.html#18 What was the historical price of a P/390?
2010d.html#72 LPARs: More or Less?
2009s.html#23 Larrabee delayed: anyone know what's happening?
2009s.html#18 Larrabee delayed: anyone know what's happening?
2009l.html#59 ISPF Counter
2009k.html#58 Disksize history question
2009j.html#40 My "Green Screen" IBMLink is still working
2009c.html#47 Using a PC as DASD
2008p.html#51 Barbless
2008p.html#50 Barbless
2008p.html#43 Barbless
2008g.html#10 Hannaford case exposes holes in law, some say
2008e.html#45 1975 movie "Three Days of the Condor" tech stuff
2008b.html#17 Flash memory arrays
2007q.html#52 Ancient Apple
2006y.html#43 Remote Tape drives
2006y.html#3 The Future of CPUs: What's After Multi-Core?
2006s.html#42 Ranking of non-IBM mainframe builders?
2006n.html#29 CRAM, DataCell, and 3850
2006i.html#34 TOD clock discussion
2006.html#26 IBM microwave application--early data communications
2005u.html#23 Channel Distances
2005u.html#22 Channel Distances
2005r.html#55 IBM 3330
2005r.html#14 Intel strikes back with a parallel x86 design
2005r.html#10 Intel strikes back with a parallel x86 design
2005n.html#1 Cluster computing drawbacks
2005e.html#13 Device and channel
2005d.html#28 Adversarial Testing, was Re: Thou shalt have no
2005.html#50 something like a CTC on a PC
2004p.html#29 FW: Is FICON good enough, or is it the only choice we get?
2004j.html#19 Wars against bad things
2004e.html#33 The attack of the killer mainframes
2004e.html#28 The attack of the killer mainframes
2004d.html#75 DASD Architecture of the future
2004c.html#31 Moribund TSO/E
2003n.html#29 Architect Mainframe system - books/guidenance
2003k.html#22 What is timesharing, anyway?
2003h.html#15 Mainframe Tape Drive Usage Metrics
2003d.html#24 CPU Impact of degraded I/O
2003d.html#23 CPU Impact of degraded I/O
2003c.html#66 FBA suggestion was Re: "average" DASD Blocksize
2003b.html#29 360/370 disk drives
2003.html#34 Calculating expected reliability for designed system
2002j.html#74 Itanium2 power limited?
2002i.html#48 CDC6600 - just how powerful a machine was it?
2002i.html#43 CDC6600 - just how powerful a machine was it?
2002g.html#61 GE 625/635 Reference + Smart Hardware
2002f.html#60 Mainframes and "mini-computers"
2002e.html#46 What goes into a 3090?
2002.html#10 index searching
2001m.html#25 ESCON Data Transfer Rate
2001k.html#46 3270 protocol
2001g.html#33 Did AT&T offer Unix to Digital Equipment in the 70s?
2001.html#22 Disk caching and file systems. Disk history...people forget
2001.html#21 Disk caching and file systems. Disk history...people forget
2000c.html#68 Does the word "mainframe" still have a meaning?
2000c.html#65 Does the word "mainframe" still have a meaning?
2000b.html#38 How to learn assembler language for OS/390 ?
96.html#27 Mainframes & Unix
94.html#24 CP spooling & programming technology
94.html#23 CP spooling & programming technology

channel.extender -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- 2014-2017 -- back to top/index

cscvm postings (before_2014)

2013o.html#45 the nonsuckage of source, was MS-DOS, was Re: 'Free Unix!
2013m.html#38 Quote on Slashdot.org
2013j.html#38 1969 networked word processor "Astrotype"
2013i.html#29 By Any Other Name
2013i.html#27 RBS Mainframe Meltdown: A year on, the fallout is still coming
2013i.html#11 EBCDIC and the P-Bit
2013h.html#85 Before the PC: IBM invents virtualisation
2013h.html#3 The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software
2013g.html#75 What Makes code storage management so cool?
2013f.html#78 The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software
2013f.html#58 The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software
2013e.html#88 Sequence Numbrs (was 32760?
2013d.html#14 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013c.html#71 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013c.html#31 REFRPROT History Question
2013c.html#21 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013b.html#51 Article for the boss: COBOL will outlive us all
2013b.html#37 AT&T Holmdel Computer Center films, 1973 Unix
2012o.html#43 Regarding Time Sharing
2012l.html#82 zEC12, and previous generations, "why?" type question - GPU computing
2012k.html#84 Did Bill Gates Steal the Heart of DOS?
2012k.html#72 Any cool anecdotes IBM 40yrs of VM
2012k.html#62 Any cool anecdotes IBM 40yrs of VM
2012k.html#50 1132 printer history
2012k.html#17 a clock in it, was Re: Interesting News Article
2012j.html#30 Can anybody give me a clear idea about Cloud Computing in MAINFRAME ?
2012j.html#17 Operating System, what is it?
2012i.html#26 Top Ten Reasons Why Large Companies Fail To Keep Their Best Talent
2012f.html#59 Hard Disk Drive Construction
2012f.html#50 SIE - CompArch
2012f.html#40 STSC Story
2012f.html#18 Word Length
2012e.html#38 A bit of IBM System 360 nostalgia
2012d.html#38 Invention of Email
2012d.html#24 Inventor of e-mail honored by Smithsonian
2012b.html#4 CSC History
2012.html#14 HONE
2011p.html#112 SPF in 1978
2011p.html#82 Migration off mainframe
2011m.html#59 From The Annals of Release No Software Before Its Time
2011m.html#41 CMS load module format
2011j.html#66 Wondering if I am really eligible for this group
2011j.html#10 program coding pads
2011h.html#70 IBM Mainframe (1980's) on You tube
2011h.html#61 Do you remember back to June 23, 1969 when IBM unbundled
2011h.html#59 SSL digital certificates
2011g.html#49 My first mainframe experience
2011g.html#29 Congratulations, where was my invite?
2011g.html#8 Is the magic and romance killed by Windows (and Linux)?
2011g.html#7 Is the magic and romance killed by Windows (and Linux)?
2011f.html#6 New job for mainframes: Cloud platform
2011e.html#84 New job for mainframes: Cloud platform
2011e.html#79 I'd forgotten what a 2305 looked like
2011e.html#1 Multiple Virtual Memory
2011.html#70 Speed of Old Hard Disks
2011.html#28 Personal histories and IBM computing
2010q.html#51 Is email dead? What do you think?
2010q.html#41 Old EMAIL Index
2010q.html#1 Why we build big computers
2010o.html#63 They always think we don't understand
2010o.html#48 origin of 'fields'?
2010n.html#62 When will MVS be able to use cheap dasd
2010n.html#42 Really dumb IPL question
2010n.html#10 Mainframe Slang terms
2010m.html#28 CSC History
2010m.html#15 History of Hard-coded Offsets
2010l.html#21 Titles for the Class of 1978
2010l.html#20 Old EMAIL Index
2010l.html#15 Age
2010l.html#11 Titles for the Class of 1978
2010k.html#33 Was VM ever used as an exokernel?
2010k.html#30 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010j.html#54 Article says mainframe most cost-efficient platform
2010j.html#51 Information on obscure text editors wanted
2010j.html#22 Personal use z/OS machines was Re: Multiprise 3k for personal Use?
2010j.html#20 Personal use z/OS machines was Re: Multiprise 3k for personal Use?
2010i.html#85 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010i.html#17 Cloud.com takes on virty infrastructure
2010i.html#13 IBM 5100 First Portable Computer commercial 1977
2010h.html#0 What is the protocal for GMT offset in SMTP (e-mail) header time-stamp?
2010g.html#72 Interesting presentation
2010f.html#24 Would you fight?
2010e.html#29 HONE & VMSHARE
2010e.html#25 HONE Compute Intensive
2010e.html#17 Senior Java Developer vs. MVS Systems Programmer (warning: Conley rant)
2010e.html#2 LPARs: More or Less?
2010e.html#1 LPARs: More or Less?
2010d.html#79 LPARs: More or Less?
2010d.html#70 LPARs: More or Less?
2010d.html#61 LPARs: More or Less?
2010b.html#100 "The Naked Mainframe" (Forbes Security Article)
2009r.html#69 360 programs on a z/10
2009p.html#33 Survey Revives Depate Over Mainframe's Future
2009o.html#32 Justice Department probing allegations of abuse by IBM in mainframe computer market
2009j.html#77 More named/shared systems
2009j.html#68 DCSS addenda
2009j.html#67 DCSS
2009i.html#65 Was there ever a 10in floppy?
2009i.html#36 SEs & History Lessons
2009i.html#35 SEs & History Lessons
2008s.html#54 Computer History Museum
2008s.html#48 New machine code
2008s.html#39 The Internet's 100 Oldest Dot-Com Domains
2008p.html#13 "Telecommunications" from '85
2008p.html#12 Discussions areas, private message silos, and how far we've come since 199x
2008n.html#22 VMware Chief Says the OS Is History
2008m.html#2 Yet another squirrel question - Results (very very long post)
2008m.html#1 Yet another squirrel question - Results (very very long post)
2008l.html#85 old 370 info
2008l.html#82 Yet another squirrel question - Results (very very long post)
2008l.html#72 Error handling for system calls
2008i.html#14 DASD or TAPE attached via TCP/IP
2008h.html#46 Whitehouse Emails Were Lost Due to "Upgrade"
2008g.html#63 Machine-Level Assembly Language
2008b.html#27 Re-hosting IMB-MAIN
2008.html#41 IT managers stymied by limits of x86 virtualization
2008.html#30 hacked TOPS-10 monitors
2008.html#29 Need Help filtering out sporge in comp.arch
2007u.html#13 new 40+ yr old, disruptive technology
2007u.html#6 Open z/Architecture or Not
2007s.html#45 "Server" processors for numbercrunching?
2007m.html#57 The Development of the Vital IBM PC in Spite of the Corporate Culture of IBM
2007j.html#2 Newbie question on table design
2007c.html#12 Special characters in passwords was Re: RACF - Password rules
2007b.html#51 Special characters in passwords was Re: RACF - Password rules
2007.html#3 The Future of CPUs: What's After Multi-Core?
2006y.html#35 The Future of CPUs: What's After Multi-Core?
2006w.html#42 vmshare
2006w.html#8 Why these original FORTRAN quirks?
2006w.html#7 Why these original FORTRAN quirks?
2006u.html#26 Assembler question
2006.html#38 Is VIO mandatory?
2006.html#25 DCSS as SWAP disk for z/Linux
2005t.html#24 What ever happened to Tandem and NonStop OS ?
2005d.html#39 Thou shalt have no other gods before the ANSI C standard
2003d.html#8 IBM says AMD dead in 5yrs ... -- Microsoft Monopoly vs. IBM
2002j.html#7 HONE, ****, misc

cscvm -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- 2014-2017 -- back to top/index

ficon postings (before_2014)

-#- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FICON -#-
2013o.html#73 "Death of the mainframe"
2013o.html#69 "Death of the mainframe"
2013n.html#61 Bet Cloud Computing to Win
2013n.html#56 rebuild 1403 printer chain
2013n.html#54 rebuild 1403 printer chain
2013n.html#50 'Free Unix!': The world-changing proclamation made30yearsagotoday
2013n.html#38 Making mainframe technology hip again
2013m.html#100 SHARE Blog: News Flash: The Mainframe (Still) Isn't Dead
2013m.html#99 SHARE Blog: News Flash: The Mainframe (Still) Isn't Dead
2013m.html#96 SHARE Blog: News Flash: The Mainframe (Still) Isn't Dead
2013m.html#94 SHARE Blog: News Flash: The Mainframe (Still) Isn't Dead
2013m.html#78 'Free Unix!': The world-changing proclamation made 30 years agotoday
2013m.html#35 Why is the mainframe so expensive?
2013m.html#33 Why is the mainframe so expensive?
2013l.html#70 50,000 x86 operating system on single mainframe
2013l.html#54 Mainframe On Cloud
2013k.html#58 DASD, Tape and other peripherals attached to a Mainframe
2013k.html#19 spacewar
2013j.html#86 IBM unveils new "mainframe for the rest of us"
2013i.html#63 Making mainframe technology hip again
2013i.html#60 Making mainframe technology hip again
2013i.html#59 Making mainframe technology hip again
2013i.html#50 The Subroutine Call
2013i.html#47 Making mainframe technology hip again
2013h.html#86 By Any Other Name
2013h.html#80 Minicomputer Pricing
2013h.html#79 Why does IBM keep saying things like this:
2013h.html#42 The Mainframe is "Alive and Kicking"
2013h.html#40 The Mainframe is "Alive and Kicking"
2013h.html#6 The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software
2013h.html#3 The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software
2013g.html#85 Old data storage or data base
2013g.html#49 A Complete History Of Mainframe Computing
2013g.html#41 A History Of Mainframe Computing
2013g.html#23 Old data storage or data base
2013g.html#14 Tech Time Warp of the Week: The 50-Pound Portable PC, 1977
2013g.html#4 A Complete History Of Mainframe Computing
2013g.html#2 A Complete History Of Mainframe Computing
2013f.html#73 The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software
2013f.html#70 How internet can evolve
2013f.html#57 The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software
2013f.html#38 Reports: IBM may sell x86 server business to Lenovo
2013e.html#4 Oracle To IBM: Your 'Customers Are Being Wildly Overcharged'
2013d.html#45 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#16 relative mainframe speeds, was What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#12 relative mainframe speeds, was What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013c.html#84 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013c.html#77 relative mainframe speeds, was What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013c.html#68 relative mainframe speeds, was What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013c.html#67 relative speeds, was What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013c.html#63 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013c.html#62 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013b.html#55 Dualcase vs monocase. Was: Article for the boss
2013b.html#8 mainframe "selling" points
2013b.html#7 mainframe "selling" points
2013b.html#6 mainframe "selling" points
2013.html#77 OT: but hopefully interesting - Million core supercomputer
2013.html#40 Searching for storage (DASD) alternatives
2013.html#10 From build to buy: American Airlines changes modernization course midflight
2012p.html#16 HCF [was Re: AMC proposes 1980s computer TV series "Halt &Catch Fire"]
2012p.html#13 AMC proposes 1980s computer TV series Halt & Catch Fire
2012p.html#12 HCF [was Re: AMC proposes 1980s computer TV series "Halt &Catch Fire"]
2012p.html#9 3270s & other stuff
2012p.html#5 What is a Mainframe?
2012p.html#1 3270 response & channel throughput
2012o.html#46 Random thoughts: Low power, High performance
2012o.html#43 Regarding Time Sharing
2012o.html#27 Blades versus z was Re: Turn Off Another Light - Univ. of Tennessee
2012o.html#25 Blades versus z was Re: Turn Off Another Light - Univ. of Tennessee
2012o.html#24 Assembler vs. COBOL--processing time, space needed
2012o.html#22 Assembler vs. COBOL--processing time, space needed
2012o.html#21 Assembler vs. COBOL--processing time, space needed
2012o.html#11 Mainframes are still the best platform for high volume transaction processing
2012o.html#6 Mainframes are still the best platform for high volume transaction processing
2012n.html#72 Mainframes are still the best platform for high volume transaction processing
2012n.html#70 Under what circumstances would it be a mistake to migrate applications/workload off the mainframe?
2012n.html#51 history of Programming language and CPU in relation to each
2012n.html#48 Under what circumstances would it be a mistake to migrate applications/workload off the mainframe?
2012n.html#46 history of Programming language and CPU in relation to each
2012n.html#44 Under what circumstances would it be a mistake to migrate applications/workload off the mainframe?
2012n.html#19 How to get a tape's DSCB
2012n.html#13 System/360--50 years--the future?
2012n.html#9 How do you feel about the fact that today India has more IBM employees than any of the other countries in the world including the USA.?
2012m.html#67 How do you feel about the fact that today India has more IBM employees than any of the other countries in the world including the USA.?
2012m.html#43 Blades versus z was Re: Turn Off Another Light - Univ. of Tennessee
2012m.html#28 I.B.M. Mainframe Evolves to Serve the Digital World
2012m.html#13 Intel Confirms Decline of Server Giants HP, Dell, and IBM
2012m.html#11 Blades versus z was Re: Turn Off Another Light - Univ. of Tennessee
2012m.html#5 Blades versus z was Re: Turn Off Another Light - Univ. of Tennessee
2012m.html#4 Blades versus z was Re: Turn Off Another Light - Univ. of Tennessee
2012m.html#3 Blades versus z was Re: Turn Off Another Light - Univ. of Tennessee
2012m.html#2 Blades versus z was Re: Turn Off Another Light - Univ. of Tennessee
2012l.html#39 The IBM zEnterprise EC12 announcment
2012l.html#30 X86 server
2012k.html#80 360/20, was 1132 printer history
2012k.html#77 ESCON
2012k.html#69 ESCON
2012j.html#13 Can anybody give me a clear idea about Cloud Computing in MAINFRAME ?
2012i.html#95 Can anybody give me a clear idea about Cloud Computing in MAINFRAME ?
2012i.html#54 IBM, Lawrence Livermore aim to meld supercomputing, industries
2012i.html#47 IBM, Lawrence Livermore aim to meld supercomputing, industries
2012f.html#94 Time to competency for new software language?
2012e.html#27 NASA unplugs their last mainframe
2012d.html#43 Layer 8: NASA unplugs last mainframe
2012d.html#28 NASA unplugs their last mainframe
2012.html#90 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2011p.html#128 Start Interpretive Execution
2011p.html#44 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2011p.html#40 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2011p.html#39 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2011o.html#90 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2011n.html#95 At least two decades back, some gurus predicted that mainframes would disappear in future and it still has not happened
2011h.html#74 Vector processors on the 3090
2011g.html#74 We list every company in the world that has a mainframe computer
2011f.html#46 At least two decades back, some gurus predicted that mainframes would disappear in future and it still has not happened
2011f.html#45 At least two decades back, some gurus predicted that mainframes would disappear in future and it still has not happened
2011e.html#31 "Social Security Confronts IT Obsolescence"
2011c.html#77 IBM and the Computer Revolution
2011b.html#12 Testing hardware RESERVE
2010n.html#14 Mainframe Slang terms
2010m.html#85 3270 Emulator Software
2010m.html#52 Basic question about CPU instructions
2010i.html#61 IBM to announce new MF's this year
2010h.html#63 25 reasons why hardware is still hot at IBM
2010f.html#13 What was the historical price of a P/390?
2010f.html#7 What was the historical price of a P/390?
2010e.html#68 Entry point for a Mainframe?
2009s.html#33 Larrabee delayed: anyone know what's happening?
2009s.html#20 Larrabee delayed: anyone know what's happening?
2009s.html#18 Larrabee delayed: anyone know what's happening?
2009q.html#32 Mainframe running 1,500 Linux servers?
2009q.html#20 Mainframe running 1,500 Linux servers?
2009p.html#85 Anyone going to Supercomputers '09 in Portland?
2009j.html#64 A Complete History Of Mainframe Computing
2009j.html#59 A Complete History Of Mainframe Computing
2009d.html#49 Mainframe Hall of Fame: 17 New Members Added
2009c.html#47 Using a PC as DASD
2008q.html#60 Mainframe files under AIX etc
2008p.html#62 Barbless
2008p.html#61 Serial vs. Parallel
2007o.html#72 FICON tape drive?
2007o.html#54 mainframe performance, was Is a RISC chip more expensive?
2007h.html#9 21st Century ISA goals?
2007.html#35 V2X2 vs. Shark (SnapShot v. FlashCopy)
2007.html#29 Just another example of mainframe costs
2006x.html#13 The Future of CPUs: What's After Multi-Core?
2006x.html#11 The Future of CPUs: What's After Multi-Core?
2006q.html#24 "25th Anniversary of the Personal Computer"
2006p.html#46 "25th Anniversary of the Personal Computer"
2006l.html#43 One or two CPUs - the pros & cons
2006c.html#40 IBM 610 workstation computer
2005v.html#0 DMV systems?
2005m.html#55 54 Processors?
2005m.html#46 IBM's mini computers--lack thereof
2005l.html#26 ESCON to FICON conversion
2005j.html#13 Performance and Capacity Planning
2005h.html#13 Today's mainframe--anything to new?
2005h.html#7 IBM 360 channel assignments
2005e.html#13 Device and channel
2005e.html#12 Device and channel
2005d.html#20 shared memory programming on distributed memory model?
2005.html#50 something like a CTC on a PC
2005.html#38 something like a CTC on a PC
2004p.html#29 FW: Is FICON good enough, or is it the only choice we get?
2004n.html#45 Shipwrecks
2004h.html#29 BLKSIZE question
2004d.html#68 bits, bytes, half-duplex, dual-simplex, etc
2004d.html#6 Memory Affinity
2003o.html#54 An entirely new proprietary hardware strategy
2003h.html#0 Escon vs Ficon Cost
2003d.html#57 Another light on the map going out
2002n.html#50 EXCP
2002j.html#78 Future interconnects
2002j.html#15 Unisys A11 worth keeping?
2002h.html#78 Q: Is there any interest for vintage Byte Magazines from 1983
2002e.html#32 What goes into a 3090?
2001m.html#25 ESCON Data Transfer Rate
2001k.html#22 ESCON Channel Limits
2001k.html#5 OT - Internet Explorer V6.0
2001j.html#17 I hate Compaq
2001d.html#69 Block oriented I/O over IP
2001c.html#69 Wheeler and Wheeler
2001.html#46 Small IBM shops
2001.html#18 Disk caching and file systems. Disk history...people forget
2000d.html#14 FW: RS6000 vs IBM Mainframe
2000c.html#68 Does the word "mainframe" still have a meaning?
2000c.html#59 Does the word "mainframe" still have a meaning?
2000c.html#56 Does the word "mainframe" still have a meaning?
2000c.html#22 Cache coherence [was Re: TF-1]
99.html#224 X9.59/AADS announcement at BAI this week
99.html#54 Fault Tolerance
98.html#49 Edsger Dijkstra: the blackest week of his professional life
98.html#40 Comparison Cluster vs SMP?
98.html#30 Drive letters
97.html#5 360/44 (was Re: IBM 1130 (was Re: IBM 7090--used for business or
95.html#13 SSA

ficon -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- 2014-2017 -- back to top/index

megadatacenter postings (before_2014)

-#- https://www.datacenterknowledge.com/archives/2014/10/15/how-is-a-mega-data-center-different-from-a-massive-one -#-
2013o.html#71 "Death of the mainframe"
2013n.html#61 Bet Cloud Computing to Win
2013n.html#38 Making mainframe technology hip again
2013m.html#35 Why is the mainframe so expensive?
2013m.html#33 Why is the mainframe so expensive?
2013l.html#70 50,000 x86 operating system on single mainframe
2013l.html#50 Mainframe On Cloud
2013k.html#56 spacewar
2013k.html#53 spacewar
2013j.html#88 IBM improves density of new Flex System servers
2013j.html#70 Internet Mainframe Forums Considered Harmful
2013j.html#63 Mainframe vs Server - The Debate Continues
2013j.html#62 Mainframe vs Server - The Debate Continues
2013j.html#32 The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software
2013j.html#24 The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software
2013j.html#23 The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software
2013i.html#66 The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software
2013i.html#60 Making mainframe technology hip again
2013h.html#40 The Mainframe is "Alive and Kicking"
2013g.html#45 The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software
2013g.html#43 The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software
2013g.html#21 The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software
2013g.html#12 The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software
2013g.html#7 SAS Deserting the MF?
2013f.html#74 The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software
2013f.html#73 The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software
2013f.html#70 How internet can evolve
2013f.html#61 The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software
2013f.html#57 The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software
2013f.html#51 Reports: IBM may sell x86 server business to Lenovo
2013f.html#37 Where Does the Cloud Cover the Mainframe?
2013f.html#35 Reports: IBM may sell x86 server business to Lenovo
2013f.html#28 Reports: IBM may sell x86 server business to Lenovo
2013f.html#19 Where Does the Cloud Cover the Mainframe?
2013c.html#91 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013c.html#84 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013b.html#25 Still think the mainframe is going away soon: Think again. IBM mainframe computer sales are 4% of IBM's revenue; with software, services, and storage it's 25%
2013b.html#15 A Private life?
2013b.html#10 FW: mainframe "selling" points -- Start up Costs
2013b.html#8 mainframe "selling" points
2013b.html#7 mainframe "selling" points
2013.html#17 Still think the mainframe is going away soon: Think again. IBM mainframe computer sales are 4% of IBM's revenue; with software, services, and storage it's 25%
2013.html#16 From build to buy: American Airlines changes modernization course midflight
2012p.html#58 What is holding back cloud adoption?
2012p.html#53 What is holding back cloud adoption?
2012o.html#6 Mainframes are still the best platform for high volume transaction processing
2012n.html#70 Under what circumstances would it be a mistake to migrate applications/workload off the mainframe?
2012n.html#69 Under what circumstances would it be a mistake to migrate applications/workload off the mainframe?
2012n.html#56 Under what circumstances would it be a mistake to migrate applications/workload off the mainframe?
2012n.html#48 Under what circumstances would it be a mistake to migrate applications/workload off the mainframe?
2012n.html#24 System/360--50 years--the future?
2012n.html#18 System/360--50 years--the future?
2012m.html#28 I.B.M. Mainframe Evolves to Serve the Digital World
2012m.html#13 Intel Confirms Decline of Server Giants HP, Dell, and IBM
2012m.html#3 Blades versus z was Re: Turn Off Another Light - Univ. of Tennessee
2012l.html#87 Blades versus z was Re: Turn Off Another Light - Univ. of Tennessee
2012l.html#42 I.B.M. Mainframe Evolves to Serve the Digital World
2012l.html#34 X86 server
2012l.html#28 X86 server
2012l.html#20 X86 server
2012l.html#16 X86 server
2012k.html#41 Cloud Computing
2012j.html#95 printer history Languages influenced by PL/1
2012j.html#34 Can anybody give me a clear idea about Cloud Computing in MAINFRAME ?
2012j.html#26 Can anybody give me a clear idea about Cloud Computing in MAINFRAME ?
2012j.html#14 Can anybody give me a clear idea about Cloud Computing in MAINFRAME ?
2012j.html#9 Can anybody give me a clear idea about Cloud Computing in MAINFRAME ?
2012i.html#16 Think You Know The Mainframe?
2012i.html#15 Can anybody give me a clear idea about Cloud Computing in MAINFRAME ?
2012h.html#60 How many cost a cpu second?
2012h.html#59 How many cost a cpu second?
2012h.html#20 Mainframes Warming Up to the Cloud
2012f.html#19 Can Mainframes Be Part Of Cloud Computing?
2012d.html#50 Layer 8: NASA unplugs last mainframe
2012d.html#41 Layer 8: NASA unplugs last mainframe
2012d.html#35 Layer 8: NASA unplugs last mainframe
2012d.html#2 NASA unplugs their last mainframe
2012b.html#41 Are rotating register files still a bad idea?
2012b.html#6 Cloud apps placed well in the economic cycle
2012.html#82 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2012.html#80 Article on IBM's z196 Mainframe Architecture
2012.html#78 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2012.html#24 21st Century Migrates Mainframe with Clerity
2012.html#20 21st Century Migrates Mainframe with Clerity
2012.html#11 Who originated the phrase "user-friendly"?
2011p.html#122 Deja Cloud?
2011p.html#22 1979 SHARE LSRAD Report
2011o.html#86 Clouds in mainframe
2011o.html#75 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2011o.html#63 Intel's 1 teraflop chip
2011o.html#55 What is Cloud Computing?
2011o.html#53 HONE
2011o.html#44 Data Areas?
2011o.html#43 Deja Cloud?
2011o.html#32 Deja Cloud?
2011n.html#35 Last Word on Dennis Ritchie
2011m.html#11 PKI "fixes" that don't fix PKI
2011k.html#70 New IBM Redbooks residency experience in Poughkeepsie, NY
2011j.html#23 Cloud computing - is it a financial con trick?
2011i.html#75 Check out June 2011 | TOP500 Supercomputing Sites
2011i.html#9 At least two decades back, some gurus predicted that mainframes would disappear in future and it still has not happened
2011h.html#32 At least two decades back, some gurus predicted that mainframes would disappear in future and it still has not happened
2011h.html#8 At least two decades back, some gurus predicted that mainframes would disappear in future and it still has not happened
2011f.html#32 At least two decades back, some gurus predicted that mainframes would disappear
2011e.html#19 At least two decades back, some gurus predicted that mainframes would disappear in future and it still has not happened
2011e.html#17 At least two decades back, some gurus predicted that mainframes would disappear in future and it still has not happened
2011e.html#16 At least two decades back, some gurus predicted that mainframes would disappear in future and it still has not happened
2011d.html#46 The first personal computer (PC)
2010o.html#3 When will MVS be able to use cheap dasd
2010m.html#14 Facebook doubles the size of its first data center
2010l.html#51 Mainframe Hacking -- Fact or Fiction
2010k.html#62 taking down the machine - z9 series
2010j.html#27 A "portable" hard disk
2010e.html#78 Entry point for a Mainframe?
2008r.html#56 IBM drops Power7 drain in 'Blue Waters'
2008n.html#79 Google Data Centers 'The Most Efficient In The World'
2008n.html#68 VMware Chief Says the OS Is History
2008d.html#72 Price of CPU seconds

megadatacenter -- 2023&later -- 2018-2022 -- 2014-2017 -- back to top/index

ibmdownfall postings (before_2014)

-#- https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/john-boyd-ibm-wild-ducks-lynn-wheeler/ -#- https://people.cs.clemson.edu/~mark/acs_end.html -#- https://www.jfsowa.com/computer/memo125.htm -#- https://www.ecole.org/en/session/49-the-rise-and-fall-of-ibm -#- gerstner -#- pensions -#- stock.buyback -#-
2013o.html#73 "Death of the mainframe"
2013o.html#64 "Death of the mainframe"
2013o.html#16 IBM Shrinks - Analysts Hate It
2013n.html#78 wtf ? - was Catalog system for Unix et al
2013n.html#21 50th anniversary S/360 coming up
2013n.html#17 z/OS is antique WAS: Aging Sysprogs = Aging Farmers
2013m.html#85 How do you feel about IBM passing off it's retirees to ObamaCare?
2013m.html#73 Clemson Univ. Data Center Tour (1980)
2013m.html#66 NSA Revelations Kill IBM Hardware Sales In China
2013m.html#35 Why is the mainframe so expensive?
2013m.html#6 Voyager 1 just left the solar system using less computing powerthan your iP
2013m.html#5 Voyager 1 just left the solar system using less computing powerthan your iP
2013l.html#49 The Original IBM Basic Beliefs for those that have never seen them
2013l.html#44 Teletypewriter Model 33
2013l.html#29 model numbers; was re: World's worst programming environment?
2013k.html#61 John Boyd's Art of War
2013k.html#31 China mulls probe into IBM, Oracle, EMC after NSA hack claims - report
2013k.html#29 The agency problem and how to create a criminogenic environment
2013k.html#28 Flag bloat
2013i.html#73 Future of COBOL based on RDz policies was Re: RDz or RDzEnterprise developers
2013i.html#31 DRAM is the new Bulk Core
2013i.html#20 Louis V. Gerstner Jr. lays out his post-IBM life
2013i.html#17 Should we, as an industry, STOP using the word Mainframe and find (and start using) something more up-to-date
2013i.html#8 DEC Demise (was IBM commitment to academia)
2013i.html#7 IBM commitment to academia
2013i.html#2 IBM commitment to academia
2013h.html#83 Minicomputer Pricing
2013h.html#77 IBM going ahead with more U.S. job cuts today
2013h.html#76 DataPower XML Appliance and RACF
2013h.html#72 Minicomputer Pricing
2013h.html#44 Why does IBM keep saying things like this:
2013h.html#40 The Mainframe is "Alive and Kicking"
2013h.html#13 Is newer technology always better? It almost is. Exceptions?
2013h.html#10 The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software
2013g.html#34 What Makes code storage management so cool?
2013g.html#17 Tech Time Warp of the Week: The 50-Pound Portable PC, 1977
2013g.html#10 SAS Deserting the MF?
2013g.html#1 A Complete History Of Mainframe Computing
2013f.html#70 How internet can evolve
2013f.html#63 The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software
2013f.html#58 The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software
2013f.html#57 The cloud is killing traditional hardware and software
2013e.html#79 As an IBM'er just like the Marines only a few good men and women make the cut,
2013e.html#52 32760?
2013e.html#26 The Big, Bad Bit Stuffers of IBM
2013e.html#18 What in your opinion is the one defining IBM product?
2013e.html#17 The Big, Bad Bit Stuffers of IBM
2013e.html#10 The Knowledge Economy Two Classes of Workers
2013d.html#76 IBM Spent A Million Dollars Renovating And Staffing Its Former CEO's Office
2013d.html#57 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013d.html#22 Query for Destination z article -- mainframes back to the future
2013d.html#19 Query for Destination z article -- mainframes back to the future
2013d.html#11 relative mainframe speeds, was What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013c.html#75 Still not convinced about the superiority of mainframe security vs distributed?
2013c.html#67 relative speeds, was What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013c.html#65 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013c.html#47 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013c.html#46 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013c.html#20 What Makes an Architecture Bizarre?
2013b.html#73 One reason for monocase was Re: Dualcase vs monocase. Was: Article for the boss
2013b.html#57 Dualcase vs monocase. Was: Article for the boss
2013b.html#34 Ethernet at 40: Its daddy reveals its turbulent youth
2013b.html#32 Ethernet at 40: Its daddy reveals its turbulent youth
2013.html#75 mainframe "selling" points
2012p.html#64 IBM Is Changing The Terms Of Its Retirement Plan, Which Is Frustrating Some Employees
2012p.html#61 What is holding back cloud adoption?
2012p.html#60 Today in TIME Tech History: Piston-less Power (1959), IBM's Decline (1992), TiVo (1998) and More
2012p.html#58 What is holding back cloud adoption?
2012p.html#22 What is a Mainframe?
2012p.html#19 IBM Is Changing The Terms Of Its Retirement Plan, Which Is Frustrating Some Employees
2012p.html#15 Why former IBMers who left maybe years ago for any reason are still active on the Greater IBM Connection?
2012o.html#54 Thoughts About Mainframe Developers and Why I Was Oh So Wrong
2012o.html#52 PC/mainframe browser(s) was Re: 360/20, was 1132 printer history
2012o.html#44 PC/mainframe browser(s) was Re: 360/20, was 1132 printerhistory
2012n.html#65 Fred Brooks on OS/360 "JCL is the worst language ever"
2012n.html#64 Should you support or abandon the 3270 as a User Interface?
2012n.html#15 System/360--50 years--the future?
2012m.html#31 Still think the mainframe is going away soon: Think again. IBM mainframe computer sales are 4% of IBM's revenue; with software, services, and storage it's 25%
2012l.html#27 PDP-10 system calls, was 1132 printer history
2012l.html#18 X86 server
2012k.html#78 END OF FILE
2012k.html#70 END OF FILE
2012k.html#48 1132 printer history
2012k.html#46 Slackware
2012k.html#41 Cloud Computing
2012k.html#23 How to Stuff a Wild Duck
2012k.html#15 Microsoft's Downfall: Inside the Executive E-mails and Cannibalistic Culture That Felled a Tech Giant
2012i.html#28 Top Ten Reasons Why Large Companies Fail To Keep Their Best Talent
2012i.html#26 Top Ten Reasons Why Large Companies Fail To Keep Their Best Talent
2012i.html#16 Think You Know The Mainframe?
2012h.html#57 How will mainframers retiring be different from Y2K?
2012h.html#17 Hierarchy
2012h.html#12 How do you feel about the fact that today India has more IBM employees than US?
2012g.html#72 Monopoly/ Cartons of Punch Cards
2012g.html#34 Co-existance of z/OS and z/VM on same DASD farm
2012g.html#32 IBM bans Siri: Privacy risk, or corporate paranoia at its best?
2012f.html#78 What are you experiences with Amdahl Computers and Plug-Compatibles?
2012f.html#65 The old is new again - Not IBM related, but I hope interesting
2012e.html#96 Indirect Bit
2012e.html#61 "25 Years of IBM's OS/2"
2012e.html#39 A bit of IBM System 360 nostalgia
2012e.html#38 A bit of IBM System 360 nostalgia
2012d.html#74 Execution Velocity
2012c.html#40 Where are all the old tech workers?
2012b.html#98 5 Byte Device Addresses?
2012b.html#32 New IBM mainframe instructions
2012b.html#8 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2012.html#100 The PC industry is heading for collapse
2012.html#73 Reject gmail
2012.html#55 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2011p.html#57 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2011p.html#56 Are prefix opcodes better than variable length?
2011p.html#54 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2011p.html#51 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2011p.html#50 Hello?
2011p.html#36 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2011p.html#35 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2011o.html#35 Soups
2011n.html#61 ARPANET's coming out party: when the Internet first took center stage
2011n.html#10 Has anyone successfully migrated off mainframes?
2011m.html#8 What is IBM culture?
2011m.html#6 What is IBM culture?
2011l.html#27 computer bootlaces
2011l.html#26 computer bootlaces
2011k.html#70 New IBM Redbooks residency experience in Poughkeepsie, NY
2011j.html#0 program coding pads
2011i.html#69 Making Z/OS easier - Effectively replacing JCL with Unix like commands
2011i.html#62 Announcement of the disk drive (1956)
2011i.html#35 Having left IBM, seem to be reminded that IBM is not the same IBM I had joined
2011h.html#47 The IBM would have, could have and should have story
2011h.html#8 At least two decades back, some gurus predicted that mainframes would disappear in future and it still has not happened
2011g.html#16 Running z/OS On Your Laptop
2011g.html#12 Clone Processors
2011f.html#85 SV: USS vs USS
2011f.html#54 At least two decades back, some gurus predicted that mainframes would disappear
2011f.html#33 At least two decades back, some gurus predicted that mainframes would disappear
2011f.html#2 Car models and corporate culture: It's all lies
2011e.html#95 VM IS DEAD
2011e.html#88 Would mainframe technology be relevant in the age of cloud computing?
2011e.html#83 History of APL -- Software Preservation Group
2011e.html#52 IBM100 - Rise of the Internet
2011e.html#32 SNA/VTAM Misinformation
2011d.html#79 Mainframe technology in 2011 and beyond; who is going to run these Mainframes?
2011d.html#41 Is email dead? What do you think?
2011c.html#57 IBM Future System
2011c.html#21 If IBM Hadn't Bet the Company
2011c.html#9 If IBM Hadn't Bet the Company
2011c.html#7 RISCversus CISC
2011c.html#1 IBM Future System
2011.html#64 Two terrific writers .. are going to write a book
2011.html#0 I actually miss working at IBM
2010q.html#62 Is email dead? What do you think?
2010q.html#48 Is email dead? What do you think?
2010p.html#77 Orientation - does group input (or groups of data) make better decisions than one person can?
2010p.html#34 TCM's Moguls documentary series
2010o.html#57 So why doesn't the mainstream IT press seem to get the IBM mainframe?
2010o.html#47 origin of 'fields'?
2010o.html#4 When will MVS be able to use cheap dasd
2010n.html#83 Hashing for DISTINCT or GROUP BY in SQL
2010l.html#39 Age
2010k.html#70 Idiotic programming style edicts
2010j.html#83 Percentage of code executed that is user written was Re: Delete all members of a PDS that is allocated
2010j.html#16 What is the protocal for GMT offset in SMTP (e-mail) header
2010j.html#3 Significant Bits
2010i.html#5 25 reasons why hardware is still hot at IBM
2010g.html#29 someone smarter than Dave Cutler
2010f.html#58 Handling multicore CPUs; what the competition is thinking
2010e.html#62 z9 / z10 instruction speed(s)
2010e.html#5 What is a Server?
2010c.html#8 search engine history, was Happy DEC-10 Day
2010b.html#17 How long for IBM System/360 architecture and its descendants?
2009s.html#60 360 programs on a z/10
2009p.html#34 big iron mainframe vs. x86 servers
2009p.html#16 WSJ.com - IBM Puts Executive on Leave
2009p.html#8 WSJ.com - IBM Puts Executive on Leave
2009o.html#31 Justice Department probing allegations of abuse by IBM in mainframe computer market
2009o.html#11 Microprocessors with Definable MIcrocode
2009l.html#11 VTAM security issue
2009k.html#70 An inComplete History Of Mainframe Computing
2009j.html#68 DCSS addenda
2009j.html#60 A Complete History Of Mainframe Computing
2009i.html#31 Why are z/OS people reluctant to use z/OS UNIX?
2009h.html#1 z/Journal Does it Again
2009g.html#0 Windowed Interfaces 1981-2009
2009d.html#44 Future System
2008s.html#17 IBM PC competitors
2008r.html#47 pc/370
2008r.html#8 Can outsourcing be stopped?
2008o.html#66 Open Source, Unbundling, and Future System
2008l.html#23 Memories of ACC, IBM Channels and Mainframe Internet Devices
2008g.html#48 How did third-party software companies deal with unbundling being sprung on them?
2008e.html#36 Batch job to perform sftp transfer
2008d.html#64 Interesting ibm about the myths of the Mainframe
2008d.html#16 more on (the new 40+ yr old) virtualization
2007v.html#101 It keeps getting uglier
2007u.html#17 T3 Sues IBM To Break its Mainframe Monopoly
2007r.html#74 System 360 EBCDIC vs. ASCII
2007q.html#51 The history of Structure capabilities
2007p.html#23 Newsweek article--baby boomers and computers
2007l.html#10 John W. Backus, 82, Fortran developer, dies
2007i.html#31 Latest Principles of Operation
2007f.html#28 The Perfect Computer - 36 bits?
2007d.html#56 Is computer history taugh now?
2007b.html#9 Mainframe vs. "Server" (Was Just another example of mainframe
2006w.html#2 IBM sues maker of Intel-based Mainframe clones
2006r.html#36 REAL memory column in SDSF
2006p.html#50 what's the difference between LF(Line Fee) and NL (New line) ?
2006l.html#38 Token-ring vs Ethernet - 10 years later
2006k.html#25 Can anythink kill x86-64?
2006d.html#15 Hercules 3.04 announcement
2006.html#7 EREP , sense ... manual
2005s.html#16 Is a Hurricane about to hit IBM ?
2005p.html#15 DUMP Datasets and SMS
2005p.html#8 EBCDIC to 6-bit and back
2005j.html#59 Q ALLOC PAGE vs. CP Q ALLOC vs ESAMAP
2003p.html#25 Mainframe Training
2003l.html#30 Secure OS Thoughts
2000f.html#42 IBM 3340 help
2000f.html#16 [OT] FS - IBM Future System

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